I'm not feeling well . I'm very nervous .
Take it easy . We are going to have our own baby . You should be happy .
Take it easy . We are going to have our own baby . You should be happy .
Yeah , I know .
Yeah , I know .
The doctors and the nurses will help you . And I will be waiting for you right here , praying for you and our baby .
The doctors and the nurses will help you . And I will be waiting for you right here , praying for you and our baby .
Thank you , dear . I feel better now .
Mr . Phillips ? I have a request here from purchasing that needs your approval .
Let me take a look . This is for a 486 computer with modem . Who ’ s it going to ?
Let me take a look . This is for a 486 computer with modem . Who ’ s it going to ?
I believe it ’ s going to Ms . Wilson ’ s office .
I believe it ’ s going to Ms . Wilson ’ s office .
Get her on the phone , please . I need to clarify this .
Lisa , are there family rules in this house ?
Well , I wouldn't call them rules , but there are some things that I expect my daughter to do .
Well , I wouldn't call them rules , but there are some things that I expect my daughter to do .
Like what ?
Like what ?
Setting the table and doing the dishes .
Setting the table and doing the dishes .
Is there anything else ?
Is there anything else ?
I also expect Cindy to tidy up her own room .
I also expect Cindy to tidy up her own room .
Her room is very neat and clean .
Her room is very neat and clean .
Yeah . She's a very responsible person .
Yeah . She's a very responsible person .
I will keep my room clean , too . That's a promise .
Well , It ’ s not as crowded as we excepted , is it ?
No . But it will be soon . Look , there are two empty seats over there . Let ’ s get them before somebody else does .
No . But it will be soon . Look , there are two empty seats over there . Let ’ s get them before somebody else does .
Yes , Let ’ s .
Yes , Let ’ s .
Now , Let ’ s make ourselves comfortable since we have got quiet a long way to go .
Now , Let ’ s make ourselves comfortable since we have got quiet a long way to go .
That ’ s a good idea .
I think it's about time that we had to go .
What ? Won't you have more drinks ?
What ? Won't you have more drinks ?
I'd love to , but I have to get up early tomorrow and get to the office on time .
I'd love to , but I have to get up early tomorrow and get to the office on time .
Oh ! I'm sorry , but I wish you could stay .
Oh ! I'm sorry , but I wish you could stay .
Thank you for a very enjoyable evening and your hospitality .
Thank you for a very enjoyable evening and your hospitality .
Don't mention it . You can come whenever You are free .
Would you mind telling me if this is the right way to the police station ?
I ’ m afraid you ’ re going in the opposite direction .
I ’ m afraid you ’ re going in the opposite direction .
Should I take a bus ?
Should I take a bus ?
I think a cab is better .
Could you bring me some food , please ?
Sure . What do you fancy ?
Sure . What do you fancy ?
Can I have a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare ?
Can I have a bottle of champagne , lobster tail , and filet mignon , medium rare ?
Sir , the filet mignon was so popular tonight that we ran out . May I suggest the porterhouse ?
Sir , the filet mignon was so popular tonight that we ran out . May I suggest the porterhouse ?
Oh , no filet ? Okay , porterhouse will be fine then .
Oh , no filet ? Okay , porterhouse will be fine then .
Perhaps you would like chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ?
Perhaps you would like chocolate-covered strawberries with the champagne ?
Not tonight , but thank you for the suggestion .
Not tonight , but thank you for the suggestion .
Okay . This will be charged to your amenities account , okay ?
Okay . This will be charged to your amenities account , okay ?
No problem .
No problem .
Your food will be brought to you momentarily . I hope you enjoy it .
I give up ! I simply can't learn French !
Why do you say that ? I think you're making a lot of progress .
Why do you say that ? I think you're making a lot of progress .
No , I'm not . I try and try and I still can't speak it very well .
No , I'm not . I try and try and I still can't speak it very well .
Learning any language takes a lot of effort . But don't give up . Why don't we practise those dialogues together ?
Learning any language takes a lot of effort . But don't give up . Why don't we practise those dialogues together ?
Good idea . That might help .
The operation in the lab is radioactive and dangerous , so work with care . Have you got ear muffs and gloves ?
Do I have to wear ear muffs and gloves ? I am not used to working with them on .
Do I have to wear ear muffs and gloves ? I am not used to working with them on .
Yes , you have to . It is a safety rule of the company . You could not only lose your job but your hearing if you don't .
Yes , you have to . It is a safety rule of the company . You could not only lose your job but your hearing if you don't .
OK . I'll go and get a pair of them .
You want to go with him ?
Yes ?
Yes ?
Then you must be off your head . He is a real bastard .
Can you tell me what's the time in London ?
It should be 3
It should be 3
Yes . I have to take a conference . Are you English ?
Yes . I have to take a conference . Are you English ?
That's right . Welcome to Great Britain .
Steven , would you like to go dance with us tonight ?
John , I am just not in the mood for this .
John , I am just not in the mood for this .
You look so upset . What's going on ?
You look so upset . What's going on ?
I lost the table tennis game yesterday .
I lost the table tennis game yesterday .
Oh , what a pity !
Oh , what a pity !
I just don ’ t want to play table tennis any more .
I just don ’ t want to play table tennis any more .
Is it that bad ? It ’ s nothing more than a game .
Is it that bad ? It ’ s nothing more than a game .
My opponent bowled me with the very first ball . I was wondering if it's appropriate for me to play table tennis .
My opponent bowled me with the very first ball . I was wondering if it's appropriate for me to play table tennis .
Oh , come on ! Failure is the mother of success . Don ’ t lose heart . I'm sure you'll succeed .
Oh , come on ! Failure is the mother of success . Don ’ t lose heart . I'm sure you'll succeed .
Perhaps you are right . But I still need some time to recover from the failure .
Perhaps you are right . But I still need some time to recover from the failure .
I understand .
What musical instrument do you play ?
I can play the piano a bit .
I can play the piano a bit .
Then we can have one more program at our party ?
Then we can have one more program at our party ?
No , no . My playing isn't good enough for me to perform in public .
Good morning , can I help you ?
Yes , could I settle my bill , please ?
Yes , could I settle my bill , please ?
Yes . of course . May I have your name and your room number , please ?
Yes . of course . May I have your name and your room number , please ?
Wang Wei , Room 1202 .
Wang Wei , Room 1202 .
OK , Mr . Wang , here is your bill . The total amount is US $ 120 .
OK , Mr . Wang , here is your bill . The total amount is US $ 120 .
The figure seems right .
The figure seems right .
How do you wish to settle your account , sir ?
How do you wish to settle your account , sir ?
By credit card , please . And what kind of credit cards do you honor ?
By credit card , please . And what kind of credit cards do you honor ?
We accept Master Card , American Express and Visa .
We accept Master Card , American Express and Visa .
Then I'll put it on my Master Card . Here you are .
Then I'll put it on my Master Card . Here you are .
Thank you . Would you sign here , please ? Here's your receipt .
Can I help you , sir ?
Yes , could you tell me if there is a laundry in this hotel ?
Yes , could you tell me if there is a laundry in this hotel ?
yes , It ’ s on the third floor
yes , It ’ s on the third floor
Thank you very much .
You see that chick over there ?
The one in the red shirt ?
The one in the red shirt ?
Yeah . Isn't she hot ?
Yeah . Isn't she hot ?
She's alright .
She's alright .
Just alright ? ! ? She's hot !
Just alright ? ! ? She's hot !
Why don't you go talk to her ?
Why don't you go talk to her ?
You think she's out of my league ?
You think she's out of my league ?
Hell no ! You're just a chicken that's all .
Hell no ! You're just a chicken that's all .
C'mon . I get nervous when I talk to girls .
C'mon . I get nervous when I talk to girls .
Why don't you go stand next to her for a while and if an opportunity comes up , strike a conversation .
Why don't you go stand next to her for a while and if an opportunity comes up , strike a conversation .
What do I talk about ?
What do I talk about ?
It doesn't matter . You gotta find what she's interested in and go with that .
It doesn't matter . You gotta find what she's interested in and go with that .
I don't know ...
I don't know ...
Do you want me to go talk to her ?
Do you want me to go talk to her ?
No . Stay away from her .
No . Stay away from her .
If you don't do anything , I'll bet somebody else will .
If you don't do anything , I'll bet somebody else will .
Ok already . I'll try .
What's the rate for a station wagon ?
The daily rate is $ 22 per mile .
The daily rate is $ 22 per mile .
Good . I'll take it right now , if possible .
Good . I'll take it right now , if possible .
Can I see your license , please ?
Can I see your license , please ?
Of course . I have my own license and an international license .
Of course . I have my own license and an international license .
That's fine . Fill out this form and let me see your credit card , please .
I ’ d love to have my own farm .
It would be very hard work . Are you sure ?
It would be very hard work . Are you sure ?
I wouldn ’ t mind getting up early morning and the physical work would make me fit and healthy .
I wouldn ’ t mind getting up early morning and the physical work would make me fit and healthy .
Running a farm would be totally different to you current job .
Running a farm would be totally different to you current job .
That ’ s one reason I ’ d like to try it . I ’ d really like to get away from working 9 to 5 in an office .
That ’ s one reason I ’ d like to try it . I ’ d really like to get away from working 9 to 5 in an office .
You ’ d need a lot of training before becoming a farmer . It ’ s not something you can just walk into .