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<title> - NEVADA LANDS</title> |
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[House Hearing, 105 Congress] |
[From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] |
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before the |
of the |
on |
H.R. 449 |
A Bill To provide for an orderly disposal of certain Federal lands in |
Clark County, Nevada, and to provide for the acquisition of |
environmentally sensitive lands in the State of Nevada |
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Serial No. 105-5 |
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Printed for the use of the Committee on Resources |
<snowflake> |
40-299 CC WASHINGTON : 1997 |
DON YOUNG, Alaska, Chairman |
W.J. (BILLY) TAUZIN, Louisiana GEORGE MILLER, California |
JAMES V. HANSEN, Utah EDWARD J. MARKEY, Massachusetts |
JIM SAXTON, New Jersey NICK J. RAHALL II, West Virginia |
ELTON GALLEGLY, California BRUCE F. VENTO, Minnesota |
JOHN J. DUNCAN, Jr., Tennessee DALE E. KILDEE, Michigan |
JOEL HEFLEY, Colorado PETER A. DeFAZIO, Oregon |
WAYNE T. GILCHREST, Maryland Samoa |
LINDA SMITH, Washington CALVIN M. DOOLEY, California |
WALTER B. JONES, Jr., North Rico |
Carolina MAURICE D. HINCHEY, New York |
JOHN SHADEGG, Arizona SAM FARR, California |
ROBERT F. SMITH, Oregon ADAM SMITH, Washington |
KEVIN BRADY, Texas CHRIS JOHN, Louisiana |
RICK HILL, Montana Islands |
JIM GIBBONS, Nevada RON KIND, Wisconsin |
Lloyd A. Jones, Chief of Staff |
Elizabeth Megginson, Chief Counsel |
Christine Kennedy, Chief Clerk/Administrator |
John Lawrence, Democratic Staff Director |
------ |
Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands |
JAMES V. HANSEN, Utah, Chairman |
JOHN J. DUNCAN, Jr., Tennessee Samoa |
JOEL HEFLEY, Colorado EDWARD J. MARKEY, Massachusetts |
WAYNE T. GILCHREST, Maryland NICK J. RAHALL II, West Virginia |
RICHARD W. POMBO, California BRUCE F. VENTO, Minnesota |
LINDA SMITH, Washington FRANK PALLONE, Jr., New Jersey |
WALTER B. JONES, Jr., North Rico |
Carolina MAURICE D. HINCHEY, New York |
ROBERT F. SMITH, Oregon WILLIAM D. DELAHUNT, Massachusetts |
JIM GIBBONS, Nevada Islands |
RON KIND, Wisconsin |
Allen Freemyer, Counsel |
Steve Hodapp, Professional Staff |
Liz Birnbaum, Democratic Counsel |
C O N T E N T S |
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Page |
Hearing held March 13, 1997...................................... 1 |
Text of H.R. 449................................................. 42 |
Statements of Members: |
Bryan, Hon. Richard, a U.S. Senator from Nevada.............. 4 |
Duncan, Hon. John, a U.S. Representative from Tennessee...... 6 |
Ensign, Hon. John, a U.S. Representative from Nevada......... 1 |
Faleomavaega, Hon. Eni, a U.S. Delegate from American Samoa.. 6 |
Hansen, Hon. James V., a U.S. Representative from Utah....... 2 |
Reid, Hon. Harry, a U.S. Senator from Nevada................. 3 |
............................................................. |
Statements of witnesses: |
Hobbs, Steve, Nevada State Director, The Nature Conservancy.. 29 |
Prepared statement....................................... 39 |
Malone, Lance, Clark County (Nevada) Commissioner............ 25 |
Prepared statement....................................... 34 |
Millenbach, Mat, Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management.. 12 |
Prepared statement....................................... 32 |
Wimmer, Richard, Deputy General Manager, Southern Nevada |
Water Authority............................................ 27 |
Prepared statement....................................... 38 |
............................................................. |
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THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1997 |
House of Representatives, Subcommittee on National |
Parks and Public Lands, Committee on Resources, |
Washington, DC. |
The Subcommittee met, pursuant to call, at 10:05 a.m., in |
room 1324, Longworth House Office Building, Hon. John Ensign |
presiding. |
Mr. Ensign. The Subcommittee will come to order. I would |
like to welcome my colleagues from the State of Nevada and the |
rest of the people who are going to be testifying today. |
The Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands will |
commence this meeting. Chairman Hansen has a conflict this |
morning and has graciously asked me to chair the Subcommittee. |
Although he isn't here, I would like to extend my gratitude to |
him on behalf of the people of Nevada for his work in passing |
this bill. We came extremely close last year to sending this |
legislation to the President, and with his efforts I am very |
optimistic that we will ultimately be successful this year. He |
has submitted a statement and has asked that it be included as |
part of the record. And without objection, it will be so |
ordered. |
Likewise, I understand that Nevada Governor Bob Miller has |
submitted a statement for the record. And I appreciate his |
continued support on this legislation. And it should be |
included in the record without objection. |
This morning we are going to hear testimony on my |
legislation, H.R. 449, the Southern Nevada Public Land |
Management Act of 1997. I would like to welcome all who are |
going to testify today in taking time out of their busy |
schedule, especially those who have come from our home State. |
It is always a pleasure to see familiar faces from the State of |
Nevada on the east coast. And, Mat, also, it is good to see and |
have you here, now that you are a big television star. |
We have come a long way since this bill's conception. |
Senator Bryan and I have worked very closely with our |
respective local Public Lands Task Forces to craft legislation |
to address a variety of interests and concerns. After extensive |
negotiation, we have the support of local environmentalists, |
developers, recreationalists, the Clark County Commission, |
Governor Miller, local utility provides, and the |
Administration. I understand that there are some very minute |
issues that still need some tinkering, which I am sure Mr. |
Millenbach will explain, but I am extremely optimistic that we |
can reach an agreement that accommodates everyone involved. |
As some may know, or may not know, Las Vegas, Nevada, is |
the fastest growing metropolitan city in the country. In |
addition, 87 percent of the State of Nevada is federally owned. |
This dueling combination puts enormous pressure on local |
elected officials, BLM officials, and, most importantly, the |
current residents who are forced to shoulder the price tag of |
this development. H.R. 449 provides the essential mechanisms |
to: |
(1) allow this growth to occur in an orderly fashion by |
allowing local officials a seat at the table; |
(2) ensure this growth occurs without neglecting the |
environment by funneling revenue for acquisition of |
environmentally sensitive lands and to our existing Federal |
facilities, such as Lake Tahoe, Red Rock and Lake Mead; |
(3) provides money to offset a $1.7 billion water delivery |
system for Las Vegas; |
And finally, H.R. 449 helps future generations by providing |
some revenue for education. |
Although the BLM has made dramatic improvements to the way |
they handle the land exchange process, as evidenced by the way |
the recent and current exchanges appear to have been handled, |
however, the process doesn't work to give the fairest value of |
the land in a fast-growing area like Las Vegas. Therefore, an |
open, fair market auction process will best serve the American |
people by ensuring the most revenue to purchase and improve our |
favorite environmental areas. |
I believe very strongly that the Ensign/Bryan bill will be |
model legislation for other cities as they experience increased |
rates of growth. I am looking forward to hearing the comments |
of our two panels of witnesses and other members of the |
Subcommittee and look forward to working with my colleagues on |
its expeditious passage. |
[Statement of Hon. Jim Hansen follows:] |
Statement of Hon. James V. Hansen, a U.S. Representative from Utah; and |
Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands |
H.R. 449, the legislation before the Subcommittee today, is |
a critical component in providing for the orderly disposal of |
federal lands in Clark County, Nevada. It builds on the |
existing Santini-Burton Act and enhances the best elements of |
that Act. |
As the witnesses and Mr. Ensign will testify, the Las Vegas |
valley has experienced unprecedented growth over the past |
decade. Driven by sustained employment growth, Clark County is |
among the fastest growing area in the United States. It is my |
understanding that in 1994 alone, local government issued |
25,570 residential building permits. |
As Clark County is surrounded be federal land, the |
phenomenal growth in the Las Vegas area has triggered the |
greatest demand for public land exchanges and other realty |
transactions in the BLM's history. In the last decade, the BLM |
has privatized approximately 17,380 acres of land in Clark |
County. The privatization of these federal lands has an |
enormous impact upon Clark County and the other units of local |
government. |
As someone who got his start in politics as a city |
councilman, I understand the needs and concerns of local |
government. It does not take much thought to understand the |
many impacts caused by privatization of federal lands in such |
large amounts. The primary impacts include the need for |
installation of new infrastructure, alteration of natural |
growth patterns, increased pressure on shrinking water |
supplies, and additional demands placed upon all public service |
providers. |
Additionally, the need for local governments to plan for |
growth is paramount. Without a mechanism to provide for the |
orderly disposal of federal lands in this valley, we will |
continue to face what amounts to a crisis. I applaud |
Congressman Ensign and the many people involved with the |
creation of this legislation. This bill will allow for the |
disposal of excess federal lands in a planned and careful |
manner. |
At this time, I would also like to acknowledge the efforts |
of the Bureau of Land Management. I am amazed at the many |
compliments given to the local BLM in Las Vegas for their fine |
work. I realize that Mr. Millenbach and the BLM in Washington |
have concerns with portions of this bill, but I appreciate |
their willingness to try and work them out in a spirit of |
comity. We came very close to enacting this legislation last |
Congress and I am hopeful we will succeed during the 105th |
Congress. |
I want to thank each of our distinguished witnesses today |
for their testimony and look forward to hearing from each of |
them. |
Mr. Ensign. Again, I would like to welcome my two |
colleagues from the State of Nevada, our senior senator, |
Senator Harry Reid, and our junior senator, Dick Bryan. Let us |
start. Go ahead and start with our senior senator, Senator |
Reid. |
Senator Reid. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, members of the |
committee, Las Vegas is part of Clark County. And as has been |
mentioned already, this county has seen phenomenal growth over |
the past couple of decades, especially the last ten years. And |
the last several years it has been the fastest growing county |
in the nation. This influx of new residents has put great |
pressure on the infrastructure of the entire region, and also |
the recreational assets we have. |
While no one thing can solve all the problems associated |
with this burgeoning growth, we can take steps to control it. |
This legislation makes important steps in this direction by |
providing for the orderly disposal of public lands in Southern |
Nevada, providing for the acquisition of environmentally |
sensitive lands in the State and providing a mechanism for |
local governments to offset the costs associated with |
development of these disposed Federal lands. |
The distribution of the proceeds from Federal land sales |
will give the Federal Government 85 percent for the acquisition |
of environmentally sensitive lands in Nevada. The State will |
use their five percent share for general educational programs, |
while the remaining ten percent will benefit the Las Vegas |
Valley water treatment programs, water infrastructure |
development, parks, and trails. |
As we approach the 21st Century, we have to be cognizant of |
our future generations and the legacy that we will leave. Any |
growth that occurs in a community must have coordinated |
planning. And this legislation, will greatly assist with this |
process, providing for more local government involvement. It |
allows State, county and city governments to manage costs |
associated with the development of these lands by adding to the |
State's education fund, as well as assisting with future |
development of Southern Nevada water systems and even the |
airport infrastructure. It will also assist us in determining |
and preserving the wild and scenic places for future |
generations, which are of value not just to the residents of |
Clark County but all taxpayers in all parts of our country. |
This bill has the bipartisan support of Nevada's |
Congressional delegation. It enjoys broad-based support in |
Clark County and support throughout the State of Nevada. This |
bill has a long history and can trace its genesis back to |
Congressman Jim Santini, the author of the Burton-Santini Act. |
We have spent now about $100 million of money from the Burton- |
Santini fund to buy, principally in the Lake Tahoe area, |
environmentally sensitive land. Former Congressman Jim Bilbray |
continued this legislative process when he established the |
public land forum which was the basis for this legislation that |
we have. After he left, we stepped in and developed this |
legislation. So it is from these efforts and those of the four |
members of the Congressional delegation here that this bill |
before us has evolved in the fashion that it has. |
I encourage this committee to move this legislation forward |
as quickly as possible. We have recently received the assurance |
from Chairman Frank Murkowski in the Senate that he will work |
with us to move this legislation in the Senate in an |
expeditious manner. We have also been in contact with the |
Administration, and Senator Bryan and I feel we have their |
support and assurance that this legislation will move through |
the Senate quickly with their help. Thank you. |
Mr. Ensign. Senator Bryan. |
Senator Bryan. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman. I look |
forward to working with you and Senator Reid and Congressman |
Gibbons and this committee in processing this legislation as we |
did in the previous Congress. Both you, Mr. Chairman, and my |
senior colleague, Senator Reid, have mentioned the growth. That |
is the operative word in Southern Nevada. |
For those on the panel who may not be familiar with |
Southern Nevada, our growth has truly been extraordinary. It |
has been the fastest growing community in the country. 20,000 |
new homes alone were built in Las Vegas Valley in the last |
year. And in terms of school and educational needs, it is |
estimated that we will require a new elementary school every 30 |
days, every 30 days for the next five years, to keep pace with |
the 12,000 new students who are entering the Clark County |
school system each year. That school system today is among the |
top ten largest school systems in America. |
Mr. Chairman and members of this committee, the legislation |
before us today, in my judgment, is a critical component of |
Southern Nevada's long-term plan to effectively manage the |
growth in the Las Vegas valley. Each time the BLM transfers |
land into private ownership, it has important consequences for |
the local government entity that must provide infrastructure |
and services to that land. |
The Bureau of Land Management controls in excess of 20,000 |
acres of land throughout the Las Vegas Valley. Consequently, |
unlike most communities, land use planning decisions are not |
solely made at the local level. The BLM is an important player |
in the local use planning process. This legislation would |
strengthen the partnership between the BLM and local government |
and improve upon the current land use planning process. |
The BLM's primary method of disposing of land in the Las |
Vegas Valley is through land exchanges, and has been the |
subject of much attention over the past year. I happen to share |
the belief that land exchanges serve a valuable public purpose. |
The Federal Government disposes of land it no longer needs in |
exchange for land that is worthy of public ownership. The |
disagreements between the BLM and exchange proponents over |
appraisal methodology and value determinations are often the |
cause of protracted delays in the land exchange process. And |
that process itself has become extremely complex. |
Because of the dynamic nature of the real estate market in |
the Las Vegas Valley, any delay in the exchange process itself |
can cause the appraisals to become outdated before the |
transaction is effectively closed. So as you know, Mr. |
Chairman, the legislation that we have all crafted that is |
before us today would make two significant improvements over |
the current land exchange process. Number one, it would allow |
local land managers to take a more proactive role in Federal |
land disposal decisions. That is the partnership to which I |
alluded earlier in my testimony. And secondly, it would |
institute a competitive bidding process to ensure that the |
disposal of BLM land yields the highest return or true fair |
market value for the American taxpayers. |
There are currently over 25 land exchange proposals pending |
in the BLM's Las Vegas office. Some are clearly in the public |
interest. Others may not be. The vast majority of these |
proposals are intrastate exchanges, meaning the BLM has the |
authority to process them without Congressional action. This |
legislation would open the process to allow anyone who wishes |
to bid on BLM land to do so in a competitive sale, and it would |
eliminate the need to enter into the protracted appraisal |
negotiations over selected BLM lands that so often bogs down |
and becomes a cumbersome part of the exchange process. |
This legislation stands for the same proposition as the |
current land exchange process, namely that the sale of Federal |
lands in the Las Vegas Valley should be used as a means of |
protecting environmentally sensitive land throughout the State |
of Nevada and enhancing the use of public land for recreational |
purposes, as this legislation indicates, primarily in Southern |
Nevada. The legislation also contains important provisions for |
local government. Most importantly, as Senator Reid has pointed |
out, it builds upon the successful framework adopted in 1980 |
with the Santini-Burton legislation, which has been very |
important in acquiring environmentally sensitive land in the |
Lake Tahoe Basin. |
I would like to also highlight another important provision |
of this bill which relates to affordable housing. This |
legislation would make affordable housing an authorized use |
under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. There is a |
tremendous need in both Las Vegas and in Reno for land to |
develop affordable housing projects. I am aware that the BLM |
has some concerns with how this provision is currently drafted, |
but it is my hope that a compromise can be reached to meet this |
need, because affordable housing increasingly has become a |
critical concern for many of our fellow Nevadans. |
Mr. Chairman, I believe this legislation will make great |
strides toward improving public land management policy in |
Southern Nevada, and I look forward to working with you and |
your committee in any way that we can to facilitate its |
passage. This is important legislation. And I thank you again |
for giving us the opportunity to appear before you and testify |
today. |
Mr. Ensign. Before we open it up for questions, I would |
like to recognize the members and the ranking member in the |
order in which they appear and other members for opening |
statements. Mr. Faleomavaega. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I certainly |
would like to commend you for taking the leadership in |
introducing H.R. 449 and in calling Mr. Gibbons. |
I certainly would like to also offer my personal welcome to |
our distinguished senators from the State of Nevada, Senator |
Reid and Senator Bryan, for their fine testimonies before the |
Subcommittee. I look forward to working with the members of the |
Nevada delegation and hopefully that we can resolve some of the |
concerns that have been raised by the Bureau of Land |
Management. |
I believe there was a markup taking place in the last |
Congress before the Subcommittee, but we never proceeded to go |
forward because of some of the concerns raised by the |
Administration. I do hope that we will be able to resolve |
these, what I consider differences that can be resolved. And I |
certainly look forward in working with you, Mr. Chairman, and |
the members of this Subcommittee to see if we can get this |
legislation going. |
Mr. Ensign. Well, thank you. And for those of you who don't |
know Mr. Faleomavaega, I experienced this morning he is quite |
the accomplished ukulele player. And some of you should |
experience that some day. |
Mr. Duncan. |
Mr. Duncan. Well, Mr. Chairman, I would agree with you. I |
heard that also. I thought that was great this morning. |
Let me just say I am from Tennessee and I can tell you that |
there are many people in other parts of the country that think |
it is just crazy that the Federal Government owns 87 percent of |
this State. I read recently that the Federal Government now |
owns 30 percent of the land in this country and that State and |
local and quasi-governmental units own another 20 percent. And |
unfortunately, I guess, that has been growing by leaps and |
bounds in recent years. I will tell you when you decrease the |
supplies of private land, in this case, it increases the price. |
And if we keep on--if we had kept on heading in the direction |
that we were headed, I think home ownership would have gotten |
out of reach for a lot of young families in this country. |
So I hope that--frankly, I would like to see us sell a |
great deal of the land in your State and these other federally |
dominated States to private individuals so that lower income |
and middle income people can have a chance to buy a home. |
Senator Bryan mentioned that affordable housing is becoming a |
real problem in and around Las Vegas. I think we should sell |
some of these rural lands also, but I think and hope it |
sounds--this bill sounds like it is a step in the right |
direction. So thank you very much for coming here to show your |
support today. Thank you very much. |
Mr. Ensign. Mr. Gibbons, opening statement. |
Mr. Gibbons. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Senators, welcome. |
Again, thank you for your participation here today. There has |
been expressed concern by some of our Federal agents, in |
particular the Secretary of Interior, the BLM, over the role of |
local governments in the decision about the disposal of some of |
these lands. And I would just like to ask whether you feel |
that---- |
Mr. Ensign. Mr. Gibbons, before we get into questions we |
are just doing opening statements right now and then we will |
do---- |
Mr. Gibbons. Sorry, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Ensign. That is OK. |
Mr. Gibbons. I was leaping ahead of you. |
Mr. Ensign. That is OK. Ms. Christian-Green, do you have an |
opening statement? |
Ms. Christian-Green. Good morning, Mr. Chairman. Thank you. |
I don't have an opening statement. I would just like to say |
welcome to Senator Reid and Senator Bryan. |
Mr. Ensign. At this time we will open it up for questions. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. I don't have any specific questions for |
the two senators. Your statement is well taken that we should |
proceed. I would like to hear the Administration's point of |
view as to some of the problems that they think they might have |
by moving this piece of legislation. I really would like to |
again thank our two senators for being here this afternoon. |
Senator Reid. Mr. Chairman, if I could just respond to |
Congressman Duncan briefly. We really appreciate your attitude |
and support for this legislation, but in Nevada we have over |
the last couple of decades conveyed a lot of land from the |
Federal Government into the private sector. The third largest |
city in Nevada, Henderson, is now a city of about 150,000 |
people. And the reason is, because there were two large |
transfers of Federal land to the city of Henderson and then to |
the private sector. And they have been able to build many, many |
homes. It is part of a bedroom community. We recently |
transferred 200,000 acres to Boulder City? |
Senator Bryan. Yes. |
Senator Reid. Again, about 200,000 acres to the city of |
Boulder City, Nevada. Also Carlin, Mesquite, and in other |
places in Nevada, there have been transfers of public land into |
the private sector. And so it is not as if we haven't been |
doing anything. It is just that there is a lot more that needs |
to be done. And we appreciate your observations of some of the |
problems we have. |
Mr. Duncan. Well, Senator Reid, I hope you didn't take what |
I said as criticism, because---- |
Senator Reid. I certainly did not. |
Mr. Duncan. I think that is great that you put those lands |
into the private sector and put them on the tax rolls and so |
forth. I think that is wonderful. What concerns me is there is |
still actually far too much of your land that is owned by the |
Federal Government for no good reason. |
Senator Reid. Most people in Nevada agree with you. |
Mr. Duncan. And also the same thing that you've just |
mentioned is not happening nearly enough in other parts of the |
country. So thank you very much. |
Mr. Ensign. Mr. Gibbons. |
Mr. Gibbons. Am I allowed to ask questions now, Mr. |
Chairman? |
Mr. Ensign. Yes. You are recognized to ask questions. |
Mr. Gibbons. I appreciate that and apologize for |
overstepping the bounds of decorum by asking a question in my |
opening statement. |
Senators, as I started out asking there has been some |
concern expressed earlier about the involved local communities, |
both county and city government, with regard to disposal of |
certain lands around this proposal. Can you help this committee |
understand better why that is necessary? You might want to |
touch a little bit on the Santini-Burton process which has a |
similar condition in it. Why in terms of infrastructure do |
these---- |
Senator Reid. Senator Bryan. |
Senator Bryan. Yes, if I may, Congressman Gibbons, you are |
familiar with the Santini-Burton legislation. The Santini- |
Burton legislation actually confers a veto power, as you know, |
on local government. As we were processing this legislation in |
the last Congress, a concern was raised by the Secretary of |
Interior and others, and so the language that we crafted |
represents a compromise that we thought was acceptable. And I |
invite your attention to page 6, which defines the selection |
process. |
And just very briefly without reading it, the Secretary and |
the unit of local government whose jurisdiction lands referred |
to in this section are located shall jointly select lands to be |
offered for sale or exchange under this section. It was our |
hope, Congressman, that that would be acceptable in this |
Congress. I know there have been some concerns raised. We do |
want to empower local governments to be a part of this |
decisionmaking process. This is an essential part of the long- |
term planning. |
In your Congressional district in the outskirts of the |
metropolitan Las Vegas area, as you know, enormous growth has |
occurred. And every decision that is made affects those local |
entities, whether it is the city of Las Vegas or the County of |
Clark, the city of Henderson, or the city of North Las Vegas. |
Those have tremendous impacts, so we want that to be a process |
in which the local government entity is fully involved. And |
that is a very, very important part of this legislation. So I |
hope that we can assuage any concerns that they have. |
I might just add parenthetically, I am not aware--and the |
legislation, I think, we enacted in 1980. I am not aware that |
there has ever been a problem in terms of the local government |
interface with the Federal Government on the Santini-Burton |
legislation. |
Senator Reid. Congressman Gibbons, I would just add to that |
the problem is very evident, what has happened in the last ten |
to 15 years. The Federal Government picks a piece of land that |
they are going to put into the private sector and then local |
government has to construct the infrastructure to that |
property. And it has been very, very debilitating to especially |
Clark County, even buying the rights-of-way to put in |
utilities. And that is one of the key parts of this |
legislation. |
We hope that even legislation is not necessary. We have |
been meeting with the Secretary and we believe that he has the |
power to do that administratively, the Bureau has the power to |
do that administratively and it is not necessary in this |
legislation. But in case it is not done by the time we get this |
legislation passed, it is in this legislation, which will |
relieve a tremendous burden to the county and its subdivision, |
the water district, et cetera. So that if there is a piece of |
land put into the private sector, the local government is in |
effect cut some slack. |
Mr. Gibbons. Mr. Chairman, one final question, if I may, to |
the Senators. Thank you very much for that light response. |
What is the status currently on the Senate side of this |
bill? Is it up for a hearing? Is it going to be marked up? If |
you could just help us know the timeframe. |
Senator Reid. We wrote a letter to Chairman Murkowski and |
said we would very much like him to move this legislation as |
quickly as possible. And he graciously responded in spite of |
all the battles we are having with nuclear waste. He responded |
by saying that he believed in the legislation. In the letter he |
set forth reasons why. And he said that he would move upon this |
just as quickly as possible. So we feel very good about this. |
We also, in direct answer to your question that perhaps I |
didn't answer as clearly as I should--and you will hear the |
testimony from the Administration. We feel very good about the |
Administration. We believe that they also think this is |
necessary. As you know, there has been some land exchanges that |
have gone forward that have created bad publicity. And as a |
result of that, I think, the Secretary would also like to get |
this resolved. There are a few exchanges, as you know, in the |
pipeline now. And as Congressman Ensign indicated, it appears |
that all the I's are being dotted and the t's crossed on those. |
We need to move away from that and get a more deliberate |
process. I am confident the Secretary believes that also. |
Mr. Gibbons. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Ensign. Any other questions? |
Mr. Faleomavaega. I do have a couple of questions to the |
two senators. Is this land exchange a problem only in Las Vegas |
in Clark County or is the State of Nevada encountering this |
whole State---- |
Senator Reid. Congressman, the problem is that the most |
valuable land is in the Las Vegas Valley, or Las Vegas |
metropolitan area. So that is basically where the problem lies. |
People want the land in Southern Nevada. They don't want it |
other places. So that has created the problem. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. What I am curious about is that--is there |
also a potential for further settlement in other areas of the |
State? |
Senator Reid. Well, not to the degree as in the south. We |
have, approximately, 90 percent of the people that live in the |
metropolitan Reno and Las Vegas areas. People don't realize |
that Nevada is the most urban State in the union, more urban |
than New Jersey and New York and Texas. And we are very proud |
of the industry we have in rural Nevada. We produce huge |
amounts of gold, 7 million ounces last year. But even though it |
creates a lot of jobs, in comparison to the heavily populated |
areas of Reno and Las Vegas, there is not much in the way of |
demand for land. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. My sense of curiosity is raised in the |
fact that Las Vegas was developed by--I think it was an |
entrepreneur, if I am correct in my history. It was out in the |
desert of nowhere. |
Senator Reid. Well, the entrepreneur was Brigham Young. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. Oh, I thought it was a Jewish fellow that |
started the first casino and developed it. For whatever it was |
historically in terms of Las Vegas in the earlier settlements, |
I stand corrected, Senator. But what I am curious about is that |
it seems to me that we take our western States in a piecemeal |
fashion. And I am trying to develop a sense of why we didn't |
just give half of what is federally owned by the Federal |
Government to the State of Nevada and let them take care of it? |
Senator Reid. Well, there are many who feel that way. There |
are others who feel that we need a real orderly process to do |
that. This legislation is a step in that direction. Just to put |
all the land up to bid would not help us, as Congressman Duncan |
thinks it would--it would not allow the land to go to the |
moderate and low income people. It would go the highest bidder |
and all the pretty places would be taken. This legislation is |
really a step, I think, in the direction which you would like |
to go and what I have heard from the committee. It would really |
allow us to move forward, and auction land. And we would be |
able to, with the proceeds from that money, buy environmentally |
sensitive land in the Lake Tahoe area and other areas around |
the State of Nevada which are vitally important to bring into |
the public sector even though they are small in acreage. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. So I suppose that 20 years from now we |
won't have to go through this exercise again. This is what I am |
concerned about. |
Senator Reid. Well, hopefully this legislation 20 years |
from now will still be in effect and we will be operating in |
the same manner. |
Senator Bryan. If I might just amplify the response, this |
is an extension of the concept of the Santini-Burton |
legislation that was enacted in 1980. And then, as now, |
although to a lesser extent, the metropolitan Las Vegas area |
was experiencing growth. And so there were parcels of BLM land |
that were in the immediately impacted growth area that it was |
decided that they ought to be disposed of. And those proceeds |
were used to acquire environmentally sensitive lands up at Lake |
Tahoe. So that is kind of the background of this in terms of |
how this concept evolved. |
Now, of course, in the intervening period of years, the |
growth has been even more substantial. To put this in some |
context, in 1980 the State of Nevada's total population was |
800,000. Today the entire State's population is slightly twice |
that, a million six. But of the 1,600,000, the metropolitan Las |
Vegas area has more than a million people. So, I mean, that is |
really, as Senator Reid pointed out, that is really where this |
growth and where the demand is occurring and where the impacts |
that were expressed earlier about being able to provide |
affordable housing. It is in the urban areas where the real |
growth is occurring and we are having the difficulty. So this |
will facilitate that process, we hope. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. I am pleading ignorance here. I am just |
curious. We conducted several atmospheric tests of our nuclear |
testing program in Nevada. How many surrounding towns in that |
area where we conducted these tests--is it further south of Las |
Vegas? |
Senator Reid. Congressman, we conducted about almost a |
thousand nuclear tests at the Nevada test site. Most of them |
were underground. There were some that were atmospheric. And |
there are some towns that are close by, but not real close. Las |
Vegas is about 90 to 100 miles away from the nearest test that |
took place. What would you say, Beatty is about 40 miles? |
Senator Bryan. Yes, but these atmospheric tests also |
impacted those communities along the eastern part of Nevada and |
in western Utah. These are the regions which benefitted from |
the down-winder legislation Congress enacted several years ago. |
Senator Reid. With the above-ground tests. |
Senator Bryan. With the above ground during the atmospheric |
testing days. And that would probably be out in our part of the |
country, probably, Mesquite, Moapa Valley, that area, that |
would be---- |
Senator Reid. Lincoln County. |
Senator Bryan. Lincoln County. |
Senator Reid. St. George. |
Senator Bryan. Pioche, Panaca, Alamo. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. I am sorry. I didn't mean to detract from |
the line of questions, Mr. Chairman, but I am very, very |
concerned about this in terms of the 1000 tests that were |
conducted underground in Nevada. There have been no geological |
surveys in terms of the aquifers being affected, some water |
streams or any of that. You see, Senator, we conducted about 66 |
nuclear tests in the Marshall Islands in the early '50's, and |
despite world protests we continued testing until we found out |
that there was strontium 90 found in the milk products coming |
out of Minnesota and Wisconsin. And that was the only reason |
why we stopped our atmospheric testing program, supposedly for |
scientific purposes. But, of course, being controlled by the |
military there is more coming out of this whole thing. |
And I am just very curious how safe are the residents of |
Nevada of this mess that we have created there as far as |
nuclear testing is concerned. |
Senator Reid. There has been extensive tests conducted. It |
surprises most people, but a very small percentage of the 1350 |
square miles that is the test site--that is only about two |
percent of it is contaminated. Again, a very small area of the |
test site is contaminated. Once they stopped the above-ground |
nuclear tests, they were extremely careful. And out of the |
hundreds and hundreds of tests they had, I think they have only |
had venting at two or three tests over those years. And there |
have been ongoing and are presently studies as to what effect |
the underground tests have had with the aquifers. At this |
stage, they haven't determined any effect. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. So to your best opinion, Senator, the |
expansion and the land exchange with BLM in Clark County and |
Las Vegas, that the good residents of Nevada are going to be |
safe and healthy for the next 100 years as far as the nuclear |
dump site that---- |
Senator Reid. As long as they keep nuclear waste out of |
Nevada, we will be in great shape. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. Thank you, Senator. Thank you, Mr. |
Chairman. |
Mr. Ensign. I would like to thank both my colleagues from |
the Senate, and especially Senator Reid for your last comment. |
I think that it was very well timed, and the rest of the House |
and the Senate should pay very close attention to that comment. |
I would like to call the next panel up, Mat Millenbach, |
Deputy Director for the Bureau of Land Management. We welcome |
your testimony, and proceed as you will. |
Mr. Millenbach. Good morning, Mr. Chairman. It was good |
seeing you on TV last night, too. |
Thank you for the opportunity to testify on H.R. 449, the |
Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1997, regarding |
land disposal in the Las Vegas Valley. The Department of the |
Interior supports the concept behind this bill. We believe that |
through continuing discussions with the bill's authors in the |
House and the Senate, a final bill can be produced that would |
receive the Administration's full endorsement. |
I would like to summarize my statement and enter my entire |
statement for the record. |
H.R. 449 and its companion Senate bill, S.94, specifically |
effect several thousand acres of public land in the Las Vegas |
Valley, which are managed by the BLM. In recent years, the Las |
Vegas Valley has become the fastest growing metropolitan region |
in the country, and development has been influenced by the |
presence of public lands in this area and vice versa. This bill |
seeks to resolve the future of these public lands by requiring |
BLM to sell, exchange or transfer public lands in the Las Vegas |
Valley. |
The intent of H.R. 449 is to capture the best qualities of |
the BLM's land exchange goals, the Santini-Burton Act, and the |
partnerships that have been developed with local government. |
This bill provides for the disposal by sale or exchange of |
certain federally owned BLM-managed lands within a limited area |
of the Las Vegas Valley. Fifteen percent of the proceeds of |
these land disposals would be distributed to local entities. |
The balance of the funds would be used for the benefit of |
natural resource management within Nevada for Federal land |
acquisition, capital improvements, development of a multi- |
species habitat conservation plan in Clark County, and the |
development of recreation in natural areas within Clark County. |
The bill also provides for the transfer of lands to Clark |
County at no cost within the airport management area for |
McCarran International Airport. Should those lands be sold or |
leased, the United States would be paid 85 percent of the fair |
market value received. The bill also includes a provision |
allowing local government entities to select other lands needed |
under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act prior to their |
conveyance. Local and regional governmental entities may also |
apply for rights-of-way for flood control and water treatment |
purposes, which can be granted in perpetuity and at no cost. |
Additionally, the Secretary is authorized to transfer the |
Recreation and Public Purposes Act reversionary clause from one |
parcel of land to another upon request by the owner of those |
lands. |
Nearly a year ago, the BLM acting Director, Mike Dombeck, |
testified in opposition to an earlier version of this bill. At |
that time Mr. Dombeck stated, ``while we support the goal of |
disposing of certain lands within Las Vegas to accommodate the |
city's growth, the Department strongly opposes this bill.'' He |
pointed out that the earlier bill would divert huge amounts of |
Federal resources and funds to local interests, offering a |
windfall to a few at the expense of many. Since that hearing a |
year ago, the Nevada delegation staffs have worked to resolve |
many of the problems we identified with this bill as originally |
introduced in the 104th Congress. |
Since H.R. 449 was introduced in the House, and its |
companion bill S.94, a number of technical issues have been |
discussed and resolved between BLM and Congressional staffs. |
Those details are unnecessary to pursue here, however there |
remain a few issues that are as yet unresolved that need to be |
remedied before the Administration can fully endorse the bill. |
Several of these areas are outlined in detail in my written |
statement, and they include the issue of consultation regarding |
selection of the lands to be sold rather than joint selection |
as specified in the bill, the conveyance of nearly 5000 acres |
near the airport at no cost to Clark County, the expansion of |
the Recreation and Public Purposes Act to allow for affordable |
housing anywhere within Nevada, the waiver of environmental |
laws for the conveyance of the youth activity facilities, and |
the need to discuss the location of the Red Rock National |
Conservation Area boundary modifications. The bill does not |
specify those areas. |
Mr. Chairman, we all recognize that a population explosion |
is occurring in many western communities. Las Vegas has seen an |
increased migration of people from Southern California and |
large metropolitan areas in the East. Public lands can be part |
of the solution and an effective land disposal program can |
assist in orderly growth. |
The BLM agrees that we need to move to dispose of much of |
the urban lands in the Las Vegas area when appropriate. These |
public lands should be disposed of in harmony with the needs of |
the local jurisdiction. We also believe that all land disposal |
must benefit both the American people and the local community |
as well. This legislation provides a good framework to allow |
for a fair approach to dealing with the situation in Las Vegas |
area. The bill deals with disposal of public land using a |
nearly identical boundary as developed in the BLM draft |
resource management plan. With some additional fine tuning, |
this bill will assist the BLM, local governments and the |
citizens of Nevada and the United States. We would be happy to |
work with the Nevada delegation to provide such a solution. |
Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the opportunity to appear before |
the Subcommittee today and discuss this bill, and I would be |
glad to answer any questions you might have. |
[Statement of Mat Millenbach may be found at end of |
hearing.] |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you, Mat. I have a few questions for you |
before I open it up to other members. First I want to address |
the youth activities, the little league--the 38.5 acres that |
you have raised questions about, Sections 202 and 203 of FLPMA. |
First of all, this Administration has supported waivers where |
it suits their purposes. And in fact, the President last year |
signed in the omnibus parks bill several waivers, all of which |
were more serious than this and involved hundreds of thousands |
of acres. The transfer of lands for youth activity, the Little |
League Baseball, involves only 38.5 acres and has already been |
identified for disposal under the BLM's own RMP and are subject |
to the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. |
I guess the question--does the Administration really object |
to 38.5 acres going to Little League? |
Mr. Millenbach. No, sir. It is a standard objection of the |
Administration to exempt the lands from the provisions of, say, |
the Endangered Species Act and so forth---- |
Mr. Ensign. What does the BLM think? |
Mr. Millenbach. We support the transfer of the lands. We |
would like to be able to do the required clearances and so |
forth before that is done. |
Mr. Ensign. I also want to address the question of joint |
selection. First of all, we originally had veto power by the |
local government. And we have compromised to joint selection. |
And we know that BLM's position has been basically that the |
county has zoning ordinances. And just as the county has |
sometimes trouble saying no to zoning changes, the BLM has also |
had trouble saying no to developers. And don't you think that |
we need to be jointly working together here with the BLM and |
the local government to work out the problems here, especially |
dealing with some of these areas around the airport? It seems |
that just the Federal Government doing it by itself is not |
working. That is one of the reasons for the bill. It is one of |
the fundamental reasons for the bill. It is not working the way |
it is supposed to work, and that is the reason that we selected |
this joint selection. |
Mr. Millenbach. We believe that a consultation requirement |
is entirely appropriate. My understanding is of this, and I |
think you can probably ask the people from Las Vegas who are |
going to testify in the next panel about this, but my |
understanding is that our relationship between the local |
governments in the Las Vegas Valley and our people in the Las |
Vegas district office is actually very good. The difficulty |
with the joint selection provision is that under our normal |
land sale and other land disposal authorities under Federal |
Land Policy and Management Act, what is envisioned there is a |
consultation requirement. And if this bill were modified to |
require that, we would be very comfortable with that. |
Mr. Ensign. OK. Mr. Faleomavaega. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Mr. Millenbach, |
if I am correct, in your statement you are saying that the |
Burton-Santini version is your baseline. Do you--is the BLM |
still fully supportive of the Burton-Santini version? |
Mr. Millenbach. The Burton-Santini? Yes, sir. The Burton- |
Santini Act has worked out very well for us. We have been able |
to sell lands in the Las Vegas area and buy environmentally |
sensitive lands in the Lake Tahoe area using the 85/15 income |
distribution. I think everybody has been very satisfied with |
that and feel like it has worked out both in the Federal aspect |
and the local aspect. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. And it is your position that the Burton- |
Santini version can still be workable in working out the |
differences that you are---- |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. [continuing]--the problem that you are |
having now with the officials of Nevada? Is this your position? |
My point here is that is there a different standard now that we |
are applying in doing the land exchange or are you using the |
Burton-Santini version as the basis of doing the land exchange? |
Mr. Millenbach. We are using the Burton-Santini as the |
basis for the 85/15 split. I know there is a difference between |
the joint selection requirement of Burton-Santini and the |
consultation requirement of the Federal Land Policy and |
Management Act, which is our general land sale exchange. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. So the proposed bill does not attempt to |
change any of the basic principles underlined in the Burton- |
Santini version? |
Mr. Millenbach. It doesn't attempt to change the way that |
the money is raised. It is raised through the sale of the |
Federal lands through competitive sale. Those are both |
consistent. The money is put into a fund for specific purposes |
and then we are allowed to spend that money out of that fund |
for those purposes. This does the same and we concur with that. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. So you are saying that the BLM is more |
than happy to work together with the Nevada delegation using |
the Burton-Santini version as the basis and then see what |
other---- |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. [continuing]--sense of flexibility can be |
fleshed out on the other provisions of the proposed bill? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir, absolutely. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. I noticed that you have got about five |
areas of concern in your statement. |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. Can you point with any sense of priority |
or do you consider every one of the five points or concerns of |
equal weight? Are there some areas that perhaps it can be |
worked out quickly, or is it going to take us another 200 years |
to work these differences out? |
Mr. Millenbach. Well, I hope not. The map of the Red Rock |
National Conservation Area boundary, I think, is just a matter |
of us sitting down and agreeing on the map. I saw your staff |
was showing you a copy. And we are pretty comfortable with |
that. We are much less comfortable with the use of the |
Recreation and Public Purposes Act for affordable housing. We |
think that is going to give us very substantial problems in the |
future in terms of administering those lands if the uses are |
changed after title is transferred. And we end up in a position |
where we might have to revert title. Then what do we do with |
these houses that are on the lands? |
Mr. Faleomavaega. What would be your best estimate in terms |
of a timeframe that perhaps we could get together and kind of |
iron these things out by way of moving this legislation |
forward? |
Mr. Millenbach. We could start any time. |
Mr. Faleomavaega. Fantastic. No, but my question is what |
kind of a timeframe are we looking at, maybe another five |
months or less or more or another two years till we--can this-- |
in other words, the five areas that you have expressed concern, |
can it be workable, can it be solvable? Are there some areas |
here that it is totally impossible, or is it--each of these |
five areas of concern, can they be worked out? |
Mr. Millenbach. I believe they can, yes, sir. |
Mr Faleomavaega. All right, thank you, Mr. Chairman. Thank |
you, Mr. Millenbach. |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you. Just real quickly, how does the |
joint selection in this bill differ from the joint selection |
that is mentioned in Burton-Santini? |
Mr. Millenbach. They are the same provision. |
Mr. Ensign. They are the same provision, and because it was |
fine before, why isn't it fine now? |
Mr. Millenbach. It is inconsistent with the normal way we |
sell lands and exchange lands. There is a consultation |
requirement in the Federal Land Policy and Management Act that |
requires us to coordinate our plans with local government. |
Mr. Ensign. Right, but we have recognized that the normal |
way we do things is not working, and that is one of the reasons |
for this bill. And that is one of the reasons for joint |
selection under Burton-Santini and one of the reasons for joint |
selection under this current legislation. So it just puzzles me |
why the Administration would have objections--it worked under |
Burton-Santini, wouldn't you agree? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Ensign. OK, why wouldn't it work under this bill? |
Mr. Millenbach. Well, it is a matter of consistency with |
the normal way we do business. If we had consultation but not |
joint selection, what that would require us to do is to work |
with the local governments just the same as we do now to try to |
come to some agreement on what that might be, but in the case |
of a substantial disagreement or where we needed a tie breaker, |
we still believe that it is the Federal Government's |
responsibility to make decisions about Federal lands. |
Mr. Ensign. Even though it worked under Burton-Santini, |
with joint selection? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Ensign. You don't see any inconsistency in that? |
Mr. Millenbach. I understand there is an inconsistency. I |
just think that we believe that it would be more in keeping |
with our Federal land disposal programs nationwide. |
Mr. Ensign. In other words--let me change the way I asked |
the question. If it is a certain procedure, consistent with a |
certain procedure, but unless you can tell me why it didn't |
work under Burton-Santini, then why shouldn't we do it the same |
way under Burton-Santini, it doesn't seem to justify. Just |
because that is the way it is normally done, if it works, |
shouldn't we be about common sense government? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Ensign. This seems like common sense. |
Mr. Millenbach. It has--well, let me try to---- |
Mr. Ensign. Let me ask you something first before you go-- |
just to get your mind set. Have you ever lived in an area like |
what we are talking about? Have you ever dealt with local |
government, lived in an area that is growing like Las Vegas |
that has so much Federal land, that has these kinds of |
problems, so you could understand what local governments are |
telling you? I am not a local government person. I have never |
been involved in local government, but I know what my local |
government people are telling me and why they need this joint |
selection, why they think it is so important to have this joint |
selection and why Burton-Santini included it in their bill. |
Mr. Millenbach. The first--no, I haven't lived in an area |
like Las Vegas. I have lived in mostly smaller towns, except |
for here. You know, the rationale is that the Federal |
Government has responsibility to dispose of the public lands. |
And I think for us to allow--give somebody else that |
responsibility would be inconsistent with what our overall |
legislation provides for. I will admit to you it has worked |
very well, Santini-Burton. There have not been glitches, and I |
attribute that to the efforts of the local government people in |
the Las Vegas area, Clark County people, city of Las Vegas and |
so forth, and our people in the district have been able to work |
very well with each other over the years. That is my |
understanding. And because of that, there has been no problems |
with this provision of the bill. |
Mr. Ensign. And I think that we have outstanding people in |
the BLM currently. We are going to have them in the future. We |
are going to have outstanding people locally, and I would |
submit to you and I would implore the Administration to |
reconsider its position on this joint selection, that this will |
work just like it worked under Burton-Santini. So, you know, |
when we are negotiating over the next couple of weeks I would |
implore the Administration to rethink its position on this. |
Mr. Gibbons. |
Mr. Gibbons. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I would like to delve |
just a little deeper into these issues of joint consultation |
versus--urban consultation versus joint selection. Under |
consultation, is the county or local government planning ever |
taken into consideration before the government, the Federal |
Government, decides on which property they are going to |
release? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, it is. |
Mr. Gibbons. Before you do that, or is it your decision to |
release this property and then you will talk to them? |
Mr. Millenbach. It is kind of a two-step process. The local |
governments, they have their land use plans. And when we do our |
general resource management planning, which identifies the |
broader area that would be disposed of, the requirement of law |
is that we consult with the local jurisdictions to make sure |
that our resource management plans are consistent with their |
plans. |
Mr. Gibbons. Now if county or local government disagreed |
under your consultation plan to release Federal lands, for |
example, because of their infrastructure needs, would they have |
the ability to say no to your process and your plans, change |
it? |
Mr. Millenbach. No, sir. The resource management planning |
is delegated down to the Secretary of the Interior, and he |
retains the authority to make the final decision. |
Mr. Gibbons. So only veto power under joint selection would |
allow county and local government participation in the decision |
for their planning purposes versus consultation? |
Mr. Millenbach. They would still have the ability to |
consult and be consulted. |
Mr. Gibbons. Would they still have the veto power under |
consultation? |
Mr. Millenbach. No, sir. |
Mr. Gibbons. Thank you. |
Mr. Ensign. Ms. Christian-Green. |
Ms. Christian-Green. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. I have a |
question primarily for my information. There is an issue over |
the noise, airport noise abatement area. |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, ma'am. |
Ms. Christian-Green. And in your testimony you refer to a |
memorandum of agreement. In that memorandum of agreement, was |
the 4600 acres agreed to as what was needed by the State of |
Nevada for airport noise abatement? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, ma'am. That is my understanding. There |
is an existing memorandum of agreement whereby we have agreed |
not to dispose of public lands that are within this defined |
area on the map. What this bill would do would transfer the |
lands within that boundary to the airport authority. |
Ms. Christian-Green. And I just want to reecho the |
sentiments of our Chairman and other colleagues on the issue of |
joint selection. As a delegate from one of the territories, |
that is an issue that we understand. And I want to support the |
Chairman's remarks on that. |
Mr. Ensign. Any other members wish to inquire? Mr. Vento. |
Mr. Vento. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. The normal course of |
events for Burton-Santini has a dedicated purpose for the fund |
to buy forest land. So this obviously opens it up, the 85 |
percent at least, to multiple purposes. Now those purposes are |
all in the State of Nevada. And the issue here, of course, is |
that the sale of State lands is usually going back to the |
treasury, is that correct? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. All but four percent. |
Mr. Vento. All but four percent, which is kept for---- |
Mr. Millenbach. Well, I believe it goes back to local |
government. |
Mr. Vento. I didn't quite hear your answer. |
Mr. Millenbach. It goes back to local government. |
Mr. Vento. It goes back to local government, so there is a |
small distribution here for administrative or other procedures. |
But in a land State like Nevada, because of the unusual public |
ownership with the deeds, you are actually taking the funds |
here on a non-appropriated basis and putting them back into a |
special fund for Nevada. Do you have any funds like that in |
other States that are similar to this other than the Burton- |
Santini example, which we know is for a designated purpose? |
Mr. Millenbach. Not that I can think of right now. I would |
have to follow up on that. I don't believe we do. |
Mr. Vento. Well, I think it is useful. I think it is an |
interesting concept and one that has worked for this particular |
purpose. I think that as you look at public land States, though |
this may be an answer in terms of trying to deal with and |
enhance some of the public lands, like it is your intention by |
repairing areas of Nevada. Many of the BLM lands do not have, |
as an example, the wetlands associated pieces of the ecosystem, |
is that right, Mr. Millenbach? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. We think that there is a big |
advantage to this idea of establishment of a fund. What it does |
is allows us to buy these environmentally sensitive lands near |
the recreational areas such as the Spring Hill Recreation Area |
near Las Vegas, repair areas near Clark--in Clark County and |
other areas throughout the State. It simplifies our process. |
And I think it will really make it a lot more efficient. The |
objectives of the bill that the Chairman stated this morning |
are very well taken, and we agree with them within the |
Department. Our difficulty has more to do with some of the |
details of the bill. And of course in the past it has been--we |
have not been able to get OMB agreement to set up a special |
fund, so we have been working very hard with the Office of |
Management and Budget to get an exception to the Budget |
Enforcement Act that would allow us to set up this fund and |
then---- |
Mr. Vento. Which we have with Burton-Santini? |
Mr. Millenbach. That is correct. |
Mr. Vento. Well, I expect that that is going to be a |
problem, at least with the appropriation issue. |
Mr. Millenbach. Well, we are making pretty good progress |
with OMB. |
Mr. Vento. Well, I would be very interested to follow on. |
And obviously the purpose--I guess we would all like to review |
those purposes. This sort of represents the particular |
interests of Nevada. I don't think it is too bad. I think that |
it is within reason. |
The joint selection issue is an interesting process. But I |
think that in cases where there is disagreement, one ought to |
have an opportunity, in my view, just for the benefit of the |
members, to go to resolve this in terms of being able to come |
up with a decision. You need to work with the local governments |
and the Clark County government in terms of where they are |
going to put in a water service, where they are going to have |
development. And so I understand that it is appropriate. |
This gets back to this other question I had. And that is |
when I visited the area some years ago, as you recall--I don't |
know if you were along on that visit or not or who it was from |
BLM, but as I recall, there was, of course, a lot of this very |
desirable land. But there were also some small tracts of land. |
How does this deal with that particular problem? You have the |
mixed ownership of this land that is isolated. I just might |
comment to my colleagues that never have visited the site very |
often, these sites have things dumped on them. They are public. |
They are not surveyed. There are all sorts of problems with |
them. |
Mr. Ensign, we haven't talked about it, Mr. Chairman at |
some point I would like to, because these small tracts are our |
responsibility. These small tracts of land that don't have |
water. They are generally surrounded by private land. I don't |
know what the actual situation would be. From a practical |
standpoint, it represents a problem. |
Mr. Millenbach. Well, I think to the extent that this bill |
allows us to sell these smaller tracts of property, I think, is |
very advantageous. |
Mr. Vento. Are you barred from doing that? You are not |
barred from selling it right now, are you? |
Mr. Millenbach. That is correct. We could sell any of it |
under our existing authority. We could exchange it under our |
existing authority. I think one of the problems with exchanging |
these smaller tracts, though, it is much more difficult for us |
to put together an exchange package that would be of interest |
to a subdivision developer or something like that with those |
small properties. |
Mr. Vento. Well I have a simple mind and I would like to |
see certain blocks of land cleared and clear up responsibility. |
I am sure you would, as well, because having responsibility for |
land and then having it turn into a sort of temporary dump-- |
someone throws trash on it or whatever happens to it. It |
represents a serious problem with regards to where we are |
going. So I would try to look and see if there is some solution |
here that would facilitate the consolidation of these lands in |
that area and then deal with that. I know the survey costs |
greater than the value of some of this land because it doesn't |
have water and so forth associated. I am correct in that, am I |
not, Mr. Millenbach? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir, it is--they are not very |
convenient for us to have to administer. And again, I think |
this bill would be very helpful in dealing with that, because |
it would allow us to sell off a small piece of property, put |
the proceeds into---- |
Mr. Vento. Well, there is an incentive here. That is true, |
it seems to me that the easier things to sell are those that |
have immediate economic value. The value of some of these |
tracts might not be as significant. |
Mr. Ensign. Mr. Vento, if I---- |
Mr. Vento. I would be happy to yield. |
Mr. Ensign. Just to address that problem, actually, almost |
every piece of land in Las Vegas Valley right now has value. If |
you are in the Las Vegas Valley, you understand. I don't care |
if it is a two-acre piece of property or a one-acre piece of |
property or whatever, if it is in the Las Vegas Valley right |
now, there is access or there will be access and within the |
boundaries on the map that is over there. What we have tried to |
do with this is to--if somebody could display---- |
Mr. Vento. No, I know. I have already seen it. |
Mr. Ensign. OK. If somebody could move the map into |
position over there. One of the things that we have tried to |
do, we are concerned about growing outside of a boundary. We |
wanted to establish kind of a boundary that this is what the |
Las Vegas Valley is going to be and it is not going to be |
outside this boundary. And so everything within that is |
developable, but outside it is not. So we are not going to be |
going out into these various areas. So even those small tracts |
of land within that, small developers, people that maybe want |
to build a home on it, you know, they like that piece of land. |
The biggest problem now--the reason it is dumped on, that land, |
is because it is publicly owned. And private people have a |
tendency to look out for their land a little more than public |
ones. |
Mr. Vento. Try to understand that there is some of the |
public land that is very desirable that has construction |
material and so forth dumped on it. Unfortunately it persists |
there. What I am talking about are small tracts and homesteads |
that are to the, if I remember, the west and south, Mr. |
Millenbach. |
And these sites don't have the water. They have wells but |
they don't have water rights. They don't have access. I think |
we have some maps that we had available a few years ago when I |
was there. And I would like to get into the small tracts issue |
and see what we can do. It is just that I would like to see it |
consolidated. I don't think they have quite the desirability |
because they are small tracts. Developers can't build the |
developments on them. And there are some practical problems |
with them, as I said. And, you know, it certainly may be that |
one of our goals--my time has expired. |
I wanted to ask a little bit about the Recreation and |
Public Purposes Act. I agree with you on the policy issue. One |
of the problems with the policy is the fact that it is |
innovative use. And I work with policy issues in Congress a |
lot. I like to see something, but it is the oversight problem. |
And the oversight problem deals generally with the Recreation |
and Public Purposes Act. And I am aware that there are some |
controversies over the nature of some of the public purposes, |
even in BLM lands in the Las Vegas Valley. Isn't that correct, |
Mr. Millenbach? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Vento. And so I think the issue is rather than take on |
these tasks, this is one that if you don't have now it's very |
difficult to dodge the requirement. So there may be a different |
way that this could be accomplished in terms of if this water |
policy was going to be in public ownership or other means, is |
that correct? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, the difficulty comes with the |
reversionary clause that is a part of those patents, and then |
the requirement that if the title changes or there is a change |
in use of the property, then the title reverts back to the |
Federal Government. So then we end up being stuck with, you |
know, somebody's house on a piece of property that has reverted |
back to us. Then what do we do from there? So---- |
Mr. Vento. It is an impossible situation. Monitoring it and |
then the legal process that you have to go through to deal with |
enforcement, so that for all practical purposes this is not--I |
mean, I can understand the social goal that is desirable, but I |
think that how this is structured, I think, is--you may correct |
me. |
I was paying attention to the discussion with the Chairman |
with regards to the Little League Baseball. We are all in favor |
of Little League Baseball. I think the issue--the incidence of |
the environmental waivers that existed in the omnibus park |
bill, I would say was probably boilerplate language that dealt |
simply with the transfer of it, not necessarily with the |
ultimate use. And what you are dealing with here, I am sure |
that this bill will have in it NEPA waivers, other waivers that |
will facilitate the transfer. But I think what you are asking |
for here is an exception to the absolute end use of what you |
are going to do with it. I don't know if that is reasonable or |
not. We may have done some of that in the omnibus bill. |
Mr. Ensign. It is still subject to the Recreation and |
Public Purposes Act, the use. |
Mr. Vento. Oh, no, I understand the use issue, but I think |
that what you are seeking is waiver from the Endangered Species |
Act or a waiver from NEPA or a waiver of other things. If it is |
incident to the transfer, I don't know that there is an |
objection to that. Is that correct, Mr. Millenbach? |
Mr. Millenbach. The---- |
Mr. Vento. In other words, it shouldn't have to go through |
NEPA if you are--in terms of this legislation for you to |
transfer some of this land under this law. |
Mr. Millenbach. The way the act is worded now is that it |
would exempt us from NEPA and the Endangered Species Act, and |
so forth. |
Mr. Vento. Well, this was a standard waiver. You know, that |
is a standard boilerplate waiver language--you are objecting to |
that. But, I think that this goes beyond that in terms of |
waivers for specific purpose. |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, except that this is already designated |
by the BLM for disposal. This land is designated already for |
disposal. |
Mr. Vento. Yes, but, you would not, if you were going to |
put a factory on it, you wouldn't necessarily exempt that |
factory from every environmental requirement---- |
Mr. Ensign. Right, but---- |
Mr. Vento. [continuing]--that exists with regard to the |
Endangered Species Act. |
Mr. Ensign. If it is already designated for disposal and it |
is subject to the Recreation and Public Purposes Act, I think |
that you have addressed those problems. |
Mr. Vento. Well, the Recreation and Public Purposes Act I |
don't know that the---- |
Mr. Ensign. You can't put a factory on that. |
Mr. Vento. No, you put the little league baseball on, but I |
don't know what their spikes might do to the desert tortoise. I |
mean, they well might be there. I know they are definitely |
where my brother is. But I think there is a difference. I don't |
know that, in this case that this is--I don't know what the |
owner's requirement would be--you have to obviously have a |
demonstration. If there is not a big problem, then they don't |
need the waiver from the Endangered Species Act and some of the |
other environmental laws. What you're saying is that you feel |
that under the Recreation and Public Purposes Act you have |
already gone through the environmental waiver process? They |
have satisfied those concerns, is that what you are saying? |
Mr. Ensign. What we are saying is we are trying to save |
some of the bureaucratic process, so we can get the fields |
built. You know, you can take four years to do the |
environmental---- |
Mr. Vento. I think you have to demonstrate that. Maybe the |
additional witnesses today can fill us in on some of the |
details. Unfortunately we all have to leave, but I appreciate |
the Administration's work on this issue. And we will be paying |
close attention to this bill as it moves through. I tried to do |
so last time at the end of the session; I do have an interest |
in the area and it sounds like you are a long way down the road |
with regard to it. We look forward to working with you, |
especially on the small tracts issue that are quite essential. |
Thank you. |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you. Just before I dismiss you, Mat, let |
me just address one last thing. And that has to do with the |
objection to the money being used like at Lake Mead. You know, |
we have a backlog for the repairs and maintenance of Lake Mead |
this year of $203 million. Five wastewater treatment facilities |
violate county codes out there. And what is wrong with using |
some of this money to do that when the Administration really |
hasn't made it a top priority in the appropriations bills to do |
that? You know, we are just trying to come up with, here is a |
source of funds, maybe we can use it for this. |
Mr. Millenbach. The rationale is two items. One is that we |
believe that the money from the sale of public lands should be |
put back into the purchase of public lands, and that using them |
for the construction and maintenance of administrative |
facilities and that kind of thing is really not appropriate. In |
fact, we have just put out a policy within the Bureau to stop |
doing land exchanges for the very same thing. You might |
remember in the IG report of 1996 we were criticized for |
buying--exchanging for a bowling alley up in Elko or Tonopah, I |
guess. And so we don't believe as a general matter that we |
should be selling out public lands to do those kind of things. |
The other difficulty is that it gets to be hard to know |
when to stop doing that. At what point do you stop selling off |
public lands to buy capital improvements and do maintenance of |
existing facilities? So that is the rationale behind that. |
Mr. Ensign. I guess let me address that. And this has to do |
with the affordable housing thing, as well. And that is at what |
point--some of this is common sense. Some of this is case by |
case. In other words, if you can justify it, if it is for the |
overall public good--I think this gets back into when you |
addressed the affordable housing and Mr. Vento talked about |
that it is an admirable goal and all of that. Well, maybe it |
doesn't fit into our pretty box that we think the regulations |
should be and all of that, but government--and we are all in |
the government. We are to be working for the people. And we |
should be able to figure these things out. If we all agree on |
the goal, and we all do. |
If there is anybody who disagrees with the goal, maybe they |
need to reevaluate their thinking, but when you have these |
similar goals and it just happens to be that is not the normal |
way of doing things, we should be better stewards of our jobs |
and our responsibilities to the public to say yes, that may not |
be the normal way to do it, but let us figure out a way that we |
can guard against this being abused in the future and |
unintended consequences, but let us figure out a way to do it |
so that the public good is served by the government. |
That is what I would implore, in the next couple weeks when |
we negotiate on some of these issues is if you object to the |
ways that we have it written or maybe you see some unintended |
consequences down the road, let us try to come up with the same |
arguments--the same goals, maybe a little different way of |
getting around some of these things. Because the bottom line is |
that we are trying to make a system that is not working as well |
as it should, we are trying to make it work a little better |
than it is working currently. |
Mr. Millenbach. I agree. I think between our staffs over |
the last six months or a year we have made a lot of progress on |
this, and we are quite happy and willing to try to work these |
things out and get this bill moved forward. We would like to |
see this get enacted. |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you, Mr. Millenbach. Enjoyed having you |
with us in front of the committee. |
I would like to call the next panel of witnesses. |
Mr. Shadegg. Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Ensign. Oh, I am sorry. Mr. Shadegg. |
Mr. Shadegg. I will be brief. Mr. Millenbach, first of all |
let me compliment the Chairman on the bill. I think it is |
appropriate and worth, perhaps, consideration for other |
locations. What I want to do is get a sense of timing. Maybe |
this has been brought up in testimony already. Perhaps you can |
already indicate--maybe you can answer the question for me, Mr. |
Millenbach, easily. What is your anticipation of when this |
legislation will be--assuming we can get it through fairly |
quickly, what point would you imagine implementing this process |
and to what portions--and we discussed when you were here last |
the ongoing transactions. Is it your anticipation that this |
would apply to any of those ongoing transactions or to those |
that have not been completed by the time this passes, or what |
do we do with the ongoing exchange? |
Mr. Millenbach. You are talking about the ones that we |
already have agreements on? Yes, we have got, I believe, five |
of those underway. We are proceeding to move forward with |
those. We would have to go back and take a look at the |
agreements themselves, but my understanding is that they--the |
agreements do envision a land exchange with those existing |
people that we have the agreements with. I will have to get |
back with you after I take a look at each one of those |
agreements to see exactly what they say. Are you concerned |
about the idea that all of a sudden we would stop doing the |
existing exchanges? |
Mr. Shadegg. As you recall, last time you were here we had |
an extended discussion about when you change the rules if you |
have a process that is bad that you think needs to be corrected |
but people have been following. At what point is it fair to |
change the rules of the game? |
And this may be a significant improvement in the process |
and it may be a beneficial way for assuring that the taxpayers |
are compensated and at the same time assuring that we have a |
process that gets land out of government ownership into other |
ownership and by the way, also doing some environmentally |
important goals. |
The question is at what point do you decide, OK, you have a |
new set of rules, I will apply the new set of rules. Can you do |
that to people that have already begun the game? Can you do |
that at half time, or do you play that game out and then start? |
Mr. Millenbach. That is a very good question. I--what we |
are going to have to do is take a look at those agreements, |
compare them with what we have got in bill and get back with |
you on that. |
Mr. Shadegg. When you say take a look at those agreements, |
do you mean as to whether or not they contemplate that they are |
completed agreements or whether or not they contemplate that |
these procedures might apply? |
Mr. Millenbach. Yes, how would the provisions of this act |
affect those agreements. I wouldn't want to--I can't give you a |
complete answer on that today, because---- |
Mr. Shadegg. Could you look at that and get back to me? |
Mr. Millenbach. I sure can. Yes, sir. |
Mr. Shadegg. I appreciate it. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you. I would like to thank you again, |
Mat. And I would like to call the next panel of witnesses, |
Lance Malone, newly elected Clark County Commissioner; Richard |
Wimmer, Deputy General Manager, Southern Nevada Water |
Authority; and Steve Hobbs, Nevada State Director, Nature |
Conservancy. Commissioner Malone. |
Mr. Malone. Mr. Chairman, thank you. Committee members, |
thank you for inviting me to testify in support of H.R. 449, |
the Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act. I offer |
testimony today on behalf of the entire seven-member Board of |
County Commissioners from Clark County. In August of 1995, the |
Board of County Commissioners adopted a resolution calling upon |
Congress to introduce and enact the Southern Nevada Public |
Lands Management Act. |
This bill is a product of extensive community discussion |
among local government, Federal agencies and all affected |
stakeholders through numerous public lands task force meetings |
organized and conducted by the members of the Nevada |
Congressional delegation. On behalf of the Board of County |
Commissioners, I would like to thank the leadership of our |
entire delegation for their efforts to achieve a consensus |
solution to an issue that has been controversial and |
troublesome, the disposal of Federal lands in the Las Vegas |
Valley. |
There is a significant burden placed on local government of |
providing public services such as water, sewer, fire and police |
protection for the new neighborhoods, which have been built on |
vast tracts of Federal land opened up through BLM land |
exchanges. Dick Wimmer, from the Southern Nevada Water |
Authority, will discuss this further in his testimony. |
Right now the BLM has pending applications for over 20 land |
exchanges that could privatize approximately 53,000 acres of |
land in Las Vegas Valley. Six of these proposed exchanges |
remain a priority with the BLM and total over 10,000 acres of |
land. |
The County Commission believes that Federal land disposal |
policy should privatize land in accordance with local |
government's planning policies and zoning guidelines. This |
would ensure that growth would occur in areas of the valley |
where services are place and/or planned. We must avoid the |
leapfrog development which drives up the cost of local |
services. |
Clark County supports H.R. 449 for several reasons. We see |
three major benefits. We get to be more involved. Like the |
Santini-Burton Act, under this bill local government will have |
a say in the process of Federal land disposal. We get some of |
the financial benefit for water development and for our parks, |
recreation and open space. And third, the national treasures |
that are located here in Southern Nevada, such as Lake Mead, |
Red Rock and Mount Charleston, also get new facilities and |
financial help. |
Mr. Chairman, I want to respond to several of the suggested |
changes being proposed to the bill by the Department of the |
Interior. First let me point out that most of the provisions |
which BLM wants to fix are already law in the Santini-Burton |
Act and are currently applied within the geographic boundaries |
of the Santini-Burton disposable area. H.R. 449 essentially |
extends these provisions to apply to a larger disposal area |
covering most of the developable land within the Las Vegas |
Valley. |
Specifically the Interior Department testimony recommends |
eliminating requirement in H.R. 449 that BLM and local |
governments ``jointly select lands to be offered'' for |
disposal. The BLM apparently thinks it is just like a |
corporation or private homeowner and should be free to dispose |
of its property as it chooses only after consultation with |
local government. H.R. 449, however, requires that BLM land |
disposal activities be consistent with local land use planning |
and zoning requirements. These provisions were copied from the |
existing Santini-Burton law, which already apply in part of the |
valley. Why not make them apply throughout the entire valley? |
Our experience under the current land exchange process is |
that without joint selection it is the BLM which in effect |
determines how, when and where local land use planning |
decisions are made. No corporation or private owner is the |
single largest landowner in Las Vegas Valley and has the power |
to drive growth the way that BLM does. |
Mr. Chairman, the joint selection section is the heart of |
this legislation. It creates true Federal/local government |
partnerships by requiring both governments to work |
cooperatively to coordinate the needs, impact, size, scope and |
timing of BLM land sales and exchanges. When the Administration |
raised the same concerns last year, Clark County accepted a |
compromise which deleted a sentence copied from the Santini- |
Burton Act which gives local government an explicit veto over |
any sale or exchange of BLM land. If BLM desires to get the |
joint selection of H.R. 449, I would respectfully disagree and |
request that you keep it as originally passed in the Santini- |
Burton Act, including the local government veto language. |
The bill being considered today reflects an agreement |
reached last year between the airport and local BLM with |
respect to lands in the clear zone at the western end of |
McCarran Airport runways. These lands are part of an existing |
cooperative management agreement, or otherwise known as CMA, |
between the BLM and the airport, which gives the airport a veto |
over the disposable lands which aircraft noise exceeds 60 LDN. |
This bill moves a step further and transfers these lands to the |
airport for protection. Under the bill, the airport will manage |
the lands in conformity with the CMA agreement and the FAA |
regulations on land use capability--excuse me, compatibility. |
Because most of the land is located within the original |
boundaries of the Santini-Burton Act, the county agrees that if |
any development is allowed to occur on these lands, that it is |
compatible with airport noise, 85 percent of the proceeds will |
be given to the Federal Government for this acquisition of |
environmentally sensitive land in the Tahoe Basin pursuant to |
the original terms of the Santini-Burton Act. |
Finally, the Board of County Commissioners believes |
strongly that the 60 LDN level of noise protection upon the CMA |
boundary is based on the minimum level necessary to protect |
public health and safety. The 60 LDN protection level is based |
upon recommendations from the EPA, the Federal Interagency |
Committee on Noise, the National Resource Defense Council. Even |
the FAA's new policy guidance to local governments recommends |
we impose local land use planning protections at the 60 LDN |
level. |
The Nevada Public Lands Management Act is a growth |
management tool that makes sense for Clark County and the State |
of Nevada. It creates a true partnership between the Federal, |
State and local government and helps lessen the cost of the |
infrastructure impacts associated with land exchanges. |
Management of local parks and national resources like the Lake |
Mead National Recreation Area, the Red Rock Canyon National |
Conservation Area and the Toiyabe National Forest will also |
benefit. Whether you think about economics, conservation, |
growth management or just plain and simple fairness, the |
Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act makes sense. |
[Statement of Lance Malone may be found at end of hearing.] |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you. Richard Wimmer. |
Mr. Wimmer. Thank you, Mr. Chairman and members of the |
committee. My name is Dick Wimmer. I am the Deputy General |
Manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority. The Southern |
Nevada Water Authority is that regional entity that represents |
all of the water purveyors in Southern Nevada. |
As many of you probably have heard many times by now, we do |
have significant water challenges in Southern Nevada. Our |
challenges aren't so much, though, the amount of water we have, |
at least in the short run, but they are how we go about |
building and, probably more importantly, paying for the |
facilities to be able to deliver that water to the growing |
parts of the valley. This bill, H.R. 449, will provide us with |
important tools that will help us to be able to deal with some |
of these issues, some of the issues which have been created by |
the release of 17,000 acres to developers in remote areas of |
the valley that are outside the reaches of our existing |
infrastructure. |
The Southern Nevada Water System, which is the system that |
treats and delivers water to the Las Vegas Valley from the |
Colorado River, was constructed in the '60's and '70's. It is |
presently operating at absolute peak capacity during the summer |
and does not have additional capacity to serve our future |
needs. A very aggressive capital improvement program is |
presently underway, the first phase of which needs to be on |
line this summer to prevent shortages. And the total cost of |
this phased capital improvement program is over $1.7 billion. |
That is a fairly significant commitment for a community of just |
over a million people. |
One of the reasons that this cost is so high is because BLM |
land exchanges have opened land that leapfrogged existing |
development and created the need for infrastructure way outside |
the reaches of our system. This has caused us to have to build |
significantly more facilities than otherwise would have to have |
been built. |
To try to illustrate this, we had the Las Vegas Valley |
Water District do an analysis of four rapidly growing areas in |
land exchange areas on the outer reaches of the city and do a |
comparison assuming the same rate of growth as to what our |
infrastructure costs would have been had that growth occurred |
within the growing area of the community instead of |
leapfrogging out to the outer reaches. That analysis showed |
that the added costs of providing water service to these land |
exchanges, which was about 9700 acres, was $136 million. That |
is an average added cost of about $14,000 per acre for these |
exchanged lands. |
This clearly illustrates that the Southern Nevada water |
purveyors are victims of third party impacts associated with |
the BLM land exchange policies within the Las Vegas Valley. We |
have looked at whether to follow the examples of the Central |
Utah Project, the Central Arizona Project, or the California |
Central Valley Project and come to Congress and ask for 65 |
percent Federal cost sharing, but we realize that there just |
isn't money available in Washington to do that today. We are |
therefore resolved to build the facilities without Federal |
assistance. |
We do believe, however, that we are justified in asking for |
some Federal assistance, because the Federal Government is the |
single largest landowner who will benefit from the increased |
land values resulting from the provision of water to these |
desert areas. We are seeking a partnership with BLM in future |
sales and exchanges. |
It has already been mentioned H.R. 449 borrows from both |
the Burton-Santini Act and the Apex Act by allowing local |
government to participate in the process of identifying lands |
to be disposed of and also in sharing in the increased land |
values brought by providing that infrastructure through the 85/ |
15 split of the proceeds from the sales of Federal lands. It |
would only partially reimburse us for the water infrastructure |
that is providing the value to these Federal lands when they |
are sold. |
H.R. 449 will reestablish a cooperative working partnership |
between the Federal Government and local government as we seek |
to provide water service to the growth which will occur in the |
next decade through the continued disposal of Federal land |
holdings within the Las Vegas Valley. We urge you to expedite |
the bill's enactment so the terms of this cooperative |
partnership can be immediately applied to the next block of |
Federal lands that are made--that are released for development. |
Thank you very much. |
[Statement of Richard Wimmer may be found at end of |
hearing.] |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you. Mr. Hobbs. |
Mr. Hobbs. Thank you, Mr. Chairman, members of the |
committee, for allowing me to come before you and talk about |
this bill. My name is Steve Hobbs. I have been the State |
Director for the Nature Conservancy in Nevada for three years |
now. As I am sure you know, the Nature Conservancy is an |
international, nonprofit organization whose mission is the |
conservation of plants, animals and natural communities that |
represent the diversity of life on Earth. To date, the Nature |
Conservancy and its more than 900,000 members have conserved |
more than ten million acres for future generations. |
While in Nevada, I have been involved in several |
transactions involving land exchanges in the Las Vegas Valley. |
I see both the opportunity and challenge of the current system. |
As you know, the Las Vegas economy is booming as never before. |
Nearly 5000 new residents per month come to Las Vegas to share |
in this prosperity. And the challenge to local and Federal |
Government is daunting. Our natural resources and the |
attractive environment that draws both new residents and |
tourists is in jeopardy. |
The Las Vegas Valley sits as an island in a sea of Federal |
land. To meet the demand for residential housing spurred by |
this phenomenal growth, developers must look to expand onto |
Federal lands that do not enhance the public land portfolio. |
The current Federal land exchange process has helped to |
facilitate this growth, but in a way that is largely |
unsatisfactory to all parties involved. |
A recent report from the President's Council of Economic |
Advisors recognized that matching the desires and financial |
expectations of both parties in a Federal land exchange is very |
difficult. The report states ``a land purchase fund that |
decouples buying and selling land assets is superior to direct |
swaps.'' The Nature Conservancy agrees. Besides solving the |
problem of finding lands that match in value, we believe that a |
system that sells government land at auction, keeps the |
receipts off-budget and then uses them to improve the public |
land portfolio has several advantages. |
Number one, by auctioning the land we use the power of the |
free market to decide the value of the public lands. Too often |
the science of objective land appraisals becomes the art of |
speculation, especially in as volatile a market as exists in |
Las Vegas. This leads to endless debate over the validity of |
various appraisals for the same parcel of land, often without |
clear resolution. |
Second, such a system would give much more flexibility to |
government agencies to acquire land and reduce the overall |
costs of acquisition. The current land exchange system is |
needlessly complicated and often takes more than a year, |
sometimes two, for a single transaction. This time lag leads to |
lost opportunities and increases the overall cost to taxpayers |
to acquire these lands. |
Third, a system of competitive bidding maximizes financial |
return to the government. It is quite likely that in an |
expanding real estate market such as Las Vegas the winning bid |
for land will exceed the assume fair market value that the |
Federal Government might derive through an appraisal. |
And last, an auction system would make the Federal land |
acquisition and disposal process more transparent to the |
American people. |
The Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1997, |
H.R. 449, establishes a new land disposal system for Nevada |
that incorporates these ideas. Besides solving the problems of |
acquiring environmentally sensitive land through the exchange |
process, H.R. 449 provides funding for the nation's natural |
treasures in Southern Nevada that have become overrun by the |
burgeoning resident population and increased tourism. |
H.R. 449 is sensitive to the needs of rural Nevada, as |
well. H.R. 449 provides for compensation to local governments |
through the payment in lieu of taxes program. This program |
ensures that local property tax revenues remain stable when |
government purchases convert private lands into public |
ownership. |
H.R. 449 also requires that Federal agencies consult with |
local government before they acquire private lands to ensure |
that the proposed acquisition is compatible with the long-term |
goals of the local community. The Nature Conservancy feels very |
strongly that sustainable conservation is only possible when |
the social and economic needs of the local community are |
considered. And we wholeheartedly support this provision of |
H.R. 449. |
The natural treasures of Nevada are the nation's treasures. |
Our scientists in 25 years of extensive ecological surveys have |
determined that Nevada is the sixth most ecologically important |
State in the nation. |
H.R. 449 solves the myriad problems that exist with the |
current land exchange process while providing the funding |
necessary to ensure a lasting legacy of environmentally |
sensitive land. The Nature Conservancy fully supports H.R. 449. |
[Statement of Steve Hobbs may be found at end of hearing.] |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you, Mr. Hobbs. Let me ask a few |
questions of the panel. And we do have a vote on, so we are |
going to try to wrap the hearing up within the next, oh, |
probably seven or eight minutes, so we will try to be as brief |
as we possibly can. I want to ask--first of all, Dick, I would |
like to just address one quick question to you. You mentioned |
the $14,000 an acre. Could you also talk about some of the |
impacts on land as far as paying for water, for rights-of-way |
and things like that, the impact that that can have on |
basically local rate payers? |
Mr. Wimmer. Absolutely. At the present time we are in the |
position where we have to either buy private lands or we have |
to go through lengthy processes and pay for sites for |
reservoirs and other right-of-ways necessary for water |
facilities. That adds significantly to the cost to the public |
for those water facilities. And this would help in that |
tremendously. |
Mr. Ensign. OK, thank you. Mr. Hobbs, under the current |
process versus what you foresee under H.R. 449, do you foresee |
that groups like the Nature Conservancy would have more or less |
input into what lands are then purchased? |
Mr. Hobbs. Well, I think the benefit of H.R. 449 is that it |
provides more input from the entire environmental community, |
local governments, Federal Governments. I think it just makes |
the whole process more of a cooperative process than exists |
today. |
Mr. Ensign. OK, and, Lance, welcome, by the way. |
Mr. Malone. Thank you. |
Mr. Ensign. The comments--we had a discussion earlier about |
joint selection, and you mentioned that in your testimony. As a |
newly elected local commissioner, you have seen--one of the |
reasons you probably ran for office was--in our conversations |
was seeing some of the frustration out there at the local |
level. I guess I would just like you to discuss a little bit |
about that, how important and just kind of elaborate a little |
more of what the joint selection process--what that would mean |
to local government. |
Mr. Malone. Mr. Chairman, it is going to be imperative that |
Clark County Commissioners and the other municipalities that |
are surrounding the area have a say in what goes on when it |
comes to land exchanges. It has, of course, great importance to |
us when they are allowed to make the exchanges without--other |
than just consultation, without going with our use, our |
planning, our zoning decisions that are being made. We have |
what is called--and Mr. Hobbs eloquently stated it, |
leapfrogging effects, which is very costly, which the taxpayers |
have to pay. And that, of course, then increases the homes. And |
so it makes it a little bit more difficult for home buyers to |
come in and purchase a home because they will be financially |
impacted. So I can assure that the joint selection is really |
the heart of this legislation. |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you. Ms. Christian-Green. |
Ms. Christian-Green. Just wanted to thank you for your |
testimony. And as a freshman here in Congress and on this |
committee, I thought we would be looking at having continuing |
conflicts between developmental concerns and environmental |
concerns. And it is very encouraging to come here this morning |
and to see your representatives in Congress on both sides of |
the fence, developmental interests and conservation interests |
coming together and working out an agreement on an issue of |
importance to the State. |
Mr. Ensign. Thank you, Ms. Christian-Green. We in Nevada |
like to think that we are a little bold in our thinking that |
the--maybe we are a little also arrogant in that we think that |
the rest of the country can learn a lot from our State. But let |
me just conclude. Maybe each of you could make a brief |
statement on this from your perspective of identifying just the |
number one reason you think H.R. 449 should be--as brief, 30 |
seconds or less--why you think H.R. 449 should be moved forward |
as quickly as possible. We will start with you, Mr. Hobbs. |
Mr. Hobbs. Thank you. I think that this really is the |
legacy for the State of Nevada. And I see this as a model for |
what can happen in other States. I think we have a unique |
situation in the State of Nevada. I think we can capitalize on |
that. This is a unique opportunity for us and we need to act |
now in order to really realize a dream for conservation and for |
the entire State. |
Mr. Malone. I think mostly the western parts of the United |
States is owned by the BLM, which is of course great concern to |
local government entities, being able to have a say. We have |
several environmentally sensitive areas such as Nellis Air |
Force Base, that is contiguous with private ownership, and |
their live munitions area. And we are trying to, of course, |
work out with our State senators and with our delegation in |
land exchanges to those extent. But when it comes to land |
sensitivity, we have a lot of wonderful areas in the Las Vegas, |
Nevada, in general that needs to be conserved. And I think the |
only way we can do that is by pushing for H.R. 449. |
Mr. Wimmer. It defines the outer boundaries of the disposed |
area of land so that we know what the size of the municipal |
area will be in terms of private landownership. This lets us |
plan for infrastructure and for other things. It also |
contributes a little bit back in terms of the costs that we are |
incurring that is actually creating the value in the Federal |
lands when they do sell. |
Mr. Ensign. Well, I would like to thank the panel and |
everyone, our senators and Mr. Millenbach, for your testimony |
today, and especially for those from Nevada that you traveled |
out here. I appreciate your work. Just a final note. Lance, we |
will be meeting up in my office--my staff will be taking you up |
there--after I vote. This Subcommittee is adjourned. |
[Whereupon, at 11:28 p.m., the Subcommittee was adjourned; |
and the following was submitted for the record:] |
Statement of Mat Millenbach, Deputy Director, Bureau of Land Management |
Thank you for the opportunity to testify on H.R. 449, the |
Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1997, regarding |
land disposal in the Las Vegas Valley. The Bureau of Land |
Management (BLM) supports the concept behind this bill. We |
believe that through continuing discussions with the bill's |
authors in the House and the Senate, a final bill can be |
produced that would receive the Administration's endorsement. |
Let me provide some background and context for this |
legislation. In many parts of the West, the legacy of |
settlement has left us with a scattered ownership pattern. The |
Las Vegas area is a good example. As communities such as Las |
Vegas expand, the BLM works with local jurisdictions to make |
public lands available through sale or exchange and also |
provide lands for public purposes through Recreation and Public |
Purpose (R&PP) Act patents and leases. In the Las Vegas Valley, |
BLM is working with all jurisdictions and private interests to |
facilitate the disposal of public lands, mostly through |
exchange. Our program of land exchanges in the Las Vegas Valley |
is designed to dispose of land with high commercial value, |
which allows us to acquire resources significant to all |
Americans, including: |
<bullet>prime recreation areas; |
<bullet>riparian and wetland habitat; |
<bullet>critical habitat for threatened, sensitive and |
endangered species, and |
<bullet>significant historical, archaeological, and |
cultural sites. |
H.R. 449 and its companion Senate bill, S. 94, specifically |
affect several thousand acres of public land in the Las Vegas |
Valley, which are managed by the BLM. In recent years, the Las |
Vegas Valley has become the fastest growing metropolitan region |
in the country, but development has been influenced by the |
presence of public lands in the area. The rapid expansion has |
also had an impact on the Las Vegas District of BLM, which has |
experienced an increase in applications for permits to use |
public lands. These requests have included rights-of-way for |
power lines and roads, R&PP leases for fire stations and |
schools, land exchange proposals, and other realty actions. |
This bill seeks to resolve the future of these public lands by |
requiring BLM to sell, exchange or transfer public land in the |
Las Vegas Valley. |
Mr. Chairman, the BLM strongly believes that the land |
ownership pattern in the Las Vegas area needs to be addressed. |
In fact, our draft Resource Management Plan (RMP) for the area |
targets the vast majority of BLM-managed lands within the Las |
Vegas metropolitan area for disposal in order to meet the |
growth needs of the community. The lands specified in H.R. 449 |
are nearly identical to those identified for disposal in the |
RMP. |
As part of it's planning process, BLM's Las Vegas District |
works toward partnerships with local governments in southern |
Nevada. The BLM is a charter member of the Southern Nevada |
Public Lands Task Force, and BLM personnel meet regularly with |
the Clark County Planning Director at quarterly meetings. In |
January 1996, BLM initiated the Southern Nevada Land Exchange |
Strategy Project to improve the effectiveness of the land |
exchange program and other realty actions in the Las Vegas |
District. Coordination and communication with local governments |
continue to be key to success of the project. In the area of |
land exchanges, our goal is to prioritize land exchange |
opportunities and move forward with timely completion of high |
priority land exchanges that meet the public interest and |
respond to local needs. |
One of the best examples of sound legislation that |
addressed public land disposal is the Santini-Burton Act of |
1980. The law gave the Department of the Interior the authority |
to sell land in the Las Vegas Valley and to use 85% of the |
revenue to purchase National Forest System Lands in the Lake |
Tahoe Basin. The Federal government shares a reasonable portion |
of the receipts (15%) with Clark County, the City of Las Vegas |
and the State of Nevada. In return, lands in the magnificent |
Lake Tahoe Basin have been protected and made available for the |
enjoyment of the public. |
The intent of H.R. 449 is to capture the best qualities of |
the BLM's land exchange goals, the Burton-Santini Act and the |
partnerships that have been developed with local government. |
This bill provides for the disposal, by sale or exchange, of |
certain Federally-owned, BLM-managed lands within a limited |
area of the Las Vegas valley. Fifteen percent of the proceeds |
from these land disposals would be distributed to local |
entities. The balance of the funds would be used, for the |
benefit of natural resource management within Nevada for |
Federal land acquisition, capital improvements, development of |
a multi-species habitat conservation plan in Clark County and |
the development of recreation and natural areas within Clark |
County. The bill also provides for the transfer of lands to |
Clark County, at no cost, within the airport management area |
for McCarran International Airport. Should those lands be sold |
or leased, the United States would be paid 85% of the fair |
market value received. The bill also includes a provision |
allowing local governmental entities to select public lands |
needed under the R&PP Act prior to their conveyance. Local and |
regional governmental entities may also apply for rights of way |
for flood control and water treatment purposes which can be |
granted in perpetuity and at no cost. Additionally, the |
Secretary is authorized to transfer the R&PP reversionary |
clause from one parcel of land to another upon request by the |
owner of those lands. |
Under existing BEA rules, this bill would have significant |
PAYGO costs. However, the Administration is planning to propose |
changes to the current rule that prohibits scoring asset sale |
proceeds as PAYGO savings. Such a change would mean that the |
lands sale proceeds could be counted as offsetting the land |
acquisition and other costs in this bill. We will continue to |
work with OMB and the sponsors of the bill to resolve these |
issues. |
Nearly a year ago, the BLM acting Director, Mike Dombeck |
testified in opposition to an earlier version of this bill. At |
that time, Mr. Dombeck stated, ``while we support the goal of |
disposing of certain public lands within Las Vegas to |
accommodate the city's growth, the Department strongly opposes |
this bill.'' He pointed out that the earlier bill would divert |
huge amounts of Federal resources and funds to local interests, |
offering a windfall to a few at the expense of many. Since that |
hearing a year ago the Nevada delegation staffs have worked to |
resolve many of the problems we identified with the bill, as |
originally introduced in the 104th Congress. |
Since H.R. 449 was introduced in the House (and its |
companion bill S. 94), a number of technical issues have been |
discussed and resolved between BLM and Congressional staffs. |
Those details are unnecessary to pursue here. However, there |
remain a few issues that are as yet unresolved that need to be |
remedied before the administration can endorse the bill. |
First, section 4(a) waives FLPMA sections 202 and 203 for |
land disposals and section (b)(3) waives environmental laws for |
construction of a youth activity facility. The Administration |
opposes waivers of environmental laws in legislation. Such |
waivers undercut the applicability of the laws, undermine |
enforcement, possibly lead to serious environmental problems |
and set a dangerous precedent. We urge that these waivers be |
removed from the bill. |
Second, section 4(f) of the bill establishes a special |
account for 85% of the proceeds of land sales. Creating a |
special account that makes funds available without further |
appropriation is a significant departure from Administration |
policy. However, the Administration could support the |
establishment of such a fund if its uses were limited to land |
acquisition within Nevada and reimbursement of costs incurred |
by the local BLM offices in arranging sales or exchanges. |
Third, Section 4(d) of the bill is entitled, ``Joint |
Selection Required''. This section appears to require the |
Secretary to obtain local government concurrence before any |
land disposal action. The Secretary, just like a corporation or |
a private homeowner, should have the discretion to dispose of |
lands without having to wait for the local government to |
approve that transaction. After all, local government has the |
ultimate control of land development through planning and |
zoning. We believe strongly in consultation with local |
governments, but do not believe they should have veto power. We |
request that the term joint selection be changed to |
``consultation''. |
Fourth, Section 4(g) of the bill transfers 4,600 acres that |
are located within the Las Vegas Airport noise area to Clark |
County, at no cost. Specifically, the bill requires the |
Secretary of the Interior to transfer lands that are identified |
in a current Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the BLM to |
Clark County, at their request and at no cost. If the lands are |
later sold or leased, then the Airport Authority is required to |
pay the Federal government 85% of the value received. Although |
this approach is superior to the straight donation as designed |
in earlier versions of the bill, it still requires modification |
to assure that we are not conveying more lands than necessary |
for the airport's needs. I am sure the airport authority would |
like to keep this process as simple as possible without |
creating unnecessary long-term actions. Some additional |
modifications would also be necessary to insure that any |
conveyance (for example land exchanges) or use authorization |
upon the lands results in a sharing of receipts as intended in |
this section. We would be glad to work with the subcommittee |
staff and the airport authority on this issue. |
Finally, the bill contains a provision which allows |
affordable housing to be an acceptable use of the R&PP |
authority anywhere within Nevada. The R&PP Act authorizes the |
sale or lease of public lands for recreational or public |
purposes to State and local governments and to qualified |
nonprofit organizations. Examples of typical uses under the act |
are historic monument sites, campgrounds, schools, fire houses, |
hospitals, parks and fairgrounds. These lands are conveyed at |
costs below market value, with the exact price dependent upon |
the type of use or the restrictions placed on the lands. Most |
sales under the R&PP Act are made at $10 per acre or 50% of |
market value. The United States sells lands under this |
authority with a reversionary clause that requires the lands to |
remain in the ownership of the patentee and to be used for the |
purpose requested. Sales of these lands or changes of use |
result in a reversion of title to the United States known as a |
divestiture. Because of these requirements in the R&PP Act, |
this affordable housing provision causes potential problems |
should the property be conveyed or the use of the property |
change. The BLM could find itself in the position of having to |
divest title to hundreds of one-quarter acre tracts or a |
converted apartment house complex. We would suggest that this |
provision be removed. Taking back these types of properties is |
time consuming and offers no benefit to natural resource |
management in Nevada. |
Finally, we need to continue discussions regarding the need |
and location of any Red Rock NCA boundary modifications as |
called for in the legislation. The bill as written does not |
specifically delineate which areas are included--we would like |
to work with staff to insure that this boundary modification is |
in the best public interest. |
Mr. Chairman, we all recognize that a population explosion |
is occurring in many western communities. Las Vegas is seeing |
an increased migration of people from southern California and |
large metropolitan areas in the east. Public lands can be part |
of the solution, and an effective land disposal program can |
assist in orderly growth. The Bureau of Land Management agrees |
that we need to move to dispose of much of the urban lands in |
the Las Vegas area when appropriate. Of the 130,000 acres |
within the area affected by this legislation, about 20,000 of |
those acres are public lands. These public lands should be |
disposed of in harmony with the needs of the local or tribal |
jurisdictions. We also believe that all land disposals must |
benefit both the American people and the local community as |
well. |
This legislation provides a framework to allow for a fair |
approach to dealing with the situation in the Las Vegas area. |
The bill deals with disposal of public land using a nearly |
identical boundary as developed within the BLM Draft Resource |
Management Plan. With changes to address the concerns outlined |
above as well as some possible changes of a more technical |
nature, the Administration could support the legislation. We |
would be happy to work with the Nevada delegation to provide |
such a solution. |
Mr. Chairman, I appreciate this opportunity to appear |
before the Subcommittee and discuss this bill. I will be glad |
to answer any questions. |
------ 0 |
Statement of Commissioner Lance Malone |
Introduction |
Thank you for inviting me to testify in support of H.R. |
449, The Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act. I offer |
testimony today on behalf of the entire seven member Board of |
County Commissioners from Clark County. In August of 1995, the |
Board of County Commissioners adopted a resolution calling upon |
Congress to introduce and enact the Southern Nevada Public |
Lands Management Act. |
This bill is the product of extensive community discussion |
among local government, federal agencies and all affected |
stakeholders through numerous public lands task force meetings |
organized and conducted by the members of the Nevada |
Congressional delegation. On behalf of the Board of County |
Commissioners, I would like to thank the leadership of our |
entire delegation for their efforts to achieve consensus |
solution to an issue that has been controversial and |
troublesome, the disposal of federal lands in the Las Vegas |
valley. |
Infrastructure Costs and Local Government |
Right now, local governments and Nevada's legislature are |
struggling to determine how best to pay for new infrastructure |
for water, sewer, roads, schools, fire and police protection |
for the new neighborhoods which have been built on vast tracts |
of federal land opened up through BLM land exchanges which |
proceeded despite local government opposition to many of the |
exchanges. |
Right now, the BLM has pending applications for over 20 |
land exchanges that could privatize another 53,000 acres of |
land in the Las Vegas Valley. Six of these proposed exchanges |
remain a priority with the BLM, and total over 10,000 acres of |
land. The County Commission believes that federal land disposal |
policy should privatize land in accordance with local |
governments' planning policies and zoning guidelines. This |
would ensure that growth would occur in areas of the valley |
where services are in place or planned. We must avoid the |
leapfrog development which drives up the cost of local |
services. |
Santini-Burton Act |
In 1980, Congress adopted the Santini-Burton Act which |
created a federal-state partnership to the disposal of federal |
land in Clark County. Under the Santini-Burton Act, local |
government nominated the federal land to be sold at auction and |
participated in sharing fifteen percent of the revenue. To |
date, only 2,696 acres of land have been privatized under |
Santini-Burton land sales. Compare this to over 22,000 acres |
which have been privatized through land exchanges just in the |
last few years. The problem with Santini-Burton is that it |
applies to only a small area within the valley. Federal land |
outside that area is disposed of through a land exchange |
process where local governments have not always been listened |
to. The land exchange process has contributed to urban |
development occurring on the fringes of the valley, far from |
existing services costing us more to provide roads, water |
service, sewer, schools, police and fire protection. |
Zoning Limitations |
While we local officials have to make decisions about |
zoning and land use, increasingly, a local government's |
authority to deny zoning for land uses is becoming limited by |
court decisions. Some would say to us ``just use your local |
authority to deny land use applications,'' however, the reality |
is that we often can't. Clark County does have community |
development zones which reflect where public infrastructure and |
services are available. The CD 1, 2, 3, etc. designations are |
used by the Board to approve or disapprove zoning applications. |
We cannot, however, succeed at our local efforts to manage |
growth without having a say in when, where, and how federal |
land within the valley is disposed of to private developers. |
When local governments build infrastructure systems, the |
value of federal land is increased. It's our local residents, |
through taxes and fees, that contribute significantly to the |
value of the federal land. Under the land exchange process it's |
the federal government that gets the benefits from that local |
investment. |
Clark County supports the proposed legislation for several |
reasons. We see three major benefits: |
1. We get to be more involved. Like the Santini-Burton Act, |
under this bill, local government will have a say in the |
process of federal land disposal. |
2. We get some of the financial benefit for our water |
development and for our parks, recreation and open space--the |
people who have made the investment that contributes to the |
value of federal land will be partially reimbursed for |
infrastructure costs. |
3. The federal agencies that serve our local community (and |
our tourist population that comes from all over the world) |
would get some financial help for improving and maintaining the |
national treasures that are located here in Southern Nevada |
such as Lake Mead, Red Rock and Mount Charleston, and are |
impacted by the growth brought about when federal land is made |
available for private development. |
Joint Selection |
Mr. Chairman, I want to respond to several of the suggested |
changes being proposed to the bill by the Department of the |
Interior. First, let me point out that most of the provisions |
which BLM wants to fix are already law in the Santini-Burton |
Act and currently apply within the geographic boundaries of the |
Santini-Burton disposal area. H.R. 449 essentially extends |
these provisions to apply to a larger disposal area covering |
most of developable land within the Las Vegas valley. |
Specifically, the Interior Department testimony recommends |
eliminating the requirement that BLM and local governments |
``jointly select lands to be offered'' for disposal. In |
addition, the BLM wants to eliminate provisions which require |
that BLM land disposal activities be ``consistent with local |
land use planning and zoning requirements''. Both these |
provisions are part of the existing Santini-Burton law. |
Mr. Chairman, the joint selection section is the heart of |
this legislation. It creates a true federal/local government |
partnership by requiring that both governments work |
cooperatively to coordinate the needs, impacts, size, scope and |
timing of BLM land sales and exchanges. When the Administration |
raised these same concerns last year, Clark County accepted a |
compromise which deleted a sentence copied from the Santini- |
Burton Act which gives local government an explicit veto over |
any sale or exchange of BLM land. If BLM desires to gut the |
joint selection section of H.R. 449, I would respectfully |
disagree and request that you keep it as originally passed in |
Santini-Burton including the local government veto language. |
Protecting McCarran International Airport |
Mr. Chairman, the Administration's testimony recommends |
amending the section which transfers lands within the current |
The Clark County Department of Aviation (DOA)/BLM Cooperative |
Management Area which protects the clear zones at the end of |
McCarran International Airport's runways. Let me provide some |
background, the Clark County Department of Aviation, as the |
owner and operator of McCarran International Airport, has |
received more than 200 million dollars in federal grant |
assistance over the past ten years. Federal grant recipients |
are required to comply with grant assurances which specify |
airport policy on many issues. One of the most significant is |
maintaining compatible land use. The federal government does |
not want to provide financial assistance to an airport that |
does nothing to protect the public investment by enacting |
zoning and other preventive aircraft noise mitigation measures |
in high noise areas. If the airport or airport sponsor fails to |
maintain land use compatibility then the federal investment in |
the airport becomes worthless because aviation growth is often |
impeded nearby residents, who have moved close to the airport |
in places where there have been no land use controls. These new |
neighbors then vocally oppose airport expansion and advocate |
restrictions on aircraft takeoffs and landings. |
To make things even worse for airport proprietors, the |
Airport Noise and Capacity Act of 1990 took away an airport's |
right to enact any type of operational restriction on large |
aircraft. The only control an airport has left is to utilize |
land use control measures to try to maintain compatibility. |
History of McCarran Airport Land Use Compatibility Planning |
In 1988, as part of the Airport & Airway Improvement Act, |
Congress authorized a program for conducting noise |
compatibility studies. These studies are commonly referred to |
as Part 150 Studies. The Part 150 Study consists of two |
products: (1) Noise Exposure Maps depicting equal areas of |
noise exposure for specific levels of aircraft noise and (2) a |
document containing plans for how to abate and mitigate |
aircraft noise at the subject airport. These two products are |
then submitted to the FAA for approval and evaluation. The FAA |
goes through a meticulous evaluation process for every proposed |
noise abatement and noise mitigation measure. They do this |
because if they approve a measure, it must be (1) lawful; (2) |
feasible; and (3) it legitimizes the measure as a valid and |
effective noise abatement or mitigation measure and thus makes |
it eligible for federal funding. |
What is a compatible land use for an airport? According to |
the guidelines in Federal Aviation Regulation Part 150, the |
answer to this question is more easily expressed in terms of |
what is not a compatible land use. Essentially, non compatible |
uses include any residential land uses, schools, churches and |
hospitals. Most other land uses (commercial and industrial land |
uses) are compatible. |
A newly promulgated policy by the FAA has put much more |
pressure on airports to maintain compatibility. Under the |
former version of FAR Part 150, if an airport had conducted a |
Part 150 study they could be eligible to use federal funds on |
areas in the 65 ldn and greater for noise purchases, even if |
they did nothing to prevent incompatible development from going |
in. This is no longer the case. If an airport wants to receive |
funds from the federal government for land in noise impact |
areas, it needs to have adequate land use protections in place |
for existing land. |
The Inefficient Planning Past |
During the 1980's the BLM, which owns most of the land to |
the west of the airport's departure runways allowed for the |
disposal of several parcels of land within the noise impact |
area. There are repeated efforts to dispose of land in the area |
through land exchanges with developers who want to exchange |
environmentally sensitive lands in other parts of the Nevada |
and the country for land in the Las Vegas valley. This has |
resulted in a planning nightmare for local BLM officials, and |
it has also jeopardized Clark County's land use compatibility |
plans for McCarran Airport. |
Cooperative Management Area (CMA) |
In response to this problem, the Department of Aviation and |
the BLM negotiated the Cooperative Management Agreement in |
1991. Our two governmental entities were attempting to meet |
their respective mandates in a mutually beneficial, cooperative |
fashion. The Bureau of Land Management has the mandate of |
managing thousands of acres of land in southern Nevada and they |
do that with very limited resources. Clark County, as the owner |
and sponsor of McCarran International Airport, has the |
obligation of complying with a federal mandate which requires |
maintaining land use compatibility around the airport. Since a |
great deal of federal land underlies the primary departure |
flight tracks from McCarran Airport, and since most of the |
private land that is intermixed with the public land is |
undeveloped, the opportunity for some innovative compatible |
land use planning existed. |
In exchange for giving the airport the opportunity to |
review and comment on the proposed disposal of federal land in |
the Cooperative Management Agreement (CMA) area, the Department |
of Aviation agreed to provide continual property patrol and |
management services of the land in the CMA. Under this |
agreement the BLM is assisted in the management of the land and |
Clark County has the opportunity to review and approve of any |
proposed sales or transfer of federal land. This helps to |
ensure future development of the area will be compatible with |
the high levels of aircraft noise produced in the area. |
Clark County undertook a Part 150 study for MIA in June of |
1987 and an update of the study in June of 1991. As part of the |
1991 update, Clark County included the Cooperative Management |
Agreement with the BLM as a new preventive noise mitigation |
measure. The measure was subsequently approved by the FAA in |
March of 1994. Despite this agreement however there has still |
been incompatible development on the CMA through the release of |
federal lands. BLM says that it is simply unable legally to |
convey property with deed restrictions which will protect the |
airports noise impact area. |
H.R. 449 |
The bill being considered today reflects a new agreement |
reached between the airport and the local BLM with respect to |
the CMA lands. The bill transfers the land to the airport. We |
will manage the lands in conformity with the CMA Agreement and |
the FAA regulations on land use compatibility. Because most of |
the land is located within the original boundaries of the |
Santini-Burton Act, the County agrees that if any development |
is allowed to occur on these lands that is compatible with |
airport noise, 85% of the proceeds will be given to the federal |
government for the acquisition of environmentally sensitive |
land in the Tahoe Basin pursuant to the original terms of the |
Santini-Burton Act. |
The BLM now proposes to amend the area being protected and |
transferred to cover only areas where there is a 65 ldn noise |
level (because this is the level at which federal money is |
provided to buy residences) rather than the 60 ldn level |
provided for in the agreement. Once again, I am astounded that |
the BLM is recommending this change. |
The federal government will receive 85% of the proceeds |
regardless of whether the 60 or 65 ldn level is used. |
Furthermore, Clark County will still exercise its rights under |
the existing Cooperative Management Agreement to prevent the |
BLM from disposing the land between the 60 and 65 ldn level |
because BLM cannot adequately insure airport compatibility. |
Finally, the BLM is simply wrong with respect to which noise |
level deserves protection. The Board of County Commissioners |
has selected a 60 ldn level of noise protection based upon |
information which is supported by recommendations from the |
Environmental Protection Agency, the Federal Interagency |
Committee on Noise, and the National Resources Defense Council. |
Even the FAA's new policy recommends land use planning |
protections at the 60 ldn level. |
Public Housing |
Lastly, I want to respond to the BLM's criticism of the |
section of H.R. 449 which allows local governments to acquire |
land for affordable housing projects under the provisions of |
the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. Every year Congress |
appropriates millions of dollars to the Department of Housing |
and Urban Development to assist local governments with |
affordable housing projects. The Clark County Public Housing |
Authority however is limited in its ability to acquire land for |
these projects because the federal land is largely unavailable |
and the private land is extremely expensive to purchase. I want |
to commend the Nevada delegation for recognizing the need to |
solve this problem. |
Affordable housing is a growing need in today's cities. The |
problem of homelessness must be attacked by all agencies of |
federal government in cooperation with local government. |
Affordable housing is just as legitimate a public purpose as |
local parks or fire stations to merit free federal land under |
the Recreation and Public Purposes Act. |
Conclusion |
The Nevada Public Lands Management Act is a growth |
management tool that makes sense for Clark County and the State |
of Nevada. It creates a true partnership between the federal, |
state and local gonads. Management of national resources like |
the Lake Mead National Recreation Area, the Red Rock Canyon |
National Conservation Area and the Toiyabe National Forest will |
benefit from the privatization of public land in Clark County. |
Whether you think about economics, conservation, growth |
management or just plain and simple fairness, the Southern |
Nevada Public Lands Management Act makes sense. |
------ |
Statement of Richard Wimmer, Deputy General Manager, Southern Nevada |
Water Authority |
Introduction |
Chairman Hansen, Rep. Ensign and other members of the |
Committee, my name is Dick Wimmer and I am the Deputy General |
Manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA). The SNWA |
is that unit of local government which represents all water |
purveyors in southern Nevada. |
Growth and Water |
As many of you have probably heard, we have significant |
water challenges in southern Nevada. Our biggest water |
challenge is not the amount of water Nevada has but rather, it |
is how do we handle the infrastructure costs needed to deliver |
our water to the growing parts of the valley. |
This bill H.R. 449 will provide us with the tools necessary |
to cope with this significant growth which is resulting in part |
from the Interior Department land exchange policy which has |
released over 17,000 acres of land to developers in areas of |
the valley where our system has had no delivery capacity. |
Leapfrog Development Caused by Land Exchanges Creates Third |
Party Impacts |
The Southern Nevada Water System (SNWS) was constructed in |
the 1960's and 70's by the Bureau of Reclamation and was sized |
for a maximum delivery of water from Lake Mead of 380 million |
gallons per day. For the past two summers we have watched |
nervously as peak deliveries reached our system capacity. This |
summer will be the true test of our ability to manage the |
system so that everyone receives the water they need and |
expect. Recognizing this system problem, the SNWA agencies have |
embarked upon an accelerated plan to augment the treatment and |
delivery capacity of the existing system by 100 million gallons |
per day and to design and construct a new regional system to |
deliver future water supplies from Lake Mead. The total cost of |
this capital program will exceed $1.7 billion. $1.7 billion is |
a large commitment for a community of just over a million |
people. |
One reason the cost is so high is that as we sat down to |
design our new water system we found that we were forced to |
engineer a whole new system to supply water to those areas of |
the valley that were far beyond the boundaries of our existing |
system. Because the BLM land exchanges opened land that |
leapfrogged past existing development and infrastructure, they |
created demand we could not meet by simply running another |
extension of pipe or extending our existing system to provide |
water service to these areas. Rather than grow like other |
cities, from the inside out, adding incrementally to our |
existing system similar to the expanding ripples in a pond, we |
have been forced to design a new stand alone system that |
surrounds our existing infrastructure. |
To illustrate these added costs for you, the Las Vegas |
Valley Water District did an analysis of the facilities we have |
built and will build to the year 2000 which are needed to |
provide water to land exchange areas in the four major areas of |
growth in the western part of our system which could have been |
avoided if the land exchanges had not occurred. |
In our analysis we assumed the same rate of growth, however |
we located that growth in other areas of the system which had |
been previously approved for development and where capacity |
existed within the system. Our analysis showed that the added |
costs of providing water service to these land exchanges |
covering 9,700 acres was $136 million. This is an average added |
cost of $14,000 per acre for exchanged lands. The irony is that |
much of this land was originally appraised and exchanged for |
$10,000 or less per acre. Southern Nevada water purveyors are |
the victims of third party impacts associated with the BLM land |
exchange policies within the Las Vegas Valley. |
We have looked at whether we should follow the examples of |
the Central Utah Project, Central Arizona Project, and |
California's Central Valley Project and come to Congress and |
ask for 65 percent federal cost sharing to help us expand our |
water project. We have recognized however that there is no |
money to be found in Washington these days. We are therefore |
resolved to build the system without federal assistance. |
We believe however that we are justified in asking for some |
federal assistance because the federal government is the single |
largest landowner who will benefit from increased land values |
resulting from the provision of water to these desert tracts. |
What we are seeking is a partnership with BLM in future land |
sales or exchanges. |
Santini-Burton Act and the Apex Act |
In discussing our problems with our Congressional |
delegation, we proposed to expand upon two federal statutes |
governing the disposal of public lands in Clark County |
previously approved by this Committee. These statutes are the |
Santini-Burton Act and the Apex bill, already referred to by |
Commissioner Malone. This federal legislation created funding |
partnership between the federal government and Clark County in |
developing federal desert land at Apex. The Apex Project Nevada |
Land Transfer Authorization Act of 1989 (Public Law 101-67) |
recognized that BLM desert has no value if it cannot be |
developed. That statute created a real partnership with BLM |
which reimbursed the County for the value of the improvements |
which were made to the land. Under the terms of this Act, Clark |
County provided the infrastructure to develop the Industrial |
Park and negotiated the sale of land parcels to private |
industries desiring to locate at the Apex Industrial Park. Both |
BLM and the County have shared in the profits equally. |
H.R. 449 borrows from both the Santini-Burton Act and the |
Apex Act by allowing local government to participate in the |
process of identifying lands to be disposed of and also in |
sharing in the increased land values brought by providing |
infrastructure through a 85/15 split of the proceeds from the |
sales of federal lands. For the SNWA, this approach is |
critically important to defray the added costs of building a |
new water system to provide service to the expanded rings of |
BLM lands which surround the developed parts of Las Vegas. It |
will partially reimburse us for water infrastructure that is |
providing value to otherwise barren desert tracts of federal |
land. |
Conclusion |
H.R. 449 will reestablish a cooperative working partnership |
between the federal government and local government as we seek |
to provide water service to the growth which will occur in the |
next decade through the continued disposal of federal |
landholdings within the Las Vegas valley. We urge you to |
expedite the bill's enactment so that the terms of this |
cooperative partnership can be immediately applied to the next |
block of federal lands that are released for development. Thank |
You. |
------ |
Statement of Steve Hobbs, Nevada State Director, The Nature Conservancy |
The Nature Conservancy is a private, nonprofit corporation |
whose mission is the conservation of plants, animals and |
natural communities that represent the diversity of life on |
Earth. To date, the Conservancy, its nearly 900,000 members, |
and its like-minded partners have conserved more than ten |
million acres in 50 states and Canada. The Conservancy has |
helped conservation organizations in the Caribbean, Latin |
America, and the Pacific conserve millions of acres through |
innovative debt-for-nature exchanges and community-based |
solutions that enable sustainable economies. While some lands |
acquired by the Conservancy are sold to local, state, and |
federal government entities, the Conservancy owns 1,340 nature |
preserves--the largest private preserve system in the world. |
The Nature Conservancy was incorporated in 1951 and has |
sought to establish state chapters in each state. The Nature |
Conservancy of Nevada is the newest chapter in The Nature |
Conservancy having been established in 1995. However, the |
Conservancy has been very active in the past throughout Nevada |
from helping to acquire the largest oasis in the Mojave Desert |
at Ash Meadows to our effort to restore important wetlands |
while maintaining a strong agriculture-based economy in Fallon. |
We are currently working with Clark County officials, various |
federal agencies, and community leaders in crafting a Multiple |
Species Habitat Conservation Plan in an attempt to get ahead of |
the endangered species issues which confront this community. |
The Nature Conservancy is the largest conservation organization |
in Nevada with more than 4,200 members that provide financial |
support for our activities. |
Nevada is a state of contrasts. From the mosaic of high |
mountain ranges to the stark beauty of the deserts, Nevada |
contains some of the most diverse landscapes in the West. This |
diversity led The Nature Conservancy to rank Nevada as the |
sixth most ecologically important state with more than 320 |
species being either rare or unique to Nevada. |
However, the wide-open spaces of Nevada are undergoing a |
rapid transformation. The growth that Nevada has experienced |
over the last five years is unprecedented. The vibrant economy |
of Nevada has attracted workers from all around the country. |
At a rate of 5,000 new residents per month, the Las Vegas |
Valley has exploded and maintaining the clear skies and |
beautiful surroundings that attract tourists, the basis of the |
Las Vegas economy, is challenged by this growth. |
The Las Vegas Valley exists as an island in a sea of |
federal land. To meet the demand for residential housing |
spurred by this phenomenal growth, developers must look to |
federal lands. The federal land exchange process has helped to |
facilitate this growth, but in a manner that is largely |
unsatisfactory to all parties involved. |
We need to explore alternatives to the current land |
exchange process. The Economic Report of the President, |
transmitted to the Congress last month, addresses this issue. |
The report includes the annual report of the President's |
Council of Economic Advisors (CEA). The CEA report includes the |
following statement (page 227): |
``Achieving the most efficient mix of public land private |
lands may require reconfiguring the public land base, adding to |
it in some places and divesting in others . . . Reconfiguring |
could be accomplished directly through swaps of public for |
desired private lands, as is most common today, or public lands |
could be sold and the proceeds put into an account for land |
purchases elsewhere. Economists have long recognized that the |
swap option is limited by the ``double coincidence of wants'' |
problem. It is often hard to find a swap partner who both owns |
an asset the government wishes to acquire and places a similar |
value on an asset the government wishes to sell. For this |
reason, a land purchase fund that decouples buying and selling |
land assets is superior to direct swaps.'' |
A system that sells lands at auction, keeps the receipts |
off-budget, and uses them to purchase other lands has major |
transactional advantages over traditional land exchanges, |
including: |
1. No need to match properties. In a traditional land |
exchange, a private party trades a land tract to the Secretary |
for a piece of land under the Secretary's control. The two |
tracts must be of almost equal value. Finding such a pair of |
matched tracts can be difficult and time consuming, |
particularly since the private party seeking a government tract |
rarely owns another the government wants. Most often, the |
private party has to seek out and purchase such a tract before |
the process begins. Turning government lands into cash first |
avoids the need to find equally matched tracts. |
2. Competitive bidding simplifies appraisals. Obtaining |
agreement from two parties on the appraised value of two pieces |
of property is probably the most difficult, time consuming, and |
frustration-inducing element of traditional land exchanges. |
Competitive bidding for the government property largely |
eliminates the need for one of the two appraisals. By |
definition, competitive bidding obtains a true market value for |
a property, and can greatly reduce the uncertainty, risks, |
controversy and delay that accompany having to set the value of |
a property through appraisal and negotiation. |
3. Competitive bidding maximizes return to the government. |
Selling the government lands at auction provides competition |
between buyers that will maximize the value received by the |
government for its land. True competition is often totally |
absent from traditional exchanges. |
4. The system accommodates sellers and reduces costs. |
Having cash on hand for acquisitions allows the Secretary to |
act quickly to take advantage of selling decisions by |
individual landowners. While negotiating an exchange is a |
complicated process that often takes more than a year, |
landowners' decisions to sell are often tied to an immediate |
need for cash. Being able to meet that need in a timely fashion |
greatly enhances the Secretary's ability to acquire lands in |
these circumstances--and can reduce interest and transaction |
costs the Secretary now reimburses to third parties for |
purchasing and holding lands the Secretary wants to acquire |
before funding is appropriated by the Congress. |
Land exchanges have long been scored as not affecting the |
federal budget in any way (except for transaction costs). But |
when government land is sold, the receipts become general |
receipts to the Treasury, and cannot be spent without further |
appropriation by the Congress--which puts them back into the |
budget process and its increasingly tightening limits. |
Having an off-budget fund fueled by land sales, and using |
that fund to buy land, is no different in its net fiscal impact |
than a land exchange. The final effect is no expenditure of |
appropriated funds, and no net change in the value of |
government assets--just a change in where those assets are |
located. |
The Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act of 1997 |
(H.R. 449) addresses these issues in a way that does not impact |
the Federal Budget. This concept has been proven to work with |
the Santini-Burton Act through which more than 11,000 acres of |
important natural areas surrounding Lake Tahoe have been |
conserved. |
H.R. 449 also provides the federal agencies in Nevada the |
financial resources they need to accommodate the increased use |
of our public lands and safeguard those precious examples of |
our vanishing natural heritage. The explosive growth in |
Southern Nevada places a burden upon the management of our |
public lands. Not only has the hunger for land to develop |
caused pressure upon the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) to |
dispose of many of their lands through the cumbersome land |
exchange process, but this sudden increase in population has |
created difficulties for our federal agencies in maintaining |
the high quality recreational opportunities that can be found |
at nearby Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Spring Mountains |
National Recreation Area, and Red Rock Canyon National |
Conservation Area. The pressure on our irreplaceable natural |
resources in Southern Nevada, and elsewhere in the state, is |
beginning to show and unless steps are taken soon to provide |
the resources necessary to alleviate the problem. |
H.R. 449 would also make the exchange process more |
transparent to the American public than it is now. There is the |
general public perception, be it real or imagined, that the |
land exchange process is driven by powerful development |
interests rather than the federal and local government agencies |
charged with acting on the public's behalf. It is also the case |
that the federal agencies do not have the level of control over |
when and how offered lands are acquired making it difficult to |
make informed management decisions. H.R. 449 gives us an |
opportunity to amend this situation by giving the federal |
agencies the opportunity to be more deliberate and thoughtful |
in their land acquisition process to ensure that the public is |
truly benefiting from the transaction. |
H.R. 449 also provides for compensation to local |
governments through the Payment in Lieu of Taxes (PILT) Program |
administered by the Department of the Interior and the U.S. |
Forest Service. This program ensures that rural community's |
property tax revenues remain stable. H.R. 449 also requires |
that local governments be consulted before lands within their |
jurisdiction are purchased. In the state of Nevada, where more |
than 90% of the land base is owned by government, it is vitally |
important that our conservation acquisitions complement the |
goals of the local community while accomplishing the goals of |
conserving Nevada's unique natural heritage. |
To that end, The Nature Conservancy feels that it is very |
important that the Public Lands Task Force in Nevada move |
forward with the establishment of objective criteria for |
evaluating potential projects to be funded by monies generated |
through the passage of H.R. 449. These funds represent Nevada's |
conservation legacy for future generations. It is our |
responsibility to establish clear guidelines as to how this |
money will be spent to ensure that this unique opportunity to |
protect our environment in Nevada and ensure a lasting high |
quality of life for Nevadans not be wasted. The Nature |
Conservancy is eager to lend assistance in this effort relying |
upon more than 40 years of experience in aiding government |
agencies establish conservation strategies. |
The natural treasures of Nevada are the nation's treasures. |
We, as a nation, have a responsibility to future generations to |
pass on nature's legacy. The Southern Nevada Public Land |
Management Act of 1997 (H.R. 449) seeks to solve the myriad |
problems of traditional land exchanges thereby ensuring |
economic prosperity for the region while, at the same time, |
providing the financial resources necessary to ensure that this |
same economic prosperity does not result in the diminution of |
Nevada's natural environment. Prosperity is not truly |
prosperity unless it ensures a lasting quality of life for all. |
We have a unique opportunity in Nevada to provide for both |
economic growth and conservation of our natural resources. H.R. |
449 is the legislation that will enable us to seize this |
opportunity. The Nature Conservancy urges the passage of H.R. |
449. |
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