
FLICCdataset / fallacy_val.csv
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"He said: ""Cooling from 2019 into about 2020 to 2021 will bring world temperatures back to where they were in the 1940s through the 1960s.""",single cause,1.2,jintrain
"Although we have been enmeshed in a long debate over global warming and climate change, there has been no warming for over 16 years.",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
Climate change is also moving water from ocean to land. This more than offsets sea level from melt water.,misrepresentation,1.6,hamburg_test3
"It is raining this morning - second day in a row so much for ""climate change"" …",anecdote,1.7,hamburg_test3
"Climate change is real, how much we actually affect it is debatable.",slothful induction,5.1,hamburg_test3
Climate projections also assume that planet Earth is not dynamic,oversimplification,5.1.4,Alhindi_dev
"Meanwhile, China, India, Germany, Poland and other countries are building some 1,200 new coal-fired power plants, and numerous gas plants, to spur economic growth, preserve jobs and lift people out of poverty. So the sacrifices Mr. Obama is imposing will do nothing to reduce global CO2 levels, which the evidence increasingly shows plays only a minor to trivial role in climate and weather fluctuations.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS
"The big chill extended to parts of the country much less accustomed to it. Parts of Nevada were at 18F below zero; in Flagstaff, Arizona, the temperature dropped to 7F; temperatures as low as 27F were expected in usually mild Las Vegas and surrounding areas, and the National Weather Service issued winter storm warnings for Riverside and San Bernardino counties in ""sunny"" Southern California.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"If a major hurricane is approaching with a predicted storm surge of 10-14 feet, are you really going to worry about a sea level rise of 1 inch per decade?",oversimplification,1.7,jintrain
"As we have already seen, during this time, the Northern Hemisphere experienced ""The Little Ice Age"" where crops failed and plague wiped out tens of millions of people showing a clear correlation between solar activity and temperature on Earth. Likewise, there was also high solar activity during the Medieval Warm Period.",single cause,2.1.4,jintrain
"Temperature drops to -128.6 F at Vostok, Antarctica as global warming takes hold. This is the world record low temperature.",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2
"This has nothing to do with #ClimateChange. This is control and De-population through starvation, for the #GreatReset",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2
The inconvenient Heartland facts that tear asunder the Democrat lies and the climate change hoax:,conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
"But alternatively, if a large energy imbalance causes only a small temperature change, then that is called low sensitivity, which is how I, MIT's Dick Lindzen, and a minority of other climate researchers believe the climate system behaves.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS
Forget what global warming activists would lead you to believe,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
Climate change is about siphoning money from the pockets of the gullible to buy worldwide communism,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
"“there were no ice sheets covering either Greenland or West Antarctica, and much of the East Antarctic ice sheet was gone.” How is this possible 2,999,971 years before Arnold Schwarzenegger bought his Hummer?",single cause,2.1.4,Alhindi_train
"To put it fairly but bluntly, the global-warming alarmists have relied on a pathetic version of science in which computer models take precedence over data, and numerical averages of computer outputs are believed to be able to predict the future climate.",misrepresentation,5.1.4,CARDS
"But if there is one scientist who knows more about sea levels than anyone else in the world it is the Swedish geologist and physicist Nils-Axel Mrner, formerly chairman of the INQUA International Commission on Sea Level Change. And the uncompromising verdict of Dr Mrner, who for 35 years has been using every known scientific method to study sea levels all over the globe, is that all this talk about the sea rising is nothing but a colossal scare story. Despite fluctuations down as well as up, ""the sea is not rising,"" he says. ""It hasn't risen in 50 years.""",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
"Aiming to be ""carbon neutral"" in response to climate change is akin to thoughts and prayers for a heart attack victim.It does nothing to undo the damage. It just gives the warm fuzzy feeling of taking action.",false equivalence,4.2.3,hamburg_test3
Move the deadlines to later sounds like a excuse to not take personal responsibility for any failed predictions that was made by the loudest voices among the Climate Change movement ?,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1
The science that predicts the extent of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) is not settled science.,slothful induction,5.1.1,CARDS
"They say there is great uncertainty, and they reflected this uncertainty in their fifth and latest assessment for the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ).",impossible expectations,5.1,jintrain
"Americans receive a daily barrage from the fake news media and climate ""experts"" reporting that each and every day, week, month or year is the hottest on record due to global warming.",ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain
"""Snowmageddon"" threatens Massachusetts global warming forum",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"There are the unknown conscientious ""objectors"" who, just prior to the UNCCC, released thousands of emails and documents proving decades of fraud by the ""global warming"" institutions and ""scholars."" Then came the many scholarly websites (,,,,, sppi.orgto mention just a few) and the scientists who worked over-time analyzing the leaked documents. They have pieced together at least twenty years of ""faked"" global warming graphs and organized suppression of opposing points of view.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
He begins with a kind of trigger warning for readers who may be shocked by the book's contradiction of four points of climate orthodoxy.,ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
“ever since December temperatures in the Arctic have consistently been lower than minus 20 C”,anecdote,1.3,Alhindi_train
"Even the modern godfather of global warming, ex-NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies director James Hansen, has admitted that the Paris climate agreement is ""a fraud really , a fake.""",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,jintrain
"I remember briefly when they tried out ""climate disruption"" but it didn't seem to focus group well so they went back to climate change. People weren't gullible enough to believe that seasonal weather events were a ""climate disruption"".",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"The Mean Global Temperature has been stable since 1997, despite a continuous increase of the CO2 content of the air",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
Rest of the country? Net Zero? Zero chance of that happening. You are another fifth columnist working for outside interests. You disqualify yourself from being a public servant.,ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test1
Climate change is a hoax. It's just a money maker for y'all.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
"The reason why NASA/NCDC surface data doesnt match satellite data, is because their surface data is fraudulent",conspiracy theory,5.1.3,CARDS
"""Climate Change"" is not a crisis at all. It is a LONG CON being run on the People by the ultra-wealthy in order to usurp control and enslave the planet's population. They have invested hundreds of billions and are now murdering those who stand in their way. NEVER SURRENDER!",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1
"About agenda 2021, Climate change hoax, must watch it, former australian politician",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1
The climate change movement is an anti-human progress death cult,ad hominem,5.2.1,hamburg_test2
Instrumental temperature measurements over the past 150 years show no correlation between human emissions of CO2 and temperature.,cherry picking,2.3.3,jintrain
"""As frigid conditions settled over the nation, global-warming alarmists went into full denial mode,"" adding that ""weather extremes also seem to bring out the lunatic fringe."" That is why the public is being told that cold weather has been caused by global warming!",ad hominem,1.3,CARDS
Climate change? Not for the last 15 years,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
"Is this the famous global warming or is the little ice age marching on, as real scientists, far removed from ideology-driven experts, have already predicted?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"Historically, temperature rises precede atmospheric CO2 increases; so global warming produces more CO2, released from warming oceans, never the opposite.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
Changes in global atmospheric CO 2 are lagging about 9 months behind changes in global lower troposphere temperature.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
"The rise in the air's CO2 content, beginning with the Industrial Revolution and still ongoing, is making carbon uptake and biomass production easier and more efficient for this important agricultural species.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
Why does that matter? Because the most powerful greenhouse gas (water vapor) does its thing at the top of the troposphere (around 200 hPa) ??? that??s where it radiates energy out to space. Below that level the energy is effectively ricocheting back and forward ??? bouncing between molecules or causing collisions and generally rarely getting out to space where it is then gone for good.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
"Among the facts that are clear, however, are that U.S. emissions contribute very little to global concentrations of greenhouse gas, and that even substantial cuts in these emissions are likely to have no effect on temperature.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"Climate emergencies are very real. They're called hurricanes, tornadoes and cyclones but it's not climate change or global warming or whatever they're calling it this week it's mother nature doing your job trying to kill us",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
"Not only is the global warming hoax unravelling, no-one is paying attention to what is really happening.",cherry picking,4.3.2,hamburg_test3
The multi-model mean are not expected to present the year-to-year variations in sea surface temperature associated with the El Nio-Southern Oscillation (ENSO).,impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS
Believing in climate change is a mental disorder.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
"But these inconvenient truths are irrelevant to climate campaigners, who are using dangerous manmade climate change as the best pretext ever devised to control energy use and economies.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
"Last week, a study in the prestigious journal Nature revealed just how much CO2 increases have greened the Earth over the past three decades. Because CO2 acts as a fertilizer, as much as half of all vegetated land is persistently greener today.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jintrain
"I remember warm November days at the beach in Bournemouth during the 1960s, but global warming has turned the weather cold.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Like countless other organ­isms, we move and adapt when the environment changes.",false equivalence,3.2.1,Alhindi_dev
Sea level rose just 8 inches in the 20th century and has been rising at just 1 ft/century since 1993.,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
So what are the key players in Climate Change? The major driver is the sun. Warming depends on the sun. Cooling is due to the lack of suns energy. Radiant energy enters the earths atmosphere.,single cause,2.1.1,CARDS
"The citys maximum temperature of 12.1 degrees is four below the average maximum for this time of year. For some western suburbs, it was even colder, only reaching nine in Richmond and 10 in Penrith, both eight below average and their coldest day in at least 15 years.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Earlier this year, Chicago represented the global climate. Record cold this weekend has caused Chicago to disappear from the global climate map.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
Man-made Climate Change Hoax is a money laundering scheme used by the wealthy & their paid for politicians. Political hacks will whine about CC to get funding then direct that funding to their elitest friends that put the politician's family on their boards of directors.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
no such thing as climate change emergency. ITS A HUGE HOAX,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
"He says ""contrary to what your political leader, professor, and newspaper tell you, global warming is dominated by natural factors.""",single cause,2.1,jintrain
I'm sorry but 34 degrees??? Please can we fix the climate crisis I can't handle this nonsense.,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2
"Given that the predicted GHG hotspot is not observed, which is inconsistent with GHG theory, neither of these assumptions would appear reasonable.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS
The projections from scientists have failed to forecast the stop in the temperature rise.,impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS
"The slowdown in warming was, she added, real, and all the evidence suggested that since 1998, the rate of global warming has been much slower than predicted by computer models - about 1C per century.",cherry picking,1.4,jintrain
"Same as Global Warming FAILED so they had to change it to climate change to account for warming, cooling, or ANY change that happens. You dont have a solid argument.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test2
"Water vapor is much more plentiful in the atmosphere than any of the others, H2O absorbs vastly more energy and is by far the most important greenhouse gas. On any given day, H2O is a percent or two of the atmosphere; we call that humidity.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
"It is a well-documented fact that more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increases the efficiency of plant growth. As we burn fossil fuels and increase the trace levels of atmospheric CO2, our agriculture flourishes and produces more food with less water.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
There is a bunch of photographic evidence that proves the sea isn't rising. Have your seen the Plymouth rock meme??Plymouth rock was at sea level in the 1600. Guess what?? It still is!!,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3
"Most scientists agree that a doubling of carbon dioxide would only raise temperature about 1 degree unless there is increased climate sensitivity, which has not been demonstrated.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS
"Here are dozens of reputable scientists from around the world with no axe to grind collaborating on studies which all corroborate, independently and rigorously, the increasingly respectable view that ""man-made global warming"" just isn't a thing.",fake experts,5.1.1,jintrain
Global Warming Ends. The British meteorological vessel H.M.S. Pinafore reported today that the water temp 12 feet below the surface in eastern equatorial waters is the coolest that it's been in the 87 years of monitoring. Party Time!,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
"Next time Charlie or Billy are lecturing on climate change just remember the collegiate idealists who fill the ranks of the environmental movement seem willing to do absolutely anything to save the biosphere, except take science courses and learn something about it.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
"We, the animals and all land plant life would be healthier if CO2 content were to increase.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
They failed to predict a decadelong [sic] pause in global temperatures.”,oversimplification,5.1.4,Alhindi_train
"As of the middle of the Arctic summer, on July 17, 2022, sea ice extent was 3.25 million square miles",cherry picking,1.1.3,hamburg_test3
3) The only evidence now for the theory of dangerous carbon dioxide-induced global warming is the IPCC models.,slothful induction,5.1.4,CARDS
"Similarly, we know that many more people die from cold than from heat.",oversimplification,3.6,jintrain
"Since global warming isn't happening, it's not worth discussing what is ""causing"" it. It is pointless to discuss what is causing anything that is not happening.",slothful induction,1,hamburg_test1
“And some plants – like algae which use carbon for photosynthesis – may even benefit.”,oversimplification,3.3.1,Alhindi_train
"The Chicago River is largely frozen over this morning, as a historically cold air mass plunges most of the nation into a deep freeze.The temperature at Chicago's O'Hare airport was 16 degrees below zero this morning, shattering the previous January 6 low temperature record of 14 degrees below zero set in 1884 and 1988.Temperatures at the South Pole were 11 degrees below zero five degrees warmer than Chicago at the time Chicago set its low temperature record.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"So climate change is a Christian thing? Man, the libs are gonna be bummed!!",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1
The twentieth century indeed was warm. We know this to be so because temperatures could be measured using instruments designed for that purpose. What they indicate is that global temperature increased by about three-quarters of a degree Celsius. The question becomes: was that rate of warming unusual in a longer-term context? Well probably never be certain because there were no comparable instruments taking measurements in earlier centuries.,impossible expectations,5.1.3,CARDS
"It's been happening for millennia and, like back 10K years ago, we can do NOTHING about it.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
"What climate crisis? How is ice melt a crisis, when that gives the soil free for agriculture",cherry picking,3,hamburg_test3
"Global warming alarmists' preferred electricity source - wind power - kills nearly 1 million bats every year (to say nothing of the more than 500,000 birds killed every year) in the United States alone.",cherry picking,4.4.1,jindev
"If Global Warming did not cause the greening measured by NASA, but instead agriculture caused it, that would be evidence that the Earth is not warming, because warming always causes greening, due to the increased evaporation of ocean water that falls as rain or snow on the land.",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
"We are all waiting for verifiable scientific evidence that human CO2/GHG emissions are the cause of climate change. Until such evidence is forthcoming, the AGW/CAGW propaganda narrative is a failed hypothesis.",slothful induction,5.1.1,hamburg_test3
"2. If people are concerned about the adverse impacts of extreme weather events, reducing CO2 emissions are not going to have any impact on policy relevant time scales, even if you accept the IPCC analyses. Resources expended on energy policy are in direct conflict with reducing vulnerability to extreme events.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"Speaking of denying reality, you're another duped dembulb supporting the career corruptocrat poser in Chief, who has been skimming & living off the public dole for years. Now a heartless scumbag crushing the poor & elderly with high inflation, because of the climate change scam.",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test1
So I should listen to different lying politicians and green energy/ green tech share holders? They're all in it for the money.,ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3
"Russia is enduring its harshest winter in over 70 years, with temperatures plunging as low as -50 degrees Celsius, reports Russia Today. Dozens of people have already died, and almost 150 hospitalized.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"The intolerance, of course, stems from the realization on the part of those behind the ""global warming"" scam that it is entirely false. It is always liars who have to shout loudest in the hope of temporarily prevailing over the truth.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
"Summer temperatures in Arizona peaked in 1896, and recent summers have been among the coolest on record.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"I'm confused what part of ""climate"" is changing? If it's global warming then say so.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
"The Greenhouse Effect is a Hoax. It teaches that heat and fires are caused by ghgs (0.04% of air) because it absorbs infrared. It overlooks that Oxygen (21% air) reacts to UV radiation from the Sun, to cause Heat, ozone, fire and light.",false choice,2.3,hamburg_test3
"As western nations step up pressure on India and China to curb the emission of greenhouse gases, Russian scientists reject the very idea that carbon dioxide may be responsible for global warming. Russian critics of the Kyoto Protocol, which calls for cuts in CO2 emissions, say that the theory underlying the pact lacks scientific basis.",fake experts,2.3,CARDS
"""Fossil fuels don't take a clean environment and make it dirty,"" noted Alex Epstein, ""they take a dirty environment and make it clean.""",misrepresentation,3.3,jintrain
"""In the last 80 years, as CO2 emissions have most rapidly escalated, the annual rate of climate-related deaths worldwide fell by an incredible rate of 98%. That means the incidence of death from climate is 50 times lower than it was 80 years ago.""",single cause,3.6,CARDS
"The heat over the issue has tended to drive scientists toward one camp or the other, which is one reason why many open-minded scientists avoid the issue or decline to participate in the IPCC process. Hence the scientists and experts participating in each iteration have become increasingly self-selected toward those with a bias toward climate alarmism.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
"Don't you ever observe the sky's, You could play tic tac toe with the climate change cloud's",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
United Nations report reveals the world's temperature hasn't risen for the last 15 years. Politicians have raised concerns about the final draft. Fears that the findings will encourage deniers of man-made climate change.,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
Climate change has existed in 12 to 1500 years cycles since the beginning of time and controlled by the planet and the sun,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1
"Just as in medieval times when the people were expected to (and often did) believe everything they were told by the priest, now we see that it is the scientist whose word is gospel. Even today panellists on programmes such as BBC Question Time who question climate change can be booed and jeered at by people who read scientific papers on the issue even less than illiterate medieval peasants read the Bible, at the time still un-translated from the Latin.",false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS
"I'm not disputing climate change, I'm stating that a bird nesting in the UK is not evidence of it..anymore that it did in 1920. I don't have a cat?",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"As an aside, such runaway positive feedback processes are rare among long-term stable natural systems, as at some point, given 5 billion years of history, they should have already run away by now. Why temperatures would reach a tipping point now when they did not in millennia past when both global temperature and CO2 levels were much higher remains unexplained by Mr. Waxman and other tipping point advocates.",false equivalence,3.1,CARDS
"“Can the “uncertainty monster” in climate research, and particularly climate modeling, be acknowledged?” A quick look through the IPCC assessment reports reveals long discussions about uncertainty in our understanding and climate prediction. Moreover, uncertainty in global warming projection exists mainly at the high end—toward more warming—for simple physical reasons. dev no fallacy Misrepresentation that science doesn't acknowledge uncertainty?",misrepresentation,5.1,Alhindi_dev
Here’s an unusual one from Guillet et al suggesting that there’s nothing new about wildly early or late grape harvests through the centuries,false equivalence,2.1.4,Alhindi_train
"Australia signed a suicide note yet didn't seem to notice that China, India, Indonesia and the US did not commit to reducing their large carbon dioxide emissions.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,jintrain
Several of the papers note that the primary influence on warming appears to be solar activity.,single cause,2.1.1,jintrain
"The plants will do fine. After all, they will enjoy the extra CO2 (plant food) and the daily effluence of bilge (fertilizer) from scaremonger AGW propagandists.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
There is no proof the current rate of change in Antarctica will continue.,slothful induction,1.1.1,jintest
We don't really know how clouds are formed. Water vapour impacts the climate more than any other gas.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
Much of this torrent of public money is now focussed on trying to torture a climate confession out of one normally un-noticed and totally innocent trace gas in the atmosphere carbon dioxide.,misrepresentation,2.3.1,CARDS
"Thanks to the revelations of the Climategate e-mails, we now have a more skeptical view about the process which is used to vet publications. We know now that peer-review, once considered by many as the gold-standard, can be manipulated and in fact has been manipulated by a gang of UK and US climate scientists who have been very open about their aim to keep dissenting views from being published. We also know from the same e-mails that editors can be bullied by determined activists.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
Who Believes What A Liberal Has To Say About Climate Change??,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
Does the climate change? Yes. Can humans change it? It is vanity in the extreme to believe we can change it. The sun alone has infinitely more power to change the climate than we do. We are specks in this drama.,single cause,2.1.1,hamburg_test3
Increased levels of CO2 are not harmful to humans and greatly help plant growth.,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
"There is literally no ""imminent threats"" of climate change, can you name one?",slothful induction,3,hamburg_test3
"How does this tackle inflation??Providing tax credits for what? For whom? This isn't a climate crisis, it's a farce so that you can try to pull the wool over the Americans' eyes. We aren't as dumb as you, Michelle Kamala. How were you ever a prosecutor??",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1
"In fact, it seems the only constant in climate history is change-continuous change, in varying ways at various times, collectively spanning a very broad range of temperatures. What causes these changes is unclear. Temperatures have been warmer than now, and greenhouse gas concentrations higherbut which caused which remains uncertain. As the NRC wrote, ""climate is continually varying on time scales ranging from seasons to the lifetime of Earth.""",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS
Yes for decades back in the 80s it was an ice age now it's global warming.,misrepresentation,5.1.4,hamburg_test3
We are at very low points of CO2 & temp in the history of the planet & have no way of getting close to the much higher CO2 levels under which life flourished in a much more tropical world.,false equivalence,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"My mom grew up in Amsterdam, much of the Netherlands is below water, and has been for centuries. The first large scale building of dikes in Holland began in the 14th century. Strangely, Holland still exists. If Global Warming was a thing it should have been the first place to go.",misrepresentation,1.6,hamburg_test3
"My concern as a climatologist was that too many pieces didn't fit or were ignored in the complex weather systems that, on average, are climate. Most troubling initially was the effective omission of water vapor as a greenhouse gas.",misrepresentation,5.1.4,CARDS
"If only every single ""climate change"" prediction from ""scientists"" for the past FIFTY years had not been wrong, then maybe people would believe the new doom and gloom predictions. Oh wait, those are wrong too.",ad hominem,5.1,hamburg_test1
Also there is no such thing as man made climate change.Get educated,slothful induction,2,hamburg_test3
"“Global warming and climate change, even if it is 100% caused by humans, is so slow that it cannot be observed by anyone in their lifetime. Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and other natural disasters have yet to show any obvious long-term change.”",impossible expectations,5.1,Alhindi_train
"Interesting that the figure above shows the most severe historic cold wave during the past century took place in 1936, which was the same year when the strongest heat wave took place.",single cause,1.7,jintrain
It has been doing this since the LIA.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"Yes, we're all aware of the global warming propaganda",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"These people are terrorist activists. While no people are harmed, they are plotting to destroy works of art for the publicity of their cause. They should be arrested/pay hefty fines, etc. I support climate change awareness, but these people and their stunts are counterintuitive.",ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1
Seems that the climate change science never changes.,ad hominem,5.2.5,hamburg_test3
Remember when NASA was sued for fudging climate change data and lost lol,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test3
"Postmodern journalism maintains that the science of climate is like a toothpaste commercial where a consensus of dentists determines what toothpaste you should use. If you support their commercial's thesis, you are scientific; if you don't, then you are an enemy of the state, a Republican, or even a Trump supporter. That's the climate science of postmodern journalism: 100% pure fake news, top to bottom.",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS
There is zero verifiable scientific evidence that fossil fuel emissions are the cause of climate change.,slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test2
"Man made global warming is a hoax. A scam. A tool for power hungry elites, meant to guilt you into voluntary poverty & slavery.",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
The facts don't lie and the empirical evidence is overwhelming - tiny global warming over last 15 years causes James Lovelock to admit he was wrong - extreme climate change not in the cards,cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
"Earth's internal heat flow is THE major dynamic factor driving Climate Change, Vulcanism & the Plate Tectonics that has built ALL of Earth's Mountain ranges. ALL these phenomena result from massive internal heat flows from Earth's inner core to the surface, NOT human activity.",single cause,2.1.2,hamburg_test2
"The only way Americans will be protected against the EPA's attack on our economy will be a Congress controlled by the Republican Party and a Republican President that will support the oversight that is needed and the reversal of its vast output of regulations. It will have to do this as well for NOAA, NASA, and other governmental departments and agencies that, until recently, spewed forth all manner of ""data"" supporting the global warming hoax.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
"What have you done to this poor girl, she is frightened that she has 12 years to live, who tells that to a young adult?",misrepresentation,5.2.4,hamburg_test1
"Water vapor is very active in the infrared--in fact water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Such gases tend to warm us up at night--- they intercept the infrared radiation leaving the earth and reemit some back down to the surface, thus lessening cooling. There is a reason deserts are cool at night--not much moisture.",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
"The Wall Street Journal today ran a top-fold, front page news item about how China's insatiable demand for energy has stimulated a boon in the international trade of coal. This is more evidence that globalization makes a mockery of the best laid plans to fight climate change. So while Congress deliberates, and enviros agitate, big, bad King Coal is making money hand-over-fist selling coal to a growing China.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS
"The film suggests that evidence from ice cores proves that rising CO2 causes temperature increases over 650,000 years. The Court found that the film was misleading: over that period the rises in CO2 lagged behind the temperature rises by 800-2000 years.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
"Since the change point in 2007, September 21 Arctic ice (15% concentration) extent has been expanding at a linear rate of 247,875 km / year. Using the standard climate science metric, that is a gain of 4,201 Manhattans per year.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS
Solar activity is going into a decline as well. We dont yet know if this decline will be to a Dalton Minimum-like level or a Maunder Minimum level. The model projection into the future does not contain ENSO or volcanic data as that data cannot be predicted. But it will get cooler for the next thirty years.,single cause,1.2,CARDS
"Like the pagans of old thought they could appease the angry gods or win their favor through sacrificing the things most dear to them - their livestock, and if that didn't work, human beings, even their own children - so it appears that Global Warmingism demands that we sacrifice. And it's not really sacrifice because it's moral or sensible or good for us, but sacrifice to appease the offended ecosphere.",false equivalence,5.2.1,CARDS
Wow! But remember there’s definitely no such thing as global warming,slothful induction,1,hamburg_test1
"As soon as the words carbon footprint, emissions, pollution, and decarbonisation, climate emergency, extreme weather, unprecedented and extinction are used, I know I am being conned by ignorant activists , populist scaremongering , vote-chasing politicians and rent seekers.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
just as happened 17 years ago after a similarly strong El Nino had also made 1998 the hottest year on record.,single cause,2.1.3,jindev
Realistically identify how many people are killed by climate change.,impossible expectations,3.6,hamburg_test1
They will blame climate change but millions of homes and apartments have been built and they haven't upgraded the electrical grid.. Same with water. No new lakes or other sources have been made in probably decades ! !,single cause,2.2,hamburg_test3
If you build a village on a island in the middle of a river it will eventually flood if you build house near the sea it will flood we've lost millions before who build at sea levels when the ice caps melted 12000 years ago climate change is normal part of the earths cycle,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"Can we have a little more global warming please , the weather event dragging warm air up from the equator is absolutely fantastic and saving me a fortune on Gas. In fact it's now helping the planet as many don't need to burn anything as they don't need to put heating on",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
"Unfortunately, whats known as climate change isn't accurate. After the 24,000 years had past the cycles changed. Before the year 2000 we were in the Moon Cycle. Today we are in whats called the sun cycle.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test1
"I've looked very carefully at enormous amounts of data, & I've found zero evidence that the weather is getting worse",slothful induction,1.7,hamburg_test3
"Ultimately none of the 30+ climate regions have changed, maybe the temp has a fraction...",cherry picking,3.4,hamburg_test3
"Projected confidently by the models, this signature was expected to be represented by an exceptional warming in the upper troposphere above the tropics. The experiments, carried out during twenty years of research supported by The Australian Green House Office as well as by many other well funded Atmospheric Science groups around the world, show that this signature does not exist. Where is the Enhanced Green House Effect? No one knows.",misrepresentation,2.3.5,CARDS
Funny that they're not talking about how the polar bear population is now thriving with zero intervention.....,cherry picking,3.2.2,hamburg_test3
UAH MSU satellite records have released the December 2008 data. The anomaly shows 0.074 C of cooling since November which is pretty substantial (100 C per century haha).,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"lets give the socialists their utopia, a gulag on Pluto",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
It's called a grand solar minimum. But the met office will call it climate change. It happens often in history but the government will call it a green tax.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
"I believe that warming forecasts have been substantially exaggerated (in part due to positive feedback assumptions) and that tales of current climate change trends are greatly exaggerated and based more on noting individual outlier events and not through real data on trends ( see hurricanes , for example).",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
"Yes, no METRICS. How many tons of CO2 or Methane causes XX number in degrees temperature increase or XX number of hurricanes. Does it work equally in reverse? Is a blizzard caused by climate change?",impossible expectations,5.1,hamburg_test3
"Researchers like Ross McKitrick, who have laid out strong cases for why Climategate reveals deliberate manipulation of science, were not asked to give evidence.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
Bernie McCune holds degrees in both engineering and biology and has worked with both the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency and NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.,fake experts,5.1,CARDS
"The impact of extreme weather events - hurricanes , tornadoes , floods and droughts are, if anything, declining.",oversimplification,1.7,jindev
"Warmists say the ice is melting, but Arctic ice increased 23% since 2007.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS
"If we were so passionately concerned about our carbon footprint, then the best thing to do is to expire.",false choice,4,jintrain
"As a result, rising temperatures in the oceans could accelerate if it were not for the logarithmic affect of additional CO2.",oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS
What happened to the 15 to 20 year Transition? They are ramming this damn Climate Change down America's throat.All the VAIN Climate Change efforts will have NO measurable affect on anything Climate Change related.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3
The failure of the CO2-centric models is due in large part to their inability to reproduce the known decadal and multi-decadal oscillations that are part and parcel to the world's climate.,impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS
Mega-merger of the week; the Alliance for Climate Protection and The Climate Project were rolled into one entity . Both are Gore-founded propaganda mills designed to keep the climate hoax front and center while Big Al rakes in the cash. Al touted an article by Alliance for Climate Protection CEO Maggie Fox:,conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
"Also, the earth is actually 5% greener than 20 years ago",oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
But policy ... discouraging coal & switching to natgas ... is responsible for the greatest reduction in US CO2 emissions.,misrepresentation,4.5,hamburg_test3
The Met Office quietly report that Global Warming stopped 15 years ago,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
"There was a 300-year-long Medieval heat wave, followed by a Little Ice Age that began around 1300, and then the 300-year warming period we're in now .",single cause,2.1.4,jintest
"He says the most reliable gauges, located at Fremantle and Auckland, show an increase in sea level of approximately 120 millimetres between 1920 and 2000, or 1.5 millimetres per year. But this increase is reducing at a rate of between 0.02 and 0.04 millimetres per year.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS
The Greenland ice cap last winter increased in volume faster than at any time for years.”,cherry picking,1.1.2,Alhindi_train
"Over the last 16 years, global average temperature, as measured by both thermometers and satellite sensors, has displayed no statistically significant warming",cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
Climate change is a hoax like Russian collusion.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
"I know this is secondary, but it is iceberg, not ice berg. Just like it's greenhouse, not green house. But I guess people at the global warming conference would know that.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"The problem with that:If the climate models show no skill at being able to simulate the processes of ENSO on short-term bases, theres no reason to believe they perform any better on decadal or multidecadal bases.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS
"Yes that is true, there is absolutely man made climate change. That's just a fact, however it's actually not that bad at all. The worst case scenario that's predicted is a max increase of like 1-2 degrees, which won't affect humans at all",slothful induction,3.4,hamburg_test3
"There is no climate emergency, its a climate cycle.",single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
"Hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts and other natural disasters have yet to show any obvious long-term change.",cherry picking,1.7,jintrain
"To the extent that the cost of weather disasters has risen over time, that is well known to be the result of modern society building more infrastructure in areas that are prone to damage from weather which is almost everywhere.",single cause,1.7,jintrain
People point fingers when they have no answers. Or they know the answer but it goes against their decades long rant about that fake climate change thingy,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
The more recent disconnects of carbon dioxide levels from temperature changes throughout the past century.,single cause,2.3.3,CARDS
There is considerable evidence that the People's Climate March wasn't as much about climate as it was an excuse for those who want a different political system. If you really believe that capitalism is destroying the Earth and hurting people or even if you don't really believe it then environmentalism becomes a really good excuse to dump capitalism.,ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
"Meteorologist Joe D'Aleo of WeatherBell Analytics and editor of says that, as the President addresses the nation on Tuesday, every State will have freezing temperatures and parts or all of 27 States will be below zero.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
That's not settled science. It's theory based on garbage data.,ad hominem,5.1.1,hamburg_test3
CLIMATE CHANGE? HORSE SHIT!! Experts Insist Sea Levels Are Rising Despite Photos Proving They Aren't,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3
This has nothing to do with healthy eating and everything to do with the climate change agenda... this is completely stupid and manipulative and needs to be called out for what it is.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
Unless more CO2 could increase total atmospheric density it could not have a significant effect on global tropospheric temperature.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
Newsflash. It's not global warming that's causing these heatwaves across the country.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
"The long term records, the ice cores, show that temperatures rise and fall before CO2 - 800 years before, on the way up, and 2000-3000 years before on the way down. In other words, the ice core graph shows that temperature controls the carbon dioxide levels.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
It has been estimated that the U.S. national commitments to the UN to reduce emissions by 28% will prevent three hundredths of a degree centigrade in warming by 2100.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"An insurmountable obstacle to AGW is that there is overwhelming evidence that CO2 does not move before temperature but at best as a response to it or arguably with no correlation at all; this is shown over all timespans: geological , 20thC and 21stC. So to argue as many do, that CO2 causes a temperature increase, is to argue against the data.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
The truth's out there (from Australia) but relevant to all; I don't buy into the whole climate change hoax. I think its more about taxing us all (or else we'll burn).,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
"when 3 per cent of total annual global emissions of carbon dioxide are from humans and Australia prod­uces 1.3 per cent of this 3 per cent, then no amount of emissions reductio­n here will have any effect on global climate.",oversimplification,2.5,Alhindi_train
Do I think the climate changes? Yes. Do I think the major cause is man made? No. Looking back through history you can see where the planet has gone through stages of heating & cooling.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
How much of the warming is attributable to humans is also far from settled.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
"A major conclusion of our analysis is that there are large uncertainties associated with the surface temperature trends from the poorly-sited stations. Moreover rather than providing additional independent information, the use of the data from poorly-sited stations provides a false sense of confidence in the robustness of the surface temperature trend assessments.",impossible expectations,5.1.3,CARDS
A plumber adds more value to humanity than a climate change protester.,ad hominem,5.2.4,hamburg_test1
"And the only purely observational study featured in AR4, Forster & Gregory (2006), which used satellite observations of radiation entering and leaving the atmosphere, also gave a best estimate of 1.6C, with a 95% upper bound of 4.1C.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS
"The time frame of the projected climate change was longer than earlier green crusades, typically from 50 to 100 years. This will allow policy makers to escape accountability for their misguided policies since they would be out of office by the time the consequences became apparent.",conspiracy theory,5.3,CARDS
"The polar bear's resilience should have meant the end of its use as a cherished icon of global warming doom, but it didn't.",cherry picking,3.2.2,jintrain
"CO2 driving climate change, the hypothesis is wrong. Again, tell me one modelled future prediction that has come to pass? 10, 20, 30% correct? That's a lot of wrong left over.",cherry picking,5.1.4,hamburg_test2
A tenth of a degree C per decade over the next 100 years from manmade CO2 seems a reasonable planning number.,slothful induction,3.1,CARDS
"Records of sea level, based on precise measurements made by the TOPEX/POSEIDON satellites, show a small trend of 2 mm per year in sea-level rise from 1993 to 1997.25 These measurements imply that if greenhouse gases continue to rise and the global temperature increases as much as the computer simulations say, the estimated rise in sea level over the next 100 years will be less than one foot.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
Fig 14.2 Temperature (top). CO2 (bottom) from Vostok ice-core overlaid showing temperature drops after the peak whereas CO2 does not.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
"Atmospheric carbon dioxide is recycled naturally, as a plant nutrient, by rock weathering and by being absorbed in the oceans which cover 70% of the Earths surface. So dont blame carbon dioxide for climate change!",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
"It is clear that atmospheric concentration of CO2 were higher than the present level (~380 ppm) for most of the past 500 million years. During some periods, the levels were thought to be more than 10 times current levels. And corals survived. How does the NSF Report handle this fact? With a bit of handwaving.",false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS
Arctic Sea Ice Extent Unchanged For Several Days,cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS
"Back in September, I warned that this was going to be an extremely bitterly cold winter . I wrote another article that warned about how cold this winter would be in early December .",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
Shutting down Britain saves 1% carbon?,impossible expectations,4.2.3,hamburg_test3
the earth is green and more productive,oversimplification,3.3.1,jindev
They changed the scam name from “global warming” to “climate change”. Wake up people.,misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test1
All the climate catastrophe predictions I've heard through the years have been completely wrong and never came to pass.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"For the past several years, sea level rise has been below the average rate of the twentieth century, which in total was about seven inches.""",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS
"McCarthy previously admitted during a U.S. House hearing that anti-coal CO2 regulations attached to EPA's so-called ""Clean Power Plan"" wouldn't have any measurable impact on global warming. She testified, ""We see it as having had enormous benefit in showing sort of domestic leadership as well as garnering support around the country for the agreement we reached in Paris.""",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"Last year, 130 skeptical German scientists co-signed an Open Letter of protest to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, asserting, among other things, that a ""growing body of evidence shows anthropogenic CO2 plays no measurable role"" in Earth's climate.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS
[subsidies for wind and solar] add to emissions because coal-fired elec­tricity needs to be on standby for when there is no wind or sunshine.,misrepresentation,4.5,Alhindi_train
Worldwide snowfall only proves that we are heading towards #GlobalCooling instead of #GlobalWarming scam. Let us not allow these #ClimateCriminals to now switch back to #IceAge view says Visionary @IMPraveenDalal.,anecdote,1.2,hamburg_test3
"A U.S. Senate report listed 1,000 international climate scientists who dissent from ""man-made climate catastrophe"" claims.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS
How about Chyna? Shouldn't they be working on climate change too?,impossible expectations,4.2.6,hamburg_test1
"We are constantly told about the risks of what climate change might bring in the distant future. In response, governments have adopted a series of policy measures that have been largely ineffective but have brought with them a bewildering array of unintended consequences.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"Where's that positive feedback that is supposed to manifest itself in water vapor, the most potent natural greenhouse gas?",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
So therefore if placed to be above water & narrative is that sea level has risen & rising then surely it would now be more submerged than when it was put in place. Thats what logic dictates if climate change pushers tell us sea levels have risen,anecdote,1.6,hamburg_test3
"A few weeks after the White House declared the end of winter sports due to global warming, Colorado has record snowpack and streamflow.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
Something like 90% of all the radiation from the ground is already stopped leaving 40 left available for additional IR active gases. Lets take a wild guess (based on seeing spectra) that CO2 is active in 10% of all IR bands. That suggests massive increases in CO2 might cause an addition 4 increase in captured radiation. Lets assume this were to happen and this is called catastrophic doomsday alarmists were right sceptics are deniers warming .,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS
"Clearly, sea levels have actually been falling in the last decade, after very little change in the 1990s.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS
Any attempt to connect a warmer climate to an increase in Lyme Disease must be accompanied by an acknowledgement of a warmer climate's propensity to reduce influenza incidence and mortality.,oversimplification,3.6,jindev
"According to wire reports, temperatures reached their lowest point in 30 years , reaching to -2C in the capital, Riyadh, and to -6C in mountainous regions blanketed by snow. At least 10 people have died in the country as a weather system driven South from Siberia sent temperatures plummeting .Below are some pictures of snow from that region.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
The weather we are having in kansas is nothing unusual. So dont make more out of it than it is. It isnt climate change like these stupid liberal democrats would make you think it is,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
"However, despite being asked to consider the difference between a flat Earth and a round Earth both of these men have told me in personal correspondence that they simply want to choose to believe that carbon dioxide has some forcing via the greenhouse effect, to quote. They said they WANT this.",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
"Figure 4 shows the real global temperature development of the past 1000 years and its theoretical continuation over the next 700 years. This is not a forecast, but rather it is the extended possible course of the over all temperature trend, which over the mid-term in the next 100 years could see a drop of approx. 0.3C and a 2C drop in global temperature in 350 years which would mean conditions just like those seen in the Little Ice Age from 1450 to 1700.In about 1000 years the 1000-year cycle will again take on its warm phase and temperatures like those of today can be expected.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS
It's not a climate crisis's called summer!,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test1
Polar bears are thriving.,cherry picking,3.2.2,hamburg_test2
I don't think that Greta would recognise a fact if it fell on her.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"The March numbers are out for the CET series . At 2.7C this is the coldest March since 1892, which registered the same temperature. Indeed, you have to go back to 1883 to find a colder March.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"So, until people actually experience climate change, and new energy technologies are developed, any claims by politicians that we are in a ""climate crisis"" will fall on deaf ears.",cherry picking,4.3.2,jintrain
We are not living in a period of catastrophic climate change. The past tells us it's business as usual.,false equivalence,3,jintrain
Another lie claims that there is a consensus among climate scientists that a known man-made global warming crisis exists. Official statements to the contrary presented by more than 650 international climate-related experts who presented contrary official testimony recorded in a 2008 U.S. Senate minority report suggest otherwise.,fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS
water is getting higher where that which was on sea lvl 50yrs ago is still on sea lvl 1 or 2 a decade ago,cherry picking,1.6,hamburg_test1
"However , climate realists can make lemonade from EDF's preposterous mailer by using it to show open-minded people the difference between global warming alarmists and global warming truth-tellers. EDF has assembled what it believes to be the 10 most powerful global warming assertions in the alarmists' playbook, yet each assertion either backfires on alarmists or has been proven false.",ad hominem,5.2,jindev
Both climate chaos proponents and climate disaster skeptics agree that the scheme will have no detectable impact whatsoever on worldwide temperatures perhaps 0.1 degrees though this crucial piece of information has been carefully and deliberately shielded from the public eye.,impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"This years ice on the Hudson Bay is not only doubling and tripling previous years, but quadrupling some years as well,says reader Ralph Fato. Rapid Ice increase in the past week.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS
@StevenT65674368 The Ukraine is a front. They are funneling money into the great reset agenda. Pump it into Ukraine comes out washed for democratic liberal great reset agenda. Don’t forget climate change.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test1
"Once again, the data does not support the claim that the United States is hotter than ever as a result of rising Carbon dioxide levels.",cherry picking,2,jintrain
"“[…]even if the countries of the world agree to do what they promised on climate change, […]the promised actions will have no measurable effect on future global temperatures.”",impossible expectations,4.2.3,Alhindi_test
"According to a report last year by Climate Change Business Journal, it's now worth an astonishing $1.5 trillion - about the same as the online shopping industry. If the scare goes away, then all bets are off, because the entire global decarbonisation business relies on it.",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
"This view was confirmed by Charles E.P. Brooks (1888-1957) in the Compendium of Meteorology (1951, American Meteorological Society ) who stated that the idea that CO2 could alter the climate ""was never widely accepted and was abandoned when it was found that all the long-wave radiation absorbed by CO2 is absorbed by water vapor.""",misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
"Concerning these benefits, atmospheric CO2 is the building block of plant life. It is used by earths plants in the process of photosynthesis to construct their tissues and grow. And as has been conclusively demonstrated in numerous scientific studies, the more CO2 we put into the air, the better plants grow. Among other findings, they produce greater amounts of biomass, become more efficient at using water, and are better able to cope with environmental stresses such as pollution and high temperatures.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
"Those eruptions meant there was more subsequent warming in the following years, making the rate of warming appear to be rising as a result of man-made emissions or other factors, Christy said.",single cause,2.1.2,jintrain
Trillions invested in promoting the fake crisis and controlling the population. This is what is known as a LONG CON.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2
"I would only note that the 23,000 year cycle they mention in the paper is remarkably similar to the precession period of the Earth (or the potential orbital period of our Sun about a companion star) and thus is also the Maya calendar cycle. ",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS
Wake up people the Earth has been going through these climate changes for 5 billion years and no matter what we do it will continue to march on.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
same argument past 30 yrs. there has been no rise in past 30 yrs. won't be in next 30,cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
"The #UnitedNations said in 2019 that we are ""Only 11 Years Left to Prevent Irreversible Damage from climate change"" yet the highest recorded temperature in Wales was not last year or 5 years ago or 10 years ago. No in 1990 @ 35.2 C (95.4 F) in Flintshire",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
Drought in the western U.S. pales in comparison to the mega-droughts tree rings tell us existed in centuries past.,false equivalence,1.7,jintrain
The Maunder Minimum was a period of intensely cold winters during the 1600's. If Lockwood and his colleagues are right this is yet another indicator that points towards global cooling.,single cause,1.2,CARDS
"It is an article of faith for the globalist elite and their useful idiots in the media, in politics, in business, and the entertainment that the world is on course for climate disaster which only radical and costly international action can prevent.",ad hominem,5.2,jindev
"It's the return of left-leaning scientists' famous nemesis , ""Reality.""",ad hominem,5.2,jintrain
"We can, the original post was some woman blaming a house fire on climate change. Same with the fires at the side of the M2 in Dartford. Human neglect or arson started both, nothing combust spontaneously combusts with a spark, not at 40 degrees anyway",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test1
So much rubbish is spouted about man-made global warming. It's ironic in the light of realistic scientists and geologists pointing to a pattern which indicates we’re entering a cooling period.,fake experts,1.2,hamburg_test3
"In fact, Russia is permitted to increase its emissions approximately 50 % and China and India have no meaningful cap on emissions until 2030.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,jindev
"We, the undersigned, having assessed the relevant scientific evidence, do not find convincing support for the hypothesis that human emissions of carbon dioxide are causing, or will in the foreseeable future cause, dangerous global warming.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
That this is documentary created by a D student in earth science and a Hollywood leftist whose greatest prior accomplishment was marrying a very funny man is the educational tool being used to promote hysteria speaks volumes about how little there is to be truthfully said.,ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
"CO2 has played no role in climate change of the ice ages, said University of Ottawa Earth Sciences Professor Ian D. Clark.",fake experts,2.3,CARDS
Alarmist attempts to frame thriving forests as harmful perfectly illustrate the alarmists' proclivity to claim anything and everything - no matter how beneficial - is severely harmful and caused by global warming.,ad hominem,5.2,jindev
Their work showed conclusively that the regular seasonal variations in the atmospheric CO2 levels are lagging the sea surface temperatures by 9.5 to 12 months not the other way.,false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
"CCLPs report directed its sharpest criticism at the programs high costs and limited emissions reductions. According to the report, the program by 2008 had reduced the nations carbon dioxide emissions by only 0.015 percent, at an average social abatement cost of $257 Australian to $301 Australian per ton of reduced carbon dioxide emissions.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"There's no problem from global warming, but you drank all the Kool Aid in the punch bowl didn't ya...",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
NASA's website shows only 275 stations with temperature data from Jan 1880 to Jun 2022. The red dots show those stations.People shouldn't use NASA's chart as manmade global warming evidence.,impossible expectations,5.1.4,hamburg_test3
"Even with the ice caps charade, they have had their predictions fail to show so often, they had to rename their scare from ""global warming"" to a vague ""climate change.""",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
Fear is the currency used to keep you under control.,ad hominem,5.3,hamburg_test3
All I see are ways for special interests to make a great deal of money from wind and solar,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
climate change zealots like politicians and fake journos in the media!,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
Climate crisis is cover for weaponizing all Human Resources. Tyranny.,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2
"5th June, it's more like the 14th November out there. Global warming my arse!!!",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
"Myron Ebell, who heads the energy program at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, an industry-funded Washington research organization, and who led the Trump administration's transition at the Environmental Protection Agency.",fake experts,5.1,jintrain
These climate change druids are trying to play God. Pagans,ad hominem,5.2.1,hamburg_test1
"Here's one from Li et al showing that China was much warmer 8,000 years ago",cherry picking,2.1.4,jintrain
"Even with this year's El Nino-boosted warmth threatening to break records, the world is barely half a degree Celsius ( 0.9 degrees Fahrenheit ) warmer than it was about 35 years ago.",slothful induction,3.4,jintrain
China will continue to produce more pollution than the rest of the world combined...,impossible expectations,4.2.6,hamburg_test3
"Climate scientists have been well funded for over a decade, and their alarmist narrative completely dominates the debate on climate change. Like Turkeys don't vote for Christmas, they have a disincentive from presenting a more moderate outlook.",ad hominem,5.2.5,hamburg_test2
"The great man-made global warming debate is entering an interesting phase, as early snow blankets much of Britain. If this winter is anything like as cold and long as last year's, my postbag will soon be bulging with cries for help.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"The theory of anthropogenic global warming is based upon the notion that increases in the minor greenhouse gas CO2 result in increases ofthe major greenhouse gaswater vapor, thereby supposedly increasing global warming to alarming levels of 2-5C per doubling of CO2 levels. Without this assumed and unproven positive feedback from water vapor, there is no basis for alarm.",slothful induction,3.1,CARDS
2015 was not even close to the hottest year on record.,cherry picking,1.4,jintrain
It’s so that when crop yields plummet they can blame climate change,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1
Sea level continues its centuries-long slow rise about a foot a century with no sign of recent acceleration.,slothful induction,1.6,jintrain
"CO2 causes global warming, and more of it will cause a small fraction more, but theres no sound evidence that increased CO2 is a hazard.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
"Where is the ""global warming""?The IPCC presents a lot of evidence the southern hemisphere has been cooling.....",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test3
Weather patterns change...Weather patterns correct themselves. #MotherNature,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
UN IPCC say global warming is causing sea level rise due to rising carbon dioxide levels caused by human activity. The long term trend shows no acceleration in sea level rise.,slothful induction,1.6,hamburg_test3
"As the atmospheric CO2 concentration increases, it is likely that wheat plants will begin to reap benefits from this phenomenon almost immediately after seedling emergence. Rising CO2 levels should increase cell division and elongation, thus spurring leaf expansion and biomass production to a greater degree than what is occurring under today's ambient CO2 concentration. Thus, it is likely that these collective responses will result in larger plants, which should also produce greater harvestable yields, as the CO2 content of the air continues to rise.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
One can not claim global warming is causing colder winters and then turn around and simultaneously claim global warming is causing warmer winters.,false choice,1.3,jindev
Will Everyone PLEASE STOP Talking About Climate Change? Are we that STUPID to believe in such a HOAX?,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test3
"Static jet streams induced near-record high temperatures in parts of the United States and Russia, but extreme cold pummeled Seattle, England and much of the Southern Hemisphere. Perhaps Al Gore, Michael Mann and Rajendra Pachauri can turn this hodgepodge into ""catastrophic climate change,"" but most folks understand it as Mother Nature and weather.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"There has been no acceleration the rate of sea level rise. Sea level has been rising for centuries. But the rate of the rise has not changed a whole lot. Both tidal stations and satellites show no increase in the historic rate of sea level rise, in either the short or long term.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
climate change is Fake News! If you believe in this rubbish you are mentally ill.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
"Americans increasingly understand that even sending US carbon dioxide emissions back to 1870 levels, as congressional climate bills would do, will not reduce global atmospheric CO2 levels, because emissions from China, India and other nations will rapidly offset our painful reductions. Those countries have made it clear that they will not sacrifice improved living standards for assertions that we can stabilize global temperatures by keeping atmospheric CO2 levels below 0.035-0.045% (350-450 ppm).",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS
"Brand: ""I believe that man made climate change is a real thing"". I like RB but ffs how can anyone who believes that the 0.0016% of man made atmospheric carbon dioxide is catastrophically heating the planet, be taken seriously?",misrepresentation,2.3.1,hamburg_test3
"In reality sea level changes can be measured accurately only to centimetres, and often only to within several centimetres and very often not even that.",misrepresentation,5.1,CARDS
Adaptation is clearly the best approach to deal with the moderate global warming and cooling experienced in recent centuries.,slothful induction,4.2.5,CARDS
those are all natural events. nothing you have mentioned is man made climate change. your fake flood story is directly refuted by the largest floods on record being in early to mid 1800s.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
The earth has cycles. We are in a warming one now. Don't believe the B8llsh1t they feed u.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
"People needs to know that the climate change is nothing to do with Co2 levels, its an invention to further execute WEF's agenda and create a global crisis for great reset.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test2
Sea level rise is not because of climate change but a byproduct of all the guns lost in boating accidents filling up the oceans.,single cause,1.6,hamburg_test3
"Putin did not cause the high gas prices, instead you did it with your BS climate change policies.",misrepresentation,4.1.1,hamburg_test2
NASA Study: Mass Gains of Antarctic Ice Sheet Greater than Losses,cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3
"Impacts of climate change are massively overstated. Sea levels are only rising .1 inches per year. With the difference between low tide and high tide at 7 feet, it will take 840 years for sea levels to rise from low tide levels to high tide levels. Sounds terrible",false equivalence,1.6,hamburg_test3
"With the Climate Change religion ""Emergency"", Dems are even now justifying making farmers farm without fertilizers (which is made primarily with nat gas).",ad hominem,5.2.3,hamburg_test3
None of the huckster claims of doom and gloom about global warming/cooling have come true in the last 45+ years that they've been made.,cherry picking,5.1,hamburg_test3
"There is no dangerous manmade climate change, now or on the horizon. There is no evidence that methane or carbon dioxide emissions have replaced the complex, powerful, interconnected natural forces that have driven warming, cooling, climate and weather fluctuations throughout Earth and human history.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
"The data shows a global mean sea level rise of only 1.85 mm/year since January 2005, a deceleration of 44% from the prior rate of 3.3 mm/year. At this rate, sea levels will rise 7 inches over the next 100 years. Break out the life rafts!",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
America is poised to become a net energy exporter over the next decade. We should not abandon that progress at the cost of weakening our energy renaissance and crippling economic growth.,slothful induction,4.5.1,jindev
"Unilateral imposition of such a tax would offer little to no climate benefit. The idea that China and India would follow the US lead on this issue is absurd. As I like to say, China is as likely to follow the example of the U.S. on carbon controls as it has with regard to human rights, civil rights, religious freedoms, etc. China and India will act on their economic interests, and they've been quite honest about that.",impossible expectations,4.2.6,CARDS
climate change is a scientifically proven fact throughout history by extrinsic/intrinsic factors,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
By 2100 the seas will rise another 6 inches or so‚ far cry from Al Gore's alarming numbers.,slothful induction,1.6,jindev
"The good news is that if we keep to the 2 degrees of global warming that the Paris agreement promises, the sea level rise due to the East Antarctic ice sheet should be modest,",cherry picking,1.6,hamburg_test3
Recorded temperatures in more urban areas rise over time simply because more densely populated areas produce more heat. Combining the greater share of weather stations in more urban areas over time with this urban heat effect also tends to increase the rate that recorded temperatures tend to rise over time.,misrepresentation,5.1.3,CARDS
You're always wrong when it comes to climate change and your sham is being exposed by real scientists. Hurricane Ian First Responders Suffer with Strong Solar Storming,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1
Warming of the planet occurs mostly at the poles and is a natural thing.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
"Sea level has been rising steadily since the mid 19thC, with no evidence of long term acceleration.",slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
I chose to assess the sea-level trend from 1915-45,cherry picking,1.6,Alhindi_train
Yet there is little heat available in the Antarctic to support melting.,cherry picking,1.1.1,jindev
The key point here is that GHE believers can point to no modern discoveries (only models),slothful induction,5.1,CARDS
"Catastrophic climate change is not caused by CO2, models are no even close to observations of 20 million weather balloons and satellite data.",cherry picking,5.1.4,hamburg_test2
"He suggests that its warmth which tends to produce more CO2, rather than vice versa which, incidentally is the story of the past recoveries from ice ages.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
"Meanwhile, over the last decade , scientists outside of climate physics have jumped on the bandwagon, publishing papers blaming global warming for everything from acne to the Syrian civil war.",ad hominem,5.2.5,jintest
"The virus, the war & climate change are just a cover so the NWO can create a new social credit prison system, an electric one (on/off) with no escape! Do not do there work for them",conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test3
We're near middle-bottom of a warming cycle,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
"The well documented, accelerating growth of CO2 emissions has not produced the ""expert"" predicted warming across the globe , nor the contiguous U.S.",slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
"Met Office, March 2009: Mean temperatures over the UK were 1.1 C below the 1971-2000 average during December, 0.5 C below average during January and 0.2 C above average during February. The UK mean temperature for the winter was 3.2 C, which is 0.5 C below average, making it the coldest winter since 1996/97 (also 3.2 C).",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"""There was the Ship of Fools expedition in which an Australian climate researcher called Chris Turkey had to call an expedition to the melting Antarctic after his ship got stuck in the ice,"" recalled Breitbart News contributor James Delingpole.",ad hominem,5.2.5,jintrain
CLIMATE CHANGE. IT'S ALL ONE. BIG. LIE.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
"Models can provide those rational expectations only if they are validated by real-world observation. But in this case, the models not only are not validated but are invalidated-falsified. The models are wrong. Therefore they provide no rational basis for predictions about future global temperature, and no rational basis for any policy whatever.",impossible expectations,5.1.4,CARDS
"In fact, it seems that the less the climate changes, the louder the voices of the climate alarmists get.",ad hominem,5.2,jintest
“The changes in the amount of oxygen in the shells isn’t a reflection of changing temperatures – just a consequence of the fact that the amount of oxygen seen changes over time anyway.”,oversimplification,5.1.2,Alhindi_train
This friggin tool and his climate change hypocrisy.,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test2
plants are rooted in the ground they need CO2 to grow and gravity provides it.,oversimplification,3.3.1,hamburg_test3
"So if I dont believe that the warmer ocean can be substantially warmed by radiation from cooler air floating over it, on the basis that a warmer object will always heat a cooler object, its a rejection of science. That is itself unscientific however, it would be scientific to produce evidence of the alleged warming.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
"Wasn't there a big hurricane in 1900 or 01 that obliterated the city of Galveston, TX? Climate change? Stop it.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
There isn’t climate change,slothful induction,1,hamburg_test1
"Climate change DOES exist and has been happening ever since Earth was created. The argument is what effects humans have on O2,Ozone O2, H2O, CO2 or whatever your current pleasure is. Some scientists believe we are turning it into a dump, not more.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"All that blue indicates that, yes, July was, as Murphy said, colder than normal in the northern and eastern parts of the United States, in some cases record cold. Granted, the planet won't be uniformly warm (or cold), but record cold? In July? At a time when the planet is supposed to be not only warming, but experiencing (according to IPCC president Rajendra Pachauri) ""accelerated"" warming?",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
This logic is unsustainable as a significant number of acclaimed scientists do not agree with the narrative!,fake experts,5.1.1,hamburg_test3
"The previous six months shows a quite different pattern of local trends, but, again, the global trend is cooling.",cherry picking,1.2,CARDS
"For this particular plant, as well as many other species that have been similarly tested, several-fold increases in the air's CO 2 concentration pose no problem at all to their growth and development. In fact, the more CO 2 there is in the air, the more biomass the tested plants have typically produced.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
Global warming activists' propensity for doing so shows just how little value they place in a truthful debate.,ad hominem,5.2,jindev
"The following material was supplied to us by Dr. Richard Lindzen as an example of how research that counters climate-change alarm receives special treatment in the scientific publication process as compared with results that reinforce the consensus view. In this case, Lindzen's submission to the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences was subjected to unusual procedures and eventually rejected (in a rare move), only to be accepted for publication in the Asian Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
"No, just no. It's 59 Fahrenheit At writing here in derbyshire 35 degrees LESS than last Tuesday (or 15c from 35). Climate change? we had two hot days. TWO! People need to calm down",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
America as a whole awoke to the coldest it has been in November since 1976 38 years ago. The Lower-48 or CONUS spatially average temperature plummeted overnight to only 20F typical of mid-winter not November 18th!,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Yet another global warming alert, when global temperatures are heading down and records for cold are being broken left, right and center. And how long will it be before we read that it wasn't actually global warming, but something else? Its odd, but stories like that never seem to get published I wonder why?",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
Optimists see economic growth leading to technological change that would result in the use of lower-carbon energy. That would allow warming to level off long before it does much harm.,misrepresentation,4.2.7,CARDS
"The attack on emissions of the gas of life is an irrational attack on industry, our modern way of life, freedoms and prosperity.",misrepresentation,4.1.5,jintrain
There is absolutely no evidence that climate change is caused by human activity,slothful induction,2.3,hamburg_test1
there is no trend in the sea surface temperature of the reef over the last 40 years.,cherry picking,1.4,CARDS
"Ice-core data clearly show that temperatures change centuries before concentrations of atmospheric CO2 change. Thus, there appears to be little evidence for insisting that changes in concentrations of CO2 are the cause of past temperature and climate change.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
"Newsflash there is no climate crisis, just another Liberal con",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
"“When someone says, ‘climate science is settled,’ remind them to check the facts.”",slothful induction,5.1.1,Alhindi_dev
"Absolutely not, since the start of the industrial revolution that began about 260 years ago, in a world the is billions of years old.That humans have caused the climate to change is a absolute joke.",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"I'm not a Climate Change denier but I know absolutely that no one event(or several events even) can be stamped 'Climate Change' as though 'there you go, proof' as the BBC does .It can only go to a wider and longer base of data.",impossible expectations,5.1,hamburg_test2
"This year, the recent 12 Month period temperature is -4.3 F cooler than for example 1932. And if we compare with 1955 it is 3.7 F cooler.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Interglacial periods of global warming (also known as climate change) had nothing to do with changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels. If there is any credible correlation at all, it shows the rise of CO2 levels lagging the rise in temperatures by 1,000 years or so.",false choice,2.3.3,CARDS
We are facing our fifth hottest summer. Truly asking here - all the other summers were over forty years ago. How do you tie this to climate change?,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
"About eight percent of the contiguous U.S. was covered by snow at end of April, according to an analysis by the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center.Snow coverage during the month peaked at 30.2 percent on April 6, after a late-season winter storm hit the Midwest and Plains.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Oops, I guess polar ice data, which correlates with Global Temps proves them wrong. Here's NASA ice data for Antarctica. It does vary quite a bit which probably started the global warming SCAM.",cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test3
"FACT CHECK: COP27 says climate change increase 1.5c since preindustrial times! Interesting since preindustrial times are pre 1700 and climate statistic only kept since 1860. So where did this ""FACT"" come from? Welcome Green feedback!",impossible expectations,5.1.3,hamburg_test3
So global warming is responsible for this cold weather?? Do you hear yourselves?,anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
"Weather modification that they control from chemtrails and HAARP systems has been happening for decades. Their explanation of ""climate change"" and the things they say WE need to do to fix it is utter bullshit and is just being pushed on us as a mechanism of control.",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
"For example, recent warming has not shown up as strongly in tree ring proxies, raising the question of whether they may also be missing rapid temperature changes or peaks in earlier data for which we dont have thermometers to back-check them (this is an oft-discussed problem called proxy divergence).",cherry picking,5.1.2,CARDS
"Ocean acidification - the evidence increasingly suggests - is a trivial, misleadingly named, and not remotely worrying phenomenon which has been hyped up beyond all measure for political, ideological and financial reasons.",cherry picking,3.2.3,jintrain
Was Climate change around in the 1950s?Getting ready to tie with 1950s record high 100° temperature 2 days this week.,single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
The concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has no effect on climate above 50 parts per million (ppm).,oversimplification,2.3.2,CARDS
"It has now, even after Hurricane Matthew, been over 4,000 days since a major hurricane (Category 3 or stronger) has made landfall in the U.S.",cherry picking,1.7,Alhindi_test
"John R. Christy, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Alabama in Huntsville who is known for his skepticism about the seriousness of global warming, pointed out in an interview that 2014 had surpassed the other record-warm years by only a few hundredths of a degree, well within the error margin of global temperature measurements.",impossible expectations,1.4,jintest
"Man Made Climate Change is a hoax. However it does not matter because the real goal is to destroy any kind of freedom. So even if it were true, I would be against their so called solutions",conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test1
“This means the global temperature trend has now shown no further warming for 19 years”,cherry picking,1.4,Alhindi_test
"The temperatures during the 2030's will correspond roughly to that observed from 1793 to 1830, shortly after the founding of the United States of America.",slothful induction,1.2,CARDS
The average temperature for first 27 days of January at Indianapolis is 20.4 F (-6.44 C) degrees - the coldest for January since 1985.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"The fact that we had both higher temperatures and an ice age at a time when CO2 emissions were 10 times higher than they are today fundamentally contradicts the certainty that human-caused CO2 emissions are the main cause of global warming, Moore said.",false equivalence,2.3,CARDS
Here's an unusual one from Guillet et al suggesting that there's nothing new about wildly early or late grape harvests through the centuries,single cause,2.1.4,jintrain
"The global warming cycle peaked in 2016, as the global cooling process commenced. Over the coming decade, the IPCC models and its ""theory"" that human activity is warming the earth will be shattered. In time climate science will then be restored once again.",cherry picking,1.4,hamburg_test2
GREEN ENERGY IS A SCAM. Climate Change is a scam--all created to confiscate wealth from the American working class to spend on anything without accountability...,conspiracy theory,5.3.1,hamburg_test2
"Exactly right JHB, let's have no more of this climate change nonsense. Its cold in my house atm where is the bloody climate change here?",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test3
"Longtime MasterResource readers know of Chip Knappenberger's post on the negligible climatic effects of unilateral adherence to Waxman-Markey. Across the board, the response from supporters of Waxman-Markey was not to deny Knappenberger's calculations, but rather to insist that the U.S. had to show leadership. The (perhaps unspoken) premise was that if the whole world adopted the steep emission cuts proposed in Waxman-Markey, then the climatic benefits would clearly outweigh the economic costs.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"Whether its sea ice data, accumulated cyclone energy, the last two brutal German winters, ocean cycles, satellite data, etc., Rahmstorf refuses to believe the data no matter what. The climates after us.",ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
The wise thing is to adapt to any consequent climate change.Not futilely fight a losing battle against it.,slothful induction,4.2.5,hamburg_test3
"Oh yeah... global warming, climate change and more of that ""same ol' song and dance",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"Not a word is being mentioned by the mainstream media, who had a hand in selling the Global Warming propaganda that has become irrelevant as we slide into colder climate.",ad hominem,5.2.2,CARDS
"The graph below shows how they lowered past sea level, and raised recent sea level to create the EU mandated scary appearance of sea level rising.",conspiracy theory,5.3.2,CARDS
"Now we calculate the global warming that will be forestalled by reducing carbon emissions by this amount. For this we need another equation: 88% of 5.35 times the natural logarithm of . And the answer? A little over 0.0001 Celsius, or around one five-thousandth of a Fahrenheit degree. And only that much if the IPCCs exaggerated estimate of future warming is correct. If not, make that well below one ten-thousandth of a Fahrenheit degree. Either way, extravagantly pointless .",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
"A new book is advising us to prepare for a serious cold spell that is not only going to arrive in twenty to thirty years, but will likely stay around to become the next ice age. This time, though, the prediction is based on well-established climate cycles and the behavior of the Sun that was known as far back as Galileos day.",single cause,1.2,CARDS
Coal-fired electricity needs to be on standby for when there is no wind or sunshine.,misrepresentation,4.4.1,jintest
"That's right, the planet is not warming. Le's keep changing the title until we get it right! Global cooling, global warming, climate change etc etc.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
What I find most disgusting and dishonest in this 2013 video is that she still repeats her old story that her butterfly (Edith Checkerspot) had moved upwards and northwards when 1) No such thing ever happened. Only the statistical center moved because more the butterflies had been extirpated due to urban sprawl mostly in southern California and 2) she has known for at least 5 years now that populations that she reported as extinct have now returned . Thats why she refused to let me replicate her study.,ad hominem,5.2.5,CARDS
"As indicated by the bold black line, there was an increase from 1900 to 1935, followed by a slight decrease from 1935 to 1985, i.e. in a time when CO2 emissions were rising strongly worldwide.",single cause,2.3.3,CARDS
"An ""inherent bias"" in scientific journals in favour of more calamitous predictions",ad hominem,5.2.2,jintrain
Climate change is a scam for people like you to keep getting richer by pushing the BS.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
You people won't be happy until you're eating bugs.All you climate change alarmists are bug eaters,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"In the past, warming has never been a threat to life on Earth. Why should it be now?",false equivalence,3,jintrain
You would think that when you make adjustments you'd sometimes get warming and sometimes get cooling. That's almost never happened.,ad hominem,5.1.3,jindev
"To describe carbon dioxide as a lethal air pollutant is an irresponsible lie it is surprising to see such rubbish in print. Carbon dioxide is the most important and essential atmospheric plant food, without which there would be no plants, no herbivores (which live on plants), and no carnivores (which live on herbivores).",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
"In the U.S. about 9,000 people die from heat each year but 144,000 die from cold.”",oversimplification,3.6,Alhindi_train
"To date, more than 17,000 scientists have signed on to the petition questioning catastrophic heating by greenhouse gases.",fake experts,5.1.1,CARDS
Institutionally alarmist BBC's stream of fake news on climate change,ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test2
"this ""global warming"" happens in cycles and has been going on for millions and millions of years…",single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test3
That's not global warming. Apparently you're not into surfing because that has always happened with storms causing ocean swells that travel thousand of miles.,single cause,2.1,hamburg_test3
"It is a fact that atmospheric CO2 concentration over the course of the earths history was far greater than it is today. And if that is the case, then so were the oceans. It is a fact that the pH value of the oceans has dropped from 8.2 to 8.1. This is nothing more then a small drop in alkalinity because water does not become acidic until the pH drops under 7.0. Whether the current pH change from 8.2 to 8.1 is new and unique, or can also be greater and how it was in former times, is unknown because no long-term measurements are available.",false equivalence,2.1.4,CARDS
Amici believe that no scientists have devised an empirically validated theory proving that higher atmospheric CO2 levels will lead to higher global surface temperature.,slothful induction,2.3,CARDS
"Bloody freezing up north today, so much for global warming, it's all smoke and mirrors",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2
"Not only would these unfair standards reduce American job growth and wages and increase monthly utility costs for hardworking families, they would fundamentally disadvantage the United States in the global economy.",slothful induction,4.1.1,jindev
"In short: heat flows from hot to cold but there is no physics corresponding to a flow from cold to hot analogous to ""backradiation"". Heat can radiate from a hot to a cold body, but not from a cold to a hot.",misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
"“many scientists were surprised when other researchers subsequently found that ringed and bearded seals (the primary prey of polar bears) north of the Bering Strait especially thrived with a longer open-water season, which is particularly conducive to fishing”",oversimplification,3.2.2,Alhindi_train
Thinking “The pool boy better have the water heater set at 90 degrees or there’ll be hell to pay. I’ve had a rough week trying to convince these idiots that global warming is real and they need to sacrifice in order to save the planet!” Hops into SUV limo …,ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test1
That experience led me to think it's the water vapor that modulates surface warming and surface UV.,misrepresentation,2.3,CARDS
"Many of the global warming promoters use similar tactics: logical fallacies that are effective, but for which they are not criticized. They accuse skeptics as being anti-science when skeptics point out that the physical science does not support the assertions and conclusions in the Summary for Policymakers of the Fourth Assessment Report of the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR4).",ad hominem,5.2,CARDS
Even the greenhouse effect itself is dominated by water. Between 75 percent and 90 percent of Earths greenhouse effect is caused by water vapor and clouds.,misrepresentation,2.3.4,CARDS
"EXCEPT that there is no one suffering ""climate change"" which is rebranding of ""global warming"" because your type of science cannot remain consistent, nor can it even maintain an accurate date for the end of the world.",misrepresentation,1.8,hamburg_test3
"It's actually extremely irrational that all of the press's ""apocalypse coverage"" is focused on climate change and not something more deadly like smallpox leaking from a lab. We've already had seven million people die from a lab leak virus, far less die from heat or extreme storms",ad hominem,5.2.2,hamburg_test3
"There is no climate emergency, according to a study for the Global Warming Policy Foundation by independent scientist Dr Indur Goklany.",fake experts,5.1,jindev
Why never no information about the South Pole that the ice there is now 2450 meters thick and the size is still increasing.,cherry picking,1.1.1,hamburg_test2
"The geological archive reveals that Earth's climate has varied as long as the planet has existed, with natural cold and warm phases.",single cause,2.1.4,jindev
"EVs do absolutely nothing to help the planet or to stop climate change (if it exists). The electricity they use is overwhelmingly generated by fossil fuels still. They are pure, unadulterated virtue signalling.",impossible expectations,4.4.1,hamburg_test3
"It was record snow for this time of year, says reader Alex Tanase. ""We had over 10cm in Muntenia Ilfov, Giurgiu, Teleorman, Calarasi and Ialomita Counties(a region in South-East Romania).""",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
To reach the multimeter levels projected for 2100 by RV requires large positive accelerations that are one to two orders of magnitude greater than those yet observed in sea-level data.,slothful induction,1.6,CARDS
"Nope. There were heatwaves in the 19th century. The media / climate crew jump on any natural disaster (floods, etc.) and imply it's never happened before and is down to #climatechange. These things have been happening for decades and will continue to do so for decades more.",single cause,1.7,hamburg_test3
"This way, whatever happens is CC, and blamed on human action....therefore taxable.",ad hominem,5.2,hamburg_test3
"“At a cost of between $1 trillion and $2 trillion annually, the Paris climate agreement, recently ratified by China, is likely to be history’s most expensive treaty. It will slow the world’s economic growth to force a shift to inefficient green energy sources.”",oversimplification,4.1.1,Alhindi_train
"Over the past 30 years, planet Earth has greened due to a slight increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide.",oversimplification,3.3.1,jintrain
"The total Arctic sea ice area is currently almost 2 million square kilometers higher than one year ago. It is near normal for the end of October, humiliating some would-be ""predictions"" (self-serving and ideologically driven, unsubstantiated lies) of a new record low for 2008.",cherry picking,1.1.3,CARDS
"The Danubes freezing is just one of many severe winter events in the continent this year. Heavy snowfall has blocked roads and stranded towns in central Italy. A train in Montenegro was stranded on the tracks for three days due to heavy snow. Even Venice's famous canals froze, a rare feat.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Conversely, Lake Kariba which is the largest man made lake on the borders of Zambia and Zimbabwe, has a higher water level than it did in 1995/96. So. Climate 'crisis'. Or something.",oversimplification,1.7,hamburg_test3
"Healthy societies do not fall apart over slow, widely predicted, relatively small economic adjustments of the sort painted by climate analysis. Societies do fall apart from war, disease or chaos.",oversimplification,3,jintest
"The impact of this slight emissions difference on the resulting future global temperature savings is not manifest until the third digit past the decimal point - in other words, thousandths of degrees C. Climatologically, in other words, the bills are identical.",impossible expectations,4.2.3,CARDS
Remember when the climate changed?Not to mention this is a WEF/UN/GLOBALIST CABAL CLIMATE HOAX!,conspiracy theory,5.3.2,hamburg_test2
"What I read is that by analyzing the large variance portions of SST with similar methods that look at all Sea Surface Temperatures, they found a different result supporting a very low climate sensitivity to CO2 through observation. It turned out that the tropics are definitely the region of interest in models vs observation.",cherry picking,3.1,CARDS
The climate crisis is a manufactured scam to enrich elite leftists.,conspiracy theory,5.3,hamburg_test2
Atmospheric CO2 enrichment can actually mean the difference between life and death for vegetation growing in extremely stressful circumstances.,oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
"Temps are expected to drop in England and across the US. If climate change was real, wouldn't the temps remain high and never drop?",anecdote,1.3,hamburg_test2
"Let's start with a long-term fact that the global mean climate does change. No one disputes that. It changes now, it was changing in the past and will undoubtedly be changing also in the future.",single cause,2.1.4,CARDS
arctic ice have shown substantial growth in the last 10 years.,cherry picking,1.1.3,hamburg_test3
"Sea level in the region has been completely steady since 1975, Taminos period of modern global warming.",cherry picking,1.6,CARDS
"“‘Acid’ was chosen, Moore believes, because it has ‘strong negative connotations for most people’.”",misrepresentation,3.2.3,Alhindi_train
"Updated data from NASA satellite instruments reveal the Earth's polar ice caps have not receded at all since the satellite instruments began measuring the ice caps in 1979. Since the end of 2012, moreover, total polar ice extent has largely remained above the post-1979 average.",cherry picking,1.1,jintest
"What changes the future holds are hardly certain, but judging from the past , they too will be small.",slothful induction,3,jintest
"Elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 also enable plants to better withstand the growth-retarding effects of various environmental stresses, including soil salinity, air pollution, high and low air temperatures, and air-borne and soil-borne plant pathogens.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
CET winter December March temperatures have shown an even more significant loss -1.45C in the last 13 years of since 2000.,anecdote,1.3,CARDS
The dead have nothing to do with a periodic cycle in the Earth's climate. We feel hip because we have a few hundred years of data. Science has shown that climate change and major shifts happen all the time.,single cause,2.1.4,hamburg_test2
"Plants in a CO2 enriched atmosphere generally prefer warmer temperatures than those exposed to air with lower CO2, Idso said as he described a series of experiments. The doubling of the airs Co2 concentration typically boosts the optimum temperature for plant photosynthesis by several degrees centigrade and this also raises the temperature at which plants experience heat related death.",oversimplification,3.3.1,CARDS
"Canberrans felt the worst of the cold on Wednesday, when temperatures fell to minus 6.1 degrees, 6 degrees colder than the long-term July average of minus 0.1.",anecdote,1.3,CARDS
"Well, it's a religion, really, you see. It's totally unscientific.",ad hominem,5.2.1,jintest