Ceterum amnium coetus maritimis similes fluctus movet, multoque ac turbido limo, quod aquarum concursu subinde turbatur, iter qua meatur navigiis in tenuem alveum cogitur.
Moreover, the union of the rivers raises billows like those of the sea, and the abundance of turbid silt, which is constantly shifted by the confluent waters, compresses the way where it is navigable by boats into a narrow channel.
sed tamen et quernas glandes tum stringere tempus et lauri bacas oleamque cruentaque myrta, tum gruibus pedicas et retia ponere cervis auritosque sequi lepores, tum figere dammas stuppea torquentem Balearis verbera fundae, cum nix alta iacet, glaciem cum flumina trudunt.
Still, then is the time to strip the acorns and laurel berries, the olive and blood-red myrtle; the time to set snares for cranes and nets for the stag, and to chase the long-eared hares; the time to smite the does, as you whirl the hempen thongs of a Balearic sling'when the snow lies deep, when the rivers roll down the ice.
quae cum abdidisset cornea corpus domo nec ullo pacto laedi posset condita, venit per auras cornix et propter volans: Opimam sane praedam rapuisti unguibus; sed nisi monstraro quid sit faciendum tibi, gravi nequiquam te lassabit pondere.
When it had hidden its body inside its horny dwelling and could not, while thus bestowed, be hurt in any way, a crow came through the air and flying near by said to the eagle: It is certainly a rich prize that you have carried off in your talons, but unless I show you what you must do with it, the burden of its weight will tire you out to no purpose.
Adesse tamen deos iustae vindictae: cecidisse legionem, quae proelium ausa sit; ceteros castris occultari aut fugam circumspicere.
Yet Heaven was on the side of their just revenge: one legion, which ventured battle, had perished; the rest were skulking in their camps, or looking around them for a way of escape.
quia timor quem timebam evenit mihi et quod verebar accidit
For the fear which I feared, hath come upon me: and that which I was afraid of, hath befallen me.
Nam non L. videmus Fundilium, qui nos advocavit.
For I do not see Lucius Fundilius, our host.
et post obitum illius benedixit Deus Isaac filio eius qui habitabat iuxta puteum nomine Viventis et videntis
And after his death, God blessed Isaac his son, who dwelt by the well named Of the living and seeing.
corripe proximum ne forte non dixerit et si dixerit ne forte iteret
Reprove thy neighbour, for it may be he hath not said it: and if he hath said it, that he may not say it again.
Post hos Melanchlaenas et Anthropophagos palari accepimus per diversa, humanis corporibus victitantes, quibus ob haec alimenta nefanda desertis, finitimi omnes longa petiere terrarum.
Beyond these are the Melanchlaenae and the Anthropophagi, who according to report lead a nomadic life and feed upon human flesh; and because of this abominable food they are left to themselves and all their former neighbours have moved to distant parts of the earth.
saturati prius pro pane se locaverunt et famelici saturati sunt donec sterilis peperit plurimos et quae multos habebat filios infirmata est
They that were full before, have hired out themselves for bread: and the hungry are filled, so that the barren hath borne many: and she that had many children is weakened.
Ceterum cur Aemilianus commoveretur, etsi vere magum me comperisset, qui non modo ullo facto, sed ne tantulo quidem dicto meo laesus est, ut videretur se merito ultum ire?
Yet what incited Aemilianus, even if he had truly found me to be a magician, to suppose he had a just motive for revenge? I had not harmed him by the least word, let alone by any deed.
vobis enim est repromissio et filiis vestris et omnibus qui longe sunt quoscumque advocaverit Dominus Deus noster
For the promise is to you and to your children and to all that are far off, whomsoever the Lord our God shall call.
At ille cum videret, si vestrae auctoritati non paruisset, dissimilem se futurum sui, sin paruisset, munus sibi illud pro re publica susceptum vitae finem fore, maluit in maximo rei publicae discrimine emori quam minus quam potuisset videri rei publicae profuisse.
But when he saw that he would not be true to his nature if he did not obey your authority, whereas if he did obey, that charge undertaken for the sake of the Republic would be the end of his life, he preferred at the time of a severe crisis of the Republic to die outright rather than to appear to have done less for the Republic than he might have done.
Non possum adduci ut suspicer te pecunia captum.
I cannot bring myself to suspect that you yielded to a pecuniary temptation.
Sed dum haec cogitantur in cassum, imperator remediis multiplicibus recreatus, vixque se mortis periculo contemplans extractum, Gratianum filium suum, adulto iam proximum, insignibus principatus ornare meditabatur.
But while these designs were being agitated to no purpose, the emperor was restored with the help of numerous remedies; and observing that he was hardly yet rescued from the danger of death, he purposed to bestow the imperial insignia upon his son Gratianus, who had by this time nearly reached the age of puberty.
Addidit e Syria duodecimam et adductos Alexandria duoetvicensimanos tertianosque; comitabantur viginti sociae cohortes, octo equitum alae, simul Agrippa Sohaemusque reges et auxilia regis Antiochi validaque et solito inter accolas odio infensa Iudaeis Arabum manus, multi quos urbe atque Italia sua quemque spes acciverat occupandi principem adhuc vacuum.
He reinforced these with the Twelfth from Syria and with some soldiers from the Twenty-second and the Third which he brought from Alexandria; these troops were accompanied by twenty cohorts of allied infantry, eight squadrons of cavalry, as well as by the princes Agrippa and Sohaemus, the auxiliaries sent by King Antiochus, and by a strong contingent of Arabs, who hated the Jews with all that hatred that is common among neighbours; there were besides many Romans who had been prompted to leave the capital and Italy by the hope that each entertained of securing the princes favour while he was yet free from engagements.
Etrothsophan et Iazer Iecbaa
And Etroth, and Sophan, and Jazer, and Jegbaa,
quoniam autem estis filii misit Deus Spiritum Filii sui in corda nostra clamantem Abba Pater
And because you are sons, God hath sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying: Abba, Father.
unum praeceptum erit atque iudicium tam vobis quam advenis terrae
There shall be all one law and judgment both for you and for them who are strangers in the land.
Nam cum tanta multitudo lapides ac tela coicerent, in muro consistendi potestas erat nulli.
for while so large a number were casting stones and darts, no one was able to maintain his position upon the wall
premit undique lentum turba deum frendens et tela ultricia poscit, nec iam audet Fatis turbata obsistere coniunx.
From all hands the crowd of deities urge their tardy chief, gnashing their teeth and demanding weapons of vengeance, nor does his cowed consort dare longer to obstruct the Fates.
Hos quidem diutius in nostro conspectu gloriari magno nobis et dedecori et dolori est.
Certainly for these fellows to go on boasting yonder in our sight is a sore disgrace and mortification to us.
quia haec dicit Dominus Deus gladius regis Babylonis veniet tibi
For thus saith the Lord God: The sword of the king of Babylon shall come upon thee,
spectare mihi videor bonorum pace praefata illam in invidis ignaviam superbientem et illud militandi inertibus familiare fastidium, cum a desperatione crescendi inter bibendum philosophantes ferias inhonoratorum laudant, vitio desidiae, non studio perfectionis.
I picture myself looking on (I say this with all respect to the better sort) at the combination of arrogance and indolence among your ill-wishers, and at that disdain of public service which is characteristic of the slothful, when, hopeless themselves of rising in the world, they play the philosopher over their wine and praise the leisured lives of those who hold no office,'not from any eagerness for perfection but simply through vicious indolence.
hoc malunt Thebae.
This rather Thebes desires.
tunc dicit ei Iesus vade Satanas scriptum est Dominum Deum tuum adorabis et illi soli servies
Then Jesus saith to him: Begone, Satan: for it is written: The Lord thy God shalt thou adore, and him only shalt thou serve.
cum autem obtuleris sacrificium coctum in clibano de simila panes scilicet absque fermento conspersos oleo et lagana azyma oleo lita
But when thou offerest a sacrifice baked in the oven of flour, to wit, loaves without leaven, tempered with oil, and unleavened wafers, anointed with oil:
Ac fortasse mirum videbitur inperitis hominibus posse naturam tantum numerum doctrinarum perdiscere et memoria continere.
But perhaps it will seem wonderful to inexperienced persons that human nature can master and hold in recollection so large a number of subjects.
Herculeos annis aequare labores coeperat assurgens, et adhuc infantia iuxta; iam tamen et validi gressus mensuraque maior cultibus et visae puero decrescere vestes, cum tibi quas vestes, quae non gestamina mitis festinabat erus? brevibus constringere laenis pectora et angusta nolens artare lacerna, enormes non ille sinus sed semper ad annos texta legens, modo puniceo velabat amictu, nunc herbas imitante sinu, nunc dulce rubenti murice; nunc vivis digitos incendere gemmis gaudebat.
Rising with the years, he bid fair to equal Hercules labors'and infancy was still close. Yet already his steps were firm, his stature bigger than his wear, clothes seemed to shrink upon him'and what clothes, what trappings did your gentle master not hasten for you? Not wishing to constrain your chest with narrow mantles and cramp it in a tight cloak, not giving you folds too long, always choosing garments to suit your years, now he would cover you in scarlet habit, now in grass-green folds, now in sweet blush of purple, now rejoice to set your fingers afire with vivid jewels.
alterius autem matrem holera, alterius patrem cultellos venditasse omnium paene doctorum litterae loquuntur.
But the writings of almost all the learned speak of the mother of the one as selling vegetables and the father of the other as selling knives.
Rex, situ montis cognito ex incolis, cum toto exercitu, praemissis commeatibus, verticem eius ascendit.
Alexander, having learned from the natives the situation of the mountain, had supplies sent in advance, and ascended to its summit with his whole army.
quidam quidem et propter invidiam et contentionem quidam autem et propter bonam voluntatem Christum praedicant
Some indeed, even out of envy and contention: but some also for good will preach Christ.
Nam plerosque ex decretis honoribus et alii non receperunt, nemo ante tantus fuit ut crederetur noluisse decerni; quod ego titulis omnibus speciosius reor, quando non trabibus aut saxis nomen tuum sed monimentis aeternae laudis inciditur.
for though there have been others who refused most of the honours offered them, no one was great enough before for us to believe that he did not want them offered. This, I think, is more splendid than any inscription, since your name is engraved not on beams of wood or blocks of stone but in the records of imperishable glory.
Atque in amore mala haec proprio summeque secundo inveniuntur; in adverso vero atque inopi sunt, prendere quae possis oculorum lumine operto, innumerabilia; ut melius vigilare sit ante, qua docui ratione, cavereque ne inliciaris.
And more, these evils are found in a love that brings possession, and when all goes exceedingly well; but in love that is unhappy and helpless, evils there are that you can see with your eyes shut, innumerable; so that it is better to be on guard beforehand, as I have explained, and to take care that you be not enticed.
nam cum supervenerit illis proelium et mala cogitant post se sacerdotes ubi se abscondant cum illis
For when war cometh upon them , or evils: the priests consult with themselves, where they may hide themselves with them.
Denique et in monasterio beatissimi apostolorum principis, ecclesiam sanctae Dei genitricis fecit, quam consecravit archiepiscopus Mellitus.
At last also he built a church in honour of the holy mother of God in the monastery of the most blessed chief of the apostles, which church Mellitus the archbishop consecrated.
Vinaceos cotidie recentis succernito lecto restibus subtento, vel cribrum illi rei parato.
Sift the fresh husks daily through a bed stretched on cords, or make a sieve for the purpose,
Igitur cum equites nihil praeter fugae circumspectantes praesidia, vidisset longius Caesar, concito equo, eos velut repagulum quoddam cohibuit.
So, when Caesar had seen from a distance that the cavalry were looking for nothing except safety in flight, he spurred on his horse and held them back like a kind of barrier.
si autem illius litteris non creditis quomodo meis verbis credetis
But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?
Quid igitur? Haecine omnia'bonum sufficientia potentia ceteraque'veluti quaedam beatitudinis membra sunt an ad bonum veluti ad verticem cuncta referuntur?
What, then? Are all these'good, sufficiency, power and so on'as it were members of the body, happiness, or do they all stand in relation to the good as it were to their head?
Quapropter, ut invitus saepe dissensi a Q. Fufio, ita sum eius sententiae libenter adsensus: ex quo iudicare debetis me non cum homine solere, sed cum causa dissidere.
Therefore, having often reluctantly disagreed with Quintus Fufius, I gladly assented to his proposal, from which you are to conclude that the differences I am apt to have with him are not related to personality but to substance.
Hanc ego causam, patres conscripti, quominus novom consilium capiamus, in primis magnam puto.
This I regard, Members of the Senate, as a particularly weighty reason why we should not adopt a new policy.
hic tenebras habitant volitantque per umbras innumeri quondam populi.
The countless generations of past ages dwell here in darkness and flit through the shadows.
fors erit, ut, lustrum cum se cumulaverit istis, confectam Proculus signet Olympiadam.
Perchance when five years have been added to that tale, Proculus shall seal the complete Olympiad.
Inter quorum aspectus et minas ingressi curiam senatores, et oratio principis per quaestorem eius audita est: nemine nominatim compellato patres arguebat, quod publica munia desererent eorumque exemplo equites Romani ad segnitiam verterentur: etenim quid mirum e longinquis provinciis haud veniri, cum plerique adepti consulatum et sacerdotia hortorum potius amoenitati inservirent.
Under their eyes and their menaces the senators entered their meeting-place, and listened to the emperors speech, as read by his quaestor. Without mentioning any person by name, he taxed the Fathers with deserting the public service and setting the example of indolence to Roman knights. For what wonder that members failed to appear from distant provinces, when many who had attained the consulate and priesthoods preferred to spend their energies upon the embellishment of their pleasure-grounds?
divisere aditus, omnique in limine saevus signifer ante omnes sua damna et gaudia portans.
They divide the approaches and at each threshold stands a fierce ensign-bearer, leading in front of all their losses and their joys.
Et iam sacrifici subitus per tecta Lycurgi nuntius implerat lacrimis ipsumque domumque, ipsum adventantem Persei vertice sancto montis, ubi averso dederat prosecta Tonanti, et caput iratis rediens quassabat ab extis.
And now a sudden report that ran through the dwelling of Lycurgus as he was at sacrifice filled himself and his house with tears'himself as he approached from the top of Perseus mountain where he had offered portions to the unfriendly Thunderer, shaking his head as he returned from the angry entrails.
Repperisse prorsus quod divus Augustus non providerit: an potius discordiam et seditionem a satellite Seiani quaesitam, qua rudis animos nomine honoris ad corrumpendum militiae morem propelleret? Hoc pretium Gallio meditatae adulationis tulit, statim curia, deinde Italia exactus; et quia incusabatur facile toleraturus exilium delecta Lesbo, insula nobili et amoena, retrahitur in urbem custoditurque domibus magistratuum.
He had certainly hit upon something not taken into consideration by the deified Augustus! Or was it a minion of Sejanus, fostering disaffection and sedition, in order by a nominal compliment to drive simple souls into a breach of discipline? Such was the reward of Gallios studied adulation: he was ejected at once from the senate; later from Italy; and, as the charge was made that he would carry his exile lightly, since he had chosen the famous and pleasant island of Lesbos, he was dragged back to the capital and detained under the roof of various magistrates.
Tum porro venti quoque magnam tollere partem umoris possunt verrentes aequora ponti, una nocte vias quoniam persaepe videmus siccari mollisque luti concrescere crustas.
Then further the winds also can lift a goodly portion of moisture by sweeping the surface of the ocean, since we see very often the roads grow dry in one night, and the soft mud massing together into crusts.
Tum egregiae munitiones castrorum atque valli fossarumque altitudo et extra vallum stili caeci mirabilem in modum consiti vel sine defensoribus aditum adversariis prohibebant:
Then again the exceptional defences of the camp'the height of the rampart, the depth of the ditches, and the concealed stakes outside the rampart, marvellously well planted'all these, even without defenders, served to deter the enemys approach;
sic ubi torrentem crepitanti grandine nimbum illidit terris molitus Iupiter altas fulmine nunc Alpes, nunc mixta Ceraunia caelo, intremuere simul tellus et pontus et aether, ipsaque commoto quatiuntur Tartara mundo.
So, when Jupiter smites the earth with pouring rain and crackling hail, and stirs with his thunderbolt now the Alpine heights and now the Ceraunianb mountains that reach to heaven, earth and sea and sky all quake together, and Tartarus itself is shaken in the convulsion of the universe.
Itaque illinc plures stare, hinc plures dimicaturos.
Hence on their side more men stand, on our side more will fight.
Saul et Ionathan amabiles et decori in vita sua in morte quoque non sunt divisi aquilis velociores leonibus fortiores
Saul and Jonathan, lovely, and comely in their life, even in death they were not divided: they were swifter than eagles, stronger than lions.
doctrina oris doctrinam oris audite filii et qui custodierit illam non periet in labiis suis nec scandalizabitur in operibus nequissimis
Hear, O ye children, the discipline of the mouth, and he that will keep it shall not perish by his lips, nor be brought to fall into most wicked works.
et exivit a Pharaone iratus nimis dixit autem Dominus ad Mosen non audiet vos Pharao ut multa signa fiant in terra Aegypti
And he went out from Pharao exceeding angry. But the Lord said to Moses: Pharao will not hear you, that many signs may be done in the land of Egypt.
et cum haec dixisset ait unde estis iuvenes fratres nostri at illi dixerunt ex tribu Nepthalim sumus ex captivitate Nineven
And when he had spoken these words, he said: Whence are ye young men our brethren? But they said: We are of the tribe of Nephtali, of the captivity of Ninive.
Quod ergo mortuis litabatur, utique parentationi deputabatur; quae species proinde idololatria est, quoniam et idololatria parentationis est species : tam haec quam illa mortuis ministrat.
What was offered to appease the dead was counted as a funeral rite.b This type of thing is idolatry, for idolatry too is a type of funeral rite; the one and the other are alike service to the dead.
Ita tres suscitantur in ea structura crustae, duae frontium et una media farturae.
Thus three slices are raised in this walling, two of the facings, and a middle one of the filling in.
Ne illi falsi sunt, qui divorsissumas res pariter expectant, ignaviae voluptatem et praemia virtutis.
Surely they are deluded in looking forward with equal confidence to polar opposites, namely, the pleasure of idleness and the rewards of merit.
Ne Cyrus quidem superior invictae fatorum necessitatis parvulum argumentum est.
The elder Cyrus too is no trifling proof of the unconquerable necessity of fate.
ille dolens altum repetit chaos.
In grief the spirit sought the deep void again.
quos monere pro patria auctoritate debebitis, ut contractae apud nos offensae amaritudinem politis affatibus dulcare non desinant.
It will be your duty, in view of your paternal authority, to warn them that they must never cease to sweeten with elegant letters the bitter taste of the grievance I have against them.
Nihil illis ad bella promptius fuit; incitabat virtutem et ignominiae demendae cupido et quia fortia facta in paucis latere non poterant.
Nothing was more enthusiastic for war than those men; their valour was enhanced both from the desire of wiping out disgrace, and because brave deeds could not be concealed among a few.
si mortui estis cum Christo ab elementis mundi quid adhuc tamquam viventes in mundo decernitis
If then you be dead with Christ from the elements of this world, why do you yet decree as though living in the world?
duas quoque vaccas pingues et quattuor arietes occidi fecit et parari epulas omnibus vicinis suis et cunctis amicis
He caused also two fat kine, and four wethers to be killed, and a banquet to be prepared for all his neighbours, and all his friends,
eicient eam extra fores domus patris sui et lapidibus obruent viri civitatis eius et morietur quoniam fecit nefas in Israhel ut fornicaretur in domo patris sui et auferes malum de medio tui
They shall cast her out of the doors of her father's house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death, and she shall die: because she hath done a wicked thing in Israel, to play the whore in her father's house: and thou shalt take away the evil out of the midst of thee.
Abimelech quoque audiens viros turris Sycimorum pariter conglobatos
Abimelech also hearing that the men of the tower of Sichem were gathered together,
Si esse non volet, dato brassicam coctam et panem, et bibat vinum lene dilutum, lavet raro, utatur unctione.
if he has not, on boiled cabbage and bread. He should drink diluted mild wine, bathe rarely, and rub with oil.
misit ergo David ad Thamar domum dicens veni in domum Amnon fratris tui et fac ei pulmentum
Then David sent home to Thamar, saying: Come to the house of thy brother Ammon, and make him a mess.
at non ipse tuas imitabor, perfide, voces: fallere te numquam, Galle, puella velit.
But I shall not copy your language, traitor: may no girl, Gallus, ever wish to play you false.
Illis etiam detracto capite in longum fortissime pugnandi duravit constantia et desperata victoria in mortem dimicabatur.
Even without their chief his men long continued to fight bravely, and despairing of victory they fought to the death.
Ita conviviis eorum et, quod poculis et pytismatis effundetur, simul cadit siccescitque, quique versantur ibi ministrantes, etsi nudis pedibus fuerint, non recipiunt fraces ab eius modi genere pavimenti.
At banquets, therefore, the wine which is thrown from the cups or spit out after tasting dries as it falls. And although the servants who are employed there are barefooted, their feet are not stained by the wine-lees on this kind of pavement.
et fecit in Hierusalem diversi generis machinas quas in turribus conlocavit et in angulis murorum ut mitterent sagittas et saxa grandia egressumque est nomen eius procul eo quod auxiliaretur ei Dominus et corroborasset illum
And he made in Jerusalem engines of diverse kinds, which he placed in the towers, and in the corners of the walls, to shoot arrows, and great stones: and his name went forth far abroad, for the Lord helped him, and had strengthened him.
FE aperuerunt super nos os suum omnes inimici
Phe. All our enemies have opened their mouths against us.
Atheniensium deinde, Rhodiorum et Chiorum legatos audit; Athenienses victoriam gratulabantur et ut captivi Graecorum suis restituerentur orabant; Rhodii et Chii de praesidio querebantur.
Then Alexander gave audience to the envoys of the Athenians, the Rhodians, and the Chians; the Athenians congratulated him on his victory and begged that the Greek prisoners should be restored to their country; the Rhodians and the Chians made complaints of their garrisons.
et erat ipse in puppi supra cervical dormiens et excitant eum et dicunt ei magister non ad te pertinet quia perimus
And he was in the hinder part of the ship, sleeping upon a pillow; and they awake him, and say to him: Master, doth, it not concern thee that we perish?
Sed insessis interim Alpibus venturum cum copiis Orientis Mucianum; superesse Vespasiano mare, classis, studia provinciarum, per quas velut alterius belli molem cieret.
But while they meantime held the Alps, Mucianus, they said, would arrive with the troops from the east; Vespasian had besides full control of the sea and his fleets, and he could count on the enthusiastic support of the provinces, through whose aid he could raise the storm of almost a second war.
et dixerunt servi David ad eum ecce dies de qua locutus est Dominus ad te ego tradam tibi inimicum tuum ut facias ei sicut placuerit in oculis tuis surrexit ergo David et praecidit oram clamydis Saul silenter
And the servants of David said to him: Behold the day, of which the Lord said to thee: I will deliver thy enemy unto thee, that thou mayst do to him as it shall seem good in thy eyes. Then David arose, and secretly cut off the hem of Saul's robe.
et fui inmaculatus cum eo et custodivi me ab iniquitate mea
et ero inmaculatus cum eo et observabo ab iniquitate mea
interficiet impium malitia et odientes iustum superabuntur
mors peccatorum pessima et qui oderunt iustum delinquent
Exceptus igitur tertium Iduum Decembrium verecundis senatus officiis, et popularium consonis plausibus, stipatusque armatorum et togatorum agminibus, velut acie ducebatur instructa, omnium oculis in eum non modo contuitu destinato, sed cum admiratione magna defixis.
And so he was met on the eleventh of December with the respectful attendance of the senate and the unanimous applause of the people, and surrounded by troups of soldiers and citizens he was escorted as if by an army in line of battle, while all eyes were turned upon him, not only with a fixed gaze, but also with great admiration.
Inter quae destituti pedites post navalium sociorum occasum, obtriti sunt saxis immanibus, praeter paucos quos morte scilicet per impedita suffugia, velocitas exemerat pedum.
Meanwhile the foot-soldiers, left alone after the death of their companions on the ships, were crushed by huge stones, except a few whom speed of foot through the encumbered passageways saved from death.
P. Lucullus et L. Annius tribuni plebis resistentibus conlegis continuare magistratum nitebantur, quae dissensio totius anni comitia inpediebat.
The plebeian tribunes Publius Lucullus and Lucius Annius, were striving to prolong their term of office in spite of the opposition of their colleagues, and this wrangling blocked the elections of the whole year.
Libertatis adhuc custos et vindex Severitas, sed pro dignitate etiam ac pro disciplina aeque gravis: M. enim Claudium senatus Corsis, quia turpem cum iis pacem fecerat, dedi<di>t
Hitherto Severity is the guardian and avenger of freedom, but she is equally stern for dignity and discipline. The senate surrendered M. Claudius to the Corsi because he had made a dishonourable peace with them.
nullus enim audebat cubiculum virtutis Assyriorum pulsando aut intrando aperire
For no man durst knock, or open and go into the chamber of the general of the Assyrians.
non aris, non farre molae victoria felix exorata venit: labor inpiger, aspera virtus, vis animi excellens, ardor, violentia, cura hanc tribuunt, durum tractandis robur in armis.
Not with altars nor ground wheat is auspicious victory prevailed upon to come. It is tireless toil, rude courage, surpassing energy of spirit, burning zeal, forcefulness, painstaking, that bestow victory, and stark strength in handling arms.
Marius ad Zamam pervenit.
Marius reached Zama.
immolabit agnum ubi immolari solet hostia pro peccato et holocaustum id est in loco sancto sicut enim pro peccato ita et pro delicto ad sacerdotem pertinet hostia sancta sanctorum est
He shall immolate the lamb, where the victim for sin is wont to be immolated, and the holocaust, that is, in the holy place. For as that which is for sin, so also the victim for a trespass offering pertaineth to the priest: it is holy of holies.
in tempore quoque illo dixi populo unusquisque cum puero suo maneat in medio Hierusalem et sint vobis vices per noctem et diem ad operandum
At that time also I said to the people: Let every one with his servant stay in the midst of Jerusalem, and let us take our turns in the night, and by day, to work.
Quarta soporiferae superabant tempora nocti, cum vacuae nubes et honor non omnibus astris, afflatusque fugit curru maiore Bootes.
A fourth watch remained to slumbrous night, when the clouds are empty and not all the stars are shining and Bootes flees at the breath of a greater chariot.
heu dure siles? magnumque minatur nescio quid tuus iste pudor? mene, optime quondam Aesonide, me ferre preces et supplicis ora fas erat? haud hoc nunc genitor putat, aut dare poenas iam sceleris dominumque pati.
Alas! cruel one, art thou silent? Is there a dread menace in that shame of thine? Were it right for me'O son of Aeson, once so noble! 'for me to offer prayers, and wear a suppliant aspect? Not this now is my father thinking, or that I am being punished for wrongdoing and enduring a masters frowns.
Eius anni principio mollibus adhuc initiis prolatatum inter Parthos Romanosque de obtinenda Armenia bellum acriter sumitur, quia nec Vologeses sinebat fratrem Tiridaten dati a se regni expertem esse aut alienae id potentiae donuin habere.
In the beginning of the year, the war between Parthia and Rome for the possession of Armenia, feebly begun, and till now carried on in dilatory fashion, was taken up with energy. For, on the one hand, Vologeses declined to allow his brother Tiridates to be debarred from the kingdom, which he had himself presented to him, or to hold it as the gift of an alien power;
Alamanni enim scutorum insignia contuentes, norant eos milites permisisse paucis suorum latronibus terram, quorum metu aliquotiens, antequam gradum conferrent, amissis pluribus abiere dispersi.
For the Alamanni, on seeing the devices of their shields, realised that these soldiers, who had given ground before a few of their brigands, were the men in fear of whom they had at times in the past scattered and fled with heavy losses, before coming to close quarters.
qui quod novit loquitur index iustitiae est qui autem mentitur testis est fraudulentus
He that speaketh that which he knoweth, sheweth forth justice: but he that lieth, is a deceitful witness.
At etiam misericordiam captabas: supplex te ad pedes abiciebas.
Why, you even tried pathos, throwing yourself as a suppliant at his feet.
ante rates pigro torpebant aequora somno nec spumare Thetis nec spargere nubila fluctus <g>audebant.
Before ships were, the sea lay plunged in torpid slumber, Thetis did not joy to foam nor billows to splash the clouds.
arduus inde labos medioque in corpore pugna conseritur.
Then arduous was the toil of the battle joined on every side about the body.
infernus subter conturbatus est in occursum adventus tui suscitavit tibi gigantas omnes principes terrae surrexerunt de soliis suis omnes principes nationum
Hell below was in an uproar to meet thee at thy coming, it stirred up the giants for thee. All the princes of the earth are risen up from their thrones, all the princes of nations.
Ceterum Thallus, quem nominastis, medico potius quam mago indiget;
But you named Thallus, who needs a doctor rather than a magician,
Proinde ab Arelate secundis egressus auspiciis, emeatoque mari cum classe, quam ductabat, nullo de se rumore praegresso, defertur ad Sitifensis Mauritaniae litus, quod appellant accolae Igilgilitanum.
Then setting out from Aries under favourable auspices and crossing the sea with the fleet under his command, preceded by no report of his coming he landed on the coast of Sitifian Mauritania, which the natives call Igilgilitanum.