To be reliable is the strong point of our products . As a matter of fact , it's always our practice to supply high quality goods at reasonable prices . Flying pigeon is the best of its kind at the price .
Then I'd like to know your availability of the products and the terms of sales , such as mode of payment , delivery , discounts , etc .
Frank , I want your advice on something . Some scientists I met at the conference 6 this afternoon have invited me to a party . Actually , they called it an informal get-together .
And what ’ s the problem ?
And what ’ s the problem ?
When I asked how people were going to dress , Dr . Lite said it was casual .
When I asked how people were going to dress , Dr . Lite said it was casual .
And you want to know what to wear ?
And you want to know what to wear ?
Well , last night I went out with some journalists for a casual party , but I was overdressed . I wore what I consider casual - - an outfit of skirt , blouse , scarf , and medium heels ... you know .
Well , last night I went out with some journalists for a casual party , but I was overdressed . I wore what I consider casual - - an outfit of skirt , blouse , scarf , and medium heels ... you know .
That sounds just right to me . What was wrong with it ?
That sounds just right to me . What was wrong with it ?
Everyone else there was wearing blue jeans . Several of the women had on running shoes . I felt out of place . So I have no idea what to wear tonight .
Everyone else there was wearing blue jeans . Several of the women had on running shoes . I felt out of place . So I have no idea what to wear tonight .
My guess is you can safely wear last night ’ s outfit to tonight ’ s party .
Good evening , madam . May I help you ?
Yes , do you have a table for five ?
Yes , do you have a table for five ?
Yes , would you like smoking or non-smoking ?
Yes , would you like smoking or non-smoking ?
We'd like a non-smoking room , please .
We'd like a non-smoking room , please .
No problem . Follow me , please .
Liz , you were supposed to have had those contracts typed up by now .
I was supposed to do that ? I thought Sharon was responsible for that .
I was supposed to do that ? I thought Sharon was responsible for that .
No , Liz . I asked you specifically . Don ’ t you remember ?
No , Liz . I asked you specifically . Don ’ t you remember ?
I ’ m really sorry , Mr . Samuel . I really don ’ t remember that .
What happened to Nancy ? She is all sweetness and light today .
She is going to get married .
She is going to get married .
No wonder ! Who is the bridegroom ?
No wonder ! Who is the bridegroom ?
I don ’ t know .
Where are you going , Tony ?
It's none of your business .
It's none of your business .
Mom said you couldn't go out .
Mom said you couldn't go out .
I'm going out anyway . Get out of my way .
Wow ! Your fruit looks really fresh ! How much are these apples ?
The apples are 30NT each . How many would you like ?
The apples are 30NT each . How many would you like ?
Let's see , 30NT is about ... almost a dollar US . What ? ! How about these pineapples ?
Let's see , 30NT is about ... almost a dollar US . What ? ! How about these pineapples ?
They're 250NT each , but they're not edible . They're only used for worship .
They're 250NT each , but they're not edible . They're only used for worship .
Hmm , 250NT is ... 8 dollars ? ! ! And you can't even eat them ? You're crazy !
Hmm , 250NT is ... 8 dollars ? ! ! And you can't even eat them ? You're crazy !
Wait ! Don't go just yet . These bananas are pretty cheap--only 35NT for this bunch .
Wait ! Don't go just yet . These bananas are pretty cheap--only 35NT for this bunch .
Now that's more like it ! Bananas have lots of potassium , too !
Now that's more like it ! Bananas have lots of potassium , too !
They're also good for your digestion ! Would you like some kiwis , too ?
They're also good for your digestion ! Would you like some kiwis , too ?
Are they from Taiwan ?
Are they from Taiwan ?
They're imported from New Zealand . Four for 50NT . Nine for a hundred .
They're imported from New Zealand . Four for 50NT . Nine for a hundred .
OK . I'll take four kiwis .
Laura , what are you going to do today ?
I'm going shopping .
I'm going shopping .
What time are you leaving ?
What time are you leaving ?
I'm going to leave around 4 O'clock .
I'm going to leave around 4 O'clock .
Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store ?
Will you buy a ham sandwich for me at the store ?
OK .
OK .
Do you have enough money ?
Do you have enough money ?
I'm not sure .
I'm not sure .
How much do you have ?
How much do you have ?
25 dollars . Do you think that's enough ?
25 dollars . Do you think that's enough ?
That's not very much .
That's not very much .
I think it's OK . I also have two credit cards .
I think it's OK . I also have two credit cards .
Let me give you another ten dollars .
Let me give you another ten dollars .
Thanks . See you later .
Thanks . See you later .
Bye .
I love breathing fresh air in the suburb places , while sitting in the morning sunshine .
I can't agree more , honey . We need to get away from work from time to time .
I can't agree more , honey . We need to get away from work from time to time .
Yeah , just return to nature and feel the thrills of its beauty .
Yeah , just return to nature and feel the thrills of its beauty .
We are nor alone here . So many other families !
We are nor alone here . So many other families !
Sure . The sunny days of spring are ideal for outdoor gatherings .
Sure . The sunny days of spring are ideal for outdoor gatherings .
Well , let's go over there and put a blanket on the lawn .
Well , let's go over there and put a blanket on the lawn .
OK , you go back to our car and fetch the picnic stuff .
OK , you go back to our car and fetch the picnic stuff .
Oh , so heavy ! What have you put in here ?
Oh , so heavy ! What have you put in here ?
Nothing special . Food , drinks , and Daniel's kangaroo toys .
Nothing special . Food , drinks , and Daniel's kangaroo toys .
Toys ? Why do we need toys for a picnic ?
Toys ? Why do we need toys for a picnic ?
He said he would like to be our tour director and he lined up many things to do .
He said he would like to be our tour director and he lined up many things to do .
Sure , then . May it really be a day of enjoyment . Other than that , we can also teach him something about science .
Sure , then . May it really be a day of enjoyment . Other than that , we can also teach him something about science .
Science ? What are you talking about ? Forget about your science , OK ? It's a picnic !
Science ? What are you talking about ? Forget about your science , OK ? It's a picnic !
I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world .
I mean we can inspire him for a deeper understanding of the natural world .
I can't agree on that . Just cut it out . Give him a break and don't spoil the day .
I can't agree on that . Just cut it out . Give him a break and don't spoil the day .
Well , OK . you are always right .
Hey , you ’ re early ! Where ’ s everyone ?
Well ... I told them not to come . I made a reservation just for the two of us . I thought we could have an quiet evening all to ourselves .
Well ... I told them not to come . I made a reservation just for the two of us . I thought we could have an quiet evening all to ourselves .
Oh ... why ?
Oh ... why ?
Jennifer , there ’ s something I wanna ask you .
Jennifer , there ’ s something I wanna ask you .
Sure . What is it ?
Sure . What is it ?
Hmm ... okay , here ’ s the thing . I ’ Ve always seen you as more than just a friend , and I can ’ t take it any more . I know you better than anyone , I know the pros and cons of your personality , I even know what side of the bed is yours ! I think we would be great together , don ’ t you ?
Hmm ... okay , here ’ s the thing . I ’ Ve always seen you as more than just a friend , and I can ’ t take it any more . I know you better than anyone , I know the pros and cons of your personality , I even know what side of the bed is yours ! I think we would be great together , don ’ t you ?
Are you serious ? We ’ Ve been friends for years ! We can ’ t just change that overnight !
Are you serious ? We ’ Ve been friends for years ! We can ’ t just change that overnight !
I know ! I never had the guts to tell you ... until today . So , what do you say ? Are you willing to give me a shot ?
I know ! I never had the guts to tell you ... until today . So , what do you say ? Are you willing to give me a shot ?
I ... I ...
Hey Sandra , what's wrong ? You look furious !
I've had it with Tim ! I think I'm going to quit !
I've had it with Tim ! I think I'm going to quit !
But Sandra ... you love your job ! You spent months trying to get this position . It's perfect for you !
But Sandra ... you love your job ! You spent months trying to get this position . It's perfect for you !
Yeah ... I know . But I'm sick and tired of all the office power struggles !
Yeah ... I know . But I'm sick and tired of all the office power struggles !
What kind of power struggles are you talking about ?
What kind of power struggles are you talking about ?
Basically , I think Tim is threatened by me . I'm doing a better job than he is so he's trying to sabotage my career !
Basically , I think Tim is threatened by me . I'm doing a better job than he is so he's trying to sabotage my career !
So he talks about you behind your back ?
So he talks about you behind your back ?
Yes . He's all nice and friendly to my face . But the second I turn around he stabs me in the back !
Yes . He's all nice and friendly to my face . But the second I turn around he stabs me in the back !
I had a worker like that once . She was always taking credit for my ideas .
I had a worker like that once . She was always taking credit for my ideas .
I should keep a better record of my correspondence with the clients so if necessary I can prove it was my effort .
I should keep a better record of my correspondence with the clients so if necessary I can prove it was my effort .
My co-worker had a whole bunch of bad office habits . She liked to name-drop ... we would be in a meeting and she would say , yesterday I was chatting with Tom . She meant Tom Solomon ... our CEO .
Excuse me . Something is wrong with my bank card . Can you help me ?
Yes . What's the problem ?
Yes . What's the problem ?
Just a mistake with my name . It should be issued as Steven , but the card is under the name ' Steven ' .
Just a mistake with my name . It should be issued as Steven , but the card is under the name ' Steven ' .
Oh , I am very sorry about that . It's our fault . I will arrange someone to correct it immediately .
Oh , I am very sorry about that . It's our fault . I will arrange someone to correct it immediately .
OK , no problem . To err is human .
OK , no problem . To err is human .
Anyway , we apologize for the inconvenience we have brought you . Please just wait for a moment , and it will be fixed .
Anyway , we apologize for the inconvenience we have brought you . Please just wait for a moment , and it will be fixed .
Thank you very much .
Matthew , do you know much about body language in countries around the world ?
Sure , I've picked up a few things from travelling around for work . Why ?
Sure , I've picked up a few things from travelling around for work . Why ?
Well , I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing ! I didn't know what to do !
Well , I had a meeting today with a woman from Japan and she wouldn't stop bowing ! I didn't know what to do !
Did you bow back ?
Did you bow back ?
No , I tried to shake her hand , but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended .
No , I tried to shake her hand , but her hand was so limp I was a bit offended .
Well , Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan . She might have been offended by your strong handshake .
Well , Japanese businessmen and women typically bow to greet each other in Japan . She might have been offended by your strong handshake .
But she was in America ! Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect ?
But she was in America ! Shouldn't she have known that strong handshakes in America signify confidence and respect ?
Things are different in Japan . You know , in some countries , making eye contact with others is considered rude .
Things are different in Japan . You know , in some countries , making eye contact with others is considered rude .
Is that why she wouldn ’ t look at me in the meeting ?
Is that why she wouldn ’ t look at me in the meeting ?
I think it's highly possible , yes .
I think it's highly possible , yes .
The meeting really didn ’ t go down well at all . I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country .
The meeting really didn ’ t go down well at all . I think I need to read up about intercultural communication before I have another meeting with someone from another country .
That's a good idea . When you don ’ t know much about other cultures , the simplest thing can offend someone .
That's a good idea . When you don ’ t know much about other cultures , the simplest thing can offend someone .
That's so true . It's great that we see eye to eye on this .
Hello , police office ?
Yes , May I help you ?
Yes , May I help you ?
Yes , I'd like to report a case . Somebody broke into my house .
Yes , I'd like to report a case . Somebody broke into my house .
When did that happen ?
When did that happen ?
It happened in the morning . I just came home from work and found the lock broken .