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+ text,label,Claim,Source
+ "A second objection has to do with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. It is claimed that since the greenhouse effect depends partly upon cooler upper layers of the atmosphere emitting infrared radiation toward the warmer, lower layers of the atmosphere, that this violates the 2nd Law, which (roughly speaking) says that energy must flow from warmer objects to cooler objects, not the other way around.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
+ "But I'm afraid, human nature being what it is, the thing gets exaggerated out of all proportion, and the greens have behaved deplorably instead of being reasonably sensible.",ad hominem,5.2.3,jintest
+ "Think about this before you support climate change.If we reduce CO2 to zero, plants will die, the food chain will die and in the end everyone of us will die because we killed the food chain that grows from plants!",misrepresentation,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
+ "“The report confidently claims that when temperatures rise, “the reduction in premature deaths from cold are expected to be smaller than the increase in deaths from heat in the United States.” Six footnotes are attached to that statement.”",oversimplification,3.6,Alhindi_dev
+ CO2 is essential for life on our plant.,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
+ Get with the program - we are now up to phase 3 - climate change. Global warming was ditched when it became evident the planet was in fact cooling.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ "The fact that there was dissent within the climate science teams, that some people objected to the very basis of the grand claims of global warming, did not come out through the due process. It came to light when emails at the Climate Research Centre at East Anglia were hacked in November 2009. It is from the hacked conversations that a pattern of conspiracy and deceit emerge. It is a peek into the world of global warming scaremongering amplify the impact of CO2, stick to dramatic timelines on destruction of forests, and never ask for a referral or raise a contrary point. You were either a believer in a hotter world or not welcome in this ""scientific fold'.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
+ "the book is not about the science of climate change. Rather, it is about the IPCC as an institution: the use of graduate students, WWF and Greenpeace sympathizers as IPCC authors; the use of gray environmentalist literature in IPCC (especially WG2); lack of conflict of interest oversight; the review process and the process producing the executive summaries; etc.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
+ The world has just experienced two of the coldest and snowiest winters in decades.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ The Paris climate treaty will cost around 2 per cent of global GDP and fix much less than a tenth of the problem.,misrepresentation,4.2.3,jintrain
+ "So do petitions signed by more than 30,000 scientists that have challenged IPCC's 1995 procedures and report representations.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS
+ He should know that climate always changes and that the planet would be in serious trouble if it did not.,single cause,2.1.4,jintest
+ "That is the advertised rationale for the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, which has been holding meetings, traveling on jets and feasting at upscale restaurants for 25 years.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
+ "The economic consequences of Obama's global warming policies can already be seen in electricity prices, which are currently the highest in U.S. history.",oversimplification,4.1.1,jindev
+ "The planet isn't dying ffs this has been going on for millions of years, are you going to blame earthquakes and volcanic eruptions on ""climate change""? Jesus",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
+ "Yet green activists, grant seeking researchers, and self-serving politicians continue to spread climate alarmist lies. Lies based on fiction, not fact.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
+ """Global warming is nowhere to be found,"" said David Deming, a geophysicist at the University of Colorado, in a January 16 commentary in The Washington Times.",fake experts,1.3,CARDS
+ "Again the overall rise of the past 200 years is easily explained by sunspots, which is why a lot of people are nervous about cooling.",single cause,1.2,CARDS
+ "“In 2009, then-British Prime Minister Gordon Brown predicted that the world had only 50 days to save the planet from global warming. But fifty days and years later, and the earth still spins.”",misrepresentation,5.2.3,Alhindi_dev
+ "Viewed in the long-term geologic context, we are actually CO2 impoverished.",false equivalence,3.3,jintest
+ "I conclude that it must be ice accumulation, through evaporation of ocean water, and subsequent precipitation turning into ice. Evidence suggests that accumulation of ice on the Antarctic continent has been offsetting the steric effect for at least several centuries.",cherry picking,1.1.1,Alhindi_test
+ Lake-bottom sediments in Florida tell us that recent major hurricane activity in the Gulf of Mexico has been less frequent than in centuries past.,cherry picking,1.7,jintrain
+ "Firstly, the real situation is that the shell, the portion of the atmosphere doing most of the radiating, is colder than the surface. This is a simple observational truth. Cooler things don't warm warmer things, as the second law of thermodynamics tells us, though they can slow the rate of cooling of the warmer thing.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
+ "As far as green plants are concerned, CO2 is not a pollutant, but part of their daily breadlike water, sunlight, nitrogen, and other essential elements. Most green plants evolved at CO2 levels of several thousand ppm, many times higher than now. Plants grow better and have better flowers and fruit at higher levels. Commercial greenhouse operators recognize this when they artificially increase the concentrations inside their greenhouses to over 1000 ppm.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
+ So many more people die from cold than from heat in the UK.,oversimplification,3.6,hamburg_test3
+ "There is no ""acceleration of earth's climate change"" there is change but it will be negligible if not a net positive benefit",cherry picking,3,hamburg_test3
+ "The coldest temperature ever reported was minus 129 degrees Fahrenheit in Vostok, Antarctica , in 1983 when Carbon dioxide emissions were five times higher than in 1913. The coldest temperature in the lower 48 states ( excluding Alaska ) of minus 64 degrees Fahrenheit was recorded in 1996 in Embarrass, Minnesota.",single cause,1.7,jintrain
+ "Biological, geological and planetary systems are extremely robust. Our evolving dynamic planet has survived sea level changes of hundreds of metres",false equivalence,3.2.1,Alhindi_train
+ "Here is an approximate, preliminary look at the winter for the 90 days ending february 26, 2011. December/January was the coldest in Florida (winter vegetables) history and remember the frosts and freezes in California and south Texas.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ The climate system produces co2 IN RESPONSE to warming,false choice,2.3.3,hamburg_test3
+ "“While evidence that the earth’s orbital variations impact radiation levels and thus global temperatures does not of course mean that man is not in some way impacting the climate, studies like these highlight that the role man plays on the planet is dwarfed by natural phenomena utterly out of our control.”",single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train
+ "Yet their dismal track record seems to lead to only more drama and hyperbole, not humility and open-mindedness.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
+ "In 1999, NASA showed that the four hottest years in US history were 1934, 1921, 1931 and 1953, and that the US was much hotter in the 1930s.",cherry picking,2.1.4,CARDS
+ The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica is cooling. Antarctica last 6 months have been the coldest on record.,cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3
+ "If anything, the past 50 years has been relatively quiet. There's no trend in hurricane-related flooding in the U.S.",cherry picking,1.7,jindev
+ "Answer: Australians emit 1.5% of the CO2 emitted by humans. So Australians, over the years, emitted at most about 1.5% of the 110 ppm increase in CO2 since pre-industrial times (that increase is is probably due to ocean warming, due to whatever has been heating the world since 1680), or 0.0000017% of the air (1.7 ppm).",impossible expectations,4.2.4,CARDS
+ The same science that tells you we had 10 cycles of global warming also tells you how the earth warmed. How come you accept the science when it suits you and dismiss it when it doesn't back your argument? Natural versus man-made here.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
+ It breaks my heart to think we’d lose half our tropical forests for plantations just to save ourselves,false choice,4.1.3,Alhindi_train
+ "If it's science, it isn't consensus.",false choice,5.1.1,jintrain
+ A 2013 survey found 48% of American meteorologists do not believe humans are causing dangerous climate change.,fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS
+ Can't have your cake and eat it too. Either you want to go green or you want to keep the lights on - You won't have both. Blame the climate change brigade for shutting them down.,false choice,4.1.1,hamburg_test2
+ "In other words , fossil fuels have saved 13.8 per cent of the non-frozen parts of the world from being converted to agriculture.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev
+ "Well, if you want to make fossile fuels out to be bad, you have to prove (WITH DATA) that:-Increasing atmospheric CO2 has a global warming effect-Increasing CO2 does NOT get absorbed by the biosphere-That a warming earth is bad for life. Hint: You cannot!!",slothful induction,5.1,hamburg_test3
+ "But the real worry with climate research is that it is on the very edge of what is called postmodern science. This is a counterpart of the relativist world of postmodern art and design. It is a much more dangerous beast, whose results are valid only in the context of societys beliefs and where the very existence of scientific truth can be denied.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
+ "The subsidies for wind and solar power and the must-take mandate have attracted all sorts of dodgy enterprises, lickspittles and carpetbaggers to the renewable energy honey pot.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
+ "A loss of space to a large portion of the increased radiative fluxes, as the atmosphere adjusts, such as through a change in cloud cover (e.g., Lindzen et al. 2001), would suggest that the climate system is relatively more resilient to continued anthropogenic heating effects than conventionally assumed.",oversimplification,3.1,CARDS
+ """They"" are trying to keep globalization alive and use 1 world government to make policies in the name of climate change. But, population collapse is going to happen everywhere (and globalization will fail) according to Peter Zeihan, geopolitical expert.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
+ Climate change is not real. If it were the rich elites & so called Climate change experts would not be traveling by private jet all over the World. It's bovine fecal matter.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ The records show that changes in global temperature do not always follow changes in atmospheric CO2 levels.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
+ "“This means it is possible that by some yardsticks, 2016 will be declared as hot as 2015 or even slightly hotter – because El Nino did not vanish until the middle of the year.”",single cause,2.1.3,Alhindi_train
+ I wish that buffoon in the WH would just STOP IT about 'global warming'.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ Managed retreat because of sea level rise or what? Cause a hurricane could hit anywhere regardless of climate change. And general sea level is rising so slowly you could spend years upon years on the coast till you're 100 and live to see your predicted rise never happen.,slothful induction,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ "It should go without saying that if scientists can not yet make accurate predictions about future climate change, then their understanding of climate science remains highly incomplete.",ad hominem,5.1,jintrain
+ "The scientists touting climate change are sellouts. As a researcher, it's publish or perish. If you can't get research funding, there's nothing to publish.",ad hominem,5.2.5,hamburg_test2
+ "Yes... all those who support climate change have beautiful beach front homes or mini mansions and have gas guzzling vehicles... cars, boats, planes.Please enough of your hypocrisy.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
+ "EVERY Democrat leadership, are full of deceit. EveryONE. What kind of person can stand in front of a nation, an entire globe and speak such foolishnes? Al Gore's $billions feeding ridiculous lie of climate change to the entire globe These are sick people.",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1
+ "the alarmist side engages in this systematic campaign consisting of intimidation and threats, wheels falling off cars, abuses being inflicted on schoolchildren, demands of censorship, revising history, and telling flat-out lies?",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
+ International tide gauges also show: No acceleration in sea level rise. In fact tide gauges show a deceleration.,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
+ CO2 is not a Greenhouse Gas that Raises Global temperature. Period!,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
+ "You can be sure that if there were not big dollars and control involved in the climate change agenda, there wouldn't be one.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
+ "It is their modus operandi to create a crisis in order to bring in more rules, more regulations, more control and ultimately transfer wealth into their hands. Climate change is the perfect threat because it blames you for everything just like this idiot is saying.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
+ "photosynthesis doesn't create trees , the article simply says that more leaves appear when there's more CO2 to absorb.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
+ Soon the public are going to realise the Grand Solar Minimum cycle a has started. More volcanos will pop off as a consequence. Hunga Tonga has already lead to significant cooling in southern hemisphere. A few Big booms and people will be wishing for global warming.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3
+ "Actually you were the biggest set back this country has ever had, funny how you fly around on private jets, Hollywood yachts and buy beachfront property and then pawn off climate change.",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3
+ """climate crisis""...Drama Queens",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1
+ "The cold this December and January has been noteworthy and newsworthy. We just posted that December 2009 was the Second Snowiest on Record in the Northern Hemisphere. Beijing was hit by its heaviest snowfall in 60 years, and Korea had the largest snowfall ever recorded since record keeping began in 1937. Plus all of Britain was recently covered by snow. The cold is setting records too. Oranges are freezing and millions of tropical fish are dying in Florida, there are Record low temperatures in Cuba and thousands of new low temperature records being set in the USA as well as Europe.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ is no climate emergency. Plenty of scientists agree.,fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3
+ this isn't the first time global temps rose. it is cyclical and goes in cycles like the last 30 thousand years.what happened to hole in ozone acid rain global warming. now its climate shift.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
+ "Fourth, if industrial civilization is dangerously altering global climate, can any treaty stop it? The Kyoto accord in itself would do nothing to mitigate climate change, since it exempts the developing countries, which will be the major emissions source in the next century.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
+ #heatwave for all the chicken little end of the world climate crisis lunatics - we have a week of good weather. It was hotter in 2018.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2
+ Polar bear numbers have tripled since the 1950's yet sir David tells us that the polar ice that they rely on to hunt & survive is melting at an alarming rate due to global warming. Maybe the bears are at it though.,cherry picking,3.2.2,hamburg_test1
+ "Even if we are willing to assume very large multipliers from renewable power, its impact on employment will be trivial, whether taken as a fraction of all energy, clean economy jobs, or the entire labor force.",impossible expectations,4.2.1,CARDS
+ "Another famous place is the Tuvalu Islands, which are supposed to soon disappear. There we have a tide gauge record, a variograph record, from 1978, so it's 30 years. And again - absolutely no trend, no rise.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS
+ "This comes at the heels of last months reports from Britain where long-range forecasters warned of below average temperatures from October through February, along with lots of whites stuff, which just a few years ago was said would be rare and exciting in the future because of global warming.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "First it was ""Global Warming"" then it was ""Cooling"", now its ""Climate Change""... Next it will be ""Weather Neutral""... The exciting conclusion to the 4 part trilogy.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ "Pacific coral atolls are not being drowned by extra sea-level rise; rather, atoll shorelines are affected by direct weather and infrequent high tide events, ENSO sea level variations, and impacts of increasing human populations.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
+ "Every emitted carbon atom raises the global temperature, but the missing hotspot shows that the effect is negligible.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS
+ I truly believe that there was a major glacial period about 400 million years ago when the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere were about 10 times greater than they are today.,false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS
+ the ongoing rise in sea level that began with the end of the ice age continues with no great increase in magnitude.,slothful induction,1.6,Alhindi_dev
+ "10,000 dead cattle in Kansas. Authorities want to blame the weather and climate change, unaware that their claims are easily debunked by historical data.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2
+ In April the extent of Arctic sea ice was back to where it was in April 13 years ago .,cherry picking,1.1.3,jindev
+ Third cool summer and cold winter in a row. Why doesn't global warming affect eastern Australia?,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
+ "The treasonous, globalist tool Johnson, chemttails our skies to create global warming and a drought. Anyone else noticed the lack of rain after chemttails???",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
+ "But according to the geological record and data from ice cores, higher temperatures actually precede higher carbon dioxide levels by about 800 years.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
+ Temperatures in Greenland have shown no increase for decades.,cherry picking,1.1.2,jintrain
+ There is little global warming in the pipeline as a result of our past and present sins of emission.,slothful induction,3.1,CARDS
+ "Global warming is real, but not to the extreme lvl these climate activists r flipping out.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ Natural climate change is but man influenced climate change is a lie.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test3
+ When I was a kid we were headed for another ice age.,misrepresentation,5.1,hamburg_test3
+ Amen. It’s quite the bitter irony that the environmental activist movement played a big role in making the climate crisis worse than it could have been.,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1
+ "The impact on calcification, metabolism, growth, fertility and survival of calcifying marine species when pH is lowered up to 0.3 units (beyond what is considered a plausible reduction this century) is beneficial, not damaging.",cherry picking,3.2.3,jintrain
+ "They also blame drought, hot and cold weather on climate change too. It's been happening for thousands of years.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test2
+ "Not only, he suggests, has their CO2 contributed to global greening, contrary to prevailing wisdom, tree cover globally has increased by over 2 million km2 between 1982 and 2016, an increase of 7 per cent, but they provide the fertilisers and pesticides which simultaneously feed the planet and reduce the amount of land required for agriculture.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev
+ "According to scientists from the Pulkovo Observatory in St.Petersburg, solar activity is waning, so the average yearly temperature will begin to decline as well.",single cause,1.2,CARDS
+ "The idea that CO2 has been an important driver of global temperature over the last 400,000 years is not supported by the evidence.",slothful induction,2.1.4,CARDS
+ People do not believe the scam climate change mantra.,cherry picking,4.3.2,hamburg_test3
+ "There is no climate crisis. Weather was more extreme in the 1930s, 40s & 50s. Heil Biden!",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
+ Satellite measurements show global sea level has risen merely 0.83 inches during the first decade of the twenty-first century (a pace of eight inches for the century),slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
+ "The lack of a tropical upper tropospheric hotspot in the observations is the main reason for the disconnect in the above plots, and as I have been pointing out this is probably rooted in differences in water vapor feedback. The models exhibit strongly positive water vapor feedback, which ends up causing a strong upper tropospheric warming response (the hot spot), while the observations lack of a hot spot would be consistent with little water vapor feedback.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS
+ "To see whether the warming is due to the greenhouse effect, we need to look at more specific ""fingerprints"" of the greenhouse effect, namely the warming in the tropical mid troposphere where the greenhouse theory predicts the fastest warming trend. And according to the observations, it doesn't work at all: when the relevant criteria of the type Cook mentions are used correctly, science clearly says that it's not us.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS
+ "Climate models are known to poorly simulate clouds, and given clouds' very strong effect on the climate system - some types cooling the Earth either by shading it or by transporting heat up and cold down in thunderstorms, and others warming the Earth by blocking outgoing radiation - it remains highly plausible that there is no net positive feedback from water vapor.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS
+ Is Global Warming The Greatest Scientific Fraud In History?,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test3
+ "I'm not against climate change, who could be? It's a fact, it's also a fact that spending trillions of dollars and changing lifestyles isn't going to change it, it's not caused by man - period.",single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
+ "Though climate models have proved to be an obvious inconvenient truth, alarmists continue to ignore this elephant in the room.",ad hominem,5.1.4,CARDS
+ "You fool, Its you and Joe Biden and your lies about climate change not hard working oil companies but communist Joe, and Vladimir , killing the poor middle class and those on fixed income",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3
+ Water is 12 times more effective than carbon dioxide with respect to all incoming and outgoing radiation.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,jintrain
+ Meeting the 2025 emissions reduction target alone could subtract $ 250 billion from our GDP and eliminate 2.7 million jobs .,slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev
+ "Legates interjects, ""Yes, the water has been rising for approximately 20,000 years.""",single cause,2.1.4,jintrain
+ "Science never settled, consensus theater",slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test3
+ "But if all we allow ourselves is just over a century of global temperature measurements, we cannot from the same sample decide how the climate typically behaves over a century and also decide it is behaving abnormally.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,CARDS
+ Heat waves occur every summer.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
+ "Yet, a new study of 60 climate models and scenarios shows this warning fails to take into account the fact that global warming will mean precipitation increases. Indeed , water flow will actually increase over this century, which is likely beneficial in increasing water availability in the Indus Basin irrigation scheme during the spring growing seasons. If our climate conversation managed to include the good along with the bad , we would have a much better understanding of our options.",cherry picking,3,jintrain
+ "It is affected by innumerable interacting variables, atmospheric CO2 levels being just one. The more variables there are in any system or train of events, the lower the probability of all of them coming to pass.",oversimplification,5.1,jintrain
+ "All things being equal and it's only got to take one sizable volcano to erupt and all the models, everything else, is right off the board.",misrepresentation,2.1.2,jintest
+ Can you please explain what happened to Global warming. It is Global freezing.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test1
+ The climate crisis is a manufactured crisis. Globalism is the crisis we face.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1
+ Global warming. We have global warming in the summer (north of the equator) and global cooling in the winter. And it magically does this every year.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
+ "“Earth’s climate system is unfathomably complex. […] The more variables there are in any system or train of events, the lower the probability of all of them coming to pass. Your odds of correctly guessing the outcome of a flipped coin are 1 in 2, but your odds of guessing correctly twice in a row are only 1 in 4 — i.e., ½ x ½ Extending your winning streak to a third guess is even less probable: just 1 in 8.”",false equivalence,5.1.4,Alhindi_train
+ Net 0 means extinction of many species. Maybe even us. You clearly have no clue.,cherry picking,4.1.3,hamburg_test3
+ "WORLD CLIMATE DECLARATION (WCD) Emeritus Professor Antonino Zichichi recently led 48 local science professors in stating that human responsibility for climate change is ""unjustifiably exaggerated and catastrophic predictions are not realistic"".",fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3
+ Lol…climate change is a joke …it’s called wealth distribution…Stealing from the poor and middle class giving to the elites..,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1
+ Climate change is a problem but not a problem humans cannot live with or adapt to.,slothful induction,4.2.5,hamburg_test3
+ global warming is part of the gay agenda!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
+ Strong Sandy-type storms occur every year in all the major ocean basins‚ they just don't happen to hit major metropolitan areas.,cherry picking,1.7,jintrain
+ """Global Warming"" no wait (Earth was not warming so they changed the name)",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ "So, according to my observations, sea levels in Moreton Bay have gone down about 300 mm over the last 67 years.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS
+ The United States alone can do next to nothing about greenhouse gas emissions alone and we should not burden our economy to attempt to do so.,impossible expectations,4.2.4,CARDS
+ Australia's symbolic suicidal climate policy just makes everybody poorer.,slothful induction,4.1.1,jintrain
+ "Plant growth enhancement with CO2 up to 1000 ppm is strong, and up to 2000 ppm is measurable, meaning that plants know how to use more, expect to have more, and are rate limited at the low levels of today.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
+ "Rather than a world declining into an inescapable man-made climate hell, Earth's ecosystems and inhabitants are thriving because of increasing CO2 and rising temperatures not in spite of them.",cherry picking,3,jintest
+ """climate"" is not measurable and therefore unfalsifiable.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,hamburg_test2
+ """climate emergency"" lol...when temperatures on the west coast have been going steadily down for 20 years. Get real.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
+ "Whether or not you believe that the burning of fossil fuels significantly affects the earth's temperature, the ice core data offers no evidence to support that - no matter how big the graph is.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
+ Global warming....ahhh...errr...climate change....nope...return of the ice age....,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ Climate change is fake & man made with HAARP & other weather weapons! These experimental poison sh0ts are causing adverse reactions & death! EVERYONE pushing these sh0ts will face a Nuremberg or military trial for Crimes Against Humanity!!!,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
+ "Modern-day Chicken Littles would like you to believe that the sky is falling - or, more precisely, that the atmosphere is dangerously overheating. But they are wrong. The steady stream of scary scenarios about global warming and its supposed cataclysmic consequences hasn't abated.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
+ This is the so-called logarithmic effect - adding more and more CO2 has a progressively weaker radiative forcing response.,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS
+ "massive global warming, oh wait climate change it's new name",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ Is the Earth warming? Data does suggest the Earth is warming as we come out of the Little Ice Age.,single cause,2.1.4,CARDS
+ "So, in what universe does a cold winter, a cool summer, cold lake water, and an unusually cold fall air mass result from global warming ?",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "Currently, sea-level rise does not seem to depend on ocean temperature, and certainly not on CO2. ",slothful induction,1.6,Alhindi_train
+ "Except for the ""elites"" that need private jets for flying to their drug fueled orgie...oops, I mean climate change summits…",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
+ "In short, according to Bellenger, et al. (2013), the current generation of climate models (CMIP5: used by the IPCC for their 5 th Assessment Report and by Power et al (2013)) still cannot simulate basic coupled ocean-atmosphere processes associated with El Nino and La Nina events - basic processes.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS
+ I’ve noticed also it gets cooler at night when the sun is down and hotter it the day. Maybe the climate change people can fix this as well.,false equivalence,2.1,hamburg_test1
+ "However, some experts argue that carbon dioxide is only a minor player in this atmospheric hothouse effect.",fake experts,2.3,jintrain
+ "By unilaterally adopting emissions cuts while India and China go on belching out ever greater amounts of greenhouse gases, Congress implicitly endorses the twin pillars of international climate law: ""common but differentiated responsibilities,"" and the ""right to develop."" Rights and responsibilitiesthe stuff of ethicsdo not dissolve at state borders. Therefore, Congress should make its climate scheme optional for Mississippi.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS
+ "Furthermore, the overall increases in such things as hurricanes and tornadoes have not materialized.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain
+ This isn't about climate change or saving the environment. Its about controlling you! Its about transitioning this free country into a socialist state.,misrepresentation,4.1.5,hamburg_test2
+ life expectancy has more than doubled since the start of industrialisation ; health adjusted life expectancy has increased,oversimplification,3.6,jindev
+ "Some regions experience more, some less and some no trend. Limitations of data and inconsistencies in patterns prevent confident claims about global trends one way or another.",impossible expectations,5.1,Alhindi_train
+ "By ignoring history and geology, any claim of unusual weather can be made sensational.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
+ Climate policy relies on inadequate models. Climate models have many shortcomings and are not remotely plausible as policy tools.,impossible expectations,5.1.4,jindev
+ "Along with MSM, other so called professionals, I take what they say with a pinch of salt.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ """No CO2"", implies no plant growth. One of the main roles of water in plant life is just so the plant can exchange it for carbon.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
+ "Green jobs compose less than one percent of Californias economy. Thats right, less than one percent. From 1995 to 2008, California added only 42,000 new green jobs. At that rate of growth, it would take 89 years for green jobs to replace all of the other jobs California has lost in the current economic downturn.",impossible expectations,4.2.1,CARDS
+ "“The good news, scientists said, was that central and southern sections of the reef fared far better, with “only” 6% and 1% of the coral dead, respectively.”",cherry picking,3.2,Alhindi_train
+ "Since the present interglacial started about 18,000 years age, and reached the plateau about 11,000 years ago, we probably should be more concerned with a possible impending major ice age than a fraction of a degree or so of warming.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS
+ Climate change is a natural phenomena.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
+ Follow the money pushing the ideological AGW lie. If one examines climate science funding from 1986 to 1996 and then from 1996 to the present you may find some amazing numbers.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
+ Climate is always changing.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
+ Schellnhuber claims he is not at all surpised by the 15-year absence of warming.,cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
+ "Severe storms, floods and agricultural losses may cost a great deal of money, but such extreme weather events - and their resulting costs - are dramatically declining as the Earth modestly warms.",cherry picking,1.7,jindev
+ "The trace gases absorb the radiation from the surface and radiate at the temperature of the air, which is at some height, most of the time slightly lower that of the surface. The trace-gases cannot ""heat the surface"", according to the second principle of thermodynamics which prohibits heat transfer from a cooler body to a warmer body.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
+ Nor are we alone in concluding that climate sensitivity will be small. The following is a non-exhaustive list of papers in the reviewed journals of climate and related sciences concluding that climate sensitivity will be less than the canonical interval 3.0 K.,cherry picking,3.1,CARDS
+ "So far this year, the northeast US has been record cold, with by far the driest snow on record. The ratio of snow to precipitation has been double the long termaverage.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "Notice global warming has been replaced with Climate Change. Something that has, is and will continue. Why the change?",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
+ "There is little doubt that some players in the climate game not a lot, but enough to have severely damaged the reputation of climate scientists in general have stepped across the boundary into postmodern science.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
+ Didn't this climate change hoax start with the WEF in 1971?,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
+ Only after government overseers make these highly suspect adjustments are temperature records capable of showing anything approaching record warmth.,ad hominem,5.1.3,jintrain
+ "The UK had its coldest winter for 13 years, bucking a recent trend of mild temperatures, the Met Office has said.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ Remember when NOAA was caught fabricating the data? No mention of that anymore.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
+ About 20 years ago we're were told we would be burned up by now.Amazing huh?,cherry picking,5.1,hamburg_test3
+ "Even if enough accurate surface temperature measurements existed to ensure reasonable planetary coverage ( it doesn't ) and to calculate some sort of global temperature statistic, interpreting its significance would be challenging.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain
+ "I thought the climate was gentle when atmospheric CO2 concentration was below 300 ppm steady, unvariable and associated with few weather extremes. Thats what fraudster warmist climatologists tried to have us believe with an assortment a various hockey stick charts.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
+ "The central lie is that we are experiencing a known human-caused climate crisis, a claim based on speculative theories, contrived data and totally unproven modeling predictions. And the evidence? Much is revealed by politically corrupted processes and agenda-driven report conclusions rendered by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which are trumpeted in the media as authoritative gospel.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
+ "Hey our DELUSIONAL DIMWITS there's a wee problem There's ZERO, & EVERYONE KNOWS IT, connection between Co2 & any kind of climate change !? Fighting against climate change is akin to trying to alter gravitational forces ! There you have it folks",slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test3
+ "SHIMLA/MANALI: 15 Dec 2014 Intense cold has gripped the entire Himachal Pradesh with unprecedented snowfall in areas where it had not snowed in many years. Snow not only covered Kullu, Bhuntar, Bajaura but also Panarsa area in Mandi district where snowing is not common. Across the state hundreds of roads were blocked throwing normal life out of gear.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "But, let's face it, some of those believing in the serious nature of global warming have also been confusing the public. How many times have you seen global warming advocates crow about a single record warm year, heat wave, or a season with less ice in the arctic as clear proof of global warming? Quite often. But such transient or brief events could well be mainly the result of natural variability.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
+ "December 1st, 2013 through February 28th, 2014 will now be remembered as the coldest meteorological winter on record across much of Upper Michigan.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "But they could sell to the Obama's, who live at sea level, or any other elite that flies on private jets and live on the beach.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ "Objective data show there has been a gradual increase in global precipitation and soil moisture as our planet warms. Warmer temperatures evaporate more water from the oceans, which in turn stimulates more frequent precipitation over continental land masses. The result of this enhanced precipitation is an improvement in soil moisture at almost all sites in the Global Soil Moisture Data Bank. If declining precipitation and declining soil moisture are military threat multipliers, than global warming is creating a safer , more peaceful world.",oversimplification,3,jindev
+ I'm praying the solar grand minimum will quiet these alarmists.,slothful induction,1.2,hamburg_test3
+ Climate change only generates dollars. That's what it's for.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
+ You do realise that the 2c limit was a political target set by Hans Joachim Schellnhuber to explain climate change to the German Government. It has no basis in climate science. It was embellished to 1.5c for Paris to make it look ambitious. Proving high sensitivity is essential.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3
+ "Over the past 25 years, January temperatures in Maryland have dropped nearly three degrees C. This has been one of the worst cycling months I can remember continuous ice on the bike paths.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "Climate change is normal, though the sea has not risen 1mm since 1620",slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3
+ "In the final analysis, it is no more meaningful to calculate an average temperature for a whole planet than it is to calculate the average telephone number in the Washington D.C. phone book.",false equivalence,5.1.3,jintrain
+ "Carter's ultimate policy recommendation was that climate hazards are overwhelmingly natural problems, and should be dealt with by preparing for them in advance, and adapting to them when they occur.",single cause,1.7,CARDS
+ "There is no climate emergency .. sea levels have risen between 1-2 mm maximum (which supports the fact that the globalists have bought so many beach front homes). Land reclaimation is the most significant factor (Dubai, Monaco, Holland etc).",ad hominem,1.6,hamburg_test3
+ "There's no climate change from day one. Nothing we do is going to change mother nature. We certainly can do things to improve the situation, but we will never control the situation.",single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
+ "The emissions limits the White House wants and continues to impose would constitute less than a faction of a single degree Fahrenheit over the course of a decade or more. In short, nothing.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
+ Humans are really good at adapting.,slothful induction,4.2.5,hamburg_test3
+ “ The discrepancy between model-predicted warming and (lower) real-world observations has inspired new respect for natural climate variability relative to greenhouse-gas forcing. ”,cherry picking,5.1.4,Alhindi_train
+ "Unusual things happen in nature sometimes The Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1635 experienced a Category 3 or 4 storm, with up to a 20-foot storm surge.",single cause,1.7,jintest
+ These experts have been so wrong for so long it's a wonder they are still getting credence from mostly the left.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ Oh ffs they said the Great Barrier Reef was bleaching from climate change. Guess they were wrong because it almost back to its full glory,cherry picking,3.2.3,hamburg_test3
+ "CO 2 emissions due to human activity rose gradually from the onset of the Industrial Revolution, reaching ~1 billion tonnes per year (expressed as carbon) by 1945, and then accelerated to ~9 billion tonnes per year by 2007. Since ~1945 when CO 2 emissions accelerated, Earth experienced ~22 years of warming, and ~40 years of either cooling or absence of warming.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS
+ Lmao do they really try and blame everything on climate change these days?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1
+ "As tallied up at courtesy of the global warmers' own data, Kyoto is estimated to have cost about $150 billion so far, while only hypothetically reducing the average global temperature by 0.0015 degrees Centigrade.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
+ "We hope these examples, right out of the weather record books, compiled by C.C. Burt in his book Extreme Weather Changes, will help you to understand the scams alarmists are trying to pull.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
+ habitat lost to agriculture has peaked due to fossil fuel dependent technologies.,oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev
+ The sun's cycles drive our climate.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3
+ Man made climate change is a fraud.,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test1
+ "There is no super-sized being straddling the planet, feeling global averages in temperature. Global warming does not matter.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,jintrain
+ "Since the Earth hit 350 ppm, temperatures in Dublin have been falling faster than four degrees per century.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ There is evidence that there is a gap of many centuries between planet-wide temperature swings and atmospheric CO2 concentrations.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
+ None of the current experts have been correct with predictions,ad hominem,5.2.5,hamburg_test2
+ How much global warming will result from U.S. emissions over the course of this century and how much of that could be prevented by a carbon tax? These two questions have the same simple answer - virtually none. One or two tenths of a degree a century with or without a carbon tax makes the whole climate debate a peculiar exercise.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
+ There could also be other unknown mechanisms driven by solar changes that exaggerate the effect of small variations in total solar irradiance. A current possibility being investigated is a suggested link between cosmic ray flux and cloudiness. The flux varies depending on the energy from the sun and may drive cloudiness changes.,slothful induction,2.1.1,CARDS
+ "The missing hotspot in the atmospheric warming pattern observed during the last warming period proves that (1) the IPCC climate theory is fundamentally broken, and (2) to the extent that their theory correctly predicts the warming signature of increased carbon dioxide, we know that carbon dioxide definitely did not cause the recent warming.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS
+ "Just as importantly, alarmists present no evidence that global warming caused the summer heat wave in a notoriously hot desert near the equator. ",slothful induction,1.7,jindev
+ "“We have known for decades that increasing CO₂ and precipitation from global warming will make the world much greener – by the end of the century, it is likely that global biomass will have increased by forty percent.”",oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_dev
+ "Hey Al, how's that global warming crap going, you seem to get rich and buy lots of houses that leave carbon footprints all over the place to include your private jets.#FuckingHypocrite",ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test2
+ "As previously reported here , Obama has pledged that the United States will cut emissions by 26 percent by 2025, even though the largest emitter of CO2, China, will get a free pass until 2030, and will only comply if it chooses to abide by the new rules.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS
+ "Everyone's worried about climate change, but don't realize in the past 10,000 years we've had a relatively stable climate. During the medieval times they were spikes I was way hotter than it is today.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
+ "And minimal reports of record cold in Australia, because it doesn't fit the narrative of nonsense climate crisis and useless ""green"" energy.""Coldest start to winter in decades for eastern Australia with power grid under strain""",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
+ The Leftists in Canada are just like the leftists in America. They have a war on oil and gas and for climate change. And for that reason you must then suffer!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ Let's start with: Do we know what caused these other climate shifts?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
+ I learned so much about the climate crisis from this protest. These two girls were either going to do something like this or secretly plot to kill one of their unsuspecting friends for Slenderman. So I guess we're lucky they went the tomato soup route.,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1
+ "The science tells us, during the Jurassic era, carbon was 5-7 times higher than today. Life thrived back then.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
+ "ice is in equilibrium with the surface of the water, meaning sea levels won’t rise when it melts",single cause,1.6,hamburg_test3
+ "A cold snap in winter sounds very logical to me, but what's the bet it will be blamed on climate change?Albonesia, Adam Bandit and the militant inner city Leftards will be salivating over this.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ Scientists from Britain and the US chime in saying that forecasts for global cooling are far from groundless.,fake experts,1.2,CARDS
+ The temperatures have crashed. A clear sign of global warming.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2
+ The 1980 value for the greenhouse effect is 35.56C and the value for 2010 is 0.14C lower at 35.42C. This demonstrates that the 70.9% increase in global CO2 emissions since 1980 did not in any way enhance the greenhouse effect as has been falsely claimed since 1988 when this global warming debacle first began.,cherry picking,2.3,CARDS
+ "Last week, at the World Federation of Scientists annual seminar on planetary emergencies in Sicily, I heard presentations from several researchers each using different methods showing that the warming from doubling atmospheric CO2 concentration will be just 1 C, not the 3.3 C the IPCC imagines.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS
+ But be of good cheer. The carbon dioxide emissions allegedly responsible for Al Gores planetary emergency are helping tomatoes beef up. The Center for the Study of Carbon Dioxide and Global Change maintains a database on field and laboratory experiments measuring plant growth response to CO2-enriched environments. Heres the link for data on tomatoes.,oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
+ "If it were shown, it would also have to be shown that the 97 per cent of emissions from natural processes such as ocean degassing, volcanoes, natural chemical reactions and exhalation don't drive global warming.",oversimplification,2.5,jintrain
+ "In fact, if the ambient air temperature does rise, the growth-promoting effects of atmospheric CO2 enrichment will likely rise right along with it, becoming more and more robust in agreement with the experimental observations reviewed by Idso and Idso (1994).",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
+ "Our Great Lakes show that the climate can change so drastically, on its own, that it can form glaciers and melt glaciers naturally. You can't get any more climate change than forming glaciers and melting glaciers.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
+ Even if it was true. That man is causing climate change. And it's not. The climate has been changing for all of earths existence. It's the one thing it does. It changes. And there's not a damn thing man can do about it.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
+ When does Climate change start again ? The weather today is awful!!!!!!,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
+ "The World doesn't need saving John, it's a world wide hoax",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
+ "Then along came an announcement by Mr Watts last Sunday that he had documented, and had ready for publication, the proof that the U.S. temperature record had been diddled. In particular his new analysis demonstrated that the reported 1979-2008 U.S. temperature trends are spuriously doubled, with 92% of that over-estimation resulting from erroneous NOAA adjustments of well-sited stations upward.",conspiracy theory,5.1.3,CARDS
+ That would mean last year was about the coolest year that we have had in Australia for about 26 years.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "To be good citizens, some companies are voluntarily buying electricity from expensive wind and solar sources. Shareholders accept this profit-reducing activity, believing this contributes to slowing man-made global warming. But according to the International Energy Agency, wind and solar supply less than one percent of global energy needs, and coal-fired energy is growing.",impossible expectations,4.4.1,CARDS
+ "November to April snow extent was the highest on record this year, and has increased sharply since CO2 hit Hansens global warming tipping point of 350 PPM.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ Sea levels have been rising at a more-or-less constant rate (about 3.3 mm per year) since the early 1990s despite increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
+ Why did Obama buy a seafront mansion with rising oceans due to “climate change “.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1
+ "The problem with these sorts of studies is that no class of proxy (tree ring, ice core isotopes) is unambiguously correlated to temperature and, over and over again, authors pick proxies that confirm their bias and discard proxies that do not. This problem is exacerbated by author pre-knowledge of what individual proxies look like, leading to biased selection of certain proxies over and over again into these sorts of studies.",misrepresentation,5.1.2,CARDS
+ there's no climate emergency. If you thought there was why would you have visited the artic and contributed to it?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
+ "China is experiencing its coldest winter in 28 years, with the average national temperature remaining at 3.8 C since November 2012, which is 1.3 degrees lower than normal for this period, according to sources from the China Meteorological Administration.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "whenever in the past there was an explosion of plant life, the carbon dioxide content was far higher than at present.",false equivalence,3.3.1,Alhindi_test
+ The atmosphere has not been warming for over 18 years even though atmospheric CO2 content has been increasing.,cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
+ "According to IPCC models, if everyone in Wyoming traded in their pickup truck for a hybrid, it would slow global warming by about 0.00000001 degrees.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
+ It is statistically appropriate to point to this year's frigidity as evidence that the theory of man-made global warming is suspect.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "In the real UK (the one that exists outside the Met Office Supercomputers) the last three summers have all been complete washouts, the last two winters have been bitter cold, and over the last eighty years, summertime temperatures have risen only 0.5C.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ CO2 is incapable of causing climatic warming by itself (CO2 makes up only 0.038% of the atmosphere and accounts for only a few percent of the greenhouse gas effect).,misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS
+ "Renew­ables such as wind turbines are environmentally disastrous because they pollute a huge land area, slice and dice birds and bats, kill insects that are bird food, create health problems for humans who live within kilometres of them, leave toxins around the turbine site and despoil the landscape.",cherry picking,4.4.1,Alhindi_train
+ "The year began with extremely cold winter temperatures and snowfall amounts that broke monthly and seasonal records at many U.S. locations. Seasonal snowfall records fell in several cities, including Washington; Baltimore, Md., Philadelphia; Wilmington, Del.; and Atlantic City, N.J. Several NOAA studies established that this winter pattern was made more likely by the combined states of El Nino and the Arctic Oscillation.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "Presumably, the reason would be to mitigate global warming. But it turns out that the fuel burned in all the gasoline-powered engines used in the United States produces about two-tenths of 1 percent of worldwide carbon dioxide (which is only one of the greenhouse gases thought to cause what may be some warming of the world's climate).",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
+ the weather has been so cold in winter.,anecdote,1.3,jintrain
+ "Must be climate change co2 causing year on year temperature rises. Oh wait, we haven't had a single change in temperatures in the last 15 years. Even though CO2 has continued to raise year on year.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
+ "The effects of weak solar activity have been notable. The United Kingdom just suffered through a winter with temperatures 5 to 10 degrees C below normal, and German meteorologists report that 2013 has been the coldest year in 208 years.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
+ "Nobel Physics laureate Ivar Giaever has called global warming (aka, climate change) alarmism a ""new religion"", a temple built on grounds of faith rather than upon scientific foundations. In this church, all unfortunate events that occur are attributed to human causation. Eco-elitist doom prophets and profiteers perpetrate dogma and intimidation to extract offerings of penance in exchange for promised salvation from fossil-fueled hellfire.",false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS
+ "I am from Spain. There have been very high temperatures, but nothing that had not happened before. The fires have been provoked or caused by the lack of conservation of the countryside and the mountains.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3