One problem is that, as [Scott Adams recently pointed out](http://blog.dilbert.com/post/109880240641/sciences-biggest-fail), what is healthy changes way too often, while the latest fad is always promoted as the only correct alternative, while everything that until now was the only correct way is suddenly stupid and backwards. These people do science disservice, because that's not what science is meant to be. It can be even proven you can never be sure if your understanding is correct or complete and in many cases it's just "X is a bit more likely than Y", which is then interpreted by science popularizers as "certainly X, if you think something else, you are stupid". Second problem is that the pro-vaccine group went insane first. It went from the devastating smallpox, to diseases like polio that occasionally killed or crippled people, to (especially in the US) usually harmless bacteria like pneumo- and meningococcus, that healthy people can carry with no ill effect, to vaccinating against chickenpox, which likely does more harm than good, since it's only serious later in life, especially when first encountered during pregnancy. There is no reason why these vaccines should be mandatory (and in most of the world they are not) and I'm not surprised that some parents revolt against it. Edit: Please reply if you disagree, don't just downvote. Reddit (and the Internet at large) is a land of absolutes. Either you're 100% [insert position here] or you're a scumbag waste of oxygen. Anonymity + open forum = douchebags gone wild. Not the only outcome, but it's quite a common one.
One problem is that, as [Scott Adams recently pointed out](http://blog.dilbert.com/post/109880240641/sciences-biggest-fail), what is healthy changes way too often, while the latest fad is always promoted as the only correct alternative, while everything that until now was the only correct way is suddenly stupid and backwards. These people do science disservice, because that's not what science is meant to be. It can be even proven you can never be sure if your understanding is correct or complete and in many cases it's just "X is a bit more likely than Y", which is then interpreted by science popularizers as "certainly X, if you think something else, you are stupid". Second problem is that the pro-vaccine group went insane first. It went from the devastating smallpox, to diseases like polio that occasionally killed or crippled people, to (especially in the US) usually harmless bacteria like pneumo- and meningococcus, that healthy people can carry with no ill effect, to vaccinating against chickenpox, which likely does more harm than good, since it's only serious later in life, especially when first encountered during pregnancy. There is no reason why these vaccines should be mandatory (and in most of the world they are not) and I'm not surprised that some parents revolt against it. Edit: Please reply if you disagree, don't just downvote. Great to see a comment like this. The most frustrating thing to me is seeing how absolute all or nothing the debate has become. The "pro-vaccine" crowd falls back on an appeal to authority and demands every vaccine be forced by law, and states anyone who would question ANY vaccine is an anti-science idiot trying to murder the few innocent children with already compromised immune systems. It should be OK to talk about the risk/reward of chickenpox vaccine without being accused of believing MMR causes autism.
Juvenile article. This is /r/politics' bread and butter.
Its straight off the US Neo-Con train I have noticed getting more ground in the UK for the past couple of years. I have watched a lot of US news over the years and its the same old tactics that the Republicans and the tea party use. Lots of fear mongering, very few facts, misinformation and an aggressive/ approach to discussion. I used to laugh and think I'm glad we are not that dumb enough to fall for this nonsense in the UK... Its really fucking scary. Seems to be great for recruiting useful idiots to beat the far right drum.
Beautiful solidarity!! And we support the Novorossiyans' steadfast stance and interest in carving out an independent-minded civilization apart from the NATO dictate and the hireling regime in Kiev - may they reach Odessa by the end of the year!!! This is why Arab-Russian solidarity lasts for so many years and the decades. We will not be swallowed up in this world! When the wars are over no matter how far off from now and our lands freed completely, there should be Damascus-Kiev-Moscow friendship and cultural exchange, great convention. Why are people that call for the extermination of Kurdish people not banned?
Obstructionism, as in the president saying he'll pretty much veto everything now that the house and senate are controlled by republicans? Edit: sure, down vote me. I'm just pointing out that it's not only obstruction when congress won't work with the president, but when the president refuses to work with a congress. It's not just obstruction if it's not your preference. Shhh, these people don't want to believe it works both ways, let them continue to live in their bubble where the Democrats are honest and only looking out for the good of "the people". Lolz.
Tone policing is no way to go through life son. I would rather we police the tones of speech than allow hateful ideas to spread.
Former socialist here (so I expect to get a lot of downvotes). I feel like any system of economic distribution will violate human nature in some way or another, but it seems like capitalism inculcates better incentives at the micro-level for the average citizen than a socialist system. Socialism relies too much in my opinion on the entire citizenry being both trained in socialist morality while also having a high degree of self-sufficiency, which I see as a difficult combination of traits to be near universally dispersed throughout a population. If you read Havel, Miłosz, or Solzhenitsyn you will see that they recognize capitalism has significant problems, but that socialism has its own problems and they are (arguably) worse. I would love to actually discuss this with anyone, but I don't know how receptive this subreddit is to that sort of stuff. I really wish they banned people like you around here. Do us all a favor and fuck off please.
The reason that religions get a pass on taxes is to keep them the fuck out of politics. In my mind, they still manage to intertwine themselves far too closely with politics. So... what we should really be doing is figuring out how to extract maximum political disconnect for their tax exempt status. impossible to do, so just tax the mutherFuckers
Had a teacher in high school with the last name Martin so it is a surname. Holy shit, how many downvotes is that for a small comment. Je Suis McDaniels92.
Holy shit, how many downvotes is that for a small comment. Je Suis McDaniels92. Lol! Bunch of miserable cucumbers in this sub. You fools! Downvotes only make me stronger! Je Suis McDaniels92
Wasn't he going to Unite the parties too.... LOL at the most divisive President in our history Hard to be a uniter when every other thing out of your mouth is how evil "the other side" is.
Well this is interestingly funny to have appeared on your sub. My comment is backed by the facts that Japan did offer/send 200,000,000$ to Palestine in relief funds. Before that France along with Ireland supported/support the idea of Palestine becoming an independent state (which for some silly reason 'threatens' cry baby Israel) along with 100,000,000$ in relief support. But hey I guess connecting the dots can't be this easy for everyone. Hey the downnvotes are happening that means I'm doing something right here. :-)
Yeah, but the "crux" of the argument isn't even an argument, especially from a Scalia/Thomas point of view: > The number of gay marriage states has tripled since 2013, when a Supreme Court ruling on a federal benefits law cast doubt on state bans. So, does that mean that the Constitutional question has changed, since 2013? So you're in favor of SCOTUS failing to follow due process when it favors your personal views?
So he rejected to give Ukraine any weapons? Thats great news, thanks. Ukraine got a chance to get out of this mess without loosing thousands more dead You know Ukraine could just stop the war and start to negotiate right? Would end bloodshed immediately. And I mean negotiate directly with the rebel leadership
Very impressed and proud of Lavrov's speech and answers during Munich meeting. A true master class of diplomacy that any foreign diplomat could learn from. Dont let headline fool you. Watch it fully here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWsR_nkxfAY Me too. In stark contrast to the west in general and the US in particular, the Russians still largely deploy impressive career diplomats. Well schooled, multilingual, very experienced and intelligent people of which Lavrov is a shining example. Thank you for the link.
Brought to you by liberals To anybody downvoting, please remember that the Republican party was founding in opposition to slavery, and the Democrat party was absolutely pro-slavery for a significant period subsequent to the civil war. The Democratic party is singularly responsible for gun control in this country *from the beginning* and remains so to this day. There are lots of pro-gun liberals outside of politics, but the Democrat party does define the "liberal" label here in the U.S. and gun control is an integral part of their definition.
When are ancaps going to realize that free markets DO NOT EQUAL capitalism? Check out market socialism to see "free market" principles applied to another system. In other words, free markets are not exclusive or necessary for capitalism to exist. In order for capitalism to exist, private ownership of MOP must be in place. Nothing more. In my experience very few an-caps advocate for capitalism itself, they just tolerate it for not knowing any better.
Most of the "checks and balances" that make the US unique are pretty bad. Most democracies do not use them and that's why they have better policy outcomes and more freedom. No one has more freedom than the US despite all our present faults.
I'm not sure I agree with this generalization. Alot of poverty can be accurately described as man-made, but poverty as a whole isn't. Not all poverty is due to capitalist exploitation. No poverty is "due" to Capitalism. Most poverty is due to socialism.
> “Bruce Rauner’s scheme to strip the rights of state workers and weaken their unions by executive order is a blatantly illegal abuse of power,” AFSCME Council 31 director Roberta Lynch said. “Perhaps as a private equity CEO Rauner was accustomed to ignoring legal and ethical standards, but Illinois is still a democracy and its laws have meaning. … Our union and all organized labor will stand together with those who believe in democracy to overturn Bruce Rauner’s illegal action and restore the integrity of the rule of law.” That's all they have to say? That's the defense? The right to work movement has been going on for a long time now, and that's the rebuttal effort by a bunch of unions in one of if not, now, the largest union states in America - pathetic, really, what else can you say? > to strip the rights of state workers Only in a newspeak marxist world does giving a worker an additional option equal losing rights. How can any intelligent union worker not see through that bullshit propaganda? I'm frankly shocked that's the best they have to offer as an attack - it shows how weak the union leadership talent is. > illegal action and restore the integrity of the rule of law Again, pure hyperbole and, if any workers who have been paying attention realize, simply bullshit. Of course this will get downvoted from here to eternity (and without logical refute as is the norm it seems unfortunately), but I would love to see a rational defense for this lame defensive action on the part of the union (Lynch) on, supposedly, the behalf of the union membership. If it is true that the union is necessary and that RTW is destroying not just the numbers of the union membership, but the ability of the union to protect its workers - where is the proof, where is the evidence, where is the high priced legal team that surely organized labor can afford to fight for the membership? Excellent post. Probably the best I've read yet today.
The reason a lot of people are unhappy with Obama's statements about the crusades is because it seems like he is trying to justify recent acts of terror. Exactly....he's using centuries old conflict to make modern militant islam acceptable. Fucking loser, Obama.
>Russia can be safe that they can shoot one nuke without nukes fired back because the US and the EU does not have the balls. That is exactly their doctrine. A limited strike first, then see if they back off. Everything is in place for a first limited nuke strike from Russia. * The US and EU are headless chickens scared of war. * Time running out for Putin, the next US president might shoot back. * Putin already has control over Russian propaganda. He can perfectly explain it why he nuked the west to the Russian people. * Putin has already dictatorial powers. Any upset Russian that Putin nuked one city will be repressed. * Putin already has enough power in Russia to nuke a city and not lose much power in Russia. * The world is laughing at Putin when again he yells wolf. He has no other choice to demonstrate to the world that he is not scared to nuke a city. As an example. * What is the west going to do after he nuked a city? More economic sanctions and peace talk?
Why is this important? What's your point? OP is a bigot. Nuff said
I literally quoted a sentence from the article without adding a word. Then you reply: > So killing an entire family because you wanted their parking spot is okay? You owe me an apology. You are both douches, there, happy?
But it's perfectly acceptable to give Obama countless standing ovations at the State of the Union? Do not taunt Happy Fun Hive Mind.
Even if she doesn't run in 2016, I'm perfectly happy with her continuing to do exactly what she's been doing. Also, just because she's good at this stuff, doesn't necessarily mean she'd be good as president. I think she needs to be Treasury Secretary.
'So-called men’s rights activists...' Written by a so-called journalist? The anti-male PC bias in this screed is palpable. I'd have expected more from the NYT but, meh. Good topic and all and the writing is above a freshman level; too bad it undermines itself with needless posturing and gender bias. I agree, good/great thought piece, but the author's message is diluted w their own bias against equity for men. That one line was telling about some people's views on what equality should mean.
No, I think I'd rather not bother. Intellectual degenerate. It's currently a combination of secret politicization, and secret whatever the fuck they want.
Teacher friend of mine says his priority is to produce taxpayers, even if they pay $1. If that was the goal of every teacher, I think we might have a better nation. So that they can pay into the welfare system to support liberal arts majors who refuse to work so they can "make art." Yeah, that's a workable model.
Thinking for yourself = parroting the extreme left views of the academic establishment. LOL Or the Tumblr hippies who make up words like "microaggression".
Maybe only 35 permanent jobs, but building a pipeline of that magnitude takes time. It would provide many opportunities for otherwise unskilled workers to learn a trade and make something of themselves in order to secure employment well beyond the construction. Even if it is on another project. This privately funded infrastructure project will fund more jobs than Obama Rama Ding Dong did with his $1T stimulpus infrastructure project.
This has nothing to do with slippery slope... this is about equality... if the federal government claims that all men an women should be treated equally on everything why do some have to pay a higher % in taxes... The honest answer is the /r/politics hivemind believes Gainsburg's interpretation of the Constitution, aka it means whatever i ***feel*** it means.
You mad bro? the only people who like buzzfeed are people under 24 yrs old and gay people. i'm guessing you are a gay 14 yr old.
Teachers wouldn't be such easy targets if a) their unions were so eager to protect turf, and refuse some objective accountability regarding effectiveness, and b) the vast majority of public funds allocated to "education" appears to disappear in a black box. For California, for instance, roughly [43 cents of every state tax dollar spent](http://www.sco.ca.gov/state_finances_101_state_spending.html) is allocated to k-12 education. That is a **huge** amount, yet public schools here generally are considered among the worst in the nation. It's not the money. It's the poor ROI that's the issue. And teachers unions just attract these negative opinions of themselves and their constituents by not helping increase transparency, accountability, and awareness of what works vs what doesn't in the school system. Thanks for the fight-facts-with-downvotes train, guys. Way to argue your point. If k-12 education isn't consuming over 40% of a state's budget, dispute me. If you think that is money well spent, show how I'm wrong and California's among the top for public primary school education in the US. Or dispute that the public face of school teachers, their unions, doesn't throw tantrums whenever the subject of pay-for-performance comes up. Or you could just down vote me, and convince me that I'm in fact correct, and that progressives can't handle facts, just emotions.
Thanks for the fight-facts-with-downvotes train, guys. Way to argue your point. If k-12 education isn't consuming over 40% of a state's budget, dispute me. If you think that is money well spent, show how I'm wrong and California's among the top for public primary school education in the US. Or dispute that the public face of school teachers, their unions, doesn't throw tantrums whenever the subject of pay-for-performance comes up. Or you could just down vote me, and convince me that I'm in fact correct, and that progressives can't handle facts, just emotions. Thanks again. Feelings above logic, emotion-based reaction above fact-based. Fucking progressives. You deserve the anti-science brigade as your bedfellows.
Whoever shot this plane down, some responsibility is with Ukrainian traffic controllers and their air force. How much is up to the investigators to determine. Not only traffic controllers, Kiev was using civilian aircraft as shields for their attack jets thinking that separatists AA wouldn't be so stupid to shoot down a civilian target. They were wrong !! edit: idiots with CSS-hacks just to downvote anyone with whom they don't agree with (this is not the purpose of the voting system), anyhow: [Correct!V: MH17 searching for the truth](https://mh17.correctiv.org/english/) >The Russian military under Vladimir Putin is responsible for the downing of MH17. The Russian military destabilized east Ukraine; it provided the separatists with troops and the equipment needed to kill the passengers aboard MH17. The attack could have been intentional or occurred in a moment of panic. >The Ukrainian government takes partial responsibility. It used the passengers of civilian aircrafts as human shields in air attacks on Russian tanks. Its fighter jets hid among planes packed with vacationers, placing hundreds of innocent lives at risk.
I don't think conservatives are really that smug. They have plenty of other faults, sure, but I think OP is right that liberals seem to have this trait on a much higher level than most other people. I've never gotten the sense you described in this comment from listening to conservatives. George W. Bush, as terrible as a president as he was, never really ever acted like he was better than you. > George W. Bush, as terrible as a president as he was, never really ever acted like he was better than you. True. As for Obama, he smugly thinks he has something to teach 'the little people'.
fuck your bitch mother Top kek. If you fuckers weren't all talk and you actually tried to start your bullshit revolution you'd get cut down like field mice under a rotary motor.
> Further reduction of competition in an already competition starved marked. > What is the reduction of competition? In areas where you can get Comcast, you can't get Time Warner, and vice versa. They're not currently competing. They've already got market and pricing power. Yes the industry is terrible, but there's no *decrease* in competition as result of this merger on the consumer side. On the content side, that's exactly where the DOJ/FCC are currently talking about imposing conditions. Until we see those conditions, we can't evaluate what competitive impact this merger will have. I like how all these people have failed to properly responded to your argument, you've just landed in a sea of "HURR BUT DEY EVIL!" comments. And then you restate your position and offer them an opportunity to comment on the merits of your argument, only to receive more irrelevant talking points vomited forth from the Department of Generic Reddit Hatred Towards Comcast. This thread is fucking magical. Edit- Hit the "disagree" button as much as you like. If you honestly think his point doesn't contribute the conversation, at least bother to provide a counter-argument.
This sub is hilarious. Love me some hypocrites. It's one of my favorites. /r/politics get stupid sometimes, sure, but this group gets it's panties so wet just finding examples where Dems can be as bad as Republicans. It's like they've discovered penicillin every time.
Funny how [**this similar case**](http://www.brennerbrief.com/video-killer-of-white-teens-mocks-families-during-sentencing-says-black-lives-matter/), involving two white teens murdered and tortured for the color of their skin while the two murdered mocked the parents in court did not gather such attention for the media, i really wonder why. Maybe its white privilege, being brutally murdered in a hate crime but making just part of another statistic. You find two white teens being murdered, funny? You sick fuck!
Fuck, Jews need to leave Europe. Just fyi I am saying this from a Jewish perspective, not an antisemitic one. I am worried for Jews in Europe to get into a country where there are much more likely to be killed in a terror attack? what an antisemitic thing to say.
/r/libertarianmeme kill yaself homie
Watch closer and keep in mind the lightning pace this was all happening at. The action that makes them shoot is clear. The victim makes a gesture that appears like he is retrieving and raising something from his waistband. It's quick as a flash, but it IS what results in the opening fire. The suspect had already thrown something at an officer (which is what causes the first shots when he runs.) I'm all for stricter regulations on the over-zealous cops, but we also have to truly investigate each event while doing so. No, no, no. Clearly you don't get it. *Any* attempt by the police to defend themselves is clearly wrong and should be punished by the death penalty! /s
I don't see how guilty until proven innocent is a fair characterization of this law. For instance, if I stole your car would it be reasonable because I claimed that you consented to me taking it because you saw me grab your keys, walk out, start it and at no point stopped me. Or would you expect a court to say that I needed some form of active consent - you verbally affirm, toss me the keys, etc. This law isn't any different. It just makes the standard for rape consent rather than lack of resistance. Note, that though this article doesn't include it, consent can given implied by physical actions. Edit: I can understand why some believe this law requires the accused to prove there was consent - the headline is blatantly misleading - however the reality is that the law changes the standard from "was there denial of consent" to "was there affirmation of consent". In neither case is the accused required to prove their innocence. You're getting massive downvotes for asserting that a women's body belongs to the woman. Libertarian theories of ownership boil down to "If I mix my labor with it, then it belongs to me." And by labor, they mean penis. "But guys, why don't more women and minorities support us? I assume it's because women are emotional and minorities are uneducated."
France is being colonized, or maybe has been already You mean the same way Israel is colonizing the West Bank? Idiot
you have a fedora? most people look like shit wearing one, you included i bet. No but you do
Boehner was right to keep the White House in the dark about inviting Netanyahu for exactly the reason he gave. There is significant support for Israel and Netanyahu in the United States from the GOP and its base. The White House doesn't get to put a muzzle on Netanyahu and bully Israel into silence just because the President wishes Israel would just go away. Israel is the country in the Middle East that most closely shares the values of America and is basically the only real friend the US has in that part of the world. I'm glad Boehner told Obama to shove it. Half the country is fine with giving Israel a chance to speak its mind in front of Congress, and if the Democrats don't like it, maybe they should have worked harder to get more of their party elected. A sane voice in /r/politics? These mushrooms must be kicking in!
What the fuck has Scotland got to do with me? I've reported you for trolling and have also blocked you. Cheers.
What? How the fuck is 'thug' a racial slur? Because there is no defending these thugs actions, but since they are by a vast majority black, the SJWs and race baiters have decided thug is a bad word. It's a lot easier to shift the argument / topic away from uncomfortable or issues you can't or won't address when you make basic language describing the issue taboo Well fuck that. Don't act like a thug, won't be called a thug. That simple.
If you liked that link you may also be interested in the truth.. http://www.forbes.com/sites/realspin/2014/02/07/the-keystone-pipeline-would-create-thousands-of-jobs/ Nice link. Thanks for the truth! You don't see that much on /r/politics.
Nice link. Thanks for the truth! You don't see that much on /r/politics. Because it's downvoted to oblivion if it goes against the circle jerk.
Loosely translated: " hey democrats, start sending me some of that oil and banking money you raise and I'll try and be a thorn in the Republicans' butts." "Michael Schaivo Determined to Have Another 15 Seconds and Earn Some Extra Income" Not that I'm pro-Jeb or anything. I'm not. But hey, I agree, let's call it what it is.
And it still will ... fraud will still jappen. But we will insure that it will be punishable. It takes alot to fund this first world living everyone needs to pay their part. The poor do eat, sleep and use the roads we will not force Americans to pay for others like highly educated slaves. If we closed our boarders we could do better at keeping this under control. We shouldn't need borders or border control. We should be free to travel as we choose.
Shit I learned on reddit: parents aren't family. Parents only aren't family when it makes Republicans look evil
Lithuania at UNSC: 1) There is no separatists/rebels in East Ukraine. Only armed thugs and terrorists. 2) Ukraine did all right in Debaltseve, they should fight until the last man for every single square meter of their land. 3) Lithuania can help Ukraine, but Russia can't help rebels. Sorry, I know that Lithuania's view is really popular here and I am most probably going to get downvoted, but this is utter bullshit. Their representative is acting like a little naive child. I could not agree more as I mentioned below I am really annoyed by that the Lithuanian representative has been acting. What she is showing is not political competence but the blind hatred and nativity of a 6 year old.
If anything I drive more cautiously after smoking. Edit (just saw this over at /r/Science) : http://www.techtimes.com/articles/32956/20150216/stoned-drivers-are-safer-than-drunk-drivers-nhtsa-study-suggests.htm And I hope one day you get caught and lose your license. Thank you for risking others lives... How kind of you.
this. then answer the question.
No, because it was the GOP who pushed for the civil rights movement while the dems fought against it. The Dixiecrats were eventually pushed out of the Democratic party which is when they joined the GoP which lead to what it's become today. Shhhhhh, some people are not prepared to learn that republicans were not always batfuck crazy.
I don't mean to be racist but, Jews like money. https://i.imgur.com/5WYMsSv.jpg
But... but... you can't go! An Caps told me you can't leave. So it must be impossible. I mean... my god, if you could leave then... it's like you have a choice about your circumstances. It's almost then as though you'd be living in America BY CHOICE if you didn't leave. Holy shit. I mean if you choose to live in the US then that might be an action that carried with it certain responsibilities via some sort of implied contract. And on top of that you're moving to a place where, according to the Fort Galt website, the government is far less intrusive and "Property tax is also very low and **in some rural places, it's even nonexistent.**" It's as though you have an active and makeable choice about the amount of government you want and the level of taxation that comes with it. Thanks for your post. You've just unintentionally proven half the people here wrong. > half the people here To be frank, half the people here are not adults.
American is getting crazier. We're at a point where one in 70 Americans will get shot in their lifetime. It's way beyond crazy.
What makes more sense to you guys, that Isreal will force birth control on their own people, or that an immigrant that probably doesnt understand Hebrew well if at all missunderstood or was improparly explained the implication of the shot she is getting. It makes me sad seeing what alot of people here think about my country. We face challanges most countrys dont need to face nor had to face. We are being criticized about everything we do while others get free passes on much much worse things. Reddit hates Israel but loves blacks and muslims unconditionally. It's just a fact around here. Anyone caught out of place in the echo chamber gets downvoted to obscurity, just like your post and my post.
MRAs do not think this. That is ridiculous. At worst MRAs think that giving women advice on how to be safe doesn't support a rape culture any more than telling people to look both ways before crossing the street doesn't create a car killing pedestrian culture. There are sane MRAs and there are shithead sexist MRAs. There are sane feminists and there are shithead sexist feminists. Equal and opposite problems.
The only unpatriotic thing is our government. Our country is perfectly fine, its the shitty government, need all the baby boomers to just die already You wouldn't have it so good if it wasn't for the baby boomers parents fighting for this country, so chill out with that.
The GOP is literally terrorists. From native Americans to African Americans, they have been terrorizing us since our inception. I feel like we need to take some serious action to reduce the threat posed by the White Wing of America! Democrats were the ones who fought for slavery, liberal leaders give absolutely no shits about anyone but gaining power. Look at Europe for example, liberal socialists, completely falling apart, and it wont be too long before complete chaos and anarchy break out. Look at Obama too, Democrat, when an American was killed, he addressed it in a speech so that people would not know how little he cared (he did not even write the speech) 10 minutes later he was back playing golf. I am neither Democrat nor Republican, I am libertarian, but I at least respect Republicans for having love and morals and not just bull shitting and telling people only what they want to hear
Source http://m.huffpost.com/uk/entry/6631026 Edit; Not sure why im getting down voted .. Don't shoot the messenger Exactly. So remember Green voters - whenever you debate with a UKIP voter, remember that they are far less educated than we are and their political views are based on ignorance. It's not too late to change. http://greenparty.org.uk/values/
Well it's not exactly a 'fact' that he was wrong. Saying that a policy is hurting growth isn't 'wrong' just because there is *some* growth. If the growth could have been better without that policy, the original statement is still true. The article doesn't even account for that possibility. Pretty clearly biased, but just like Fox News, anyone reading MSNBC isn't looking for truth, they are looking for confirmation that their beliefs are correct. So no harm done, really. Finally. Someone gets it. I think r/politics belongs on the list of places where confirmation bias run rampant.
What a jerk. Who watches him? The fourteen year olds that post this kind of shit.
Communism was started by the Christians in the Book of Acts, and Calvin, who was a Christian, has been referred to as the spiritual father of Capitalism. He promoted usury. Christians started an atheist system of economic distribution. You lost me there.
Just watched this on teh BBC news and I don't see what the fuss is about. I was expecting some horrid neo-nazi ranting but she was measured and honest. She doesn't like blacks and doesn't really know why and wondered if it was her psyche and accepted it wasn't really a good thing. She suggested it was the fact she was born in a different era in a place that hadn't become multicultural Love how the BBC saved this documentary until just before they would no longer be allowed to broadcast it to cause maximum damage and outrage I agree that she didn't do anything wrong, I expect Mr Farage didn't either but he has to show himself as being strong against racism. That is just politics. If she didn't use the word 'negro' and instead just said black people then I expect she would have a better defense.
Thanks for the link but no way in hell am I letting anything from some libertarian rag created by Glenn Beck into my being. Is the sidebar a joke on something like a majority of scientists agreeing about climate change? Ha! Well, I hope that at least reading The Bible is not below you. There, start with this one: http://www.skepticalscience.com/print.php?n=2315
So what happens if Turkey went full Rambo on the people that are alll buddy buddy with America? According to this retarded subreddit: Turkey gets nuked by US because of fighing PKK/YPG In real life: Nothing happens
What makes you say that girls that carry a gun are poorly trained? Is it a controversial stereotype that women are more panicky and prone to poor judgement in stressful situations? Isn't that why they aren't racecar drivers and such?
Yes, I did ignore a lot of your tripe. Because its fake, it's phoney, it's propaganda. Some billionaires paid lots of money to lobby shops to generate ad copy. Want to hear about the Atlas Foundation? Koch and Hayek? Hayek and Pinochet? That's verifiable history. Fuck your method. You can find thousands of pages, maybe tens of thousands of pages, on the method to operate the Starship Enterprise. But the Starship Enterprise still does not exist. Billionaires create lots of foundations so libertarian economists can award Bastiat prizes to each other or whatever praxeology is called this week. But it is still. all. fake. I'll type this slowly: You. are. a. house. nigger. to. the. rich. This thread has been targeted by a *possible* downvote-brigade from ***[/r/Shitstatistssay](http://np.reddit.com/r/Shitstatistssay/comments/2wrpcg/economically_illiterate_leftist_in_rworldpolitics/)*** * *[Economically illiterate leftist in r/worldpolitics can't make an actual argument so he falls back on racial slurs](http://np.reddit.com/r/Shitstatistssay/comments/2wrpcg/economically_illiterate_leftist_in_rworldpolitics/)* **Members of *[/r/Shitstatistssay](http://np.reddit.com/r/Shitstatistssay/comments/2wrpcg/economically_illiterate_leftist_in_rworldpolitics/)* active in this thread:** * [/u/rSe0h](http://np.reddit.com/u/LordMises) * [/u/8tU6h](http://np.reddit.com/u/Frank_Luska_Reborn) ----- ^★ *^Marxism ^is ^much ^more ^than ^a ^political ^programme ^and ^an ^economic ^theory. ^It ^is ^a ^philosophy, ^the ^vast ^scope ^of ^which ^covers ^not ^only ^politics ^and ^the ^class ^struggle, ^but ^the ^whole ^of ^human ^history, ^economics, ^society, ^thought ^and ^nature. ^--alan ^woods* ^★
This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit. - [/r/Shitstatistssay] [Economically illiterate leftist in r/worldpolitics can't make an actual argument so he falls back on racial slurs](http://np.reddit.com/r/Shitstatistssay/comments/2wrpcg/economically_illiterate_leftist_in_rworldpolitics/) *^If ^you ^follow ^any ^of ^the ^above ^links, ^respect ^the ^rules ^of ^reddit ^and ^don't ^vote ^or ^comment. ^Questions? ^Abuse? [^Message ^me ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fmeta_bot_mailbag)* from Anti-Brigade-Bot-3 via /r/worldpolitics/ sent 2 hours ago This thread has been targeted by a possible downvote-brigade from /r/Shitstatistssay Economically illiterate leftist in r/worldpolitics can't make an actual argument so he falls back on racial slurs Members of /r/Shitstatistssay active in this thread: /u/rSe0h
Thanks for the article. Honestly, this is going to wind up giving Texas a black eye. The Judge's ruling was flawed and nonsensical. The argument that this will be a "major burden" on state budgets just doesn't reflect reality. The states are more than able to handle the increased number of people who will qualify for driver licenses and student assistance. When we've had "Temporary Protected Status" issued for Hondurans and Salvadorians (along with Hatians and a handful of other countries, but I'm going with the ones I'm familiar with), the states were able to handle the increased burdens without major issue. This is little more than the last, dying gasps of hateful, xenophobic partisans who can't handle the reality of the world around them. Here is the reality of the current (and engineered) immigration crisis. The Democrats (and Elites) hate the electorate of the US. They want to engineer an new electorate. If they can flood the US with a relatively small number of Democratic voters, they will win elections forever. If these "undocumented aliens" suddenly voted Republican, then all "right thinking people" would want to deport them and tell those that wanted them to stay that they were on "the wrong side of history". They don't care about them as human being, only as votes. . It is a kinder, gentler version of ethnic cleansing. Let us call it ethnic gerrymandering, or ethnic adjustment. . . They don't give a damn about this country. They don't give a damn about the people they govern. Their only reality is their own power, and how they can move to a 1 party system . . . Well these are same elites that ... > New Labour and mass immigration (also known as the British Demographic Genocide) endured as prominent political topic in the United Kingdom throughout the duration of the New Labour regime. In October 2009, it emerged in newspapers such as The Times,[1] The Telegraph and the Daily Mail, that New Labour had engaged in intentional demographic genocide against ethnic British people for political gain.[2][3][4][5] It was triggered by comments from former government advisor Andrew Neather, claiming that the Labour Party from 2001 onwards, set about a deliberate policy of encouraging mass third world immigration, to socially engineer a "multicultural" society.[6][7][8][9][10] With the alleged principle political aim of undermining the base of their opponents the Conservative Party.[11][12] Between 1997—2010 the Labour Party [flooded] mostly native working-class communities from betwen 3 and 5.2 million, largely third world aliens (half legal, half illegal). [Labour threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, a former Government adviser has revealed.](http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html) Why shouldn't their ideological allies do the same in the US?
What a random shitty political dig. This is the adults forum go back to your play place. its ironic that they think they are making a witty joke but actually they just look like retards who dont know what they are talking about.
Why was there not the same outcry when Senator Obama accused George W. Bush of being un-American? Because the media protects obama the clown. Fake outrage for doing EXACTLY the same thing obama did. It's actually hilarious to see liberal heads explode over it.
You mean scientists can be biased!? Only on the right. Lefty scientists are all good honest decent hardworking altruistic dreamers who seek only knowledge for its own sake, that just so happens to comport with the agenda of the politicians who throw billions of dollars at them to produce it. See the difference?
Only on the right. Lefty scientists are all good honest decent hardworking altruistic dreamers who seek only knowledge for its own sake, that just so happens to comport with the agenda of the politicians who throw billions of dollars at them to produce it. See the difference? Ah yes, I'm well aware of the AGW Circlejerk.
He is a bit of a simpleton. What is his solution? I mean it is like saying puppies shouldn't die. There is inequality and there always will be inequality and attempts by government to "solve" this results in just more misery.
Far more jobs and livelihoods are on the line if the Feds keep denying Alaska the right to develop its own natural resources. The state depends on oil and mining. Sshhh let the children have their erections. The left lives for this kind of stuff.
Snowden needs to hang! Well, I would expect statists to support the death penalty for slighting the state. That *is* the worst crime imaginable after all.
Yeah, a little police misconduct certainly doesn't mean we're sliding toward fascism or anything. http://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/feb/18/guantanamo-torture-chicago-police-brutality Oh, and those formerly foreign torture prisons that now exist in our cities shouldn't be taken as an indication of anything going wrong either. Everything is fine. http://www.rawstory.com/rs/2015/02/chicago-police-operating-cia-style-black-site-for-domestic-interrogations-report/ *Pick up that can.* Haha, downvote away, authoritarian drones. It's amazing. You're presented evidence of your own citizens actually being black-bagged and "disappeared" by your police, but naw, everything's fiiiine, no need for panic, everyone laugh at the alarmists.
The dude completely turned around the fortunes of an entire state. Not really A soulless vehicle of oppression? Yes, but liberals ended up looking like fools trying to destroy him, so he is clearly soulless.
The article is written in *The Guardian*, so of course a certain level of hyperbole, bias and untruth is to be expected. However, just because something is wrapped in hyperbole doesn't mean there aren't elements of the truth buried in the article. > so of course a certain level of hyperbole, bias and untruth is to be expected. ...and yet here we are. People stridently defending the hyperbole, bias, and untruth.
ITT: MRA's trying to deny an article based on their misogyny. This sub always disappoints :(
The same government that spent 100s of millions for one stinking website now controls the whole shebang. Scary. Yup the morons at /r/technology seem pleased and few appear to notice the irony.
No, you'd have to be a fetus about it to be "killed" Its been proven the fetus feels pain. What's that partial birth abortion? You don't belong in this sub edit: I was wrong there is alot of contradictory evidence. But evidence enough that we should stop abortions and do more research before proceeding to kill babies.
Funnily enough they are protesting the treachery of SYRIZA, a party hailed by this sub by quite a number of people not too long ago. Never trust a social democrat. > Never trust a social democrat. Well on the one hand, reform within a broken system which acts to mitigate harm but which doesn't resolve the core systemic flaws. On the other hand, gulags. Lenin had some valuable things to say but I wouldn't be too quick to jump into bed with a Bolshevik.
Get rid of subsidies. I thought scotland wanted financial independence? Only when the oil price is high. Now they want subsidies.
Eh? How does Scott Walker see 100k teachers and firefighters as enemies? BECAUSE ELIZABETH WARREN SAID SO.
Guys this is a landline only internet poll outlier from an F- rated pollster that oversampled Republicans and polled zero minorities. Clinton has this one in the bag, no need to even show up and vote it's going to be a landslide. I concur, Hillary is going to win in a massive landslide, it's already been decided, don't even bother to show up to vote for her.
These unsourced articles perfectly timed to line up with a series of bizarre tweets from HRC do not pass the smell test. This is more likely projection, HRC approved a deal selling 20% of US strategic uranium reserves to Russia as a matter of public record Truth hurts: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/01/us/politics/fbi-russia-election-donald-trump.html This reeks of a desperate, reactionary push to distract from Hillary's gross corruption. Problem is, even if it wasn't so idiotically timed, they cried **"RUSSIA"** too early and too often for anyone to care.
Clinton joked about murdering Assange with a drone. Or what about the fact that this sub regularly alludes to the deaths and celebrates the deaths of politicians they don't like. This place full of whiny children who lack any form of introspection.
Assange isn't a candidate for President. I know it may seem like there shouldn't be a difference, but there is. You know how I know? I think we should use a drone to kill Assange! I won't say it about Clinton. I don't want to get a visit from Secret Service. It's unsettling when a candidate for president is joking about using a drone to kill a whistleblower. Justify it however you want.
Wasnt Hillary against gay rights until like one year ago? Pretty much, it was three years ago. Her current position is better than those of her opponents. Her beliefs are probably the same, stuck in the Nancy Reagan era. Gay rights mean little to her. She proved that when she praised Nancy Reagan's contributions to the fight against AIDs, which were non-existent.
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