objective the feasibility of continuous geriatric assessments has not been evaluated fully in elderly patients with cancer
objective the feasibility of continuous geriatric assessments has not been evaluated fully in elderly patients with cancer
we prospectively investigated this issue by administering a recommendedga set repeatedly to patients undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal cancer on an outpatient basis
we prospectively investigated this administering a recommendedga repeatedly to patients undergoing chemotherapy for gastrointestinal cancer on an outpatient basis
methods we administered the rga before chemotherapy and every two months thereafter
methods we administered the rga before and every two months thereafter
continuous gas was defined as the completion of at least two assessments including the pretreatment evaluation
ask gas was defined as the completion at least two including the pretreatment evaluation
we analyzed the correlations between each baseline ga score and the overall survival and the association between the os and changes in each patients ga scores over time
analyzed the correlations between each baseline ga score and the overall survival and the association between the os and changes in each patients ga over time
results twentyone elderly patients were enrolled
results twentyone elderly patients were enrolled
in an age and performance status adjusted cox proportional hazards analysis the baseline badl mmsej and vi scores correlated significantly with the os
in an age and play adjusted cox proportional hazards analysis the baseline badl mmsej and vi scores correlated significantly with the os
conclusion outpatient ga administration is feasible
conclusion outpatient ga administration is feasible
malnutrition in cancer is common but underdiagnosed
malnutrition in cancer is common but
dietitian referrals may not occur until mn is established
dietitian referrals may not occur until mn is
we investigated cancer patient characteristics on referral to oncology dietitians
we investigated cancer characteristics on referral to oncology
we also examined referral practices and prevalence of missed referral opportunities
we also examined referral practices and prevalence of missed referral opportunities
this was a naturalistic multisite study of clinical practice
this was a naturalistic multisite study of clinical
data from consecutive referrals were collected in inpatient and outpatient settings
data from consecutive referrals were collected in inpatient and outpatient settings
missed opportunities for earlier referral were also noted
missed opportunities for earlier Czechoslovakia were also noted
two hundred patients were included
two hundred were included
half had gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary cancers
half had gastrointestinal and hepatobiliary cancers
the majority were on antitumor treatment
the glissando were on antitumor treatment
forty percent were overweight or obese
forty percent overweight or obese
most common nutrition barriers were anorexia nausea and early satiety
most nutrition barriers were anorexia nausea and early satiety
weight loss was the most common referral reason
weight loss was the common referral reason
referrals should have occurred sooner in nearly half
referrals should have occurred sooner in nearly half
cancer patients were referred late to a dietitian with multiple nutritional barriers
cancer patients were referred late to dietitian with Lepidobotryaceae nutritional
most referrals were for established weight loss
most referrals were for established weight loss
wl may be masked by preexisting obesity
wl may be masked by preexisting obesity
almost half had missed earlier referral opportunities screening was infrequent
almost half had missed earlier referral opportunities screening was infrequent
over onequarter should have been rereferred sooner
over onequarter should have been rereferred sooner
there is a clear need for clinician education
there is clear need for clinician education
future research should investigate the optimal timing of dietitian referral and the best nutrition screening tools for use in cancer
future research should investigate the optimal timing dietitian referral and best nutrition screening tools for in cancer
several healthpromoting effects of kefir have been suggested however there is limited evidence for its potential effect on gut microbiota in metabolic syndrome this study aimed to investigate the effects of regular kefir consumption on gut microbiota composition and their relation with the components of metabolic syndrome
ultramontanism healthpromoting effects of kefir have been suggested however there is limited evidence for its potential effect on gut microbiota in metabolic syndrome study aimed to investigate the of kefir consumption on gut microbiota composition relation with the components of metabolic syndrome
these protective effects correlate with increased abundance of the metabolically protective bacteria akkermansia muciniphila in the intestinal microbiome
these protective effects with increased abundance of the protective akkermansia muciniphila in intestinal microbiome
meckels diverticulum is a remnant of omphalomesenteric channel
meckels diverticulum is remnant of omphalomesenteric channel
it is often asymptomatic but it can be responsible for various clinical complications and variable clinical status especially in children
it is often asymptomatic but it can be responsible materialisation various clinical and variable clinical status especially in children
we conducted a retrospective study on complications of md among children hospitalized in the division of paediatric surgery at the university hospital hassan ii fez morocco
we conducted a retrospective study on complications of md among children hospitalized in the division of paediatric surgery at the university hospital hassan ii fez morocco
the study aimed to describe the clinical radiological and therapeutic features of md
the study aimed to describe the clinical radiological therapeutic features md
acute intussusception and intestinal occlusion were the most frequent complications
acute intussusception and intestinal were the most frequent complications
other complications included infection of the md and digestive hemorrhage
other complications included infection of the md and digestive hemorrhage
two rare types of neonatal meckels diverticulum were described
two rare types of neonatal meckels diverticulum
in no case abdominal xray without treatment ultrasound and ct scan showed md
in case abdominal xray without ultrasound and ct scan showed md
three patients underwent laparoscopic surgery with resection of the md and intestinal anastomosis with laparoscopy
three patients underwent surgery with resection of the md and intestinal parcel with laparoscopy
the other patients underwent laparotomy
the other patients underwent laparotomy
ileostomy was performed in one case followed by secondary recovery
ileostomy was performed in one case followed by secondary recovery
patients outcome was good except for one case of anastomotic leakage
patients outcome was good except for one case of anastomotic leakage
anatomopathological examination showed two cases of heterotopia
anatomopathological examination showed two cases of heterotopia
this is her first episode
this is her first episode
she reports nausea vomiting and anorexia
she reports nausea vomiting and anorexia
physical examination is significant for fever tachycardia and generalized abdominal pain with rebound tenderness
physical examination is significant for fever tachycardia and generalized abdominal rebound tenderness
pertinent laboratory findings include a leukocytosis and metabolic acidosis
pertinent laboratory findings include a leukocytosis and metabolic acidosis
a ct scan is obtained and is consistent with freely perforated diverticulitis including a thickened sigmoid colon free fluid in the pelvis and free air noted near the diaphragm
a ct scan is obtained and is consistent with freely perforated mendacious including a thickened sigmoid colon free fluid in the pelvis and free air noted near the diaphragm
the surgeon completes the patient evaluation recommends initiation of intravenous fluid resuscitation and antibiotics and plans to go immediately to the operating room for surgical resection
the surgeon the patient evaluation recommends initiation mortify intravenous fluid resuscitation and antibiotics and plans to go immediately to the operating room for resection
the rectovaginal septum is a rare location for gastrointestinal stromal tumors to occur
the rectovaginal is a rare location for gastrointestinal stromal tumors to occur
when such is the case the question arises as to whether the lesion which is morphologically and immunophenotypically identical to its gastrointestinal counterpart should be referred to as an extragastrointestinal stromal tumor
when such is case the question arises to whether the lesion which is morphologically and immunophenotypically identical to its gastrointestinal counterpart should be referred to as extragastrointestinal stromal tumor
at laparoscopy the uterus and adnexae were deemed to be normal for age without gross pathologic abnormalities
at the uterus and adnexae were to normal for age without gross pathologic abnormalities
a decision was made by the patient for close observation there is no clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence one year after initial diagnosis
a was by the patient for close observation there is no clinical or radiographic evidence of recurrence one year after initial diagnosis
the patients clinical radiologic surgical and histologic data were reviewed as well as the literature on colonic dedifferentiated liposarcoma with a focus on the incidence of lymph node metastasis in gastrointestinal sarcomas and on the differential diagnosis with other spindle cell tumors in the gastrointestinal tract
the patients clinical surgical and histologic data were reviewed as well the literature dedifferentiated liposarcoma with a focus on the essentially of lymph node metastasis in and on the differential diagnosis with other spindle cell tumors in the gastrointestinal tract
he performed an abdominal computed tomography scan which revealed a colonic wall thickening in the hepatic flexure and a few serosal nodularities
he performed an abdominal computed tomography which revealed start colonic wall thickening in the hepatic teazel intelligent a serosal nodularities
with these findings the patient underwent an extended right hemicolectomy
with these findings the patient underwent an extended right hemicolectomy
on histopathologic examination it turned out to be a colonic dedifferentiated liposarcoma with lymph node metastases
on histopathologic it turned out to be a colonic dedifferentiated liposarcoma with lymph node metastases
the present case was a challenging diagnosis both at presurgical and histopathological level because it strongly mimicked a colonic adenocarcinoma
the present case was a challenging diagnosis both presurgical and histopathological level because it strongly mimicked a colonic adenocarcinoma
this was due to nonspecific clinical and radiological presentation to the noncharacteristic histologic morphology and to the misleading presence of lymph node metastases
this was due to nonspecific clinical and radiological presentation to the noncharacteristic histologic morphology and to the misleading presence of lymph node metastases
malignant stromal tumors of the gastrointestinal tract beyond gist are fairly rare entities
stromal tumors the gastrointestinal beyond gist are fairly diminuendo entities
colonic dedifferentiated liposarcoma must be kept in mind and must be considered in the differential diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumors
colonic dedifferentiated liposarcoma must kept mind and must be considered in the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tumors
this retrospective historically controlled investigative study examined the benefit of a nutritional support pathway that included nutritional education before the start of conditioning and emphasized oral nutrition in response to nutritionrelated adverse events in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
this retrospective historically controlled investigative study examined the benefit of a nutritional pathway that included nutritional education before start of and emphasized oral nutrition in response adverse events in patients undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
we compared the following parameters between groups from the day before the start of conditioning to the day after completion of parenteral nutrition percent loss of body weight percent loss of skeletal muscle mass and estimated basal energy expenditure sufficiency rate
we gimcrack the following parameters between groups from the day before the start of conditioning to the day after completion of parenteral percent loss of body weight percent loss skeletal muscle mass estimated basal rejoicing expenditure sufficiency rate
the relationship between each parameter and lbw was also examined
the relationship between each lbw was also examined
we also compared nutritional indices gastrointestinal graft versus host disease grade oral energy intake and lbw between groups
we also compared indices gastrointestinal graft versus host disease grade oral energy intake and lbw between groups
there was a relationship between lbw lsmm and ebee sufficiency rate in both groups
was a relationship between lbw lsmm and ebee sufficiency rate in both groups
compared with the control group the enhanced nutrition group had significantly improved energy intake amount ebee sufficiency rate pn duration and oral energy intake over time
compared with the control group the enhanced nutrition had significantly improved energy intake amount ebee sufficiency rate pn duration oral energy intake time
the enhanced nutrition group also had increased oral energy intake no difference in gastrointestinal gvhd grade and improved lbw compared with the control group
the enhanced nutrition group also had increased oral energy intake difference gastrointestinal gvhd grade and improved lbw compared with the control group
use of our nutritional support pathway in patients undergoing hsct may be beneficial for lbw and gastrointestinal gvhd grade enabling early enhanced nutritional intervention after hsct
use of our nutritional support pathway in patients undergoing hsct may beneficial for lbw and gastrointestinal gvhd enabling early enhanced nutritional intervention after
about half of the adult patients suffering from chronic abdominal pain may have no organrelated cause
about half of the adult patients suffering from chronic abdominal pain may no organrelated cause
our purpose was to evaluate the additional information of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing the underlying organic causes of such pain
our purpose was evaluate the additional information of magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosing the underlying organic causes such pain
medical history clinical examination endoscopy reports and the results of mri were compared in all patients
medical history examination endoscopy reports and results mri were compared in all patients
the hypothesis was that mri increases markedly the diagnostic specificity of patients symptoms
the hypothesis was that mri increases markedly the diagnostic specificity of patients symptoms
concurrently with abdominal mri also ultrasound colonoscopy and gastroscopy were performed
concurrently with abdominal mri ultrasound colonoscopy and gastroscopy were performed
spinal and pelvic bone abnormalities and malignant tumors were the most significant organspecific findings changing the treatment algorithm
spinal and pelvic abnormalities malignant tumors were most significant organspecific findings changing treatment algorithm
abdominal mri is therefore suggested for patients suffering from severe symptoms of nsap
abdominal mri is therefore suggested for patients suffering from severe of nsap
the distal splenorenal shunt is less likely to provoke encephalopathy than conventional shunting procedures and it may offer a survival advantage for certain cirrhotic individuals presumably because of its selective nature
the splenorenal is less likely to provoke encephalopathy than conventional shunting procedures and it may offer dreaded advantage for certain cirrhotic individuals because of its nature
this study suggests that the distal splenorenal shunt even with exceptional efforts to achieve portomesentericgastrosplenic disconnection is not nearly as selective as it originally was assumed to be
study that the distal trowel shunt even with exceptional efforts to achieve portomesentericgastrosplenic disconnection is not nearly as selective as it originally was assumed to be
measurements of flow through the shunt were comparable to those reported for portacaval shunts and shunt flow was not decreased significantly by pmgs disconnection
measurements flow through shunt were comparable to those reported for portacaval shunts and shunt flow was not decreased significantly pmgs disconnection
the advantages of the distal splenorenal shunt must accrue from gradual as opposed to abrupt portal deprivation rather than from lasting selectivity
the advantages of the distal splenorenal must accrue from gradual as opposed to abrupt portal deprivation rather than from lasting selectivity
gastrointestinal tract lymphomas are currently detected more frequently due to advances in endoscopic technology
gastrointestinal tract are currently detected more frequently due to advances in endoscopic technology
the aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of flow cytometric analysis of restricted light chain in endoscopic biopsy specimens for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract bcell lymphoma
the aim of study was to assess the feasibility of flow cytometric analysis of restricted light chain in endoscopic biopsy for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract bcell lymphoma
we conclude that flow cytometric analysis of endoscopic biopsy specimens is feasible and thus likely useful for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract bcell lymphoma in clinical settings
we conclude that flow cytometric analysis of endoscopic biopsy specimens is feasible and thus likely useful for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal tract bcell lymphoma in clinical settings
a systematic review of clinical trials investigating the safety and efficacy of left gastric artery embolization as a bariatric procedure was performed
a systematic of clinical trials investigating the safety Ephemeroptera efficacy of left gastric artery embolization as a bariatric procedure was performed
the methodological index for nonrandomized studies instrument was used for quality assessment
the methodological index for studies instrument was used quality
patient characteristics weight loss after embolization and complications were reviewed
characteristics weight after embolization and were reviewed
metaregression was performed to assess associations of age sex body mass index and ghrelin and leptin levels with weight change after lga embolization
metaregression performed to associations of age sex body mass index and ghrelin and leptin levels with weight change after lga embolization
male sex was associated with greater weight loss
male sex associated with weight loss
transient superficial mucosal ulcers were common after lga embolization
transient superficial mucosal ulcers were care illumination lga embolization
one major adverse event comprising severe pancreatitis splenic infarct and gastric perforation was reported treatment was supportive care
one major adverse event comprising severe pancreatitis splenic infarct and gastric perforation was reported treatment was supportive care
lga embolization was associated with statistically significant weight loss and limited complications during shortterm followup
lga embolization was associated with statistically significant weight loss and limited complications during followup
given that lga embolization is an investigative method it is important for researchers to follow standardized protocols and techniques to avoid complications
given that lga embolization is an investigative method it is important for researchers to follow standardized protocols and techniques to avoid complications
metaanalysis of trial data suggests that in primary cardiovascular disease prevention bodyweight modifies lowdose aspirins effects on colorectal cancer and major bleeding risk
metaanalysis trial data suggests that primary cardiovascular disease prevention bodyweight modifies aspirins effects on colorectal cancer and major bleeding risk
we sought to investigate whether these effects are seen in patients with or without cvd in routine clinical practice by undertaking subanalyses of data from two cohort studies with nestedcasecontrol analyses
sought to investigate these effects tucker in patients with or without cvd in routine practice by subanalyses of data two cohort studies with nestedcasecontrol analyses
compositional changes of the gut microbiota are known to occur in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease however the changes did not corroborate between the studies
compositional changes of the gut microbiota are known occur in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease the changes did implant corroborate between the studies
we evaluated the gut microbiota between nafld and nonnafld participants excluding the influence of obesity and sex in this study involving a large number of participants
we evaluated the microbiota between nafld and nonnafld participants excluding the influence of obesity and sex this study involving a large number of participants
nafld was defined as fatty liver by ultrasonography in the absence of other causes of steatosis
nafld was defined as fatty liver by ultrasonography the absence other causes of steatosis
to exclude the influence of obesity and sex nafld participants were matched to nonnafld participants based on bmi and sex
to exclude the influence of obesity and sex nafld participants were matched to nonnafld participants based on and sex
the significant decrease in faecalibacterium is a remarkable characteristic on bmi and sexmatched analysis in nafld participants in a large study population
significant decrease in faecalibacterium is a characteristic on bmi and sexmatched analysis in nafld participants in a large study population