She’s impressive! Single-handedly guaranteeing Trump’s re-election! I wish you weren’t right. But the GND and her is without a doubt good for his re-election. It’s why McConnell is trying to force it to a vote and the Dem leadership is trying to stop it. I wish the Dems would recognize this before it’s too late
so did anything actually happen? yeah, cohen pretty much confirmed that there was no collusion, the pee tape is fake, trump didn't direct him to lie to congress, he has no actual evidence trump's payments to him were to reimburse him for the stormy daniels hush money, he was never in prague, the steele dossier was fake, trump has never paid a mistress's abortion, trump pays no child support to secret love children, the supposed elevator tape of trump hitting melania was fake, the doorman's story about his secret child was fake, and the earliest trump even knew about the wikileaks emails was 2 days before they were published- when they were already long since teased by wikileaks on twitter and available to the media
so did anything actually happen? A l(aw)yer that committed perjury entertained congressional Democrats with more lies before going to prison in 3 months. A true star witness.
I’m Canadian just for the record but I am fascinated by the American way of politics. Please don’t downvote me as I’m literally just trying ask a few questions to get a better understanding of how and why some people here are seeing things the way they are seeing them. 1. It seems like most comments are extremely pro AOC. Which is cool... or not whichever way is fine with me but as an outsider looking in I’m curious how this is rationalized. It doesn’t seem like this young lady has very much actual life experience. Doesn’t mean that she cant be a great leader someday but from everything I’m reading it seems like there are a lot of people who are borderline obsessed with her. Why? And I’m honestly asking that. Why her? I work in a factory I’m a normal dude by all accounts as with probably most people here. I consider myself a smart informed individual but i don’t have the first clue how to run a extremely large business or country. It shouldn’t be people like me running a country. All hell would break loose in days. Putting aside your differences honestly do you think the world will take AOC and the socialistic policies she appears to be putting forward seriously? She literally has 0 percent experience. Imagine she was in a room with all the other world leaders. Would they listen and if so why? You guys are America. We need you to be strong. Especially right now. Up here we have a guy named Justin Trudeau running the show and he sounds a lot like AOC. We thought it was a great idea but now we can’t wait to get ride of him. He gets rolled over by literally ever other world leader. No one takes him or us for that matter seriously. He’s given our beautiful country away. 2. Probably the most baffling thing I’ve heard is this universal wage or something about free money for people who don’t want to work or aren’t willing to work? Is that actually real? You guys are 22 Trillion with a T in debt. How will you pay people not to work? Where will the money come from? Tax the billionaires for sure but what about after they leave. Even then how will a few billionaires pay for hundreds or millions of people? Again please don’t downvote I’m am actually extremely curious as to how and why people are so infatuated with her? Also for the record on the outside looking in trump makes you guys look strong regardless of his beliefs or mantra or whatever you call it. Why would the most powerful country in the world... literally the country the rest of us look towards, want to appear weak. Putin and the rest of them will laugh and take advantage of your great country. They want you to do that. Can someone help me properly understand this? Alot of AOC's appeal is that she unseated a veteran Democrat who has spent too long in office because no one would challenge him in his district. She is also one of the justice democrats who were coalesced by a group of socialist activists. She mainly doesnt care about criticism and sticks to her guns even if she is wrong and alot of vocal radicals support her for this. Another thing for context is that the country has been becoming more and more politically polarized to the point that the language has kind of changed, for example equality on the left means resource equity, while on the right it means equal oppertunity. As far as I can twll it started to show signs in 2012 but became apparent in 2015 and got much worse during 2016 until now. Also yes what people are saying about Cortez being wrong on economics as well as pushing socialism is true. Here are some links. [Tim pool](https://youtu.be/2NM6ftvc8-k) [Tim pool](https://youtu.be/tq3FZ4FF0LE) [Ben Shapiro show](https://youtu.be/gihz8F4BAFg)
I agree with you about the hypocrisy, but this doesn’t belong in this sub. Edit: There’s no humor or joke, it’s just a statement. This would be more appropriate in different political sub is all I’m saying Its sooooo funny though! XDXDD
I agree with you about the hypocrisy, but this doesn’t belong in this sub. Edit: There’s no humor or joke, it’s just a statement. This would be more appropriate in different political sub is all I’m saying Left can't meme, it's a known fact of life
Has collision confirmed? nope
[Daddy](https://youtu.be/4LqZdkkBDas) You are doing the lord's work my friend
2 . **Try to be funny.** I agree with the “meme” but it’s definitely not funny
I wish you weren’t right. But the GND and her is without a doubt good for his re-election. It’s why McConnell is trying to force it to a vote and the Dem leadership is trying to stop it. I wish the Dems would recognize this before it’s too late Haha its so funny watching you get downvoted as fuck. Man looking forward to trump2020
when did i ever say that at all, i dont want any oppression or anything like that. dunno how you came to that, all i was saying is that is that there are other values to a person that should be put first before being gay, i dont think its this super important thing. its as important as if your wearing glasses or not. sexuality should be treated as sexuality not a religion like alot of people i see do. please dm me if you want to discuss but please don't call me human trash its not very nice. As a bisexual man, I totally agree
Think the illegal immigrants led to the violent vigilantes. Why are any of us listening to a British periodical. No no this very comment section says the border was a very peaceful place before the drumpfh!
> > >"Basically, they wanted the sanctions lifted in their entirety," he said. "They were willing to denuke a large portion of the areas that we wanted, but we couldn't give up all of the sanctions for that." > >"Sometimes you have to walk," Trump added. fair enough. Yes and wise. He could of got some agreement that would have put off the problem to the next President, AOC, and then she would of had to Cash Kim Outside. And How about Dat’ed him.
Minorities are marginalized in literally every country. Yeah but once you’re marginalized you get to play the Victim and blame everything bad in your life on the non-oppressed people.
Why is this subreddit usually US rubbish. There is good material in other countries you know This sub is owned and operated by the U.S. DNC.
What makes it especially weird is that the details make me think she actually was trying to make something reasonably educational, by handing the kids cotton and asking them to ponder slavery. But the obvious question is, why the fuck would only the black kids need to ponder slavery? Acting like slavery and its Legacy is something only black people need to deal with is fucked up. And it is probably one of the big reasons why so many white people refuse to even think about the effects of slavery. Its that kinda liberal racism that isnt explicit and outright but just dumb and ignorant and one second of thought would make you realize handing cotton to black kids is a bad idea. Idk how these people are so dumb
Sounds like people are happy? Wtf lost in partisanship. i'm very against Trump, but we all lose when these talks break down. I actually thought he managed to not be a complete idiot with the whole thing.
Good thing Bernie tried to pander to Trump's voters by giving him credit for it before it happened while also ensuring Trump's voters will never actually consider him by saying Trump should also be working with Iran. Buuuut my beatifu bernie is berfect
This is pretty biased Edit: How am I getting down voted when there is no down vote button? Also, no I don't have time to debate, I've got to go to work, go figure. I was just pointing out that it's biased. Your response also doesn't even come close to answering the question asked. Fox News, especially Chris Wallace, is a reputable news source. Chris always asks the tough questions to BOTH reps and dems. He’s one of the good guys. He’s even had to attack a politician who tried to attack journalists as a whole. I’m not too sure which reporters at Fox suck. Do you?
Didn't stop Putin from taking Crimea though, so..... Line in the sand... wait here’s another line... one more line but this is the last one...
No indication of how to pay for it unfortunately. Solid plan tho otherwise. Yea. I was excited for it then heard the radio say "but no current plan on how to fund it." and sighed. That's the most important part
Arresting someone who might have been loitering and the manager wants gone. Vs. Arresting a sitting president. I want to see Trump go under as much as anyone, but you're in fairy tale land if you ever think Trump will be put in cuffs and hauled away. I’m with you. I can’t stand Trump. But the people that think he’s about to go to prison - or be impeached - are seeing what they *want* to happen rather than what’s going to happen.
I’m with you. I can’t stand Trump. But the people that think he’s about to go to prison - or be impeached - are seeing what they *want* to happen rather than what’s going to happen. I'm just arguing he isnt going to be cuffed and treated like any other criminal.
Impeach him for what? Article doesn't say. For being an asshole. Now, You can’t impeach him for being an asshole, but boy howdy, good reasonable non asshole people are trying to find a way to get his dumbass outta there.
Why do you wAnt Trump to fail so badly? Obama failed too but I am sure you guys were all happy and full of praise. Like if he made a deal you would say he gave too much. Like you don't think this divisive will come back to haunt you when a democrats is in the white house? Can't even respond because the children like to down vote instead of talking about what I said. Can't go against the echo chamber. You're right here. Trump is an idiot but his failure is our failure. Everyone literally rooting against him trying to land a deal is pathetic. To say Obama tried at all would be an overstatement.
Why is the one at the bottom a cartoonish stereotype of a Jew? Considering all the anti-church/religion comments here, I'm thinking a lot of users here aren't exactly pro-Judaism.
Wearing the maga hat made me realize just how far gone the left is. The left sees the hat as a free pass to commit hate crimes against those wearing it. Im not looking for trouble but I do carry and have a CW permit. One day one of these people are going to pick the wrong supporter and it's not going to go well for them. They tend to pick the people that won't fight back. I don't know if it's luck or if they have the ability pick the right one's. But it's going to an interesting day when they pick the wrong one.
No one should be gloating over Trump being unable to make a deal with Kim. A denuclearization deal would have been great for everyone and no deal is bad for everyone. And the same day Trump was trying to negotiate a nuke deal with NK, democrats scheduled the Cohen hearings to embarrass and distract the president, undermining his authority. So much for country over party. Exactly! These people are celebrating us not making peace.. like wow. It’s like they are so blind with the hate for Trump that they can’t see the good in anything or see how negative they are. The Democrats put their party and beliefs over the country over & over again.
Socialism actually almost always works. It's when you mix nationalism and an "us vs them" rhetoric with socialism that it fails. Take Germany post WWI for example. In the early days of the Nazi state a whole hell of a lot of good was done for the German people. It was only after Hitler's imprisonment and his writing that damn book that the Nazi party became what history remembers. For those of you who are still laboring under the delusion that socialism equates to soviet communism at best or Nazism at worst allow me to straighten it out for you. ANY governmental system is going to have it's problems because all are created by man. The biggest issue with all of them in the modern age is money. There is simply too damn much of it and a mentality of selfishness surrounding it. It permeates every aspect of our lives and we, very very wrongly, believe it to be the most important thing in this world. That belief is a construct. It's false. Socialism, at it's core, very simply is caring for others beyond yourself. It is a practical exercise in not being selfish and doing the right thing simply because it is the right thing to do and not because you will be rewarded for it. In short, socialism is putting into practice all those lessons that long haired Jewish hippy you Christians revere so much taught. Now I know someone will come behind me and systematically tear this comment apart. Frankly I don't care. To me it just shows how little that person actually understands and how deep they have fallen into the rabbit hole. Like totally for sure. But socialism is not "at it's core, very simply is caring for others beyond yourself" its caring for a government to make the 49% do what 51% of the people want. Governments too have varying degrees of soft "socialism" hybrids with a capitalist economic engines. There are very few examples of traditional socialism today like North Korea and Cuba.
Nah, going after McCain for getting captured (in a war Trump ran away from), making fun of the reporter, calling people "low IQ" all the time, Pocahontas, etc., etc. It's "I'm the winner/bully you always dreamed of being" plus voters thinking: * he's a man, so his lifetime of lies and corruption is just "playing the game," not real evil corruption like when a *woman* lies, and * HRC is a sure thing, so let's vote for Trump to keep it to like 55:45 so we don't have to hear her gloat annoyingly for months about some big mandate. trump is an idiot
Probably because facts matter and there's little to no actual proof he committed an impeachable offense? I know we all wish there was, but it's not that cut-and-dried. The fact that she's willing to cast such a vote based on conjecture speaks volumes about the state of our government. Partisan hack, criticising other partisan hacks.
It's r/politicalhumor, so they always will be. -topics are always divisive -posts seldom have any humor in them outside of 'gotcha' hypocrisy, so people will point that out and be downvoters by other people who assume they are on opposing political teams -this sub just has a combative userbase I love how you mention this and still get downvoted to hell
It's r/politicalhumor, so they always will be. -topics are always divisive -posts seldom have any humor in them outside of 'gotcha' hypocrisy, so people will point that out and be downvoters by other people who assume they are on opposing political teams -this sub just has a combative userbase Well I'm not a close minded simple thinking sheep so have my upvote sir!
The rather awkward boy-crushes on AOC (isn’t she dreamy?) are drowning out the usual excitement for impeachment. I just hope no one starts stalking her soon. Feels like we’re getting there. she is maybe a solid 5/10 LOL
> emoluments clause What evidence is there that he is receiving gifts from foreign countries? Don’t ask questions like that. Mr_completly will need to put on his unitard and engage in some serious gymnastics to come up with anything smelling of evidence. This is reddit. No one wants neckbeards performing gymnastics. Ew.
>may This is awful judgement. As is his general refusal to talk about the consequences on innocent Israelis of the many murders and attacks by his friends HAMAS
So, umm... got any proof on any of those claims? You even listed one with the word "possible". You fit right in here on /r/propaganda_hit_piece_a_day People hate Trump so much that they’re literally willing to overlook due process in favor of impeaching someone without evidence. Every time I’ve seen people ask for proof of Trump’s crimes they always just link a few opinion pieces from HuffPo or wherever else. It’s crazy. I can understand that many people dislike Trump, but at least wait for evidence before accusing him of impeachable crimes, or worse. The mainstream media and platforms like Reddit have people so enraged over Trump that they’re literally incapable of logic.
She needs to go back to bartending She’s like a child drawing crayon pictures. She has no understanding of the economy or how much her ideas cost. It’s crayon rainbow drawings.
I love how libs are playing this moron up. She’ll destroy the democrat party Trump has caused the Democratic party to split into coporate Democrats and Socialist Democrats. Aoc and her pimp Bernie are doing all the damage This is why Trump said he'd love to run agaisnt Pelosi. Inter conflict - destroy the ememy within
It's r/politicalhumor, so they always will be. -topics are always divisive -posts seldom have any humor in them outside of 'gotcha' hypocrisy, so people will point that out and be downvoters by other people who assume they are on opposing political teams -this sub just has a combative userbase I upvoted you for the truth. People here are too stuck in their little echo chamber lol.
Well I'm not a close minded simple thinking sheep so have my upvote sir! Weird how you get downvotes for supporting someone with a different opinion, have my upvote sir! Edit: Weird how I also get that, no suprise honestly from a subreddit filled with ignorant people.
He is absolutely correct, of course. But I fear that a day or two after he refused to whip to proscribe Hezzbollah and Williamson's comments, this is hard to read in that light alone. Also with Maduro firing on people trying to get humanitarian aid, and his opposition to sanctions against Venezuela it looks hypocritical to say the least...
Also with Maduro firing on people trying to get humanitarian aid, and his opposition to sanctions against Venezuela it looks hypocritical to say the least... The UN say Israel "may" have committed these atrocities. Surely Corbyn should be calling for having all the evidence before committing to any action, as he did with the Salisbury attack?
Drumpf is so stupid He ain't smart.
I'm off for jumping on the bandwagon here but this is **categorically false.** It is. Almost like none of these bozos watched the thing. They called him a liar for lying to Congress and defrauding the government.
He is absolutely correct, of course. But I fear that a day or two after he refused to whip to proscribe Hezzbollah and Williamson's comments, this is hard to read in that light alone. As for whether he’s right? Non obvious. Obviously the current Israeli Government are *not* nice people. But we currently sell arms to all sorts of nasty people. So why specifically talk about Israel here? You need a coherent policy for when you’ll sell arms to specific regimes or not. Present it in those terms then sure. I’d ban all arms sales in principle myself but I’m sure that isn’t current policy! Present it as specifically Israel like this and it really is a little bit problematic. Obviously as a piece of messaging from the leader of a major political party given the recent history its a whole lot worse than that :( :(
And apparently no one taught you to think. Haha this sub is such a cesspool
One taught me that he was a sellout, one taught me that some people fake who they are, the last didn’t teach me anything but still disappointed the nation. Three failures congrats. Neoliberalism sucks as much as conservatism /r/lostredditors But yeah I agree with you. They love their corporate whores
She says “like” and “um” with superhuman frequency. Or maybe at pretending she's working class, she's super at that too.
/r/lostredditors But yeah I agree with you. They love their corporate whores Looks like they downvoting us, to bad that’s the only effect they’ll have on us, because we all know neoliberal policies won’t affect any of our lives in anyway unless of course we start making millions of dollars 💵
Then why are you still living under Capitalism? Let me guess. "You've been banned from /r/ShitLiberalsSay because bla bla bla bla, now suck the Admin's cock to return"
He is absolutely correct, of course. But I fear that a day or two after he refused to whip to proscribe Hezzbollah and Williamson's comments, this is hard to read in that light alone. He's not correct at all. [Hamas was paying parents to send their children to the border riots so they could generate bad press for Israel.](https://www.timesofisrael.com/idf-gaza-children-being-promised-nis-300-if-injured-at-border-protests/) Corbyn has fallen for it at best, or is just using it at worse.
Considering there were at least 3 clear next steps on 3 different fronts; Tax evasion Bank fraud Campaign finance violations Yeah, it wasn't a bombshell. It was a fuse, and it's lit. Right? When this is all said and done, I cannot wait to see what someone was paid to keep this subreddit open. It’s just hilarious at this point.
They "failed" to reach a rushed counterproductive deal, yeah. It's a gradual slow process, let's not be too hasty now and give it some time. Ugh. Stop being reasonable. There is no place for that here.
No shit. Absolutely nobody know what the state of the country will look like within the next five years. Indyref2 (and 1 for that matter) is about as stupid an idea as Brexit anyway in that it’s driven by nationalists without a plan. I completely agree. It’s the same ideological fanaticism that rejects economic sense which drove Brexit to victory. Which makes it all the more ironic that the SNP are adamant opponents of Brexit.
She says “like” and “um” with superhuman frequency. Alexandria Occasionally Coherent
Alexandria Occasionally Coherent Okay, this is funny shit😂😂