Please don't flatter me too much.
What's this for?
Your reward.
Joker, thank you very much.
Let me give you some rice crackers, too.
Have some green tea that I made TThank you for your kindness.
Miss Sanjou.
It seems like you are having trouble finding the embryo Is everything going well?
As you say...
I hear that the kids from Seiyo are interfering, aren't they I'm asking you if that is not a problem There is no need to worry The project is proceeding smoothly If you could wait just a while longer.. Can I trust you Please don't worry, boss.
I'll be sure to deliver the embryo to our lord.
What are you thinking about, Kairi?
About optimizing the capture of X Eggs.
Don't forget the position you are in, Kairi.
You don't have to remind me Listen Just gather as much info as possible and you'll be able to extract the guardians' secrets Especially concerning Hinamori Amu Never take your eyes off her!
I haven't forgotten. My duty is...
It's Kairi and Musashi Class Prez, you go home this way?
Hey, show us one of your tricks.
A katana is a samurai's life. It shouldn't be used carelessly Just a little Be a man above men Flattery won't help.
What's the matter, Class Prez?
Are you worried about something?
Nothing in particular. Why do you ask?
No reason.
But if something is bothering you don't worry about it on your own All of us guardians are here, too They are always helping me out Joker.
Okay, the rest of you, we need to go soon.
I'm home!
Sis, are you drunk?
Not one liddle bit!
Jeez That old man.. He nags me every day Have you found the embryo yet?
As if it could be found so easily!
Sis, do you want dinner? Or how about a bath I recorded a drama for you It's apparent she's in a completely burnt-out mode Just get me some water for now.
Kairi, you're really doing your job, right?
Yes, I'm doing it.
What a messy sister you have...
She even makes you do all the housework It can't be helped. I'm sure her work is rough.
Kairi, do your best Sis...
That boss of mine!
It's really regrettable that you have such a sister.
Today's lucky color is pink!
Maybe something special will happen Hinamori!
Do you have any plans for tomorrow?
I don't have anything planned...
If you don't mind, would you like to go out with me tomorrow Could this be his way of asking me out on a date?
I have to do more shopping for the guardians.
There was something I forgot to buy last time.
Is that all? There's no way it would be a date.
However, it's my chance to go out alone with Tadase!
Is that a problem?
I want to, I want to!
IIt's not that much of a bother.
There it comes!
Really? That's great!
Then, let's pick a place to meet Oh, man! Which one should I choose?
This happens all the time, but it sure bothers you.
For starters, shouldn't we try some on?
Miki's fashion check Here's the first one That's good It's cute, but something is wrong And number two...
This one is cute too Somehow, something seems to be missing.
Here's the third one Go, go Boy...
How about this Or this Or this one Or this Amu, what about those?
That's a bit...
Amu, you are too cute!
But if I wear this, everyone will think I'm being too excited about the date.
Love is what it is.
I mustn't ignore this love event This is what angel characters distribute Tomorrow, I'll be sure to write a full report I'd rather you stayed at home.
If Eru comes, something big is going to happen The same goes for you girls.
We're definitely coming!
Amu, be strong!
I'm still nervous!
I'm here!
He's so cute!
Sorry to make you wait.
II wwasn't waiting at all!
Really? That's great.
It's too bad this isn't a date but I get to be alone with the prince I'll be sure to secretly take lots of pictures with my phone Amu...
The heroine shouldn't be taking secret pictures That's borderline illegal Hinamori Amu is a pervert.
Come, let's go, Hinamori!
Could this be?!
I'm so bored.
Want to play some word games?
Not a chance.
It's so packed!
Don't get lost.
You can get a free pen with this flier.
Let's look over here Yeah, yeah This really isn't the proper mood but I'm so happy Unbelievable. Having a samurai sneak around like this...
It can't be avoided. It's part of our mission.
And Yukari said...
"A holiday is the perfect chance to find their weakness. "Make sure you never take your eyes off them. So you see.. I don't think that's what she meant Anyway what's with those clothes Why aren't you wearing your glasses It should be obvious that this is a disguise These clothes are just like a ninja's You should be able to tell by looking He's as rigid as his posture What a cute shop.