> pretty sure that most people around the world hate us, I don't know why. Everybody hates the guy on top. It's also easy to forget America's contributions because we don't brag on them. However, we also bring some blight such as McDonald's and Coca-Cola, maybe lawyers. I can see why people are anti-American but usually they're mistaken because really what they dislike is the consumerist society that is part of the modern world. I wish some of these people know ANYTHING about history. When the world falls apart, America comes in saves the day and picks up the pieces. We saved Europe from itself in WWI, we saved the world from Hitler. If it weren't for this great country and what it stands for this world would still be torn apart. We helped free the Middle East and Asia from colonialism, now they want to kill us. It's bullshit, I would like to see these pathetic countries try and stand on their own, really, it would be cute.
I guess having some left leaning host with a semi hard-on lob softball questions at him would have been better? I think the interruptions were to get Obama back on track so he could maybe answer a direct question with a direct answer. I am very disappointed with his responses. They were legitimate questions that deserved answers. And then he tried to run out the clock. Too bad. If anyone wants to step out of their liberal reality cocoon and actually watch the video before you form an opinion here it is: [Obama O'Reilly Interview](http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/president-obama-bill-o-reilly-head-to-head-pre-super-bowl-interview-matchup-article-1.1599736)
Leaving aside the immense impracticality of any similar prohibitions, the Revolutionary Era provision for an alternative to a standing army has both inertia from constitutional codification and the status as a de facto religion. >Leaving aside the immense impracticality... Australia and the UK did it, and their homicide/ suicide rate is a shadow of the USA's, which is all due to so many easy guns. It's not impractical. It works. Gangs in the UK can't get guns. So they resort to stabbing each other. Which is wonderful as I've never heard of a drive by stabbing killing six bystanders or a nine year old girl killed by a stray throwing knife from across a park. Controlling guns better works to reduce senseless tragedy. >the Revolutionary Era provision for an alternative to a standing army... exactly! the second amendment was about redcoats and muskets and community service on the frontier it has nothing to do with criminals and handguns and personal liberty in urban environments the founding fathers were very pro-gun control. they would vomit to learn how their second amendment has been warped to support an obscene status quo of high homicide and suicide rates due to easy gun access, that has absolutely nothing to do with their intent so the legal area around guns is ripe for removing the **judicial activism** that has taken us away from the true original intent and meaning of the constitution and the founding fathers
I'm so ready to be angry at Obama for something other than the deficit. I can't wait to be told what else he is destroying so I can ignore the slow erosion of my civil liberties and economic opportunities. Obamacare will destroy 2.3MM jobs and insure 2MM less people than originally thought according to the same CBO . That's your next thing to be angry about. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052702304626804579362691500388668?mg=reno64-wsj&url=http%3A%2F%2Fonline.wsj.com%2Farticle%2FSB10001424052702304626804579362691500388668.html
Oh, I understood what you said. I am saying that it CAN happen. It has happened many times to many different kinds of laws. You are saying it "cant" happen because the people are against it. All I am saying is "you never know".... Oh, and "incredibly unlikely" is not the same as "impossible".... (basic reading comprehension for ya)
ITT: Americans leaping to the defense of Nigel Farage because he said something pro-gun. Americans, for what it's worth, this guy is a bit like a British Sarah Palin. Except more overtly racist. when it comes to guns, americans are abject morons
No clue cause it's fun! downvotes for all!
>But keep playing that race card. I'm not "throwing a fit." I'm stating a fact. This isn't a "card" of any kind. Also, there's no such thing as a "90% black heavy-republican district." Or have you not paid attention to politics the last half century? > I'm not "throwing a fit." I'm stating a fact. You're sad because black democrats aren't electing more clowns like Ted Cruz and Ron Paul to office, when their inherent rightness is so obvious. And you're keying in on race, rather than ideology, because you're a shallow little bigot who can't see past skin pigmentation. > Also, there's no such thing as a "90% black heavy-republican district." Blame Nixon. Black people used to vote Republican in droves back in the 1800s and early 1900s. That changed after a succession of anti-segregationist Democrats (Truman, Kennedy, LBJ) held office, wedging the black vote. Then Nixon and Atwater came along, with the Southern Strategy... >> You start out in 1954 by saying, “Nigger, nigger, nigger.” By 1968 you can't say “nigger” — that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states' rights and all that stuff. You're getting so abstract now [that] you're talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you're talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is [that] blacks get hurt worse than whites. And subconsciously maybe that is part of it. I'm not saying that. But I'm saying that if it is getting that abstract, and that coded, that we are doing away with the racial problem one way or the other. You follow me — because obviously sitting around saying, “We want to cut this,” is much more abstract than even the busing thing, and a hell of a lot more abstract than “Nigger, nigger.” ~ Interview with Alexander P. Lamis (8 July 1981), as quoted in The Two-Party South (1984)‎ by Alexander P. Lamis and for some crazy reason, black people stop feeling welcome in the Republican Party. But, you know, I'm sure that's their own fault.
We should expect our representatives to have better credentials than simply being alive in the US for 25 years. both people that replied to you so far are dumb. being 25 years old, etc, makes him *eligible* to be in congress. not necessary qualified. edit: watched his video. he seems like he's pro-military. so basically he's not qualified for congress.
Outside the fact of some Republican backing, I'm not sure how this is bad. Why isn't there any concern about federal power-grabbing and the breakdown of the separation of powers? This is one of those things that if a Democrat had thought up, /r/politics would be all over how great of an idea it was. The average person has no idea why having state legislatures appoint senators gives the average person MORE say in the senate. People just see republican and decide it's awful.
This is one of those things that if a Democrat had thought up, /r/politics would be all over how great of an idea it was. The average person has no idea why having state legislatures appoint senators gives the average person MORE say in the senate. People just see republican and decide it's awful. Reddit just sees it as some republican and decide its awful. Fixed it for you. There are actually many reasons why state legislatures might do a better job at electing and keeping senators in check. But try explaining anything more than blah blah blah go blue team, and this sub will shit themselves. (And then blame a republican for the mess).
You're afraid of lower taxes? They aren't afraid of lower taxes. They never will be. What they are afraid of is when austerity makes them freer and they have to think and do more on their own.
Why does /r/politics allow op-ed submissions? Anything that supports a liberal agenda, regardless if source, is allowed.
Neither do I. Spelling things right isn't something that requires me to do so. Well for me correct spelling requires a little more thought. I have tendency to invert characters and homophones. I'm also about the be awarded a PhD, and am fully aware that pedantic spelling and grammar in informal forums is the substance of people whose approval I absolutely do not need.
No convictions for Iran-Contra and the Taliban weren't around then. Care to show more of your ignorance? Son, I scored a 5 on the AP US History test. I don't think you're qualified to preach at me about my ignorance of American history.
I stated two facts you got wrong, Sport. It's not a grey area. I will modify my Iran-Contra statement to say there were no convictions related to arms smuggling ist was all minor, unrelated stuff. It was a 14+ year prosecution that consumed tens of millions of dollars. The Taliban was formed in the 90s. Guess that history class was crappy. > Guess that history class was crappy. >5 on AP History test Alright, chief. Either your English classes were crappy or you're ignorant. So here's some information on the [AP US History test](http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/members/exam/exam_information/2089.html).
Who we funded became the Northern Alliance and fought the Taliban. The actual Taliban was funded funded by Saudi money mostly as well as their deals with Pakistan. Awesome. More lefty children to come downvote facts that don't fit their narrative.
There's no "getting over myself." I'm already at the top. https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-1TVBubvaKoo/Uuy0TJ8mBjI/AAAAAAAAAIU/IzzofalWIHU/reagan_taliban.jpg Freedom Fighters => Taliban A little bit of google and the ol' noodle can go a lot further than you'd think (implying you think at all). The Taliban didn't start until the 1990s. That is a fact, EdgarAllanDope.
I would be surprised if it's Hillary actually. The whole "look everyone, I have a vagina" game only goes so far when you're that deeply entrenched in the political military industrial banking organized labor big business complex. Right but left wingers are blind to those sort of things.
Yeah, because Democrats don't do that. They're the honest good guys! Why not donate to a politician that you like instead of a political party anyways? Edit: I am not a Republican, and by no means defending this tactic. It's quite deplorable actually. I was simply stating your money would be better spent on a specific candidate rather than a political party that's largely (if not entirely) controlled by private interests (and that goes for both GOP and DEM). So find someone YOU stand behind, and support them - not the letter behind their name. This is ~~/r/democrats~~ I mean /r/politics .... are you new here?
The Taliban didn't start until the 1990s. That is a fact, EdgarAllanDope. They changed names but it's still the same group. That is a fact, cannabis.
Personally I don't understand the phenomena. I have never spent more than 2 weeks of my adult life without a job. I would be bored out of my mind and what the hell do you do all day if you don't have money? When you hear stories of parents pulling their kids out of school because they want them to get on disability I feel a shiver go down my back. As far as the unemployment insurance goes I understand the program, if you are looking for work, we are here to help you, when you were working you were paying for this insurance and you can consider this a claim, but for people that abuse the program, to me it's like someone crashing their car on purpose to get an insurance check. There are plenty of freeloaders that have no problem abusing the system. We can thank Obama for making it even easier for them to do so.
I've never heard anyone deny it. If your cost of living exceeds your productive capacity, you'd better hope that you have family members who care about you a lot. I highly doubt LotusBunny's family wants to spend twenty-five grand a month to keep him alive. LotusBunny's family probably wants to spend 25k/month of your money to keep him alive.
> I'm also socially liberal If you haven't seen the link between fiscal conservatism and social conservatism yet, you are probably still a liberal. I'm just letting you know I upvoted you for this comment.
How is the idiocy of some republican mayor representative of conservatives everywhere? Because this is /r/politics - where thoughtful discussion goes to die.
Quite frankly, I don't believe him, and I think it's awful of him to say it at all. Dylan has been traumatized one way or another, either by her mother or her father, and he's dragging out her trauma by keeping this going and in the media. At best, he's as bad as Mia and Ronan for bringing it up. He's not going to be arrested, people still support him, so why post a defense? I believed in Woody's innocence until I read this: http://www.vanityfair.com/dam/2014/02/woody-allen-1992-custody-suit.pdf Even if he didn't molest the girl, he was a cold, uninvolved father according to the judge.
Religious perspective- the father is the one that should be working, and the mother using her separate but equal gifts to nourish and tend the children. Women by nature are more kind and tender than men. Unless your circumstances require the wife to work and the father to stay at home or the mother and father to both work... The ideal is the working husband, and the stay at home mother. Women also have a connection with their children that's different from a father's connection
Women also have a connection with their children that's different from a father's connection At least the loving non-abusive, non-narcissistic ones.
Where do people who are pissed off at the Democrats go? If you are pissed off at Democrats you are a racist. /s Edit: /r/politics is so biased it's hilarious
You and your article are full of shit. edit: The fact that the article fearmongers it's way into trying to be relevant is fucking stupid. The study is legit. The article is grasping at straws. Lulz, cause Harvard is stupid eh?
So fire didn't rain from the skies and there was actually a little tangible benefit? Don't show this to your fellow libertarians and neocons guys, they might have a heart attack. Libertarian here, all in favor of basic income ASAP. However, having studied history, I know it is doomed to fail as long as leftists try to monopolize it, since leftists are the losing-est losers ever.
As a filthy, stinking liberal, I find the idea that racism should be fixed by more racism to be moronic. the only thing worse than racism is *reverse* racism. makes u think
You should go to a Chinese sweatshop and tell the kids about the American "indentured servants." I'd love to see the look on their faces when you explain the troubling inability of American quasi-slaves to buy enough stuff. This right here. The poorest American lives better than a king 100 years ago. They have cell phones (paid for by my tax dollars), TVs, refrigerators, etc. It's never enough for them, though. They always seem to want another handout.
This right here. The poorest American lives better than a king 100 years ago. They have cell phones (paid for by my tax dollars), TVs, refrigerators, etc. It's never enough for them, though. They always seem to want another handout. I couldn't agree more. These "poor" people usually seem to have 2 cars, phones, internet, cable, and multiple tv's. Almost exactly like indentured servants.
Because its unrealistic to assume every job can support a family. The majority of those working full time that are still on welfare have kids. WalMart starts paying $10.00/hr to every employee, lets assume most make $8.00, that's a 25% increase that they pass on to the customer. That's before paying increasing premiums on benefits. Now those workers making $10.00/hr can no longer afford to shop at WalMart. Again...
Sweden, land of diversity, freedom, and happiness, staple of the nordic nations. Seriously, sweden is pretty much a joke to any one who cares. This thread has been linked to from elsewhere on reddit. - [/r/ShitAmericansSay] [Sweden, land of diversity, freedom, and happiness, staple of the nordic nations. Seriously, sweden is pretty much a joke to any one who cares.](http://np.reddit.com/r/ShitAmericansSay/comments/1xswij/sweden_land_of_diversity_freedom_and_happiness/) *^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comments? ^Complaints? [^Send ^them ^to ^my ^inbox!](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=totes_meta_bot)*
What the heck would one do at an atheist club? I've heard that atheism is a religion like not collecting stamps is a hobby, so I guess this would be like forming a "not-stamp collectors club"...? I always giggle when I hear about any group founded around atheism. "I don't believe in god" "I don't either" "see you next week, chad" "good day"
But..atheists have no religion. There is no Freedom of Nothing amendment. If you're atheist you are just as sure that there is no God as someone who's theist is sure there is a God. In that sense I would say atheism is just as guilty as theism at pretending to know something that no one can possibly know. Religion attempts to explain the afterlife, and that's what atheism does too. Edit: I'm talking about atheism in a broad sense, I'm not trying to get into all the Positive/Negative, Weak/Strong types of atheism.
interestingly, [strong men are more likely to be against wealth redistribution, while weak men the opposite](http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2325414/Men-physically-strong-likely-right-wing-political-views.html). Yea libtards sit down to pee.
> Enjoy the short-lived fame. No... I am not enjoying it. However it seems to have found me. da_bulls33 is mentally ill and accused me of "harassing" him by suggesting that he speaks about mayonesa and chabanais at the dinner table every night.
I never once said my position on the 2nd amendment in this thread. I only was pointing out that your post is bullshit. I never said I was for or against the 2nd amendment in this thread, and you're just trying to change the topic to make me look wrong. In this particular case, my views on gun ownership are irrelevant. yo, i agree with you. im extremely anti gun and this post is pretty retarded
Ill take all your downvotes, but almost every union blows and every place I have ever worked was ruined by greedy union workers who nearly bankrupted the facility. Demanded way too much and were the laziest group of bastards who I had ever had the misfortune to work with. Up vote for the truth. You wanna find a gaggle of lazy sacks of shit , look no further than a union factory .
This is a good thing. Prevents another Kermit Gosnell, you people remember that butcher, right? I don't think they even know about him. He doesn't fit the "women's health" narrative.
Why is your submission statement being down voted? I'm gonna assume it's because all young people go through this process. Millennials are just the most recent group and (still) think they are unique.
Seriously. Every time I hear someone whine about how their job doesn't fullfill them I think one of two things. You're too lazy to do something you find fulfilling (as a job) or You haven't grown up enough to realize that expecting your job to make your life fulfilling is a losing propostion. Stop watching TV on your off time and do something real. Well, their parents did spend their entire lives sheltering them from reality and impressing the idea that they are unique little islands and entitled to happiness and prosperity. Why are we shocked that they are not prepared for the real world?
Thank you. I was under the impression that shortages and crime had been issues in Venezuela for a while. Have any outside monitors verified the use of gangs/squads by the government to break up protests? That is very serious if true and I cannot tell what is going on in the videos. Well, you may have heard that 3 students have been killed during the protests, and last night 2 catholic priest were shot dead at their residence by "malandros". This is just to show you the current status of the country. I just had this video sent to me by a friend, it's abit graphic, and you can see that gangs/squads are actually with the police and/or some people pretending to be students have inflitrated the prostest. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmHEEO_MpII&feature=youtu.be
my god. i cant even imagine the amount of obnoxiousness in a high school atheists club...still probably not as bad as /r/atheism though I would think that they would be just as much, if not more obnoxious than /r/atheism. What the hell else do they have to talk about other than pushing an anti-religious agenda? I'm atheist myself, but I avoid all vocal atheist like the plague. I couldn't imagine an atheist club, let alone a bunch of immature high schoolers, to talk anything else other than bashing religion. Yes, religion has caused wars. Yes, there are confirmed cases of clergymen sexually assaulting minors. Yes, there are certain pastors and priest that believe they are mightier than others and deserve massive wealth according to God, but you know what else? Religion gives hope. Hope to those that are lost, or scared. A religious person is by no means dumber or more ignorant than an atheist. I love religion, because of the hope it gives to those that have none. Of course every opinionated group deserves the right to speak their minds, but I would sooner stand up and leave an atheist meeting than a christian meeting.
Do you have any facts that back this up? Or its just your gut feel? I dont know how you can "capture" someone else's productivity without providing your own value. Can I please capture your productivity? If not then how are other people doing this? Because to this guy, the only thing that creates "value" is mindless manual labor. You should be paid more to stick a bolt in a car over and over and over than you should be paid if you work 20 hour days to start your own company from scratch, because you're *creating value* by making a car. Or something.
With the level of complaints Reddit has against our government, it's amazing that that they continue to ridicule the ONLY group that is pushing back against the status quo. How could you expect the hivemind not to be a defender of the status quo? Doing something different is scary.
What's this "either party" bullshit? You never hear about Democrats being corrupt on /r/politics. Know why? Because /r/politics is biased?
What's this "either party" bullshit? You never hear about Democrats being corrupt on /r/politics. Know why? Because idiots like you downvote anything that makes democrats look bad. Funny how **Democrats** like William Jefferson never get mentioned here - And for those of you who don't remember, Jefferson was the New Orleans democrat that was convicted of corruption a few years ago. Edit: And note that even Jon Stewart is calling out Democrats for corruption, but does that get a single mention here on Reddit? Nope!
Think about it.... I don't think that's possible with this one.
All msnbc talks about is dirt on Christie and promoting Hillary. Well, when Bill Clinton was in the hot-seat, with a scandal a minute, the dog-faced Hillary invoked the specter of a "vast right-wing conspiracy." So why the fuck not?
I'm not arguing for or against medicaid expansion. But the article is very misleading. First, they state the hospital is closing due to lack of volume. Which is not surprising in a rural community. The medicaid expansion doesn't pay the hospital to stay open if they don't have enough patients. Second, Georgia has had 8 hospitals close since 2000. So this is not something new. A quick Google search shows 19 hospitals have closed in NYC alone since 2000, which I believe has taken the medicaid expansion money. While the situation sucks for those affected, the author is making some leaps that are not supported by the facts. The only comment worth reading in the entire thread. Look at all the jerking going on in this thread. It's no wonder that this sub is no longer a default sub.
Both of these are biased takes on the issue and prove no point. Blanket statements like yours just do not hold the ground. In no way shape, form, or fashion am I calling *anyone* a nigger by using a hyperbole and actually calling them a [thug.](http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/thug) Edit: To amplify. Richard Sherman can absolutely be black, talented, and arrogant all at once. Just like Johnny Manziel can be white, talented, and spoiled. I don't at all see your point. And a snippet from Richard Sherman defending himself hardly sells the point. If you're depressed over people saying shitty wok and mongorians then maybe you need to not be so damn sensitive.
The [top democratic party political donors](http://www.opensecrets.org/orgs/list.php) make the Koch brothers look like amateurs. But the difference is that Democrats are my team because they care for teh people and they are on the right side of history.
Yeah, [those wicked Tea Partiers](http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110221/14490613193/chris-dodd-breaking-promise-not-to-become-lobbyist-just-weeks-after-leaving-senate-joining-mpaa-as-top-lobbyist.shtml)... [jumping straight into lobbying jobs](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/16/monsanto-blanche-lincoln-_n_4110750.html)... edit: Hahaha, downvotes. I love it. I guess liberals hate facts too. Are you fucking serious, these moron /r/politics shits are so blind that they refuse to even call their own heroes out for pulling identical shit? What a bunch of scumbags Bring on the downvotes, you creeps. I know that every downvote i get will be a wave of cognitve dissonance hurting your hypocrite brains.
That is why nothing will change in the states because of all the cynical apathetic cunts who eat the shit that the 1% give them and even going far as defending them. The 1% don't give a fuck about the country, the economy, or you. They just care about power and money. It's a pretty consistent theme that losers who live off public money (such as farmers, plutocrats, public employees, white trash) are outspoken reactionaries who despise socialist slackers. People like that need to be removed from public discourse, first by ostracism and disenfranchisement, and secondly, by violence. I don't understand why right-wing thugs have always been tolerated in every society, especially ones purporting to be leftist. Subhumans should be subjugated.
We do struggle with opinion-voting silencing several different view points on issues. Overriding user-votes that lead to the 10-minute throttle timer is a poor solution for several reasons. The biggest reason is that it doesn't resolve the issue of those opinions being downvoted out of sight in comment threads. The opinions are still marginalized, it's a band-aid solution that doesn't deal with the underlying cause: misuse of the voting system. There is a difference between the right to speak and the right to be heard. The 10-minute throttle applied to minority voices affects their right to speak. A misinformed or rule-breaking downvoter only (maybe) affects the speaker's right to be heard. The sad fact is the "powers that be" within reddit know exactly what the effect of the so-called spam filter is on minority speech and they're perfectly happy with it. Thus /r/politics is forever relegated to liberal advocacy group.
Let's take a look: ### [Espousing white nationalism, mourning the Holocaust as a "total failure"](http://www.reddit.com/r/new_right/comments/zqbx5/why_i_mourn_the_holocaust_and_oppose_its/) > First: > The Holocaust was a total failure. > The original idea, if we believe Albrecht Speer, was to use Jews, gypsies, perverts, criminals, etc. as a form of cheap labor. That this was not a good idea is clear from the high rate of failure of German munitions. > We are told that at the Wannsee Conference the Germans decided to kill their Jewish prisoners. Whether by choice or not, many were starved and died in prison camps; certainly many were shot in foreign territories, often not by Germans but by the local populations. This constitutes a tragic but unsuccessful attempt at genocide. > In addition, the efforts in herding, recapturing, disciplining, housing, etc. these prisoners detracted from the German war effort, and malingerers chose this duty instead of going to fight on the fronts. > It's worth remembering also that this effort failed. It did not wipe out Jewry in Europe, and it helped lose the war. Even assuming that its objectives had merit, it was a failed policy. > Second: > The Holocaust was a moral failure. > It is demoralizing to any nation to be made slaughterhouse guards, and it damages their national self-esteem for generations to come. In addition, it's a horrific experience for anyone to have to go through in any capacity. Genocide is considered bad news for a reason, and attempted genocide is a great moral transgression. > I don't have a problem with Nationalism, or even nationalists who say that Germans should deport anyone but ethnic, indigenous Germans. The Jews of today are following similar policies in Israel and I consider these sane, just and necessary for the preservation of the Jewish people, religion and culture, which I consider a legitimate, necessary and intelligent goal. > Germany for Germans, Israel for Jews, China for Chinese. > I think it's time to bury the past. The Holocaust was a horror. Repeating it will do nothing. Celebrating it does nothing but endorse barbarism. Let it be done and perish with the past. > I don't believe The Jews(tm) control the world or are the source of our problems here in the West. Our problem is a social movement toward degeneration through lowering of social standards, and it has taken many years but it is catching up with us. Other societies have undergone the same procedure. Not only Greece and Rome, but ancient Incan, Maya, Aztec, Angkor Wat, Indian, Egyptian and other civilizations have failed as ours is failing, by gradually dividing against itself, becoming selfish and disunified, and losing sight of the values that made it great. Jews were not present at those civilization collapses except in the case of the Romans. It is consequently nonsense to insist that Jews destroyed those civilizations. > I think we should take all of our energy from past hatreds and pathological programs and apply it instead toward a positive and sensible future. In my mind, that includes small government, high cultural input, ethnonationalism (unity of culture, values, language, customs, religion + atheism and heritage/ethnicity/race) and deep ecology. > For this reason, I will never celebrate, deny, condone or encourage the Holocaust or modern attempts to replicate it. > I wish no ill will to SureDeathHellman but this is my view and I am defending, and reserve the right to potentially disagree respectfully with those who feel/think/see otherwise. Seems to be deriding the Holocaust and there's no endorsement of white nationalism, unless you want to clarify. Until that time, a point to me. ### [Espousing eugenics and scientific racism](http://www.reddit.com/r/new_right/comments/wnhzt/my_beliefs/) > I recognize that the races are biologically different and have different abilities but I disagree with those who use this as an excuse to be assholes. > Specifically, I am not a white supremacist in that white supremacists believe that whites are inherently superior; this is a semantic error, in that there is no inherent scale of superior-inferior. Further, I think it's a mistake to assume all whites are superior, when many are not so. The best policy for white people is eugenics which will slowly weed out the dumber, crueler, less capable white people and replace them with more competent white people. > I am not a white nationalist in that I don't think nationalism can be keyed to a race; it addresses specific ethnic groups keyed also to culture, language and values. The best example of nationalism is Zionism, where the Jewish people (united by heritage, religion, culture, language and values) defend their own interests by maintaining the state of Israel. > I am not a neo-Nazi for a number of reasons. Some are personal; others are political, in that I disagree with their platform. Jews are not responsible for the West's downfall, nor is the solution a party keyed on race alone. This seems to be a rant against neo-Nazis. Where's the eugenics and scientific racism? Another point for me. ### [Six posts from VDARE](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=site%3Avdare.com+author%3Amayonesa&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) * [There is a new development in American race relations: an increase in the racial realism of American Jews. ](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/d6qce/there_is_a_new_development_in_american_race/) * [Six people killed and burned in a robbery gone wrong. Why don't we hear about it on the news? ](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/b1dps/six_people_killed_and_burned_in_a_robbery_gone/) * [Nationalism remains after two centuries the most vital political emotion in the world -- far more vital than social ideologies such a communism or fascism or even democracy. ](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/bfklb/nationalism_remains_after_two_centuries_the_most/) * [Breakup of the USA is now inevitable](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/c6azh/breakup_of_the_usa_is_now_inevitable/) * [The fractional decrease in GDP, if all the illegal aliens were deported would be 2.6/144 or 1.8%—which isn’t nothing, but which also isn’t much. And it's money we would have paid to them.](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/b1bdb/the_fractional_decrease_in_gdp_if_all_the_illegal/) I count five, not six. So we have: Jews discovering race, fractional GDP, nationalism rising, USA breakup and a robbery gone wrong. Where's the racism? Another point for me. ### [Four posts from AmRen](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=site%3Aamren.com+author%3Amayonesa&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) I post opinions from all sorts of places, including Huffington Post, WSWS, Daily Caller, etc. Here's what Jared Taylor had to say: * ["I was stunned when the announcer said blacks were ten times more likely to commit a violent crime than whites."](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/8xswv/i_was_stunned_when_the_announcer_said_blacks_were/) * [Race is a myth? An honest evaluation of the data confirms the reality of race.](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/9qdvs/race_is_a_myth_an_honest_evaluation_of_the_data/) * [Young intern murdered, rich white man blamed -- and seven years later, poor Guatemalen immigrant indicted for the killing ](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/82ghw/young_intern_murdered_rich_white_man_blamed_and/) * [Jared Loughner has no connection with American Renaissance; the DHS memo was wrong.](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ezoke/jared_loughner_has_no_connection_with_american/) Where's the racism? We have analysis of crime statistics from the FBI, the scientific reality of race existing, the wrong guy blamed for a crime, and that Jared Loughner was a leftist not a rightist. Another point for me. ### [Two posts from Stormfront](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/search?q=site%3Astormfront.org+author%3Amayonesa&restrict_sr=on&sort=relevance&t=all) * [Nazis are, literally, insane: People on the neo-Nazi forum Stormfront discuss their mental health disorders.](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/ifdur/nazis_are_literally_insane_people_on_the_neonazi/) * [Neo-Nazis express shock, dismay at failed Obama assassination attempt. LOL](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/79rjf/neonazis_express_shock_dismay_at_failed_obama/) Seems to be mocking Stormfront. Where's the racism? Yet another point for me. ### [Link to the homepage of the Institute for Historical Revew](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/7xuoy/there_are_still_those_who_deny_that_the_holocaust/) Post title: **There are still those who deny that The Holocaust happened.** Where's the racism? Point for me again. ### [Fear of black people voting](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/7af1l/gop_leader_all_these_black_people_are_showing_up/) Actual title: **GOP leader: All these black people are showing up to vote, and they don't care that Obama is a Marxist. WTF** Seems to be concerned about whether or not they care that Obama is a Marxist. ### [Advocacy for violence against Muslims](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/c9nbw/ill_tell_you_this_if_you_do_build_a_mosque_i_hope/) Actual title: **“I'll tell you this — if you do build a mosque, I hope somebody blows it up.” Berry added: “I hope the mosque isn't built, and if it is, I hope it's blown up, and I mean that.”** It's reporting on what some guy said. ### ["Diversity can't work" racist gibberish](http://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/1t30em/why_diversity_can_never_work/) This work never addresses a single race, and spends a lot of its time talking about linguistic, cultural and religious diversity. Where's the racism? Another few points for me. If it was easy to prove, you would have done so. Instead you have insinuation, but as a quick read of these links shows, no racism. I've seen the accusations against you for over a year, and in the end it's hilarious how inept they are. Proof that mayonesa is a nazi: I'm going to link you to a post mayonesa made mocking stormfront neo-nazis. Hilarious.
You know, for science! HAHAHHA! How do you funny so well?
So this is racism? But all the allegories comparing Bush to a chimpanzee was just opinion? Many Obama supporters seem to think they are immune to irony, hypocrisy and logic.
Personally I don't think this one belongs here. The title is a tongue-in-cheek dig at Korn. The second statement is true. Congress does attempt to pass controversial legislation when other events are in the news; that's just politics as usual. It's the difference between saying "the gov't planned 9/11" and "the gov't used 9/11 to pass laws abridging civil rights". This sub isn't supposed to be /r/nocontext. This. It's a pretty common politic tactic to use an event as a distraction from the issue. People in this sub seem to have an endless trust of the govt.
Ah, zero sum wealth. The 1% have all of it. More so than ever before! This is why poor people are worse off than ever before, because the richies hoard the wealth! Said the overweight poor guy ...in his air conditioned apartment ...through the internet ...from his computer ...as he watched his cable tv. Why is this doing so well on an anarchist sub anyway? It clearly champions a Robin Hood state. Because most of anarchism is just communism in disguise. If you like capitalism, come over to /r/Anarcho_Capitalism, we're nice there, but I see by your "V" and history, you're already there.
That link actually made some sense. Thanks for posting. Although I'm not sure how "humiliating and oppressing an occupied population" will go down here. Humiliating and oppressing an occupied population generally doesn't go down very well anywhere in the world.
Salary caps, bonus limits, make it more rewarding to have modest wealth than it is to horde money. If you make more than $1mil/year, you pay 50% income tax. At $999k/year its 30%. A bonus cannot exceed the annual salary of the lowest paid employee in the company.
> want a society that does not feel entitled to shame, comment upon or control a woman's sexuality. She's basically just a hooker on camera. If you think doing porn is empowering, I challenge what you think a woman's sexuality is about. You're the type of person who jacks off to porn stars (because let's be honest, you're a sad little man anyway) then turns around and calls them whores. You're a hypocrite. Get the fuck out.
The [Zionist Empire](http://thezog.wordpress.com/) is an evil Empire, and so are those on both the left and right who adopt its "victim" pose, ignore its racism, adhere to its tyranny, and profiteer off of its totalitarianism and economic treachery. The force is with all who oppose racist Zionism and its evil agenda, and against all who have sold their souls and succumbed. Blah blah blah you stupid piece of shit. Does your mommy know you post this dribble? How often do you go outside? Do you? She must make you take out the trash occasionally...you filthy piece of excrement. Go find a hole.
Why write a new bill? Because, they write new bills and change bills every year without anyone saying anything. 99% of bills that are passed are nothing more than revisions of old bills. I live in Arizona, and this bill is great. None of these people have read it- if they did they wouldn't be posting this garbage. Someone said its discriminatory towards gays and they jumped on the bandwagon.
They don't have these problems in countries with reasonable gun control laws. Just sayin. This is what can happen if everyone carries a gun..cops have to assume what looks like a gun might be a gun. And the worst part..we arent any safer with more guns...arguably less safe because it increases the chances stuff like this or accidental shootings can happen.
Yes that ad was so offensive. Offensive if you're a racist loser that is. Another tolerant Leftoid.
The hypocritical thought process of the left: Hey they don't believe gays life style is right and is a sin. Now let's hate them and persecute them and their beliefs even though in doing so we are now bigots ourselves. The irony will be lost on these liberal sheep.
Modern anti-rape campaigns cover exactly the topics *everyone already knows*. That's not helping anyone. Here are some ideas for rape campaigns that might actually help prevent some rapes. That's the goal, right? * How to say 'no' clearly so that nobody mistake-rapes you. I think a lot of people have trouble with this. A firm tone really sells your 'no'. * It's okay to say 'no'. Including shy girls. Including boys. Including men. Even if you were flirting before. This will prevent more mistake-rapes. * Awareness campaign listing which bars have color changing glasses to detect rape drugs. * Tell people how to call for help. I think a, "Siri, call the police" ad campaign might actually cut down on date-rapes. I think people could write smartphone apps to detect screaming or certain keywords. Those should deter casual rapists. * Any statistics in rape campaigns needs to be honest and factual. If some of the statistics I hear were true, I'd have to tell my daughter not to go to college because it's so dangerous. Any time awareness campaigns lie, they make enemies. * Encourage people not to get blackout drunk. It's just asking for problems. Here's a good but single gender [example](http://s3-ak.buzzfed.com/static/enhanced/web05/2011/12/8/16/enhanced-buzz-4978-1323380754-1.jpg). Here are a list of **bad ideas for rape campaigns**, inspired by actual rape campaigns. Good rape campaigns should avoid anything like this. * [No means no](http://affrodite.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/stoprape.jpg). That's never been true. No means all sorts of things. Communication is complicated. Tone, body language, volume, and other factors mean the difference between, "stop now," and, "I love how you're so aggressive". * You can't rape her even if [she wears](http://joyfulheartfoundation.org/sites/default/files/blog/AliWentworth_NOMORE_PSA_PrintAd_9_19_13.jpg) a miniskirt. I've never met anyone who thought otherwise. This is a complete waste of ad money, and frankly insulting. * [She didn't say no, so I didn't stop](http://msutoday.msu.edu/_/img/assets/2013/sexual-assault-awareness-campaign_lg.jpg). Yes, you too are a bad person if you can't read minds. How does this message help anyone? * [Sexual slavery](http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.607990704272573842&pid=1.7). Unless there have been recent busts in the news, nobody believes this crap. Nobody is going to believe that the prostitute they found on the street/brothel/whatever is a slave without some reason. Not in their home country. Another waste of ad money, and again insulting. There may be some sex slaves in any given city, but who expects to ever run into them? Nobody. * [Teach our boys not to rape](http://reluctantmom.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/1302_lets-teach.jpg). Worst campaign ever. Boys already knew not to rape, and these campaigns turned them right away from listening to any message. If you wanted them to be more sensitive to a quiet 'no' , this was the wrong way to do it. * [Drunk sex is rape](http://www.uleth.ca/alcohol/i/dancing.jpg). Honestly I get the idea behind this, but think about it another way. Think of every person at a bar or party. Imagine you flirted with them while drinking, then drank a whole lot more. So much that you're incoherent and can't walk. And they like you. Are you going to trust *every one of those people* in the bar not to fuck you? Of course you aren't. That's why this campaign is nonsense. Besides, a lot of drunk sex isn't rape at all. There should be a clear line indicated in any such campaigns, for example if they can't walk they can't consent. If they can't talk they can't consent. Things that don't rely on a drunk teenager to make a judgement call. * [Marital rape](http://www.thefword.org.uk/blog/images/No%20Excuse%20Poster_%20Wedding2.jpg). I swear, this is just thrown out there so that no sex is immune from rape allegations. You've basically got consent in writing here. You've had sex probably hundreds of times. But this one time is emotionally devastating? If it's that bad, it sounds like assault. But to call it rape is just ammo for divorce court in my opinion. Maybe I'm insensitive, but as a man I'd like to be safe from false rape allegations at some point in my life. > It's okay to say 'no'. Including shy girls. Including boys. Including men. Even if you were flirting before. This will prevent more mistake-rapes. I thought this was common knowledge but I was talking to my coworker a while back and she said to me; "My boyfriend wants me to come over to his house today but I'm on my period, what if he wants to have sex with me?"
Can we just all agree now that this president cant be trusted to give you the time of day. No, but we can all agree you are an idiot.
Except abortion. And blocking the rights on anyone not white, male and Christian. We the (WHITE) People Act!!!
The GOP is beyond reform. Beyond help. At some point the Federal government should probably step in and disband the Republican party altogether. It won't be pleasant but it will have to be done. >Federal government should probably step in and disband the Republican party altogether Your are damn right. It sounds extreme but the electorate repeatedly showed that they can not be trusted with these decisions. Democracy as we know it failed. We need a government controlled by worker councils.
Smaller servings and save leftovers. In the end you'll end up buying less food if you still have Edit: meant to say less Leftovers are gross. Edit: Apparently Reddit *loves* leftovers.
I was assured by this subreddit that Rand Paul will be confirmed as the next president. EDIT: I seemed to have dropped this: /s You're acting like Rand Paul isn't a tool of the Zionist agenda. Good luck with that.
But the initial comment was calling Cruz a bad guy because he's married to a rich person. There are any number of reasons to hate the scumbag, but simply because he's married to a rich woman isn't one of them. >But the initial comment was calling Cruz a bad guy because he's married to a rich person. No. The initial comment was calling Cruz is a bad guy because he married a Goldman Sachs VP.
Uh yes. It is. Media plays a video, offers commentary. That's the news. It's a shitty video of some smarmy asshole talking about a 10 second clip. I just wanted the 10 second clip, not his opinion on it.
"... the U.S. can expect to see up to two feet of sea level rise by the end of the century, largely due to climate change.". That's 84 years from now. Everybody reading this should run out and buy hip boots. Oh wait; never mind because we'll all be dead. Lol..this is not an Onion article...people actually think tax dollars should be spent on this. We're $ 17 T in debt
You gore fan boys without fail always come to these threads. So you would agree that he is a hypocrite? Or do you give him a pass because he is a leftist?
Close up shop and leave, let local businesses take their place. Don't be dumb enough to buy into this republican 'every decision we make is base on false ideas and fear and paranoia' approach. American companies wouldn't move operations overseas to avoid an 18% tax and anyone who thinks they would understands absolutely ZERO about business or economics. That comment was made by a kid who remembers hearing about businesses moving from one state to another in order to avoid paying certain taxes (city/state/payroll): "AND WE'LL TAKE OUR JOBS WITH US!" bullshit. And, of course, a bunch of uneducated, uninformed republicans who want to worship "job creators' as something other than rich people who exploit the poor and middle class. The process of leaving America behind would mean these corporations would also be leaving behind the millions of other benefits American corporations receive for being located here (one of those is dirt cheap labor, if nobody on /r/economics has noticed average American wages. His comment is bullshit. Don't play into it, don't fall for listening to a bunch of uneducated fox News hounds talk about shit they understand *nothing* about. I imagine there would be a handful of companies that would bark and howl at the moon and Fox News would echo this, 'OMG, OBAMA JUST CAUSED TONS OF AMERICAN COMPANIES TO RELOCATE OVERSEAS' bullshit but it would absolutely never happen. God forbid corporations and the wealthy pay a fair tax and GOD FORBID that republicans get an education beyond the 9th grade that would make them smart or strong enough to realize this is all bullshit propaganda (the 'job creator' bullshit) targeted to the (ahem) *lesser* educated among Americans. That's the truth: Keep them scared, keep them dumb. That is the Fox News way. Would've thought that redditors would be stupid enough to fall for this bullshit too? I mean, I've been here a long time so I'm not surprised but it's still entertaining to see that the least common denominator is still steering the boat when it comes to reddit. My 5 years on reddit has been like watching a bunch of 6th graders take over a cruise ship and steering it into shallow waters slowly over that time. It's really been sad but In *THIS* most recent year…it's been 10 times worse than all the other years prior combined.
Thankfully we have you and your defeatist attitude to warn us off such shenanigans. I'm just trying to educate you a little about your rights.
2015 may very well be the year that the entire world turns against Israel. And it's about time, too. The kikes can only keep using their phony "Holocaust" hoax for so long. Sooner or later, the world is going to see the Jews for the wretched parasites that they are. the world has tried before. back then Jews did not have nukes.
A valid question. To date, the anti-vaxxers have ironically been well-to-do liberal Democrats. How is that ironic? Liberals have a long, anti-intellectual history in its base nearly equal to that of Conservatives—look at their denial of economics and failed social engineering (e.g., Progressivism and eugenics, The Great Society, etc.) over the past century.
Recommended by whom? Some strange doctor I've ever met? Why only children? Why not make 50 year olds get it too? You understand the slippery slope you're on when talking about the state forcibly administering chemicals into your child's body? I'm more worried about a vaccination I know nothing about than some archaic disease that only exists in dirtbag countries that you will not find me in. Also, I like to give people as much freedom as possible, that way the smart will flourish, the stupid will die, and we'll have a better smarter future for humanity. The government is fucking with darwinism when they impose things like this- and I can't say that I'm a fan. Liberals: support abortion and a woman's right to choose, and also removing a person's right to choose whether or not to vaccinate themselves. And judging by the score of this post, hate being called out for the hypocrites that they are.
Ok, so the level of harassment in this case was extreme. Its terrible, I get it. Not disputing that in the slightest, *but*... Good God this woman is troll worthy. Just saying. For sure. When her friends said "stop feeding the trolls" maybe they were telling her to stop with the feminist blogging? Who's trolling who at that point.
Just did my taxes and I owe lots of money instead of getting any. Thanks Obamacare .Bet this happens to lots of folks. Yes, if you work you pay double for healthcare if your a freeloader its FREE. Way to keep lazy people happy and tax the working class.
Big dongs going at each other huge scholongs for guys poo poos But two chicks is totally hot, right? Get over yourself. Lots of people aren't going to fap to the thought of you having sex either.
Yes. Here is a well researched post I found quite interesting http://check-your-privilege-feminists.tumblr.com/post/108987145146/fairytaleslayer Hope that worked, on mobile "WELL RESEARCHED" From one of the first links. Department of Labor >MYTH: There is no such thing as the gender pay gap – legitimate differences between men and women cause the gap in pay, not discrimination. >REALITY: Decades of research shows a gender gap in pay even after factors like the kind of work performed and qualifications (education and experience) are taken into account. These studies consistently conclude that discrimination is the best explanation of the remaining difference in pay. Economists generally attribute about 40% of the pay gap to discrimination – making about 60% explained by differences between workers or their jobs. However, even the “explained” differences between men and women might be more complicated. For example: If high school girls are discouraged from taking the math and science classes that lead to high-paying STEM jobs, shouldn’t we in some way count that as a lost equal earnings opportunity? As one commentator put it recently, “I don’t think that simply saying we have 9 cents of discrimination and then 14 cents of life choices is very satisfying.” In other words, no matter how you slice the data, pay discrimination is a real and persistent problem that continues to shortchange American women and their families. Hahaha, this is the kind of idiotic shit that passes for "well researched" on reddit. It's just a gish gallop of bullshit, but the fucking retards on this site see all those links and go "oh yes yes, this supports what I already *felt* must be true, no need to read those links, I'll just post this whole thing on reddit and smugly act like I'm not a complete sperglord"
Never inhaled second-hand smoke? Edit: So many self-righteous smokers in here who seem to think that _their_ choice to endanger the health of others is totally unlike this _other_ choice to endanger the health of others. Blah blah. Vaping is going to teach nonsmokers the manners they forgot, as people vape indoors again and they have to learn to shut up and mind their own business.
>There are some users who need to be called out on their ignorance and have a reality check. Gee, you sure showed them. "I just posted an article about how the top 1% have more money and power than the bottom 90%, but that's all entirely just because you didnt vote! It's so simple! Its all your fault! Gosh pull the wool out of your eyes chunes! There's nothing rich people can do to subvert the power of voting!"
* Allowing evidence of accusations unrelated to the crimes that he was on trial for * Keeping prosecution witnesses secret from the defense until right before they testified, thus preventing the defense from having adequate time to prepare * Blocking key defense witnesses at the last second * Preventing the defense from presenting evidence that "Dread Pirate Roberts" was someone other than the defendant There were plenty of other disturbing things that happened in the trial; those are just a few that come to mind right now. I'm not really sure why you're receiving all these downvotes, you make a number of good points, even though I disagree with your initial line of reasoning (the personal vendetta). I fully expect there to be very length and detailed appeals regarding points 1, 2 and 4. There will most likely be an appeal based on point 3 as well, but it seems to have a much weaker case. Rule 16 seems to preclude it. If anyone has any actual commentary on why those points don't stand, I'd love to hear it.
...and that no one commenting here can read. These tax cuts get renewed every year on an annual basis as it is. They aren't new, he's just dropping the political theater and making them permanent. How dare he do something pragmatic and that make sense. How dare he cut taxes. How un-American.
You mean like the fact that the probability of a serious side effect from a vaccine is much higher than the probability of catching the disease itself? Let me help you out here... Number of people who die each year in U.S. from measles: 0 Percentage of people getting measles in U.S. -- 2014 numbers: ~650 (cases of measles) / ~317,000,000 (people in US) or .000000205% Risk of serious side effects of getting MMR per dose: 1 in 3,000 Seizure Serious allergic reaction (less than 1 out of a million doses) Child specific: Deafness Long-term seizures, coma, or lowered consciousness Permanent brain damage Sources: http://www.cdc.gov/measles/cases-outbreaks.html http://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/vac-gen/side-effects.htm#mmr Right now it seems riskier to get the vaccine. If this changes and the disease spreads it may be less risky to get the vaccine. *edit: formatting
Given the number of people who call Obama a socialist I'm so sorry that sometimes your side looks bad. It is so much better to say that they are just arguing in favor of having sex with the unconscious. And getting rid of any restaurant health regulation. And saying that maybe vaccines cause damage. /r/Shitpolitics says is just a bunch of butthurt conservatives looking for relevance in all the wrong places...
I'm not entangling myself in your web if stupidity yeah okay baby
Agree with it or not the idea behind this is to prevent a handful of large cities deciding from every national election for all other Americans whom inhabit the other 99 percent of Americas landmass. Yes the folks in large city are greater in numbers but if the rest of America has no voice you are quickly going to have big problems. Could you switch between the small states for primaries sure but giving it to a large state may be a mistake. It is a mistake, no maybe about it. And California is a particularly bad choice. It's too big and it is too distant from DC. Retail politics is important. A California primary would be all tv advertising and Youtube videos where candidates never come out from behind their handlers and then it is just a battle of the PR firms.
There is a lot of misdirected hate and trolling in /r/economics , I understand exactly how you feel. That's because economists don't understand reality.