This sub is anti-white and anti-male (unless you’re gay), it’s no surprise ;) Yeah fits the typical progressive of today. They don’t know what’s going on they just want to be accepted so they aren’t the next target. Disgraceful.
Abortions don't kill babies. That's something stupid people say to deny reality. I'm prochoice and I think we should pretty much just accept that we are basically fucking killing babies. "Oooh Fetuses are different". Nah. You seen some of those pictures? We're killin babies, deal. Everybody has this desire to be morally in the right, and that automatically makes you a hypocrite. Is abortion straight up the morally right thing to do? Never. In no situation would it ever straight up be on the completely purely good end of the "good", "bad" spectrum. I'd say it'd be in the middle at BEST. ​ But having abortions readily available and easy to access will make our society a better place. We don't need people being forced to raise kids that they can't support. Underdeveloped areas will go straight to fucking hell and we're already having a population problem. Sometimes the moral highground isn't what's best for society. ​
Yeah fits the typical progressive of today. They don’t know what’s going on they just want to be accepted so they aren’t the next target. Disgraceful. Yep. The need to be accepted is nuts. IMO much of Reddit is sheltered from reality. Just gotta remind yourself that politically, Reddit is extremely left wing which is why they actively censor the website and it’s posts. Enjoy your downvotes simply for pointing out things aren’t always what they seem!
Yep. The need to be accepted is nuts. IMO much of Reddit is sheltered from reality. Just gotta remind yourself that politically, Reddit is extremely left wing which is why they actively censor the website and it’s posts. Enjoy your downvotes simply for pointing out things aren’t always what they seem! They try so damn hard to be funny or controversial they forget basic human things, and just common sense stuff. Also our school system(from my experience) taught me almost nothing to get ready for life. Betting that has something to do with it as well.
8000 insecure incels Why are so many incels drawn to Peterson's message? Hmm.... I wonder why... 🤔
TaXaTiOn iS tHeFt. Are you a multi billionaire? Then relax m8. Never seen so many people so intent on protecting the richest people In the world. This is an ancap subreddit. Spreading billionaire ass cheeks and swallowing down logs is their specialty.
When this is all over Mueller should become a democrat. Edit: since this got so many downvotes guess many redditors took my comment serious. Or maybe the implied irony didn’t come across. Anyhow my coolest downvoted comment. /s (!) Google: Mueller and Yellow cake uranium
If this ain't the cringiest thing i've ever seen on this sub I don't know what is This whole sub is pure cringe
Looms is the new buzzword or phrase.. * Turning point * Beginning of the end * walls are closing in * Bombshell * According to anon source My favorite is the way they are all insisting that a 50 vote threshold will totally end the wall and there is nothing Trump can do to stop it... 1 week later the headlines will read "Do we really need a Presidential Veto in our democracy?"
No they don't. Really just fuck off Hillary you aren't helping anything. We have actual good communicators now with AOC and Beto, we don't need centrists who can't relate to anyone messing this up for us again. Hillary Clinton is an evil centrist sack of shit, but in this specific instance, she is correct. The political field is incredibly sexist. Women indeed are going to be criticized on things male candidates won't be.
Nazi Germany? ZERO socialism and Hitler NEVER criticized the free market economy. It was as capitalist as you could get, nobody payed taxes and there was NO regulation. These communists cucks just hate on Hitler for no reason. He knew what the free market wanted and gave it to them. He is more Libertarian than any of these liberal soyboy candidates.
So what happens if this investigation just ends with all of these guilty pleas but no Trump indictment? Will Mueller still be the savior or will he have failed everyones mission to get Trump out? We all know that every anti-Trump person is gonna call Mueller a Russian Hacker Bot Lol I wonder how r/the_mueller is gonna handle it lol
He chose Russia because he was [being specifically asked about his relationship with Russia and the hacks](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3kxG8uJUsWU), which by that point had already occured. It’s been taken out of context so many times people seem to forget that that quote comes from his *denial* of a conspiracy between him and Russia, rumours of which were already rife in the media. It was a joke about Hillary Obstruction Justice
She sure practices [hypocrisy](https://howthehelldidienduphere.files.wordpress.com/2018/01/born-again-bill-schorr-cagle-cartoons.jpg) huh? Is there someone out there who got sexually serviced by Donald Trump in exchange for some casino or hotel deal? I'm not seeing the comparison here. Kamala played that game.
Qualified and voted in just like the other 7... well, Kagan isn't exactly qualified... neither is sotomayer, but if any institution needs a AA infusion of wahmen, it most def is the most important and powerful court in the land
How do you guys keep getting on popular with shit posts that only have 7 votes? It's pretty confusing right?
We got him this time folks! /s Right? I swear to god, if someone were to base their entire political conceptualisation off of Reddit's front page, they'd be under the constant illusion that Trump's White House is in a perpetual state of chaos and collapse. Oh, I meant "iT's MUeLLeR TiMe!1!!"
Right? I swear to god, if someone were to base their entire political conceptualisation off of Reddit's front page, they'd be under the constant illusion that Trump's White House is in a perpetual state of chaos and collapse. Oh, I meant "iT's MUeLLeR TiMe!1!!" They're so desperate, it's hilarious. I can't wait to see their faces in 2020. Reddit will become absolute madness lmao their party's goal is to ruin America
>private health care decreases life expectancy >too much freedom decreases life expectancy ok thanks Not worth posting logically in here lol
Not worth posting logically in here lol I know, but it's a hobby.
I know, but it's a hobby. I too feed on negative karma
In America, you have the freedom to eat yourself into extreme obesity. You can also have the healthiest possible lifestyle. It's about freedom. Edit: I'm at -69 points. Nice Edit 2: Okay, after some re-evaluation, I should have made my point about how you have to pay much higher taxes for Medicare, and that you don't have a choice, even if you're not using government Medicare, and that if you're too poor in the US then welfare still covers it. I'm going to leave this post up because I said something stupid and deserve the criticism for saying it. But I'm acknowledging my mistake in trying to make a complex issue into something as simple as this. Also I sounded like a douchebag saying "it's about freedom," so sorry about that. This sums up the entire argument IMHO. That's what the country is about. If you wanna live as a hermit, then sure as long as you pay your taxes and such. If you don't, then you do what you want, providing that it doesn't disrupt others directly. In general I think that's a pretty good idea. EDIT: My comment below expands my point. Also, /u/xXtol also expanded quite nicely. Thanks man!
F that. Give me free shit. Who the fuck would work for it if they had an option? I’ll get my self accomplishment from something else. *Edit* *Lol my most downvoted comment I think. Whoops shoulda worded it better. Was a comment on the people don’t want to be given things line. Nothing to do with the rest about living wage* I think you’d be surprised at how unfulfilling life is if you’re given everything and do nothing. And if you’re wondering how everyone else feels, just look at how Mr free college healthcare housing and free money did in his own primary in 2016.
Why is this getting downvoted...? There is legitimate information in this article and it’s not heavily biased either way. > it’s not heavily biased either way That's why it's getting downvoted, I suspect. /r/politics does not want legitimate information that is not heavily biased.
Why is this getting downvoted...? There is legitimate information in this article and it’s not heavily biased either way. It doesn't fit the r/politics circle jerk, that's why.
Just how much more do I need to pay in taxes? I already pay close to 50% when its all said and done on a middle class income. Just a little more, so the 20 somethings in Reddit can live your same lifestyle without having to work for it
Just how much more do I need to pay in taxes? I already pay close to 50% when its all said and done on a middle class income. Don’t be such a bigot. People who are unwilling to work need economic security according the genius of AOC
F that. Give me free shit. Who the fuck would work for it if they had an option? I’ll get my self accomplishment from something else. *Edit* *Lol my most downvoted comment I think. Whoops shoulda worded it better. Was a comment on the people don’t want to be given things line. Nothing to do with the rest about living wage* This is exactly what Socialism brings in a nutshell right here, to the point it may even be satire. If I’m going to get paid the same whether I am a star or a scrub, why make the effort to be the star?
What’s that? I can’t hear you over those downvotes. Imagine actually giving a shit about post score in this astroturfed unfunny liberal shit hole of a subreddit 😂😂😂. Hell, on this website in general.
Huh a gun owner who associates his gun with a penis. Big surprise. Thankyou for pointing this out! You can own a gun and not associate losing it with losing your penis. This kind of phallic symbolism typifies insecure masculinity and it’s scary to see this getting any support at all...
Without any funding mechanisms, this bill is a meaningless gesture We can just tax the rich!!!! /s
So what were they talking about and what did it reveal? Did I miss this or another tape that led to a conviction of Trump? Trump haters only hear “collusion!”
Do you have this much passion for what the "pigs" do to unarmed blacks? Or is liberty really just about guns?
Careful not fitting the narrative there... people don’t like that. Itll be alright...fake internet points an all that
So, is this normal? CNN can't twist stories when they arent there buddy
Bummer. Would have made for some funny clips. Perhaps one of his colleagues will carry the the torch. Regardless, tomorrow is going to be a must watch comedy show. Yeah we get to watch Congress pretend to take the guy who is already guilty of lying to Congress seriously lol I guess this is just a good headline grabber.
lol Stop it u/6iGjV you’re scaring them!
She's a dumbass and terrible person but the federal jobs guarantee is a really bad idea. Don't worry friend, I agree with you
So you want Twitter to ban every person who supports a president that you don't? Go move to China if you want censorship like that. YOU are the one who identified every racist as supporting Trump.
I just looked up the definition of witness tampering and am not sure how this fits. He simply said he was going to give up dirt on Cohen. If he has dirt, that is his to give if and how he chooses. Am I missing something here? Those law professors don't know shit, MAGA
I guess I'm not seeing the connection. If he said something like "dont say anything if you dont want your secrets out there" I could see it as tampering, but hes not using it for blackmail or leverage, he spilled the beans right in his tweet. I’m with you man. I don’t see what people are seeing in this.
Well I can't vote for him since I'm not american, but I'm cheering from the sidelines. I want Bernie to win, but Kamala doesn't strike me as the corporate shill warhawk focusgroup driven fake smiling shell of a human being as Hillary. I'm yet to see/hear anything from her but it seems she's on the right track regarding medicare for all and other issues. So I'm rooting for Bernie because I know he's as genuine as you can get, but I'm also content with a Harris nomination. Then you haven't been paying attention. Kamala is the choice of the Oligarchs. She persecutes the poor and minorities and protects rich business men like Steve Mnuchin and pedophile priests. She's Hillary 2.0 and Hillary is her puppet master. She has all of Hillary's campaign team on her team and lots of big money donors from the Hamptons, Martha's Vineyard and Hollywood. No way Bernie chooses her.
>got a standing ovation just fot walking on the stage! How to recognize religious fanatics 101. Sounds like a cult to me
Still not sure why this is even a factor in a resolution that was ostensibly aimed at addressing climate change... These are completely separate battles and gaining Republican support on solutions to the climate is enough of an issue. Attempting to tack on a litany of progressive social and economic programs just guarantees it is not going anywhere anytime soon. If it's part of the platform of the democratic candidate for president, it even guarantees another 4 years of Trump. I'm pretty sure most people would rather have a useless border wall than that kind of comprehensive government power grab.
I think you could feed the entire continent of Africa with this 'nothing burger.' Trust me, this "scandal" has eliminated hunger in Africa.
Good stuff, but unless Cohen has more actual evidence than this--or has given more evidence over to Mueller--then this won't move the needle. Lol. K
Wasn't Cohen supposed to be the Democrat star witness in testimony today or something? I got like two notifications for it. He's been disbarred and has been charged with a felony related to giving false testimony and they want him to give more testimony? Seems like unnecessary drama until you realize it's politics. Do what you can with what you've got. > It appears the ruling was not scheduled for dissemination until Thursday, Feb. 28, which is the date they are stamped. Looks like someone leaked this ahead of his testimony. Between this and Cohen’s statement, it doesn’t look good for the Democrats hoping to make hay out of this. Cohen’s letter actually states that Stormy Daniel’s demanded the $130k for her silence and he says that Trump paid Cohen $35k out of his personal account (as opposed to his Campaign account which the media has been stating for over a year) for legal services (Doesn’t specify for what). Worst of all, his very first paragraph states that he has no evidence of any Russian collusion. (Although he suspects it.) Big fat nothing burger.
God I hope he's got more, a lot more. I don't see anything actionable in his statement. Most of what he said has already been revealed. It's hearsay and will be dismissed as lies from a liar by the republicans and ignored. No dude, Trump will totally be impeached for not wanting people to see his grades, we've never had any President do that sort of thing, sure not the President right before him.
I had people downvoting me for believing Mueller over Buzzfeed. As if the moment Buzzfeed comes out with an anti-Trump story they automatically became infallible. I was trying to tell people that if Mueller objected, then that meant Buzzfeed got something wrong. End of story. And yet people were jumping to Buzzfeed's defense as if Mueller were the one who was wrong. Well here it fucking is. Mueller had a good reason, and here it comes from the mouth of Trump's own lawyer. It doesn't get much more final than that. Because the left is just as willing to believe anything that fits their narrative just like the right.
I am a retired cop. I've written hundreds of search warrants, arrest warrants and arrested several people for witness intimidation on several different cases. I've testified numerous times in open court to these above cases and gotten convictions. I have more knowledge than anyone about this issue. I dont know what else to tell you...want to see my badge? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Witness_tampering >Retired Cop here. >I worked Gangs for a while. There is ZERO doubt in my mind that had I had a witness testifying on a big case and a friend of the suspect said this we would arrest him immediately. >In fact I KNOW many cases that were far less and we got a conviction for witness tampering. Dont let this go, he should be charged. [Michael Cohen is a convicted felon who has already admitted to lying to Congress previously.]( https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/michael-cohen-trumps-former-lawyer-pleads-guilty-to-lying-to-congress/2018/11/29/5fac986a-f3e0-11e8-bc79-68604ed88993_story.html?noredirect=on&utm_term=.1620e13af73b) His credibility is deeply tarnished and questions and comments regarding his character should absolutely be highlighted publicly given the circumstances. As a witness to the Mueller investigation Michael Cohen has already given his testimony and would be on his way to federal prison for his lies, deception and fraud if not for a [U.S. District Court Judge granting Cohen an extension](https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/judge-grants-michael-cohen-request-to-push-back-prison-sentence) to recover from shoulder surgery and to testify to Congress. Similarly, [Michael Cohen has already submitted a twenty (20) page opening statement to Congress](https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/27/politics/cohen-testimony-read/index.html) in writing which contains a significant portion of his forthcoming testimony including relevant documents. This was not a backroom threat this was a critical public tweet directed openly at a known liar who has already provided excerpts of his revised testimony to the government. There was no threat, quid pro quo or conditional wording that would support charges of witness tampering provided he could even be prosecuted under the 'speech and debate' clause. [Matt Gaetz is a member of Congress](https://gaetz.house.gov/) conducting his constitutional duty who expressed disdain for a felon who has already deceived the government repeatedly not some “friend” of a suspect. It's incredulous to believe and legally dubious to suggest that a single critical tweet from a public servant who has no direct personal interest/connection to the testimony would constitute witness tampering. The fact that you’ve supposedly witnessed individuals be charged with witness tampering for far less is undoubtedly terrifying and may certainly reflect the failure of our criminal justice system but that in no way satisfies the criminal threshold to warrant prosecution. With all due respect even if you are qualified and legitimately a retired cop you should be providing actual sources and documentation that support your assertion. You made a definitive claim and personally I’d like to see the factual basis for it.
And no one complained or clutched their pearls. WRONG
Every single one of these links is manufactured outrage claiming that other people are outraged. I think the commenter was looking for actual people upset about it. Most posts link to a single tweet and the media took it and tried to divide the country based on it. Edit: holy downvotes. Do people in this sub actually believe most conservatives were upset about AOC dancing? I'm upset that reddit liberals are mistaking the media establishment and their manufactured outrage with "conservatives." They don't even know who their own enemy is.
That's true but it also is the case that there is nothing wrong with these pictures. She was a model and she was modeling, ho fucking hum. Don't talk about the GOP’s hypocrisy people; what about how, on the other hand, it's just modeling... Whataboutism.
Every single one of these links is manufactured outrage claiming that other people are outraged. I think the commenter was looking for actual people upset about it. Most posts link to a single tweet and the media took it and tried to divide the country based on it. Edit: holy downvotes. Do people in this sub actually believe most conservatives were upset about AOC dancing? The amount of downvotes you have in such a short period of time is very unsettling.
If she was married to a left wing politician and a right wing person implied she was trashy, you'd probably be here talking about how women get shamed for their choices and all she did was modeling. It's fun to see the double standards This exactly. The hypocrisy is very real in the left. But hey these leftists feel smarter than their family and friends cuz of what they think. Also claim that the right is brainwashed when you have racist left wing politicians dressed as black face.
>[–]MrHassanSan North Carolina [score hidden] 6 minutes ago >They didn't say they trusted Cohen. They said they don't have a reason to doubt the claim. And I say it again. The reason we all should have to doubt everyone in a CRIMINAL TRAIL is that what people say is not hard evidence. "Believing" anyone just because we have no reason to doubt them is what put Trump in the Presidency in the first place. But Im on the same page. I want to see the US "fixed", haha. look how that word showed up. I have to say I am surprised for the downvotes just because I wrote "evidence". But I assume it is a bad word in the US nowadays, hahaha.
My theory is that Don has ADD, maybe even dyslexia - and probably went with it undiagnosed and untreated, given that he grew up in the 50's). Even though I dislike the man like few others, having those conditions can (and often will) screw up ones academic performance. Is that the same reason Obama blocked his law school transcript from being released? He must have ADD, right? Well, assuming your logic is consistent.
Trump's approval has risen to 44% in February. I don't think with that kind of approval rating anything will happen to Trump, even if he is found guilty relating to anything Cohen is saying. I would have imagined that his emergency funding of the wall would have ruffled some feathers in his base, because Mexico is not paying for the wall, a campaign promise he didn't keep to his base. Guess not. I have seen as high as 52% approval.
For the love of God, can we please primary Debbie Wasserman Shultz!! She faced primaries. People love her. And so do I.
Trump's approval has risen to 44% in February. I don't think with that kind of approval rating anything will happen to Trump, even if he is found guilty relating to anything Cohen is saying. I would have imagined that his emergency funding of the wall would have ruffled some feathers in his base, because Mexico is not paying for the wall, a campaign promise he didn't keep to his base. Guess not. Eh walls being built is what's important. First president in my lifetime to take border security seriously.
Trump's approval has risen to 44% in February. I don't think with that kind of approval rating anything will happen to Trump, even if he is found guilty relating to anything Cohen is saying. I would have imagined that his emergency funding of the wall would have ruffled some feathers in his base, because Mexico is not paying for the wall, a campaign promise he didn't keep to his base. Guess not. For the last time, mexico is paying for the wall due to less favorable trade deals, a reduction in money sent to central america etcetera. The REASON he hasnt been able to actually fund the wall USING that money is because congress wont let him ALLOCATE these rescources there. Just because mexico gave us money or we gave them less money due to something trump dd doesnt mean trump then gets to do whatever he wants with that money. It still needs to be allocated by congress.
For the last time, mexico is paying for the wall due to less favorable trade deals, a reduction in money sent to central america etcetera. The REASON he hasnt been able to actually fund the wall USING that money is because congress wont let him ALLOCATE these rescources there. Just because mexico gave us money or we gave them less money due to something trump dd doesnt mean trump then gets to do whatever he wants with that money. It still needs to be allocated by congress. Don't bother. They think 'pay for the wall' means Mexico will cut a cheque. Any other explanation will be met with ignorance and ridicule. They have no capacity to think for themselves.
Marry a rich abusive psychopath and cry yourself to sleep every night? (Says the guy who didnt marry a hot model) Soddy af
Okay, but that doesn't explain two supposedly separate user accounts deciding at the same moment to repost articles from the same day six months ago. Probably influencers. We can be clear about this: They're playing the same game on both sides. Reddit has a lot of pull.
I am a conservative. Don’t love Trump but it’s not killing me he is President. I think the whole investigation about Trump working with the Russians to help win the election has been a witch hunt and has been a travesty. So not a progressive, not a Trump (or Hillary) voter, but not a never Trump guy. I think what the Congressman did is deserving of an immediate arrest the same way robbing a grocery store would. I have never seen a more clear public attempt at wittiness intimidation and tampering in my life, and I am old. There are 200 million witnesses that saw what he did, the DC District Attorney should arrest him today and perp walk him to a squad car. Congress should immediately censure him and remove him from all committee assignments. It’s not just what he did is illegal, we can’t have a person this stupid about the law continue to serve in Congress.( even with a law degree, never hire a Lawyer who went to William & Mary Law School) Edit: To the people that think the Investigation can’t be a witch-hunt because of the indictments. I am completely aware of all the released specifics and related details on each indictment. None come close to touching the witch they are hunting, Trump himself. If you are not completely aware of the details of the charges (especially with Manafort) please don’t respond with some “what about” questions. >I have a lot of follow ups, but can’t get to them because I am on probation on r/politics and can only post once every 10 minutes. The comment rule is stupid as fuck, you are right though gaetz sounded like a thug and definitely didn’t help the GOP. It’s funny to see everyone call you a racist,xenophobic, sexist and whatever dumb things they can say, when in fact the Democratic Party has a racist past and racist future based on identity politics. Keep it up they hate the teach
Oh my god I love Michael Cohen now What is happening Because he’s telling you what you want to hear?
[And this is more legitimate?](https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2019/feb/27/michael-cohen-has-no-evidence-trump-colluded-russi/) Here come the down votes. You're brave.
Really? Look at the dems lol. I look at them and see far left lunatics ignoring the moderates tbh
So much hate on Republicans but both sides are equally stupid, it's just a dog and pony show and so many people just want to pick low hanging fruit Jesus, the instant hate just proves this right 😂
Voila! In view humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the “vox populi” now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a bygone vexation stands vivified, and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin, van guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. The only verdict is vengeance; a vendetta, held as a votive not in vain, for the value and veracity of such shall one day vindicate the vigilant and the virtuous. Verily this vichyssoise of verbiage veers most verbose, so let me simply add that it’s my very good honour to meet you and you may call me **V**. I wish the world (in their own languages) used half of these words meaning we would be well educated.
The candidate that hates rich people yet racked up over 300k in private jet usage and has 3 houses! (go ahead and ban me) Also, this guy doesn't belong to the Democratic party, he is a Socialist. Let's call it what it is. If you support his ideology call yourself what you are. A Socialist and not a Democrat.
Also, this guy doesn't belong to the Democratic party, he is a Socialist. Let's call it what it is. If you support his ideology call yourself what you are. A Socialist and not a Democrat. Thats pretty much it, he pretends to be a socialist yet lives like the president of Venezuela.
Does anyone think Cohen has lied thus far in the hearing ? If so, what has he lied about? Thanks for y'all's replies. Better question, what has he told the truth about and with what proof?
Ya but how do they prove what that payment was for? It's a worthwhile question. Sorry folks are hitting you on this. This will be the spin tonight and when no other answer comes up the right will just shrug and say "who knows?"
I'm british and what I've gathered is nothing happened and trump is still president Oh btw proof I am indeed british: http://imgur.com/gallery/Dc5VHLE But the huffington post promised me that drumpf would be impeached any day now!
Nope. I feel you dude, mod team did nothing wrong and you guys are gonna get crucified by reddit for no reason
This is the wrong website to expect a Bipartisan, moderate answer. All Republican are not idiots, just as all democrats are not. This is a very Liberal driven website with a lot of heavy negativity toward the right. Fox News and CNN are both going to lean one way or the other. We have some Republicans saying Climate Change isn’t real, and Democrats saying that we should get rid of Airplanes. Both idiotic ideals on both sides of the spectrum. Edit: a word CNN is not is ANY way left. They are corporate center and do you have a source for the airplane thing? Yes there are some shitty corporate dems like the Clintons but there is no Republican that has been as good to the average person compared to Bernie.
I'm british and what I've gathered is nothing happened and trump is still president Oh btw proof I am indeed british: http://imgur.com/gallery/Dc5VHLE You got it. No collusion with Russia. A better question is what would Trump even gain from collusion with Russia? He's a billionaire and as president the most powerful man in the world. Estimates on how much influence Russia had on the election put the total number of turned votes under 10,000. Russia meddles in every election and we meddle in theirs. Trump won by acknowledging the electoral college system and campaigning accordingly. Get this, Trump was a registered Democrat from 2001 to 2009. If you look strictly at the policies he is implementing or trying to implement and ignore his rhetoric he's the most liberal republic president in the history of the country. From a UK perspective it might not be obvious from where your moderates sit, but it's undeniably true. Better border security was a bipartisan issue until Trump ran on a platform to build the wall. Trump is for dismantling profiteering in the medical industry. Social issues are the biggest thing though, he's a full fledged Democrat in social issues. It's crazy because the Republicans love him because they think he's really conservative and the Democrats hate him because they think he's really conservative. Shows that people ignore facts and only listen to narratives.
I'm going to say it. Nothing in Cohen's testimony was a direct hit. I see now why Mueller is still beavering away. Certainly, any reasonable person would agree that it's more probable than not that Trump committed conspiracy. But they don't have him beyond a reasonable doubt, and if you're going to come at the king, you'd best not miss. I was promised bombshells!
So basically what we have learned today is there is no collusion, no sex tapes, no abortion payments, and wiki leaks happened before he said they learned about it. We also learned that Cohen worked for President Trump from 2007-16, and admitted he carried on a 'catch and kill' strategy in regards to negative stories about then private citizen Trump, that began long before he got there. That he would even go so far as to do this for tapes they knew did not exist! That he did not work for the campaign, that he used non campaign money to purchase the rights, and that he was not reimbursed by campaign funds. Where is this smoking gun we keep hearing about? Basically all they have is Cohen saying the President is a racist and a con man, which is what the mainstream media has been saying since he announced he was running! This testimony is nothing like the media hyped it up to be, which is no surprise. Pretty much
Socialist lays trap..... tell me again where this ends favorable for anyone? Obviously we point more money and everything will be fine! I mean, we just kill the rich, redistribute their wealth, and begin state ownership of everything. I'm pretty sure we wont have a massive famine, cause, obviously that's never happened before. Fuck her dumb ass
Name another active politician with the pure natural political talent of AOC because I've been trying for 5 minutes and I've got nothing. Right? Usually it takes years to become so incompetent and suggest such God awful spending ideas.
I think one think that is important to understand about quotes like these is that, generally, people on the Left are not biological essentialist. So when they talk about the problems with "whiteness" they're not saying there is anything inherently, biologically wrong with white people (or men). What she's referring to is the social construct of "whiteness" that gives some members of our society some extra privileges that many people of color do not have. Edit: Lol at the freethinkers here. This was a very polite and well thought out response and it was down voted to -15. I absolutely agree. It's where left mindsets go with it that matters. "Whiteness has bottomless ignorance" Ok... but now what? Do we fix it? Or do we call it a crime? If they call it a crime, then JP's quote applies.
Name another active politician with the pure natural political talent of AOC because I've been trying for 5 minutes and I've got nothing. ...Trump
The American tax payers are paying AOC $174,000 per year.... wow. She’s an embarrassment to most of Congress. Mad Max-ine sets the bar for stupidity and ignorance but AOC is closing in fast. I may run for Congress if these are the kinds of morons and idiots are there. Then again, I’d have to be in the same room with people like her, Speaker Dementia, and others of that ilk.
What kind of cringy nonsense is this sub? People acting smug making fun of people they think are acting smug? Yeah this comic is ironic in an unfunny way
Don’t most of the people there want it to be part of Russia? Yes but democracy only matters when it aligns with our interests.
>gets him to admit Did you guys not read the testimony or is this just typical AOC circlejerking? Circle jerking? In this sub? Never! /s
Ergh I hate pieces like this. They're far too full of...personal attacks I guess. It's less an opinion piece and more a facebook post of a hit job. Just jibe after jibe after jibe. Makes it impossible to take it seriously, or to care at all, it just feels like the author is venting. I know we're in an age of journalism telling you which way to lean, but at least be discreet about it. This was just a continuous rant ffs. They were expecting a lot more out of Cohen's testimony. It's a half-pre-written piece where they were supposed to insert facts. There was nothing so they went with boilerplate buzzword nonsense.
i find it hard to believe that a lot of people in this comment section dont care about making peace with nk just because they dont like trump. gross. I agree man. It is disgusting behavior. Edit: Thanks for silver. My first ever.
This is what I was afraid of. This accomplished absolutely nothing. The GOP base couldn’t care less about what happened today. And they knew it wouldn’t, Dems just wanted to distract from peace talks for the Korean Peninsula. Pretty transparent.
Yes, but they are no closer at all convicting Trump or proving he did anything wrong... Are they? Another attempt to bring down Trump, [another miss](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Rx9nKsHAWqc/hqdefault.jpg)
Yes, but they are no closer at all convicting Trump or proving he did anything wrong... Are they? Cohen admitted he (Trump) never colluded with Russia. Admitted he was never in Prague Admitted he heard about the wikileaks dump (so what? it's not illegal) Admitted the piss tape is false I mean, what exactly did he say that was damning at all? Trump paid him some money? It's not like he put on the check "For hush money" in the memo section.
Ergh I hate pieces like this. They're far too full of...personal attacks I guess. It's less an opinion piece and more a facebook post of a hit job. Just jibe after jibe after jibe. Makes it impossible to take it seriously, or to care at all, it just feels like the author is venting. I know we're in an age of journalism telling you which way to lean, but at least be discreet about it. This was just a continuous rant ffs. Any random redditor could have written this free of charge
Did she find that $3 billion in tax break yet? She is so smart. I am sure she will find it. I hear they're going to fix the subway and hire new teachers with it any day now
Most of my Ukrainian students are pro Russian. I’d say about 75%. I teach english and was surprised to learn that this issue is no where near black and white. Most prefer to speak Russian too. At least those from Kharkiv. I like how you give your opinion and everyone instantly downvoted you because they don’t agree with you, reddit turning into a Sewer more and more, sad reality
Its really quite awesome that trump has found this incredible legal loophole where if you pay and direct people to commit crimes on your behalf you cant actually be charged with the crimes. Lets just hope the baddies don't find out about this. Please think about what you just said. You are HAPPY that a governing official can do whatever he wants without punishment? And by the way, this whole thread is wrong. With these testimonies, Trump gets closer and closer to prison. Can't wait to see this sub then lol.
Can they? I'm unimpressed with Pelosi's inaction on Geatz. Pelosi can't. Or at least it's more of a slow motion walk, chew, walk, chew multitasking. And her main problem remains that she remains a half-way Democrat on many issues. There's no fix for that other than replacing her.
Cohen is a liar and can’t be trusted about any of this. Trump is innocent. I like to shoot diarrhea out my ass and onto my dick and masturbate with the diarrhea. Then I eat diarrhea and cum soup for dinner every day. Finally some truth in this thread, can't believe I had to scroll this far to find this
I like how you give your opinion and everyone instantly downvoted you because they don’t agree with you, reddit turning into a Sewer more and more, sad reality Politics on reddit is so bias to the left, they should change these to r/leftists , these subs are stupid toxic if you disagree with them. Bunch of clowns.