9 values
3 values
PEP 3112 – Bytes literals in Python 3000 Author: Jason Orendorff <jason.orendorff at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Requires: 358 Created: 23-Feb-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 23-Feb-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Grammar Changes Semantics Rationale Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a literal syntax for the bytes objects introduced in PEP 358. The purpose is to provide a convenient way to spell ASCII strings and arbitrary binary data. Motivation Existing spellings of an ASCII string in Python 3000 include: bytes('Hello world', 'ascii') 'Hello world'.encode('ascii') The proposed syntax is: b'Hello world' Existing spellings of an 8-bit binary sequence in Python 3000 include: bytes([0x7f, 0x45, 0x4c, 0x46, 0x01, 0x01, 0x01, 0x00]) bytes('\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\0', 'latin-1') '7f454c4601010100'.decode('hex') The proposed syntax is: b'\x7f\x45\x4c\x46\x01\x01\x01\x00' b'\x7fELF\x01\x01\x01\0' In both cases, the advantages of the new syntax are brevity, some small efficiency gain, and the detection of encoding errors at compile time rather than at runtime. The brevity benefit is especially felt when using the string-like methods of bytes objects: lines = bdata.split(bytes('\n', 'ascii')) # existing syntax lines = bdata.split(b'\n') # proposed syntax And when converting code from Python 2.x to Python 3000: sok.send('EXIT\r\n') # Python 2.x sok.send('EXIT\r\n'.encode('ascii')) # Python 3000 existing sok.send(b'EXIT\r\n') # proposed Grammar Changes The proposed syntax is an extension of the existing string syntax [1]. The new syntax for strings, including the new bytes literal, is: stringliteral: [stringprefix] (shortstring | longstring) stringprefix: "b" | "r" | "br" | "B" | "R" | "BR" | "Br" | "bR" shortstring: "'" shortstringitem* "'" | '"' shortstringitem* '"' longstring: "'''" longstringitem* "'''" | '"""' longstringitem* '"""' shortstringitem: shortstringchar | escapeseq longstringitem: longstringchar | escapeseq shortstringchar: <any source character except "\" or newline or the quote> longstringchar: <any source character except "\"> escapeseq: "\" NL | "\\" | "\'" | '\"' | "\a" | "\b" | "\f" | "\n" | "\r" | "\t" | "\v" | "\ooo" | "\xhh" | "\uxxxx" | "\Uxxxxxxxx" | "\N{name}" The following additional restrictions apply only to bytes literals (stringliteral tokens with b or B in the stringprefix): Each shortstringchar or longstringchar must be a character between 1 and 127 inclusive, regardless of any encoding declaration [2] in the source file. The Unicode-specific escape sequences \uxxxx, \Uxxxxxxxx, and \N{name} are unrecognized in Python 2.x and forbidden in Python 3000. Adjacent bytes literals are subject to the same concatenation rules as adjacent string literals [3]. A bytes literal adjacent to a string literal is an error. Semantics Each evaluation of a bytes literal produces a new bytes object. The bytes in the new object are the bytes represented by the shortstringitem or longstringitem parts of the literal, in the same order. Rationale The proposed syntax provides a cleaner migration path from Python 2.x to Python 3000 for most code involving 8-bit strings. Preserving the old 8-bit meaning of a string literal is usually as simple as adding a b prefix. The one exception is Python 2.x strings containing bytes >127, which must be rewritten using escape sequences. Transcoding a source file from one encoding to another, and fixing up the encoding declaration, should preserve the meaning of the program. Python 2.x non-Unicode strings violate this principle; Python 3000 bytes literals shouldn’t. A string literal with a b in the prefix is always a syntax error in Python 2.5, so this syntax can be introduced in Python 2.6, along with the bytes type. A bytes literal produces a new object each time it is evaluated, like list displays and unlike string literals. This is necessary because bytes literals, like lists and unlike strings, are mutable [4]. Reference Implementation Thomas Wouters has checked an implementation into the Py3K branch, r53872. References [1] http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#string-literals [2] http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#encoding-declarations [3] http://docs.python.org/reference/lexical_analysis.html#string-literal-concatenation [4] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-February/005779.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3112 – Bytes literals in Python 3000
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a literal syntax for the bytes objects introduced in PEP 358. The purpose is to provide a convenient way to spell ASCII strings and arbitrary binary data.
PEP 3113 – Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 02-Mar-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Why They Should Go Introspection Issues No Loss of Abilities If Removed Exception To The Rule Uninformative Error Messages Little Usage Why They Should (Supposedly) Stay Practical Use Self-Documentation For Parameters Transition Plan References Copyright Abstract Tuple parameter unpacking is the use of a tuple as a parameter in a function signature so as to have a sequence argument automatically unpacked. An example is: def fxn(a, (b, c), d): pass The use of (b, c) in the signature requires that the second argument to the function be a sequence of length two (e.g., [42, -13]). When such a sequence is passed it is unpacked and has its values assigned to the parameters, just as if the statement b, c = [42, -13] had been executed in the parameter. Unfortunately this feature of Python’s rich function signature abilities, while handy in some situations, causes more issues than they are worth. Thus this PEP proposes their removal from the language in Python 3.0. Why They Should Go Introspection Issues Python has very powerful introspection capabilities. These extend to function signatures. There are no hidden details as to what a function’s call signature is. In general it is fairly easy to figure out various details about a function’s signature by viewing the function object and various attributes on it (including the function’s func_code attribute). But there is great difficulty when it comes to tuple parameters. The existence of a tuple parameter is denoted by its name being made of a . and a number in the co_varnames attribute of the function’s code object. This allows the tuple argument to be bound to a name that only the bytecode is aware of and cannot be typed in Python source. But this does not specify the format of the tuple: its length, whether there are nested tuples, etc. In order to get all of the details about the tuple from the function one must analyse the bytecode of the function. This is because the first bytecode in the function literally translates into the tuple argument being unpacked. Assuming the tuple parameter is named .1 and is expected to unpack to variables spam and monty (meaning it is the tuple (spam, monty)), the first bytecode in the function will be for the statement spam, monty = .1. This means that to know all of the details of the tuple parameter one must look at the initial bytecode of the function to detect tuple unpacking for parameters formatted as \.\d+ and deduce any and all information about the expected argument. Bytecode analysis is how the inspect.getargspec function is able to provide information on tuple parameters. This is not easy to do and is burdensome on introspection tools as they must know how Python bytecode works (an otherwise unneeded burden as all other types of parameters do not require knowledge of Python bytecode). The difficulty of analysing bytecode not withstanding, there is another issue with the dependency on using Python bytecode. IronPython [3] does not use Python’s bytecode. Because it is based on the .NET framework it instead stores MSIL [4] in func_code.co_code attribute of the function. This fact prevents the inspect.getargspec function from working when run under IronPython. It is unknown whether other Python implementations are affected but is reasonable to assume if the implementation is not just a re-implementation of the Python virtual machine. No Loss of Abilities If Removed As mentioned in Introspection Issues, to handle tuple parameters the function’s bytecode starts with the bytecode required to unpack the argument into the proper parameter names. This means that there is no special support required to implement tuple parameters and thus there is no loss of abilities if they were to be removed, only a possible convenience (which is addressed in Why They Should (Supposedly) Stay). The example function at the beginning of this PEP could easily be rewritten as: def fxn(a, b_c, d): b, c = b_c pass and in no way lose functionality. Exception To The Rule When looking at the various types of parameters that a Python function can have, one will notice that tuple parameters tend to be an exception rather than the rule. Consider PEP 3102 (keyword-only arguments) and PEP 3107 (function annotations). Both PEPs have been accepted and introduce new functionality within a function’s signature. And yet for both PEPs the new feature cannot be applied to tuple parameters as a whole. PEP 3102 has no support for tuple parameters at all (which makes sense as there is no way to reference a tuple parameter by name). PEP 3107 allows annotations for each item within the tuple (e.g., (x:int, y:int)), but not the whole tuple (e.g., (x, y):int). The existence of tuple parameters also places sequence objects separately from mapping objects in a function signature. There is no way to pass in a mapping object (e.g., a dict) as a parameter and have it unpack in the same fashion as a sequence does into a tuple parameter. Uninformative Error Messages Consider the following function: def fxn((a, b), (c, d)): pass If called as fxn(1, (2, 3)) one is given the error message TypeError: unpack non-sequence. This error message in no way tells you which tuple was not unpacked properly. There is also no indication that this was a result that occurred because of the arguments. Other error messages regarding arguments to functions explicitly state its relation to the signature: TypeError: fxn() takes exactly 2 arguments (0 given), etc. Little Usage While an informal poll of the handful of Python programmers I know personally and from the PyCon 2007 sprint indicates a huge majority of people do not know of this feature and the rest just do not use it, some hard numbers is needed to back up the claim that the feature is not heavily used. Iterating over every line in Python’s code repository in the Lib/ directory using the regular expression ^\s*def\s*\w+\s*\( to detect function and method definitions there were 22,252 matches in the trunk. Tacking on .*,\s*\( to find def statements that contained a tuple parameter, only 41 matches were found. This means that for def statements, only 0.18% of them seem to use a tuple parameter. Why They Should (Supposedly) Stay Practical Use In certain instances tuple parameters can be useful. A common example is code that expects a two-item tuple that represents a Cartesian point. While true it is nice to be able to have the unpacking of the x and y coordinates for you, the argument is that this small amount of practical usefulness is heavily outweighed by other issues pertaining to tuple parameters. And as shown in No Loss Of Abilities If Removed, their use is purely practical and in no way provide a unique ability that cannot be handled in other ways very easily. Self-Documentation For Parameters It has been argued that tuple parameters provide a way of self-documentation for parameters that are expected to be of a certain sequence format. Using our Cartesian point example from Practical Use, seeing (x, y) as a parameter in a function makes it obvious that a tuple of length two is expected as an argument for that parameter. But Python provides several other ways to document what parameters are for. Documentation strings are meant to provide enough information needed to explain what arguments are expected. Tuple parameters might tell you the expected length of a sequence argument, it does not tell you what that data will be used for. One must also read the docstring to know what other arguments are expected if not all parameters are tuple parameters. Function annotations (which do not work with tuple parameters) can also supply documentation. Because annotations can be of any form, what was once a tuple parameter can be a single argument parameter with an annotation of tuple, tuple(2), Cartesian point, (x, y), etc. Annotations provide great flexibility for documenting what an argument is expected to be for a parameter, including being a sequence of a certain length. Transition Plan To transition Python 2.x code to 3.x where tuple parameters are removed, two steps are suggested. First, the proper warning is to be emitted when Python’s compiler comes across a tuple parameter in Python 2.6. This will be treated like any other syntactic change that is to occur in Python 3.0 compared to Python 2.6. Second, the 2to3 refactoring tool [1] will gain a fixer [2] for translating tuple parameters to being a single parameter that is unpacked as the first statement in the function. The name of the new parameter will be changed. The new parameter will then be unpacked into the names originally used in the tuple parameter. This means that the following function: def fxn((a, (b, c))): pass will be translated into: def fxn(a_b_c): (a, (b, c)) = a_b_c pass As tuple parameters are used by lambdas because of the single expression limitation, they must also be supported. This is done by having the expected sequence argument bound to a single parameter and then indexing on that parameter: lambda (x, y): x + y will be translated into: lambda x_y: x_y[0] + x_y[1] References [1] 2to3 refactoring tool (http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/2to3/) [2] 2to3 fixer (http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/2to3/fixes/fix_tuple_params.py) [3] IronPython (http://www.codeplex.com/Wiki/View.aspx?ProjectName=IronPython) [4] Microsoft Intermediate Language (http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpguide/html/cpconmicrosoftintermediatelanguagemsil.asp?frame=true) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3113 – Removal of Tuple Parameter Unpacking
Standards Track
Tuple parameter unpacking is the use of a tuple as a parameter in a function signature so as to have a sequence argument automatically unpacked. An example is:
PEP 3114 – Renaming iterator.next() to iterator.__next__() Author: Ka-Ping Yee <ping at zesty.ca> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Mar-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Names With Double Underscores Double-Underscore Methods and Built-In Functions Previous Proposals Objections Transition Plan Approval Implementation References Copyright Abstract The iterator protocol in Python 2.x consists of two methods: __iter__() called on an iterable object to yield an iterator, and next() called on an iterator object to yield the next item in the sequence. Using a for loop to iterate over an iterable object implicitly calls both of these methods. This PEP proposes that the next method be renamed to __next__, consistent with all the other protocols in Python in which a method is implicitly called as part of a language-level protocol, and that a built-in function named next be introduced to invoke __next__ method, consistent with the manner in which other protocols are explicitly invoked. Names With Double Underscores In Python, double underscores before and after a name are used to distinguish names that belong to the language itself. Attributes and methods that are implicitly used or created by the interpreter employ this naming convention; some examples are: __file__ - an attribute automatically created by the interpreter __dict__ - an attribute with special meaning to the interpreter __init__ - a method implicitly called by the interpreter Note that this convention applies to methods such as __init__ that are explicitly defined by the programmer, as well as attributes such as __file__ that can only be accessed by naming them explicitly, so it includes names that are used or created by the interpreter. (Not all things that are called “protocols” are made of methods with double-underscore names. For example, the __contains__ method has double underscores because the language construct x in y implicitly calls __contains__. But even though the read method is part of the file protocol, it does not have double underscores because there is no language construct that implicitly invokes x.read().) The use of double underscores creates a separate namespace for names that are part of the Python language definition, so that programmers are free to create variables, attributes, and methods that start with letters, without fear of silently colliding with names that have a language-defined purpose. (Colliding with reserved keywords is still a concern, but at least this will immediately yield a syntax error.) The naming of the next method on iterators is an exception to this convention. Code that nowhere contains an explicit call to a next method can nonetheless be silently affected by the presence of such a method. Therefore, this PEP proposes that iterators should have a __next__ method instead of a next method (with no change in semantics). Double-Underscore Methods and Built-In Functions The Python language defines several protocols that are implemented or customized by defining methods with double-underscore names. In each case, the protocol is provided by an internal method implemented as a C function in the interpreter. For objects defined in Python, this C function supports customization by implicitly invoking a Python method with a double-underscore name (it often does a little bit of additional work beyond just calling the Python method.) Sometimes the protocol is invoked by a syntactic construct: x[y] –> internal tp_getitem –> x.__getitem__(y) x + y –> internal nb_add –> x.__add__(y) -x –> internal nb_negative –> x.__neg__() Sometimes there is no syntactic construct, but it is still useful to be able to explicitly invoke the protocol. For such cases Python offers a built-in function of the same name but without the double underscores. len(x) –> internal sq_length –> x.__len__() hash(x) –> internal tp_hash –> x.__hash__() iter(x) –> internal tp_iter –> x.__iter__() Following this pattern, the natural way to handle next is to add a next built-in function that behaves in exactly the same fashion. next(x) –> internal tp_iternext –> x.__next__() Further, it is proposed that the next built-in function accept a sentinel value as an optional second argument, following the style of the getattr and iter built-in functions. When called with two arguments, next catches the StopIteration exception and returns the sentinel value instead of propagating the exception. This creates a nice duality between iter and next: iter(function, sentinel) <–> next(iterator, sentinel) Previous Proposals This proposal is not a new idea. The idea proposed here was supported by the BDFL on python-dev [1] and is even mentioned in the original iterator PEP, PEP 234: (In retrospect, it might have been better to go for __next__() and have a new built-in, next(it), which calls it.__next__(). But alas, it's too late; this has been deployed in Python 2.2 since December 2001.) Objections There have been a few objections to the addition of more built-ins. In particular, Martin von Loewis writes [2]: I dislike the introduction of more builtins unless they have a true generality (i.e. are likely to be needed in many programs). For this one, I think the normal usage of __next__ will be with a for loop, so I don't think one would often need an explicit next() invocation. It is also not true that most protocols are explicitly invoked through builtin functions. Instead, most protocols are can be explicitly invoked through methods in the operator module. So following tradition, it should be operator.next. ... As an alternative, I propose that object grows a .next() method, which calls __next__ by default. Transition Plan Two additional transformations will be added to the 2to3 translation tool [3]: Method definitions named next will be renamed to __next__. Explicit calls to the next method will be replaced with calls to the built-in next function. For example, x.next() will become next(x). Collin Winter looked into the possibility of automatically deciding whether to perform the second transformation depending on the presence of a module-level binding to next [4] and found that it would be “ugly and slow”. Instead, the translation tool will emit warnings upon detecting such a binding. Collin has proposed warnings for the following conditions [5]: Module-level assignments to next. Module-level definitions of a function named next. Module-level imports of the name next. Assignments to __builtin__.next. Approval This PEP was accepted by Guido on March 6, 2007 [6]. Implementation A patch with the necessary changes (except the 2to3 tool) was written by Georg Brandl and committed as revision 54910. References [1] Single- vs. Multi-pass iterability (Guido van Rossum) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-July/026814.html [2] PEP: rename it.next() to it.__next__()… (Martin von Loewis) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-March/005965.html [3] 2to3 refactoring tool https://github.com/python/cpython/tree/ef04c44e29a8276a484f58d03a75a2dec516302d/Lib/lib2to3 [4] PEP: rename it.next() to it.__next__()… (Collin Winter) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-March/006020.html [5] PEP 3113 transition plan https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-March/006044.html [6] PEP: rename it.next() to it.__next__()… (Guido van Rossum) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-March/006027.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3114 – Renaming iterator.next() to iterator.__next__()
Standards Track
The iterator protocol in Python 2.x consists of two methods: __iter__() called on an iterable object to yield an iterator, and next() called on an iterator object to yield the next item in the sequence. Using a for loop to iterate over an iterable object implicitly calls both of these methods. This PEP proposes that the next method be renamed to __next__, consistent with all the other protocols in Python in which a method is implicitly called as part of a language-level protocol, and that a built-in function named next be introduced to invoke __next__ method, consistent with the manner in which other protocols are explicitly invoked.
PEP 3115 – Metaclasses in Python 3000 Author: Talin <viridia at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 07-Mar-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 11-Mar-2007, 14-Mar-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Invoking the Metaclass Example Sample Implementation Alternate Proposals Backwards Compatibility References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes changing the syntax for declaring metaclasses, and alters the semantics for how classes with metaclasses are constructed. Rationale There are two rationales for this PEP, both of which are somewhat subtle. The primary reason for changing the way metaclasses work, is that there are a number of interesting use cases that require the metaclass to get involved earlier in the class construction process than is currently possible. Currently, the metaclass mechanism is essentially a post-processing step. With the advent of class decorators, much of these post-processing chores can be taken over by the decorator mechanism. In particular, there is an important body of use cases where it would be useful to preserve the order in which a class members are declared. Ordinary Python objects store their members in a dictionary, in which ordering is unimportant, and members are accessed strictly by name. However, Python is often used to interface with external systems in which the members are organized according to an implicit ordering. Examples include declaration of C structs; COM objects; Automatic translation of Python classes into IDL or database schemas, such as used in an ORM; and so on. In such cases, it would be useful for a Python programmer to specify such ordering directly using the declaration order of class members. Currently, such orderings must be specified explicitly, using some other mechanism (see the ctypes module for an example.) Unfortunately, the current method for declaring a metaclass does not allow for this, since the ordering information has already been lost by the time the metaclass comes into play. By allowing the metaclass to get involved in the class construction process earlier, the new system allows the ordering or other early artifacts of construction to be preserved and examined. There proposed metaclass mechanism also supports a number of other interesting use cases beyond preserving the ordering of declarations. One use case is to insert symbols into the namespace of the class body which are only valid during class construction. An example of this might be “field constructors”, small functions that are used in the creation of class members. Another interesting possibility is supporting forward references, i.e. references to Python symbols that are declared further down in the class body. The other, weaker, rationale is purely cosmetic: The current method for specifying a metaclass is by assignment to the special variable __metaclass__, which is considered by some to be aesthetically less than ideal. Others disagree strongly with that opinion. This PEP will not address this issue, other than to note it, since aesthetic debates cannot be resolved via logical proofs. Specification In the new model, the syntax for specifying a metaclass is via a keyword argument in the list of base classes: class Foo(base1, base2, metaclass=mymeta): ... Additional keywords will also be allowed here, and will be passed to the metaclass, as in the following example: class Foo(base1, base2, metaclass=mymeta, private=True): ... Note that this PEP makes no attempt to define what these other keywords might be - that is up to metaclass implementors to determine. More generally, the parameter list passed to a class definition will now support all of the features of a function call, meaning that you can now use *args and **kwargs-style arguments in the class base list: class Foo(*bases, **kwds): ... Invoking the Metaclass In the current metaclass system, the metaclass object can be any callable type. This does not change, however in order to fully exploit all of the new features the metaclass will need to have an extra attribute which is used during class pre-construction. This attribute is named __prepare__, which is invoked as a function before the evaluation of the class body. The __prepare__ function takes two positional arguments, and an arbitrary number of keyword arguments. The two positional arguments are: name the name of the class being created. bases the list of base classes. The interpreter always tests for the existence of __prepare__ before calling it; If it is not present, then a regular dictionary is used, as illustrated in the following Python snippet. def prepare_class(name, *bases, metaclass=None, **kwargs): if metaclass is None: metaclass = compute_default_metaclass(bases) prepare = getattr(metaclass, '__prepare__', None) if prepare is not None: return prepare(name, bases, **kwargs) else: return dict() The example above illustrates how the arguments to ‘class’ are interpreted. The class name is the first argument, followed by an arbitrary length list of base classes. After the base classes, there may be one or more keyword arguments, one of which can be metaclass. Note that the metaclass argument is not included in kwargs, since it is filtered out by the normal parameter assignment algorithm. (Note also that metaclass is a keyword-only argument as per PEP 3102.) Even though __prepare__ is not required, the default metaclass (‘type’) implements it, for the convenience of subclasses calling it via super(). __prepare__ returns a dictionary-like object which is used to store the class member definitions during evaluation of the class body. In other words, the class body is evaluated as a function block (just like it is now), except that the local variables dictionary is replaced by the dictionary returned from __prepare__. This dictionary object can be a regular dictionary or a custom mapping type. This dictionary-like object is not required to support the full dictionary interface. A dictionary which supports a limited set of dictionary operations will restrict what kinds of actions can occur during evaluation of the class body. A minimal implementation might only support adding and retrieving values from the dictionary - most class bodies will do no more than that during evaluation. For some classes, it may be desirable to support deletion as well. Many metaclasses will need to make a copy of this dictionary afterwards, so iteration or other means for reading out the dictionary contents may also be useful. The __prepare__ method will most often be implemented as a class method rather than an instance method because it is called before the metaclass instance (i.e. the class itself) is created. Once the class body has finished evaluating, the metaclass will be called (as a callable) with the class dictionary, which is no different from the current metaclass mechanism. Typically, a metaclass will create a custom dictionary - either a subclass of dict, or a wrapper around it - that will contain additional properties that are set either before or during the evaluation of the class body. Then in the second phase, the metaclass can use these additional properties to further customize the class. An example would be a metaclass that uses information about the ordering of member declarations to create a C struct. The metaclass would provide a custom dictionary that simply keeps a record of the order of insertions. This does not need to be a full ‘ordered dict’ implementation, but rather just a Python list of (key,value) pairs that is appended to for each insertion. Note that in such a case, the metaclass would be required to deal with the possibility of duplicate keys, but in most cases that is trivial. The metaclass can use the first declaration, the last, combine them in some fashion, or simply throw an exception. It’s up to the metaclass to decide how it wants to handle that case. Example Here’s a simple example of a metaclass which creates a list of the names of all class members, in the order that they were declared: # The custom dictionary class member_table(dict): def __init__(self): self.member_names = [] def __setitem__(self, key, value): # if the key is not already defined, add to the # list of keys. if key not in self: self.member_names.append(key) # Call superclass dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) # The metaclass class OrderedClass(type): # The prepare function @classmethod def __prepare__(metacls, name, bases): # No keywords in this case return member_table() # The metaclass invocation def __new__(cls, name, bases, classdict): # Note that we replace the classdict with a regular # dict before passing it to the superclass, so that we # don't continue to record member names after the class # has been created. result = type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dict(classdict)) result.member_names = classdict.member_names return result class MyClass(metaclass=OrderedClass): # method1 goes in array element 0 def method1(self): pass # method2 goes in array element 1 def method2(self): pass Sample Implementation Guido van Rossum has created a patch which implements the new functionality: https://bugs.python.org/issue1681101 Alternate Proposals Josiah Carlson proposed using the name ‘type’ instead of ‘metaclass’, on the theory that what is really being specified is the type of the type. While this is technically correct, it is also confusing from the point of view of a programmer creating a new class. From the application programmer’s point of view, the ‘type’ that they are interested in is the class that they are writing; the type of that type is the metaclass. There were some objections in the discussion to the ‘two-phase’ creation process, where the metaclass is invoked twice, once to create the class dictionary and once to ‘finish’ the class. Some people felt that these two phases should be completely separate, in that there ought to be separate syntax for specifying the custom dict as for specifying the metaclass. However, in most cases, the two will be intimately tied together, and the metaclass will most likely have an intimate knowledge of the internal details of the class dict. Requiring the programmer to insure that the correct dict type and the correct metaclass type are used together creates an additional and unneeded burden on the programmer. Another good suggestion was to simply use an ordered dict for all classes, and skip the whole ‘custom dict’ mechanism. This was based on the observation that most use cases for a custom dict were for the purposes of preserving order information. However, this idea has several drawbacks, first because it means that an ordered dict implementation would have to be added to the set of built-in types in Python, and second because it would impose a slight speed (and complexity) penalty on all class declarations. Later, several people came up with ideas for use cases for custom dictionaries other than preserving field orderings, so this idea was dropped. Backwards Compatibility It would be possible to leave the existing __metaclass__ syntax in place. Alternatively, it would not be too difficult to modify the syntax rules of the Py3K translation tool to convert from the old to the new syntax. References [1] [Python-3000] Metaclasses in Py3K (original proposal) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-December/005030.html [2] [Python-3000] Metaclasses in Py3K (Guido’s suggested syntax) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-December/005033.html [3] [Python-3000] Metaclasses in Py3K (Objections to two-phase init) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-December/005108.html [4] [Python-3000] Metaclasses in Py3K (Always use an ordered dict) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-December/005118.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3115 – Metaclasses in Python 3000
Standards Track
This PEP proposes changing the syntax for declaring metaclasses, and alters the semantics for how classes with metaclasses are constructed.
PEP 3117 – Postfix type declarations Author: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Unicode replacement units The typedef statement Example Compatibility issues Rejection References Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the addition of a postfix type declaration syntax to Python. It also specifies a new typedef statement which is used to create new mappings between types and declarators. Its acceptance will greatly enhance the Python user experience as well as eliminate one of the warts that deter users of other programming languages from switching to Python. Rationale Python has long suffered from the lack of explicit type declarations. Being one of the few aspects in which the language deviates from its Zen, this wart has sparked many a discussion between Python heretics and members of the PSU (for a few examples, see [EX1], [EX2] or [EX3]), and it also made it a large-scale enterprise success unlikely. However, if one wants to put an end to this misery, a decent Pythonic syntax must be found. In almost all languages that have them, type declarations lack this quality: they are verbose, often needing multiple words for a single type, or they are hard to comprehend (e.g., a certain language uses completely unrelated [1] adjectives like dim for type declaration). Therefore, this PEP combines the move to type declarations with another bold move that will once again prove that Python is not only future-proof but future-embracing: the introduction of Unicode characters as an integral constituent of source code. Unicode makes it possible to express much more with much less characters, which is in accordance with the Zen (“Readability counts.”). Additionally, it eliminates the need for a separate type declaration statement, and last but not least, it makes Python measure up to Perl 6, which already uses Unicode for its operators. [2] Specification When the type declaration mode is in operation, the grammar is changed so that each NAME must consist of two parts: a name and a type declarator, which is exactly one Unicode character. The declarator uniquely specifies the type of the name, and if it occurs on the left hand side of an expression, this type is enforced: an InquisitionError exception is raised if the returned type doesn’t match the declared type. [3] Also, function call result types have to be specified. If the result of the call does not have the declared type, an InquisitionError is raised. Caution: the declarator for the result should not be confused with the declarator for the function object (see the example below). Type declarators after names that are only read, not assigned to, are not strictly necessary but enforced anyway (see the Python Zen: “Explicit is better than implicit.”). The mapping between types and declarators is not static. It can be completely customized by the programmer, but for convenience there are some predefined mappings for some built-in types: Type Declarator object � (REPLACEMENT CHARACTER) int ℕ (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N) float ℮ (ESTIMATED SYMBOL) bool ✓ (CHECK MARK) complex ℂ (DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C) str ✎ (LOWER RIGHT PENCIL) unicode ✒ (BLACK NIB) tuple ⒯ (PARENTHESIZED LATIN SMALL LETTER T) list ♨ (HOT SPRINGS) dict ⧟ (DOUBLE-ENDED MULTIMAP) set ∅ (EMPTY SET) (Note: this is also for full sets) frozenset ☃ (SNOWMAN) datetime ⌚ (WATCH) function ƛ (LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE) generator ⚛ (ATOM SYMBOL) Exception ⌁ (ELECTRIC ARROW) The declarator for the None type is a zero-width space. These characters should be obvious and easy to remember and type for every programmer. Unicode replacement units Since even in our modern, globalized world there are still some old-fashioned rebels who can’t or don’t want to use Unicode in their source code, and since Python is a forgiving language, a fallback is provided for those: Instead of the single Unicode character, they can type name${UNICODE NAME OF THE DECLARATOR}$. For example, these two function definitions are equivalent: def fooƛ(xℂ): return None and def foo${LATIN SMALL LETTER LAMBDA WITH STROKE}$(x${DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C}$): return None${ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE}$ This is still easy to read and makes the full power of type-annotated Python available to ASCII believers. The typedef statement The mapping between types and declarators can be extended with this new statement. The syntax is as follows: typedef_stmt ::= "typedef" expr DECLARATOR where expr resolves to a type object. For convenience, the typedef statement can also be mixed with the class statement for new classes, like so: typedef class Foo☺(object�): pass Example This is the standard os.path.normpath function, converted to type declaration syntax: def normpathƛ(path✎)✎: """Normalize path, eliminating double slashes, etc.""" if path✎ == '': return '.' initial_slashes✓ = path✎.startswithƛ('/')✓ # POSIX allows one or two initial slashes, but treats three or more # as single slash. if (initial_slashes✓ and path✎.startswithƛ('//')✓ and not path✎.startswithƛ('///')✓)✓: initial_slashesℕ = 2 comps♨ = path✎.splitƛ('/')♨ new_comps♨ = []♨ for comp✎ in comps♨: if comp✎ in ('', '.')⒯: continue if (comp✎ != '..' or (not initial_slashesℕ and not new_comps♨)✓ or (new_comps♨ and new_comps♨[-1]✎ == '..')✓)✓: new_comps♨.appendƛ(comp✎) elif new_comps♨: new_comps♨.popƛ()✎ comps♨ = new_comps♨ path✎ = '/'.join(comps♨)✎ if initial_slashesℕ: path✎ = '/'*initial_slashesℕ + path✎ return path✎ or '.' As you can clearly see, the type declarations add expressiveness, while at the same time they make the code look much more professional. Compatibility issues To enable type declaration mode, one has to write: from __future__ import type_declarations which enables Unicode parsing of the source [4], makes typedef a keyword and enforces correct types for all assignments and function calls. Rejection After careful considering, much soul-searching, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments, it has been decided to reject this PEP. References [EX1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-June/210588.html [EX2] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2000-May/034685.html [EX3] http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_frm/thread/6ae8c6add913635a/de40d4ffe9bd4304?lnk=gst&q=type+declarations&rnum=6 [1] Though, if you know the language in question, it may not be that unrelated. [2] Well, it would, if there was a Perl 6. [3] Since the name TypeError is already in use, this name has been chosen for obvious reasons. [4] The encoding in which the code is written is read from a standard coding cookie. There will also be an autodetection mechanism, invoked by from __future__ import encoding_hell. Acknowledgements Many thanks go to Armin Ronacher, Alexander Schremmer and Marek Kubica who helped find the most suitable and mnemonic declarator for built-in types. Thanks also to the Unicode Consortium for including all those useful characters in the Unicode standard. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3117 – Postfix type declarations
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the addition of a postfix type declaration syntax to Python. It also specifies a new typedef statement which is used to create new mappings between types and declarators.
PEP 3118 – Revising the buffer protocol Author: Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu>, Carl Banks <pythondev at aerojockey.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Aug-2006 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Proposal Overview Specification Access flags The Py_buffer struct Releasing the buffer New C-API calls are proposed Additions to the struct string-syntax Examples of Data-Format Descriptions Code to be affected Issues and Details Code Examples Ex. 1 Ex. 2 Ex. 3 Ex. 4 Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes re-designing the buffer interface (PyBufferProcs function pointers) to improve the way Python allows memory sharing in Python 3.0 In particular, it is proposed that the character buffer portion of the API be eliminated and the multiple-segment portion be re-designed in conjunction with allowing for strided memory to be shared. In addition, the new buffer interface will allow the sharing of any multi-dimensional nature of the memory and what data-format the memory contains. This interface will allow any extension module to either create objects that share memory or create algorithms that use and manipulate raw memory from arbitrary objects that export the interface. Rationale The Python 2.X buffer protocol allows different Python types to exchange a pointer to a sequence of internal buffers. This functionality is extremely useful for sharing large segments of memory between different high-level objects, but it is too limited and has issues: There is the little used “sequence-of-segments” option (bf_getsegcount) that is not well motivated. There is the apparently redundant character-buffer option (bf_getcharbuffer) There is no way for a consumer to tell the buffer-API-exporting object it is “finished” with its view of the memory and therefore no way for the exporting object to be sure that it is safe to reallocate the pointer to the memory that it owns (for example, the array object reallocating its memory after sharing it with the buffer object which held the original pointer led to the infamous buffer-object problem). Memory is just a pointer with a length. There is no way to describe what is “in” the memory (float, int, C-structure, etc.) There is no shape information provided for the memory. But, several array-like Python types could make use of a standard way to describe the shape-interpretation of the memory (wxPython, GTK, pyQT, CVXOPT, PyVox, Audio and Video Libraries, ctypes, NumPy, data-base interfaces, etc.) There is no way to share discontiguous memory (except through the sequence of segments notion).There are two widely used libraries that use the concept of discontiguous memory: PIL and NumPy. Their view of discontiguous arrays is different, though. The proposed buffer interface allows sharing of either memory model. Exporters will typically use only one approach and consumers may choose to support discontiguous arrays of each type however they choose. NumPy uses the notion of constant striding in each dimension as its basic concept of an array. With this concept, a simple sub-region of a larger array can be described without copying the data. Thus, stride information is the additional information that must be shared. The PIL uses a more opaque memory representation. Sometimes an image is contained in a contiguous segment of memory, but sometimes it is contained in an array of pointers to the contiguous segments (usually lines) of the image. The PIL is where the idea of multiple buffer segments in the original buffer interface came from. NumPy’s strided memory model is used more often in computational libraries and because it is so simple it makes sense to support memory sharing using this model. The PIL memory model is sometimes used in C-code where a 2-d array can then be accessed using double pointer indirection: e.g. image[i][j]. The buffer interface should allow the object to export either of these memory models. Consumers are free to either require contiguous memory or write code to handle one or both of these memory models. Proposal Overview Eliminate the char-buffer and multiple-segment sections of the buffer-protocol. Unify the read/write versions of getting the buffer. Add a new function to the interface that should be called when the consumer object is “done” with the memory area. Add a new variable to allow the interface to describe what is in memory (unifying what is currently done now in struct and array) Add a new variable to allow the protocol to share shape information Add a new variable for sharing stride information Add a new mechanism for sharing arrays that must be accessed using pointer indirection. Fix all objects in the core and the standard library to conform to the new interface Extend the struct module to handle more format specifiers Extend the buffer object into a new memory object which places a Python veneer around the buffer interface. Add a few functions to make it easy to copy contiguous data in and out of object supporting the buffer interface. Specification While the new specification allows for complicated memory sharing, simple contiguous buffers of bytes can still be obtained from an object. In fact, the new protocol allows a standard mechanism for doing this even if the original object is not represented as a contiguous chunk of memory. The easiest way to obtain a simple contiguous chunk of memory is to use the provided C-API to obtain a chunk of memory. Change the PyBufferProcs structure to typedef struct { getbufferproc bf_getbuffer; releasebufferproc bf_releasebuffer; } PyBufferProcs; Both of these routines are optional for a type object typedef int (*getbufferproc)(PyObject *obj, PyBuffer *view, int flags) This function returns 0 on success and -1 on failure (and raises an error). The first variable is the “exporting” object. The second argument is the address to a bufferinfo structure. Both arguments must never be NULL. The third argument indicates what kind of buffer the consumer is prepared to deal with and therefore what kind of buffer the exporter is allowed to return. The new buffer interface allows for much more complicated memory sharing possibilities. Some consumers may not be able to handle all the complexity but may want to see if the exporter will let them take a simpler view to its memory. In addition, some exporters may not be able to share memory in every possible way and may need to raise errors to signal to some consumers that something is just not possible. These errors should be PyErr_BufferError unless there is another error that is actually causing the problem. The exporter can use flags information to simplify how much of the PyBuffer structure is filled in with non-default values and/or raise an error if the object can’t support a simpler view of its memory. The exporter should always fill in all elements of the buffer structure (with defaults or NULLs if nothing else is requested). The PyBuffer_FillInfo function can be used for simple cases. Access flags Some flags are useful for requesting a specific kind of memory segment, while others indicate to the exporter what kind of information the consumer can deal with. If certain information is not asked for by the consumer, but the exporter cannot share its memory without that information, then a PyErr_BufferError should be raised. PyBUF_SIMPLE This is the default flag state (0). The returned buffer may or may not have writable memory. The format will be assumed to be unsigned bytes. This is a “stand-alone” flag constant. It never needs to be |’d to the others. The exporter will raise an error if it cannot provide such a contiguous buffer of bytes. PyBUF_WRITABLE The returned buffer must be writable. If it is not writable, then raise an error. PyBUF_FORMAT The returned buffer must have true format information if this flag is provided. This would be used when the consumer is going to be checking for what ‘kind’ of data is actually stored. An exporter should always be able to provide this information if requested. If format is not explicitly requested then the format must be returned as NULL (which means “B”, or unsigned bytes) PyBUF_ND The returned buffer must provide shape information. The memory will be assumed C-style contiguous (last dimension varies the fastest). The exporter may raise an error if it cannot provide this kind of contiguous buffer. If this is not given then shape will be NULL. PyBUF_STRIDES (implies PyBUF_ND) The returned buffer must provide strides information (i.e. the strides cannot be NULL). This would be used when the consumer can handle strided, discontiguous arrays. Handling strides automatically assumes you can handle shape. The exporter may raise an error if cannot provide a strided-only representation of the data (i.e. without the suboffsets). PyBUF_C_CONTIGUOUS PyBUF_F_CONTIGUOUS PyBUF_ANY_CONTIGUOUS These flags indicate that the returned buffer must be respectively, C-contiguous (last dimension varies the fastest), Fortran contiguous (first dimension varies the fastest) or either one. All of these flags imply PyBUF_STRIDES and guarantee that the strides buffer info structure will be filled in correctly. PyBUF_INDIRECT (implies PyBUF_STRIDES) The returned buffer must have suboffsets information (which can be NULL if no suboffsets are needed). This would be used when the consumer can handle indirect array referencing implied by these suboffsets. Specialized combinations of flags for specific kinds of memory_sharing. Multi-dimensional (but contiguous) PyBUF_CONTIG (PyBUF_ND | PyBUF_WRITABLE) PyBUF_CONTIG_RO (PyBUF_ND) Multi-dimensional using strides but aligned PyBUF_STRIDED (PyBUF_STRIDES | PyBUF_WRITABLE) PyBUF_STRIDED_RO (PyBUF_STRIDES) Multi-dimensional using strides and not necessarily aligned PyBUF_RECORDS (PyBUF_STRIDES | PyBUF_WRITABLE | PyBUF_FORMAT) PyBUF_RECORDS_RO (PyBUF_STRIDES | PyBUF_FORMAT) Multi-dimensional using sub-offsets PyBUF_FULL (PyBUF_INDIRECT | PyBUF_WRITABLE | PyBUF_FORMAT) PyBUF_FULL_RO (PyBUF_INDIRECT | PyBUF_FORMAT) Thus, the consumer simply wanting a contiguous chunk of bytes from the object would use PyBUF_SIMPLE, while a consumer that understands how to make use of the most complicated cases could use PyBUF_FULL. The format information is only guaranteed to be non-NULL if PyBUF_FORMAT is in the flag argument, otherwise it is expected the consumer will assume unsigned bytes. There is a C-API that simple exporting objects can use to fill-in the buffer info structure correctly according to the provided flags if a contiguous chunk of “unsigned bytes” is all that can be exported. The Py_buffer struct The bufferinfo structure is: struct bufferinfo { void *buf; Py_ssize_t len; int readonly; const char *format; int ndim; Py_ssize_t *shape; Py_ssize_t *strides; Py_ssize_t *suboffsets; Py_ssize_t itemsize; void *internal; } Py_buffer; Before calling the bf_getbuffer function, the bufferinfo structure can be filled with whatever, but the buf field must be NULL when requesting a new buffer. Upon return from bf_getbuffer, the bufferinfo structure is filled in with relevant information about the buffer. This same bufferinfo structure must be passed to bf_releasebuffer (if available) when the consumer is done with the memory. The caller is responsible for keeping a reference to obj until releasebuffer is called (i.e. the call to bf_getbuffer does not alter the reference count of obj). The members of the bufferinfo structure are: bufa pointer to the start of the memory for the object lenthe total bytes of memory the object uses. This should be the same as the product of the shape array multiplied by the number of bytes per item of memory. readonlyan integer variable to hold whether or not the memory is readonly. 1 means the memory is readonly, zero means the memory is writable. formata NULL-terminated format-string (following the struct-style syntax including extensions) indicating what is in each element of memory. The number of elements is len / itemsize, where itemsize is the number of bytes implied by the format. This can be NULL which implies standard unsigned bytes (“B”). ndima variable storing the number of dimensions the memory represents. Must be >=0. A value of 0 means that shape and strides and suboffsets must be NULL (i.e. the memory represents a scalar). shapean array of Py_ssize_t of length ndims indicating the shape of the memory as an N-D array. Note that ((*shape)[0] * ... * (*shape)[ndims-1])*itemsize = len. If ndims is 0 (indicating a scalar), then this must be NULL. stridesaddress of a Py_ssize_t* variable that will be filled with a pointer to an array of Py_ssize_t of length ndims (or NULL if ndims is 0). indicating the number of bytes to skip to get to the next element in each dimension. If this is not requested by the caller (PyBUF_STRIDES is not set), then this should be set to NULL which indicates a C-style contiguous array or a PyExc_BufferError raised if this is not possible. suboffsetsaddress of a Py_ssize_t * variable that will be filled with a pointer to an array of Py_ssize_t of length *ndims. If these suboffset numbers are >=0, then the value stored along the indicated dimension is a pointer and the suboffset value dictates how many bytes to add to the pointer after de-referencing. A suboffset value that it negative indicates that no de-referencing should occur (striding in a contiguous memory block). If all suboffsets are negative (i.e. no de-referencing is needed, then this must be NULL (the default value). If this is not requested by the caller (PyBUF_INDIRECT is not set), then this should be set to NULL or an PyExc_BufferError raised if this is not possible.For clarity, here is a function that returns a pointer to the element in an N-D array pointed to by an N-dimensional index when there are both non-NULL strides and suboffsets: void *get_item_pointer(int ndim, void *buf, Py_ssize_t *strides, Py_ssize_t *suboffsets, Py_ssize_t *indices) { char *pointer = (char*)buf; int i; for (i = 0; i < ndim; i++) { pointer += strides[i] * indices[i]; if (suboffsets[i] >=0 ) { pointer = *((char**)pointer) + suboffsets[i]; } } return (void*)pointer; } Notice the suboffset is added “after” the dereferencing occurs. Thus slicing in the ith dimension would add to the suboffsets in the (i-1)st dimension. Slicing in the first dimension would change the location of the starting pointer directly (i.e. buf would be modified). itemsizeThis is a storage for the itemsize (in bytes) of each element of the shared memory. It is technically un-necessary as it can be obtained using PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat, however an exporter may know this information without parsing the format string and it is necessary to know the itemsize for proper interpretation of striding. Therefore, storing it is more convenient and faster. internalThis is for use internally by the exporting object. For example, this might be re-cast as an integer by the exporter and used to store flags about whether or not the shape, strides, and suboffsets arrays must be freed when the buffer is released. The consumer should never alter this value. The exporter is responsible for making sure that any memory pointed to by buf, format, shape, strides, and suboffsets is valid until releasebuffer is called. If the exporter wants to be able to change an object’s shape, strides, and/or suboffsets before releasebuffer is called then it should allocate those arrays when getbuffer is called (pointing to them in the buffer-info structure provided) and free them when releasebuffer is called. Releasing the buffer The same bufferinfo struct should be used in the release-buffer interface call. The caller is responsible for the memory of the Py_buffer structure itself. typedef void (*releasebufferproc)(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view) Callers of getbufferproc must make sure that this function is called when memory previously acquired from the object is no longer needed. The exporter of the interface must make sure that any memory pointed to in the bufferinfo structure remains valid until releasebuffer is called. If the bf_releasebuffer function is not provided (i.e. it is NULL), then it does not ever need to be called. Exporters will need to define a bf_releasebuffer function if they can re-allocate their memory, strides, shape, suboffsets, or format variables which they might share through the struct bufferinfo. Several mechanisms could be used to keep track of how many getbuffer calls have been made and shared. Either a single variable could be used to keep track of how many “views” have been exported, or a linked-list of bufferinfo structures filled in could be maintained in each object. All that is specifically required by the exporter, however, is to ensure that any memory shared through the bufferinfo structure remains valid until releasebuffer is called on the bufferinfo structure exporting that memory. New C-API calls are proposed int PyObject_CheckBuffer(PyObject *obj) Return 1 if the getbuffer function is available otherwise 0. int PyObject_GetBuffer(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view, int flags) This is a C-API version of the getbuffer function call. It checks to make sure object has the required function pointer and issues the call. Returns -1 and raises an error on failure and returns 0 on success. void PyBuffer_Release(PyObject *obj, Py_buffer *view) This is a C-API version of the releasebuffer function call. It checks to make sure the object has the required function pointer and issues the call. This function always succeeds even if there is no releasebuffer function for the object. PyObject *PyObject_GetMemoryView(PyObject *obj) Return a memory-view object from an object that defines the buffer interface. A memory-view object is an extended buffer object that could replace the buffer object (but doesn’t have to as that could be kept as a simple 1-d memory-view object). Its C-structure is typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD PyObject *base; Py_buffer view; } PyMemoryViewObject; This is functionally similar to the current buffer object except a reference to base is kept and the memory view is not re-grabbed. Thus, this memory view object holds on to the memory of base until it is deleted. This memory-view object will support multi-dimensional slicing and be the first object provided with Python to do so. Slices of the memory-view object are other memory-view objects with the same base but with a different view of the base object. When an “element” from the memory-view is returned it is always a bytes object whose format should be interpreted by the format attribute of the memoryview object. The struct module can be used to “decode” the bytes in Python if desired. Or the contents can be passed to a NumPy array or other object consuming the buffer protocol. The Python name will be __builtin__.memoryview Methods: __getitem__ (will support multi-dimensional slicing) __setitem__ (will support multi-dimensional slicing) tobytes (obtain a new bytes-object of a copy of the memory). tolist (obtain a “nested” list of the memory. Everything is interpreted into standard Python objects as the struct module unpack would do – in fact it uses struct.unpack to accomplish it). Attributes (taken from the memory of the base object): format itemsize shape strides suboffsets readonly ndim Py_ssize_t PyBuffer_SizeFromFormat(const char *) Return the implied itemsize of the data-format area from a struct-style description. PyObject * PyMemoryView_GetContiguous(PyObject *obj, int buffertype, char fortran) Return a memoryview object to a contiguous chunk of memory represented by obj. If a copy must be made (because the memory pointed to by obj is not contiguous), then a new bytes object will be created and become the base object for the returned memory view object. The buffertype argument can be PyBUF_READ, PyBUF_WRITE, PyBUF_UPDATEIFCOPY to determine whether the returned buffer should be readable, writable, or set to update the original buffer if a copy must be made. If buffertype is PyBUF_WRITE and the buffer is not contiguous an error will be raised. In this circumstance, the user can use PyBUF_UPDATEIFCOPY to ensure that a writable temporary contiguous buffer is returned. The contents of this contiguous buffer will be copied back into the original object after the memoryview object is deleted as long as the original object is writable. If this is not allowed by the original object, then a BufferError is raised. If the object is multi-dimensional, then if fortran is ‘F’, the first dimension of the underlying array will vary the fastest in the buffer. If fortran is ‘C’, then the last dimension will vary the fastest (C-style contiguous). If fortran is ‘A’, then it does not matter and you will get whatever the object decides is more efficient. If a copy is made, then the memory must be freed by calling PyMem_Free. You receive a new reference to the memoryview object. int PyObject_CopyToObject(PyObject *obj, void *buf, Py_ssize_t len, char fortran) Copy len bytes of data pointed to by the contiguous chunk of memory pointed to by buf into the buffer exported by obj. Return 0 on success and return -1 and raise an error on failure. If the object does not have a writable buffer, then an error is raised. If fortran is ‘F’, then if the object is multi-dimensional, then the data will be copied into the array in Fortran-style (first dimension varies the fastest). If fortran is ‘C’, then the data will be copied into the array in C-style (last dimension varies the fastest). If fortran is ‘A’, then it does not matter and the copy will be made in whatever way is more efficient. int PyObject_CopyData(PyObject *dest, PyObject *src) These last three C-API calls allow a standard way of getting data in and out of Python objects into contiguous memory areas no matter how it is actually stored. These calls use the extended buffer interface to perform their work. int PyBuffer_IsContiguous(Py_buffer *view, char fortran) Return 1 if the memory defined by the view object is C-style (fortran = ‘C’) or Fortran-style (fortran = ‘F’) contiguous or either one (fortran = ‘A’). Return 0 otherwise. void PyBuffer_FillContiguousStrides(int ndim, Py_ssize_t *shape, Py_ssize_t *strides, Py_ssize_t itemsize, char fortran) Fill the strides array with byte-strides of a contiguous (C-style if fortran is ‘C’ or Fortran-style if fortran is ‘F’ array of the given shape with the given number of bytes per element. int PyBuffer_FillInfo(Py_buffer *view, void *buf, Py_ssize_t len, int readonly, int infoflags) Fills in a buffer-info structure correctly for an exporter that can only share a contiguous chunk of memory of “unsigned bytes” of the given length. Returns 0 on success and -1 (with raising an error) on error. PyExc_BufferError A new error object for returning buffer errors which arise because an exporter cannot provide the kind of buffer that a consumer expects. This will also be raised when a consumer requests a buffer from an object that does not provide the protocol. Additions to the struct string-syntax The struct string-syntax is missing some characters to fully implement data-format descriptions already available elsewhere (in ctypes and NumPy for example). The Python 2.5 specification is at http://docs.python.org/library/struct.html. Here are the proposed additions: Character Description ‘t’ bit (number before states how many bits) ‘?’ platform _Bool type ‘g’ long double ‘c’ ucs-1 (latin-1) encoding ‘u’ ucs-2 ‘w’ ucs-4 ‘O’ pointer to Python Object ‘Z’ complex (whatever the next specifier is) ‘&’ specific pointer (prefix before another character) ‘T{}’ structure (detailed layout inside {}) ‘(k1,k2,…,kn)’ multi-dimensional array of whatever follows ‘:name:’ optional name of the preceding element ‘X{}’ pointer to a function (optional functionsignature inside {} with any return value preceded by -> and placed at the end) The struct module will be changed to understand these as well and return appropriate Python objects on unpacking. Unpacking a long-double will return a decimal object or a ctypes long-double. Unpacking ‘u’ or ‘w’ will return Python unicode. Unpacking a multi-dimensional array will return a list (of lists if >1d). Unpacking a pointer will return a ctypes pointer object. Unpacking a function pointer will return a ctypes call-object (perhaps). Unpacking a bit will return a Python Bool. White-space in the struct-string syntax will be ignored if it isn’t already. Unpacking a named-object will return some kind of named-tuple-like object that acts like a tuple but whose entries can also be accessed by name. Unpacking a nested structure will return a nested tuple. Endian-specification (‘!’, ‘@’,’=’,’>’,’<’, ‘^’) is also allowed inside the string so that it can change if needed. The previously-specified endian string is in force until changed. The default endian is ‘@’ which means native data-types and alignment. If un-aligned, native data-types are requested, then the endian specification is ‘^’. According to the struct-module, a number can precede a character code to specify how many of that type there are. The (k1,k2,...,kn) extension also allows specifying if the data is supposed to be viewed as a (C-style contiguous, last-dimension varies the fastest) multi-dimensional array of a particular format. Functions should be added to ctypes to create a ctypes object from a struct description, and add long-double, and ucs-2 to ctypes. Examples of Data-Format Descriptions Here are some examples of C-structures and how they would be represented using the struct-style syntax. <named> is the constructor for a named-tuple (not-specified yet). float'd' <–> Python float complex double'Zd' <–> Python complex RGB Pixel data'BBB' <–> (int, int, int) 'B:r: B:g: B:b:' <–> <named>((int, int, int), (‘r’,’g’,’b’)) Mixed endian (weird but possible)'>i:big: <i:little:' <–> <named>((int, int), (‘big’, ‘little’)) Nested structurestruct { int ival; struct { unsigned short sval; unsigned char bval; unsigned char cval; } sub; } """i:ival: T{ H:sval: B:bval: B:cval: }:sub: """ Nested arraystruct { int ival; double data[16*4]; } """i:ival: (16,4)d:data: """ Note, that in the last example, the C-structure compared against is intentionally a 1-d array and not a 2-d array data[16][4]. The reason for this is to avoid the confusions between static multi-dimensional arrays in C (which are laid out contiguously) and dynamic multi-dimensional arrays which use the same syntax to access elements, data[0][1], but whose memory is not necessarily contiguous. The struct-syntax always uses contiguous memory and the multi-dimensional character is information about the memory to be communicated by the exporter. In other words, the struct-syntax description does not have to match the C-syntax exactly as long as it describes the same memory layout. The fact that a C-compiler would think of the memory as a 1-d array of doubles is irrelevant to the fact that the exporter wanted to communicate to the consumer that this field of the memory should be thought of as a 2-d array where a new dimension is considered after every 4 elements. Code to be affected All objects and modules in Python that export or consume the old buffer interface will be modified. Here is a partial list. buffer object bytes object string object unicode object array module struct module mmap module ctypes module Anything else using the buffer API. Issues and Details It is intended that this PEP will be back-ported to Python 2.6 by adding the C-API and the two functions to the existing buffer protocol. Previous versions of this PEP proposed a read/write locking scheme, but it was later perceived as a) too complicated for common simple use cases that do not require any locking and b) too simple for use cases that required concurrent read/write access to a buffer with changing, short-living locks. It is therefore left to users to implement their own specific locking scheme around buffer objects if they require consistent views across concurrent read/write access. A future PEP may be proposed which includes a separate locking API after some experience with these user-schemes is obtained The sharing of strided memory and suboffsets is new and can be seen as a modification of the multiple-segment interface. It is motivated by NumPy and the PIL. NumPy objects should be able to share their strided memory with code that understands how to manage strided memory because strided memory is very common when interfacing with compute libraries. Also, with this approach it should be possible to write generic code that works with both kinds of memory without copying. Memory management of the format string, the shape array, the strides array, and the suboffsets array in the bufferinfo structure is always the responsibility of the exporting object. The consumer should not set these pointers to any other memory or try to free them. Several ideas were discussed and rejected: Having a “releaser” object whose release-buffer was called. This was deemed unacceptable because it caused the protocol to be asymmetric (you called release on something different than you “got” the buffer from). It also complicated the protocol without providing a real benefit.Passing all the struct variables separately into the function. This had the advantage that it allowed one to set NULL to variables that were not of interest, but it also made the function call more difficult. The flags variable allows the same ability of consumers to be “simple” in how they call the protocol. Code The authors of the PEP promise to contribute and maintain the code for this proposal but will welcome any help. Examples Ex. 1 This example shows how an image object that uses contiguous lines might expose its buffer: struct rgba { unsigned char r, g, b, a; }; struct ImageObject { PyObject_HEAD; ... struct rgba** lines; Py_ssize_t height; Py_ssize_t width; Py_ssize_t shape_array[2]; Py_ssize_t stride_array[2]; Py_ssize_t view_count; }; “lines” points to malloced 1-D array of (struct rgba*). Each pointer in THAT block points to a separately malloced array of (struct rgba). In order to access, say, the red value of the pixel at x=30, y=50, you’d use “lines[50][30].r”. So what does ImageObject’s getbuffer do? Leaving error checking out: int Image_getbuffer(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) { static Py_ssize_t suboffsets[2] = { 0, -1}; view->buf = self->lines; view->len = self->height*self->width; view->readonly = 0; view->ndims = 2; self->shape_array[0] = height; self->shape_array[1] = width; view->shape = &self->shape_array; self->stride_array[0] = sizeof(struct rgba*); self->stride_array[1] = sizeof(struct rgba); view->strides = &self->stride_array; view->suboffsets = suboffsets; self->view_count ++; return 0; } int Image_releasebuffer(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view) { self->view_count--; return 0; } Ex. 2 This example shows how an object that wants to expose a contiguous chunk of memory (which will never be re-allocated while the object is alive) would do that. int myobject_getbuffer(PyObject *self, Py_buffer *view, int flags) { void *buf; Py_ssize_t len; int readonly=0; buf = /* Point to buffer */ len = /* Set to size of buffer */ readonly = /* Set to 1 if readonly */ return PyObject_FillBufferInfo(view, buf, len, readonly, flags); } /* No releasebuffer is necessary because the memory will never be re-allocated */ Ex. 3 A consumer that wants to only get a simple contiguous chunk of bytes from a Python object, obj would do the following: Py_buffer view; int ret; if (PyObject_GetBuffer(obj, &view, Py_BUF_SIMPLE) < 0) { /* error return */ } /* Now, view.buf is the pointer to memory view.len is the length view.readonly is whether or not the memory is read-only. */ /* After using the information and you don't need it anymore */ if (PyBuffer_Release(obj, &view) < 0) { /* error return */ } Ex. 4 A consumer that wants to be able to use any object’s memory but is writing an algorithm that only handle contiguous memory could do the following: void *buf; Py_ssize_t len; char *format; int copy; copy = PyObject_GetContiguous(obj, &buf, &len, &format, 0, 'A'); if (copy < 0) { /* error return */ } /* process memory pointed to by buffer if format is correct */ /* Optional: if, after processing, we want to copy data from buffer back into the object we could do */ if (PyObject_CopyToObject(obj, buf, len, 'A') < 0) { /* error return */ } /* Make sure that if a copy was made, the memory is freed */ if (copy == 1) PyMem_Free(buf); Copyright This PEP is placed in the public domain.
PEP 3118 – Revising the buffer protocol
Standards Track
This PEP proposes re-designing the buffer interface (PyBufferProcs function pointers) to improve the way Python allows memory sharing in Python 3.0
PEP 3119 – Introducing Abstract Base Classes Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>, Talin <viridia at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 26-Apr-2007, 11-May-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Acknowledgements Rationale Specification Overloading isinstance() and issubclass() The abc Module: an ABC Support Framework ABCs for Containers and Iterators One Trick Ponies Sets Mappings Sequences Strings ABCs vs. Alternatives ABCs vs. Duck Typing ABCs vs. Generic Functions ABCs vs. Interfaces References Copyright Abstract This is a proposal to add Abstract Base Class (ABC) support to Python 3000. It proposes: A way to overload isinstance() and issubclass(). A new module abc which serves as an “ABC support framework”. It defines a metaclass for use with ABCs and a decorator that can be used to define abstract methods. Specific ABCs for containers and iterators, to be added to the collections module. Much of the thinking that went into the proposal is not about the specific mechanism of ABCs, as contrasted with Interfaces or Generic Functions (GFs), but about clarifying philosophical issues like “what makes a set”, “what makes a mapping” and “what makes a sequence”. There’s also a companion PEP 3141, which defines ABCs for numeric types. Acknowledgements Talin wrote the Rationale below [1] as well as most of the section on ABCs vs. Interfaces. For that alone he deserves co-authorship. The rest of the PEP uses “I” referring to the first author. Rationale In the domain of object-oriented programming, the usage patterns for interacting with an object can be divided into two basic categories, which are ‘invocation’ and ‘inspection’. Invocation means interacting with an object by invoking its methods. Usually this is combined with polymorphism, so that invoking a given method may run different code depending on the type of an object. Inspection means the ability for external code (outside of the object’s methods) to examine the type or properties of that object, and make decisions on how to treat that object based on that information. Both usage patterns serve the same general end, which is to be able to support the processing of diverse and potentially novel objects in a uniform way, but at the same time allowing processing decisions to be customized for each different type of object. In classical OOP theory, invocation is the preferred usage pattern, and inspection is actively discouraged, being considered a relic of an earlier, procedural programming style. However, in practice this view is simply too dogmatic and inflexible, and leads to a kind of design rigidity that is very much at odds with the dynamic nature of a language like Python. In particular, there is often a need to process objects in a way that wasn’t anticipated by the creator of the object class. It is not always the best solution to build in to every object methods that satisfy the needs of every possible user of that object. Moreover, there are many powerful dispatch philosophies that are in direct contrast to the classic OOP requirement of behavior being strictly encapsulated within an object, examples being rule or pattern-match driven logic. On the other hand, one of the criticisms of inspection by classic OOP theorists is the lack of formalisms and the ad hoc nature of what is being inspected. In a language such as Python, in which almost any aspect of an object can be reflected and directly accessed by external code, there are many different ways to test whether an object conforms to a particular protocol or not. For example, if asking ‘is this object a mutable sequence container?’, one can look for a base class of ‘list’, or one can look for a method named ‘__getitem__’. But note that although these tests may seem obvious, neither of them are correct, as one generates false negatives, and the other false positives. The generally agreed-upon remedy is to standardize the tests, and group them into a formal arrangement. This is most easily done by associating with each class a set of standard testable properties, either via the inheritance mechanism or some other means. Each test carries with it a set of promises: it contains a promise about the general behavior of the class, and a promise as to what other class methods will be available. This PEP proposes a particular strategy for organizing these tests known as Abstract Base Classes, or ABC. ABCs are simply Python classes that are added into an object’s inheritance tree to signal certain features of that object to an external inspector. Tests are done using isinstance(), and the presence of a particular ABC means that the test has passed. In addition, the ABCs define a minimal set of methods that establish the characteristic behavior of the type. Code that discriminates objects based on their ABC type can trust that those methods will always be present. Each of these methods are accompanied by an generalized abstract semantic definition that is described in the documentation for the ABC. These standard semantic definitions are not enforced, but are strongly recommended. Like all other things in Python, these promises are in the nature of a friendly agreement, which in this case means that while the language does enforce some of the promises made in the ABC, it is up to the implementer of the concrete class to insure that the remaining ones are kept. Specification The specification follows the categories listed in the abstract: A way to overload isinstance() and issubclass(). A new module abc which serves as an “ABC support framework”. It defines a metaclass for use with ABCs and a decorator that can be used to define abstract methods. Specific ABCs for containers and iterators, to be added to the collections module. Overloading isinstance() and issubclass() During the development of this PEP and of its companion, PEP 3141, we repeatedly faced the choice between standardizing more, fine-grained ABCs or fewer, coarse-grained ones. For example, at one stage, PEP 3141 introduced the following stack of base classes used for complex numbers: MonoidUnderPlus, AdditiveGroup, Ring, Field, Complex (each derived from the previous). And the discussion mentioned several other algebraic categorizations that were left out: Algebraic, Transcendental, and IntegralDomain, and PrincipalIdealDomain. In earlier versions of the current PEP, we considered the use cases for separate classes like Set, ComposableSet, MutableSet, HashableSet, MutableComposableSet, HashableComposableSet. The dilemma here is that we’d rather have fewer ABCs, but then what should a user do who needs a less refined ABC? Consider e.g. the plight of a mathematician who wants to define their own kind of Transcendental numbers, but also wants float and int to be considered Transcendental. PEP 3141 originally proposed to patch float.__bases__ for that purpose, but there are some good reasons to keep the built-in types immutable (for one, they are shared between all Python interpreters running in the same address space, as is used by mod_python [16]). Another example would be someone who wants to define a generic function (PEP 3124) for any sequence that has an append() method. The Sequence ABC (see below) doesn’t promise the append() method, while MutableSequence requires not only append() but also various other mutating methods. To solve these and similar dilemmas, the next section will propose a metaclass for use with ABCs that will allow us to add an ABC as a “virtual base class” (not the same concept as in C++) to any class, including to another ABC. This allows the standard library to define ABCs Sequence and MutableSequence and register these as virtual base classes for built-in types like basestring, tuple and list, so that for example the following conditions are all true: isinstance([], Sequence) issubclass(list, Sequence) issubclass(list, MutableSequence) isinstance((), Sequence) not issubclass(tuple, MutableSequence) isinstance("", Sequence) issubclass(bytearray, MutableSequence) The primary mechanism proposed here is to allow overloading the built-in functions isinstance() and issubclass(). The overloading works as follows: The call isinstance(x, C) first checks whether C.__instancecheck__ exists, and if so, calls C.__instancecheck__(x) instead of its normal implementation. Similarly, the call issubclass(D, C) first checks whether C.__subclasscheck__ exists, and if so, calls C.__subclasscheck__(D) instead of its normal implementation. Note that the magic names are not __isinstance__ and __issubclass__; this is because the reversal of the arguments could cause confusion, especially for the issubclass() overloader. A prototype implementation of this is given in [12]. Here is an example with (naively simple) implementations of __instancecheck__ and __subclasscheck__: class ABCMeta(type): def __instancecheck__(cls, inst): """Implement isinstance(inst, cls).""" return any(cls.__subclasscheck__(c) for c in {type(inst), inst.__class__}) def __subclasscheck__(cls, sub): """Implement issubclass(sub, cls).""" candidates = cls.__dict__.get("__subclass__", set()) | {cls} return any(c in candidates for c in sub.mro()) class Sequence(metaclass=ABCMeta): __subclass__ = {list, tuple} assert issubclass(list, Sequence) assert issubclass(tuple, Sequence) class AppendableSequence(Sequence): __subclass__ = {list} assert issubclass(list, AppendableSequence) assert isinstance([], AppendableSequence) assert not issubclass(tuple, AppendableSequence) assert not isinstance((), AppendableSequence) The next section proposes a full-fledged implementation. The abc Module: an ABC Support Framework The new standard library module abc, written in pure Python, serves as an ABC support framework. It defines a metaclass ABCMeta and decorators @abstractmethod and @abstractproperty. A sample implementation is given by [13]. The ABCMeta class overrides __instancecheck__ and __subclasscheck__ and defines a register method. The register method takes one argument, which must be a class; after the call B.register(C), the call issubclass(C, B) will return True, by virtue of B.__subclasscheck__(C) returning True. Also, isinstance(x, B) is equivalent to issubclass(x.__class__, B) or issubclass(type(x), B). (It is possible type(x) and x.__class__ are not the same object, e.g. when x is a proxy object.) These methods are intended to be called on classes whose metaclass is (derived from) ABCMeta; for example: from abc import ABCMeta class MyABC(metaclass=ABCMeta): pass MyABC.register(tuple) assert issubclass(tuple, MyABC) assert isinstance((), MyABC) The last two asserts are equivalent to the following two: assert MyABC.__subclasscheck__(tuple) assert MyABC.__instancecheck__(()) Of course, you can also directly subclass MyABC: class MyClass(MyABC): pass assert issubclass(MyClass, MyABC) assert isinstance(MyClass(), MyABC) Also, of course, a tuple is not a MyClass: assert not issubclass(tuple, MyClass) assert not isinstance((), MyClass) You can register another class as a subclass of MyClass: MyClass.register(list) assert issubclass(list, MyClass) assert issubclass(list, MyABC) You can also register another ABC: class AnotherClass(metaclass=ABCMeta): pass AnotherClass.register(basestring) MyClass.register(AnotherClass) assert isinstance(str, MyABC) That last assert requires tracing the following superclass-subclass relationships: MyABC -> MyClass (using regular subclassing) MyClass -> AnotherClass (using registration) AnotherClass -> basestring (using registration) basestring -> str (using regular subclassing) The abc module also defines a new decorator, @abstractmethod, to be used to declare abstract methods. A class containing at least one method declared with this decorator that hasn’t been overridden yet cannot be instantiated. Such methods may be called from the overriding method in the subclass (using super or direct invocation). For example: from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod class A(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def foo(self): pass A() # raises TypeError class B(A): pass B() # raises TypeError class C(A): def foo(self): print(42) C() # works Note: The @abstractmethod decorator should only be used inside a class body, and only for classes whose metaclass is (derived from) ABCMeta. Dynamically adding abstract methods to a class, or attempting to modify the abstraction status of a method or class once it is created, are not supported. The @abstractmethod only affects subclasses derived using regular inheritance; “virtual subclasses” registered with the register() method are not affected. Implementation: The @abstractmethod decorator sets the function attribute __isabstractmethod__ to the value True. The ABCMeta.__new__ method computes the type attribute __abstractmethods__ as the set of all method names that have an __isabstractmethod__ attribute whose value is true. It does this by combining the __abstractmethods__ attributes of the base classes, adding the names of all methods in the new class dict that have a true __isabstractmethod__ attribute, and removing the names of all methods in the new class dict that don’t have a true __isabstractmethod__ attribute. If the resulting __abstractmethods__ set is non-empty, the class is considered abstract, and attempts to instantiate it will raise TypeError. (If this were implemented in CPython, an internal flag Py_TPFLAGS_ABSTRACT could be used to speed up this check [6].) Discussion: Unlike Java’s abstract methods or C++’s pure abstract methods, abstract methods as defined here may have an implementation. This implementation can be called via the super mechanism from the class that overrides it. This could be useful as an end-point for a super-call in framework using cooperative multiple-inheritance [7], [8]. A second decorator, @abstractproperty, is defined in order to define abstract data attributes. Its implementation is a subclass of the built-in property class that adds an __isabstractmethod__ attribute: class abstractproperty(property): __isabstractmethod__ = True It can be used in two ways: class C(metaclass=ABCMeta): # A read-only property: @abstractproperty def readonly(self): return self.__x # A read-write property (cannot use decorator syntax): def getx(self): return self.__x def setx(self, value): self.__x = value x = abstractproperty(getx, setx) Similar to abstract methods, a subclass inheriting an abstract property (declared using either the decorator syntax or the longer form) cannot be instantiated unless it overrides that abstract property with a concrete property. ABCs for Containers and Iterators The collections module will define ABCs necessary and sufficient to work with sets, mappings, sequences, and some helper types such as iterators and dictionary views. All ABCs have the above-mentioned ABCMeta as their metaclass. The ABCs provide implementations of their abstract methods that are technically valid but fairly useless; e.g. __hash__ returns 0, and __iter__ returns an empty iterator. In general, the abstract methods represent the behavior of an empty container of the indicated type. Some ABCs also provide concrete (i.e. non-abstract) methods; for example, the Iterator class has an __iter__ method returning itself, fulfilling an important invariant of iterators (which in Python 2 has to be implemented anew by each iterator class). These ABCs can be considered “mix-in” classes. No ABCs defined in the PEP override __init__, __new__, __str__ or __repr__. Defining a standard constructor signature would unnecessarily constrain custom container types, for example Patricia trees or gdbm files. Defining a specific string representation for a collection is similarly left up to individual implementations. Note: There are no ABCs for ordering operations (__lt__, __le__, __ge__, __gt__). Defining these in a base class (abstract or not) runs into problems with the accepted type for the second operand. For example, if class Ordering defined __lt__, one would assume that for any Ordering instances x and y, x < y would be defined (even if it just defines a partial ordering). But this cannot be the case: If both list and str derived from Ordering, this would imply that [1, 2] < (1, 2) should be defined (and presumably return False), while in fact (in Python 3000!) such “mixed-mode comparisons” operations are explicitly forbidden and raise TypeError. See PEP 3100 and [14] for more information. (This is a special case of a more general issue with operations that take another argument of the same type). One Trick Ponies These abstract classes represent single methods like __iter__ or __len__. HashableThe base class for classes defining __hash__. The __hash__ method should return an integer. The abstract __hash__ method always returns 0, which is a valid (albeit inefficient) implementation. Invariant: If classes C1 and C2 both derive from Hashable, the condition o1 == o2 must imply hash(o1) == hash(o2) for all instances o1 of C1 and all instances o2 of C2. In other words, two objects should never compare equal if they have different hash values.Another constraint is that hashable objects, once created, should never change their value (as compared by ==) or their hash value. If a class cannot guarantee this, it should not derive from Hashable; if it cannot guarantee this for certain instances, __hash__ for those instances should raise a TypeError exception. Note: being an instance of this class does not imply that an object is immutable; e.g. a tuple containing a list as a member is not immutable; its __hash__ method raises TypeError. (This is because it recursively tries to compute the hash of each member; if a member is unhashable it raises TypeError.) IterableThe base class for classes defining __iter__. The __iter__ method should always return an instance of Iterator (see below). The abstract __iter__ method returns an empty iterator. IteratorThe base class for classes defining __next__. This derives from Iterable. The abstract __next__ method raises StopIteration. The concrete __iter__ method returns self. Note the distinction between Iterable and Iterator: an Iterable can be iterated over, i.e. supports the __iter__ methods; an Iterator is what the built-in function iter() returns, i.e. supports the __next__ method. SizedThe base class for classes defining __len__. The __len__ method should return an Integer (see “Numbers” below) >= 0. The abstract __len__ method returns 0. Invariant: If a class C derives from Sized as well as from Iterable, the invariant sum(1 for x in c) == len(c) should hold for any instance c of C. ContainerThe base class for classes defining __contains__. The __contains__ method should return a bool. The abstract __contains__ method returns False. Invariant: If a class C derives from Container as well as from Iterable, then (x in c for x in c) should be a generator yielding only True values for any instance c of C. Open issues: Conceivably, instead of using the ABCMeta metaclass, these classes could override __instancecheck__ and __subclasscheck__ to check for the presence of the applicable special method; for example: class Sized(metaclass=ABCMeta): @abstractmethod def __hash__(self): return 0 @classmethod def __instancecheck__(cls, x): return hasattr(x, "__len__") @classmethod def __subclasscheck__(cls, C): return hasattr(C, "__bases__") and hasattr(C, "__len__") This has the advantage of not requiring explicit registration. However, the semantics are hard to get exactly right given the confusing semantics of instance attributes vs. class attributes, and that a class is an instance of its metaclass; the check for __bases__ is only an approximation of the desired semantics. Strawman: Let’s do it, but let’s arrange it in such a way that the registration API also works. Sets These abstract classes represent read-only sets and mutable sets. The most fundamental set operation is the membership test, written as x in s and implemented by s.__contains__(x). This operation is already defined by the Container class defined above. Therefore, we define a set as a sized, iterable container for which certain invariants from mathematical set theory hold. The built-in type set derives from MutableSet. The built-in type frozenset derives from Set and Hashable. SetThis is a sized, iterable container, i.e., a subclass of Sized, Iterable and Container. Not every subclass of those three classes is a set though! Sets have the additional invariant that each element occurs only once (as can be determined by iteration), and in addition sets define concrete operators that implement the inequality operations as subset/superset tests. In general, the invariants for finite sets in mathematics hold. [11]Sets with different implementations can be compared safely, (usually) efficiently and correctly using the mathematical definitions of the subset/supeset operations for finite sets. The ordering operations have concrete implementations; subclasses may override these for speed but should maintain the semantics. Because Set derives from Sized, __eq__ may take a shortcut and return False immediately if two sets of unequal length are compared. Similarly, __le__ may return False immediately if the first set has more members than the second set. Note that set inclusion implements only a partial ordering; e.g. {1, 2} and {1, 3} are not ordered (all three of <, == and > return False for these arguments). Sets cannot be ordered relative to mappings or sequences, but they can be compared to those for equality (and then they always compare unequal). This class also defines concrete operators to compute union, intersection, symmetric and asymmetric difference, respectively __or__, __and__, __xor__ and __sub__. These operators should return instances of Set. The default implementations call the overridable class method _from_iterable() with an iterable argument. This factory method’s default implementation returns a frozenset instance; it may be overridden to return another appropriate Set subclass. Finally, this class defines a concrete method _hash which computes the hash value from the elements. Hashable subclasses of Set can implement __hash__ by calling _hash or they can reimplement the same algorithm more efficiently; but the algorithm implemented should be the same. Currently the algorithm is fully specified only by the source code [15]. Note: the issubset and issuperset methods found on the set type in Python 2 are not supported, as these are mostly just aliases for __le__ and __ge__. MutableSetThis is a subclass of Set implementing additional operations to add and remove elements. The supported methods have the semantics known from the set type in Python 2 (except for discard, which is modeled after Java): .add(x)Abstract method returning a bool that adds the element x if it isn’t already in the set. It should return True if x was added, False if it was already there. The abstract implementation raises NotImplementedError. .discard(x)Abstract method returning a bool that removes the element x if present. It should return True if the element was present and False if it wasn’t. The abstract implementation raises NotImplementedError. .pop()Concrete method that removes and returns an arbitrary item. If the set is empty, it raises KeyError. The default implementation removes the first item returned by the set’s iterator. .toggle(x)Concrete method returning a bool that adds x to the set if it wasn’t there, but removes it if it was there. It should return True if x was added, False if it was removed. .clear()Concrete method that empties the set. The default implementation repeatedly calls self.pop() until KeyError is caught. (Note: this is likely much slower than simply creating a new set, even if an implementation overrides it with a faster approach; but in some cases object identity is important.) This also supports the in-place mutating operations |=, &=, ^=, -=. These are concrete methods whose right operand can be an arbitrary Iterable, except for &=, whose right operand must be a Container. This ABC does not provide the named methods present on the built-in concrete set type that perform (almost) the same operations. Mappings These abstract classes represent read-only mappings and mutable mappings. The Mapping class represents the most common read-only mapping API. The built-in type dict derives from MutableMapping. MappingA subclass of Container, Iterable and Sized. The keys of a mapping naturally form a set. The (key, value) pairs (which must be tuples) are also referred to as items. The items also form a set. Methods: .__getitem__(key)Abstract method that returns the value corresponding to key, or raises KeyError. The implementation always raises KeyError. .get(key, default=None)Concrete method returning self[key] if this does not raise KeyError, and the default value if it does. .__contains__(key)Concrete method returning True if self[key] does not raise KeyError, and False if it does. .__len__()Abstract method returning the number of distinct keys (i.e., the length of the key set). .__iter__()Abstract method returning each key in the key set exactly once. .keys()Concrete method returning the key set as a Set. The default concrete implementation returns a “view” on the key set (meaning if the underlying mapping is modified, the view’s value changes correspondingly); subclasses are not required to return a view but they should return a Set. .items()Concrete method returning the items as a Set. The default concrete implementation returns a “view” on the item set; subclasses are not required to return a view but they should return a Set. .values()Concrete method returning the values as a sized, iterable container (not a set!). The default concrete implementation returns a “view” on the values of the mapping; subclasses are not required to return a view but they should return a sized, iterable container. The following invariants should hold for any mapping m: len(m.values()) == len(m.keys()) == len(m.items()) == len(m) [value for value in m.values()] == [m[key] for key in m.keys()] [item for item in m.items()] == [(key, m[key]) for key in m.keys()] i.e. iterating over the items, keys and values should return results in the same order. MutableMappingA subclass of Mapping that also implements some standard mutating methods. Abstract methods include __setitem__, __delitem__. Concrete methods include pop, popitem, clear, update. Note: setdefault is not included. Open issues: Write out the specs for the methods. Sequences These abstract classes represent read-only sequences and mutable sequences. The built-in list and bytes types derive from MutableSequence. The built-in tuple and str types derive from Sequence and Hashable. SequenceA subclass of Iterable, Sized, Container. It defines a new abstract method __getitem__ that has a somewhat complicated signature: when called with an integer, it returns an element of the sequence or raises IndexError; when called with a slice object, it returns another Sequence. The concrete __iter__ method iterates over the elements using __getitem__ with integer arguments 0, 1, and so on, until IndexError is raised. The length should be equal to the number of values returned by the iterator.Open issues: Other candidate methods, which can all have default concrete implementations that only depend on __len__ and __getitem__ with an integer argument: __reversed__, index, count, __add__, __mul__. MutableSequenceA subclass of Sequence adding some standard mutating methods. Abstract mutating methods: __setitem__ (for integer indices as well as slices), __delitem__ (ditto), insert. Concrete mutating methods: append, reverse, extend, pop, remove. Concrete mutating operators: +=, *= (these mutate the object in place). Note: this does not define sort() – that is only required to exist on genuine list instances. Strings Python 3000 will likely have at least two built-in string types: byte strings (bytes), deriving from MutableSequence, and (Unicode) character strings (str), deriving from Sequence and Hashable. Open issues: define the base interfaces for these so alternative implementations and subclasses know what they are in for. This may be the subject of a new PEP or PEPs (PEP 358 should be co-opted for the bytes type). ABCs vs. Alternatives In this section I will attempt to compare and contrast ABCs to other approaches that have been proposed. ABCs vs. Duck Typing Does the introduction of ABCs mean the end of Duck Typing? I don’t think so. Python will not require that a class derives from BasicMapping or Sequence when it defines a __getitem__ method, nor will the x[y] syntax require that x is an instance of either ABC. You will still be able to assign any “file-like” object to sys.stdout, as long as it has a write method. Of course, there will be some carrots to encourage users to derive from the appropriate base classes; these vary from default implementations for certain functionality to an improved ability to distinguish between mappings and sequences. But there are no sticks. If hasattr(x, "__len__") works for you, great! ABCs are intended to solve problems that don’t have a good solution at all in Python 2, such as distinguishing between mappings and sequences. ABCs vs. Generic Functions ABCs are compatible with Generic Functions (GFs). For example, my own Generic Functions implementation [4] uses the classes (types) of the arguments as the dispatch key, allowing derived classes to override base classes. Since (from Python’s perspective) ABCs are quite ordinary classes, using an ABC in the default implementation for a GF can be quite appropriate. For example, if I have an overloaded prettyprint function, it would make total sense to define pretty-printing of sets like this: @prettyprint.register(Set) def pp_set(s): return "{" + ... + "}" # Details left as an exercise and implementations for specific subclasses of Set could be added easily. I believe ABCs also won’t present any problems for RuleDispatch, Phillip Eby’s GF implementation in PEAK [5]. Of course, GF proponents might claim that GFs (and concrete, or implementation, classes) are all you need. But even they will not deny the usefulness of inheritance; and one can easily consider the ABCs proposed in this PEP as optional implementation base classes; there is no requirement that all user-defined mappings derive from BasicMapping. ABCs vs. Interfaces ABCs are not intrinsically incompatible with Interfaces, but there is considerable overlap. For now, I’ll leave it to proponents of Interfaces to explain why Interfaces are better. I expect that much of the work that went into e.g. defining the various shades of “mapping-ness” and the nomenclature could easily be adapted for a proposal to use Interfaces instead of ABCs. “Interfaces” in this context refers to a set of proposals for additional metadata elements attached to a class which are not part of the regular class hierarchy, but do allow for certain types of inheritance testing. Such metadata would be designed, at least in some proposals, so as to be easily mutable by an application, allowing application writers to override the normal classification of an object. The drawback to this idea of attaching mutable metadata to a class is that classes are shared state, and mutating them may lead to conflicts of intent. Additionally, the need to override the classification of an object can be done more cleanly using generic functions: In the simplest case, one can define a “category membership” generic function that simply returns False in the base implementation, and then provide overrides that return True for any classes of interest. References [1] An Introduction to ABC’s, by Talin (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006614.html) [2] Incomplete implementation prototype, by GvR (https://web.archive.org/web/20170223133820/http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/abc/) [3] Possible Python 3K Class Tree?, wiki page created by Bill Janssen (https://wiki.python.org/moin/AbstractBaseClasses) [4] Generic Functions implementation, by GvR (https://web.archive.org/web/20170223135019/http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/overload/) [5] Charming Python: Scaling a new PEAK, by David Mertz (https://web.archive.org/web/20070515125102/http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-cppeak2/) [6] Implementation of @abstractmethod (https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/44895) [7] Unifying types and classes in Python 2.2, by GvR (https://www.python.org/download/releases/2.2.3/descrintro/) [8] Putting Metaclasses to Work: A New Dimension in Object-Oriented Programming, by Ira R. Forman and Scott H. Danforth (https://archive.org/details/PuttingMetaclassesToWork) [9] Partial order, in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partial_order) [10] Total order, in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order) [11] Finite set, in Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finite_set) [12] Make isinstance/issubclass overloadable (https://bugs.python.org/issue1708353) [13] ABCMeta sample implementation (https://web.archive.org/web/20170224195724/http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/abc/xyz.py) [14] python-dev email (“Comparing heterogeneous types”) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-June/045111.html [15] Function frozenset_hash() in Object/setobject.c (https://web.archive.org/web/20170224204758/http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Objects/setobject.c) [16] Multiple interpreters in mod_python (https://web.archive.org/web/20070515132123/http://www.modpython.org/live/current/doc-html/pyapi-interps.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3119 – Introducing Abstract Base Classes
Standards Track
This is a proposal to add Abstract Base Class (ABC) support to Python 3000. It proposes:
PEP 3121 – Extension Module Initialization and Finalization Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 27-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Problems Module Finalization Entry point name conflicts Entry point signature Multiple Interpreters Specification Example Discussion References Copyright Important This PEP is a historical document. The up-to-date, canonical documentation can now be found at PyInit_modulename() and PyModuleDef. × See PEP 1 for how to propose changes. Abstract Extension module initialization currently has a few deficiencies. There is no cleanup for modules, the entry point name might give naming conflicts, the entry functions don’t follow the usual calling convention, and multiple interpreters are not supported well. This PEP addresses these issues. Problems Module Finalization Currently, extension modules are initialized usually once and then “live” forever. The only exception is when Py_Finalize() is called: then the initialization routine is invoked a second time. This is bad from a resource management point of view: memory and other resources might get allocated each time initialization is called, but there is no way to reclaim them. As a result, there is currently no way to completely release all resources Python has allocated. Entry point name conflicts The entry point is currently called init<module>. This might conflict with other symbols also called init<something>. In particular, initsocket is known to have conflicted in the past (this specific problem got resolved as a side effect of renaming the module to _socket). Entry point signature The entry point is currently a procedure (returning void). This deviates from the usual calling conventions; callers can find out whether there was an error during initialization only by checking PyErr_Occurred. The entry point should return a PyObject*, which will be the module created, or NULL in case of an exception. Multiple Interpreters Currently, extension modules share their state across all interpreters. This allows for undesirable information leakage across interpreters: one script could permanently corrupt objects in an extension module, possibly breaking all scripts in other interpreters. Specification The module initialization routines change their signature to: PyObject *PyInit_<modulename>() The initialization routine will be invoked once per interpreter, when the module is imported. It should return a new module object each time. In order to store per-module state in C variables, each module object will contain a block of memory that is interpreted only by the module. The amount of memory used for the module is specified at the point of creation of the module. In addition to the initialization function, a module may implement a number of additional callback functions, which are invoked when the module’s tp_traverse, tp_clear, and tp_free functions are invoked, and when the module is reloaded. The entire module definition is combined in a struct PyModuleDef: struct PyModuleDef{ PyModuleDef_Base m_base; /* To be filled out by the interpreter */ Py_ssize_t m_size; /* Size of per-module data */ PyMethodDef *m_methods; inquiry m_reload; traverseproc m_traverse; inquiry m_clear; freefunc m_free; }; Creation of a module is changed to expect an optional PyModuleDef*. The module state will be null-initialized. Each module method will be passed the module object as the first parameter. To access the module data, a function: void* PyModule_GetState(PyObject*); will be provided. In addition, to lookup a module more efficiently than going through sys.modules, a function: PyObject* PyState_FindModule(struct PyModuleDef*); will be provided. This lookup function will use an index located in the m_base field, to find the module by index, not by name. As all Python objects should be controlled through the Python memory management, usage of “static” type objects is discouraged, unless the type object itself has no memory-managed state. To simplify definition of heap types, a new method: PyTypeObject* PyType_Copy(PyTypeObject*); is added. Example xxmodule.c would be changed to remove the initxx function, and add the following code instead: struct xxstate{ PyObject *ErrorObject; PyObject *Xxo_Type; }; #define xxstate(o) ((struct xxstate*)PyModule_GetState(o)) static int xx_traverse(PyObject *m, visitproc v, void *arg) { Py_VISIT(xxstate(m)->ErrorObject); Py_VISIT(xxstate(m)->Xxo_Type); return 0; } static int xx_clear(PyObject *m) { Py_CLEAR(xxstate(m)->ErrorObject); Py_CLEAR(xxstate(m)->Xxo_Type); return 0; } static struct PyModuleDef xxmodule = { {}, /* m_base */ sizeof(struct xxstate), &xx_methods, 0, /* m_reload */ xx_traverse, xx_clear, 0, /* m_free - not needed, since all is done in m_clear */ } PyObject* PyInit_xx() { PyObject *res = PyModule_New("xx", &xxmodule); if (!res) return NULL; xxstate(res)->ErrorObject = PyErr_NewException("xx.error", NULL, NULL); if (!xxstate(res)->ErrorObject) { Py_DECREF(res); return NULL; } xxstate(res)->XxoType = PyType_Copy(&Xxo_Type); if (!xxstate(res)->Xxo_Type) { Py_DECREF(res); return NULL; } return res; } Discussion Tim Peters reports in [1] that PythonLabs considered such a feature at one point, and lists the following additional hooks which aren’t currently supported in this PEP: when the module object is deleted from sys.modules when Py_Finalize is called when Python exits when the Python DLL is unloaded (Windows only) References [1] Tim Peters, reporting earlier conversation about such a feature https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/000726.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3121 – Extension Module Initialization and Finalization
Standards Track
Extension module initialization currently has a few deficiencies. There is no cleanup for modules, the entry point name might give naming conflicts, the entry functions don’t follow the usual calling convention, and multiple interpreters are not supported well. This PEP addresses these issues.
PEP 3122 – Delineation of the main module Author: Brett Cannon Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 27-Apr-2007 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract The Problem The Solution Implementation Transition Plan Rejected Ideas __main__ built-in __main__ module attribute Use __file__ instead of __name__ Special string subclass for __name__ that overrides __eq__ References Copyright Attention This PEP has been rejected. Guido views running scripts within a package as an anti-pattern [3]. Abstract Because of how name resolution works for relative imports in a world where PEP 328 is implemented, the ability to execute modules within a package ceases being possible. This failing stems from the fact that the module being executed as the “main” module replaces its __name__ attribute with "__main__" instead of leaving it as the absolute name of the module. This breaks import’s ability to resolve relative imports from the main module into absolute names. In order to resolve this issue, this PEP proposes to change how the main module is delineated. By leaving the __name__ attribute in a module alone and setting sys.main to the name of the main module this will allow at least some instances of executing a module within a package that uses relative imports. This PEP does not address the idea of introducing a module-level function that is automatically executed like PEP 299 proposes. The Problem With the introduction of PEP 328, relative imports became dependent on the __name__ attribute of the module performing the import. This is because the use of dots in a relative import are used to strip away parts of the calling module’s name to calculate where in the package hierarchy an import should fall (prior to PEP 328 relative imports could fail and would fall back on absolute imports which had a chance of succeeding). For instance, consider the import from .. import spam made from the bacon.ham.beans module (bacon.ham.beans is not a package itself, i.e., does not define __path__). Name resolution of the relative import takes the caller’s name (bacon.ham.beans), splits on dots, and then slices off the last n parts based on the level (which is 2). In this example both ham and beans are dropped and spam is joined with what is left (bacon). This leads to the proper import of the module bacon.spam. This reliance on the __name__ attribute of a module when handling relative imports becomes an issue when executing a script within a package. Because the executing script has its name set to '__main__', import cannot resolve any relative imports, leading to an ImportError. For example, assume we have a package named bacon with an __init__.py file containing: from . import spam Also create a module named spam within the bacon package (it can be an empty file). Now if you try to execute the bacon package (either through python bacon/__init__.py or python -m bacon) you will get an ImportError about trying to do a relative import from within a non-package. Obviously the import is valid, but because of the setting of __name__ to '__main__' import thinks that bacon/__init__.py is not in a package since no dots exist in __name__. To see how the algorithm works in more detail, see importlib.Import._resolve_name() in the sandbox [2]. Currently a work-around is to remove all relative imports in the module being executed and make them absolute. This is unfortunate, though, as one should not be required to use a specific type of resource in order to make a module in a package be able to be executed. The Solution The solution to the problem is to not change the value of __name__ in modules. But there still needs to be a way to let executing code know it is being executed as a script. This is handled with a new attribute in the sys module named main. When a module is being executed as a script, sys.main will be set to the name of the module. This changes the current idiom of: if __name__ == '__main__': ... to: import sys if __name__ == sys.main: ... The newly proposed solution does introduce an added line of boilerplate which is a module import. But as the solution does not introduce a new built-in or module attribute (as discussed in Rejected Ideas) it has been deemed worth the extra line. Another issue with the proposed solution (which also applies to all rejected ideas as well) is that it does not directly solve the problem of discovering the name of a file. Consider python bacon/spam.py. By the file name alone it is not obvious whether bacon is a package. In order to properly find this out both the current direction must exist on sys.path as well as bacon/__init__.py existing. But this is the simple example. Consider python ../spam.py. From the file name alone it is not at all clear if spam.py is in a package or not. One possible solution is to find out what the absolute name of .., check if a file named __init__.py exists, and then look if the directory is on sys.path. If it is not, then continue to walk up the directory until no more __init__.py files are found or the directory is found on sys.path. This could potentially be an expensive process. If the package depth happens to be deep then it could require a large amount of disk access to discover where the package is anchored on sys.path, if at all. The stat calls alone can be expensive if the file system the executed script is on is something like NFS. Because of these issues, only when the -m command-line argument (introduced by PEP 338) is used will __name__ be set. Otherwise the fallback semantics of setting __name__ to "__main__" will occur. sys.main will still be set to the proper value, regardless of what __name__ is set to. Implementation When the -m option is used, sys.main will be set to the argument passed in. sys.argv will be adjusted as it is currently. Then the equivalent of __import__(self.main) will occur. This differs from current semantics as the runpy module fetches the code object for the file specified by the module name in order to explicitly set __name__ and other attributes. This is no longer needed as import can perform its normal operation in this situation. If a file name is specified, then sys.main will be set to "__main__". The specified file will then be read and have a code object created and then be executed with __name__ set to "__main__". This mirrors current semantics. Transition Plan In order for Python 2.6 to be able to support both the current semantics and the proposed semantics, sys.main will always be set to "__main__". Otherwise no change will occur for Python 2.6. This unfortunately means that no benefit from this change will occur in Python 2.6, but it maximizes compatibility for code that is to work as much as possible with 2.6 and 3.0. To help transition to the new idiom, 2to3 [1] will gain a rule to transform the current if __name__ == '__main__': ... idiom to the new one. This will not help with code that checks __name__ outside of the idiom, though. Rejected Ideas __main__ built-in A counter-proposal to introduce a built-in named __main__. The value of the built-in would be the name of the module being executed (just like the proposed sys.main). This would lead to a new idiom of: if __name__ == __main__: ... A drawback is that the syntactic difference is subtle; the dropping of quotes around “__main__”. Some believe that for existing Python programmers bugs will be introduced where the quotation marks will be put on by accident. But one could argue that the bug would be discovered quickly through testing as it is a very shallow bug. While the name of built-in could obviously be different (e.g., main) the other drawback is that it introduces a new built-in. With a simple solution such as sys.main being possible without adding another built-in to Python, this proposal was rejected. __main__ module attribute Another proposal was to add a __main__ attribute to every module. For the one that was executing as the main module, the attribute would have a true value while all other modules had a false value. This has a nice consequence of simplify the main module idiom to: if __main__: ... The drawback was the introduction of a new module attribute. It also required more integration with the import machinery than the proposed solution. Use __file__ instead of __name__ Any of the proposals could be changed to use the __file__ attribute on modules instead of __name__, including the current semantics. The problem with this is that with the proposed solutions there is the issue of modules having no __file__ attribute defined or having the same value as other modules. The problem that comes up with the current semantics is you still have to try to resolve the file path to a module name for the import to work. Special string subclass for __name__ that overrides __eq__ One proposal was to define a subclass of str that overrode the __eq__ method so that it would compare equal to "__main__" as well as the actual name of the module. In all other respects the subclass would be the same as str. This was rejected as it seemed like too much of a hack. References [1] 2to3 tool (http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/2to3/) [ViewVC] [2] importlib (http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/import_in_py/importlib.py?view=markup) [ViewVC] [3] Python-Dev email: “PEP to change how the main module is delineated” (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006793.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3122 – Delineation of the main module
Standards Track
Because of how name resolution works for relative imports in a world where PEP 328 is implemented, the ability to execute modules within a package ceases being possible. This failing stems from the fact that the module being executed as the “main” module replaces its __name__ attribute with "__main__" instead of leaving it as the absolute name of the module. This breaks import’s ability to resolve relative imports from the main module into absolute names.
PEP 3123 – Making PyObject_HEAD conform to standard C Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 27-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Compatibility with Python 2.6 Copyright Abstract Python currently relies on undefined C behavior, with its usage of PyObject_HEAD. This PEP proposes to change that into standard C. Rationale Standard C defines that an object must be accessed only through a pointer of its type, and that all other accesses are undefined behavior, with a few exceptions. In particular, the following code has undefined behavior: struct FooObject{ PyObject_HEAD int data; }; PyObject *foo(struct FooObject*f){ return (PyObject*)f; } int bar(){ struct FooObject *f = malloc(sizeof(struct FooObject)); struct PyObject *o = foo(f); f->ob_refcnt = 0; o->ob_refcnt = 1; return f->ob_refcnt; } The problem here is that the storage is both accessed as if it where struct PyObject, and as struct FooObject. Historically, compilers did not have any problems with this code. However, modern compilers use that clause as an optimization opportunity, finding that f->ob_refcnt and o->ob_refcnt cannot possibly refer to the same memory, and that therefore the function should return 0, without having to fetch the value of ob_refcnt at all in the return statement. For GCC, Python now uses -fno-strict-aliasing to work around that problem; with other compilers, it may just see undefined behavior. Even with GCC, using -fno-strict-aliasing may pessimize the generated code unnecessarily. Specification Standard C has one specific exception to its aliasing rules precisely designed to support the case of Python: a value of a struct type may also be accessed through a pointer to the first field. E.g. if a struct starts with an int, the struct * may also be cast to an int *, allowing to write int values into the first field. For Python, PyObject_HEAD and PyObject_VAR_HEAD will be changed to not list all fields anymore, but list a single field of type PyObject/PyVarObject: typedef struct _object { _PyObject_HEAD_EXTRA Py_ssize_t ob_refcnt; struct _typeobject *ob_type; } PyObject; typedef struct { PyObject ob_base; Py_ssize_t ob_size; } PyVarObject; #define PyObject_HEAD PyObject ob_base; #define PyObject_VAR_HEAD PyVarObject ob_base; Types defined as fixed-size structure will then include PyObject as its first field, PyVarObject for variable-sized objects. E.g.: typedef struct { PyObject ob_base; PyObject *start, *stop, *step; } PySliceObject; typedef struct { PyVarObject ob_base; PyObject **ob_item; Py_ssize_t allocated; } PyListObject; The above definitions of PyObject_HEAD are normative, so extension authors MAY either use the macro, or put the ob_base field explicitly into their structs. As a convention, the base field SHOULD be called ob_base. However, all accesses to ob_refcnt and ob_type MUST cast the object pointer to PyObject* (unless the pointer is already known to have that type), and SHOULD use the respective accessor macros. To simplify access to ob_type, ob_refcnt, and ob_size, macros: #define Py_TYPE(o) (((PyObject*)(o))->ob_type) #define Py_REFCNT(o) (((PyObject*)(o))->ob_refcnt) #define Py_SIZE(o) (((PyVarObject*)(o))->ob_size) are added. E.g. the code blocks #define PyList_CheckExact(op) ((op)->ob_type == &PyList_Type) return func->ob_type->tp_name; needs to be changed to: #define PyList_CheckExact(op) (Py_TYPE(op) == &PyList_Type) return Py_TYPE(func)->tp_name; For initialization of type objects, the current sequence PyObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL) 0, /* ob_size */ becomes incorrect, and must be replaced with PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(NULL, 0) Compatibility with Python 2.6 To support modules that compile with both Python 2.6 and Python 3.0, the Py_* macros are added to Python 2.6. The macros Py_INCREF and Py_DECREF will be changed to cast their argument to PyObject *, so that module authors can also explicitly declare the ob_base field in modules designed for Python 2.6. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3123 – Making PyObject_HEAD conform to standard C
Standards Track
Python currently relies on undefined C behavior, with its usage of PyObject_HEAD. This PEP proposes to change that into standard C.
PEP 3125 – Remove Backslash Continuation Author: Jim J. Jewett <JimJJewett at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 29-Apr-2007 Post-History: 29-Apr-2007, 30-Apr-2007, 04-May-2007 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Motivation Existing Line Continuation Methods Parenthetical Expression - ([{}]) Triple-Quoted Strings Terminal \ in the general case Terminal \ within a string Alternate Proposals Open Issues References Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected. There wasn’t enough support in favor, the feature to be removed isn’t all that harmful, and there are some use cases that would become harder. Abstract Python initially inherited its parsing from C. While this has been generally useful, there are some remnants which have been less useful for Python, and should be eliminated. This PEP proposes elimination of terminal \ as a marker for line continuation. Motivation One goal for Python 3000 should be to simplify the language by removing unnecessary or duplicated features. There are currently several ways to indicate that a logical line is continued on the following physical line. The other continuation methods are easily explained as a logical consequence of the semantics they provide; \ is simply an escape character that needs to be memorized. Existing Line Continuation Methods Parenthetical Expression - ([{}]) Open a parenthetical expression. It doesn’t matter whether people view the “line” as continuing; they do immediately recognize that the expression needs to be closed before the statement can end. Examples using each of (), [], and {}: def fn(long_argname1, long_argname2): settings = {"background": "random noise", "volume": "barely audible"} restrictions = ["Warrantee void if used", "Notice must be received by yesterday", "Not responsible for sales pitch"] Note that it is always possible to parenthesize an expression, but it can seem odd to parenthesize an expression that needs parentheses only for the line break: assert val>4, ( "val is too small") Triple-Quoted Strings Open a triple-quoted string; again, people recognize that the string needs to finish before the next statement starts. banner_message = """ Satisfaction Guaranteed, or DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK!!! some minor restrictions apply""" Terminal \ in the general case A terminal \ indicates that the logical line is continued on the following physical line (after whitespace). There are no particular semantics associated with this. This form is never required, although it may look better (particularly for people with a C language background) in some cases: >>> assert val>4, \ "val is too small" Also note that the \ must be the final character in the line. If your editor navigation can add whitespace to the end of a line, that invisible change will alter the semantics of the program. Fortunately, the typical result is only a syntax error, rather than a runtime bug: >>> assert val>4, \ "val is too small" SyntaxError: unexpected character after line continuation character This PEP proposes to eliminate this redundant and potentially confusing alternative. Terminal \ within a string A terminal \ within a single-quoted string, at the end of the line. This is arguably a special case of the terminal \, but it is a special case that may be worth keeping. >>> "abd\ def" 'abd def' Pro: Many of the objections to removing \ termination were really just objections to removing it within literal strings; several people clarified that they want to keep this literal-string usage, but don’t mind losing the general case. Pro: The use of \ for an escape character within strings is well known. Contra: But note that this particular usage is odd, because the escaped character (the newline) is invisible, and the special treatment is to delete the character. That said, the \ of \(newline) is still an escape which changes the meaning of the following character. Alternate Proposals Several people have suggested alternative ways of marking the line end. Most of these were rejected for not actually simplifying things. The one exception was to let any unfinished expression signify a line continuation, possibly in conjunction with increased indentation. This is attractive because it is a generalization of the rule for parentheses. The initial objections to this were: The amount of whitespace may be contentious; expression continuation should not be confused with opening a new suite. The “expression continuation” markers are not as clearly marked in Python as the grouping punctuation “(), [], {}” marks are:# Plus needs another operand, so the line continues "abc" + "def" # String ends an expression, so the line does not # not continue. The next line is a syntax error because # unary plus does not apply to strings. "abc" + "def" Guido objected for technical reasons. [1] The most obvious implementation would require allowing INDENT or DEDENT tokens anywhere, or at least in a widely expanded (and ill-defined) set of locations. While this is of concern only for the internal parsing mechanism (rather than for users), it would be a major new source of complexity. Andrew Koenig then pointed out [2] a better implementation strategy, and said that it had worked quite well in other languages. [3] The improved suggestion boiled down to: The whitespace that follows an (operator or) open bracket or parenthesis can include newline characters.It would be implemented at a very low lexical level – even before the decision is made to turn a newline followed by spaces into an INDENT or DEDENT token. There is still some concern that it could mask bugs, as in this example [4]: # Used to be y+1, the 1 got dropped. Syntax Error (today) # would become nonsense. x = y+ f(x) Requiring that the continuation be indented more than the initial line would add both safety and complexity. Open Issues Should \-continuation be removed even inside strings? Should the continuation markers be expanded from just ([{}]) to include lines ending with an operator? As a safety measure, should the continuation line be required to be more indented than the initial line? References [1] (email subject) PEP 30XZ: Simplified Parsing, van Rossum https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/007063.html [2] (email subject) PEP 3125 – remove backslash continuation, Koenig https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-May/007237.html [3] The Snocone Programming Language, Koenig http://www.snobol4.com/report.htm [4] (email subject) PEP 3125 – remove backslash continuation, van Rossum https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-May/007244.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3125 – Remove Backslash Continuation
Standards Track
Python initially inherited its parsing from C. While this has been generally useful, there are some remnants which have been less useful for Python, and should be eliminated.
PEP 3126 – Remove Implicit String Concatenation Author: Jim J. Jewett <JimJJewett at gmail.com>, Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 29-Apr-2007 Post-History: 29-Apr-2007, 30-Apr-2007, 07-May-2007 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Motivation History or Future Problem Solution Concerns Operator Precedence Long Commands Regular Expressions Internationalization Transition Open Issues References Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected. There wasn’t enough support in favor, the feature to be removed isn’t all that harmful, and there are some use cases that would become harder. Abstract Python inherited many of its parsing rules from C. While this has been generally useful, there are some individual rules which are less useful for python, and should be eliminated. This PEP proposes to eliminate implicit string concatenation based only on the adjacency of literals. Instead of: "abc" "def" == "abcdef" authors will need to be explicit, and either add the strings: "abc" + "def" == "abcdef" or join them: "".join(["abc", "def"]) == "abcdef" Motivation One goal for Python 3000 should be to simplify the language by removing unnecessary features. Implicit string concatenation should be dropped in favor of existing techniques. This will simplify the grammar and simplify a user’s mental picture of Python. The latter is important for letting the language “fit in your head”. A large group of current users do not even know about implicit concatenation. Of those who do know about it, a large portion never use it or habitually avoid it. Of those who both know about it and use it, very few could state with confidence the implicit operator precedence and under what circumstances it is computed when the definition is compiled versus when it is run. History or Future Many Python parsing rules are intentionally compatible with C. This is a useful default, but Special Cases need to be justified based on their utility in Python. We should no longer assume that python programmers will also be familiar with C, so compatibility between languages should be treated as a tie-breaker, rather than a justification. In C, implicit concatenation is the only way to join strings without using a (run-time) function call to store into a variable. In Python, the strings can be joined (and still recognized as immutable) using more standard Python idioms, such + or "".join. Problem Implicit String concatenation leads to tuples and lists which are shorter than they appear; this is turn can lead to confusing, or even silent, errors. For example, given a function which accepts several parameters, but offers a default value for some of them: def f(fmt, *args): print fmt % args This looks like a valid call, but isn’t: >>> f("User %s got a message %s", "Bob" "Time for dinner") Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#8>", line 2, in <module> "Bob" File "<pyshell#3>", line 2, in f print fmt % args TypeError: not enough arguments for format string Calls to this function can silently do the wrong thing: def g(arg1, arg2=None): ... # silently transformed into the possibly very different # g("arg1 on this linearg2 on this line", None) g("arg1 on this line" "arg2 on this line") To quote Jason Orendorff [#Orendorff] Oh. I just realized this happens a lot out here. Where I work, we use scons, and each SConscript has a long list of filenames:sourceFiles = [ 'foo.c' 'bar.c', #...many lines omitted... 'q1000x.c'] It’s a common mistake to leave off a comma, and then scons complains that it can’t find ‘foo.cbar.c’. This is pretty bewildering behavior even if you are a Python programmer, and not everyone here is. Solution In Python, strings are objects and they support the __add__ operator, so it is possible to write: "abc" + "def" Because these are literals, this addition can still be optimized away by the compiler; the CPython compiler already does so. [2] Other existing alternatives include multiline (triple-quoted) strings, and the join method: """This string extends across multiple lines, but you may want to use something like Textwrap.dedent to clear out the leading spaces and/or reformat. """ >>> "".join(["empty", "string", "joiner"]) == "emptystringjoiner" True >>> " ".join(["space", "string", "joiner"]) == "space string joiner" >>> "\n".join(["multiple", "lines"]) == "multiple\nlines" == ( """multiple lines""") True Concerns Operator Precedence Guido indicated [2] that this change should be handled by PEP, because there were a few edge cases with other string operators, such as the %. (Assuming that str % stays – it may be eliminated in favor of PEP 3101 – Advanced String Formatting. [3]) The resolution is to use parentheses to enforce precedence – the same solution that can be used today: # Clearest, works today, continues to work, optimization is # already possible. ("abc %s def" + "ghi") % var # Already works today; precedence makes the optimization more # difficult to recognize, but does not change the semantics. "abc" + "def %s ghi" % var as opposed to: # Already fails because modulus (%) is higher precedence than # addition (+) ("abc %s def" + "ghi" % var) # Works today only because adjacency is higher precedence than # modulus. This will no longer be available. "abc %s" "def" % var # So the 2-to-3 translator can automatically replace it with the # (already valid): ("abc %s" + "def") % var Long Commands … build up (what I consider to be) readable SQL queries [4]:rows = self.executesql("select cities.city, state, country" " from cities, venues, events, addresses" " where cities.city like %s" " and events.active = 1" " and venues.address = addresses.id" " and addresses.city = cities.id" " and events.venue = venues.id", (city,)) Alternatives again include triple-quoted strings, +, and .join: query="""select cities.city, state, country from cities, venues, events, addresses where cities.city like %s and events.active = 1" and venues.address = addresses.id and addresses.city = cities.id and events.venue = venues.id""" query=( "select cities.city, state, country" + " from cities, venues, events, addresses" + " where cities.city like %s" + " and events.active = 1" + " and venues.address = addresses.id" + " and addresses.city = cities.id" + " and events.venue = venues.id" ) query="\n".join(["select cities.city, state, country", " from cities, venues, events, addresses", " where cities.city like %s", " and events.active = 1", " and venues.address = addresses.id", " and addresses.city = cities.id", " and events.venue = venues.id"]) # And yes, you *could* inline any of the above querystrings # the same way the original was inlined. rows = self.executesql(query, (city,)) Regular Expressions Complex regular expressions are sometimes stated in terms of several implicitly concatenated strings with each regex component on a different line and followed by a comment. The plus operator can be inserted here but it does make the regex harder to read. One alternative is to use the re.VERBOSE option. Another alternative is to build-up the regex with a series of += lines: # Existing idiom which relies on implicit concatenation r = ('a{20}' # Twenty A's 'b{5}' # Followed by Five B's ) # Mechanical replacement r = ('a{20}' +# Twenty A's 'b{5}' # Followed by Five B's ) # already works today r = '''a{20} # Twenty A's b{5} # Followed by Five B's ''' # Compiled with the re.VERBOSE flag # already works today r = 'a{20}' # Twenty A's r += 'b{5}' # Followed by Five B's Internationalization Some internationalization tools – notably xgettext – have already been special-cased for implicit concatenation, but not for Python’s explicit concatenation. [5] These tools will fail to extract the (already legal): _("some string" + " and more of it") but often have a special case for: _("some string" " and more of it") It should also be possible to just use an overly long line (xgettext limits messages to 2048 characters [7], which is less than Python’s enforced limit) or triple-quoted strings, but these solutions sacrifice some readability in the code: # Lines over a certain length are unpleasant. _("some string and more of it") # Changing whitespace is not ideal. _("""Some string and more of it""") _("""Some string and more of it""") _("Some string \ and more of it") I do not see a good short-term resolution for this. Transition The proposed new constructs are already legal in current Python, and can be used immediately. The 2 to 3 translator can be made to mechanically change: "str1" "str2" ("line1" #comment "line2") into: ("str1" + "str2") ("line1" +#comments "line2") If users want to use one of the other idioms, they can; as these idioms are all already legal in python 2, the edits can be made to the original source, rather than patching up the translator. Open Issues Is there a better way to support external text extraction tools, or at least xgettext [6] in particular? References [1] Implicit String Concatenation, Orendorff https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2007-April/000397.html [2] (1, 2) Reminder: Py3k PEPs due by April, Hettinger, van Rossum https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006563.html [3] ps to question Re: Need help completing ABC pep, van Rossum https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006737.html [4] (email Subject) PEP 30XZ: Simplified Parsing, Skip, https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-May/007261.html [5] (email Subject) PEP 30XZ: Simplified Parsing https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-May/007305.html [6] GNU gettext manual http://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/ [7] Unix man page for xgettext – Notes section http://www.scit.wlv.ac.uk/cgi-bin/mansec?1+xgettext Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3126 – Remove Implicit String Concatenation
Standards Track
Python inherited many of its parsing rules from C. While this has been generally useful, there are some individual rules which are less useful for python, and should be eliminated.
PEP 3129 – Class Decorators Author: Collin Winter <collinwinter at google.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 01-May-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 07-May-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Semantics Implementation Acceptance References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes class decorators, an extension to the function and method decorators introduced in PEP 318. Rationale When function decorators were originally debated for inclusion in Python 2.4, class decorators were seen as obscure and unnecessary thanks to metaclasses. After several years’ experience with the Python 2.4.x series of releases and an increasing familiarity with function decorators and their uses, the BDFL and the community re-evaluated class decorators and recommended their inclusion in Python 3.0 [1]. The motivating use-case was to make certain constructs more easily expressed and less reliant on implementation details of the CPython interpreter. While it is possible to express class decorator-like functionality using metaclasses, the results are generally unpleasant and the implementation highly fragile [2]. In addition, metaclasses are inherited, whereas class decorators are not, making metaclasses unsuitable for some, single class-specific uses of class decorators. The fact that large-scale Python projects like Zope were going through these wild contortions to achieve something like class decorators won over the BDFL. Semantics The semantics and design goals of class decorators are the same as for function decorators (PEP 318, PEP 318); the only difference is that you’re decorating a class instead of a function. The following two snippets are semantically identical: class A: pass A = foo(bar(A)) @foo @bar class A: pass For a detailed examination of decorators, please refer to PEP 318. Implementation Adapting Python’s grammar to support class decorators requires modifying two rules and adding a new rule: funcdef: [decorators] 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef need to be changed to decorated: decorators (classdef | funcdef) funcdef: 'def' NAME parameters ['->' test] ':' suite compound_stmt: if_stmt | while_stmt | for_stmt | try_stmt | with_stmt | funcdef | classdef | decorated Adding decorated is necessary to avoid an ambiguity in the grammar. The Python AST and bytecode must be modified accordingly. A reference implementation [3] has been provided by Jack Diederich. Acceptance There was virtually no discussion following the posting of this PEP, meaning that everyone agreed it should be accepted. The patch was committed to Subversion as revision 55430. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-March/062942.html [2] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-March/062888.html [3] https://bugs.python.org/issue1671208 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3129 – Class Decorators
Standards Track
This PEP proposes class decorators, an extension to the function and method decorators introduced in PEP 318.
PEP 3130 – Access to Current Module/Class/Function Author: Jim J. Jewett <jimjjewett at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 22-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 22-Apr-2007 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Rationale for __module__ Rationale for __class__ Rationale for __function__ Backwards Compatibility Implementation Open Issues References Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected. It is not clear how it should be implemented or what the precise semantics should be in edge cases, and there aren’t enough important use cases given. response has been lukewarm at best. Abstract It is common to need a reference to the current module, class, or function, but there is currently no entirely correct way to do this. This PEP proposes adding the keywords __module__, __class__, and __function__. Rationale for __module__ Many modules export various functions, classes, and other objects, but will perform additional activities (such as running unit tests) when run as a script. The current idiom is to test whether the module’s name has been set to magic value. if __name__ == "__main__": ... More complicated introspection requires a module to (attempt to) import itself. If importing the expected name actually produces a different module, there is no good workaround. # __import__ lets you use a variable, but... it gets more # complicated if the module is in a package. __import__(__name__) # So just go to sys modules... and hope that the module wasn't # hidden/removed (perhaps for security), that __name__ wasn't # changed, and definitely hope that no other module with the # same name is now available. class X(object): pass import sys mod = sys.modules[__name__] mod = sys.modules[X.__class__.__module__] Proposal: Add a __module__ keyword which refers to the module currently being defined (executed). (But see open issues.) # XXX sys.main is still changing as draft progresses. May # really need sys.modules[sys.main] if __module__ is sys.main: # assumes PEP (3122), Cannon ... Rationale for __class__ Class methods are passed the current instance; from this they can determine self.__class__ (or cls, for class methods). Unfortunately, this reference is to the object’s actual class, which may be a subclass of the defining class. The current workaround is to repeat the name of the class, and assume that the name will not be rebound. class C(B): def meth(self): super(C, self).meth() # Hope C is never rebound. class D(C): def meth(self): # ?!? issubclass(D,C), so it "works": super(C, self).meth() Proposal: Add a __class__ keyword which refers to the class currently being defined (executed). (But see open issues.) class C(B): def meth(self): super(__class__, self).meth() Note that super calls may be further simplified by the “New Super” PEP (Spealman). The __class__ (or __this_class__) attribute came up in attempts to simplify the explanation and/or implementation of that PEP, but was separated out as an independent decision. Note that __class__ (or __this_class__) is not quite the same as the __thisclass__ property on bound super objects. The existing super.__thisclass__ property refers to the class from which the Method Resolution Order search begins. In the above class D, it would refer to (the current reference of name) C. Rationale for __function__ Functions (including methods) often want access to themselves, usually for a private storage location or true recursion. While there are several workarounds, all have their drawbacks. def counter(_total=[0]): # _total shouldn't really appear in the # signature at all; the list wrapping and # [0] unwrapping obscure the code _total[0] += 1 return _total[0] @annotate(total=0) def counter(): # Assume name counter is never rebound: counter.total += 1 return counter.total # class exists only to provide storage: class _wrap(object): __total = 0 def f(self): self.__total += 1 return self.__total # set module attribute to a bound method: accum = _wrap().f # This function calls "factorial", which should be itself -- # but the same programming styles that use heavy recursion # often have a greater willingness to rebind function names. def factorial(n): return (n * factorial(n-1) if n else 1) Proposal: Add a __function__ keyword which refers to the function (or method) currently being defined (executed). (But see open issues.) @annotate(total=0) def counter(): # Always refers to this function obj: __function__.total += 1 return __function__.total def factorial(n): return (n * __function__(n-1) if n else 1) Backwards Compatibility While a user could be using these names already, double-underscore names ( __anything__ ) are explicitly reserved to the interpreter. It is therefore acceptable to introduce special meaning to these names within a single feature release. Implementation Ideally, these names would be keywords treated specially by the bytecode compiler. Guido has suggested [1] using a cell variable filled in by the metaclass. Michele Simionato has provided a prototype using bytecode hacks [2]. This does not require any new bytecode operators; it just modifies the which specific sequence of existing operators gets run. Open Issues Are __module__, __class__, and __function__ the right names? In particular, should the names include the word “this”, either as __this_module__, __this_class__, and __this_function__, (format discussed on the python-3000 and python-ideas lists) or as __thismodule__, __thisclass__, and __thisfunction__ (inspired by, but conflicting with, current usage of super.``__thisclass__``). Are all three keywords needed, or should this enhancement be limited to a subset of the objects? Should methods be treated separately from other functions? References [1] Fixing super anyone? Guido van Rossum https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006671.html [2] Descriptor/Decorator challenge, Michele Simionato http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_frm/thread/a6010c7494871bb1/62a2da68961caeb6?lnk=gst&q=simionato+challenge&rnum=1&hl=en#62a2da68961caeb6 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3130 – Access to Current Module/Class/Function
Standards Track
It is common to need a reference to the current module, class, or function, but there is currently no entirely correct way to do this. This PEP proposes adding the keywords __module__, __class__, and __function__.
PEP 3131 – Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 01-May-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Common Objections Specification of Language Changes Policy Specification Implementation Open Issues Discussion References Copyright Abstract This PEP suggests to support non-ASCII letters (such as accented characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Kanji, etc.) in Python identifiers. Rationale Python code is written by many people in the world who are not familiar with the English language, or even well-acquainted with the Latin writing system. Such developers often desire to define classes and functions with names in their native languages, rather than having to come up with an (often incorrect) English translation of the concept they want to name. By using identifiers in their native language, code clarity and maintainability of the code among speakers of that language improves. For some languages, common transliteration systems exist (in particular, for the Latin-based writing systems). For other languages, users have larger difficulties to use Latin to write their native words. Common Objections Some objections are often raised against proposals similar to this one. People claim that they will not be able to use a library if to do so they have to use characters they cannot type on their keyboards. However, it is the choice of the designer of the library to decide on various constraints for using the library: people may not be able to use the library because they cannot get physical access to the source code (because it is not published), or because licensing prohibits usage, or because the documentation is in a language they cannot understand. A developer wishing to make a library widely available needs to make a number of explicit choices (such as publication, licensing, language of documentation, and language of identifiers). It should always be the choice of the author to make these decisions - not the choice of the language designers. In particular, projects wishing to have wide usage probably might want to establish a policy that all identifiers, comments, and documentation is written in English (see the GNU coding style guide for an example of such a policy). Restricting the language to ASCII-only identifiers does not enforce comments and documentation to be English, or the identifiers actually to be English words, so an additional policy is necessary, anyway. Specification of Language Changes The syntax of identifiers in Python will be based on the Unicode standard annex UAX-31 [1], with elaboration and changes as defined below. Within the ASCII range (U+0001..U+007F), the valid characters for identifiers are the same as in Python 2.5. This specification only introduces additional characters from outside the ASCII range. For other characters, the classification uses the version of the Unicode Character Database as included in the unicodedata module. The identifier syntax is <XID_Start> <XID_Continue>*. The exact specification of what characters have the XID_Start or XID_Continue properties can be found in the DerivedCoreProperties file of the Unicode data in use by Python (4.1 at the time this PEP was written), see [6]. For reference, the construction rules for these sets are given below. The XID_* properties are derived from ID_Start/ID_Continue, which are derived themselves. ID_Start is defined as all characters having one of the general categories uppercase letters (Lu), lowercase letters (Ll), titlecase letters (Lt), modifier letters (Lm), other letters (Lo), letter numbers (Nl), the underscore, and characters carrying the Other_ID_Start property. XID_Start then closes this set under normalization, by removing all characters whose NFKC normalization is not of the form ID_Start ID_Continue* anymore. ID_Continue is defined as all characters in ID_Start, plus nonspacing marks (Mn), spacing combining marks (Mc), decimal number (Nd), connector punctuations (Pc), and characters carrying the Other_ID_Continue property. Again, XID_Continue closes this set under NFKC-normalization; it also adds U+00B7 to support Catalan. All identifiers are converted into the normal form NFKC while parsing; comparison of identifiers is based on NFKC. A non-normative HTML file listing all valid identifier characters for Unicode 4.1 can be found at http://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/home/loewis/table-3131.html. Policy Specification As an addition to the Python Coding style, the following policy is prescribed: All identifiers in the Python standard library MUST use ASCII-only identifiers, and SHOULD use English words wherever feasible (in many cases, abbreviations and technical terms are used which aren’t English). In addition, string literals and comments must also be in ASCII. The only exceptions are (a) test cases testing the non-ASCII features, and (b) names of authors. Authors whose names are not based on the Latin alphabet MUST provide a Latin transliteration of their names. As an option, this specification can be applied to Python 2.x. In that case, ASCII-only identifiers would continue to be represented as byte string objects in namespace dictionaries; identifiers with non-ASCII characters would be represented as Unicode strings. Implementation The following changes will need to be made to the parser: If a non-ASCII character is found in the UTF-8 representation of the source code, a forward scan is made to find the first ASCII non-identifier character (e.g. a space or punctuation character) The entire UTF-8 string is passed to a function to normalize the string to NFKC, and then verify that it follows the identifier syntax. No such callout is made for pure-ASCII identifiers, which continue to be parsed the way they are today. The Unicode database must start including the Other_ID_{Start|Continue} property. If this specification is implemented for 2.x, reflective libraries (such as pydoc) must be verified to continue to work when Unicode strings appear in __dict__ slots as keys. Open Issues John Nagle suggested consideration of Unicode Technical Standard #39, [2], which discusses security mechanisms for Unicode identifiers. It’s not clear how that can precisely apply to this PEP; possible consequences are warn about characters listed as “restricted” in xidmodifications.txt warn about identifiers using mixed scripts somehow perform Confusable Detection In the latter two approaches, it’s not clear how precisely the algorithm should work. For mixed scripts, certain kinds of mixing should probably allowed - are these the “Common” and “Inherited” scripts mentioned in section 5? For Confusable Detection, it seems one needs two identifiers to compare them for confusion - is it possible to somehow apply it to a single identifier only, and warn? In follow-up discussion, it turns out that John Nagle actually meant to suggest UTR#36, level “Highly Restrictive”, [3]. Several people suggested to allow and ignore formatting control characters (general category Cf), as is done in Java, JavaScript, and C#. It’s not clear whether this would improve things (it might for RTL languages); if there is a need, these can be added later. Some people would like to see an option on selecting support for this PEP at run-time; opinions vary on what precisely that option should be, and what precisely its default value should be. Guido van Rossum commented in [5] that a global flag passed to the interpreter is not acceptable, as it would apply to all modules. Discussion Ka-Ping Yee summarizes discussion and further objection in [4] as such: Should identifiers be allowed to contain any Unicode letter?Drawbacks of allowing non-ASCII identifiers wholesale: Python will lose the ability to make a reliable round trip to a human-readable display on screen or on paper. Python will become vulnerable to a new class of security exploits; code and submitted patches will be much harder to inspect. Humans will no longer be able to validate Python syntax. Unicode is young; its problems are not yet well understood and solved; tool support is weak. Languages with non-ASCII identifiers use different character sets and normalization schemes; PEP 3131’s choices are non-obvious. The Unicode bidi algorithm yields an extremely confusing display order for RTL text when digits or operators are nearby. Should the default behaviour accept only ASCII identifiers, or should it accept identifiers containing non-ASCII characters?Arguments for ASCII only by default: Non-ASCII identifiers by default makes common practice/assumptions subtly/unknowingly wrong; rarely wrong is worse than obviously wrong. Better to raise a warning than to fail silently when encountering a probably unexpected situation. All of current usage is ASCII-only; the vast majority of future usage will be ASCII-only. It is the pockets of Unicode adoption that are parochial, not the ASCII advocates. Python should audit for ASCII-only identifiers for the same reasons that it audits for tab-space consistency Incremental change is safer. An ASCII-only default favors open-source development and sharing of source code. Existing projects won’t have to waste any brainpower worrying about the implications of Unicode identifiers. Should non-ASCII identifiers be optional?Various voices in support of a flag (although there’s been debate over which should be the default, no one seems to be saying that there shouldn’t be an off switch) Should the identifier character set be configurable?Various voices proposing and supporting a selectable character set, so that users can get all the benefits of using their own language without the drawbacks of confusable/unfamiliar characters Which identifier characters should be allowed? What to do about bidi format control characters? What about other ID_Continue characters? What about characters that look like punctuation? What about other recommendations in UTS #39? What about mixed-script identifiers? Which normalization form should be used, NFC or NFKC? Should source code be required to be in normalized form? References [1] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr31/ [2] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr39/ [3] http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr36/ [4] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-June/008161.html [5] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-May/007925.html [6] http://www.unicode.org/Public/4.1.0/ucd/DerivedCoreProperties.txt Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3131 – Supporting Non-ASCII Identifiers
Standards Track
This PEP suggests to support non-ASCII letters (such as accented characters, Cyrillic, Greek, Kanji, etc.) in Python identifiers.
PEP 3132 – Extended Iterable Unpacking Author: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Implementation Grammar change Changes to the Compiler Changes to the Bytecode Interpreter Acceptance References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a change to iterable unpacking syntax, allowing to specify a “catch-all” name which will be assigned a list of all items not assigned to a “regular” name. An example says more than a thousand words: >>> a, *b, c = range(5) >>> a 0 >>> c 4 >>> b [1, 2, 3] Rationale Many algorithms require splitting a sequence in a “first, rest” pair. With the new syntax, first, rest = seq[0], seq[1:] is replaced by the cleaner and probably more efficient: first, *rest = seq For more complex unpacking patterns, the new syntax looks even cleaner, and the clumsy index handling is not necessary anymore. Also, if the right-hand value is not a list, but an iterable, it has to be converted to a list before being able to do slicing; to avoid creating this temporary list, one has to resort to it = iter(seq) first = it.next() rest = list(it) Specification A tuple (or list) on the left side of a simple assignment (unpacking is not defined for augmented assignment) may contain at most one expression prepended with a single asterisk (which is henceforth called a “starred” expression, while the other expressions in the list are called “mandatory”). This designates a subexpression that will be assigned a list of all items from the iterable being unpacked that are not assigned to any of the mandatory expressions, or an empty list if there are no such items. For example, if seq is a sliceable sequence, all the following assignments are equivalent if seq has at least two elements: a, b, c = seq[0], list(seq[1:-1]), seq[-1] a, *b, c = seq [a, *b, c] = seq It is an error (as it is currently) if the iterable doesn’t contain enough items to assign to all the mandatory expressions. It is also an error to use the starred expression as a lone assignment target, as in *a = range(5) This, however, is valid syntax: *a, = range(5) Note that this proposal also applies to tuples in implicit assignment context, such as in a for statement: for a, *b in [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6, 7)]: print(b) would print out [2, 3] [5, 6, 7] Starred expressions are only allowed as assignment targets, using them anywhere else (except for star-args in function calls, of course) is an error. Implementation Grammar change This feature requires a new grammar rule: star_expr: ['*'] expr In these two rules, expr is changed to star_expr: comparison: star_expr (comp_op star_expr)* exprlist: star_expr (',' star_expr)* [','] Changes to the Compiler A new ASDL expression type Starred is added which represents a starred expression. Note that the starred expression element introduced here is universal and could later be used for other purposes in non-assignment context, such as the yield *iterable proposal. The compiler is changed to recognize all cases where a starred expression is invalid and flag them with syntax errors. A new bytecode instruction, UNPACK_EX, is added, whose argument has the number of mandatory targets before the starred target in the lower 8 bits and the number of mandatory targets after the starred target in the upper 8 bits. For unpacking sequences without starred expressions, the old UNPACK_ITERABLE opcode is kept. Changes to the Bytecode Interpreter The function unpack_iterable() in ceval.c is changed to handle the extended unpacking, via an argcntafter parameter. In the UNPACK_EX case, the function will do the following: collect all items for mandatory targets before the starred one collect all remaining items from the iterable in a list pop items for mandatory targets after the starred one from the list push the single items and the resized list on the stack Shortcuts for unpacking iterables of known types, such as lists or tuples, can be added. The current implementation can be found at the SourceForge Patch tracker [SFPATCH]. It now includes a minimal test case. Acceptance After a short discussion on the python-3000 list [1], the PEP was accepted by Guido in its current form. Possible changes discussed were: Only allow a starred expression as the last item in the exprlist. This would simplify the unpacking code a bit and allow for the starred expression to be assigned an iterator. This behavior was rejected because it would be too surprising. Try to give the starred target the same type as the source iterable, for example, b in a, *b = 'hello' would be assigned the string 'ello'. This may seem nice, but is impossible to get right consistently with all iterables. Make the starred target a tuple instead of a list. This would be consistent with a function’s *args, but make further processing of the result harder. References [SFPATCH] https://bugs.python.org/issue1711529 [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-May/007198.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3132 – Extended Iterable Unpacking
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a change to iterable unpacking syntax, allowing to specify a “catch-all” name which will be assigned a list of all items not assigned to a “regular” name.
PEP 3133 – Introducing Roles Author: Collin Winter <collinwinter at google.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Requires: 3115, 3129 Created: 01-May-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 13-May-2007 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Rationale A Note on Syntax Performing Your Role Static Role Assignment Assigning Roles at Runtime Asking Questions About Roles Defining New Roles Empty Roles Composing Roles via Inheritance Requiring Concrete Methods Mechanism Relationship to Abstract Base Classes Open Issues Allowing Instances to Perform Different Roles Than Their Class Requiring Attributes Roles of Roles class_performs() Prettier Dynamic Role Assignment Syntax Support Implementation Acknowledgements References Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP has helped push PEP 3119 towards a saner, more minimalistic approach. But given the latest version of PEP 3119 I much prefer that. GvR. Abstract Python’s existing object model organizes objects according to their implementation. It is often desirable – especially in duck typing-based language like Python – to organize objects by the part they play in a larger system (their intent), rather than by how they fulfill that part (their implementation). This PEP introduces the concept of roles, a mechanism for organizing objects according to their intent rather than their implementation. Rationale In the beginning were objects. They allowed programmers to marry function and state, and to increase code reusability through concepts like polymorphism and inheritance, and lo, it was good. There came a time, however, when inheritance and polymorphism weren’t enough. With the invention of both dogs and trees, we were no longer able to be content with knowing merely, “Does it understand ‘bark’?” We now needed to know what a given object thought that “bark” meant. One solution, the one detailed here, is that of roles, a mechanism orthogonal and complementary to the traditional class/instance system. Whereas classes concern themselves with state and implementation, the roles mechanism deals exclusively with the behaviours embodied in a given class. This system was originally called “traits” and implemented for Squeak Smalltalk [4]. It has since been adapted for use in Perl 6 [3] where it is called “roles”, and it is primarily from there that the concept is now being interpreted for Python 3. Python 3 will preserve the name “roles”. In a nutshell: roles tell you what an object does, classes tell you how an object does it. In this PEP, I will outline a system for Python 3 that will make it possible to easily determine whether a given object’s understanding of “bark” is tree-like or dog-like. (There might also be more serious examples.) A Note on Syntax A syntax proposals in this PEP are tentative and should be considered to be strawmen. The necessary bits that this PEP depends on – namely PEP 3115’s class definition syntax and PEP 3129’s class decorators – are still being formalized and may change. Function names will, of course, be subject to lengthy bikeshedding debates. Performing Your Role Static Role Assignment Let’s start out by defining Tree and Dog classes class Tree(Vegetable): def bark(self): return self.is_rough() class Dog(Animal): def bark(self): return self.goes_ruff() While both implement a bark() method with the same signature, they do wildly different things. We need some way of differentiating what we’re expecting. Relying on inheritance and a simple isinstance() test will limit code reuse and/or force any dog-like classes to inherit from Dog, whether or not that makes sense. Let’s see if roles can help. @perform_role(Doglike) class Dog(Animal): ... @perform_role(Treelike) class Tree(Vegetable): ... @perform_role(SitThere) class Rock(Mineral): ... We use class decorators from PEP 3129 to associate a particular role or roles with a class. Client code can now verify that an incoming object performs the Doglike role, allowing it to handle Wolf, LaughingHyena and Aibo [1] instances, too. Roles can be composed via normal inheritance: @perform_role(Guard, MummysLittleDarling) class GermanShepherd(Dog): def guard(self, the_precious): while True: if intruder_near(the_precious): self.growl() def get_petted(self): self.swallow_pride() Here, GermanShepherd instances perform three roles: Guard and MummysLittleDarling are applied directly, whereas Doglike is inherited from Dog. Assigning Roles at Runtime Roles can be assigned at runtime, too, by unpacking the syntactic sugar provided by decorators. Say we import a Robot class from another module, and since we know that Robot already implements our Guard interface, we’d like it to play nicely with guard-related code, too. >>> perform(Guard)(Robot) This takes effect immediately and impacts all instances of Robot. Asking Questions About Roles Just because we’ve told our robot army that they’re guards, we’d like to check in on them occasionally and make sure they’re still at their task. >>> performs(our_robot, Guard) True What about that one robot over there? >>> performs(that_robot_over_there, Guard) True The performs() function is used to ask if a given object fulfills a given role. It cannot be used, however, to ask a class if its instances fulfill a role: >>> performs(Robot, Guard) False This is because the Robot class is not interchangeable with a Robot instance. Defining New Roles Empty Roles Roles are defined like a normal class, but use the Role metaclass. class Doglike(metaclass=Role): ... Metaclasses are used to indicate that Doglike is a Role in the same way 5 is an int and tuple is a type. Composing Roles via Inheritance Roles may inherit from other roles; this has the effect of composing them. Here, instances of Dog will perform both the Doglike and FourLegs roles. class FourLegs(metaclass=Role): pass class Doglike(FourLegs, Carnivor): pass @perform_role(Doglike) class Dog(Mammal): pass Requiring Concrete Methods So far we’ve only defined empty roles – not very useful things. Let’s now require that all classes that claim to fulfill the Doglike role define a bark() method: class Doglike(FourLegs): def bark(self): pass No decorators are required to flag the method as “abstract”, and the method will never be called, meaning whatever code it contains (if any) is irrelevant. Roles provide only abstract methods; concrete default implementations are left to other, better-suited mechanisms like mixins. Once you have defined a role, and a class has claimed to perform that role, it is essential that that claim be verified. Here, the programmer has misspelled one of the methods required by the role. @perform_role(FourLegs) class Horse(Mammal): def run_like_teh_wind(self) ... This will cause the role system to raise an exception, complaining that you’re missing a run_like_the_wind() method. The role system carries out these checks as soon as a class is flagged as performing a given role. Concrete methods are required to match exactly the signature demanded by the role. Here, we’ve attempted to fulfill our role by defining a concrete version of bark(), but we’ve missed the mark a bit. @perform_role(Doglike) class Coyote(Mammal): def bark(self, target=moon): pass This method’s signature doesn’t match exactly with what the Doglike role was expecting, so the role system will throw a bit of a tantrum. Mechanism The following are strawman proposals for how roles might be expressed in Python. The examples here are phrased in a way that the roles mechanism may be implemented without changing the Python interpreter. (Examples adapted from an article on Perl 6 roles by Curtis Poe [2].) Static class role assignment@perform_role(Thieving) class Elf(Character): ... perform_role() accepts multiple arguments, such that this is also legal: @perform_role(Thieving, Spying, Archer) class Elf(Character): ... The Elf class now performs both the Thieving, Spying, and Archer roles. Querying instancesif performs(my_elf, Thieving): ... The second argument to performs() may also be anything with a __contains__() method, meaning the following is legal: if performs(my_elf, set([Thieving, Spying, BoyScout])): ... Like isinstance(), the object needs only to perform a single role out of the set in order for the expression to be true. Relationship to Abstract Base Classes Early drafts of this PEP [5] envisioned roles as competing with the abstract base classes proposed in PEP 3119. After further discussion and deliberation, a compromise and a delegation of responsibilities and use-cases has been worked out as follows: Roles provide a way of indicating an object’s semantics and abstract capabilities. A role may define abstract methods, but only as a way of delineating an interface through which a particular set of semantics are accessed. An Ordering role might require that some set of ordering operators be defined.class Ordering(metaclass=Role): def __ge__(self, other): pass def __le__(self, other): pass def __ne__(self, other): pass # ...and so on In this way, we’re able to indicate an object’s role or function within a larger system without constraining or concerning ourselves with a particular implementation. Abstract base classes, by contrast, are a way of reusing common, discrete units of implementation. For example, one might define an OrderingMixin that implements several ordering operators in terms of other operators.class OrderingMixin: def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other # ...and so on Using this abstract base class - more properly, a concrete mixin - allows a programmer to define a limited set of operators and let the mixin in effect “derive” the others. By combining these two orthogonal systems, we’re able to both a) provide functionality, and b) alert consumer systems to the presence and availability of this functionality. For example, since the OrderingMixin class above satisfies the interface and semantics expressed in the Ordering role, we say the mixin performs the role: @perform_role(Ordering) class OrderingMixin: def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other # ...and so on Now, any class that uses the mixin will automatically – that is, without further programmer effort – be tagged as performing the Ordering role. The separation of concerns into two distinct, orthogonal systems is desirable because it allows us to use each one separately. Take, for example, a third-party package providing a RecursiveHash role that indicates a container takes its contents into account when determining its hash value. Since Python’s built-in tuple and frozenset classes follow this semantic, the RecursiveHash role can be applied to them. >>> perform_role(RecursiveHash)(tuple) >>> perform_role(RecursiveHash)(frozenset) Now, any code that consumes RecursiveHash objects will now be able to consume tuples and frozensets. Open Issues Allowing Instances to Perform Different Roles Than Their Class Perl 6 allows instances to perform different roles than their class. These changes are local to the single instance and do not affect other instances of the class. For example: my_elf = Elf() my_elf.goes_on_quest() my_elf.becomes_evil() now_performs(my_elf, Thieving) # Only this one elf is a thief my_elf.steals(["purses", "candy", "kisses"]) In Perl 6, this is done by creating an anonymous class that inherits from the instance’s original parent and performs the additional role(s). This is possible in Python 3, though whether it is desirable is still is another matter. Inclusion of this feature would, of course, make it much easier to express the works of Charles Dickens in Python: >>> from literature import role, BildungsRoman >>> from dickens import Urchin, Gentleman >>> >>> with BildungsRoman() as OliverTwist: ... mr_brownlow = Gentleman() ... oliver, artful_dodger = Urchin(), Urchin() ... now_performs(artful_dodger, [role.Thief, role.Scoundrel]) ... ... oliver.has_adventures_with(ArtfulDodger) ... mr_brownlow.adopt_orphan(oliver) ... now_performs(oliver, role.RichWard) Requiring Attributes Neal Norwitz has requested the ability to make assertions about the presence of attributes using the same mechanism used to require methods. Since roles take effect at class definition-time, and since the vast majority of attributes are defined at runtime by a class’s __init__() method, there doesn’t seem to be a good way to check for attributes at the same time as methods. It may still be desirable to include non-enforced attributes in the role definition, if only for documentation purposes. Roles of Roles Under the proposed semantics, it is possible for roles to have roles of their own. @perform_role(Y) class X(metaclass=Role): ... While this is possible, it is meaningless, since roles are generally not instantiated. There has been some off-line discussion about giving meaning to this expression, but so far no good ideas have emerged. class_performs() It is currently not possible to ask a class if its instances perform a given role. It may be desirable to provide an analogue to performs() such that >>> isinstance(my_dwarf, Dwarf) True >>> performs(my_dwarf, Surly) True >>> performs(Dwarf, Surly) False >>> class_performs(Dwarf, Surly) True Prettier Dynamic Role Assignment An early draft of this PEP included a separate mechanism for dynamically assigning a role to a class. This was spelled >>> now_perform(Dwarf, GoldMiner) This same functionality already exists by unpacking the syntactic sugar provided by decorators: >>> perform_role(GoldMiner)(Dwarf) At issue is whether dynamic role assignment is sufficiently important to warrant a dedicated spelling. Syntax Support Though the phrasings laid out in this PEP are designed so that the roles system could be shipped as a stand-alone package, it may be desirable to add special syntax for defining, assigning and querying roles. One example might be a role keyword, which would translate class MyRole(metaclass=Role): ... into role MyRole: ... Assigning a role could take advantage of the class definition arguments proposed in PEP 3115: class MyClass(performs=MyRole): ... Implementation A reference implementation is forthcoming. Acknowledgements Thanks to Jeffery Yasskin, Talin and Guido van Rossum for several hours of in-person discussion to iron out the differences, overlap and finer points of roles and abstract base classes. References [1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/AIBO [2] http://www.perlmonks.org/?node_id=384858 [3] http://dev.perl.org/perl6/doc/design/syn/S12.html [4] http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~scg/Archive/Papers/Scha03aTraits.pdf [5] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/007026.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3133 – Introducing Roles
Standards Track
Python’s existing object model organizes objects according to their implementation. It is often desirable – especially in duck typing-based language like Python – to organize objects by the part they play in a larger system (their intent), rather than by how they fulfill that part (their implementation). This PEP introduces the concept of roles, a mechanism for organizing objects according to their intent rather than their implementation.
PEP 3134 – Exception Chaining and Embedded Tracebacks Author: Ka-Ping Yee Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 12-May-2005 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Numbering Note Abstract Motivation History Rationale Implicit Exception Chaining Explicit Exception Chaining Traceback Attribute Enhanced Reporting C API Compatibility Open Issue: Extra Information Open Issue: Suppressing Context Open Issue: Limiting Exception Types Open Issue: yield Open Issue: Garbage Collection Possible Future Compatible Changes Possible Future Incompatible Changes Implementation Acknowledgements References Copyright Numbering Note This PEP started its life as PEP 344. Since it is now targeted for Python 3000, it has been moved into the 3xxx space. Abstract This PEP proposes three standard attributes on exception instances: the __context__ attribute for implicitly chained exceptions, the __cause__ attribute for explicitly chained exceptions, and the __traceback__ attribute for the traceback. A new raise ... from statement sets the __cause__ attribute. Motivation During the handling of one exception (exception A), it is possible that another exception (exception B) may occur. In today’s Python (version 2.4), if this happens, exception B is propagated outward and exception A is lost. In order to debug the problem, it is useful to know about both exceptions. The __context__ attribute retains this information automatically. Sometimes it can be useful for an exception handler to intentionally re-raise an exception, either to provide extra information or to translate an exception to another type. The __cause__ attribute provides an explicit way to record the direct cause of an exception. In today’s Python implementation, exceptions are composed of three parts: the type, the value, and the traceback. The sys module, exposes the current exception in three parallel variables, exc_type, exc_value, and exc_traceback, the sys.exc_info() function returns a tuple of these three parts, and the raise statement has a three-argument form accepting these three parts. Manipulating exceptions often requires passing these three things in parallel, which can be tedious and error-prone. Additionally, the except statement can only provide access to the value, not the traceback. Adding the __traceback__ attribute to exception values makes all the exception information accessible from a single place. History Raymond Hettinger [1] raised the issue of masked exceptions on Python-Dev in January 2003 and proposed a PyErr_FormatAppend() function that C modules could use to augment the currently active exception with more information. Brett Cannon [2] brought up chained exceptions again in June 2003, prompting a long discussion. Greg Ewing [3] identified the case of an exception occurring in a finally block during unwinding triggered by an original exception, as distinct from the case of an exception occurring in an except block that is handling the original exception. Greg Ewing [4] and Guido van Rossum [5], and probably others, have previously mentioned adding a traceback attribute to Exception instances. This is noted in PEP 3000. This PEP was motivated by yet another recent Python-Dev reposting of the same ideas [6] [7]. Rationale The Python-Dev discussions revealed interest in exception chaining for two quite different purposes. To handle the unexpected raising of a secondary exception, the exception must be retained implicitly. To support intentional translation of an exception, there must be a way to chain exceptions explicitly. This PEP addresses both. Several attribute names for chained exceptions have been suggested on Python-Dev [2], including cause, antecedent, reason, original, chain, chainedexc, exc_chain, excprev, previous, and precursor. For an explicitly chained exception, this PEP suggests __cause__ because of its specific meaning. For an implicitly chained exception, this PEP proposes the name __context__ because the intended meaning is more specific than temporal precedence but less specific than causation: an exception occurs in the context of handling another exception. This PEP suggests names with leading and trailing double-underscores for these three attributes because they are set by the Python VM. Only in very special cases should they be set by normal assignment. This PEP handles exceptions that occur during except blocks and finally blocks in the same way. Reading the traceback makes it clear where the exceptions occurred, so additional mechanisms for distinguishing the two cases would only add unnecessary complexity. This PEP proposes that the outermost exception object (the one exposed for matching by except clauses) be the most recently raised exception for compatibility with current behaviour. This PEP proposes that tracebacks display the outermost exception last, because this would be consistent with the chronological order of tracebacks (from oldest to most recent frame) and because the actual thrown exception is easier to find on the last line. To keep things simpler, the C API calls for setting an exception will not automatically set the exception’s __context__. Guido van Rossum has expressed concerns with making such changes [8]. As for other languages, Java and Ruby both discard the original exception when another exception occurs in a catch/rescue or finally/ensure clause. Perl 5 lacks built-in structured exception handling. For Perl 6, RFC number 88 [9] proposes an exception mechanism that implicitly retains chained exceptions in an array named @@. In that RFC, the most recently raised exception is exposed for matching, as in this PEP; also, arbitrary expressions (possibly involving @@) can be evaluated for exception matching. Exceptions in C# contain a read-only InnerException property that may point to another exception. Its documentation [10] says that “When an exception X is thrown as a direct result of a previous exception Y, the InnerException property of X should contain a reference to Y.” This property is not set by the VM automatically; rather, all exception constructors take an optional innerException argument to set it explicitly. The __cause__ attribute fulfills the same purpose as InnerException, but this PEP proposes a new form of raise rather than extending the constructors of all exceptions. C# also provides a GetBaseException method that jumps directly to the end of the InnerException chain; this PEP proposes no analog. The reason all three of these attributes are presented together in one proposal is that the __traceback__ attribute provides convenient access to the traceback on chained exceptions. Implicit Exception Chaining Here is an example to illustrate the __context__ attribute: def compute(a, b): try: a/b except Exception, exc: log(exc) def log(exc): file = open('logfile.txt') # oops, forgot the 'w' print >>file, exc file.close() Calling compute(0, 0) causes a ZeroDivisionError. The compute() function catches this exception and calls log(exc), but the log() function also raises an exception when it tries to write to a file that wasn’t opened for writing. In today’s Python, the caller of compute() gets thrown an IOError. The ZeroDivisionError is lost. With the proposed change, the instance of IOError has an additional __context__ attribute that retains the ZeroDivisionError. The following more elaborate example demonstrates the handling of a mixture of finally and except clauses: def main(filename): file = open(filename) # oops, forgot the 'w' try: try: compute() except Exception, exc: log(file, exc) finally: file.clos() # oops, misspelled 'close' def compute(): 1/0 def log(file, exc): try: print >>file, exc # oops, file is not writable except: display(exc) def display(exc): print ex # oops, misspelled 'exc' Calling main() with the name of an existing file will trigger four exceptions. The ultimate result will be an AttributeError due to the misspelling of clos, whose __context__ points to a NameError due to the misspelling of ex, whose __context__ points to an IOError due to the file being read-only, whose __context__ points to a ZeroDivisionError, whose __context__ attribute is None. The proposed semantics are as follows: Each thread has an exception context initially set to None. Whenever an exception is raised, if the exception instance does not already have a __context__ attribute, the interpreter sets it equal to the thread’s exception context. Immediately after an exception is raised, the thread’s exception context is set to the exception. Whenever the interpreter exits an except block by reaching the end or executing a return, yield, continue, or break statement, the thread’s exception context is set to None. Explicit Exception Chaining The __cause__ attribute on exception objects is always initialized to None. It is set by a new form of the raise statement: raise EXCEPTION from CAUSE which is equivalent to: exc = EXCEPTION exc.__cause__ = CAUSE raise exc In the following example, a database provides implementations for a few different kinds of storage, with file storage as one kind. The database designer wants errors to propagate as DatabaseError objects so that the client doesn’t have to be aware of the storage-specific details, but doesn’t want to lose the underlying error information. class DatabaseError(Exception): pass class FileDatabase(Database): def __init__(self, filename): try: self.file = open(filename) except IOError, exc: raise DatabaseError('failed to open') from exc If the call to open() raises an exception, the problem will be reported as a DatabaseError, with a __cause__ attribute that reveals the IOError as the original cause. Traceback Attribute The following example illustrates the __traceback__ attribute. def do_logged(file, work): try: work() except Exception, exc: write_exception(file, exc) raise exc from traceback import format_tb def write_exception(file, exc): ... type = exc.__class__ message = str(exc) lines = format_tb(exc.__traceback__) file.write(... type ... message ... lines ...) ... In today’s Python, the do_logged() function would have to extract the traceback from sys.exc_traceback or sys.exc_info() [2] and pass both the value and the traceback to write_exception(). With the proposed change, write_exception() simply gets one argument and obtains the exception using the __traceback__ attribute. The proposed semantics are as follows: Whenever an exception is caught, if the exception instance does not already have a __traceback__ attribute, the interpreter sets it to the newly caught traceback. Enhanced Reporting The default exception handler will be modified to report chained exceptions. The chain of exceptions is traversed by following the __cause__ and __context__ attributes, with __cause__ taking priority. In keeping with the chronological order of tracebacks, the most recently raised exception is displayed last; that is, the display begins with the description of the innermost exception and backs up the chain to the outermost exception. The tracebacks are formatted as usual, with one of the lines: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: or During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: between tracebacks, depending whether they are linked by __cause__ or __context__ respectively. Here is a sketch of the procedure: def print_chain(exc): if exc.__cause__: print_chain(exc.__cause__) print '\nThe above exception was the direct cause...' elif exc.__context__: print_chain(exc.__context__) print '\nDuring handling of the above exception, ...' print_exc(exc) In the traceback module, the format_exception, print_exception, print_exc, and print_last functions will be updated to accept an optional chain argument, True by default. When this argument is True, these functions will format or display the entire chain of exceptions as just described. When it is False, these functions will format or display only the outermost exception. The cgitb module should also be updated to display the entire chain of exceptions. C API The PyErr_Set* calls for setting exceptions will not set the __context__ attribute on exceptions. PyErr_NormalizeException will always set the traceback attribute to its tb argument and the __context__ and __cause__ attributes to None. A new API function, PyErr_SetContext(context), will help C programmers provide chained exception information. This function will first normalize the current exception so it is an instance, then set its __context__ attribute. A similar API function, PyErr_SetCause(cause), will set the __cause__ attribute. Compatibility Chained exceptions expose the type of the most recent exception, so they will still match the same except clauses as they do now. The proposed changes should not break any code unless it sets or uses attributes named __context__, __cause__, or __traceback__ on exception instances. As of 2005-05-12, the Python standard library contains no mention of such attributes. Open Issue: Extra Information Walter Dörwald [11] expressed a desire to attach extra information to an exception during its upward propagation without changing its type. This could be a useful feature, but it is not addressed by this PEP. It could conceivably be addressed by a separate PEP establishing conventions for other informational attributes on exceptions. Open Issue: Suppressing Context As written, this PEP makes it impossible to suppress __context__, since setting exc.__context__ to None in an except or finally clause will only result in it being set again when exc is raised. Open Issue: Limiting Exception Types To improve encapsulation, library implementors may want to wrap all implementation-level exceptions with an application-level exception. One could try to wrap exceptions by writing this: try: ... implementation may raise an exception ... except: import sys raise ApplicationError from sys.exc_value or this: try: ... implementation may raise an exception ... except Exception, exc: raise ApplicationError from exc but both are somewhat flawed. It would be nice to be able to name the current exception in a catch-all except clause, but that isn’t addressed here. Such a feature would allow something like this: try: ... implementation may raise an exception ... except *, exc: raise ApplicationError from exc Open Issue: yield The exception context is lost when a yield statement is executed; resuming the frame after the yield does not restore the context. Addressing this problem is out of the scope of this PEP; it is not a new problem, as demonstrated by the following example: >>> def gen(): ... try: ... 1/0 ... except: ... yield 3 ... raise ... >>> g = gen() >>> g.next() 3 >>> g.next() TypeError: exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not NoneType Open Issue: Garbage Collection The strongest objection to this proposal has been that it creates cycles between exceptions and stack frames [12]. Collection of cyclic garbage (and therefore resource release) can be greatly delayed. >>> try: >>> 1/0 >>> except Exception, err: >>> pass will introduce a cycle from err -> traceback -> stack frame -> err, keeping all locals in the same scope alive until the next GC happens. Today, these locals would go out of scope. There is lots of code which assumes that “local” resources – particularly open files – will be closed quickly. If closure has to wait for the next GC, a program (which runs fine today) may run out of file handles. Making the __traceback__ attribute a weak reference would avoid the problems with cyclic garbage. Unfortunately, it would make saving the Exception for later (as unittest does) more awkward, and it would not allow as much cleanup of the sys module. A possible alternate solution, suggested by Adam Olsen, would be to instead turn the reference from the stack frame to the err variable into a weak reference when the variable goes out of scope [13]. Possible Future Compatible Changes These changes are consistent with the appearance of exceptions as a single object rather than a triple at the interpreter level. If PEP 340 or PEP 343 is accepted, replace the three (type, value, traceback) arguments to __exit__ with a single exception argument. Deprecate sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback, and sys.exc_info() in favour of a single member, sys.exception. Deprecate sys.last_type, sys.last_value, and sys.last_traceback in favour of a single member, sys.last_exception. Deprecate the three-argument form of the raise statement in favour of the one-argument form. Upgrade cgitb.html() to accept a single value as its first argument as an alternative to a (type, value, traceback) tuple. Possible Future Incompatible Changes These changes might be worth considering for Python 3000. Remove sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback, and sys.exc_info(). Remove sys.last_type, sys.last_value, and sys.last_traceback. Replace the three-argument sys.excepthook with a one-argument API, and changing the cgitb module to match. Remove the three-argument form of the raise statement. Upgrade traceback.print_exception to accept an exception argument instead of the type, value, and traceback arguments. Implementation The __traceback__ and __cause__ attributes and the new raise syntax were implemented in revision 57783 [14]. Acknowledgements Brett Cannon, Greg Ewing, Guido van Rossum, Jeremy Hylton, Phillip J. Eby, Raymond Hettinger, Walter Dörwald, and others. References [1] Raymond Hettinger, “Idea for avoiding exception masking” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-January/032492.html [2] (1, 2, 3) Brett Cannon explains chained exceptions https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036063.html [3] Greg Ewing points out masking caused by exceptions during finally https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036290.html [4] Greg Ewing suggests storing the traceback in the exception object https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036092.html [5] Guido van Rossum mentions exceptions having a traceback attribute https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-April/053060.html [6] Ka-Ping Yee, “Tidier Exceptions” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-May/053671.html [7] Ka-Ping Yee, “Chained Exceptions” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-May/053672.html [8] Guido van Rossum discusses automatic chaining in PyErr_Set* https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036180.html [9] Tony Olensky, “Omnibus Structured Exception/Error Handling Mechanism” http://dev.perl.org/perl6/rfc/88.html [10] MSDN .NET Framework Library, “Exception.InnerException Property” http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemexceptionclassinnerexceptiontopic.asp [11] Walter Dörwald suggests wrapping exceptions to add details https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036148.html [12] Guido van Rossum restates the objection to cyclic trash https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-January/005322.html [13] Adam Olsen suggests using a weakref from stack frame to exception https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-January/005363.html [14] Patch to implement the bulk of the PEP http://svn.python.org/view/python/branches/py3k/Include/?rev=57783&view=rev Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3134 – Exception Chaining and Embedded Tracebacks
Standards Track
This PEP proposes three standard attributes on exception instances: the __context__ attribute for implicitly chained exceptions, the __cause__ attribute for explicitly chained exceptions, and the __traceback__ attribute for the traceback. A new raise ... from statement sets the __cause__ attribute.
PEP 3135 – New Super Author: Calvin Spealman <ironfroggy at gmail.com>, Tim Delaney <timothy.c.delaney at gmail.com>, Lie Ryan <lie.1296 at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 28-Apr-2007, 29-Apr-2007, 29-Apr-2007, 14-May-2007, 12-Mar-2009 Table of Contents Numbering Note Abstract Rationale Specification Closed Issues Determining the class object to use Should super actually become a keyword? super used with __call__ attributes Alternative Proposals No Changes Dynamic attribute on super type self.__super__.foo(*args) super(self, *args) or __super__(self, *args) super.foo(self, *args) super(*p, **kw) History References Copyright Numbering Note This PEP started its life as PEP 367. Since it is now targeted for Python 3000, it has been moved into the 3xxx space. Abstract This PEP proposes syntactic sugar for use of the super type to automatically construct instances of the super type binding to the class that a method was defined in, and the instance (or class object for classmethods) that the method is currently acting upon. The premise of the new super usage suggested is as follows: super().foo(1, 2) to replace the old: super(Foo, self).foo(1, 2) Rationale The current usage of super requires an explicit passing of both the class and instance it must operate from, requiring a breaking of the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) rule. This hinders any change in class name, and is often considered a wart by many. Specification Within the specification section, some special terminology will be used to distinguish similar and closely related concepts. “super class” will refer to the actual builtin class named “super”. A “super instance” is simply an instance of the super class, which is associated with another class and possibly with an instance of that class. The new super semantics are only available in Python 3.0. Replacing the old usage of super, calls to the next class in the MRO (method resolution order) can be made without explicitly passing the class object (although doing so will still be supported). Every function will have a cell named __class__ that contains the class object that the function is defined in. The new syntax: super() is equivalent to: super(__class__, <firstarg>) where __class__ is the class that the method was defined in, and <firstarg> is the first parameter of the method (normally self for instance methods, and cls for class methods). For functions defined outside a class body, __class__ is not defined, and will result in runtime SystemError. While super is not a reserved word, the parser recognizes the use of super in a method definition and only passes in the __class__ cell when this is found. Thus, calling a global alias of super without arguments will not necessarily work. Closed Issues Determining the class object to use The class object is taken from a cell named __class__. Should super actually become a keyword? No. It is not necessary for super to become a keyword. super used with __call__ attributes It was considered that it might be a problem that instantiating super instances the classic way, because calling it would lookup the __call__ attribute and thus try to perform an automatic super lookup to the next class in the MRO. However, this was found to be false, because calling an object only looks up the __call__ method directly on the object’s type. The following example shows this in action. class A(object): def __call__(self): return '__call__' def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr == '__call__': return lambda: '__getattribute__' a = A() assert a() == '__call__' assert a.__call__() == '__getattribute__' In any case, this issue goes away entirely because classic calls to super(<class>, <instance>) are still supported with the same meaning. Alternative Proposals No Changes Although its always attractive to just keep things how they are, people have sought a change in the usage of super calling for some time, and for good reason, all mentioned previously. Decoupling from the class name (which might not even be bound to the right class anymore!) Simpler looking, cleaner super calls would be better Dynamic attribute on super type The proposal adds a dynamic attribute lookup to the super type, which will automatically determine the proper class and instance parameters. Each super attribute lookup identifies these parameters and performs the super lookup on the instance, as the current super implementation does with the explicit invocation of a super instance upon a class and instance. This proposal relies on sys._getframe(), which is not appropriate for anything except a prototype implementation. self.__super__.foo(*args) The __super__ attribute is mentioned in this PEP in several places, and could be a candidate for the complete solution, actually using it explicitly instead of any super usage directly. However, double-underscore names are usually an internal detail, and attempted to be kept out of everyday code. super(self, *args) or __super__(self, *args) This solution only solves the problem of the type indication, does not handle differently named super methods, and is explicit about the name of the instance. It is less flexible without being able to enacted on other method names, in cases where that is needed. One use case this fails is where a base-class has a factory classmethod and a subclass has two factory classmethods,both of which needing to properly make super calls to the one in the base-class. super.foo(self, *args) This variation actually eliminates the problems with locating the proper instance, and if any of the alternatives were pushed into the spotlight, I would want it to be this one. super(*p, **kw) There has been the proposal that directly calling super(*p, **kw) would be equivalent to calling the method on the super object with the same name as the method currently being executed i.e. the following two methods would be equivalent: def f(self, *p, **kw): super.f(*p, **kw) def f(self, *p, **kw): super(*p, **kw) There is strong sentiment for and against this, but implementation and style concerns are obvious. Guido has suggested that this should be excluded from this PEP on the principle of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). History 29-Apr-2007 Changed title from “Super As A Keyword” to “New Super” Updated much of the language and added a terminology section for clarification in confusing places. Added reference implementation and history sections. 06-May-2007 Updated by Tim Delaney to reflect discussions on the python-3000 and python-dev mailing lists. 12-Mar-2009 Updated to reflect the current state of implementation. References [1] Fixing super anyone? (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006667.html) [2] PEP 3130: Access to Module/Class/Function Currently Being Defined (this) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2007-April/000542.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3135 – New Super
Standards Track
This PEP proposes syntactic sugar for use of the super type to automatically construct instances of the super type binding to the class that a method was defined in, and the instance (or class object for classmethods) that the method is currently acting upon.
PEP 3136 – Labeled break and continue Author: Matt Chisholm <matt-python at theory.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Jun-2007 Python-Version: 3.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Introduction Motivation Other languages What this PEP is not Specification Proposal A - Explicit labels Proposal B - Numeric break & continue Proposal C - The reduplicative method Proposal D - Explicit iterators Proposal E - Explicit iterators and iterator methods Implementation Footnotes Resources Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected. See https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-July/008663.html. Abstract This PEP proposes support for labels in Python’s break and continue statements. It is inspired by labeled break and continue in other languages, and the author’s own infrequent but persistent need for such a feature. Introduction The break statement allows the programmer to terminate a loop early, and the continue statement allows the programmer to move to the next iteration of a loop early. In Python currently, break and continue can apply only to the innermost enclosing loop. Adding support for labels to the break and continue statements is a logical extension to the existing behavior of the break and continue statements. Labeled break and continue can improve the readability and flexibility of complex code which uses nested loops. For brevity’s sake, the examples and discussion in this PEP usually refers to the break statement. However, all of the examples and motivations apply equally to labeled continue. Motivation If the programmer wishes to move to the next iteration of an outer enclosing loop, or terminate multiple loops at once, he or she has a few less-than elegant options. Here’s one common way of imitating labeled break in Python (For this and future examples, ... denotes an arbitrary number of intervening lines of code): for a in a_list: time_to_break_out_of_a = False ... for b in b_list: ... if condition_one(a, b): break ... if condition_two(a, b): time_to_break_out_of_a = True break ... if time_to_break_out_of_a: break ... This requires five lines and an extra variable, time_to_break_out_of_a, to keep track of when to break out of the outer (a) loop. And those five lines are spread across many lines of code, making the control flow difficult to understand. This technique is also error-prone. A programmer modifying this code might inadvertently put new code after the end of the inner (b) loop but before the test for time_to_break_out_of_a, instead of after the test. This means that code which should have been skipped by breaking out of the outer loop gets executed incorrectly. This could also be written with an exception. The programmer would declare a special exception, wrap the inner loop in a try, and catch the exception and break when you see it: class BreakOutOfALoop(Exception): pass for a in a_list: ... try: for b in b_list: ... if condition_one(a, b): break ... if condition_two(a, b): raise BreakOutOfALoop ... except BreakOutOfALoop: break ... Again, though; this requires five lines and a new, single-purpose exception class (instead of a new variable), and spreads basic control flow out over many lines. And it breaks out of the inner loop with break and out of the other loop with an exception, which is inelegant. [1] This next strategy might be the most elegant solution, assuming condition_two() is inexpensive to compute: for a in a_list: ... for b in b_list: ... if condition_one(a, b): break ... if condition_two(a, b): break ... if condition_two(a, b) break ... Breaking twice is still inelegant. This implementation also relies on the fact that the inner (b) loop bleeds b into the outer for loop, which (although explicitly supported) is both surprising to novices, and in my opinion counter-intuitive and poor practice. The programmer must also still remember to put in both breaks on condition two and not insert code before the second break. A single conceptual action, breaking out of both loops on condition_two(), requires four lines of code at two indentation levels, possibly separated by many intervening lines at the end of the inner (b) loop. Other languages Now, put aside whatever dislike you may have for other programming languages, and consider the syntax of labeled break and continue. In Perl: ALOOP: foreach $a (@a_array){ ... BLOOP: foreach $b (@b_array){ ... if (condition_one($a,$b)){ last BLOOP; # same as plain old last; } ... if (condition_two($a,$b)){ last ALOOP; } ... } ... } (Notes: Perl uses last instead of break. The BLOOP labels could be omitted; last and continue apply to the innermost loop by default.) PHP uses a number denoting the number of loops to break out of, rather than a label: foreach ($a_array as $a){ .... foreach ($b_array as $b){ .... if (condition_one($a, $b)){ break 1; # same as plain old break } .... if (condition_two($a, $b)){ break 2; } .... } ... } C/C++, Java, and Ruby all have similar constructions. The control flow regarding when to break out of the outer (a) loop is fully encapsulated in the break statement which gets executed when the break condition is satisfied. The depth of the break statement does not matter. Control flow is not spread out. No extra variables, exceptions, or re-checking or storing of control conditions is required. There is no danger that code will get inadvertently inserted after the end of the inner (b) loop and before the break condition is re-checked inside the outer (a) loop. These are the benefits that labeled break and continue would bring to Python. What this PEP is not This PEP is not a proposal to add GOTO to Python. GOTO allows a programmer to jump to an arbitrary block or line of code, and generally makes control flow more difficult to follow. Although break and continue (with or without support for labels) can be considered a type of GOTO, it is much more restricted. Another Python construct, yield, could also be considered a form of GOTO – an even less restrictive one. The goal of this PEP is to propose an extension to the existing control flow tools break and continue, to make control flow easier to understand, not more difficult. Labeled break and continue cannot transfer control to another function or method. They cannot even transfer control to an arbitrary line of code in the current scope. Currently, they can only affect the behavior of a loop, and are quite different and much more restricted than GOTO. This extension allows them to affect any enclosing loop in the current name-space, but it does not change their behavior to that of GOTO. Specification Under all of these proposals, break and continue by themselves will continue to behave as they currently do, applying to the innermost loop by default. Proposal A - Explicit labels The for and while loop syntax will be followed by an optional as or label (contextual) keyword [2] and then an identifier, which may be used to identify the loop out of which to break (or which should be continued). The break (and continue) statements will be followed by an optional identifier that refers to the loop out of which to break (or which should be continued). Here is an example using the as keyword: for a in a_list as a_loop: ... for b in b_list as b_loop: ... if condition_one(a, b): break b_loop # same as plain old break ... if condition_two(a, b): break a_loop ... ... Or, with label instead of as: for a in a_list label a_loop: ... for b in b_list label b_loop: ... if condition_one(a, b): break b_loop # same as plain old break ... if condition_two(a, b): break a_loop ... ... This has all the benefits outlined above. It requires modifications to the language syntax: the syntax of break and continue syntax statements and for and while statements. It requires either a new conditional keyword label or an extension to the conditional keyword as. [3] It is unlikely to require any changes to existing Python programs. Passing an identifier not defined in the local scope to break or continue would raise a NameError. Proposal B - Numeric break & continue Rather than altering the syntax of for and while loops, break and continue would take a numeric argument denoting the enclosing loop which is being controlled, similar to PHP. It seems more Pythonic to me for break and continue to refer to loops indexing from zero, as opposed to indexing from one as PHP does. for a in a_list: ... for b in b_list: ... if condition_one(a,b): break 0 # same as plain old break ... if condition_two(a,b): break 1 ... ... Passing a number that was too large, or less than zero, or non-integer to break or continue would (probably) raise an IndexError. This proposal would not require any changes to existing Python programs. Proposal C - The reduplicative method The syntax of break and continue would be altered to allow multiple break and continue statements on the same line. Thus, break break would break out of the first and second enclosing loops. for a in a_list: ... for b in b_list: ... if condition_one(a,b): break # plain old break ... if condition_two(a,b): break break ... ... This would also allow the programmer to break out of the inner loop and continue the next outermost simply by writing break continue, [4] and so on. I’m not sure what exception would be raised if the programmer used more break or continue statements than existing loops (perhaps a SyntaxError?). I expect this proposal to get rejected because it will be judged too difficult to understand. This proposal would not require any changes to existing Python programs. Proposal D - Explicit iterators Rather than embellishing for and while loop syntax with labels, the programmer wishing to use labeled breaks would be required to create the iterator explicitly and assign it to an identifier if he or she wanted to break out of or continue that loop from within a deeper loop. a_iter = iter(a_list) for a in a_iter: ... b_iter = iter(b_list) for b in b_iter: ... if condition_one(a,b): break b_iter # same as plain old break ... if condition_two(a,b): break a_iter ... ... Passing a non-iterator object to break or continue would raise a TypeError; and a nonexistent identifier would raise a NameError. This proposal requires only one extra line to create a labeled loop, and no extra lines to break out of a containing loop, and no changes to existing Python programs. Proposal E - Explicit iterators and iterator methods This is a variant of Proposal D. Iterators would need be created explicitly if anything other that the most basic use of break and continue was required. Instead of modifying the syntax of break and continue, .break() and .continue() methods could be added to the Iterator type. a_iter = iter(a_list) for a in a_iter: ... b_iter = iter(b_list) for b in b_iter: ... if condition_one(a,b): b_iter.break() # same as plain old break ... if condition_two(a,b): a_iter.break() ... ... I expect that this proposal will get rejected on the grounds of sheer ugliness. However, it requires no changes to the language syntax whatsoever, nor does it require any changes to existing Python programs. Implementation I have never looked at the Python language implementation itself, so I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement. If this PEP is accepted, but no one is available to write the feature, I will try to implement it myself. Footnotes [1] Breaking some loops with exceptions is inelegant because it’s a violation of There’s Only One Way To Do It. [2] Or really any new contextual keyword that the community likes: as, label, labeled, loop, name, named, walrus, whatever. [3] The use of as in a similar context has been proposed here, http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1714448&group_id=5470&atid=355470 but to my knowledge this idea has not been written up as a PEP. [4] To continue the Nth outer loop, you would write break N-1 times and then continue. Only one continue would be allowed, and only at the end of a sequence of breaks. continue break or continue continue makes no sense. Resources This issue has come up before, although it has never been resolved, to my knowledge. labeled breaks, on comp.lang.python, in the context of do...while loops break LABEL vs. exceptions + PROPOSAL, on python-list, as compared to using Exceptions for flow control Named code blocks on python-list, a suggestion motivated by the desire for labeled break / continue mod_python bug fix An example of someone setting a flag inside an inner loop that triggers a continue in the containing loop, to work around the absence of labeled break and continue Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3136 – Labeled break and continue
Standards Track
This PEP proposes support for labels in Python’s break and continue statements. It is inspired by labeled break and continue in other languages, and the author’s own infrequent but persistent need for such a feature.
PEP 3138 – String representation in Python 3000 Author: Atsuo Ishimoto <ishimoto at gembook.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 05-May-2008 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 05-May-2008, 05-Jun-2008 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Specification Rationale Alternate Solutions Backwards Compatibility Rejected Proposals Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a new string representation form for Python 3000. In Python prior to Python 3000, the repr() built-in function converted arbitrary objects to printable ASCII strings for debugging and logging. For Python 3000, a wider range of characters, based on the Unicode standard, should be considered ‘printable’. Motivation The current repr() converts 8-bit strings to ASCII using following algorithm. Convert CR, LF, TAB and ‘\’ to ‘\r’, ‘\n’, ‘\t’, ‘\\’. Convert other non-printable characters(0x00-0x1f, 0x7f) and non-ASCII characters (>= 0x80) to ‘\xXX’. Backslash-escape quote characters (apostrophe, ‘) and add the quote character at the beginning and the end. For Unicode strings, the following additional conversions are done. Convert leading surrogate pair characters without trailing character (0xd800-0xdbff, but not followed by 0xdc00-0xdfff) to ‘\uXXXX’. Convert 16-bit characters (>= 0x100) to ‘\uXXXX’. Convert 21-bit characters (>= 0x10000) and surrogate pair characters to ‘\U00xxxxxx’. This algorithm converts any string to printable ASCII, and repr() is used as a handy and safe way to print strings for debugging or for logging. Although all non-ASCII characters are escaped, this does not matter when most of the string’s characters are ASCII. But for other languages, such as Japanese where most characters in a string are not ASCII, this is very inconvenient. We can use print(aJapaneseString) to get a readable string, but we don’t have a similar workaround for printing strings from collections such as lists or tuples. print(listOfJapaneseStrings) uses repr() to build the string to be printed, so the resulting strings are always hex-escaped. Or when open(japaneseFilename) raises an exception, the error message is something like IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '\u65e5\u672c\u8a9e', which isn’t helpful. Python 3000 has a lot of nice features for non-Latin users such as non-ASCII identifiers, so it would be helpful if Python could also progress in a similar way for printable output. Some users might be concerned that such output will mess up their console if they print binary data like images. But this is unlikely to happen in practice because bytes and strings are different types in Python 3000, so printing an image to the console won’t mess it up. This issue was once discussed by Hye-Shik Chang [1], but was rejected. Specification Add a new function to the Python C API int Py_UNICODE_ISPRINTABLE (Py_UNICODE ch). This function returns 0 if repr() should escape the Unicode character ch; otherwise it returns 1. Characters that should be escaped are defined in the Unicode character database as: Cc (Other, Control) Cf (Other, Format) Cs (Other, Surrogate) Co (Other, Private Use) Cn (Other, Not Assigned) Zl (Separator, Line), refers to LINE SEPARATOR (’\u2028’). Zp (Separator, Paragraph), refers to PARAGRAPH SEPARATOR (’\u2029’). Zs (Separator, Space) other than ASCII space (’\x20’). Characters in this category should be escaped to avoid ambiguity. The algorithm to build repr() strings should be changed to: Convert CR, LF, TAB and ‘\’ to ‘\r’, ‘\n’, ‘\t’, ‘\\’. Convert non-printable ASCII characters (0x00-0x1f, 0x7f) to ‘\xXX’. Convert leading surrogate pair characters without trailing character (0xd800-0xdbff, but not followed by 0xdc00-0xdfff) to ‘\uXXXX’. Convert non-printable characters (Py_UNICODE_ISPRINTABLE() returns 0) to ‘\xXX’, ‘\uXXXX’ or ‘\U00xxxxxx’. Backslash-escape quote characters (apostrophe, 0x27) and add a quote character at the beginning and the end. Set the Unicode error-handler for sys.stderr to ‘backslashreplace’ by default. Add a new function to the Python C API PyObject *PyObject_ASCII (PyObject *o). This function converts any python object to a string using PyObject_Repr() and then hex-escapes all non-ASCII characters. PyObject_ASCII() generates the same string as PyObject_Repr() in Python 2. Add a new built-in function, ascii(). This function converts any python object to a string using repr() and then hex-escapes all non-ASCII characters. ascii() generates the same string as repr() in Python 2. Add a '%a' string format operator. '%a' converts any python object to a string using repr() and then hex-escapes all non-ASCII characters. The '%a' format operator generates the same string as '%r' in Python 2. Also, add '!a' conversion flags to the string.format() method and add '%A' operator to the PyUnicode_FromFormat(). They convert any object to an ASCII string as '%a' string format operator. Add an isprintable() method to the string type. str.isprintable() returns False if repr() would escape any character in the string; otherwise returns True. The isprintable() method calls the Py_UNICODE_ISPRINTABLE() function internally. Rationale The repr() in Python 3000 should be Unicode, not ASCII based, just like Python 3000 strings. Also, conversion should not be affected by the locale setting, because the locale is not necessarily the same as the output device’s locale. For example, it is common for a daemon process to be invoked in an ASCII setting, but writes UTF-8 to its log files. Also, web applications might want to report the error information in more readable form based on the HTML page’s encoding. Characters not supported by the user’s console could be hex-escaped on printing, by the Unicode encoder’s error-handler. If the error-handler of the output file is ‘backslashreplace’, such characters are hex-escaped without raising UnicodeEncodeError. For example, if the default encoding is ASCII, print('Hello ¢') will print ‘Hello \xa2’. If the encoding is ISO-8859-1, ‘Hello ¢’ will be printed. The default error-handler for sys.stdout is ‘strict’. Other applications reading the output might not understand hex-escaped characters, so unsupported characters should be trapped when writing. If unsupported characters must be escaped, the error-handler should be changed explicitly. Unlike sys.stdout, sys.stderr doesn’t raise UnicodeEncodingError by default, because the default error-handler is ‘backslashreplace’. So printing error messages containing non-ASCII characters to sys.stderr will not raise an exception. Also, information about uncaught exceptions (exception object, traceback) is printed by the interpreter without raising exceptions. Alternate Solutions To help debugging in non-Latin languages without changing repr(), other suggestions were made. Supply a tool to print lists or dicts.Strings to be printed for debugging are not only contained by lists or dicts, but also in many other types of object. File objects contain a file name in Unicode, exception objects contain a message in Unicode, etc. These strings should be printed in readable form when repr()ed. It is unlikely to be possible to implement a tool to print all possible object types. Use sys.displayhook and sys.excepthook.For interactive sessions, we can write hooks to restore hex escaped characters to the original characters. But these hooks are called only when printing the result of evaluating an expression entered in an interactive Python session, and don’t work for the print() function, for non-interactive sessions or for logging.debug("%r", ...), etc. Subclass sys.stdout and sys.stderr.It is difficult to implement a subclass to restore hex-escaped characters since there isn’t enough information left by the time it’s a string to undo the escaping correctly in all cases. For example, print("\\"+"u0041") should be printed as ‘\u0041’, not ‘A’. But there is no chance to tell file objects apart. Make the encoding used by unicode_repr() adjustable, and make the existing repr() the default.With adjustable repr(), the result of using repr() is unpredictable and would make it impossible to write correct code involving repr(). And if current repr() is the default, then the old convention remains intact and users may expect ASCII strings as the result of repr(). Third party applications or libraries could be confused when a custom repr() function is used. Backwards Compatibility Changing repr() may break some existing code, especially testing code. Five of Python’s regression tests fail with this modification. If you need repr() strings without non-ASCII character as Python 2, you can use the following function. def repr_ascii(obj): return str(repr(obj).encode("ASCII", "backslashreplace"), "ASCII") For logging or for debugging, the following code can raise UnicodeEncodeError. log = open("logfile", "w") log.write(repr(data)) # UnicodeEncodeError will be raised # if data contains unsupported characters. To avoid exceptions being raised, you can explicitly specify the error-handler. log = open("logfile", "w", errors="backslashreplace") log.write(repr(data)) # Unsupported characters will be escaped. For a console that uses a Unicode-based encoding, for example, en_US.utf8 or de_DE.utf8, the backslashreplace trick doesn’t work and all printable characters are not escaped. This will cause a problem of similarly drawing characters in Western, Greek and Cyrillic languages. These languages use similar (but different) alphabets (descended from a common ancestor) and contain letters that look similar but have different character codes. For example, it is hard to distinguish Latin ‘a’, ‘e’ and ‘o’ from Cyrillic ‘а’, ‘е’ and ‘о’. (The visual representation, of course, very much depends on the fonts used but usually these letters are almost indistinguishable.) To avoid the problem, the user can adjust the terminal encoding to get a result suitable for their environment. Rejected Proposals Add encoding and errors arguments to the builtin print() function, with defaults of sys.getfilesystemencoding() and ‘backslashreplace’.Complicated to implement, and in general, this is not seen as a good idea. [2] Use character names to escape characters, instead of hex character codes. For example, repr('\u03b1') can be converted to "\N{GREEK SMALL LETTER ALPHA}".Using character names can be very verbose compared to hex-escape. e.g., repr("\ufbf9") is converted to "\N{ARABIC LIGATURE UIGHUR KIRGHIZ YEH WITH HAMZA ABOVE WITH ALEF MAKSURA ISOLATED FORM}". Default error-handler of sys.stdout should be ‘backslashreplace’.Stuff written to stdout might be consumed by another program that might misinterpret the \ escapes. For interactive sessions, it is possible to make the ‘backslashreplace’ error-handler the default, but this may add confusion of the kind “it works in interactive mode but not when redirecting to a file”. Implementation The author wrote a patch in http://bugs.python.org/issue2630; this was committed to the Python 3.0 branch in revision 64138 on 06-11-2008. References [1] Multibyte string on string::string_print (http://bugs.python.org/issue479898) [2] [Python-3000] Displaying strings containing unicode escapes (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2008-April/013366.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3138 – String representation in Python 3000
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a new string representation form for Python 3000. In Python prior to Python 3000, the repr() built-in function converted arbitrary objects to printable ASCII strings for debugging and logging. For Python 3000, a wider range of characters, based on the Unicode standard, should be considered ‘printable’.
PEP 3139 – Cleaning out sys and the “interpreter” module Author: Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Apr-2008 Python-Version: 3.0 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Rationale Specification Transition Plan Open Issues What should move? dont_write_bytecode Move to some to imp? Naming References Copyright Rejection Notice Guido’s -0.5 put an end to this PEP. See https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2008-April/012977.html. Abstract This PEP proposes a new low-level module for CPython-specific interpreter functions in order to clean out the sys module and separate general Python functionality from implementation details. Rationale The sys module currently contains functions and data that can be put into two major groups: Data and functions that are available in all Python implementations and deal with the general running of a Python virtual machine. argv byteorder path, path_hooks, meta_path, path_importer_cache, and modules copyright, hexversion, version, and version_info displayhook, __displayhook__ excepthook, __excepthook__, exc_info, and exc_clear exec_prefix and prefix executable exit flags, py3kwarning, dont_write_bytecode, and warn_options getfilesystemencoding get/setprofile get/settrace, call_tracing getwindowsversion maxint and maxunicode platform ps1 and ps2 stdin, stderr, stdout, __stdin__, __stderr__, __stdout__ tracebacklimit Data and functions that affect the CPython interpreter. get/setrecursionlimit get/setcheckinterval _getframe and _current_frame getrefcount get/setdlopenflags settscdumps api_version winver dllhandle float_info _compact_freelists _clear_type_cache subversion builtin_module_names callstats intern The second collections of items has been steadily increasing over the years causing clutter in sys. Guido has even said he doesn’t recognize some of things in it [1]! Moving these items off to another module would send a clear message to other Python implementations about what functions need and need not be implemented. It has also been proposed that the contents of types module be distributed across the standard library [2]; the interpreter module would provide an excellent resting place for internal types like frames and code objects. Specification A new builtin module named “interpreter” (see Naming) will be added. The second list of items above will be split into the stdlib as follows: The interpreter module get/setrecursionlimit get/setcheckinterval _getframe and _current_frame get/setdlopenflags settscdumps api_version winver dllhandle float_info _clear_type_cache subversion builtin_module_names callstats intern The gc module: getrefcount _compact_freelists Transition Plan Once implemented in 3.x, the interpreter module will be back-ported to 2.6. Py3k warnings will be added to the sys functions it replaces. Open Issues What should move? dont_write_bytecode Some believe that the writing of bytecode is an implementation detail and should be moved [3]. The counterargument is that all current, complete Python implementations do write some sort of bytecode, so it is valuable to be able to disable it. Also, if it is moved, some wish to put it in the imp module. Move to some to imp? It was noted that dont_write_bytecode or maybe builtin_module_names might fit nicely in the imp module. Naming The author proposes the name “interpreter” for the new module. “pyvm” has also been suggested [4]. The name “cpython” was well liked [5]. References [1] http://bugs.python.org/issue1522 [2] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/stdlib-sig/2008-April/000172.html [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/stdlib-sig/2008-April/000217.html [4] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-November/011351.html [5] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/stdlib-sig/2008-April/000223.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3139 – Cleaning out sys and the “interpreter” module
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a new low-level module for CPython-specific interpreter functions in order to clean out the sys module and separate general Python functionality from implementation details.
PEP 3141 – A Type Hierarchy for Numbers Author: Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin at google.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 23-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: 25-Apr-2007, 16-May-2007, 02-Aug-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Numeric Classes Changes to operations and __magic__ methods Notes for type implementors Adding More Numeric ABCs Implementing the arithmetic operations Rejected Alternatives The Decimal Type References Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract This proposal defines a hierarchy of Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) (PEP 3119) to represent number-like classes. It proposes a hierarchy of Number :> Complex :> Real :> Rational :> Integral where A :> B means “A is a supertype of B”. The hierarchy is inspired by Scheme’s numeric tower [3]. Rationale Functions that take numbers as arguments should be able to determine the properties of those numbers, and if and when overloading based on types is added to the language, should be overloadable based on the types of the arguments. For example, slicing requires its arguments to be Integrals, and the functions in the math module require their arguments to be Real. Specification This PEP specifies a set of Abstract Base Classes, and suggests a general strategy for implementing some of the methods. It uses terminology from PEP 3119, but the hierarchy is intended to be meaningful for any systematic method of defining sets of classes. The type checks in the standard library should use these classes instead of the concrete built-ins. Numeric Classes We begin with a Number class to make it easy for people to be fuzzy about what kind of number they expect. This class only helps with overloading; it doesn’t provide any operations. class Number(metaclass=ABCMeta): pass Most implementations of complex numbers will be hashable, but if you need to rely on that, you’ll have to check it explicitly: mutable numbers are supported by this hierarchy. class Complex(Number): """Complex defines the operations that work on the builtin complex type. In short, those are: conversion to complex, bool(), .real, .imag, +, -, *, /, **, abs(), .conjugate(), ==, and !=. If it is given heterogeneous arguments, and doesn't have special knowledge about them, it should fall back to the builtin complex type as described below. """ @abstractmethod def __complex__(self): """Return a builtin complex instance.""" def __bool__(self): """True if self != 0.""" return self != 0 @abstractproperty def real(self): """Retrieve the real component of this number. This should subclass Real. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractproperty def imag(self): """Retrieve the imaginary component of this number. This should subclass Real. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __add__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __radd__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __neg__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __pos__(self): """Coerces self to whatever class defines the method.""" raise NotImplementedError def __sub__(self, other): return self + -other def __rsub__(self, other): return -self + other @abstractmethod def __mul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __rmul__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __div__(self, other): """a/b; should promote to float or complex when necessary.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __rdiv__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __pow__(self, exponent): """a**b; should promote to float or complex when necessary.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __rpow__(self, base): raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __abs__(self): """Returns the Real distance from 0.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def conjugate(self): """(x+y*i).conjugate() returns (x-y*i).""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __eq__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError # __ne__ is inherited from object and negates whatever __eq__ does. The Real ABC indicates that the value is on the real line, and supports the operations of the float builtin. Real numbers are totally ordered except for NaNs (which this PEP basically ignores). class Real(Complex): """To Complex, Real adds the operations that work on real numbers. In short, those are: conversion to float, trunc(), math.floor(), math.ceil(), round(), divmod(), //, %, <, <=, >, and >=. Real also provides defaults for some of the derived operations. """ # XXX What to do about the __int__ implementation that's # currently present on float? Get rid of it? @abstractmethod def __float__(self): """Any Real can be converted to a native float object.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __trunc__(self): """Truncates self to an Integral. Returns an Integral i such that: * i>=0 iff self>0; * abs(i) <= abs(self); * for any Integral j satisfying the first two conditions, abs(i) >= abs(j) [i.e. i has "maximal" abs among those]. i.e. "truncate towards 0". """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __floor__(self): """Finds the greatest Integral <= self.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __ceil__(self): """Finds the least Integral >= self.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __round__(self, ndigits:Integral=None): """Rounds self to ndigits decimal places, defaulting to 0. If ndigits is omitted or None, returns an Integral, otherwise returns a Real, preferably of the same type as self. Types may choose which direction to round half. For example, float rounds half toward even. """ raise NotImplementedError def __divmod__(self, other): """The pair (self // other, self % other). Sometimes this can be computed faster than the pair of operations. """ return (self // other, self % other) def __rdivmod__(self, other): """The pair (self // other, self % other). Sometimes this can be computed faster than the pair of operations. """ return (other // self, other % self) @abstractmethod def __floordiv__(self, other): """The floor() of self/other. Integral.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __rfloordiv__(self, other): """The floor() of other/self.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __mod__(self, other): """self % other See https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-May/001735.html and consider using "self/other - trunc(self/other)" instead if you're worried about round-off errors. """ raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __rmod__(self, other): """other % self""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __lt__(self, other): """< on Reals defines a total ordering, except perhaps for NaN.""" raise NotImplementedError @abstractmethod def __le__(self, other): raise NotImplementedError # __gt__ and __ge__ are automatically done by reversing the arguments. # (But __le__ is not computed as the opposite of __gt__!) # Concrete implementations of Complex abstract methods. # Subclasses may override these, but don't have to. def __complex__(self): return complex(float(self)) @property def real(self): return +self @property def imag(self): return 0 def conjugate(self): """Conjugate is a no-op for Reals.""" return +self We should clean up Demo/classes/Rat.py and promote it into rational.py in the standard library. Then it will implement the Rational ABC. class Rational(Real, Exact): """.numerator and .denominator should be in lowest terms.""" @abstractproperty def numerator(self): raise NotImplementedError @abstractproperty def denominator(self): raise NotImplementedError # Concrete implementation of Real's conversion to float. # (This invokes Integer.__div__().) def __float__(self): return self.numerator / self.denominator And finally integers: class Integral(Rational): """Integral adds a conversion to int and the bit-string operations.""" @abstractmethod def __int__(self): raise NotImplementedError def __index__(self): """__index__() exists because float has __int__().""" return int(self) def __lshift__(self, other): return int(self) << int(other) def __rlshift__(self, other): return int(other) << int(self) def __rshift__(self, other): return int(self) >> int(other) def __rrshift__(self, other): return int(other) >> int(self) def __and__(self, other): return int(self) & int(other) def __rand__(self, other): return int(other) & int(self) def __xor__(self, other): return int(self) ^ int(other) def __rxor__(self, other): return int(other) ^ int(self) def __or__(self, other): return int(self) | int(other) def __ror__(self, other): return int(other) | int(self) def __invert__(self): return ~int(self) # Concrete implementations of Rational and Real abstract methods. def __float__(self): """float(self) == float(int(self))""" return float(int(self)) @property def numerator(self): """Integers are their own numerators.""" return +self @property def denominator(self): """Integers have a denominator of 1.""" return 1 Changes to operations and __magic__ methods To support more precise narrowing from float to int (and more generally, from Real to Integral), we propose the following new __magic__ methods, to be called from the corresponding library functions. All of these return Integrals rather than Reals. __trunc__(self), called from a new builtin trunc(x), which returns the Integral closest to x between 0 and x. __floor__(self), called from math.floor(x), which returns the greatest Integral <= x. __ceil__(self), called from math.ceil(x), which returns the least Integral >= x. __round__(self), called from round(x), which returns the Integral closest to x, rounding half as the type chooses. float will change in 3.0 to round half toward even. There is also a 2-argument version, __round__(self, ndigits), called from round(x, ndigits), which should return a Real. In 2.6, math.floor, math.ceil, and round will continue to return floats. The int() conversion implemented by float is equivalent to trunc(). In general, the int() conversion should try __int__() first and if it is not found, try __trunc__(). complex.__{divmod,mod,floordiv,int,float}__ also go away. It would be nice to provide a nice error message to help confused porters, but not appearing in help(complex) is more important. Notes for type implementors Implementors should be careful to make equal numbers equal and hash them to the same values. This may be subtle if there are two different extensions of the real numbers. For example, a complex type could reasonably implement hash() as follows: def __hash__(self): return hash(complex(self)) but should be careful of any values that fall outside of the built in complex’s range or precision. Adding More Numeric ABCs There are, of course, more possible ABCs for numbers, and this would be a poor hierarchy if it precluded the possibility of adding those. You can add MyFoo between Complex and Real with: class MyFoo(Complex): ... MyFoo.register(Real) Implementing the arithmetic operations We want to implement the arithmetic operations so that mixed-mode operations either call an implementation whose author knew about the types of both arguments, or convert both to the nearest built in type and do the operation there. For subtypes of Integral, this means that __add__ and __radd__ should be defined as: class MyIntegral(Integral): def __add__(self, other): if isinstance(other, MyIntegral): return do_my_adding_stuff(self, other) elif isinstance(other, OtherTypeIKnowAbout): return do_my_other_adding_stuff(self, other) else: return NotImplemented def __radd__(self, other): if isinstance(other, MyIntegral): return do_my_adding_stuff(other, self) elif isinstance(other, OtherTypeIKnowAbout): return do_my_other_adding_stuff(other, self) elif isinstance(other, Integral): return int(other) + int(self) elif isinstance(other, Real): return float(other) + float(self) elif isinstance(other, Complex): return complex(other) + complex(self) else: return NotImplemented There are 5 different cases for a mixed-type operation on subclasses of Complex. I’ll refer to all of the above code that doesn’t refer to MyIntegral and OtherTypeIKnowAbout as “boilerplate”. a will be an instance of A, which is a subtype of Complex (a : A <: Complex), and b : B <: Complex. I’ll consider a + b: If A defines an __add__ which accepts b, all is well. If A falls back to the boilerplate code, and it were to return a value from __add__, we’d miss the possibility that B defines a more intelligent __radd__, so the boilerplate should return NotImplemented from __add__. (Or A may not implement __add__ at all.) Then B’s __radd__ gets a chance. If it accepts a, all is well. If it falls back to the boilerplate, there are no more possible methods to try, so this is where the default implementation should live. If B <: A, Python tries B.__radd__ before A.__add__. This is ok, because it was implemented with knowledge of A, so it can handle those instances before delegating to Complex. If A<:Complex and B<:Real without sharing any other knowledge, then the appropriate shared operation is the one involving the built in complex, and both __radd__s land there, so a+b == b+a. Rejected Alternatives The initial version of this PEP defined an algebraic hierarchy inspired by a Haskell Numeric Prelude [2] including MonoidUnderPlus, AdditiveGroup, Ring, and Field, and mentioned several other possible algebraic types before getting to the numbers. We had expected this to be useful to people using vectors and matrices, but the NumPy community really wasn’t interested, and we ran into the issue that even if x is an instance of X <: MonoidUnderPlus and y is an instance of Y <: MonoidUnderPlus, x + y may still not make sense. Then we gave the numbers a much more branching structure to include things like the Gaussian Integers and Z/nZ, which could be Complex but wouldn’t necessarily support things like division. The community decided that this was too much complication for Python, so I’ve now scaled back the proposal to resemble the Scheme numeric tower much more closely. The Decimal Type After consultation with its authors it has been decided that the Decimal type should not at this time be made part of the numeric tower. References [1] Possible Python 3K Class Tree?, wiki page by Bill Janssen (http://wiki.python.org/moin/AbstractBaseClasses) [2] NumericPrelude: An experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes (https://archives.haskell.org/code.haskell.org/numeric-prelude/docs/html/index.html) [3] The Scheme numerical tower (https://groups.csail.mit.edu/mac/ftpdir/scheme-reports/r5rs-html/r5rs_8.html#SEC50) Acknowledgements Thanks to Neal Norwitz for encouraging me to write this PEP in the first place, to Travis Oliphant for pointing out that the numpy people didn’t really care about the algebraic concepts, to Alan Isaac for reminding me that Scheme had already done this, and to Guido van Rossum and lots of other people on the mailing list for refining the concept. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3141 – A Type Hierarchy for Numbers
Standards Track
This proposal defines a hierarchy of Abstract Base Classes (ABCs) (PEP 3119) to represent number-like classes. It proposes a hierarchy of Number :> Complex :> Real :> Rational :> Integral where A :> B means “A is a supertype of B”. The hierarchy is inspired by Scheme’s numeric tower [3].
PEP 3142 – Add a “while” clause to generator expressions Author: Gerald Britton <gerald.britton at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Jan-2009 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes an enhancement to generator expressions, adding a “while” clause to complement the existing “if” clause. Rationale A generator expression (PEP 289) is a concise method to serve dynamically-generated objects to list comprehensions (PEP 202). Current generator expressions allow for an “if” clause to filter the objects that are returned to those meeting some set of criteria. However, since the “if” clause is evaluated for every object that may be returned, in some cases it is possible that all objects would be rejected after a certain point. For example: g = (n for n in range(100) if n*n < 50) which is equivalent to the using a generator function (PEP 255): def __gen(exp): for n in exp: if n*n < 50: yield n g = __gen(iter(range(10))) would yield 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, but would also consider the numbers from 8 to 99 and reject them all since n*n >= 50 for numbers in that range. Allowing for a “while” clause would allow the redundant tests to be short-circuited: g = (n for n in range(100) while n*n < 50) would also yield 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, but would stop at 8 since the condition (n*n < 50) is no longer true. This would be equivalent to the generator function: def __gen(exp): for n in exp: if n*n < 50: yield n else: break g = __gen(iter(range(100))) Currently, in order to achieve the same result, one would need to either write a generator function such as the one above or use the takewhile function from itertools: from itertools import takewhile g = takewhile(lambda n: n*n < 50, range(100)) The takewhile code achieves the same result as the proposed syntax, albeit in a longer (some would say “less-elegant”) fashion. Also, the takewhile version requires an extra function call (the lambda in the example above) with the associated performance penalty. A simple test shows that: for n in (n for n in range(100) if 1): pass performs about 10% better than: for n in takewhile(lambda n: 1, range(100)): pass though they achieve similar results. (The first example uses a generator; takewhile is an iterator). If similarly implemented, a “while” clause should perform about the same as the “if” clause does today. The reader may ask if the “if” and “while” clauses should be mutually exclusive. There are good examples that show that there are times when both may be used to good advantage. For example: p = (p for p in primes() if p > 100 while p < 1000) should return prime numbers found between 100 and 1000, assuming I have a primes() generator that yields prime numbers. Adding a “while” clause to generator expressions maintains the compact form while adding a useful facility for short-circuiting the expression. Acknowledgements Raymond Hettinger first proposed the concept of generator expressions in January 2002. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3142 – Add a “while” clause to generator expressions
Standards Track
This PEP proposes an enhancement to generator expressions, adding a “while” clause to complement the existing “if” clause.
PEP 3143 – Standard daemon process library Author: Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 26-Jan-2009 Python-Version: 3.x Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral Specification Example usage Interface DaemonContext objects Motivation Rationale Correct daemon behaviour A daemon is not a service Reference Implementation Other daemon implementations References Copyright Abstract Writing a program to become a well-behaved Unix daemon is somewhat complex and tricky to get right, yet the steps are largely similar for any daemon regardless of what else the program may need to do. This PEP introduces a package to the Python standard library that provides a simple interface to the task of becoming a daemon process. PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred for lack of a current champion interested in promoting the goals of the PEP and collecting and incorporating feedback, and with sufficient available time to do so effectively. Specification Example usage Simple example of direct DaemonContext usage: import daemon from spam import do_main_program with daemon.DaemonContext(): do_main_program() More complex example usage: import os import grp import signal import daemon import lockfile from spam import ( initial_program_setup, do_main_program, program_cleanup, reload_program_config, ) context = daemon.DaemonContext( working_directory='/var/lib/foo', umask=0o002, pidfile=lockfile.FileLock('/var/run/spam.pid'), ) context.signal_map = { signal.SIGTERM: program_cleanup, signal.SIGHUP: 'terminate', signal.SIGUSR1: reload_program_config, } mail_gid = grp.getgrnam('mail').gr_gid context.gid = mail_gid important_file = open('spam.data', 'w') interesting_file = open('eggs.data', 'w') context.files_preserve = [important_file, interesting_file] initial_program_setup() with context: do_main_program() Interface A new package, daemon, is added to the standard library. A class, DaemonContext, is defined to represent the settings and process context for the program running as a daemon process. DaemonContext objects A DaemonContext instance represents the behaviour settings and process context for the program when it becomes a daemon. The behaviour and environment is customised by setting options on the instance, before calling the open method. Each option can be passed as a keyword argument to the DaemonContext constructor, or subsequently altered by assigning to an attribute on the instance at any time prior to calling open. That is, for options named wibble and wubble, the following invocation: foo = daemon.DaemonContext(wibble=bar, wubble=baz) foo.open() is equivalent to: foo = daemon.DaemonContext() foo.wibble = bar foo.wubble = baz foo.open() The following options are defined. files_preserve Default: None List of files that should not be closed when starting the daemon. If None, all open file descriptors will be closed. Elements of the list are file descriptors (as returned by a file object’s fileno() method) or Python file objects. Each specifies a file that is not to be closed during daemon start. chroot_directory Default: None Full path to a directory to set as the effective root directory of the process. If None, specifies that the root directory is not to be changed. working_directory Default: '/' Full path of the working directory to which the process should change on daemon start. Since a filesystem cannot be unmounted if a process has its current working directory on that filesystem, this should either be left at default or set to a directory that is a sensible “home directory” for the daemon while it is running. umask Default: 0 File access creation mask (“umask”) to set for the process on daemon start. Since a process inherits its umask from its parent process, starting the daemon will reset the umask to this value so that files are created by the daemon with access modes as it expects. pidfile Default: None Context manager for a PID lock file. When the daemon context opens and closes, it enters and exits the pidfile context manager. detach_process Default: None If True, detach the process context when opening the daemon context; if False, do not detach. If unspecified (None) during initialisation of the instance, this will be set to True by default, and False only if detaching the process is determined to be redundant; for example, in the case when the process was started by init, by initd, or by inetd. signal_map Default: system-dependent Mapping from operating system signals to callback actions. The mapping is used when the daemon context opens, and determines the action for each signal’s signal handler: A value of None will ignore the signal (by setting the signal action to signal.SIG_IGN). A string value will be used as the name of an attribute on the DaemonContext instance. The attribute’s value will be used as the action for the signal handler. Any other value will be used as the action for the signal handler. The default value depends on which signals are defined on the running system. Each item from the list below whose signal is actually defined in the signal module will appear in the default map: signal.SIGTTIN: None signal.SIGTTOU: None signal.SIGTSTP: None signal.SIGTERM: 'terminate' Depending on how the program will interact with its child processes, it may need to specify a signal map that includes the signal.SIGCHLD signal (received when a child process exits). See the specific operating system’s documentation for more detail on how to determine what circumstances dictate the need for signal handlers. uid Default: os.getuid() gid Default: os.getgid() The user ID (“UID”) value and group ID (“GID”) value to switch the process to on daemon start. The default values, the real UID and GID of the process, will relinquish any effective privilege elevation inherited by the process. prevent_core Default: True If true, prevents the generation of core files, in order to avoid leaking sensitive information from daemons run as root. stdin Default: None stdout Default: None stderr Default: None Each of stdin, stdout, and stderr is a file-like object which will be used as the new file for the standard I/O stream sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and sys.stderr respectively. The file should therefore be open, with a minimum of mode ‘r’ in the case of stdin, and mode ‘w+’ in the case of stdout and stderr. If the object has a fileno() method that returns a file descriptor, the corresponding file will be excluded from being closed during daemon start (that is, it will be treated as though it were listed in files_preserve). If None, the corresponding system stream is re-bound to the file named by os.devnull. The following methods are defined. open() Return: None Open the daemon context, turning the current program into a daemon process. This performs the following steps: If this instance’s is_open property is true, return immediately. This makes it safe to call open multiple times on an instance. If the prevent_core attribute is true, set the resource limits for the process to prevent any core dump from the process. If the chroot_directory attribute is not None, set the effective root directory of the process to that directory (via os.chroot).This allows running the daemon process inside a “chroot gaol” as a means of limiting the system’s exposure to rogue behaviour by the process. Note that the specified directory needs to already be set up for this purpose. Set the process UID and GID to the uid and gid attribute values. Close all open file descriptors. This excludes those listed in the files_preserve attribute, and those that correspond to the stdin, stdout, or stderr attributes. Change current working directory to the path specified by the working_directory attribute. Reset the file access creation mask to the value specified by the umask attribute. If the detach_process option is true, detach the current process into its own process group, and disassociate from any controlling terminal. Set signal handlers as specified by the signal_map attribute. If any of the attributes stdin, stdout, stderr are not None, bind the system streams sys.stdin, sys.stdout, and/or sys.stderr to the files represented by the corresponding attributes. Where the attribute has a file descriptor, the descriptor is duplicated (instead of re-binding the name). If the pidfile attribute is not None, enter its context manager. Mark this instance as open (for the purpose of future open and close calls). Register the close method to be called during Python’s exit processing. When the function returns, the running program is a daemon process. close() Return: None Close the daemon context. This performs the following steps: If this instance’s is_open property is false, return immediately. This makes it safe to call close multiple times on an instance. If the pidfile attribute is not None, exit its context manager. Mark this instance as closed (for the purpose of future open and close calls). is_open Return: True if the instance is open, False otherwise. This property exposes the state indicating whether the instance is currently open. It is True if the instance’s open method has been called and the close method has not subsequently been called. terminate(signal_number, stack_frame) Return: None Signal handler for the signal.SIGTERM signal. Performs the following step: Raise a SystemExit exception explaining the signal. The class also implements the context manager protocol via __enter__ and __exit__ methods. __enter__() Return: The DaemonContext instance Call the instance’s open() method, then return the instance. __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) Return: True or False as defined by the context manager protocol Call the instance’s close() method, then return True if the exception was handled or False if it was not. Motivation The majority of programs written to be Unix daemons either implement behaviour very similar to that in the specification, or are poorly-behaved daemons by the correct daemon behaviour. Since these steps should be much the same in most implementations but are very particular and easy to omit or implement incorrectly, they are a prime target for a standard well-tested implementation in the standard library. Rationale Correct daemon behaviour According to Stevens in [stevens] §2.6, a program should perform the following steps to become a Unix daemon process. Close all open file descriptors. Change current working directory. Reset the file access creation mask. Run in the background. Disassociate from process group. Ignore terminal I/O signals. Disassociate from control terminal. Don’t reacquire a control terminal. Correctly handle the following circumstances: Started by System V init process. Daemon termination by SIGTERM signal. Children generate SIGCLD signal. The daemon tool [slack-daemon] lists (in its summary of features) behaviour that should be performed when turning a program into a well-behaved Unix daemon process. It differs from this PEP’s intent in that it invokes a separate program as a daemon process. The following features are appropriate for a daemon that starts itself once the program is already running: Sets up the correct process context for a daemon. Behaves sensibly when started by initd(8) or inetd(8). Revokes any suid or sgid privileges to reduce security risks in case daemon is incorrectly installed with special privileges. Prevents the generation of core files to prevent leaking sensitive information from daemons run as root (optional). Names the daemon by creating and locking a PID file to guarantee that only one daemon with the given name can execute at any given time (optional). Sets the user and group under which to run the daemon (optional, root only). Creates a chroot gaol (optional, root only). Captures the daemon’s stdout and stderr and directs them to syslog (optional). A daemon is not a service This PEP addresses only Unix-style daemons, for which the above correct behaviour is relevant, as opposed to comparable behaviours on other operating systems. There is a related concept in many systems, called a “service”. A service differs from the model in this PEP, in that rather than having the current program continue to run as a daemon process, a service starts an additional process to run in the background, and the current process communicates with that additional process via some defined channels. The Unix-style daemon model in this PEP can be used, among other things, to implement the background-process part of a service; but this PEP does not address the other aspects of setting up and managing a service. Reference Implementation The python-daemon package [python-daemon]. Other daemon implementations Prior to this PEP, several existing third-party Python libraries or tools implemented some of this PEP’s correct daemon behaviour. The reference implementation is a fairly direct successor from the following implementations: Many good ideas were contributed by the community to Python cookbook recipes #66012 [cookbook-66012] and #278731 [cookbook-278731]. The bda.daemon library [bda.daemon] is an implementation of [cookbook-66012]. It is the predecessor of [python-daemon]. Other Python daemon implementations that differ from this PEP: The zdaemon tool [zdaemon] was written for the Zope project. Like [slack-daemon], it differs from this specification because it is used to run another program as a daemon process. The Python library daemon [clapper-daemon] is (according to its homepage) no longer maintained. As of version 1.0.1, it implements the basic steps from [stevens]. The daemonize library [seutter-daemonize] also implements the basic steps from [stevens]. Ray Burr’s daemon.py module [burr-daemon] provides the [stevens] procedure as well as PID file handling and redirection of output to syslog. Twisted [twisted] includes, perhaps unsurprisingly, an implementation of a process daemonisation API that is integrated with the rest of the Twisted framework; it differs significantly from the API in this PEP. The Python initd library [dagitses-initd], which uses [clapper-daemon], implements an equivalent of Unix initd(8) for controlling a daemon process. References [stevens] (1, 2, 3, 4) Unix Network Programming, W. Richard Stevens, 1994 Prentice Hall. [slack-daemon] (1, 2) The (non-Python) “libslack” implementation of a daemon tool http://www.libslack.org/daemon/ by “raf” <raf@raf.org>. [python-daemon] (1, 2) The python-daemon library http://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-daemon/ by Ben Finney et al. [cookbook-66012] (1, 2) Python Cookbook recipe 66012, “Fork a daemon process on Unix” http://code.activestate.com/recipes/66012/. [cookbook-278731] Python Cookbook recipe 278731, “Creating a daemon the Python way” http://code.activestate.com/recipes/278731/. [bda.daemon] The bda.daemon library http://pypi.python.org/pypi/bda.daemon/ by Robert Niederreiter et al. [zdaemon] The zdaemon tool http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zdaemon/ by Guido van Rossum et al. [clapper-daemon] (1, 2) The daemon library http://pypi.python.org/pypi/daemon/ by Brian Clapper. [seutter-daemonize] The daemonize library http://daemonize.sourceforge.net/ by Jerry Seutter. [burr-daemon] The daemon.py module http://www.nightmare.com/~ryb/code/daemon.py by Ray Burr. [twisted] The Twisted application framework http://pypi.python.org/pypi/Twisted/ by Glyph Lefkowitz et al. [dagitses-initd] The Python initd library http://pypi.python.org/pypi/initd/ by Michael Andreas Dagitses. Copyright This work is hereby placed in the public domain. To the extent that placing a work in the public domain is not legally possible, the copyright holder hereby grants to all recipients of this work all rights and freedoms that would otherwise be restricted by copyright.
PEP 3143 – Standard daemon process library
Standards Track
Writing a program to become a well-behaved Unix daemon is somewhat complex and tricky to get right, yet the steps are largely similar for any daemon regardless of what else the program may need to do.
PEP 3145 – Asynchronous I/O For subprocess.Popen Author: Eric Pruitt, Charles R. McCreary, Josiah Carlson Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Aug-2009 Python-Version: 3.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral PEP Withdrawal Motivation Rationale Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract In its present form, the subprocess.Popen implementation is prone to dead-locking and blocking of the parent Python script while waiting on data from the child process. This PEP proposes to make subprocess.Popen more asynchronous to help alleviate these problems. PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred at least until after PEP 3156 has been resolved. PEP Withdrawal This can be dealt with in the bug tracker. A specific proposal is attached to [11]. Motivation A search for “python asynchronous subprocess” will turn up numerous accounts of people wanting to execute a child process and communicate with it from time to time reading only the data that is available instead of blocking to wait for the program to produce data [1] [2] [3]. The current behavior of the subprocess module is that when a user sends or receives data via the stdin, stderr and stdout file objects, dead locks are common and documented [4] [5]. While communicate can be used to alleviate some of the buffering issues, it will still cause the parent process to block while attempting to read data when none is available to be read from the child process. Rationale There is a documented need for asynchronous, non-blocking functionality in subprocess.Popen [6] [7] [2] [3]. Inclusion of the code would improve the utility of the Python standard library that can be used on Unix based and Windows builds of Python. Practically every I/O object in Python has a file-like wrapper of some sort. Sockets already act as such and for strings there is StringIO. Popen can be made to act like a file by simply using the methods attached to the subprocess.Popen.stderr, stdout and stdin file-like objects. But when using the read and write methods of those options, you do not have the benefit of asynchronous I/O. In the proposed solution the wrapper wraps the asynchronous methods to mimic a file object. Reference Implementation I have been maintaining a Google Code repository that contains all of my changes including tests and documentation [9] as well as blog detailing the problems I have come across in the development process [10]. I have been working on implementing non-blocking asynchronous I/O in the subprocess module as well as a wrapper class for subprocess.Popen that makes it so that an executed process can take the place of a file by duplicating all of the methods and attributes that file objects have. There are two base functions that have been added to the subprocess.Popen class: Popen.send and Popen._recv, each with two separate implementations, one for Windows and one for Unix-based systems. The Windows implementation uses ctypes to access the functions needed to control pipes in the kernel 32 DLL in an asynchronous manner. On Unix based systems, the Python interface for file control serves the same purpose. The different implementations of Popen.send and Popen._recv have identical arguments to make code that uses these functions work across multiple platforms. When calling the Popen._recv function, it requires the pipe name be passed as an argument so there exists the Popen.recv function that passes selects stdout as the pipe for Popen._recv by default. Popen.recv_err selects stderr as the pipe by default. Popen.recv and Popen.recv_err are much easier to read and understand than Popen._recv('stdout' ...) and Popen._recv('stderr' ...) respectively. Since the Popen._recv function does not wait on data to be produced before returning a value, it may return empty bytes. Popen.asyncread handles this issue by returning all data read over a given time interval. The ProcessIOWrapper class uses the asyncread and asyncwrite functions to allow a process to act like a file so that there are no blocking issues that can arise from using the stdout and stdin file objects produced from a subprocess.Popen call. References [1] [ python-Feature Requests-1191964 ] asynchronous Subprocess https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-bugs-list/2006-December/036524.html [2] (1, 2) Daily Life in an Ivory Basement : /feb-07/problems-with-subprocess http://ivory.idyll.org/blog/problems-with-subprocess.html [3] (1, 2) How can I run an external command asynchronously from Python? - Stack Overflow https://stackoverflow.com/q/636561 [4] 18.1. subprocess - Subprocess management - Python v2.6.2 documentation https://docs.python.org/2.6/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.wait [5] 18.1. subprocess - Subprocess management - Python v2.6.2 documentation https://docs.python.org/2.6/library/subprocess.html#subprocess.Popen.kill [6] Issue 1191964: asynchronous Subprocess - Python tracker https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/41922 [7] Module to allow Asynchronous subprocess use on Windows and Posix platforms - ActiveState Code https://code.activestate.com/recipes/440554/ [8] subprocess.rst - subprocdev - Project Hosting on Google Code https://web.archive.org/web/20130306074135/http://code.google.com/p/subprocdev/source/browse/doc/subprocess.rst?spec=svn2c925e935cad0166d5da85e37c742d8e7f609de5&r=2c925e935cad0166d5da85e37c742d8e7f609de5 [9] subprocdev - Project Hosting on Google Code https://code.google.com/archive/p/subprocdev/ [10] Python Subprocess Dev https://subdev.blogspot.com/ [11] https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/63023 – Idle: use pipes instead of sockets to talk with user subprocess Copyright This P.E.P. is licensed under the Open Publication License; http://www.opencontent.org/openpub/.
PEP 3145 – Asynchronous I/O For subprocess.Popen
Standards Track
In its present form, the subprocess.Popen implementation is prone to dead-locking and blocking of the parent Python script while waiting on data from the child process. This PEP proposes to make subprocess.Popen more asynchronous to help alleviate these problems.
PEP 3146 – Merging Unladen Swallow into CPython Author: Collin Winter <collinwinter at google.com>, Jeffrey Yasskin <jyasskin at google.com>, Reid Kleckner <rnk at mit.edu> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Jan-2010 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: Table of Contents PEP Withdrawal Abstract Rationale, Implementation Alternatives Performance Benchmarks Performance vs CPython 2.6.4 Memory Usage Start-up Time Binary Size Performance Retrospective Correctness and Compatibility Known Incompatibilities Platform Support Impact on CPython Development Experimenting with Changes to Python or CPython Bytecode Debugging Profiling Addition of C++ to CPython Managing LLVM Releases, C++ API Changes Building CPython Proposed Merge Plan Contingency Plans Future Work Unladen Swallow Community Licensing References Copyright PEP Withdrawal With Unladen Swallow going the way of the Norwegian Blue [1] [2], this PEP has been deemed to have been withdrawn. Abstract This PEP proposes the merger of the Unladen Swallow project [3] into CPython’s source tree. Unladen Swallow is an open-source branch of CPython focused on performance. Unladen Swallow is source-compatible with valid Python 2.6.4 applications and C extension modules. Unladen Swallow adds a just-in-time (JIT) compiler to CPython, allowing for the compilation of selected Python code to optimized machine code. Beyond classical static compiler optimizations, Unladen Swallow’s JIT compiler takes advantage of data collected at runtime to make checked assumptions about code behaviour, allowing the production of faster machine code. This PEP proposes to integrate Unladen Swallow into CPython’s development tree in a separate py3k-jit branch, targeted for eventual merger with the main py3k branch. While Unladen Swallow is by no means finished or perfect, we feel that Unladen Swallow has reached sufficient maturity to warrant incorporation into CPython’s roadmap. We have sought to create a stable platform that the wider CPython development team can build upon, a platform that will yield increasing performance for years to come. This PEP will detail Unladen Swallow’s implementation and how it differs from CPython 2.6.4; the benchmarks used to measure performance; the tools used to ensure correctness and compatibility; the impact on CPython’s current platform support; and the impact on the CPython core development process. The PEP concludes with a proposed merger plan and brief notes on possible directions for future work. We seek the following from the BDFL: Approval for the overall concept of adding a just-in-time compiler to CPython, following the design laid out below. Permission to continue working on the just-in-time compiler in the CPython source tree. Permission to eventually merge the just-in-time compiler into the py3k branch once all blocking issues [31] have been addressed. A pony. Rationale, Implementation Many companies and individuals would like Python to be faster, to enable its use in more projects. Google is one such company. Unladen Swallow is a Google-sponsored branch of CPython, initiated to improve the performance of Google’s numerous Python libraries, tools and applications. To make the adoption of Unladen Swallow as easy as possible, the project initially aimed at four goals: A performance improvement of 5x over the baseline of CPython 2.6.4 for single-threaded code. 100% source compatibility with valid CPython 2.6 applications. 100% source compatibility with valid CPython 2.6 C extension modules. Design for eventual merger back into CPython. We chose 2.6.4 as our baseline because Google uses CPython 2.4 internally, and jumping directly from CPython 2.4 to CPython 3.x was considered infeasible. To achieve the desired performance, Unladen Swallow has implemented a just-in-time (JIT) compiler [51] in the tradition of Urs Hoelzle’s work on Self [52], gathering feedback at runtime and using that to inform compile-time optimizations. This is similar to the approach taken by the current breed of JavaScript engines [59], [60]; most Java virtual machines [64]; Rubinius [61], MacRuby [63], and other Ruby implementations; Psyco [65]; and others. We explicitly reject any suggestion that our ideas are original. We have sought to reuse the published work of other researchers wherever possible. If we have done any original work, it is by accident. We have tried, as much as possible, to take good ideas from all corners of the academic and industrial community. A partial list of the research papers that have informed Unladen Swallow is available on the Unladen Swallow wiki [54]. The key observation about optimizing dynamic languages is that they are only dynamic in theory; in practice, each individual function or snippet of code is relatively static, using a stable set of types and child functions. The current CPython bytecode interpreter assumes the worst about the code it is running, that at any moment the user might override the len() function or pass a never-before-seen type into a function. In practice this never happens, but user code pays for that support. Unladen Swallow takes advantage of the relatively static nature of user code to improve performance. At a high level, the Unladen Swallow JIT compiler works by translating a function’s CPython bytecode to platform-specific machine code, using data collected at runtime, as well as classical compiler optimizations, to improve the quality of the generated machine code. Because we only want to spend resources compiling Python code that will actually benefit the runtime of the program, an online heuristic is used to assess how hot a given function is. Once the hotness value for a function crosses a given threshold, it is selected for compilation and optimization. Until a function is judged hot, however, it runs in the standard CPython eval loop, which in Unladen Swallow has been instrumented to record interesting data about each bytecode executed. This runtime data is used to reduce the flexibility of the generated machine code, allowing us to optimize for the common case. For example, we collect data on Whether a branch was taken/not taken. If a branch is never taken, we will not compile it to machine code. Types used by operators. If we find that a + b is only ever adding integers, the generated machine code for that snippet will not support adding floats. Functions called at each callsite. If we find that a particular foo() callsite is always calling the same foo function, we can optimize the call or inline it away Refer to [55] for a complete list of data points gathered and how they are used. However, if by chance the historically-untaken branch is now taken, or some integer-optimized a + b snippet receives two strings, we must support this. We cannot change Python semantics. Each of these sections of optimized machine code is preceded by a guard, which checks whether the simplifying assumptions we made when optimizing still hold. If the assumptions are still valid, we run the optimized machine code; if they are not, we revert back to the interpreter and pick up where we left off. We have chosen to reuse a set of existing compiler libraries called LLVM [4] for code generation and code optimization. This has saved our small team from needing to understand and debug code generation on multiple machine instruction sets and from needing to implement a large set of classical compiler optimizations. The project would not have been possible without such code reuse. We have found LLVM easy to modify and its community receptive to our suggestions and modifications. In somewhat more depth, Unladen Swallow’s JIT works by compiling CPython bytecode to LLVM’s own intermediate representation (IR) [95], taking into account any runtime data from the CPython eval loop. We then run a set of LLVM’s built-in optimization passes, producing a smaller, optimized version of the original LLVM IR. LLVM then lowers the IR to platform-specific machine code, performing register allocation, instruction scheduling, and any necessary relocations. This arrangement of the compilation pipeline allows the LLVM-based JIT to be easily omitted from a compiled python binary by passing --without-llvm to ./configure; various use cases for this flag are discussed later. For a complete detailing of how Unladen Swallow works, consult the Unladen Swallow documentation [53], [55]. Unladen Swallow has focused on improving the performance of single-threaded, pure-Python code. We have not made an effort to remove CPython’s global interpreter lock (GIL); we feel this is separate from our work, and due to its sensitivity, is best done in a mainline development branch. We considered making GIL-removal a part of Unladen Swallow, but were concerned by the possibility of introducing subtle bugs when porting our work from CPython 2.6 to 3.x. A JIT compiler is an extremely versatile tool, and we have by no means exhausted its full potential. We have tried to create a sufficiently flexible framework that the wider CPython development community can build upon it for years to come, extracting increased performance in each subsequent release. Alternatives There are number of alternative strategies for improving Python performance which we considered, but found unsatisfactory. Cython, Shedskin: Cython [102] and Shedskin [103] are both static compilers for Python. We view these as useful-but-limited workarounds for CPython’s historically-poor performance. Shedskin does not support the full Python standard library [104], while Cython requires manual Cython-specific annotations for optimum performance.Static compilers like these are useful for writing extension modules without worrying about reference counting, but because they are static, ahead-of-time compilers, they cannot optimize the full range of code under consideration by a just-in-time compiler informed by runtime data. IronPython: IronPython [107] is Python on Microsoft’s .Net platform. It is not actively tested on Mono [108], meaning that it is essentially Windows-only, making it unsuitable as a general CPython replacement. Jython: Jython [109] is a complete implementation of Python 2.5, but is significantly slower than Unladen Swallow (3-5x on measured benchmarks) and has no support for CPython extension modules [110], which would make migration of large applications prohibitively expensive. Psyco: Psyco [65] is a specializing JIT compiler for CPython, implemented as an extension module. It primarily improves performance for numerical code. Pros: exists; makes some code faster. Cons: 32-bit only, with no plans for 64-bit support; supports x86 only; very difficult to maintain; incompatible with SSE2 optimized code due to alignment issues. PyPy: PyPy [66] has good performance on numerical code, but is slower than Unladen Swallow on some workloads. Migration of large applications from CPython to PyPy would be prohibitively expensive: PyPy’s JIT compiler supports only 32-bit x86 code generation; important modules, such as MySQLdb and pycrypto, do not build against PyPy; PyPy does not offer an embedding API, much less the same API as CPython. PyV8: PyV8 [111] is an alpha-stage experimental Python-to-JavaScript compiler that runs on top of V8. PyV8 does not implement the whole Python language, and has no support for CPython extension modules. WPython: WPython [105] is a wordcode-based reimplementation of CPython’s interpreter loop. While it provides a modest improvement to interpreter performance [106], it is not an either-or substitute for a just-in-time compiler. An interpreter will never be as fast as optimized machine code. We view WPython and similar interpreter enhancements as complementary to our work, rather than as competitors. Performance Benchmarks Unladen Swallow has developed a fairly large suite of benchmarks, ranging from synthetic microbenchmarks designed to test a single feature up through whole-application macrobenchmarks. The inspiration for these benchmarks has come variously from third-party contributors (in the case of the html5lib benchmark), Google’s own internal workloads (slowspitfire, pickle, unpickle), as well as tools and libraries in heavy use throughout the wider Python community (django, 2to3, spambayes). These benchmarks are run through a single interface called perf.py that takes care of collecting memory usage information, graphing performance, and running statistics on the benchmark results to ensure significance. The full list of available benchmarks is available on the Unladen Swallow wiki [43], including instructions on downloading and running the benchmarks for yourself. All our benchmarks are open-source; none are Google-proprietary. We believe this collection of benchmarks serves as a useful tool to benchmark any complete Python implementation, and indeed, PyPy is already using these benchmarks for their own performance testing [81], [96]. We welcome this, and we seek additional workloads for the benchmark suite from the Python community. We have focused our efforts on collecting macrobenchmarks and benchmarks that simulate real applications as well as possible, when running a whole application is not feasible. Along a different axis, our benchmark collection originally focused on the kinds of workloads seen by Google’s Python code (webapps, text processing), though we have since expanded the collection to include workloads Google cares nothing about. We have so far shied away from heavily numerical workloads, since NumPy [80] already does an excellent job on such code and so improving numerical performance was not an initial high priority for the team; we have begun to incorporate such benchmarks into the collection [97] and have started work on optimizing numerical Python code. Beyond these benchmarks, there are also a variety of workloads we are explicitly not interested in benchmarking. Unladen Swallow is focused on improving the performance of pure-Python code, so the performance of extension modules like NumPy is uninteresting since NumPy’s core routines are implemented in C. Similarly, workloads that involve a lot of IO like GUIs, databases or socket-heavy applications would, we feel, fail to accurately measure interpreter or code generation optimizations. That said, there’s certainly room to improve the performance of C-language extensions modules in the standard library, and as such, we have added benchmarks for the cPickle and re modules. Performance vs CPython 2.6.4 The charts below compare the arithmetic mean of multiple benchmark iterations for CPython 2.6.4 and Unladen Swallow. perf.py gathers more data than this, and indeed, arithmetic mean is not the whole story; we reproduce only the mean for the sake of conciseness. We include the t score from the Student’s two-tailed T-test [44] at the 95% confidence interval to indicate the significance of the result. Most benchmarks are run for 100 iterations, though some longer-running whole-application benchmarks are run for fewer iterations. A description of each of these benchmarks is available on the Unladen Swallow wiki [43]. Command: ./perf.py -r -b default,apps ../a/python ../b/python 32-bit; gcc 4.0.3; Ubuntu Dapper; Intel Core2 Duo 6600 @ 2.4GHz; 2 cores; 4MB L2 cache; 4GB RAM Benchmark CPython 2.6.4 Unladen Swallow r988 Change Significance Timeline 2to3 25.13 s 24.87 s 1.01x faster t=8.94 http://tinyurl.com/yamhrpg django 1.08 s 0.80 s 1.35x faster t=315.59 http://tinyurl.com/y9mrn8s html5lib 14.29 s 13.20 s 1.08x faster t=2.17 http://tinyurl.com/y8tyslu nbody 0.51 s 0.28 s 1.84x faster t=78.007 http://tinyurl.com/y989qhg rietveld 0.75 s 0.55 s 1.37x faster Insignificant http://tinyurl.com/ye7mqd3 slowpickle 0.75 s 0.55 s 1.37x faster t=20.78 http://tinyurl.com/ybrsfnd slowspitfire 0.83 s 0.61 s 1.36x faster t=2124.66 http://tinyurl.com/yfknhaw slowunpickle 0.33 s 0.26 s 1.26x faster t=15.12 http://tinyurl.com/yzlakoo spambayes 0.31 s 0.34 s 1.10x slower Insignificant http://tinyurl.com/yem62ub 64-bit; gcc 4.2.4; Ubuntu Hardy; AMD Opteron 8214 HE @ 2.2 GHz; 4 cores; 1MB L2 cache; 8GB RAM Benchmark CPython 2.6.4 Unladen Swallow r988 Change Significance Timeline 2to3 31.98 s 30.41 s 1.05x faster t=8.35 http://tinyurl.com/ybcrl3b django 1.22 s 0.94 s 1.30x faster t=106.68 http://tinyurl.com/ybwqll6 html5lib 18.97 s 17.79 s 1.06x faster t=2.78 http://tinyurl.com/yzlyqvk nbody 0.77 s 0.27 s 2.86x faster t=133.49 http://tinyurl.com/yeyqhbg rietveld 0.74 s 0.80 s 1.08x slower t=-2.45 http://tinyurl.com/yzjc6ff slowpickle 0.91 s 0.62 s 1.48x faster t=28.04 http://tinyurl.com/yf7en6k slowspitfire 1.01 s 0.72 s 1.40x faster t=98.70 http://tinyurl.com/yc8pe2o slowunpickle 0.51 s 0.34 s 1.51x faster t=32.65 http://tinyurl.com/yjufu4j spambayes 0.43 s 0.45 s 1.06x slower Insignificant http://tinyurl.com/yztbjfp Many of these benchmarks take a hit under Unladen Swallow because the current version blocks execution to compile Python functions down to machine code. This leads to the behaviour seen in the timeline graphs for the html5lib and rietveld benchmarks, for example, and slows down the overall performance of 2to3. We have an active development branch to fix this problem ([46], [47]), but working within the strictures of CPython’s current threading system has complicated the process and required far more care and time than originally anticipated. We view this issue as critical to final merger into the py3k branch. We have obviously not met our initial goal of a 5x performance improvement. A performance retrospective follows, which addresses why we failed to meet our initial performance goal. We maintain a list of yet-to-be-implemented performance work [50]. Memory Usage The following table shows maximum memory usage (in kilobytes) for each of Unladen Swallow’s default benchmarks for both CPython 2.6.4 and Unladen Swallow r988, as well as a timeline of memory usage across the lifetime of the benchmark. We include tables for both 32- and 64-bit binaries. Memory usage was measured on Linux 2.6 systems by summing the Private_ sections from the kernel’s /proc/$pid/smaps pseudo-files [45]. Command: ./perf.py -r --track_memory -b default,apps ../a/python ../b/python 32-bit Benchmark CPython 2.6.4 Unladen Swallow r988 Change Timeline 2to3 26396 kb 46896 kb 1.77x http://tinyurl.com/yhr2h4z django 10028 kb 27740 kb 2.76x http://tinyurl.com/yhan8vs html5lib 150028 kb 173924 kb 1.15x http://tinyurl.com/ybt44en nbody 3020 kb 16036 kb 5.31x http://tinyurl.com/ya8hltw rietveld 15008 kb 46400 kb 3.09x http://tinyurl.com/yhd5dra slowpickle 4608 kb 16656 kb 3.61x http://tinyurl.com/ybukyvo slowspitfire 85776 kb 97620 kb 1.13x http://tinyurl.com/y9vj35z slowunpickle 3448 kb 13744 kb 3.98x http://tinyurl.com/yexh4d5 spambayes 7352 kb 46480 kb 6.32x http://tinyurl.com/yem62ub 64-bit Benchmark CPython 2.6.4 Unladen Swallow r988 Change Timeline 2to3 51596 kb 82340 kb 1.59x http://tinyurl.com/yljg6rs django 16020 kb 38908 kb 2.43x http://tinyurl.com/ylqsebh html5lib 259232 kb 324968 kb 1.25x http://tinyurl.com/yha6oee nbody 4296 kb 23012 kb 5.35x http://tinyurl.com/yztozza rietveld 24140 kb 73960 kb 3.06x http://tinyurl.com/ybg2nq7 slowpickle 4928 kb 23300 kb 4.73x http://tinyurl.com/yk5tpbr slowspitfire 133276 kb 148676 kb 1.11x http://tinyurl.com/y8bz2xe slowunpickle 4896 kb 16948 kb 3.46x http://tinyurl.com/ygywwoc spambayes 10728 kb 84992 kb 7.92x http://tinyurl.com/yhjban5 The increased memory usage comes from a) LLVM code generation, analysis and optimization libraries; b) native code; c) memory usage issues or leaks in LLVM; d) data structures needed to optimize and generate machine code; e) as-yet uncategorized other sources. While we have made significant progress in reducing memory usage since the initial naive JIT implementation [42], there is obviously more to do. We believe that there are still memory savings to be made without sacrificing performance. We have tended to focus on raw performance, and we have not yet made a concerted push to reduce memory usage. We view reducing memory usage as a blocking issue for final merger into the py3k branch. We seek guidance from the community on an acceptable level of increased memory usage. Start-up Time Statically linking LLVM’s code generation, analysis and optimization libraries increases the time needed to start the Python binary. C++ static initializers used by LLVM also increase start-up time, as does importing the collection of pre-compiled C runtime routines we want to inline to Python code. Results from Unladen Swallow’s startup benchmarks: $ ./perf.py -r -b startup /tmp/cpy-26/bin/python /tmp/unladen/bin/python ### normal_startup ### Min: 0.219186 -> 0.352075: 1.6063x slower Avg: 0.227228 -> 0.364384: 1.6036x slower Significant (t=-51.879098, a=0.95) Stddev: 0.00762 -> 0.02532: 3.3227x larger Timeline: http://tinyurl.com/yfe8z3r ### startup_nosite ### Min: 0.105949 -> 0.264912: 2.5004x slower Avg: 0.107574 -> 0.267505: 2.4867x slower Significant (t=-703.557403, a=0.95) Stddev: 0.00214 -> 0.00240: 1.1209x larger Timeline: http://tinyurl.com/yajn8fa ### bzr_startup ### Min: 0.067990 -> 0.097985: 1.4412x slower Avg: 0.084322 -> 0.111348: 1.3205x slower Significant (t=-37.432534, a=0.95) Stddev: 0.00793 -> 0.00643: 1.2330x smaller Timeline: http://tinyurl.com/ybdm537 ### hg_startup ### Min: 0.016997 -> 0.024997: 1.4707x slower Avg: 0.026990 -> 0.036772: 1.3625x slower Significant (t=-53.104502, a=0.95) Stddev: 0.00406 -> 0.00417: 1.0273x larger Timeline: http://tinyurl.com/ycout8m bzr_startup and hg_startup measure how long it takes Bazaar and Mercurial, respectively, to display their help screens. startup_nosite runs python -S many times; usage of the -S option is rare, but we feel this gives a good indication of where increased startup time is coming from. Unladen Swallow has made headway toward optimizing startup time, but there is still more work to do and further optimizations to implement. Improving start-up time is a high-priority item [33] in Unladen Swallow’s merger punchlist. Binary Size Statically linking LLVM’s code generation, analysis and optimization libraries significantly increases the size of the python binary. The tables below report stripped on-disk binary sizes; the binaries are stripped to better correspond with the configurations used by system package managers. We feel this is the most realistic measure of any change in binary size. Binary size CPython 2.6.4 CPython 3.1.1 Unladen Swallow r1041 32-bit 1.3M 1.4M 12M 64-bit 1.6M 1.6M 12M The increased binary size is caused by statically linking LLVM’s code generation, analysis and optimization libraries into the python binary. This can be straightforwardly addressed by modifying LLVM to better support shared linking and then using that, instead of the current static linking. For the moment, though, static linking provides an accurate look at the cost of linking against LLVM. Even when statically linking, we believe there is still headroom to improve on-disk binary size by narrowing Unladen Swallow’s dependencies on LLVM. This issue is actively being addressed [32]. Performance Retrospective Our initial goal for Unladen Swallow was a 5x performance improvement over CPython 2.6. We did not hit that, nor to put it bluntly, even come close. Why did the project not hit that goal, and can an LLVM-based JIT ever hit that goal? Why did Unladen Swallow not achieve its 5x goal? The primary reason was that LLVM required more work than we had initially anticipated. Based on the fact that Apple was shipping products based on LLVM [82], and other high-level languages had successfully implemented LLVM-based JITs ([61], [63], [83]), we had assumed that LLVM’s JIT was relatively free of show-stopper bugs. That turned out to be incorrect. We had to turn our attention away from performance to fix a number of critical bugs in LLVM’s JIT infrastructure (for example, [84], [85]) as well as a number of nice-to-have enhancements that would enable further optimizations along various axes (for example, [87], [86], [88]). LLVM’s static code generation facilities, tools and optimization passes are stable and stress-tested, but the just-in-time infrastructure was relatively untested and buggy. We have fixed this. (Our hypothesis is that we hit these problems – problems other projects had avoided – because of the complexity and thoroughness of CPython’s standard library test suite.) We also diverted engineering effort away from performance and into support tools such as gdb and oProfile. gdb did not work well with JIT compilers at all, and LLVM previously had no integration with oProfile. Having JIT-aware debuggers and profilers has been very valuable to the project, and we do not regret channeling our time in these directions. See the Debugging and Profiling sections for more information. Can an LLVM-based CPython JIT ever hit the 5x performance target? The benchmark results for JIT-based JavaScript implementations suggest that 5x is indeed possible, as do the results PyPy’s JIT has delivered for numeric workloads. The experience of Self-92 [52] is also instructive. Can LLVM deliver this? We believe that we have only begun to scratch the surface of what our LLVM-based JIT can deliver. The optimizations we have incorporated into this system thus far have borne significant fruit (for example, [89], [90], [91]). Our experience to date is that the limiting factor on Unladen Swallow’s performance is the engineering cycles needed to implement the literature. We have found LLVM easy to work with and to modify, and its built-in optimizations have greatly simplified the task of implementing Python-level optimizations. An overview of further performance opportunities is discussed in the Future Work section. Correctness and Compatibility Unladen Swallow’s correctness test suite includes CPython’s test suite (under Lib/test/), as well as a number of important third-party applications and libraries [6]. A full list of these applications and libraries is reproduced below. Any dependencies needed by these packages, such as zope.interface [34], are also tested indirectly as a part of testing the primary package, thus widening the corpus of tested third-party Python code. 2to3 Cheetah cvs2svn Django Nose NumPy PyCrypto pyOpenSSL PyXML Setuptools SQLAlchemy SWIG SymPy Twisted ZODB These applications pass all relevant tests when run under Unladen Swallow. Note that some tests that failed against our baseline of CPython 2.6.4 were disabled, as were tests that made assumptions about CPython internals such as exact bytecode numbers or bytecode format. Any package with disabled tests includes a README.unladen file that details the changes (for example, [37]). In addition, Unladen Swallow is tested automatically against an array of internal Google Python libraries and applications. These include Google’s internal Python bindings for BigTable [35], the Mondrian code review application [36], and Google’s Python standard library, among others. The changes needed to run these projects under Unladen Swallow have consistently broken into one of three camps: Adding CPython 2.6 C API compatibility. Since Google still primarily uses CPython 2.4 internally, we have needed to convert uses of int to Py_ssize_t and similar API changes. Fixing or disabling explicit, incorrect tests of the CPython version number. Conditionally disabling code that worked around or depending on bugs in CPython 2.4 that have since been fixed. Testing against this wide range of public and proprietary applications and libraries has been instrumental in ensuring the correctness of Unladen Swallow. Testing has exposed bugs that we have duly corrected. Our automated regression testing regime has given us high confidence in our changes as we have moved forward. In addition to third-party testing, we have added further tests to CPython’s test suite for corner cases of the language or implementation that we felt were untested or underspecified (for example, [48], [49]). These have been especially important when implementing optimizations, helping make sure we have not accidentally broken the darker corners of Python. We have also constructed a test suite focused solely on the LLVM-based JIT compiler and the optimizations implemented for it [38]. Because of the complexity and subtlety inherent in writing an optimizing compiler, we have attempted to exhaustively enumerate the constructs, scenarios and corner cases we are compiling and optimizing. The JIT tests also include tests for things like the JIT hotness model, making it easier for future CPython developers to maintain and improve. We have recently begun using fuzz testing [39] to stress-test the compiler. We have used both pyfuzz [40] and Fusil [41] in the past, and we recommend they be introduced as an automated part of the CPython testing process. Known Incompatibilities The only application or library we know to not work with Unladen Swallow that does work with CPython 2.6.4 is Psyco [65]. We are aware of some libraries such as PyGame [79] that work well with CPython 2.6.4, but suffer some degradation due to changes made in Unladen Swallow. We are tracking this issue [47] and are working to resolve these instances of degradation. While Unladen Swallow is source-compatible with CPython 2.6.4, it is not binary compatible. C extension modules compiled against one will need to be recompiled to work with the other. The merger of Unladen Swallow should have minimal impact on long-lived CPython optimization branches like WPython. WPython [105] and Unladen Swallow are largely orthogonal, and there is no technical reason why both could not be merged into CPython. The changes needed to make WPython compatible with a JIT-enhanced version of CPython should be minimal [114]. The same should be true for other CPython optimization projects (for example, [115]). Invasive forks of CPython such as Stackless Python [116] are more challenging to support. Since Stackless is highly unlikely to be merged into CPython [117] and an increased maintenance burden is part and parcel of any fork, we consider compatibility with Stackless to be relatively low-priority. JIT-compiled stack frames use the C stack, so Stackless should be able to treat them the same as it treats calls through extension modules. If that turns out to be unacceptable, Stackless could either remove the JIT compiler or improve JIT code generation to better support heap-based stack frames [118], [119]. Platform Support Unladen Swallow is inherently limited by the platform support provided by LLVM, especially LLVM’s JIT compilation system [7]. LLVM’s JIT has the best support on x86 and x86-64 systems, and these are the platforms where Unladen Swallow has received the most testing. We are confident in LLVM/Unladen Swallow’s support for x86 and x86-64 hardware. PPC and ARM support exists, but is not widely used and may be buggy (for example, [100], [84], [101]). Unladen Swallow is known to work on the following operating systems: Linux, Darwin, Windows. Unladen Swallow has received the most testing on Linux and Darwin, though it still builds and passes its tests on Windows. In order to support hardware and software platforms where LLVM’s JIT does not work, Unladen Swallow provides a ./configure --without-llvm option. This flag carves out any part of Unladen Swallow that depends on LLVM, yielding a Python binary that works and passes its tests, but has no performance advantages. This configuration is recommended for hardware unsupported by LLVM, or systems that care more about memory usage than performance. Impact on CPython Development Experimenting with Changes to Python or CPython Bytecode Unladen Swallow’s JIT compiler operates on CPython bytecode, and as such, it is immune to Python language changes that affect only the parser. We recommend that changes to the CPython bytecode compiler or the semantics of individual bytecodes be prototyped in the interpreter loop first, then be ported to the JIT compiler once the semantics are clear. To make this easier, Unladen Swallow includes a --without-llvm configure-time option that strips out the JIT compiler and all associated infrastructure. This leaves the current burden of experimentation unchanged so that developers can prototype in the current low-barrier-to-entry interpreter loop. Unladen Swallow began implementing its JIT compiler by doing straightforward, naive translations from bytecode implementations into LLVM API calls. We found this process to be easily understood, and we recommend the same approach for CPython. We include several sample changes from the Unladen Swallow repository here as examples of this style of development: [26], [27], [28], [29]. Debugging The Unladen Swallow team implemented changes to gdb to make it easier to use gdb to debug JIT-compiled Python code. These changes were released in gdb 7.0 [17]. They make it possible for gdb to identify and unwind past JIT-generated call stack frames. This allows gdb to continue to function as before for CPython development if one is changing, for example, the list type or builtin functions. Example backtrace after our changes, where baz, bar and foo are JIT-compiled: Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00002aaaabe7d1a8 in baz () (gdb) bt #0 0x00002aaaabe7d1a8 in baz () #1 0x00002aaaabe7d12c in bar () #2 0x00002aaaabe7d0aa in foo () #3 0x00002aaaabe7d02c in main () #4 0x0000000000b870a2 in llvm::JIT::runFunction (this=0x1405b70, F=0x14024e0, ArgValues=...) at /home/rnk/llvm-gdb/lib/ExecutionEngine/JIT/JIT.cpp:395 #5 0x0000000000baa4c5 in llvm::ExecutionEngine::runFunctionAsMain (this=0x1405b70, Fn=0x14024e0, argv=..., envp=0x7fffffffe3c0) at /home/rnk/llvm-gdb/lib/ExecutionEngine/ExecutionEngine.cpp:377 #6 0x00000000007ebd52 in main (argc=2, argv=0x7fffffffe3a8, envp=0x7fffffffe3c0) at /home/rnk/llvm-gdb/tools/lli/lli.cpp:208 Previously, the JIT-compiled frames would have caused gdb to unwind incorrectly, generating lots of obviously-incorrect #6 0x00002aaaabe7d0aa in ?? ()-style stack frames. Highlights: gdb 7.0 is able to correctly parse JIT-compiled stack frames, allowing full use of gdb on non-JIT-compiled functions, that is, the vast majority of the CPython codebase. Disassembling inside a JIT-compiled stack frame automatically prints the full list of instructions making up that function. This is an advance over the state of gdb before our work: developers needed to guess the starting address of the function and manually disassemble the assembly code. Flexible underlying mechanism allows CPython to add more and more information, and eventually reach parity with C/C++ support in gdb for JIT-compiled machine code. Lowlights: gdb cannot print local variables or tell you what line you’re currently executing inside a JIT-compiled function. Nor can it step through JIT-compiled code, except for one instruction at a time. Not yet integrated with Apple’s gdb or Microsoft’s Visual Studio debuggers. The Unladen Swallow team is working with Apple to get these changes incorporated into their future gdb releases. Profiling Unladen Swallow integrates with oProfile 0.9.4 and newer [18] to support assembly-level profiling on Linux systems. This means that oProfile will correctly symbolize JIT-compiled functions in its reports. Example report, where the #u#-prefixed symbol names are JIT-compiled Python functions: $ opreport -l ./python | less CPU: Core 2, speed 1600 MHz (estimated) Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a unit mask of 0x00 (Unhalted core cycles) count 100000 samples % image name symbol name 79589 4.2329 python PyString_FromFormatV 62971 3.3491 python PyEval_EvalCodeEx 62713 3.3354 python tupledealloc 57071 3.0353 python _PyEval_CallFunction 50009 2.6597 24532.jo #u#force_unicode 47468 2.5246 python PyUnicodeUCS2_Decode 45829 2.4374 python PyFrame_New 45173 2.4025 python lookdict_string 43082 2.2913 python PyType_IsSubtype 39763 2.1148 24532.jo #u#render5 38145 2.0287 python _PyType_Lookup 37643 2.0020 python PyObject_GC_UnTrack 37105 1.9734 python frame_dealloc 36849 1.9598 python PyEval_EvalFrame 35630 1.8950 24532.jo #u#resolve 33313 1.7717 python PyObject_IsInstance 33208 1.7662 python PyDict_GetItem 33168 1.7640 python PyTuple_New 30458 1.6199 python PyCFunction_NewEx This support is functional, but as-yet unpolished. Unladen Swallow maintains a punchlist of items we feel are important to improve in our oProfile integration to make it more useful to core CPython developers [19]. Highlights: Symbolization of JITted frames working in oProfile on Linux. Lowlights: No work yet invested in improving symbolization of JIT-compiled frames for Apple’s Shark [20] or Microsoft’s Visual Studio profiling tools. Some polishing still desired for oProfile output. We recommend using oProfile 0.9.5 (and newer) to work around a now-fixed bug on x86-64 platforms in oProfile. oProfile 0.9.4 will work fine on 32-bit platforms, however. Given the ease of integrating oProfile with LLVM [21] and Unladen Swallow [22], other profiling tools should be easy as well, provided they support a similar JIT interface [23]. We have documented the process for using oProfile to profile Unladen Swallow [24]. This document will be merged into CPython’s Doc/ tree in the merge. Addition of C++ to CPython In order to use LLVM, Unladen Swallow has introduced C++ into the core CPython tree and build process. This is an unavoidable part of depending on LLVM; though LLVM offers a C API [8], it is limited and does not expose the functionality needed by CPython. Because of this, we have implemented the internal details of the Unladen Swallow JIT and its supporting infrastructure in C++. We do not propose converting the entire CPython codebase to C++. Highlights: Easy use of LLVM’s full, powerful code generation and related APIs. Convenient, abstract data structures simplify code. C++ is limited to relatively small corners of the CPython codebase. C++ can be disabled via ./configure --without-llvm, which even omits the dependency on libstdc++. Lowlights: Developers must know two related languages, C and C++ to work on the full range of CPython’s internals. A C++ style guide will need to be developed and enforced. PEP 7 will be extended [120] to encompass C++ by taking the relevant parts of the C++ style guides from Unladen Swallow [70], LLVM [71] and Google [72]. Different C++ compilers emit different ABIs; this can cause problems if CPython is compiled with one C++ compiler and extensions modules are compiled with a different C++ compiler. Managing LLVM Releases, C++ API Changes LLVM is released regularly every six months. This means that LLVM may be released two or three times during the course of development of a CPython 3.x release. Each LLVM release brings newer and more powerful optimizations, improved platform support and more sophisticated code generation. LLVM releases usually include incompatible changes to the LLVM C++ API; the release notes for LLVM 2.6 [9] include a list of intentionally-introduced incompatibilities. Unladen Swallow has tracked LLVM trunk closely over the course of development. Our experience has been that LLVM API changes are obvious and easily or mechanically remedied. We include two such changes from the Unladen Swallow tree as references here: [10], [11]. Due to API incompatibilities, we recommend that an LLVM-based CPython target compatibility with a single version of LLVM at a time. This will lower the overhead on the core development team. Pegging to an LLVM version should not be a problem from a packaging perspective, because pre-built LLVM packages generally become available via standard system package managers fairly quickly following an LLVM release, and failing that, llvm.org itself includes binary releases. Unladen Swallow has historically included a copy of the LLVM and Clang source trees in the Unladen Swallow tree; this was done to allow us to closely track LLVM trunk as we made patches to it. We do not recommend this model of development for CPython. CPython releases should be based on official LLVM releases. Pre-built LLVM packages are available from MacPorts [12] for Darwin, and from most major Linux distributions ([13], [14], [16]). LLVM itself provides additional binaries, such as for MinGW [25]. LLVM is currently intended to be statically linked; this means that binary releases of CPython will include the relevant parts (not all!) of LLVM. This will increase the binary size, as noted above. To simplify downstream package management, we will modify LLVM to better support shared linking. This issue will block final merger [98]. Unladen Swallow has tasked a full-time engineer with fixing any remaining critical issues in LLVM before LLVM’s 2.7 release. We consider it essential that CPython 3.x be able to depend on a released version of LLVM, rather than closely tracking LLVM trunk as Unladen Swallow has done. We believe we will finish this work [99] before the release of LLVM 2.7, expected in May 2010. Building CPython In addition to a runtime dependency on LLVM, Unladen Swallow includes a build-time dependency on Clang [5], an LLVM-based C/C++ compiler. We use this to compile parts of the C-language Python runtime to LLVM’s intermediate representation; this allows us to perform cross-language inlining, yielding increased performance. Clang is not required to run Unladen Swallow. Clang binary packages are available from most major Linux distributions (for example, [15]). We examined the impact of Unladen Swallow on the time needed to build Python, including configure, full builds and incremental builds after touching a single C source file. ./configure CPython 2.6.4 CPython 3.1.1 Unladen Swallow r988 Run 1 0m20.795s 0m16.558s 0m15.477s Run 2 0m15.255s 0m16.349s 0m15.391s Run 3 0m15.228s 0m16.299s 0m15.528s Full make CPython 2.6.4 CPython 3.1.1 Unladen Swallow r988 Run 1 1m30.776s 1m22.367s 1m54.053s Run 2 1m21.374s 1m22.064s 1m49.448s Run 3 1m22.047s 1m23.645s 1m49.305s Full builds take a hit due to a) additional .cc files needed for LLVM interaction, b) statically linking LLVM into libpython, c) compiling parts of the Python runtime to LLVM IR to enable cross-language inlining. Incremental builds are also somewhat slower than mainline CPython. The table below shows incremental rebuild times after touching Objects/listobject.c. Incr make CPython 2.6.4 CPython 3.1.1 Unladen Swallow r1024 Run 1 0m1.854s 0m1.456s 0m6.680s Run 2 0m1.437s 0m1.442s 0m5.310s Run 3 0m1.440s 0m1.425s 0m7.639s As with full builds, this extra time comes from statically linking LLVM into libpython. If libpython were linked shared against LLVM, this overhead would go down. Proposed Merge Plan We propose focusing our efforts on eventual merger with CPython’s 3.x line of development. The BDFL has indicated that 2.7 is to be the final release of CPython’s 2.x line of development [30], and since 2.7 alpha 1 has already been released, we have missed the window. Python 3 is the future, and that is where we will target our performance efforts. We recommend the following plan for merger of Unladen Swallow into the CPython source tree: Creation of a branch in the CPython SVN repository to work in, call it py3k-jit as a strawman. This will be a branch of the CPython py3k branch. We will keep this branch closely integrated to py3k. The further we deviate, the harder our work will be. Any JIT-related patches will go into the py3k-jit branch. Non-JIT-related patches will go into the py3k branch (once reviewed and approved) and be merged back into the py3k-jit branch. Potentially-contentious issues, such as the introduction of new command line flags or environment variables, will be discussed on python-dev. Because Google uses CPython 2.x internally, Unladen Swallow is based on CPython 2.6. We would need to port our compiler to Python 3; this would be done as patches are applied to the py3k-jit branch, so that the branch remains a consistent implementation of Python 3 at all times. We believe this approach will be minimally disruptive to the 3.2 or 3.3 release process while we iron out any remaining issues blocking final merger into py3k. Unladen Swallow maintains a punchlist of known issues needed before final merger [31], which includes all problems mentioned in this PEP; we trust the CPython community will have its own concerns. This punchlist is not static; other issues may emerge in the future that will block final merger into the py3k branch. Changes will be committed directly to the py3k-jit branch, with only large, tricky or controversial changes sent for pre-commit code review. Contingency Plans There is a chance that we will not be able to reduce memory usage or startup time to a level satisfactory to the CPython community. Our primary contingency plan for this situation is to shift from an online just-in-time compilation strategy to an offline ahead-of-time strategy using an instrumented CPython interpreter loop to obtain feedback. This is the same model used by gcc’s feedback-directed optimizations (-fprofile-generate) [112] and Microsoft Visual Studio’s profile-guided optimizations [113]; we will refer to this as “feedback-directed optimization” here, or FDO. We believe that an FDO compiler for Python would be inferior to a JIT compiler. FDO requires a high-quality, representative benchmark suite, which is a relative rarity in both open- and closed-source development. A JIT compiler can dynamically find and optimize the hot spots in any application – benchmark suite or no – allowing it to adapt to changes in application bottlenecks without human intervention. If an ahead-of-time FDO compiler is required, it should be able to leverage a large percentage of the code and infrastructure already developed for Unladen Swallow’s JIT compiler. Indeed, these two compilation strategies could exist side by side. Future Work A JIT compiler is an extremely flexible tool, and we have by no means exhausted its full potential. Unladen Swallow maintains a list of yet-to-be-implemented performance optimizations [50] that the team has not yet had time to fully implement. Examples: Python/Python inlining [67]. Our compiler currently performs no inlining between pure-Python functions. Work on this is on-going [69]. Unboxing [68]. Unboxing is critical for numerical performance. PyPy in particular has demonstrated the value of unboxing to heavily numeric workloads. Recompilation, adaptation. Unladen Swallow currently only compiles a Python function once, based on its usage pattern up to that point. If the usage pattern changes, limitations in LLVM [73] prevent us from recompiling the function to better serve the new usage pattern. JIT-compile regular expressions. Modern JavaScript engines reuse their JIT compilation infrastructure to boost regex performance [74]. Unladen Swallow has developed benchmarks for Python regular expression performance ([75], [76], [77]), but work on regex performance is still at an early stage [78]. Trace compilation [92], [93]. Based on the results of PyPy and Tracemonkey [94], we believe that a CPython JIT should incorporate trace compilation to some degree. We initially avoided a purely-tracing JIT compiler in favor of a simpler, function-at-a-time compiler. However this function-at-a-time compiler has laid the groundwork for a future tracing compiler implemented in the same terms. Profile generation/reuse. The runtime data gathered by the JIT could be persisted to disk and reused by subsequent JIT compilations, or by external tools such as Cython [102] or a feedback-enhanced code coverage tool. This list is by no means exhaustive. There is a vast literature on optimizations for dynamic languages that could and should be implemented in terms of Unladen Swallow’s LLVM-based JIT compiler [54]. Unladen Swallow Community We would like to thank the community of developers who have contributed to Unladen Swallow, in particular: James Abbatiello, Joerg Blank, Eric Christopher, Alex Gaynor, Chris Lattner, Nick Lewycky, Evan Phoenix and Thomas Wouters. Licensing All work on Unladen Swallow is licensed to the Python Software Foundation (PSF) under the terms of the Python Software Foundation License v2 [56] under the umbrella of Google’s blanket Contributor License Agreement with the PSF. LLVM is licensed [57] under the University of llinois/NCSA Open Source License [58], a liberal, OSI-approved license. The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is the sole copyright holder for LLVM. References [1] http://qinsb.blogspot.com/2011/03/unladen-swallow-retrospective.html [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Parrot_sketch [3] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/ [4] http://llvm.org/ [5] http://clang.llvm.org/ [6] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/Testing [7] http://llvm.org/docs/GettingStarted.html#hardware [8] http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project/llvm/trunk/include/llvm-c/ [9] http://llvm.org/releases/2.6/docs/ReleaseNotes.html#whatsnew [10] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=820 [11] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=532 [12] http://trac.macports.org/browser/trunk/dports/lang/llvm/Portfile [13] http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/llvm [14] http://packages.debian.org/unstable/devel/llvm [15] http://packages.debian.org/sid/clang [16] http://koji.fedoraproject.org/koji/buildinfo?buildID=134384 [17] http://www.gnu.org/software/gdb/download/ANNOUNCEMENT [18] http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/news/ [19] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=63 [20] http://developer.apple.com/tools/sharkoptimize.html [21] http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=rev&revision=75279 [22] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=986 [23] http://oprofile.sourceforge.net/doc/devel/jit-interface.html [24] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/UsingOProfile [25] http://llvm.org/releases/download.html [26] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=359 [27] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=376 [28] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=417 [29] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=517 [30] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-January/095682.html [31] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/list?q=label:Merger [32] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=118 [33] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=64 [34] http://www.zope.org/Products/ZopeInterface [35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BigTable [36] http://www.niallkennedy.com/blog/2006/11/google-mondrian.html [37] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/tests/lib/sqlalchemy/README.unladen [38] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/trunk/Lib/test/test_llvm.py [39] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fuzz_testing [40] http://bitbucket.org/ebo/pyfuzz/overview/ [41] http://lwn.net/Articles/322826/ [42] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=68 [43] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/Benchmarks [44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student’s_t-test [45] http://bmaurer.blogspot.com/2006/03/memory-usage-with-smaps.html [46] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/branches/background-thread [47] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=40 [48] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/detail?r=888 [49] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/diff?spec=svn576&r=576&format=side&path=/trunk/Lib/test/test_trace.py [50] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/list?q=label:Performance [51] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Just-in-time_compilation [52] (1, 2) http://research.sun.com/self/papers/urs-thesis.html [53] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/ProjectPlan [54] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/RelevantPapers [55] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/trunk/Python/llvm_notes.txt [56] http://www.python.org/psf/license/ [57] http://llvm.org/docs/DeveloperPolicy.html#clp [58] http://www.opensource.org/licenses/UoI-NCSA.php [59] http://code.google.com/p/v8/ [60] http://webkit.org/blog/214/introducing-squirrelfish-extreme/ [61] (1, 2) http://rubini.us/ [62] http://lists.parrot.org/pipermail/parrot-dev/2009-September/002811.html [63] (1, 2) http://www.macruby.org/ [64] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HotSpot [65] (1, 2, 3) http://psyco.sourceforge.net/ [66] http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/ [67] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inline_expansion [68] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object_type_(object-oriented_programming%29 [69] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=86 [70] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/StyleGuide [71] http://llvm.org/docs/CodingStandards.html [72] http://google-styleguide.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/cppguide.xml [73] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=41 [74] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/wiki/ProjectPlan#Regular_Expressions [75] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/tests/performance/bm_regex_compile.py [76] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/tests/performance/bm_regex_v8.py [77] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/tests/performance/bm_regex_effbot.py [78] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=13 [79] http://www.pygame.org/ [80] http://numpy.scipy.org/ [81] http://codespeak.net:8099/plotsummary.html [82] http://llvm.org/Users.html [83] http://www.ffconsultancy.com/ocaml/hlvm/ [84] (1, 2) http://llvm.org/PR5201 [85] http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?view=rev&revision=76828 [86] http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=91611&view=rev [87] http://llvm.org/viewvc/llvm-project?rev=85182&view=rev [88] http://llvm.org/PR5735 [89] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=73 [90] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=88 [91] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=67 [92] http://www.ics.uci.edu/~franz/Site/pubs-pdf/C44Prepub.pdf [93] http://www.ics.uci.edu/~franz/Site/pubs-pdf/ICS-TR-07-12.pdf [94] https://wiki.mozilla.org/JavaScript:TraceMonkey [95] http://llvm.org/docs/LangRef.html [96] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=120 [97] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/source/browse/tests/performance/bm_nbody.py [98] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=130 [99] http://code.google.com/p/unladen-swallow/issues/detail?id=131 [100] http://llvm.org/PR4816 [101] http://llvm.org/PR6065 [102] (1, 2) http://www.cython.org/ [103] http://shed-skin.blogspot.com/ [104] http://shedskin.googlecode.com/files/shedskin-tutorial-0.3.html [105] (1, 2) http://code.google.com/p/wpython/ [106] http://www.mail-archive.com/python-dev@python.org/msg45143.html [107] http://ironpython.net/ [108] http://www.mono-project.com/ [109] http://www.jython.org/ [110] http://wiki.python.org/jython/JythonFaq/GeneralInfo [111] http://code.google.com/p/pyv8/ [112] http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Optimize-Options.html [113] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/e7k32f4k.aspx [114] http://www.mail-archive.com/python-dev@python.org/msg44962.html [115] http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1534530.1534550 [116] http://www.stackless.com/ [117] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-June/045165.html [118] http://www.nondot.org/sabre/LLVMNotes/ExplicitlyManagedStackFrames.txt [119] http://old.nabble.com/LLVM-and-coroutines-microthreads-td23080883.html [120] http://www.mail-archive.com/python-dev@python.org/msg45544.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3146 – Merging Unladen Swallow into CPython
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the merger of the Unladen Swallow project [3] into CPython’s source tree. Unladen Swallow is an open-source branch of CPython focused on performance. Unladen Swallow is source-compatible with valid Python 2.6.4 applications and C extension modules.
PEP 3147 – PYC Repository Directories Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 16-Dec-2009 Python-Version: 3.2 Post-History: 30-Jan-2010, 25-Feb-2010, 03-Mar-2010, 12-Apr-2010 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Background Rationale Proposal Examples Python behavior Case 0: The steady state Case 1: The first import Case 2: The second import Case 3: __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc with no source Case 4: legacy pyc files and source-less imports Case 5: read-only file systems Flow chart Alternative Python implementations Implementation strategy Effects on existing code Detecting PEP 3147 availability __file__ py_compile and compileall bdist_wininst and the Windows installer File extension checks Backports Makefiles and other dependency tools Alternatives Hexadecimal magic tags PEP 304 Fat byte compilation files Multiple file extensions .pyc Reference implementation References ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Copyright Abstract This PEP describes an extension to Python’s import mechanism which improves sharing of Python source code files among multiple installed different versions of the Python interpreter. It does this by allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc files) to be co-located with the Python source file (.py file). The extension described here can also be used to support different Python compilation caches, such as JIT output that may be produced by an Unladen Swallow (PEP 3146) enabled C Python. Background CPython compiles its source code into “byte code”, and for performance reasons, it caches this byte code on the file system whenever the source file has changes. This makes loading of Python modules much faster because the compilation phase can be bypassed. When your source file is foo.py, CPython caches the byte code in a foo.pyc file right next to the source. Byte code files contain two 32-bit big-endian numbers followed by the marshaled [2] code object. The 32-bit numbers represent a magic number and a timestamp. The magic number changes whenever Python changes the byte code format, e.g. by adding new byte codes to its virtual machine. This ensures that pyc files built for previous versions of the VM won’t cause problems. The timestamp is used to make sure that the pyc file match the py file that was used to create it. When either the magic number or timestamp do not match, the py file is recompiled and a new pyc file is written. In practice, it is well known that pyc files are not compatible across Python major releases. A reading of import.c [3] in the Python source code proves that within recent memory, every new CPython major release has bumped the pyc magic number. Rationale Linux distributions such as Ubuntu [4] and Debian [5] provide more than one Python version at the same time to their users. For example, Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala users can install Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1, with Python 2.6 being the default. This causes a conflict for third party Python source files installed by the system, because you cannot compile a single Python source file for more than one Python version at a time. When Python finds a pyc file with a non-matching magic number, it falls back to the slower process of recompiling the source. Thus if your system installed a /usr/share/python/foo.py, two different versions of Python would fight over the pyc file and rewrite it each time the source is compiled. (The standard library is unaffected by this, since multiple versions of the stdlib are installed on such distributions..) Furthermore, in order to ease the burden on operating system packagers for these distributions, the distribution packages do not contain Python version numbers [6]; they are shared across all Python versions installed on the system. Putting Python version numbers in the packages would be a maintenance nightmare, since all the packages - and their dependencies - would have to be updated every time a new Python release was added or removed from the distribution. Because of the sheer number of packages available, this amount of work is infeasible. (PEP 384 has been proposed to address binary compatibility issues of third party extension modules across different versions of Python.) Because these distributions cannot share pyc files, elaborate mechanisms have been developed to put the resulting pyc files in non-shared locations while the source code is still shared. Examples include the symlink-based Debian regimes python-support [8] and python-central [9]. These approaches make for much more complicated, fragile, inscrutable, and fragmented policies for delivering Python applications to a wide range of users. Arguably more users get Python from their operating system vendor than from upstream tarballs. Thus, solving this pyc sharing problem for CPython is a high priority for such vendors. This PEP proposes a solution to this problem. Proposal Python’s import machinery is extended to write and search for byte code cache files in a single directory inside every Python package directory. This directory will be called __pycache__. Further, pyc file names will contain a magic string (called a “tag”) that differentiates the Python version they were compiled for. This allows multiple byte compiled cache files to co-exist for a single Python source file. The magic tag is implementation defined, but should contain the implementation name and a version number shorthand, e.g. cpython-32. It must be unique among all versions of Python, and whenever the magic number is bumped, a new magic tag must be defined. An example pyc file for Python 3.2 is thus foo.cpython-32.pyc. The magic tag is available in the imp module via the get_tag() function. This is parallel to the imp.get_magic() function. This scheme has the added benefit of reducing the clutter in a Python package directory. When a Python source file is imported for the first time, a __pycache__ directory will be created in the package directory, if one does not already exist. The pyc file for the imported source will be written to the __pycache__ directory, using the magic-tag formatted name. If either the creation of the __pycache__ directory or the pyc file inside that fails, the import will still succeed, just as it does in a pre-PEP 3147 world. If the py source file is missing, the pyc file inside __pycache__ will be ignored. This eliminates the problem of accidental stale pyc file imports. For backward compatibility, Python will still support pyc-only distributions, however it will only do so when the pyc file lives in the directory where the py file would have been, i.e. not in the __pycache__ directory. pyc file outside of __pycache__ will only be imported if the py source file is missing. Tools such as py_compile [15] and compileall [16] will be extended to create PEP 3147 formatted layouts automatically, but will have an option to create pyc-only distribution layouts. Examples What would this look like in practice? Let’s say we have a Python package named alpha which contains a sub-package name beta. The source directory layout before byte compilation might look like this: alpha/ __init__.py one.py two.py beta/ __init__.py three.py four.py After byte compiling this package with Python 3.2, you would see the following layout: alpha/ __pycache__/ __init__.cpython-32.pyc one.cpython-32.pyc two.cpython-32.pyc __init__.py one.py two.py beta/ __pycache__/ __init__.cpython-32.pyc three.cpython-32.pyc four.cpython-32.pyc __init__.py three.py four.py Note: listing order may differ depending on the platform. Let’s say that two new versions of Python are installed, one is Python 3.3 and another is Unladen Swallow. After byte compilation, the file system would look like this: alpha/ __pycache__/ __init__.cpython-32.pyc __init__.cpython-33.pyc __init__.unladen-10.pyc one.cpython-32.pyc one.cpython-33.pyc one.unladen-10.pyc two.cpython-32.pyc two.cpython-33.pyc two.unladen-10.pyc __init__.py one.py two.py beta/ __pycache__/ __init__.cpython-32.pyc __init__.cpython-33.pyc __init__.unladen-10.pyc three.cpython-32.pyc three.cpython-33.pyc three.unladen-10.pyc four.cpython-32.pyc four.cpython-33.pyc four.unladen-10.pyc __init__.py three.py four.py As you can see, as long as the Python version identifier string is unique, any number of pyc files can co-exist. These identifier strings are described in more detail below. A nice property of this layout is that the __pycache__ directories can generally be ignored, such that a normal directory listing would show something like this: alpha/ __pycache__/ __init__.py one.py two.py beta/ __pycache__/ __init__.py three.py four.py This is much less cluttered than even today’s Python. Python behavior When Python searches for a module to import (say foo), it may find one of several situations. As per current Python rules, the term “matching pyc” means that the magic number matches the current interpreter’s magic number, and the source file’s timestamp matches the timestamp in the pyc file exactly. Case 0: The steady state When Python is asked to import module foo, it searches for a foo.py file (or foo package, but that’s not important for this discussion) along its sys.path. If found, Python looks to see if there is a matching __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc file, and if so, that pyc file is loaded. Case 1: The first import When Python locates the foo.py, if the __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc file is missing, Python will create it, also creating the __pycache__ directory if necessary. Python will parse and byte compile the foo.py file and save the byte code in __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc. Case 2: The second import When Python is asked to import module foo a second time (in a different process of course), it will again search for the foo.py file along its sys.path. When Python locates the foo.py file, it looks for a matching __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc and finding this, it reads the byte code and continues as usual. Case 3: __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc with no source It’s possible that the foo.py file somehow got removed, while leaving the cached pyc file still on the file system. If the __pycache__/foo.<magic>.pyc file exists, but the foo.py file used to create it does not, Python will raise an ImportError when asked to import foo. In other words, Python will not import a pyc file from the cache directory unless the source file exists. Case 4: legacy pyc files and source-less imports Python will ignore all legacy pyc files when a source file exists next to it. In other words, if a foo.pyc file exists next to the foo.py file, the pyc file will be ignored in all cases In order to continue to support source-less distributions though, if the source file is missing, Python will import a lone pyc file if it lives where the source file would have been. Case 5: read-only file systems When the source lives on a read-only file system, or the __pycache__ directory or pyc file cannot otherwise be written, all the same rules apply. This is also the case when __pycache__ happens to be written with permissions which do not allow for writing containing pyc files. Flow chart Here is a flow chart describing how modules are loaded: Alternative Python implementations Alternative Python implementations such as Jython [11], IronPython [12], PyPy [13], Pynie [14], and Unladen Swallow can also use the __pycache__ directory to store whatever compilation artifacts make sense for their platforms. For example, Jython could store the class file for the module in __pycache__/foo.jython-32.class. Implementation strategy This feature is targeted for Python 3.2, solving the problem for those and all future versions. It may be back-ported to Python 2.7. Vendors are free to backport the changes to earlier distributions as they see fit. For backports of this feature to Python 2, when the -U flag is used, a file such as foo.cpython-27u.pyc can be written. Effects on existing code Adoption of this PEP will affect existing code and idioms, both inside Python and outside. This section enumerates some of these effects. Detecting PEP 3147 availability The easiest way to detect whether your version of Python provides PEP 3147 functionality is to do the following check: >>> import imp >>> has3147 = hasattr(imp, 'get_tag') __file__ In Python 3, when you import a module, its __file__ attribute points to its source py file (in Python 2, it points to the pyc file). A package’s __file__ points to the py file for its __init__.py. E.g.: >>> import foo >>> foo.__file__ 'foo.py' # baz is a package >>> import baz >>> baz.__file__ 'baz/__init__.py' Nothing in this PEP would change the semantics of __file__. This PEP proposes the addition of an __cached__ attribute to modules, which will always point to the actual pyc file that was read or written. When the environment variable $PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE is set, or the -B option is given, or if the source lives on a read-only filesystem, then the __cached__ attribute will point to the location that the pyc file would have been written to if it didn’t exist. This location of course includes the __pycache__ subdirectory in its path. For alternative Python implementations which do not support pyc files, the __cached__ attribute may point to whatever information makes sense. E.g. on Jython, this might be the .class file for the module: __pycache__/foo.jython-32.class. Some implementations may use multiple compiled files to create the module, in which case __cached__ may be a tuple. The exact contents of __cached__ are Python implementation specific. It is recommended that when nothing sensible can be calculated, implementations should set the __cached__ attribute to None. py_compile and compileall Python comes with two modules, py_compile [15] and compileall [16] which support compiling Python modules external to the built-in import machinery. py_compile in particular has intimate knowledge of byte compilation, so these will be updated to understand the new layout. The -b flag is added to compileall for writing legacy .pyc byte-compiled file path names. bdist_wininst and the Windows installer These tools also compile modules explicitly on installation. If they do not use py_compile and compileall, then they would also have to be modified to understand the new layout. File extension checks There exists some code which checks for files ending in .pyc and simply chops off the last character to find the matching .py file. This code will obviously fail once this PEP is implemented. To support this use case, we’ll add two new methods to the imp package [17]: imp.cache_from_source(py_path) -> pyc_path imp.source_from_cache(pyc_path) -> py_path Alternative implementations are free to override these functions to return reasonable values based on their own support for this PEP. These methods are allowed to return None when the implementation (or PEP 302 loader in effect) for whatever reason cannot calculate the appropriate file name. They should not raise exceptions. Backports For versions of Python earlier than 3.2 (and possibly 2.7), it is possible to backport this PEP. However, in Python 3.2 (and possibly 2.7), this behavior will be turned on by default, and in fact, it will replace the old behavior. Backports will need to support the old layout by default. We suggest supporting PEP 3147 through the use of an environment variable called $PYTHONENABLECACHEDIR or the command line switch -Xenablecachedir to enable the feature. Makefiles and other dependency tools Makefiles and other tools which calculate dependencies on .pyc files (e.g. to byte-compile the source if the .pyc is missing) will have to be updated to check the new paths. Alternatives This section describes some alternative approaches or details that were considered and rejected during the PEP’s development. Hexadecimal magic tags pyc files inside of the __pycache__ directories contain a magic tag in their file names. These are mnemonic tags for the actual magic numbers used by the importer. We could have used the hexadecimal representation [10] of the binary magic number as a unique identifier. For example, in Python 3.2: >>> from binascii import hexlify >>> from imp import get_magic >>> 'foo.{}.pyc'.format(hexlify(get_magic()).decode('ascii')) 'foo.580c0d0a.pyc' This isn’t particularly human friendly though, thus the magic tag proposed in this PEP. PEP 304 There is some overlap between the goals of this PEP and PEP 304, which has been withdrawn. However PEP 304 would allow a user to create a shadow file system hierarchy in which to store pyc files. This concept of a shadow hierarchy for pyc files could be used to satisfy the aims of this PEP. Although the PEP 304 does not indicate why it was withdrawn, shadow directories have a number of problems. The location of the shadow pyc files would not be easily discovered and would depend on the proper and consistent use of the $PYTHONBYTECODE environment variable both by the system and by end users. There are also global implications, meaning that while the system might want to shadow pyc files, users might not want to, but the PEP defines only an all-or-nothing approach. As an example of the problem, a common (though fragile) Python idiom for locating data files is to do something like this: from os import dirname, join import foo.bar data_file = join(dirname(foo.bar.__file__), 'my.dat') This would be problematic since foo.bar.__file__ will give the location of the pyc file in the shadow directory, and it may not be possible to find the my.dat file relative to the source directory from there. Fat byte compilation files An earlier version of this PEP described “fat” Python byte code files. These files would contain the equivalent of multiple pyc files in a single pyf file, with a lookup table keyed off the appropriate magic number. This was an extensible file format so that the first 5 parallel Python implementations could be supported fairly efficiently, but with extension lookup tables available to scale pyf byte code objects as large as necessary. The fat byte compilation files were fairly complex, and inherently introduced difficult race conditions, so the current simplification of using directories was suggested. The same problem applies to using zip files as the fat pyc file format. Multiple file extensions The PEP author also considered an approach where multiple thin byte compiled files lived in the same place, but used different file extensions to designate the Python version. E.g. foo.pyc25, foo.pyc26, foo.pyc31 etc. This was rejected because of the clutter involved in writing so many different files. The multiple extension approach makes it more difficult (and an ongoing task) to update any tools that are dependent on the file extension. .pyc A proposal was floated to call the __pycache__ directory .pyc or some other dot-file name. This would have the effect on *nix systems of hiding the directory. There are many reasons why this was rejected by the BDFL [20] including the fact that dot-files are only special on some platforms, and we actually do not want to hide these completely from users. Reference implementation Work on this code is tracked in a Bazaar branch on Launchpad [22] until it’s ready for merge into Python 3.2. The work-in-progress diff can also be viewed [23] and is updated automatically as new changes are uploaded. A Rietveld code review issue [24] has been opened as of 2010-04-01 (no, this is not an April Fools joke :). References [2] The marshal module: https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/marshal.html [3] import.c: https://github.com/python/cpython/blob/v3.2a1/Python/import.c [4] Ubuntu: https://www.ubuntu.com [5] Debian: https://www.debian.org [6] Debian Python Policy: https://www.debian.org/doc/packaging-manuals/python-policy/ [8] python-support: https://web.archive.org/web/20100110123824/http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPythonFAQ#Whatispython-support.3F [9] python-central: https://web.archive.org/web/20100110123824/http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPythonFAQ#Whatispython-central.3F [10] binascii.hexlify(): https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/binascii.html#binascii.hexlify [11] Jython: http://www.jython.org/ [12] IronPython: http://ironpython.net/ [13] PyPy: https://web.archive.org/web/20100310130136/http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/ [14] Pynie: https://code.google.com/archive/p/pynie/ [15] (1, 2) py_compile: https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/py_compile.html [16] (1, 2) compileall: https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/compileall.html [17] imp: https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/imp.html [20] https://www.mail-archive.com/python-dev@python.org/msg45203.html [21] importlib: https://docs.python.org/3.1/library/importlib.html [22] https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/python/pep3147 [23] https://code.launchpad.net/~barry/python/pep3147/+merge/22648 [24] http://codereview.appspot.com/842043/show ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Barry Warsaw’s original idea was for fat Python byte code files. Martin von Loewis reviewed an early draft of the PEP and suggested the simplification to store traditional pyc and pyo files in a directory. Many other people reviewed early versions of this PEP and provided useful feedback including but not limited to: David Malcolm Josselin Mouette Matthias Klose Michael Hudson Michael Vogt Piotr Ożarowski Scott Kitterman Toshio Kuratomi Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3147 – PYC Repository Directories
Standards Track
This PEP describes an extension to Python’s import mechanism which improves sharing of Python source code files among multiple installed different versions of the Python interpreter. It does this by allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc files) to be co-located with the Python source file (.py file). The extension described here can also be used to support different Python compilation caches, such as JIT output that may be produced by an Unladen Swallow (PEP 3146) enabled C Python.
PEP 3148 – futures - execute computations asynchronously Author: Brian Quinlan <brian at sweetapp.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 16-Oct-2009 Python-Version: 3.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Specification Naming Interface Executor ProcessPoolExecutor ThreadPoolExecutor Future Objects Internal Future Methods Module Functions Check Prime Example Web Crawl Example Rationale Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a design for a package that facilitates the evaluation of callables using threads and processes. Motivation Python currently has powerful primitives to construct multi-threaded and multi-process applications but parallelizing simple operations requires a lot of work i.e. explicitly launching processes/threads, constructing a work/results queue, and waiting for completion or some other termination condition (e.g. failure, timeout). It is also difficult to design an application with a global process/thread limit when each component invents its own parallel execution strategy. Specification Naming The proposed package would be called “futures” and would live in a new “concurrent” top-level package. The rationale behind pushing the futures library into a “concurrent” namespace has multiple components. The first, most simple one is to prevent any and all confusion with the existing “from __future__ import x” idiom which has been in use for a long time within Python. Additionally, it is felt that adding the “concurrent” precursor to the name fully denotes what the library is related to - namely concurrency - this should clear up any addition ambiguity as it has been noted that not everyone in the community is familiar with Java Futures, or the Futures term except as it relates to the US stock market. Finally; we are carving out a new namespace for the standard library - obviously named “concurrent”. We hope to either add, or move existing, concurrency-related libraries to this in the future. A prime example is the multiprocessing.Pool work, as well as other “addons” included in that module, which work across thread and process boundaries. Interface The proposed package provides two core classes: Executor and Future. An Executor receives asynchronous work requests (in terms of a callable and its arguments) and returns a Future to represent the execution of that work request. Executor Executor is an abstract class that provides methods to execute calls asynchronously. submit(fn, *args, **kwargs) Schedules the callable to be executed as fn(*args, **kwargs) and returns a Future instance representing the execution of the callable.This is an abstract method and must be implemented by Executor subclasses. map(func, *iterables, timeout=None) Equivalent to map(func, *iterables) but func is executed asynchronously and several calls to func may be made concurrently. The returned iterator raises a TimeoutError if __next__() is called and the result isn’t available after timeout seconds from the original call to map(). If timeout is not specified or None then there is no limit to the wait time. If a call raises an exception then that exception will be raised when its value is retrieved from the iterator. shutdown(wait=True) Signal the executor that it should free any resources that it is using when the currently pending futures are done executing. Calls to Executor.submit and Executor.map and made after shutdown will raise RuntimeError.If wait is True then this method will not return until all the pending futures are done executing and the resources associated with the executor have been freed. If wait is False then this method will return immediately and the resources associated with the executor will be freed when all pending futures are done executing. Regardless of the value of wait, the entire Python program will not exit until all pending futures are done executing. __enter__() __exit__(exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb) When using an executor as a context manager, __exit__ will call Executor.shutdown(wait=True). ProcessPoolExecutor The ProcessPoolExecutor class is an Executor subclass that uses a pool of processes to execute calls asynchronously. The callable objects and arguments passed to ProcessPoolExecutor.submit must be pickleable according to the same limitations as the multiprocessing module. Calling Executor or Future methods from within a callable submitted to a ProcessPoolExecutor will result in deadlock. __init__(max_workers) Executes calls asynchronously using a pool of a most max_workers processes. If max_workers is None or not given then as many worker processes will be created as the machine has processors. ThreadPoolExecutor The ThreadPoolExecutor class is an Executor subclass that uses a pool of threads to execute calls asynchronously. Deadlock can occur when the callable associated with a Future waits on the results of another Future. For example: import time def wait_on_b(): time.sleep(5) print(b.result()) # b will never complete because it is waiting on a. return 5 def wait_on_a(): time.sleep(5) print(a.result()) # a will never complete because it is waiting on b. return 6 executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) a = executor.submit(wait_on_b) b = executor.submit(wait_on_a) And: def wait_on_future(): f = executor.submit(pow, 5, 2) # This will never complete because there is only one worker thread and # it is executing this function. print(f.result()) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=1) executor.submit(wait_on_future) __init__(max_workers) Executes calls asynchronously using a pool of at most max_workers threads. Future Objects The Future class encapsulates the asynchronous execution of a callable. Future instances are returned by Executor.submit. cancel() Attempt to cancel the call. If the call is currently being executed then it cannot be cancelled and the method will return False, otherwise the call will be cancelled and the method will return True. cancelled() Return True if the call was successfully cancelled. running() Return True if the call is currently being executed and cannot be cancelled. done() Return True if the call was successfully cancelled or finished running. result(timeout=None) Return the value returned by the call. If the call hasn’t yet completed then this method will wait up to timeout seconds. If the call hasn’t completed in timeout seconds then a TimeoutError will be raised. If timeout is not specified or None then there is no limit to the wait time.If the future is cancelled before completing then CancelledError will be raised. If the call raised then this method will raise the same exception. exception(timeout=None) Return the exception raised by the call. If the call hasn’t yet completed then this method will wait up to timeout seconds. If the call hasn’t completed in timeout seconds then a TimeoutError will be raised. If timeout is not specified or None then there is no limit to the wait time.If the future is cancelled before completing then CancelledError will be raised. If the call completed without raising then None is returned. add_done_callback(fn) Attaches a callable fn to the future that will be called when the future is cancelled or finishes running. fn will be called with the future as its only argument.Added callables are called in the order that they were added and are always called in a thread belonging to the process that added them. If the callable raises an Exception then it will be logged and ignored. If the callable raises another BaseException then behavior is not defined. If the future has already completed or been cancelled then fn will be called immediately. Internal Future Methods The following Future methods are meant for use in unit tests and Executor implementations. set_running_or_notify_cancel() Should be called by Executor implementations before executing the work associated with the Future.If the method returns False then the Future was cancelled, i.e. Future.cancel was called and returned True. Any threads waiting on the Future completing (i.e. through as_completed() or wait()) will be woken up. If the method returns True then the Future was not cancelled and has been put in the running state, i.e. calls to Future.running() will return True. This method can only be called once and cannot be called after Future.set_result() or Future.set_exception() have been called. set_result(result) Sets the result of the work associated with the Future. set_exception(exception) Sets the result of the work associated with the Future to the given Exception. Module Functions wait(fs, timeout=None, return_when=ALL_COMPLETED) Wait for the Future instances (possibly created by different Executor instances) given by fs to complete. Returns a named 2-tuple of sets. The first set, named “done”, contains the futures that completed (finished or were cancelled) before the wait completed. The second set, named “not_done”, contains uncompleted futures.timeout can be used to control the maximum number of seconds to wait before returning. If timeout is not specified or None then there is no limit to the wait time. return_when indicates when the method should return. It must be one of the following constants: Constant Description FIRST_COMPLETED The method will return when any future finishes or is cancelled. FIRST_EXCEPTION The method will return when any future finishes by raising an exception. If not future raises an exception then it is equivalent to ALL_COMPLETED. ALL_COMPLETED The method will return when all calls finish. as_completed(fs, timeout=None) Returns an iterator over the Future instances given by fs that yields futures as they complete (finished or were cancelled). Any futures that completed before as_completed() was called will be yielded first. The returned iterator raises a TimeoutError if __next__() is called and the result isn’t available after timeout seconds from the original call to as_completed(). If timeout is not specified or None then there is no limit to the wait time.The Future instances can have been created by different Executor instances. Check Prime Example from concurrent import futures import math PRIMES = [ 112272535095293, 112582705942171, 112272535095293, 115280095190773, 115797848077099, 1099726899285419] def is_prime(n): if n % 2 == 0: return False sqrt_n = int(math.floor(math.sqrt(n))) for i in range(3, sqrt_n + 1, 2): if n % i == 0: return False return True def main(): with futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: for number, prime in zip(PRIMES, executor.map(is_prime, PRIMES)): print('%d is prime: %s' % (number, prime)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Web Crawl Example from concurrent import futures import urllib.request URLS = ['http://www.foxnews.com/', 'http://www.cnn.com/', 'http://europe.wsj.com/', 'http://www.bbc.co.uk/', 'http://some-made-up-domain.com/'] def load_url(url, timeout): return urllib.request.urlopen(url, timeout=timeout).read() def main(): with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor: future_to_url = dict( (executor.submit(load_url, url, 60), url) for url in URLS) for future in futures.as_completed(future_to_url): url = future_to_url[future] try: print('%r page is %d bytes' % ( url, len(future.result()))) except Exception as e: print('%r generated an exception: %s' % ( url, e)) if __name__ == '__main__': main() Rationale The proposed design of this module was heavily influenced by the Java java.util.concurrent package [1]. The conceptual basis of the module, as in Java, is the Future class, which represents the progress and result of an asynchronous computation. The Future class makes little commitment to the evaluation mode being used e.g. it can be used to represent lazy or eager evaluation, for evaluation using threads, processes or remote procedure call. Futures are created by concrete implementations of the Executor class (called ExecutorService in Java). The reference implementation provides classes that use either a process or a thread pool to eagerly evaluate computations. Futures have already been seen in Python as part of a popular Python cookbook recipe [2] and have discussed on the Python-3000 mailing list [3]. The proposed design is explicit, i.e. it requires that clients be aware that they are consuming Futures. It would be possible to design a module that would return proxy objects (in the style of weakref) that could be used transparently. It is possible to build a proxy implementation on top of the proposed explicit mechanism. The proposed design does not introduce any changes to Python language syntax or semantics. Special syntax could be introduced [4] to mark function and method calls as asynchronous. A proxy result would be returned while the operation is eagerly evaluated asynchronously, and execution would only block if the proxy object were used before the operation completed. Anh Hai Trinh proposed a simpler but more limited API concept [5] and the API has been discussed in some detail on stdlib-sig [6]. The proposed design was discussed on the Python-Dev mailing list [7]. Following those discussions, the following changes were made: The Executor class was made into an abstract base class The Future.remove_done_callback method was removed due to a lack of convincing use cases The Future.add_done_callback method was modified to allow the same callable to be added many times The Future class’s mutation methods were better documented to indicate that they are private to the Executor that created them Reference Implementation The reference implementation [8] contains a complete implementation of the proposed design. It has been tested on Linux and Mac OS X. References [1] java.util.concurrent package documentation http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html [2] Python Cookbook recipe 84317, “Easy threading with Futures” http://code.activestate.com/recipes/84317/ [3] Python-3000 thread, “mechanism for handling asynchronous concurrency” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/000960.html [4] Python 3000 thread, “Futures in Python 3000 (was Re: mechanism for handling asynchronous concurrency)” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/000970.html [5] A discussion of stream, a similar concept proposed by Anh Hai Trinh http://www.mail-archive.com/stdlib-sig@python.org/msg00480.html [6] A discussion of the proposed API on stdlib-sig https://mail.python.org/pipermail/stdlib-sig/2009-November/000731.html [7] A discussion of the PEP on python-dev https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-March/098169.html [8] Reference futures implementation http://code.google.com/p/pythonfutures/source/browse/#svn/branches/feedback Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3148 – futures - execute computations asynchronously
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a design for a package that facilitates the evaluation of callables using threads and processes.
PEP 3149 – ABI version tagged .so files Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 09-Jul-2010 Python-Version: 3.2 Post-History: 14-Jul-2010, 22-Jul-2010 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Background Rationale Proposal Proven approach Windows PEP 384 Alternatives Independent directories or symlinks Don’t share packages with extension modules Reference implementation References Copyright Abstract PEP 3147 described an extension to Python’s import machinery that improved the sharing of Python source code, by allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc) to be co-located with each source file. This PEP defines an adjunct feature which allows the co-location of extension module files (.so) in a similar manner. This optional, build-time feature will enable downstream distributions of Python to more easily provide more than one Python major version at a time. Background PEP 3147 defined the file system layout for a pure-Python package, where multiple versions of Python are available on the system. For example, where the alpha package containing source modules one.py and two.py exist on a system with Python 3.2 and 3.3, the post-byte compilation file system layout would be: alpha/ __pycache__/ __init__.cpython-32.pyc __init__.cpython-33.pyc one.cpython-32.pyc one.cpython-33.pyc two.cpython-32.pyc two.cpython-33.pyc __init__.py one.py two.py For packages with extension modules, a similar differentiation is needed for the module’s .so files. Extension modules compiled for different Python major versions are incompatible with each other due to changes in the ABI. Different configuration/compilation options for the same Python version can result in different ABIs (e.g. –with-wide-unicode). While PEP 384 defines a stable ABI, it will minimize, but not eliminate extension module incompatibilities between Python builds or major versions. Thus a mechanism for discriminating extension module file names is proposed. Rationale Linux distributions such as Ubuntu [3] and Debian [4] provide more than one Python version at the same time to their users. For example, Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala users can install Python 2.5, 2.6, and 3.1, with Python 2.6 being the default. In order to share as much as possible between the available Python versions, these distributions install third party package modules (.pyc and .so files) into /usr/share/pyshared and symlink to them from /usr/lib/pythonX.Y/dist-packages. The symlinks exist because in a pre-PEP 3147 world (i.e < Python 3.2), the .pyc files resulting from byte compilation by the various installed Pythons will name collide with each other. For Python versions >= 3.2, all pure-Python packages can be shared, because the .pyc files will no longer cause file system naming conflicts. Eliminating these symlinks makes for a simpler, more robust Python distribution. A similar situation arises with shared library extensions. Because extension modules are typically named foo.so for a foo extension module, these would also name collide if foo was provided for more than one Python version. In addition, because different configuration/compilation options for the same Python version can cause different ABIs to be presented to extension modules. On POSIX systems for example, the configure options --with-pydebug, --with-pymalloc, and --with-wide-unicode all change the ABI. This PEP proposes to encode build-time options in the file name of the .so extension module files. PyPy [5] can also benefit from this PEP, allowing it to avoid name collisions in extension modules built for its API, but with a different .so tag. Proposal The configure/compilation options chosen at Python interpreter build-time will be encoded in the shared library file name for extension modules. This “tag” will appear between the module base name and the operation file system extension for shared libraries. The following information MUST be included in the shared library file name: The Python implementation (e.g. cpython, pypy, jython, etc.) The interpreter’s major and minor version numbers These two fields are separated by a hyphen and no dots are to appear between the major and minor version numbers. E.g. cpython-32. Python implementations MAY include additional flags in the file name tag as appropriate. For example, on POSIX systems these flags will also contribute to the file name: --with-pydebug (flag: d) --with-pymalloc (flag: m) --with-wide-unicode (flag: u) By default in Python 3.2, configure enables --with-pymalloc so shared library file names would appear as foo.cpython-32m.so. When the other two flags are also enabled, the file names would be foo.cpython-32dmu.so. The shared library file name tag is used unconditionally; it cannot be changed. The tag and extension module suffix are available through the sysconfig modules via the following variables: >>> sysconfig.get_config_var('EXT_SUFFIX') '.cpython-32mu.so' >>> sysconfig.get_config_var('SOABI') 'cpython-32mu' Note that $SOABI contains just the tag, while $EXT_SUFFIX includes the platform extension for shared library files, and is the exact suffix added to the extension module name. For an arbitrary package foo, you might see these files when the distribution package was installed: /usr/lib/python/foo.cpython-32m.so /usr/lib/python/foo.cpython-33m.so (These paths are for example purposes only. Distributions are free to use whatever filesystem layout they choose, and nothing in this PEP changes the locations where from-source builds of Python are installed.) Python’s dynamic module loader will recognize and import shared library extension modules with a tag that matches its build-time options. For backward compatibility, Python will also continue to import untagged extension modules, e.g. foo.so. This shared library tag would be used globally for all distutils-based extension modules, regardless of where on the file system they are built. Extension modules built by means other than distutils would either have to calculate the tag manually, or fallback to the non-tagged .so file name. Proven approach The approach described here is already proven, in a sense, on Debian and Ubuntu system where different extensions are used for debug builds of Python and extension modules. Debug builds on Windows also already use a different file extension for dynamic libraries, and in fact encoded (in a different way than proposed in this PEP) the Python major and minor version in the .dll file name. Windows This PEP only addresses build issues on POSIX systems that use the configure script. While Windows or other platform support is not explicitly disallowed under this PEP, platform expertise is needed in order to evaluate, describe, and implement support on such platforms. It is not currently clear that the facilities in this PEP are even useful for Windows. PEP 384 PEP 384 defines a stable ABI for extension modules. In theory, universal adoption of PEP 384 would eliminate the need for this PEP because all extension modules could be compatible with any Python version. In practice of course, it will be impossible to achieve universal adoption, and as described above, different build-time flags still affect the ABI. Thus even with a stable ABI, this PEP may still be necessary. While a complete specification is reserved for PEP 384, here is a discussion of the relevant issues. PEP 384 describes a change to PyModule_Create() where 3 is passed as the API version if the extension was compiled with Py_LIMITED_API. This should be formalized into an official macro called PYTHON_ABI_VERSION to mirror PYTHON_API_VERSION. If and when the ABI changes in an incompatible way, this version number would be bumped. To facilitate sharing, Python would be extended to search for extension modules with the PYTHON_ABI_VERSION number in its name. The prefix abi is reserved for Python’s use. Thus, an initial implementation of PEP 384, when Python is configured with the default set of flags, would search for the following file names when extension module foo is imported (in this order): foo.cpython-XYm.so foo.abi3.so foo.so The distutils [6] build_ext command would also have to be extended to compile to shared library files with the abi3 tag, when the module author indicates that their extension supports that version of the ABI. This could be done in a backward compatible way by adding a keyword argument to the Extension class, such as: Extension('foo', ['foo.c'], abi=3) Martin v. Löwis describes his thoughts [7] about the applicability of this PEP to PEP 384. In summary: --with-pydebug would not be supported by the stable ABI because this changes the layout of PyObject, which is an exposed structure. --with-pymalloc has no bearing on the issue. --with-wide-unicode is trickier, though Martin’s inclination is to force the stable ABI to use a Py_UNICODE that matches the platform’s wchar_t. Alternatives In the initial python-dev thread [8] where this idea was first introduced, several alternatives were suggested. For completeness they are listed here, along with the reasons for not adopting them. Independent directories or symlinks Debian and Ubuntu could simply add a version-specific directory to sys.path that would contain just the extension modules for that version of Python. Or the symlink trick eliminated in PEP 3147 could be retained for just shared libraries. This approach is rejected because it propagates the essential complexity that PEP 3147 tries to avoid, and adds potentially several additional directories to search for all modules, even when the number of extension modules is much fewer than the total number of Python packages. For example, builds were made available both with and without wide unicode, with and without pydebug, and with and without pymalloc, the total number of directories search increases substantially. Don’t share packages with extension modules It has been suggested that Python packages with extension modules not be shared among all supported Python versions on a distribution. Even with adoption of PEP 3149, extension modules will have to be compiled for every supported Python version, so perhaps sharing of such packages isn’t useful anyway. Not sharing packages with extensions though is infeasible for several reasons. If a pure-Python package is shared in one version, should it suddenly be not-shared if the next release adds an extension module for speed? Also, even though all extension shared libraries will be compiled and distributed once for every supported Python, there’s a big difference between duplicating the .so files and duplicating all .py files. The extra size increases the download time for such packages, and more immediately, increases the space pressures on already constrained distribution CD-ROMs. Reference implementation Work on this code is tracked in a Bazaar branch on Launchpad [9] until it’s ready for merge into Python 3.2. The work-in-progress diff can also be viewed [10] and is updated automatically as new changes are uploaded. References [3] Ubuntu: <http://www.ubuntu.com> [4] Debian: <http://www.debian.org> [5] http://codespeak.net/pypy/dist/pypy/doc/ [6] http://docs.python.org/py3k/distutils/index.html [7] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-August/103330.html [8] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-June/100998.html [9] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~barry/python/sovers [10] https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~barry/python/sovers/+merge/29411 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3149 – ABI version tagged .so files
Standards Track
PEP 3147 described an extension to Python’s import machinery that improved the sharing of Python source code, by allowing more than one byte compilation file (.pyc) to be co-located with each source file.
PEP 3150 – Statement local namespaces (aka “given” clause) Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 09-Jul-2010 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 14-Jul-2010, 21-Apr-2011, 13-Jun-2011 Table of Contents Abstract Proposal Semantics Syntax Change New PEP 8 Guidelines Rationale Design Discussion Keyword Choice Relation to PEP 403 Explaining Container Comprehensions and Generator Expressions Explaining Decorator Clause Evaluation and Application Anticipated Objections Two Ways To Do It Out of Order Execution Harmful to Introspection Lack of Real World Impact Assessment Open Questions Syntax for Forward References Handling of nonlocal and global Handling of break and continue Handling of return and yield Examples Possible Additions Rejected Alternatives Reference Implementation TO-DO References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the addition of an optional given clause to several Python statements that do not currently have an associated code suite. This clause will create a statement local namespace for additional names that are accessible in the associated statement, but do not become part of the containing namespace. Adoption of a new symbol, ?, is proposed to denote a forward reference to the namespace created by running the associated code suite. It will be a reference to a types.SimpleNamespace object. The primary motivation is to enable a more declarative style of programming, where the operation to be performed is presented to the reader first, and the details of the necessary subcalculations are presented in the following indented suite. As a key example, this would elevate ordinary assignment statements to be on par with class and def statements where the name of the item to be defined is presented to the reader in advance of the details of how the value of that item is calculated. It also allows named functions to be used in a “multi-line lambda” fashion, where the name is used solely as a placeholder in the current expression and then defined in the following suite. A secondary motivation is to simplify interim calculations in module and class level code without polluting the resulting namespaces. The intent is that the relationship between a given clause and a separate function definition that performs the specified operation will be similar to the existing relationship between an explicit while loop and a generator that produces the same sequence of operations as that while loop. The specific proposal in this PEP has been informed by various explorations of this and related concepts over the years (e.g. [1], [2], [3], [6], [8]), and is inspired to some degree by the where and let clauses in Haskell. It avoids some problems that have been identified in past proposals, but has not yet itself been subject to the test of implementation. Proposal This PEP proposes the addition of an optional given clause to the syntax for simple statements which may contain an expression, or may substitute for such a statement for purely syntactic purposes. The current list of simple statements that would be affected by this addition is as follows: expression statement assignment statement augmented assignment statement del statement return statement yield statement raise statement assert statement pass statement The given clause would allow subexpressions to be referenced by name in the header line, with the actual definitions following in the indented clause. As a simple example: sorted_data = sorted(data, key=?.sort_key) given: def sort_key(item): return item.attr1, item.attr2 The new symbol ? is used to refer to the given namespace. It would be a types.SimpleNamespace instance, so ?.sort_key functions as a forward reference to a name defined in the given clause. A docstring would be permitted in the given clause, and would be attached to the result namespace as its __doc__ attribute. The pass statement is included to provide a consistent way to skip inclusion of a meaningful expression in the header line. While this is not an intended use case, it isn’t one that can be prevented as multiple alternatives (such as ... and ()) remain available even if pass itself is disallowed. The body of the given clause will execute in a new scope, using normal function closure semantics. To support early binding of loop variables and global references, as well as to allow access to other names defined at class scope, the given clause will also allow explicit binding operations in the header line: # Explicit early binding via given clause seq = [] for i in range(10): seq.append(?.f) given i=i in: def f(): return i assert [f() for f in seq] == list(range(10)) Semantics The following statement: op(?.f, ?.g) given bound_a=a, bound_b=b in: def f(): return bound_a + bound_b def g(): return bound_a - bound_b Would be roughly equivalent to the following code (__var denotes a hidden compiler variable or simply an entry on the interpreter stack): __arg1 = a __arg2 = b def __scope(bound_a, bound_b): def f(): return bound_a + bound_b def g(): return bound_a - bound_b return types.SimpleNamespace(**locals()) __ref = __scope(__arg1, __arg2) __ref.__doc__ = __scope.__doc__ op(__ref.f, __ref.g) A given clause is essentially a nested function which is created and then immediately executed. Unless explicitly passed in, names are looked up using normal scoping rules, and thus names defined at class scope will not be visible. Names declared as forward references are returned and used in the header statement, without being bound locally in the surrounding namespace. Syntax Change Current: expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) | ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*) del_stmt: 'del' exprlist pass_stmt: 'pass' return_stmt: 'return' [testlist] yield_stmt: yield_expr raise_stmt: 'raise' [test ['from' test]] assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test] New: expr_stmt: testlist_star_expr (augassign (yield_expr|testlist) | ('=' (yield_expr|testlist_star_expr))*) [given_clause] del_stmt: 'del' exprlist [given_clause] pass_stmt: 'pass' [given_clause] return_stmt: 'return' [testlist] [given_clause] yield_stmt: yield_expr [given_clause] raise_stmt: 'raise' [test ['from' test]] [given_clause] assert_stmt: 'assert' test [',' test] [given_clause] given_clause: "given" [(NAME '=' test)+ "in"]":" suite (Note that expr_stmt in the grammar is a slight misnomer, as it covers assignment and augmented assignment in addition to simple expression statements) Note These proposed grammar changes don’t yet cover the forward reference expression syntax for accessing names defined in the statement local namespace. The new clause is added as an optional element of the existing statements rather than as a new kind of compound statement in order to avoid creating an ambiguity in the grammar. It is applied only to the specific elements listed so that nonsense like the following is disallowed: break given: a = b = 1 import sys given: a = b = 1 However, the precise Grammar change described above is inadequate, as it creates problems for the definition of simple_stmt (which allows chaining of multiple single line statements with “;” rather than “\n”). So the above syntax change should instead be taken as a statement of intent. Any actual proposal would need to resolve the simple_stmt parsing problem before it could be seriously considered. This would likely require a non-trivial restructuring of the grammar, breaking up small_stmt and flow_stmt to separate the statements that potentially contain arbitrary subexpressions and then allowing a single one of those statements with a given clause at the simple_stmt level. Something along the lines of: stmt: simple_stmt | given_stmt | compound_stmt simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' (small_stmt | subexpr_stmt))* [';'] NEWLINE small_stmt: (pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | nonlocal_stmt) flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt given_stmt: subexpr_stmt (given_clause | (';' (small_stmt | subexpr_stmt))* [';']) NEWLINE subexpr_stmt: expr_stmt | del_stmt | flow_subexpr_stmt | assert_stmt flow_subexpr_stmt: return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt given_clause: "given" (NAME '=' test)* ":" suite For reference, here are the current definitions at that level: stmt: simple_stmt | compound_stmt simple_stmt: small_stmt (';' small_stmt)* [';'] NEWLINE small_stmt: (expr_stmt | del_stmt | pass_stmt | flow_stmt | import_stmt | global_stmt | nonlocal_stmt | assert_stmt) flow_stmt: break_stmt | continue_stmt | return_stmt | raise_stmt | yield_stmt In addition to the above changes, the definition of atom would be changed to also allow ?. The restriction of this usage to statements with an associated given clause would be handled by a later stage of the compilation process (likely AST construction, which already enforces other restrictions where the grammar is overly permissive in order to simplify the initial parsing step). New PEP 8 Guidelines As discussed on python-ideas ([7], [9]) new PEP 8 guidelines would also need to be developed to provide appropriate direction on when to use the given clause over ordinary variable assignments. Based on the similar guidelines already present for try statements, this PEP proposes the following additions for given statements to the “Programming Conventions” section of PEP 8: for code that could reasonably be factored out into a separate function, but is not currently reused anywhere, consider using a given clause. This clearly indicates which variables are being used only to define subcomponents of another statement rather than to hold algorithm or application state. This is an especially useful technique when passing multi-line functions to operations which take callable arguments. keep given clauses concise. If they become unwieldy, either break them up into multiple steps or else move the details into a separate function. Rationale Function and class statements in Python have a unique property relative to ordinary assignment statements: to some degree, they are declarative. They present the reader of the code with some critical information about a name that is about to be defined, before proceeding on with the details of the actual definition in the function or class body. The name of the object being declared is the first thing stated after the keyword. Other important information is also given the honour of preceding the implementation details: decorators (which can greatly affect the behaviour of the created object, and were placed ahead of even the keyword and name as a matter of practicality more so than aesthetics) the docstring (on the first line immediately following the header line) parameters, default values and annotations for function definitions parent classes, metaclass and optionally other details (depending on the metaclass) for class definitions This PEP proposes to make a similar declarative style available for arbitrary assignment operations, by permitting the inclusion of a “given” suite following any simple assignment statement: TARGET = [TARGET2 = ... TARGETN =] EXPR given: SUITE By convention, code in the body of the suite should be oriented solely towards correctly defining the assignment operation carried out in the header line. The header line operation should also be adequately descriptive (e.g. through appropriate choices of variable names) to give a reader a reasonable idea of the purpose of the operation without reading the body of the suite. However, while they are the initial motivating use case, limiting this feature solely to simple assignments would be overly restrictive. Once the feature is defined at all, it would be quite arbitrary to prevent its use for augmented assignments, return statements, yield expressions, comprehensions and arbitrary expressions that may modify the application state. The given clause may also function as a more readable alternative to some uses of lambda expressions and similar constructs when passing one-off functions to operations like sorted() or in callback based event-driven programming. In module and class level code, the given clause will serve as a clear and reliable replacement for usage of the del statement to keep interim working variables from polluting the resulting namespace. One potentially useful way to think of the proposed clause is as a middle ground between conventional in-line code and separation of an operation out into a dedicated function, just as an inline while loop may eventually be factored out into a dedicated generator. Design Discussion Keyword Choice This proposal initially used where based on the name of a similar construct in Haskell. However, it has been pointed out that there are existing Python libraries (such as Numpy [4]) that already use where in the SQL query condition sense, making that keyword choice potentially confusing. While given may also be used as a variable name (and hence would be deprecated using the usual __future__ dance for introducing new keywords), it is associated much more strongly with the desired “here are some extra variables this expression may use” semantics for the new clause. Reusing the with keyword has also been proposed. This has the advantage of avoiding the addition of a new keyword, but also has a high potential for confusion as the with clause and with statement would look similar but do completely different things. That way lies C++ and Perl :) Relation to PEP 403 PEP 403 (General Purpose Decorator Clause) attempts to achieve the main goals of this PEP using a less radical language change inspired by the existing decorator syntax. Despite having the same author, the two PEPs are in direct competition with each other. PEP 403 represents a minimalist approach that attempts to achieve useful functionality with a minimum of change from the status quo. This PEP instead aims for a more flexible standalone statement design, which requires a larger degree of change to the language. Note that where PEP 403 is better suited to explaining the behaviour of generator expressions correctly, this PEP is better able to explain the behaviour of decorator clauses in general. Both PEPs support adequate explanations for the semantics of container comprehensions. Explaining Container Comprehensions and Generator Expressions One interesting feature of the proposed construct is that it can be used as a primitive to explain the scoping and execution order semantics of container comprehensions: seq2 = [x for x in y if q(x) for y in seq if p(y)] # would be equivalent to seq2 = ?.result given seq=seq: result = [] for y in seq: if p(y): for x in y: if q(x): result.append(x) The important point in this expansion is that it explains why comprehensions appear to misbehave at class scope: only the outermost iterator is evaluated at class scope, while all predicates, nested iterators and value expressions are evaluated inside a nested scope. Not that, unlike PEP 403, the current version of this PEP cannot provide a precisely equivalent expansion for a generator expression. The closest it can get is to define an additional level of scoping: seq2 = ?.g(seq) given: def g(seq): for y in seq: if p(y): for x in y: if q(x): yield x This limitation could be remedied by permitting the given clause to be a generator function, in which case ? would refer to a generator-iterator object rather than a simple namespace: seq2 = ? given seq=seq in: for y in seq: if p(y): for x in y: if q(x): yield x However, this would make the meaning of “?” quite ambiguous, even more so than is already the case for the meaning of def statements (which will usually have a docstring indicating whether or not a function definition is actually a generator) Explaining Decorator Clause Evaluation and Application The standard explanation of decorator clause evaluation and application has to deal with the idea of hidden compiler variables in order to show steps in their order of execution. The given statement allows a decorated function definition like: @classmethod def classname(cls): return cls.__name__ To instead be explained as roughly equivalent to: classname = .d1(classname) given: d1 = classmethod def classname(cls): return cls.__name__ Anticipated Objections Two Ways To Do It A lot of code may now be written with values defined either before the expression where they are used or afterwards in a given clause, creating two ways to do it, perhaps without an obvious way of choosing between them. On reflection, I feel this is a misapplication of the “one obvious way” aphorism. Python already offers lots of ways to write code. We can use a for loop or a while loop, a functional style or an imperative style or an object oriented style. The language, in general, is designed to let people write code that matches the way they think. Since different people think differently, the way they write their code will change accordingly. Such stylistic questions in a code base are rightly left to the development group responsible for that code. When does an expression get so complicated that the subexpressions should be taken out and assigned to variables, even though those variables are only going to be used once? When should an inline while loop be replaced with a generator that implements the same logic? Opinions differ, and that’s OK. However, explicit PEP 8 guidance will be needed for CPython and the standard library, and that is discussed in the proposal above. Out of Order Execution The given clause makes execution jump around a little strangely, as the body of the given clause is executed before the simple statement in the clause header. The closest any other part of Python comes to this is the out of order evaluation in list comprehensions, generator expressions and conditional expressions and the delayed application of decorator functions to the function they decorate (the decorator expressions themselves are executed in the order they are written). While this is true, the syntax is intended for cases where people are themselves thinking about a problem out of sequence (at least as far as the language is concerned). As an example of this, consider the following thought in the mind of a Python user: I want to sort the items in this sequence according to the values of attr1 and attr2 on each item. If they’re comfortable with Python’s lambda expressions, then they might choose to write it like this: sorted_list = sorted(original, key=(lambda v: v.attr1, v.attr2)) That gets the job done, but it hardly reaches the standard of executable pseudocode that fits Python’s reputation. If they don’t like lambda specifically, the operator module offers an alternative that still allows the key function to be defined inline: sorted_list = sorted(original, key=operator.attrgetter(v. 'attr1', 'attr2')) Again, it gets the job done, but even the most generous of readers would not consider that to be “executable pseudocode”. If they think both of the above options are ugly and confusing, or they need logic in their key function that can’t be expressed as an expression (such as catching an exception), then Python currently forces them to reverse the order of their original thought and define the sorting criteria first: def sort_key(item): return item.attr1, item.attr2 sorted_list = sorted(original, key=sort_key) “Just define a function” has been the rote response to requests for multi-line lambda support for years. As with the above options, it gets the job done, but it really does represent a break between what the user is thinking and what the language allows them to express. I believe the proposal in this PEP would finally let Python get close to the “executable pseudocode” bar for the kind of thought expressed above: sorted_list = sorted(original, key=?.key) given: def key(item): return item.attr1, item.attr2 Everything is in the same order as it was in the user’s original thought, and they don’t even need to come up with a name for the sorting criteria: it is possible to reuse the keyword argument name directly. A possible enhancement to those proposal would be to provide a convenient shorthand syntax to say “use the given clause contents as keyword arguments”. Even without dedicated syntax, that can be written simply as **vars(?). Harmful to Introspection Poking around in module and class internals is an invaluable tool for white-box testing and interactive debugging. The given clause will be quite effective at preventing access to temporary state used during calculations (although no more so than current usage of del statements in that regard). While this is a valid concern, design for testability is an issue that cuts across many aspects of programming. If a component needs to be tested independently, then a given statement should be refactored in to separate statements so that information is exposed to the test suite. This isn’t significantly different from refactoring an operation hidden inside a function or generator out into its own function purely to allow it to be tested in isolation. Lack of Real World Impact Assessment The examples in the current PEP are almost all relatively small “toy” examples. The proposal in this PEP needs to be subjected to the test of application to a large code base (such as the standard library or a large Twisted application) in a search for examples where the readability of real world code is genuinely enhanced. This is more of a deficiency in the PEP rather than the idea, though. If it wasn’t a real world problem, we wouldn’t get so many complaints about the lack of multi-line lambda support and Ruby’s block construct probably wouldn’t be quite so popular. Open Questions Syntax for Forward References The ? symbol is proposed for forward references to the given namespace as it is short, currently unused and suggests “there’s something missing here that will be filled in later”. The proposal in the PEP doesn’t neatly parallel any existing Python feature, so reusing an already used symbol has been deliberately avoided. Handling of nonlocal and global nonlocal and global are explicitly disallowed in the given clause suite and will be syntax errors if they occur. They will work normally if they appear within a def statement within that suite. Alternatively, they could be defined as operating as if the anonymous functions were defined as in the expansion above. Handling of break and continue break and continue will operate as if the anonymous functions were defined as in the expansion above. They will be syntax errors if they occur in the given clause suite but will work normally if they appear within a for or while loop as part of that suite. Handling of return and yield return and yield are explicitly disallowed in the given clause suite and will be syntax errors if they occur. They will work normally if they appear within a def statement within that suite. Examples Defining callbacks for event driven programming: # Current Python (definition before use) def cb(sock): # Do something with socket def eb(exc): logging.exception( "Failed connecting to %s:%s", host, port) loop.create_connection((host, port), cb, eb) given: # Becomes: loop.create_connection((host, port), ?.cb, ?.eb) given: def cb(sock): # Do something with socket def eb(exc): logging.exception( "Failed connecting to %s:%s", host, port) Defining “one-off” classes which typically only have a single instance: # Current Python (instantiation after definition) class public_name(): ... # However many lines public_name = public_name(*params) # Current Python (custom decorator) def singleton(*args, **kwds): def decorator(cls): return cls(*args, **kwds) return decorator @singleton(*params) class public_name(): ... # However many lines # Becomes: public_name = ?.MeaningfulClassName(*params) given: class MeaningfulClassName(): ... # Should trawl the stdlib for an example of doing this Calculating attributes without polluting the local namespace (from os.py): # Current Python (manual namespace cleanup) def _createenviron(): ... # 27 line function environ = _createenviron() del _createenviron # Becomes: environ = ?._createenviron() given: def _createenviron(): ... # 27 line function Replacing default argument hack (from functools.lru_cache): # Current Python (default argument hack) def decorating_function(user_function, tuple=tuple, sorted=sorted, len=len, KeyError=KeyError): ... # 60 line function return decorating_function # Becomes: return ?.decorating_function given: # Cell variables rather than locals, but should give similar speedup tuple, sorted, len, KeyError = tuple, sorted, len, KeyError def decorating_function(user_function): ... # 60 line function # This example also nicely makes it clear that there is nothing in the # function after the nested function definition. Due to additional # nested functions, that isn't entirely clear in the current code. Possible Additions The current proposal allows the addition of a given clause only for simple statements. Extending the idea to allow the use of compound statements would be quite possible (by appending the given clause as an independent suite at the end), but doing so raises serious readability concerns (as values defined in the given clause may be used well before they are defined, exactly the kind of readability trap that other features like decorators and with statements are designed to eliminate) The “explicit early binding” variant may be applicable to the discussions on python-ideas on how to eliminate the default argument hack. A given clause in the header line for functions (after the return type annotation) may be the answer to that question. Rejected Alternatives An earlier version of this PEP allowed implicit forward references to the names in the trailing suite, and also used implicit early binding semantics. Both of these ideas substantially complicated the proposal without providing a sufficient increase in expressive power. The current proposing with explicit forward references and early binding brings the new construct into line with existing scoping semantics, greatly improving the chances the idea can actually be implemented. In addition to the proposals made here, there have also been suggestions of two suite “in-order” variants which provide the limited scoping of names without supporting out-of-order execution. I believe these suggestions largely miss the point of what people are complaining about when they ask for multi-line lambda support - it isn’t that coming up with a name for the subexpression is especially difficult, it’s that naming the function before the statement that uses it means the code no longer matches the way the developer thinks about the problem at hand. I’ve made some unpublished attempts to allow direct references to the closure implicitly created by the given clause, while still retaining the general structure of the syntax as defined in this PEP (For example, allowing a subexpression like ?given or :given to be used in expressions to indicate a direct reference to the implied closure, thus preventing it from being called automatically to create the local namespace). All such attempts have appeared unattractive and confusing compared to the simpler decorator-inspired proposal in PEP 403. Reference Implementation None as yet. If you want a crash course in Python namespace semantics and code compilation, feel free to try ;) TO-DO Mention PEP 359 and possible uses for locals() in the given clause Figure out if this can be used internally to make the implementation of zero-argument super() calls less awful References [1] Explicitation lines in Python [2] ‘where’ statement in Python [3] Where-statement (Proposal for function expressions) [4] Name conflict with NumPy for ‘where’ keyword choice [6] Assignments in list/generator expressions [7] Possible PEP 3150 style guidelines (#1) [8] Discussion of PEP 403 (statement local function definition) [9] Possible PEP 3150 style guidelines (#2) The “Status quo wins a stalemate” design principle Multi-line lambdas (again!) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3150 – Statement local namespaces (aka “given” clause)
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the addition of an optional given clause to several Python statements that do not currently have an associated code suite. This clause will create a statement local namespace for additional names that are accessible in the associated statement, but do not become part of the containing namespace.
PEP 3152 – Cofunctions Author: Gregory Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 13-Feb-2009 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rejection Specification Cofunction definitions Cocalls New builtins, attributes and C API functions Motivation and Rationale Prototype Implementation Copyright Abstract A syntax is proposed for defining and calling a special type of generator called a ‘cofunction’. It is designed to provide a streamlined way of writing generator-based coroutines, and allow the early detection of certain kinds of error that are easily made when writing such code, which otherwise tend to cause hard-to-diagnose symptoms. This proposal builds on the ‘yield from’ mechanism described in PEP 380, and describes some of the semantics of cofunctions in terms of it. However, it would be possible to define and implement cofunctions independently of PEP 380 if so desired. Rejection See https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2015-April/139503.html Specification Cofunction definitions A new keyword codef is introduced which is used in place of def to define a cofunction. A cofunction is a special kind of generator having the following characteristics: A cofunction is always a generator, even if it does not contain any yield or yield from expressions. A cofunction cannot be called the same way as an ordinary function. An exception is raised if an ordinary call to a cofunction is attempted. Cocalls Calls from one cofunction to another are made by marking the call with a new keyword cocall. The expression cocall f(*args, **kwds) is semantically equivalent to yield from f.__cocall__(*args, **kwds) except that the object returned by __cocall__ is expected to be an iterator, so the step of calling iter() on it is skipped. The full syntax of a cocall expression is described by the following grammar lines: atom: cocall | <existing alternatives for atom> cocall: 'cocall' atom cotrailer* '(' [arglist] ')' cotrailer: '[' subscriptlist ']' | '.' NAME The cocall keyword is syntactically valid only inside a cofunction. A SyntaxError will result if it is used in any other context. Objects which implement __cocall__ are expected to return an object obeying the iterator protocol. Cofunctions respond to __cocall__ the same way as ordinary generator functions respond to __call__, i.e. by returning a generator-iterator. Certain objects that wrap other callable objects, notably bound methods, will be given __cocall__ implementations that delegate to the underlying object. New builtins, attributes and C API functions To facilitate interfacing cofunctions with non-coroutine code, there will be a built-in function costart whose definition is equivalent to def costart(obj, *args, **kwds): return obj.__cocall__(*args, **kwds) There will also be a corresponding C API function PyObject *PyObject_CoCall(PyObject *obj, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) It is left unspecified for now whether a cofunction is a distinct type of object or, like a generator function, is simply a specially-marked function instance. If the latter, a read-only boolean attribute __iscofunction__ should be provided to allow testing whether a given function object is a cofunction. Motivation and Rationale The yield from syntax is reasonably self-explanatory when used for the purpose of delegating part of the work of a generator to another function. It can also be used to good effect in the implementation of generator-based coroutines, but it reads somewhat awkwardly when used for that purpose, and tends to obscure the true intent of the code. Furthermore, using generators as coroutines is somewhat error-prone. If one forgets to use yield from when it should have been used, or uses it when it shouldn’t have, the symptoms that result can be obscure and confusing. Finally, sometimes there is a need for a function to be a coroutine even though it does not yield anything, and in these cases it is necessary to resort to kludges such as if 0: yield to force it to be a generator. The codef and cocall constructs address the first issue by making the syntax directly reflect the intent, that is, that the function forms part of a coroutine. The second issue is addressed by making it impossible to mix coroutine and non-coroutine code in ways that don’t make sense. If the rules are violated, an exception is raised that points out exactly what and where the problem is. Lastly, the need for dummy yields is eliminated by making the form of definition determine whether the function is a coroutine, rather than what it contains. Prototype Implementation An implementation in the form of patches to Python 3.1.2 can be found here: http://www.cosc.canterbury.ac.nz/greg.ewing/python/generators/cofunctions.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3152 – Cofunctions
Standards Track
A syntax is proposed for defining and calling a special type of generator called a ‘cofunction’. It is designed to provide a streamlined way of writing generator-based coroutines, and allow the early detection of certain kinds of error that are easily made when writing such code, which otherwise tend to cause hard-to-diagnose symptoms.
PEP 3153 – Asynchronous IO support Author: Laurens Van Houtven <_ at lvh.cc> Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Created: 29-May-2011 Post-History: Superseded-By: 3156 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Communication abstractions Transports Protocols Why separate protocols and transports? Flow control Consumers Producers Considered API alternatives Generators as producers References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes an abstraction of asynchronous IO for the Python standard library. The goal is to reach an abstraction that can be implemented by many different asynchronous IO backends and provides a target for library developers to write code portable between those different backends. Rationale People who want to write asynchronous code in Python right now have a few options: asyncore and asynchat something bespoke, most likely based on the select module using a third party library, such as Twisted or gevent Unfortunately, each of these options has its downsides, which this PEP tries to address. Despite having been part of the Python standard library for a long time, the asyncore module suffers from fundamental flaws following from an inflexible API that does not stand up to the expectations of a modern asynchronous networking module. Moreover, its approach is too simplistic to provide developers with all the tools they need in order to fully exploit the potential of asynchronous networking. The most popular solution right now used in production involves the use of third party libraries. These often provide satisfactory solutions, but there is a lack of compatibility between these libraries, which tends to make codebases very tightly coupled to the library they use. This current lack of portability between different asynchronous IO libraries causes a lot of duplicated effort for third party library developers. A sufficiently powerful abstraction could mean that asynchronous code gets written once, but used everywhere. An eventual added goal would be for standard library implementations of wire and network protocols to evolve towards being real protocol implementations, as opposed to standalone libraries that do everything including calling recv() blockingly. This means they could be easily reused for both synchronous and asynchronous code. Communication abstractions Transports Transports provide a uniform API for reading bytes from and writing bytes to different kinds of connections. Transports in this PEP are always ordered, reliable, bidirectional, stream-oriented two-endpoint connections. This might be a TCP socket, an SSL connection, a pipe (named or otherwise), a serial port… It may abstract a file descriptor on POSIX platforms or a Handle on Windows or some other data structure appropriate to a particular platform. It encapsulates all of the particular implementation details of using that platform data structure and presents a uniform interface for application developers. Transports talk to two things: the other side of the connection on one hand, and a protocol on the other. It’s a bridge between the specific underlying transfer mechanism and the protocol. Its job can be described as allowing the protocol to just send and receive bytes, taking care of all of the magic that needs to happen to those bytes to be eventually sent across the wire. The primary feature of a transport is sending bytes to a protocol and receiving bytes from the underlying protocol. Writing to the transport is done using the write and write_sequence methods. The latter method is a performance optimization, to allow software to take advantage of specific capabilities in some transport mechanisms. Specifically, this allows transports to use writev instead of write or send, also known as scatter/gather IO. A transport can be paused and resumed. This will cause it to buffer data coming from protocols and stop sending received data to the protocol. A transport can also be closed, half-closed and aborted. A closed transport will finish writing all of the data queued in it to the underlying mechanism, and will then stop reading or writing data. Aborting a transport stops it, closing the connection without sending any data that is still queued. Further writes will result in exceptions being thrown. A half-closed transport may not be written to anymore, but will still accept incoming data. Protocols Protocols are probably more familiar to new users. The terminology is consistent with what you would expect from something called a protocol: the protocols most people think of first, like HTTP, IRC, SMTP… are all examples of something that would be implemented in a protocol. The shortest useful definition of a protocol is a (usually two-way) bridge between the transport and the rest of the application logic. A protocol will receive bytes from a transport and translates that information into some behavior, typically resulting in some method calls on an object. Similarly, application logic calls some methods on the protocol, which the protocol translates into bytes and communicates to the transport. One of the simplest protocols is a line-based protocol, where data is delimited by \r\n. The protocol will receive bytes from the transport and buffer them until there is at least one complete line. Once that’s done, it will pass this line along to some object. Ideally that would be accomplished using a callable or even a completely separate object composed by the protocol, but it could also be implemented by subclassing (as is the case with Twisted’s LineReceiver). For the other direction, the protocol could have a write_line method, which adds the required \r\n and passes the new bytes buffer on to the transport. This PEP suggests a generalized LineReceiver called ChunkProtocol, where a “chunk” is a message in a stream, delimited by the specified delimiter. Instances take a delimiter and a callable that will be called with a chunk of data once it’s received (as opposed to Twisted’s subclassing behavior). ChunkProtocol also has a write_chunk method analogous to the write_line method described above. Why separate protocols and transports? This separation between protocol and transport often confuses people who first come across it. In fact, the standard library itself does not make this distinction in many cases, particularly not in the API it provides to users. It is nonetheless a very useful distinction. In the worst case, it simplifies the implementation by clear separation of concerns. However, it often serves the far more useful purpose of being able to reuse protocols across different transports. Consider a simple RPC protocol. The same bytes may be transferred across many different transports, for example pipes or sockets. To help with this, we separate the protocol out from the transport. The protocol just reads and writes bytes, and doesn’t really care what mechanism is used to eventually transfer those bytes. This also allows for protocols to be stacked or nested easily, allowing for even more code reuse. A common example of this is JSON-RPC: according to the specification, it can be used across both sockets and HTTP [1]. In practice, it tends to be primarily encapsulated in HTTP. The protocol-transport abstraction allows us to build a stack of protocols and transports that allow you to use HTTP as if it were a transport. For JSON-RPC, that might get you a stack somewhat like this: TCP socket transport HTTP protocol HTTP-based transport JSON-RPC protocol Application code Flow control Consumers Consumers consume bytes produced by producers. Together with producers, they make flow control possible. Consumers primarily play a passive role in flow control. They get called whenever a producer has some data available. They then process that data, and typically yield control back to the producer. Consumers typically implement buffers of some sort. They make flow control possible by telling their producer about the current status of those buffers. A consumer can instruct a producer to stop producing entirely, stop producing temporarily, or resume producing if it has been told to pause previously. Producers are registered to the consumer using the register method. Producers Where consumers consume bytes, producers produce them. Producers are modeled after the IPushProducer interface found in Twisted. Although there is an IPullProducer as well, it is on the whole far less interesting and therefore probably out of the scope of this PEP. Although producers can be told to stop producing entirely, the two most interesting methods they have are pause and resume. These are usually called by the consumer, to signify whether it is ready to process (“consume”) more data or not. Consumers and producers cooperate to make flow control possible. In addition to the Twisted IPushProducer interface, producers have a half_register method which is called with the consumer when the consumer tries to register that producer. In most cases, this will just be a case of setting self.consumer = consumer, but some producers may require more complex preconditions or behavior when a consumer is registered. End-users are not supposed to call this method directly. Considered API alternatives Generators as producers Generators have been suggested as way to implement producers. However, there appear to be a few problems with this. First of all, there is a conceptual problem. A generator, in a sense, is “passive”. It needs to be told, through a method call, to take action. A producer is “active”: it initiates those method calls. A real producer has a symmetric relationship with its consumer. In the case of a generator-turned-producer, only the consumer would have a reference, and the producer is blissfully unaware of the consumer’s existence. This conceptual problem translates into a few technical issues as well. After a successful write method call on its consumer, a (push) producer is free to take action once more. In the case of a generator, it would need to be told, either by asking for the next object through the iteration protocol (a process which could block indefinitely), or perhaps by throwing some kind of signal exception into it. This signaling setup may provide a technically feasible solution, but it is still unsatisfactory. For one, this introduces unwarranted complexity in the consumer, which now not only needs to understand how to receive and process data, but also how to ask for new data and deal with the case of no new data being available. This latter edge case is particularly problematic. It needs to be taken care of, since the entire operation is not allowed to block. However, generators can not raise an exception on iteration without terminating, thereby losing the state of the generator. As a result, signaling a lack of available data would have to be done using a sentinel value, instead of being done using th exception mechanism. Last but not least, nobody produced actually working code demonstrating how they could be used. References [1] Sections 2.1 and 2.2 . Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3153 – Asynchronous IO support
Standards Track
This PEP describes an abstraction of asynchronous IO for the Python standard library.
PEP 3154 – Pickle protocol version 4 Author: Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Aug-2011 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 12-Aug-2011 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Proposed changes Framing Binary encoding for all opcodes Serializing more “lookupable” objects 64-bit opcodes for large objects Native opcodes for sets and frozensets Calling __new__ with keyword arguments Better string encoding Smaller memoization Summary of new opcodes Alternative ideas Prefetching Acknowledgments References Copyright Abstract Data serialized using the pickle module must be portable across Python versions. It should also support the latest language features as well as implementation-specific features. For this reason, the pickle module knows about several protocols (currently numbered from 0 to 3), each of which appeared in a different Python version. Using a low-numbered protocol version allows to exchange data with old Python versions, while using a high-numbered protocol allows access to newer features and sometimes more efficient resource use (both CPU time required for (de)serializing, and disk size / network bandwidth required for data transfer). Rationale The latest current protocol, coincidentally named protocol 3, appeared with Python 3.0 and supports the new incompatible features in the language (mainly, unicode strings by default and the new bytes object). The opportunity was not taken at the time to improve the protocol in other ways. This PEP is an attempt to foster a number of incremental improvements in a new pickle protocol version. The PEP process is used in order to gather as many improvements as possible, because the introduction of a new pickle protocol should be a rare occurrence. Proposed changes Framing Traditionally, when unpickling an object from a stream (by calling load() rather than loads()), many small read() calls can be issued on the file-like object, with a potentially huge performance impact. Protocol 4, by contrast, features binary framing. The general structure of a pickle is thus the following: +------+------+ | 0x80 | 0x04 | protocol header (2 bytes) +------+------+ | OP | FRAME opcode (1 byte) +------+------+-----------+ | MM MM MM MM MM MM MM MM | frame size (8 bytes, little-endian) +------+------------------+ | .... | first frame contents (M bytes) +------+ | OP | FRAME opcode (1 byte) +------+------+-----------+ | NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN | frame size (8 bytes, little-endian) +------+------------------+ | .... | second frame contents (N bytes) +------+ etc. To keep the implementation simple, it is forbidden for a pickle opcode to straddle frame boundaries. The pickler takes care not to produce such pickles, and the unpickler refuses them. Also, there is no “last frame” marker. The last frame is simply the one which ends with a STOP opcode. A well-written C implementation doesn’t need additional memory copies for the framing layer, preserving general (un)pickling efficiency. Note How the pickler decides to partition the pickle stream into frames is an implementation detail. For example, “closing” a frame as soon as it reaches ~64 KiB is a reasonable choice for both performance and pickle size overhead. Binary encoding for all opcodes The GLOBAL opcode, which is still used in protocol 3, uses the so-called “text” mode of the pickle protocol, which involves looking for newlines in the pickle stream. It also complicates the implementation of binary framing. Protocol 4 forbids use of the GLOBAL opcode and replaces it with STACK_GLOBAL, a new opcode which takes its operand from the stack. Serializing more “lookupable” objects By default, pickle is only able to serialize module-global functions and classes. Supporting other kinds of objects, such as unbound methods [4], is a common request. Actually, third-party support for some of them, such as bound methods, is implemented in the multiprocessing module [5]. The __qualname__ attribute from PEP 3155 makes it possible to lookup many more objects by name. Making the STACK_GLOBAL opcode accept dot-separated names would allow the standard pickle implementation to support all those kinds of objects. 64-bit opcodes for large objects Current protocol versions export object sizes for various built-in types (str, bytes) as 32-bit ints. This forbids serialization of large data [1]. New opcodes are required to support very large bytes and str objects. Native opcodes for sets and frozensets Many common built-in types (such as str, bytes, dict, list, tuple) have dedicated opcodes to improve resource consumption when serializing and deserializing them; however, sets and frozensets don’t. Adding such opcodes would be an obvious improvement. Also, dedicated set support could help remove the current impossibility of pickling self-referential sets [2]. Calling __new__ with keyword arguments Currently, classes whose __new__ mandates the use of keyword-only arguments can not be pickled (or, rather, unpickled) [3]. Both a new special method (__getnewargs_ex__) and a new opcode (NEWOBJ_EX) are needed. The __getnewargs_ex__ method, if it exists, must return a two-tuple (args, kwargs) where the first item is the tuple of positional arguments and the second item is the dict of keyword arguments for the class’s __new__ method. Better string encoding Short str objects currently have their length coded as a 4-bytes integer, which is wasteful. A specific opcode with a 1-byte length would make many pickles smaller. Smaller memoization The PUT opcodes all require an explicit index to select in which entry of the memo dictionary the top-of-stack is memoized. However, in practice those numbers are allocated in sequential order. A new opcode, MEMOIZE, will instead store the top-of-stack in at the index equal to the current size of the memo dictionary. This allows for shorter pickles, since PUT opcodes are emitted for all non-atomic datatypes. Summary of new opcodes These reflect the state of the proposed implementation (thanks mostly to Alexandre Vassalotti’s work): FRAME: introduce a new frame (followed by the 8-byte frame size and the frame contents). SHORT_BINUNICODE: push a utf8-encoded str object with a one-byte size prefix (therefore less than 256 bytes long). BINUNICODE8: push a utf8-encoded str object with an eight-byte size prefix (for strings longer than 2**32 bytes, which therefore cannot be serialized using BINUNICODE). BINBYTES8: push a bytes object with an eight-byte size prefix (for bytes objects longer than 2**32 bytes, which therefore cannot be serialized using BINBYTES). EMPTY_SET: push a new empty set object on the stack. ADDITEMS: add the topmost stack items to the set (to be used with EMPTY_SET). FROZENSET: create a frozenset object from the topmost stack items, and push it on the stack. NEWOBJ_EX: take the three topmost stack items cls, args and kwargs, and push the result of calling cls.__new__(*args, **kwargs). STACK_GLOBAL: take the two topmost stack items module_name and qualname, and push the result of looking up the dotted qualname in the module named module_name. MEMOIZE: store the top-of-stack object in the memo dictionary with an index equal to the current size of the memo dictionary. Alternative ideas Prefetching Serhiy Storchaka suggested to replace framing with a special PREFETCH opcode (with a 2- or 4-bytes argument) to declare known pickle chunks explicitly. Large data may be pickled outside such chunks. A naïve unpickler should be able to skip the PREFETCH opcode and still decode pickles properly, but good error handling would require checking that the PREFETCH length falls on an opcode boundary. Acknowledgments In alphabetic order: Alexandre Vassalotti, for starting the second PEP 3154 implementation [6] Serhiy Storchaka, for discussing the framing proposal [6] Stefan Mihaila, for starting the first PEP 3154 implementation as a Google Summer of Code project mentored by Alexandre Vassalotti [7]. References [1] “pickle not 64-bit ready”: http://bugs.python.org/issue11564 [2] “Cannot pickle self-referencing sets”: http://bugs.python.org/issue9269 [3] “pickle/copyreg doesn’t support keyword only arguments in __new__”: http://bugs.python.org/issue4727 [4] “pickle should support methods”: http://bugs.python.org/issue9276 [5] Lib/multiprocessing/forking.py: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/baea9f5f973c/Lib/multiprocessing/forking.py#l54 [6] (1, 2) Implement PEP 3154, by Alexandre Vassalotti http://bugs.python.org/issue17810 [7] Implement PEP 3154, by Stefan Mihaila http://bugs.python.org/issue15642 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 3154 – Pickle protocol version 4
Standards Track
Data serialized using the pickle module must be portable across Python versions. It should also support the latest language features as well as implementation-specific features. For this reason, the pickle module knows about several protocols (currently numbered from 0 to 3), each of which appeared in a different Python version. Using a low-numbered protocol version allows to exchange data with old Python versions, while using a high-numbered protocol allows access to newer features and sometimes more efficient resource use (both CPU time required for (de)serializing, and disk size / network bandwidth required for data transfer).
PEP 8000 – Python Language Governance Proposal Overview Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 24-Aug-2018 Table of Contents Abstract Copyright Abstract This PEP provides an overview of the selection process for a new model of Python language governance in the wake of Guido’s retirement. Once the governance model is selected, it will be codified in PEP 13. Here is a list of PEPs related to the governance model selection process. PEPs in the lower 8000s describe the general process for selecting a governance model. PEP 8001 - Python Governance Voting ProcessThis PEP describes how the vote for the new governance model will be conducted. It outlines the voting method, timeline, criteria for participation, and explicit list of eligible voters. PEP 8002 - Open Source Governance SurveySurveys will be conducted of governance models for similar open source and free software projects, and summaries of these models will be outlined in this PEP. These surveys will serve as useful barometers for how such projects can be successfully governed, and may serve as inspiration for Python’s own governance model. Python is unique, so it’s expected that it will have its own spin on governance, rather than directly adopting any of those surveyed. PEPs in the 801Xs describe the actual proposals for Python governance. It is expected that these PEPs will cover the broad scope of governance, and that differences in details (such as the size of a governing council) will be covered in the same PEP, rather than in potentially vote-splitting individual PEPs. PEP 8010 - The Technical Leader Governance ModelThis PEP proposes a continuation of the singular technical project leader model. Also within scope is whether an advisory council aids or supports the BDFL. This PEP does not name either the next BDFL, nor members of such an advisory council. For that, see PEP 13. PEP 8011 - Python Governance Model Lead by Trio of PythonistasThis PEP describes a new model of Python governance lead by a Trio of Pythonistas (TOP). It describes the role and responsibilities of the Trio. This PEP does not name members of the Trio. For that, see PEP 13. PEP 8012 - The Community Governance ModelThis is a placeholder PEP for a new model of Python governance based on consensus and voting, without the role of a centralized singular leader or a governing council. It describes how, when, and why votes are conducted for decisions affecting the Python language. It also describes the criteria for voting eligibility. PEP 8013 - The External Governance ModelThis PEP describes a new model of Python governance based on an external council who are responsible for ensuring good process. Elected by the core development team, this council may reject proposals that are not sufficiently detailed, do not consider all affected users, or are not appropriate for the upcoming release. This PEP does not name members of such a council. For that, see PEP 13. PEP 8014 - The Commons Governance ModelThis PEP describes a new model of Python governance based on a council of elders who are responsible for ensuring a PEP is supported by a sufficient majority of the Python community before being accepted. Unlike some of the other governance PEPs it explicitly does not specify who has voting rights and what a majority vote consists of. In stead this is determined by the council of elders on a case-by-case basis. PEP 8015 - Organization of the Python communityThis PEP formalizes the current organization of the Python community and proposes 3 main changes: formalize the existing concept of “Python teams”; give more autonomy to Python teams; replace the BDFL (Guido van Rossum) with a new “Python board” of 3 members which has limited roles, mostly decide how a PEP is approved (or rejected). PEP 8016 - The Steering Council ModelThis PEP proposes a model of Python governance based around a steering council. The council has broad authority, which they seek to exercise as rarely as possible; instead, they use this power to establish standard processes, like those proposed in the other 801x-series PEPs. This follows the general philosophy that it’s better to split up large changes into a series of small changes that can be reviewed independently: instead of trying to do everything in one PEP, we focus on providing a minimal-but-solid foundation for further governance decisions. Additional governance models may be added before the final selection. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8000 – Python Language Governance Proposal Overview
This PEP provides an overview of the selection process for a new model of Python language governance in the wake of Guido’s retirement. Once the governance model is selected, it will be codified in PEP 13.
PEP 8001 – Python Governance Voting Process Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>, Christian Heimes <christian at python.org>, Donald Stufft <donald at stufft.io>, Eric Snow <ericsnowcurrently at gmail.com>, Gregory P. Smith <greg at krypto.org>, Łukasz Langa <lukasz at python.org>, Mariatta <mariatta at python.org>, Nathaniel J. Smith <njs at pobox.com>, Pablo Galindo Salgado <pablogsal at python.org>, Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com>, Tal Einat <tal at python.org>, Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com>, Zachary Ware <zach at python.org> Status: Final Type: Process Topic: Governance Created: 24-Aug-2018 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation and Rationale Implementation What are we voting for? Who gets to vote? When is the vote? Where is the vote? Voting mechanics Questions and Answers Why the Condorcet method? Is omitting any candidate PEPs in the ranking allowed? Why recommend for dormant core developers to not vote? Why should the vote be private? Why the use of CIVS? Why cannot voters change their vote? Are there any deficiencies in the Condorcet method? References Copyright Abstract This PEP outlines the process for how the new model of Python governance is selected, in the wake of Guido’s retirement. Once the model is chosen by the procedures outlined here, it will be codified in PEP 13. Motivation and Rationale Guido’s stepping down from the BDFL role left us with a meta-problem of having to choose how we will choose how the Python project should be governed from now on. This document presents a concrete proposal how this choice can be made. It summarizes discussion and conclusions of the proceedings of a working group at the core sprint in Redmond in September 2018 (names of all attendees are listed as authors). This PEP also summarizes a subsequent thread that took place on discuss.python.org . The governance situation should be resolved in a timely fashion. Ideally that should happen by the end of the 2018 which unblocks substantial improvements to be merged in time for Python 3.8. At the latest, the governance situation needs to be resolved by PyCon US 2019 to avoid a PR crisis. Implementation What are we voting for? We are voting to choose which governance PEP should be implemented by the Python project. The list of candidate PEPs is listed in PEP 8000 and consists of all PEPs numbered in the 801X range. To ensure the vote is legitimate, the aforementioned PEPs must not be modified during the voting period. Who gets to vote? Every CPython core developer is invited to vote. In the interest of transparency and fairness, we are asking core developers to self-select based on whether the governance situation will affect them directly. In other words, we are recommending for inactive core developers who intend to remain inactive to abstain from voting. When is the vote? November 16th, 2018 to November 30th, 2018 is the official governance PEP review period. We discourage the PEP authors from making major substantive changes during this period, although it is expected that minor tweaks may occur, as the result of this discussion period. The vote will happen in a 2-week-long window from December 1st, 2018 to December 16th, 2018 (Anywhere on Earth). Where is the vote? The vote will happen using a “private” poll on the Condorcet Internet Voting Service. Every committer will receive an email with a link allowing them to rank the PEPs in their order of preference. The election will be supervised by Ee Durbin, The PSF Director of Infrastructure. The results of the election, including anonymized ballots, will be made public on December 17th, after the election has closed. The following settings will be used for the vote in the CIVS system: Name of the poll: Python governance vote (December 2018) Description of the poll: This is the vote to choose how the CPython project will govern itself, now that Guido has announced his retirement as BDFL. For full details, see <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8001/">PEP 8001</a>. Many discussions have occurred under <a href="https://discuss.python.org/tags/governance">the "governance" tag</a> on discuss.python.org. <p> All votes must be received <b>by the end of December 16th, 2018, <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anywhere_on_Earth">Anywhere on Earth</a></b>. All CPython core developers are <a href="https://github.com/python/voters">eligible to vote</a>. It is asked that inactive core developers <i>who intend to remain inactive</i> abstain from voting. <p> <b>Note: You can only vote once, and all votes are final.</b> Once you click "Submit ranking", it's too late to change your mind. <p> All ballots will be published at the end of voting, but <b>without any names attached</b>. No-one associated with the Python project or the PSF will know how you voted, or even whether you voted. <p> If you have any questions, you can post in <a href="https://discuss.python.org/c/committers">the Committers topic</a>, on <a href="mailto:python-committers@python.org">the python-committers list</a>, or <a href="mailto:ee@python.org">contact the vote administrator directly</a>. <p> <h1>Options</h1> <p> We're selecting between seven PEPs, each proposing a different governance model. <p> The options below include links to the text of each PEP, as well as their complete change history. The text of these PEPs was frozen on December 1, when the vote started. But if you looked at the PEPs before that, they might have changed. Please take the time to check the current text of the PEPs if you read an older draft. <p> A "Further discussion" option is also included. It represents the option of not making a choice at all at this time, and continuing the discussion instead. Including this option lets us demonstrate the core team's readiness to move forward. <p> If you think a proposal is a particularly bad idea, you can express that by ranking it below "Further discussion". If you think all of the proposals are better than further discussion, then you should rank "Further discussion" last. Candidates (note: linebreaks are significant here): <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8010/">PEP 8010: The Technical Leader Governance Model</a> (Warsaw) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8010.rst">changelog</a>) <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8011/">PEP 8011: Python Governance Model Lead by Trio of Pythonistas</a> (Mariatta, Warsaw) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8011.rst">changelog</a>) <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8012/">PEP 8012: The Community Governance Model</a> (Langa) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8012.rst">changelog</a>) <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8013/">PEP 8013: The External Council Governance Model</a> (Dower) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8013.rst">changelog</a>) <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8014/">PEP 8014: The Commons Governance Model</a> (Jansen) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8014.rst">changelog</a>) <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8015/">PEP 8015: Organization of the Python community</a> (Stinner) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8015.rst">changelog</a>) <a href="https://peps.python.org/pep-8016/">PEP 8016: The Steering Council Model</a> (Smith, Stufft) (<a href="https://github.com/python/peps/commits/main/pep-8016.rst">changelog</a>) Further discussion Options: [x] Private [ ] Make this a test poll: read all votes from a file. [ ] Do not release results to all voters. [x] Enable detailed ballot reporting. [ ] In detailed ballot report, also reveal the identity of the voter with each ballot. [ ] Allow voters to write in new choices. [ ] Present choices on voting page in exactly the given order. [ ] Allow voters to select “no opinion” for some choices. [ ] Enforce proportional representation These options will have the effect of: Making the election “private”, or in other words, invite only. The results of the election will be released to all voters. The contents of every ballot will be released to the public, along with a detailed report going over how the winner was elected. The detailed ballots will not include any identifying information and the email addresses of the voters will be thrown away by the CIVS system as soon as the email with their voting link has been sent. Voters will not be able to write in new choices, meaning they will be limited only to the options specified in the election. Voters will not have the ability to change their vote after casting a ballot. [no-changes] The default ordering for each ballot will be randomized to remove any influence that the order of the ballot may have on the election. Voters will have to rank all choices somehow, but may rank multiple choices as equal. Voting mechanics The vote will be by ranked ballot. Every voter orders all candidate PEPs from the most preferred to the least preferred. The vote will be tallied and a winner chosen using the Condorcet method. Note: each voter can only cast a single vote with no ability to revise their vote later. [no-changes] If you are not absolutely sure of your choices, hold off casting your ballot until later in the voting period. Votes cast on the last day of the election are just as valid as the ones cast on the first day. While the CIVS system does not provide an option for a “Pure” Condorcet election, any Condorcet method will select the “Pure” Condorcet winner if one exists and otherwise only vary if one doesn’t exist. The CIVS system differentiates between a Condorcet winner and a non Condorcet winner by stating if the winner was a Condorcet winner, or if it merely wasn’t defeated versus any other option. So a winner in the CIVS system will only be accepted if it states it was a Condorcet winner. In the unlikely case of a tie (or cycle as is possible under the Condorcet method), a new election will be opened, limited to the options involved in the tie or cycle, to select a new winner from amongst the tied options. This new election will be open for a week, and will be repeated until a single winner is determined. Questions and Answers Why the Condorcet method? It allows voters to express preference by ranking PEPs It is consensus decision-making In a poll open to only core developers and run using Approval voting, it was the clear preference Is omitting any candidate PEPs in the ranking allowed? A vote which omits candidates in the ranking is invalid. This is because such votes are incompatible with the desired properties listed above, namely: Making voters consider alternatives, as well as Doing everything possible to reach a conclusion in a single election. Why recommend for dormant core developers to not vote? The choice of the governance model will have far reaching and long-term consequences for Python and its community. We are inviting core developers to assess their skin in the game. Note: this is not an edict and will not be policed. We trust all members of the core team to act in the best interest of Python. Why should the vote be private? When discussing the election system, a number of core developers expressed concerns with the idea of having public ballots, with at least one core developer stating that they were planning on abstaining from voting altogether due to the use of a public ballot. A poll ran on Discourse identified the overwhelming majority of voters prefer private ballots. [private-vote] A secret ballot is considered by many to be a requirement for a free and fair election, allowing members to vote their true preferences without worry about social pressure or possible fallout for how they may have voted. Why the use of CIVS? In the resulting discussion of this PEP, it was determined that core developers wished to have a secret ballot. [private-vote] Unfortunately a secret ballot requires either novel cryptography or a trusted party to anonymize the ballots. Since there is not known to be any existing novel cryptographic systems for Condorcet ballots, the CIVS system was chosen to act as a trusted party. More information about the security and privacy afforded by CIVS, including how a malicious voter, election supervisor, or CIVS administrator can influence the election can be found here. Why cannot voters change their vote? CIVS does not allow voters to update their vote and as part of its goal to prevent the election supervisor from being able to influence the votes. Are there any deficiencies in the Condorcet method? There is no perfect voting method. It has been shown by the Gibbard-Satterthwaite theorem that any single-winner ranked voting method which is not dictatorial must be susceptible to so-called “tactical voting”. This can lead to people not voting as they truly believe in order to influence the outcome. The Condorcet method also has the possibility of having cycles (known as the Condorcet paradox). Due to the fact that the Condorcet method chooses a winner based on whether they would win against the other options in a 1-on-1 race, there is a possibility that PEP A > PEP B > PEP C > PEP A (or in terms of the game rock-paper-scissors, imagine a three-player game where someone played rock, another played paper, and the last person played scissors; no one wins that game as everyone is defeated by someone). For one analyzed set of real-world elections with 21 voters or more, a cycle occurred less than 1.5% of the time.. References [no-changes] (1, 2) https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-8001-public-or-private-ballots/374/20 [private-vote] (1, 2) https://discuss.python.org/t/pep-8001-public-or-private-ballots/374/4 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8001 – Python Governance Voting Process
This PEP outlines the process for how the new model of Python governance is selected, in the wake of Guido’s retirement. Once the model is chosen by the procedures outlined here, it will be codified in PEP 13.
PEP 8002 – Open Source Governance Survey Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Łukasz Langa <lukasz at python.org>, Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>, Doug Hellmann <doug at doughellmann.com>, Carol Willing <willingc at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 24-Aug-2018 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Project choice Rust Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Planning a new release Changes in the process over time OpenStack Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Planning a new release Changes in the process over time Jupyter Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Voting Planning releases Changes in the process over time Django Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Differences between DEPs and PEPs Planning a new release Changes in the process over time TypeScript Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Planning a new release Changes in the process over time Astropy Key people and their functions Regular decision process Code-level decisions Non-code decisions Voting Controversial decision process Ethical issues Planning a new release Changes in the process over time Self-appreciation References Bonus: Microsoft Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Planning a new release Acknowledgements Annex 1: Template questions Copyright Abstract This PEP surveys existing and similar open source and free software projects for their governance models, providing summaries that will serve as useful references for Python’s own selection of a new governance model in the wake of Guido’s retirement. Rather than an individual PEP for each of these community surveys, they will all be collected here in this PEP. Rationale CPython is not the first open source project to undergo a governance crisis. Other projects have experimented various governance options, sometimes several times during their existence. There are useful lessons to take away of their experience, which will help inform our own decision. Project choice There are many open source projects out there, but it will be most fruitful to survey those which are similar enough to CPython on a couple key metrics: the number of contributors and their activity (there are scaling issues that don’t make the governance models of very small projects very enlightening for our purposes) ; being mostly or partly community-driven (company-driven projects can afford different governance options, since the company hierarchy has power over the main participants) ; being faced with important design decisions that require a somewhat formal decision process. Rust The governance structure is documented in Rust RFC #1068. The effective governance process grows organically over time without being entirely codified as RFCs, especially in case of day-to-day operation details. One example is the formation of Domain Working Groups in February 2018. Key people and their functions In the Rust project there are teams responsible for certain areas. For language features there is a “lang team”, for tooling there’s “dev tools” and “Cargo”, and so on. Contentious issues have facilitators to drive discussion who often aren’t the decision makers. Typically the facilitators are authors of the proposed changes (see “Controversial decision process” below). They ensure all key decision makers are involved along with interested community members. They push towards an agreeable outcome via iteration. In practice this means decisions are rarely escalated to the core team. The most common role of a contributor is team membership. Issue triage/code review privileges without team membership is rare. Contributors have full commit access, code ownership separation is based on trust. Writing to the compiler repository is frowned upon, all changes go through pull requests and get merged by an integration bot after they were reviewed and approved. New team members are added by nomination by an existing team member. Regular decision process Primary work happens via GitHub issues and pull requests. Approving a pull request by any team member allows it to be merged without further process. All merged pull requests end up in the next stable version of Rust. Notifying relevant people by mentions is important. Listening to the firehose of e-mails for all GitHub activity is not popular. There are planning and triage meetings open to the public happening on IRC and Discord. They are not very popular because most of work happens through GitHub. Discussions also happen on official Rust forums (https://users.rust-lang.org/ and https://internals.rust-lang.org/). There is a dedicated moderation team responsible for taking notes and enforcing code of conduct. Controversial decision process Larger or controversial work goes through a RFC process. It allows everyone to express their thoughts and iterates towards a resolution. At some point when all blocking concerns of relevant team members are addressed, they sign off on the RFC and it reaches a “final comment period”. That does not require consensus amongst all participants, rather there should not be a strong consensus against the proposal. After 10 days the RFC is merged unless any new blocking concerns are raised by team members. A “merge” signifies that work towards implementing the feature and integrating it can now happen without interruption. An RFC doesn’t have to have a reference implementation for it to be accepted. The other possible results of the “final comment period” are to: postpone the RFC (similar to the Deferred status in PEPs), get it back into discussion if blocking concerns can be addressed, or close it if blocking concerns are not solvable. When an RFC is marked as closed, there is a 7-day grace period to debate whether it should be closed. In practice registering concerns with an RFC happens very often initially but rarely causes for the RFC to be entirely killed. This process scales well for small-contention changes and/or smaller changes. For the largest controversial changes the discussion gets unwieldy. This is a topic currently (as of August 2018) on the minds of the Rust team (see: “Listening and Trust, part 1”, “Listening and Trust, part 2”, “Listening and Trust, part 3”, “Proposal for a staged RFC process”). Planning a new release Every six weeks the Rust compiler is released with whatever it contained at the time. There are no LTS channels or releases yet but this concept is planned to make redistributors able to keep up with development better. Every few years a so-called “Edition” is released. Those are milestone releases with full sets of updated documentation and tooling. They can be backwards incompatible with previous editions. External packages opt into breaking changes in their crate metadata. The Rust compiler supports all editions that existed prior to its release. Linking between crates of any supported edition is possible. Changes in the process over time The Rust programming language was started by Graydon Hoare who developed it as a personal project for a few years. When Mozilla started sponsoring the project, the team slowly grew with Graydon as a BDFL-style figure. He left the project in 2013. Rust functions without a BDFL since. The RFC process was put in place later. Initially some design discussions happened during closed-door weekly video meetings which was shut down in May 2015 (before the 1.0 release of Rust), organically replaced with open discussion and direct influence of teams. The number of teams is growing in time. The number of technical decisions made by the core team is decreasing, instead those get delegated to respective teams. The concept of a “final comment period” was introduced to encourage more public discussion and enable reacting to a change about to being made, instead of having to revert a rushed decision that was already made. OpenStack The OpenStack Foundation Bylaws lay out the basic structure for project governance, with Article IV delegating day-to-day management of the open source project to the OpenStack Technical Committee (TC), and The TC member policy defining broadly how the Technical Committee shall be elected. The TC publishes a set of more detailed governance documents, including the TC charter, which describes the team structure, precise rules for establishing eligibility to run for office, and criteria for establishing the various electorates. Key people and their functions The OpenStack community is made up of many distinct project teams, responsible for producing different components of the software (block storage management, compute management, etc.) or managing different parts of the processes the community follows (such as tracking the release schedule). Each team is led by a Project Team Lead (PTL), elected by the Active Project Contributors for that project. Active Project Contributors (APCs) are recent contributors to a given project team. APC status formally requires two things: becoming an individual member of the OpenStack Foundation (membership is free) and having a change merged within the last year (two development cycles) in a repository managed by a project team. The elected PTL serves a term equal to one development cycle (roughly 6 months). There is no restriction on the number of consecutive terms a person may serve as PTL, and it is common for someone to serve for several terms in a row. It is also not unusual for a team to have only one candidate volunteer to serve as PTL for a given cycle, in which case there is no need for an election. The PTL represents the team in all cases except where they have explicitly delegated some responsibility. For example, many teams designate a separate release liaison to manage the release process for a development cycle. The PTL also serves as a final decision maker in cases where consensus cannot be reached between the team members. While the APCs all vote for the PTL of a team, in many other cases only the core reviewer team will be consulted on policy decisions for the team. Anyone may review any patch for any OpenStack project. After someone demonstrates that they have a good grasp of the technical issues of a project, that they provide useful feedback on reviews, and that they understand the direction the project is going, they may be invited to become a member of the core review team. Unlike in many other communities, this status does not grant them the right to submit code without having it reviewed. Rather, it asks them to commit to reviewing code written by other contributors, and to participate in team decision-making discussions. Asking someone to become a member of the core review team is a strong indication of trust. The Technical Committee (TC) is responsible for managing the development of OpenStack as a whole. The 13 members of the Technical Committee are directly elected by APCs from all project teams. Each member serves a term of two development cycles (roughly 1 year), with the elections split so that only about half of the members’ terms expire at any time, to ensure continuity. The TC establishes overall policies, such as the criteria for adding new project teams, the deprecation policy for Python 2, testing requirements, etc. Regular decision process All elections for PTL or TC members use https://civs.cs.cornell.edu to run a Condorcet election. This system was selected because it emphasizes consensus candidates over strict popularity. The OpenStack contributor community relies on 3 primary tools for discussion: the openstack-dev mailing list, a gerrit code review instance at https://review.openstack.org, and a set of OpenStack-specific IRC channels on Freenode. There are a few teams whose contributors are based primarily in China, and they have trouble accessing IRC. Those teams tend to use alternative platforms such as WeChat, instead. The tool used for discussing any given decision will vary based on its weight and impact. Everyone is encouraged to use either the mailing list or gerrit to support asynchronous discussion across a wider range of timezones and firewalls, especially for publicizing final decisions for the rest of the community. Policy decisions limited to a single team are usually made by the core review team for a project, and the policies and decision processes may vary between teams. Some groups write down their team policies in their documentation repository, and use the code review tool (gerrit) to vote on them. Some teams discuss policies on IRC, either ad hoc or during a regularly scheduled meeting, and make decisions there. Some teams use the mailing list for those discussions. The PTL for the team is responsible for ensuring the discussion is managed and the outcome is communicated (either by doing so directly or ensuring that the task is delegated to someone else). All team policy decisions need to be compatible with the overall policies set by the Technical Committee. Because the TC tends to make broader governance decisions that apply to the entire contributor community, the process for discussing and voting on those decisions is described more formally, including specifying the number of votes needed to pass and the minimum length of time required for discussion. For example, most motions require 1/3 of the members (5) to pass and must stay open at least 3 days after receiving sufficient votes to pass, ensuring that there is time for dissent to be registered. See the Technical Committee Charter and house rules for more details. Significant design decisions are usually discussed by reviewing a specification document, somewhat similar to a PEP, that covers the requirements, alternatives, and implementation details. Feedback is solicited from all contributors, and then specifications are eventually approved or rejected by members of the core review team for a project. Some teams require only 2 reviewers to approve a design, while other teams require a stronger indication of consensus before a design is approved. Each team sets a deadline for approving specifications within each development cycle, to encourage contributors to work out designs for significant new features early and avoid risk from changes late in the cycle. Smaller technical decisions are typically made by reviewing the patch(es) needed to implement the change. Anyone may review any patch and provide technical feedback, but ultimately two core reviewers for a team are needed to approve most changes (exceptions are often made for trivial changes such as typos or for fixes that unblock the CI gating system). Controversial decision process Controversial, or merely complicated, decisions frequently expand outside of specification reviews to mailing list discussions. They often also result in discussions at one of the regularly scheduled in-person community gatherings. Because many members of the community cannot attend these events, the discussions are summarized and final decisions are made using on-line tools as much as possible. The PTL is responsible for deciding when consensus has been reached for decisions that affect a single team, and to make a final call in rare cases where consensus has not been reached and a decision absolutely needs to be made. The TC acts as a similar decision-making group of last resort for cases where issues between teams cannot be resolved in another way. Such escalation of decision-making ends up being rarely necessary, because the contributors directly involved generally prefer to come to a consensual agreement rather than escalate the decision to others. Planning a new release OpenStack has a major release about every 6 months. These are coordinated date-based releases, which include the work finished up to that point in time in all of the member projects. Some project teams release more often than every 6 months (this is especially true for teams building libraries consumed by other teams). Those smaller releases tend to be produced when there is content (new features or bug fixes) to justify them. The schedule for each development cycle, with deadlines and a final release date, is proposed by the release management team, in coordination with the Foundation staff (releases are generally aligned with the calendar of in-person events), and then the community has an opportunity to provide feedback before the final dates are set. Decisions about priorities for each development cycle are made at the team level and the TC level. Core review teams prioritize internal work, such as fixing bugs and implementing new features. The TC selects community goals, which usually require some amount of work from all teams. Agreeing to these priorities at the start of each cycle helps the teams coordinate their work, which is especially important because the implementation will require reviews from multiple team members. Changes in the process over time Over the last 8 years the number of OpenStack project teams has grown from 2 to 63. The makeup of the Technical Committee has changed to accommodate that growth. Originally the TC was made up of PTLs, but as the membership grew it became impractical for the group to function effectively. The community also used to be organized around “program areas” rather than project teams. A program area covered a feature set, such as gathering telemetry or managing block storage. This organization failed when multiple teams of people wanted to work on the same feature set using different solutions. Organizing teams around the code they deliver allows different teams to have different interpretations of the same requirements. For example, there are now several teams working on different deployment tools. Jupyter The governance structure is documented in the Main Governance Document within the Jupyter Governance repo. The effective governance process grows organically over time as the needs of the project evolve. Formal changes to the Governance Document are submitted via Pull Request, with an open period for comments. After the open period, a Steering Council may call for a vote to ratify the PR changes. Acceptance requires a minimum of 80% of the Steering Council to vote and at least 2/3 of the vote must be positive. The BDFL can act alone to accept or reject changes or override the Steering Council decision; though this would be an extremely rare event. Key people and their functions The key people in Jupyter’s Governance are the BDFL, Fernando Perez, and the Steering Council. Contributors can be given a special status of core contributor. Some may also be Institutional Contributors, who are individuals who contribute to the project as part of their official duties at an Institutional Partner. Fernando Perez, the project founder, is the current and first BDFL. The BDFL may serve as long as desired. The BDFL succession plan is described in the Main Governance Document. In summary, the BDFL may appoint the next BDFL. As a courtesy, it is expected that the BDFL will consult with the Steering Council. In the event that the BDFL can not appoint a successor, the Steering Council will recommend one. Core contributors are individuals who are given rights, such as commit privileges, to act in the best interest of the project within their area of expertise or subproject. An existing core contributor typically recommends someone be given core contributor rights by gathering consensus from project leads, who are experienced core contributors as listed in the README of the project repo. To be recommended and invited as a Steering Council member, an individual must be a Project Contributor who has produced contributions that are substantial in quality and quantity, and sustained over at least one year. Potential Council Members are nominated by existing Council members and voted upon by the existing Council after asking if the potential Member is interested and willing to serve in that capacity. Regular decision process Project Jupyter is made up of a number of GitHub organizations and subprojects within those organizations. Primary work happens via GitHub issues and pull requests. Approving a pull request by any team member allows it to be merged without further process. All merged pull requests end up in the next stable release of a subproject. There is a weekly, public Project-wide meeting that is recorded and posted on YouTube. Some larger GitHub organizations, which are subprojects of Project Jupyter, e.g. JupyterLab and JupyterHub, may have additional public team meetings on a weekly or monthly schedule. Discussions occur on Gitter, the Jupyter mailing list, and most frequently an open issue and/or pull request on GitHub. Controversial decision process The foundations of Project Jupyter’s governance are: Openness & Transparency Active Contribution Institutional Neutrality During the everyday project activities, Steering Council members participate in all discussions, code review and other project activities as peers with all other Contributors and the Community. In these everyday activities, Council Members do not have any special power or privilege through their membership on the Council. However, it is expected that because of the quality and quantity of their contributions and their expert knowledge of the Project Software and Services that Council Members will provide useful guidance, both technical and in terms of project direction, to potentially less experienced contributors. For controversial issues, the contributor community works together to refine potential solutions, iterate as necessary, and build consensus by sharing information and views constructively and openly. The Steering Council may make decisions when regular community discussion doesn’t produce consensus on an issue in a reasonable time frame. Voting Rarely, if ever, is voting done for technical decisions. For other Project issues, the Steering Council may call for a vote for a decision via a Governance PR or email proposal. Acceptance requires a minimum of 80% of the Steering Council to vote and at least 2/3 of the vote must be positive. The BDFL can act alone to accept or reject changes or override the Steering Council decision; though this would be an extremely rare event. As Benevolent, the BDFL, in practice chooses to defer that authority to the consensus of the community discussion channels and the Steering Council. Planning releases Since Project Jupyter has a number of projects, not just a single project, the release planning is largely driven by the core contributors of a project. Changes in the process over time The process has remained consistent over time, and the approach has served us well. Moving forward The Project leadership will consist of a BDFL and Steering Council. This governance model was a formalization of what the Project was doing (prior to 2015 when the Main Governance Document was adopted by the Steering Council), rather than a change in direction. Django The governance structure is documented in Organization of the Django Project. Key people and their functions The project recognizes three kinds of contributors. Members of the core team, the Technical Board, and Fellows. Regular core committers no longer exercise their “commit bit”, instead they rely on pull requests being reviewed and accepted. The Technical Board steers technical choices. Fellows are hired contractors who triage new tickets, review and merge patches from the committers and community, including non-trivial ones. Core team members are added by nomination and vote within the core team, with technical board veto (so far not exercised). Technical board is elected by and from the core team membership every 18 months (every major Django release). Sub-teams within the core team are self-selected by interest. Regular decision process Most day-to-day decisions are made by Fellows and sometimes other active core team members. The core team votes on new members which requires a 4/5 majority of votes cast, no quorum requirement. The Technical Board has veto power. This power was never exercised Controversial decision process The Technical Board occasionally approves Django Enhancement Proposals (DEPs) but those are rare. The DEP process is roughly modeled after PEPs and documented in DEP 1. DEPs are mostly used to design major new features, but also for information on general guidelines and process. An idea for a DEP should be first publicly vetted on the django-developers mailing list. After it was roughly validated, the author forms a team with three roles: authors who write the DEP and steers the discussion; implementers who prepare the implementation of the DEP; a shepherd who is a core developer and will be the primary reviewer of the DEP. The DEP’s draft is submitted, assigned a number, and discussed. Authors collect feedback and steer discussion as they see fit. Suggested venues to avoid endless open-ended discussions are: separate mailing lists, Wiki pages, working off of pull requests on the DEP. Once the feedback round is over, the shepherd asks the Technical Board for review and pronouncement. The Board can rule on a DEP as a team or designate one member to review and decide. In any case where consensus can’t be reached, the Technical Board has final say. This was never exercised. Differences between DEPs and PEPs The main difference is that the entire workflow is based on pull requests rather than e-mail. They are pronounced upon by the Technical Board. They need to have the key roles identified before submission and throughout the process. The shepherd role exists to guide a DEP to completion without engaging the Technical Board. Those changes to the process make it more distributed and workable in a governance model without a BDFL. Planning a new release Releases are done on a fixed time-based schedule, with a major version every 18 months. With paid Fellows to ensure the necessary work gets down, on-time releases are routine. Changes in the process over time Django originally had two BDFLs: Jacob Kaplan-Moss and Adrian Holovaty. They retired (Adrian’s post, Jacob’s post) 9 years into the project’s history. Following the stepping down, the DEP process was defined. TypeScript The governance structure is not externally documented besides the CONTRIBUTING.md document in the main TypeScript repository. Key people and their functions There is a formal design team and a release management team working at Microsoft. The main person behind the project is currently Anders Hejlsberg as some of the original members of the team have left the company. Regular decision process Microsoft, where the project is developed, has a strong planning culture so development roadmaps are released long in advanced, notes from design discussions held at Microsoft get published quickly and meetings are sometimes broadcast using Skype. External contributions are encouraged through pull requests on GitHub. Suggestions for new use cases or features are given by issues on GitHub. This serves like an ad-hoc PEP-like process. There is some discussion over social media (Twitter) as well. Controversial decision process Hejlsberg is the central figure of the project in terms of language design, synthesizing community needs into a cohesive whole. There is no formal process to externally contribute to the design of the language. The TypeScript team filters through and integrates community suggestions. The main advantages of this setup are that there is strong and consistent design with dependable scheduling and execution. While there is transparency of intentions and plans, the disadvantage of this model is that community involvement is limited to pull requests and suggestions. Planning a new release Microsoft determines the release schedule, communicates dates and features well in advance. Nightly builds are usually stable (with a significant portion of users on this release form). Versioned releases are done every 1 - 3 months, with a roadmap available on GitHub. Changes in the process over time TypeScript is likely the first notable project by Microsoft developed fully in the open (versus source-available). Open-sourcing of TypeScript by Microsoft was a planned feature from the inception of the project. Before the first open release was made, the language was driven fully by needs identified by the original teams and the early in-house users. The initial open-sourcing happened via the now-defunct Microsoft CodePlex platform. It didn’t have a well-defined routine of accepting external contributions. Community engagement rose significantly after the project got moved. Astropy Key people and their functions The Astropy Project team’s responsibilities are spread over many different roles [1], though frequently a person will have several roles. The main body overseeing the Astropy Project is the Astropy Coordination Committee (CoCo) . Its key roles are dealing with any financial issues, approving new packages wanting to join the Astropy Project, approving or rejecting Astropy Proposals for Enhancement (APEs) [2], and generally anything that’s “leadership”-oriented or time-sensitive. As of this writing, the committee has four members, and might grow or shrink as the demands on the committee change. Regular decision process Code-level decisions The Astropy Project includes the core Astropy package and other affiliated packages. For the sake of simplicity, we will avoid discussing affiliated packages, which can have their own rules. Therefore, everything below will concern the core Astropy package. The core Astropy package is organized as sub-packages. Each sub-package has an official maintainer as well as one or more deputies, who are responsible for ensuring code is reviewed and generally architecting the subpackage. Code-level decisions are therefore made in GitHub issues or pull requests (PRs), usually on the basis of consensus, moderated by the maintainer and deputies of that sub-package. When there is specific disagreement, majority vote of those who are involved in the discussion (e.g. PR) determines the winner, with the CoCo called on to break ties or mediate disagreements. Non-code decisions Non-code decisions (like sprint scheduling, bugfix release timing, etc) are usually announced on the astropy-dev mailing list [3] with a vote-by-message format, or a “if there are no objections”-style message for highly uncontroversial items. In general, on astropy-dev the expectation is a concrete proposal which other members are welcome to comment or vote on. Voting Voting usually involves either using the +1/-1 format on GitHub or the astropy-dev mailing list. There, any interested person can vote regardless of their official role in the project, or lack thereof. Furthermore, there is no veto mechanism for the CoCo to override decisions of the majority. Controversial decision process Simpler controversial decisions are generally discussed on the astropy-dev mailing list [3], and after a reasonable time either there is a clear consensus/compromise (this happens most of the time), or the CoCo makes a decision to avoid stalling. More complicated decisions follow the APE process, which is modeled after the PEP process. Here, the CoCo makes the final decision after a discussion period, open to everyone, has passed. Generally the CoCo would follow the consensus or majority will. Ethical issues The Project has an Ombudsperson who ensures there is an alternate contact for sensitive issues, such as Code of Conduct violations, independent from the Coordination Committee. In practice, the CoCo, the Community engagement coordinators and the Ombudsperson would work together privately to try and communicate with the violator to address the situation. Planning a new release The major release timing is on a fixed schedule (every 6 months); whatever is in at that time goes in. Changes in the process over time The CoCo and the “Open Development” ethos came from the inception of the Project after a series of votes by interested Python-oriented astronomers and allied software engineers. The core results of that initial discussion were embodied in the Vision for Astropy document [4]. The existence of the formal roles and most of the rest of the above came as evolutionary steps as the community grew larger, each following either the APE process, or the regular process of a proposal being brought up for discussion and vote in astropy-dev [3]. In general all evolved as sort of ratification of already-existing practices, only after they were first tested in the wild. Self-appreciation The fact that anyone who has the time can step in and suggest something (usually via PR) or vote on their preference, leads to a sense that “we are all in this together”, leading to better-coordinated effort. Additionally, the function of the CoCo as mostly a tie-breaking body means that there’s no sense of a dictator who enforces their will, while still giving clear points of contact for external organizations that are leery of fully-democratic governance models. References [1] Astropy roles and responsibilities https://www.astropy.org/team.html [2] Astropy Proposals for Enhancement https://github.com/astropy/astropy-APEs [3] (1, 2, 3) Astropy-dev mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/astropy-dev [4] Vision for a Common Astronomy Python Package https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/development/vision.html Bonus: Microsoft Despite the selection process for “relevant projects” described above, it is worthwhile considering how companies that are held financially accountable for their decisions go about making them. This is not intended as a readily-usable model for Python, but as additional insight that may influence the final design or selection. This section is not taken from any official documentation, but has been abstracted by Steve Dower, a current Microsoft employee, to reflect the processes that are most applicable to individual projects in the engineering departments. Role titles are used (and defined) rather than identifying specific individuals, and all names are examples and should not be taken as a precise description of the company at any particular time in history. This is also highly simplified and idealised. There are plenty of unhealthy teams that do not look like this description, and those typically have high attrition (people leave the team more frequently than other teams). Teams that retain their people are usually closer to the model described here, but ultimately everything involving humans is imperfect and Microsoft is no exception. Key people and their functions Microsoft has a hierarchy that ultimately reports to the CEO. Below the CEO are a number of organisations, some of which are focused on engineering projects (as opposed to sales, marketing or other functions). These engineering organisations roughly break down into significant product families - for example, there has been a “Windows group”, an “Xbox group”, and a “server and tools group”. These are typically led by Executive Vice Presidents (EVPs), who report to the CEO. Below each EVP are many Corporate Vice Presidents (CVPs), each of which is responsible for one or more products. This level is where the hierarchy becomes relevant for the purposes of this PEP - the CEO and EVPs are rarely involved in most decision processes, but set the direction under which CVPs make decisions. Each product under a CVP has a team consisting of Program Managers (PMs) and Engineering Managers. Engineering Managers have teams of engineers who are largely uninvolved in decision making, though may be used as specialists in some cases. For the rest of this section, Engineering refers to anyone from the engineering team who is contributing with a technical-focus, and PM refers to anyone from the program management team contributing with a customer-focus. After decisions are made, Engineering does the implementation and testing work, and PM validates with users that their problem has been solved. (This is actually a huge simplification, to the point where some people in these roles are offended by this characterisation. In reality, most people in PM or Engineering do work that crosses the boundary between the two roles, and so they should be treated as a term describing the work that somebody is doing in the moment, rather than an identifier or restriction for a person.) Teams generally represent a feature, while the CVP represents a product. For example, Visual Studio Code has a CVP who is ultimately responsible for decisions about that product and its overall direction (in the context set by their EVP). But many teams contribute features into Visual Studio Code. For complete clarity, the CEO, EVPs, and CVPs do not ever directly modify source code. Their entire role is to provide direction for whoever is immediately below them and to adjudicate on controversial decisions. Regular decision process Changes to product code that are not visible to external users are made solely by Engineering. Individual engineers will be assigned tasks by a designated engineering manager, or may self-assign. Promotion to increasingly senior positions generally reflects trust in the individual’s decision-making ability, and more senior engineers are trusted to make decisions with less validation from the rest of the team. Most bugs are covered by this process (that is, fixing a user-visible problem without changing the intended experience is an Engineering decision). Decisions affecting users of a particular feature are made by the PM team for that feature. They will use whatever data sources available to identify an issue, experiment with alternatives, and ultimately prepare a design document. Senior members from PM and Engineering will review designs to clarify the details, and ultimately an artifact is created that the feature team agrees on. Engineering will use this artifact to implement the work, and PM will later use this artifact to validate that the original issue has been resolved. Senior members of Engineering and PM teams for a feature are expected to make decisions in the spirit of the direction set by their CVP. Teams have regular meetings with their CVP to discuss recent decisions and ensure consistency. Decisions that are not obviously in line with CVP expectations are escalated to the controversial process. Controversial decision process When decisions require cross-team coordination, or do not obviously align with previous CVP guidance, teams will escalate decision making. These often include decisions that involve changing direction, attempting to reach a new or different group of users, deprecating and removing significant features (or on a short timeframe), or changes that require quick releases. In general, CVPs are not intimately familiar with all aspects of the feature team’s work. As a result, the feature team must provide both a recommendation and sufficient context for the decision that the CVP can decide without additional knowledge. Most of the time, the first attempt results in a series of questions from the CVP, which the team will research, answer and attempt the decision again at a later date. Common questions asked by CVPs are: how many users are affected by this decision? what is the plan for minimizing impact on current users? how will the change be “sold”/described to potential users? CVPs are expected to have a strong understanding of the entire field, so that they can evaluate some questions for themselves, such as: what similar decisions have been made by other projects within Microsoft? what other projects have plans that may impact this decision? what similar decisions have been made by projects outside Microsoft? do users need it? is it in line with the direction set by their EVP? Decisions made by CVPs are generally arbitrary and final, though they typically will provide their rationale. Planning a new release Releases involve coordinating a number of feature teams, and so rarely attempt to include input from all teams. A schedule will be determined based on broader ecosystem needs, such as planned events/conferences or opportunities to take advantage of media attention. Teams are informed of the release date, the theme of the release, and make their own plans around it following the above decision making process. Changing the release date is considered a controversial decision. Acknowledgements Thank you to Alex Crichton from the Rust team for an extensive explanation of how the core team governs the project. Jeremy Stanley, Chris Dent, Julia Kreger, Sean McGinnis, Emmet Hikory, and Thierry Carrez contributed to the OpenStack section. The Project Jupyter Steering Council created the Main Governance Document for Project Jupyter, and Carol Willing summarized the key points of that document for the Jupyter section. Thank you to Carl Meyer from the Django team for explanation how their project’s governance is set up. The TypeScript and Swift sections were created after conversations with Joe Pamer and Vlad Matveev. Thanks! Answers about the Astropy project were kindly contributed, in significant detail, by Erik Tollerud and reviewed by other members of the project. Annex 1: Template questions The following set of questions was used as a template to guide evaluation and interaction with the surveyed projects: Do you have any open documentation on how the governance model is set up? How does the process look like in practice? Who are the key people? What “special statuses” can contributors have? How are they elected/how are the statuses assigned? How are regular decisions made? How are controversial decisions made? Is there a voting mechanism? how does it work? how often do votes actually happen? Is there a veto mechanism? how often was it actually used? How do you like the process? Which parts work well? Which parts could work better? When it doesn’t work well, how does it look like? What would you change if it were only up to you? Related project work: How do you decide when a release happens and what goes into it? How do you decide who gets commit access? Where do you hold discussions? (GitHub, mailing lists, face-to-face meetings, and so on) Do you have a RFC/PEP-like process? Who has access to those discussion channels? How is this access granted/revoked? Who moderates those discussions? Do you (and how) censure participants and how? Process evolution How did this process evolve historically? How can it be changed in the future? Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8002 – Open Source Governance Survey
This PEP surveys existing and similar open source and free software projects for their governance models, providing summaries that will serve as useful references for Python’s own selection of a new governance model in the wake of Guido’s retirement.
PEP 8010 – The Technical Leader Governance Model Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 24-Aug-2018 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection Open discussion points Why a singular technical leader? Flexibility The role of the GUIDO Authority comes from the community Length of service and term limits Choosing a GUIDO The Council of Pythonistas (CoP) No confidence votes Day-to-day operations PEP considerations Version History Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a continuation of the singular technical project leader model, euphemistically called the Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) model of Python governance, to be henceforth called in this PEP the Gracious Umpire Influencing Decisions Officer (GUIDO). This change in name reflects both the expanded view of the GUIDO as final arbiter for the Python language decision making process in consultation with the wider development community, and the recognition that “for life” while perhaps aspirational, is not necessarily in the best interest of the well-being of either the language or the GUIDO themselves. This PEP describes: The rationale for maintaining the singular technical leader model The process for how the GUIDO will be selected, elected, retained, recalled, and succeeded; The roles of the GUIDO in the Python language evolution process; The term length of service; The relationship of the GUIDO with a Council of Pythonistas (CoP) that advise the GUIDO on technical matters; The size, election, and roles of the CoP; The decision delegation process; Any changes to the PEP process to fit the new governance model; This PEP does not name a new BDFL. Should this model be adopted, it will be codified in PEP 13 along with the names of all officeholders described in this PEP. PEP Rejection PEP 8010 was rejected by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. PEP 8016 and the governance model it describes were chosen instead. Open discussion points Various tweaks to the parameters of this PEP are allowed during the governance discussion process, such as the exact size of the CoP, term lengths of service, and voting procedures. These will be codified by the time the PEP is ready to be voted on. The voting procedures and events described in this PEP will default to the voting method specified in PEP 8001, although as that PEP is still in discussion at the time of this writing, this is subject to change. It is allowed, and perhaps even expected, that as experience is gained with this model, these parameters may be tweaked as future GUIDOs are named, in order to provide for a smoother governing process. Why a singular technical leader? Why this model rather than any other? It comes down to “vision”. Design by committee has many known downsides, leading to a language that accretes new features based on the varied interests of the contributors at the time. A famous aphorism is “a camel is a horse designed by committee”. Can a language that is designed by committee “hang together”? Does it feel like a coherent, self-consistent language where the rules make sense and are easily remembered? A singular technical leader can promote that vision more than a committee can, whether that committee is small (e.g. 3 or 5 persons) or spans the entire Python community. Every participant will have their own vision of what “Python” is, and this can lead to indecision or illogical choices when those individual visions are in conflict. Should CPython be 3x faster or should we preserve the C API? That’s a very difficult question to get consensus on, since neither choice is right or wrong. But worse than making the wrong decision might be accepting the status quo because no consensus could be found. Flexibility Degrees of flexibility are given to both the GUIDO and CoP by way of underspecification. This PEP describes how conflicts will be resolved, but expects all participants, including core developers, community members, and office holders, to always have the best interest of Python and its users at heart. The PEP assumes that mutual respect and the best intentions will always lead to consensus, and that the Code of Conduct governs all interactions and discussions. The role of the GUIDO One of the most important roles of the GUIDO is to provide an overarching, broad, coherent vision for the evolution of the Python language, spanning multiple releases. This is especially important when decision have lasting impact and competing benefits. For example, if backward incompatible changes to the C API leads to a 2x improvement in Python performance, different community members will likely advocate convincingly on both sides of the debate, and a clear consensus may not emerge. Either choice is equally valid. In consultation with the CoP, it will be the GUIDO’s vision that guides the ultimate decision. The GUIDO is the ultimate authority for decisions on PEPs and other issues, including whether any particular change is PEP-worthy. As is the case today, many –in fact perhaps most– decisions are handled by discussion and resolution on the issue tracker, merge requests, and discussion forums, usually with input or lead by experts in the particular field. Where this operating procedure works perfectly well, it can continue unchanged. This also helps reduce the workload on the CoP and GUIDO, leaving only the most important decisions and broadest view of the landscape to the central authority. Similarly, should a particular change be deemed to require a PEP, but the GUIDO, in consultation with the CoP, identifies experts that have the full confidence to make the final decision, the GUIDO can name a Delegate for the PEP. While the GUIDO remains the ultimate authority, it is expected that the GUIDO will not undermine, and in fact will support the authority of the Delegate as the final arbiter of the PEP. The GUIDO has full authority to shut down unproductive discussions, ideas, and proposals, when it is clear that the proposal runs counter to the long-term vision for Python. This is done with compassion for the advocates of the change, but with the health and well-being of all community members in mind. A toxic discussion on a dead-end proposal does no one any good, and they can be terminated by fiat. To sum up: the GUIDO has the authority to make a final pronouncement on any topic, technical or non-technical, except for changing to the governance PEP itself. Authority comes from the community The GUIDO’s authority ultimately resides with the community. A rogue GUIDO that loses the confidence of the majority of the community can be recalled and a new vote conducted. This is an exceedingly rare and unlikely event. This is a sufficient stopgap for the worst-case scenario, so it should not be undertaken lightly. The GUIDO should not fear being deposed because of one decision, even if that decision isn’t favored by the majority of Python developers. Recall should be reserved for actions severely detrimental to the Python language or community. The Council of Pythonistas (see below) has the responsibility to initiate a vote of no-confidence. Length of service and term limits The GUIDO shall serve for three Python releases, approximately 4.5 years given the current release cadence. If Python’s release cadence changes, the length of GUIDO’s term should change to 4.5 years rounded to whole releases. How the rounding is done is left to the potential release cadence PEP. After this time, a new election is held according to the procedures outlined below. There are no term limits, so the GUIDO may run for re-election for as long as they like. We expect GUIDOs to serve out their entire term of office, but of course, Life Happens. Should the GUIDO need to step down before their term ends, the vacancy will be filled by the process outlined below as per choosing a new GUIDO. However, the new GUIDO will only serve for the remainder of the original GUIDO’s term, at which time a new election is conducted. The GUIDO stepping down may continue to serve until their replacement is selected. During the transition period, the CoP (see below) may carry out the GUIDO’s duties, however they may also prefer to leave substantive decisions (such as technical PEP approvals) to the incoming GUIDO. Choosing a GUIDO The selection process is triggered whenever a vacancy exists for a new GUIDO, or when the GUIDO is up for re-election in the normal course of events. When the selection process is triggered, either by the GUIDO stepping down, or two months before the end of the GUIDO’s regular term, a new election process begins. For three weeks prior to the vote, nominations are open. Candidates must be chosen from the current list of core Python developers. Non-core developers are ineligible to serve as the GUIDO. Candidates may self-nominate, but all nominations must be seconded. Nominations and seconds are conducted as merge requests on a private repository. Once they accept their nomination, nominees may post short position statements using the same private repository, and may also post them to the committers discussion forum. Maybe we’ll even have debates! This phase of the election runs for two weeks. Core developers then have three weeks to vote, using the process described in PEP 8001. The Council of Pythonistas (CoP) Assisting the GUIDO is a small team of elected Python experts. They serve on a team of technical committee members. They provide insight and offer discussion of the choices before the GUIDO. Consultation can be triggered from either side. For example, if the GUIDO is still undecided about any particular choice, discussions with the CoP can help clarify the remaining issues, identify the right questions to ask, and provide insight into the impact on other users of Python that the GUIDO may not be as familiar with. The CoP are the GUIDO’s trusted advisers, and a close working relationship is expected. The CoP shall consist of 3 members, elected from among the core developers. Their term runs for 3 years and members may run for re-election as many times as they want. To ensure continuity, CoP members are elected on a rotating basis; every year, one CoP member is up for re-election. In order to bootstrap the stagger for the initial election, the CoP member with the most votes shall serve for 3 years, the second most popular vote getter shall serve for 2 years, and CoP member with the least number of votes shall serve initially for 1 year. All ties in voting will be broken with a procedure to be determined in PEP 8001. The nomination and voting process is similar as with the GUIDO. There is a three-week nomination period, where self-nominations are allowed and must be seconded, followed by a period of time for posting position statements, followed by a vote. By unanimous decision, the CoP may begin a no-confidence vote on the GUIDO, triggering the procedure in that section. No confidence votes As mentioned above, the CoP may, by unanimous decision, initiate a vote of no-confidence in the GUIDO. This process should not be undertaken lightly, but once begun, it triggers up to two votes. In both cases, voting is done by the same procedure as in PEP 8001, and all core developers may participate in no confidence votes. The first vote is whether to recall the current GUIDO or not. Should a super majority of Python developers vote “no confidence”, the GUIDO is recalled. A second vote is then conducted to select the new GUIDO, in accordance with the procedures for initial section of this office holder. During the time in which there is no GUIDO, major decisions are put on hold, but normal Python operations may of course continue. Day-to-day operations The GUIDO is not needed for all – or even most – decisions. Python developers already have plenty of opportunity for delegation, responsibility, and self-direction. The issue tracker and pull requests serve exactly the same function as they did before this governance model was chosen. Most discussions of bug fixes and minor improvements can just happen on these forums, as they always have. PEP considerations The GUIDO, members of the CoP, and anyone else in the Python community may propose a PEP. Treatment of the prospective PEP is handled the same regardless of the author of the PEP. However, in the case of the GUIDO authoring a PEP, an impartial PEP Delegate should be selected, and given the authority to accept or reject the PEP. The GUIDO should recuse themselves from the decision making process. In the case of controversial PEPs where a clear consensus does not arrive, ultimate authority on PEPs authored by the GUIDO rests with the CoP. The PEP propose is further enhanced such that a core developer must always be chose as the PEP Shepherd. This person ensure that proper procedure is maintained. The Shepherd must be chosen from among the core developers. This means that while anyone can author a PEP, all PEPs must have some level of sponsorship from at least one core developer. Version History Version 2 Renamed to “The Technical Leader Governance Model” “singular leader” -> “singular technical leader” The adoption of PEP 8001 voting procedures is tentative until that PEP is approved Describe what happens if the GUIDO steps down Recall votes require a super majority of core devs to succeed Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8010 – The Technical Leader Governance Model
This PEP proposes a continuation of the singular technical project leader model, euphemistically called the Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL) model of Python governance, to be henceforth called in this PEP the Gracious Umpire Influencing Decisions Officer (GUIDO). This change in name reflects both the expanded view of the GUIDO as final arbiter for the Python language decision making process in consultation with the wider development community, and the recognition that “for life” while perhaps aspirational, is not necessarily in the best interest of the well-being of either the language or the GUIDO themselves.
PEP 8011 – Python Governance Model Lead by Trio of Pythonistas Author: Mariatta <mariatta at python.org>, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 24-Aug-2018 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection Open discussion points Roles and responsibilities of the leadership trio Authority of the trio What are NOT considered as the role responsibilities of the trio Guidelines for the formation of the trio Diversity and inclusivity Sustainability Additional guidelines Why not other governance model Why not more than three Roles and responsibilities of Python Core Developers to the trio Term Limit Succession planning of the trio (open for discussion) Scenario if one member of the trio needs to quit Formation of working groups/area of expertise/ownership (previously BDFL delegate) Why these workgroups are necessary Affirmation as being a member of the PSF Reasoning for choosing the name trio References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a governance model for the Core Python development community, led by a trio of equally authoritative leaders. The Trio of Pythonistas (ToP, or simply Trio) is tasked with making final decisions for the language. It differs from PEP 8010 by specifically not proposing a central singular leader, but instead a group of three people as the leaders. This PEP also proposes a formation of specialized workgroups to assist the leadership trio in making decisions. This PEP does not name the members of the Trio. Should this model be adopted, it will be codified in PEP 13 along with the names of all officeholders described in this PEP. This PEP describes: The role and responsibilities of the Trio Guidelines of how trio members should be formed Reasoning of the group of three, instead of a singular leader Role and responsibilities of Python core developers to the trio Sustainability considerations Diversity and inclusivity considerations PEP Rejection PEP 8011 was rejected by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. PEP 8016 and the governance model it describes were chosen instead. Open discussion points Various tweaks to the parameters of this PEP are allowed during the governance discussion process, such as the exact responsibilities of the Trio, term lengths of service, voting procedures, and trio disbandment. These will be codified by the time the PEP is ready to be voted on. It is allowed, and perhaps even expected, that as experience is gained with this model, these parameters may be tweaked in order to provide for a smoother governing process. The process for tweaking these parameters will generally be the same voting process as described in PEP 8001. Roles and responsibilities of the leadership trio Be open, considerate, respectful. In other words, adhering to The PSF’s code of conduct. Pronounce on PEPs, either as a team, or individually if the other trio members agree. Provide vision and leadership for Python, the programming language and the community. Understand their own limitation, and seek advice whenever necessary. Provide mentorship to the next generation of leaders. Be a Python core developer Be a voting member of The PSF (one of Contributing / Manager / Fellow / Supporter). [2] Understand that Python is not just a language but also a community. They need to be aware of issues in Python not just the technical aspects, but also other issues in the community. Facilitate the formation of specialized working groups within Core Python. See “formation of specialized working groups” section below. Set good example of behavior, culture, and tone to Python community. Just as Python looks at and learn from other communities for inspiration, other communities will look at Python and learn from us. Authority of the trio To be clear, in case any dispute arises: the trio has the final authority to pronounce on PEPs (except for the governance PEP), to decide whether a particular decision requires a PEP, and to resolve technical disputes in general. The trio’s authority does not include changing the governance itself, or other non-technical disputes that may arise; these should be handled through the process described in PEP 8001. What are NOT considered as the role responsibilities of the trio The following are not the expected out of the trio, however they can do these if they wish. They are not always the ones coming up with all the ideas, vision, problems to solve, and what not. The trio will be open and accepting suggestions from core developers and community. Day to day bug reports do not require the trio to intervene. Any core devs are able to make decisions, but will defer to the respective focused workgroups, and will eventually defer to the trio when there are major disagreements among core developers. Does not run / decide on Python language summit and its logistics. Does not run / decide on Python core sprint and its logistics. Does not handle CoC cases. Those are responsibilities of the PSF CoC workgroup, but will speak out if they witness those cases. Does not make decisions about other Python implementations (Cython, IronPython, etc). Does not run / decide on Python conferences and its logistics. Not an evangelist of Python. The trio is not expected to preach/advertise for Python. They can if they want to, but not expected. Not an educator of Python. The trio is not expected to be the ones teaching/writing about Python. They can if they want to, but not expected. The trio is not expected to be available 24/7, 365 days a year. They are free to decide for themselves their availability for Python. Not a PEP editor. Guidelines for the formation of the trio The success of this governance model relies on the members of the trio, and the ability of the trio members to collaborate and work well together. The three people need to have similar vision to Python, and each can have different skills that complement one another. With such a team, disagreements and conflict should be rare, but can still happen. We will need to trust the people we select that they are able to resolve this among themselves. When it comes to select the members of the trio, instead of nominating various individuals and choosing the top three, core developers will nominate trios and vote for groups of threes who they believe can form this united trio. There is no restriction that an individual can only be nominated in one slate. This PEP will not name or nominate anyone into the trio. Only once this PEP is accepted, any active core developers (who are eligible to vote) can submit nomination of groups of three. Once this PEP is accepted and core devs have submitted their nominations, voting can begin, and the voting mechanism described in PEP 8001 will be used. Qualities desired out of the trio: Be a Python core developer. Be a voting PSF member (one of Contributing / Manager / Fellow / Supporter). [2] Be a member of the community with good standing. Adhere to The PSF’s code of conduct (Be open, considerate, and respectful). [1] Be willing to accept the said roles and responsibilities. Able to communicate and articulate their thoughts effectively. The following are not requirements when considering someone into the trio: “Experience being a BDFL of something” is not a requirement. “Be a genius” is not a requirement. Diversity and inclusivity The core Python development team fully supports the Python Software Foundation’s diversity statement, and welcomes participation and contribution from people from diverse backgrounds. When nominating people to be part of the trio, Python core developers will take every effort into including members from underrepresented group into consideration. Ideally, nomination should include and reflect the diversity of core Python contributors. Sustainability Lack of employer support or lack of luxury of free time should not be a factor when identifying who should be in a trio. If there are individuals who the core devs have identified as having the necessary skills for being a member of the trio, but they are unable to do it because of lack of time, lack of financial support, then we should open discussion with The PSF or other parties into providing the needed support. Additional guidelines When nominating someone other than yourself, please first ask privately if they are ok with being nominated, and if they are ok with nominated in that group of three. This is so people don’t feel pressured to accept nomination just because it happens publicly. Why not other governance model Core Python community are familiar with the singular BDFL model for over two decades, it was a model that has “worked” for Python. Shifting to a completely different model all of the sudden, could be disruptive to the stability of the community. However, the community can continue to evolve in the future. If this PEP is chosen, it is not meant to be the only governance model for Python going forward. This PEP proposed a transition into a community led by a group of people (although small), while also introducing the concept of additional specialized workgroups. Why not more than three Too many chefs spoil the soup. The goal of having a leadership team is for team Python core developers to be able to come to consensus and decisions. The larger the leadership team is, the more difficult it will be in coming up with decision. This is also for the benefit of the members of the trio. Learning to collaborate with other people in a team is not something that happen organically and takes a lot of effort. It is expected that members of the trio will be part of the team for a long-term period. Having to deal with two other people is probably difficult enough. We want the trio to be able to do their duties and responsibilities as efficient as possible. The more people in the group, the more difficult it is to try to come up with time to meet, discuss, and coming up with decision. Roles and responsibilities of Python Core Developers to the trio Be open, considerate, and respectful. In other words, adhere to The PSF’s Code of Conduct Decisions and pronouncements made by individual members of the trio are to be seen as authoritative and coming from the trio. Once the trio has pronounced a decision, core devs will be supportive, even if they were not supportive in the beginning (before the trio made such decision) Continue with day-to-day decision making in the bug tracker, and defer to the trio if there is major disagreement Python core developers do not handle CoC cases, those are responsibilities of the CoC workgroup, but will speak out if they witness those cases Aware that they are part of the larger Python community, not just the technical aspect of it. Be a voting PSF member (one of Contributing / Manager / Fellow / Supporter). Set good example of behavior, culture, and tone to Python community. Term Limit The trio is not expected to serve for life, however a longer term is desired. The purpose of longer term service is to avoid unnecessary churns of needing to “elect”, and to provide stability and consistency in the language and the community. Currently, Python release managers hold their position for 5 years (one release cycle), and that seems to work so far. Therefore, this PEP proposes that the trio hold their position for 5 years. Succession planning of the trio (open for discussion) The trio should notify core devs of their intention to disband/retire/quit from their roles at least one year in advance, to allow for them to actively mentor and train the next generation of successors, and to avoid power vacuum. The trio do not necessarily have to be the ones choosing who the next leaders will be. This PEP does not enforce that the same governance model be chosen for the next generation. Python as language and community can continue to evolve. By giving one year advance notice to disband, the trio is giving the core Python community an opportunity to reflect on the success/failure of this governance model, and choose a different governance model if needed. However, the next governance model and leaders should be chosen/elected within one year after the trio announced their desire to disband. If it was decided to continue with this model of governance, the next generation of trio will be nominated and elected similar to how the first trio were nominated/chosen. The trio should act as advisor/mentor to the next generation chosen leaders for at least X months. Since future trio will be chosen out of Python core developers, it will make sense for future Python core developers to possess some but not necessarily all, qualities of the trio as laid out in this PEP. Therefore, the guidelines for selecting trio members can also be used as guidelines when identifying future Python core developers. Scenario if one member of the trio needs to quit Effective governance models provide off-ramps or temporary breaks for leaders who need to step down or pause their leadership service. What if one member of the chosen trio has to quit, for unforeseen reasons? There are several possible options: The remaining duo can select another member to fill in the role The trio can choose to disband, core developers can nominate other trios Core developers can choose a different governance model Since the trio were elected as a slate and so the loss of one breaks that unit that was elected. Therefore, a new election should be held. Formation of working groups/area of expertise/ownership (previously BDFL delegate) (Open for discussion). Certain areas and topic of Core Python and Python community require leaders with specific skills of specialty. It will be recommended that there will be several working groups with more authority in that specific area to assist the trio in making decisions. The role of these “specialized work groups/council” is to be the final decision maker for controversial discussions that arise in their respective areas. These working groups should be small (3-5 people), for similar reasons that the leadership trio is a small group. These working groups should consist of both Python core developers and external experts. This is to ensure that decision made does not favor only Python core developers. Python Core developers will defer decisions to these working groups on their respective topic. However these groups will answer/defer to the trio. These working groups can be selected and members voted only after this PEP gets accepted. If this PEP is accepted, the working group can be decided within a year or two after the PEP’s acceptance. When selecting members of these special work groups, the trio will take every effort into including members from underrepresented group into consideration. Ideally, the workgroup members should include and reflect the diversity of the wider Python community. Members of this workgroup do not need to be a Python core developer, but they need to be at least a basic member of the PSF [2]. These workgroup are active as long as the trio are active. Several suggested working groups to start: Documentation of CPython Security of CPython Performance of CPython The workgroup can be seen as having similar role as the previously known role of “BDFL-delegate” or PEP czars. The difference is, instead of appointing a single person as decision maker, there will be a small team of decision makers. Another difference with the previous “BDFL-delegate” role, the group can be active as long as the trio is active, as opposed to only when there is a PEP that requires their expertise. When the trio disbands, these workgroups are disbanded too. Why these workgroups are necessary This is an effort to ‘refactor the large role’ of the previous Python BDFL. Affirmation as being a member of the PSF This PEP proposes that core developers and the trio members self-certify themselves as being a member of The PSF. Being part of the PSF means being part of the Python community, and support The PSF’s mission and diversity statement. By being a member of The PSF, Python core developers declare their support for Python and agree to the community Code of Conduct. For more details of The PSF membership, see: PSF Membership FAQ [2]. Reasoning for choosing the name trio Not to be confused with Python trio (an async library). The “trio” is short and easy to pronounce, unlike other words that are long and can have negative interpretations, like triad, trinity, triumvirate, threesome, etc. References [1] The PSF’s Code of Conduct (https://www.python.org/psf/codeofconduct/) [2] (1, 2, 3, 4) PSF Membership FAQ (https://www.python.org/psf/membership/) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8011 – Python Governance Model Lead by Trio of Pythonistas
This PEP proposes a governance model for the Core Python development community, led by a trio of equally authoritative leaders. The Trio of Pythonistas (ToP, or simply Trio) is tasked with making final decisions for the language. It differs from PEP 8010 by specifically not proposing a central singular leader, but instead a group of three people as the leaders.
PEP 8012 – The Community Governance Model Author: Łukasz Langa <lukasz at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 03-Oct-2018 Table of Contents PEP Rejection Abstract Rejected Models Let’s have another BDFL Challenge: There is no other Guido Risk: Malevolent Dictator For Life Observation: We don’t actually need a Dictator Risk: The warm and fuzzy feeling of a vague proposal Let’s have a Council Risk: Dilution and confusion Risk: Internal Conflict Motivation Rationale Specification Key people and their functions The core team Experts Moderators Regular decision process Controversial decision process PEP, Enhanced Very controversial PEPs Revisiting deferred and rejected PEPs Other Voting Situations Nominating a new core developer Votes of no confidence Voting Mechanics Omissions Acknowledgements Copyright PEP Rejection PEP 8012 was rejected by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. PEP 8016 and the governance model it describes were chosen instead. Abstract This PEP proposes a new model of Python governance based on consensus and voting by the Python community. This model relies on workgroups to carry out the governance of the Python language. This governance model works without the role of a centralized singular leader or a governing council. It describes how, when, and why votes are conducted for decisions affecting the Python language. It also describes the criteria for voting eligibility. Should this model be adopted, it will be codified in PEP 13. This model can be affectionately called “The Least Worst Governance Model” by its property that while far from ideal, it’s still the most robust one compared to the others. Since avoiding issues inherent to the other models is a paramount feature of the Community Governance Model, we start the discussion a bit unusually: by rejecting the other models. Rejected Models Let’s have another BDFL This seems like a very attractive idea because it’s a model we know. One Dictator to rule us all. Challenge: There is no other Guido There is no other single person with the unique skillset of Guido van Rossum. Such a person would need to have the technical, communication, and organizational experience to lead the project successfully. Specifically, the person would need to: set and articulate a cohesive long-term vision for the project; possess deep technical understanding of the runtime, the standard library, and the wider third-party library context; negotiate and resolve contentious issues in ways acceptable to all parties involved; have free time and possess the energy to sustain continuous involvement over periods of years. Risk: Malevolent Dictator For Life What if we got somebody who is not as well suited for the position as our first Dictator? There are possible scenarios in which this could lead to severe consequences. The Dictator could gather insufficient trust due to missing technical depth, a “close” election, inconsistent vision, poor ability to deal with conflict or burnout, and so on. Given a controversial decision decided by the Dictator in a specific way, a Dictator with insufficient trust may cause a split within the project. The Dictator setup invites lobbying concentrated on a single person. Unless that person is immune to leverage due to wealth, health, and a stable life situation, this poses risk of malicious actors steering the project from behind the curtain. Finally, the Dictator coming from a particular part of the community may put more weight on the needs and interests of that particular part of the user base, alienating others. Observation: We don’t actually need a Dictator The irony of the Dictator model is that it requires an election. Better yet, we need an election to even decide on which governance model to use. If we are already able solve two problems of this gravity via the community process, why not keep using it for all subsequent decisions? Risk: The warm and fuzzy feeling of a vague proposal One last thing worth mentioning is that when a BDFL model is suggested, it’s easy to bypass the criticism above by not mentioning who the BDFL should be. That way the hopeful reader can project their best expectations and wants onto the abstract BDFL, making the idea appear more attractive. This is a mistake. Without naming the BDFL in the model proposal we are not talking about a concrete model. We can avoid asking and answering the hard questions. We can imagine our best-case scenario, a candidate we’d like to serve the role. Omitting a name for the BDFL also puts the Community Model at an unfair disadvantage. We already know the good, the bad, and the ugly of our core developer group. It’s no platonic ideal, no perfect sphere with no friction. In fact, we expect there to be a fair amount of friction and imperfections. Thus, to fairly assess the BDFL model proposal, dear reader, you should imagine the worst possible person within our team as that BDFL. A concrete human being. Imagine it’s me. Conclusion While this has been our history, without Guido, this model does not serve the best interests of the language into the future. Let’s have a Council This group of people roughly shares the responsibilities of a Dictator. The group can also be called a Triumvirate, a Quorum, Elders, Steering Committee, and so on. Risk: Dilution and confusion This model favors a small group, between three and five people. That way it shares most of the criticism with the Dictator model, amplified. Having not one but, say, three people in position of power dilutes responsibility while still providing high risk of lobbying, insufficient trust, or alienating parts of the community. Risk: Internal Conflict Additionally, having multiple people share the responsibility of governance creates ample opportunity for internal conflict, inconsistent long-term vision of the project, and multiplies the required continuous time involvement by its members (it’s no Quorum if they can’t “reach quorum” due to other time commitments). Just like with a frictionless spherical BDFL, reject ideas of Councils without considering how would it work for you if that Council consisted of three people you find inadequate for the role. Imagine if I had two friends. Most importantly, just like with a Dictator, we don’t need a Council. By the time we had one, we would have already had two successful elections. Why not keep voting? Conclusion This model has similar risks like a Dictator, only worse. Motivation Now that we rejected the basics of other governance models, let’s talk why we even need a governance model on top of a loosely defined group of committers. Stability and Reliability We want to prevent single committers from making wide-reaching changes that impact the future of the language or its usability. Coherent vision and backwards compatibility are important in any programming language, but they are doubly important for Python which is very dynamic (e.g. has very complex backwards compatibility implications). Diverse Uses of Python Moreover, Python is used by a diverse group of users, from school children through scientists to corporations with multi-million line codebases. We want to include all our varied audiences. Vitality We want to avoid stagnation. Python is a mature project but it needs to keep evolving to stay relevant, both the runtime and the programming language. To do that, people interested in improving a particular part of the project should be able to do so without needless friction. But for substantial changes, we want some discourse and reflection to ensure the changes are wise. Rationale Inclusive The Community Model is the most inclusive model. No single person or a small group of people is in a distinguished position of power over others. Contributors and any workgroups in this model are self-selecting. Pragmatic This model ensures no user group is put at a disadvantage due to the interests of a single person or a small group of people. Proven This model works. There is a number of large open-source projects run this way (two of which, Rust and Django, are described in PEP 8002). ECMAScript and C++ are similarly developed. Specification Key people and their functions The core team The Python project is developed by a team of core developers. While membership is determined by presence in the “Python core” team in the “python” organization on GitHub, contribution takes many forms: committing changes to the repository; reviewing pull requests by others; triaging bug reports on the issue tracker; discussing topics on official Python communication channels. Some contributors are may be considered dormant, in other words they did not contribute to the last two releases of CPython. Any dormant contributor can at any time resume contribution. Experts The Python Developer’s Guide lists a number of interest areas along with names of core developers who are recognized as experts in the given area. An expert or a sub-team of experts has the following responsibilities: responding to issues on the bug tracker triaged to the given interest area on a timely basis; reviewing pull requests identified as belonging to the given interest area on a timely basis; overviewing cohesive design in the evolution of the given interest area. A core developer can assign and unassign themselves at will to a given interest area. Existing experts listed for the given interest area must be made aware of this change and have to unanimously agree to it. If a given interest area lists multiple experts, they form a sub-team within the core team. They are responsible for the given interest area together. A core developer should avoid membership as an expert in too many interest areas at the same time. This document deliberately doesn’t specify a maximum number, it simply signals that overexertion leads to burnout and is a risk to the project’s ability to function without a given contributor. Moderators There is a group of people, some of which are not core developers, responsible for ensuring that discussions on official communication channels adhere to the Code of Conduct. They take action in view of violations. Regular decision process Primary work happens through bug tracker issues and pull requests. Core developers should avoid pushing their changes directly to the cpython repository, instead relying on pull requests. Approving a pull request by a core developer allows it to be merged without further process. Notifying relevant experts about a bug tracker issue or a pull request is important. Reviews from experts in the given interest area are strongly preferred, especially on pull request approvals. Failure to do so might end up with the change being reverted by the relevant expert. Experts are not required to listen to the firehose of GitHub and bug tracker activity at all times. Notifying an expert explicitly during triage or bug/pull request creation may be necessary to get their attention. Controversial decision process Substantial changes in a given interest area require a PEP. This includes: Any semantic or syntactic change to the language. Backwards-incompatible changes to the standard library or the C API. Additions to the standard library, including substantial new functionality within an existing library. Removing language, standard library, or C API features. Failure to get a substantial change through the PEP process might result with the change being reverted. Changes that are bug fixes can be exempt from the PEP requirement. Use your best judgement. PEP, Enhanced The PEP process is augmented with the following changes and clarifications over information already present in PEP 1: PEPs are not merged until the final decision is made on them; they are open pull requests on GitHub until that moment; to make review easier, all changes to the PEP under review should be made as separate commits, allowing for granular comparison; a submitted PEP needs to identify the area of interest and relevant experts as the body that makes the final decision on it; if the PEP author is one of the experts of the relevant area of interest, they must name another person from outside of that interest area to contribute to the final decision in their place; the PEP author is responsible for gathering and integrating feedback on the PEP using the official communication channels, with the goal of building consensus; all community members must be enabled to give feedback; at some point, one of the named experts posts a “summary comment” that lays out the current state of discussion, especially major points of disagreement and tradeoffs; at the same time the expert proposes a “motion for final comment period” (FCP), along with a proposed disposition to either: accept; accept provisionally; reject; or defer the PEP. to enter the FCP, the PEP must be signed off by all experts of the relevant area of interest; the FCP lasts for fourteen calendar days to allow stakeholders to file any final objections before a decision is reached. Very controversial PEPs If a core contributor feels strongly against a particular PEP, during its FCP they may raise a motion to reject it by vote. Voting details are described below in “Voting Mechanics”. This should be a last resort and thus a rare occurrence. It splits the core team and is a stressful event for all involved. However, the experts filing for a FCP for a PEP should have a good sense whether a motion to reject it by vote is likely. In such a case, care should be taken to avoid prematurely filing for a FCP. There is no recourse for the opposite situation, i.e. when the experts want to reject a PEP but others would like it accepted. This ensures that the relevant experts have the last say on what goes in. If you really want that change, find a way to convince them. Moderators on official communication channels enforce the Code of Conduct first and foremost, to ensure healthy interaction between all interested parties. Enforcement can result in a given participant being excluded from further discussion and thus the decision process. Revisiting deferred and rejected PEPs If a PEP is deferred or rejected, the relevant experts should be contacted first before another attempt at the same idea is made. If the experts agree there is substantial evidence to justify revisiting the idea, a pull request editing the deferred or rejected PEP can be opened. Failure to get proper expert buy-in beforehand will likely result in immediate rejection of a pull request on a deferred or rejected PEP. Other Voting Situations Nominating a new core developer A champion nominates a person to become a new core developer by posting on official communication channels. A vote is opened. If any existing core developer does not feel comfortable with the nominee receiving the commit bit, they should preferably address this concern in the nomination thread. If there is no satisfactory resolution, they can cast a negative vote. In practice, nominating a person for a core developer should often meet with surprise by others that this person is not a core developer yet. In other words, it should be done when the candidate is already known and trusted well enough by others. We should avoid nominations based on potential. Votes of no confidence Removing a core developer from the core team; Disbanding the experts team for a given area of interest. Those describe a situation where a core developer is forcefully removed from the core team or an experts team is forcefully disbanded. Hopefully those will never have to be exercised but they are explicitly mentioned to demonstrate how a dysfunctional area of interest can be healed. If a core developer is removed by vote from the core team, they lose the ability to interact with the project. It’s up to the Moderators’ discretion to remove their ability to post on the bug tracker and GitHub or just moderate their future behavior on a case-by-case basis. If the experts team for an area of interest is disbanded, other core developers can step up to fill the void at will. Members of the disbanded experts team cannot self-nominate to return. Voting Mechanics All votes described in this document are +1/-1/0 (“Yea”/”Nay”/”Present”) recorded votes. There are no other vote values, in particular values out of range or fractions (like +0.5) are invalid. Votes take fourteen calendar days. The starting date is taken looking at the timezone of the person who filed for the motion to vote. The end date is fourteen days later Anywhere-On-Earth. Dormant core developers as defined in “Key people and their functions” above are not counted towards the totals if they abstain. However, they can vote if they choose to do so and that way they count as active. Voting is a form of contribution. Voting is done by a commit to a private repository in the “python” organization on GitHub. The repository is archived and publicized after the voting period is over. The repository’s name should start with “vote-“. Changes to one’s vote during the voting period is allowed. Peeking at other developers’ cast votes during the time of the vote is possible. Every situation requires a different vote percentage: PEP rejection by vote requires over 1/3rd of the non-dormant core developer population to explicitly vote to reject. Note that if more than 1/3rd of core developers decide against a PEP, this means there exists no super-majority of core developers who are in favor of the change. This strongly suggests the change should not be made in the shape described by the PEP. New core developer nomination requires there to be no votes cast against it. Votes of no confidence require a super-majority of at least 2/3rds of the non-dormant core developer population to explicitly vote in favor of the motion. Omissions This document deliberately omits listing possible areas of interest within the project. It also does not address election and management of Moderators which are done by the Python Software Foundation and its Code of Conduct Working Group which can be contacted by mailing conduct-wg@python.org. Acknowledgements Thank you to the authors of PEP 8002 which was a helpful resource in shaping this document. Thank you to Alex Crichton and the Rust team for a governance model that was a major inspiration for this document. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8012 – The Community Governance Model
This PEP proposes a new model of Python governance based on consensus and voting by the Python community. This model relies on workgroups to carry out the governance of the Python language. This governance model works without the role of a centralized singular leader or a governing council.
PEP 8013 – The External Council Governance Model Author: Steve Dower <steve.dower at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 14-Sep-2018 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection The Importance of the Grey Area Model Overview Key people and their functions Regular decision process Controversial decision process Election terms Election voting process No-confidence voting process Examples of intended behaviour Scenario 1 - The Case of the Vague PEP Scenario 2 - The Case of the Endless Discussion Scenario 3 - The Case of the Unconsidered Users Scenario 4 - The Case of the Delegated Decision Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a new model of Python governance based on a Council of Auditors (CoA) tasked with making final decisions for the language. It differs from PEP 8010 by specifically not proposing a central singular leader, and from PEP 8011 by disallowing core committers from being council members. It describes the size and role of the council, how the initial group of council members will be chosen, any term limits of the council members, and how successors will be elected. It also spends significant time discussing the intended behaviour of this model. By design, many processes are not specified here but are left to the people involved. In order to select people who will make the best decisions, it is important for those involved to understand the expectations of the CoA but it is equally important to allow the CoA the freedom to adjust process requirements for varying circumstances. This only works when process is unspecified, but all participants have similar expectations. This PEP does not name the members of the CoA. Should this model be adopted, it will be codified in PEP 13 along with the names of all officeholders described in this PEP. PEP Rejection PEP 8013 was rejected by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. PEP 8016 and the governance model it describes were chosen instead. The Importance of the Grey Area In any actual decision-making process, there is going to be grey area. This includes unexpected scenarios, and cases where there is no “correct” answer. Many process plans attempt to minimise grey area by defining processes clearly enough that no flexibility is required. This proposal deliberately goes the other way. The aim is to provide a robust framework for choosing the best people to handle unexpected situations, without defining how those people should handle those situations. Examples are provided of “good” responses to some situations as an illustration. The hope is that the “best” people are the best because they would live up to those examples. The process that is proposed has been designed to minimise the damage that may be caused when those people turn out not to be the best. Grey area is guaranteed to exist. This proposal deliberately embraces and works within that, rather than attempting to prevent it. Model Overview Key people and their functions The Council of Auditors (CoA) is a council of varying size, typically two to four people, who are elected for the duration of a Python release. One member of the CoA is considered the President, who has some minor points of authority over the other members. The CoA has responsibility for reviewing controversial decisions in the form of PEPs written by members of the core development team. The CoA may choose to accept a PEP exactly as presented, or may request clarification or changes. These changes may be of any form and for any reason. This flexibility is intentional, and allows the process to change over time as different members are elected to the CoA. See the later sections of this document for examples of the kinds of requests that are expected. The CoA only pronounces on PEPs submitted to python-committers. There is no expectation that the CoA follows or participates on any other mailing lists. (Note that this implies that only core developers may submit PEPs. Non-core developers may write and discuss proposals on other mailing lists, but without a core developer willing to support the proposal by requesting pronouncement, it cannot proceed to acceptance. This is essentially the same as the current system, but is made explicit here to ensure that members of the CoA are not expected to deal with proposals that are not supported by at least one core developer.) The CoA may not delegate authority to individuals who have not been elected by the core developer team. (One relevant case here is that this changes the implementation of the existing BDFL-Delegate system, though without necessarily changing the spirit of that system. See the later sections, particularly example scenario four, for more discussion on this point.) The Release Manager (RM) is also permitted the same ability to request changes on any PEPs that specify the release they are responsible for. After feature freeze, the RM retains this responsibility for their release, while the CoA rotates and begins to focus on the subsequent release. This is no different from the current process. The process for selection of a RM is not changed in this proposal. Core developers are responsible for electing members of the CoA, and have the ability to call a “vote of no confidence” against a member of the CoA. The details of these votes are discussed in a later section. Where discussions between core developers and members of the CoA appear to be ongoing but unfruitful, the President may step in to overrule either party. Where the discussion involves the President, it should be handled using a vote of no confidence. Members of the CoA may choose to resign at any point. If at least two members of the CoA remain, they may request a new election to refill the group. If only one member remains, the election is triggered automatically. (The scenario when the President resigns is described in a later section.) The intended balance of power is that the core developers will elect members of the CoA who reflect the direction and have the trust of the development team, and also have the ability to remove members who do not honour commitments made prior to election. Regular decision process Regular decisions continue to be made as at present. For the sake of clarity, controversial decisions require a PEP, and any decisions requiring a PEP are considered as controversial. The CoA may be asked to advise on whether a decision would be better made using the controversial decision process, or individual members of the CoA may volunteer such a suggestion, but the core development team is not bound by this advice. Controversial decision process Controversial decisions are always written up as PEPs, following the existing process. The approver (formerly “BDFL-Delegate”) is always the CoA, and can no longer be delegated. Note that this does not prevent the CoA from deciding to nominate a core developer to assess the proposal and provide the CoA with a recommendation, which is essentially the same as the current delegation process. The CoA will pronounce on PEPs submitted to python-committers with a request for pronouncement. Any member of the CoA, or the current RM, may request changes to a PEP for any reason, provided they include some indication of what additional work is required to meet their expectations. See later sections for examples of expected reasons. When all members of the CoA and the RM indicate that they have no concerns with a PEP, it is formally accepted. When one or more members of the CoA fail to respond in a reasonable time, the President of the CoA may choose to interpret that as implied approval. Failure of the President to respond should be handled using a vote of no confidence. Election terms Members of the CoA are elected for the duration of a release. The members are elected prior to feature freeze for the previous release, and hold their position until feature freeze for their release. Members may seek re-election as many times as they like. There are no term limits. It is up to the core developers to prevent re-election of the CoA members where there is consensus that the individual should not serve again. Election voting process The election process for each member of the CoA proceeds as follows: a nomination email is sent to python-committers a seconding email is sent the nominee is temporarily added to python-committers for the purpose of introducing themselves and presenting their position voting opens two weeks prior to the scheduled feature freeze of the previous release votes are contributed by modifying a document in a private github repository each core developer may add +1 votes for as many candidates as they like after seven days, voting closes the nominee with the most votes is elected as President of the CoA the next three nominees with the most votes and also at least 50% the number of votes received by the President are elected as the other members of the CoA where ties need to be resolved, the RM may apply one extra vote for their preferred candidates accepted nominees remain on python-committers; others are removed No-confidence voting process A vote of no confidence proceeds as follows: a vote of no confidence email is sent to python-committers, naming the affected member of the CoA, justifying the nomination, and optionally listing accepted PEPs that the nominator believes should be reverted a seconding email is sent within seven days the nominated member of the CoA is allowed seven days to respond, after which the nominator or the seconder may withdraw if no nominator or seconder is available, no further action is taken voting opens immediately each core developer may add a +1 vote (remove the CoA member) or a -1 vote (keep the CoA member) by modifying a document in a private github repository after seven days, voting closes if +1 votes exceed -1 votes, the CoA member is removed from python-committers and any nominated PEPs are reverted if requested by the remaining members of the CoA, or if only one member of the CoA remains, a new election to replace the removed member may be held following the usual process. in the case of removing the President of the CoA, the candidate who originally received the second-most votes becomes President Examples of intended behaviour This section describes some examples of the kind of interactions that we hope to see between the CoA and the core developers. None of these are binding descriptions, but are intended to achieve some consensus on the types of processes we expect. The CoA candidates may campaign on the basis of whatever process they prefer, and core developers should allocate votes on this basis. Scenario 1 - The Case of the Vague PEP Often in the past, initial proposals have lacked sufficient detail to be implementable by anyone other than the proposer. To avoid this, the CoA should read proposals “fresh” when submitted, and without inferring or using any implied context. Then, when an aspect of a PEP is not clear, the CoA can reject the proposal and request clarifications. Since the proposal is rejected, it must be modified and resubmitted in order to be reviewed again. The CoA will determine how much guidance to provide when rejecting the PEP, as that will affect how many times it will likely be resubmitted (and hence affect the CoA’s own workload). This ensures that the final PEP text stands alone with all required information. Scenario 2 - The Case of the Endless Discussion From time to time, a discussion between Python contributors may seem to be no longer providing value. For example, when a large number of emails are repeating points that have already been dealt with, or are actively hostile towards others, there is no point continuing the “discussion”. When such a discussion is occurring on python-committers as part of a request for pronouncement, a member of the CoA should simply declare the thread over by rejecting the proposal. In most known cases, discussion of this sort indicates that not all concerns have been sufficiently addressed in the proposal and the author may need to enhance some sections. Alternatively, and in the absence of any rejection from the other members of the CoA, the President may declare the thread over by accepting the proposal. Ideally this would occur after directly confirming with the rest of the CoA and the RM that there are no concerns among them. When such a discussion is occurring on another list, members of the CoA should be viewed as respected voices similar to other core developers (particularly those core developers who are the named experts for the subject area). While none have specific authority to end a thread, preemptively stating an intent to block a proposal is a useful way to defuse potentially useless discussions. Members of the CoA who voluntarily follow discussions other than on python-committers are allowed to suggest the proposer withdraw, but can only actually approve or reject a proposal that is formally submitted for pronouncement. Scenario 3 - The Case of the Unconsidered Users Some proposals in the past may be written up and submitted for pronouncement without considering the impact on particular groups of users. For example, a proposal that affects the dependencies required to use Python on various machines may have an adverse impact on some users, even if many are unaffected due to the dependencies being typically available by default. Where a proposal does not appear to consider all users, the CoA might choose to use their judgement and past experience to determine that more users are affected by the change than described in the PEP, and request that the PEP also address these users. They should identify the group of users clearly enough that the proposer is able to also identify these users, and either clarify how they were addressed, or made amendments to the PEP to explicitly address them. (Note that this does not involve evaluating the usefulness of the feature to various user groups, but simply whether the PEP indicates that the usefulness of the feature has been evaluated.) Where a proposal appears to have used flawed logic or incorrect data to come to a certain conclusion, the CoA might choose to use other sources of information (such as the prior discussion or a submission from other core developers) to request reconsideration of certain points. The proposer does not necessarily need to use the exact information obtained by the CoA to update their proposal, provided that whatever amendments they make are satisfactory to the CoA. For example, a PEP may indicate that 30% of users would be affected, while the CoA may argue that 70% of users are affected. A successful amendment may include a different but more reliable percentage, or may be rewritten to no longer depend on the number of affected users. Scenario 4 - The Case of the Delegated Decision Some proposals may require review and approval from a specialist in the area. Historically, these would have been handled by appointing a BDFL-Delegate to make the final decision on the proposal. However, in this model, the CoA may not delegate the final decision making process. When the CoA believes that a subject matter expert should decide on a particular proposal, the CoA may nominate one or more individuals (or accept their self-nomination) to a similar position to a BDFL Delegate. The terms of these expert’s role may be set as the CoA sees fit, though the CoA always retains the final approval. As a concrete example, assume a proposal is being discussed about a new language feature. Proponents claim that it will make the language easier for new developers to learn. Even before an official proposal is made, the CoA may indicate that they will not accept the proposal unless person X approves, since person X has a long history teaching Python and their judgement is trusted. (Note that person X need not be a core developer.) Having been given this role, person X is able to drive the discussion and quickly focus it on viable alternatives. Eventually, person X chooses the alternative they are most satisfied with and indicates to the CoA that they approve. The proposal is submitted as usual, and the CoA reviews and accepts it, factoring in person X’s opinion. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8013 – The External Council Governance Model
This PEP proposes a new model of Python governance based on a Council of Auditors (CoA) tasked with making final decisions for the language. It differs from PEP 8010 by specifically not proposing a central singular leader, and from PEP 8011 by disallowing core committers from being council members. It describes the size and role of the council, how the initial group of council members will be chosen, any term limits of the council members, and how successors will be elected.
PEP 8014 – The Commons Governance Model Author: Jack Jansen Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 16-Sep-2018 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection Introduction Rationale Decision Process Council of Elders Council operation Limitation of freedom Council composition Council membership Discussion Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a governance model with as few procedures, defined terms and percentages as possible. It may also be called The Anarchist Governance Model but uses Commons for now because of possible negative connotations of the term Anarchist to some audiences. The basic idea is that all decisions are in principle voted on by the whole community, but in practice voted on by only a subset of the community. A subset, because although the whole community is entitled to vote in practice it will always be only a small subset that vote on a specific decision. The vote is overseen by an impartial council that judges whether the decision has passed or not. The intention is that this council bases its decision not only on the ratio of yes and no votes but also on the total number of votes, on the gravity of the proposal being voted on and possibly the individual voters and how they voted. Thereby this council becomes responsible for ensuring that each individual decision is carried by a sufficient majority. PEP Rejection PEP 8014 was rejected by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. PEP 8016 and the governance model it describes were chosen instead. Introduction The Commons Governance Model tries to ensure that all decisions are endorsed by, or at least is acceptable to, a sufficient majority of the Python community. Unfortunately the previous paragraph has two terms that are very hard to quantify in the general case: sufficient majority and Python community. This is because both terms in reality depend on the specific case that is being decided. To give an example of this difficulty: for a PEP that proposes a backward-compatible change to some API a simple majority of the core developers that were interested in voting on the PEP in the first place is probably sufficient. But for a change that has more farreaching consequences such as a Python3 to Python4 transition a real majority may be wanted, and a demonstration that at least there seems to be sufficient support in the user base. And for a change that transcends the Python-the-language, such as decisions on abolishing non-inclusive language, it becomes very vague. The Commons Governance Model attempts to sidestep this issue by not defining what the terms sufficient majority and Python community mean in the general case, by proposing a body that will decide so in specific cases. The model proposes creating a Council of Elders that oversees the decision process, determining whether a specific proposal has enough support on a case-by-case basis. There will be a vote on every individual PEP, and the Council of Elders will declare whether the outcome of the vote is sufficient to carry the decision in this specific case. The model addresses only the roles traditionally held by the BDFL in the decision process, not other roles. The term Commons in the model name is loosely based on its historic use as a shared resource to be used by all and cared for by all. The picture you should have in mind with this model is a sizeable group of peasants discussing some plan for the future on the village green on a warm summer evening, after which the vote is taken and the village elders pronounce the outcome. Then the banquet begins. The Commons Governance Model is different from most of the other governance proposals (with the possible exception of 8012), because it explicitly places supreme power with the whole community. Rationale The rationale for the model is that a model that casts everything in concrete will have unintended negative side effects. For example, a governance model that assigns voting rights to Python committers may cause an individual not to be accepted as a committer because there are already a lot of committers from the company the new candidate works for. As another example, setting a fixed percentage for PEP acceptance may lead to party-formation amongst the voters and individual PEPs no longer be being judged on individual merit but along party lines (if you support my PEP I will support yours). There is also the issue that one-person-one-vote is not the best model for something like Python. Again an example: in case of a split vote (or a vote sufficiently close to being split) the opinion of core developer Guido van Rossum should probably outweigh the opinion of core developer Jack Jansen. Trying to formalize this in a voting model is going to lead to a very complex model, that is going to be wrong on boundary cases anyway. The model presented here leaves deciding on such issues to the (hopefully sensible) council of elders. Decision Process All important decisions go through a PEP process. Each PEP has someone responsible for it, called the author here, but that does not have to be a single person, and it does not have to be the person that actually wrote the text. So for author you could also read champion or shepherd or something like that. The PEP author is responsible for organizing a vote on the PEP. This vote is public, i.e. the voters are identified and the results are known to all. Voting may be simple +1/0/-1, but might also be extended with +2/-2 with a very terse explanation why the voter feels very strong about the issue. Such an annotation would serve as an explanation to the Council of Elders. Voters are annotated with their community status (core developer, etc). The vote is clearly separated from the discussion, by using a well-defined Discourse category or tag, a special mailing list or a similar technical method (such as a website vote.python.org where people have to log in so their community status can be automatically added, and their identity can be somewhat confirmed). The PEP author presents the PEP and the vote results to the Council of Elders. The council ponders two things: the PEP gravity and its implications, the measureable vote results (how many people voted, which individuals voted, what they voted). They pronounce a tentative decision on whether the vote passed and this decision is published. If the decision is that the vote results do not demonstrate enough support from the community for the decision the burden is on the author to try and gather more support and resubmit the vote at a later date. Alternatively the author can retract the proposal. The period for gathering more support is time-limited, a month seems a reasonable time, if no vote has been resubmitted after that period the proposal is rejected. If the tentative decision is that the results do demonstrate enough support a fairly short waiting period starts (in the order of weeks). During this period anyone can appeal to the Council of Elders, but only on the grounds that the vote does not reflect a sufficient majority of the community. After the waiting period the council pronounces a final decision. The PEP is either accepted or, if the council is swayed by an appeal, goes back to the state where more support has to be demonstrated. Council of Elders The intention of the Council of Elders is that they, together, are capable of judging whether the will of the Python community is upheld in a specific vote. The Council of Elders is not a replacement of the BDFL by a group of people with the same power as the BDFL: it will not provide guidance on the direction of Python, it only attempts to ensure the outcome of a vote represents the will of the community. The Council of Elders is not like the US Supreme Court, which has actual decision power, the council only oversees the voting process to ensure that the community is represented in the vote. And the Council of Elders is most definitely not like the Spanish Inquisition, because fear, surprise and ruthless efficiency are things we can do without (but there is some merit in using the cute scarlet regalia). The council is somewhat like the Dutch Hoge Raad (which is unfortunately often translated as Supreme Court in English) in that they judge the process and the procedures followed and can only send cases back for a renewed judgement. It is also somewhat like the election commission that many countries have (under different names) in that it oversees elections. Council operation The council members are volunteers, and most likely have other roles within the Python community as well (not to mention a life outside Python). This means that the workload on the members should be kept to a minimum. It also means that it should be clear when an individual council members speak as council member and when they speak as themselves. And we should care about the emotional load: council members should not be held accountable for decisions by random flamers on the Python mailing list. The proposal attempts to minimize the workload through two methods: Most of the actual work is to be done by the PEP author and the community, the Council of Elders does not organize the vote and tally the results. The idea behind the first tentative decision is mistakes by the Council of elders (misjudging how far-reaching a PEP is, most likely) are not fatal, because the community has a chance to point out these mistakes.Practically speaking this means that the tentative decision can be taken by a subset of the council, depending on the community to correct them. Getting seven hard-working professionals together every two weeks, even by email, may be a bit much to ask. Clarifying when an individual Elder speaks on behalf of the Council is probably best done by using a special email address, or some Discourse topic into which only Elders can post. There is an analogy here with the Pope speaking Ex Cathedra or just as himself (in which case he is not infallible). The elders are most likely respected members of the community and it would be a bad idea if they feel they cannot voice their personal opinion on a PEP because they are on the council. Discussion of community members with the Council of Elders, i.e. when appealing a decision, should be done in a different forum (Discourse topic, mailing list). The decisions of the Council of Elders should be seen as decisions of the council as a whole, not as decisions of the individual members. In a first implementation Elders should post under their own name (with the fact that they speak as a council member conferred by the topic they post to, or possibly a special badge). If it turns out that Elders become individual targets for ad-hominem attacks we should revisit this and come up with some method of anonymity. Limitation of freedom If a specific vote has a true majority (for or against) of core team members (more than 50% + 1 of all core team members) that outcome passes. If a specific vote has a true majority (for or against) of PSF voting members (more than 50% + 1) that outcome passes. And, for completeness, if both of the previous statements are true but with opposite outcomes the core team members win. The main reason for having this limitation is that it allows decisions to be made (albeit with effort) if there is no functioning Council of Elders at any particular moment. Council composition The council should not be too big nor too small, probably somewhere between 5 and 10 members. There is no reason to fix this number. The members should be knowledgeable about Python and the Python community, and willing to be impartial while operating as part of the council. Council members may be core developers but this is not a requirement. Everyone in the community should feel represented by the council so it would be good if the council is diverse: scientists and technologists, progressives and conservatives (with respect to the Python language), people with different cultural backgrounds, genders, age, etc But: this should hold for the council as a whole. Individual council members should not be seen as representing a specific interest group. Council membership Because the powers of the council are purely procedural it is probably good if members serve for a fairly long time. However, it would still be good if the council was reinstated regularly. Therefore, the suggestion is to have the council operate under the PSF umbrella and be subject of a yearly vote of confidence. This vote is for the council as a whole: people who vote against the council should be aware that they are basically saying “Python is better off without a Council of Elders than with you lot”. The council normally co-opts new Elders, probably because an individual is seen to have knowledge about a specific part of the Python community (or language) in which the council is lacking. Everyone is free to suggest new Elders to the council (including themselves) but the council is free to ignore the suggestion. Council members should be free to retire at any time. An individual council member can be retired by a unanimous vote by the rest of the council. There is an emergency brake procedure to get rid of a non-functioning council. A single Elder or a group of 10 core developers or PSF voting members can ask for an immediate reinstating vote of the council as a whole (presumably with the intention that the council lose their mandate). If this vote has been requested by an Elder that individual immediately lose their council position, independent of the outcome of the vote. If the vote has been requested by community members and the council is reinstated this procedure cannot be invoked again for a year. If there is no functioning council (the current initial situation, or after the council have lost their mandate after a vote of no confidence) an initial council must be selected. Through the normal communication channels (discourse, mailing lists) members can be suggested by anyone (including themselves). After discussion amongst the nominees and in the whole community a group of at least three individuals should emerge that ask for an initial vote to instate them as Council of Elders. The intention of this procedure is that by the time such a group of individuals emerges and asks for a vote of confidence they expect an overwhelming mandate. Discussion This PEP does not handle other roles of the BDFL, only the voting process. Most importantly, the direction of Python in the long term is not expected to be handled by the Council of Elders. This falls to the community as a whole (or to individual members of the community, most likely). There is also the role of figurehead or spokesperson to represent Python and the Python community to the outside world. Again, this is not a role that should be handled by the Council of Elders, in my opinion, but by some other person or body. Note that this proposal most likely favors conservatism over progression. Or, at least, the danger of it leading to stagnation is bigger than the danger of it leading to reckless blazing ahead into unknown territories. So: we should realise that it is unlikely that a PEP like PEP 572 will pass if this model is in place. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8014 – The Commons Governance Model
This PEP proposes a governance model with as few procedures, defined terms and percentages as possible. It may also be called The Anarchist Governance Model but uses Commons for now because of possible negative connotations of the term Anarchist to some audiences.
PEP 8015 – Organization of the Python community Author: Victor Stinner Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 04-Oct-2018 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection Rationale Common Guidelines Community Organization Python Users Python Contributors Python Teams Python Core Developers Promote a contributor as core developer Python Steering Committee Python Steering Committee Roles Election of Python Steering Committee Members Election Creating the Python Steering Committee Members Special Case: Steering Committee Members And PEPs PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup Charter Special Case: Ban a core developer PEP process Vote on a PEP Lack of Decision Change this PEP Annex: Summary on votes Annex: Examples of Python Teams Packaging Team IDLE Team Mentorship Team Documentation Team Security Team Performance Team Asynchronous Programming Team Type Hints Team Version History Copyright Abstract This PEP formalizes the current organization of the Python community and proposes 3 main changes: Formalize the existing concept of “Python teams”; Give more autonomy to Python teams; Replace the BDFL (Guido van Rossum) with a new “Python Steering Committee” of 5 members which has limited roles: basically decide how decisions are taken, but don’t take decisions. PEPs are approved by a PEP delegate or by a vote (reserved to core developers, need >= 2/3 majority). PEP Rejection PEP 8015 was rejected by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. PEP 8016 and the governance model it describes were chosen instead. Rationale This PEP describes the organization of the whole Python development community, from Python users to the Python Steering Committee. Describing all groups and all roles in the same document helps to make the organization more consistent. The number of governance changes is minimized to get a smooth transition from the old BDFL organization to the new Steering Committee organization. One key design of the organization is to avoid decision bottlenecks. Discussions and decisions are distributed into Python teams where experts in each topic can be found. The expectation is smoother discussions on PEPs: fewer people with better knowledge of the topic. Previously, most decisions have been taken by the Benevolent Dictator For Life (BDFL), Guido van Rossum. The growing popularity of Python increased the pressure on a single person. The proposed organization distributes decisions and responsibilities to reduce the pressure and avoid wearing any individual down. To keep most of the decision power within the hands of the community, the Python Steering Committee has very limited roles. The idea is to reduce the risk that a group of people or companies “takes over” the Python project through just a couple individuals. The project must remain autonomous and open to everybody. The most sensitives PEPs are decided by democracy: a vote reserved to core developers, see the PEP process section below for the voting method. Common Guidelines The Python community is open to everyone. Members must respect the Python Community Code of Conduct which ensures that discussions remain constructive and that everybody feels welcomed. Python is and will remain an autonomous project. People with decisions power should reflect the diversity of its users and contributors. Community Organization Right now, there are different group of people involved in the Python project. The more involved you are, the more decisions power you get. It is important that the people acceding to the deepest group are the most trusted ones. This PEP formalizes the following groups: Python Users Python Contributors Python Teams Members Python Core Developers Python Steering Committee Members PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup Python Users This is the largest group: anyone who uses Python. Python Contributors Once a Python user sends an email to a Python mailing list, comments on the Python bug tracker, proposes or reviews a Python change, they become a Python contributor. Python Teams Python became too big to work as a unique team anymore, people naturally have grouped themselves as teams to work more closely on specific topics, sometimes called “Special Interest Group” (SIG). When enough developers are interested by a specific topic, they can create a new team. Usually, the main action is to ask the Python postmaster to create a new “SIG” mailing list, but the team can choose to use a different communication channel. Team members are Python contributors and Python core developers. The team is self-organized and is responsible to select who can join the team and how. Team members can get the bug triage permission on the team bug tracker component. The more involved in a team you are, the more decisions power and responsibilities you get. A team might become allowed to decide on their own PEPs, but only the Python Steering Committee can allow that (and it has the power to revoke it as well). Such a case is exceptional, currently a single team has such permission: the Packaging Team. See Annex: Examples of Python Teams. Python Core Developers One restricted definition of a core developer is the ability to merge a change (anywhere in the code) and have the bug triage permission (on all bug tracker components). Core developers are developers who are proven to have the required skills to decide if a change can be approved or must be rejected, but also (and this is more important) what changes should not be made. Python has a long history, big constraints on backward compatibility, high quality standards (ex: changes require new tests). For these reasons, becoming a core can take several months or longer. Becoming a core developer means more responsibilities. For example, if a developer merges a change, they become responsible for regressions and for the maintenance of that modified code. Core developers are expected to be exemplary when it comes to the Code of Conduct. They are encouraged to mentor contributors. Promote a contributor as core developer Once an existing core developer considers that a contributor is ready to join the core group, to become a core developer, that core developer asks the contributor if they would like to become a core developer. If the contributor is interested in such new responsibilities, a vote is organized. The vote is reserved to core developers, is public, and is open for 1 week. Usually the core developer who proposes the promotion has to describe the work and skills of the candidate in the description of the vote. A contributor is only promoted if two thirds (>= 2/3) of votes approve (“+1”) the promotion. Only “+1” and “-1” votes are accounted; other votes (ex: null, “-0”, “+0.5”) are ignored. If the candidate is promoted, usually they get a mentor for 1 month to help them to handle new responsibilities. If the candidate is not promoted, a new vote can be organized later, when the candidate gets the missing skills, for example 6 months later. Python Steering Committee The Python Steering Committee is made of the most trusted core developers since it has the most decision power. The roles of this group are strictly limited to ensure that Python keeps its autonomy and remains open. The Python Steering Committee is composed of 5 members. They are elected for 3 years and 1/3 is replaced every year (first year: 1, second year: 2, third year: 2). This way, a member will stay for one full Python release and the committee composition will be updated frequently. A committee member can be a candidate for the seat they are leaving. There are no term limits. Committee members must be Python core developers. It is important that the members of the committee reflect the diversity of Python’ users and contributors. A small step to ensure that is to enforce that only 2 members (strictly less than 50% of the 5 members) can work for the same employer (same company or subsidiaries of the same company). The size of 5 members has been chosen for the members diversity and to ensure that the committee can continue to work even if a member becomes unavailable for an unknown duration. Python Steering Committee Roles Python Steering Committee roles: Decide how a PEP is approved (or rejected or deferred). Grant or revoke permissions to a Python team. For example, allow a team to give the bug triage permission (on the team component) to a contributor. To decide how a PEP is approved (or rejected or deferred), there are two options: The committee elects a PEP delegate (previously known as “BDFL-delegate”): a core developer who will take the final decision for the specific PEP. The committee select the PEP delegate who can be proposed by the Python team where the PEP is discussed. The committee can organize a vote on the PEP, see PEP process for the vote organization. The committee decides when the vote is organized. A vote is preferred for changes affecting all Python users, like language changes. The committee keeps the “vision” and consistency of Python. It also makes sure that important features reach completion. Their ability to pick PEP delegates is meant to help them to achieve that goal. Election of Python Steering Committee Members The vote is organized by the Steering Committee. It is announced 3 weeks in advance: candidates have to apply during this period. The vote is reserved to core developers and is open for 1 week. To avoid self-censorship, the vote uses secret ballots: avoid the risk of hostility from someone who may get more power (if they get elected). The vote uses the Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD variant of the Condorcet method using an online service like Condorcet Internet Voting Service (CIVS). This voting method reduces the risk of tie. It also produces a ranking of all candidates, needed for the creation of the committee. In case of tie, a new vote is organized immediately between candidates involved in the tie using the same voting method and also during 1 week. If the second vote leads to a tie again, the current Steering Committee is responsible to select the elected member(s). If a committee member steps down, a new vote is organized to replace them. If the situation of a committee member changes in a way that no longer satisfies the committee constraint (ex: they move to the same company as two other committee members), they have to resign. If the employer of a member is acquired by the employer of two other members, the member with the mandate ending earlier has to resign once the acquisition completes. Election Creating the Python Steering Committee Members To bootstrap the process, 5 members are elected at the committee creation. The vote follows the same rules than regular committee votes, except that the election needs 5 members, and the vote is organized by the PSF Board. In a council election, if 3 of the top 5 vote-getters work for the same employer, then whichever of them ranked lowest is disqualified and the 6th-ranking candidate moves up into 5th place; this is repeated until a valid council is formed. In case of tie, a second vote is organized immediately between candidates involved in the tie and following candidates to fill the remaining seats. The vote follows the same rules as the regular committee vote. If the second vote still result in a tie, the PSF Board is responsible to elect members and decide their position in the vote result. The order in the vote result must be unique for elected members: #1 and #2 are elected for 3 years, #2 and #3 for 2 years, and #5 for 1 year. Example of vote result with a tie: A B C D E, F G … The first 4 candidates (A, B, C and D) are elected immediately. If E works for the same employer than two other elected member, F is also elected. Otherwise, a second vote is organized for the 5th seat between E and F. Special Case: Steering Committee Members And PEPs A committee member can be a PEP delegate. A committee member can propose a PEP, but cannot be the PEP delegate of their own PEP. When the committee decides that a PEP must be voted, committee members can vote as they are also core developers, but they don’t have more power than other core developer. PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup Charter The workgroup’s purpose is to foster a diverse and inclusive Python community by enforcing the PSF code of conduct, along with providing guidance and recommendations to the Python community on codes of conduct, that supports the PSF mission of “ongoing development of Python-related technology and educational resources”. We work toward this common goal in three ways: Review, revise, and advise on policies relating to the PSF code of conducts and other communities that the PSF supports. This includes any #python chat community & python.org email list under PSF jurisdiction. Create a standard set of codes of conduct and supporting documents for multiple channels of interaction such as, but not limited to, conferences, mailing lists, slack/IRC, code repositories, and more. Develop training materials and other processes to support Python community organizers in implementing and enforcing the code of conduct. The organization of this workgroup is defined by the ConductWG Charter. Special Case: Ban a core developer As any other member of the Python community, the PSF Code of Conduct Workgroup can ban a core developer for a limited amount of time. In this case, the core developer immediately loses their core developer status. Core developers are expected to be exemplary when it comes to the Code of Conduct. In general, a ban is only the last resort action when all other options have been exhausted. At the end of the ban, the developer is allowed to contribute again as a regular contributor. If the developer changes their behavior, another core developer can organize a new vote to propose the developer for promotion to core developer. The vote follows the same process than for any other Python contributor. PEP process There are 2 main roles on PEPs: PEP Authors PEP Delegate PEP Authors do their best to write high quality PEP. The PEP delegate is responsible to help the authors to enhance their PEP and is the one taking the final decision (accept, reject or defer the PEP). They can also help to guide the discussion. If no decision is taken, the authors can propose again the PEP later (ex: one year later), if possible with new data to motivate the change. A PEP Delegate can also choose to mark a PEP as “Deferred” to not reject the PEP and encourage to reopen the discussion later. PEPs specific to a Python team are discussed on the team mailing list. PEPs impacting all Python developers (like language changes) must be discussed on the python-dev mailing list. Vote on a PEP When the Python Steering Committee decides that a PEP needs a wider approval, a vote is organized. The vote is reserved to core developers, is public, is announced 1 week in advance, and is open for 1 week. The PEP can still be updated during the 1 week notice, but must not be modified during the vote. Such vote happens on the mailing list where the PEP has been discussed. The committee decides when the vote is organized. The PEP must have been discussed for a reasonable amount of time before it is put to vote. A PEP is only approved if two thirds (>= 2/3) of votes approve (“+1”) the PEP. Only “+1” and “-1” votes are accounted; other votes (ex: null, “-0”, “+0.5”) are ignored. A PEP can only be approved or rejected by a vote, not be deferred. Lack of Decision If a discussion fails to reach a consensus, if the Python Steering Committee fail to choose a PEP delegate, or if a PEP delegate fails to take a decision, the obvious risk is that Python fails to evolve. That’s fine. Sometimes, doing nothing is the wisest choice. Change this PEP The first version of this PEP has been written after Guido van Rossum decided to resign from his role of BDFL in July 2018. Before this PEP, the roles of Python community members have never been formalized. It is difficult to design a perfect organization at the first attempt. This PEP can be updated in the future to adjust the organization, specify how to handle corner cases and fix mistakes. Any change to this PEP must be validated by a vote. The vote is announced 3 weeks in advance, is reserved to core developers, happens in public on the python-committers mailing list, and is open for 1 week. The proposed PEP change can still be updated during the 3 weeks notice, but must not be modified during the vote. The change is only approved if four fifths (>= 4/5) of votes approve (“+1”) the change. Only “+1” and “-1” votes are accounted; other votes (ex: null, “-0”, “+0.5”) are ignored. Annex: Summary on votes Vote Notice Open Ballot Method Promote contributor none 1 week public >= 2/3 majority PEP 1 week 1 week public >= 2/3 majority Change this PEP 3 weeks 1 week public >= 4/5 majority Steering Committee 3 weeks 1 week private Condorcet (Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD) All these votes are reserved to core developers. Annex: Examples of Python Teams Below are examples of some Python teams (the list will not be kept up to date in this PEP). Packaging Team The packaging team runs its own PEP category and can approve (or reject) their own PEPs. Website: packaging.python.org Mailing list: distutils-sig Bug tracker component: Distutils Example of members: Paul Moore, Alyssa Coghlan, Donald Stuff Stdlib module: distutils Current PEP delegate: Paul Moore IDLE Team IDLE is a special case in the Python standard library: it’s a whole application, not just a module. For this reason, it has been decided that the code will be the same in all Python stable branches (whereas the stdlib diverges in newer stable branches). Bug tracker component: IDLE Example of members: Terry Reedy, Cheryl Sabella, Serhiy Storchaka Stdlib module: idlelib Mentorship Team Becoming a core developer is long and slow process. Mentorship is an efficient way to train contributors as future core developers and build a trust relationship. Websites: https://www.python.org/dev/core-mentorship/ https://devguide.python.org/ Repository: https://github.com/python/devguide Mailing list: core-mentorship (private archives) Example of members: Guido van Rossum, Carol Willing, Victor Stinner Note: The group is not responsible to promote core developers. Documentation Team Mailing list: doc-sig Bug tracker component: Documentation GitHub tag: type-doc Example of members: Julien Palard, INADA Naoki, Raymond Hettinger. The team also manages documentation translations. See also the Mentorship team which maintains the “Devguide”. Security Team Website: https://www.python.org/news/security/ Mailing lists: security@python.org (to report vulnerabilities) security-sig (public list) Stdlib modules: hashlib, secrets and ssl Example of members: Christian Heimes, Benjamin Peterson The security@python.org mailing list is invite-only: only members of the “Python Security Response Team” (PSRT) can read emails and reply; whereas security-sig is public. Note: This team rarely proposed PEPs. Performance Team Website: https://speed.python.org/ Mailing list: speed Repositories: https://github.com/python/performance https://github.com/tobami/codespeed Bug tracker type: Performance GitHub label: type-performance Stdlib module: cProfile, profile, pstats and timeit Example of members: Victor Stinner, INADA Naoki, Serhiy Storchaka Usually PEPs involving performance impact everybody and so are discussed on the python-dev mailing list, rather than the speed mailing list. Asynchronous Programming Team Website: https://docs.python.org/dev/library/asyncio.html Mailing list: async-sig Bug tracker component: asyncio GitHub label: expert-asyncio Stdlib modules: asyncio and contextvars Example of members: Andrew Sveltov, Yury Selivanov PEP only modifying asyncio and contextvars can be discussed on the async-sig mailing list, whereas changes impacting the Python language must be discussed on python-dev. Type Hints Team Website: http://mypy-lang.org/ Repository: https://github.com/python/typing GitHub label for mypy project: topic-pep-484 Stdlib modules: typing Example of members: Guido van Rossum, Ivan Levkivskyi, Jukka Lehtosalo, Łukasz Langa, Mark Shannon. Note: There is a backport for Python 3.6 and older, see typing on PyPI. Version History History of this PEP: Version 7: Adjust the Steering Committee The Steering Committee is now made of 5 people instead of 3. There are no term limits (instead of a limit of 2 mandates: 6 years in total). A committee member can now be a PEP delegate. Version 6: Adjust votes Specify the Condorcet method: use Schulze/Beatpath/CSSD variant to elect Python Steering Committee members. Specify how to deal with tie and the constraint on the employers. Vote on promoting a contributor and on PEPs now requires >= 2/3 rather than 50%+1. Vote on changing this PEP now requires >= 4/5 rather than 50%+1. Explain how to deal with a company acquisition. Version 5: Election of Python Steering Committee Members uses secret ballots Version 4: Adjust votes: open for 1 week instead of 1 month, and announced in advance. Rename the “Python Core Board” to the “Python Steering Committee”; Clarify that this committee doesn’t approve PEPs and that committee members cannot cumulate more than 2 mandates; Add the “Type Hints” team to the annex. Version 3: Add “Special Case: Ban a core developer” and “How to update this PEP” sections. Version 2: Rename the “Python board” to the “Python Core Board”, to avoid confusion with the PSF Board. Version 1: First version posted to python-committers and discuss.python.org. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8015 – Organization of the Python community
This PEP formalizes the current organization of the Python community and proposes 3 main changes:
PEP 8016 – The Steering Council Model Author: Nathaniel J. Smith, Donald Stufft Status: Accepted Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 01-Nov-2018 Table of Contents Note Abstract PEP Acceptance Rationale Specification The steering council Composition Mandate Powers Electing the council Term Vacancies Conflicts of interest Ejecting core team members Vote of no confidence The core team Role Prerogatives Membership Changing this document TODO Acknowledgements Copyright Note This PEP is retained for historical purposes, but the official governance document is now PEP 13. Abstract This PEP proposes a model of Python governance based around a steering council. The council has broad authority, which they seek to exercise as rarely as possible; instead, they use this power to establish standard processes, like those proposed in the other 801x-series PEPs. This follows the general philosophy that it’s better to split up large changes into a series of small changes that can be reviewed independently: instead of trying to do everything in one PEP, we focus on providing a minimal-but-solid foundation for further governance decisions. PEP Acceptance PEP 8016 was accepted by a core developer vote described in PEP 8001 on Monday, December 17, 2018. Rationale The main goals of this proposal are: Be boring: We’re not experts in governance, and we don’t think Python is a good place to experiment with new and untried governance models. So this proposal sticks to mature, well-known, previously tested processes as much as possible. The high-level approach of a mostly-hands-off council is arguably the most common across large successful F/OSS projects, and low-level details are derived directly from Django’s governance. Be simple: We’ve attempted to pare things down to the minimum needed to make this workable: the council, the core team (who elect the council), and the process for changing the document. The goal is Minimum Viable Governance. Be comprehensive: But for the things we need to define, we’ve tried to make sure to cover all the bases, because we don’t want to go through this kind of crisis again. Having a clear and unambiguous set of rules also helps minimize confusion and resentment. Be flexible and light-weight: We know that it will take time and experimentation to find the best processes for working together. By keeping this document as minimal as possible, we keep maximal flexibility for adjusting things later, while minimizing the need for heavy-weight and anxiety-provoking processes like whole-project votes. A number of details were discussed in this Discourse thread, and then this thread has further discussion. These may be useful to anyone trying to understand the rationale for various minor decisions. Specification The steering council Composition The steering council is a 5-person committee. Mandate The steering council shall work to: Maintain the quality and stability of the Python language and CPython interpreter, Make contributing as accessible, inclusive, and sustainable as possible, Formalize and maintain the relationship between the core team and the PSF, Establish appropriate decision-making processes for PEPs, Seek consensus among contributors and the core team before acting in a formal capacity, Act as a “court of final appeal” for decisions where all other methods have failed. Powers The council has broad authority to make decisions about the project. For example, they can: Accept or reject PEPs Enforce or update the project’s code of conduct Work with the PSF to manage any project assets Delegate parts of their authority to other subcommittees or processes However, they cannot modify this PEP, or affect the membership of the core team, except via the mechanisms specified in this PEP. The council should look for ways to use these powers as little as possible. Instead of voting, it’s better to seek consensus. Instead of ruling on individual PEPs, it’s better to define a standard process for PEP decision making (for example, by accepting one of the other 801x series of PEPs). It’s better to establish a Code of Conduct committee than to rule on individual cases. And so on. To use its powers, the council votes. Every council member must either vote or explicitly abstain. Members with conflicts of interest on a particular vote must abstain. Passing requires support from a majority of non-abstaining council members. Whenever possible, the council’s deliberations and votes shall be held in public. Electing the council A council election consists of two phases: Phase 1: Candidates advertise their interest in serving. Candidates must be nominated by a core team member. Self-nominations are allowed. Phase 2: Each core team member can vote for zero to five of the candidates. Voting is performed anonymously. Candidates are ranked by the total number of votes they receive. If a tie occurs, it may be resolved by mutual agreement among the candidates, or else the winner will be chosen at random. Each phase lasts one to two weeks, at the outgoing council’s discretion. For the initial election, both phases will last two weeks. The election process is managed by a returns officer nominated by the outgoing steering council. For the initial election, the returns officer will be nominated by the PSF Executive Director. The council should ideally reflect the diversity of Python contributors and users, and core team members are encouraged to vote accordingly. Term A new council is elected after each feature release. Each council’s term runs from when their election results are finalized until the next council’s term starts. There are no term limits. Vacancies Council members may resign their position at any time. Whenever there is a vacancy during the regular council term, the council may vote to appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of the term. If a council member drops out of touch and cannot be contacted for a month or longer, then the rest of the council may vote to replace them. Conflicts of interest While we trust council members to act in the best interests of Python rather than themselves or their employers, the mere appearance of any one company dominating Python development could itself be harmful and erode trust. In order to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest, at most 2 members of the council can work for any single employer. In a council election, if 3 of the top 5 vote-getters work for the same employer, then whichever of them ranked lowest is disqualified and the 6th-ranking candidate moves up into 5th place; this is repeated until a valid council is formed. During a council term, if changing circumstances cause this rule to be broken (for instance, due to a council member changing employment), then one or more council members must resign to remedy the issue, and the resulting vacancies can then be filled as normal. Ejecting core team members In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to remove someone from the core team against their will. (For example: egregious and ongoing code of conduct violations.) This can be accomplished by a steering council vote, but unlike other steering council votes, this requires at least a two-thirds majority. With 5 members voting, this means that a 3:2 vote is insufficient; 4:1 in favor is the minimum required for such a vote to succeed. In addition, this is the one power of the steering council which cannot be delegated, and this power cannot be used while a vote of no confidence is in process. If the ejected core team member is also on the steering council, then they are removed from the steering council as well. Vote of no confidence In exceptional circumstances, the core team may remove a sitting council member, or the entire council, via a vote of no confidence. A no-confidence vote is triggered when a core team member calls for one publicly on an appropriate project communication channel, and another core team member seconds the proposal. The vote lasts for two weeks. Core team members vote for or against. If at least two thirds of voters express a lack of confidence, then the vote succeeds. There are two forms of no-confidence votes: those targeting a single member, and those targeting the council as a whole. The initial call for a no-confidence vote must specify which type is intended. If a single-member vote succeeds, then that member is removed from the council and the resulting vacancy can be handled in the usual way. If a whole-council vote succeeds, the council is dissolved and a new council election is triggered immediately. The core team Role The core team is the group of trusted volunteers who manage Python. They assume many roles required to achieve the project’s goals, especially those that require a high level of trust. They make the decisions that shape the future of the project. Core team members are expected to act as role models for the community and custodians of the project, on behalf of the community and all those who rely on Python. They will intervene, where necessary, in online discussions or at official Python events on the rare occasions that a situation arises that requires intervention. They have authority over the Python Project infrastructure, including the Python Project website itself, the Python GitHub organization and repositories, the bug tracker, the mailing lists, IRC channels, etc. Prerogatives Core team members may participate in formal votes, typically to nominate new team members and to elect the steering council. Membership Python core team members demonstrate: a good grasp of the philosophy of the Python Project a solid track record of being constructive and helpful significant contributions to the project’s goals, in any form willingness to dedicate some time to improving Python As the project matures, contributions go beyond code. Here’s an incomplete list of areas where contributions may be considered for joining the core team, in no particular order: Working on community management and outreach Providing support on the mailing lists and on IRC Triaging tickets Writing patches (code, docs, or tests) Reviewing patches (code, docs, or tests) Participating in design decisions Providing expertise in a particular domain (security, i18n, etc.) Managing the continuous integration infrastructure Managing the servers (website, tracker, documentation, etc.) Maintaining related projects (alternative interpreters, core infrastructure like packaging, etc.) Creating visual designs Core team membership acknowledges sustained and valuable efforts that align well with the philosophy and the goals of the Python project. It is granted by receiving at least two-thirds positive votes in a core team vote and no veto by the steering council. Core team members are always looking for promising contributors, teaching them how the project is managed, and submitting their names to the core team’s vote when they’re ready. There’s no time limit on core team membership. However, in order to provide the general public with a reasonable idea of how many people maintain Python, core team members who have stopped contributing are encouraged to declare themselves as “inactive”. Those who haven’t made any non-trivial contribution in two years may be asked to move themselves to this category, and moved there if they don’t respond. To record and honor their contributions, inactive team members will continue to be listed alongside active core team members; and, if they later resume contributing, they can switch back to active status at will. While someone is in inactive status, though, they lose their active privileges like voting or nominating for the steering council, and commit access. The initial active core team members will consist of everyone currently listed in the “Python core” team on GitHub, and the initial inactive members will consist of everyone else who has been a committer in the past. Changing this document Changes to this document require at least a two-thirds majority of votes cast in a core team vote. TODO Lots of people contributed helpful suggestions and feedback; we should check if they’re comfortable being added as co-authors It looks like Aymeric Augustin wrote the whole Django doc, so presumably holds copyright; maybe we should ask him if he’s willing to release it into the public domain so our copyright statement below can be simpler. Acknowledgements Substantial text was copied shamelessly from The Django project’s governance document. Copyright Text copied from Django used under their license. The rest of this document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 8016 – The Steering Council Model
This PEP proposes a model of Python governance based around a steering council. The council has broad authority, which they seek to exercise as rarely as possible; instead, they use this power to establish standard processes, like those proposed in the other 801x-series PEPs. This follows the general philosophy that it’s better to split up large changes into a series of small changes that can be reviewed independently: instead of trying to do everything in one PEP, we focus on providing a minimal-but-solid foundation for further governance decisions.
PEP 8100 – January 2019 Steering Council election Author: Nathaniel J. Smith <njs at pobox.com>, Ee Durbin <ee at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Governance Created: 03-Jan-2019 Table of Contents Abstract Returns officer Schedule Candidates Voter Roll Election Implementation Configuration Questions Question 1 Results Copyright Complete Voter Roll Active Python core developers Abstract This document describes the schedule and other details of the January 2019 election for the Python steering council, as specified in PEP 13. This is the first steering council election. Returns officer In future elections, the returns officer will be appointed by the outgoing steering council. Since this is the first election, we have no outgoing steering council, and PEP 13 says that the returns officer is instead appointed by the PSF Executive Director, Ewa Jodlowska. She appointed Ee Durbin. Schedule There will be a two-week nomination period, followed by a two-week vote. The nomination period is: January 7, 2019 through January 20, 2019 The voting period is: January 21, 2019 12:00 UTC through February 4, 2019 12:00 UTC (The end of February 3, 2019 Anywhere on Earth) Candidates Candidates must be nominated by a core team member. If the candidate is a core team member, they may nominate themselves. Once the nomination period opens, candidates will be listed here: Brett Cannon Alyssa (Nick) Coghlan Barry Warsaw Guido van Rossum Victor Stinner Yury Selivanov David Mertz Łukasz Langa Benjamin Peterson Mariatta Carol Willing Emily Morehouse Peter Wang Donald Stufft Travis Oliphant Kushal Das Gregory P. Smith Voter Roll All active Python core team members are eligible to vote. Ballots will be distributed based on the The Python Voter Roll for this election [1]. While this file is not public as it contains private email addresses, the Complete Voter Roll by name is available. Election Implementation The election will be conducted using the Helios Voting Service. Configuration Short name: 2019-python-steering-committee Name: 2019 Python Steering Committee Election Description: Election for the Python steering council, as specified in PEP 13. This is the first steering council election. type: Election Use voter aliases: [X] Randomize answer order: [X] Private: [X] Help Email Address: ee@python.org Voting starts at: January 21, 2019 12:00 UTC Voting ends at: February 4, 2019 12:00 UTC This will create an election in which: Voting is not open to the public, only those on the Voter Roll may participate. Ballots will be emailed when voting starts. Candidates are presented in random order, to help avoid bias. Voter identities and ballots are protected against cryptographic advances. Questions Question 1 Select between 0 and 5 answers. Result Type: absolute Question: Select candidates for the Python Steering Council Answer #1 - #N: Candidates from Candidates_ Section Results Of the 96 eligible voters, 69 cast ballots. The top five vote-getters are: Barry Warsaw Brett Cannon Carol Willing Guido van Rossum Alyssa (Nick) Coghlan No conflict of interest as defined in PEP 13 were observed. The full vote counts are as follows: Candidate Votes Received Guido van Rossum 45 Brett Cannon 44 Carol Willing 33 Barry Warsaw 31 Alyssa (Nick) Coghlan 25 Benjamin Peterson 22 Łukasz Langa 21 Victor Stinner 21 Mariatta 20 Emily Morehouse 18 Yury Selivanov 15 Donald Stufft 11 Peter Wang 10 Travis Oliphant 8 Kushal Das 7 Gregory P. Smith 6 David Mertz 3 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Complete Voter Roll Active Python core developers Alex Gaynor Alex Martelli Alexander Belopolsky Alexandre Vassalotti Amaury Forgeot d'Arc Andrew Kuchling Andrew Svetlov Antoine Pitrou Armin Ronacher Barry Warsaw Benjamin Peterson Berker Peksag Brett Cannon Brian Curtin Carol Willing Chris Jerdonek Chris Withers Christian Heimes David Malcolm David Wolever Davin Potts Dino Viehland Donald Stufft Doug Hellmann Eli Bendersky Emily Morehouse Éric Araujo Eric Snow Eric V. Smith Ethan Furman Ezio Melotti Facundo Batista Fred Drake Georg Brandl Giampaolo Rodola' Gregory P. Smith Guido van Rossum Hyeshik Chang Hynek Schlawack INADA Naoki Ivan Levkivskyi Jack Diederich Jack Jansen Jason R. Coombs Jeff Hardy Jeremy Hylton Jesús Cea Julien Palard Kurt B. Kaiser Kushal Das Larry Hastings Lars Gustäbel Lisa Roach Łukasz Langa Marc-Andre Lemburg Mariatta Mark Dickinson Mark Hammond Mark Shannon Martin Panter Matthias Klose Meador Inge Michael Hudson-Doyle Nathaniel J. Smith Ned Deily Neil Schemenauer Alyssa Coghlan Pablo Galindo Paul Moore Petr Viktorin Petri Lehtinen Philip Jenvey R. David Murray Raymond Hettinger Robert Collins Ronald Oussoren Sandro Tosi Senthil Kumaran Serhiy Storchaka Sjoerd Mullender Stefan Krah Steve Dower Steven Daprano T. Wouters Tal Einat Terry Jan Reedy Thomas Heller Tim Golden Tim Peters Trent Nelson Victor Stinner Vinay Sajip Walter Dörwald Xiang Zhang Yury Selivanov Zachary Ware [1] This repository is private and accessible only to Python Core Developers, administrators, and Python Software Foundation Staff as it contains personal email addresses.
PEP 8100 – January 2019 Steering Council election
This document describes the schedule and other details of the January 2019 election for the Python steering council, as specified in PEP 13. This is the first steering council election.