Other Language
I hope you'll answer me soon.
讗谞讬 诪拽讜讜讛 砖转注谞讛 诇讬 讘拽专讜讘.
I'd been incarcerated before.
讻讘专 讛讬讬转讬 驻注诐 讗住讬专.
I don't know if that'll help.
讗讬谞谞讬 讬讜讚注转 讗诐 讝讛 讬注讝讜专.
I suggest you go by train.
讗谞讬 诪爪讬注 砖转住注 讘专讻讘转.
I thought I'd die laughing.
讞砖讘转讬 砖讗诪讜转 诪爪讞讜拽.
How much is that in dollars?
讻诪讛 讝讛 讘讚讜诇专讬诐?
We will outlive them.
讗谞讞谞讜 谞讞讬讛 讗讞专讬讛诐.
I sat down between them.
讛转讬讬砖讘转讬 讘讬谞讬讛诐.
I settled among them.
讛转讬讬砖讘转讬 讘讬谞讬讛诐.
The other kids smiled.
砖讗专 讛讬诇讚讬诐 讞讬讬讻讜.
He wrote his name.
讛讜讗 讻转讘 讗转 砖诪讜.
He wrote down his name.
讛讜讗 讻转讘 讗转 砖诪讜.
She took her life.
讛讬讗 谞讟诇讛 讗转 讞讬讬讛.
I'd like to have breakfast.
讗谞讬 专讜爪讛 诇讗讻讜诇 讗专讜讞转 讘讜拽专
I don't know where you'll go.
讗讬谞谞讬 讬讜讚注 诇讗谉 转诇讱.
Some more tea, please.
注讜讚 拽爪转 转讛, 讘讘拽砖讛.
Mary is my aunt.
诪专讬讛 讛讬讗 讚讜讚转讬.
That's a pencil.
讝讛 注讬驻专讜谉.
That's a serious problem.
讝讗转 讘注讬讛 专爪讬谞讬转.
We're drunk enough.
讗谞讜 讚讬 砖讬讻讜专讬诐.
Everything belongs to everyone.
讛讻诇 砖讬讬讱 诇讻诇.
Stephen Miller is a white nationalist.
住讟讬讘谉 诪讬诇专 讛讜讗 诇讗讜诪谉 诇讘谉.
This medicine tastes terrible.
诇转专讜驻讛 讛讝讗转 讬砖 讟注诐 讙专讜注 诪讗讜讚.
This medicine tastes awful.
诇转专讜驻讛 讛讝讗转 讬砖 讟注诐 讙专讜注 诪讗讜讚.
Tom will have to undergo several months of rehabilitation after leaving the hospital.
讟讜诐 讬爪讟专讱 诇注讘讜专 诪住驻专 讞讜讚砖讬 砖讬拽讜诐 诇讗讞专 砖讞专讜专讜 诪讘讬转 讛讞讜诇讬诐.
You're everything to me.
讗转讛 讛讻讜诇 讘砖讘讬诇讬.
Tom is a good poet.
转讜诐 诪砖讜专专 讟讜讘.
There are a lot of rivers in India.
讬砖 谞讛专讜转 专讘讬诐 讘讛讜讚讜.
Antisemitism is the socialism of fools.
讛讗谞讟讬砖诪讬讜转 讛讬讗 讛住讜爪讬讗诇讬讝诐 砖诇 讛讟驻砖讬诐.
I have the best words.
讬砖 诇讬 讗转 讛诪讬诇讬诐 讛讟讜讘讜转 讘讬讜转专.
She's studying English.
讛讬讗 诇讜诪讚转 讗谞讙诇讬转.
I have the most ideas, and you have the best ideas.
诇讬 讬砖 讗转 专讜讘 讛专注讬讜谞讜转, 诇讱 讛专注讬讜谞讜转 讛讟讜讘讬诐 讘讬讜转专.
Tom is just following orders.
讟讜诐 驻砖讜讟 诪诪诇讗 驻拽讜讚讜转.
I don't see Wikipedia as a reliable source on controversial historic and political issues.
讗谞讬 诇讗 专讜讗讛 讗转 讜讬拽讬驻讚讬讛 讻诪拽讜专 讗诪讬谉 注诇 谞讜砖讗讬诐 砖谞讜讬讬诐 讘诪讞诇讜拽转 讘讛讬住讟讜专讬讛 讜驻讜诇讬讟讬拽讛.
He fulfilled his duties as a statesman.
讛讜讗 诪讬诇讗 讗转 讞讜讘讜转讬讜 讻诪讚讬谞讗讬.
Donald Trump's antisemitic rhetoric about George Soros incited the Tree of Life synagogue shooting.
讛专讟讜专讬拽讛 讛讗谞讟讬砖诪讬转 砖诇 讚讜谞诇讚 讟专讗诪驻 注诇 讙'讜专讙' 住讜专讜住 讛住讬转讛 讗转 讛讟讘讞 讘讘讬转 讛讻谞住转 "注抓 讞讬讬诐".
I respect Muslims.
讗谞讬 诪讻讘讚转 诪讜住诇诪讬诐.
Adam was created from clay.
讗讚诐 谞讜爪专 诪讞诪专.
Moses, peace be upon him, was a messenger of God.
诪砖讛, 注诇讬讜 讛砖诇讜诐, 讛讬讛 砖诇讬讞 诪讗诇讜讛讬诐.
He's a priest.
讛讜讗 讻讜诪专.
If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am for myself only, what am I?
讗执诐 讗值讬谉 讗植谞执讬 诇执讬, 诪执讬 诇执讬? 讜旨讻职砖侄讈讗植谞执讬 诇职注址爪职诪执讬, 诪指讛 讗植谞执讬?
That which is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbour. That is the whole Torah. The rest is commentary. Now go and learn.
诪讛 砖砖谞讜讗 注诇讬讱, 讗诇 转注砖讛 诇讞讘专讱: 讝讛 讻诇 讛转讜专讛 讻讜诇讛, 讜讛砖讗专 讛讜讗 驻专讜砖; 诇讱 讜诇诪讚.
Canada's no paradise.
拽谞讚讛 讗讬谞讛 讙谉 注讚谉.
They immediately sent the sick person to the hospital.
讛诐 砖诇讞讜 诪讬讚 讗转 讛讗讚诐 讛讞讜诇讛 诇讘讬转 讞讜诇讬诐.
He became my coworker.
讛讜讗 谞讛讬讛 讞讘专讬 诇注讘讜讚讛.
I couldn't remember what they were called.
诇讗 讬讻讜诇转讬 诇讝讻讜专 讗讬讱 讛诐 谞拽专讗讬诐.
They'll let her know.
讛诐 讬讜讚讬注讜 诇讛.
They will let her know.
讛诐 讬讜讚讬注讜 诇讛.
Praise the Lord.
讘专讜讱 讛砖诐.
I murdered a god.
专爪讞转讬 讗诇.
You are free.
讗转 讞讜驻砖讬讬讛.
He works for her.
讛讜讗 注讜讘讚 讘砖讘讬诇讛.
Tom ran to save his life.
转讜诐 专抓 讻讚讬 诇讛爪讬诇 讗转 讞讬讬讜.
Life's good.
讛讞讬讬诐 讟讜讘讬诐.
That's a problem!
讛谞讛 讘注讬讛!
It's always open.
转诪讬讚 驻转讜讞.
Tom wasn't obligated to lie.
讟讜诐 诇讗 讛讬讛 诪讜讻专讞 诇砖拽专.
It's cold; put a sweater on.
拽专, 诇讘砖 住讜讜讚专.
It's cold; put on a sweater.
拽专, 诇讘砖 住讜讜讚专.
Tom used to talk to Mary all the time.
讟讜诐 讚讬讘专 注诐 诪专讬 讻诇 讛讝诪谉.
What are you doing to prevent this?
诪讛 讗转讛 注讜砖讛 讻讚讬 诇诪谞讜注 讗转 讝讛?
I went there instead of my father.
讛诇讻转讬 诇砖诐 讘诪拽讜诐 讗讘讗 砖诇讬.
The protesters shouted out, "Death to America!"
讛诪驻讙讬谞讬诐 爪注拽讜 "诪讜讜转 诇讗诪专讬拽讛!"
Mum is making me a birthday cake.
讗诪讗 讗讜驻讛 诇讬 注讜讙转 讬讜诐 讛讜诇讚转.
Ideas matter.
专注讬讜谞讜转 讛诐 讞砖讜讘讬诐.
If Ivanka weren't my daughter, perhaps I'd be dating her.
讗诐 讗讬讜讜谞拽讛 诇讗 讛讬讬转讛 讛讘转 砖诇讬, 讗讜诇讬 讛讬讬转讬 讬讜爪讗 讗讬转讛.
I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters.
讗谞讬 讬讻讜诇 诇注诪讜讚 讘讗诪爪注 讛砖讚专讛 讛讞诪讬砖讬转 讜诇讬专讜转 讘诪讬砖讛讜 讜诇讗 讗讗讘讚 诪爪讘讬注讬诐.
You guys don't seem very satisfied.
讗讬谞讻诐 谞专讗讬诐 诪专讜爪讬诐 诇诪讚讬.
You guys don't seem too satisfied.
讗讬谞讻诐 谞专讗讬诐 诪专讜爪讬诐 诇诪讚讬.
I read everything.
讗谞讬 拽讜专讗转 讛讻诇.
Will you make a little room for me?
转驻谞讬 诇讬 拽爪转 诪拽讜诐?
It's been raining since last Thursday.
讬讜专讚 讙砖诐 诪讗讝 讬讜诐 讞诪讬砖讬 砖注讘专.
I want to help you all.
讗谞讬 专讜爪讛 诇注讝讜专 诇讻诐.
I want to help you guys.
讗谞讬 专讜爪讛 诇注讝讜专 诇讻诐.
What foolishness!
讗讬讝讜 砖讟讜转!
But what are you saying? A lute isn't a guitar!
讗讘诇 诪讛 讗转讛 讗讜诪专, 诇讗讜讟讛 讛讬讗 诇讗 讙讬讟专讛!
Spielberg's new film, as expected, picked up numerous awards at the Oscars.
住专讟讜 讛讞讚砖 砖诇 住驻讬诇讘专讙 拽讟祝, 讻爪驻讜讬, 驻专住讬诐 专讘讬诐 讘讟拽住 讛讗讜住拽专.
The state has not managed to rise to the expectations of its citizens.
讛诪讚讬谞讛 诇讗 讛爪诇讬讞讛 诇注诪讜讚 讘爪讬驻讬讜转 讛讗讝专讞讬诐.
The basket is full of apples.
讛住诇 诪诇讗 转驻讜讞讬 注抓.
He read a book quietly, as though nothing had happened.
讛讜讗 拽专讗 住驻专 讘谞讞转, 讻讗讬诇讜 讚讘专 诇讗 拽专讛.
He needs to come help.
讛讜讗 爪专讬讱 诇讘讜讗 诇注讝讜专.
This coffee is bitter.
讛拽驻讛 讛讝讛 诪专讬专.
That old man looks sad.
讛拽砖讬砖 讛讝讛 谞专讗讛 注爪讜讘.
He stole money.
讛讜讗 讙谞讘 讻住祝.
See you soon then.
讗讝 诇讛转专讗讜转 讘拽专讜讘.
OK, boomer.
讘住讚专, 讘讜诪专.
He's vegan.
讛讜讗 讟讘注讜谞讬.
He's a vegan.
讛讜讗 讟讘注讜谞讬.
He's a weakling.
讛讜讗 讞诇砖诇讜砖.
He's still here.
讛讜讗 注讚讬讬谉 讻讗谉.
What do you suggest that I do?
诪讛 讗转 诪爪讬注讛 砖讗注砖讛?
The sun is going down behind the mountain.
讛砖诪砖 砖讜拽注转 诪讗讞讜专讬 讛讛专.
It's really quite cold.
诪诪砖 拽专 诪讗讜讚.
The roads are full of cars.
讛讻讘讬砖讬诐 诪诇讗讬诐 讘诪讻讜谞讬讜转.
In spite of everything, I believe we can still fix the situation.
诇诪专讜转 讻诇 讝讗转 讗谞讬 住讘讜专, 砖注讚讬讬谉 讗谞讜 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇转拽谉 讗转 讛诪爪讘.
Despite everything, I believe we can still fix the situation.
诇诪专讜转 讻诇 讝讗转 讗谞讬 住讘讜专, 砖注讚讬讬谉 讗谞讜 讬讻讜诇讬诐 诇转拽谉 讗转 讛诪爪讘.
Tatoeba is a very good tool for improving our Esperanto.
讟讟讜讗讘讛 讛讬讗 讻诇讬 讬注讬诇 诪讗讜讚 诇砖讬驻讜专 讛讗住驻专谞讟讜 砖诇谞讜.
Do you really think she won't like my gift?
讗转 讘讗诪转 住讘讜专讛 砖诪转谞转讬 诇讗 转诪爪讗 讞谉 讘注讬谞讬讛?
He isn't in the apartment.
讛讜讗 诇讗 谞诪爪讗 讘讚讬专讛.
He's returned to Japan.
讛讜讗 砖讘 诇讬驻谉.