_START_ARTICLE_ Chelmer railway station _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The original station opened north of its current location in 1876 as Oxley's Point. In 1888, the station was renamed Riverton. A siding was built at the current station location in 1881, which was later converted into the current station in 1889. Riverton was closed that same year._NEWLINE_The line through Chelmer was duplicated in June 1886. The station was rebuilt in 1959 as part of the quadruplication of the line. _START_SECTION_ Services _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chelmer is served by City network services operating from Nambour, Caboolture, Kippa-Ring and Bowen Hills to Springfield Central, Ipswich and Rosewood.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chelsea Brandwood _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chelsea Brandwood is a Canadian curler from St. Catharines, Ontario. She currently skips a team on the World Curling Tour. Her hometown is Beamsville, Ontario. _START_SECTION_ Youth career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Brandwood's first provincial title came at the women's bantam championship in 2012._NEWLINE_Brandwood won the Ontario Junior women's championship in 2015, with teammates Claire Greenlees, Brenda Holloway and Danielle Greenlees. The team represented Ontario at the 2015 Canadian Junior Curling Championships. Brandwood led her rink to a 7-3 record, after the round robin tournament. In the playoffs, she beat British Columbia's Corryn Brown team, before losing in the final to Alberta's Kelsey Rocque._NEWLINE_In university curling, Brandwood played for the Laurier Golden Hawks, where she won three straight provincial (OUA) titles from 2014 to 2016, but came up short in 2017, her fourth year of eligibility. She was the alternate for the Laurier team (skipped by Carly Howard) at the 2014 CIS/CCA Curling Championships, where they finished third. At the 2015 CIS/CCA Curling Championships, she was the lead on the team, and won another bronze medal. At the 2016 CIS/CCA Curling Championships, she was the skip of the team, but they missed the playoffs._NEWLINE_Brandwood then attended Niagara College, skipping their women's team to a provincial college title in 2018. She represented Niagara at the 2018 CCAA Curling National Championships, where she led her team to a 4-3 record. _START_SECTION_ Women's curling _START_PARAGRAPH_ Brandwood won her first World Curling Tour event at the 2018 Gord Carroll Curling Classic, defeating Korea's Gim Un-chi in the final. Later that season, Brandwood qualified for her first provincial women's championship, the 2019 Ontario Scotties Tournament of Hearts.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chemical weapons in the Rif War _START_PARAGRAPH_ During the Third Rif War in Spanish Morocco between 1921 and 1927, the Spanish Army of Africa dropped chemical warfare agents in an attempt to put down the Riffian Berber rebellion led by guerrilla leader Abd el-Krim._NEWLINE_These attacks in 1924 marked the second confirmed case of mustard gas being dropped from airplanes, a year before the signing of the Geneva Protocol for "the Prohibition of the Use in War of Asphyxiating, Poisonous or other Gases, and of Bacteriological Methods of Warfare". The gas used in these attacks was produced by the "Fábrica Nacional de Productos Químicos" (National factory of chemical products) at La Marañosa near Madrid; a plant founded with significant assistance from Hugo Stoltzenberg, a chemist associated with the German government's clandestine chemical warfare activities in the early 1920s who was later given Spanish citizenship. _START_SECTION_ Research and revelations _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Spanish bombings were covered up but some observers of military aviation, like Pedro Tonda Bueno in his autobiography La vida y yo (Life and I), published in 1974, talked about dropping toxic gases from airplanes and the consequent poisoning of the Rif fields. Likewise, Spanish Army air arm pilot Ignacio Hidalgo de Cisneros, in his autobiographical work Cambio de rumbo (Course change), reveals how he witnessed several chemical attacks. Years later, in 1990, two German journalists and investigators, Rudibert Kunz and Rolf-Dieter Müller, in their work Giftgas gegen Abd El Krim: Deutschland, Spanien und der Gaskrieg in Spanisch-Marokko, 1922-1927 (Poison Gas against Abd El Krim: Germany, Spain and the Gas War in Spanish Morocco, 1922-1927), proved with scientific tests that chemical attacks had indeed occurred. The British historian Sebastian Balfour, of the London School of Economics, in his book Deadly Embrace, confirmed massive use of chemical arms after having studied numerous Spanish, French and British archives. According to his research, the strategy of the Spanish military was to choose highly populated zones as targets. Additional evidence is found in a telegram from a British official, H. Pughe Lloyd, sent to the British Minister of War. _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to Sebastian Balfour, the motivation for the chemical attacks was based primarily on revenge for the defeat of the Spanish Army of Africa and their Moroccan recruits the Regulares at the Battle of Annual on July 22, 1921._NEWLINE_The Spanish defeat at Annual left 13,000 Spanish and Moroccan colonial soldiers dead according to the official count, many of them killed in cold blood after surrendering to the Rif armies, and led to a major political crisis and a redefinition of Spanish colonial policy toward the Rif region. The political crisis led Indalecio Prieto to say in the Congress of Deputies: "We are at the most acute period of Spanish decadence. The campaign in Africa is a total failure, absolute, without extenuation, of the Spanish Army."_NEWLINE_The Minister of War ordered the creation of an investigative commission, directed by the respected general Juan Picasso González, which eventually developed the Expediente Picasso report. Despite identifying numerous military mistakes, it did not, owing to obstructions raised by various ministers and judges, go so far as to lay political responsibility for the defeat. Popular opinion widely blamed King Alfonso XIII who, according to several sources, encouraged General Manuel Fernández Silvestre's irresponsible penetration of positions far from Melilla without having adequate defenses in his rear. _START_SECTION_ The use of the chemical agents _START_PARAGRAPH_ Spain was one of the first powers to use chemical weapons against civilian populaces in their use against the Rif rebellion. Between 1921 and 1927, the Spanish army indiscriminately used phosgene, diphosgene, chloropicrin and mustard gas (known as Iperita). Common targets were civilian populations, markets, and rivers. In a telegram sent by the High Commissioner of Spanish Morocco Dámaso Berenguer on August 12, 1921 to the Spanish minister of War, Berenguer stated:_NEWLINE_I have been obstinately resistant to the use of suffocating gases against these indigenous peoples but after what they have done, and of their treacherous and deceptive conduct, I have to use them with true joy._NEWLINE_On August 20, 1921, Spain asked Germany to deliver mustard gas via Hugo Stoltzenberg, although Germany was prohibited from manufacturing such weapons by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919. The first delivery occurred in 1923. The use of chemical weapons against the Rif was first described in an article of a (now defunct) Francophone daily newspaper published in Tangier called La Dépêche marocaine dated on November 27, 1921. Historian Juan Pando has been the only Spanish historian to have confirmed the usage of mustard gas starting in 1923. Spanish newspaper La Correspondencia de España published an article called Cartas de un soldado (Letters of a soldier) on August 16, 1923 which backed the usage of mustard gas._NEWLINE_According to military aviation general Hidalgo de Cisneros in his autobiographical book Cambio de rumbo, he was the first warfighter to drop a 100-kilogram mustard gas bomb from his Farman F60 Goliath aircraft in the summer of 1924. About 127 fighters and bombers flew in the campaign, dropping around 1,680 bombs each day. Thirteen of these planes were stationed in the military air base of Seville. The mustard gas bombs were brought from the stockpiles of Germany and delivered to Melilla before being carried on Farman F60 Goliath airplanes. _START_SECTION_ Alleged toxic effects _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Association for the Defence of Victims of the Rif War considers that the toxic effects are still being felt in the Rif region. However, no scientific study has proven to date the relationship between the usage of chemical weapons and the high rate of cancer in the area. _START_SECTION_ Bill of acknowledgment _START_PARAGRAPH_ On February 14, 2007, the Catalan party of the Republican Left (Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya) passed a bill to the Spanish Congress of Deputies requesting Spain to acknowledge the "systematic" use of chemical weapons against the population of the Rif mountains. The bill was rejected by 33 votes from the governing Socialist Labor Party and the opposition right-wing Popular Party who form the majority in the Spanish parliament.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chemung Canal Bank Building _START_SECTION_ Uses _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Chemung Canal Bank Building was chartered in July 1833, and was open for business later that year, in October. It was owned and operated by the Chemung Canal Trust Company until 1920 when they moved to a new location. After the Chemung Canal Trust Company moved, the building came under the ownership of the Arnot Realty Company. The building was also home to various offices including the Sayles, Evans, Brayton, Palmer, and Tifft Law Firm. The building was purchased in the early 1980s and is currently run and owned by the Chemung County Historical Society. The first floor has become a general history museum (The Chemung Valley History Museum), the largest in the region. The second floor is occupied by the Booth library, a research facility/archive open to the public and the third floor is used for collections storage. _START_SECTION_ Appearance and features _START_PARAGRAPH_ The building was a combination of Greek revival and Traditional Federal styling. It was a brick structure with stepped gables, whereas most buildings of that time period were made of wood. The Bank building had a stone stoop with an ornamental wrought iron railing. The floor plan included a large central hall with one or two rooms on either side as well as a substantial staircase. The second floor was to be used as an apartment for the bank manager. The structure was built upon a stone basement, separate from the foundations of the vaults on the east and west sides. The west side vaults were used by the gas company offices on the west side of the building. In 1868 the bank was remodeled to include a third floor, to be used as rentable apartment space. In 1903 the building was renovated by the Pierce and Bickford architectural firm. The modifications included the addition of two more vaults to store books and currency, mahogany counters, terrazzo flooring, extra restrooms, coupon booths, and a ventilation system that included an indirect heating system and a fan for the summer months. In 1993 the Bank Building was renovated and restored by the Chemung County Historical Society, although many of the original features are still present.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cherkasy Oblast _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ With 20,900 km², the Cherkasy oblast is the 18th largest oblast of Ukraine, comprising about 3.5% of the area of the country. The south flowing Dnieper River with the hilly western bank and the plain eastern bank divides the oblast into two unequal parts. The larger western part belongs to the Dnieper Upland. The low-lying eastern part of the oblast used to be subject to the frequent Dnieper flooding before the flow of the river became controlled by multiple dams of Hydroelectric Power Plants constructed along the river in the 20th century._NEWLINE_The oblast extends for 245 km from south-west to north-east, and for 150 km from north to south. The northernmost point of the oblast is located is near the village of Kononivka in the Drabivskyi Raion (district), the southernmost point near the village of Kolodyste in the Talnivskyi Raion, the westernmost point near the village of Korytnya in the Zhashkivskyi Raion, and the easternmost point near the village of Stetsivka in the Chyhyrynsky Raion. The geometric centre of the oblast is located near the village Zhuravky of the Horodyshchenskyi Raion. The oblast borders the Kiev Oblast to the north, the Kirovohrad Oblast to the south, the Poltava Oblast to the east, and the Vinnytsia Oblast to the west. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Cherkasy Oblast was created as part of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic on January 7, 1954. The oblast's territory was the major cities of Cherkasy, Smila and Uman, their corresponding raions (districts), as well as 30 former raions of the Vinnytsia, Kiev, Kirovohrad and Poltava Oblasts._NEWLINE_Archaeological discoveries, have shown that people have inhabited the valley of the Dnieper (Dnipro) River since the times immemorial. The oldest objects excavated on the territory of the region date back to the Stone Age – the Palaeolithic period. _START_SECTION_ Demographics _START_PARAGRAPH_ The current estimated population is 1,335,064 (as of 2006)._NEWLINE_According to the 2001 Ukrainian census, the oblast's population is almost equally divided between the urban and rural areas (53.7% and 46.3%, respectively). The demographic situation in this largely agricultural territory is somewhat complicated by population ageing._NEWLINE_By ethnic composition, Ukrainians represent the overwhelming majority of the oblast's population (93.6%). Ethnic Russians are the distant second group of population (5.4%), and are concentrated mainly in the city of Cherkasy._NEWLINE_The oblast is primarily Ukrainophone. _START_SECTION_ Economy _START_PARAGRAPH_ The economy of the Cherkasy Oblast is largely dominated by agriculture. While the winter wheat and sugar beets are the main products grown in the oblast, barley, corn, tobacco and hemp are also grown. Cattle breeding is also important._NEWLINE_The industry is mainly concentrated in Cherkasy, the oblast's capital and the largest city. A chemical industry was developed in the city in late 1960s in addition to machine building, furniture making and agricultural processing. _START_SECTION_ Nomenclature _START_PARAGRAPH_ Most of Ukraine's oblasts are named after their capital cities, officially referred to as "oblast centers" (Ukrainian: обласний центр, translit. oblasnyi tsentr). The name of each oblast is a relative adjective, formed by adding a feminine suffix to the name of respective center city: Cherkasy is the center of the Cherkas’ka oblast’ (Cherkasy Oblast). Most oblasts are also sometimes referred to in a feminine noun form, following the convention of traditional regional place names, ending with the suffix "-shchyna", as is the case with the Cherkasy Oblast, Cherkashchyna.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cherry Healey _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Healey is descended from the Chadwyck-Healey baronets; her father Nicholas is a son of the 4th Baronet. She has three brothers. She attended Cheltenham Ladies' College until 1999. She has a Degree in Drama Education/Drama for Social Change from the Central School of Speech and Drama. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Best known for her work with light-hearted documentaries on BBC Three, including studies on drinking, childbirth, body issues, dating, and money, Healey frequently relates documentaries to her own life both during the programmes and on her blog on the BBC website. She presented a mini-series called Britain's Favourite Supermarket Foods on BBC One._NEWLINE_Since 2015, Healey has presented the E4 spin-off The Jump: On the Piste._NEWLINE_From 2013 until 2015, Healey appeared in TV commercials shown in the United States and Canada, for Cottonelle toilet paper, in which she approached random people and asked them to use Cottonelle and "go commando" – meaning without underwear – to demonstrate how effectively Cottonelle cleaned them._NEWLINE_Healey has also written for several publications including Grazia, You Me Baby magazine, and Cellardoor online._NEWLINE_She has co-presented four series of Inside the Factory for BBC Two alongside Gregg Wallace. In 2016, Healey took part in Celebrity MasterChef on BBC One. In 2017–2018 her BBC series Find My First Love is being syndicated in the US on FYI._NEWLINE_Healey co-presents a podcast called The Hotbed, hosted on Acast, which talks about sex and long-term relationships. It reached No.14 in the Apple podcasts chart, and has been described as "your cringe-free, light-hearted and straight-talking take on sex". _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ In Summer 2010, Healey married her long term partner Roly Allen. The couple have a daughter, born 2009, and a son, born 2013. Healey and Allen later separated and divorced.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chersobius _START_SECTION_ Naming _START_PARAGRAPH_ As a group, these closely related species are commonly known in Europe and Africa as padlopers (originally meaning "path-walkers" in Afrikaans), due to their habit of making tiny pathways through vegetation. In other parts of the world, such as the United States, they are known as Cape tortoises. _START_SECTION_ Distribution _START_PARAGRAPH_ The genus is indigenous and endemic to southern Africa, one within South Africa, one only in Namibia, and one possibly spanning across the border region of both countries. _START_SECTION_ Conservation and captivity _START_PARAGRAPH_ They are threatened by habitat destruction, traffic on roads, overgrazing, and poaching for the pet trade. _NEWLINE_Among the Chersobius species, C. signatus adapts well to captivity, as their diets are not highly specialized. The others do not generally survive well in captivity unless some effort is made to supply them with their natural food, that is, endemic plants from the Cape/Karoo regions. Many are taken from their natural habitat each year, and subsequently die as a result, as they do not readily adapt to typical captive diets and environment change. However, they can be very hardy in captivity, and most problems with captive care are caused by faulty nutrition, high humidity, or bad husbandry.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chersonasus _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chersonasus or Chersonasos (Ancient Greek: Χερσόνασος), later Chersonesus or Chersonesos (Χερσόνησος), was a town and polis (city-state) on the north coast of ancient Crete. It functioned as the harbour of Lyctus, and had a temple of Britomartis, According to the Stadiasmus Maris Magni, which spells that name Cherrhonesus or Cherronesos (Χερρόνησος), it had a harbour and was located 130 stadia from Herakleion and 260 stadia from Olus. By land, it was 16 M.P. from Cnossus. In the fourth century BCE, it struck coins._NEWLINE_It was Christianised early, and the site of a bishopric. Michel Le Quien mentions four Greek bishops, from 441 to 789; the see still figures in later "Notitiae Episcopatuum" of the twelfth or thirteenth century. Seven Latin bishops are mentioned by Le Quien, from 1298 to 1549, of whom the last two, Dionysius and Joannes Franciscus Verdura, were present at the Council of Trent. Another bishop of Chersonesus was Pietro Coletti, at the beginning of the seventeenth century a Catholic, but whether of his native Greek Rite or of the Latin is unknown. No longer a residential bishopric, it remains a titular see of the Roman Catholic Church._NEWLINE_The site of Chersonasus is located near modern Limin Khersonisos.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chestnut Street Methodist Church (Portland, Maine) _START_SECTION_ Description and history _START_PARAGRAPH_ The former Chestnut Street Church building is set in the city center, directly behind Portland City Hall on the east side of Chestnut Street. It is a single story masonry structure, built out of pressed brick with brownstone trim. Its slate roof is steeply pitched at the center, with a gentler slope over the outer aisles of the nave. Its foundation is brick, faced in brownstone to a height of 2 feet (0.61 m). Its walls are buttressed, with Gothic arched windows between the buttresses on the side walls. The main facade is symmetrical, with a pair of equal-height towers flanking the central gable. The towers originally had more elaborate spires, but these were removed for safety reasons in the 1950s, as were similar spires on the buttresses. There are three entrances, one at the center between the towers, and one each on the side aisles, all set in Gothic arched openings._NEWLINE_The church was built in 1856 for a Methodist congregation that had been meeting on the site since 1808. It is the first Methodist church into which an organ was installed. The building was designed by Charles A. Alexander, who designed a number of high-profile buildings in Portland in the 1850s, all of the others having either been demolished or significantly altered. The early Gothic style is also rare in Portland, as many buildings from the 1850s and early 1860s were lost in the 1866 fire._NEWLINE_In 1904, the Maine Women's Suffragist Association held their 24th annual convention at the church. The building was restored and converted into Grace restaurant in 2009.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chichester City F.C. (1873) _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The club was established in 1873 as Chichester Football Club. They were founder members of the Sussex County Football Association in 1882, and later became founder members of the West Sussex League in 1896. In 1920 the club were founder members of another new league, the Sussex County League._NEWLINE_In 1925–26 Chichester won the Sussex Senior Challenge Cup, beating Eastbourne 5–1 in the final. After World War II the club spent one season in the West Sussex League, winning the Division One title and Malcolm Simmonds Memorial Cup, before returning the Sussex County League when it resumed in 1946. In 1948 the club was renamed Chichester City. They won the Sussex County League in 1959–60, retaining their title the following season. In 1960–61 the club reached the first round of the FA Cup for the first and only time in their history, losing 11–0 at Bristol City. They also reached the Sussex RUR Cup final, and after drawing 2–2 with Brighton & Hove Albion, were jointly awarded the cup; they went on to win the RUR Cup outright in 1963–64. After finishing as league runners-up in 1965–66 and 1966–67, they were champions again in 1967–68. The club were runners-up in 1969–70 and champions for a fourth time in 1972–73._NEWLINE_After several seasons of lower-mid table finishes in the mid-1970s, Chichester were champions again in 1979–80. However, the next few years saw them become a yo-yo club; they were relegated to Division Two at the end of the 1982–83 season, having finished bottom of Division One. Although they returned to Division One in 1985 after finishing as Division Two runners-up, they were relegated again at the end of the 1986–87 season. The club were promoted back to Division One as Division Two runners-up in 1990–91, but were relegated for a third time in 1993–94 after finishing bottom of Division One. In 1995–96 the club finished in the promotion positions, but were denied promotion as Oakland Park did not have floodlights. In 1996–97 they were Division Two runners-up again, earning promotion back to Division One after floodlights had been installed._NEWLINE_In 2000 Chichester merged with Portfield to form Chichester City United, playing at Portfield's Church Road ground whilst Oaklands Park was redeveloped. _START_SECTION_ Ground _START_PARAGRAPH_ The club originally played at Priory Park, before moving to Oaklands Park in the early 1950s.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chicken Inn F.C. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ Having only been formed in 1997, Chicken Inn are a relatively young side in the Zimbabwean Premier Soccer League, and their league title in 2015 was the first in their history following promotion to the top-flight in 2011._NEWLINE_Head coach, Joey Antipas, joined the club in 2013, and has now successfully guided them into the CAF Champions League for the first time in their history after a league campaign that saw them lose just five out of 30 matches.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chiddingstone Castle _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chiddingstone Castle is situated in the village of Chiddingstone, near Edenbridge, Kent, England, 35 miles (56 kilometres) south-southeast of London and in the upper valley of the River Medway. The castle itself dates from the early 19th century, but incorporates elements of earlier buildings on the same site. _NEWLINE_From the early 16th century to the end of the 19th century it was the seat of the Streatfeild family. Since 1977, the castle and its 35 acres (14 hectares) of grounds have been held in trust for the nation by the Denys Eyre Bower Bequest, and both are open to the public. _START_SECTION_ High Street House _START_PARAGRAPH_ The first significant building to occupy the site of the castle was a timber-framed dwelling, inhabited from the early 16th century by Richard Streatfeild, an iron master and wool merchant. Little remains of this first structure as, in 1679, Henry Streatfeild (1639-1719) had the house rebuilt in red brick in the Restoration style. The building was known as High Street House or High Street Mansion since it fronted the village high street. Remodelling of the house's grounds in the 19th century resulted in the current diversion of the road through the village. _START_SECTION_ Chiddingstone Castle _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the early 19th century, Henry Streatfeild (1757-1829), the son of Henry Streatfeild (1706-1762) and Lady Anne Sidney, commissioned William Atkinson to rebuild the house in the Gothic style however Atkinson's design was not completed and, in 1835, Streatfeild's son, also Henry Streatfeild (1784-1852), engaged the architect Henry Kendal to carry out further work. Although the Streatfields owned the house, now renamed Chiddingstone Castle, until it was sold to Lord Astor in 1938, the family did not live there after 1900. During the Second World War, the castle hosted members of the Canadian Forces before becoming Long Dene School until 1954. _START_SECTION_ Denys Eyre Bower _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1955, the castle was purchased by Denys Eyre Bower (1905-1977), a former bank clerk and antiques dealer, in order to display his collections. Bower was born in Crich, Derbyshire and started collecting at a young age. Bower initially worked as a bank clerk before taking over Cavendish Hood antiques dealers in Baker Street, London in 1943. The redevelopment of Baker Street led to Bower moving to Chiddingstone Castle where he intended to show his collections to the public. However, in 1957 Bower was convicted of attempted murder of his girlfriend and attempted suicide and sentenced to life imprisonment. Released in 1962 after successful efforts by solicitor Ruth Eldridge to prove a miscarriage of justice, Bower returned to Chiddingstone Castle which, with the help of Eldridge and her sister Mary, he continued to open to visitors until his death in 1977. _START_SECTION_ Today _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bower left the castle and his collection to the nation and so upon his death the Denys Eyre Bower Bequest was formed. This trust continues to care for the castle and its collection, opening it to the public and providing a venue for weddings, and the current trustees include descendants of the Streatfeild family. The castle is a Grade II* listed building and the grounds, which contain further listed buildings including an orangery, are themselves included on the National Register of Historic Parks and Gardens. The Castle is an accredited museum, contains a tea-room serving refreshments and hosts a variety of events and activities throughout the year. _START_SECTION_ Fishing _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Castle lake measures around 3.5 hectares. It divides the village of Chiddingstone from the grounds of Chiddingstone Castle. It is naturally stocked with wild Carp, Bream and Perch. It held the record for the largest Bream for 37 years, from 1945. _START_SECTION_ Japanese _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bower's decision to collect objects from Japan was inspired by his father's own interest in Chinese porcelain. The collection of lacquer is considered to be one of the most important in a private collection, whilst displays at the castle also feature swords, armour and haniwa figures. _START_SECTION_ Ancient Egyptian _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Ancient Egyptian collection spans the whole history of the civilisation and includes both grave goods, such as ushabti figures and amulets, and items from everyday life, including food and drink vessels. In 2013, items from the collection were lent to the Houston Museum of Natural Science for display in their Hall of Ancient Egypt. _START_SECTION_ Stuart and Jacobite _START_PARAGRAPH_ In British history, Bower was most interested in the House of Stuart and Jacobitism and was a member of the Royal Stuart Society. His collecting in this area included portraits of members of the House of Stuart, swords, objects with hidden Jacobite symbols and royal manuscripts. There is an extensive collection of antique books on the subject in the library, on display at the Castle. _START_SECTION_ Buddhist _START_PARAGRAPH_ As with other areas of his collecting, Bower's interest in objects relating to Buddhism was driven by personal reasons; Bower was a Buddhist. Despite this, the collection does not focus on any one particular school of Buddhist thought or on any particular country. Amongst items currently displayed at the castle are thangkas and images of Buddha. _START_SECTION_ Local history _START_PARAGRAPH_ In addition to Bower's collections, the castle's 19th century kitchen still retains many of its original features, such as three cake ovens, and is used to display a collection of kitchen utensils and an ice chest, reflecting the fact that the castle once had an ice house. There is also a servants’ hall and a servants’ bedroom. The Castle also holds some archives of local history.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chief Jones _START_SECTION_ Playoffs _START_PARAGRAPH_ Source: Society for International Hockey Research Database
_START_ARTICLE_ Chigozuka Station _START_SECTION_ Lines _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chigozuka Station is served by the Toyama Chihō Railway Tateyama Line, and is 1.4 kilometers from the starting point of the line at Terada. _START_SECTION_ Station layout _START_PARAGRAPH_ The station has one ground-level side platform serving a single bi-directional track. The station is unattended. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The station opened on 15 August 1931 as Urada Station (浦田駅). It was renamed Chigozuka Station on 1 October of the same year.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chikuzen-Yamate Station _START_SECTION_ Lines _START_PARAGRAPH_ The station is served by the Sasaguri Line and is located 13.4 km from the starting point of the line at Yoshizuka. The station is sometimes depicted on maps and timetables as part of the Fukuhoku Yutaka Line, of which the Sasaguri Line is a component. _START_SECTION_ Station layout _START_PARAGRAPH_ The station, which is unstaffed, consists of a side platform serving a single elevated track. From the main road, a flight of steps leads to a dias. A tall stairwell then gives access to the platform. An automatic ticket vending machine is located at the base of the stairwell. A toilet building is located next to the dias. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The station was opened by Japanese National Railways (JNR) on 25 May 1968 as an intermediate station when it extended the Sasaguri Line east from Sasaguri to Keisen. With the privatization of JNR on 1 April 1987, JR Kyushu took over control of the station.
_START_ARTICLE_ Children of the plantation _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the context of slavery in the colonial United States, the expression "children of the plantation" was a euphemism used to identify the offspring of black female plantation slaves by white men, usually the owner or one of his sons or the plantation overseer. _NEWLINE_Such children, who were born into slavery (a legal doctrine known as partus sequitur ventrem), were seldom acknowledged by their white fathers. These children were classified as mulatto, a historic term for a multiracial person. The one drop rule meant that they could never be part of white society._NEWLINE_One famous example is the decades-long relationship between President Thomas Jefferson and his slave and possible half-sister of his wife, the 3/4 white Sally Hemings. The Jefferson–Hemings controversy, now resolved by DNA testing, shows that all her children were his. In the antebellum period, theirs would have been called a "shadow family"._NEWLINE_Alex Haley's Queen: The Story of an American Family (1993) is a historical novel, later a movie, that brought knowledge of the "children of the plantation" to public attention._NEWLINE_Edward Ball's Slaves in the Family (1998), written by a White descendant of slaveowners, deals with this complex legacy._NEWLINE_After the Civil War and emancipation, similar relationships continued. For example, Strom Thurmond, who as a senator pursued segregationist policies, fathered a child when he was a young man. This child, Essie Mae Washington-Williams, did not reveal the story until he died, when she was 78. Her parentage had been an open secret in the black community, but came as a surprise to the late senator's colleagues.
_START_ARTICLE_ China–Pakistan relations _START_SECTION_ Overview _START_PARAGRAPH_ Pakistan has a long and strong relationship with China. The long-standing ties between the two countries have been mutually beneficial. A close identity of views and mutual interests remain the centre-point of bilateral ties. Since the 1962 Sino-Indian War, Pakistan has supported China on most issues of importance to the latter, especially those related to the question of China's sovereignty like Taiwan, Xinjiang, and Tibet and other sensitive issues such as human rights._NEWLINE_The Chinese leadership has acknowledged Pakistan's steadfast support on key issues. Pakistan helped China in reestablishing formal ties with the West, where they helped make possible the 1972 Nixon visit to China. Pakistan has collaborated with China in extensive military and economic projects, seeing China as a counterweight to India and the United States. Pakistan has also served as a conduit for China's influence in the Muslim world._NEWLINE_China also has a consistent record of supporting Pakistan in regional issues. Pakistan's military depends heavily on Chinese armaments, and joint projects of both economic and militaristic importance are ongoing. China has supplied equipment to support Pakistan's nuclear program. _START_SECTION_ Relations prior to the founding of the modern states of Pakistan and the PRC _START_PARAGRAPH_ Buddhist monks from the area of what is now Khyber Pakhtunkhwa region of Pakistan were involved in the Silk Road transmission of Buddhism to Han dynasty China. The Han dynasty's Protectorate of the Western Regions bordered the Kushan Empire. Faxian travelled in what is now modern-day Pakistan._NEWLINE_During World War II, the Hui Muslim imam Da Pusheng (Chinese: 达浦生) toured the Middle East and South Asia to confront Japanese propagandists in Muslim countries and denounce their invasion to the Islamic world. Misinformation on the war was spread in the Islamic Middle Eastern nations by Japanese agents. In response, at the World Islamic Congress in Hejaz, Imam Du openly confronted fake Muslim Japanese agents and exposed them as non-Muslims. Japan's history of imperialism was explained by Du to his fellow Muslims. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the future founder of Pakistan, met with Imam Du. The Chinese Muslim's anti-Japanese war effort received a pledge of support from Jinnah. The Hindu leaders Tagore and Gandhi and Muslim Jinnah both discussed the war with the Chinese Muslim delegation under Ma Fuliang while in Turkey President İsmet İnönü also met the delegation. Gandhi and Jinnah met with the Hui Ma Fuliang and his delegation as they denounced Japan. _START_SECTION_ Diplomatic relations _START_PARAGRAPH_ Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and China were established on 21 May 1951, shortly after the Republic Of China lost power in the Mainland in 1949. While initially ambivalent towards the idea of a Communist country on its borders, Pakistan hoped that China would serve as a counterweight to Indian influence. India had recognised China a year before, and Indian Prime Minister Nehru also hoped for closer relations with the Chinese. In 1956, Pakistani Prime Minister Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy and Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai signing the Treaty of Friendship Between China and Pakistan, marking closer bilateral ties._NEWLINE_With escalating border tensions leading to the 1962 Sino-Indian war, China and Pakistan aligned with each other in a joint effort to counter India and the Soviet Union as both have border disputes with India. One year after China's border war with India, Pakistan ceded the Trans-Karakoram Tract to China to end border disputes and improve diplomatic relations._NEWLINE_Since then, an informal alliance that initially consisted of joint Indian opposition has grown into a lasting relationship that has benefited both nations on the diplomatic, economic and military frontiers. Along with diplomatic support, Pakistan served as a conduit for China to open up to the West. China has in turn provided extensive economic aid and political support to Pakistan._NEWLINE_Since the two sides established their "all-weather diplomatic relations", there have been frequent exchanges between the two countries' leadership and peoples. For example, former Chinese Premier Zhou Enlai received warm welcomes in all of his four visits to Pakistan. When Zhou died in 1976, then-Pakistani Ambassador to China rushed to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs at 8 in the morning without appointment. Upon arriving at the ministry, the ambassador cried due to his grief in front of Chinese diplomats. In 2004, a road in Pakistani capital Islamabad leading to the Diplomatic Enclave was named "Zhou Enlai Road". It is the first road in Pakistan that is named after foreign leaders. On 27 May 1976, then Chinese leader Mao Zedong, aged 83, received his last foreign guest Pakistani president Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto despite his illness._NEWLINE_On 22 May 2013, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's airplane was escorted by six JF-17 Thunder jets, jointly developed by the two countries, as it entered Pakistani airspace. The premier was also received by both Pakistani president and prime minister upon his arrival at the airport. On 20 April 2015, Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Pakistan as his first foreign visit of the year, also the first by a Chinese president in 9 years. Before his arrival, he published an article praising the friendship on Pakistani newspapers like Daily Jang. The Chinese president compared visiting Pakistan with visiting his brother's home. Like previous visit by Premier Li, the airplane was escorted by 8 JF-17 Thunder jets. Xi was given a grand welcome upon his arrival at Noor Khan airbase, a 21-gun salute and guard of honour was presented to him._NEWLINE_When I was young, I heard many touching stories about Pakistan and the friendship between our two countries. To name just a few, I learned that the Pakistani people were working hard to build their beautiful country, and that Pakistan opened an air corridor for China to reach out to the world and supported China in restoring its lawful seat in the United Nations. The stories have left me with a deep impression. I look forward to my upcoming state visit to Pakistan._NEWLINE_— Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China before his 2015 visit to Pakistan, _NEWLINE_Pakistan's military initially depended almost entirely on American armaments and aid, which was increased during the covert U.S. support of Islamic militants in the Soviet–Afghan War. America under US President Richard Nixon supported Pakistan in the 1971 Bangladesh Liberation War. However, the period following the Soviet withdrawal and the dissolution of the Soviet Union led indirectly to the increasing realignment of America with the previously pro-Soviet India. The Pressler Amendment in 1990 suspended all American military assistance and any new economic aid amidst concerns that Pakistan was attempting to develop a nuclear weapon. Given the support that Pakistan had given them during the War in Afghanistan, many Pakistanis saw this as a betrayal that sold out Pakistani interests in favour of India. This belief was further strengthened as India had developed a nuclear weapon without significant American opposition, and Pakistan felt obligated to do the same. Consequently, the primarily geopolitical alliance between Pakistan and China has since 1990 branched out into military and economic cooperation, due to Pakistan's belief that America's influence and support in the region should be counterbalanced by the Chinese._NEWLINE_With the U.S.-led war in Afghanistan, there is a general sentiment in Pakistan to adopt a foreign policy which favours China over the United States. Washington has been accused deserting Pakistan in favour of a policy that favours stronger relations with India, while Pakistan sees China as a more reliable ally over the long term._NEWLINE_Since the September 11 attacks, Pakistan has increased the scope of Chinese influence and support by agreeing to a number of military projects, combined with extensive economic support and investment from the Chinese. _START_SECTION_ Military relations _START_PARAGRAPH_ There are strong military ties between China and Pakistan. This alliance between two neighbouring Asian nations is significant geopolitically. The strong military ties primarily aim to counter regional Indian and American influence, and was also to repel Soviet influence in the area. In recent years this relationship has strengthened through ongoing military projects and agreements between Pakistan and China._NEWLINE_Since 1962, China has been a steady source of military equipment to the Pakistani Army, helping establish ammunition factories, providing technological assistance and modernising existing facilities._NEWLINE_Most recently, the Chinese Chengdu J-10B fighter was compared to its closest American counterpart, the Lockheed Martin F-16C Block 52/60, the most advanced F-16, for orders on either aircraft for the Pakistan Air Force, resulting in the wins of the Chinese Chengdu J-10B. Accordingly, the Chengdu J-10B had more advanced technology such as its radar and OLS targeting system, and its new generation stealthy features, such as its DSI intake gave it an edge over the Lockheed Martin F-16._NEWLINE_China and Pakistan are involved in several projects to enhance military and weaponry systems, which include the joint development of the JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft, K-8 Karakorum advance training aircraft, a tailor made training aircraft for the Pakistan Air Force based on the Chinese domestic Hongdu L-15, space technology, AWACS systems, Al-Khalid tanks, which China granted license production and tailor made modifications based on the initial Chinese Type 90 and/or MBT-2000. The Chinese has designed tailor made advanced weapons for Pakistan, making it a strong military power in the Asian region. The armies have a schedule for organising joint military exercises._NEWLINE_China is the largest investor in Pakistan's Gwadar Deep Sea Port, which is strategically located at the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. It is viewed warily by both America and India as a possible launchpad for the Chinese Navy, giving them the ability to launch submarines and warships in the Indian Ocean. China has recently pledged to invest nearly 43 billion US dollars._NEWLINE_China's leadership appreciated Pakistan's fight against terrorism with a special mention of eliminating al-Qaeda, Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the East Turkistan Islamic Movement (ETIM), added the ISPR statement. In 2008, Pakistan had purchased military equipment from China for an improved quality of defence arsenal and force to fight the constant attack from foreign militants. This relationship still continues nine years later when Pakistan Army imported Chinese-built Low to Medium Altitude Air Defence System (LOMADS) LY-80 for its air defence system._NEWLINE_In the past, China has played a major role in the development of Pakistan's nuclear infrastructure, especially when increasingly stringent export controls in Western countries made it difficult for Pakistan to acquire plutonium and uranium enriching equipment from elsewhere such as the Chinese help in building the Khushab reactor, which plays a key role in Pakistan's production of plutonium. A subsidiary of the China National Nuclear Corporation contributed in Pakistan's efforts to expand its uranium enrichment capabilities by providing 5,000 custom made ring magnets, which are a key component of the bearings that facilitate the high-speed rotation of centrifuges. China has also provided technical and material support in the completion of the Chashma Nuclear Power Complex and plutonium reprocessing facility, which was built in the mid-1990s. _NEWLINE_On January 26, 2015, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi during a conclusion of a two-day visit of Raheel Sharif to Beijing called Pakistan China's "irreplaceable, all-weather friend". Sharif also met Yu Zhengsheng, Meng Jianzhu and Xu Qiliang. On April 19, 2015, China concluded sale of eight conventional submarines worth $5bn, the biggest arms sale by China in its history. The vessels are supplied by the China Shipbuilding Trading Company, and financed to Pakistan at a low interest rate. _START_SECTION_ Counterterrorism _START_PARAGRAPH_ China, Pakistan and Afghanistan have coordinated to increase regional stability. Foreign Minister Wang Yi has said that China intends to use Xinjiang as a base of economic development for the region, increasing security and facilitating trade. _START_SECTION_ Economic relations _START_PARAGRAPH_ Pakistan has been one of China’s major trade partners._NEWLINE_Recently though, economic trade between Pakistan and China is increasing, and a free trade agreement has been signed. Military and technological transactions continue to dominate the economic relationship between the two nations, and China has pledged to increase their investment in Pakistan's economy and infrastructure._NEWLINE_In 2011 China Kingho Group cancelled a $19 billion mining deal because of security concerns._NEWLINE_On 26 April, China Mobile announced $1 billion of investment in Pakistan in telecommunication infrastructure and training of its officials within a period of three years. The announcement came a day after China Mobile subsidy Zong emerged as the highest bidder in the 3G auction, claiming a 10 MHz 3G-band licence, qualifying for the 4G licence._NEWLINE_On 22 April 2015, According to China Daily, China released its first overseas investment project under the Belt and Road Initiative for developing a hydropower station near Jhelum._NEWLINE_The biggest development off late to open up the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) has changed the situation completely as China has carved an enormous plan for economic growth and development in Pakistan as pointed out below in the next section. _START_SECTION_ China–Pakistan Economic Corridor _START_PARAGRAPH_ The CPEC will connect Pakistan with China and the Central Asian countries with highway connecting Kashgar to Khunjerab and Gwadar. Gwadar Port in southern Pakistan will serve as the trade nerve centre for China, as most of its trade especially that of oil will be done through the port, which is operated by the China Overseas Port Holding Company, a state-owned Chinese company. Currently, sixty per cent of China's oil must be transported by ship from the Persian Gulf to the only commercial port in China, Shanghai, a distance of more than 16,000 kilometres. The journey takes two to three months, during which time the ships are vulnerable to pirates, bad weather, political rivals and other risks. Using Gwadar Port instead would reduce the distance and possibly the cost._NEWLINE_The plan seeks to build on a market presence already established by Chinese enterprises, Haier in household appliances, ChinaMobile and Huawei in telecommunications and China Metallurgical Group Corporation (MCC) in mining and minerals. In other cases, such as textiles and garments, cement and building materials, fertiliser and agricultural technologies (among others) it calls for building the infrastructure and a supporting policy environment to facilitate fresh entry. According to the plan, a key element in this is the creation of industrial parks, or special economic zones, would be done with the provision of water, perfect infrastructure, sufficient supply of energy and the capacity of self-service power._NEWLINE_But the main thrust of the plan actually lies in agriculture, contrary to the image of CPEC as a massive industrial and transport undertaking, involving power plants and highways. The plan acquires its greatest specificity, and lays out the largest number of projects and plans for their facilitation, in agriculture. For agriculture, the plan outlines an engagement that runs from one end of the supply chain all the way to the other. From provision of seeds and other inputs, like fertiliser, credit and pesticides, Chinese enterprises will also operate their own farms, processing facilities for fruits and vegetables and grain. Logistics companies will operate a large storage and transportation system for agrarian produce, as stated by the plan in Dawn._NEWLINE_The other common investment is expected in information and technology, a full system of monitoring and surveillance will be built in cities from Peshawar to Karachi, with 24 hour video recordings on roads and busy marketplaces for law and order. A national fibre-optic backbone will be built for the country not only for internet traffic, but also terrestrial distribution of broadcast TV, which will cooperate with Chinese media in the "dissemination of Chinese cultures". _START_SECTION_ Views _START_PARAGRAPH_ The support that China and Pakistan give each other is considered significant in global diplomacy, and has been compared to Israel–United States relations. According to a Pew survey of Pakistani public opinion in 2010, 84 per cent of respondents said they had a favourable view of China and 16 per cent had a favourable view of the United States. Similarly, the Chinese state-run media has portrayed Pakistan in a favourable light in regional issues. In 2013, this figure increased to 90% of Pakistanis having a favourable view of China._NEWLINE_Pakistan and China have long praised the close ties the two countries have with each other. Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf referred to China as Pakistan's "time-tested and all-weather friend", while in return Chinese president Hu Jintao has referred to Pakistan as "a good friend and partner". Some observers have noted these statements as occurring after Pakistani relations with the United States or India have become strained, such as after Osama Bin Laden was killed by American forces without Pakistan's prior permission._NEWLINE_In July 2013 the Pew Research Center, as part of their Global Attitudes Project, declared Pakistan to have the most positive view of China in the world. According to the research, 81% of Pakistanis responded favourably to China. On the other hand, only 11% of Pakistanis had a favourable view of the United States, the lowest in the world._NEWLINE_A common quotation referred to Pak-China Friendship is, "A Friendship Higher than the Heights of Himalayas and deeper than the depths of Arabian Sea"._NEWLINE_The author of the book The China-Pakistan Axis: Asia's New Geopolitics concludes the book by connecting the bilateral relationship to broader themes in Chinese foreign policy. According to the author, on the one hand, Pakistan is both a Chinese pawn (against India) and platform for power projection, but there are limits to this approach. For instance, as Small notes, "Beijing's counterterrorism strategy has been essentially parasitic on the United States being a more important target for transnational militant groups than China. It's unclear how long that can last."
_START_ARTICLE_ China Books _START_PARAGRAPH_ China Books, Inc. (formerly known as China Books & Periodicals, Inc.) is the oldest distributor of books, periodicals, and other media and educational products from the People's Republic of China in the United States. It is a wholesale and retail distributor of books published and printed in China, and also publishes and distributes books in the U.S. under its own imprint._NEWLINE_China Books was founded in Chicago in 1960 by Dr. Henry Halsey Noyes (1910–2004). Noyes was born in Guangzhou, China into a third generation Presbyterian missionary family. Noyes’ single-minded determination to distribute "highly sensitive" material from the PRC during the Cold War shocked Americans, who, at the time, knew very little about the PRC. Since 1969, China Books has sold over a million copies of the Little Red Book or Quotations from Chairman Mao Zedong. At its peak before the June Fourth Incident of 1989, China Books thrived with stores in San Francisco, Chicago, and New York and employed over 50 people. China Books was instrumental in providing books, newspapers, and magazines from China which were essential to the establishing of post-1949 Chinese political and reference materials at university and other research libraries across the United States. _NEWLINE_In 2002, China Books was jointly acquired by Sino United Publishing (Holdings) Ltd. Hong Kong and the China International Publishing Group Beijing. As of 2012, China Books, together with Long River Press became part of Sinomedia International Group. Its offices are located in South San Francisco, California.
_START_ARTICLE_ China at the 2016 Summer Paralympics _START_SECTION_ Disability classifications _START_PARAGRAPH_ Every participant at the Paralympics has their disability grouped into one of five disability categories; amputation, the condition may be congenital or sustained through injury or illness; cerebral palsy; wheelchair athletes, there is often overlap between this and other categories; visual impairment, including blindness; Les autres, any physical disability that does not fall strictly under one of the other categories, for example dwarfism or multiple sclerosis. Each Paralympic sport then has its own classifications, dependent upon the specific physical demands of competition. Events are given a code, made of numbers and letters, describing the type of event and classification of the athletes competing. Some sports, such as athletics, divide athletes by both the category and severity of their disabilities, other sports, for example swimming, group competitors from different categories together, the only separation being based on the severity of the disability. _START_SECTION_ 5-a-side football _START_PARAGRAPH_ China qualified for the Paralympics after finishing second at the 2015 IBSA Blind Football Aaian Championships. _START_SECTION_ Cycling _START_PARAGRAPH_ With one pathway for qualification being one highest ranked NPCs on the UCI Para-Cycling male and female Nations Ranking Lists on 31 December 2014, China qualified for the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio, assuming they continued to meet all other eligibility requirements. _START_SECTION_ Men _START_PARAGRAPH_ The China men's national goalball team qualified for the Rio Games after finishing first at the 2015 IBSA Goalball Asian-Pacific Championships. China's men enter the tournament ranked 3rd in the world. _START_SECTION_ Women _START_PARAGRAPH_ China's women enter the tournament ranked 1st in the world. _START_SECTION_ Men _START_PARAGRAPH_ China men's national sitting volleyball team qualified for the 2016 Summer Paralympics at the 2014 Asian Para Games, winning the gold medal match in sets of 25-12, 25-20, 29-27 against the Iran men's national sitting volleyball team. _START_SECTION_ Women _START_PARAGRAPH_ China women's national sitting volleyball team qualified to compete at the 2016 Games after finishing first at the 2014 World Championships. Later that year, the team competed in the 2014 Asian Para Games where they lost to Iran women's national sitting volleyball team in the final with sets of 25-15, 25-12, and 25-15 in Iran's favor. _START_SECTION_ Swimming _START_PARAGRAPH_ The top two finishers in each Rio medal event at the 2015 IPC Swimming World Championships earned a qualifying spot for their country for Rio. Shiyun Pan earned China a spot after winning gold in the Men's 100m Freestyle S7. _START_SECTION_ Wheelchair basketball _START_PARAGRAPH_ The China women's national wheelchair basketball team has qualified for the 2016 Rio Paralympics._NEWLINE_As hosts, Brazil got to choose which group they were put into. They were partnered with Algeria, who would be put in the group they did not chose. Brazil chose Group A, which included Canada, Germany, Great Britain and Argentina. Algeria ended up in Group B with the United States, the Netherlands, France and China.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chinchilla railway station _START_SECTION_ Services _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chinchilla is served by Queensland Rail Travel's twice weekly Westlander service travelling between Brisbane and Charleville.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chinese Jia-A League 1999 _START_SECTION_ Remarks _START_PARAGRAPH_ Newcomer Liaoning Fushun was in the race of title into the final round. Shenyang survived demotion miraculously amid heavy match fixing accusations. Later police investigation shows the game results in the final round were arranged.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chinese Taipei women's national ice hockey team _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Chinese Taipei women's national ice hockey team played its first game in November 2014 at the 2015 IIHF Women's Challenge Cup of Asia Division I tournament. Chinese Taipei won their opening game of the tournament against Hong Kong and went on to win their three other games which included a second win against Hong Kong and two wins against Thailand. Chinese Taipei finished the tournament at the top of the standings and won the gold medal. The team returned to competition in March 2016 for the 2016 IIHF Women's Challenge Cup of Asia Division I tournament. The tournament had expanded to five teams and included India, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. Chinese Taipei finished at the top of the standings after winning all four of their games and claimed their second tournament title. The tournament also included the teams 21–0 defeat of Malaysia, their largest win in internal competition.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chinese intelligence activity abroad _START_PARAGRAPH_ The government of China is engaged in espionage overseas, directed through diverse methods via the Ministry of State Security, the United Front Work Department, and People's Liberation Army. It is employs a variety of tactics including cyber spying to gain access to sensitive information remotely, Signals intelligence (SIGINT), Electronic intelligence (ELINT) and Human agents (HUMINT). China is also engaged in industrial espionage aimed at gathering information to bolster its economy, as well as monitoring dissidents abroad such as supporters of the Tibetan independence movement, Uyghurs, Falun Gong, and democracy activists. _START_SECTION_ Method of operation _START_PARAGRAPH_ It is believed that Chinese espionage is aimed at the preservation of China's national security through gaining commercial, technological, and military secrets. It is generally believed that Chinese intelligence agencies operate differently from other espionage organizations by employing primarily academics or students who will be in their host country only a short time, rather than spending years cultivating a few high-level sources or double agents. Much information about the Chinese intelligence services comes from defectors, whom the PRC accuses of lying to promote an anti-PRC agenda. One known exception to this rule is the case of Katrina Leung, who was accused of starting an affair with an FBI agent to gain sensitive documents from him. A U.S. judge dismissed all charges against her due to prosecutorial misconduct._NEWLINE_The United States believes the Chinese military has been developing network technology in recent years in order to perform espionage on other nations. Several cases of computer intrusions suspected of Chinese involvement have been found in various countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, India and the United States._NEWLINE_In the aftermath of the Shadow Network computer espionage operation security experts claimed "targeting Tibetan activists is a strong indicator of official Chinese government involvement" since private Chinese hackers pursue economic information only. In 2009, Canadian researchers at the Munk Center for International Studies at the University of Toronto examined the computers at the personal office of the Dalai Lama. Evidence led to the discovery of GhostNet, a large cyber-spy network. Chinese hackers had gained access to computers possessed by government and private organizations in 103 countries, although researchers say there is no conclusive evidence China's government was behind it. Computers penetrated include those of the Dalai Lama, Tibetan exiles, organizations affiliated with the Dalai Lama in India, Brussels, London and New York, embassies, foreign ministries and other government offices, and focus was believed to be on the governments of South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. The same researchers discovered a second cyberspy network in 2010. They were able to see some of the stolen documents which included classified material about Indian missile systems, security in several Indian states, confidential embassy documents about India’s relationships in West Africa, Russia and the Middle East, NATO forces travel in Afghanistan, and a years worth of the Dalai Lama's personal email. The "sophisticated" hackers were linked to universities in China. Beijing again denied involvement. In 2019 Chinese hackers posing as New York Times, Amnesty International and other organization's reporters targeted the private office of the Dalai Lama, Tibetan Parliament members, and Tibetan nongovernmental organizations, among others. Facebook and Twitter took down down a large network of Chinese bots that was spreading disinformation about the 2019 Hong Kong protests and a months long attack on Hong Kong media companies was traced to Chinese hackers._NEWLINE_Facial recognition and surveillance artificial intelligence (AI) technology developed inside China to identify Uighurs, a Muslim minority, is now used throughout China, and despite security concerns over Chinese involvement in 5G wireless networks, is manufactured and exported worldwide by state owned China National Electronics Import & Export and Huawei to many countries, including Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kenya, the United Arab Emirates, Venezuela, Bolivia, Angola and Germany. American companies and universities such as MIT are partnering with, and Princeton, the Rockefeller Foundation and the California Public Employees’ Retirement System are backing, Chinese surveillance and AI start-ups such as Hikvision, SenseTime and Megvii, which sell less expensive versions of Chinese state developed artificial intelligence surveillance systems, although this is being curtailed somewhat due to the companies being declared national security threats and human rights violators by the US, and US-China trade concerns. China invests in American AI startups and is starting to overtake the US in AI investment. _START_SECTION_ Ethiopia _START_PARAGRAPH_ In January 2018, Le Monde reported that the headquarters of the African Union, which had been constructed by the China State Construction Engineering Corporation, had had its computer systems compromised between 2012 and 2017, with data from AU servers being forwarded to Shanghai. The building's computer system was subsequently removed and the AU refused a Chinese offer to configure the replacement system. Le Monde alleged that the AU had then covered up the hack to protect Chinese interests in the continent._NEWLINE_China and the African Union have rejected the allegations. Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn rejected the French media report, saying that he doesn't believe it. Moussa Faki Mahamat, head of the African Union Commission, said the allegations in the Le Monde's report were false. "These are totally false allegations and I believe that we are completely disregarding them." _START_SECTION_ Cambodia _START_PARAGRAPH_ Since at least April 2017, TEMP.Periscope, an advanced persistent threat based in China, has been hacking Cambodian organizations related to the 2018 general election. Targets included the National Election Commission, the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Senate of Cambodia, and the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The APT engaged in spear phishing against Monovithya Kem of the Cambodia National Rescue Party, sending messages which impersonated the Cambodian League for the Promotion and Defense of Human Rights. _START_SECTION_ Hong Kong _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to Falun Gong media The Epoch Times and Pan-democracy political groups, China has been sending spies into Hong Kong harassing dissents and Falun Gong practitioners. In 2012, according to Oriental Daily, a Chinese security ministry official has been arrested in Hong Kong for suspicion of acting as a double agent for the United States. _START_SECTION_ India _START_PARAGRAPH_ India has quietly informed companies to avoid using Chinese-made telecommunications equipment, fearing that it may have spy capabilities embedded within it. Also, India's intelligence service, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) believes that China is using dozens of study centers that it has set up in Nepal near the Indian border in part for the purposes of spying on India. _NEWLINE_In August 2011 a Chinese research vessel disguised as a fishing trawler was detected off the coast of Little Andaman, collecting data in a geostrategically sensitive region._NEWLINE_The "Luckycat" hacking campaign that targeted Japan and Tibet also targeted India. A Trojan horse was inserted into a Microsoft Word file ostensibly about India's ballistic missile defense program, allowing for the command and control servers to connect and extract information. The attacks were subsequently traced back to a Chinese graduate student from Sichuan and the Chinese government is suspected of planning the attacks._NEWLINE_Chinese hackers linked to the Third Technical Department of the People's Liberation Army have launched extensive and sustained hacking campaigns against the Central Tibetan Administration, based in Dharamshala._NEWLINE_In 2018, PLA Navy deployed a Type 815G ELINT ship in waters off Andaman and Nicobar islands for two weeks, according to a report by Indian intelligence agencies._NEWLINE_In March 2019, Indian intelligence agencies, told news services that China was trying to spy on Indian Naval bases, located in southern India and Integrated Test Range missile testing facility located at Abdul Kalam Island. It was doing this by establishing Chinese business around these areas._NEWLINE_In June 2019, Indian Reconnaissance satellite detected that PLAGF had deployed TARS balloon on strategic bases located in Tibet to gather intelligence on Indian forward bases. _START_SECTION_ Japan _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to a report by Trend Micro the "Luckycat" hacker group is engaged in cyber-espionage on targets in Japan, India and Tibet. During the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami and nuclear meltdowns at Fukushima, the hackers inserted a Trojan virus into PDF attachments to emails being circulated containing information about radiation dosage measurements. Investigation into ownership of the command and control servers by Trend Micro and The New York Times linked the malware to Gu Kaiyuan, through QQ numbers and the alias "scuhkr". Mr. Gu is a former graduate student of the Information Security Institute of Sichuan University in Chengdu and wrote his master's thesis on computer hacking. James A. Lewis of the Center for Strategic and International Studies, believes the attacks were state-sponsored. _START_SECTION_ Kazakhstan _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 19 February 2019, Kazakh counterintelligence officers arrested Konstantin Syroyezhkin, a former KGB agent, in Almaty, on charges of passing classified documents to Chinese spies. _START_SECTION_ The Philippines _START_PARAGRAPH_ FireEye President Travis Reese has stated that the Chinese-sponsored Conference Crew, founded in 2016, has engaged in cyber-espionage against the Philippines, targeting diplomatic and national security information. _START_SECTION_ Singapore _START_PARAGRAPH_ Huang Jing (黄靖), an academic at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, was expelled from Singapore, reportedly for working as an agent of influence for Chinese intelligence services._NEWLINE_SingHealth medical data was hacked by suspected Chinese hackers around July 2018. _START_SECTION_ South Korea _START_PARAGRAPH_ FireEye claims that two hacker operations tied to the Chinese military, dubbed Tonto Team and Stone Panda/APT10, have attempted to hack the South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other targets related to the deployment of THAAD._NEWLINE_China is reportedly engaged in economic espionage against South Korean technology companies, including Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix. _START_SECTION_ Sri Lanka _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2010, Jayalalithaa Jayaram – head of the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam – stated that Chinese workers, working in parts of the country devastated by the Sri Lankan Civil War were infiltrated with Chinese spies on surveillance missions targeted at India._NEWLINE_In May 2019, Sri Lankan authorities caught former chief of Military intelligence, for allegedly acting as a Chinese mole and trying to obstruct a probe by Indian and American agencies into the Easter bombings. _START_SECTION_ Taiwan _START_PARAGRAPH_ The PRC and ROC regularly accuse each other of spying._NEWLINE_Presidential aide Wang Jen-ping was found in 2009 to have sold nearly 100 confidential documents to China since 2007; Military intelligence officer Lo Chi-cheng was found to have been acting as a double agent in 2010 for China since 2007; Maj. Gen. Lo Hsien-che, electronic communications and information bureau chief during the administration of former President Chen Shui-bian, has been suspected of selling military secrets to Mainland China since 2004._NEWLINE_In 2007 the Ministry of Justice Investigation Bureau stated that 500 gigabyte Maxtor Basics Personal Storage 3200 hard drives produced by Seagate Technology and manufactured in Thailand may have been modified by a Chinese subcontractor and shipped with the Virus.Win32.AutoRun.ah virus. As many as 1,800 drives sold in the Netherlands and Taiwan after August 2007 were reportedly infected with the virus, which scanned for passwords for products such as World of Warcraft and QQ and uploading them to a website in Beijing._NEWLINE_In May 2017, Major Wang Hung-ju, a retired military police officer assigned to the National Security Bureau, was indicted on charges of spying for the People's Republic of China._NEWLINE_Army Major General Hsieh Chia-kang, deputy commander of Matsu Defense Command, has been accused of providing intelligence to China, having been recruited by retired army colonel Hsin Peng-sheng._NEWLINE_Zhou Hongxu (周泓旭), a graduate of National Chengchi University's MBA program, has been accused of attempting to recruit an official from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the purposes of providing intelligence to China. Zhou was reportedly instructed by China's Taiwan Affairs Office to enroll in the university in order to make friends and develop a spy ring. Zhou reportedly solicited classified documents, offering trips to Japan and United States dollars in payment._NEWLINE_In January 2018, it was reported that the Taipei District Prosecutors' Office is investigating if classified information regarding the Airborne Special Service Company was passed on to Zhou Hongxu (周泓旭), who was already convicted for violating the National Security Act. In March 2018, a retired colonel was charged with breaching the National Security Act by the Kaohsiung District Prosecutors' Office, which alleged that the colonel shared classified personal information and planned to develop a spy ring in Taiwan. In April 2018, Hung Chin-hsi (洪金錫), a Macau-born businssman, was accused of developing a spy ring in the Ministry of Justice, on behalf of China. Captain Zhen Xiaojiang (鎮小江) was convicted in 2015 of recruiting Taiwanese military officers as part of a spy ring on behalf of China, including Army Major-General Hsu Nai-chuan (許乃權). Zhen sent intelligence regarding Taiwan's radar installations and Dassault Mirage 2000 fighters to China. He was deported to Hong Kong in July 2018. _START_SECTION_ Economic espionage _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Wall Street Journal reported that Taiwan has been "ground zero" for economic espionage related to integrated circuit fabrication. In a review of ten prosecutions for technology-related thefts in Taiwan, WSJ found that nine of those cases involved technology transfer to China. An employee of Nanya Technology Corp. allegedly stole designs for dynamic random-access memory (DRAM) on behalf of Tsinghua Holdings. Hsu Chih-Peng, an engineer for Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., allegedly stole microchip designs after being solicited by the Chinese government-owned Shanghai Huali Microelectronics Coration._NEWLINE_According to Taiwanese prosecutors, engineer Wang Yongming (on behalf of Fujian Jinhua Integrated Circuit) engaged in espionage to steal Micron Technology microchip designs via the Taiwanese company UMC. Micron alleges that UMC hired Micron's engineers, asking them to steal files on advanced memory chips. The files Wang allegedly stole were said to be production secrets, including testing procedures related to metallization, and the DR25nmS design protocol. _START_SECTION_ Vietnam _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to the security research firm FireEye, Chinese hackers are suspected of targeting Vietnamese government and corporate targets. The hacking group, designated Conimes, phished the targets and delivered malware via a pre-2012 version of Microsoft Word. _START_SECTION_ Europe _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to the cyber-security firm Area 1, hackers working for the People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force compromised the COREU network used for communication by the European Union, allowing for the theft of thousands of low-classified documents and diplomatic cables._NEWLINE_In 2019, According to a report released by European External Action Service. There were an estimated 250 Chinese MSS spies operating in capital of European Union. _START_SECTION_ Belgium _START_PARAGRAPH_ Belgian Justice Minister Jo Vandeurzen accused the Chinese government of electronic espionage against the government of Belgium, while Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht informed the Belgian Federal Parliament that his ministry was hacked by Chinese agents. The espionage is possibly linked to Belgium hosting the headquarters of NATO and the European Union._NEWLINE_The Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in Leuven was also believed to be the center for a group of Chinese students in Europe conducting industrial espionage, operating under a front organization called the Chinese Students' and Scholars' Association of Leuven. In 2005 a leading figure of the Association defected to Belgium, providing information to the Sûreté de l’Etat on hundreds of spies engaged in economic espionage across Europe. The group had no obvious links to Chinese diplomats and was focused on getting moles into laboratories and universities in the Netherlands, Britain, Germany, France and Belgium. The People's Daily, an organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, dismissed the reports as fabrications triggered by fears of China's economic development._NEWLINE_In February 2019, According to a report released by European External Action Service. There were an estimated 250 Chinese MSS spies operating in Brussels, the capital of European Union. _START_SECTION_ Finland _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to the security research firm F5, Chinese hackers launched widespread attacks against Finnish Internet of things computers prior to the 2018 Russia–United States summit in Helsinki. _START_SECTION_ France _START_PARAGRAPH_ There have been several incidents of suspected Chinese spies in France. This includes Shi Pei Pu, a Chinese opera singer from Beijing who convinced a French diplomat that he was a woman, and spied on France._NEWLINE_French media also portrayed Li Li Whuang (李李), a 22-year-old Chinese intern at car parts maker Valeo, as an industrial spy. Both the French prosecution and Valeo refuted media claims of spying and the case was later considered to be a psychosis. Li Li was ultimately convicted of violating the confidentiality clause of her contract and served two months in prison, but was allowed to continue her doctoral studies at the University of Technology of Compiègne._NEWLINE_Two French intelligence operatives, identified only as Henri M and Pierre-Marie H, were accused of communicating classified information to China. Henri M was reportedly the Beijing station chief for the Directorate-General for External Security._NEWLINE_According to reporting by Le Figaro, the General Directorate for Internal Security and Directorate-General for External Security believe that Chinese spies have used LinkedIn to target thousands of business and government officials as potential sources of information. _START_SECTION_ Germany _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to reporting in Süddeutsche Zeitung, China has been soliciting information from members of the Bundestag, including offering €30,000 for insider information from one parliamentarian._NEWLINE_Between August and September 2007 Chinese hackers were suspected of using Trojan horse spyware on various government computers, including those of the Chancellory, the Ministry of Economics and Technology, and the Ministry of Education and Research. Germans officials believe Trojan viruses were inserted in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint files, and approximately 160 gigabytes of data were siphoned to Canton, Lanzhou and Beijing via South Korea, on instructions from the People's Liberation Army._NEWLINE_The Federal Ministry of the Interior estimates that Chinese economic espionage could be costing Germany between 20 and 50 billion euros annually. Spies are reportedly targeting mid- and small-scale companies that do not have as strong security regimens as larger corporations. Berthold Stoppelkamp, head of the Working Group for Economic Security (ASW), stated that German companies had a poor security culture making espionage easier, exacerbated by the absence of a "strong, centralized" police command. Walter Opfermann, a counter-intelligence expert for the state of Baden-Württemberg, claimed that China is using extremely sophisticated electronic attacks capable of endangering portions of critical German infrastructure, having gathered sensitive information through techniques such as phone hacking and Trojan emails. In November 2018, German prosecutors in Cologne charged a former employee of Lanxess for engaging in industrial espionage on behalf of a Chinese copycat company._NEWLINE_Germany suspects China of spying both on German corporations and on Uyghur expatriates living in the country. In 2011, a 64-year-old German man was charged with spying on Uighurs in Munich between April 2008 and October 2009. Munich is a center for expatriate Uyghurs, and in November 2009 members of the Federal Criminal Police Office arrested four Chinese nationals on charges of spying on Uyghurs. In 2007 Chinese diplomat Ji Wumin left Germany after being observed meeting with individuals engaged in surveillance of Munich Uyghurs, and German investigators suspect China is coordinating espionage activities out of its Munich consulate in the Neuhausen district._NEWLINE_In 2017, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV) published information alleging that Chinese intelligence services had created fake social media profiles on sites such as LinkedIn, using them to gather information on German politicians and government officials. The Verfassungsschutz had previously warned that Chinese intelligence officers are making use of social networking sites such as LinkedIn and XING to recruit informants. Lu Kang of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs denied the allegations. _START_SECTION_ Lithuania _START_PARAGRAPH_ Lithuanian intelligence agencies have claimed that China is engaged in an "increasingly aggressive" campaign of espionage, which includes "attempts to recruit Lithuanian citizens". Darius Jauniskis, Director of the State Security Department of Lithuania, has cautioned against a potential threat posed by Huawei telecommunications equipment. _START_SECTION_ Norway _START_PARAGRAPH_ Hackers working as part of APT 10, on behalf of the Chinese government, hacked Norwegian business software provider Visma, reportedly to gain access to the information on the company's customers. Beginning on 30 August 2018, APT10 used a malware program dubbed Trochilus and accessed a backdoor, and then proceeded to use WinRAR and cURL to exfiltrate data from Visma to a Dropbox account. _START_SECTION_ Poland _START_PARAGRAPH_ In May 2009, Stefan Zielonka, a Polish cipher officer working for the Military Information Services, disappeared. He is suspected of providing the Chinese or Russian governments with Polish and NATO cryptography information. Zielonka's body was later retrieved from the Vistula river, although investigators remain uncertain as to whether Zielonka was attempting to defect or committed suicide, or whether the body retrieved actually was Zielonka's._NEWLINE_In April 2018, a former member of the Parliament of Poland for Samoobrona, Mateusz Piskorski, was charged with espionage on behalf of Russia and China._NEWLINE_In January 2019, the Huawei sales director for Poland, identified as Weijing Wang (a.k.a "Stanislaw Wang") was arrested, along with a former senior agent of the Agencja Bezpieczeństwa Wewnętrznego (ISA) named Piotr Durbajlo, on suspicion of espionage. Wang was educated at the Beijing Foreign Studies University and studied Polish in Łódź, and subsequently worked as a cultural attaché at the Chinese consulate in Gdańsk. Wang joined Huawei's Enterprise Business Group in 2017. Durbajlo worked at the Military University of Technology, working on telecommunications security projects. After retiring from the ISA, he began working as a consultant for Orange Polska. _START_SECTION_ Russia _START_PARAGRAPH_ In December 2007, Igor Reshetin, the Chief Executive of Tsniimash-Export, and three researchers were sentenced to prison for passing on dual-purpose technology to the Chinese. Analysts speculated that the leaked technology could help China develop improved missiles and accelerate the Chinese space program. In September 2010, the Russian Federal Security Service detained two scientists working at the Baltic State Technical University in Saint Petersburg. The two are charged with passing on classified information to China, possibly through the Harbin Engineering University. _START_SECTION_ Switzerland _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to reports in Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Chinese intelligence services have attempted to recruit Swiss university staff and researchers using LinkedIn. _START_SECTION_ Sweden _START_PARAGRAPH_ Babur Maihesuti, a Chinese Uighur who became a Swedish citizen was arrested for spying on the Uighur refugee communities in Sweden, Norway, Germany and the United States, and ultimately sentenced for illegal espionage activity. In April 2018 Sweden charged Dorjee Gyantsan, a 49-year-old Tibetan refugee, with spying on Tibetan dissidents and refugees in Sweden between July 2015 and February 2017. Gyantsan is accused of collecting information on Tibetan refugees in Sweden, and then pass that information on to Chinese officials in Finland and Poland. Gyantsan was arrested upon returning from Warsaw, carrying $6,000 in cash. _START_SECTION_ United Kingdom _START_PARAGRAPH_ UK officials, including experts at its MI5 intelligence agency, are fearful that China could shut down businesses in the nation with Chinese cyberattacks and spy equipment embedded in computer and telecommunications equipment. MI5 has reportedly monitored Chinese espionage against Rio Tinto Group computers._NEWLINE_According to Robert Hannigan, former Director of the Government Communications Headquarters, Chinese hackers have engaged in economic espionage against British universities and engineering companies, on behalf of the Chinese government. _START_SECTION_ Canada _START_PARAGRAPH_ Newspapers have estimated that China may have up to 1,000 spies in Canada. The head of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Richard Fadden in a television interview was assumed to have implied that various Canadian politicians at provincial and municipal levels had ties to Chinese intelligence. In an interview, he claimed that some politicians were under the influence of a foreign government, but he withdrew the statement a few days later. It was assumed by Chinese groups in Canada, and others, that he was referring to China because in the same interview he stressed the high level of Chinese spying in Canada, however Fadden did not say specifically which country these politicians were under the influence of. His statement was withdrawn a few days later._NEWLINE_In 2005, Canadian businessman Joe Wang stated his belief that threatening letters he received after broadcasting programs about alleged human rights abuses in China were from the Chinese consulate; one of the envelopes contained boric acid._NEWLINE_In 2012 Mark Bourrie, an Ottawa-based freelance journalist, stated that the State Council-run Xinhua News Agency asked him to collect information on the Dalai Lama through their Ottawa bureau chief, Dacheng Zhang, by exploiting his journalistic access to the Parliament of Canada. Bourrie stated that he was asked to write for Xinhua in 2009 and sought advice from the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS), but was ignored. Bourrie was asked to collect information on the Sixth World Parliamentarians' Convention on Tibet at the Ottawa Convention Centre, although Xinhua had no intention of writing a story on the proceedings. Bourrie stated that at that point "We were there under false pretenses, pretending to be journalists but acting as government agents." Xinhua collects extensive information on Tibetan and Falun Gong dissidents in Canada, and is accused of being engaged in espionage by Chinese defector Chen Yonglin and Reporters Without Borders._NEWLINE_On 1 December 2013, Lloyd's Register employee Qing Quentin Huang was arrested and charged with violating the Security of Information Act, for allegedly communicating classified information on the federal shipbuilding strategy to China. Huang reportedly contacted the Chinese Embassy in Ottawa in an attempt to pass on secrets, which was detected by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, who in turn alerted the Royal Canadian Mounted Police._NEWLINE_Between 2006 and 2010 Yang Wang, a Chinese immigrant to Canada, admitted to providing intelligence to the Ministry of State Security, including on the activities of Falun Gong._NEWLINE_Around June 2014, the National Research Council was reportedly penetrated by Chinese state-sponsored hackers. _START_SECTION_ United States _START_PARAGRAPH_ China is suspected of having a long history of espionage in the United States against military and industrial secrets, often resorting to direct espionage, exploitation of commercial entities, and a network of scientific, academic, and business contacts. Several U.S. citizens have been convicted for spying for China. Naturalized citizen Dongfan Chung, an engineer working with Boeing, was the first person convicted under the Economic Espionage Act of 1996. Chung is suspected of having passed on classified information on designs including the Delta IV rocket, F-15 Eagle, B-52 Stratofortress and the CH-46 and CH-47 helicopters._NEWLINE_The U.S. Department of Justice investigation into the fund-raising activities had uncovered evidence that Chinese agents sought to direct contributions from foreign sources to the Democratic National Committee (DNC) before the 1996 presidential campaign. The Chinese embassy in Washington, D.C. was used for coordinating contributions to the DNC._NEWLINE_China's espionage and cyberattacks against the US government and business organizations are a major concern, according to the seventh annual report (issued September 2009) to the US Congress of the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission. "Although attribution is a problem in cyber attacks, the scale and coordination of the attacks strongly indicates Chinese state involvement," said commission vice chairman Larry Wortzel. "In addition to harming U.S. interests, Chinese human and cyber espionage activities provide China with a method for leaping forward in economic, technological, and military development." The report cited that the number of cyberattacks from China against the US Department of Defense computer systems had grown from 43,880 in 2007 to 54,640 in 2008, a nearly 20 percent increase. Reuters reported that the Commission found that the Chinese government has placed many of its computer network responsibilities under the direction of the People's Liberation Army, and was using the data mostly for military purposes. In response, China slammed the report as "full of prejudice," and warning it could damage China-US relations. "We advise this so-called commission not to always view China through tinted glasses," Foreign Ministry spokesman Qin Gang said._NEWLINE_In 2008 the Chinese government was accused of secretly copying information from the laptop of Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez during a trade mission to Beijing in order to gain information on American corporations. The allegations were subsequently dismissed by Qin Gang, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China._NEWLINE_In November 2005 the United States arrested four people in Los Angeles on suspicion of being involved in a Chinese spy ring._NEWLINE_Taiwanese-American scientist Wen Ho Lee (born in Nantou, Taiwan 21 December 1939) was accused and investigated on the grounds of espionage in 1999 but was acquitted of all charges except for mishandling classified data._NEWLINE_In response to these and other reports of cyberattacks by China against the United States, Amitai Etzioni of the Institute for Communitarian Policy Studies has suggested that the United States and China should agree to a policy of mutually assured restraint with respect to cyberspace. This would involve allowing both states to take the measures they deem necessary for their self-defense while simultaneously agreeing to refrain from taking offensive steps; it would also entail vetting these commitments._NEWLINE_In June 2015, the United States Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced that it had been the target of a data breach targeting the records of as many as four million people. Later, FBI Director James Comey put the number at 18 million. The Washington Post has reported that the attack originated in China, citing unnamed government officials. James Comey said: "It is a very big deal from a national security perspective and from a counterintelligence perspective. It's a treasure trove of information about everybody who has worked for, tried to work for, or works for the United States government." _START_SECTION_ Australia _START_PARAGRAPH_ Defence Secretary Dennis Richardson has stated that China is engaged in extensive espionage against Australia, and included surveillance of Chinese Australian communities. Australia believes that the Chinese government have been spying on Australian businesses. A male Chinese student from Fujian was granted a protection visa by the Refugee Review Tribunal of Australia after revealing that he had been instructed to spy on Australian targets in exchange for an overseas scholarship, reporting to the Ministry of State Security. Reported targets included Chinese students with anti-Communist sentiments and Falun Gong practitioners._NEWLINE_Nicola Roxon, the Attorney-General of Australia, blocked the Shenzhen-based corporation Huawei from seeking a supply contract for the National Broadband Network, on the advice of the Australian Security Intelligence Organisation. The Australian government feared Huawei would provide backdoor access for Chinese cyber espionage._NEWLINE_The Chinese government is suspected of orchestrating an attack on the email network used by the Parliament of Australia, allowing unauthorized access to thousands of emails and compromising the computers of several senior Australian politicians including Prime Minister Julia Gillard, Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd, and Minister of Defense Stephen Smith._NEWLINE_Sheri Yan and Roger Uren were investigated by ASIO on suspicion of spying for China. Oren, former Assistant Secretary responsible for the Asia section of the Office of National Assessments, was found to have removed documents pertaining to Chinese intelligence operations in Australia, and kept them in his apartment. Yan was suspected of undertaking influence operations on behalf of the Chinese Communist Party, and introducing Colonel Liu Chaoying, a military intelligence officer, to Australian contacts._NEWLINE_Hackers either working for or on behalf of the government of China are suspected as being responsible for a cyber-espionage attack against an Australian defense company. Designated APT Alf by the Australian Signals Directorate, the hackers stole approximately 30 gigabytes of data on projects including the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, the P-8 Poseidon, the C-130 Hercules and the Joint Direct Attack Munition. APT Alf used a remote access tool dubbed "China Chopper"._NEWLINE_In 2017, Chinese hackers infiltrated the computers of Australian National University, potentially compromising national security research conducted at the university. In 2015, Chinese hackers infiltrated the Bureau of Meteorology. _START_SECTION_ New Zealand _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jian Yang, a member of the New Zealand House of Representatives, was investigated by the New Zealand Security Intelligence Service as a possibly spy due to his links to Chinese military and intelligence schools. Yang reportedly failed to declare that he had taught at the Air Force Engineering University or the Luoyang People's Liberation Army University of Foreign Languages, which are commonly used as training grounds for Chinese intelligence officers. Yang has denied the allegations that he is a spy. _START_SECTION_ South America _START_PARAGRAPH_ Experts believe that China has recently increased its spy capabilities in South America, perhaps with help from the Cuban government. _START_SECTION_ Peru _START_PARAGRAPH_ The computer security firm ESET reported that tens of thousands of blueprints were stolen from Peruvian corporations through malware, which were traced to Chinese e-mail accounts. This was done through an AutoCAD worm called ACAD/Medre.A, written in AutoLISP, which located AutoCAD files, at which point they were sent to QQ and email accounts in China. ESET researcher Righard Zwienenberg claimed this was Chinese industrial espionage. The virus was mostly localized to Peru but spread to a few neighboring countries before being contained.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chinese jade _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chinese jade refers to the jade mined or carved in China from the Neolithic onward. It is the primary hardstone of Chinese sculpture. Although deep and bright green jadeite is better known in Europe, for most of China's history, jade has come in a variety of colors and white "mutton-fat" nephrite was the most highly praised and prized. Native sources in Henan and along the Yangtze were exploited since prehistoric times and have largely been exhausted; most Chinese jade today is extracted from the northwestern province of Xinjiang._NEWLINE_Jade was prized for its hardness, durability, musical qualities, and beauty. In particular, its subtle, translucent colors and protective qualities caused it to become associated with Chinese conceptions of the soul and immortality. With gold, it was considered to be a symbol of heaven. The most prominent early use was the crafting of the Six Ritual Jades, found since the 3rd-millennium BC Liangzhu culture: the bi, the cong, the huang, the hu, the gui, and the zhang. Since the meanings of these shapes were not mentioned prior to the eastern Zhou dynasty, by the time of the composition of the Rites of Zhou, they were thought to represent the sky, the earth, and the four directions. By the Han dynasty, the royal family and prominent lords were buried entirely ensheathed in jade burial suits sewn in gold thread, on the idea that it would preserve the body and the souls attached to it. Jade was also thought to combat fatigue in the living. The Han also greatly improved prior artistic treatment of jade._NEWLINE_These uses gave way after the Three Kingdoms period to Buddhist practices and new developments in Taoism such as alchemy. Nonetheless, jade remained part of traditional Chinese medicine and an important artistic medium. Although its use never became widespread in Japan, jade became important to the art of Korea and Southeast Asia. _START_SECTION_ Name _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Chinese word yù 玉 "jade; gems of all kinds; (of women) beautiful; (courteous) your" has semantically broader meanings than English jade "any of various hard greenish gems used in jewelry and artistic carvings, including jadeite and nephrite; a green color of medium hue; made of jade; green like jade". Yù has referred to many rocks and minerals that carve and polish well, especially jadeite, nephrite and agalmatolite, as well as bowenite and other varieties of serpentine. Jadeite is now known as yìngyù 硬玉 (lit. "hard jade") and nephrite correspondingly as ruǎnyù 軟玉 (lit. "soft jade"). The polysemous term yù is used in various Chinese chengyu "set phrases, such as pāozhuānyǐnyù 抛砖引玉 (lit. "cast aside a brick, pick up a jade") "offer banal/humble remarks to spark abler talk by others; sacrifice a little to gain much"—one of the Thirty-Six Stratagems, and idioms, for instance yùlì 玉立 (lit. "jade standing") "gracious; graceful"._NEWLINE_The Chinese character 玉 for yu "jade" dates back to circa 11th century BCE oracle bone script from the late Shang dynasty, when it depicted pieces of jade hanging on a string. Chinese characters most commonly combine a radical, such as the "jade radical" 玉 or 王, that suggests meaning and a phonetic that hints at pronunciation. The "jade radical" frequently occurs in characters for names of gemstones (e.g., bì 碧 "green jade; bluish green" and shānhú 珊瑚 "coral"), and occasionally for words denoting "preciousness" (bǎo 宝 "treasure" and bǎobǎo 宝宝 "precious/darling baby"). _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jade has been used in virtually all periods of Chinese history and generally accords with the style of decorative art characteristic of each period. Its deep significance in Chinese culture has deemed it worthy of being symbolic of ancient Chinese ethics and ideologies and also representative of the progression of Chinese culture. Thus, the earliest jades, of the Neolithic Period, are unornamented ritual and impractical versions of the tools and weapons that were in ordinary use, often much larger than normal examples. These are presumed to have been symbols of political power or possibly religious authority._NEWLINE_There have been three main Neolithic jadeworking centers. The first known center is known as the Liangzhu culture (c. 3300 – c. 2200). This centre took place in the Lake Tai District. The jades of this period were primarily small items of personal adornment, such as small discs strung onto necklaces. Typically, the jade was polished on its surface and perforated. Ritual jades and personal ornamental jade of different shapes began to show up during this time period. This religious nature of jade is often evaluated as connections between spirituality and the Neolithic societal structure that jade was produced in._NEWLINE_The second centre is known as Longshan culture and arose in 2500 BC. The centre was situated in China's east coast. The jade objects found in these centres were ritualistic implements, such as axes, knives, and chisels. There is a suggestion of curvilinear anthropomorphic images. A distinctive carving technique was used to create the fine raised relief of the anthropomorphic images._NEWLINE_The third known centre is known as the Hongshan culture (c. 3800 – c. 2700 BC). The centre was situated in along the modern northeastern border of China. The objects of this centre were typically pendants and large C-shaped ornaments. Realistic figures of fish, turtles, cicadas, and owl-like birds with spread wings were typical carvings of the Hongshan culture._NEWLINE_During Neolithic times, the key known sources of nephrite jade in China for utilitarian and ceremonial jade items were the now depleted deposits in the Ningshao area in the Yangtze River Delta (Liangzhu culture 3400–2250 BC) and in an area of the Liaoning province in Inner Mongolia (Hongshan culture 4700–2200 BC). Archeological finds have also unearthed jade objects in this province in the shapes of dragons and clay-molded human figurines, therefore symbolizing the existence of a developed social group along the Liao River and inner-Mongolia. As early as 6000 BC, Dushan jade has been mined. In the Yin Ruins of the Shang dynasty in Anyang, Dushan jade ornaments were unearthed in the tombs of the Shang kings._NEWLINE_The bi and cong are types of objects only found in jade in early periods, and probably had religious or cosmic significance. The bi is a circular disk with a hole, originally usually plain, but increasingly decorated, and the cong is a vessel, square on the outside but circular inside. In later literature the cong represents the earth and the bi the sky._NEWLINE_Jades of the Shang, Zhou, and Han dynasties are increasingly embellished with animal and other decorative motifs characteristic of those times, and craftsmen developed great skill in detailed low relief work in objects such as the belt-hooks that became part of elite costume. In later periods ancient jade shapes, derived from bronze sacrificial vessels, and motifs of painting were used to demonstrate the craftsman's extraordinary technical facility._NEWLINE_In the Zhou dynasty (1122–255 BC), the system of government had been completed and there were varying levels of departments within the government. Buttons of jade were utilized to differentiate the various levels of official society._NEWLINE_Jade was used to create many utilitarian and ceremonial objects, ranging from indoor decorative items to jade burial suits, reflecting the ancient Chinese belief that jades would confer immortality or prolong life and prevent decay. Jade spoons, spatulas, and pestles were used to make medicine in order for the jade to bestow its special virtues onto the medical compounds._NEWLINE_From about the earliest Chinese dynasties until the present, jade was sourced from deposits in western regions like Khotan and other parts of China like Lantian, Shaanxi. In Lantian, white and greenish nephrite jade is found in small quarries and as pebbles and boulders in the rivers flowing from the Kun-Lun mountain range northward into the Takla-Makan desert area. River jade collection was concentrated in the Yarkand, the White Jade (Yurungkash) and Black Jade (Karakash) Rivers. From the Kingdom of Khotan, on the southern leg of the Silk Road, yearly tribute payments consisting of the most precious white jade were made to the Chinese Imperial court and there transformed into objets d'art by skilled artisans as jade was considered more valuable than gold or silver, and white more valuable than green._NEWLINE_Jade became a favorite material for the crafting of Chinese writing materials, such as rests for calligraphy brushes, as well as the mouthpieces of some opium pipes, due to the belief that breathing through jade would bestow longevity upon smokers who used such a pipe._NEWLINE_The Qing dynasty was the final dynasty to gain political power within China beginning in 1644 CE until 1911 CE. Emperor Shengzu, who was also known as the Kangxi Emperor, ruled between circa 1662 CE until 1722 CE. During the reign of the Kangxi Emperor, a distinctive pairs of lions or dogs composed of jade were commissioned by the dynastic family. _START_SECTION_ Carving techniques _START_PARAGRAPH_ The hardness of jade presented an obstacle to those who wanted to carve it and turn it into various objects. In order to quarry nephrite jade, fires were placed next to the jade to heat it and water was thrown against the rock's surface. This rapid temperature change caused the jade to crack and wooden wedges were used to further break it down. However, this quarrying technique also destroyed the jade. The best way to extract jade in terms of it being in the best condition was to remove it from pebbles and boulders that were found in rivers._NEWLINE_Neolithic jade workshops, also known as wasters, have been found in areas where jade usage was evident and popularized. Most evidence of the development of jade technology and tools are taken from wasters and the discards and finished works present in these workshops. From the traces of jade left at these sites, one can see the evolution of crafting procedures from chipping and polishing to more advanced drilling and slicing. Due to the toughness of jade, the chipping and polishing procedures differ drastically from regular stone. The only possible method of altering the shape or texture of this mineral dense rock hasn't seen much change from its introduction to modern day as both times remain reliant on the abrasion method. In order to override the abrasiveness of jade and subdue it to molding, a jade-worker must use an object of higher abrasive factor. In the early days of jade carving, quartz, a mineral with a high hardness level, was the object of choice. At the beginning of the Song dynasty, a time of prolific technology growth, "red sand", with a hardness level of 7.5 became the dominant tool of the industry. By 1939, and once more advanced carving tools had arisen, Peking jade carvers were already using six different types of abrasives: quartz, almandine garnet, corundum, carborundum, diamond, and a medium combining both carborundum and calcareous silt or loess._NEWLINE_In terms of Hongshan (a culture consisting of regions such as Dongjiayingzi, Aohan, and Inner Mongolia) jade, four main tools comprise the basics for jade carving: the string, awl, the hollow drill, and a slow rotating disk. The string tools specifically were involved in the shaping of raw materials and slicing of jade into flat disks. Besides for slicing, this instrument was also responsible for open work, specifically the cutting of slits. Awls and hollow drills were both used to delicately puncture holes into jade material, however, awls were responsible for small pierces in ornaments whereas hollow drills made larger punctures for a variety of purposes. The slow rotating disk, finally, was purposeful in line cutting and preparing jade material for other drilling techniques. Although little is researched regarding the manufacturing techniques of other major Neolithic jade centers Dawenkou or Longshan, the Hongshan culture is quite known for its technical quality in the production of jade products and therefore serves as reliable source when examining the pinnacle of jade crafting during the Neolithic period. The introduction of metal tools occurred in the late Zhou period (1050–256 B.C.). It is likely that the use of copper in these tools preceded the use of iron._NEWLINE_Since jade was considered to be rare and strenuous to work with, pieces of jade were minimally changed and scrap pieces were reused in some way. The microstructure especially, with its composition of densely packed fibrous crystals in a felted mass formation, contributed to the mineral's toughness and difficulty in carving. Due to this toughness and unique manufacturing techniques, the jade objects studied suggest an organized labor structure consisting of skilled laborers and an education in the handling of particular tools. Likewise, stylistic features and carving techniques seen throughout different Chinese cultures suggest a fluid transmission of knowledge between cultures rather than a border-bounded knowledge isolating cultures._NEWLINE_The coloration of the jade was a factor taken into consideration when deciding what form the piece of jade would take. _START_SECTION_ Categories _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jade objects of early ages (Neolithic through Zhou) fall into five categories: small decorative and functional ornaments such as beads, pendants, and belt hooks; weapons and related equipment; independent sculptural, especially of real and mythological animals; small objects of probably emblematic value, including the han (ornaments, often carved in the shape of a cicada, to be placed in the mouth of the dead), and many examples of larger objects—such as the cong (a hollow cylinder or truncated cone). In terms of the Hongshan culture, bi and cong discs were most common, along with beads, pendants and ornamental pieces for hair and clothing in a variety of animal shapes. Jade manufactured weapons were typical to ritualistic processes like sacrifices and symbols of authority. Particularly axes and blades were seen in the rituals of the Longshan culture. _START_SECTION_ Six Ritual and Six Ceremonial Jades _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Six Ritual Jades originating in pre-history were the bi (a flat disk with a hole in its center), the cong (prismatic tube), the huang (a flat, half-ring pendant), the hu, the flat, bladelike gui, and the zhang. The original names, value and functions of these objects have invited much speculation. The Zhou Li, itself probably compiled in the Han Dynasty, ascribes the circular bi as representing the heavens, the cong as representing the earth, the gui the east, the zhang the south, the hu the west and the huang the north. Although over two millennia old these names and symbolism were given to these objects by much later writers, who interpreted the objects in a way that reflected their own understanding of the cosmos._NEWLINE_The original use of the "Six Ritual Jades" became lost, with such jades becoming status symbols, with utility and religious significance forgotten. The objects came to represent the status of the holder due to the expense and authority needed to command the resources and labour in creating the object. Thus it was as the "Ceremonial Jades" that the forms of some of these jades were perpetuated. The "Zhou Li" states that a king (wang) was entitled to gui of the zhen type, dukes (gong) to the huang, marquis to gui of the xin type, earls (bo) to gui of the gong type, viscounts (zi) to a bi of the gu type and barons (nan) to a bi of the pu type. _START_SECTION_ Symbolism and meaning _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jade objects originally begun as forms of spiritual connections or value but in later years, developed into symbols of authority and status. Throughout Neolithic Chinese culture, jade remained, however, saturated in purposeful iconography and symbolism. Especially during the Eastern Zhou period and Shang dynasty, jade objects see representations of celestial beings who played key roles in communicating with ancestral spirits. Later, with the transition to the early Western Zhou period, jade objects began to lose their connectivity to Heavenly powers and instead reflected the political authority and status of their owners. This shift marked an important period in Chinese jade, a correction of usage and thus a redefining of Chinese culture. _START_SECTION_ Concentration on spirituality _START_PARAGRAPH_ In its earliest states, the visual representations in Chinese jade embody one of the first forms of narrative. Narratives with universal characteristics associated with religion and spirituality utilize natural elements that surround humankind and suggest a religion associated with Heaven and Earth. Due to ancient China's deep dependence on agriculture, and a reliance on a cycle of natural phenomenon, many mystic properties began to be associated with nature. A certain vulnerability when it came to nature, led many to attribute natural phenomena with spirituality. This spirituality, a mythological connection between the mundane Earth and the transcendence of Heaven, was manifested in many jade objects through the late phase of the Shang dynasty. Since jade was extracted from high mountains and riverbeds, and mountains in Chinese culture symbolized a way to ascend beyond the Earth into Heaven, jade held power in terms of funerary rites and other rites associated with mysticism. Funerary ritual jade objects included things like pinnular-shaped ornamental jade, beads, and even agricultural tools such as axes and shovel (used to reiterate the connection between nature and the heavens). These agricultural tools were either placed in tombs as symbols of a prosperous afterlife or to sanctify the tomb for spirits responsible for natural phenomena and human wellbeing. Along with major objects, many smaller animal-shaped objects reflected the same sense of spirituality in nature and remained prevalent throughout the Shang dynasty. Birds, turtles, silkworms, dragons and cicadas appeared the most and each epitomized early China's relationship between religion and nature. Birds flight for instance, symbolized the spiritual journey: a journey from the natural earth to the celestial heavens. Similarly, the turtle's voyage across land and sea represented the expedition from earth to underworld. Jade cicadas and silkworms construed rebirth, symbolizing the rebirth of the dead when placed in tombs._NEWLINE_Along with animal-shaped objects, jade also took upon the shape of clouds, earth, and wind; creating a more literal translation of belief. Cloud pendants and cloud-shaped jade found in tombs of the elite elicit the belief in a hierarchical social structure with leaders holding both political and spiritual power. Bi discs and cong, commonly structured jade objects, also developed funerary significance in their use in rituals. Bi discs, specifically, were used in sacrifices to Heaven. Jade constructed huang pendants likewise saw an important funerary connection due to their inclusion in the typical shaman attire._NEWLINE_Jade human figurines in the Shijiahe culture are another way jade was used in the celestial context. These figurines were supposedly used for the staging of ritual sacrifices and to preserve the memory of the sacrifice for subsequent generations.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ching Cheung-ying _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ching Cheung-ying (Chinese: 程張迎, born 31 May 1958) is a retired Hong Kong schoolteacher and politician. He is currently the representative of the Sun Tin Wai constituency of Sha Tin District Council. He is a member of the Democratic Party. _START_SECTION_ Teaching career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ching was a Chinese Language and Chinese History teacher at Diocesan Boys' School. In 2002, he opposed the school's move from a free-of-charge Grant School to a fee-paying Direct Subsidy Scheme school. He criticized the move as a unilateral decision which sidelined teachers from the decision-making process, citing an internal secret ballot which showed that 70% of the school's teachers opposed the move. He argued that the Direct Subsidy Scheme excluded poor families from high-quality education and reduced social mobility. Ching commented in 2013 that, since the school became fee-paying, there had been a substantial decrease in the number of lower-class students, and the school's management had become less transparent._NEWLINE_Ching retired from his teaching post in July 2018. _START_SECTION_ Political career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He was first elected to the Sha Tin District Board in the 1985 election and has been an elected local councillor since then. He represents Sun Tin Wai Estate. He was elected to the Regional Council in the 1995 election and held the seat until the Regional Council's abolition in 1999. He is a member of the consultation panel of West Kowloon Cultural District and previously held advisory positions in various statutory arts and culture committees._NEWLINE_Ching was awarded the Medal of Honour in 2007 "for his outstanding and dedicated community service in Sha Tin District."_NEWLINE_He was elected to the Education sub-sector of the Election Committee in 2016, running as a member of the Professional Teachers' Union caucus which formed part of the Democracy 300+ campaign.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chironomus zealandicus _START_SECTION_ Description _START_PARAGRAPH_ The common New Zealand midge is a two-winged non-biting Chironomus. These species are often confused with the biting mosquito as they look very similar. The males of this species have feathery antenna, and the females do not. The feathered antennas allow the insect to be able to walk in the water. The colouration of the species is black or dark segmented parts on the body (abdomen) with green or yellow striping. Chironomus has three types of teeth in its mandible, one single strong apical tooth, three inner subapical teeth, and a single outer apicodorsal tooth. The mentum of Chironomus also has 15 darker pigmented teeth on outer sides and either sides of the teeth. The adult is approximately 5mm in length. The larvae form is blood red and has elongated blood gills on its penultimate abdominal segments. _START_SECTION_ Distribution and habitat _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chironomus zealandicus is a native flying insect species of Chironomid that is endemic to New Zealand. It was first reported by Hudson in 1892 and was later described taxonomically by Hutton in 1902 and Kieffer in 1921 with the name Chironomus novae zealandiae. In New Zealand, this species is mostly found in freshwater and lake areas in North Island and South Island, such as in Lake Ngaroto in Hamilton, Lake Rotoroa, Lake Ellesmere / Te Waihora in Canterbury, and other South Island lakes and freshwater areas._NEWLINE_C. zealandicus can be found in swarms in lakes, rivers, and swamps, where they typically breed in slow stagnant water. They are especially found in great numbers in areas which are man-made. The species often lives in areas that suffer from pollution; although, as a result of its make up it can withstand these conditions unlike other midge species such as a green midge larvae related to it. The myoglobin contained in the species (made up of an iron and oxygen-binding protein)helps them survive in habitats they are abundant in such as stagnant, low oxygen water. In New Zealand, the species is common in the lower reaches of the West Coast glaciers, geothermal waters and seashores. _START_SECTION_ Life cycle _START_PARAGRAPH_ The New Zealand midge has 4 stages in its life cycle. This ranges from egg, larva, pupa and adult. The midge often breeds in swarms in areas of lakes and stagnant water which suits pupae and larvae to breed. Eggs are often laid in numbers up to 3000 and are contained in a gelatinous substance which helps it to attach to objects in the water such as sticks or to river or lake banks. The eggs which are not attached to any material sink to the bottom but this does not stop the eggs ability to hatch on the lake bed. The first stage (the egg) lasts between 2 to 7 days in which it hatches and then feeds on the gelatinous material for a couple of days. It then burrows into the substrate or the material available for it to make its home. Most of the larval stage is spent in a tube constructed from silt. During this stage, they take on a red colour which is where the name blood worm arises from. They spend 2–7 weeks in this form which can be faster or slower due to current water temperatures caused by season weather. After they reach the end of this cycle they pupate. The pupae creates burrows in the sediment layer, where as a pupa its lives in constructed tubes. The pupa stage lasts for up to 3 days where they emerge to the surface by actively swimming and stay on the surface for several hours until the adult form emerges. The adult stage lasts a maximum of 5 days in which they breed in swarms at night and then die. In the right conditions with regards to water temperature and season, the full life cycle can be completed within two weeks. _START_SECTION_ Diet and foraging _START_PARAGRAPH_ The adult stage does not eat and this contributes to its short life; it is known as a non-biter unlike some related species. During undulations which are created by using 2-elongated blood gills filters oxygen and nutrients past them in the water layer. In New Zealand there are a wide range of strategies the midge uses as the fauna are so diverse. With this diversity in food selection it is able to get sources of nutrients from algae, microorganisms, invertebrates, macrophytes, and woody debris. _START_SECTION_ Predators, parasites, and diseases _START_PARAGRAPH_ The midge from the larva, pupa and adult form is predated on by river fish and other aquatic vertebrates such as indigenous minnows. Examples of this are small trout which will come up and feed on the swarms above and on the surface of the water on warm nights. Other invertebrates such as arthropods are known to prey on midges, this is usually through chance due to swarms landing or getting caught in webs. Chironomus suffer deforming in the head capsules. A recent study conducted by Jeyasingham & Ling has shown that the incidence of deformity increased during summer in larvae, the cause to this incidence is season, genetic factors and sediment chemistry which may have caused problems to the deformity of the Chironomus capsule heads.
_START_ARTICLE_ Choiza _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ On September 25, 2013, Choiza and Sulli were rumored to be dating after pictures of them surfaced on the Internet. Their agencies initially denied their relationship, but later confirmed it on August 19, 2014. as other pictures of them on a date surfaced on the internet. Both celebrities endured malicious comments and cyberbullying throughout their public relationship. The two ended their relationship in March 2017.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cholescintigraphy _START_SECTION_ Etymology and pronunciation _START_PARAGRAPH_ The word cholescintigraphy (/ˌkoʊliˌsɪnˈtɪɡrəfi/) uses combining forms of chole- + scinti(llation) + -graphy, most literally "bile + flash + recording".
_START_ARTICLE_ Choman Hardi _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ She has published three volumes of poetry in Kurdish. She has published two collections of English poems, Life for Us (Bloodaxe Books, 2004) and Considering the Women (Bloodaxe Books, 2015), which was shortlisted for the Forward Prize in 2016. Her articles have appeared in Modern Poetry in Translation _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ She has been a former chairperson of Exiled Writers Ink! and has organized creative writing workshops for the British Council in UK, Belgium, Czech Republic and India. She was former Poet-In-Residence at Moniack Mhor Writers Centre (Scotland), Villa Hellebosch (Belgium), Hedgebrook Women Writers’ Retreat (USA) and The Booth (Shetland). As an academic researcher she has been a visiting scholar in The Centre for Multiethnic Research (Uppsala University), Zentrum Moderner Orient (Berlin) and The Department of Humanities (University of Amsterdam). Between 2009 and 2011 she was a Senior Associate Member of St Anthony's College, Oxford. In 2014 she moved back to her home-city of Sulaimani to take up a post at the American University of Iraq (AUIS), becoming chair of the department of English in 2015.
_START_ARTICLE_ Choose and Book _START_PARAGRAPH_ Choose and Book was an E-Booking software application for the National Health Service (NHS) in England which enabled patients needing an outpatient appointment to choose which hospital they were referred to by their general practitioner (GP), and to book a convenient date and time for their appointment._NEWLINE_Originally designed simply as an electronic booking system, Choose and Book was developed to enable patient hospital choice. It was introduced into the NHS from 2005 onwards. It was procured as part of the National Programme for IT (NPfIT) in 2003. The contract was awarded to Schlumberger Limited's Sema division just before its acquisition by Atos Origin. The software is based on Cerner Corporation's Millennium e-Booking software._NEWLINE_Surgery where immediate treatment is required is not in the remit of Choose and Book since such patients' needs bypass any longer-term queuing systems._NEWLINE_Choose and Book has been replaced by the NHS e-Referral Service which was to have started in 2014 but was postponed until 2015 after it failed an assessment by the Government Digital Service. _START_SECTION_ How Choose and Book works _START_PARAGRAPH_ In its fully functional mode, Choose and Book communicated electronically between "compliant" GP Clinical Computer systems and Directly Bookable Hospital Patient Administration Systems (PAS) to enable GPs to shortlist appropriate services for their patients. This enabled patients to either book their appointment at their GP practice, call the national appointments line (0845 60 88888) or book their appointment online through the HealthSpace website. Directly Bookable Services refers to hospitals using Choose and Book compliant PAS systems. In this mode Choose and Book 'harvests' and displays appointment slots directly from the Hospital PAS for users to book directly into. _START_SECTION_ Development _START_PARAGRAPH_ The roll-out of Choose and Book in 2005 and 2006 suffered a number of delays; some technical because of its dependency on other NPfIT work streams, partly through functional problems in early releases, and partly through clinicians' concerns about additional workload._NEWLINE_There were conflicting views about its effectiveness, both from a technical viewpoint (it is hard to distinguish between bugs in CaB and the systems with which it interfaces) and a service perspective (some users argue that it undermines existing good practice, while others praise the convenience and reduced delays it offers to patients). A 2006 survey (published 2008) found that the majority of patients were not experiencing the degree of choice that the system was designed to deliver._NEWLINE_To increase the uptake of Choose & Book by doctors in England, surgeries were offered a financial incentive for the first part of 2006, but it continued to suffer from adverse publicity in the medical press and resistance from a number of GPs._NEWLINE_As the application became more stable during 2005 and 2006, booking volumes increased, albeit more slowly than planned. At December 2006, over 1.5M patients had used Choose and Book. By the end of October 2008, this had risen to over 10M bookings, with daily figures of over 20,000. All Primary Care Trusts in England were live with Choose and Book (although that might only be one GP within a PCT or practice), while all NHS Acute Trusts and a large number of Independent Sector Hospitals used Choose and Book. At 28 October 2008, 93% of practices were providing the service, and while some PCTs are only seeing low volumes (30% and less in some cases), many were booking 70 to 80% of patients using Choose and Book._NEWLINE_Use reached a high point nationally of 57% of referrals in the first two months of 2010. As incentive schemes were scaled back there was a drop in use to 50% at the start of 2012. When the system was turned off in June 2015 it was used by 40,000 patients every day. _START_SECTION_ Extended Choice Network _START_PARAGRAPH_ In January 2007 private Hospitals started making their services directly bookable to GPs whose PCT had commissioned their services. From April 2007, the 'Extended Choice Network' included all NHS Foundation Trusts and independent sector hospitals accredited by the Department of Health as meeting NHS quality and cost criteria. This meant that a GP could, via CaB, offer their patients the choice of four or more local providers, and the option of any Foundation Trust or accredited independent sector hospital in England. The Government's intention was that when patients were able to choose between their local NHS Hospital and any accredited private hospital in England, standards would rise (known as 'contestability'). In March 2007 the first independent sector hospitals became available as directly bookable options from within Choose and Book._NEWLINE_From April 2008, 'Free Choice' policy meant that patients could choose from any clinically appropriate and accredited provider in England. Since the deployment of Release 4.0 of the application in May 2008, referrers could select from two menus: "Search Primary Care", which only showed services provided by the PCT or by smaller local providers, or "Search All", which showed services provided by all accredited providers in England. One criticism of this policy is that patients and their referring clinicians needed more meaningful information to make a genuinely informed choice, some of which is provided by the NHS website "Find and Choose a Hospital" comparison feature.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chorley RUFC _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chorley RFC was founded in 1973 and initially played their matches on the playing fields of Astley Park. In 1981 the club moved to its own ground at Chancery Road, which remains the club's current location.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chosen of the Gods _START_SECTION_ Plot introduction _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chosen of the Gods is set in Istar during the reign of Symeon IV, Kurnos the Ursurper, and Beldinas Pilofiro. _START_SECTION_ Plot summary _START_PARAGRAPH_ Cathan is called back to his house to discover that his brother has died of the Longosai, a plague, and that he and Wentha are the only remaining members of their clan. Having prayed to Paladine every day to heal his brother, he rips down the symbol of Paladine from the wall of their house, since Paladine didn't answer his requests. Having no family left except for his sister, Wentha, he joins some bandits led by Baron Tavarre. Baron Tavarre gained an intense hate of clerists after a loved member of his family died, because the clerists in Istar wouldn't help him. However, he is not the only one that feels that way, as many other bandits joined only after their family died of the Longosai because the clerists ignored them. This hate influences the actions of Cathan, when on a rainy day they ambush a fat clergyman heading for Govinna with a tarp against the rain held by his guards. Cathan slings a piece of the symbol of Paladine at the clerist, knocking him out. The bandits quickly disarm the guards, and Cathan, seeing the fat and richly robed clergymen feels disgust, and so kicks him, earning himself a reprimand from Lord Tavarre, as he is now called._NEWLINE_Meanwhile, in Istar, the Kingpriest of Istar, Symeon IV, calls a meeting of his most trusted advisers, and to break the news that Kurnos the Usurper is going to become his heir once he dies, as he has seen portents of his death. He and his advisers also debate whether do send the Imperial Army against bandits who attacked the clergymen, but Ilista, First Daughter of Paladine, and Loralon, emissary of the elves, counsel against it. The Kingpriest then adjourns the meeting to meditate. That night, Ilista has dreams of a Lightbringer, so she asks for the approval of the Kingpriest, and then with his approval sets out. Later in the day, during a game of khas with Kurnos, Symeon falls over unconscious. Kurnos then hears a dark voice in his head; "Let him die." Unknown to him at the time, the voice came from Fistandantilus. Kurnos refuses to listen to it and calls for help._NEWLINE_After returning to their bandit camp, Cathan is called back to his village, where he finds out that Wentha has caught the Longosai. He leaves her in the care of Widow Fendrilla almost as soon as he arrives, desiring even more revenge against the clergymen. After returning, he learns that they have united with other bandits and plan to attack Govinna, the only walled city in the highlands. The bandits split up into groups, and enter Govinna undetected. Cathan is told to guard an alley, but he really wants to be part of the fighting. However, he remains at his post. Meanwhile, the rest of the bandits quickly capture the city, but Durinen, the Little Emperor of the highlands escapes. Durinen emerges through a secret tunnel close to where Cathan is posted, and so is captured and placed under house arrest._NEWLINE_Back in Istar, Kurnos learns that Symeon will most likely live until the fall, which he feels is too long a wait. Fistandantilus offers his aid, and so Kurnos reluctantly accepts it, in the form of a demon, Sathira, bound within a ring. Kurnos tells Sathira to kill Symeon in a "natural way", and so Kurnos is crowned Kingpriest soon after._NEWLINE_Ilista searches far and wide, however does not find any sign of the Lightbringer. Soon, she begins to doubt herself, and begins to consider turning back until she receives a message telling her to go to an abandoned monastery, where she will find the Lightbringer. On the way to the monastery, she is attacked by evil monsters, but is rescued by a humble monk, Brother Beldyn, who will become known to the world as "the Lightbringer." With the Lightbringer, she sets back out for Istar, taking an overland route through the highlands. However, unbeknownst to her and her party, the highlands have been taken over by the bandits. Just after setting out, she, her guards, and the Lightbringer are captured by the bandits. A guard was mortally injured in the battle, and Beldyn pleads with the bandits to allow him to heal the guard. The bandits reluctantly agree, and Beldyn manages to heal the guard. With a healing miracle in their midst, the bandits quickly support the Lightbringer, and pleading with him to heal their friends, family, and villages. Cathan is among the others that beg for healing, and luckily manages to have him heal his sister. After arriving in their village, Beldyn not only heals his sister, but everyone in the village too. Cathan then swears allegiance to Beldinas._NEWLINE_In Istar, Kurnos learns of the capture of Govinna, and that Ilista found the Lightbringer. However, instead of accepting Beldinas, he feels threatened, deciding to send Sathira to kill him. He also sends the Imperial Army, or the Scatas, to kill the bandits._NEWLINE_Durinen attempts to commit suicide, ending up with a mortal wound; however, Beldyn manages to heal him, convincing the Little Emperor that Beldyn is the true Kingpriest. The Little Emperor then reveals the location of the Crown of Power, an artifact that allows the wielder to claim the mantle of Kingpriest, and that has been lost since the time of Pradian. Unluckily, before Durinen finishes, Sathira arrives and slays the Little Empire; however he is banished back to the gem by Ilista's sacrifice and death. Everyone in the city mourns for Ilista, as she was unlike the other high clergy — she actually helped the people during her stay. Also, during this time, the Imperial Army reaches Govinna and camps right outside the city. This sets plans into motion as Beldyn and Cathan head into the catacombs in an attempt to retrieve Crown of Power. Cathan emerges later with the crown, but Beldyn is in a coma and cannot be woken. Meanwhile, the situation becomes more dire, as the defenders of Govinna are deserting in the face of the Imperial scatas. Soon, the scatas make their move, and the fight for the city begins. However Beldyn still has not awoken. Cathan prays to Paladine, and the ghost of Pradian, the would-be emperor who hid the crown, appears. Cathan forces Pradian to wake Beldyn, as Pradian does not want to see the crown in the hands of Kurnos, and so Cathan and Beldyn join the fight. In a surprising move, Beldyn breaks the gates of Govinna to let the scatas in. Then, to convince the scatas of his power, Beldyn has Cathan crown him with the Miceram, the Crown of Power, but Sathira appears and lunges for Brother Beldyn. Cathan pushes Beldyn away, and manages to wound Sathira with the pieces of his symbol of Paladine, giving Beldyn time to banish Sathira. Beldyn then puts on the Crown of Power, resulting in a cleansing wave of power spreading through the city. The Scatas realize the power, and swear allegiance to Beldyn._NEWLINE_Later, Beldyn and his newfound army march to Istar, to oust Kurnos. Back in Istar, the heads of the temples receive word of the approaching army, and Beldyn's holy powers, and begin to send votes of "no support" to Kurnos._NEWLINE_That night, Fistandantilus replaces Sathira with a killing spell, instructing Kurnos to use it to kill Beldinas. The next day, Kurnos surrenders without a fight, and when he pretends to beg for forgiveness, he uses the ring on Beldinas. Cathan realizes Kurnos's intent, and jumps in front of Beldinas, saving his life, but dies. However, Beldinas calls on Paladine to resurrect Cathan, and Paladine answers. Cathan is resurrected and Kurnos is thrown into a dungeon, while Beldinas debates what to do with him. However, that night Fistandantilus arrives in Kurnos's cell and unleashes Sathira on Kurnos, letting her kill and mutilate him. When Sathira is done, Fistandantilus uses magic so that Kurnos looks like he died naturally.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chota (automobile) _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Chota was a 6 hp English cyclecar manufactured from 1912 until 1913 by the Buckingham Engine Works of Coventry. Chota is Hindustani for "small"._NEWLINE_The car was designed by J. F. Buckingham and had a 746 cc single-cylinder engine of Buckingham's own design. A larger 1492 cc model was added in 1913._NEWLINE_The Chota was renamed the Buckingham in September 1913.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chowka _START_SECTION_ Plot _START_PARAGRAPH_ The film is a narrative which emerges through five different timelines and geographies within the state of Karnataka, encapsulating the lives of four people with a common friend and their love lives while sending across a strong message relating to the common man. Four individuals, each with their own dreams and aspirations, get framed for crimes they did not commit and land up in jail. First Hakki Gopala (Prem) who is cheated and sent to jail. Second Krishna Rao (Diganth) who is blamed for the murder of his pregnant friend Maria (Priyamani). Third Surya Shetty (Vijay Raghavendra) who is dragged in a false murder case and fourth Mohammed Anwar (Prajwal Devaraj) who is blamed for a bomb blast. They all are linked with their friend Manjunath (Chikkanna). They meet a school teacher Vishwanath (Kashinath) who not only shows them hope but also stirs up a passion towards reform. He reveals that he had a daughter Ramya (Manvitha Harish) who loved the son of MLA Krishnamurthy (Avinash). This angers Krishnamurthy and gets Ramya raped and killed and blames Vishwanath for it. They four decide to help Vishwanath in his objective._NEWLINE_The story takes place in the cities of Bangalore in 1986, followed by 1995 in Mysore, 2000 in Mangalore and 2007 in Bijapur. The present day is depicted in 2017, in the Central Jail of Bellary and ends in the Suvarna Vidhana Soudha premises in Belagavi. It ends on a happy note as Vishwanath is proved innocent , but the four heroes are shot by commandoes in the end._NEWLINE_Where as tear eyed Pushpa(Aindrita Rai), Gopala's girlfriend now grown old, Bhoomika (Bhavana), Surya's girlfriend and Gowri (Deepa Sannidhi),Anwar's girlfriend watch it with utter disbelief.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chris Fairclough _START_SECTION_ Playing career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He joined his hometown club Nottingham Forest in 1981, where he won the first of his seven England under-21 international caps. Forest however allowed the defender's contract to expire and he had his pick of clubs. Having made 134 appearances and scored 2 goals for Forest, he moved to Tottenham Hotspur in June 1987, with the transfer fee set by tribunal at £387,000. Fairclough proved to be a solid and reliable centre-back, being an ever-present throughout the 1987–88 season. The 1988–89 season however was blighted by injury for Fairclough and he only 20 made league appearances._NEWLINE_Fairclough was capped seven times at under-21 level for England during the 1980s, but never played for his country at senior level._NEWLINE_After failing to reclaim his place in Terry Venables' team, Fairclough joined Leeds United on loan in March 1989. In the summer of 1989 he made the move permanent, moving for a fee of £500,000. He was immediately installed at the heart of the defence, and the team gained promotion the Second Division in 1990 and went on to win the First Division title two years later - the last top division title before the formation of the FA Premier League. In his six years at Elland Road, he was almost ever-present and immensely popular with the fans, picking up Player of the Year in 1990. His partnership with Chris Whyte was a key factor in the Championship win._NEWLINE_However, he eventually lost his place in the side and moved to Bolton Wanderers in July 1995 for the same fee he joined the club for, having made 240 appearances scoring 23 goals. Over a period of three years he made 106 appearances scoring 8 goals. He joined Bolton on their promotion to the Premier League, and although he was unable to keep them there, he helped them return at the first attempt by winning the Division One title in 1997 with 100 goals and 98 points, though again they were ultimately relegated from the Premier League after just one season._NEWLINE_He had a spell at Notts County (1998–1999, scoring once against his soon to be employers, York City) before joining York City in 1999 where he stayed until he retired in 2001. _START_SECTION_ Coaching career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He now lives outside Nottingham and worked for Nottingham Forest as an assistant first team coach having previously coached the under-17 team. He left in June 2011 when his contract was terminated by the club following the departure of Billy Davies._NEWLINE_In July 2012 he was appointed as Professional Development Phase Coach (U16-U18) at Charlton Athletic.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chris McLaughlin _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chris McLaughlin (born 1955) is a British journalist, who between 2004-2018 was the editor of the Labour Party-supporting weekly UK magazine Tribune. Since Tribune's re-launch as a bi-monthly publication, McLaughlin is now the editor-at-large, in charge of the magazine's News output._NEWLINE_Previously McLaughlin was political editor of the Sunday Mirror, deputy Political Editor of The Mail on Sunday, European Editor and deputy Political Editor of The Scotsman and a columnist on The Big Issue, and until 1987 worked for Labour Weekly, the now closed official Labour Party newspaper._NEWLINE_McLaughlin served as a Labour councillor in the London Borough of Newham for four years.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chris Rabb _START_SECTION_ Early life, education, and family _START_PARAGRAPH_ Shortly after beginning his undergraduate education at Yale in 1988, Rabb was instrumental in the removal of an image of a shackled slave from the common room of Calhoun College (named after alum John C. Calhoun). Rabb received his Bachelors from Yale in 1992. Rabb got a Masters in Organizational Dynamics from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006. Rabb has two sons. _START_SECTION_ Committee Assignments _START_PARAGRAPH_ Agriculture & Rural Affairs, Democratic Vice Chair _NEWLINE_Commerce, Subcommittee on Financial Services and Banking - Democratic Chair _NEWLINE_Finance, Democratic Secretary _NEWLINE_Judiciary
_START_ARTICLE_ Chris Savino _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Savino was born and raised in Royal Oak, Michigan and attended Dondero High School. His biggest influence for the animation world was Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures because of the way its animation style differed from that of the other 1980s animated series. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He began his career in the animation industry in 1991 and has worked for Spümcø, Joe Murray Studio, Nickelodeon Animation Studios, Hanna-Barbera, Cartoon Network Studios and Disney Television Animation. He was originally the showrunner for the last two seasons of Dexter's Laboratory, The Powerpuff Girls and My Gym Partner's a Monkey. He was also previously a writer for The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy, Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil and Mickey Mouse. In June 2014, his short for Nickelodeon, The Loud House, was greenlit for a full series, and debuted on May 2, 2016. _START_SECTION_ Sexual harassment allegations _START_PARAGRAPH_ On October 17, 2017, Cartoon Brew reported that Nickelodeon had suspended Savino from their studio due to multiple allegations of sexual harassment against him; rumors of Savino's inappropriate behavior had existed for "at least a decade". As many as a dozen women accused Savino of sexual harassment, unwanted sexual advances, and threats of blacklisting female colleagues who no longer agreed to consensual relationships with him. On October 19, a Nickelodeon spokesperson confirmed that they terminated Savino's contract, and that The Loud House will continue production without him. On October 23, Savino spoke for the first time since the allegations first appeared, saying he was "deeply sorry" for his actions. On May 30, 2018, Savino was given a one-year suspension from The Animation Guild, I.A.T.S.E. Local 839. As part of his plea bargain with The Animation Guild, Savino was ordered to donate $4,000 to a charity chosen by the guild, complete 40 hours of community service, undergo counseling, and obtain a certificate of sexual harassment training._NEWLINE_In a September 2019 interview, Chris Savino has mentioned his regret about his actions. In October 2019, Savino claimed to be a born-again Christian.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christa Wells _START_SECTION_ Early and personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christa Nichole Rogers, now Wells, was born on August 23, 1973 in Palo Pinto, Texas, the daughter of Gordon and Sharon Rogers (née, Covert). Her father was in the military, which caused the family to frequently move. She studied music industry and English education, while enrolled at Anderson University in Anderson, Indiana. She married Toby Wells in 1994, and they have five children, biological and adopted. _START_SECTION_ Music career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Wells started her music career in the early 2000s, writing hit single "Day by Day" for Point of Grace and co-writing with Plumb for her album Beautiful Lumps of Coal. She independently wrote the song Held, which became a hit single for Natalie Grant on her 2005 Awaken studio album, winning Wells the Dove Award for Songwriter of the Year. Her first solo studio album, Frame the Clouds, was released on June 15, 2009, with Kiss Me Not Publishing. The subsequent release, How Emptiness Sings, an extended play, was released on March 15, 2011. That same year, Wells collaborated with singer/songwriter Nicole Witt to write and record another ep titled Image of God, which was released on December 27, 2011. The duo later added to the Image of God collection, releasing a full-length self-titled album under band name More Than Rubies._NEWLINE_Wells released Feed Your Soul, her second full-length studio album, on August 13, 2013._NEWLINE_In 2014 she recorded the title song for the film A Long Way Off._NEWLINE_In February 2015, Wells released a crowd-funded extended play called Covers, including songs by popular mainstream bands U2, Depeche Mode, Nirvana, The Smiths, and Smashing Pumpkins.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christapor Mikaelian _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christapor Mikaelian (Armenian: Քրիստափոր Միքայէլեան, Krisdapor Mikaelyan/Chrisdapor Mikaelian; 18 October 1859 – 1 March 1905), also known by his noms de guerre Hellen (Էլլէն), Topal (Թոփալ), and Edward (Էդուարդ), was one of the three founders of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation along Stepan Zorian and Simon Zavarian, also part of Armenian national liberation movement. _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Mikaelian was born in the village of Agulis in the canton of Goghtn in the province of Vaspurakan in the Southern Caucasus under the Russian Empire, now part of Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan. His father was highly respected by the villagers, who considered him as the village judge and would bring their disputes to his arbitration. Mikaelian lost his mother at the age of four, and his father at the age of ten. He graduated from the local school with flying colors, and so the administration offered him a scholarship to the professorial academy of Tiflis, on the condition that he then return to take a teaching position at the village school. He departed to Tiflis in 1874. But his education was not yet sufficient, so he studied until in 1876, at the age of seventeen, he was accepted to the academy. He became an active member of the revolutionary organization Narodnaya Volya (People's Will), which was widespread amongst student circles. He read all the revolutionary literature he could get his hands on, and was especially influenced by the works of Welsh social reformer Robert Owen. _NEWLINE_In 1880 he graduated from the professorial academy of Tiflis, returning to his hometown and honoring his agreement to teach at the village school. In 1884 he returned to Tiflis and found the student organization Armenian Patriotic Union (Միութիւն Հայրենասիրաց) in disarray. He managed to gather some of the members along with some laborers and gave them lectures, taught them primary subjects and language, and on Sundays trained them in the use of weapons. From this group figures such as Arabo and Markar Varjabedian emerged. Mikaelian was also preoccupied with educating older student groups, whom he educated in Sociology. At that time he also became interested in Armenian issues, and paid visits to Raffi and Grigor Artsruni. _NEWLINE_In 1885 the czarist government closed down 400 Armenian schools and leaves around 20,000 students and 2,000 teachers on the streets. Mikaelian and his comrades distribute flyers of protest. The people were yet unprepared for such action, and it would not be until 18 years later when they would rise as one person in the face of a similar offense. In the autumn of 1885, Mikaelian departed to Moscow to continue his studies. Raffi recommended him to his friend Melkon Kasbarian Paniants, asking him to aid Mikaelian financially, adding, "You can believe me in regards to his morality, that he is a most honorable youth." For a year and a half Mikaelian attended the Petrovski School of Agronomy, where he met Stepan Zorian and Simon Zavarian. He took courses as an auditing student, simultaneously pursuing studies in scientific and economic issues and actively participating in student movements. Due to lack of financial means, Mikaelian left his studies incomplete and in 1887 returned to Tiflis and committed himself to revolutionary activities. He attempted to found a secret printing-house with Rosdom, but they were unable to secure sufficient funds. _START_SECTION_ Political activism _START_PARAGRAPH_ Upon his return to Tiflis, he organized, trained, and taught groups of people belonging to the working class. In order to mobilize the dispersed Armenian fedayees, he founded an organization known as Երիտասարդ Հայաստան (Young Armenia). He later became a co-founder of the ARF alongside Simon Zavarian and Stepan Zorian. He was one of the members of the ARF Bureau until his death._NEWLINE_He was eventually deported to Bessarabia. He then made his way to Galatz, Romania, where he participated in the production of Droshak newspaper, eventually becoming its editor. Mikaelian came up with the idea of killing Ottoman Sultan Abdul Hamid II in the Yıldız assassination attempt. However, he died while testing bombs in the mountain village of Sablyar, near Kyustendil in Bulgaria. He was 46 years old.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christer-André Cederberg _START_SECTION_ Early years _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christer started his musical career as a guitarist and songwriter, signing his first record deal at the age of 17. During the late 90's he worked as a session musician, recording numerous albums. This is what sparked his fascination for music production and lead him to becoming a full-time producer and engineer by 2001._NEWLINE_Christer played guitar in the band Animal Alpha in the period 2002 - 2009. The band recorded two studio albums, appeared at a lot of big festivals, toured throughout Europe and played in the USA. They were nominated for Spellemansprisen (the Norwegian Grammy) multiple times and had several songs featured in movies and video games.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christian Belz _START_SECTION_ Steeplechaser _START_PARAGRAPH_ Born in Zürich, he started his career in athletics as a specialist in the 3000 metres steeplechase. He earned All-American honours competing for the Washington Huskies while studying at the University of Washington. It was in the steeplechase that he made his first international appearances for Switzerland. He was selected for the 1999 World Championships in Athletics and finished eighth in his heat. He made his Olympic debut the following year at the 2000 Sydney Olympics and was again knocked out in the heats after an eighth place finish._NEWLINE_The 2001 season marked an improvement in his performances: he set a personal best and Swiss record in the steeplechase with a time of 8:22.24 at the FBK Games in Hengelo in July. He made a global final for the first time at the 2001 World Championships and finished in thirteenth place with a time of 8:31.43. A month later he competed at the 2001 Summer Universiade and had his first international podium finish, taking the bronze medals in both the steeplechase and 5000 metres. At the end of the year he participated at the 2001 European Cross Country Championships, held on home turf in Thun, and he took fifth place in a field of 77 runners. _START_SECTION_ Switch to flat running _START_PARAGRAPH_ He began to expand his event repertoire and doubled up in the steeplechase and 5000 metres races at the 2002 European Athletics Championships. He failed to reach the steeplechase final but managed twelfth in the 5000 m event final. He began to focus on running the flat distances thereafter. He made his world cross country running debut in 2003, finishing in eighteenth place in the short race at the 2003 IAAF World Cross Country Championships. He was the best Swiss performer at the event, heading the national team (including Viktor Röthlin) to seventh in the rankings. He was also chosen for the 2003 World Championships and reached the final of the 5000 m. He ended up in 13th place, but he was one of only two Europeans in the world final, alongside Juan Carlos de la Ossa of Spain. He also ran in the event at the 2004 Athens Olympics, but did not make it past the heats stage on his second Olympic appearance._NEWLINE_He competed at the 2005 IAAF World Cross Country Championships and was 28th in the short race. He had greater success on the track by winning the gold medal over 3000 metres at the 2005 European Cup. He elected to run the 10,000 metres at the 2005 World Championships and broke Markus Ryffel's long-standing national record with a run of 27:53.16 for fourteenth place. The following year he retained his 3000 m title at the 2006 European Cup and came close to a 10,000 m medal at the 2006 European Athletics Championships, where he finished in fourth place. He closed the year with a top ten finish at the 2006 European Cross Country Championships. _START_SECTION_ Road and retirement _START_PARAGRAPH_ He began to change his focus to road running in 2007. He set a course record of 31:08 at the Reusslauf in Bremgarten that February. He made his half marathon debut at the Rotterdam Half Marathon and stepped up to the full marathon distance in October, running at the Cologne Marathon, which he finished in a time of 2:15:08. A series of injuries affected his running from 2007 to 2009. He returned his focus to the track and reached the 10,000 m final at the 2010 European Athletics Championships in Barcelona, finishing in sixth place._NEWLINE_Belz announced his retirement from international competition at the end of 2010, citing his desire to focus on both his family and his work as a specialist in sports economics. He is married to Anita Brägger, another Swiss Olympic runner.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa (Gereja Masehi Injii di Minahasa) is a Protestant, Lutheran and Reformed church in Indonesia. It was founded in North Sulawesi on 30 September 1934._NEWLINE_Christianity was introduced to Minahasa by Johann Friedrich Riedel and Johann Gottlieb Schwarz. They were educated in the Netherlands and were sent by the Netherlands Missionary Society. By the 1880s the Christian population grew to 80,000. In 1876 it became part of the colonial state church the Protestant Church in Indonesia. The first synod was in 1934, at which it adopted its current name. Sister church relations were established with the Reformed Church in the Netherlands, Lutheran World Federation, Presbyterian Church in Korea, Reformed Church in America, and Uniting Church in Australia._NEWLINE_Membership of the church is 850,000 in 839 parishes._NEWLINE_The Christian Evangelical Church in Minahasa is a member of World Communion of Reformed Churches.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christian Jakobsen _START_SECTION_ Hvidovre IF _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jakobsen is a product of Hvidovre IF._NEWLINE_As an under-19 player, Jakobsen got his debut for the first team of Hvidovre IF. _START_SECTION_ FC Roskilde _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 8 August 2014 it was announced, that Jakobsen would be the new signing of FC Roskilde valid from the new year._NEWLINE_He got his debut for Roskilde on 25 March 2015, in a 0–2 defeat against HB Køge._NEWLINE_He had a great half-season with seven goals in 14 games. _START_SECTION_ Brøndby IF _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 18 June 2015, it was confirmed, that Danish Superliga-side Brøndby IF had signed a four-year contract with the winger._NEWLINE_He got his Superliga debut for Brøndby on 27 September 2015, when he came on the pitch in the 74th minute, replacing Magnus Eriksson in the 1–0 victory against Copenhagen. _START_SECTION_ SønderjyskE _START_PARAGRAPH_ Greko signed with SønderjyskE on 28 January 2017._NEWLINE_He played his first official game for the club on 17 February 2017, where he played the whole match in a 0-3 defeat against Esbjerg fB.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christian Porter _START_SECTION_ Background and early career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Porter's father was Charles "Chilla" Porter, who during the 1970s and 1980s was director of Western Australia's Liberal Party. His grandfather, Sir Charles Robert Porter, was a Queensland Liberal state MP between 1966 and 1980 and served in the ministry of Joh Bjelke-Petersen._NEWLINE_Porter was educated at Hale School, then at the University of Western Australia where he graduated Bachelor of Economics and Bachelor of Arts with first-class honours in politics, before completing a Bachelor of Laws degree. Porter later studied at the London School of Economics for a Master of Science in political theory, from which he graduated at the top of his class with distinction._NEWLINE_Prior to entering Parliament, Porter worked predominantly as a lawyer, starting as a commercial litigator at Clayton Utz before moving to public practice. He spent a year as an advisor to the Federal Minister for Justice and then began working for the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions as a senior state prosecutor. Before his election in 2008, Porter was working as a lecturer at Curtin University and the University of Western Australia as well as retaining, part-time, his position as senior prosecutor at the DPP._NEWLINE_Porter has described himself as "not particularly religious". _START_SECTION_ State politics _START_PARAGRAPH_ At the 2008 election, Porter contested and won the newly created seat of Bateman following the abolition of the seat of Murdoch in the 2007 redistribution. He was appointed Attorney-General and Minister for Corrective Services after the election, having held the equivalent shadow portfolios prior to the election._NEWLINE_On 14 December 2010, Porter was sworn in as Treasurer of Western Australia. He retained the portfolio of Attorney General, while the Corrective Services portfolio was transferred to Terry Redman._NEWLINE_On 12 June 2012, he announced he was stepping down from his ministerial portfolios to contest the seat of Pearce at the 2013 Australian federal election. _START_SECTION_ Federal politics _START_PARAGRAPH_ On 20 September 2015, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull announced that Porter would replace Scott Morrison as Social Services Minister as part of a Cabinet overhaul._NEWLINE_In 2016, Centrelink, operating under Porter's senior oversight as Social Services Minister, became involved in a debt recovery controversy. Despite heightened media interest and complaints, after meeting with the Department of Human Services, Porter stated that the program was working "incredibly well". The program was later subject to a Senate committee inquiry._NEWLINE_In a December 2017 reshuffle of the Turnbull ministry, Porter became Attorney-General in place of George Brandis. He relinquished the social services portfolio to Dan Tehan. At the same time, some of the national security powers and responsibilities previously held by the Attorney-General were transferred to the new position of Minister for Home Affairs, which was given to Peter Dutton.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christian Sarau _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christian Sarau was a member of the Wisconsin State Assembly and the Wisconsin State Senate. _START_SECTION_ Biography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Sarau was born on June 7, 1839 in Segeberg, Germany. He moved with his parents to the United States in 1848, settling in Mishicot, Wisconsin. In 1854, he moved to Oshkosh, Wisconsin. He was assessor and then justice of the peace in Oshkosh. Sarau was admitted to the Wisconsin Bar in 1878 and was court commissioner. He died on August 24, 1903 after being struck by a street car while marching in a Knights of Pythias parade in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Sarau was a member of the Assembly in 1899 and of the Senate from 1903 to 1904. He was a Republican.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christian Tyrer _START_SECTION_ Genealogical information _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christian Tyrer is the son of the rugby league footballer; Colin Tyrer, and the brother of the rugby league footballer who played in the 1980s and 1990s for Wigan, Oldham and Whitehaven; Sean/Shaun Tyrer.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christiana Islands _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christiana (Greek: Χριστιανά) is a group of three volcanic Greek islands in the Cyclades._NEWLINE_The group is located about 10 miles southwest of Santorini and is made up of the islands Christiani (Χριστιανή, the largest one), Eschati (Εσχάτη) and Askania (Ασκανιά). The island's area is about 2.35 km². All three islands are now uninhabited but on Christiani there are remains of human settlement dating back to Neolithic times. Christiana islands have been uninhabited since the 1890s and have remained un-farmed since then. As a result, artificial pesticides and fertilizers are absent from this ecosystem. In the mid 1970s, the largest island, Christiani, was considered by NATO as a military base intended to host a missile silo, but this never came to pass. These islands are privately owned and public access is restricted.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christianity in Chhattisgarh _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christianity is a minority religion in Chhattisgarh, a state of India. Chhattisgarh is within the area of the Church of North India. The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Raipur has its seat in the province. The suffragan dioceses with seat in Chhattisgarh are the Syro-Malabar Catholic Diocese of Jagdalpur, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ambikapur, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Jashpur and the Roman Catholic Diocese of Raigarh. Jyotipur has several Protestant churches. Chhattisgarh is part of the newly formed Syro-Malankara Catholic Diocese of Gurgaon. _NEWLINE_Janjgir Mennonite Church was founded in the early 20th century. _NEWLINE_ Dhamtari is the seat of the headquarters of the Mennonite Church in India and of Mennonite Higher Secondary Schools. Champa Christian Hospital was started by the Mennonite Mission USA in 1926. Believers Church of India is active in Chhattisgarh. Bilaspur has a Disciples of Christ Church. Jagdalpur has a Christ College. Many people in the state are Adivasi. Chhattisgarh has anti-conversion legislation.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christianization of Iceland _START_SECTION_ Missionaries _START_PARAGRAPH_ Beginning in 980, Iceland was visited by several missionaries. The first of these seems to have been an Icelander returning from abroad, one Thorvald Konradsson. Accompanying Thorvald was a Saxon bishop named Fridrek, about whom little is known, but it is said he baptized Thorvald. Thorvald's attempts to convert Icelanders met with limited success. His father Kodran was the first to convert and then his family. He and the bishop visited different districts before arriving at the Althing, but their attempts were met with ridicule and even insulting skaldic verses. Thorvald killed two of the men and clashes continued between Thorvald's followers and pagans. Thorvald left Iceland in 986 on an expedition to Eastern Europe where he is said to have died not long after. _START_SECTION_ Pressure from Kings of Norway _START_PARAGRAPH_ When Olaf Tryggvason ascended the throne of Norway, the effort to Christianize Iceland intensified. King Olaf sent an Icelander named Stefnir Thorgilsson back to his homeland to convert his fellow countrymen. Stefnir violently destroyed sanctuaries and images of the heathen gods – this made him so unpopular that he was eventually declared an outlaw. After Stefnir's failure, Olaf sent a priest named Thangbrand. Thangbrand was an experienced missionary, having proselytized in Norway and the Faroe Islands. His mission in Iceland from c. 997–999 was only partly successful. He managed to convert several prominent Icelandic chieftains, but killed two or three men in the process. Thangbrand returned to Norway in 999 and reported his failure to King Olaf, who immediately adopted a more aggressive stance towards the Icelanders. He refused Icelandic seafarers access to Norwegian ports and took as hostages several Icelanders then dwelling in Norway. This cut off all trade between Iceland and its main trading partner. Some of the hostages taken by King Olaf were the sons of prominent Icelandic chieftains, whom he threatened to kill unless the Icelanders accepted Christianity. _NEWLINE_In the 11th century, three Armenian bishops, Petros, Abraham and Stephannos are recorded by Icelandic sources as Christian missionaries in Iceland. Their presence has been explained in terms of the service of King Harald Hardrada of Norway (c.1047–1066) as a Varangian in Constantinople, where he had met Armenians serving in the Byzantine Imperial Army._NEWLINE_The Icelandic Commonwealth's limited foreign policy consisted almost entirely of maintaining good relations with Norway. The Christians in Iceland used the King's pressure to step up efforts at conversion. The two rival religions soon divided the country and threatened civil war. _START_SECTION_ Adoption by arbitration _START_PARAGRAPH_ This state of affairs reached a high point the next summer during the meeting of the Althing (Alþingi), the Commonwealth's governing assembly. Fighting between adherents of the rival religions seemed likely until mediators intervened and the matter was submitted to arbitration. The law speaker of the Althing, Thorgeir Thorkelsson, the gothi of Ljósavatn, was acceptable to both sides as mediator, being known as a moderate and reasonable man. Thorgeir accepted responsibility for deciding whether Iceland should become Christian, with the condition that both parties abide by his decision. When this was agreed, he spent a day and a night resting under a fur blanket, contemplating._NEWLINE_The following day he announced that Iceland was to become Christian, with the condition that old laws concerning the exposure of infants and the eating of horseflesh would remain, and that private pagan worship be permitted. These sticking points related to long-established customs that ran contrary to the laws of the Church. Horsemeat is a taboo food in many cultures, and Pope Gregory III had banned the Germanic custom of its consumption in 732. Likewise, infanticide used to be widespread around the world, and the practice of exposing "surplus" children was an established part of old Icelandic culture. It was strongly believed that there was a limit to the number of people the island could support and that rearing too many children would bring disaster for all (see carrying capacity)._NEWLINE_Thorgeir, who was himself a pagan priest, took his pagan idols and threw them into a large waterfall, which is now known as Waterfall of the Gods (Icelandic: Goðafoss). The problem of changing religions was thus solved, as people abided by Thorgeir's decision and were baptized. Civil war was averted via arbitration. Iceland's peaceful adoption is in many ways remarkable, given the decades of civil strife before Norway became fully Christian. A likely explanation is that the major gothi chieftains of Iceland preferred religious change to civil strife._NEWLINE_Once the Church was firmly in control in Iceland, horsemeat, infanticide, and pagan rituals practiced in private were banned.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christina Gao _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christina Gao was born in Cincinnati, Ohio. Her name in Chinese: 高昊; pinyin: Gāo Hào. Her father was a junior national badminton champion in China._NEWLINE_Gao spent several years in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, before moving to Boston in 2012. She was a National Merit semifinalist. In the summer of 2012, she worked at a hospital shadowing a gastroenterologist. In the fall, she began studying at Harvard University, taking a full course load. She graduated in 2017. _START_SECTION_ Early career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Gao began skating at age 7. Early in her career, she trained in northern Kentucky, coached by Stephanie Miller and Ted Masdea._NEWLINE_In the 2004–2005 season, competing on the Juvenile level, Gao won the silver medal at her regional championship to qualify for the United States Junior Championships, where she placed 12th. She moved up to the Intermediate level the following year and won the pewter medal at her regional championship to qualify for the United States Junior Championships, where she placed 11th in her qualifying group and did not advance to the final. She moved up to the Novice level for the 2006–2007 season and placed 13th at her regional championship and did not qualify to her sectional championship._NEWLINE_In the 2007–2008 season, competing again on the novice level, Gao won both her regional and sectional championship to qualify for the 2008 U.S. Championships, where she finished 12th._NEWLINE_The following season, Gao moved up to the junior level. She won the silver medal at her regional championship and the gold medal at her sectional championship to qualify for the 2009 U.S. Championships. At Nationals, she placed third in the short program and second in the free skating, winning the bronze medal overall. _START_SECTION_ 2009–2010 season _START_PARAGRAPH_ Due to limited ice time in Kentucky, Gao relocated before the 2009–10 season to Toronto, where she was coached by Brian Orser, the 1984 and 1988 Olympic silver medalist, at the Toronto Cricket, Skating and Curling Club. Gao made her ISU Junior Grand Prix debut in the 2009–10 season. She won the bronze medal at the 2009–10 ISU Junior Grand Prix event in Poland with an overall score of 134.55 points. She had also been assigned to the event in Turkey, where she won another bronze earning 135.01 points._NEWLINE_She qualified for the 2009–10 Junior Grand Prix Final. At the Junior Grand Prix, she placed fifth in the short program with 52.82 points and third in the free skate with 98.65 points, winning the bronze medal overall with a score of 151.47 points. She earned new personal bests in the both segments of the competition._NEWLINE_At the 2010 U.S. Championships in January 2010, she placed fifth in the short program with a score 56.26 points and fifth in the free skate with 100.27. She placed 5th overall with 156.53._NEWLINE_She was assigned to compete at the 2010 World Junior Championships. She placed 8th overall. _START_SECTION_ 2010–2011 season _START_PARAGRAPH_ Gao was assigned to the 2010–11 ISU Junior Grand Prix events in Austria and Japan. She won the silver medal in her first event with a total of 167.14 points. Gao withdrew from the competition in Japan but was reassigned to Germany based on her result in Austria. She placed second totaling 155.67 points. Those placements qualified her for the 2010–11 ISU Junior Grand Prix Final, where she came in sixth position earning 145.01 points. She finished 5th at the US Championships at the senior level. She was fourth at the 2011 World Junior Championships. _START_SECTION_ 2011–2012 season _START_PARAGRAPH_ Gao was assigned to the 2011 Cup of China and 2011 Cup of Russia for the Grand Prix season. She had a hip injury and was off the ice for most of July. At her first event, Cup of China, she came in eighth in the short program with a score of 51.99. She placed fourth in the free skate with a score of 100.47 to finish fifth. At Cup of Russia, she was tenth after the short program with a score of 39.64. She also placed tenth in the free skate with a score of 78.13, to place tenth overall. Gao finished 5th at the 2012 U.S. Nationals Championships. Gao then competed at the 2012 World Junior Championships and finished 7th at the event._NEWLINE_In March 2012, Gao left Toronto and returned to Cincinnati. After a June visit to Boston, Gao decided to train with coaches Mark Mitchell and Peter Johansson at The Skating Club of Boston. _START_SECTION_ 2012-2013 season _START_PARAGRAPH_ After winning the silver medal at the 2012 Skate America, Gao placed fourth at the 2012 Trophée Éric Bompard. In late November, ISU officials announced that she would compete at the 2012–13 Grand Prix Final, replacing Yulia Lipnitskaya who withdrew from the event due to injuries. Gao placed sixth at the Grand Prix Final. She was fifth at the 2013 U.S. Championships and was named in the United States team to the 2013 Four Continents in Osaka, Japan where she finished 4th and was the highest ranking American at the event ahead of teammates Gracie Gold and Agnes Zawadzki. _START_SECTION_ 2013-2014 season _START_PARAGRAPH_ Gao opened her 2013-2014 season by winning the bronze medal at the 2013 Ondrej Nepela Trophy behind Russian Nikol Gosviani. She has been assigned to two events for the 2013–14 ISU Grand Prix series, her first event was at the 2013 Skate Canada where she finished 4th. In her next assignment, Gao finished 8th at the 2013 Trophée Éric Bompard.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christina McKelvie _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ McKelvie was born on 4 March 1968 in Glasgow, Scotland. She grew up in Easterhouse, in the East End of Glasgow, and was educated at St Leonard's Secondary School. McKelvie then went on to gain qualifications from Anniesland College, Cardonald College, and the University of St Andrews. McKelvie worked in the social work services department of Glasgow City Council as a learning and development officer. She has been an active trade unionist with Unison. _START_SECTION_ Political career _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2007, McKelvie was selected as the SNP candidate for the Hamilton South constituency where she was unsuccessful, however she was elected through the regional list to represent the Central Scotland region. At the 2011 Scottish Parliament election, McKelvie contested the Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse seat and was elected. She served as convener of the European and External Relations Committee from 14 June 2011 until 23 March 2016._NEWLINE_In 2016, she was re-elected to the Hamilton, Larkhall and Stonehouse constituency. Within Parliament she became the Convener of the Equalities and Human Rights Committee.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christine Rubie-Davies _START_SECTION_ Academic career _START_PARAGRAPH_ After more than two decades working in primary education and a 2003 PhD titled 'Expecting the best : instructional practices, teacher beliefs and student outcomes' at the University of Auckland, Rubie-Davies joined the staff, rising to full professor.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christine Smith (skier) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christine Idris Smith (13 December 1946 – 8 May 1979) was an Australian alpine skier. She has been described as a "long-haired blonde with an 'all-Australian girl next door' image."_NEWLINE_Born in Cooma, Smith learned to ski at an early age. She was a "stylish and aggressive skier" who competed in the 1962 Commonwealth Winter Games and won the Thredbo Cup in Australia in 1963–64. At the 1964 Winter Olympics, Smith came 27th out of 43 in the downhill. She also came 28th and last in the slalom and was disqualified in the giant slalom. Her performances were affected by the death of a fellow competitor Ross Milne._NEWLINE_In 1965, while recuperating from a ski accident in Europe, she was enlisted to teach The Beatles to ski for their film Help!, and performed in the movie in a short skiing sequence. Smith competed in the World Ski Championships in Chile in 1966, and taught skiing at Thredbo and other venues before establishing an interior design business in 1974. In 1977 she married Wayne Arthur Garland._NEWLINE_In 1979, Smith committed suicide by swallowing chloral hydrate and paracetamol with salicylic acid.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christmas Village in Baltimore _START_SECTION_ About _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christmas Village in Baltimore claims to be modeled on the style of traditional German Christmas Markets._NEWLINE_ Christmas Market events such as the famous Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg, which dates back to the 16th century, are part of a long tradition of farmers' markets in Germany's inner cities._NEWLINE_Several vendors sell food specialties such as German bratwursts with sauerkraut, schnitzel, leberkase, Bavarian pretzels, Swiss cheese and French crepes. Sweet food offered include bratapfel, lebkuchen (gingerbread cookies), stollen, spekulatius, rosted nuts, kettle corn and cotton candy. In addition to hot drinks such as hot chocolate, Christmas Village offers Gluhwine (mulled wine), a spiced wine._NEWLINE_Besides local vendors and artists there are German vendors selling Erzgebirge Christmas decorations, pewter ornaments, candles, nativity sets, glass ornaments, toys, woolens, wooden ornaments, lace, spices, jewelry and other gifts._NEWLINE__NEWLINE_The booths' assortment is related to the holiday season.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christophe Bouchut _START_SECTION_ NASCAR _START_PARAGRAPH_ (key) (Bold – Pole position awarded by qualifying time. Italics – Pole position earned by points standings or practice time. * – Most laps led.)
_START_ARTICLE_ Christophe Calegari _START_SECTION_ Playing career _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2013 he was playing for FC Lezignan in the Elite One Championship at centre._NEWLINE_In 2016 he joined fellow Elite One Championship club Palau XIII Broncos.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christopher's Diary: Secrets of Foxworth _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christopher's Diary: Secrets of Foxworth is a 2014 American Gothic novel based on the writings of VC Andrews Dollanganger saga. It is a spin-off to the Dollanganger saga and records the events of the first book Flowers in the Attic from the perspective of Christopher Dollanganger in details that were never mentioned in the first book. _START_SECTION_ Synopsis _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christopher Dollanganger was fourteen when he and his younger siblings—Cathy and the twins, Cory and Carrie—were locked away in the attic of Foxworth Hall, prisoners of their mother's greedy inheritance scheme._NEWLINE_For three long years he kept hope alive for the sake of the others. But the shocking truth about how their ordeal affected him was always kept hidden—until now._NEWLINE_Kristen Masterwood is thrilled when her father's construction company is hired to inspect the Foxworth property for a prospective buyer. The once-grand Southern mansion still sparks legends and half-truths about the four innocent Dollanganger children—and holds a special fascination for Kristin, who was too young when her mother died to learn much about her distant blood tie to the notorious family. Accompanying her dad to the "forbidden territory," Kristin rescues a leather-bound book found in the rubble, its yellowed pages filled with the neat script of Christopher Dollanganger himself. And as she devours his shattering account of temptation, heartache, courage, and betrayal, her obsession with the doomed boy crosses a dangerous line.... _START_SECTION_ Sequels _START_PARAGRAPH_ The book is directly succeeded by Christopher's Diary: Echoes of Dollanganger.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christopher Atkinson Saville _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christopher Atkinson (c. 1738 – 23 April 1819), known as Christopher Atkinson Savile or Saville from about 1798, was an English merchant and politician._NEWLINE_Born in Yorkshire, he moved to London and married the niece of a corn merchant, entering that trade himself._NEWLINE_He was elected at the 1780 general election as one of the two Members of Parliament (MPs) for Hedon. However he was expelled from the House of Commons on 4 Dec 1783,_NEWLINE_after being convicted of perjury, and sentenced to stand in the pillory._NEWLINE_He was granted a royal pardon in 1791,_NEWLINE_and returned to Parliament for Hedon in 1796, holding the seat until he stood down at the 1806 general election. He had changed his name to Saville some time after 1798._NEWLINE_He then bought extensive properties in Okehampton in Devon, which gave him control of both seats of Okehampton's two parliamentary seats._NEWLINE_He returned himself as an Okehampton MP at the 1818 general election, and held the seat until his death in April 1819, aged over 80. _START_SECTION_ Marriages & progeny _START_PARAGRAPH_ He first married Jane Constable daughter of John Constable. She was also the aunt of the painter John Constable_NEWLINE_He married Jane Savile daughter of John Savile (1712-1778). They had one son Albany Savile (1783-1831) who was the grandfather of Sir Leopold Halliday Savile. Albany would later become the MP for Okehampton in the years 1807-9 June 1820_NEWLINE_He had an illegitimate son called Robert Farrand who later become the MP Hedon in 1818-1820. And also MP for Stafford in 1837 _START_SECTION_ Relationship with John Constable _START_PARAGRAPH_ Constable has this to say of in his early life "He is a native of Yorkshire, and came up to London to get bread as he could. He got into the house of a corn merchant, Abram Constable, a relation of our family, and by degrees obtained the whole business for himself."_NEWLINE_Constable also described him as "‘a man whose sole object in this world is gain’, for which ‘he would sacrifice every principle’" and that he was "‘so hardened that reproach and shame have no effect upon him’."
_START_ARTICLE_ Christopher Bosch _START_SECTION_ Schoolboy rugby _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bosch was born in Pretoria, but later moved to the Western Cape to finish his schooling at Paarl Gimnasium. In 2010, he was selected to represent Western Province at the Under-18 Academy Week held in Vryheid. _START_SECTION_ 2011–2013: Blue Bulls _START_PARAGRAPH_ After school, Bosch moved back to Pretoria, joining the Blue Bulls academy. He made fourteen appearances for the Under-19 team during the 2011 Under-19 Provincial Championship, starting eleven of those matches in the inside centre position. He scored four tries during the regular season – one each in their matches against the Sharks U19s and the Golden Lions U19s and two in their final match against the Leopards U19s – to help the Blue Bulls finish top of the log to qualify for the title play-offs. He started their semi-final match against Free State U19, scoring a try just after the hour mark in a 48–13 victory, as well as the final, which trans--Jukskei rivals Golden Lions U19 won 20–19._NEWLINE_Bosch advanced to the Blue Bulls U21 squad for the 2012 season, emulating his try-scoring form from 2011 by contributing five tries during the season. These tries came in home and away victories over the Sharks U21s, home and away victories over the Free State U21s and their match against the Leopards U21s in Potchefstroom. The team won ten of their twelve matches in the regular season – with Bosch featuring in nine of their matches – to top the log and advance to the semi-finals. Bosch was used as a replacement in their 46–35 victory over the Sharks in the semi-final and their 22–13 victory over Western Province in the final as his side won the competition for the second consecutive season._NEWLINE_At the start of 2013, Bosch played Varsity Cup rugby for UP Tuks, the university team affiliated with the Blue Bulls academy. He made three starts and five appearances as a replacement during the competition, the last two of those being in their 61–24 victory over UJ in the semi-final and their 44–5 victory over Maties in the final to win the competition for the second time in their history. Shortly after the Varsity Cup finished, Bosch was also named in the Blue Bulls squad for their Vodacom Cup match against the Limpopo Blue Bulls in Lephalale. He came on as a replacement in the 53rd minute of the match to make his first class debut, helping the Blue Bulls to a 110–0 victory._NEWLINE_He again represented the Blue Bulls' Under-21 side in the latter half of the season. He made nine appearances, scoring tries in home and away wins over Border U21, as the side finished second on the log. He didn't feature in the play-offs though, where the Blue Bulls followed up a 36–13 semi-final victory over the Sharks with a defeat in the final, going down 23–30 to Western Province. _START_SECTION_ 2014: Boland Cavaliers _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bosch spent his 2014 season playing for the Wellington-based Boland Cavaliers. After remaining an unused replacement for their opening match against Western Province, He made his Boland debut the following week, starting their 20–28 defeat to a Free State XV in Malmesbury. Two starts and two appearances as a replacement followed, as Boland finished in sixth place on the Southern Section log, missing out on the play-offs. He made just two appearances off the bench during their Currie Cup qualification series, which saw the team progress to the First Division. He featured in three more matches in that competition, but could not prevent the side finishing in fifth, missing out on a play-off spot. _START_SECTION_ 2015: Falcons _START_PARAGRAPH_ After just one season at the Boland Cavaliers, Bosch returned to Gauteng to join the Falcons. He started five matches for them in the 2015 Currie Cup qualification series, and a further three times in the First Division. He scored his first senior try in their match against his former side Boland Cavaliers, as his new side convincingly beat them 76–12. _START_SECTION_ 2016: Boland Cavaliers _START_PARAGRAPH_ Bosch rejoined the Boland Cavaliers for the 2016 season and established himself as the first-choice inside centre, starting thirteen matches in that position. He scored a try in a 14–30 defeat to Griquas in his only appearance off the bench in Round Four, and further tries in victories over the Leopards and SWD Eagles, before scoring four tries in their 110–10 victory over Namibian outfit the Welwitschias. He scored a further try against Western Province and a brace against a Free State XV to end the competition with a total haul of ten tries, the second-highest by a Boland player behind his fellow centre Ryan Nell and joint fifth overall in the competition. The Boland Cavaliers won eleven of their fourteen matches to finish in third position on the log to qualify for the Premier Division for the first time since 2009.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christopher Moynihan _START_PARAGRAPH_ Christopher "Chris" Moynihan (born April 1, 1973, New York City) is an American actor, writer and comedian. He is the creator and lead actor of the 2011 ABC sitcom Man Up!.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christopher Walkden _START_SECTION_ Swimming career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He competed at the 1956 Summer Olympics and the 1960 Summer Olympics._NEWLINE_He represented England and won double bronze in the 220 yards breaststroke and the medley relay at the 1958 British Empire and Commonwealth Games in Cardiff, Wales. At the ASA National British Championships he won the 220 yards breaststroke title in 1955, 1956 and 1958.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christopher Wilson (lutenist) _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Wilson studied the lute at the Royal College of Music in London with Diana Poulton. He has performed widely in Great Britain and abroad, as a soloist and with other prominent musicians and ensembles, such as Michael Chance, Fretwork and The Hilliard Ensemble. _NEWLINE_A frequent guest on television and radio, Wilson has recorded numerous CDs for various recording companies. His consistent duo partner over the years has been the lutenist and singer Shirley Rumsey, with whom he co-directs the ensemble “Kithara”.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christos Giagos _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ Giagos was born and raised in Southern California. Giagos competed in wrestling in high school, and began training in mixed martial arts at the age 19 in 2009. _START_SECTION_ Early career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Giagos made his professional mixed martial arts debut in 2009 competing as a lightweight primarily in regional promotions across California. He was able to compile a record of 10-2, including winning the RFA Lightweight Championship on August 22, 2014 with a TKO stoppage of Dakota Cochrane. One the heels of that victory, Giagos signed with the UFC in the fall of 2014. _START_SECTION_ Ultimate Fighting Championship _START_PARAGRAPH_ Giagos made his promotional debut against Gilbert Burns on October 25, 2014 at UFC 179. He lost the bout via submission in the first round._NEWLINE_Giagos faced Jorge de Oliveira on March 21, 2015 at UFC Fight Night 62. Giagos won the fight via submission in the first round._NEWLINE_Giagos faced Chris Wade on June 6, 2015 at UFC Fight Night 68. He lost the fight by unanimous decision and was subsequently released from the promotion. _START_SECTION_ Absolute Championship Berkut _START_PARAGRAPH_ He made his debut in Russia promotion against Alexandre Pimentel of Brazil at ACB 51: Silva vs. Torgeson on January 13, 2017. He won the fight unanimous decision._NEWLINE_In the second match he will make fight against Shamil Nikaev at ACB 71: Yan vs. Mattos on September 30, 2017. He lost the back-and-forth fight by split decision. _START_SECTION_ Return to UFC _START_PARAGRAPH_ On the heels of a 4-2 run on the regional circuit, Giagos made his return to the promotion against Charles Oliveira on September 22, 2018 at UFC Fight Night 137. He lost the fight via a submission in the second round. “I felt like when I came in the Oliveira fight, I was actually performing very well. I was actually really excited with my performance. I wish I opened up a little more. But, I was a little nervous of the takedown. This guy’s jiu jitsu is just next level, he holds the most submissions. I felt like I was doing really well. Everyone had me winning the first round." Giagos said of his performance after the fight. _NEWLINE_Giagos faced Mizuto Hirota on December 2, 2018 at UFC Fight Night 142. He won the fight via unanimous decision._NEWLINE_Giagos faced Damir Hadžović on June 1, 2019 at UFC Fight Night 153. He won the fight via unanimous decision._NEWLINE_Giagos faced Drakkar Klose on August 17, 2019 at UFC 241. He lost the back-and-forth fight via unanimous decision. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Besides training at Systems Training Center, Giagos coaches CrossFit and kickboxing there. He is also an avid ten-pin bowler.
_START_ARTICLE_ Christos Maladenis _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ He began his career in Skoda Xanthi F.C., Greece. In 1995, he moved to Athens signed for AEK. For "Yellow-Blacks from Athens" Maladenis played in 196 matches, scoring 42 goals. In 2000 the midfielder scored goal in the final of Greek Cup against Ionikos FC. AEK won the cup, the result of the match was a 3:0. In season 2002-03 Maladenis scored goal for AEK during the group stage of the UEFA Champions League in a match against Real Madrid. The result of the match was a 3:3 draw. In 2003 Christos is loaned for six months in PAOK. After that he returned in Athens, but in summer'2004 signed with PAOK for three years. In 2007 Maladenis played for Levadiakos._NEWLINE_From January 2009 he plays in Bulgarian side Vihren. He signed with the club from Sandanski on 8 January 2009 and has been given the №7 shirt. Maladenis made his team debut a few days later, scoring in a 1-0 friendly win against Lokomotiv Plovdiv.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chrysochroa fulminans _START_SECTION_ Description _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chrysochroa fulminans can reach a length of about 30–40 millimetres (1.2–1.6 in). These beetles have a glossy surface with iridescent colors varying from green to reddish or violet. _START_SECTION_ Distribution _START_PARAGRAPH_ These beetles can be found from Malaysia, Indonesia, the Philippines, to Papua New Guinea.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chuck DeVore _START_SECTION_ Education _START_PARAGRAPH_ DeVore earned a full Army ROTC scholarship that allowed him to obtain a bachelor's degree in Strategic Studies (cum laude) in 1985 from Claremont McKenna College. He was named a Distinguished Military Graduate. He studied abroad at American University in Cairo, Egypt. He's a graduate of the U.S. Army's Command and General Staff Officer Course. _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ DeVore served as Special Assistant for Foreign Affairs to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Legislative Affairs during the Reagan administration from 1986 to 1988. In 1992, his national guard unit was activated during the 1992 Los Angeles riots. He later worked as Vice President of Communications and Research for Irvine-based aerospace company SM&A from 1991 to 2004. _START_SECTION_ Bills and domestic policy positions _START_PARAGRAPH_ DeVore resigned his position as Chief Republican Whip in February 2009 in protest of a $12 billion per year tax increase agreed to by Republican leadership. While a California lawmaker, DeVore favored offshore oil drilling along the California coast as well as the development of modern nuclear power plants. He opposed the federal stimulus package in 2009. He is pro-life. DeVore signed the official ballot argument against California's High Speed Railbond act in the November 4, 2008 election. _START_SECTION_ Foreign policy positions _START_PARAGRAPH_ DeVore has voiced reluctance to commit the U.S. military to open-ended nation building efforts. He criticized President Obama's 2009 plan for Afghanistan, saying, "(The) piecemeal buildup will not defeat the Taliban..." and "...such a strategy expends resources now sorely needed to rebuild our military and retool it for future challenges from a rapidly modernizing People's Republic of China to a revanchist Islamic Republic of Iran." He appeared on Fox Business News to warn about the Libyan intervention. _START_SECTION_ 2010 United States Senate bid _START_PARAGRAPH_ DeVore declared his candidacy for the 2010 Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate seat held by three-term Democratic senator Barbara Boxer._NEWLINE_In the Republican primary on June 8, DeVore finished third out of five candidates with 19.3% of the vote with Carly Fiorina winning the Republican nomination. DeVore raised $2.6 million for his primary effort._NEWLINE_DeVore's campaign was sued for copyright infringement by musician Don Henley for use by the campaign of two parodies of two songs by Henley, "After the Hope of November is Gone" (after "The Boys of Summer") and "All She Wants to Do is Tax" (after "All She Wants to Do Is Dance"). Henley eventually prevailed;_NEWLINE_Devore and a campaign worker issued a public statement apologizing to Henley. _START_SECTION_ Life since 2010 _START_PARAGRAPH_ DeVore moved to Texas in late 2011 to accept a job as a visiting scholar at the nonprofit Texas Public Policy Foundation writing about Texas's low taxes and regulations and its effects on business climate, in contrast to other states. By the summer of 2012, DeVore had been named a vice president at the conservative think tank. _START_SECTION_ Books _START_PARAGRAPH_ Co-authored "China Attacks" in 2000, Chinese language edition published in 2001._NEWLINE_Authored "The Texas Model: Prosperity in the Lone Star State and Lessons for America" in 2013. A new edition of the book was published in 2014:
_START_ARTICLE_ Chum Ta Bong District _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Chum Ta Bong community was established by the people from Tambon Wang Mueang, Lat Yao District in 1967. They had Mr. Bong Charawan (นายบง ชาระวัน) as their leader. The community was in Tambon Huai Nam Hom._NEWLINE_When the government established the minor district Mae Wong in 1992, Huai Nam Hom was included in the district. Later Huai Nam Hom was divided to become three tambons: Huai Nam Hom, Chum Ta Bong, and Pang Sawan._NEWLINE_Effective on 1 July 1997, Tambon Chum Ta Bong and Pang Sawan were separated from Mae Wong to become the minor district (king amphoe) Chum Ta Bong._NEWLINE_On 15 May 2007, all of Thailand's 81 minor districts were upgraded to full districts. With publication in the Royal Gazette on 24 August the upgrade became official_NEWLINE_. _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Neighboring districts are (from the north clockwise) Mae Wong and Lat Yao of Nakhon Sawan Province, Sawang Arom and Lan Sak of Uthai Thani Province, and Mae Poen of Nakhon Sawan.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chung Hwa Middle School _START_SECTION_ Campus _START_PARAGRAPH_ The three-block school building houses more than sixty classrooms, as well as science laboratories, kindergarten halls, a cooperative store, a canteen, music rooms, computer rooms, a conference room, a dental clinic and a multimedia room. The large Gymnasium cum Assembly Hall has a capacity of 2,000 people, and is used for school assemblies, concerts, physical education classes, indoor sports and games. There is a 300-seat library with more than 40,000 books. Sporting fields include fields for soccer, volleyball, and basketball tournaments. There are also teacher and student residential quarters on campus._NEWLINE_The school has undergone major renovation in the last 5 years, and has extended facilities._NEWLINE_A bridge was built 3 years ago by Mr. Ong Tiong Oh, who is the current chairman of the board. _START_SECTION_ Syllabus _START_PARAGRAPH_ The school offers kindergarten, primary and secondary school education, modeled after British Primary and Secondary school systems. Students complete their education with Cambridge 'O' level certification after Form 5._NEWLINE_Students are differentiated into Express and Normal streams._NEWLINE_Students also take a national form 3 examination, that puts them into either science or normal streams. _START_SECTION_ Structure _START_PARAGRAPH_ Headed by Kho Guik Lan , who has been the principal for CHMS since (insert date) _START_SECTION_ Notable Alumni _START_PARAGRAPH_ The school is notable for its output of high scoring students at the Cambridge Ordinary 'O' level, and is disproportionate to the national average._NEWLINE_Includes Wuchun
_START_ARTICLE_ Chunian _START_SECTION_ Economy _START_PARAGRAPH_ The tehsil is known for the Changa Manga forest, the largest single plantation of trees in Pakistan, and the Chunian Industrial Estate, one of the largest concentrations of manufacturing in the country. The city is a busy regional market for agricultural produce. In 2016, the Government of Pakistan created an industrial zone on the outskirts of the city to provide a boost to the local economy. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ The present city is more than 500 years old. Some parts of the city fortification and several of its old gates still exist. The city is built on a mound thought to have been built by the Harappan or Indus Valley Civilisation. Very little excavation has sought to confirm this. the Archeology Department, Government of Pakistan carried out the last excavation in 1978. Among other objects, coins dating back to Alexander the Great's time (c. 323 BC) were discovered at the site. A large area of unexcavated mounds extends to the south-west of the city where ancient bricks and shards of pottery can be found on the surface. Popular legend holds that the city has been destroyed nine times in the past. The present name is popularly believed to have been derived from 'Chunni', name of a daughter of Raja Todar Mal, the dewan or revenue minister to Mughal Emperor Akbar the Great. Little historical evidence of this belief has been documented. People of nearby villages call the city Chooni in local dialect of Punjabi._NEWLINE_There is a Baradari (building) in Chunian of Raja Todar Mal.
_START_ARTICLE_ Church of San Juan Apóstol y Evangelista, Santianes de Pravia _START_SECTION_ Cultural references _START_PARAGRAPH_ The church contains a foundation stone in the form of a letter labyrinth ("Silo Princeps Fecit") that records the 8th-century founding of the church by King Silo of Asturias. The inscription Silo princeps fecit singularly combined in fifteen horizontal lines and nineteen perpendicular columns of letters. The T forms the beginning and the end of the first and last line in consequence of which the name Silo is not to be found till the eighth line and the S which begins it is exactly in the centre of that line and of the tenth column thus the name is in the shape of a cross as the letters above below and on each side of the S form the word Silo._NEWLINE_This letter labyrinth appears to inspire the hypercube of Salvador Dalí's painting A Propos of the "Treatise on Cubic Form" by Juan de Herrera, housed in the Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid.
_START_ARTICLE_ Church of St. Pietro in Ortanella _START_PARAGRAPH_ Church of St. Pietro in Ortanella is a parish church in Ortanella, a frazione of Esino Lario, in the Province of Lecco in Lombardy, in northern Italy. It is located in a field adjacent to the trail that connects Esino Lario with Lierna, on a natural geographic balcony overlooking Lake Como, at an altitude of 996 meters (3,268 ft) above sea level. The Romanesque chapel is part of the San Vittore parish within the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Milan. _NEWLINE_The church has origins prior to the 13th century, as it is mentioned in a list made by the priest Goffredo da Bussero. Built of stone, it has the typical characteristics of a mountain chapel, with a front porch, rounded apse and a belfry. Inside, it has a simple nave accessible from a single wooden door of the west-facing facade. In 1927, it was restored by the Milanese family of Fontana and frescoed with a depiction of St. Peter, this work being that of Ezio Moioli.
_START_ARTICLE_ Chuwar, Queensland _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chuwar is 6 kilometres (4 mi) north of the Ipswich central business district, 32 kilometres (20 mi) west of Brisbane by road. The suburb is known for its leafy streets and solid brick homes which line Allawah Road, Lansdowne Way and Brodzig Road. _START_SECTION_ Amenities _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chuwar has a number of amenities including a service station, a produce store, two churches, a motorcycle track and a veterinary surgery. There is a shopping centre with a major supermarket in the neighbouring suburb of Karalee. The suburb's two churches are Chuwar Baptist Church, which runs a yearly community day called the Street Party, and Rivers of Life Christian Church, which operates the Tivoli Drive In Theatre & Community Events Centre and market stalls. Chuwar includes the residential Karana Gardens Estate._NEWLINE_Chuwar includes Colleges Crossing, a popular park and river crossing on the Brisbane River with walking trails, lookouts, and clean water for swimming and fishing. _START_SECTION_ Transport _START_PARAGRAPH_ Chuwar is accessible by road with Mount Crosby Road directing traffic directly to Ipswich and Karana Downs, and the Warrego Highway routing traffic to Brisbane and Toowoomba. _START_SECTION_ Demographics _START_PARAGRAPH_ In the 2011 census, the population of Chuwar was 1,875, 49.7% female and 50.3% male. The median age of the Chuwar population was 34 years, 3 years below the Australian median of 37. 82.6% of people living in Chuwar were born in Australia. Other main countries of birth were England 4.9%, New Zealand 2.7%, South Africa 1.7%, Scotland 0.8%, and United States of America 0.4%. 95.3% of people spoke only English at home; the next most popular languages were, 0.5% Afrikaans, 0.3% Tagalog, 0.3% German, 0.3% Dutch, and 0.2% Portuguese. _START_SECTION_ Proposed Kenmore Bypass _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Kenmore Bypass, also known as the "Western Freeway Extension" and the "Moggill Pocket Sub-Arterial", is a proposed motorway to run from the Western Freeway at Fig Tree Pocket to the Warrego Highway at Chuwar, connecting the suburbs of Karalee, Anstead, Pullenvale and Kenmore, to divert traffic from the Ipswich Motorway and Moggill Road.
_START_ARTICLE_ Ciceronianus _START_PARAGRAPH_ Ciceronianus ("The Ciceronian") is a treatise written by Desiderius Erasmus and published in 1528. It attacks the style of scholarly Latin written during the early 16th century, which style attempted to ape Cicero's Latin. _START_SECTION_ Content _START_PARAGRAPH_ As Cicero lived before Jesus, Erasmus saw Cicero's Latin as pagan, and therefore unsuited to translating holy texts. Because Cicero had no words for Christian theological concepts, he suggested that modern Ciceronian purists would have to use pagan language, for example calling the Christian God "Jupiter Maximus" and Jesus himself "Apollo". Erasmus argues that if Cicero himself had become a Christian he would have adapted his language to incorporate Biblical names and concepts. Erasmus also sought to defend medieval Latinists whose allegedly barbarous style the Ciceronians had ridiculed. He argued that excessively strict adherence to Cicero led to a form of literary idolatry. It also turned Latin into a "dead" language rather than a living and evolving means of international intellectual communication._NEWLINE_The treatise takes the form of a dialogue between the Ciceronian "Nosoponus" and his opponent "Bulephorus" (representing Erasmus). Bulephorus's views are supported by "Hypologus". Erasmus's persona approaches his argument in an intentionally entertaining and satirical style, imagining the Ciceronian purists having to write their ultra-sterilised prose in soundproof rooms to avoid any violation by real life, especially the distressingly vulgar speech of children and women. _START_SECTION_ Replies _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1531 Julius Caesar Scaliger printed his first oration against Erasmus, in defence of Cicero and the Ciceronians, dismissing Erasmus as a literary parasite, a mere corrector of texts. In 1535, Étienne Dolet also published a riposte, Erasmianus, defending Ciceronian Latin. The Italian scholar Giulio Camillo's response, Trattato dell’ Imitatione, written in Paris, was published in the year of Camillo's death, 1544.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cinema of Transgression _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Cinema of Transgression is a term coined by Nick Zedd in 1985 to describe a New York City-based underground film movement, consisting of a loose-knit group of like-minded artists using shock value and humor in their work. Key players in this movement were Zedd, Kembra Pfahler, John Waters, Tessa Hughes-Freeland, Casandra Stark, Beth B, Tommy Turner, Richard Kern, and Lydia Lunch, who in the late 1970s and mid-1980s began to make very low-budget films using cheap 8 mm cameras._NEWLINE_Zedd outlined his philosophy on the Cinema of Transgression in "The Cinema of Transgression Manifesto", published under the name Orion Jeriko in the zine The Underground Film Bulletin (1984–90)._NEWLINE_Cinema of Transgression continues to heavily influence underground filmmakers. In 2000, the British Film Institute showed a retrospective of the movement's work introduced by those involved in the production of the original video films.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cipocereus _START_SECTION_ Synonymy _START_PARAGRAPH_ The genus Floribunda F.Ritter has been brought into synonymy with this genus.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cirfontaines-en-Azois _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Aujon forms part of the commune's eastern border.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cis (mathematics) _START_PARAGRAPH_ cis is a less commonly used mathematical notation defined by cis(x) = cos(x) + i sin(x), where cos is the cosine function, i is the imaginary unit and sin is the sine. The notation is less commonly used than Euler's formula, , which offers an even shorter and more general notation for cos(x) + i sin(x). _START_SECTION_ Overview _START_PARAGRAPH_ The cis notation was first coined by William Rowan Hamilton in Elements of Quaternions (1866) and subsequently used by Irving Stringham in works such as Uniplanar Algebra (1893), or by James Harkness and Frank Morley in their Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Functions (1898). It connects trigonometric functions with exponential functions in the complex plane via Euler's formula._NEWLINE_It is mostly used as a convenient shorthand notation to simplify some expressions, for example in conjunction with Fourier and Hartley transforms, or when exponential functions shouldn't be used for some reason in math education._NEWLINE_In information technology, the function sees dedicated support in various high-performance math libraries (such as Intel's Math Kernel Library (MKL)), available for many compilers, programming languages (including C, C++, Common Lisp, D, Fortran, Haskell, Julia), and operating systems (including Windows, Linux, macOS and HP-UX). Depending on the platform the fused operation is about twice as fast as calling the sine and cosine functions individually.
_START_ARTICLE_ Citi Field _START_SECTION_ Planning _START_PARAGRAPH_ Since the 1990s, the Mets were looking to replace Shea Stadium. It had originally been built as a multi-purpose stadium in 1964. While it had been retrofitted as a baseball-only stadium after the NFL's New York Jets left for Giants Stadium after the 1983 season, it was still not optimal for baseball, with seating located farther away from the playing field compared to other major league ballparks. The team unveiled a preliminary model of the ballpark in 1998; it featured a retractable roof and a movable grass field, which would have allowed it to host events including conventions and college basketball. The Mets also considered moving to Mitchel Field or Belmont Park in Nassau County, Long Island; Sunnyside Yard in Queens, or the West Side Yard in Manhattan._NEWLINE_In December 2001, shortly before leaving office, New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani announced "tentative agreements" for both the Mets and the New York Yankees to build new stadiums. Of the $1.6 billion sought for the stadiums, city and state taxpayers would pick up half the tab for construction, $800 million, along with $390 million on extra transportation. The plan also said that the teams would be allowed to keep all parking revenues, which state officials had already said they wanted to keep to compensate the state for building new garages for the teams. The teams would keep 96% of ticket revenues and 100% of all other revenues, not pay sales tax or property tax on the stadium, and would get low-cost electricity from New York state. Business officials criticized the plan as giving too much money to successful teams with little reason to move to a different city._NEWLINE_Michael Bloomberg, who succeeded Giuliani as mayor, exercised the escape clause in the agreements to back out of both deals, saying that the city could not afford to build new stadiums for the Mets and Yankees. Bloomberg said that, unbeknownst to him, Giuliani had inserted a clause in this deal which loosened the teams' leases with the city and would allow the Mets and Yankees to leave the city on 60 days notice to find a new home elsewhere if the city backed out of the agreement. At the time, Bloomberg said that publicly funded stadiums were a poor investment. Under Bloomberg, the New York City government would only offer public financing for infrastructure improvements; the teams would have to pay for the stadiums themselves. Bloomberg called the former mayor's agreements "corporate welfare." Giuliani had already been instrumental in the construction of taxpayer-funded minor league baseball facilities MCU Park for the Mets' minor league Brooklyn Cyclones and Richmond County Bank Ballpark for the Staten Island Yankees._NEWLINE_The final plans for what is now Citi Field were created as part of the unsuccessful New York City 2012 Olympic bid. After plans for a West Side Stadium fell through, New York looked for an alternate stadium to host the opening and closing ceremonies and track and field. The Olympic Stadium project on the West Side was estimated to cost $2.2 billion, with $300 million provided by New York City and an additional $300 million from New York State. If New York had won the bid, Citi Field would have been expanded to Olympic events while the Mets would have played at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx for the 2012 season. _START_SECTION_ Construction _START_PARAGRAPH_ The projected cost of the new ballpark and other infrastructure improvements is $610 million, with the Mets picking up $420 million of that amount. The agreement includes a 40-year lease that will keep the Mets in New York until 2049. The Mets own the stadium through a wholly owned subsidiary, Queens Ballpark Company._NEWLINE_On March 18, 2006, the New York Mets unveiled the official model for the new ballpark. By July 2006, initial construction of the new park was underway in the parking lot beyond Shea Stadium's left-field, with a projected finish of late March ahead of Opening Day 2009._NEWLINE_By April 13, 2008, all of the structure for the Jackie Robinson Rotunda was in place with the arched windows receiving their paneling and glass. By September 2008, most of the Citi Field signage had been installed. By December 1, 2008, all of the seats and the playing field had been installed. _START_SECTION_ Modifications _START_PARAGRAPH_ During the 2010 off-season, the bullpen area in right-center field underwent a complete renovation. When the edifice opened in time for the start of the 2009 MLB season, the Mets' bullpen was in front of the visiting bullpen, leading to an obstructed view of the field from the visiting bullpen, which the San Diego Padres complained about during the Mets' first regular-season home series. The bullpens were turned 90°, with pitchers throwing toward the field instead of parallel to it. More Mets team colors, player banners and logos were also added throughout the ballpark, including revamping the "Let's Go Mets" slogan on the Citi Vision board so that the word "Mets" appears in its traditional script instead of the same font as the rest of the slogan. Additionally, the height of the home run boundary line directly in front of the Home Run Apple in center field was reduced from 16 feet (4.9 m) to 8 feet (2.4 m) in an attempt to produce more home runs._NEWLINE_During its first three seasons, the large field dimensions caused Citi Field to play as an extreme "pitcher's park", and home-runs at the stadium were among the fewest in the Major Leagues. Mets' general manager Sandy Alderson changed Citi Field's dimensions in time for the 2012 MLB season in order to make it more friendly to hitters. Changes included building an 8 feet (2.4 m) wall in front of the high 16 feet (4.9 m) wall in left field that many had dubbed the "Great Wall of Flushing", removing the nook in the "Mo's Zone" in right field, and reducing the distance in right center field from 415 feet (126 m) from home plate to 390 feet (120 m). The new walls are colored blue in order to address fan complaints that the old black walls with orange trims did not reflect the colors of the Mets. The Mets have also created a new seating section located in between the old and new left field walls called the Party City Party Deck, renamed the M&M's Sweet Seats in 2016 after change of sponsorship, and can accommodate 102 additional fans._NEWLINE_The center and right-center outfield wall were brought in to 380 feet (120 m) for the 2015 season._NEWLINE_On March 21, 2019, the Mets announced on Twitter that Citi Field's permanent address will be changed to 41 Seaver Way, in honor of former Mets Hall of Fame pitcher Tom Seaver whose number was 41. The ceremony was held on June 27, 2019 and was part of the weekend set aside for celebrating the 1969 World Series Champion Mets. _START_SECTION_ Features _START_PARAGRAPH_ Citi Field has a capacity of 41,922. It has over 15,000 fewer seats than Shea Stadium. All the seats in the park are green – in an homage to the Polo Grounds, longtime home of the baseball Giants and the original home of the Mets – as opposed to Shea's orange, blue, red and green assortment. The exterior facade is reminiscent of Ebbets Field (which was long sought by Mets owner Fred Wilpon, a Brooklyn native)._NEWLINE_Citi Field's interior design is primarily influenced by the Pittsburgh Pirates' PNC Park, which was the favorite ballpark of Mets COO Jeff Wilpon. Other influences include Great American Ball Park, Coors Field, and Citizens Bank Park. Shea Stadium was the only ballpark in the Major League Baseball to feature orange foul poles instead of the standard yellow, a unique characteristic that carried over from Shea Stadium._NEWLINE_Citi Field features an overarching bridge motif in its architecture, as New York City is linked by 2,027 bridges and is reflected in the Mets logo, as the team is the symbolic bridge to the city's past National League teams, the New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers. In the outfield section of the ballpark, there is a pedestrian bridge named Shea Bridge which resembles the Hell Gate Bridge._NEWLINE_Similar to Shea Stadium, Citi Field's field dimensions ensure it is a pitcher-friendly park. The Coca-Cola Corner, originally known as the Pepsi Porch, hangs over the field in right field, extending far beyond the indentation of the Clubhouse and is inspired by Tiger Stadium's right field porch. The Pepsi sign that sat atop the area (2009-2015) was modeled after the one alongside the East River in Gantry Plaza State Park; it was replaced by Coca-Cola's logo in 2016 upon assuming the role of a Mets sponsor._NEWLINE_In 2012, the Mets added the Party City Party Deck in left field because they moved the fences in. The Party Deck is very similar to The Royals' Pepsi Party Porch._NEWLINE_Delta Air Lines signed a multiyear deal on September 15, 2008, to sponsor an exclusive section in Citi Field. The Delta Sky360 Club is a 22,500-square-foot (2,090 m²) restaurant-cafe-bar-lounge complex that also houses 1,600 premium seats behind home plate stretching from dugout to dugout. _START_SECTION_ Jackie Robinson Rotunda _START_PARAGRAPH_ The front entrance of Citi Field features a rotunda named after Brooklyn Dodgers legend Jackie Robinson and honors his life and accomplishments. Engraved into the rotunda's 160-foot-diameter (49 m) floor and etched into the archways are words and larger-than-life images that defined Robinson's nine values: Courage, Excellence, Persistence, Justice, Teamwork, Commitment, Citizenship, Determination and Integrity._NEWLINE_Robinson's famous quote: "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives" is engraved into the upper ring of the rotunda. There is also an 8-foot (2.4 m) sculpture of Robinson's number 42. The formal dedication of the Jackie Robinson Rotunda was held as part of Major League Baseball's official celebration of Jackie Robinson Day on April 15, 2009. _START_SECTION_ Home Run Apple _START_PARAGRAPH_ Another tradition from Shea Stadium carried over into Citi Field is the Home Run Apple. When a Mets player hits a home run, a giant apple, which has a Mets logo on the front that lights up, rises from its housing in the center field batter's eye. The new apple that was constructed for Citi Field is more than four times the size of the previous one and was designed by Minneapolis-based engineering firm Uni-Systems._NEWLINE_During the 2009 season, the original Shea apple was located in Bullpen Plaza, just inside the Bullpen Gate entrance. In 2010, it was relocated outside the ballpark in Mets Plaza to the area between the Jackie Robinson Rotunda and the entrance to the Mets–Willets Point subway station. _START_SECTION_ Amenities and facilities _START_PARAGRAPH_ Behind the center field scoreboard is the FanFest area, an expanded family entertainment area that includes a miniature wiffleball field replica of Citi Field called Mr. Met's Kiddie Field, a batting cage, a dunk tank, video game kiosks and other attractions._NEWLINE_Citi Field offers a wide choice of eateries. Taste of the City is a food court located in the center field section of the ballpark. It features food from restaurateur Danny Meyer's Union Square Hospitality Group and includes a variety of stands, including Shake Shack (burgers, fries, shakes), Blue Smoke (barbecue), El Verano Taqueria (Mexican cuisine), Catch of the Day (featuring seafood from chef Dave Pasternack of Esca), and Box Frites (Belgian French fries). The World's Fare Market is located on the field level in right field and features sushi from Daruma of Tokyo, sandwiches and pastries from Mama's of Corona, Chinese cuisine from Tai Pan Bakery and Korean food from Café Hanover. Citi Field also offers a choice of fresh fruit at several stands around the stadium. In 2010 Citi Field upgraded the food choices on the Promenade Level behind home plate. Blue Smoke BBQ and Box Frites both open a second location._NEWLINE_Restaurants and clubs are also available in every level of the ballpark. The 350-seat Acela Club (now Porsche Grill) located in left field on the Excelsior Level, is the dining highlight of the new park and features a full view of the playing field as well as food from Drew Nieporent's Myriad Restaurant Group, renowned for Nobu and Tribeca Grill. Admission into the high-end luxury Porsche Grill and Delta Sky360 Club, and including the other semi-luxury clubs are exclusive to high-end ticket holders only, and some restaurants enforce that reservations be made. A McFadden's Restaurant and Saloon opened at Citi Field in 2010. It is located directly under the Good Humor FanFest and is open to the public year-round. _START_SECTION_ Mets Hall of Fame & Museum _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Mets Hall of Fame & Museum is located adjacent to the Jackie Robinson Rotunda on the first base side and opened on April 5, 2010. The museum includes plaques honoring the inductees of the New York Mets Hall of Fame, the team's World Series trophies from 1969 and 1986, as well as artifacts on loan from noted collectors, former players and the National Baseball Hall of Fame and Museum._NEWLINE_The museum boasts several displays including autographed memorabilia, original scouting reports on players such as Darryl Strawberry, and handwritten notes from the team's first manager Casey Stengel. In addition to this the team has installed interactive touchscreens, television screens, and timelines that guide visitors through various aspects of the franchise's history. _START_SECTION_ Naming rights _START_PARAGRAPH_ On November 13, 2006, it was announced that the ballpark would be called Citi Field, named for Citigroup Inc. Citigroup will be paying $20 million a year for the naming rights to the park over the next 20 years. This made Citi Field the second major league sports venue in the New York metropolitan area and the first in the city itself to be named for a corporate sponsor. At the time, the Meadowlands Arena in New Jersey's Meadowlands Sports Complex had carried the Continental Airlines name; since then Prudential Center in Newark, MetLife Stadium in East Rutherford, Red Bull Arena in Harrison, and Barclays Center in Brooklyn have all opened under corporate sponsorship. The deal includes an option on both sides to extend the contract to 40 years, and is the most expensive sports-stadium naming rights agreement ever, subsequently equaled by MetLife Stadium's $400 million deal._NEWLINE_At the groundbreaking for Citi Field, it was announced that the main entrance, modeled on the one in Brooklyn's old Ebbets Field, would be called the Jackie Robinson Rotunda, possibly due to campaigns to forgo naming rights revenue and name the ballpark after Robinson. The Mets are spending more than $600 million for the new ballpark, which New York City and New York state are also supporting with a total of $165 million for such costs as infrastructure and site preparation. On February 24, 2008, the Mets and Citigroup unveiled the new Citi Field logo. _START_SECTION_ Controversy _START_PARAGRAPH_ Both Citigroup and the Mets maintain that the naming rights deal is secure, despite Citigroup's economic troubles. This deal has been criticized in light of the late-2000s financial crisis and the $45 billion of taxpayer funds allocated to Citigroup by the U.S. federal government in two separate rescue packages, prompting New York City Council members Vincent Ignizio and James Oddo to suggest that the new ballpark be called "Citi/Taxpayer Field." Radio talk show host Brian Lehrer suggested the name "Debits Field" which combines baseball history with public outrage over the Citi bailout. Congressman Elijah Cummings of Maryland, who serves on the United States House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, stated in regards to the Citi Field naming rights deal, "This type of spending is indefensible and unacceptable to Citigroup's new partner and largest investor: the American taxpayer.... I strongly urge Citigroup to find a way out of this contract and instead spend that $400 million on retaining its employees and restoring confidence in its operations." On January 29, 2009, congressmen Dennis Kucinich of Ohio and Ted Poe of Texas sent a letter to United States Secretary of the Treasury Timothy F. Geithner urging him to scrap Citigroup's $400 million naming rights deal. "We request that you intervene and demand that Citigroup dissolve the agreement they have with the New York Mets," reads the letter. "Absent this outcome, we feel strongly that you should compel Citigroup to return immediately all federal monies received to date, as well as cancel all loan guarantees." However, Geithner rejected congressional demands to cancel the naming rights deal._NEWLINE_The Wall Street Journal reported on February 3, 2009, that Citigroup considered breaking the naming rights deal. Citi has stated that no government TARP funds would be used in the sponsorship deal._NEWLINE_The naming rights controversy reemerged when details about owner Fred Wilpon's involvement in Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme came to light when a lawsuit was filed on behalf of victims of Madoff's investment scandal in 2011. _START_SECTION_ Mets Concert Series post-game concerts (2012–2016) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Between 2012 and 2016, the Mets had a post-game concert series entitled "Mets Concert Series" after selected games. Unlike the concerts where the performance was the sole attraction of the evening, "Mets Concert Series" events were considered promotional dates, and admission to the concert was included in the price of the game ticket. The stage was set up in the grassy part of the field just beyond second base._NEWLINE_2012_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_June 15, 2012 – REO Speedwagon (following game v. Cincinnati)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_July 20, 2012 – Daughtry (following game v. Los Angeles)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_8/10/2012 – MercyMe (following game v. Atlanta)_NEWLINE_2013_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_June 14, 2013 – Foreigner (following game v. Chicago Cubs)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_July 19, 2013 – Nas (following game v. Philadelphia)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_8/2/2013 – O.A.R. (following game v. Kansas City)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_August 23, 2013 – Third Eye Blind (following game v. Detroit)_NEWLINE_2014_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_June 14, 2014 – 50 Cent (following game v. San Diego)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_7/12/2014 – Huey Lewis and the News (following game v. Miami)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_August 16, 2014 – Boys II Men (following game v. Chicago Cubs)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_September 27, 2014 – Austin Mahone (following game v. Houston)_NEWLINE_2015_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_June 28, 2015 – Steve Miller Band (following game v. Cincinnati)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_July 25, 2015 – Heart (following game v. Los Angeles)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_August 15, 2015 – Ne-Yo (following game v. Pittsburgh)_NEWLINE_2016_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_June 18, 2016 – Andy Grammer (following game v. Atlanta)_NEWLINE__NEWLINE_August 13, 2016 – Styx (following game v. San Diego) _START_SECTION_ Other sports events _START_PARAGRAPH_ The inaugural Metropolitan Lacrosse Classic was played at Citi Field on March 17, 2013, only the second time a major-league baseball stadium has staged college lacrosse, according to the Mets. In 1971, Navy played Johns Hopkins at the Houston Astrodome. Holy Cross played Navy at noon, followed by Colgate-Michigan at 3 p.m. Holy Cross defeated Navy 7–5 and Colgate defeated Michigan 10–7, before a crowd of 15,656._NEWLINE_On June 7, 2015, the first "Legends of Wrestling" event took place at Citi Field. It was a professional wrestling event, featuring veteran wrestlers such as Rob Van Dam, Lita, The Nasty Boys, Scott Steiner, and many more independent professional wrestlers, in up to six matches taking place; the event was headlined by Ric Flair, Bret "The Hitman" Hart, and Bill Goldberg._NEWLINE_On November 7, 2015, Citi Field hosted the first game of the Cricket All-Stars Series 2015, featuring many retired cricket players from around the world and led by great cricket legends Sachin Tendulkar and Shane Warne. Warne's Warriors defeated Sachin's Blasters by 6 wickets._NEWLINE_On January 1, 2018, Citi Field hosted the 2018 NHL Winter Classic between the New York Rangers and the Buffalo Sabres. The Rangers won the game 3-2 in overtime. The Sabres were the designated home team for the game, as the Rangers' home arena of Madison Square Garden would lose its property tax exemption from the City of New York if any Rangers home games are not played there. Following the Winter Classic, Citi Field, with the help of Recycle Track Systems, the waste, recycling, and sustainability partner of the New York Mets, was able to recycle the hockey rink that was used during the game._NEWLINE_On November 16, 2019, Citi Field will host the New York Hurling Classic, a 4 team tournament between Limerick, Kilkenny, Tipperary and Wexford.
_START_ARTICLE_ Civic Alternative _START_PARAGRAPH_ Civic Alternative or Bourgeois Alternative (in Danish: Borgerligt Alternativ) is a local political party in Hørsholm, Denmark. BA was launched by a local Venstre personality, Ib Lunde Rasmussen, who felt dissatisfied with the local Venstre leadership._NEWLINE_In the 2005 municipal elections the party got 352 votes (2.6%), but no seat in the municipal council.
_START_ARTICLE_ Civil Code of Argentina _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Civil Code of Argentina was the legal code in force between 1871 and 2015,_NEWLINE_which formed the foundation of the system of civil law in Argentina. It was written by Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield, as the culmination of a series of attempts to codify civil law in Argentina. The original code was approved on September 25, 1869, by the passage of Law 340, and became active on January 1, 1871. With numerous subsequent modifications, it continued to be the foundation of Argentine civil law (Derecho civil argentino) for more than a century. On 1 August 2015, the Civil Code of Argentina was replaced by a new Civil and Commercial Code - Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación._NEWLINE_Vélez Sársfield's code reflects the influence of the continental law and liberal principles of the 17th century. It was also influenced by the great Napoleonic code, the Spanish laws in effect at that time in Argentina, Roman law (especially through the work of Savigny), canon law, the draft of the Brazilian civil code (Esboço de um Código Civil para Brasil) by Freitas, and the influence of the Chilean Civil Code (by Andrés Bello)._NEWLINE_Approval of the Argentine civil code was necessary for judicial reasons and political reasons. It gave a new coherence and unity to civil law. The civil code's authority over provincial law improved the inconsistent existing legislation throughout the country at the time. This unity and coherence would bring two important benefits: it would facilitate both the people's knowledge about the law, as well as its application by judges, the legislation would also strengthen the political independence of the country, through legislative independence and national unity._NEWLINE_In spite of the stability brought by the civil code to the Argentine law system, it was subject to various modifications throughout its history, as was necessary to adequately regulate a society undergoing significant social, political and economical changes. The most important reform was Law 17.711 of April 22, 1968. Not only did the law change around 5% of the complete article, it is especially important due to the change in orientation regarding some regulated institutions. There were also other reform projects that were not implemented. Along with proposals to change institutions and methods, one of them proposed to merge the civil code with the commercial code, following the example of the Italian code._NEWLINE_After decades of deliberations, a new Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación was approved in 2014, and entered into force in 2015, replacing the old code. _START_SECTION_ Precursors _START_PARAGRAPH_ The codification in Argentina was part of a process being undertaken around the world, due to the advantages that such a systematic approach granted. Indeed, there had been earlier codifications; those completed toward the end of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century had a strong influence on the compilation of the Civil Code of Argentina. Stemming from these, there were separate attempts at civil codification in the Argentine republic during the first half of the 19th century, but it was finally achieved in 1869._NEWLINE_The unification of the country and its political growth and strengthening demanded the codification of the civil laws, since it was not possible to continue under the uncertainty caused by the inadequate code that existed under the rule of the Spanish._NEWLINE_Before the Civil Code, there had been several attempts to this effect, without success. In 1824, Juan Gregorio de las Heras issued a decree appointing one commission charged with compiling the Commercial Code and another charged with compiling the Military Code, but neither of these two projects' efforts came to fruition. In 1831, the Legislature of Buenos Aires adopted the Spanish Commercial Code compiled in 1829 and created a commission to see to any reforms to it that might be necessary. In 1852, Justo José de Urquiza created a commission of 14 members for the compilation of the Civil, Penal, Commercial and Procedural Codes. However, the revolution of September 11 of that year, which resulted in the secession of the Province of Buenos Aires from the Argentine Confederacy, prevented this project from making any concrete progress._NEWLINE_The Argentine Constitution of 1853, in clause 11 of article 67, authorized the Argentine National Congress to draw up the Civil, Commercial, Penal and Mining Codes. With the intent of fulfilling this constitutional mandate, Facundo Zuviría brought before the Senate a law that would empower the Executive Branch to appoint a commission to complete those tasks. The law was passed and signed by Urquiza, but for financial reasons the initiative was postponed._NEWLINE_In the State of Buenos Aires, an initiative to launch a Civil Code suffered the same fate. On October 17, 1857, a law was passed that authorized the Executive Branch to spend the necessary funds to compile the Civil, Criminal and Procedural Codes, but the initiative was ultimately frustrated. However, the Commercial Code had better luck. The task of compiling that code had been given to Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield and Eduardo Acevedo Maturana, who sent it to the legislature for its approval. The Commercial Code of the State of Buenos Aires was finally passed in 1859, and it was this code that was adopted at the national level in 1862 and amended in 1889. _START_SECTION_ Sanction _START_PARAGRAPH_ Argentina had been attempting without success to join the codifying movement in vogue at that time in some of the world's most powerful nations. The creation of the code would bring several advantages to the legislation that was at that time characterized by its dispersion, and consequently, its difficult implementation. The new system would provide mainly a unity and coherence to the civil legislation, and thus it would help it to be known and applied._NEWLINE_There were also reasons of judicial nationalism that were motives for its creation, since it was considered necessary to reaffirm the political independence obtained decades before through legislative independence. The legislation most influential on Argentine law was until then the Spanish legislation, sanctioned centuries before, primarily because national law had minimal influence on private law._NEWLINE_Finally, the sanction of a code was hoped to become an efficient instrument for the consolidation of the national unity that had been expensively obtained only a few years earlier. The unification could have been damaged if the provinces had kept their own laws, or had independently sanctioned new ones to fix the inadequacies in the Spanish one instead of doing it in an unified way._NEWLINE_On June 6, 1863 Law No. 36, sponsored by deputy José María Cabral from Corrientes Province, was passed, which empowered the executive branch to appoint commissions in charge of writing the projects for the Civil, Penal, and Mining Codes and Military Ordinances._NEWLINE_Even though the law allowed for the creation of commissions of several persons, president Bartolomé Mitre decided to put a single person in charge, Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield, through a decree dated October 20, 1864._NEWLINE_Vélez Sársfield redacted the Project for the Civil Code without collaborators other than assistants that would transcribe his drafts. Among them were Victorino de la Plaza, who later would become president, Eduardo Díaz de Vivar and Vélez Sársfield's daughter Aurelia. For the task, Vélez Sársfield withdrew to a country house he owned, located a few kilometers from Buenos Aires city, where he wrote the drafts that his assistants transcribed. The final transcript was delivered to the government for its printing, and was later destroyed. The drafts can currently be found at the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba._NEWLINE_As Vélez Sársfield moved forward with his work, he would send it to the executive branch, which would then print and distribute it among the legislators, magistrates, lawyers and "competent persons, to allow them to study the work now and build an opinion of it for the time of its ratification". Vélez Sársfield finished Book I in 1865, the first two sections of Book II in 1866, the third section of that book at the beginning of 1867, Book III in 1868, and Book IV in 1869, finishing the code after 4 years and 2 months of work._NEWLINE_The project completed, President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento sent a note to the Congress on August 25, 1869 proposing the law that would ratify the project of the Civil Code. In the message, Sarmiento recommended immediate implementation, "entrusting its reform to the passage of future laws that will be enacted as experience dictates their necessity"._NEWLINE_The Chamber of Deputies approved the project on September 22, 1869 after rejecting various alternate version and objections to its being passed without amendment. The chamber determined that it would become effective on January 1, 1871. It then passed to the Senate, which ratified it on September 25, and it was promulgated by Sarmiento on September 29._NEWLINE_The Project was closed-book endorsed, that is it was accepted without changes to the original, which according to Llambías did not require any debate:_NEWLINE_Parliamentary bodies, due to their composition and functioning, lack the capacity to undertake the study and analytical debate related to a scientific task of such a delicate systematic nature as a Code. It can only be expected that such debate will become inorganic and endless, and that in the case of the passage of proposed amendments the coherence of the general system will be ruined, through the failure to recognize that the main advantage of codifying efforts resides in the methodizing of the law, which allows the maximum usefulness to be obtained from it later._NEWLINE_— Llambías (2003). ps. 171 and ss._NEWLINE_The endorsement of the Civil Code represented a great improvement over the previous legal regime, and fused modern advances in doctrine with local customs and active law. _START_SECTION_ Sources of the Civil Code _START_PARAGRAPH_ In his work on the Code, Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield was inspired by contemporary and older codes, by national and international law, and to a large extent by the prevailing doctrines of the period. These sources can be classified as follows: Roman law, Spanish and Argentine law, canon law, the Napoleonic Code and its commentaries, the work of Freitas, and various other minor sources. _START_SECTION_ Roman law _START_PARAGRAPH_ Roman law was not a direct influence on the civil code in the sense that none of its dispositions were directly extracted from the Corpus Iuris Civilis or from any Roman jurist's passage. Nevertheless, Vélez Sársfield returned to the Roman criteria in some institutions' regulations, even those that hadn't been addressed by the contemporary codification. That was the case of property transmitted by "tradition", as opposed to the French code, which had changed it to transmission by "consentment". Moreover, among the notes of the codifier there are quotes of those laws, but they are second-hand references._NEWLINE_The indirect Roman influence is reflected in the most part in the doctrines used by the author, especially as regards patrimonial structures. The main influence on the work of Vélez Sarsfield was the German Romanist Friedrich Karl von Savigny with his work "System of the present Roman law" (System des heutigen römischen Rechts), used especially referring to legal entities, obligations, property and possession, and the adoption of the domicile principle as a determining element of the law, applicable to the people's marital status and capacity. _START_SECTION_ Spanish and native legislation _START_PARAGRAPH_ Once he finished the gathering process, Vélez Sársfield was criticized for ignoring the Spanish legislation, which by the time was the one in effect in Argentina. One of these critics was Juan Bautista Alberdi, who was refuted by the modernizing critic and by Vélez himself:_NEWLINE_"Had Dr. Alberdi gone at least lightly through my project, he would have found that the first source I make use of at the laws that rule us. The biggest number of articles have a note on the law of Partidas, of the Royal Forum, of the recopilated ones. "_NEWLINE_— Cabral Texo, Jorge. "Juicios críticos sobre el Código Civil argentino", p. 249._NEWLINE_The influence of this legislation regarding its method and technique was practically null, what can be understood due to the dispersion that characterized it. Nevertheless, on the material, and the sense and reach of the dispositions, Vélez did make use of the old Right, adopting it to the new needs._NEWLINE_The national legislation had little relevance on private law, though it did partially influence on the work of the Coder. Such is the case of the hereditary vocation of the article 3,572, whose antecedent is the law dictated by the legislature of the Buenos Aires Province dictated on May 22, 1857. Vélez had also in mind the uses and customs of the country, especially regarding the family organisation. _START_SECTION_ Canon law _START_PARAGRAPH_ Canon law had a large influence over family law, especially in the area of matrimony. Vélez Sársfield left matrimony under the jurisdiction of the Catholic Church, taking the institution of canonical marriage and giving it civil effects. But the validity of matrimony was unchanged from the canonical version and the dispositions of the ecclesiastical courts, which would remain until the sanction of the law of civil matrimony. About this, Vélez Sársfield expressed:_NEWLINE_"Catholic people, such as the people of the Argentine Republic, would not be able to contract civil matrimony. For them it would be an endless concubinage, condemned by the religion and customs of the country. Any law that would authorize such matrimonies, in the present state of our society, would ignore the mission of the laws, which is to keep and strengthen the power of customs, not to weaken and corrupt them. It would give incentive to Catholic people to ignore the precepts of their religion, without a beneficial result for individuals or families._NEWLINE__NEWLINE_For those who do not profess the Catholic religion, a law that gives marriage a religious characteristic does not attack in any sense the freedom of cult, for the law doesn't force anyone to renounce their beliefs. Each one can invoke God from the altar of one's own cult." ."_NEWLINE_— Note on article 167, Código Civil Argentino_NEWLINE_This resolution by Vélez Sársfield is explained by the uses and customs of that time, as it shows the sanction of a law of civil matrimony by the legislature of the Santa Fe Province in 1867: the law produced a popular reaction that ended with the resignation of the governor and the dissolution of the legislature house, which annulled the law when it was reconstituted. _START_SECTION_ Napoleon's Code _START_PARAGRAPH_ The influence of this code in the Coder movement proved very important, and the Civil Code of Argentina did not escape from this influence, being in a direct way or through his commentators._NEWLINE_The direct influence can be shown in the 145 articles copied from the French code. But the main direct influence of the commentators is that of the treta of Charles Aubry and Frédéric Charles Rau, specially the third edition published in Paris between 1856 and 1858, of which the Coder took several passages that he used in around 700 articles. The work of Raymond Troplong provided the material for 50 articles related to the testament inheritance, and others for the real rights. From Jean Demolombe he took 52 articles for book IV and 9 for book III, from Chabot he used 18 articles for book IV, and from Zachariae 70 articles. _START_SECTION_ Freitas's work _START_PARAGRAPH_ The influence of Brazilian lawyer Augusto Teixeira de Freitas came from two of his works: the "Consolidation of the civil laws" (Consolidação das Leis Civis) and his "Draft of a civil code for Brazil" (Esboço de um Código Civil pra Brasil)._NEWLINE_The ‘’Consolidation of the civil laws’’ sorts in 1,333 articles the material of the Portuguese legislation, that contained the same dispersion present in the Spanish legislation in use in the Americas. His "Draft" was commended to him by the Empire of Brazil in 1859, but remained unfinished after completion of article 4,908, without reaching the inheritance section. In spite of this, it was one of the most frequently consulted works by Vélez Sársfield; the first three books of the Argentine Civil Code contain more than 1,200 articles from the Draft. _START_SECTION_ Other sources _START_PARAGRAPH_ Vélez Sársfield also used a number of different Codes and doctrine works that had a secondary influence in the Argentine Civil Code._NEWLINE_After the French Code, the most influential code was the Chilean Civil Code, promulgated on 1855 and written by lawman Andrés Bello. That code was highly valuated by the Argentine Coder, and it is estimated that he based on it for the formulation of 170 articles of the Argentine code._NEWLINE_He also made use of the Code of Louisiana, in which he based for the creation of 52 articles, of the Albertine Code for the Sardonic States, of the legislative Russian consolidation, the Code of Parma, the Code of Two Sicilies, the General Prussian Code of 1874, the Austrian Code of 1811, the Code of New York State and the Italian Code of 1865._NEWLINE_Vélez Sársfield made also use of the 1851 project for the Spanish Civil Code prepared by Florencio García Goyena. That project held 3,000 articles, and it's calculated that it helped in the formulation of 300 articles of the Argentine Code._NEWLINE_Finally, Vélez used 27 articles from the 1851 project for the Uruguayan Civil Code by Eduardo Acevedo Maturana, as well as some references for his notes. _START_SECTION_ Notes by the Codifier _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Civil Code of Argentina has a unique feature, which is the inclusion of footnotes with the articles, in which Vélez Sársfield explains the origin of, and principles governing, the positions adopted, sometimes citing or inserting laws and paragraphs from a source treatise._NEWLINE_The presence of these notes stems from a request from the Ministry of Justice, that he annotate each article and its conformity to or divergence from laws currently in force in the country, as well as those of the major world powers._NEWLINE_The notes are very valuable from a doctrinal standpoint. In them the codifier states the problem, summarizes the arguments and chooses a solution, always in a succinct manner. As a result, the Code became a veritable treatise on comparative law, which proved to be quite useful, as the bibliographic material available at the end of the 19th century was not plentiful._NEWLINE_It is important to note that the footnotes contain numerous errors and even contradictions vis-à-vis the article text, as can be seen in the text of articles 2.311 and 2.312 and the footnote to the former. Some of these errors are attributable to the codifier, but others are likely due to circumstances beyond his control. There are instances where Vélez Sársfield reworked an entire title or modified a rule without altering the footnotes pertaining to the original edition. In this manner, for example, all the footnotes in Book IV were brought directly from the original drafts by Victorino de la Plaza without any of the pertinent modifications. That said, one should keep in mind that during the editing of Nueva York and La Pampa many modifications from the original text were accumulated. _START_SECTION_ Editions _START_PARAGRAPH_ The project drawn up by Vélez Sársfield was printed as the author was sending the different books to the government. The first book was printed by the press called "La Nación Argentina"" (The Argentine Nation) in 1865, while the rest of the installments were printed by Pablo Cini in 1866, 1867, 1868 and 1869. During 1869 Vélez trusted Coni with the reprinting of the first book, to maintain homegenity._NEWLINE_This edition, known as the Buenos Aires edition, had many errors, and the numbering of the articles wasn't done with the work as a whole, but independently in every tome. This numbering method resulted very useful at the time of its writing, as the addition or suppression of new articles required minor touch-ups in the group of articles, but once printed was inefficient._NEWLINE_Because of this, President Sarmiento insinuated to the codifier the necessity of making a new version that included the typos corrections. Veléz Sársfield accepted this proposition, and commended this correction work to his cousin Carlos Carranza through a letter:_NEWLINE_"...I want to ask you for the ardous service of reading with utmost care the three last books and correcting in them the printing mistakes or replacing and erasing some words that may be missing or have no need to be there. I insist that you do me this favor with all your powers so the official version be good"_NEWLINE_— Cabral Texo (1920). p. 200_NEWLINE_The printing was trusted by Sarmiento to the Argentine minister in Washington, D.C., Manuel García, while the rest of the task was given to the company Hallet Breen, who had quoted $2,000 less than other firms. This edition, renowned as the New York edition, maintained the numbering depending on each tome, and wasn't free of typos either. _START_SECTION_ Laws of Errata _START_PARAGRAPH_ The first law of Errata was the law No. 527, that sanctioned what the Executive could propose for the new edition of the Civil College New York law, which could introduce a correction of 24 titles._NEWLINE_This was necessary because when the first copies of this edition arrived in the country at the end of 1870, President Domingo Faustino Sarmiento's opposition took advantage of the modifications in the legal code sanctioned by Congress to initiate a media campaign against the government. For this reason Victorino de la Plaza and Aurelio Prado were appointed to compare both versions and report on the existing differences. While they were doing so, on January 1, 1871 President Sarmiento's decree declared the Buenos Aires edition to be official._NEWLINE_In August of that year, Dr. de la Plaza and Dr. Prado reported that they had found 1,882 differences between the two texts, but due to the intrascendencia of many of these alterations, they concluded that the new edition of the code was not contrary to that sanctioned by Congress._NEWLINE_However, public opinion was not amiable with this solution, as it declared official a text only nominally approved by the Congress and had a great amount of misprints besides. This last problem was what the senator for Tucumán Benjamín Paz prepared to rectify, by means of a law project presented in 1878 that noticed 29 new errors. As this project passed through the commissions of the Chambers of Deputies and Senators, the number grew up as far as 285. This 285 errors are the ones that the Law No. 1196 corrects, sanctioned August 29, 1882, commonly known as the Law of Errata, though it was the second of its kind to be sanctioned._NEWLINE_But all the corrections were not limited to merely formal adjustments: some of them introduced changes in the doctrine of the Civil Code edited by Vélez Sársfield. This is the case of the alteration introduced in the article 325, in whom it was added as a requisite sine qua non the state of natural son to start an action of paternity after the father's death:_NEWLINE_"The natural children have the right to be recognised by the father of mother, or to be declared as such by the judge, when the parents denied them as being their children, admitting in the paternity of maternity investigation all the proofs that are admitted to prove the facts, and that concur to demonstrate the natural paternity. Not being in the possession of this state, this right can only be exercised by the children during the lifes of the parents"_NEWLINE_— Argentine Civil Code, article 325 before its modification by the Law No. 24.779_NEWLINE_The Law 1,196 also established the making of a new edition that included the corrections stated in that law. Abiding that disposition, in 1883 the third edition of the Civil Code was made, known as The Pampa edition for the name of the workshop who did the printing. This edition includes an important modification, being that the articles are number as whole._NEWLINE_In 1900, President Julio A. Roca ordered a new edition that eliminated the articles revoked by the Civil Marriage Law and introduced the new dispositions without altering the numbering of the non-modified articles. At the end of the task, the project was sent to the national government, who in turn passed it to the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires to examine it. The Faculty designated a commission, who after the investigation determined that the project introduced reforms in the law doctrine. After asking for a competence extension, the Commission proposed this modifications in 1903, although the project was never dealt with by the Congress. _START_SECTION_ Reforms _START_PARAGRAPH_ The rationalist notion that all law should be condensed and comprehensively written in a code was challenged by social, economic and political mutations which imposed a need for the text to be constantly updated. One of the issues that divide the doctrine on this subject is the question of whether it is more convenient to make partial reforms of the code or to completely substitute it with another one._NEWLINE_Until recent times, the Civil Code has only been partially reformed, the most notable reform effort being that associated with Law 17.711. Nevertheless, there have been several projects to replace the Code completely, including one that went so far as to attempt to merge it with the Commercial Code. _START_SECTION_ Law No. 17,711 _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 1966 the State Secretary Office of Justice designated a commission to evaluate a reform to the Civil Code, without determining whether it should be total or partial. In the beginning the commission was made up of Roberto Martínez Ruiz, José Bidau, Guillermo Borda, Abel Fleitas, José López Olaciregui, Dalmiro Alsina Atienza and Alberto Spota; although after the resignation of the last three, only the doctors Bidau, Fleitas and Martínez Ruiz formed the project. Borda occupied at that moment the position of Interior minister, but that didn't stop him from contributing to the project, as the elevation note established, giving "evidence of the valuable and effective collaboration made by the minister of Interior, the doctor Guillermo A. Borda, who dedicated long hours to the deliberations (of the Commission), in spite of the multiple tasks due to the official duties of the position he currently occupies"_NEWLINE_Law No. 17,711 was sanctioned on April 22, 1968, and came into force on July 1 that same year. This law affects approximately 5% of the Civil Code articles (200 articles in whole), but its importance trascends numbers, as it changes some of the backbone criteria of the established regime._NEWLINE_Among the most important changes, this reform included the theory of abuse of rights, the lesion vice, the good faith principle as the rule for interpretation in contracts, the theory of unforeseenness, the limitation of the absolute character of the property, the generous repairing of moral damage in the contractual and extra-contractual civil responsibility, the possibility of reducing the compensation in the forced crimes, the solidarity of the co-authors of forced crimes, the automatic delay as a rule in obligations with deadlines, the implicit resolutory condition in contracts, the registry inscription as publicity for the transmission of property rights on real estate, the protection of third parties with good faith sub-acquirants of property or personal rights in case of nullity, the acquisition of age at 21, the emancipation by age abilitation, the extension of the capacity of the working minor, the personal separation by joint proposal and modification of the succession order._NEWLINE_Although not all the doctrine agreed then with the changes made by the law, which gave it many criticisms, time proved that the reform was an important advance in the Argentine civil legislation. _START_SECTION_ Bibiloni Draft _START_PARAGRAPH_ This was the first project for integral reform of the Civil Code, which took place in 1926. This project was begun by the Law No. 12,542 and then expanded by 13,156, which established a committee formed by a member designated by the Supreme Court of Argentina, another member by the National Academy of Legal Science (Academia Nacional de Ciencias Jurídicas), designated by each of the Civil Courts (Cámaras Civiles) of the Nation's Capital, another member by the Bar Association and another by the department of Right (facultades de Derecho) of the national universities of Buenos Aires, Córdoba, La Plata, and del Litoral._NEWLINE_The resulting committee was formed by Roberto Repetto, Julián Pera, Raymundo Salvat, Juan Bibiloni, Héctor Lafaille, Enrique Martínez Paz, Juan Carlos Rébora, José Gervasoni and Rodolfo Rivarola. This committee suffered a few changes, as Salvat resigned and was replaced by César de Tezanos Pinto, while Pera, who ascended to the position of minister of the Supreme Court, was replaced at first by Mariano de Vedia y Mitre and then by Gastón Tobal._NEWLINE_Doctor Bibiloni was commissioned the writing of the draft, which would serve as an orientation for debates. Bibiloni finished in six years, but while he was working different books with the same purpose were being published, similar to Dalmacio Vélez Sársfield's bill. Because of this, the committee had started to have debates since 1926 and not 1932._NEWLINE_This draft has a great influence in German judicial science, not only directly in the German Civil Code, but also through its commentaries. The code also used the same doctoring tool as Vélez Sársfield, the inclusion of footnotes to establish resolutions. _START_SECTION_ Draft of 1936 _START_PARAGRAPH_ The commission utilized the first draft edited by Bibiloni, but expanded it into a draft law which had great differences with Bibiloni's. Once finished with the first draft, the commission designated Lafaille and Tobal as editors, who sometimes disagreed with what was decided by the commission, and they managed to finish the draft in 1936. In spite of the changes made, the draft was signed by the editors and by Repetto, Rivarola and Martínez Paz._NEWLINE_As far as its methodology, the draft contained a General Section, in which it deals with people, the facts, the things, the practising of the rights and the prescription; and four books in which it deals with the family, the obligations and their sources, the real rights and the succession, and finally it features a law of registries._NEWLINE_The whole of the articles of the project is relatively brief; it had 2,144 articles. Each article grouped in several paragraphs the solution to the issues related with the subject that was dealt with in the article, which made them dense but facilitated their study._NEWLINE_After the conclusion of editing in 1936, the draft was sent to the National Executive Power on October 10 of that year. The Executive Power sent the draft to Congress, but it was never ratified. _START_SECTION_ 1954 Draft _START_PARAGRAPH_ The draft for the Civil Code was written in 1954 by the "Institute of Civil Right" (Instituto de Derecho Civil), dependent on the Ministry of Justice. Jorge Joaquín Llambías was the head of the project, with Roberto Ponssa, Jorge Mazzinghi, Jorge Bargalló Cirio and Ricardo Alberdi as collaborators._NEWLINE_The draft contained 1,839 articles, a very small number in comparison with the present Civil Code and other previous projects. Such synthesis was achieved by omitting the repetition of general principles, and defining only the differences to those general principles in the description of the code for particular institutions._NEWLINE_The used method contains a Preliminary Title, which consists of three chapters with the general resolution, norm on private international law, and the computation of time periods. Divided in five books, Book I deals with the general principles, the persons, property, facts and juridical acts; Book II with the family, Book III deals with inheritance; Book IV with the obligations and Book V regulates the real and intellectual rights._NEWLINE_Because of the Revolución Libertadora coup d'état, the project never reached legislative treatment, and remained inedited until 1968, when it was edited by the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán. _START_SECTION_ Project of legislative unification _START_PARAGRAPH_ Article 75 of the Argentine Constitution, at section 12, empowers the Argentine National Congress to dictate the Civil, Commercial, Penal, Mining and Work, and Social Security codes. Because of this, part of the doctrine sustained that the Constitution obstructed the legislative unification. Nevertheless, the authors argued that it is not written in which way it should be done, be it by one single body or more._NEWLINE_In 1986, the General Legislative Commission of the Chamber of Deputies created a committee for the "unification of the civil and commercial legislation", designing Héctor Alegría, Atilio Alterini, Jorge Alterini, Miguel Araya, Francisco de la Vega, Sergio Le Pera and Ana Piaggi as advisors, to whom would later join Horacio Fargosi._NEWLINE_On April 22, 1987, the project was raised, and on July 15 sanctioned by the Chamber of Deputies. The project moved on to the Senate, where a temporary commission was formed, which made several reforms, but didn't arrive to a conclusive judgement since its duration was not renovated after the originally intended six months._NEWLINE_At the end of 1991 the law was sanctioned with no modifications by the Senate, but later the Executive Power, considering it inadequate to the new political and economical situation, decided to veto it. _START_SECTION_ Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación _START_PARAGRAPH_ After decades of deliberations, a new code - Código Civil y Comercial de la Nación - was approved in 2014 and entered into force in 2015, replacing the old code.
_START_ARTICLE_ Civil Eats _START_SECTION_ Founding _START_PARAGRAPH_ Starkman and Crossfield met in 2008 at Slow Food Nation, a San Francisco event organized by Slow Food USA that many see as a pivotal moment in the food movement. An estimated 60,000 people gathered at Slow Food Nation, including food leaders such as Alice Waters, Michael Pollan, Eric Schlosser, Wes Jackson, and Vandana Shiva. In an effort to facilitate more discussion about the event, Starkman started a blog, to which Crossfield contributed. The success of the blog inspired the pair to maintain it under a new name: Civil Eats. They recognized the need for a platform on which untold stories from activists on the front lines of the growing food movement could be shared. Civil Eats has since published thousands of articles by hundreds of writers and become a dependable primary source for food policy news. _START_SECTION_ Kickstarter Campaign _START_PARAGRAPH_ For five years, Starkman, Crossfield, and their contributors worked without pay. In October 2013, with the goal of shifting from an all-volunteer effort to a sustainable, professional enterprise, Civil Eats launched a Kickstarter campaign and raised $100,000 in 30 days–the highest amount raised on Kickstarter at that time for an online daily news site. Authors and activists Anna Lappé, Raj Patel, and Michael Pollan appeared in their pitch video, and chefs Tom Colicchio, Alice Waters, Deborah Madison, and José Andrés were instrumental in spreading the word about the campaign. With the money they raised, Civil Eats was able to start paying its contributors and hire a full-time Managing Editor, Twilight Greenaway. Their future goals include paying a full staff, hiring a reporter based in Washington, D.C. to cover food policy, and producing more in-depth reporting and visually engaging content. _START_SECTION_ Masthead _START_PARAGRAPH_ Its staff includes Adrien Meier-Schless, who is the Deputy Managing Editor; Stacy Slate was the site’s first Deputy Managing Editor. Early contributors include Jen Dalton, Sarah Rich, Katrina Heron, among others. Its regular contributors include Barry Estabrook, Sarah Henry, Anna Lappé, Kim O’Donnel, Raj Patel, Kerry Trueman, Hannah Wallace, among many others. Civil Eats was an early proponent of sharing content with other sites including Grist, TakePart, The Huffington Post, and others. _START_SECTION_ Achievements _START_PARAGRAPH_ In May 2014, Civil Eats was named the James Beard Foundation 2014 Publication of the Year for demonstrating “fresh direction, worthy ambition, and a forward-thinking approach to food journalism.” Starkman and Crossfield accepted the award in New York City. Additionally, two Civil Eats stories appeared in the 2014 issue of Best Food Writing, a collection of the finest in culinary prose from the previous year’s books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs. One of those stories also won the 2014 M. F. K. Fisher prize for excellence in culinary reporting._NEWLINE_In 2014, Civil Eats formed a media partnership with and Harvest Public Media and assembled an advisory board of leading thinkers, voices, and connectors in the food movement to assist in its next development phrase. The advisory board includes Chef Tom Colicchio, author Anna Lappé, Marion Nestle, writer and activist Raj Patel, Dan Pullman, author Ruth Reichl, scientist Ricardo Salvador of the Union of Concerned Scientists, and Chef Alice Waters.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clara Jeffery _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Jeffery was born in Baltimore, Maryland and was raised in Arlington, Virginia, and attended the Sidwell Friends School (1985), before going to Carleton College (1989). She earned a Master's degree from the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University in 1993._NEWLINE_Between 1993 and 1995, Jeffery was a staff editor and writer at Washington City Paper. She was a senior editor at Harper's Magazine (1995–2002), where she edited six articles nominated for a National Magazine Award, including essays by Barbara Ehrenreich that became Nickel and Dimed. She became deputy editor of Mother Jones, a position she had held for four years, and was promoted to co-editor in August 2006. Jeffery was promoted to editor-in-chief in May, 2015._NEWLINE_Together, Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein have aimed to put greater emphasis on staff-generated, daily news and original reporting. The magazine received a National Magazine Award for General Excellence in 2008 and 2010. In 2012 Mother Jones broke the story about Mitt Romney's "47 percent" remarks, which were controversial prior to Barack Obama winning reelection._NEWLINE_In 2002, Jeffery wrote an article on the Salton Sea for Harper's Magazine, "Go West Old Man: Where the American Dream Goes Down the Drain", which received an honorable mention in Best American Science and Nature Writing. She has also written for Slate, the Huffington Post, San Francisco Magazine, and the Chicago Reporter.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clare Torry _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Clare Torry was born in November 1947 in Marylebone to Geoffrey Napier Torry (1916-1979), who combined careers as Lieutenant-Commander in the Fleet Air Arm and as a Flight Lieutenant in the RAF, and his wife Dorothy W. Singer (1916-2017), who was the secretary to six BBC Directors-General. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ By the end of the 1960s, Torry managed to start a career as a performer, mainly based on covers of popular songs. Alan Parsons asked her to take part in Pink Floyd's recording of the album The Dark Side of the Moon, on the instrumental song penned by Richard Wright going under the name of "The Great Gig in the Sky". On 4 November 1973, Torry also sang "The Great Gig in the Sky" at the Rainbow Theatre in London. _NEWLINE_Since then, Torry has also performed as a session singer (singing on a number of 1970s UK TV adverts) and as a live backing vocalist with Kevin Ayers, Olivia Newton-John, Shriekback, The Alan Parsons Project (for which she also sang lead vocal on one track on their 1979 Eve album), Procol Harum mainman Gary Brooker, Matthew Fisher, Cerrone, Meat Loaf (a duet on the song "Nowhere Fast", and the hit single "Modern Girl") and Johnny Mercer. She reprised her Pink Floyd appearance during a few 1980s concerts with Roger Waters' band, and also contributed to Waters' 1986 soundtrack When the Wind Blows and to his 1987 album Radio K.A.O.S.. She sang with the David Gilmour-led Pink Floyd at a 1990 concert at Knebworth._NEWLINE_Torry also sang the Dolly Parton song "Love Is Like a Butterfly" as the theme music to the 1970s Wendy Craig/Geoffrey Palmer, Carla Laine sitcom Butterflies. The song was released as a single in 1981. Torry also released the song "Love for Living" in 1969, which was produced by Ronnie Scott and Robin Gibb. _NEWLINE_Torry sang backing vocals on the track "The War Song" from Culture Club's Waking Up with the House on Fire album in 1984, as well as on the track "Yellowstone Park" on the Tangerine Dream album Le Parc the following year. Her voice can also be heard singing "Love to Love You Baby" (originally by Donna Summer) during the opening scene of the cult BBC Play for Today production of Abigail's Party in 1977._NEWLINE_Torry is also credited on the 1987 album En Dejlig Torsdag (A Lovely Thursday) by the Danish pop rock band TV-2, where she sings in a fashion similar to that on "The Great Gig in the Sky" at the end of the tracks "Stjernen I Mit Liv" ("The Star in my Life") and "I Baronessens Seng" ("In the Bed of the Baroness")._NEWLINE_On 20 October 2010, Torry was presented with a BASCA Gold Badge Award in recognition of her unique contribution to music. _START_SECTION_ Lawsuit _START_PARAGRAPH_ In 2004, she sued Pink Floyd and EMI for songwriting royalties on the basis that her contribution to "The Great Gig in the Sky" constituted co-authorship with keyboardist Richard Wright. Originally, she was paid the standard flat fee of £30 for Sunday studio work. In 2005, an out-of-court settlement was reached in Torry's favour, although the terms of the settlement were not disclosed. All releases after 2005 carry an additional credit "Vocal composition by Clare Torry" for the "Great Gig in the Sky" segment. _START_SECTION_ Recent work _START_PARAGRAPH_ In February 2006, Clare Torry released a CD Heaven in the Sky, a collection of her early pop tunes from the 1960s and 1970s.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clarence D. Martin _START_SECTION_ Family name, early life and education _START_PARAGRAPH_ He was born in Cheney, Washington to Francies M. and Philena Martin, who migrated to eastern Washington from Ohio by way of Portland in the early 1880s. Martin was educated in the Cheney public schools. He graduated from the State Normal School at Cheney in 1903, and completed additional studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, graduating with a BA degree in 1906._NEWLINE_After leaving the university, he joined his wheat-farming father in founding the family business, the F. M. Martin Grain and Milling Company in Cheney. Upon his father's death in 1925, Martin assumed the role of president and general manager of the company. He served in this position until early 1943, when the mill was sold to the National Biscuit Company. _START_SECTION_ Early political career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin first became interested in politics in his hometown, where he was elected to the city council in 1915. He served as mayor of Cheney from 1928 until he was elected governor. During this period, he was also chairman of the state Democratic committee. _START_SECTION_ Governorship, 1933-1941 _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin was elected Governor of Washington in November 1932, in the Democratic landslide which virtually replaced most Republicans in state political offices. He was the first native son to be elected to the state's highest office, an honor of which he was extremely proud. Given the dire economic circumstances and the crisis atmosphere of the early 1930s, Martin's first gubernatorial campaign was remarkable in its moderation. There was no demagoguery, no personalities, no threats, no condemnations and no bitter attacks. _NEWLINE_His platform was based on providing unemployment relief and tax reform; he vowed "to return the state government to the service and benefit of the people." By the end of the campaign, he had made 750 speeches and traveled 40,000 miles, but as he said, he "gave away no cigars, kissed no babies and promised no jobs." (Steward, Edgar I. Washington, Northwest Frontier, Vol. II, New York: Lewis Historical Publications, Co., 1957, pp. 296–97). Both in the primary and general elections, Martin's opponents charged him with trying to buy the gubernatorial office. Martin rebutted these accusations by pointing out that he was using his own money for the campaign and therefore would have obligations to no one. His electoral majority was larger than that gained by incumbent President Franklin D. Roosevelt in Washington. This ensured that he was not accused of winning the office on the presidential coattails. _START_SECTION_ First term, 1933-1936 _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin took office in January 1933. His first term was controversial, and he was criticized for both his political appointments and his relief programs. Martin alienated hard-core Democrats of the state with the appointment of a number of Republicans to high state offices, many of whom were holdovers from the previous administration of Governor Roland Hartley. In justifying his appointment policy, Martin remarked: "I did not get all of my majority from Democrats and I think both parties should be represented." (Spokesman Review, April 19, 1933 p. 3) Martin recognized the need to set aside partisan politics to effectively combat the Depression._NEWLINE_When Martin took office in January 1933, the Great Depression was at its height. In his first inaugural message, Governor Martin acknowledged the severity of the economic crisis. But he recounted the natural and human resources of the state and concluded that "surely, with such resources at hand, we need only the spirit to seek, the determination to build, the genius to create, and the readiness to cooperate toward a common development." He believed it was the primary duty of government to promote the common good; state government must promote constructive, although perhaps unpopular programs, and the people must accept the necessary sacrifices. Martin advocated abandonment of traditional approaches to problem-solving when those approaches proved inadequate. His call for state government action anticipated a similar call on the national level by President Roosevelt._NEWLINE_Those first few months in office were a time of intense activity. Martin proposed increased economy of government through the elimination of waste and the reduction of state employees' salaries; Martin later proposed and the Legislature endorsed a salary reduction of from 10 to 25 percent of all state employees. Martin planned to shift the relief burden from the nearly bankrupt county and local agencies to the state government. He recommended a $10,000,000 bond issue which was to be used to fund employment on minor public works projects. The Legislature approved this bond issue and relief measures were soon forthcoming. He then proposed a complete restructuring of the tax system. In the November 1932 election, the people of the state had affirmed a 40-mill limit on property taxes. This ceiling on the property tax made new sources on tax revenue necessary. Martin proposed a sales tax as a short term, stop-gap measure; he believed that this sales tax would ultimately be replaced by a form of business and occupation tax. The business and occupation tax was enacted during the twenty-third legislative session, but was declared unconstitutional by the State Supreme Court in September, 1933, after a long and bitter struggle. Washington was one forward a contributory system of old-age insurance. Washington was one of the firsts of the northwestern states to enter the field of old-age insurance when the Legislature passed the social security measure in February, 1933. Although the 1933 Legislature failed to provide adequate funding for the pension program, it did establish a needed precedent. In 1935, the Legislature provided additional funds for the program._NEWLINE_Governor Martin advocated a number of urgent projects in his first inaugural address. He proposed restructuring of the state banking laws to prevent future closures. Education was a particularly important part of the Governor's program. He proposed that the state assume 50 percent of the funding burden of the public school system to insure the continued quality and equality of education. He recommended an "open door" policy at the university level for all Washington high school graduates to promote equality of opportunity for higher education. With respect to mortgage debts, Martin believed that some modification of the foreclosure procedure should be enacted to provide a "breathing spell" for those farmers and homeowners threatened with the loss of their property. (Martin, Clarence D. First Inaugural Message, 1933. Olympia, Washington: Jay Tomas Printer, 1933) _START_SECTION_ Projects during the Great Depression (Grand Coulee Dam, bridges, education) _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin's first months in office paralleled the feverish activity of the new federal administration. He initiated many programs to fight the depression in the state. An active and constructive fight against the depression characterized his administration, a sharp contrast to the passive acknowledgement shown by the Hartley regime. Martin sought to create jobs rather than provide handouts for the citizens of the state. The Grand Coulee Dam project, initiated early in 1933, was one of the major job-creating projects. In March 1933, the state legislature, at the prodding of the governor, created the Columbia Basin Commission; in June 1933, $377,000 of the ten million dollar bond issue was appropriated for the dam to show the federal government that the state was serious about the project. Roosevelt set aside 63 million dollars for construction of the low dam at Grand Coulee. Governor Martin was on hand for the ground-breaking ceremonies in September, 1933, and he poured the first bucket of cement in December, 1935. Roosevelt approved construction of the high dam with hydroelectric generating capacity in June, 1935, and by the end of Martin's second term Grand Coulee Dam was producing electricity. In the long run Grand Coulee Dam provided electricity for industry and home, as well as irrigation water for the Columbia Basin. Its short-term benefits were equally important for the state. The project provided immediate employment for thousands left jobless in the wake of the Great Depression. Other significant construction projects during Martin's administration eased the burden of unemployment in the state. Both the Lake Washington Floating Bridge and the ill-fated Tacoma Narrows Bridge were completed in 1940 and provided necessary public service as well as jobs for many unemployed. The ambitious project to harness the Columbia River with the Bonneville Dam also provided both electricity and jobs._NEWLINE_The accomplishments of Martin's administration were not limited to physical construction projects. His keen interest in education insured the continued funding and development of the public school system in the state at a time when local agencies were unable to provide adequate monies and the system's continuation was in grave danger. Martin also maintained his commitment to higher education. Despite financial hard times for the state, Martin supported an extensive building program at Washington State College, a program facilitated by Martin's respect for and friendship with President E. O. Holland. Martin's administration also reorganized the state's highway system providing miles of new and improved roads as well as many new jobs. He also directed the reorganization of the State Highway Patrol. With the end of prohibition the state of Washington secured much needed revenue by organizing and operating the retail liquor business. The liquor control system established by the Martin administration is still with us today. His dealings with the federal government, although strained at times, secured for the state a substantial portion of the New Deal aid necessary for economic reconstruction. _START_SECTION_ Second term, 1936-1941 _START_PARAGRAPH_ Governor Martin was re-elected in 1936, soundly defeating former Governor Hartley. His majority in 1936, which was greater than that of his first election and again larger than President Roosevelt's statewide vote, reflected the popular confidence in his administration. His second term continued the sound fiscal practices and businesslike government he had initiated in 1933. He sought an unprecedented third term in 1940, but was defeated in the primary by former Senator C. C. Dill, who, although supported by Martin in the general election, was defeated in an exceedingly close contest by Republican Arthur Langlie. _START_SECTION_ Late political career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin's political career and aspirations did not end with his tenure as governor. In February, 1944, Governor Martin was appointed to fill a vacancy in the state House of Representatives from the Fifth District and served a special session. In 1948 he again sought election to the state's highest office but was defeated in the primary. He was reelected to the Cheney City Council in 1950. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin married Margaret Mulligan on July 18, 1907. They had three sons: William F., Clarence D., Jr. and Frank M. He and his wife were divorced in August 1943. Martin remarried in April 1944, and with his new bride, the former Merle L. Lewis of Spokane, left Cheney and settled in southern California, but were divorced in March 1946. Martin married his third wife, Lou Eckhart, in December 1951, and they lived in Cheney until his death on August 11, 1955. _START_SECTION_ Civic life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin's public commitment to the welfare of the state's citizens is documented by the deeds of his administration, but his private actions also reveal a man of generosity and compassion. Martin personally aided a number of worthy young men with their college educations, as well as providing scholarship funds for his alma mater, the newly named Eastern Washington College of Education at Cheney. He continued his interest in debate and public speaking, activities at which he excelled in college, by sponsoring an annual oratorical contest in Cheney. He took a personal interest in the case of a child of twelve who killed an Asotin sheriff during a robbery. With Martin's aid, the youngster was rehabilitated and went on to lead a productive life. Martin also used his financial resources to benefit the citizens of his home town. Earlier, while Mayor of Cheney, Martin donated the city's street lighting system in the memory of his father. _START_SECTION_ Martin Stadium _START_PARAGRAPH_ Martin Stadium and Academic Center, an outdoor athletic stadium at Washington State University in Pullman, is named for him. His middle son Dan (Clarence D. Martin, Jr., 1916–1976), made a sizable donation to the project in January 1972. _START_SECTION_ Legacy _START_PARAGRAPH_ Philosophically and politically Martin was a conservative Democrat who, while governor, placed the welfare of the people of the state above party politics. His tenure as governor reflected the sound business and financial practices which guided his entire life. He tempered fiscal conservatism with humanitarian concern for those suffering under the height of the depression. When Martin left office there was still unemployment and economic distress, but the state had weathered the worst years of the depression. One historian records that when Martin left office "the state was solvent, the radical left-wing groups had been kept in check, and there had been no compromise with Socialistic panaceas." Upon his death the Spokesman Review editorialized that "He served the state well throughout eight critical years of its history." In the opinion of many, he was the best governor the state had ever had.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clarence Park Festival _START_SECTION_ Artist selection process _START_PARAGRAPH_ Most artists are chosen by The Music Collective via a democratic application process which invites bands to apply via a post or an online portal. Selection takes place in April, followed by a press launch in May. The event is traditionally opened each day by a Wakefield-based act. There are no hard-and-fast rules on which genres are allowed to apply or play._NEWLINE_Alongside local acts, over the years the lineup has included, Dodgy, Eddie and The Hot Rods, Zodiac Mindwarp & The Love Reaction, John Otway and The Cribs' first band Wrinkle.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clark Stanley _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Stanley claimed that, starting in 1879, after eleven years working as a cowboy, he studied for more than two years with a Hopi medicine man at Walpi, Arizona. This supposedly included learning the "secrets of snake oil". With the help of a Boston druggist he began marketing his product at Western medicine shows. In 1893 he and his rattlesnakes gained attention at the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago, Illinois. Later he went on to establish production facilities in Beverly, Massachusetts and Providence, Rhode Island._NEWLINE_In 1916, subsequent to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906, Stanley's concoction was examined and found to be of no value. It was found to contain mineral oil, a fatty compound thought to be from beef, capsaicin from chili peppers, and turpentine. He was fined $20.00 (approximately to $470 in 2019). The term "snake oil" would go on to become a popular euphemism for ineffective or fraudulent products, particularly those marketed as medicines or cures.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clark Street station _START_SECTION_ Exit _START_PARAGRAPH_ The platform has two staircases in the center that go up to a passageway, which leads to three elevators. The floor of the passageway contains a 1987 artwork titled Clark Street Passage by Ray Ring and the elevators go up to fare control, which is on the first floor of the now-defunct Hotel St. George. The station is not fully ADA-accessible, since there are no elevators or ramps that lead to the platform. The fare control area contains a small arcade of businesses and two doors that led to the former lobby and checking room of the hotel. The station's two entrances have awnings that read "Hotel St. George."_NEWLINE_This is one of three stations accessed by elevators only. The other two—168th Street and 181st Street—are on the Broadway–Seventh Avenue Line in Upper Manhattan._NEWLINE_There is supposedly a locked entrance leading directly from the station to the nearby Brooklyn Bridge Park. A 2008 study by Brooklyn Community Board 6 examined the possibility of creating a new entrance to the station from the park; however, it was deemed economically unfeasible.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clash! _START_SECTION_ Format _START_PARAGRAPH_ Clash! was presented in an absurdist quiz show format in which two teams of three players each competed for prizes. Contestants were selected based on criteria such as occupation, ethnicity, religion, etc. and each team would represent one half of a rivalry. For example, an episode might pit nudists against fashion designers, librarians against noisy people, or vegetarians against butchers. Some rivalries were altered for comedic effect, such as "Cowboys vs. Indians" in which the Indians were people from India._NEWLINE_The game was played in three rounds. In each of the first two rounds the teams were shown four categories with four questions. The questions were each worth ten points in the first round, and twenty in the second round, with no penalty for a wrong answer. The second round had one question replaced with a "Grudge Match" in which the one member of each team competed against each other in a bizarre stunt of some sort._NEWLINE_The third round consisted of three questions increasing in value of 50, 100, and 150 points. In this round, points were deducted for wrong answers. The team with the highest score won a prize and advanced to the "Oval of Odds" bonus round._NEWLINE_The contestant who scored the most points for their team spun a six-spaced wheel and answered a single question. Giving the correct answer won a bonus prize. Five of the spaces each had a question that was extremely difficult ("What is the third word on the thirty-third page of the third book from the right on the third shelf of the third cabinet from the left in the Clash library?") while the last space had a question that was extremely easy ("What did you have for breakfast this morning?" or "How are you?").
_START_ARTICLE_ Class-D amplifier _START_PARAGRAPH_ A class-D amplifier or switching amplifier is an electronic amplifier in which the amplifying devices (transistors, usually MOSFETs) operate as electronic switches, and not as linear gain devices as in other amplifiers. They operate by rapidly switching back and forth between the supply rails, being fed by a modulator using pulse width, pulse density, or related techniques to encode the audio input into a pulse train. The audio escapes through a simple low-pass filter into the loudspeaker. The high-frequency pulses are blocked. Since the pairs of output transistors are never conducting at the same time, there is no other path for current flow apart from the low-pass filter/loudspeaker. For this reason, efficiency can exceed 90%. _START_SECTION_ History _START_PARAGRAPH_ Class-D amplifiers were invented in the early 1950s by British scientist Alec Reeves and was first called by that name in 1955. The first commercial product was a kit module called the X-10 released by Sinclair Radionics in 1964. However class-D amplifiers remained unsuccessful until the mid 1980s when low cost fast switching MOSFETs were made available. The first class-d amplifier based integrated circuit was release in 1996 by Tripath which saw widespread use. _START_SECTION_ Basic operation _START_PARAGRAPH_ Class-D amplifiers work by generating a train of square pulses of fixed amplitude but varying width and separation, or varying number per unit time, representing the amplitude variations of the analog audio input signal. It is also possible to synchronize the modulator clock with an incoming digital audio signal, thus removing the necessity to convert it to analog. The output of the modulator is then used to gate the output transistors on and off alternately. Great care is taken to ensure that the pair of transistors are never allowed to conduct together. This would cause a short circuit between the supply rails through the transistors. Since the transistors are either fully "on" or fully "off", they spend very little time in the linear region, and dissipate very little power. This is the main reason for their high efficiency. A simple low-pass filter consisting of an inductor and a capacitor are used to provide a path for the low-frequencies of the audio signal, leaving the high-frequency pulses behind. In cost sensitive applications the output filter is sometimes omitted. The circuit then relies on the inductance of the loudspeaker to keep the HF component from heating up the voice coil._NEWLINE_The structure of a class-D power stage is somewhat comparable to that of a synchronously rectified buck converter (a type of non-isolated switched-mode power supply (SMPS)), but works backwards. Whereas buck converters usually function as voltage regulators, delivering a constant DC voltage into a variable load and can only source current (one-quadrant operation), a class-D amplifier delivers a constantly changing voltage into a fixed load, where current and voltage can independently change sign (four-quadrant operation). A switching amplifier must not be confused with linear amplifiers that use an SMPS as their source of DC power. A switching amplifier may use any type of power supply (e.g., a car battery or an internal SMPS), but the defining characteristic is that the amplification process itself operates by switching. Unlike a SMPS, the amplifier has a much more critical job to do, to keep unwanted artifacts out of the output. Feedback is almost always used, for the same reasons as in traditional analog amplifiers, to reduce noise and distortion._NEWLINE_Theoretical power efficiency of class-D amplifiers is 100%. That is to say, all of the power supplied to it is delivered to the load, none is turned to heat. This is because an ideal switch in its on state would conduct all the current but have no voltage loss across it, hence no heat would be dissipated. And when it is off, it would have the full supply voltage across it but no leak current flowing through it, and again no heat would be dissipated. Real-world power MOSFETs are not ideal switches, but practical efficiencies well over 90% are common. By contrast, linear AB-class amplifiers are always operated with both current flowing through and voltage standing across the power devices. An ideal class-B amplifier has a theoretical maximum efficiency of 78%. Class A amplifiers (purely linear, with the devices always "on") have a theoretical maximum efficiency of 50% and some versions have efficiencies below 20%. _START_SECTION_ Terminology _START_PARAGRAPH_ The term "class D" is sometimes misunderstood as meaning a "digital" amplifier. While some class-D amplifiers may indeed be controlled by digital circuits or include digital signal processing devices, the power stage deals with voltage and current as a function of non-quantized time. The smallest amount of noise, timing uncertainty, voltage ripple or any other non-ideality immediately results in an irreversible change of the output signal. The same errors in a digital system will only lead to incorrect results when they become so large that a signal representing a digit is distorted beyond recognition. Up to that point, non-idealities have no impact on the transmitted signal. Generally, digital signals are quantized in both amplitude and wavelength, while analog signals are quantized in one (e.g. PWM) or (usually) neither quantity. _START_SECTION_ Signal modulation _START_PARAGRAPH_ The 2-level waveform is derived using pulse-width modulation (PWM), pulse density modulation (sometimes referred to as pulse frequency modulation), sliding mode control (more commonly called "self-oscillating modulation" in the trade.) or discrete-time forms of modulation such as delta-sigma modulation._NEWLINE_The most basic way of creating the PWM signal is to use a high speed comparator ("C" in the block-diagram above) that compares a high frequency triangular wave with the audio input. This generates a series of pulses of which the duty cycle is directly proportional with the instantaneous value of the audio signal. The comparator then drives a MOS gate driver which in turn drives a pair of high-power switches (usually MOSFETs). This produces an amplified replica of the comparator's PWM signal. The output filter removes the high-frequency switching components of the PWM signal and recovers the audio information that the speaker can use._NEWLINE_DSP-based amplifiers which generate a PWM signal directly from a digital audio signal (e. g. SPDIF) either use a counter to time the pulse length or implement a digital equivalent of a triangle-based modulator. In either case, the time resolution afforded by practical clock frequencies is only a few hundredths of a switching period, which is not enough to ensure low noise. In effect, the pulse length gets quantized, resulting in quantization distortion. In both cases, negative feedback is applied inside the digital domain, forming a noise shaper which has lower noise in the audible frequency range. _START_SECTION_ Switching speed _START_PARAGRAPH_ Two significant design challenges for MOSFET driver circuits in class-D amplifiers are keeping dead times and linear mode operation as short as possible. "Dead time" is the period during a switching transition when both output MOSFETs are driven into Cut-Off Mode and both are "off". Dead times need to be as short as possible to maintain an accurate low-distortion output signal, but dead times that are too short cause the MOSFET that is switching on to start conducting before the MOSFET that is switching off has stopped conducting. The MOSFETs effectively short the output power supply through themselves in a condition known as "shoot-through". Meanwhile, the MOSFET drivers also need to drive the MOSFETs between switching states as fast as possible to minimize the amount of time a MOSFET is in Linear Mode—the state between Cut-Off Mode and Saturation Mode where the MOSFET is neither fully on nor fully off and conducts current with a significant resistance, creating significant heat. Driver failures that allow shoot-through and/or too much linear mode operation result in excessive losses and sometimes catastrophic failure of the MOSFETs. There are also problems with using PWM for the modulator; as the audio level approaches 100%, the pulse width can get so narrow as to challenge the ability of the driver circuit and the MOSFET to respond. These pulses can get down to just a few nanoseconds and can result in the above undesired conditions of shoot-through and/or Linear mode. This is why other modulation techniques such as Pulse Density can get closer to the theoretical 100% efficiency than PWM. _START_SECTION_ Power supply design _START_PARAGRAPH_ Class-D amplifiers place an additional requirement on their power supply, namely that it be able to sink energy returning from the load. Reactive (capacitive or inductive) loads store energy during part of a cycle and release some of this energy back later. Linear amplifiers will dissipate this energy away, class-D amplifiers return it to the power supply which should somehow be able to store it. In addition, half-bridge class D amplifiers transfer energy from one supply rail (e.g. the positive rail) to the other (e.g. the negative) depending on the sign of the output current. This happens regardless of whether the load is resistive or not. The supply should either have enough capacitive storage on both rails, or be able to transfer this energy back. _START_SECTION_ Active device selection _START_PARAGRAPH_ The active devices in a Class D amplifier need only act as controlled switches, and need not have particularly linear response to the control input. Bipolar transistors, and field effect transistors are usually used. Vacuum tubes can be used as power switching devices in Class-D power audio amplifiers. _START_SECTION_ Error control _START_PARAGRAPH_ The actual output of the amplifier is not just dependent on the content of the modulated PWM signal. The power supply voltage directly amplitude-modulates the output voltage, dead time errors make the output impedance non-linear and the output filter has a strongly load-dependent frequency response. _NEWLINE_An effective way to combat errors, regardless of their source, is negative feedback. A feedback loop including the output stage can be made using a simple integrator. To include the output filter, a PID controller is used, sometimes with additional integrating terms. The need to feed the actual output signal back into the modulator makes the direct generation of PWM from a SPDIF source unattractive. Mitigating the same issues in an amplifier without feedback requires addressing each separately at the source. Power supply modulation can be partially canceled by measuring the supply voltage to adjust signal gain before calculating the PWM and distortion can be reduced by switching faster. The output impedance cannot be controlled other than through feedback. _START_SECTION_ Advantages _START_PARAGRAPH_ The major advantage of a class-D amplifier is that it can be more efficient than a linear amplifier, with less power dissipated as heat in the active devices. Given that large heat sinks are not required, Class-D amplifiers are much lighter weight than class A, B, or AB amplifiers, an important consideration with portable sound reinforcement system equipment and bass amplifiers. Output stages such as those used in pulse generators are examples of class-D amplifiers. However, the term mostly applies to power amplifiers intended to reproduce audio signals with a bandwidth well below the switching frequency.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clathrodrillia solida _START_SECTION_ Description _START_PARAGRAPH_ The color of the shell is deep chocolate-brown. Its longitudinal ribs are separated by wider interspaces, crossed by revolving raised lines, forming granules. It is smooth and slightly concave above the periphery, with a raised line next the suture. The shell grows to a length of 19 mm. _START_SECTION_ Distribution _START_PARAGRAPH_ This marine species occurs in the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and in the West Indies.
_START_ARTICLE_ Claude Duret _START_PARAGRAPH_ Claude Duret (c. 1570–1611) was a French judge, botanist, historiographer and linguist. He was a close friend of agriculturalist Olivier de Serres (1539–1619)._NEWLINE_He was a son of Louis Duret, personal physician to the French kings Charles IX and Henry III, and the father of Noël Duret, cosmographer to Louis XIII._NEWLINE_Duret was an advocate of transmutation of species. He was the author of Histoire Admirable des Plantes (1605), which contained a passage that described falling tree leaves striking water and transforming into fishes and upon land into birds. Biologist Henry de Varigny wrote that the book "contains evolutionary notions of a very queer sort. He fully believes that many aquatic birds, as well as many sorts of insects, are generated from the rotten wood of trees."
_START_ARTICLE_ Clavatula lelieuri _START_SECTION_ Description _START_PARAGRAPH_ The size of an adult shell varies between 20 mm and 40 mm. The turreted shell is yellowish brown. The upper portion of the whorls are coivered with large brown maculations and a revolving series of small brown spots just above the lower carina. The whorls are smooth and concave above, with revolving raised lines below the bicarinated periphery. _START_SECTION_ Distribution _START_PARAGRAPH_ This species occurs in the Atlantic Ocean off West Africa (Senegal, Guinea, Gabon)
_START_ARTICLE_ Clay County, Mississippi _START_SECTION_ Geography _START_PARAGRAPH_ According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the county has a total area of 416 square miles (1,080 km²), of which 410 square miles (1,100 km²) is land and 5.9 square miles (15 km²) (1.4%) is water. _START_SECTION_ Education _START_PARAGRAPH_ Clay County is within the service area of the East Mississippi Community College system.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clement Taylor _START_PARAGRAPH_ Clement Taylor (c. 1745–April 1804), of Tovil House, Maidstone, Kent, was an English paper-maker and politician who sat in the House of Commons from 1780 to 1796._NEWLINE_Taylor was the son of Clement Taylor, a paper-maker of Wrotham, Kent and his wife Sarah Quelch, daughter of William Quelch, paper-maker, of Dartford. He followed his father into the paper-making business, with large scale manufacture at mills at Tovil, near Maidstone._NEWLINE_Taylor was returned as Member of Parliament for Maidstone after a contest at the 1780 general election. He was returned as an Independent but became a member of the Whig club in 1784. He succeeded in contests again in 1784 and 1790. Towards the end of this Parliament, he was running into difficulties in his business and decided not to stand in the 1796 general election._NEWLINE_In 1793 Taylor set up a paper-making partnership in Ireland which was unsuccessful. He went bankrupt in 1797, and died unmarried in Dublin in April 1804.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clementina Anstruther-Thomson _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Anstruther-Thomson was born to John Anstruther-Thomson of Charleton and Carntyne, and Caroline Maria Agnes Robina Gray in an aristocratic family. Her grandfather, also John Anstruther-Thomson, was a career officer in the British Territorial Army. _START_SECTION_ Experimental aesthetics _START_PARAGRAPH_ The aesthetic movement in the United Kingdom began in the 1860s during the Victorian period. In Victorian literature, writers of the aesthetic movement focused on the sensual aspect of aesthetics. Anstruther-Thomson in particular was keen on experiencing art physically with her body. In one of the lectures titled "What Patterns Do to Us" given by Anstruther-Thomson, she encouraged the audience to engage with a patterned vase and "feel its effect on their bodies"._NEWLINE_Vernon Lee was already familiar with Anstruther-Thomson prior to meeting her. Contemporary writers have described Anstruther-Thomson as having the physique that resembles the ideals from ancient Greek sculpture, and Lee frequently described her obsession with Anstruther-Thomson's body in her writings. When Lee observed art with Anstruther-Thomson, her aesthetic experience was based on "lesbian desire" of Anstruther-Thomson's body that embodied Greek ideals. _START_SECTION_ Collaboration with Vernon Lee _START_PARAGRAPH_ Anstruther-Thomson first met Vernon Lee in 1888, and for the next twelve years the two women openly lived together, as "lovers, friends, and co-authors". Living as expatriates in Italy, they often travelled back and forth to Britain. In their time together, they took aesthetics experiments and recorded their findings. Throughout the 1890s, Anstruther-Thomson and Lee visited many museums across continental Europe and observed many art works. In their observation, they recorded in writing on how their body responded to art works._NEWLINE_In 1897, they published the combined findings in the article "Beauty and Ugliness", which investigates the physiology of aesthetics. Their research was based on the James–Lange theory of how the human body responds to stimulation and triggers emotion. Many of the findings, however, were not taken seriously as both their professional and romantic relationship was "attacked" by their contemporaries, receiving "severe criticisms" from friends. _START_SECTION_ Later life _START_PARAGRAPH_ After the publication of "Beauty and Ugliness", Anstruther-Thomson gradually drifted away from Lee, and eventually broke off the relationship in 1898. They remained close friends until the death of Anstruther-Thomson in 1921. Later in her life, Anstruther-Thomson worked closely with the Girl Guides of America. Many of the earlier leaders were single women, and some were lesbian as well, for whom Guiding provided a safe refuge. Anstruther-Thomson was both an organizer and trainer, and held the position of County Commissioner until her death. She was buried with her family in Kilconquhar Parish Churchyard, Kilconquhar._NEWLINE_Her writings on aesthetics were collected and published posthumously by Lee in Art and Man in 1924, with an introduction, also by Lee, that describes their collaboration in experiencing art.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cleota Collins _START_PARAGRAPH_ Cleota J. Collins (September 24, 1893 — July 7, 1976) was an American soprano singer and music educator. She was one of the founding members of the National Association of Negro Musicians in 1919. _START_SECTION_ Early life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Cleota Josephine Collins was born in Cleveland, Ohio, the daughter of Ira A. Collins and Josie Collins. Her father was a clergyman. Cleota Collins studied music at Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio, and abroad in France and Italy, as the student of Emma Azalia Hackley, with further studies in New York. _START_SECTION_ Career _START_PARAGRAPH_ Cleota Collins "toured extensively". In 1924 she gave educational recitals at schools in Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas, Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina. She toured southern schools again in 1936 and in 1938. She taught voice and piano at Florida Baptist Academy, Sam Houston College, Tuskegee Institute, and Virginia State College in Petersburg, among other posts. She was one of the founding members of the National Association of Negro Musicians in 1919. She operated the Lacy School of Music and was a church music director in Cleveland in the 1930s._NEWLINE_In 1932, sculptor Henry Bannarn created a portrait bust of Cleota Collins; it was his earliest known work. _START_SECTION_ Personal life _START_PARAGRAPH_ Cleota Collins married George Corinth Lacy, a lawyer, in 1917. She married William Johnson Trent Sr., the president of Livingstone College, as his fourth wife, in 1953. She may have married a third time, as her grave marker is for "Cleota Collins Moore." She died in 1976, aged 83 years, in Pasadena, California. Her gravesite is in Angelus-Rosedale Cemetery.
_START_ARTICLE_ Clidemia hirta _START_SECTION_ Physical description _START_PARAGRAPH_ Clidemia hirta is a densely branching long-lived (perennial) shrub normally growing 0.5-3 m tall, but sometimes reaching 5 m in height, depending on habitat. In more shaded habitats it grows much taller than it does in exposed areas, where it typically grows less than 1 m tall._NEWLINE_The younger stems are rounded and are covered in large, stiff, brown or reddish-colored hairs (they are strigose). The oppositely arranged simple leaves are borne on stalks. They are oval or egg-shaped in outline with broad end at base, with pointed tips, and almost entire to finely toothed margins. Their upper surfaces are sparsely covered in hairs, similar to those found on the stems, while their lower surfaces and margins are more densely hairy. The leaves also have a somewhat wrinkled appearance and five distinct veins that run in an almost parallel fashion from the leaf bases to their tips._NEWLINE_The flowers are arranged in small clusters at the tips of the branches. Each flower is borne on a very short stalk and has five white, or occasionally pale pinkish, petals. The base of the flower is swollen into a cup-shaped structure which is moderately to sparsely covered with a mixture of bristly and sticky hairs. The flowers also have five sepals, but these are very small, and five distinctive stamens that have a claw-like appearance. _NEWLINE_The small, rounded fruit are berries and are either dark blue, purplish or blackish in color. Each of these berries contains over 100 light brown colored seeds. These fruit are also covered in stiff spreading hairs, especially when they are young._NEWLINE_In terms of economic uses, Clidemia hirta has been widely introduced as an ornamental plant. Ornamental plants are used for decorative purposes, such as gardens and houseplants. _START_SECTION_ Distribution and habitat _START_PARAGRAPH_ Originally from the American Neotropics (Mexico to Paraguay as well as the Caribbean), it has been introduced broadly across Southern Asia and East Africa, and occurs in two isolated areas within Australia._NEWLINE_It was introduced to Hawaii in the 1940s; by 1978 it had spread to over 90,000 acres (360 km²) of land on Oahu. In 1972 Koster's curse was first spotted on the Big Island. _NEWLINE_In Sri Lanka it is quite invasive in wet zone and upcountry forests, especially invading gaps in the forest, preventing other native species from emerging._NEWLINE_This species grows successfully in humid tropical climates and typically invades both disturbed and undisturbed habitats. It is a potential weed of wetter pastures, open grasslands, plantations, roadsides, wetter open woodlands, riparian zones (banks of watercourses), forest margins and rainforests. _START_SECTION_ Biology and ecology _START_PARAGRAPH_ The plant grows 1–5 metres (3 ft 3 in–16 ft 5 in) tall, depending on habitat._NEWLINE_The purple-brown to blue-black berries are up to 8 millimetres (0.31 in) long and taste a bit like a deeply flavored blueberry. Each fruit contains more than 700 tiny (0.5 mm) seeds. It flowers and fruits all year, if conditions are moist enough. A large plant can produce more than 1,000 fruits in a single year for a total of 700,000 seeds. The seeds are dispersed by birds, feral pigs, other animals, and humans. Sheep will not eat the plant, and the tannin inside the fruits is poisonous to goats. Biosecurity trials in Australia show that the seeds can remain viable in the soil for at least 12 years._NEWLINE_The human edibility factor of this berry has not been fully explored. The tannin inside of the fruit is not harmful to humans and a delicious syrup may be made from the fruit. The syrup has a beautiful indigo blue color and may be used to enhance and remove the bitterness of teas such as yerba mate._NEWLINE_Furthermore, the plant is used in Brazil to treat Leishmania braziliensis skin infections (Franca et al., 1996). _START_SECTION_ Name _START_PARAGRAPH_ The epitheton hirta means "bristly" in Latin._NEWLINE_"Koster's curse" is a commonly used name in places where the plant grows as a noxious weed, such as Hawaii. Koster was the man who between 1880 and 1886 accidentally introduced seeds of C. hirta to Fiji in coffee nursery stock, where its problematic nature was first noticed around 1920 (Paine, 1934; Simmonds, 1937). Originally only known as "the curse" for the damage it did to coconut plantations, its vernacular name became a model after which those of other invasive plants were patterned, such as Ellington's curse on Fiji, McConnel's curse in Australia, or Curse of India in East Africa. _START_SECTION_ As an invasive species _START_PARAGRAPH_ This species is native to much of tropical America, but is an invasive species in Southern Asia, East Africa, and some oceanic islands (like Hawaii and Australia) with warmer climates . Koster's curse can form dense thickets that smother plantations, pastures and native vegetation. Disturbance is a key element in the establishment and invasion of Koster’s curse. Wildfires, landslides, windstorms and other forms of soil disturbance (such as pig rooting) accelerate the dominance of this weed (Smith Undated; Peters 2001). In its native environment plants are confined to open areas and only become dominant about twelve months after disturbance, such as in slash-and-burn agricultural areas (Burkhart Pers. Comm, in Smith Undated). All new range extensions in Hawaii begin along the open edges of trails or other disturbed areas . In Hawaii, Koster’s curse is replacing the endemic species that formerly dominated the forests and threatens their extinction. Elsewhere, it is regarded as one of the most problematic invasive species in the Comoros Archipelago, on La Réunion, in the Seychelles and on Mauritius. _START_SECTION_ Control strategies/biological control _START_PARAGRAPH_ In order to keep the weed out of an area the primary management objective should be to minimize and prevent disturbance (Smith Undated). _NEWLINE_Manually pulling plants out of the ground supplemented by herbicide application is an effective but temporary control method._NEWLINE_The thrips species Liothrips urichi from Trinidad is being used to biologically control C. hirta; it was first employed on Fiji in 1930 (Simmonds, 1933)._NEWLINE_Controlling feral pig populations (Sus scrofa) has been widely suggested as an effective means to reduce the spread of C. hirta, as ground disturbance by these exotic mammals is strongly linked to the successful establishment of C. hirta, as well as a number of other invasive plants such as Morella faya. Although sheep have been shown to control most weeds in plantations, they will not eat C. hirta (Francis, 2004). According to Mune and Parham (1967), no effective chemical control for C. hirta exists. However, Teoh et al. (1982) reports that C. hirta may be killed by applications of triclopyr. Norman and Trujillo (1995) have found that a mycoherbicide containing Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. clidemiae as the active ingredient was effective against C. hirta. _START_SECTION_ Policy and law _START_PARAGRAPH_ Clidemia hirta has been nominated as among 100 of the "World's Worst" invaders by the IUCN Invasive Species Specialist Group and it has been listed as a noxious weed in Queensland and the Northern Territories (Australia) and Hawaii. It is not listed as a noxious weed by the state or governments in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. _START_SECTION_ Occurrence in Australia _START_PARAGRAPH_ An infestation of Koster’s curse was found in Julatten (near Mount Molloy, Queensland) in 2001. This outbreak threatens to spread into the Mount Lewis National Park and Mowbray National Park. Community-based efforts to control Koster's curse in Julatten are coordinated by the._NEWLINE_In 2016 a second infestation was discovered in Wooroonooran National Park._NEWLINE_Koster’s curse has the potential to spread rapidly over many areas of Australia where conditions are suitable, including the Northern Territory, northern New South Wales, and much of north-east Queensland._NEWLINE_In New South Wales Australia, there is a hotline number for citizens to call and report any noticed occurrences of the plant.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cliff May Experimental House _START_PARAGRAPH_ The Cliff May Experimental House was built by Cliff May in the early 1950s as his family's fourth house and developed to push his ideas of "bringing the outdoors in" and open interior planning. The one-story, 1800-sf house is a simple rectangle in plan with a 288-square foot open skylight in the center. May's family of five created different rooms by using movable partitions. The family resided in the home for two years, while May determined how the sizeable skylight and open plan functioned for the residents there. From this experience, the home "Mandalay" was designed by May, which became the last home for his family._NEWLINE_This house is located at 1831 Old Ranch Road in the Riviera Ranch neighborhood of Los Angeles. Thomas D. Church & Associates, Landscape Architects. Peggy Galloway, Interior Designer. It was recognized as a City of Los Angeles Historic Cultural Landmark in 2002. In 2007, design firm Marmol Radziner restored the historic home, re-establishing the open floor plan, replacing the roof, and bringing the home up to current code. The firm also provided landscape design and interior design services.
_START_ARTICLE_ Cliffe Fort _START_SECTION_ Background _START_PARAGRAPH_ By the late 1850s, Britain and France were locked in an arms race. A new generation of increasingly accurate and powerful guns had been developed (of the Rifled Muzzle Loader (RML) and Rifled Breech Loader (RBL) types), mounted on fast-moving, manoueuvrable steam-powered ironclad warships such as the French La Gloire and the British HMS Warrior. Such vessels posed a serious threat to the important naval installations on the Thames, including the victualling yards at Deptford, the armaments works of Woolwich Arsenal, the shipbuilding yards at North Woolwich, and the magazines at Purfleet. It was not possible for large warships to reach central London, as the river was not yet deep enough to take ships of more than 400 tons above Deptford. However, as the American Civil War was soon to show, it was quite possible for the warships of the day to run past forts and attack up coastal rivers._NEWLINE_By this time Britain's coastal defences had not been substantially upgraded since the Napoleonic Wars. A number of forts built between the 16th and late 18th centuries stood in the area around Tilbury and Gravesend, west of Cliffe Fort, but like many other existing fortifications in Britain they were by now largely obsolete. The government's response was to appoint a Royal Commission on the Defence of the United Kingdom, which published a far-reaching report in 1860. The Royal Commission recommended that a triangle of forts should be established on the lower Thames, east of Gravesend. This would involve replacing the old Coalhouse Fort on the Essex shore with a new fortification, similarly replacing the existing Shornemead Fort and building a wholly new fort at Cliffe, which would replace an 18th-century battery at Lower Hope Point about 2.1 km (1.3 mi) further downriver. The location of the forts would enable interlocking arcs of fire from their guns. _START_SECTION_ Construction _START_PARAGRAPH_ Cliffe Fort was constructed between 1861–70 for an estimated cost of around £163,000. The fort and its counterparts at Coalhouse Point and Shornmead were designed, except for their ironwork, by Captain Siborne of the Royal Engineers. The iron and steel shields of their casemates were developed by Captain English and Lieutenant English of the Royal Engineers. _NEWLINE_Its original plan called for 13 guns to be mounted on the fort's terreplein or roof, three more to be mounted en barbette and two for land defence. Granite-faced casemates with iron shields would house another 20 guns below. The front would form a quadrant protected by three flanking caponiers for musketry, with two bastioned fronts formed by the gorge building. In addition to the main magazine, the interior of the fort would house four shell filling rooms and four expense magazines. The entire fort would rest on a bed of concrete 7 ft (2.1 m) thick._NEWLINE_However, the problems of building on a marshy site next to the river soon made it necessary to change the plans substantially. The depth of the foundations was increased to utilise a concrete bed 14 ft (4.3 m) thick, supported by piles 30 ft (9.1 m) long. The part-built fort began subsiding and cracking in 1865, causing the abandonment of plans to mount guns on the roof. Instead, the design was modified to make it a purely casemated fort with a very similar aspect to Coalhouse Fort on the other side of the river. A moat and earthworks provided further protection on the riverine side of the fort. Conditions for the men working on the fort's construction were said to be extremely unpleasant, due to the waterlogged conditions. Outbreaks of malaria and bronchitis were persistent problems for the workforce. The Chief Royal Engineer wrote in August 1864 after visiting the site: "The officers' quarters at Cliffe are a mere hut, an abominable stinking place in summer, very cold and wet in winter. It stands by the side of a foul ditch which cannot be cleaned, for the mere disturbing of its contents would endanger the health of the officers." _START_SECTION_ Operational history _START_PARAGRAPH_ The fort's main armament by 1887 consisted of two 12.5-inch and nine 11-inch RMLs mounted in casemates plus two 9-inch RMLs in open battery at the upriver end. The arc of fire of the guns was designed to cross with that of Coalhouse and Shornemead Forts. Fire control positions for optical range-finders were later added to the roof, as there was no higher ground nearby that could be used for the purpose. _NEWLINE_Some time after 1887, a launching station for the Brennan torpedo—a weapon which has been described as "the world's first practical guided missile"—was added to the fort. One of the magazines was converted into a chamber for the engine room with ancillary chambers for other machinery. One of the emplacements in the open battery also had to be taken out of service. A large concrete room was built onto the front of the fort to store the torpedoes, which were launched from a rail mounted on the roof of the torpedo room. Flank walls were added to the roof to protect the launch crew from enemy fire. Two slipways were built at different times, the second being added most likely in the 1900s, along with a telescopic control tower on the roof to direct the torpedoes. Only one of the slipways now survives along with vestiges of the tower; the other slipway has been infilled._NEWLINE_After 1895, the fort was modernised with the addition of concrete emplacements on the roof to accommodate first three 3 pdr. QF guns (and subsequently four 12 pdr. quick-firing guns), in addition to the existing two 12.5-inch RMLs, five 11-inch RMLs and one 9-inch RML. The new QF guns were added to cover a planned boom defence and minefield against enemy attempts to clear them. Searchlights were also installed and the ditch was largely filled in._NEWLINE_In World War I the 12 pdr. guns were replaced by two 6-inch breech-loading Mk. VII guns emplaced on the fort's roof, which in turn were replaced near the end of the war by four QF guns. The torpedo station had been dismantled by this time. The fort was disarmed in 1927, but during World War II, two of the positions on the roof were altered to accommodate two 4-inch anti-aircraft guns. It was used as a base for the Royal Navy Auxiliary Service during the war. _START_SECTION_ Current status _START_PARAGRAPH_ The War Office sold Cliffe Fort in the 1950s or 1960s to the owners of the large aggregates works next to the structure. Formerly owned by Blue Circle Aggregates, it is presently owned by Brett Aggregates, who operate the sea-dredged aggregate processing wharf adjacent. It was used for a while as the headquarters for the Blue Circle Sailing Club but was eventually abandoned and left to fall into disuse. It is not open to the public and is fenced off, though its exterior is accessible via the Saxon Shore Way coastal path, which runs in front of it. The fort is now derelict and in a deteriorated condition. The interior is heavily flooded and has suffered from vandalism; the domestic range has fallen into ruin. The exterior is overgrown, partly flooded and surrounded by piles of sand from the neighbouring aggregates works, though it is structurally sound. The fort is listed on the English Heritage "Heritage at Risk" register.