I need your help .
How may I help you ?
How may I help you ?
I need to find this newspaper article .
I need to find this newspaper article .
Have you checked the periodicals section yet ?
Have you checked the periodicals section yet ?
I forgot about that section .
I forgot about that section .
If you ’ d like , I can show you were to find it .
If you ’ d like , I can show you were to find it .
Could you do that ?
Could you do that ?
Follow me .
Follow me .
Thank you for all your help .
Can you believe that Obama is our new President ?
I ’ m so happy about that .
I ’ m so happy about that .
Did you vote for him ?
Did you vote for him ?
I sure did . How about you ?
I sure did . How about you ?
I voted for him .
I voted for him .
I have complete confidence in our new President .
I have complete confidence in our new President .
Is that right ?
Is that right ?
I know he will help change America .
I know he will help change America .
I hope so , because America needs a change .
I hope so , because America needs a change .
I feel like things are already changing , because he was elected .
I feel like things are already changing , because he was elected .
I agree with you completely .
I agree with you completely .
I ’ m not worried about our country now that it ’ s in his hands .
Come in , please .
Good morning , Mrs Smith .
Good morning , Mrs Smith .
Good morning . You are Mr . Sun , aren't you ? Take a seat , please .
Good morning . You are Mr . Sun , aren't you ? Take a seat , please .
Yes , thank you .
Yes , thank you .
I've noticed from your resume that you majored in accounting at Peking University . Will you please tell me something about your related courses ?
I've noticed from your resume that you majored in accounting at Peking University . Will you please tell me something about your related courses ?
In the first academic year we learned Principles of Accounting , and in the following years we learned Cost Accounting , Commercial Accounting , Industrial Accounting , and Management Accounting .
In the first academic year we learned Principles of Accounting , and in the following years we learned Cost Accounting , Commercial Accounting , Industrial Accounting , and Management Accounting .
Have you taken Accounting for Decision-Making and Control ?
Have you taken Accounting for Decision-Making and Control ?
No , we haven't taken such a course , but we have taken a more specialized course for decision making , by the name of Forecasting and Decision-Making .
No , we haven't taken such a course , but we have taken a more specialized course for decision making , by the name of Forecasting and Decision-Making .
From your school report card , I can see you did well in every course . But our advertisement says we need an accountant with practical work experience .
From your school report card , I can see you did well in every course . But our advertisement says we need an accountant with practical work experience .
I forgot to include my experience as an accountant in my resume . In fact , I took a part-time job as an accountant at the Atlantic Trading Company during my second and third school year . I worked three evenings a week there and I did quite well . Here is the recommendation .
I forgot to include my experience as an accountant in my resume . In fact , I took a part-time job as an accountant at the Atlantic Trading Company during my second and third school year . I worked three evenings a week there and I did quite well . Here is the recommendation .
You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English .
You can speak English fluently but I wonder if you can deal with bookkeeping and accounting in English .
No problem . The professional English course is just English for Accounting . Moreover , as you know , the Atlantic Trading Company is a Sino-Australian joint venture . When I served part-time there , I became well acquainted with accounting operated in English .
No problem . The professional English course is just English for Accounting . Moreover , as you know , the Atlantic Trading Company is a Sino-Australian joint venture . When I served part-time there , I became well acquainted with accounting operated in English .
That sounds fine . Why did you choose to apply to our company ?
That sounds fine . Why did you choose to apply to our company ?
I have a relative working as a manager in your manufacturing department . Her name is Lilling . She told me a lot about your company and I became quite interested . I believe I can have a promising career with the development of this company .
I have a relative working as a manager in your manufacturing department . Her name is Lilling . She told me a lot about your company and I became quite interested . I believe I can have a promising career with the development of this company .
Do you know something about the payment we give to our employees ?
Do you know something about the payment we give to our employees ?
No , can you tell me about it ?
No , can you tell me about it ?
Of course . As for an entry-level accountant , we pay Β₯ 1,500 a month in the first half year . We have a grading system to evaluate your work . If you have made progress , we will certainly raise your salary . For beginners with a CPA certificate , they can earn at least Β₯ 2 , 000 a month .
Of course . As for an entry-level accountant , we pay Β₯ 1,500 a month in the first half year . We have a grading system to evaluate your work . If you have made progress , we will certainly raise your salary . For beginners with a CPA certificate , they can earn at least Β₯ 2 , 000 a month .
I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association , but the certificate won't come to hand until next month . How about that ?
I have passed the five courses required by the Chinese CPA Association , but the certificate won't come to hand until next month . How about that ?
I hope you can show me your CPA certificate before we reach a decision by the end of July .
I hope you can show me your CPA certificate before we reach a decision by the end of July .
Thank you , Mrs Smith . It is really a pleasure talking with you .
Thank you , Mrs Smith . It is really a pleasure talking with you .
The same for me . We'll keep in touch with you .
The same for me . We'll keep in touch with you .
Thank you . Good-bye .
Excuse me , I'd like to ask you a few questions about the city .
OK , please .
OK , please .
My wife wants to take the children to go shopping , where is the best place to go ?
My wife wants to take the children to go shopping , where is the best place to go ?
I would recommend the mall , it's about 20 minutes , drive to the south in a taxi . It has a wide range of shops and restaurants .
I would recommend the mall , it's about 20 minutes , drive to the south in a taxi . It has a wide range of shops and restaurants .
Thank you . Also , we'd like to do some sightseeing while we're in town . Can you recommend some local attractions ?
Thank you . Also , we'd like to do some sightseeing while we're in town . Can you recommend some local attractions ?
How old are your children ?
How old are your children ?
I have a 10 - year-old boy and a 6 - year-old girl .
I have a 10 - year-old boy and a 6 - year-old girl .
I would recommend a day at the zoo . It's fun for all the family . There is also a water park just outside the city if you would like a day trip .
I would recommend a day at the zoo . It's fun for all the family . There is also a water park just outside the city if you would like a day trip .
It sounds marvelous . Thank you for your help .
Don't worry , your baby is in my home .
How can I ever thank you ? I owe you a big favor .
I wonder how Sarah and Mat are .
Don't you know they've already broken up ?
Don't you know they've already broken up ?
I'm not surprised . She's a plain Jane .
I'm not surprised . She's a plain Jane .
And he's so handsome .
There are so many eating utensils on the table . Which ones do I use first ?
Use them from the outside in .
Use them from the outside in .
I see . A set for appetizers and another for the main course .
I see . A set for appetizers and another for the main course .
Right . We do the same thing at home . Don't you remember ?
Right . We do the same thing at home . Don't you remember ?
Oh yeah . The big napkin goes on my lap .
Oh yeah . The big napkin goes on my lap .
Let's look at our menus .
Let's look at our menus .
Cindy , help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking .
Cindy , help me order because I'm still not very familiar with American cooking .
Well , we order appetizers first and then entrees .
I have just received your note which informs me that you have offered the accountant position to another candidate . May I ask why I was defeated ?
We have thought of you carefully with discretion , but the other candidate has more experiences .
We have thought of you carefully with discretion , but the other candidate has more experiences .
Experience is important , but don't you think capability is more valuable than that ?
Experience is important , but don't you think capability is more valuable than that ?
Yes , I think so . But how do you prove to me that you are more capable ?
Yes , I think so . But how do you prove to me that you are more capable ?
Maybe you can hire me on trial . If I'm not qualified for the job , you can let me go .
Maybe you can hire me on trial . If I'm not qualified for the job , you can let me go .
Good idea .
Excuse me , sir , since my train leaves at 16:00 . Have you a 3 - hour tour ?
You are lucky , sir . We are about to set out . It's a tour to the White House .
You are lucky , sir . We are about to set out . It's a tour to the White House .
Well , I have just missed the place . How long does the tour take ?
Well , I have just missed the place . How long does the tour take ?
2 hours . You won't get late for your train .
2 hours . You won't get late for your train .
I hope so .
You are starting to learn English ?
Yeah . I like it , Dad .
Yeah . I like it , Dad .
You ’ re lucky you start to learn it so easily . I learned English very late , and learned it all by myself . At that time we didn ’ t have a good English studying environment . I have to keep my dictionary on hand .
You ’ re lucky you start to learn it so easily . I learned English very late , and learned it all by myself . At that time we didn ’ t have a good English studying environment . I have to keep my dictionary on hand .
Really ?
We have a variety of trousers . Which one do you like best ?
I want to buy one to match my shirt.Can you give me some advice ?
I want to buy one to match my shirt.Can you give me some advice ?
What about this one ?
What about this one ?
Yes , they seem to be my size and go with my shirt quite well . I will take it .
Excuse me , sir , could you please tell me the way to Aidan Bookstore ?
Yes , of course.Would you like to walk there or take a bus ?
Yes , of course.Would you like to walk there or take a bus ?
Er ... Is it far from here ?
Er ... Is it far from here ?
It's just about ten minutes ' walk . Go along this street , on the third cross you'll find it on your left .
It's just about ten minutes ' walk . Go along this street , on the third cross you'll find it on your left .
Then I'll walk.Many thanks .
Then I'll walk.Many thanks .
Not at all .
Your tie is handsome .
Oh , thank you . Your skirt looks beautiful , too .
No , it hasn't . It's very dirty .
Someone ought to clean it today .
Someone ought to clean it today .
Mark should clean it . It's his turn .
Mark should clean it . It's his turn .
No , he cleaned it last time . It's your turn .
No , he cleaned it last time . It's your turn .
No , it isn't . You always clean it after Mark .
No , it isn't . You always clean it after Mark .
Oh dear , is it really my turn ? In that case , I'll clean tomorrow .
Oh dear , is it really my turn ? In that case , I'll clean tomorrow .
Clean it now . Only lazy people say they'll work tomorrow .
Clean it now . Only lazy people say they'll work tomorrow .
Then I'll clean it the day after tomorrow .
Then I'll clean it the day after tomorrow .
You are lazy . You ought to be ashamed ? You should enjoy working .
Francis , you have done an outstanding work in the past six months . In view of your achievement , I trust you ’ re now indispensable part of our company and you deserve an officer director title .
I am so happy to know that I could make some contribution to our company .
I am so happy to know that I could make some contribution to our company .
This title does not only give you a raising pay-check , but also increase responsibilities . Congratulations , and hope the best for you .
This title does not only give you a raising pay-check , but also increase responsibilities . Congratulations , and hope the best for you .
Thank you , I will be doing my best .
Hello , Westhaven Company .
Hello , may I speak to Mr . Richard ?
Hello , may I speak to Mr . Richard ?
This is Michael Richard speaking . Who is calling ?
This is Michael Richard speaking . Who is calling ?
Mr . Richard , this is Henry . I was interviewed by you last Tuesday .
Mr . Richard , this is Henry . I was interviewed by you last Tuesday .
You gave me a deep impression then . Can I help you ?
You gave me a deep impression then . Can I help you ?
I ’ m just calling to follow up on the situation of the salesman position .
I ’ m just calling to follow up on the situation of the salesman position .
We have made the decision to hire you .
We have made the decision to hire you .
Wonderful . Thank you very much . I have been dreaming to work with your company and I am finally granted the great opportunity . I won ’ t let you down and I hope you will contact me when you have any questions .
Wonderful . Thank you very much . I have been dreaming to work with your company and I am finally granted the great opportunity . I won ’ t let you down and I hope you will contact me when you have any questions .
I will , thank you for calling .
Honey , what's wrong with you ?
I'm not feeling well . I'm very nervous .