dic CASE_ebat ergo ad turb CASE_as qu CASE_ae exi CASE_ebant ut baptiz CASE_arentur ab ips CASE_o genimin CASE_a viper CASE_arum qu CASE_is ostend CASE_it v CASE_obis fug CASE_ere a vent CASE_ura ir CASE_a
He said therefore to the multitudes that went forth to be baptized by him: Ye offspring of vipers, who hath shewed you to flee from the wrath to come?
singular CASE_is enim virtut CASE_is veterri CASE_mas legion CASE_es VII VIII VIIII hab CASE_ebat sum CASE_mae sp CASE_ei delect CASE_ae que iuventut CASE_is XI qu CASE_ae octav CASE_o i CASE_am stipendi CASE_o tamen in collatio n CASE_e reliqu CASE_arum nondum e CASE_an vetustat CASE_is ac virtut CASE_is cep CASE_erat opinion CASE_em
For he had three veteran legions of distinguished valor, the seventh, eighth and ninth. The eleventh consisted of chosen youth of great hopes, who had served eight campaigns, but who, compared with the others, had not yet acquired any great reputation for experience and valor.
et dix CASE_erunt ad e CASE_um qu CASE_id faci CASE_emus t CASE_ibi et cess CASE_abit mare a n CASE_obis quia mare i CASE_bat et intumesc CASE_ebat
And they said to him: What shall we do with thee, that the sea may be calm to us? for the sea flowed and swelled.
iustiti CASE_a autem de CASE_i per fid CASE_em ies CASE_u christ CASE_i sup CASE_er omn CASE_es qu CASE_i cred CASE_unt non enim es CASE_t distinctio
Even the justice of God, by faith of Jesus Christ, unto all, and upon all them that believe in him: for there is no distinction.
sed aequal CASE_i cum fratr CASE_ibus lanc CASE_e bon CASE_i proposit CASE_i iuven CASE_is glori CASE_abatur s CASE_e regular CASE_em per omn CASE_ia serv CASE_are disciplin CASE_am
but of the good purpose of his heart in eating of the same platter with the brethren his boast was to keep the rule of discipline in all things as befitted his youth.
vbi e CASE_os in sententi CASE_a perst CASE_are vid CASE_erunt qu CASE_od plerumque in sum CASE_mo pericul CASE_o timor misericordi CASE_am non recip CASE_it conclam CASE_are et signific CASE_are de fug CASE_a roman CASE_is coep CASE_erunt
When they saw that they (as fear does not generally admit of mercy in extreme danger) persisted in their resolution, they began to shout aloud, and give intelligence of their flight to the Romans.
diu infructuos CASE_am et asper CASE_am militi CASE_am tolerav CASE_erant ingeni CASE_o loc CASE_i cael CASE_i que et severitat CASE_e disciplin CASE_ae qu CASE_am in pac CASE_e inexorabil CASE_em discordi CASE_ae civ CASE_ium resolv CASE_unt par CASE_atis utrimque corruptor CASE_ibus et perfidi CASE_a impunit CASE_a
The soldiers had long endured a profitless service which was severe because of the character of the district and of the climate, and also because discipline was strict. But discipline which is stern in time of peace is broken down by civil strife, for there are men on both sides ready to corrupt, and treachery goes unpunished.
puber CASE_es interfect CASE_i sunt ceter CASE_i Syncope
Those of military age were put to death, the rest were sold.
nec iuss CASE_a incus CASE_o pig CASE_et v CASE_e offici CASE_i iuv CASE_at iss CASE_e iuv CASE_at Thebas que noc CASE_entes man CASE_u
Not that I blame the orders or regret my office. I am glad I went, yes glad, and probed guilty Thebes with my own hand.
h CASE_aec dic CASE_it domin CASE_us stat CASE_e sup CASE_er vi CASE_as et vid CASE_ete et interrog CASE_ate de semit CASE_is antiqu CASE_is qu CASE_ae s CASE_it vi CASE_a bon CASE_a et ambul CASE_ate in e CASE_a et inveni CASE_etis refrigeri CASE_um anim CASE_abus vestr CASE_is et dix CASE_erunt non ambul CASE_abimus
Thus saith the Lord: Stand ye on the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, which is the good way, and walk ye in it: and you shall find refreshment for your souls. And they said: We will not walk.
memento ir CASE_ae quoniam non tard CASE_abit
Remember wrath, for it will not tarry long.
ocul CASE_is e CASE_ius admirabili CASE_us Aristomenis Messenii cor qu CASE_od atheniens CASE_es ob eximi CASE_am calliditat CASE_em exsect CASE_um pil CASE_is refert CASE_um inven CASE_erunt cum e CASE_um aliquotiens capt CASE_um et astuti CASE_a elaps CASE_um cep CASE_issent
More wonderful than his eyes is the heart of Aristomenes of Messene. Because of his extraordinary craftiness the Athenians cut it out and found it full of hair, having captured him after he had escaped by cunning from several earlier captivities.
oport CASE_et igitur i ess CASE_e un CASE_um atque bon CASE_um simil CASE_i ration CASE_e conced CASE_as
Then by the same argument you must agree that the one and the good are the same;
nec vetit CASE_is luctat CASE_us abi CASE_t gradiv CASE_us in alt CASE_as cum fremit CASE_u nub CASE_es qu CASE_am litu CASE_i que tub CASE_ae que vulner CASE_a que et sanguis et clam CASE_or et arm CASE_a iuv CASE_arent
And Mars did not refuse to obey: he departed, loudly protesting, to high heaven, delighting as he did in clarions and trumpets, in wounds and blood and the shouting of the warriors.
egredi CASE_ebatur autem quadrig CASE_a ex aegypt CASE_o sescent CASE_is sicl CASE_is argent CASE_i et equ CASE_us centum quinquaginta atque in h CASE_unc mod CASE_um cunct CASE_i reg CASE_es Hettheorum et syri CASE_ae equ CASE_os venund CASE_abant
And a chariot of four horses came out of Egypt, for six hundred sicles of silver, and a horse for a hundred and fifty. And after this manner did all the kings of the Hethites, and of Syria, sell horses.
arm CASE_is ut CASE_atur si it CASE_a necesse es CASE_t ut dic CASE_it su CASE_i defend CASE_endi caus CASE_a
Let him use arms, if that is necessary (as he says it is), for his own defense,
neque sat CASE_is esse CASE_erat e CASE_um non pasc CASE_i e piscin CASE_is nisi etiam ips CASE_e e CASE_os pasc CASE_eret ultro ac mai CASE_orem cur CASE_am s CASE_ibi hab CASE_eret n CASE_e e CASE_ius esur CASE_irent mull CASE_i qu CASE_am ego hab CASE_eo n CASE_e m CASE_ei in rose CASE_a esuri CASE_ant asin CASE_i et quidem utr CASE_a r CASE_e et ci CASE_bo et potio n CASE_e cum non paul CASE_o sumptuosi CASE_us qu CASE_am ego ministr CASE_aret vict CASE_um
And it was not enough for him not to feed from his ponds'nay, he must feed his fish with his own hands; and he actually took more pains to keep his mullets from getting hungry than I do to keep my mules at Rosea from getting hungry, and indeed he furnished them nourishment in the way of both food and drink much more generously than I do in caring for my donkeys.
bon CASE_a abscons CASE_a in or CASE_e clus CASE_o quasi adposition CASE_es epul CASE_arum circumposit CASE_ae sepulchr CASE_o
Good things that are hidden in a mouth that is shut, are as messes of meat set about a grave.
igitur cum ven CASE_isset un CASE_us de sacerdot CASE_ibus h CASE_is qu CASE_i captiv CASE_i duct CASE_i fuerant de samari CASE_a habitav CASE_it in Bethel et doc CASE_ebat e CASE_os quomodo col CASE_erent domin CASE_um
So one of the priests, who had been carried away captive from Samaria, came and dwelt in Bethel, and taught them how they should worship the Lord.
sed qu CASE_os sol CASE_et commend CASE_are materi CASE_a et aliquotiens fortasse lector CASE_em sol CASE_um lemma sollicit CASE_at titul CASE_i ut festivitat CASE_e persuas CASE_us et inepti CASE_am fer CASE_re content CASE_us sit
But some are recommended by their subject-matter; and at times, perhaps, the explanatory heading alone so attracts the reader that, allured by its gaiety, he cheerfully puts up with its insipidness.
e CASE_o quidem pact CASE_o et qu CASE_i myoparon CASE_em quaesiv CASE_erit pirat CASE_a esse CASE_erit et qu CASE_i vect CASE_em perfossor et qu CASE_i gladi CASE_um sicari CASE_us
At that rate, looking for a galley makes one a pirate, for a crowbar a burglar, for a sword a murderer.
n CASE_e dic CASE_as qu CASE_id es CASE_t m CASE_ihi opus et qu CASE_ae esse CASE_erunt m CASE_ihi ex h CASE_oc bon CASE_a
Say not: What need I, and what good shall I have by this?
an non pler CASE_i princip CASE_es h CASE_oc temp CASE_us in ale CASE_am stupr CASE_a lux CASE_um confer CASE_ebant cum seri CASE_arum laxament CASE_a cur CASE_arum viti CASE_orum contentio n CASE_e suppl CASE_erent
This is the very time which the majority of his predecessors used to spend on gambling, debauchery and extravagance, thus replacing what should have been the relaxation of their serious concerns by a different form of tension'their pursuit of vice.
praecep CASE_erat autem Nabuchodonosor rex babylon CASE_is de hieremi CASE_a Nabuzarda n CASE_e magistr CASE_o militi CASE_ae dic CASE_ens
Now Nabuchodonosor king of Babylon had given charge to Nabuzardan the general concerning Jeremias, saying:
dum lascivi CASE_am nobil CASE_ium et laud CASE_es fucos CASE_as pet CASE_it dum african CASE_i voc CASE_em divin CASE_am inhi CASE_at avid CASE_is aur CASE_ibus dum ad Philum s CASE_e cenit CASE_are et Laelium pulchr CASE_um put CASE_at dum in alban CASE_um crebr CASE_o rap CASE_itur ob flor CASE_em aetat CASE_is su CASE_ae post sublat CASE_is r CASE_ebus ad sum CASE_mam inopi CASE_am redact CASE_us est
Though he courted the wantonness of great men and their counterfeit praise, though with greedy ears he drank in the divine voice of Africanus, though he thought it fine to frequent the tables of Philus and Laelius, though he was often taken to the Alban villa because of his youthful charms, he later found himself stripped of his all and reduced to utmost want.
c n CASE_e pompei CASE_us grav CASE_is vulner CASE_e invent CASE_us inter solitudin CASE_es avi CASE_as interempt CASE_us est labien CASE_um var CASE_um que aci CASE_es abstul CASE_it
Gnaeus Pompeius, badly wounded, was discovered on a pathless waste and put to death. Labienus and Varus met their death in battle.
ocul CASE_um pro ocul CASE_o dent CASE_em pro dent CASE_e man CASE_um pro man CASE_u ped CASE_em pro ped CASE_e
Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot,
omn CASE_es qu CASE_o iudae CASE_os qu CASE_i esse CASE_erant cum Godolia in Masphat et chalde CASE_os qu CASE_i reppert CASE_i sunt ibi et vir CASE_os bellator CASE_es percuss CASE_it Ismahel
Ismahel slew also all the Jews that were with Godolias in Masphath, and the Chaldeans that were found there, and the soldiers.
creav CASE_i fruct CASE_um labi CASE_orum pac CASE_em pac CASE_em ei qu CASE_i long CASE_e es CASE_t et qu CASE_i prope dix CASE_it domin CASE_us et sanav CASE_i e CASE_um
I created the fruit of the lips, peace, peace to him that is far off, and to him that is near, said the Lord, and I healed him.
xxx hinc stadi CASE_a process CASE_erat cum Phrataphernes ei occurr CASE_it s CASE_e que et e CASE_os qu CASE_i post Darei mort CASE_em profug CASE_erant ded CASE_ens qu CASE_ibus benign CASE_e except CASE_is ad oppid CASE_um arv CASE_as perven CASE_it
From there Alexander had advanced for thirty stadia, when Phrataphernes met him, surrendering himself and those who had fled after the death of Darius; having received them courteously, the king came to the town of Arvae.
itaque Theodorus perlustr CASE_ans univers CASE_a ordin CASE_abat loc CASE_is opportun CASE_is episcop CASE_os et e CASE_a qu CASE_ae minus perfect CASE_a repper CASE_it h CASE_is qu CASE_o iuv CASE_antibus corrig CASE_ebat
And thus Theodore, viewing over and visiting each-where, did in convenient places ordain bishops, and with their assistance did also amend those things which he found to come short of perfectness.
sequ CASE_itur un CASE_a vox omn CASE_ium et elat CASE_um clamor CASE_em repercuss CASE_o aer CASE_e mont CASE_ium conclus CASE_a multiplic CASE_ant hostil CASE_e agmen terror CASE_e prostern CASE_itur ut sup CASE_er s CASE_e non sol CASE_um rupes circumdat CASE_as sed etiam ips CASE_am cael CASE_i machin CASE_am contremisc CASE_unt trepidation CASE_i que iniect CASE_ae vix suffic CASE_ere ped CASE_um pernicitas cred CASE_ebatur passim fugi CASE_unt arm CASE_a proiici CASE_unt gaud CASE_entes vel nud CASE_a corpor CASE_a eripu CASE_isse discrimin CASE_i plur CASE_es etiam timor CASE_e praecipit CASE_es flumen qu CASE_od transiv CASE_erant devorav CASE_it
All the rest straight answereth the same, and the sound of their voices is caught up and often repeated by the echo rebounding from the mountains wherewith it was shut in: the host of the enemy is cast down with fear as they tremble, not only at the rocks that encompassed them, but also the very frame of the heaven above them, and believed that the speed of their feet could scarce avail them to escape the terror that was flung upon them: they fly in all directions, casting away their weapons and thinking it enough if they might with even their naked bodies snatch themselves from the danger: the more part also in the hurry of their fear were swallowed up in the river which lay between them and home.
h CASE_oc consili CASE_um qu CASE_od cogitav CASE_i sup CASE_er omn CASE_em terr CASE_am et h CASE_aec es CASE_t man CASE_us extent CASE_a sup CASE_er univers CASE_as gent CASE_es
This is the counsel, that I have purposed upon all the earth, and this is the hand that is stretched out upon all nations.
et esse CASE_erit in di CASE_e ill CASE_a visit CASE_abit domin CASE_us sup CASE_er militi CASE_am cael CASE_i in excels CASE_o et sup CASE_er reg CASE_es terr CASE_ae qu CASE_i s CASE_unt sup CASE_er terr CASE_am
And it shall come to pass, that in that day the Lord shall visit upon the host of heaven on high, and upon the kings of the earth, on the earth.
Lucceius albin CASE_us a nero n CASE_e Mauretaniae Caesariensi praeposit CASE_us addit CASE_a per galb CASE_am Tingitanae provinci CASE_ae administratio n CASE_e haud spern CASE_endis vir CASE_ibus ag CASE_ebat
Lucceius Albinus, who had been appointed governor of Mauretania Caesariensis by Nero, had been charged by Galba with the administration of the province of Tingitana as well, and had forces at his command which were not to be despised.
un CASE_a per inmens CASE_am cael CASE_i cav CASE_eam revolut CASE_os praeb CASE_et flamm CASE_a di CASE_es tex CASE_it sol unic CASE_us ann CASE_um triplex ill CASE_e tamen null CASE_o discrimin CASE_e trin CASE_a subnix CASE_us ration CASE_e vig CASE_et splend CASE_et vol CASE_at ard CASE_et mot CASE_u ag CASE_itur fervor CASE_e crem CASE_at tum lumin CASE_e fulg CASE_et
It is one fire that furnishes the revolution of the days in the boundless vault of heaven, one only sun that weaves the fabric of the year; and yet the sun is threefold without distinction of parts, and its activity depends on three principles; for it shines, it speeds through the sky, and it burns; it is impelled by motion, it burns with heat, and it gleams with light.
et nunc israhel qu CASE_id domin CASE_us deus tu CASE_us pet CASE_it a t CASE_e nisi ut tim CASE_eas domin CASE_um de CASE_um tu CASE_um et ambul CASE_es in vi CASE_is e CASE_ius et dilig CASE_as e CASE_um ac servi CASE_as domin CASE_o de CASE_o tu CASE_o in tot CASE_o cord CASE_e tu CASE_o et in tot CASE_a anim CASE_a tu CASE_a
And now, Israel, what doth the Lord thy God require of thee, but that thou fear the Lord thy God, and walk in his ways, and love him, and serve the Lord thy God, with all thy heart, and with all thy soul:
ad fili CASE_os Ammo n CASE_e h CASE_aec dic CASE_it domin CASE_us numquid fili CASE_i non s CASE_unt israhel aut her CASE_es non es CASE_t ei cur igitur heredit CASE_ate possed CASE_it Melchom Gad et popul CASE_us e CASE_ius in urb CASE_ibus e CASE_ius habitav CASE_it
Against the children of Ammon. Thus saith the Lord: Hath Israel no sons? or hath he no heir? Why then hath Melchom inherited Gad: and his people dwelt in his cities?
non destit CASE_it tamen atque in agr CASE_is hab CASE_et dilect CASE_um eg CASE_entium ac perdit CASE_orum h CASE_ac coact CASE_a man CASE_u qu CASE_os adi CASE_t ex civitat CASE_e ad su CASE_am sententi CASE_am perduc CASE_it
he did not however desist, but held in the country a levy of the needy and desperate. Having collected such a body of troops, he brings over to his sentiments such of his fellow-citizens as he has access to:
omn CASE_is qu CASE_i praeced CASE_it et non man CASE_et in doctrin CASE_a christ CASE_i de CASE_um non hab CASE_et qu CASE_i perman CASE_et in doctrin CASE_a h CASE_ic et fili CASE_um et patr CASE_em hab CASE_et
Whosoever revolteth and continueth not in the doctrine of Christ hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine, the same hath both the Father and the Son.
ut i augustin CASE_o palli CASE_um et epistol CASE_am et plur CASE_es verb CASE_i ministr CASE_os mis CASE_erit
How the same sent unto Augustine a pall with a letter and more ministers of the word.
d CASE_a iung CASE_ere dextr CASE_am d CASE_a gen CASE_itor t CASE_e que amplex CASE_u n CASE_e subtrah CASE_e nostr CASE_o
Grant me to clasp your hand, grant me, father, and withdraw not from my embrace!
quoniam h CASE_aec m CASE_ihi dict CASE_a sunt per providenti CASE_am de CASE_i
Because these things are told me by the providence of God.
et quia mult CASE_i ex e CASE_is conprehens CASE_i sunt in Basara et Bosor et in Alimis et in Casfor et Macet et Carnai n CASE_e h CASE_ae omn CASE_es civitat CASE_es munit CASE_ae et magn CASE_ae
And that many of them were shut up in Barasa, and in Bosor, and in Alima, and in Casphor, and in Mageth, and in Carnaim; all these strong and great cities.
nam qu CASE_is aequal CASE_i vestigi CASE_a tu CASE_a gress CASE_u sequ CASE_atur cu CASE_i dat CASE_um est sol CASE_i loqu CASE_i melius qu CASE_am didic CASE_eris viv CASE_ere melius qu CASE_am loqu CASE_aris
Who could follow your lead and keep pace with you, for to you alone has been granted the power to speak better than you have learned and to live better than you speak?
mult CASE_a vid CASE_emus enim r CASE_ebus concurr CASE_ere deb CASE_ere ut propag CASE_ando poss CASE_int procud CASE_ere saecl CASE_a pabul CASE_a prim CASE_um ut s CASE_int genital CASE_ia deinde per art CASE_us semin CASE_a qu CASE_a poss CASE_int membr CASE_is man CASE_are remiss CASE_is femin CASE_a que ut mar CASE_ibus coniung CASE_i poss CASE_it hab CASE_ere mutu CASE_a qu CASE_i mut CASE_ent inter s CASE_e gaudi CASE_a que
For we see that living beings need many things in conjunction, so that they may be able by procreation to forge out the chain of the generations: first there must be food, next there must be a way for the life-giving seeds throughout the frame to flow out from the slackened body; and that male and female be joined, they must both have the means to exchange mutual pleasures.
et ego dispon CASE_o v CASE_obis sicut disposu CASE_it m CASE_ihi pater me CASE_us regn CASE_um
And I dispose to you, as my Father hath disposed to me, a kingdom;
in cord CASE_e prudent CASE_is requiesc CASE_it sapi CASE_entia et indoct CASE_os qu CASE_o erudi CASE_et
In the heart of the prudent resteth wisdom, and it shall instruct all the ignorant.
vad CASE_e ag CASE_e et a medi CASE_o cum s CASE_e nox umid CASE_a curs CASE_u flex CASE_erit ad fauc CASE_es vicin CASE_i cast CASE_us avern CASE_i d u CASE_e praedict CASE_a sacr CASE_is dur CASE_o placamin CASE_a dit CASE_i
Up, then! and when dewy night has moved past her middle point, then purify yourself and go to the neighbouring gorge of Avernus and take with you the animals I have named, as a sacrifice to soften the stony heart of Pluto.
et h CASE_ic es CASE_t numer CASE_us e CASE_orum fial CASE_ae aure CASE_ae triginta fial CASE_ae argente CASE_ae mille cultr CASE_i viginti nov CASE_em scyph CASE_i aure CASE_i triginta
And this is the number of them: thirty bowls of gold, a thousand bowls of silver, nine and twenty knives, thirty cups of gold,
quaer CASE_itis unde h CASE_aec s CASE_it dist CASE_antia
Do ye ask why this difference?
h CASE_anc secut CASE_i sententi CASE_am qu CASE_am util CASE_em existimav CASE_erunt itiner CASE_ibus lent CASE_is misc CASE_entes cunct CASE_a population CASE_ibus et incendi CASE_is null CASE_o renit CASE_ente perg CASE_ebant
Following this decision, which they thought advantageous, they marched on slowly without opposition, devastating the whole district with pillage and fires.
i ergo Osuald mox ubi regn CASE_um suscep CASE_it desider CASE_ans tot CASE_am cu CASE_i prae CASE_esse coep CASE_it gent CASE_em fid CASE_ei christian CASE_ae grati CASE_a imbu CASE_i cui CASE_us experiment CASE_a maxi CASE_ma in expugn CASE_andis barb CASE_aris i CASE_am cep CASE_erat mis CASE_it ad mai CASE_ores nat CASE_u scott CASE_orum inter qu CASE_os exul CASE_ans ips CASE_e baptismat CASE_is sacrament CASE_a cum h CASE_is qu CASE_i cum s CASE_e esse CASE_erant milit CASE_ibus consecut CASE_us erat pet CASE_ens ut s CASE_ibi mitt CASE_eretur antist CASE_es cui CASE_us doctrin CASE_a ac ministeri CASE_o gens qu CASE_am reg CASE_ebat angl CASE_orum dominic CASE_ae fid CASE_ei et don CASE_a disc CASE_eret et suscip CASE_eret sacrament CASE_a
The same Oswald therefore, as soon as he was come to the throne, being desirous that all the people whom he began to rule, should be filled with the grace of the Christian faith, whereof he had now gotten very great proofs in vanquishing the barbarians, sent to the aldermen of the Scots, among whom he, living in banishment and the soldiers which were with him, had obtained the sacraments of baptism; making request unto them that they would send him a prelate, by whose teaching and ministry the English people which he ruled might both learn the gifts of our Lords faith and receive the sacraments.
nec sol CASE_um fest CASE_as secret CASE_a Neapolis ar CASE_as ambi CASE_at et soci CASE_i port CASE_us dilect CASE_a que mit CASE_i terr CASE_a Dicaearcho nec non plag CASE_a car CASE_a mad CASE_enti Surrentina de CASE_o sert CASE_is altar CASE_ia cing CASE_at matern CASE_i qu CASE_a lit CASE_us av CASE_i qu CASE_em turb CASE_a nepot CASE_um circumi CASE_t et simil CASE_es contend CASE_it redd CASE_ere vult CASE_us
And let not Naples only in isolation surround the festal altars; let fellow havens, land beloved of gentle Dicaearchus and the Surrentine region, dear to the madid god, gird their altars with chaplets, the shore where lives his maternal grandfather, surrounded by a throng of grandchildren vying to resemble his features.
incurr CASE_unt aci CASE_es magn CASE_o que fragor CASE_e per aequ CASE_or suspend CASE_unt cunct CASE_i fren CASE_is sublim CASE_e reduct CASE_os corniped CASE_es ultro que fer CASE_unt erect CASE_us in aur CASE_as i CASE_t sonipes rapid CASE_a que vol CASE_ans per apert CASE_a procell CASE_a tenu CASE_ia vix sum CASE_mo vestigi CASE_a pulver CASE_e sign CASE_at
The armies advance at speed, and a mighty noise spreads over the field when all the riders raise their horses heads high with the bridle and then urge them forward; rearing aloft, the chargers then rush on and in their stormy flight over the plain leave hardly a trace of their hoof-prints on the dusty surface.
qu CASE_a caus CASE_a exstinct CASE_o postea protervi CASE_ae tot CASE_ius auctor CASE_e cum in faction CASE_is particip CASE_es saev CASE_iretur h CASE_ic i tribun CASE_us contemplatio n CASE_e facinor CASE_is clar CASE_i vit CASE_am cum militi CASE_a retin CASE_ens diu post in Isauria oppet CASE_it vastatori CASE_a man CASE_u confoss CASE_us
Because of this, when the ring-leader of the whole rebellion was later killed, and the members of his party were cruelly treated, this same tribune, being allowed to keep his life and his position in the army in view of his brilliant exploit, was slain long afterwards in Isauria at the hands of a predatory band.
amoenissi CASE_ma et exstructissi CASE_ma et ornatissi CASE_ma deprehend CASE_as vill CASE_as aemul CASE_as urb CASE_ium condit CASE_as dom CASE_us vic CASE_e templ CASE_orum exornat CASE_as famili CASE_as numerosissi CASE_mas et calamistrat CASE_as opipar CASE_am supellectil CASE_em omn CASE_ia afflu CASE_entia omn CASE_ia opulent CASE_ia omn CASE_ia ornat CASE_a praeter ips CASE_um domin CASE_um
you will find everything comfortable, lofty, ornate to the last degree, country houses built to look like cities, houses in town fitted out like temples, countless coiffured slaves, luxurious furniture, every sign of abundance, opulence and embellishment except the owner himself.
i CASE_am fug CASE_it ill CASE_ud nomen invis CASE_um mal CASE_i
So now that hated epithet the bad takes flight.
ecce ubi s CASE_e cumul CASE_at me CASE_a purpur CASE_a mit CASE_ibus aud CASE_i aur CASE_ibus h CASE_oc Nemesis post m CASE_e dign CASE_atur or CASE_iri august CASE_us consul
Lo, how my honours are increased (hear this, O Nemesis, with an indulgent ear): Augustus deigns to appear as consul after me.
qu CASE_i Nucras que met CASE_unt Boviania qu CASE_i exagit CASE_ant lustr CASE_a aut fauc CASE_ibus haer CASE_ent et qu CASE_os aut Rufrae qu CASE_os aut Aesernia qu CASE_os v CASE_e obscur CASE_a incult CASE_is Herdonia mis CASE_it ab agr CASE_is
Here were the reapers of Batulum and Nucrae, the hunters of Bovianum, the dwellers in the gorge of Caudium,a and those whom Rufrae or Aesernia or unknown Herdonia sent from her untilled fields.
h CASE_ic man CASE_es h CASE_ic intr CASE_a tect CASE_a ten CASE_ebo
Here I shall keep your spirit, within these walls.
act CASE_us quadrat CASE_us qu CASE_i et lat CASE_us est pedes CXX et long CASE_us totidem i CASE_s mod CASE_us acnu CASE_a latin CASE_e appell CASE_atur
The square actus, which is an area 120 feet in each direction, is called in Latin acnua.
neque i CASE_d consili CASE_um fefell CASE_it const CASE_antium
And Constantius made no mistake in adopting that plan,
at enim veteran CASE_is suspect CASE_um nomen es CASE_t m brut CASE_i mag CASE_is n CASE_e qu CASE_am decim CASE_i equidem non arbitr CASE_or
But Marcus Brutus name is suspect to the veterans. More than Decimus? I do not think so.
impiger h CASE_unc rapt CASE_or medi CASE_am que secut CASE_us in urb CASE_em tempt CASE_at composit CASE_is sollicit CASE_are dol CASE_is nonne vid CASE_es inqu CASE_it cunct CASE_is ut victim CASE_a templ CASE_is immit CASE_em gem CASE_ens mort CASE_e cruent CASE_et hum CASE_um qu CASE_od nisi secur CASE_o val CASE_eas t CASE_e redd CASE_ere camp CASE_o ei m CASE_ihi vittat CASE_a tu qu CASE_o front CASE_e cad CASE_es
The beast of prey was unwearied and, pursuing the kid into the heart of the town, tried to lure him with studied wiles. Do you not see, he said, how in all the temples a victim amid repeated groans stains the pitiless ground with its life-blood? But if you are not able to return to the safety of the meadow, ah me, you too will die with the sacrificial fillet round your brow.
restitu CASE_etur ut lut CASE_um signacul CASE_um et st CASE_abit sicut vestiment CASE_um
The seal shall be restored as clay, and shall stand as a garment.
i CASE_am medi CASE_o appar CASE_et fluct CASE_u nemoros CASE_a Zacynthos Dulichium que Same que et Neritos ardu CASE_a sax CASE_is
Now amid the waves appear wooded Zacynthus, Dulichium, and Same, and Neritus with its steepy crags.
n CASE_e tamen extre CASE_mo frustr CASE_a mori CASE_entis honor CASE_i affu CASE_erit veni CASE_t in medi CASE_os caligin CASE_e furv CASE_a saept CASE_a glob CASE_os prim CASE_um que lev CASE_es furat CASE_a sagitt CASE_as audac CASE_is terg CASE_o puer CASE_i caelest CASE_ibus impl CASE_et goryt CASE_o n CASE_e tel CASE_is qu CASE_orum sin CASE_e sanguin CASE_e null CASE_um decid CASE_it ambrosi CASE_o tunc sparg CASE_it membr CASE_a liquor CASE_e sparg CASE_it equ CASE_um n CASE_e qu CASE_o viol CASE_etur vulner CASE_e corpus ante nec CASE_em cant CASE_us que sacr CASE_os et consci CASE_a misc CASE_et murmur CASE_a secret CASE_is qu CASE_ae Colchidas ips CASE_a sub antr CASE_is noct CASE_e doc CASE_et monstr CASE_at que fer CASE_as quaer CASE_entibus herb CASE_as
But lest she attend in vain the final honour of the dying youth, she goes into the midst of the fighting men guarded by a dark mist. First she steals the light arrows from the bold lads back and fills his quiver with celestial shafts, none of which falls bloodless. Then she sprinkles his limbs with ambrosial liquor, his horse too, so that his body be not harmed by any wound before his death, mingling sacred chants and privy murmurings, which she herself teaches Colchian women by night in secret caverns and shows baneful herbs to their searching.
at ill CASE_e non bon CASE_am inqu CASE_it r CASE_em fac CASE_is
But he said: The thing thou dost is not good.
itaque region CASE_is universitas in e CASE_orum sententi CASE_am prompt CASE_a Syncope
And so in short time the whole country had readily come over to their opinion.
labi CASE_a deoscul CASE_abitur qu CASE_i rect CASE_a verb CASE_a respond CASE_et
He shall kiss the lips, who answereth right words.
procurr CASE_unt puer CASE_i pulchr CASE_am aspici CASE_unt virgin CASE_em et admir CASE_antur deinde domin CASE_o nunti CASE_ant
The servants run out; the sight of a beautiful girl meets their startled eyes, and presently they report to their master.
ecce ego suscit CASE_abo e CASE_os de loc CASE_o in qu CASE_o vendid CASE_istis e CASE_os et convert CASE_am retribution CASE_em vestr CASE_am in caput vestr CASE_um
Behold, I will raise them up out of the place wherein you have sold them: and I will return your recompense upon your own heads.
h CASE_oc mod CASE_o vid CASE_etur ess CASE_e express CASE_um ut CASE_i capi CASE_at numer CASE_us et nomin CASE_a et part CASE_es unde flat CASE_us cert CASE_i vent CASE_orum spir CASE_ent
The diagram seems to be so arranged as to receive the names and the quarters whence the fixed currents of winds blow.
h CASE_unc persequ CASE_ens Antigonus cum omn CASE_i gen CASE_ere copi CASE_arum abund CASE_aret saepe in itiner CASE_ibus vex CASE_abatur neque umquam ad man CASE_um acced CASE_ere lic CASE_ebat nisi i CASE_is loc CASE_is qu CASE_ibus pauc CASE_i mult CASE_is poss CASE_ent resist CASE_ere
Antigonus pursued him, but although he had an abundance of troops of every kind and often harassed Eumenes on the march, he never succeeded in engaging him in battle except in places where a few could resist great numbers.
discrimin CASE_a prod CASE_unt nostr CASE_a recens que cruor qu CASE_am de corpor CASE_e sum CASE_mo qu CASE_id poss CASE_it furtiv CASE_a man CASE_us
This danger to me, and this fresh bleeding, superficial though it be, show what a stealthy hand can do.
et praeb CASE_ebat caesar aur CASE_is accipi CASE_endis advers CASE_us gener CASE_um suspicion CASE_ibus caritat CASE_e fili CASE_ae prompti CASE_or
The Caesar lent ear, affection for his daughter increasing his readiness to harbour doubts of her prospective husband.
decern CASE_o igitur e CASE_orum tr CASE_ium nomin CASE_e quinquaginta di CASE_erum supplication CASE_es caus CASE_as ut honorificentissi CASE_mis verb CASE_is consequ CASE_i potu CASE_ero complect CASE_ar ips CASE_a sententi CASE_a
Therefore I move public thanksgivings lasting fifty days in the name of the three. The grounds I shall embrace in my motion, in the most laudatory terms I can command.
a m CASE_e constitut CASE_um est decret CASE_um ut in univers CASE_o imperi CASE_o et regn CASE_o me CASE_o tremesc CASE_ant et pav CASE_eant de CASE_um Danihelis ips CASE_e es CASE_t enim deus viv CASE_ens et aetern CASE_us in saecul CASE_a et regn CASE_um e CASE_ius non dissip CASE_abitur et potestas e CASE_ius usque in aetern CASE_um
It is decreed by me, that in all my empire and my kingdom, all men dread and fear the God of Daniel. For he is the living and eternal God for ever: and his kingdom shall not be destroyed, and his power shall be for ever.
spect CASE_ator flagiti CASE_i Hordeonius flacc CASE_us consul CASE_aris legat CASE_us ad CASE_erat non compesc CASE_ere ru CASE_entis non retin CASE_ere dubi CASE_os non cohort CASE_ari bon CASE_os aus CASE_us sed segn CASE_is pavid CASE_us et socordi CASE_a innocens
Hordeonius Flaccus, the consular legate, was a spectator of this disgraceful scene. He did not dare to check those who were in a fury or to restrain the doubtful or even to exhort the loyal, but he was slow to act, timid, and innocent only because of his sloth.
ubi post ann CASE_um miss CASE_is monach CASE_is numer CASE_o ferme decem et septem et praeposit CASE_o abbat CASE_e ac presbyter CASE_o Ceolfrido benedict CASE_us consult CASE_u immo etiam iuss CASE_u praefat CASE_i Ecgfridi reg CASE_is monasteri CASE_um beat CASE_i paul CASE_i apostol CASE_i construx CASE_it e CASE_a duntaxat ration CASE_e ut un CASE_a utr CASE_ius loc CASE_i pax et concord CASE_ia eadem perpetu CASE_o familiaritas conserv CASE_aretur et grati CASE_a
and hither, a year after, Benedict sent about 17 monks, setting Ceolfrid over them as abbot and priest; and with the advice or rather even by the commandment of the said king Egfrid, he built the monastery of the blessed apostle Paul; on this condition only, that there should be unity of peace and agreement, and that friendship and kindness should continually be preserved the same between the two places;
qu CASE_am in ips CASE_a paene nat CASE_us sim schol CASE_a cur CASE_am que hab CASE_endi penit CASE_us cord CASE_e eras CASE_erim nec pallad CASE_e h CASE_anc invit CASE_a in vit CASE_am incubu CASE_erim fastidios CASE_e tamen in coet CASE_um recipi CASE_or
although I was all but born in a school, and although I have entirely blotted from my mind all interest in property and have devoted myself to this kind of life, not without the favour of Pallas, yet even so, it is only with distaste that I am admitted into the society of poets.
perrex CASE_erunt ergo simul et ven CASE_erunt in urb CASE_em qu CASE_ae in extre CASE_mis regn CASE_i e CASE_ius fin CASE_ibus esse CASE_erat
So they went on together, and came into a city, that was in the uttermost borders of his kingdom.
praeterea inter lumin CASE_a secund CASE_um pil CASE_as et ant CASE_as post CASE_es si suppon CASE_entur esse CASE_erunt non vitios CASE_ae
Further, if supports are put for the piers and pilasters between the windows, these faults will be avoided.
tum vitul CASE_us bim CASE_a curv CASE_ans i CASE_am corn CASE_ua front CASE_e quaer CASE_itur hu CASE_ic gemin CASE_ae n CASE_ares et spirit CASE_us or CASE_is mult CASE_a reluct CASE_anti obstru CASE_itur plag CASE_is que perempt CASE_o tuns CASE_a per integr CASE_am solv CASE_untur viscer CASE_a pell CASE_em
Then a bullock is sought, one just arching his horns on a brow of two summers growth. Struggle as he will, both his nostrils are stopped up, and the breath of his mouth; then he is beaten to death, and his flesh is pounded to a pulp through the unbroken hide.
ergo nec sum CASE_is t CASE_ibi nec ull CASE_i don CASE_as qu CASE_id sic fat CASE_is plac CASE_et
Then you neither take anything for yourself nor give anything from it to another? Such is the will of the Fates.
sed et ali CASE_a perplura qu CASE_ae tant CASE_i oper CASE_is negoti CASE_um quaer CASE_ebat vel ibi disc CASE_ere vel ind CASE_e accip CASE_ere cupi CASE_ebat
Moreover, divers other things also he desired either to learn there or to receive from thence, requisite for the business of so great a work.
tu CASE_o ver CASE_o cap CASE_ite ignobil CASE_em vic CASE_um em CASE_i qu CASE_is fer CASE_at non tu CASE_orum mod CASE_o milit CASE_um sed ull CASE_ius gent CASE_is barbar CASE_ae civis qu CASE_i tu CASE_am magnitudin CASE_em nov CASE_it horr CASE_et anim CASE_us cogitation CASE_em r CASE_ei qu CASE_am paul CASE_o ante vid CASE_imus
But that an obscure village should be bought at the price of your life who could endure, not to mention your own soldiers, but even the citizen of any barbarous nation who knows your greatness? My soul shudders at the thought of the scene which we witnessed a short time ago.
sed nec ist CASE_a suffici CASE_unt aus CASE_us est intr CASE_are templ CASE_um univers CASE_a terr CASE_a sancti CASE_us Menelao ductor CASE_e qu CASE_i leg CASE_um et patri CASE_ae fu CASE_it prod CASE_itor
But this was not enough, he presumed also to enter into the temple, the most holy in all the world Menelaus, that traitor to the laws, and to his country, being his guide.
fer CASE_unt enim theolog CASE_i in luc CASE_em ed CASE_itis homin CASE_ibus cunct CASE_is salv CASE_a firmitat CASE_e fatal CASE_i hu CASE_ius mod CASE_i qu CASE_ae velut act CASE_us rect CASE_ura numin CASE_a soci CASE_ari admodum tamen paucissi CASE_mis vis CASE_a qu CASE_os multiplic CASE_es aux CASE_ere virtut CASE_es
For the theologians maintain that there are associated with all men at their birth, but without interference with the established course of destiny, certain divinities of that sort, as directors of their conduct; but they have been seen by only a very few, whom their manifold merits have raised to eminence.
architectur CASE_a autem const CASE_at ex ordinatio n CASE_e qu CASE_ae graec CASE_e tax CASE_is dic CASE_itur et ex dispositio n CASE_e h CASE_anc autem graec CASE_i diathes CASE_i n CASE_e vocit CASE_ant et eurythmia et symmetri CASE_a et decor CASE_e et distributio n CASE_e qu CASE_ae graec CASE_e oeconomi CASE_a dic CASE_itur
Now architecture consists of Order, which in Greek is called taxis, and of Arrangement, which the Greeks name diathesis, and of Proportion and Symmetry and Decor and Distribution which in Greek is called oeconomia.
corpor CASE_a famos CASE_is olim ditat CASE_a rapin CASE_is in cumul CASE_os congest CASE_a iac CASE_ent mir CASE_abere ser CASE_is posteritas saecl CASE_is inhumat CASE_a cadaver CASE_a lat CASE_e qu CASE_ae Pollentinos tex CASE_erunt oss CASE_ibus agr CASE_os
The bodies of men who once enriched themselves by their ill-famed plundering now lie piled in heaps. Thou wilt marvel, Posterity, in late ages at corpses lying unburied far over the ground, which have covered the fields of Pollentia with their bones.
nec vener CASE_es nostr CASE_as h CASE_oc fall CASE_it qu CASE_o mag CASE_is ips CASE_ae omn CASE_ia sum CASE_mo oper CASE_e h CASE_os vit CASE_ae postscaeni CASE_a cel CASE_ant qu CASE_os retin CASE_ere vol CASE_unt adstrict CASE_os que ess CASE_e in amor CASE_e quoniam tu anim CASE_o tamen omn CASE_ia poss CASE_is protrah CASE_ere in luc CASE_em atque omn CASE_is inquir CASE_ere ris CASE_us et si bell CASE_o anim CASE_o es CASE_t et non odios CASE_a vicissim praetermitt CASE_ere et human CASE_is conced CASE_ere r CASE_ebus
Our Venuses are quite well aware of this; so they are at greater pains themselves to hide all that is behind the scenes of life from those whom they wish to detain fast bound in the chains of love; but all is vanity, since you can nevertheless in your minds drag it all into the light of day, and seek the cause of all the merriment, and if she is nice-minded and not a nuisance, you can overlook in your tum and make some concession to human weakness.
es CASE_t et ali CASE_a observatio auspici CASE_orum qu CASE_a grav CASE_ium bell CASE_orum event CASE_us explor CASE_ant
They have another method of taking divinations, by means of which they probe the issue of serious wars.
i CASE_d quidem Philotas qu CASE_i gravi CASE_ora supplic CASE_ia metu CASE_eret haud san CASE_e iniqu CASE_o anim CASE_o audi CASE_ebat at rex in contion CASE_em revers CASE_us sive ut in custodi CASE_a qu CASE_o torqu CASE_eret sive ut diligenti CASE_us cunct CASE_a cognosc CASE_eret concili CASE_um in poster CASE_um di CASE_em distul CASE_it et qu CASE_am in vesper CASE_am inclin CASE_abat di CASE_es tamen amic CASE_os convoc CASE_ari iub CASE_et
This indeed Philotas, who feared severer tortures, heard by no means reluctantly; but the king, having returned to the assembly, either that he might also torture him in prison, or that he might investigate the whole matter more carefully, adjourned the council to the following day, and although the time was approaching evening, he nevertheless ordered his friends to be called together.
tu larg CASE_us eo CASE_a germin CASE_a tu mess CASE_es cilic CASE_um que arab CASE_um que superb CASE_as merg CASE_e rog CASE_is fer CASE_at ign CASE_is op CASE_es hered CASE_is et alt CASE_o agger CASE_e miss CASE_uri nitid CASE_o pi CASE_a nubil CASE_a cael CASE_o stip CASE_entur cens CASE_us n CASE_os non ars CASE_ura fer CASE_emus muner CASE_a vent CASE_uros que tu CASE_us dur CASE_abit in ann CASE_os m CASE_e monstr CASE_ante dol CASE_or
Lavishly plunge Eastern gums into the flames, the proud harvests of Cilicia and Arabia. Let the fire bear your inheritance and wealth be piled on the tall mound to waft pious clouds to the bright sky. I shall bear gifts that do not burn and your grief shall endure through years to come as I portray it.
et faci CASE_es e CASE_orum et pinn CASE_ae e CASE_orum extent CASE_ae desuper du CASE_ae pinn CASE_ae singul CASE_orum iung CASE_ebantur et du CASE_ae teg CASE_ebant corpor CASE_a e CASE_orum
And their faces, and their wings were stretched upward: two wings of every one were joined, and two covered their bodies:
tum prens CASE_ans passim es CASE_t nomen in arm CASE_is dedecus h CASE_oc defend CASE_e man CASE_u cur perfid CASE_a et urb CASE_i alter CASE_a carthago nostr CASE_ae post foeder CASE_a rupt CASE_a et miss CASE_um ad port CASE_as poen CASE_um post iur CASE_a petit CASE_a consul CASE_is altern CASE_i st CASE_at adhuc et turr CASE_ibus alt CASE_is hannibal CASE_em ac libyc CASE_as expect CASE_at lent CASE_a cohort CASE_es misc CASE_ebat dict CASE_is fact CASE_a et nunc robor CASE_e cels CASE_as educ CASE_i turr CASE_es qu CASE_is vinc CASE_eret ardu CASE_a mur CASE_i cog CASE_ebat nunc coniunct CASE_as astring CASE_ere nod CASE_is inst CASE_abat ferr CASE_o que trabes qu CASE_o frang CASE_eret alt CASE_os port CASE_arum post CASE_es quat CASE_eret que mor CASE_antia claustr CASE_a
He grasped the hand of every man famous in arms, and said: Fight, to repel this disgrace. Why is treacherous Capua, a second Carthage to our state, still standing, after breaking her treaty and sending Hannibal against Rome, and after her claim to hold one of the consulships? Why does she, at ease behind her lofty towers, look out for the arrival of Hannibal and his Libyan host? His words he backed up with deeds. He made his men rear high wooden towers, to rise above the top of the walls; or again he made haste to bind together beams with clamps of iron, that he might break the tall gate-posts and batter down the barriers of defence.
ali CASE_os etiam mult CASE_os vers CASE_ibus decorav CASE_it et ubi gent CASE_ium e CASE_orum qualiter ass CASE_us aut iurulent CASE_us optime sapi CASE_at nec tamen ab erud CASE_itis reprehend CASE_itur n CASE_e ego reprehend CASE_ar qu CASE_i r CASE_es paucissi CASE_mis cognit CASE_as graec CASE_e et latin CASE_e propri CASE_is et elegant CASE_ibus vocabul CASE_is conscrib CASE_o
Many others too he honors with his poetry, saying where in the world each is, and how to bake or stew them for the best flavor, and yet scholars do not fault him; so I am not to be faulted either when I use correct, stylish language, both Greek and Latin, to record facts that very few know.
h CASE_ic mult CASE_um flet CASE_i ad super CASE_os bell CASE_o que caduc CASE_i Dardanidae qu CASE_os ill CASE_e omn CASE_is long CASE_o ordin CASE_e cern CASE_ens ingemu CASE_it glauc CASE_um que Medonta que Thersilochum que tr CASE_is Antenoridas cerer CASE_i que sacr CASE_um Polyboete n CASE_e Idaeum que etiam curr CASE_us etiam arm CASE_a ten CASE_entem
here, much wept on earth above and fallen in war, the Dardan chiefs; whom as he beheld, all in long array, he moaned'Glaucus and Medon and Thersilochus, the three sons of Antenor, and Polyboetes, priest of Ceres, and Idaeus, still keeping his chariot, still his arms.