This is the charge for your laundry service on Nov . 20thA
But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here . I think you have added someone else's .
But I did't take any laundry service during my stay here . I think you have added someone else's .
Would you mind waiting a moment while we check it with the department concerned ?
Would you mind waiting a moment while we check it with the department concerned ?
I don't mind waiting as long as we get this straightened out .
I don't mind waiting as long as we get this straightened out .
I'm very sorry , Mr . Bob . There has been a mistake . We'll correct the bill .
I'm very sorry , Mr . Bob . There has been a mistake . We'll correct the bill .
It doesn't matter . Here is the money .
It doesn't matter . Here is the money .
Thank you very much . Hope to see you again .
Do you like cooking ?
Yes . I like cooking very much . I got this hobby when I was 12 years sold .
Yes . I like cooking very much . I got this hobby when I was 12 years sold .
Why do you like it ?
Why do you like it ?
I have no idea . I like cooking by myself . I like to taste delicious food .
I have no idea . I like cooking by myself . I like to taste delicious food .
That's wonderful !
That's wonderful !
And I love trying new recipes , which I usually test with my friends . You can come , too .
And I love trying new recipes , which I usually test with my friends . You can come , too .
Really ? I hope I can have a chance to taste it . Don't forget to tell me .
Really ? I hope I can have a chance to taste it . Don't forget to tell me .
Certainly .
I just heard that you won the long-distance race . Congratulations on your victory .
Thank you .
Thank you .
So it is really worth your great effort . And hope you can keep the record you've made today .
So it is really worth your great effort . And hope you can keep the record you've made today .
I will try my best .
Matthew ? Hi !
Steve ! Haven't seen you in ages ! How long's it been ?
Steve ! Haven't seen you in ages ! How long's it been ?
it's got to be almost a year now .
it's got to be almost a year now .
how have you been ?
how have you been ?
I'm pretty good . I've been looking for a place to live recently . My lease runs out next month and I don't want to renew it .
I'm pretty good . I've been looking for a place to live recently . My lease runs out next month and I don't want to renew it .
yeah , I remember the neighborhood . Have you found a place yet ?
yeah , I remember the neighborhood . Have you found a place yet ?
not yet . I am still looking through the classifieds . Wish me luck .
not yet . I am still looking through the classifieds . Wish me luck .
well , maybe I can help . Remember my neighbor ?
well , maybe I can help . Remember my neighbor ?
Mrs . Thou ?
Mrs . Thou ?
yes , her daughter's having a baby , so she's moving in with her to help out . I think if you are interested , you can come over and have a look .
yes , her daughter's having a baby , so she's moving in with her to help out . I think if you are interested , you can come over and have a look .
great . It's a lovely neighborhood . And it would be nice to be neighbors again . It would be just like the old days !
great . It's a lovely neighborhood . And it would be nice to be neighbors again . It would be just like the old days !
I'll ask Mrs . Thou when she's available to show the apartment and let you know . Has your number changed ?
We are interested in placing a large order for your wool carpet .
How much would you like ?
How much would you like ?
10,000 sq . m . You should give us a discount for such a large quantity .
10,000 sq . m . You should give us a discount for such a large quantity .
A higher discount will be given for a big order , so we are willing to give you a 5 % discount this time .
A higher discount will be given for a big order , so we are willing to give you a 5 % discount this time .
The Iranians will give us a 10 % discount if such a high order is placed with them . No doubt you know an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand seller's business .
The Iranians will give us a 10 % discount if such a high order is placed with them . No doubt you know an incentive discount encourages the buyers and helps expand seller's business .
Of course I know . But there is too high a rate . Frankly speaking , the maximum discount we can make is 6 % .
Do Mona and Jim need a new house ?
No , they have a big new fancy house .
No , they have a big new fancy house .
Does Jim make a lot of money ?
Does Jim make a lot of money ?
Yes , he does . He is a science fiction writer .
Yes , he does . He is a science fiction writer .
Does Jim need to make more money ?
Does Jim need to make more money ?
Afraid so . The more the better .
Afraid so . The more the better .
What do they need all that money for ?
What do they need all that money for ?
Well , they spend it pretty quick . New clothes , new computers and new cars every year . And they ’ Ve got a cook and housekeeper.Mona used to be an actress , she likes to spend a lot of money .
Well , they spend it pretty quick . New clothes , new computers and new cars every year . And they ’ Ve got a cook and housekeeper.Mona used to be an actress , she likes to spend a lot of money .
Do they have any children ?
Do they have any children ?
No . They want children but no luck yet .
No . They want children but no luck yet .
What does Jim like to do ?
What does Jim like to do ?
Jim likes to travel around the world.That ' s expensive ! So he tries to make a lot of money .
Jim likes to travel around the world.That ' s expensive ! So he tries to make a lot of money .
What does Mona like to do ?
What does Mona like to do ?
Oh , she enjoys spending money on fancy parties.Mona loves to wear sexy dresses , and she has quite a bit of jewelry .
Oh , she enjoys spending money on fancy parties.Mona loves to wear sexy dresses , and she has quite a bit of jewelry .
Wow ... She sounds like a high maintenance wife .
Wow ... She sounds like a high maintenance wife .
I guess so . She is also interested in politics . She knows everyone in city government .
I guess so . She is also interested in politics . She knows everyone in city government .
Politics can be an expensive hobby .
Politics can be an expensive hobby .
She is pretty serious about it . Her uncle is a mayor . She wants to follow in his footsteps .
She is pretty serious about it . Her uncle is a mayor . She wants to follow in his footsteps .
Politics is a hard game to play .
Politics is a hard game to play .
She might do well . Everyone seems to like her .
I passed history test .
Really ? That ’ s marvelous !
Really ? That ’ s marvelous !
And then you ’ re old man won ’ t be beaten this time .
And then you ’ re old man won ’ t be beaten this time .
I ’ Ve made up my mind not to be beaten again .
First National Bank .
Hi , I have a checking account with you .
Hi , I have a checking account with you .
How can I help you ?
How can I help you ?
I need to see if check number 212 has cleared yet .
I need to see if check number 212 has cleared yet .
What's your name and account number ?
Can you develop the roll of film ?
Sure .
Sure .
How long does it take ?
How long does it take ?
6 hours . If you are in a hurry we can develop it in 3 hours .
6 hours . If you are in a hurry we can develop it in 3 hours .
There is no need . I will come back tomorrow .
What are you doing , Janice ?
I am reading the book on patent and I think it will be helpful for my work
I am reading the book on patent and I think it will be helpful for my work
Patent ? Are you also learning something about patent ?
Patent ? Are you also learning something about patent ?
Yep ! I heard that your company is registering a new trademark .
Yep ! I heard that your company is registering a new trademark .
You are well-informed . Can you tell me something about the Patent Law in our country from the book you are reading ?
You are well-informed . Can you tell me something about the Patent Law in our country from the book you are reading ?
I just read this in the whole afternoon . Let me show you .
I just read this in the whole afternoon . Let me show you .
So coincidental . Actually we can exchange some information on this problem .
So coincidental . Actually we can exchange some information on this problem .
The purpose of the law is to protect and encourage inventions and to promote the development of science and technology . The law came into effect in 1984 , and it consists of 8 chapters with 69 articles .
The purpose of the law is to protect and encourage inventions and to promote the development of science and technology . The law came into effect in 1984 , and it consists of 8 chapters with 69 articles .
Is there any provision on applying for the patent for foreign company ?
Is there any provision on applying for the patent for foreign company ?
Foreign companies should appoint a patent agency , which is designated by our government to act as his patent agent . This task is usually taken by the Patent Agent Department .
Foreign companies should appoint a patent agency , which is designated by our government to act as his patent agent . This task is usually taken by the Patent Agent Department .
How long is the duration of patent right for an invention according to your Patent Law ?
How long is the duration of patent right for an invention according to your Patent Law ?
15 years .
Excuse me , sir . Didn't you see the red light ?
Oh , I thought I could make a right turn on red here .
Oh , I thought I could make a right turn on red here .
No , sir . The sign says No Turn on Red .
No , sir . The sign says No Turn on Red .
Oh , I guess I didn't see it .
Oh , I guess I didn't see it .
I am sorry , sir . But may I see your driver's license and insurance policy , PLS ? I have to give you a ticket .
I am sorry , sir . But may I see your driver's license and insurance policy , PLS ? I have to give you a ticket .
Here they are .
Here they are .
Sign here , PLS . You can appeal to the court within 14 days . This slip has all the information you need . Pls drive safely , sir .
Sign here , PLS . You can appeal to the court within 14 days . This slip has all the information you need . Pls drive safely , sir .
Thank you , Ma ’ am .
May I speak to Peter ?
Who's calling ?
I have a good feeling about this house .
Yes , I liked it the first moment I pulled up to it .
Yes , I liked it the first moment I pulled up to it .
I love the paint job !
I love the paint job !
If you like the outside , you are going to really love the inside .
If you like the outside , you are going to really love the inside .
What a beautiful home !
What a beautiful home !
You ’ ll notice that the window treatments , carpeting , and drapes are all new .
You ’ ll notice that the window treatments , carpeting , and drapes are all new .
I like the way the blinds give you privacy from the street .
I like the way the blinds give you privacy from the street .
Follow me into the kitchen . You will love it .
Follow me into the kitchen . You will love it .
I love that they put a wine storage area in the kitchen .
I love that they put a wine storage area in the kitchen .
The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom .
The best part is the bedroom and attached bathroom .
I love the relaxing colors in the tile and floor covering !
I love the relaxing colors in the tile and floor covering !
Let ’ s take a few pictures so that we can remember what we like about this home .
Room service.what can I do for you ?
I would like to have my room cleaned . Would you please send a maid here right now ?
I would like to have my room cleaned . Would you please send a maid here right now ?
OK . Someone will be there right away .
OK . Someone will be there right away .
Thank you .
Would you cash these travelers ' checks , please ?
How would you like them ?
How would you like them ?
In ten dollar bill , please .
In ten dollar bill , please .
Is there anything else ?
Is there anything else ?
Yes , I'd like to know how to send money to France .
Steven , what's the expense of moving house ?
About 3 000 dollars .