de origin CASE_ibus quidem ut secreti CASE_oribus et ignot CASE_is penes plur CASE_es nostr CASE_orum alti CASE_us nec aliunde investig CASE_andum fuit qu CASE_am de instrument CASE_is litter CASE_arum
First as to the origins, not universally known, indeed unknown among most of our people, we must go further afield in our inquiry, and our authority must be no other than the books of heathen literature.
edic CASE_am in aequitat CASE_e disciplin CASE_am et scrut CASE_abor enarr CASE_are sapienti CASE_am et in verb CASE_is me CASE_is adtend CASE_e in cord CASE_e tu CASE_o et dic CASE_o in aequitat CASE_e spirit CASE_us virtut CASE_es qu CASE_as posu CASE_it deus in oper CASE_a su CASE_a ab initi CASE_o et in veritat CASE_e enunti CASE_o scienti CASE_am e CASE_ius
And I will shew forth good doctrine in equity, and will seek to declare wisdom: and attend to my words in thy heart, whilst with equity of spirit I tell thee the virtues that God hath put upon his works from the beginning, and I shew forth in truth his knowledge.
atqui non es CASE_t qu CASE_od de h CASE_oc poss CASE_is ambig CASE_ere cum herb CASE_as atque arbor CASE_es intu CASE_earis prim CASE_um s CASE_ibi conveni CASE_entibus innasc CASE_i loc CASE_is ubi quant CASE_um e CASE_arum nat CASE_ura que CASE_at cit CASE_o exaresc CASE_ere atque interi CASE_re non poss CASE_int
But there is nothing that you could be in doubt about in their case either, since you perceive first that plants and trees grow in places suitable to them, where, so far as their nature permits, they are able to avoid withering swiftly and perishing.
aperi CASE_et domin CASE_us thesaur CASE_um su CASE_um opti CASE_mum cael CASE_um ut tribu CASE_at pluvi CASE_am terr CASE_ae tu CASE_ae in tempor CASE_e su CASE_o benedic CASE_et cunct CASE_is oper CASE_ibus man CASE_uum tu CASE_arum et fener CASE_abis gent CASE_ibus mult CASE_is et ips CASE_e a null CASE_o fenus accipi CASE_es
The Lord will open his excellent treasure, the heaven, that it may give rain in due season: and he will bless all the works of thy hands. And thou shalt lend to many nations, and shalt not borrow of any one.
ibi camp CASE_i semper herbesc CASE_unt inters CASE_itis pomifer CASE_is loc CASE_is
In that land the fields are always green, and here and there are places set thick with fruit trees.
o spectacul CASE_um ill CASE_ud non mod CASE_o homin CASE_ibus sed und CASE_is ips CASE_is et litor CASE_ibus luctuos CASE_um
Oh, what a mournful sight not only for men, but even for the very waves and beaches!
nam qu CASE_i vol CASE_unt divit CASE_es f CASE_ieri incid CASE_unt in temptation CASE_em et laque CASE_um et desideri CASE_a mult CASE_a inutil CASE_ia et nociv CASE_a qu CASE_ae merg CASE_unt homin CASE_es in interit CASE_um et perdition CASE_em
For they that will become rich fall into temptation and into the snare of the devil and into many unprofitable and hurtful desires, which drown men into destruction and perdition.
rex ver CASE_o david mis CASE_it ad Sadoc et ad Abiathar sacerdot CASE_es dic CASE_ens loqu CASE_imini ad mai CASE_ores nat CASE_u iud CASE_a dic CASE_entes cur veni CASE_tis novissi CASE_mi ad reduc CASE_endum reg CASE_em in dom CASE_um su CASE_am sermo autem omn CASE_is israhel perven CASE_erat ad reg CASE_em in dom CASE_o e CASE_ius
And king David sent to Sadoc, and Abiathar the priests, saying: Speak to the ancients of Juda, saying: Why are you the last to bring the king back to his house? (For the talk of all Israel was come to the king in his house.)
audit CASE_u aur CASE_is audiv CASE_i t CASE_e nunc autem ocul CASE_us me CASE_us vid CASE_et t CASE_e
With the hearing of the ear, I have heard thee, but now my eye seeth thee.
i CASE_d homin CASE_i nobilissi CASE_mo Lycomedi Bithyno adiudicav CASE_it qu CASE_i regi CASE_o Cappadocum gen CASE_ere ort CASE_us iure minime dubi CASE_o vetustat CASE_e tamen propter advers CASE_am fortun CASE_am mai CASE_orum su CASE_orum mutation CASE_em que gen CASE_eris intermiss CASE_o sacerdot CASE_ium i CASE_d repet CASE_ebat
This priesthood he awarded to Lycomedes, a Bithynian of very noble descent, who sought it by right of inheritance; for he was sprung from the royal Cappadocian house, his claim in this respect being, in point of legal right, by no means in doubt, though, in long passing of time, because of the chequered fortunes of his ancestors and changes in the royal line of descent, continuity had been broken.
prim CASE_a igitur caus CASE_a sedition CASE_is in e CASE_um concit CASE_andae vilissi CASE_ma fu CASE_it et lev CASE_is
Now the first device for stirring up rebellion against him was very slight and trivial.
h CASE_ic i CASE_am ill CASE_a inter vir CASE_um et uxor CASE_em not CASE_a collusio qu CASE_i ampl CASE_am stip CASE_em mulier CASE_i detul CASE_erunt nemo e CASE_os observ CASE_at su CASE_o arbitrat CASE_u disced CASE_unt qu CASE_i inani CASE_ores ven CASE_ere sign CASE_o d CASE_ato pro adulter CASE_is deprehend CASE_untur et quasi ad disc CASE_endum ven CASE_erint non pri CASE_us abe CASE_unt qu CASE_am aliqu CASE_id scrips CASE_erint
And yes, there is that famous arrangement between husband and wife: those who bring the woman a generous fee go unobserved and leave when they choose, but if they come with too little, at a given signal they find themselves trapped like men caught in adultery, and as if they had come to learn a lesson they leave only after writing something first.
namque per ludibri CASE_um adsid CASE_ere claus CASE_is horre CASE_is et em CASE_ere ultro frument CASE_a ac lu CASE_ere preti CASE_o cog CASE_ebantur divorti CASE_a itiner CASE_um et longinquitas region CASE_um indic CASE_ebatur ut civitat CASE_es proxi CASE_mis hibern CASE_is in remot CASE_a et avi CASE_a defer CASE_rent donec qu CASE_od omn CASE_ibus in prompt CASE_u esse CASE_erat pauc CASE_is lucros CASE_um fi CASE_eret
As a matter of fact, the natives used to be compelled to go through the farce of dancing attendance at locked granaries, buying grain to be returned, and so redeeming their obligations at a price: side-roads or distant districts were named in the governors proclamations, so that the tribes with winter quarters close at hand delivered at a distance and across country, and ultimately a task easy for everyone became a means of profit to a few.
quousque inqu CASE_it anim CASE_o tu CASE_o etiam per supplic CASE_ia et quidem extern CASE_i mor CASE_is obsequ CASE_eris milit CASE_es t CASE_ui civ CASE_es t CASE_ui incognit CASE_a caus CASE_a et captiv CASE_is su CASE_is duc CASE_entibus trah CASE_untur ad poen CASE_am
How long will you gratify your mind even with punishments, and those too of a foreign kind? Your soldiers, your citizens, without a trial and led by their captives, are dragged off to death.
dol CASE_or cord CASE_is et luct CASE_us mulier zelotyp CASE_a
A jealous woman is the grief and mourning of the heart.
labor CASE_em peregrin CASE_antum qu CASE_a pot CASE_estis op CASE_e humanitat CASE_e intercessio n CASE_e tut CASE_amini ac si in aliqu CASE_o amic CASE_us ips CASE_e per imperiti CASE_am novitat CASE_em que public CASE_ae conversation CASE_is vid CASE_ebitur minus efficax v CASE_os h CASE_oc poti CASE_us aspic CASE_ite qu CASE_id absent CASE_is caus CASE_a non qu CASE_id praesent CASE_is person CASE_a mer CASE_eatur
Support the labour of these travellers with all the help, the sympathy, and the intervention you can give; and if my friend himself shall seem to you rather lacking in practical ability owing to his inexperience and unfamiliarity with the ways of the busy world, consider the merits of the absent Donidius cause rather than the demerits of his representatives personality.
t CASE_ibi dom CASE_i n CASE_e iustiti CASE_a n CASE_obis autem confusio faci CASE_ei sicut es CASE_t hodie vir CASE_o iud CASE_a et habitator CASE_ibus hierusalem et omn CASE_i israhel h CASE_is qu CASE_i prope s CASE_unt et h CASE_is qu CASE_i procul in univers CASE_is terr CASE_is ad qu CASE_as eiec CASE_isti e CASE_os propter iniquitat CASE_es e CASE_orum in qu CASE_ibus peccav CASE_erunt in t CASE_e
To thee, O Lord, justice: but to us confusion of face, as at this day to the men of Juda, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, to them that are near, and to them that are far off, in all the countries whither thou hast driven them, for their iniquities, by which they have sinned against thee.
ips CASE_e enim nov CASE_it homin CASE_um vanitat CASE_em et vid CASE_ens iniquitat CASE_em nonne consid CASE_erat
For he knoweth the vanity of men, and when he seeth iniquity, doth he not consider it?
qu CASE_em ego mag CASE_is fec CASE_isse ill CASE_am r CASE_em s CASE_um admirat CASE_us qu CASE_am fact CASE_urum putav CASE_i admirat CASE_us autem ob e CASE_am caus CASE_am qu CASE_od immemor benefici CASE_orum memor patri CASE_ae fu CASE_isset
I rather admired him for doing that deed than expected it of him'admired because he forgot favors and was mindful of his native land.
qu CASE_o etsi it CASE_a ur CASE_ebatur ut adust CASE_i corpor CASE_is e CASE_ius odor ad circumst CASE_antium n CASE_ares perven CASE_iret tamen et dolor CASE_em silenti CASE_o press CASE_it et bracchi CASE_um immobil CASE_e tenu CASE_it n CASE_e sacrifici CASE_um alexandr CASE_i aut concuss CASE_o turibul CASE_o imped CASE_iret aut ed CASE_ito gemit CASE_u religion CASE_e asperg CASE_eret
It so burned him that the smell of his scorched body reached the nostrils of the bystanders, but he suppressed his pain in silence and held his arm still lest he should either disturb Alexanders sacrifice by shaking the censer or put a religious scruple upon it by uttering a groan.
vix CASE_erunt que mir CASE_a concord CASE_ia per mutu CASE_am caritat CASE_em et in vic CASE_em s CASE_e antepon CASE_endo nisi qu CASE_od in bon CASE_a uxor CASE_e tant CASE_o mai CASE_or laus quant CASE_o in mal CASE_a plus culp CASE_ae es CASE_t
their life was singularly harmonious, thanks to mutual affection and putting each other first; though, indeed, a good wife has the greater glory in proportion as a bad wife is the more to blame.
tu ver CASE_o aemili CASE_a n CASE_e et i CASE_d gen CASE_us homin CASE_es ut CASE_i tu es incult CASE_i et agrest CASE_es tant CASE_i r CASE_e ver CASE_a es CASE_tis quant CASE_um hab CASE_etis ut arbor infecund CASE_a et infelix qu CASE_ae null CASE_um fruct CASE_um ex s CASE_ese gign CASE_it tant CASE_i es CASE_t in preti CASE_o quant CASE_i lign CASE_um e CASE_ius in trunc CASE_o
You, however, Aemilianus and people like you, ignorant bumpkins, you really are worth no more than what you possess, like a barren, sterile tree that yields no crop of its own, but is valued only for its trunk as timber.
titul CASE_us libell CASE_i es CASE_t parental CASE_ia
The book is headed Parentalia,
at frater magn CASE_os lynce CASE_us serv CASE_atur in us CASE_us qu CASE_em tul CASE_it ar CASE_e n CASE_e poss CASE_it qu CASE_i rump CASE_ere terr CASE_as et styg CASE_a transmiss CASE_o tacit CASE_am deprend CASE_ere vis CASE_u fluct CASE_ibus e medi CASE_is terr CASE_as d CASE_abit ill CASE_e magistr CASE_o et d CASE_abit astr CASE_a rat CASE_i cumque aether CASE_a iuppiter umbr CASE_a condid CASE_erit sol CASE_us transi CASE_bit nubil CASE_a e
But his brother Lynceus is being kept for high ends, he whom Arene bore, one that can pierce the earth and with penetrating gaze discover the secrets of Styx; from mid-ocean he will point the helmsman to the land, will point out the stars to the ship, and when Jupiter has veiled the clear heaven in shadow Lynceus alone will pierce the clouds.
dextr CASE_a laev CASE_a que reg CASE_em duc CASE_enti ferme nobilissi CASE_mi propinqu CASE_orum comit CASE_abantur
About two hundred of the noblest relatives of the king attended him on the right and on the left.
interim fames omn CASE_em terr CASE_am vehementer prem CASE_ebat
In the mean time the famine was heavy upon all the land.
qu CASE_i recip CASE_it v CASE_os m CASE_e recip CASE_it et qu CASE_i m CASE_e recip CASE_it recip CASE_it e CASE_um qu CASE_i m CASE_e mis CASE_it
He that receiveth you, receiveth me: and he that receiveth me, receiveth him that sent me.
et ocul CASE_i vestr CASE_i vid CASE_ebunt et v CASE_os dic CASE_etis magnific CASE_etur domin CASE_us sup CASE_er termin CASE_um israhel
And your eyes shall see: and you shall say: The Lord be magnified upon the border of Israel.
loqu CASE_ere terr CASE_ae et respond CASE_ebit t CASE_ibi et narr CASE_abunt pisc CASE_es mar CASE_is
Speak to the earth, and it shall answer thee: and the fishes of the sea shall tell.
benedict CASE_us es dom CASE_i n CASE_e deus patr CASE_um nostr CASE_orum et laudabil CASE_is et glorios CASE_us et superexaltat CASE_us in saecul CASE_a et benedict CASE_um nomen glori CASE_ae tut CASE_ae sanct CASE_um et laudabil CASE_e et superexaltat CASE_um in omn CASE_ibus saecul CASE_is
Blessed art thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers; and worthy to be praised, and glorified, and exalted above all for ever: and blessed is the holy name of thy glory: and worthy to be praised and exalted above all, in all ages.
pull CASE_um asinin CASE_um a part CASE_u recent CASE_em subici CASE_unt equ CASE_ae cui CASE_us lact CASE_e ampli CASE_ores fi CASE_unt qu CASE_od i CASE_d lact CASE_e qu CASE_am asinin CASE_um ad alimoni CASE_a dic CASE_unt ess CASE_e melius
When an ass colt is newly born it is placed under a mare and becomes fatter on her milk, as they claim that such nourishment is more nutritious than the asss milk.
non em CASE_o capit CASE_i coron CASE_am
I do not buy a garland for my head.
censu CASE_it que Vibius Marsus ut m lepid CASE_o cu CASE_i e CASE_a provinci CASE_a obven CASE_erat sup CASE_er numer CASE_um leg CASE_aretur qu CASE_i templ CASE_i cur CASE_am suscip CASE_eret
Vibius Marsus proposed that a supernumerary legate, to take responsibility for the temple, should be assigned to Manius Lepidus, to whom the province of Asia had fallen;
tu autem fil CASE_i homin CASE_is vaticin CASE_are advers CASE_um Gog et dic CASE_es h CASE_aec dic CASE_it domin CASE_us deus ecce ego sup CASE_er t CASE_e Gog princip CASE_em cap CASE_itis Mosoch et Thubal
And thou, son of man, prophesy against Gog, and say: Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I come against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Mosoch and Thubal.
et ceter CASE_a quidem pacav CASE_erat rex
And everything else the king had subdued.
in equ CASE_um imposit CASE_um alexandr CASE_o tradit CASE_uri duc CASE_unt
The conspirators placed him on a horse and took him to be delivered to Alexander.
at qu CASE_ae pingu CASE_is hum CASE_us dulc CASE_i que uligi n CASE_e laet CASE_a qu CASE_i frequens herb CASE_is et fertil CASE_is uber CASE_e camp CASE_us qual CASE_em saepe cav CASE_a mont CASE_is convall CASE_e sol CASE_emus despic CASE_ere huc sum CASE_mis liqu CASE_untur rup CASE_ibus amn CASE_es felic CASE_em que trah CASE_unt lim CASE_um qu CASE_i edit CASE_us austr CASE_o et filic CASE_em curv CASE_is invis CASE_am pasc CASE_it aratr CASE_is h CASE_ic t CASE_ibi praevalid CASE_as olim mult CASE_o que flu CASE_entis suffici CASE_et bacch CASE_o vit CASE_is h CASE_ic fertil CASE_is uv CASE_ae h CASE_ic latic CASE_is qual CASE_em pat CASE_eris lib CASE_amus et aur CASE_o inflav CASE_it cum pingu CASE_is ebur Tyrrhenus ad ar CASE_as lanc CASE_ibus et pand CASE_is fum CASE_antia redd CASE_imus ext CASE_a
But a rich soil, which rejoices in sweet moisture, a level space thick with herbage and prolific in nutriment (such as we often see in the hollow of a mountain valley, for into it from the rocky heights pour the streams, bearing with them fattening mud), land which rises to the south and feeds the fern, that plague of the crooked plough'this land will some day yield you the hardiest of vines, streaming with the rich flood of Bacchus; this is fruitful in the grape, and in the juice we offer from bowls of gold, when the sleek Etruscan has blown his ivory horn beside the altar, and on bellied platters we present the steaming meat of sacrifice.
rex Dabir un CASE_us rex Gader un CASE_us
The king of Dabir one, the king of Gader one,
et civitas non eg CASE_et sol CASE_e neque lun CASE_a ut luc CASE_eant in e CASE_a nam claritas de CASE_i inluminav CASE_it e CASE_am et lucern CASE_a e CASE_ius es CASE_t agn CASE_us
And the city hath no need of the sun, nor of the moon, to shine in it. For the glory of God hath enlightened it: and the Lamb is the lamp thereof.
fer CASE_tur enim ante ali CASE_os generos CASE_us Anicius urb CASE_is Slur caput sic s CASE_e rom CASE_a inclyt CASE_a iact CASE_at
For it is said that a noble Anicius before all others shed lustre on the citys head (so famed Rome boasts herself),
tum petit CASE_a a roman CASE_is praesidi CASE_a et cohort CASE_es al CASE_ae que nostr CASE_ae vari CASE_is proeli CASE_is exem CASE_ere tamen pericul CASE_o regin CASE_am regn CASE_um Venutio bell CASE_um n CASE_obis relict CASE_um
Then she asked the Romans for protection, and in fact some companies of our foot and horse, after meeting with indifferent success in a number of engagements, finally succeeded in rescuing the queen from danger. The throne was left to Venutius; the war to us.
hinc certi CASE_orem sp CASE_em salut CASE_is e CASE_ius in castr CASE_a rettul CASE_erunt
Then they returned to the camp with more assured hope of his recovery.
puls CASE_is igitur ponder CASE_e magn CASE_arum vir CASE_ium parth CASE_is miles sol CASE_is curs CASE_u flamme CASE_o diu lassat CASE_us sign CASE_o in recept CASE_um d CASE_ato ex mor CASE_e in tentori CASE_a reped CASE_at ad aud CASE_enda deinceps mai CASE_ora sublat CASE_us
So by the weight of great strength the Parthians were driven back, and when the signal for retreat was given in the usual manner, our soldiers, long wearied by the fiery course of the sun, returned to their tents, encouraged to dare greater deeds of valour in the future.
Saserna scrib CASE_it sat CASE_is esse ad iuger CASE_a VIII homin CASE_em un CASE_um e CASE_a deb CASE_ere e CASE_um confod CASE_ere di CASE_ebus XLV tametsi quatern CASE_is oper CASE_is singul CASE_a iuger CASE_a poss CASE_it sed relinqu CASE_ere s CASE_e oper CASE_as XIII valetudin CASE_i tempestat CASE_i inerti CASE_ae indiligenti CASE_ae
Saserna states that one man is enough for eight iugera, and that he ought to dig over that amount in forty-five days, although he can dig over a single iugerum with four days work; but he says that he allows thirteen days extra for such things as illness, bad weather, idleness, and laxness.
ser CASE_endum vici CASE_am lent CASE_em cicercul CASE_am ervilam ceter CASE_a que qu CASE_ae ali CASE_i legumin CASE_a ali CASE_i ut gallican CASE_i qu CASE_i leg CASE_a appell CASE_ant utr CASE_a dict CASE_a a leg CASE_endo qu CASE_od e CASE_a non sec CASE_antur sed vell CASE_endo leg CASE_untur
You should sow vetch, lentils, small peas, pulse, and other plants, which some call legumes, and others, like some Gallic farmers, call legarica, both words being derived from legere, because these are not reaped, but are gathered by pulling.
imperi CASE_um adept CASE_us extorr CASE_em infam CASE_em et post interfect CASE_um postu CASE_mum agripp CASE_am omn CASE_is sp CASE_ei egen CASE_am inopi CASE_a ac tab CASE_e long CASE_a perem CASE_it obscur CASE_am for CASE_e nec CASE_em longinquitat CASE_e exili CASE_i rat CASE_us
Once upon the throne, he left her, exiled, disgraced, and (since the killing of Agrippa Postumus) utterly hopeless, to perish of destitution and slow decline: the length of her banishment, he calculated, would obscure the mode of her removal.
mulier cum qu CASE_a Syncope lav CASE_abitur aqu CASE_a et inmund CASE_a esse CASE_erit usque ad vesper CASE_um
The woman, with whom he copulateth, shall be washed with water: and shall be unclean until the evening.
et posit CASE_a in canistr CASE_o offer CASE_es vitul CASE_um autem et du CASE_os ariet CASE_es
And thou shalt put them in a basket, and offer them: and the calf and the two rams.
et t CASE_e qu CASE_em cathedr CASE_am temere usurpav CASE_isse loqu CASE_untur nomen grammatic CASE_i nec meru CASE_isse put CASE_ant voc CASE_e ci CASE_ebo tamen simplex bon CASE_e amic CASE_e sodalis iucund CASE_e h CASE_oc ips CASE_o car CASE_e mag CASE_is studi CASE_o qu CASE_od qu CASE_am impar nomen tam nobil CASE_e amav CASE_isti es merit CASE_os inter commemor CASE_ande vir CASE_os
Although men say you had rashly assumed your chair, and think you did not deserve to be called a grammarian, yet my voice shall hail you, Jucundus, so simple and so kind, my friend and my companion, whom I love the better for this aim of yours: since you loved so honourable a title, although unequal to it, I must commemorate you here among men of worth.
intrav CASE_it autem satan CASE_as in iud CASE_am qu CASE_i cognomin CASE_atur Scarioth un CASE_um de duodecim
And Satan entered into Judas, who was surnamed Iscariot, one of the twelve.
nov CASE_isse enim t CASE_e consummat CASE_a iustiti CASE_a es CASE_t et sc CASE_ire iustiti CASE_am et virtut CASE_em tu CASE_am radix es CASE_t inmortalitat CASE_is
For to know thee is perfect justice: and to know thy justice, and thy power, is the root of immortality.
de qu CASE_ibus autem iudicav CASE_it refer CASE_endum confestim aliqu CASE_em mitt CASE_ite diligenti CASE_us inter v CASE_os confer CASE_entes ut decern CASE_amus sicut congru CASE_it v CASE_obis n CASE_os enim antiochi CASE_am acced CASE_imus
But touching such things as he thought should be referred to the king, after you have diligently conferred among yourselves, send some one forthwith, that we may decree as it is convenient for you: for we are going to Antioch.
esse CASE_Erat in castr CASE_is caesar CASE_is superi CASE_ore tempor CASE_e magn CASE_us terror et exspectatio n CASE_e copi CASE_arum regi CASE_arum exercit CASE_us e CASE_ius mag CASE_is suspensi CASE_ore anim CASE_o ante advent CASE_um iub CASE_ae commov CASE_ebatur postquam ver CASE_o castr CASE_a castr CASE_is contul CASE_it despect CASE_is e CASE_ius copi CASE_is omn CASE_em timor CASE_em depon CASE_it
Now hitherto there had been considerable apprehension in Caesars camp: before Jubas arrival the feeling of suspense was greater, and it was this which unsettled Caesars army as it was waiting for the royal forces; but as soon as the king pitched his camp close to theirs, they held his forces in contempt and all their fears were laid aside.
ur CASE_it atrox iuno et sub noct CASE_em cur CASE_a recurs CASE_at
Junos fury chafes her, and at nightfall her care rushes back.
o miser sive ill CASE_a t CASE_ibi not CASE_a non nihil enim bon CASE_i nostisi v CASE_e s CASE_unt qu CASE_i apud tal CASE_is vir CASE_os tam impudenter loqu CASE_are
Miserable wretch, whether you dont know what happened'wholesome knowledge does not come your way'or whether you do! Such shameless talk before such an audience!
omn CASE_ia vas CASE_a qu CASE_ibus ministr CASE_atur in sanctuari CASE_o involv CASE_ent hyacinthin CASE_o palli CASE_o et extend CASE_ent desuper operiment CASE_um ianthin CASE_arum pell CASE_ium induc CASE_ent que vect CASE_es
All the vessels wherewith they minister in the sanctuary, they shall wrap up in a cloth of violet, and shall spread over it a cover of violet skins, and put in the bars.
qu CASE_ae fi CASE_unt it CASE_a
These are made as follows.
deus autem qu CASE_i dives es CASE_t in misericordi CASE_a propter nimi CASE_am caritat CASE_em su CASE_am qu CASE_a dilex CASE_it n CASE_os
But God (who is rich in mercy) for his exceeding charity wherewith he loved us
et h CASE_oc or CASE_o ut carit CASE_as vestr CASE_a mag CASE_is ac mag CASE_is abund CASE_et in sci CASE_entia et omn CASE_i sens CASE_u
And this I pray: That your charity may more and more abound in knowledge and in all understanding:
sed eodem ill CASE_o tempor CASE_e graeci CASE_ae mor CASE_em imitat CASE_i verber CASE_ibus animadvortebant in civis de condemn CASE_atis sum CASE_mum supplic CASE_ium sum CASE_ebant
But in that same age, copying the usage of Greece, they punished citizens with the lash and exacted the supreme penalty from those found guilty.
itaque tector CASE_es cum vol CASE_unt sil attic CASE_um imit CASE_ari viol CASE_am arid CASE_am coici CASE_entes in vas cum aqu CASE_a confervefaci CASE_unt ad ign CASE_em deinde cum es CASE_t temperat CASE_um coici CASE_unt in linte CASE_um et ind CASE_e man CASE_ibus exprim CASE_entes recipi CASE_unt in mortari CASE_um aqu CASE_am ex viol CASE_is colorat CASE_am et e CASE_o cret CASE_am infund CASE_entes et e CASE_am ter CASE_entes effici CASE_unt sil CASE_is attic CASE_i color CASE_em
When the stucco painters wish to imitate Attic ochre, they put dried yellow violets into a vessel with water and boil them. Then, when it is ready, it is poured on a cloth and squeezed by hand. They receive in a mortar the water coloured by the violets, and pouring chalk into it and rubbing it, they obtain the colour of Attic ochre.
consimil CASE_is perseveranti CASE_ae Livius Drusus qu CASE_i et aetat CASE_is vir CASE_ibus et aci CASE_e ocul CASE_orum defect CASE_us ius civil CASE_e popul CASE_o benignissi CASE_me interpretat CASE_us est utilissi CASE_ma que disc CASE_ere i CASE_d cupi CASE_entibus monument CASE_a composu CASE_it nam ut sen CASE_em ill CASE_um nat CASE_ura caec CASE_um fortun CASE_a fac CASE_ere potu CASE_it it CASE_a neutr CASE_a interpell CASE_are valu CASE_it n CASE_e non anim CASE_o et vid CASE_eret et vig CASE_eret
Livius Drusus was similarly persevering. Failing both in the strength of youth and in his eyesight, he quite ungrudgingly interpreted civil law for the public and composed works of the greatest use to those wishful to learn it. Nature could make an old man of him, Fortune a blind man, but neither the one nor the other could interrupt his minds sight and activity.
si d CASE_abit et mult CASE_as fi CASE_am immortal CASE_is in ill CASE_is noct CASE_e un CASE_a qu CASE_i vel deus ess CASE_e pot CASE_est
If she further gives me many, I will grow immortal in them: a single such night might make any man a god.
qu CASE_ae postquam moses cunct CASE_a vid CASE_it explet CASE_a benedix CASE_it e CASE_is
And when Moses saw all things finished, he blessed them.
post du CASE_os ann CASE_os vid CASE_it pharao somni CASE_um put CASE_abat s CASE_e st CASE_are sup CASE_er fluvi CASE_um
After two years Pharao had a dream. He thought he stood by the river,
dic CASE_ens i CASE_te in castell CASE_um qu CASE_od contra es CASE_t in qu CASE_od introe CASE_untes inveni CASE_etis pull CASE_um asin CASE_ae alligat CASE_um cu CASE_i nemo umquam homin CASE_um sed CASE_it solv CASE_ite ill CASE_um et adduc CASE_ite
Saying: Go into the town which is over against you, at your entering into which you shall find the colt of an ass tied, on which no man ever hath sitten: loose him and bring him hither.
qu CASE_i v CASE_i subit CASE_ae procell CASE_ae perculs CASE_us qu CASE_am man CASE_ere fundat CASE_us et stabil CASE_is diu conat CASE_us est impend CASE_entium tamen diritat CASE_em aug CASE_ente vulgati CASE_us fam CASE_a magn CASE_orum discrimin CASE_um met CASE_um voluntari CASE_a mort CASE_e sedav CASE_it
He was struck with consternation at the violence of this sudden storm; for a long time he did his best to maintain a firm and continued stand, but since rumour gave wide currency to and exaggerated the horror of the impending dangers, he put an end to his fear of these great perils by a voluntary death.
sed deus destru CASE_et t CASE_e in sempitern CASE_um terr CASE_ebit et evell CASE_et t CASE_e de tabernacul CASE_o et eradic CASE_abit t CASE_e de terr CASE_a viv CASE_entium semper
propterea Deus destruet te in finem evellet te et emigrabit te de tabernaculo et radicem tuam de terra viventium diapsalma
et mov CASE_ebo omn CASE_es gent CASE_es et veni CASE_et desiderat CASE_us cunct CASE_is gent CASE_ibus et impl CASE_ebo dom CASE_um ist CASE_am glori CASE_a dic CASE_it domin CASE_us exercit CASE_uum
And I will move all nations: AND THE DESIRED OF ALL NATIONS SHALL COME: and I will fill this house with glory: saith the Lord of hosts.
es CASE_to consenti CASE_ens adversari CASE_o tu CASE_o cit CASE_o dum es in vi CASE_a cum e CASE_o n CASE_e fort CASE_e trad CASE_at t CASE_e adversari CASE_us iudic CASE_i et iudex trad CASE_at t CASE_e ministr CASE_o et in carcer CASE_em mitt CASE_aris
Be at agreement with thy adversary betimes, whilst thou art in the way with him: lest perhaps the adversary deliver thee to the judge, and the judge deliver thee to the officer, and thou be cast into prison.
h CASE_aec autem it CASE_a erunt rect CASE_e disposit CASE_a si prim CASE_o animadvers CASE_um fuerit qu CASE_ibus region CASE_ibus aut qu CASE_ibus inclination CASE_ibus mund CASE_i constitu CASE_antur
Now we shall proceed aright herein if first we observe in what regions or latitudes of the world, our work is placed.
ips CASE_e aud CASE_ito ven CASE_isse miss CASE_u agrippin CASE_ae nunti CASE_um Agermum scaen CASE_am ultro crimin CASE_is par CASE_at gladi CASE_um que dum mandat CASE_a perfer CASE_t abic CASE_it inter pedes e CASE_ius tum quasi deprehens CASE_o vincl CASE_a inic CASE_i iub CASE_et
He himself, on hearing that Agermus had come with a message from Agrippina, anticipated it by setting the stage for a charge of treason, threw a sword at his feet while he was doing his errand, then ordered his arrest as an assassin caught in the act;
tamen cum e CASE_o equ CASE_o per vi CASE_am conc CASE_ito pervol CASE_ant si qu CASE_em interea conspic CASE_antur ex principal CASE_ibus vir CASE_is nobil CASE_em homin CASE_em bene consult CASE_um bene cognit CASE_um qu CASE_am oppid CASE_o festin CASE_ent tamen honor CASE_is e CASE_ius grati CASE_a cohib CASE_ent curs CASE_um relev CASE_ant grad CASE_um retard CASE_ant equ CASE_um et ilico in pedes desili CASE_unt frutic CASE_em qu CASE_em verber CASE_ando equ CASE_o gest CASE_ant e CASE_am virg CASE_am in laev CASE_am man CASE_um transfer CASE_unt itaque expedit CASE_a dextr CASE_a ade CASE_unt ac salut CASE_ant et si diutule ill CASE_e quippiam percont CASE_etur ambul CASE_ant diutule et fabul CASE_antur denique quantumvis mor CASE_ae in offici CASE_o libenter insum CASE_unt
But still, even when with such a horse they are flying fast on their way, if meanwhile they catch sight of some leader of society, someone well respected and well regarded, even though very pressed for time they still check their progress to pay him their respects; they slacken their pace, rein in their horse, jump down at once, and transfer to their left hand the switch that they carry as a whip. After freeing their right hand that way they come up, offer greetings, and if he briefly asks some question, they briefly walk and chat. In short, they gladly spend any amount of delay to pay their respects.
ext CASE_ant auctor CASE_es mult CASE_i qu CASE_i sup CASE_er ist CASE_a r CASE_e commentari CASE_os edid CASE_erunt
There are many authors who have published memoirs on the matter.
iust CASE_a quidem seri CASE_es patr CASE_i succed CASE_ere ver CASE_um ess CASE_e simul domin CASE_os grati CASE_or ordo pi CASE_is
Tis indeed the natural order when the son succeeds the father; but where there is affection, it is a more pleasing course for both to reign together.
vae duplic CASE_i cord CASE_e et labi CASE_is scelest CASE_is et man CASE_ibus malefaci CASE_entibus et peccator CASE_i terr CASE_am ingredi CASE_enti du CASE_abus vi CASE_is
Woe to them that are of a double heart and to wicked lips, and to the hands that do evil, and to the sinner that goeth on the earth two ways.
at ver CASE_o aer CASE_is hibern CASE_i vis conprim CASE_it et consolid CASE_at e CASE_as per i CASE_d ut supra script CASE_um est temp CASE_us
But the power of the winter air compresses and consolidates them through that time as is written above.
test CASE_or mai CASE_orum ciner CASE_es t CASE_ibi rom CASE_a col CASE_endos sub qu CASE_orum titul CASE_is afric CASE_a tuns CASE_a iac CASE_es et pers CASE_e n CASE_e proav CASE_i stimul CASE_at dum pectus achill CASE_i qu CASE_i tumid CASE_as proav CASE_o freg CASE_it achill CASE_e dom CASE_os m CASE_e neque cens CASE_urae leg CASE_em molliv CASE_isse neque ull CASE_a lab CASE_e me CASE_a nostr CASE_os erubu CASE_isse foc CASE_os
I testify by the ashes of forebears who command Romes reverence, beneath whose triumphs Africa lies ground in the dust, and him, who, when Perses was spurred on by the spirit of his ancestor Achilles, crushed the house inflated by its ancestor Achilles, that I never caused the censors law to be relaxed and that our hearth never blushed for any sin of mine.
nam it CASE_a ex h CASE_is pauc CASE_i qu CASE_od reliqu CASE_orum pac CASE_e s CASE_it dict CASE_um sol CASE_am clericat CASE_us diuturnitat CASE_em pro merit CASE_is autum CASE_ant calcul CASE_andam ut n CASE_os in antistit CASE_e consecr CASE_ando non utilitat CASE_em vel CASE_int elig CASE_ere sed aetat CASE_em tamquam diu poti CASE_us qu CASE_am bene viv CASE_ere deb CASE_eat accip CASE_i ad sum CASE_mum sacerdot CASE_ium adipisc CASE_endum pro omn CASE_ium grati CASE_arum privilegi CASE_o decorament CASE_o ament
for a few of these'if the others will allow me to say so'maintain that only length of service and not merits should be taken into consideration, and so they would have us, in instituting a bishop, choose not usefulness but age, as if a long life rather than a good life should be accepted as replacing the prestige and lustre and charm of all the graces as a qualification for the highest priesthood.
fec CASE_it qu CASE_o mare fusil CASE_e decem cubit CASE_orum a labi CASE_o usque ad lab CASE_ium rotund CASE_um in circuit CASE_u quinque cubit CASE_orum altitudo e CASE_ius et resticul CASE_a triginta cubit CASE_orum cing CASE_ebat ill CASE_ud per circuit CASE_um
He made also a molten sea, of ten cubits, from brim to brim, round all about; the height of it was five cubits, and a line of thirty cubits compassed it round about.
dum Sertorianum bell CASE_um in hispani CASE_a ger CASE_itur quattuor et sexaginta fugitiv CASE_i e lud CASE_o gladiatori CASE_o capu CASE_a profugi CASE_entes duc CASE_e Spartaco rapt CASE_is ex e CASE_a urb CASE_e gladi CASE_is prim CASE_o Vesuvium mont CASE_em petiv CASE_ere mox cresc CASE_ente in di CASE_es multitudi n CASE_e grav CASE_ibus vari CASE_is que cas CASE_ibus adfec CASE_ere itali CASE_am
While war was being waged against Sertorius in Spain sixty-four runaway slaves, under the leadership of Spartacus, escaping from a gladiatorial school in Capua, seized swords in that city, and at first took refuge on Mount Vesuvius;
sed pri CASE_us substanti CASE_am edisser CASE_am et it CASE_a nativitat CASE_is qualitas intelleg CASE_etur
But first let me speak of his essential nature and so the manner of his birth will be understood.
Ordovicum civitas haud mult CASE_o ante advent CASE_um e CASE_ius al CASE_am in fin CASE_ibus su CASE_is ag CASE_entem prope univers CASE_am obtriv CASE_erat e CASE_o que initi CASE_o erect CASE_a provinci CASE_a
The tribes of the Ordovices, shortly before his arrival, had crushed almost to a man a regiment of cavalry encamped among them; and this first stroke had excited the province.
sull CASE_a interim cum mithridat CASE_is praefect CASE_is circ CASE_a athen CASE_as Boeotiam que et macedoni CASE_am it CASE_a dimicav CASE_it ut et athen CASE_as recip CASE_eret et pluri CASE_mo circ CASE_a multiplic CASE_is Piraei port CASE_us munition CASE_es labor CASE_e expl CASE_eto ampli CASE_us ducent CASE_a mili CASE_a hosti CASE_um interfic CASE_eret nec minus mult CASE_a cap CASE_eret
In the meantime Sulla fought with the generals of Mithridates at Athens, in Boeotia, and in Macedonia with such success that he recovered Athens, and, after surmounting many difficulties in overcoming the manifold fortifications of Piraeus, slew more than two hundred thousand of the enemy and made prisoners of as many more.
tum Lirim Pagasum que sup CASE_er qu CASE_orum alt CASE_er haben CASE_as suffoss CASE_o revolut CASE_us equ CASE_o dum collig CASE_it alt CASE_er dum subi CASE_t ac dextr CASE_am lab CASE_enti tend CASE_it inerm CASE_em praecipit CASE_es parit CASE_er que ru CASE_unt
Then she fells Liris, and Pagasus over him: while one, thrown from his stabbed horse, gathers up the reins and the other, coming up, stretches an unharmed hand to stay his fall, they fall headlong together.
mos CASE_i qu CASE_o homin CASE_is de CASE_i fili CASE_i adnumerat CASE_i sunt in trib CASE_u lev CASE_i
The sons also of Moses, the man of God, were numbered in the tribe of Levi.
aut igitur ration CASE_is ver CASE_um ess CASE_e iudic CASE_ium nec qu CASE_id ess CASE_e sensibil CASE_e aut quoniam s CASE_ibi not CASE_um sit plur CASE_a sens CASE_ibus et imagination CASE_i ess CASE_e subiect CASE_a inan CASE_em conception CASE_em ess CASE_e ration CASE_is qu CASE_ae qu CASE_od sensibil CASE_e s CASE_it ac singular CASE_e quasi qu CASE_id universal CASE_e consid CASE_eret
therefore either the judgement of reason is true, and there is nothing sensible, or, since they know that many things are objects of the senses and imagination, reasons concept is empty, since she thinks of that which is sensible and singular as if it were some kind of universal.
et surrex CASE_it Helias prophet CASE_a quasi ign CASE_is et verb CASE_um ips CASE_ius quasi fax ard CASE_ebat
And Elias the prophet stood up, as a fire, and his word burnt like a torch.
form CASE_ae homin CASE_um leg CASE_endae ut s CASE_int firm CASE_ae ac veloc CASE_es mobil CASE_es exped CASE_itis membr CASE_is qu CASE_i non sol CASE_um pec CASE_us sequ CASE_i poss CASE_int sed etiam a besti CASE_is ac praedon CASE_ibus defend CASE_ere qu CASE_i oner CASE_a extoll CASE_ere in iument CASE_a poss CASE_int qu CASE_i excurr CASE_ere qu CASE_i iacul CASE_ari
The men chosen for this work should be of a sturdy sort, swift, nimble, with supple limbs; men who can not only follow the herd but can also protect it from beasts and robbers, who can lift loads to the backs of pack animals, who can dash out, and who can hurl the javelin.
en nomen melius mai CASE_us que triumph CASE_is i CASE_am que petit CASE_a ad CASE_erat lati CASE_a port CASE_ante Cybele pupp CASE_e atque ante omn CASE_es magn CASE_o ced CASE_ente senat CASE_u obvi CASE_us acc CASE_itis proper CASE_abat scipio sacr CASE_is qu CASE_i genit CASE_us patru CASE_o ductor CASE_is ad afric CASE_a bell CASE_a tunc lect CASE_i mult CASE_a fulg CASE_ebat imagin CASE_e av CASE_orum i CASE_s que ubi longinqu CASE_o veni CASE_entia numin CASE_a pont CASE_o accep CASE_it supplex palm CASE_is tusc CASE_i que sonor CASE_a Thybridis addux CASE_it sublim CASE_is ad osti CASE_a pupp CASE_im femine CASE_ae tum deinde man CASE_us subi CASE_ere per amn CASE_em qu CASE_ae trah CASE_erent cels CASE_am relig CASE_atis fun CASE_ibus aln CASE_um
That was a title more glorious and higher than any triumph. So Cybele was invited, and now she was nearing land, on board a Roman vessel, when Scipio, given precedence by all the noble senators, made haste to meet the foreign deity. His father was uncle of the Scipio just chosen to conduct the war in Africa; and his lineage was long and illustrious. When he had welcomed the goddess after her long voyage with hands held up in prayer and, standing high, had brought the vessel to the loud-sounding mouth of Tuscan Tiber, the hands of women were next employed, to draw the tall ship up the stream with ropes.
qu CASE_i redux n CASE_obis atque oppid CASE_o gloriabund CASE_us quippe percept CASE_is tot volumin CASE_ibus qu CASE_ae detul CASE_erat qu CASE_am merc CASE_ari par CASE_atis qu CASE_od tamen civis nec esse CASE_erat iniust CASE_um pro muner CASE_e ingess CASE_it
He returned here wholly exultant over his rich harvest of volumes; and although I and the town were ready to buy, nevertheless, because he was a citizen, he quite properly presented us with all he had brought as a free gift.
recordat CASE_i ver CASE_o s CASE_unt discipul CASE_i e CASE_ius quia script CASE_um est zel CASE_us dom CASE_us tu CASE_ae comed CASE_it m CASE_e
And his disciples remembered, that it was written: The zeal of thy house hath eaten me up.
et pell CASE_es ariet CASE_um rubricat CASE_as et ianthin CASE_as
And rams' skins dyed red, and violet coloured skins,
qu CASE_ae respond CASE_it fili CASE_a Bathuelis s CASE_um fili CASE_i Melchae qu CASE_em peper CASE_it Nahor
And she answered: I am the daughter of Bathuel, the son of Melcha, whom she bore to Nachor.
rex autem syri CASE_ae pugn CASE_abat contra israhel consili CASE_um que when, serv CASE_is su CASE_is dic CASE_ens in, locus, ille, and, ille, put, ambush/ambuscade
And the king of Syria warred against Israel, and took counsel with his servants, saying: In such and such a place, let us lay an ambush.
splend CASE_ebat hilar CASE_e pocul CASE_is convivi CASE_um magn CASE_o apparat CASE_u laet CASE_a reson CASE_abat dom CASE_us rep CASE_ente du CASE_o cum iuven CASE_es spars CASE_i pulver CASE_e sudor CASE_e mult CASE_o difflu CASE_entes corpor CASE_e human CASE_am supra form CASE_am cu CASE_i servol CASE_o mand CASE_ant ut ad s CASE_e provoc CASE_et Simonidem ill CASE_ius inter CASE_esse n CASE_e faci CASE_at mor CASE_am
The banquet was bright with gaiety and wine and the house re-echoed joyously with the magnificent arrangements, when suddenly two young men, covered with dust and sweating profusely, their stature greater than that of human beings, appeared and directed one of the servants to call Simonides out; it was important, they said, for him to come without delay.
per h CASE_oc dors CASE_um qu CASE_a maxi CASE_me introrsus mar CASE_i ced CASE_it asper CASE_i tr CASE_es adit CASE_us et perangust CASE_i s CASE_unt qu CASE_orum un CASE_o cilici CASE_a intr CASE_anda est
Through this range, where it withdraws farthest inward from the sea, there are three rough and very narrow passes, one of which must be used for entering Cilicia.
qu CASE_is ego pro fact CASE_is caelest CASE_i reddit CASE_a coet CASE_u pristin CASE_a vot CASE_a nov CASE_o muner CASE_e dissolu CASE_o
This is done; and now I am given as due to the host of heaven, and pay your former vows with a new offering.
nat CASE_at unct CASE_a carin CASE_a frond CASE_entis que fer CASE_unt rem CASE_os et robor CASE_a silv CASE_is infabricat CASE_a fug CASE_ae studi CASE_o
The keels, well-pitched, are set afloat; the sailors, eager for flight, bring from the woods leafy boughs for oars and logs unhewn
omn CASE_ia oper CASE_a ill CASE_orum velut sol in conspect CASE_u de CASE_i et ocul CASE_i e CASE_ius sin CASE_e intermissio n CASE_e inspici CASE_entes in vi CASE_is e CASE_orum
And all their works are as the sun in the sight of God: and his eyes are continually upon their ways.