It happened in the morning . I just came home from work and found the lock broken .
Is anything lost ?
Is anything lost ?
I don't know . I called the police as soon as I found the lock broken .
I don't know . I called the police as soon as I found the lock broken .
OK , we will send some men as soon as possible .
OK , we will send some men as soon as possible .
Please be quick .
Please be quick .
OK , we will . What's your name and address ?
OK , we will . What's your name and address ?
My name is Benjamin , and I live in Broad-Gate Street 2101 .
My name is Benjamin , and I live in Broad-Gate Street 2101 .
OK , got it . Please don't worry sir . We will be there soon .
OK , got it . Please don't worry sir . We will be there soon .
Thank you very much .
Where should I sit ?
Why don't you sit in the back with me ?
Why don't you sit in the back with me ?
Okay .
Okay .
By the way , what's your last name ? I forgot what it is .
By the way , what's your last name ? I forgot what it is .
It's Lin . It's spelled L-I-N .
It's Lin . It's spelled L-I-N .
R-I-N ?
R-I-N ?
My pronunciation is not very good . It's L-I-N , Lin .
My pronunciation is not very good . It's L-I-N , Lin .
I got it . Mary Lin .
I got it . Mary Lin .
Lin is a common Chinese last name .
How'd you like to go on a bungee jump this weekend ?
I'm not sure . I promised to help my sister move Saturday .
I'm not sure . I promised to help my sister move Saturday .
How about Sunday , then ? We could start in the morning .
How about Sunday , then ? We could start in the morning .
I might be able to do that . But I don't think I can do it well .
I might be able to do that . But I don't think I can do it well .
Don't worry . It is a test of physical endurance , intelligence . Just to finish it is considered a victory for most .
Don't worry . It is a test of physical endurance , intelligence . Just to finish it is considered a victory for most .
OK . I'll talk to you later .
May , is the university a terrible place ?
Surely not . Life in the university is fun . Why did you ask ?
Surely not . Life in the university is fun . Why did you ask ?
Because you study day in and day out for the entrance exam . So I figure you would study even harder after you ’ Ve got in .
Because you study day in and day out for the entrance exam . So I figure you would study even harder after you ’ Ve got in .
Studying in the university is not easy , but it's not as arduous as you think .
Studying in the university is not easy , but it's not as arduous as you think .
How do you know that ? You haven't got in yet .
How do you know that ? You haven't got in yet .
Of course I know . I once attended Lisa's class , sitting quietly at the back of the classroom .
Of course I know . I once attended Lisa's class , sitting quietly at the back of the classroom .
Oh , really ? Were you not caught ?
Oh , really ? Were you not caught ?
Of course not . You are allowed to attend any lecture , only if there are empty seats for you and you don't disturb the class . In universities , you study in a free and creative environment .
Of course not . You are allowed to attend any lecture , only if there are empty seats for you and you don't disturb the class . In universities , you study in a free and creative environment .
What do you want to study in the university ? Have you thought about it ?
What do you want to study in the university ? Have you thought about it ?
This question has really been bothering me . I like Chinese literature , you know . But economics is really hot now , and it has a very good career prospect .
This question has really been bothering me . I like Chinese literature , you know . But economics is really hot now , and it has a very good career prospect .
I will choose what I like . You don't know what a torture it is for me to study English , because I don't like English .
I will choose what I like . You don't know what a torture it is for me to study English , because I don't like English .
Though I like Chinese literature very much , I'm also interested in economics . It's a tough choice to make .
Though I like Chinese literature very much , I'm also interested in economics . It's a tough choice to make .
You can decide later . You will have choices before you submit your university application form .
You can decide later . You will have choices before you submit your university application form .
Right . I have lots of time to think carefully before I make my final decision .
What's your number ?
I'm number seven . What about you ?
I'm number seven . What about you ?
Five .
Five .
Hah hah ! You have to go before me .
Hah hah ! You have to go before me .
You think it's funny . I'm terrified .
You think it's funny . I'm terrified .
Don't worry . It's safe .
Don't worry . It's safe .
But I've never jumped off anything in my life . The highest thing I've jumped off is my bed . I'm scared .
But I've never jumped off anything in my life . The highest thing I've jumped off is my bed . I'm scared .
You are the one who wanted to come here , Sandy . You should enjoy it .
You are the one who wanted to come here , Sandy . You should enjoy it .
I guess I'm adventuresome , but then I'm scared too .
I guess I'm adventuresome , but then I'm scared too .
I'm not too scared . But I've done sky diving before .
What can I help you with today ?
I would like to make a deposit .
I would like to make a deposit .
Will that be cash or check ?
Will that be cash or check ?
I ’ m depositing a check .
I ’ m depositing a check .
Could you sign the back of the check , please ?
Could you sign the back of the check , please ?
All right . Here you go .
All right . Here you go .
Would you like any cash back ?
Would you like any cash back ?
That would be great .
That would be great .
How much would you like ?
How much would you like ?
I would like $ 150 .
I would like $ 150 .
Here is your $ 150 .
Here is your $ 150 .
Thanks for everything .
Why don't we Chinese have our own Valentine's Day ?
Of course we have . It's on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .
Of course we have . It's on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month .
Oh ? Why is that day ?
Oh ? Why is that day ?
It is said that the Cowherd and the Spinster , the lover stars in heaven , can only meet on the seventh Eve , so this day has become the Lover's Day .
You look a bit under the weather .
I am not feeling all the great . I think I have that crud that is going around .
I am not feeling all the great . I think I have that crud that is going around .
I know that it ’ s going around the dorms .
I know that it ’ s going around the dorms .
My boyfriend hasn ’ t been feeling so well . Maybe he passed it on to me .
My boyfriend hasn ’ t been feeling so well . Maybe he passed it on to me .
I have some cold tablets if you would like one .
I have some cold tablets if you would like one .
Mostly , I feel like I need some rest and hot soup .
Mostly , I feel like I need some rest and hot soup .
Drinking liquids and getting rest is a good idea with a cold .
Drinking liquids and getting rest is a good idea with a cold .
My grandmother thinks that honey and whiskey is a good cure for a cold .
My grandmother thinks that honey and whiskey is a good cure for a cold .
You could always go to the pharmacy if it gets worse and you want suggestions .
You could always go to the pharmacy if it gets worse and you want suggestions .
If things don ’ t get better in a few days , I will look for some other solutions .
What would you have ?
I'll try Chinese wine .
I'll try Chinese wine .
What about this dry red ? It's good indeed , it never goes to the head .
What about this dry red ? It's good indeed , it never goes to the head .
OK . Give me one , please .
OK . Give me one , please .
Here it is .
Here it is .
Thank you .
Thank you .
I'm always at your service .
Mike has changed much after marriage .
Yeah . He ’ s almost become a slave , his wife is leading him by the nose .
Yeah . He ’ s almost become a slave , his wife is leading him by the nose .
It ’ s unbelievable . He used to be such a rough guy .
We look forward to your early reply and trust that through our mutual cooperation we shall be able to conclude this transaction with you in the near future .
Thank you for your consideration . We will inform you of our intention as soon as possible .
Thank you for your consideration . We will inform you of our intention as soon as possible .
I hope you'll see that we are really doing our utmost .
Michelle , Can you help me clean things up before we go ?
Sure . Where should I put this cup ?
Sure . Where should I put this cup ?
Which cup ?
Which cup ?
The red one .
The red one .
Put it on the table .
Put it on the table .
How about this fruit ?
How about this fruit ?
Oh , that goes in the refrigerator .
Oh , that goes in the refrigerator .
And those pencils ? What should I do with them ?
And those pencils ? What should I do with them ?
Bring those upstairs and put them in the bedroom .
Bring those upstairs and put them in the bedroom .
How about this pen ?
How about this pen ?
Give it to me . I need to use it .
Give it to me . I need to use it .
What do you want me to do with that paper over there ?
What do you want me to do with that paper over there ?
You can throw that away . I don't need it anymore .
You can throw that away . I don't need it anymore .
The trash is full .
The trash is full .
Alright , then please put it in a bag and take it outside .
Alright , then please put it in a bag and take it outside .
OK . Now what ?
OK . Now what ?
I think we're finished . Can you please turn off the lights and shut the door ?
I think we're finished . Can you please turn off the lights and shut the door ?
Sure .
I just saw Something About Mary last night . It was hilarious .
David took me to it last week . I thought it was a little sick .
David took me to it last week . I thought it was a little sick .
What do you mean sick ? It was really funny , don't you think ?
What do you mean sick ? It was really funny , don't you think ?
It was entertaining in some ways . But in general I didn't like it .
It was entertaining in some ways . But in general I didn't like it .
Why not ?
Why not ?
I just think the humor was too gross . There were too many disgusting things in it . I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny .
I just think the humor was too gross . There were too many disgusting things in it . I don't think a comedy has to have so much smut to be funny .
It wasn't a dirty movie . There wasn't even any nudity .
It wasn't a dirty movie . There wasn't even any nudity .
No , you're right . But nudity doesn't bother me . What bothered me were all the jokes about masturbation , stuff like that . It was too sick .