9 values
3 values
PEP 328 – Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative Author: Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 21-Dec-2003 Python-Version: 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 Post-History: 08-Mar-2004 Table of Contents Abstract Timeline Rationale for Parentheses Rationale for Absolute Imports Rationale for Relative Imports Guido’s Decision Relative Imports and __name__ Relative Imports and Indirection Entries in sys.modules References Copyright Abstract The import statement has two problems: Long import statements can be difficult to write, requiring various contortions to fit Pythonic style guidelines. Imports can be ambiguous in the face of packages; within a package, it’s not clear whether import foo refers to a module within the package or some module outside the package. (More precisely, a local module or package can shadow another hanging directly off sys.path.) For the first problem, it is proposed that parentheses be permitted to enclose multiple names, thus allowing Python’s standard mechanisms for multi-line values to apply. For the second problem, it is proposed that all import statements be absolute by default (searching sys.path only) with special syntax (leading dots) for accessing package-relative imports. Timeline In Python 2.5, you must enable the new absolute import behavior with from __future__ import absolute_import You may use relative imports freely. In Python 2.6, any import statement that results in an intra-package import will raise DeprecationWarning (this also applies to from <> import that fails to use the relative import syntax). Rationale for Parentheses Currently, if you want to import a lot of names from a module or package, you have to choose one of several unpalatable options: Write a long line with backslash continuations:from Tkinter import Tk, Frame, Button, Entry, Canvas, Text, \ LEFT, DISABLED, NORMAL, RIDGE, END Write multiple import statements:from Tkinter import Tk, Frame, Button, Entry, Canvas, Text from Tkinter import LEFT, DISABLED, NORMAL, RIDGE, END (import * is not an option ;-) Instead, it should be possible to use Python’s standard grouping mechanism (parentheses) to write the import statement: from Tkinter import (Tk, Frame, Button, Entry, Canvas, Text, LEFT, DISABLED, NORMAL, RIDGE, END) This part of the proposal had BDFL approval from the beginning. Parentheses support was added to Python 2.4. Rationale for Absolute Imports In Python 2.4 and earlier, if you’re reading a module located inside a package, it is not clear whether import foo refers to a top-level module or to another module inside the package. As Python’s library expands, more and more existing package internal modules suddenly shadow standard library modules by accident. It’s a particularly difficult problem inside packages because there’s no way to specify which module is meant. To resolve the ambiguity, it is proposed that foo will always be a module or package reachable from sys.path. This is called an absolute import. The python-dev community chose absolute imports as the default because they’re the more common use case and because absolute imports can provide all the functionality of relative (intra-package) imports – albeit at the cost of difficulty when renaming package pieces higher up in the hierarchy or when moving one package inside another. Because this represents a change in semantics, absolute imports will be optional in Python 2.5 and 2.6 through the use of from __future__ import absolute_import This part of the proposal had BDFL approval from the beginning. Rationale for Relative Imports With the shift to absolute imports, the question arose whether relative imports should be allowed at all. Several use cases were presented, the most important of which is being able to rearrange the structure of large packages without having to edit sub-packages. In addition, a module inside a package can’t easily import itself without relative imports. Guido approved of the idea of relative imports, but there has been a lot of disagreement on the spelling (syntax). There does seem to be agreement that relative imports will require listing specific names to import (that is, import foo as a bare term will always be an absolute import). Here are the contenders: One from Guido:from .foo import bar and from ...foo import bar These two forms have a couple of different suggested semantics. One semantic is to make each dot represent one level. There have been many complaints about the difficulty of counting dots. Another option is to only allow one level of relative import. That misses a lot of functionality, and people still complained about missing the dot in the one-dot form. The final option is to define an algorithm for finding relative modules and packages; the objection here is “Explicit is better than implicit”. (The algorithm proposed is “search up from current package directory until the ultimate package parent gets hit”.) Some people have suggested other punctuation as the separator, such as “-” or “^”. Some people have suggested using “*”: from *.foo import bar The next set of options is conflated from several posters:from __pkg__.__pkg__ import and from .__parent__.__parent__ import Many people (Guido included) think these look ugly, but they are clear and explicit. Overall, more people prefer __pkg__ as the shorter option. One suggestion was to allow only sibling references. In other words, you would not be able to use relative imports to refer to modules higher in the package tree. You would then be able to do eitherfrom .spam import eggs or import .spam.eggs Some people favor allowing indexed parents:from -2.spam import eggs In this scenario, importing from the current directory would be a simple from .spam import eggs Finally, some people dislike the way you have to change import to from ... import when you want to dig inside a package. They suggest completely rewriting the import syntax:from MODULE import NAMES as RENAME searching HOW or import NAMES as RENAME from MODULE searching HOW [from NAMES] [in WHERE] import ... However, this most likely could not be implemented for Python 2.5 (too big a change), and allowing relative imports is sufficiently critical that we need something now (given that the standard import will change to absolute import). More than that, this proposed syntax has several open questions: What is the precise proposed syntax? (Which clauses are optional under which circumstances?) How strongly does the searching clause bind? In other words, do you write:import foo as bar searching XXX, spam as ham searching XXX or: import foo as bar, spam as ham searching XXX Guido’s Decision Guido has Pronounced [1] that relative imports will use leading dots. A single leading dot indicates a relative import, starting with the current package. Two or more leading dots give a relative import to the parent(s) of the current package, one level per dot after the first. Here’s a sample package layout: package/ __init__.py subpackage1/ __init__.py moduleX.py moduleY.py subpackage2/ __init__.py moduleZ.py moduleA.py Assuming that the current file is either moduleX.py or subpackage1/__init__.py, following are correct usages of the new syntax: from .moduleY import spam from .moduleY import spam as ham from . import moduleY from ..subpackage1 import moduleY from ..subpackage2.moduleZ import eggs from ..moduleA import foo from ...package import bar from ...sys import path Note that while that last case is legal, it is certainly discouraged (“insane” was the word Guido used). Relative imports must always use from <> import; import <> is always absolute. Of course, absolute imports can use from <> import by omitting the leading dots. The reason import .foo is prohibited is because after import XXX.YYY.ZZZ then XXX.YYY.ZZZ is usable in an expression. But .moduleY is not usable in an expression. Relative Imports and __name__ Relative imports use a module’s __name__ attribute to determine that module’s position in the package hierarchy. If the module’s name does not contain any package information (e.g. it is set to ‘__main__’) then relative imports are resolved as if the module were a top level module, regardless of where the module is actually located on the file system. Relative Imports and Indirection Entries in sys.modules When packages were introduced, the concept of an indirection entry in sys.modules came into existence [2]. When an entry in sys.modules for a module within a package had a value of None, it represented that the module actually referenced the top-level module. For instance, ‘Sound.Effects.string’ might have a value of None in sys.modules. That meant any import that resolved to that name actually was to import the top-level ‘string’ module. This introduced an optimization for when a relative import was meant to resolve to an absolute import. But since this PEP makes a very clear delineation between absolute and relative imports, this optimization is no longer needed. When absolute/relative imports become the only import semantics available then indirection entries in sys.modules will no longer be supported. References For more background, see the following python-dev threads: Re: Christmas Wishlist Re: Python-Dev Digest, Vol 5, Issue 57 Relative import Another Strategy for Relative Import [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-March/043739.html [2] https://www.python.org/doc/essays/packages/ Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 328 – Imports: Multi-Line and Absolute/Relative
Standards Track
The import statement has two problems:
PEP 329 – Treating Builtins as Constants in the Standard Library Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Apr-2004 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 18-Apr-2004 Table of Contents Abstract Status Motivation Proposal Questions and Answers Sample Implementation References Copyright Abstract The proposal is to add a function for treating builtin references as constants and to apply that function throughout the standard library. Status The PEP is self rejected by the author. Though the ASPN recipe was well received, there was less willingness to consider this for inclusion in the core distribution. The Jython implementation does not use byte codes, so its performance would suffer if the current _len=len optimizations were removed. Also, altering byte codes is one of the least clean ways to improve performance and enable cleaner coding. A more robust solution would likely involve compiler pragma directives or metavariables indicating what can be optimized (similar to const/volatile declarations). Motivation The library contains code such as _len=len which is intended to create fast local references instead of slower global lookups. Though necessary for performance, these constructs clutter the code and are usually incomplete (missing many opportunities). If the proposal is adopted, those constructs could be eliminated from the code base and at the same time improve upon their results in terms of performance. There are currently over a hundred instances of while 1 in the library. They were not replaced with the more readable while True because of performance reasons (the compiler cannot eliminate the test because True is not known to always be a constant). Conversion of True to a constant will clarify the code while retaining performance. Many other basic Python operations run much slower because of global lookups. In try/except statements, the trapped exceptions are dynamically looked up before testing whether they match. Similarly, simple identity tests such as while x is not None require the None variable to be re-looked up on every pass. Builtin lookups are especially egregious because the enclosing global scope must be checked first. These lookup chains devour cache space that is best used elsewhere. In short, if the proposal is adopted, the code will become cleaner and performance will improve across the board. Proposal Add a module called codetweaks.py which contains two functions, bind_constants() and bind_all(). The first function performs constant binding and the second recursively applies it to every function and class in a target module. For most modules in the standard library, add a pair of lines near the end of the script: import codetweaks, sys codetweaks.bind_all(sys.modules[__name__]) In addition to binding builtins, there are some modules (like sre_compile) where it also makes sense to bind module variables as well as builtins into constants. Questions and Answers Will this make everyone divert their attention to optimization issues?Because it is done automatically, it reduces the need to think about optimizations. In a nutshell, how does it work?Every function has attributes with its bytecodes (the language of the Python virtual machine) and a table of constants. The bind function scans the bytecodes for a LOAD_GLOBAL instruction and checks to see whether the value is already known. If so, it adds that value to the constants table and replaces the opcode with LOAD_CONSTANT. When does it work?When a module is imported for the first time, python compiles the bytecode and runs the binding optimization. Subsequent imports just re-use the previous work. Each session repeats this process (the results are not saved in pyc files). How do you know this works?I implemented it, applied it to every module in library, and the test suite ran without exception. What if the module defines a variable shadowing a builtin?This does happen. For instance, True can be redefined at the module level as True = (1==1). The sample implementation below detects the shadowing and leaves the global lookup unchanged. Are you the first person to recognize that most global lookups are for values that never change?No, this has long been known. Skip Montanaro provides an eloquent explanation in PEP 266. What if I want to replace the builtins module and supply my own implementations?Either do this before importing a module, or just reload the module, or disable codetweaks.py (it will have a disable flag). How susceptible is this module to changes in Python’s byte coding?It imports opcode.py to protect against renumbering. Also, it uses LOAD_CONST and LOAD_GLOBAL which are fundamental and have been around forever. That notwithstanding, the coding scheme could change and this implementation would have to change along with modules like dis which also rely on the current coding scheme. What is the effect on startup time?I could not measure a difference. None of the startup modules are bound except for warnings.py. Also, the binding function is very fast, making just a single pass over the code string in search of the LOAD_GLOBAL opcode. Sample Implementation Here is a sample implementation for codetweaks.py: from types import ClassType, FunctionType from opcode import opmap, HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG LOAD_GLOBAL, LOAD_CONST = opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL'], opmap['LOAD_CONST'] ABORT_CODES = (EXTENDED_ARG, opmap['STORE_GLOBAL']) def bind_constants(f, builtin_only=False, stoplist=[], verbose=False): """ Return a new function with optimized global references. Replaces global references with their currently defined values. If not defined, the dynamic (runtime) global lookup is left undisturbed. If builtin_only is True, then only builtins are optimized. Variable names in the stoplist are also left undisturbed. If verbose is True, prints each substitution as is occurs. """ import __builtin__ env = vars(__builtin__).copy() stoplist = dict.fromkeys(stoplist) if builtin_only: stoplist.update(f.func_globals) else: env.update(f.func_globals) co = f.func_code newcode = map(ord, co.co_code) newconsts = list(co.co_consts) codelen = len(newcode) i = 0 while i < codelen: opcode = newcode[i] if opcode in ABORT_CODES: return f # for simplicity, only optimize common cases if opcode == LOAD_GLOBAL: oparg = newcode[i+1] + (newcode[i+2] << 8) name = co.co_names[oparg] if name in env and name not in stoplist: value = env[name] try: pos = newconsts.index(value) except ValueError: pos = len(newconsts) newconsts.append(value) newcode[i] = LOAD_CONST newcode[i+1] = pos & 0xFF newcode[i+2] = pos >> 8 if verbose: print name, '-->', value i += 1 if opcode >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: i += 2 codestr = ''.join(map(chr, newcode)) codeobj = type(co)(co.co_argcount, co.co_nlocals, co.co_stacksize, co.co_flags, codestr, tuple(newconsts), co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename, co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars, co.co_cellvars) return type(f)(codeobj, f.func_globals, f.func_name, f.func_defaults, f.func_closure) def bind_all(mc, builtin_only=False, stoplist=[], verbose=False): """Recursively apply bind_constants() to functions in a module or class. Use as the last line of the module (after everything is defined, but before test code). In modules that need modifiable globals, set builtin_only to True. """ for k, v in vars(mc).items(): if type(v) is FunctionType: newv = bind_constants(v, builtin_only, stoplist, verbose) setattr(mc, k, newv) elif type(v) in (type, ClassType): bind_all(v, builtin_only, stoplist, verbose) def f(): pass try: f.func_code.code except AttributeError: # detect non-CPython environments bind_all = lambda *args, **kwds: 0 del f import sys bind_all(sys.modules[__name__]) # Optimizer, optimize thyself! Note the automatic detection of a non-CPython environment that does not have bytecodes [2]. In that situation, the bind functions would simply return the original function unchanged. This assures that the two line additions to library modules do not impact other implementations. The final code should add a flag to make it easy to disable binding. References [1] ASPN Recipe for a non-private implementation https://code.activestate.com/recipes/277940/ [2] Differences between CPython and Jython https://web.archive.org/web/20031018014238/http://www.jython.org/cgi-bin/faqw.py?req=show&file=faq01.003.htp Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 329 – Treating Builtins as Constants in the Standard Library
Standards Track
The proposal is to add a function for treating builtin references as constants and to apply that function throughout the standard library.
PEP 330 – Python Bytecode Verification Author: Michel Pelletier <michel at users.sourceforge.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 17-Jun-2004 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Motivation Static Constraints on Bytecode Instructions Static Constraints on Bytecode Instruction Operands Structural Constraints between Bytecode Instructions Implementation Verification Issues Required Changes References Copyright Abstract If Python Virtual Machine (PVM) bytecode is not “well-formed” it is possible to crash or exploit the PVM by causing various errors such as under/overflowing the value stack or reading/writing into arbitrary areas of the PVM program space. Most of these kinds of errors can be eliminated by verifying that PVM bytecode does not violate a set of simple constraints before execution. This PEP proposes a set of constraints on the format and structure of Python Virtual Machine (PVM) bytecode and provides an implementation in Python of this verification process. Pronouncement Guido believes that a verification tool has some value. If someone wants to add it to Tools/scripts, no PEP is required. Such a tool may have value for validating the output from “bytecodehacks” or from direct edits of PYC files. As security measure, its value is somewhat limited because perfectly valid bytecode can still do horrible things. That situation could change if the concept of restricted execution were to be successfully resurrected. Motivation The Python Virtual Machine executes Python programs that have been compiled from the Python language into a bytecode representation. The PVM assumes that any bytecode being executed is “well-formed” with regard to a number implicit constraints. Some of these constraints are checked at run-time, but most of them are not due to the overhead they would create. When running in debug mode the PVM does do several run-time checks to ensure that any particular bytecode cannot violate these constraints that, to a degree, prevent bytecode from crashing or exploiting the interpreter. These checks add a measurable overhead to the interpreter, and are typically turned off in common use. Bytecode that is not well-formed and executed by a PVM not running in debug mode may create a variety of fatal and non-fatal errors. Typically, ill-formed code will cause the PVM to seg-fault and cause the OS to immediately and abruptly terminate the interpreter. Conceivably, ill-formed bytecode could exploit the interpreter and allow Python bytecode to execute arbitrary C-level machine instructions or to modify private, internal data structures in the interpreter. If used cleverly this could subvert any form of security policy an application may want to apply to its objects. Practically, it would be difficult for a malicious user to “inject” invalid bytecode into a PVM for the purposes of exploitation, but not impossible. Buffer overflow and memory overwrite attacks are commonly understood, particularly when the exploit payload is transmitted unencrypted over a network or when a file or network security permission weakness is used as a foothold for further attacks. Ideally, no bytecode should ever be allowed to read or write underlying C-level data structures to subvert the operation of the PVM, whether the bytecode was maliciously crafted or not. A simple pre-execution verification step could ensure that bytecode cannot over/underflow the value stack or access other sensitive areas of PVM program space at run-time. This PEP proposes several validation steps that should be taken on Python bytecode before it is executed by the PVM so that it compiles with static and structure constraints on its instructions and their operands. These steps are simple and catch a large class of invalid bytecode that can cause crashes. There is also some possibility that some run-time checks can be eliminated up front by a verification pass. There is, of course, no way to verify that bytecode is “completely safe”, for every definition of complete and safe. Even with bytecode verification, Python programs can and most likely in the future will seg-fault for a variety of reasons and continue to cause many different classes of run-time errors, fatal or not. The verification step proposed here simply plugs an easy hole that can cause a large class of fatal and subtle errors at the bytecode level. Currently, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) verifies Java bytecode in a way very similar to what is proposed here. The JVM Specification version 2 [1], Sections 4.8 and 4.9 were therefore used as a basis for some of the constraints explained below. Any Python bytecode verification implementation at a minimum must enforce these constraints, but may not be limited to them. Static Constraints on Bytecode Instructions The bytecode string must not be empty. (len(co_code) > 0). The bytecode string cannot exceed a maximum size (len(co_code) < sizeof(unsigned char) - 1). The first instruction in the bytecode string begins at index 0. Only valid byte-codes with the correct number of operands can be in the bytecode string. Static Constraints on Bytecode Instruction Operands The target of a jump instruction must be within the code boundaries and must fall on an instruction, never between an instruction and its operands. The operand of a LOAD_* instruction must be a valid index into its corresponding data structure. The operand of a STORE_* instruction must be a valid index into its corresponding data structure. Structural Constraints between Bytecode Instructions Each instruction must only be executed with the appropriate number of arguments in the value stack, regardless of the execution path that leads to its invocation. If an instruction can be executed along several different execution paths, the value stack must have the same depth prior to the execution of the instruction, regardless of the path taken. At no point during execution can the value stack grow to a depth greater than that implied by co_stacksize. Execution never falls off the bottom of co_code. Implementation This PEP is the working document for a Python bytecode verification implementation written in Python. This implementation is not used implicitly by the PVM before executing any bytecode, but is to be used explicitly by users concerned about possibly invalid bytecode with the following snippet: import verify verify.verify(object) The verify module provides a verify function which accepts the same kind of arguments as dis.dis: classes, methods, functions, or code objects. It verifies that the object’s bytecode is well-formed according to the specifications of this PEP. If the code is well-formed the call to verify returns silently without error. If an error is encountered, it throws a VerificationError whose argument indicates the cause of the failure. It is up to the programmer whether or not to handle the error in some way or execute the invalid code regardless. Phillip Eby has proposed a pseudo-code algorithm for bytecode stack depth verification used by the reference implementation. Verification Issues This PEP describes only a small number of verifications. While discussion and analysis will lead to many more, it is highly possible that future verification may need to be done or custom, project-specific verifications. For this reason, it might be desirable to add a verification registration interface to the test implementation to register future verifiers. The need for this is minimal since custom verifiers can subclass and extend the current implementation for added behavior. Required Changes Armin Rigo noted that several byte-codes will need modification in order for their stack effect to be statically analyzed. These are END_FINALLY, POP_BLOCK, and MAKE_CLOSURE. Armin and Guido have already agreed on how to correct the instructions. Currently the Python implementation punts on these instructions. This PEP does not propose to add the verification step to the interpreter, but only to provide the Python implementation in the standard library for optional use. Whether or not this verification procedure is translated into C, included with the PVM or enforced in any way is left for future discussion. References [1] The Java Virtual Machine Specification 2nd Edition http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/2nd-edition/html/ClassFile.doc.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 330 – Python Bytecode Verification
Standards Track
If Python Virtual Machine (PVM) bytecode is not “well-formed” it is possible to crash or exploit the PVM by causing various errors such as under/overflowing the value stack or reading/writing into arbitrary areas of the PVM program space. Most of these kinds of errors can be eliminated by verifying that PVM bytecode does not violate a set of simple constraints before execution.
PEP 331 – Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions Author: Christian R. Reis <kiko at async.com.br> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Jul-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 21-Jul-2003, 13-Aug-2003, 18-Jun-2004 Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Rationale Example Problem Proposal Potential Code Contributions Risks Implementation References Copyright Abstract Support for the LC_NUMERIC locale category in Python 2.3 is implemented only in Python-space. This causes inconsistent behavior and thread-safety issues for applications that use extension modules and libraries implemented in C that parse and generate floats from strings. This document proposes a plan for removing this inconsistency by providing and using substitute locale-agnostic functions as necessary. Introduction Python provides generic localization services through the locale module, which among other things allows localizing the display and conversion process of numeric types. Locale categories, such as LC_TIME and LC_COLLATE, allow configuring precisely what aspects of the application are to be localized. The LC_NUMERIC category specifies formatting for non-monetary numeric information, such as the decimal separator in float and fixed-precision numbers. Localization of the LC_NUMERIC category is currently implemented only in Python-space; C libraries invoked from the Python runtime are unaware of Python’s LC_NUMERIC setting. This is done to avoid changing the behavior of certain low-level functions that are used by the Python parser and related code [2]. However, this presents a problem for extension modules that wrap C libraries. Applications that use these extension modules will inconsistently display and convert floating-point values. James Henstridge, the author of PyGTK [3], has additionally pointed out that the setlocale() function also presents thread-safety issues, since a thread may call the C library setlocale() outside of the GIL, and cause Python to parse and generate floats incorrectly. Rationale The inconsistency between Python and C library localization for LC_NUMERIC is a problem for any localized application using C extensions. The exact nature of the problem will vary depending on the application, but it will most likely occur when parsing or formatting a floating-point value. Example Problem The initial problem that motivated this PEP is related to the GtkSpinButton [4] widget in the GTK+ UI toolkit, wrapped by the PyGTK module. The widget can be set to numeric mode, and when this occurs, characters typed into it are evaluated as a number. Problems occur when LC_NUMERIC is set to a locale with a float separator that differs from the C locale’s standard (for instance, ‘,’ instead of ‘.’ for the Brazilian locale pt_BR). Because LC_NUMERIC is not set at the libc level, float values are displayed incorrectly (using ‘.’ as a separator) in the spinbutton’s text entry, and it is impossible to enter fractional values using the ‘,’ separator. This small example demonstrates reduced usability for localized applications using this toolkit when coded in Python. Proposal Martin v. Löwis commented on the initial constraints for an acceptable solution to the problem on python-dev: LC_NUMERIC can be set at the C library level without breaking the parser. float() and str() stay locale-unaware. locale-aware str() and atof() stay in the locale module. An analysis of the Python source suggests that the following functions currently depend on LC_NUMERIC being set to the C locale: Python/compile.c:parsenumber() Python/marshal.c:r_object() Objects/complexobject.c:complex_to_buf() Objects/complexobject.c:complex_subtype_from_string() Objects/floatobject.c:PyFloat_FromString() Objects/floatobject.c:format_float() Objects/stringobject.c:formatfloat() Modules/stropmodule.c:strop_atof() Modules/cPickle.c:load_float() The proposed approach is to implement LC_NUMERIC-agnostic functions for converting from (strtod()/atof()) and to (snprintf()) float formats, using these functions where the formatting should not vary according to the user-specified locale. The locale module should also be changed to remove the special-casing for LC_NUMERIC. This change should also solve the aforementioned thread-safety problems. Potential Code Contributions This problem was initially reported as a problem in the GTK+ libraries [5]; since then it has been correctly diagnosed as an inconsistency in Python’s implementation. However, in a fortunate coincidence, the glib library (developed primarily for GTK+, not to be confused with the GNU C library) implements a number of LC_NUMERIC-agnostic functions (for an example, see [6]) for reasons similar to those presented in this paper. In the same GTK+ problem report, Havoc Pennington suggested that the glib authors would be willing to contribute this code to the PSF, which would simplify implementation of this PEP considerably. Alex Larsson, the original author of the glib code, submitted a PSF Contributor Agreement [7] on 2003-08-20 [8] to ensure the code could be safely integrated; this agreement has been received and accepted. Risks There may be cross-platform issues with the provided locale-agnostic functions, though this risk is low given that the code supplied simply reverses any locale-dependent changes made to floating-point numbers. Martin and Guido pointed out potential copyright issues with the contributed code. I believe we will have no problems in this area as members of the GTK+ and glib teams have said they are fine with relicensing the code, and a PSF contributor agreement has been mailed in to ensure this safety. Tim Peters has pointed out [9] that there are situations involving threading in which the proposed change is insufficient to solve the problem completely. A complete solution, however, does not currently exist. Implementation An implementation was developed by Gustavo Carneiro <gjc at inescporto.pt>, and attached to Sourceforge.net bug 774665 [10] The final patch [11] was integrated into Python CVS by Martin v. Löwis on 2004-06-08, as stated in the bug report. References [2] Python locale documentation for embedding, http://docs.python.org/library/locale.html [3] PyGTK homepage, http://www.daa.com.au/~james/pygtk/ [4] GtkSpinButton screenshot (demonstrating problem), http://www.async.com.br/~kiko/spin.png [5] GNOME bug report, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114132 [6] Code submission of g_ascii_strtod and g_ascii_dtostr (later renamed g_ascii_formatd) by Alex Larsson, http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2001-October/msg00114.html [7] PSF Contributor Agreement, https://www.python.org/psf/contrib/contrib-form/ [8] Alex Larsson’s email confirming his agreement was mailed in, https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-August/037755.html [9] Tim Peters’ email summarizing LC_NUMERIC trouble with Spambayes, https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-September/037898.html [10] Python bug report, https://bugs.python.org/issue774665 [11] Integrated LC_NUMERIC-agnostic patch, https://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=5470&atid=305470&file_id=89685&aid=774665 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 331 – Locale-Independent Float/String Conversions
Standards Track
Support for the LC_NUMERIC locale category in Python 2.3 is implemented only in Python-space. This causes inconsistent behavior and thread-safety issues for applications that use extension modules and libraries implemented in C that parse and generate floats from strings. This document proposes a plan for removing this inconsistency by providing and using substitute locale-agnostic functions as necessary.
PEP 332 – Byte vectors and String/Unicode Unification Author: Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Aug-2004 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rejection Notice Rationale Proposed Implementation Bytes Object API Issues Copyright Abstract This PEP outlines the introduction of a raw bytes sequence object and the unification of the current str and unicode objects. Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected in this form. The author has expressed lack of time to continue to shepherd it, and discussion on python-dev has moved to a slightly different proposal which will (eventually) be written up as a new PEP. See the thread starting at https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-February/060930.html. Rationale Python’s current string objects are overloaded. They serve both to hold ASCII and non-ASCII character data and to also hold sequences of raw bytes which have no reasonable interpretation as displayable character sequences. This overlap hasn’t been a big problem in the past, but as Python moves closer to requiring source code to be properly encoded, the use of strings to represent raw byte sequences will be more problematic. In addition, as Python’s Unicode support has improved, it’s easier to consider strings as ASCII-encoded Unicode objects. Proposed Implementation The number in parentheses indicates the Python version in which the feature will be introduced. Add a bytes builtin which is just a synonym for str. (2.5) Add a b"..." string literal which is equivalent to raw string literals, with the exception that values which conflict with the source encoding of the containing file not generate warnings. (2.5) Warn about the use of variables named “bytes”. (2.5 or 2.6) Introduce a bytes builtin which refers to a sequence distinct from the str type. (2.6) Make str a synonym for unicode. (3.0) Bytes Object API TBD. Issues Can this be accomplished before Python 3.0? Should bytes objects be mutable or immutable? (Guido seems to like them to be mutable.) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 332 – Byte vectors and String/Unicode Unification
Standards Track
This PEP outlines the introduction of a raw bytes sequence object and the unification of the current str and unicode objects.
PEP 334 – Simple Coroutines via SuspendIteration Author: Clark C. Evans <cce at clarkevans.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 26-Aug-2004 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Semantics Simple Iterators Introducing SuspendIteration Application Iterators Complicating Factors Resource Cleanup API and Limitations Low-Level Implementation References Copyright Abstract Asynchronous application frameworks such as Twisted [1] and Peak [2], are based on a cooperative multitasking via event queues or deferred execution. While this approach to application development does not involve threads and thus avoids a whole class of problems [3], it creates a different sort of programming challenge. When an I/O operation would block, a user request must suspend so that other requests can proceed. The concept of a coroutine [4] promises to help the application developer grapple with this state management difficulty. This PEP proposes a limited approach to coroutines based on an extension to the iterator protocol. Currently, an iterator may raise a StopIteration exception to indicate that it is done producing values. This proposal adds another exception to this protocol, SuspendIteration, which indicates that the given iterator may have more values to produce, but is unable to do so at this time. Rationale There are two current approaches to bringing co-routines to Python. Christian Tismer’s Stackless [6] involves a ground-up restructuring of Python’s execution model by hacking the ‘C’ stack. While this approach works, its operation is hard to describe and keep portable. A related approach is to compile Python code to Parrot [7], a register-based virtual machine, which has coroutines. Unfortunately, neither of these solutions is portable with IronPython (CLR) or Jython (JavaVM). It is thought that a more limited approach, based on iterators, could provide a coroutine facility to application programmers and still be portable across runtimes. Iterators keep their state in local variables that are not on the “C” stack. Iterators can be viewed as classes, with state stored in member variables that are persistent across calls to its next() method. While an uncaught exception may terminate a function’s execution, an uncaught exception need not invalidate an iterator. The proposed exception, SuspendIteration, uses this feature. In other words, just because one call to next() results in an exception does not necessarily need to imply that the iterator itself is no longer capable of producing values. There are four places where this new exception impacts: The PEP 255 simple generator mechanism could be extended to safely ‘catch’ this SuspendIteration exception, stuff away its current state, and pass the exception on to the caller. Various iterator filters [9] in the standard library, such as itertools.izip should be made aware of this exception so that it can transparently propagate SuspendIteration. Iterators generated from I/O operations, such as a file or socket reader, could be modified to have a non-blocking variety. This option would raise a subclass of SuspendIteration if the requested operation would block. The asyncore library could be updated to provide a basic ‘runner’ that pulls from an iterator; if the SuspendIteration exception is caught, then it moves on to the next iterator in its runlist [10]. External frameworks like Twisted would provide alternative implementations, perhaps based on FreeBSD’s kqueue or Linux’s epoll. While these may seem dramatic changes, it is a very small amount of work compared with the utility provided by continuations. Semantics This section will explain, at a high level, how the introduction of this new SuspendIteration exception would behave. Simple Iterators The current functionality of iterators is best seen with a simple example which produces two values ‘one’ and ‘two’. class States: def __iter__(self): self._next = self.state_one return self def next(self): return self._next() def state_one(self): self._next = self.state_two return "one" def state_two(self): self._next = self.state_stop return "two" def state_stop(self): raise StopIteration print list(States()) An equivalent iteration could, of course, be created by the following generator: def States(): yield 'one' yield 'two' print list(States()) Introducing SuspendIteration Suppose that between producing ‘one’ and ‘two’, the generator above could block on a socket read. In this case, we would want to raise SuspendIteration to signal that the iterator is not done producing, but is unable to provide a value at the current moment. from random import randint from time import sleep class SuspendIteration(Exception): pass class NonBlockingResource: """Randomly unable to produce the second value""" def __iter__(self): self._next = self.state_one return self def next(self): return self._next() def state_one(self): self._next = self.state_suspend return "one" def state_suspend(self): rand = randint(1,10) if 2 == rand: self._next = self.state_two return self.state_two() raise SuspendIteration() def state_two(self): self._next = self.state_stop return "two" def state_stop(self): raise StopIteration def sleeplist(iterator, timeout = .1): """ Do other things (e.g. sleep) while resource is unable to provide the next value """ it = iter(iterator) retval = [] while True: try: retval.append(it.next()) except SuspendIteration: sleep(timeout) continue except StopIteration: break return retval print sleeplist(NonBlockingResource()) In a real-world situation, the NonBlockingResource would be a file iterator, socket handle, or other I/O based producer. The sleeplist would instead be an async reactor, such as those found in asyncore or Twisted. The non-blocking resource could, of course, be written as a generator: def NonBlockingResource(): yield "one" while True: rand = randint(1,10) if 2 == rand: break raise SuspendIteration() yield "two" It is not necessary to add a keyword, ‘suspend’, since most real content generators will not be in application code, they will be in low-level I/O based operations. Since most programmers need not be exposed to the SuspendIteration() mechanism, a keyword is not needed. Application Iterators The previous example is rather contrived, a more ‘real-world’ example would be a web page generator which yields HTML content, and pulls from a database. Note that this is an example of neither the ‘producer’ nor the ‘consumer’, but rather of a filter. def ListAlbums(cursor): cursor.execute("SELECT title, artist FROM album") yield '<html><body><table><tr><td>Title</td><td>Artist</td></tr>' for (title, artist) in cursor: yield '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (title, artist) yield '</table></body></html>' The problem, of course, is that the database may block for some time before any rows are returned, and that during execution, rows may be returned in blocks of 10 or 100 at a time. Ideally, if the database blocks for the next set of rows, another user connection could be serviced. Note the complete absence of SuspendIterator in the above code. If done correctly, application developers would be able to focus on functionality rather than concurrency issues. The iterator created by the above generator should do the magic necessary to maintain state, yet pass the exception through to a lower-level async framework. Here is an example of what the corresponding iterator would look like if coded up as a class: class ListAlbums: def __init__(self, cursor): self.cursor = cursor def __iter__(self): self.cursor.execute("SELECT title, artist FROM album") self._iter = iter(self._cursor) self._next = self.state_head return self def next(self): return self._next() def state_head(self): self._next = self.state_cursor return "<html><body><table><tr><td>\ Title</td><td>Artist</td></tr>" def state_tail(self): self._next = self.state_stop return "</table></body></html>" def state_cursor(self): try: (title,artist) = self._iter.next() return '<tr><td>%s</td><td>%s</td></tr>' % (title, artist) except StopIteration: self._next = self.state_tail return self.next() except SuspendIteration: # just pass-through raise def state_stop(self): raise StopIteration Complicating Factors While the above example is straightforward, things are a bit more complicated if the intermediate generator ‘condenses’ values, that is, it pulls in two or more values for each value it produces. For example, def pair(iterLeft,iterRight): rhs = iter(iterRight) lhs = iter(iterLeft) while True: yield (rhs.next(), lhs.next()) In this case, the corresponding iterator behavior has to be a bit more subtle to handle the case of either the right or left iterator raising SuspendIteration. It seems to be a matter of decomposing the generator to recognize intermediate states where a SuspendIterator exception from the producing context could happen. class pair: def __init__(self, iterLeft, iterRight): self.iterLeft = iterLeft self.iterRight = iterRight def __iter__(self): self.rhs = iter(iterRight) self.lhs = iter(iterLeft) self._temp_rhs = None self._temp_lhs = None self._next = self.state_rhs return self def next(self): return self._next() def state_rhs(self): self._temp_rhs = self.rhs.next() self._next = self.state_lhs return self.next() def state_lhs(self): self._temp_lhs = self.lhs.next() self._next = self.state_pair return self.next() def state_pair(self): self._next = self.state_rhs return (self._temp_rhs, self._temp_lhs) This proposal assumes that a corresponding iterator written using this class-based method is possible for existing generators. The challenge seems to be the identification of distinct states within the generator where suspension could occur. Resource Cleanup The current generator mechanism has a strange interaction with exceptions where a ‘yield’ statement is not allowed within a try/finally block. The SuspendIterator exception provides another similar issue. The impacts of this issue are not clear. However it may be that re-writing the generator into a state machine, as the previous section did, could resolve this issue allowing for the situation to be no-worse than, and perhaps even removing the yield/finally situation. More investigation is needed in this area. API and Limitations This proposal only covers ‘suspending’ a chain of iterators, and does not cover (of course) suspending general functions, methods, or “C” extension function. While there could be no direct support for creating generators in “C” code, native “C” iterators which comply with the SuspendIterator semantics are certainly possible. Low-Level Implementation The author of the PEP is not yet familiar with the Python execution model to comment in this area. References [1] Twisted (http://twistedmatrix.com) [2] Peak (http://peak.telecommunity.com) [3] C10K (http://www.kegel.com/c10k.html) [4] Coroutines (http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?CallWithCurrentContinuation) [6] Stackless Python (http://stackless.com) [7] Parrot /w coroutines (http://www.sidhe.org/~dan/blog/archives/000178.html) [9] itertools - Functions creating iterators (http://docs.python.org/library/itertools.html) [10] Microthreads in Python, David Mertz (http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-pythrd.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 334 – Simple Coroutines via SuspendIteration
Standards Track
Asynchronous application frameworks such as Twisted [1] and Peak [2], are based on a cooperative multitasking via event queues or deferred execution. While this approach to application development does not involve threads and thus avoids a whole class of problems [3], it creates a different sort of programming challenge. When an I/O operation would block, a user request must suspend so that other requests can proceed. The concept of a coroutine [4] promises to help the application developer grapple with this state management difficulty.
PEP 335 – Overloadable Boolean Operators Author: Gregory Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 29-Aug-2004 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 05-Sep-2004, 30-Sep-2011, 25-Oct-2011 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Background Motivation Rationale Specification Special Methods Bytecodes Type Slots Python/C API Functions Alternatives and Optimisations Reduced special method set Additional bytecodes Optimisation of ‘not’ Usage Examples Example 1: NumPy Arrays Example 1 Output Example 2: Database Queries Example 2 Output Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP was rejected. See https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-March/117510.html Abstract This PEP proposes an extension to permit objects to define their own meanings for the boolean operators ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’, and suggests an efficient strategy for implementation. A prototype of this implementation is available for download. Background Python does not currently provide any ‘__xxx__’ special methods corresponding to the ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’ boolean operators. In the case of ‘and’ and ‘or’, the most likely reason is that these operators have short-circuiting semantics, i.e. the second operand is not evaluated if the result can be determined from the first operand. The usual technique of providing special methods for these operators therefore would not work. There is no such difficulty in the case of ‘not’, however, and it would be straightforward to provide a special method for this operator. The rest of this proposal will therefore concentrate mainly on providing a way to overload ‘and’ and ‘or’. Motivation There are many applications in which it is natural to provide custom meanings for Python operators, and in some of these, having boolean operators excluded from those able to be customised can be inconvenient. Examples include: NumPy, in which almost all the operators are defined on arrays so as to perform the appropriate operation between corresponding elements, and return an array of the results. For consistency, one would expect a boolean operation between two arrays to return an array of booleans, but this is not currently possible.There is a precedent for an extension of this kind: comparison operators were originally restricted to returning boolean results, and rich comparisons were added so that comparisons of NumPy arrays could return arrays of booleans. A symbolic algebra system, in which a Python expression is evaluated in an environment which results in it constructing a tree of objects corresponding to the structure of the expression. A relational database interface, in which a Python expression is used to construct an SQL query. A workaround often suggested is to use the bitwise operators ‘&’, ‘|’ and ‘~’ in place of ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’, but this has some drawbacks: The precedence of these is different in relation to the other operators, and they may already be in use for other purposes (as in example 1). It is aesthetically displeasing to force users to use something other than the most obvious syntax for what they are trying to express. This would be particularly acute in the case of example 3, considering that boolean operations are a staple of SQL queries. Bitwise operators do not provide a solution to the problem of chained comparisons such as ‘a < b < c’ which involve an implicit ‘and’ operation. Such expressions currently cannot be used at all on data types such as NumPy arrays where the result of a comparison cannot be treated as having normal boolean semantics; they must be expanded into something like (a < b) & (b < c), losing a considerable amount of clarity. Rationale The requirements for a successful solution to the problem of allowing boolean operators to be customised are: In the default case (where there is no customisation), the existing short-circuiting semantics must be preserved. There must not be any appreciable loss of speed in the default case. Ideally, the customisation mechanism should allow the object to provide either short-circuiting or non-short-circuiting semantics, at its discretion. One obvious strategy, that has been previously suggested, is to pass into the special method the first argument and a function for evaluating the second argument. This would satisfy requirements 1 and 3, but not requirement 2, since it would incur the overhead of constructing a function object and possibly a Python function call on every boolean operation. Therefore, it will not be considered further here. The following section proposes a strategy that addresses all three requirements. A prototype implementation of this strategy is available for download. Specification Special Methods At the Python level, objects may define the following special methods. Unary Binary, phase 1 Binary, phase 2 __not__(self) __and1__(self) __or1__(self) __and2__(self, other) __or2__(self, other) __rand2__(self, other) __ror2__(self, other) The __not__ method, if defined, implements the ‘not’ operator. If it is not defined, or it returns NotImplemented, existing semantics are used. To permit short-circuiting, processing of the ‘and’ and ‘or’ operators is split into two phases. Phase 1 occurs after evaluation of the first operand but before the second. If the first operand defines the relevant phase 1 method, it is called with the first operand as argument. If that method can determine the result without needing the second operand, it returns the result, and further processing is skipped. If the phase 1 method determines that the second operand is needed, it returns the special value NeedOtherOperand. This triggers the evaluation of the second operand, and the calling of a relevant phase 2 method. During phase 2, the __and2__/__rand2__ and __or2__/__ror2__ method pairs work as for other binary operators. Processing falls back to existing semantics if at any stage a relevant special method is not found or returns NotImplemented. As a special case, if the first operand defines a phase 2 method but no corresponding phase 1 method, the second operand is always evaluated and the phase 2 method called. This allows an object which does not want short-circuiting semantics to simply implement the phase 2 methods and ignore phase 1. Bytecodes The patch adds four new bytecodes, LOGICAL_AND_1, LOGICAL_AND_2, LOGICAL_OR_1 and LOGICAL_OR_2. As an example of their use, the bytecode generated for an ‘and’ expression looks like this: . . . evaluate first operand LOGICAL_AND_1 L evaluate second operand LOGICAL_AND_2 L: . . . The LOGICAL_AND_1 bytecode performs phase 1 processing. If it determines that the second operand is needed, it leaves the first operand on the stack and continues with the following code. Otherwise it pops the first operand, pushes the result and branches to L. The LOGICAL_AND_2 bytecode performs phase 2 processing, popping both operands and pushing the result. Type Slots At the C level, the new special methods are manifested as five new slots in the type object. In the patch, they are added to the tp_as_number substructure, since this allows making use of some existing code for dealing with unary and binary operators. Their existence is signalled by a new type flag, Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_BOOLEAN_OVERLOAD. The new type slots are: unaryfunc nb_logical_not; unaryfunc nb_logical_and_1; unaryfunc nb_logical_or_1; binaryfunc nb_logical_and_2; binaryfunc nb_logical_or_2; Python/C API Functions There are also five new Python/C API functions corresponding to the new operations: PyObject *PyObject_LogicalNot(PyObject *); PyObject *PyObject_LogicalAnd1(PyObject *); PyObject *PyObject_LogicalOr1(PyObject *); PyObject *PyObject_LogicalAnd2(PyObject *, PyObject *); PyObject *PyObject_LogicalOr2(PyObject *, PyObject *); Alternatives and Optimisations This section discusses some possible variations on the proposal, and ways in which the bytecode sequences generated for boolean expressions could be optimised. Reduced special method set For completeness, the full version of this proposal includes a mechanism for types to define their own customised short-circuiting behaviour. However, the full mechanism is not needed to address the main use cases put forward here, and it would be possible to define a simplified version that only includes the phase 2 methods. There would then only be 5 new special methods (__and2__, __rand2__, __or2__, __ror2__, __not__) with 3 associated type slots and 3 API functions. This simplified version could be expanded to the full version later if desired. Additional bytecodes As defined here, the bytecode sequence for code that branches on the result of a boolean expression would be slightly longer than it currently is. For example, in Python 2.7, if a and b: statement1 else: statement2 generates LOAD_GLOBAL a POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE false_branch LOAD_GLOBAL b POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE false_branch <code for statement1> JUMP_FORWARD end_branch false_branch: <code for statement2> end_branch: Under this proposal as described so far, it would become something like LOAD_GLOBAL a LOGICAL_AND_1 test LOAD_GLOBAL b LOGICAL_AND_2 test: POP_JUMP_IF_FALSE false_branch <code for statement1> JUMP_FORWARD end_branch false_branch: <code for statement2> end_branch: This involves executing one extra bytecode in the short-circuiting case and two extra bytecodes in the non-short-circuiting case. However, by introducing extra bytecodes that combine the logical operations with testing and branching on the result, it can be reduced to the same number of bytecodes as the original: LOAD_GLOBAL a AND1_JUMP true_branch, false_branch LOAD_GLOBAL b AND2_JUMP_IF_FALSE false_branch true_branch: <code for statement1> JUMP_FORWARD end_branch false_branch: <code for statement2> end_branch: Here, AND1_JUMP performs phase 1 processing as above, and then examines the result. If there is a result, it is popped from the stack, its truth value is tested and a branch taken to one of two locations. Otherwise, the first operand is left on the stack and execution continues to the next bytecode. The AND2_JUMP_IF_FALSE bytecode performs phase 2 processing, pops the result and branches if it tests false For the ‘or’ operator, there would be corresponding OR1_JUMP and OR2_JUMP_IF_TRUE bytecodes. If the simplified version without phase 1 methods is used, then early exiting can only occur if the first operand is false for ‘and’ and true for ‘or’. Consequently, the two-target AND1_JUMP and OR1_JUMP bytecodes can be replaced with AND1_JUMP_IF_FALSE and OR1_JUMP_IF_TRUE, these being ordinary branch instructions with only one target. Optimisation of ‘not’ Recent versions of Python implement a simple optimisation in which branching on a negated boolean expression is implemented by reversing the sense of the branch, saving a UNARY_NOT opcode. Taking a strict view, this optimisation should no longer be performed, because the ‘not’ operator may be overridden to produce quite different results from usual. However, in typical use cases, it is not envisaged that expressions involving customised boolean operations will be used for branching – it is much more likely that the result will be used in some other way. Therefore, it would probably do little harm to specify that the compiler is allowed to use the laws of boolean algebra to simplify any expression that appears directly in a boolean context. If this is inconvenient, the result can always be assigned to a temporary name first. This would allow the existing ‘not’ optimisation to remain, and would permit future extensions of it such as using De Morgan’s laws to extend it deeper into the expression. Usage Examples Example 1: NumPy Arrays #----------------------------------------------------------------- # # This example creates a subclass of numpy array to which # 'and', 'or' and 'not' can be applied, producing an array # of booleans. # #----------------------------------------------------------------- from numpy import array, ndarray class BArray(ndarray): def __str__(self): return "barray(%s)" % ndarray.__str__(self) def __and2__(self, other): return (self & other) def __or2__(self, other): return (self & other) def __not__(self): return (self == 0) def barray(*args, **kwds): return array(*args, **kwds).view(type = BArray) a0 = barray([0, 1, 2, 4]) a1 = barray([1, 2, 3, 4]) a2 = barray([5, 6, 3, 4]) a3 = barray([5, 1, 2, 4]) print "a0:", a0 print "a1:", a1 print "a2:", a2 print "a3:", a3 print "not a0:", not a0 print "a0 == a1 and a2 == a3:", a0 == a1 and a2 == a3 print "a0 == a1 or a2 == a3:", a0 == a1 or a2 == a3 Example 1 Output a0: barray([0 1 2 4]) a1: barray([1 2 3 4]) a2: barray([5 6 3 4]) a3: barray([5 1 2 4]) not a0: barray([ True False False False]) a0 == a1 and a2 == a3: barray([False False False True]) a0 == a1 or a2 == a3: barray([False False False True]) Example 2: Database Queries #----------------------------------------------------------------- # # This example demonstrates the creation of a DSL for database # queries allowing 'and' and 'or' operators to be used to # formulate the query. # #----------------------------------------------------------------- class SQLNode(object): def __and2__(self, other): return SQLBinop("and", self, other) def __rand2__(self, other): return SQLBinop("and", other, self) def __eq__(self, other): return SQLBinop("=", self, other) class Table(SQLNode): def __init__(self, name): self.__tablename__ = name def __getattr__(self, name): return SQLAttr(self, name) def __sql__(self): return self.__tablename__ class SQLBinop(SQLNode): def __init__(self, op, opnd1, opnd2): self.op = op.upper() self.opnd1 = opnd1 self.opnd2 = opnd2 def __sql__(self): return "(%s %s %s)" % (sql(self.opnd1), self.op, sql(self.opnd2)) class SQLAttr(SQLNode): def __init__(self, table, name): self.table = table self.name = name def __sql__(self): return "%s.%s" % (sql(self.table), self.name) class SQLSelect(SQLNode): def __init__(self, targets): self.targets = targets self.where_clause = None def where(self, expr): self.where_clause = expr return self def __sql__(self): result = "SELECT %s" % ", ".join([sql(target) for target in self.targets]) if self.where_clause: result = "%s WHERE %s" % (result, sql(self.where_clause)) return result def sql(expr): if isinstance(expr, SQLNode): return expr.__sql__() elif isinstance(expr, str): return "'%s'" % expr.replace("'", "''") else: return str(expr) def select(*targets): return SQLSelect(targets) #----------------------------------------------------------------- dishes = Table("dishes") customers = Table("customers") orders = Table("orders") query = select(customers.name, dishes.price, orders.amount).where( customers.cust_id == orders.cust_id and orders.dish_id == dishes.dish_id and dishes.name == "Spam, Eggs, Sausages and Spam") print repr(query) print sql(query) Example 2 Output <__main__.SQLSelect object at 0x1cc830> SELECT customers.name, dishes.price, orders.amount WHERE (((customers.cust_id = orders.cust_id) AND (orders.dish_id = dishes.dish_id)) AND (dishes.name = 'Spam, Eggs, Sausages and Spam')) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 335 – Overloadable Boolean Operators
Standards Track
This PEP proposes an extension to permit objects to define their own meanings for the boolean operators ‘and’, ‘or’ and ‘not’, and suggests an efficient strategy for implementation. A prototype of this implementation is available for download.
PEP 336 – Make None Callable Author: Andrew McClelland <eternalsquire at comcast.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Oct-2004 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Motivation Rationale How To Use References Copyright Abstract None should be a callable object that when called with any arguments has no side effect and returns None. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP is rejected. It is considered a feature that None raises an error when called. The proposal falls short in tests for obviousness, clarity, explicitness, and necessity. The provided Switch example is nice but easily handled by a simple lambda definition. See python-dev discussion on 17 June 2005 [1]. Motivation To allow a programming style for selectable actions that is more in accordance with the minimalistic functional programming goals of the Python language. Rationale Allow the use of None in method tables as a universal no effect rather than either (1) checking a method table entry against None before calling, or (2) writing a local no effect method with arguments similar to other functions in the table. The semantics would be effectively: class None: def __call__(self, *args): pass How To Use Before, checking function table entry against None: class Select: def a(self, input): print 'a' def b(self, input): print 'b' def c(self, input): print 'c' def __call__(self, input): function = { 1 : self.a, 2 : self.b, 3 : self.c }.get(input, None) if function: return function(input) Before, using a local no effect method: class Select: def a(self, input): print 'a' def b(self, input): print 'b' def c(self, input): print 'c' def nop(self, input): pass def __call__(self, input): return { 1 : self.a, 2 : self.b, 3 : self.c }.get(input, self.nop)(input) After: class Select: def a(self, input): print 'a' def b(self, input): print 'b' def c(self, input): print 'c' def __call__(self, input): return { 1 : self.a, 2 : self.b, 3 : self.c }.get(input, None)(input) References [1] Raymond Hettinger, Propose to reject PEP 336 – Make None Callable https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054280.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 336 – Make None Callable
Standards Track
None should be a callable object that when called with any arguments has no side effect and returns None.
PEP 337 – Logging Usage in the Standard Library Author: Michael P. Dubner <dubnerm at mindless.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 02-Oct-2004 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 10-Nov-2004 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral Rationale Proposal Module List Doubtful Modules Guidelines for Logging Usage References Copyright Abstract This PEP defines a standard for using the logging system (PEP 282) in the standard library. Implementing this PEP will simplify development of daemon applications. As a downside this PEP requires slight modifications (however in a back-portable way) to a large number of standard modules. After implementing this PEP one can use following filtering scheme: logging.getLogger('py.BaseHTTPServer').setLevel(logging.FATAL) PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred for lack of a current champion interested in promoting the goals of the PEP and collecting and incorporating feedback, and with sufficient available time to do so effectively. Rationale There are a couple of situations when output to stdout or stderr is impractical: Daemon applications where the framework doesn’t allow the redirection of standard output to some file, but assumes use of some other form of logging. Examples are syslog under *nix’es and EventLog under WinNT+. GUI applications which want to output every new log entry in separate pop-up window (i.e. fading OSD). Also sometimes applications want to filter output entries based on their source or severity. This requirement can’t be implemented using simple redirection. Finally sometimes output needs to be marked with event timestamps, which can be accomplished with ease using the logging system. Proposal Every module usable for daemon and GUI applications should be rewritten to use the logging system instead of print or sys.stdout.write. There should be code like this included in the beginning of every modified module: import logging _log = logging.getLogger('py.<module-name>') A prefix of py. [2] must be used by all modules included in the standard library distributed along with Python, and only by such modules (unverifiable). The use of _log is intentional as we don’t want to auto-export it. For modules that use log only in one class a logger can be created inside the class definition as follows: class XXX: __log = logging.getLogger('py.<module-name>') Then this class can create access methods to log to this private logger. So print and sys.std{out|err}.write statements should be replaced with _log.{debug|info}, and traceback.print_exception with _log.exception or sometimes _log.debug('...', exc_info=1). Module List Here is a (possibly incomplete) list of modules to be reworked: asyncore (dispatcher.log, dispatcher.log_info) BaseHTTPServer (BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_request, BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_error, BaseHTTPRequestHandler.log_message) cgi (possibly - is cgi.log used by somebody?) ftplib (if FTP.debugging) gopherlib (get_directory) httplib (HTTPResponse, HTTPConnection) ihooks (_Verbose) imaplib (IMAP4._mesg) mhlib (MH.error) nntplib (NNTP) pipes (Template.makepipeline) pkgutil (extend_path) platform (_syscmd_ver) poplib (if POP3._debugging) profile (if Profile.verbose) robotparser (_debug) smtplib (if SGMLParser.verbose) shlex (if shlex.debug) smtpd (SMTPChannel/PureProxy where print >> DEBUGSTREAM) smtplib (if SMTP.debuglevel) SocketServer (BaseServer.handle_error) telnetlib (if Telnet.debuglevel) threading? (_Verbose._note, Thread.__bootstrap) timeit (Timer.print_exc) trace uu (decode) Additionally there are a couple of modules with commented debug output or modules where debug output should be added. For example: urllib Finally possibly some modules should be extended to provide more debug information. Doubtful Modules Listed here are modules that the community will propose for addition to the module list and modules that the community say should be removed from the module list. tabnanny (check) Guidelines for Logging Usage Also we can provide some recommendation to authors of library modules so they all follow the same format of naming loggers. I propose that non-standard library modules should use loggers named after their full names, so a module “spam” in sub-package “junk” of package “dummy” will be named “dummy.junk.spam” and, of course, the __init__ module of the same sub-package will have the logger name “dummy.junk”. References [2] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-October/049282.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 337 – Logging Usage in the Standard Library
Standards Track
This PEP defines a standard for using the logging system (PEP 282) in the standard library.
PEP 338 – Executing modules as scripts Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 16-Oct-2004 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 08-Nov-2004, 11-Feb-2006, 12-Feb-2006, 18-Feb-2006 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Scope of this proposal Current Behaviour Proposed Semantics Reference Implementation Import Statements and the Main Module Resolved Issues Alternatives References Copyright Abstract This PEP defines semantics for executing any Python module as a script, either with the -m command line switch, or by invoking it via runpy.run_module(modulename). The -m switch implemented in Python 2.4 is quite limited. This PEP proposes making use of the PEP 302 import hooks to allow any module which provides access to its code object to be executed. Rationale Python 2.4 adds the command line switch -m to allow modules to be located using the Python module namespace for execution as scripts. The motivating examples were standard library modules such as pdb and profile, and the Python 2.4 implementation is fine for this limited purpose. A number of users and developers have requested extension of the feature to also support running modules located inside packages. One example provided is pychecker’s pychecker.checker module. This capability was left out of the Python 2.4 implementation because the implementation of this was significantly more complicated, and the most appropriate strategy was not at all clear. The opinion on python-dev was that it was better to postpone the extension to Python 2.5, and go through the PEP process to help make sure we got it right. Since that time, it has also been pointed out that the current version of -m does not support zipimport or any other kind of alternative import behaviour (such as frozen modules). Providing this functionality as a Python module is significantly easier than writing it in C, and makes the functionality readily available to all Python programs, rather than being specific to the CPython interpreter. CPython’s command line switch can then be rewritten to make use of the new module. Scripts which execute other scripts (e.g. profile, pdb) also have the option to use the new module to provide -m style support for identifying the script to be executed. Scope of this proposal In Python 2.4, a module located using -m is executed just as if its filename had been provided on the command line. The goal of this PEP is to get as close as possible to making that statement also hold true for modules inside packages, or accessed via alternative import mechanisms (such as zipimport). Prior discussions suggest it should be noted that this PEP is not about changing the idiom for making Python modules also useful as scripts (see PEP 299). That issue is considered orthogonal to the specific feature addressed by this PEP. Current Behaviour Before describing the new semantics, it’s worth covering the existing semantics for Python 2.4 (as they are currently defined only by the source code and the command line help). When -m is used on the command line, it immediately terminates the option list (like -c). The argument is interpreted as the name of a top-level Python module (i.e. one which can be found on sys.path). If the module is found, and is of type PY_SOURCE or PY_COMPILED, then the command line is effectively reinterpreted from python <options> -m <module> <args> to python <options> <filename> <args>. This includes setting sys.argv[0] correctly (some scripts rely on this - Python’s own regrtest.py is one example). If the module is not found, or is not of the correct type, an error is printed. Proposed Semantics The semantics proposed are fairly simple: if -m is used to execute a module the PEP 302 import mechanisms are used to locate the module and retrieve its compiled code, before executing the module in accordance with the semantics for a top-level module. The interpreter does this by invoking a new standard library function runpy.run_module. This is necessary due to the way Python’s import machinery locates modules inside packages. A package may modify its own __path__ variable during initialisation. In addition, paths may be affected by *.pth files, and some packages will install custom loaders on sys.metapath. Accordingly, the only way for Python to reliably locate the module is by importing the containing package and using the PEP 302 import hooks to gain access to the Python code. Note that the process of locating the module to be executed may require importing the containing package. The effects of such a package import that will be visible to the executed module are: the containing package will be in sys.modules any external effects of the package initialisation (e.g. installed import hooks, loggers, atexit handlers, etc.) Reference Implementation A reference implementation is available on SourceForge ([2]), along with documentation for the library reference ([5]). There are two parts to this implementation. The first is a proposed standard library module runpy. The second is a modification to the code implementing the -m switch to always delegate to runpy.run_module instead of trying to run the module directly. The delegation has the form: runpy.run_module(sys.argv[0], run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True) run_module is the only function runpy exposes in its public API. run_module(mod_name[, init_globals][, run_name][, alter_sys]) Execute the code of the specified module and return the resulting module globals dictionary. The module’s code is first located using the standard import mechanism (refer to PEP 302 for details) and then executed in a fresh module namespace.The optional dictionary argument init_globals may be used to pre-populate the globals dictionary before the code is executed. The supplied dictionary will not be modified. If any of the special global variables below are defined in the supplied dictionary, those definitions are overridden by the run_module function. The special global variables __name__, __file__, __loader__ and __builtins__ are set in the globals dictionary before the module code is executed. __name__ is set to run_name if this optional argument is supplied, and the original mod_name argument otherwise. __loader__ is set to the PEP 302 module loader used to retrieve the code for the module (This loader may be a wrapper around the standard import mechanism). __file__ is set to the name provided by the module loader. If the loader does not make filename information available, this argument is set to None. __builtins__ is automatically initialised with a reference to the top level namespace of the __builtin__ module. If the argument alter_sys is supplied and evaluates to True, then sys.argv[0] is updated with the value of __file__ and sys.modules[__name__] is updated with a temporary module object for the module being executed. Both sys.argv[0] and sys.modules[__name__] are restored to their original values before this function returns. When invoked as a script, the runpy module finds and executes the module supplied as the first argument. It adjusts sys.argv by deleting sys.argv[0] (which refers to the runpy module itself) and then invokes run_module(sys.argv[0], run_name="__main__", alter_sys=True). Import Statements and the Main Module The release of 2.5b1 showed a surprising (although obvious in retrospect) interaction between this PEP and PEP 328 - explicit relative imports don’t work from a main module. This is due to the fact that relative imports rely on __name__ to determine the current module’s position in the package hierarchy. In a main module, the value of __name__ is always '__main__', so explicit relative imports will always fail (as they only work for a module inside a package). Investigation into why implicit relative imports appear to work when a main module is executed directly but fail when executed using -m showed that such imports are actually always treated as absolute imports. Because of the way direct execution works, the package containing the executed module is added to sys.path, so its sibling modules are actually imported as top level modules. This can easily lead to multiple copies of the sibling modules in the application if implicit relative imports are used in modules that may be directly executed (e.g. test modules or utility scripts). For the 2.5 release, the recommendation is to always use absolute imports in any module that is intended to be used as a main module. The -m switch provides a benefit here, as it inserts the current directory into sys.path, instead of the directory contain the main module. This means that it is possible to run a module from inside a package using -m so long as the current directory contains the top level directory for the package. Absolute imports will work correctly even if the package isn’t installed anywhere else on sys.path. If the module is executed directly and uses absolute imports to retrieve its sibling modules, then the top level package directory needs to be installed somewhere on sys.path (since the current directory won’t be added automatically). Here’s an example file layout: devel/ pkg/ __init__.py moduleA.py moduleB.py test/ __init__.py test_A.py test_B.py So long as the current directory is devel, or devel is already on sys.path and the test modules use absolute imports (such as import pkg moduleA to retrieve the module under test, PEP 338 allows the tests to be run as: python -m pkg.test.test_A python -m pkg.test.test_B The question of whether or not relative imports should be supported when a main module is executed with -m is something that will be revisited for Python 2.6. Permitting it would require changes to either Python’s import semantics or the semantics used to indicate when a module is the main module, so it is not a decision to be made hastily. Resolved Issues There were some key design decisions that influenced the development of the runpy module. These are listed below. The special variables __name__, __file__ and __loader__ are set in a module’s global namespace before the module is executed. As run_module alters these values, it does not mutate the supplied dictionary. If it did, then passing globals() to this function could have nasty side effects. Sometimes, the information needed to populate the special variables simply isn’t available. Rather than trying to be too clever, these variables are simply set to None when the relevant information cannot be determined. There is no special protection on the alter_sys argument. This may result in sys.argv[0] being set to None if file name information is not available. The import lock is NOT used to avoid potential threading issues that arise when alter_sys is set to True. Instead, it is recommended that threaded code simply avoid using this flag. Alternatives The first alternative implementation considered ignored packages’ __path__ variables, and looked only in the main package directory. A Python script with this behaviour can be found in the discussion of the execmodule cookbook recipe [3]. The execmodule cookbook recipe itself was the proposed mechanism in an earlier version of this PEP (before the PEP’s author read PEP 302). Both approaches were rejected as they do not meet the main goal of the -m switch – to allow the full Python namespace to be used to locate modules for execution from the command line. An earlier version of this PEP included some mistaken assumptions about the way exec handled locals dictionaries and code from function objects. These mistaken assumptions led to some unneeded design complexity which has now been removed - run_code shares all of the quirks of exec. Earlier versions of the PEP also exposed a broader API that just the single run_module() function needed to implement the updates to the -m switch. In the interests of simplicity, those extra functions have been dropped from the proposed API. After the original implementation in SVN, it became clear that holding the import lock when executing the initial application script was not correct (e.g. python -m test.regrtest test_threadedimport failed). So the run_module function only holds the import lock during the actual search for the module, and releases it before execution, even if alter_sys is set. References [2] PEP 338 implementation (runpy module and -m update) (https://bugs.python.org/issue1429601) [3] execmodule Python Cookbook Recipe (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/307772) [5] PEP 338 documentation (for runpy module) (https://bugs.python.org/issue1429605) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 338 – Executing modules as scripts
Standards Track
This PEP defines semantics for executing any Python module as a script, either with the -m command line switch, or by invoking it via runpy.run_module(modulename).
PEP 339 – Design of the CPython Compiler Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Withdrawn Type: Informational Created: 02-Feb-2005 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Parse Trees Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) Memory Management Parse Tree to AST Control Flow Graphs AST to CFG to Bytecode Introducing New Bytecode Code Objects Important Files Known Compiler-related Experiments References Note This PEP has been withdrawn and moved to the Python developer’s guide. Abstract Historically (through 2.4), compilation from source code to bytecode involved two steps: Parse the source code into a parse tree (Parser/pgen.c) Emit bytecode based on the parse tree (Python/compile.c) Historically, this is not how a standard compiler works. The usual steps for compilation are: Parse source code into a parse tree (Parser/pgen.c) Transform parse tree into an Abstract Syntax Tree (Python/ast.c) Transform AST into a Control Flow Graph (Python/compile.c) Emit bytecode based on the Control Flow Graph (Python/compile.c) Starting with Python 2.5, the above steps are now used. This change was done to simplify compilation by breaking it into three steps. The purpose of this document is to outline how the latter three steps of the process works. This document does not touch on how parsing works beyond what is needed to explain what is needed for compilation. It is also not exhaustive in terms of the how the entire system works. You will most likely need to read some source to have an exact understanding of all details. Parse Trees Python’s parser is an LL(1) parser mostly based on the implementation laid out in the Dragon Book [Aho86]. The grammar file for Python can be found in Grammar/Grammar with the numeric value of grammar rules are stored in Include/graminit.h. The numeric values for types of tokens (literal tokens, such as :, numbers, etc.) are kept in Include/token.h). The parse tree made up of node * structs (as defined in Include/node.h). Querying data from the node structs can be done with the following macros (which are all defined in Include/token.h): CHILD(node *, int)Returns the nth child of the node using zero-offset indexing RCHILD(node *, int)Returns the nth child of the node from the right side; use negative numbers! NCH(node *)Number of children the node has STR(node *)String representation of the node; e.g., will return : for a COLON token TYPE(node *)The type of node as specified in Include/graminit.h REQ(node *, TYPE)Assert that the node is the type that is expected LINENO(node *)retrieve the line number of the source code that led to the creation of the parse rule; defined in Python/ast.c To tie all of this example, consider the rule for ‘while’: while_stmt: 'while' test ':' suite ['else' ':' suite] The node representing this will have TYPE(node) == while_stmt and the number of children can be 4 or 7 depending on if there is an ‘else’ statement. To access what should be the first ‘:’ and require it be an actual ‘:’ token, (REQ(CHILD(node, 2), COLON). Abstract Syntax Trees (AST) The abstract syntax tree (AST) is a high-level representation of the program structure without the necessity of containing the source code; it can be thought of as an abstract representation of the source code. The specification of the AST nodes is specified using the Zephyr Abstract Syntax Definition Language (ASDL) [Wang97]. The definition of the AST nodes for Python is found in the file Parser/Python.asdl . Each AST node (representing statements, expressions, and several specialized types, like list comprehensions and exception handlers) is defined by the ASDL. Most definitions in the AST correspond to a particular source construct, such as an ‘if’ statement or an attribute lookup. The definition is independent of its realization in any particular programming language. The following fragment of the Python ASDL construct demonstrates the approach and syntax: module Python { stmt = FunctionDef(identifier name, arguments args, stmt* body, expr* decorators) | Return(expr? value) | Yield(expr value) attributes (int lineno) } The preceding example describes three different kinds of statements; function definitions, return statements, and yield statements. All three kinds are considered of type stmt as shown by ‘|’ separating the various kinds. They all take arguments of various kinds and amounts. Modifiers on the argument type specify the number of values needed; ‘?’ means it is optional, ‘*’ means 0 or more, no modifier means only one value for the argument and it is required. FunctionDef, for instance, takes an identifier for the name, ‘arguments’ for args, zero or more stmt arguments for ‘body’, and zero or more expr arguments for ‘decorators’. Do notice that something like ‘arguments’, which is a node type, is represented as a single AST node and not as a sequence of nodes as with stmt as one might expect. All three kinds also have an ‘attributes’ argument; this is shown by the fact that ‘attributes’ lacks a ‘|’ before it. The statement definitions above generate the following C structure type: typedef struct _stmt *stmt_ty; struct _stmt { enum { FunctionDef_kind=1, Return_kind=2, Yield_kind=3 } kind; union { struct { identifier name; arguments_ty args; asdl_seq *body; } FunctionDef; struct { expr_ty value; } Return; struct { expr_ty value; } Yield; } v; int lineno; } Also generated are a series of constructor functions that allocate (in this case) a stmt_ty struct with the appropriate initialization. The ‘kind’ field specifies which component of the union is initialized. The FunctionDef() constructor function sets ‘kind’ to FunctionDef_kind and initializes the ‘name’, ‘args’, ‘body’, and ‘attributes’ fields. Memory Management Before discussing the actual implementation of the compiler, a discussion of how memory is handled is in order. To make memory management simple, an arena is used. This means that a memory is pooled in a single location for easy allocation and removal. What this gives us is the removal of explicit memory deallocation. Because memory allocation for all needed memory in the compiler registers that memory with the arena, a single call to free the arena is all that is needed to completely free all memory used by the compiler. In general, unless you are working on the critical core of the compiler, memory management can be completely ignored. But if you are working at either the very beginning of the compiler or the end, you need to care about how the arena works. All code relating to the arena is in either Include/pyarena.h or Python/pyarena.c . PyArena_New() will create a new arena. The returned PyArena structure will store pointers to all memory given to it. This does the bookkeeping of what memory needs to be freed when the compiler is finished with the memory it used. That freeing is done with PyArena_Free(). This needs to only be called in strategic areas where the compiler exits. As stated above, in general you should not have to worry about memory management when working on the compiler. The technical details have been designed to be hidden from you for most cases. The only exception comes about when managing a PyObject. Since the rest of Python uses reference counting, there is extra support added to the arena to cleanup each PyObject that was allocated. These cases are very rare. However, if you’ve allocated a PyObject, you must tell the arena about it by calling PyArena_AddPyObject(). Parse Tree to AST The AST is generated from the parse tree (see Python/ast.c) using the function PyAST_FromNode(). The function begins a tree walk of the parse tree, creating various AST nodes as it goes along. It does this by allocating all new nodes it needs, calling the proper AST node creation functions for any required supporting functions, and connecting them as needed. Do realize that there is no automated nor symbolic connection between the grammar specification and the nodes in the parse tree. No help is directly provided by the parse tree as in yacc. For instance, one must keep track of which node in the parse tree one is working with (e.g., if you are working with an ‘if’ statement you need to watch out for the ‘:’ token to find the end of the conditional). The functions called to generate AST nodes from the parse tree all have the name ast_for_xx where xx is what the grammar rule that the function handles (alias_for_import_name is the exception to this). These in turn call the constructor functions as defined by the ASDL grammar and contained in Python/Python-ast.c (which was generated by Parser/asdl_c.py) to create the nodes of the AST. This all leads to a sequence of AST nodes stored in asdl_seq structs. Function and macros for creating and using asdl_seq * types as found in Python/asdl.c and Include/asdl.h: asdl_seq_new()Allocate memory for an asdl_seq for the specified length asdl_seq_GET()Get item held at a specific position in an asdl_seq asdl_seq_SET()Set a specific index in an asdl_seq to the specified value asdl_seq_LEN(asdl_seq *)Return the length of an asdl_seq If you are working with statements, you must also worry about keeping track of what line number generated the statement. Currently the line number is passed as the last parameter to each stmt_ty function. Control Flow Graphs A control flow graph (often referenced by its acronym, CFG) is a directed graph that models the flow of a program using basic blocks that contain the intermediate representation (abbreviated “IR”, and in this case is Python bytecode) within the blocks. Basic blocks themselves are a block of IR that has a single entry point but possibly multiple exit points. The single entry point is the key to basic blocks; it all has to do with jumps. An entry point is the target of something that changes control flow (such as a function call or a jump) while exit points are instructions that would change the flow of the program (such as jumps and ‘return’ statements). What this means is that a basic block is a chunk of code that starts at the entry point and runs to an exit point or the end of the block. As an example, consider an ‘if’ statement with an ‘else’ block. The guard on the ‘if’ is a basic block which is pointed to by the basic block containing the code leading to the ‘if’ statement. The ‘if’ statement block contains jumps (which are exit points) to the true body of the ‘if’ and the ‘else’ body (which may be NULL), each of which are their own basic blocks. Both of those blocks in turn point to the basic block representing the code following the entire ‘if’ statement. CFGs are usually one step away from final code output. Code is directly generated from the basic blocks (with jump targets adjusted based on the output order) by doing a post-order depth-first search on the CFG following the edges. AST to CFG to Bytecode With the AST created, the next step is to create the CFG. The first step is to convert the AST to Python bytecode without having jump targets resolved to specific offsets (this is calculated when the CFG goes to final bytecode). Essentially, this transforms the AST into Python bytecode with control flow represented by the edges of the CFG. Conversion is done in two passes. The first creates the namespace (variables can be classified as local, free/cell for closures, or global). With that done, the second pass essentially flattens the CFG into a list and calculates jump offsets for final output of bytecode. The conversion process is initiated by a call to the function PyAST_Compile() in Python/compile.c . This function does both the conversion of the AST to a CFG and outputting final bytecode from the CFG. The AST to CFG step is handled mostly by two functions called by PyAST_Compile(); PySymtable_Build() and compiler_mod() . The former is in Python/symtable.c while the latter is in Python/compile.c . PySymtable_Build() begins by entering the starting code block for the AST (passed-in) and then calling the proper symtable_visit_xx function (with xx being the AST node type). Next, the AST tree is walked with the various code blocks that delineate the reach of a local variable as blocks are entered and exited using symtable_enter_block() and symtable_exit_block(), respectively. Once the symbol table is created, it is time for CFG creation, whose code is in Python/compile.c . This is handled by several functions that break the task down by various AST node types. The functions are all named compiler_visit_xx where xx is the name of the node type (such as stmt, expr, etc.). Each function receives a struct compiler * and xx_ty where xx is the AST node type. Typically these functions consist of a large ‘switch’ statement, branching based on the kind of node type passed to it. Simple things are handled inline in the ‘switch’ statement with more complex transformations farmed out to other functions named compiler_xx with xx being a descriptive name of what is being handled. When transforming an arbitrary AST node, use the VISIT() macro. The appropriate compiler_visit_xx function is called, based on the value passed in for <node type> (so VISIT(c, expr, node) calls compiler_visit_expr(c, node)). The VISIT_SEQ macro is very similar, but is called on AST node sequences (those values that were created as arguments to a node that used the ‘*’ modifier). There is also VISIT_SLICE() just for handling slices. Emission of bytecode is handled by the following macros: ADDOP()add a specified opcode ADDOP_I()add an opcode that takes an argument ADDOP_O(struct compiler *c, int op, PyObject *type, PyObject *obj)add an opcode with the proper argument based on the position of the specified PyObject in PyObject sequence object, but with no handling of mangled names; used for when you need to do named lookups of objects such as globals, consts, or parameters where name mangling is not possible and the scope of the name is known ADDOP_NAME()just like ADDOP_O, but name mangling is also handled; used for attribute loading or importing based on name ADDOP_JABS()create an absolute jump to a basic block ADDOP_JREL()create a relative jump to a basic block Several helper functions that will emit bytecode and are named compiler_xx() where xx is what the function helps with (list, boolop, etc.). A rather useful one is compiler_nameop(). This function looks up the scope of a variable and, based on the expression context, emits the proper opcode to load, store, or delete the variable. As for handling the line number on which a statement is defined, is handled by compiler_visit_stmt() and thus is not a worry. In addition to emitting bytecode based on the AST node, handling the creation of basic blocks must be done. Below are the macros and functions used for managing basic blocks: NEW_BLOCK()create block and set it as current NEXT_BLOCK()basically NEW_BLOCK() plus jump from current block compiler_new_block()create a block but don’t use it (used for generating jumps) Once the CFG is created, it must be flattened and then final emission of bytecode occurs. Flattening is handled using a post-order depth-first search. Once flattened, jump offsets are backpatched based on the flattening and then a PyCodeObject file is created. All of this is handled by calling assemble() . Introducing New Bytecode Sometimes a new feature requires a new opcode. But adding new bytecode is not as simple as just suddenly introducing new bytecode in the AST -> bytecode step of the compiler. Several pieces of code throughout Python depend on having correct information about what bytecode exists. First, you must choose a name and a unique identifier number. The official list of bytecode can be found in Include/opcode.h . If the opcode is to take an argument, it must be given a unique number greater than that assigned to HAVE_ARGUMENT (as found in Include/opcode.h). Once the name/number pair has been chosen and entered in Include/opcode.h, you must also enter it into Lib/opcode.py and Doc/library/dis.rst . With a new bytecode you must also change what is called the magic number for .pyc files. The variable MAGIC in Python/import.c contains the number. Changing this number will lead to all .pyc files with the old MAGIC to be recompiled by the interpreter on import. Finally, you need to introduce the use of the new bytecode. Altering Python/compile.c and Python/ceval.c will be the primary places to change. But you will also need to change the ‘compiler’ package. The key files to do that are Lib/compiler/pyassem.py and Lib/compiler/pycodegen.py . If you make a change here that can affect the output of bytecode that is already in existence and you do not change the magic number constantly, make sure to delete your old .py(c|o) files! Even though you will end up changing the magic number if you change the bytecode, while you are debugging your work you will be changing the bytecode output without constantly bumping up the magic number. This means you end up with stale .pyc files that will not be recreated. Running find . -name '*.py[co]' -exec rm -f {} ';' should delete all .pyc files you have, forcing new ones to be created and thus allow you test out your new bytecode properly. Code Objects The result of PyAST_Compile() is a PyCodeObject which is defined in Include/code.h . And with that you now have executable Python bytecode! The code objects (byte code) is executed in Python/ceval.c . This file will also need a new case statement for the new opcode in the big switch statement in PyEval_EvalFrameEx(). Important Files Parser/ Python.asdlASDL syntax file asdl.py“An implementation of the Zephyr Abstract Syntax Definition Language.” Uses SPARK to parse the ASDL files. asdl_c.py“Generate C code from an ASDL description.” Generates Python/Python-ast.c and Include/Python-ast.h . spark.pySPARK parser generator Python/ Python-ast.cCreates C structs corresponding to the ASDL types. Also contains code for marshaling AST nodes (core ASDL types have marshaling code in asdl.c). “File automatically generated by Parser/asdl_c.py”. This file must be committed separately after every grammar change is committed since the __version__ value is set to the latest grammar change revision number. asdl.cContains code to handle the ASDL sequence type. Also has code to handle marshalling the core ASDL types, such as number and identifier. used by Python-ast.c for marshaling AST nodes. ast.cConverts Python’s parse tree into the abstract syntax tree. ceval.cExecutes byte code (aka, eval loop). compile.cEmits bytecode based on the AST. symtable.cGenerates a symbol table from AST. pyarena.cImplementation of the arena memory manager. import.cHome of the magic number (named MAGIC) for bytecode versioning Include/ Python-ast.hContains the actual definitions of the C structs as generated by Python/Python-ast.c . “Automatically generated by Parser/asdl_c.py”. asdl.hHeader for the corresponding Python/ast.c . ast.hDeclares PyAST_FromNode() external (from Python/ast.c). code.hHeader file for Objects/codeobject.c; contains definition of PyCodeObject. symtable.hHeader for Python/symtable.c . struct symtable and PySTEntryObject are defined here. pyarena.hHeader file for the corresponding Python/pyarena.c . opcode.hMaster list of bytecode; if this file is modified you must modify several other files accordingly (see “Introducing New Bytecode”) Objects/ codeobject.cContains PyCodeObject-related code (originally in Python/compile.c). Lib/ opcode.pyOne of the files that must be modified if Include/opcode.h is. compiler/ pyassem.pyOne of the files that must be modified if Include/opcode.h is changed. pycodegen.pyOne of the files that must be modified if Include/opcode.h is changed. Known Compiler-related Experiments This section lists known experiments involving the compiler (including bytecode). Skip Montanaro presented a paper at a Python workshop on a peephole optimizer [1]. Michael Hudson has a non-active SourceForge project named Bytecodehacks [2] that provides functionality for playing with bytecode directly. An opcode to combine the functionality of LOAD_ATTR/CALL_FUNCTION was created named CALL_ATTR [3]. Currently only works for classic classes and for new-style classes rough benchmarking showed an actual slowdown thanks to having to support both classic and new-style classes. References [Aho86] Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman. Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools, http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0201100886/104-0162389-6419108 [Wang97] Daniel C. Wang, Andrew W. Appel, Jeff L. Korn, and Chris S. Serra. The Zephyr Abstract Syntax Description Language. In Proceedings of the Conference on Domain-Specific Languages, pp. 213–227, 1997. [1] Skip Montanaro’s Peephole Optimizer Paper (https://legacy.python.org/workshops/1998-11/proceedings/papers/montanaro/montanaro.html) [2] Bytecodehacks Project (http://bytecodehacks.sourceforge.net/bch-docs/bch/index.html) [3] CALL_ATTR opcode (https://bugs.python.org/issue709744)
PEP 339 – Design of the CPython Compiler
Historically (through 2.4), compilation from source code to bytecode involved two steps:
PEP 341 – Unifying try-except and try-finally Author: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 04-May-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale/Proposal Changes to the grammar Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a change in the syntax and semantics of try statements to allow combined try-except-finally blocks. This means in short that it would be valid to write: try: <do something> except Exception: <handle the error> finally: <cleanup> Rationale/Proposal There are many use cases for the try-except statement and for the try-finally statement per se; however, often one needs to catch exceptions and execute some cleanup code afterwards. It is slightly annoying and not very intelligible that one has to write: f = None try: try: f = open(filename) text = f.read() except IOError: print 'An error occurred' finally: if f: f.close() So it is proposed that a construction like this: try: <suite 1> except Ex1: <suite 2> <more except: clauses> else: <suite 3> finally: <suite 4> be exactly the same as the legacy: try: try: <suite 1> except Ex1: <suite 2> <more except: clauses> else: <suite 3> finally: <suite 4> This is backwards compatible, and every try statement that is legal today would continue to work. Changes to the grammar The grammar for the try statement, which is currently: try_stmt: ('try' ':' suite (except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite] | 'try' ':' suite 'finally' ':' suite) would have to become: try_stmt: 'try' ':' suite ( (except_clause ':' suite)+ ['else' ':' suite] ['finally' ':' suite] | 'finally' ':' suite ) Implementation As the PEP author currently does not have sufficient knowledge of the CPython implementation, he is unfortunately not able to deliver one. Thomas Lee has submitted a patch [2]. However, according to Guido, it should be a piece of cake to implement [1] – at least for a core hacker. This patch was committed 17 December 2005, SVN revision 41740 [3]. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-May/053319.html [2] https://bugs.python.org/issue1355913 [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-checkins/2005-December/048457.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 341 – Unifying try-except and try-finally
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a change in the syntax and semantics of try statements to allow combined try-except-finally blocks. This means in short that it would be valid to write:
PEP 343 – The “with” Statement Author: Guido van Rossum, Alyssa Coghlan Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 13-May-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 02-Jun-2005, 16-Oct-2005, 29-Oct-2005, 23-Apr-2006, 01-May-2006, 30-Jul-2006 Table of Contents Abstract Author’s Note Introduction Motivation and Summary Use Cases Specification: The ‘with’ Statement Transition Plan Generator Decorator Context Managers in the Standard Library Standard Terminology Caching Context Managers Resolved Issues Rejected Options Examples Reference Implementation Acknowledgements References Copyright Abstract This PEP adds a new statement “with” to the Python language to make it possible to factor out standard uses of try/finally statements. In this PEP, context managers provide __enter__() and __exit__() methods that are invoked on entry to and exit from the body of the with statement. Author’s Note This PEP was originally written in first person by Guido, and subsequently updated by Alyssa (Nick) Coghlan to reflect later discussion on python-dev. Any first person references are from Guido’s original. Python’s alpha release cycle revealed terminology problems in this PEP and in the associated documentation and implementation [13]. The PEP stabilised around the time of the first Python 2.5 beta release. Yes, the verb tense is messed up in a few places. We’ve been working on this PEP for over a year now, so things that were originally in the future are now in the past :) Introduction After a lot of discussion about PEP 340 and alternatives, I decided to withdraw PEP 340 and proposed a slight variant on PEP 310. After more discussion, I have added back a mechanism for raising an exception in a suspended generator using a throw() method, and a close() method which throws a new GeneratorExit exception; these additions were first proposed on python-dev in [2] and universally approved of. I’m also changing the keyword to ‘with’. After acceptance of this PEP, the following PEPs were rejected due to overlap: PEP 310, Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs. This is the original with-statement proposal. PEP 319, Python Synchronize/Asynchronize Block. Its use cases can be covered by the current PEP by providing suitable with-statement controllers: for ‘synchronize’ we can use the “locking” template from example 1; for ‘asynchronize’ we can use a similar “unlocking” template. I don’t think having an “anonymous” lock associated with a code block is all that important; in fact it may be better to always be explicit about the mutex being used. PEP 340 and PEP 346 also overlapped with this PEP, but were voluntarily withdrawn when this PEP was submitted. Some discussion of earlier incarnations of this PEP took place on the Python Wiki [3]. Motivation and Summary PEP 340, Anonymous Block Statements, combined many powerful ideas: using generators as block templates, adding exception handling and finalization to generators, and more. Besides praise it received a lot of opposition from people who didn’t like the fact that it was, under the covers, a (potential) looping construct. This meant that break and continue in a block-statement would break or continue the block-statement, even if it was used as a non-looping resource management tool. But the final blow came when I read Raymond Chen’s rant about flow-control macros [1]. Raymond argues convincingly that hiding flow control in macros makes your code inscrutable, and I find that his argument applies to Python as well as to C. I realized that PEP 340 templates can hide all sorts of control flow; for example, its example 4 (auto_retry()) catches exceptions and repeats the block up to three times. However, the with-statement of PEP 310 does not hide control flow, in my view: while a finally-suite temporarily suspends the control flow, in the end, the control flow resumes as if the finally-suite wasn’t there at all. Remember, PEP 310 proposes roughly this syntax (the “VAR =” part is optional): with VAR = EXPR: BLOCK which roughly translates into this: VAR = EXPR VAR.__enter__() try: BLOCK finally: VAR.__exit__() Now consider this example: with f = open("/etc/passwd"): BLOCK1 BLOCK2 Here, just as if the first line was “if True” instead, we know that if BLOCK1 completes without an exception, BLOCK2 will be reached; and if BLOCK1 raises an exception or executes a non-local goto (a break, continue or return), BLOCK2 is not reached. The magic added by the with-statement at the end doesn’t affect this. (You may ask, what if a bug in the __exit__() method causes an exception? Then all is lost – but this is no worse than with other exceptions; the nature of exceptions is that they can happen anywhere, and you just have to live with that. Even if you write bug-free code, a KeyboardInterrupt exception can still cause it to exit between any two virtual machine opcodes.) This argument almost led me to endorse PEP 310, but I had one idea left from the PEP 340 euphoria that I wasn’t ready to drop: using generators as “templates” for abstractions like acquiring and releasing a lock or opening and closing a file is a powerful idea, as can be seen by looking at the examples in that PEP. Inspired by a counter-proposal to PEP 340 by Phillip Eby I tried to create a decorator that would turn a suitable generator into an object with the necessary __enter__() and __exit__() methods. Here I ran into a snag: while it wasn’t too hard for the locking example, it was impossible to do this for the opening example. The idea was to define the template like this: @contextmanager def opening(filename): f = open(filename) try: yield f finally: f.close() and used it like this: with f = opening(filename): ...read data from f... The problem is that in PEP 310, the result of calling EXPR is assigned directly to VAR, and then VAR’s __exit__() method is called upon exit from BLOCK1. But here, VAR clearly needs to receive the opened file, and that would mean that __exit__() would have to be a method on the file. While this can be solved using a proxy class, this is awkward and made me realize that a slightly different translation would make writing the desired decorator a piece of cake: let VAR receive the result from calling the __enter__() method, and save the value of EXPR to call its __exit__() method later. Then the decorator can return an instance of a wrapper class whose __enter__() method calls the generator’s next() method and returns whatever next() returns; the wrapper instance’s __exit__() method calls next() again but expects it to raise StopIteration. (Details below in the section Optional Generator Decorator.) So now the final hurdle was that the PEP 310 syntax: with VAR = EXPR: BLOCK1 would be deceptive, since VAR does not receive the value of EXPR. Borrowing from PEP 340, it was an easy step to: with EXPR as VAR: BLOCK1 Additional discussion showed that people really liked being able to “see” the exception in the generator, even if it was only to log it; the generator is not allowed to yield another value, since the with-statement should not be usable as a loop (raising a different exception is marginally acceptable). To enable this, a new throw() method for generators is proposed, which takes one to three arguments representing an exception in the usual fashion (type, value, traceback) and raises it at the point where the generator is suspended. Once we have this, it is a small step to proposing another generator method, close(), which calls throw() with a special exception, GeneratorExit. This tells the generator to exit, and from there it’s another small step to proposing that close() be called automatically when the generator is garbage-collected. Then, finally, we can allow a yield-statement inside a try-finally statement, since we can now guarantee that the finally-clause will (eventually) be executed. The usual cautions about finalization apply – the process may be terminated abruptly without finalizing any objects, and objects may be kept alive forever by cycles or memory leaks in the application (as opposed to cycles or leaks in the Python implementation, which are taken care of by GC). Note that we’re not guaranteeing that the finally-clause is executed immediately after the generator object becomes unused, even though this is how it will work in CPython. This is similar to auto-closing files: while a reference-counting implementation like CPython deallocates an object as soon as the last reference to it goes away, implementations that use other GC algorithms do not make the same guarantee. This applies to Jython, IronPython, and probably to Python running on Parrot. (The details of the changes made to generators can now be found in PEP 342 rather than in the current PEP) Use Cases See the Examples section near the end. Specification: The ‘with’ Statement A new statement is proposed with the syntax: with EXPR as VAR: BLOCK Here, ‘with’ and ‘as’ are new keywords; EXPR is an arbitrary expression (but not an expression-list) and VAR is a single assignment target. It can not be a comma-separated sequence of variables, but it can be a parenthesized comma-separated sequence of variables. (This restriction makes a future extension possible of the syntax to have multiple comma-separated resources, each with its own optional as-clause.) The “as VAR” part is optional. The translation of the above statement is: mgr = (EXPR) exit = type(mgr).__exit__ # Not calling it yet value = type(mgr).__enter__(mgr) exc = True try: try: VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present BLOCK except: # The exceptional case is handled here exc = False if not exit(mgr, *sys.exc_info()): raise # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true finally: # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here if exc: exit(mgr, None, None, None) Here, the lowercase variables (mgr, exit, value, exc) are internal variables and not accessible to the user; they will most likely be implemented as special registers or stack positions. The details of the above translation are intended to prescribe the exact semantics. If either of the relevant methods are not found as expected, the interpreter will raise AttributeError, in the order that they are tried (__exit__, __enter__). Similarly, if any of the calls raises an exception, the effect is exactly as it would be in the above code. Finally, if BLOCK contains a break, continue or return statement, the __exit__() method is called with three None arguments just as if BLOCK completed normally. (I.e. these “pseudo-exceptions” are not seen as exceptions by __exit__().) If the “as VAR” part of the syntax is omitted, the “VAR =” part of the translation is omitted (but mgr.__enter__() is still called). The calling convention for mgr.__exit__() is as follows. If the finally-suite was reached through normal completion of BLOCK or through a non-local goto (a break, continue or return statement in BLOCK), mgr.__exit__() is called with three None arguments. If the finally-suite was reached through an exception raised in BLOCK, mgr.__exit__() is called with three arguments representing the exception type, value, and traceback. IMPORTANT: if mgr.__exit__() returns a “true” value, the exception is “swallowed”. That is, if it returns “true”, execution continues at the next statement after the with-statement, even if an exception happened inside the with-statement. However, if the with-statement was left via a non-local goto (break, continue or return), this non-local return is resumed when mgr.__exit__() returns regardless of the return value. The motivation for this detail is to make it possible for mgr.__exit__() to swallow exceptions, without making it too easy (since the default return value, None, is false and this causes the exception to be re-raised). The main use case for swallowing exceptions is to make it possible to write the @contextmanager decorator so that a try/except block in a decorated generator behaves exactly as if the body of the generator were expanded in-line at the place of the with-statement. The motivation for passing the exception details to __exit__(), as opposed to the argument-less __exit__() from PEP 310, was given by the transactional() use case, example 3 below. The template in that example must commit or roll back the transaction depending on whether an exception occurred or not. Rather than just having a boolean flag indicating whether an exception occurred, we pass the complete exception information, for the benefit of an exception-logging facility for example. Relying on sys.exc_info() to get at the exception information was rejected; sys.exc_info() has very complex semantics and it is perfectly possible that it returns the exception information for an exception that was caught ages ago. It was also proposed to add an additional boolean to distinguish between reaching the end of BLOCK and a non-local goto. This was rejected as too complex and unnecessary; a non-local goto should be considered unexceptional for the purposes of a database transaction roll-back decision. To facilitate chaining of contexts in Python code that directly manipulates context managers, __exit__() methods should not re-raise the error that is passed in to them. It is always the responsibility of the caller of the __exit__() method to do any reraising in that case. That way, if the caller needs to tell whether the __exit__() invocation failed (as opposed to successfully cleaning up before propagating the original error), it can do so. If __exit__() returns without an error, this can then be interpreted as success of the __exit__() method itself (regardless of whether or not the original error is to be propagated or suppressed). However, if __exit__() propagates an exception to its caller, this means that __exit__() itself has failed. Thus, __exit__() methods should avoid raising errors unless they have actually failed. (And allowing the original error to proceed isn’t a failure.) Transition Plan In Python 2.5, the new syntax will only be recognized if a future statement is present: from __future__ import with_statement This will make both ‘with’ and ‘as’ keywords. Without the future statement, using ‘with’ or ‘as’ as an identifier will cause a Warning to be issued to stderr. In Python 2.6, the new syntax will always be recognized; ‘with’ and ‘as’ are always keywords. Generator Decorator With PEP 342 accepted, it is possible to write a decorator that makes it possible to use a generator that yields exactly once to control a with-statement. Here’s a sketch of such a decorator: class GeneratorContextManager(object): def __init__(self, gen): self.gen = gen def __enter__(self): try: return self.gen.next() except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError("generator didn't yield") def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if type is None: try: self.gen.next() except StopIteration: return else: raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop") else: try: self.gen.throw(type, value, traceback) raise RuntimeError("generator didn't stop after throw()") except StopIteration: return True except: # only re-raise if it's *not* the exception that was # passed to throw(), because __exit__() must not raise # an exception unless __exit__() itself failed. But # throw() has to raise the exception to signal # propagation, so this fixes the impedance mismatch # between the throw() protocol and the __exit__() # protocol. # if sys.exc_info()[1] is not value: raise def contextmanager(func): def helper(*args, **kwds): return GeneratorContextManager(func(*args, **kwds)) return helper This decorator could be used as follows: @contextmanager def opening(filename): f = open(filename) # IOError is untouched by GeneratorContext try: yield f finally: f.close() # Ditto for errors here (however unlikely) A robust implementation of this decorator will be made part of the standard library. Context Managers in the Standard Library It would be possible to endow certain objects, like files, sockets, and locks, with __enter__() and __exit__() methods so that instead of writing: with locking(myLock): BLOCK one could write simply: with myLock: BLOCK I think we should be careful with this; it could lead to mistakes like: f = open(filename) with f: BLOCK1 with f: BLOCK2 which does not do what one might think (f is closed before BLOCK2 is entered). OTOH such mistakes are easily diagnosed; for example, the generator context decorator above raises RuntimeError when a second with-statement calls f.__enter__() again. A similar error can be raised if __enter__ is invoked on a closed file object. For Python 2.5, the following types have been identified as context managers: - file - thread.LockType - threading.Lock - threading.RLock - threading.Condition - threading.Semaphore - threading.BoundedSemaphore A context manager will also be added to the decimal module to support using a local decimal arithmetic context within the body of a with statement, automatically restoring the original context when the with statement is exited. Standard Terminology This PEP proposes that the protocol consisting of the __enter__() and __exit__() methods be known as the “context management protocol”, and that objects that implement that protocol be known as “context managers”. [4] The expression immediately following the with keyword in the statement is a “context expression” as that expression provides the main clue as to the runtime environment the context manager establishes for the duration of the statement body. The code in the body of the with statement and the variable name (or names) after the as keyword don’t really have special terms at this point in time. The general terms “statement body” and “target list” can be used, prefixing with “with” or “with statement” if the terms would otherwise be unclear. Given the existence of objects such as the decimal module’s arithmetic context, the term “context” is unfortunately ambiguous. If necessary, it can be made more specific by using the terms “context manager” for the concrete object created by the context expression and “runtime context” or (preferably) “runtime environment” for the actual state modifications made by the context manager. When simply discussing use of the with statement, the ambiguity shouldn’t matter too much as the context expression fully defines the changes made to the runtime environment. The distinction is more important when discussing the mechanics of the with statement itself and how to go about actually implementing context managers. Caching Context Managers Many context managers (such as files and generator-based contexts) will be single-use objects. Once the __exit__() method has been called, the context manager will no longer be in a usable state (e.g. the file has been closed, or the underlying generator has finished execution). Requiring a fresh manager object for each with statement is the easiest way to avoid problems with multi-threaded code and nested with statements trying to use the same context manager. It isn’t coincidental that all of the standard library context managers that support reuse come from the threading module - they’re all already designed to deal with the problems created by threaded and nested usage. This means that in order to save a context manager with particular initialisation arguments to be used in multiple with statements, it will typically be necessary to store it in a zero-argument callable that is then called in the context expression of each statement rather than caching the context manager directly. When this restriction does not apply, the documentation of the affected context manager should make that clear. Resolved Issues The following issues were resolved by BDFL approval (and a lack of any major objections on python-dev). What exception should GeneratorContextManager raise when the underlying generator-iterator misbehaves? The following quote is the reason behind Guido’s choice of RuntimeError for both this and for the generator close() method in PEP 342 (from [8]):“I’d rather not introduce a new exception class just for this purpose, since it’s not an exception that I want people to catch: I want it to turn into a traceback which is seen by the programmer who then fixes the code. So now I believe they should both raise RuntimeError. There are some precedents for that: it’s raised by the core Python code in situations where endless recursion is detected, and for uninitialized objects (and for a variety of miscellaneous conditions).” It is fine to raise AttributeError instead of TypeError if the relevant methods aren’t present on a class involved in a with statement. The fact that the abstract object C API raises TypeError rather than AttributeError is an accident of history, rather than a deliberate design decision [11]. Objects with __enter__/__exit__ methods are called “context managers” and the decorator to convert a generator function into a context manager factory is contextlib.contextmanager. There were some other suggestions [15] during the 2.5 release cycle but no compelling arguments for switching away from the terms that had been used in the PEP implementation were made. Rejected Options For several months, the PEP prohibited suppression of exceptions in order to avoid hidden flow control. Implementation revealed this to be a right royal pain, so Guido restored the ability [12]. Another aspect of the PEP that caused no end of questions and terminology debates was providing a __context__() method that was analogous to an iterable’s __iter__() method [5] [7] [9]. The ongoing problems [10] [12] with explaining what it was and why it was and how it was meant to work eventually lead to Guido killing the concept outright [14] (and there was much rejoicing!). The notion of using the PEP 342 generator API directly to define the with statement was also briefly entertained [6], but quickly dismissed as making it too difficult to write non-generator based context managers. Examples The generator based examples rely on PEP 342. Also, some of the examples are unnecessary in practice, as the appropriate objects, such as threading.RLock, are able to be used directly in with statements. The tense used in the names of the example contexts is not arbitrary. Past tense (“-ed”) is used when the name refers to an action which is done in the __enter__ method and undone in the __exit__ method. Progressive tense (“-ing”) is used when the name refers to an action which is to be done in the __exit__ method. A template for ensuring that a lock, acquired at the start of a block, is released when the block is left:@contextmanager def locked(lock): lock.acquire() try: yield finally: lock.release() Used as follows: with locked(myLock): # Code here executes with myLock held. The lock is # guaranteed to be released when the block is left (even # if via return or by an uncaught exception). A template for opening a file that ensures the file is closed when the block is left:@contextmanager def opened(filename, mode="r"): f = open(filename, mode) try: yield f finally: f.close() Used as follows: with opened("/etc/passwd") as f: for line in f: print line.rstrip() A template for committing or rolling back a database transaction:@contextmanager def transaction(db): db.begin() try: yield None except: db.rollback() raise else: db.commit() Example 1 rewritten without a generator:class locked: def __init__(self, lock): self.lock = lock def __enter__(self): self.lock.acquire() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.lock.release() (This example is easily modified to implement the other relatively stateless examples; it shows that it is easy to avoid the need for a generator if no special state needs to be preserved.) Redirect stdout temporarily:@contextmanager def stdout_redirected(new_stdout): save_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = new_stdout try: yield None finally: sys.stdout = save_stdout Used as follows: with opened(filename, "w") as f: with stdout_redirected(f): print "Hello world" This isn’t thread-safe, of course, but neither is doing this same dance manually. In single-threaded programs (for example, in scripts) it is a popular way of doing things. A variant on opened() that also returns an error condition:@contextmanager def opened_w_error(filename, mode="r"): try: f = open(filename, mode) except IOError, err: yield None, err else: try: yield f, None finally: f.close() Used as follows: with opened_w_error("/etc/passwd", "a") as (f, err): if err: print "IOError:", err else: f.write("guido::0:0::/:/bin/sh\n") Another useful example would be an operation that blocks signals. The use could be like this:import signal with signal.blocked(): # code executed without worrying about signals An optional argument might be a list of signals to be blocked; by default all signals are blocked. The implementation is left as an exercise to the reader. Another use for this feature is the Decimal context. Here’s a simple example, after one posted by Michael Chermside:import decimal @contextmanager def extra_precision(places=2): c = decimal.getcontext() saved_prec = c.prec c.prec += places try: yield None finally: c.prec = saved_prec Sample usage (adapted from the Python Library Reference): def sin(x): "Return the sine of x as measured in radians." with extra_precision(): i, lasts, s, fact, num, sign = 1, 0, x, 1, x, 1 while s != lasts: lasts = s i += 2 fact *= i * (i-1) num *= x * x sign *= -1 s += num / fact * sign # The "+s" rounds back to the original precision, # so this must be outside the with-statement: return +s Here’s a simple context manager for the decimal module:@contextmanager def localcontext(ctx=None): """Set a new local decimal context for the block""" # Default to using the current context if ctx is None: ctx = getcontext() # We set the thread context to a copy of this context # to ensure that changes within the block are kept # local to the block. newctx = ctx.copy() oldctx = decimal.getcontext() decimal.setcontext(newctx) try: yield newctx finally: # Always restore the original context decimal.setcontext(oldctx) Sample usage: from decimal import localcontext, ExtendedContext def sin(x): with localcontext() as ctx: ctx.prec += 2 # Rest of sin calculation algorithm # uses a precision 2 greater than normal return +s # Convert result to normal precision def sin(x): with localcontext(ExtendedContext): # Rest of sin calculation algorithm # uses the Extended Context from the # General Decimal Arithmetic Specification return +s # Convert result to normal context A generic “object-closing” context manager:class closing(object): def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __enter__(self): return self.obj def __exit__(self, *exc_info): try: close_it = self.obj.close except AttributeError: pass else: close_it() This can be used to deterministically close anything with a close method, be it file, generator, or something else. It can even be used when the object isn’t guaranteed to require closing (e.g., a function that accepts an arbitrary iterable): # emulate opening(): with closing(open("argument.txt")) as contradiction: for line in contradiction: print line # deterministically finalize an iterator: with closing(iter(data_source)) as data: for datum in data: process(datum) (Python 2.5’s contextlib module contains a version of this context manager) PEP 319 gives a use case for also having a released() context to temporarily release a previously acquired lock; this can be written very similarly to the locked context manager above by swapping the acquire() and release() calls:class released: def __init__(self, lock): self.lock = lock def __enter__(self): self.lock.release() def __exit__(self, type, value, tb): self.lock.acquire() Sample usage: with my_lock: # Operations with the lock held with released(my_lock): # Operations without the lock # e.g. blocking I/O # Lock is held again here A “nested” context manager that automatically nests the supplied contexts from left-to-right to avoid excessive indentation:@contextmanager def nested(*contexts): exits = [] vars = [] try: try: for context in contexts: exit = context.__exit__ enter = context.__enter__ vars.append(enter()) exits.append(exit) yield vars except: exc = sys.exc_info() else: exc = (None, None, None) finally: while exits: exit = exits.pop() try: exit(*exc) except: exc = sys.exc_info() else: exc = (None, None, None) if exc != (None, None, None): # sys.exc_info() may have been # changed by one of the exit methods # so provide explicit exception info raise exc[0], exc[1], exc[2] Sample usage: with nested(a, b, c) as (x, y, z): # Perform operation Is equivalent to: with a as x: with b as y: with c as z: # Perform operation (Python 2.5’s contextlib module contains a version of this context manager) Reference Implementation This PEP was first accepted by Guido at his EuroPython keynote, 27 June 2005. It was accepted again later, with the __context__ method added. The PEP was implemented in Subversion for Python 2.5a1 The __context__() method was removed in Python 2.5b1 Acknowledgements Many people contributed to the ideas and concepts in this PEP, including all those mentioned in the acknowledgements for PEP 340 and PEP 346. Additional thanks goes to (in no meaningful order): Paul Moore, Phillip J. Eby, Greg Ewing, Jason Orendorff, Michael Hudson, Raymond Hettinger, Walter Dörwald, Aahz, Georg Brandl, Terry Reedy, A.M. Kuchling, Brett Cannon, and all those that participated in the discussions on python-dev. References [1] Raymond Chen’s article on hidden flow control https://devblogs.microsoft.com/oldnewthing/20050106-00/?p=36783 [2] Guido suggests some generator changes that ended up in PEP 342 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-May/053885.html [3] Wiki discussion of PEP 343 http://wiki.python.org/moin/WithStatement [4] Early draft of some documentation for the with statement https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-July/054658.html [5] Proposal to add the __with__ method https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/056947.html [6] Proposal to use the PEP 342 enhanced generator API directly https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/056969.html [7] Guido lets me (Alyssa Coghlan) talk him into a bad idea ;) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/057018.html [8] Guido raises some exception handling questions https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054064.html [9] Guido answers some questions about the __context__ method https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/057520.html [10] Guido answers more questions about the __context__ method https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/057535.html [11] Guido says AttributeError is fine for missing special methods https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/057625.html [12] (1, 2) Guido restores the ability to suppress exceptions https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-February/061909.html [13] A simple question kickstarts a thorough review of PEP 343 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/063859.html [14] Guido kills the __context__() method https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/064632.html [15] Proposal to use ‘context guard’ instead of ‘context manager’ https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-May/064676.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 343 – The “with” Statement
Standards Track
This PEP adds a new statement “with” to the Python language to make it possible to factor out standard uses of try/finally statements.
PEP 344 – Exception Chaining and Embedded Tracebacks Author: Ka-Ping Yee Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Created: 12-May-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Numbering Note Abstract Motivation History Rationale Implicit Exception Chaining Explicit Exception Chaining Traceback Attribute Enhanced Reporting C API Compatibility Open Issue: Extra Information Open Issue: Suppressing Context Open Issue: Limiting Exception Types Open Issue: yield Open Issue: Garbage Collection Possible Future Compatible Changes Possible Future Incompatible Changes Acknowledgements References Copyright Numbering Note This PEP has been renumbered to PEP 3134. The text below is the last version submitted under the old number. Abstract This PEP proposes three standard attributes on exception instances: the __context__ attribute for implicitly chained exceptions, the __cause__ attribute for explicitly chained exceptions, and the __traceback__ attribute for the traceback. A new raise ... from statement sets the __cause__ attribute. Motivation During the handling of one exception (exception A), it is possible that another exception (exception B) may occur. In today’s Python (version 2.4), if this happens, exception B is propagated outward and exception A is lost. In order to debug the problem, it is useful to know about both exceptions. The __context__ attribute retains this information automatically. Sometimes it can be useful for an exception handler to intentionally re-raise an exception, either to provide extra information or to translate an exception to another type. The __cause__ attribute provides an explicit way to record the direct cause of an exception. In today’s Python implementation, exceptions are composed of three parts: the type, the value, and the traceback. The sys module, exposes the current exception in three parallel variables, exc_type, exc_value, and exc_traceback, the sys.exc_info() function returns a tuple of these three parts, and the raise statement has a three-argument form accepting these three parts. Manipulating exceptions often requires passing these three things in parallel, which can be tedious and error-prone. Additionally, the except statement can only provide access to the value, not the traceback. Adding the __traceback__ attribute to exception values makes all the exception information accessible from a single place. History Raymond Hettinger [1] raised the issue of masked exceptions on Python-Dev in January 2003 and proposed a PyErr_FormatAppend() function that C modules could use to augment the currently active exception with more information. Brett Cannon [2] brought up chained exceptions again in June 2003, prompting a long discussion. Greg Ewing [3] identified the case of an exception occurring in a finally block during unwinding triggered by an original exception, as distinct from the case of an exception occurring in an except block that is handling the original exception. Greg Ewing [4] and Guido van Rossum [5], and probably others, have previously mentioned adding a traceback attribute to Exception instances. This is noted in PEP 3000. This PEP was motivated by yet another recent Python-Dev reposting of the same ideas [6] [7]. Rationale The Python-Dev discussions revealed interest in exception chaining for two quite different purposes. To handle the unexpected raising of a secondary exception, the exception must be retained implicitly. To support intentional translation of an exception, there must be a way to chain exceptions explicitly. This PEP addresses both. Several attribute names for chained exceptions have been suggested on Python-Dev [2], including cause, antecedent, reason, original, chain, chainedexc, xc_chain, excprev, previous and precursor. For an explicitly chained exception, this PEP suggests __cause__ because of its specific meaning. For an implicitly chained exception, this PEP proposes the name __context__ because the intended meaning is more specific than temporal precedence but less specific than causation: an exception occurs in the context of handling another exception. This PEP suggests names with leading and trailing double-underscores for these three attributes because they are set by the Python VM. Only in very special cases should they be set by normal assignment. This PEP handles exceptions that occur during except blocks and finally blocks in the same way. Reading the traceback makes it clear where the exceptions occurred, so additional mechanisms for distinguishing the two cases would only add unnecessary complexity. This PEP proposes that the outermost exception object (the one exposed for matching by except clauses) be the most recently raised exception for compatibility with current behaviour. This PEP proposes that tracebacks display the outermost exception last, because this would be consistent with the chronological order of tracebacks (from oldest to most recent frame) and because the actual thrown exception is easier to find on the last line. To keep things simpler, the C API calls for setting an exception will not automatically set the exception’s __context__. Guido van Rossum has expressed concerns with making such changes [8]. As for other languages, Java and Ruby both discard the original exception when another exception occurs in a catch/rescue or finally/ensure clause. Perl 5 lacks built-in structured exception handling. For Perl 6, RFC number 88 [9] proposes an exception mechanism that implicitly retains chained exceptions in an array named @@. In that RFC, the most recently raised exception is exposed for matching, as in this PEP; also, arbitrary expressions (possibly involving @@) can be evaluated for exception matching. Exceptions in C# contain a read-only InnerException property that may point to another exception. Its documentation [10] says that “When an exception X is thrown as a direct result of a previous exception Y, the InnerException property of X should contain a reference to Y.” This property is not set by the VM automatically; rather, all exception constructors take an optional innerException argument to set it explicitly. The __cause__ attribute fulfills the same purpose as InnerException, but this PEP proposes a new form of raise rather than extending the constructors of all exceptions. C# also provides a GetBaseException method that jumps directly to the end of the InnerException chain; this PEP proposes no analog. The reason all three of these attributes are presented together in one proposal is that the __traceback__ attribute provides convenient access to the traceback on chained exceptions. Implicit Exception Chaining Here is an example to illustrate the __context__ attribute: def compute(a, b): try: a/b except Exception, exc: log(exc) def log(exc): file = open('logfile.txt') # oops, forgot the 'w' print >>file, exc file.close() Calling compute(0, 0) causes a ZeroDivisionError. The compute() function catches this exception and calls log(exc), but the log() function also raises an exception when it tries to write to a file that wasn’t opened for writing. In today’s Python, the caller of compute() gets thrown an IOError. The ZeroDivisionError is lost. With the proposed change, the instance of IOError has an additional __context__ attribute that retains the ZeroDivisionError. The following more elaborate example demonstrates the handling of a mixture of finally and except clauses: def main(filename): file = open(filename) # oops, forgot the 'w' try: try: compute() except Exception, exc: log(file, exc) finally: file.clos() # oops, misspelled 'close' def compute(): 1/0 def log(file, exc): try: print >>file, exc # oops, file is not writable except: display(exc) def display(exc): print ex # oops, misspelled 'exc' Calling main() with the name of an existing file will trigger four exceptions. The ultimate result will be an AttributeError due to the misspelling of clos, whose __context__ points to a NameError due to the misspelling of ex, whose __context__ points to an IOError due to the file being read-only, whose __context__ points to a ZeroDivisionError, whose __context__ attribute is None. The proposed semantics are as follows: Each thread has an exception context initially set to None. Whenever an exception is raised, if the exception instance does not already have a __context__ attribute, the interpreter sets it equal to the thread’s exception context. Immediately after an exception is raised, the thread’s exception context is set to the exception. Whenever the interpreter exits an except block by reaching the end or executing a return, yield, continue, or break statement, the thread’s exception context is set to None. Explicit Exception Chaining The __cause__ attribute on exception objects is always initialized to None. It is set by a new form of the raise statement: raise EXCEPTION from CAUSE which is equivalent to: exc = EXCEPTION exc.__cause__ = CAUSE raise exc In the following example, a database provides implementations for a few different kinds of storage, with file storage as one kind. The database designer wants errors to propagate as DatabaseError objects so that the client doesn’t have to be aware of the storage-specific details, but doesn’t want to lose the underlying error information: class DatabaseError(StandardError): pass class FileDatabase(Database): def __init__(self, filename): try: self.file = open(filename) except IOError, exc: raise DatabaseError('failed to open') from exc If the call to open() raises an exception, the problem will be reported as a DatabaseError, with a __cause__ attribute that reveals the IOError as the original cause. Traceback Attribute The following example illustrates the __traceback__ attribute: def do_logged(file, work): try: work() except Exception, exc: write_exception(file, exc) raise exc from traceback import format_tb def write_exception(file, exc): ... type = exc.__class__ message = str(exc) lines = format_tb(exc.__traceback__) file.write(... type ... message ... lines ...) ... In today’s Python, the do_logged() function would have to extract the traceback from sys.exc_traceback or sys.exc_info() [2] and pass both the value and the traceback to write_exception(). With the proposed change, write_exception() simply gets one argument and obtains the exception using the __traceback__ attribute. The proposed semantics are as follows: Whenever an exception is caught, if the exception instance does not already have a __traceback__ attribute, the interpreter sets it to the newly caught traceback. Enhanced Reporting The default exception handler will be modified to report chained exceptions. The chain of exceptions is traversed by following the __cause__ and __context__ attributes, with __cause__ taking priority. In keeping with the chronological order of tracebacks, the most recently raised exception is displayed last; that is, the display begins with the description of the innermost exception and backs up the chain to the outermost exception. The tracebacks are formatted as usual, with one of the lines: The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: or During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred: between tracebacks, depending whether they are linked by __cause__ or __context__ respectively. Here is a sketch of the procedure: def print_chain(exc): if exc.__cause__: print_chain(exc.__cause__) print '\nThe above exception was the direct cause...' elif exc.__context__: print_chain(exc.__context__) print '\nDuring handling of the above exception, ...' print_exc(exc) In the traceback module, the format_exception, print_exception, print_exc, and print_last functions will be updated to accept an optional chain argument, True by default. When this argument is True, these functions will format or display the entire chain of exceptions as just described. When it is False, these functions will format or display only the outermost exception. The cgitb module should also be updated to display the entire chain of exceptions. C API The PyErr_Set* calls for setting exceptions will not set the __context__ attribute on exceptions. PyErr_NormalizeException will always set the traceback attribute to its tb argument and the __context__ and __cause__ attributes to None. A new API function, PyErr_SetContext(context), will help C programmers provide chained exception information. This function will first normalize the current exception so it is an instance, then set its __context__ attribute. A similar API function, PyErr_SetCause(cause), will set the __cause__ attribute. Compatibility Chained exceptions expose the type of the most recent exception, so they will still match the same except clauses as they do now. The proposed changes should not break any code unless it sets or uses attributes named __context__, __cause__, or __traceback__ on exception instances. As of 2005-05-12, the Python standard library contains no mention of such attributes. Open Issue: Extra Information Walter Dörwald [11] expressed a desire to attach extra information to an exception during its upward propagation without changing its type. This could be a useful feature, but it is not addressed by this PEP. It could conceivably be addressed by a separate PEP establishing conventions for other informational attributes on exceptions. Open Issue: Suppressing Context As written, this PEP makes it impossible to suppress __context__, since setting exc.__context__ to None in an except or finally clause will only result in it being set again when exc is raised. Open Issue: Limiting Exception Types To improve encapsulation, library implementors may want to wrap all implementation-level exceptions with an application-level exception. One could try to wrap exceptions by writing this: try: ... implementation may raise an exception ... except: import sys raise ApplicationError from sys.exc_value or this try: ... implementation may raise an exception ... except Exception, exc: raise ApplicationError from exc but both are somewhat flawed. It would be nice to be able to name the current exception in a catch-all except clause, but that isn’t addressed here. Such a feature would allow something like this: try: ... implementation may raise an exception ... except *, exc: raise ApplicationError from exc Open Issue: yield The exception context is lost when a yield statement is executed; resuming the frame after the yield does not restore the context. Addressing this problem is out of the scope of this PEP; it is not a new problem, as demonstrated by the following example: >>> def gen(): ... try: ... 1/0 ... except: ... yield 3 ... raise ... >>> g = gen() >>> g.next() 3 >>> g.next() TypeError: exceptions must be classes, instances, or strings (deprecated), not NoneType Open Issue: Garbage Collection The strongest objection to this proposal has been that it creates cycles between exceptions and stack frames [12]. Collection of cyclic garbage (and therefore resource release) can be greatly delayed: >>> try: >>> 1/0 >>> except Exception, err: >>> pass will introduce a cycle from err -> traceback -> stack frame -> err, keeping all locals in the same scope alive until the next GC happens. Today, these locals would go out of scope. There is lots of code which assumes that “local” resources – particularly open files – will be closed quickly. If closure has to wait for the next GC, a program (which runs fine today) may run out of file handles. Making the __traceback__ attribute a weak reference would avoid the problems with cyclic garbage. Unfortunately, it would make saving the Exception for later (as unittest does) more awkward, and it would not allow as much cleanup of the sys module. A possible alternate solution, suggested by Adam Olsen, would be to instead turn the reference from the stack frame to the err variable into a weak reference when the variable goes out of scope [13]. Possible Future Compatible Changes These changes are consistent with the appearance of exceptions as a single object rather than a triple at the interpreter level. If PEP 340 or PEP 343 is accepted, replace the three (type, value, traceback) arguments to __exit__ with a single exception argument. Deprecate sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback, and sys.exc_info() in favour of a single member, sys.exception. Deprecate sys.last_type, sys.last_value, and sys.last_traceback in favour of a single member, sys.last_exception. Deprecate the three-argument form of the raise statement in favour of the one-argument form. Upgrade cgitb.html() to accept a single value as its first argument as an alternative to a (type, value, traceback) tuple. Possible Future Incompatible Changes These changes might be worth considering for Python 3000. Remove sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, sys.exc_traceback, and sys.exc_info(). Remove sys.last_type, sys.last_value, and sys.last_traceback. Replace the three-argument sys.excepthook with a one-argument API, and changing the cgitb module to match. Remove the three-argument form of the raise statement. Upgrade traceback.print_exception to accept an exception argument instead of the type, value, and traceback arguments. Acknowledgements Brett Cannon, Greg Ewing, Guido van Rossum, Jeremy Hylton, Phillip J. Eby, Raymond Hettinger, Walter Dörwald, and others. References [1] Raymond Hettinger, “Idea for avoiding exception masking” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-January/032492.html [2] (1, 2, 3) Brett Cannon explains chained exceptions https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036063.html [3] Greg Ewing points out masking caused by exceptions during finally https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036290.html [4] Greg Ewing suggests storing the traceback in the exception object https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036092.html [5] Guido van Rossum mentions exceptions having a traceback attribute https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-April/053060.html [6] Ka-Ping Yee, “Tidier Exceptions” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-May/053671.html [7] Ka-Ping Yee, “Chained Exceptions” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-May/053672.html [8] Guido van Rossum discusses automatic chaining in PyErr_Set* https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036180.html [9] Tony Olensky, “Omnibus Structured Exception/Error Handling Mechanism” http://dev.perl.org/perl6/rfc/88.html [10] MSDN .NET Framework Library, “Exception.InnerException Property” http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfsystemexceptionclassinnerexceptiontopic.asp [11] Walter Dörwald suggests wrapping exceptions to add details https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036148.html [12] Guido van Rossum restates the objection to cyclic trash https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-January/005322.html [13] Adam Olsen suggests using a weakref from stack frame to exception https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-January/005363.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 344 – Exception Chaining and Embedded Tracebacks
Standards Track
This PEP proposes three standard attributes on exception instances: the __context__ attribute for implicitly chained exceptions, the __cause__ attribute for explicitly chained exceptions, and the __traceback__ attribute for the traceback. A new raise ... from statement sets the __cause__ attribute.
PEP 346 – User Defined (”with”) Statements Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 06-May-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Author’s Note Introduction Relationship with other PEPs User defined statements Usage syntax for user defined statements Semantics for user defined statements Statement template protocol: __enter__ Statement template protocol: __exit__ Factoring out arbitrary exception handling Generators Default value for yield Template generator decorator: statement_template Template generator wrapper: __enter__() method Template generator wrapper: __exit__() method Injecting exceptions into generators Generator finalisation Generator finalisation: TerminateIteration exception Generator finalisation: __del__() method Deterministic generator finalisation Generators as user defined statement templates Examples Open Issues Rejected Options Having the basic construct be a looping construct Allowing statement templates to suppress exceptions Differentiating between non-exceptional exits Not injecting raised exceptions into generators Making all generators statement templates Using do as the keyword Not having a keyword Enhancing try statements Having the template protocol directly reflect try statements Iterator finalisation (WITHDRAWN) Iterator protocol addition: __finish__ Best effort finalisation Deterministic finalisation for loop syntax Updated for loop semantics Generator iterator finalisation: __finish__() method Partial iteration of finishable iterators Acknowledgements References Copyright Abstract This PEP is a combination of PEP 310’s “Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs” with the “Anonymous Block Statements” of Guido’s PEP 340. This PEP aims to take the good parts of PEP 340, blend them with parts of PEP 310 and rearrange the lot into an elegant whole. It borrows from various other PEPs in order to paint a complete picture, and is intended to stand on its own. Author’s Note During the discussion of PEP 340, I maintained drafts of this PEP as PEP 3XX on my own website (since I didn’t have CVS access to update a submitted PEP fast enough to track the activity on python-dev). Since the first draft of this PEP, Guido wrote PEP 343 as a simplified version of PEP 340. PEP 343 (at the time of writing) uses the exact same semantics for the new statements as this PEP, but uses a slightly different mechanism to allow generators to be used to write statement templates. However, Guido has indicated that he intends to accept a new PEP being written by Raymond Hettinger that will integrate PEP 288 and PEP 325, and will permit a generator decorator like the one described in this PEP to be used to write statement templates for PEP 343. The other difference was the choice of keyword (‘with’ versus ‘do’) and Guido has stated he will organise a vote on that in the context of PEP 343. Accordingly, the version of this PEP submitted for archiving on python.org is to be WITHDRAWN immediately after submission. PEP 343 and the combined generator enhancement PEP will cover the important ideas. Introduction This PEP proposes that Python’s ability to reliably manage resources be enhanced by the introduction of a new with statement that allows factoring out of arbitrary try/finally and some try/except/else boilerplate. The new construct is called a ‘user defined statement’, and the associated class definitions are called ‘statement templates’. The above is the main point of the PEP. However, if that was all it said, then PEP 310 would be sufficient and this PEP would be essentially redundant. Instead, this PEP recommends additional enhancements that make it natural to write these statement templates using appropriately decorated generators. A side effect of those enhancements is that it becomes important to appropriately deal with the management of resources inside generators. This is quite similar to PEP 343, but the exceptions that occur are re-raised inside the generators frame, and the issue of generator finalisation needs to be addressed as a result. The template generator decorator suggested by this PEP also creates reusable templates, rather than the single use templates of PEP 340. In comparison to PEP 340, this PEP eliminates the ability to suppress exceptions, and makes the user defined statement a non-looping construct. The other main difference is the use of a decorator to turn generators into statement templates, and the incorporation of ideas for addressing iterator finalisation. If all that seems like an ambitious operation… well, Guido was the one to set the bar that high when he wrote PEP 340 :) Relationship with other PEPs This PEP competes directly with PEP 310, PEP 340 and PEP 343, as those PEPs all describe alternative mechanisms for handling deterministic resource management. It does not compete with PEP 342 which splits off PEP 340’s enhancements related to passing data into iterators. The associated changes to the for loop semantics would be combined with the iterator finalisation changes suggested in this PEP. User defined statements would not be affected. Neither does this PEP compete with the generator enhancements described in PEP 288. While this PEP proposes the ability to inject exceptions into generator frames, it is an internal implementation detail, and does not require making that ability publicly available to Python code. PEP 288 is, in part, about making that implementation detail easily accessible. This PEP would, however, make the generator resource release support described in PEP 325 redundant - iterators which require finalisation should provide an appropriate implementation of the statement template protocol. User defined statements To steal the motivating example from PEP 310, correct handling of a synchronisation lock currently looks like this: the_lock.acquire() try: # Code here executes with the lock held finally: the_lock.release() Like PEP 310, this PEP proposes that such code be able to be written as: with the_lock: # Code here executes with the lock held These user defined statements are primarily designed to allow easy factoring of try blocks that are not easily converted to functions. This is most commonly the case when the exception handling pattern is consistent, but the body of the try block changes. With a user-defined statement, it is straightforward to factor out the exception handling into a statement template, with the body of the try clause provided inline in the user code. The term ‘user defined statement’ reflects the fact that the meaning of a with statement is governed primarily by the statement template used, and programmers are free to create their own statement templates, just as they are free to create their own iterators for use in for loops. Usage syntax for user defined statements The proposed syntax is simple: with EXPR1 [as VAR1]: BLOCK1 Semantics for user defined statements the_stmt = EXPR1 stmt_enter = getattr(the_stmt, "__enter__", None) stmt_exit = getattr(the_stmt, "__exit__", None) if stmt_enter is None or stmt_exit is None: raise TypeError("Statement template required") VAR1 = stmt_enter() # Omit 'VAR1 =' if no 'as' clause exc = (None, None, None) try: try: BLOCK1 except: exc = sys.exc_info() raise finally: stmt_exit(*exc) Other than VAR1, none of the local variables shown above will be visible to user code. Like the iteration variable in a for loop, VAR1 is visible in both BLOCK1 and code following the user defined statement. Note that the statement template can only react to exceptions, it cannot suppress them. See Rejected Options for an explanation as to why. Statement template protocol: __enter__ The __enter__() method takes no arguments, and if it raises an exception, BLOCK1 is never executed. If this happens, the __exit__() method is not called. The value returned by this method is assigned to VAR1 if the as clause is used. Object’s with no other value to return should generally return self rather than None to permit in-place creation in the with statement. Statement templates should use this method to set up the conditions that are to exist during execution of the statement (e.g. acquisition of a synchronisation lock). Statement templates which are not always usable (e.g. closed file objects) should raise a RuntimeError if an attempt is made to call __enter__() when the template is not in a valid state. Statement template protocol: __exit__ The __exit__() method accepts three arguments which correspond to the three “arguments” to the raise statement: type, value, and traceback. All arguments are always supplied, and will be set to None if no exception occurred. This method will be called exactly once by the with statement machinery if the __enter__() method completes successfully. Statement templates perform their exception handling in this method. If the first argument is None, it indicates non-exceptional completion of BLOCK1 - execution either reached the end of block, or early completion was forced using a return, break or continue statement. Otherwise, the three arguments reflect the exception that terminated BLOCK1. Any exceptions raised by the __exit__() method are propagated to the scope containing the with statement. If the user code in BLOCK1 also raised an exception, that exception would be lost, and replaced by the one raised by the __exit__() method. Factoring out arbitrary exception handling Consider the following exception handling arrangement: SETUP_BLOCK try: try: TRY_BLOCK except exc_type1, exc: EXCEPT_BLOCK1 except exc_type2, exc: EXCEPT_BLOCK2 except: EXCEPT_BLOCK3 else: ELSE_BLOCK finally: FINALLY_BLOCK It can be roughly translated to a statement template as follows: class my_template(object): def __init__(self, *args): # Any required arguments (e.g. a file name) # get stored in member variables # The various BLOCK's will need updating to reflect # that. def __enter__(self): SETUP_BLOCK def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): try: try: if exc_type is not None: raise exc_type, value, traceback except exc_type1, exc: EXCEPT_BLOCK1 except exc_type2, exc: EXCEPT_BLOCK2 except: EXCEPT_BLOCK3 else: ELSE_BLOCK finally: FINALLY_BLOCK Which can then be used as: with my_template(*args): TRY_BLOCK However, there are two important semantic differences between this code and the original try statement. Firstly, in the original try statement, if a break, return or continue statement is encountered in TRY_BLOCK, only FINALLY_BLOCK will be executed as the statement completes. With the statement template, ELSE_BLOCK will also execute, as these statements are treated like any other non-exceptional block termination. For use cases where it matters, this is likely to be a good thing (see transaction in the Examples), as this hole where neither the except nor the else clause gets executed is easy to forget when writing exception handlers. Secondly, the statement template will not suppress any exceptions. If, for example, the original code suppressed the exc_type1 and exc_type2 exceptions, then this would still need to be done inline in the user code: try: with my_template(*args): TRY_BLOCK except (exc_type1, exc_type2): pass However, even in these cases where the suppression of exceptions needs to be made explicit, the amount of boilerplate repeated at the calling site is significantly reduced (See Rejected Options for further discussion of this behaviour). In general, not all of the clauses will be needed. For resource handling (like files or synchronisation locks), it is possible to simply execute the code that would have been part of FINALLY_BLOCK in the __exit__() method. This can be seen in the following implementation that makes synchronisation locks into statement templates as mentioned at the beginning of this section: # New methods of synchronisation lock objects def __enter__(self): self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): self.release() Generators With their ability to suspend execution, and return control to the calling frame, generators are natural candidates for writing statement templates. Adding user defined statements to the language does not require the generator changes described in this section, thus making this PEP an obvious candidate for a phased implementation (with statements in phase 1, generator integration in phase 2). The suggested generator updates allow arbitrary exception handling to be factored out like this: @statement_template def my_template(*arguments): SETUP_BLOCK try: try: yield except exc_type1, exc: EXCEPT_BLOCK1 except exc_type2, exc: EXCEPT_BLOCK2 except: EXCEPT_BLOCK3 else: ELSE_BLOCK finally: FINALLY_BLOCK Notice that, unlike the class based version, none of the blocks need to be modified, as shared values are local variables of the generator’s internal frame, including the arguments passed in by the invoking code. The semantic differences noted earlier (all non-exceptional block termination triggers the else clause, and the template is unable to suppress exceptions) still apply. Default value for yield When creating a statement template with a generator, the yield statement will often be used solely to return control to the body of the user defined statement, rather than to return a useful value. Accordingly, if this PEP is accepted, yield, like return, will supply a default value of None (i.e. yield and yield None will become equivalent statements). This same change is being suggested in PEP 342. Obviously, it would only need to be implemented once if both PEPs were accepted :) Template generator decorator: statement_template As with PEP 343, a new decorator is suggested that wraps a generator in an object with the appropriate statement template semantics. Unlike PEP 343, the templates suggested here are reusable, as the generator is instantiated anew in each call to __enter__(). Additionally, any exceptions that occur in BLOCK1 are re-raised in the generator’s internal frame: class template_generator_wrapper(object): def __init__(self, func, func_args, func_kwds): self.func = func self.args = func_args self.kwds = func_kwds self.gen = None def __enter__(self): if self.gen is not None: raise RuntimeError("Enter called without exit!") self.gen = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwds) try: return self.gen.next() except StopIteration: raise RuntimeError("Generator didn't yield") def __exit__(self, *exc_info): if self.gen is None: raise RuntimeError("Exit called without enter!") try: try: if exc_info[0] is not None: self.gen._inject_exception(*exc_info) else: self.gen.next() except StopIteration: pass else: raise RuntimeError("Generator didn't stop") finally: self.gen = None def statement_template(func): def factory(*args, **kwds): return template_generator_wrapper(func, args, kwds) return factory Template generator wrapper: __enter__() method The template generator wrapper has an __enter__() method that creates a new instance of the contained generator, and then invokes next() once. It will raise a RuntimeError if the last generator instance has not been cleaned up, or if the generator terminates instead of yielding a value. Template generator wrapper: __exit__() method The template generator wrapper has an __exit__() method that simply invokes next() on the generator if no exception is passed in. If an exception is passed in, it is re-raised in the contained generator at the point of the last yield statement. In either case, the generator wrapper will raise a RuntimeError if the internal frame does not terminate as a result of the operation. The __exit__() method will always clean up the reference to the used generator instance, permitting __enter__() to be called again. A StopIteration raised by the body of the user defined statement may be inadvertently suppressed inside the __exit__() method, but this is unimportant, as the originally raised exception still propagates correctly. Injecting exceptions into generators To implement the __exit__() method of the template generator wrapper, it is necessary to inject exceptions into the internal frame of the generator. This is new implementation level behaviour that has no current Python equivalent. The injection mechanism (referred to as _inject_exception in this PEP) raises an exception in the generator’s frame with the specified type, value and traceback information. This means that the exception looks like the original if it is allowed to propagate. For the purposes of this PEP, there is no need to make this capability available outside the Python implementation code. Generator finalisation To support resource management in template generators, this PEP will eliminate the restriction on yield statements inside the try block of a try/finally statement. Accordingly, generators which require the use of a file or some such object can ensure the object is managed correctly through the use of try/finally or with statements. This restriction will likely need to be lifted globally - it would be difficult to restrict it so that it was only permitted inside generators used to define statement templates. Accordingly, this PEP includes suggestions designed to ensure generators which are not used as statement templates are still finalised appropriately. Generator finalisation: TerminateIteration exception A new exception is proposed: class TerminateIteration(Exception): pass The new exception is injected into a generator in order to request finalisation. It should not be suppressed by well-behaved code. Generator finalisation: __del__() method To ensure a generator is finalised eventually (within the limits of Python’s garbage collection), generators will acquire a __del__() method with the following semantics: def __del__(self): try: self._inject_exception(TerminateIteration, None, None) except TerminateIteration: pass Deterministic generator finalisation There is a simple way to provide deterministic finalisation of generators - give them appropriate __enter__() and __exit__() methods: def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): try: self._inject_exception(TerminateIteration, None, None) except TerminateIteration: pass Then any generator can be finalised promptly by wrapping the relevant for loop inside a with statement: with all_lines(filenames) as lines: for line in lines: print lines (See the Examples for the definition of all_lines, and the reason it requires prompt finalisation) Compare the above example to the usage of file objects: with open(filename) as f: for line in f: print f Generators as user defined statement templates When used to implement a user defined statement, a generator should yield only once on a given control path. The result of that yield will then be provided as the result of the generator’s __enter__() method. Having a single yield on each control path ensures that the internal frame will terminate when the generator’s __exit__() method is called. Multiple yield statements on a single control path will result in a RuntimeError being raised by the __exit__() method when the internal frame fails to terminate correctly. Such an error indicates a bug in the statement template. To respond to exceptions, or to clean up resources, it is sufficient to wrap the yield statement in an appropriately constructed try statement. If execution resumes after the yield without an exception, the generator knows that the body of the do statement completed without incident. Examples A template for ensuring that a lock, acquired at the start of a block, is released when the block is left:# New methods on synchronisation locks def __enter__(self): self.acquire() return self def __exit__(self, *exc_info): lock.release() Used as follows: with myLock: # Code here executes with myLock held. The lock is # guaranteed to be released when the block is left (even # if via return or by an uncaught exception). A template for opening a file that ensures the file is closed when the block is left:# New methods on file objects def __enter__(self): if self.closed: raise RuntimeError, "Cannot reopen closed file handle" return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() Used as follows: with open("/etc/passwd") as f: for line in f: print line.rstrip() A template for committing or rolling back a database transaction:def transaction(db): try: yield except: db.rollback() else: db.commit() Used as follows: with transaction(the_db): make_table(the_db) add_data(the_db) # Getting to here automatically triggers a commit # Any exception automatically triggers a rollback It is possible to nest blocks and combine templates:@statement_template def lock_opening(lock, filename, mode="r"): with lock: with open(filename, mode) as f: yield f Used as follows: with lock_opening(myLock, "/etc/passwd") as f: for line in f: print line.rstrip() Redirect stdout temporarily:@statement_template def redirected_stdout(new_stdout): save_stdout = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = new_stdout yield finally: sys.stdout = save_stdout Used as follows: with open(filename, "w") as f: with redirected_stdout(f): print "Hello world" A variant on open() that also returns an error condition:@statement_template def open_w_error(filename, mode="r"): try: f = open(filename, mode) except IOError, err: yield None, err else: try: yield f, None finally: f.close() Used as follows: do open_w_error("/etc/passwd", "a") as f, err: if err: print "IOError:", err else: f.write("guido::0:0::/:/bin/sh\n") Find the first file with a specific header:for name in filenames: with open(name) as f: if f.read(2) == 0xFEB0: break Find the first item you can handle, holding a lock for the entire loop, or just for each iteration:with lock: for item in items: if handle(item): break for item in items: with lock: if handle(item): break Hold a lock while inside a generator, but release it when returning control to the outer scope:@statement_template def released(lock): lock.release() try: yield finally: lock.acquire() Used as follows: with lock: for item in items: with released(lock): yield item Read the lines from a collection of files (e.g. processing multiple configuration sources):def all_lines(filenames): for name in filenames: with open(name) as f: for line in f: yield line Used as follows: with all_lines(filenames) as lines: for line in lines: update_config(line) Not all uses need to involve resource management:@statement_template def tag(*args, **kwds): name = cgi.escape(args[0]) if kwds: kwd_pairs = ["%s=%s" % cgi.escape(key), cgi.escape(value) for key, value in kwds] print '<%s %s>' % name, " ".join(kwd_pairs) else: print '<%s>' % name yield print '</%s>' % name Used as follows: with tag('html'): with tag('head'): with tag('title'): print 'A web page' with tag('body'): for par in pars: with tag('p'): print par with tag('a', href="http://www.python.org"): print "Not a dead parrot!" From PEP 343, another useful example would be an operation that blocks signals. The use could be like this:from signal import blocked_signals with blocked_signals(): # code executed without worrying about signals An optional argument might be a list of signals to be blocked; by default all signals are blocked. The implementation is left as an exercise to the reader. Another use for this feature is for Decimal contexts:# New methods on decimal Context objects def __enter__(self): if self._old_context is not None: raise RuntimeError("Already suspending other Context") self._old_context = getcontext() setcontext(self) def __exit__(self, *args): setcontext(self._old_context) self._old_context = None Used as follows: with decimal.Context(precision=28): # Code here executes with the given context # The context always reverts after this statement Open Issues None, as this PEP has been withdrawn. Rejected Options Having the basic construct be a looping construct The major issue with this idea, as illustrated by PEP 340’s block statements, is that it causes problems with factoring try statements that are inside loops, and contain break and continue statements (as these statements would then apply to the block construct, instead of the original loop). As a key goal is to be able to factor out arbitrary exception handling (other than suppression) into statement templates, this is a definite problem. There is also an understandability problem, as can be seen in the Examples. In the example showing acquisition of a lock either for an entire loop, or for each iteration of the loop, if the user defined statement was itself a loop, moving it from outside the for loop to inside the for loop would have major semantic implications, beyond those one would expect. Finally, with a looping construct, there are significant problems with TOOWTDI, as it is frequently unclear whether a particular situation should be handled with a conventional for loop or the new looping construct. With the current PEP, there is no such problem - for loops continue to be used for iteration, and the new do statements are used to factor out exception handling. Another issue, specifically with PEP 340’s anonymous block statements, is that they make it quite difficult to write statement templates directly (i.e. not using a generator). This problem is addressed by the current proposal, as can be seen by the relative simplicity of the various class based implementations of statement templates in the Examples. Allowing statement templates to suppress exceptions Earlier versions of this PEP gave statement templates the ability to suppress exceptions. The BDFL expressed concern over the associated complexity, and I agreed after reading an article by Raymond Chen about the evils of hiding flow control inside macros in C code [1]. Removing the suppression ability eliminated a whole lot of complexity from both the explanation and implementation of user defined statements, further supporting it as the correct choice. Older versions of the PEP had to jump through some horrible hoops to avoid inadvertently suppressing exceptions in __exit__() methods - that issue does not exist with the current suggested semantics. There was one example (auto_retry) that actually used the ability to suppress exceptions. This use case, while not quite as elegant, has significantly more obvious control flow when written out in full in the user code: def attempts(num_tries): return reversed(xrange(num_tries)) for retry in attempts(3): try: make_attempt() except IOError: if not retry: raise For what it’s worth, the perverse could still write this as: for attempt in auto_retry(3, IOError): try: with attempt: make_attempt() except FailedAttempt: pass To protect the innocent, the code to actually support that is not included here. Differentiating between non-exceptional exits Earlier versions of this PEP allowed statement templates to distinguish between exiting the block normally, and exiting via a return, break or continue statement. The BDFL flirted with a similar idea in PEP 343 and its associated discussion. This added significant complexity to the description of the semantics, and it required each and every statement template to decide whether or not those statements should be treated like exceptions, or like a normal mechanism for exiting the block. This template-by-template decision process raised great potential for confusion - consider if one database connector provided a transaction template that treated early exits like an exception, whereas a second connector treated them as normal block termination. Accordingly, this PEP now uses the simplest solution - early exits appear identical to normal block termination as far as the statement template is concerned. Not injecting raised exceptions into generators PEP 343 suggests simply invoking next() unconditionally on generators used to define statement templates. This means the template generators end up looking rather unintuitive, and the retention of the ban against yielding inside try/finally means that Python’s exception handling capabilities cannot be used to deal with management of multiple resources. The alternative which this PEP advocates (injecting raised exceptions into the generator frame), means that multiple resources can be managed elegantly as shown by lock_opening in the Examples Making all generators statement templates Separating the template object from the generator itself makes it possible to have reusable generator templates. That is, the following code will work correctly if this PEP is accepted: open_it = lock_opening(parrot_lock, "dead_parrot.txt") with open_it as f: # use the file for a while with open_it as f: # use the file again The second benefit is that iterator generators and template generators are very different things - the decorator keeps that distinction clear, and prevents one being used where the other is required. Finally, requiring the decorator allows the native methods of generator objects to be used to implement generator finalisation. Using do as the keyword do was an alternative keyword proposed during the PEP 340 discussion. It reads well with appropriately named functions, but it reads poorly when used with methods, or with objects that provide native statement template support. When do was first suggested, the BDFL had rejected PEP 310’s with keyword, based on a desire to use it for a Pascal/Delphi style with statement. Since then, the BDFL has retracted this objection, as he no longer intends to provide such a statement. This change of heart was apparently based on the C# developers reasons for not providing the feature [2]. Not having a keyword This is an interesting option, and can be made to read quite well. However, it’s awkward to look up in the documentation for new users, and strikes some as being too magical. Accordingly, this PEP goes with a keyword based suggestion. Enhancing try statements This suggestion involves give bare try statements a signature similar to that proposed for with statements. I think that trying to write a with statement as an enhanced try statement makes as much sense as trying to write a for loop as an enhanced while loop. That is, while the semantics of the former can be explained as a particular way of using the latter, the former is not an instance of the latter. The additional semantics added around the more fundamental statement result in a new construct, and the two different statements shouldn’t be confused. This can be seen by the fact that the ‘enhanced’ try statement still needs to be explained in terms of a ‘non-enhanced’ try statement. If it’s something different, it makes more sense to give it a different name. Having the template protocol directly reflect try statements One suggestion was to have separate methods in the protocol to cover different parts of the structure of a generalised try statement. Using the terms try, except, else and finally, we would have something like: class my_template(object): def __init__(self, *args): # Any required arguments (e.g. a file name) # get stored in member variables # The various BLOCK's will need to updated to reflect # that. def __try__(self): SETUP_BLOCK def __except__(self, exc, value, traceback): if isinstance(exc, exc_type1): EXCEPT_BLOCK1 if isinstance(exc, exc_type2): EXCEPT_BLOCK2 else: EXCEPT_BLOCK3 def __else__(self): ELSE_BLOCK def __finally__(self): FINALLY_BLOCK Aside from preferring the addition of two method slots rather than four, I consider it significantly easier to be able to simply reproduce a slightly modified version of the original try statement code in the __exit__() method (as shown in Factoring out arbitrary exception handling), rather than have to split the functionality amongst several different methods (or figure out which method to use if not all clauses are used by the template). To make this discussion less theoretical, here is the transaction example implemented using both the two method and the four method protocols instead of a generator. Both implementations guarantee a commit if a break, return or continue statement is encountered (as does the generator-based implementation in the Examples section): class transaction_2method(object): def __init__(self, db): self.db = db def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, *exc_details): if exc_type is None: self.db.commit() else: self.db.rollback() class transaction_4method(object): def __init__(self, db): self.db = db self.commit = False def __try__(self): self.commit = True def __except__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): self.db.rollback() self.commit = False def __else__(self): pass def __finally__(self): if self.commit: self.db.commit() self.commit = False There are two more minor points, relating to the specific method names in the suggestion. The name of the __try__() method is misleading, as SETUP_BLOCK executes before the try statement is entered, and the name of the __else__() method is unclear in isolation, as numerous other Python statements include an else clause. Iterator finalisation (WITHDRAWN) The ability to use user defined statements inside generators is likely to increase the need for deterministic finalisation of iterators, as resource management is pushed inside the generators, rather than being handled externally as is currently the case. The PEP currently suggests handling this by making all generators statement templates, and using with statements to handle finalisation. However, earlier versions of this PEP suggested the following, more complex, solution, that allowed the author of a generator to flag the need for finalisation, and have for loops deal with it automatically. It is included here as a long, detailed rejected option. Iterator protocol addition: __finish__ An optional new method for iterators is proposed, called __finish__(). It takes no arguments, and should not return anything. The __finish__ method is expected to clean up all resources the iterator has open. Iterators with a __finish__() method are called ‘finishable iterators’ for the remainder of the PEP. Best effort finalisation A finishable iterator should ensure that it provides a __del__ method that also performs finalisation (e.g. by invoking the __finish__() method). This allows Python to still make a best effort at finalisation in the event that deterministic finalisation is not applied to the iterator. Deterministic finalisation If the iterator used in a for loop has a __finish__() method, the enhanced for loop semantics will guarantee that that method will be executed, regardless of the means of exiting the loop. This is important for iterator generators that utilise user defined statements or the now permitted try/finally statements, or for new iterators that rely on timely finalisation to release allocated resources (e.g. releasing a thread or database connection back into a pool). for loop syntax No changes are suggested to for loop syntax. This is just to define the statement parts needed for the description of the semantics: for VAR1 in EXPR1: BLOCK1 else: BLOCK2 Updated for loop semantics When the target iterator does not have a __finish__() method, a for loop will execute as follows (i.e. no change from the status quo): itr = iter(EXPR1) exhausted = False while True: try: VAR1 = itr.next() except StopIteration: exhausted = True break BLOCK1 if exhausted: BLOCK2 When the target iterator has a __finish__() method, a for loop will execute as follows: itr = iter(EXPR1) exhausted = False try: while True: try: VAR1 = itr.next() except StopIteration: exhausted = True break BLOCK1 if exhausted: BLOCK2 finally: itr.__finish__() The implementation will need to take some care to avoid incurring the try/finally overhead when the iterator does not have a __finish__() method. Generator iterator finalisation: __finish__() method When enabled with the appropriate decorator, generators will have a __finish__() method that raises TerminateIteration in the internal frame: def __finish__(self): try: self._inject_exception(TerminateIteration) except TerminateIteration: pass A decorator (e.g. needs_finish()) is required to enable this feature, so that existing generators (which are not expecting finalisation) continue to work as expected. Partial iteration of finishable iterators Partial iteration of a finishable iterator is possible, although it requires some care to ensure the iterator is still finalised promptly (it was made finishable for a reason!). First, we need a class to enable partial iteration of a finishable iterator by hiding the iterator’s __finish__() method from the for loop: class partial_iter(object): def __init__(self, iterable): self.iter = iter(iterable) def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return self.itr.next() Secondly, an appropriate statement template is needed to ensure the iterator is finished eventually: @statement_template def finishing(iterable): itr = iter(iterable) itr_finish = getattr(itr, "__finish__", None) if itr_finish is None: yield itr else: try: yield partial_iter(itr) finally: itr_finish() This can then be used as follows: do finishing(finishable_itr) as itr: for header_item in itr: if end_of_header(header_item): break # process header item for body_item in itr: # process body item Note that none of the above is needed for an iterator that is not finishable - without a __finish__() method, it will not be promptly finalised by the for loop, and hence inherently allows partial iteration. Allowing partial iteration of non-finishable iterators as the default behaviour is a key element in keeping this addition to the iterator protocol backwards compatible. Acknowledgements The acknowledgements section for PEP 340 applies, since this text grew out of the discussion of that PEP, but additional thanks go to Michael Hudson, Paul Moore and Guido van Rossum for writing PEP 310 and PEP 340 in the first place, and to (in no meaningful order) Fredrik Lundh, Phillip J. Eby, Steven Bethard, Josiah Carlson, Greg Ewing, Tim Delaney and Arnold deVos for prompting particular ideas that made their way into this text. References [1] A rant against flow control macros (http://blogs.msdn.com/oldnewthing/archive/2005/01/06/347666.aspx) [2] Why doesn’t C# have a ‘with’ statement? (http://msdn.microsoft.com/vcsharp/programming/language/ask/withstatement/) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 346 – User Defined (”with”) Statements
Standards Track
This PEP is a combination of PEP 310’s “Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs” with the “Anonymous Block Statements” of Guido’s PEP 340. This PEP aims to take the good parts of PEP 340, blend them with parts of PEP 310 and rearrange the lot into an elegant whole. It borrows from various other PEPs in order to paint a complete picture, and is intended to stand on its own.
PEP 348 – Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0 Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Jul-2005 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale For Wanting Change Philosophy of Reorganization New Hierarchy Differences Compared to Python 2.4 BaseException KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit NotImplementedError Required Superclass for raise Implementation Bare except Clauses Catch Exception Implementation Transition Plan Rejected Ideas DeprecationWarning Inheriting From PendingDeprecationWarning AttributeError Inheriting From TypeError or NameError Removal of EnvironmentError Introduction of MacError and UnixError SystemError Subclassing SystemExit ControlFlowException Under Exception Rename NameError to NamespaceError Renaming RuntimeError or Introducing SimpleError Renaming Existing Exceptions Have EOFError Subclass IOError Have MemoryError and SystemError Have a Common Superclass Common Superclass for PendingDeprecationWarning and DeprecationWarning Removing WindowsError Superclass for KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit Acknowledgements References Copyright Note This PEP has been rejected [16]. Abstract Python, as of version 2.4, has 38 exceptions (including warnings) in the built-in namespace in a rather shallow hierarchy. These classes have come about over the years without a chance to learn from experience. This PEP proposes doing a reorganization of the hierarchy for Python 3.0 when backwards-compatibility is not as much of an issue. Along with this reorganization, adding a requirement that all objects passed to a raise statement must inherit from a specific superclass is proposed. This is to have guarantees about the basic interface of exceptions and to further enhance the natural hierarchy of exceptions. Lastly, bare except clauses will be changed to be semantically equivalent to except Exception. Most people currently use bare except clause for this purpose and with the exception hierarchy reorganization becomes a viable default. Rationale For Wanting Change Exceptions are a critical part of Python. While exceptions are traditionally used to signal errors in a program, they have also grown to be used for flow control for things such as iterators. While their importance is great, there is a lack of structure to them. This stems from the fact that any object can be raised as an exception. Because of this you have no guarantee in terms of what kind of object will be raised, destroying any possible hierarchy raised objects might adhere to. But exceptions do have a hierarchy, showing the severity of the exception. The hierarchy also groups related exceptions together to simplify catching them in except clauses. To allow people to be able to rely on this hierarchy, a common superclass that all raise objects must inherit from is being proposed. It also allows guarantees about the interface to raised objects to be made (see PEP 344). A discussion about all of this has occurred before on python-dev [1]. As bare except clauses stand now, they catch all exceptions. While this can be handy, it is rather overreaching for the common case. Thanks to having a required superclass, catching all exceptions is as easy as catching just one specific exception. This allows bare except clauses to be used for a more useful purpose. Once again, this has been discussed on python-dev [2]. Finally, slight changes to the exception hierarchy will make it much more reasonable in terms of structure. By minor rearranging exceptions that should not typically be caught can be allowed to propagate to the top of the execution stack, terminating the interpreter as intended. Philosophy of Reorganization For the reorganization of the hierarchy, there was a general philosophy followed that developed from discussion of earlier drafts of this PEP [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9]. First and foremost was to not break anything that works. This meant that renaming exceptions was out of the question unless the name was deemed severely bad. This also meant no removal of exceptions unless they were viewed as truly misplaced. The introduction of new exceptions were only done in situations where there might be a use for catching a superclass of a category of exceptions. Lastly, existing exceptions would have their inheritance tree changed only if it was felt they were truly misplaced to begin with. For all new exceptions, the proper suffix had to be chosen. For those that signal an error, “Error” is to be used. If the exception is a warning, then “Warning”. “Exception” is to be used when none of the other suffixes are proper to use and no specific suffix is a better fit. After that it came down to choosing which exceptions should and should not inherit from Exception. This was for the purpose of making bare except clauses more useful. Lastly, the entire existing hierarchy had to inherit from the new exception meant to act as the required superclass for all exceptions to inherit from. New Hierarchy Note Exceptions flagged with “stricter inheritance” will no longer inherit from a certain class. A “broader inheritance” flag means a class has been added to the exception’s inheritance tree. All comparisons are against the Python 2.4 exception hierarchy. +-- BaseException (new; broader inheritance for subclasses) +-- Exception +-- GeneratorExit (defined in PEP 342) +-- StandardError +-- ArithmeticError +-- DivideByZeroError +-- FloatingPointError +-- OverflowError +-- AssertionError +-- AttributeError +-- EnvironmentError +-- IOError +-- EOFError +-- OSError +-- ImportError +-- LookupError +-- IndexError +-- KeyError +-- MemoryError +-- NameError +-- UnboundLocalError +-- NotImplementedError (stricter inheritance) +-- SyntaxError +-- IndentationError +-- TabError +-- TypeError +-- RuntimeError +-- UnicodeError +-- UnicodeDecodeError +-- UnicodeEncodeError +-- UnicodeTranslateError +-- ValueError +-- ReferenceError +-- StopIteration +-- SystemError +-- Warning +-- DeprecationWarning +-- FutureWarning +-- PendingDeprecationWarning +-- RuntimeWarning +-- SyntaxWarning +-- UserWarning + -- WindowsError +-- KeyboardInterrupt (stricter inheritance) +-- SystemExit (stricter inheritance) Differences Compared to Python 2.4 A more thorough explanation of terms is needed when discussing inheritance changes. Inheritance changes result in either broader or more restrictive inheritance. “Broader” is when a class has an inheritance tree like cls, A and then becomes cls, B, A. “Stricter” is the reverse. BaseException The superclass that all exceptions must inherit from. It’s name was chosen to reflect that it is at the base of the exception hierarchy while being an exception itself. “Raisable” was considered as a name, it was passed on because its name did not properly reflect the fact that it is an exception itself. Direct inheritance of BaseException is not expected, and will be discouraged for the general case. Most user-defined exceptions should inherit from Exception instead. This allows catching Exception to continue to work in the common case of catching all exceptions that should be caught. Direct inheritance of BaseException should only be done in cases where an entirely new category of exception is desired. But, for cases where all exceptions should be caught blindly, except BaseException will work. KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit Both exceptions are no longer under Exception. This is to allow bare except clauses to act as a more viable default case by catching exceptions that inherit from Exception. With both KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit acting as signals that the interpreter is expected to exit, catching them in the common case is the wrong semantics. NotImplementedError Inherits from Exception instead of from RuntimeError. Originally inheriting from RuntimeError, NotImplementedError does not have any direct relation to the exception meant for use in user code as a quick-and-dirty exception. Thus it now directly inherits from Exception. Required Superclass for raise By requiring all objects passed to a raise statement to inherit from a specific superclass, all exceptions are guaranteed to have certain attributes. If PEP 344 is accepted, the attributes outlined there will be guaranteed to be on all exceptions raised. This should help facilitate debugging by making the querying of information from exceptions much easier. The proposed hierarchy has BaseException as the required base class. Implementation Enforcement is straightforward. Modifying RAISE_VARARGS to do an inheritance check first before raising an exception should be enough. For the C API, all functions that set an exception will have the same inheritance check applied. Bare except Clauses Catch Exception In most existing Python 2.4 code, bare except clauses are too broad in the exceptions they catch. Typically only exceptions that signal an error are desired to be caught. This means that exceptions that are used to signify that the interpreter should exit should not be caught in the common case. With KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit moved to inherit from BaseException instead of Exception, changing bare except clauses to act as except Exception becomes a much more reasonable default. This change also will break very little code since these semantics are what most people want for bare except clauses. The complete removal of bare except clauses has been argued for. The case has been made that they violate both Only One Way To Do It (OOWTDI) and Explicit Is Better Than Implicit (EIBTI) as listed in the Zen of Python. But Practicality Beats Purity (PBP), also in the Zen of Python, trumps both of these in this case. The BDFL has stated that bare except clauses will work this way [14]. Implementation The compiler will emit the bytecode for except Exception whenever a bare except clause is reached. Transition Plan Because of the complexity and clutter that would be required to add all features planned in this PEP, the transition plan is very simple. In Python 2.5 BaseException is added. In Python 3.0, all remaining features (required superclass, change in inheritance, bare except clauses becoming the same as except Exception) will go into affect. In order to make all of this work in a backwards-compatible way in Python 2.5 would require very deep hacks in the exception machinery which could be error-prone and lead to a slowdown in performance for little benefit. To help with the transition, the documentation will be changed to reflect several programming guidelines: When one wants to catch all exceptions, catch BaseException To catch all exceptions that do not represent the termination of the interpreter, catch Exception explicitly Explicitly catch KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit; don’t rely on inheritance from Exception to lead to the capture Always catch NotImplementedError explicitly instead of relying on the inheritance from RuntimeError The documentation for the ‘exceptions’ module [3], tutorial [15], and PEP 290 will all require updating. Rejected Ideas DeprecationWarning Inheriting From PendingDeprecationWarning This was originally proposed because a DeprecationWarning can be viewed as a PendingDeprecationWarning that is being removed in the next version. But since enough people thought the inheritance could logically work the other way around, the idea was dropped. AttributeError Inheriting From TypeError or NameError Viewing attributes as part of the interface of a type caused the idea of inheriting from TypeError. But that partially defeats the thinking of duck typing and thus the idea was dropped. Inheriting from NameError was suggested because objects can be viewed as having their own namespace where the attributes live and when an attribute is not found it is a namespace failure. This was also dropped as a possibility since not everyone shared this view. Removal of EnvironmentError Originally proposed based on the idea that EnvironmentError was an unneeded distinction, the BDFL overruled this idea [10]. Introduction of MacError and UnixError Proposed to add symmetry to WindowsError, the BDFL said they won’t be used enough [10]. The idea of then removing WindowsError was proposed and accepted as reasonable, thus completely negating the idea of adding these exceptions. SystemError Subclassing SystemExit Proposed because a SystemError is meant to lead to a system exit, the idea was removed since CriticalError indicates this better. ControlFlowException Under Exception It has been suggested that ControlFlowException should inherit from Exception. This idea has been rejected based on the thinking that control flow exceptions typically do not all need to be caught by a single except clause. Rename NameError to NamespaceError NameError is considered more succinct and leaves open no possible mistyping of the capitalization of “Namespace” [11]. Renaming RuntimeError or Introducing SimpleError The thinking was that RuntimeError was in no way an obvious name for an exception meant to be used when a situation did not call for the creation of a new exception. The renaming was rejected on the basis that the exception is already used throughout the interpreter [12]. Rejection of SimpleError was founded on the thought that people should be free to use whatever exception they choose and not have one so blatantly suggested [13]. Renaming Existing Exceptions Various renamings were suggested but non garnered more than a +0 vote (renaming ReferenceError to WeakReferenceError). The thinking was that the existing names were fine and no one had actively complained about them ever. To minimize backwards-compatibility issues and causing existing Python programmers extra pain, the renamings were removed. Have EOFError Subclass IOError The original thought was that since EOFError deals directly with I/O, it should subclass IOError. But since EOFError is used more as a signal that an event has occurred (the exhaustion of an I/O port), it should not subclass such a specific error exception. Have MemoryError and SystemError Have a Common Superclass Both classes deal with the interpreter, so why not have them have a common superclass? Because one of them means that the interpreter is in a state that it should not recover from while the other does not. Common Superclass for PendingDeprecationWarning and DeprecationWarning Grouping the deprecation warning exceptions together makes intuitive sense. But this sensical idea does not extend well when one considers how rarely either warning is used, let along at the same time. Removing WindowsError Originally proposed based on the idea that having such a platform-specific exception should not be in the built-in namespace. It turns out, though, enough code exists that uses the exception to warrant it staying. Superclass for KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit Proposed to make catching non-Exception inheriting exceptions easier along with easing the transition to the new hierarchy, the idea was rejected by the BDFL [14]. The argument that existing code did not show enough instances of the pair of exceptions being caught and thus did not justify cluttering the built-in namespace was used. Acknowledgements Thanks to Robert Brewer, Josiah Carlson, Alyssa Coghlan, Timothy Delaney, Jack Diedrich, Fred L. Drake, Jr., Philip J. Eby, Greg Ewing, James Y. Knight, MA Lemburg, Guido van Rossum, Stephen J. Turnbull, Raymond Hettinger, and everyone else I missed for participating in the discussion. References [1] python-dev Summary (An exception is an exception, unless it doesn’t inherit from Exception) http://www.python.org/dev/summary/2004-08-01_2004-08-15.html#an-exception-is-an-exception-unless-it-doesn-t-inherit-from-exception [2] python-dev email (PEP, take 2: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055116.html [3] exceptions module http://docs.python.org/library/exceptions.html [4] python-dev thread (Pre-PEP: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-July/055020.html, https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055065.html [5] python-dev thread (PEP, take 2: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055103.html [6] python-dev thread (Reorg PEP checked in) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055138.html [7] python-dev thread (Major revision of PEP 348 committed) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055199.html [8] python-dev thread (Exception Reorg PEP revised yet again) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055292.html [9] python-dev thread (PEP 348 (exception reorg) revised again) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055412.html [10] (1, 2) python-dev email (Pre-PEP: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-July/055019.html [11] python-dev email (PEP, take 2: Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055159.html [12] python-dev email (Exception Reorg PEP checked in) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055149.html [13] python-dev email (Exception Reorg PEP checked in) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055175.html [14] (1, 2) python-dev email (PEP 348 (exception reorg) revised again) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055423.html [15] Python Tutorial http://docs.python.org/tutorial/ [16] python-dev email (Bare except clauses in PEP 348) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-August/055676.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 348 – Exception Reorganization for Python 3.0
Standards Track
Python, as of version 2.4, has 38 exceptions (including warnings) in the built-in namespace in a rather shallow hierarchy. These classes have come about over the years without a chance to learn from experience. This PEP proposes doing a reorganization of the hierarchy for Python 3.0 when backwards-compatibility is not as much of an issue.
PEP 349 – Allow str() to return unicode strings Author: Neil Schemenauer <nas at arctrix.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 02-Aug-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 06-Aug-2005 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Backwards Compatibility Alternative Solutions References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to change the str() built-in function so that it can return unicode strings. This change would make it easier to write code that works with either string type and would also make some existing code handle unicode strings. The C function PyObject_Str() would remain unchanged and the function PyString_New() would be added instead. Rationale Python has had a Unicode string type for some time now but use of it is not yet widespread. There is a large amount of Python code that assumes that string data is represented as str instances. The long-term plan for Python is to phase out the str type and use unicode for all string data. Clearly, a smooth migration path must be provided. We need to upgrade existing libraries, written for str instances, to be made capable of operating in an all-unicode string world. We can’t change to an all-unicode world until all essential libraries are made capable for it. Upgrading the libraries in one shot does not seem feasible. A more realistic strategy is to individually make the libraries capable of operating on unicode strings while preserving their current all-str environment behaviour. First, we need to be able to write code that can accept unicode instances without attempting to coerce them to str instances. Let us label such code as Unicode-safe. Unicode-safe libraries can be used in an all-unicode world. Second, we need to be able to write code that, when provided only str instances, will not create unicode results. Let us label such code as str-stable. Libraries that are str-stable can be used by libraries and applications that are not yet Unicode-safe. Sometimes it is simple to write code that is both str-stable and Unicode-safe. For example, the following function just works: def appendx(s): return s + 'x' That’s not too surprising since the unicode type is designed to make the task easier. The principle is that when str and unicode instances meet, the result is a unicode instance. One notable difficulty arises when code requires a string representation of an object; an operation traditionally accomplished by using the str() built-in function. Using the current str() function makes the code not Unicode-safe. Replacing a str() call with a unicode() call makes the code not str-stable. Changing str() so that it could return unicode instances would solve this problem. As a further benefit, some code that is currently not Unicode-safe because it uses str() would become Unicode-safe. Specification A Python implementation of the str() built-in follows: def str(s): """Return a nice string representation of the object. The return value is a str or unicode instance. """ if type(s) is str or type(s) is unicode: return s r = s.__str__() if not isinstance(r, (str, unicode)): raise TypeError('__str__ returned non-string') return r The following function would be added to the C API and would be the equivalent to the str() built-in (ideally it be called PyObject_Str, but changing that function could cause a massive number of compatibility problems): PyObject *PyString_New(PyObject *); A reference implementation is available on Sourceforge [1] as a patch. Backwards Compatibility Some code may require that str() returns a str instance. In the standard library, only one such case has been found so far. The function email.header_decode() requires a str instance and the email.Header.decode_header() function tries to ensure this by calling str() on its argument. The code was fixed by changing the line “header = str(header)” to: if isinstance(header, unicode): header = header.encode('ascii') Whether this is truly a bug is questionable since decode_header() really operates on byte strings, not character strings. Code that passes it a unicode instance could itself be considered buggy. Alternative Solutions A new built-in function could be added instead of changing str(). Doing so would introduce virtually no backwards compatibility problems. However, since the compatibility problems are expected to rare, changing str() seems preferable to adding a new built-in. The basestring type could be changed to have the proposed behaviour, rather than changing str(). However, that would be confusing behaviour for an abstract base type. References [1] https://bugs.python.org/issue1266570 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 349 – Allow str() to return unicode strings
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to change the str() built-in function so that it can return unicode strings. This change would make it easier to write code that works with either string type and would also make some existing code handle unicode strings. The C function PyObject_Str() would remain unchanged and the function PyString_New() would be added instead.
PEP 350 – Codetags Author: Micah Elliott <mde at tracos.org> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Created: 27-Jun-2005 Post-History: 10-Aug-2005, 26-Sep-2005 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract What Are Codetags? Philosophy Motivation Examples Specification General Syntax Mnemonics Fields DONE File Tools Objections References Rejection Notice This PEP has been rejected. While the community may be interested, there is no desire to make the standard library conform to this standard. Abstract This informational PEP aims to provide guidelines for consistent use of codetags, which would enable the construction of standard utilities to take advantage of the codetag information, as well as making Python code more uniform across projects. Codetags also represent a very lightweight programming micro-paradigm and become useful for project management, documentation, change tracking, and project health monitoring. This is submitted as a PEP because its ideas are thought to be Pythonic, although the concepts are not unique to Python programming. Herein are the definition of codetags, the philosophy behind them, a motivation for standardized conventions, some examples, a specification, a toolset description, and possible objections to the Codetag project/paradigm. This PEP is also living as a wiki for people to add comments. What Are Codetags? Programmers widely use ad-hoc code comment markup conventions to serve as reminders of sections of code that need closer inspection or review. Examples of markup include FIXME, TODO, XXX, BUG, but there many more in wide use in existing software. Such markup will henceforth be referred to as codetags. These codetags may show up in application code, unit tests, scripts, general documentation, or wherever suitable. Codetags have been under discussion and in use (hundreds of codetags in the Python 2.4 sources) in many places (e.g., c2) for many years. See References for further historic and current information. Philosophy If you subscribe to most of these values, then codetags will likely be useful for you. As much information as possible should be contained inside the source code (application code or unit tests). This along with use of codetags impedes duplication. Most documentation can be generated from that source code; e.g., by using help2man, man2html, docutils, epydoc/pydoc, ctdoc, etc. Information should be almost never duplicated – it should be recorded in a single original format and all other locations should be automatically generated from the original, or simply be referenced. This is famously known as the Single Point Of Truth (SPOT) or Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) rule. Documentation that gets into customers’ hands should be auto-generated from single sources into all other output formats. People want documentation in many forms. It is thus important to have a documentation system that can generate all of these. The developers are the documentation team. They write the code and should know the code the best. There should not be a dedicated, disjoint documentation team for any non-huge project. Plain text (with non-invasive markup) is the best format for writing anything. All other formats are to be generated from the plain text. Codetag design was influenced by the following goals: Comments should be short whenever possible. Codetag fields should be optional and of minimal length. Default values and custom fields can be set by individual code shops. Codetags should be minimalistic. The quicker it is to jot something down, the more likely it is to get jotted. The most common use of codetags will only have zero to two fields specified, and these should be the easiest to type and read. Motivation Various productivity tools can be built around codetags.See Tools. Encourages consistency.Historically, a subset of these codetags has been used informally in the majority of source code in existence, whether in Python or in other languages. Tags have been used in an inconsistent manner with different spellings, semantics, format, and placement. For example, some programmers might include datestamps and/or user identifiers, limit to a single line or not, spell the codetag differently than others, etc. Encourages adherence to SPOT/DRY principle.E.g., generating a roadmap dynamically from codetags instead of keeping TODOs in sync with separate roadmap document. Easy to remember.All codetags must be concise, intuitive, and semantically non-overlapping with others. The format must also be simple. Use not required/imposed.If you don’t use codetags already, there’s no obligation to start, and no risk of affecting code (but see Objections). A small subset can be adopted and the Tools will still be useful (a few codetags have probably already been adopted on an ad-hoc basis anyway). Also it is very easy to identify and remove (and possibly record) a codetag that is no longer deemed useful. Gives a global view of code.Tools can be used to generate documentation and reports. A logical location for capturing CRCs/Stories/Requirements.The XP community often does not electronically capture Stories, but codetags seem like a good place to locate them. Extremely lightweight process.Creating tickets in a tracking system for every thought degrades development velocity. Even if a ticketing system is employed, codetags are useful for simply containing links to those tickets. Examples This shows a simple codetag as commonly found in sources everywhere (with the addition of a trailing <>): # FIXME: Seems like this loop should be finite. <> while True: ... The following contrived example demonstrates a typical use of codetags. It uses some of the available fields to specify the assignees (a pair of programmers with initials MDE and CLE), the Date of expected completion (Week 14), and the Priority of the item (2): # FIXME: Seems like this loop should be finite. <MDE,CLE d:14w p:2> while True: ... This codetag shows a bug with fields describing author, discovery (origination) date, due date, and priority: # BUG: Crashes if run on Sundays. # <MDE 2005-09-04 d:14w p:2> if day == 'Sunday': ... Here is a demonstration of how not to use codetags. This has many problems: 1) Codetags cannot share a line with code; 2) Missing colon after mnemonic; 3) A codetag referring to codetags is usually useless, and worse, it is not completable; 4) No need to have a bunch of fields for a trivial codetag; 5) Fields with unknown values (t:XXX) should not be used: i = i + 1 # TODO Add some more codetags. # <JRNewbie 2005-04-03 d:2005-09-03 t:XXX d:14w p:0 s:inprogress> Specification This describes the format: syntax, mnemonic names, fields, and semantics, and also the separate DONE File. General Syntax Each codetag should be inside a comment, and can be any number of lines. It should not share a line with code. It should match the indentation of surrounding code. The end of the codetag is marked by a pair of angle brackets <> containing optional fields, which must not be split onto multiple lines. It is preferred to have a codetag in # comments instead of string comments. There can be multiple fields per codetag, all of which are optional. In short, a codetag consists of a mnemonic, a colon, commentary text, an opening angle bracket, an optional list of fields, and a closing angle bracket. E.g., # MNEMONIC: Some (maybe multi-line) commentary. <field field ...> Mnemonics The codetags of interest are listed below, using the following format: recommended mnemonic (& synonym list) canonical name: semantics TODO (MILESTONE, MLSTN, DONE, YAGNI, TBD, TOBEDONE)To do: Informal tasks/features that are pending completion. FIXME (XXX, DEBUG, BROKEN, REFACTOR, REFACT, RFCTR, OOPS, SMELL, NEEDSWORK, INSPECT)Fix me: Areas of problematic or ugly code needing refactoring or cleanup. BUG (BUGFIX)Bugs: Reported defects tracked in bug database. NOBUG (NOFIX, WONTFIX, DONTFIX, NEVERFIX, UNFIXABLE, CANTFIX)Will Not Be Fixed: Problems that are well-known but will never be addressed due to design problems or domain limitations. REQ (REQUIREMENT, STORY)Requirements: Satisfactions of specific, formal requirements. RFE (FEETCH, NYI, FR, FTRQ, FTR)Requests For Enhancement: Roadmap items not yet implemented. IDEAIdeas: Possible RFE candidates, but less formal than RFE. ??? (QUESTION, QUEST, QSTN, WTF)Questions: Misunderstood details. !!! (ALERT)Alerts: In need of immediate attention. HACK (CLEVER, MAGIC)Hacks: Temporary code to force inflexible functionality, or simply a test change, or workaround a known problem. PORT (PORTABILITY, WKRD)Portability: Workarounds specific to OS, Python version, etc. CAVEAT (CAV, CAVT, WARNING, CAUTION)Caveats: Implementation details/gotchas that stand out as non-intuitive. NOTE (HELP)Notes: Sections where a code reviewer found something that needs discussion or further investigation. FAQFrequently Asked Questions: Interesting areas that require external explanation. GLOSS (GLOSSARY)Glossary: Definitions for project glossary. SEE (REF, REFERENCE)See: Pointers to other code, web link, etc. TODOC (DOCDO, DODOC, NEEDSDOC, EXPLAIN, DOCUMENT)Needs Documentation: Areas of code that still need to be documented. CRED (CREDIT, THANKS)Credits: Accreditations for external provision of enlightenment. STAT (STATUS)Status: File-level statistical indicator of maturity of this file. RVD (REVIEWED, REVIEW)Reviewed: File-level indicator that review was conducted. File-level codetags might be better suited as properties in the revision control system, but might still be appropriately specified in a codetag. Some of these are temporary (e.g., FIXME) while others are persistent (e.g., REQ). A mnemonic was chosen over a synonym using three criteria: descriptiveness, length (shorter is better), commonly used. Choosing between FIXME and XXX is difficult. XXX seems to be more common, but much less descriptive. Furthermore, XXX is a useful placeholder in a piece of code having a value that is unknown. Thus FIXME is the preferred spelling. Sun says that XXX and FIXME are slightly different, giving XXX higher severity. However, with decades of chaos on this topic, and too many millions of developers who won’t be influenced by Sun, it is easy to rightly call them synonyms. DONE is always a completed TODO item, but this should probably be indicated through the revision control system and/or a completion recording mechanism (see DONE File). It may be a useful metric to count NOTE tags: a high count may indicate a design (or other) problem. But of course the majority of codetags indicate areas of code needing some attention. An FAQ is probably more appropriately documented in a wiki where users can more easily view and contribute. Fields All fields are optional. The proposed standard fields are described in this section. Note that upper case field characters are intended to be replaced. The Originator/Assignee and Origination Date/Week fields are the most common and don’t usually require a prefix. This lengthy list of fields is liable to scare people (the intended minimalists) away from adopting codetags, but keep in mind that these only exist to support programmers who either 1) like to keep BUG or RFE codetags in a complete form, or 2) are using codetags as their complete and only tracking system. In other words, many of these fields will be used very rarely. They are gathered largely from industry-wide conventions, and example sources include GCC Bugzilla and Python’s SourceForge tracking systems. AAA[,BBB]...List of Originator or Assignee initials (the context determines which unless both should exist). It is also okay to use usernames such as MicahE instead of initials. Initials (in upper case) are the preferred form. a:AAA[,BBB]...List of Assignee initials. This is necessary only in (rare) cases where a codetag has both an assignee and an originator, and they are different. Otherwise the a: prefix is omitted, and context determines the intent. E.g., FIXME usually has an Assignee, and NOTE usually has an Originator, but if a FIXME was originated (and initialed) by a reviewer, then the assignee’s initials would need a a: prefix. YYYY[-MM[-DD]] or WW[.D]wThe Origination Date indicating when the comment was added, in ISO 8601 format (digits and hyphens only). Or Origination Week, an alternative form for specifying an Origination Date. A day of the week can be optionally specified. The w suffix is necessary for distinguishing from a date. d:YYYY[-MM[-DD]] or d:WW[.D]wDue Date (d) target completion (estimate). Or Due Week (d), an alternative to specifying a Due Date. p:NPriority (p) level. Range (N) is from 0..3 with 3 being the highest. 0..3 are analogous to low, medium, high, and showstopper/critical. The Severity field could be factored into this single number, and doing so is recommended since having both is subject to varying interpretation. The range and order should be customizable. The existence of this field is important for any tool that itemizes codetags. Thus a (customizable) default value should be supported. t:NNNNTracker (t) number corresponding to associated Ticket ID in separate tracking system. The following fields are also available but expected to be less common. c:AAAACategory (c) indicating some specific area affected by this item. s:AAAAStatus (s) indicating state of item. Examples are “unexplored”, “understood”, “inprogress”, “fixed”, “done”, “closed”. Note that when an item is completed it is probably better to remove the codetag and record it in a DONE File. i:NDevelopment cycle Iteration (i). Useful for grouping codetags into completion target groups. r:NDevelopment cycle Release (r). Useful for grouping codetags into completion target groups. To summarize, the non-prefixed fields are initials and origination date, and the prefixed fields are: assignee (a), due (d), priority (p), tracker (t), category (c), status (s), iteration (i), and release (r). It should be possible for groups to define or add their own fields, and these should have upper case prefixes to distinguish them from the standard set. Examples of custom fields are Operating System (O), Severity (S), Affected Version (A), Customer (C), etc. DONE File Some codetags have an ability to be completed (e.g., FIXME, TODO, BUG). It is often important to retain completed items by recording them with a completion date stamp. Such completed items are best stored in a single location, global to a project (or maybe a package). The proposed format is most easily described by an example, say ~/src/fooproj/DONE: # TODO: Recurse into subdirs only on blue # moons. <MDE 2003-09-26> [2005-09-26 Oops, I underestimated this one a bit. Should have used Warsaw's First Law!] # FIXME: ... ... You can see that the codetag is copied verbatim from the original source file. The date stamp is then entered on the following line with an optional post-mortem commentary. The entry is terminated by a blank line (\n\n). It may sound burdensome to have to delete codetag lines every time one gets completed. But in practice it is quite easy to setup a Vim or Emacs mapping to auto-record a codetag deletion in this format (sans the commentary). Tools Currently, programmers (and sometimes analysts) typically use grep to generate a list of items corresponding to a single codetag. However, various hypothetical productivity tools could take advantage of a consistent codetag format. Some example tools follow. Document GeneratorPossible docs: glossary, roadmap, manpages Codetag HistoryTrack (with revision control system interface) when a BUG tag (or any codetag) originated/resolved in a code section Code StatisticsA project Health-O-Meter Codetag LintNotify of invalid use of codetags, and aid in porting to codetags Story Manager/BrowserAn electronic means to replace XP notecards. In MVC terms, the codetag is the Model, and the Story Manager could be a graphical Viewer/Controller to do visual rearrangement, prioritization, and assignment, milestone management. Any Text EditorUsed for changing, removing, adding, rearranging, recording codetags. There are some tools already in existence that take advantage of a smaller set of pseudo-codetags (see References). There is also an example codetags implementation under way, known as the Codetag Project. Objections Objection: Extreme Programming argues that such codetags should not ever exist in code since the code is the documentation. Defense: Maybe you should put the codetags in the unit test files instead. Besides, it’s tough to generate documentation from uncommented source code. Objection: Too much existing code has not followed proposed guidelines. Defense: [Simple] utilities (ctlint) could convert existing codes. Objection: Causes duplication with tracking system. Defense: Not really, unless fields are abused. If an item exists in the tracker, a simple ticket number in the codetag tracker field is sufficient. Maybe a duplicated title would be acceptable. Furthermore, it’s too burdensome to have a ticket filed for every item that pops into a developer’s mind on-the-go. Additionally, the tracking system could possibly be obviated for simple or small projects that can reasonably fit the relevant data into a codetag. Objection: Codetags are ugly and clutter code. Defense: That is a good point. But I’d still rather have such info in a single place (the source code) than various other documents, likely getting duplicated or forgotten about. The completed codetags can be sent off to the DONE File, or to the bit bucket. Objection: Codetags (and all comments) get out of date. Defense: Not so much if other sources (externally visible documentation) depend on their being accurate. Objection: Codetags tend to only rarely have estimated completion dates of any sort. OK, the fields are optional, but you want to suggest fields that actually will be widely used. Defense: If an item is inestimable don’t bother with specifying a date field. Using tools to display items with order and/or color by due date and/or priority, it is easier to make estimates. Having your roadmap be a dynamic reflection of your codetags makes you much more likely to keep the codetags accurate. Objection: Named variables for the field parameters in the <> should be used instead of cryptic one-character prefixes. I.e., <MDE p:3> should rather be <author=MDE, priority=3>. Defense: It is just too much typing/verbosity to spell out fields. I argue that p:3 i:2 is as readable as priority=3, iteration=2 and is much more likely to by typed and remembered (see bullet C in Philosophy). In this case practicality beats purity. There are not many fields to keep track of so one letter prefixes are suitable. Objection: Synonyms should be deprecated since it is better to have a single way to spell something. Defense: Many programmers prefer short mnemonic names, especially in comments. This is why short mnemonics were chosen as the primary names. However, others feel that an explicit spelling is less confusing and less prone to error. There will always be two camps on this subject. Thus synonyms (and complete, full spellings) should remain supported. Objection: It is cruel to use [for mnemonics] opaque acronyms and abbreviations which drop vowels; it’s hard to figure these things out. On that basis I hate: MLSTN RFCTR RFE FEETCH, NYI, FR, FTRQ, FTR WKRD RVDBY Defense: Mnemonics are preferred since they are pretty easy to remember and take up less space. If programmers didn’t like dropping vowels we would be able to fit very little code on a line. The space is important for those who write comments that often fit on a single line. But when using a canon everywhere it is much less likely to get something to fit on a line. Objection: It takes too long to type the fields. Defense: Then don’t use (most or any of) them, especially if you’re the only programmer. Terminating a codetag with <> is a small chore, and in doing so you enable the use of the proposed tools. Editor auto-completion of codetags is also useful: You can program your editor to stamp a template (e.g. # FIXME . <MDE {date}>) with just a keystroke or two. Objection: WorkWeek is an obscure and uncommon time unit. Defense: That’s true but it is a highly suitable unit of granularity for estimation/targeting purposes, and it is very compact. The ISO 8601 is widely understood but allows you to only specify either a specific day (restrictive) or month (broad). Objection: I aesthetically dislike for the comment to be terminated with <> in the empty field case. Defense: It is necessary to have a terminator since codetags may be followed by non-codetag comments. Or codetags could be limited to a single line, but that’s prohibitive. I can’t think of any single-character terminator that is appropriate and significantly better than <>. Maybe @ could be a terminator, but then most codetags will have an unnecessary @. Objection: I can’t use codetags when writing HTML, or less specifically, XML. Maybe @fields@ would be a better than <fields> as the delimiters. Defense: Maybe you’re right, but <> looks nicer whenever applicable. XML/SGML could use @ while more common programming languages stick to <>. References Some other tools have approached defining/exploiting codetags. See http://tracos.org/codetag/wiki/Links.
PEP 350 – Codetags
This informational PEP aims to provide guidelines for consistent use of codetags, which would enable the construction of standard utilities to take advantage of the codetag information, as well as making Python code more uniform across projects. Codetags also represent a very lightweight programming micro-paradigm and become useful for project management, documentation, change tracking, and project health monitoring. This is submitted as a PEP because its ideas are thought to be Pythonic, although the concepts are not unique to Python programming. Herein are the definition of codetags, the philosophy behind them, a motivation for standardized conventions, some examples, a specification, a toolset description, and possible objections to the Codetag project/paradigm.
PEP 351 – The freeze protocol Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 14-Apr-2005 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rejection Notice Rationale Proposal Sample implementations Reference implementation Open issues Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a simple protocol for requesting a frozen, immutable copy of a mutable object. It also defines a new built-in function which uses this protocol to provide an immutable copy on any cooperating object. Rejection Notice This PEP was rejected. For a rationale, see this thread on python-dev. Rationale Built-in objects such dictionaries and sets accept only immutable objects as keys. This means that mutable objects like lists cannot be used as keys to a dictionary. However, a Python programmer can convert a list to a tuple; the two objects are similar, but the latter is immutable, and can be used as a dictionary key. It is conceivable that third party objects also have similar mutable and immutable counterparts, and it would be useful to have a standard protocol for conversion of such objects. sets.Set objects expose a “protocol for automatic conversion to immutable” so that you can create sets.Sets of sets.Sets. PEP 218 deliberately dropped this feature from built-in sets. This PEP advances that the feature is still useful and proposes a standard mechanism for its support. Proposal It is proposed that a new built-in function called freeze() is added. If freeze() is passed an immutable object, as determined by hash() on that object not raising a TypeError, then the object is returned directly. If freeze() is passed a mutable object (i.e. hash() of that object raises a TypeError), then freeze() will call that object’s __freeze__() method to get an immutable copy. If the object does not have a __freeze__() method, then a TypeError is raised. Sample implementations Here is a Python implementation of the freeze() built-in: def freeze(obj): try: hash(obj) return obj except TypeError: freezer = getattr(obj, '__freeze__', None) if freezer: return freezer() raise TypeError('object is not freezable')`` Here are some code samples which show the intended semantics: class xset(set): def __freeze__(self): return frozenset(self) class xlist(list): def __freeze__(self): return tuple(self) class imdict(dict): def __hash__(self): return id(self) def _immutable(self, *args, **kws): raise TypeError('object is immutable') __setitem__ = _immutable __delitem__ = _immutable clear = _immutable update = _immutable setdefault = _immutable pop = _immutable popitem = _immutable class xdict(dict): def __freeze__(self): return imdict(self) >>> s = set([1, 2, 3]) >>> {s: 4} Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? TypeError: set objects are unhashable >>> t = freeze(s) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "/usr/tmp/python-lWCjBK.py", line 9, in freeze TypeError: object is not freezable >>> t = xset(s) >>> u = freeze(t) >>> {u: 4} {frozenset([1, 2, 3]): 4} >>> x = 'hello' >>> freeze(x) is x True >>> d = xdict(a=7, b=8, c=9) >>> hash(d) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? TypeError: dict objects are unhashable >>> hash(freeze(d)) -1210776116 >>> {d: 4} Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? TypeError: dict objects are unhashable >>> {freeze(d): 4} {{'a': 7, 'c': 9, 'b': 8}: 4} Reference implementation Patch 1335812 provides the C implementation of this feature. It adds the freeze() built-in, along with implementations of the __freeze__() method for lists and sets. Dictionaries are not easily freezable in current Python, so an implementation of dict.__freeze__() is not provided yet. Open issues Should we define a similar protocol for thawing frozen objects? Should dicts and sets automatically freeze their mutable keys? Should we support “temporary freezing” (perhaps with a method called __congeal__()) a la __as_temporarily_immutable__() in sets.Set? For backward compatibility with sets.Set, should we support __as_immutable__()? Or should __freeze__() just be renamed to __as_immutable__()? Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 351 – The freeze protocol
Standards Track
This PEP describes a simple protocol for requesting a frozen, immutable copy of a mutable object. It also defines a new built-in function which uses this protocol to provide an immutable copy on any cooperating object.
PEP 352 – Required Superclass for Exceptions Author: Brett Cannon, Guido van Rossum Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 27-Oct-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Requiring a Common Superclass Exception Hierarchy Changes Transition Plan Retracted Ideas References Copyright Abstract In Python 2.4 and before, any (classic) class can be raised as an exception. The plan for 2.5 was to allow new-style classes, but this makes the problem worse – it would mean any class (or instance) can be raised! This is a problem as it prevents any guarantees from being made about the interface of exceptions. This PEP proposes introducing a new superclass that all raised objects must inherit from. Imposing the restriction will allow a standard interface for exceptions to exist that can be relied upon. It also leads to a known hierarchy for all exceptions to adhere to. One might counter that requiring a specific base class for a particular interface is unPythonic. However, in the specific case of exceptions there’s a good reason (which has generally been agreed to on python-dev): requiring hierarchy helps code that wants to catch exceptions by making it possible to catch all exceptions explicitly by writing except BaseException: instead of except *:. [1] Introducing a new superclass for exceptions also gives us the chance to rearrange the exception hierarchy slightly for the better. As it currently stands, all exceptions in the built-in namespace inherit from Exception. This is a problem since this includes two exceptions (KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit) that often need to be excepted from the application’s exception handling: the default behavior of shutting the interpreter down without a traceback is usually more desirable than whatever the application might do (with the possible exception of applications that emulate Python’s interactive command loop with >>> prompt). Changing it so that these two exceptions inherit from the common superclass instead of Exception will make it easy for people to write except clauses that are not overreaching and not catch exceptions that should propagate up. This PEP is based on previous work done for PEP 348. Requiring a Common Superclass This PEP proposes introducing a new exception named BaseException that is a new-style class and has a single attribute, args. Below is the code as the exception will work in Python 3.0 (how it will work in Python 2.x is covered in the Transition Plan section): class BaseException(object): """Superclass representing the base of the exception hierarchy. Provides an 'args' attribute that contains all arguments passed to the constructor. Suggested practice, though, is that only a single string argument be passed to the constructor. """ def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args def __str__(self): if len(self.args) == 1: return str(self.args[0]) else: return str(self.args) def __repr__(self): return "%s(*%s)" % (self.__class__.__name__, repr(self.args)) No restriction is placed upon what may be passed in for args for backwards-compatibility reasons. In practice, though, only a single string argument should be used. This keeps the string representation of the exception to be a useful message about the exception that is human-readable; this is why the __str__ method special-cases on length-1 args value. Including programmatic information (e.g., an error code number) should be stored as a separate attribute in a subclass. The raise statement will be changed to require that any object passed to it must inherit from BaseException. This will make sure that all exceptions fall within a single hierarchy that is anchored at BaseException [1]. This also guarantees a basic interface that is inherited from BaseException. The change to raise will be enforced starting in Python 3.0 (see the Transition Plan below). With BaseException being the root of the exception hierarchy, Exception will now inherit from it. Exception Hierarchy Changes With the exception hierarchy now even more important since it has a basic root, a change to the existing hierarchy is called for. As it stands now, if one wants to catch all exceptions that signal an error and do not mean the interpreter should be allowed to exit, you must specify all but two exceptions specifically in an except clause or catch the two exceptions separately and then re-raise them and have all other exceptions fall through to a bare except clause: except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit): raise except: ... That is needlessly explicit. This PEP proposes moving KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit to inherit directly from BaseException. - BaseException |- KeyboardInterrupt |- SystemExit |- Exception |- (all other current built-in exceptions) Doing this makes catching Exception more reasonable. It would catch only exceptions that signify errors. Exceptions that signal that the interpreter should exit will not be caught and thus be allowed to propagate up and allow the interpreter to terminate. KeyboardInterrupt has been moved since users typically expect an application to exit when they press the interrupt key (usually Ctrl-C). If people have overly broad except clauses the expected behaviour does not occur. SystemExit has been moved for similar reasons. Since the exception is raised when sys.exit() is called the interpreter should normally be allowed to terminate. Unfortunately overly broad except clauses can prevent the explicitly requested exit from occurring. To make sure that people catch Exception most of the time, various parts of the documentation and tutorials will need to be updated to strongly suggest that Exception be what programmers want to use. Bare except clauses or catching BaseException directly should be discouraged based on the fact that KeyboardInterrupt and SystemExit almost always should be allowed to propagate up. Transition Plan Since semantic changes to Python are being proposed, a transition plan is needed. The goal is to end up with the new semantics being used in Python 3.0 while providing a smooth transition for 2.x code. All deprecations mentioned in the plan will lead to the removal of the semantics starting in the version following the initial deprecation. Here is BaseException as implemented in the 2.x series: class BaseException(object): """Superclass representing the base of the exception hierarchy. The __getitem__ method is provided for backwards-compatibility and will be deprecated at some point. The 'message' attribute is also deprecated. """ def __init__(self, *args): self.args = args def __str__(self): return str(self.args[0] if len(self.args) <= 1 else self.args) def __repr__(self): func_args = repr(self.args) if self.args else "()" return self.__class__.__name__ + func_args def __getitem__(self, index): """Index into arguments passed in during instantiation. Provided for backwards-compatibility and will be deprecated. """ return self.args[index] def _get_message(self): """Method for 'message' property.""" warnings.warn("the 'message' attribute has been deprecated " "since Python 2.6") return self.args[0] if len(args) == 1 else '' message = property(_get_message, doc="access the 'message' attribute; " "deprecated and provided only for " "backwards-compatibility") Deprecation of features in Python 2.9 is optional. This is because it is not known at this time if Python 2.9 (which is slated to be the last version in the 2.x series) will actively deprecate features that will not be in 3.0. It is conceivable that no deprecation warnings will be used in 2.9 since there could be such a difference between 2.9 and 3.0 that it would make 2.9 too “noisy” in terms of warnings. Thus the proposed deprecation warnings for Python 2.9 will be revisited when development of that version begins, to determine if they are still desired. Python 2.5 [done] all standard exceptions become new-style classes [done] introduce BaseException [done] Exception, KeyboardInterrupt, and SystemExit inherit from BaseException [done] deprecate raising string exceptions [done] Python 2.6 [done] deprecate catching string exceptions [done] deprecate message attribute (see Retracted Ideas) [done] Python 2.7 [done] deprecate raising exceptions that do not inherit from BaseException Python 3.0 [done] drop everything that was deprecated above: string exceptions (both raising and catching) [done] all exceptions must inherit from BaseException [done] drop __getitem__, message [done] Retracted Ideas A previous version of this PEP that was implemented in Python 2.5 included a ‘message’ attribute on BaseException. Its purpose was to begin a transition to BaseException accepting only a single argument. This was to tighten the interface and to force people to use attributes in subclasses to carry arbitrary information with an exception instead of cramming it all into args. Unfortunately, while implementing the removal of the args attribute in Python 3.0 at the PyCon 2007 sprint [3], it was discovered that the transition was very painful, especially for C extension modules. It was decided that it would be better to deprecate the message attribute in Python 2.6 (and remove it in Python 2.7 and Python 3.0) and consider a more long-term transition strategy in Python 3.0 to remove multiple-argument support in BaseException in preference of accepting only a single argument. Thus the introduction of message and the original deprecation of args has been retracted. References [1] (1, 2) python-dev Summary for 2004-08-01 through 2004-08-15 http://www.python.org/dev/summary/2004-08-01_2004-08-15.html#an-exception-is-an-exception-unless-it-doesn-t-inherit-from-exception [2] SF patch #1104669 (new-style exceptions) https://bugs.python.org/issue1104669 [3] python-3000 email (“How far to go with cleaning up exceptions”) https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-March/005911.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 352 – Required Superclass for Exceptions
Standards Track
In Python 2.4 and before, any (classic) class can be raised as an exception. The plan for 2.5 was to allow new-style classes, but this makes the problem worse – it would mean any class (or instance) can be raised! This is a problem as it prevents any guarantees from being made about the interface of exceptions. This PEP proposes introducing a new superclass that all raised objects must inherit from. Imposing the restriction will allow a standard interface for exceptions to exist that can be relied upon. It also leads to a known hierarchy for all exceptions to adhere to.
PEP 353 – Using ssize_t as the index type Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Dec-2005 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Conversion guidelines Discussion Why not size_t Why not Py_intptr_t Doesn’t this break much code? Doesn’t this consume too much memory? Open Issues Copyright Abstract In Python 2.4, indices of sequences are restricted to the C type int. On 64-bit machines, sequences therefore cannot use the full address space, and are restricted to 2**31 elements. This PEP proposes to change this, introducing a platform-specific index type Py_ssize_t. An implementation of the proposed change is in http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/ssize_t. Rationale 64-bit machines are becoming more popular, and the size of main memory increases beyond 4GiB. On such machines, Python currently is limited, in that sequences (strings, unicode objects, tuples, lists, array.arrays, …) cannot contain more than 2GiElements. Today, very few machines have memory to represent larger lists: as each pointer is 8B (in a 64-bit machine), one needs 16GiB to just hold the pointers of such a list; with data in the list, the memory consumption grows even more. However, there are three container types for which users request improvements today: strings (currently restricted to 2GiB) mmap objects (likewise; plus the system typically won’t keep the whole object in memory concurrently) Numarray objects (from Numerical Python) As the proposed change will cause incompatibilities on 64-bit machines, it should be carried out while such machines are not in wide use (IOW, as early as possible). Specification A new type Py_ssize_t is introduced, which has the same size as the compiler’s size_t type, but is signed. It will be a typedef for ssize_t where available. The internal representation of the length fields of all container types is changed from int to ssize_t, for all types included in the standard distribution. In particular, PyObject_VAR_HEAD is changed to use Py_ssize_t, affecting all extension modules that use that macro. All occurrences of index and length parameters and results are changed to use Py_ssize_t, including the sequence slots in type objects, and the buffer interface. New conversion functions PyInt_FromSsize_t and PyInt_AsSsize_t, are introduced. PyInt_FromSsize_t will transparently return a long int object if the value exceeds the LONG_MAX; PyInt_AsSsize_t will transparently process long int objects. New function pointer typedefs ssizeargfunc, ssizessizeargfunc, ssizeobjargproc, ssizessizeobjargproc, and lenfunc are introduced. The buffer interface function types are now called readbufferproc, writebufferproc, segcountproc, and charbufferproc. A new conversion code ‘n’ is introduced for PyArg_ParseTuple Py_BuildValue, PyObject_CallFunction and PyObject_CallMethod. This code operates on Py_ssize_t. The conversion codes ‘s#’ and ‘t#’ will output Py_ssize_t if the macro PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN is defined before Python.h is included, and continue to output int if that macro isn’t defined. At places where a conversion from size_t/Py_ssize_t to int is necessary, the strategy for conversion is chosen on a case-by-case basis (see next section). To prevent loading extension modules that assume a 32-bit size type into an interpreter that has a 64-bit size type, Py_InitModule4 is renamed to Py_InitModule4_64. Conversion guidelines Module authors have the choice whether they support this PEP in their code or not; if they support it, they have the choice of different levels of compatibility. If a module is not converted to support this PEP, it will continue to work unmodified on a 32-bit system. On a 64-bit system, compile-time errors and warnings might be issued, and the module might crash the interpreter if the warnings are ignored. Conversion of a module can either attempt to continue using int indices, or use Py_ssize_t indices throughout. If the module should continue to use int indices, care must be taken when calling functions that return Py_ssize_t or size_t, in particular, for functions that return the length of an object (this includes the strlen function and the sizeof operator). A good compiler will warn when a Py_ssize_t/size_t value is truncated into an int. In these cases, three strategies are available: statically determine that the size can never exceed an int (e.g. when taking the sizeof a struct, or the strlen of a file pathname). In this case, write:some_int = Py_SAFE_DOWNCAST(some_value, Py_ssize_t, int); This will add an assertion in debug mode that the value really fits into an int, and just add a cast otherwise. statically determine that the value shouldn’t overflow an int unless there is a bug in the C code somewhere. Test whether the value is smaller than INT_MAX, and raise an InternalError if it isn’t. otherwise, check whether the value fits an int, and raise a ValueError if it doesn’t. The same care must be taken for tp_as_sequence slots, in addition, the signatures of these slots change, and the slots must be explicitly recast (e.g. from intargfunc to ssizeargfunc). Compatibility with previous Python versions can be achieved with the test: #if PY_VERSION_HEX < 0x02050000 && !defined(PY_SSIZE_T_MIN) typedef int Py_ssize_t; #define PY_SSIZE_T_MAX INT_MAX #define PY_SSIZE_T_MIN INT_MIN #endif and then using Py_ssize_t in the rest of the code. For the tp_as_sequence slots, additional typedefs might be necessary; alternatively, by replacing: PyObject* foo_item(struct MyType* obj, int index) { ... } with: PyObject* foo_item(PyObject* _obj, Py_ssize_t index) { struct MyType* obj = (struct MyType*)_obj; ... } it becomes possible to drop the cast entirely; the type of foo_item should then match the sq_item slot in all Python versions. If the module should be extended to use Py_ssize_t indices, all usages of the type int should be reviewed, to see whether it should be changed to Py_ssize_t. The compiler will help in finding the spots, but a manual review is still necessary. Particular care must be taken for PyArg_ParseTuple calls: they need all be checked for s# and t# converters, and PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN must be defined before including Python.h if the calls have been updated accordingly. Fredrik Lundh has written a scanner which checks the code of a C module for usage of APIs whose signature has changed. Discussion Why not size_t An initial attempt to implement this feature tried to use size_t. It quickly turned out that this cannot work: Python uses negative indices in many places (to indicate counting from the end). Even in places where size_t would be usable, too many reformulations of code where necessary, e.g. in loops like: for(index = length-1; index >= 0; index--) This loop will never terminate if index is changed from int to size_t. Why not Py_intptr_t Conceptually, Py_intptr_t and Py_ssize_t are different things: Py_intptr_t needs to be the same size as void*, and Py_ssize_t the same size as size_t. These could differ, e.g. on machines where pointers have segment and offset. On current flat-address space machines, there is no difference, so for all practical purposes, Py_intptr_t would have worked as well. Doesn’t this break much code? With the changes proposed, code breakage is fairly minimal. On a 32-bit system, no code will break, as Py_ssize_t is just a typedef for int. On a 64-bit system, the compiler will warn in many places. If these warnings are ignored, the code will continue to work as long as the container sizes don’t exceed 2**31, i.e. it will work nearly as good as it does currently. There are two exceptions to this statement: if the extension module implements the sequence protocol, it must be updated, or the calling conventions will be wrong. The other exception is the places where Py_ssize_t is output through a pointer (rather than a return value); this applies most notably to codecs and slice objects. If the conversion of the code is made, the same code can continue to work on earlier Python releases. Doesn’t this consume too much memory? One might think that using Py_ssize_t in all tuples, strings, lists, etc. is a waste of space. This is not true, though: on a 32-bit machine, there is no change. On a 64-bit machine, the size of many containers doesn’t change, e.g. in lists and tuples, a pointer immediately follows the ob_size member. This means that the compiler currently inserts a 4 padding bytes; with the change, these padding bytes become part of the size. in strings, the ob_shash field follows ob_size. This field is of type long, which is a 64-bit type on most 64-bit systems (except Win64), so the compiler inserts padding before it as well. Open Issues Marc-Andre Lemburg commented that complete backwards compatibility with existing source code should be preserved. In particular, functions that have Py_ssize_t* output arguments should continue to run correctly even if the callers pass int*.It is not clear what strategy could be used to implement that requirement. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 353 – Using ssize_t as the index type
Standards Track
In Python 2.4, indices of sequences are restricted to the C type int. On 64-bit machines, sequences therefore cannot use the full address space, and are restricted to 2**31 elements. This PEP proposes to change this, introducing a platform-specific index type Py_ssize_t. An implementation of the proposed change is in http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/ssize_t.
PEP 354 – Enumerations in Python Author: Ben Finney <ben+python at benfinney.id.au> Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Created: 20-Dec-2005 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: 20-Dec-2005 Superseded-By: 435 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Motivation Specification Rationale – Other designs considered All in one class Metaclass for creating enumeration classes Values related to other types Hiding attributes of enumerated values Implementation References and Footnotes Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP has been rejected. This doesn’t slot nicely into any of the existing modules (like collections), and the Python standard library eschews having lots of individual data structures in their own modules. Also, the PEP has generated no widespread interest. For those who need enumerations, there are cookbook recipes and PyPI packages that meet these needs. Note: this PEP was superseded by PEP 435, which has been accepted in May 2013. Abstract This PEP specifies an enumeration data type for Python. An enumeration is an exclusive set of symbolic names bound to arbitrary unique values. Values within an enumeration can be iterated and compared, but the values have no inherent relationship to values outside the enumeration. Motivation The properties of an enumeration are useful for defining an immutable, related set of constant values that have a defined sequence but no inherent semantic meaning. Classic examples are days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) and school assessment grades (‘A’ through ‘D’, and ‘F’). Other examples include error status values and states within a defined process. It is possible to simply define a sequence of values of some other basic type, such as int or str, to represent discrete arbitrary values. However, an enumeration ensures that such values are distinct from any others, and that operations without meaning (“Wednesday times two”) are not defined for these values. Specification An enumerated type is created from a sequence of arguments to the type’s constructor: >>> Weekdays = enum('sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat') >>> Grades = enum('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F') Enumerations with no values are meaningless. The exception EnumEmptyError is raised if the constructor is called with no value arguments. The values are bound to attributes of the new enumeration object: >>> today = Weekdays.mon The values can be compared: >>> if today == Weekdays.fri: ... print "Get ready for the weekend" Values within an enumeration cannot be meaningfully compared except with values from the same enumeration. The comparison operation functions return NotImplemented [1] when a value from an enumeration is compared against any value not from the same enumeration or of a different type: >>> gym_night = Weekdays.wed >>> gym_night.__cmp__(Weekdays.mon) 1 >>> gym_night.__cmp__(Weekdays.wed) 0 >>> gym_night.__cmp__(Weekdays.fri) -1 >>> gym_night.__cmp__(23) NotImplemented >>> gym_night.__cmp__("wed") NotImplemented >>> gym_night.__cmp__(Grades.B) NotImplemented This allows the operation to succeed, evaluating to a boolean value: >>> gym_night = Weekdays.wed >>> gym_night < Weekdays.mon False >>> gym_night < Weekdays.wed False >>> gym_night < Weekdays.fri True >>> gym_night < 23 False >>> gym_night > 23 True >>> gym_night > "wed" True >>> gym_night > Grades.B True Coercing a value from an enumeration to a str results in the string that was specified for that value when constructing the enumeration: >>> gym_night = Weekdays.wed >>> str(gym_night) 'wed' The sequence index of each value from an enumeration is exported as an integer via that value’s index attribute: >>> gym_night = Weekdays.wed >>> gym_night.index 3 An enumeration can be iterated, returning its values in the sequence they were specified when the enumeration was created: >>> print [str(day) for day in Weekdays] ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat'] Values from an enumeration are hashable, and can be used as dict keys: >>> plans = {} >>> plans[Weekdays.sat] = "Feed the horse" The normal usage of enumerations is to provide a set of possible values for a data type, which can then be used to map to other information about the values: >>> for report_grade in Grades: ... report_students[report_grade] = \ ... [s for s in students if students.grade == report_grade] Rationale – Other designs considered All in one class Some implementations have the enumeration and its values all as attributes of a single object or class. This PEP specifies a design where the enumeration is a container, and the values are simple comparables. It was felt that attempting to place all the properties of enumeration within a single class complicates the design without apparent benefit. Metaclass for creating enumeration classes The enumerations specified in this PEP are instances of an enum type. Some alternative designs implement each enumeration as its own class, and a metaclass to define common properties of all enumerations. One motivation for having a class (rather than an instance) for each enumeration is to allow subclasses of enumerations, extending and altering an existing enumeration. A class, though, implies that instances of that class will be created; it is difficult to imagine what it means to have separate instances of a “days of the week” class, where each instance contains all days. This usually leads to having each class follow the Singleton pattern, further complicating the design. In contrast, this PEP specifies enumerations that are not expected to be extended or modified. It is, of course, possible to create a new enumeration from the string values of an existing one, or even subclass the enum type if desired. Values related to other types Some designs express a strong relationship to some other value, such as a particular integer or string, for each enumerated value. This results in using such values in contexts where the enumeration has no meaning, and unnecessarily complicates the design. The enumerated values specified in this PEP export the values used to create them, and can be compared for equality with any other value, but sequence comparison with values outside the enumeration is explicitly not implemented. Hiding attributes of enumerated values A previous design had the enumerated values hiding as much as possible about their implementation, to the point of not exporting the string key and sequence index. The design in this PEP acknowledges that programs will often find it convenient to know the enumerated value’s enumeration type, sequence index, and string key specified for the value. These are exported by the enumerated value as attributes. Implementation This design is based partly on a recipe [2] from the Python Cookbook. The PyPI package enum [3] provides a Python implementation of the data types described in this PEP. References and Footnotes [1] The NotImplemented return value from comparison operations signals the Python interpreter to attempt alternative comparisons or other fallbacks. <http://docs.python.org/reference/datamodel.html#the-standard-type-hierarchy> [2] “First Class Enums in Python”, Zoran Isailovski, Python Cookbook recipe 413486 <http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/413486> [3] Python Package Index, package enum <http://cheeseshop.python.org/pypi/enum/> Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 354 – Enumerations in Python
Standards Track
This PEP specifies an enumeration data type for Python.
PEP 355 – Path - Object oriented filesystem paths Author: Björn Lindqvist <bjourne at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 24-Jan-2006 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Background Motivation Rationale Specification Replacing older functions with the Path class Deprecations Closed Issues Open Issues Reference Implementation Examples References and Footnotes Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP has been rejected (in this form). The proposed path class is the ultimate kitchen sink; but the notion that it’s better to implement all functionality that uses a path as a method on a single class is an anti-pattern. (E.g. why not open()? Or execfile()?) Subclassing from str is a particularly bad idea; many string operations make no sense when applied to a path. This PEP has lingered, and while the discussion flares up from time to time, it’s time to put this PEP out of its misery. A less far-fetched proposal might be more palatable. Abstract This PEP describes a new class, Path, to be added to the os module, for handling paths in an object oriented fashion. The “weak” deprecation of various related functions is also discussed and recommended. Background The ideas expressed in this PEP are not recent, but have been debated in the Python community for many years. Many have felt that the API for manipulating file paths as offered in the os.path module is inadequate. The first proposal for a Path object was raised by Just van Rossum on python-dev in 2001 [2]. In 2003, Jason Orendorff released version 1.0 of the “path module” which was the first public implementation that used objects to represent paths [3]. The path module quickly became very popular and numerous attempts were made to get the path module included in the Python standard library; [4], [5], [6], [7]. This PEP summarizes the ideas and suggestions people have expressed about the path module and proposes that a modified version should be included in the standard library. Motivation Dealing with filesystem paths is a common task in any programming language, and very common in a high-level language like Python. Good support for this task is needed, because: Almost every program uses paths to access files. It makes sense that a task, that is so often performed, should be as intuitive and as easy to perform as possible. It makes Python an even better replacement language for over-complicated shell scripts. Currently, Python has a large number of different functions scattered over half a dozen modules for handling paths. This makes it hard for newbies and experienced developers to choose the right method. The Path class provides the following enhancements over the current common practice: One “unified” object provides all functionality from previous functions. Subclassability - the Path object can be extended to support paths other than filesystem paths. The programmer does not need to learn a new API, but can reuse their knowledge of Path to deal with the extended class. With all related functionality in one place, the right approach is easier to learn as one does not have to hunt through many different modules for the right functions. Python is an object oriented language. Just like files, datetimes and sockets are objects so are paths, they are not merely strings to be passed to functions. Path objects is inherently a pythonic idea. Path takes advantage of properties. Properties make for more readable code:if imgpath.ext == 'jpg': jpegdecode(imgpath) Is better than: if os.path.splitexit(imgpath)[1] == 'jpg': jpegdecode(imgpath) Rationale The following points summarize the design: Path extends from string, therefore all code which expects string pathnames need not be modified and no existing code will break. A Path object can be created either by using the classmethod Path.cwd, by instantiating the class with a string representing a path or by using the default constructor which is equivalent to Path("."). Path provides common pathname manipulation, pattern expansion, pattern matching and other high-level file operations including copying. Basically Path provides everything path-related except the manipulation of file contents, for which file objects are better suited. Platform incompatibilities are dealt with by not instantiating system specific methods. Specification This class defines the following public interface (docstrings have been extracted from the reference implementation, and shortened for brevity; see the reference implementation for more detail): class Path(str): # Special Python methods: def __new__(cls, *args) => Path """ Creates a new path object concatenating the *args. *args may only contain Path objects or strings. If *args is empty, Path(os.curdir) is created. """ def __repr__(self): ... def __add__(self, more): ... def __radd__(self, other): ... # Alternative constructor. def cwd(cls): ... # Operations on path strings: def abspath(self) => Path """Returns the absolute path of self as a new Path object.""" def normcase(self): ... def normpath(self): ... def realpath(self): ... def expanduser(self): ... def expandvars(self): ... def basename(self): ... def expand(self): ... def splitpath(self) => (Path, str) """p.splitpath() -> Return (p.parent, p.name).""" def stripext(self) => Path """p.stripext() -> Remove one file extension from the path.""" def splitunc(self): ... # See footnote [1] def splitall(self): ... def relpath(self): ... def relpathto(self, dest): ... # Properties about the path: parent => Path """This Path's parent directory as a new path object.""" name => str """The name of this file or directory without the full path.""" ext => str """ The file extension or an empty string if Path refers to a file without an extension or a directory. """ drive => str """ The drive specifier. Always empty on systems that don't use drive specifiers. """ namebase => str """ The same as path.name, but with one file extension stripped off. """ uncshare[1] # Operations that return lists of paths: def listdir(self, pattern = None): ... def dirs(self, pattern = None): ... def files(self, pattern = None): ... def walk(self, pattern = None): ... def walkdirs(self, pattern = None): ... def walkfiles(self, pattern = None): ... def match(self, pattern) => bool """Returns True if self.name matches the given pattern.""" def matchcase(self, pattern) => bool """ Like match() but is guaranteed to be case sensitive even on platforms with case insensitive filesystems. """ def glob(self, pattern): # Methods for retrieving information about the filesystem # path: def exists(self): ... def isabs(self): ... def isdir(self): ... def isfile(self): ... def islink(self): ... def ismount(self): ... def samefile(self, other): ... # See footnote [1] def atime(self): ... """Last access time of the file.""" def mtime(self): ... """Last-modified time of the file.""" def ctime(self): ... """ Return the system's ctime which, on some systems (like Unix) is the time of the last change, and, on others (like Windows), is the creation time for path. """ def size(self): ... def access(self, mode): ... # See footnote [1] def stat(self): ... def lstat(self): ... def statvfs(self): ... # See footnote [1] def pathconf(self, name): ... # See footnote [1] # Methods for manipulating information about the filesystem # path. def utime(self, times) => None def chmod(self, mode) => None def chown(self, uid, gid) => None # See footnote [1] def rename(self, new) => None def renames(self, new) => None # Create/delete operations on directories def mkdir(self, mode = 0777): ... def makedirs(self, mode = 0777): ... def rmdir(self): ... def removedirs(self): ... # Modifying operations on files def touch(self): ... def remove(self): ... def unlink(self): ... # Modifying operations on links def link(self, newpath): ... def symlink(self, newlink): ... def readlink(self): ... def readlinkabs(self): ... # High-level functions from shutil def copyfile(self, dst): ... def copymode(self, dst): ... def copystat(self, dst): ... def copy(self, dst): ... def copy2(self, dst): ... def copytree(self, dst, symlinks = True): ... def move(self, dst): ... def rmtree(self, ignore_errors = False, onerror = None): ... # Special stuff from os def chroot(self): ... # See footnote [1] def startfile(self): ... # See footnote [1] Replacing older functions with the Path class In this section, “a ==> b” means that b can be used as a replacement for a. In the following examples, we assume that the Path class is imported with from path import Path. Replacing os.path.join:os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "foobar") ==> Path(Path.cwd(), "foobar") os.path.join("foo", "bar", "baz") ==> Path("foo", "bar", "baz") Replacing os.path.splitext:fname = "Python2.4.tar.gz" os.path.splitext(fname)[1] ==> fname = Path("Python2.4.tar.gz") fname.ext Or if you want both parts: fname = "Python2.4.tar.gz" base, ext = os.path.splitext(fname) ==> fname = Path("Python2.4.tar.gz") base, ext = fname.namebase, fname.extx Replacing glob.glob:lib_dir = "/lib" libs = glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_dir, "*s.o")) ==> lib_dir = Path("/lib") libs = lib_dir.files("*.so") Deprecations Introducing this module to the standard library introduces a need for the “weak” deprecation of a number of existing modules and functions. These modules and functions are so widely used that they cannot be truly deprecated, as in generating DeprecationWarning. Here “weak deprecation” means notes in the documentation only. The table below lists the existing functionality that should be deprecated. Path method/property Deprecates function normcase() os.path.normcase() normpath() os.path.normpath() realpath() os.path.realpath() expanduser() os.path.expanduser() expandvars() os.path.expandvars() parent os.path.dirname() name os.path.basename() splitpath() os.path.split() drive os.path.splitdrive() ext os.path.splitext() splitunc() os.path.splitunc() __new__() os.path.join(), os.curdir listdir() os.listdir() [fnmatch.filter()] match() fnmatch.fnmatch() matchcase() fnmatch.fnmatchcase() glob() glob.glob() exists() os.path.exists() isabs() os.path.isabs() isdir() os.path.isdir() isfile() os.path.isfile() islink() os.path.islink() ismount() os.path.ismount() samefile() os.path.samefile() atime() os.path.getatime() ctime() os.path.getctime() mtime() os.path.getmtime() size() os.path.getsize() cwd() os.getcwd() access() os.access() stat() os.stat() lstat() os.lstat() statvfs() os.statvfs() pathconf() os.pathconf() utime() os.utime() chmod() os.chmod() chown() os.chown() rename() os.rename() renames() os.renames() mkdir() os.mkdir() makedirs() os.makedirs() rmdir() os.rmdir() removedirs() os.removedirs() remove() os.remove() unlink() os.unlink() link() os.link() symlink() os.symlink() readlink() os.readlink() chroot() os.chroot() startfile() os.startfile() copyfile() shutil.copyfile() copymode() shutil.copymode() copystat() shutil.copystat() copy() shutil.copy() copy2() shutil.copy2() copytree() shutil.copytree() move() shutil.move() rmtree() shutil.rmtree() The Path class deprecates the whole of os.path, shutil, fnmatch and glob. A big chunk of os is also deprecated. Closed Issues A number contentious issues have been resolved since this PEP first appeared on python-dev: The __div__() method was removed. Overloading the / (division) operator may be “too much magic” and make path concatenation appear to be division. The method can always be re-added later if the BDFL so desires. In its place, __new__() got an *args argument that accepts both Path and string objects. The *args are concatenated with os.path.join() which is used to construct the Path object. These changes obsoleted the problematic joinpath() method which was removed. The methods and the properties getatime()/atime, getctime()/ctime, getmtime()/mtime and getsize()/size duplicated each other. These methods and properties have been merged to atime(), ctime(), mtime() and size(). The reason they are not properties instead, is because there is a possibility that they may change unexpectedly. The following example is not guaranteed to always pass the assertion:p = Path("foobar") s = p.size() assert p.size() == s Open Issues Some functionality of Jason Orendorff’s path module have been omitted: Function for opening a path - better handled by the builtin open(). Functions for reading and writing whole files - better handled by file objects’ own read() and write() methods. A chdir() function may be a worthy inclusion. A deprecation schedule needs to be set up. How much functionality should Path implement? How much of existing functionality should it deprecate and when? The name obviously has to be either “path” or “Path,” but where should it live? In its own module or in os? Due to Path subclassing either str or unicode, the following non-magic, public methods are available on Path objects:capitalize(), center(), count(), decode(), encode(), endswith(), expandtabs(), find(), index(), isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isspace(), istitle(), isupper(), join(), ljust(), lower(), lstrip(), replace(), rfind(), rindex(), rjust(), rsplit(), rstrip(), split(), splitlines(), startswith(), strip(), swapcase(), title(), translate(), upper(), zfill() On python-dev it has been argued whether this inheritance is sane or not. Most persons debating said that most string methods doesn’t make sense in the context of filesystem paths – they are just dead weight. The other position, also argued on python-dev, is that inheriting from string is very convenient because it allows code to “just work” with Path objects without having to be adapted for them. One of the problems is that at the Python level, there is no way to make an object “string-like enough,” so that it can be passed to the builtin function open() (and other builtins expecting a string or buffer), unless the object inherits from either str or unicode. Therefore, to not inherit from string requires changes in CPython’s core. The functions and modules that this new module is trying to replace (os.path, shutil, fnmatch, glob and parts of os) are expected to be available in future Python versions for a long time, to preserve backwards compatibility. Reference Implementation Currently, the Path class is implemented as a thin wrapper around the standard library modules fnmatch, glob, os, os.path and shutil. The intention of this PEP is to move functionality from the aforementioned modules to Path while they are being deprecated. For more detail and an implementation see: http://wiki.python.org/moin/PathModule Examples In this section, “a ==> b” means that b can be used as a replacement for a. Make all python files in the a directory executable:DIR = '/usr/home/guido/bin' for f in os.listdir(DIR): if f.endswith('.py'): path = os.path.join(DIR, f) os.chmod(path, 0755) ==> for f in Path('/usr/home/guido/bin').files("*.py"): f.chmod(0755) Delete emacs backup files:def delete_backups(arg, dirname, names): for name in names: if name.endswith('~'): os.remove(os.path.join(dirname, name)) os.path.walk(os.environ['HOME'], delete_backups, None) ==> d = Path(os.environ['HOME']) for f in d.walkfiles('*~'): f.remove() Finding the relative path to a file:b = Path('/users/peter/') a = Path('/users/peter/synergy/tiki.txt') a.relpathto(b) Splitting a path into directory and filename:os.path.split("/path/to/foo/bar.txt") ==> Path("/path/to/foo/bar.txt").splitpath() List all Python scripts in the current directory tree:list(Path().walkfiles("*.py")) References and Footnotes [1] Method is not guaranteed to be available on all platforms. [2] “(idea) subclassable string: path object?”, van Rossum, 2001 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2001-August/016663.html [3] “path module v1.0 released”, Orendorff, 2003 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-announce-list/2003-January/001984.html [4] “Some RFE for review”, Birkenfeld, 2005 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054438.html [5] “path module”, Orendorff, 2003 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2003-July/174289.html [6] “PRE-PEP: new Path class”, Roth, 2004 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2004-January/201672.html [7] http://wiki.python.org/moin/PathClass Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 355 – Path - Object oriented filesystem paths
Standards Track
This PEP describes a new class, Path, to be added to the os module, for handling paths in an object oriented fashion. The “weak” deprecation of various related functions is also discussed and recommended.
PEP 356 – Python 2.5 Release Schedule Author: Neal Norwitz, Guido van Rossum, Anthony Baxter Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 07-Feb-2006 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager Release Schedule Completed features for 2.5 Possible features for 2.5 Deferred until 2.6 Open issues References Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.5. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release. There will be at least two alpha releases, two beta releases, and one release candidate. The release date is planned for 12 September 2006. Release Manager Anthony Baxter has volunteered to be Release Manager. Martin von Loewis is building the Windows installers, Ronald Oussoren is building the Mac installers, Fred Drake the doc packages and Sean Reifschneider the RPMs. Release Schedule alpha 1: April 5, 2006 [completed] alpha 2: April 27, 2006 [completed] beta 1: June 20, 2006 [completed] beta 2: July 11, 2006 [completed] beta 3: August 3, 2006 [completed] rc 1: August 17, 2006 [completed] rc 2: September 12, 2006 [completed] final: September 19, 2006 [completed] Completed features for 2.5 PEP 308: Conditional Expressions PEP 309: Partial Function Application PEP 314: Metadata for Python Software Packages v1.1 PEP 328: Absolute/Relative Imports PEP 338: Executing Modules as Scripts PEP 341: Unified try-except/try-finally to try-except-finally PEP 342: Coroutines via Enhanced Generators PEP 343: The “with” Statement (still need updates in Doc/ref and for the contextlib module) PEP 352: Required Superclass for Exceptions PEP 353: Using ssize_t as the index type PEP 357: Allowing Any Object to be Used for Slicing ASCII became the default coding AST-based compiler Access to C AST from Python through new _ast module any()/all() builtin truth functions New standard library modules: cProfile – suitable for profiling long running applications with minimal overhead ctypes – optional component of the windows installer ElementTree and cElementTree – by Fredrik Lundh hashlib – adds support for SHA-224, -256, -384, and -512 (replaces old md5 and sha modules) msilib – for creating MSI files and bdist_msi in distutils. pysqlite uuid wsgiref Other notable features: Added support for reading shadow passwords [1] Added support for the Unicode 4.1 UCD Added PEP 302 zipfile/__loader__ support to the following modules: warnings, linecache, inspect, traceback, site, and doctest Added pybench Python benchmark suite – by Marc-Andre Lemburg Add write support for mailboxes from the code in sandbox/mailbox. (Owner: A.M. Kuchling. It would still be good if another person would take a look at the new code.) Support for building “fat” Mac binaries (Intel and PPC) Add new icons for Windows with the new Python logo? New utilities in functools to help write wrapper functions that support naive introspection (e.g. having f.__name__ return the original function name). Upgrade pyexpat to use expat 2.0. Python core now compiles cleanly with g++ Possible features for 2.5 Each feature below should implemented prior to beta1 or will require BDFL approval for inclusion in 2.5. Modules under consideration for inclusion: Add new icons for MacOS and Unix with the new Python logo? (Owner: ???) MacOS: http://hcs.harvard.edu/~jrus/python/prettified-py-icons.png Check the various bits of code in Demo/ all still work, update or remove the ones that don’t. (Owner: Anthony) All modules in Modules/ should be updated to be ssize_t clean. (Owner: Neal) Deferred until 2.6 bdist_deb in distutils package [2] bdist_egg in distutils package pure python pgen module (Owner: Guido) Remove the fpectl module? Make everything in Modules/ build cleanly with g++ Open issues Bugs that need resolving before release, ie, they block release:None Bugs deferred until 2.5.1 (or later): https://bugs.python.org/issue1544279 - Socket module is not thread-safe https://bugs.python.org/issue1541420 - tools and demo missing from windows https://bugs.python.org/issue1542451 - crash with continue in nested try/finally https://bugs.python.org/issue1475523 - gettext.py bug (owner: Martin v. Loewis) https://bugs.python.org/issue1467929 - %-formatting and dicts https://bugs.python.org/issue1446043 - unicode() does not raise LookupError The PEP 302 changes to (at least) pkgutil, runpy and pydoc must be documented. test_zipfile64 takes too long and too much disk space for most of the buildbots. How should this be handled? It is currently disabled. should C modules listed in “Undocumented modules” be removed too? “timing” (listed as obsolete), “cl” (listed as possibly not up-to-date), and “sv” (listed as obsolete hardware specific). References [1] Shadow Password Support Module https://bugs.python.org/issue579435 [2] Joe Smith, bdist_* to stdlib? https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-February/060926.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 356 – Python 2.5 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.5. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release.
PEP 357 – Allowing Any Object to be Used for Slicing Author: Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 09-Feb-2006 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Proposal Specification Implementation Plan Discussion Questions Speed Why not use nb_int which is already there? Why the name __index__? Why return PyObject * from nb_index? Why can’t __index__ return any object with the nb_index method? Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding an nb_index slot in PyNumberMethods and an __index__ special method so that arbitrary objects can be used whenever integers are explicitly needed in Python, such as in slice syntax (from which the slot gets its name). Rationale Currently integers and long integers play a special role in slicing in that they are the only objects allowed in slice syntax. In other words, if X is an object implementing the sequence protocol, then X[obj1:obj2] is only valid if obj1 and obj2 are both integers or long integers. There is no way for obj1 and obj2 to tell Python that they could be reasonably used as indexes into a sequence. This is an unnecessary limitation. In NumPy, for example, there are 8 different integer scalars corresponding to unsigned and signed integers of 8, 16, 32, and 64 bits. These type-objects could reasonably be used as integers in many places where Python expects true integers but cannot inherit from the Python integer type because of incompatible memory layouts. There should be some way to be able to tell Python that an object can behave like an integer. It is not possible to use the nb_int (and __int__ special method) for this purpose because that method is used to coerce objects to integers. It would be inappropriate to allow every object that can be coerced to an integer to be used as an integer everywhere Python expects a true integer. For example, if __int__ were used to convert an object to an integer in slicing, then float objects would be allowed in slicing and x[3.2:5.8] would not raise an error as it should. Proposal Add an nb_index slot to PyNumberMethods, and a corresponding __index__ special method. Objects could define a function to place in the nb_index slot that returns a Python integer (either an int or a long). This integer can then be appropriately converted to a Py_ssize_t value whenever Python needs one such as in PySequence_GetSlice, PySequence_SetSlice, and PySequence_DelSlice. Specification The nb_index slot will have the following signature:PyObject *index_func (PyObject *self) The returned object must be a Python IntType or Python LongType. NULL should be returned on error with an appropriate error set. The __index__ special method will have the signature:def __index__(self): return obj where obj must be either an int or a long. 3 new abstract C-API functions will be added The first checks to see if the object supports the index slot and if it is filled in.int PyIndex_Check(obj) This will return true if the object defines the nb_index slot. The second is a simple wrapper around the nb_index call that raises PyExc_TypeError if the call is not available or if it doesn’t return an int or long. Because the PyIndex_Check is performed inside the PyNumber_Index call you can call it directly and manage any error rather than check for compatibility first.PyObject *PyNumber_Index (PyObject *obj) The third call helps deal with the common situation of actually needing a Py_ssize_t value from the object to use for indexing or other needs.Py_ssize_t PyNumber_AsSsize_t(PyObject *obj, PyObject *exc) The function calls the nb_index slot of obj if it is available and then converts the returned Python integer into a Py_ssize_t value. If this goes well, then the value is returned. The second argument allows control over what happens if the integer returned from nb_index cannot fit into a Py_ssize_t value. If exc is NULL, then the returned value will be clipped to PY_SSIZE_T_MAX or PY_SSIZE_T_MIN depending on whether the nb_index slot of obj returned a positive or negative integer. If exc is non-NULL, then it is the error object that will be set to replace the PyExc_OverflowError that was raised when the Python integer or long was converted to Py_ssize_t. A new operator.index(obj) function will be added that calls equivalent of obj.__index__() and raises an error if obj does not implement the special method. Implementation Plan Add the nb_index slot in object.h and modify typeobject.c to create the __index__ method Change the ISINT macro in ceval.c to ISINDEX and alter it to accommodate objects with the index slot defined. Change the _PyEval_SliceIndex function to accommodate objects with the index slot defined. Change all builtin objects (e.g. lists) that use the as_mapping slots for subscript access and use a special-check for integers to check for the slot as well. Add the nb_index slot to integers and long_integers (which just return themselves) Add PyNumber_Index C-API to return an integer from any Python Object that has the nb_index slot. Add the operator.index(x) function. Alter arrayobject.c and mmapmodule.c to use the new C-API for their sub-scripting and other needs. Add unit-tests Discussion Questions Speed Implementation should not slow down Python because integers and long integers used as indexes will complete in the same number of instructions. The only change will be that what used to generate an error will now be acceptable. Why not use nb_int which is already there? The nb_int method is used for coercion and so means something fundamentally different than what is requested here. This PEP proposes a method for something that can already be thought of as an integer communicate that information to Python when it needs an integer. The biggest example of why using nb_int would be a bad thing is that float objects already define the nb_int method, but float objects should not be used as indexes in a sequence. Why the name __index__? Some questions were raised regarding the name __index__ when other interpretations of the slot are possible. For example, the slot can be used any time Python requires an integer internally (such as in "mystring" * 3). The name was suggested by Guido because slicing syntax is the biggest reason for having such a slot and in the end no better name emerged. See the discussion thread [1] for examples of names that were suggested such as “__discrete__” and “__ordinal__”. Why return PyObject * from nb_index? Initially Py_ssize_t was selected as the return type for the nb_index slot. However, this led to an inability to track and distinguish overflow and underflow errors without ugly and brittle hacks. As the nb_index slot is used in at least 3 different ways in the Python core (to get an integer, to get a slice end-point, and to get a sequence index), there is quite a bit of flexibility needed to handle all these cases. The importance of having the necessary flexibility to handle all the use cases is critical. For example, the initial implementation that returned Py_ssize_t for nb_index led to the discovery that on a 32-bit machine with >=2GB of RAM s = 'x' * (2**100) works but len(s) was clipped at 2147483647. Several fixes were suggested but eventually it was decided that nb_index needed to return a Python Object similar to the nb_int and nb_long slots in order to handle overflow correctly. Why can’t __index__ return any object with the nb_index method? This would allow infinite recursion in many different ways that are not easy to check for. This restriction is similar to the requirement that __nonzero__ return an int or a bool. Reference Implementation Submitted as patch 1436368 to SourceForge. References [1] Travis Oliphant, PEP for adding an sq_index slot so that any object, a or b, can be used in X[a:b] notation,https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-February/thread.html#60594 Copyright This document is placed in the public domain.
PEP 357 – Allowing Any Object to be Used for Slicing
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding an nb_index slot in PyNumberMethods and an __index__ special method so that arbitrary objects can be used whenever integers are explicitly needed in Python, such as in slice syntax (from which the slot gets its name).
PEP 358 – The “bytes” Object Author: Neil Schemenauer <nas at arctrix.com>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Feb-2006 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Update Abstract Motivation Specification Out of Scope Issues Open Issues Frequently Asked Questions Copyright Update This PEP has partially been superseded by PEP 3137. Abstract This PEP outlines the introduction of a raw bytes sequence type. Adding the bytes type is one step in the transition to Unicode-based str objects which will be introduced in Python 3.0. The PEP describes how the bytes type should work in Python 2.6, as well as how it should work in Python 3.0. (Occasionally there are differences because in Python 2.6, we have two string types, str and unicode, while in Python 3.0 we will only have one string type, whose name will be str but whose semantics will be like the 2.6 unicode type.) Motivation Python’s current string objects are overloaded. They serve to hold both sequences of characters and sequences of bytes. This overloading of purpose leads to confusion and bugs. In future versions of Python, string objects will be used for holding character data. The bytes object will fulfil the role of a byte container. Eventually the unicode type will be renamed to str and the old str type will be removed. Specification A bytes object stores a mutable sequence of integers that are in the range 0 to 255. Unlike string objects, indexing a bytes object returns an integer. Assigning or comparing an object that is not an integer to an element causes a TypeError exception. Assigning an element to a value outside the range 0 to 255 causes a ValueError exception. The .__len__() method of bytes returns the number of integers stored in the sequence (i.e. the number of bytes). The constructor of the bytes object has the following signature: bytes([initializer[, encoding]]) If no arguments are provided then a bytes object containing zero elements is created and returned. The initializer argument can be a string (in 2.6, either str or unicode), an iterable of integers, or a single integer. The pseudo-code for the constructor (optimized for clear semantics, not for speed) is: def bytes(initializer=0, encoding=None): if isinstance(initializer, int): # In 2.6, int -> (int, long) initializer = [0]*initializer elif isinstance(initializer, basestring): if isinstance(initializer, unicode): # In 3.0, "if True" if encoding is None: # In 3.0, raise TypeError("explicit encoding required") encoding = sys.getdefaultencoding() initializer = initializer.encode(encoding) initializer = [ord(c) for c in initializer] else: if encoding is not None: raise TypeError("no encoding allowed for this initializer") tmp = [] for c in initializer: if not isinstance(c, int): raise TypeError("initializer must be iterable of ints") if not 0 <= c < 256: raise ValueError("initializer element out of range") tmp.append(c) initializer = tmp new = <new bytes object of length len(initializer)> for i, c in enumerate(initializer): new[i] = c return new The .__repr__() method returns a string that can be evaluated to generate a new bytes object containing a bytes literal: >>> bytes([10, 20, 30]) b'\n\x14\x1e' The object has a .decode() method equivalent to the .decode() method of the str object. The object has a classmethod .fromhex() that takes a string of characters from the set [0-9a-fA-F ] and returns a bytes object (similar to binascii.unhexlify). For example: >>> bytes.fromhex('5c5350ff') b'\\SP\xff' >>> bytes.fromhex('5c 53 50 ff') b'\\SP\xff' The object has a .hex() method that does the reverse conversion (similar to binascii.hexlify): >> bytes([92, 83, 80, 255]).hex() '5c5350ff' The bytes object has some methods similar to list methods, and others similar to str methods. Here is a complete list of methods, with their approximate signatures: .__add__(bytes) -> bytes .__contains__(int | bytes) -> bool .__delitem__(int | slice) -> None .__delslice__(int, int) -> None .__eq__(bytes) -> bool .__ge__(bytes) -> bool .__getitem__(int | slice) -> int | bytes .__getslice__(int, int) -> bytes .__gt__(bytes) -> bool .__iadd__(bytes) -> bytes .__imul__(int) -> bytes .__iter__() -> iterator .__le__(bytes) -> bool .__len__() -> int .__lt__(bytes) -> bool .__mul__(int) -> bytes .__ne__(bytes) -> bool .__reduce__(...) -> ... .__reduce_ex__(...) -> ... .__repr__() -> str .__reversed__() -> bytes .__rmul__(int) -> bytes .__setitem__(int | slice, int | iterable[int]) -> None .__setslice__(int, int, iterable[int]) -> Bote .append(int) -> None .count(int) -> int .decode(str) -> str | unicode # in 3.0, only str .endswith(bytes) -> bool .extend(iterable[int]) -> None .find(bytes) -> int .index(bytes | int) -> int .insert(int, int) -> None .join(iterable[bytes]) -> bytes .partition(bytes) -> (bytes, bytes, bytes) .pop([int]) -> int .remove(int) -> None .replace(bytes, bytes) -> bytes .rindex(bytes | int) -> int .rpartition(bytes) -> (bytes, bytes, bytes) .split(bytes) -> list[bytes] .startswith(bytes) -> bool .reverse() -> None .rfind(bytes) -> int .rindex(bytes | int) -> int .rsplit(bytes) -> list[bytes] .translate(bytes, [bytes]) -> bytes Note the conspicuous absence of .isupper(), .upper(), and friends. (But see “Open Issues” below.) There is no .__hash__() because the object is mutable. There is no use case for a .sort() method. The bytes type also supports the buffer interface, supporting reading and writing binary (but not character) data. Out of Scope Issues Python 3k will have a much different I/O subsystem. Deciding how that I/O subsystem will work and interact with the bytes object is out of the scope of this PEP. The expectation however is that binary I/O will read and write bytes, while text I/O will read strings. Since the bytes type supports the buffer interface, the existing binary I/O operations in Python 2.6 will support bytes objects. It has been suggested that a special method named .__bytes__() be added to the language to allow objects to be converted into byte arrays. This decision is out of scope. A bytes literal of the form b"..." is also proposed. This is the subject of PEP 3112. Open Issues The .decode() method is redundant since a bytes object b can also be decoded by calling unicode(b, <encoding>) (in 2.6) or str(b, <encoding>) (in 3.0). Do we need encode/decode methods at all? In a sense the spelling using a constructor is cleaner. Need to specify the methods still more carefully. Pickling and marshalling support need to be specified. Should all those list methods really be implemented? A case could be made for supporting .ljust(), .rjust(), .center() with a mandatory second argument. A case could be made for supporting .split() with a mandatory argument. A case could even be made for supporting .islower(), .isupper(), .isspace(), .isalpha(), .isalnum(), .isdigit() and the corresponding conversions (.lower() etc.), using the ASCII definitions for letters, digits and whitespace. If this is accepted, the cases for .ljust(), .rjust(), .center() and .split() become much stronger, and they should have default arguments as well, using an ASCII space or all ASCII whitespace (for .split()). Frequently Asked Questions Q: Why have the optional encoding argument when the encode method of Unicode objects does the same thing? A: In the current version of Python, the encode method returns a str object and we cannot change that without breaking code. The construct bytes(s.encode(...)) is expensive because it has to copy the byte sequence multiple times. Also, Python generally provides two ways of converting an object of type A into an object of type B: ask an A instance to convert itself to a B, or ask the type B to create a new instance from an A. Depending on what A and B are, both APIs make sense; sometimes reasons of decoupling require that A can’t know about B, in which case you have to use the latter approach; sometimes B can’t know about A, in which case you have to use the former. Q: Why does bytes ignore the encoding argument if the initializer is a str? (This only applies to 2.6.) A: There is no sane meaning that the encoding can have in that case. str objects are byte arrays and they know nothing about the encoding of character data they contain. We need to assume that the programmer has provided a str object that already uses the desired encoding. If you need something other than a pure copy of the bytes then you need to first decode the string. For example: bytes(s.decode(encoding1), encoding2) Q: Why not have the encoding argument default to Latin-1 (or some other encoding that covers the entire byte range) rather than ASCII? A: The system default encoding for Python is ASCII. It seems least confusing to use that default. Also, in Py3k, using Latin-1 as the default might not be what users expect. For example, they might prefer a Unicode encoding. Any default will not always work as expected. At least ASCII will complain loudly if you try to encode non-ASCII data. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 358 – The “bytes” Object
Standards Track
This PEP outlines the introduction of a raw bytes sequence type. Adding the bytes type is one step in the transition to Unicode-based str objects which will be introduced in Python 3.0.
PEP 359 – The “make” Statement Author: Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 05-Apr-2006 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: 05-Apr-2006, 06-Apr-2006, 13-Apr-2006 Table of Contents Abstract Withdrawal Notice Motivation Example: simple namespaces Example: GUI objects Example: custom descriptors Example: property namespaces Example: interfaces Specification Open Issues Keyword The make-statement as an alternate constructor Customizing the dict in which the block is executed Optional Extensions Remove the make keyword Removing __metaclass__ in Python 3000 Removing class statements in Python 3000 References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a generalization of the class-declaration syntax, the make statement. The proposed syntax and semantics parallel the syntax for class definition, and so: make <callable> <name> <tuple>: <block> is translated into the assignment: <name> = <callable>("<name>", <tuple>, <namespace>) where <namespace> is the dict created by executing <block>. This is mostly syntactic sugar for: class <name> <tuple>: __metaclass__ = <callable> <block> and is intended to help more clearly express the intent of the statement when something other than a class is being created. Of course, other syntax for such a statement is possible, but it is hoped that by keeping a strong parallel to the class statement, an understanding of how classes and metaclasses work will translate into an understanding of how the make-statement works as well. The PEP is based on a suggestion [1] from Michele Simionato on the python-dev list. Withdrawal Notice This PEP was withdrawn at Guido’s request [2]. Guido didn’t like it, and in particular didn’t like how the property use-case puts the instance methods of a property at a different level than other instance methods and requires fixed names for the property functions. Motivation Class statements provide two nice facilities to Python: They execute a block of statements and provide the resulting bindings as a dict to the metaclass. They encourage DRY (don’t repeat yourself) by allowing the class being created to know the name it is being assigned. Thus in a simple class statement like: class C(object): x = 1 def foo(self): return 'bar' the metaclass (type) gets called with something like: C = type('C', (object,), {'x':1, 'foo':<function foo at ...>}) The class statement is just syntactic sugar for the above assignment statement, but clearly a very useful sort of syntactic sugar. It avoids not only the repetition of C, but also simplifies the creation of the dict by allowing it to be expressed as a series of statements. Historically, type instances (a.k.a. class objects) have been the only objects blessed with this sort of syntactic support. The make statement aims to extend this support to other sorts of objects where such syntax would also be useful. Example: simple namespaces Let’s say I have some attributes in a module that I access like: mod.thematic_roletype mod.opinion_roletype mod.text_format mod.html_format and since “Namespaces are one honking great idea”, I’d like to be able to access these attributes instead as: mod.roletypes.thematic mod.roletypes.opinion mod.format.text mod.format.html I currently have two main options: Turn the module into a package, turn roletypes and format into submodules, and move the attributes to the submodules. Create roletypes and format classes, and move the attributes to the classes. The former is a fair chunk of refactoring work, and produces two tiny modules without much content. The latter keeps the attributes local to the module, but creates classes when there is no intention of ever creating instances of those classes. In situations like this, it would be nice to simply be able to declare a “namespace” to hold the few attributes. With the new make statement, I could introduce my new namespaces with something like: make namespace roletypes: thematic = ... opinion = ... make namespace format: text = ... html = ... and keep my attributes local to the module without making classes that are never intended to be instantiated. One definition of namespace that would make this work is: class namespace(object): def __init__(self, name, args, kwargs): self.__dict__.update(kwargs) Given this definition, at the end of the make-statements above, roletypes and format would be namespace instances. Example: GUI objects In GUI toolkits, objects like frames and panels are often associated with attributes and functions. With the make-statement, code that looks something like: root = Tkinter.Tk() frame = Tkinter.Frame(root) frame.pack() def say_hi(): print "hi there, everyone!" hi_there = Tkinter.Button(frame, text="Hello", command=say_hi) hi_there.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) root.mainloop() could be rewritten to group the Button’s function with its declaration: root = Tkinter.Tk() frame = Tkinter.Frame(root) frame.pack() make Tkinter.Button hi_there(frame): text = "Hello" def command(): print "hi there, everyone!" hi_there.pack(side=Tkinter.LEFT) root.mainloop() Example: custom descriptors Since descriptors are used to customize access to an attribute, it’s often useful to know the name of that attribute. Current Python doesn’t give an easy way to find this name and so a lot of custom descriptors, like Ian Bicking’s setonce descriptor [3], have to hack around this somehow. With the make-statement, you could create a setonce attribute like: class A(object): ... make setonce x: "A's x attribute" ... where the setonce descriptor would be defined like: class setonce(object): def __init__(self, name, args, kwargs): self._name = '_setonce_attr_%s' % name self.__doc__ = kwargs.pop('__doc__', None) def __get__(self, obj, type=None): if obj is None: return self return getattr(obj, self._name) def __set__(self, obj, value): try: getattr(obj, self._name) except AttributeError: setattr(obj, self._name, value) else: raise AttributeError("Attribute already set") def set(self, obj, value): setattr(obj, self._name, value) def __delete__(self, obj): delattr(obj, self._name) Note that unlike the original implementation, the private attribute name is stable since it uses the name of the descriptor, and therefore instances of class A are pickleable. Example: property namespaces Python’s property type takes three function arguments and a docstring argument which, though relevant only to the property, must be declared before it and then passed as arguments to the property call, e.g.: class C(object): ... def get_x(self): ... def set_x(self): ... x = property(get_x, set_x, "the x of the frobulation") This issue has been brought up before, and Guido [4] and others [5] have briefly mused over alternate property syntaxes to make declaring properties easier. With the make-statement, the following syntax could be supported: class C(object): ... make block_property x: '''The x of the frobulation''' def fget(self): ... def fset(self): ... with the following definition of block_property: def block_property(name, args, block_dict): fget = block_dict.pop('fget', None) fset = block_dict.pop('fset', None) fdel = block_dict.pop('fdel', None) doc = block_dict.pop('__doc__', None) assert not block_dict return property(fget, fset, fdel, doc) Example: interfaces Guido [6] and others have occasionally suggested introducing interfaces into python. Most suggestions have offered syntax along the lines of: interface IFoo: """Foo blah blah""" def fumble(name, count): """docstring""" but since there is currently no way in Python to declare an interface in this manner, most implementations of Python interfaces use class objects instead, e.g. Zope’s: class IFoo(Interface): """Foo blah blah""" def fumble(name, count): """docstring""" With the new make-statement, these interfaces could instead be declared as: make Interface IFoo: """Foo blah blah""" def fumble(name, count): """docstring""" which makes the intent (that this is an interface, not a class) much clearer. Specification Python will translate a make-statement: make <callable> <name> <tuple>: <block> into the assignment: <name> = <callable>("<name>", <tuple>, <namespace>) where <namespace> is the dict created by executing <block>. The <tuple> expression is optional; if not present, an empty tuple will be assumed. A patch is available implementing these semantics [7]. The make-statement introduces a new keyword, make. Thus in Python 2.6, the make-statement will have to be enabled using from __future__ import make_statement. Open Issues Keyword Does the make keyword break too much code? Originally, the make statement used the keyword create (a suggestion due to Alyssa Coghlan). However, investigations into the standard library [8] and Zope+Plone code [9] revealed that create would break a lot more code, so make was adopted as the keyword instead. However, there are still a few instances where make would break code. Is there a better keyword for the statement? Some possible keywords and their counts in the standard library (plus some installed packages): make - 2 (both in tests) create - 19 (including existing function in imaplib) build - 83 (including existing class in distutils.command.build) construct - 0 produce - 0 The make-statement as an alternate constructor Currently, there are not many functions which have the signature (name, args, kwargs). That means that something like: make dict params: x = 1 y = 2 is currently impossible because the dict constructor has a different signature. Does this sort of thing need to be supported? One suggestion, by Carl Banks, would be to add a __make__ magic method that if found would be called instead of __call__. For types, the __make__ method would be identical to __call__ and thus unnecessary, but dicts could support the make-statement by defining a __make__ method on the dict type that looks something like: def __make__(cls, name, args, kwargs): return cls(**kwargs) Of course, rather than adding another magic method, the dict type could just grow a classmethod something like dict.fromblock that could be used like: make dict.fromblock params: x = 1 y = 2 So the question is, will many types want to use the make-statement as an alternate constructor? And if so, does that alternate constructor need to have the same name as the original constructor? Customizing the dict in which the block is executed Should users of the make-statement be able to determine in which dict object the code is executed? This would allow the make-statement to be used in situations where a normal dict object would not suffice, e.g. if order and repeated names must be allowed. Allowing this sort of customization could allow XML to be written without repeating element names, and with nesting of make-statements corresponding to nesting of XML elements: make Element html: make Element body: text('before first h1') make Element h1: attrib(style='first') text('first h1') tail('after first h1') make Element h1: attrib(style='second') text('second h1') tail('after second h1') If the make-statement tried to get the dict in which to execute its block by calling the callable’s __make_dict__ method, the following code would allow the make-statement to be used as above: class Element(object): class __make_dict__(dict): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._super = super(Element.__make_dict__, self) self._super.__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.elements = [] self.text = None self.tail = None self.attrib = {} def __getitem__(self, name): try: return self._super.__getitem__(name) except KeyError: if name in ['attrib', 'text', 'tail']: return getattr(self, 'set_%s' % name) else: return globals()[name] def __setitem__(self, name, value): self._super.__setitem__(name, value) self.elements.append(value) def set_attrib(self, **kwargs): self.attrib = kwargs def set_text(self, text): self.text = text def set_tail(self, text): self.tail = text def __new__(cls, name, args, edict): get_element = etree.ElementTree.Element result = get_element(name, attrib=edict.attrib) result.text = edict.text result.tail = edict.tail for element in edict.elements: result.append(element) return result Note, however, that the code to support this is somewhat fragile – it has to magically populate the namespace with attrib, text and tail, and it assumes that every name binding inside the make statement body is creating an Element. As it stands, this code would break with the introduction of a simple for-loop to any one of the make-statement bodies, because the for-loop would bind a name to a non-Element object. This could be worked around by adding some sort of isinstance check or attribute examination, but this still results in a somewhat fragile solution. It has also been pointed out that the with-statement can provide equivalent nesting with a much more explicit syntax: with Element('html') as html: with Element('body') as body: body.text = 'before first h1' with Element('h1', style='first') as h1: h1.text = 'first h1' h1.tail = 'after first h1' with Element('h1', style='second') as h1: h1.text = 'second h1' h1.tail = 'after second h1' And if the repetition of the element names here is too much of a DRY violation, it is also possible to eliminate all as-clauses except for the first by adding a few methods to Element. [10] So are there real use-cases for executing the block in a dict of a different type? And if so, should the make-statement be extended to support them? Optional Extensions Remove the make keyword It might be possible to remove the make keyword so that such statements would begin with the callable being called, e.g.: namespace ns: badger = 42 def spam(): ... interface C(...): ... However, almost all other Python statements begin with a keyword, and removing the keyword would make it harder to look up this construct in the documentation. Additionally, this would add some complexity in the grammar and so far I (Steven Bethard) have not been able to implement the feature without the keyword. Removing __metaclass__ in Python 3000 As a side-effect of its generality, the make-statement mostly eliminates the need for the __metaclass__ attribute in class objects. Thus in Python 3000, instead of: class <name> <bases-tuple>: __metaclass__ = <metaclass> <block> metaclasses could be supported by using the metaclass as the callable in a make-statement: make <metaclass> <name> <bases-tuple>: <block> Removing the __metaclass__ hook would simplify the BUILD_CLASS opcode a bit. Removing class statements in Python 3000 In the most extreme application of make-statements, the class statement itself could be deprecated in favor of make type statements. References [1] Michele Simionato’s original suggestion (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/057435.html) [2] Guido requests withdrawal (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2006-April/000936.html) [3] Ian Bicking’s setonce descriptor (http://blog.ianbicking.org/easy-readonly-attributes.html) [4] Guido ponders property syntax (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-October/057404.html) [5] Namespace-based property recipe (http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/442418) [6] Python interfaces (http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=86641) [7] Make Statement patch (http://ucsu.colorado.edu/~bethard/py/make_statement.patch) [8] Instances of create in the stdlib (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2006-April/335159.html) [9] Instances of create in Zope+Plone (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2006-April/335284.html) [10] Eliminate as-clauses in with-statement XML (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2006-April/336774.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 359 – The “make” Statement
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a generalization of the class-declaration syntax, the make statement. The proposed syntax and semantics parallel the syntax for class definition, and so:
PEP 360 – Externally Maintained Packages Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Final Type: Process Created: 30-May-2006 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Externally Maintained Packages ElementTree Expat XML parser Optik wsgiref References Copyright Warning No new modules are to be added to this PEP. It has been deemed dangerous to codify external maintenance of any code checked into Python’s code repository. Code contributors should expect Python’s development methodology to be used for any and all code checked into Python’s code repository. Abstract There are many great pieces of Python software developed outside of the Python standard library (a.k.a., the “stdlib”). Sometimes it makes sense to incorporate these externally maintained packages into the stdlib in order to fill a gap in the tools provided by Python. But by having the packages maintained externally it means Python’s developers do not have direct control over the packages’ evolution and maintenance. Some package developers prefer to have bug reports and patches go through them first instead of being directly applied to Python’s repository. This PEP is meant to record details of packages in the stdlib that are maintained outside of Python’s repository. Specifically, it is meant to keep track of any specific maintenance needs for each package. It should be mentioned that changes needed in order to fix bugs and keep the code running on all of Python’s supported platforms will be done directly in Python’s repository without worrying about going through the contact developer. This is so that Python itself is not held up by a single bug and allows the whole process to scale as needed. It also is meant to allow people to know which version of a package is released with which version of Python. Externally Maintained Packages The section title is the name of the package as it is known outside of the Python standard library. The “standard library name” is what the package is named within Python. The “contact person” is the Python developer in charge of maintaining the package. The “synchronisation history” lists what external version of the package was included in each version of Python (if different from the previous Python release). ElementTree Web site: http://effbot.org/zone/element-index.htm Standard library name: xml.etree Contact person: Fredrik Lundh Fredrik has ceded ElementTree maintenance to the core Python development team [1]. Expat XML parser Web site: http://www.libexpat.org/ Standard library name: N/A (this refers to the parser itself, and not the Python bindings) Contact person: None Optik Web site: http://optik.sourceforge.net/ Standard library name: optparse Contact person: Greg Ward External development seems to have ceased. For new applications, optparse itself has been largely superseded by argparse. wsgiref Web site: None Standard library name: wsgiref Contact Person: Phillip J. Eby This module is maintained in the standard library, but significant bug reports and patches should pass through the Web-SIG mailing list [2] for discussion. References [1] Fredrik’s handing over of ElementTree (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-February/116389.html) [2] Web-SIG mailing list (https://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/web-sig) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 360 – Externally Maintained Packages
There are many great pieces of Python software developed outside of the Python standard library (a.k.a., the “stdlib”). Sometimes it makes sense to incorporate these externally maintained packages into the stdlib in order to fill a gap in the tools provided by Python.
PEP 361 – Python 2.6 and 3.0 Release Schedule Author: Neal Norwitz, Barry Warsaw Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 29-Jun-2006 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: 17-Mar-2008 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager and Crew Release Lifespan Release Schedule Completed features for 3.0 Completed features for 2.6 Possible features for 2.6 Deferred until 2.7 Open issues References Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.6 and 3.0. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release. There will be at least two alpha releases, two beta releases, and one release candidate. The releases are planned for October 2008. Python 2.6 is not only the next advancement in the Python 2 series, it is also a transitional release, helping developers begin to prepare their code for Python 3.0. As such, many features are being backported from Python 3.0 to 2.6. Thus, it makes sense to release both versions in at the same time. The precedence for this was set with the Python 1.6 and 2.0 release. Until rc, we will be releasing Python 2.6 and 3.0 in lockstep, on a monthly release cycle. The releases will happen on the first Wednesday of every month through the beta testing cycle. Because Python 2.6 is ready sooner, and because we have outside deadlines we’d like to meet, we’ve decided to split the rc releases. Thus Python 2.6 final is currently planned to come out two weeks before Python 3.0 final. Release Manager and Crew 2.6/3.0 Release Manager: Barry Warsaw Windows installers: Martin v. Loewis Mac installers: Ronald Oussoren Documentation: Georg Brandl RPMs: Sean Reifschneider Release Lifespan Python 3.0 is no longer being maintained for any purpose. Python 2.6.9 is the final security-only source-only maintenance release of the Python 2.6 series. With its release on October 29, 2013, all official support for Python 2.6 has ended. Python 2.6 is no longer being maintained for any purpose. Release Schedule Feb 29 2008: Python 2.6a1 and 3.0a3 are released Apr 02 2008: Python 2.6a2 and 3.0a4 are released May 08 2008: Python 2.6a3 and 3.0a5 are released Jun 18 2008: Python 2.6b1 and 3.0b1 are released Jul 17 2008: Python 2.6b2 and 3.0b2 are released Aug 20 2008: Python 2.6b3 and 3.0b3 are released Sep 12 2008: Python 2.6rc1 is released Sep 17 2008: Python 2.6rc2 and 3.0rc1 released Oct 01 2008: Python 2.6 final released Nov 06 2008: Python 3.0rc2 released Nov 21 2008: Python 3.0rc3 released Dec 03 2008: Python 3.0 final released Dec 04 2008: Python 2.6.1 final released Apr 14 2009: Python 2.6.2 final released Oct 02 2009: Python 2.6.3 final released Oct 25 2009: Python 2.6.4 final released Mar 19 2010: Python 2.6.5 final released Aug 24 2010: Python 2.6.6 final released Jun 03 2011: Python 2.6.7 final released (security-only) Apr 10 2012: Python 2.6.8 final released (security-only) Oct 29 2013: Python 2.6.9 final released (security-only) Completed features for 3.0 See PEP 3000 and PEP 3100 for details on the Python 3.0 project. Completed features for 2.6 PEPs: PEP 352: Raising a string exception now triggers a TypeError. Attempting to catch a string exception raises DeprecationWarning. BaseException.message has been deprecated. PEP 358: The “bytes” Object PEP 366: Main module explicit relative imports PEP 370: Per user site-packages directory PEP 3112: Bytes literals in Python 3000 PEP 3127: Integer Literal Support and Syntax PEP 371: Addition of the multiprocessing package New modules in the standard library: json new enhanced turtle module ast Deprecated modules and functions in the standard library: buildtools cfmfile commands.getstatus() macostools.touched() md5 MimeWriter mimify popen2, os.popen[234]() posixfile sets sha Modules removed from the standard library: gopherlib rgbimg macfs Warnings for features removed in Py3k: builtins: apply, callable, coerce, dict.has_key, execfile, reduce, reload backticks and <> float args to xrange coerce and all its friends comparing by default comparison {}.has_key() file.xreadlines softspace removal for print() function removal of modules because of PEP 4/PEP 3100/PEP 3108 Other major features: with/as will be keywords a __dir__() special method to control dir() was added [1] AtheOS support stopped. warnings module implemented in C compile() takes an AST and can convert to byte code Possible features for 2.6 New features should be implemented prior to alpha2, particularly any C modifications or behavioral changes. New features must be implemented prior to beta1 or will require Release Manager approval. The following PEPs are being worked on for inclusion in 2.6: None. Each non-trivial feature listed here that is not a PEP must be discussed on python-dev. Other enhancements include: distutils replacement (requires a PEP) New modules in the standard library: winerror https://bugs.python.org/issue1505257 (Patch rejected, module should be written in C) setuptools BDFL pronouncement for inclusion in 2.5: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/063964.html PJE’s withdrawal from 2.5 for inclusion in 2.6: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/064145.html Modules to gain a DeprecationWarning (as specified for Python 2.6 or through negligence): rfc822 mimetools multifile compiler package (or a Py3K warning instead?) Convert Parser/*.c to use the C warnings module rather than printf Add warnings for Py3k features removed: __getslice__/__setslice__/__delslice__ float args to PyArgs_ParseTuple __cmp__? other comparison changes? int division? All PendingDeprecationWarnings (e.g. exceptions) using zip() result as a list the exec statement (use function syntax) function attributes that start with func_* (should use __*__) the L suffix for long literals renaming of __nonzero__ to __bool__ multiple inheritance with classic classes? (MRO might change) properties and classic classes? (instance attrs shadow property) use __bool__ method if available and there’s no __nonzero__ Check the various bits of code in Demo/ and Tools/ all still work, update or remove the ones that don’t. All modules in Modules/ should be updated to be ssize_t clean. All of Python (including Modules/) should compile cleanly with g++ Start removing deprecated features and generally moving towards Py3k Replace all old style tests (operate on import) with unittest or docttest Add tests for all untested modules Document undocumented modules/features bdist_deb in distutils package https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-February/060926.html bdist_egg in distutils package pure python pgen module (Owner: Guido) Deferral to 2.6: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/064528.html Remove the fpectl module? Deferred until 2.7 None Open issues How should import warnings be handled? https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-June/066345.html https://bugs.python.org/issue1515609 https://bugs.python.org/issue1515361 References [1] Adding a __dir__() magic method https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-July/067139.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 361 – Python 2.6 and 3.0 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.6 and 3.0. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release.
PEP 362 – Function Signature Object Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org>, Jiwon Seo <seojiwon at gmail.com>, Yury Selivanov <yury at edgedb.com>, Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 21-Aug-2006 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 04-Jun-2012 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Signature Object Parameter Object BoundArguments Object Implementation Design Considerations No implicit caching of Signature objects Some functions may not be introspectable Signature and Parameter equivalence Examples Visualizing Callable Objects’ Signature Annotation Checker Acceptance References Copyright Abstract Python has always supported powerful introspection capabilities, including introspecting functions and methods (for the rest of this PEP, “function” refers to both functions and methods). By examining a function object you can fully reconstruct the function’s signature. Unfortunately this information is stored in an inconvenient manner, and is spread across a half-dozen deeply nested attributes. This PEP proposes a new representation for function signatures. The new representation contains all necessary information about a function and its parameters, and makes introspection easy and straightforward. However, this object does not replace the existing function metadata, which is used by Python itself to execute those functions. The new metadata object is intended solely to make function introspection easier for Python programmers. Signature Object A Signature object represents the call signature of a function and its return annotation. For each parameter accepted by the function it stores a Parameter object in its parameters collection. A Signature object has the following public attributes and methods: return_annotation : objectThe “return” annotation for the function. If the function has no “return” annotation, this attribute is set to Signature.empty. parameters : OrderedDictAn ordered mapping of parameters’ names to the corresponding Parameter objects. bind(*args, **kwargs) -> BoundArgumentsCreates a mapping from positional and keyword arguments to parameters. Raises a TypeError if the passed arguments do not match the signature. bind_partial(*args, **kwargs) -> BoundArgumentsWorks the same way as bind(), but allows the omission of some required arguments (mimics functools.partial behavior.) Raises a TypeError if the passed arguments do not match the signature. replace(parameters=<optional>, *, return_annotation=<optional>) -> SignatureCreates a new Signature instance based on the instance replace was invoked on. It is possible to pass different parameters and/or return_annotation to override the corresponding properties of the base signature. To remove return_annotation from the copied Signature, pass in Signature.empty.Note that the ‘=<optional>’ notation, means that the argument is optional. This notation applies to the rest of this PEP. Signature objects are immutable. Use Signature.replace() to make a modified copy: >>> def foo() -> None: ... pass >>> sig = signature(foo) >>> new_sig = sig.replace(return_annotation="new return annotation") >>> new_sig is not sig True >>> new_sig.return_annotation != sig.return_annotation True >>> new_sig.parameters == sig.parameters True >>> new_sig = new_sig.replace(return_annotation=new_sig.empty) >>> new_sig.return_annotation is Signature.empty True There are two ways to instantiate a Signature class: Signature(parameters=<optional>, *, return_annotation=Signature.empty)Default Signature constructor. Accepts an optional sequence of Parameter objects, and an optional return_annotation. Parameters sequence is validated to check that there are no parameters with duplicate names, and that the parameters are in the right order, i.e. positional-only first, then positional-or-keyword, etc. Signature.from_function(function)Returns a Signature object reflecting the signature of the function passed in. It’s possible to test Signatures for equality. Two signatures are equal when their parameters are equal, their positional and positional-only parameters appear in the same order, and they have equal return annotations. Changes to the Signature object, or to any of its data members, do not affect the function itself. Signature also implements __str__: >>> str(Signature.from_function((lambda *args: None))) '(*args)' >>> str(Signature()) '()' Parameter Object Python’s expressive syntax means functions can accept many different kinds of parameters with many subtle semantic differences. We propose a rich Parameter object designed to represent any possible function parameter. A Parameter object has the following public attributes and methods: name : strThe name of the parameter as a string. Must be a valid python identifier name (with the exception of POSITIONAL_ONLY parameters, which can have it set to None.) default : objectThe default value for the parameter. If the parameter has no default value, this attribute is set to Parameter.empty. annotation : objectThe annotation for the parameter. If the parameter has no annotation, this attribute is set to Parameter.empty. kindDescribes how argument values are bound to the parameter. Possible values: Parameter.POSITIONAL_ONLY - value must be supplied as a positional argument.Python has no explicit syntax for defining positional-only parameters, but many built-in and extension module functions (especially those that accept only one or two parameters) accept them. Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD - value may be supplied as either a keyword or positional argument (this is the standard binding behaviour for functions implemented in Python.) Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY - value must be supplied as a keyword argument. Keyword only parameters are those which appear after a “*” or “*args” entry in a Python function definition. Parameter.VAR_POSITIONAL - a tuple of positional arguments that aren’t bound to any other parameter. This corresponds to a “*args” parameter in a Python function definition. Parameter.VAR_KEYWORD - a dict of keyword arguments that aren’t bound to any other parameter. This corresponds to a “**kwargs” parameter in a Python function definition. Always use Parameter.* constants for setting and checking value of the kind attribute. replace(*, name=<optional>, kind=<optional>, default=<optional>, annotation=<optional>) -> ParameterCreates a new Parameter instance based on the instance replaced was invoked on. To override a Parameter attribute, pass the corresponding argument. To remove an attribute from a Parameter, pass Parameter.empty. Parameter constructor: Parameter(name, kind, *, annotation=Parameter.empty, default=Parameter.empty)Instantiates a Parameter object. name and kind are required, while annotation and default are optional. Two parameters are equal when they have equal names, kinds, defaults, and annotations. Parameter objects are immutable. Instead of modifying a Parameter object, you can use Parameter.replace() to create a modified copy like so: >>> param = Parameter('foo', Parameter.KEYWORD_ONLY, default=42) >>> str(param) 'foo=42' >>> str(param.replace()) 'foo=42' >>> str(param.replace(default=Parameter.empty, annotation='spam')) "foo:'spam'" BoundArguments Object Result of a Signature.bind call. Holds the mapping of arguments to the function’s parameters. Has the following public attributes: arguments : OrderedDictAn ordered, mutable mapping of parameters’ names to arguments’ values. Contains only explicitly bound arguments. Arguments for which bind() relied on a default value are skipped. args : tupleTuple of positional arguments values. Dynamically computed from the ‘arguments’ attribute. kwargs : dictDict of keyword arguments values. Dynamically computed from the ‘arguments’ attribute. The arguments attribute should be used in conjunction with Signature.parameters for any arguments processing purposes. args and kwargs properties can be used to invoke functions: def test(a, *, b): ... sig = signature(test) ba = sig.bind(10, b=20) test(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs) Arguments which could be passed as part of either *args or **kwargs will be included only in the BoundArguments.args attribute. Consider the following example: def test(a=1, b=2, c=3): pass sig = signature(test) ba = sig.bind(a=10, c=13) >>> ba.args (10,) >>> ba.kwargs: {'c': 13} Implementation The implementation adds a new function signature() to the inspect module. The function is the preferred way of getting a Signature for a callable object. The function implements the following algorithm: If the object is not callable - raise a TypeError If the object has a __signature__ attribute and if it is not None - return it If it has a __wrapped__ attribute, return signature(object.__wrapped__) If the object is an instance of FunctionType, construct and return a new Signature for it If the object is a bound method, construct and return a new Signature object, with its first parameter (usually self or cls) removed. (classmethod and staticmethod are supported too. Since both are descriptors, the former returns a bound method, and the latter returns its wrapped function.) If the object is an instance of functools.partial, construct a new Signature from its partial.func attribute, and account for already bound partial.args and partial.kwargs If the object is a class or metaclass: If the object’s type has a __call__ method defined in its MRO, return a Signature for it If the object has a __new__ method defined in its MRO, return a Signature object for it If the object has a __init__ method defined in its MRO, return a Signature object for it Return signature(object.__call__) Note that the Signature object is created in a lazy manner, and is not automatically cached. However, the user can manually cache a Signature by storing it in the __signature__ attribute. An implementation for Python 3.3 can be found at [1]. The python issue tracking the patch is [2]. Design Considerations No implicit caching of Signature objects The first PEP design had a provision for implicit caching of Signature objects in the inspect.signature() function. However, this has the following downsides: If the Signature object is cached then any changes to the function it describes will not be reflected in it. However, If the caching is needed, it can be always done manually and explicitly It is better to reserve the __signature__ attribute for the cases when there is a need to explicitly set to a Signature object that is different from the actual one Some functions may not be introspectable Some functions may not be introspectable in certain implementations of Python. For example, in CPython, built-in functions defined in C provide no metadata about their arguments. Adding support for them is out of scope for this PEP. Signature and Parameter equivalence We assume that parameter names have semantic significance–two signatures are equal only when their corresponding parameters are equal and have the exact same names. Users who want looser equivalence tests, perhaps ignoring names of VAR_KEYWORD or VAR_POSITIONAL parameters, will need to implement those themselves. Examples Visualizing Callable Objects’ Signature Let’s define some classes and functions: from inspect import signature from functools import partial, wraps class FooMeta(type): def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dct, *, bar:bool=False): return super().__new__(mcls, name, bases, dct) def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct, **kwargs): return super().__init__(name, bases, dct) class Foo(metaclass=FooMeta): def __init__(self, spam:int=42): self.spam = spam def __call__(self, a, b, *, c) -> tuple: return a, b, c @classmethod def spam(cls, a): return a def shared_vars(*shared_args): """Decorator factory that defines shared variables that are passed to every invocation of the function""" def decorator(f): @wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): full_args = shared_args + args return f(*full_args, **kwargs) # Override signature sig = signature(f) sig = sig.replace(tuple(sig.parameters.values())[1:]) wrapper.__signature__ = sig return wrapper return decorator @shared_vars({}) def example(_state, a, b, c): return _state, a, b, c def format_signature(obj): return str(signature(obj)) Now, in the python REPL: >>> format_signature(FooMeta) '(name, bases, dct, *, bar:bool=False)' >>> format_signature(Foo) '(spam:int=42)' >>> format_signature(Foo.__call__) '(self, a, b, *, c) -> tuple' >>> format_signature(Foo().__call__) '(a, b, *, c) -> tuple' >>> format_signature(Foo.spam) '(a)' >>> format_signature(partial(Foo().__call__, 1, c=3)) '(b, *, c=3) -> tuple' >>> format_signature(partial(partial(Foo().__call__, 1, c=3), 2, c=20)) '(*, c=20) -> tuple' >>> format_signature(example) '(a, b, c)' >>> format_signature(partial(example, 1, 2)) '(c)' >>> format_signature(partial(partial(example, 1, b=2), c=3)) '(b=2, c=3)' Annotation Checker import inspect import functools def checktypes(func): '''Decorator to verify arguments and return types Example: >>> @checktypes ... def test(a:int, b:str) -> int: ... return int(a * b) >>> test(10, '1') 1111111111 >>> test(10, 1) Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: foo: wrong type of 'b' argument, 'str' expected, got 'int' ''' sig = inspect.signature(func) types = {} for param in sig.parameters.values(): # Iterate through function's parameters and build the list of # arguments types type_ = param.annotation if type_ is param.empty or not inspect.isclass(type_): # Missing annotation or not a type, skip it continue types[param.name] = type_ # If the argument has a type specified, let's check that its # default value (if present) conforms with the type. if param.default is not param.empty and not isinstance(param.default, type_): raise ValueError("{func}: wrong type of a default value for {arg!r}". \ format(func=func.__qualname__, arg=param.name)) def check_type(sig, arg_name, arg_type, arg_value): # Internal function that encapsulates arguments type checking if not isinstance(arg_value, arg_type): raise ValueError("{func}: wrong type of {arg!r} argument, " \ "{exp!r} expected, got {got!r}". \ format(func=func.__qualname__, arg=arg_name, exp=arg_type.__name__, got=type(arg_value).__name__)) @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # Let's bind the arguments ba = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) for arg_name, arg in ba.arguments.items(): # And iterate through the bound arguments try: type_ = types[arg_name] except KeyError: continue else: # OK, we have a type for the argument, lets get the corresponding # parameter description from the signature object param = sig.parameters[arg_name] if param.kind == param.VAR_POSITIONAL: # If this parameter is a variable-argument parameter, # then we need to check each of its values for value in arg: check_type(sig, arg_name, type_, value) elif param.kind == param.VAR_KEYWORD: # If this parameter is a variable-keyword-argument parameter: for subname, value in arg.items(): check_type(sig, arg_name + ':' + subname, type_, value) else: # And, finally, if this parameter a regular one: check_type(sig, arg_name, type_, arg) result = func(*ba.args, **ba.kwargs) # The last bit - let's check that the result is correct return_type = sig.return_annotation if (return_type is not sig._empty and isinstance(return_type, type) and not isinstance(result, return_type)): raise ValueError('{func}: wrong return type, {exp} expected, got {got}'. \ format(func=func.__qualname__, exp=return_type.__name__, got=type(result).__name__)) return result return wrapper Acceptance PEP 362 was accepted by Guido, Friday, June 22, 2012 [3] . The reference implementation was committed to trunk later that day. References [1] pep362 branch (https://bitbucket.org/1st1/cpython/overview) [2] issue 15008 (http://bugs.python.org/issue15008) [3] “A Desperate Plea For Introspection (aka: BDFAP Needed)” (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-June/120682.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 362 – Function Signature Object
Standards Track
Python has always supported powerful introspection capabilities, including introspecting functions and methods (for the rest of this PEP, “function” refers to both functions and methods). By examining a function object you can fully reconstruct the function’s signature. Unfortunately this information is stored in an inconvenient manner, and is spread across a half-dozen deeply nested attributes.
PEP 363 – Syntax For Dynamic Attribute Access Author: Ben North <ben at redfrontdoor.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 29-Jan-2007 Post-History: 12-Feb-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Impact On Existing Code Performance Impact Error Cases Draft Implementation Mailing Lists Discussion References Copyright Abstract Dynamic attribute access is currently possible using the “getattr” and “setattr” builtins. The present PEP suggests a new syntax to make such access easier, allowing the coder for example to write: x.('foo_%d' % n) += 1 z = y.('foo_%d' % n).('bar_%s' % s) instead of: attr_name = 'foo_%d' % n setattr(x, attr_name, getattr(x, attr_name) + 1) z = getattr(getattr(y, 'foo_%d' % n), 'bar_%s' % s) Rationale Dictionary access and indexing both have a friendly invocation syntax: instead of x.__getitem__(12) the coder can write x[12]. This also allows the use of subscripted elements in an augmented assignment, as in “x[12] += 1”. The present proposal brings this ease-of-use to dynamic attribute access too. Attribute access is currently possible in two ways: When the attribute name is known at code-writing time, the “.NAME” trailer can be used, as in:x.foo = 42 y.bar += 100 When the attribute name is computed dynamically at run-time, the “getattr” and “setattr” builtins must be used:x = getattr(y, 'foo_%d' % n) setattr(z, 'bar_%s' % s, 99) The “getattr” builtin also allows the coder to specify a default value to be returned in the event that the object does not have an attribute of the given name: x = getattr(y, 'foo_%d' % n, 0) This PEP describes a new syntax for dynamic attribute access — “x.(expr)” — with examples given in the Abstract above. (The new syntax could also allow the provision of a default value in the “get” case, as in: x = y.('foo_%d' % n, None) This 2-argument form of dynamic attribute access would not be permitted as the target of an (augmented or normal) assignment. The “Discussion” section below includes opinions specifically on the 2-argument extension.) Finally, the new syntax can be used with the “del” statement, as in: del x.(attr_name) Impact On Existing Code The proposed new syntax is not currently valid, so no existing well-formed programs have their meaning altered by this proposal. Across all “*.py” files in the 2.5 distribution, there are around 600 uses of “getattr”, “setattr” or “delattr”. They break down as follows (figures have some room for error because they were arrived at by partially-manual inspection): c.300 uses of plain "getattr(x, attr_name)", which could be replaced with the new syntax; c.150 uses of the 3-argument form, i.e., with the default value; these could be replaced with the 2-argument form of the new syntax (the cases break down into c.125 cases where the attribute name is a literal string, and c.25 where it's only known at run-time); c.5 uses of the 2-argument form with a literal string attribute name, which I think could be replaced with the standard "x.attribute" syntax; c.120 uses of setattr, of which 15 use getattr to find the new value; all could be replaced with the new syntax, the 15 where getattr is also involved would show a particular increase in clarity; c.5 uses which would have to stay as "getattr" because they are calls of a variable named "getattr" whose default value is the builtin "getattr"; c.5 uses of the 2-argument form, inside a try/except block which catches AttributeError and uses a default value instead; these could use 2-argument form of the new syntax; c.10 uses of "delattr", which could use the new syntax. As examples, the line: setattr(self, attr, change_root(self.root, getattr(self, attr))) from Lib/distutils/command/install.py could be rewritten: self.(attr) = change_root(self.root, self.(attr)) and the line: setattr(self, method_name, getattr(self.metadata, method_name)) from Lib/distutils/dist.py could be rewritten: self.(method_name) = self.metadata.(method_name) Performance Impact Initial pystone measurements are inconclusive, but suggest there may be a performance penalty of around 1% in the pystones score with the patched version. One suggestion is that this is because the longer main loop in ceval.c hurts the cache behaviour, but this has not been confirmed. On the other hand, measurements suggest a speed-up of around 40–45% for dynamic attribute access. Error Cases Only strings are permitted as attribute names, so for instance the following error is produced: >>> x.(99) = 8 Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: attribute name must be string, not 'int' This is handled by the existing PyObject_GetAttr function. Draft Implementation A draft implementation adds a new alternative to the “trailer” clause in Grammar/Grammar; a new AST type, “DynamicAttribute” in Python.asdl, with accompanying changes to symtable.c, ast.c, and compile.c, and three new opcodes (load/store/del) with accompanying changes to opcode.h and ceval.c. The patch consists of c.180 additional lines in the core code, and c.100 additional lines of tests. It is available as sourceforge patch #1657573 [1]. Mailing Lists Discussion Initial posting of this PEP in draft form was to python-ideas on 20070209 [2], and the response was generally positive. The PEP was then posted to python-dev on 20070212 [3], and an interesting discussion ensued. A brief summary: Initially, there was reasonable (but not unanimous) support for the idea, although the precise choice of syntax had a more mixed reception. Several people thought the “.” would be too easily overlooked, with the result that the syntax could be confused with a method/function call. A few alternative syntaxes were suggested: obj.(foo) obj.[foo] obj.{foo} obj{foo} obj.*foo obj->foo obj<-foo obj@[foo] obj.[[foo]] with “obj.[foo]” emerging as the preferred one. In this initial discussion, the two-argument form was universally disliked, so it was to be taken out of the PEP. Discussion then took a step back to whether this particular feature provided enough benefit to justify new syntax. As well as requiring coders to become familiar with the new syntax, there would also be the problem of backward compatibility — code using the new syntax would not run on older pythons. Instead of new syntax, a new “wrapper class” was proposed, with the following specification / conceptual implementation suggested by Martin von Löwis: class attrs: def __init__(self, obj): self.obj = obj def __getitem__(self, name): return getattr(self.obj, name) def __setitem__(self, name, value): return setattr(self.obj, name, value) def __delitem__(self, name): return delattr(self, name) def __contains__(self, name): return hasattr(self, name) This was considered a cleaner and more elegant solution to the original problem. (Another suggestion was a mixin class providing dictionary-style access to an object’s attributes.) The decision was made that the present PEP did not meet the burden of proof for the introduction of new syntax, a view which had been put forward by some from the beginning of the discussion. The wrapper class idea was left open as a possibility for a future PEP. References [1] Sourceforge patch #1657573 http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1657573&group_id=5470&atid=305470 [2] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2007-February/000210.html and following posts [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2007-February/070939.html and following posts Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 363 – Syntax For Dynamic Attribute Access
Standards Track
Dynamic attribute access is currently possible using the “getattr” and “setattr” builtins. The present PEP suggests a new syntax to make such access easier, allowing the coder for example to write:
PEP 364 – Transitioning to the Py3K Standard Library Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Mar-2007 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Supported Renamings .mv files Implementation Specification Programmatic Interface Open Issues Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract PEP 3108 describes the reorganization of the Python standard library for the Python 3.0 release. This PEP describes a mechanism for transitioning from the Python 2.x standard library to the Python 3.0 standard library. This transition will allow and encourage Python programmers to use the new Python 3.0 library names starting with Python 2.6, while maintaining the old names for backward compatibility. In this way, a Python programmer will be able to write forward compatible code without sacrificing interoperability with existing Python programs. Rationale PEP 3108 presents a rationale for Python standard library (stdlib) reorganization. The reader is encouraged to consult that PEP for details about why and how the library will be reorganized. Should PEP 3108 be accepted in part or in whole, then it is advantageous to allow Python programmers to begin the transition to the new stdlib module names in Python 2.x, so that they can write forward compatible code starting with Python 2.6. Note that PEP 3108 proposes to remove some “silly old stuff”, i.e. modules that are no longer useful or necessary. The PEP you are reading does not address this because there are no forward compatibility issues for modules that are to be removed, except to stop using such modules. This PEP concerns only the mechanism by which mappings from old stdlib names to new stdlib names are maintained. Please consult PEP 3108 for all specific module renaming proposals. Specifically see the section titled Modules to Rename for guidelines on the old name to new name mappings. The few examples in this PEP are given for illustrative purposes only and should not be used for specific renaming recommendations. Supported Renamings There are at least 4 use cases explicitly supported by this PEP: Simple top-level package name renamings, such as StringIO to stringio; Sub-package renamings where the package name may or may not be renamed, such as email.MIMEText to email.mime.text; Extension module renaming, such as cStringIO to cstringio; Third party renaming of any of the above. Two use cases supported by this PEP include renaming simple top-level modules, such as StringIO, as well as modules within packages, such as email.MIMEText. In the former case, PEP 3108 currently recommends StringIO be renamed to stringio, following PEP 8 recommendations. In the latter case, the email 4.0 package distributed with Python 2.5 already renamed email.MIMEText to email.mime.text, although it did so in a one-off, uniquely hackish way inside the email package. The mechanism described in this PEP is general enough to handle all module renamings, obviating the need for the Python 2.5 hack (except for backward compatibility with earlier Python versions). An additional use case is to support the renaming of C extension modules. As long as the new name for the C module is importable, it can be remapped to the new name. E.g. cStringIO renamed to cstringio. Third party package renaming is also supported, via several public interfaces accessible by any Python module. Remappings are not performed recursively. .mv files Remapping files are called .mv files; the suffix was chosen to be evocative of the Unix mv(1) command. An .mv file is a simple line-oriented text file. All blank lines and lines that start with a # are ignored. All other lines must contain two whitespace separated fields. The first field is the old module name, and the second field is the new module name. Both module names must be specified using their full dotted-path names. Here is an example .mv file from Python 2.6: # Map the various string i/o libraries to their new names StringIO stringio cStringIO cstringio .mv files can appear anywhere in the file system, and there is a programmatic interface provided to parse them, and register the remappings inside them. By default, when Python starts up, all the .mv files in the oldlib package are read, and their remappings are automatically registered. This is where all the module remappings should be specified for top-level Python 2.x standard library modules. Implementation Specification This section provides the full specification for how module renamings in Python 2.x are implemented. The central mechanism relies on various import hooks as described in PEP 302. Specifically sys.path_importer_cache, sys.path, and sys.meta_path are all employed to provide the necessary functionality. When Python’s import machinery is initialized, the oldlib package is imported. Inside oldlib there is a class called OldStdlibLoader. This class implements the PEP 302 interface and is automatically instantiated, with zero arguments. The constructor reads all the .mv files from the oldlib package directory, automatically registering all the remappings found in those .mv files. This is how the Python 2.x standard library is remapped. The OldStdlibLoader class should not be instantiated by other Python modules. Instead, you can access the global OldStdlibLoader instance via the sys.stdlib_remapper instance. Use this instance if you want programmatic access to the remapping machinery. One important implementation detail: as needed by the PEP 302 API, a magic string is added to sys.path, and module __path__ attributes in order to hook in our remapping loader. This magic string is currently <oldlib> and some changes were necessary to Python’s site.py file in order to treat all sys.path entries starting with < as special. Specifically, no attempt is made to make them absolute file names (since they aren’t file names at all). In order for the remapping import hooks to work, the module or package must be physically located under its new name. This is because the import hooks catch only modules that are not already imported, and cannot be imported by Python’s built-in import rules. Thus, if a module has been moved, say from Lib/StringIO.py to Lib/stringio.py, and the former’s .pyc file has been removed, then without the remapper, this would fail: import StringIO Instead, with the remapper, this failing import will be caught, the old name will be looked up in the registered remappings, and in this case, the new name stringio will be found. The remapper then attempts to import the new name, and if that succeeds, it binds the resulting module into sys.modules, under both the old and new names. Thus, the above import will result in entries in sys.modules for ‘StringIO’ and ‘stringio’, and both will point to the exact same module object. Note that no way to disable the remapping machinery is proposed, short of moving all the .mv files away or programmatically removing them in some custom start up code. In Python 3.0, the remappings will be eliminated, leaving only the “new” names. Programmatic Interface Several methods are added to the sys.stdlib_remapper object, which third party packages can use to register their own remappings. Note however that in all cases, there is one and only one mapping from an old name to a new name. If two .mv files contain different mappings for an old name, or if a programmatic call is made with an old name that is already remapped, the previous mapping is lost. This will not affect any already imported modules. The following methods are available on the sys.stdlib_remapper object: read_mv_file(filename) – Read the given file and register all remappings found in the file. read_directory_mv_files(dirname, suffix='.mv') – List the given directory, reading all files in that directory that have the matching suffix (.mv by default). For each parsed file, register all the remappings found in that file. set_mapping(oldname, newname) – Register a new mapping from an old module name to a new module name. Both must be the full dotted-path name to the module. newname may be None in which case any existing mapping for oldname will be removed (it is not an error if there is no existing mapping). get_mapping(oldname, default=None) – Return any registered newname for the given oldname. If there is no registered remapping, default is returned. Open Issues Should there be a command line switch and/or environment variable to disable all remappings? Should remappings occur recursively? Should we automatically parse package directories for .mv files when the package’s __init__.py is loaded? This would allow packages to easily include .mv files for their own remappings. Compare what the email package currently has to do if we place its .mv file in the email package instead of in the oldlib package:# Expose old names import os, sys sys.stdlib_remapper.read_directory_mv_files(os.path.dirname(__file__)) I think we should automatically read a package’s directory for any .mv files it might contain. Reference Implementation A reference implementation, in the form of a patch against the current (as of this writing) state of the Python 2.6 svn trunk, is available as SourceForge patch #1675334 [1]. Note that this patch includes a rename of cStringIO to cstringio, but this is primarily for illustrative and unit testing purposes. Should the patch be accepted, we might want to split this change off into other PEP 3108 changes. References [1] Reference implementation (http://bugs.python.org/issue1675334) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 364 – Transitioning to the Py3K Standard Library
Standards Track
PEP 3108 describes the reorganization of the Python standard library for the Python 3.0 release. This PEP describes a mechanism for transitioning from the Python 2.x standard library to the Python 3.0 standard library. This transition will allow and encourage Python programmers to use the new Python 3.0 library names starting with Python 2.6, while maintaining the old names for backward compatibility. In this way, a Python programmer will be able to write forward compatible code without sacrificing interoperability with existing Python programs.
PEP 365 – Adding the pkg_resources module Author: Phillip J. Eby <pje at telecommunity.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Topic: Packaging Created: 30-Apr-2007 Post-History: 30-Apr-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Proposal Rationale Implementation and Documentation Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding an enhanced version of the pkg_resources module to the standard library. pkg_resources is a module used to find and manage Python package/version dependencies and access bundled files and resources, including those inside of zipped .egg files. Currently, pkg_resources is only available through installing the entire setuptools distribution, but it does not depend on any other part of setuptools; in effect, it comprises the entire runtime support library for Python Eggs, and is independently useful. In addition, with one feature addition, this module could support easy bootstrap installation of several Python package management tools, including setuptools, workingenv, and zc.buildout. Proposal Rather than proposing to include setuptools in the standard library, this PEP proposes only that pkg_resources be added to the standard library for Python 2.6 and 3.0. pkg_resources is considerably more stable than the rest of setuptools, with virtually no new features being added in the last 12 months. However, this PEP also proposes that a new feature be added to pkg_resources, before being added to the stdlib. Specifically, it should be possible to do something like: python -m pkg_resources SomePackage==1.2 to request downloading and installation of SomePackage from PyPI. This feature would not be a replacement for easy_install; instead, it would rely on SomePackage having pure-Python .egg files listed for download via the PyPI XML-RPC API, and the eggs would be placed in the $PYTHON_EGG_CACHE directory, where they would not be importable by default. (And no scripts would be installed.) However, if the download egg contains installation bootstrap code, it will be given a chance to run. These restrictions would allow the code to be extremely simple, yet still powerful enough to support users downloading package management tools such as setuptools, workingenv and zc.buildout, simply by supplying the tool’s name on the command line. Rationale Many users have requested that setuptools be included in the standard library, to save users needing to go through the awkward process of bootstrapping it. However, most of the bootstrapping complexity comes from the fact that setuptools-installed code cannot use the pkg_resources runtime module unless setuptools is already installed. Thus, installing setuptools requires (in a sense) that setuptools already be installed. Other Python package management tools, such as workingenv and zc.buildout, have similar bootstrapping issues, since they both make use of setuptools, but also want to provide users with something approaching a “one-step install”. The complexity of creating bootstrap utilities for these and any other such tools that arise in future, is greatly reduced if pkg_resources is already present, and is also able to download pre-packaged eggs from PyPI. (It would also mean that setuptools would not need to be installed in order to simply use eggs, as opposed to building them.) Finally, in addition to providing access to eggs built via setuptools or other packaging tools, it should be noted that since Python 2.5, the distutils install package metadata (aka PKG-INFO) files that can be read by pkg_resources to identify what distributions are already on sys.path. In environments where Python packages are installed using system package tools (like RPM), the pkg_resources module provides an API for detecting what versions of what packages are installed, even if those packages were installed via the distutils instead of setuptools. Implementation and Documentation The pkg_resources implementation is maintained in the Python SVN repository under /sandbox/trunk/setuptools/; see pkg_resources.py and pkg_resources.txt. Documentation for the egg format(s) supported by pkg_resources can be found in doc/formats.txt. HTML versions of these documents are available at: http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/PkgResources and http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EggFormats (These HTML versions are for setuptools 0.6; they may not reflect all of the changes found in the Subversion trunk’s .txt versions.) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 365 – Adding the pkg_resources module
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding an enhanced version of the pkg_resources module to the standard library.
PEP 366 – Main module explicit relative imports Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 01-May-2007 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: 01-May-2007, 04-Jul-2007, 07-Jul-2007, 23-Nov-2007 Table of Contents Abstract Proposed Change Rationale for Change Reference Implementation Alternative Proposals References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a backwards compatible mechanism that permits the use of explicit relative imports from executable modules within packages. Such imports currently fail due to an awkward interaction between PEP 328 and PEP 338. By adding a new module level attribute, this PEP allows relative imports to work automatically if the module is executed using the -m switch. A small amount of boilerplate in the module itself will allow the relative imports to work when the file is executed by name. Guido accepted the PEP in November 2007 [5]. Proposed Change The major proposed change is the introduction of a new module level attribute, __package__. When it is present, relative imports will be based on this attribute rather than the module __name__ attribute. As with the current __name__ attribute, setting __package__ will be the responsibility of the PEP 302 loader used to import a module. Loaders which use imp.new_module() to create the module object will have the new attribute set automatically to None. When the import system encounters an explicit relative import in a module without __package__ set (or with it set to None), it will calculate and store the correct value (__name__.rpartition('.')[0] for normal modules and __name__ for package initialisation modules). If __package__ has already been set then the import system will use it in preference to recalculating the package name from the __name__ and __path__ attributes. The runpy module will explicitly set the new attribute, basing it off the name used to locate the module to be executed rather than the name used to set the module’s __name__ attribute. This will allow relative imports to work correctly from main modules executed with the -m switch. When the main module is specified by its filename, then the __package__ attribute will be set to None. To allow relative imports when the module is executed directly, boilerplate similar to the following would be needed before the first relative import statement: if __name__ == "__main__" and __package__ is None: __package__ = "expected.package.name" Note that this boilerplate is sufficient only if the top level package is already accessible via sys.path. Additional code that manipulates sys.path would be needed in order for direct execution to work without the top level package already being importable. This approach also has the same disadvantage as the use of absolute imports of sibling modules - if the script is moved to a different package or subpackage, the boilerplate will need to be updated manually. It has the advantage that this change need only be made once per file, regardless of the number of relative imports. Note that setting __package__ to the empty string explicitly is permitted, and has the effect of disabling all relative imports from that module (since the import machinery will consider it to be a top level module in that case). This means that tools like runpy do not need to provide special case handling for top level modules when setting __package__. Rationale for Change The current inability to use explicit relative imports from the main module is the subject of at least one open SF bug report (#1510172) [1], and has most likely been a factor in at least a few queries on comp.lang.python (such as Alan Isaac’s question in [2]). This PEP is intended to provide a solution which permits explicit relative imports from main modules, without incurring any significant costs during interpreter startup or normal module import. The section in PEP 338 on relative imports and the main module provides further details and background on this problem. Reference Implementation Rev 47142 in SVN implemented an early variant of this proposal which stored the main module’s real module name in the __module_name__ attribute. It was reverted due to the fact that 2.5 was already in beta by that time. Patch 1487 [4] is the proposed implementation for this PEP. Alternative Proposals PEP 3122 proposed addressing this problem by changing the way the main module is identified. That’s a significant compatibility cost to incur to fix something that is a pretty minor bug in the overall scheme of things, and the PEP was rejected [3]. The advantage of the proposal in this PEP is that its only impact on normal code is the small amount of time needed to set the extra attribute when importing a module. Relative imports themselves should be sped up fractionally, as the package name is cached in the module globals, rather than having to be worked out again for each relative import. References [1] Absolute/relative import not working? (https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/43535) [2] c.l.p. question about modules and relative imports (http://groups.google.com/group/comp.lang.python/browse_thread/thread/c44c769a72ca69fa/) [3] Guido’s rejection of PEP 3122 (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006793.html) [4] PEP 366 implementation patch (https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/45828) [5] Acceptance of the PEP (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2007-November/075475.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 366 – Main module explicit relative imports
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a backwards compatible mechanism that permits the use of explicit relative imports from executable modules within packages. Such imports currently fail due to an awkward interaction between PEP 328 and PEP 338.
PEP 367 – New Super Author: Calvin Spealman <ironfroggy at gmail.com>, Tim Delaney <timothy.c.delaney at gmail.com> Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Apr-2007 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: 28-Apr-2007, 29-Apr-2007, 29-Apr-2007, 14-May-2007 Table of Contents Numbering Note Abstract Rationale Specification Open Issues Determining the class object to use Should super actually become a keyword? Closed Issues super used with __call__ attributes Reference Implementation Alternative Proposals No Changes Dynamic attribute on super type super(__this_class__, self) self.__super__.foo(*args) super(self, *args) or __super__(self, *args) super.foo(self, *args) super or super() super(*p, **kw) History References Copyright Numbering Note This PEP has been renumbered to PEP 3135. The text below is the last version submitted under the old number. Abstract This PEP proposes syntactic sugar for use of the super type to automatically construct instances of the super type binding to the class that a method was defined in, and the instance (or class object for classmethods) that the method is currently acting upon. The premise of the new super usage suggested is as follows: super.foo(1, 2) to replace the old: super(Foo, self).foo(1, 2) and the current __builtin__.super be aliased to __builtin__.__super__ (with __builtin__.super to be removed in Python 3.0). It is further proposed that assignment to super become a SyntaxError, similar to the behaviour of None. Rationale The current usage of super requires an explicit passing of both the class and instance it must operate from, requiring a breaking of the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) rule. This hinders any change in class name, and is often considered a wart by many. Specification Within the specification section, some special terminology will be used to distinguish similar and closely related concepts. “super type” will refer to the actual builtin type named “super”. A “super instance” is simply an instance of the super type, which is associated with a class and possibly with an instance of that class. Because the new super semantics are not backwards compatible with Python 2.5, the new semantics will require a __future__ import: from __future__ import new_super The current __builtin__.super will be aliased to __builtin__.__super__. This will occur regardless of whether the new super semantics are active. It is not possible to simply rename __builtin__.super, as that would affect modules that do not use the new super semantics. In Python 3.0 it is proposed that the name __builtin__.super will be removed. Replacing the old usage of super, calls to the next class in the MRO (method resolution order) can be made without explicitly creating a super instance (although doing so will still be supported via __super__). Every function will have an implicit local named super. This name behaves identically to a normal local, including use by inner functions via a cell, with the following exceptions: Assigning to the name super will raise a SyntaxError at compile time; Calling a static method or normal function that accesses the name super will raise a TypeError at runtime. Every function that uses the name super, or has an inner function that uses the name super, will include a preamble that performs the equivalent of: super = __builtin__.__super__(<class>, <instance>) where <class> is the class that the method was defined in, and <instance> is the first parameter of the method (normally self for instance methods, and cls for class methods). For static methods and normal functions, <class> will be None, resulting in a TypeError being raised during the preamble. Note: The relationship between super and __super__ is similar to that between import and __import__. Much of this was discussed in the thread of the python-dev list, “Fixing super anyone?” [1]. Open Issues Determining the class object to use The exact mechanism for associating the method with the defining class is not specified in this PEP, and should be chosen for maximum performance. For CPython, it is suggested that the class instance be held in a C-level variable on the function object which is bound to one of NULL (not part of a class), Py_None (static method) or a class object (instance or class method). Should super actually become a keyword? With this proposal, super would become a keyword to the same extent that None is a keyword. It is possible that further restricting the super name may simplify implementation, however some are against the actual keyword-ization of super. The simplest solution is often the correct solution and the simplest solution may well not be adding additional keywords to the language when they are not needed. Still, it may solve other open issues. Closed Issues super used with __call__ attributes It was considered that it might be a problem that instantiating super instances the classic way, because calling it would lookup the __call__ attribute and thus try to perform an automatic super lookup to the next class in the MRO. However, this was found to be false, because calling an object only looks up the __call__ method directly on the object’s type. The following example shows this in action. class A(object): def __call__(self): return '__call__' def __getattribute__(self, attr): if attr == '__call__': return lambda: '__getattribute__' a = A() assert a() == '__call__' assert a.__call__() == '__getattribute__' In any case, with the renaming of __builtin__.super to __builtin__.__super__ this issue goes away entirely. Reference Implementation It is impossible to implement the above specification entirely in Python. This reference implementation has the following differences to the specification: New super semantics are implemented using bytecode hacking. Assignment to super is not a SyntaxError. Also see point #4. Classes must either use the metaclass autosuper_meta or inherit from the base class autosuper to acquire the new super semantics. super is not an implicit local variable. In particular, for inner functions to be able to use the super instance, there must be an assignment of the form super = super in the method. The reference implementation assumes that it is being run on Python 2.5+. #!/usr/bin/env python # # autosuper.py from array import array import dis import new import types import __builtin__ __builtin__.__super__ = __builtin__.super del __builtin__.super # We need these for modifying bytecode from opcode import opmap, HAVE_ARGUMENT, EXTENDED_ARG LOAD_GLOBAL = opmap['LOAD_GLOBAL'] LOAD_NAME = opmap['LOAD_NAME'] LOAD_CONST = opmap['LOAD_CONST'] LOAD_FAST = opmap['LOAD_FAST'] LOAD_ATTR = opmap['LOAD_ATTR'] STORE_FAST = opmap['STORE_FAST'] LOAD_DEREF = opmap['LOAD_DEREF'] STORE_DEREF = opmap['STORE_DEREF'] CALL_FUNCTION = opmap['CALL_FUNCTION'] STORE_GLOBAL = opmap['STORE_GLOBAL'] DUP_TOP = opmap['DUP_TOP'] POP_TOP = opmap['POP_TOP'] NOP = opmap['NOP'] JUMP_FORWARD = opmap['JUMP_FORWARD'] ABSOLUTE_TARGET = dis.hasjabs def _oparg(code, opcode_pos): return code[opcode_pos+1] + (code[opcode_pos+2] << 8) def _bind_autosuper(func, cls): co = func.func_code name = func.func_name newcode = array('B', co.co_code) codelen = len(newcode) newconsts = list(co.co_consts) newvarnames = list(co.co_varnames) # Check if the global 'super' keyword is already present try: sn_pos = list(co.co_names).index('super') except ValueError: sn_pos = None # Check if the varname 'super' keyword is already present try: sv_pos = newvarnames.index('super') except ValueError: sv_pos = None # Check if the cellvar 'super' keyword is already present try: sc_pos = list(co.co_cellvars).index('super') except ValueError: sc_pos = None # If 'super' isn't used anywhere in the function, we don't have anything to do if sn_pos is None and sv_pos is None and sc_pos is None: return func c_pos = None s_pos = None n_pos = None # Check if the 'cls_name' and 'super' objects are already in the constants for pos, o in enumerate(newconsts): if o is cls: c_pos = pos if o is __super__: s_pos = pos if o == name: n_pos = pos # Add in any missing objects to constants and varnames if c_pos is None: c_pos = len(newconsts) newconsts.append(cls) if n_pos is None: n_pos = len(newconsts) newconsts.append(name) if s_pos is None: s_pos = len(newconsts) newconsts.append(__super__) if sv_pos is None: sv_pos = len(newvarnames) newvarnames.append('super') # This goes at the start of the function. It is: # # super = __super__(cls, self) # # If 'super' is a cell variable, we store to both the # local and cell variables (i.e. STORE_FAST and STORE_DEREF). # preamble = [ LOAD_CONST, s_pos & 0xFF, s_pos >> 8, LOAD_CONST, c_pos & 0xFF, c_pos >> 8, LOAD_FAST, 0, 0, CALL_FUNCTION, 2, 0, ] if sc_pos is None: # 'super' is not a cell variable - we can just use the local variable preamble += [ STORE_FAST, sv_pos & 0xFF, sv_pos >> 8, ] else: # If 'super' is a cell variable, we need to handle LOAD_DEREF. preamble += [ DUP_TOP, STORE_FAST, sv_pos & 0xFF, sv_pos >> 8, STORE_DEREF, sc_pos & 0xFF, sc_pos >> 8, ] preamble = array('B', preamble) # Bytecode for loading the local 'super' variable. load_super = array('B', [ LOAD_FAST, sv_pos & 0xFF, sv_pos >> 8, ]) preamble_len = len(preamble) need_preamble = False i = 0 while i < codelen: opcode = newcode[i] need_load = False remove_store = False if opcode == EXTENDED_ARG: raise TypeError("Cannot use 'super' in function with EXTENDED_ARG opcode") # If the opcode is an absolute target it needs to be adjusted # to take into account the preamble. elif opcode in ABSOLUTE_TARGET: oparg = _oparg(newcode, i) + preamble_len newcode[i+1] = oparg & 0xFF newcode[i+2] = oparg >> 8 # If LOAD_GLOBAL(super) or LOAD_NAME(super) then we want to change it into # LOAD_FAST(super) elif (opcode == LOAD_GLOBAL or opcode == LOAD_NAME) and _oparg(newcode, i) == sn_pos: need_preamble = need_load = True # If LOAD_FAST(super) then we just need to add the preamble elif opcode == LOAD_FAST and _oparg(newcode, i) == sv_pos: need_preamble = need_load = True # If LOAD_DEREF(super) then we change it into LOAD_FAST(super) because # it's slightly faster. elif opcode == LOAD_DEREF and _oparg(newcode, i) == sc_pos: need_preamble = need_load = True if need_load: newcode[i:i+3] = load_super i += 1 if opcode >= HAVE_ARGUMENT: i += 2 # No changes needed - get out. if not need_preamble: return func # Our preamble will have 3 things on the stack co_stacksize = max(3, co.co_stacksize) # Conceptually, our preamble is on the `def` line. co_lnotab = array('B', co.co_lnotab) if co_lnotab: co_lnotab[0] += preamble_len co_lnotab = co_lnotab.tostring() # Our code consists of the preamble and the modified code. codestr = (preamble + newcode).tostring() codeobj = new.code(co.co_argcount, len(newvarnames), co_stacksize, co.co_flags, codestr, tuple(newconsts), co.co_names, tuple(newvarnames), co.co_filename, co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co_lnotab, co.co_freevars, co.co_cellvars) func.func_code = codeobj func.func_class = cls return func class autosuper_meta(type): def __init__(cls, name, bases, clsdict): UnboundMethodType = types.UnboundMethodType for v in vars(cls): o = getattr(cls, v) if isinstance(o, UnboundMethodType): _bind_autosuper(o.im_func, cls) class autosuper(object): __metaclass__ = autosuper_meta if __name__ == '__main__': class A(autosuper): def f(self): return 'A' class B(A): def f(self): return 'B' + super.f() class C(A): def f(self): def inner(): return 'C' + super.f() # Needed to put 'super' into a cell super = super return inner() class D(B, C): def f(self, arg=None): var = None return 'D' + super.f() assert D().f() == 'DBCA' Disassembly of B.f and C.f reveals the different preambles used when super is simply a local variable compared to when it is used by an inner function. >>> dis.dis(B.f) 214 0 LOAD_CONST 4 (<type 'super'>) 3 LOAD_CONST 2 (<class '__main__.B'>) 6 LOAD_FAST 0 (self) 9 CALL_FUNCTION 2 12 STORE_FAST 1 (super) 215 15 LOAD_CONST 1 ('B') 18 LOAD_FAST 1 (super) 21 LOAD_ATTR 1 (f) 24 CALL_FUNCTION 0 27 BINARY_ADD 28 RETURN_VALUE >>> dis.dis(C.f) 218 0 LOAD_CONST 4 (<type 'super'>) 3 LOAD_CONST 2 (<class '__main__.C'>) 6 LOAD_FAST 0 (self) 9 CALL_FUNCTION 2 12 DUP_TOP 13 STORE_FAST 1 (super) 16 STORE_DEREF 0 (super) 219 19 LOAD_CLOSURE 0 (super) 22 LOAD_CONST 1 (<code object inner at 00C160A0, file "autosuper.py", line 219>) 25 MAKE_CLOSURE 0 28 STORE_FAST 2 (inner) 223 31 LOAD_FAST 1 (super) 34 STORE_DEREF 0 (super) 224 37 LOAD_FAST 2 (inner) 40 CALL_FUNCTION 0 43 RETURN_VALUE Note that in the final implementation, the preamble would not be part of the bytecode of the method, but would occur immediately following unpacking of parameters. Alternative Proposals No Changes Although its always attractive to just keep things how they are, people have sought a change in the usage of super calling for some time, and for good reason, all mentioned previously. Decoupling from the class name (which might not even be bound to the right class anymore!) Simpler looking, cleaner super calls would be better Dynamic attribute on super type The proposal adds a dynamic attribute lookup to the super type, which will automatically determine the proper class and instance parameters. Each super attribute lookup identifies these parameters and performs the super lookup on the instance, as the current super implementation does with the explicit invocation of a super instance upon a class and instance. This proposal relies on sys._getframe(), which is not appropriate for anything except a prototype implementation. super(__this_class__, self) This is nearly an anti-proposal, as it basically relies on the acceptance of the __this_class__ PEP, which proposes a special name that would always be bound to the class within which it is used. If that is accepted, __this_class__ could simply be used instead of the class’ name explicitly, solving the name binding issues [2]. self.__super__.foo(*args) The __super__ attribute is mentioned in this PEP in several places, and could be a candidate for the complete solution, actually using it explicitly instead of any super usage directly. However, double-underscore names are usually an internal detail, and attempted to be kept out of everyday code. super(self, *args) or __super__(self, *args) This solution only solves the problem of the type indication, does not handle differently named super methods, and is explicit about the name of the instance. It is less flexible without being able to enacted on other method names, in cases where that is needed. One use case this fails is where a base-class has a factory classmethod and a subclass has two factory classmethods, both of which needing to properly make super calls to the one in the base-class. super.foo(self, *args) This variation actually eliminates the problems with locating the proper instance, and if any of the alternatives were pushed into the spotlight, I would want it to be this one. super or super() This proposal leaves no room for different names, signatures, or application to other classes, or instances. A way to allow some similar use alongside the normal proposal would be favorable, encouraging good design of multiple inheritance trees and compatible methods. super(*p, **kw) There has been the proposal that directly calling super(*p, **kw) would be equivalent to calling the method on the super object with the same name as the method currently being executed i.e. the following two methods would be equivalent: def f(self, *p, **kw): super.f(*p, **kw) def f(self, *p, **kw): super(*p, **kw) There is strong sentiment for and against this, but implementation and style concerns are obvious. Guido has suggested that this should be excluded from this PEP on the principle of KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid). History 29-Apr-2007 - Changed title from “Super As A Keyword” to “New Super” Updated much of the language and added a terminology section for clarification in confusing places. Added reference implementation and history sections. 06-May-2007 - Updated by Tim Delaney to reflect discussions on the python-3000and python-dev mailing lists. References [1] Fixing super anyone? (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-3000/2007-April/006667.html) [2] PEP 3130: Access to Module/Class/Function Currently Being Defined (this) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2007-April/000542.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 367 – New Super
Standards Track
This PEP proposes syntactic sugar for use of the super type to automatically construct instances of the super type binding to the class that a method was defined in, and the instance (or class object for classmethods) that the method is currently acting upon.
PEP 368 – Standard image protocol and class Author: Lino Mastrodomenico <l.mastrodomenico at gmail.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Jun-2007 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral Rationale Specification Python API Mode Objects Image Protocol Image and ImageMixin Classes Line Objects Pixel Objects ImageSize Class C API Examples Backwards Compatibility Reference Implementation Acknowledgments Copyright Abstract The current situation of image storage and manipulation in the Python world is extremely fragmented: almost every library that uses image objects has implemented its own image class, incompatible with everyone else’s and often not very pythonic. A basic RGB image class exists in the standard library (Tkinter.PhotoImage), but is pretty much unusable, and unused, for anything except Tkinter programming. This fragmentation not only takes up valuable space in the developers minds, but also makes the exchange of images between different libraries (needed in relatively common use cases) slower and more complex than it needs to be. This PEP proposes to improve the situation by defining a simple and pythonic image protocol/interface that can be hopefully accepted and implemented by existing image classes inside and outside the standard library without breaking backward compatibility with their existing user bases. In practice this is a definition of how a minimal image-like object should look and act (in a similar way to the read() and write() methods in file-like objects). The inclusion in the standard library of a class that provides basic image manipulation functionality and implements the new protocol is also proposed, together with a mixin class that helps adding support for the protocol to existing image classes. PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred for lack of a current champion interested in promoting the goals of the PEP and collecting and incorporating feedback, and with sufficient available time to do so effectively. Rationale A good way to have high quality modules ready for inclusion in the Python standard library is to simply wait for natural selection among competing external libraries to provide a clear winner with useful functionality and a big user base. Then the de facto standard can be officially sanctioned by including it in the standard library. Unfortunately this approach hasn’t worked well for the creation of a dominant image class in the Python world: almost every third-party library that requires an image object creates its own class incompatible with the ones from other libraries. This is a real problem because it’s entirely reasonable for a program to create and manipulate an image using, e.g., PIL (the Python Imaging Library) and then display it using wxPython or pygame. But these libraries have different and incompatible image classes, and the usual solution is to manually “export” an image from the source to a (width, height, bytes_string) tuple and “import” it creating a new instance in the target format. This approach works, but is both uglier and slower than it needs to be. Another “solution” that has been sometimes used is the creation of specific adapters and/or converters from a class to another (e.g. PIL offers the ImageTk module for converting PIL images to a class compatible with the Tkinter one). But this approach doesn’t scale well with the number of libraries involved and it’s still annoying for the user: if I have a perfectly good image object why should I convert before passing it to the next method, why can’t it simply accept my image as-is? The problem isn’t by any stretch limited to the three mentioned libraries and has probably multiple causes, including two that IMO are very important to understand before solving it: in today’s computing world an image is a basic type not strictly tied to a specific domain. This is why there will never be a clear winner between the image classes from the three libraries mentioned above (PIL, wxPython and pygame): they cover different domains and don’t really compete with each other; the Python standard library has never provided a good image class that can be adopted or imitated by third part modules. Tkinter.PhotoImage provides basic RGB functionality, but it’s by far the slowest and ugliest of the bunch and it can be instantiated only after the Tkinter root window has been created. This PEP tries to improve this situation in four ways: It defines a simple and pythonic image protocol/interface (both on the Python and the C side) that can be hopefully accepted and implemented by existing image classes inside and outside the standard library without breaking backward compatibility with their existing user bases. It proposes the inclusion in the standard library of three new classes: ImageMixin provides almost everything necessary to implement the new protocol; its main purpose is to make as simple as possible to support this interface for existing libraries, in some cases as simple as adding it to the list of base classes and doing minor additions to the constructor. Image is a subclass of ImageMixin and will add a constructor that can resize and/or convert an image between different pixel formats. This is intended to provide a fast and efficient default implementation of the new protocol. ImageSize is a minor helper class. See below for details. Tkinter.PhotoImage will implement the new protocol (mostly through the ImageMixin class) and all the Tkinter methods that can receive an image will be modified the accept any object that implements the interface. As an aside the author of this PEP will collaborate with the developers of the most common external libraries to achieve the same goal (supporting the protocol in their classes and accepting any class that implements it). New PyImage_* functions will be added to the CPython C API: they implement the C side of the protocol and accept as first parameter any object that supports it, even if it isn’t an instance of the Image/ImageMixin classes. The main effects for the end user will be a simplification of the interchange of images between different libraries (if everything goes well, any Python library will accept images from any other library) and the out-of-the-box availability of the new Image class. The new class is intended to cover simple but common use cases like cropping and/or resizing a photograph to the desired size and passing it an appropriate widget for displaying it on a window, or darkening a texture and passing it to a 3D library. The Image class is not intended to replace or compete with PIL, Pythonmagick or NumPy, even if it provides a (very small) subset of the functionality of these three libraries. In particular PIL offers very rich image manipulation features with dozens of classes, filters, transformations and file formats. The inclusion of PIL (or something similar) in the standard library may, or may not, be a worthy goal but it’s completely outside the scope of this PEP. Specification The imageop module is used as the default location for the new classes and objects because it has for a long time hosted functions that provided a somewhat similar functionality, but a new module may be created if preferred (e.g. a new “image” or “media” module; the latter may eventually include other multimedia classes). MODES is a new module level constant: it is a set of the pixel formats supported by the Image class. Any image object that implements the new protocol is guaranteed to be formatted in one of these modes, but libraries that accept images are allowed to support only a subset of them. These modes are in turn also available as module level constants (e.g. imageop.RGB). The following table is a summary of the modes currently supported and their properties: Name Component names Bits per component Subsampling Valid intervals L l (lowercase L) 8 no full range L16 l 16 no full range L32 l 32 no full range LA l, a 8 no full range LA32 l, a 16 no full range RGB r, g, b 8 no full range RGB48 r, g, b 16 no full range RGBA r, g, b, a 8 no full range RGBA64 r, g, b, a 16 no full range YV12 y, cr, cb 8 1, 2, 2 16-235, 16-240, 16-240 JPEG_YV12 y, cr, cb 8 1, 2, 2 full range CMYK c, m, y, k 8 no full range CMYK64 c, m, y, k 16 no full range When the name of a mode ends with a number, it represents the average number of bits per pixel. All the other modes simply use a byte per component per pixel. No palette modes or modes with less than 8 bits per component are supported. Welcome to the 21st century. Here’s a quick description of the modes and the rationale for their inclusion; there are four groups of modes: grayscale (L* modes): they are heavily used in scientific computing (those people may also need a very high dynamic range and precision, hence L32, the only mode with 32 bits per component) and sometimes it can be useful to consider a single component of a color image as a grayscale image (this is used by the individual planes of the planar images, see YV12 below); the name of the component ('l', lowercase letter L) stands for luminance, the second optional component ('a') is the alpha value and represents the opacity of the pixels: alpha = 0 means full transparency, alpha = 255/65535 represents a fully opaque pixel; RGB* modes: the garden variety color images. The optional alpha component has the same meaning as in grayscale modes; YCbCr, a.k.a. YUV (*YV12 modes). These modes are planar (i.e. the values of all the pixel for each component are stored in a consecutive memory area, instead of the usual arrangement where all the components of a pixel reside in consecutive bytes) and use a 1, 2, 2 (a.k.a. 4:2:0) subsampling (i.e. each pixel has its own Y value, but the Cb and Cr components are shared between groups of 2x2 adjacent pixels) because this is the format that’s by far the most common for YCbCr images. Please note that the V (Cr) plane is stored before the U (Cb) plane.YV12 is commonly used for MPEG2 (including DVDs), MPEG4 (both ASP/DivX and AVC/H.264) and Theora video frames. Valid values for Y are in range(16, 236) (excluding 236), and valid values for Cb and Cr are in range(16, 241). JPEG_YV12 is similar to YV12, but the three components can have the full range of 256 values. It’s the native format used by almost all JPEG/JFIF files and by MJPEG video frames. The “strangeness” of these two wrt all the other supported modes derives from the fact that they are widely used that way by a lot of existing libraries and applications; this is also the reason why they are included (and the fact that they can’t losslessly converted to RGB because YCbCr is a bigger color space); the funny 4:2:0 planar arrangement of the pixel values is relatively easy to support because in most cases the three planes can be considered three separate grayscale images; CMYK* modes (cyan, magenta, yellow and black) are subtractive color modes, used for printing color images on dead trees. Professional designers love to pretend that they can’t live without them, so here they are. Python API See the examples below. In Python 2.x, all the new classes defined here are new-style classes. Mode Objects The mode objects offer a number of attributes and methods that can be used for implementing generic algorithms that work on different types of images: components The number of components per pixel (e.g. 4 for an RGBA image). component_names A tuple of strings; see the column “Component names” in the above table. bits_per_component 8, 16 or 32; see “Bits per component” in the above table. bytes_per_pixel components * bits_per_component // 8, only available for non planar modes (see below). planar Boolean; True if the image components reside each in a separate plane. Currently this happens if and only if the mode uses subsampling. subsampling A tuple that for each component in the mode contains a tuple of two integers that represent the amount of downsampling in the horizontal and vertical direction, respectively. In practice it’s ((1, 1), (2, 2), (2, 2)) for YV12 and JPEG_YV12 and ((1, 1),) * components for everything else. x_divisor max(x for x, y in subsampling); the width of an image that uses this mode must be divisible for this value. y_divisor max(y for x, y in subsampling); the height of an image that uses this mode must be divisible for this value. intervals A tuple that for each component in the mode contains a tuple of two integers: the minimum and maximum valid value for the component. Its value is ((16, 235), (16, 240), (16, 240)) for YV12 and ((0, 2 ** bits_per_component - 1),) * components for everything else. get_length(iterable[integer]) -> int The parameter must be an iterable that contains two integers: the width and height of an image; it returns the number of bytes needed to store an image of these dimensions with this mode. Implementation detail: the modes are instances of a subclass of str and have a value equal to their name (e.g. imageop.RGB == 'RGB') except for L32 that has value 'I'. This is only intended for backward compatibility with existing PIL users; new code that uses the image protocol proposed here should not rely on this detail. Image Protocol Any object that supports the image protocol must provide the following methods and attributes: mode The format and the arrangement of the pixels in this image; it’s one of the constants in the MODES set. size An instance of the ImageSize class; it’s a named tuple of two integers: the width and the height of the image in pixels; both of them must be >= 1 and can also be accessed as the width and height attributes of size. buffer A sequence of integers between 0 and 255; they are the actual bytes used for storing the image data (i.e. modifying their values affects the image pixels and vice versa); the data has a row-major/C-contiguous order without padding and without any special memory alignment, even when there are more than 8 bits per component. The only supported methods are __len__, __getitem__/__setitem__ (with both integers and slice indexes) and __iter__; on the C side it implements the buffer protocol.This is a pretty low level interface to the image and the user is responsible for using the correct (native) byte order for modes with more than 8 bit per component and the correct value ranges for YV12 images. A buffer may or may not keep a reference to its image, but it’s still safe (if useless) to use the buffer even after the corresponding image has been destroyed by the garbage collector (this will require changes to the image class of wxPython and possibly other libraries). Implementation detail: this can be an array('B'), a bytes() object or a specialized fixed-length type. info A dict object that can contain arbitrary metadata associated with the image (e.g. DPI, gamma, ICC profile, exposure time…); the interpretation of this data is beyond the scope of this PEP and probably depends on the library used to create and/or to save the image; if a method of the image returns a new image, it can copy or adapt metadata from its own info attribute (the ImageMixin implementation always creates a new image with an empty info dictionary). bits_per_component bytes_per_pixel component_names components intervals planar subsampling Shortcuts for the corresponding mode.* attributes. map(function[, function...]) -> None For every pixel in the image, maps each component through the corresponding function. If only one function is passed, it is used repeatedly for each component. This method modifies the image in place and is usually very fast (most of the time the functions are called only a small number of times, possibly only once for simple functions without branches), but it imposes a number of restrictions on the function(s) passed: it must accept a single integer argument and return a number (map will round the result to the nearest integer and clip it to range(0, 2 ** bits_per_component), if necessary); it must not try to intercept any BaseException, Exception or any unknown subclass of Exception raised by any operation on the argument (implementations may try to optimize the speed by passing funny objects, so even a simple "if n == 10:" may raise an exception: simply ignore it, map will take care of it); catching any other exception is fine; it should be side-effect free and its result should not depend on values (other than the argument) that may change during a single invocation of map. rotate90() -> image rotate180() -> image rotate270() -> image Return a copy of the image rotated 90, 180 or 270 degrees counterclockwise around its center. clip() -> None Saturates invalid component values in YV12 images to the minimum or the maximum allowed (see mode.intervals), for other image modes this method does nothing, very fast; libraries that save/export YV12 images are encouraged to always call this method, since intermediate operations (e.g. the map method) may assign to pixels values outside the valid intervals. split() -> tuple[image] Returns a tuple of L, L16 or L32 images corresponding to the individual components in the image. Planar images also supports attributes with the same names defined in component_names: they contain grayscale (mode L) images that offer a view on the pixel values for the corresponding component; any change to the subimages is immediately reflected on the parent image and vice versa (their buffers refer to the same memory location). Non-planar images offer the following additional methods: pixels() -> iterator[pixel] Returns an iterator that iterates over all the pixels in the image, starting from the top line and scanning each line from left to right. See below for a description of the pixel objects. __iter__() -> iterator[line] Returns an iterator that iterates over all the lines in the image, from top to bottom. See below for a description of the line objects. __len__() -> int Returns the number of lines in the image (size.height). __getitem__(integer) -> line Returns the line at the specified (y) position. __getitem__(tuple[integer]) -> pixel The parameter must be a tuple of two integers; they are interpreted respectively as x and y coordinates in the image (0, 0 is the top left corner) and a pixel object is returned. __getitem__(slice | tuple[integer | slice]) -> image The parameter must be a slice or a tuple that contains two slices or an integer and a slice; the selected area of the image is copied and a new image is returned; image[x:y:z] is equivalent to image[:, x:y:z]. __setitem__(tuple[integer], integer | iterable[integer]) -> None Modifies the pixel at specified position; image[x, y] = integer is a shortcut for image[x, y] = (integer,) for images with a single component. __setitem__(slice | tuple[integer | slice], image) -> None Selects an area in the same way as the corresponding form of the __getitem__ method and assigns to it a copy of the pixels from the image in the second argument, that must have exactly the same mode as this image and the same size as the specified area; the alpha component, if present, is simply copied and doesn’t affect the other components of the image (i.e. no alpha compositing is performed). The mode, size and buffer (including the address in memory of the buffer) never change after an image is created. It is expected that, if PEP 3118 is accepted, all the image objects will support the new buffer protocol, however this is beyond the scope of this PEP. Image and ImageMixin Classes The ImageMixin class implements all the methods and attributes described above except mode, size, buffer and info. Image is a subclass of ImageMixin that adds support for these four attributes and offers the following constructor (please note that the constructor is not part of the image protocol): __init__(mode, size, color, source) mode must be one of the constants in the MODES set, size is a sequence of two integers (width and height of the new image); color is a sequence of integers, one for each component of the image, used to initialize all the pixels to the same value; source can be a sequence of integers of the appropriate size and format that is copied as-is in the buffer of the new image or an existing image; in Python 2.x source can also be an instance of str and is interpreted as a sequence of bytes. color and source are mutually exclusive and if they are both omitted the image is initialized to transparent black (all the bytes in the buffer have value 16 in the YV12 mode, 255 in the CMYK* modes and 0 for everything else). If source is present and is an image, mode and/or size can be omitted; if they are specified and are different from the source mode and/or size, the source image is converted.The exact algorithms used for resizing and doing color space conversions may differ between Python versions and implementations, but they always give high quality results (e.g.: a cubic spline interpolation can be used for upsampling and an antialias filter can be used for downsampling images); any combination of mode conversion is supported, but the algorithm used for conversions to and from the CMYK* modes is pretty naïve: if you have the exact color profiles of your devices you may want to use a good color management tool such as LittleCMS. The new image has an empty info dict. Line Objects The line objects (returned, e.g., when iterating over an image) support the following attributes and methods: mode The mode of the image from where this line comes. __iter__() -> iterator[pixel] Returns an iterator that iterates over all the pixels in the line, from left to right. See below for a description of the pixel objects. __len__() -> int Returns the number of pixels in the line (the image width). __getitem__(integer) -> pixel Returns the pixel at the specified (x) position. __getitem__(slice) -> image The selected part of the line is copied and a new image is returned; the new image will always have height 1. __setitem__(integer, integer | iterable[integer]) -> None Modifies the pixel at the specified position; line[x] = integer is a shortcut for line[x] = (integer,) for images with a single component. __setitem__(slice, image) -> None Selects a part of the line and assigns to it a copy of the pixels from the image in the second argument, that must have height 1, a width equal to the specified slice and the same mode as this line; the alpha component, if present, is simply copied and doesn’t affect the other components of the image (i.e. no alpha compositing is performed). Pixel Objects The pixel objects (returned, e.g., when iterating over a line) support the following attributes and methods: mode The mode of the image from where this pixel comes. value A tuple of integers, one for each component. Any iterable of the correct length can be assigned to value (it will be automagically converted to a tuple), but you can’t assign to it an integer, even if the mode has only a single component: use, e.g., pixel.l = 123 instead. r, g, b, a, l, c, m, y, k The integer values of each component; only those applicable for the current mode (in mode.component_names) will be available. __iter__() -> iterator[int] __len__() -> int __getitem__(integer | slice) -> int | tuple[int] __setitem__(integer | slice, integer | iterable[integer]) -> None These four methods emulate a fixed length list of integers, one for each pixel component. ImageSize Class ImageSize is a named tuple, a class identical to tuple except that: its constructor only accepts two integers, width and height; they are converted in the constructor using their __index__() methods, so all the ImageSize objects are guaranteed to contain only int (or possibly long, in Python 2.x) instances; it has a width and a height property that are equivalent to the first and the second number in the tuple, respectively; the string returned by its __repr__ method is 'imageop.ImageSize(width=%d, height=%d)' % (width, height). ImageSize is not usually instantiated by end-users, but can be used when creating a new class that implements the image protocol, since the size attribute must be an ImageSize instance. C API The available image modes are visible at the C level as PyImage_* constants of type PyObject * (e.g.: PyImage_RGB is imageop.RGB). The following functions offer a C-friendly interface to mode and image objects (all the functions return NULL or -1 on failure): int PyImageMode_Check(PyObject *obj) Returns true if the object obj is a valid image mode. int PyImageMode_GetComponents(PyObject *mode) PyObject* PyImageMode_GetComponentNames(PyObject *mode) int PyImageMode_GetBitsPerComponent(PyObject *mode) int PyImageMode_GetBytesPerPixel(PyObject *mode) int PyImageMode_GetPlanar(PyObject *mode) PyObject* PyImageMode_GetSubsampling(PyObject *mode) int PyImageMode_GetXDivisor(PyObject *mode) int PyImageMode_GetYDivisor(PyObject *mode) Py_ssize_t PyImageMode_GetLength(PyObject *mode, Py_ssize_t width, Py_ssize_t height) These functions are equivalent to their corresponding Python attributes or methods. int PyImage_Check(PyObject *obj) Returns true if the object obj is an Image object or an instance of a subtype of the Image type; see also PyObject_CheckImage below. int PyImage_CheckExact(PyObject *obj) Returns true if the object obj is an Image object, but not an instance of a subtype of the Image type. PyObject* PyImage_New(PyObject *mode, Py_ssize_t width, Py_ssize_t height) Returns a new Image instance, initialized to transparent black (see Image.__init__ above for the details). PyObject* PyImage_FromImage(PyObject *image, PyObject *mode, Py_ssize_t width, Py_ssize_t height) Returns a new Image instance, initialized with the contents of the image object rescaled and converted to the specified mode, if necessary. PyObject* PyImage_FromBuffer(PyObject *buffer, PyObject *mode, Py_ssize_t width, Py_ssize_t height) Returns a new Image instance, initialized with the contents of the buffer object. int PyObject_CheckImage(PyObject *obj) Returns true if the object obj implements a sufficient subset of the image protocol to be accepted by the functions defined below, even if its class is not a subclass of ImageMixin and/or Image. Currently it simply checks for the existence and correctness of the attributes mode, size and buffer. PyObject* PyImage_GetMode(PyObject *image) Py_ssize_t PyImage_GetWidth(PyObject *image) Py_ssize_t PyImage_GetHeight(PyObject *image) int PyImage_Clip(PyObject *image) PyObject* PyImage_Split(PyObject *image) PyObject* PyImage_GetBuffer(PyObject *image) int PyImage_AsBuffer(PyObject *image, const void **buffer, Py_ssize_t *buffer_len) These functions are equivalent to their corresponding Python attributes or methods; the image memory can be accessed only with the GIL and a reference to the image or its buffer held, and extra care should be taken for modes with more than 8 bits per component: the data is stored in native byte order and it can be not aligned on 2 or 4 byte boundaries. Examples A few examples of common operations with the new Image class and protocol: # create a new black RGB image of 6x9 pixels rgb_image = imageop.Image(imageop.RGB, (6, 9)) # same as above, but initialize the image to bright red rgb_image = imageop.Image(imageop.RGB, (6, 9), color=(255, 0, 0)) # convert the image to YCbCr yuv_image = imageop.Image(imageop.JPEG_YV12, source=rgb_image) # read the value of a pixel and split it into three ints r, g, b = rgb_image[x, y] # modify the magenta component of a pixel in a CMYK image cmyk_image[x, y].m = 13 # modify the Y (luma) component of a pixel in a *YV12 image and # its corresponding subsampled Cr (red chroma) yuv_image.y[x, y] = 42 yuv_image.cr[x // 2, y // 2] = 54 # iterate over an image for line in rgb_image: for pixel in line: # swap red and blue, and set green to 0 pixel.value = pixel.b, 0, pixel.r # find the maximum value of the red component in the image max_red = max(pixel.r for pixel in rgb_image.pixels()) # count the number of colors in the image num_of_colors = len(set(tuple(pixel) for pixel in image.pixels())) # copy a block of 4x2 pixels near the upper right corner of an # image and paste it into the lower left corner of the same image image[:4, -2:] = image[-6:-2, 1:3] # create a copy of the image, except that the new image can have a # different (usually empty) info dict new_image = image[:] # create a mirrored copy of the image, with the left and right # sides flipped flipped_image = image[::-1, :] # downsample an image to half its original size using a fast, low # quality operation and a slower, high quality one: low_quality_image = image[::2, ::2] new_size = image.size.width // 2, image.size.height // 2 high_quality_image = imageop.Image(size=new_size, source=image) # direct buffer access rgb_image[0, 0] = r, g, b assert tuple(rgb_image.buffer[:3]) == (r, g, b) Backwards Compatibility There are three areas touched by this PEP where backwards compatibility should be considered: Python 2.6: new classes and objects are added to the imageop module without touching the existing module contents; new methods and attributes will be added to Tkinter.PhotoImage and its __getitem__ and __setitem__ methods will be modified to accept integers, tuples and slices (currently they only accept strings). All the changes provide a superset of the existing functionality, so no major compatibility issues are expected. Python 3.0: the legacy contents of the imageop module will be deleted, according to PEP 3108; everything defined in this proposal will work like in Python 2.x with the exception of the usual 2.x/3.0 differences (e.g. support for long integers and for interpreting str instances as sequences of bytes will be dropped). external libraries: the names and the semantics of the standard image methods and attributes are carefully chosen to allow some external libraries that manipulate images (including at least PIL, wxPython and pygame) to implement the new protocol in their image classes without breaking compatibility with existing code. The only blatant conflicts between the image protocol and NumPy arrays are the value of the size attribute and the coordinates order in the image[x, y] expression. Reference Implementation If this PEP is accepted, the author will provide a reference implementation of the new classes in pure Python (that can run in CPython, PyPy, Jython and IronPython) and a second one optimized for speed in Python and C, suitable for inclusion in the CPython standard library. The author will also submit the required Tkinter patches. For all the code will be available a version for Python 2.x and a version for Python 3.0 (it is expected that the two version will be very similar and the Python 3.0 one will probably be generated almost completely automatically). Acknowledgments The implementation of this PEP, if accepted, is sponsored by Google through the Google Summer of Code program. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 368 – Standard image protocol and class
Standards Track
The current situation of image storage and manipulation in the Python world is extremely fragmented: almost every library that uses image objects has implemented its own image class, incompatible with everyone else’s and often not very pythonic. A basic RGB image class exists in the standard library (Tkinter.PhotoImage), but is pretty much unusable, and unused, for anything except Tkinter programming.
PEP 369 – Post import hooks Author: Christian Heimes <christian at python.org> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 02-Jan-2008 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: 02-Dec-2012 Table of Contents Withdrawal Notice Abstract Rationale Use cases Existing implementations Post import hook implementation States No hook was registered A hook is registered and the module is not loaded yet A module is successfully loaded A module can’t be loaded A hook is registered but the module is already loaded Invariants Sample Python implementation C API New C API functions Python API Open issues Backwards Compatibility Reference Implementation Acknowledgments Copyright References Withdrawal Notice This PEP has been withdrawn by its author, as much of the detailed design is no longer valid following the migration to importlib in Python 3.3. Abstract This PEP proposes enhancements for the import machinery to add post import hooks. It is intended primarily to support the wider use of abstract base classes that is expected in Python 3.0. The PEP originally started as a combined PEP for lazy imports and post import hooks. After some discussion on the python-dev mailing list the PEP was parted in two separate PEPs. [1] Rationale Python has no API to hook into the import machinery and execute code after a module is successfully loaded. The import hooks of PEP 302 are about finding modules and loading modules but they were not designed to as post import hooks. Use cases A use case for a post import hook is mentioned in Alyssa (Nick) Coghlan’s initial posting [2]. about callbacks on module import. It was found during the development of Python 3.0 and its ABCs. We wanted to register classes like decimal.Decimal with an ABC but the module should not be imported on every interpreter startup. Alyssa came up with this example: @imp.when_imported('decimal') def register(decimal): Inexact.register(decimal.Decimal) The function register is registered as callback for the module named ‘decimal’. When decimal is imported the function is called with the module object as argument. While this particular example isn’t necessary in practice, (as decimal.Decimal will inherit from the appropriate abstract Number base class in 2.6 and 3.0), it still illustrates the principle. Existing implementations PJE’s peak.util.imports [3] implements post load hooks. My implementation shares a lot with his and it’s partly based on his ideas. Post import hook implementation Post import hooks are called after a module has been loaded. The hooks are callable which take one argument, the module instance. They are registered by the dotted name of the module, e.g. ‘os’ or ‘os.path’. The callable are stored in the dict sys.post_import_hooks which is a mapping from names (as string) to a list of callables or None. States No hook was registered sys.post_import_hooks contains no entry for the module A hook is registered and the module is not loaded yet The import hook registry contains an entry sys.post_import_hooks[“name”] = [hook1] A module is successfully loaded The import machinery checks if sys.post_import_hooks contains post import hooks for the newly loaded module. If hooks are found then the hooks are called in the order they were registered with the module instance as first argument. The processing of the hooks is stopped when a method raises an exception. At the end the entry for the module name set to None, even when an error has occurred. Additionally the new __notified__ slot of the module object is set to True in order to prevent infinity recursions when the notification method is called inside a hook. For object which don’t subclass from PyModule a new attribute is added instead. A module can’t be loaded The import hooks are neither called nor removed from the registry. It may be possible to load the module later. A hook is registered but the module is already loaded The hook is fired immediately. Invariants The import hook system guarantees certain invariants. XXX Sample Python implementation A Python implementation may look like: def notify(name): try: module = sys.modules[name] except KeyError: raise ImportError("Module %s has not been imported" % (name,)) if module.__notified__: return try: module.__notified__ = True if '.' in name: notify(name[:name.rfind('.')]) for callback in post_import_hooks[name]: callback(module) finally: post_import_hooks[name] = None XXX C API New C API functions PyObject* PyImport_GetPostImportHooks(void)Returns the dict sys.post_import_hooks or NULL PyObject* PyImport_NotifyLoadedByModule(PyObject *module)Notify the post import system that a module was requested. Returns the a borrowed reference to the same module object or NULL if an error has occurred. The function calls only the hooks for the module itself and not its parents. The function must be called with the import lock acquired. PyObject* PyImport_NotifyLoadedByName(const char *name)PyImport_NotifyLoadedByName("a.b.c") calls PyImport_NotifyLoadedByModule() for a, a.b and a.b.c in that particular order. The modules are retrieved from sys.modules. If a module can’t be retrieved, an exception is raised otherwise the a borrowed reference to modname is returned. The hook calls always start with the prime parent module. The caller of PyImport_NotifyLoadedByName() must hold the import lock! PyObject* PyImport_RegisterPostImportHook(PyObject *callable, PyObject *mod_name)Register a new hook callable for the module mod_name int PyModule_GetNotified(PyObject *module)Returns the status of the __notified__ slot / attribute. int PyModule_SetNotified(PyObject *module, int status)Set the status of the __notified__ slot / attribute. The PyImport_NotifyLoadedByModule() method is called inside import_submodule(). The import system makes sure that the import lock is acquired and the hooks for the parent modules are already called. Python API The import hook registry and two new API methods are exposed through the sys and imp module. sys.post_import_hooksThe dict contains the post import hooks:{"name" : [hook1, hook2], ...} imp.register_post_import_hook(hook: "callable", name: str)Register a new hook hook for the module name imp.notify_module_loaded(module: "module instance") -> moduleNotify the system that a module has been loaded. The method is provided for compatibility with existing lazy / deferred import extensions. module.__notified__A slot of a module instance. XXX The when_imported function decorator is also in the imp module, which is equivalent to: def when_imported(name): def register(hook): register_post_import_hook(hook, name) return register imp.when_imported(name) -> decorator functionfor @when_imported(name) def hook(module): pass Open issues The when_imported decorator hasn’t been written. The code contains several XXX comments. They are mostly about error handling in edge cases. Backwards Compatibility The new features and API don’t conflict with old import system of Python and don’t cause any backward compatibility issues for most software. However systems like PEAK and Zope which implement their own lazy import magic need to follow some rules. The post import hooks carefully designed to cooperate with existing deferred and lazy import systems. It’s the suggestion of the PEP author to replace own on-load-hooks with the new hook API. The alternative lazy or deferred imports will still work but the implementations must call the imp.notify_module_loaded function. Reference Implementation A reference implementation is already written and is available in the py3k-importhook branch. [4] It still requires some cleanups, documentation updates and additional unit tests. Acknowledgments Alyssa Coghlan, for proof reading and the initial discussion Phillip J. Eby, for his implementation in PEAK and help with my own implementation Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. References [1] PEP: Lazy module imports and post import hook http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.devel/90949 [2] Interest in PEP for callbacks on module import http://permalink.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.python-3000.devel/11126 [3] peak.utils.imports http://svn.eby-sarna.com/Importing/peak/util/imports.py?view=markup [4] py3k-importhook branch http://svn.python.org/view/python/branches/py3k-importhook/
PEP 369 – Post import hooks
Standards Track
This PEP proposes enhancements for the import machinery to add post import hooks. It is intended primarily to support the wider use of abstract base classes that is expected in Python 3.0.
PEP 370 – Per user site-packages directory Author: Christian Heimes <christian at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Jan-2008 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Windows Notes Unix Notes Mac OS X Notes Implementation Backwards Compatibility Reference Implementation Copyright References Abstract This PEP proposes a new a per user site-packages directory to allow users the local installation of Python packages in their home directory. Rationale Current Python versions don’t have a unified way to install packages into the home directory of a user (except for Mac Framework builds). Users are either forced to ask the system administrator to install or update a package for them or to use one of the many workarounds like Virtual Python [1], Working Env [2] or Virtual Env [3]. It’s not the goal of the PEP to replace the tools or to implement isolated installations of Python. It only implements the most common use case of an additional site-packages directory for each user. The feature can’t be implemented using the environment variable PYTHONPATH. The env var just inserts a new directory to the beginning of sys.path but it doesn’t parse the pth files in the directory. A full blown site-packages path is required for several applications and Python eggs. Specification site directory (site-packages) A directory in sys.path. In contrast to ordinary directories the pth files in the directory are processed, too. user site directory A site directory inside the users’ home directory. A user site directory is specific to a Python version. The path contains the version number (major and minor only). Unix (including Mac OS X)~/.local/lib/python2.6/site-packages Windows%APPDATA%/Python/Python26/site-packages user data directory Usually the parent directory of the user site directory. It’s meant for Python version specific data like config files, docs, images and translations. Unix (including Mac)~/.local/lib/python2.6 Windows%APPDATA%/Python/Python26 user base directory It’s located inside the user’s home directory. The user site and use config directory are inside the base directory. On some systems the directory may be shared with 3rd party apps. Unix (including Mac)~/.local Windows%APPDATA%/Python user script directory A directory for binaries and scripts. [10] It’s shared across Python versions and the destination directory for scripts. Unix (including Mac)~/.local/bin Windows%APPDATA%/Python/Scripts Windows Notes On Windows the Application Data directory (aka APPDATA) was chosen because it is the most designated place for application data. Microsoft recommends that software doesn’t write to USERPROFILE [5] and My Documents is not suited for application data, either. [8] The code doesn’t query the Win32 API, instead it uses the environment variable %APPDATA%. The application data directory is part of the roaming profile. In networks with domain logins the application data may be copied from and to the a central server. This can slow down log-in and log-off. Users can keep the data on the server by e.g. setting PYTHONUSERBASE to the value “%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%Applicata Data”. Users should consult their local administrator for more information. [13] Unix Notes On Unix ~/.local was chosen in favor over ~/.python because the directory is already used by several other programs in analogy to /usr/local. [7] [11] Mac OS X Notes On Mac OS X Python uses ~/.local directory as well. [12] Framework builds of Python include ~/Library/Python/2.6/site-packages as an additional search path. Implementation The site module gets a new method adduserpackage() which adds the appropriate directory to the search path. The directory is not added if it doesn’t exist when Python is started. However the location of the user site directory and user base directory is stored in an internal variable for distutils. The user site directory is added before the system site directories but after Python’s search paths and PYTHONPATH. This setup allows the user to install a different version of a package than the system administrator but it prevents the user from accidentally overwriting a stdlib module. Stdlib modules can still be overwritten with PYTHONPATH. For security reasons the user site directory is not added to sys.path when the effective user id or group id is not equal to the process uid / gid [9]. It’s an additional barrier against code injection into suid apps. However Python suid scripts must always use the -E and -s option or users can sneak in their own code. The user site directory can be suppressed with a new option -s or the environment variable PYTHONNOUSERSITE. The feature can be disabled globally by setting site.ENABLE_USER_SITE to the value False. It must be set by editing site.py. It can’t be altered in sitecustomize.py or later. The path to the user base directory can be overwritten with the environment variable PYTHONUSERBASE. The default location is used when PYTHONUSERBASE is not set or empty. distutils.command.install (setup.py install) gets a new argument --user to install packages in the user site directory. The required directories are created on demand. distutils.command.build_ext (setup.py build_ext) gets a new argument --user which adds the include/ and lib/ directories in the user base directory to the search paths for header files and libraries. It also adds the lib/ directory to rpath. The site module gets two arguments --user-base and --user-site to print the path to the user base or user site directory to the standard output. The feature is intended for scripting, e.g. ./configure --prefix $(python2.5 -m site --user-base) distutils.sysconfig will get methods to access the private variables of site. (not yet implemented) The Windows updater needs to be updated, too. It should create a menu item which opens the user site directory in a new explorer windows. Backwards Compatibility TBD Reference Implementation A reference implementation is available in the bug tracker. [4] Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. References [1] Virtual Python http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall#creating-a-virtual-python [2] Working Env https://pypi.org/project/workingenv.py/ https://ianbicking.org/archive/workingenv-revisited.html [3] Virtual Env https://pypi.org/project/virtualenv/ [4] reference implementation https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/46132 http://svn.python.org/view/sandbox/trunk/pep370 [5] MSDN: CSIDL https://learn.microsoft.com/en/windows/win32/shell/csidl [6] Initial suggestion for a per user site-packages directory https://mail.python.org/archives/list/python-dev@python.org/message/V23CUKRH3VCHFLV33ADMHJSM53STPA7I/ [7] Suggestion of ~/.local/ https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-January/075985.html [8] APPDATA discussion https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-January/075993.html [9] Security concerns and -s option https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-January/076130.html [10] Discussion about the bin directory https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-January/076162.html [11] freedesktop.org XGD basedir specs mentions ~/.local https://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Specifications/basedir-spec/ [12] ~/.local for Mac and usercustomize file https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-January/076236.html [13] Roaming profile on Windows https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-January/076256.html
PEP 370 – Per user site-packages directory
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a new a per user site-packages directory to allow users the local installation of Python packages in their home directory.
PEP 371 – Addition of the multiprocessing package to the standard library Author: Jesse Noller <jnoller at gmail.com>, Richard Oudkerk <r.m.oudkerk at googlemail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 06-May-2008 Python-Version: 2.6, 3.0 Post-History: 03-Jun-2008 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale The “Distributed” Problem Performance Comparison Maintenance API Naming Timing/Schedule Open Issues Closed Issues References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the inclusion of the pyProcessing [1] package into the Python standard library, renamed to “multiprocessing”. The processing package mimics the standard library threading module functionality to provide a process-based approach to threaded programming allowing end-users to dispatch multiple tasks that effectively side-step the global interpreter lock. The package also provides server and client functionality (processing.Manager) to provide remote sharing and management of objects and tasks so that applications may not only leverage multiple cores on the local machine, but also distribute objects and tasks across a cluster of networked machines. While the distributed capabilities of the package are beneficial, the primary focus of this PEP is the core threading-like API and capabilities of the package. Rationale The current CPython interpreter implements the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) and barring work in Python 3000 or other versions currently planned [2], the GIL will remain as-is within the CPython interpreter for the foreseeable future. While the GIL itself enables clean and easy to maintain C code for the interpreter and extensions base, it is frequently an issue for those Python programmers who are leveraging multi-core machines. The GIL itself prevents more than a single thread from running within the interpreter at any given point in time, effectively removing Python’s ability to take advantage of multi-processor systems. The pyprocessing package offers a method to side-step the GIL allowing applications within CPython to take advantage of multi-core architectures without asking users to completely change their programming paradigm (i.e.: dropping threaded programming for another “concurrent” approach - Twisted, Actors, etc). The Processing package offers CPython a “known API” which mirrors albeit in a PEP 8 compliant manner, that of the threading API, with known semantics and easy scalability. In the future, the package might not be as relevant should the CPython interpreter enable “true” threading, however for some applications, forking an OS process may sometimes be more desirable than using lightweight threads, especially on those platforms where process creation is fast and optimized. For example, a simple threaded application: from threading import Thread as worker def afunc(number): print number * 3 t = worker(target=afunc, args=(4,)) t.start() t.join() The pyprocessing package mirrored the API so well, that with a simple change of the import to: from processing import process as worker The code would now execute through the processing.process class. Obviously, with the renaming of the API to PEP 8 compliance there would be additional renaming which would need to occur within user applications, however minor. This type of compatibility means that, with a minor (in most cases) change in code, users’ applications will be able to leverage all cores and processors on a given machine for parallel execution. In many cases the pyprocessing package is even faster than the normal threading approach for I/O bound programs. This of course, takes into account that the pyprocessing package is in optimized C code, while the threading module is not. The “Distributed” Problem In the discussion on Python-Dev about the inclusion of this package [3] there was confusion about the intentions this PEP with an attempt to solve the “Distributed” problem - frequently comparing the functionality of this package with other solutions like MPI-based communication [4], CORBA, or other distributed object approaches [5]. The “distributed” problem is large and varied. Each programmer working within this domain has either very strong opinions about their favorite module/method or a highly customized problem for which no existing solution works. The acceptance of this package does not preclude or recommend that programmers working on the “distributed” problem not examine other solutions for their problem domain. The intent of including this package is to provide entry-level capabilities for local concurrency and the basic support to spread that concurrency across a network of machines - although the two are not tightly coupled, the pyprocessing package could in fact, be used in conjunction with any of the other solutions including MPI/etc. If necessary - it is possible to completely decouple the local concurrency abilities of the package from the network-capable/shared aspects of the package. Without serious concerns or cause however, the author of this PEP does not recommend that approach. Performance Comparison As we all know - there are “lies, damned lies, and benchmarks”. These speed comparisons, while aimed at showcasing the performance of the pyprocessing package, are by no means comprehensive or applicable to all possible use cases or environments. Especially for those platforms with sluggish process forking timing. All benchmarks were run using the following: 4 Core Intel Xeon CPU @ 3.00GHz 16 GB of RAM Python 2.5.2 compiled on Gentoo Linux (kernel pyProcessing 0.52 All of the code for this can be downloaded from http://jessenoller.com/code/bench-src.tgz The basic method of execution for these benchmarks is in the run_benchmarks.py [6] script, which is simply a wrapper to execute a target function through a single threaded (linear), multi-threaded (via threading), and multi-process (via pyprocessing) function for a static number of iterations with increasing numbers of execution loops and/or threads. The run_benchmarks.py script executes each function 100 times, picking the best run of that 100 iterations via the timeit module. First, to identify the overhead of the spawning of the workers, we execute a function which is simply a pass statement (empty): cmd: python run_benchmarks.py empty_func.py Importing empty_func Starting tests ... non_threaded (1 iters) 0.000001 seconds threaded (1 threads) 0.000796 seconds processes (1 procs) 0.000714 seconds non_threaded (2 iters) 0.000002 seconds threaded (2 threads) 0.001963 seconds processes (2 procs) 0.001466 seconds non_threaded (4 iters) 0.000002 seconds threaded (4 threads) 0.003986 seconds processes (4 procs) 0.002701 seconds non_threaded (8 iters) 0.000003 seconds threaded (8 threads) 0.007990 seconds processes (8 procs) 0.005512 seconds As you can see, process forking via the pyprocessing package is faster than the speed of building and then executing the threaded version of the code. The second test calculates 50000 Fibonacci numbers inside of each thread (isolated and shared nothing): cmd: python run_benchmarks.py fibonacci.py Importing fibonacci Starting tests ... non_threaded (1 iters) 0.195548 seconds threaded (1 threads) 0.197909 seconds processes (1 procs) 0.201175 seconds non_threaded (2 iters) 0.397540 seconds threaded (2 threads) 0.397637 seconds processes (2 procs) 0.204265 seconds non_threaded (4 iters) 0.795333 seconds threaded (4 threads) 0.797262 seconds processes (4 procs) 0.206990 seconds non_threaded (8 iters) 1.591680 seconds threaded (8 threads) 1.596824 seconds processes (8 procs) 0.417899 seconds The third test calculates the sum of all primes below 100000, again sharing nothing: cmd: run_benchmarks.py crunch_primes.py Importing crunch_primes Starting tests ... non_threaded (1 iters) 0.495157 seconds threaded (1 threads) 0.522320 seconds processes (1 procs) 0.523757 seconds non_threaded (2 iters) 1.052048 seconds threaded (2 threads) 1.154726 seconds processes (2 procs) 0.524603 seconds non_threaded (4 iters) 2.104733 seconds threaded (4 threads) 2.455215 seconds processes (4 procs) 0.530688 seconds non_threaded (8 iters) 4.217455 seconds threaded (8 threads) 5.109192 seconds processes (8 procs) 1.077939 seconds The reason why tests two and three focused on pure numeric crunching is to showcase how the current threading implementation does hinder non-I/O applications. Obviously, these tests could be improved to use a queue for coordination of results and chunks of work but that is not required to show the performance of the package and core processing.process module. The next test is an I/O bound test. This is normally where we see a steep improvement in the threading module approach versus a single-threaded approach. In this case, each worker is opening a descriptor to lorem.txt, randomly seeking within it and writing lines to /dev/null: cmd: python run_benchmarks.py file_io.py Importing file_io Starting tests ... non_threaded (1 iters) 0.057750 seconds threaded (1 threads) 0.089992 seconds processes (1 procs) 0.090817 seconds non_threaded (2 iters) 0.180256 seconds threaded (2 threads) 0.329961 seconds processes (2 procs) 0.096683 seconds non_threaded (4 iters) 0.370841 seconds threaded (4 threads) 1.103678 seconds processes (4 procs) 0.101535 seconds non_threaded (8 iters) 0.749571 seconds threaded (8 threads) 2.437204 seconds processes (8 procs) 0.203438 seconds As you can see, pyprocessing is still faster on this I/O operation than using multiple threads. And using multiple threads is slower than the single threaded execution itself. Finally, we will run a socket-based test to show network I/O performance. This function grabs a URL from a server on the LAN that is a simple error page from tomcat. It gets the page 100 times. The network is silent, and a 10G connection: cmd: python run_benchmarks.py url_get.py Importing url_get Starting tests ... non_threaded (1 iters) 0.124774 seconds threaded (1 threads) 0.120478 seconds processes (1 procs) 0.121404 seconds non_threaded (2 iters) 0.239574 seconds threaded (2 threads) 0.146138 seconds processes (2 procs) 0.138366 seconds non_threaded (4 iters) 0.479159 seconds threaded (4 threads) 0.200985 seconds processes (4 procs) 0.188847 seconds non_threaded (8 iters) 0.960621 seconds threaded (8 threads) 0.659298 seconds processes (8 procs) 0.298625 seconds We finally see threaded performance surpass that of single-threaded execution, but the pyprocessing package is still faster when increasing the number of workers. If you stay with one or two threads/workers, then the timing between threads and pyprocessing is fairly close. One item of note however, is that there is an implicit overhead within the pyprocessing package’s Queue implementation due to the object serialization. Alec Thomas provided a short example based on the run_benchmarks.py script to demonstrate this overhead versus the default Queue implementation: cmd: run_bench_queue.py non_threaded (1 iters) 0.010546 seconds threaded (1 threads) 0.015164 seconds processes (1 procs) 0.066167 seconds non_threaded (2 iters) 0.020768 seconds threaded (2 threads) 0.041635 seconds processes (2 procs) 0.084270 seconds non_threaded (4 iters) 0.041718 seconds threaded (4 threads) 0.086394 seconds processes (4 procs) 0.144176 seconds non_threaded (8 iters) 0.083488 seconds threaded (8 threads) 0.184254 seconds processes (8 procs) 0.302999 seconds Additional benchmarks can be found in the pyprocessing package’s source distribution’s examples/ directory. The examples will be included in the package’s documentation. Maintenance Richard M. Oudkerk - the author of the pyprocessing package has agreed to maintain the package within Python SVN. Jesse Noller has volunteered to also help maintain/document and test the package. API Naming While the aim of the package’s API is designed to closely mimic that of the threading and Queue modules as of python 2.x, those modules are not PEP 8 compliant. It has been decided that instead of adding the package “as is” and therefore perpetuating the non-PEP 8 compliant naming, we will rename all APIs, classes, etc to be fully PEP 8 compliant. This change does affect the ease-of-drop in replacement for those using the threading module, but that is an acceptable side-effect in the view of the authors, especially given that the threading module’s own API will change. Issue 3042 in the tracker proposes that for Python 2.6 there will be two APIs for the threading module - the current one, and the PEP 8 compliant one. Warnings about the upcoming removal of the original java-style API will be issued when -3 is invoked. In Python 3000, the threading API will become PEP 8 compliant, which means that the multiprocessing module and the threading module will again have matching APIs. Timing/Schedule Some concerns have been raised about the timing/lateness of this PEP for the 2.6 and 3.0 releases this year, however it is felt by both the authors and others that the functionality this package offers surpasses the risk of inclusion. However, taking into account the desire not to destabilize Python-core, some refactoring of pyprocessing’s code “into” Python-core can be withheld until the next 2.x/3.x releases. This means that the actual risk to Python-core is minimal, and largely constrained to the actual package itself. Open Issues Confirm no “default” remote connection capabilities, if needed enable the remote security mechanisms by default for those classes which offer remote capabilities. Some of the API (Queue methods qsize(), task_done() and join()) either need to be added, or the reason for their exclusion needs to be identified and documented clearly. Closed Issues The PyGILState bug patch submitted in issue 1683 by roudkerk must be applied for the package unit tests to work. Existing documentation has to be moved to ReST formatting. Reliance on ctypes: The pyprocessing package’s reliance on ctypes prevents the package from functioning on platforms where ctypes is not supported. This is not a restriction of this package, but rather of ctypes. DONE: Rename top-level package from “pyprocessing” to “multiprocessing”. DONE: Also note that the default behavior of process spawning does not make it compatible with use within IDLE as-is, this will be examined as a bug-fix or “setExecutable” enhancement. DONE: Add in “multiprocessing.setExecutable()” method to override the default behavior of the package to spawn processes using the current executable name rather than the Python interpreter. Note that Mark Hammond has suggested a factory-style interface for this [7]. References [1] The 2008 era PyProcessing project (the pyprocessing name was since repurposed) https://web.archive.org/web/20080914113946/https://pyprocessing.berlios.de/ [2] See Adam Olsen’s “safe threading” project https://code.google.com/archive/p/python-safethread/ [3] See: Addition of “pyprocessing” module to standard lib. https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2008-May/079417.html [4] https://mpi4py.readthedocs.io/ [5] See “Cluster Computing” https://wiki.python.org/moin/ParallelProcessing#Cluster_Computing [6] The original run_benchmark.py code was published in Python Magazine in December 2007: “Python Threads and the Global Interpreter Lock” by Jesse Noller. It has been modified for this PEP. [7] http://groups.google.com/group/python-dev2/msg/54cf06d15cbcbc34 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 371 – Addition of the multiprocessing package to the standard library
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the inclusion of the pyProcessing [1] package into the Python standard library, renamed to “multiprocessing”.
PEP 372 – Adding an ordered dictionary to collections Author: Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher at active-4.com>, Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Jun-2008 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Patch Rationale Ordered Dict API Questions and Answers Reference Implementation Future Directions References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes an ordered dictionary as a new data structure for the collections module, called “OrderedDict” in this PEP. The proposed API incorporates the experiences gained from working with similar implementations that exist in various real-world applications and other programming languages. Patch A working Py3.1 patch including tests and documentation is at: OrderedDict patch The check-in was in revisions: 70101 and 70102 Rationale In current Python versions, the widely used built-in dict type does not specify an order for the key/value pairs stored. This makes it hard to use dictionaries as data storage for some specific use cases. Some dynamic programming languages like PHP and Ruby 1.9 guarantee a certain order on iteration. In those languages, and existing Python ordered-dict implementations, the ordering of items is defined by the time of insertion of the key. New keys are appended at the end, but keys that are overwritten are not moved to the end. The following example shows the behavior for simple assignments: >>> d = OrderedDict() >>> d['parrot'] = 'dead' >>> d['penguin'] = 'exploded' >>> d.items() [('parrot', 'dead'), ('penguin', 'exploded')] That the ordering is preserved makes an OrderedDict useful for a couple of situations: XML/HTML processing libraries currently drop the ordering of attributes, use a list instead of a dict which makes filtering cumbersome, or implement their own ordered dictionary. This affects ElementTree, html5lib, Genshi and many more libraries. There are many ordered dict implementations in various libraries and applications, most of them subtly incompatible with each other. Furthermore, subclassing dict is a non-trivial task and many implementations don’t override all the methods properly which can lead to unexpected results.Additionally, many ordered dicts are implemented in an inefficient way, making many operations more complex then they have to be. PEP 3115 allows metaclasses to change the mapping object used for the class body. An ordered dict could be used to create ordered member declarations similar to C structs. This could be useful, for example, for future ctypes releases as well as ORMs that define database tables as classes, like the one the Django framework ships. Django currently uses an ugly hack to restore the ordering of members in database models. The RawConfigParser class accepts a dict_type argument that allows an application to set the type of dictionary used internally. The motivation for this addition was expressly to allow users to provide an ordered dictionary. [1] Code ported from other programming languages such as PHP often depends on an ordered dict. Having an implementation of an ordering-preserving dictionary in the standard library could ease the transition and improve the compatibility of different libraries. Ordered Dict API The ordered dict API would be mostly compatible with dict and existing ordered dicts. Note: this PEP refers to the 2.7 and 3.0 dictionary API as described in collections.Mapping abstract base class. The constructor and update() both accept iterables of tuples as well as mappings like a dict does. Unlike a regular dictionary, the insertion order is preserved. >>> d = OrderedDict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd')]) >>> d.update({'foo': 'bar'}) >>> d collections.OrderedDict([('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('foo', 'bar')]) If ordered dicts are updated from regular dicts, the ordering of new keys is of course undefined. All iteration methods as well as keys(), values() and items() return the values ordered by the time the key was first inserted: >>> d['spam'] = 'eggs' >>> d.keys() ['a', 'c', 'foo', 'spam'] >>> d.values() ['b', 'd', 'bar', 'eggs'] >>> d.items() [('a', 'b'), ('c', 'd'), ('foo', 'bar'), ('spam', 'eggs')] New methods not available on dict: OrderedDict.__reversed__()Supports reverse iteration by key. Questions and Answers What happens if an existing key is reassigned? The key is not moved but assigned a new value in place. This is consistent with existing implementations. What happens if keys appear multiple times in the list passed to the constructor? The same as for regular dicts – the latter item overrides the former. This has the side-effect that the position of the first key is used because only the value is actually overwritten:>>> OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('a', 3)]) collections.OrderedDict([('a', 3), ('b', 2)]) This behavior is consistent with existing implementations in Python, the PHP array and the hashmap in Ruby 1.9. Is the ordered dict a dict subclass? Why? Yes. Like defaultdict, an ordered dictionary subclasses dict. Being a dict subclass make some of the methods faster (like __getitem__ and __len__). More importantly, being a dict subclass lets ordered dictionaries be usable with tools like json that insist on having dict inputs by testing isinstance(d, dict). Do any limitations arise from subclassing dict? Yes. Since the API for dicts is different in Py2.x and Py3.x, the OrderedDict API must also be different. So, the Py2.7 version will need to override iterkeys, itervalues, and iteritems. Does OrderedDict.popitem() return a particular key/value pair? Yes. It pops-off the most recently inserted new key and its corresponding value. This corresponds to the usual LIFO behavior exhibited by traditional push/pop pairs. It is semantically equivalent to k=list(od)[-1]; v=od[k]; del od[k]; return (k,v). The actual implementation is more efficient and pops directly from a sorted list of keys. Does OrderedDict support indexing, slicing, and whatnot? As a matter of fact, OrderedDict does not implement the Sequence interface. Rather, it is a MutableMapping that remembers the order of key insertion. The only sequence-like addition is support for reversed.A further advantage of not allowing indexing is that it leaves open the possibility of a fast C implementation using linked lists. Does OrderedDict support alternate sort orders such as alphabetical? No. Those wanting different sort orders really need to be using another technique. The OrderedDict is all about recording insertion order. If any other order is of interest, then another structure (like an in-memory dbm) is likely a better fit. How well does OrderedDict work with the json module, PyYAML, and ConfigParser? For json, the good news is that json’s encoder respects OrderedDict’s iteration order:>>> items = [('one', 1), ('two', 2), ('three',3), ('four',4), ('five',5)] >>> json.dumps(OrderedDict(items)) '{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3, "four": 4, "five": 5}' In Py2.6, the object_hook for json decoders passes-in an already built dictionary so order is lost before the object hook sees it. This problem is being fixed for Python 2.7/3.1 by adding a new hook that preserves order (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/49631 ). With the new hook, order can be preserved: >>> jtext = '{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3, "four": 4, "five": 5}' >>> json.loads(jtext, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) OrderedDict({'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5}) For PyYAML, a full round-trip is problem free: >>> ytext = yaml.dump(OrderedDict(items)) >>> print ytext !!python/object/apply:collections.OrderedDict - - [one, 1] - [two, 2] - [three, 3] - [four, 4] - [five, 5] >>> yaml.load(ytext) OrderedDict({'one': 1, 'two': 2, 'three': 3, 'four': 4, 'five': 5}) For the ConfigParser module, round-tripping is also problem free. Custom dicts were added in Py2.6 specifically to support ordered dictionaries: >>> config = ConfigParser(dict_type=OrderedDict) >>> config.read('myconfig.ini') >>> config.remove_option('Log', 'error') >>> config.write(open('myconfig.ini', 'w')) How does OrderedDict handle equality testing? Comparing two ordered dictionaries implies that the test will be order-sensitive so that list (od1.items())==list(od2.items()).When ordered dicts are compared with other Mappings, their order insensitive comparison is used. This allows ordered dictionaries to be substituted anywhere regular dictionaries are used. How __repr__ format will maintain order during a repr/eval round-trip? OrderedDict([(‘a’, 1), (‘b’, 2)]) What are the trade-offs of the possible underlying data structures? Keeping a sorted list of keys is fast for all operations except __delitem__() which becomes an O(n) exercise. This data structure leads to very simple code and little wasted space. Keeping a separate dictionary to record insertion sequence numbers makes the code a little bit more complex. All of the basic operations are O(1) but the constant factor is increased for __setitem__() and __delitem__() meaning that every use case will have to pay for this speedup (since all buildup go through __setitem__). Also, the first traversal incurs a one-time O(n log n) sorting cost. The storage costs are double that for the sorted-list-of-keys approach. A version written in C could use a linked list. The code would be more complex than the other two approaches but it would conserve space and would keep the same big-oh performance as regular dictionaries. It is the fastest and most space efficient. Reference Implementation An implementation with tests and documentation is at: OrderedDict patch The proposed version has several merits: Strict compliance with the MutableMapping API and no new methods so that the learning curve is near zero. It is simply a dictionary that remembers insertion order. Generally good performance. The big-oh times are the same as regular dictionaries except that key deletion is O(n). Other implementations of ordered dicts in various Python projects or standalone libraries, that inspired the API proposed here, are: odict in Python odict in Babel OrderedDict in Django The odict module ordereddict (a C implementation of the odict module) StableDict Armin Rigo’s OrderedDict Future Directions With the availability of an ordered dict in the standard library, other libraries may take advantage of that. For example, ElementTree could return odicts in the future that retain the attribute ordering of the source file. References [1] https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/42649 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 372 – Adding an ordered dictionary to collections
Standards Track
This PEP proposes an ordered dictionary as a new data structure for the collections module, called “OrderedDict” in this PEP. The proposed API incorporates the experiences gained from working with similar implementations that exist in various real-world applications and other programming languages.
PEP 373 – Python 2.7 Release Schedule Author: Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 03-Nov-2008 Python-Version: 2.7 Table of Contents Abstract Update (April 2014) Release Manager and Crew Maintenance releases 2.7.0 Release Schedule Possible features for 2.7 References Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.7. Python 2.7 is the end of the Python 2.x series, and is succeeded by Python 3. See the “Sunsetting Python 2” FAQ on python.org for a general overview. Update (April 2014) The End Of Life date (EOL, sunset date) for Python 2.7 has been moved five years into the future, to 2020. This decision was made to clarify the status of Python 2.7 and relieve worries for those users who cannot yet migrate to Python 3. See also PEP 466. This declaration does not guarantee that bugfix releases will be made on a regular basis, but it should enable volunteers who want to contribute bugfixes for Python 2.7 and it should satisfy vendors who still have to support Python 2 for years to come. There will be no Python 2.8 (see PEP 404). Release Manager and Crew Position Name 2.7 Release Manager Benjamin Peterson Windows installers Steve Dower Mac installers Ned Deily Maintenance releases Being the last of the 2.x series, 2.7 received bugfix support until 2020. Support officially stopped January 1 2020, and 2.7.18 code freeze occurred on January 1 2020, but the final release occurred after that date. Dates of previous maintenance releases: 2.7.1 2010-11-27 2.7.2 2011-07-21 2.7.3rc1 2012-02-23 2.7.3rc2 2012-03-15 2.7.3 2012-03-09 2.7.4rc1 2013-03-23 2.7.4 2013-04-06 2.7.5 2013-05-12 2.7.6rc1 2013-10-26 2.7.6 2013-11-10 2.7.7rc1 2014-05-17 2.7.7 2014-05-31 2.7.8 2014-06-30 2.7.9rc1 2014-11-26 2.7.9 2014-12-10 2.7.10rc1 2015-05-09 2.7.10 2015-05-23 2.7.11rc1 2015-11-21 2.7.11 2015-12-05 2.7.12 2016-06-25 2.7.13rc1 2016-12-03 2.7.13 2016-12-17 2.7.14rc1 2017-08-26 2.7.14 2017-09-16 2.7.15rc1 2018-04-14 2.7.15 2018-05-01 2.7.16rc 2019-02-16 2.7.16 2019-03-02 2.7.17rc1 2019-10-05 2.7.17 2019-10-19 2.7.18rc1 2020-04-04 2.7.18 2020-04-20 2.7.0 Release Schedule The release schedule for 2.7.0 was: 2.7 alpha 1 2009-12-05 2.7 alpha 2 2010-01-09 2.7 alpha 3 2010-02-06 2.7 alpha 4 2010-03-06 2.7 beta 1 2010-04-03 2.7 beta 2 2010-05-08 2.7 rc1 2010-06-05 2.7 rc2 2010-06-19 2.7 final 2010-07-03 Possible features for 2.7 Nothing here. [Note that a moratorium on core language changes is in effect.] References “The Python 2 death march” on python-dev Petition: abandon plans to ship a 2.7.18 in April [RELEASE] Python 2.7.18, the end of an era Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 373 – Python 2.7 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.7.
PEP 375 – Python 3.1 Release Schedule Author: Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 08-Feb-2009 Python-Version: 3.1 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager and Crew Release Schedule Maintenance Releases Features for 3.1 Footnotes Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.1. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release. Release Manager and Crew Position Name 3.1 Release Manager Benjamin Peterson Windows installers Martin v. Loewis Mac installers Ronald Oussoren Release Schedule 3.1a1 March 7, 2009 3.1a2 April 4, 2009 3.1b1 May 6, 2009 3.1rc1 May 30, 2009 3.1rc2 June 13, 2009 3.1 final June 27, 2009 Maintenance Releases 3.1 is no longer maintained. 3.1 received security fixes until June 2012. Previous maintenance releases are: v3.1.1rc1 2009-08-13 v3.1.1 2009-08-16 v3.1.2rc1 2010-03-06 v3.1.2 2010-03-20 v3.1.3rc1 2010-11-13 v3.1.3 2010-11-27 v3.1.4rc1 2011-05-29 v3.1.4 2011-06-11 v3.1.5rc1 2012-02-23 v3.1.5rc2 2012-03-15 v3.1.5 2012-04-06 Features for 3.1 importlib io in C Update simplejson to the latest external version [1]. Ordered dictionary for collections (PEP 372). auto-numbered replacement fields in str.format() strings [2] Nested with-statements in one with statement Footnotes [1] http://bugs.python.org/issue4136 [2] http://bugs.python.org/issue5237 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 375 – Python 3.1 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.1. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release.
PEP 376 – Database of Installed Python Distributions Author: Tarek Ziadé <tarek at ziade.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Topic: Packaging Created: 22-Feb-2009 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.2 Post-History: 22-Jun-2009 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale How distributions are installed Uninstall information What this PEP proposes One .dist-info directory per installed distribution RECORD INSTALLER REQUESTED Implementation details New functions and classes in pkgutil Functions Distribution class Examples New functions in Distutils Filtering Installer marker Adding an Uninstall script Backward compatibility and roadmap References Acknowledgements Copyright Attention This PEP is a historical document. The up-to-date, canonical spec, Core metadata specifications, is maintained on the PyPA specs page. × See the PyPA specification update process for how to propose changes. Abstract The goal of this PEP is to provide a standard infrastructure to manage project distributions installed on a system, so all tools that are installing or removing projects are interoperable. To achieve this goal, the PEP proposes a new format to describe installed distributions on a system. It also describes a reference implementation for the standard library. In the past an attempt was made to create an installation database (see PEP 262). Combined with PEP 345, the current proposal supersedes PEP 262. Note: the implementation plan didn’t go as expected, so it should be considered informative only for this PEP. Rationale There are two problems right now in the way distributions are installed in Python: There are too many ways to do it and this makes interoperation difficult. There is no API to get information on installed distributions. How distributions are installed Right now, when a distribution is installed in Python, every element can be installed in a different directory. For instance, Distutils installs the pure Python code in the purelib directory, which is lib/python2.6/site-packages for unix-like systems and Mac OS X, or Lib\site-packages under Python’s installation directory for Windows. Additionally, the install_egg_info subcommand of the Distutils install command adds an .egg-info file for the project into the purelib directory. For example, for the docutils distribution, which contains one package an extra module and executable scripts, three elements are installed in site-packages: docutils: The docutils package. roman.py: An extra module used by docutils. docutils-0.5-py2.6.egg-info: A file containing the distribution metadata as described in PEP 314. This file corresponds to the file called PKG-INFO, built by the sdist command. Some executable scripts, such as rst2html.py, are also added in the bin directory of the Python installation. Another project called setuptools [3] has two other formats to install distributions, called EggFormats [6]: a self-contained .egg directory, that contains all the distribution files and the distribution metadata in a file called PKG-INFO in a subdirectory called EGG-INFO. setuptools creates other files in that directory that can be considered as complementary metadata. an .egg-info directory installed in site-packages, that contains the same files EGG-INFO has in the .egg format. The first format is automatically used when you install a distribution that uses the setuptools.setup function in its setup.py file, instead of the distutils.core.setup one. setuptools also add a reference to the distribution into an easy-install.pth file. Last, the setuptools project provides an executable script called easy_install [4] that installs all distributions, including distutils-based ones in self-contained .egg directories. If you want to have standalone .egg-info directories for your distributions, e.g. the second setuptools format, you have to force it when you work with a setuptools-based distribution or with the easy_install script. You can force it by using the --single-version-externally-managed option or the --root option. This will make the setuptools project install the project like distutils does. This option is used by : the pip [5] installer the Fedora packagers [7]. the Debian packagers [8]. Uninstall information Distutils doesn’t provide an uninstall command. If you want to uninstall a distribution, you have to be a power user and remove the various elements that were installed, and then look over the .pth file to clean them if necessary. And the process differs depending on the tools you have used to install the distribution and if the distribution’s setup.py uses Distutils or Setuptools. Under some circumstances, you might not be able to know for sure that you have removed everything, or that you didn’t break another distribution by removing a file that is shared among several distributions. But there’s a common behavior: when you install a distribution, files are copied in your system. And it’s possible to keep track of these files for later removal. Moreover, the Pip project has gained an uninstall feature lately. It records all installed files, using the record option of the install command. What this PEP proposes To address those issues, this PEP proposes a few changes: A new .dist-info structure using a directory, inspired on one format of the EggFormats standard from setuptools. New APIs in pkgutil to be able to query the information of installed distributions. An uninstall function and an uninstall script in Distutils. One .dist-info directory per installed distribution This PEP proposes an installation format inspired by one of the options in the EggFormats standard, the one that uses a distinct directory located in the site-packages directory. This distinct directory is named as follows: name + '-' + version + '.dist-info' This .dist-info directory can contain these files: METADATA: contains metadata, as described in PEP 345, PEP 314 and PEP 241. RECORD: records the list of installed files INSTALLER: records the name of the tool used to install the project REQUESTED: the presence of this file indicates that the project installation was explicitly requested (i.e., not installed as a dependency). The METADATA, RECORD and INSTALLER files are mandatory, while REQUESTED may be missing. This proposal will not impact Python itself because the metadata files are not used anywhere yet in the standard library besides Distutils. It will impact the setuptools and pip projects but, given the fact that they already work with a directory that contains a PKG-INFO file, the change will have no deep consequences. RECORD A RECORD file is added inside the .dist-info directory at installation time when installing a source distribution using the install command. Notice that when installing a binary distribution created with bdist command or a bdist-based command, the RECORD file will be installed as well since these commands use the install command to create binary distributions. The RECORD file holds the list of installed files. These correspond to the files listed by the record option of the install command, and will be generated by default. This allows the implementation of an uninstallation feature, as explained later in this PEP. The install command also provides an option to prevent the RECORD file from being written and this option should be used when creating system packages. Third-party installation tools also should not overwrite or delete files that are not in a RECORD file without prompting or warning. This RECORD file is inspired from PEP 262 FILES. The RECORD file is a CSV file, composed of records, one line per installed file. The csv module is used to read the file, with these options: field delimiter : , quoting char : ". line terminator : os.linesep (so \r\n or \n) When a distribution is installed, files can be installed under: the base location: path defined by the --install-lib option, which defaults to the site-packages directory. the installation prefix: path defined by the --prefix option, which defaults to sys.prefix. any other path on the system. Each record is composed of three elements: the file’s path a ‘/’-separated path, relative to the base location, if the file is under the base location. a ‘/’-separated path, relative to the base location, if the file is under the installation prefix AND if the base location is a subpath of the installation prefix. an absolute path, using the local platform separator a hash of the file’s contents. Notice that pyc and pyo generated files don’t have any hash because they are automatically produced from py files. So checking the hash of the corresponding py file is enough to decide if the file and its associated pyc or pyo files have changed.The hash is either the empty string or the hash algorithm as named in hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed, followed by the equals character =, followed by the urlsafe-base64-nopad encoding of the digest (base64.urlsafe_b64encode(digest) with trailing = removed). the file’s size in bytes The csv module is used to generate this file, so the field separator is “,”. Any “,” character found within a field is escaped automatically by csv. When the file is read, the U option is used so the universal newline support (see PEP 278) is activated, avoiding any trouble reading a file produced on a platform that uses a different new line terminator. Here’s an example of a RECORD file (extract): lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.py,md5=nWt-Dge1eug4iAgqLS_uWg,9544 lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.pyc,, lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/core.py,md5=X90C_JLIcC78PL74iuhPnA,66188 lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/core.pyc,, lib/python2.6/site-packages/roman.py,md5=7YhfNczihNjOY0FXlupwBg,234 lib/python2.6/site-packages/roman.pyc,, /usr/local/bin/rst2html.py,md5=g22D3amDLJP-FhBzCi7EvA,234 /usr/local/bin/rst2html.pyc,, python2.6/site-packages/docutils-0.5.dist-info/METADATA,md5=ovJyUNzXdArGfmVyb0onyA,195 lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils-0.5.dist-info/RECORD,, Notice that the RECORD file can’t contain a hash of itself and is just mentioned here A project that installs a config.ini file in /etc/myapp will be added like this: /etc/myapp/config.ini,md5=gLfd6IANquzGLhOkW4Mfgg,9544 For a windows platform, the drive letter is added for the absolute paths, so a file that is copied in c:MyAppwill be: c:\etc\myapp\config.ini,md5=gLfd6IANquzGLhOkW4Mfgg,9544 INSTALLER The install command has a new option called installer. This option is the name of the tool used to invoke the installation. It’s a normalized lower-case string matching [a-z0-9_\-\.]. $ python setup.py install –installer=pkg-system It defaults to distutils if not provided. When a distribution is installed, the INSTALLER file is generated in the .dist-info directory with this value, to keep track of who installed the distribution. The file is a single-line text file. REQUESTED Some install tools automatically detect unfulfilled dependencies and install them. In these cases, it is useful to track which distributions were installed purely as a dependency, so if their dependent distribution is later uninstalled, the user can be alerted of the orphaned dependency. If a distribution is installed by direct user request (the usual case), a file REQUESTED is added to the .dist-info directory of the installed distribution. The REQUESTED file may be empty, or may contain a marker comment line beginning with the “#” character. If an install tool installs a distribution automatically, as a dependency of another distribution, the REQUESTED file should not be created. The install command of distutils by default creates the REQUESTED file. It accepts --requested and --no-requested options to explicitly specify whether the file is created. If a distribution that was already installed on the system as a dependency is later installed by name, the distutils install command will create the REQUESTED file in the .dist-info directory of the existing installation. Implementation details Note: this section is non-normative. In the end, this PEP was implemented by third-party libraries and tools, not the standard library. New functions and classes in pkgutil To use the .dist-info directory content, we need to add in the standard library a set of APIs. The best place to put these APIs is pkgutil. Functions The new functions added in the pkgutil module are : distinfo_dirname(name, version) -> directory name name is converted to a standard distribution name by replacing any runs of non-alphanumeric characters with a single ‘-‘.version is converted to a standard version string. Spaces become dots, and all other non-alphanumeric characters (except dots) become dashes, with runs of multiple dashes condensed to a single dash. Both attributes are then converted into their filename-escaped form, i.e. any ‘-’ characters are replaced with ‘_’ other than the one in ‘dist-info’ and the one separating the name from the version number. get_distributions() -> iterator of Distribution instances.Provides an iterator that looks for .dist-info directories in sys.path and returns Distribution instances for each one of them. get_distribution(name) -> Distribution or None. obsoletes_distribution(name, version=None) -> iterator of Distribution instances.Iterates over all distributions to find which distributions obsolete name. If a version is provided, it will be used to filter the results. provides_distribution(name, version=None) -> iterator of Distribution instances.Iterates over all distributions to find which distributions provide name. If a version is provided, it will be used to filter the results. Scans all elements in sys.path and looks for all directories ending with .dist-info. Returns a Distribution corresponding to the .dist-info directory that contains a METADATA that matches name for the name metadata. This function only returns the first result founded, since no more than one values are expected. If the directory is not found, returns None. get_file_users(path) -> iterator of Distribution instances.Iterates over all distributions to find out which distributions uses path. path can be a local absolute path or a relative ‘/’-separated path. A local absolute path is an absolute path in which occurrences of ‘/’ have been replaced by the system separator given by os.sep. Distribution class A new class called Distribution is created with the path of the .dist-info directory provided to the constructor. It reads the metadata contained in METADATA when it is instantiated. Distribution(path) -> instance Creates a Distribution instance for the given path. Distribution provides the following attributes: name: The name of the distribution. metadata: A DistributionMetadata instance loaded with the distribution’s METADATA file. requested: A boolean that indicates whether the REQUESTED metadata file is present (in other words, whether the distribution was installed by user request). And following methods: get_installed_files(local=False) -> iterator of (path, hash, size)Iterates over the RECORD entries and return a tuple (path, hash, size) for each line. If local is True, the path is transformed into a local absolute path. Otherwise the raw value from RECORD is returned. A local absolute path is an absolute path in which occurrences of ‘/’ have been replaced by the system separator given by os.sep. uses(path) -> BooleanReturns True if path is listed in RECORD. path can be a local absolute path or a relative ‘/’-separated path. get_distinfo_file(path, binary=False) -> file object Returns a file located under the .dist-info directory.Returns a file instance for the file pointed by path. path has to be a ‘/’-separated path relative to the .dist-info directory or an absolute path. If path is an absolute path and doesn’t start with the .dist-info directory path, a DistutilsError is raised. If binary is True, opens the file in read-only binary mode (rb), otherwise opens it in read-only mode (r). get_distinfo_files(local=False) -> iterator of pathsIterates over the RECORD entries and returns paths for each line if the path is pointing to a file located in the .dist-info directory or one of its subdirectories. If local is True, each path is transformed into a local absolute path. Otherwise the raw value from RECORD is returned. Notice that the API is organized in five classes that work with directories and Zip files (so it works with files included in Zip files, see PEP 273 for more details). These classes are described in the documentation of the prototype implementation for interested readers [9]. Examples Let’s use some of the new APIs with our docutils example: >>> from pkgutil import get_distribution, get_file_users, distinfo_dirname >>> dist = get_distribution('docutils') >>> dist.name 'docutils' >>> dist.metadata.version '0.5' >>> distinfo_dirname('docutils', '0.5') 'docutils-0.5.dist-info' >>> distinfo_dirname('python-ldap', '2.5') 'python_ldap-2.5.dist-info' >>> distinfo_dirname('python-ldap', '2.5 a---5') 'python_ldap-2.5.a_5.dist-info' >>> for path, hash, size in dist.get_installed_files():: ... print '%s %s %d' % (path, hash, size) ... python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.py,b690274f621402dda63bf11ba5373bf2,9544 python2.6/site-packages/docutils/core.py,9c4b84aff68aa55f2e9bf70481b94333,66188 python2.6/site-packages/roman.py,a4b84aff68aa55f2e9bf70481b943D3,234 /usr/local/bin/rst2html.py,a4b84aff68aa55f2e9bf70481b943D3,234 python2.6/site-packages/docutils-0.5.dist-info/METADATA,6fe57de576d749536082d8e205b77748,195 python2.6/site-packages/docutils-0.5.dist-info/RECORD >>> dist.uses('docutils/core.py') True >>> dist.uses('/usr/local/bin/rst2html.py') True >>> dist.get_distinfo_file('METADATA') <open file at ...> >>> dist.requested True New functions in Distutils Distutils already provides a very basic way to install a distribution, which is running the install command over the setup.py script of the distribution. Distutils2 will provide a very basic uninstall function, that is added in distutils2.util and takes the name of the distribution to uninstall as its argument. uninstall uses the APIs described earlier and remove all unique files, as long as their hash didn’t change. Then it removes empty directories left behind. uninstall returns a list of uninstalled files: >>> from distutils2.util import uninstall >>> uninstall('docutils') ['/opt/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/core.py', ... '/opt/local/lib/python2.6/site-packages/docutils/__init__.py'] If the distribution is not found, a DistutilsUninstallError is raised. Filtering To make it a reference API for third-party projects that wish to control how uninstall works, a second callable argument can be used. It’s called for each file that is removed. If the callable returns True, the file is removed. If it returns False, it’s left alone. Examples: >>> def _remove_and_log(path): ... logging.info('Removing %s' % path) ... return True ... >>> uninstall('docutils', _remove_and_log) >>> def _dry_run(path): ... logging.info('Removing %s (dry run)' % path) ... return False ... >>> uninstall('docutils', _dry_run) Of course, a third-party tool can use lower-level pkgutil APIs to implement its own uninstall feature. Installer marker As explained earlier in this PEP, the install command adds an INSTALLER file in the .dist-info directory with the name of the installer. To avoid removing distributions that were installed by another packaging system, the uninstall function takes an extra argument installer which defaults to distutils2. When called, uninstall controls that the INSTALLER file matches this argument. If not, it raises a DistutilsUninstallError: >>> uninstall('docutils') Traceback (most recent call last): ... DistutilsUninstallError: docutils was installed by 'cool-pkg-manager' >>> uninstall('docutils', installer='cool-pkg-manager') This allows a third-party application to use the uninstall function and strongly suggest that no other program remove a distribution it has previously installed. This is useful when a third-party program that relies on Distutils APIs does extra steps on the system at installation time, it has to undo at uninstallation time. Adding an Uninstall script An uninstall script is added in Distutils2. and is used like this: $ python -m distutils2.uninstall projectname Notice that script doesn’t control if the removal of a distribution breaks another distribution. Although it makes sure that all the files it removes are not used by any other distribution, by using the uninstall function. Also note that this uninstall script pays no attention to the REQUESTED metadata; that is provided only for use by external tools to provide more advanced dependency management. Backward compatibility and roadmap These changes don’t introduce any compatibility problems since they will be implemented in: pkgutil in new functions distutils2 The plan is to include the functionality outlined in this PEP in pkgutil for Python 3.2, and in Distutils2. Distutils2 will also contain a backport of the new pgkutil, and can be used for 2.4 onward. Distributions installed using existing, pre-standardization formats do not have the necessary metadata available for the new API, and thus will be ignored. Third-party tools may of course to continue to support previous formats in addition to the new format, in order to ease the transition. References [1] http://docs.python.org/distutils [2] http://hg.python.org/distutils2 [3] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools [4] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall [5] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip [6] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EggFormats [7] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Packaging/Python/Eggs#Providing_Eggs_using_Setuptools [8] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianPython/NewPolicy [9] http://bitbucket.org/tarek/pep376/ Acknowledgements Jim Fulton, Ian Bicking, Phillip Eby, Rafael Villar Burke, and many people at Pycon and Distutils-SIG. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 376 – Database of Installed Python Distributions
Standards Track
The goal of this PEP is to provide a standard infrastructure to manage project distributions installed on a system, so all tools that are installing or removing projects are interoperable.
PEP 377 – Allow __enter__() methods to skip the statement body Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 08-Mar-2009 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.1 Post-History: 08-Mar-2009 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection Proposed Change Rationale for Change Performance Impact Reference Implementation Acknowledgements References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a backwards compatible mechanism that allows __enter__() methods to skip the body of the associated with statement. The lack of this ability currently means the contextlib.contextmanager decorator is unable to fulfil its specification of being able to turn arbitrary code into a context manager by moving it into a generator function with a yield in the appropriate location. One symptom of this is that contextlib.nested will currently raise RuntimeError in situations where writing out the corresponding nested with statements would not [1]. The proposed change is to introduce a new flow control exception SkipStatement, and skip the execution of the with statement body if __enter__() raises this exception. PEP Rejection This PEP was rejected by Guido [4] as it imposes too great an increase in complexity without a proportional increase in expressiveness and correctness. In the absence of compelling use cases that need the more complex semantics proposed by this PEP the existing behaviour is considered acceptable. Proposed Change The semantics of the with statement will be changed to include a new try/except/else block around the call to __enter__(). If SkipStatement is raised by the __enter__() method, then the main section of the with statement (now located in the else clause) will not be executed. To avoid leaving the names in any as clause unbound in this case, a new StatementSkipped singleton (similar to the existing NotImplemented singleton) will be assigned to all names that appear in the as clause. The components of the with statement remain as described in PEP 343: with EXPR as VAR: BLOCK After the modification, the with statement semantics would be as follows: mgr = (EXPR) exit = mgr.__exit__ # Not calling it yet try: value = mgr.__enter__() except SkipStatement: VAR = StatementSkipped # Only if "as VAR" is present and # VAR is a single name # If VAR is a tuple of names, then StatementSkipped # will be assigned to each name in the tuple else: exc = True try: try: VAR = value # Only if "as VAR" is present BLOCK except: # The exceptional case is handled here exc = False if not exit(*sys.exc_info()): raise # The exception is swallowed if exit() returns true finally: # The normal and non-local-goto cases are handled here if exc: exit(None, None, None) With the above change in place for the with statement semantics, contextlib.contextmanager() will then be modified to raise SkipStatement instead of RuntimeError when the underlying generator doesn’t yield. Rationale for Change Currently, some apparently innocuous context managers may raise RuntimeError when executed. This occurs when the context manager’s __enter__() method encounters a situation where the written out version of the code corresponding to the context manager would skip the code that is now the body of the with statement. Since the __enter__() method has no mechanism available to signal this to the interpreter, it is instead forced to raise an exception that not only skips the body of the with statement, but also jumps over all code until the nearest exception handler. This goes against one of the design goals of the with statement, which was to be able to factor out arbitrary common exception handling code into a single context manager by putting into a generator function and replacing the variant part of the code with a yield statement. Specifically, the following examples behave differently if cmB().__enter__() raises an exception which cmA().__exit__() then handles and suppresses: with cmA(): with cmB(): do_stuff() # This will resume here without executing "do_stuff()" @contextlib.contextmanager def combined(): with cmA(): with cmB(): yield with combined(): do_stuff() # This will raise a RuntimeError complaining that the context # manager's underlying generator didn't yield with contextlib.nested(cmA(), cmB()): do_stuff() # This will raise the same RuntimeError as the contextmanager() # example (unsurprising, given that the nested() implementation # uses contextmanager()) # The following class based version shows that the issue isn't # specific to contextlib.contextmanager() (it also shows how # much simpler it is to write context managers as generators # instead of as classes!) class CM(object): def __init__(self): self.cmA = None self.cmB = None def __enter__(self): if self.cmA is not None: raise RuntimeError("Can't re-use this CM") self.cmA = cmA() self.cmA.__enter__() try: self.cmB = cmB() self.cmB.__enter__() except: self.cmA.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()) # Can't suppress in __enter__(), so must raise raise def __exit__(self, *args): suppress = False try: if self.cmB is not None: suppress = self.cmB.__exit__(*args) except: suppress = self.cmA.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()): if not suppress: # Exception has changed, so reraise explicitly raise else: if suppress: # cmB already suppressed the exception, # so don't pass it to cmA suppress = self.cmA.__exit__(None, None, None): else: suppress = self.cmA.__exit__(*args): return suppress With the proposed semantic change in place, the contextlib based examples above would then “just work”, but the class based version would need a small adjustment to take advantage of the new semantics: class CM(object): def __init__(self): self.cmA = None self.cmB = None def __enter__(self): if self.cmA is not None: raise RuntimeError("Can't re-use this CM") self.cmA = cmA() self.cmA.__enter__() try: self.cmB = cmB() self.cmB.__enter__() except: if self.cmA.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()): # Suppress the exception, but don't run # the body of the with statement either raise SkipStatement raise def __exit__(self, *args): suppress = False try: if self.cmB is not None: suppress = self.cmB.__exit__(*args) except: suppress = self.cmA.__exit__(*sys.exc_info()): if not suppress: # Exception has changed, so reraise explicitly raise else: if suppress: # cmB already suppressed the exception, # so don't pass it to cmA suppress = self.cmA.__exit__(None, None, None): else: suppress = self.cmA.__exit__(*args): return suppress There is currently a tentative suggestion [3] to add import-style syntax to the with statement to allow multiple context managers to be included in a single with statement without needing to use contextlib.nested. In that case the compiler has the option of simply emitting multiple with statements at the AST level, thus allowing the semantics of actual nested with statements to be reproduced accurately. However, such a change would highlight rather than alleviate the problem the current PEP aims to address: it would not be possible to use contextlib.contextmanager to reliably factor out such with statements, as they would exhibit exactly the same semantic differences as are seen with the combined() context manager in the above example. Performance Impact Implementing the new semantics makes it necessary to store the references to the __enter__ and __exit__ methods in temporary variables instead of on the stack. This results in a slight regression in with statement speed relative to Python 2.6/3.1. However, implementing a custom SETUP_WITH opcode would negate any differences between the two approaches (as well as dramatically improving speed by eliminating more than a dozen unnecessary trips around the eval loop). Reference Implementation Patch attached to Issue 5251 [1]. That patch uses only existing opcodes (i.e. no SETUP_WITH). Acknowledgements James William Pye both raised the issue and suggested the basic outline of the solution described in this PEP. References [1] (1, 2) Issue 5251: contextlib.nested inconsistent with nested with statements (http://bugs.python.org/issue5251) [3] Import-style syntax to reduce indentation of nested with statements (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2009-March/003188.html) [4] Guido’s rejection of the PEP (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-March/087263.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 377 – Allow __enter__() methods to skip the statement body
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a backwards compatible mechanism that allows __enter__() methods to skip the body of the associated with statement. The lack of this ability currently means the contextlib.contextmanager decorator is unable to fulfil its specification of being able to turn arbitrary code into a context manager by moving it into a generator function with a yield in the appropriate location. One symptom of this is that contextlib.nested will currently raise RuntimeError in situations where writing out the corresponding nested with statements would not [1].
PEP 379 – Adding an Assignment Expression Author: Jervis Whitley <jervisau at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 14-Mar-2009 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation and Summary Use Cases Specification Examples from the Standard Library Examples References Copyright Abstract This PEP adds a new assignment expression to the Python language to make it possible to assign the result of an expression in almost any place. The new expression will allow the assignment of the result of an expression at first use (in a comparison for example). Motivation and Summary Issue1714448 “if something as x:” [1] describes a feature to allow assignment of the result of an expression in an if statement to a name. It supposed that the as syntax could be borrowed for this purpose. Many times it is not the expression itself that is interesting, rather one of the terms that make up the expression. To be clear, something like this: if (f_result() == [1, 2, 3]) as res: seems awfully limited, when this: if (f_result() as res) == [1, 2, 3]: is probably the desired result. Use Cases See the Examples section near the end. Specification A new expression is proposed with the (nominal) syntax: EXPR -> VAR This single expression does the following: Evaluate the value of EXPR, an arbitrary expression; Assign the result to VAR, a single assignment target; and Leave the result of EXPR on the Top of Stack (TOS) Here -> or (RARROW) has been used to illustrate the concept that the result of EXPR is assigned to VAR. The translation of the proposed syntax is: VAR = (EXPR) (EXPR) The assignment target can be either an attribute, a subscript or name: f() -> name[0] # where 'name' exists previously. f() -> name.attr # again 'name' exists prior to this expression. f() -> name This expression should be available anywhere that an expression is currently accepted. All exceptions that are currently raised during invalid assignments will continue to be raised when using the assignment expression. For example, a NameError will be raised when in example 1 and 2 above if name is not previously defined, or an IndexError if index 0 was out of range. Examples from the Standard Library The following two examples were chosen after a brief search through the standard library, specifically both are from ast.py which happened to be open at the time of the search. Original: def walk(node): from collections import deque todo = deque([node]) while todo: node = todo.popleft() todo.extend(iter_child_nodes(node)) yield node Using assignment expression: def walk(node): from collections import deque todo = deque([node]) while todo: todo.extend(iter_child_nodes(todo.popleft() -> node)) yield node Original: def get_docstring(node, clean=True): if not isinstance(node, (FunctionDef, ClassDef, Module)): raise TypeError("%r can't have docstrings" % node.__class__.__name__) if node.body and isinstance(node.body[0], Expr) and \ isinstance(node.body[0].value, Str): if clean: import inspect return inspect.cleandoc(node.body[0].value.s) return node.body[0].value.s Using assignment expression: def get_docstring(node, clean=True): if not isinstance(node, (FunctionDef, ClassDef, Module)): raise TypeError("%r can't have docstrings" % node.__class__.__name__) if node.body -> body and isinstance(body[0] -> elem, Expr) and \ isinstance(elem.value -> value, Str): if clean: import inspect return inspect.cleandoc(value.s) return value.s Examples The examples shown below highlight some of the desirable features of the assignment expression, and some of the possible corner cases. Assignment in an if statement for use later:def expensive(): import time; time.sleep(1) return 'spam' if expensive() -> res in ('spam', 'eggs'): dosomething(res) Assignment in a while loop clause:while len(expensive() -> res) == 4: dosomething(res) Keep the iterator object from the for loop:for ch in expensive() -> res: sell_on_internet(res) Corner case:for ch -> please_dont in expensive(): pass # who would want to do this? Not I. References [1] Issue1714448 “if something as x:”, k0wax http://bugs.python.org/issue1714448 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 379 – Adding an Assignment Expression
Standards Track
This PEP adds a new assignment expression to the Python language to make it possible to assign the result of an expression in almost any place. The new expression will allow the assignment of the result of an expression at first use (in a comparison for example).
PEP 380 – Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator Author: Gregory Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 13-Feb-2009 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract PEP Acceptance Motivation Proposal Enhancements to StopIteration Formal Semantics Rationale The Refactoring Principle Finalization Generators as Threads Syntax Optimisations Use of StopIteration to return values Rejected Ideas Criticisms Alternative Proposals Additional Material Copyright Abstract A syntax is proposed for a generator to delegate part of its operations to another generator. This allows a section of code containing ‘yield’ to be factored out and placed in another generator. Additionally, the subgenerator is allowed to return with a value, and the value is made available to the delegating generator. The new syntax also opens up some opportunities for optimisation when one generator re-yields values produced by another. PEP Acceptance Guido officially accepted the PEP on 26th June, 2011. Motivation A Python generator is a form of coroutine, but has the limitation that it can only yield to its immediate caller. This means that a piece of code containing a yield cannot be factored out and put into a separate function in the same way as other code. Performing such a factoring causes the called function to itself become a generator, and it is necessary to explicitly iterate over this second generator and re-yield any values that it produces. If yielding of values is the only concern, this can be performed without much difficulty using a loop such as for v in g: yield v However, if the subgenerator is to interact properly with the caller in the case of calls to send(), throw() and close(), things become considerably more difficult. As will be seen later, the necessary code is very complicated, and it is tricky to handle all the corner cases correctly. A new syntax will be proposed to address this issue. In the simplest use cases, it will be equivalent to the above for-loop, but it will also handle the full range of generator behaviour, and allow generator code to be refactored in a simple and straightforward way. Proposal The following new expression syntax will be allowed in the body of a generator: yield from <expr> where <expr> is an expression evaluating to an iterable, from which an iterator is extracted. The iterator is run to exhaustion, during which time it yields and receives values directly to or from the caller of the generator containing the yield from expression (the “delegating generator”). Furthermore, when the iterator is another generator, the subgenerator is allowed to execute a return statement with a value, and that value becomes the value of the yield from expression. The full semantics of the yield from expression can be described in terms of the generator protocol as follows: Any values that the iterator yields are passed directly to the caller. Any values sent to the delegating generator using send() are passed directly to the iterator. If the sent value is None, the iterator’s __next__() method is called. If the sent value is not None, the iterator’s send() method is called. If the call raises StopIteration, the delegating generator is resumed. Any other exception is propagated to the delegating generator. Exceptions other than GeneratorExit thrown into the delegating generator are passed to the throw() method of the iterator. If the call raises StopIteration, the delegating generator is resumed. Any other exception is propagated to the delegating generator. If a GeneratorExit exception is thrown into the delegating generator, or the close() method of the delegating generator is called, then the close() method of the iterator is called if it has one. If this call results in an exception, it is propagated to the delegating generator. Otherwise, GeneratorExit is raised in the delegating generator. The value of the yield from expression is the first argument to the StopIteration exception raised by the iterator when it terminates. return expr in a generator causes StopIteration(expr) to be raised upon exit from the generator. Enhancements to StopIteration For convenience, the StopIteration exception will be given a value attribute that holds its first argument, or None if there are no arguments. Formal Semantics Python 3 syntax is used in this section. The statementRESULT = yield from EXPR is semantically equivalent to _i = iter(EXPR) try: _y = next(_i) except StopIteration as _e: _r = _e.value else: while 1: try: _s = yield _y except GeneratorExit as _e: try: _m = _i.close except AttributeError: pass else: _m() raise _e except BaseException as _e: _x = sys.exc_info() try: _m = _i.throw except AttributeError: raise _e else: try: _y = _m(*_x) except StopIteration as _e: _r = _e.value break else: try: if _s is None: _y = next(_i) else: _y = _i.send(_s) except StopIteration as _e: _r = _e.value break RESULT = _r In a generator, the statementreturn value is semantically equivalent to raise StopIteration(value) except that, as currently, the exception cannot be caught by except clauses within the returning generator. The StopIteration exception behaves as though defined thusly:class StopIteration(Exception): def __init__(self, *args): if len(args) > 0: self.value = args[0] else: self.value = None Exception.__init__(self, *args) Rationale The Refactoring Principle The rationale behind most of the semantics presented above stems from the desire to be able to refactor generator code. It should be possible to take a section of code containing one or more yield expressions, move it into a separate function (using the usual techniques to deal with references to variables in the surrounding scope, etc.), and call the new function using a yield from expression. The behaviour of the resulting compound generator should be, as far as reasonably practicable, the same as the original unfactored generator in all situations, including calls to __next__(), send(), throw() and close(). The semantics in cases of subiterators other than generators has been chosen as a reasonable generalization of the generator case. The proposed semantics have the following limitations with regard to refactoring: A block of code that catches GeneratorExit without subsequently re-raising it cannot be factored out while retaining exactly the same behaviour. Factored code may not behave the same way as unfactored code if a StopIteration exception is thrown into the delegating generator. With use cases for these being rare to non-existent, it was not considered worth the extra complexity required to support them. Finalization There was some debate as to whether explicitly finalizing the delegating generator by calling its close() method while it is suspended at a yield from should also finalize the subiterator. An argument against doing so is that it would result in premature finalization of the subiterator if references to it exist elsewhere. Consideration of non-refcounting Python implementations led to the decision that this explicit finalization should be performed, so that explicitly closing a factored generator has the same effect as doing so to an unfactored one in all Python implementations. The assumption made is that, in the majority of use cases, the subiterator will not be shared. The rare case of a shared subiterator can be accommodated by means of a wrapper that blocks throw() and close() calls, or by using a means other than yield from to call the subiterator. Generators as Threads A motivation for generators being able to return values concerns the use of generators to implement lightweight threads. When using generators in that way, it is reasonable to want to spread the computation performed by the lightweight thread over many functions. One would like to be able to call a subgenerator as though it were an ordinary function, passing it parameters and receiving a returned value. Using the proposed syntax, a statement such as y = f(x) where f is an ordinary function, can be transformed into a delegation call y = yield from g(x) where g is a generator. One can reason about the behaviour of the resulting code by thinking of g as an ordinary function that can be suspended using a yield statement. When using generators as threads in this way, typically one is not interested in the values being passed in or out of the yields. However, there are use cases for this as well, where the thread is seen as a producer or consumer of items. The yield from expression allows the logic of the thread to be spread over as many functions as desired, with the production or consumption of items occurring in any subfunction, and the items are automatically routed to or from their ultimate source or destination. Concerning throw() and close(), it is reasonable to expect that if an exception is thrown into the thread from outside, it should first be raised in the innermost generator where the thread is suspended, and propagate outwards from there; and that if the thread is terminated from outside by calling close(), the chain of active generators should be finalised from the innermost outwards. Syntax The particular syntax proposed has been chosen as suggestive of its meaning, while not introducing any new keywords and clearly standing out as being different from a plain yield. Optimisations Using a specialised syntax opens up possibilities for optimisation when there is a long chain of generators. Such chains can arise, for instance, when recursively traversing a tree structure. The overhead of passing __next__() calls and yielded values down and up the chain can cause what ought to be an O(n) operation to become, in the worst case, O(n**2). A possible strategy is to add a slot to generator objects to hold a generator being delegated to. When a __next__() or send() call is made on the generator, this slot is checked first, and if it is nonempty, the generator that it references is resumed instead. If it raises StopIteration, the slot is cleared and the main generator is resumed. This would reduce the delegation overhead to a chain of C function calls involving no Python code execution. A possible enhancement would be to traverse the whole chain of generators in a loop and directly resume the one at the end, although the handling of StopIteration is more complicated then. Use of StopIteration to return values There are a variety of ways that the return value from the generator could be passed back. Some alternatives include storing it as an attribute of the generator-iterator object, or returning it as the value of the close() call to the subgenerator. However, the proposed mechanism is attractive for a couple of reasons: Using a generalization of the StopIteration exception makes it easy for other kinds of iterators to participate in the protocol without having to grow an extra attribute or a close() method. It simplifies the implementation, because the point at which the return value from the subgenerator becomes available is the same point at which the exception is raised. Delaying until any later time would require storing the return value somewhere. Rejected Ideas Some ideas were discussed but rejected. Suggestion: There should be some way to prevent the initial call to __next__(), or substitute it with a send() call with a specified value, the intention being to support the use of generators wrapped so that the initial __next__() is performed automatically. Resolution: Outside the scope of the proposal. Such generators should not be used with yield from. Suggestion: If closing a subiterator raises StopIteration with a value, return that value from the close() call to the delegating generator. The motivation for this feature is so that the end of a stream of values being sent to a generator can be signalled by closing the generator. The generator would catch GeneratorExit, finish its computation and return a result, which would then become the return value of the close() call. Resolution: This usage of close() and GeneratorExit would be incompatible with their current role as a bail-out and clean-up mechanism. It would require that when closing a delegating generator, after the subgenerator is closed, the delegating generator be resumed instead of re-raising GeneratorExit. But this is not acceptable, because it would fail to ensure that the delegating generator is finalised properly in the case where close() is being called for cleanup purposes. Signalling the end of values to a consumer is better addressed by other means, such as sending in a sentinel value or throwing in an exception agreed upon by the producer and consumer. The consumer can then detect the sentinel or exception and respond by finishing its computation and returning normally. Such a scheme behaves correctly in the presence of delegation. Suggestion: If close() is not to return a value, then raise an exception if StopIteration with a non-None value occurs. Resolution: No clear reason to do so. Ignoring a return value is not considered an error anywhere else in Python. Criticisms Under this proposal, the value of a yield from expression would be derived in a very different way from that of an ordinary yield expression. This suggests that some other syntax not containing the word yield might be more appropriate, but no acceptable alternative has so far been proposed. Rejected alternatives include call, delegate and gcall. It has been suggested that some mechanism other than return in the subgenerator should be used to establish the value returned by the yield from expression. However, this would interfere with the goal of being able to think of the subgenerator as a suspendable function, since it would not be able to return values in the same way as other functions. The use of an exception to pass the return value has been criticised as an “abuse of exceptions”, without any concrete justification of this claim. In any case, this is only one suggested implementation; another mechanism could be used without losing any essential features of the proposal. It has been suggested that a different exception, such as GeneratorReturn, should be used instead of StopIteration to return a value. However, no convincing practical reason for this has been put forward, and the addition of a value attribute to StopIteration mitigates any difficulties in extracting a return value from a StopIteration exception that may or may not have one. Also, using a different exception would mean that, unlike ordinary functions, ‘return’ without a value in a generator would not be equivalent to ‘return None’. Alternative Proposals Proposals along similar lines have been made before, some using the syntax yield * instead of yield from. While yield * is more concise, it could be argued that it looks too similar to an ordinary yield and the difference might be overlooked when reading code. To the author’s knowledge, previous proposals have focused only on yielding values, and thereby suffered from the criticism that the two-line for-loop they replace is not sufficiently tiresome to write to justify a new syntax. By dealing with the full generator protocol, this proposal provides considerably more benefit. Additional Material Some examples of the use of the proposed syntax are available, and also a prototype implementation based on the first optimisation outlined above. Examples and Implementation A version of the implementation updated for Python 3.3 is available from tracker issue #11682 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 380 – Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator
Standards Track
A syntax is proposed for a generator to delegate part of its operations to another generator. This allows a section of code containing ‘yield’ to be factored out and placed in another generator. Additionally, the subgenerator is allowed to return with a value, and the value is made available to the delegating generator.
PEP 381 – Mirroring infrastructure for PyPI Author: Tarek Ziadé <tarek at ziade.org>, Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Topic: Packaging Created: 21-Mar-2009 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract PEP Withdrawal Rationale Mirror listing and registering Statistics page Mirror Authenticity Special pages a mirror needs to provide Last modified date Local statistics How a mirror should synchronize with PyPI The mirroring protocol User-agent request header How a client can use PyPI and its mirrors Fail-over mechanism Extra package indexes Merging several indexes References Acknowledgments Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a mirroring infrastructure for PyPI. PEP Withdrawal The main PyPI web service was moved behind the Fastly caching CDN in May 2013: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2013-May/020848.html Subsequently, this arrangement was formalised as an in-kind sponsorship with the PSF, and the PSF has also taken on the task of risk management in the event that that sponsorship arrangement were to ever cease. The download statistics that were previously provided directly on PyPI, are now published indirectly via Google Big Query: https://packaging.python.org/guides/analyzing-pypi-package-downloads/ Accordingly, the mirroring proposal described in this PEP is no longer required, and has been marked as Withdrawn. Rationale PyPI is hosting over 6000 projects and is used on a daily basis by people to build applications. Especially systems like easy_install and zc.buildout make intensive usage of PyPI. For people making intensive use of PyPI, it can act as a single point of failure. People have started to set up some mirrors, both private and public. Those mirrors are active mirrors, which means that they are browsing PyPI to get synced. In order to make the system more reliable, this PEP describes: the mirror listing and registering at PyPI the pages a public mirror should maintain. These pages will be used by PyPI, in order to get hit counts and the last modified date. how a mirror should synchronize with PyPI how a client can implement a fail-over mechanism Mirror listing and registering People that wants to mirror PyPI make a proposal on catalog-SIG. When a mirror is proposed on the mailing list, it is manually added in a mirror list in the PyPI application after it has been checked to be compliant with the mirroring rules. The mirror list is provided as a list of host names of the form X.pypi.python.org The values of X are the sequence a,b,c,…,aa,ab,… a.pypi.python.org is the master server; the mirrors start with b. A CNAME record last.pypi.python.org points to the last host name. Mirror operators should use a static address, and report planned changes to that address in advance to distutils-sig. The new mirror also appears at http://pypi.python.org/mirrors which is a human-readable page that gives the list of mirrors. This page also explains how to register a new mirror. Statistics page PyPI provides statistics on downloads at /stats. This page is calculated daily by PyPI, by reading all mirrors’ local stats and summing them. The stats are presented in daily or monthly files, under /stats/days and /stats/months. Each file is a bzip2 file with these formats: YYYY-MM-DD.bz2 for daily files YYYY-MM.bz2 for monthly files Examples: /stats/days/2008-11-06.bz2 /stats/days/2008-11-07.bz2 /stats/days/2008-11-08.bz2 /stats/months/2008-11.bz2 /stats/months/2008-10.bz2 Mirror Authenticity With a distributed mirroring system, clients may want to verify that the mirrored copies are authentic. There are multiple threats to consider: the central index may get compromised the central index is assumed to be trusted, but the mirrors might be tampered. a man in the middle between the central index and the end user, or between a mirror and the end user might tamper with datagrams. This specification only deals with the second threat. Some provisions are made to detect man-in-the-middle attacks. To detect the first attack, package authors need to sign their packages using PGP keys, so that users verify that the package comes from the author they trust. The central index provides a DSA key at the URL /serverkey, in the PEM format as generated by “openssl dsa -pubout” (i.e. RFC 3280 SubjectPublicKeyInfo, with the algorithm This URL must not be mirrored, and clients must fetch the official serverkey from PyPI directly, or use the copy that came with the PyPI client software. Mirrors should still download the key, to detect a key rollover. For each package, a mirrored signature is provided at /serversig/<package>. This is the DSA signature of the parallel URL /simple/<package>, in DER form, using SHA-1 with DSA (i.e. as a RFC 3279 Dsa-Sig-Value, created by algorithm 1.2.840.10040.4.3) Clients using a mirror need to perform the following steps to verify a package: download the /simple page, and compute its SHA-1 hash compute the DSA signature of that hash download the corresponding /serversig, and compare it (byte-for-byte) with the value computed in step 2. compute and verify (against the /simple page) the MD-5 hashes of all files they download from the mirror. An implementation of the verification algorithm is available from https://svn.python.org/packages/trunk/pypi/tools/verify.py Verification is not needed when downloading from central index, and should be avoided to reduce the computation overhead. About once a year, the key will be replaced with a new one. Mirrors will have to re-fetch all /serversig pages. Clients using mirrors need to find a trusted copy of the new server key. One way to obtain one is to download it from https://pypi.python.org/serverkey. To detect man-in-the-middle attacks, clients need to verify the SSL server certificate, which will be signed by the CACert authority. Special pages a mirror needs to provide A mirror is a subset copy of PyPI, so it provides the same structure by copying it. simple: rest version of the package index packages: packages, stored by Python version, and letters serversig: signatures for the simple pages It also needs to provide two specific elements: last-modified local-stats Last modified date CPAN uses a freshness date system where the mirror’s last synchronisation date is made available. For PyPI, each mirror needs to maintain a URL with simple text content that represents the last synchronisation date the mirror maintains. The date is provided in GMT time, using the ISO 8601 format [2]. Each mirror will be responsible to maintain its last modified date. This page must be located at : /last-modified and must be a text/plain page. Local statistics Each mirror is responsible to count all the downloads that where done via it. This is used by PyPI to sum up all downloads, to be able to display the grand total. These statistics are in CSV-like form, with a header in the first line. It needs to obey PEP 305. Basically, it should be readable by Python’s csv module. The fields in this file are: package: the distutils id of the package. filename: the filename that has been downloaded. useragent: the User-Agent of the client that has downloaded the package. count: the number of downloads. The content will look like this: # package,filename,useragent,count zc.buildout,zc.buildout-1.6.0.tgz,MyAgent,142 ... The counting starts the day the mirror is launched, and there is one file per day, compressed using the bzip2 format. Each file is named like the day. For example, 2008-11-06.bz2 is the file for the 6th of November 2008. They are then provided in a folder called days. For example: /local-stats/days/2008-11-06.bz2 /local-stats/days/2008-11-07.bz2 /local-stats/days/2008-11-08.bz2 This page must be located at /local-stats. How a mirror should synchronize with PyPI A mirroring protocol called Simple Index was described and implemented by Martin v. Loewis and Jim Fulton, based on how easy_install works. This section synthesizes it and gives a few relevant links, plus a small part about User-Agent. The mirroring protocol Mirrors must reduce the amount of data transferred between the central server and the mirror. To achieve that, they MUST use the changelog() PyPI XML-RPC call, and only refetch the packages that have been changed since the last time. For each package P, they MUST copy documents /simple/P/ and /serversig/P. If a package is deleted on the central server, they MUST delete the package and all associated files. To detect modification of package files, they MAY cache the file’s ETag, and MAY request skipping it using the If-none-match header. Each mirroring tool MUST identify itself using a descripte User-agent header. The pep381client package [1] provides an application that respects this protocol to browse PyPI. User-agent request header In order to be able to differentiate actions taken by clients over PyPI, a specific user agent name should be provided by all mirroring software. This is also true for all clients like: zc.buildout [3]. setuptools [4]. pip [5]. XXX user agent registering mechanism at PyPI ? How a client can use PyPI and its mirrors Clients that are browsing PyPI should be able to use alternative mirrors, by getting the list of the mirrors using last.pypi.python.org. Code example: >>> import socket >>> socket.gethostbyname_ex('last.pypi.python.org')[0] 'h.pypi.python.org' The clients so far that could use this mechanism: setuptools zc.buildout (through setuptools) pip Fail-over mechanism Clients that are browsing PyPI should be able to use a fail-over mechanism when PyPI or the used mirror is not responding. It is up to the client to decide which mirror should be used, maybe by looking at its geographical location and its responsiveness. This PEP does not describe how this fail-over mechanism should work, but it is strongly encouraged that the clients try to use the nearest mirror. The clients so far that could use this mechanism: setuptools zc.buildout (through setuptools) pip Extra package indexes It is obvious that some packages will not be uploaded to PyPI, whether because they are private or whether because the project maintainer runs their own server where people might get the project package. However, it is strongly encouraged that a public package index follows PyPI and Distutils protocols. In other words, the register and upload command should be compatible with any package index server out there. Software that are compatible with PyPI and Distutils so far: PloneSoftwareCenter [6] which is used to run plone.org products section. EggBasket [7]. An extra package index is not a mirror of PyPI, but can have some mirrors itself. Merging several indexes When a client needs to get some packages from several distinct indexes, it should be able to use each one of them as a potential source of packages. Different indexes should be defined as a sorted list for the client to look for a package. Each independent index can of course provide a list of its mirrors. XXX define how to get the hostname for the mirrors of an arbitrary index. That permits all combinations at client level, for a reliable packaging system with all levels of privacy. It is up the client to deal with the merging. References [1] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pep381client [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8601 [3] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout [4] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/setuptools [5] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip [6] http://plone.org/products/plonesoftwarecenter [7] http://www.chrisarndt.de/projects/eggbasket Acknowledgments Georg Brandl. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 381 – Mirroring infrastructure for PyPI
Standards Track
This PEP describes a mirroring infrastructure for PyPI.
PEP 382 – Namespace Packages Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 02-Apr-2009 Python-Version: 3.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Terminology Namespace packages today Rationale Specification Impact on Import Hooks Discussion References Copyright Rejection Notice On the first day of sprints at US PyCon 2012 we had a long and fruitful discussion about PEP 382 and PEP 402. We ended up rejecting both but a new PEP will be written to carry on in the spirit of PEP 402. Martin von Löwis wrote up a summary: [2]. Abstract Namespace packages are a mechanism for splitting a single Python package across multiple directories on disk. In current Python versions, an algorithm to compute the packages __path__ must be formulated. With the enhancement proposed here, the import machinery itself will construct the list of directories that make up the package. An implementation of this PEP is available at [1]. Terminology Within this PEP, the term package refers to Python packages as defined by Python’s import statement. The term distribution refers to separately installable sets of Python modules as stored in the Python package index, and installed by distutils or setuptools. The term vendor package refers to groups of files installed by an operating system’s packaging mechanism (e.g. Debian or Redhat packages install on Linux systems). The term portion refers to a set of files in a single directory (possibly stored in a zip file) that contribute to a namespace package. Namespace packages today Python currently provides the pkgutil.extend_path to denote a package as a namespace package. The recommended way of using it is to put: from pkgutil import extend_path __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) in the package’s __init__.py. Every distribution needs to provide the same contents in its __init__.py, so that extend_path is invoked independent of which portion of the package gets imported first. As a consequence, the package’s __init__.py cannot practically define any names as it depends on the order of the package fragments on sys.path which portion is imported first. As a special feature, extend_path reads files named <packagename>.pkg which allow to declare additional portions. setuptools provides a similar function pkg_resources.declare_namespace that is used in the form: import pkg_resources pkg_resources.declare_namespace(__name__) In the portion’s __init__.py, no assignment to __path__ is necessary, as declare_namespace modifies the package __path__ through sys.modules. As a special feature, declare_namespace also supports zip files, and registers the package name internally so that future additions to sys.path by setuptools can properly add additional portions to each package. setuptools allows declaring namespace packages in a distribution’s setup.py, so that distribution developers don’t need to put the magic __path__ modification into __init__.py themselves. Rationale The current imperative approach to namespace packages has lead to multiple slightly-incompatible mechanisms for providing namespace packages. For example, pkgutil supports *.pkg files; setuptools doesn’t. Likewise, setuptools supports inspecting zip files, and supports adding portions to its _namespace_packages variable, whereas pkgutil doesn’t. In addition, the current approach causes problems for system vendors. Vendor packages typically must not provide overlapping files, and an attempt to install a vendor package that has a file already on disk will fail or cause unpredictable behavior. As vendors might chose to package distributions such that they will end up all in a single directory for the namespace package, all portions would contribute conflicting __init__.py files. Specification Rather than using an imperative mechanism for importing packages, a declarative approach is proposed here: A directory whose name ends with .pyp (for Python package) contains a portion of a package. The import statement is extended so that computes the package’s __path__ attribute for a package named P as consisting of optionally a single directory name P containing a file __init__.py, plus all directories named P.pyp, in the order in which they are found in the parent’s package __path__ (or sys.path). If either of these are found, search for additional portions of the package continues. A directory may contain both a package in the P/__init__.py and the P.pyp form. No other change to the importing mechanism is made; searching modules (including __init__.py) will continue to stop at the first module encountered. In summary, the process import a package foo works like this: sys.path is searched for directories foo or foo.pyp, or a file foo.<ext>. If a file is found and no directory, it is treated as a module, and imported. If a directory foo is found, a check is made whether it contains __init__.py. If so, the location of the __init__.py is remembered. Otherwise, the directory is skipped. Once an __init__.py is found, further directories called foo are skipped. For both directories foo and foo.pyp, the directories are added to the package’s __path__. If an __init__ module was found, it is imported, with __path__ being initialized to the path computed all .pyp directories. Impact on Import Hooks Both loaders and finders as defined in PEP 302 will need to be changed to support namespace packages. Failure to conform to the protocol below might cause a package not being recognized as a namespace package; loaders and finders not supporting this protocol must raise AttributeError when the functions below get accessed. Finders need to support looking for *.pth files in step 1 of above algorithm. To do so, a finder used as a path hook must support a method: finder.find_package_portion(fullname) This method will be called in the same manner as find_module, and it must return a string to be added to the package’s __path__. If the finder doesn’t find a portion of the package, it shall return None. Raising AttributeError from above call will be treated as non-conformance with this PEP, and the exception will be ignored. All other exceptions are reported. A finder may report both success from find_module and from find_package_portion, allowing for both a package containing an __init__.py and a portion of the same package. All strings returned from find_package_portion, along with all path names of .pyp directories are added to the new package’s __path__. Discussion Original versions of this specification proposed the addition of *.pth files, similar to the way those files are used on sys.path. With a wildcard marker (*), a package could indicate that the entire path is derived by looking at the parent path, searching for properly-named subdirectories. People then observed that the support for the full .pth syntax is inappropriate, and the .pth files were changed to be mere marker files, indicating that a directories is a package. Peter Tröger suggested that .pth is an unsuitable file extension, as all file extensions related to Python should start with .py. Therefore, the marker file was renamed to be .pyp. Dinu Gherman then observed that using a marker file is not necessary, and that a directory extension could well serve as a such as a marker. This is what this PEP currently proposes. Phillip Eby designed PEP 402 as an alternative approach to this PEP, after comparing Python’s package syntax with that found in other languages. PEP 402 proposes not to use a marker file at all. At the discussion at PyCon DE 2011, people remarked that having an explicit declaration of a directory as contributing to a package is a desirable property, rather than an obstacle. In particular, Jython developers noticed that Jython could easily mistake a directory that is a Java package as being a Python package, if there is no need to declare Python packages. Packages can stop filling out the namespace package’s __init__.py. As a consequence, extend_path and declare_namespace become obsolete. Namespace packages can start providing non-trivial __init__.py implementations; to do so, it is recommended that a single distribution provides a portion with just the namespace package’s __init__.py (and potentially other modules that belong to the namespace package proper). The mechanism is mostly compatible with the existing namespace mechanisms. extend_path will be adjusted to this specification; any other mechanism might cause portions to get added twice to __path__. References [1] PEP 382 branch (http://hg.python.org/features/pep-382-2#pep-382) [2] Namespace Packages resolution (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-March/000421.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 382 – Namespace Packages
Standards Track
Namespace packages are a mechanism for splitting a single Python package across multiple directories on disk. In current Python versions, an algorithm to compute the packages __path__ must be formulated. With the enhancement proposed here, the import machinery itself will construct the list of directories that make up the package. An implementation of this PEP is available at [1].
PEP 383 – Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 22-Apr-2009 Python-Version: 3.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Discussion References Copyright Abstract File names, environment variables, and command line arguments are defined as being character data in POSIX; the C APIs however allow passing arbitrary bytes - whether these conform to a certain encoding or not. This PEP proposes a means of dealing with such irregularities by embedding the bytes in character strings in such a way that allows recreation of the original byte string. Rationale The C char type is a data type that is commonly used to represent both character data and bytes. Certain POSIX interfaces are specified and widely understood as operating on character data, however, the system call interfaces make no assumption on the encoding of these data, and pass them on as-is. With Python 3, character strings use a Unicode-based internal representation, making it difficult to ignore the encoding of byte strings in the same way that the C interfaces can ignore the encoding. On the other hand, Microsoft Windows NT has corrected the original design limitation of Unix, and made it explicit in its system interfaces that these data (file names, environment variables, command line arguments) are indeed character data, by providing a Unicode-based API (keeping a C-char-based one for backwards compatibility). For Python 3, one proposed solution is to provide two sets of APIs: a byte-oriented one, and a character-oriented one, where the character-oriented one would be limited to not being able to represent all data accurately. Unfortunately, for Windows, the situation would be exactly the opposite: the byte-oriented interface cannot represent all data; only the character-oriented API can. As a consequence, libraries and applications that want to support all user data in a cross-platform manner have to accept mish-mash of bytes and characters exactly in the way that caused endless troubles for Python 2.x. With this PEP, a uniform treatment of these data as characters becomes possible. The uniformity is achieved by using specific encoding algorithms, meaning that the data can be converted back to bytes on POSIX systems only if the same encoding is used. Being able to treat such strings uniformly will allow application writers to abstract from details specific to the operating system, and reduces the risk of one API failing when the other API would have worked. Specification On Windows, Python uses the wide character APIs to access character-oriented APIs, allowing direct conversion of the environmental data to Python str objects (PEP 277). On POSIX systems, Python currently applies the locale’s encoding to convert the byte data to Unicode, failing for characters that cannot be decoded. With this PEP, non-decodable bytes >= 128 will be represented as lone surrogate codes U+DC80..U+DCFF. Bytes below 128 will produce exceptions; see the discussion below. To convert non-decodable bytes, a new error handler (PEP 293) “surrogateescape” is introduced, which produces these surrogates. On encoding, the error handler converts the surrogate back to the corresponding byte. This error handler will be used in any API that receives or produces file names, command line arguments, or environment variables. The error handler interface is extended to allow the encode error handler to return byte strings immediately, in addition to returning Unicode strings which then get encoded again (also see the discussion below). Byte-oriented interfaces that already exist in Python 3.0 are not affected by this specification. They are neither enhanced nor deprecated. External libraries that operate on file names (such as GUI file choosers) should also encode them according to the PEP. Discussion This surrogateescape encoding is based on Markus Kuhn’s idea that he called UTF-8b [3]. While providing a uniform API to non-decodable bytes, this interface has the limitation that chosen representation only “works” if the data get converted back to bytes with the surrogateescape error handler also. Encoding the data with the locale’s encoding and the (default) strict error handler will raise an exception, encoding them with UTF-8 will produce nonsensical data. Data obtained from other sources may conflict with data produced by this PEP. Dealing with such conflicts is out of scope of the PEP. This PEP allows the possibility of “smuggling” bytes in character strings. This would be a security risk if the bytes are security-critical when interpreted as characters on a target system, such as path name separators. For this reason, the PEP rejects smuggling bytes below 128. If the target system uses EBCDIC, such smuggled bytes may still be a security risk, allowing smuggling of e.g. square brackets or the backslash. Python currently does not support EBCDIC, so this should not be a problem in practice. Anybody porting Python to an EBCDIC system might want to adjust the error handlers, or come up with other approaches to address the security risks. Encodings that are not compatible with ASCII are not supported by this specification; bytes in the ASCII range that fail to decode will cause an exception. It is widely agreed that such encodings should not be used as locale charsets. For most applications, we assume that they eventually pass data received from a system interface back into the same system interfaces. For example, an application invoking os.listdir() will likely pass the result strings back into APIs like os.stat() or open(), which then encodes them back into their original byte representation. Applications that need to process the original byte strings can obtain them by encoding the character strings with the file system encoding, passing “surrogateescape” as the error handler name. For example, a function that works like os.listdir, except for accepting and returning bytes, would be written as: def listdir_b(dirname): fse = sys.getfilesystemencoding() dirname = dirname.decode(fse, "surrogateescape") for fn in os.listdir(dirname): # fn is now a str object yield fn.encode(fse, "surrogateescape") The extension to the encode error handler interface proposed by this PEP is necessary to implement the ‘surrogateescape’ error handler, because there are required byte sequences which cannot be generated from replacement Unicode. However, the encode error handler interface presently requires replacement Unicode to be provided in lieu of the non-encodable Unicode from the source string. Then it promptly encodes that replacement Unicode. In some error handlers, such as the ‘surrogateescape’ proposed here, it is also simpler and more efficient for the error handler to provide a pre-encoded replacement byte string, rather than forcing it to calculating Unicode from which the encoder would create the desired bytes. A few alternative approaches have been proposed: create a new string subclass that supports embedded bytes use different escape schemes, such as escaping with a NUL character, or mapping to infrequent characters. Of these proposals, the approach of escaping each byte XX with the sequence U+0000 U+00XX has the disadvantage that encoding to UTF-8 will introduce a NUL byte in the UTF-8 sequence. As a consequence, C libraries may interpret this as a string termination, even though the string continues. In particular, the gtk libraries will truncate text in this case; other libraries may show similar problems. References [3] UTF-8b https://web.archive.org/web/20090830064219/http://mail.nl.linux.org/linux-utf8/2000-07/msg00040.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 383 – Non-decodable Bytes in System Character Interfaces
Standards Track
File names, environment variables, and command line arguments are defined as being character data in POSIX; the C APIs however allow passing arbitrary bytes - whether these conform to a certain encoding or not. This PEP proposes a means of dealing with such irregularities by embedding the bytes in character strings in such a way that allows recreation of the original byte string.
PEP 384 – Defining a Stable ABI Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 17-May-2009 Python-Version: 3.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Terminology Header Files and Preprocessor Definitions Structures Type Objects typedefs Functions and function-like Macros Excluded Functions Global Variables Other Macros The Buffer Interface Signature Changes Linkage Implementation Strategy References Copyright Important This PEP is a historical document. The up-to-date, canonical documentation can now be found at C API Stability (user docs) and Changing Python’s C API (development docs). × See PEP 1 for how to propose changes. Abstract Currently, each feature release introduces a new name for the Python DLL on Windows, and may cause incompatibilities for extension modules on Unix. This PEP proposes to define a stable set of API functions which are guaranteed to be available for the lifetime of Python 3, and which will also remain binary-compatible across versions. Extension modules and applications embedding Python can work with different feature releases as long as they restrict themselves to this stable ABI. Rationale The primary source of ABI incompatibility are changes to the lay-out of in-memory structures. For example, the way in which string interning works, or the data type used to represent the size of an object, have changed during the life of Python 2.x. As a consequence, extension modules making direct access to fields of strings, lists, or tuples, would break if their code is loaded into a newer version of the interpreter without recompilation: offsets of other fields may have changed, making the extension modules access the wrong data. In some cases, the incompatibilities only affect internal objects of the interpreter, such as frame or code objects. For example, the way line numbers are represented has changed in the 2.x lifetime, as has the way in which local variables are stored (due to the introduction of closures). Even though most applications probably never used these objects, changing them had required to change the PYTHON_API_VERSION. On Linux, changes to the ABI are often not much of a problem: the system will provide a default Python installation, and many extension modules are already provided pre-compiled for that version. If additional modules are needed, or additional Python versions, users can typically compile them themselves on the system, resulting in modules that use the right ABI. On Windows, multiple simultaneous installations of different Python versions are common, and extension modules are compiled by their authors, not by end users. To reduce the risk of ABI incompatibilities, Python currently introduces a new DLL name pythonXY.dll for each feature release, whether or not ABI incompatibilities actually exist. With this PEP, it will be possible to reduce the dependency of binary extension modules on a specific Python feature release, and applications embedding Python can be made work with different releases. Specification The ABI specification falls into two parts: an API specification, specifying what function (groups) are available for use with the ABI, and a linkage specification specifying what libraries to link with. The actual ABI (layout of structures in memory, function calling conventions) is not specified, but implied by the compiler. As a recommendation, a specific ABI is recommended for selected platforms. During evolution of Python, new ABI functions will be added. Applications using them will then have a requirement on a minimum version of Python; this PEP provides no mechanism for such applications to fall back when the Python library is too old. Terminology Applications and extension modules that want to use this ABI are collectively referred to as “applications” from here on. Header Files and Preprocessor Definitions Applications shall only include the header file Python.h (before including any system headers), or, optionally, include pyconfig.h, and then Python.h. During the compilation of applications, the preprocessor macro Py_LIMITED_API must be defined. Doing so will hide all definitions that are not part of the ABI. Structures Only the following structures and structure fields are accessible to applications: PyObject (ob_refcnt, ob_type) PyVarObject (ob_base, ob_size) PyMethodDef (ml_name, ml_meth, ml_flags, ml_doc) PyMemberDef (name, type, offset, flags, doc) PyGetSetDef (name, get, set, doc, closure) PyModuleDefBase (ob_base, m_init, m_index, m_copy) PyModuleDef (m_base, m_name, m_doc, m_size, m_methods, m_traverse, m_clear, m_free) PyStructSequence_Field (name, doc) PyStructSequence_Desc (name, doc, fields, sequence) PyType_Slot (see below) PyType_Spec (see below) The accessor macros to these fields (Py_REFCNT, Py_TYPE, Py_SIZE) are also available to applications. The following types are available, but opaque (i.e. incomplete): PyThreadState PyInterpreterState struct _frame struct symtable struct _node PyWeakReference PyLongObject PyTypeObject Type Objects The structure of type objects is not available to applications; declaration of “static” type objects is not possible anymore (for applications using this ABI). Instead, type objects get created dynamically. To allow an easy creation of types (in particular, to be able to fill out function pointers easily), the following structures and functions are available: typedef struct{ int slot; /* slot id, see below */ void *pfunc; /* function pointer */ } PyType_Slot; typedef struct{ const char* name; int basicsize; int itemsize; unsigned int flags; PyType_Slot *slots; /* terminated by slot==0. */ } PyType_Spec; PyObject* PyType_FromSpec(PyType_Spec*); To specify a slot, a unique slot id must be provided. New Python versions may introduce new slot ids, but slot ids will never be recycled. Slots may get deprecated, but continue to be supported throughout Python 3.x. The slot ids are named like the field names of the structures that hold the pointers in Python 3.1, with an added Py_ prefix (i.e. Py_tp_dealloc instead of just tp_dealloc): tp_dealloc, tp_getattr, tp_setattr, tp_repr, tp_hash, tp_call, tp_str, tp_getattro, tp_setattro, tp_doc, tp_traverse, tp_clear, tp_richcompare, tp_iter, tp_iternext, tp_methods, tp_base, tp_descr_get, tp_descr_set, tp_init, tp_alloc, tp_new, tp_is_gc, tp_bases, tp_del nb_add nb_subtract nb_multiply nb_remainder nb_divmod nb_power nb_negative nb_positive nb_absolute nb_bool nb_invert nb_lshift nb_rshift nb_and nb_xor nb_or nb_int nb_float nb_inplace_add nb_inplace_subtract nb_inplace_multiply nb_inplace_remainder nb_inplace_power nb_inplace_lshift nb_inplace_rshift nb_inplace_and nb_inplace_xor nb_inplace_or nb_floor_divide nb_true_divide nb_inplace_floor_divide nb_inplace_true_divide nb_index sq_length sq_concat sq_repeat sq_item sq_ass_item sq_contains sq_inplace_concat sq_inplace_repeat mp_length mp_subscript mp_ass_subscript The following fields cannot be set during type definition: - tp_dict tp_mro tp_cache tp_subclasses tp_weaklist tp_print - tp_weaklistoffset tp_dictoffset typedefs In addition to the typedefs for structs listed above, the following typedefs are available. Their inclusion in the ABI means that the underlying type must not change on a platform (even though it may differ across platforms). Py_uintptr_t Py_intptr_t Py_ssize_t unaryfunc binaryfunc ternaryfunc inquiry lenfunc ssizeargfunc ssizessizeargfunc ssizeobjargproc ssizessizeobjargproc objobjargproc objobjproc visitproc traverseproc destructor getattrfunc getattrofunc setattrfunc setattrofunc reprfunc hashfunc richcmpfunc getiterfunc iternextfunc descrgetfunc descrsetfunc initproc newfunc allocfunc PyCFunction PyCFunctionWithKeywords PyNoArgsFunction PyCapsule_Destructor getter setter PyOS_sighandler_t PyGILState_STATE Py_UCS4 Most notably, Py_UNICODE is not available as a typedef, since the same Python version may use different definitions of it on the same platform (depending on whether it uses narrow or wide code units). Applications that need to access the contents of a Unicode string can convert it to wchar_t. Functions and function-like Macros By default, all functions are available, unless they are excluded below. Whether a function is documented or not does not matter. Function-like macros (in particular, field access macros) remain available to applications, but get replaced by function calls (unless their definition only refers to features of the ABI, such as the various _Check macros) ABI function declarations will not change their parameters or return types. If a change to the signature becomes necessary, a new function will be introduced. If the new function is source-compatible (e.g. if just the return type changes), an alias macro may get added to redirect calls to the new function when the applications is recompiled. If continued provision of the old function is not possible, it may get deprecated, then removed, causing applications that use that function to break. Excluded Functions All functions starting with _Py are not available to applications. Also, all functions that expect parameter types that are unavailable to applications are excluded from the ABI, such as PyAST_FromNode (which expects a node*). Functions declared in the following header files are not part of the ABI: bytes_methods.h cellobject.h classobject.h code.h compile.h datetime.h dtoa.h frameobject.h funcobject.h genobject.h longintrepr.h parsetok.h pyarena.h pyatomic.h pyctype.h pydebug.h pytime.h symtable.h token.h ucnhash.h In addition, functions expecting FILE* are not part of the ABI, to avoid depending on a specific version of the Microsoft C runtime DLL on Windows. Module and type initializer and finalizer functions are not available (PyByteArray_Init, PyOS_FiniInterrupts and all functions ending in _Fini or _ClearFreeList). Several functions dealing with interpreter implementation details are not available: PyInterpreterState_Head, PyInterpreterState_Next, PyInterpreterState_ThreadHead, PyThreadState_Next Py_SubversionRevision, Py_SubversionShortBranch PyStructSequence_InitType is not available, as it requires the caller to provide a static type object. Py_FatalError will be moved from pydebug.h into some other header file (e.g. pyerrors.h). The exact list of functions being available is given in the Windows module definition file for python3.dll [1]. Global Variables Global variables representing types and exceptions are available to applications. In addition, selected global variables referenced in macros (such as Py_True and Py_False) are available. A complete list of global variable definitions is given in the python3.def file [1]; those declared DATA denote variables. Other Macros All macros defining symbolic constants are available to applications; the numeric values will not change. In addition, the following macros are available: Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS, Py_BLOCK_THREADS, Py_UNBLOCK_THREADS, Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS The Buffer Interface The buffer interface (type Py_buffer, type slots bf_getbuffer and bf_releasebuffer, etc) has been omitted from the ABI, since the stability of the Py_buffer structure is not clear at this time. Inclusion in the ABI can be considered in future releases. Signature Changes A number of functions currently expect a specific struct, even though callers typically have PyObject* available. These have been changed to expect PyObject* as the parameter; this will cause warnings in applications that currently explicitly cast to the parameter type. These functions are PySlice_GetIndices, PySlice_GetIndicesEx, PyUnicode_AsWideChar, and PyEval_EvalCode. Linkage On Windows, applications shall link with python3.dll; an import library python3.lib will be available. This DLL will redirect all of its API functions through /export linker options to the full interpreter DLL, i.e. python3y.dll. On Unix systems, the ABI is typically provided by the python executable itself. PyModule_Create is changed to pass 3 as the API version if the extension module was compiled with Py_LIMITED_API; the version check for the API version will accept either 3 or the current PYTHON_API_VERSION as conforming. If Python is compiled as a shared library, it is installed as both libpython3.so, and libpython3.y.so; applications conforming to this PEP should then link to the former (extension modules can continue to link with no libpython shared object, but rather rely on runtime linking). The ABI version is symbolically available as PYTHON_ABI_VERSION. Also on Unix, the PEP 3149 tag abi<PYTHON_ABI_VERSION> is accepted in file names of extension modules. No checking is performed that files named in this way are actually restricted to the limited API, and no support for building such files will be added to distutils due to the distutils code freeze. Implementation Strategy This PEP will be implemented in a branch [2], allowing users to check whether their modules conform to the ABI. To avoid users having to rewrite their type definitions, a script to convert C source code containing type definitions will be provided [3]. References [1] (1, 2) “python3 module definition file”: http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/pep-0384/PC/python3.def [2] “PEP 384 branch”: http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/pep-0384/ [3] “ABI type conversion script”: http://svn.python.org/projects/python/branches/pep-0384/Tools/scripts/abitype.py Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 384 – Defining a Stable ABI
Standards Track
Currently, each feature release introduces a new name for the Python DLL on Windows, and may cause incompatibilities for extension modules on Unix. This PEP proposes to define a stable set of API functions which are guaranteed to be available for the lifetime of Python 3, and which will also remain binary-compatible across versions. Extension modules and applications embedding Python can work with different feature releases as long as they restrict themselves to this stable ABI.
PEP 386 – Changing the version comparison module in Distutils Author: Tarek Ziadé <tarek at ziade.org> Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Topic: Packaging Created: 04-Jun-2009 Superseded-By: 440 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Requisites and current status Distutils Setuptools Caveats of existing systems The new versioning algorithm NormalizedVersion suggest_normalized_version Roadmap References Acknowledgments Copyright Abstract Note: This PEP has been superseded by the version identification and dependency specification scheme defined in PEP 440. This PEP proposed a new version comparison schema system in Distutils. Motivation In Python there are no real restrictions yet on how a project should manage its versions, and how they should be incremented. Distutils provides a version distribution meta-data field but it is freeform and current users, such as PyPI usually consider the latest version pushed as the latest one, regardless of the expected semantics. Distutils will soon extend its capabilities to allow distributions to express a dependency on other distributions through the Requires-Dist metadata field (see PEP 345) and it will optionally allow use of that field to restrict the dependency to a set of compatible versions. Notice that this field is replacing Requires that was expressing dependencies on modules and packages. The Requires-Dist field will allow a distribution to define a dependency on another package and optionally restrict this dependency to a set of compatible versions, so one may write: Requires-Dist: zope.interface (>3.5.0) This means that the distribution requires zope.interface with a version greater than 3.5.0. This also means that Python projects will need to follow the same convention as the tool that will be used to install them, so they are able to compare versions. That is why this PEP proposes, for the sake of interoperability, a standard schema to express version information and its comparison semantics. Furthermore, this will make OS packagers’ work easier when repackaging standards compliant distributions, because as of now it can be difficult to decide how two distribution versions compare. Requisites and current status It is not in the scope of this PEP to provide a universal versioning schema intended to support all or even most of existing versioning schemas. There will always be competing grammars, either mandated by distro or project policies or by historical reasons that we cannot expect to change. The proposed schema should be able to express the usual versioning semantics, so it’s possible to parse any alternative versioning schema and transform it into a compliant one. This is how OS packagers usually deal with the existing version schemas and is a preferable alternative than supporting an arbitrary set of versioning schemas. Conformance to usual practice and conventions, as well as a simplicity are a plus, to ease frictionless adoption and painless transition. Practicality beats purity, sometimes. Projects have very different versioning needs, but the following are widely considered important semantics: it should be possible to express more than one versioning level (usually this is expressed as major and minor revision and, sometimes, also a micro revision). a significant number of projects need special meaning versions for “pre-releases” (such as “alpha”, “beta”, “rc”), and these have widely used aliases (“a” stands for “alpha”, “b” for “beta” and “c” for “rc”). And these pre-release versions make it impossible to use a simple alphanumerical ordering of the version string components. (Example: 3.1a1 < 3.1) some projects also need “post-releases” of regular versions, mainly for installer work which can’t be clearly expressed otherwise. development versions allow packagers of unreleased work to avoid version clash with later regular releases. For people that want to go further and use a tool to manage their version numbers, the two major ones are: The current Distutils system [1] Setuptools [2] Distutils Distutils currently provides a StrictVersion and a LooseVersion class that can be used to manage versions. The LooseVersion class is quite lax. From Distutils doc: Version numbering for anarchists and software realists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as described above. A version number consists of a series of numbers, separated by either periods or strings of letters. When comparing version numbers, the numeric components will be compared numerically, and the alphabetic components lexically. The following are all valid version numbers, in no particular order: 1.5.1 1.5.2b2 161 3.10a 8.02 3.4j 1996.07.12 3.2.pl0 2g6 11g 0.960923 2.2beta29 1.13++ 5.5.kw 2.0b1pl0 In fact, there is no such thing as an invalid version number under this scheme; the rules for comparison are simple and predictable, but may not always give the results you want (for some definition of "want"). This class makes any version string valid, and provides an algorithm to sort them numerically then lexically. It means that anything can be used to version your project: >>> from distutils.version import LooseVersion as V >>> v1 = V('FunkyVersion') >>> v2 = V('GroovieVersion') >>> v1 > v2 False The problem with this is that while it allows expressing any nesting level it doesn’t allow giving special meaning to versions (pre and post-releases as well as development versions), as expressed in requisites 2, 3 and 4. The StrictVersion class is more strict. From the doc: Version numbering for meticulous retentive and software idealists. Implements the standard interface for version number classes as described above. A version number consists of two or three dot-separated numeric components, with an optional "pre-release" tag on the end. The pre-release tag consists of the letter 'a' or 'b' followed by a number. If the numeric components of two version numbers are equal, then one with a pre-release tag will always be deemed earlier (lesser) than one without. The following are valid version numbers (shown in the order that would be obtained by sorting according to the supplied cmp function): 0.4 0.4.0 (these two are equivalent) 0.4.1 0.5a1 0.5b3 0.5 0.9.6 1.0 1.0.4a3 1.0.4b1 1.0.4 The following are examples of invalid version numbers: 1 1.3.a4 1.3pl1 1.3c4 This class enforces a few rules, and makes a decent tool to work with version numbers: >>> from distutils.version import StrictVersion as V >>> v2 = V('GroovieVersion') Traceback (most recent call last): ... ValueError: invalid version number 'GroovieVersion' >>> v2 = V('1.1') >>> v3 = V('1.3') >>> v2 < v3 True It adds pre-release versions, and some structure, but lacks a few semantic elements to make it usable, such as development releases or post-release tags, as expressed in requisites 3 and 4. Also, note that Distutils version classes have been present for years but are not really used in the community. Setuptools Setuptools provides another version comparison tool [3] which does not enforce any rules for the version, but tries to provide a better algorithm to convert the strings to sortable keys, with a parse_version function. From the doc: Convert a version string to a chronologically-sortable key This is a rough cross between Distutils' StrictVersion and LooseVersion; if you give it versions that would work with StrictVersion, then it behaves the same; otherwise it acts like a slightly-smarter LooseVersion. It is *possible* to create pathological version coding schemes that will fool this parser, but they should be very rare in practice. The returned value will be a tuple of strings. Numeric portions of the version are padded to 8 digits so they will compare numerically, but without relying on how numbers compare relative to strings. Dots are dropped, but dashes are retained. Trailing zeros between alpha segments or dashes are suppressed, so that e.g. "2.4.0" is considered the same as "2.4". Alphanumeric parts are lower-cased. The algorithm assumes that strings like "-" and any alpha string that alphabetically follows "final" represents a "patch level". So, "2.4-1" is assumed to be a branch or patch of "2.4", and therefore "2.4.1" is considered newer than "2.4-1", which in turn is newer than "2.4". Strings like "a", "b", "c", "alpha", "beta", "candidate" and so on (that come before "final" alphabetically) are assumed to be pre-release versions, so that the version "2.4" is considered newer than "2.4a1". Finally, to handle miscellaneous cases, the strings "pre", "preview", and "rc" are treated as if they were "c", i.e. as though they were release candidates, and therefore are not as new as a version string that does not contain them, and "dev" is replaced with an '@' so that it sorts lower than any other pre-release tag. In other words, parse_version will return a tuple for each version string, that is compatible with StrictVersion but also accept arbitrary version and deal with them so they can be compared: >>> from pkg_resources import parse_version as V >>> V('1.2') ('00000001', '00000002', '*final') >>> V('1.2b2') ('00000001', '00000002', '*b', '00000002', '*final') >>> V('FunkyVersion') ('*funkyversion', '*final') In this schema practicality takes priority over purity, but as a result it doesn’t enforce any policy and leads to very complex semantics due to the lack of a clear standard. It just tries to adapt to widely used conventions. Caveats of existing systems The major problem with the described version comparison tools is that they are too permissive and, at the same time, aren’t capable of expressing some of the required semantics. Many of the versions on PyPI [4] are obviously not useful versions, which makes it difficult for users to grok the versioning that a particular package was using and to provide tools on top of PyPI. Distutils classes are not really used in Python projects, but the Setuptools function is quite widespread because it’s used by tools like easy_install [6], pip [5] or zc.buildout [7] to install dependencies of a given project. While Setuptools does provide a mechanism for comparing/sorting versions, it is much preferable if the versioning spec is such that a human can make a reasonable attempt at that sorting without having to run it against some code. Also there’s a problem with the use of dates at the “major” version number (e.g. a version string “20090421”) with RPMs: it means that any attempt to switch to a more typical “major.minor…” version scheme is problematic because it will always sort less than “20090421”. Last, the meaning of - is specific to Setuptools, while it is avoided in some packaging systems like the one used by Debian or Ubuntu. The new versioning algorithm During Pycon, members of the Python, Ubuntu and Fedora community worked on a version standard that would be acceptable for everyone. It’s currently called verlib and a prototype lives at [10]. The pseudo-format supported is: N.N[.N]+[{a|b|c|rc}N[.N]+][.postN][.devN] The real regular expression is: expr = r"""^ (?P<version>\d+\.\d+) # minimum 'N.N' (?P<extraversion>(?:\.\d+)*) # any number of extra '.N' segments (?: (?P<prerel>[abc]|rc) # 'a' = alpha, 'b' = beta # 'c' or 'rc' = release candidate (?P<prerelversion>\d+(?:\.\d+)*) )? (?P<postdev>(\.post(?P<post>\d+))?(\.dev(?P<dev>\d+))?)? $""" Some examples probably make it clearer: >>> from verlib import NormalizedVersion as V >>> (V('1.0a1') ... < V('1.0a2.dev456') ... < V('1.0a2') ... < V('1.0a2.1.dev456') ... < V('1.0a2.1') ... < V('1.0b1.dev456') ... < V('1.0b2') ... < V('1.0b2.post345') ... < V('1.0c1.dev456') ... < V('1.0c1') ... < V('1.0.dev456') ... < V('1.0') ... < V('1.0.post456.dev34') ... < V('1.0.post456')) True The trailing .dev123 is for pre-releases. The .post123 is for post-releases – which apparently are used by a number of projects out there (e.g. Twisted [8]). For example, after a 1.2.0 release there might be a 1.2.0-r678 release. We used post instead of r because the r is ambiguous as to whether it indicates a pre- or post-release. .post456.dev34 indicates a dev marker for a post release, that sorts before a .post456 marker. This can be used to do development versions of post releases. Pre-releases can use a for “alpha”, b for “beta” and c for “release candidate”. rc is an alternative notation for “release candidate” that is added to make the version scheme compatible with Python’s own version scheme. rc sorts after c: >>> from verlib import NormalizedVersion as V >>> (V('1.0a1') ... < V('1.0a2') ... < V('1.0b3') ... < V('1.0c1') ... < V('1.0rc2') ... < V('1.0')) True Note that c is the preferred marker for third party projects. verlib provides a NormalizedVersion class and a suggest_normalized_version function. NormalizedVersion The NormalizedVersion class is used to hold a version and to compare it with others. It takes a string as an argument, that contains the representation of the version: >>> from verlib import NormalizedVersion >>> version = NormalizedVersion('1.0') The version can be represented as a string: >>> str(version) '1.0' Or compared with others: >>> NormalizedVersion('1.0') > NormalizedVersion('0.9') True >>> NormalizedVersion('1.0') < NormalizedVersion('1.1') True A class method called from_parts is available if you want to create an instance by providing the parts that composes the version. Examples >>> version = NormalizedVersion.from_parts((1, 0)) >>> str(version) '1.0' >>> version = NormalizedVersion.from_parts((1, 0), ('c', 4)) >>> str(version) '1.0c4' >>> version = NormalizedVersion.from_parts((1, 0), ('c', 4), ('dev', 34)) >>> str(version) '1.0c4.dev34' suggest_normalized_version suggest_normalized_version is a function that suggests a normalized version close to the given version string. If you have a version string that isn’t normalized (i.e. NormalizedVersion doesn’t like it) then you might be able to get an equivalent (or close) normalized version from this function. This does a number of simple normalizations to the given string, based on an observation of versions currently in use on PyPI. Given a dump of those versions on January 6th 2010, the function has given those results out of the 8821 distributions PyPI had: 7822 (88.67%) already match NormalizedVersion without any change 717 (8.13%) match when using this suggestion method 282 (3.20%) don’t match at all. The 3.20% of projects that are incompatible with NormalizedVersion and cannot be transformed into a compatible form, are for most of them date-based version schemes, versions with custom markers, or dummy versions. Examples: working proof of concept 1 (first draft) unreleased.unofficialdev 0.1.alphadev 2008-03-29_r219 etc. When a tool needs to work with versions, a strategy is to use suggest_normalized_version on the versions string. If this function returns None, it means that the provided version is not close enough to the standard scheme. If it returns a version that slightly differs from the original version, it’s a suggested normalized version. Last, if it returns the same string, it means that the version matches the scheme. Here’s an example of usage: >>> from verlib import suggest_normalized_version, NormalizedVersion >>> import warnings >>> def validate_version(version): ... rversion = suggest_normalized_version(version) ... if rversion is None: ... raise ValueError('Cannot work with "%s"' % version) ... if rversion != version: ... warnings.warn('"%s" is not a normalized version.\n' ... 'It has been transformed into "%s" ' ... 'for interoperability.' % (version, rversion)) ... return NormalizedVersion(rversion) ... >>> validate_version('2.4-rc1') __main__:8: UserWarning: "2.4-rc1" is not a normalized version. It has been transformed into "2.4c1" for interoperability. NormalizedVersion('2.4c1') >>> validate_version('2.4c1') NormalizedVersion('2.4c1') >>> validate_version('foo') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "<stdin>", line 4, in validate_version ValueError: Cannot work with "foo" Roadmap Distutils will deprecate its existing versions class in favor of NormalizedVersion. The verlib module presented in this PEP will be renamed to version and placed into the distutils package. References [1] http://docs.python.org/distutils [2] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools [3] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools#specifying-your-project-s-version [4] http://pypi.python.org/pypi [5] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip [6] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/EasyInstall [7] http://pypi.python.org/pypi/zc.buildout [8] http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/ [9] http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools [10] http://bitbucket.org/tarek/distutilsversion/ Acknowledgments Trent Mick, Matthias Klose, Phillip Eby, David Lyon, and many people at Pycon and Distutils-SIG. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 386 – Changing the version comparison module in Distutils
Standards Track
Note: This PEP has been superseded by the version identification and dependency specification scheme defined in PEP 440.
PEP 389 – argparse - New Command Line Parsing Module Author: Steven Bethard <steven.bethard at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 25-Sep-2009 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.2 Post-History: 27-Sep-2009, 24-Oct-2009 Table of Contents Acceptance Abstract Motivation Why aren’t getopt and optparse enough? Why isn’t the functionality just being added to optparse? Deprecation of optparse Updates to getopt documentation Deferred: string formatting Rejected: getopt compatibility methods Out of Scope: Various Feature Requests Discussion: sys.stderr and sys.exit References Copyright Acceptance This PEP was approved by Guido on python-dev on February 21, 2010 [17]. Abstract This PEP proposes inclusion of the argparse [1] module in the Python standard library in Python 2.7 and 3.2. Motivation The argparse module is a command line parsing library which provides more functionality than the existing command line parsing modules in the standard library, getopt [2] and optparse [3]. It includes support for positional arguments (not just options), subcommands, required options, options syntaxes like “/f” and “+rgb”, zero-or-more and one-or-more style arguments, and many other features the other two lack. The argparse module is also already a popular third-party replacement for these modules. It is used in projects like IPython (the Scipy Python shell) [4], is included in Debian testing and unstable [5], and since 2007 has had various requests for its inclusion in the standard library [6] [7] [8]. This popularity suggests it may be a valuable addition to the Python libraries. Why aren’t getopt and optparse enough? One argument against adding argparse is that there are “already two different option parsing modules in the standard library” [9]. The following is a list of features provided by argparse but not present in getopt or optparse: While it is true there are two option parsing libraries, there are no full command line parsing libraries – both getopt and optparse support only options and have no support for positional arguments. The argparse module handles both, and as a result, is able to generate better help messages, avoiding redundancies like the usage= string usually required by optparse. The argparse module values practicality over purity. Thus, argparse allows required options and customization of which characters are used to identify options, while optparse explicitly states “the phrase ‘required option’ is self-contradictory” and that the option syntaxes -pf, -file, +f, +rgb, /f and /file “are not supported by optparse, and they never will be”. The argparse module allows options to accept a variable number of arguments using nargs='?', nargs='*' or nargs='+'. The optparse module provides an untested recipe for some part of this functionality [10] but admits that “things get hairy when you want an option to take a variable number of arguments.” The argparse module supports subcommands, where a main command line parser dispatches to other command line parsers depending on the command line arguments. This is a common pattern in command line interfaces, e.g. svn co and svn up. Why isn’t the functionality just being added to optparse? Clearly all the above features offer improvements over what is available through optparse. A reasonable question then is why these features are not simply provided as patches to optparse, instead of introducing an entirely new module. In fact, the original development of argparse intended to do just that, but because of various fairly constraining design decisions of optparse, this wasn’t really possible. Some of the problems included: The optparse module exposes the internals of its parsing algorithm. In particular, parser.largs and parser.rargs are guaranteed to be available to callbacks [11]. This makes it extremely difficult to improve the parsing algorithm as was necessary in argparse for proper handling of positional arguments and variable length arguments. For example, nargs='+' in argparse is matched using regular expressions and thus has no notion of things like parser.largs. The optparse extension APIs are extremely complex. For example, just to use a simple custom string-to-object conversion function, you have to subclass Option, hack class attributes, and then specify your custom option type to the parser, like this:class MyOption(Option): TYPES = Option.TYPES + ("mytype",) TYPE_CHECKER = copy(Option.TYPE_CHECKER) TYPE_CHECKER["mytype"] = check_mytype parser = optparse.OptionParser(option_class=MyOption) parser.add_option("-m", type="mytype") For comparison, argparse simply allows conversion functions to be used as type= arguments directly, e.g.: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_option("-m", type=check_mytype) But given the baroque customization APIs of optparse, it is unclear how such a feature should interact with those APIs, and it is quite possible that introducing the simple argparse API would break existing custom Option code. Both optparse and argparse parse command line arguments and assign them as attributes to an object returned by parse_args. However, the optparse module guarantees that the take_action method of custom actions will always be passed a values object which provides an ensure_value method [12], while the argparse module allows attributes to be assigned to any object, e.g.:foo_object = ... parser.parse_args(namespace=foo_object) foo_object.some_attribute_parsed_from_command_line Modifying optparse to allow any object to be passed in would be difficult because simply passing the foo_object around instead of a Values instance will break existing custom actions that depend on the ensure_value method. Because of issues like these, which made it unreasonably difficult for argparse to stay compatible with the optparse APIs, argparse was developed as an independent module. Given these issues, merging all the argparse features into optparse with no backwards incompatibilities seems unlikely. Deprecation of optparse Because all of optparse’s features are available in argparse, the optparse module will be deprecated. However, because of the widespread use of optparse, the deprecation strategy contains only documentation changes and warnings that will not be visible by default: Python 2.7+ and 3.2+ – The following note will be added to the optparse documentation: The optparse module is deprecated and will not be developed further; development will continue with the argparse module. Python 2.7+ – If the Python 3 compatibility flag, -3, is provided at the command line, then importing optparse will issue a DeprecationWarning. Otherwise no warnings will be issued. Python 3.2+ – Importing optparse will issue a PendingDeprecationWarning, which is not displayed by default. Note that no removal date is proposed for optparse. Updates to getopt documentation The getopt module will not be deprecated. However, its documentation will be updated to point to argparse in a couple of places. At the top of the module, the following note will be added: The getopt module is a parser for command line options whose API is designed to be familiar to users of the C getopt function. Users who are unfamiliar with the C getopt function or who would like to write less code and get better help and error messages should consider using the argparse module instead. Additionally, after the final getopt example, the following note will be added: Note that an equivalent command line interface could be produced with less code by using the argparse module:import argparse if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-o', '--output') parser.add_argument('-v', dest='verbose', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() # ... do something with args.output ... # ... do something with args.verbose .. Deferred: string formatting The argparse module supports Python from 2.3 up through 3.2 and as a result relies on traditional %(foo)s style string formatting. It has been suggested that it might be better to use the new style {foo} string formatting [13]. There was some discussion about how best to do this for modules in the standard library [14] and several people are developing functions for automatically converting %-formatting to {}-formatting [15] [16]. When one of these is added to the standard library, argparse will use them to support both formatting styles. Rejected: getopt compatibility methods Previously, when this PEP was suggesting the deprecation of getopt as well as optparse, there was some talk of adding a method like: ArgumentParser.add_getopt_arguments(options[, long_options]) However, this method will not be added for a number of reasons: The getopt module is not being deprecated, so there is less need. This method would not actually ease the transition for any getopt users who were already maintaining usage messages, because the API above gives no way of adding help messages to the arguments. Some users of getopt consider it very important that only a single function call is necessary. The API above does not satisfy this requirement because both ArgumentParser() and parse_args() must also be called. Out of Scope: Various Feature Requests Several feature requests for argparse were made in the discussion of this PEP: Support argument defaults from environment variables Support argument defaults from configuration files Support “foo –help subcommand” in addition to the currently supported “foo subcommand –help” These are all reasonable feature requests for the argparse module, but are out of the scope of this PEP, and have been redirected to the argparse issue tracker. Discussion: sys.stderr and sys.exit There were some concerns that argparse by default always writes to sys.stderr and always calls sys.exit when invalid arguments are provided. This is the desired behavior for the vast majority of argparse use cases which revolve around simple command line interfaces. However, in some cases, it may be desirable to keep argparse from exiting, or to have it write its messages to something other than sys.stderr. These use cases can be supported by subclassing ArgumentParser and overriding the exit or _print_message methods. The latter is an undocumented implementation detail, but could be officially exposed if this turns out to be a common need. References [1] argparse (http://code.google.com/p/argparse/) [2] getopt (http://docs.python.org/library/getopt.html) [3] optparse (http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html) [4] argparse in IPython (http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/ipython-dev/2009-April/005102.html) [5] argparse in Debian (http://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=argparse) [6] (1, 2) 2007-01-03 request for argparse in the standard library (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2007-January/472276.html) [7] 2009-06-09 request for argparse in the standard library (http://bugs.python.org/issue6247) [8] 2009-09-10 request for argparse in the standard library (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/stdlib-sig/2009-September/000342.html) [9] Fredrik Lundh response to [6] (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2007-January/1086892.html) [10] optparse variable args (http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html#callback-example-6-variable-arguments) [11] parser.largs and parser.rargs (http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html#how-callbacks-are-called) [12] take_action values argument (http://docs.python.org/library/optparse.html#adding-new-actions) [13] use {}-formatting instead of %-formatting (http://bugs.python.org/msg89279) [14] transitioning from % to {} formatting (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-September/092326.html) [15] Vinay Sajip’s %-to-{} converter (http://gist.github.com/200936) [16] Benjamin Peterson’s %-to-{} converter (http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gutworth/+junk/mod2format/files) [17] Guido’s approval (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-February/097839.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 389 – argparse - New Command Line Parsing Module
Standards Track
This PEP proposes inclusion of the argparse [1] module in the Python standard library in Python 2.7 and 3.2.
PEP 391 – Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging Author: Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at red-dove.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Oct-2009 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Naming API Dictionary Schema - Overview Object connections User-defined objects Access to external objects Access to internal objects Handler Ids Dictionary Schema - Detail A Working Example Incremental Configuration API Customization Change to Socket Listener Implementation Configuration Errors Discussion in the community Reference implementation Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a new way of configuring logging using a dictionary to hold configuration information. Rationale The present means for configuring Python’s logging package is either by using the logging API to configure logging programmatically, or else by means of ConfigParser-based configuration files. Programmatic configuration, while offering maximal control, fixes the configuration in Python code. This does not facilitate changing it easily at runtime, and, as a result, the ability to flexibly turn the verbosity of logging up and down for different parts of a using application is lost. This limits the usability of logging as an aid to diagnosing problems - and sometimes, logging is the only diagnostic aid available in production environments. The ConfigParser-based configuration system is usable, but does not allow its users to configure all aspects of the logging package. For example, Filters cannot be configured using this system. Furthermore, the ConfigParser format appears to engender dislike (sometimes strong dislike) in some quarters. Though it was chosen because it was the only configuration format supported in the Python standard at that time, many people regard it (or perhaps just the particular schema chosen for logging’s configuration) as ‘crufty’ or ‘ugly’, in some cases apparently on purely aesthetic grounds. Recent versions of Python include JSON support in the standard library, and this is also usable as a configuration format. In other environments, such as Google App Engine, YAML is used to configure applications, and usually the configuration of logging would be considered an integral part of the application configuration. Although the standard library does not contain YAML support at present, support for both JSON and YAML can be provided in a common way because both of these serialization formats allow deserialization to Python dictionaries. By providing a way to configure logging by passing the configuration in a dictionary, logging will be easier to configure not only for users of JSON and/or YAML, but also for users of custom configuration methods, by providing a common format in which to describe the desired configuration. Another drawback of the current ConfigParser-based configuration system is that it does not support incremental configuration: a new configuration completely replaces the existing configuration. Although full flexibility for incremental configuration is difficult to provide in a multi-threaded environment, the new configuration mechanism will allow the provision of limited support for incremental configuration. Specification The specification consists of two parts: the API and the format of the dictionary used to convey configuration information (i.e. the schema to which it must conform). Naming Historically, the logging package has not been PEP 8 conformant. At some future time, this will be corrected by changing method and function names in the package in order to conform with PEP 8. However, in the interests of uniformity, the proposed additions to the API use a naming scheme which is consistent with the present scheme used by logging. API The logging.config module will have the following addition: A function, called dictConfig(), which takes a single argument - the dictionary holding the configuration. Exceptions will be raised if there are errors while processing the dictionary. It will be possible to customize this API - see the section on API Customization. Incremental configuration is covered in its own section. Dictionary Schema - Overview Before describing the schema in detail, it is worth saying a few words about object connections, support for user-defined objects and access to external and internal objects. Object connections The schema is intended to describe a set of logging objects - loggers, handlers, formatters, filters - which are connected to each other in an object graph. Thus, the schema needs to represent connections between the objects. For example, say that, once configured, a particular logger has attached to it a particular handler. For the purposes of this discussion, we can say that the logger represents the source, and the handler the destination, of a connection between the two. Of course in the configured objects this is represented by the logger holding a reference to the handler. In the configuration dict, this is done by giving each destination object an id which identifies it unambiguously, and then using the id in the source object’s configuration to indicate that a connection exists between the source and the destination object with that id. So, for example, consider the following YAML snippet: formatters: brief: # configuration for formatter with id 'brief' goes here precise: # configuration for formatter with id 'precise' goes here handlers: h1: #This is an id # configuration of handler with id 'h1' goes here formatter: brief h2: #This is another id # configuration of handler with id 'h2' goes here formatter: precise loggers: foo.bar.baz: # other configuration for logger 'foo.bar.baz' handlers: [h1, h2] (Note: YAML will be used in this document as it is a little more readable than the equivalent Python source form for the dictionary.) The ids for loggers are the logger names which would be used programmatically to obtain a reference to those loggers, e.g. foo.bar.baz. The ids for Formatters and Filters can be any string value (such as brief, precise above) and they are transient, in that they are only meaningful for processing the configuration dictionary and used to determine connections between objects, and are not persisted anywhere when the configuration call is complete. Handler ids are treated specially, see the section on Handler Ids, below. The above snippet indicates that logger named foo.bar.baz should have two handlers attached to it, which are described by the handler ids h1 and h2. The formatter for h1 is that described by id brief, and the formatter for h2 is that described by id precise. User-defined objects The schema should support user-defined objects for handlers, filters and formatters. (Loggers do not need to have different types for different instances, so there is no support - in the configuration - for user-defined logger classes.) Objects to be configured will typically be described by dictionaries which detail their configuration. In some places, the logging system will be able to infer from the context how an object is to be instantiated, but when a user-defined object is to be instantiated, the system will not know how to do this. In order to provide complete flexibility for user-defined object instantiation, the user will need to provide a ‘factory’ - a callable which is called with a configuration dictionary and which returns the instantiated object. This will be signalled by an absolute import path to the factory being made available under the special key '()'. Here’s a concrete example: formatters: brief: format: '%(message)s' default: format: '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s' datefmt: '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' custom: (): my.package.customFormatterFactory bar: baz spam: 99.9 answer: 42 The above YAML snippet defines three formatters. The first, with id brief, is a standard logging.Formatter instance with the specified format string. The second, with id default, has a longer format and also defines the time format explicitly, and will result in a logging.Formatter initialized with those two format strings. Shown in Python source form, the brief and default formatters have configuration sub-dictionaries: { 'format' : '%(message)s' } and: { 'format' : '%(asctime)s %(levelname)-8s %(name)-15s %(message)s', 'datefmt' : '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' } respectively, and as these dictionaries do not contain the special key '()', the instantiation is inferred from the context: as a result, standard logging.Formatter instances are created. The configuration sub-dictionary for the third formatter, with id custom, is: { '()' : 'my.package.customFormatterFactory', 'bar' : 'baz', 'spam' : 99.9, 'answer' : 42 } and this contains the special key '()', which means that user-defined instantiation is wanted. In this case, the specified factory callable will be used. If it is an actual callable it will be used directly - otherwise, if you specify a string (as in the example) the actual callable will be located using normal import mechanisms. The callable will be called with the remaining items in the configuration sub-dictionary as keyword arguments. In the above example, the formatter with id custom will be assumed to be returned by the call: my.package.customFormatterFactory(bar='baz', spam=99.9, answer=42) The key '()' has been used as the special key because it is not a valid keyword parameter name, and so will not clash with the names of the keyword arguments used in the call. The '()' also serves as a mnemonic that the corresponding value is a callable. Access to external objects There are times where a configuration will need to refer to objects external to the configuration, for example sys.stderr. If the configuration dict is constructed using Python code then this is straightforward, but a problem arises when the configuration is provided via a text file (e.g. JSON, YAML). In a text file, there is no standard way to distinguish sys.stderr from the literal string 'sys.stderr'. To facilitate this distinction, the configuration system will look for certain special prefixes in string values and treat them specially. For example, if the literal string 'ext://sys.stderr' is provided as a value in the configuration, then the ext:// will be stripped off and the remainder of the value processed using normal import mechanisms. The handling of such prefixes will be done in a way analogous to protocol handling: there will be a generic mechanism to look for prefixes which match the regular expression ^(?P<prefix>[a-z]+)://(?P<suffix>.*)$ whereby, if the prefix is recognised, the suffix is processed in a prefix-dependent manner and the result of the processing replaces the string value. If the prefix is not recognised, then the string value will be left as-is. The implementation will provide for a set of standard prefixes such as ext:// but it will be possible to disable the mechanism completely or provide additional or different prefixes for special handling. Access to internal objects As well as external objects, there is sometimes also a need to refer to objects in the configuration. This will be done implicitly by the configuration system for things that it knows about. For example, the string value 'DEBUG' for a level in a logger or handler will automatically be converted to the value logging.DEBUG, and the handlers, filters and formatter entries will take an object id and resolve to the appropriate destination object. However, a more generic mechanism needs to be provided for the case of user-defined objects which are not known to logging. For example, take the instance of logging.handlers.MemoryHandler, which takes a target which is another handler to delegate to. Since the system already knows about this class, then in the configuration, the given target just needs to be the object id of the relevant target handler, and the system will resolve to the handler from the id. If, however, a user defines a my.package.MyHandler which has a alternate handler, the configuration system would not know that the alternate referred to a handler. To cater for this, a generic resolution system will be provided which allows the user to specify: handlers: file: # configuration of file handler goes here custom: (): my.package.MyHandler alternate: cfg://handlers.file The literal string 'cfg://handlers.file' will be resolved in an analogous way to the strings with the ext:// prefix, but looking in the configuration itself rather than the import namespace. The mechanism will allow access by dot or by index, in a similar way to that provided by str.format. Thus, given the following snippet: handlers: email: class: logging.handlers.SMTPHandler mailhost: localhost fromaddr: my_app@domain.tld toaddrs: - support_team@domain.tld - dev_team@domain.tld subject: Houston, we have a problem. in the configuration, the string 'cfg://handlers' would resolve to the dict with key handlers, the string 'cfg://handlers.email would resolve to the dict with key email in the handlers dict, and so on. The string 'cfg://handlers.email.toaddrs[1] would resolve to 'dev_team.domain.tld' and the string 'cfg://handlers.email.toaddrs[0]' would resolve to the value 'support_team@domain.tld'. The subject value could be accessed using either 'cfg://handlers.email.subject' or, equivalently, 'cfg://handlers.email[subject]'. The latter form only needs to be used if the key contains spaces or non-alphanumeric characters. If an index value consists only of decimal digits, access will be attempted using the corresponding integer value, falling back to the string value if needed. Given a string cfg://handlers.myhandler.mykey.123, this will resolve to config_dict['handlers']['myhandler']['mykey']['123']. If the string is specified as cfg://handlers.myhandler.mykey[123], the system will attempt to retrieve the value from config_dict['handlers']['myhandler']['mykey'][123], and fall back to config_dict['handlers']['myhandler']['mykey']['123'] if that fails. Handler Ids Some specific logging configurations require the use of handler levels to achieve the desired effect. However, unlike loggers which can always be identified by their names, handlers have no persistent handles whereby levels can be changed via an incremental configuration call. Therefore, this PEP proposes to add an optional name property to handlers. If used, this will add an entry in a dictionary which maps the name to the handler. (The entry will be removed when the handler is closed.) When an incremental configuration call is made, handlers will be looked up in this dictionary to set the handler level according to the value in the configuration. See the section on incremental configuration for more details. In theory, such a “persistent name” facility could also be provided for Filters and Formatters. However, there is not a strong case to be made for being able to configure these incrementally. On the basis that practicality beats purity, only Handlers will be given this new name property. The id of a handler in the configuration will become its name. The handler name lookup dictionary is for configuration use only and will not become part of the public API for the package. Dictionary Schema - Detail The dictionary passed to dictConfig() must contain the following keys: version - to be set to an integer value representing the schema version. The only valid value at present is 1, but having this key allows the schema to evolve while still preserving backwards compatibility. All other keys are optional, but if present they will be interpreted as described below. In all cases below where a ‘configuring dict’ is mentioned, it will be checked for the special '()' key to see if a custom instantiation is required. If so, the mechanism described above is used to instantiate; otherwise, the context is used to determine how to instantiate. formatters - the corresponding value will be a dict in which each key is a formatter id and each value is a dict describing how to configure the corresponding Formatter instance.The configuring dict is searched for keys format and datefmt (with defaults of None) and these are used to construct a logging.Formatter instance. filters - the corresponding value will be a dict in which each key is a filter id and each value is a dict describing how to configure the corresponding Filter instance.The configuring dict is searched for key name (defaulting to the empty string) and this is used to construct a logging.Filter instance. handlers - the corresponding value will be a dict in which each key is a handler id and each value is a dict describing how to configure the corresponding Handler instance.The configuring dict is searched for the following keys: class (mandatory). This is the fully qualified name of the handler class. level (optional). The level of the handler. formatter (optional). The id of the formatter for this handler. filters (optional). A list of ids of the filters for this handler. All other keys are passed through as keyword arguments to the handler’s constructor. For example, given the snippet: handlers: console: class : logging.StreamHandler formatter: brief level : INFO filters: [allow_foo] stream : ext://sys.stdout file: class : logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler formatter: precise filename: logconfig.log maxBytes: 1024 backupCount: 3 the handler with id console is instantiated as a logging.StreamHandler, using sys.stdout as the underlying stream. The handler with id file is instantiated as a logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler with the keyword arguments filename='logconfig.log', maxBytes=1024, backupCount=3. loggers - the corresponding value will be a dict in which each key is a logger name and each value is a dict describing how to configure the corresponding Logger instance.The configuring dict is searched for the following keys: level (optional). The level of the logger. propagate (optional). The propagation setting of the logger. filters (optional). A list of ids of the filters for this logger. handlers (optional). A list of ids of the handlers for this logger. The specified loggers will be configured according to the level, propagation, filters and handlers specified. root - this will be the configuration for the root logger. Processing of the configuration will be as for any logger, except that the propagate setting will not be applicable. incremental - whether the configuration is to be interpreted as incremental to the existing configuration. This value defaults to False, which means that the specified configuration replaces the existing configuration with the same semantics as used by the existing fileConfig() API.If the specified value is True, the configuration is processed as described in the section on Incremental Configuration, below. disable_existing_loggers - whether any existing loggers are to be disabled. This setting mirrors the parameter of the same name in fileConfig(). If absent, this parameter defaults to True. This value is ignored if incremental is True. A Working Example The following is an actual working configuration in YAML format (except that the email addresses are bogus): formatters: brief: format: '%(levelname)-8s: %(name)-15s: %(message)s' precise: format: '%(asctime)s %(name)-15s %(levelname)-8s %(message)s' filters: allow_foo: name: foo handlers: console: class : logging.StreamHandler formatter: brief level : INFO stream : ext://sys.stdout filters: [allow_foo] file: class : logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler formatter: precise filename: logconfig.log maxBytes: 1024 backupCount: 3 debugfile: class : logging.FileHandler formatter: precise filename: logconfig-detail.log mode: a email: class: logging.handlers.SMTPHandler mailhost: localhost fromaddr: my_app@domain.tld toaddrs: - support_team@domain.tld - dev_team@domain.tld subject: Houston, we have a problem. loggers: foo: level : ERROR handlers: [debugfile] spam: level : CRITICAL handlers: [debugfile] propagate: no bar.baz: level: WARNING root: level : DEBUG handlers : [console, file] Incremental Configuration It is difficult to provide complete flexibility for incremental configuration. For example, because objects such as filters and formatters are anonymous, once a configuration is set up, it is not possible to refer to such anonymous objects when augmenting a configuration. Furthermore, there is not a compelling case for arbitrarily altering the object graph of loggers, handlers, filters, formatters at run-time, once a configuration is set up; the verbosity of loggers and handlers can be controlled just by setting levels (and, in the case of loggers, propagation flags). Changing the object graph arbitrarily in a safe way is problematic in a multi-threaded environment; while not impossible, the benefits are not worth the complexity it adds to the implementation. Thus, when the incremental key of a configuration dict is present and is True, the system will ignore any formatters and filters entries completely, and process only the level settings in the handlers entries, and the level and propagate settings in the loggers and root entries. It’s certainly possible to provide incremental configuration by other means, for example making dictConfig() take an incremental keyword argument which defaults to False. The reason for suggesting that a value in the configuration dict be used is that it allows for configurations to be sent over the wire as pickled dicts to a socket listener. Thus, the logging verbosity of a long-running application can be altered over time with no need to stop and restart the application. Note: Feedback on incremental configuration needs based on your practical experience will be particularly welcome. API Customization The bare-bones dictConfig() API will not be sufficient for all use cases. Provision for customization of the API will be made by providing the following: A class, called DictConfigurator, whose constructor is passed the dictionary used for configuration, and which has a configure() method. A callable, called dictConfigClass, which will (by default) be set to DictConfigurator. This is provided so that if desired, DictConfigurator can be replaced with a suitable user-defined implementation. The dictConfig() function will call dictConfigClass passing the specified dictionary, and then call the configure() method on the returned object to actually put the configuration into effect: def dictConfig(config): dictConfigClass(config).configure() This should cater to all customization needs. For example, a subclass of DictConfigurator could call DictConfigurator.__init__() in its own __init__(), then set up custom prefixes which would be usable in the subsequent configure() call. The dictConfigClass would be bound to the subclass, and then dictConfig() could be called exactly as in the default, uncustomized state. Change to Socket Listener Implementation The existing socket listener implementation will be modified as follows: when a configuration message is received, an attempt will be made to deserialize to a dictionary using the json module. If this step fails, the message will be assumed to be in the fileConfig format and processed as before. If deserialization is successful, then dictConfig() will be called to process the resulting dictionary. Configuration Errors If an error is encountered during configuration, the system will raise a ValueError, TypeError, AttributeError or ImportError with a suitably descriptive message. The following is a (possibly incomplete) list of conditions which will raise an error: A level which is not a string or which is a string not corresponding to an actual logging level A propagate value which is not a boolean An id which does not have a corresponding destination A non-existent handler id found during an incremental call An invalid logger name Inability to resolve to an internal or external object Discussion in the community The PEP has been announced on python-dev and python-list. While there hasn’t been a huge amount of discussion, this is perhaps to be expected for a niche topic. Discussion threads on python-dev: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-October/092695.html https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-October/092782.html https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2009-October/093062.html And on python-list: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2009-October/1223658.html https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2009-October/1224228.html There have been some comments in favour of the proposal, no objections to the proposal as a whole, and some questions and objections about specific details. These are believed by the author to have been addressed by making changes to the PEP. Reference implementation A reference implementation of the changes is available as a module dictconfig.py with accompanying unit tests in test_dictconfig.py, at: http://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/dictconfig This incorporates all features other than the socket listener change. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 391 – Dictionary-Based Configuration For Logging
Standards Track
This PEP describes a new way of configuring logging using a dictionary to hold configuration information.
PEP 392 – Python 3.2 Release Schedule Author: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 30-Dec-2009 Python-Version: 3.2 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager and Crew 3.2 Lifespan Release Schedule 3.2 schedule 3.2.1 schedule 3.2.2 schedule 3.2.3 schedule 3.2.4 schedule 3.2.5 schedule (regression fix release) 3.2.6 schedule Features for 3.2 Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for the Python 3.2 series. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Release Manager and Crew 3.2 Release Manager: Georg Brandl Windows installers: Martin v. Loewis Mac installers: Ronald Oussoren Documentation: Georg Brandl 3.2 Lifespan 3.2 will receive bugfix updates approximately every 4-6 months for approximately 18 months. After the release of 3.3.0 final (see PEP 398), a final 3.2 bugfix update will be released. After that, security updates (source only) will be released until 5 years after the release of 3.2 final, which was planned for February 2016. As of 2016-02-20, Python 3.2.x reached end-of-life status. The final source release was 3.2.6 in October 2014. Release Schedule 3.2 schedule 3.2 alpha 1: August 1, 2010 3.2 alpha 2: September 6, 2010 3.2 alpha 3: October 12, 2010 3.2 alpha 4: November 16, 2010 3.2 beta 1: December 6, 2010 (No new features beyond this point.) 3.2 beta 2: December 20, 2010 3.2 candidate 1: January 16, 2011 3.2 candidate 2: January 31, 2011 3.2 candidate 3: February 14, 2011 3.2 final: February 20, 2011 3.2.1 schedule 3.2.1 beta 1: May 8, 2011 3.2.1 candidate 1: May 17, 2011 3.2.1 candidate 2: July 3, 2011 3.2.1 final: July 11, 2011 3.2.2 schedule 3.2.2 candidate 1: August 14, 2011 3.2.2 final: September 4, 2011 3.2.3 schedule 3.2.3 candidate 1: February 25, 2012 3.2.3 candidate 2: March 18, 2012 3.2.3 final: April 11, 2012 3.2.4 schedule 3.2.4 candidate 1: March 23, 2013 3.2.4 final: April 6, 2013 3.2.5 schedule (regression fix release) 3.2.5 final: May 13, 2013 – Only security releases after 3.2.5 – 3.2.6 schedule 3.2.6 candidate 1 (source-only release): October 4, 2014 3.2.6 final (source-only release): October 11, 2014 Features for 3.2 Note that PEP 3003 is in effect: no changes to language syntax and no additions to the builtins may be made. No large-scale changes have been recorded yet. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 392 – Python 3.2 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for the Python 3.2 series. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items.
PEP 393 – Flexible String Representation Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 24-Jan-2010 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification String Creation String Access New API Stable ABI GDB Debugging Hooks Deprecations, Removals, and Incompatibilities Discussion Performance Porting Guidelines References Copyright Abstract The Unicode string type is changed to support multiple internal representations, depending on the character with the largest Unicode ordinal (1, 2, or 4 bytes). This will allow a space-efficient representation in common cases, but give access to full UCS-4 on all systems. For compatibility with existing APIs, several representations may exist in parallel; over time, this compatibility should be phased out. The distinction between narrow and wide Unicode builds is dropped. An implementation of this PEP is available at [1]. Rationale There are two classes of complaints about the current implementation of the unicode type: on systems only supporting UTF-16, users complain that non-BMP characters are not properly supported. On systems using UCS-4 internally (and also sometimes on systems using UCS-2), there is a complaint that Unicode strings take up too much memory - especially compared to Python 2.x, where the same code would often use ASCII strings (i.e. ASCII-encoded byte strings). With the proposed approach, ASCII-only Unicode strings will again use only one byte per character; while still allowing efficient indexing of strings containing non-BMP characters (as strings containing them will use 4 bytes per character). One problem with the approach is support for existing applications (e.g. extension modules). For compatibility, redundant representations may be computed. Applications are encouraged to phase out reliance on a specific internal representation if possible. As interaction with other libraries will often require some sort of internal representation, the specification chooses UTF-8 as the recommended way of exposing strings to C code. For many strings (e.g. ASCII), multiple representations may actually share memory (e.g. the shortest form may be shared with the UTF-8 form if all characters are ASCII). With such sharing, the overhead of compatibility representations is reduced. If representations do share data, it is also possible to omit structure fields, reducing the base size of string objects. Specification Unicode structures are now defined as a hierarchy of structures, namely: typedef struct { PyObject_HEAD Py_ssize_t length; Py_hash_t hash; struct { unsigned int interned:2; unsigned int kind:2; unsigned int compact:1; unsigned int ascii:1; unsigned int ready:1; } state; wchar_t *wstr; } PyASCIIObject; typedef struct { PyASCIIObject _base; Py_ssize_t utf8_length; char *utf8; Py_ssize_t wstr_length; } PyCompactUnicodeObject; typedef struct { PyCompactUnicodeObject _base; union { void *any; Py_UCS1 *latin1; Py_UCS2 *ucs2; Py_UCS4 *ucs4; } data; } PyUnicodeObject; Objects for which both size and maximum character are known at creation time are called “compact” unicode objects; character data immediately follow the base structure. If the maximum character is less than 128, they use the PyASCIIObject structure, and the UTF-8 data, the UTF-8 length and the wstr length are the same as the length of the ASCII data. For non-ASCII strings, the PyCompactObject structure is used. Resizing compact objects is not supported. Objects for which the maximum character is not given at creation time are called “legacy” objects, created through PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize(NULL, length). They use the PyUnicodeObject structure. Initially, their data is only in the wstr pointer; when PyUnicode_READY is called, the data pointer (union) is allocated. Resizing is possible as long PyUnicode_READY has not been called. The fields have the following interpretations: length: number of code points in the string (result of sq_length) interned: interned-state (SSTATE_*) as in 3.2 kind: form of string 00 => str is not initialized (data are in wstr) 01 => 1 byte (Latin-1) 10 => 2 byte (UCS-2) 11 => 4 byte (UCS-4); compact: the object uses one of the compact representations (implies ready) ascii: the object uses the PyASCIIObject representation (implies compact and ready) ready: the canonical representation is ready to be accessed through PyUnicode_DATA and PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH. This is set either if the object is compact, or the data pointer and length have been initialized. wstr_length, wstr: representation in platform’s wchar_t (null-terminated). If wchar_t is 16-bit, this form may use surrogate pairs (in which cast wstr_length differs form length). wstr_length differs from length only if there are surrogate pairs in the representation. utf8_length, utf8: UTF-8 representation (null-terminated). data: shortest-form representation of the unicode string. The string is null-terminated (in its respective representation). All three representations are optional, although the data form is considered the canonical representation which can be absent only while the string is being created. If the representation is absent, the pointer is NULL, and the corresponding length field may contain arbitrary data. The Py_UNICODE type is still supported but deprecated. It is always defined as a typedef for wchar_t, so the wstr representation can double as Py_UNICODE representation. The data and utf8 pointers point to the same memory if the string uses only ASCII characters (using only Latin-1 is not sufficient). The data and wstr pointers point to the same memory if the string happens to fit exactly to the wchar_t type of the platform (i.e. uses some BMP-not-Latin-1 characters if sizeof(wchar_t) is 2, and uses some non-BMP characters if sizeof(wchar_t) is 4). String Creation The recommended way to create a Unicode object is to use the function PyUnicode_New: PyObject* PyUnicode_New(Py_ssize_t size, Py_UCS4 maxchar); Both parameters must denote the eventual size/range of the strings. In particular, codecs using this API must compute both the number of characters and the maximum character in advance. A string is allocated according to the specified size and character range and is null-terminated; the actual characters in it may be uninitialized. PyUnicode_FromString and PyUnicode_FromStringAndSize remain supported for processing UTF-8 input; the input is decoded, and the UTF-8 representation is not yet set for the string. PyUnicode_FromUnicode remains supported but is deprecated. If the Py_UNICODE pointer is non-null, the data representation is set. If the pointer is NULL, a properly-sized wstr representation is allocated, which can be modified until PyUnicode_READY() is called (explicitly or implicitly). Resizing a Unicode string remains possible until it is finalized. PyUnicode_READY() converts a string containing only a wstr representation into the canonical representation. Unless wstr and data can share the memory, the wstr representation is discarded after the conversion. The macro returns 0 on success and -1 on failure, which happens in particular if the memory allocation fails. String Access The canonical representation can be accessed using two macros PyUnicode_Kind and PyUnicode_Data. PyUnicode_Kind gives one of the values PyUnicode_WCHAR_KIND (0), PyUnicode_1BYTE_KIND (1), PyUnicode_2BYTE_KIND (2), or PyUnicode_4BYTE_KIND (3). PyUnicode_DATA gives the void pointer to the data. Access to individual characters should use PyUnicode_{READ|WRITE}[_CHAR]: PyUnicode_READ(kind, data, index) PyUnicode_WRITE(kind, data, index, value) PyUnicode_READ_CHAR(unicode, index) All these macros assume that the string is in canonical form; callers need to ensure this by calling PyUnicode_READY. A new function PyUnicode_AsUTF8 is provided to access the UTF-8 representation. It is thus identical to the existing _PyUnicode_AsString, which is removed. The function will compute the utf8 representation when first called. Since this representation will consume memory until the string object is released, applications should use the existing PyUnicode_AsUTF8String where possible (which generates a new string object every time). APIs that implicitly converts a string to a char* (such as the ParseTuple functions) will use PyUnicode_AsUTF8 to compute a conversion. New API This section summarizes the API additions. Macros to access the internal representation of a Unicode object (read-only): PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT_ASCII(o), PyUnicode_IS_COMPACT(o), PyUnicode_IS_READY(o) PyUnicode_GET_LENGTH(o) PyUnicode_KIND(o), PyUnicode_CHARACTER_SIZE(o), PyUnicode_MAX_CHAR_VALUE(o) PyUnicode_DATA(o), PyUnicode_1BYTE_DATA(o), PyUnicode_2BYTE_DATA(o), PyUnicode_4BYTE_DATA(o) Character access macros: PyUnicode_READ(kind, data, index), PyUnicode_READ_CHAR(o, index) PyUnicode_WRITE(kind, data, index, value) Other macros: PyUnicode_READY(o) PyUnicode_CONVERT_BYTES(from_type, to_type, begin, end, to) String creation functions: PyUnicode_New(size, maxchar) PyUnicode_FromKindAndData(kind, data, size) PyUnicode_Substring(o, start, end) Character access utility functions: PyUnicode_GetLength(o), PyUnicode_ReadChar(o, index), PyUnicode_WriteChar(o, index, character) PyUnicode_CopyCharacters(to, to_start, from, from_start, how_many) PyUnicode_FindChar(str, ch, start, end, direction) Representation conversion: PyUnicode_AsUCS4(o, buffer, buflen) PyUnicode_AsUCS4Copy(o) PyUnicode_AsUnicodeAndSize(o, size_out) PyUnicode_AsUTF8(o) PyUnicode_AsUTF8AndSize(o, size_out) UCS4 utility functions: Py_UCS4_{strlen, strcpy, strcat, strncpy, strcmp, strncpy, strcmp, strncmp, strchr, strrchr} Stable ABI The following functions are added to the stable ABI (PEP 384), as they are independent of the actual representation of Unicode objects: PyUnicode_New, PyUnicode_Substring, PyUnicode_GetLength, PyUnicode_ReadChar, PyUnicode_WriteChar, PyUnicode_Find, PyUnicode_FindChar. GDB Debugging Hooks Tools/gdb/libpython.py contains debugging hooks that embed knowledge about the internals of CPython’s data types, include PyUnicodeObject instances. It has been updated to track the change. Deprecations, Removals, and Incompatibilities While the Py_UNICODE representation and APIs are deprecated with this PEP, no removal of the respective APIs is scheduled. The APIs should remain available at least five years after the PEP is accepted; before they are removed, existing extension modules should be studied to find out whether a sufficient majority of the open-source code on PyPI has been ported to the new API. A reasonable motivation for using the deprecated API even in new code is for code that shall work both on Python 2 and Python 3. The following macros and functions are deprecated: PyUnicode_FromUnicode PyUnicode_GET_SIZE, PyUnicode_GetSize, PyUnicode_GET_DATA_SIZE, PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE, PyUnicode_AsUnicode, PyUnicode_AsUnicodeAndSize PyUnicode_COPY, PyUnicode_FILL, PyUnicode_MATCH PyUnicode_Encode, PyUnicode_EncodeUTF7, PyUnicode_EncodeUTF8, PyUnicode_EncodeUTF16, PyUnicode_EncodeUTF32, PyUnicode_EncodeUnicodeEscape, PyUnicode_EncodeRawUnicodeEscape, PyUnicode_EncodeLatin1, PyUnicode_EncodeASCII, PyUnicode_EncodeCharmap, PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap, PyUnicode_EncodeMBCS, PyUnicode_EncodeDecimal, PyUnicode_TransformDecimalToASCII Py_UNICODE_{strlen, strcat, strcpy, strcmp, strchr, strrchr} PyUnicode_AsUnicodeCopy PyUnicode_GetMax _PyUnicode_AsDefaultEncodedString is removed. It previously returned a borrowed reference to an UTF-8-encoded bytes object. Since the unicode object cannot anymore cache such a reference, implementing it without leaking memory is not possible. No deprecation phase is provided, since it was an API for internal use only. Extension modules using the legacy API may inadvertently call PyUnicode_READY, by calling some API that requires that the object is ready, and then continue accessing the (now invalid) Py_UNICODE pointer. Such code will break with this PEP. The code was already flawed in 3.2, as there is was no explicit guarantee that the PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE result would stay valid after an API call (due to the possibility of string resizing). Modules that face this issue need to re-fetch the Py_UNICODE pointer after API calls; doing so will continue to work correctly in earlier Python versions. Discussion Several concerns have been raised about the approach presented here: It makes the implementation more complex. That’s true, but considered worth it given the benefits. The Py_UNICODE representation is not instantaneously available, slowing down applications that request it. While this is also true, applications that care about this problem can be rewritten to use the data representation. Performance Performance of this patch must be considered for both memory consumption and runtime efficiency. For memory consumption, the expectation is that applications that have many large strings will see a reduction in memory usage. For small strings, the effects depend on the pointer size of the system, and the size of the Py_UNICODE/wchar_t type. The following table demonstrates this for various small ASCII and Latin-1 string sizes and platforms. string size Python 3.2 This PEP 16-bit wchar_t 32-bit wchar_t ASCII Latin-1 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 32-bit 64-bit 1 32 64 40 64 32 56 40 80 2 40 64 40 72 32 56 40 80 3 40 64 48 72 32 56 40 80 4 40 72 48 80 32 56 48 80 5 40 72 56 80 32 56 48 80 6 48 72 56 88 32 56 48 80 7 48 72 64 88 32 56 48 80 8 48 80 64 96 40 64 48 88 The runtime effect is significantly affected by the API being used. After porting the relevant pieces of code to the new API, the iobench, stringbench, and json benchmarks see typically slowdowns of 1% to 30%; for specific benchmarks, speedups may happen as may happen significantly larger slowdowns. In actual measurements of a Django application ([2]), significant reductions of memory usage could be found. For example, the storage for Unicode objects reduced to 2216807 bytes, down from 6378540 bytes for a wide Unicode build, and down from 3694694 bytes for a narrow Unicode build (all on a 32-bit system). This reduction came from the prevalence of ASCII strings in this application; out of 36,000 strings (with 1,310,000 chars), 35713 where ASCII strings (with 1,300,000 chars). The sources for these strings where not further analysed; many of them likely originate from identifiers in the library, and string constants in Django’s source code. In comparison to Python 2, both Unicode and byte strings need to be accounted. In the test application, Unicode and byte strings combined had a length of 2,046,000 units (bytes/chars) in 2.x, and 2,200,000 units in 3.x. On a 32-bit system, where the 2.x build used 32-bit wchar_t/Py_UNICODE, the 2.x test used 3,620,000 bytes, and the 3.x build 3,340,000 bytes. This reduction in 3.x using the PEP compared to 2.x only occurs when comparing with a wide unicode build. Porting Guidelines Only a small fraction of C code is affected by this PEP, namely code that needs to look “inside” unicode strings. That code doesn’t necessarily need to be ported to this API, as the existing API will continue to work correctly. In particular, modules that need to support both Python 2 and Python 3 might get too complicated when simultaneously supporting this new API and the old Unicode API. In order to port modules to the new API, try to eliminate the use of these API elements: the Py_UNICODE type, PyUnicode_AS_UNICODE and PyUnicode_AsUnicode, PyUnicode_GET_SIZE and PyUnicode_GetSize, and PyUnicode_FromUnicode. When iterating over an existing string, or looking at specific characters, use indexing operations rather than pointer arithmetic; indexing works well for PyUnicode_READ(_CHAR) and PyUnicode_WRITE. Use void* as the buffer type for characters to let the compiler detect invalid dereferencing operations. If you do want to use pointer arithmetics (e.g. when converting existing code), use (unsigned) char* as the buffer type, and keep the element size (1, 2, or 4) in a variable. Notice that (1<<(kind-1)) will produce the element size given a buffer kind. When creating new strings, it was common in Python to start of with a heuristical buffer size, and then grow or shrink if the heuristics failed. With this PEP, this is now less practical, as you need not only a heuristics for the length of the string, but also for the maximum character. In order to avoid heuristics, you need to make two passes over the input: once to determine the output length, and the maximum character; then allocate the target string with PyUnicode_New and iterate over the input a second time to produce the final output. While this may sound expensive, it could actually be cheaper than having to copy the result again as in the following approach. If you take the heuristical route, avoid allocating a string meant to be resized, as resizing strings won’t work for their canonical representation. Instead, allocate a separate buffer to collect the characters, and then construct a unicode object from that using PyUnicode_FromKindAndData. One option is to use Py_UCS4 as the buffer element, assuming for the worst case in character ordinals. This will allow for pointer arithmetics, but may require a lot of memory. Alternatively, start with a 1-byte buffer, and increase the element size as you encounter larger characters. In any case, PyUnicode_FromKindAndData will scan over the buffer to verify the maximum character. For common tasks, direct access to the string representation may not be necessary: PyUnicode_Find, PyUnicode_FindChar, PyUnicode_Ord, and PyUnicode_CopyCharacters help in analyzing and creating string objects, operating on indexes instead of data pointers. References [1] PEP 393 branch https://bitbucket.org/t0rsten/pep-393 [2] Django measurement results https://web.archive.org/web/20160911215951/http://www.dcl.hpi.uni-potsdam.de/home/loewis/djmemprof/ Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 393 – Flexible String Representation
Standards Track
The Unicode string type is changed to support multiple internal representations, depending on the character with the largest Unicode ordinal (1, 2, or 4 bytes). This will allow a space-efficient representation in common cases, but give access to full UCS-4 on all systems. For compatibility with existing APIs, several representations may exist in parallel; over time, this compatibility should be phased out. The distinction between narrow and wide Unicode builds is dropped. An implementation of this PEP is available at [1].
PEP 394 – The “python” Command on Unix-Like Systems Author: Kerrick Staley <mail at kerrickstaley.com>, Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Petr Viktorin <encukou at gmail.com>, Miro Hrončok <miro at hroncok.cz>, Carol Willing <willingc at gmail.com> Status: Active Type: Informational Created: 02-Mar-2011 Post-History: 04-Mar-2011, 20-Jul-2011, 16-Feb-2012, 30-Sep-2014, 28-Apr-2018, 26-Jun-2019 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Recommendation For Python runtime distributors For Python script publishers For end users of Python History of this PEP Current Rationale Future Changes to this Recommendation Migration Notes Backwards Compatibility Application to the CPython Reference Interpreter Impact on PYTHON* Environment Variables Exclusion of MS Windows References Copyright Abstract This PEP outlines the behavior of Python scripts when the python command is invoked. Depending on a distribution or system configuration, python may or may not be installed. If python is installed its target interpreter may refer to python2 or python3. End users may be unaware of this inconsistency across Unix-like systems. This PEP’s goal is to reduce user confusion about what python references and what will be the script’s behavior. The recommendations in the next section of this PEP will outline the behavior when: using virtual environments writing cross-platform scripts with shebangs for either python2 or python3 The PEP’s goal is to clarify the behavior for script end users, distribution providers, and script maintainers / authors. Recommendation Our recommendations are detailed below. We call out any expectations that these recommendations are based upon. For Python runtime distributors We expect Unix-like software distributions (including systems like macOS and Cygwin) to install the python2 command into the default path whenever a version of the Python 2 interpreter is installed, and the same for python3 and the Python 3 interpreter. When invoked, python2 should run some version of the Python 2 interpreter, and python3 should run some version of the Python 3 interpreter. If the python command is installed, it is expected to invoke either the same version of Python as the python3 command or as the python2 command. Distributors may choose to set the behavior of the python command as follows: python2, python3, not provide python command, allow python to be configurable by an end user or a system administrator. The Python 3.x idle, pydoc, and python-config commands should likewise be available as idle3, pydoc3, and python3-config; Python 2.x versions as idle2, pydoc2, and python2-config. The commands with no version number should either invoke the same version of Python as the python command, or not be available at all. When packaging third party Python scripts, distributors are encouraged to change less specific shebangs to more specific ones. This ensures software is used with the latest version of Python available, and it can remove a dependency on Python 2. The details on what specifics to set are left to the distributors; though. Example specifics could include: Changing python shebangs to python3 when Python 3.x is supported. Changing python shebangs to python2 when Python 3.x is not yet supported. Changing python3 shebangs to python3.8 if the software is built with Python 3.8. When a virtual environment (created by the PEP 405 venv package or a similar tool such as virtualenv or conda) is active, the python command should refer to the virtual environment’s interpreter and should always be available. The python3 or python2 command (according to the environment’s interpreter version) should also be available. For Python script publishers When reinvoking the interpreter from a Python script, querying sys.executable to avoid hardcoded assumptions regarding the interpreter location remains the preferred approach. Encourage your end users to use a virtual environment. This makes the user’s environment more predictable (possibly resulting in fewer issues), and helps avoid disrupting their system. For scripts that are only expected to be run in an activated virtual environment, shebang lines can be written as #!/usr/bin/env python, as this instructs the script to respect the active virtual environment. In cases where the script is expected to be executed outside virtual environments, developers will need to be aware of the following discrepancies across platforms and installation methods: Older Linux distributions will provide a python command that refers to Python 2, and will likely not provide a python2 command. Some newer Linux distributions will provide a python command that refers to Python 3. Some Linux distributions will not provide a python command at all by default, but will provide a python3 command by default. When potentially targeting these environments, developers may either use a Python package installation tool that rewrites shebang lines for the installed environment, provide instructions on updating shebang lines interactively, or else use more specific shebang lines that are tailored to the target environment. Scripts targeting both “old systems” and systems without the default python command need to make a compromise and document this situation. Avoiding shebangs (via the console_scripts Entry Points ([9]) or similar means) is the recommended workaround for this problem. Applications designed exclusively for a specific environment (such as a container or virtual environment) may continue to use the python command name. For end users of Python While far from being universally available, python remains the preferred spelling for explicitly invoking Python, as this is the spelling that virtual environments make consistently available across different platforms and Python installations. For software that is not distributed with (or developed for) your system, we recommend using a virtual environment, possibly with an environment manager like conda or pipenv, to help avoid disrupting your system Python installation. These recommendations are the outcome of the relevant python-dev discussions in March and July 2011 ([1], [2]), February 2012 ([4]), September 2014 ([6]), discussion on GitHub in April 2018 ([7]), on python-dev in February 2019 ([8]), and during the PEP update review in May/June 2019 ([10]). History of this PEP In 2011, the majority of distributions aliased the python command to Python 2, but some started switching it to Python 3 ([5]). As some of the former distributions did not provide a python2 command by default, there was previously no way for Python 2 code (or any code that invokes the Python 2 interpreter directly rather than via sys.executable) to reliably run on all Unix-like systems without modification, as the python command would invoke the wrong interpreter version on some systems, and the python2 command would fail completely on others. This PEP originally provided a very simple mechanism to restore cross-platform support, with minimal additional work required on the part of distribution maintainers. Simplified, the recommendation was: The python command was preferred for code compatible with both Python 2 and 3 (since it was available on all systems, even those that already aliased it to Python 3). The python command should always invoke Python 2 (to prevent hard-to-diagnose errors when Python 2 code is run on Python 3). The python2 and python3 commands should be available to specify the version explicitly. However, these recommendations implicitly assumed that Python 2 would always be available. As Python 2 is nearing its end of life in 2020 (PEP 373, PEP 404), distributions are making Python 2 optional or removing it entirely. This means either removing the python command or switching it to invoke Python 3. Some distributors also decided that their users were better served by ignoring the PEP’s original recommendations, and provided system administrators with the freedom to configure their systems based on the needs of their particular environment. Current Rationale As of 2019, activating a Python virtual environment (or its functional equivalent) prior to script execution is one way to obtain a consistent cross-platform and cross-distribution experience. Accordingly, publishers can expect users of the software to provide a suitable execution environment. Future Changes to this Recommendation This recommendation will be periodically reviewed over the next few years, and updated when the core development team judges it appropriate. As a point of reference, regular maintenance releases for the Python 2.7 series will continue until January 2020. Migration Notes This section does not contain any official recommendations from the core CPython developers. It’s merely a collection of notes regarding various aspects of migrating to Python 3 as the default version of Python for a system. They will hopefully be helpful to any distributions considering making such a change. The main barrier to a distribution switching the python command from python2 to python3 isn’t breakage within the distribution, but instead breakage of private third party scripts developed by sysadmins and other users. Updating the python command to invoke python3 by default indicates that a distribution is willing to break such scripts with errors that are potentially quite confusing for users that aren’t familiar with the backwards incompatible changes in Python 3. For example, while the change of print from a statement to a builtin function is relatively simple for automated converters to handle, the SyntaxError from attempting to use the Python 2 notation in Python 3 may be confusing for users that are not aware of the change:$ python3 -c 'print "Hello, world!"' File "<string>", line 1 print "Hello, world!" ^ SyntaxError: Missing parentheses in call to 'print'. Did you mean print("Hello, world!")? While this might be obvious for experienced Pythonistas, such scripts might even be run by people who are not familiar with Python at all. Avoiding breakage of such third party scripts was the key reason this PEP used to recommend that python continue to refer to python2. The error message python: command not found tends to be surprisingly actionable, even for people unfamiliar with Python. The pythonX.X (e.g. python3.6) commands exist on modern systems, on which they invoke specific minor versions of the Python interpreter. It can be useful for distribution-specific packages to take advantage of these utilities if they exist, since it will prevent code breakage if the default minor version of a given major version is changed. However, scripts intending to be cross-platform should not rely on the presence of these utilities, but rather should be tested on several recent minor versions of the target major version, compensating, if necessary, for the small differences that exist between minor versions. This prevents the need for sysadmins to install many very similar versions of the interpreter. When the pythonX.X binaries are provided by a distribution, the python2 and python3 commands should refer to one of those files rather than being provided as a separate binary file. It is strongly encouraged that distribution-specific packages use python3 (or python2) rather than python, even in code that is not intended to operate on other distributions. This will reduce problems if the distribution later decides to change the version of the Python interpreter that the python command invokes, or if a sysadmin installs a custom python command with a different major version than the distribution default. If the above point is adhered to and sysadmins are permitted to change the python command, then the python command should always be implemented as a link to the interpreter binary (or a link to a link) and not vice versa. That way, if a sysadmin does decide to replace the installed python file, they can do so without inadvertently deleting the previously installed binary. Even as the Python 2 interpreter becomes less common, it remains reasonable for scripts to continue to use the python3 convention, rather than just python. If these conventions are adhered to, it will become the case that the python command is only executed in an interactive manner as a user convenience, or else when using a virtual environment or similar mechanism. Backwards Compatibility A potential problem can arise if a script adhering to the python2/python3 convention is executed on a system not supporting these commands. This is mostly a non-issue, since the sysadmin can simply create these symbolic links and avoid further problems. It is a significantly more obvious breakage than the sometimes cryptic errors that can arise when attempting to execute a script containing Python 2 specific syntax with a Python 3 interpreter or vice versa. Application to the CPython Reference Interpreter While technically a new feature, the make install and make bininstall command in the 2.7 version of CPython were adjusted to create the following chains of symbolic links in the relevant bin directory (the final item listed in the chain is the actual installed binary, preceding items are relative symbolic links): python -> python2 -> python2.7 python-config -> python2-config -> python2.7-config Similar adjustments were made to the macOS binary installer. This feature first appeared in the default installation process in CPython 2.7.3. The installation commands in the CPython 3.x series already create the appropriate symlinks. For example, CPython 3.2 creates: python3 -> python3.2 idle3 -> idle3.2 pydoc3 -> pydoc3.2 python3-config -> python3.2-config And CPython 3.3 creates: python3 -> python3.3 idle3 -> idle3.3 pydoc3 -> pydoc3.3 python3-config -> python3.3-config pysetup3 -> pysetup3.3 The implementation progress of these features in the default installers was managed on the tracker as issue #12627 ([3]). Impact on PYTHON* Environment Variables The choice of target for the python command implicitly affects a distribution’s expected interpretation of the various Python related environment variables. The use of *.pth files in the relevant site-packages folder, the “per-user site packages” feature (see python -m site) or more flexible tools such as virtualenv are all more tolerant of the presence of multiple versions of Python on a system than the direct use of PYTHONPATH. Exclusion of MS Windows This PEP deliberately excludes any proposals relating to Microsoft Windows, as devising an equivalent solution for Windows was deemed too complex to handle here. PEP 397 and the related discussion on the python-dev mailing list address this issue. References [1] Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream (with bonus grammar class!) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2011-March/108491.html) [2] Rebooting PEP 394 (aka Support the /usr/bin/python2 symlink upstream) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2011-July/112322.html) [3] Implement PEP 394 in the CPython Makefile (http://bugs.python.org/issue12627) [4] PEP 394 request for pronouncement (python2 symlink in *nix systems) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-February/116435.html) [5] Arch Linux announcement that their “python” link now refers Python 3 (https://www.archlinux.org/news/python-is-now-python-3/) [6] PEP 394 - Clarification of what “python” command should invoke (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-September/136374.html) [7] PEP 394: Allow the python command to not be installed, and other minor edits (https://github.com/python/peps/pull/630) [8] Another update for PEP 394 – The “python” Command on Unix-Like Systems (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2019-February/156272.html) [9] The console_scripts Entry Point (https://python-packaging.readthedocs.io/en/latest/command-line-scripts.html#the-console-scripts-entry-point) [10] May 2019 PEP update review (https://github.com/python/peps/pull/989) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 394 – The “python” Command on Unix-Like Systems
This PEP outlines the behavior of Python scripts when the python command is invoked. Depending on a distribution or system configuration, python may or may not be installed. If python is installed its target interpreter may refer to python2 or python3. End users may be unaware of this inconsistency across Unix-like systems. This PEP’s goal is to reduce user confusion about what python references and what will be the script’s behavior.
PEP 395 – Qualified Names for Modules Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Mar-2011 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 05-Mar-2011, 19-Nov-2011 Table of Contents PEP Withdrawal Abstract Relationship with Other PEPs What’s in a __name__? Traps for the Unwary Why are my imports broken? Importing the main module twice In a bit of a pickle Where’s the source? Forkless Windows Qualified Names for Modules Alternative Names Eliminating the Traps Fixing main module imports inside packages Optional addition: command line relative imports Compatibility with PEP 382 Incompatibility with PEP 402 Potential incompatibilities with scripts stored in packages Fixing dual imports of the main module Fixing pickling without breaking introspection Fixing multiprocessing on Windows Explicit relative imports Reference Implementation References Copyright PEP Withdrawal This PEP was withdrawn by the author in December 2013, as other significant changes in the time since it was written have rendered several aspects obsolete. Most notably PEP 420 namespace packages rendered some of the proposals related to package detection unworkable and PEP 451 module specifications resolved the multiprocessing issues and provide a possible means to tackle the pickle compatibility issues. A future PEP to resolve the remaining issues would still be appropriate, but it’s worth starting any such effort as a fresh PEP restating the remaining problems in an updated context rather than trying to build on this one directly. Abstract This PEP proposes new mechanisms that eliminate some longstanding traps for the unwary when dealing with Python’s import system, as well as serialisation and introspection of functions and classes. It builds on the “Qualified Name” concept defined in PEP 3155. Relationship with Other PEPs Most significantly, this PEP is currently deferred as it requires significant changes in order to be made compatible with the removal of mandatory __init__.py files in PEP 420 (which has been implemented and released in Python 3.3). This PEP builds on the “qualified name” concept introduced by PEP 3155, and also shares in that PEP’s aim of fixing some ugly corner cases when dealing with serialisation of arbitrary functions and classes. It also builds on PEP 366, which took initial tentative steps towards making explicit relative imports from the main module work correctly in at least some circumstances. Finally, PEP 328 eliminated implicit relative imports from imported modules. This PEP proposes that the de facto implicit relative imports from main modules that are provided by the current initialisation behaviour for sys.path[0] also be eliminated. What’s in a __name__? Over time, a module’s __name__ attribute has come to be used to handle a number of different tasks. The key use cases identified for this module attribute are: Flagging the main module in a program, using the if __name__ == "__main__": convention. As the starting point for relative imports To identify the location of function and class definitions within the running application To identify the location of classes for serialisation into pickle objects which may be shared with other interpreter instances Traps for the Unwary The overloading of the semantics of __name__, along with some historically associated behaviour in the initialisation of sys.path[0], has resulted in several traps for the unwary. These traps can be quite annoying in practice, as they are highly unobvious (especially to beginners) and can cause quite confusing behaviour. Why are my imports broken? There’s a general principle that applies when modifying sys.path: never put a package directory directly on sys.path. The reason this is problematic is that every module in that directory is now potentially accessible under two different names: as a top level module (since the package directory is on sys.path) and as a submodule of the package (if the higher level directory containing the package itself is also on sys.path). As an example, Django (up to and including version 1.3) is guilty of setting up exactly this situation for site-specific applications - the application ends up being accessible as both app and site.app in the module namespace, and these are actually two different copies of the module. This is a recipe for confusion if there is any meaningful mutable module level state, so this behaviour is being eliminated from the default site set up in version 1.4 (site-specific apps will always be fully qualified with the site name). However, it’s hard to blame Django for this, when the same part of Python responsible for setting __name__ = "__main__" in the main module commits the exact same error when determining the value for sys.path[0]. The impact of this can be seen relatively frequently if you follow the “python” and “import” tags on Stack Overflow. When I had the time to follow it myself, I regularly encountered people struggling to understand the behaviour of straightforward package layouts like the following (I actually use package layouts along these lines in my own projects): project/ setup.py example/ __init__.py foo.py tests/ __init__.py test_foo.py While I would often see it without the __init__.py files first, that’s a trivial fix to explain. What’s hard to explain is that all of the following ways to invoke test_foo.py probably won’t work due to broken imports (either failing to find example for absolute imports, complaining about relative imports in a non-package or beyond the toplevel package for explicit relative imports, or issuing even more obscure errors if some other submodule happens to shadow the name of a top-level module, such as an example.json module that handled serialisation or an example.tests.unittest test runner): # These commands will most likely *FAIL*, even if the code is correct # working directory: project/example/tests ./test_foo.py python test_foo.py python -m package.tests.test_foo python -c "from package.tests.test_foo import main; main()" # working directory: project/package tests/test_foo.py python tests/test_foo.py python -m package.tests.test_foo python -c "from package.tests.test_foo import main; main()" # working directory: project example/tests/test_foo.py python example/tests/test_foo.py # working directory: project/.. project/example/tests/test_foo.py python project/example/tests/test_foo.py # The -m and -c approaches don't work from here either, but the failure # to find 'package' correctly is easier to explain in this case That’s right, that long list is of all the methods of invocation that will almost certainly break if you try them, and the error messages won’t make any sense if you’re not already intimately familiar not only with the way Python’s import system works, but also with how it gets initialised. For a long time, the only way to get sys.path right with that kind of setup was to either set it manually in test_foo.py itself (hardly something a novice, or even many veteran, Python programmers are going to know how to do) or else to make sure to import the module instead of executing it directly: # working directory: project python -c "from package.tests.test_foo import main; main()" Since the implementation of PEP 366 (which defined a mechanism that allows relative imports to work correctly when a module inside a package is executed via the -m switch), the following also works properly: # working directory: project python -m package.tests.test_foo The fact that most methods of invoking Python code from the command line break when that code is inside a package, and the two that do work are highly sensitive to the current working directory is all thoroughly confusing for a beginner. I personally believe it is one of the key factors leading to the perception that Python packages are complicated and hard to get right. This problem isn’t even limited to the command line - if test_foo.py is open in Idle and you attempt to run it by pressing F5, or if you try to run it by clicking on it in a graphical filebrowser, then it will fail in just the same way it would if run directly from the command line. There’s a reason the general “no package directories on sys.path” guideline exists, and the fact that the interpreter itself doesn’t follow it when determining sys.path[0] is the root cause of all sorts of grief. In the past, this couldn’t be fixed due to backwards compatibility concerns. However, scripts potentially affected by this problem will already require fixes when porting to the Python 3.x (due to the elimination of implicit relative imports when importing modules normally). This provides a convenient opportunity to implement a corresponding change in the initialisation semantics for sys.path[0]. Importing the main module twice Another venerable trap is the issue of importing __main__ twice. This occurs when the main module is also imported under its real name, effectively creating two instances of the same module under different names. If the state stored in __main__ is significant to the correct operation of the program, or if there is top-level code in the main module that has non-idempotent side effects, then this duplication can cause obscure and surprising errors. In a bit of a pickle Something many users may not realise is that the pickle module sometimes relies on the __module__ attribute when serialising instances of arbitrary classes. So instances of classes defined in __main__ are pickled that way, and won’t be unpickled correctly by another python instance that only imported that module instead of running it directly. This behaviour is the underlying reason for the advice from many Python veterans to do as little as possible in the __main__ module in any application that involves any form of object serialisation and persistence. Similarly, when creating a pseudo-module (see next paragraph), pickles rely on the name of the module where a class is actually defined, rather than the officially documented location for that class in the module hierarchy. For the purposes of this PEP, a “pseudo-module” is a package designed like the Python 3.2 unittest and concurrent.futures packages. These packages are documented as if they were single modules, but are in fact internally implemented as a package. This is supposed to be an implementation detail that users and other implementations don’t need to worry about, but, thanks to pickle (and serialisation in general), the details are often exposed and can effectively become part of the public API. While this PEP focuses specifically on pickle as the principal serialisation scheme in the standard library, this issue may also affect other mechanisms that support serialisation of arbitrary class instances and rely on __module__ attributes to determine how to handle deserialisation. Where’s the source? Some sophisticated users of the pseudo-module technique described above recognise the problem with implementation details leaking out via the pickle module, and choose to address it by altering __name__ to refer to the public location for the module before defining any functions or classes (or else by modifying the __module__ attributes of those objects after they have been defined). This approach is effective at eliminating the leakage of information via pickling, but comes at the cost of breaking introspection for functions and classes (as their __module__ attribute now points to the wrong place). Forkless Windows To get around the lack of os.fork on Windows, the multiprocessing module attempts to re-execute Python with the same main module, but skipping over any code guarded by if __name__ == "__main__": checks. It does the best it can with the information it has, but is forced to make assumptions that simply aren’t valid whenever the main module isn’t an ordinary directly executed script or top-level module. Packages and non-top-level modules executed via the -m switch, as well as directly executed zipfiles or directories, are likely to make multiprocessing on Windows do the wrong thing (either quietly or noisily, depending on application details) when spawning a new process. While this issue currently only affects Windows directly, it also impacts any proposals to provide Windows-style “clean process” invocation via the multiprocessing module on other platforms. Qualified Names for Modules To make it feasible to fix these problems once and for all, it is proposed to add a new module level attribute: __qualname__. This abbreviation of “qualified name” is taken from PEP 3155, where it is used to store the naming path to a nested class or function definition relative to the top level module. For modules, __qualname__ will normally be the same as __name__, just as it is for top-level functions and classes in PEP 3155. However, it will differ in some situations so that the above problems can be addressed. Specifically, whenever __name__ is modified for some other purpose (such as to denote the main module), then __qualname__ will remain unchanged, allowing code that needs it to access the original unmodified value. If a module loader does not initialise __qualname__ itself, then the import system will add it automatically (setting it to the same value as __name__). Alternative Names Two alternative names were also considered for the new attribute: “full name” (__fullname__) and “implementation name” (__implname__). Either of those would actually be valid for the use case in this PEP. However, as a meta-issue, PEP 3155 is also adding a new attribute (for functions and classes) that is “like __name__, but different in some cases where __name__ is missing necessary information” and those terms aren’t accurate for the PEP 3155 function and class use case. PEP 3155 deliberately omits the module information, so the term “full name” is simply untrue, and “implementation name” implies that it may specify an object other than that specified by __name__, and that is never the case for PEP 3155 (in that PEP, __name__ and __qualname__ always refer to the same function or class, it’s just that __name__ is insufficient to accurately identify nested functions and classes). Since it seems needlessly inconsistent to add two new terms for attributes that only exist because backwards compatibility concerns keep us from changing the behaviour of __name__ itself, this PEP instead chose to adopt the PEP 3155 terminology. If the relative inscrutability of “qualified name” and __qualname__ encourages interested developers to look them up at least once rather than assuming they know what they mean just from the name and guessing wrong, that’s not necessarily a bad outcome. Besides, 99% of Python developers should never need to even care these extra attributes exist - they’re really an implementation detail to let us fix a few problematic behaviours exhibited by imports, pickling and introspection, not something people are going to be dealing with on a regular basis. Eliminating the Traps The following changes are interrelated and make the most sense when considered together. They collectively either completely eliminate the traps for the unwary noted above, or else provide straightforward mechanisms for dealing with them. A rough draft of some of the concepts presented here was first posted on the python-ideas list ([1]), but they have evolved considerably since first being discussed in that thread. Further discussion has subsequently taken place on the import-sig mailing list ([2]. [3]). Fixing main module imports inside packages To eliminate this trap, it is proposed that an additional filesystem check be performed when determining a suitable value for sys.path[0]. This check will look for Python’s explicit package directory markers and use them to find the appropriate directory to add to sys.path. The current algorithm for setting sys.path[0] in relevant cases is roughly as follows: # Interactive prompt, -m switch, -c switch sys.path.insert(0, '') # Valid sys.path entry execution (i.e. directory and zip execution) sys.path.insert(0, sys.argv[0]) # Direct script execution sys.path.insert(0, os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) It is proposed that this initialisation process be modified to take package details stored on the filesystem into account: # Interactive prompt, -m switch, -c switch in_package, path_entry, _ignored = split_path_module(os.getcwd(), '') if in_package: sys.path.insert(0, path_entry) else: sys.path.insert(0, '') # Start interactive prompt or run -c command as usual # __main__.__qualname__ is set to "__main__" # The -m switches uses the same sys.path[0] calculation, but: # modname is the argument to the -m switch # modname is passed to ``runpy._run_module_as_main()`` as usual # __main__.__qualname__ is set to modname # Valid sys.path entry execution (i.e. directory and zip execution) modname = "__main__" path_entry, modname = split_path_module(sys.argv[0], modname) sys.path.insert(0, path_entry) # modname (possibly adjusted) is passed to ``runpy._run_module_as_main()`` # __main__.__qualname__ is set to modname # Direct script execution in_package, path_entry, modname = split_path_module(sys.argv[0]) sys.path.insert(0, path_entry) if in_package: # Pass modname to ``runpy._run_module_as_main()`` else: # Run script directly # __main__.__qualname__ is set to modname The split_path_module() supporting function used in the above pseudo-code would have the following semantics: def _splitmodname(fspath): path_entry, fname = os.path.split(fspath) modname = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] return path_entry, modname def _is_package_dir(fspath): return any(os.exists("__init__" + info[0]) for info in imp.get_suffixes()) def split_path_module(fspath, modname=None): """Given a filesystem path and a relative module name, determine an appropriate sys.path entry and a fully qualified module name. Returns a 3-tuple of (package_depth, fspath, modname). A reported package depth of 0 indicates that this would be a top level import. If no relative module name is given, it is derived from the final component in the supplied path with the extension stripped. """ if modname is None: fspath, modname = _splitmodname(fspath) package_depth = 0 while _is_package_dir(fspath): fspath, pkg = _splitmodname(fspath) modname = pkg + '.' + modname return package_depth, fspath, modname This PEP also proposes that the split_path_module() functionality be exposed directly to Python users via the runpy module. With this fix in place, and the same simple package layout described earlier, all of the following commands would invoke the test suite correctly: # working directory: project/example/tests ./test_foo.py python test_foo.py python -m package.tests.test_foo python -c "from .test_foo import main; main()" python -c "from ..tests.test_foo import main; main()" python -c "from package.tests.test_foo import main; main()" # working directory: project/package tests/test_foo.py python tests/test_foo.py python -m package.tests.test_foo python -c "from .tests.test_foo import main; main()" python -c "from package.tests.test_foo import main; main()" # working directory: project example/tests/test_foo.py python example/tests/test_foo.py python -m package.tests.test_foo python -c "from package.tests.test_foo import main; main()" # working directory: project/.. project/example/tests/test_foo.py python project/example/tests/test_foo.py # The -m and -c approaches still don't work from here, but the failure # to find 'package' correctly is pretty easy to explain in this case With these changes, clicking Python modules in a graphical file browser should always execute them correctly, even if they live inside a package. Depending on the details of how it invokes the script, Idle would likely also be able to run test_foo.py correctly with F5, without needing any Idle specific fixes. Optional addition: command line relative imports With the above changes in place, it would be a fairly minor addition to allow explicit relative imports as arguments to the -m switch: # working directory: project/example/tests python -m .test_foo python -m ..tests.test_foo # working directory: project/example/ python -m .tests.test_foo With this addition, system initialisation for the -m switch would change as follows: # -m switch (permitting explicit relative imports) in_package, path_entry, pkg_name = split_path_module(os.getcwd(), '') qualname= <<arguments to -m switch>> if qualname.startswith('.'): modname = qualname while modname.startswith('.'): modname = modname[1:] pkg_name, sep, _ignored = pkg_name.rpartition('.') if not sep: raise ImportError("Attempted relative import beyond top level package") qualname = pkg_name + '.' modname if in_package: sys.path.insert(0, path_entry) else: sys.path.insert(0, '') # qualname is passed to ``runpy._run_module_as_main()`` # _main__.__qualname__ is set to qualname Compatibility with PEP 382 Making this proposal compatible with the PEP 382 namespace packaging PEP is trivial. The semantics of _is_package_dir() are merely changed to be: def _is_package_dir(fspath): return (fspath.endswith(".pyp") or any(os.exists("__init__" + info[0]) for info in imp.get_suffixes())) Incompatibility with PEP 402 PEP 402 proposes the elimination of explicit markers in the file system for Python packages. This fundamentally breaks the proposed concept of being able to take a filesystem path and a Python module name and work out an unambiguous mapping to the Python module namespace. Instead, the appropriate mapping would depend on the current values in sys.path, rendering it impossible to ever fix the problems described above with the calculation of sys.path[0] when the interpreter is initialised. While some aspects of this PEP could probably be salvaged if PEP 402 were adopted, the core concept of making import semantics from main and other modules more consistent would no longer be feasible. This incompatibility is discussed in more detail in the relevant import-sig threads ([2], [3]). Potential incompatibilities with scripts stored in packages The proposed change to sys.path[0] initialisation may break some existing code. Specifically, it will break scripts stored in package directories that rely on the implicit relative imports from __main__ in order to run correctly under Python 3. While such scripts could be imported in Python 2 (due to implicit relative imports) it is already the case that they cannot be imported in Python 3, as implicit relative imports are no longer permitted when a module is imported. By disallowing implicit relatives imports from the main module as well, such modules won’t even work as scripts with this PEP. Switching them over to explicit relative imports will then get them working again as both executable scripts and as importable modules. To support earlier versions of Python, a script could be written to use different forms of import based on the Python version: if __name__ == "__main__" and sys.version_info < (3, 3): import peer # Implicit relative import else: from . import peer # explicit relative import Fixing dual imports of the main module Given the above proposal to get __qualname__ consistently set correctly in the main module, one simple change is proposed to eliminate the problem of dual imports of the main module: the addition of a sys.metapath hook that detects attempts to import __main__ under its real name and returns the original main module instead: class AliasImporter: def __init__(self, module, alias): self.module = module self.alias = alias def __repr__(self): fmt = "{0.__class__.__name__}({0.module.__name__}, {0.alias})" return fmt.format(self) def find_module(self, fullname, path=None): if path is None and fullname == self.alias: return self return None def load_module(self, fullname): if fullname != self.alias: raise ImportError("{!r} cannot load {!r}".format(self, fullname)) return self.main_module This metapath hook would be added automatically during import system initialisation based on the following logic: main = sys.modules["__main__"] if main.__name__ != main.__qualname__: sys.metapath.append(AliasImporter(main, main.__qualname__)) This is probably the least important proposal in the PEP - it just closes off the last mechanism that is likely to lead to module duplication after the configuration of sys.path[0] at interpreter startup is addressed. Fixing pickling without breaking introspection To fix this problem, it is proposed to make use of the new module level __qualname__ attributes to determine the real module location when __name__ has been modified for any reason. In the main module, __qualname__ will automatically be set to the main module’s “real” name (as described above) by the interpreter. Pseudo-modules that adjust __name__ to point to the public namespace will leave __qualname__ untouched, so the implementation location remains readily accessible for introspection. If __name__ is adjusted at the top of a module, then this will automatically adjust the __module__ attribute for all functions and classes subsequently defined in that module. Since multiple submodules may be set to use the same “public” namespace, functions and classes will be given a new __qualmodule__ attribute that refers to the __qualname__ of their module. This isn’t strictly necessary for functions (you could find out their module’s qualified name by looking in their globals dictionary), but it is needed for classes, since they don’t hold a reference to the globals of their defining module. Once a new attribute is added to classes, it is more convenient to keep the API consistent and add a new attribute to functions as well. These changes mean that adjusting __name__ (and, either directly or indirectly, the corresponding function and class __module__ attributes) becomes the officially sanctioned way to implement a namespace as a package, while exposing the API as if it were still a single module. All serialisation code that currently uses __name__ and __module__ attributes will then avoid exposing implementation details by default. To correctly handle serialisation of items from the main module, the class and function definition logic will be updated to also use __qualname__ for the __module__ attribute in the case where __name__ == "__main__". With __name__ and __module__ being officially blessed as being used for the public names of things, the introspection tools in the standard library will be updated to use __qualname__ and __qualmodule__ where appropriate. For example: pydoc will report both public and qualified names for modules inspect.getsource() (and similar tools) will use the qualified names that point to the implementation of the code additional pydoc and/or inspect APIs may be provided that report all modules with a given public __name__. Fixing multiprocessing on Windows With __qualname__ now available to tell multiprocessing the real name of the main module, it will be able to simply include it in the serialised information passed to the child process, eliminating the need for the current dubious introspection of the __file__ attribute. For older Python versions, multiprocessing could be improved by applying the split_path_module() algorithm described above when attempting to work out how to execute the main module based on its __file__ attribute. Explicit relative imports This PEP proposes that __package__ be unconditionally defined in the main module as __qualname__.rpartition('.')[0]. Aside from that, it proposes that the behaviour of explicit relative imports be left alone. In particular, if __package__ is not set in a module when an explicit relative import occurs, the automatically cached value will continue to be derived from __name__ rather than __qualname__. This minimises any backwards incompatibilities with existing code that deliberately manipulates relative imports by adjusting __name__ rather than setting __package__ directly. This PEP does not propose that __package__ be deprecated. While it is technically redundant following the introduction of __qualname__, it just isn’t worth the hassle of deprecating it within the lifetime of Python 3.x. Reference Implementation None as yet. References [1] Module aliases and/or “real names” [2] (1, 2) PEP 395 (Module aliasing) and the namespace PEPs [3] (1, 2) Updated PEP 395 (aka “Implicit Relative Imports Must Die!”) Elaboration of compatibility problems between this PEP and PEP 402 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 395 – Qualified Names for Modules
Standards Track
This PEP proposes new mechanisms that eliminate some longstanding traps for the unwary when dealing with Python’s import system, as well as serialisation and introspection of functions and classes.
PEP 396 – Module Version Numbers Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Topic: Packaging Created: 16-Mar-2011 Post-History: 05-Apr-2011 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection User Stories Rationale Specification Examples Deriving Classic distutils Distutils2 PEP 376 metadata References Copyright Abstract Given that it is useful and common to specify version numbers for Python modules, and given that different ways of doing this have grown organically within the Python community, it is useful to establish standard conventions for module authors to adhere to and reference. This informational PEP describes best practices for Python module authors who want to define the version number of their Python module. Conformance with this PEP is optional, however other Python tools (such as distutils2 [1]) may be adapted to use the conventions defined here. PEP Rejection This PEP was formally rejected on 2021-04-14. The packaging ecosystem has changed significantly in the intervening years since this PEP was first written, and APIs such as importlib.metadata.version() [11] provide for a much better experience. User Stories Alice is writing a new module, called alice, which she wants to share with other Python developers. alice is a simple module and lives in one file, alice.py. Alice wants to specify a version number so that her users can tell which version they are using. Because her module lives entirely in one file, she wants to add the version number to that file. Bob has written a module called bob which he has shared with many users. bob.py contains a version number for the convenience of his users. Bob learns about the Cheeseshop [2], and adds some simple packaging using classic distutils so that he can upload The Bob Bundle to the Cheeseshop. Because bob.py already specifies a version number which his users can access programmatically, he wants the same API to continue to work even though his users now get it from the Cheeseshop. Carol maintains several namespace packages, each of which are independently developed and distributed. In order for her users to properly specify dependencies on the right versions of her packages, she specifies the version numbers in the namespace package’s setup.py file. Because Carol wants to have to update one version number per package, she specifies the version number in her module and has the setup.py extract the module version number when she builds the sdist archive. David maintains a package in the standard library, and also produces standalone versions for other versions of Python. The standard library copy defines the version number in the module, and this same version number is used for the standalone distributions as well. Rationale Python modules, both in the standard library and available from third parties, have long included version numbers. There are established de facto standards for describing version numbers, and many ad-hoc ways have grown organically over the years. Often, version numbers can be retrieved from a module programmatically, by importing the module and inspecting an attribute. Classic Python distutils setup() functions [3] describe a version argument where the release’s version number can be specified. PEP 8 describes the use of a module attribute called __version__ for recording “Subversion, CVS, or RCS” version strings using keyword expansion. In the PEP author’s own email archives, the earliest example of the use of an __version__ module attribute by independent module developers dates back to 1995. Another example of version information is the sqlite3 [5] module with its sqlite_version_info, version, and version_info attributes. It may not be immediately obvious which attribute contains a version number for the module, and which contains a version number for the underlying SQLite3 library. This informational PEP codifies established practice, and recommends standard ways of describing module version numbers, along with some use cases for when – and when not – to include them. Its adoption by module authors is purely voluntary; packaging tools in the standard library will provide optional support for the standards defined herein, and other tools in the Python universe may comply as well. Specification In general, modules in the standard library SHOULD NOT have version numbers. They implicitly carry the version number of the Python release they are included in. On a case-by-case basis, standard library modules which are also released in standalone form for other Python versions MAY include a module version number when included in the standard library, and SHOULD include a version number when packaged separately. When a module (or package) includes a version number, the version SHOULD be available in the __version__ attribute. For modules which live inside a namespace package, the module SHOULD include the __version__ attribute. The namespace package itself SHOULD NOT include its own __version__ attribute. The __version__ attribute’s value SHOULD be a string. Module version numbers SHOULD conform to the normalized version format specified in PEP 386. Module version numbers SHOULD NOT contain version control system supplied revision numbers, or any other semantically different version numbers (e.g. underlying library version number). The version attribute in a classic distutils setup.py file, or the PEP 345 Version metadata field SHOULD be derived from the __version__ field, or vice versa. Examples Retrieving the version number from a third party package: >>> import bzrlib >>> bzrlib.__version__ '2.3.0' Retrieving the version number from a standard library package that is also distributed as a standalone module: >>> import email >>> email.__version__ '5.1.0' Version numbers for namespace packages: >>> import flufl.i18n >>> import flufl.enum >>> import flufl.lock >>> print flufl.i18n.__version__ 1.0.4 >>> print flufl.enum.__version__ 3.1 >>> print flufl.lock.__version__ 2.1 >>> import flufl >>> flufl.__version__ Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '__version__' >>> Deriving Module version numbers can appear in at least two places, and sometimes more. For example, in accordance with this PEP, they are available programmatically on the module’s __version__ attribute. In a classic distutils setup.py file, the setup() function takes a version argument, while the distutils2 setup.cfg file has a version key. The version number must also get into the PEP 345 metadata, preferably when the sdist archive is built. It’s desirable for module authors to only have to specify the version number once, and have all the other uses derive from this single definition. This could be done in any number of ways, a few of which are outlined below. These are included for illustrative purposes only and are not intended to be definitive, complete, or all-encompassing. Other approaches are possible, and some included below may have limitations that prevent their use in some situations. Let’s say Elle adds this attribute to her module file elle.py: __version__ = '3.1.1' Classic distutils In classic distutils, the simplest way to add the version string to the setup() function in setup.py is to do something like this: from elle import __version__ setup(name='elle', version=__version__) In the PEP author’s experience however, this can fail in some cases, such as when the module uses automatic Python 3 conversion via the 2to3 program (because setup.py is executed by Python 3 before the elle module has been converted). In that case, it’s not much more difficult to write a little code to parse the __version__ from the file rather than importing it. Without providing too much detail, it’s likely that modules such as distutils2 will provide a way to parse version strings from files. E.g.: from distutils2 import get_version setup(name='elle', version=get_version('elle.py')) Distutils2 Because the distutils2 style setup.cfg is declarative, we can’t run any code to extract the __version__ attribute, either via import or via parsing. In consultation with the distutils-sig [9], two options are proposed. Both entail containing the version number in a file, and declaring that file in the setup.cfg. When the entire contents of the file contains the version number, the version-file key will be used: [metadata] version-file: version.txt When the version number is contained within a larger file, e.g. of Python code, such that the file must be parsed to extract the version, the key version-from-file will be used: [metadata] version-from-file: elle.py A parsing method similar to that described above will be performed on the file named after the colon. The exact recipe for doing this will be discussed in the appropriate distutils2 development forum. An alternative is to only define the version number in setup.cfg and use the pkgutil module [8] to make it available programmatically. E.g. in elle.py: from distutils2._backport import pkgutil __version__ = pkgutil.get_distribution('elle').metadata['version'] PEP 376 metadata PEP 376 defines a standard for static metadata, but doesn’t describe the process by which this metadata gets created. It is highly desirable for the derived version information to be placed into the PEP 376 .dist-info metadata at build-time rather than install-time. This way, the metadata will be available for introspection even when the code is not installed. References [1] Distutils2 documentation (http://distutils2.notmyidea.org/) [2] The Cheeseshop (Python Package Index) (http://pypi.python.org) [3] http://docs.python.org/distutils/setupscript.html [5] sqlite3 module documentation (http://docs.python.org/library/sqlite3.html) [8] pkgutil - Package utilities (http://distutils2.notmyidea.org/library/pkgutil.html) [9] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2011-June/017862.html [11] importlib.metadata (https://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.metadata.html#distribution-versions) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 396 – Module Version Numbers
Given that it is useful and common to specify version numbers for Python modules, and given that different ways of doing this have grown organically within the Python community, it is useful to establish standard conventions for module authors to adhere to and reference. This informational PEP describes best practices for Python module authors who want to define the version number of their Python module.
PEP 397 – Python launcher for Windows Author: Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au>, Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Mar-2011 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 21-Jul-2011, 17-May-2011, 15-Mar-2011 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Installation Python Script Launching Shebang line parsing Configuration file Virtual commands in shebang lines Customized Commands Python Version Qualifiers Command-line handling Process Launching Discussion References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a Python launcher for the Windows platform. A Python launcher is a single executable which uses a number of heuristics to locate a Python executable and launch it with a specified command line. Rationale Windows provides “file associations” so an executable can be associated with an extension, allowing for scripts to be executed directly in some contexts (eg., double-clicking the file in Windows Explorer.) Until now, a strategy of “last installed Python wins” has been used and while not ideal, has generally been workable due to the conservative changes in Python 2.x releases. As Python 3.x scripts are often syntactically incompatible with Python 2.x scripts, a different strategy must be used to allow files with a ‘.py’ extension to use a different executable based on the Python version the script targets. This will be done by borrowing the existing practices of another operating system - scripts will be able to nominate the version of Python they need by way of a “shebang” line, as described below. Unix-like operating systems (referred to simply as “Unix” in this PEP) allow scripts to be executed as if they were executable images by examining the script for a “shebang” line which specifies the actual executable to be used to run the script. This is described in detail in the evecve(2) man page [1] and while user documentation will be created for this feature, for the purposes of this PEP that man page describes a valid shebang line. Additionally, these operating systems provide symbolic-links to Python executables in well-known directories. For example, many systems will have a link /usr/bin/python which references a particular version of Python installed under the operating-system. These symbolic links allow Python to be executed without regard for where Python it actually installed on the machine (eg., without requiring the path where Python is actually installed to be referenced in the shebang line or in the PATH.) PEP 394 ‘The “python” command on Unix-Like Systems’ describes additional conventions for more fine-grained specification of a particular Python version. These 2 facilities combined allow for a portable and somewhat predictable way of both starting Python interactively and for allowing Python scripts to execute. This PEP describes an implementation of a launcher which can offer the same benefits for Python on the Windows platform and therefore allows the launcher to be the executable associated with ‘.py’ files to support multiple Python versions concurrently. While this PEP offers the ability to use a shebang line which should work on both Windows and Unix, this is not the primary motivation for this PEP - the primary motivation is to allow a specific version to be specified without inventing new syntax or conventions to describe it. Specification This PEP specifies features of the launcher; a prototype implementation is provided in [3] which will be distributed together with the Windows installer of Python, but will also be available separately (but released along with the Python installer). New features may be added to the launcher as long as the features prescribed here continue to work. Installation The launcher comes in 2 versions - one which is a console program and one which is a “windows” (ie., GUI) program. These 2 launchers correspond to the ‘python.exe’ and ‘pythonw.exe’ executables which currently ship with Python. The console launcher will be named ‘py.exe’ and the Windows one named ‘pyw.exe’. The “windows” (ie., GUI) version of the launcher will attempt to locate and launch pythonw.exe even if a virtual shebang line nominates simply “python” - in fact, the trailing ‘w’ notation is not supported in the virtual shebang line at all. The launcher is installed into the Windows directory (see discussion below) if installed by a privileged user. The stand-alone installer asks for an alternative location of the installer, and adds that location to the user’s PATH. The installation in the Windows directory is a 32-bit executable (see discussion); the standalone installer may also offer to install 64-bit versions of the launcher. The launcher installation is registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\CurrentVersion\SharedDLLs with a reference counter. It contains a version resource matching the version number of the pythonXY.dll with which it is distributed. Independent installations will overwrite older version of the launcher with newer versions. Stand-alone releases use a release level of 0x10 in FIELD3 of the CPython release on which they are based. Once installed, the “console” version of the launcher is associated with .py files and the “windows” version associated with .pyw files. The launcher is not tied to a specific version of Python - eg., a launcher distributed with Python 3.3 should be capable of locating and executing any Python 2.x and Python 3.x version. However, the launcher binaries have a version resource that is the same as the version resource in the Python binaries that they are released with. Python Script Launching The launcher is restricted to launching Python scripts. It is not intended as a general-purpose script launcher or shebang processor. The launcher supports the syntax of shebang lines as described in [1], including all restrictions listed. The launcher supports shebang lines referring to Python executables with any of the (regex) prefixes “/usr/bin/”, “/usr/local/bin” and “/usr/bin/env *”, as well as binaries specified without For example, a shebang line of ‘#! /usr/bin/python’ should work even though there is unlikely to be an executable in the relative Windows directory “\usr\bin”. This means that many scripts can use a single shebang line and be likely to work on both Unix and Windows without modification. The launcher will support fully-qualified paths to executables. While this will make the script inherently non-portable, it is a feature offered by Unix and would be useful for Windows users in some cases. The launcher will be capable of supporting implementations other than CPython, such as jython and IronPython, but given both the absence of common links on Unix (such as “/usr/bin/jython”) and the inability for the launcher to automatically locate the installation location of these implementations on Windows, the launcher will support this via customization options. Scripts taking advantage of this will not be portable (as these customization options must be set to reflect the configuration of the machine on which the launcher is running) but this ability is nonetheless considered worthwhile. On Unix, the user can control which specific version of Python is used by adjusting the links in /usr/bin to point to the desired version. As the launcher on Windows will not use Windows links, customization options (exposed via both environment variables and INI files) will be used to override the semantics for determining what version of Python will be used. For example, while a shebang line of “/usr/bin/python2” will automatically locate a Python 2.x implementation, an environment variable can override exactly which Python 2.x implementation will be chosen. Similarly for “/usr/bin/python” and “/usr/bin/python3”. This is specified in detail later in this PEP. Shebang line parsing If the first command-line argument does not start with a dash (‘-‘) character, an attempt will be made to open that argument as a file and parsed for a shebang line according to the rules in [1]: #! interpreter [optional-arg] Once parsed, the command will be categorized according to the following rules: If the command starts with the definition of a customized command followed by a whitespace character (including a newline), the customized command will be used. See below for a description of customized commands. The launcher will define a set of prefixes which are considered Unix compatible commands to launch Python, namely “/usr/bin/python”, “/usr/local/bin/python”, “/usr/bin/env python”, and “python”. If a command starts with one of these strings will be treated as a ‘virtual command’ and the rules described in Python Version Qualifiers (below) will be used to locate the executable to use. Otherwise the command is assumed to be directly ready to execute - ie. a fully-qualified path (or a reference to an executable on the PATH) optionally followed by arguments. The contents of the string will not be parsed - it will be passed directly to the Windows CreateProcess function after appending the name of the script and the launcher command-line arguments. This means that the rules used by CreateProcess will be used, including how relative path names and executable references without extensions are treated. Notably, the Windows command processor will not be used, so special rules used by the command processor (such as automatic appending of extensions other than ‘.exe’, support for batch files, etc) will not be used. The use of ‘virtual’ shebang lines is encouraged as this should allow for portable shebang lines to be specified which work on multiple operating systems and different installations of the same operating system. If the first argument can not be opened as a file or if no valid shebang line can be found, the launcher will act as if a shebang line of ‘#!python’ was found - ie., a default Python interpreter will be located and the arguments passed to that. However, if a valid shebang line is found but the process specified by that line can not be started, the default interpreter will not be started - the error to create the specified child process will cause the launcher to display an appropriate message and terminate with a specific exit code. Configuration file Two .ini files will be searched by the launcher - py.ini in the current user’s “application data” directory (i.e. the directory returned by calling the Windows function SHGetFolderPath with CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA, %USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local on Vista+, %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data on XP) and py.ini in the same directory as the launcher. The same .ini files are used for both the ‘console’ version of the launcher (i.e. py.exe) and for the ‘windows’ version (i.e. pyw.exe) Customization specified in the “application directory” will have precedence over the one next to the executable, so a user, who may not have write access to the .ini file next to the launcher, can override commands in that global .ini file) Virtual commands in shebang lines Virtual Commands are shebang lines which start with strings which would be expected to work on Unix platforms - examples include ‘/usr/bin/python’, ‘/usr/bin/env python’ and ‘python’. Optionally, the virtual command may be suffixed with a version qualifier (see below), such as ‘/usr/bin/python2’ or ‘/usr/bin/python3.2’. The command executed is based on the rules described in Python Version Qualifiers below. Customized Commands The launcher will support the ability to define “Customized Commands” in a Windows .ini file (ie, a file which can be parsed by the Windows function GetPrivateProfileString). A section called ‘[commands]’ can be created with key names defining the virtual command and the value specifying the actual command-line to be used for this virtual command. For example, if an INI file has the contents: [commands] vpython=c:\bin\vpython.exe -foo Then a shebang line of ‘#! vpython’ in a script named ‘doit.py’ will result in the launcher using the command-line c:\bin\vpython.exe -foo doit.py The precise details about the names, locations and search order of the .ini files is in the launcher documentation [4] Python Version Qualifiers Some of the features described allow an optional Python version qualifier to be used. A version qualifier starts with a major version number and can optionally be followed by a period (‘.’) and a minor version specifier. If the minor qualifier is specified, it may optionally be followed by “-32” to indicate the 32bit implementation of that version be used. Note that no “-64” qualifier is necessary as this is the default implementation (see below). On 64bit Windows with both 32bit and 64bit implementations of the same (major.minor) Python version installed, the 64bit version will always be preferred. This will be true for both 32bit and 64bit implementations of the launcher - a 32bit launcher will prefer to execute a 64bit Python installation of the specified version if available. This is so the behavior of the launcher can be predicted knowing only what versions are installed on the PC and without regard to the order in which they were installed (ie, without knowing whether a 32 or 64bit version of Python and corresponding launcher was installed last). As noted above, an optional “-32” suffix can be used on a version specifier to change this behaviour. If no version qualifiers are found in a command, the environment variable PY_PYTHON can be set to specify the default version qualifier - the default value is “2”. Note this value could specify just a major version (e.g. “2”) or a major.minor qualifier (e.g. “2.6”), or even major.minor-32. If no minor version qualifiers are found, the environment variable PY_PYTHON{major} (where {major} is the current major version qualifier as determined above) can be set to specify the full version. If no such option is found, the launcher will enumerate the installed Python versions and use the latest minor release found for the major version, which is likely, although not guaranteed, to be the most recently installed version in that family. In addition to environment variables, the same settings can be configured in the .INI file used by the launcher. The section in the INI file is called [defaults] and the key name will be the same as the environment variables without the leading PY_ prefix (and note that the key names in the INI file are case insensitive.) The contents of an environment variable will override things specified in the INI file. Command-line handling Only the first command-line argument will be checked for a shebang line and only if that argument does not start with a ‘-‘. If the only command-line argument is “-h” or “–help”, the launcher will print a small banner and command-line usage, then pass the argument to the default Python. This will cause help for the launcher being printed followed by help for Python itself. The output from the launcher will clearly indicate the extended help information is coming from the launcher and not Python. As a concession to interactively launching Python, the launcher will support the first command-line argument optionally being a dash (“-“) followed by a version qualifier, as described above, to nominate a specific version be used. For example, while “py.exe” may locate and launch the latest Python 2.x implementation installed, a command-line such as “py.exe -3” could specify the latest Python 3.x implementation be launched, while “py.exe -2.6-32” could specify a 32bit implementation Python 2.6 be located and launched. If a Python 2.x implementation is desired to be launched with the -3 flag, the command-line would need to be similar to “py.exe -2 -3” (or the specific version of Python could obviously be launched manually without use of this launcher.) Note that this feature can not be used with shebang processing as the file scanned for a shebang line and this argument must both be the first argument and therefore are mutually exclusive. All other arguments will be passed untouched to the child Python process. Process Launching The launcher offers some conveniences for Python developers working interactively - for example, starting the launcher with no command-line arguments will launch the default Python with no command-line arguments. Further, command-line arguments will be supported to allow a specific Python version to be launched interactively - however, these conveniences must not detract from the primary purpose of launching scripts and must be easy to avoid if desired. The launcher creates a subprocess to start the actual interpreter. See Discussion below for the rationale. Discussion It may be surprising that the launcher is installed into the Windows directory, and not the System32 directory. The reason is that the System32 directory is not on the Path of a 32-bit process running on a 64-bit system. However, the Windows directory is always on the path. The launcher that is installed into the Windows directory is a 32-bit executable so that the 32-bit CPython installer can provide the same binary for both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows installations. Ideally, the launcher process would execute Python directly inside the same process, primarily so the parent of the launcher process could terminate the launcher and have the Python interpreter terminate. If the launcher executes Python as a sub-process and the parent of the launcher terminates the launcher, the Python process will be unaffected. However, there are a number of practical problems associated with this approach. Windows does not support the execv* family of Unix functions, so this could only be done by the launcher dynamically loading the Python DLL, but this would have a number of side-effects. The most serious side effect of this is that the value of sys.executable would refer to the launcher instead of the Python implementation. Many Python scripts use the value of sys.executable to launch child processes, and these scripts may fail to work as expected if the launcher is used. Consider a “parent” script with a shebang line of ‘#! /usr/bin/python3’ which attempts to launch a child script (with no shebang) via sys.executable - currently the child is launched using the exact same version running the parent script. If sys.executable referred to the launcher the child would be likely executed using a Python 2.x version and would be likely to fail with a SyntaxError. Another hurdle is the support for alternative Python implementations using the “customized commands” feature described above, where loading the command dynamically into a running executable is not possible. The final hurdle is the rules above regarding 64bit and 32bit programs - a 32bit launcher would be unable to load the 64bit version of Python and vice-versa. Given these considerations, the launcher will execute its command in a child process, remaining alive while the child process is executing, then terminate with the same exit code as returned by the child. To address concerns regarding the termination of the launcher not killing the child, the Win32 Job API will be used to arrange so that the child process is automatically killed when the parent is terminated (although children of that child process will continue as is the case now.) As this Windows API is available in Windows XP and later, this launcher will not work on Windows 2000 or earlier. References [1] (1, 2, 3) http://linux.die.net/man/2/execve [3] https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/pylauncher [4] https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/pylauncher/src/tip/Doc/launcher.rst Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 397 – Python launcher for Windows
Standards Track
This PEP describes a Python launcher for the Windows platform. A Python launcher is a single executable which uses a number of heuristics to locate a Python executable and launch it with a specified command line.
PEP 398 – Python 3.3 Release Schedule Author: Georg Brandl <georg at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 23-Mar-2011 Python-Version: 3.3 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager and Crew 3.3 Lifespan Release Schedule 3.3.0 schedule 3.3.1 schedule 3.3.2 schedule 3.3.3 schedule 3.3.4 schedule 3.3.5 schedule 3.3.6 schedule 3.3.7 schedule 3.3.x end-of-life Features for 3.3 Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.3. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Release Manager and Crew 3.3 Release Managers: Georg Brandl, Ned Deily (3.3.7+) Windows installers: Martin v. Löwis Mac installers: Ronald Oussoren/Ned Deily Documentation: Georg Brandl 3.3 Lifespan 3.3 will receive bugfix updates approximately every 4-6 months for approximately 18 months. After the release of 3.4.0 final, a final 3.3 bugfix update will be released. After that, security updates (source only) will be released until 5 years after the release of 3.3 final, which will be September 2017. As of 2017-09-29, Python 3.3.x reached end-of-life status. Release Schedule 3.3.0 schedule 3.3.0 alpha 1: March 5, 2012 3.3.0 alpha 2: April 2, 2012 3.3.0 alpha 3: May 1, 2012 3.3.0 alpha 4: May 31, 2012 3.3.0 beta 1: June 27, 2012 (No new features beyond this point.) 3.3.0 beta 2: August 12, 2012 3.3.0 candidate 1: August 24, 2012 3.3.0 candidate 2: September 9, 2012 3.3.0 candidate 3: September 24, 2012 3.3.0 final: September 29, 2012 3.3.1 schedule 3.3.1 candidate 1: March 23, 2013 3.3.1 final: April 6, 2013 3.3.2 schedule 3.3.2 final: May 13, 2013 3.3.3 schedule 3.3.3 candidate 1: October 27, 2013 3.3.3 candidate 2: November 9, 2013 3.3.3 final: November 16, 2013 3.3.4 schedule 3.3.4 candidate 1: January 26, 2014 3.3.4 final: February 9, 2014 3.3.5 schedule Python 3.3.5 was the last regular maintenance release before 3.3 entered security-fix only mode. 3.3.5 candidate 1: February 22, 2014 3.3.5 candidate 2: March 1, 2014 3.3.5 final: March 8, 2014 3.3.6 schedule Security fixes only 3.3.6 candidate 1 (source-only release): October 4, 2014 3.3.6 final (source-only release): October 11, 2014 3.3.7 schedule Security fixes only 3.3.7 candidate 1 (source-only release): September 6, 2017 3.3.7 final (source-only release): September 19, 2017 3.3.x end-of-life September 29, 2017 Features for 3.3 Implemented / Final PEPs: PEP 362: Function Signature Object PEP 380: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator PEP 393: Flexible String Representation PEP 397: Python launcher for Windows PEP 399: Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements PEP 405: Python Virtual Environments PEP 409: Suppressing exception context PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary PEP 414: Explicit Unicode Literal for Python 3.3 PEP 415: Implement context suppression with exception attributes PEP 417: Including mock in the Standard Library PEP 418: Add monotonic time, performance counter, and process time functions PEP 420: Implicit Namespace Packages PEP 421: Adding sys.implementation PEP 3118: Revising the buffer protocol (protocol semantics finalised) PEP 3144: IP Address manipulation library PEP 3151: Reworking the OS and IO exception hierarchy PEP 3155: Qualified name for classes and functions Other final large-scale changes: Addition of the “faulthandler” module Addition of the “lzma” module, and lzma/xz support in tarfile Implementing __import__ using importlib Addition of the C decimal implementation Switch of Windows build toolchain to VS 2010 Candidate PEPs: None Other planned large-scale changes: None Deferred to post-3.3: PEP 395: Qualified Names for Modules PEP 3143: Standard daemon process library PEP 3154: Pickle protocol version 4 Breaking out standard library and docs in separate repos Addition of the “packaging” module, deprecating “distutils” Addition of the “regex” module Email version 6 A standard event-loop interface (PEP by Jim Fulton pending) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 398 – Python 3.3 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.3. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items.
PEP 399 – Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements Author: Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Created: 04-Apr-2011 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 04-Apr-2011, 12-Apr-2011, 17-Jul-2011, 15-Aug-2011, 01-Jan-2013 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Details Copyright Abstract The Python standard library under CPython contains various instances of modules implemented in both pure Python and C (either entirely or partially). This PEP requires that in these instances that the C code must pass the test suite used for the pure Python code so as to act as much as a drop-in replacement as reasonably possible (C- and VM-specific tests are exempt). It is also required that new C-based modules lacking a pure Python equivalent implementation get special permission to be added to the standard library. Rationale Python has grown beyond the CPython virtual machine (VM). IronPython, Jython, and PyPy are all currently viable alternatives to the CPython VM. The VM ecosystem that has sprung up around the Python programming language has led to Python being used in many different areas where CPython cannot be used, e.g., Jython allowing Python to be used in Java applications. A problem all of the VMs other than CPython face is handling modules from the standard library that are implemented (to some extent) in C. Since other VMs do not typically support the entire C API of CPython they are unable to use the code used to create the module. Oftentimes this leads these other VMs to either re-implement the modules in pure Python or in the programming language used to implement the VM itself (e.g., in C# for IronPython). This duplication of effort between CPython, PyPy, Jython, and IronPython is extremely unfortunate as implementing a module at least in pure Python would help mitigate this duplicate effort. The purpose of this PEP is to minimize this duplicate effort by mandating that all new modules added to Python’s standard library must have a pure Python implementation unless special dispensation is given. This makes sure that a module in the stdlib is available to all VMs and not just to CPython (pre-existing modules that do not meet this requirement are exempt, although there is nothing preventing someone from adding in a pure Python implementation retroactively). Re-implementing parts (or all) of a module in C (in the case of CPython) is still allowed for performance reasons, but any such accelerated code must pass the same test suite (sans VM- or C-specific tests) to verify semantics and prevent divergence. To accomplish this, the test suite for the module must have comprehensive coverage of the pure Python implementation before the acceleration code may be added. Details Starting in Python 3.3, any modules added to the standard library must have a pure Python implementation. This rule can only be ignored if the Python development team grants a special exemption for the module. Typically the exemption will be granted only when a module wraps a specific C-based library (e.g., sqlite3). In granting an exemption it will be recognized that the module will be considered exclusive to CPython and not part of Python’s standard library that other VMs are expected to support. Usage of ctypes to provide an API for a C library will continue to be frowned upon as ctypes lacks compiler guarantees that C code typically relies upon to prevent certain errors from occurring (e.g., API changes). Even though a pure Python implementation is mandated by this PEP, it does not preclude the use of a companion acceleration module. If an acceleration module is provided it is to be named the same as the module it is accelerating with an underscore attached as a prefix, e.g., _warnings for warnings. The common pattern to access the accelerated code from the pure Python implementation is to import it with an import *, e.g., from _warnings import *. This is typically done at the end of the module to allow it to overwrite specific Python objects with their accelerated equivalents. This kind of import can also be done before the end of the module when needed, e.g., an accelerated base class is provided but is then subclassed by Python code. This PEP does not mandate that pre-existing modules in the stdlib that lack a pure Python equivalent gain such a module. But if people do volunteer to provide and maintain a pure Python equivalent (e.g., the PyPy team volunteering their pure Python implementation of the csv module and maintaining it) then such code will be accepted. In those instances the C version is considered the reference implementation in terms of expected semantics. Any new accelerated code must act as a drop-in replacement as close to the pure Python implementation as reasonable. Technical details of the VM providing the accelerated code are allowed to differ as necessary, e.g., a class being a type when implemented in C. To verify that the Python and equivalent C code operate as similarly as possible, both code bases must be tested using the same tests which apply to the pure Python code (tests specific to the C code or any VM do not follow under this requirement). The test suite is expected to be extensive in order to verify expected semantics. Acting as a drop-in replacement also dictates that no public API be provided in accelerated code that does not exist in the pure Python code. Without this requirement people could accidentally come to rely on a detail in the accelerated code which is not made available to other VMs that use the pure Python implementation. To help verify that the contract of semantic equivalence is being met, a module must be tested both with and without its accelerated code as thoroughly as possible. As an example, to write tests which exercise both the pure Python and C accelerated versions of a module, a basic idiom can be followed: from test.support import import_fresh_module import unittest c_heapq = import_fresh_module('heapq', fresh=['_heapq']) py_heapq = import_fresh_module('heapq', blocked=['_heapq']) class ExampleTest: def test_example(self): self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.module, 'heapify')) class PyExampleTest(ExampleTest, unittest.TestCase): module = py_heapq @unittest.skipUnless(c_heapq, 'requires the C _heapq module') class CExampleTest(ExampleTest, unittest.TestCase): module = c_heapq if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main() The test module defines a base class (ExampleTest) with test methods that access the heapq module through a self.heapq class attribute, and two subclasses that set this attribute to either the Python or the C version of the module. Note that only the two subclasses inherit from unittest.TestCase – this prevents the ExampleTest class from being detected as a TestCase subclass by unittest test discovery. A skipUnless decorator can be added to the class that tests the C code in order to have these tests skipped when the C module is not available. If this test were to provide extensive coverage for heapq.heappop() in the pure Python implementation then the accelerated C code would be allowed to be added to CPython’s standard library. If it did not, then the test suite would need to be updated until proper coverage was provided before the accelerated C code could be added. To also help with compatibility, C code should use abstract APIs on objects to prevent accidental dependence on specific types. For instance, if a function accepts a sequence then the C code should default to using PyObject_GetItem() instead of something like PyList_GetItem(). C code is allowed to have a fast path if the proper PyList_CheckExact() is used, but otherwise APIs should work with any object that duck types to the proper interface instead of a specific type. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 399 – Pure Python/C Accelerator Module Compatibility Requirements
The Python standard library under CPython contains various instances of modules implemented in both pure Python and C (either entirely or partially). This PEP requires that in these instances that the C code must pass the test suite used for the pure Python code so as to act as much as a drop-in replacement as reasonably possible (C- and VM-specific tests are exempt). It is also required that new C-based modules lacking a pure Python equivalent implementation get special permission to be added to the standard library.
PEP 400 – Deprecate codecs.StreamReader and codecs.StreamWriter Author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 28-May-2011 Python-Version: 3.3 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral Motivation Rationale StreamReader and StreamWriter issues TextIOWrapper features TextIOWrapper issues Possible improvements of StreamReader and StreamWriter Usage of StreamReader and StreamWriter Backwards Compatibility Keep the public API, codecs.open Deprecate StreamReader and StreamWriter Alternative Approach Appendix A: Issues with stateful codecs Stateful codecs Read and seek(0) seek(n) Append mode Links Copyright Footnotes Abstract io.TextIOWrapper and codecs.StreamReaderWriter offer the same API [1]. TextIOWrapper has more features and is faster than StreamReaderWriter. Duplicate code means that bugs should be fixed twice and that we may have subtle differences between the two implementations. The codecs module was introduced in Python 2.0 (see the PEP 100). The io module was introduced in Python 2.6 and 3.0 (see the PEP 3116), and reimplemented in C in Python 2.7 and 3.1. PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred for lack of a current champion interested in promoting the goals of the PEP and collecting and incorporating feedback, and with sufficient available time to do so effectively. Motivation When the Python I/O model was updated for 3.0, the concept of a “stream-with-known-encoding” was introduced in the form of io.TextIOWrapper. As this class is critical to the performance of text-based I/O in Python 3, this module has an optimised C version which is used by CPython by default. Many corner cases in handling buffering, stateful codecs and universal newlines have been dealt with since the release of Python 3.0. This new interface overlaps heavily with the legacy codecs.StreamReader, codecs.StreamWriter and codecs.StreamReaderWriter interfaces that were part of the original codec interface design in PEP 100. These interfaces are organised around the principle of an encoding with an associated stream (i.e. the reverse of arrangement in the io module), so the original PEP 100 design required that codec writers provide appropriate StreamReader and StreamWriter implementations in addition to the core codec encode() and decode() methods. This places a heavy burden on codec authors providing these specialised implementations to correctly handle many of the corner cases (see Appendix A) that have now been dealt with by io.TextIOWrapper. While deeper integration between the codec and the stream allows for additional optimisations in theory, these optimisations have in practice either not been carried out and else the associated code duplication means that the corner cases that have been fixed in io.TextIOWrapper are still not handled correctly in the various StreamReader and StreamWriter implementations. Accordingly, this PEP proposes that: codecs.open() be updated to delegate to the builtin open() in Python 3.3; the legacy codecs.Stream* interfaces, including the streamreader and streamwriter attributes of codecs.CodecInfo be deprecated in Python 3.3. Rationale StreamReader and StreamWriter issues StreamReader is unable to translate newlines. StreamWriter doesn’t support “line buffering” (flush if the input text contains a newline). StreamReader classes of the CJK encodings (e.g. GB18030) only supports UNIX newlines (’\n’). StreamReader and StreamWriter are stateful codecs but don’t expose functions to control their state (getstate() or setstate()). Each codec has to handle corner cases, see Appendix A. StreamReader and StreamWriter are very similar to IncrementalReader and IncrementalEncoder, some code is duplicated for stateful codecs (e.g. UTF-16). Each codec has to reimplement its own StreamReader and StreamWriter class, even if it’s trivial (just call the encoder/decoder). codecs.open(filename, “r”) creates an io.TextIOWrapper object. No codec implements an optimized method in StreamReader or StreamWriter based on the specificities of the codec. Issues in the bug tracker: Issue #5445 (2009-03-08): codecs.StreamWriter.writelines problem when passed generator Issue #7262: (2009-11-04): codecs.open() + eol (windows) Issue #8260 (2010-03-29): When I use codecs.open(…) and f.readline() follow up by f.read() return bad result Issue #8630 (2010-05-05): Keepends param in codec readline(s) Issue #10344 (2010-11-06): codecs.readline doesn’t care buffering Issue #11461 (2011-03-10): Reading UTF-16 with codecs.readline() breaks on surrogate pairs Issue #12446 (2011-06-30): StreamReader Readlines behavior odd Issue #12508 (2011-07-06): Codecs Anomaly Issue #12512 (2011-07-07): codecs: StreamWriter issues with stateful codecs after a seek or with append mode Issue #12513 (2011-07-07): codec.StreamReaderWriter: issues with interlaced read-write TextIOWrapper features TextIOWrapper supports any kind of newline, including translating newlines (to UNIX newlines), to read and write. TextIOWrapper reuses codecs incremental encoders and decoders (no duplication of code). The io module (TextIOWrapper) is faster than the codecs module (StreamReader). It is implemented in C, whereas codecs is implemented in Python. TextIOWrapper has a readahead algorithm which speeds up small reads: read character by character or line by line (io is 10x through 25x faster than codecs on these operations). TextIOWrapper has a write buffer. TextIOWrapper.tell() is optimized. TextIOWrapper supports random access (read+write) using a single class which permit to optimize interlaced read-write (but no such optimization is implemented). TextIOWrapper issues Issue #12215 (2011-05-30): TextIOWrapper: issues with interlaced read-write Possible improvements of StreamReader and StreamWriter By adding codec state read/write functions to the StreamReader and StreamWriter classes, it will become possible to fix issues with stateful codecs in a base class instead of in each stateful StreamReader and StreamWriter classes. It would be possible to change StreamReader and StreamWriter to make them use IncrementalDecoder and IncrementalEncoder. A codec can implement variants which are optimized for the specific encoding or intercept certain stream methods to add functionality or improve the encoding/decoding performance. TextIOWrapper cannot implement such optimization, but TextIOWrapper uses incremental encoders and decoders and uses read and write buffers, so the overhead of incomplete inputs is low or nul. A lot more could be done for other variable length encoding codecs, e.g. UTF-8, since these often have problems near the end of a read due to missing bytes. The UTF-32-BE/LE codecs could simply multiply the character position by 4 to get the byte position. Usage of StreamReader and StreamWriter These classes are rarely used directly, but indirectly using codecs.open(). They are not used in Python 3 standard library (except in the codecs module). Some projects implement their own codec with StreamReader and StreamWriter, but don’t use these classes. Backwards Compatibility Keep the public API, codecs.open codecs.open() can be replaced by the builtin open() function. open() has a similar API but has also more options. Both functions return file-like objects (same API). codecs.open() was the only way to open a text file in Unicode mode until Python 2.6. Many Python 2 programs uses this function. Removing codecs.open() implies more work to port programs from Python 2 to Python 3, especially projects using the same code base for the two Python versions (without using 2to3 program). codecs.open() is kept for backward compatibility with Python 2. Deprecate StreamReader and StreamWriter Instantiating StreamReader or StreamWriter must emit a DeprecationWarning in Python 3.3. Defining a subclass doesn’t emit a DeprecationWarning. codecs.open() will be changed to reuse the builtin open() function (TextIOWrapper) to read-write text files. Alternative Approach An alternative to the deprecation of the codecs.Stream* classes is to rename codecs.open() to codecs.open_stream(), and to create a new codecs.open() function reusing open() and so io.TextIOWrapper. Appendix A: Issues with stateful codecs It is difficult to use correctly a stateful codec with a stream. Some cases are supported by the codecs module, while io has no more known bug related to stateful codecs. The main difference between the codecs and the io module is that bugs have to be fixed in StreamReader and/or StreamWriter classes of each codec for the codecs module, whereas bugs can be fixed only once in io.TextIOWrapper. Here are some examples of issues with stateful codecs. Stateful codecs Python supports the following stateful codecs: cp932 cp949 cp950 euc_jis_2004 euc_jisx2003 euc_jp euc_kr gb18030 gbk hz iso2022_jp iso2022_jp_1 iso2022_jp_2 iso2022_jp_2004 iso2022_jp_3 iso2022_jp_ext iso2022_kr shift_jis shift_jis_2004 shift_jisx0213 utf_8_sig utf_16 utf_32 Read and seek(0) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-16') as f: f.write('abc') f.write('def') f.seek(0) assert f.read() == 'abcdef' f.seek(0) assert f.read() == 'abcdef' The io and codecs modules support this usecase correctly. seek(n) with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-16') as f: f.write('abc') pos = f.tell() with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-16') as f: f.seek(pos) f.write('def') f.seek(0) f.write('###') with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-16') as f: assert f.read() == '###def' The io module supports this usecase, whereas codecs fails because it writes a new BOM on the second write (issue #12512). Append mode with open(filename, 'w', encoding='utf-16') as f: f.write('abc') with open(filename, 'a', encoding='utf-16') as f: f.write('def') with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-16') as f: assert f.read() == 'abcdef' The io module supports this usecase, whereas codecs fails because it writes a new BOM on the second write (issue #12512). Links PEP 100: Python Unicode Integration PEP 3116: New I/O Issue #8796: Deprecate codecs.open() [python-dev] Deprecate codecs.open() and StreamWriter/StreamReader Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Footnotes [1] StreamReaderWriter has two more attributes than TextIOWrapper, reader and writer.
PEP 400 – Deprecate codecs.StreamReader and codecs.StreamWriter
Standards Track
io.TextIOWrapper and codecs.StreamReaderWriter offer the same API [1]. TextIOWrapper has more features and is faster than StreamReaderWriter. Duplicate code means that bugs should be fixed twice and that we may have subtle differences between the two implementations.
PEP 401 – BDFL Retirement Author: Barry Warsaw, Brett Cannon Status: April Fool! Type: Process Created: 01-Apr-2009 Post-History: 01-Apr-2009 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Official Acts of the FLUFL References Copyright Abstract The BDFL, having shepherded Python development for 20 years, officially announces his retirement, effective immediately. Following a unanimous vote, his replacement is named. Rationale Guido wrote the original implementation of Python in 1989, and after nearly 20 years of leading the community, has decided to step aside as its Benevolent Dictator For Life. His official title is now Benevolent Dictator Emeritus Vacationing Indefinitely from the Language (BDEVIL). Guido leaves Python in the good hands of its new leader and its vibrant community, in order to train for his lifelong dream of climbing Mount Everest. After unanimous vote of the Python Steering Union (not to be confused with the Python Secret Underground, which emphatically does not exist) at the 2009 Python Conference (PyCon 2009), Guido’s successor has been chosen: Barry Warsaw, or as he is affectionately known, Uncle Barry. Uncle Barry’s official title is Friendly Language Uncle For Life (FLUFL). Official Acts of the FLUFL FLUFL Uncle Barry enacts the following decisions, in order to demonstrate his intention to lead the community in the same responsible and open manner as his predecessor, whose name escapes him: Recognized that the selection of Hg as the DVCS of choice was clear proof of the onset of the BDEVIL’s insanity, and reverting this decision to switch to Bzr instead, the only true choice. Recognized that the != inequality operator in Python 3.0 was a horrible, finger pain inducing mistake, the FLUFL reinstates the <> diamond operator as the sole spelling. This change is important enough to be implemented for, and released in Python 3.1. To help transition to this feature, a new future statement, from __future__ import barry_as_FLUFL has been added. Recognized that the print function in Python 3.0 was a horrible, pain-inducing mistake, the FLUFL reinstates the print statement. This change is important enough to be implemented for, and released in Python 3.0.2. Recognized that the disappointing adoption curve of Python 3.0 signals its abject failure, all work on Python 3.1 and subsequent Python 3.x versions is hereby terminated. All features in Python 3.0 shall be back ported to Python 2.7 which will be the official and sole next release. The Python 3.0 string and bytes types will be back ported to Python 2.6.2 for the convenience of developers. Recognized that C is a 20th-century language with almost universal rejection by programmers under the age of 30, the CPython implementation will terminate with the release of Python 2.6.2 and 3.0.2. Thereafter, the reference implementation of Python will target the Parrot [1] virtual machine. Alternative implementations of Python (e.g. Jython [2], IronPython [3], and PyPy [4]) are officially discouraged but tolerated. Recognized that the Python Software Foundation [5] having fulfilled its mission admirably, is hereby disbanded. The Python Steering Union [6] (not to be confused with the Python Secret Underground, which emphatically does not exist), is now the sole steward for all of Python’s intellectual property. All PSF funds are hereby transferred to the PSU (not that PSU, the other PSU). References [1] http://www.parrot.org [2] http://www.jython.org [3] http://www.ironpython.com [4] http://www.codespeak.net/pypy [5] http://www.python.org/psf [6] http://www.pythonlabs.com Copyright This document is the property of the Python Steering Union (not to be confused with the Python Secret Underground, which emphatically does not exist). We suppose it’s okay for you to read this, but don’t even think about quoting, copying, modifying, or distributing it.
April Fool!
PEP 401 – BDFL Retirement
The BDFL, having shepherded Python development for 20 years, officially announces his retirement, effective immediately. Following a unanimous vote, his replacement is named.
PEP 402 – Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning Author: Phillip J. Eby Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Topic: Packaging Created: 12-Jul-2011 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 20-Jul-2011 Replaces: 382 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract The Problem The Solution A Thought Experiment Self-Contained vs. “Virtual” Packages Backwards Compatibility and Performance Specification Virtual Paths Standard Library Changes/Additions Implementation Notes References Copyright Rejection Notice On the first day of sprints at US PyCon 2012 we had a long and fruitful discussion about PEP 382 and PEP 402. We ended up rejecting both but a new PEP will be written to carry on in the spirit of PEP 402. Martin von Löwis wrote up a summary: [3]. Abstract This PEP proposes an enhancement to Python’s package importing to: Surprise users of other languages less, Make it easier to convert a module into a package, and Support dividing packages into separately installed components (ala “namespace packages”, as described in PEP 382) The proposed enhancements do not change the semantics of any currently-importable directory layouts, but make it possible for packages to use a simplified directory layout (that is not importable currently). However, the proposed changes do NOT add any performance overhead to the importing of existing modules or packages, and performance for the new directory layout should be about the same as that of previous “namespace package” solutions (such as pkgutil.extend_path()). The Problem “Most packages are like modules. Their contents are highly interdependent and can’t be pulled apart. [However,] some packages exist to provide a separate namespace. … It should be possible to distribute sub-packages or submodules of these [namespace packages] independently.”—Jim Fulton, shortly before the release of Python 2.3 [1] When new users come to Python from other languages, they are often confused by Python’s package import semantics. At Google, for example, Guido received complaints from “a large crowd with pitchforks” [2] that the requirement for packages to contain an __init__ module was a “misfeature”, and should be dropped. In addition, users coming from languages like Java or Perl are sometimes confused by a difference in Python’s import path searching. In most other languages that have a similar path mechanism to Python’s sys.path, a package is merely a namespace that contains modules or classes, and can thus be spread across multiple directories in the language’s path. In Perl, for instance, a Foo::Bar module will be searched for in Foo/ subdirectories all along the module include path, not just in the first such subdirectory found. Worse, this is not just a problem for new users: it prevents anyone from easily splitting a package into separately-installable components. In Perl terms, it would be as if every possible Net:: module on CPAN had to be bundled up and shipped in a single tarball! For that reason, various workarounds for this latter limitation exist, circulated under the term “namespace packages”. The Python standard library has provided one such workaround since Python 2.3 (via the pkgutil.extend_path() function), and the “setuptools” package provides another (via pkg_resources.declare_namespace()). The workarounds themselves, however, fall prey to a third issue with Python’s way of laying out packages in the filesystem. Because a package must contain an __init__ module, any attempt to distribute modules for that package must necessarily include that __init__ module, if those modules are to be importable. However, the very fact that each distribution of modules for a package must contain this (duplicated) __init__ module, means that OS vendors who package up these module distributions must somehow handle the conflict caused by several module distributions installing that __init__ module to the same location in the filesystem. This led to the proposing of PEP 382 (“Namespace Packages”) - a way to signal to Python’s import machinery that a directory was importable, using unique filenames per module distribution. However, there was more than one downside to this approach. Performance for all import operations would be affected, and the process of designating a package became even more complex. New terminology had to be invented to explain the solution, and so on. As terminology discussions continued on the Import-SIG, it soon became apparent that the main reason it was so difficult to explain the concepts related to “namespace packages” was because Python’s current way of handling packages is somewhat underpowered, when compared to other languages. That is, in other popular languages with package systems, no special term is needed to describe “namespace packages”, because all packages generally behave in the desired fashion. Rather than being an isolated single directory with a special marker module (as in Python), packages in other languages are typically just the union of appropriately-named directories across the entire import or inclusion path. In Perl, for example, the module Foo is always found in a Foo.pm file, and a module Foo::Bar is always found in a Foo/Bar.pm file. (In other words, there is One Obvious Way to find the location of a particular module.) This is because Perl considers a module to be different from a package: the package is purely a namespace in which other modules may reside, and is only coincidentally the name of a module as well. In current versions of Python, however, the module and the package are more tightly bound together. Foo is always a module – whether it is found in Foo.py or Foo/__init__.py – and it is tightly linked to its submodules (if any), which must reside in the exact same directory where the __init__.py was found. On the positive side, this design choice means that a package is quite self-contained, and can be installed, copied, etc. as a unit just by performing an operation on the package’s root directory. On the negative side, however, it is non-intuitive for beginners, and requires a more complex step to turn a module into a package. If Foo begins its life as Foo.py, then it must be moved and renamed to Foo/__init__.py. Conversely, if you intend to create a Foo.Bar module from the start, but have no particular module contents to put in Foo itself, then you have to create an empty and seemingly-irrelevant Foo/__init__.py file, just so that Foo.Bar can be imported. (And these issues don’t just confuse newcomers to the language, either: they annoy many experienced developers as well.) So, after some discussion on the Import-SIG, this PEP was created as an alternative to PEP 382, in an attempt to solve all of the above problems, not just the “namespace package” use cases. And, as a delightful side effect, the solution proposed in this PEP does not affect the import performance of ordinary modules or self-contained (i.e. __init__-based) packages. The Solution In the past, various proposals have been made to allow more intuitive approaches to package directory layout. However, most of them failed because of an apparent backward-compatibility problem. That is, if the requirement for an __init__ module were simply dropped, it would open up the possibility for a directory named, say, string on sys.path, to block importing of the standard library string module. Paradoxically, however, the failure of this approach does not arise from the elimination of the __init__ requirement! Rather, the failure arises because the underlying approach takes for granted that a package is just ONE thing, instead of two. In truth, a package comprises two separate, but related entities: a module (with its own, optional contents), and a namespace where other modules or packages can be found. In current versions of Python, however, the module part (found in __init__) and the namespace for submodule imports (represented by the __path__ attribute) are both initialized at the same time, when the package is first imported. And, if you assume this is the only way to initialize these two things, then there is no way to drop the need for an __init__ module, while still being backwards-compatible with existing directory layouts. After all, as soon as you encounter a directory on sys.path matching the desired name, that means you’ve “found” the package, and must stop searching, right? Well, not quite. A Thought Experiment Let’s hop into the time machine for a moment, and pretend we’re back in the early 1990s, shortly before Python packages and __init__.py have been invented. But, imagine that we are familiar with Perl-like package imports, and we want to implement a similar system in Python. We’d still have Python’s module imports to build on, so we could certainly conceive of having Foo.py as a parent Foo module for a Foo package. But how would we implement submodule and subpackage imports? Well, if we didn’t have the idea of __path__ attributes yet, we’d probably just search sys.path looking for Foo/Bar.py. But we’d only do it when someone actually tried to import Foo.Bar. NOT when they imported Foo. And that lets us get rid of the backwards-compatibility problem of dropping the __init__ requirement, back here in 2011. How? Well, when we import Foo, we’re not even looking for Foo/ directories on sys.path, because we don’t care yet. The only point at which we care, is the point when somebody tries to actually import a submodule or subpackage of Foo. That means that if Foo is a standard library module (for example), and I happen to have a Foo directory on sys.path (without an __init__.py, of course), then nothing breaks. The Foo module is still just a module, and it’s still imported normally. Self-Contained vs. “Virtual” Packages Of course, in today’s Python, trying to import Foo.Bar will fail if Foo is just a Foo.py module (and thus lacks a __path__ attribute). So, this PEP proposes to dynamically create a __path__, in the case where one is missing. That is, if I try to import Foo.Bar the proposed change to the import machinery will notice that the Foo module lacks a __path__, and will therefore try to build one before proceeding. And it will do this by making a list of all the existing Foo/ subdirectories of the directories listed in sys.path. If the list is empty, the import will fail with ImportError, just like today. But if the list is not empty, then it is saved in a new Foo.__path__ attribute, making the module a “virtual package”. That is, because it now has a valid __path__, we can proceed to import submodules or subpackages in the normal way. Now, notice that this change does not affect “classic”, self-contained packages that have an __init__ module in them. Such packages already have a __path__ attribute (initialized at import time) so the import machinery won’t try to create another one later. This means that (for example) the standard library email package will not be affected in any way by you having a bunch of unrelated directories named email on sys.path. (Even if they contain *.py files.) But it does mean that if you want to turn your Foo module into a Foo package, all you have to do is add a Foo/ directory somewhere on sys.path, and start adding modules to it. But what if you only want a “namespace package”? That is, a package that is only a namespace for various separately-distributed submodules and subpackages? For example, if you’re Zope Corporation, distributing dozens of separate tools like zc.buildout, each in packages under the zc namespace, you don’t want to have to make and include an empty zc.py in every tool you ship. (And, if you’re a Linux or other OS vendor, you don’t want to deal with the package installation conflicts created by trying to install ten copies of zc.py to the same location!) No problem. All we have to do is make one more minor tweak to the import process: if the “classic” import process fails to find a self-contained module or package (e.g., if import zc fails to find a zc.py or zc/__init__.py), then we once more try to build a __path__ by searching for all the zc/ directories on sys.path, and putting them in a list. If this list is empty, we raise ImportError. But if it’s non-empty, we create an empty zc module, and put the list in zc.__path__. Congratulations: zc is now a namespace-only, “pure virtual” package! It has no module contents, but you can still import submodules and subpackages from it, regardless of where they’re located on sys.path. (By the way, both of these additions to the import protocol (i.e. the dynamically-added __path__, and dynamically-created modules) apply recursively to child packages, using the parent package’s __path__ in place of sys.path as a basis for generating a child __path__. This means that self-contained and virtual packages can contain each other without limitation, with the caveat that if you put a virtual package inside a self-contained one, it’s gonna have a really short __path__!) Backwards Compatibility and Performance Notice that these two changes only affect import operations that today would result in ImportError. As a result, the performance of imports that do not involve virtual packages is unaffected, and potential backward compatibility issues are very restricted. Today, if you try to import submodules or subpackages from a module with no __path__, it’s an immediate error. And of course, if you don’t have a zc.py or zc/__init__.py somewhere on sys.path today, import zc would likewise fail. Thus, the only potential backwards-compatibility issues are: Tools that expect package directories to have an __init__ module, that expect directories without an __init__ module to be unimportable, or that expect __path__ attributes to be static, will not recognize virtual packages as packages.(In practice, this just means that tools will need updating to support virtual packages, e.g. by using pkgutil.walk_modules() instead of using hardcoded filesystem searches.) Code that expects certain imports to fail may now do something unexpected. This should be fairly rare in practice, as most sane, non-test code does not import things that are expected not to exist! The biggest likely exception to the above would be when a piece of code tries to check whether some package is installed by importing it. If this is done only by importing a top-level module (i.e., not checking for a __version__ or some other attribute), and there is a directory of the same name as the sought-for package on sys.path somewhere, and the package is not actually installed, then such code could be fooled into thinking a package is installed that really isn’t. For example, suppose someone writes a script (datagen.py) containing the following code: try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json And runs it in a directory laid out like this: datagen.py json/ foo.js bar.js If import json succeeded due to the mere presence of the json/ subdirectory, the code would incorrectly believe that the json module was available, and proceed to fail with an error. However, we can prevent corner cases like these from arising, simply by making one small change to the algorithm presented so far. Instead of allowing you to import a “pure virtual” package (like zc), we allow only importing of the contents of virtual packages. That is, a statement like import zc should raise ImportError if there is no zc.py or zc/__init__.py on sys.path. But, doing import zc.buildout should still succeed, as long as there’s a zc/buildout.py or zc/buildout/__init__.py on sys.path. In other words, we don’t allow pure virtual packages to be imported directly, only modules and self-contained packages. (This is an acceptable limitation, because there is no functional value to importing such a package by itself. After all, the module object will have no contents until you import at least one of its subpackages or submodules!) Once zc.buildout has been successfully imported, though, there will be a zc module in sys.modules, and trying to import it will of course succeed. We are only preventing an initial import from succeeding, in order to prevent false-positive import successes when clashing subdirectories are present on sys.path. So, with this slight change, the datagen.py example above will work correctly. When it does import json, the mere presence of a json/ directory will simply not affect the import process at all, even if it contains .py files. The json/ directory will still only be searched in the case where an import like import json.converter is attempted. Meanwhile, tools that expect to locate packages and modules by walking a directory tree can be updated to use the existing pkgutil.walk_modules() API, and tools that need to inspect packages in memory should use the other APIs described in the Standard Library Changes/Additions section below. Specification A change is made to the existing import process, when importing names containing at least one . – that is, imports of modules that have a parent package. Specifically, if the parent package does not exist, or exists but lacks a __path__ attribute, an attempt is first made to create a “virtual path” for the parent package (following the algorithm described in the section on virtual paths, below). If the computed “virtual path” is empty, an ImportError results, just as it would today. However, if a non-empty virtual path is obtained, the normal import of the submodule or subpackage proceeds, using that virtual path to find the submodule or subpackage. (Just as it would have with the parent’s __path__, if the parent package had existed and had a __path__.) When a submodule or subpackage is found (but not yet loaded), the parent package is created and added to sys.modules (if it didn’t exist before), and its __path__ is set to the computed virtual path (if it wasn’t already set). In this way, when the actual loading of the submodule or subpackage occurs, it will see a parent package existing, and any relative imports will work correctly. However, if no submodule or subpackage exists, then the parent package will not be created, nor will a standalone module be converted into a package (by the addition of a spurious __path__ attribute). Note, by the way, that this change must be applied recursively: that is, if foo and foo.bar are pure virtual packages, then import foo.bar.baz must wait until foo.bar.baz is found before creating module objects for both foo and foo.bar, and then create both of them together, properly setting the foo module’s .bar attribute to point to the foo.bar module. In this way, pure virtual packages are never directly importable: an import foo or import foo.bar by itself will fail, and the corresponding modules will not appear in sys.modules until they are needed to point to a successfully imported submodule or self-contained subpackage. Virtual Paths A virtual path is created by obtaining a PEP 302 “importer” object for each of the path entries found in sys.path (for a top-level module) or the parent __path__ (for a submodule). (Note: because sys.meta_path importers are not associated with sys.path or __path__ entry strings, such importers do not participate in this process.) Each importer is checked for a get_subpath() method, and if present, the method is called with the full name of the module/package the path is being constructed for. The return value is either a string representing a subdirectory for the requested package, or None if no such subdirectory exists. The strings returned by the importers are added to the path list being built, in the same order as they are found. (None values and missing get_subpath() methods are simply skipped.) The resulting list (whether empty or not) is then stored in a sys.virtual_package_paths dictionary, keyed by module name. This dictionary has two purposes. First, it serves as a cache, in the event that more than one attempt is made to import a submodule of a virtual package. Second, and more importantly, the dictionary can be used by code that extends sys.path at runtime to update imported packages’ __path__ attributes accordingly. (See Standard Library Changes/Additions below for more details.) In Python code, the virtual path construction algorithm would look something like this: def get_virtual_path(modulename, parent_path=None): if modulename in sys.virtual_package_paths: return sys.virtual_package_paths[modulename] if parent_path is None: parent_path = sys.path path = [] for entry in parent_path: # Obtain a PEP 302 importer object - see pkgutil module importer = pkgutil.get_importer(entry) if hasattr(importer, 'get_subpath'): subpath = importer.get_subpath(modulename) if subpath is not None: path.append(subpath) sys.virtual_package_paths[modulename] = path return path And a function like this one should be exposed in the standard library as e.g. imp.get_virtual_path(), so that people creating __import__ replacements or sys.meta_path hooks can reuse it. Standard Library Changes/Additions The pkgutil module should be updated to handle this specification appropriately, including any necessary changes to extend_path(), iter_modules(), etc. Specifically the proposed changes and additions to pkgutil are: A new extend_virtual_paths(path_entry) function, to extend existing, already-imported virtual packages’ __path__ attributes to include any portions found in a new sys.path entry. This function should be called by applications extending sys.path at runtime, e.g. when adding a plugin directory or an egg to the path.The implementation of this function does a simple top-down traversal of sys.virtual_package_paths, and performs any necessary get_subpath() calls to identify what path entries need to be added to the virtual path for that package, given that path_entry has been added to sys.path. (Or, in the case of sub-packages, adding a derived subpath entry, based on their parent package’s virtual path.) (Note: this function must update both the path values in sys.virtual_package_paths as well as the __path__ attributes of any corresponding modules in sys.modules, even though in the common case they will both be the same list object.) A new iter_virtual_packages(parent='') function to allow top-down traversal of virtual packages from sys.virtual_package_paths, by yielding the child virtual packages of parent. For example, calling iter_virtual_packages("zope") might yield zope.app and zope.products (if they are virtual packages listed in sys.virtual_package_paths), but not zope.foo.bar. (This function is needed to implement extend_virtual_paths(), but is also potentially useful for other code that needs to inspect imported virtual packages.) ImpImporter.iter_modules() should be changed to also detect and yield the names of modules found in virtual packages. In addition to the above changes, the zipimport importer should have its iter_modules() implementation similarly changed. (Note: current versions of Python implement this via a shim in pkgutil, so technically this is also a change to pkgutil.) Last, but not least, the imp module (or importlib, if appropriate) should expose the algorithm described in the virtual paths section above, as a get_virtual_path(modulename, parent_path=None) function, so that creators of __import__ replacements can use it. Implementation Notes For users, developers, and distributors of virtual packages: While virtual packages are easy to set up and use, there is still a time and place for using self-contained packages. While it’s not strictly necessary, adding an __init__ module to your self-contained packages lets users of the package (and Python itself) know that all of the package’s code will be found in that single subdirectory. In addition, it lets you define __all__, expose a public API, provide a package-level docstring, and do other things that make more sense for a self-contained project than for a mere “namespace” package. sys.virtual_package_paths is allowed to contain entries for non-existent or not-yet-imported package names; code that uses its contents should not assume that every key in this dictionary is also present in sys.modules or that importing the name will necessarily succeed. If you are changing a currently self-contained package into a virtual one, it’s important to note that you can no longer use its __file__ attribute to locate data files stored in a package directory. Instead, you must search __path__ or use the __file__ of a submodule adjacent to the desired files, or of a self-contained subpackage that contains the desired files.(Note: this caveat is already true for existing users of “namespace packages” today. That is, it is an inherent result of being able to partition a package, that you must know which partition the desired data file lives in. We mention it here simply so that new users converting from self-contained to virtual packages will also be aware of it.) XXX what is the __file__ of a “pure virtual” package? None? Some arbitrary string? The path of the first directory with a trailing separator? No matter what we put, some code is going to break, but the last choice might allow some code to accidentally work. Is that good or bad? For those implementing PEP 302 importer objects: Importers that support the iter_modules() method (used by pkgutil to locate importable modules and packages) and want to add virtual package support should modify their iter_modules() method so that it discovers and lists virtual packages as well as standard modules and packages. To do this, the importer should simply list all immediate subdirectory names in its jurisdiction that are valid Python identifiers.XXX This might list a lot of not-really-packages. Should we require importable contents to exist? If so, how deep do we search, and how do we prevent e.g. link loops, or traversing onto different filesystems, etc.? Ick. Also, if virtual packages are listed, they still can’t be imported, which is a problem for the way that pkgutil.walk_modules() is currently implemented. “Meta” importers (i.e., importers placed on sys.meta_path) do not need to implement get_subpath(), because the method is only called on importers corresponding to sys.path entries and __path__ entries. If a meta importer wishes to support virtual packages, it must do so entirely within its own find_module() implementation.Unfortunately, it is unlikely that any such implementation will be able to merge its package subpaths with those of other meta importers or sys.path importers, so the meaning of “supporting virtual packages” for a meta importer is currently undefined! (However, since the intended use case for meta importers is to replace Python’s normal import process entirely for some subset of modules, and the number of such importers currently implemented is quite small, this seems unlikely to be a big issue in practice.) References [1] “namespace” vs “module” packages (mailing list thread) (http://mail.zope.org/pipermail/zope3-dev/2002-December/004251.html) [2] “Dropping __init__.py requirement for subpackages” (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-April/064400.html) [3] Namespace Packages resolution (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-March/000421.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 402 – Simplified Package Layout and Partitioning
Standards Track
This PEP proposes an enhancement to Python’s package importing to:
PEP 403 – General purpose decorator clause (aka “@in” clause) Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 13-Oct-2011 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 13-Oct-2011 Table of Contents Abstract Basic Examples Proposal Syntax Change Design Discussion Background Relation to PEP 3150 Keyword Choice Better Debugging Support for Functions and Classes with Short Names Possible Implementation Strategy Explaining Container Comprehensions and Generator Expressions More Examples Reference Implementation Acknowledgements Rejected Concepts Omitting the decorator prefix character Anonymous Forward References Using a nested suite References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the addition of a new @in decorator clause that makes it possible to override the name binding step of a function or class definition. The new clause accepts a single simple statement that can make a forward reference to decorated function or class definition. This new clause is designed to be used whenever a “one-shot” function or class is needed, and placing the function or class definition before the statement that uses it actually makes the code harder to read. It also avoids any name shadowing concerns by making sure the new name is visible only to the statement in the @in clause. This PEP is based heavily on many of the ideas in PEP 3150 (Statement Local Namespaces) so some elements of the rationale will be familiar to readers of that PEP. Both PEPs remain deferred for the time being, primarily due to the lack of compelling real world use cases in either PEP. Basic Examples Before diving into the long history of this problem and the detailed rationale for this specific proposed solution, here are a few simple examples of the kind of code it is designed to simplify. As a trivial example, a weakref callback could be defined as follows: @in x = weakref.ref(target, report_destruction) def report_destruction(obj): print("{} is being destroyed".format(obj)) This contrasts with the current (conceptually) “out of order” syntax for this operation: def report_destruction(obj): print("{} is being destroyed".format(obj)) x = weakref.ref(target, report_destruction) That structure is OK when you’re using the callable multiple times, but it’s irritating to be forced into it for one-off operations. If the repetition of the name seems especially annoying, then a throwaway name like f can be used instead: @in x = weakref.ref(target, f) def f(obj): print("{} is being destroyed".format(obj)) Similarly, a sorted operation on a particularly poorly defined type could now be defined as: @in sorted_list = sorted(original, key=f) def f(item): try: return item.calc_sort_order() except NotSortableError: return float('inf') Rather than: def force_sort(item): try: return item.calc_sort_order() except NotSortableError: return float('inf') sorted_list = sorted(original, key=force_sort) And early binding semantics in a list comprehension could be attained via: @in funcs = [adder(i) for i in range(10)] def adder(i): return lambda x: x + i Proposal This PEP proposes the addition of a new @in clause that is a variant of the existing class and function decorator syntax. The new @in clause precedes the decorator lines, and allows forward references to the trailing function or class definition. The trailing function or class definition is always named - the name of the trailing definition is then used to make the forward reference from the @in clause. The @in clause is allowed to contain any simple statement (including those that don’t make any sense in that context, such as pass - while such code would be legal, there wouldn’t be any point in writing it). This permissive structure is easier to define and easier to explain, but a more restrictive approach that only permits operations that “make sense” would also be possible (see PEP 3150 for a list of possible candidates). The @in clause will not create a new scope - all name binding operations aside from the trailing function or class definition will affect the containing scope. The name used in the trailing function or class definition is only visible from the associated @in clause, and behaves as if it was an ordinary variable defined in that scope. If any nested scopes are created in either the @in clause or the trailing function or class definition, those scopes will see the trailing function or class definition rather than any other bindings for that name in the containing scope. In a very real sense, this proposal is about making it possible to override the implicit “name = <defined function or class>” name binding operation that is part of every function or class definition, specifically in those cases where the local name binding isn’t actually needed. Under this PEP, an ordinary class or function definition: @deco2 @deco1 def name(): ... can be explained as being roughly equivalent to: @in name = deco2(deco1(name)) def name(): ... Syntax Change Syntactically, only one new grammar rule is needed: in_stmt: '@in' simple_stmt decorated Grammar: http://hg.python.org/cpython/file/default/Grammar/Grammar Design Discussion Background The question of “multi-line lambdas” has been a vexing one for many Python users for a very long time, and it took an exploration of Ruby’s block functionality for me to finally understand why this bugs people so much: Python’s demand that the function be named and introduced before the operation that needs it breaks the developer’s flow of thought. They get to a point where they go “I need a one-shot operation that does <X>”, and instead of being able to just say that directly, they instead have to back up, name a function to do <X>, then call that function from the operation they actually wanted to do in the first place. Lambda expressions can help sometimes, but they’re no substitute for being able to use a full suite. Ruby’s block syntax also heavily inspired the style of the solution in this PEP, by making it clear that even when limited to one anonymous function per statement, anonymous functions could still be incredibly useful. Consider how many constructs Python has where one expression is responsible for the bulk of the heavy lifting: comprehensions, generator expressions, map(), filter() key arguments to sorted(), min(), max() partial function application provision of callbacks (e.g. for weak references or asynchronous IO) array broadcast operations in NumPy However, adopting Ruby’s block syntax directly won’t work for Python, since the effectiveness of Ruby’s blocks relies heavily on various conventions in the way functions are defined (specifically, using Ruby’s yield syntax to call blocks directly and the &arg mechanism to accept a block as a function’s final argument). Since Python has relied on named functions for so long, the signatures of APIs that accept callbacks are far more diverse, thus requiring a solution that allows one-shot functions to be slotted in at the appropriate location. The approach taken in this PEP is to retain the requirement to name the function explicitly, but allow the relative order of the definition and the statement that references it to be changed to match the developer’s flow of thought. The rationale is essentially the same as that used when introducing decorators, but covering a broader set of applications. Relation to PEP 3150 PEP 3150 (Statement Local Namespaces) describes its primary motivation as being to elevate ordinary assignment statements to be on par with class and def statements where the name of the item to be defined is presented to the reader in advance of the details of how the value of that item is calculated. This PEP achieves the same goal in a different way, by allowing the simple name binding of a standard function definition to be replaced with something else (like assigning the result of the function to a value). Despite having the same author, the two PEPs are in direct competition with each other. PEP 403 represents a minimalist approach that attempts to achieve useful functionality with a minimum of change from the status quo. This PEP instead aims for a more flexible standalone statement design, which requires a larger degree of change to the language. Note that where PEP 403 is better suited to explaining the behaviour of generator expressions correctly, this PEP is better able to explain the behaviour of decorator clauses in general. Both PEPs support adequate explanations for the semantics of container comprehensions. Keyword Choice The proposal definitely requires some kind of prefix to avoid parsing ambiguity and backwards compatibility problems with existing constructs. It also needs to be clearly highlighted to readers, since it declares that the following piece of code is going to be executed only after the trailing function or class definition has been executed. The in keyword was chosen as an existing keyword that can be used to denote the concept of a forward reference. The @ prefix was included in order to exploit the fact that Python programmers are already used to decorator syntax as an indication of out of order execution, where the function or class is actually defined first and then decorators are applied in reverse order. For functions, the construct is intended to be read as “in <this statement that references NAME> define NAME as a function that does <operation>”. The mapping to English prose isn’t as obvious for the class definition case, but the concept remains the same. Better Debugging Support for Functions and Classes with Short Names One of the objections to widespread use of lambda expressions is that they have a negative effect on traceback intelligibility and other aspects of introspection. Similar objections are raised regarding constructs that promote short, cryptic function names (including this one, which requires that the name of the trailing definition be supplied at least twice, encouraging the use of shorthand placeholder names like f). However, the introduction of qualified names in PEP 3155 means that even anonymous classes and functions will now have different representations if they occur in different scopes. For example: >>> def f(): ... return lambda: y ... >>> f() <function f.<locals>.<lambda> at 0x7f6f46faeae0> Anonymous functions (or functions that share a name) within the same scope will still share representations (aside from the object ID), but this is still a major improvement over the historical situation where everything except the object ID was identical. Possible Implementation Strategy This proposal has at least one titanic advantage over PEP 3150: implementation should be relatively straightforward. The @in clause will be included in the AST for the associated function or class definition and the statement that references it. When the @in clause is present, it will be emitted in place of the local name binding operation normally implied by a function or class definition. The one potentially tricky part is changing the meaning of the references to the statement local function or namespace while within the scope of the in statement, but that shouldn’t be too hard to address by maintaining some additional state within the compiler (it’s much easier to handle this for a single name than it is for an unknown number of names in a full nested suite). Explaining Container Comprehensions and Generator Expressions One interesting feature of the proposed construct is that it can be used as a primitive to explain the scoping and execution order semantics of both generator expressions and container comprehensions: seq2 = [x for x in y if q(x) for y in seq if p(y)] # would be equivalent to @in seq2 = f(seq): def f(seq) result = [] for y in seq: if p(y): for x in y: if q(x): result.append(x) return result The important point in this expansion is that it explains why comprehensions appear to misbehave at class scope: only the outermost iterator is evaluated at class scope, while all predicates, nested iterators and value expressions are evaluated inside a nested scope. An equivalent expansion is possible for generator expressions: gen = (x for x in y if q(x) for y in seq if p(y)) # would be equivalent to @in gen = g(seq): def g(seq) for y in seq: if p(y): for x in y: if q(x): yield x More Examples Calculating attributes without polluting the local namespace (from os.py): # Current Python (manual namespace cleanup) def _createenviron(): ... # 27 line function environ = _createenviron() del _createenviron # Becomes: @in environ = _createenviron() def _createenviron(): ... # 27 line function Loop early binding: # Current Python (default argument hack) funcs = [(lambda x, i=i: x + i) for i in range(10)] # Becomes: @in funcs = [adder(i) for i in range(10)] def adder(i): return lambda x: x + i # Or even: @in funcs = [adder(i) for i in range(10)] def adder(i): @in return incr def incr(x): return x + i A trailing class can be used as a statement local namespace: # Evaluate subexpressions only once @in c = math.sqrt(x.a*x.a + x.b*x.b) class x: a = calculate_a() b = calculate_b() A function can be bound directly to a location which isn’t a valid identifier: @in dispatch[MyClass] = f def f(): ... Constructs that verge on decorator abuse can be eliminated: # Current Python @call def f(): ... # Becomes: @in f() def f(): ... Reference Implementation None as yet. Acknowledgements Huge thanks to Gary Bernhardt for being blunt in pointing out that I had no idea what I was talking about in criticising Ruby’s blocks, kicking off a rather enlightening process of investigation. Rejected Concepts To avoid retreading previously covered ground, some rejected alternatives are documented in this section. Omitting the decorator prefix character Earlier versions of this proposal omitted the @ prefix. However, without that prefix, the bare in keyword didn’t associate the clause strongly enough with the subsequent function or class definition. Reusing the decorator prefix and explicitly characterising the new construct as a kind of decorator clause is intended to help users link the two concepts and see them as two variants of the same idea. Anonymous Forward References A previous incarnation of this PEP (see [1]) proposed a syntax where the new clause was introduced with : and the forward reference was written using @. Feedback on this variant was almost universally negative, as it was considered both ugly and excessively magical: :x = weakref.ref(target, @) def report_destruction(obj): print("{} is being destroyed".format(obj)) A more recent variant always used ... for forward references, along with genuinely anonymous function and class definitions. However, this degenerated quickly into a mass of unintelligible dots in more complex cases: in funcs = [...(i) for i in range(10)] def ...(i): in return ... def ...(x): return x + i in c = math.sqrt(....a*....a + ....b*....b) class ...: a = calculate_a() b = calculate_b() Using a nested suite The problems with using a full nested suite are best described in PEP 3150. It’s comparatively difficult to implement properly, the scoping semantics are harder to explain and it creates quite a few situations where there are two ways to do it without clear guidelines for choosing between them (as almost any construct that can be expressed with ordinary imperative code could instead be expressed using a given statement). While the PEP does propose some new PEP 8 guidelines to help address that last problem, the difficulties in implementation are not so easily dealt with. By contrast, the decorator inspired syntax in this PEP explicitly limits the new feature to cases where it should actually improve readability, rather than harming it. As in the case of the original introduction of decorators, the idea of this new syntax is that if it can be used (i.e. the local name binding of the function is completely unnecessary) then it probably should be used. Another possible variant of this idea is to keep the decorator based semantics of this PEP, while adopting the prettier syntax from PEP 3150: x = weakref.ref(target, report_destruction) given: def report_destruction(obj): print("{} is being destroyed".format(obj)) There are a couple of problems with this approach. The main issue is that this syntax variant uses something that looks like a suite, but really isn’t one. A secondary concern is that it’s not clear how the compiler will know which name(s) in the leading expression are forward references (although that could potentially be addressed through a suitable definition of the suite-that-is-not-a-suite in the language grammar). However, a nested suite has not yet been ruled out completely. The latest version of PEP 3150 uses explicit forward reference and name binding schemes that greatly simplify the semantics of the statement, and it does offer the advantage of allowing the definition of arbitrary subexpressions rather than being restricted to a single function or class definition. References [1] Start of python-ideas thread: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2011-October/012276.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 403 – General purpose decorator clause (aka “@in” clause)
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the addition of a new @in decorator clause that makes it possible to override the name binding step of a function or class definition.
PEP 404 – Python 2.8 Un-release Schedule Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 09-Nov-2011 Python-Version: 2.8 Table of Contents Abstract Un-release Manager and Crew Un-release Schedule Official pronouncement Upgrade path And Now For Something Completely Different Strings and bytes Numbers Classes Multiple spellings Imports Iterators and views Copyright Abstract This document describes the un-development and un-release schedule for Python 2.8. Un-release Manager and Crew Position Name 2.8 Un-release Manager Cardinal Biggles Un-release Schedule The current un-schedule is: 2.8 final Never Official pronouncement Rule number six: there is no official Python 2.8 release. There never will be an official Python 2.8 release. It is an ex-release. Python 2.7 is the end of the Python 2 line of development. Upgrade path The official upgrade path from Python 2.7 is to Python 3. And Now For Something Completely Different In all seriousness, there are important reasons why there won’t be an official Python 2.8 release, and why you should plan to migrate instead to Python 3. Python is (as of this writing) more than 20 years old, and Guido and the community have learned a lot in those intervening years. Guido’s original concept for Python 3 was to make changes to the language primarily to remove the warts that had grown in the preceding versions. Python 3 was not to be a complete redesign, but instead an evolution of the language, and while maintaining full backward compatibility with Python 2 was explicitly off-the-table, neither were gratuitous changes in syntax or semantics acceptable. In most cases, Python 2 code can be translated fairly easily to Python 3, sometimes entirely mechanically by such tools as 2to3 (there’s also a non-trivial subset of the language that will run without modification on both 2.7 and 3.x). Because maintaining multiple versions of Python is a significant drag on the resources of the Python developers, and because the improvements to the language and libraries embodied in Python 3 are so important, it was decided to end the Python 2 lineage with Python 2.7. Thus, all new development occurs in the Python 3 line of development, and there will never be an official Python 2.8 release. Python 2.7 will however be maintained for longer than the usual period of time. Here are some highlights of the significant improvements in Python 3. You can read in more detail on the differences between Python 2 and Python 3. There are also many good guides on porting from Python 2 to Python 3. Strings and bytes Python 2’s basic original strings are called 8-bit strings, and they play a dual role in Python 2 as both ASCII text and as byte sequences. While Python 2 also has a unicode string type, the fundamental ambiguity of the core string type, coupled with Python 2’s default behavior of supporting automatic coercion from 8-bit strings to unicode objects when the two are combined, often leads to UnicodeErrors. Python 3’s standard string type is Unicode based, and Python 3 adds a dedicated bytes type, but critically, no automatic coercion between bytes and unicode strings is provided. The closest the language gets to implicit coercion are a few text-based APIs that assume a default encoding (usually UTF-8) if no encoding is explicitly stated. Thus, the core interpreter, its I/O libraries, module names, etc. are clear in their distinction between unicode strings and bytes. Python 3’s unicode support even extends to the filesystem, so that non-ASCII file names are natively supported. This string/bytes clarity is often a source of difficulty in transitioning existing code to Python 3, because many third party libraries and applications are themselves ambiguous in this distinction. Once migrated though, most UnicodeErrors can be eliminated. Numbers Python 2 has two basic integer types, a native machine-sized int type, and an arbitrary length long type. These have been merged in Python 3 into a single int type analogous to Python 2’s long type. In addition, integer division now produces floating point numbers for non-integer results. Classes Python 2 has two core class hierarchies, often called classic classes and new-style classes. The latter allow for such things as inheriting from the builtin basic types, support descriptor based tools like the property builtin and provide a generally more sane and coherent system for dealing with multiple inheritance. Python 3 provided the opportunity to completely drop support for classic classes, so all classes in Python 3 automatically use the new-style semantics (although that’s a misnomer now). There is no need to explicitly inherit from object or set the default metatype to enable them (in fact, setting a default metatype at the module level is no longer supported - the default metatype is always object). The mechanism for explicitly specifying a metaclass has also changed to use a metaclass keyword argument in the class header line rather than a __metaclass__ magic attribute in the class body. Multiple spellings There are many cases in Python 2 where multiple spellings of some constructs exist, such as repr() and backticks, or the two inequality operators != and <>. In all cases, Python 3 has chosen exactly one spelling and removed the other (e.g. repr() and != were kept). Imports In Python 3, implicit relative imports within packages are no longer available - only absolute imports and explicit relative imports are supported. In addition, star imports (e.g. from x import *) are only permitted in module level code. Also, some areas of the standard library have been reorganized to make the naming scheme more intuitive. Some rarely used builtins have been relocated to standard library modules. Iterators and views Many APIs, which in Python 2 returned concrete lists, in Python 3 now return iterators or lightweight views. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 404 – Python 2.8 Un-release Schedule
This document describes the un-development and un-release schedule for Python 2.8.
PEP 406 – Improved Encapsulation of Import State Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>, Greg Slodkowicz <jergosh at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Jul-2011 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 31-Jul-2011, 13-Nov-2011, 04-Dec-2011 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Withdrawal Rationale Proposal Specification ImportEngine API Global variables No changes to finder/loader interfaces Open Issues API design for falling back to global import state Builtin and extension modules must be process global Scope of substitution Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the introduction of a new ‘ImportEngine’ class as part of importlib which would encapsulate all state related to importing modules into a single object. Creating new instances of this object would then provide an alternative to completely replacing the built-in implementation of the import statement, by overriding the __import__() function. To work with the builtin import functionality and importing via import engine objects, this PEP proposes a context management based approach to temporarily replacing the global import state. The PEP also proposes inclusion of a GlobalImportEngine subclass and a globally accessible instance of that class, which “writes through” to the process global state. This provides a backwards compatible bridge between the proposed encapsulated API and the legacy process global state, and allows straightforward support for related state updates (e.g. selectively invalidating path cache entries when sys.path is modified). PEP Withdrawal The import system has seen substantial changes since this PEP was originally written, as part of PEP 420 in Python 3.3 and PEP 451 in Python 3.4. While providing an encapsulation of the import state is still highly desirable, it is better tackled in a new PEP using PEP 451 as a foundation, and permitting only the use of PEP 451 compatible finders and loaders (as those avoid many of the issues of direct manipulation of global state associated with the previous loader API). Rationale Currently, most state related to the import system is stored as module level attributes in the sys module. The one exception is the import lock, which is not accessible directly, but only via the related functions in the imp module. The current process global import state comprises: sys.modules sys.path sys.path_hooks sys.meta_path sys.path_importer_cache the import lock (imp.lock_held()/acquire_lock()/release_lock()) Isolating this state would allow multiple import states to be conveniently stored within a process. Placing the import functionality in a self-contained object would also allow subclassing to add additional features (e.g. module import notifications or fine-grained control over which modules can be imported). The engine would also be subclassed to make it possible to use the import engine API to interact with the existing process-global state. The namespace PEPs (especially PEP 402) raise a potential need for additional process global state, in order to correctly update package paths as sys.path is modified. Finally, providing a coherent object for all this state makes it feasible to also provide context management features that allow the import state to be temporarily substituted. Proposal We propose introducing an ImportEngine class to encapsulate import functionality. This includes an __import__() method which can be used as an alternative to the built-in __import__() when desired and also an import_module() method, equivalent to importlib.import_module() [3]. Since there are global import state invariants that are assumed and should be maintained, we introduce a GlobalImportState class with an interface identical to ImportEngine but directly accessing the current global import state. This can be easily implemented using class properties. Specification ImportEngine API The proposed extension consists of the following objects: importlib.engine.ImportEngine from_engine(self, other) Create a new import object from another ImportEngine instance. The new object is initialised with a copy of the state in other. When called on importlib engine.sysengine, from_engine() can be used to create an ImportEngine object with a copy of the global import state. __import__(self, name, globals={}, locals={}, fromlist=[], level=0) Reimplementation of the builtin __import__() function. The import of a module will proceed using the state stored in the ImportEngine instance rather than the global import state. For full documentation of __import__ functionality, see [2] . __import__() from ImportEngine and its subclasses can be used to customise the behaviour of the import statement by replacing __builtin__.__import__ with ImportEngine().__import__. import_module(name, package=None) A reimplementation of importlib.import_module() which uses the import state stored in the ImportEngine instance. See [3] for a full reference. modules, path, path_hooks, meta_path, path_importer_cache Instance-specific versions of their process global sys equivalents importlib.engine.GlobalImportEngine(ImportEngine) Convenience class to provide engine-like access to the global state. Provides __import__(), import_module() and from_engine() methods like ImportEngine but writes through to the global state in sys. To support various namespace package mechanisms, when sys.path is altered, tools like pkgutil.extend_path should be used to also modify other parts of the import state (in this case, package __path__ attributes). The path importer cache should also be invalidated when a variety of changes are made. The ImportEngine API will provide convenience methods that automatically make related import state updates as part of a single operation. Global variables importlib.engine.sysengine A precreated instance of GlobalImportEngine. Intended for use by importers and loaders that have been updated to accept optional engine parameters and with ImportEngine.from_engine(sysengine) to start with a copy of the process global import state. No changes to finder/loader interfaces Rather than attempting to update the PEP 302 APIs to accept additional state, this PEP proposes that ImportEngine support the content management protocol (similar to the context substitution mechanisms in the decimal module). The context management mechanism for ImportEngine would: On entry: * Acquire the import lock * Substitute the global import state with the import engine’s own state On exit: * Restore the previous global import state * Release the import lock The precise API for this is TBD (but will probably use a distinct context management object, along the lines of that created by decimal.localcontext). Open Issues API design for falling back to global import state The current proposal relies on the from_engine() API to fall back to the global import state. It may be desirable to offer a variant that instead falls back to the global import state dynamically. However, one big advantage of starting with an “as isolated as possible” design is that it becomes possible to experiment with subclasses that blur the boundaries between the engine instance state and the process global state in various ways. Builtin and extension modules must be process global Due to platform limitations, only one copy of each builtin and extension module can readily exist in each process. Accordingly, it is impossible for each ImportEngine instance to load such modules independently. The simplest solution is for ImportEngine to refuse to load such modules, raising ImportError. GlobalImportEngine would be able to load them normally. ImportEngine will still return such modules from a prepopulated module cache - it’s only loading them directly which causes problems. Scope of substitution Related to the previous open issue is the question of what state to substitute when using the context management API. It is currently the case that replacing sys.modules can be unreliable due to cached references and there’s the underlying fact that having independent copies of some modules is simply impossible due to platform limitations. As part of this PEP, it will be necessary to document explicitly: Which parts of the global import state can be substituted (and declare code which caches references to that state without dealing with the substitution case buggy) Which parts must be modified in-place (and hence are not substituted by the ImportEngine context management API, or otherwise scoped to ImportEngine instances) Reference Implementation A reference implementation [4] for an earlier draft of this PEP, based on Brett Cannon’s importlib has been developed by Greg Slodkowicz as part of the 2011 Google Summer of Code. Note that the current implementation avoids modifying existing code, and hence duplicates a lot of things unnecessarily. An actual implementation would just modify any such affected code in place. That earlier draft of the PEP proposed change the PEP 302 APIs to support passing in an optional engine instance. This had the (serious) downside of not correctly affecting further imports from the imported module, hence the change to the context management based proposal for substituting the global state. References [2] __import__() builtin function, The Python Standard Library documentation (http://docs.python.org/library/functions.html#__import__) [3] (1, 2) Importlib documentation, Cannon (http://docs.python.org/dev/library/importlib) [4] Reference implementation (https://bitbucket.org/jergosh/gsoc_import_engine/src/default/Lib/importlib/engine.py) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 406 – Improved Encapsulation of Import State
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the introduction of a new ‘ImportEngine’ class as part of importlib which would encapsulate all state related to importing modules into a single object. Creating new instances of this object would then provide an alternative to completely replacing the built-in implementation of the import statement, by overriding the __import__() function. To work with the builtin import functionality and importing via import engine objects, this PEP proposes a context management based approach to temporarily replacing the global import state.
PEP 407 – New release cycle and introducing long-term support versions Author: Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>, Georg Brandl <georg at python.org>, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Deferred Type: Process Created: 12-Jan-2012 Post-History: 17-Jan-2012 Table of Contents Abstract Scope Proposal Periodicity Pre-release versions Effects Effect on development cycle Effect on bugfix cycle Effect on workflow Effect on the community Discussion Copyright Abstract Finding a release cycle for an open-source project is a delicate exercise in managing mutually contradicting constraints: developer manpower, availability of release management volunteers, ease of maintenance for users and third-party packagers, quick availability of new features (and behavioural changes), availability of bug fixes without pulling in new features or behavioural changes. The current release cycle errs on the conservative side. It is adequate for people who value stability over reactivity. This PEP is an attempt to keep the stability that has become a Python trademark, while offering a more fluid release of features, by introducing the notion of long-term support versions. Scope This PEP doesn’t try to change the maintenance period or release scheme for the 2.7 branch. Only 3.x versions are considered. Proposal Under the proposed scheme, there would be two kinds of feature versions (sometimes dubbed “minor versions”, for example 3.2 or 3.3): normal feature versions and long-term support (LTS) versions. Normal feature versions would get either zero or at most one bugfix release; the latter only if needed to fix critical issues. Security fix handling for these branches needs to be decided. LTS versions would get regular bugfix releases until the next LTS version is out. They then would go into security fixes mode, up to a termination date at the release manager’s discretion. Periodicity A new feature version would be released every X months. We tentatively propose X = 6 months. LTS versions would be one out of N feature versions. We tentatively propose N = 4. With these figures, a new LTS version would be out every 24 months, and remain supported until the next LTS version 24 months later. This is mildly similar to today’s 18 months bugfix cycle for every feature version. Pre-release versions More frequent feature releases imply a smaller number of disruptive changes per release. Therefore, the number of pre-release builds (alphas and betas) can be brought down considerably. Two alpha builds and a single beta build would probably be enough in the regular case. The number of release candidates depends, as usual, on the number of last-minute fixes before final release. Effects Effect on development cycle More feature releases might mean more stress on the development and release management teams. This is quantitatively alleviated by the smaller number of pre-release versions; and qualitatively by the lesser amount of disruptive changes (meaning less potential for breakage). The shorter feature freeze period (after the first beta build until the final release) is easier to accept. The rush for adding features just before feature freeze should also be much smaller. Effect on bugfix cycle The effect on fixing bugs should be minimal with the proposed figures. The same number of branches would be simultaneously open for bugfix maintenance (two until 2.x is terminated, then one). Effect on workflow The workflow for new features would be the same: developers would only commit them on the default branch. The workflow for bug fixes would be slightly updated: developers would commit bug fixes to the current LTS branch (for example 3.3) and then merge them into default. If some critical fixes are needed to a non-LTS version, they can be grafted from the current LTS branch to the non-LTS branch, just like fixes are ported from 3.x to 2.7 today. Effect on the community People who value stability can just synchronize on the LTS releases which, with the proposed figures, would give a similar support cycle (both in duration and in stability). People who value reactivity and access to new features (without taking the risk to install alpha versions or Mercurial snapshots) would get much more value from the new release cycle than currently. People who want to contribute new features or improvements would be more motivated to do so, knowing that their contributions will be more quickly available to normal users. Also, a smaller feature freeze period makes it less cumbersome to interact with contributors of features. Discussion These are open issues that should be worked out during discussion: Decide on X (months between feature releases) and N (feature releases per LTS release) as defined above. For given values of X and N, is the no-bugfix-releases policy for non-LTS versions feasible? What is the policy for security fixes? Restrict new syntax and similar changes (i.e. everything that was prohibited by PEP 3003) to LTS versions? What is the effect on packagers such as Linux distributions? How will release version numbers or other identifying and marketing material make it clear to users which versions are normal feature releases and which are LTS releases? How do we manage user expectations? Does the faster release cycle mean we could some day reach 3.10 and above? Some people expressed a tacit expectation that version numbers always fit in one decimal digit. A community poll or survey to collect opinions from the greater Python community would be valuable before making a final decision. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 407 – New release cycle and introducing long-term support versions
Finding a release cycle for an open-source project is a delicate exercise in managing mutually contradicting constraints: developer manpower, availability of release management volunteers, ease of maintenance for users and third-party packagers, quick availability of new features (and behavioural changes), availability of bug fixes without pulling in new features or behavioural changes.
PEP 408 – Standard library __preview__ package Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>, Eli Bendersky <eliben at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 07-Jan-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 27-Jan-2012 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract PEP Rejection Proposal - the __preview__ package Which modules should go through __preview__ Criteria for “graduation” Example Rationale Benefits for the core development team Benefits for end users Candidates for inclusion into __preview__ Relationship with PEP 407 Rejected alternatives and variations Using __future__ Versioning the package Using a package name without leading and trailing underscores Preserving pickle compatibility Credits References Copyright Abstract The process of including a new module into the Python standard library is hindered by the API lock-in and promise of backward compatibility implied by a module being formally part of Python. This PEP proposes a transitional state for modules - inclusion in a special __preview__ package for the duration of a minor release (roughly 18 months) prior to full acceptance into the standard library. On one hand, this state provides the module with the benefits of being formally part of the Python distribution. On the other hand, the core development team explicitly states that no promises are made with regards to the module’s eventual full inclusion into the standard library, or to the stability of its API, which may change for the next release. PEP Rejection Based on his experience with a similar “labs” namespace in Google App Engine, Guido has rejected this PEP [3] in favour of the simpler alternative of explicitly marking provisional modules as such in their documentation. If a module is otherwise considered suitable for standard library inclusion, but some concerns remain regarding maintainability or certain API details, then the module can be accepted on a provisional basis. While it is considered an unlikely outcome, such modules may be removed from the standard library without a deprecation period if the lingering concerns prove well-founded. As part of the same announcement, Guido explicitly accepted Matthew Barnett’s ‘regex’ module [4] as a provisional addition to the standard library for Python 3.3 (using the ‘regex’ name, rather than as a drop-in replacement for the existing ‘re’ module). Proposal - the __preview__ package Whenever the Python core development team decides that a new module should be included into the standard library, but isn’t entirely sure about whether the module’s API is optimal, the module can be placed in a special package named __preview__ for a single minor release. In the next minor release, the module may either be “graduated” into the standard library (and occupy its natural place within its namespace, leaving the __preview__ package), or be rejected and removed entirely from the Python source tree. If the module ends up graduating into the standard library after spending a minor release in __preview__, its API may be changed according to accumulated feedback. The core development team explicitly makes no guarantees about API stability and backward compatibility of modules in __preview__. Entry into the __preview__ package marks the start of a transition of the module into the standard library. It means that the core development team assumes responsibility of the module, similarly to any other module in the standard library. Which modules should go through __preview__ We expect most modules proposed for addition into the Python standard library to go through a minor release in __preview__. There may, however, be some exceptions, such as modules that use a pre-defined API (for example lzma, which generally follows the API of the existing bz2 module), or modules with an API that has wide acceptance in the Python development community. In any case, modules that are proposed to be added to the standard library, whether via __preview__ or directly, must fulfill the acceptance conditions set by PEP 2. It is important to stress that the aim of this proposal is not to make the process of adding new modules to the standard library more difficult. On the contrary, it tries to provide a means to add more useful libraries. Modules which are obvious candidates for entry can be added as before. Modules which due to uncertainties about the API could be stalled for a long time now have a means to still be distributed with Python, via an incubation period in the __preview__ package. Criteria for “graduation” In principle, most modules in the __preview__ package should eventually graduate to the stable standard library. Some reasons for not graduating are: The module may prove to be unstable or fragile, without sufficient developer support to maintain it. A much better alternative module may be found during the preview release Essentially, the decision will be made by the core developers on a per-case basis. The point to emphasize here is that a module’s appearance in the __preview__ package in some release does not guarantee it will continue being part of Python in the next release. Example Suppose the example module is a candidate for inclusion in the standard library, but some Python developers aren’t convinced that it presents the best API for the problem it intends to solve. The module can then be added to the __preview__ package in release 3.X, importable via: from __preview__ import example Assuming the module is then promoted to the standard library proper in release 3.X+1, it will be moved to a permanent location in the library: import example And importing it from __preview__ will no longer work. Rationale Benefits for the core development team Currently, the core developers are really reluctant to add new interfaces to the standard library. This is because as soon as they’re published in a release, API design mistakes get locked in due to backward compatibility concerns. By gating all major API additions through some kind of a preview mechanism for a full release, we get one full release cycle of community feedback before we lock in the APIs with our standard backward compatibility guarantee. We can also start integrating preview modules with the rest of the standard library early, so long as we make it clear to packagers that the preview modules should not be considered optional. The only difference between preview APIs and the rest of the standard library is that preview APIs are explicitly exempted from the usual backward compatibility guarantees. Essentially, the __preview__ package is intended to lower the risk of locking in minor API design mistakes for extended periods of time. Currently, this concern can block new additions, even when the core development team consensus is that a particular addition is a good idea in principle. Benefits for end users For future end users, the broadest benefit lies in a better “out-of-the-box” experience - rather than being told “oh, the standard library tools for task X are horrible, download this 3rd party library instead”, those superior tools are more likely to be just be an import away. For environments where developers are required to conduct due diligence on their upstream dependencies (severely harming the cost-effectiveness of, or even ruling out entirely, much of the material on PyPI), the key benefit lies in ensuring that anything in the __preview__ package is clearly under python-dev’s aegis from at least the following perspectives: Licensing: Redistributed by the PSF under a Contributor Licensing Agreement. Documentation: The documentation of the module is published and organized via the standard Python documentation tools (i.e. ReST source, output generated with Sphinx and published on http://docs.python.org). Testing: The module test suites are run on the python.org buildbot fleet and results published via http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot. Issue management: Bugs and feature requests are handled on http://bugs.python.org Source control: The master repository for the software is published on http://hg.python.org. Candidates for inclusion into __preview__ For Python 3.3, there are a number of clear current candidates: regex (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/regex) daemon (PEP 3143) ipaddr (PEP 3144) Other possible future use cases include: Improved HTTP modules (e.g. requests) HTML 5 parsing support (e.g. html5lib) Improved URL/URI/IRI parsing A standard image API (PEP 368) Encapsulation of the import state (PEP 368) Standard event loop API (PEP 3153) A binary version of WSGI for Python 3 (e.g. PEP 444) Generic function support (e.g. simplegeneric) Relationship with PEP 407 PEP 407 proposes a change to the core Python release cycle to permit interim releases every 6 months (perhaps limited to standard library updates). If such a change to the release cycle is made, the following policy for the __preview__ namespace is suggested: For long-term support releases, the __preview__ namespace would always be empty. New modules would be accepted into the __preview__ namespace only in interim releases that immediately follow a long-term support release. All modules added will either be migrated to their final location in the standard library or dropped entirely prior to the next long-term support release. Rejected alternatives and variations Using __future__ Python already has a “forward-looking” namespace in the form of the __future__ module, so it’s reasonable to ask why that can’t be re-used for this new purpose. There are two reasons why doing so not appropriate: 1. The __future__ module is actually linked to a separate compiler directives feature that can actually change the way the Python interpreter compiles a module. We don’t want that for the preview package - we just want an ordinary Python package. 2. The __future__ module comes with an express promise that names will be maintained in perpetuity, long after the associated features have become the compiler’s default behaviour. Again, this is precisely the opposite of what is intended for the preview package - it is almost certain that all names added to the preview will be removed at some point, most likely due to their being moved to a permanent home in the standard library, but also potentially due to their being reverted to third party package status (if community feedback suggests the proposed addition is irredeemably broken). Versioning the package One proposed alternative [1] was to add explicit versioning to the __preview__ package, i.e. __preview34__. We think that it’s better to simply define that a module being in __preview__ in Python 3.X will either graduate to the normal standard library namespace in Python 3.X+1 or will disappear from the Python source tree altogether. Versioning the _preview__ package complicates the process and does not align well with the main intent of this proposal. Using a package name without leading and trailing underscores It was proposed [1] to use a package name like preview or exp, instead of __preview__. This was rejected in the discussion due to the special meaning a “dunder” package name (that is, a name with leading and trailing double-underscores) conveys in Python. Besides, a non-dunder name would suggest normal standard library API stability guarantees, which is not the intention of the __preview__ package. Preserving pickle compatibility A pickled class instance based on a module in __preview__ in release 3.X won’t be unpickle-able in release 3.X+1, where the module won’t be in __preview__. Special code may be added to make this work, but this goes against the intent of this proposal, since it implies backward compatibility. Therefore, this PEP does not propose to preserve pickle compatibility. Credits Dj Gilcrease initially proposed the idea of having a __preview__ package in Python [2]. Although his original proposal uses the name __experimental__, we feel that __preview__ conveys the meaning of this package in a better way. References [1] (1, 2) Discussed in this thread: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2012-January/013246.html [2] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2011-August/011278.html [3] Guido’s decision: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-January/115962.html [4] Proposal for inclusion of regex: http://bugs.python.org/issue2636 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 408 – Standard library __preview__ package
Standards Track
The process of including a new module into the Python standard library is hindered by the API lock-in and promise of backward compatibility implied by a module being formally part of Python. This PEP proposes a transitional state for modules - inclusion in a special __preview__ package for the duration of a minor release (roughly 18 months) prior to full acceptance into the standard library. On one hand, this state provides the module with the benefits of being formally part of the Python distribution. On the other hand, the core development team explicitly states that no promises are made with regards to the module’s eventual full inclusion into the standard library, or to the stability of its API, which may change for the next release.
PEP 409 – Suppressing exception context Author: Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 26-Jan-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 30-Aug-2002, 01-Feb-2012, 03-Feb-2012 Superseded-By: 415 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Alternatives Proposal Implementation Discussion Language Details Patches References Copyright Abstract One of the open issues from PEP 3134 is suppressing context: currently there is no way to do it. This PEP proposes one. Rationale There are two basic ways to generate exceptions: Python does it (buggy code, missing resources, ending loops, etc.) manually (with a raise statement) When writing libraries, or even just custom classes, it can become necessary to raise exceptions; moreover it can be useful, even necessary, to change from one exception to another. To take an example from my dbf module: try: value = int(value) except Exception: raise DbfError(...) Whatever the original exception was (ValueError, TypeError, or something else) is irrelevant. The exception from this point on is a DbfError, and the original exception is of no value. However, if this exception is printed, we would currently see both. Alternatives Several possibilities have been put forth: raise as NewException()Reuses the as keyword; can be confusing since we are not really reraising the originating exception raise NewException() from NoneFollows existing syntax of explicitly declaring the originating exception exc = NewException(); exc.__context__ = None; raise excVery verbose way of the previous method raise NewException.no_context(...)Make context suppression a class method. All of the above options will require changes to the core. Proposal I propose going with the second option: raise NewException from None It has the advantage of using the existing pattern of explicitly setting the cause: raise KeyError() from NameError() but because the cause is None the previous context is not displayed by the default exception printing routines. Implementation Discussion Note: after acceptance of this PEP, a cleaner implementation mechanism was proposed and accepted in PEP 415. Refer to that PEP for more details on the implementation actually used in Python 3.3. Currently, None is the default for both __context__ and __cause__. In order to support raise ... from None (which would set __cause__ to None) we need a different default value for __cause__. Several ideas were put forth on how to implement this at the language level: Overwrite the previous exception information (side-stepping the issue and leaving __cause__ at None).Rejected as this can seriously hinder debugging due to poor error messages. Use one of the boolean values in __cause__: False would be the default value, and would be replaced when from ... was used with the explicitly chained exception or None.Rejected as this encourages the use of two different objects types for __cause__ with one of them (boolean) not allowed to have the full range of possible values (True would never be used). Create a special exception class, __NoException__.Rejected as possibly confusing, possibly being mistakenly raised by users, and not being a truly unique value as None, True, and False are. Use Ellipsis as the default value (the ... singleton).Accepted. Ellipses are commonly used in English as place holders when words are omitted. This works in our favor here as a signal that __cause__ is omitted, so look in __context__ for more details. Ellipsis is not an exception, so cannot be raised. There is only one Ellipsis, so no unused values. Error information is not thrown away, so custom code can trace the entire exception chain even if the default code does not. Language Details To support raise Exception from None, __context__ will stay as it is, but __cause__ will start out as Ellipsis and will change to None when the raise Exception from None method is used. form __context__ __cause__ raise None Ellipsis reraise previous exception Ellipsis reraise from None | ChainedException previous exception None | explicitly chained exception The default exception printing routine will then: If __cause__ is Ellipsis the __context__ (if any) will be printed. If __cause__ is None the __context__ will not be printed. if __cause__ is anything else, __cause__ will be printed. In both of the latter cases the exception chain will stop being followed. Because the default value for __cause__ is now Ellipsis and raise Exception from Cause is simply syntactic sugar for: _exc = NewException() _exc.__cause__ = Cause() raise _exc Ellipsis, as well as None, is now allowed as a cause: raise Exception from Ellipsis Patches There is a patch for CPython implementing this attached to Issue 6210. References Discussion and refinements in this thread on python-dev. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 409 – Suppressing exception context
Standards Track
One of the open issues from PEP 3134 is suppressing context: currently there is no way to do it. This PEP proposes one.
PEP 410 – Use decimal.Decimal type for timestamps Author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Feb-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Rationale Specification Backwards Compatibility Objection: clocks accuracy Alternatives: Timestamp types Number of nanoseconds (int) 128-bits float datetime.datetime datetime.timedelta Tuple of integers timespec structure Alternatives: API design Add a string argument to specify the return type Add a global flag to change the timestamp type Add a protocol to create a timestamp Add new fields to os.stat Add a boolean argument Add new functions Add a new hires module Links Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected. See https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-February/116837.html. Abstract Decimal becomes the official type for high-resolution timestamps to make Python support new functions using a nanosecond resolution without loss of precision. Rationale Python 2.3 introduced float timestamps to support sub-second resolutions. os.stat() uses float timestamps by default since Python 2.5. Python 3.3 introduced functions supporting nanosecond resolutions: os module: futimens(), utimensat() time module: clock_gettime(), clock_getres(), monotonic(), wallclock() os.stat() reads nanosecond timestamps but returns timestamps as float. The Python float type uses binary64 format of the IEEE 754 standard. With a resolution of one nanosecond (10-9), float timestamps lose precision for values bigger than 224 seconds (194 days: 1970-07-14 for an Epoch timestamp). Nanosecond resolution is required to set the exact modification time on filesystems supporting nanosecond timestamps (e.g. ext4, btrfs, NTFS, …). It helps also to compare the modification time to check if a file is newer than another file. Use cases: copy the modification time of a file using shutil.copystat(), create a TAR archive with the tarfile module, manage a mailbox with the mailbox module, etc. An arbitrary resolution is preferred over a fixed resolution (like nanosecond) to not have to change the API when a better resolution is required. For example, the NTP protocol uses fractions of 232 seconds (approximately 2.3 × 10-10 second), whereas the NTP protocol version 4 uses fractions of 264 seconds (5.4 × 10-20 second). Note With a resolution of 1 microsecond (10-6), float timestamps lose precision for values bigger than 233 seconds (272 years: 2242-03-16 for an Epoch timestamp). With a resolution of 100 nanoseconds (10-7, resolution used on Windows), float timestamps lose precision for values bigger than 229 seconds (17 years: 1987-01-05 for an Epoch timestamp). Specification Add decimal.Decimal as a new type for timestamps. Decimal supports any timestamp resolution, support arithmetic operations and is comparable. It is possible to coerce a Decimal to float, even if the conversion may lose precision. The clock resolution can also be stored in a Decimal object. Add an optional timestamp argument to: os module: fstat(), fstatat(), lstat(), stat() (st_atime, st_ctime and st_mtime fields of the stat structure), sched_rr_get_interval(), times(), wait3() and wait4() resource module: ru_utime and ru_stime fields of getrusage() signal module: getitimer(), setitimer() time module: clock(), clock_gettime(), clock_getres(), monotonic(), time() and wallclock() The timestamp argument value can be float or Decimal, float is still the default for backward compatibility. The following functions support Decimal as input: datetime module: date.fromtimestamp(), datetime.fromtimestamp() and datetime.utcfromtimestamp() os module: futimes(), futimesat(), lutimes(), utime() select module: epoll.poll(), kqueue.control(), select() signal module: setitimer(), sigtimedwait() time module: ctime(), gmtime(), localtime(), sleep() The os.stat_float_times() function is deprecated: use an explicit cast using int() instead. Note The decimal module is implemented in Python and is slower than float, but there is a new C implementation which is almost ready for inclusion in CPython. Backwards Compatibility The default timestamp type (float) is unchanged, so there is no impact on backward compatibility nor on performances. The new timestamp type, decimal.Decimal, is only returned when requested explicitly. Objection: clocks accuracy Computer clocks and operating systems are inaccurate and fail to provide nanosecond accuracy in practice. A nanosecond is what it takes to execute a couple of CPU instructions. Even on a real-time operating system, a nanosecond-precise measurement is already obsolete when it starts being processed by the higher-level application. A single cache miss in the CPU will make the precision worthless. Note Linux actually is able to measure time in nanosecond precision, even though it is not able to keep its clock synchronized to UTC with a nanosecond accuracy. Alternatives: Timestamp types To support timestamps with an arbitrary or nanosecond resolution, the following types have been considered: decimal.Decimal number of nanoseconds 128-bits float datetime.datetime datetime.timedelta tuple of integers timespec structure Criteria: Doing arithmetic on timestamps must be possible Timestamps must be comparable An arbitrary resolution, or at least a resolution of one nanosecond without losing precision It should be possible to coerce the new timestamp to float for backward compatibility A resolution of one nanosecond is enough to support all current C functions. The best resolution used by operating systems is one nanosecond. In practice, most clock accuracy is closer to microseconds than nanoseconds. So it sounds reasonable to use a fixed resolution of one nanosecond. Number of nanoseconds (int) A nanosecond resolution is enough for all current C functions and so a timestamp can simply be a number of nanoseconds, an integer, not a float. The number of nanoseconds format has been rejected because it would require to add new specialized functions for this format because it not possible to differentiate a number of nanoseconds and a number of seconds just by checking the object type. 128-bits float Add a new IEEE 754-2008 quad-precision binary float type. The IEEE 754-2008 quad precision float has 1 sign bit, 15 bits of exponent and 112 bits of mantissa. 128-bits float is supported by GCC (4.3), Clang and ICC compilers. Python must be portable and so cannot rely on a type only available on some platforms. For example, Visual C++ 2008 doesn’t support 128-bits float, whereas it is used to build the official Windows executables. Another example: GCC 4.3 does not support __float128 in 32-bit mode on x86 (but GCC 4.4 does). There is also a license issue: GCC uses the MPFR library for 128-bits float, library distributed under the GNU LGPL license. This license is not compatible with the Python license. Note The x87 floating point unit of Intel CPU supports 80-bit floats. This format is not supported by the SSE instruction set, which is now preferred over float, especially on x86_64. Other CPU vendors don’t support 80-bit float. datetime.datetime The datetime.datetime type is the natural choice for a timestamp because it is clear that this type contains a timestamp, whereas int, float and Decimal are raw numbers. It is an absolute timestamp and so is well defined. It gives direct access to the year, month, day, hours, minutes and seconds. It has methods related to time like methods to format the timestamp as string (e.g. datetime.datetime.strftime). The major issue is that except os.stat(), time.time() and time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_GETTIME), all time functions have an unspecified starting point and no timezone information, and so cannot be converted to datetime.datetime. datetime.datetime has also issues with timezone. For example, a datetime object without timezone (unaware) and a datetime with a timezone (aware) cannot be compared. There is also an ordering issues with daylight saving time (DST) in the duplicate hour of switching from DST to normal time. datetime.datetime has been rejected because it cannot be used for functions using an unspecified starting point like os.times() or time.clock(). For time.time() and time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_GETTIME): it is already possible to get the current time as a datetime.datetime object using: datetime.datetime.now(datetime.timezone.utc) For os.stat(), it is simple to create a datetime.datetime object from a decimal.Decimal timestamp in the UTC timezone: datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(value, datetime.timezone.utc) Note datetime.datetime only supports microsecond resolution, but can be enhanced to support nanosecond. datetime.timedelta datetime.timedelta is the natural choice for a relative timestamp because it is clear that this type contains a timestamp, whereas int, float and Decimal are raw numbers. It can be used with datetime.datetime to get an absolute timestamp when the starting point is known. datetime.timedelta has been rejected because it cannot be coerced to float and has a fixed resolution. One new standard timestamp type is enough, Decimal is preferred over datetime.timedelta. Converting a datetime.timedelta to float requires an explicit call to the datetime.timedelta.total_seconds() method. Note datetime.timedelta only supports microsecond resolution, but can be enhanced to support nanosecond. Tuple of integers To expose C functions in Python, a tuple of integers is the natural choice to store a timestamp because the C language uses structures with integers fields (e.g. timeval and timespec structures). Using only integers avoids the loss of precision (Python supports integers of arbitrary length). Creating and parsing a tuple of integers is simple and fast. Depending of the exact format of the tuple, the precision can be arbitrary or fixed. The precision can be choose as the loss of precision is smaller than an arbitrary limit like one nanosecond. Different formats have been proposed: A: (numerator, denominator) value = numerator / denominator resolution = 1 / denominator denominator > 0 B: (seconds, numerator, denominator) value = seconds + numerator / denominator resolution = 1 / denominator 0 <= numerator < denominator denominator > 0 C: (intpart, floatpart, base, exponent) value = intpart + floatpart / baseexponent resolution = 1 / base exponent 0 <= floatpart < base exponent base > 0 exponent >= 0 D: (intpart, floatpart, exponent) value = intpart + floatpart / 10exponent resolution = 1 / 10 exponent 0 <= floatpart < 10 exponent exponent >= 0 E: (sec, nsec) value = sec + nsec × 10-9 resolution = 10 -9 (nanosecond) 0 <= nsec < 10 9 All formats support an arbitrary resolution, except of the format (E). The format (D) may not be able to store the exact value (may loss of precision) if the clock frequency is arbitrary and cannot be expressed as a power of 10. The format (C) has a similar issue, but in such case, it is possible to use base=frequency and exponent=1. The formats (C), (D) and (E) allow optimization for conversion to float if the base is 2 and to decimal.Decimal if the base is 10. The format (A) is a simple fraction. It supports arbitrary precision, is simple (only two fields), only requires a simple division to get the floating point value, and is already used by float.as_integer_ratio(). To simplify the implementation (especially the C implementation to avoid integer overflow), a numerator bigger than the denominator can be accepted. The tuple may be normalized later. Tuple of integers have been rejected because they don’t support arithmetic operations. Note On Windows, the QueryPerformanceCounter() clock uses the frequency of the processor which is an arbitrary number and so may not be a power or 2 or 10. The frequency can be read using QueryPerformanceFrequency(). timespec structure timespec is the C structure used to store timestamp with a nanosecond resolution. Python can use a type with the same structure: (seconds, nanoseconds). For convenience, arithmetic operations on timespec are supported. Example of an incomplete timespec type supporting addition, subtraction and coercion to float: class timespec(tuple): def __new__(cls, sec, nsec): if not isinstance(sec, int): raise TypeError if not isinstance(nsec, int): raise TypeError asec, nsec = divmod(nsec, 10 ** 9) sec += asec obj = tuple.__new__(cls, (sec, nsec)) obj.sec = sec obj.nsec = nsec return obj def __float__(self): return self.sec + self.nsec * 1e-9 def total_nanoseconds(self): return self.sec * 10 ** 9 + self.nsec def __add__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, timespec): raise TypeError ns_sum = self.total_nanoseconds() + other.total_nanoseconds() return timespec(*divmod(ns_sum, 10 ** 9)) def __sub__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, timespec): raise TypeError ns_diff = self.total_nanoseconds() - other.total_nanoseconds() return timespec(*divmod(ns_diff, 10 ** 9)) def __str__(self): if self.sec < 0 and self.nsec: sec = abs(1 + self.sec) nsec = 10**9 - self.nsec return '-%i.%09u' % (sec, nsec) else: return '%i.%09u' % (self.sec, self.nsec) def __repr__(self): return '<timespec(%s, %s)>' % (self.sec, self.nsec) The timespec type is similar to the format (E) of tuples of integer, except that it supports arithmetic and coercion to float. The timespec type was rejected because it only supports nanosecond resolution and requires to implement each arithmetic operation, whereas the Decimal type is already implemented and well tested. Alternatives: API design Add a string argument to specify the return type Add a string argument to function returning timestamps, example: time.time(format=”datetime”). A string is more extensible than a type: it is possible to request a format that has no type, like a tuple of integers. This API was rejected because it was necessary to import implicitly modules to instantiate objects (e.g. import datetime to create datetime.datetime). Importing a module may raise an exception and may be slow, such behaviour is unexpected and surprising. Add a global flag to change the timestamp type A global flag like os.stat_decimal_times(), similar to os.stat_float_times(), can be added to set globally the timestamp type. A global flag may cause issues with libraries and applications expecting float instead of Decimal. Decimal is not fully compatible with float. float+Decimal raises a TypeError for example. The os.stat_float_times() case is different because an int can be coerced to float and int+float gives float. Add a protocol to create a timestamp Instead of hard coding how timestamps are created, a new protocol can be added to create a timestamp from a fraction. For example, time.time(timestamp=type) would call the class method type.__fromfraction__(numerator, denominator) to create a timestamp object of the specified type. If the type doesn’t support the protocol, a fallback is used: type(numerator) / type(denominator). A variant is to use a “converter” callback to create a timestamp. Example creating a float timestamp: def timestamp_to_float(numerator, denominator): return float(numerator) / float(denominator) Common converters can be provided by time, datetime and other modules, or maybe a specific “hires” module. Users can define their own converters. Such protocol has a limitation: the timestamp structure has to be decided once and cannot be changed later. For example, adding a timezone or the absolute start of the timestamp would break the API. The protocol proposition was as being excessive given the requirements, but that the specific syntax proposed (time.time(timestamp=type)) allows this to be introduced later if compelling use cases are discovered. Note Other formats may be used instead of a fraction: see the tuple of integers section for example. Add new fields to os.stat To get the creation, modification and access time of a file with a nanosecond resolution, three fields can be added to os.stat() structure. The new fields can be timestamps with nanosecond resolution (e.g. Decimal) or the nanosecond part of each timestamp (int). If the new fields are timestamps with nanosecond resolution, populating the extra fields would be time-consuming. Any call to os.stat() would be slower, even if os.stat() is only called to check if a file exists. A parameter can be added to os.stat() to make these fields optional, the structure would have a variable number of fields. If the new fields only contain the fractional part (nanoseconds), os.stat() would be efficient. These fields would always be present and so set to zero if the operating system does not support sub-second resolution. Splitting a timestamp in two parts, seconds and nanoseconds, is similar to the timespec type and tuple of integers, and so have the same drawbacks. Adding new fields to the os.stat() structure does not solve the nanosecond issue in other modules (e.g. the time module). Add a boolean argument Because we only need one new type (Decimal), a simple boolean flag can be added. Example: time.time(decimal=True) or time.time(hires=True). Such flag would require to do a hidden import which is considered as a bad practice. The boolean argument API was rejected because it is not “pythonic”. Changing the return type with a parameter value is preferred over a boolean parameter (a flag). Add new functions Add new functions for each type, examples: time.clock_decimal() time.time_decimal() os.stat_decimal() os.stat_timespec() etc. Adding a new function for each function creating timestamps duplicate a lot of code and would be a pain to maintain. Add a new hires module Add a new module called “hires” with the same API than the time module, except that it would return timestamp with high resolution, e.g. decimal.Decimal. Adding a new module avoids to link low-level modules like time or os to the decimal module. This idea was rejected because it requires to duplicate most of the code of the time module, would be a pain to maintain, and timestamps are used modules other than the time module. Examples: signal.sigtimedwait(), select.select(), resource.getrusage(), os.stat(), etc. Duplicate the code of each module is not acceptable. Links Python: Issue #7652: Merge C version of decimal into py3k (cdecimal) Issue #11457: os.stat(): add new fields to get timestamps as Decimal objects with nanosecond resolution Issue #13882: PEP 410: Use decimal.Decimal type for timestamps [Python-Dev] Store timestamps as decimal.Decimal objects Other languages: Ruby (1.9.3), the Time class supports picosecond (10-12) .NET framework, DateTime type: number of 100-nanosecond intervals that have elapsed since 12:00:00 midnight, January 1, 0001. DateTime.Ticks uses a signed 64-bit integer. Java (1.5), System.nanoTime(): wallclock with an unspecified starting point as a number of nanoseconds, use a signed 64 bits integer (long). Perl, Time::Hiref module: use float so has the same loss of precision issue with nanosecond resolution than Python float timestamps Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 410 – Use decimal.Decimal type for timestamps
Standards Track
Decimal becomes the official type for high-resolution timestamps to make Python support new functions using a nanosecond resolution without loss of precision.
PEP 411 – Provisional packages in the Python standard library Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>, Eli Bendersky <eliben at gmail.com> Status: Superseded Type: Informational Created: 10-Feb-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 10-Feb-2012, 24-Mar-2012 Table of Contents Abstract Proposal - a documented provisional state Marking a package provisional Which packages should go through the provisional state Criteria for “graduation” Rationale Benefits for the core development team Benefits for end users Candidates for provisional inclusion into the standard library Rejected alternatives and variations References Copyright Note This PEP has been marked as Superseded. A decade after this PEP was written, experience has shown this is a rarely used feature in managing the standard library. It has also not helped prevent people from relying too heavily on provisional modules, such that changes can still cause significant breakage in the community. Abstract The process of including a new package into the Python standard library is hindered by the API lock-in and promise of backward compatibility implied by a package being formally part of Python. This PEP describes a methodology for marking a standard library package “provisional” for the period of a single feature release. A provisional package may have its API modified prior to “graduating” into a “stable” state. On one hand, this state provides the package with the benefits of being formally part of the Python distribution. On the other hand, the core development team explicitly states that no promises are made with regards to the stability of the package’s API, which may change for the next release. While it is considered an unlikely outcome, such packages may even be removed from the standard library without a deprecation period if the concerns regarding their API or maintenance prove well-founded. Proposal - a documented provisional state Whenever the Python core development team decides that a new package should be included into the standard library, but isn’t entirely sure about whether the package’s API is optimal, the package can be included and marked as “provisional”. In the next feature release, the package may either be “graduated” into a normal “stable” state in the standard library, remain in provisional state, or be rejected and removed entirely from the Python source tree. If the package ends up graduating into the stable state after being provisional, its API may be changed according to accumulated feedback. The core development team explicitly makes no guarantees about API stability and backward compatibility of provisional packages. Marking a package provisional A package will be marked provisional by a notice in its documentation page and its docstring. The following paragraph will be added as a note at the top of the documentation page: The <X> package has been included in the standard library on a provisional basis. Backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the package) may occur if deemed necessary by the core developers. The phrase “provisional basis” will then be a link to the glossary term “provisional package”, defined as: A provisional package is one which has been deliberately excluded from the standard library’s backwards compatibility guarantees. While major changes to such packages are not expected, as long as they are marked provisional, backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the package) may occur if deemed necessary by core developers. Such changes will not be made gratuitously – they will occur only if serious flaws are uncovered that were missed prior to the inclusion of the package.This process allows the standard library to continue to evolve over time, without locking in problematic design errors for extended periods of time. See PEP 411 for more details. The following will be added to the start of the package’s docstring: The API of this package is currently provisional. Refer to the documentation for details. Moving a package from the provisional to the stable state simply implies removing these notes from its documentation page and docstring. Which packages should go through the provisional state We expect most packages proposed for addition into the Python standard library to go through a feature release in the provisional state. There may, however, be some exceptions, such as packages that use a pre-defined API (for example lzma, which generally follows the API of the existing bz2 package), or packages with an API that has wide acceptance in the Python development community. In any case, packages that are proposed to be added to the standard library, whether via the provisional state or directly, must fulfill the acceptance conditions set by PEP 2. Criteria for “graduation” In principle, most provisional packages should eventually graduate to the stable standard library. Some reasons for not graduating are: The package may prove to be unstable or fragile, without sufficient developer support to maintain it. A much better alternative package may be found during the preview release. Essentially, the decision will be made by the core developers on a per-case basis. The point to emphasize here is that a package’s inclusion in the standard library as “provisional” in some release does not guarantee it will continue being part of Python in the next release. At the same time, the bar for making changes in a provisional package is quite high. We expect that most of the API of most provisional packages will be unchanged at graduation. Withdrawals are expected to be rare. Rationale Benefits for the core development team Currently, the core developers are really reluctant to add new interfaces to the standard library. This is because as soon as they’re published in a release, API design mistakes get locked in due to backward compatibility concerns. By gating all major API additions through some kind of a provisional mechanism for a full release, we get one full release cycle of community feedback before we lock in the APIs with our standard backward compatibility guarantee. We can also start integrating provisional packages with the rest of the standard library early, so long as we make it clear to packagers that the provisional packages should not be considered optional. The only difference between provisional APIs and the rest of the standard library is that provisional APIs are explicitly exempted from the usual backward compatibility guarantees. Benefits for end users For future end users, the broadest benefit lies in a better “out-of-the-box” experience - rather than being told “oh, the standard library tools for task X are horrible, download this 3rd party library instead”, those superior tools are more likely to be just be an import away. For environments where developers are required to conduct due diligence on their upstream dependencies (severely harming the cost-effectiveness of, or even ruling out entirely, much of the material on PyPI), the key benefit lies in ensuring that all packages in the provisional state are clearly under python-dev’s aegis from at least the following perspectives: Licensing: Redistributed by the PSF under a Contributor Licensing Agreement. Documentation: The documentation of the package is published and organized via the standard Python documentation tools (i.e. ReST source, output generated with Sphinx and published on http://docs.python.org). Testing: The package test suites are run on the python.org buildbot fleet and results published via http://www.python.org/dev/buildbot. Issue management: Bugs and feature requests are handled on http://bugs.python.org Source control: The master repository for the software is published on http://hg.python.org. Candidates for provisional inclusion into the standard library For Python 3.3, there are a number of clear current candidates: regex (http://pypi.python.org/pypi/regex) - approved by Guido [1]. daemon (PEP 3143) ipaddr (PEP 3144) Other possible future use cases include: Improved HTTP modules (e.g. requests) HTML 5 parsing support (e.g. html5lib) Improved URL/URI/IRI parsing A standard image API (PEP 368) Improved encapsulation of import state (PEP 406) Standard event loop API (PEP 3153) A binary version of WSGI for Python 3 (e.g. PEP 444) Generic function support (e.g. simplegeneric) Rejected alternatives and variations See PEP 408. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-January/115962.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 411 – Provisional packages in the Python standard library
The process of including a new package into the Python standard library is hindered by the API lock-in and promise of backward compatibility implied by a package being formally part of Python. This PEP describes a methodology for marking a standard library package “provisional” for the period of a single feature release. A provisional package may have its API modified prior to “graduating” into a “stable” state. On one hand, this state provides the package with the benefits of being formally part of the Python distribution. On the other hand, the core development team explicitly states that no promises are made with regards to the stability of the package’s API, which may change for the next release. While it is considered an unlikely outcome, such packages may even be removed from the standard library without a deprecation period if the concerns regarding their API or maintenance prove well-founded.
PEP 412 – Key-Sharing Dictionary Author: Mark Shannon <mark at hotpy.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 08-Feb-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 08-Feb-2012 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Behaviour Performance Memory Usage Speed Implementation Split-Table dictionaries Combined-Table dictionaries Implementation Pros and Cons Pros Cons Alternative Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a change in the implementation of the builtin dictionary type dict. The new implementation allows dictionaries which are used as attribute dictionaries (the __dict__ attribute of an object) to share keys with other attribute dictionaries of instances of the same class. Motivation The current dictionary implementation uses more memory than is necessary when used as a container for object attributes as the keys are replicated for each instance rather than being shared across many instances of the same class. Despite this, the current dictionary implementation is finely tuned and performs very well as a general-purpose mapping object. By separating the keys (and hashes) from the values it is possible to share the keys between multiple dictionaries and improve memory use. By ensuring that keys are separated from the values only when beneficial, it is possible to retain the high-performance of the current dictionary implementation when used as a general-purpose mapping object. Behaviour The new dictionary behaves in the same way as the old implementation. It fully conforms to the Python API, the C API and the ABI. Performance Memory Usage Reduction in memory use is directly related to the number of dictionaries with shared keys in existence at any time. These dictionaries are typically half the size of the current dictionary implementation. Benchmarking shows that memory use is reduced by 10% to 20% for object-oriented programs with no significant change in memory use for other programs. Speed The performance of the new implementation is dominated by memory locality effects. When keys are not shared (for example in module dictionaries and dictionary explicitly created by dict() or {}) then performance is unchanged (within a percent or two) from the current implementation. For the shared keys case, the new implementation tends to separate keys from values, but reduces total memory usage. This will improve performance in many cases as the effects of reduced memory usage outweigh the loss of locality, but some programs may show a small slow down. Benchmarking shows no significant change of speed for most benchmarks. Object-oriented benchmarks show small speed ups when they create large numbers of objects of the same class (the gcbench benchmark shows a 10% speed up; this is likely to be an upper limit). Implementation Both the old and new dictionaries consist of a fixed-sized dict struct and a re-sizeable table. In the new dictionary the table can be further split into a keys table and values array. The keys table holds the keys and hashes and (for non-split tables) the values as well. It differs only from the original implementation in that it contains a number of fields that were previously in the dict struct. If a table is split the values in the keys table are ignored, instead the values are held in a separate array. Split-Table dictionaries When dictionaries are created to fill the __dict__ slot of an object, they are created in split form. The keys table is cached in the type, potentially allowing all attribute dictionaries of instances of one class to share keys. In the event of the keys of these dictionaries starting to diverge, individual dictionaries will lazily convert to the combined-table form. This ensures good memory use in the common case, and correctness in all cases. When resizing a split dictionary it is converted to a combined table. If resizing is as a result of storing an instance attribute, and there is only instance of a class, then the dictionary will be re-split immediately. Since most OO code will set attributes in the __init__ method, all attributes will be set before a second instance is created and no more resizing will be necessary as all further instance dictionaries will have the correct size. For more complex use patterns, it is impossible to know what is the best approach, so the implementation allows extra insertions up to the point of a resize when it reverts to the combined table (non-shared keys). A deletion from a split dictionary does not change the keys table, it simply removes the value from the values array. Combined-Table dictionaries Explicit dictionaries (dict() or {}), module dictionaries and most other dictionaries are created as combined-table dictionaries. A combined-table dictionary never becomes a split-table dictionary. Combined tables are laid out in much the same way as the tables in the old dictionary, resulting in very similar performance. Implementation The new dictionary implementation is available at [1]. Pros and Cons Pros Significant memory savings for object-oriented applications. Small improvement to speed for programs which create lots of similar objects. Cons Change to data structures: Third party modules which meddle with the internals of the dictionary implementation will break. Changes to repr() output and iteration order: For most cases, this will be unchanged. However, for some split-table dictionaries the iteration order will change. Neither of these cons should be a problem. Modules which meddle with the internals of the dictionary implementation are already broken and should be fixed to use the API. The iteration order of dictionaries was never defined and has always been arbitrary; it is different for Jython and PyPy. Alternative Implementation An alternative implementation for split tables, which could save even more memory, is to store an index in the value field of the keys table (instead of ignoring the value field). This index would explicitly state where in the value array to look. The value array would then only require 1 field for each usable slot in the key table, rather than each slot in the key table. This “indexed” version would reduce the size of value array by about one third. The keys table would need an extra “values_size” field, increasing the size of combined dicts by one word. The extra indirection adds more complexity to the code, potentially reducing performance a little. The “indexed” version will not be included in this implementation, but should be considered deferred rather than rejected, pending further experimentation. References [1] Reference Implementation: https://bitbucket.org/markshannon/cpython_new_dict Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 412 – Key-Sharing Dictionary
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a change in the implementation of the builtin dictionary type dict. The new implementation allows dictionaries which are used as attribute dictionaries (the __dict__ attribute of an object) to share keys with other attribute dictionaries of instances of the same class.
PEP 413 – Faster evolution of the Python Standard Library Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Process Created: 24-Feb-2012 Post-History: 24-Feb-2012, 25-Feb-2012 Table of Contents PEP Withdrawal Abstract Rationale Proposal Release Cycle Programmatic Version Identification Security Fixes and Other “Out of Cycle” Releases User Scenarios Novice user, downloading Python from python.org in March 2013 Novice user, attempting to judge currency of third party documentation Novice user, looking for an extension module binary release Extension module author, deciding whether or not to make a binary release Python developer, deciding priority of eliminating a Deprecation Warning Alternative interpreter implementor, updating with new features Python developer, deciding their minimum version dependency Python developers, attempting to reproduce a tracker issue CPython release managers, handling a security fix Effects Effect on development cycle Effect on workflow Effect on bugfix cycle Effect on the community Handling News Updates What’s New? NEWS Other benefits of reduced version coupling Slowing down the language release cycle Further increasing the pace of standard library development Other Questions Why not use the major version number? Why not use a four part version number? Why not use a date-based versioning scheme? Why isn’t PEP 384 enough? Why no binary compatible additions to the C ABI in standard library releases? Why not separate out the standard library entirely? Acknowledgements References Copyright PEP Withdrawal With the acceptance of PEP 453 meaning that pip will be available to most new Python users by default, this will hopefully reduce the pressure to add new modules to the standard library before they are sufficiently mature. The last couple of years have also seen increased usage of the model where a standard library package also has an equivalent available from the Python Package Index that also supports older versions of Python. Given these two developments and the level of engagement throughout the Python 3.4 release cycle, the PEP author no longer feels it would be appropriate to make such a fundamental change to the standard library development process. Abstract This PEP proposes the adoption of a separate versioning scheme for the standard library (distinct from, but coupled to, the existing language versioning scheme) that allows accelerated releases of the Python standard library, while maintaining (or even slowing down) the current rate of change in the core language definition. Like PEP 407, it aims to adjust the current balance between measured change that allows the broader community time to adapt and being able to keep pace with external influences that evolve more rapidly than the current release cycle can handle (this problem is particularly notable for standard library elements that relate to web technologies). However, it’s more conservative in its aims than PEP 407, seeking to restrict the increased pace of development to builtin and standard library interfaces, without affecting the rate of change for other elements such as the language syntax and version numbering as well as the CPython binary API and bytecode format. Rationale To quote the PEP 407 abstract: Finding a release cycle for an open-source project is a delicate exercise in managing mutually contradicting constraints: developer manpower, availability of release management volunteers, ease of maintenance for users and third-party packagers, quick availability of new features (and behavioural changes), availability of bug fixes without pulling in new features or behavioural changes.The current release cycle errs on the conservative side. It is adequate for people who value stability over reactivity. This PEP is an attempt to keep the stability that has become a Python trademark, while offering a more fluid release of features, by introducing the notion of long-term support versions. I agree with the PEP 407 authors that the current release cycle of the standard library is too slow to effectively cope with the pace of change in some key programming areas (specifically, web protocols and related technologies, including databases, templating and serialisation formats). However, I have written this competing PEP because I believe that the approach proposed in PEP 407 of offering full, potentially binary incompatible releases of CPython every 6 months places too great a burden on the wider Python ecosystem. Under the current CPython release cycle, distributors of key binary extensions will often support Python releases even after the CPython branches enter “security fix only” mode (for example, Twisted currently ships binaries for 2.5, 2.6 and 2.7, NumPy and SciPy support those 3 along with 3.1 and 3.2, PyGame adds a 2.4 binary release, wxPython provides both 32-bit and 64-bit binaries for 2.6 and 2.7, etc). If CPython were to triple (or more) its rate of releases, the developers of those libraries (many of which are even more resource starved than CPython) would face an unpalatable choice: either adopt the faster release cycle themselves (up to 18 simultaneous binary releases for PyGame!), drop older Python versions more quickly, or else tell their users to stick to the CPython LTS releases (thus defeating the entire point of speeding up the CPython release cycle in the first place). Similarly, many support tools for Python (e.g. syntax highlighters) can take quite some time to catch up with language level changes. At a cultural level, the Python community is also accustomed to a certain meaning for Python version numbers - they’re linked to deprecation periods, support periods, all sorts of things. PEP 407 proposes that collective knowledge all be swept aside, without offering a compelling rationale for why such a course of action is actually necessary (aside from, perhaps, making the lives of the CPython core developers a little easier at the expense of everyone else). However, if we go back to the primary rationale for increasing the pace of change (i.e. more timely support for web protocols and related technologies), we can note that those only require standard library changes. That means many (perhaps even most) of the negative effects on the wider community can be avoided by explicitly limiting which parts of CPython are affected by the new release cycle, and allowing other parts to evolve at their current, more sedate, pace. Proposal This PEP proposes the introduction of a new kind of CPython release: “standard library releases”. As with PEP 407, this will give CPython 3 kinds of release: Language release: “x.y.0” Maintenance release: “x.y.z” (where z > 0) Standard library release: “x.y (xy.z)” (where z > 0) Under this scheme, an unqualified version reference (such as “3.3”) would always refer to the most recent corresponding language or maintenance release. It will never be used without qualification to refer to a standard library release (at least, not by python-dev - obviously, we can only set an example, not force the rest of the Python ecosystem to go along with it). Language releases will continue as they are now, as new versions of the Python language definition, along with a new version of the CPython interpreter and the Python standard library. Accordingly, a language release may contain any and all of the following changes: new language syntax new standard library changes (see below) new deprecation warnings removal of previously deprecated features changes to the emitted bytecode changes to the AST any other significant changes to the compilation toolchain changes to the core interpreter eval loop binary incompatible changes to the C ABI (although the PEP 384 stable ABI must still be preserved) bug fixes Maintenance releases will also continue as they do today, being strictly limited to bug fixes for the corresponding language release. No new features or radical internal changes are permitted. The new standard library releases will occur in parallel with each maintenance release and will be qualified with a new version identifier documenting the standard library version. Standard library releases may include the following changes: new features in pure Python modules new features in C extension modules (subject to PEP 399 compatibility requirements) new features in language builtins (provided the C ABI remains unaffected) bug fixes from the corresponding maintenance release Standard library version identifiers are constructed by combining the major and minor version numbers for the Python language release into a single two digit number and then appending a sequential standard library version identifier. Release Cycle When maintenance releases are created, two new versions of Python would actually be published on python.org (using the first 3.3 maintenance release, planned for February 2013 as an example): 3.3.1 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.1) # Standard library release A further 6 months later, the next 3.3 maintenance release would again be accompanied by a new standard library release: 3.3.2 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.2) # Standard library release Again, the standard library release would be binary compatible with the previous language release, merely offering additional features at the Python level. Finally, 18 months after the release of 3.3, a new language release would be made around the same time as the final 3.3 maintenance and standard library releases: 3.3.3 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.3) # Standard library release 3.4.0 # Language release The 3.4 release cycle would then follow a similar pattern to that for 3.3: 3.4.1 # Maintenance release 3.4 (34.1) # Standard library release 3.4.2 # Maintenance release 3.4 (34.2) # Standard library release 3.4.3 # Maintenance release 3.4 (34.3) # Standard library release 3.5.0 # Language release Programmatic Version Identification To expose the new version details programmatically, this PEP proposes the addition of a new sys.stdlib_info attribute that records the new standard library version above and beyond the underlying interpreter version. Using the initial Python 3.3 release as an example: sys.stdlib_info(python=33, version=0, releaselevel='final', serial=0) This information would also be included in the sys.version string: Python 3.3.0 (33.0, default, Feb 17 2012, 23:03:41) [GCC 4.6.1] Security Fixes and Other “Out of Cycle” Releases For maintenance releases the process of handling out-of-cycle releases (for example, to fix a security issue or resolve a critical bug in a new release), remains the same as it is now: the minor version number is incremented and a new release is made incorporating the required bug fixes, as well as any other bug fixes that have been committed since the previous release. For standard library releases, the process is essentially the same, but the corresponding “What’s New?” document may require some tidying up for the release (as the standard library release may incorporate new features, not just bug fixes). User Scenarios The versioning scheme proposed above is based on a number of user scenarios that are likely to be encountered if this scheme is adopted. In each case, the scenario is described for both the status quo (i.e. slow release cycle) the versioning scheme in this PEP and the free wheeling minor version number scheme proposed in PEP 407. To give away the ending, the point of using a separate version number is that for almost all scenarios, the important number is the language version, not the standard library version. Most users won’t even need to care that the standard library version number exists. In the two identified cases where it matters, providing it as a separate number is actually clearer and more explicit than embedding the two different kinds of number into a single sequence and then tagging some of the numbers in the unified sequence as special. Novice user, downloading Python from python.org in March 2013 Status quo: must choose between 3.3 and 2.7 This PEP: must choose between 3.3 (33.1), 3.3 and 2.7. PEP 407: must choose between 3.4, 3.3 (LTS) and 2.7. Verdict: explaining the meaning of a Long Term Support release is about as complicated as explaining the meaning of the proposed standard library release version numbers. I call this a tie. Novice user, attempting to judge currency of third party documentation Status quo: minor version differences indicate 18-24 months of language evolution This PEP: same as status quo for language core, standard library version numbers indicate 6 months of standard library evolution. PEP 407: minor version differences indicate 18-24 months of language evolution up to 3.3, then 6 months of language evolution thereafter. Verdict: Since language changes and deprecations can have a much bigger effect on the accuracy of third party documentation than the addition of new features to the standard library, I’m calling this a win for the scheme in this PEP. Novice user, looking for an extension module binary release Status quo: look for the binary corresponding to the Python version you are running. This PEP: same as status quo. PEP 407 (full releases): same as status quo, but corresponding binary version is more likely to be missing (or, if it does exist, has to be found amongst a much larger list of alternatives). PEP 407 (ABI updates limited to LTS releases): all binary release pages will need to tell users that Python 3.3, 3.4 and 3.5 all need the 3.3 binary. Verdict: I call this a clear win for the scheme in this PEP. Absolutely nothing changes from the current situation, since the standard library version is actually irrelevant in this case (only binary extension compatibility is important). Extension module author, deciding whether or not to make a binary release Status quo: unless using the PEP 384 stable ABI, a new binary release is needed every time the minor version number changes. This PEP: same as status quo. PEP 407 (full releases): same as status quo, but becomes a far more frequent occurrence. PEP 407 (ABI updates limited to LTS releases): before deciding, must first look up whether the new release is an LTS release or an interim release. If it is an LTS release, then a new build is necessary. Verdict: I call this another clear win for the scheme in this PEP. As with the end user facing side of this problem, the standard library version is actually irrelevant in this case. Moving that information out to a separate number avoids creating unnecessary confusion. Python developer, deciding priority of eliminating a Deprecation Warning Status quo: code that triggers deprecation warnings is not guaranteed to run on a version of Python with a higher minor version number. This PEP: same as status quo PEP 407: unclear, as the PEP doesn’t currently spell this out. Assuming the deprecation cycle is linked to LTS releases, then upgrading to a non-LTS release is safe but upgrading to the next LTS release may require avoiding the deprecated construct. Verdict: another clear win for the scheme in this PEP since, once again, the standard library version is irrelevant in this scenario. Alternative interpreter implementor, updating with new features Status quo: new Python versions arrive infrequently, but are a mish-mash of standard library updates and core language definition and interpreter changes. This PEP: standard library updates, which are easier to integrate, are made available more frequently in a form that is clearly and explicitly compatible with the previous version of the language definition. This means that, once an alternative implementation catches up to Python 3.3, they should have a much easier time incorporating standard library features as they happen (especially pure Python changes), leaving minor version number updates as the only task that requires updates to their core compilation and execution components. PEP 407 (full releases): same as status quo, but becomes a far more frequent occurrence. PEP 407 (language updates limited to LTS releases): unclear, as the PEP doesn’t currently spell out a specific development strategy. Assuming a 3.3 compatibility branch is adopted (as proposed in this PEP), then the outcome would be much the same, but the version number signalling would be slightly less clear (since you would have to check to see if a particular release was an LTS release or not). Verdict: while not as clear cut as some previous scenarios, I’m still calling this one in favour of the scheme in this PEP. Explicit is better than implicit, and the scheme in this PEP makes a clear split between the two different kinds of update rather than adding a separate “LTS” tag to an otherwise ordinary release number. Tagging a particular version as being special is great for communicating with version control systems and associated automated tools, but it’s a lousy way to communicate information to other humans. Python developer, deciding their minimum version dependency Status quo: look for “version added” or “version changed” markers in the documentation, check against sys.version_info This PEP: look for “version added” or “version changed” markers in the documentation. If written as a bare Python version, such as “3.3”, check against sys.version_info. If qualified with a standard library version, such as “3.3 (33.1)”, check against sys.stdlib_info. PEP 407: same as status quo Verdict: the scheme in this PEP actually allows third party libraries to be more explicit about their rate of adoption of standard library features. More conservative projects will likely pin their dependency to the language version and avoid features added in the standard library releases. Faster moving projects could instead declare their dependency on a particular standard library version. However, since PEP 407 does have the advantage of preserving the status quo, I’m calling this one for PEP 407 (albeit with a slim margin). Python developers, attempting to reproduce a tracker issue Status quo: if not already provided, ask the reporter which version of Python they’re using. This is often done by asking for the first two lines displayed by the interactive prompt or the value of sys.version. This PEP: same as the status quo (as sys.version will be updated to also include the standard library version), but may be needed on additional occasions (where the user knew enough to state their Python version, but that proved to be insufficient to reproduce the fault). PEP 407: same as the status quo Verdict: another marginal win for PEP 407. The new standard library version is an extra piece of information that users may need to pass back to developers when reporting issues with Python libraries (or Python itself, on our own tracker). However, by including it in sys.version, many fault reports will already include it, and it is easy to request if needed. CPython release managers, handling a security fix Status quo: create a new maintenance release incorporating the security fix and any other bug fixes under source control. Also create source releases for any branches open solely for security fixes. This PEP: same as the status quo for maintenance branches. Also create a new standard library release (potentially incorporating new features along with the security fix). For security branches, create source releases for both the former maintenance branch and the standard library update branch. PEP 407: same as the status quo for maintenance and security branches, but handling security fixes for non-LTS releases is currently an open question. Verdict: until PEP 407 is updated to actually address this scenario, a clear win for this PEP. Effects Effect on development cycle Similar to PEP 407, this PEP will break up the delivery of new features into more discrete chunks. Instead of a whole raft of changes landing all at once in a language release, each language release will be limited to 6 months worth of standard library changes, as well as any changes associated with new syntax. Effect on workflow This PEP proposes the creation of a single additional branch for use in the normal workflow. After the release of 3.3, the following branches would be in use: 2.7 # Maintenance branch, no change 3.3 # Maintenance branch, as for 3.2 3.3-compat # New branch, backwards compatible changes default # Language changes, standard library updates that depend on them When working on a new feature, developers will need to decide whether or not it is an acceptable change for a standard library release. If so, then it should be checked in on 3.3-compat and then merged to default. Otherwise it should be checked in directly to default. The “version added” and “version changed” markers for any changes made on the 3.3-compat branch would need to be flagged with both the language version and the standard library version. For example: “3.3 (33.1)”. Any changes made directly on the default branch would just be flagged with “3.4” as usual. The 3.3-compat branch would be closed to normal development at the same time as the 3.3 maintenance branch. The 3.3-compat branch would remain open for security fixes for the same period of time as the 3.3 maintenance branch. Effect on bugfix cycle The effect on the bug fix workflow is essentially the same as that on the workflow for new features - there is one additional branch to pass through before the change reaches the default branch. If critical bugs are found in a maintenance release, then new maintenance and standard library releases will be created to resolve the problem. The final part of the version number will be incremented for both the language version and the standard library version. If critical bugs are found in a standard library release that do not affect the associated maintenance release, then only a new standard library release will be created and only the standard library’s version number will be incremented. Note that in these circumstances, the standard library release may include additional features, rather than just containing the bug fix. It is assumed that anyone that cares about receiving only bug fixes without any new features mixed in will already be relying strictly on the maintenance releases rather than using the new standard library releases. Effect on the community PEP 407 has this to say about the effects on the community: People who value stability can just synchronize on the LTS releases which, with the proposed figures, would give a similar support cycle (both in duration and in stability). I believe this statement is just plain wrong. Life isn’t that simple. Instead, developers of third party modules and frameworks will come under pressure to support the full pace of the new release cycle with binary updates, teachers and book authors will receive complaints that they’re only covering an “old” version of Python (“You’re only using 3.3, the latest is 3.5!”), etc. As the minor version number starts climbing 3 times faster than it has in the past, I believe perceptions of language stability would also fall (whether such opinions were justified or not). I believe isolating the increased pace of change to the standard library, and clearly delineating it with a separate version number will greatly reassure the rest of the community that no, we’re not suddenly asking them to triple their own rate of development. Instead, we’re merely going to ship standard library updates for the next language release in 6-monthly installments rather than delaying them all until the next language definition update, even those changes that are backwards compatible with the previously released version of Python. The community benefits listed in PEP 407 are equally applicable to this PEP, at least as far as the standard library is concerned: People who value reactivity and access to new features (without taking the risk to install alpha versions or Mercurial snapshots) would get much more value from the new release cycle than currently.People who want to contribute new features or improvements would be more motivated to do so, knowing that their contributions will be more quickly available to normal users. If the faster release cycle encourages more people to focus on contributing to the standard library rather than proposing changes to the language definition, I don’t see that as a bad thing. Handling News Updates What’s New? The “What’s New” documents would be split out into separate documents for standard library releases and language releases. So, during the 3.3 release cycle, we would see: What’s New in Python 3.3? What’s New in the Python Standard Library 33.1? What’s New in the Python Standard Library 33.2? What’s New in the Python Standard Library 33.3? And then finally, we would see the next language release: What’s New in Python 3.4? For the benefit of users that ignore standard library releases, the 3.4 What’s New would link back to the What’s New documents for each of the standard library releases in the 3.3 series. NEWS Merge conflicts on the NEWS file are already a hassle. Since this PEP proposes introduction of an additional branch into the normal workflow, resolving this becomes even more critical. While Mercurial phases may help to some degree, it would be good to eliminate the problem entirely. One suggestion from Barry Warsaw is to adopt a non-conflicting separate-files-per-change approach, similar to that used by Twisted [2]. Given that the current manually updated NEWS file will be used for the 3.3.0 release, one possible layout for such an approach might look like: Misc/ NEWS # Now autogenerated from news_entries news_entries/ 3.3/ NEWS # Original 3.3 NEWS file maint.1/ # Maintenance branch changes core/ <news entries> builtins/ <news entries> extensions/ <news entries> library/ <news entries> documentation/ <news entries> tests/ <news entries> compat.1/ # Compatibility branch changes builtins/ <news entries> extensions/ <news entries> library/ <news entries> documentation/ <news entries> tests/ <news entries> # Add maint.2, compat.2 etc as releases are made 3.4/ core/ <news entries> builtins/ <news entries> extensions/ <news entries> library/ <news entries> documentation/ <news entries> tests/ <news entries> # Add maint.1, compat.1 etc as releases are made Putting the version information in the directory hierarchy isn’t strictly necessary (since the NEWS file generator could figure out from the version history), but does make it easier for humans to keep the different versions in order. Other benefits of reduced version coupling Slowing down the language release cycle The current release cycle is a compromise between the desire for stability in the core language definition and C extension ABI, and the desire to get new features (most notably standard library updates) into user’s hands more quickly. With the standard library release cycle decoupled (to some degree) from that of the core language definition, it provides an opportunity to actually slow down the rate of change in the language definition. The language moratorium for Python 3.2 effectively slowed that cycle down to more than 3 years (3.1: June 2009, 3.3: August 2012) without causing any major problems or complaints. The NEWS file management scheme described above is actually designed to allow us the flexibility to slow down language releases at the same time as standard library releases become more frequent. As a simple example, if a full two years was allowed between 3.3 and 3.4, the 3.3 release cycle would end up looking like: 3.2.4 # Maintenance release 3.3.0 # Language release 3.3.1 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.1) # Standard library release 3.3.2 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.2) # Standard library release 3.3.3 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.3) # Standard library release 3.3.4 # Maintenance release 3.3 (33.4) # Standard library release 3.4.0 # Language release The elegance of the proposed branch structure and NEWS entry layout is that this decision wouldn’t really need to be made until shortly before the planned 3.4 release date. At that point, the decision could be made to postpone the 3.4 release and keep the 3.3 and 3.3-compat branches open after the 3.3.3 maintenance release and the 3.3 (33.3) standard library release, thus adding another standard library release to the cycle. The choice between another standard library release or a full language release would then be available every 6 months after that. Further increasing the pace of standard library development As noted in the previous section, one benefit of the scheme proposed in this PEP is that it largely decouples the language release cycle from the standard library release cycle. The standard library could be updated every 3 months, or even once a month, without having any flow on effects on the language version numbering or the perceived stability of the core language. While that pace of development isn’t practical as long as the binary installer creation for Windows and Mac OS X involves several manual steps (including manual testing) and for as long as we don’t have separate “<branch>-release” trees that only receive versions that have been marked as good by the stable buildbots, it’s still a useful criterion to keep in mind when considering proposed new versioning schemes: what if we eventually want to make standard library releases even faster than every 6 months? If the practical issues were ever resolved, then the separate standard library versioning scheme in this PEP could handle it. The tagged version number approach proposed in PEP 407 could not (at least, not without a lot of user confusion and uncertainty). Other Questions Why not use the major version number? The simplest and most logical solution would actually be to map the major.minor.micro version numbers to the language version, stdlib version and maintenance release version respectively. Instead of releasing Python 3.3.0, we would instead release Python 4.0.0 and the release cycle would look like: 4.0.0 # Language release 4.0.1 # Maintenance release 4.1.0 # Standard library release 4.0.2 # Maintenance release 4.2.0 # Standard library release 4.0.3 # Maintenance release 4.3.0 # Standard library release 5.0.0 # Language release However, the ongoing pain of the Python 2 -> Python 3 transition (and associated workarounds like the python3 and python2 symlinks to refer directly to the desired release series) means that this simple option isn’t viable for historical reasons. One way that this simple approach could be made to work is to merge the current major and minor version numbers directly into a 2-digit major version number: 33.0.0 # Language release 33.0.1 # Maintenance release 33.1.0 # Standard library release 33.0.2 # Maintenance release 33.2.0 # Standard library release 33.0.3 # Maintenance release 33.3.0 # Standard library release 34.0.0 # Language release Why not use a four part version number? Another simple versioning scheme would just add a “standard library” version into the existing versioning scheme: # Language release # Maintenance release # Standard library release # Maintenance release # Standard library release # Maintenance release # Standard library release # Language release However, this scheme isn’t viable due to backwards compatibility constraints on the sys.version_info structure. Why not use a date-based versioning scheme? Earlier versions of this PEP proposed a date-based versioning scheme for the standard library. However, such a scheme made it very difficult to handle out-of-cycle releases to fix security issues and other critical bugs in standard library releases, as it required the following steps: Change the release version number to the date of the current month. Update the What’s New, NEWS and documentation to refer to the new release number. Make the new release. With the sequential scheme now proposed, such releases should at most require a little tidying up of the What’s New document before making the release. Why isn’t PEP 384 enough? PEP 384 introduced the notion of a “Stable ABI” for CPython, a limited subset of the full C ABI that is guaranteed to remain stable. Extensions built against the stable ABI should be able to support all subsequent Python versions with the same binary. This will help new projects to avoid coupling their C extension modules too closely to a specific version of CPython. For existing modules, however, migrating to the stable ABI can involve quite a lot of work (especially for extension modules that define a lot of classes). With limited development resources available, any time spent on such a change is time that could otherwise have been spent working on features that offer more direct benefits to end users. There are also other benefits to separate versioning (as described above) that are not directly related to the question of binary compatibility with third party C extensions. Why no binary compatible additions to the C ABI in standard library releases? There’s a case to be made that additions to the CPython C ABI could reasonably be permitted in standard library releases. This would give C extension authors the same freedom as any other package or module author to depend either on a particular language version or on a standard library version. The PEP currently associates the interpreter version with the language version, and therefore limits major interpreter changes (including C ABI additions) to the language releases. An alternative, internally consistent, approach would be to link the interpreter version with the standard library version, with only changes that may affect backwards compatibility limited to language releases. Under such a scheme, the following changes would be acceptable in standard library releases: Standard library updates new features in pure Python modules new features in C extension modules (subject to PEP 399 compatibility requirements) new features in language builtins Interpreter implementation updates binary compatible additions to the C ABI changes to the compilation toolchain that do not affect the AST or alter the bytecode magic number changes to the core interpreter eval loop bug fixes from the corresponding maintenance release And the following changes would be acceptable in language releases: new language syntax any updates acceptable in a standard library release new deprecation warnings removal of previously deprecated features changes to the AST changes to the emitted bytecode that require altering the magic number binary incompatible changes to the C ABI (although the PEP 384 stable ABI must still be preserved) While such an approach could probably be made to work, there does not appear to be a compelling justification for it, and the approach currently described in the PEP is simpler and easier to explain. Why not separate out the standard library entirely? A concept that is occasionally discussed is the idea of making the standard library truly independent from the CPython reference implementation. My personal opinion is that actually making such a change would involve a lot of work for next to no pay-off. CPython without the standard library is useless (the build chain won’t even run, let alone the test suite). You also can’t create a standalone pure Python standard library either, because too many “standard library modules” are actually tightly linked in to the internal details of their respective interpreters (for example, the builtins, weakref, gc, sys, inspect, ast). Creating a separate CPython development branch that is kept compatible with the previous language release, and making releases from that branch that are identified with a separate standard library version number should provide most of the benefits of a separate standard library repository with only a fraction of the pain. Acknowledgements Thanks go to the PEP 407 authors for starting this discussion, as well as to those authors and Larry Hastings for initial discussions of the proposal made in this PEP. References [2] Twisted’s “topfiles” approach to NEWS generation https://web.archive.org/web/20120305142914/http://twistedmatrix.com/trac/wiki/ReviewProcess#Newsfiles Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 413 – Faster evolution of the Python Standard Library
This PEP proposes the adoption of a separate versioning scheme for the standard library (distinct from, but coupled to, the existing language versioning scheme) that allows accelerated releases of the Python standard library, while maintaining (or even slowing down) the current rate of change in the core language definition.
PEP 414 – Explicit Unicode Literal for Python 3.3 Author: Armin Ronacher <armin.ronacher at active-4.com>, Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Feb-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 28-Feb-2012, 04-Mar-2012 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Proposal Exclusion of “Raw” Unicode Literals Author’s Note Rationale Common Objections Complaint: This PEP may harm adoption of Python 3.2 Complaint: Python 3 shouldn’t be made worse just to support porting from Python 2 Complaint: The WSGI “native strings” concept is an ugly hack Complaint: The existing tools should be good enough for everyone References Copyright Abstract This document proposes the reintegration of an explicit unicode literal from Python 2.x to the Python 3.x language specification, in order to reduce the volume of changes needed when porting Unicode-aware Python 2 applications to Python 3. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP has been formally accepted for Python 3.3: I’m accepting the PEP. It’s about as harmless as they come. Make it so. Proposal This PEP proposes that Python 3.3 restore support for Python 2’s Unicode literal syntax, substantially increasing the number of lines of existing Python 2 code in Unicode aware applications that will run without modification on Python 3. Specifically, the Python 3 definition for string literal prefixes will be expanded to allow: "u" | "U" in addition to the currently supported: "r" | "R" The following will all denote ordinary Python 3 strings: 'text' "text" '''text''' """text""" u'text' u"text" u'''text''' u"""text""" U'text' U"text" U'''text''' U"""text""" No changes are proposed to Python 3’s actual Unicode handling, only to the acceptable forms for string literals. Exclusion of “Raw” Unicode Literals Python 2 supports a concept of “raw” Unicode literals that don’t meet the conventional definition of a raw string: \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escape sequences are still processed by the compiler and converted to the appropriate Unicode code points when creating the associated Unicode objects. Python 3 has no corresponding concept - the compiler performs no preprocessing of the contents of raw string literals. This matches the behaviour of 8-bit raw string literals in Python 2. Since such strings are rarely used and would be interpreted differently in Python 3 if permitted, it was decided that leaving them out entirely was a better choice. Code which uses them will thus still fail immediately on Python 3 (with a Syntax Error), rather than potentially producing different output. To get equivalent behaviour that will run on both Python 2 and Python 3, either an ordinary Unicode literal can be used (with appropriate additional escaping within the string), or else string concatenation or string formatting can be combine the raw portions of the string with those that require the use of Unicode escape sequences. Note that when using from __future__ import unicode_literals in Python 2, the nominally “raw” Unicode string literals will process \uXXXX and \UXXXXXXXX escape sequences, just like Python 2 strings explicitly marked with the “raw Unicode” prefix. Author’s Note This PEP was originally written by Armin Ronacher, and Guido’s approval was given based on that version. The currently published version has been rewritten by Alyssa Coghlan to include additional historical details and rationale that were taken into account when Guido made his decision, but were not explicitly documented in Armin’s version of the PEP. Readers should be aware that many of the arguments in this PEP are not technical ones. Instead, they relate heavily to the social and personal aspects of software development. Rationale With the release of a Python 3 compatible version of the Web Services Gateway Interface (WSGI) specification (PEP 3333) for Python 3.2, many parts of the Python web ecosystem have been making a concerted effort to support Python 3 without adversely affecting their existing developer and user communities. One major item of feedback from key developers in those communities, including Chris McDonough (WebOb, Pyramid), Armin Ronacher (Flask, Werkzeug), Jacob Kaplan-Moss (Django) and Kenneth Reitz (requests) is that the requirement to change the spelling of every Unicode literal in an application (regardless of how that is accomplished) is a key stumbling block for porting efforts. In particular, unlike many of the other Python 3 changes, it isn’t one that framework and library authors can easily handle on behalf of their users. Most of those users couldn’t care less about the “purity” of the Python language specification, they just want their websites and applications to work as well as possible. While it is the Python web community that has been most vocal in highlighting this concern, it is expected that other highly Unicode aware domains (such as GUI development) may run into similar issues as they (and their communities) start making concerted efforts to support Python 3. Common Objections Complaint: This PEP may harm adoption of Python 3.2 This complaint is interesting, as it carries within it a tacit admission that this PEP will make it easier to port Unicode aware Python 2 applications to Python 3. There are many existing Python communities that are prepared to put up with the constraints imposed by the existing suite of porting tools, or to update their Python 2 code bases sufficiently that the problems are minimised. This PEP is not for those communities. Instead, it is designed specifically to help people that don’t want to put up with those difficulties. However, since the proposal is for a comparatively small tweak to the language syntax with no semantic changes, it is feasible to support it as a third party import hook. While such an import hook imposes some import time overhead, and requires additional steps from each application that needs it to get the hook in place, it allows applications that target Python 3.2 to use libraries and frameworks that would otherwise only run on Python 3.3+ due to their use of unicode literal prefixes. One such import hook project is Vinay Sajip’s uprefix [4]. For those that prefer to translate their code in advance rather than converting on the fly at import time, Armin Ronacher is working on a hook that runs at install time rather than during import [5]. Combining the two approaches is of course also possible. For example, the import hook could be used for rapid edit-test cycles during local development, but the install hook for continuous integration tasks and deployment on Python 3.2. The approaches described in this section may prove useful, for example, for applications that wish to target Python 3 on the Ubuntu 12.04 LTS release, which will ship with Python 2.7 and 3.2 as officially supported Python versions. Complaint: Python 3 shouldn’t be made worse just to support porting from Python 2 This is indeed one of the key design principles of Python 3. However, one of the key design principles of Python as a whole is that “practicality beats purity”. If we’re going to impose a significant burden on third party developers, we should have a solid rationale for doing so. In most cases, the rationale for backwards incompatible Python 3 changes are either to improve code correctness (for example, stricter default separation of binary and text data and integer division upgrading to floats when necessary), reduce typical memory usage (for example, increased usage of iterators and views over concrete lists), or to remove distracting nuisances that make Python code harder to read without increasing its expressiveness (for example, the comma based syntax for naming caught exceptions). Changes backed by such reasoning are not going to be reverted, regardless of objections from Python 2 developers attempting to make the transition to Python 3. In many cases, Python 2 offered two ways of doing things for historical reasons. For example, inequality could be tested with both != and <> and integer literals could be specified with an optional L suffix. Such redundancies have been eliminated in Python 3, which reduces the overall size of the language and improves consistency across developers. In the original Python 3 design (up to and including Python 3.2), the explicit prefix syntax for unicode literals was deemed to fall into this category, as it is completely unnecessary in Python 3. However, the difference between those other cases and unicode literals is that the unicode literal prefix is not redundant in Python 2 code: it is a programmatically significant distinction that needs to be preserved in some fashion to avoid losing information. While porting tools were created to help with the transition (see next section) it still creates an additional burden on heavy users of unicode strings in Python 2, solely so that future developers learning Python 3 don’t need to be told “For historical reasons, string literals may have an optional u or U prefix. Never use this yourselves, it’s just there to help with porting from an earlier version of the language.” Plenty of students learning Python 2 received similar warnings regarding string exceptions without being confused or irreparably stunted in their growth as Python developers. It will be the same with this feature. This point is further reinforced by the fact that Python 3 still allows the uppercase variants of the B and R prefixes for bytes literals and raw bytes and string literals. If the potential for confusion due to string prefix variants is that significant, where was the outcry asking that these redundant prefixes be removed along with all the other redundancies that were eliminated in Python 3? Just as support for string exceptions was eliminated from Python 2 using the normal deprecation process, support for redundant string prefix characters (specifically, B, R, u, U) may eventually be eliminated from Python 3, regardless of the current acceptance of this PEP. However, such a change will likely only occur once third party libraries supporting Python 2.7 is about as common as libraries supporting Python 2.2 or 2.3 is today. Complaint: The WSGI “native strings” concept is an ugly hack One reason the removal of unicode literals has provoked such concern amongst the web development community is that the updated WSGI specification had to make a few compromises to minimise the disruption for existing web servers that provide a WSGI-compatible interface (this was deemed necessary in order to make the updated standard a viable target for web application authors and web framework developers). One of those compromises is the concept of a “native string”. WSGI defines three different kinds of string: text strings: handled as unicode in Python 2 and str in Python 3 native strings: handled as str in both Python 2 and Python 3 binary data: handled as str in Python 2 and bytes in Python 3 Some developers consider WSGI’s “native strings” to be an ugly hack, as they are explicitly documented as being used solely for latin-1 decoded “text”, regardless of the actual encoding of the underlying data. Using this approach bypasses many of the updates to Python 3’s data model that are designed to encourage correct handling of text encodings. However, it generally works due to the specific details of the problem domain - web server and web framework developers are some of the individuals most aware of how blurry the line can get between binary data and text when working with HTTP and related protocols, and how important it is to understand the implications of the encodings in use when manipulating encoded text data. At the application level most of these details are hidden from the developer by the web frameworks and support libraries (both in Python 2 and in Python 3). In practice, native strings are a useful concept because there are some APIs (both in the standard library and in third party frameworks and packages) and some internal interpreter details that are designed primarily to work with str. These components often don’t support unicode in Python 2 or bytes in Python 3, or, if they do, require additional encoding details and/or impose constraints that don’t apply to the str variants. Some example of interfaces that are best handled by using actual str instances are: Python identifiers (as attributes, dict keys, class names, module names, import references, etc) URLs for the most part as well as HTTP headers in urllib/http servers WSGI environment keys and CGI-inherited values Python source code for dynamic compilation and AST hacks Exception messages __repr__ return value preferred filesystem paths preferred OS environment In Python 2.6 and 2.7, these distinctions are most naturally expressed as follows: u"": text string (unicode) "": native string (str) b"": binary data (str, also aliased as bytes) In Python 3, the latin-1 decoded native strings are not distinguished from any other text strings: "": text string (str) "": native string (str) b"": binary data (bytes) If from __future__ import unicode_literals is used to modify the behaviour of Python 2, then, along with an appropriate definition of n(), the distinction can be expressed as: "": text string n(""): native string b"": binary data (While n=str works for simple cases, it can sometimes have problems due to non-ASCII source encodings) In the common subset of Python 2 and Python 3 (with appropriate specification of a source encoding and definitions of the u() and b() helper functions), they can be expressed as: u(""): text string "": native string b(""): binary data That last approach is the only variant that supports Python 2.5 and earlier. Of all the alternatives, the format currently supported in Python 2.6 and 2.7 is by far the cleanest approach that clearly distinguishes the three desired kinds of behaviour. With this PEP, that format will also be supported in Python 3.3+. It will also be supported in Python 3.1 and 3.2 through the use of import and install hooks. While it is significantly less likely, it is also conceivable that the hooks could be adapted to allow the use of the b prefix on Python 2.5. Complaint: The existing tools should be good enough for everyone A commonly expressed sentiment from developers that have already successfully ported applications to Python 3 is along the lines of “if you think it’s hard, you’re doing it wrong” or “it’s not that hard, just try it!”. While it is no doubt unintentional, these responses all have the effect of telling the people that are pointing out inadequacies in the current porting toolset “there’s nothing wrong with the porting tools, you just suck and don’t know how to use them properly”. These responses are a case of completely missing the point of what people are complaining about. The feedback that resulted in this PEP isn’t due to people complaining that ports aren’t possible. Instead, the feedback is coming from people that have successfully completed ports and are objecting that they found the experience thoroughly unpleasant for the class of application that they needed to port (specifically, Unicode aware web frameworks and support libraries). This is a subjective appraisal, and it’s the reason why the Python 3 porting tools ecosystem is a case where the “one obvious way to do it” philosophy emphatically does not apply. While it was originally intended that “develop in Python 2, convert with 2to3, test both” would be the standard way to develop for both versions in parallel, in practice, the needs of different projects and developer communities have proven to be sufficiently diverse that a variety of approaches have been devised, allowing each group to select an approach that best fits their needs. Lennart Regebro has produced an excellent overview of the available migration strategies [2], and a similar review is provided in the official porting guide [3]. (Note that the official guidance has softened to “it depends on your specific situation” since Lennart wrote his overview). However, both of those guides are written from the founding assumption that all of the developers involved are already committed to the idea of supporting Python 3. They make no allowance for the social aspects of such a change when you’re interacting with a user base that may not be especially tolerant of disruptions without a clear benefit, or are trying to persuade Python 2 focused upstream developers to accept patches that are solely about improving Python 3 forward compatibility. With the current porting toolset, every migration strategy will result in changes to every Unicode literal in a project. No exceptions. They will be converted to either an unprefixed string literal (if the project decides to adopt the unicode_literals import) or else to a converter call like u("text"). If the unicode_literals import approach is employed, but is not adopted across the entire project at the same time, then the meaning of a bare string literal may become annoyingly ambiguous. This problem can be particularly pernicious for aggregated software, like a Django site - in such a situation, some files may end up using the unicode_literals import and others may not, creating definite potential for confusion. While these problems are clearly solvable at a technical level, they’re a completely unnecessary distraction at the social level. Developer energy should be reserved for addressing real technical difficulties associated with the Python 3 transition (like distinguishing their 8-bit text strings from their binary data). They shouldn’t be punished with additional code changes (even automated ones) solely due to the fact that they have already explicitly identified their Unicode strings in Python 2. Armin Ronacher has created an experimental extension to 2to3 which only modernizes Python code to the extent that it runs on Python 2.7 or later with support from the cross-version compatibility six library. This tool is available as python-modernize [1]. Currently, the deltas generated by this tool will affect every Unicode literal in the converted source. This will create legitimate concerns amongst upstream developers asked to accept such changes, and amongst framework users being asked to change their applications. However, by eliminating the noise from changes to the Unicode literal syntax, many projects could be cleanly and (comparatively) non-controversially made forward compatible with Python 3.3+ just by running python-modernize and applying the recommended changes. References [1] Python-Modernize (http://github.com/mitsuhiko/python-modernize) [2] Porting to Python 3: Migration Strategies (http://python3porting.com/strategies.html) [3] Porting Python 2 Code to Python 3 (http://docs.python.org/howto/pyporting.html) [4] uprefix import hook project (https://bitbucket.org/vinay.sajip/uprefix) [5] install hook to remove unicode string prefix characters (https://github.com/mitsuhiko/unicode-literals-pep/tree/master/install-hook) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 414 – Explicit Unicode Literal for Python 3.3
Standards Track
This document proposes the reintegration of an explicit unicode literal from Python 2.x to the Python 3.x language specification, in order to reduce the volume of changes needed when porting Unicode-aware Python 2 applications to Python 3.
PEP 416 – Add a frozendict builtin type Author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 29-Feb-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Rationale Constraints Implementation Recipe: hashable dict Objections Alternative: dictproxy Existing implementations Links Copyright Rejection Notice I’m rejecting this PEP. A number of reasons (not exhaustive): According to Raymond Hettinger, use of frozendict is low. Those that do use it tend to use it as a hint only, such as declaring global or class-level “constants”: they aren’t really immutable, since anyone can still assign to the name. There are existing idioms for avoiding mutable default values. The potential of optimizing code using frozendict in PyPy is unsure; a lot of other things would have to change first. The same holds for compile-time lookups in general. Multiple threads can agree by convention not to mutate a shared dict, there’s no great need for enforcement. Multiple processes can’t share dicts. Adding a security sandbox written in Python, even with a limited scope, is frowned upon by many, due to the inherent difficulty with ever proving that the sandbox is actually secure. Because of this we won’t be adding one to the stdlib any time soon, so this use case falls outside the scope of a PEP. On the other hand, exposing the existing read-only dict proxy as a built-in type sounds good to me. (It would need to be changed to allow calling the constructor.) GvR. Update (2012-04-15): A new MappingProxyType type was added to the types module of Python 3.3. Abstract Add a new frozendict builtin type. Rationale A frozendict is a read-only mapping: a key cannot be added nor removed, and a key is always mapped to the same value. However, frozendict values can be not hashable. A frozendict is hashable if and only if all values are hashable. Use cases: Immutable global variable like a default configuration. Default value of a function parameter. Avoid the issue of mutable default arguments. Implement a cache: frozendict can be used to store function keywords. frozendict can be used as a key of a mapping or as a member of set. frozendict avoids the need of a lock when the frozendict is shared by multiple threads or processes, especially hashable frozendict. It would also help to prohibe coroutines (generators + greenlets) to modify the global state. frozendict lookup can be done at compile time instead of runtime because the mapping is read-only. frozendict can be used instead of a preprocessor to remove conditional code at compilation, like code specific to a debug build. frozendict helps to implement read-only object proxies for security modules. For example, it would be possible to use frozendict type for __builtins__ mapping or type.__dict__. This is possible because frozendict is compatible with the PyDict C API. frozendict avoids the need of a read-only proxy in some cases. frozendict is faster than a proxy because getting an item in a frozendict is a fast lookup whereas a proxy requires a function call. Constraints frozendict has to implement the Mapping abstract base class frozendict keys and values can be unorderable a frozendict is hashable if all keys and values are hashable frozendict hash does not depend on the items creation order Implementation Add a PyFrozenDictObject structure based on PyDictObject with an extra “Py_hash_t hash;” field frozendict.__hash__() is implemented using hash(frozenset(self.items())) and caches the result in its private hash attribute Register frozendict as a collections.abc.Mapping frozendict can be used with PyDict_GetItem(), but PyDict_SetItem() and PyDict_DelItem() raise a TypeError Recipe: hashable dict To ensure that a frozendict is hashable, values can be checked before creating the frozendict: import itertools def hashabledict(*args, **kw): # ensure that all values are hashable for key, value in itertools.chain(args, kw.items()): if isinstance(value, (int, str, bytes, float, frozenset, complex)): # avoid the compute the hash (which may be slow) for builtin # types known to be hashable for any value continue hash(value) # don't check the key: frozendict already checks the key return frozendict.__new__(cls, *args, **kw) Objections namedtuple may fit the requirements of a frozendict. A namedtuple is not a mapping, it does not implement the Mapping abstract base class. frozendict can be implemented in Python using descriptors” and “frozendict just need to be practically constant. If frozendict is used to harden Python (security purpose), it must be implemented in C. A type implemented in C is also faster. The PEP 351 was rejected. The PEP 351 tries to freeze an object and so may convert a mutable object to an immutable object (using a different type). frozendict doesn’t convert anything: hash(frozendict) raises a TypeError if a value is not hashable. Freezing an object is not the purpose of this PEP. Alternative: dictproxy Python has a builtin dictproxy type used by type.__dict__ getter descriptor. This type is not public. dictproxy is a read-only view of a dictionary, but it is not read-only mapping. If a dictionary is modified, the dictproxy is also modified. dictproxy can be used using ctypes and the Python C API, see for example the make dictproxy object via ctypes.pythonapi and type() (Python recipe 576540) by Ikkei Shimomura. The recipe contains a test checking that a dictproxy is “mutable” (modify the dictionary linked to the dictproxy). However dictproxy can be useful in some cases, where its mutable property is not an issue, to avoid a copy of the dictionary. Existing implementations Whitelist approach. Implementing an Immutable Dictionary (Python recipe 498072) by Aristotelis Mikropoulos. Similar to frozendict except that it is not truly read-only: it is possible to access to this private internal dict. It does not implement __hash__ and has an implementation issue: it is possible to call again __init__() to modify the mapping. PyWebmail contains an ImmutableDict type: webmail.utils.ImmutableDict. It is hashable if keys and values are hashable. It is not truly read-only: its internal dict is a public attribute. remember project: remember.dicts.FrozenDict. It is used to implement a cache: FrozenDict is used to store function callbacks. FrozenDict may be hashable. It has an extra supply_dict() class method to create a FrozenDict from a dict without copying the dict: store the dict as the internal dict. Implementation issue: __init__() can be called to modify the mapping and the hash may differ depending on item creation order. The mapping is not truly read-only: the internal dict is accessible in Python. Blacklist approach: inherit from dict and override write methods to raise an exception. It is not truly read-only: it is still possible to call dict methods on such “frozen dictionary” to modify it. brownie: brownie.datastructures.ImmutableDict. It is hashable if keys and values are hashable. werkzeug project has the same code: werkzeug.datastructures.ImmutableDict. ImmutableDict is used for global constant (configuration options). The Flask project uses ImmutableDict of werkzeug for its default configuration. SQLAlchemy project: sqlalchemy.util.immutabledict. It is not hashable and has an extra method: union(). immutabledict is used for the default value of parameter of some functions expecting a mapping. Example: mapper_args=immutabledict() in SqlSoup.map(). Frozen dictionaries (Python recipe 414283) by Oren Tirosh. It is hashable if keys and values are hashable. Included in the following projects: lingospot: frozendict/frozendict.py factor-graphics: frozendict type in python/fglib/util_ext_frozendict.py The gsakkis-utils project written by George Sakkis includes a frozendict type: datastructs.frozendict characters: scripts/python/frozendict.py. It is hashable. __init__() sets __init__ to None. Old NLTK (1.x): nltk.util.frozendict. Keys and values must be hashable. __init__() can be called twice to modify the mapping. frozendict is used to “freeze” an object. Hashable dict: inherit from dict and just add an __hash__ method. pypy.rpython.lltypesystem.lltype.frozendict. It is hashable but don’t deny modification of the mapping. factor-graphics: hashabledict type in python/fglib/util_ext_frozendict.py Links Issue #14162: PEP 416: Add a builtin frozendict type PEP 412: Key-Sharing Dictionary (issue #13903) PEP 351: The freeze protocol The case for immutable dictionaries; and the central misunderstanding of PEP 351 make dictproxy object via ctypes.pythonapi and type() (Python recipe 576540) by Ikkei Shimomura. Python security modules implementing read-only object proxies using a C extension: pysandbox mxProxy zope.proxy zope.security Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 416 – Add a frozendict builtin type
Standards Track
Add a new frozendict builtin type.
PEP 417 – Including mock in the Standard Library Author: Michael Foord <michael at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Mar-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: 12-Mar-2012 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Background Open Issues References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding the mock [1] testing library to the Python standard library as unittest.mock. Rationale Creating mock objects for testing is a common need in Python. Many developers create ad-hoc mocks, as needed, in their test suites. This is currently what we do in the Python test suite, where a standardised mock object library would be helpful. There are many mock object libraries available for Python [2]. Of these, mock is overwhelmingly the most popular, with as many downloads on PyPI as the other mocking libraries combined. An advantage of mock is that it is a mocking library and not a framework. It provides a configurable and flexible mock object, without being opinionated about how you write your tests. The mock api is now well battle-tested and stable. mock also handles safely monkeypatching and unmonkeypatching objects during the scope of a test. This is hard to do safely and many developers / projects mimic this functionality (often incorrectly). A standardised way to do this, handling the complexity of patching in the presence of the descriptor protocol (etc) is useful. People are asking for a “patch” [3] feature to unittest. Doing this via mock.patch is preferable to re-implementing part of this functionality in unittest. Background Addition of mock to the Python standard library was discussed and agreed to at the Python Language Summit 2012. Open Issues As of release 0.8, which is current at the time of writing, mock is compatible with Python 2.4-3.2. Moving into the Python standard library will allow for the removal of some Python 2 specific “compatibility hacks”. mock 0.8 introduced a new feature, “auto-speccing”, obsoletes an older mock feature called “mocksignature”. The “mocksignature” functionality can be removed from mock altogether prior to inclusion. References [1] mock library on PyPI [2] http://pypi.python.org/pypi?%3Aaction=search&term=mock&submit=search [3] http://bugs.python.org/issue11664 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 417 – Including mock in the Standard Library
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding the mock [1] testing library to the Python standard library as unittest.mock.
PEP 418 – Add monotonic time, performance counter, and process time functions Author: Cameron Simpson <cs at cskk.id.au>, Jim J. Jewett <jimjjewett at gmail.com>, Stephen J. Turnbull <stephen at xemacs.org>, Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 26-Mar-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Python functions New Functions time.get_clock_info(name) time.monotonic() time.perf_counter() time.process_time() Existing Functions time.time() time.sleep() Deprecated Function time.clock() Alternatives: API design Other names for time.monotonic() Other names for time.perf_counter() Only expose operating system clocks time.monotonic(): Fallback to system time One function with a flag: time.monotonic(fallback=True) One time.monotonic() function, no flag Choosing the clock from a list of constraints Working around operating system bugs? Glossary Hardware clocks List of hardware clocks Linux clocksource FreeBSD timecounter Performance NTP adjustment Operating system time functions Monotonic Clocks mach_absolute_time CLOCK_MONOTONIC, CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, CLOCK_BOOTTIME Windows: QueryPerformanceCounter Windows: GetTickCount(), GetTickCount64() Windows: timeGetTime Solaris: CLOCK_HIGHRES Solaris: gethrtime System Time Windows: GetSystemTimeAsFileTime System time on UNIX Process Time Functions Thread Time Functions Windows: QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime Sleep Functions clock_nanosleep select() Other functions System Standby Footnotes Links Acceptance References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to add time.get_clock_info(name), time.monotonic(), time.perf_counter() and time.process_time() functions to Python 3.3. Rationale If a program uses the system time to schedule events or to implement a timeout, it may fail to run events at the right moment or stop the timeout too early or too late when the system time is changed manually or adjusted automatically by NTP. A monotonic clock should be used instead to not be affected by system time updates: time.monotonic(). To measure the performance of a function, time.clock() can be used but it is very different on Windows and on Unix. On Windows, time.clock() includes time elapsed during sleep, whereas it does not on Unix. time.clock() resolution is very good on Windows, but very bad on Unix. The new time.perf_counter() function should be used instead to always get the most precise performance counter with a portable behaviour (ex: include time spend during sleep). Until now, Python did not provide directly a portable function to measure CPU time. time.clock() can be used on Unix, but it has bad resolution. resource.getrusage() or os.times() can also be used on Unix, but they require to compute the sum of time spent in kernel space and user space. The new time.process_time() function acts as a portable counter that always measures CPU time (excluding time elapsed during sleep) and has the best available resolution. Each operating system implements clocks and performance counters differently, and it is useful to know exactly which function is used and some properties of the clock like its resolution. The new time.get_clock_info() function gives access to all available information about each Python time function. New functions: time.monotonic(): timeout and scheduling, not affected by system clock updates time.perf_counter(): benchmarking, most precise clock for short period time.process_time(): profiling, CPU time of the process Users of new functions: time.monotonic(): concurrent.futures, multiprocessing, queue, subprocess, telnet and threading modules to implement timeout time.perf_counter(): trace and timeit modules, pybench program time.process_time(): profile module time.get_clock_info(): pybench program to display information about the timer like the resolution The time.clock() function is deprecated because it is not portable: it behaves differently depending on the operating system. time.perf_counter() or time.process_time() should be used instead, depending on your requirements. time.clock() is marked as deprecated but is not planned for removal. Limitations: The behaviour of clocks after a system suspend is not defined in the documentation of new functions. The behaviour depends on the operating system: see the Monotonic Clocks section below. Some recent operating systems provide two clocks, one including time elapsed during system suspend, one not including this time. Most operating systems only provide one kind of clock. time.monotonic() and time.perf_counter() may or may not be adjusted. For example, CLOCK_MONOTONIC is slewed on Linux, whereas GetTickCount() is not adjusted on Windows. time.get_clock_info('monotonic')['adjustable'] can be used to check if the monotonic clock is adjustable or not. No time.thread_time() function is proposed by this PEP because it is not needed by Python standard library nor a common asked feature. Such function would only be available on Windows and Linux. On Linux, it is possible to use time.clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID). On Windows, ctypes or another module can be used to call the GetThreadTimes() function. Python functions New Functions time.get_clock_info(name) Get information on the specified clock. Supported clock names: "clock": time.clock() "monotonic": time.monotonic() "perf_counter": time.perf_counter() "process_time": time.process_time() "time": time.time() Return a time.clock_info object which has the following attributes: implementation (str): name of the underlying operating system function. Examples: "QueryPerformanceCounter()", "clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME)". monotonic (bool): True if the clock cannot go backward. adjustable (bool): True if the clock can be changed automatically (e.g. by a NTP daemon) or manually by the system administrator, False otherwise resolution (float): resolution in seconds of the clock. time.monotonic() Monotonic clock, i.e. cannot go backward. It is not affected by system clock updates. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid and is a number of seconds. On Windows versions older than Vista, time.monotonic() detects GetTickCount() integer overflow (32 bits, roll-over after 49.7 days). It increases an internal epoch (reference time by) 232 each time that an overflow is detected. The epoch is stored in the process-local state and so the value of time.monotonic() may be different in two Python processes running for more than 49 days. On more recent versions of Windows and on other operating systems, time.monotonic() is system-wide. Availability: Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris. Not available on GNU/Hurd. Pseudo-code [2]: if os.name == 'nt': # GetTickCount64() requires Windows Vista, Server 2008 or later if hasattr(_time, 'GetTickCount64'): def monotonic(): return _time.GetTickCount64() * 1e-3 else: def monotonic(): ticks = _time.GetTickCount() if ticks < monotonic.last: # Integer overflow detected monotonic.delta += 2**32 monotonic.last = ticks return (ticks + monotonic.delta) * 1e-3 monotonic.last = 0 monotonic.delta = 0 elif sys.platform == 'darwin': def monotonic(): if monotonic.factor is None: factor = _time.mach_timebase_info() monotonic.factor = timebase[0] / timebase[1] * 1e-9 return _time.mach_absolute_time() * monotonic.factor monotonic.factor = None elif hasattr(time, "clock_gettime") and hasattr(time, "CLOCK_HIGHRES"): def monotonic(): return time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_HIGHRES) elif hasattr(time, "clock_gettime") and hasattr(time, "CLOCK_MONOTONIC"): def monotonic(): return time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_MONOTONIC) On Windows, QueryPerformanceCounter() is not used even though it has a better resolution than GetTickCount(). It is not reliable and has too many issues. time.perf_counter() Performance counter with the highest available resolution to measure a short duration. It does include time elapsed during sleep and is system-wide. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid and is a number of seconds. It is available on all platforms. Pseudo-code: if os.name == 'nt': def _win_perf_counter(): if _win_perf_counter.frequency is None: _win_perf_counter.frequency = _time.QueryPerformanceFrequency() return _time.QueryPerformanceCounter() / _win_perf_counter.frequency _win_perf_counter.frequency = None def perf_counter(): if perf_counter.use_performance_counter: try: return _win_perf_counter() except OSError: # QueryPerformanceFrequency() fails if the installed # hardware does not support a high-resolution performance # counter perf_counter.use_performance_counter = False if perf_counter.use_monotonic: # The monotonic clock is preferred over the system time try: return time.monotonic() except OSError: perf_counter.use_monotonic = False return time.time() perf_counter.use_performance_counter = (os.name == 'nt') perf_counter.use_monotonic = hasattr(time, 'monotonic') time.process_time() Sum of the system and user CPU time of the current process. It does not include time elapsed during sleep. It is process-wide by definition. The reference point of the returned value is undefined, so that only the difference between the results of consecutive calls is valid. It is available on all platforms. Pseudo-code [2]: if os.name == 'nt': def process_time(): handle = _time.GetCurrentProcess() process_times = _time.GetProcessTimes(handle) return (process_times['UserTime'] + process_times['KernelTime']) * 1e-7 else: try: import resource except ImportError: has_resource = False else: has_resource = True def process_time(): if process_time.clock_id is not None: try: return time.clock_gettime(process_time.clock_id) except OSError: process_time.clock_id = None if process_time.use_getrusage: try: usage = resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF) return usage[0] + usage[1] except OSError: process_time.use_getrusage = False if process_time.use_times: try: times = _time.times() cpu_time = times.tms_utime + times.tms_stime return cpu_time / process_time.ticks_per_seconds except OSError: process_time.use_getrusage = False return _time.clock() if (hasattr(time, 'clock_gettime') and hasattr(time, 'CLOCK_PROF')): process_time.clock_id = time.CLOCK_PROF elif (hasattr(time, 'clock_gettime') and hasattr(time, 'CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID')): process_time.clock_id = time.CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID else: process_time.clock_id = None process_time.use_getrusage = has_resource process_time.use_times = hasattr(_time, 'times') if process_time.use_times: # sysconf("SC_CLK_TCK"), or the HZ constant, or 60 process_time.ticks_per_seconds = _times.ticks_per_seconds Existing Functions time.time() The system time which is usually the civil time. It is system-wide by definition. It can be set manually by the system administrator or automatically by a NTP daemon. It is available on all platforms and cannot fail. Pseudo-code [2]: if os.name == "nt": def time(): return _time.GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() else: def time(): if hasattr(time, "clock_gettime"): try: return time.clock_gettime(time.CLOCK_REALTIME) except OSError: # CLOCK_REALTIME is not supported (unlikely) pass if hasattr(_time, "gettimeofday"): try: return _time.gettimeofday() except OSError: # gettimeofday() should not fail pass if hasattr(_time, "ftime"): return _time.ftime() else: return _time.time() time.sleep() Suspend execution for the given number of seconds. The actual suspension time may be less than that requested because any caught signal will terminate the time.sleep() following execution of that signal’s catching routine. Also, the suspension time may be longer than requested by an arbitrary amount because of the scheduling of other activity in the system. Pseudo-code [2]: try: import select except ImportError: has_select = False else: has_select = hasattr(select, "select") if has_select: def sleep(seconds): return select.select([], [], [], seconds) elif hasattr(_time, "delay"): def sleep(seconds): milliseconds = int(seconds * 1000) _time.delay(milliseconds) elif os.name == "nt": def sleep(seconds): milliseconds = int(seconds * 1000) win32api.ResetEvent(hInterruptEvent); win32api.WaitForSingleObject(sleep.sigint_event, milliseconds) sleep.sigint_event = win32api.CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, FALSE) # SetEvent(sleep.sigint_event) will be called by the signal handler of SIGINT elif os.name == "os2": def sleep(seconds): milliseconds = int(seconds * 1000) DosSleep(milliseconds) else: def sleep(seconds): seconds = int(seconds) _time.sleep(seconds) Deprecated Function time.clock() On Unix, return the current processor time as a floating point number expressed in seconds. It is process-wide by definition. The resolution, and in fact the very definition of the meaning of “processor time”, depends on that of the C function of the same name, but in any case, this is the function to use for benchmarking Python or timing algorithms. On Windows, this function returns wall-clock seconds elapsed since the first call to this function, as a floating point number, based on the Win32 function QueryPerformanceCounter(). The resolution is typically better than one microsecond. It is system-wide. Pseudo-code [2]: if os.name == 'nt': def clock(): try: return _win_perf_counter() except OSError: # QueryPerformanceFrequency() fails if the installed # hardware does not support a high-resolution performance # counter pass return _time.clock() else: clock = _time.clock Alternatives: API design Other names for time.monotonic() time.counter() time.metronomic() time.seconds() time.steady(): “steady” is ambiguous: it means different things to different people. For example, on Linux, CLOCK_MONOTONIC is adjusted. If we uses the real time as the reference clock, we may say that CLOCK_MONOTONIC is steady. But CLOCK_MONOTONIC gets suspended on system suspend, whereas real time includes any time spent in suspend. time.timeout_clock() time.wallclock(): time.monotonic() is not the system time aka the “wall clock”, but a monotonic clock with an unspecified starting point. The name “time.try_monotonic()” was also proposed for an older version of time.monotonic() which would fall back to the system time when no monotonic clock was available. Other names for time.perf_counter() time.high_precision() time.highres() time.hires() time.performance_counter() time.timer() Only expose operating system clocks To not have to define high-level clocks, which is a difficult task, a simpler approach is to only expose operating system clocks. time.clock_gettime() and related clock identifiers were already added to Python 3.3 for example. time.monotonic(): Fallback to system time If no monotonic clock is available, time.monotonic() falls back to the system time. Issues: It is hard to define such a function correctly in the documentation: is it monotonic? Is it steady? Is it adjusted? Some users want to decide what to do when no monotonic clock is available: use another clock, display an error, or do something else. Different APIs were proposed to define such function. One function with a flag: time.monotonic(fallback=True) time.monotonic(fallback=True) falls back to the system time if no monotonic clock is available or if the monotonic clock failed. time.monotonic(fallback=False) raises OSError if monotonic clock fails and NotImplementedError if the system does not provide a monotonic clock A keyword argument that gets passed as a constant in the caller is usually poor API. Raising NotImplementedError for a function is something uncommon in Python and should be avoided. One time.monotonic() function, no flag time.monotonic() returns (time: float, is_monotonic: bool). An alternative is to use a function attribute: time.monotonic.is_monotonic. The attribute value would be None before the first call to time.monotonic(). Choosing the clock from a list of constraints The PEP as proposed offers a few new clocks, but their guarantees are deliberately loose in order to offer useful clocks on different platforms. This inherently embeds policy in the calls, and the caller must thus choose a policy. The “choose a clock” approach suggests an additional API to let callers implement their own policy if necessary by making most platform clocks available and letting the caller pick amongst them. The PEP’s suggested clocks are still expected to be available for the common simple use cases. To do this two facilities are needed: an enumeration of clocks, and metadata on the clocks to enable the user to evaluate their suitability. The primary interface is a function make simple choices easy: the caller can use time.get_clock(*flags) with some combination of flags. This includes at least: time.MONOTONIC: clock cannot go backward time.STEADY: clock rate is steady time.ADJUSTED: clock may be adjusted, for example by NTP time.HIGHRES: clock with the highest resolution It returns a clock object with a .now() method returning the current time. The clock object is annotated with metadata describing the clock feature set; its .flags field will contain at least all the requested flags. time.get_clock() returns None if no matching clock is found and so calls can be chained using the or operator. Example of a simple policy decision: T = get_clock(MONOTONIC) or get_clock(STEADY) or get_clock() t = T.now() The available clocks always at least include a wrapper for time.time(), so a final call with no flags can always be used to obtain a working clock. Examples of flags of system clocks: QueryPerformanceCounter: MONOTONIC | HIGHRES GetTickCount: MONOTONIC | STEADY CLOCK_MONOTONIC: MONOTONIC | STEADY (or only MONOTONIC on Linux) CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW: MONOTONIC | STEADY gettimeofday(): (no flag) The clock objects contain other metadata including the clock flags with additional feature flags above those listed above, the name of the underlying OS facility, and clock precisions. time.get_clock() still chooses a single clock; an enumeration facility is also required. The most obvious method is to offer time.get_clocks() with the same signature as time.get_clock(), but returning a sequence of all clocks matching the requested flags. Requesting no flags would thus enumerate all available clocks, allowing the caller to make an arbitrary choice amongst them based on their metadata. Example partial implementation: clockutils.py. Working around operating system bugs? Should Python ensure that a monotonic clock is truly monotonic by computing the maximum with the clock value and the previous value? Since it’s relatively straightforward to cache the last value returned using a static variable, it might be interesting to use this to make sure that the values returned are indeed monotonic. Virtual machines provide less reliable clocks. QueryPerformanceCounter() has known bugs (only one is not fixed yet) Python may only work around a specific known operating system bug: KB274323 contains a code example to workaround the bug (use GetTickCount() to detect QueryPerformanceCounter() leap). Issues with “correcting” non-monotonicities: if the clock is accidentally set forward by an hour and then back again, you wouldn’t have a useful clock for an hour the cache is not shared between processes so different processes wouldn’t see the same clock value Glossary Accuracy: The amount of deviation of measurements by a given instrument from true values. See also Accuracy and precision. Inaccuracy in clocks may be caused by lack of precision, drift, or an incorrect initial setting of the clock (e.g., timing of threads is inherently inaccurate because perfect synchronization in resetting counters is quite difficult). Adjusted: Resetting a clock to the correct time. This may be done either with a <Step> or by <Slewing>. Civil Time: Time of day; external to the system. 10:45:13am is a Civil time; 45 seconds is not. Provided by existing function time.localtime() and time.gmtime(). Not changed by this PEP. Clock: An instrument for measuring time. Different clocks have different characteristics; for example, a clock with nanosecond <precision> may start to <drift> after a few minutes, while a less precise clock remained accurate for days. This PEP is primarily concerned with clocks which use a unit of seconds. Counter: A clock which increments each time a certain event occurs. A counter is strictly monotonic, but not a monotonic clock. It can be used to generate a unique (and ordered) timestamp, but these timestamps cannot be mapped to <civil time>; tick creation may well be bursty, with several advances in the same millisecond followed by several days without any advance. CPU Time: A measure of how much CPU effort has been spent on a certain task. CPU seconds are often normalized (so that a variable number can occur in the same actual second). CPU seconds can be important when profiling, but they do not map directly to user response time, nor are they directly comparable to (real time) seconds. Drift: The accumulated error against “true” time, as defined externally to the system. Drift may be due to imprecision, or to a difference between the average rate at which clock time advances and that of real time. Epoch: The reference point of a clock. For clocks providing <civil time>, this is often midnight as the day (and year) rolled over to January 1, 1970. For a <clock_monotonic> clock, the epoch may be undefined (represented as None). Latency: Delay. By the time a clock call returns, the <real time> has advanced, possibly by more than the precision of the clock. Monotonic: The characteristics expected of a monotonic clock in practice. Moving in at most one direction; for clocks, that direction is forward. The <clock> should also be <steady>, and should be convertible to a unit of seconds. The tradeoffs often include lack of a defined <epoch> or mapping to <Civil Time>. Precision: The amount of deviation among measurements of the same physical value by a single instrument. Imprecision in clocks may be caused by a fluctuation of the rate at which clock time advances relative to real time, including clock adjustment by slewing. Process Time: Time elapsed since the process began. It is typically measured in <CPU time> rather than <real time>, and typically does not advance while the process is suspended. Real Time: Time in the real world. This differs from <Civil time> in that it is not <adjusted>, but they should otherwise advance in lockstep. It is not related to the “real time” of “Real Time [Operating] Systems”. It is sometimes called “wall clock time” to avoid that ambiguity; unfortunately, that introduces different ambiguities. Resolution: The smallest difference between two physical values that results in a different measurement by a given instrument. Slew: A slight change to a clock’s speed, usually intended to correct <drift> with respect to an external authority. Stability: Persistence of accuracy. A measure of expected <drift>. Steady: A clock with high <stability> and relatively high <accuracy> and <precision>. In practice, it is often used to indicate a <clock_monotonic> clock, but places greater emphasis on the consistency of the duration between subsequent ticks. Step: An instantaneous change in the represented time. Instead of speeding or slowing the clock (<slew>), a single offset is permanently added. System Time: Time as represented by the Operating System. Thread Time: Time elapsed since the thread began. It is typically measured in <CPU time> rather than <real time>, and typically does not advance while the thread is idle. Wallclock: What the clock on the wall says. This is typically used as a synonym for <real time>; unfortunately, wall time is itself ambiguous. Hardware clocks List of hardware clocks HPET: A High Precision Event Timer (HPET) chip consists of a 64-bit up-counter (main counter) counting at least at 10 MHz and a set of up to 256 comparators (at least 3). Each HPET can have up to 32 timers. HPET can cause around 3 seconds of drift per day. TSC (Time Stamp Counter): Historically, the TSC increased with every internal processor clock cycle, but now the rate is usually constant (even if the processor changes frequency) and usually equals the maximum processor frequency. Multiple cores have different TSC values. Hibernation of system will reset TSC value. The RDTSC instruction can be used to read this counter. CPU frequency scaling for power saving. ACPI Power Management Timer: ACPI 24-bit timer with a frequency of 3.5 MHz (3,579,545 Hz). Cyclone: The Cyclone timer uses a 32-bit counter on IBM Extended X-Architecture (EXA) chipsets which include computers that use the IBM “Summit” series chipsets (ex: x440). This is available in IA32 and IA64 architectures. PIT (programmable interrupt timer): Intel 8253/8254 chipsets with a configurable frequency in range 18.2 Hz - 1.2 MHz. It uses a 16-bit counter. RTC (Real-time clock). Most RTCs use a crystal oscillator with a frequency of 32,768 Hz. Linux clocksource There were 4 implementations of the time in the Linux kernel: UTIME (1996), timer wheel (1997), HRT (2001) and hrtimers (2007). The latter is the result of the “high-res-timers” project started by George Anzinger in 2001, with contributions by Thomas Gleixner and Douglas Niehaus. The hrtimers implementation was merged into Linux 2.6.21, released in 2007. hrtimers supports various clock sources. It sets a priority to each source to decide which one will be used. Linux supports the following clock sources: tsc hpet pit pmtmr: ACPI Power Management Timer cyclone High-resolution timers are not supported on all hardware architectures. They are at least provided on x86/x86_64, ARM and PowerPC. clock_getres() returns 1 nanosecond for CLOCK_REALTIME and CLOCK_MONOTONIC regardless of underlying clock source. Read Re: clock_getres() and real resolution from Thomas Gleixner (9 Feb 2012) for an explanation. The /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0 directory contains two useful files: available_clocksource: list of available clock sources current_clocksource: clock source currently used. It is possible to change the current clocksource by writing the name of a clocksource into this file. /proc/timer_list contains the list of all hardware timers. Read also the time(7) manual page: “overview of time and timers”. FreeBSD timecounter kern.timecounter.choice lists available hardware clocks with their priority. The sysctl program can be used to change the timecounter. Example: # dmesg | grep Timecounter Timecounter "i8254" frequency 1193182 Hz quality 0 Timecounter "ACPI-safe" frequency 3579545 Hz quality 850 Timecounter "HPET" frequency 100000000 Hz quality 900 Timecounter "TSC" frequency 3411154800 Hz quality 800 Timecounters tick every 10.000 msec # sysctl kern.timecounter.choice kern.timecounter.choice: TSC(800) HPET(900) ACPI-safe(850) i8254(0) dummy(-1000000) # sysctl kern.timecounter.hardware="ACPI-fast" kern.timecounter.hardware: HPET -> ACPI-fast Available clocks: “TSC”: Time Stamp Counter of the processor “HPET”: High Precision Event Timer “ACPI-fast”: ACPI Power Management timer (fast mode) “ACPI-safe”: ACPI Power Management timer (safe mode) “i8254”: PIT with Intel 8254 chipset The commit 222222 (May 2011) decreased ACPI-fast timecounter quality to 900 and increased HPET timecounter quality to 950: “HPET on modern platforms usually have better resolution and lower latency than ACPI timer”. Read Timecounters: Efficient and precise timekeeping in SMP kernels by Poul-Henning Kamp (2002) for the FreeBSD Project. Performance Reading a hardware clock has a cost. The following table compares the performance of different hardware clocks on Linux 3.3 with Intel Core i7-2600 at 3.40GHz (8 cores). The bench_time.c program was used to fill these tables. Function TSC ACPI PM HPET time() 2 ns 2 ns 2 ns CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE 10 ns 10 ns 10 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE 12 ns 13 ns 12 ns CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID 134 ns 135 ns 135 ns CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID 127 ns 129 ns 129 ns clock() 146 ns 146 ns 143 ns gettimeofday() 23 ns 726 ns 637 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW 31 ns 716 ns 607 ns CLOCK_REALTIME 27 ns 707 ns 629 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC 27 ns 723 ns 635 ns FreeBSD 8.0 in kvm with hardware virtualization: Function TSC ACPI-Safe HPET i8254 time() 191 ns 188 ns 189 ns 188 ns CLOCK_SECOND 187 ns 184 ns 187 ns 183 ns CLOCK_REALTIME_FAST 189 ns 180 ns 187 ns 190 ns CLOCK_UPTIME_FAST 191 ns 185 ns 186 ns 196 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC_FAST 188 ns 187 ns 188 ns 189 ns CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID 208 ns 206 ns 207 ns 220 ns CLOCK_VIRTUAL 280 ns 279 ns 283 ns 296 ns CLOCK_PROF 289 ns 280 ns 282 ns 286 ns clock() 342 ns 340 ns 337 ns 344 ns CLOCK_UPTIME_PRECISE 197 ns 10380 ns 4402 ns 4097 ns CLOCK_REALTIME 196 ns 10376 ns 4337 ns 4054 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC_PRECISE 198 ns 10493 ns 4413 ns 3958 ns CLOCK_UPTIME 197 ns 10523 ns 4458 ns 4058 ns gettimeofday() 202 ns 10524 ns 4186 ns 3962 ns CLOCK_REALTIME_PRECISE 197 ns 10599 ns 4394 ns 4060 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC 201 ns 10766 ns 4498 ns 3943 ns Each function was called 100,000 times and CLOCK_MONOTONIC was used to get the time before and after. The benchmark was run 5 times, keeping the minimum time. NTP adjustment NTP has different methods to adjust a clock: “slewing”: change the clock frequency to be slightly faster or slower (which is done with adjtime()). Since the slew rate is limited to 0.5 millisecond per second, each second of adjustment requires an amortization interval of 2000 seconds. Thus, an adjustment of many seconds can take hours or days to amortize. “stepping”: jump by a large amount in a single discrete step (which is done with settimeofday()) By default, the time is slewed if the offset is less than 128 ms, but stepped otherwise. Slewing is generally desirable (i.e. we should use CLOCK_MONOTONIC, not CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW) if one wishes to measure “real” time (and not a time-like object like CPU cycles). This is because the clock on the other end of the NTP connection from you is probably better at keeping time: hopefully that thirty-five thousand dollars of Cesium timekeeping goodness is doing something better than your PC’s $3 quartz crystal, after all. Get more detail in the documentation of the NTP daemon. Operating system time functions Monotonic Clocks Name C Resolution Adjusted Include Sleep Include Suspend gethrtime() 1 ns No Yes Yes CLOCK_HIGHRES 1 ns No Yes Yes CLOCK_MONOTONIC 1 ns Slewed on Linux Yes No CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE 1 ns Slewed on Linux Yes No CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW 1 ns No Yes No CLOCK_BOOTTIME 1 ns ? Yes Yes CLOCK_UPTIME 1 ns No Yes ? mach_absolute_time() 1 ns No Yes No QueryPerformanceCounter() - No Yes ? GetTickCount[64]() 1 ms No Yes Yes timeGetTime() 1 ms No Yes ? The “C Resolution” column is the resolution of the underlying C structure. Examples of clock resolution on x86_64: Name Operating system OS Resolution Python Resolution QueryPerformanceCounter Windows Seven 10 ns 10 ns CLOCK_HIGHRES SunOS 5.11 2 ns 265 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC Linux 3.0 1 ns 322 ns CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW Linux 3.3 1 ns 628 ns CLOCK_BOOTTIME Linux 3.3 1 ns 628 ns mach_absolute_time() Mac OS 10.6 1 ns 3 µs CLOCK_MONOTONIC FreeBSD 8.2 11 ns 5 µs CLOCK_MONOTONIC OpenBSD 5.0 10 ms 5 µs CLOCK_UPTIME FreeBSD 8.2 11 ns 6 µs CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE Linux 3.3 1 ms 1 ms CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE Linux 3.0 4 ms 4 ms GetTickCount64() Windows Seven 16 ms 15 ms The “OS Resolution” is the resolution announced by the operating system. The “Python Resolution” is the smallest difference between two calls to the time function computed in Python using the clock_resolution.py program. mach_absolute_time Mac OS X provides a monotonic clock: mach_absolute_time(). It is based on absolute elapsed time since system boot. It is not adjusted and cannot be set. mach_timebase_info() gives a fraction to convert the clock value to a number of nanoseconds. See also the Technical Q&A QA1398. mach_absolute_time() stops during a sleep on a PowerPC CPU, but not on an Intel CPU: Different behaviour of mach_absolute_time() on i386/ppc. CLOCK_MONOTONIC, CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW, CLOCK_BOOTTIME CLOCK_MONOTONIC and CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW represent monotonic time since some unspecified starting point. They cannot be set. The resolution can be read using clock_getres(). Documentation: refer to the manual page of your operating system. Examples: FreeBSD clock_gettime() manual page Linux clock_gettime() manual page CLOCK_MONOTONIC is available at least on the following operating systems: DragonFly BSD, FreeBSD >= 5.0, OpenBSD, NetBSD Linux Solaris The following operating systems don’t support CLOCK_MONOTONIC: GNU/Hurd (see open issues/ clock_gettime) Mac OS X Windows On Linux, NTP may adjust the CLOCK_MONOTONIC rate (slewed), but it cannot jump backward. CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW is specific to Linux. It is similar to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, but provides access to a raw hardware-based time that is not subject to NTP adjustments. CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW requires Linux 2.6.28 or later. Linux 2.6.39 and glibc 2.14 introduces a new clock: CLOCK_BOOTTIME. CLOCK_BOOTTIME is identical to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, except that it also includes any time spent in suspend. Read also Waking systems from suspend (March, 2011). CLOCK_MONOTONIC stops while the machine is suspended. Linux provides also CLOCK_MONOTONIC_COARSE since Linux 2.6.32. It is similar to CLOCK_MONOTONIC, less precise but faster. clock_gettime() fails if the system does not support the specified clock, even if the standard C library supports it. For example, CLOCK_MONOTONIC_RAW requires a kernel version 2.6.28 or later. Windows: QueryPerformanceCounter High-resolution performance counter. It is monotonic. The frequency of the counter can be read using QueryPerformanceFrequency(). The resolution is 1 / QueryPerformanceFrequency(). It has a much higher resolution, but has lower long term precision than GetTickCount() and timeGetTime() clocks. For example, it will drift compared to the low precision clocks. Documentation: MSDN: QueryPerformanceCounter() documentation MSDN: QueryPerformanceFrequency() documentation Hardware clocks used by QueryPerformanceCounter: Windows XP: RDTSC instruction of Intel processors, the clock frequency is the frequency of the processor (between 200 MHz and 3 GHz, usually greater than 1 GHz nowadays). Windows 2000: ACPI power management timer, frequency = 3,549,545 Hz. It can be forced through the “/usepmtimer” flag in boot.ini. QueryPerformanceFrequency() should only be called once: the frequency will not change while the system is running. It fails if the installed hardware does not support a high-resolution performance counter. QueryPerformanceCounter() cannot be adjusted: SetSystemTimeAdjustment() only adjusts the system time. Bugs: The performance counter value may unexpectedly leap forward because of a hardware bug, see KB274323. On VirtualBox, QueryPerformanceCounter() does not increment the high part every time the low part overflows, see Monotonic timers (2009). VirtualBox had a bug in its HPET virtualized device: QueryPerformanceCounter() did jump forward by approx. 42 seconds (issue #8707). Windows XP had a bug (see KB896256): on a multiprocessor computer, QueryPerformanceCounter() returned a different value for each processor. The bug was fixed in Windows XP SP2. Issues with processor with variable frequency: the frequency is changed depending on the workload to reduce memory consumption. Chromium don’t use QueryPerformanceCounter() on Athlon X2 CPUs (model 15) because “QueryPerformanceCounter is unreliable” (see base/time_win.cc in Chromium source code) Windows: GetTickCount(), GetTickCount64() GetTickCount() and GetTickCount64() are monotonic, cannot fail and are not adjusted by SetSystemTimeAdjustment(). MSDN documentation: GetTickCount(), GetTickCount64(). The resolution can be read using GetSystemTimeAdjustment(). The elapsed time retrieved by GetTickCount() or GetTickCount64() includes time the system spends in sleep or hibernation. GetTickCount64() was added to Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008. It is possible to improve the precision using the undocumented NtSetTimerResolution() function. There are applications using this undocumented function, example: Timer Resolution. WaitForSingleObject() uses the same timer as GetTickCount() with the same precision. Windows: timeGetTime The timeGetTime function retrieves the system time, in milliseconds. The system time is the time elapsed since Windows was started. Read the timeGetTime() documentation. The return type of timeGetTime() is a 32-bit unsigned integer. As GetTickCount(), timeGetTime() rolls over after 2^32 milliseconds (49.7 days). The elapsed time retrieved by timeGetTime() includes time the system spends in sleep. The default precision of the timeGetTime function can be five milliseconds or more, depending on the machine. timeBeginPeriod() can be used to increase the precision of timeGetTime() up to 1 millisecond, but it negatively affects power consumption. Calling timeBeginPeriod() also affects the granularity of some other timing calls, such as CreateWaitableTimer(), WaitForSingleObject() and Sleep(). Note timeGetTime() and timeBeginPeriod() are part the Windows multimedia library and so require to link the program against winmm or to dynamically load the library. Solaris: CLOCK_HIGHRES The Solaris OS has a CLOCK_HIGHRES timer that attempts to use an optimal hardware source, and may give close to nanosecond resolution. CLOCK_HIGHRES is the nonadjustable, high-resolution clock. For timers created with a clockid_t value of CLOCK_HIGHRES, the system will attempt to use an optimal hardware source. The resolution of CLOCK_HIGHRES can be read using clock_getres(). Solaris: gethrtime The gethrtime() function returns the current high-resolution real time. Time is expressed as nanoseconds since some arbitrary time in the past; it is not correlated in any way to the time of day, and thus is not subject to resetting or drifting by way of adjtime() or settimeofday(). The hires timer is ideally suited to performance measurement tasks, where cheap, accurate interval timing is required. The linearity of gethrtime() is not preserved across a suspend-resume cycle (Bug 4272663). Read the gethrtime() manual page of Solaris 11. On Solaris, gethrtime() is the same as clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC). System Time Name C Resolution Include Sleep Include Suspend CLOCK_REALTIME 1 ns Yes Yes CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE 1 ns Yes Yes GetSystemTimeAsFileTime 100 ns Yes Yes gettimeofday() 1 µs Yes Yes ftime() 1 ms Yes Yes time() 1 sec Yes Yes The “C Resolution” column is the resolution of the underlying C structure. Examples of clock resolution on x86_64: Name Operating system OS Resolution Python Resolution CLOCK_REALTIME SunOS 5.11 10 ms 238 ns CLOCK_REALTIME Linux 3.0 1 ns 238 ns gettimeofday() Mac OS 10.6 1 µs 4 µs CLOCK_REALTIME FreeBSD 8.2 11 ns 6 µs CLOCK_REALTIME OpenBSD 5.0 10 ms 5 µs CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE Linux 3.3 1 ms 1 ms CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE Linux 3.0 4 ms 4 ms GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() Windows Seven 16 ms 1 ms ftime() Windows Seven - 1 ms The “OS Resolution” is the resolution announced by the operating system. The “Python Resolution” is the smallest difference between two calls to the time function computed in Python using the clock_resolution.py program. Windows: GetSystemTimeAsFileTime The system time can be read using GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(), ftime() and time(). The resolution of the system time can be read using GetSystemTimeAdjustment(). Read the GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() documentation. The system time can be set using SetSystemTime(). System time on UNIX gettimeofday(), ftime(), time() and clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) return the system time. The resolution of CLOCK_REALTIME can be read using clock_getres(). The system time can be set using settimeofday() or clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME). Linux provides also CLOCK_REALTIME_COARSE since Linux 2.6.32. It is similar to CLOCK_REALTIME, less precise but faster. Alexander Shishkin proposed an API for Linux to be notified when the system clock is changed: timerfd: add TFD_NOTIFY_CLOCK_SET to watch for clock changes (4th version of the API, March 2011). The API is not accepted yet, but CLOCK_BOOTTIME provides a similar feature. Process Time The process time cannot be set. It is not monotonic: the clocks stop while the process is idle. Name C Resolution Include Sleep Include Suspend GetProcessTimes() 100 ns No No CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID 1 ns No No getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) 1 µs No No times() - No No clock() - Yes on Windows, No otherwise No The “C Resolution” column is the resolution of the underlying C structure. Examples of clock resolution on x86_64: Name Operating system OS Resolution Python Resolution CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID Linux 3.3 1 ns 1 ns CLOCK_PROF FreeBSD 8.2 10 ms 1 µs getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) FreeBSD 8.2 - 1 µs getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) SunOS 5.11 - 1 µs CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID Linux 3.0 1 ns 1 µs getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) Mac OS 10.6 - 5 µs clock() Mac OS 10.6 1 µs 5 µs CLOCK_PROF OpenBSD 5.0 - 5 µs getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) Linux 3.0 - 4 ms getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) OpenBSD 5.0 - 8 ms clock() FreeBSD 8.2 8 ms 8 ms clock() Linux 3.0 1 µs 10 ms times() Linux 3.0 10 ms 10 ms clock() OpenBSD 5.0 10 ms 10 ms times() OpenBSD 5.0 10 ms 10 ms times() Mac OS 10.6 10 ms 10 ms clock() SunOS 5.11 1 µs 10 ms times() SunOS 5.11 1 µs 10 ms GetProcessTimes() Windows Seven 16 ms 16 ms clock() Windows Seven 1 ms 1 ms The “OS Resolution” is the resolution announced by the operating system. The “Python Resolution” is the smallest difference between two calls to the time function computed in Python using the clock_resolution.py program. Functions Windows: GetProcessTimes(). The resolution can be read using GetSystemTimeAdjustment(). clock_gettime(CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID): High-resolution per-process timer from the CPU. The resolution can be read using clock_getres(). clock(). The resolution is 1 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC. Windows: The elapsed wall-clock time since the start of the process (elapsed time in seconds times CLOCKS_PER_SEC). Include time elapsed during sleep. It can fail. UNIX: returns an approximation of processor time used by the program. getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF) returns a structure of resource usage of the currenet process. ru_utime is user CPU time and ru_stime is the system CPU time. times(): structure of process times. The resolution is 1 / ticks_per_seconds, where ticks_per_seconds is sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) or the HZ constant. Python source code includes a portable library to get the process time (CPU time): Tools/pybench/systimes.py. See also the QueryProcessCycleTime() function (sum of the cycle time of all threads) and clock_getcpuclockid(). Thread Time The thread time cannot be set. It is not monotonic: the clocks stop while the thread is idle. Name C Resolution Include Sleep Include Suspend CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID 1 ns Yes Epoch changes GetThreadTimes() 100 ns No ? The “C Resolution” column is the resolution of the underlying C structure. Examples of clock resolution on x86_64: Name Operating system OS Resolution Python Resolution CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID FreeBSD 8.2 1 µs 1 µs CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID Linux 3.3 1 ns 649 ns GetThreadTimes() Windows Seven 16 ms 16 ms The “OS Resolution” is the resolution announced by the operating system. The “Python Resolution” is the smallest difference between two calls to the time function computed in Python using the clock_resolution.py program. Functions Windows: GetThreadTimes(). The resolution can be read using GetSystemTimeAdjustment(). clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID): Thread-specific CPU-time clock. It uses a number of CPU cycles, not a number of seconds. The resolution can be read using of clock_getres(). See also the QueryThreadCycleTime() function (cycle time for the specified thread) and pthread_getcpuclockid(). Windows: QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime Gets the current unbiased interrupt time from the biased interrupt time and the current sleep bias amount. This time is not affected by power management sleep transitions. The elapsed time retrieved by the QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime function includes only time that the system spends in the working state. QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime() is not monotonic. QueryUnbiasedInterruptTime() was introduced in Windows 7. See also QueryIdleProcessorCycleTime() function (cycle time for the idle thread of each processor) Sleep Suspend execution of the process for the given number of seconds. Sleep is not affected by system time updates. Sleep is paused during system suspend. For example, if a process sleeps for 60 seconds and the system is suspended for 30 seconds in the middle of the sleep, the sleep duration is 90 seconds in the real time. Sleep can be interrupted by a signal: the function fails with EINTR. Name C Resolution nanosleep() 1 ns clock_nanosleep() 1 ns usleep() 1 µs delay() 1 µs sleep() 1 sec Other functions: Name C Resolution sigtimedwait() 1 ns pthread_cond_timedwait() 1 ns sem_timedwait() 1 ns select() 1 µs epoll() 1 ms poll() 1 ms WaitForSingleObject() 1 ms The “C Resolution” column is the resolution of the underlying C structure. Functions sleep(seconds) usleep(microseconds) nanosleep(nanoseconds, remaining): Linux manpage of nanosleep() delay(milliseconds) clock_nanosleep clock_nanosleep(clock_id, flags, nanoseconds, remaining): Linux manpage of clock_nanosleep(). If flags is TIMER_ABSTIME, then request is interpreted as an absolute time as measured by the clock, clock_id. If request is less than or equal to the current value of the clock, then clock_nanosleep() returns immediately without suspending the calling thread. POSIX.1 specifies that changing the value of the CLOCK_REALTIME clock via clock_settime(2) shall have no effect on a thread that is blocked on a relative clock_nanosleep(). select() select(nfds, readfds, writefds, exceptfs, timeout). Since Linux 2.6.28, select() uses high-resolution timers to handle the timeout. A process has a “slack” attribute to configure the precision of the timeout, the default slack is 50 microseconds. Before Linux 2.6.28, timeouts for select() were handled by the main timing subsystem at a jiffy-level resolution. Read also High- (but not too high-) resolution timeouts and Timer slack. Other functions poll(), epoll() sigtimedwait(). POSIX: “If the Monotonic Clock option is supported, the CLOCK_MONOTONIC clock shall be used to measure the time interval specified by the timeout argument.” pthread_cond_timedwait(), pthread_condattr_setclock(). “The default value of the clock attribute shall refer to the system time.” sem_timedwait(): “If the Timers option is supported, the timeout shall be based on the CLOCK_REALTIME clock. If the Timers option is not supported, the timeout shall be based on the system time as returned by the time() function. The precision of the timeout shall be the precision of the clock on which it is based.” WaitForSingleObject(): use the same timer than GetTickCount() with the same precision. System Standby The ACPI power state “S3” is a system standby mode, also called “Suspend to RAM”. RAM remains powered. On Windows, the WM_POWERBROADCAST message is sent to Windows applications to notify them of power-management events (ex: owner status has changed). For Mac OS X, read Registering and unregistering for sleep and wake notifications (Technical Q&A QA1340). Footnotes [2] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) “_time” is a hypothetical module only used for the example. The time module is implemented in C and so there is no need for such a module. Links Related Python issues: Issue #12822: NewGIL should use CLOCK_MONOTONIC if possible. Issue #14222: Use time.steady() to implement timeout Issue #14309: Deprecate time.clock() Issue #14397: Use GetTickCount/GetTickCount64 instead of QueryPerformanceCounter for monotonic clock Issue #14428: Implementation of the PEP 418 Issue #14555: clock_gettime/settime/getres: Add more clock identifiers Libraries exposing monotonic clocks: Java: System.nanoTime Qt library: QElapsedTimer glib library: g_get_monotonic_time () uses GetTickCount64()/GetTickCount() on Windows, clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) on UNIX or falls back to the system clock python-monotonic-time (github) Monoclock.nano_count() uses clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) and returns a number of nanoseconds monotonic_clock by Thomas Habets Perl: Time::HiRes exposes clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) Ruby: AbsoluteTime.now: use clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC), mach_absolute_time() or gettimeofday(). “AbsoluteTime.monotonic?” method indicates if AbsoluteTime.now is monotonic or not. libpthread: POSIX thread library for Windows (clock.c) Boost.Chrono uses: system_clock: mac = gettimeofday() posix = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) win = GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() steady_clock: mac = mach_absolute_time() posix = clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) win = QueryPerformanceCounter() high_resolution_clock: steady_clock, if available system_clock, otherwise Time: Twisted issue #2424: Add reactor option to start with monotonic clock gettimeofday() should never be used to measure time by Thomas Habets (2010-09-05) hrtimers - subsystem for high-resolution kernel timers C++ Timeout Specification by Lawrence Crowl (2010-08-19) Windows: Game Timing and Multicore Processors by Chuck Walbourn (December 2005) Implement a Continuously Updating, High-Resolution Time Provider for Windows by Johan Nilsson (March 2004) clockspeed uses a hardware tick counter to compensate for a persistently fast or slow system time, by D. J. Bernstein (1998) Retrieving system time lists hardware clocks and time functions with their resolution and epoch or range On Windows, the JavaScript runtime of Firefox interpolates GetSystemTimeAsFileTime() with QueryPerformanceCounter() to get a higher resolution. See the Bug 363258 - bad millisecond resolution for (new Date).getTime() / Date.now() on Windows. When microseconds matter: How the IBM High Resolution Time Stamp Facility accurately measures itty bits of time, by W. Nathaniel Mills, III (Apr 2002) Win32 Performance Measurement Options by Matthew Wilson (May, 2003) Counter Availability and Characteristics for Feed-forward Based Synchronization by Timothy Broomhead, Julien Ridoux, Darryl Veitch (2009) System Management Interrupt (SMI) issues: System Management Interrupt Free Hardware by Keith Mannthey (2009) IBM Real-Time “SMI Free” mode driver by Keith Mannthey (Feb 2009) Fixing Realtime problems caused by SMI on Ubuntu [RFC] simple SMI detector by Jon Masters (Jan 2009) [PATCH 2.6.34-rc3] A nonintrusive SMI sniffer for x86 by Joe Korty (2010-04) Acceptance The PEP was accepted on 2012-04-28 by Guido van Rossum [1]. The PEP implementation has since been committed to the repository. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-April/119094.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 418 – Add monotonic time, performance counter, and process time functions
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to add time.get_clock_info(name), time.monotonic(), time.perf_counter() and time.process_time() functions to Python 3.3.
PEP 419 – Protecting cleanup statements from interruptions Author: Paul Colomiets <paul at colomiets.name> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 06-Apr-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral Rationale Coroutine Use Case Specification Frame Flag ‘f_in_cleanup’ Function ‘sys.setcleanuphook’ Inspect Module Enhancements Example Unresolved Issues Interruption Inside With Statement Expression Exception Propagation Interruption Between Acquiring Resource and Try Block Handling EINTR Inside a Finally Setting Interruption Context Inside Finally Itself Modifying KeyboardInterrupt Alternative Python Implementations Support Alternative Names Alternative Proposals Propagating ‘f_in_cleanup’ Flag Automatically Add Bytecodes ‘INCR_CLEANUP’, ‘DECR_CLEANUP’ Expose ‘f_in_cleanup’ as a Counter Add code object flag ‘CO_CLEANUP’ Have Cleanup Callback on Frame Object Itself No Cleanup Hook References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a way to protect Python code from being interrupted inside a finally clause or during context manager cleanup. PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred for lack of a current champion interested in promoting the goals of the PEP and collecting and incorporating feedback, and with sufficient available time to do so effectively. Rationale Python has two nice ways to do cleanup. One is a finally statement and the other is a context manager (usually called using a with statement). However, neither is protected from interruption by KeyboardInterrupt or GeneratorExit caused by generator.throw(). For example: lock.acquire() try: print('starting') do_something() finally: print('finished') lock.release() If KeyboardInterrupt occurs just after the second print() call, the lock will not be released. Similarly, the following code using the with statement is affected: from threading import Lock class MyLock: def __init__(self): self._lock_impl = Lock() def __enter__(self): self._lock_impl.acquire() print("LOCKED") def __exit__(self): print("UNLOCKING") self._lock_impl.release() lock = MyLock() with lock: do_something If KeyboardInterrupt occurs near any of the print() calls, the lock will never be released. Coroutine Use Case A similar case occurs with coroutines. Usually coroutine libraries want to interrupt the coroutine with a timeout. The generator.throw() method works for this use case, but there is no way of knowing if the coroutine is currently suspended from inside a finally clause. An example that uses yield-based coroutines follows. The code looks similar using any of the popular coroutine libraries Monocle [1], Bluelet [2], or Twisted [3]. def run_locked(): yield connection.sendall('LOCK') try: yield do_something() yield do_something_else() finally: yield connection.sendall('UNLOCK') with timeout(5): yield run_locked() In the example above, yield something means to pause executing the current coroutine and to execute coroutine something until it finishes execution. Therefore, the coroutine library itself needs to maintain a stack of generators. The connection.sendall() call waits until the socket is writable and does a similar thing to what socket.sendall() does. The with statement ensures that all code is executed within 5 seconds timeout. It does so by registering a callback in the main loop, which calls generator.throw() on the top-most frame in the coroutine stack when a timeout happens. The greenlets extension works in a similar way, except that it doesn’t need yield to enter a new stack frame. Otherwise considerations are similar. Specification Frame Flag ‘f_in_cleanup’ A new flag on the frame object is proposed. It is set to True if this frame is currently executing a finally clause. Internally, the flag must be implemented as a counter of nested finally statements currently being executed. The internal counter also needs to be incremented during execution of the SETUP_WITH and WITH_CLEANUP bytecodes, and decremented when execution for these bytecodes is finished. This allows to also protect __enter__() and __exit__() methods. Function ‘sys.setcleanuphook’ A new function for the sys module is proposed. This function sets a callback which is executed every time f_in_cleanup becomes false. Callbacks get a frame object as their sole argument, so that they can figure out where they are called from. The setting is thread local and must be stored in the PyThreadState structure. Inspect Module Enhancements Two new functions are proposed for the inspect module: isframeincleanup() and getcleanupframe(). isframeincleanup(), given a frame or generator object as its sole argument, returns the value of the f_in_cleanup attribute of a frame itself or of the gi_frame attribute of a generator. getcleanupframe(), given a frame object as its sole argument, returns the innermost frame which has a true value of f_in_cleanup, or None if no frames in the stack have a nonzero value for that attribute. It starts to inspect from the specified frame and walks to outer frames using f_back pointers, just like getouterframes() does. Example An example implementation of a SIGINT handler that interrupts safely might look like: import inspect, sys, functools def sigint_handler(sig, frame): if inspect.getcleanupframe(frame) is None: raise KeyboardInterrupt() sys.setcleanuphook(functools.partial(sigint_handler, 0)) A coroutine example is out of scope of this document, because its implementation depends very much on a trampoline (or main loop) used by coroutine library. Unresolved Issues Interruption Inside With Statement Expression Given the statement with open(filename): do_something() Python can be interrupted after open() is called, but before the SETUP_WITH bytecode is executed. There are two possible decisions: Protect with expressions. This would require another bytecode, since currently there is no way of recognizing the start of the with expression. Let the user write a wrapper if he considers it important for the use-case. A safe wrapper might look like this:class FileWrapper(object): def __init__(self, filename, mode): self.filename = filename self.mode = mode def __enter__(self): self.file = open(self.filename, self.mode) def __exit__(self): self.file.close() Alternatively it can be written using the contextmanager() decorator: @contextmanager def open_wrapper(filename, mode): file = open(filename, mode) try: yield file finally: file.close() This code is safe, as the first part of the generator (before yield) is executed inside the SETUP_WITH bytecode of the caller. Exception Propagation Sometimes a finally clause or an __enter__()/__exit__() method can raise an exception. Usually this is not a problem, since more important exceptions like KeyboardInterrupt or SystemExit should be raised instead. But it may be nice to be able to keep the original exception inside a __context__ attribute. So the cleanup hook signature may grow an exception argument: def sigint_handler(sig, frame) if inspect.getcleanupframe(frame) is None: raise KeyboardInterrupt() sys.setcleanuphook(retry_sigint) def retry_sigint(frame, exception=None): if inspect.getcleanupframe(frame) is None: raise KeyboardInterrupt() from exception Note There is no need to have three arguments like in the __exit__ method since there is a __traceback__ attribute in exception in Python 3. However, this will set the __cause__ for the exception, which is not exactly what’s intended. So some hidden interpreter logic may be used to put a __context__ attribute on every exception raised in a cleanup hook. Interruption Between Acquiring Resource and Try Block The example from the first section is not totally safe. Let’s take a closer look: lock.acquire() try: do_something() finally: lock.release() The problem might occur if the code is interrupted just after lock.acquire() is executed but before the try block is entered. There is no way the code can be fixed unmodified. The actual fix depends very much on the use case. Usually code can be fixed using a with statement: with lock: do_something() However, for coroutines one usually can’t use the with statement because you need to yield for both the acquire and release operations. So the code might be rewritten like this: try: yield lock.acquire() do_something() finally: yield lock.release() The actual locking code might need more code to support this use case, but the implementation is usually trivial, like this: check if the lock has been acquired and unlock if it is. Handling EINTR Inside a Finally Even if a signal handler is prepared to check the f_in_cleanup flag, InterruptedError might be raised in the cleanup handler, because the respective system call returned an EINTR error. The primary use cases are prepared to handle this: Posix mutexes never return EINTR Networking libraries are always prepared to handle EINTR Coroutine libraries are usually interrupted with the throw() method, not with a signal The platform-specific function siginterrupt() might be used to remove the need to handle EINTR. However, it may have hardly predictable consequences, for example SIGINT a handler is never called if the main thread is stuck inside an IO routine. A better approach would be to have the code, which is usually used in cleanup handlers, be prepared to handle InterruptedError explicitly. An example of such code might be a file-based lock implementation. signal.pthread_sigmask can be used to block signals inside cleanup handlers which can be interrupted with EINTR. Setting Interruption Context Inside Finally Itself Some coroutine libraries may need to set a timeout for the finally clause itself. For example: try: do_something() finally: with timeout(0.5): try: yield do_slow_cleanup() finally: yield do_fast_cleanup() With current semantics, timeout will either protect the whole with block or nothing at all, depending on the implementation of each library. What the author intended is to treat do_slow_cleanup as ordinary code, and do_fast_cleanup as a cleanup (a non-interruptible one). A similar case might occur when using greenlets or tasklets. This case can be fixed by exposing f_in_cleanup as a counter, and by calling a cleanup hook on each decrement. A coroutine library may then remember the value at timeout start, and compare it on each hook execution. But in practice, the example is considered to be too obscure to take into account. Modifying KeyboardInterrupt It should be decided if the default SIGINT handler should be modified to use the described mechanism. The initial proposition is to keep old behavior, for two reasons: Most application do not care about cleanup on exit (either they do not have external state, or they modify it in crash-safe way). Cleanup may take too much time, not giving user a chance to interrupt an application. The latter case can be fixed by allowing an unsafe break if a SIGINT handler is called twice, but it seems not worth the complexity. Alternative Python Implementations Support We consider f_in_cleanup an implementation detail. The actual implementation may have some fake frame-like object passed to signal handler, cleanup hook and returned from getcleanupframe(). The only requirement is that the inspect module functions work as expected on these objects. For this reason, we also allow to pass a generator object to the isframeincleanup() function, which removes the need to use the gi_frame attribute. It might be necessary to specify that getcleanupframe() must return the same object that will be passed to cleanup hook at the next invocation. Alternative Names The original proposal had a f_in_finally frame attribute, as the original intention was to protect finally clauses. But as it grew up to protecting __enter__ and __exit__ methods too, the f_in_cleanup name seems better. Although the __enter__ method is not a cleanup routine, it at least relates to cleanup done by context managers. setcleanuphook, isframeincleanup and getcleanupframe can be unobscured to set_cleanup_hook, is_frame_in_cleanup and get_cleanup_frame, although they follow the naming convention of their respective modules. Alternative Proposals Propagating ‘f_in_cleanup’ Flag Automatically This can make getcleanupframe() unnecessary. But for yield-based coroutines you need to propagate it yourself. Making it writable leads to somewhat unpredictable behavior of setcleanuphook(). Add Bytecodes ‘INCR_CLEANUP’, ‘DECR_CLEANUP’ These bytecodes can be used to protect the expression inside the with statement, as well as making counter increments more explicit and easy to debug (visible inside a disassembly). Some middle ground might be chosen, like END_FINALLY and SETUP_WITH implicitly decrementing the counter (END_FINALLY is present at end of every with suite). However, adding new bytecodes must be considered very carefully. Expose ‘f_in_cleanup’ as a Counter The original intention was to expose a minimum of needed functionality. However, as we consider the frame flag f_in_cleanup an implementation detail, we may expose it as a counter. Similarly, if we have a counter we may need to have the cleanup hook called on every counter decrement. It’s unlikely to have much performance impact as nested finally clauses are an uncommon case. Add code object flag ‘CO_CLEANUP’ As an alternative to set the flag inside the SETUP_WITH and WITH_CLEANUP bytecodes, we can introduce a flag CO_CLEANUP. When the interpreter starts to execute code with CO_CLEANUP set, it sets f_in_cleanup for the whole function body. This flag is set for code objects of __enter__ and __exit__ special methods. Technically it might be set on functions called __enter__ and __exit__. This seems to be less clear solution. It also covers the case where __enter__ and __exit__ are called manually. This may be accepted either as a feature or as an unnecessary side-effect (or, though unlikely, as a bug). It may also impose a problem when __enter__ or __exit__ functions are implemented in C, as there is no code object to check for the f_in_cleanup flag. Have Cleanup Callback on Frame Object Itself The frame object may be extended to have a f_cleanup_callback member which is called when f_in_cleanup is reset to 0. This would help to register different callbacks to different coroutines. Despite its apparent beauty, this solution doesn’t add anything, as the two primary use cases are: Setting the callback in a signal handler. The callback is inherently a single one for this case. Use a single callback per loop for the coroutine use case. Here, in almost all cases, there is only one loop per thread. No Cleanup Hook The original proposal included no cleanup hook specification, as there are a few ways to achieve the same using current tools: Using sys.settrace() and the f_trace callback. This may impose some problem to debugging, and has a big performance impact (although interrupting doesn’t happen very often). Sleeping a bit more and trying again. For a coroutine library this is easy. For signals it may be achieved using signal.alert. Both methods are considered too impractical and a way to catch exit from finally clauses is proposed. References [1] Monocle https://github.com/saucelabs/monocle [2] Bluelet https://github.com/sampsyo/bluelet [3] Twisted: inlineCallbacks https://twisted.org/documents/8.1.0/api/twisted.internet.defer.html [4] Original discussion https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2012-April/014705.html [5] Implementation of PEP 419 https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/58935 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 419 – Protecting cleanup statements from interruptions
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a way to protect Python code from being interrupted inside a finally clause or during context manager cleanup.
PEP 420 – Implicit Namespace Packages Author: Eric V. Smith <eric at trueblade.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Apr-2012 Python-Version: 3.3 Post-History: Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Terminology Namespace packages today Rationale Specification Dynamic path computation Impact on import finders and loaders Differences between namespace packages and regular packages Namespace packages in the standard library Migrating from legacy namespace packages Packaging Implications Examples Nested namespace packages Dynamic path computation Discussion find_module versus find_loader Dynamic path computation Module reprs References Copyright Abstract Namespace packages are a mechanism for splitting a single Python package across multiple directories on disk. In current Python versions, an algorithm to compute the packages __path__ must be formulated. With the enhancement proposed here, the import machinery itself will construct the list of directories that make up the package. This PEP builds upon previous work, documented in PEP 382 and PEP 402. Those PEPs have since been rejected in favor of this one. An implementation of this PEP is at [1]. Terminology Within this PEP: “package” refers to Python packages as defined by Python’s import statement. “distribution” refers to separately installable sets of Python modules as stored in the Python package index, and installed by distutils or setuptools. “vendor package” refers to groups of files installed by an operating system’s packaging mechanism (e.g. Debian or Redhat packages install on Linux systems). “regular package” refers to packages as they are implemented in Python 3.2 and earlier. “portion” refers to a set of files in a single directory (possibly stored in a zip file) that contribute to a namespace package. “legacy portion” refers to a portion that uses __path__ manipulation in order to implement namespace packages. This PEP defines a new type of package, the “namespace package”. Namespace packages today Python currently provides pkgutil.extend_path to denote a package as a namespace package. The recommended way of using it is to put: from pkgutil import extend_path __path__ = extend_path(__path__, __name__) in the package’s __init__.py. Every distribution needs to provide the same contents in its __init__.py, so that extend_path is invoked independent of which portion of the package gets imported first. As a consequence, the package’s __init__.py cannot practically define any names as it depends on the order of the package fragments on sys.path to determine which portion is imported first. As a special feature, extend_path reads files named <packagename>.pkg which allows declaration of additional portions. setuptools provides a similar function named pkg_resources.declare_namespace that is used in the form: import pkg_resources pkg_resources.declare_namespace(__name__) In the portion’s __init__.py, no assignment to __path__ is necessary, as declare_namespace modifies the package __path__ through sys.modules. As a special feature, declare_namespace also supports zip files, and registers the package name internally so that future additions to sys.path by setuptools can properly add additional portions to each package. setuptools allows declaring namespace packages in a distribution’s setup.py, so that distribution developers don’t need to put the magic __path__ modification into __init__.py themselves. See PEP 402’s “The Problem” section for additional motivations for namespace packages. Note that PEP 402 has been rejected, but the motivating use cases are still valid. Rationale The current imperative approach to namespace packages has led to multiple slightly-incompatible mechanisms for providing namespace packages. For example, pkgutil supports *.pkg files; setuptools doesn’t. Likewise, setuptools supports inspecting zip files, and supports adding portions to its _namespace_packages variable, whereas pkgutil doesn’t. Namespace packages are designed to support being split across multiple directories (and hence found via multiple sys.path entries). In this configuration, it doesn’t matter if multiple portions all provide an __init__.py file, so long as each portion correctly initializes the namespace package. However, Linux distribution vendors (amongst others) prefer to combine the separate portions and install them all into the same file system directory. This creates a potential for conflict, as the portions are now attempting to provide the same file on the target system - something that is not allowed by many package managers. Allowing implicit namespace packages means that the requirement to provide an __init__.py file can be dropped completely, and affected portions can be installed into a common directory or split across multiple directories as distributions see fit. A namespace package will not be constrained by a fixed __path__, computed from the parent path at namespace package creation time. Consider the standard library encodings package: Suppose that encodings becomes a namespace package. It sometimes gets imported during interpreter startup to initialize the standard io streams. An application modifies sys.path after startup and wants to contribute additional encodings from new path entries. An attempt is made to import an encoding from an encodings portion that is found on a path entry added in step 3. If the import system was restricted to only finding portions along the value of sys.path that existed at the time the encodings namespace package was created, the additional paths added in step 3 would never be searched for the additional portions imported in step 4. In addition, if step 2 were sometimes skipped (due to some runtime flag or other condition), then the path items added in step 3 would indeed be used the first time a portion was imported. Thus this PEP requires that the list of path entries be dynamically computed when each portion is loaded. It is expected that the import machinery will do this efficiently by caching __path__ values and only refreshing them when it detects that the parent path has changed. In the case of a top-level package like encodings, this parent path would be sys.path. Specification Regular packages will continue to have an __init__.py and will reside in a single directory. Namespace packages cannot contain an __init__.py. As a consequence, pkgutil.extend_path and pkg_resources.declare_namespace become obsolete for purposes of namespace package creation. There will be no marker file or directory for specifying a namespace package. During import processing, the import machinery will continue to iterate over each directory in the parent path as it does in Python 3.2. While looking for a module or package named “foo”, for each directory in the parent path: If <directory>/foo/__init__.py is found, a regular package is imported and returned. If not, but <directory>/foo.{py,pyc,so,pyd} is found, a module is imported and returned. The exact list of extension varies by platform and whether the -O flag is specified. The list here is representative. If not, but <directory>/foo is found and is a directory, it is recorded and the scan continues with the next directory in the parent path. Otherwise the scan continues with the next directory in the parent path. If the scan completes without returning a module or package, and at least one directory was recorded, then a namespace package is created. The new namespace package: Has a __path__ attribute set to an iterable of the path strings that were found and recorded during the scan. Does not have a __file__ attribute. Note that if “import foo” is executed and “foo” is found as a namespace package (using the above rules), then “foo” is immediately created as a package. The creation of the namespace package is not deferred until a sub-level import occurs. A namespace package is not fundamentally different from a regular package. It is just a different way of creating packages. Once a namespace package is created, there is no functional difference between it and a regular package. Dynamic path computation The import machinery will behave as if a namespace package’s __path__ is recomputed before each portion is loaded. For performance reasons, it is expected that this will be achieved by detecting that the parent path has changed. If no change has taken place, then no __path__ recomputation is required. The implementation must ensure that changes to the contents of the parent path are detected, as well as detecting the replacement of the parent path with a new path entry list object. Impact on import finders and loaders PEP 302 defines “finders” that are called to search path elements. These finders’ find_module methods return either a “loader” object or None. For a finder to contribute to namespace packages, it must implement a new find_loader(fullname) method. fullname has the same meaning as for find_module. find_loader always returns a 2-tuple of (loader, <iterable-of-path-entries>). loader may be None, in which case <iterable-of-path-entries> (which may be empty) is added to the list of recorded path entries and path searching continues. If loader is not None, it is immediately used to load a module or regular package. Even if loader is returned and is not None, <iterable-of-path-entries> must still contain the path entries for the package. This allows code such as pkgutil.extend_path() to compute path entries for packages that it does not load. Note that multiple path entries per finder are allowed. This is to support the case where a finder discovers multiple namespace portions for a given fullname. Many finders will support only a single namespace package portion per find_loader call, in which case this iterable will contain only a single string. The import machinery will call find_loader if it exists, else fall back to find_module. Legacy finders which implement find_module but not find_loader will be unable to contribute portions to a namespace package. The specification expands PEP 302 loaders to include an optional method called module_repr() which if present, is used to generate module object reprs. See the section below for further details. Differences between namespace packages and regular packages Namespace packages and regular packages are very similar. The differences are: Portions of namespace packages need not all come from the same directory structure, or even from the same loader. Regular packages are self-contained: all parts live in the same directory hierarchy. Namespace packages have no __file__ attribute. Namespace packages’ __path__ attribute is a read-only iterable of strings, which is automatically updated when the parent path is modified. Namespace packages have no __init__.py module. Namespace packages have a different type of object for their __loader__ attribute. Namespace packages in the standard library It is possible, and this PEP explicitly allows, that parts of the standard library be implemented as namespace packages. When and if any standard library packages become namespace packages is outside the scope of this PEP. Migrating from legacy namespace packages As described above, prior to this PEP pkgutil.extend_path() was used by legacy portions to create namespace packages. Because it is likely not practical for all existing portions of a namespace package to be migrated to this PEP at once, extend_path() will be modified to also recognize PEP 420 namespace packages. This will allow some portions of a namespace to be legacy portions while others are migrated to PEP 420. These hybrid namespace packages will not have the dynamic path computation that normal namespace packages have, since extend_path() never provided this functionality in the past. Packaging Implications Multiple portions of a namespace package can be installed into the same directory, or into separate directories. For this section, suppose there are two portions which define “foo.bar” and “foo.baz”. “foo” itself is a namespace package. If these are installed in the same location, a single directory “foo” would be in a directory that is on sys.path. Inside “foo” would be two directories, “bar” and “baz”. If “foo.bar” is removed (perhaps by an OS package manager), care must be taken not to remove the “foo/baz” or “foo” directories. Note that in this case “foo” will be a namespace package (because it lacks an __init__.py), even though all of its portions are in the same directory. Note that “foo.bar” and “foo.baz” can be installed into the same “foo” directory because they will not have any files in common. If the portions are installed in different locations, two different “foo” directories would be in directories that are on sys.path. “foo/bar” would be in one of these sys.path entries, and “foo/baz” would be in the other. Upon removal of “foo.bar”, the “foo/bar” and corresponding “foo” directories can be completely removed. But “foo/baz” and its corresponding “foo” directory cannot be removed. It is also possible to have the “foo.bar” portion installed in a directory on sys.path, and have the “foo.baz” portion provided in a zip file, also on sys.path. Examples Nested namespace packages This example uses the following directory structure: Lib/test/namespace_pkgs project1 parent child one.py project2 parent child two.py Here, both parent and child are namespace packages: Portions of them exist in different directories, and they do not have __init__.py files. Here we add the parent directories to sys.path, and show that the portions are correctly found: >>> import sys >>> sys.path += ['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2'] >>> import parent.child.one >>> parent.__path__ _NamespacePath(['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent']) >>> parent.child.__path__ _NamespacePath(['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent/child', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent/child']) >>> import parent.child.two >>> Dynamic path computation This example uses a similar directory structure, but adds a third portion: Lib/test/namespace_pkgs project1 parent child one.py project2 parent child two.py project3 parent child three.py We add project1 and project2 to sys.path, then import parent.child.one and parent.child.two. Then we add the project3 to sys.path and when parent.child.three is imported, project3/parent is automatically added to parent.__path__: # add the first two parent paths to sys.path >>> import sys >>> sys.path += ['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2'] # parent.child.one can be imported, because project1 was added to sys.path: >>> import parent.child.one >>> parent.__path__ _NamespacePath(['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent']) # parent.child.__path__ contains project1/parent/child and project2/parent/child, but not project3/parent/child: >>> parent.child.__path__ _NamespacePath(['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent/child', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent/child']) # parent.child.two can be imported, because project2 was added to sys.path: >>> import parent.child.two # we cannot import parent.child.three, because project3 is not in the path: >>> import parent.child.three Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1286, in _find_and_load File "<frozen importlib._bootstrap>", line 1250, in _find_and_load_unlocked ImportError: No module named 'parent.child.three' # now add project3 to sys.path: >>> sys.path.append('Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project3') # and now parent.child.three can be imported: >>> import parent.child.three # project3/parent has been added to parent.__path__: >>> parent.__path__ _NamespacePath(['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project3/parent']) # and project3/parent/child has been added to parent.child.__path__ >>> parent.child.__path__ _NamespacePath(['Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project1/parent/child', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project2/parent/child', 'Lib/test/namespace_pkgs/project3/parent/child']) >>> Discussion At PyCon 2012, we had a discussion about namespace packages at which PEP 382 and PEP 402 were rejected, to be replaced by this PEP [3]. There is no intention to remove support of regular packages. If a developer knows that her package will never be a portion of a namespace package, then there is a performance advantage to it being a regular package (with an __init__.py). Creation and loading of a regular package can take place immediately when it is located along the path. With namespace packages, all entries in the path must be scanned before the package is created. Note that an ImportWarning will no longer be raised for a directory lacking an __init__.py file. Such a directory will now be imported as a namespace package, whereas in prior Python versions an ImportWarning would be raised. Alyssa (Nick) Coghlan presented a list of her objections to this proposal [4]. They are: Implicit package directories go against the Zen of Python. Implicit package directories pose awkward backwards compatibility challenges. Implicit package directories introduce ambiguity into file system layouts. Implicit package directories will permanently entrench current newbie-hostile behavior in __main__. Alyssa later gave a detailed response to her own objections [5], which is summarized here: The practicality of this PEP wins over other proposals and the status quo. Minor backward compatibility issues are okay, as long as they are properly documented. This will be addressed in PEP 395. This will also be addressed in PEP 395. The inclusion of namespace packages in the standard library was motivated by Martin v. Löwis, who wanted the encodings package to become a namespace package [6]. While this PEP allows for standard library packages to become namespaces, it defers a decision on encodings. find_module versus find_loader An early draft of this PEP specified a change to the find_module method in order to support namespace packages. It would be modified to return a string in the case where a namespace package portion was discovered. However, this caused a problem with existing code outside of the standard library which calls find_module. Because this code would not be upgraded in concert with changes required by this PEP, it would fail when it would receive unexpected return values from find_module. Because of this incompatibility, this PEP now specifies that finders that want to provide namespace portions must implement the find_loader method, described above. The use case for supporting multiple portions per find_loader call is given in [7]. Dynamic path computation Guido raised a concern that automatic dynamic path computation was an unnecessary feature [8]. Later in that thread, PJ Eby and Alyssa Coghlan presented arguments as to why dynamic computation would minimize surprise to Python users. The conclusion of that discussion has been included in this PEP’s Rationale section. An earlier version of this PEP required that dynamic path computation could only take affect if the parent path object were modified in-place. That is, this would work: sys.path.append('new-dir') But this would not: sys.path = sys.path + ['new-dir'] In the same thread [8], it was pointed out that this restriction is not required. If the parent path is looked up by name instead of by holding a reference to it, then there is no restriction on how the parent path is modified or replaced. For a top-level namespace package, the lookup would be the module named "sys" then its attribute "path". For a namespace package nested inside a package foo, the lookup would be for the module named "foo" then its attribute "__path__". Module reprs Previously, module reprs were hard coded based on assumptions about a module’s __file__ attribute. If this attribute existed and was a string, it was assumed to be a file system path, and the module object’s repr would include this in its value. The only exception was that PEP 302 reserved missing __file__ attributes to built-in modules, and in CPython, this assumption was baked into the module object’s implementation. Because of this restriction, some modules contained contrived __file__ values that did not reflect file system paths, and which could cause unexpected problems later (e.g. os.path.join() on a non-path __file__ would return gibberish). This PEP relaxes this constraint, and leaves the setting of __file__ to the purview of the loader producing the module. Loaders may opt to leave __file__ unset if no file system path is appropriate. Loaders may also set additional reserved attributes on the module if useful. This means that the definitive way to determine the origin of a module is to check its __loader__ attribute. For example, namespace packages as described in this PEP will have no __file__ attribute because no corresponding file exists. In order to provide flexibility and descriptiveness in the reprs of such modules, a new optional protocol is added to PEP 302 loaders. Loaders can implement a module_repr() method which takes a single argument, the module object. This method should return the string to be used verbatim as the repr of the module. The rules for producing a module repr are now standardized as: If the module has an __loader__ and that loader has a module_repr() method, call it with a single argument, which is the module object. The value returned is used as the module’s repr. If an exception occurs in module_repr(), the exception is caught and discarded, and the calculation of the module’s repr continues as if module_repr() did not exist. If the module has an __file__ attribute, this is used as part of the module’s repr. If the module has no __file__ but does have an __loader__, then the loader’s repr is used as part of the module’s repr. Otherwise, just use the module’s __name__ in the repr. Here is a snippet showing how namespace module reprs are calculated from its loader: class NamespaceLoader: @classmethod def module_repr(cls, module): return "<module '{}' (namespace)>".format(module.__name__) Built-in module reprs would no longer need to be hard-coded, but instead would come from their loader as well: class BuiltinImporter: @classmethod def module_repr(cls, module): return "<module '{}' (built-in)>".format(module.__name__) Here are some example reprs of different types of modules with different sets of the related attributes: >>> import email >>> email <module 'email' from '/home/barry/projects/python/pep-420/Lib/email/__init__.py'> >>> m = type(email)('foo') >>> m <module 'foo'> >>> m.__file__ = 'zippy:/de/do/dah' >>> m <module 'foo' from 'zippy:/de/do/dah'> >>> class Loader: pass ... >>> m.__loader__ = Loader >>> del m.__file__ >>> m <module 'foo' (<class '__main__.Loader'>)> >>> class NewLoader: ... @classmethod ... def module_repr(cls, module): ... return '<mystery module!>' ... >>> m.__loader__ = NewLoader >>> m <mystery module!> >>> References [1] PEP 420 branch (http://hg.python.org/features/pep-420) [3] PyCon 2012 Namespace Package discussion outcome (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-March/000421.html) [4] Alyssa Coghlan’s objection to the lack of marker files or directories (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-March/000423.html) [5] Alyssa Coghlan’s response to her initial objections (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-April/000464.html) [6] Martin v. Löwis’s suggestion to make encodings a namespace package (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-May/000540.html) [7] Use case for multiple portions per find_loader call (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/import-sig/2012-May/000585.html) [8] (1, 2) Discussion about dynamic path computation (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2012-May/119560.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 420 – Implicit Namespace Packages
Standards Track
Namespace packages are a mechanism for splitting a single Python package across multiple directories on disk. In current Python versions, an algorithm to compute the packages __path__ must be formulated. With the enhancement proposed here, the import machinery itself will construct the list of directories that make up the package. This PEP builds upon previous work, documented in PEP 382 and PEP 402. Those PEPs have since been rejected in favor of this one. An implementation of this PEP is at [1].
PEP 422 – Simpler customisation of class creation Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>, Daniel Urban <urban.dani+py at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 05-Jun-2012 Python-Version: 3.5 Post-History: 05-Jun-2012, 10-Feb-2013 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Withdrawal Background Proposal Key Benefits Easier use of custom namespaces for a class Easier inheritance of definition time behaviour Reduced chance of metaclass conflicts Integrates cleanly with PEP 3135 Replaces many use cases for dynamic setting of __metaclass__ Design Notes Determining if the class being decorated is the base class Replacing a class with a different kind of object Open Questions Is the namespace concept worth the extra complexity? New Ways of Using Classes Order preserving classes Prepopulated namespaces Cloning a prototype class Extending a class Rejected Design Options Calling __autodecorate__ from type.__init__ Calling the automatic decoration hook __init_class__ Requiring an explicit decorator on __autodecorate__ Making __autodecorate__ implicitly static, like __new__ Passing in the namespace directly rather than a factory function Reference Implementation TODO Copyright Abstract Currently, customising class creation requires the use of a custom metaclass. This custom metaclass then persists for the entire lifecycle of the class, creating the potential for spurious metaclass conflicts. This PEP proposes to instead support a wide range of customisation scenarios through a new namespace parameter in the class header, and a new __autodecorate__ hook in the class body. The new mechanism should be easier to understand and use than implementing a custom metaclass, and thus should provide a gentler introduction to the full power Python’s metaclass machinery. PEP Withdrawal This proposal has been withdrawn in favour of Martin Teichmann’s proposal in PEP 487, which achieves the same goals through a simpler, easier to use __init_subclass__ hook that simply isn’t invoked for the base class that defines the hook. Background For an already created class cls, the term “metaclass” has a clear meaning: it is the value of type(cls). During class creation, it has another meaning: it is also used to refer to the metaclass hint that may be provided as part of the class definition. While in many cases these two meanings end up referring to one and the same object, there are two situations where that is not the case: If the metaclass hint refers to an instance of type, then it is considered as a candidate metaclass along with the metaclasses of all of the parents of the class being defined. If a more appropriate metaclass is found amongst the candidates, then it will be used instead of the one given in the metaclass hint. Otherwise, an explicit metaclass hint is assumed to be a factory function and is called directly to create the class object. In this case, the final metaclass will be determined by the factory function definition. In the typical case (where the factory functions just calls type, or, in Python 3.3 or later, types.new_class) the actual metaclass is then determined based on the parent classes. It is notable that only the actual metaclass is inherited - a factory function used as a metaclass hook sees only the class currently being defined, and is not invoked for any subclasses. In Python 3, the metaclass hint is provided using the metaclass=Meta keyword syntax in the class header. This allows the __prepare__ method on the metaclass to be used to create the locals() namespace used during execution of the class body (for example, specifying the use of collections.OrderedDict instead of a regular dict). In Python 2, there was no __prepare__ method (that API was added for Python 3 by PEP 3115). Instead, a class body could set the __metaclass__ attribute, and the class creation process would extract that value from the class namespace to use as the metaclass hint. There is published code that makes use of this feature. Another new feature in Python 3 is the zero-argument form of the super() builtin, introduced by PEP 3135. This feature uses an implicit __class__ reference to the class being defined to replace the “by name” references required in Python 2. Just as code invoked during execution of a Python 2 metaclass could not call methods that referenced the class by name (as the name had not yet been bound in the containing scope), similarly, Python 3 metaclasses cannot call methods that rely on the implicit __class__ reference (as it is not populated until after the metaclass has returned control to the class creation machinery). Finally, when a class uses a custom metaclass, it can pose additional challenges to the use of multiple inheritance, as a new class cannot inherit from parent classes with unrelated metaclasses. This means that it is impossible to add a metaclass to an already published class: such an addition is a backwards incompatible change due to the risk of metaclass conflicts. Proposal This PEP proposes that a new mechanism to customise class creation be added to Python 3.4 that meets the following criteria: Integrates nicely with class inheritance structures (including mixins and multiple inheritance) Integrates nicely with the implicit __class__ reference and zero-argument super() syntax introduced by PEP 3135 Can be added to an existing base class without a significant risk of introducing backwards compatibility problems Restores the ability for class namespaces to have some influence on the class creation process (above and beyond populating the namespace itself), but potentially without the full flexibility of the Python 2 style __metaclass__ hook One mechanism that can achieve this goal is to add a new implicit class decoration hook, modelled directly on the existing explicit class decorators, but defined in the class body or in a parent class, rather than being part of the class definition header. Specifically, it is proposed that class definitions be able to provide a class initialisation hook as follows: class Example: def __autodecorate__(cls): # This is invoked after the class is created, but before any # explicit decorators are called # The usual super() mechanisms are used to correctly support # multiple inheritance. The class decorator style signature helps # ensure that invoking the parent class is as simple as possible. cls = super().__autodecorate__() return cls To simplify the cooperative multiple inheritance case, object will gain a default implementation of the hook that returns the class unmodified: class object: def __autodecorate__(cls): return cls If a metaclass wishes to block implicit class decoration for some reason, it must arrange for cls.__autodecorate__ to trigger AttributeError. If present on the created object, this new hook will be called by the class creation machinery after the __class__ reference has been initialised. For types.new_class(), it will be called as the last step before returning the created class object. __autodecorate__ is implicitly converted to a class method when the class is created (prior to the hook being invoked). Note, that when __autodecorate__ is called, the name of the class is not yet bound to the new class object. As a consequence, the two argument form of super() cannot be used to call methods (e.g., super(Example, cls) wouldn’t work in the example above). However, the zero argument form of super() works as expected, since the __class__ reference is already initialised. This general proposal is not a new idea (it was first suggested for inclusion in the language definition more than 10 years ago, and a similar mechanism has long been supported by Zope’s ExtensionClass), but the situation has changed sufficiently in recent years that the idea is worth reconsidering for inclusion as a native language feature. In addition, the introduction of the metaclass __prepare__ method in PEP 3115 allows a further enhancement that was not possible in Python 2: this PEP also proposes that type.__prepare__ be updated to accept a factory function as a namespace keyword-only argument. If present, the value provided as the namespace argument will be called without arguments to create the result of type.__prepare__ instead of using a freshly created dictionary instance. For example, the following will use an ordered dictionary as the class namespace: class OrderedExample(namespace=collections.OrderedDict): def __autodecorate__(cls): # cls.__dict__ is still a read-only proxy to the class namespace, # but the underlying storage is an OrderedDict instance Note This PEP, along with the existing ability to use __prepare__ to share a single namespace amongst multiple class objects, highlights a possible issue with the attribute lookup caching: when the underlying mapping is updated by other means, the attribute lookup cache is not invalidated correctly (this is a key part of the reason class __dict__ attributes produce a read-only view of the underlying storage). Since the optimisation provided by that cache is highly desirable, the use of a preexisting namespace as the class namespace may need to be declared as officially unsupported (since the observed behaviour is rather strange when the caches get out of sync). Key Benefits Easier use of custom namespaces for a class Currently, to use a different type (such as collections.OrderedDict) for a class namespace, or to use a pre-populated namespace, it is necessary to write and use a custom metaclass. With this PEP, using a custom namespace becomes as simple as specifying an appropriate factory function in the class header. Easier inheritance of definition time behaviour Understanding Python’s metaclasses requires a deep understanding of the type system and the class construction process. This is legitimately seen as challenging, due to the need to keep multiple moving parts (the code, the metaclass hint, the actual metaclass, the class object, instances of the class object) clearly distinct in your mind. Even when you know the rules, it’s still easy to make a mistake if you’re not being extremely careful. An earlier version of this PEP actually included such a mistake: it stated “subclass of type” for a constraint that is actually “instance of type”. Understanding the proposed implicit class decoration hook only requires understanding decorators and ordinary method inheritance, which isn’t quite as daunting a task. The new hook provides a more gradual path towards understanding all of the phases involved in the class definition process. Reduced chance of metaclass conflicts One of the big issues that makes library authors reluctant to use metaclasses (even when they would be appropriate) is the risk of metaclass conflicts. These occur whenever two unrelated metaclasses are used by the desired parents of a class definition. This risk also makes it very difficult to add a metaclass to a class that has previously been published without one. By contrast, adding an __autodecorate__ method to an existing type poses a similar level of risk to adding an __init__ method: technically, there is a risk of breaking poorly implemented subclasses, but when that occurs, it is recognised as a bug in the subclass rather than the library author breaching backwards compatibility guarantees. In fact, due to the constrained signature of __autodecorate__, the risk in this case is actually even lower than in the case of __init__. Integrates cleanly with PEP 3135 Unlike code that runs as part of the metaclass, code that runs as part of the new hook will be able to freely invoke class methods that rely on the implicit __class__ reference introduced by PEP 3135, including methods that use the zero argument form of super(). Replaces many use cases for dynamic setting of __metaclass__ For use cases that don’t involve completely replacing the defined class, Python 2 code that dynamically set __metaclass__ can now dynamically set __autodecorate__ instead. For more advanced use cases, introduction of an explicit metaclass (possibly made available as a required base class) will still be necessary in order to support Python 3. Design Notes Determining if the class being decorated is the base class In the body of an __autodecorate__ method, as in any other class method, __class__ will be bound to the class declaring the method, while the value passed in may be a subclass. This makes it relatively straightforward to skip processing the base class if necessary: class Example: def __autodecorate__(cls): cls = super().__autodecorate__() # Don't process the base class if cls is __class__: return # Process subclasses here ... Replacing a class with a different kind of object As an implicit decorator, __autodecorate__ is able to relatively easily replace the defined class with a different kind of object. Technically custom metaclasses and even __new__ methods can already do this implicitly, but the decorator model makes such code much easier to understand and implement. class BuildDict: def __autodecorate__(cls): cls = super().__autodecorate__() # Don't process the base class if cls is __class__: return # Convert subclasses to ordinary dictionaries return cls.__dict__.copy() It’s not clear why anyone would ever do this implicitly based on inheritance rather than just using an explicit decorator, but the possibility seems worth noting. Open Questions Is the namespace concept worth the extra complexity? Unlike the new __autodecorate__ hook the proposed namespace keyword argument is not automatically inherited by subclasses. Given the way this proposal is currently written , the only way to get a special namespace used consistently in subclasses is still to write a custom metaclass with a suitable __prepare__ implementation. Changing the custom namespace factory to also be inherited would significantly increase the complexity of this proposal, and introduce a number of the same potential base class conflict issues as arise with the use of custom metaclasses. Eric Snow has put forward a separate proposal to instead make the execution namespace for class bodies an ordered dictionary by default, and capture the class attribute definition order for future reference as an attribute (e.g. __definition_order__) on the class object. Eric’s suggested approach may be a better choice for a new default behaviour for type that combines well with the proposed __autodecorate__ hook, leaving the more complex configurable namespace factory idea to a custom metaclass like the one shown below. New Ways of Using Classes The new namespace keyword in the class header enables a number of interesting options for controlling the way a class is initialised, including some aspects of the object models of both Javascript and Ruby. All of the examples below are actually possible today through the use of a custom metaclass: class CustomNamespace(type): @classmethod def __prepare__(meta, name, bases, *, namespace=None, **kwds): parent_namespace = super().__prepare__(name, bases, **kwds) return namespace() if namespace is not None else parent_namespace def __new__(meta, name, bases, ns, *, namespace=None, **kwds): return super().__new__(meta, name, bases, ns, **kwds) def __init__(cls, name, bases, ns, *, namespace=None, **kwds): return super().__init__(name, bases, ns, **kwds) The advantage of implementing the new keyword directly in type.__prepare__ is that the only persistent effect is then the change in the underlying storage of the class attributes. The metaclass of the class remains unchanged, eliminating many of the drawbacks typically associated with these kinds of customisations. Order preserving classes class OrderedClass(namespace=collections.OrderedDict): a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 Prepopulated namespaces seed_data = dict(a=1, b=2, c=3) class PrepopulatedClass(namespace=seed_data.copy): pass Cloning a prototype class class NewClass(namespace=Prototype.__dict__.copy): pass Extending a class Note Just because the PEP makes it possible to do this relatively cleanly doesn’t mean anyone should do this! from collections import MutableMapping # The MutableMapping + dict combination should give something that # generally behaves correctly as a mapping, while still being accepted # as a class namespace class ClassNamespace(MutableMapping, dict): def __init__(self, cls): self._cls = cls def __len__(self): return len(dir(self._cls)) def __iter__(self): for attr in dir(self._cls): yield attr def __contains__(self, attr): return hasattr(self._cls, attr) def __getitem__(self, attr): return getattr(self._cls, attr) def __setitem__(self, attr, value): setattr(self._cls, attr, value) def __delitem__(self, attr): delattr(self._cls, attr) def extend(cls): return lambda: ClassNamespace(cls) class Example: pass class ExtendedExample(namespace=extend(Example)): a = 1 b = 2 c = 3 >>> Example.a, Example.b, Example.c (1, 2, 3) Rejected Design Options Calling __autodecorate__ from type.__init__ Calling the new hook automatically from type.__init__, would achieve most of the goals of this PEP. However, using that approach would mean that __autodecorate__ implementations would be unable to call any methods that relied on the __class__ reference (or used the zero-argument form of super()), and could not make use of those features themselves. The current design instead ensures that the implicit decorator hook is able to do anything an explicit decorator can do by running it after the initial class creation is already complete. Calling the automatic decoration hook __init_class__ Earlier versions of the PEP used the name __init_class__ for the name of the new hook. There were three significant problems with this name: it was hard to remember if the correct spelling was __init_class__ or __class_init__ the use of “init” in the name suggested the signature should match that of type.__init__, which is not the case the use of “init” in the name suggested the method would be run as part of initial class object creation, which is not the case The new name __autodecorate__ was chosen to make it clear that the new initialisation hook is most usefully thought of as an implicitly invoked class decorator, rather than as being like an __init__ method. Requiring an explicit decorator on __autodecorate__ Originally, this PEP required the explicit use of @classmethod on the __autodecorate__ decorator. It was made implicit since there’s no sensible interpretation for leaving it out, and that case would need to be detected anyway in order to give a useful error message. This decision was reinforced after noticing that the user experience of defining __prepare__ and forgetting the @classmethod method decorator is singularly incomprehensible (particularly since PEP 3115 documents it as an ordinary method, and the current documentation doesn’t explicitly say anything one way or the other). Making __autodecorate__ implicitly static, like __new__ While it accepts the class to be instantiated as the first argument, __new__ is actually implicitly treated as a static method rather than as a class method. This allows it to be readily extracted from its defining class and called directly on a subclass, rather than being coupled to the class object it is retrieved from. Such behaviour initially appears to be potentially useful for the new __autodecorate__ hook, as it would allow __autodecorate__ methods to readily be used as explicit decorators on other classes. However, that apparent support would be an illusion as it would only work correctly if invoked on a subclass, in which case the method can just as readily be retrieved from the subclass and called that way. Unlike __new__, there’s no issue with potentially changing method signatures at different points in the inheritance chain. Passing in the namespace directly rather than a factory function At one point, this PEP proposed that the class namespace be passed directly as a keyword argument, rather than passing a factory function. However, this encourages an unsupported behaviour (that is, passing the same namespace to multiple classes, or retaining direct write access to a mapping used as a class namespace), so the API was switched to the factory function version. Reference Implementation A reference implementation for __autodecorate__ has been posted to the issue tracker. It uses the original __init_class__ naming. does not yet allow the implicit decorator to replace the class with a different object and does not implement the suggested namespace parameter for type.__prepare__. TODO address the 5 points in https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-February/123970.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 422 – Simpler customisation of class creation
Standards Track
Currently, customising class creation requires the use of a custom metaclass. This custom metaclass then persists for the entire lifecycle of the class, creating the potential for spurious metaclass conflicts.
PEP 424 – A method for exposing a length hint Author: Alex Gaynor <alex.gaynor at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 14-Jul-2012 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 15-Jul-2012 Table of Contents Abstract Specification Rationale Copyright Abstract CPython currently defines a __length_hint__ method on several types, such as various iterators. This method is then used by various other functions (such as list) to presize lists based on the estimate returned by __length_hint__. Types which are not sized, and thus should not define __len__, can then define __length_hint__, to allow estimating or computing a size (such as many iterators). Specification This PEP formally documents __length_hint__ for other interpreters and non-standard-library Python modules to implement. __length_hint__ must return an integer (else a TypeError is raised) or NotImplemented, and is not required to be accurate. It may return a value that is either larger or smaller than the actual size of the container. A return value of NotImplemented indicates that there is no finite length estimate. It may not return a negative value (else a ValueError is raised). In addition, a new function operator.length_hint hint is added, with the following semantics (which define how __length_hint__ should be used): def length_hint(obj, default=0): """Return an estimate of the number of items in obj. This is useful for presizing containers when building from an iterable. If the object supports len(), the result will be exact. Otherwise, it may over- or under-estimate by an arbitrary amount. The result will be an integer >= 0. """ try: return len(obj) except TypeError: try: get_hint = type(obj).__length_hint__ except AttributeError: return default try: hint = get_hint(obj) except TypeError: return default if hint is NotImplemented: return default if not isinstance(hint, int): raise TypeError("Length hint must be an integer, not %r" % type(hint)) if hint < 0: raise ValueError("__length_hint__() should return >= 0") return hint Rationale Being able to pre-allocate lists based on the expected size, as estimated by __length_hint__, can be a significant optimization. CPython has been observed to run some code faster than PyPy, purely because of this optimization being present. Copyright This document has been placed into the public domain.
PEP 424 – A method for exposing a length hint
Standards Track
CPython currently defines a __length_hint__ method on several types, such as various iterators. This method is then used by various other functions (such as list) to presize lists based on the estimate returned by __length_hint__. Types which are not sized, and thus should not define __len__, can then define __length_hint__, to allow estimating or computing a size (such as many iterators).
PEP 428 – The pathlib module – object-oriented filesystem paths Author: Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Jul-2012 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 05-Oct-2012 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Related work Implementation Why an object-oriented API Proposal Class hierarchy No confusion with builtins Immutability Sane behaviour Comparisons Useful notations Pure paths API Definitions Construction Representing Properties Deriving new paths Joining Changing the path’s final component Making the path relative Sequence-like access Querying Concrete paths API Constructing File metadata Path resolution Directory walking File opening Filesystem modification Discussion Division operator joinpath() Case-sensitivity Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the inclusion of a third-party module, pathlib, in the standard library. The inclusion is proposed under the provisional label, as described in PEP 411. Therefore, API changes can be done, either as part of the PEP process, or after acceptance in the standard library (and until the provisional label is removed). The aim of this library is to provide a simple hierarchy of classes to handle filesystem paths and the common operations users do over them. Related work An object-oriented API for filesystem paths has already been proposed and rejected in PEP 355. Several third-party implementations of the idea of object-oriented filesystem paths exist in the wild: The historical path.py module by Jason Orendorff, Jason R. Coombs and others, which provides a str-subclassing Path class; Twisted’s slightly specialized FilePath class; An AlternativePathClass proposal, subclassing tuple rather than str; Unipath, a variation on the str-subclassing approach with two public classes, an AbstractPath class for operations which don’t do I/O and a Path class for all common operations. This proposal attempts to learn from these previous attempts and the rejection of PEP 355. Implementation The implementation of this proposal is tracked in the pep428 branch of pathlib’s Mercurial repository. Why an object-oriented API The rationale to represent filesystem paths using dedicated classes is the same as for other kinds of stateless objects, such as dates, times or IP addresses. Python has been slowly moving away from strictly replicating the C language’s APIs to providing better, more helpful abstractions around all kinds of common functionality. Even if this PEP isn’t accepted, it is likely that another form of filesystem handling abstraction will be adopted one day into the standard library. Indeed, many people will prefer handling dates and times using the high-level objects provided by the datetime module, rather than using numeric timestamps and the time module API. Moreover, using a dedicated class allows to enable desirable behaviours by default, for example the case insensitivity of Windows paths. Proposal Class hierarchy The pathlib module implements a simple hierarchy of classes: +----------+ | | ---------| PurePath |-------- | | | | | +----------+ | | | | | | | v | v +---------------+ | +-----------------+ | | | | | | PurePosixPath | | | PureWindowsPath | | | | | | +---------------+ | +-----------------+ | v | | +------+ | | | | | | -------| Path |------ | | | | | | | | | +------+ | | | | | | | | | | v v v v +-----------+ +-------------+ | | | | | PosixPath | | WindowsPath | | | | | +-----------+ +-------------+ This hierarchy divides path classes along two dimensions: a path class can be either pure or concrete: pure classes support only operations that don’t need to do any actual I/O, which are most path manipulation operations; concrete classes support all the operations of pure classes, plus operations that do I/O. a path class is of a given flavour according to the kind of operating system paths it represents. pathlib implements two flavours: Windows paths for the filesystem semantics embodied in Windows systems, POSIX paths for other systems. Any pure class can be instantiated on any system: for example, you can manipulate PurePosixPath objects under Windows, PureWindowsPath objects under Unix, and so on. However, concrete classes can only be instantiated on a matching system: indeed, it would be error-prone to start doing I/O with WindowsPath objects under Unix, or vice-versa. Furthermore, there are two base classes which also act as system-dependent factories: PurePath will instantiate either a PurePosixPath or a PureWindowsPath depending on the operating system. Similarly, Path will instantiate either a PosixPath or a WindowsPath. It is expected that, in most uses, using the Path class is adequate, which is why it has the shortest name of all. No confusion with builtins In this proposal, the path classes do not derive from a builtin type. This contrasts with some other Path class proposals which were derived from str. They also do not pretend to implement the sequence protocol: if you want a path to act as a sequence, you have to lookup a dedicated attribute (the parts attribute). The key reasoning behind not inheriting from str is to prevent accidentally performing operations with a string representing a path and a string that doesn’t, e.g. path + an_accident. Since operations with a string will not necessarily lead to a valid or expected file system path, “explicit is better than implicit” by avoiding accidental operations with strings by not subclassing it. A blog post by a Python core developer goes into more detail on the reasons behind this specific design decision. Immutability Path objects are immutable, which makes them hashable and also prevents a class of programming errors. Sane behaviour Little of the functionality from os.path is reused. Many os.path functions are tied by backwards compatibility to confusing or plain wrong behaviour (for example, the fact that os.path.abspath() simplifies “..” path components without resolving symlinks first). Comparisons Paths of the same flavour are comparable and orderable, whether pure or not: >>> PurePosixPath('a') == PurePosixPath('b') False >>> PurePosixPath('a') < PurePosixPath('b') True >>> PurePosixPath('a') == PosixPath('a') True Comparing and ordering Windows path objects is case-insensitive: >>> PureWindowsPath('a') == PureWindowsPath('A') True Paths of different flavours always compare unequal, and cannot be ordered: >>> PurePosixPath('a') == PureWindowsPath('a') False >>> PurePosixPath('a') < PureWindowsPath('a') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: unorderable types: PurePosixPath() < PureWindowsPath() Paths compare unequal to, and are not orderable with instances of builtin types (such as str) and any other types. Useful notations The API tries to provide useful notations all the while avoiding magic. Some examples: >>> p = Path('/home/antoine/pathlib/setup.py') >>> p.name 'setup.py' >>> p.suffix '.py' >>> p.root '/' >>> p.parts ('/', 'home', 'antoine', 'pathlib', 'setup.py') >>> p.relative_to('/home/antoine') PosixPath('pathlib/setup.py') >>> p.exists() True Pure paths API The philosophy of the PurePath API is to provide a consistent array of useful path manipulation operations, without exposing a hodge-podge of functions like os.path does. Definitions First a couple of conventions: All paths can have a drive and a root. For POSIX paths, the drive is always empty. A relative path has neither drive nor root. A POSIX path is absolute if it has a root. A Windows path is absolute if it has both a drive and a root. A Windows UNC path (e.g. \\host\share\myfile.txt) always has a drive and a root (here, \\host\share and \, respectively). A path which has either a drive or a root is said to be anchored. Its anchor is the concatenation of the drive and root. Under POSIX, “anchored” is the same as “absolute”. Construction We will present construction and joining together since they expose similar semantics. The simplest way to construct a path is to pass it its string representation: >>> PurePath('setup.py') PurePosixPath('setup.py') Extraneous path separators and "." components are eliminated: >>> PurePath('a///b/c/./d/') PurePosixPath('a/b/c/d') If you pass several arguments, they will be automatically joined: >>> PurePath('docs', 'Makefile') PurePosixPath('docs/Makefile') Joining semantics are similar to os.path.join, in that anchored paths ignore the information from the previously joined components: >>> PurePath('/etc', '/usr', 'bin') PurePosixPath('/usr/bin') However, with Windows paths, the drive is retained as necessary: >>> PureWindowsPath('c:/foo', '/Windows') PureWindowsPath('c:/Windows') >>> PureWindowsPath('c:/foo', 'd:') PureWindowsPath('d:') Also, path separators are normalized to the platform default: >>> PureWindowsPath('a/b') == PureWindowsPath('a\\b') True Extraneous path separators and "." components are eliminated, but not ".." components: >>> PurePosixPath('a//b/./c/') PurePosixPath('a/b/c') >>> PurePosixPath('a/../b') PurePosixPath('a/../b') Multiple leading slashes are treated differently depending on the path flavour. They are always retained on Windows paths (because of the UNC notation): >>> PureWindowsPath('//some/path') PureWindowsPath('//some/path/') On POSIX, they are collapsed except if there are exactly two leading slashes, which is a special case in the POSIX specification on pathname resolution (this is also necessary for Cygwin compatibility): >>> PurePosixPath('///some/path') PurePosixPath('/some/path') >>> PurePosixPath('//some/path') PurePosixPath('//some/path') Calling the constructor without any argument creates a path object pointing to the logical “current directory” (without looking up its absolute path, which is the job of the cwd() classmethod on concrete paths): >>> PurePosixPath() PurePosixPath('.') Representing To represent a path (e.g. to pass it to third-party libraries), just call str() on it: >>> p = PurePath('/home/antoine/pathlib/setup.py') >>> str(p) '/home/antoine/pathlib/setup.py' >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/windows') >>> str(p) 'c:\\windows' To force the string representation with forward slashes, use the as_posix() method: >>> p.as_posix() 'c:/windows' To get the bytes representation (which might be useful under Unix systems), call bytes() on it, which internally uses os.fsencode(): >>> bytes(p) b'/home/antoine/pathlib/setup.py' To represent the path as a file: URI, call the as_uri() method: >>> p = PurePosixPath('/etc/passwd') >>> p.as_uri() 'file:///etc/passwd' >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/Windows') >>> p.as_uri() 'file:///c:/Windows' The repr() of a path always uses forward slashes, even under Windows, for readability and to remind users that forward slashes are ok: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/Windows') >>> p PureWindowsPath('c:/Windows') Properties Several simple properties are provided on every path (each can be empty): >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/Downloads/pathlib.tar.gz') >>> p.drive 'c:' >>> p.root '\\' >>> p.anchor 'c:\\' >>> p.name 'pathlib.tar.gz' >>> p.stem 'pathlib.tar' >>> p.suffix '.gz' >>> p.suffixes ['.tar', '.gz'] Deriving new paths Joining A path can be joined with another using the / operator: >>> p = PurePosixPath('foo') >>> p / 'bar' PurePosixPath('foo/bar') >>> p / PurePosixPath('bar') PurePosixPath('foo/bar') >>> 'bar' / p PurePosixPath('bar/foo') As with the constructor, multiple path components can be specified, either collapsed or separately: >>> p / 'bar/xyzzy' PurePosixPath('foo/bar/xyzzy') >>> p / 'bar' / 'xyzzy' PurePosixPath('foo/bar/xyzzy') A joinpath() method is also provided, with the same behaviour: >>> p.joinpath('Python') PurePosixPath('foo/Python') Changing the path’s final component The with_name() method returns a new path, with the name changed: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/Downloads/pathlib.tar.gz') >>> p.with_name('setup.py') PureWindowsPath('c:/Downloads/setup.py') It fails with a ValueError if the path doesn’t have an actual name: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/') >>> p.with_name('setup.py') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pathlib.py", line 875, in with_name raise ValueError("%r has an empty name" % (self,)) ValueError: PureWindowsPath('c:/') has an empty name >>> p.name '' The with_suffix() method returns a new path with the suffix changed. However, if the path has no suffix, the new suffix is added: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/Downloads/pathlib.tar.gz') >>> p.with_suffix('.bz2') PureWindowsPath('c:/Downloads/pathlib.tar.bz2') >>> p = PureWindowsPath('README') >>> p.with_suffix('.bz2') PureWindowsPath('README.bz2') Making the path relative The relative_to() method computes the relative difference of a path to another: >>> PurePosixPath('/usr/bin/python').relative_to('/usr') PurePosixPath('bin/python') ValueError is raised if the method cannot return a meaningful value: >>> PurePosixPath('/usr/bin/python').relative_to('/etc') Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> File "pathlib.py", line 926, in relative_to .format(str(self), str(formatted))) ValueError: '/usr/bin/python' does not start with '/etc' Sequence-like access The parts property returns a tuple providing read-only sequence access to a path’s components: >>> p = PurePosixPath('/etc/init.d') >>> p.parts ('/', 'etc', 'init.d') Windows paths handle the drive and the root as a single path component: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/setup.py') >>> p.parts ('c:\\', 'setup.py') (separating them would be wrong, since C: is not the parent of C:\\). The parent property returns the logical parent of the path: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/python33/bin/python.exe') >>> p.parent PureWindowsPath('c:/python33/bin') The parents property returns an immutable sequence of the path’s logical ancestors: >>> p = PureWindowsPath('c:/python33/bin/python.exe') >>> len(p.parents) 3 >>> p.parents[0] PureWindowsPath('c:/python33/bin') >>> p.parents[1] PureWindowsPath('c:/python33') >>> p.parents[2] PureWindowsPath('c:/') Querying is_relative() returns True if the path is relative (see definition above), False otherwise. is_reserved() returns True if a Windows path is a reserved path such as CON or NUL. It always returns False for POSIX paths. match() matches the path against a glob pattern. It operates on individual parts and matches from the right: >>> p = PurePosixPath('/usr/bin') >>> p.match('/usr/b*') True >>> p.match('usr/b*') True >>> p.match('b*') True >>> p.match('/u*') False This behaviour respects the following expectations: A simple pattern such as “*.py” matches arbitrarily long paths as long as the last part matches, e.g. “/usr/foo/bar.py”. Longer patterns can be used as well for more complex matching, e.g. “/usr/foo/*.py” matches “/usr/foo/bar.py”. Concrete paths API In addition to the operations of the pure API, concrete paths provide additional methods which actually access the filesystem to query or mutate information. Constructing The classmethod cwd() creates a path object pointing to the current working directory in absolute form: >>> Path.cwd() PosixPath('/home/antoine/pathlib') File metadata The stat() returns the file’s stat() result; similarly, lstat() returns the file’s lstat() result (which is different iff the file is a symbolic link): >>> p.stat() posix.stat_result(st_mode=33277, st_ino=7483155, st_dev=2053, st_nlink=1, st_uid=500, st_gid=500, st_size=928, st_atime=1343597970, st_mtime=1328287308, st_ctime=1343597964) Higher-level methods help examine the kind of the file: >>> p.exists() True >>> p.is_file() True >>> p.is_dir() False >>> p.is_symlink() False >>> p.is_socket() False >>> p.is_fifo() False >>> p.is_block_device() False >>> p.is_char_device() False The file owner and group names (rather than numeric ids) are queried through corresponding methods: >>> p = Path('/etc/shadow') >>> p.owner() 'root' >>> p.group() 'shadow' Path resolution The resolve() method makes a path absolute, resolving any symlink on the way (like the POSIX realpath() call). It is the only operation which will remove “..” path components. On Windows, this method will also take care to return the canonical path (with the right casing). Directory walking Simple (non-recursive) directory access is done by calling the iterdir() method, which returns an iterator over the child paths: >>> p = Path('docs') >>> for child in p.iterdir(): child ... PosixPath('docs/conf.py') PosixPath('docs/_templates') PosixPath('docs/make.bat') PosixPath('docs/index.rst') PosixPath('docs/_build') PosixPath('docs/_static') PosixPath('docs/Makefile') This allows simple filtering through list comprehensions: >>> p = Path('.') >>> [child for child in p.iterdir() if child.is_dir()] [PosixPath('.hg'), PosixPath('docs'), PosixPath('dist'), PosixPath('__pycache__'), PosixPath('build')] Simple and recursive globbing is also provided: >>> for child in p.glob('**/*.py'): child ... PosixPath('test_pathlib.py') PosixPath('setup.py') PosixPath('pathlib.py') PosixPath('docs/conf.py') PosixPath('build/lib/pathlib.py') File opening The open() method provides a file opening API similar to the builtin open() method: >>> p = Path('setup.py') >>> with p.open() as f: f.readline() ... '#!/usr/bin/env python3\n' Filesystem modification Several common filesystem operations are provided as methods: touch(), mkdir(), rename(), replace(), unlink(), rmdir(), chmod(), lchmod(), symlink_to(). More operations could be provided, for example some of the functionality of the shutil module. Detailed documentation of the proposed API can be found at the pathlib docs. Discussion Division operator The division operator came out first in a poll about the path joining operator. Initial versions of pathlib used square brackets (i.e. __getitem__) instead. joinpath() The joinpath() method was initially called join(), but several people objected that it could be confused with str.join() which has different semantics. Therefore, it was renamed to joinpath(). Case-sensitivity Windows users consider filesystem paths to be case-insensitive and expect path objects to observe that characteristic, even though in some rare situations some foreign filesystem mounts may be case-sensitive under Windows. In the words of one commenter, “If glob(”*.py”) failed to find SETUP.PY on Windows, that would be a usability disaster”.—Paul Moore in https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-April/125254.html Copyright This document has been placed into the public domain.
PEP 428 – The pathlib module – object-oriented filesystem paths
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the inclusion of a third-party module, pathlib, in the standard library. The inclusion is proposed under the provisional label, as described in PEP 411. Therefore, API changes can be done, either as part of the PEP process, or after acceptance in the standard library (and until the provisional label is removed).
PEP 429 – Python 3.4 Release Schedule Author: Larry Hastings <larry at hastings.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 17-Oct-2012 Python-Version: 3.4 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager and Crew Release Schedule Features for 3.4 Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.4. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Release Manager and Crew 3.4 Release Manager: Larry Hastings Windows installers: Martin v. Löwis Mac installers: Ned Deily Documentation: Georg Brandl Release Schedule Python 3.4 has now reached its end-of-life and has been retired. No more releases will be made. These are all the historical releases of Python 3.4, including their release dates. 3.4.0 alpha 1: August 3, 2013 3.4.0 alpha 2: September 9, 2013 3.4.0 alpha 3: September 29, 2013 3.4.0 alpha 4: October 20, 2013 3.4.0 beta 1: November 24, 2013 3.4.0 beta 2: January 5, 2014 3.4.0 beta 3: January 26, 2014 3.4.0 candidate 1: February 10, 2014 3.4.0 candidate 2: February 23, 2014 3.4.0 candidate 3: March 9, 2014 3.4.0 final: March 16, 2014 3.4.1 candidate 1: May 5, 2014 3.4.1 final: May 18, 2014 3.4.2 candidate 1: September 22, 2014 3.4.2 final: October 6, 2014 3.4.3 candidate 1: February 8, 2015 3.4.3 final: February 25, 2015 3.4.4 candidate 1: December 6, 2015 3.4.4 final: December 20, 2015 3.4.5 candidate 1: June 12, 2016 3.4.5 final: June 26, 2016 3.4.6 candidate 1: January 2, 2017 3.4.6 final: January 17, 2017 3.4.7 candidate 1: July 25, 2017 3.4.7 final: August 9, 2017 3.4.8 candidate 1: January 23, 2018 3.4.8 final: February 4, 2018 3.4.9 candidate 1: July 19, 2018 3.4.9 final: August 2, 2018 3.4.10 candidate 1: March 4, 2019 3.4.10 final: March 18, 2019 Features for 3.4 Implemented / Final PEPs: PEP 428, a “pathlib” module providing object-oriented filesystem paths PEP 435, a standardized “enum” module PEP 436, a build enhancement that will help generate introspection information for builtins PEP 442, improved semantics for object finalization PEP 443, adding single-dispatch generic functions to the standard library PEP 445, a new C API for implementing custom memory allocators PEP 446, changing file descriptors to not be inherited by default in subprocesses PEP 450, a new “statistics” module PEP 451, standardizing module metadata for Python’s module import system PEP 453, a bundled installer for the pip package manager PEP 454, a new “tracemalloc” module for tracing Python memory allocations PEP 456, a new hash algorithm for Python strings and binary data PEP 3154, a new and improved protocol for pickled objects PEP 3156, a new “asyncio” module, a new framework for asynchronous I/O Deferred to post-3.4: PEP 431, improved support for time zone databases PEP 441, improved Python zip application support PEP 447, support for __locallookup__ metaclass method PEP 448, additional unpacking generalizations PEP 455, key transforming dictionary Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 429 – Python 3.4 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 3.4. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items.
PEP 433 – Easier suppression of file descriptor inheritance Author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org> Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Created: 10-Jan-2013 Python-Version: 3.4 Superseded-By: 446 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Status in Python 3.3 Inherited file descriptors issues Security Atomicity Portability Scope Proposal Alternatives Inheritance enabled by default, default no configurable Inheritance enabled by default, default can only be set to True Disable inheritance by default Close file descriptors after fork open(): add “e” flag to mode Bikeshedding on the name of the new parameter Applications using inheritance of file descriptors Performances Implementation os.get_cloexec(fd) os.set_cloexec(fd, cloexec=True) open() os.dup() os.dup2() os.pipe() socket.socket() socket.socketpair() socket.socket.accept() Backward compatibility Appendix: Operating system support Windows ioctl fcntl Atomic flags Links Footnotes Copyright Abstract Add a new optional cloexec parameter on functions creating file descriptors, add different ways to change default values of this parameter, and add four new functions: os.get_cloexec(fd) os.set_cloexec(fd, cloexec=True) sys.getdefaultcloexec() sys.setdefaultcloexec(cloexec) Rationale A file descriptor has a close-on-exec flag which indicates if the file descriptor will be inherited or not. On UNIX, if the close-on-exec flag is set, the file descriptor is not inherited: it will be closed at the execution of child processes; otherwise the file descriptor is inherited by child processes. On Windows, if the close-on-exec flag is set, the file descriptor is not inherited; the file descriptor is inherited by child processes if the close-on-exec flag is cleared and if CreateProcess() is called with the bInheritHandles parameter set to TRUE (when subprocess.Popen is created with close_fds=False for example). Windows does not have “close-on-exec” flag but an inheritance flag which is just the opposite value. For example, setting close-on-exec flag means clearing the HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT flag of a handle. Status in Python 3.3 On UNIX, the subprocess module closes file descriptors greater than 2 by default since Python 3.2 [1]. All file descriptors created by the parent process are automatically closed in the child process. xmlrpc.server.SimpleXMLRPCServer sets the close-on-exec flag of the listening socket, the parent class socketserver.TCPServer does not set this flag. There are other cases creating a subprocess or executing a new program where file descriptors are not closed: functions of the os.spawn*() and the os.exec*() families and third party modules calling exec() or fork() + exec(). In this case, file descriptors are shared between the parent and the child processes which is usually unexpected and causes various issues. This PEP proposes to continue the work started with the change in the subprocess in Python 3.2, to fix the issue in any code, and not just code using subprocess. Inherited file descriptors issues Closing the file descriptor in the parent process does not close the related resource (file, socket, …) because it is still open in the child process. The listening socket of TCPServer is not closed on exec(): the child process is able to get connection from new clients; if the parent closes the listening socket and create a new listening socket on the same address, it would get an “address already is used” error. Not closing file descriptors can lead to resource exhaustion: even if the parent closes all files, creating a new file descriptor may fail with “too many files” because files are still open in the child process. See also the following issues: Issue #2320: Race condition in subprocess using stdin (2008) Issue #3006: subprocess.Popen causes socket to remain open after close (2008) Issue #7213: subprocess leaks open file descriptors between Popen instances causing hangs (2009) Issue #12786: subprocess wait() hangs when stdin is closed (2011) Security Leaking file descriptors is a major security vulnerability. An untrusted child process can read sensitive data like passwords and take control of the parent process though leaked file descriptors. It is for example a known vulnerability to escape from a chroot. See also the CERT recommendation: FIO42-C. Ensure files are properly closed when they are no longer needed. Example of vulnerabilities: OpenSSH Security Advisory: portable-keysign-rand-helper.adv (April 2011) CWE-403: Exposure of File Descriptor to Unintended Control Sphere (2008) Hijacking Apache https by mod_php (Dec 2003) Apache: Apr should set FD_CLOEXEC if APR_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP is not set (fixed in 2009) PHP: system() (and similar) don’t cleanup opened handles of Apache (not fixed in January 2013) Atomicity Using fcntl() to set the close-on-exec flag is not safe in a multithreaded application. If a thread calls fork() and exec() between the creation of the file descriptor and the call to fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, new_flags): the file descriptor will be inherited by the child process. Modern operating systems offer functions to set the flag during the creation of the file descriptor, which avoids the race condition. Portability Python 3.2 added socket.SOCK_CLOEXEC flag, Python 3.3 added os.O_CLOEXEC flag and os.pipe2() function. It is already possible to set atomically close-on-exec flag in Python 3.3 when opening a file and creating a pipe or socket. The problem is that these flags and functions are not portable: only recent versions of operating systems support them. O_CLOEXEC and SOCK_CLOEXEC flags are ignored by old Linux versions and so FD_CLOEXEC flag must be checked using fcntl(fd, F_GETFD). If the kernel ignores O_CLOEXEC or SOCK_CLOEXEC flag, a call to fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags) is required to set close-on-exec flag. Note OpenBSD older 5.2 does not close the file descriptor with close-on-exec flag set if fork() is used before exec(), but it works correctly if exec() is called without fork(). Try openbsd_bug.py. Scope Applications still have to close explicitly file descriptors after a fork(). The close-on-exec flag only closes file descriptors after exec(), and so after fork() + exec(). This PEP only change the close-on-exec flag of file descriptors created by the Python standard library, or by modules using the standard library. Third party modules not using the standard library should be modified to conform to this PEP. The new os.set_cloexec() function can be used for example. Note See Close file descriptors after fork for a possible solution for fork() without exec(). Proposal Add a new optional cloexec parameter on functions creating file descriptors and different ways to change default value of this parameter. Add new functions: os.get_cloexec(fd:int) -> bool: get the close-on-exec flag of a file descriptor. Not available on all platforms. os.set_cloexec(fd:int, cloexec:bool=True): set or clear the close-on-exec flag on a file descriptor. Not available on all platforms. sys.getdefaultcloexec() -> bool: get the current default value of the cloexec parameter sys.setdefaultcloexec(cloexec: bool): set the default value of the cloexec parameter Add a new optional cloexec parameter to: asyncore.dispatcher.create_socket() io.FileIO io.open() open() os.dup() os.dup2() os.fdopen() os.open() os.openpty() os.pipe() select.devpoll() select.epoll() select.kqueue() socket.socket() socket.socket.accept() socket.socket.dup() socket.socket.fromfd socket.socketpair() The default value of the cloexec parameter is sys.getdefaultcloexec(). Add a new command line option -e and an environment variable PYTHONCLOEXEC to the set close-on-exec flag by default. subprocess clears the close-on-exec flag of file descriptors of the pass_fds parameter. All functions creating file descriptors in the standard library must respect the default value of the cloexec parameter: sys.getdefaultcloexec(). File descriptors 0 (stdin), 1 (stdout) and 2 (stderr) are expected to be inherited, but Python does not handle them differently. When os.dup2() is used to replace standard streams, cloexec=False must be specified explicitly. Drawbacks of the proposal: It is not more possible to know if the close-on-exec flag will be set or not on a newly created file descriptor just by reading the source code. If the inheritance of a file descriptor matters, the cloexec parameter must now be specified explicitly, or the library or the application will not work depending on the default value of the cloexec parameter. Alternatives Inheritance enabled by default, default no configurable Add a new optional parameter cloexec on functions creating file descriptors. The default value of the cloexec parameter is False, and this default cannot be changed. File descriptor inheritance enabled by default is also the default on POSIX and on Windows. This alternative is the most conservative option. This option does not solve issues listed in the Rationale section, it only provides a helper to fix them. All functions creating file descriptors have to be modified to set cloexec=True in each module used by an application to fix all these issues. Inheritance enabled by default, default can only be set to True This alternative is based on the proposal: the only difference is that sys.setdefaultcloexec() does not take any argument, it can only be used to set the default value of the cloexec parameter to True. Disable inheritance by default This alternative is based on the proposal: the only difference is that the default value of the cloexec parameter is True (instead of False). If a file must be inherited by child processes, cloexec=False parameter can be used. Advantages of setting close-on-exec flag by default: There are far more programs that are bitten by FD inheritance upon exec (see Inherited file descriptors issues and Security) than programs relying on it (see Applications using inheritance of file descriptors). Drawbacks of setting close-on-exec flag by default: It violates the principle of least surprise. Developers using the os module may expect that Python respects the POSIX standard and so that close-on-exec flag is not set by default. The os module is written as a thin wrapper to system calls (to functions of the C standard library). If atomic flags to set close-on-exec flag are not supported (see Appendix: Operating system support), a single Python function call may call 2 or 3 system calls (see Performances section). Extra system calls, if any, may slow down Python: see Performances. Backward compatibility: only a few programs rely on inheritance of file descriptors, and they only pass a few file descriptors, usually just one. These programs will fail immediately with EBADF error, and it will be simple to fix them: add cloexec=False parameter or use os.set_cloexec(fd, False). The subprocess module will be changed anyway to clear close-on-exec flag on file descriptors listed in the pass_fds parameter of Popen constructor. So it possible that these programs will not need any fix if they use the subprocess module. Close file descriptors after fork This PEP does not fix issues with applications using fork() without exec(). Python needs a generic process to register callbacks which would be called after a fork, see #16500: Add an atfork module. Such registry could be used to close file descriptors just after a fork(). Drawbacks: It does not solve the problem on Windows: fork() does not exist on Windows This alternative does not solve the problem for programs using exec() without fork(). A third party module may call directly the C function fork() which will not call “atfork” callbacks. All functions creating file descriptors must be changed to register a callback and then unregister their callback when the file is closed. Or a list of all open file descriptors must be maintained. The operating system is a better place than Python to close automatically file descriptors. For example, it is not easy to avoid a race condition between closing the file and unregistering the callback closing the file. open(): add “e” flag to mode A new “e” mode would set close-on-exec flag (best-effort). This alternative only solves the problem for open(). socket.socket() and os.pipe() do not have a mode parameter for example. Since its version 2.7, the GNU libc supports "e" flag for fopen(). It uses O_CLOEXEC if available, or use fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC). With Visual Studio, fopen() accepts a “N” flag which uses O_NOINHERIT. Bikeshedding on the name of the new parameter inherit, inherited: closer to Windows definition sensitive sterile: “Does not produce offspring.” Applications using inheritance of file descriptors Most developers don’t know that file descriptors are inherited by default. Most programs do not rely on inheritance of file descriptors. For example, subprocess.Popen was changed in Python 3.2 to close all file descriptors greater than 2 in the child process by default. No user complained about this behavior change yet. Network servers using fork may want to pass the client socket to the child process. For example, on UNIX a CGI server pass the socket client through file descriptors 0 (stdin) and 1 (stdout) using dup2(). To access a restricted resource like creating a socket listening on a TCP port lower than 1024 or reading a file containing sensitive data like passwords, a common practice is: start as the root user, create a file descriptor, create a child process, drop privileges (ex: change the current user), pass the file descriptor to the child process and exit the parent process. Security is very important in such use case: leaking another file descriptor would be a critical security vulnerability (see Security). The root process may not exit but monitors the child process instead, and restarts a new child process and pass the same file descriptor if the previous child process crashed. Example of programs taking file descriptors from the parent process using a command line option: gpg: --status-fd <fd>, --logger-fd <fd>, etc. openssl: -pass fd:<fd> qemu: -add-fd <fd> valgrind: --log-fd=<fd>, --input-fd=<fd>, etc. xterm: -S <fd> On Linux, it is possible to use "/dev/fd/<fd>" filename to pass a file descriptor to a program expecting a filename. Performances Setting close-on-exec flag may require additional system calls for each creation of new file descriptors. The number of additional system calls depends on the method used to set the flag: O_NOINHERIT: no additional system call O_CLOEXEC: one additional system call, but only at the creation of the first file descriptor, to check if the flag is supported. If the flag is not supported, Python has to fallback to the next method. ioctl(fd, FIOCLEX): one additional system call per file descriptor fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags): two additional system calls per file descriptor, one to get old flags and one to set new flags On Linux, setting the close-on-flag has a low overhead on performances. Results of bench_cloexec.py on Linux 3.6: close-on-flag not set: 7.8 us O_CLOEXEC: 1% slower (7.9 us) ioctl(): 3% slower (8.0 us) fcntl(): 3% slower (8.0 us) Implementation os.get_cloexec(fd) Get the close-on-exec flag of a file descriptor. Pseudo-code: if os.name == 'nt': def get_cloexec(fd): handle = _winapi._get_osfhandle(fd); flags = _winapi.GetHandleInformation(handle) return not(flags & _winapi.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT) else: try: import fcntl except ImportError: pass else: def get_cloexec(fd): flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) return bool(flags & fcntl.FD_CLOEXEC) os.set_cloexec(fd, cloexec=True) Set or clear the close-on-exec flag on a file descriptor. The flag is set after the creation of the file descriptor and so it is not atomic. Pseudo-code: if os.name == 'nt': def set_cloexec(fd, cloexec=True): handle = _winapi._get_osfhandle(fd); mask = _winapi.HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT if cloexec: flags = 0 else: flags = mask _winapi.SetHandleInformation(handle, mask, flags) else: fnctl = None ioctl = None try: import ioctl except ImportError: try: import fcntl except ImportError: pass if ioctl is not None and hasattr('FIOCLEX', ioctl): def set_cloexec(fd, cloexec=True): if cloexec: ioctl.ioctl(fd, ioctl.FIOCLEX) else: ioctl.ioctl(fd, ioctl.FIONCLEX) elif fnctl is not None: def set_cloexec(fd, cloexec=True): flags = fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_GETFD) if cloexec: flags |= FD_CLOEXEC else: flags &= ~FD_CLOEXEC fcntl.fcntl(fd, fcntl.F_SETFD, flags) ioctl is preferred over fcntl because it requires only one syscall, instead of two syscalls for fcntl. Note fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags) only supports one flag (FD_CLOEXEC), so it would be possible to avoid fcntl(fd, F_GETFD). But it may drop other flags in the future, and so it is safer to keep the two functions calls. Note fopen() function of the GNU libc ignores the error if fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags) failed. open() Windows: open() with O_NOINHERIT flag [atomic] open() with O_CLOEXEC flag [atomic] open() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] os.dup() Windows: DuplicateHandle() [atomic] fcntl(fd, F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC) [atomic] dup() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] os.dup2() fcntl(fd, F_DUP2FD_CLOEXEC, fd2) [atomic] dup3() with O_CLOEXEC flag [atomic] dup2() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] os.pipe() Windows: CreatePipe() with SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES.bInheritHandle=TRUE, or _pipe() with O_NOINHERIT flag [atomic] pipe2() with O_CLOEXEC flag [atomic] pipe() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] socket.socket() Windows: WSASocket() with WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT flag [atomic] socket() with SOCK_CLOEXEC flag [atomic] socket() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] socket.socketpair() socketpair() with SOCK_CLOEXEC flag [atomic] socketpair() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] socket.socket.accept() accept4() with SOCK_CLOEXEC flag [atomic] accept() + os.set_cloexec(fd, True) [best-effort] Backward compatibility There is no backward incompatible change. The default behaviour is unchanged: the close-on-exec flag is not set by default. Appendix: Operating system support Windows Windows has an O_NOINHERIT flag: “Do not inherit in child processes”. For example, it is supported by open() and _pipe(). The flag can be cleared using SetHandleInformation(fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0). CreateProcess() has an bInheritHandles parameter: if it is FALSE, the handles are not inherited. If it is TRUE, handles with HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT flag set are inherited. subprocess.Popen uses close_fds option to define bInheritHandles. ioctl Functions: ioctl(fd, FIOCLEX, 0): set the close-on-exec flag ioctl(fd, FIONCLEX, 0): clear the close-on-exec flag Availability: Linux, Mac OS X, QNX, NetBSD, OpenBSD, FreeBSD. fcntl Functions: flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags | FD_CLOEXEC): set the close-on-exec flag flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags & ~FD_CLOEXEC): clear the close-on-exec flag Availability: AIX, Digital UNIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, IRIX, Linux, Mac OS X, OpenBSD, Solaris, SunOS, Unicos. Atomic flags New flags: O_CLOEXEC: available on Linux (2.6.23), FreeBSD (8.3), OpenBSD 5.0, Solaris 11, QNX, BeOS, next NetBSD release (6.1?). This flag is part of POSIX.1-2008. SOCK_CLOEXEC flag for socket() and socketpair(), available on Linux 2.6.27, OpenBSD 5.2, NetBSD 6.0. WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT flag for WSASocket(): supported on Windows 7 with SP1, Windows Server 2008 R2 with SP1, and later fcntl(): F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC flag, available on Linux 2.6.24, OpenBSD 5.0, FreeBSD 9.1, NetBSD 6.0, Solaris 11. This flag is part of POSIX.1-2008. fcntl(): F_DUP2FD_CLOEXEC flag, available on FreeBSD 9.1 and Solaris 11. recvmsg(): MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC, available on Linux 2.6.23, NetBSD 6.0. On Linux older than 2.6.23, O_CLOEXEC flag is simply ignored. So we have to check that the flag is supported by calling fcntl(). If it does not work, we have to set the flag using ioctl() or fcntl(). On Linux older than 2.6.27, if the SOCK_CLOEXEC flag is set in the socket type, socket() or socketpair() fail and errno is set to EINVAL. On Windows XPS3, WSASocket() with WSAEPROTOTYPE when WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT flag is used. New functions: dup3(): available on Linux 2.6.27 (and glibc 2.9) pipe2(): available on Linux 2.6.27 (and glibc 2.9) accept4(): available on Linux 2.6.28 (and glibc 2.10) If accept4() is called on Linux older than 2.6.28, accept4() returns -1 (fail) and errno is set to ENOSYS. Links Links: Secure File Descriptor Handling (Ulrich Drepper, 2008) win32_support.py of the Tornado project: emulate fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) using SetHandleInformation(fd, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 1) LKML: [PATCH] nextfd(2) Python issues: #10115: Support accept4() for atomic setting of flags at socket creation #12105: open() does not able to set flags, such as O_CLOEXEC #12107: TCP listening sockets created without FD_CLOEXEC flag #16500: Add an atfork module #16850: Add “e” mode to open(): close-and-exec (O_CLOEXEC) / O_NOINHERIT #16860: Use O_CLOEXEC in the tempfile module #17036: Implementation of the PEP 433 #16946: subprocess: _close_open_fd_range_safe() does not set close-on-exec flag on Linux < 2.6.23 if O_CLOEXEC is defined #17070: PEP 433: Use the new cloexec to improve security and avoid bugs Other languages: Perl sets the close-on-exec flag on newly created file descriptor if their number is greater than $SYSTEM_FD_MAX ($^F). See $SYSTEM_FD_MAX documentation. Perl does this since the creation of Perl (it was already present in Perl 1). Ruby: Set FD_CLOEXEC for all fds (except 0, 1, 2) Ruby: O_CLOEXEC flag missing for Kernel::open: the commit was reverted later OCaml: PR#5256: Processes opened using Unix.open_process* inherit all opened file descriptors (including sockets). OCaml has a Unix.set_close_on_exec function. Footnotes [1] On UNIX since Python 3.2, subprocess.Popen() closes all file descriptors by default: close_fds=True. It closes file descriptors in range 3 inclusive to local_max_fd exclusive, where local_max_fd is fcntl(0, F_MAXFD) on NetBSD, or sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX) otherwise. If the error pipe has a descriptor smaller than 3, ValueError is raised. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 433 – Easier suppression of file descriptor inheritance
Standards Track
Add a new optional cloexec parameter on functions creating file descriptors, add different ways to change default values of this parameter, and add four new functions:
PEP 435 – Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Eli Bendersky <eliben at gmail.com>, Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 23-Feb-2013 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 23-Feb-2013, 02-May-2013 Replaces: 354 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Status of discussions Motivation Module and type name Proposed semantics for the new enumeration type Creating an Enum Programmatic access to enumeration members Duplicating enum members and values Comparisons Allowed members and attributes of enumerations Restricted subclassing of enumerations IntEnum Other derived enumerations Pickling Functional API Proposed variations flufl.enum Not having to specify values for enums Using special names or forms to auto-assign enum values Use-cases in the standard library Acknowledgments References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding an enumeration type to the Python standard library. An enumeration is a set of symbolic names bound to unique, constant values. Within an enumeration, the values can be compared by identity, and the enumeration itself can be iterated over. Status of discussions The idea of adding an enum type to Python is not new - PEP 354 is a previous attempt that was rejected in 2005. Recently a new set of discussions was initiated [3] on the python-ideas mailing list. Many new ideas were proposed in several threads; after a lengthy discussion Guido proposed adding flufl.enum to the standard library [4]. During the PyCon 2013 language summit the issue was discussed further. It became clear that many developers want to see an enum that subclasses int, which can allow us to replace many integer constants in the standard library by enums with friendly string representations, without ceding backwards compatibility. An additional discussion among several interested core developers led to the proposal of having IntEnum as a special case of Enum. The key dividing issue between Enum and IntEnum is whether comparing to integers is semantically meaningful. For most uses of enumerations, it’s a feature to reject comparison to integers; enums that compare to integers lead, through transitivity, to comparisons between enums of unrelated types, which isn’t desirable in most cases. For some uses, however, greater interoperability with integers is desired. For instance, this is the case for replacing existing standard library constants (such as socket.AF_INET) with enumerations. Further discussion in late April 2013 led to the conclusion that enumeration members should belong to the type of their enum: type(Color.red) == Color. Guido has pronounced a decision on this issue [5], as well as related issues of not allowing to subclass enums [6], unless they define no enumeration members [7]. The PEP was accepted by Guido on May 10th, 2013 [1]. Motivation [Based partly on the Motivation stated in PEP 354] The properties of an enumeration are useful for defining an immutable, related set of constant values that may or may not have a semantic meaning. Classic examples are days of the week (Sunday through Saturday) and school assessment grades (‘A’ through ‘D’, and ‘F’). Other examples include error status values and states within a defined process. It is possible to simply define a sequence of values of some other basic type, such as int or str, to represent discrete arbitrary values. However, an enumeration ensures that such values are distinct from any others including, importantly, values within other enumerations, and that operations without meaning (“Wednesday times two”) are not defined for these values. It also provides a convenient printable representation of enum values without requiring tedious repetition while defining them (i.e. no GREEN = 'green'). Module and type name We propose to add a module named enum to the standard library. The main type exposed by this module is Enum. Hence, to import the Enum type user code will run: >>> from enum import Enum Proposed semantics for the new enumeration type Creating an Enum Enumerations are created using the class syntax, which makes them easy to read and write. An alternative creation method is described in Functional API. To define an enumeration, subclass Enum as follows: >>> from enum import Enum >>> class Color(Enum): ... red = 1 ... green = 2 ... blue = 3 A note on nomenclature: we call Color an enumeration (or enum) and Color.red, Color.green are enumeration members (or enum members). Enumeration members also have values (the value of Color.red is 1, etc.) Enumeration members have human readable string representations: >>> print(Color.red) Color.red …while their repr has more information: >>> print(repr(Color.red)) <Color.red: 1> The type of an enumeration member is the enumeration it belongs to: >>> type(Color.red) <Enum 'Color'> >>> isinstance(Color.green, Color) True >>> Enums also have a property that contains just their item name: >>> print(Color.red.name) red Enumerations support iteration, in definition order: >>> class Shake(Enum): ... vanilla = 7 ... chocolate = 4 ... cookies = 9 ... mint = 3 ... >>> for shake in Shake: ... print(shake) ... Shake.vanilla Shake.chocolate Shake.cookies Shake.mint Enumeration members are hashable, so they can be used in dictionaries and sets: >>> apples = {} >>> apples[Color.red] = 'red delicious' >>> apples[Color.green] = 'granny smith' >>> apples {<Color.red: 1>: 'red delicious', <Color.green: 2>: 'granny smith'} Programmatic access to enumeration members Sometimes it’s useful to access members in enumerations programmatically (i.e. situations where Color.red won’t do because the exact color is not known at program-writing time). Enum allows such access: >>> Color(1) <Color.red: 1> >>> Color(3) <Color.blue: 3> If you want to access enum members by name, use item access: >>> Color['red'] <Color.red: 1> >>> Color['green'] <Color.green: 2> Duplicating enum members and values Having two enum members with the same name is invalid: >>> class Shape(Enum): ... square = 2 ... square = 3 ... Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Attempted to reuse key: square However, two enum members are allowed to have the same value. Given two members A and B with the same value (and A defined first), B is an alias to A. By-value lookup of the value of A and B will return A. By-name lookup of B will also return A: >>> class Shape(Enum): ... square = 2 ... diamond = 1 ... circle = 3 ... alias_for_square = 2 ... >>> Shape.square <Shape.square: 2> >>> Shape.alias_for_square <Shape.square: 2> >>> Shape(2) <Shape.square: 2> Iterating over the members of an enum does not provide the aliases: >>> list(Shape) [<Shape.square: 2>, <Shape.diamond: 1>, <Shape.circle: 3>] The special attribute __members__ is an ordered dictionary mapping names to members. It includes all names defined in the enumeration, including the aliases: >>> for name, member in Shape.__members__.items(): ... name, member ... ('square', <Shape.square: 2>) ('diamond', <Shape.diamond: 1>) ('circle', <Shape.circle: 3>) ('alias_for_square', <Shape.square: 2>) The __members__ attribute can be used for detailed programmatic access to the enumeration members. For example, finding all the aliases: >>> [name for name, member in Shape.__members__.items() if member.name != name] ['alias_for_square'] Comparisons Enumeration members are compared by identity: >>> Color.red is Color.red True >>> Color.red is Color.blue False >>> Color.red is not Color.blue True Ordered comparisons between enumeration values are not supported. Enums are not integers (but see IntEnum below): >>> Color.red < Color.blue Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> TypeError: unorderable types: Color() < Color() Equality comparisons are defined though: >>> Color.blue == Color.red False >>> Color.blue != Color.red True >>> Color.blue == Color.blue True Comparisons against non-enumeration values will always compare not equal (again, IntEnum was explicitly designed to behave differently, see below): >>> Color.blue == 2 False Allowed members and attributes of enumerations The examples above use integers for enumeration values. Using integers is short and handy (and provided by default by the Functional API), but not strictly enforced. In the vast majority of use-cases, one doesn’t care what the actual value of an enumeration is. But if the value is important, enumerations can have arbitrary values. Enumerations are Python classes, and can have methods and special methods as usual. If we have this enumeration: class Mood(Enum): funky = 1 happy = 3 def describe(self): # self is the member here return self.name, self.value def __str__(self): return 'my custom str! {0}'.format(self.value) @classmethod def favorite_mood(cls): # cls here is the enumeration return cls.happy Then: >>> Mood.favorite_mood() <Mood.happy: 3> >>> Mood.happy.describe() ('happy', 3) >>> str(Mood.funky) 'my custom str! 1' The rules for what is allowed are as follows: all attributes defined within an enumeration will become members of this enumeration, with the exception of __dunder__ names and descriptors [9]; methods are descriptors too. Restricted subclassing of enumerations Subclassing an enumeration is allowed only if the enumeration does not define any members. So this is forbidden: >>> class MoreColor(Color): ... pink = 17 ... TypeError: Cannot extend enumerations But this is allowed: >>> class Foo(Enum): ... def some_behavior(self): ... pass ... >>> class Bar(Foo): ... happy = 1 ... sad = 2 ... The rationale for this decision was given by Guido in [6]. Allowing to subclass enums that define members would lead to a violation of some important invariants of types and instances. On the other hand, it makes sense to allow sharing some common behavior between a group of enumerations, and subclassing empty enumerations is also used to implement IntEnum. IntEnum A variation of Enum is proposed which is also a subclass of int. Members of an IntEnum can be compared to integers; by extension, integer enumerations of different types can also be compared to each other: >>> from enum import IntEnum >>> class Shape(IntEnum): ... circle = 1 ... square = 2 ... >>> class Request(IntEnum): ... post = 1 ... get = 2 ... >>> Shape == 1 False >>> Shape.circle == 1 True >>> Shape.circle == Request.post True However they still can’t be compared to Enum: >>> class Shape(IntEnum): ... circle = 1 ... square = 2 ... >>> class Color(Enum): ... red = 1 ... green = 2 ... >>> Shape.circle == Color.red False IntEnum values behave like integers in other ways you’d expect: >>> int(Shape.circle) 1 >>> ['a', 'b', 'c'][Shape.circle] 'b' >>> [i for i in range(Shape.square)] [0, 1] For the vast majority of code, Enum is strongly recommended, since IntEnum breaks some semantic promises of an enumeration (by being comparable to integers, and thus by transitivity to other unrelated enumerations). It should be used only in special cases where there’s no other choice; for example, when integer constants are replaced with enumerations and backwards compatibility is required with code that still expects integers. Other derived enumerations IntEnum will be part of the enum module. However, it would be very simple to implement independently: class IntEnum(int, Enum): pass This demonstrates how similar derived enumerations can be defined, for example a StrEnum that mixes in str instead of int. Some rules: When subclassing Enum, mix-in types must appear before Enum itself in the sequence of bases, as in the IntEnum example above. While Enum can have members of any type, once you mix in an additional type, all the members must have values of that type, e.g. int above. This restriction does not apply to mix-ins which only add methods and don’t specify another data type such as int or str. Pickling Enumerations can be pickled and unpickled: >>> from enum.tests.fruit import Fruit >>> from pickle import dumps, loads >>> Fruit.tomato is loads(dumps(Fruit.tomato)) True The usual restrictions for pickling apply: picklable enums must be defined in the top level of a module, since unpickling requires them to be importable from that module. Functional API The Enum class is callable, providing the following functional API: >>> Animal = Enum('Animal', 'ant bee cat dog') >>> Animal <Enum 'Animal'> >>> Animal.ant <Animal.ant: 1> >>> Animal.ant.value 1 >>> list(Animal) [<Animal.ant: 1>, <Animal.bee: 2>, <Animal.cat: 3>, <Animal.dog: 4>] The semantics of this API resemble namedtuple. The first argument of the call to Enum is the name of the enumeration. Pickling enums created with the functional API will work on CPython and PyPy, but for IronPython and Jython you may need to specify the module name explicitly as follows: >>> Animals = Enum('Animals', 'ant bee cat dog', module=__name__) The second argument is the source of enumeration member names. It can be a whitespace-separated string of names, a sequence of names, a sequence of 2-tuples with key/value pairs, or a mapping (e.g. dictionary) of names to values. The last two options enable assigning arbitrary values to enumerations; the others auto-assign increasing integers starting with 1. A new class derived from Enum is returned. In other words, the above assignment to Animal is equivalent to: >>> class Animals(Enum): ... ant = 1 ... bee = 2 ... cat = 3 ... dog = 4 The reason for defaulting to 1 as the starting number and not 0 is that 0 is False in a boolean sense, but enum members all evaluate to True. Proposed variations Some variations were proposed during the discussions in the mailing list. Here’s some of the more popular ones. flufl.enum flufl.enum was the reference implementation upon which this PEP was originally based. Eventually, it was decided against the inclusion of flufl.enum because its design separated enumeration members from enumerations, so the former are not instances of the latter. Its design also explicitly permits subclassing enumerations for extending them with more members (due to the member/enum separation, the type invariants are not violated in flufl.enum with such a scheme). Not having to specify values for enums Michael Foord proposed (and Tim Delaney provided a proof-of-concept implementation) to use metaclass magic that makes this possible: class Color(Enum): red, green, blue The values get actually assigned only when first looked up. Pros: cleaner syntax that requires less typing for a very common task (just listing enumeration names without caring about the values). Cons: involves much magic in the implementation, which makes even the definition of such enums baffling when first seen. Besides, explicit is better than implicit. Using special names or forms to auto-assign enum values A different approach to avoid specifying enum values is to use a special name or form to auto assign them. For example: class Color(Enum): red = None # auto-assigned to 0 green = None # auto-assigned to 1 blue = None # auto-assigned to 2 More flexibly: class Color(Enum): red = 7 green = None # auto-assigned to 8 blue = 19 purple = None # auto-assigned to 20 Some variations on this theme: A special name auto imported from the enum package. Georg Brandl proposed ellipsis (...) instead of None to achieve the same effect. Pros: no need to manually enter values. Makes it easier to change the enum and extend it, especially for large enumerations. Cons: actually longer to type in many simple cases. The argument of explicit vs. implicit applies here as well. Use-cases in the standard library The Python standard library has many places where the usage of enums would be beneficial to replace other idioms currently used to represent them. Such usages can be divided to two categories: user-code facing constants, and internal constants. User-code facing constants like os.SEEK_*, socket module constants, decimal rounding modes and HTML error codes could require backwards compatibility since user code may expect integers. IntEnum as described above provides the required semantics; being a subclass of int, it does not affect user code that expects integers, while on the other hand allowing printable representations for enumeration values: >>> import socket >>> family = socket.AF_INET >>> family == 2 True >>> print(family) SocketFamily.AF_INET Internal constants are not seen by user code but are employed internally by stdlib modules. These can be implemented with Enum. Some examples uncovered by a very partial skim through the stdlib: binhex, imaplib, http/client, urllib/robotparser, idlelib, concurrent.futures, turtledemo. In addition, looking at the code of the Twisted library, there are many use cases for replacing internal state constants with enums. The same can be said about a lot of networking code (especially implementation of protocols) and can be seen in test protocols written with the Tulip library as well. Acknowledgments This PEP was initially proposing including the flufl.enum package [8] by Barry Warsaw into the stdlib, and is inspired in large parts by it. Ben Finney is the author of the earlier enumeration PEP 354. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-May/126112.html [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2013-January/019003.html [4] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2013-February/019373.html [5] To make enums behave similarly to Python classes like bool, and behave in a more intuitive way. It would be surprising if the type of Color.red would not be Color. (Discussion in https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-April/125687.html) [6] (1, 2, 3) Subclassing enums and adding new members creates an unresolvable situation; on one hand MoreColor.red and Color.red should not be the same object, and on the other isinstance checks become confusing if they are not. The discussion also links to Stack Overflow discussions that make additional arguments. (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-April/125716.html) [7] It may be useful to have a class defining some behavior (methods, with no actual enumeration members) mixed into an enum, and this would not create the problem discussed in [6]. (Discussion in https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-May/125859.html) [8] http://pythonhosted.org/flufl.enum/ [9] http://docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 435 – Adding an Enum type to the Python standard library
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding an enumeration type to the Python standard library.
PEP 437 – A DSL for specifying signatures, annotations and argument converters Author: Stefan Krah <skrah at bytereef.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Mar-2013 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rejection Notice Rationale Scope DSL overview Type safety and annotations Include/converters.h Function specifications Keyword arguments Define block Declaration C-declarations Cleanup Output Positional-only arguments Left and right optional arguments Flexibility in formatting Benefits of a compact notation Easy validation of the definition Reference implementation Grammar Comparison with PEP 436 Copyright References and Footnotes Abstract The Python C-API currently has no mechanism for specifying and auto-generating function signatures, annotations or custom argument converters. There are several possible approaches to the problem. Cython uses cdef definitions in .pyx files to generate the required information. However, CPython’s C-API functions often require additional initialization and cleanup snippets that would be hard to specify in a cdef. PEP 436 proposes a domain specific language (DSL) enclosed in C comments that largely resembles a per-parameter configuration file. A preprocessor reads the comment and emits an argument parsing function, docstrings and a header for the function that utilizes the results of the parsing step. The latter function is subsequently referred to as the implementation function. Rejection Notice This PEP was rejected by Guido van Rossum at PyCon US 2013. However, several of the specific issues raised by this PEP were taken into account when designing the second iteration of the PEP 436 DSL. Rationale Opinions differ regarding the suitability of the PEP 436 DSL in the context of a C file. This PEP proposes an alternative DSL. The specific issues with PEP 436 that spurred the counter proposal will be explained in the final section of this PEP. Scope The PEP focuses exclusively on the DSL. Topics like the output locations of docstrings or the generated code are outside the scope of this PEP. It is however vital that the DSL is suitable for generating custom argument parsers, a feature that is already implemented in Cython. Therefore, one of the goals of this PEP is to keep the DSL close to existing solutions, thus facilitating a possible inclusion of the relevant parts of Cython into the CPython source tree. DSL overview Type safety and annotations A conversion from a Python to a C value is fully defined by the type of the converter function. The PyArg_Parse* family of functions accepts custom converters in addition to the well-known default converters “i”, “f”, etc. This PEP views the default converters as abstract functions, regardless of how they are actually implemented. Include/converters.h Converter functions must be forward-declared. All converter functions shall be entered into the file Include/converters.h. The file is read by the preprocessor prior to translating .c files. This is an excerpt: /*[converter] ##### Default converters ##### "s": str -> const char *res; "s*": [str, bytes, bytearray, rw_buffer] -> Py_buffer &res; [...] "es#": str -> (const char *res_encoding, char **res, Py_ssize_t *res_length); [...] ##### Custom converters ##### path_converter: [str, bytes, int] -> path_t &res; OS_STAT_DIR_FD_CONVERTER: [int, None] -> int res; [converter_end]*/ Converters are specified by their name, Python input type(s) and C output type(s). Default converters must have quoted names, custom converters must have regular names. A Python type is given by its name. If a function accepts multiple Python types, the set is written in list form. Since the default converters may have multiple implicit return values, the C output type(s) are written according to the following convention: The main return value must be named res. This is a placeholder for the actual variable name given later in the DSL. Additional implicit return values must be prefixed by res_. By default the variables are passed by value to the implementation function. If the address should be passed instead, res must be prefixed with an ampersand. Additional declarations may be placed into .c files. Duplicate declarations are allowed as long as the function types are identical. It is encouraged to declare custom converter types a second time right above the converter function definition. The preprocessor will then catch any mismatch between the declarations. In order to keep the converter complexity manageable, PY_SSIZE_T_CLEAN will be deprecated and Py_ssize_t will be assumed for all length arguments. TBD: Make a list of fantasy types like rw_buffer. Function specifications Keyword arguments This example contains the definition of os.stat. The individual sections will be explained in detail. Grammatically, the whole define block consists of a function specification and an output section. The function specification in turn consists of a declaration section, an optional C-declaration section and an optional cleanup code section. Sections within the function specification are separated in yacc style by ‘%%’: /*[define posix_stat] def os.stat(path: path_converter, *, dir_fd: OS_STAT_DIR_FD_CONVERTER = None, follow_symlinks: "p" = True) -> os.stat_result: pass %% path_t path = PATH_T_INITIALIZE("stat", 0, 1); int dir_fd = DEFAULT_DIR_FD; int follow_symlinks = 1; %% path_cleanup(&path); [define_end]*/ <literal C output> /*[define_output_end]*/ Define block The function specification block starts with a /*[define token, followed by an optional C function name, followed by a right bracket. If the C function name is not given, it is generated from the declaration name. In the example, omitting the name posix_stat would result in a C function name of os_stat. Declaration The required declaration is (almost) a valid Python function definition. The ‘def’ keyword and the function body are redundant, but the author of this PEP finds the definition more readable if they are present. The function name may be a path instead of a plain identifier. Each argument is annotated with the name of the converter function that will be applied to it. Default values are given in the usual Python manner and may be any valid Python expression. The return value may be any Python expression. Usually it will be the name of an object, but alternative return values could be specified in list form. C-declarations This optional section contains C variable declarations. Since the converter functions have been declared beforehand, the preprocessor can type-check the declarations. Cleanup The optional cleanup section contains literal C code that will be inserted unmodified after the implementation function. Output The output section contains the code emitted by the preprocessor. Positional-only arguments Functions that do not take keyword arguments are indicated by the presence of the slash special parameter: /*[define stat_float_times] def os.stat_float_times(/, newval: "i") -> os.stat_result: pass %% int newval = -1; [define_end]*/ The preprocessor translates this definition to a PyArg_ParseTuple() call. All arguments to the right of the slash are optional arguments. Left and right optional arguments Some legacy functions contain optional arguments groups both to the left and right of a central parameter. It is debatable whether a new tool should support such functions. For completeness’ sake, this is the proposed syntax: /*[define] def curses.window.addch(y: "i", x: "i", ch: "O", attr: "l") -> None: pass where groups = [[ch], [ch, attr], [y, x, ch], [y, x, ch, attr]] [define_end]*/ Here ch is the central parameter, attr can optionally be added on the right, and the group [y, x] can optionally be added on the left. Essentially the rule is that all ordered combinations of the central parameter and the optional groups must be possible such that no two combinations have the same length. This is concisely expressed by putting the central parameter first in the list and subsequently adding the optional arguments groups to the left and right. Flexibility in formatting If the above os.stat example is considered too compact, it can easily be formatted this way: /*[define posix_stat] def os.stat(path: path_converter, *, dir_fd: OS_STAT_DIR_FD_CONVERTER = None, follow_symlinks: "p" = True) -> os.stat_result: pass %% path_t path = PATH_T_INITIALIZE("stat", 0, 1); int dir_fd = DEFAULT_DIR_FD; int follow_symlinks = 1; %% path_cleanup(&path); [define_end]*/ <literal C output> /*[define_output_end]*/ Benefits of a compact notation The advantages of a concise notation are especially obvious when a large number of parameters is involved. The argument parsing part of _posixsubprocess.fork_exec is fully specified by this definition: /*[define subprocess_fork_exec] def _posixsubprocess.fork_exec( process_args: "O", executable_list: "O", close_fds: "p", py_fds_to_keep: "O", cwd_obj: "O", env_list: "O", p2cread: "i", p2cwrite: "i", c2pread: "i", c2pwrite: "i", errread: "i", errwrite: "i", errpipe_read: "i", errpipe_write: "i", restore_signals: "i", call_setsid: "i", preexec_fn: "i", /) -> int: pass [define_end]*/ Note that the preprocess tool currently emits a redundant C-declaration section for this example, so the output is longer than necessary. Easy validation of the definition How can an inexperienced user validate a definition like os.stat? Simply by changing os.stat to os_stat, defining missing converters and pasting the definition into the Python interactive interpreter! In fact, a converters.py module could be auto-generated from converters.h. Reference implementation A reference implementation is available at issue 16612. Since this PEP was written under time constraints and the author is unfamiliar with the PLY toolchain, the software is written in Standard ML and utilizes the ml-yacc/ml-lex toolchain. The grammar is conflict-free and available in ml-yacc readable BNF form. Two tools are available: printsemant reads a converter header and a .c file and dumps the semantically checked parse tree to stdout. preprocess reads a converter header and a .c file and dumps the preprocessed .c file to stdout. Known deficiencies: The Python ‘test’ expression is not semantically checked. The syntax however is checked since it is part of the grammar. The lexer does not handle triple quoted strings. C declarations are parsed in a primitive way. The final implementation should utilize ‘declarator’ and ‘init-declarator’ from the C grammar. The preprocess tool does not emit code for the left-and-right optional arguments case. The printsemant tool can deal with this case. Since the preprocess tool generates the output from the parse tree, the original indentation of the define block is lost. Grammar TBD: The grammar exists in ml-yacc readable form, but should probably be included here in EBNF notation. Comparison with PEP 436 The author of this PEP has the following concerns about the DSL proposed in PEP 436: The whitespace sensitive configuration file like syntax looks out of place in a C file. The structure of the function definition gets lost in the per-parameter specifications. Keywords like positional-only, required and keyword-only are scattered across too many different places.By contrast, in the alternative DSL the structure of the function definition can be understood at a single glance. The PEP 436 DSL has 14 documented flags and at least one undocumented (allow_fd) flag. Figuring out which of the 2**15 possible combinations are valid places an unnecessary burden on the user.Experience with the PEP 3118 buffer flags has shown that sorting out (and exhaustively testing!) valid combinations is an extremely tedious task. The PEP 3118 flags are still not well understood by many people. By contrast, the alternative DSL has a central file Include/converters.h that can be quickly searched for the desired converter. Many of the converters are already known, perhaps even memorized by people (due to frequent use). The PEP 436 DSL allows too much freedom. Types can apparently be omitted, the preprocessor accepts (and ignores) unknown keywords, sometimes adding white space after a docstring results in an assertion error.The alternative DSL on the other hand allows no such freedoms. Omitting converter or return value annotations is plainly a syntax error. The LALR(1) grammar is unambiguous and specified for the complete translation unit. Copyright This document is licensed under the Open Publication License. References and Footnotes
PEP 437 – A DSL for specifying signatures, annotations and argument converters
Standards Track
The Python C-API currently has no mechanism for specifying and auto-generating function signatures, annotations or custom argument converters.
PEP 446 – Make newly created file descriptors non-inheritable Author: Victor Stinner <vstinner at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 05-Aug-2013 Python-Version: 3.4 Replaces: 433 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Inheritance of File Descriptors Inheritance of File Descriptors on Windows Only Inherit Some Handles on Windows Inheritance of File Descriptors on UNIX Issues with Inheritable File Descriptors Security Vulnerability Issues fixed in the subprocess module Atomic Creation of non-inheritable File Descriptors Status of Python 3.3 Closing All Open File Descriptors Proposal Non-inheritable File Descriptors New Functions And Methods Other Changes Backward Compatibility Related Work Rejected Alternatives Add a new open_noinherit() function PEP 433 Python Issues Copyright Abstract Leaking file descriptors in child processes causes various annoying issues and is a known major security vulnerability. Using the subprocess module with the close_fds parameter set to True is not possible in all cases. This PEP proposes to make all file descriptors created by Python non-inheritable by default to reduce the risk of these issues. This PEP fixes also a race condition in multi-threaded applications on operating systems supporting atomic flags to create non-inheritable file descriptors. We are aware of the code breakage this is likely to cause, and doing it anyway for the good of mankind. (Details in the section “Backward Compatibility” below.) Rationale Inheritance of File Descriptors Each operating system handles the inheritance of file descriptors differently. Windows creates non-inheritable handles by default, whereas UNIX and the POSIX API on Windows create inheritable file descriptors by default. Python prefers the POSIX API over the native Windows API, to have a single code base and to use the same type for file descriptors, and so it creates inheritable file descriptors. There is one exception: os.pipe() creates non-inheritable pipes on Windows, whereas it creates inheritable pipes on UNIX. The reason is an implementation artifact: os.pipe() calls CreatePipe() on Windows (native API), whereas it calls pipe() on UNIX (POSIX API). The call to CreatePipe() was added in Python in 1994, before the introduction of pipe() in the POSIX API in Windows 98. The issue #4708 proposes to change os.pipe() on Windows to create inheritable pipes. Inheritance of File Descriptors on Windows On Windows, the native type of file objects is handles (C type HANDLE). These handles have a HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT flag which defines if a handle can be inherited in a child process or not. For the POSIX API, the C runtime (CRT) also provides file descriptors (C type int). The handle of a file descriptor can be retrieve using the function _get_osfhandle(fd). A file descriptor can be created from a handle using the function _open_osfhandle(handle). Using CreateProcess(), handles are only inherited if their inheritable flag (HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT) is set and the bInheritHandles parameter of CreateProcess() is TRUE; all file descriptors except standard streams (0, 1, 2) are closed in the child process, even if bInheritHandles is TRUE. Using the spawnv() function, all inheritable handles and all inheritable file descriptors are inherited in the child process. This function uses the undocumented fields cbReserved2 and lpReserved2 of the STARTUPINFO structure to pass an array of file descriptors. To replace standard streams (stdin, stdout, stderr) using CreateProcess(), the STARTF_USESTDHANDLES flag must be set in the dwFlags field of the STARTUPINFO structure and the bInheritHandles parameter of CreateProcess() must be set to TRUE. So when at least one standard stream is replaced, all inheritable handles are inherited by the child process. The default value of the close_fds parameter of subprocess process is True (bInheritHandles=FALSE) if stdin, stdout and stderr parameters are None, False (bInheritHandles=TRUE) otherwise. See also: Handle Inheritance Stackoverflow: Can TCP SOCKET handles be set not inheritable? Only Inherit Some Handles on Windows Since Windows Vista, CreateProcess() supports an extension of the STARTUPINFO structure: the STARTUPINFOEX structure. Using this new structure, it is possible to specify a list of handles to inherit: PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST. Read Programmatically controlling which handles are inherited by new processes in Win32 (Raymond Chen, Dec 2011) for more information. Before Windows Vista, it is possible to make handles inheritable and call CreateProcess() with bInheritHandles=TRUE. This option works if all other handles are non-inheritable. There is a race condition: if another thread calls CreateProcess() with bInheritHandles=TRUE, handles will also be inherited in the second process. Microsoft suggests to use a lock to avoid the race condition: read Q315939: PRB: Child Inherits Unintended Handles During CreateProcess Call (last review: November 2006). The Python issue #16500 “Add an atfork module” proposes to add such lock, it can be used to make handles non-inheritable without the race condition. Such lock only protects against a race condition between Python threads; C threads are not protected. Another option is to duplicate handles that must be inherited, passing the values of the duplicated handles to the child process, so the child process can steal duplicated handles using DuplicateHandle() with DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE. Handle values change between the parent and the child process because the handles are duplicated (twice); the parent and/or the child process must be adapted to handle this change. If the child program cannot be modified, an intermediate program can be used to steal handles from the parent process before spawning the final child program. The intermediate program has to pass the handle from the child process to the parent process. The parent may have to close duplicated handles if all handles were not stolen, for example if the intermediate process fails. If the command line is used to pass the handle values, the command line must be modified when handles are duplicated, because their values are modified. This PEP does not include a solution to this problem because there is no perfect solution working on all Windows versions. This point is deferred until use cases relying on handle or file descriptor inheritance on Windows are well known, so we can choose the best solution and carefully test its implementation. Inheritance of File Descriptors on UNIX POSIX provides a close-on-exec flag on file descriptors to automatically close a file descriptor when the C function execv() is called. File descriptors with the close-on-exec flag cleared are inherited in the child process, file descriptors with the flag set are closed in the child process. The flag can be set in two syscalls (one to get current flags, a second to set new flags) using fcntl(): int flags, res; flags = fcntl(fd, F_GETFD); if (flags == -1) { /* handle the error */ } flags |= FD_CLOEXEC; /* or "flags &= ~FD_CLOEXEC;" to clear the flag */ res = fcntl(fd, F_SETFD, flags); if (res == -1) { /* handle the error */ } FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, NetBSD, OpenBSD and QNX also support setting the flag in a single syscall using ioctl(): int res; res = ioctl(fd, FIOCLEX, 0); if (!res) { /* handle the error */ } NOTE: The close-on-exec flag has no effect on fork(): all file descriptors are inherited by the child process. The Python issue #16500 “Add an atfork module” proposes to add a new atfork module to execute code at fork, which may be used to automatically close file descriptors. Issues with Inheritable File Descriptors Most of the time, inheritable file descriptors “leaked” to child processes are not noticed, because they don’t cause major bugs. It does not mean that these bugs must not be fixed. Two common issues with inherited file descriptors: On Windows, a directory cannot be removed before all file handles open in the directory are closed. The same issue can be seen with files, except if the file was created with the FILE_SHARE_DELETE flag (O_TEMPORARY mode for open()). If a listening socket is leaked to a child process, the socket address cannot be reused before the parent and child processes terminated. For example, if a web server spawns a new program to handle a process, and the server restarts while the program is not done, the server cannot start because the TCP port is still in use. Example of issues in open source projects: Mozilla (Firefox): open since 2002-05 dbus library: fixed in 2008-05 (dbus commit), close file descriptors in the child process autofs: fixed in 2009-02, set the CLOEXEC flag qemu: fixed in 2009-12 (qemu commit), set CLOEXEC flag Tor: fixed in 2010-12, set CLOEXEC flag OCaml: open since 2011-04, “PR#5256: Processes opened using Unix.open_process* inherit all opened file descriptors (including sockets)” ØMQ: open since 2012-08 Squid: open since 2012-07 See also: Excuse me son, but your code is leaking !!! (Dan Walsh, March 2012) for SELinux issues with leaked file descriptors. Security Vulnerability Leaking sensitive file handles and file descriptors can lead to security vulnerabilities. An untrusted child process might read sensitive data like passwords or take control of the parent process though a leaked file descriptor. With a leaked listening socket, a child process can accept new connections to read sensitive data. Example of vulnerabilities: Hijacking Apache https by mod_php (2003) Apache: Apr should set FD_CLOEXEC if APR_FOPEN_NOCLEANUP is not set: fixed in 2009 PHP: system() (and similar) don’t cleanup opened handles of Apache: open since 2006 CWE-403: Exposure of File Descriptor to Unintended Control Sphere (2008) OpenSSH Security Advisory: portable-keysign-rand-helper.adv (2011) Read also the CERT Secure Coding Standards: FIO42-C. Ensure files are properly closed when they are no longer needed. Issues fixed in the subprocess module Inherited file descriptors caused 4 issues in the subprocess module: Issue #2320: Race condition in subprocess using stdin (opened in 2008) Issue #3006: subprocess.Popen causes socket to remain open after close (opened in 2008) Issue #7213: subprocess leaks open file descriptors between Popen instances causing hangs (opened in 2009) Issue #12786: subprocess wait() hangs when stdin is closed (opened in 2011) These issues were fixed in Python 3.2 by 4 different changes in the subprocess module: Pipes are now non-inheritable; The default value of the close_fds parameter is now True, with one exception on Windows: the default value is False if at least one standard stream is replaced; A new pass_fds parameter has been added; Creation of a _posixsubprocess module implemented in C. Atomic Creation of non-inheritable File Descriptors In a multi-threaded application, an inheritable file descriptor may be created just before a new program is spawned, before the file descriptor is made non-inheritable. In this case, the file descriptor is leaked to the child process. This race condition could be avoided if the file descriptor is created directly non-inheritable. FreeBSD, Linux, Mac OS X, Windows and many other operating systems support creating non-inheritable file descriptors with the inheritable flag cleared atomically at the creation of the file descriptor. A new WSA_FLAG_NO_HANDLE_INHERIT flag for WSASocket() was added in Windows 7 SP1 and Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 to create non-inheritable sockets. If this flag is used on an older Windows version (ex: Windows XP SP3), WSASocket() fails with WSAEPROTOTYPE. On UNIX, new flags were added for files and sockets: O_CLOEXEC: available on Linux (2.6.23), FreeBSD (8.3), Mac OS 10.8, OpenBSD 5.0, Solaris 11, QNX, BeOS, next NetBSD release (6.1?). This flag is part of POSIX.1-2008. SOCK_CLOEXEC flag for socket() and socketpair(), available on Linux 2.6.27, OpenBSD 5.2, NetBSD 6.0. fcntl(): F_DUPFD_CLOEXEC flag, available on Linux 2.6.24, OpenBSD 5.0, FreeBSD 9.1, NetBSD 6.0, Solaris 11. This flag is part of POSIX.1-2008. fcntl(): F_DUP2FD_CLOEXEC flag, available on FreeBSD 9.1 and Solaris 11. recvmsg(): MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC, available on Linux 2.6.23, NetBSD 6.0. On Linux older than 2.6.23, O_CLOEXEC flag is simply ignored. So fcntl() must be called to check if the file descriptor is non-inheritable: O_CLOEXEC is not supported if the FD_CLOEXEC flag is missing. On Linux older than 2.6.27, socket() or socketpair() fail with errno set to EINVAL if the SOCK_CLOEXEC flag is set in the socket type. New functions: dup3(): available on Linux 2.6.27 (and glibc 2.9) pipe2(): available on Linux 2.6.27 (and glibc 2.9) accept4(): available on Linux 2.6.28 (and glibc 2.10) On Linux older than 2.6.28, accept4() fails with errno set to ENOSYS. Summary: Operating System Atomic File Atomic Socket FreeBSD 8.3 (2012) X Linux 2.6.23 (2007) 2.6.27 (2008) Mac OS X 10.8 (2012) X NetBSD 6.1 (?) 6.0 (2012) OpenBSD 5.0 (2011) 5.2 (2012) Solaris 11 (2011) X Windows XP (2001) Seven SP1 (2011), 2008 R2 SP1 (2011) Legend: “Atomic File”: first version of the operating system supporting creating atomically a non-inheritable file descriptor using open() “Atomic Socket”: first version of the operating system supporting creating atomically a non-inheritable socket “X”: not supported yet See also: Secure File Descriptor Handling (Ulrich Drepper, 2008) Ghosts of Unix past, part 2: Conflated designs (Neil Brown, 2010) explains the history of O_CLOEXEC and O_NONBLOCK flags File descriptor handling changes in 2.6.27 FreeBSD: atomic close on exec Status of Python 3.3 Python 3.3 creates inheritable file descriptors on all platforms, except os.pipe() which creates non-inheritable file descriptors on Windows. New constants and functions related to the atomic creation of non-inheritable file descriptors were added to Python 3.3: os.O_CLOEXEC, os.pipe2() and socket.SOCK_CLOEXEC. On UNIX, the subprocess module closes all file descriptors in the child process by default, except standard streams (0, 1, 2) and file descriptors of the pass_fds parameter. If the close_fds parameter is set to False, all inheritable file descriptors are inherited in the child process. On Windows, the subprocess closes all handles and file descriptors in the child process by default. If at least one standard stream (stdin, stdout or stderr) is replaced (ex: redirected into a pipe), all inheritable handles and file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 are inherited in the child process. Using the functions of the os.execv*() and os.spawn*() families, all inheritable handles and all inheritable file descriptors are inherited by the child process. On UNIX, the multiprocessing module uses os.fork() and so all file descriptors are inherited by child processes. On Windows, all inheritable handles and file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 are inherited by the child process using the multiprocessing module, all file descriptors except standard streams are closed. Summary: Module FD on UNIX Handles on Windows FD on Windows subprocess, default STD, pass_fds none STD subprocess, replace stdout STD, pass_fds all STD subprocess, close_fds=False all all STD multiprocessing not applicable all STD os.execv(), os.spawn() all all all Legend: “all”: all inheritable file descriptors or handles are inherited in the child process “none”: all handles are closed in the child process “STD”: only file descriptors 0 (stdin), 1 (stdout) and 2 (stderr) are inherited in the child process “pass_fds”: file descriptors of the pass_fds parameter of the subprocess are inherited “not applicable”: on UNIX, the multiprocessing uses fork(), so this case is not affected by this PEP. Closing All Open File Descriptors On UNIX, the subprocess module closes almost all file descriptors in the child process. This operation requires MAXFD system calls, where MAXFD is the maximum number of file descriptors, even if there are only few open file descriptors. This maximum can be read using: os.sysconf("SC_OPEN_MAX"). The operation can be slow if MAXFD is large. For example, on a FreeBSD buildbot with MAXFD=655,000, the operation took 300 ms: see issue #11284: slow close file descriptors. On Linux, Python 3.3 gets the list of all open file descriptors from /proc/<PID>/fd/, and so performances depends on the number of open file descriptors, not on MAXFD. See also: Python issue #1663329: subprocess close_fds perform poor if SC_OPEN_MAX is high Squid Bug #837033: Squid should set CLOEXEC on opened FDs. “32k+ close() calls in each child process take a long time ([12-56] seconds) in Xen PV guests.” Proposal Non-inheritable File Descriptors The following functions are modified to make newly created file descriptors non-inheritable by default: asyncore.dispatcher.create_socket() io.FileIO io.open() open() os.dup() os.fdopen() os.open() os.openpty() os.pipe() select.devpoll() select.epoll() select.kqueue() socket.socket() socket.socket.accept() socket.socket.dup() socket.socket.fromfd() socket.socketpair() os.dup2() still creates inheritable by default, see below. When available, atomic flags are used to make file descriptors non-inheritable. The atomicity is not guaranteed because a fallback is required when atomic flags are not available. New Functions And Methods New functions available on all platforms: os.get_inheritable(fd: int): return True if the file descriptor can be inherited by child processes, False otherwise. os.set_inheritable(fd: int, inheritable: bool): set the inheritable flag of the specified file descriptor. New functions only available on Windows: os.get_handle_inheritable(handle: int): return True if the handle can be inherited by child processes, False otherwise. os.set_handle_inheritable(handle: int, inheritable: bool): set the inheritable flag of the specified handle. New methods: socket.socket.get_inheritable(): return True if the socket can be inherited by child processes, False otherwise. socket.socket.set_inheritable(inheritable: bool): set the inheritable flag of the specified socket. Other Changes On UNIX, subprocess makes file descriptors of the pass_fds parameter inheritable. The file descriptor is made inheritable in the child process after the fork() and before execv(), so the inheritable flag of file descriptors is unchanged in the parent process. os.dup2() has a new optional inheritable parameter: os.dup2(fd, fd2, inheritable=True). fd2 is created inheritable by default, but non-inheritable if inheritable is False. os.dup2() behaves differently than os.dup() because the most common use case of os.dup2() is to replace the file descriptors of the standard streams: stdin (0), stdout (1) and stderr (2). Standard streams are expected to be inherited by child processes. Backward Compatibility This PEP break applications relying on inheritance of file descriptors. Developers are encouraged to reuse the high-level Python module subprocess which handles the inheritance of file descriptors in a portable way. Applications using the subprocess module with the pass_fds parameter or using only os.dup2() to redirect standard streams should not be affected. Python no longer conform to POSIX, since file descriptors are now made non-inheritable by default. Python was not designed to conform to POSIX, but was designed to develop portable applications. Related Work The programming languages Go, Perl and Ruby make newly created file descriptors non-inheritable by default: since Go 1.0 (2009), Perl 1.0 (1987) and Ruby 2.0 (2013). The SCons project, written in Python, overrides builtin functions file() and open() to make files non-inheritable on Windows: see win32.py. Rejected Alternatives Add a new open_noinherit() function In June 2007, Henning von Bargen proposed on the python-dev mailing list to add a new open_noinherit() function to fix issues of inherited file descriptors in child processes. At this time, the default value of the close_fds parameter of the subprocess module was False. Read the mail thread: [Python-Dev] Proposal for a new function “open_noinherit” to avoid problems with subprocesses and security risks. PEP 433 PEP 433, “Easier suppression of file descriptor inheritance”, was a previous attempt proposing various other alternatives, but no consensus could be reached. Python Issues #10115: Support accept4() for atomic setting of flags at socket creation #12105: open() does not able to set flags, such as O_CLOEXEC #12107: TCP listening sockets created without FD_CLOEXEC flag #16850: Add “e” mode to open(): close-and-exec (O_CLOEXEC) / O_NOINHERIT #16860: Use O_CLOEXEC in the tempfile module #16946: subprocess: _close_open_fd_range_safe() does not set close-on-exec flag on Linux < 2.6.23 if O_CLOEXEC is defined #17070: Use the new cloexec to improve security and avoid bugs #18571: Implementation of the PEP 446: non-inheritable file descriptors Copyright This document has been placed into the public domain.
PEP 446 – Make newly created file descriptors non-inheritable
Standards Track
Leaking file descriptors in child processes causes various annoying issues and is a known major security vulnerability. Using the subprocess module with the close_fds parameter set to True is not possible in all cases.
PEP 447 – Add __getdescriptor__ method to metaclass Author: Ronald Oussoren <ronaldoussoren at mac.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Jun-2013 Post-History: 02-Jul-2013, 15-Jul-2013, 29-Jul-2013, 22-Jul-2015 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Status Rationale Background The superclass attribute lookup hook Aside: Attribute resolution algorithm in Python In Python code Example usage In C code Use of this hook by the interpreter Other changes to the implementation Impact of this PEP on introspection Performance impact Micro benchmarks Pybench Alternative proposals __getattribute_super__ Reuse tp_getattro Alternative placement of the new method History Discussion threads References Copyright Abstract Currently object.__getattribute__ and super.__getattribute__ peek in the __dict__ of classes on the MRO for a class when looking for an attribute. This PEP adds an optional __getdescriptor__ method to a metaclass that replaces this behavior and gives more control over attribute lookup, especially when using a super object. That is, the MRO walking loop in _PyType_Lookup and super.__getattribute__ gets changed from: def lookup(mro_list, name): for cls in mro_list: if name in cls.__dict__: return cls.__dict__ return NotFound to: def lookup(mro_list, name): for cls in mro_list: try: return cls.__getdescriptor__(name) except AttributeError: pass return NotFound The default implementation of __getdescriptor__ looks in the class dictionary: class type: def __getdescriptor__(cls, name): try: return cls.__dict__[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) from None PEP Status This PEP is deferred until someone has time to update this PEP and push it forward. Rationale It is currently not possible to influence how the super class looks up attributes (that is, super.__getattribute__ unconditionally peeks in the class __dict__), and that can be problematic for dynamic classes that can grow new methods on demand, for example dynamic proxy classes. The __getdescriptor__ method makes it possible to dynamically add attributes even when looking them up using the super class. The new method affects object.__getattribute__ (and PyObject_GenericGetAttr) as well for consistency and to have a single place to implement dynamic attribute resolution for classes. Background The current behavior of super.__getattribute__ causes problems for classes that are dynamic proxies for other (non-Python) classes or types, an example of which is PyObjC. PyObjC creates a Python class for every class in the Objective-C runtime, and looks up methods in the Objective-C runtime when they are used. This works fine for normal access, but doesn’t work for access with super objects. Because of this PyObjC currently includes a custom super that must be used with its classes, as well as completely reimplementing PyObject_GenericGetAttr for normal attribute access. The API in this PEP makes it possible to remove the custom super and simplifies the implementation because the custom lookup behavior can be added in a central location. Note PyObjC cannot precalculate the contents of the class __dict__ because Objective-C classes can grow new methods at runtime. Furthermore, Objective-C classes tend to contain a lot of methods while most Python code will only use a small subset of them, this makes precalculating unnecessarily expensive. The superclass attribute lookup hook Both super.__getattribute__ and object.__getattribute__ (or PyObject_GenericGetAttr and in particular _PyType_Lookup in C code) walk an object’s MRO and currently peek in the class’ __dict__ to look up attributes. With this proposal both lookup methods no longer peek in the class __dict__ but call the special method __getdescriptor__, which is a slot defined on the metaclass. The default implementation of that method looks up the name the class __dict__, which means that attribute lookup is unchanged unless a metatype actually defines the new special method. Aside: Attribute resolution algorithm in Python The attribute resolution process as implemented by object.__getattribute__ (or PyObject_GenericGetAttr in CPython’s implementation) is fairly straightforward, but not entirely so without reading C code. The current CPython implementation of object.__getattribute__ is basically equivalent to the following (pseudo-) Python code (excluding some house keeping and speed tricks): def _PyType_Lookup(tp, name): mro = tp.mro() assert isinstance(mro, tuple) for base in mro: assert isinstance(base, type) # PEP 447 will change these lines: try: return base.__dict__[name] except KeyError: pass return None class object: def __getattribute__(self, name): assert isinstance(name, str) tp = type(self) descr = _PyType_Lookup(tp, name) f = None if descr is not None: f = descr.__get__ if f is not None and descr.__set__ is not None: # Data descriptor return f(descr, self, type(self)) dict = self.__dict__ if dict is not None: try: return self.__dict__[name] except KeyError: pass if f is not None: # Non-data descriptor return f(descr, self, type(self)) if descr is not None: # Regular class attribute return descr raise AttributeError(name) class super: def __getattribute__(self, name): assert isinstance(name, unicode) if name != '__class__': starttype = self.__self_type__ mro = startype.mro() try: idx = mro.index(self.__thisclass__) except ValueError: pass else: for base in mro[idx+1:]: # PEP 447 will change these lines: try: descr = base.__dict__[name] except KeyError: continue f = descr.__get__ if f is not None: return f(descr, None if (self.__self__ is self.__self_type__) else self.__self__, starttype) else: return descr return object.__getattribute__(self, name) This PEP should change the dict lookup at the lines starting at “# PEP 447” with a method call to perform the actual lookup, making is possible to affect that lookup both for normal attribute access and access through the super proxy. Note that specific classes can already completely override the default behaviour by implementing their own __getattribute__ slot (with or without calling the super class implementation). In Python code A meta type can define a method __getdescriptor__ that is called during attribute resolution by both super.__getattribute__ and object.__getattribute: class MetaType(type): def __getdescriptor__(cls, name): try: return cls.__dict__[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) from None The __getdescriptor__ method has as its arguments a class (which is an instance of the meta type) and the name of the attribute that is looked up. It should return the value of the attribute without invoking descriptors, and should raise AttributeError when the name cannot be found. The type class provides a default implementation for __getdescriptor__, that looks up the name in the class dictionary. Example usage The code below implements a silly metaclass that redirects attribute lookup to uppercase versions of names: class UpperCaseAccess (type): def __getdescriptor__(cls, name): try: return cls.__dict__[name.upper()] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(name) from None class SillyObject (metaclass=UpperCaseAccess): def m(self): return 42 def M(self): return "fortytwo" obj = SillyObject() assert obj.m() == "fortytwo" As mentioned earlier in this PEP a more realistic use case of this functionality is a __getdescriptor__ method that dynamically populates the class __dict__ based on attribute access, primarily when it is not possible to reliably keep the class dict in sync with its source, for example because the source used to populate __dict__ is dynamic as well and does not have triggers that can be used to detect changes to that source. An example of that are the class bridges in PyObjC: the class bridge is a Python object (class) that represents an Objective-C class and conceptually has a Python method for every Objective-C method in the Objective-C class. As with Python it is possible to add new methods to an Objective-C class, or replace existing ones, and there are no callbacks that can be used to detect this. In C code A new type flag Py_TPFLAGS_GETDESCRIPTOR with value (1UL << 11) that indicates that the new slot is present and to be used. A new slot tp_getdescriptor is added to the PyTypeObject struct, this slot corresponds to the __getdescriptor__ method on type. The slot has the following prototype: PyObject* (*getdescriptorfunc)(PyTypeObject* cls, PyObject* name); This method should lookup name in the namespace of cls, without looking at superclasses, and should not invoke descriptors. The method returns NULL without setting an exception when the name cannot be found, and returns a new reference otherwise (not a borrowed reference). Classes with a tp_getdescriptor slot must add Py_TPFLAGS_GETDESCRIPTOR to tp_flags to indicate that new slot must be used. Use of this hook by the interpreter The new method is required for metatypes and as such is defined on type_. Both super.__getattribute__ and object.__getattribute__/PyObject_GenericGetAttr (through _PyType_Lookup) use the this __getdescriptor__ method when walking the MRO. Other changes to the implementation The change for PyObject_GenericGetAttr will be done by changing the private function _PyType_Lookup. This currently returns a borrowed reference, but must return a new reference when the __getdescriptor__ method is present. Because of this _PyType_Lookup will be renamed to _PyType_LookupName, this will cause compile-time errors for all out-of-tree users of this private API. For the same reason _PyType_LookupId is renamed to _PyType_LookupId2. A number of other functions in typeobject.c with the same issue do not get an updated name because they are private to that file. The attribute lookup cache in Objects/typeobject.c is disabled for classes that have a metaclass that overrides __getdescriptor__, because using the cache might not be valid for such classes. Impact of this PEP on introspection Use of the method introduced in this PEP can affect introspection of classes with a metaclass that uses a custom __getdescriptor__ method. This section lists those changes. The items listed below are only affected by custom __getdescriptor__ methods, the default implementation for object won’t cause problems because that still only uses the class __dict__ and won’t cause visible changes to the visible behaviour of the object.__getattribute__. dir might not show all attributesAs with a custom __getattribute__ method dir() might not see all (instance) attributes when using the __getdescriptor__() method to dynamically resolve attributes. The solution for that is quite simple: classes using __getdescriptor__ should also implement __dir__() if they want full support for the builtin dir() function. inspect.getattr_static might not show all attributesThe function inspect.getattr_static intentionally does not invoke __getattribute__ and descriptors to avoid invoking user code during introspection with this function. The __getdescriptor__ method will also be ignored and is another way in which the result of inspect.getattr_static can be different from that of builtin.getattr. inspect.getmembers and inspect.classify_class_attrsBoth of these functions directly access the class __dict__ of classes along the MRO, and hence can be affected by a custom __getdescriptor__ method. Code with a custom __getdescriptor__ method that want to play nice with these methods also needs to ensure that the __dict__ is set up correctly when that is accessed directly by Python code. Note that inspect.getmembers is used by pydoc and hence this can affect runtime documentation introspection. Direct introspection of the class __dict__Any code that directly access the class __dict__ for introspection can be affected by a custom __getdescriptor__ method, see the previous item. Performance impact WARNING: The benchmark results in this section are old, and will be updated when I’ve ported the patch to the current trunk. I don’t expect significant changes to the results in this section. Micro benchmarks Issue 18181 has a micro benchmark as one of its attachments (pep447-micro-bench.py) that specifically tests the speed of attribute lookup, both directly and through super. Note that attribute lookup with deep class hierarchies is significantly slower when using a custom __getdescriptor__ method. This is because the attribute lookup cache for CPython cannot be used when having this method. Pybench The pybench output below compares an implementation of this PEP with the regular source tree, both based on changeset a5681f50bae2, run on an idle machine and Core i7 processor running Centos 6.4. Even though the machine was idle there were clear differences between runs, I’ve seen difference in “minimum time” vary from -0.1% to +1.5%, with similar (but slightly smaller) differences in the “average time” difference. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PYBENCH 2.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * using CPython 3.4.0a0 (default, Jul 29 2013, 13:01:34) [GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3)] * disabled garbage collection * system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647 * using timer: time.perf_counter * timer: resolution=1e-09, implementation=clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Benchmark: pep447.pybench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rounds: 10 Warp: 10 Timer: time.perf_counter Machine Details: Platform ID: Linux-2.6.32-358.114.1.openstack.el6.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-6.4-Final Processor: x86_64 Python: Implementation: CPython Executable: /tmp/default-pep447/bin/python3 Version: 3.4.0a0 Compiler: GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3) Bits: 64bit Build: Jul 29 2013 14:09:12 (#default) Unicode: UCS4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comparing with: default.pybench ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rounds: 10 Warp: 10 Timer: time.perf_counter Machine Details: Platform ID: Linux-2.6.32-358.114.1.openstack.el6.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-6.4-Final Processor: x86_64 Python: Implementation: CPython Executable: /tmp/default/bin/python3 Version: 3.4.0a0 Compiler: GCC 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-3) Bits: 64bit Build: Jul 29 2013 13:01:34 (#default) Unicode: UCS4 Test minimum run-time average run-time this other diff this other diff ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BuiltinFunctionCalls: 45ms 44ms +1.3% 45ms 44ms +1.3% BuiltinMethodLookup: 26ms 27ms -2.4% 27ms 27ms -2.2% CompareFloats: 33ms 34ms -0.7% 33ms 34ms -1.1% CompareFloatsIntegers: 66ms 67ms -0.9% 66ms 67ms -0.8% CompareIntegers: 51ms 50ms +0.9% 51ms 50ms +0.8% CompareInternedStrings: 34ms 33ms +0.4% 34ms 34ms -0.4% CompareLongs: 29ms 29ms -0.1% 29ms 29ms -0.0% CompareStrings: 43ms 44ms -1.8% 44ms 44ms -1.8% ComplexPythonFunctionCalls: 44ms 42ms +3.9% 44ms 42ms +4.1% ConcatStrings: 33ms 33ms -0.4% 33ms 33ms -1.0% CreateInstances: 47ms 48ms -2.9% 47ms 49ms -3.4% CreateNewInstances: 35ms 36ms -2.5% 36ms 36ms -2.5% CreateStringsWithConcat: 69ms 70ms -0.7% 69ms 70ms -0.9% DictCreation: 52ms 50ms +3.1% 52ms 50ms +3.0% DictWithFloatKeys: 40ms 44ms -10.1% 43ms 45ms -5.8% DictWithIntegerKeys: 32ms 36ms -11.2% 35ms 37ms -4.6% DictWithStringKeys: 29ms 34ms -15.7% 35ms 40ms -11.0% ForLoops: 30ms 29ms +2.2% 30ms 29ms +2.2% IfThenElse: 38ms 41ms -6.7% 38ms 41ms -6.9% ListSlicing: 36ms 36ms -0.7% 36ms 37ms -1.3% NestedForLoops: 43ms 45ms -3.1% 43ms 45ms -3.2% NestedListComprehensions: 39ms 40ms -1.7% 39ms 40ms -2.1% NormalClassAttribute: 86ms 82ms +5.1% 86ms 82ms +5.0% NormalInstanceAttribute: 42ms 42ms +0.3% 42ms 42ms +0.0% PythonFunctionCalls: 39ms 38ms +3.5% 39ms 38ms +2.8% PythonMethodCalls: 51ms 49ms +3.0% 51ms 50ms +2.8% Recursion: 67ms 68ms -1.4% 67ms 68ms -1.4% SecondImport: 41ms 36ms +12.5% 41ms 36ms +12.6% SecondPackageImport: 45ms 40ms +13.1% 45ms 40ms +13.2% SecondSubmoduleImport: 92ms 95ms -2.4% 95ms 98ms -3.6% SimpleComplexArithmetic: 28ms 28ms -0.1% 28ms 28ms -0.2% SimpleDictManipulation: 57ms 57ms -1.0% 57ms 58ms -1.0% SimpleFloatArithmetic: 29ms 28ms +4.7% 29ms 28ms +4.9% SimpleIntFloatArithmetic: 37ms 41ms -8.5% 37ms 41ms -8.7% SimpleIntegerArithmetic: 37ms 41ms -9.4% 37ms 42ms -10.2% SimpleListComprehensions: 33ms 33ms -1.9% 33ms 34ms -2.9% SimpleListManipulation: 28ms 30ms -4.3% 29ms 30ms -4.1% SimpleLongArithmetic: 26ms 26ms +0.5% 26ms 26ms +0.5% SmallLists: 40ms 40ms +0.1% 40ms 40ms +0.1% SmallTuples: 46ms 47ms -2.4% 46ms 48ms -3.0% SpecialClassAttribute: 126ms 120ms +4.7% 126ms 121ms +4.4% SpecialInstanceAttribute: 42ms 42ms +0.6% 42ms 42ms +0.8% StringMappings: 94ms 91ms +3.9% 94ms 91ms +3.8% StringPredicates: 48ms 49ms -1.7% 48ms 49ms -2.1% StringSlicing: 45ms 45ms +1.4% 46ms 45ms +1.5% TryExcept: 23ms 22ms +4.9% 23ms 22ms +4.8% TryFinally: 32ms 32ms -0.1% 32ms 32ms +0.1% TryRaiseExcept: 17ms 17ms +0.9% 17ms 17ms +0.5% TupleSlicing: 49ms 48ms +1.1% 49ms 49ms +1.0% WithFinally: 48ms 47ms +2.3% 48ms 47ms +2.4% WithRaiseExcept: 45ms 44ms +0.8% 45ms 45ms +0.5% ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Totals: 2284ms 2287ms -0.1% 2306ms 2308ms -0.1% (this=pep447.pybench, other=default.pybench) A run of the benchmark suite (with option “-b 2n3”) also seems to indicate that the performance impact is minimal: Report on Linux fangorn.local 2.6.32-358.114.1.openstack.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Jul 3 02:11:25 EDT 2013 x86_64 x86_64 Total CPU cores: 8 ### call_method_slots ### Min: 0.304120 -> 0.282791: 1.08x faster Avg: 0.304394 -> 0.282906: 1.08x faster Significant (t=2329.92) Stddev: 0.00016 -> 0.00004: 4.1814x smaller ### call_simple ### Min: 0.249268 -> 0.221175: 1.13x faster Avg: 0.249789 -> 0.221387: 1.13x faster Significant (t=2770.11) Stddev: 0.00012 -> 0.00013: 1.1101x larger ### django_v2 ### Min: 0.632590 -> 0.601519: 1.05x faster Avg: 0.635085 -> 0.602653: 1.05x faster Significant (t=321.32) Stddev: 0.00087 -> 0.00051: 1.6933x smaller ### fannkuch ### Min: 1.033181 -> 0.999779: 1.03x faster Avg: 1.036457 -> 1.001840: 1.03x faster Significant (t=260.31) Stddev: 0.00113 -> 0.00070: 1.6112x smaller ### go ### Min: 0.526714 -> 0.544428: 1.03x slower Avg: 0.529649 -> 0.547626: 1.03x slower Significant (t=-93.32) Stddev: 0.00136 -> 0.00136: 1.0028x smaller ### iterative_count ### Min: 0.109748 -> 0.116513: 1.06x slower Avg: 0.109816 -> 0.117202: 1.07x slower Significant (t=-357.08) Stddev: 0.00008 -> 0.00019: 2.3664x larger ### json_dump_v2 ### Min: 2.554462 -> 2.609141: 1.02x slower Avg: 2.564472 -> 2.620013: 1.02x slower Significant (t=-76.93) Stddev: 0.00538 -> 0.00481: 1.1194x smaller ### meteor_contest ### Min: 0.196336 -> 0.191925: 1.02x faster Avg: 0.196878 -> 0.192698: 1.02x faster Significant (t=61.86) Stddev: 0.00053 -> 0.00041: 1.2925x smaller ### nbody ### Min: 0.228039 -> 0.235551: 1.03x slower Avg: 0.228857 -> 0.236052: 1.03x slower Significant (t=-54.15) Stddev: 0.00130 -> 0.00029: 4.4810x smaller ### pathlib ### Min: 0.108501 -> 0.105339: 1.03x faster Avg: 0.109084 -> 0.105619: 1.03x faster Significant (t=311.08) Stddev: 0.00022 -> 0.00011: 1.9314x smaller ### regex_effbot ### Min: 0.057905 -> 0.056447: 1.03x faster Avg: 0.058055 -> 0.056760: 1.02x faster Significant (t=79.22) Stddev: 0.00006 -> 0.00015: 2.7741x larger ### silent_logging ### Min: 0.070810 -> 0.072436: 1.02x slower Avg: 0.070899 -> 0.072609: 1.02x slower Significant (t=-191.59) Stddev: 0.00004 -> 0.00008: 2.2640x larger ### spectral_norm ### Min: 0.290255 -> 0.299286: 1.03x slower Avg: 0.290335 -> 0.299541: 1.03x slower Significant (t=-572.10) Stddev: 0.00005 -> 0.00015: 2.8547x larger ### threaded_count ### Min: 0.107215 -> 0.115206: 1.07x slower Avg: 0.107488 -> 0.115996: 1.08x slower Significant (t=-109.39) Stddev: 0.00016 -> 0.00076: 4.8665x larger The following not significant results are hidden, use -v to show them: call_method, call_method_unknown, chaos, fastpickle, fastunpickle, float, formatted_logging, hexiom2, json_load, normal_startup, nqueens, pidigits, raytrace, regex_compile, regex_v8, richards, simple_logging, startup_nosite, telco, unpack_sequence. Alternative proposals __getattribute_super__ An earlier version of this PEP used the following static method on classes: def __getattribute_super__(cls, name, object, owner): pass This method performed name lookup as well as invoking descriptors and was necessarily limited to working only with super.__getattribute__. Reuse tp_getattro It would be nice to avoid adding a new slot, thus keeping the API simpler and easier to understand. A comment on Issue 18181 asked about reusing the tp_getattro slot, that is super could call the tp_getattro slot of all methods along the MRO. That won’t work because tp_getattro will look in the instance __dict__ before it tries to resolve attributes using classes in the MRO. This would mean that using tp_getattro instead of peeking the class dictionaries changes the semantics of the super class. Alternative placement of the new method This PEP proposes to add __getdescriptor__ as a method on the metaclass. An alternative would be to add it as a class method on the class itself (similar to how __new__ is a staticmethod of the class and not a method of the metaclass). The advantage of using a method on the metaclass is that will give an error when two classes on the MRO have different metaclasses that may have different behaviors for __getdescriptor__. With a normal classmethod that problem would pass undetected while it might cause subtle errors when running the code. History 23-Jul-2015: Added type flag Py_TPFLAGS_GETDESCRIPTOR after talking with Guido.The new flag is primarily useful to avoid crashing when loading an extension for an older version of CPython and could have positive speed implications as well. Jul-2014: renamed slot to __getdescriptor__, the old name didn’t match the naming style of other slots and was less descriptive. Discussion threads The initial version of the PEP was send with Message-ID mailto:75030FAC-6918-4E94-95DA-67A88D53E6F5@mac.com Further discussion starting at a message with Message-ID mailto:5BB87CC4-F31B-4213-AAAC-0C0CE738460C@mac.com And more discussion starting at message with Message-ID mailto:00AA7433-C853-4101-9718-060468EBAC54@mac.com References Issue 18181 contains an out of date prototype implementation Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 447 – Add __getdescriptor__ method to metaclass
Standards Track
Currently object.__getattribute__ and super.__getattribute__ peek in the __dict__ of classes on the MRO for a class when looking for an attribute. This PEP adds an optional __getdescriptor__ method to a metaclass that replaces this behavior and gives more control over attribute lookup, especially when using a super object.
PEP 450 – Adding A Statistics Module To The Standard Library Author: Steven D’Aprano <steve at pearwood.info> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Aug-2013 Python-Version: 3.4 Post-History: 13-Sep-2013 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Comparison To Other Languages/Packages R C# Ruby PHP Delphi GNU Scientific Library Design Decisions Of The Module API Calculating mean, median and mode Calculating variance and standard deviation Other functions Specification What Should Be The Name Of The Module? Discussion And Resolved Issues Frequently Asked Questions Shouldn’t this module spend time on PyPI before being considered for the standard library? Does the standard library really need yet another version of sum? Will this module be backported to older versions of Python? Is this supposed to replace numpy? Future Work References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the addition of a module for common statistics functions such as mean, median, variance and standard deviation to the Python standard library. See also http://bugs.python.org/issue18606 Rationale The proposed statistics module is motivated by the “batteries included” philosophy towards the Python standard library. Raymond Hettinger and other senior developers have requested a quality statistics library that falls somewhere in between high-end statistics libraries and ad hoc code. [1] Statistical functions such as mean, standard deviation and others are obvious and useful batteries, familiar to any Secondary School student. Even cheap scientific calculators typically include multiple statistical functions such as: mean population and sample variance population and sample standard deviation linear regression correlation coefficient Graphing calculators aimed at Secondary School students typically include all of the above, plus some or all of: median mode functions for calculating the probability of random variables from the normal, t, chi-squared, and F distributions inference on the mean and others [2]. Likewise spreadsheet applications such as Microsoft Excel, LibreOffice and Gnumeric include rich collections of statistical functions [3]. In contrast, Python currently has no standard way to calculate even the simplest and most obvious statistical functions such as mean. For those who need statistical functions in Python, there are two obvious solutions: install numpy and/or scipy [4]; or use a Do It Yourself solution. Numpy is perhaps the most full-featured solution, but it has a few disadvantages: It may be overkill for many purposes. The documentation for numpy even warns “It can be hard to know what functions are available in numpy. This is not a complete list, but it does cover most of them.”[5] and then goes on to list over 270 functions, only a small number of which are related to statistics. Numpy is aimed at those doing heavy numerical work, and may be intimidating to those who don’t have a background in computational mathematics and computer science. For example, numpy.mean takes four arguments:mean(a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None) although fortunately for the beginner or casual numpy user, three are optional and numpy.mean does the right thing in simple cases: >>> numpy.mean([1, 2, 3, 4]) 2.5 For many people, installing numpy may be difficult or impossible. For example, people in corporate environments may have to go through a difficult, time-consuming process before being permitted to install third-party software. For the casual Python user, having to learn about installing third-party packages in order to average a list of numbers is unfortunate. This leads to option number 2, DIY statistics functions. At first glance, this appears to be an attractive option, due to the apparent simplicity of common statistical functions. For example: def mean(data): return sum(data)/len(data) def variance(data): # Use the Computational Formula for Variance. n = len(data) ss = sum(x**2 for x in data) - (sum(data)**2)/n return ss/(n-1) def standard_deviation(data): return math.sqrt(variance(data)) The above appears to be correct with a casual test: >>> data = [1, 2, 4, 5, 8] >>> variance(data) 7.5 But adding a constant to every data point should not change the variance: >>> data = [x+1e12 for x in data] >>> variance(data) 0.0 And variance should never be negative: >>> variance(data*100) -1239429440.1282566 By contrast, the proposed reference implementation gets the exactly correct answer 7.5 for the first two examples, and a reasonably close answer for the third: 6.012. numpy does no better [6]. Even simple statistical calculations contain traps for the unwary, starting with the Computational Formula itself. Despite the name, it is numerically unstable and can be extremely inaccurate, as can be seen above. It is completely unsuitable for computation by computer [7]. This problem plagues users of many programming language, not just Python [8], as coders reinvent the same numerically inaccurate code over and over again [9], or advise others to do so [10]. It isn’t just the variance and standard deviation. Even the mean is not quite as straightforward as it might appear. The above implementation seems too simple to have problems, but it does: The built-in sum can lose accuracy when dealing with floats of wildly differing magnitude. Consequently, the above naive mean fails this “torture test”:assert mean([1e30, 1, 3, -1e30]) == 1 returning 0 instead of 1, a purely computational error of 100%. Using math.fsum inside mean will make it more accurate with float data, but it also has the side-effect of converting any arguments to float even when unnecessary. E.g. we should expect the mean of a list of Fractions to be a Fraction, not a float. While the above mean implementation does not fail quite as catastrophically as the naive variance does, a standard library function can do much better than the DIY versions. The example above involves an especially bad set of data, but even for more realistic data sets accuracy is important. The first step in interpreting variation in data (including dealing with ill-conditioned data) is often to standardize it to a series with variance 1 (and often mean 0). This standardization requires accurate computation of the mean and variance of the raw series. Naive computation of mean and variance can lose precision very quickly. Because precision bounds accuracy, it is important to use the most precise algorithms for computing mean and variance that are practical, or the results of standardization are themselves useless. Comparison To Other Languages/Packages The proposed statistics library is not intended to be a competitor to such third-party libraries as numpy/scipy, or of proprietary full-featured statistics packages aimed at professional statisticians such as Minitab, SAS and Matlab. It is aimed at the level of graphing and scientific calculators. Most programming languages have little or no built-in support for statistics functions. Some exceptions: R R (and its proprietary cousin, S) is a programming language designed for statistics work. It is extremely popular with statisticians and is extremely feature-rich [11]. C# The C# LINQ package includes extension methods to calculate the average of enumerables [12]. Ruby Ruby does not ship with a standard statistics module, despite some apparent demand [13]. Statsample appears to be a feature-rich third-party library, aiming to compete with R [14]. PHP PHP has an extremely feature-rich (although mostly undocumented) set of advanced statistical functions [15]. Delphi Delphi includes standard statistical functions including Mean, Sum, Variance, TotalVariance, MomentSkewKurtosis in its Math library [16]. GNU Scientific Library The GNU Scientific Library includes standard statistical functions, percentiles, median and others [17]. One innovation I have borrowed from the GSL is to allow the caller to optionally specify the pre-calculated mean of the sample (or an a priori known population mean) when calculating the variance and standard deviation [18]. Design Decisions Of The Module My intention is to start small and grow the library as needed, rather than try to include everything from the start. Consequently, the current reference implementation includes only a small number of functions: mean, variance, standard deviation, median, mode. (See the reference implementation for a full list.) I have aimed for the following design features: Correctness over speed. It is easier to speed up a correct but slow function than to correct a fast but buggy one. Concentrate on data in sequences, allowing two-passes over the data, rather than potentially compromise on accuracy for the sake of a one-pass algorithm. Functions expect data will be passed as a list or other sequence; if given an iterator, they may internally convert to a list. Functions should, as much as possible, honour any type of numeric data. E.g. the mean of a list of Decimals should be a Decimal, not a float. When this is not possible, treat float as the “lowest common data type”. Although functions support data sets of floats, Decimals or Fractions, there is no guarantee that mixed data sets will be supported. (But on the other hand, they aren’t explicitly rejected either.) Plenty of documentation, aimed at readers who understand the basic concepts but may not know (for example) which variance they should use (population or sample?). Mathematicians and statisticians have a terrible habit of being inconsistent with both notation and terminology [19], and having spent many hours making sense of the contradictory/confusing definitions in use, it is only fair that I do my best to clarify rather than obfuscate the topic. But avoid going into tedious [20] mathematical detail. API The initial version of the library will provide univariate (single variable) statistics functions. The general API will be based on a functional model function(data, ...) -> result, where data is a mandatory iterable of (usually) numeric data. The author expects that lists will be the most common data type used, but any iterable type should be acceptable. Where necessary, functions may convert to lists internally. Where possible, functions are expected to conserve the type of the data values, for example, the mean of a list of Decimals should be a Decimal rather than float. Calculating mean, median and mode The mean, median* and mode functions take a single mandatory argument and return the appropriate statistic, e.g.: >>> mean([1, 2, 3]) 2.0 Functions provided are: mean(data)arithmetic mean of data. median(data)median (middle value) of data, taking the average of the two middle values when there are an even number of values. median_high(data)high median of data, taking the larger of the two middle values when the number of items is even. median_low(data)low median of data, taking the smaller of the two middle values when the number of items is even. median_grouped(data, interval=1)50th percentile of grouped data, using interpolation. mode(data)most common data point. mode is the sole exception to the rule that the data argument must be numeric. It will also accept an iterable of nominal data, such as strings. Calculating variance and standard deviation In order to be similar to scientific calculators, the statistics module will include separate functions for population and sample variance and standard deviation. All four functions have similar signatures, with a single mandatory argument, an iterable of numeric data, e.g.: >>> variance([1, 2, 2, 2, 3]) 0.5 All four functions also accept a second, optional, argument, the mean of the data. This is modelled on a similar API provided by the GNU Scientific Library [18]. There are three use-cases for using this argument, in no particular order: The value of the mean is known a priori. You have already calculated the mean, and wish to avoid calculating it again. You wish to (ab)use the variance functions to calculate the second moment about some given point other than the mean. In each case, it is the caller’s responsibility to ensure that given argument is meaningful. Functions provided are: variance(data, xbar=None)sample variance of data, optionally using xbar as the sample mean. stdev(data, xbar=None)sample standard deviation of data, optionally using xbar as the sample mean. pvariance(data, mu=None)population variance of data, optionally using mu as the population mean. pstdev(data, mu=None)population standard deviation of data, optionally using mu as the population mean. Other functions There is one other public function: sum(data, start=0)high-precision sum of numeric data. Specification As the proposed reference implementation is in pure Python, other Python implementations can easily make use of the module unchanged, or adapt it as they see fit. What Should Be The Name Of The Module? This will be a top-level module statistics. There was some interest in turning math into a package, and making this a sub-module of math, but the general consensus eventually agreed on a top-level module. Other potential but rejected names included stats (too much risk of confusion with existing stat module), and statslib (described as “too C-like”). Discussion And Resolved Issues This proposal has been previously discussed here [21]. A number of design issues were resolved during the discussion on Python-Ideas and the initial code review. There was a lot of concern about the addition of yet another sum function to the standard library, see the FAQs below for more details. In addition, the initial implementation of sum suffered from some rounding issues and other design problems when dealing with Decimals. Oscar Benjamin’s assistance in resolving this was invaluable. Another issue was the handling of data in the form of iterators. The first implementation of variance silently swapped between a one- and two-pass algorithm, depending on whether the data was in the form of an iterator or sequence. This proved to be a design mistake, as the calculated variance could differ slightly depending on the algorithm used, and variance etc. were changed to internally generate a list and always use the more accurate two-pass implementation. One controversial design involved the functions to calculate median, which were implemented as attributes on the median callable, e.g. median, median.low, median.high etc. Although there is at least one existing use of this style in the standard library, in unittest.mock, the code reviewers felt that this was too unusual for the standard library. Consequently, the design has been changed to a more traditional design of separate functions with a pseudo-namespace naming convention, median_low, median_high, etc. Another issue that was of concern to code reviewers was the existence of a function calculating the sample mode of continuous data, with some people questioning the choice of algorithm, and whether it was a sufficiently common need to be included. So it was dropped from the API, and mode now implements only the basic schoolbook algorithm based on counting unique values. Another significant point of discussion was calculating statistics of timedelta objects. Although the statistics module will not directly support timedelta objects, it is possible to support this use-case by converting them to numbers first using the timedelta.total_seconds method. Frequently Asked Questions Shouldn’t this module spend time on PyPI before being considered for the standard library? Older versions of this module have been available on PyPI [22] since 2010. Being much simpler than numpy, it does not require many years of external development. Does the standard library really need yet another version of sum? This proved to be the most controversial part of the reference implementation. In one sense, clearly three sums is two too many. But in another sense, yes. The reasons why the two existing versions are unsuitable are described here [23] but the short summary is: the built-in sum can lose precision with floats; the built-in sum accepts any non-numeric data type that supports the + operator, apart from strings and bytes; math.fsum is high-precision, but coerces all arguments to float. There was some interest in “fixing” one or the other of the existing sums. If this occurs before 3.4 feature-freeze, the decision to keep statistics.sum can be re-considered. Will this module be backported to older versions of Python? The module currently targets 3.3, and I will make it available on PyPI for 3.3 for the foreseeable future. Backporting to older versions of the 3.x series is likely (but not yet decided). Backporting to 2.7 is less likely but not ruled out. Is this supposed to replace numpy? No. While it is likely to grow over the years (see open issues below) it is not aimed to replace, or even compete directly with, numpy. Numpy is a full-featured numeric library aimed at professionals, the nuclear reactor of numeric libraries in the Python ecosystem. This is just a battery, as in “batteries included”, and is aimed at an intermediate level somewhere between “use numpy” and “roll your own version”. Future Work At this stage, I am unsure of the best API for multivariate statistical functions such as linear regression, correlation coefficient, and covariance. Possible APIs include: Separate arguments for x and y data:function([x0, x1, ...], [y0, y1, ...]) A single argument for (x, y) data:function([(x0, y0), (x1, y1), ...]) This API is preferred by GvR [24]. Selecting arbitrary columns from a 2D array:function([[a0, x0, y0, z0], [a1, x1, y1, z1], ...], x=1, y=2) Some combination of the above. In the absence of a consensus of preferred API for multivariate stats, I will defer including such multivariate functions until Python 3.5. Likewise, functions for calculating probability of random variables and inference testing (e.g. Student’s t-test) will be deferred until 3.5. There is considerable interest in including one-pass functions that can calculate multiple statistics from data in iterator form, without having to convert to a list. The experimental stats package on PyPI includes co-routine versions of statistics functions. Including these will be deferred to 3.5. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2010-October/104721.html [2] http://support.casio.com/pdf/004/CP330PLUSver310_Soft_E.pdf [3] Gnumeric:: https://projects.gnome.org/gnumeric/functions.shtmlLibreOffice: https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Statistical_Functions_Part_One https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Statistical_Functions_Part_Two https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Statistical_Functions_Part_Three https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Statistical_Functions_Part_Four https://help.libreoffice.org/Calc/Statistical_Functions_Part_Five [4] Scipy: http://scipy-central.org/ Numpy: http://www.numpy.org/ [5] http://wiki.scipy.org/Numpy_Functions_by_Category [6] Tested with numpy 1.6.1 and Python 2.7. [7] http://www.johndcook.com/blog/2008/09/26/comparing-three-methods-of-computing-standard-deviation/ [8] http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Standard_deviation [9] https://bitbucket.org/larsyencken/simplestats/src/c42e048a6625/src/basic.py [10] http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2341340/calculate-mean-and-variance-with-one-iteration [11] http://www.r-project.org/ [12] http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.linq.enumerable.average.aspx [13] https://www.bcg.wisc.edu/webteam/support/ruby/standard_deviation [14] http://ruby-statsample.rubyforge.org/ [15] http://www.php.net/manual/en/ref.stats.php [16] http://www.ayton.id.au/gary/it/Delphi/D_maths.htm#Delphi%20Statistical%20functions. [17] http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Statistics.html [18] (1, 2) http://www.gnu.org/software/gsl/manual/html_node/Mean-and-standard-deviation-and-variance.html [19] http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Skewness.html [20] At least, tedious to those who don’t like this sort of thing. [21] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2011-September/011524.html [22] https://pypi.python.org/pypi/stats/ [23] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2013-August/022630.html [24] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2013-September/128429.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 450 – Adding A Statistics Module To The Standard Library
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the addition of a module for common statistics functions such as mean, median, variance and standard deviation to the Python standard library. See also http://bugs.python.org/issue18606
PEP 452 – API for Cryptographic Hash Functions v2.0 Author: A.M. Kuchling <amk at amk.ca>, Christian Heimes <christian at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Created: 15-Aug-2013 Post-History: Replaces: 247 Table of Contents Abstract Specification Rationale Changes from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0 Recommended names for common hashing algorithms Changes Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract There are several different modules available that implement cryptographic hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA. This document specifies a standard API for such algorithms, to make it easier to switch between different implementations. Specification All hashing modules should present the same interface. Additional methods or variables can be added, but those described in this document should always be present. Hash function modules define one function: new([string])            (unkeyed hashes) new(key, [string], [digestmod])    (keyed hashes)Create a new hashing object and return it. The first form is for hashes that are unkeyed, such as MD5 or SHA. For keyed hashes such as HMAC, ‘key’ is a required parameter containing a string giving the key to use. In both cases, the optional ‘string’ parameter, if supplied, will be immediately hashed into the object’s starting state, as if obj.update(string) was called.After creating a hashing object, arbitrary bytes can be fed into the object using its update() method, and the hash value can be obtained at any time by calling the object’s digest() method. Although the parameter is called ‘string’, hashing objects operate on 8-bit data only. Both ‘key’ and ‘string’ must be a bytes-like object (bytes, bytearray…). A hashing object may support one-dimensional, contiguous buffers as argument, too. Text (unicode) is no longer supported in Python 3.x. Python 2.x implementations may take ASCII-only unicode as argument, but portable code should not rely on the feature. Arbitrary additional keyword arguments can be added to this function, but if they’re not supplied, sensible default values should be used. For example, ‘rounds’ and ‘digest_size’ keywords could be added for a hash function which supports a variable number of rounds and several different output sizes, and they should default to values believed to be secure. Hash function modules define one variable: digest_sizeAn integer value; the size of the digest produced by the hashing objects created by this module, measured in bytes. You could also obtain this value by creating a sample object and accessing its ‘digest_size’ attribute, but it can be convenient to have this value available from the module. Hashes with a variable output size will set this variable to None. Hashing objects require the following attribute: digest_sizeThis attribute is identical to the module-level digest_size variable, measuring the size of the digest produced by the hashing object, measured in bytes. If the hash has a variable output size, this output size must be chosen when the hashing object is created, and this attribute must contain the selected size. Therefore, None is not a legal value for this attribute. block_sizeAn integer value or NotImplemented; the internal block size of the hash algorithm in bytes. The block size is used by the HMAC module to pad the secret key to digest_size or to hash the secret key if it is longer than digest_size. If no HMAC algorithm is standardized for the hash algorithm, return NotImplemented instead. nameA text string value; the canonical, lowercase name of the hashing algorithm. The name should be a suitable parameter for hashlib.new. Hashing objects require the following methods: copy()Return a separate copy of this hashing object. An update to this copy won’t affect the original object. digest()Return the hash value of this hashing object as a bytes containing 8-bit data. The object is not altered in any way by this function; you can continue updating the object after calling this function. hexdigest()Return the hash value of this hashing object as a string containing hexadecimal digits. Lowercase letters should be used for the digits ‘a’ through ‘f’. Like the .digest() method, this method mustn’t alter the object. update(string)Hash bytes-like ‘string’ into the current state of the hashing object. update() can be called any number of times during a hashing object’s lifetime. Hashing modules can define additional module-level functions or object methods and still be compliant with this specification. Here’s an example, using a module named ‘MD5’: >>> import hashlib >>> from Crypto.Hash import MD5 >>> m = MD5.new() >>> isinstance(m, hashlib.CryptoHash) True >>> m.name 'md5' >>> m.digest_size 16 >>> m.block_size 64 >>> m.update(b'abc') >>> m.digest() b'\x90\x01P\x98<\xd2O\xb0\xd6\x96?}(\xe1\x7fr' >>> m.hexdigest() '900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72' >>> MD5.new(b'abc').digest() b'\x90\x01P\x98<\xd2O\xb0\xd6\x96?}(\xe1\x7fr' Rationale The digest size is measured in bytes, not bits, even though hash algorithm sizes are usually quoted in bits; MD5 is a 128-bit algorithm and not a 16-byte one, for example. This is because, in the sample code I looked at, the length in bytes is often needed (to seek ahead or behind in a file; to compute the length of an output string) while the length in bits is rarely used. Therefore, the burden will fall on the few people actually needing the size in bits, who will have to multiply digest_size by 8. It’s been suggested that the update() method would be better named append(). However, that method is really causing the current state of the hashing object to be updated, and update() is already used by the md5 and sha modules included with Python, so it seems simplest to leave the name update() alone. The order of the constructor’s arguments for keyed hashes was a sticky issue. It wasn’t clear whether the key should come first or second. It’s a required parameter, and the usual convention is to place required parameters first, but that also means that the ‘string’ parameter moves from the first position to the second. It would be possible to get confused and pass a single argument to a keyed hash, thinking that you’re passing an initial string to an unkeyed hash, but it doesn’t seem worth making the interface for keyed hashes more obscure to avoid this potential error. Changes from Version 1.0 to Version 2.0 Version 2.0 of API for Cryptographic Hash Functions clarifies some aspects of the API and brings it up-to-date. It also formalized aspects that were already de facto standards and provided by most implementations. Version 2.0 introduces the following new attributes: nameThe name property was made mandatory by issue 18532. block_sizeThe new version also specifies that the return value NotImplemented prevents HMAC support. Version 2.0 takes the separation of binary and text data in Python 3.0 into account. The ‘string’ argument to new() and update() as well as the ‘key’ argument must be bytes-like objects. On Python 2.x a hashing object may also support ASCII-only unicode. The actual name of argument is not changed as it is part of the public API. Code may depend on the fact that the argument is called ‘string’. Recommended names for common hashing algorithms algorithm variant recommended name MD5 md5 RIPEMD-160 ripemd160 SHA-1 sha1 SHA-2 SHA-224 sha224 SHA-256 sha256 SHA-384 sha384 SHA-512 sha512 SHA-3 SHA-3-224 sha3_224 SHA-3-256 sha3_256 SHA-3-384 sha3_384 SHA-3-512 sha3_512 WHIRLPOOL whirlpool Changes 2001-09-17: Renamed clear() to reset(); added digest_size attribute to objects; added .hexdigest() method. 2001-09-20: Removed reset() method completely. 2001-09-28: Set digest_size to None for variable-size hashes. 2013-08-15: Added block_size and name attributes; clarified that ‘string’ actually refers to bytes-like objects. Acknowledgements Thanks to Aahz, Andrew Archibald, Rich Salz, Itamar Shtull-Trauring, and the readers of the python-crypto list for their comments on this PEP. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 452 – API for Cryptographic Hash Functions v2.0
There are several different modules available that implement cryptographic hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA. This document specifies a standard API for such algorithms, to make it easier to switch between different implementations.
PEP 460 – Add binary interpolation and formatting Author: Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 06-Jan-2014 Python-Version: 3.5 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Binary formatting features Supported features Unsupported features Criticisms Other proposals A new type datatype Resolution References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to add minimal formatting operations to bytes and bytearray objects. The proposed additions are: bytes % ... and bytearray % ... for percent-formatting, similar in syntax to percent-formatting on str objects (accepting a single object, a tuple or a dict). bytes.format(...) and bytearray.format(...) for a formatting similar in syntax to str.format() (accepting positional as well as keyword arguments). bytes.format_map(...) and bytearray.format_map(...) for an API similar to str.format_map(...), with the same formatting syntax and semantics as bytes.format() and bytearray.format(). Rationale In Python 2, str % args and str.format(args) allow the formatting and interpolation of bytestrings. This feature has commonly been used for the assembling of protocol messages when protocols are known to use a fixed encoding. Python 3 generally mandates that text be stored and manipulated as unicode (i.e. str objects, not bytes). In some cases, though, it makes sense to manipulate bytes objects directly. Typical usage is binary network protocols, where you can want to interpolate and assemble several bytes object (some of them literals, some of them compute) to produce complete protocol messages. For example, protocols such as HTTP or SIP have headers with ASCII names and opaque “textual” values using a varying and/or sometimes ill-defined encoding. Moreover, those headers can be followed by a binary body… which can be chunked and decorated with ASCII headers and trailers! While there are reasonably efficient ways to accumulate binary data (such as using a bytearray object, the bytes.join method or even io.BytesIO), none of them leads to the kind of readable and intuitive code that is produced by a %-formatted or {}-formatted template and a formatting operation. Binary formatting features Supported features In this proposal, percent-formatting for bytes and bytearray supports the following features: Looking up formatting arguments by position as well as by name (i.e., %s as well as %(name)s). %s will try to get a Py_buffer on the given value, and fallback on calling __bytes__. The resulting binary data is inserted at the given point in the string. This is expected to work with bytes, bytearray and memoryview objects (as well as a couple others such as pathlib’s path objects). %c will accept an integer between 0 and 255, and insert a byte of the given value. Braces-formatting for bytes and bytearray supports the following features: All the kinds of argument lookup supported by str.format() (explicit positional lookup, auto-incremented positional lookup, keyword lookup, attribute lookup, etc.) Insertion of binary data when no modifier or layout is specified (e.g. {}, {0}, {name}). This has the same semantics as %s for percent-formatting (see above). The c modifier will accept an integer between 0 and 255, and insert a byte of the given value (same as %c above). Unsupported features All other features present in formatting of str objects (either through the percent operator or the str.format() method) are unsupported. Those features imply treating the recipient of the operator or method as text, which goes counter to the text / bytes separation (for example, accepting %d as a format code would imply that the bytes object really is an ASCII-compatible text string). Amongst those unsupported features are not only most type-specific format codes, but also the various layout specifiers such as padding or alignment. Besides, str objects are not acceptable as arguments to the formatting operations, even when using e.g. the %s format code. __format__ isn’t called. Criticisms The development cost and maintenance cost. In 3.3 encoding to ASCII or latin-1 is as fast as memcpy (but it still creates a separate object). Developers will have to work around the lack of binary formatting anyway, if they want to support Python 3.4 and earlier. bytes.join() is consistently faster than format to join bytes strings (XXX is it?). Formatting functions could be implemented in a third party module, rather than added to builtin types. Other proposals A new type datatype It was proposed to create a new datatype specialized for “network programming”. The authors of this PEP believe this is counter-productive. Python 3 already has several major types dedicated to manipulation of binary data: bytes, bytearray, memoryview, io.BytesIO. Adding yet another type would make things more confusing for users, and interoperability between libraries more painful (also potentially sub-optimal, due to the necessary conversions). Moreover, not one type would be needed, but two: one immutable type (to allow for hashing), and one mutable type (as efficient accumulation is often necessary when working with network messages). Resolution This PEP is made obsolete by the acceptance of PEP 461, which introduces a more extended formatting language for bytes objects in conjunction with the modulo operator. References Issue #3982: support .format for bytes Mercurial project Twisted project Documentation of Python 2 formatting (str % args) Documentation of Python 2 formatting (str.format) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 460 – Add binary interpolation and formatting
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to add minimal formatting operations to bytes and bytearray objects. The proposed additions are:
PEP 461 – Adding % formatting to bytes and bytearray Author: Ethan Furman <ethan at stoneleaf.us> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 13-Jan-2014 Python-Version: 3.5 Post-History: 14-Jan-2014, 15-Jan-2014, 17-Jan-2014, 22-Feb-2014, 25-Mar-2014, 27-Mar-2014 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Motivation Proposed semantics for bytes and bytearray formatting %-interpolation Compatibility with Python 2 Proposed variations Objections Footnotes Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding % formatting operations similar to Python 2’s str type to bytes and bytearray [1] [2]. Rationale While interpolation is usually thought of as a string operation, there are cases where interpolation on bytes or bytearrays make sense, and the work needed to make up for this missing functionality detracts from the overall readability of the code. Motivation With Python 3 and the split between str and bytes, one small but important area of programming became slightly more difficult, and much more painful – wire format protocols [3]. This area of programming is characterized by a mixture of binary data and ASCII compatible segments of text (aka ASCII-encoded text). Bringing back a restricted %-interpolation for bytes and bytearray will aid both in writing new wire format code, and in porting Python 2 wire format code. Common use-cases include dbf and pdf file formats, email formats, and FTP and HTTP communications, among many others. Proposed semantics for bytes and bytearray formatting %-interpolation All the numeric formatting codes (d, i, o, u, x, X, e, E, f, F, g, G, and any that are subsequently added to Python 3) will be supported, and will work as they do for str, including the padding, justification and other related modifiers (currently #, 0, -, space, and + (plus any added to Python 3)). The only non-numeric codes allowed are c, b, a, and s (which is a synonym for b). For the numeric codes, the only difference between str and bytes (or bytearray) interpolation is that the results from these codes will be ASCII-encoded text, not unicode. In other words, for any numeric formatting code %x: b"%x" % val is equivalent to: ("%x" % val).encode("ascii") Examples: >>> b'%4x' % 10 b' a' >>> b'%#4x' % 10 ' 0xa' >>> b'%04X' % 10 '000A' %c will insert a single byte, either from an int in range(256), or from a bytes argument of length 1, not from a str. Examples: >>> b'%c' % 48 b'0' >>> b'%c' % b'a' b'a' %b will insert a series of bytes. These bytes are collected in one of two ways: input type supports Py_buffer [4]? use it to collect the necessary bytes input type is something else? use its __bytes__ method [5] ; if there isn’t one, raise a TypeError In particular, %b will not accept numbers nor str. str is rejected as the string to bytes conversion requires an encoding, and we are refusing to guess; numbers are rejected because: what makes a number is fuzzy (float? Decimal? Fraction? some user type?) allowing numbers would lead to ambiguity between numbers and textual representations of numbers (3.14 vs ‘3.14’) given the nature of wire formats, explicit is definitely better than implicit %s is included as a synonym for %b for the sole purpose of making 2/3 code bases easier to maintain. Python 3 only code should use %b. Examples: >>> b'%b' % b'abc' b'abc' >>> b'%b' % 'some string'.encode('utf8') b'some string' >>> b'%b' % 3.14 Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: b'%b' does not accept 'float' >>> b'%b' % 'hello world!' Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: b'%b' does not accept 'str' %a will give the equivalent of repr(some_obj).encode('ascii', 'backslashreplace') on the interpolated value. Use cases include developing a new protocol and writing landmarks into the stream; debugging data going into an existing protocol to see if the problem is the protocol itself or bad data; a fall-back for a serialization format; or any situation where defining __bytes__ would not be appropriate but a readable/informative representation is needed [6]. %r is included as a synonym for %a for the sole purpose of making 2/3 code bases easier to maintain. Python 3 only code use %a [7]. Examples: >>> b'%a' % 3.14 b'3.14' >>> b'%a' % b'abc' b"b'abc'" >>> b'%a' % 'def' b"'def'" Compatibility with Python 2 As noted above, %s and %r are being included solely to help ease migration from, and/or have a single code base with, Python 2. This is important as there are modules both in the wild and behind closed doors that currently use the Python 2 str type as a bytes container, and hence are using %s as a bytes interpolator. However, %b and %a should be used in new, Python 3 only code, so %s and %r will immediately be deprecated, but not removed from the 3.x series [7]. Proposed variations It has been proposed to automatically use .encode('ascii','strict') for str arguments to %b. Rejected as this would lead to intermittent failures. Better to have the operation always fail so the trouble-spot can be correctly fixed. It has been proposed to have %b return the ascii-encoded repr when the value is a str (b’%b’ % ‘abc’ –> b“‘abc’”). Rejected as this would lead to hard to debug failures far from the problem site. Better to have the operation always fail so the trouble-spot can be easily fixed. Originally this PEP also proposed adding format-style formatting, but it was decided that format and its related machinery were all strictly text (aka str) based, and it was dropped. Various new special methods were proposed, such as __ascii__, __format_bytes__, etc.; such methods are not needed at this time, but can be visited again later if real-world use shows deficiencies with this solution. A competing PEP, PEP 460 Add binary interpolation and formatting, also exists. Objections The objections raised against this PEP were mainly variations on two themes: the bytes and bytearray types are for pure binary data, with no assumptions about encodings offering %-interpolation that assumes an ASCII encoding will be an attractive nuisance and lead us back to the problems of the Python 2 str/unicode text model As was seen during the discussion, bytes and bytearray are also used for mixed binary data and ASCII-compatible segments: file formats such as dbf and pdf, network protocols such as ftp and email, etc. bytes and bytearray already have several methods which assume an ASCII compatible encoding. upper(), isalpha(), and expandtabs() to name just a few. %-interpolation, with its very restricted mini-language, will not be any more of a nuisance than the already existing methods. Some have objected to allowing the full range of numeric formatting codes with the claim that decimal alone would be sufficient. However, at least two formats (dbf and pdf) make use of non-decimal numbers. Footnotes [1] http://docs.python.org/2/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting [2] neither string.Template, format, nor str.format are under consideration [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-January/131518.html [4] http://docs.python.org/3/c-api/buffer.html examples: memoryview, array.array, bytearray, bytes [5] http://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__bytes__ [6] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-February/132750.html [7] (1, 2) http://bugs.python.org/issue23467 – originally %r was not allowed, but was added for consistency during the 3.5 alpha stage. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 461 – Adding % formatting to bytes and bytearray
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding % formatting operations similar to Python 2’s str type to bytes and bytearray [1] [2].
PEP 462 – Core development workflow automation for CPython Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Process Requires: 474 Created: 23-Jan-2014 Post-History: 25-Jan-2014, 27-Jan-2014, 01-Feb-2015 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Withdrawal Rationale for changes to the core development workflow Current Tools Proposal Deferred Proposals Suggested Variants Perceived Benefits Technical Challenges Kallithea vs Gerrit Mercurial vs Gerrit/git Buildbot vs Jenkins Handling of maintenance branches Handling of security branches Handling of NEWS file updates Stability of “stable” Buildbot slaves Intermittent test failures Custom Mercurial client workflow support Social Challenges Practical Challenges Open Questions Next Steps Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes investing in automation of several of the tedious, time-consuming activities that are currently required for the core development team to incorporate changes into CPython. This proposal is intended to allow core developers to make more effective use of the time they have available to contribute to CPython, which should also result in an improved experience for other contributors that are reliant on the core team to get their changes incorporated. PEP Withdrawal This PEP has been withdrawn by the author in favour of the GitLab based proposal in PEP 507. If anyone else would like to take over championing this PEP, contact the core-workflow mailing list Rationale for changes to the core development workflow The current core developer workflow to merge a new feature into CPython on a POSIX system “works” as follows: If applying a change submitted to bugs.python.org by another user, first check they have signed the PSF Contributor Licensing Agreement. If not, request that they sign one before continuing with merging the change. Apply the change locally to a current checkout of the main CPython repository (the change will typically have been discussed and reviewed as a patch on bugs.python.org first, but this step is not currently considered mandatory for changes originating directly from core developers). Run the test suite locally, at least make test or ./python -m test (depending on system specs, this takes a few minutes in the default configuration, but substantially longer if all optional resources, like external network access, are enabled). Run make patchcheck to fix any whitespace issues and as a reminder of other changes that may be needed (such as updating Misc/ACKS or adding an entry to Misc/NEWS) Commit the change and push it to the main repository. If hg indicates this would create a new head in the remote repository, run hg pull --rebase (or an equivalent). Theoretically, you should rerun the tests at this point, but it’s very tempting to skip that step. After pushing, monitor the stable buildbots for any new failures introduced by your change. In particular, developers on POSIX systems will often break the Windows buildbots, and vice-versa. Less commonly, developers on Linux or Mac OS X may break other POSIX systems. The steps required on Windows are similar, but the exact commands used will be different. Rather than being simpler, the workflow for a bug fix is more complicated than that for a new feature! New features have the advantage of only being applied to the default branch, while bug fixes also need to be considered for inclusion in maintenance branches. If a bug fix is applicable to Python 2.7, then it is also separately applied to the 2.7 branch, which is maintained as an independent head in Mercurial If a bug fix is applicable to the current 3.x maintenance release, then it is first applied to the maintenance branch and then merged forward to the default branch. Both branches are pushed to hg.python.org at the same time. Documentation patches are simpler than functional patches, but not hugely so - the main benefit is only needing to check the docs build successfully rather than running the test suite. I would estimate that even when everything goes smoothly, it would still take me at least 20-30 minutes to commit a bug fix patch that applies cleanly. Given that it should be possible to automate several of these tasks, I do not believe our current practices are making effective use of scarce core developer resources. There are many, many frustrations involved with this current workflow, and they lead directly to some undesirable development practices. Much of this overhead is incurred on a per-patch applied basis. This encourages large commits, rather than small isolated changes. The time required to commit a 500 line feature is essentially the same as that needed to commit a 1 line bug fix - the additional time needed for the larger change appears in any preceding review rather than as part of the commit process. The additional overhead of working on applying bug fixes creates an additional incentive to work on new features instead, and new features are already inherently more interesting to work on - they don’t need workflow difficulties giving them a helping hand! Getting a preceding review on bugs.python.org is additional work, creating an incentive to commit changes directly, increasing the reliance on post-review on the python-checkins mailing list. Patches on the tracker that are complete, correct and ready to merge may still languish for extended periods awaiting a core developer with the time to devote to getting it merged. The risk of push races (especially when pushing a merged bug fix) creates a temptation to skip doing full local test runs (especially after a push race has already been encountered once), increasing the chance of breaking the buildbots. The buildbots are sometimes red for extended periods, introducing errors into local test runs, and also meaning that they sometimes fail to serve as a reliable indicator of whether or not a patch has introduced cross platform issues. Post-conference development sprints are a nightmare, as they collapse into a mire of push races. It’s tempting to just leave patches on the tracker until after the sprint is over and then try to clean them up afterwards. There are also many, many opportunities for core developers to make mistakes that inconvenience others, both in managing the Mercurial branches and in breaking the buildbots without being in a position to fix them promptly. This both makes the existing core development team cautious in granting new developers commit access, as well as making those new developers cautious about actually making use of their increased level of access. There are also some incidental annoyances (like keeping the NEWS file up to date) that will also be necessarily addressed as part of this proposal. One of the most critical resources of a volunteer-driven open source project is the emotional energy of its contributors. The current approach to change incorporation doesn’t score well on that front for anyone: For core developers, the branch wrangling for bug fixes is delicate and easy to get wrong. Conflicts on the NEWS file and push races when attempting to upload changes add to the irritation of something most of us aren’t being paid to spend time on (and for those that are, contributing to CPython is likely to be only one of our responsibilities). The time we spend actually getting a change merged is time we’re not spending coding additional changes, writing or updating documentation or reviewing contributions from others. Red buildbots make life difficult for other developers (since a local test failure may not be due to anything that developer did), release managers (since they may need to enlist assistance cleaning up test failures prior to a release) and for the developers themselves (since it creates significant pressure to fix any failures we inadvertently introduce right now, rather than at a more convenient time, as well as potentially making hg bisect more difficult to use if hg annotate isn’t sufficient to identify the source of a new failure). For other contributors, a core developer spending time actually getting changes merged is a developer that isn’t reviewing and discussing patches on the issue tracker or otherwise helping others to contribute effectively. It is especially frustrating for contributors that are accustomed to the simplicity of a developer just being able to hit “Merge” on a pull request that has already been automatically tested in the project’s CI system (which is a common workflow on sites like GitHub and BitBucket), or where the post-review part of the merge process is fully automated (as is the case for OpenStack). Current Tools The following tools are currently used to manage various parts of the CPython core development workflow. Mercurial (hg.python.org) for version control Roundup (bugs.python.org) for issue tracking Rietveld (also hosted on bugs.python.org) for code review Buildbot (buildbot.python.org) for automated testing This proposal suggests replacing the use of Rietveld for code review with the more full-featured Kallithea-based forge.python.org service proposed in PEP 474. Guido has indicated that the original Rietveld implementation was primarily intended as a public demonstration application for Google App Engine, and switching to Kallithea will address some of the issues with identifying intended target branches that arise when working with patch files on Roundup and the associated reviews in the integrated Rietveld instance. It also suggests the addition of new tools in order to automate additional parts of the workflow, as well as a critical review of the remaining tools to see which, if any, may be candidates for replacement. Proposal The essence of this proposal is that CPython aim to adopt a “core reviewer” development model, similar to that used by the OpenStack project. The workflow problems experienced by the CPython core development team are not unique. The OpenStack infrastructure team have come up with a well designed automated workflow that is designed to ensure: once a patch has been reviewed, further developer involvement is needed only if the automated tests fail prior to merging patches never get merged without being tested relative to the current state of the branch the main development branch always stays green. Patches that do not pass the automated tests do not get merged If a core developer wants to tweak a patch prior to merging, they download it from the review tool, modify and upload it back to the review tool rather than pushing it directly to the source code repository. The core of this workflow is implemented using a tool called Zuul, a Python web service created specifically for the OpenStack project, but deliberately designed with a plugin based trigger and action system to make it easier to adapt to alternate code review systems, issue trackers and CI systems. James Blair of the OpenStack infrastructure team provided an excellent overview of Zuul at linux.conf.au 2014. While Zuul handles several workflows for OpenStack, the specific one of interest for this PEP is the “merge gating” workflow. For this workflow, Zuul is configured to monitor the Gerrit code review system for patches which have been marked as “Approved”. Once it sees such a patch, Zuul takes it, and combines it into a queue of “candidate merges”. It then creates a pipeline of test runs that execute in parallel in Jenkins (in order to allow more than 24 commits a day when a full test run takes the better part of an hour), and are merged as they pass (and as all the candidate merges ahead of them in the queue pass). If a patch fails the tests, Zuul takes it out of the queue, cancels any test runs after that patch in the queue, and rebuilds the queue without the failing patch. If a developer looks at a test which failed on merge and determines that it was due to an intermittent failure, they can then resubmit the patch for another attempt at merging. To adapt this process to CPython, it should be feasible to have Zuul monitor Kallithea for approved pull requests (which may require a feature addition in Kallithea), submit them to Buildbot for testing on the stable buildbots, and then merge the changes appropriately in Mercurial. This idea poses a few technical challenges, which have their own section below. For CPython, I don’t believe we will need to take advantage of Zuul’s ability to execute tests in parallel (certainly not in the initial iteration - if we get to a point where serial testing of patches by the merge gating system is our primary bottleneck rather than having the people we need in order to be able to review and approve patches, then that will be a very good day). However, the merge queue itself is a very powerful concept that should directly address several of the issues described in the Rationale above. Deferred Proposals The OpenStack team also use Zuul to coordinate several other activities: Running preliminary “check” tests against patches posted to Gerrit. Creation of updated release artefacts and republishing documentation when changes are merged The Elastic recheck feature that uses ElasticSearch in conjunction with a spam filter to monitor test output and suggest the specific intermittent failure that may have caused a test to fail, rather than requiring users to search logs manually While these are possibilities worth exploring in the future (and one of the possible benefits I see to seeking closer coordination with the OpenStack Infrastructure team), I don’t see them as offering quite the same kind of fundamental workflow improvement that merge gating appears to provide. However, if we find we are having too many problems with intermittent test failures in the gate, then introducing the “Elastic recheck” feature may need to be considered as part of the initial deployment. Suggested Variants Terry Reedy has suggested doing an initial filter which specifically looks for approved documentation-only patches (~700 of the 4000+ open CPython issues are pure documentation updates). This approach would avoid several of the issues related to flaky tests and cross-platform testing, while still allowing the rest of the automation flows to be worked out (such as how to push a patch into the merge queue). The key downside to this approach is that Zuul wouldn’t have complete control of the merge process as it usually expects, so there would potentially be additional coordination needed around that. It may be worth keeping this approach as a fallback option if the initial deployment proves to have more trouble with test reliability than is anticipated. It would also be possible to tweak the merge gating criteria such that it doesn’t run the test suite if it detects that the patch hasn’t modified any files outside the “Docs” tree, and instead only checks that the documentation builds without errors. As yet another alternative, it may be reasonable to move some parts of the documentation (such as the tutorial and the HOWTO guides) out of the main source repository and manage them using the simpler pull request based model described in PEP 474. Perceived Benefits The benefits of this proposal accrue most directly to the core development team. First and foremost, it means that once we mark a patch as “Approved” in the updated code review system, we’re usually done. The extra 20-30 minutes (or more) of actually applying the patch, running the tests and merging it into Mercurial would all be orchestrated by Zuul. Push races would also be a thing of the past - if lots of core developers are approving patches at a sprint, then that just means the queue gets deeper in Zuul, rather than developers getting frustrated trying to merge changes and failing. Test failures would still happen, but they would result in the affected patch being removed from the merge queue, rather than breaking the code in the main repository. With the bulk of the time investment moved to the review process, this also encourages “development for reviewability” - smaller, easier to review patches, since the overhead of running the tests multiple times will be incurred by Zuul rather than by the core developers. However, removing this time sink from the core development team should also improve the experience of CPython development for other contributors, as it eliminates several of the opportunities for patches to get “dropped on the floor”, as well as increasing the time core developers are likely to have available for reviewing contributed patches. Another example of benefits to other contributors is that when a sprint aimed primarily at new contributors is running with just a single core developer present (such as the sprints at PyCon AU for the last few years), the merge queue would allow that developer to focus more of their time on reviewing patches and helping the other contributors at the sprint, since accepting a patch for inclusion would now be a single click in the Kallithea UI, rather than the relatively time-consuming process that it is currently. Even when multiple core developers are present, it is better to enable them to spend their time and effort on interacting with the other sprint participants than it is on things that are sufficiently mechanical that a computer can (and should) handle them. With most of the ways to make a mistake when committing a change automated out of existence, there are also substantially fewer new things to learn when a contributor is nominated to become a core developer. This should have a dual benefit, both in making the existing core developers more comfortable with granting that additional level of responsibility, and in making new contributors more comfortable with exercising it. Finally, a more stable default branch in CPython makes it easier for other Python projects to conduct continuous integration directly against the main repo, rather than having to wait until we get into the release candidate phase of a new release. At the moment, setting up such a system isn’t particularly attractive, as it would need to include an additional mechanism to wait until CPython’s own Buildbot fleet indicated that the build was in a usable state. With the proposed merge gating system, the trunk always remains usable. Technical Challenges Adapting Zuul from the OpenStack infrastructure to the CPython infrastructure will at least require the development of additional Zuul trigger and action plugins, and may require additional development in some of our existing tools. Kallithea vs Gerrit Kallithea does not currently include a voting/approval feature that is equivalent to Gerrit’s. For CPython, we wouldn’t need anything as sophisticated as Gerrit’s voting system - a simple core-developer-only “Approved” marker to trigger action from Zuul should suffice. The core-developer-or-not flag is available in Roundup, as is the flag indicating whether or not the uploader of a patch has signed a PSF Contributor Licensing Agreement, which may require further development to link contributor accounts between the Kallithea instance and Roundup. Some of the existing Zuul triggers work by monitoring for particular comments (in particular, recheck/reverify comments to ask Zuul to try merging a change again if it was previously rejected due to an unrelated intermittent failure). We will likely also want similar explicit triggers for Kallithea. The current Zuul plugins for Gerrit work by monitoring the Gerrit activity stream for particular events. If Kallithea has no equivalent, we will need to add something suitable for the events we would like to trigger on. There would also be development effort needed to create a Zuul plugin that monitors Kallithea activity rather than Gerrit. Mercurial vs Gerrit/git Gerrit uses git as the actual storage mechanism for patches, and automatically handles merging of approved patches. By contrast, Kallithea use the RhodeCode created vcs library as an abstraction layer over specific DVCS implementations (with Mercurial and git backends currently available). Zuul is also directly integrated with git for patch manipulation - as far as I am aware, this part of the design currently isn’t pluggable. However, at PyCon US 2014, the Mercurial core developers at the sprints expressed some interest in collaborating with the core development team and the Zuul developers on enabling the use of Zuul with Mercurial in addition to git. As Zuul is itself a Python application, migrating it to use the same DVCS abstraction library as RhodeCode and Kallithea may be a viable path towards achieving that. Buildbot vs Jenkins Zuul’s interaction with the CI system is also pluggable, using Gearman as the preferred interface. Accordingly, adapting the CI jobs to run in Buildbot rather than Jenkins should just be a matter of writing a Gearman client that can process the requests from Zuul and pass them on to the Buildbot master. Zuul uses the pure Python gear client library to communicate with Gearman, and this library should also be useful to handle the Buildbot side of things. Note that, in the initial iteration, I am proposing that we do not attempt to pipeline test execution. This means Zuul would be running in a very simple mode where only the patch at the head of the merge queue is being tested on the Buildbot fleet, rather than potentially testing several patches in parallel. I am picturing something equivalent to requesting a forced build from the Buildbot master, and then waiting for the result to come back before moving on to the second patch in the queue. If we ultimately decide that this is not sufficient, and we need to start using the CI pipelining features of Zuul, then we may need to look at moving the test execution to dynamically provisioned cloud images, rather than relying on volunteer maintained statically provisioned systems as we do currently. The OpenStack CI infrastructure team are exploring the idea of replacing their current use of Jenkins masters with a simpler pure Python test runner, so if we find that we can’t get Buildbot to effectively support the pipelined testing model, we’d likely participate in that effort rather than setting up a Jenkins instance for CPython. In this case, the main technical risk would be a matter of ensuring we support testing on platforms other than Linux (as our stable buildbots currently cover Windows, Mac OS X, FreeBSD and OpenIndiana in addition to a couple of different Linux variants). In such a scenario, the Buildbot fleet would still have a place in doing “check” runs against the master repository (either periodically or for every commit), even if it did not play a part in the merge gating process. More unusual configurations (such as building without threads, or without SSL/TLS support) would likely still be handled that way rather than being included in the gate criteria (at least initially, anyway). Handling of maintenance branches The OpenStack project largely leaves the question of maintenance branches to downstream vendors, rather than handling it directly. This means there are questions to be answered regarding how we adapt Zuul to handle our maintenance branches. Python 2.7 can be handled easily enough by treating it as a separate patch queue. This would be handled natively in Kallithea by submitting separate pull requests in order to update the Python 2.7 maintenance branch. The Python 3.x maintenance branches are potentially more complicated. My current recommendation is to simply stop using Mercurial merges to manage them, and instead treat them as independent heads, similar to the Python 2.7 branch. Separate pull requests would need to be submitted for the active Python 3 maintenance branch and the default development branch. The downside of this approach is that it increases the risk that a fix is merged only to the maintenance branch without also being submitted to the default branch, so we may want to design some additional tooling that ensures that every maintenance branch pull request either has a corresponding default branch pull request prior to being merged, or else has an explicit disclaimer indicating that it is only applicable to that branch and doesn’t need to be ported forward to later branches. Such an approach has the benefit of adjusting relatively cleanly to the intermittent periods where we have two active Python 3 maintenance branches. This issue does suggest some potential user interface ideas for Kallithea, where it may be desirable to be able to clone a pull request in order to be able to apply it to a second branch. Handling of security branches For simplicity’s sake, I would suggest leaving the handling of security-fix only branches alone: the release managers for those branches would continue to backport specific changes manually. The only change is that they would be able to use the Kallithea pull request workflow to do the backports if they would like others to review the updates prior to merging them. Handling of NEWS file updates Our current approach to handling NEWS file updates regularly results in spurious conflicts when merging bug fixes forward from an active maintenance branch to a later branch. Issue #18967* discusses some possible improvements in that area, which would be beneficial regardless of whether or not we adopt Zuul as a workflow automation tool. Stability of “stable” Buildbot slaves Instability of the nominally stable buildbots has a substantially larger impact under this proposal. We would need to ensure we’re genuinely happy with each of those systems gating merges to the development branches, or else move then to “unstable” status. Intermittent test failures Some tests, especially timing tests, exhibit intermittent failures on the existing Buildbot fleet. In particular, test systems running as VMs may sometimes exhibit timing failures when the VM host is under higher than normal load. The OpenStack CI infrastructure includes a number of additional features to help deal with intermittent failures, the most basic of which is simply allowing developers to request that merging a patch be tried again when the original failure appears to be due to a known intermittent failure (whether that intermittent failure is in OpenStack itself or just in a flaky test). The more sophisticated Elastic recheck feature may be worth considering, especially since the output of the CPython test suite is substantially simpler than that from OpenStack’s more complex multi-service testing, and hence likely even more amenable to automated analysis. Custom Mercurial client workflow support One useful part of the OpenStack workflow is the “git review” plugin, which makes it relatively easy to push a branch from a local git clone up to Gerrit for review. PEP 474 mentions a draft custom Mercurial extension that automates some aspects of the existing CPython core development workflow. As part of this proposal, that custom extension would be extended to work with the new Kallithea based review workflow in addition to the legacy Roundup/Rietveld based review workflow. Social Challenges The primary social challenge here is getting the core development team to change their practices. However, the tedious-but-necessary steps that are automated by the proposal should create a strong incentive for the existing developers to go along with the idea. I believe three specific features may be needed to assure existing developers that there are no downsides to the automation of this workflow: Only requiring approval from a single core developer to incorporate a patch. This could be revisited in the future, but we should preserve the status quo for the initial rollout. Explicitly stating that core developers remain free to approve their own patches, except during the release candidate phase of a release. This could be revisited in the future, but we should preserve the status quo for the initial rollout. Ensuring that at least release managers have a “merge it now” capability that allows them to force a particular patch to the head of the merge queue. Using a separate clone for release preparation may be sufficient for this purpose. Longer term, automatic merge gating may also allow for more automated preparation of release artefacts as well. Practical Challenges The PSF runs its own directly and indirectly sponsored workflow infrastructure primarily due to past experience with unacceptably poor performance and inflexibility of infrastructure provided for free to the general public. CPython development was originally hosted on SourceForge, with source control moved to self hosting when SF was both slow to offer Subversion support and suffering from CVS performance issues (see PEP 347), while issue tracking later moved to the open source Roundup issue tracker on dedicated sponsored hosting (from Upfront Systems), due to a combination of both SF performance issues and general usability issues with the SF tracker at the time (the outcome and process for the new tracker selection were captured on the python.org wiki rather than in a PEP). Accordingly, proposals that involve setting ourselves up for “SourceForge usability and reliability issues, round two” will face significant opposition from at least some members of the CPython core development team (including the author of this PEP). This proposal respects that history by recommending only tools that are available for self-hosting as sponsored or PSF funded infrastructure, and are also open source Python projects that can be customised to meet the needs of the CPython core development team. However, for this proposal to be a success (if it is accepted), we need to understand how we are going to carry out the necessary configuration, customisation, integration and deployment work. The last attempt at adding a new piece to the CPython support infrastructure (speed.python.org) has unfortunately foundered due to the lack of time to drive the project from the core developers and PSF board members involved, and the difficulties of trying to bring someone else up to speed to lead the activity (the hardware donated to that project by HP is currently in use to support PyPy instead, but the situation highlights some of the challenges of relying on volunteer labour with many other higher priority demands on their time to steer projects to completion). Even ultimately successful past projects, such as the source control migrations from CVS to Subversion and from Subversion to Mercurial, the issue tracker migration from SourceForge to Roundup, the code review integration between Roundup and Rietveld and the introduction of the Buildbot continuous integration fleet, have taken an extended period of time as volunteers worked their way through the many technical and social challenges involved. Fortunately, as several aspects of this proposal and PEP 474 align with various workflow improvements under consideration for Red Hat’s Beaker open source hardware integration testing system and other work-related projects, I have arranged to be able to devote ~1 day a week to working on CPython infrastructure projects. Together with Rackspace’s existing contributions to maintaining the pypi.python.org infrastructure, I personally believe this arrangement is indicative of a more general recognition amongst CPython redistributors and major users of the merit in helping to sustain upstream infrastructure through direct contributions of developer time, rather than expecting volunteer contributors to maintain that infrastructure entirely in their spare time or funding it indirectly through the PSF (with the additional management overhead that would entail). I consider this a positive trend, and one that I will continue to encourage as best I can. Open Questions Pretty much everything in the PEP. Do we want to adopt merge gating and Zuul? How do we want to address the various technical challenges? Are the Kallithea and Zuul development communities open to the kind of collaboration that would be needed to make this effort a success? While I’ve arranged to spend some of my own work time on this, do we want to approach the OpenStack Foundation for additional assistance, since we’re a key dependency of OpenStack itself, Zuul is a creation of the OpenStack infrastructure team, and the available development resources for OpenStack currently dwarf those for CPython? Are other interested folks working for Python redistributors and major users also in a position to make a business case to their superiors for investing developer time in supporting this effort? Next Steps If pursued, this will be a follow-on project to the Kallithea-based forge.python.org proposal in PEP 474. Refer to that PEP for more details on the discussion, review and proof-of-concept pilot process currently under way. Acknowledgements Thanks to Jesse Noller, Alex Gaynor and James Blair for providing valuable feedback on a preliminary draft of this proposal, and to James and Monty Taylor for additional technical feedback following publication of the initial draft. Thanks to Bradley Kuhn, Mads Kiellerich and other Kallithea developers for the discussions around PEP 474 that led to a significant revision of this proposal to be based on using Kallithea for the review component rather than the existing Rietveld installation. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 462 – Core development workflow automation for CPython
This PEP proposes investing in automation of several of the tedious, time-consuming activities that are currently required for the core development team to incorporate changes into CPython. This proposal is intended to allow core developers to make more effective use of the time they have available to contribute to CPython, which should also result in an improved experience for other contributors that are reliant on the core team to get their changes incorporated.
PEP 463 – Exception-catching expressions Author: Chris Angelico <rosuav at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Feb-2014 Python-Version: 3.5 Post-History: 20-Feb-2014, 16-Feb-2014 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Motivation Rationale Proposal Alternative Proposals Example usage Narrowing of exception-catching scope Comparisons with other languages Deferred sub-proposals Multiple except clauses Capturing the exception object Rejected sub-proposals finally clause Bare except having different meaning Bare except clauses Parentheses around the except clauses Short-hand for “except: pass” Common objections Colons always introduce suites Copyright Rejection Notice From https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133118.html: “”” I want to reject this PEP. I think the proposed syntax is acceptable given the desired semantics, although it’s still a bit jarring. It’s probably no worse than the colon used with lambda (which echoes the colon used in a def just like the colon here echoes the one in a try/except) and definitely better than the alternatives listed. But the thing I can’t get behind are the motivation and rationale. I don’t think that e.g. dict.get() would be unnecessary once we have except expressions, and I disagree with the position that EAFP is better than LBYL, or “generally recommended” by Python. (Where do you get that? From the same sources that are so obsessed with DRY they’d rather introduce a higher-order-function than repeat one line of code? :-) This is probably the most you can get out of me as far as a pronouncement. Given that the language summit is coming up I’d be happy to dive deeper in my reasons for rejecting it there (if there’s demand). I do think that (apart from never explaining those dreadful acronyms :-) this was a well-written and well-researched PEP, and I think you’ve done a great job moderating the discussion, collecting objections, reviewing alternatives, and everything else that is required to turn a heated debate into a PEP. Well done Chris (and everyone who helped), and good luck with your next PEP! “”” Abstract Just as PEP 308 introduced a means of value-based conditions in an expression, this system allows exception-based conditions to be used as part of an expression. Motivation A number of functions and methods have parameters which will cause them to return a specified value instead of raising an exception. The current system is ad-hoc and inconsistent, and requires that each function be individually written to have this functionality; not all support this. dict.get(key, default) - second positional argument in place of KeyError next(iter, default) - second positional argument in place of StopIteration list.pop() - no way to return a default seq[index] - no way to handle a bounds error min(sequence, default=default) - keyword argument in place of ValueError statistics.mean(data) - no way to handle an empty iterator Had this facility existed early in Python’s history, there would have been no need to create dict.get() and related methods; the one obvious way to handle an absent key would be to respond to the exception. One method is written which signals the absence in one way, and one consistent technique is used to respond to the absence. Instead, we have dict.get(), and as of Python 3.4, we also have min(… default=default), and myriad others. We have a LBYL syntax for testing inside an expression, but there is currently no EAFP notation; compare the following: # LBYL: if key in dic: process(dic[key]) else: process(None) # As an expression: process(dic[key] if key in dic else None) # EAFP: try: process(dic[key]) except KeyError: process(None) # As an expression: process(dic[key] except KeyError: None) Python generally recommends the EAFP policy, but must then proliferate utility functions like dic.get(key,None) to enable this. Rationale The current system requires that a function author predict the need for a default, and implement support for it. If this is not done, a full try/except block is needed. Since try/except is a statement, it is impossible to catch exceptions in the middle of an expression. Just as if/else does for conditionals and lambda does for function definitions, so does this allow exception catching in an expression context. This provides a clean and consistent way for a function to provide a default: it simply raises an appropriate exception, and the caller catches it. With some situations, an LBYL technique can be used (checking if some sequence has enough length before indexing into it, for instance). This is not safe in all cases, but as it is often convenient, programmers will be tempted to sacrifice the safety of EAFP in favour of the notational brevity of LBYL. Additionally, some LBYL techniques (eg involving getattr with three arguments) warp the code into looking like literal strings rather than attribute lookup, which can impact readability. A convenient EAFP notation solves all of this. There’s no convenient way to write a helper function to do this; the nearest is something ugly using either lambda: def except_(expression, exception_list, default): try: return expression() except exception_list: return default() value = except_(lambda: 1/x, ZeroDivisionError, lambda: float("nan")) which is clunky, and unable to handle multiple exception clauses; or eval: def except_(expression, exception_list, default): try: return eval(expression, globals_of_caller(), locals_of_caller()) except exception_list as exc: l = locals_of_caller().copy() l['exc'] = exc return eval(default, globals_of_caller(), l) def globals_of_caller(): return sys._getframe(2).f_globals def locals_of_caller(): return sys._getframe(2).f_locals value = except_("""1/x""",ZeroDivisionError,""" "Can't divide by zero" """) which is even clunkier, and relies on implementation-dependent hacks. (Writing globals_of_caller() and locals_of_caller() for interpreters other than CPython is left as an exercise for the reader.) Raymond Hettinger expresses a desire for such a consistent API. Something similar has been requested multiple times in the past. Proposal Just as the ‘or’ operator and the three part ‘if-else’ expression give short circuiting methods of catching a falsy value and replacing it, this syntax gives a short-circuiting method of catching an exception and replacing it. This currently works: lst = [1, 2, None, 3] value = lst[2] or "No value" The proposal adds this: lst = [1, 2] value = (lst[2] except IndexError: "No value") Specifically, the syntax proposed is: (expr except exception_list: default) where expr, exception_list, and default are all expressions. First, expr is evaluated. If no exception is raised, its value is the value of the overall expression. If any exception is raised, exception_list is evaluated, and should result in either a type or a tuple, just as with the statement form of try/except. Any matching exception will result in the corresponding default expression being evaluated and becoming the value of the expression. As with the statement form of try/except, non-matching exceptions will propagate upward. Parentheses are required around the entire expression, unless they would be completely redundant, according to the same rules as generator expressions follow. This guarantees correct interpretation of nested except-expressions, and allows for future expansion of the syntax - see below on multiple except clauses. Note that the current proposal does not allow the exception object to be captured. Where this is needed, the statement form must be used. (See below for discussion and elaboration on this.) This ternary operator would be between lambda and if/else in precedence. Consider this example of a two-level cache: for key in sequence: x = (lvl1[key] except KeyError: (lvl2[key] except KeyError: f(key))) # do something with x This cannot be rewritten as: x = lvl1.get(key, lvl2.get(key, f(key))) which, despite being shorter, defeats the purpose of the cache, as it must calculate a default value to pass to get(). The .get() version calculates backwards; the exception-testing version calculates forwards, as would be expected. The nearest useful equivalent would be: x = lvl1.get(key) or lvl2.get(key) or f(key) which depends on the values being nonzero, as well as depending on the cache object supporting this functionality. Alternative Proposals Discussion on python-ideas brought up the following syntax suggestions: value = expr except default if Exception [as e] value = expr except default for Exception [as e] value = expr except default from Exception [as e] value = expr except Exception [as e] return default value = expr except (Exception [as e]: default) value = expr except Exception [as e] try default value = expr except Exception [as e] continue with default value = default except Exception [as e] else expr value = try expr except Exception [as e]: default value = expr except default # Catches anything value = expr except(Exception) default # Catches only the named type(s) value = default if expr raise Exception value = expr or else default if Exception value = expr except Exception [as e] -> default value = expr except Exception [as e] pass default It has also been suggested that a new keyword be created, rather than reusing an existing one. Such proposals fall into the same structure as the last form, but with a different keyword in place of ‘pass’. Suggestions include ‘then’, ‘when’, and ‘use’. Also, in the context of the “default if expr raise Exception” proposal, it was suggested that a new keyword “raises” be used. All forms involving the ‘as’ capturing clause have been deferred from this proposal in the interests of simplicity, but are preserved in the table above as an accurate record of suggestions. The four forms most supported by this proposal are, in order: value = (expr except Exception: default) value = (expr except Exception -> default) value = (expr except Exception pass default) value = (expr except Exception then default) All four maintain left-to-right evaluation order: first the base expression, then the exception list, and lastly the default. This is important, as the expressions are evaluated lazily. By comparison, several of the ad-hoc alternatives listed above must (by the nature of functions) evaluate their default values eagerly. The preferred form, using the colon, parallels try/except by using “except exception_list:”, and parallels lambda by having “keyword name_list: subexpression”; it also can be read as mapping Exception to the default value, dict-style. Using the arrow introduces a token many programmers will not be familiar with, and which currently has no similar meaning, but is otherwise quite readable. The English word “pass” has a vaguely similar meaning (consider the common usage “pass by value/reference” for function arguments), and “pass” is already a keyword, but as its meaning is distinctly unrelated, this may cause confusion. Using “then” makes sense in English, but this introduces a new keyword to the language - albeit one not in common use, but a new keyword all the same. Left to right evaluation order is extremely important to readability, as it parallels the order most expressions are evaluated. Alternatives such as: value = (expr except default if Exception) break this, by first evaluating the two ends, and then coming to the middle; while this may not seem terrible (as the exception list will usually be a constant), it does add to the confusion when multiple clauses meet, either with multiple except/if or with the existing if/else, or a combination. Using the preferred order, subexpressions will always be evaluated from left to right, no matter how the syntax is nested. Keeping the existing notation, but shifting the mandatory parentheses, we have the following suggestion: value = expr except (Exception: default) value = expr except(Exception: default) This is reminiscent of a function call, or a dict initializer. The colon cannot be confused with introducing a suite, but on the other hand, the new syntax guarantees lazy evaluation, which a dict does not. The potential to reduce confusion is considered unjustified by the corresponding potential to increase it. Example usage For each example, an approximately-equivalent statement form is given, to show how the expression will be parsed. These are not always strictly equivalent, but will accomplish the same purpose. It is NOT safe for the interpreter to translate one into the other. A number of these examples are taken directly from the Python standard library, with file names and line numbers correct as of early Feb 2014. Many of these patterns are extremely common. Retrieve an argument, defaulting to None: cond = (args[1] except IndexError: None) # Lib/pdb.py:803: try: cond = args[1] except IndexError: cond = None Fetch information from the system if available: pwd = (os.getcwd() except OSError: None) # Lib/tkinter/filedialog.py:210: try: pwd = os.getcwd() except OSError: pwd = None Attempt a translation, falling back on the original: e.widget = (self._nametowidget(W) except KeyError: W) # Lib/tkinter/__init__.py:1222: try: e.widget = self._nametowidget(W) except KeyError: e.widget = W Read from an iterator, continuing with blank lines once it’s exhausted: line = (readline() except StopIteration: '') # Lib/lib2to3/pgen2/tokenize.py:370: try: line = readline() except StopIteration: line = '' Retrieve platform-specific information (note the DRY improvement); this particular example could be taken further, turning a series of separate assignments into a single large dict initialization: # sys.abiflags may not be defined on all platforms. _CONFIG_VARS['abiflags'] = (sys.abiflags except AttributeError: '') # Lib/sysconfig.py:529: try: _CONFIG_VARS['abiflags'] = sys.abiflags except AttributeError: # sys.abiflags may not be defined on all platforms. _CONFIG_VARS['abiflags'] = '' Retrieve an indexed item, defaulting to None (similar to dict.get): def getNamedItem(self, name): return (self._attrs[name] except KeyError: None) # Lib/xml/dom/minidom.py:573: def getNamedItem(self, name): try: return self._attrs[name] except KeyError: return None Translate numbers to names, falling back on the numbers: g = (grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2] except KeyError: tarinfo.gid) u = (pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2] except KeyError: tarinfo.uid) # Lib/tarfile.py:2198: try: g = grp.getgrnam(tarinfo.gname)[2] except KeyError: g = tarinfo.gid try: u = pwd.getpwnam(tarinfo.uname)[2] except KeyError: u = tarinfo.uid Look up an attribute, falling back on a default: mode = (f.mode except AttributeError: 'rb') # Lib/aifc.py:882: if hasattr(f, 'mode'): mode = f.mode else: mode = 'rb' return (sys._getframe(1) except AttributeError: None) # Lib/inspect.py:1350: return sys._getframe(1) if hasattr(sys, "_getframe") else None Perform some lengthy calculations in EAFP mode, handling division by zero as a sort of sticky NaN: value = (calculate(x) except ZeroDivisionError: float("nan")) try: value = calculate(x) except ZeroDivisionError: value = float("nan") Calculate the mean of a series of numbers, falling back on zero: value = (statistics.mean(lst) except statistics.StatisticsError: 0) try: value = statistics.mean(lst) except statistics.StatisticsError: value = 0 Looking up objects in a sparse list of overrides: (overrides[x] or default except IndexError: default).ping() try: (overrides[x] or default).ping() except IndexError: default.ping() Narrowing of exception-catching scope The following examples, taken directly from Python’s standard library, demonstrate how the scope of the try/except can be conveniently narrowed. To do this with the statement form of try/except would require a temporary variable, but it’s far cleaner as an expression. Lib/ipaddress.py:343: try: ips.append(ip.ip) except AttributeError: ips.append(ip.network_address) Becomes: ips.append(ip.ip except AttributeError: ip.network_address) The expression form is nearly equivalent to this: try: _ = ip.ip except AttributeError: _ = ip.network_address ips.append(_) Lib/tempfile.py:130: try: dirlist.append(_os.getcwd()) except (AttributeError, OSError): dirlist.append(_os.curdir) Becomes: dirlist.append(_os.getcwd() except (AttributeError, OSError): _os.curdir) Lib/asyncore.py:264: try: status.append('%s:%d' % self.addr) except TypeError: status.append(repr(self.addr)) Becomes: status.append('%s:%d' % self.addr except TypeError: repr(self.addr)) In each case, the narrowed scope of the try/except ensures that an unexpected exception (for instance, AttributeError if “append” were misspelled) does not get caught by the same handler. This is sufficiently unlikely to be reason to break the call out into a separate line (as per the five line example above), but it is a small benefit gained as a side-effect of the conversion. Comparisons with other languages (With thanks to Andrew Barnert for compiling this section. Note that the examples given here do not reflect the current version of the proposal, and need to be edited.) Ruby’s “begin…rescue…rescue…else…ensure…end” is an expression (potentially with statements inside it). It has the equivalent of an “as” clause, and the equivalent of bare except. And it uses no punctuation or keyword between the bare except/exception class/exception class with as clause and the value. (And yes, it’s ambiguous unless you understand Ruby’s statement/expression rules.) x = begin computation() rescue MyException => e default(e) end; x = begin computation() rescue MyException default() end; x = begin computation() rescue default() end; x = begin computation() rescue MyException default() rescue OtherException other() end; In terms of this PEP: x = computation() except MyException as e default(e) x = computation() except MyException default(e) x = computation() except default(e) x = computation() except MyException default() except OtherException other() Erlang has a try expression that looks like this x = try computation() catch MyException:e -> default(e) end; x = try computation() catch MyException:e -> default(e); OtherException:e -> other(e) end; The class and “as” name are mandatory, but you can use “_” for either. There’s also an optional “when” guard on each, and a “throw” clause that you can catch, which I won’t get into. To handle multiple exceptions, you just separate the clauses with semicolons, which I guess would map to commas in Python. So: x = try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e) x = try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e), OtherException as e->other_default(e) Erlang also has a “catch” expression, which, despite using the same keyword, is completely different, and you don’t want to know about it. The ML family has two different ways of dealing with this, “handle” and “try”; the difference between the two is that “try” pattern-matches the exception, which gives you the effect of multiple except clauses and as clauses. In either form, the handler clause is punctuated by “=>” in some dialects, “->” in others. To avoid confusion, I’ll write the function calls in Python style. Here’s SML’s “handle” let x = computation() handle MyException => default();; Here’s OCaml’s “try” let x = try computation() with MyException explanation -> default(explanation);; let x = try computation() with MyException(e) -> default(e) | MyOtherException() -> other_default() | (e) -> fallback(e);; In terms of this PEP, these would be something like: x = computation() except MyException => default() x = try computation() except MyException e -> default() x = (try computation() except MyException as e -> default(e) except MyOtherException -> other_default() except BaseException as e -> fallback(e)) Many ML-inspired but not-directly-related languages from academia mix things up, usually using more keywords and fewer symbols. So, the Oz would map to Python as x = try computation() catch MyException as e then default(e) Many Lisp-derived languages, like Clojure, implement try/catch as special forms (if you don’t know what that means, think function-like macros), so you write, effectively try(computation(), catch(MyException, explanation, default(explanation))) try(computation(), catch(MyException, explanation, default(explanation)), catch(MyOtherException, explanation, other_default(explanation))) In Common Lisp, this is done with a slightly clunkier “handler-case” macro, but the basic idea is the same. The Lisp style is, surprisingly, used by some languages that don’t have macros, like Lua, where xpcall takes functions. Writing lambdas Python-style instead of Lua-style x = xpcall(lambda: expression(), lambda e: default(e)) This actually returns (true, expression()) or (false, default(e)), but I think we can ignore that part. Haskell is actually similar to Lua here (except that it’s all done with monads, of course): x = do catch(lambda: expression(), lambda e: default(e)) You can write a pattern matching expression within the function to decide what to do with it; catching and re-raising exceptions you don’t want is cheap enough to be idiomatic. But Haskell infixing makes this nicer: x = do expression() `catch` lambda: default() x = do expression() `catch` lambda e: default(e) And that makes the parallel between the lambda colon and the except colon in the proposal much more obvious: x = expression() except Exception: default() x = expression() except Exception as e: default(e) Tcl has the other half of Lua’s xpcall; catch is a function which returns true if an exception was caught, false otherwise, and you get the value out in other ways. And it’s all built around the implicit quote-and-exec that everything in Tcl is based on, making it even harder to describe in Python terms than Lisp macros, but something like if {[ catch("computation()") "explanation"]} { default(explanation) } Smalltalk is also somewhat hard to map to Python. The basic version would be x := computation() on:MyException do:default() … but that’s basically Smalltalk’s passing-arguments-with-colons syntax, not its exception-handling syntax. Deferred sub-proposals Multiple except clauses An examination of use-cases shows that this is not needed as often as it would be with the statement form, and as its syntax is a point on which consensus has not been reached, the entire feature is deferred. Multiple ‘except’ keywords could be used, and they will all catch exceptions raised in the original expression (only): # Will catch any of the listed exceptions thrown by expr; # any exception thrown by a default expression will propagate. value = (expr except Exception1: default1 except Exception2: default2 # ... except ExceptionN: defaultN ) Currently, one of the following forms must be used: # Will catch an Exception2 thrown by either expr or default1 value = ( (expr except Exception1: default1) except Exception2: default2 ) # Will catch an Exception2 thrown by default1 only value = (expr except Exception1: (default1 except Exception2: default2) ) Listing multiple exception clauses without parentheses is a syntax error (see above), and so a future version of Python is free to add this feature without breaking any existing code. Capturing the exception object In a try/except block, the use of ‘as’ to capture the exception object creates a local name binding, and implicitly deletes that binding (to avoid creating a reference loop) in a finally clause. In an expression context, this makes little sense, and a proper sub-scope would be required to safely capture the exception object - something akin to the way a list comprehension is handled. However, CPython currently implements a comprehension’s subscope with a nested function call, which has consequences in some contexts such as class definitions, and is therefore unsuitable for this proposal. Should there be, in future, a way to create a true subscope (which could simplify comprehensions, except expressions, with blocks, and possibly more), then this proposal could be revived; until then, its loss is not a great one, as the simple exception handling that is well suited to the expression notation used here is generally concerned only with the type of the exception, and not its value - further analysis below. This syntax would, admittedly, allow a convenient way to capture exceptions in interactive Python; returned values are captured by “_”, but exceptions currently are not. This could be spelled: >>> (expr except Exception as e: e) An examination of the Python standard library shows that, while the use of ‘as’ is fairly common (occurring in roughly one except clause in five), it is extremely uncommon in the cases which could logically be converted into the expression form. Its few uses can simply be left unchanged. Consequently, in the interests of simplicity, the ‘as’ clause is not included in this proposal. A subsequent Python version can add this without breaking any existing code, as ‘as’ is already a keyword. One example where this could possibly be useful is Lib/imaplib.py:568: try: typ, dat = self._simple_command('LOGOUT') except: typ, dat = 'NO', ['%s: %s' % sys.exc_info()[:2]] This could become: typ, dat = (self._simple_command('LOGOUT') except BaseException as e: ('NO', '%s: %s' % (type(e), e))) Or perhaps some other variation. This is hardly the most compelling use-case, but an intelligent look at this code could tidy it up significantly. In the absence of further examples showing any need of the exception object, I have opted to defer indefinitely the recommendation. Rejected sub-proposals finally clause The statement form try… finally or try… except… finally has no logical corresponding expression form. Therefore, the finally keyword is not a part of this proposal, in any way. Bare except having different meaning With several of the proposed syntaxes, omitting the exception type name would be easy and concise, and would be tempting. For convenience’s sake, it might be advantageous to have a bare ‘except’ clause mean something more useful than “except BaseException”. Proposals included having it catch Exception, or some specific set of “common exceptions” (subclasses of a new type called ExpressionError), or have it look for a tuple named ExpressionError in the current scope, with a built-in default such as (ValueError, UnicodeError, AttributeError, EOFError, IOError, OSError, LookupError, NameError, ZeroDivisionError). All of these were rejected, for several reasons. First and foremost, consistency with the statement form of try/except would be broken. Just as a list comprehension or ternary if expression can be explained by “breaking it out” into its vertical statement form, an expression-except should be able to be explained by a relatively mechanical translation into a near-equivalent statement. Any form of syntax common to both should therefore have the same semantics in each, and above all should not have the subtle difference of catching more in one than the other, as it will tend to attract unnoticed bugs. Secondly, the set of appropriate exceptions to catch would itself be a huge point of contention. It would be impossible to predict exactly which exceptions would “make sense” to be caught; why bless some of them with convenient syntax and not others? And finally (this partly because the recommendation was that a bare except should be actively encouraged, once it was reduced to a “reasonable” set of exceptions), any situation where you catch an exception you don’t expect to catch is an unnecessary bug magnet. Consequently, the use of a bare ‘except’ is down to two possibilities: either it is syntactically forbidden in the expression form, or it is permitted with the exact same semantics as in the statement form (namely, that it catch BaseException and be unable to capture it with ‘as’). Bare except clauses PEP 8 rightly advises against the use of a bare ‘except’. While it is syntactically legal in a statement, and for backward compatibility must remain so, there is little value in encouraging its use. In an expression except clause, “except:” is a SyntaxError; use the equivalent long-hand form “except BaseException:” instead. A future version of Python MAY choose to reinstate this, which can be done without breaking compatibility. Parentheses around the except clauses Should it be legal to parenthesize the except clauses, separately from the expression that could raise? Example: value = expr ( except Exception1 [as e]: default1 except Exception2 [as e]: default2 # ... except ExceptionN [as e]: defaultN ) This is more compelling when one or both of the deferred sub-proposals of multiple except clauses and/or exception capturing is included. In their absence, the parentheses would be thus: value = expr except ExceptionType: default value = expr (except ExceptionType: default) The advantage is minimal, and the potential to confuse a reader into thinking the except clause is separate from the expression, or into thinking this is a function call, makes this non-compelling. The expression can, of course, be parenthesized if desired, as can the default: value = (expr) except ExceptionType: (default) As the entire expression is now required to be in parentheses (which had not been decided at the time when this was debated), there is less need to delineate this section, and in many cases it would be redundant. Short-hand for “except: pass” The following was been suggested as a similar short-hand, though not technically an expression: statement except Exception: pass try: statement except Exception: pass For instance, a common use-case is attempting the removal of a file: os.unlink(some_file) except OSError: pass There is an equivalent already in Python 3.4, however, in contextlib: from contextlib import suppress with suppress(OSError): os.unlink(some_file) As this is already a single line (or two with a break after the colon), there is little need of new syntax and a confusion of statement vs expression to achieve this. Common objections Colons always introduce suites While it is true that many of Python’s syntactic elements use the colon to introduce a statement suite (if, while, with, for, etcetera), this is not by any means the sole use of the colon. Currently, Python syntax includes four cases where a colon introduces a subexpression: dict display - { … key:value … } slice notation - [start:stop:step] function definition - parameter : annotation lambda - arg list: return value This proposal simply adds a fifth: except-expression - exception list: result Style guides and PEP 8 should recommend not having the colon at the end of a wrapped line, which could potentially look like the introduction of a suite, but instead advocate wrapping before the exception list, keeping the colon clearly between two expressions. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 463 – Exception-catching expressions
Standards Track
Just as PEP 308 introduced a means of value-based conditions in an expression, this system allows exception-based conditions to be used as part of an expression.
PEP 465 – A dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication Author: Nathaniel J. Smith <njs at pobox.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 20-Feb-2014 Python-Version: 3.5 Post-History: 13-Mar-2014 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Specification Motivation Executive summary Background: What’s wrong with the status quo? Why should matrix multiplication be infix? Transparent syntax is especially crucial for non-expert programmers But isn’t matrix multiplication a pretty niche requirement? So @ is good for matrix formulas, but how common are those really? But isn’t it weird to add an operator with no stdlib uses? Compatibility considerations Intended usage details Semantics Adoption Implementation details Rationale for specification details Choice of operator Precedence and associativity (Non)-Definitions for built-in types Non-definition of matrix power Rejected alternatives to adding a new operator Discussions of this PEP References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a new binary operator to be used for matrix multiplication, called @. (Mnemonic: @ is * for mATrices.) Specification A new binary operator is added to the Python language, together with the corresponding in-place version: Op Precedence/associativity Methods @ Same as * __matmul__, __rmatmul__ @= n/a __imatmul__ No implementations of these methods are added to the builtin or standard library types. However, a number of projects have reached consensus on the recommended semantics for these operations; see Intended usage details below for details. For details on how this operator will be implemented in CPython, see Implementation details. Motivation Executive summary In numerical code, there are two important operations which compete for use of Python’s * operator: elementwise multiplication, and matrix multiplication. In the nearly twenty years since the Numeric library was first proposed, there have been many attempts to resolve this tension [13]; none have been really satisfactory. Currently, most numerical Python code uses * for elementwise multiplication, and function/method syntax for matrix multiplication; however, this leads to ugly and unreadable code in common circumstances. The problem is bad enough that significant amounts of code continue to use the opposite convention (which has the virtue of producing ugly and unreadable code in different circumstances), and this API fragmentation across codebases then creates yet more problems. There does not seem to be any good solution to the problem of designing a numerical API within current Python syntax – only a landscape of options that are bad in different ways. The minimal change to Python syntax which is sufficient to resolve these problems is the addition of a single new infix operator for matrix multiplication. Matrix multiplication has a singular combination of features which distinguish it from other binary operations, which together provide a uniquely compelling case for the addition of a dedicated infix operator: Just as for the existing numerical operators, there exists a vast body of prior art supporting the use of infix notation for matrix multiplication across all fields of mathematics, science, and engineering; @ harmoniously fills a hole in Python’s existing operator system. @ greatly clarifies real-world code. @ provides a smoother onramp for less experienced users, who are particularly harmed by hard-to-read code and API fragmentation. @ benefits a substantial and growing portion of the Python user community. @ will be used frequently – in fact, evidence suggests it may be used more frequently than // or the bitwise operators. @ allows the Python numerical community to reduce fragmentation, and finally standardize on a single consensus duck type for all numerical array objects. Background: What’s wrong with the status quo? When we crunch numbers on a computer, we usually have lots and lots of numbers to deal with. Trying to deal with them one at a time is cumbersome and slow – especially when using an interpreted language. Instead, we want the ability to write down simple operations that apply to large collections of numbers all at once. The n-dimensional array is the basic object that all popular numeric computing environments use to make this possible. Python has several libraries that provide such arrays, with numpy being at present the most prominent. When working with n-dimensional arrays, there are two different ways we might want to define multiplication. One is elementwise multiplication: [[1, 2], [[11, 12], [[1 * 11, 2 * 12], [3, 4]] x [13, 14]] = [3 * 13, 4 * 14]] and the other is matrix multiplication: [[1, 2], [[11, 12], [[1 * 11 + 2 * 13, 1 * 12 + 2 * 14], [3, 4]] x [13, 14]] = [3 * 11 + 4 * 13, 3 * 12 + 4 * 14]] Elementwise multiplication is useful because it lets us easily and quickly perform many multiplications on a large collection of values, without writing a slow and cumbersome for loop. And this works as part of a very general schema: when using the array objects provided by numpy or other numerical libraries, all Python operators work elementwise on arrays of all dimensionalities. The result is that one can write functions using straightforward code like a * b + c / d, treating the variables as if they were simple values, but then immediately use this function to efficiently perform this calculation on large collections of values, while keeping them organized using whatever arbitrarily complex array layout works best for the problem at hand. Matrix multiplication is more of a special case. It’s only defined on 2d arrays (also known as “matrices”), and multiplication is the only operation that has an important “matrix” version – “matrix addition” is the same as elementwise addition; there is no such thing as “matrix bitwise-or” or “matrix floordiv”; “matrix division” and “matrix to-the-power-of” can be defined but are not very useful, etc. However, matrix multiplication is still used very heavily across all numerical application areas; mathematically, it’s one of the most fundamental operations there is. Because Python syntax currently allows for only a single multiplication operator *, libraries providing array-like objects must decide: either use * for elementwise multiplication, or use * for matrix multiplication. And, unfortunately, it turns out that when doing general-purpose number crunching, both operations are used frequently, and there are major advantages to using infix rather than function call syntax in both cases. Thus it is not at all clear which convention is optimal, or even acceptable; often it varies on a case-by-case basis. Nonetheless, network effects mean that it is very important that we pick just one convention. In numpy, for example, it is technically possible to switch between the conventions, because numpy provides two different types with different __mul__ methods. For numpy.ndarray objects, * performs elementwise multiplication, and matrix multiplication must use a function call (numpy.dot). For numpy.matrix objects, * performs matrix multiplication, and elementwise multiplication requires function syntax. Writing code using numpy.ndarray works fine. Writing code using numpy.matrix also works fine. But trouble begins as soon as we try to integrate these two pieces of code together. Code that expects an ndarray and gets a matrix, or vice-versa, may crash or return incorrect results. Keeping track of which functions expect which types as inputs, and return which types as outputs, and then converting back and forth all the time, is incredibly cumbersome and impossible to get right at any scale. Functions that defensively try to handle both types as input and DTRT, find themselves floundering into a swamp of isinstance and if statements. PEP 238 split / into two operators: / and //. Imagine the chaos that would have resulted if it had instead split int into two types: classic_int, whose __div__ implemented floor division, and new_int, whose __div__ implemented true division. This, in a more limited way, is the situation that Python number-crunchers currently find themselves in. In practice, the vast majority of projects have settled on the convention of using * for elementwise multiplication, and function call syntax for matrix multiplication (e.g., using numpy.ndarray instead of numpy.matrix). This reduces the problems caused by API fragmentation, but it doesn’t eliminate them. The strong desire to use infix notation for matrix multiplication has caused a number of specialized array libraries to continue to use the opposing convention (e.g., scipy.sparse, pyoperators, pyviennacl) despite the problems this causes, and numpy.matrix itself still gets used in introductory programming courses, often appears in StackOverflow answers, and so forth. Well-written libraries thus must continue to be prepared to deal with both types of objects, and, of course, are also stuck using unpleasant funcall syntax for matrix multiplication. After nearly two decades of trying, the numerical community has still not found any way to resolve these problems within the constraints of current Python syntax (see Rejected alternatives to adding a new operator below). This PEP proposes the minimum effective change to Python syntax that will allow us to drain this swamp. It splits * into two operators, just as was done for /: * for elementwise multiplication, and @ for matrix multiplication. (Why not the reverse? Because this way is compatible with the existing consensus, and because it gives us a consistent rule that all the built-in numeric operators also apply in an elementwise manner to arrays; the reverse convention would lead to more special cases.) So that’s why matrix multiplication doesn’t and can’t just use *. Now, in the rest of this section, we’ll explain why it nonetheless meets the high bar for adding a new operator. Why should matrix multiplication be infix? Right now, most numerical code in Python uses syntax like numpy.dot(a, b) or a.dot(b) to perform matrix multiplication. This obviously works, so why do people make such a fuss about it, even to the point of creating API fragmentation and compatibility swamps? Matrix multiplication shares two features with ordinary arithmetic operations like addition and multiplication on numbers: (a) it is used very heavily in numerical programs – often multiple times per line of code – and (b) it has an ancient and universally adopted tradition of being written using infix syntax. This is because, for typical formulas, this notation is dramatically more readable than any function call syntax. Here’s an example to demonstrate: One of the most useful tools for testing a statistical hypothesis is the linear hypothesis test for OLS regression models. It doesn’t really matter what all those words I just said mean; if we find ourselves having to implement this thing, what we’ll do is look up some textbook or paper on it, and encounter many mathematical formulas that look like: S = (Hβ − r)T(HVHT) − 1(Hβ − r)Here the various variables are all vectors or matrices (details for the curious: [5]). Now we need to write code to perform this calculation. In current numpy, matrix multiplication can be performed using either the function or method call syntax. Neither provides a particularly readable translation of the formula: import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import inv, solve # Using dot function: S = np.dot((np.dot(H, beta) - r).T, np.dot(inv(np.dot(np.dot(H, V), H.T)), np.dot(H, beta) - r)) # Using dot method: S = (H.dot(beta) - r).T.dot(inv(H.dot(V).dot(H.T))).dot(H.dot(beta) - r) With the @ operator, the direct translation of the above formula becomes: S = (H @ beta - r).T @ inv(H @ V @ H.T) @ (H @ beta - r) Notice that there is now a transparent, 1-to-1 mapping between the symbols in the original formula and the code that implements it. Of course, an experienced programmer will probably notice that this is not the best way to compute this expression. The repeated computation of Hβ − r should perhaps be factored out; and, expressions of the form dot(inv(A), B) should almost always be replaced by the more numerically stable solve(A, B). When using @, performing these two refactorings gives us: # Version 1 (as above) S = (H @ beta - r).T @ inv(H @ V @ H.T) @ (H @ beta - r) # Version 2 trans_coef = H @ beta - r S = trans_coef.T @ inv(H @ V @ H.T) @ trans_coef # Version 3 S = trans_coef.T @ solve(H @ V @ H.T, trans_coef) Notice that when comparing between each pair of steps, it’s very easy to see exactly what was changed. If we apply the equivalent transformations to the code using the .dot method, then the changes are much harder to read out or verify for correctness: # Version 1 (as above) S = (H.dot(beta) - r).T.dot(inv(H.dot(V).dot(H.T))).dot(H.dot(beta) - r) # Version 2 trans_coef = H.dot(beta) - r S = trans_coef.T.dot(inv(H.dot(V).dot(H.T))).dot(trans_coef) # Version 3 S = trans_coef.T.dot(solve(H.dot(V).dot(H.T)), trans_coef) Readability counts! The statements using @ are shorter, contain more whitespace, can be directly and easily compared both to each other and to the textbook formula, and contain only meaningful parentheses. This last point is particularly important for readability: when using function-call syntax, the required parentheses on every operation create visual clutter that makes it very difficult to parse out the overall structure of the formula by eye, even for a relatively simple formula like this one. Eyes are terrible at parsing non-regular languages. I made and caught many errors while trying to write out the ‘dot’ formulas above. I know they still contain at least one error, maybe more. (Exercise: find it. Or them.) The @ examples, by contrast, are not only correct, they’re obviously correct at a glance. If we are even more sophisticated programmers, and writing code that we expect to be reused, then considerations of speed or numerical accuracy might lead us to prefer some particular order of evaluation. Because @ makes it possible to omit irrelevant parentheses, we can be certain that if we do write something like (H @ V) @ H.T, then our readers will know that the parentheses must have been added intentionally to accomplish some meaningful purpose. In the dot examples, it’s impossible to know which nesting decisions are important, and which are arbitrary. Infix @ dramatically improves matrix code usability at all stages of programmer interaction. Transparent syntax is especially crucial for non-expert programmers A large proportion of scientific code is written by people who are experts in their domain, but are not experts in programming. And there are many university courses run each year with titles like “Data analysis for social scientists” which assume no programming background, and teach some combination of mathematical techniques, introduction to programming, and the use of programming to implement these mathematical techniques, all within a 10-15 week period. These courses are more and more often being taught in Python rather than special-purpose languages like R or Matlab. For these kinds of users, whose programming knowledge is fragile, the existence of a transparent mapping between formulas and code often means the difference between succeeding and failing to write that code at all. This is so important that such classes often use the numpy.matrix type which defines * to mean matrix multiplication, even though this type is buggy and heavily disrecommended by the rest of the numpy community for the fragmentation that it causes. This pedagogical use case is, in fact, the only reason numpy.matrix remains a supported part of numpy. Adding @ will benefit both beginning and advanced users with better syntax; and furthermore, it will allow both groups to standardize on the same notation from the start, providing a smoother on-ramp to expertise. But isn’t matrix multiplication a pretty niche requirement? The world is full of continuous data, and computers are increasingly called upon to work with it in sophisticated ways. Arrays are the lingua franca of finance, machine learning, 3d graphics, computer vision, robotics, operations research, econometrics, meteorology, computational linguistics, recommendation systems, neuroscience, astronomy, bioinformatics (including genetics, cancer research, drug discovery, etc.), physics engines, quantum mechanics, geophysics, network analysis, and many other application areas. In most or all of these areas, Python is rapidly becoming a dominant player, in large part because of its ability to elegantly mix traditional discrete data structures (hash tables, strings, etc.) on an equal footing with modern numerical data types and algorithms. We all live in our own little sub-communities, so some Python users may be surprised to realize the sheer extent to which Python is used for number crunching – especially since much of this particular sub-community’s activity occurs outside of traditional Python/FOSS channels. So, to give some rough idea of just how many numerical Python programmers are actually out there, here are two numbers: In 2013, there were 7 international conferences organized specifically on numerical Python [3] [4]. At PyCon 2014, ~20% of the tutorials appear to involve the use of matrices [6]. To quantify this further, we used Github’s “search” function to look at what modules are actually imported across a wide range of real-world code (i.e., all the code on Github). We checked for imports of several popular stdlib modules, a variety of numerically oriented modules, and various other extremely high-profile modules like django and lxml (the latter of which is the #1 most downloaded package on PyPI). Starred lines indicate packages which export array- or matrix-like objects which will adopt @ if this PEP is approved: Count of Python source files on Github matching given search terms (as of 2014-04-10, ~21:00 UTC) ================ ========== =============== ======= =========== module "import X" "from X import" total total/numpy ================ ========== =============== ======= =========== sys 2374638 63301 2437939 5.85 os 1971515 37571 2009086 4.82 re 1294651 8358 1303009 3.12 numpy ************** 337916 ********** 79065 * 416981 ******* 1.00 warnings 298195 73150 371345 0.89 subprocess 281290 63644 344934 0.83 django 62795 219302 282097 0.68 math 200084 81903 281987 0.68 threading 212302 45423 257725 0.62 pickle+cPickle 215349 22672 238021 0.57 matplotlib 119054 27859 146913 0.35 sqlalchemy 29842 82850 112692 0.27 pylab *************** 36754 ********** 41063 ** 77817 ******* 0.19 scipy *************** 40829 ********** 28263 ** 69092 ******* 0.17 lxml 19026 38061 57087 0.14 zlib 40486 6623 47109 0.11 multiprocessing 25247 19850 45097 0.11 requests 30896 560 31456 0.08 jinja2 8057 24047 32104 0.08 twisted 13858 6404 20262 0.05 gevent 11309 8529 19838 0.05 pandas ************** 14923 *********** 4005 ** 18928 ******* 0.05 sympy 2779 9537 12316 0.03 theano *************** 3654 *********** 1828 *** 5482 ******* 0.01 ================ ========== =============== ======= =========== These numbers should be taken with several grains of salt (see footnote for discussion: [12]), but, to the extent they can be trusted, they suggest that numpy might be the single most-imported non-stdlib module in the entire Pythonverse; it’s even more-imported than such stdlib stalwarts as subprocess, math, pickle, and threading. And numpy users represent only a subset of the broader numerical community that will benefit from the @ operator. Matrices may once have been a niche data type restricted to Fortran programs running in university labs and military clusters, but those days are long gone. Number crunching is a mainstream part of modern Python usage. In addition, there is some precedence for adding an infix operator to handle a more-specialized arithmetic operation: the floor division operator //, like the bitwise operators, is very useful under certain circumstances when performing exact calculations on discrete values. But it seems likely that there are many Python programmers who have never had reason to use // (or, for that matter, the bitwise operators). @ is no more niche than //. So @ is good for matrix formulas, but how common are those really? We’ve seen that @ makes matrix formulas dramatically easier to work with for both experts and non-experts, that matrix formulas appear in many important applications, and that numerical libraries like numpy are used by a substantial proportion of Python’s user base. But numerical libraries aren’t just about matrix formulas, and being important doesn’t necessarily mean taking up a lot of code: if matrix formulas only occurred in one or two places in the average numerically-oriented project, then it still wouldn’t be worth adding a new operator. So how common is matrix multiplication, really? When the going gets tough, the tough get empirical. To get a rough estimate of how useful the @ operator will be, the table below shows the rate at which different Python operators are actually used in the stdlib, and also in two high-profile numerical packages – the scikit-learn machine learning library, and the nipy neuroimaging library – normalized by source lines of code (SLOC). Rows are sorted by the ‘combined’ column, which pools all three code bases together. The combined column is thus strongly weighted towards the stdlib, which is much larger than both projects put together (stdlib: 411575 SLOC, scikit-learn: 50924 SLOC, nipy: 37078 SLOC). [7] The dot row (marked ******) counts how common matrix multiply operations are in each codebase. ==== ====== ============ ==== ======== op stdlib scikit-learn nipy combined ==== ====== ============ ==== ======== = 2969 5536 4932 3376 / 10,000 SLOC - 218 444 496 261 + 224 201 348 231 == 177 248 334 196 * 156 284 465 192 % 121 114 107 119 ** 59 111 118 68 != 40 56 74 44 / 18 121 183 41 > 29 70 110 39 += 34 61 67 39 < 32 62 76 38 >= 19 17 17 18 <= 18 27 12 18 dot ***** 0 ********** 99 ** 74 ****** 16 | 18 1 2 15 & 14 0 6 12 << 10 1 1 8 // 9 9 1 8 -= 5 21 14 8 *= 2 19 22 5 /= 0 23 16 4 >> 4 0 0 3 ^ 3 0 0 3 ~ 2 4 5 2 |= 3 0 0 2 &= 1 0 0 1 //= 1 0 0 1 ^= 1 0 0 0 **= 0 2 0 0 %= 0 0 0 0 <<= 0 0 0 0 >>= 0 0 0 0 ==== ====== ============ ==== ======== These two numerical packages alone contain ~780 uses of matrix multiplication. Within these packages, matrix multiplication is used more heavily than most comparison operators (< != <= >=). Even when we dilute these counts by including the stdlib into our comparisons, matrix multiplication is still used more often in total than any of the bitwise operators, and 2x as often as //. This is true even though the stdlib, which contains a fair amount of integer arithmetic and no matrix operations, makes up more than 80% of the combined code base. By coincidence, the numeric libraries make up approximately the same proportion of the ‘combined’ codebase as numeric tutorials make up of PyCon 2014’s tutorial schedule, which suggests that the ‘combined’ column may not be wildly unrepresentative of new Python code in general. While it’s impossible to know for certain, from this data it seems entirely possible that across all Python code currently being written, matrix multiplication is already used more often than // and the bitwise operations. But isn’t it weird to add an operator with no stdlib uses? It’s certainly unusual (though extended slicing existed for some time builtin types gained support for it, Ellipsis is still unused within the stdlib, etc.). But the important thing is whether a change will benefit users, not where the software is being downloaded from. It’s clear from the above that @ will be used, and used heavily. And this PEP provides the critical piece that will allow the Python numerical community to finally reach consensus on a standard duck type for all array-like objects, which is a necessary precondition to ever adding a numerical array type to the stdlib. Compatibility considerations Currently, the only legal use of the @ token in Python code is at statement beginning in decorators. The new operators are both infix; the one place they can never occur is at statement beginning. Therefore, no existing code will be broken by the addition of these operators, and there is no possible parsing ambiguity between decorator-@ and the new operators. Another important kind of compatibility is the mental cost paid by users to update their understanding of the Python language after this change, particularly for users who do not work with matrices and thus do not benefit. Here again, @ has minimal impact: even comprehensive tutorials and references will only need to add a sentence or two to fully document this PEP’s changes for a non-numerical audience. Intended usage details This section is informative, rather than normative – it documents the consensus of a number of libraries that provide array- or matrix-like objects on how @ will be implemented. This section uses the numpy terminology for describing arbitrary multidimensional arrays of data, because it is a superset of all other commonly used models. In this model, the shape of any array is represented by a tuple of integers. Because matrices are two-dimensional, they have len(shape) == 2, while 1d vectors have len(shape) == 1, and scalars have shape == (), i.e., they are “0 dimensional”. Any array contains prod(shape) total entries. Notice that prod(()) == 1 (for the same reason that sum(()) == 0); scalars are just an ordinary kind of array, not a special case. Notice also that we distinguish between a single scalar value (shape == (), analogous to 1), a vector containing only a single entry (shape == (1,), analogous to [1]), a matrix containing only a single entry (shape == (1, 1), analogous to [[1]]), etc., so the dimensionality of any array is always well-defined. Other libraries with more restricted representations (e.g., those that support 2d arrays only) might implement only a subset of the functionality described here. Semantics The recommended semantics for @ for different inputs are: 2d inputs are conventional matrices, and so the semantics are obvious: we apply conventional matrix multiplication. If we write arr(2, 3) to represent an arbitrary 2x3 array, then arr(2, 3) @ arr(3, 4) returns an array with shape (2, 4). 1d vector inputs are promoted to 2d by prepending or appending a ‘1’ to the shape, the operation is performed, and then the added dimension is removed from the output. The 1 is always added on the “outside” of the shape: prepended for left arguments, and appended for right arguments. The result is that matrix @ vector and vector @ matrix are both legal (assuming compatible shapes), and both return 1d vectors; vector @ vector returns a scalar. This is clearer with examples. arr(2, 3) @ arr(3, 1) is a regular matrix product, and returns an array with shape (2, 1), i.e., a column vector. arr(2, 3) @ arr(3) performs the same computation as the previous (i.e., treats the 1d vector as a matrix containing a single column, shape = (3, 1)), but returns the result with shape (2,), i.e., a 1d vector. arr(1, 3) @ arr(3, 2) is a regular matrix product, and returns an array with shape (1, 2), i.e., a row vector. arr(3) @ arr(3, 2) performs the same computation as the previous (i.e., treats the 1d vector as a matrix containing a single row, shape = (1, 3)), but returns the result with shape (2,), i.e., a 1d vector. arr(1, 3) @ arr(3, 1) is a regular matrix product, and returns an array with shape (1, 1), i.e., a single value in matrix form. arr(3) @ arr(3) performs the same computation as the previous, but returns the result with shape (), i.e., a single scalar value, not in matrix form. So this is the standard inner product on vectors. An infelicity of this definition for 1d vectors is that it makes @ non-associative in some cases ((Mat1 @ vec) @ Mat2 != Mat1 @ (vec @ Mat2)). But this seems to be a case where practicality beats purity: non-associativity only arises for strange expressions that would never be written in practice; if they are written anyway then there is a consistent rule for understanding what will happen (Mat1 @ vec @ Mat2 is parsed as (Mat1 @ vec) @ Mat2, just like a - b - c); and, not supporting 1d vectors would rule out many important use cases that do arise very commonly in practice. No-one wants to explain to new users why to solve the simplest linear system in the obvious way, they have to type (inv(A) @ b[:, np.newaxis]).flatten() instead of inv(A) @ b, or perform an ordinary least-squares regression by typing solve(X.T @ X, X @ y[:, np.newaxis]).flatten() instead of solve(X.T @ X, X @ y). No-one wants to type (a[np.newaxis, :] @ b[:, np.newaxis])[0, 0] instead of a @ b every time they compute an inner product, or (a[np.newaxis, :] @ Mat @ b[:, np.newaxis])[0, 0] for general quadratic forms instead of a @ Mat @ b. In addition, sage and sympy (see below) use these non-associative semantics with an infix matrix multiplication operator (they use *), and they report that they haven’t experienced any problems caused by it. For inputs with more than 2 dimensions, we treat the last two dimensions as being the dimensions of the matrices to multiply, and ‘broadcast’ across the other dimensions. This provides a convenient way to quickly compute many matrix products in a single operation. For example, arr(10, 2, 3) @ arr(10, 3, 4) performs 10 separate matrix multiplies, each of which multiplies a 2x3 and a 3x4 matrix to produce a 2x4 matrix, and then returns the 10 resulting matrices together in an array with shape (10, 2, 4). The intuition here is that we treat these 3d arrays of numbers as if they were 1d arrays of matrices, and then apply matrix multiplication in an elementwise manner, where now each ‘element’ is a whole matrix. Note that broadcasting is not limited to perfectly aligned arrays; in more complicated cases, it allows several simple but powerful tricks for controlling how arrays are aligned with each other; see [10] for details. (In particular, it turns out that when broadcasting is taken into account, the standard scalar * matrix product is a special case of the elementwise multiplication operator *.)If one operand is >2d, and another operand is 1d, then the above rules apply unchanged, with 1d->2d promotion performed before broadcasting. E.g., arr(10, 2, 3) @ arr(3) first promotes to arr(10, 2, 3) @ arr(3, 1), then broadcasts the right argument to create the aligned operation arr(10, 2, 3) @ arr(10, 3, 1), multiplies to get an array with shape (10, 2, 1), and finally removes the added dimension, returning an array with shape (10, 2). Similarly, arr(2) @ arr(10, 2, 3) produces an intermediate array with shape (10, 1, 3), and a final array with shape (10, 3). 0d (scalar) inputs raise an error. Scalar * matrix multiplication is a mathematically and algorithmically distinct operation from matrix @ matrix multiplication, and is already covered by the elementwise * operator. Allowing scalar @ matrix would thus both require an unnecessary special case, and violate TOOWTDI. Adoption We group existing Python projects which provide array- or matrix-like types based on what API they currently use for elementwise and matrix multiplication. Projects which currently use * for elementwise multiplication, and function/method calls for matrix multiplication: The developers of the following projects have expressed an intention to implement @ on their array-like types using the above semantics: numpy pandas blaze theano The following projects have been alerted to the existence of the PEP, but it’s not yet known what they plan to do if it’s accepted. We don’t anticipate that they’ll have any objections, though, since everything proposed here is consistent with how they already do things: pycuda panda3d Projects which currently use * for matrix multiplication, and function/method calls for elementwise multiplication: The following projects have expressed an intention, if this PEP is accepted, to migrate from their current API to the elementwise-*, matmul-@ convention (i.e., this is a list of projects whose API fragmentation will probably be eliminated if this PEP is accepted): numpy (numpy.matrix) scipy.sparse pyoperators pyviennacl The following projects have been alerted to the existence of the PEP, but it’s not known what they plan to do if it’s accepted (i.e., this is a list of projects whose API fragmentation may or may not be eliminated if this PEP is accepted): cvxopt Projects which currently use * for matrix multiplication, and which don’t really care about elementwise multiplication of matrices: There are several projects which implement matrix types, but from a very different perspective than the numerical libraries discussed above. These projects focus on computational methods for analyzing matrices in the sense of abstract mathematical objects (i.e., linear maps over free modules over rings), rather than as big bags full of numbers that need crunching. And it turns out that from the abstract math point of view, there isn’t much use for elementwise operations in the first place; as discussed in the Background section above, elementwise operations are motivated by the bag-of-numbers approach. So these projects don’t encounter the basic problem that this PEP exists to address, making it mostly irrelevant to them; while they appear superficially similar to projects like numpy, they’re actually doing something quite different. They use * for matrix multiplication (and for group actions, and so forth), and if this PEP is accepted, their expressed intention is to continue doing so, while perhaps adding @ as an alias. These projects include: sympy sage Implementation details New functions operator.matmul and operator.__matmul__ are added to the standard library, with the usual semantics. A corresponding function PyObject* PyObject_MatrixMultiply(PyObject *o1, PyObject *o2) is added to the C API. A new AST node is added named MatMult, along with a new token ATEQUAL and new bytecode opcodes BINARY_MATRIX_MULTIPLY and INPLACE_MATRIX_MULTIPLY. Two new type slots are added; whether this is to PyNumberMethods or a new PyMatrixMethods struct remains to be determined. Rationale for specification details Choice of operator Why @ instead of some other spelling? There isn’t any consensus across other programming languages about how this operator should be named [11]; here we discuss the various options. Restricting ourselves only to symbols present on US English keyboards, the punctuation characters that don’t already have a meaning in Python expression context are: @, backtick, $, !, and ?. Of these options, @ is clearly the best; ! and ? are already heavily freighted with inapplicable meanings in the programming context, backtick has been banned from Python by BDFL pronouncement (see PEP 3099), and $ is uglier, even more dissimilar to * and ⋅, and has Perl/PHP baggage. $ is probably the second-best option of these, though. Symbols which are not present on US English keyboards start at a significant disadvantage (having to spend 5 minutes at the beginning of every numeric Python tutorial just going over keyboard layouts is not a hassle anyone really wants). Plus, even if we somehow overcame the typing problem, it’s not clear there are any that are actually better than @. Some options that have been suggested include: U+00D7 MULTIPLICATION SIGN: A × B U+22C5 DOT OPERATOR: A ⋅ B U+2297 CIRCLED TIMES: A ⊗ B U+00B0 DEGREE: A ° B What we need, though, is an operator that means “matrix multiplication, as opposed to scalar/elementwise multiplication”. There is no conventional symbol with this meaning in either programming or mathematics, where these operations are usually distinguished by context. (And U+2297 CIRCLED TIMES is actually used conventionally to mean exactly the wrong things: elementwise multiplication – the “Hadamard product” – or outer product, rather than matrix/inner product like our operator). @ at least has the virtue that it looks like a funny non-commutative operator; a naive user who knows maths but not programming couldn’t look at A * B versus A × B, or A * B versus A ⋅ B, or A * B versus A ° B and guess which one is the usual multiplication, and which one is the special case. Finally, there is the option of using multi-character tokens. Some options: Matlab and Julia use a .* operator. Aside from being visually confusable with *, this would be a terrible choice for us because in Matlab and Julia, * means matrix multiplication and .* means elementwise multiplication, so using .* for matrix multiplication would make us exactly backwards from what Matlab and Julia users expect. APL apparently used +.×, which by combining a multi-character token, confusing attribute-access-like . syntax, and a unicode character, ranks somewhere below U+2603 SNOWMAN on our candidate list. If we like the idea of combining addition and multiplication operators as being evocative of how matrix multiplication actually works, then something like +* could be used – though this may be too easy to confuse with *+, which is just multiplication combined with the unary + operator. PEP 211 suggested ~*. This has the downside that it sort of suggests that there is a unary * operator that is being combined with unary ~, but it could work. R uses %*% for matrix multiplication. In R this forms part of a general extensible infix system in which all tokens of the form %foo% are user-defined binary operators. We could steal the token without stealing the system. Some other plausible candidates that have been suggested: >< (= ascii drawing of the multiplication sign ×); the footnote operator [*] or |*| (but when used in context, the use of vertical grouping symbols tends to recreate the nested parentheses visual clutter that was noted as one of the major downsides of the function syntax we’re trying to get away from); ^*. So, it doesn’t matter much, but @ seems as good or better than any of the alternatives: It’s a friendly character that Pythoneers are already used to typing in decorators, but the decorator usage and the math expression usage are sufficiently dissimilar that it would be hard to confuse them in practice. It’s widely accessible across keyboard layouts (and thanks to its use in email addresses, this is true even of weird keyboards like those in phones). It’s round like * and ⋅. The mATrices mnemonic is cute. The swirly shape is reminiscent of the simultaneous sweeps over rows and columns that define matrix multiplication Its asymmetry is evocative of its non-commutative nature. Whatever, we have to pick something. Precedence and associativity There was a long discussion [15] about whether @ should be right- or left-associative (or even something more exotic [18]). Almost all Python operators are left-associative, so following this convention would be the simplest approach, but there were two arguments that suggested matrix multiplication might be worth making right-associative as a special case: First, matrix multiplication has a tight conceptual association with function application/composition, so many mathematically sophisticated users have an intuition that an expression like RSx proceeds from right-to-left, with first S transforming the vector x, and then R transforming the result. This isn’t universally agreed (and not all number-crunchers are steeped in the pure-math conceptual framework that motivates this intuition [16]), but at the least this intuition is more common than for other operations like 2⋅3⋅4 which everyone reads as going from left-to-right. Second, if expressions like Mat @ Mat @ vec appear often in code, then programs will run faster (and efficiency-minded programmers will be able to use fewer parentheses) if this is evaluated as Mat @ (Mat @ vec) then if it is evaluated like (Mat @ Mat) @ vec. However, weighing against these arguments are the following: Regarding the efficiency argument, empirically, we were unable to find any evidence that Mat @ Mat @ vec type expressions actually dominate in real-life code. Parsing a number of large projects that use numpy, we found that when forced by numpy’s current funcall syntax to choose an order of operations for nested calls to dot, people actually use left-associative nesting slightly more often than right-associative nesting [17]. And anyway, writing parentheses isn’t so bad – if an efficiency-minded programmer is going to take the trouble to think through the best way to evaluate some expression, they probably should write down the parentheses regardless of whether they’re needed, just to make it obvious to the next reader that they order of operations matter. In addition, it turns out that other languages, including those with much more of a focus on linear algebra, overwhelmingly make their matmul operators left-associative. Specifically, the @ equivalent is left-associative in R, Matlab, Julia, IDL, and Gauss. The only exceptions we found are Mathematica, in which a @ b @ c would be parsed non-associatively as dot(a, b, c), and APL, in which all operators are right-associative. There do not seem to exist any languages that make @ right-associative and * left-associative. And these decisions don’t seem to be controversial – I’ve never seen anyone complaining about this particular aspect of any of these other languages, and the left-associativity of * doesn’t seem to bother users of the existing Python libraries that use * for matrix multiplication. So, at the least we can conclude from this that making @ left-associative will certainly not cause any disasters. Making @ right-associative, OTOH, would be exploring new and uncertain ground. And another advantage of left-associativity is that it is much easier to learn and remember that @ acts like *, than it is to remember first that @ is unlike other Python operators by being right-associative, and then on top of this, also have to remember whether it is more tightly or more loosely binding than *. (Right-associativity forces us to choose a precedence, and intuitions were about equally split on which precedence made more sense. So this suggests that no matter which choice we made, no-one would be able to guess or remember it.) On net, therefore, the general consensus of the numerical community is that while matrix multiplication is something of a special case, it’s not special enough to break the rules, and @ should parse like * does. (Non)-Definitions for built-in types No __matmul__ or __matpow__ are defined for builtin numeric types (float, int, etc.) or for the numbers.Number hierarchy, because these types represent scalars, and the consensus semantics for @ are that it should raise an error on scalars. We do not – for now – define a __matmul__ method on the standard memoryview or array.array objects, for several reasons. Of course this could be added if someone wants it, but these types would require quite a bit of additional work beyond __matmul__ before they could be used for numeric work – e.g., they have no way to do addition or scalar multiplication either! – and adding such functionality is beyond the scope of this PEP. In addition, providing a quality implementation of matrix multiplication is highly non-trivial. Naive nested loop implementations are very slow and shipping such an implementation in CPython would just create a trap for users. But the alternative – providing a modern, competitive matrix multiply – would require that CPython link to a BLAS library, which brings a set of new complications. In particular, several popular BLAS libraries (including the one that ships by default on OS X) currently break the use of multiprocessing [8]. Together, these considerations mean that the cost/benefit of adding __matmul__ to these types just isn’t there, so for now we’ll continue to delegate these problems to numpy and friends, and defer a more systematic solution to a future proposal. There are also non-numeric Python builtins which define __mul__ (str, list, …). We do not define __matmul__ for these types either, because why would we even do that. Non-definition of matrix power Earlier versions of this PEP also proposed a matrix power operator, @@, analogous to **. But on further consideration, it was decided that the utility of this was sufficiently unclear that it would be better to leave it out for now, and only revisit the issue if – once we have more experience with @ – it turns out that @@ is truly missed. [14] Rejected alternatives to adding a new operator Over the past few decades, the Python numeric community has explored a variety of ways to resolve the tension between matrix and elementwise multiplication operations. PEP 211 and PEP 225, both proposed in 2000 and last seriously discussed in 2008 [9], were early attempts to add new operators to solve this problem, but suffered from serious flaws; in particular, at that time the Python numerical community had not yet reached consensus on the proper API for array objects, or on what operators might be needed or useful (e.g., PEP 225 proposes 6 new operators with unspecified semantics). Experience since then has now led to consensus that the best solution, for both numeric Python and core Python, is to add a single infix operator for matrix multiply (together with the other new operators this implies like @=). We review some of the rejected alternatives here. Use a second type that defines __mul__ as matrix multiplication: As discussed above (Background: What’s wrong with the status quo?), this has been tried this for many years via the numpy.matrix type (and its predecessors in Numeric and numarray). The result is a strong consensus among both numpy developers and developers of downstream packages that numpy.matrix should essentially never be used, because of the problems caused by having conflicting duck types for arrays. (Of course one could then argue we should only define __mul__ to be matrix multiplication, but then we’d have the same problem with elementwise multiplication.) There have been several pushes to remove numpy.matrix entirely; the only counter-arguments have come from educators who find that its problems are outweighed by the need to provide a simple and clear mapping between mathematical notation and code for novices (see Transparent syntax is especially crucial for non-expert programmers). But, of course, starting out newbies with a dispreferred syntax and then expecting them to transition later causes its own problems. The two-type solution is worse than the disease. Add lots of new operators, or add a new generic syntax for defining infix operators: In addition to being generally un-Pythonic and repeatedly rejected by BDFL fiat, this would be using a sledgehammer to smash a fly. The scientific python community has consensus that adding one operator for matrix multiplication is enough to fix the one otherwise unfixable pain point. (In retrospect, we all think PEP 225 was a bad idea too – or at least far more complex than it needed to be.) Add a new @ (or whatever) operator that has some other meaning in general Python, and then overload it in numeric code: This was the approach taken by PEP 211, which proposed defining @ to be the equivalent of itertools.product. The problem with this is that when taken on its own terms, it’s pretty clear that itertools.product doesn’t actually need a dedicated operator. It hasn’t even been deemed worth of a builtin. (During discussions of this PEP, a similar suggestion was made to define @ as a general purpose function composition operator, and this suffers from the same problem; functools.compose isn’t even useful enough to exist.) Matrix multiplication has a uniquely strong rationale for inclusion as an infix operator. There almost certainly don’t exist any other binary operations that will ever justify adding any other infix operators to Python. Add a .dot method to array types so as to allow “pseudo-infix” A.dot(B) syntax: This has been in numpy for some years, and in many cases it’s better than dot(A, B). But it’s still much less readable than real infix notation, and in particular still suffers from an extreme overabundance of parentheses. See Why should matrix multiplication be infix? above. Use a ‘with’ block to toggle the meaning of * within a single code block: E.g., numpy could define a special context object so that we’d have: c = a * b # element-wise multiplication with numpy.mul_as_dot: c = a * b # matrix multiplication However, this has two serious problems: first, it requires that every array-like type’s __mul__ method know how to check some global state (numpy.mul_is_currently_dot or whatever). This is fine if a and b are numpy objects, but the world contains many non-numpy array-like objects. So this either requires non-local coupling – every numpy competitor library has to import numpy and then check numpy.mul_is_currently_dot on every operation – or else it breaks duck-typing, with the above code doing radically different things depending on whether a and b are numpy objects or some other sort of object. Second, and worse, with blocks are dynamically scoped, not lexically scoped; i.e., any function that gets called inside the with block will suddenly find itself executing inside the mul_as_dot world, and crash and burn horribly – if you’re lucky. So this is a construct that could only be used safely in rather limited cases (no function calls), and which would make it very easy to shoot yourself in the foot without warning. Use a language preprocessor that adds extra numerically-oriented operators and perhaps other syntax: (As per recent BDFL suggestion: [1]) This suggestion seems based on the idea that numerical code needs a wide variety of syntax additions. In fact, given @, most numerical users don’t need any other operators or syntax; it solves the one really painful problem that cannot be solved by other means, and that causes painful reverberations through the larger ecosystem. Defining a new language (presumably with its own parser which would have to be kept in sync with Python’s, etc.), just to support a single binary operator, is neither practical nor desirable. In the numerical context, Python’s competition is special-purpose numerical languages (Matlab, R, IDL, etc.). Compared to these, Python’s killer feature is exactly that one can mix specialized numerical code with code for XML parsing, web page generation, database access, network programming, GUI libraries, and so forth, and we also gain major benefits from the huge variety of tutorials, reference material, introductory classes, etc., which use Python. Fragmenting “numerical Python” from “real Python” would be a major source of confusion. A major motivation for this PEP is to reduce fragmentation. Having to set up a preprocessor would be an especially prohibitive complication for unsophisticated users. And we use Python because we like Python! We don’t want almost-but-not-quite-Python. Use overloading hacks to define a “new infix operator” like *dot*, as in a well-known Python recipe: (See: [2]) Beautiful is better than ugly. This is… not beautiful. And not Pythonic. And especially unfriendly to beginners, who are just trying to wrap their heads around the idea that there’s a coherent underlying system behind these magic incantations that they’re learning, when along comes an evil hack like this that violates that system, creates bizarre error messages when accidentally misused, and whose underlying mechanisms can’t be understood without deep knowledge of how object oriented systems work. Use a special “facade” type to support syntax like arr.M * arr: This is very similar to the previous proposal, in that the .M attribute would basically return the same object as arr *dot would, and thus suffers the same objections about ‘magicalness’. This approach also has some non-obvious complexities: for example, while arr.M * arr must return an array, arr.M * arr.M and arr * arr.M must return facade objects, or else arr.M * arr.M * arr and arr * arr.M * arr will not work. But this means that facade objects must be able to recognize both other array objects and other facade objects (which creates additional complexity for writing interoperating array types from different libraries who must now recognize both each other’s array types and their facade types). It also creates pitfalls for users who may easily type arr * arr.M or arr.M * arr.M and expect to get back an array object; instead, they will get a mysterious object that throws errors when they attempt to use it. Basically with this approach users must be careful to think of .M* as an indivisible unit that acts as an infix operator – and as infix-operator-like token strings go, at least *dot* is prettier looking (look at its cute little ears!). Discussions of this PEP Collected here for reference: Github pull request containing much of the original discussion and drafting: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/pull/4351 sympy mailing list discussions of an early draft: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sympy/22w9ONLa7qo https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sympy/4tGlBGTggZY sage-devel mailing list discussions of an early draft: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/sage-devel/YxEktGu8DeM 13-Mar-2014 python-ideas thread: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-March/027053.html numpy-discussion thread on whether to keep @@: http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069448.html numpy-discussion threads on precedence/associativity of @: * http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069444.html * http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069605.html References [1] From a comment by GvR on a G+ post by GvR; the comment itself does not seem to be directly linkable: https://plus.google.com/115212051037621986145/posts/hZVVtJ9bK3u [2] http://code.activestate.com/recipes/384122-infix-operators/ http://www.sagemath.org/doc/reference/misc/sage/misc/decorators.html#sage.misc.decorators.infix_operator [3] http://conference.scipy.org/past.html [4] http://pydata.org/events/ [5] In this formula, β is a vector or matrix of regression coefficients, V is the estimated variance/covariance matrix for these coefficients, and we want to test the null hypothesis that Hβ = r; a large S then indicates that this hypothesis is unlikely to be true. For example, in an analysis of human height, the vector β might contain one value which was the average height of the measured men, and another value which was the average height of the measured women, and then setting H = [1,  − 1], r = 0 would let us test whether men and women are the same height on average. Compare to eq. 2.139 in http://sfb649.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/fedc_homepage/xplore/tutorials/xegbohtmlnode17.htmlExample code is adapted from https://github.com/rerpy/rerpy/blob/0d274f85e14c3b1625acb22aed1efa85d122ecb7/rerpy/incremental_ls.py#L202 [6] Out of the 36 tutorials scheduled for PyCon 2014 (https://us.pycon.org/2014/schedule/tutorials/), we guess that the 8 below will almost certainly deal with matrices: Dynamics and control with Python Exploring machine learning with Scikit-learn How to formulate a (science) problem and analyze it using Python code Diving deeper into Machine Learning with Scikit-learn Data Wrangling for Kaggle Data Science Competitions – An etude Hands-on with Pydata: how to build a minimal recommendation engine. Python for Social Scientists Bayesian statistics made simple In addition, the following tutorials could easily involve matrices: Introduction to game programming mrjob: Snakes on a Hadoop (“We’ll introduce some data science concepts, such as user-user similarity, and show how to calculate these metrics…”) Mining Social Web APIs with IPython Notebook Beyond Defaults: Creating Polished Visualizations Using Matplotlib This gives an estimated range of 8 to 12 / 36 = 22% to 33% of tutorials dealing with matrices; saying ~20% then gives us some wiggle room in case our estimates are high. [7] SLOCs were defined as physical lines which contain at least one token that is not a COMMENT, NEWLINE, ENCODING, INDENT, or DEDENT. Counts were made by using tokenize module from Python 3.2.3 to examine the tokens in all files ending .py underneath some directory. Only tokens which occur at least once in the source trees are included in the table. The counting script is available in the PEP repository.Matrix multiply counts were estimated by counting how often certain tokens which are used as matrix multiply function names occurred in each package. This creates a small number of false positives for scikit-learn, because we also count instances of the wrappers around dot that this package uses, and so there are a few dozen tokens which actually occur in import or def statements. All counts were made using the latest development version of each project as of 21 Feb 2014. ‘stdlib’ is the contents of the Lib/ directory in commit d6aa3fa646e2 to the cpython hg repository, and treats the following tokens as indicating matrix multiply: n/a. ‘scikit-learn’ is the contents of the sklearn/ directory in commit 69b71623273ccfc1181ea83d8fb9e05ae96f57c7 to the scikit-learn repository (https://github.com/scikit-learn/scikit-learn), and treats the following tokens as indicating matrix multiply: dot, fast_dot, safe_sparse_dot. ‘nipy’ is the contents of the nipy/ directory in commit 5419911e99546401b5a13bd8ccc3ad97f0d31037 to the nipy repository (https://github.com/nipy/nipy/), and treats the following tokens as indicating matrix multiply: dot. [8] BLAS libraries have a habit of secretly spawning threads, even when used from single-threaded programs. And threads play very poorly with fork(); the usual symptom is that attempting to perform linear algebra in a child process causes an immediate deadlock. [9] http://fperez.org/py4science/numpy-pep225/numpy-pep225.html [10] http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/user/basics.broadcasting.html [11] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/scipy-user/2014-February/035499.html [12] Counts were produced by manually entering the string "import foo" or "from foo import" (with quotes) into the Github code search page, e.g.: https://github.com/search?q=%22import+numpy%22&ref=simplesearch&type=Code on 2014-04-10 at ~21:00 UTC. The reported values are the numbers given in the “Languages” box on the lower-left corner, next to “Python”. This also causes some undercounting (e.g., leaving out Cython code, and possibly one should also count HTML docs and so forth), but these effects are negligible (e.g., only ~1% of numpy usage appears to occur in Cython code, and probably even less for the other modules listed). The use of this box is crucial, however, because these counts appear to be stable, while the “overall” counts listed at the top of the page (“We’ve found ___ code results”) are highly variable even for a single search – simply reloading the page can cause this number to vary by a factor of 2 (!!). (They do seem to settle down if one reloads the page repeatedly, but nonetheless this is spooky enough that it seemed better to avoid these numbers.)These numbers should of course be taken with multiple grains of salt; it’s not clear how representative Github is of Python code in general, and limitations of the search tool make it impossible to get precise counts. AFAIK this is the best data set currently available, but it’d be nice if it were better. In particular: Lines like import sys, os will only be counted in the sys row. A file containing both import X and from X import will be counted twice Imports of the form from X.foo import ... are missed. We could catch these by instead searching for “from X”, but this is a common phrase in English prose, so we’d end up with false positives from comments, strings, etc. For many of the modules considered this shouldn’t matter too much – for example, the stdlib modules have flat namespaces – but it might especially lead to undercounting of django, scipy, and twisted. Also, it’s possible there exist other non-stdlib modules we didn’t think to test that are even more-imported than numpy – though we tried quite a few of the obvious suspects. If you find one, let us know! The modules tested here were chosen based on a combination of intuition and the top-100 list at pypi-ranking.info. Fortunately, it doesn’t really matter if it turns out that numpy is, say, merely the third most-imported non-stdlib module, since the point is just that numeric programming is a common and mainstream activity. Finally, we should point out the obvious: whether a package is import**ed** is rather different from whether it’s import**ant**. No-one’s claiming numpy is “the most important package” or anything like that. Certainly more packages depend on distutils, e.g., then depend on numpy – and far fewer source files import distutils than import numpy. But this is fine for our present purposes. Most source files don’t import distutils because most source files don’t care how they’re distributed, so long as they are; these source files thus don’t care about details of how distutils’ API works. This PEP is in some sense about changing how numpy’s and related packages’ APIs work, so the relevant metric is to look at source files that are choosing to directly interact with that API, which is sort of like what we get by looking at import statements. [13] The first such proposal occurs in Jim Hugunin’s very first email to the matrix SIG in 1995, which lays out the first draft of what became Numeric. He suggests using * for elementwise multiplication, and % for matrix multiplication: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/matrix-sig/1995-August/000002.html [14] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069502.html [15] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069444.html http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069605.html [16] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069610.html [17] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069578.html [18] http://mail.scipy.org/pipermail/numpy-discussion/2014-March/069530.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 465 – A dedicated infix operator for matrix multiplication
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a new binary operator to be used for matrix multiplication, called @. (Mnemonic: @ is * for mATrices.)
PEP 466 – Network Security Enhancements for Python 2.7.x Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 23-Mar-2014 Python-Version: 2.7.9 Post-History: 23-Mar-2014, 24-Mar-2014, 25-Mar-2014, 26-Mar-2014, 16-Apr-2014 Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract New security related features in Python 2.7 maintenance releases Implementation status Backwards compatibility considerations OpenSSL compatibility Other Considerations Maintainability Security releases Integration testing Handling lower security environments with low risk tolerance Motivation and Rationale Why these particular changes? Rejected alternative: just advise developers to migrate to Python 3 Rejected alternative: create and release Python 2.8 Rejected alternative: distribute the security enhancements via PyPI Rejected variant: provide a “legacy SSL infrastructure” branch Rejected variant: synchronise particular modules entirely with Python 3 Rejected variant: open ended backport policy Disclosure of Interest Acknowledgements References Copyright Abstract Most CPython tracker issues are classified as errors in behaviour or proposed enhancements. Most patches to fix behavioural errors are applied to all active maintenance branches. Enhancement patches are restricted to the default branch that becomes the next Python version. This cadence works reasonably well during Python’s normal 18-24 month feature release cycle, which is still applicable to the Python 3 series. However, the age of the standard library in Python 2 has now reached a point where it is sufficiently far behind the state of the art in network security protocols for it to be causing real problems in use cases where upgrading to Python 3 in the near term may not be feasible. In recognition of the additional practical considerations that have arisen during the 4+ year maintenance cycle for Python 2.7, this PEP allows a critical set of network security related features to be backported from Python 3.4 to upcoming Python 2.7.x maintenance releases. While this PEP does not make any changes to the core development team’s handling of security-fix-only branches that are no longer in active maintenance, it does recommend that commercial redistributors providing extended support periods for the Python standard library either backport these features to their supported versions, or else explicitly disclaim support for the use of older versions in roles that involve connecting directly to the public internet. New security related features in Python 2.7 maintenance releases Under this proposal, the following features will be backported from Python 3.4 to upcoming Python 2.7.x maintenance releases: in the os module: persistent file descriptor for os.urandom(). in the hmac module: constant time comparison function (hmac.compare_digest()). in the hashlib module: password hashing function (hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac()). details of hash algorithm availability (hashlib.algorithms_guaranteed and hashlib.algorithms_available). in the ssl module: this module is almost entirely synchronised with its Python 3 counterpart, bringing TLSv1.x settings, SSLContext manipulation, Server Name Indication, access to platform certificate stores, standard library support for peer hostname validation and more to the Python 2 series. the only ssl module features not backported under this policy are the ssl.RAND_* functions that provide access to OpenSSL’s random number generation capabilities - use os.urandom() instead. As a general change in maintenance policy, permission is also granted to upgrade to newer feature releases of OpenSSL when preparing the binary installers for new maintenance releases of Python 2.7. This PEP does NOT propose a general exception for backporting new features to Python 2.7 - every new feature proposed for backporting will still need to be justified independently. In particular, it will need to be explained why relying on an independently updated backport on the Python Package Index instead is not an acceptable solution. Implementation status This PEP originally proposed adding all listed features to the Python 2.7.7 maintenance release. That approach proved to be too ambitious given the limited time frame between the original creation and acceptance of the PEP and the release of Python 2.7.7rc1. Instead, the progress of each individual accepted feature backport is being tracked as an independent enhancement targeting Python 2.7. Implemented for Python 2.7.7: Issue #21306: backport hmac.compare_digest Issue #21462: upgrade OpenSSL in the Python 2.7 Windows installers Implemented for Python 2.7.8: Issue #21304: backport hashlib.pbkdf2 Implemented for Python 2.7.9 (in development): Issue #21308: backport specified ssl module features Issue #21307: backport remaining specified hashlib module features Issue #21305: backport os.urandom shared file descriptor change Backwards compatibility considerations As in the Python 3 series, the backported ssl.create_default_context() API is granted a backwards compatibility exemption that permits the protocol, options, cipher and other settings of the created SSL context to be updated in maintenance releases to use higher default security settings. This allows them to appropriately balance compatibility and security at the time of the maintenance release, rather than at the time of the original feature release. This PEP does not grant any other exemptions to the usual backwards compatibility policy for maintenance releases. Instead, by explicitly encouraging the use of feature based checks, it is designed to make it easier to write more secure cross-version compatible Python software, while still limiting the risk of breaking currently working software when upgrading to a new Python 2.7 maintenance release. In all cases where this proposal allows new features to be backported to the Python 2.7 release series, it is possible to write cross-version compatible code that operates by “feature detection” (for example, checking for particular attributes in a module), without needing to explicitly check the Python version. It is then up to library and framework code to provide an appropriate warning and fallback behaviour if a desired feature is found to be missing. While some especially security sensitive software MAY fail outright if a desired security feature is unavailable, most software SHOULD instead emit a warning and continue operating using a slightly degraded security configuration. The backported APIs allow library and application code to perform the following actions after detecting the presence of a relevant network security related feature: explicitly opt in to more secure settings (to allow the use of enhanced security features in older maintenance releases of Python with less secure default behaviour) explicitly opt in to less secure settings (to allow the use of newer Python feature releases in lower security environments) determine the default setting for the feature (this MAY require explicit Python version checks to determine the Python feature release, but DOES NOT require checking for a specific maintenance release) Security related changes to other modules (such as higher level networking libraries and data format processing libraries) will continue to be made available as backports and new modules on the Python Package Index, as independent distribution remains the preferred approach to handling software that must continue to evolve to handle changing development requirements independently of the Python 2 standard library. Refer to the Motivation and Rationale section for a review of the characteristics that make the secure networking infrastructure worthy of special consideration. OpenSSL compatibility Under this proposal, OpenSSL may be upgraded to more recent feature releases in Python 2.7 maintenance releases. On Linux and most other POSIX systems, the specific version of OpenSSL used already varies, as CPython dynamically links to the system provided OpenSSL library by default. For the Windows binary installers, the _ssl and _hashlib modules are statically linked with OpenSSL and the associated symbols are not exported. Marc-Andre Lemburg indicates that updating to newer OpenSSL releases in the egenix-pyopenssl binaries has not resulted in any reported compatibility issues [3] The Mac OS X binary installers historically followed the same policy as other POSIX installations and dynamically linked to the Apple provided OpenSSL libraries. However, Apple has now ceased updating these cross-platform libraries, instead requiring that even cross-platform developers adopt Mac OS X specific interfaces to access up to date security infrastructure on their platform. Accordingly, and independently of this PEP, the Mac OS X binary installers were already going to be switched to statically linker newer versions of OpenSSL [4] Other Considerations Maintainability A number of developers, including Alex Gaynor and Donald Stufft, have expressed interest in carrying out the feature backports covered by this policy, and assisting with any additional maintenance burdens that arise in the Python 2 series as a result. Steve Dower and Brian Curtin have offered to help with the creation of the Windows installers, allowing Martin von Löwis the opportunity to step back from the task of maintaining the 2.7 Windows installer. This PEP is primarily about establishing the consensus needed to allow them to carry out this work. For other core developers, this policy change shouldn’t impose any additional effort beyond potentially reviewing the resulting patches for those developers specifically interested in the affected modules. Security releases This PEP does not propose any changes to the handling of security releases - those will continue to be source only releases that include only critical security fixes. However, the recommendations for library and application developers are deliberately designed to accommodate commercial redistributors that choose to apply these changes to additional Python release series that are either in security fix only mode, or have been declared “end of life” by the core development team. Whether or not redistributors choose to exercise that option will be up to the individual redistributor. Integration testing Third party integration testing services should offer users the ability to test against multiple Python 2.7 maintenance releases (at least 2.7.6 and 2.7.7+), to ensure that libraries, frameworks and applications can still test their handling of the legacy security infrastructure correctly (either failing or degrading gracefully, depending on the security sensitivity of the software), even after the features covered in this proposal have been backported to the Python 2.7 series. Handling lower security environments with low risk tolerance For better or for worse (mostly worse), there are some environments where the risk of latent security defects is more tolerated than even a slightly increased risk of regressions in maintenance releases. This proposal largely excludes these environments from consideration where the modules covered by the exemption are concerned - this approach is entirely inappropriate for software connected to the public internet, and defence in depth security principles suggest that it is not appropriate for most private networks either. Downstream redistributors may still choose to cater to such environments, but they will need to handle the process of downgrading the security related modules and doing the associated regression testing themselves. The main CPython continuous integration infrastructure will not cover this scenario. Motivation and Rationale The creation of this PEP was prompted primarily by the aging SSL support in the Python 2 series. As of March 2014, the Python 2.7 SSL module is approaching four years of age, and the SSL support in the still popular Python 2.6 release had its feature set locked six years ago. These are simply too old to provide a foundation that can be recommended in good conscience for secure networking software that operates over the public internet, especially in an era where it is becoming quite clearly evident that advanced persistent security threats are even more widespread and more indiscriminate in their targeting than had previously been understood. While they represented reasonable security infrastructure in their time, the state of the art has moved on, and we need to investigate mechanisms for effectively providing more up to date network security infrastructure for users that, for whatever reason, are not currently in a position to migrate to Python 3. While the use of the system OpenSSL installation addresses many of these concerns on Linux platforms, it doesn’t address all of them (in particular, it is still difficult for sotware to explicitly require some higher level security settings). The standard library support can be bypassed by using a third party library like PyOpenSSL or Pycurl, but this still results in a security problem, as these can be difficult dependencies to deploy, and many users will remain unaware that they might want them. Rather than explaining to potentially naive users how to obtain and use these libraries, it seems better to just fix the included batteries. In the case of the binary installers for Windows and Mac OS X that are published on python.org, the version of OpenSSL used is entirely within the control of the Python core development team, but is currently limited to OpenSSL maintenance releases for the version initially shipped with the corresponding Python feature release. With increased popularity comes increased responsibility, and this proposal aims to acknowledge the fact that Python’s popularity and adoption is at a sufficiently high level that some of our design and policy decisions have significant implications beyond the Python development community. As one example, the Python 2 ssl module does not support the Server Name Indication standard. While it is possible to obtain SNI support by using the third party requests client library, actually doing so currently requires using not only requests and its embedded dependencies, but also half a dozen or more additional libraries. The lack of support in the Python 2 series thus serves as an impediment to making effective use of SNI on servers, as Python 2 clients will frequently fail to handle it correctly. Another more critical example is the lack of SSL hostname matching in the Python 2 standard library - it is currently necessary to rely on a third party library, such as requests or backports.ssl_match_hostname to obtain that functionality in Python 2. The Python 2 series also remains more vulnerable to remote timing attacks on security sensitive comparisons than the Python 3 series, as it lacks a standard library equivalent to the timing attack resistant hmac.compare_digest() function. While appropriate secure comparison functions can be implemented in third party extensions, many users don’t even consider the issue and use ordinary equality comparisons instead - while a standard library solution doesn’t automatically fix that problem, it does make the barrier to resolution much lower once the problem is pointed out. Python 2.7 represents the only long term maintenance release the core development team has provided, and it is natural that there will be things that worked over a historically shorter maintenance lifespan that don’t work over this longer support period. In the specific case of the problem described in this PEP, the simplest available solution is to acknowledge that long term maintenance of network security related modules requires the ability to add new features, even while retaining backwards compatibility for existing interfaces. For those familiar with it, it is worth comparing the approach described in this PEP with Red Hat’s handling of its long term open source support commitments: it isn’t the RHEL 6.0 release itself that receives 10 years worth of support, but the overall RHEL 6 series. The individual RHEL 6.x point releases within the series then receive a wide variety of new features, including security enhancements, all while meeting strict backwards compatibility guarantees for existing software. The proposal covered in this PEP brings our approach to long term maintenance more into line with this precedent - we retain our strict backwards compatibility requirements, but make an exception to the restriction against adding new features. To date, downstream redistributors have respected our upstream policy of “no new features in Python maintenance releases”. This PEP explicitly accepts that a more nuanced policy is appropriate in the case of network security related features, and the specific change it describes is deliberately designed such that it is potentially suitable for Red Hat Enterprise Linux and its downstream derivatives. Why these particular changes? The key requirement for a feature to be considered for inclusion in this proposal was that it must have security implications beyond the specific application that is written in Python and the system that application is running on. Thus the focus on network security protocols, password storage and related cryptographic infrastructure - Python is a popular choice for the development of web services and clients, and thus the capabilities of widely used Python versions have implications for the security design of other services that may themselves be using newer versions of Python or other development languages, but need to interoperate with clients or servers written using older versions of Python. The intent behind this requirement was to minimise any impact that the introduction of this policy may have on the stability and compatibility of maintenance releases, while still addressing some key security concerns relating to the particular aspects of Python 2.7. It would be thoroughly counterproductive if end users became as cautious about updating to new Python 2.7 maintenance releases as they are about updating to new feature releases within the same release series. The ssl module changes are included in this proposal to bring the Python 2 series up to date with the past 4 years of evolution in network security standards, and make it easier for those standards to be broadly adopted in both servers and clients. Similarly the hash algorithm availability indicators in hashlib are included to make it easier for applications to detect and employ appropriate hash definitions across both Python 2 and 3. The hmac.compare_digest() and hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac() are included to help lower the barriers to secure password storage and checking in Python 2 server applications. The os.urandom() change has been included in this proposal to further encourage users to leave the task of providing high quality random numbers for cryptographic use cases to operating system vendors. The use of insufficiently random numbers has the potential to compromise any cryptographic system, and operating system developers have more tools available to address that problem adequately than the typical Python application runtime. Rejected alternative: just advise developers to migrate to Python 3 This alternative represents the status quo. Unfortunately, it has proven to be unworkable in practice, as the backwards compatibility implications mean that this is a non-trivial migration process for large applications and integration projects. While the tools for migration have evolved to a point where it is possible to migrate even large applications opportunistically and incrementally (rather than all at once) by updating code to run in the large common subset of Python 2 and Python 3, using the most recent technology often isn’t a priority in commercial environments. Previously, this was considered an acceptable harm, as while it was an unfortunate problem for the affected developers to have to face, it was seen as an issue between them and their management chain to make the case for infrastructure modernisation, and this case would become naturally more compelling as the Python 3 series evolved. However, now that we’re fully aware of the impact the limitations of the Python 2 standard library may be having on the evolution of internet security standards, I no longer believe that it is reasonable to expect platform and application developers to resolve all of the latent defects in an application’s Unicode correctness solely in order to gain access to the network security enhancements already available in Python 3. While Ubuntu (and to some extent Debian as well) are committed to porting all default system services and scripts to Python 3, and to removing Python 2 from its default distribution images (but not from its archives), this is a mammoth task and won’t be completed for the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release (at least for the desktop image - it may be achieved for the mobile and server images). Fedora has even more work to do to migrate, and it will take a non-trivial amount of time to migrate the relevant infrastructure components. While Red Hat are also actively working to make it easier for users to use more recent versions of Python on our stable platforms, it’s going to take time for those efforts to start having an impact on end users’ choice of version, and any such changes also don’t benefit the core platform infrastructure that runs in the integrated system Python by necessity. The OpenStack migration to Python 3 is also still in its infancy, and even though that’s a project with an extensive and relatively robust automated test suite, it’s still large enough that it is going to take quite some time to migrate fully to a Python 2/3 compatible code base. And that’s just three of the highest profile open source projects that make heavy use of Python. Given the likely existence of large amounts of legacy code that lacks the kind of automated regression test suite needed to help support a migration from Python 2 to Python 3, there are likely to be many cases where reimplementation (perhaps even in Python 3) proves easier than migration. The key point of this PEP is that those situations affect more people than just the developers and users of the affected application: the existence of clients and servers with outdated network security infrastructure becomes something that developers of secure networked services need to take into account as part of their security design, and that’s a problem that inhibits the adoption of better security standards. As Terry Reedy noted, if we try to persist with the status quo, the likely outcome is that commercial redistributors will attempt to do something like this on behalf of their customers anyway, but in a potentially inconsistent and ad hoc manner. By drawing the scope definition process into the upstream project we are in a better position to influence the approach taken to address the situation and to help ensure some consistency across redistributors. The problem is real, so something needs to change, and this PEP describes my preferred approach to addressing the situation. Rejected alternative: create and release Python 2.8 With sufficient corporate support, it likely would be possible to create and release Python 2.8 (it’s highly unlikely such a project would garner enough interest to be achievable with only volunteers). However, this wouldn’t actually solve the problem, as the aim is to provide a relatively low impact way to incorporate enhanced security features into integrated products and deployments that make use of Python 2. Upgrading to a new Python feature release would mean both more work for the core development team, as well as a more disruptive update that most potential end users would likely just skip entirely. Attempting to create a Python 2.8 release would also bring in suggestions to backport many additional features from Python 3 (such as tracemalloc and the improved coroutine support), making the migration from Python 2.7 to this hypothetical 2.8 release even riskier and more disruptive. This is not a recommended approach, as it would involve substantial additional work for a result that is actually less effective in achieving the original aim (which is to eliminate the current widespread use of the aging network security infrastructure in the Python 2 series). Furthermore, while I can’t make any commitments to actually addressing this issue on Red Hat platforms, I can categorically rule out the idea of a Python 2.8 being of any use to me in even attempting to get it addressed. Rejected alternative: distribute the security enhancements via PyPI While this initially appears to be an attractive and easier to manage approach, it actually suffers from several significant problems. Firstly, this is complex, low level, cross-platform code that integrates with the underlying operating system across a variety of POSIX platforms (including Mac OS X) and Windows. The CPython BuildBot fleet is already set up to handle continuous integration in that context, but most of the freely available continuous integration services just offer Linux, and perhaps paid access to Windows. Those services work reasonably well for software that largely runs on the abstraction layers offered by Python and other dynamic languages, as well as the more comprehensive abstraction offered by the JVM, but won’t suffice for the kind of code involved here. The OpenSSL dependency for the network security support also qualifies as the kind of “complex binary dependency” that isn’t yet handled well by the pip based software distribution ecosystem. Relying on a third party binary dependency also creates potential compatibility problems for pip when running on other interpreters like PyPy. Another practical problem with the idea is the fact that pip itself relies on the ssl support in the standard library (with some additional support from a bundled copy of requests, which in turn bundles backport.ssl_match_hostname), and hence would require any replacement module to also be bundled within pip. This wouldn’t pose any insurmountable difficulties (it’s just another dependency to vendor), but it would mean yet another copy of OpenSSL to keep up to date. This approach also has the same flaw as all other “improve security by renaming things” approaches: they completely miss the users who most need help, and raise significant barriers against being able to encourage users to do the right thing when their infrastructure supports it (since “use this other module” is a much higher impact change than “turn on this higher security setting”). Deprecating the aging SSL infrastructure in the standard library in favour of an external module would be even more user hostile than accepting the slightly increased risk of regressions associated with upgrading it in place. Last, but certainly not least, this approach suffers from the same problem as the idea of doing a Python 2.8 release: likely not solving the actual problem. Commercial redistributors of Python are set up to redistribute Python, and a pre-existing set of additional packages. Getting new packages added to the pre-existing set can be done, but means approaching each and every redistributor and asking them to update their repackaging process accordingly. By contrast, the approach described in this PEP would require redistributors to deliberately opt out of the security enhancements by deliberately downgrading the provided network security infrastructure, which most of them are unlikely to do. Rejected variant: provide a “legacy SSL infrastructure” branch Earlier versions of this PEP included the concept of a 2.7-legacy-ssl branch that preserved the exact feature set of the Python 2.7.6 network security infrastructure. In my opinion, anyone that actually wants this is almost certainly making a mistake, and if they insist they really do want it in their specific situation, they’re welcome to either make it themselves or arrange for a downstream redistributor to make it for them. If they are made publicly available, any such rebuilds should be referred to as “Python 2.7 with Legacy SSL” to clearly distinguish them from the official Python 2.7 releases that include more up to date network security infrastructure. After the first Python 2.7 maintenance release that implements this PEP, it would also be appropriate to refer to Python 2.7.6 and earlier releases as “Python 2.7 with Legacy SSL”. Rejected variant: synchronise particular modules entirely with Python 3 Earlier versions of this PEP suggested synchronising the hmac, hashlib and ssl modules entirely with their Python 3 counterparts. This approach proved too vague to build a compelling case for the exception, and has thus been replaced by the current more explicit proposal. Rejected variant: open ended backport policy Earlier versions of this PEP suggested a general policy change related to future Python 3 enhancements that impact the general security of the internet. That approach created unnecessary uncertainty, so it has been simplified to propose backport a specific concrete set of changes. Future feature backport proposals can refer back to this PEP as precedent, but it will still be necessary to make a specific case for each feature addition to the Python 2.7 long-term support release. Disclosure of Interest The author of this PEP currently works for Red Hat on test automation tools. If this proposal is accepted, I will be strongly encouraging Red Hat to take advantage of the resulting opportunity to help improve the overall security of the Python ecosystem. However, I do not speak for Red Hat in this matter, and cannot make any commitments on Red Hat’s behalf. Acknowledgements Thanks to Christian Heimes and other for their efforts in greatly improving Python’s SSL support in the Python 3 series, and a variety of members of the Python community for helping me to better understand the implications of the default settings we provide in our SSL modules, and the impact that tolerating the use of SSL infrastructure that was defined in 2010 (Python 2.7) or even 2008 (Python 2.6) potentially has for the security of the web as a whole. Thanks to Donald Stufft and Alex Gaynor for identifying a more limited set of essential security features that allowed the proposal to be made more fine-grained than backporting entire modules from Python 3.4 ([7], [8]). Christian and Donald also provided valuable feedback on a preliminary draft of this proposal. Thanks also to participants in the python-dev mailing list threads ([1], [2], [5], [6]), as well as the various folks I discussed this issue with at PyCon 2014 in Montreal. References [1] PEP 466 discussion (round 1) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133334.html) [2] PEP 466 discussion (round 2) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133389.html) [3] Marc-Andre Lemburg’s OpenSSL feedback for Windows (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133438.html) [4] Ned Deily’s OpenSSL feedback for Mac OS X (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133347.html) [5] PEP 466 discussion (round 3) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133442.html) [6] PEP 466 discussion (round 4) (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133472.html) [7] Donald Stufft’s recommended set of backported features (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133500.html) [8] Alex Gaynor’s recommended set of backported features (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2014-March/133503.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 466 – Network Security Enhancements for Python 2.7.x
Standards Track
Most CPython tracker issues are classified as errors in behaviour or proposed enhancements. Most patches to fix behavioural errors are applied to all active maintenance branches. Enhancement patches are restricted to the default branch that becomes the next Python version.
PEP 469 – Migration of dict iteration code to Python 3 Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Apr-2014 Python-Version: 3.5 Post-History: 18-Apr-2014, 21-Apr-2014 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Withdrawal Mapping iteration models Lists as mutable snapshots Iterator objects Set based dynamic views Migrating directly to Python 3 Migrating to the common subset of Python 2 and 3 Migrating from Python 3 to the common subset with Python 2.7 Possible changes to Python 3.5+ Discussion Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract For Python 3, PEP 3106 changed the design of the dict builtin and the mapping API in general to replace the separate list based and iterator based APIs in Python 2 with a merged, memory efficient set and multiset view based API. This new style of dict iteration was also added to the Python 2.7 dict type as a new set of iteration methods. This means that there are now 3 different kinds of dict iteration that may need to be migrated to Python 3 when an application makes the transition: Lists as mutable snapshots: d.items() -> list(d.items()) Iterator objects: d.iteritems() -> iter(d.items()) Set based dynamic views: d.viewitems() -> d.items() There is currently no widely agreed best practice on how to reliably convert all Python 2 dict iteration code to the common subset of Python 2 and 3, especially when test coverage of the ported code is limited. This PEP reviews the various ways the Python 2 iteration APIs may be accessed, and looks at the available options for migrating that code to Python 3 by way of the common subset of Python 2.6+ and Python 3.0+. The PEP also considers the question of whether or not there are any additions that may be worth making to Python 3.5 that may ease the transition process for application code that doesn’t need to worry about supporting earlier versions when eventually making the leap to Python 3. PEP Withdrawal In writing the second draft of this PEP, I came to the conclusion that the readability of hybrid Python 2/3 mapping code can actually be best enhanced by better helper functions rather than by making changes to Python 3.5+. The main value I now see in this PEP is as a clear record of the recommended approaches to migrating mapping iteration code from Python 2 to Python 3, as well as suggesting ways to keep things readable and maintainable when writing hybrid code that supports both versions. Notably, I recommend that hybrid code avoid calling mapping iteration methods directly, and instead rely on builtin functions where possible, and some additional helper functions for cases that would be a simple combination of a builtin and a mapping method in pure Python 3 code, but need to be handled slightly differently to get the exact same semantics in Python 2. Static code checkers like pylint could potentially be extended with an optional warning regarding direct use of the mapping iteration methods in a hybrid code base. Mapping iteration models Python 2.7 provides three different sets of methods to extract the keys, values and items from a dict instance, accounting for 9 out of the 18 public methods of the dict type. In Python 3, this has been rationalised to just 3 out of 11 public methods (as the has_key method has also been removed). Lists as mutable snapshots This is the oldest of the three styles of dict iteration, and hence the one implemented by the d.keys(), d.values() and d.items() methods in Python 2. These methods all return lists that are snapshots of the state of the mapping at the time the method was called. This has a few consequences: the original object can be mutated freely without affecting iteration over the snapshot the snapshot can be modified independently of the original object the snapshot consumes memory proportional to the size of the original mapping The semantic equivalent of these operations in Python 3 are list(d.keys()), list(d.values()) and list(d.iteritems()). Iterator objects In Python 2.2, dict objects gained support for the then-new iterator protocol, allowing direct iteration over the keys stored in the dictionary, thus avoiding the need to build a list just to iterate over the dictionary contents one entry at a time. iter(d) provides direct access to the iterator object for the keys. Python 2 also provides a d.iterkeys() method that is essentially synonymous with iter(d), along with d.itervalues() and d.iteritems() methods. These iterators provide live views of the underlying object, and hence may fail if the set of keys in the underlying object is changed during iteration: >>> d = dict(a=1) >>> for k in d: ... del d[k] ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration As iterators, iteration over these objects is also a one-time operation: once the iterator is exhausted, you have to go back to the original mapping in order to iterate again. In Python 3, direct iteration over mappings works the same way as it does in Python 2. There are no method based equivalents - the semantic equivalents of d.itervalues() and d.iteritems() in Python 3 are iter(d.values()) and iter(d.items()). The six and future.utils compatibility modules also both provide iterkeys(), itervalues() and iteritems() helper functions that provide efficient iterator semantics in both Python 2 and 3. Set based dynamic views The model that is provided in Python 3 as a method based API is that of set based dynamic views (technically multisets in the case of the values() view). In Python 3, the objects returned by d.keys(), d.values() and d. items() provide a live view of the current state of the underlying object, rather than taking a full snapshot of the current state as they did in Python 2. This change is safe in many circumstances, but does mean that, as with the direct iteration API, it is necessary to avoid adding or removing keys during iteration, in order to avoid encountering the following error: >>> d = dict(a=1) >>> for k, v in d.items(): ... del d[k] ... Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> RuntimeError: dictionary changed size during iteration Unlike the iteration API, these objects are iterables, rather than iterators: you can iterate over them multiple times, and each time they will iterate over the entire underlying mapping. These semantics are also available in Python 2.7 as the d.viewkeys(), d.viewvalues() and d.viewitems() methods. The future.utils compatibility module also provides viewkeys(), viewvalues() and viewitems() helper functions when running on Python 2.7 or Python 3.x. Migrating directly to Python 3 The 2to3 migration tool handles direct migrations to Python 3 in accordance with the semantic equivalents described above: d.keys() -> list(d.keys()) d.values() -> list(d.values()) d.items() -> list(d.items()) d.iterkeys() -> iter(d.keys()) d.itervalues() -> iter(d.values()) d.iteritems() -> iter(d.items()) d.viewkeys() -> d.keys() d.viewvalues() -> d.values() d.viewitems() -> d.items() Rather than 9 distinct mapping methods for iteration, there are now only the 3 view methods, which combine in straightforward ways with the two relevant builtin functions to cover all of the behaviours that are available as dict methods in Python 2.7. Note that in many cases d.keys() can be replaced by just d, but the 2to3 migration tool doesn’t attempt that replacement. The 2to3 migration tool also does not provide any automatic assistance for migrating references to these objects as bound or unbound methods - it only automates conversions where the API is called immediately. Migrating to the common subset of Python 2 and 3 When migrating to the common subset of Python 2 and 3, the above transformations are not generally appropriate, as they all either result in the creation of a redundant list in Python 2, have unexpectedly different semantics in at least some cases, or both. Since most code running in the common subset of Python 2 and 3 supports at least as far back as Python 2.6, the currently recommended approach to conversion of mapping iteration operation depends on two helper functions for efficient iteration over mapping values and mapping item tuples: d.keys() -> list(d) d.values() -> list(itervalues(d)) d.items() -> list(iteritems(d)) d.iterkeys() -> iter(d) d.itervalues() -> itervalues(d) d.iteritems() -> iteritems(d) Both six and future.utils provide appropriate definitions of itervalues() and iteritems() (along with essentially redundant definitions of iterkeys()). Creating your own definitions of these functions in a custom compatibility module is also relatively straightforward: try: dict.iteritems except AttributeError: # Python 3 def itervalues(d): return iter(d.values()) def iteritems(d): return iter(d.items()) else: # Python 2 def itervalues(d): return d.itervalues() def iteritems(d): return d.iteritems() The greatest loss of readability currently arises when converting code that actually needs the list based snapshots that were the default in Python 2. This readability loss could likely be mitigated by also providing listvalues and listitems helper functions, allowing the affected conversions to be simplified to: d.values() -> listvalues(d) d.items() -> listitems(d) The corresponding compatibility function definitions are as straightforward as their iterator counterparts: try: dict.iteritems except AttributeError: # Python 3 def listvalues(d): return list(d.values()) def listitems(d): return list(d.items()) else: # Python 2 def listvalues(d): return d.values() def listitems(d): return d.items() With that expanded set of compatibility functions, Python 2 code would then be converted to “idiomatic” hybrid 2/3 code as: d.keys() -> list(d) d.values() -> listvalues(d) d.items() -> listitems(d) d.iterkeys() -> iter(d) d.itervalues() -> itervalues(d) d.iteritems() -> iteritems(d) This compares well for readability with the idiomatic pure Python 3 code that uses the mapping methods and builtins directly: d.keys() -> list(d) d.values() -> list(d.values()) d.items() -> list(d.items()) d.iterkeys() -> iter(d) d.itervalues() -> iter(d.values()) d.iteritems() -> iter(d.items()) It’s also notable that when using this approach, hybrid code would never invoke the mapping methods directly: it would always invoke either a builtin or helper function instead, in order to ensure the exact same semantics on both Python 2 and 3. Migrating from Python 3 to the common subset with Python 2.7 While the majority of migrations are currently from Python 2 either directly to Python 3 or to the common subset of Python 2 and Python 3, there are also some migrations of newer projects that start in Python 3 and then later add Python 2 support, either due to user demand, or to gain access to Python 2 libraries that are not yet available in Python 3 (and porting them to Python 3 or creating a Python 3 compatible replacement is not a trivial exercise). In these cases, Python 2.7 compatibility is often sufficient, and the 2.7+ only view based helper functions provided by future.utils allow the bare accesses to the Python 3 mapping view methods to be replaced with code that is compatible with both Python 2.7 and Python 3 (note, this is the only migration chart in the PEP that has Python 3 code on the left of the conversion): d.keys() -> viewkeys(d) d.values() -> viewvalues(d) d.items() -> viewitems(d) list(d.keys()) -> list(d) list(d.values()) -> listvalues(d) list(d.items()) -> listitems(d) iter(d.keys()) -> iter(d) iter(d.values()) -> itervalues(d) iter(d.items()) -> iteritems(d) As with migrations from Python 2 to the common subset, note that the hybrid code ends up never invoking the mapping methods directly - it only calls builtins and helper methods, with the latter addressing the semantic differences between Python 2 and Python 3. Possible changes to Python 3.5+ The main proposal put forward to potentially aid migration of existing Python 2 code to Python 3 is the restoration of some or all of the alternate iteration APIs to the Python 3 mapping API. In particular, the initial draft of this PEP proposed making the following conversions possible when migrating to the common subset of Python 2 and Python 3.5+: d.keys() -> list(d) d.values() -> list(d.itervalues()) d.items() -> list(d.iteritems()) d.iterkeys() -> d.iterkeys() d.itervalues() -> d.itervalues() d.iteritems() -> d.iteritems() Possible mitigations of the additional language complexity in Python 3 created by restoring these methods included immediately deprecating them, as well as potentially hiding them from the dir() function (or perhaps even defining a way to make pydoc aware of function deprecations). However, in the case where the list output is actually desired, the end result of that proposal is actually less readable than an appropriately defined helper function, and the function and method forms of the iterator versions are pretty much equivalent from a readability perspective. So unless I’ve missed something critical, readily available listvalues() and listitems() helper functions look like they will improve the readability of hybrid code more than anything we could add back to the Python 3.5+ mapping API, and won’t have any long-term impact on the complexity of Python 3 itself. Discussion The fact that 5 years in to the Python 3 migration we still have users considering the dict API changes a significant barrier to migration suggests that there are problems with previously recommended approaches. This PEP attempts to explore those issues and tries to isolate those cases where previous advice (such as it was) could prove problematic. My assessment (largely based on feedback from Twisted devs) is that problems are most likely to arise when attempting to use d.keys(), d.values(), and d.items() in hybrid code. While superficially it seems as though there should be cases where it is safe to ignore the semantic differences, in practice, the change from “mutable snapshot” to “dynamic view” is significant enough that it is likely better to just force the use of either list or iterator semantics for hybrid code, and leave the use of the view semantics to pure Python 3 code. This approach also creates rules that are simple enough and safe enough that it should be possible to automate them in code modernisation scripts that target the common subset of Python 2 and Python 3, just as 2to3 converts them automatically when targeting pure Python 3 code. Acknowledgements Thanks to the folks at the Twisted sprint table at PyCon for a very vigorous discussion of this idea (and several other topics), and especially to Hynek Schlawack for acting as a moderator when things got a little too heated :) Thanks also to JP Calderone and Itamar Turner-Trauring for their email feedback, as well to the participants in the python-dev review of the initial version of the PEP. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 469 – Migration of dict iteration code to Python 3
Standards Track
For Python 3, PEP 3106 changed the design of the dict builtin and the mapping API in general to replace the separate list based and iterator based APIs in Python 2 with a merged, memory efficient set and multiset view based API. This new style of dict iteration was also added to the Python 2.7 dict type as a new set of iteration methods.
PEP 473 – Adding structured data to built-in exceptions Author: Sebastian Kreft <skreft at deezer.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 29-Mar-2014 Post-History: Resolution: Python-Dev message Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Examples IndexError KeyError AttributeError NameError Other Cases Proposal Potential Uses Performance References Copyright Abstract Exceptions like AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, LookupError, NameError, TypeError, and ValueError do not provide all information required by programmers to debug and better understand what caused them. Furthermore, in some cases the messages even have slightly different formats, which makes it really difficult for tools to automatically provide additional information to diagnose the problem. To tackle the former and to lay ground for the latter, it is proposed to expand these exceptions so to hold both the offending and affected entities. Rationale The main issue this PEP aims to solve is the fact that currently error messages are not that expressive and lack some key information to resolve the exceptions. Additionally, the information present on the error message is not always in the same format, which makes it very difficult for third-party libraries to provide automated diagnosis of the error. These automated tools could, for example, detect typos or display or log extra debug information. These could be particularly useful when running tests or in a long running application. Although it is in theory possible to have such libraries, they need to resort to hacks in order to achieve the goal. One such example is python-improved-exceptions [1], which modifies the byte-code to keep references to the possibly interesting objects and also parses the error messages to extract information like types or names. Unfortunately, such approach is extremely fragile and not portable. A similar proposal [2] has been implemented for ImportError and in the same fashion this idea has received support [3]. Additionally, almost 10 years ago Guido asked in [11] to have a clean API to access the affected objects in Exceptions like KeyError, AttributeError, NameError, and IndexError. Similar issues and proposals ideas have been written in the last year. Some other issues have been created, but despite receiving support they finally get abandoned. References to the created issues are listed below: AttributeError: [11], [10], [5], [4], [3] IndexError: [11], [6], [3] KeyError: [11], [7], [3] LookupError: [11] NameError: [11], [10], [3] TypeError: [8] ValueError: [9] To move forward with the development and to centralize the information and discussion, this PEP aims to be a meta-issue summarizing all the above discussions and ideas. Examples IndexError The error message does not reference the list’s length nor the index used. a = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] a[5] IndexError: list index out of range KeyError By convention the key is the first element of the error’s argument, but there’s no other information regarding the affected dictionary (keys types, size, etc.) b = {'foo': 1} b['fo'] KeyError: 'fo' AttributeError The object’s type and the offending attribute are part of the error message. However, there are some different formats and the information is not always available. Furthermore, although the object type is useful in some cases, given the dynamic nature of Python, it would be much more useful to have a reference to the object itself. Additionally the reference to the type is not fully qualified and in some cases the type is just too generic to provide useful information, for example in case of accessing a module’s attribute. c = object() c.foo AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute 'foo' import string string.foo AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'foo' a = string.Formatter() a.foo AttributeError: 'Formatter' object has no attribute 'foo' NameError The error message provides typically the name. foo = 1 fo NameError: global name 'fo' is not defined Other Cases Issues are even harder to debug when the target object is the result of another expression, for example: a[b[c[0]]] This issue is also related to the fact that opcodes only have line number information and not the offset. This proposal would help in this case but not as much as having offsets. Proposal Extend the exceptions AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, LookupError, NameError, TypeError, and ValueError with the following: AttributeError: target w, attribute IndexError: target w, key w, index (just an alias to key) KeyError: target w, key w LookupError: target w, key w NameError: name, scope? TypeError: unexpected_type ValueError: unexpected_value w Attributes with the superscript w may need to be weak references [12] to prevent any memory cycles. However, this may add an unnecessary extra complexity as noted by R. David Murray [13]. This is specially true given that builtin types do not support being weak referenced. TODO(skreft): expand this with examples of corner cases. To remain backwards compatible these new attributes will be optional and keyword only. It is proposed to add this information, rather than just improve the error, as the former would allow new debugging frameworks and tools and also in the future to switch to a lazy generated message. Generated messages are discussed in [2], although they are not implemented at the moment. They would not only save some resources, but also uniform the messages. The stdlib will be then gradually changed so to start using these new attributes. Potential Uses An automated tool could for example search for similar keys within the object, allowing to display the following:: a = {'foo': 1} a['fo'] KeyError: 'fo'. Did you mean 'foo'? foo = 1 fo NameError: global name 'fo' is not defined. Did you mean 'foo'? See [3] for the output a TestRunner could display. Performance Filling these new attributes would only require two extra parameters with data already available so the impact should be marginal. However, it may need special care for KeyError as the following pattern is already widespread. try: a[foo] = a[foo] + 1 except: a[foo] = 0 Note as well that storing these objects into the error itself would allow the lazy generation of the error message, as discussed in [2]. References [1] Python Exceptions Improved (https://www.github.com/sk-/python-exceptions-improved) [2] (1, 2, 3) ImportError needs attributes for module and file name (http://bugs.python.org/issue1559549) [3] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) Enhance exceptions by attaching some more information to them (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2014-February/025601.html) [4] Specificity in AttributeError (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2013-April/020308.html) [5] Add an ‘attr’ attribute to AttributeError (http://bugs.python.org/issue18156) [6] Add index attribute to IndexError (http://bugs.python.org/issue18162) [7] Add a ‘key’ attribute to KeyError (http://bugs.python.org/issue18163) [8] Add ‘unexpected_type’ to TypeError (http://bugs.python.org/issue18165) [9] ‘value’ attribute for ValueError (http://bugs.python.org/issue18166) [10] (1, 2) making builtin exceptions more informative (http://bugs.python.org/issue1182143) [11] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) LookupError etc. need API to get the key (http://bugs.python.org/issue614557) [12] weakref - Weak References (https://docs.python.org/3/library/weakref.html) [13] Message by R. David Murray: Weak refs on exceptions? (http://bugs.python.org/issue18163#msg190791) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 473 – Adding structured data to built-in exceptions
Standards Track
Exceptions like AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, LookupError, NameError, TypeError, and ValueError do not provide all information required by programmers to debug and better understand what caused them. Furthermore, in some cases the messages even have slightly different formats, which makes it really difficult for tools to automatically provide additional information to diagnose the problem. To tackle the former and to lay ground for the latter, it is proposed to expand these exceptions so to hold both the offending and affected entities.
PEP 474 – Creating forge.python.org Author: Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Process Created: 19-Jul-2014 Post-History: 19-Jul-2014, 08-Jan-2015, 01-Feb-2015 Table of Contents Abstract PEP Withdrawal Proposal Rationale Intended Benefits Sustaining Engineering Considerations Personal Motivation Technical Concerns and Challenges Service hosting Ongoing infrastructure maintenance User account management Breaking existing SSH access and links for Mercurial repositories Integration with Roundup Accepting pull requests on GitHub and BitBucket Transparent Git and Mercurial interoperability Pilot Objectives and Timeline Future Implications for CPython Core Development Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes setting up a new PSF provided resource, forge.python.org, as a location for maintaining various supporting repositories (such as the repository for Python Enhancement Proposals) in a way that is more accessible to new contributors, and easier to manage for core developers. This PEP does not propose any changes to the core development workflow for CPython itself (see PEP 462 in relation to that). PEP Withdrawal This PEP has been withdrawn by the author in favour of the GitLab based proposal in PEP 507. If anyone else would like to take over championing this PEP, contact the core-workflow mailing list Proposal This PEP proposes that an instance of the self-hosted Kallithea code repository management system be deployed as “forge.python.org”. Individual repositories (such as the developer guide or the PEPs repository) may then be migrated from the existing hg.python.org infrastructure to the new forge.python.org infrastructure on a case-by-case basis. Each migration will need to decide whether to retain a read-only mirror on hg.python.org, or whether to just migrate wholesale to the new location. In addition to supporting read-only mirrors on hg.python.org, forge.python.org will also aim to support hosting mirrors on popular proprietary hosting sites like GitHub and BitBucket. The aim will be to allow users familiar with these sites to submit and discuss pull requests using their preferred workflow, with forge.python.org automatically bringing those contributions over to the master repository. Given the availability and popularity of commercially backed “free for open source projects” repository hosting services, this would not be a general purpose hosting site for arbitrary Python projects. The initial focus will be specifically on CPython and other repositories currently hosted on hg.python.org. In the future, this could potentially be expanded to consolidating other PSF managed repositories that are currently externally hosted to gain access to a pull request based workflow, such as the repository for the python.org Django application. As with the initial migrations, any such future migrations would be considered on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the preferences of the primary users of each repository. Rationale Currently, hg.python.org hosts more than just the core CPython repository, it also hosts other repositories such as those for the CPython developer guide and for Python Enhancement Proposals, along with various “sandbox” repositories for core developer experimentation. While the simple “pull request” style workflow made popular by code hosting sites like GitHub and BitBucket isn’t adequate for the complex branching model needed for parallel maintenance and development of the various CPython releases, it’s a good fit for several of the ancillary projects that surround CPython that we don’t wish to move to a proprietary hosting site. The key requirements proposed for a PSF provided software forge are: MUST support simple “pull request” style workflows MUST support online editing for simple changes MUST be backed by an active development organisation (community or commercial) MUST support self-hosting of the master repository on PSF infrastructure without ongoing fees Additional recommended requirements that are satisfied by this proposal, but may be negotiable if a sufficiently compelling alternative is presented: SHOULD be a fully open source application written in Python SHOULD support Mercurial (for consistency with existing tooling) SHOULD support Git (to provide that option to users that prefer it) SHOULD allow users of git and Mercurial clients to transparently collaborate on the same repository SHOULD allow users of GitHub and BitBucket to submit proposed changes using the standard pull request workflows offered by those tools SHOULD be open to customisation to meet the needs of CPython core development, including providing a potential path forward for the proposed migration to a core reviewer model in PEP 462 The preference for self-hosting without ongoing fees rules out the free-as-in-beer providers like GitHub and BitBucket, in addition to the various proprietary source code management offerings. The preference for Mercurial support not only rules out GitHub, but also other Git-only solutions like GitLab and Gitorious. The hard requirement for online editing support rules out the Apache Allura/HgForge combination. The preference for a fully open source solution rules out RhodeCode. Of the various options considered by the author of this proposal, that leaves Kallithea SCM as the proposed foundation for a forge.python.org service. Kallithea is a full GPLv3 application (derived from the clearly and unambiguously GPLv3 licensed components of RhodeCode) that is being developed under the auspices of the Software Freedom Conservancy. The Conservancy has affirmed that the Kallithea codebase is completely and validly licensed under GPLv3. In addition to their role in building the initial Kallithea community, the Conservancy is also the legal home of both the Mercurial and Git projects. Other SFC member projects that may be familiar to Python users include Twisted, Gevent, BuildBot and PyPy. Intended Benefits The primary benefit of deploying Kallithea as forge.python.org is that supporting repositories such as the developer guide and the PEP repo could potentially be managed using pull requests and online editing. This would be much simpler than the current workflow which requires PEP editors and other core developers to act as intermediaries to apply updates suggested by other users. The richer administrative functionality would also make it substantially easier to grant users access to particular repositories for collaboration purposes, without having to grant them general access to the entire installation. This helps lower barriers to entry, as trust can more readily be granted and earned incrementally, rather than being an all-or-nothing decision around granting core developer access. Sustaining Engineering Considerations Even with its current workflow, CPython itself remains one of the largest open source projects in the world (in the top 2% of projects tracked on OpenHub). Unfortunately, we have been significantly less effective at encouraging contributions to the projects that make up CPython’s workflow infrastructure, including ensuring that our installations track upstream, and that wherever feasible, our own customisations are contributed back to the original project. As such, a core component of this proposal is to actively engage with the upstream Kallithea community to lower the barriers to working with and on the Kallithea SCM, as well as with the PSF Infrastructure team to ensure the forge.python.org service integrates cleanly with the PSF’s infrastructure automation. This approach aims to provide a number of key benefits: allowing those of us contributing to maintenance of this service to be as productive as possible in the time we have available offering a compelling professional development opportunity to those volunteers that choose to participate in maintenance of this service making the Kallithea project itself more attractive to other potential users by making it as easy as possible to adopt, deploy and manage as a result of the above benefits, attracting sufficient contributors both in the upstream Kallithea community, and within the CPython infrastructure community, to allow the forge.python.org service to evolve effectively to meet changing developer expectations Some initial steps have already been taken to address these sustaining engineering concerns: Tymoteusz Jankowski has been working with Donald Stufft to work out what would be involved in deploying Kallithea using the PSF’s Salt based infrastructure automation. Graham Dumpleton and I have been working on making it easy to deploy demonstration Kallithea instances to the free tier of Red Hat’s open source hosting service, OpenShift Online. (See the comments on that post, or the quickstart issue tracker for links to Graham’s follow on work) The next major step to be undertaken is to come up with a local development workflow that allows contributors on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux to run the Kallithea tests locally, without interfering with the operation of their own system. The currently planned approach for this is to focus on Vagrant, which is a popular automated virtual machine management system specifically aimed at developers running local VMs for testing purposes. The Vagrant based development guidelines for OpenShift Origin provide an extended example of the kind of workflow this approach enables. It’s also worth noting that Vagrant is one of the options for working with a local build of the main python.org website. If these workflow proposals end up working well for Kallithea, they may also be worth proposing for use by the upstream projects backing other PSF and CPython infrastructure services, including Roundup, BuildBot, and the main python.org web site. Personal Motivation As of July 2015, I now work for Red Hat as a software development workflow designer and process architect, focusing on the upstream developer experience in Fedora. Two of the key pieces of that experience will be familiar to many web service developers: Docker for local container management, and Vagrant for cross-platform local development VM management. Spending time applying these technologies in multiple upstream contexts helps provide additional insight into what works well and what still needs further improvement to provide a good software development experience that is well integrated on Fedora, but also readily available on other Linux distributions, Windows, Mac OS X. In relation to code review workflows in particular, the primary code review workflow management tools I’ve used in my career are Gerrit (for multi-step code review with fine-grained access control), GitHub and BitBucket (for basic pull request based workflows), and Rietveld (for CPython’s optional pre-commit reviews). Kallithea is interesting as a base project to build, as it’s currently a combined repo hosting and code review management platform, but doesn’t directly integrate the two by offering online merges. This creates the opportunity to blend the low barrier to entry benefits of the GitHub/BitBucket pull request model with the mentoring and task hand-off benefits of Gerrit in defining an online code merging model for Kallithea in collaboration with the upstream Kallithea developers. Technical Concerns and Challenges Introducing a new service into the CPython infrastructure presents a number of interesting technical concerns and challenges. This section covers several of the most significant ones. Service hosting The default position of this PEP is that the new forge.python.org service will be integrated into the existing PSF Salt infrastructure and hosted on the PSF’s Rackspace cloud infrastructure. However, other hosting options will also be considered, in particular, possible deployment as a Kubernetes hosted web service on either Google Container Engine or the next generation of Red Hat’s OpenShift Online service, by using either GCEPersistentDisk or the open source GlusterFS distributed filesystem to hold the source code repositories. Ongoing infrastructure maintenance Ongoing infrastructure maintenance is an area of concern within the PSF, as we currently lack a system administrator mentorship program equivalent to the Fedora Infrastructure Apprentice or GNOME Infrastructure Apprentice programs. Instead, systems tend to be maintained largely by developers as a part-time activity on top of their development related contributions, rather than seeking to recruit folks that are more interested in operations (i.e. keeping existing systems running well) than they are in development (i.e. making changes to the services to provide new features or a better user experience, or to address existing issues). While I’d personally like to see the PSF operating such a program at some point in the future, I don’t consider setting one up to be a feasible near term goal. However, I do consider it feasible to continue laying the groundwork for such a program by extending the PSF’s existing usage of modern infrastructure technologies like OpenStack and Salt to cover more services, as well as starting to explore the potential benefits of containers and container platforms when it comes to maintaining and enhancing PSF provided services. I also plan to look into the question of whether or not an open source cloud management platform like ManageIQ may help us bring our emerging “cloud sprawl” problem across Rackspace, Google, Amazon and other services more under control. User account management Ideally we’d like to be able to offer a single account that spans all python.org services, including Kallithea, Roundup/Rietveld, PyPI and the back end for the new python.org site, but actually implementing that would be a distinct infrastructure project, independent of this PEP. (It’s also worth noting that the fine-grained control of ACLs offered by such a capability is a prerequisite for setting up an effective system administrator mentorship program) For the initial rollout of forge.python.org, we will likely create yet another identity silo within the PSF infrastructure. A potentially superior alternative would be to add support for python-social-auth to Kallithea, but actually doing so would not be a requirement for the initial rollout of the service (the main technical concern there is that Kallithea is a Pylons application that has not yet been ported to Pyramid, so integration will require either adding a Pylons backend to python-social-auth, or else embarking on the Pyramid migration in Kallithea). Breaking existing SSH access and links for Mercurial repositories This PEP proposes leaving the existing hg.python.org installation alone, and setting up Kallithea on a new host. This approach minimises the risk of interfering with the development of CPython itself (and any other projects that don’t migrate to the new software forge), but does make any migrations of existing repos more disruptive (since existing checkouts will break). Integration with Roundup Kallithea provides configurable issue tracker integration. This will need to be set up appropriately to integrate with the Roundup issue tracker at bugs.python.org before the initial rollout of the forge.python.org service. Accepting pull requests on GitHub and BitBucket The initial rollout of forge.python.org would support publication of read-only mirrors, both on hg.python.org and other services, as that is a relatively straightforward operation that can be implemented in a commit hook. While a highly desirable feature, accepting pull requests on external services, and mirroring them as submissions to the master repositories on forge.python.org is a more complex problem, and would likely not be included as part of the initial rollout of the forge.python.org service. Transparent Git and Mercurial interoperability Kallithea’s native support for both Git and Mercurial offers an opportunity to make it relatively straightforward for developers to use the client of their choice to interact with repositories hosted on forge.python.org. This transparent interoperability does not exist yet, but running our own multi-VCS repository hosting service provides the opportunity to make this capability a reality, rather than passively waiting for a proprietary provider to deign to provide a feature that likely isn’t in their commercial interest. There’s a significant misalignment of incentives between open source communities and commercial providers in this particular area, as even though offering VCS client choice can significantly reduce community friction by eliminating the need for projects to make autocratic decisions that force particular tooling choices on potential contributors, top down enforcement of tool selection (regardless of developer preference) is currently still the norm in the corporate and other organisational environments that produce GitHub and Atlassian’s paying customers. Prior to acceptance, in the absence of transparent interoperability, this PEP should propose specific recommendations for inclusion in the CPython developer’s guide section for git users for creating pull requests against forge.python.org hosted Mercurial repositories. Pilot Objectives and Timeline [TODO: Update this section for Brett’s revised timeline, which aims to have a CPython demo repository online by October 31st, to get a better indication of future capabilities once CPython itself migrates over to the new system, rather than just the support repos] This proposal is part of Brett Cannon’s current evaluation of improvement proposals for various aspects of the CPython development workflow. Key dates in that timeline are: Feb 1: Draft proposal published (for Kallithea, this PEP) Apr 8: Discussion of final proposals at Python Language Summit May 1: Brett’s decision on which proposal to accept Sep 13: Python 3.5 released, adopting new workflows for Python 3.6 If this proposal is selected for further development, it is proposed to start with the rollout of the following pilot deployment: a reference implementation operational at kallithea-pilot.python.org, containing at least the developer guide and PEP repositories. This will be a “throwaway” instance, allowing core developers and other contributors to experiment freely without worrying about the long term consequences for the repository history. read-only live mirrors of the Kallithea hosted repositories on GitHub and BitBucket. As with the pilot service itself, these would be temporary repos, to be discarded after the pilot period ends. clear documentation on using those mirrors to create pull requests against Kallithea hosted Mercurial repositories (for the pilot, this will likely not include using the native pull request workflows of those hosted services) automatic linking of issue references in code review comments and commit messages to the corresponding issues on bugs.python.org draft updates to PEP 1 explaining the Kallithea-based PEP editing and submission workflow The following items would be needed for a production migration, but there doesn’t appear to be an obvious way to trial an updated implementation as part of the pilot: adjusting the PEP publication process and the developer guide publication process to be based on the relocated Mercurial repos The following items would be objectives of the overall workflow improvement process, but are considered “desirable, but not essential” for the initial adoption of the new service in September (if this proposal is the one selected and the proposed pilot deployment is successful): allowing the use of python-social-auth to authenticate against the PSF hosted Kallithea instance allowing the use of the GitHub and BitBucket pull request workflows to submit pull requests to the main Kallithea repo allowing easy triggering of forced BuildBot runs based on Kallithea hosted repos and pull requests (prior to the implementation of PEP 462, this would be intended for use with sandbox repos rather than the main CPython repo) Future Implications for CPython Core Development The workflow requirements for the main CPython development repository are significantly more complex than those for the repositories being discussed in this PEP. These concerns are covered in more detail in PEP 462. Given Guido’s recommendation to replace Rietveld with a more actively maintained code review system, my current plan is to rewrite that PEP to use Kallithea as the proposed glue layer, with enhanced Kallithea pull requests eventually replacing the current practice of uploading patche files directly to the issue tracker. I’ve also started working with Pierre Yves-David on a custom Mercurial extension that automates some aspects of the CPython core development workflow. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 474 – Creating forge.python.org
This PEP proposes setting up a new PSF provided resource, forge.python.org, as a location for maintaining various supporting repositories (such as the repository for Python Enhancement Proposals) in a way that is more accessible to new contributors, and easier to manage for core developers.