Airmail should take four or five days and surface mail should take about two weeks .
It that case , I ’ ll send it by airmail . I ’ d like to send it as a registered parcel .
It that case , I ’ ll send it by airmail . I ’ d like to send it as a registered parcel .
No problem . That ’ s one dollar extra .
No problem . That ’ s one dollar extra .
Thanks very much . There ’ s thirteen dollars .
Thanks very much . There ’ s thirteen dollars .
There ’ s you receipt . Goodbye .
Would you like your bags to be taken to your room ?
Yes , please .
Yes , please .
OK . I'll get the bellman to taka them up . Which bags are yours ?
OK . I'll get the bellman to taka them up . Which bags are yours ?
My luggage is in the corner over there . They are the leather suitcase , the canvass holdall and the blue backpack .
My luggage is in the corner over there . They are the leather suitcase , the canvass holdall and the blue backpack .
OK .
OK .
Please be careful with the suitcase , it's very heavy .
Please be careful with the suitcase , it's very heavy .
I'll let the bellboy know . Don't worry , he's very strong .
I'll let the bellboy know . Don't worry , he's very strong .
And the holdall has some fragile items inside , so please be careful with that too .
And the holdall has some fragile items inside , so please be careful with that too .
Of course .
how long will it take us to drive to London ?
I think it ’ s a distance of 180 kilometers from here to London , so it should be a two-hour drive on the motorway .
I think it ’ s a distance of 180 kilometers from here to London , so it should be a two-hour drive on the motorway .
that ’ s unless there is a traffic jam . It could take three hours .
that ’ s unless there is a traffic jam . It could take three hours .
you ’ re right . We will be able to travel at high speeds at the beginning and end of the journey , because we will be in built-up areas .
you ’ re right . We will be able to travel at high speeds at the beginning and end of the journey , because we will be in built-up areas .
so , shall we allow three hours to cover the distance ?
so , shall we allow three hours to cover the distance ?
ok . You haven ’ t seen my company car , have you ?
ok . You haven ’ t seen my company car , have you ?
no . let me take a look ... it ’ s longer than my car .
no . let me take a look ... it ’ s longer than my car .
I think it ’ s over five meters long . I can ’ t remember exactly . It has a maximum speed of over 200 kilometers an hour .
I think it ’ s over five meters long . I can ’ t remember exactly . It has a maximum speed of over 200 kilometers an hour .
wow ! That ’ s fast ! I don ’ t think we will be traveling that fast on the motorway .
wow ! That ’ s fast ! I don ’ t think we will be traveling that fast on the motorway .
we can ’ t . if we went that fast , we would break the speed limit .
Are we going to have gym class tomorrow ?
Are you crazy ? Tomorrow's Saturday .
Are you crazy ? Tomorrow's Saturday .
Sometimes I forget that we don't have school on Saturdays .
Sometimes I forget that we don't have school on Saturdays .
Americans also don't go to work on Saturdays .
Americans also don't go to work on Saturdays .
So there are only five working days in a week ?
So there are only five working days in a week ?
Right . What are you going to do tonight ?
Right . What are you going to do tonight ?
I'm going to study .
I'm going to study .
On a Friday night ?
On a Friday night ?
Well , I need to polish up my English .
I'm going to the shops in a minute . What do we need ?
We're okay for vegetables but we should stock up on meat . Can you go to the butcher's and get some veal and some beef ?
We're okay for vegetables but we should stock up on meat . Can you go to the butcher's and get some veal and some beef ?
No problem . We also need bread , so I'll go to the baker's . I'll get some vol au vents for Victor's birthday bash on Friday . We'll need balloons for that too .
No problem . We also need bread , so I'll go to the baker's . I'll get some vol au vents for Victor's birthday bash on Friday . We'll need balloons for that too .
Better visit the supermarket then . We'll need some other things for the party . Get some vanilla ice cream , some butter and some vinegar and twelve bottles of beer .
Better visit the supermarket then . We'll need some other things for the party . Get some vanilla ice cream , some butter and some vinegar and twelve bottles of beer .
Okay . The library's beside the baker's . I'd better take back the videos we borrowed last week . They're overdue .
Okay . The library's beside the baker's . I'd better take back the videos we borrowed last week . They're overdue .
I'll see you later then .
I'll see you later then .
Bye ! I'll be back before seven .
Can I help you , Madam ?
Could you tell me what Ants on the Tree is please ?
Could you tell me what Ants on the Tree is please ?
Certainly , Madam . It's a stir fried dish of minced pork with glass noodles .
Certainly , Madam . It's a stir fried dish of minced pork with glass noodles .
Sounds nice . I'll have that please .
How do you do ?
My name is Jane Greenwood.Glad to meet you .
My name is Jane Greenwood.Glad to meet you .
I'm Mary Smith.Nice to meet you , too .
I'm going to quit this job . It's way too stressful .
I've noticed you've been working overtime a lot .
I've noticed you've been working overtime a lot .
Yeah , I'm in the office till 10 every night . I can't take it anymore . The pay just isn't worth it .
Operator , I want to make a correct oversea phone call to Beijing .
Who would you like to talk to ?
Who would you like to talk to ?
Rachel Jason .
Rachel Jason .
What is phone number ?
What is phone number ?
The code is 880 , the area code is 010 , and the local number is 8824578 4
The code is 880 , the area code is 010 , and the local number is 8824578 4
Your name , please .
Your name , please .
Manicole Tan .
Manicole Tan .
hold on , please .
hold on , please .
Ok , thank you .
Ok , thank you .
Her line is through now , please go ahead .
I'm tired of this job .
So am I .
Bang ? ! Bang ! Bang ! What are the Kings doing at seven o ’ clock on Sunday morning ?
Well , Mr . King is singing .
Well , Mr . King is singing .
Yes , but what ’ s the banging noise ?
Yes , but what ’ s the banging noise ?
He ’ s standing on a ladder and banging some nails into the wall with a hammer . Now he ’ s hanging some strong strings on the nails .
He ’ s standing on a ladder and banging some nails into the wall with a hammer . Now he ’ s hanging some strong strings on the nails .
And what ’ s Mrs . King doing ?
And what ’ s Mrs . King doing ?
She ’ s bringing something pink for Mr . King to drink . Now she ’ s putting it ... OK .
She ’ s bringing something pink for Mr . King to drink . Now she ’ s putting it ... OK .
What ’ s happening ?
What ’ s happening ?
The ladder ’ s falling ?
The ladder ’ s falling ?
What ’ s Mr . King doing ?
What ’ s Mr . King doing ?
He ’ s hanging from the string . He ’ s holding onto the string with his fingers and shouting to Mrs . King .
He ’ s hanging from the string . He ’ s holding onto the string with his fingers and shouting to Mrs . King .
And is she helping him ?
And is she helping him ?
No , she ’ s running toward our house . That ’ s her ringing the bell .
No , she ’ s running toward our house . That ’ s her ringing the bell .
Well , I ’ m not going to answer it . I ’ m sleeping .
Were you engaged in any activities at college ?
No , I had no interest in the activities in college and I spent most of my spare time reading in the library .
No , I had no interest in the activities in college and I spent most of my spare time reading in the library .
What kind of activity would make you get involved ?
What kind of activity would make you get involved ?
None , I guess . My only passion is on reading .
I don't know what I'm going to do . I need to find a job . If I don't , I won't be able to stay here next semester .
Have you tried university part-time jobs ?
Have you tried university part-time jobs ?
What do you mean ?
What do you mean ?
I mean in the library , or in some information center.Often the university hires foreign students for part-time positions .
I mean in the library , or in some information center.Often the university hires foreign students for part-time positions .
Yes , I know . I tried that.They don't have anything now . So what can I do ?
Yes , I know . I tried that.They don't have anything now . So what can I do ?
Well , since you're a foreign student , it's hard.That ' s because it's actually illegal for you to work in America .
Well , since you're a foreign student , it's hard.That ' s because it's actually illegal for you to work in America .
I know that . You don't have to tell me that . That's my problem . I know I have the right to work for the university . That's legal.But they don't have a job for me . And it's illegal for me to get a job elsewhere .
I know that . You don't have to tell me that . That's my problem . I know I have the right to work for the university . That's legal.But they don't have a job for me . And it's illegal for me to get a job elsewhere .
Anyway , there must be some solution.You know there are many people working illegally in New York .
Anyway , there must be some solution.You know there are many people working illegally in New York .
But I need a pretty decent job . I need to make enough to pay my rent at least .
But I need a pretty decent job . I need to make enough to pay my rent at least .
I have an idea .
I have an idea .
What ?
What ?
Since you're Chinese , maybe you can find part-time work in Chinatown .
Since you're Chinese , maybe you can find part-time work in Chinatown .
I already had that idea .
I already had that idea .
Well , why don't you go and look down there ?
Well , why don't you go and look down there ?
But I don't know what I would do .
But I don't know what I would do .
It may be part-time work as a waitress or something.It would be illegal , but sometimes waitresses make a good salary .
It may be part-time work as a waitress or something.It would be illegal , but sometimes waitresses make a good salary .
Maybe . I don't know .
Maybe . I don't know .
I will ask my friends for you.Maybe someone knows a company that needs part-time people.That ' s another thing you should do . Ask all your friends to ask around for you.You might find something .
I will ask my friends for you.Maybe someone knows a company that needs part-time people.That ' s another thing you should do . Ask all your friends to ask around for you.You might find something .
I have to find something.Otherwise I have to go back to Taiwan . I'll be broke in two months .
Would you make me a dust coat out of this serge ?
Sure.Let me measure for you .
Sure.Let me measure for you .
What's the charge ?
What's the charge ?
$ 200 . The delivery time is 2 weeks .
$ 200 . The delivery time is 2 weeks .
OK.thank you .
The bartender just gave the last call . Let's order another round , okay ?
Sure , but let's get a pitcher this time We should be able to down it before they close .
Sure , but let's get a pitcher this time We should be able to down it before they close .
That sounds good . You order the beer while I go to the bathroom . Where is the can in this place ?
That sounds good . You order the beer while I go to the bathroom . Where is the can in this place ?
It's all the way to the back . See that yellow door ?
It's all the way to the back . See that yellow door ?
Yeah . I think I can find it .
Yeah . I think I can find it .
You're back already . That sure was quick .
You're back already . That sure was quick .
That's because I just took one step inside and turned right around . That bathroom is too gross for me .
That's because I just took one step inside and turned right around . That bathroom is too gross for me .
Well , the bartender wouldn't give me the pitcher of beer . Anyway . He said it was too close to closing time .
Well , the bartender wouldn't give me the pitcher of beer . Anyway . He said it was too close to closing time .
Let's leave then . I could take some fresh air , anyway .
Let's leave then . I could take some fresh air , anyway .
Okay , let's go !
There are so many flavors of ice cream to choose from !
Yes , there must be about a hundred . Do you have a favorite ?
Yes , there must be about a hundred . Do you have a favorite ?
I love fruit flavored ices the best .