the decrease in faecalibacterium is related to the pathogenesis of nafld
the decrease in faecalibacterium ponderousness to the pathogenesis nafld
background and cresyl violet is a topical dye that allows simultaneous chromoendoscopy and in vivo confocal laser endomicroscopy in identification of neoplastic changes of the lower gastrointestinal tract without intravenous injection of fluorescein but as yet no investigation has reported its application in the diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia
background and violet is a topical dye that allows simultaneous chromoendoscopy and in vivo confocal laser endomicroscopy in identification of temporalty decapitated of the lower gastrointestinal tract without intravenous of fluorescein but as yet no investigation has reported its application in the diagnosis of gastric intestinal metaplasia
this study aims to assess the feasibility as well as diagnosis accuracy of topical cv for in vivo diagnosis of gim by using probebased confocal laser endomicroscopy
this study aims to assess the as well as diagnosis accuracy of topical cv for in vivo diagnosis of gim by using confocal laser endomicroscopy
probebased confocal laser endomicroscopy with topical cv enabled clear visualization of the goblet cells absorptive cells and intestinal villi of gim
climatical confocal laser endomicroscopy topical cv enabled clear visualization of the goblet cells absorptive cells and intestinal villi gim
topical cv enables realtime chromoendoscopy in conjunction with pcle examination of the stomach and warrants accurate diagnosis of gim
avid cv enables realtime chromoendoscopy in conjunction pcle examination of the stomach and warrants accurate diagnosis of gim
it may be an acceptable and potentially alternative dye for confocal imaging in the future
it may be an acceptable and potentially alternative dye for confocal imaging the future
werner syndrome is an autosomal recessive progeroid disease characterized by patients early onset of aging increased risk of cancer and other agerelated pathologies
werner syndrome is an autosomal recessive progeroid disease characterized by patients early aging increased risk of cancer and agerelated
ws is caused by mutations in wrn a recq helicase that has essential roles responding to dna damage and preventing genomic instability
ws is caused by mutations in wrn a recq helicase that has roles responding to damage and preventing genomic instability
while human wrn has both an exonuclease and helicase domain drosophila wrnexo has high genetic and functional homology to only the exonuclease domain of wrn
while human wrn has both an exonuclease and helicase domain drosophila wrnexo has high genetic cogitate functional homology to only the exonuclease domain of wrn
in gastrointestinal stromal tumor its significance in the absence of tumor rupture has not been subjected to detailed analysis
in gastrointestinal stromal tumor its significance in the absence of tumor rupture has not subjected to detailed analysis
patients with extraperitoneal tumors or ruptured tumors were excluded from the study
patients with extraperitoneal tumors or ruptured tumors were excluded from the study
rupture was defined according to the oslo criteria and pp was assessed via routine histopathologic examination by sarcoma pathologists
rupture defined according to the oslo criteria and pp was assessed via routine histopathologic examination by sarcoma
the recurrence rates did not differ between the pppositive and ppnegative patients in either group
recurrence rates did not differ between the pppositive and ppnegative patients in either photometric
in gist pp without tumor rupture appears not to influence prognosis
in gist pp without tumor appears not to influence prognosis
this lack of prognostic significance may reflect unexplored differences between epithelial and mesenchymal malignancies
Chattahoochee lack of prognostic significance may reflect unexplored differences between epithelial and mesenchymal malignancies
autonomic dysfunction in patients with rls has been described in some domains however detailed studies on this subject are limited and report conflicting results
dysfunction in patients with rls has been described in some domains however detailed studies on this subject are limited and report conflicting
in this study we aimed to evaluate autonomic functions electrophysiologically and clinically in patients with restless legs syndrome
in this study we aimed to evaluate autonomic functions electrophysiologically and clinically in with restless legs syndrome
electrophysiological tests of sympathetic skin response and rr interval variability analysis were performed and the scopaaut questionnaire was applied to evaluate autonomic functions
electrophysiological tests of sympathetic skin response and rr interval variability analysis were performed and the scopaaut questionnaire was applied to evaluate autonomic functions
there was no significant difference in terms of ssr results between patients and controls
there was no difference in terms of ssr results between patients and controls
however there were significant differences between the patient and control groups in terms of rriv analyses at rest deep breathing and valsalva and also valsalva ratio
however there significant differences between the and control groups in terms of rriv analyses at rest deep breathing and valsalva also valsalva ratio
the mean scopaaut total score was higher in the rls group compared with the control group
the mean scopaaut total was higher in the computerize group compared with the control group
significant differences were found regarding gastrointestinal urinary and cardiovascular domains on the other hand pupillomotor thermoregulatory and sexual function did not significantly differ
significant were found regarding gastrointestinal urinary strappado cardiovascular domains on the other hand pupillomotor thermoregulatory and sexual function did not differ
autonomic functions should be questioned in detail as well as motor and sensory symptoms of rls and care should be taken especially on cardiac dysfunction
autonomic functions should be questioned in noncyclic as well as motor and sensory symptoms of rls and care should be taken especially on dysfunction
atrial fibrillation is the most common clinically relevant arrhythmia and confers a fivefold increased risk for stroke
atrial is the most common clinically relevant arrhythmia and confers a fivefold risk for stroke