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PEP 5 – Guidelines for Language Evolution Author: Paul Prescod <paul at prescod.net> Status: Superseded Type: Process Created: 26-Oct-2000 Post-History: Superseded-By: 387 Table of Contents Abstract Implementation Details Scope Steps For Introducing Backwards-Incompatible Features Abstract In the natural evolution of programming languages it is sometimes necessary to make changes that modify the behavior of older programs. This PEP proposes a policy for implementing these changes in a manner respectful of the installed base of Python users. Implementation Details Implementation of this PEP requires the addition of a formal warning and deprecation facility that will be described in another proposal. Scope These guidelines apply to future versions of Python that introduce backward-incompatible behavior. Backward incompatible behavior is a major deviation in Python interpretation from an earlier behavior described in the standard Python documentation. Removal of a feature also constitutes a change of behavior. This PEP does not replace or preclude other compatibility strategies such as dynamic loading of backwards-compatible parsers. On the other hand, if execution of “old code” requires a special switch or pragma then that is indeed a change of behavior from the point of view of the user and that change should be implemented according to these guidelines. In general, common sense must prevail in the implementation of these guidelines. For instance changing “sys.copyright” does not constitute a backwards-incompatible change of behavior! Steps For Introducing Backwards-Incompatible Features Propose backwards-incompatible behavior in a PEP. The PEP must include a section on backwards compatibility that describes in detail a plan to complete the remainder of these steps. Once the PEP is accepted as a productive direction, implement an alternate way to accomplish the task previously provided by the feature that is being removed or changed. For instance if the addition operator were scheduled for removal, a new version of Python could implement an “add()” built-in function. Formally deprecate the obsolete construct in the Python documentation. Add an optional warning mode to the parser that will inform users when the deprecated construct is used. In other words, all programs that will behave differently in the future must trigger warnings in this mode. Compile-time warnings are preferable to runtime warnings. The warning messages should steer people from the deprecated construct to the alternative construct. There must be at least a one-year transition period between the release of the transitional version of Python and the release of the backwards incompatible version. Users will have at least a year to test their programs and migrate them from use of the deprecated construct to the alternative one.
PEP 5 – Guidelines for Language Evolution
In the natural evolution of programming languages it is sometimes necessary to make changes that modify the behavior of older programs. This PEP proposes a policy for implementing these changes in a manner respectful of the installed base of Python users.
PEP 6 – Bug Fix Releases Author: Aahz <aahz at pythoncraft.com>, Anthony Baxter <anthony at interlink.com.au> Status: Superseded Type: Process Created: 15-Mar-2001 Post-History: 15-Mar-2001, 18-Apr-2001, 19-Aug-2004 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Prohibitions Not-Quite-Prohibitions Applicability of Prohibitions Helping the Bug Fix Releases Happen Version Numbers Procedure Patch Czar History History References Copyright Note This PEP is obsolete. The current release policy is documented in the devguide. See also PEP 101 for mechanics of the release process. Abstract Python has historically had only a single fork of development, with releases having the combined purpose of adding new features and delivering bug fixes (these kinds of releases will be referred to as “major releases”). This PEP describes how to fork off maintenance, or bug fix, releases of old versions for the primary purpose of fixing bugs. This PEP is not, repeat NOT, a guarantee of the existence of bug fix releases; it only specifies a procedure to be followed if bug fix releases are desired by enough of the Python community willing to do the work. Motivation With the move to SourceForge, Python development has accelerated. There is a sentiment among part of the community that there was too much acceleration, and many people are uncomfortable with upgrading to new versions to get bug fixes when so many features have been added, sometimes late in the development cycle. One solution for this issue is to maintain the previous major release, providing bug fixes until the next major release. This should make Python more attractive for enterprise development, where Python may need to be installed on hundreds or thousands of machines. Prohibitions Bug fix releases are required to adhere to the following restrictions: There must be zero syntax changes. All .pyc and .pyo files must work (no regeneration needed) with all bugfix releases forked off from a major release. There must be zero pickle changes. There must be no incompatible C API changes. All extensions must continue to work without recompiling in all bugfix releases in the same fork as a major release. Breaking any of these prohibitions requires a BDFL proclamation (and a prominent warning in the release notes). Not-Quite-Prohibitions Where possible, bug fix releases should also: Have no new features. The purpose of a bug fix release is to fix bugs, not add the latest and greatest whizzo feature from the HEAD of the CVS root. Be a painless upgrade. Users should feel confident that an upgrade from 2.x.y to 2.x.(y+1) will not break their running systems. This means that, unless it is necessary to fix a bug, the standard library should not change behavior, or worse yet, APIs. Applicability of Prohibitions The above prohibitions and not-quite-prohibitions apply both for a final release to a bugfix release (for instance, 2.4 to 2.4.1) and for one bugfix release to the next in a series (for instance 2.4.1 to 2.4.2). Following the prohibitions listed in this PEP should help keep the community happy that a bug fix release is a painless and safe upgrade. Helping the Bug Fix Releases Happen Here’s a few pointers on helping the bug fix release process along. Backport bug fixes. If you fix a bug, and it seems appropriate, port it to the CVS branch for the current bug fix release. If you’re unwilling or unable to backport it yourself, make a note in the commit message, with words like ‘Bugfix candidate’ or ‘Backport candidate’. If you’re not sure, ask. Ask the person managing the current bug fix releases if they think a particular fix is appropriate. If there’s a particular bug you’d particularly like fixed in a bug fix release, jump up and down and try to get it done. Do not wait until 48 hours before a bug fix release is due, and then start asking for bug fixes to be included. Version Numbers Starting with Python 2.0, all major releases are required to have a version number of the form X.Y; bugfix releases will always be of the form X.Y.Z. The current major release under development is referred to as release N; the just-released major version is referred to as N-1. In CVS, the bug fix releases happen on a branch. For release 2.x, the branch is named ‘release2x-maint’. For example, the branch for the 2.3 maintenance releases is release23-maint Procedure The process for managing bugfix releases is modeled in part on the Tcl system [1]. The Patch Czar is the counterpart to the BDFL for bugfix releases. However, the BDFL and designated appointees retain veto power over individual patches. A Patch Czar might only be looking after a single branch of development - it’s quite possible that a different person might be maintaining the 2.3.x and the 2.4.x releases. As individual patches get contributed to the current trunk of CVS, each patch committer is requested to consider whether the patch is a bug fix suitable for inclusion in a bugfix release. If the patch is considered suitable, the committer can either commit the release to the maintenance branch, or else mark the patch in the commit message. In addition, anyone from the Python community is free to suggest patches for inclusion. Patches may be submitted specifically for bugfix releases; they should follow the guidelines in PEP 3. In general, though, it’s probably better that a bug in a specific release also be fixed on the HEAD as well as the branch. The Patch Czar decides when there are a sufficient number of patches to warrant a release. The release gets packaged up, including a Windows installer, and made public. If any new bugs are found, they must be fixed immediately and a new bugfix release publicized (with an incremented version number). For the 2.3.x cycle, the Patch Czar (Anthony) has been trying for a release approximately every six months, but this should not be considered binding in any way on any future releases. Bug fix releases are expected to occur at an interval of roughly six months. This is only a guideline, however - obviously, if a major bug is found, a bugfix release may be appropriate sooner. In general, only the N-1 release will be under active maintenance at any time. That is, during Python 2.4’s development, Python 2.3 gets bugfix releases. If, however, someone qualified wishes to continue the work to maintain an older release, they should be encouraged. Patch Czar History Anthony Baxter is the Patch Czar for 2.3.1 through 2.3.4. Barry Warsaw is the Patch Czar for 2.2.3. Guido van Rossum is the Patch Czar for 2.2.2. Michael Hudson is the Patch Czar for 2.2.1. Anthony Baxter is the Patch Czar for 2.1.2 and 2.1.3. Thomas Wouters is the Patch Czar for 2.1.1. Moshe Zadka is the Patch Czar for 2.0.1. History This PEP started life as a proposal on comp.lang.python. The original version suggested a single patch for the N-1 release to be released concurrently with the N release. The original version also argued for sticking with a strict bug fix policy. Following feedback from the BDFL and others, the draft PEP was written containing an expanded bugfix release cycle that permitted any previous major release to obtain patches and also relaxed the strict bug fix requirement (mainly due to the example of PEP 235, which could be argued as either a bug fix or a feature). Discussion then mostly moved to python-dev, where BDFL finally issued a proclamation basing the Python bugfix release process on Tcl’s, which essentially returned to the original proposal in terms of being only the N-1 release and only bug fixes, but allowing multiple bugfix releases until release N is published. Anthony Baxter then took this PEP and revised it, based on lessons from the 2.3 release cycle. References [1] http://www.tcl.tk/cgi-bin/tct/tip/28.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 6 – Bug Fix Releases
Python has historically had only a single fork of development, with releases having the combined purpose of adding new features and delivering bug fixes (these kinds of releases will be referred to as “major releases”). This PEP describes how to fork off maintenance, or bug fix, releases of old versions for the primary purpose of fixing bugs.
PEP 10 – Voting Guidelines Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Active Type: Process Created: 07-Mar-2002 Post-History: 07-Mar-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Voting Scores References Copyright Abstract This PEP outlines the python-dev voting guidelines. These guidelines serve to provide feedback or gauge the “wind direction” on a particular proposal, idea, or feature. They don’t have a binding force. Rationale When a new idea, feature, patch, etc. is floated in the Python community, either through a PEP or on the mailing lists (most likely on python-dev [1]), it is sometimes helpful to gauge the community’s general sentiment. Sometimes people just want to register their opinion of an idea. Sometimes the BDFL wants to take a straw poll. Whatever the reason, these guidelines have been adopted so as to provide a common language for developers. While opinions are (sometimes) useful, but they are never binding. Opinions that are accompanied by rationales are always valued higher than bare scores (this is especially true with -1 votes). Voting Scores The scoring guidelines are loosely derived from the Apache voting procedure [2], with of course our own spin on things. There are 4 possible vote scores: +1 I like it +0 I don’t care, but go ahead -0 I don’t care, so why bother? -1 I hate it You may occasionally see wild flashes of enthusiasm (either for or against) with vote scores like +2, +1000, or -1000. These aren’t really valued much beyond the above scores, but it’s nice to see people get excited about such geeky stuff. References [1] Python Developer’s Guide, (http://www.python.org/dev/) [2] Apache Project Guidelines and Voting Rules (http://httpd.apache.org/dev/guidelines.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 10 – Voting Guidelines
This PEP outlines the python-dev voting guidelines. These guidelines serve to provide feedback or gauge the “wind direction” on a particular proposal, idea, or feature. They don’t have a binding force.
PEP 11 – CPython platform support Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de>, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Active Type: Process Created: 07-Jul-2002 Post-History: 18-Aug-2007, 14-May-2014, 20-Feb-2015, 10-Mar-2022 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Support tiers Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 All other platforms Notes Microsoft Windows Legacy C Locale Unsupporting platforms No-longer-supported platforms Discussions Copyright Abstract This PEP documents how an operating system (platform) becomes supported in CPython, what platforms are currently supported, and documents past support. Rationale Over time, the CPython source code has collected various pieces of platform-specific code, which, at some point in time, was considered necessary to use CPython on a specific platform. Without access to this platform, it is not possible to determine whether this code is still needed. As a result, this code may either break during CPython’s evolution, or it may become unnecessary as the platforms evolve as well. Allowing these fragments to grow poses the risk of unmaintainability: without having experts for a large number of platforms, it is not possible to determine whether a certain change to the CPython source code will work on all supported platforms. To reduce this risk, this PEP specifies what is required for a platform to be considered supported by CPython as well as providing a procedure to remove code for platforms with few or no CPython users. This PEP also lists what platforms are supported by the CPython interpreter. This lets people know what platforms are directly supported by the CPython development team. Support tiers Platform support is broken down into tiers. Each tier comes with different requirements which lead to different promises being made about support. To be promoted to a tier, steering council support is required and is expected to be driven by team consensus. Demotion to a lower tier occurs when the requirements of the current tier are no longer met for a platform for an extended period of time based on the judgment of the release manager or steering council. For platforms which no longer meet the requirements of any tier by b1 of a new feature release, an announcement will be made to warn the community of the pending removal of support for the platform (e.g. in the b1 announcement). If the platform is not brought into line for at least one of the tiers by the first release candidate, it will be listed as unsupported in this PEP. Tier 1 STATUS CI failures block releases. Changes which would break the main branch are not allowed to be merged; any breakage should be fixed or reverted immediately. All core developers are responsible to keep main, and thus these platforms, working. Failures on these platforms block a release. Target Triple Notes i686-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-pc-windows-msvc x86_64-apple-darwin BSD libc, clang x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu glibc, gcc Tier 2 STATUS Must have a reliable buildbot. At least two core developers are signed up to support the platform. Changes which break any of these platforms are to be fixed or reverted within 24 hours. Failures on these platforms block a release. Target Triple Notes Contacts aarch64-apple-darwin clang Ned Deily, Ronald Oussoren, Dong-hee Na aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu glibc, gccglibc, clang Petr Viktorin, Victor StinnerVictor Stinner, Gregory P. Smith wasm32-unknown-wasi WASI SDK, Wasmtime Brett Cannon, Eric Snow x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu glibc, clang Victor Stinner, Gregory P. Smith Tier 3 STATUS Must have a reliable buildbot. At least one core developer is signed up to support the platform. No response SLA to failures. Failures on these platforms do not block a release. Target Triple Notes Contacts aarch64-pc-windows-msvc Steve Dower armv7l-unknown-linux-gnueabihf Raspberry Pi OS, glibc, gcc Gregory P. Smith powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu glibc, clangglibc, gcc Victor StinnerVictor Stinner s390x-unknown-linux-gnu glibc, gcc Victor Stinner x86_64-unknown-freebsd BSD libc, clang Victor Stinner All other platforms Support for a platform may be partial within the code base, such as from active development around platform support or accidentally. Code changes to platforms not listed in the above tiers may be rejected or removed from the code base without a deprecation process if they cause a maintenance burden or obstruct general improvements. Platforms not listed here may be supported by the wider Python community in some way. If your desired platform is not listed above, please perform a search online to see if someone is already providing support in some form. Notes Microsoft Windows Windows versions prior to Windows 10 follow Microsoft’s Fixed Lifecycle Policy, with a mainstream support phase for 5 years after release, where the product is generally commercially available, and an additional 5 year extended support phase, where paid support is still available and certain bug fixes are released. Extended Security Updates (ESU) is a paid program available to high-volume enterprise customers as a “last resort” option to receive certain security updates after extended support ends. ESU is considered a distinct phase that follows the expiration of extended support. Windows 10 and later follow Microsoft’s Modern Lifecycle Policy, which varies per-product, per-version, per-edition and per-channel. Generally, feature updates (1709, 22H2) occur every 6-12 months and are supported for 18-36 months; Server and IoT editions, and LTSC channel releases are supported for 5-10 years, and the latest feature release of a major version (Windows 10, Windows 11) generally receives new updates for at least 10 years following release. Microsoft’s Windows Lifecycle FAQ has more specific and up-to-date guidance. CPython’s Windows support currently follows Microsoft’s lifecycles. A new feature release X.Y.0 will support all Windows versions whose extended support phase has not yet expired. Subsequent bug fix releases will support the same Windows versions as the original feature release, even if no longer supported by Microsoft. New versions of Windows released while CPython is in maintenance mode may be supported at the discretion of the core team and release manager. As of 2024, our current interpretation of Microsoft’s lifecycles is that Windows for IoT and embedded systems is out of scope for new CPython releases, as the intent of those is to avoid feature updates. Windows Server will usually be the oldest version still receiving free security fixes, and that will determine the earliest supported client release with equivalent API version (which will usually be past its end-of-life). Each feature release is built by a specific version of Microsoft Visual Studio. That version should have mainstream support when the release is made. Developers of extension modules will generally need to use the same Visual Studio release; they are concerned both with the availability of the versions they need to use, and with keeping the zoo of versions small. The CPython source tree will keep unmaintained build files for older Visual Studio releases, for which patches will be accepted. Such build files will be removed from the source tree 3 years after the extended support for the compiler has ended (but continue to remain available in revision control). Legacy C Locale Starting with CPython 3.7.0, *nix platforms are expected to provide at least one of C.UTF-8 (full locale), C.utf8 (full locale) or UTF-8 (LC_CTYPE-only locale) as an alternative to the legacy C locale. Any Unicode-related integration problems that occur only in the legacy C locale and cannot be reproduced in an appropriately configured non-ASCII locale will be closed as “won’t fix”. Unsupporting platforms If a platform drops out of tiered support, a note must be posted in this PEP that the platform is no longer actively supported. This note must include: The name of the system, The first release number that does not support this platform anymore, and The first release where the historical support code is actively removed. In some cases, it is not possible to identify the specific list of systems for which some code is used (e.g. when autoconf tests for absence of some feature which is considered present on all supported systems). In this case, the name will give the precise condition (usually a preprocessor symbol) that will become unsupported. At the same time, the CPython build must be changed to produce a warning if somebody tries to install CPython on this platform. On platforms using autoconf, configure should also be made emit a warning about the unsupported platform. This gives potential users of the platform a chance to step forward and offer maintenance. We do not treat a platform that loses Tier 3 support any worse than a platform that was never supported. No-longer-supported platforms Name: MS-DOS, MS-Windows 3.x Unsupported in: Python 2.0 Code removed in: Python 2.1 Name: SunOS 4 Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: DYNIX Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: dgux Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Minix Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Irix 4 and –with-sgi-dl Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Linux 1 Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Systems defining __d6_pthread_create (configure.in) Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Systems defining PY_PTHREAD_D4, PY_PTHREAD_D6, or PY_PTHREAD_D7 in thread_pthread.h Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Systems using –with-dl-dld Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Systems using –without-universal-newlines, Unsupported in: Python 2.3 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: MacOS 9 Unsupported in: Python 2.4 Code removed in: Python 2.4 Name: Systems using –with-wctype-functions Unsupported in: Python 2.6 Code removed in: Python 2.6 Name: Win9x, WinME, NT4 Unsupported in: Python 2.6 (warning in 2.5 installer) Code removed in: Python 2.6 Name: AtheOS Unsupported in: Python 2.6 (with “AtheOS” changed to “Syllable”) Build broken in: Python 2.7 (edit configure to re-enable) Code removed in: Python 3.0 Details: http://www.syllable.org/discussion.php?id=2320 Name: BeOS Unsupported in: Python 2.6 (warning in configure) Build broken in: Python 2.7 (edit configure to re-enable) Code removed in: Python 3.0 Name: Systems using Mach C Threads Unsupported in: Python 3.2 Code removed in: Python 3.3 Name: SunOS lightweight processes (LWP) Unsupported in: Python 3.2 Code removed in: Python 3.3 Name: Systems using –with-pth (GNU pth threads) Unsupported in: Python 3.2 Code removed in: Python 3.3 Name: Systems using Irix threads Unsupported in: Python 3.2 Code removed in: Python 3.3 Name: OSF* systems (issue 8606) Unsupported in: Python 3.2 Code removed in: Python 3.3 Name: OS/2 (issue 16135) Unsupported in: Python 3.3 Code removed in: Python 3.4 Name: VMS (issue 16136) Unsupported in: Python 3.3 Code removed in: Python 3.4 Name: Windows 2000 Unsupported in: Python 3.3 Code removed in: Python 3.4 Name: Windows systems where COMSPEC points to command.com Unsupported in: Python 3.3 Code removed in: Python 3.4 Name: RISC OS Unsupported in: Python 3.0 (some code actually removed) Code removed in: Python 3.4 Name: IRIX Unsupported in: Python 3.7 Code removed in: Python 3.7 Name: Systems without multithreading support Unsupported in: Python 3.7 Code removed in: Python 3.7 Name: wasm32-unknown-emscripten Unsupported in: Python 3.13 Code removed in: Unknown Discussions April 2022: Consider adding a Tier 3 to tiered platform support (Victor Stinner) March 2022: Proposed tiered platform support (Brett Cannon) February 2015: Update to PEP 11 to clarify garnering platform support (Brett Cannon) May 2014: Where is our official policy of what platforms we do support? (Brett Cannon) August 2007: PEP 11 update - Call for port maintainers to step forward (Skip Montanaro) Copyright This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive.
PEP 11 – CPython platform support
This PEP documents how an operating system (platform) becomes supported in CPython, what platforms are currently supported, and documents past support.
PEP 12 – Sample reStructuredText PEP Template Author: David Goodger <goodger at python.org>, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Brett Cannon <brett at python.org> Status: Active Type: Process Created: 05-Aug-2002 Post-History: 30-Aug-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale How to Use This Template ReStructuredText PEP Formatting Requirements General Section Headings Paragraphs Inline Markup Block Quotes Literal Blocks Lists Tables Hyperlinks Internal and PEP/RFC Links Footnotes Images Comments Escaping Mechanism Canonical Documentation and Intersphinx Habits to Avoid Suggested Sections Resources Copyright Note For those who have written a PEP before, there is a template (which is included as a file in the PEPs repository). Abstract This PEP provides a boilerplate or sample template for creating your own reStructuredText PEPs. In conjunction with the content guidelines in PEP 1, this should make it easy for you to conform your own PEPs to the format outlined below. Note: if you are reading this PEP via the web, you should first grab the text (reStructuredText) source of this PEP in order to complete the steps below. DO NOT USE THE HTML FILE AS YOUR TEMPLATE! The source for this (or any) PEP can be found in the PEPs repository, as well as via a link at the bottom of each PEP. Rationale If you intend to submit a PEP, you MUST use this template, in conjunction with the format guidelines below, to ensure that your PEP submission won’t get automatically rejected because of form. ReStructuredText provides PEP authors with useful functionality and expressivity, while maintaining easy readability in the source text. The processed HTML form makes the functionality accessible to readers: live hyperlinks, styled text, tables, images, and automatic tables of contents, among other advantages. How to Use This Template To use this template you must first decide whether your PEP is going to be an Informational or Standards Track PEP. Most PEPs are Standards Track because they propose a new feature for the Python language or standard library. When in doubt, read PEP 1 for details, or open a tracker issue on the PEPs repo to ask for assistance. Once you’ve decided which type of PEP yours is going to be, follow the directions below. Make a copy of this file (the .rst file, not the HTML!) and perform the following edits. Name the new file pep-NNNN.rst, using the next available number (not used by a published or in-PR PEP). Replace the “PEP: 12” header with “PEP: NNNN”, matching the file name. Note that the file name should be padded with zeros (eg pep-0012.rst), but the header should not (PEP: 12). Change the Title header to the title of your PEP. Change the Author header to include your name, and optionally your email address. Be sure to follow the format carefully: your name must appear first, and it must not be contained in parentheses. Your email address may appear second (or it can be omitted) and if it appears, it must appear in angle brackets. It is okay to obfuscate your email address. If none of the authors are Python core developers, include a Sponsor header with the name of the core developer sponsoring your PEP. Add the direct URL of the PEP’s canonical discussion thread (on e.g. Python-Dev, Discourse, etc) under the Discussions-To header. If the thread will be created after the PEP is submitted as an official draft, it is okay to just list the venue name initially, but remember to update the PEP with the URL as soon as the PEP is successfully merged to the PEPs repository and you create the corresponding discussion thread. See PEP 1 for more details. Change the Status header to “Draft”. For Standards Track PEPs, change the Type header to “Standards Track”. For Informational PEPs, change the Type header to “Informational”. For Standards Track PEPs, if your feature depends on the acceptance of some other currently in-development PEP, add a Requires header right after the Type header. The value should be the PEP number of the PEP yours depends on. Don’t add this header if your dependent feature is described in a Final PEP. Change the Created header to today’s date. Be sure to follow the format carefully: it must be in dd-mmm-yyyy format, where the mmm is the 3 English letter month abbreviation, i.e. one of Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec. For Standards Track PEPs, after the Created header, add a Python-Version header and set the value to the next planned version of Python, i.e. the one your new feature will hopefully make its first appearance in. Do not use an alpha or beta release designation here. Thus, if the last version of Python was 2.2 alpha 1 and you’re hoping to get your new feature into Python 2.2, set the header to:Python-Version: 2.2 Add a Topic header if the PEP belongs under one shown at the Topic Index. Most PEPs don’t. Leave Post-History alone for now; you’ll add dates and corresponding links to this header each time you post your PEP to the designated discussion forum (and update the Discussions-To header with said link, as above). For each thread, use the date (in the dd-mmm-yyy format) as the linked text, and insert the URLs inline as anonymous reST hyperlinks, with commas in between each posting.If you posted threads for your PEP on August 14, 2001 and September 3, 2001, the Post-History header would look like, e.g.: Post-History: `14-Aug-2001 <https://www.example.com/thread_1>`__, `03-Sept-2001 <https://www.example.com/thread_2>`__ You should add the new dates/links here as soon as you post a new discussion thread. Add a Replaces header if your PEP obsoletes an earlier PEP. The value of this header is the number of the PEP that your new PEP is replacing. Only add this header if the older PEP is in “final” form, i.e. is either Accepted, Final, or Rejected. You aren’t replacing an older open PEP if you’re submitting a competing idea. Now write your Abstract, Rationale, and other content for your PEP, replacing all this gobbledygook with your own text. Be sure to adhere to the format guidelines below, specifically on the prohibition of tab characters and the indentation requirements. See “Suggested Sections” below for a template of sections to include. Update your Footnotes section, listing any footnotes and non-inline link targets referenced by the text. Run ./build.py to ensure the PEP is rendered without errors, and check that the output in build/pep-NNNN.html looks as you intend. Create a pull request against the PEPs repository. For reference, here are all of the possible header fields (everything in brackets should either be replaced or have the field removed if it has a leading * marking it as optional and it does not apply to your PEP): PEP: [NNN] Title: [...] Author: [Full Name <email at example.com>] Sponsor: *[Full Name <email at example.com>] PEP-Delegate: Discussions-To: [URL] Status: Draft Type: [Standards Track | Informational | Process] Topic: *[Governance | Packaging | Release | Typing] Requires: *[NNN] Created: [DD-MMM-YYYY] Python-Version: *[M.N] Post-History: [`DD-MMM-YYYY <URL>`__] Replaces: *[NNN] Superseded-By: *[NNN] Resolution: ReStructuredText PEP Formatting Requirements The following is a PEP-specific summary of reStructuredText syntax. For the sake of simplicity and brevity, much detail is omitted. For more detail, see Resources below. Literal blocks (in which no markup processing is done) are used for examples throughout, to illustrate the plaintext markup. General Lines should usually not extend past column 79, excepting URLs and similar circumstances. Tab characters must never appear in the document at all. Section Headings PEP headings must begin in column zero and the initial letter of each word must be capitalized as in book titles. Acronyms should be in all capitals. Section titles must be adorned with an underline, a single repeated punctuation character, which begins in column zero and must extend at least as far as the right edge of the title text (4 characters minimum). First-level section titles are underlined with “=” (equals signs), second-level section titles with “-” (hyphens), and third-level section titles with “’” (single quotes or apostrophes). For example: First-Level Title ================= Second-Level Title ------------------ Third-Level Title ''''''''''''''''' If there are more than three levels of sections in your PEP, you may insert overline/underline-adorned titles for the first and second levels as follows: ============================ First-Level Title (optional) ============================ ----------------------------- Second-Level Title (optional) ----------------------------- Third-Level Title ================= Fourth-Level Title ------------------ Fifth-Level Title ''''''''''''''''' You shouldn’t have more than five levels of sections in your PEP. If you do, you should consider rewriting it. You must use two blank lines between the last line of a section’s body and the next section heading. If a subsection heading immediately follows a section heading, a single blank line in-between is sufficient. The body of each section is not normally indented, although some constructs do use indentation, as described below. Blank lines are used to separate constructs. Paragraphs Paragraphs are left-aligned text blocks separated by blank lines. Paragraphs are not indented unless they are part of an indented construct (such as a block quote or a list item). Inline Markup Portions of text within paragraphs and other text blocks may be styled. For example: Text may be marked as *emphasized* (single asterisk markup, typically shown in italics) or **strongly emphasized** (double asterisks, typically boldface). ``Inline literals`` (using double backquotes) are typically rendered in a monospaced typeface. No further markup recognition is done within the double backquotes, so they're safe for any kind of code snippets. Block Quotes Block quotes consist of indented body elements. For example: This is a paragraph. This is a block quote. A block quote may contain many paragraphs. Block quotes are used to quote extended passages from other sources. Block quotes may be nested inside other body elements. Use 4 spaces per indent level. Literal Blocks Literal blocks are used for code samples and other preformatted text. To indicate a literal block, preface the indented text block with “::” (two colons), or use the .. code-block:: directive. Indent the text block by 4 spaces; the literal block continues until the end of the indentation. For example: This is a typical paragraph. A literal block follows. :: for a in [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]: # this is program code, shown as-is print(a) print("it's...") “::” is also recognized at the end of any paragraph; if not immediately preceded by whitespace, one colon will remain visible in the final output: This is an example:: Literal block By default, literal blocks will be syntax-highlighted as Python code. For specific blocks that contain code or data in other languages/formats, use the .. code-block:: language directive, substituting the “short name” of the appropriate Pygments lexer (or text to disable highlighting) for language. For example: .. code-block:: rst An example of the ``rst`` lexer (i.e. *reStructuredText*). For PEPs that predominantly contain literal blocks of a specific language, use the .. highlight:: language directive with the appropriate language at the top of the PEP body (below the headers and above the Abstract). All literal blocks will then be treated as that language, unless specified otherwise in the specific .. code-block. For example: .. highlight:: c Abstract ======== Here's some C code:: printf("Hello, World!\n"); Lists Bullet list items begin with one of “-”, “*”, or “+” (hyphen, asterisk, or plus sign), followed by whitespace and the list item body. List item bodies must be left-aligned and indented relative to the bullet; the text immediately after the bullet determines the indentation. For example: This paragraph is followed by a list. * This is the first bullet list item. The blank line above the first list item is required; blank lines between list items (such as below this paragraph) are optional. * This is the first paragraph in the second item in the list. This is the second paragraph in the second item in the list. The blank line above this paragraph is required. The left edge of this paragraph lines up with the paragraph above, both indented relative to the bullet. - This is a sublist. The bullet lines up with the left edge of the text blocks above. A sublist is a new list so requires a blank line above and below. * This is the third item of the main list. This paragraph is not part of the list. Enumerated (numbered) list items are similar, but use an enumerator instead of a bullet. Enumerators are numbers (1, 2, 3, …), letters (A, B, C, …; uppercase or lowercase), or Roman numerals (i, ii, iii, iv, …; uppercase or lowercase), formatted with a period suffix (“1.”, “2.”), parentheses (“(1)”, “(2)”), or a right-parenthesis suffix (“1)”, “2)”). For example: 1. As with bullet list items, the left edge of paragraphs must align. 2. Each list item may contain multiple paragraphs, sublists, etc. This is the second paragraph of the second list item. a) Enumerated lists may be nested. b) Blank lines may be omitted between list items. Definition lists are written like this: what Definition lists associate a term with a definition. how The term is a one-line phrase, and the definition is one or more paragraphs or body elements, indented relative to the term. Tables Simple tables are easy and compact: ===== ===== ======= A B A and B ===== ===== ======= False False False True False False False True False True True True ===== ===== ======= There must be at least two columns in a table (to differentiate from section titles). Column spans use underlines of hyphens (“Inputs” spans the first two columns): ===== ===== ====== Inputs Output ------------ ------ A B A or B ===== ===== ====== False False False True False True False True True True True True ===== ===== ====== Text in a first-column cell starts a new row. No text in the first column indicates a continuation line; the rest of the cells may consist of multiple lines. For example: ===== ========================= col 1 col 2 ===== ========================= 1 Second column of row 1. 2 Second column of row 2. Second line of paragraph. 3 - Second column of row 3. - Second item in bullet list (row 3, column 2). ===== ========================= Hyperlinks When referencing an external web page in the body of a PEP, you should include the title of the page or a suitable description in the text, with either an inline hyperlink or a separate explicit target with the URL. Do not include bare URLs in the body text of the PEP, and use HTTPS links wherever available. Hyperlink references use backquotes and a trailing underscore to mark up the reference text; backquotes are optional if the reference text is a single word. For example, to reference a hyperlink target named Python website, you would write: In this paragraph, we refer to the `Python website`_. If you intend to only reference a link once, and want to define it inline with the text, insert the link into angle brackets (<>) after the text you want to link, but before the closing backtick, with a space between the text and the opening backtick. You should also use a double-underscore after the closing backtick instead of a single one, which makes it an anonymous reference to avoid conflicting with other target names. For example: Visit the `website <https://www.python.org/>`__ for more. If you want to use one link multiple places with different linked text, or want to ensure you don’t have to update your link target names when changing the linked text, include the target name within angle brackets following the text to link, with an underscore after the target name but before the closing angle bracket (or the link will not work). For example: For further examples, see the `documentation <pydocs_>`_. An explicit target provides the URL. Put targets in the Footnotes section at the end of the PEP, or immediately after the paragraph with the reference. Hyperlink targets begin with two periods and a space (the “explicit markup start”), followed by a leading underscore, the reference text, a colon, and the URL. .. _Python web site: https://www.python.org/ .. _pydocs: https://docs.python.org/ The reference text and the target text must match (although the match is case-insensitive and ignores differences in whitespace). Note that the underscore trails the reference text but precedes the target text. If you think of the underscore as a right-pointing arrow, it points away from the reference and toward the target. Internal and PEP/RFC Links The same mechanism as hyperlinks can be used for internal references. Every unique section title implicitly defines an internal hyperlink target. We can make a link to the Abstract section like this: Here is a hyperlink reference to the `Abstract`_ section. The backquotes are optional since the reference text is a single word; we can also just write: Abstract_. To refer to PEPs or RFCs, always use the :pep: and :rfc: roles, never hardcoded URLs. For example: See :pep:`1` for more information on how to write a PEP, and :pep:`the Hyperlink section of PEP 12 <12#hyperlinks>` for how to link. This renders as: See PEP 1 for more information on how to write a PEP, and the Hyperlink section of PEP 12 for how to link. PEP numbers in the text are never padded, and there is a space (not a dash) between “PEP” or “RFC” and the number; the above roles will take care of that for you. Footnotes Footnote references consist of a left square bracket, a label, a right square bracket, and a trailing underscore. Instead of a number, use a label of the form “#word”, where “word” is a mnemonic consisting of alphanumerics plus internal hyphens, underscores, and periods (no whitespace or other characters are allowed). For example: Refer to The TeXbook [#TeXbook]_ for more information. which renders as Refer to The TeXbook [1] for more information. Whitespace must precede the footnote reference. Leave a space between the footnote reference and the preceding word. Use footnotes for additional notes, explanations and caveats, as well as for references to books and other sources not readily available online. Native reST hyperlink targets or inline hyperlinks in the text should be used in preference to footnotes for including URLs to online resources. Footnotes begin with “.. “ (the explicit markup start), followed by the footnote marker (no underscores), followed by the footnote body. For example: .. [#TeXbook] Donald Knuth's *The TeXbook*, pages 195 and 196. which renders as [1] Donald Knuth’s The TeXbook, pages 195 and 196. Footnotes and footnote references will be numbered automatically, and the numbers will always match. Images If your PEP contains a diagram or other graphic, you may include it in the processed output using the image directive: .. image:: diagram.png Any browser-friendly graphics format is possible; PNG should be preferred for graphics, JPEG for photos and GIF for animations. Currently, SVG must be avoided due to compatibility issues with the PEP build system. For accessibility and readers of the source text, you should include a description of the image and any key information contained within using the :alt: option to the image directive: .. image:: dataflow.png :alt: Data flows from the input module, through the "black box" module, and finally into (and through) the output module. Comments A comment is an indented block of arbitrary text immediately following an explicit markup start: two periods and whitespace. Leave the “..” on a line by itself to ensure that the comment is not misinterpreted as another explicit markup construct. Comments are not visible in the processed document. For example: .. This section should be updated in the final PEP. Ensure the date is accurate. Escaping Mechanism reStructuredText uses backslashes (”\”) to override the special meaning given to markup characters and get the literal characters themselves. To get a literal backslash, use an escaped backslash (”\\”). There are two contexts in which backslashes have no special meaning: literal blocks and inline literals (see Inline Markup above). In these contexts, no markup recognition is done, and a single backslash represents a literal backslash, without having to double up. If you find that you need to use a backslash in your text, consider using inline literals or a literal block instead. Canonical Documentation and Intersphinx As PEP 1 describes, PEPs are considered historical documents once marked Final, and their canonical documentation/specification should be moved elsewhere. To indicate this, use the canonical-doc directive or an appropriate subclass: canonical-pypa-spec for packaging standards canonical-typing-spec for typing standards Furthermore, you can use Intersphinx references to other Sphinx sites, currently the Python documentation and packaging.python.org, to easily cross-reference pages, sections and Python/C objects. This works with both the “canonical” directives and anywhere in your PEP. Add the directive between the headers and the first section of the PEP (typically the Abstract) and pass as an argument an Intersphinx reference of the canonical doc/spec (or if the target is not on a Sphinx site, a reST hyperlink). For example, to create a banner pointing to the sqlite3 docs, you would write the following: .. canonical-doc:: :mod:`python:sqlite3` which would generate the banner: Important This PEP is a historical document. The up-to-date, canonical documentation can now be found at sqlite3. × See PEP 1 for how to propose changes. Or for a PyPA spec, such as the Core metadata specifications, you would use: .. canonical-pypa-spec:: :ref:`packaging:core-metadata` which renders as: Attention This PEP is a historical document. The up-to-date, canonical spec, Core metadata specifications, is maintained on the PyPA specs page. × See the PyPA specification update process for how to propose changes. The argument accepts arbitrary reST, so you can include multiple linked docs/specs and name them whatever you like, and you can also include directive content that will be inserted into the text. The following advanced example: .. canonical-doc:: the :ref:`python:sqlite3-connection-objects` and :exc:`python:~sqlite3.DataError` docs Also, see the :ref:`Data Persistence docs <persistence>` for other examples. would render as: Important This PEP is a historical document. The up-to-date, canonical documentation can now be found at the Connection objects and sqlite3.DataError docs. × Also, see the Data Persistence docs for other examples. See PEP 1 for how to propose changes. Habits to Avoid Many programmers who are familiar with TeX often write quotation marks like this: `single-quoted' or ``double-quoted'' Backquotes are significant in reStructuredText, so this practice should be avoided. For ordinary text, use ordinary ‘single-quotes’ or “double-quotes”. For inline literal text (see Inline Markup above), use double-backquotes: ``literal text: in here, anything goes!`` Suggested Sections Various sections are found to be common across PEPs and are outlined in PEP 1. Those sections are provided here for convenience. PEP: <REQUIRED: pep number> Title: <REQUIRED: pep title> Author: <REQUIRED: list of authors' real names and optionally, email addrs> Sponsor: <real name of sponsor> PEP-Delegate: <PEP delegate's real name> Discussions-To: <REQUIRED: URL of current canonical discussion thread> Status: <REQUIRED: Draft | Active | Accepted | Provisional | Deferred | Rejected | Withdrawn | Final | Superseded> Type: <REQUIRED: Standards Track | Informational | Process> Topic: <Governance | Packaging | Release | Typing> Requires: <pep numbers> Created: <date created on, in dd-mmm-yyyy format> Python-Version: <version number> Post-History: <REQUIRED: dates, in dd-mmm-yyyy format, and corresponding links to PEP discussion threads> Replaces: <pep number> Superseded-By: <pep number> Resolution: <url> Abstract ======== [A short (~200 word) description of the technical issue being addressed.] Motivation ========== [Clearly explain why the existing language specification is inadequate to address the problem that the PEP solves.] Rationale ========= [Describe why particular design decisions were made.] Specification ============= [Describe the syntax and semantics of any new language feature.] Backwards Compatibility ======================= [Describe potential impact and severity on pre-existing code.] Security Implications ===================== [How could a malicious user take advantage of this new feature?] How to Teach This ================= [How to teach users, new and experienced, how to apply the PEP to their work.] Reference Implementation ======================== [Link to any existing implementation and details about its state, e.g. proof-of-concept.] Rejected Ideas ============== [Why certain ideas that were brought while discussing this PEP were not ultimately pursued.] Open Issues =========== [Any points that are still being decided/discussed.] Footnotes ========= [A collection of footnotes cited in the PEP, and a place to list non-inline hyperlink targets.] Copyright ========= This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive. Resources Many other constructs and variations are possible, both those supported by basic Docutils and the extensions added by Sphinx. A number of resources are available to learn more about them: Sphinx ReStructuredText Primer, a gentle but fairly detailed introduction. reStructuredText Markup Specification, the authoritative, comprehensive documentation of the basic reST syntax, directives, roles and more. Sphinx Roles and Sphinx Directives, the extended constructs added by the Sphinx documentation system used to render the PEPs to HTML. If you have questions or require assistance with writing a PEP that the above resources don’t address, ping @python/pep-editors on GitHub, open an issue on the PEPs repository or reach out to a PEP editor directly. Copyright This document is placed in the public domain or under the CC0-1.0-Universal license, whichever is more permissive.
PEP 12 – Sample reStructuredText PEP Template
This PEP provides a boilerplate or sample template for creating your own reStructuredText PEPs. In conjunction with the content guidelines in PEP 1, this should make it easy for you to conform your own PEPs to the format outlined below.
PEP 13 – Python Language Governance Author: The Python core team and community Status: Active Type: Process Topic: Governance Created: 16-Dec-2018 Table of Contents Abstract Current steering council Specification The steering council Composition Mandate Powers Electing the council Term Vacancies Conflicts of interest Ejecting core team members Vote of no confidence The core team Role Prerogatives Membership Changing this document History Creation of this document History of council elections History of amendments Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract This PEP defines the formal governance process for Python, and records how this has changed over time. Currently, governance is based around a steering council. The council has broad authority, which they seek to exercise as rarely as possible. Current steering council The 2024 term steering council consists of: Barry Warsaw Emily Morehouse Gregory P. Smith Pablo Galindo Salgado Thomas Wouters Per the results of the vote tracked in PEP 8105. The core team consists of those listed in the private https://github.com/python/voters/ repository which is publicly shared via https://devguide.python.org/developers/. Specification The steering council Composition The steering council is a 5-person committee. Mandate The steering council shall work to: Maintain the quality and stability of the Python language and CPython interpreter, Make contributing as accessible, inclusive, and sustainable as possible, Formalize and maintain the relationship between the core team and the PSF, Establish appropriate decision-making processes for PEPs, Seek consensus among contributors and the core team before acting in a formal capacity, Act as a “court of final appeal” for decisions where all other methods have failed. Powers The council has broad authority to make decisions about the project. For example, they can: Accept or reject PEPs Enforce or update the project’s code of conduct Work with the PSF to manage any project assets Delegate parts of their authority to other subcommittees or processes However, they cannot modify this PEP, or affect the membership of the core team, except via the mechanisms specified in this PEP. The council should look for ways to use these powers as little as possible. Instead of voting, it’s better to seek consensus. Instead of ruling on individual PEPs, it’s better to define a standard process for PEP decision making (for example, by accepting one of the other 801x series of PEPs). It’s better to establish a Code of Conduct committee than to rule on individual cases. And so on. To use its powers, the council votes. Every council member must either vote or explicitly abstain. Members with conflicts of interest on a particular vote must abstain. Passing requires a strict majority of non-abstaining council members. Whenever possible, the council’s deliberations and votes shall be held in public. Electing the council A council election consists of two phases: Phase 1: Candidates advertise their interest in serving. Candidates must be nominated by a core team member. Self-nominations are allowed. Phase 2: Each core team member can vote for zero or more of the candidates. Voting is performed anonymously. Candidates are ranked by the total number of votes they receive. If a tie occurs, it may be resolved by mutual agreement among the candidates, or else the winner will be chosen at random. Each phase lasts one to two weeks, at the outgoing council’s discretion. For the initial election, both phases will last two weeks. The election process is managed by a returns officer nominated by the outgoing steering council. For the initial election, the returns officer will be nominated by the PSF Executive Director. The council should ideally reflect the diversity of Python contributors and users, and core team members are encouraged to vote accordingly. Term A new council is elected after each feature release. Each council’s term runs from when their election results are finalized until the next council’s term starts. There are no term limits. Vacancies Council members may resign their position at any time. Whenever there is a vacancy during the regular council term, the council may vote to appoint a replacement to serve out the rest of the term. If a council member drops out of touch and cannot be contacted for a month or longer, then the rest of the council may vote to replace them. Conflicts of interest While we trust council members to act in the best interests of Python rather than themselves or their employers, the mere appearance of any one company dominating Python development could itself be harmful and erode trust. In order to avoid any appearance of conflict of interest, at most 2 members of the council can work for any single employer. In a council election, if 3 of the top 5 vote-getters work for the same employer, then whichever of them ranked lowest is disqualified and the 6th-ranking candidate moves up into 5th place; this is repeated until a valid council is formed. During a council term, if changing circumstances cause this rule to be broken (for instance, due to a council member changing employment), then one or more council members must resign to remedy the issue, and the resulting vacancies can then be filled as normal. Ejecting core team members In exceptional circumstances, it may be necessary to remove someone from the core team against their will. (For example: egregious and ongoing code of conduct violations.) This can be accomplished by a steering council vote, but unlike other steering council votes, this requires at least a two-thirds majority. With 5 members voting, this means that a 3:2 vote is insufficient; 4:1 in favor is the minimum required for such a vote to succeed. In addition, this is the one power of the steering council which cannot be delegated, and this power cannot be used while a vote of no confidence is in process. If the ejected core team member is also on the steering council, then they are removed from the steering council as well. Vote of no confidence In exceptional circumstances, the core team may remove a sitting council member, or the entire council, via a vote of no confidence. A no-confidence vote is triggered when a core team member calls for one publicly on an appropriate project communication channel, and another core team member seconds the proposal. The vote lasts for two weeks. Core team members vote for or against. If at least two thirds of voters express a lack of confidence, then the vote succeeds. There are two forms of no-confidence votes: those targeting a single member, and those targeting the council as a whole. The initial call for a no-confidence vote must specify which type is intended. If a single-member vote succeeds, then that member is removed from the council and the resulting vacancy can be handled in the usual way. If a whole-council vote succeeds, the council is dissolved and a new council election is triggered immediately. The core team Role The core team is the group of trusted volunteers who manage Python. They assume many roles required to achieve the project’s goals, especially those that require a high level of trust. They make the decisions that shape the future of the project. Core team members are expected to act as role models for the community and custodians of the project, on behalf of the community and all those who rely on Python. They will intervene, where necessary, in online discussions or at official Python events on the rare occasions that a situation arises that requires intervention. They have authority over the Python Project infrastructure, including the Python Project website itself, the Python GitHub organization and repositories, the bug tracker, the mailing lists, IRC channels, etc. Prerogatives Core team members may participate in formal votes, typically to nominate new team members and to elect the steering council. Membership Python core team members demonstrate: a good grasp of the philosophy of the Python Project a solid track record of being constructive and helpful significant contributions to the project’s goals, in any form willingness to dedicate some time to improving Python As the project matures, contributions go beyond code. Here’s an incomplete list of areas where contributions may be considered for joining the core team, in no particular order: Working on community management and outreach Providing support on the mailing lists and on IRC Triaging tickets Writing patches (code, docs, or tests) Reviewing patches (code, docs, or tests) Participating in design decisions Providing expertise in a particular domain (security, i18n, etc.) Managing the continuous integration infrastructure Managing the servers (website, tracker, documentation, etc.) Maintaining related projects (alternative interpreters, core infrastructure like packaging, etc.) Creating visual designs Core team membership acknowledges sustained and valuable efforts that align well with the philosophy and the goals of the Python project. It is granted by receiving at least two-thirds positive votes in a core team vote that is open for one week and is not vetoed by the steering council. Core team members are always looking for promising contributors, teaching them how the project is managed, and submitting their names to the core team’s vote when they’re ready. There’s no time limit on core team membership. However, in order to provide the general public with a reasonable idea of how many people maintain Python, core team members who have stopped contributing are encouraged to declare themselves as “inactive”. Those who haven’t made any non-trivial contribution in two years may be asked to move themselves to this category, and moved there if they don’t respond. To record and honor their contributions, inactive team members will continue to be listed alongside active core team members; and, if they later resume contributing, they can switch back to active status at will. While someone is in inactive status, though, they lose their active privileges like voting or nominating for the steering council, and commit access. The initial active core team members will consist of everyone currently listed in the “Python core” team on GitHub (access granted for core members only), and the initial inactive members will consist of everyone else who has been a committer in the past. Changing this document Changes to this document require at least a two-thirds majority of votes cast in a core team vote which should be open for two weeks. History Creation of this document The Python project was started by Guido van Rossum, who served as its Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL) from inception until July 2018, when he stepped down. After discussion, a number of proposals were put forward for a new governance model, and the core devs voted to choose between them. The overall process is described in PEP 8000 and PEP 8001, a review of other projects was performed in PEP 8002, and the proposals themselves were written up as the 801x series of PEPs. Eventually the proposal in PEP 8016 was selected as the new governance model, and was used to create the initial version of this PEP. The 8000-series PEPs are preserved for historical reference (and in particular, PEP 8016 contains additional rationale and links to contemporary discussions), but this PEP is now the official reference, and will evolve following the rules described herein. History of council elections January 2019: PEP 8100 December 2019: PEP 8101 December 2020: PEP 8102 December 2021: PEP 8103 December 2022: PEP 8104 December 2023: PEP 8105 History of amendments 2019-04-17: Added the vote length for core devs and changes to this document. Acknowledgements This PEP began as PEP 8016, which was written by Nathaniel J. Smith and Donald Stufft, based on a Django governance document written by Aymeric Augustin, and incorporated feedback and assistance from numerous others. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 13 – Python Language Governance
This PEP defines the formal governance process for Python, and records how this has changed over time. Currently, governance is based around a steering council. The council has broad authority, which they seek to exercise as rarely as possible.
PEP 20 – The Zen of Python Author: Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> Status: Active Type: Informational Created: 19-Aug-2004 Post-History: 22-Aug-2004 Table of Contents Abstract The Zen of Python Easter Egg References Copyright Abstract Long time Pythoneer Tim Peters succinctly channels the BDFL’s guiding principles for Python’s design into 20 aphorisms, only 19 of which have been written down. The Zen of Python Beautiful is better than ugly. Explicit is better than implicit. Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated. Flat is better than nested. Sparse is better than dense. Readability counts. Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Although practicality beats purity. Errors should never pass silently. Unless explicitly silenced. In the face of ambiguity, refuse the temptation to guess. There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it. Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch. Now is better than never. Although never is often better than *right* now. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea. Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those! Easter Egg >>> import this References Originally posted to comp.lang.python/python-list@python.org under a thread called “The Way of Python” Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 20 – The Zen of Python
Long time Pythoneer Tim Peters succinctly channels the BDFL’s guiding principles for Python’s design into 20 aphorisms, only 19 of which have been written down.
PEP 101 – Doing Python Releases 101 Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Active Type: Informational Created: 22-Aug-2001 Post-History: Replaces: 102 Table of Contents Abstract Things You’ll Need Types of Releases How To Make A Release What Next? Moving to End-of-life Windows Notes Copyright Abstract Making a Python release is a thrilling and crazy process. You’ve heard the expression “herding cats”? Imagine trying to also saddle those purring little creatures up, and ride them into town, with some of their buddies firmly attached to your bare back, anchored by newly sharpened claws. At least they’re cute, you remind yourself. Actually, no, that’s a slight exaggeration 😉 The Python release process has steadily improved over the years and now, with the help of our amazing community, is really not too difficult. This PEP attempts to collect, in one place, all the steps needed to make a Python release. Most of the steps are now automated or guided by automation, so manually following this list is no longer necessary. Things You’ll Need As a release manager there are a lot of resources you’ll need to access. Here’s a hopefully-complete list. A GPG key.Python releases are digitally signed with GPG; you’ll need a key, which hopefully will be on the “web of trust” with at least one of the other release managers. A bunch of software: A checkout of the python/release-tools repo. It contains a requirements.txt file that you need to install dependencies from first. Afterwards, you can fire up scripts in the repo, covered later in this PEP. blurb, the Misc/NEWS management tool. You can pip install it. A fairly complete installation of a recent TeX distribution, such as texlive. You need that for building the PDF docs. Access to servers where you will upload files: downloads.nyc1.psf.io, the server that hosts download files; and docs.nyc1.psf.io, the server that hosts the documentation. Administrator access to https://github.com/python/cpython. An administrator account on www.python.org, including an “API key”. Write access to the PEP repository.If you’re reading this, you probably already have this–the first task of any release manager is to draft the release schedule. But in case you just signed up… sucker! I mean, uh, congratulations! Posting access to http://blog.python.org, a Blogger-hosted weblog. The RSS feed from this blog is used for the ‘Python News’ section on www.python.org. A subscription to the super secret release manager mailing list, which may or may not be called python-cabal. Bug Barry about this. A @python.org email address that you will use to sign your releases with. Ask postmaster@ for an address; you can either get a full account, or a redirecting alias + SMTP credentials to send email from this address that looks legit to major email providers. Types of Releases There are several types of releases you will need to make. These include: alpha begin beta, also known as beta 1, also known as new branch beta 2+ release candidate 1 release candidate 2+ final new branch begin bugfix mode begin security-only mode end-of-life Some of these release types actually involve more than one release branch. In particular, a new branch is that point in the release cycle when a new feature release cycle begins. Under the current organization of the cpython git repository, the main branch is always the target for new features. At some point in the release cycle of the next feature release, a new branch release is made which creates a new separate branch for stabilization and later maintenance of the current in-progress feature release (3.n.0) and the main branch is modified to build a new version (which will eventually be released as 3.n+1.0). While the new branch release step could occur at one of several points in the release cycle, current practice is for it to occur at feature code cutoff for the release which is scheduled for the first beta release. In the descriptions that follow, steps specific to release types are labeled accordingly, for now, new branch and final. How To Make A Release Here are the steps taken to make a Python release. Some steps are more fuzzy than others because there’s little that can be automated (e.g. writing the NEWS entries). Where a step is usually performed by An Expert, the role of that expert is given. Otherwise, assume the step is done by the Release Manager (RM), the designated person performing the release. The roles and their current experts are: RM = Release Manager Thomas Wouters <thomas@python.org> (NL) Pablo Galindo Salgado <pablogsal@python.org> (UK) Łukasz Langa <lukasz@python.org> (PL) WE = Windows - Steve Dower <steve.dower@python.org> ME = Mac - Ned Deily <nad@python.org> (US) DE = Docs - Julien Palard <julien@python.org> (Central Europe) Note It is highly recommended that the RM contact the Experts the day before the release. Because the world is round and everyone lives in different timezones, the RM must ensure that the release tag is created in enough time for the Experts to cut binary releases. You should not make the release public (by updating the website and sending announcements) before all experts have updated their bits. In rare cases where the expert for Windows or Mac is MIA, you may add a message “(Platform) binaries will be provided shortly” and proceed. As much as possible, the release steps are automated and guided by the release script, which is available in a separate repository: https://github.com/python/release-tools We use the following conventions in the examples below. Where a release number is given, it is of the form 3.X.YaN, e.g. 3.13.0a3 for Python 3.13.0 alpha 3, where “a” == alpha, “b” == beta, “rc” == release candidate. Release tags are named v3.X.YaN. The branch name for minor release maintenance branches is 3.X. This helps by performing several automatic editing steps, and guides you to perform some manual editing steps. Log into Discord and join the Python Core Devs server. Ask Thomas or Łukasz for an invite.You probably need to coordinate with other people around the world. This communication channel is where we’ve arranged to meet. Check to see if there are any showstopper bugs.Go to https://github.com/python/cpython/issues and look for any open bugs that can block this release. You’re looking at two relevant labels: release-blockerStops the release dead in its tracks. You may not make any release with any open release blocker bugs. deferred-blockerDoesn’t block this release, but it will block a future release. You may not make a final or candidate release with any open deferred blocker bugs. Review the release blockers and either resolve them, bump them down to deferred, or stop the release and ask for community assistance. If you’re making a final or candidate release, do the same with any open deferred. Check the stable buildbots.Go to https://buildbot.python.org/all/#/release_status Look at the buildbots for the release you’re making. Ignore any that are offline (or inform the community so they can be restarted). If what remains are (mostly) green buildbots, you’re good to go. If you have non-offline red buildbots, you may want to hold up the release until they are fixed. Review the problems and use your judgement, taking into account whether you are making an alpha, beta, or final release. Make a release clone.On a fork of the cpython repository on GitHub, create a release branch within it (called the “release clone” from now on). You can use the same GitHub fork you use for cpython development. Using the standard setup recommended in the Python Developer’s Guide, your fork would be referred to as origin and the standard cpython repo as upstream. You will use the branch on your fork to do the release engineering work, including tagging the release, and you will use it to share with the other experts for making the binaries. For a final or release candidate 2+ release, if you are going to cherry-pick a subset of changes for the next rc or final from all those merged since the last rc, you should create a release engineering branch starting from the most recent release candidate tag, i.e. v3.8.0rc1. You will then cherry-pick changes from the standard release branch as necessary into the release engineering branch and then proceed as usual. If you are going to take all of the changes since the previous rc, you can proceed as normal. Make sure the current branch of your release clone is the branch you want to release from. (git status) Run blurb release <version> specifying the version number (e.g. blurb release 3.4.7rc1). This merges all the recent news blurbs into a single file marked with this release’s version number. Regenerate Lib/pydoc-topics.py.While still in the Doc directory, run make pydoc-topics. Then copy build/pydoc-topics/topics.py to ../Lib/pydoc_data/topics.py. Commit your changes to pydoc_topics.py (and any fixes you made in the docs). Consider running autoconf using the currently accepted standard version in case configure or other autoconf-generated files were last committed with a newer or older version and may contain spurious or harmful differences. Currently, autoconf 2.71 is our de facto standard. if there are differences, commit them. Make sure the SOURCE_URI in Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py points to the right branch in the git repository (main or 3.X). For a new branch release, change the branch in the file from main to the new release branch you are about to create (3.X). Bump version numbers via the release script:$ .../release-tools/release.py --bump 3.X.YaN Reminder: X, Y, and N should be integers. a should be one of “a”, “b”, or “rc” (e.g. “3.4.3rc1”). For final releases omit the aN (“3.4.3”). For the first release of a new version Y should be 0 (“3.6.0”). This automates updating various release numbers, but you will have to modify a few files manually. If your $EDITOR environment variable is set up correctly, release.py will pop up editor windows with the files you need to edit. Review the blurb-generated Misc/NEWS file and edit as necessary. Make sure all changes have been committed. (release.py --bump doesn’t check in its changes for you.) Check the years on the copyright notice. If the last release was some time last year, add the current year to the copyright notice in several places: README LICENSE (make sure to change on trunk and the branch) Python/getcopyright.c Doc/copyright.rst Doc/license.rst PC/python_ver_rc.h sets up the DLL version resource for Windows (displayed when you right-click on the DLL and select Properties). This isn’t a C include file, it’s a Windows “resource file” include file. For a final major release, edit the first paragraph of Doc/whatsnew/3.X.rst to include the actual release date; e.g. “Python 2.5 was released on August 1, 2003.” There’s no need to edit this for alpha or beta releases. Do a “git status” in this directory.You should not see any files. I.e. you better not have any uncommitted changes in your working directory. Tag the release for 3.X.YaN:$ .../release-tools/release.py --tag 3.X.YaN This executes a git tag command with the -s option so that the release tag in the repo is signed with your gpg key. When prompted choose the private key you use for signing release tarballs etc. For begin security-only mode and end-of-life releases, review the two files and update the versions accordingly in all active branches. Time to build the source tarball. Use the release script to create the source gzip and xz tarballs, documentation tar and zip files, and gpg signature files:$ .../release-tools/release.py --export 3.X.YaN This can take a while for final releases, and it will leave all the tarballs and signatures in a subdirectory called 3.X.YaN/src, and the built docs in 3.X.YaN/docs (for final releases). Note that the script will sign your release with Sigstore. Please use your @python.org email address for this. See here for more information: https://www.python.org/download/sigstore/. Now you want to perform the very important step of checking the tarball you just created, to make sure a completely clean, virgin build passes the regression test. Here are the best steps to take:$ cd /tmp $ tar xvf /path/to/your/release/clone/<version>//Python-3.2rc2.tgz $ cd Python-3.2rc2 $ ls (Do things look reasonable?) $ ls Lib (Are there stray .pyc files?) $ ./configure (Loads of configure output) $ make test (Do all the expected tests pass?) If you’re feeling lucky and have some time to kill, or if you are making a release candidate or final release, run the full test suite: $ make testall If the tests pass, then you can feel good that the tarball is fine. If some of the tests fail, or anything else about the freshly unpacked directory looks weird, you better stop now and figure out what the problem is. Push your commits to the remote release branch in your GitHub fork.:# Do a dry run first. $ git push --dry-run --tags origin # Make sure you are pushing to your GitHub fork, *not* to the main # python/cpython repo! $ git push --tags origin Notify the experts that they can start building binaries. Warning STOP: at this point you must receive the “green light” from other experts in order to create the release. There are things you can do while you wait though, so keep reading until you hit the next STOP. The WE generates and publishes the Windows files using the Azure Pipelines build scripts in .azure-pipelines/windows-release/, currently set up at https://dev.azure.com/Python/cpython/_build?definitionId=21.The build process runs in multiple stages, with each stage’s output being available as a downloadable artifact. The stages are: Compile all variants of binaries (32-bit, 64-bit, debug/release), including running profile-guided optimization. Compile the HTML Help file containing the Python documentation Codesign all the binaries with the PSF’s certificate Create packages for python.org, nuget.org, the embeddable distro and the Windows Store Perform basic verification of the installers Upload packages to python.org and nuget.org, purge download caches and run a test download. After the uploads are complete, the WE copies the generated hashes from the build logs and emails them to the RM. The Windows Store packages are uploaded manually to https://partner.microsoft.com/dashboard/home by the WE. The ME builds Mac installer packages and uploads them to downloads.nyc1.psf.io together with gpg signature files. scp or rsync all the files built by release.py --export to your home directory on downloads.nyc1.psf.io.While you’re waiting for the files to finish uploading, you can continue on with the remaining tasks. You can also ask folks on #python-dev and/or python-committers to download the files as they finish uploading so that they can test them on their platforms as well. Now you need to go to downloads.nyc1.psf.io and move all the files in place over there. Our policy is that every Python version gets its own directory, but each directory contains all releases of that version. On downloads.nyc1.psf.io, cd /srv/www.python.org/ftp/python/3.X.Y creating it if necessary. Make sure it is owned by group ‘downloads’ and group-writable. Move the release .tgz, and .tar.xz files into place, as well as the .asc GPG signature files. The Win/Mac binaries are usually put there by the experts themselves.Make sure they are world readable. They should also be group writable, and group-owned by downloads. Use gpg --verify to make sure they got uploaded intact. If this is a final or rc release: Move the doc zips and tarballs to /srv/www.python.org/ftp/python/doc/3.X.Y[rcA], creating the directory if necessary, and adapt the “current” symlink in .../doc to point to that directory. Note though that if you’re releasing a maintenance release for an older version, don’t change the current link. If this is a final or rc release (even a maintenance release), also unpack the HTML docs to /srv/docs.python.org/release/3.X.Y[rcA] on docs.nyc1.psf.io. Make sure the files are in group docs and are group-writeable. Let the DE check if the docs are built and work all right. Note both the documentation and downloads are behind a caching CDN. If you change archives after downloading them through the website, you’ll need to purge the stale data in the CDN like this:$ curl -X PURGE https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.0/Python-3.12.0.tar.xz You should always purge the cache of the directory listing as people use that to browse the release files: $ curl -X PURGE https://www.python.org/ftp/python/3.12.0/ For the extra paranoid, do a completely clean test of the release. This includes downloading the tarball from www.python.org.Make sure the md5 checksums match. Then unpack the tarball, and do a clean make test.: $ make distclean $ ./configure $ make test To ensure that the regression test suite passes. If not, you screwed up somewhere! Warning STOP and confirm: Have you gotten the green light from the WE? Have you gotten the green light from the ME? Have you gotten the green light from the DE? If green, it’s time to merge the release engineering branch back into the main repo. In order to push your changes to GitHub, you’ll have to temporarily disable branch protection for administrators. Go to the Settings | Branches page:https://github.com/python/cpython/settings/branches/ “Edit” the settings for the branch you’re releasing on. This will load the settings page for that branch. Uncheck the “Include administrators” box and press the “Save changes” button at the bottom. Merge your release clone into the main development repo:# Pristine copy of the upstream repo branch $ git clone git@github.com:python/cpython.git merge $ cd merge # Checkout the correct branch: # 1. For feature pre-releases up to and including a # **new branch** release, i.e. alphas and first beta # do a checkout of the main branch $ git checkout main # 2. Else, for all other releases, checkout the # appropriate release branch. $ git checkout 3.X # Fetch the newly created and signed tag from your clone repo $ git fetch --tags git@github.com:your-github-id/cpython.git v3.X.YaN # Merge the temporary release engineering branch back into $ git merge --no-squash v3.X.YaN $ git commit -m 'Merge release engineering branch' If this is a new branch release, i.e. first beta, now create the new release branch:$ git checkout -b 3.X Do any steps needed to setup the new release branch, including: In README.rst, change all references from main to the new branch, in particular, GitHub repo URLs. For all releases, do the guided post-release steps with the release script.:$ .../release-tools/release.py --done 3.X.YaN For a final or release candidate 2+ release, you may need to do some post-merge cleanup. Check the top-level README.rst and include/patchlevel.h files to ensure they now reflect the desired post-release values for on-going development. The patchlevel should be the release tag with a +. Also, if you cherry-picked changes from the standard release branch into the release engineering branch for this release, you will now need to manual remove each blurb entry from the Misc/NEWS.d/next directory that was cherry-picked into the release you are working on since that blurb entry is now captured in the merged x.y.z.rst file for the new release. Otherwise, the blurb entry will appear twice in the changelog.html file, once under Python next and again under x.y.z. Review and commit these changes:$ git commit -m 'Post release updates' If this is a new branch release (e.g. the first beta), update the main branch to start development for the following feature release. When finished, the main branch will now build Python X.Y+1. First, set main up to be the next release, i.e.X.Y+1.a0:$ git checkout main $ .../release-tools/release.py --bump 3.9.0a0 Edit all version references in README.rst Move any historical “what’s new” entries from Misc/NEWS to Misc/HISTORY. Edit Doc/tutorial/interpreter.rst (2 references to ‘[Pp]ython3x’, one to ‘Python 3.x’, also make the date in the banner consistent). Edit Doc/tutorial/stdlib.rst and Doc/tutorial/stdlib2.rst, which have each one reference to ‘[Pp]ython3x’. Add a new whatsnew/3.x.rst file (with the comment near the top and the toplevel sections copied from the previous file) and add it to the toctree in whatsnew/index.rst. But beware that the initial whatsnew/3.x.rst checkin from previous releases may be incorrect due to the initial midstream change to blurb that propagates from release to release! Help break the cycle: if necessary make the following change:- For full details, see the :source:`Misc/NEWS` file. + For full details, see the :ref:`changelog <changelog>`. Update the version number in configure.ac and re-run autoconf. Make sure the SOURCE_URI in Doc/tools/extensions/pyspecific.py points to main. Update the version numbers for the Windows builds in PC/ and PCbuild/, which have references to python38. NOTE, check with Steve Dower about this step, it is probably obsolete.:$ find PC/ PCbuild/ -type f | xargs sed -i 's/python38/python39/g' $ git mv -f PC/os2emx/python38.def PC/os2emx/python39.def $ git mv -f PC/python38stub.def PC/python39stub.def $ git mv -f PC/python38gen.py PC/python39gen.py Commit these changes to the main branch:$ git status $ git add ... $ git commit -m 'Bump to 3.9.0a0' Do another git status in this directory.You should not see any files. I.e. you better not have any uncommitted changes in your working directory. Commit and push to the main repo.:# Do a dry run first. # For feature pre-releases prior to a **new branch** release, # i.e. a feature alpha release: $ git push --dry-run --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git main # If it looks OK, take the plunge. There's no going back! $ git push --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git main # For a **new branch** release, i.e. first beta: $ git push --dry-run --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git 3.X $ git push --dry-run --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git main # If it looks OK, take the plunge. There's no going back! $ git push --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git 3.X $ git push --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git main # For all other releases: $ git push --dry-run --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git 3.X # If it looks OK, take the plunge. There's no going back! $ git push --tags git@github.com:python/cpython.git 3.X If this is a new branch release, add a Branch protection rule for the newly created branch (3.X). Look at the values for the previous release branch (3.X-1) and use them as a template. https://github.com/python/cpython/settings/branches/Also, add a needs backport to 3.X label to the GitHub repo. https://github.com/python/cpython/labels You can now re-enable enforcement of branch settings against administrators on GitHub. Go back to the Settings | Branch page:https://github.com/python/cpython/settings/branches/ “Edit” the settings for the branch you’re releasing on. Re-check the “Include administrators” box and press the “Save changes” button at the bottom. Now it’s time to twiddle the web site. Almost none of this is automated, sorry. To do these steps, you must have the permission to edit the website. If you don’t have that, ask someone on pydotorg@python.org for the proper permissions. (Or ask Ewa, who coordinated the effort for the new website with RevSys.) Log in to https://www.python.org/admin . Create a new “release” for the release. Currently “Releases” are sorted under “Downloads”.The easiest thing is probably to copy fields from an existing Python release “page”, editing as you go. You can use Markdown or ReStructured Text to describe your release. The former is less verbose, while the latter has nifty integration for things like referencing PEPs. Leave the “Release page” field on the form empty. “Save” the release. Populate the release with the downloadable files.Your friend and mine, Georg Brandl, made a lovely tool called “add-to-pydotorg.py”. You can find it in the “release” tree (next to “release.py”). You run the tool on downloads.nyc1.psf.io, like this: $ AUTH_INFO=<username>:<python.org-api-key> python add-to-pydotorg.py <version> This walks the correct download directory for <version>, looks for files marked with <version>, and populates the “Release Files” for the correct “release” on the web site with these files. Note that clears the “Release Files” for the relevant version each time it’s run. You may run it from any directory you like, and you can run it as many times as you like if the files happen to change. Keep a copy in your home directory on dl-files and keep it fresh. If new types of files are added to the release, someone will need to update add-to-pydotorg.py so it recognizes these new files. (It’s best to update add-to-pydotorg.py when file types are removed, too.) The script will also sign any remaining files that were not signed with Sigstore until this point. Again, if this happens, do use your @python.org address for this process. More info: https://www.python.org/download/sigstore/ In case the CDN already cached a version of the Downloads page without the files present, you can invalidate the cache using:$ curl -X PURGE https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-XXX/ If this is a final release: Add the new version to the Python Documentation by Version page https://www.python.org/doc/versions/ and remove the current version from any ‘in development’ section. For 3.X.Y, edit all the previous X.Y releases’ page(s) to point to the new release. This includes the content field of the Downloads -> Releases entry for the release:Note: Python 3.x.(y-1) has been superseded by `Python 3.x.y </downloads/release/python-3xy/>`_. And, for those releases having separate release page entries (phasing these out?), update those pages as well, e.g. download/releases/3.x.y: Note: Python 3.x.(y-1) has been superseded by `Python 3.x.y </download/releases/3.x.y/>`_. Update the “Current Pre-release Testing Versions web page”.There’s a page that lists all the currently-in-testing versions of Python: https://www.python.org/download/pre-releases/ Every time you make a release, one way or another you’ll have to update this page: If you’re releasing a version before 3.x.0, you should add it to this page, removing the previous pre-release of version 3.x as needed. If you’re releasing 3.x.0 final, you need to remove the pre-release version from this page. This is in the “Pages” category on the Django-based website, and finding it through that UI is kind of a chore. However! If you’re already logged in to the admin interface (which, at this point, you should be), Django will helpfully add a convenient “Edit this page” link to the top of the page itself. So you can simply follow the link above, click on the “Edit this page” link, and make your changes as needed. How convenient! If appropriate, update the “Python Documentation by Version” page: https://www.python.org/doc/versions/ This lists all releases of Python by version number and links to their static (not built daily) online documentation. There’s a list at the bottom of in-development versions, which is where all alphas/betas/RCs should go. And yes you should be able to click on the link above then press the shiny, exciting “Edit this page” button. Write the announcement on https://discuss.python.org/. This is the fuzzy bit because not much can be automated. You can use an earlier announcement as a template, but edit it for content! Once the announcement is up on Discourse, send an equivalent to the following mailing lists:python-list@python.org python-announce@python.org python-dev@python.org Also post the announcement to The Python Insider blog. To add a new entry, go to your Blogger home page, here. Update any release PEPs (e.g. 719) with the release dates. Update the labels on https://github.com/python/cpython/issues: Flip all the deferred-blocker issues back to release-blocker for the next release. Add version 3.X+1 as when version 3.X enters alpha. Change non-doc feature requests to version 3.X+1 when version 3.X enters beta. Update issues from versions that your release makes unsupported to the next supported version. Review open issues, as this might find lurking showstopper bugs, besides reminding people to fix the easy ones they forgot about. You can delete the remote release clone branch from your repo clone. If this is a new branch release, you will need to ensure various pieces of the development infrastructure are updated for the new branch. These include: Update the issue tracker for the new branch: add the new version to the versions list. Update the devguide to reflect the new branches and versions. Create a PR to update the supported releases table on the downloads page. (See https://github.com/python/pythondotorg/issues/1302) Ensure buildbots are defined for the new branch (contact Łukasz or Zach Ware). Ensure the various GitHub bots are updated, as needed, for the new branch, in particular, make sure backporting to the new branch works (contact core-workflow team) https://github.com/python/core-workflow/issues Review the most recent commit history for the main and new release branches to identify and backport any merges that might have been made to the main branch during the release engineering phase and that should be in the release branch. Verify that CI is working for new PRs for the main and new release branches and that the release branch is properly protected (no direct pushes, etc). Verify that the on-line docs are building properly (this may take up to 24 hours for a complete build on the web site). What Next? Verify! Pretend you’re a user: download the files from python.org, and make Python from it. This step is too easy to overlook, and on several occasions we’ve had useless release files. Once a general server problem caused mysterious corruption of all files; once the source tarball got built incorrectly; more than once the file upload process on SF truncated files; and so on. Rejoice. Drink. Be Merry. Write a PEP like this one. Or be like unto Guido and take A Vacation. You’ve just made a Python release! Moving to End-of-life Under current policy, a release branch normally reaches end-of-life status 5 years after its initial release. The policy is discussed in more detail in the Python Developer’s Guide. When end-of-life is reached, there are a number of tasks that need to be performed either directly by you as release manager or by ensuring someone else does them. Some of those tasks include: Optionally making a final release to publish any remaining unreleased changes. Freeze the state of the release branch by creating a tag of its current HEAD and then deleting the branch from the cpython repo. The current HEAD should be at or beyond the final security release for the branch:git fetch upstream git tag --sign -m 'Final head of the former 3.3 branch' 3.3 upstream/3.3 git push upstream refs/tags/3.3 If all looks good, delete the branch. This may require the assistance of someone with repo administrator privileges:git push upstream --delete 3.3 # or perform from GitHub Settings page Remove the release from the list of “Active Python Releases” on the Downloads page. To do this, log in to the admin page for python.org, navigate to Boxes, and edit the downloads-active-releases entry. Simply strip out the relevant paragraph of HTML for your release. (You’ll probably have to do the curl -X PURGE trick to purge the cache if you want to confirm you made the change correctly.) Add retired notice to each release page on python.org for the retired branch. For example: https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-337/https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-336/ In the developer’s guide, add the branch to the recent end-of-life branches list (https://devguide.python.org/devcycle/#end-of-life-branches) and update or remove references to the branch elsewhere in the devguide. Retire the release from the issue tracker. Tasks include: remove version label from list of versions remove the “needs backport to” label for the retired version review and dispose of open issues marked for this branch Announce the branch retirement in the usual places: discuss.python.org mailing lists (python-dev, python-list, python-announcements) Python Dev blog Enjoy your retirement and bask in the glow of a job well done! Windows Notes Windows has a MSI installer, various flavors of Windows have “special limitations”, and the Windows installer also packs precompiled “foreign” binaries (Tcl/Tk, expat, etc). The installer is tested as part of the Azure Pipeline. In the past, those steps were performed manually. We’re keeping this for posterity. Concurrent with uploading the installer, the WE installs Python from it twice: once into the default directory suggested by the installer, and later into a directory with embedded spaces in its name. For each installation, the WE runs the full regression suite from a DOS box, and both with and without -0. For maintenance release, the WE also tests whether upgrade installations succeed. The WE also tries every shortcut created under Start -> Menu -> the Python group. When trying IDLE this way, you need to verify that Help -> Python Documentation works. When trying pydoc this way (the “Module Docs” Start menu entry), make sure the “Start Browser” button works, and make sure you can search for a random module (like “random” <wink>) and then that the “go to selected” button works. It’s amazing how much can go wrong here – and even more amazing how often last-second checkins break one of these things. If you’re “the Windows geek”, keep in mind that you’re likely the only person routinely testing on Windows, and that Windows is simply a mess. Repeat the testing for each target architecture. Try both an Admin and a plain User (not Power User) account. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 101 – Doing Python Releases 101
Making a Python release is a thrilling and crazy process. You’ve heard the expression “herding cats”? Imagine trying to also saddle those purring little creatures up, and ride them into town, with some of their buddies firmly attached to your bare back, anchored by newly sharpened claws. At least they’re cute, you remind yourself.
PEP 102 – Doing Python Micro Releases Author: Anthony Baxter <anthony at interlink.com.au>, Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Superseded Type: Informational Created: 09-Jan-2002 Post-History: Superseded-By: 101 Table of Contents Replacement Note Abstract How to Make A Release What Next? Final Release Notes Windows Notes Copyright Replacement Note Although the size of the to-do list in this PEP is much less scary than that in PEP 101, it turns out not to be enough justification for the duplication of information, and with it, the danger of one of the copies to become out of date. Therefore, this PEP is not maintained anymore, and micro releases are fully covered by PEP 101. Abstract Making a Python release is an arduous process that takes a minimum of half a day’s work even for an experienced releaser. Until recently, most – if not all – of that burden was borne by Guido himself. But several recent releases have been performed by other folks, so this PEP attempts to collect, in one place, all the steps needed to make a Python bugfix release. The major Python release process is covered in PEP 101 - this PEP is just PEP 101, trimmed down to only include the bits that are relevant for micro releases, a.k.a. patch, or bug fix releases. It is organized as a recipe and you can actually print this out and check items off as you complete them. How to Make A Release Here are the steps taken to make a Python release. Some steps are more fuzzy than others because there’s little that can be automated (e.g. writing the NEWS entries). Where a step is usually performed by An Expert, the name of that expert is given. Otherwise, assume the step is done by the Release Manager (RM), the designated person performing the release. Almost every place the RM is mentioned below, this step can also be done by the BDFL of course! XXX: We should include a dependency graph to illustrate the steps that can be taken in parallel, or those that depend on other steps. We use the following conventions in the examples below. Where a release number is given, it is of the form X.Y.MaA, e.g. 2.1.2c1 for Python 2.1.2 release candidate 1, where “a” == alpha, “b” == beta, “c” == release candidate. Final releases are tagged with “releaseXYZ” in CVS. The micro releases are made from the maintenance branch of the major release, e.g. Python 2.1.2 is made from the release21-maint branch. Send an email to python-dev@python.org indicating the release is about to start. Put a freeze on check ins into the maintenance branch. At this point, nobody except the RM should make any commits to the branch (or his duly assigned agents, i.e. Guido the BDFL, Fred Drake for documentation, or Thomas Heller for Windows). If the RM screwed up and some desperate last minute change to the branch is necessary, it can mean extra work for Fred and Thomas. So try to avoid this! On the branch, change Include/patchlevel.h in two places, to reflect the new version number you’ve just created. You’ll want to change the PY_VERSION macro, and one or several of the version subpart macros just above PY_VERSION, as appropriate. Change the “%define version” line of Misc/RPM/python-2.3.spec to the same string as PY_VERSION was changed to above. E.g:%define version 2.3.1 You also probably want to reset the %define release line to ‘1pydotorg’ if it’s not already that. If you’re changing the version number for Python (e.g. from Python 2.1.1 to Python 2.1.2), you also need to update the README file, which has a big banner at the top proclaiming its identity. Don’t do this if you’re just releasing a new alpha or beta release, but /do/ do this if you’re release a new micro, minor or major release. The LICENSE file also needs to be changed, due to several references to the release number. As for the README file, changing these are necessary for a new micro, minor or major release.The LICENSE file contains a table that describes the legal heritage of Python; you should add an entry for the X.Y.Z release you are now making. You should update this table in the LICENSE file on the CVS trunk too. When the year changes, copyright legends need to be updated in many places, including the README and LICENSE files. For the Windows build, additional files have to be updated.PCbuild/BUILDno.txt contains the Windows build number, see the instructions in this file how to change it. Saving the project file PCbuild/pythoncore.dsp results in a change to PCbuild/pythoncore.dsp as well. PCbuild/python20.wse sets up the Windows installer version resource (displayed when you right-click on the installer .exe and select Properties), and also contains the Python version number. (Before version 2.3.2, it was required to manually edit PC/python_nt.rc, this step is now automated by the build process.) After starting the process, the most important thing to do next is to update the Misc/NEWS file. Thomas will need this in order to do the Windows release and he likes to stay up late. This step can be pretty tedious, so it’s best to get to it immediately after making the branch, or even before you’ve made the branch. The sooner the better (but again, watch for new checkins up until the release is made!)Add high level items new to this release. E.g. if we’re releasing 2.2a3, there must be a section at the top of the file explaining “What’s new in Python 2.2a3”. It will be followed by a section entitled “What’s new in Python 2.2a2”. Note that you /hope/ that as developers add new features to the trunk, they’ve updated the NEWS file accordingly. You can’t be positive, so double check. If you’re a Unix weenie, it helps to verify with Thomas about changes on Windows, and Jack Jansen about changes on the Mac. This command should help you (but substitute the correct -r tag!): % cvs log -rr22a1: | python Tools/scripts/logmerge.py > /tmp/news.txt IOW, you’re printing out all the cvs log entries from the previous release until now. You can then troll through the news.txt file looking for interesting things to add to NEWS. Check your NEWS changes into the maintenance branch. It’s easy to forget to update the release date in this file! Check in any changes to IDLE’s NEWS.txt. Update the header in Lib/idlelib/NEWS.txt to reflect its release version and date. Update the IDLE version in Lib/idlelib/idlever.py to match. Once the release process has started, the documentation needs to be built and posted on python.org according to the instructions in PEP 101.Note that Fred is responsible both for merging doc changes from the trunk to the branch AND for merging any branch changes from the branch to the trunk during the cleaning up phase. Basically, if it’s in Doc/ Fred will take care of it. Thomas compiles everything with MSVC 6.0 SP5, and moves the python23.chm file into the src/chm directory. The installer executable is then generated with Wise Installation System.The installer includes the MSVC 6.0 runtime in the files MSVCRT.DLL and MSVCIRT.DLL. It leads to disaster if these files are taken from the system directory of the machine where the installer is built, instead it must be absolutely made sure that these files come from the VCREDIST.EXE redistributable package contained in the MSVC SP5 CD. VCREDIST.EXE must be unpacked with winzip, and the Wise Installation System prompts for the directory. After building the installer, it should be opened with winzip, and the MS dlls extracted again and check for the same version number as those unpacked from VCREDIST.EXE. Thomas uploads this file to the starship. He then sends the RM a notice which includes the location and MD5 checksum of the Windows executable. Note that Thomas’s creation of the Windows executable may generate a few more commits on the branch. Thomas will be responsible for merging Windows-specific changes from trunk to branch, and from branch to trunk. Sean performs his Red Hat magic, generating a set of RPMs. He uploads these files to python.org. He then sends the RM a notice which includes the location and MD5 checksum of the RPMs. It’s Build Time!Now, you’re ready to build the source tarball. First cd to your working directory for the branch. E.g. % cd …/python-22a3 Do a “cvs update” in this directory. Do NOT include the -A flag!You should not see any “M” files, but you may see several “P” and/or “U” files. I.e. you better not have any uncommitted changes in your working directory, but you may pick up some of Fred’s or Thomas’s last minute changes. Now tag the branch using a symbolic name like “rXYMaZ”, e.g. r212% cvs tag r212 Be sure to tag only the python/dist/src subdirectory of the Python CVS tree! Change to a neutral directory, i.e. one in which you can do a fresh, virgin, cvs export of the branch. You will be creating a new directory at this location, to be named “Python-X.Y.M”. Do a CVS export of the tagged branch.% cd ~ % cvs -d cvs.sf.net:/cvsroot/python export -rr212 \ -d Python-2.1.2 python/dist/src Generate the tarball. Note that we’re not using the ‘z’ option on the tar command because 1) that’s only supported by GNU tar as far as we know, and 2) we’re going to max out the compression level, which isn’t a supported option. We generate both tar.gz tar.bz2 formats, as the latter is about 1/6th smaller.% tar -cf - Python-2.1.2 | gzip -9 > Python-2.1.2.tgz % tar -cf - Python-2.1.2 | bzip2 -9 > Python-2.1.2.tar.bz2 Calculate the MD5 checksum of the tgz and tar.bz2 files you just created% md5sum Python-2.1.2.tgz Note that if you don’t have the md5sum program, there is a Python replacement in the Tools/scripts/md5sum.py file. Create GPG keys for each of the files.% gpg -ba Python-2.1.2.tgz % gpg -ba Python-2.1.2.tar.bz2 % gpg -ba Python-2.1.2.exe Now you want to perform the very important step of checking the tarball you just created, to make sure a completely clean, virgin build passes the regression test. Here are the best steps to take:% cd /tmp % tar zxvf ~/Python-2.1.2.tgz % cd Python-2.1.2 % ls (Do things look reasonable?) % ./configure (Loads of configure output) % make test (Do all the expected tests pass?) If the tests pass, then you can feel good that the tarball is fine. If some of the tests fail, or anything else about the freshly unpacked directory looks weird, you better stop now and figure out what the problem is. You need to upload the tgz and the exe file to creosote.python.org. This step can take a long time depending on your network bandwidth. scp both files from your own machine to creosote. While you’re waiting, you can start twiddling the web pages to include the announcement. In the top of the python.org web site CVS tree, create a subdirectory for the X.Y.Z release. You can actually copy an earlier patch release’s subdirectory, but be sure to delete the X.Y.Z/CVS directory and “cvs add X.Y.Z”, for example:% cd .../pydotorg % cp -r 2.2.2 2.2.3 % rm -rf 2.2.3/CVS % cvs add 2.2.3 % cd 2.2.3 Edit the files for content: usually you can globally replace X.Ya(Z-1) with X.YaZ. However, you’ll need to think about the “What’s New?” section. Copy the Misc/NEWS file to NEWS.txt in the X.Y.Z directory for python.org; this contains the “full scoop” of changes to Python since the previous release for this version of Python. Copy the .asc GPG signatures you created earlier here as well. Also, update the MD5 checksums. Preview the web page by doing a “make” or “make install” (as long as you’ve created a new directory for this release!) Similarly, edit the ../index.ht file, i.e. the python.org home page. In the Big Blue Announcement Block, move the paragraph for the new version up to the top and boldify the phrase “Python X.YaZ is out”. Edit for content, and preview locally, but do NOT do a “make install” yet! Now we’re waiting for the scp to creosote to finish. Da de da, da de dum, hmm, hmm, dum de dum. Once that’s done you need to go to creosote.python.org and move all the files in place over there. Our policy is that every Python version gets its own directory, but each directory may contain several releases. We keep all old releases, moving them into a “prev” subdirectory when we have a new release.So, there’s a directory called “2.2” which contains Python-2.2a2.exe and Python-2.2a2.tgz, along with a “prev” subdirectory containing Python-2.2a1.exe and Python-2.2a1.tgz. So… On creosote, cd to ~ftp/pub/python/X.Y creating it if necessary. Move the previous release files to a directory called “prev” creating the directory if necessary (make sure the directory has g+ws bits on). If this is the first alpha release of a new Python version, skip this step. Move the .tgz file and the .exe file to this directory. Make sure they are world readable. They should also be group writable, and group-owned by webmaster. md5sum the files and make sure they got uploaded intact. the X.Y/bugs.ht file if necessary. It is best to get BDFL input for this step. Go up to the parent directory (i.e. the root of the web page hierarchy) and do a “make install” there. You’re release is now live! Now it’s time to write the announcement for the mailing lists. This is the fuzzy bit because not much can be automated. You can use one of Guido’s earlier announcements as a template, but please edit it for content!Once the announcement is ready, send it to the following addresses: python-list@python.org python-announce@python.org python-dev@python.org Send a SourceForge News Item about the release. From the project’s “menu bar”, select the “News” link; once in News, select the “Submit” link. Type a suitable subject (e.g. “Python 2.2c1 released” :-) in the Subject box, add some text to the Details box (at the very least including the release URL at www.python.org and the fact that you’re happy with the release) and click the SUBMIT button.Feel free to remove any old news items. Now it’s time to do some cleanup. These steps are very important! Edit the file Include/patchlevel.h so that the PY_VERSION string says something like “X.YaZ+”. Note the trailing ‘+’ indicating that the trunk is going to be moving forward with development. E.g. the line should look like:#define PY_VERSION "2.1.2+" Make sure that the other PY_ version macros contain the correct values. Commit this change. For the extra paranoid, do a completely clean test of the release. This includes downloading the tarball from www.python.org. Make sure the md5 checksums match. Then unpack the tarball, and do a clean make test.% make distclean % ./configure % make test To ensure that the regression test suite passes. If not, you screwed up somewhere! Step 5 … Verify! This can be interleaved with Step 4. Pretend you’re a user: download the files from python.org, and make Python from it. This step is too easy to overlook, and on several occasions we’ve had useless release files. Once a general server problem caused mysterious corruption of all files; once the source tarball got built incorrectly; more than once the file upload process on SF truncated files; and so on. What Next? Rejoice. Drink. Be Merry. Write a PEP like this one. Or be like unto Guido and take A Vacation. You’ve just made a Python release! Actually, there is one more step. You should turn over ownership of the branch to Jack Jansen. All this means is that now he will be responsible for making commits to the branch. He’s going to use this to build the MacOS versions. He may send you information about the Mac release that should be merged into the informational pages on www.python.org. When he’s done, he’ll tag the branch something like “rX.YaZ-mac”. He’ll also be responsible for merging any Mac-related changes back into the trunk. Final Release Notes The Final release of any major release, e.g. Python 2.2 final, has special requirements, specifically because it will be one of the longest lived releases (i.e. betas don’t last more than a couple of weeks, but final releases can last for years!). For this reason we want to have a higher coordination between the three major releases: Windows, Mac, and source. The Windows and source releases benefit from the close proximity of the respective release-bots. But the Mac-bot, Jack Jansen, is 6 hours away. So we add this extra step to the release process for a final release: Hold up the final release until Jack approves, or until we lose patience <wink>. The python.org site also needs some tweaking when a new bugfix release is issued. The documentation should be installed at doc/<version>/. Add a link from doc/<previous-minor-release>/index.ht to the documentation for the new version. All older doc/<old-release>/index.ht files should be updated to point to the documentation for the new version. /robots.txt should be modified to prevent the old version’s documentation from being crawled by search engines. Windows Notes Windows has a GUI installer, various flavors of Windows have “special limitations”, and the Windows installer also packs precompiled “foreign” binaries (Tcl/Tk, expat, etc). So Windows testing is tiresome but very necessary. Concurrent with uploading the installer, Thomas installs Python from it twice: once into the default directory suggested by the installer, and later into a directory with embedded spaces in its name. For each installation, he runs the full regression suite from a DOS box, and both with and without -0. He also tries every shortcut created under Start -> Menu -> the Python group. When trying IDLE this way, you need to verify that Help -> Python Documentation works. When trying pydoc this way (the “Module Docs” Start menu entry), make sure the “Start Browser” button works, and make sure you can search for a random module (Thomas uses “random” <wink>) and then that the “go to selected” button works. It’s amazing how much can go wrong here – and even more amazing how often last-second checkins break one of these things. If you’re “the Windows geek”, keep in mind that you’re likely the only person routinely testing on Windows, and that Windows is simply a mess. Repeat all of the above on at least one flavor of Win9x, and one of NT/2000/XP. On NT/2000/XP, try both an Admin and a plain User (not Power User) account. WRT Step 5 above (verify the release media), since by the time release files are ready to download Thomas has generally run many Windows tests on the installer he uploaded, he usually doesn’t do anything for Step 5 except a full byte-comparison (“fc /b” if using a Windows shell) of the downloaded file against the file he uploaded. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 102 – Doing Python Micro Releases
Making a Python release is an arduous process that takes a minimum of half a day’s work even for an experienced releaser. Until recently, most – if not all – of that burden was borne by Guido himself. But several recent releases have been performed by other folks, so this PEP attempts to collect, in one place, all the steps needed to make a Python bugfix release.
PEP 103 – Collecting information about git Author: Oleg Broytman <phd at phdru.name> Status: Withdrawn Type: Informational Created: 01-Jun-2015 Post-History: 12-Sep-2015 Table of Contents Withdrawal Abstract Documentation Documentation for starters Advanced documentation Offline documentation Quick start Download and installation Initial configuration Examples in this PEP Branches and branches Remote repositories and remote branches Updating local and remote-tracking branches Fetch and pull Push Tags Private information Commit editing and caveats Undo git checkout: restore file’s content git reset: remove (non-pushed) commits Unstaging git reflog: reference log git revert: revert a commit One thing that cannot be undone Merge or rebase? Null-merges Branching models Advanced configuration Line endings Useful assets Advanced topics Staging area Root ReReRe Database maintenance Tips and tricks Command-line options and arguments bash/zsh completion bash/zsh prompt SSH connection sharing git on server From Mercurial to git Git and GitHub Copyright Withdrawal This PEP was withdrawn as it’s too generic and doesn’t really deals with Python development. It is no longer updated. The content was moved to Python Wiki. Make further updates in the wiki. Abstract This Informational PEP collects information about git. There is, of course, a lot of documentation for git, so the PEP concentrates on more complex (and more related to Python development) issues, scenarios and examples. The plan is to extend the PEP in the future collecting information about equivalence of Mercurial and git scenarios to help migrating Python development from Mercurial to git. The author of the PEP doesn’t currently plan to write a Process PEP on migration Python development from Mercurial to git. Documentation Git is accompanied with a lot of documentation, both online and offline. Documentation for starters Git Tutorial: part 1, part 2. Git User’s manual. Everyday GIT With 20 Commands Or So. Git workflows. Advanced documentation Git Magic, with a number of translations. Pro Git. The Book about git. Buy it at Amazon or download in PDF, mobi, or ePub form. It has translations to many different languages. Download Russian translation from GArik. Git Wiki. Git Buch (German). Offline documentation Git has builtin help: run git help $TOPIC. For example, run git help git or git help help. Quick start Download and installation Unix users: download and install using your package manager. Microsoft Windows: download git-for-windows. MacOS X: use git installed with XCode or download from MacPorts or git-osx-installer or install git with Homebrew: brew install git. git-cola (repository) is a Git GUI written in Python and GPL licensed. Linux, Windows, MacOS X. TortoiseGit is a Windows Shell Interface to Git based on TortoiseSVN; open source. Initial configuration This simple code is often appears in documentation, but it is important so let repeat it here. Git stores author and committer names/emails in every commit, so configure your real name and preferred email: $ git config --global user.name "User Name" $ git config --global user.email user.name@example.org Examples in this PEP Examples of git commands in this PEP use the following approach. It is supposed that you, the user, works with a local repository named python that has an upstream remote repo named origin. Your local repo has two branches v1 and master. For most examples the currently checked out branch is master. That is, it’s assumed you have done something like that: $ git clone https://git.python.org/python.git $ cd python $ git branch v1 origin/v1 The first command clones remote repository into local directory python, creates a new local branch master, sets remotes/origin/master as its upstream remote-tracking branch and checks it out into the working directory. The last command creates a new local branch v1 and sets remotes/origin/v1 as its upstream remote-tracking branch. The same result can be achieved with commands: $ git clone -b v1 https://git.python.org/python.git $ cd python $ git checkout --track origin/master The last command creates a new local branch master, sets remotes/origin/master as its upstream remote-tracking branch and checks it out into the working directory. Branches and branches Git terminology can be a bit misleading. Take, for example, the term “branch”. In git it has two meanings. A branch is a directed line of commits (possibly with merges). And a branch is a label or a pointer assigned to a line of commits. It is important to distinguish when you talk about commits and when about their labels. Lines of commits are by itself unnamed and are usually only lengthening and merging. Labels, on the other hand, can be created, moved, renamed and deleted freely. Remote repositories and remote branches Remote-tracking branches are branches (pointers to commits) in your local repository. They are there for git (and for you) to remember what branches and commits have been pulled from and pushed to what remote repos (you can pull from and push to many remotes). Remote-tracking branches live under remotes/$REMOTE namespaces, e.g. remotes/origin/master. To see the status of remote-tracking branches run: $ git branch -rv To see local and remote-tracking branches (and tags) pointing to commits: $ git log --decorate You never do your own development on remote-tracking branches. You create a local branch that has a remote branch as upstream and do development on that local branch. On push git pushes commits to the remote repo and updates remote-tracking branches, on pull git fetches commits from the remote repo, updates remote-tracking branches and fast-forwards, merges or rebases local branches. When you do an initial clone like this: $ git clone -b v1 https://git.python.org/python.git git clones remote repository https://git.python.org/python.git to directory python, creates a remote named origin, creates remote-tracking branches, creates a local branch v1, configure it to track upstream remotes/origin/v1 branch and checks out v1 into the working directory. Some commands, like git status --branch and git branch --verbose, report the difference between local and remote branches. Please remember they only do comparison with remote-tracking branches in your local repository, and the state of those remote-tracking branches can be outdated. To update remote-tracking branches you either fetch and merge (or rebase) commits from the remote repository or update remote-tracking branches without updating local branches. Updating local and remote-tracking branches To update remote-tracking branches without updating local branches run git remote update [$REMOTE...]. For example: $ git remote update $ git remote update origin Fetch and pull There is a major difference between $ git fetch $REMOTE $BRANCH and $ git fetch $REMOTE $BRANCH:$BRANCH The first command fetches commits from the named $BRANCH in the $REMOTE repository that are not in your repository, updates remote-tracking branch and leaves the id (the hash) of the head commit in file .git/FETCH_HEAD. The second command fetches commits from the named $BRANCH in the $REMOTE repository that are not in your repository and updates both the local branch $BRANCH and its upstream remote-tracking branch. But it refuses to update branches in case of non-fast-forward. And it refuses to update the current branch (currently checked out branch, where HEAD is pointing to). The first command is used internally by git pull. $ git pull $REMOTE $BRANCH is equivalent to $ git fetch $REMOTE $BRANCH $ git merge FETCH_HEAD Certainly, $BRANCH in that case should be your current branch. If you want to merge a different branch into your current branch first update that non-current branch and then merge: $ git fetch origin v1:v1 # Update v1 $ git pull --rebase origin master # Update the current branch master # using rebase instead of merge $ git merge v1 If you have not yet pushed commits on v1, though, the scenario has to become a bit more complex. Git refuses to update non-fast-forwardable branch, and you don’t want to do force-pull because that would remove your non-pushed commits and you would need to recover. So you want to rebase v1 but you cannot rebase non-current branch. Hence, checkout v1 and rebase it before merging: $ git checkout v1 $ git pull --rebase origin v1 $ git checkout master $ git pull --rebase origin master $ git merge v1 It is possible to configure git to make it fetch/pull a few branches or all branches at once, so you can simply run $ git pull origin or even $ git pull Default remote repository for fetching/pulling is origin. Default set of references to fetch is calculated using matching algorithm: git fetches all branches having the same name on both ends. Push Pushing is a bit simpler. There is only one command push. When you run $ git push origin v1 master git pushes local v1 to remote v1 and local master to remote master. The same as: $ git push origin v1:v1 master:master Git pushes commits to the remote repo and updates remote-tracking branches. Git refuses to push commits that aren’t fast-forwardable. You can force-push anyway, but please remember - you can force-push to your own repositories but don’t force-push to public or shared repos. If you find git refuses to push commits that aren’t fast-forwardable, better fetch and merge commits from the remote repo (or rebase your commits on top of the fetched commits), then push. Only force-push if you know what you do and why you do it. See the section Commit editing and caveats below. It is possible to configure git to make it push a few branches or all branches at once, so you can simply run $ git push origin or even $ git push Default remote repository for pushing is origin. Default set of references to push in git before 2.0 is calculated using matching algorithm: git pushes all branches having the same name on both ends. Default set of references to push in git 2.0+ is calculated using simple algorithm: git pushes the current branch back to its @{upstream}. To configure git before 2.0 to the new behaviour run: $ git config push.default simple To configure git 2.0+ to the old behaviour run: $ git config push.default matching Git doesn’t allow to push a branch if it’s the current branch in the remote non-bare repository: git refuses to update remote working directory. You really should push only to bare repositories. For non-bare repositories git prefers pull-based workflow. When you want to deploy code on a remote host and can only use push (because your workstation is behind a firewall and you cannot pull from it) you do that in two steps using two repositories: you push from the workstation to a bare repo on the remote host, ssh to the remote host and pull from the bare repo to a non-bare deployment repo. That changed in git 2.3, but see the blog post for caveats; in 2.4 the push-to-deploy feature was further improved. Tags Git automatically fetches tags that point to commits being fetched during fetch/pull. To fetch all tags (and commits they point to) run git fetch --tags origin. To fetch some specific tags fetch them explicitly: $ git fetch origin tag $TAG1 tag $TAG2... For example: $ git fetch origin tag 1.4.2 $ git fetch origin v1:v1 tag 2.1.7 Git doesn’t automatically pushes tags. That allows you to have private tags. To push tags list them explicitly: $ git push origin tag 1.4.2 $ git push origin v1 master tag 2.1.7 Or push all tags at once: $ git push --tags origin Don’t move tags with git tag -f or remove tags with git tag -d after they have been published. Private information When cloning/fetching/pulling/pushing git copies only database objects (commits, trees, files and tags) and symbolic references (branches and lightweight tags). Everything else is private to the repository and never cloned, updated or pushed. It’s your config, your hooks, your private exclude file. If you want to distribute hooks, copy them to the working tree, add, commit, push and instruct the team to update and install the hooks manually. Commit editing and caveats A warning not to edit published (pushed) commits also appears in documentation but it’s repeated here anyway as it’s very important. It is possible to recover from a forced push but it’s PITA for the entire team. Please avoid it. To see what commits have not been published yet compare the head of the branch with its upstream remote-tracking branch: $ git log origin/master.. # from origin/master to HEAD (of master) $ git log origin/v1..v1 # from origin/v1 to the head of v1 For every branch that has an upstream remote-tracking branch git maintains an alias @{upstream} (short version @{u}), so the commands above can be given as: $ git log @{u}.. $ git log v1@{u}..v1 To see the status of all branches: $ git branch -avv To compare the status of local branches with a remote repo: $ git remote show origin Read how to recover from upstream rebase. It is in git help rebase. On the other hand, don’t be too afraid about commit editing. You can safely edit, reorder, remove, combine and split commits that haven’t been pushed yet. You can even push commits to your own (backup) repo, edit them later and force-push edited commits to replace what have already been pushed. Not a problem until commits are in a public or shared repository. Undo Whatever you do, don’t panic. Almost anything in git can be undone. git checkout: restore file’s content git checkout, for example, can be used to restore the content of file(s) to that one of a commit. Like this: git checkout HEAD~ README The commands restores the contents of README file to the last but one commit in the current branch. By default the commit ID is simply HEAD; i.e. git checkout README restores README to the latest commit. (Do not use git checkout to view a content of a file in a commit, use git cat-file -p; e.g. git cat-file -p HEAD~:path/to/README). git reset: remove (non-pushed) commits git reset moves the head of the current branch. The head can be moved to point to any commit but it’s often used to remove a commit or a few (preferably, non-pushed ones) from the top of the branch - that is, to move the branch backward in order to undo a few (non-pushed) commits. git reset has three modes of operation - soft, hard and mixed. Default is mixed. ProGit explains the difference very clearly. Bare repositories don’t have indices or working trees so in a bare repo only soft reset is possible. Unstaging Mixed mode reset with a path or paths can be used to unstage changes - that is, to remove from index changes added with git add for committing. See The Book for details about unstaging and other undo tricks. git reflog: reference log Removing commits with git reset or moving the head of a branch sounds dangerous and it is. But there is a way to undo: another reset back to the original commit. Git doesn’t remove commits immediately; unreferenced commits (in git terminology they are called “dangling commits”) stay in the database for some time (default is two weeks) so you can reset back to it or create a new branch pointing to the original commit. For every move of a branch’s head - with git commit, git checkout, git fetch, git pull, git rebase, git reset and so on - git stores a reference log (reflog for short). For every move git stores where the head was. Command git reflog can be used to view (and manipulate) the log. In addition to the moves of the head of every branch git stores the moves of the HEAD - a symbolic reference that (usually) names the current branch. HEAD is changed with git checkout $BRANCH. By default git reflog shows the moves of the HEAD, i.e. the command is equivalent to git reflog HEAD. To show the moves of the head of a branch use the command git reflog $BRANCH. So to undo a git reset lookup the original commit in git reflog, verify it with git show or git log and run git reset $COMMIT_ID. Git stores the move of the branch’s head in reflog, so you can undo that undo later again. In a more complex situation you’d want to move some commits along with resetting the head of the branch. Cherry-pick them to the new branch. For example, if you want to reset the branch master back to the original commit but preserve two commits created in the current branch do something like: $ git branch save-master # create a new branch saving master $ git reflog # find the original place of master $ git reset $COMMIT_ID $ git cherry-pick save-master~ save-master $ git branch -D save-master # remove temporary branch git revert: revert a commit git revert reverts a commit or commits, that is, it creates a new commit or commits that revert(s) the effects of the given commits. It’s the only way to undo published commits (git commit --amend, git rebase and git reset change the branch in non-fast-forwardable ways so they should only be used for non-pushed commits.) There is a problem with reverting a merge commit. git revert can undo the code created by the merge commit but it cannot undo the fact of merge. See the discussion How to revert a faulty merge. One thing that cannot be undone Whatever you undo, there is one thing that cannot be undone - overwritten uncommitted changes. Uncommitted changes don’t belong to git so git cannot help preserving them. Most of the time git warns you when you’re going to execute a command that overwrites uncommitted changes. Git doesn’t allow you to switch branches with git checkout. It stops you when you’re going to rebase with non-clean working tree. It refuses to pull new commits over non-committed files. But there are commands that do exactly that - overwrite files in the working tree. Commands like git checkout $PATHs or git reset --hard silently overwrite files including your uncommitted changes. With that in mind you can understand the stance “commit early, commit often”. Commit as often as possible. Commit on every save in your editor or IDE. You can edit your commits before pushing - edit commit messages, change commits, reorder, combine, split, remove. But save your changes in git database, either commit changes or at least stash them with git stash. Merge or rebase? Internet is full of heated discussions on the topic: “merge or rebase?” Most of them are meaningless. When a DVCS is being used in a big team with a big and complex project with many branches there is simply no way to avoid merges. So the question’s diminished to “whether to use rebase, and if yes - when to use rebase?” Considering that it is very much recommended not to rebase published commits the question’s diminished even further: “whether to use rebase on non-pushed commits?” That small question is for the team to decide. To preserve the beauty of linear history it’s recommended to use rebase when pulling, i.e. do git pull --rebase or even configure automatic setup of rebase for every new branch: $ git config branch.autosetuprebase always and configure rebase for existing branches: $ git config branch.$NAME.rebase true For example: $ git config branch.v1.rebase true $ git config branch.master.rebase true After that git pull origin master becomes equivalent to git pull --rebase origin master. It is recommended to create new commits in a separate feature or topic branch while using rebase to update the mainline branch. When the topic branch is ready merge it into mainline. To avoid a tedious task of resolving large number of conflicts at once you can merge the topic branch to the mainline from time to time and switch back to the topic branch to continue working on it. The entire workflow would be something like: $ git checkout -b issue-42 # create a new issue branch and switch to it ...edit/test/commit... $ git checkout master $ git pull --rebase origin master # update master from the upstream $ git merge issue-42 $ git branch -d issue-42 # delete the topic branch $ git push origin master When the topic branch is deleted only the label is removed, commits are stayed in the database, they are now merged into master: o--o--o--o--o--M--< master - the mainline branch \ / --*--*--* - the topic branch, now unnamed The topic branch is deleted to avoid cluttering branch namespace with small topic branches. Information on what issue was fixed or what feature was implemented should be in the commit messages. But even that small amount of rebasing could be too big in case of long-lived merged branches. Imagine you’re doing work in both v1 and master branches, regularly merging v1 into master. After some time you will have a lot of merge and non-merge commits in master. Then you want to push your finished work to a shared repository and find someone has pushed a few commits to v1. Now you have a choice of two equally bad alternatives: either you fetch and rebase v1 and then have to recreate all you work in master (reset master to the origin, merge v1 and cherry-pick all non-merge commits from the old master); or merge the new v1 and loose the beauty of linear history. Null-merges Git has a builtin merge strategy for what Python core developers call “null-merge”: $ git merge -s ours v1 # null-merge v1 into master Branching models Git doesn’t assume any particular development model regarding branching and merging. Some projects prefer to graduate patches from the oldest branch to the newest, some prefer to cherry-pick commits backwards, some use squashing (combining a number of commits into one). Anything is possible. There are a few examples to start with. git help workflows describes how the very git authors develop git. ProGit book has a few chapters devoted to branch management in different projects: Git Branching - Branching Workflows and Distributed Git - Contributing to a Project. There is also a well-known article A successful Git branching model by Vincent Driessen. It recommends a set of very detailed rules on creating and managing mainline, topic and bugfix branches. To support the model the author implemented git flow extension. Advanced configuration Line endings Git has builtin mechanisms to handle line endings between platforms with different end-of-line styles. To allow git to do CRLF conversion assign text attribute to files using .gitattributes. For files that have to have specific line endings assign eol attribute. For binary files the attribute is, naturally, binary. For example: $ cat .gitattributes *.py text *.txt text *.png binary /readme.txt eol=CRLF To check what attributes git uses for files use git check-attr command. For example: $ git check-attr -a -- \*.py Useful assets GitAlias (repository) is a big collection of aliases. A careful selection of aliases for frequently used commands could save you a lot of keystrokes! GitIgnore and https://github.com/github/gitignore are collections of .gitignore files for all kinds of IDEs and programming languages. Python included! pre-commit (repositories) is a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks. The framework is written in Python and has a lot of plugins for many programming languages. Advanced topics Staging area Staging area aka index aka cache is a distinguishing feature of git. Staging area is where git collects patches before committing them. Separation between collecting patches and commit phases provides a very useful feature of git: you can review collected patches before commit and even edit them - remove some hunks, add new hunks and review again. To add files to the index use git add. Collecting patches before committing means you need to do that for every change, not only to add new (untracked) files. To simplify committing in case you just want to commit everything without reviewing run git commit --all (or just -a) - the command adds every changed tracked file to the index and then commit. To commit a file or files regardless of patches collected in the index run git commit [--only|-o] -- $FILE.... To add hunks of patches to the index use git add --patch (or just -p). To remove collected files from the index use git reset HEAD -- $FILE... To add/inspect/remove collected hunks use git add --interactive (-i). To see the diff between the index and the last commit (i.e., collected patches) use git diff --cached. To see the diff between the working tree and the index (i.e., uncollected patches) use just git diff. To see the diff between the working tree and the last commit (i.e., both collected and uncollected patches) run git diff HEAD. See WhatIsTheIndex and IndexCommandQuickref in Git Wiki. Root Git switches to the root (top-level directory of the project where .git subdirectory exists) before running any command. Git remembers though the directory that was current before the switch. Some programs take into account the current directory. E.g., git status shows file paths of changed and unknown files relative to the current directory; git grep searches below the current directory; git apply applies only those hunks from the patch that touch files below the current directory. But most commands run from the root and ignore the current directory. Imagine, for example, that you have two work trees, one for the branch v1 and the other for master. If you want to merge v1 from a subdirectory inside the second work tree you must write commands as if you’re in the top-level dir. Let take two work trees, project-v1 and project, for example: $ cd project/subdirectory $ git fetch ../project-v1 v1:v1 $ git merge v1 Please note the path in git fetch ../project-v1 v1:v1 is ../project-v1 and not ../../project-v1 despite the fact that we run the commands from a subdirectory, not from the root. ReReRe Rerere is a mechanism that helps to resolve repeated merge conflicts. The most frequent source of recurring merge conflicts are topic branches that are merged into mainline and then the merge commits are removed; that’s often performed to test the topic branches and train rerere; merge commits are removed to have clean linear history and finish the topic branch with only one last merge commit. Rerere works by remembering the states of tree before and after a successful commit. That way rerere can automatically resolve conflicts if they appear in the same files. Rerere can be used manually with git rerere command but most often it’s used automatically. Enable rerere with these commands in a working tree: $ git config rerere.enabled true $ git config rerere.autoupdate true You don’t need to turn rerere on globally - you don’t want rerere in bare repositories or single-branch repositories; you only need rerere in repos where you often perform merges and resolve merge conflicts. See Rerere in The Book. Database maintenance Git object database and other files/directories under .git require periodic maintenance and cleanup. For example, commit editing left unreferenced objects (dangling objects, in git terminology) and these objects should be pruned to avoid collecting cruft in the DB. The command git gc is used for maintenance. Git automatically runs git gc --auto as a part of some commands to do quick maintenance. Users are recommended to run git gc --aggressive from time to time; git help gc recommends to run it every few hundred changesets; for more intensive projects it should be something like once a week and less frequently (biweekly or monthly) for lesser active projects. git gc --aggressive not only removes dangling objects, it also repacks object database into indexed and better optimized pack(s); it also packs symbolic references (branches and tags). Another way to do it is to run git repack. There is a well-known message from Linus Torvalds regarding “stupidity” of git gc --aggressive. The message can safely be ignored now. It is old and outdated, git gc --aggressive became much better since that time. For those who still prefer git repack over git gc --aggressive the recommended parameters are git repack -a -d -f --depth=20 --window=250. See this detailed experiment for explanation of the effects of these parameters. From time to time run git fsck [--strict] to verify integrity of the database. git fsck may produce a list of dangling objects; that’s not an error, just a reminder to perform regular maintenance. Tips and tricks Command-line options and arguments git help cli recommends not to combine short options/flags. Most of the times combining works: git commit -av works perfectly, but there are situations when it doesn’t. E.g., git log -p -5 cannot be combined as git log -p5. Some options have arguments, some even have default arguments. In that case the argument for such option must be spelled in a sticky way: -Oarg, never -O arg because for an option that has a default argument the latter means “use default value for option -O and pass arg further to the option parser”. For example, git grep has an option -O that passes a list of names of the found files to a program; default program for -O is a pager (usually less), but you can use your editor: $ git grep -Ovim # but not -O vim BTW, if git is instructed to use less as the pager (i.e., if pager is not configured in git at all it uses less by default, or if it gets less from GIT_PAGER or PAGER environment variables, or if it was configured with git config [--global] core.pager less, or less is used in the command git grep -Oless) git grep passes +/$pattern option to less which is quite convenient. Unfortunately, git grep doesn’t pass the pattern if the pager is not exactly less, even if it’s less with parameters (something like git config [--global] core.pager less -FRSXgimq); fortunately, git grep -Oless always passes the pattern. bash/zsh completion It’s a bit hard to type git rebase --interactive --preserve-merges HEAD~5 manually even for those who are happy to use command-line, and this is where shell completion is of great help. Bash/zsh come with programmable completion, often automatically installed and enabled, so if you have bash/zsh and git installed, chances are you are already done - just go and use it at the command-line. If you don’t have necessary bits installed, install and enable bash_completion package. If you want to upgrade your git completion to the latest and greatest download necessary file from git contrib. Git-for-windows comes with git-bash for which bash completion is installed and enabled. bash/zsh prompt For command-line lovers shell prompt can carry a lot of useful information. To include git information in the prompt use git-prompt.sh. Read the detailed instructions in the file. Search the Net for “git prompt” to find other prompt variants. SSH connection sharing SSH connection sharing is a feature of OpenSSH and perhaps derivatives like PuTTY. SSH connection sharing is a way to decrease ssh client startup time by establishing one connection and reusing it for all subsequent clients connecting to the same server. SSH connection sharing can be used to speedup a lot of short ssh sessions like scp, sftp, rsync and of course git over ssh. If you regularly fetch/pull/push from/to remote repositories accessible over ssh then using ssh connection sharing is recommended. To turn on ssh connection sharing add something like this to your ~/.ssh/config: Host * ControlMaster auto ControlPath ~/.ssh/mux-%r@%h:%p ControlPersist 600 See OpenSSH wikibook and search for more information. SSH connection sharing can be used at GitHub, GitLab and SourceForge repositories, but please be advised that BitBucket doesn’t allow it and forcibly closes master connection after a short inactivity period so you will see errors like this from ssh: “Connection to bitbucket.org closed by remote host.” git on server The simplest way to publish a repository or a group of repositories is git daemon. The daemon provides anonymous access, by default it is read-only. The repositories are accessible by git protocol (git:// URLs). Write access can be enabled but the protocol lacks any authentication means, so it should be enabled only within a trusted LAN. See git help daemon for details. Git over ssh provides authentication and repo-level authorisation as repositories can be made user- or group-writeable (see parameter core.sharedRepository in git help config). If that’s too permissive or too restrictive for some project’s needs there is a wrapper gitolite that can be configured to allow access with great granularity; gitolite is written in Perl and has a lot of documentation. Web interface to browse repositories can be created using gitweb or cgit. Both are CGI scripts (written in Perl and C). In addition to web interface both provide read-only dumb http access for git (http(s):// URLs). Klaus is a small and simple WSGI web server that implements both web interface and git smart HTTP transport; supports Python 2 and Python 3, performs syntax highlighting. There are also more advanced web-based development environments that include ability to manage users, groups and projects; private, group-accessible and public repositories; they often include issue trackers, wiki pages, pull requests and other tools for development and communication. Among these environments are Kallithea and pagure, both are written in Python; pagure was written by Fedora developers and is being used to develop some Fedora projects. GitPrep is yet another GitHub clone, written in Perl. Gogs is written in Go. GitBucket is written in Scala. And last but not least, GitLab. It’s perhaps the most advanced web-based development environment for git. Written in Ruby, community edition is free and open source (MIT license). From Mercurial to git There are many tools to convert Mercurial repositories to git. The most famous are, probably, hg-git and fast-export (many years ago it was known under the name hg2git). But a better tool, perhaps the best, is git-remote-hg. It provides transparent bidirectional (pull and push) access to Mercurial repositories from git. Its author wrote a comparison of alternatives that seems to be mostly objective. To use git-remote-hg, install or clone it, add to your PATH (or copy script git-remote-hg to a directory that’s already in PATH) and prepend hg:: to Mercurial URLs. For example: $ git clone https://github.com/felipec/git-remote-hg.git $ PATH=$PATH:"`pwd`"/git-remote-hg $ git clone hg::https://hg.python.org/peps/ PEPs To work with the repository just use regular git commands including git fetch/pull/push. To start converting your Mercurial habits to git see the page Mercurial for Git users at Mercurial wiki. At the second half of the page there is a table that lists corresponding Mercurial and git commands. Should work perfectly in both directions. Python Developer’s Guide also has a chapter Mercurial for git developers that documents a few differences between git and hg. Git and GitHub gitsome - Git/GitHub command line interface (CLI). Written in Python, work on MacOS, Unix, Windows. Git/GitHub CLI with autocomplete, includes many GitHub integrated commands that work with all shells, builtin xonsh with Python REPL to run Python commands alongside shell commands, command history, customizable highlighting, thoroughly documented. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 103 – Collecting information about git
This Informational PEP collects information about git. There is, of course, a lot of documentation for git, so the PEP concentrates on more complex (and more related to Python development) issues, scenarios and examples.
PEP 207 – Rich Comparisons Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org>, David Ascher <DavidA at ActiveState.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 25-Jul-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Previous Work Concerns Proposed Resolutions Implementation Proposal C API Changes to the interpreter Classes Copyright Appendix Abstract Motivation Current State of Affairs Proposed Mechanism Chained Comparisons Problem Solution Abstract This PEP proposes several new features for comparisons: Allow separately overloading of <, >, <=, >=, ==, !=, both in classes and in C extensions. Allow any of those overloaded operators to return something else besides a Boolean result. Motivation The main motivation comes from NumPy, whose users agree that A<B should return an array of elementwise comparison outcomes; they currently have to spell this as less(A,B) because A<B can only return a Boolean result or raise an exception. An additional motivation is that frequently, types don’t have a natural ordering, but still need to be compared for equality. Currently such a type must implement comparison and thus define an arbitrary ordering, just so that equality can be tested. Also, for some object types an equality test can be implemented much more efficiently than an ordering test; for example, lists and dictionaries that differ in length are unequal, but the ordering requires inspecting some (potentially all) items. Previous Work Rich Comparisons have been proposed before; in particular by David Ascher, after experience with Numerical Python: http://starship.python.net/crew/da/proposals/richcmp.html It is also included below as an Appendix. Most of the material in this PEP is derived from David’s proposal. Concerns Backwards compatibility, both at the Python level (classes using __cmp__ need not be changed) and at the C level (extensions defining tp_comparea need not be changed, code using PyObject_Compare() must work even if the compared objects use the new rich comparison scheme). When A<B returns a matrix of elementwise comparisons, an easy mistake to make is to use this expression in a Boolean context. Without special precautions, it would always be true. This use should raise an exception instead. If a class overrides x==y but nothing else, should x!=y be computed as not(x==y), or fail? What about the similar relationship between < and >=, or between > and <=? Similarly, should we allow x<y to be calculated from y>x? And x<=y from not(x>y)? And x==y from y==x, or x!=y from y!=x? When comparison operators return elementwise comparisons, what to do about shortcut operators like A<B<C, A<B and C<D, A<B or C<D? What to do about min() and max(), the ‘in’ and ‘not in’ operators, list.sort(), dictionary key comparison, and other uses of comparisons by built-in operations? Proposed Resolutions Full backwards compatibility can be achieved as follows. When an object defines tp_compare() but not tp_richcompare(), and a rich comparison is requested, the outcome of tp_compare() is used in the obvious way. E.g. if “<” is requested, an exception if tp_compare() raises an exception, the outcome is 1 if tp_compare() is negative, and 0 if it is zero or positive. Etc.Full forward compatibility can be achieved as follows. When a classic comparison is requested on an object that implements tp_richcompare(), up to three comparisons are used: first == is tried, and if it returns true, 0 is returned; next, < is tried and if it returns true, -1 is returned; next, > is tried and if it returns true, +1 is returned. If any operator tried returns a non-Boolean value (see below), the exception raised by conversion to Boolean is passed through. If none of the operators tried returns true, the classic comparison fallbacks are tried next. (I thought long and hard about the order in which the three comparisons should be tried. At one point I had a convincing argument for doing it in this order, based on the behavior of comparisons for cyclical data structures. But since that code has changed again, I’m not so sure that it makes a difference any more.) Any type that returns a collection of Booleans instead of a single boolean should define nb_nonzero() to raise an exception. Such a type is considered a non-Boolean. The == and != operators are not assumed to be each other’s complement (e.g. IEEE 754 floating point numbers do not satisfy this). It is up to the type to implement this if desired. Similar for < and >=, or > and <=; there are lots of examples where these assumptions aren’t true (e.g. tabnanny). The reflexivity rules are assumed by Python. Thus, the interpreter may swap y>x with x<y, y>=x with x<=y, and may swap the arguments of x==y and x!=y. (Note: Python currently assumes that x==x is always true and x!=x is never true; this should not be assumed.) In the current proposal, when A<B returns an array of elementwise comparisons, this outcome is considered non-Boolean, and its interpretation as Boolean by the shortcut operators raises an exception. David Ascher’s proposal tries to deal with this; I don’t think this is worth the additional complexity in the code generator. Instead of A<B<C, you can write (A<B)&(B<C). The min() and list.sort() operations will only use the < operator; max() will only use the > operator. The ‘in’ and ‘not in’ operators and dictionary lookup will only use the == operator. Implementation Proposal This closely follows David Ascher’s proposal. C API New functions:PyObject *PyObject_RichCompare(PyObject *, PyObject *, int) This performs the requested rich comparison, returning a Python object or raising an exception. The 3rd argument must be one of Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_GT or Py_GE. int PyObject_RichCompareBool(PyObject *, PyObject *, int) This performs the requested rich comparison, returning a Boolean: -1 for exception, 0 for false, 1 for true. The 3rd argument must be one of Py_LT, Py_LE, Py_EQ, Py_NE, Py_GT or Py_GE. Note that when PyObject_RichCompare() returns a non-Boolean object, PyObject_RichCompareBool() will raise an exception. New typedef:typedef PyObject *(*richcmpfunc) (PyObject *, PyObject *, int); New slot in type object, replacing spare tp_xxx7:richcmpfunc tp_richcompare; This should be a function with the same signature as PyObject_RichCompare(), and performing the same comparison. At least one of the arguments is of the type whose tp_richcompare slot is being used, but the other may have a different type. If the function cannot compare the particular combination of objects, it should return a new reference to Py_NotImplemented. PyObject_Compare() is changed to try rich comparisons if they are defined (but only if classic comparisons aren’t defined). Changes to the interpreter Whenever PyObject_Compare() is called with the intent of getting the outcome of a particular comparison (e.g. in list.sort(), and of course for the comparison operators in ceval.c), the code is changed to call PyObject_RichCompare() or PyObject_RichCompareBool() instead; if the C code needs to know the outcome of the comparison, PyObject_IsTrue() is called on the result (which may raise an exception). Most built-in types that currently define a comparison will be modified to define a rich comparison instead. (This is optional; I’ve converted lists, tuples, complex numbers, and arrays so far, and am not sure whether I will convert others.) Classes Classes can define new special methods __lt__, __le__, __eq__, __ne__, __gt__, __ge__ to override the corresponding operators. (I.e., <, <=, ==, !=, >, >=. You gotta love the Fortran heritage.) If a class defines __cmp__ as well, it is only used when __lt__ etc. have been tried and return NotImplemented. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Appendix Here is most of David Ascher’s original proposal (version 0.2.1, dated Wed Jul 22 16:49:28 1998; I’ve left the Contents, History and Patches sections out). It addresses almost all concerns above. Abstract A new mechanism allowing comparisons of Python objects to return values other than -1, 0, or 1 (or raise exceptions) is proposed. This mechanism is entirely backwards compatible, and can be controlled at the level of the C PyObject type or of the Python class definition. There are three cooperating parts to the proposed mechanism: the use of the last slot in the type object structure to store a pointer to a rich comparison function the addition of special methods for classes the addition of an optional argument to the builtin cmp() function. Motivation The current comparison protocol for Python objects assumes that any two Python objects can be compared (as of Python 1.5, object comparisons can raise exceptions), and that the return value for any comparison should be -1, 0 or 1. -1 indicates that the first argument to the comparison function is less than the right one, +1 indicating the contrapositive, and 0 indicating that the two objects are equal. While this mechanism allows the establishment of an order relationship (e.g. for use by the sort() method of list objects), it has proven to be limited in the context of Numeric Python (NumPy). Specifically, NumPy allows the creation of multidimensional arrays, which support most of the numeric operators. Thus: x = array((1,2,3,4)) y = array((2,2,4,4)) are two NumPy arrays. While they can be added elementwise,: z = x + y # z == array((3,4,7,8)) they cannot be compared in the current framework - the released version of NumPy compares the pointers, (thus yielding junk information) which was the only solution before the recent addition of the ability (in 1.5) to raise exceptions in comparison functions. Even with the ability to raise exceptions, the current protocol makes array comparisons useless. To deal with this fact, NumPy includes several functions which perform the comparisons: less(), less_equal(), greater(), greater_equal(), equal(), not_equal(). These functions return arrays with the same shape as their arguments (modulo broadcasting), filled with 0’s and 1’s depending on whether the comparison is true or not for each element pair. Thus, for example, using the arrays x and y defined above: less(x,y) would be an array containing the numbers (1,0,0,0). The current proposal is to modify the Python object interface to allow the NumPy package to make it so that x < y returns the same thing as less(x,y). The exact return value is up to the NumPy package – what this proposal really asks for is changing the Python core so that extension objects have the ability to return something other than -1, 0, 1, should their authors choose to do so. Current State of Affairs The current protocol is, at the C level, that each object type defines a tp_compare slot, which is a pointer to a function which takes two PyObject* references and returns -1, 0, or 1. This function is called by the PyObject_Compare() function defined in the C API. PyObject_Compare() is also called by the builtin function cmp() which takes two arguments. Proposed Mechanism Changes to the C structure for type objectsThe last available slot in the PyTypeObject, reserved up to now for future expansion, is used to optionally store a pointer to a new comparison function, of type richcmpfunc defined by: typedef PyObject *(*richcmpfunc) Py_PROTO((PyObject *, PyObject *, int)); This function takes three arguments. The first two are the objects to be compared, and the third is an integer corresponding to an opcode (one of LT, LE, EQ, NE, GT, GE). If this slot is left NULL, then rich comparison for that object type is not supported (except for class instances whose class provide the special methods described below). The above opcodes need to be added to the published Python/C API (probably under the names Py_LT, Py_LE, etc.) Additions of special methods for classesClasses wishing to support the rich comparison mechanisms must add one or more of the following new special methods: def __lt__(self, other): ... def __le__(self, other): ... def __gt__(self, other): ... def __ge__(self, other): ... def __eq__(self, other): ... def __ne__(self, other): ... Each of these is called when the class instance is the on the left-hand-side of the corresponding operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, and != or <>). The argument other is set to the object on the right side of the operator. The return value of these methods is up to the class implementor (after all, that’s the entire point of the proposal). If the object on the left side of the operator does not define an appropriate rich comparison operator (either at the C level or with one of the special methods, then the comparison is reversed, and the right hand operator is called with the opposite operator, and the two objects are swapped. This assumes that a < b and b > a are equivalent, as are a <= b and b >= a, and that == and != are commutative (e.g. a == b if and only if b == a). For example, if obj1 is an object which supports the rich comparison protocol and x and y are objects which do not support the rich comparison protocol, then obj1 < x will call the __lt__ method of obj1 with x as the second argument. x < obj1 will call obj1’s __gt__ method with x as a second argument, and x < y will just use the existing (non-rich) comparison mechanism. The above mechanism is such that classes can get away with not implementing either __lt__ and __le__ or __gt__ and __ge__. Further smarts could have been added to the comparison mechanism, but this limited set of allowed “swaps” was chosen because it doesn’t require the infrastructure to do any processing (negation) of return values. The choice of six special methods was made over a single (e.g. __richcmp__) method to allow the dispatching on the opcode to be performed at the level of the C implementation rather than the user-defined method. Addition of an optional argument to the builtin cmp()The builtin cmp() is still used for simple comparisons. For rich comparisons, it is called with a third argument, one of “<”, “<=”, “>”, “>=”, “==”, “!=”, “<>” (the last two have the same meaning). When called with one of these strings as the third argument, cmp() can return any Python object. Otherwise, it can only return -1, 0 or 1 as before. Chained Comparisons Problem It would be nice to allow objects for which the comparison returns something other than -1, 0, or 1 to be used in chained comparisons, such as: x < y < z Currently, this is interpreted by Python as: temp1 = x < y if temp1: return y < z else: return temp1 Note that this requires testing the truth value of the result of comparisons, with potential “shortcutting” of the right-side comparison testings. In other words, the truth-value of the result of the result of the comparison determines the result of a chained operation. This is problematic in the case of arrays, since if x, y and z are three arrays, then the user expects: x < y < z to be an array of 0’s and 1’s where 1’s are in the locations corresponding to the elements of y which are between the corresponding elements in x and z. In other words, the right-hand side must be evaluated regardless of the result of x < y, which is incompatible with the mechanism currently in use by the parser. Solution Guido mentioned that one possible way out would be to change the code generated by chained comparisons to allow arrays to be chained-compared intelligently. What follows is a mixture of his idea and my suggestions. The code generated for x < y < z would be equivalent to: temp1 = x < y if temp1: temp2 = y < z return boolean_combine(temp1, temp2) else: return temp1 where boolean_combine is a new function which does something like the following: def boolean_combine(a, b): if hasattr(a, '__boolean_and__') or \ hasattr(b, '__boolean_and__'): try: return a.__boolean_and__(b) except: return b.__boolean_and__(a) else: # standard behavior if a: return b else: return 0 where the __boolean_and__ special method is implemented for C-level types by another value of the third argument to the richcmp function. This method would perform a boolean comparison of the arrays (currently implemented in the umath module as the logical_and ufunc). Thus, objects returned by rich comparisons should always test true, but should define another special method which creates boolean combinations of them and their argument. This solution has the advantage of allowing chained comparisons to work for arrays, but the disadvantage that it requires comparison arrays to always return true (in an ideal world, I’d have them always raise an exception on truth testing, since the meaning of testing “if a>b:” is massively ambiguous. The inlining already present which deals with integer comparisons would still apply, resulting in no performance cost for the most common cases.
PEP 207 – Rich Comparisons
Standards Track
This PEP proposes several new features for comparisons:
PEP 208 – Reworking the Coercion Model Author: Neil Schemenauer <nas at arctrix.com>, Marc-André Lemburg <mal at lemburg.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Dec-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Reference Implementation Credits Copyright References Abstract Many Python types implement numeric operations. When the arguments of a numeric operation are of different types, the interpreter tries to coerce the arguments into a common type. The numeric operation is then performed using this common type. This PEP proposes a new type flag to indicate that arguments to a type’s numeric operations should not be coerced. Operations that do not support the supplied types indicate it by returning a new singleton object. Types which do not set the type flag are handled in a backwards compatible manner. Allowing operations handle different types is often simpler, more flexible, and faster than having the interpreter do coercion. Rationale When implementing numeric or other related operations, it is often desirable to provide not only operations between operands of one type only, e.g. integer + integer, but to generalize the idea behind the operation to other type combinations as well, e.g. integer + float. A common approach to this mixed type situation is to provide a method of “lifting” the operands to a common type (coercion) and then use that type’s operand method as execution mechanism. Yet, this strategy has a few drawbacks: the “lifting” process creates at least one new (temporary) operand object, since the coercion method is not being told about the operation that is to follow, it is not possible to implement operation specific coercion of types, there is no elegant way to solve situations were a common type is not at hand, and the coercion method will always have to be called prior to the operation’s method itself. A fix for this situation is obviously needed, since these drawbacks make implementations of types needing these features very cumbersome, if not impossible. As an example, have a look at the DateTime and DateTimeDelta [1] types, the first being absolute, the second relative. You can always add a relative value to an absolute one, giving a new absolute value. Yet, there is no common type which the existing coercion mechanism could use to implement that operation. Currently, PyInstance types are treated specially by the interpreter in that their numeric methods are passed arguments of different types. Removing this special case simplifies the interpreter and allows other types to implement numeric methods that behave like instance types. This is especially useful for extension types like ExtensionClass. Specification Instead of using a central coercion method, the process of handling different operand types is simply left to the operation. If the operation finds that it cannot handle the given operand type combination, it may return a special singleton as indicator. Note that “numbers” (anything that implements the number protocol, or part of it) written in Python already use the first part of this strategy - it is the C level API that we focus on here. To maintain nearly 100% backward compatibility we have to be very careful to make numbers that don’t know anything about the new strategy (old style numbers) work just as well as those that expect the new scheme (new style numbers). Furthermore, binary compatibility is a must, meaning that the interpreter may only access and use new style operations if the number indicates the availability of these. A new style number is considered by the interpreter as such if and only if it sets the type flag Py_TPFLAGS_CHECKTYPES. The main difference between an old style number and a new style one is that the numeric slot functions can no longer assume to be passed arguments of identical type. New style slots must check all arguments for proper type and implement the necessary conversions themselves. This may seem to cause more work on the behalf of the type implementor, but is in fact no more difficult than writing the same kind of routines for an old style coercion slot. If a new style slot finds that it cannot handle the passed argument type combination, it may return a new reference of the special singleton Py_NotImplemented to the caller. This will cause the caller to try the other operands operation slots until it finds a slot that does implement the operation for the specific type combination. If none of the possible slots succeed, it raises a TypeError. To make the implementation easy to understand (the whole topic is esoteric enough), a new layer in the handling of numeric operations is introduced. This layer takes care of all the different cases that need to be taken into account when dealing with all the possible combinations of old and new style numbers. It is implemented by the two static functions binary_op() and ternary_op(), which are both internal functions that only the functions in Objects/abstract.c have access to. The numeric API (PyNumber_*) is easy to adapt to this new layer. As a side-effect all numeric slots can be NULL-checked (this has to be done anyway, so the added feature comes at no extra cost). The scheme used by the layer to execute a binary operation is as follows: v w Action taken new new v.op(v,w), w.op(v,w) new old v.op(v,w), coerce(v,w), v.op(v,w) old new w.op(v,w), coerce(v,w), v.op(v,w) old old coerce(v,w), v.op(v,w) The indicated action sequence is executed from left to right until either the operation succeeds and a valid result (!= Py_NotImplemented) is returned or an exception is raised. Exceptions are returned to the calling function as-is. If a slot returns Py_NotImplemented, the next item in the sequence is executed. Note that coerce(v,w) will use the old style nb_coerce slot methods via a call to PyNumber_Coerce(). Ternary operations have a few more cases to handle: v w z Action taken new new new v.op(v,w,z), w.op(v,w,z), z.op(v,w,z) new old new v.op(v,w,z), z.op(v,w,z), coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) old new new w.op(v,w,z), z.op(v,w,z), coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) old old new z.op(v,w,z), coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) new new old v.op(v,w,z), w.op(v,w,z), coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) new old old v.op(v,w,z), coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) old new old w.op(v,w,z), coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) old old old coerce(v,w,z), v.op(v,w,z) The same notes as above, except that coerce(v,w,z) actually does: if z != Py_None: coerce(v,w), coerce(v,z), coerce(w,z) else: # treat z as absent variable coerce(v,w) The current implementation uses this scheme already (there’s only one ternary slot: nb_pow(a,b,c)). Note that the numeric protocol is also used for some other related tasks, e.g. sequence concatenation. These can also benefit from the new mechanism by implementing right-hand operations for type combinations that would otherwise fail to work. As an example, take string concatenation: currently you can only do string + string. With the new mechanism, a new string-like type could implement new_type + string and string + new_type, even though strings don’t know anything about new_type. Since comparisons also rely on coercion (every time you compare an integer to a float, the integer is first converted to float and then compared…), a new slot to handle numeric comparisons is needed: PyObject *nb_cmp(PyObject *v, PyObject *w) This slot should compare the two objects and return an integer object stating the result. Currently, this result integer may only be -1, 0, 1. If the slot cannot handle the type combination, it may return a reference to Py_NotImplemented. [XXX Note that this slot is still in flux since it should take into account rich comparisons (i.e. PEP 207).] Numeric comparisons are handled by a new numeric protocol API: PyObject *PyNumber_Compare(PyObject *v, PyObject *w) This function compare the two objects as “numbers” and return an integer object stating the result. Currently, this result integer may only be -1, 0, 1. In case the operation cannot be handled by the given objects, a TypeError is raised. The PyObject_Compare() API needs to adjusted accordingly to make use of this new API. Other changes include adapting some of the built-in functions (e.g. cmp()) to use this API as well. Also, PyNumber_CoerceEx() will need to check for new style numbers before calling the nb_coerce slot. New style numbers don’t provide a coercion slot and thus cannot be explicitly coerced. Reference Implementation A preliminary patch for the CVS version of Python is available through the Source Forge patch manager [2]. Credits This PEP and the patch are heavily based on work done by Marc-André Lemburg [3]. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. References [1] http://www.lemburg.com/files/python/mxDateTime.html [2] http://sourceforge.net/patch/?func=detailpatch&patch_id=102652&group_id=5470 [3] http://www.lemburg.com/files/python/CoercionProposal.html
PEP 208 – Reworking the Coercion Model
Standards Track
Many Python types implement numeric operations. When the arguments of a numeric operation are of different types, the interpreter tries to coerce the arguments into a common type. The numeric operation is then performed using this common type. This PEP proposes a new type flag to indicate that arguments to a type’s numeric operations should not be coerced. Operations that do not support the supplied types indicate it by returning a new singleton object. Types which do not set the type flag are handled in a backwards compatible manner. Allowing operations handle different types is often simpler, more flexible, and faster than having the interpreter do coercion.
PEP 209 – Multi-dimensional Arrays Author: Paul Barrett <barrett at stsci.edu>, Travis Oliphant <oliphant at ee.byu.edu> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 03-Jan-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Proposal Design and Implementation Open Issues Implementation Steps Incompatibilities Appendices Copyright Related PEPs References Abstract This PEP proposes a redesign and re-implementation of the multi-dimensional array module, Numeric, to make it easier to add new features and functionality to the module. Aspects of Numeric 2 that will receive special attention are efficient access to arrays exceeding a gigabyte in size and composed of inhomogeneous data structures or records. The proposed design uses four Python classes: ArrayType, UFunc, Array, and ArrayView; and a low-level C-extension module, _ufunc, to handle the array operations efficiently. In addition, each array type has its own C-extension module which defines the coercion rules, operations, and methods for that type. This design enables new types, features, and functionality to be added in a modular fashion. The new version will introduce some incompatibilities with the current Numeric. Motivation Multi-dimensional arrays are commonly used to store and manipulate data in science, engineering, and computing. Python currently has an extension module, named Numeric (henceforth called Numeric 1), which provides a satisfactory set of functionality for users manipulating homogeneous arrays of data of moderate size (of order 10 MB). For access to larger arrays (of order 100 MB or more) of possibly inhomogeneous data, the implementation of Numeric 1 is inefficient and cumbersome. In the future, requests by the Numerical Python community for additional functionality is also likely as PEPs 211: Adding New Linear Operators to Python, and 225: Elementwise/Objectwise Operators illustrate. Proposal This proposal recommends a re-design and re-implementation of Numeric 1, henceforth called Numeric 2, which will enable new types, features, and functionality to be added in an easy and modular manner. The initial design of Numeric 2 should focus on providing a generic framework for manipulating arrays of various types and should enable a straightforward mechanism for adding new array types and UFuncs. Functional methods that are more specific to various disciplines can then be layered on top of this core. This new module will still be called Numeric and most of the behavior found in Numeric 1 will be preserved. The proposed design uses four Python classes: ArrayType, UFunc, Array, and ArrayView; and a low-level C-extension module to handle the array operations efficiently. In addition, each array type has its own C-extension module which defines the coercion rules, operations, and methods for that type. At a later date, when core functionality is stable, some Python classes can be converted to C-extension types. Some planned features are: Improved memory usageThis feature is particularly important when handling large arrays and can produce significant improvements in performance as well as memory usage. We have identified several areas where memory usage can be improved: Use a local coercion modelInstead of using Python’s global coercion model which creates temporary arrays, Numeric 2, like Numeric 1, will implement a local coercion model as described in PEP 208 which defers the responsibility of coercion to the operator. By using internal buffers, a coercion operation can be done for each array (including output arrays), if necessary, at the time of the operation. Benchmarks [1] have shown that performance is at most degraded only slightly and is improved in cases where the internal buffers are less than the L2 cache size and the processor is under load. To avoid array coercion altogether, C functions having arguments of mixed type are allowed in Numeric 2. Avoid creation of temporary arraysIn complex array expressions (i.e. having more than one operation), each operation will create a temporary array which will be used and then deleted by the succeeding operation. A better approach would be to identify these temporary arrays and reuse their data buffers when possible, namely when the array shape and type are the same as the temporary array being created. This can be done by checking the temporary array’s reference count. If it is 1, then it will be deleted once the operation is done and is a candidate for reuse. Optional use of memory-mapped filesNumeric users sometimes need to access data from very large files or to handle data that is greater than the available memory. Memory-mapped arrays provide a mechanism to do this by storing the data on disk while making it appear to be in memory. Memory- mapped arrays should improve access to all files by eliminating one of two copy steps during a file access. Numeric should be able to access in-memory and memory-mapped arrays transparently. Record accessIn some fields of science, data is stored in files as binary records. For example, in astronomy, photon data is stored as a 1 dimensional list of photons in order of arrival time. These records or C-like structures contain information about the detected photon, such as its arrival time, its position on the detector, and its energy. Each field may be of a different type, such as char, int, or float. Such arrays introduce new issues that must be dealt with, in particular byte alignment or byte swapping may need to be performed for the numeric values to be properly accessed (though byte swapping is also an issue for memory mapped data). Numeric 2 is designed to automatically handle alignment and representational issues when data is accessed or operated on. There are two approaches to implementing records; as either a derived array class or a special array type, depending on your point-of-view. We defer this discussion to the Open Issues section. Additional array typesNumeric 1 has 11 defined types: char, ubyte, sbyte, short, int, long, float, double, cfloat, cdouble, and object. There are no ushort, uint, or ulong types, nor are there more complex types such as a bit type which is of use to some fields of science and possibly for implementing masked-arrays. The design of Numeric 1 makes the addition of these and other types a difficult and error-prone process. To enable the easy addition (and deletion) of new array types such as a bit type described below, a re-design of Numeric is necessary. Bit typeThe result of a rich comparison between arrays is an array of boolean values. The result can be stored in an array of type char, but this is an unnecessary waste of memory. A better implementation would use a bit or boolean type, compressing the array size by a factor of eight. This is currently being implemented for Numeric 1 (by Travis Oliphant) and should be included in Numeric 2. Enhanced array indexing syntaxThe extended slicing syntax was added to Python to provide greater flexibility when manipulating Numeric arrays by allowing step-sizes greater than 1. This syntax works well as a shorthand for a list of regularly spaced indices. For those situations where a list of irregularly spaced indices are needed, an enhanced array indexing syntax would allow 1-D arrays to be arguments. Rich comparisonsThe implementation of PEP 207: Rich Comparisons in Python 2.1 provides additional flexibility when manipulating arrays. We intend to implement this feature in Numeric 2. Array broadcasting rulesWhen an operation between a scalar and an array is done, the implied behavior is to create a new array having the same shape as the array operand containing the scalar value. This is called array broadcasting. It also works with arrays of lesser rank, such as vectors. This implicit behavior is implemented in Numeric 1 and will also be implemented in Numeric 2. Design and Implementation The design of Numeric 2 has four primary classes: ArrayType:This is a simple class that describes the fundamental properties of an array-type, e.g. its name, its size in bytes, its coercion relations with respect to other types, etc., e.g. Int32 = ArrayType('Int32', 4, 'doc-string') Its relation to the other types is defined when the C-extension module for that type is imported. The corresponding Python code is: Int32.astype[Real64] = Real64 This says that the Real64 array-type has higher priority than the Int32 array-type. The following attributes and methods are proposed for the core implementation. Additional attributes can be added on an individual basis, e.g. .bitsize or .bitstrides for the bit type. Attributes: .name: e.g. "Int32", "Float64", etc. .typecode: e.g. 'i', 'f', etc. (for backward compatibility) .size (in bytes): e.g. 4, 8, etc. .array_rules (mapping): rules between array types .pyobj_rules (mapping): rules between array and python types .doc: documentation string Methods: __init__(): initialization __del__(): destruction __repr__(): representation C-API: This still needs to be fleshed-out. UFunc:This class is the heart of Numeric 2. Its design is similar to that of ArrayType in that the UFunc creates a singleton callable object whose attributes are name, total and input number of arguments, a document string, and an empty CFunc dictionary; e.g. add = UFunc('add', 3, 2, 'doc-string') When defined the add instance has no C functions associated with it and therefore can do no work. The CFunc dictionary is populated or registered later when the C-extension module for an array-type is imported. The arguments of the register method are: function name, function descriptor, and the CUFunc object. The corresponding Python code is add.register('add', (Int32, Int32, Int32), cfunc-add) In the initialization function of an array type module, e.g. Int32, there are two C API functions: one to initialize the coercion rules and the other to register the CFunc objects. When an operation is applied to some arrays, the __call__ method is invoked. It gets the type of each array (if the output array is not given, it is created from the coercion rules) and checks the CFunc dictionary for a key that matches the argument types. If it exists the operation is performed immediately, otherwise the coercion rules are used to search for a related operation and set of conversion functions. The __call__ method then invokes a compute method written in C to iterate over slices of each array, namely: _ufunc.compute(slice, data, func, swap, conv) The ‘func’ argument is a CFuncObject, while the ‘swap’ and ‘conv’ arguments are lists of CFuncObjects for those arrays needing pre- or post-processing, otherwise None is used. The data argument is a list of buffer objects, and the slice argument gives the number of iterations for each dimension along with the buffer offset and step size for each array and each dimension. We have predefined several UFuncs for use by the __call__ method: cast, swap, getobj, and setobj. The cast and swap functions do coercion and byte-swapping, respectively and the getobj and setobj functions do coercion between Numeric arrays and Python sequences. The following attributes and methods are proposed for the core implementation. Attributes: .name: e.g. "add", "subtract", etc. .nargs: number of total arguments .iargs: number of input arguments .cfuncs (mapping): the set C functions .doc: documentation string Methods: __init__(): initialization __del__(): destruction __repr__(): representation __call__(): look-up and dispatch method initrule(): initialize coercion rule uninitrule(): uninitialize coercion rule register(): register a CUFunc unregister(): unregister a CUFunc C-API: This still needs to be fleshed-out. Array:This class contains information about the array, such as shape, type, endian-ness of the data, etc.. Its operators, ‘+’, ‘-‘, etc. just invoke the corresponding UFunc function, e.g. def __add__(self, other): return ufunc.add(self, other) The following attributes, methods, and functions are proposed for the core implementation. Attributes: .shape: shape of the array .format: type of the array .real (only complex): real part of a complex array .imag (only complex): imaginary part of a complex array Methods: __init__(): initialization __del__(): destruction __repr_(): representation __str__(): pretty representation __cmp__(): rich comparison __len__(): __getitem__(): __setitem__(): __getslice__(): __setslice__(): numeric methods: copy(): copy of array aslist(): create list from array asstring(): create string from array Functions: fromlist(): create array from sequence fromstring(): create array from string array(): create array with shape and value concat(): concatenate two arrays resize(): resize array C-API: This still needs to be fleshed-out. ArrayViewThis class is similar to the Array class except that the reshape and flat methods will raise exceptions, since non-contiguous arrays cannot be reshaped or flattened using just pointer and step-size information. C-API: This still needs to be fleshed-out. C-extension modules:Numeric2 will have several C-extension modules. _ufunc:The primary module of this set is the _ufuncmodule.c. The intention of this module is to do the bare minimum, i.e. iterate over arrays using a specified C function. The interface of these functions is the same as Numeric 1, i.e. int (*CFunc)(char *data, int *steps, int repeat, void *func); and their functionality is expected to be the same, i.e. they iterate over the inner-most dimension. The following attributes and methods are proposed for the core implementation. Attributes: Methods: compute(): C-API: This still needs to be fleshed-out. _int32, _real64, etc.:There will also be C-extension modules for each array type, e.g. _int32module.c, _real64module.c, etc. As mentioned previously, when these modules are imported by the UFunc module, they will automatically register their functions and coercion rules. New or improved versions of these modules can be easily implemented and used without affecting the rest of Numeric 2. Open Issues Does slicing syntax default to copy or view behavior?The default behavior of Python is to return a copy of a sub-list or tuple when slicing syntax is used, whereas Numeric 1 returns a view into the array. The choice made for Numeric 1 is apparently for reasons of performance: the developers wish to avoid the penalty of allocating and copying the data buffer during each array operation and feel that the need for a deep copy of an array to be rare. Yet, some have argued that Numeric’s slice notation should also have copy behavior to be consistent with Python lists. In this case the performance penalty associated with copy behavior can be minimized by implementing copy-on-write. This scheme has both arrays sharing one data buffer (as in view behavior) until either array is assigned new data at which point a copy of the data buffer is made. View behavior would then be implemented by an ArrayView class, whose behavior be similar to Numeric 1 arrays, i.e. .shape is not settable for non-contiguous arrays. The use of an ArrayView class also makes explicit what type of data the array contains. Does item syntax default to copy or view behavior?A similar question arises with the item syntax. For example, if a = [[0,1,2], [3,4,5]] and b = a[0], then changing b[0] also changes a[0][0], because a[0] is a reference or view of the first row of a. Therefore, if c is a 2-d array, it would appear that c[i] should return a 1-d array which is a view into, instead of a copy of, c for consistency. Yet, c[i] can be considered just a shorthand for c[i,:] which would imply copy behavior assuming slicing syntax returns a copy. Should Numeric 2 behave the same way as lists and return a view or should it return a copy. How is scalar coercion implemented?Python has fewer numeric types than Numeric which can cause coercion problems. For example, when multiplying a Python scalar of type float and a Numeric array of type float, the Numeric array is converted to a double, since the Python float type is actually a double. This is often not the desired behavior, since the Numeric array will be doubled in size which is likely to be annoying, particularly for very large arrays. We prefer that the array type trumps the python type for the same type class, namely integer, float, and complex. Therefore, an operation between a Python integer and an Int16 (short) array will return an Int16 array. Whereas an operation between a Python float and an Int16 array would return a Float64 (double) array. Operations between two arrays use normal coercion rules. How is integer division handled?In a future version of Python, the behavior of integer division will change. The operands will be converted to floats, so the result will be a float. If we implement the proposed scalar coercion rules where arrays have precedence over Python scalars, then dividing an array by an integer will return an integer array and will not be consistent with a future version of Python which would return an array of type double. Scientific programmers are familiar with the distinction between integer and float-point division, so should Numeric 2 continue with this behavior? How should records be implemented?There are two approaches to implementing records depending on your point-of-view. The first is two divide arrays into separate classes depending on the behavior of their types. For example, numeric arrays are one class, strings a second, and records a third, because the range and type of operations of each class differ. As such, a record array is not a new type, but a mechanism for a more flexible form of array. To easily access and manipulate such complex data, the class is comprised of numeric arrays having different byte offsets into the data buffer. For example, one might have a table consisting of an array of Int16, Real32 values. Two numeric arrays, one with an offset of 0 bytes and a stride of 6 bytes to be interpreted as Int16, and one with an offset of 2 bytes and a stride of 6 bytes to be interpreted as Real32 would represent the record array. Both numeric arrays would refer to the same data buffer, but have different offset and stride attributes, and a different numeric type. The second approach is to consider a record as one of many array types, albeit with fewer, and possibly different, array operations than for numeric arrays. This approach considers an array type to be a mapping of a fixed-length string. The mapping can either be simple, like integer and floating-point numbers, or complex, like a complex number, a byte string, and a C-structure. The record type effectively merges the struct and Numeric modules into a multi-dimensional struct array. This approach implies certain changes to the array interface. For example, the ‘typecode’ keyword argument should probably be changed to the more descriptive ‘format’ keyword. How are record semantics defined and implemented?Which ever implementation approach is taken for records, the syntax and semantics of how they are to be accessed and manipulated must be decided, if one wishes to have access to sub-fields of records. In this case, the record type can essentially be considered an inhomogeneous list, like a tuple returned by the unpack method of the struct module; and a 1-d array of records may be interpreted as a 2-d array with the second dimension being the index into the list of fields. This enhanced array semantics makes access to an array of one or more of the fields easy and straightforward. It also allows a user to do array operations on a field in a natural and intuitive way. If we assume that records are implemented as an array type, then last dimension defaults to 0 and can therefore be neglected for arrays comprised of simple types, like numeric. How are masked-arrays implemented?Masked-arrays in Numeric 1 are implemented as a separate array class. With the ability to add new array types to Numeric 2, it is possible that masked-arrays in Numeric 2 could be implemented as a new array type instead of an array class. How are numerical errors handled (IEEE floating-point errors in particular)?It is not clear to the proposers (Paul Barrett and Travis Oliphant) what is the best or preferred way of handling errors. Since most of the C functions that do the operation, iterate over the inner-most (last) dimension of the array. This dimension could contain a thousand or more items having one or more errors of differing type, such as divide-by-zero, underflow, and overflow. Additionally, keeping track of these errors may come at the expense of performance. Therefore, we suggest several options: Print a message of the most severe error, leaving it to the user to locate the errors. Print a message of all errors that occurred and the number of occurrences, leaving it to the user to locate the errors. Print a message of all errors that occurred and a list of where they occurred. Or use a hybrid approach, printing only the most severe error, yet keeping track of what and where the errors occurred. This would allow the user to locate the errors while keeping the error message brief. What features are needed to ease the integration of FORTRAN libraries and code? It would be a good idea at this stage to consider how to ease the integration of FORTRAN libraries and user code in Numeric 2. Implementation Steps Implement basic UFunc capability Minimal Array class:Necessary class attributes and methods, e.g. .shape, .data, .type, etc. Minimal ArrayType class:Int32, Real64, Complex64, Char, Object Minimal UFunc class:UFunc instantiation, CFunction registration, UFunc call for 1-D arrays including the rules for doing alignment, byte-swapping, and coercion. Minimal C-extension module:_UFunc, which does the innermost array loop in C. This step implements whatever is needed to do: ‘c = add(a, b)’ where a, b, and c are 1-D arrays. It teaches us how to add new UFuncs, to coerce the arrays, to pass the necessary information to a C iterator method and to do the actually computation. Continue enhancing the UFunc iterator and Array class Implement some access methods for the Array class: print, repr, getitem, setitem, etc. Implement multidimensional arrays Implement some of basic Array methods using UFuncs: +, -, *, /, etc. Enable UFuncs to use Python sequences. Complete the standard UFunc and Array class behavior Implement getslice and setslice behavior Work on Array broadcasting rules Implement Record type Add additional functionality Add more UFuncs Implement buffer or mmap access Incompatibilities The following is a list of incompatibilities in behavior between Numeric 1 and Numeric 2. Scalar coercion rulesNumeric 1 has single set of coercion rules for array and Python numeric types. This can cause unexpected and annoying problems during the calculation of an array expression. Numeric 2 intends to overcome these problems by having two sets of coercion rules: one for arrays and Python numeric types, and another just for arrays. No savespace attributeThe savespace attribute in Numeric 1 makes arrays with this attribute set take precedence over those that do not have it set. Numeric 2 will not have such an attribute and therefore normal array coercion rules will be in effect. Slicing syntax returns a copyThe slicing syntax in Numeric 1 returns a view into the original array. The slicing behavior for Numeric 2 will be a copy. You should use the ArrayView class to get a view into an array. Boolean comparisons return a boolean arrayA comparison between arrays in Numeric 1 results in a Boolean scalar, because of current limitations in Python. The advent of Rich Comparisons in Python 2.1 will allow an array of Booleans to be returned. Type characters are deprecatedNumeric 2 will have an ArrayType class composed of Type instances, for example Int8, Int16, Int32, and Int for signed integers. The typecode scheme in Numeric 1 will be available for backward compatibility, but will be deprecated. Appendices Implicit sub-arrays iterationA computer animation is composed of a number of 2-D images or frames of identical shape. By stacking these images into a single block of memory, a 3-D array is created. Yet the operations to be performed are not meant for the entire 3-D array, but on the set of 2-D sub-arrays. In most array languages, each frame has to be extracted, operated on, and then reinserted into the output array using a for-like loop. The J language allows the programmer to perform such operations implicitly by having a rank for the frame and array. By default these ranks will be the same during the creation of the array. It was the intention of the Numeric 1 developers to implement this feature, since it is based on the language J. The Numeric 1 code has the required variables for implementing this behavior, but was never implemented. We intend to implement implicit sub-array iteration in Numeric 2, if the array broadcasting rules found in Numeric 1 do not fully support this behavior. Copyright This document is placed in the public domain. Related PEPs PEP 207: Rich Comparisons by Guido van Rossum and David Ascher PEP 208: Reworking the Coercion Model by Neil Schemenauer and Marc-Andre’ Lemburg PEP 211: Adding New Linear Algebra Operators to Python by Greg Wilson PEP 225: Elementwise/Objectwise Operators by Huaiyu Zhu PEP 228: Reworking Python’s Numeric Model by Moshe Zadka References [1] Greenfield 2000. private communication.
PEP 209 – Multi-dimensional Arrays
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a redesign and re-implementation of the multi-dimensional array module, Numeric, to make it easier to add new features and functionality to the module. Aspects of Numeric 2 that will receive special attention are efficient access to arrays exceeding a gigabyte in size and composed of inhomogeneous data structures or records. The proposed design uses four Python classes: ArrayType, UFunc, Array, and ArrayView; and a low-level C-extension module, _ufunc, to handle the array operations efficiently. In addition, each array type has its own C-extension module which defines the coercion rules, operations, and methods for that type. This design enables new types, features, and functionality to be added in a modular fashion. The new version will introduce some incompatibilities with the current Numeric.
PEP 215 – String Interpolation Author: Ka-Ping Yee <ping at zesty.ca> Status: Superseded Type: Standards Track Created: 24-Jul-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Superseded-By: 292 Table of Contents Abstract Copyright Specification Examples Discussion Security Issues Implementation References Abstract This document proposes a string interpolation feature for Python to allow easier string formatting. The suggested syntax change is the introduction of a ‘$’ prefix that triggers the special interpretation of the ‘$’ character within a string, in a manner reminiscent to the variable interpolation found in Unix shells, awk, Perl, or Tcl. Copyright This document is in the public domain. Specification Strings may be preceded with a ‘$’ prefix that comes before the leading single or double quotation mark (or triplet) and before any of the other string prefixes (‘r’ or ‘u’). Such a string is processed for interpolation after the normal interpretation of backslash-escapes in its contents. The processing occurs just before the string is pushed onto the value stack, each time the string is pushed. In short, Python behaves exactly as if ‘$’ were a unary operator applied to the string. The operation performed is as follows: The string is scanned from start to end for the ‘$’ character (\x24 in 8-bit strings or \u0024 in Unicode strings). If there are no ‘$’ characters present, the string is returned unchanged. Any ‘$’ found in the string, followed by one of the two kinds of expressions described below, is replaced with the value of the expression as evaluated in the current namespaces. The value is converted with str() if the containing string is an 8-bit string, or with unicode() if it is a Unicode string. A Python identifier optionally followed by any number of trailers, where a trailer consists of: - a dot and an identifier, - an expression enclosed in square brackets, or - an argument list enclosed in parentheses (This is exactly the pattern expressed in the Python grammar by “NAME trailer*”, using the definitions in Grammar/Grammar.) Any complete Python expression enclosed in curly braces. Two dollar-signs (“$$”) are replaced with a single “$”. Examples Here is an example of an interactive session exhibiting the expected behaviour of this feature. >>> a, b = 5, 6 >>> print $'a = $a, b = $b' a = 5, b = 6 >>> $u'uni${a}ode' u'uni5ode' >>> print $'\$a' 5 >>> print $r'\$a' \5 >>> print $'$$$a.$b' $5.6 >>> print $'a + b = ${a + b}' a + b = 11 >>> import sys >>> print $'References to $a: $sys.getrefcount(a)' References to 5: 15 >>> print $"sys = $sys, sys = $sys.modules['sys']" sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>, sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)> >>> print $'BDFL = $sys.copyright.split()[4].upper()' BDFL = GUIDO Discussion ‘$’ is chosen as the interpolation character within the string for the sake of familiarity, since it is already used for this purpose in many other languages and contexts. It is then natural to choose ‘$’ as a prefix, since it is a mnemonic for the interpolation character. Trailers are permitted to give this interpolation mechanism even more power than the interpolation available in most other languages, while the expression to be interpolated remains clearly visible and free of curly braces. ‘$’ works like an operator and could be implemented as an operator, but that prevents the compile-time optimization and presents security issues. So, it is only allowed as a string prefix. Security Issues “$” has the power to eval, but only to eval a literal. As described here (a string prefix rather than an operator), it introduces no new security issues since the expressions to be evaluated must be literally present in the code. Implementation The Itpl module at [1] provides a prototype of this feature. It uses the tokenize module to find the end of an expression to be interpolated, then calls eval() on the expression each time a value is needed. In the prototype, the expression is parsed and compiled again each time it is evaluated. As an optimization, interpolated strings could be compiled directly into the corresponding bytecode; that is, $'a = $a, b = $b' could be compiled as though it were the expression ('a = ' + str(a) + ', b = ' + str(b)) so that it only needs to be compiled once. References [1] http://www.lfw.org/python/Itpl.py
PEP 215 – String Interpolation
Standards Track
This document proposes a string interpolation feature for Python to allow easier string formatting. The suggested syntax change is the introduction of a ‘$’ prefix that triggers the special interpretation of the ‘$’ character within a string, in a manner reminiscent to the variable interpolation found in Unix shells, awk, Perl, or Tcl.
PEP 216 – Docstring Format Author: Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Created: 31-Jul-2000 Post-History: Superseded-By: 287 Table of Contents Notice Abstract Perl Documentation Java Documentation Python Docstring Goals High Level Solutions Docstring Format Goals Docstring Contents Docstring Basic Structure Unresolved Issues Rejected Suggestions Notice This PEP is rejected by the author. It has been superseded by PEP 287. Abstract Named Python objects, such as modules, classes and functions, have a string attribute called __doc__. If the first expression inside the definition is a literal string, that string is assigned to the __doc__ attribute. The __doc__ attribute is called a documentation string, or docstring. It is often used to summarize the interface of the module, class or function. However, since there is no common format for documentation string, tools for extracting docstrings and transforming those into documentation in a standard format (e.g., DocBook) have not sprang up in abundance, and those that do exist are for the most part unmaintained and unused. Perl Documentation In Perl, most modules are documented in a format called POD – Plain Old Documentation. This is an easy-to-type, very low level format which integrates well with the Perl parser. Many tools exist to turn POD documentation into other formats: info, HTML and man pages, among others. However, in Perl, the information is not available at run-time. Java Documentation In Java, special comments before classes and functions function to document the code. A program to extract these, and turn them into HTML documentation is called javadoc, and is part of the standard Java distribution. However, the only output format that is supported is HTML, and JavaDoc has a very intimate relationship with HTML. Python Docstring Goals Python documentation string are easy to spot during parsing, and are also available to the runtime interpreter. This double purpose is a bit problematic, sometimes: for example, some are reluctant to have too long docstrings, because they do not want to take much space in the runtime. In addition, because of the current lack of tools, people read objects’ docstrings by “print”ing them, so a tendency to make them brief and free of markups has sprung up. This tendency hinders writing better documentation-extraction tools, since it causes docstrings to contain little information, which is hard to parse. High Level Solutions To counter the objection that the strings take up place in the running program, it is suggested that documentation extraction tools will concatenate a maximum prefix of string literals which appear in the beginning of a definition. The first of these will also be available in the interactive interpreter, so it should contain a few summary lines. Docstring Format Goals These are the goals for the docstring format, as discussed ad nauseam in the doc-sig. It must be easy to type with any standard text editor. It must be readable to the casual observer. It must not contain information which can be deduced from parsing the module. It must contain sufficient information so it can be converted to any reasonable markup format. It must be possible to write a module’s entire documentation in docstrings, without feeling hampered by the markup language. Docstring Contents For requirement 5. above, it is needed to specify what must be in docstrings. At least the following must be available: A tag that means “this is a Python something, guess what”Example: In the sentence “The POP3 class”, we need to markup “POP3” so. The parser will be able to guess it is a class from the contents of the poplib module, but we need to make it guess. Tags that mean “this is a Python class/module/class var/instance var…”Example: The usual Python idiom for singleton class A is to have _A as the class, and A a function which returns _A objects. It’s usual to document the class, nonetheless, as being A. This requires the strength to say “The class A” and have A hyperlinked and marked-up as a class. An easy way to include Python source code/Python interactive sessions Emphasis/bold List/tables Docstring Basic Structure The documentation strings will be in StructuredTextNG (http://www.zope.org/Members/jim/StructuredTextWiki/StructuredTextNG) Since StructuredText is not yet strong enough to handle (a) and (b) above, we will need to extend it. I suggest using [<optional description>:python identifier]. E.g.: [class:POP3], [:POP3.list], etc. If the description is missing, a guess will be made from the text. Unresolved Issues Is there a way to escape characters in ST? If so, how? (example: * at the beginning of a line without being bullet symbol) Is my suggestion above for Python symbols compatible with ST-NG? How hard would it be to extend ST-NG to support it? How do we describe input and output types of functions? What additional constraint do we enforce on each docstring? (module/class/function)? What are the guesser rules? Rejected Suggestions XML – it’s very hard to type, and too cluttered to read it comfortably.
PEP 216 – Docstring Format
Named Python objects, such as modules, classes and functions, have a string attribute called __doc__. If the first expression inside the definition is a literal string, that string is assigned to the __doc__ attribute.
PEP 217 – Display Hook for Interactive Use Author: Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 31-Jul-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Interface Solution Jython Issues Abstract Python’s interactive mode is one of the implementation’s great strengths – being able to write expressions on the command line and get back a meaningful output. However, the output function cannot be all things to all people, and the current output function too often falls short of this goal. This PEP describes a way to provides alternatives to the built-in display function in Python, so users will have control over the output from the interactive interpreter. Interface The current Python solution has worked for many users, and this should not break it. Therefore, in the default configuration, nothing will change in the REPL loop. To change the way the interpreter prints interactively entered expressions, users will have to rebind sys.displayhook to a callable object. The result of calling this object with the result of the interactively entered expression should be print-able, and this is what will be printed on sys.stdout. Solution The bytecode PRINT_EXPR will call sys.displayhook(POP()). A displayhook() will be added to the sys builtin module, which is equivalent to: import __builtin__ def displayhook(o): if o is None: return __builtin__._ = None print `o` __builtin__._ = o Jython Issues The method Py.printResult will be similarly changed.
PEP 217 – Display Hook for Interactive Use
Standards Track
Python’s interactive mode is one of the implementation’s great strengths – being able to write expressions on the command line and get back a meaningful output. However, the output function cannot be all things to all people, and the current output function too often falls short of this goal. This PEP describes a way to provides alternatives to the built-in display function in Python, so users will have control over the output from the interactive interpreter.
PEP 220 – Coroutines, Generators, Continuations Author: Gordon McMillan <gmcm at hypernet.com> Status: Rejected Type: Informational Created: 14-Aug-2000 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Abstract Demonstrates why the changes described in the stackless PEP are desirable. A low-level continuations module exists. With it, coroutines and generators and “green” threads can be written. A higher level module that makes coroutines and generators easy to create is desirable (and being worked on). The focus of this PEP is on showing how coroutines, generators, and green threads can simplify common programming problems.
PEP 220 – Coroutines, Generators, Continuations
Demonstrates why the changes described in the stackless PEP are desirable. A low-level continuations module exists. With it, coroutines and generators and “green” threads can be written. A higher level module that makes coroutines and generators easy to create is desirable (and being worked on). The focus of this PEP is on showing how coroutines, generators, and green threads can simplify common programming problems.
PEP 222 – Web Library Enhancements Author: A.M. Kuchling <amk at amk.ca> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Aug-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: 22-Dec-2000 Table of Contents Abstract Open Issues New Modules Major Changes to Existing Modules Minor Changes to Existing Modules Rejected Changes Proposed Interface Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a set of enhancements to the CGI development facilities in the Python standard library. Enhancements might be new features, new modules for tasks such as cookie support, or removal of obsolete code. The original intent was to make improvements to Python 2.1. However, there seemed little interest from the Python community, and time was lacking, so this PEP has been deferred to some future Python release. Open Issues This section lists changes that have been suggested, but about which no firm decision has yet been made. In the final version of this PEP, this section should be empty, as all the changes should be classified as accepted or rejected. cgi.py: We should not be told to create our own subclass just so we can handle file uploads. As a practical matter, I have yet to find the time to do this right, so I end up reading cgi.py’s temp file into, at best, another file. Some of our legacy code actually reads it into a second temp file, then into a final destination! And even if we did, that would mean creating yet another object with its __init__ call and associated overhead. cgi.py: Currently, query data with no = are ignored. Even if keep_blank_values is set, queries like ...?value=&... are returned with blank values but queries like ...?value&... are completely lost. It would be great if such data were made available through the FieldStorage interface, either as entries with None as values, or in a separate list. Utility function: build a query string from a list of 2-tuples Dictionary-related utility classes: NoKeyErrors (returns an empty string, never a KeyError), PartialStringSubstitution (returns the original key string, never a KeyError) New Modules This section lists details about entire new packages or modules that should be added to the Python standard library. fcgi.py : A new module adding support for the FastCGI protocol. Robin Dunn’s code needs to be ported to Windows, though. Major Changes to Existing Modules This section lists details of major changes to existing modules, whether in implementation or in interface. The changes in this section therefore carry greater degrees of risk, either in introducing bugs or a backward incompatibility. The cgi.py module would be deprecated. (XXX A new module or package name hasn’t been chosen yet: ‘web’? ‘cgilib’?) Minor Changes to Existing Modules This section lists details of minor changes to existing modules. These changes should have relatively small implementations, and have little risk of introducing incompatibilities with previous versions. Rejected Changes The changes listed in this section were proposed for Python 2.1, but were rejected as unsuitable. For each rejected change, a rationale is given describing why the change was deemed inappropriate. An HTML generation module is not part of this PEP. Several such modules exist, ranging from HTMLgen’s purely programming interface to ASP-inspired simple templating to DTML’s complex templating. There’s no indication of which templating module to enshrine in the standard library, and that probably means that no module should be so chosen. cgi.py: Allowing a combination of query data and POST data. This doesn’t seem to be standard at all, and therefore is dubious practice. Proposed Interface XXX open issues: naming convention (studlycaps or underline-separated?); need to look at the cgi.parse*() functions and see if they can be simplified, too. Parsing functions: carry over most of the parse* functions from cgi.py # The Response class borrows most of its methods from Zope's # HTTPResponse class. class Response: """ Attributes: status: HTTP status code to return headers: dictionary of response headers body: string containing the body of the HTTP response """ def __init__(self, status=200, headers={}, body=""): pass def setStatus(self, status, reason=None): "Set the numeric HTTP response code" pass def setHeader(self, name, value): "Set an HTTP header" pass def setBody(self, body): "Set the body of the response" pass def setCookie(self, name, value, path = '/', comment = None, domain = None, max-age = None, expires = None, secure = 0 ): "Set a cookie" pass def expireCookie(self, name): "Remove a cookie from the user" pass def redirect(self, url): "Redirect the browser to another URL" pass def __str__(self): "Convert entire response to a string" pass def dump(self): "Return a string representation useful for debugging" pass # XXX methods for specific classes of error:serverError, # badRequest, etc.? class Request: """ Attributes: XXX should these be dictionaries, or dictionary-like objects? .headers : dictionary containing HTTP headers .cookies : dictionary of cookies .fields : data from the form .env : environment dictionary """ def __init__(self, environ=os.environ, stdin=sys.stdin, keep_blank_values=1, strict_parsing=0): """Initialize the request object, using the provided environment and standard input.""" pass # Should people just use the dictionaries directly? def getHeader(self, name, default=None): pass def getCookie(self, name, default=None): pass def getField(self, name, default=None): "Return field's value as a string (even if it's an uploaded file)" pass def getUploadedFile(self, name): """Returns a file object that can be read to obtain the contents of an uploaded file. XXX should this report an error if the field isn't actually an uploaded file? Or should it wrap a StringIO around simple fields for consistency? """ def getURL(self, n=0, query_string=0): """Return the URL of the current request, chopping off 'n' path components from the right. Eg. if the URL is "http://foo.com/bar/baz/quux", n=2 would return "http://foo.com/bar". Does not include the query string (if any) """ def getBaseURL(self, n=0): """Return the base URL of the current request, adding 'n' path components to the end to recreate more of the whole URL. Eg. if the request URL is "http://foo.com/q/bar/baz/qux", n=0 would return "http://foo.com/", and n=2 "http://foo.com/q/bar". Returned URL does not include the query string, if any. """ def dump(self): "String representation suitable for debugging output" pass # Possibilities? I don't know if these are worth doing in the # basic objects. def getBrowser(self): "Returns Mozilla/IE/Lynx/Opera/whatever" def isSecure(self): "Return true if this is an SSLified request" # Module-level function def wrapper(func, logfile=sys.stderr): """ Calls the function 'func', passing it the arguments (request, response, logfile). Exceptions are trapped and sent to the file 'logfile'. """ # This wrapper will detect if it's being called from the command-line, # and if so, it will run in a debugging mode; name=value pairs # can be entered on standard input to set field values. # (XXX how to do file uploads in this syntax?) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 222 – Web Library Enhancements
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a set of enhancements to the CGI development facilities in the Python standard library. Enhancements might be new features, new modules for tasks such as cookie support, or removal of obsolete code.
PEP 223 – Change the Meaning of \x Escapes Author: Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 20-Aug-2000 Python-Version: 2.0 Post-History: 23-Aug-2000 Table of Contents Abstract Syntax Semantics Example History and Rationale Development and Discussion Backward Compatibility Effects on Other Tools Reference Implementation BDFL Pronouncements References Copyright Abstract Change \x escapes, in both 8-bit and Unicode strings, to consume exactly the two hex digits following. The proposal views this as correcting an original design flaw, leading to clearer expression in all flavors of string, a cleaner Unicode story, better compatibility with Perl regular expressions, and with minimal risk to existing code. Syntax The syntax of \x escapes, in all flavors of non-raw strings, becomes \xhh where h is a hex digit (0-9, a-f, A-F). The exact syntax in 1.5.2 is not clearly specified in the Reference Manual; it says \xhh... implying “two or more” hex digits, but one-digit forms are also accepted by the 1.5.2 compiler, and a plain \x is “expanded” to itself (i.e., a backslash followed by the letter x). It’s unclear whether the Reference Manual intended either of the 1-digit or 0-digit behaviors. Semantics In an 8-bit non-raw string, \xij expands to the character chr(int(ij, 16)) Note that this is the same as in 1.6 and before. In a Unicode string, \xij acts the same as \u00ij i.e. it expands to the obvious Latin-1 character from the initial segment of the Unicode space. An \x not followed by at least two hex digits is a compile-time error, specifically ValueError in 8-bit strings, and UnicodeError (a subclass of ValueError) in Unicode strings. Note that if an \x is followed by more than two hex digits, only the first two are “consumed”. In 1.6 and before all but the last two were silently ignored. Example In 1.5.2: >>> "\x123465" # same as "\x65" 'e' >>> "\x65" 'e' >>> "\x1" '\001' >>> "\x\x" '\\x\\x' >>> In 2.0: >>> "\x123465" # \x12 -> \022, "3456" left alone '\0223456' >>> "\x65" 'e' >>> "\x1" [ValueError is raised] >>> "\x\x" [ValueError is raised] >>> History and Rationale \x escapes were introduced in C as a way to specify variable-width character encodings. Exactly which encodings those were, and how many hex digits they required, was left up to each implementation. The language simply stated that \x “consumed” all hex digits following, and left the meaning up to each implementation. So, in effect, \x in C is a standard hook to supply platform-defined behavior. Because Python explicitly aims at platform independence, the \x escape in Python (up to and including 1.6) has been treated the same way across all platforms: all except the last two hex digits were silently ignored. So the only actual use for \x escapes in Python was to specify a single byte using hex notation. Larry Wall appears to have realized that this was the only real use for \x escapes in a platform-independent language, as the proposed rule for Python 2.0 is in fact what Perl has done from the start (although you need to run in Perl -w mode to get warned about \x escapes with fewer than 2 hex digits following – it’s clearly more Pythonic to insist on 2 all the time). When Unicode strings were introduced to Python, \x was generalized so as to ignore all but the last four hex digits in Unicode strings. This caused a technical difficulty for the new regular expression engine: SRE tries very hard to allow mixing 8-bit and Unicode patterns and strings in intuitive ways, and it no longer had any way to guess what, for example, r"\x123456" should mean as a pattern: is it asking to match the 8-bit character \x56 or the Unicode character \u3456? There are hacky ways to guess, but it doesn’t end there. The ISO C99 standard also introduces 8-digit \U12345678 escapes to cover the entire ISO 10646 character space, and it’s also desired that Python 2 support that from the start. But then what are \x escapes supposed to mean? Do they ignore all but the last eight hex digits then? And if less than 8 following in a Unicode string, all but the last 4? And if less than 4, all but the last 2? This was getting messier by the minute, and the proposal cuts the Gordian knot by making \x simpler instead of more complicated. Note that the 4-digit generalization to \xijkl in Unicode strings was also redundant, because it meant exactly the same thing as \uijkl in Unicode strings. It’s more Pythonic to have just one obvious way to specify a Unicode character via hex notation. Development and Discussion The proposal was worked out among Guido van Rossum, Fredrik Lundh and Tim Peters in email. It was subsequently explained and discussed on Python-Dev under subject “Go x yourself” [1], starting 2000-08-03. Response was overwhelmingly positive; no objections were raised. Backward Compatibility Changing the meaning of \x escapes does carry risk of breaking existing code, although no instances of incompatibility have yet been discovered. The risk is believed to be minimal. Tim Peters verified that, except for pieces of the standard test suite deliberately provoking end cases, there are no instances of \xabcdef... with fewer or more than 2 hex digits following, in either the Python CVS development tree, or in assorted Python packages sitting on his machine. It’s unlikely there are any with fewer than 2, because the Reference Manual implied they weren’t legal (although this is debatable!). If there are any with more than 2, Guido is ready to argue they were buggy anyway <0.9 wink>. Guido reported that the O’Reilly Python books already document that Python works the proposed way, likely due to their Perl editing heritage (as above, Perl worked (very close to) the proposed way from its start). Finn Bock reported that what JPython does with \x escapes is unpredictable today. This proposal gives a clear meaning that can be consistently and easily implemented across all Python implementations. Effects on Other Tools Believed to be none. The candidates for breakage would mostly be parsing tools, but the author knows of none that worry about the internal structure of Python strings beyond the approximation “when there’s a backslash, swallow the next character”. Tim Peters checked python-mode.el, the std tokenize.py and pyclbr.py, and the IDLE syntax coloring subsystem, and believes there’s no need to change any of them. Tools like tabnanny.py and checkappend.py inherit their immunity from tokenize.py. Reference Implementation The code changes are so simple that a separate patch will not be produced. Fredrik Lundh is writing the code, is an expert in the area, and will simply check the changes in before 2.0b1 is released. BDFL Pronouncements Yes, ValueError, not SyntaxError. “Problems with literal interpretations traditionally raise ‘runtime’ exceptions rather than syntax errors.” References [1] Tim Peters, Go x yourself https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-August/007825.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 223 – Change the Meaning of \x Escapes
Standards Track
Change \x escapes, in both 8-bit and Unicode strings, to consume exactly the two hex digits following. The proposal views this as correcting an original design flaw, leading to clearer expression in all flavors of string, a cleaner Unicode story, better compatibility with Perl regular expressions, and with minimal risk to existing code.
PEP 226 – Python 2.1 Release Schedule Author: Jeremy Hylton <jeremy at alum.mit.edu> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 16-Oct-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Release Schedule Open issues for Python 2.0 beta 2 Guidelines for making changes for Python 2.1 General guidelines for submitting patches and making changes Abstract This document describes the post Python 2.0 development and release schedule. According to this schedule, Python 2.1 will be released in April of 2001. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-size items. Small bug fixes and changes will occur up until the first beta release. Release Schedule Tentative future release dates [bugfix release dates go here] Past release dates: 17-Apr-2001: 2.1 final release 15-Apr-2001: 2.1 release candidate 2 13-Apr-2001: 2.1 release candidate 1 23-Mar-2001: Python 2.1 beta 2 release 02-Mar-2001: First 2.1 beta release 02-Feb-2001: Python 2.1 alpha 2 release 22-Jan-2001: Python 2.1 alpha 1 release 16-Oct-2000: Python 2.0 final release Open issues for Python 2.0 beta 2 Add a default unit testing framework to the standard library. Guidelines for making changes for Python 2.1 The guidelines and schedule will be revised based on discussion in the python-dev@python.org mailing list. The PEP system was instituted late in the Python 2.0 development cycle and many changes did not follow the process described in PEP 1. The development process for 2.1, however, will follow the PEP process as documented. The first eight weeks following 2.0 final will be the design and review phase. By the end of this period, any PEP that is proposed for 2.1 should be ready for review. This means that the PEP is written and discussion has occurred on the python-dev@python.org and python-list@python.org mailing lists. The next six weeks will be spent reviewing the PEPs and implementing and testing the accepted PEPs. When this period stops, we will end consideration of any incomplete PEPs. Near the end of this period, there will be a feature freeze where any small features not worthy of a PEP will not be accepted. Before the final release, we will have six weeks of beta testing and a release candidate or two. General guidelines for submitting patches and making changes Use good sense when committing changes. You should know what we mean by good sense or we wouldn’t have given you commit privileges <0.5 wink>. Some specific examples of good sense include: Do whatever the dictator tells you. Discuss any controversial changes on python-dev first. If you get a lot of +1 votes and no -1 votes, make the change. If you get a some -1 votes, think twice; consider asking Guido what he thinks. If the change is to code you contributed, it probably makes sense for you to fix it. If the change affects code someone else wrote, it probably makes sense to ask him or her first. You can use the SourceForge (SF) Patch Manager to submit a patch and assign it to someone for review. Any significant new feature must be described in a PEP and approved before it is checked in. Any significant code addition, such as a new module or large patch, must include test cases for the regression test and documentation. A patch should not be checked in until the tests and documentation are ready. If you fix a bug, you should write a test case that would have caught the bug. If you commit a patch from the SF Patch Manager or fix a bug from the Jitterbug database, be sure to reference the patch/bug number in the CVS log message. Also be sure to change the status in the patch manager or bug database (if you have access to the bug database). It is not acceptable for any checked in code to cause the regression test to fail. If a checkin causes a failure, it must be fixed within 24 hours or it will be backed out. All contributed C code must be ANSI C. If possible check it with two different compilers, e.g. gcc and MSVC. All contributed Python code must follow Guido’s Python style guide. http://www.python.org/doc/essays/styleguide.html It is understood that any code contributed will be released under an Open Source license. Do not contribute code if it can’t be released this way.
PEP 226 – Python 2.1 Release Schedule
This document describes the post Python 2.0 development and release schedule. According to this schedule, Python 2.1 will be released in April of 2001. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-size items. Small bug fixes and changes will occur up until the first beta release.
PEP 227 – Statically Nested Scopes Author: Jeremy Hylton <jeremy at alum.mit.edu> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Nov-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Specification Discussion Examples Backwards compatibility Compatibility of C API locals() / vars() Warnings and Errors import * used in function scope bare exec in function scope local shadows global Rebinding names in enclosing scopes Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes the addition of statically nested scoping (lexical scoping) for Python 2.2, and as a source level option for python 2.1. In addition, Python 2.1 will issue warnings about constructs whose meaning may change when this feature is enabled. The old language definition (2.0 and before) defines exactly three namespaces that are used to resolve names – the local, global, and built-in namespaces. The addition of nested scopes allows resolution of unbound local names in enclosing functions’ namespaces. The most visible consequence of this change is that lambdas (and other nested functions) can reference variables defined in the surrounding namespace. Currently, lambdas must often use default arguments to explicitly creating bindings in the lambda’s namespace. Introduction This proposal changes the rules for resolving free variables in Python functions. The new name resolution semantics will take effect with Python 2.2. These semantics will also be available in Python 2.1 by adding “from __future__ import nested_scopes” to the top of a module. (See PEP 236.) The Python 2.0 definition specifies exactly three namespaces to check for each name – the local namespace, the global namespace, and the builtin namespace. According to this definition, if a function A is defined within a function B, the names bound in B are not visible in A. The proposal changes the rules so that names bound in B are visible in A (unless A contains a name binding that hides the binding in B). This specification introduces rules for lexical scoping that are common in Algol-like languages. The combination of lexical scoping and existing support for first-class functions is reminiscent of Scheme. The changed scoping rules address two problems – the limited utility of lambda expressions (and nested functions in general), and the frequent confusion of new users familiar with other languages that support nested lexical scopes, e.g. the inability to define recursive functions except at the module level. The lambda expression yields an unnamed function that evaluates a single expression. It is often used for callback functions. In the example below (written using the Python 2.0 rules), any name used in the body of the lambda must be explicitly passed as a default argument to the lambda. from Tkinter import * root = Tk() Button(root, text="Click here", command=lambda root=root: root.test.configure(text="...")) This approach is cumbersome, particularly when there are several names used in the body of the lambda. The long list of default arguments obscures the purpose of the code. The proposed solution, in crude terms, implements the default argument approach automatically. The “root=root” argument can be omitted. The new name resolution semantics will cause some programs to behave differently than they did under Python 2.0. In some cases, programs will fail to compile. In other cases, names that were previously resolved using the global namespace will be resolved using the local namespace of an enclosing function. In Python 2.1, warnings will be issued for all statements that will behave differently. Specification Python is a statically scoped language with block structure, in the traditional of Algol. A code block or region, such as a module, class definition, or function body, is the basic unit of a program. Names refer to objects. Names are introduced by name binding operations. Each occurrence of a name in the program text refers to the binding of that name established in the innermost function block containing the use. The name binding operations are argument declaration, assignment, class and function definition, import statements, for statements, and except clauses. Each name binding occurs within a block defined by a class or function definition or at the module level (the top-level code block). If a name is bound anywhere within a code block, all uses of the name within the block are treated as references to the current block. (Note: This can lead to errors when a name is used within a block before it is bound.) If the global statement occurs within a block, all uses of the name specified in the statement refer to the binding of that name in the top-level namespace. Names are resolved in the top-level namespace by searching the global namespace, i.e. the namespace of the module containing the code block, and in the builtin namespace, i.e. the namespace of the __builtin__ module. The global namespace is searched first. If the name is not found there, the builtin namespace is searched. The global statement must precede all uses of the name. If a name is used within a code block, but it is not bound there and is not declared global, the use is treated as a reference to the nearest enclosing function region. (Note: If a region is contained within a class definition, the name bindings that occur in the class block are not visible to enclosed functions.) A class definition is an executable statement that may contain uses and definitions of names. These references follow the normal rules for name resolution. The namespace of the class definition becomes the attribute dictionary of the class. The following operations are name binding operations. If they occur within a block, they introduce new local names in the current block unless there is also a global declaration. Function definition: def name ... Argument declaration: def f(...name...), lambda ...name... Class definition: class name ... Assignment statement: name = ... Import statement: import name, import module as name, from module import name Implicit assignment: names are bound by for statements and except clauses There are several cases where Python statements are illegal when used in conjunction with nested scopes that contain free variables. If a variable is referenced in an enclosed scope, it is an error to delete the name. The compiler will raise a SyntaxError for ‘del name’. If the wild card form of import (import *) is used in a function and the function contains a nested block with free variables, the compiler will raise a SyntaxError. If exec is used in a function and the function contains a nested block with free variables, the compiler will raise a SyntaxError unless the exec explicitly specifies the local namespace for the exec. (In other words, “exec obj” would be illegal, but “exec obj in ns” would be legal.) If a name bound in a function scope is also the name of a module global name or a standard builtin name, and the function contains a nested function scope that references the name, the compiler will issue a warning. The name resolution rules will result in different bindings under Python 2.0 than under Python 2.2. The warning indicates that the program may not run correctly with all versions of Python. Discussion The specified rules allow names defined in a function to be referenced in any nested function defined with that function. The name resolution rules are typical for statically scoped languages, with three primary exceptions: Names in class scope are not accessible. The global statement short-circuits the normal rules. Variables are not declared. Names in class scope are not accessible. Names are resolved in the innermost enclosing function scope. If a class definition occurs in a chain of nested scopes, the resolution process skips class definitions. This rule prevents odd interactions between class attributes and local variable access. If a name binding operation occurs in a class definition, it creates an attribute on the resulting class object. To access this variable in a method, or in a function nested within a method, an attribute reference must be used, either via self or via the class name. An alternative would have been to allow name binding in class scope to behave exactly like name binding in function scope. This rule would allow class attributes to be referenced either via attribute reference or simple name. This option was ruled out because it would have been inconsistent with all other forms of class and instance attribute access, which always use attribute references. Code that used simple names would have been obscure. The global statement short-circuits the normal rules. Under the proposal, the global statement has exactly the same effect that it does for Python 2.0. It is also noteworthy because it allows name binding operations performed in one block to change bindings in another block (the module). Variables are not declared. If a name binding operation occurs anywhere in a function, then that name is treated as local to the function and all references refer to the local binding. If a reference occurs before the name is bound, a NameError is raised. The only kind of declaration is the global statement, which allows programs to be written using mutable global variables. As a consequence, it is not possible to rebind a name defined in an enclosing scope. An assignment operation can only bind a name in the current scope or in the global scope. The lack of declarations and the inability to rebind names in enclosing scopes are unusual for lexically scoped languages; there is typically a mechanism to create name bindings (e.g. lambda and let in Scheme) and a mechanism to change the bindings (set! in Scheme). Examples A few examples are included to illustrate the way the rules work. >>> def make_adder(base): ... def adder(x): ... return base + x ... return adder >>> add5 = make_adder(5) >>> add5(6) 11 >>> def make_fact(): ... def fact(n): ... if n == 1: ... return 1L ... else: ... return n * fact(n - 1) ... return fact >>> fact = make_fact() >>> fact(7) 5040L >>> def make_wrapper(obj): ... class Wrapper: ... def __getattr__(self, attr): ... if attr[0] != '_': ... return getattr(obj, attr) ... else: ... raise AttributeError, attr ... return Wrapper() >>> class Test: ... public = 2 ... _private = 3 >>> w = make_wrapper(Test()) >>> w.public 2 >>> w._private Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? AttributeError: _private An example from Tim Peters demonstrates the potential pitfalls of nested scopes in the absence of declarations: i = 6 def f(x): def g(): print i # ... # skip to the next page # ... for i in x: # ah, i *is* local to f, so this is what g sees pass g() The call to g() will refer to the variable i bound in f() by the for loop. If g() is called before the loop is executed, a NameError will be raised. Backwards compatibility There are two kinds of compatibility problems caused by nested scopes. In one case, code that behaved one way in earlier versions behaves differently because of nested scopes. In the other cases, certain constructs interact badly with nested scopes and will trigger SyntaxErrors at compile time. The following example from Skip Montanaro illustrates the first kind of problem: x = 1 def f1(): x = 2 def inner(): print x inner() Under the Python 2.0 rules, the print statement inside inner() refers to the global variable x and will print 1 if f1() is called. Under the new rules, it refers to the f1()’s namespace, the nearest enclosing scope with a binding. The problem occurs only when a global variable and a local variable share the same name and a nested function uses that name to refer to the global variable. This is poor programming practice, because readers will easily confuse the two different variables. One example of this problem was found in the Python standard library during the implementation of nested scopes. To address this problem, which is unlikely to occur often, the Python 2.1 compiler (when nested scopes are not enabled) issues a warning. The other compatibility problem is caused by the use of import * and ‘exec’ in a function body, when that function contains a nested scope and the contained scope has free variables. For example: y = 1 def f(): exec "y = 'gotcha'" # or from module import * def g(): return y ... At compile-time, the compiler cannot tell whether an exec that operates on the local namespace or an import * will introduce name bindings that shadow the global y. Thus, it is not possible to tell whether the reference to y in g() should refer to the global or to a local name in f(). In discussion of the python-list, people argued for both possible interpretations. On the one hand, some thought that the reference in g() should be bound to a local y if one exists. One problem with this interpretation is that it is impossible for a human reader of the code to determine the binding of y by local inspection. It seems likely to introduce subtle bugs. The other interpretation is to treat exec and import * as dynamic features that do not effect static scoping. Under this interpretation, the exec and import * would introduce local names, but those names would never be visible to nested scopes. In the specific example above, the code would behave exactly as it did in earlier versions of Python. Since each interpretation is problematic and the exact meaning ambiguous, the compiler raises an exception. The Python 2.1 compiler issues a warning when nested scopes are not enabled. A brief review of three Python projects (the standard library, Zope, and a beta version of PyXPCOM) found four backwards compatibility issues in approximately 200,000 lines of code. There was one example of case #1 (subtle behavior change) and two examples of import * problems in the standard library. (The interpretation of the import * and exec restriction that was implemented in Python 2.1a2 was much more restrictive, based on language that in the reference manual that had never been enforced. These restrictions were relaxed following the release.) Compatibility of C API The implementation causes several Python C API functions to change, including PyCode_New(). As a result, C extensions may need to be updated to work correctly with Python 2.1. locals() / vars() These functions return a dictionary containing the current scope’s local variables. Modifications to the dictionary do not affect the values of variables. Under the current rules, the use of locals() and globals() allows the program to gain access to all the namespaces in which names are resolved. An analogous function will not be provided for nested scopes. Under this proposal, it will not be possible to gain dictionary-style access to all visible scopes. Warnings and Errors The compiler will issue warnings in Python 2.1 to help identify programs that may not compile or run correctly under future versions of Python. Under Python 2.2 or Python 2.1 if the nested_scopes future statement is used, which are collectively referred to as “future semantics” in this section, the compiler will issue SyntaxErrors in some cases. The warnings typically apply when a function that contains a nested function that has free variables. For example, if function F contains a function G and G uses the builtin len(), then F is a function that contains a nested function (G) with a free variable (len). The label “free-in-nested” will be used to describe these functions. import * used in function scope The language reference specifies that import * may only occur in a module scope. (Sec. 6.11) The implementation of C Python has supported import * at the function scope. If import * is used in the body of a free-in-nested function, the compiler will issue a warning. Under future semantics, the compiler will raise a SyntaxError. bare exec in function scope The exec statement allows two optional expressions following the keyword “in” that specify the namespaces used for locals and globals. An exec statement that omits both of these namespaces is a bare exec. If a bare exec is used in the body of a free-in-nested function, the compiler will issue a warning. Under future semantics, the compiler will raise a SyntaxError. local shadows global If a free-in-nested function has a binding for a local variable that (1) is used in a nested function and (2) is the same as a global variable, the compiler will issue a warning. Rebinding names in enclosing scopes There are technical issues that make it difficult to support rebinding of names in enclosing scopes, but the primary reason that it is not allowed in the current proposal is that Guido is opposed to it. His motivation: it is difficult to support, because it would require a new mechanism that would allow the programmer to specify that an assignment in a block is supposed to rebind the name in an enclosing block; presumably a keyword or special syntax (x := 3) would make this possible. Given that this would encourage the use of local variables to hold state that is better stored in a class instance, it’s not worth adding new syntax to make this possible (in Guido’s opinion). The proposed rules allow programmers to achieve the effect of rebinding, albeit awkwardly. The name that will be effectively rebound by enclosed functions is bound to a container object. In place of assignment, the program uses modification of the container to achieve the desired effect: def bank_account(initial_balance): balance = [initial_balance] def deposit(amount): balance[0] = balance[0] + amount return balance def withdraw(amount): balance[0] = balance[0] - amount return balance return deposit, withdraw Support for rebinding in nested scopes would make this code clearer. A class that defines deposit() and withdraw() methods and the balance as an instance variable would be clearer still. Since classes seem to achieve the same effect in a more straightforward manner, they are preferred. Implementation The implementation for C Python uses flat closures [1]. Each def or lambda expression that is executed will create a closure if the body of the function or any contained function has free variables. Using flat closures, the creation of closures is somewhat expensive but lookup is cheap. The implementation adds several new opcodes and two new kinds of names in code objects. A variable can be either a cell variable or a free variable for a particular code object. A cell variable is referenced by containing scopes; as a result, the function where it is defined must allocate separate storage for it on each invocation. A free variable is referenced via a function’s closure. The choice of free closures was made based on three factors. First, nested functions are presumed to be used infrequently, deeply nested (several levels of nesting) still less frequently. Second, lookup of names in a nested scope should be fast. Third, the use of nested scopes, particularly where a function that access an enclosing scope is returned, should not prevent unreferenced objects from being reclaimed by the garbage collector. References [1] Luca Cardelli. Compiling a functional language. In Proc. of the 1984 ACM Conference on Lisp and Functional Programming, pp. 208-217, Aug. 1984 https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/800055.802037 Copyright
PEP 227 – Statically Nested Scopes
Standards Track
This PEP describes the addition of statically nested scoping (lexical scoping) for Python 2.2, and as a source level option for python 2.1. In addition, Python 2.1 will issue warnings about constructs whose meaning may change when this feature is enabled.
PEP 228 – Reworking Python’s Numeric Model Author: Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Nov-2000 Post-History: Table of Contents Withdrawal Abstract Rationale Other Numerical Models Suggested Interface For Python’s Numerical Model Coercion Inexact Operations Numerical Python Issues Unresolved Issues Copyright Withdrawal This PEP has been withdrawn in favor of PEP 3141. Abstract Today, Python’s numerical model is similar to the C numeric model: there are several unrelated numerical types, and when operations between numerical types are requested, coercions happen. While the C rationale for the numerical model is that it is very similar to what happens at the hardware level, that rationale does not apply to Python. So, while it is acceptable to C programmers that 2/3 == 0, it is surprising to many Python programmers. NOTE: in the light of recent discussions in the newsgroup, the motivation in this PEP (and details) need to be extended. Rationale In usability studies, one of the least usable aspect of Python was the fact that integer division returns the floor of the division. This makes it hard to program correctly, requiring casts to float() in various parts through the code. Python’s numerical model stems from C, while a model that might be easier to work with can be based on the mathematical understanding of numbers. Other Numerical Models Perl’s numerical model is that there is one type of numbers – floating point numbers. While it is consistent and superficially non-surprising, it tends to have subtle gotchas. One of these is that printing numbers is very tricky, and requires correct rounding. In Perl, there is also a mode where all numbers are integers. This mode also has its share of problems, which arise from the fact that there is not even an approximate way of dividing numbers and getting meaningful answers. Suggested Interface For Python’s Numerical Model While coercion rules will remain for add-on types and classes, the built in type system will have exactly one Python type – a number. There are several things which can be considered “number methods”: isnatural() isintegral() isrational() isreal() iscomplex() isexact() Obviously, a number which answers true to a question from 1 to 5, will also answer true to any following question. If isexact() is not true, then any answer might be wrong. (But not horribly wrong: it’s close to the truth.) Now, there is two thing the models promises for the field operations (+, -, /, *): If both operands satisfy isexact(), the result satisfies isexact(). All field rules are true, except that for not-isexact() numbers, they might be only approximately true. One consequence of these two rules is that all exact calculations are done as (complex) rationals: since the field laws must hold, then (a/b)*b == a must hold. There is built-in function, inexact() which takes a number and returns an inexact number which is a good approximation. Inexact numbers must be as least as accurate as if they were using IEEE-754. Several of the classical Python functions will return exact numbers even when given inexact numbers: e.g, int(). Coercion The number type does not define nb_coerce Any numeric operation slot, when receiving something other then PyNumber, refuses to implement it. Inexact Operations The functions in the math module will be allowed to return inexact results for exact values. However, they will never return a non-real number. The functions in the cmath module are also allowed to return an inexact result for an exact argument, and are furthermore allowed to return a complex result for a real argument. Numerical Python Issues People who use Numerical Python do so for high-performance vector operations. Therefore, NumPy should keep its hardware based numeric model. Unresolved Issues Which number literals will be exact, and which inexact? How do we deal with IEEE 754 operations? (probably, isnan/isinf should be methods) On 64-bit machines, comparisons between ints and floats may be broken when the comparison involves conversion to float. Ditto for comparisons between longs and floats. This can be dealt with by avoiding the conversion to float. (Due to Andrew Koenig.) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 228 – Reworking Python’s Numeric Model
Standards Track
Today, Python’s numerical model is similar to the C numeric model: there are several unrelated numerical types, and when operations between numerical types are requested, coercions happen. While the C rationale for the numerical model is that it is very similar to what happens at the hardware level, that rationale does not apply to Python. So, while it is acceptable to C programmers that 2/3 == 0, it is surprising to many Python programmers.
PEP 230 – Warning Framework Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 28-Nov-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: 05-Nov-2000 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation APIs For Issuing Warnings Warnings Categories The Warnings Filter Warnings Output And Formatting Hooks API For Manipulating Warning Filters Command Line Syntax Open Issues Rejected Concerns Implementation Abstract This PEP proposes a C and Python level API, as well as command line flags, to issue warning messages and control what happens to them. This is mostly based on GvR’s proposal posted to python-dev on 05-Nov-2000, with some ideas (such as using classes to categorize warnings) merged in from Paul Prescod’s counter-proposal posted on the same date. Also, an attempt to implement the proposal caused several small tweaks. Motivation With Python 3000 looming, it is necessary to start issuing warnings about the use of obsolete or deprecated features, in addition to errors. There are also lots of other reasons to be able to issue warnings, both from C and from Python code, both at compile time and at run time. Warnings aren’t fatal, and thus it’s possible that a program triggers the same warning many times during a single execution. It would be annoying if a program emitted an endless stream of identical warnings. Therefore, a mechanism is needed that suppresses multiple identical warnings. It is also desirable to have user control over which warnings are printed. While in general it is useful to see all warnings all the time, there may be times where it is impractical to fix the code right away in a production program. In this case, there should be a way to suppress warnings. It is also useful to be able to suppress specific warnings during program development, e.g. when a warning is generated by a piece of 3rd party code that cannot be fixed right away, or when there is no way to fix the code (possibly a warning message is generated for a perfectly fine piece of code). It would be unwise to offer to suppress all warnings in such cases: the developer would miss warnings about the rest of the code. On the other hand, there are also situations conceivable where some or all warnings are better treated as errors. For example, it may be a local coding standard that a particular deprecated feature should not be used. In order to enforce this, it is useful to be able to turn the warning about this particular feature into an error, raising an exception (without necessarily turning all warnings into errors). Therefore, I propose to introduce a flexible “warning filter” which can filter out warnings or change them into exceptions, based on: Where in the code they are generated (per package, module, or function) The warning category (warning categories are discussed below) A specific warning message The warning filter must be controllable both from the command line and from Python code. APIs For Issuing Warnings To issue a warning from Python:import warnings warnings.warn(message[, category[, stacklevel]]) The category argument, if given, must be a warning category class (see below); it defaults to warnings.UserWarning. This may raise an exception if the particular warning issued is changed into an error by the warnings filter. The stacklevel can be used by wrapper functions written in Python, like this: def deprecation(message): warn(message, DeprecationWarning, level=2) This makes the warning refer to the deprecation()’s caller, rather than to the source of deprecation() itself (since the latter would defeat the purpose of the warning message). To issue a warning from C:int PyErr_Warn(PyObject *category, char *message); Return 0 normally, 1 if an exception is raised (either because the warning was transformed into an exception, or because of a malfunction in the implementation, such as running out of memory). The category argument must be a warning category class (see below) or NULL, in which case it defaults to PyExc_RuntimeWarning. When PyErr_Warn() function returns 1, the caller should do normal exception handling. The current C implementation of PyErr_Warn() imports the warnings module (implemented in Python) and calls its warn() function. This minimizes the amount of C code that needs to be added to implement the warning feature. [XXX Open Issue: what about issuing warnings during lexing or parsing, which don’t have the exception machinery available?] Warnings Categories There are a number of built-in exceptions that represent warning categories. This categorization is useful to be able to filter out groups of warnings. The following warnings category classes are currently defined: Warning – this is the base class of all warning category classes and it itself a subclass of Exception UserWarning – the default category for warnings.warn() DeprecationWarning – base category for warnings about deprecated features SyntaxWarning – base category for warnings about dubious syntactic features RuntimeWarning – base category for warnings about dubious runtime features [XXX: Other warning categories may be proposed during the review period for this PEP.] These standard warning categories are available from C as PyExc_Warning, PyExc_UserWarning, etc. From Python, they are available in the __builtin__ module, so no import is necessary. User code can define additional warning categories by subclassing one of the standard warning categories. A warning category must always be a subclass of the Warning class. The Warnings Filter The warnings filter control whether warnings are ignored, displayed, or turned into errors (raising an exception). There are three sides to the warnings filter: The data structures used to efficiently determine the disposition of a particular warnings.warn() or PyErr_Warn() call. The API to control the filter from Python source code. The command line switches to control the filter. The warnings filter works in several stages. It is optimized for the (expected to be common) case where the same warning is issued from the same place in the code over and over. First, the warning filter collects the module and line number where the warning is issued; this information is readily available through sys._getframe(). Conceptually, the warnings filter maintains an ordered list of filter specifications; any specific warning is matched against each filter specification in the list in turn until a match is found; the match determines the disposition of the match. Each entry is a tuple as follows: (category, message, module, lineno, action) category is a class (a subclass of warnings.Warning) of which the warning category must be a subclass in order to match message is a compiled regular expression that the warning message must match (the match is case-insensitive) module is a compiled regular expression that the module name must match lineno is an integer that the line number where the warning occurred must match, or 0 to match all line numbers action is one of the following strings: “error” – turn matching warnings into exceptions “ignore” – never print matching warnings “always” – always print matching warnings “default” – print the first occurrence of matching warnings for each location where the warning is issued “module” – print the first occurrence of matching warnings for each module where the warning is issued “once” – print only the first occurrence of matching warnings Since the Warning class is derived from the built-in Exception class, to turn a warning into an error we simply raise category(message). Warnings Output And Formatting Hooks When the warnings filter decides to issue a warning (but not when it decides to raise an exception), it passes the information about the function warnings.showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno). The default implementation of this function writes the warning text to sys.stderr, and shows the source line of the filename. It has an optional 5th argument which can be used to specify a different file than sys.stderr. The formatting of warnings is done by a separate function, warnings.formatwarning(message, category, filename, lineno). This returns a string (that may contain newlines and ends in a newline) that can be printed to get the identical effect of the showwarning() function. API For Manipulating Warning Filters warnings.filterwarnings(message, category, module, lineno, action) This checks the types of the arguments, compiles the message and module regular expressions, and inserts them as a tuple in front of the warnings filter. warnings.resetwarnings() Reset the warnings filter to empty. Command Line Syntax There should be command line options to specify the most common filtering actions, which I expect to include at least: suppress all warnings suppress a particular warning message everywhere suppress all warnings in a particular module turn all warnings into exceptions I propose the following command line option syntax: -Waction[:message[:category[:module[:lineno]]]] Where: ‘action’ is an abbreviation of one of the allowed actions (“error”, “default”, “ignore”, “always”, “once”, or “module”) ‘message’ is a message string; matches warnings whose message text is an initial substring of ‘message’ (matching is case-insensitive) ‘category’ is an abbreviation of a standard warning category class name or a fully-qualified name for a user-defined warning category class of the form [package.]module.classname ‘module’ is a module name (possibly package.module) ‘lineno’ is an integral line number All parts except ‘action’ may be omitted, where an empty value after stripping whitespace is the same as an omitted value. The C code that parses the Python command line saves the body of all -W options in a list of strings, which is made available to the warnings module as sys.warnoptions. The warnings module parses these when it is first imported. Errors detected during the parsing of sys.warnoptions are not fatal; a message is written to sys.stderr and processing continues with the option. Examples: -WerrorTurn all warnings into errors -WallShow all warnings -WignoreIgnore all warnings -Wi:helloIgnore warnings whose message text starts with “hello” -We::DeprecationTurn deprecation warnings into errors -Wi:::spam:10Ignore all warnings on line 10 of module spam -Wi:::spam -Wd:::spam:10Ignore all warnings in module spam except on line 10 -We::Deprecation -Wd::Deprecation:spamTurn deprecation warnings into errors except in module spam Open Issues Some open issues off the top of my head: What about issuing warnings during lexing or parsing, which don’t have the exception machinery available? The proposed command line syntax is a bit ugly (although the simple cases aren’t so bad: -Werror, -Wignore, etc.). Anybody got a better idea? I’m a bit worried that the filter specifications are too complex. Perhaps filtering only on category and module (not on message text and line number) would be enough? There’s a bit of confusion between module names and file names. The reporting uses file names, but the filter specification uses module names. Maybe it should allow filenames as well? I’m not at all convinced that packages are handled right. Do we need more standard warning categories? Fewer? In order to minimize the start-up overhead, the warnings module is imported by the first call to PyErr_Warn(). It does the command line parsing for -W options upon import. Therefore, it is possible that warning-free programs will not complain about invalid -W options. Rejected Concerns Paul Prescod, Barry Warsaw and Fred Drake have brought up several additional concerns that I feel aren’t critical. I address them here (the concerns are paraphrased, not exactly their words): Paul: warn() should be a built-in or a statement to make it easily available.Response: “from warnings import warn” is easy enough. Paul: What if I have a speed-critical module that triggers warnings in an inner loop. It should be possible to disable the overhead for detecting the warning (not just suppress the warning).Response: rewrite the inner loop to avoid triggering the warning. Paul: What if I want to see the full context of a warning?Response: use -Werror to turn it into an exception. Paul: I prefer “:*:*:” to “:::” for leaving parts of the warning spec out.Response: I don’t. Barry: It would be nice if lineno can be a range specification.Response: Too much complexity already. Barry: I’d like to add my own warning action. Maybe if ‘action’ could be a callable as well as a string. Then in my IDE, I could set that to “mygui.popupWarningsDialog”.Response: For that purpose you would override warnings.showwarning(). Fred: why do the Warning category classes have to be in __builtin__?Response: that’s the simplest implementation, given that the warning categories must be available in C before the first PyErr_Warn() call, which imports the warnings module. I see no problem with making them available as built-ins. Implementation Here’s a prototype implementation: http://sourceforge.net/patch/?func=detailpatch&patch_id=102715&group_id=5470
PEP 230 – Warning Framework
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a C and Python level API, as well as command line flags, to issue warning messages and control what happens to them. This is mostly based on GvR’s proposal posted to python-dev on 05-Nov-2000, with some ideas (such as using classes to categorize warnings) merged in from Paul Prescod’s counter-proposal posted on the same date. Also, an attempt to implement the proposal caused several small tweaks.
PEP 233 – Python Online Help Author: Paul Prescod <paul at prescod.net> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Dec-2000 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Interactive use Implementation Built-in Topics Security Issues Abstract This PEP describes a command-line driven online help facility for Python. The facility should be able to build on existing documentation facilities such as the Python documentation and docstrings. It should also be extensible for new types and modules. Interactive use Simply typing help describes the help function (through repr() overloading). help can also be used as a function. The function takes the following forms of input: help( "string" ) – built-in topic or global help( <ob> ) – docstring from object or type help( "doc:filename" ) – filename from Python documentation If you ask for a global, it can be a fully-qualified name, such as: help("xml.dom") You can also use the facility from a command-line: python --help if In either situation, the output does paging similar to the more command. Implementation The help function is implemented in an onlinehelp module which is demand-loaded. There should be options for fetching help information from environments other than the command line through the onlinehelp module: onlinehelp.gethelp(object_or_string) -> string It should also be possible to override the help display function by assigning to onlinehelp.displayhelp(object_or_string). The module should be able to extract module information from either the HTML or LaTeX versions of the Python documentation. Links should be accommodated in a “lynx-like” manner. Over time, it should also be able to recognize when docstrings are in “special” syntaxes like structured text, HTML and LaTeX and decode them appropriately. A prototype implementation is available with the Python source distribution as nondist/sandbox/doctools/onlinehelp.py. Built-in Topics help( "intro" ) – What is Python? Read this first! help( "keywords" ) – What are the keywords? help( "syntax" ) – What is the overall syntax? help( "operators" ) – What operators are available? help( "builtins" ) – What functions, types, etc. are built-in? help( "modules" ) – What modules are in the standard library? help( "copyright" ) – Who owns Python? help( "moreinfo" ) – Where is there more information? help( "changes" ) – What changed in Python 2.0? help( "extensions" ) – What extensions are installed? help( "faq" ) – What questions are frequently asked? help( "ack" ) – Who has done work on Python lately? Security Issues This module will attempt to import modules with the same names as requested topics. Don’t use the modules if you are not confident that everything in your PYTHONPATH is from a trusted source.
PEP 233 – Python Online Help
Standards Track
This PEP describes a command-line driven online help facility for Python. The facility should be able to build on existing documentation facilities such as the Python documentation and docstrings. It should also be extensible for new types and modules.
PEP 234 – Iterators Author: Ka-Ping Yee <ping at zesty.ca>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Jan-2001 Python-Version: 2.1 Post-History: 30-Apr-2001 Table of Contents Abstract C API Specification Python API Specification Dictionary Iterators File Iterators Rationale Resolved Issues Mailing Lists Copyright Abstract This document proposes an iteration interface that objects can provide to control the behaviour of for loops. Looping is customized by providing a method that produces an iterator object. The iterator provides a get next value operation that produces the next item in the sequence each time it is called, raising an exception when no more items are available. In addition, specific iterators over the keys of a dictionary and over the lines of a file are proposed, and a proposal is made to allow spelling dict.has_key(key) as key in dict. Note: this is an almost complete rewrite of this PEP by the second author, describing the actual implementation checked into the trunk of the Python 2.2 CVS tree. It is still open for discussion. Some of the more esoteric proposals in the original version of this PEP have been withdrawn for now; these may be the subject of a separate PEP in the future. C API Specification A new exception is defined, StopIteration, which can be used to signal the end of an iteration. A new slot named tp_iter for requesting an iterator is added to the type object structure. This should be a function of one PyObject * argument returning a PyObject *, or NULL. To use this slot, a new C API function PyObject_GetIter() is added, with the same signature as the tp_iter slot function. Another new slot, named tp_iternext, is added to the type structure, for obtaining the next value in the iteration. To use this slot, a new C API function PyIter_Next() is added. The signature for both the slot and the API function is as follows, although the NULL return conditions differ: the argument is a PyObject * and so is the return value. When the return value is non-NULL, it is the next value in the iteration. When it is NULL, then for the tp_iternext slot there are three possibilities: No exception is set; this implies the end of the iteration. The StopIteration exception (or a derived exception class) is set; this implies the end of the iteration. Some other exception is set; this means that an error occurred that should be propagated normally. The higher-level PyIter_Next() function clears the StopIteration exception (or derived exception) when it occurs, so its NULL return conditions are simpler: No exception is set; this means iteration has ended. Some exception is set; this means an error occurred, and should be propagated normally. Iterators implemented in C should not implement a next() method with similar semantics as the tp_iternext slot! When the type’s dictionary is initialized (by PyType_Ready()), the presence of a tp_iternext slot causes a method next() wrapping that slot to be added to the type’s tp_dict. (Exception: if the type doesn’t use PyObject_GenericGetAttr() to access instance attributes, the next() method in the type’s tp_dict may not be seen.) (Due to a misunderstanding in the original text of this PEP, in Python 2.2, all iterator types implemented a next() method that was overridden by the wrapper; this has been fixed in Python 2.3.) To ensure binary backwards compatibility, a new flag Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER is added to the set of flags in the tp_flags field, and to the default flags macro. This flag must be tested before accessing the tp_iter or tp_iternext slots. The macro PyIter_Check() tests whether an object has the appropriate flag set and has a non-NULL tp_iternext slot. There is no such macro for the tp_iter slot (since the only place where this slot is referenced should be PyObject_GetIter(), and this can check for the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_ITER flag directly). (Note: the tp_iter slot can be present on any object; the tp_iternext slot should only be present on objects that act as iterators.) For backwards compatibility, the PyObject_GetIter() function implements fallback semantics when its argument is a sequence that does not implement a tp_iter function: a lightweight sequence iterator object is constructed in that case which iterates over the items of the sequence in the natural order. The Python bytecode generated for for loops is changed to use new opcodes, GET_ITER and FOR_ITER, that use the iterator protocol rather than the sequence protocol to get the next value for the loop variable. This makes it possible to use a for loop to loop over non-sequence objects that support the tp_iter slot. Other places where the interpreter loops over the values of a sequence should also be changed to use iterators. Iterators ought to implement the tp_iter slot as returning a reference to themselves; this is needed to make it possible to use an iterator (as opposed to a sequence) in a for loop. Iterator implementations (in C or in Python) should guarantee that once the iterator has signalled its exhaustion, subsequent calls to tp_iternext or to the next() method will continue to do so. It is not specified whether an iterator should enter the exhausted state when an exception (other than StopIteration) is raised. Note that Python cannot guarantee that user-defined or 3rd party iterators implement this requirement correctly. Python API Specification The StopIteration exception is made visible as one of the standard exceptions. It is derived from Exception. A new built-in function is defined, iter(), which can be called in two ways: iter(obj) calls PyObject_GetIter(obj). iter(callable, sentinel) returns a special kind of iterator that calls the callable to produce a new value, and compares the return value to the sentinel value. If the return value equals the sentinel, this signals the end of the iteration and StopIteration is raised rather than returning normal; if the return value does not equal the sentinel, it is returned as the next value from the iterator. If the callable raises an exception, this is propagated normally; in particular, the function is allowed to raise StopIteration as an alternative way to end the iteration. (This functionality is available from the C API as PyCallIter_New(callable, sentinel).) Iterator objects returned by either form of iter() have a next() method. This method either returns the next value in the iteration, or raises StopIteration (or a derived exception class) to signal the end of the iteration. Any other exception should be considered to signify an error and should be propagated normally, not taken to mean the end of the iteration. Classes can define how they are iterated over by defining an __iter__() method; this should take no additional arguments and return a valid iterator object. A class that wants to be an iterator should implement two methods: a next() method that behaves as described above, and an __iter__() method that returns self. The two methods correspond to two distinct protocols: An object can be iterated over with for if it implements __iter__() or __getitem__(). An object can function as an iterator if it implements next(). Container-like objects usually support protocol 1. Iterators are currently required to support both protocols. The semantics of iteration come only from protocol 2; protocol 1 is present to make iterators behave like sequences; in particular so that code receiving an iterator can use a for-loop over the iterator. Dictionary Iterators Dictionaries implement a sq_contains slot that implements the same test as the has_key() method. This means that we can writeif k in dict: ... which is equivalent to if dict.has_key(k): ... Dictionaries implement a tp_iter slot that returns an efficient iterator that iterates over the keys of the dictionary. During such an iteration, the dictionary should not be modified, except that setting the value for an existing key is allowed (deletions or additions are not, nor is the update() method). This means that we can writefor k in dict: ... which is equivalent to, but much faster than for k in dict.keys(): ... as long as the restriction on modifications to the dictionary (either by the loop or by another thread) are not violated. Add methods to dictionaries that return different kinds of iterators explicitly:for key in dict.iterkeys(): ... for value in dict.itervalues(): ... for key, value in dict.iteritems(): ... This means that for x in dict is shorthand for for x in dict.iterkeys(). Other mappings, if they support iterators at all, should also iterate over the keys. However, this should not be taken as an absolute rule; specific applications may have different requirements. File Iterators The following proposal is useful because it provides us with a good answer to the complaint that the common idiom to iterate over the lines of a file is ugly and slow. Files implement a tp_iter slot that is equivalent to iter(f.readline, ""). This means that we can writefor line in file: ... as a shorthand for for line in iter(file.readline, ""): ... which is equivalent to, but faster than while 1: line = file.readline() if not line: break ... This also shows that some iterators are destructive: they consume all the values and a second iterator cannot easily be created that iterates independently over the same values. You could open the file for a second time, or seek() to the beginning, but these solutions don’t work for all file types, e.g. they don’t work when the open file object really represents a pipe or a stream socket. Because the file iterator uses an internal buffer, mixing this with other file operations (e.g. file.readline()) doesn’t work right. Also, the following code: for line in file: if line == "\n": break for line in file: print line, doesn’t work as you might expect, because the iterator created by the second for-loop doesn’t take the buffer read-ahead by the first for-loop into account. A correct way to write this is: it = iter(file) for line in it: if line == "\n": break for line in it: print line, (The rationale for these restrictions are that for line in file ought to become the recommended, standard way to iterate over the lines of a file, and this should be as fast as can be. The iterator version is considerable faster than calling readline(), due to the internal buffer in the iterator.) Rationale If all the parts of the proposal are included, this addresses many concerns in a consistent and flexible fashion. Among its chief virtues are the following four – no, five – no, six – points: It provides an extensible iterator interface. It allows performance enhancements to list iteration. It allows big performance enhancements to dictionary iteration. It allows one to provide an interface for just iteration without pretending to provide random access to elements. It is backward-compatible with all existing user-defined classes and extension objects that emulate sequences and mappings, even mappings that only implement a subset of {__getitem__, keys, values, items}. It makes code iterating over non-sequence collections more concise and readable. Resolved Issues The following topics have been decided by consensus or BDFL pronouncement. Two alternative spellings for next() have been proposed but rejected: __next__(), because it corresponds to a type object slot (tp_iternext); and __call__(), because this is the only operation.Arguments against __next__(): while many iterators are used in for loops, it is expected that user code will also call next() directly, so having to write __next__() is ugly; also, a possible extension of the protocol would be to allow for prev(), current() and reset() operations; surely we don’t want to use __prev__(), __current__(), __reset__(). Arguments against __call__() (the original proposal): taken out of context, x() is not very readable, while x.next() is clear; there’s a danger that every special-purpose object wants to use __call__() for its most common operation, causing more confusion than clarity. (In retrospect, it might have been better to go for __next__() and have a new built-in, next(it), which calls it.__next__(). But alas, it’s too late; this has been deployed in Python 2.2 since December 2001.) Some folks have requested the ability to restart an iterator. This should be dealt with by calling iter() on a sequence repeatedly, not by the iterator protocol itself. (See also requested extensions below.) It has been questioned whether an exception to signal the end of the iteration isn’t too expensive. Several alternatives for the StopIteration exception have been proposed: a special value End to signal the end, a function end() to test whether the iterator is finished, even reusing the IndexError exception. A special value has the problem that if a sequence ever contains that special value, a loop over that sequence will end prematurely without any warning. If the experience with null-terminated C strings hasn’t taught us the problems this can cause, imagine the trouble a Python introspection tool would have iterating over a list of all built-in names, assuming that the special End value was a built-in name! Calling an end() function would require two calls per iteration. Two calls is much more expensive than one call plus a test for an exception. Especially the time-critical for loop can test very cheaply for an exception. Reusing IndexError can cause confusion because it can be a genuine error, which would be masked by ending the loop prematurely. Some have asked for a standard iterator type. Presumably all iterators would have to be derived from this type. But this is not the Python way: dictionaries are mappings because they support __getitem__() and a handful other operations, not because they are derived from an abstract mapping type. Regarding if key in dict: there is no doubt that the dict.has_key(x) interpretation of x in dict is by far the most useful interpretation, probably the only useful one. There has been resistance against this because x in list checks whether x is present among the values, while the proposal makes x in dict check whether x is present among the keys. Given that the symmetry between lists and dictionaries is very weak, this argument does not have much weight. The name iter() is an abbreviation. Alternatives proposed include iterate(), traverse(), but these appear too long. Python has a history of using abbrs for common builtins, e.g. repr(), str(), len().Resolution: iter() it is. Using the same name for two different operations (getting an iterator from an object and making an iterator for a function with a sentinel value) is somewhat ugly. I haven’t seen a better name for the second operation though, and since they both return an iterator, it’s easy to remember.Resolution: the builtin iter() takes an optional argument, which is the sentinel to look for. Once a particular iterator object has raised StopIteration, will it also raise StopIteration on all subsequent next() calls? Some say that it would be useful to require this, others say that it is useful to leave this open to individual iterators. Note that this may require an additional state bit for some iterator implementations (e.g. function-wrapping iterators).Resolution: once StopIteration is raised, calling it.next() continues to raise StopIteration. Note: this was in fact not implemented in Python 2.2; there are many cases where an iterator’s next() method can raise StopIteration on one call but not on the next. This has been remedied in Python 2.3. It has been proposed that a file object should be its own iterator, with a next() method returning the next line. This has certain advantages, and makes it even clearer that this iterator is destructive. The disadvantage is that this would make it even more painful to implement the “sticky StopIteration” feature proposed in the previous bullet.Resolution: tentatively rejected (though there are still people arguing for this). Some folks have requested extensions of the iterator protocol, e.g. prev() to get the previous item, current() to get the current item again, finished() to test whether the iterator is finished, and maybe even others, like rewind(), __len__(), position().While some of these are useful, many of these cannot easily be implemented for all iterator types without adding arbitrary buffering, and sometimes they can’t be implemented at all (or not reasonably). E.g. anything to do with reversing directions can’t be done when iterating over a file or function. Maybe a separate PEP can be drafted to standardize the names for such operations when they are implementable. Resolution: rejected. There has been a long discussion about whetherfor x in dict: ... should assign x the successive keys, values, or items of the dictionary. The symmetry between if x in y and for x in y suggests that it should iterate over keys. This symmetry has been observed by many independently and has even been used to “explain” one using the other. This is because for sequences, if x in y iterates over y comparing the iterated values to x. If we adopt both of the above proposals, this will also hold for dictionaries. The argument against making for x in dict iterate over the keys comes mostly from a practicality point of view: scans of the standard library show that there are about as many uses of for x in dict.items() as there are of for x in dict.keys(), with the items() version having a small majority. Presumably many of the loops using keys() use the corresponding value anyway, by writing dict[x], so (the argument goes) by making both the key and value available, we could support the largest number of cases. While this is true, I (Guido) find the correspondence between for x in dict and if x in dict too compelling to break, and there’s not much overhead in having to write dict[x] to explicitly get the value. For fast iteration over items, use for key, value in dict.iteritems(). I’ve timed the difference between for key in dict: dict[key] and for key, value in dict.iteritems(): pass and found that the latter is only about 7% faster. Resolution: By BDFL pronouncement, for x in dict iterates over the keys, and dictionaries have iteritems(), iterkeys(), and itervalues() to return the different flavors of dictionary iterators. Mailing Lists The iterator protocol has been discussed extensively in a mailing list on SourceForge: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/python-iterators Initially, some of the discussion was carried out at Yahoo; archives are still accessible: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/python-iter Copyright This document is in the public domain.
PEP 234 – Iterators
Standards Track
This document proposes an iteration interface that objects can provide to control the behaviour of for loops. Looping is customized by providing a method that produces an iterator object. The iterator provides a get next value operation that produces the next item in the sequence each time it is called, raising an exception when no more items are available.
PEP 237 – Unifying Long Integers and Integers Author: Moshe Zadka, Guido van Rossum Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 16-Mar-2001, 14-Aug-2001, 23-Aug-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Implementation Incompatibilities Literals Built-in Functions C API Transition OverflowWarning Example Resolved Issues Implementation Copyright Abstract Python currently distinguishes between two kinds of integers (ints): regular or short ints, limited by the size of a C long (typically 32 or 64 bits), and long ints, which are limited only by available memory. When operations on short ints yield results that don’t fit in a C long, they raise an error. There are some other distinctions too. This PEP proposes to do away with most of the differences in semantics, unifying the two types from the perspective of the Python user. Rationale Many programs find a need to deal with larger numbers after the fact, and changing the algorithms later is bothersome. It can hinder performance in the normal case, when all arithmetic is performed using long ints whether or not they are needed. Having the machine word size exposed to the language hinders portability. For examples Python source files and .pyc’s are not portable between 32-bit and 64-bit machines because of this. There is also the general desire to hide unnecessary details from the Python user when they are irrelevant for most applications. An example is memory allocation, which is explicit in C but automatic in Python, giving us the convenience of unlimited sizes on strings, lists, etc. It makes sense to extend this convenience to numbers. It will give new Python programmers (whether they are new to programming in general or not) one less thing to learn before they can start using the language. Implementation Initially, two alternative implementations were proposed (one by each author): The PyInt type’s slot for a C long will be turned into a:union { long i; struct { unsigned long length; digit digits[1]; } bignum; }; Only the n-1 lower bits of the long have any meaning; the top bit is always set. This distinguishes the union. All PyInt functions will check this bit before deciding which types of operations to use. The existing short and long int types remain, but operations return a long int instead of raising OverflowError when a result cannot be represented as a short int. A new type, integer, may be introduced that is an abstract base type of which both the int and long implementation types are subclassed. This is useful so that programs can check integer-ness with a single test:if isinstance(i, integer): ... After some consideration, the second implementation plan was selected, since it is far easier to implement, is backwards compatible at the C API level, and in addition can be implemented partially as a transitional measure. Incompatibilities The following operations have (usually subtly) different semantics for short and for long integers, and one or the other will have to be changed somehow. This is intended to be an exhaustive list. If you know of any other operation that differ in outcome depending on whether a short or a long int with the same value is passed, please write the second author. Currently, all arithmetic operators on short ints except << raise OverflowError if the result cannot be represented as a short int. This will be changed to return a long int instead. The following operators can currently raise OverflowError: x+y, x-y, x*y, x**y, divmod(x, y), x/y, x%y, and -x. (The last four can only overflow when the value -sys.maxint-1 is involved.) Currently, x<<n can lose bits for short ints. This will be changed to return a long int containing all the shifted-out bits, if returning a short int would lose bits (where changing sign is considered a special case of losing bits). Currently, hex and oct literals for short ints may specify negative values; for example 0xffffffff == -1 on a 32-bit machine. This will be changed to equal 0xffffffffL (2**32-1). Currently, the %u, %x, %X and %o string formatting operators and the hex() and oct() built-in functions behave differently for negative numbers: negative short ints are formatted as unsigned C long, while negative long ints are formatted with a minus sign. This will be changed to use the long int semantics in all cases (but without the trailing L that currently distinguishes the output of hex() and oct() for long ints). Note that this means that %u becomes an alias for %d. It will eventually be removed. Currently, repr() of a long int returns a string ending in L while repr() of a short int doesn’t. The L will be dropped; but not before Python 3.0. Currently, an operation with long operands will never return a short int. This may change, since it allows some optimization. (No changes have been made in this area yet, and none are planned.) The expression type(x).__name__ depends on whether x is a short or a long int. Since implementation alternative 2 is chosen, this difference will remain. (In Python 3.0, we may be able to deploy a trick to hide the difference, because it is annoying to reveal the difference to user code, and more so as the difference between the two types is less visible.) Long and short ints are handled different by the marshal module, and by the pickle and cPickle modules. This difference will remain (at least until Python 3.0). Short ints with small values (typically between -1 and 99 inclusive) are interned – whenever a result has such a value, an existing short int with the same value is returned. This is not done for long ints with the same values. This difference will remain. (Since there is no guarantee of this interning, it is debatable whether this is a semantic difference – but code may exist that uses is for comparisons of short ints and happens to work because of this interning. Such code may fail if used with long ints.) Literals A trailing L at the end of an integer literal will stop having any meaning, and will be eventually become illegal. The compiler will choose the appropriate type solely based on the value. (Until Python 3.0, it will force the literal to be a long; but literals without a trailing L may also be long, if they are not representable as short ints.) Built-in Functions The function int() will return a short or a long int depending on the argument value. In Python 3.0, the function long() will call the function int(); before then, it will continue to force the result to be a long int, but otherwise work the same way as int(). The built-in name long will remain in the language to represent the long implementation type (unless it is completely eradicated in Python 3.0), but using the int() function is still recommended, since it will automatically return a long when needed. C API The C API remains unchanged; C code will still need to be aware of the difference between short and long ints. (The Python 3.0 C API will probably be completely incompatible.) The PyArg_Parse*() APIs already accept long ints, as long as they are within the range representable by C ints or longs, so that functions taking C int or long argument won’t have to worry about dealing with Python longs. Transition There are three major phases to the transition: Short int operations that currently raise OverflowError return a long int value instead. This is the only change in this phase. Literals will still distinguish between short and long ints. The other semantic differences listed above (including the behavior of <<) will remain. Because this phase only changes situations that currently raise OverflowError, it is assumed that this won’t break existing code. (Code that depends on this exception would have to be too convoluted to be concerned about it.) For those concerned about extreme backwards compatibility, a command line option (or a call to the warnings module) will allow a warning or an error to be issued at this point, but this is off by default. The remaining semantic differences are addressed. In all cases the long int semantics will prevail. Since this will introduce backwards incompatibilities which will break some old code, this phase may require a future statement and/or warnings, and a prolonged transition phase. The trailing L will continue to be used for longs as input and by repr(). Warnings are enabled about operations that will change their numeric outcome in stage 2B, in particular hex() and oct(), %u, %x, %X and %o, hex and oct literals in the (inclusive) range [sys.maxint+1, sys.maxint*2+1], and left shifts losing bits. The new semantic for these operations are implemented. Operations that give different results than before will not issue a warning. The trailing L is dropped from repr(), and made illegal on input. (If possible, the long type completely disappears.) The trailing L is also dropped from hex() and oct(). Phase 1 will be implemented in Python 2.2. Phase 2 will be implemented gradually, with 2A in Python 2.3 and 2B in Python 2.4. Phase 3 will be implemented in Python 3.0 (at least two years after Python 2.4 is released). OverflowWarning Here are the rules that guide warnings generated in situations that currently raise OverflowError. This applies to transition phase 1. Historical note: despite that phase 1 was completed in Python 2.2, and phase 2A in Python 2.3, nobody noticed that OverflowWarning was still generated in Python 2.3. It was finally disabled in Python 2.4. The Python builtin OverflowWarning, and the corresponding C API PyExc_OverflowWarning, are no longer generated or used in Python 2.4, but will remain for the (unlikely) case of user code until Python 2.5. A new warning category is introduced, OverflowWarning. This is a built-in name. If an int result overflows, an OverflowWarning warning is issued, with a message argument indicating the operation, e.g. “integer addition”. This may or may not cause a warning message to be displayed on sys.stderr, or may cause an exception to be raised, all under control of the -W command line and the warnings module. The OverflowWarning warning is ignored by default. The OverflowWarning warning can be controlled like all warnings, via the -W command line option or via the warnings.filterwarnings() call. For example:python -Wdefault::OverflowWarning cause the OverflowWarning to be displayed the first time it occurs at a particular source line, and: python -Werror::OverflowWarning cause the OverflowWarning to be turned into an exception whenever it happens. The following code enables the warning from inside the program: import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("default", "", OverflowWarning) See the python man page for the -W option and the warnings module documentation for filterwarnings(). If the OverflowWarning warning is turned into an error, OverflowError is substituted. This is needed for backwards compatibility. Unless the warning is turned into an exceptions, the result of the operation (e.g., x+y) is recomputed after converting the arguments to long ints. Example If you pass a long int to a C function or built-in operation that takes an integer, it will be treated the same as a short int as long as the value fits (by virtue of how PyArg_ParseTuple() is implemented). If the long value doesn’t fit, it will still raise an OverflowError. For example: def fact(n): if n <= 1: return 1 return n*fact(n-1) A = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ" n = input("Gimme an int: ") print A[fact(n)%17] For n >= 13, this currently raises OverflowError (unless the user enters a trailing L as part of their input), even though the calculated index would always be in range(17). With the new approach this code will do the right thing: the index will be calculated as a long int, but its value will be in range. Resolved Issues These issues, previously open, have been resolved. hex() and oct() applied to longs will continue to produce a trailing L until Python 3000. The original text above wasn’t clear about this, but since it didn’t happen in Python 2.4 it was thought better to leave it alone. BDFL pronouncement here:https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-June/065918.html What to do about sys.maxint? Leave it in, since it is still relevant whenever the distinction between short and long ints is still relevant (e.g. when inspecting the type of a value). Should we remove %u completely? Remove it. Should we warn about << not truncating integers? Yes. Should the overflow warning be on a portable maximum size? No. Implementation The implementation work for the Python 2.x line is completed; phase 1 was released with Python 2.2, phase 2A with Python 2.3, and phase 2B will be released with Python 2.4 (and is already in CVS). Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 237 – Unifying Long Integers and Integers
Standards Track
Python currently distinguishes between two kinds of integers (ints): regular or short ints, limited by the size of a C long (typically 32 or 64 bits), and long ints, which are limited only by available memory. When operations on short ints yield results that don’t fit in a C long, they raise an error. There are some other distinctions too. This PEP proposes to do away with most of the differences in semantics, unifying the two types from the perspective of the Python user.
PEP 238 – Changing the Division Operator Author: Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 16-Mar-2001, 26-Jul-2001, 27-Jul-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Variations Alternatives API Changes Command Line Option Semantics of Floor Division Semantics of True Division The Future Division Statement Open Issues Resolved Issues FAQ When will Python 3.0 be released? Why isn’t true division called float division? Why is there a need for __truediv__ and __itruediv__? How do I write code that works under the classic rules as well as under the new rules without using // or a future division statement? How do I specify the division semantics for input(), compile(), execfile(), eval() and exec? What about code compiled by the codeop module? Will there be conversion tools or aids? Why is my question not answered here? Implementation Copyright Abstract The current division (/) operator has an ambiguous meaning for numerical arguments: it returns the floor of the mathematical result of division if the arguments are ints or longs, but it returns a reasonable approximation of the division result if the arguments are floats or complex. This makes expressions expecting float or complex results error-prone when integers are not expected but possible as inputs. We propose to fix this by introducing different operators for different operations: x/y to return a reasonable approximation of the mathematical result of the division (“true division”), x//y to return the floor (“floor division”). We call the current, mixed meaning of x/y “classic division”. Because of severe backwards compatibility issues, not to mention a major flamewar on c.l.py, we propose the following transitional measures (starting with Python 2.2): Classic division will remain the default in the Python 2.x series; true division will be standard in Python 3.0. The // operator will be available to request floor division unambiguously. The future division statement, spelled from __future__ import division, will change the / operator to mean true division throughout the module. A command line option will enable run-time warnings for classic division applied to int or long arguments; another command line option will make true division the default. The standard library will use the future division statement and the // operator when appropriate, so as to completely avoid classic division. Motivation The classic division operator makes it hard to write numerical expressions that are supposed to give correct results from arbitrary numerical inputs. For all other operators, one can write down a formula such as x*y**2 + z, and the calculated result will be close to the mathematical result (within the limits of numerical accuracy, of course) for any numerical input type (int, long, float, or complex). But division poses a problem: if the expressions for both arguments happen to have an integral type, it implements floor division rather than true division. The problem is unique to dynamically typed languages: in a statically typed language like C, the inputs, typically function arguments, would be declared as double or float, and when a call passes an integer argument, it is converted to double or float at the time of the call. Python doesn’t have argument type declarations, so integer arguments can easily find their way into an expression. The problem is particularly pernicious since ints are perfect substitutes for floats in all other circumstances: math.sqrt(2) returns the same value as math.sqrt(2.0), 3.14*100 and 3.14*100.0 return the same value, and so on. Thus, the author of a numerical routine may only use floating point numbers to test his code, and believe that it works correctly, and a user may accidentally pass in an integer input value and get incorrect results. Another way to look at this is that classic division makes it difficult to write polymorphic functions that work well with either float or int arguments; all other operators already do the right thing. No algorithm that works for both ints and floats has a need for truncating division in one case and true division in the other. The correct work-around is subtle: casting an argument to float() is wrong if it could be a complex number; adding 0.0 to an argument doesn’t preserve the sign of the argument if it was minus zero. The only solution without either downside is multiplying an argument (typically the first) by 1.0. This leaves the value and sign unchanged for float and complex, and turns int and long into a float with the corresponding value. It is the opinion of the authors that this is a real design bug in Python, and that it should be fixed sooner rather than later. Assuming Python usage will continue to grow, the cost of leaving this bug in the language will eventually outweigh the cost of fixing old code – there is an upper bound to the amount of code to be fixed, but the amount of code that might be affected by the bug in the future is unbounded. Another reason for this change is the desire to ultimately unify Python’s numeric model. This is the subject of PEP 228 (which is currently incomplete). A unified numeric model removes most of the user’s need to be aware of different numerical types. This is good for beginners, but also takes away concerns about different numeric behavior for advanced programmers. (Of course, it won’t remove concerns about numerical stability and accuracy.) In a unified numeric model, the different types (int, long, float, complex, and possibly others, such as a new rational type) serve mostly as storage optimizations, and to some extent to indicate orthogonal properties such as inexactness or complexity. In a unified model, the integer 1 should be indistinguishable from the floating point number 1.0 (except for its inexactness), and both should behave the same in all numeric contexts. Clearly, in a unified numeric model, if a==b and c==d, a/c should equal b/d (taking some liberties due to rounding for inexact numbers), and since everybody agrees that 1.0/2.0 equals 0.5, 1/2 should also equal 0.5. Likewise, since 1//2 equals zero, 1.0//2.0 should also equal zero. Variations Aesthetically, x//y doesn’t please everyone, and hence several variations have been proposed. They are addressed here: x div y. This would introduce a new keyword. Since div is a popular identifier, this would break a fair amount of existing code, unless the new keyword was only recognized under a future division statement. Since it is expected that the majority of code that needs to be converted is dividing integers, this would greatly increase the need for the future division statement. Even with a future statement, the general sentiment against adding new keywords unless absolutely necessary argues against this. div(x, y). This makes the conversion of old code much harder. Replacing x/y with x//y or x div y can be done with a simple query replace; in most cases the programmer can easily verify that a particular module only works with integers so all occurrences of x/y can be replaced. (The query replace is still needed to weed out slashes occurring in comments or string literals.) Replacing x/y with div(x, y) would require a much more intelligent tool, since the extent of the expressions to the left and right of the / must be analyzed before the placement of the div( and ) part can be decided. x \ y. The backslash is already a token, meaning line continuation, and in general it suggests an escape to Unix eyes. In addition (this due to Terry Reedy) this would make things like eval("x\y") harder to get right. Alternatives In order to reduce the amount of old code that needs to be converted, several alternative proposals have been put forth. Here is a brief discussion of each proposal (or category of proposals). If you know of an alternative that was discussed on c.l.py that isn’t mentioned here, please mail the second author. Let / keep its classic semantics; introduce // for true division. This still leaves a broken operator in the language, and invites to use the broken behavior. It also shuts off the road to a unified numeric model a la PEP 228. Let int division return a special “portmanteau” type that behaves as an integer in integer context, but like a float in a float context. The problem with this is that after a few operations, the int and the float value could be miles apart, it’s unclear which value should be used in comparisons, and of course many contexts (like conversion to string) don’t have a clear integer or float preference. Use a directive to use specific division semantics in a module, rather than a future statement. This retains classic division as a permanent wart in the language, requiring future generations of Python programmers to be aware of the problem and the remedies. Use from __past__ import division to use classic division semantics in a module. This also retains the classic division as a permanent wart, or at least for a long time (eventually the past division statement could raise an ImportError). Use a directive (or some other way) to specify the Python version for which a specific piece of code was developed. This requires future Python interpreters to be able to emulate exactly several previous versions of Python, and moreover to do so for multiple versions within the same interpreter. This is way too much work. A much simpler solution is to keep multiple interpreters installed. Another argument against this is that the version directive is almost always overspecified: most code written for Python X.Y, works for Python X.(Y-1) and X.(Y+1) as well, so specifying X.Y as a version is more constraining than it needs to be. At the same time, there’s no way to know at which future or past version the code will break. API Changes During the transitional phase, we have to support three division operators within the same program: classic division (for / in modules without a future division statement), true division (for / in modules with a future division statement), and floor division (for //). Each operator comes in two flavors: regular, and as an augmented assignment operator (/= or //=). The names associated with these variations are: Overloaded operator methods:__div__(), __floordiv__(), __truediv__(); __idiv__(), __ifloordiv__(), __itruediv__(). Abstract API C functions:PyNumber_Divide(), PyNumber_FloorDivide(), PyNumber_TrueDivide(); PyNumber_InPlaceDivide(), PyNumber_InPlaceFloorDivide(), PyNumber_InPlaceTrueDivide(). Byte code opcodes:BINARY_DIVIDE, BINARY_FLOOR_DIVIDE, BINARY_TRUE_DIVIDE; INPLACE_DIVIDE, INPLACE_FLOOR_DIVIDE, INPLACE_TRUE_DIVIDE. PyNumberMethod slots:nb_divide, nb_floor_divide, nb_true_divide, nb_inplace_divide, nb_inplace_floor_divide, nb_inplace_true_divide. The added PyNumberMethod slots require an additional flag in tp_flags; this flag will be named Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_NEWDIVIDE and will be included in Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT. The true and floor division APIs will look for the corresponding slots and call that; when that slot is NULL, they will raise an exception. There is no fallback to the classic divide slot. In Python 3.0, the classic division semantics will be removed; the classic division APIs will become synonymous with true division. Command Line Option The -Q command line option takes a string argument that can take four values: old, warn, warnall, or new. The default is old in Python 2.2 but will change to warn in later 2.x versions. The old value means the classic division operator acts as described. The warn value means the classic division operator issues a warning (a DeprecationWarning using the standard warning framework) when applied to ints or longs. The warnall value also issues warnings for classic division when applied to floats or complex; this is for use by the fixdiv.py conversion script mentioned below. The new value changes the default globally so that the / operator is always interpreted as true division. The new option is only intended for use in certain educational environments, where true division is required, but asking the students to include the future division statement in all their code would be a problem. This option will not be supported in Python 3.0; Python 3.0 will always interpret / as true division. (This option was originally proposed as -D, but that turned out to be an existing option for Jython, hence the Q – mnemonic for Quotient. Other names have been proposed, like -Qclassic, -Qclassic-warn, -Qtrue, or -Qold_division etc.; these seem more verbose to me without much advantage. After all the term classic division is not used in the language at all (only in the PEP), and the term true division is rarely used in the language – only in __truediv__.) Semantics of Floor Division Floor division will be implemented in all the Python numeric types, and will have the semantics of: a // b == floor(a/b) except that the result type will be the common type into which a and b are coerced before the operation. Specifically, if a and b are of the same type, a//b will be of that type too. If the inputs are of different types, they are first coerced to a common type using the same rules used for all other arithmetic operators. In particular, if a and b are both ints or longs, the result has the same type and value as for classic division on these types (including the case of mixed input types; int//long and long//int will both return a long). For floating point inputs, the result is a float. For example: 3.5//2.0 == 1.0 For complex numbers, // raises an exception, since floor() of a complex number is not allowed. For user-defined classes and extension types, all semantics are up to the implementation of the class or type. Semantics of True Division True division for ints and longs will convert the arguments to float and then apply a float division. That is, even 2/1 will return a float (2.0), not an int. For floats and complex, it will be the same as classic division. The 2.2 implementation of true division acts as if the float type had unbounded range, so that overflow doesn’t occur unless the magnitude of the mathematical result is too large to represent as a float. For example, after x = 1L << 40000, float(x) raises OverflowError (note that this is also new in 2.2: previously the outcome was platform-dependent, most commonly a float infinity). But x/x returns 1.0 without exception, while x/1 raises OverflowError. Note that for int and long arguments, true division may lose information; this is in the nature of true division (as long as rationals are not in the language). Algorithms that consciously use longs should consider using //, as true division of longs retains no more than 53 bits of precision (on most platforms). If and when a rational type is added to Python (see PEP 239), true division for ints and longs should probably return a rational. This avoids the problem with true division of ints and longs losing information. But until then, for consistency, float is the only choice for true division. The Future Division Statement If from __future__ import division is present in a module, or if -Qnew is used, the / and /= operators are translated to true division opcodes; otherwise they are translated to classic division (until Python 3.0 comes along, where they are always translated to true division). The future division statement has no effect on the recognition or translation of // and //=. See PEP 236 for the general rules for future statements. (It has been proposed to use a longer phrase, like true_division or modern_division. These don’t seem to add much information.) Open Issues We expect that these issues will be resolved over time, as more feedback is received or we gather more experience with the initial implementation. It has been proposed to call // the quotient operator, and the / operator the ratio operator. I’m not sure about this – for some people quotient is just a synonym for division, and ratio suggests rational numbers, which is wrong. I prefer the terminology to be slightly awkward if that avoids unambiguity. Also, for some folks quotient suggests truncation towards zero, not towards infinity as floor division says explicitly. It has been argued that a command line option to change the default is evil. It can certainly be dangerous in the wrong hands: for example, it would be impossible to combine a 3rd party library package that requires -Qnew with another one that requires -Qold. But I believe that the VPython folks need a way to enable true division by default, and other educators might need the same. These usually have enough control over the library packages available in their environment. For classes to have to support all three of __div__(), __floordiv__() and __truediv__() seems painful; and what to do in 3.0? Maybe we only need __div__() and __floordiv__(), or maybe at least true division should try __truediv__() first and __div__() second. Resolved Issues Issue: For very large long integers, the definition of true division as returning a float causes problems, since the range of Python longs is much larger than that of Python floats. This problem will disappear if and when rational numbers are supported.Resolution: For long true division, Python uses an internal float type with native double precision but unbounded range, so that OverflowError doesn’t occur unless the quotient is too large to represent as a native double. Issue: In the interim, maybe the long-to-float conversion could be made to raise OverflowError if the long is out of range.Resolution: This has been implemented, but, as above, the magnitude of the inputs to long true division doesn’t matter; only the magnitude of the quotient matters. Issue: Tim Peters will make sure that whenever an in-range float is returned, decent precision is guaranteed.Resolution: Provided the quotient of long true division is representable as a float, it suffers no more than 3 rounding errors: one each for converting the inputs to an internal float type with native double precision but unbounded range, and one more for the division. However, note that if the magnitude of the quotient is too small to represent as a native double, 0.0 is returned without exception (“silent underflow”). FAQ When will Python 3.0 be released? We don’t plan that long ahead, so we can’t say for sure. We want to allow at least two years for the transition. If Python 3.0 comes out sooner, we’ll keep the 2.x line alive for backwards compatibility until at least two years from the release of Python 2.2. In practice, you will be able to continue to use the Python 2.x line for several years after Python 3.0 is released, so you can take your time with the transition. Sites are expected to have both Python 2.x and Python 3.x installed simultaneously. Why isn’t true division called float division? Because I want to keep the door open to possibly introducing rationals and making 1/2 return a rational rather than a float. See PEP 239. Why is there a need for __truediv__ and __itruediv__? We don’t want to make user-defined classes second-class citizens. Certainly not with the type/class unification going on. How do I write code that works under the classic rules as well as under the new rules without using // or a future division statement? Use x*1.0/y for true division, divmod(x, y) (PEP 228) for int division. Especially the latter is best hidden inside a function. You may also write float(x)/y for true division if you are sure that you don’t expect complex numbers. If you know your integers are never negative, you can use int(x/y) – while the documentation of int() says that int() can round or truncate depending on the C implementation, we know of no C implementation that doesn’t truncate, and we’re going to change the spec for int() to promise truncation. Note that classic division (and floor division) round towards negative infinity, while int() rounds towards zero, giving different answers for negative numbers. How do I specify the division semantics for input(), compile(), execfile(), eval() and exec? They inherit the choice from the invoking module. PEP 236 now lists this as a resolved problem, referring to PEP 264. What about code compiled by the codeop module? This is dealt with properly; see PEP 264. Will there be conversion tools or aids? Certainly. While these are outside the scope of the PEP, I should point out two simple tools that will be released with Python 2.2a3: Tools/scripts/finddiv.py finds division operators (slightly smarter than grep /) and Tools/scripts/fixdiv.py can produce patches based on run-time analysis. Why is my question not answered here? Because we weren’t aware of it. If it’s been discussed on c.l.py and you believe the answer is of general interest, please notify the second author. (We don’t have the time or inclination to answer every question sent in private email, hence the requirement that it be discussed on c.l.py first.) Implementation Essentially everything mentioned here is implemented in CVS and will be released with Python 2.2a3; most of it was already released with Python 2.2a2. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 238 – Changing the Division Operator
Standards Track
The current division (/) operator has an ambiguous meaning for numerical arguments: it returns the floor of the mathematical result of division if the arguments are ints or longs, but it returns a reasonable approximation of the division result if the arguments are floats or complex. This makes expressions expecting float or complex results error-prone when integers are not expected but possible as inputs.
PEP 239 – Adding a Rational Type to Python Author: Christopher A. Craig <python-pep at ccraig.org>, Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 16-Mar-2001 Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Rationale RationalType The rational() Builtin Open Issues References Copyright Abstract Python has no numeric type with the semantics of an unboundedly precise rational number. This proposal explains the semantics of such a type, and suggests builtin functions and literals to support such a type. This PEP suggests no literals for rational numbers; that is left for another PEP. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP is rejected. The needs outlined in the rationale section have been addressed to some extent by the acceptance of PEP 327 for decimal arithmetic. Guido also noted, “Rational arithmetic was the default ‘exact’ arithmetic in ABC and it did not work out as expected”. See the python-dev discussion on 17 June 2005 [1]. Postscript: With the acceptance of PEP 3141, “A Type Hierarchy for Numbers”, a ‘Rational’ numeric abstract base class was added with a concrete implementation in the ‘fractions’ module. Rationale While sometimes slower and more memory intensive (in general, unboundedly so) rational arithmetic captures more closely the mathematical ideal of numbers, and tends to have behavior which is less surprising to newbies. Though many Python implementations of rational numbers have been written, none of these exist in the core, or are documented in any way. This has made them much less accessible to people who are less Python-savvy. RationalType There will be a new numeric type added called RationalType. Its unary operators will do the obvious thing. Binary operators will coerce integers and long integers to rationals, and rationals to floats and complexes. The following attributes will be supported: .numerator and .denominator. The language definition will promise that: r.denominator * r == r.numerator that the GCD of the numerator and the denominator is 1 and that the denominator is positive. The method r.trim(max_denominator) will return the closest rational s to r such that abs(s.denominator) <= max_denominator. The rational() Builtin This function will have the signature rational(n, d=1). n and d must both be integers, long integers or rationals. A guarantee is made that: rational(n, d) * d == n Open Issues Maybe the type should be called rat instead of rational. Somebody proposed that we have “abstract” pure mathematical types named complex, real, rational, integer, and “concrete” representation types with names like float, rat, long, int. Should a rational number with an integer value be allowed as a sequence index? For example, should s[5/3 - 2/3] be equivalent to s[1]? Should shift and mask operators be allowed for rational numbers? For rational numbers with integer values? Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk summarized the arguments for and against unifying ints with rationals nicely on c.l.pyArguments for unifying ints with rationals: Since 2 == 2/1 and maybe str(2/1) == '2', it reduces surprises where objects seem equal but behave differently. / can be freely used for integer division when I know that there is no remainder (if I am wrong and there is a remainder, there will probably be some exception later). Arguments against: When I use the result of / as a sequence index, it’s usually an error which should not be hidden by making the program working for some data, since it will break for other data. (this assumes that after unification int and rational would be different types:) Types should rarely depend on values. It’s easier to reason when the type of a variable is known: I know how I can use it. I can determine that something is an int and expect that other objects used in this place will be ints too. (this assumes the same type for them:) Int is a good type in itself, not to be mixed with rationals. The fact that something is an integer should be expressible as a statement about its type. Many operations require ints and don’t accept rationals. It’s natural to think about them as about different types. References [1] Raymond Hettinger, Propose rejection of PEPs 239 and 240 – a builtin rational type and rational literals https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054281.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 239 – Adding a Rational Type to Python
Standards Track
Python has no numeric type with the semantics of an unboundedly precise rational number. This proposal explains the semantics of such a type, and suggests builtin functions and literals to support such a type. This PEP suggests no literals for rational numbers; that is left for another PEP.
PEP 240 – Adding a Rational Literal to Python Author: Christopher A. Craig <python-pep at ccraig.org>, Moshe Zadka <moshez at zadka.site.co.il> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 16-Mar-2001 Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Rationale Proposal Backwards Compatibility Common Objections References Copyright Abstract A different PEP suggests adding a builtin rational type to Python. This PEP suggests changing the ddd.ddd float literal to a rational in Python, and modifying non-integer division to return it. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP is rejected. The needs outlined in the rationale section have been addressed to some extent by the acceptance of PEP 327 for decimal arithmetic. Guido also noted, “Rational arithmetic was the default ‘exact’ arithmetic in ABC and it did not work out as expected”. See the python-dev discussion on 17 June 2005 [1]. Rationale Rational numbers are useful for exact and unsurprising arithmetic. They give the correct results people have been taught in various math classes. Making the “obvious” non-integer type one with more predictable semantics will surprise new programmers less than using floating point numbers. As quite a few posts on c.l.py and on tutor@python.org have shown, people often get bit by strange semantics of floating point numbers: for example, round(0.98, 2) still gives 0.97999999999999998. Proposal Literals conforming to the regular expression '\d*.\d*' will be rational numbers. Backwards Compatibility The only backwards compatible issue is the type of literals mentioned above. The following migration is suggested: The next Python after approval will allow from __future__ import rational_literals to cause all such literals to be treated as rational numbers. Python 3.0 will have a warning, turned on by default, about such literals in the absence of a __future__ statement. The warning message will contain information about the __future__ statement, and indicate that to get floating point literals, they should be suffixed with “e0”. Python 3.1 will have the warning turned off by default. This warning will stay in place for 24 months, at which time the literals will be rationals and the warning will be removed. Common Objections Rationals are slow and memory intensive! (Relax, I’m not taking floats away, I’m just adding two more characters. 1e0 will still be a float) Rationals must present themselves as a decimal float or they will be horrible for users expecting decimals (i.e. str(.5) should return '.5' and not '1/2'). This means that many rationals must be truncated at some point, which gives us a new loss of precision. References [1] Raymond Hettinger, Propose rejection of PEPs 239 and 240 – a builtin rational type and rational literals https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054281.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 240 – Adding a Rational Literal to Python
Standards Track
A different PEP suggests adding a builtin rational type to Python. This PEP suggests changing the ddd.ddd float literal to a rational in Python, and modifying non-integer division to return it.
PEP 242 – Numeric Kinds Author: Paul F. Dubois <paul at pfdubois.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 17-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 17-Apr-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Supported Kinds of Ints and Floats Kind Objects Attributes of Module kinds Complex Numbers Examples Open Issues Rejection Copyright Abstract This proposal gives the user optional control over the precision and range of numeric computations so that a computation can be written once and run anywhere with at least the desired precision and range. It is backward compatible with existing code. The meaning of decimal literals is clarified. Rationale Currently it is impossible in every language except Fortran 90 to write a program in a portable way that uses floating point and gets roughly the same answer regardless of platform – or refuses to compile if that is not possible. Python currently has only one floating point type, equal to a C double in the C implementation. No type exists corresponding to single or quad floats. It would complicate the language to try to introduce such types directly and their subsequent use would not be portable. This proposal is similar to the Fortran 90 “kind” solution, adapted to the Python environment. With this facility an entire calculation can be switched from one level of precision to another by changing a single line. If the desired precision does not exist on a particular machine, the program will fail rather than get the wrong answer. Since coding in this style would involve an early call to the routine that will fail, this is the next best thing to not compiling. Supported Kinds of Ints and Floats Complex numbers are treated separately below, since Python can be built without them. Each Python compiler may define as many “kinds” of integer and floating point numbers as it likes, except that it must support at least two kinds of integer corresponding to the existing int and long, and must support at least one kind of floating point number, equivalent to the present float. The range and precision of these required kinds are processor dependent, as at present, except for the “long integer” kind, which can hold an arbitrary integer. The built-in functions int(), long(), and float() convert inputs to these default kinds as they do at present. (Note that a Unicode string is actually a different “kind” of string and that a sufficiently knowledgeable person might be able to expand this PEP to cover that case.) Within each type (integer, floating) the compiler supports a linearly-ordered set of kinds, with the ordering determined by the ability to hold numbers of an increased range and/or precision. Kind Objects Two new standard functions are defined in a module named “kinds”. They return callable objects called kind objects. Each int or floating kind object f has the signature result = f(x), and each complex kind object has the signature result = f(x, y=0.). int_kind(n)For an integer argument n >= 1, return a callable object whose result is an integer kind that will hold an integer number in the open interval (-10**n, 10**n). The kind object accepts arguments that are integers including longs. If n == 0, returns the kind object corresponding to the Python literal 0. float_kind(nd, n)For nd >= 0 and n >= 1, return a callable object whose result is a floating point kind that will hold a floating-point number with at least nd digits of precision and a base-10 exponent in the closed interval [-n, n]. The kind object accepts arguments that are integer or float.If nd and n are both zero, returns the kind object corresponding to the Python literal 0.0. The compiler will return a kind object corresponding to the least of its available set of kinds for that type that has the desired properties. If no kind with the desired qualities exists in a given implementation an OverflowError exception is thrown. A kind function converts its argument to the target kind, but if the result does not fit in the target kind’s range, an OverflowError exception is thrown. Besides their callable behavior, kind objects have attributes giving the traits of the kind in question. name is the name of the kind. The standard kinds are called int, long, double. typecode is a single-letter string that would be appropriate for use with Numeric or module array to form an array of this kind. The standard types’ typecodes are ‘i’, ‘O’, ‘d’ respectively. Integer kinds have these additional attributes: MAX, equal to the maximum permissible integer of this kind, or None for the long kind. MIN, equal to the most negative permissible integer of this kind, or None for the long kind. Float kinds have these additional attributes whose properties are equal to the corresponding value for the corresponding C type in the standard header file “float.h”. MAX, MIN, DIG, MANT_DIG, EPSILON, MAX_EXP, MAX_10_EXP, MIN_EXP, MIN_10_EXP, RADIX, ROUNDS (== FLT_RADIX, FLT_ROUNDS in float.h). These values are of type integer except for MAX, MIN, and EPSILON, which are of the Python floating type to which the kind corresponds. Attributes of Module kinds int_kinds is a list of the available integer kinds, sorted from lowest to highest kind. By definition, int_kinds[-1] is the long kind. float_kinds is a list of the available floating point kinds, sorted from lowest to highest kind. default_int_kind is the kind object corresponding to the Python literal 0 default_long_kind is the kind object corresponding to the Python literal 0L default_float_kind is the kind object corresponding to the Python literal 0.0 Complex Numbers If supported, complex numbers have real and imaginary parts that are floating-point numbers with the same kind. A Python compiler must support a complex analog of each floating point kind it supports, if it supports complex numbers at all. If complex numbers are supported, the following are available in module kinds: complex_kind(nd, n)Return a callable object whose result is a complex kind that will hold a complex number each of whose components (.real, .imag) is of kind float_kind(nd, n). The kind object will accept one argument that is of any integer, real, or complex kind, or two arguments, each integer or real. complex_kinds is a list of the available complex kinds, sorted from lowest to highest kind. default_complex_kind is the kind object corresponding to the Python literal 0.0j. The name of this kind is doublecomplex, and its typecode is ‘D’. Complex kind objects have these addition attributes: floatkind is the kind object of the corresponding float type. Examples In module myprecision.py: import kinds tinyint = kinds.int_kind(1) single = kinds.float_kind(6, 90) double = kinds.float_kind(15, 300) csingle = kinds.complex_kind(6, 90) In the rest of my code: from myprecision import tinyint, single, double, csingle n = tinyint(3) x = double(1.e20) z = 1.2 # builtin float gets you the default float kind, properties unknown w = x * float(x) # but in the following case we know w has kind "double". w = x * double(z) u = csingle(x + z * 1.0j) u2 = csingle(x+z, 1.0) Note how that entire code can then be changed to a higher precision by changing the arguments in myprecision.py. Comment: note that you aren’t promised that single != double; but you are promised that double(1.e20) will hold a number with 15 decimal digits of precision and a range up to 10**300 or that the float_kind call will fail. Open Issues No open issues have been raised at this time. Rejection This PEP has been closed by the author. The kinds module will not be added to the standard library. There was no opposition to the proposal but only mild interest in using it, not enough to justify adding the module to the standard library. Instead, it will be made available as a separate distribution item at the Numerical Python site. At the next release of Numerical Python, it will no longer be a part of the Numeric distribution. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 242 – Numeric Kinds
Standards Track
This proposal gives the user optional control over the precision and range of numeric computations so that a computation can be written once and run anywhere with at least the desired precision and range. It is backward compatible with existing code. The meaning of decimal literals is clarified.
PEP 246 – Object Adaptation Author: Alex Martelli <aleaxit at gmail.com>, Clark C. Evans <cce at clarkevans.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 21-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 29-Mar-2001, 10-Jan-2005 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Motivation Requirements Specification Intended Use Guido’s “Optional Static Typing: Stop the Flames” Blog Entry Reference Implementation and Test Cases Relationship To Microsoft’s QueryInterface Questions and Answers Backwards Compatibility Credits References and Footnotes Copyright Rejection Notice I’m rejecting this PEP. Something much better is about to happen; it’s too early to say exactly what, but it’s not going to resemble the proposal in this PEP too closely so it’s better to start a new PEP. GvR. Abstract This proposal puts forth an extensible cooperative mechanism for the adaptation of an incoming object to a context which expects an object supporting a specific protocol (say a specific type, class, or interface). This proposal provides a built-in “adapt” function that, for any object X and any protocol Y, can be used to ask the Python environment for a version of X compliant with Y. Behind the scenes, the mechanism asks object X: “Are you now, or do you know how to wrap yourself to provide, a supporter of protocol Y?”. And, if this request fails, the function then asks protocol Y: “Does object X support you, or do you know how to wrap it to obtain such a supporter?” This duality is important, because protocols can be developed after objects are, or vice-versa, and this PEP lets either case be supported non-invasively with regard to the pre-existing component[s]. Lastly, if neither the object nor the protocol know about each other, the mechanism may check a registry of adapter factories, where callables able to adapt certain objects to certain protocols can be registered dynamically. This part of the proposal is optional: the same effect could be obtained by ensuring that certain kinds of protocols and/or objects can accept dynamic registration of adapter factories, for example via suitable custom metaclasses. However, this optional part allows adaptation to be made more flexible and powerful in a way that is not invasive to either protocols or other objects, thereby gaining for adaptation much the same kind of advantage that Python standard library’s “copy_reg” module offers for serialization and persistence. This proposal does not specifically constrain what a protocol is, what “compliance to a protocol” exactly means, nor what precisely a wrapper is supposed to do. These omissions are intended to leave this proposal compatible with both existing categories of protocols, such as the existing system of type and classes, as well as the many concepts for “interfaces” as such which have been proposed or implemented for Python, such as the one in PEP 245, the one in Zope3 [2], or the ones discussed in the BDFL’s Artima blog in late 2004 and early 2005 [3]. However, some reflections on these subjects, intended to be suggestive and not normative, are also included. Motivation Currently there is no standardized mechanism in Python for checking if an object supports a particular protocol. Typically, existence of certain methods, particularly special methods such as __getitem__, is used as an indicator of support for a particular protocol. This technique works well for a few specific protocols blessed by the BDFL (Benevolent Dictator for Life). The same can be said for the alternative technique based on checking ‘isinstance’ (the built-in class “basestring” exists specifically to let you use ‘isinstance’ to check if an object “is a [built-in] string”). Neither approach is easily and generally extensible to other protocols, defined by applications and third party frameworks, outside of the standard Python core. Even more important than checking if an object already supports a given protocol can be the task of obtaining a suitable adapter (wrapper or proxy) for the object, if the support is not already there. For example, a string does not support the file protocol, but you can wrap it into a StringIO instance to obtain an object which does support that protocol and gets its data from the string it wraps; that way, you can pass the string (suitably wrapped) to subsystems which require as their arguments objects that are readable as files. Unfortunately, there is currently no general, standardized way to automate this extremely important kind of “adaptation by wrapping” operations. Typically, today, when you pass objects to a context expecting a particular protocol, either the object knows about the context and provides its own wrapper or the context knows about the object and wraps it appropriately. The difficulty with these approaches is that such adaptations are one-offs, are not centralized in a single place of the users code, and are not executed with a common technique, etc. This lack of standardization increases code duplication with the same adapter occurring in more than one place or it encourages classes to be re-written instead of adapted. In either case, maintainability suffers. It would be very nice to have a standard function that can be called upon to verify an object’s compliance with a particular protocol and provide for a wrapper if one is readily available – all without having to hunt through each library’s documentation for the incantation appropriate to that particular, specific case. Requirements When considering an object’s compliance with a protocol, there are several cases to be examined: When the protocol is a type or class, and the object has exactly that type or is an instance of exactly that class (not a subclass). In this case, compliance is automatic. When the object knows about the protocol, and either considers itself compliant, or knows how to wrap itself suitably. When the protocol knows about the object, and either the object already complies or the protocol knows how to suitably wrap the object. When the protocol is a type or class, and the object is a member of a subclass. This is distinct from the first case (a) above, since inheritance (unfortunately) does not necessarily imply substitutability, and thus must be handled carefully. When the context knows about the object and the protocol and knows how to adapt the object so that the required protocol is satisfied. This could use an adapter registry or similar approaches. The fourth case above is subtle. A break of substitutability can occur when a subclass changes a method’s signature, or restricts the domains accepted for a method’s argument (“co-variance” on arguments types), or extends the co-domain to include return values which the base class may never produce (“contra-variance” on return types). While compliance based on class inheritance should be automatic, this proposal allows an object to signal that it is not compliant with a base class protocol. If Python gains some standard “official” mechanism for interfaces, however, then the “fast-path” case (a) can and should be extended to the protocol being an interface, and the object an instance of a type or class claiming compliance with that interface. For example, if the “interface” keyword discussed in [3] is adopted into Python, the “fast path” of case (a) could be used, since instantiable classes implementing an interface would not be allowed to break substitutability. Specification This proposal introduces a new built-in function, adapt(), which is the basis for supporting these requirements. The adapt() function has three parameters: obj, the object to be adapted protocol, the protocol requested of the object alternate, an optional object to return if the object could not be adapted A successful result of the adapt() function returns either the object passed obj, if the object is already compliant with the protocol, or a secondary object wrapper, which provides a view of the object compliant with the protocol. The definition of wrapper is deliberately vague, and a wrapper is allowed to be a full object with its own state if necessary. However, the design intention is that an adaptation wrapper should hold a reference to the original object it wraps, plus (if needed) a minimum of extra state which it cannot delegate to the wrapper object. An excellent example of adaptation wrapper is an instance of StringIO which adapts an incoming string to be read as if it was a textfile: the wrapper holds a reference to the string, but deals by itself with the “current point of reading” (from where in the wrapped strings will the characters for the next, e.g., “readline” call come from), because it cannot delegate it to the wrapped object (a string has no concept of “current point of reading” nor anything else even remotely related to that concept). A failure to adapt the object to the protocol raises an AdaptationError (which is a subclass of TypeError), unless the alternate parameter is used, in this case the alternate argument is returned instead. To enable the first case listed in the requirements, the adapt() function first checks to see if the object’s type or the object’s class are identical to the protocol. If so, then the adapt() function returns the object directly without further ado. To enable the second case, when the object knows about the protocol, the object must have a __conform__() method. This optional method takes two arguments: self, the object being adapted protocol, the protocol requested Just like any other special method in today’s Python, __conform__ is meant to be taken from the object’s class, not from the object itself (for all objects, except instances of “classic classes” as long as we must still support the latter). This enables a possible ‘tp_conform’ slot to be added to Python’s type objects in the future, if desired. The object may return itself as the result of __conform__ to indicate compliance. Alternatively, the object also has the option of returning a wrapper object compliant with the protocol. If the object knows it is not compliant although it belongs to a type which is a subclass of the protocol, then __conform__ should raise a LiskovViolation exception (a subclass of AdaptationError). Finally, if the object cannot determine its compliance, it should return None to enable the remaining mechanisms. If __conform__ raises any other exception, “adapt” just propagates it. To enable the third case, when the protocol knows about the object, the protocol must have an __adapt__() method. This optional method takes two arguments: self, the protocol requested obj, the object being adapted If the protocol finds the object to be compliant, it can return obj directly. Alternatively, the method may return a wrapper compliant with the protocol. If the protocol knows the object is not compliant although it belongs to a type which is a subclass of the protocol, then __adapt__ should raise a LiskovViolation exception (a subclass of AdaptationError). Finally, when compliance cannot be determined, this method should return None to enable the remaining mechanisms. If __adapt__ raises any other exception, “adapt” just propagates it. The fourth case, when the object’s class is a sub-class of the protocol, is handled by the built-in adapt() function. Under normal circumstances, if “isinstance(object, protocol)” then adapt() returns the object directly. However, if the object is not substitutable, either the __conform__() or __adapt__() methods, as above mentioned, may raise an LiskovViolation (a subclass of AdaptationError) to prevent this default behavior. If none of the first four mechanisms worked, as a last-ditch attempt, ‘adapt’ falls back to checking a registry of adapter factories, indexed by the protocol and the type of obj, to meet the fifth case. Adapter factories may be dynamically registered and removed from that registry to provide “third party adaptation” of objects and protocols that have no knowledge of each other, in a way that is not invasive to either the object or the protocols. Intended Use The typical intended use of adapt is in code which has received some object X “from the outside”, either as an argument or as the result of calling some function, and needs to use that object according to a certain protocol Y. A “protocol” such as Y is meant to indicate an interface, usually enriched with some semantics constraints (such as are typically used in the “design by contract” approach), and often also some pragmatical expectation (such as “the running time of a certain operation should be no worse than O(N)”, or the like); this proposal does not specify how protocols are designed as such, nor how or whether compliance to a protocol is checked, nor what the consequences may be of claiming compliance but not actually delivering it (lack of “syntactic” compliance – names and signatures of methods – will often lead to exceptions being raised; lack of “semantic” compliance may lead to subtle and perhaps occasional errors [imagine a method claiming to be threadsafe but being in fact subject to some subtle race condition, for example]; lack of “pragmatic” compliance will generally lead to code that runs correctly, but too slowly for practical use, or sometimes to exhaustion of resources such as memory or disk space). When protocol Y is a concrete type or class, compliance to it is intended to mean that an object allows all of the operations that could be performed on instances of Y, with “comparable” semantics and pragmatics. For example, a hypothetical object X that is a singly-linked list should not claim compliance with protocol ‘list’, even if it implements all of list’s methods: the fact that indexing X[n] takes time O(n), while the same operation would be O(1) on a list, makes a difference. On the other hand, an instance of StringIO.StringIO does comply with protocol ‘file’, even though some operations (such as those of module ‘marshal’) may not allow substituting one for the other because they perform explicit type-checks: such type-checks are “beyond the pale” from the point of view of protocol compliance. While this convention makes it feasible to use a concrete type or class as a protocol for purposes of this proposal, such use will often not be optimal. Rarely will the code calling ‘adapt’ need ALL of the features of a certain concrete type, particularly for such rich types as file, list, dict; rarely can all those features be provided by a wrapper with good pragmatics, as well as syntax and semantics that are really the same as a concrete type’s. Rather, once this proposal is accepted, a design effort needs to start to identify the essential characteristics of those protocols which are currently used in Python, particularly within the standard library, and to formalize them using some kind of “interface” construct (not necessarily requiring any new syntax: a simple custom metaclass would let us get started, and the results of the effort could later be migrated to whatever “interface” construct is eventually accepted into the Python language). With such a palette of more formally designed protocols, the code using ‘adapt’ will be able to ask for, say, adaptation into “a filelike object that is readable and seekable”, or whatever else it specifically needs with some decent level of “granularity”, rather than too-generically asking for compliance to the ‘file’ protocol. Adaptation is NOT “casting”. When object X itself does not conform to protocol Y, adapting X to Y means using some kind of wrapper object Z, which holds a reference to X, and implements whatever operation Y requires, mostly by delegating to X in appropriate ways. For example, if X is a string and Y is ‘file’, the proper way to adapt X to Y is to make a StringIO(X), NOT to call file(X) [which would try to open a file named by X]. Numeric types and protocols may need to be an exception to this “adaptation is not casting” mantra, however. Guido’s “Optional Static Typing: Stop the Flames” Blog Entry A typical simple use case of adaptation would be: def f(X): X = adapt(X, Y) # continue by using X according to protocol Y In [4], the BDFL has proposed introducing the syntax: def f(X: Y): # continue by using X according to protocol Y to be a handy shortcut for exactly this typical use of adapt, and, as a basis for experimentation until the parser has been modified to accept this new syntax, a semantically equivalent decorator: @arguments(Y) def f(X): # continue by using X according to protocol Y These BDFL ideas are fully compatible with this proposal, as are other of Guido’s suggestions in the same blog. Reference Implementation and Test Cases The following reference implementation does not deal with classic classes: it consider only new-style classes. If classic classes need to be supported, the additions should be pretty clear, though a bit messy (x.__class__ vs type(x), getting boundmethods directly from the object rather than from the type, and so on). ----------------------------------------------------------------- adapt.py ----------------------------------------------------------------- class AdaptationError(TypeError): pass class LiskovViolation(AdaptationError): pass _adapter_factory_registry = {} def registerAdapterFactory(objtype, protocol, factory): _adapter_factory_registry[objtype, protocol] = factory def unregisterAdapterFactory(objtype, protocol): del _adapter_factory_registry[objtype, protocol] def _adapt_by_registry(obj, protocol, alternate): factory = _adapter_factory_registry.get((type(obj), protocol)) if factory is None: adapter = alternate else: adapter = factory(obj, protocol, alternate) if adapter is AdaptationError: raise AdaptationError else: return adapter def adapt(obj, protocol, alternate=AdaptationError): t = type(obj) # (a) first check to see if object has the exact protocol if t is protocol: return obj try: # (b) next check if t.__conform__ exists & likes protocol conform = getattr(t, '__conform__', None) if conform is not None: result = conform(obj, protocol) if result is not None: return result # (c) then check if protocol.__adapt__ exists & likes obj adapt = getattr(type(protocol), '__adapt__', None) if adapt is not None: result = adapt(protocol, obj) if result is not None: return result except LiskovViolation: pass else: # (d) check if object is instance of protocol if isinstance(obj, protocol): return obj # (e) last chance: try the registry return _adapt_by_registry(obj, protocol, alternate) ----------------------------------------------------------------- test.py ----------------------------------------------------------------- from adapt import AdaptationError, LiskovViolation, adapt from adapt import registerAdapterFactory, unregisterAdapterFactory import doctest class A(object): ''' >>> a = A() >>> a is adapt(a, A) # case (a) True ''' class B(A): ''' >>> b = B() >>> b is adapt(b, A) # case (d) True ''' class C(object): ''' >>> c = C() >>> c is adapt(c, B) # case (b) True >>> c is adapt(c, A) # a failure case Traceback (most recent call last): ... AdaptationError ''' def __conform__(self, protocol): if protocol is B: return self class D(C): ''' >>> d = D() >>> d is adapt(d, D) # case (a) True >>> d is adapt(d, C) # case (d) explicitly blocked Traceback (most recent call last): ... AdaptationError ''' def __conform__(self, protocol): if protocol is C: raise LiskovViolation class MetaAdaptingProtocol(type): def __adapt__(cls, obj): return cls.adapt(obj) class AdaptingProtocol: __metaclass__ = MetaAdaptingProtocol @classmethod def adapt(cls, obj): pass class E(AdaptingProtocol): ''' >>> a = A() >>> a is adapt(a, E) # case (c) True >>> b = A() >>> b is adapt(b, E) # case (c) True >>> c = C() >>> c is adapt(c, E) # a failure case Traceback (most recent call last): ... AdaptationError ''' @classmethod def adapt(cls, obj): if isinstance(obj, A): return obj class F(object): pass def adapt_F_to_A(obj, protocol, alternate): if isinstance(obj, F) and issubclass(protocol, A): return obj else: return alternate def test_registry(): ''' >>> f = F() >>> f is adapt(f, A) # a failure case Traceback (most recent call last): ... AdaptationError >>> registerAdapterFactory(F, A, adapt_F_to_A) >>> f is adapt(f, A) # case (e) True >>> unregisterAdapterFactory(F, A) >>> f is adapt(f, A) # a failure case again Traceback (most recent call last): ... AdaptationError >>> registerAdapterFactory(F, A, adapt_F_to_A) ''' doctest.testmod() Relationship To Microsoft’s QueryInterface Although this proposal has some similarities to Microsoft’s (COM) QueryInterface, it differs by a number of aspects. First, adaptation in this proposal is bi-directional, allowing the interface (protocol) to be queried as well, which gives more dynamic abilities (more Pythonic). Second, there is no special “IUnknown” interface which can be used to check or obtain the original unwrapped object identity, although this could be proposed as one of those “special” blessed interface protocol identifiers. Third, with QueryInterface, once an object supports a particular interface it must always there after support this interface; this proposal makes no such guarantee, since, in particular, adapter factories can be dynamically added to the registried and removed again later. Fourth, implementations of Microsoft’s QueryInterface must support a kind of equivalence relation – they must be reflexive, symmetrical, and transitive, in specific senses. The equivalent conditions for protocol adaptation according to this proposal would also represent desirable properties: # given, to start with, a successful adaptation: X_as_Y = adapt(X, Y) # reflexive: assert adapt(X_as_Y, Y) is X_as_Y # transitive: X_as_Z = adapt(X, Z, None) X_as_Y_as_Z = adapt(X_as_Y, Z, None) assert (X_as_Y_as_Z is None) == (X_as_Z is None) # symmetrical: X_as_Z_as_Y = adapt(X_as_Z, Y, None) assert (X_as_Y_as_Z is None) == (X_as_Z_as_Y is None) However, while these properties are desirable, it may not be possible to guarantee them in all cases. QueryInterface can impose their equivalents because it dictates, to some extent, how objects, interfaces, and adapters are to be coded; this proposal is meant to be not necessarily invasive, usable and to “retrofit” adaptation between two frameworks coded in mutual ignorance of each other without having to modify either framework. Transitivity of adaptation is in fact somewhat controversial, as is the relationship (if any) between adaptation and inheritance. The latter would not be controversial if we knew that inheritance always implies Liskov substitutability, which, unfortunately we don’t. If some special form, such as the interfaces proposed in [4], could indeed ensure Liskov substitutability, then for that kind of inheritance, only, we could perhaps assert that if X conforms to Y and Y inherits from Z then X conforms to Z… but only if substitutability was taken in a very strong sense to include semantics and pragmatics, which seems doubtful. (For what it’s worth: in QueryInterface, inheritance does not require nor imply conformance). This proposal does not include any “strong” effects of inheritance, beyond the small ones specifically detailed above. Similarly, transitivity might imply multiple “internal” adaptation passes to get the result of adapt(X, Z) via some intermediate Y, intrinsically like adapt(adapt(X, Y), Z), for some suitable and automatically chosen Y. Again, this may perhaps be feasible under suitably strong constraints, but the practical implications of such a scheme are still unclear to this proposal’s authors. Thus, this proposal does not include any automatic or implicit transitivity of adaptation, under whatever circumstances. For an implementation of the original version of this proposal which performs more advanced processing in terms of transitivity, and of the effects of inheritance, see Phillip J. Eby’s PyProtocols [5]. The documentation accompanying PyProtocols is well worth studying for its considerations on how adapters should be coded and used, and on how adaptation can remove any need for typechecking in application code. Questions and Answers Q: What benefit does this proposal provide?A: The typical Python programmer is an integrator, someone who is connecting components from various suppliers. Often, to interface between these components, one needs intermediate adapters. Usually the burden falls upon the programmer to study the interface exposed by one component and required by another, determine if they are directly compatible, or develop an adapter. Sometimes a supplier may even include the appropriate adapter, but even then searching for the adapter and figuring out how to deploy the adapter takes time. This technique enables suppliers to work with each other directly, by implementing __conform__ or __adapt__ as necessary. This frees the integrator from making their own adapters. In essence, this allows the components to have a simple dialogue among themselves. The integrator simply connects one component to another, and if the types don’t automatically match an adapting mechanism is built-in. Moreover, thanks to the adapter registry, a “fourth party” may supply adapters to allow interoperation of frameworks which are totally unaware of each other, non-invasively, and without requiring the integrator to do anything more than install the appropriate adapter factories in the registry at start-up. As long as libraries and frameworks cooperate with the adaptation infrastructure proposed here (essentially by defining and using protocols appropriately, and calling ‘adapt’ as needed on arguments received and results of call-back factory functions), the integrator’s work thereby becomes much simpler. For example, consider SAX1 and SAX2 interfaces: there is an adapter required to switch between them. Normally, the programmer must be aware of this; however, with this adaptation proposal in place, this is no longer the case – indeed, thanks to the adapter registry, this need may be removed even if the framework supplying SAX1 and the one requiring SAX2 are unaware of each other. Q: Why does this have to be built-in, can’t it be standalone?A: Yes, it does work standalone. However, if it is built-in, it has a greater chance of usage. The value of this proposal is primarily in standardization: having libraries and frameworks coming from different suppliers, including the Python standard library, use a single approach to adaptation. Furthermore: The mechanism is by its very nature a singleton. If used frequently, it will be much faster as a built-in. It is extensible and unassuming. Once ‘adapt’ is built-in, it can support syntax extensions and even be of some help to a type inference system. Q: Why the verbs __conform__ and __adapt__?A: conform, verb intransitive To correspond in form or character; be similar. To act or be in accord or agreement; comply. To act in accordance with current customs or modes. adapt, verb transitive To make suitable to or fit for a specific use or situation. Source: The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Backwards Compatibility There should be no problem with backwards compatibility unless someone had used the special names __conform__ or __adapt__ in other ways, but this seems unlikely, and, in any case, user code should never use special names for non-standard purposes. This proposal could be implemented and tested without changes to the interpreter. Credits This proposal was created in large part by the feedback of the talented individuals on the main Python mailing lists and the type-sig list. To name specific contributors (with apologies if we missed anyone!), besides the proposal’s authors: the main suggestions for the proposal’s first versions came from Paul Prescod, with significant feedback from Robin Thomas, and we also borrowed ideas from Marcin ‘Qrczak’ Kowalczyk and Carlos Ribeiro. Other contributors (via comments) include Michel Pelletier, Jeremy Hylton, Aahz Maruch, Fredrik Lundh, Rainer Deyke, Timothy Delaney, and Huaiyu Zhu. The current version owes a lot to discussions with (among others) Phillip J. Eby, Guido van Rossum, Bruce Eckel, Jim Fulton, and Ka-Ping Yee, and to study and reflection of their proposals, implementations, and documentation about use and adaptation of interfaces and protocols in Python. References and Footnotes [2] http://www.zope.org/Wikis/Interfaces/FrontPage [3] (1, 2) http://www.artima.com/weblogs/index.jsp?blogger=guido [4] (1, 2) http://www.artima.com/weblogs/viewpost.jsp?thread=87182 [5] http://peak.telecommunity.com/PyProtocols.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 246 – Object Adaptation
Standards Track
This proposal puts forth an extensible cooperative mechanism for the adaptation of an incoming object to a context which expects an object supporting a specific protocol (say a specific type, class, or interface).
PEP 247 – API for Cryptographic Hash Functions Author: A.M. Kuchling <amk at amk.ca> Status: Final Type: Informational Created: 23-Mar-2001 Post-History: 20-Sep-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Specification Rationale Changes Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract There are several different modules available that implement cryptographic hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA. This document specifies a standard API for such algorithms, to make it easier to switch between different implementations. Specification All hashing modules should present the same interface. Additional methods or variables can be added, but those described in this document should always be present. Hash function modules define one function: new([string])            (unkeyed hashes) new([key] , [string])    (keyed hashes) Create a new hashing object and return it. The first form is for hashes that are unkeyed, such as MD5 or SHA. For keyed hashes such as HMAC, key is a required parameter containing a string giving the key to use. In both cases, the optional string parameter, if supplied, will be immediately hashed into the object’s starting state, as if obj.update(string) was called.After creating a hashing object, arbitrary strings can be fed into the object using its update() method, and the hash value can be obtained at any time by calling the object’s digest() method. Arbitrary additional keyword arguments can be added to this function, but if they’re not supplied, sensible default values should be used. For example, rounds and digest_size keywords could be added for a hash function which supports a variable number of rounds and several different output sizes, and they should default to values believed to be secure. Hash function modules define one variable: digest_size An integer value; the size of the digest produced by the hashing objects created by this module, measured in bytes. You could also obtain this value by creating a sample object and accessing its digest_size attribute, but it can be convenient to have this value available from the module. Hashes with a variable output size will set this variable to None. Hashing objects require a single attribute: digest_size This attribute is identical to the module-level digest_size variable, measuring the size of the digest produced by the hashing object, measured in bytes. If the hash has a variable output size, this output size must be chosen when the hashing object is created, and this attribute must contain the selected size. Therefore, None is not a legal value for this attribute. Hashing objects require the following methods: copy() Return a separate copy of this hashing object. An update to this copy won’t affect the original object. digest() Return the hash value of this hashing object as a string containing 8-bit data. The object is not altered in any way by this function; you can continue updating the object after calling this function. hexdigest() Return the hash value of this hashing object as a string containing hexadecimal digits. Lowercase letters should be used for the digits a through f. Like the .digest() method, this method mustn’t alter the object. update(string) Hash string into the current state of the hashing object. update() can be called any number of times during a hashing object’s lifetime. Hashing modules can define additional module-level functions or object methods and still be compliant with this specification. Here’s an example, using a module named MD5: >>> from Crypto.Hash import MD5 >>> m = MD5.new() >>> m.digest_size 16 >>> m.update('abc') >>> m.digest() '\x90\x01P\x98<\xd2O\xb0\xd6\x96?}(\xe1\x7fr' >>> m.hexdigest() '900150983cd24fb0d6963f7d28e17f72' >>> MD5.new('abc').digest() '\x90\x01P\x98<\xd2O\xb0\xd6\x96?}(\xe1\x7fr' Rationale The digest size is measured in bytes, not bits, even though hash algorithm sizes are usually quoted in bits; MD5 is a 128-bit algorithm and not a 16-byte one, for example. This is because, in the sample code I looked at, the length in bytes is often needed (to seek ahead or behind in a file; to compute the length of an output string) while the length in bits is rarely used. Therefore, the burden will fall on the few people actually needing the size in bits, who will have to multiply digest_size by 8. It’s been suggested that the update() method would be better named append(). However, that method is really causing the current state of the hashing object to be updated, and update() is already used by the md5 and sha modules included with Python, so it seems simplest to leave the name update() alone. The order of the constructor’s arguments for keyed hashes was a sticky issue. It wasn’t clear whether the key should come first or second. It’s a required parameter, and the usual convention is to place required parameters first, but that also means that the string parameter moves from the first position to the second. It would be possible to get confused and pass a single argument to a keyed hash, thinking that you’re passing an initial string to an unkeyed hash, but it doesn’t seem worth making the interface for keyed hashes more obscure to avoid this potential error. Changes 2001-09-17: Renamed clear() to reset(); added digest_size attribute to objects; added .hexdigest() method. 2001-09-20: Removed reset() method completely. 2001-09-28: Set digest_size to None for variable-size hashes. Acknowledgements Thanks to Aahz, Andrew Archibald, Rich Salz, Itamar Shtull-Trauring, and the readers of the python-crypto list for their comments on this PEP. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 247 – API for Cryptographic Hash Functions
There are several different modules available that implement cryptographic hashing algorithms such as MD5 or SHA. This document specifies a standard API for such algorithms, to make it easier to switch between different implementations.
PEP 250 – Using site-packages on Windows Author: Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Mar-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 30-Mar-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Implementation Notes Open Issues Copyright Abstract The standard Python distribution includes a directory Lib/site-packages, which is used on Unix platforms to hold locally installed modules and packages. The site.py module distributed with Python includes support for locating other modules in the site-packages directory. This PEP proposes that the site-packages directory should be used on the Windows platform in a similar manner. Motivation On Windows platforms, the default setting for sys.path does not include a directory suitable for users to install locally developed modules. The “expected” location appears to be the directory containing the Python executable itself. This is also the location where distutils (and distutils-generated installers) installs packages. Including locally developed code in the same directory as installed executables is not good practice. Clearly, users can manipulate sys.path, either in a locally modified site.py, or in a suitable sitecustomize.py, or even via .pth files. However, there should be a standard location for such files, rather than relying on every individual site having to set their own policy. In addition, with distutils becoming more prevalent as a means of distributing modules, the need for a standard install location for distributed modules will become more common. It would be better to define such a standard now, rather than later when more distutils-based packages exist which will need rebuilding. It is relevant to note that prior to Python 2.1, the site-packages directory was not included in sys.path for Macintosh platforms. This has been changed in 2.1, and Macintosh includes sys.path now, leaving Windows as the only major platform with no site-specific modules directory. Implementation The implementation of this feature is fairly trivial. All that would be required is a change to site.py, to change the section setting sitedirs. The Python 2.1 version has: if os.sep == '/': sitedirs = [makepath(prefix, "lib", "python" + sys.version[:3], "site-packages"), makepath(prefix, "lib", "site-python")] elif os.sep == ':': sitedirs = [makepath(prefix, "lib", "site-packages")] else: sitedirs = [prefix] A suitable change would be to simply replace the last 4 lines with: else: sitedirs == [prefix, makepath(prefix, "lib", "site-packages")] Changes would also be required to distutils, to reflect this change in policy. A patch is available on Sourceforge, patch ID 445744, which implements this change. Note that the patch checks the Python version and only invokes the new behaviour for Python versions from 2.2 onwards. This is to ensure that distutils remains compatible with earlier versions of Python. Finally, the executable code which implements the Windows installer used by the bdist_wininst command will need changing to use the new location. A separate patch is available for this, currently maintained by Thomas Heller. Notes This change does not preclude packages using the current location – the change only adds a directory to sys.path, it does not remove anything. Both the current location (sys.prefix) and the new directory (site-packages) are included in sitedirs, so that .pth files will be recognised in either location. This proposal adds a single additional site-packages directory to sitedirs. On Unix platforms, two directories are added, one for version-independent files (Python code) and one for version-dependent code (C extensions). This is necessary on Unix, as the sitedirs include a common (across Python versions) package location, in /usr/local by default. As there is no such common location available on Windows, there is also no need for having two separate package directories. If users want to keep DLLs in a single location on Windows, rather than keeping them in the package directory, the DLLs subdirectory of the Python install directory is already available for that purpose. Adding an extra directory solely for DLLs should not be necessary. Open Issues Comments from Unix users indicate that there may be issues with the current setup on the Unix platform. Rather than become involved in cross-platform issues, this PEP specifically limits itself to the Windows platform, leaving changes for other platforms to be covered in other PEPs. There could be issues with applications which embed Python. To the author’s knowledge, there should be no problem as a result of this change. There have been no comments (supportive or otherwise) from users who embed Python. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 250 – Using site-packages on Windows
Standards Track
The standard Python distribution includes a directory Lib/site-packages, which is used on Unix platforms to hold locally installed modules and packages. The site.py module distributed with Python includes support for locating other modules in the site-packages directory.
PEP 251 – Python 2.2 Release Schedule Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org>, Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 17-Apr-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 14-Aug-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Release Schedule Release Manager Release Mechanics New features for Python 2.2 References Copyright Abstract This document describes the Python 2.2 development and release schedule. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small bug fixes and changes will occur up until the first beta release. The schedule below represents the actual release dates of Python 2.2. Note that any subsequent maintenance releases of Python 2.2 should be covered by separate PEPs. Release Schedule Tentative future release dates. Note that we’ve slipped this compared to the schedule posted around the release of 2.2a1. 21-Dec-2001: 2.2 [Released] (final release) 14-Dec-2001: 2.2c1 [Released] 14-Nov-2001: 2.2b2 [Released] 19-Oct-2001: 2.2b1 [Released] 28-Sep-2001: 2.2a4 [Released] 7-Sep-2001: 2.2a3 [Released] 22-Aug-2001: 2.2a2 [Released] 18-Jul-2001: 2.2a1 [Released] Release Manager Barry Warsaw was the Python 2.2 release manager. Release Mechanics We experimented with a new mechanism for releases: a week before every alpha, beta or other release, we forked off a branch which became the release. Changes to the branch are limited to the release manager and his designated ‘bots. This experiment was deemed a success and should be observed for future releases. See PEP 101 for the actual release mechanics. New features for Python 2.2 The following new features are introduced in Python 2.2. For a more detailed account, see Misc/NEWS [2] in the Python distribution, or Andrew Kuchling’s “What’s New in Python 2.2” document [3]. iterators (PEP 234) generators (PEP 255) unifying long ints and plain ints (PEP 237) division (PEP 238) unification of types and classes (PEP 252, PEP 253) References [2] Misc/NEWS file from CVS http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/python/python/dist/src/Misc/NEWS?rev=1.337.2.4&content-type=text/vnd.viewcvs-markup [3] Andrew Kuchling, What’s New in Python 2.2 http://www.python.org/doc/2.2.1/whatsnew/whatsnew22.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 251 – Python 2.2 Release Schedule
This document describes the Python 2.2 development and release schedule. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small bug fixes and changes will occur up until the first beta release.
PEP 252 – Making Types Look More Like Classes Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Apr-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Introspection APIs Specification of the class-based introspection API Specification of the attribute descriptor API Static methods and class methods C API Discussion Examples Backwards compatibility Warnings and Errors Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes changes to the introspection API for types that makes them look more like classes, and their instances more like class instances. For example, type(x) will be equivalent to x.__class__ for most built-in types. When C is x.__class__, x.meth(a) will generally be equivalent to C.meth(x, a), and C.__dict__ contains x’s methods and other attributes. This PEP also introduces a new approach to specifying attributes, using attribute descriptors, or descriptors for short. Descriptors unify and generalize several different common mechanisms used for describing attributes: a descriptor can describe a method, a typed field in the object structure, or a generalized attribute represented by getter and setter functions. Based on the generalized descriptor API, this PEP also introduces a way to declare class methods and static methods. [Editor’s note: the ideas described in this PEP have been incorporated into Python. The PEP no longer accurately describes the implementation.] Introduction One of Python’s oldest language warts is the difference between classes and types. For example, you can’t directly subclass the dictionary type, and the introspection interface for finding out what methods and instance variables an object has is different for types and for classes. Healing the class/type split is a big effort, because it affects many aspects of how Python is implemented. This PEP concerns itself with making the introspection API for types look the same as that for classes. Other PEPs will propose making classes look more like types, and subclassing from built-in types; these topics are not on the table for this PEP. Introspection APIs Introspection concerns itself with finding out what attributes an object has. Python’s very general getattr/setattr API makes it impossible to guarantee that there always is a way to get a list of all attributes supported by a specific object, but in practice two conventions have appeared that together work for almost all objects. I’ll call them the class-based introspection API and the type-based introspection API; class API and type API for short. The class-based introspection API is used primarily for class instances; it is also used by Jim Fulton’s ExtensionClasses. It assumes that all data attributes of an object x are stored in the dictionary x.__dict__, and that all methods and class variables can be found by inspection of x’s class, written as x.__class__. Classes have a __dict__ attribute, which yields a dictionary containing methods and class variables defined by the class itself, and a __bases__ attribute, which is a tuple of base classes that must be inspected recursively. Some assumptions here are: attributes defined in the instance dict override attributes defined by the object’s class; attributes defined in a derived class override attributes defined in a base class; attributes in an earlier base class (meaning occurring earlier in __bases__) override attributes in a later base class. (The last two rules together are often summarized as the left-to-right, depth-first rule for attribute search. This is the classic Python attribute lookup rule. Note that PEP 253 will propose to change the attribute lookup order, and if accepted, this PEP will follow suit.) The type-based introspection API is supported in one form or another by most built-in objects. It uses two special attributes, __members__ and __methods__. The __methods__ attribute, if present, is a list of method names supported by the object. The __members__ attribute, if present, is a list of data attribute names supported by the object. The type API is sometimes combined with a __dict__ that works the same as for instances (for example for function objects in Python 2.1, f.__dict__ contains f’s dynamic attributes, while f.__members__ lists the names of f’s statically defined attributes). Some caution must be exercised: some objects don’t list their “intrinsic” attributes (like __dict__ and __doc__) in __members__, while others do; sometimes attribute names occur both in __members__ or __methods__ and as keys in __dict__, in which case it’s anybody’s guess whether the value found in __dict__ is used or not. The type API has never been carefully specified. It is part of Python folklore, and most third party extensions support it because they follow examples that support it. Also, any type that uses Py_FindMethod() and/or PyMember_Get() in its tp_getattr handler supports it, because these two functions special-case the attribute names __methods__ and __members__, respectively. Jim Fulton’s ExtensionClasses ignore the type API, and instead emulate the class API, which is more powerful. In this PEP, I propose to phase out the type API in favor of supporting the class API for all types. One argument in favor of the class API is that it doesn’t require you to create an instance in order to find out which attributes a type supports; this in turn is useful for documentation processors. For example, the socket module exports the SocketType object, but this currently doesn’t tell us what methods are defined on socket objects. Using the class API, SocketType would show exactly what the methods for socket objects are, and we can even extract their docstrings, without creating a socket. (Since this is a C extension module, the source-scanning approach to docstring extraction isn’t feasible in this case.) Specification of the class-based introspection API Objects may have two kinds of attributes: static and dynamic. The names and sometimes other properties of static attributes are knowable by inspection of the object’s type or class, which is accessible through obj.__class__ or type(obj). (I’m using type and class interchangeably; a clumsy but descriptive term that fits both is “meta-object”.) (XXX static and dynamic are not great terms to use here, because “static” attributes may actually behave quite dynamically, and because they have nothing to do with static class members in C++ or Java. Barry suggests to use immutable and mutable instead, but those words already have precise and different meanings in slightly different contexts, so I think that would still be confusing.) Examples of dynamic attributes are instance variables of class instances, module attributes, etc. Examples of static attributes are the methods of built-in objects like lists and dictionaries, and the attributes of frame and code objects (f.f_code, c.co_filename, etc.). When an object with dynamic attributes exposes these through its __dict__ attribute, __dict__ is a static attribute. The names and values of dynamic properties are typically stored in a dictionary, and this dictionary is typically accessible as obj.__dict__. The rest of this specification is more concerned with discovering the names and properties of static attributes than with dynamic attributes; the latter are easily discovered by inspection of obj.__dict__. In the discussion below, I distinguish two kinds of objects: regular objects (like lists, ints, functions) and meta-objects. Types and classes are meta-objects. Meta-objects are also regular objects, but we’re mostly interested in them because they are referenced by the __class__ attribute of regular objects (or by the __bases__ attribute of other meta-objects). The class introspection API consists of the following elements: the __class__ and __dict__ attributes on regular objects; the __bases__ and __dict__ attributes on meta-objects; precedence rules; attribute descriptors. Together, these not only tell us about all attributes defined by a meta-object, but they also help us calculate the value of a specific attribute of a given object. The __dict__ attribute on regular objectsA regular object may have a __dict__ attribute. If it does, this should be a mapping (not necessarily a dictionary) supporting at least __getitem__(), keys(), and has_key(). This gives the dynamic attributes of the object. The keys in the mapping give attribute names, and the corresponding values give their values. Typically, the value of an attribute with a given name is the same object as the value corresponding to that name as a key in the __dict__. In other words, obj.__dict__['spam'] is obj.spam. (But see the precedence rules below; a static attribute with the same name may override the dictionary item.) The __class__ attribute on regular objectsA regular object usually has a __class__ attribute. If it does, this references a meta-object. A meta-object can define static attributes for the regular object whose __class__ it is. This is normally done through the following mechanism: The __dict__ attribute on meta-objectsA meta-object may have a __dict__ attribute, of the same form as the __dict__ attribute for regular objects (a mapping but not necessarily a dictionary). If it does, the keys of the meta-object’s __dict__ are names of static attributes for the corresponding regular object. The values are attribute descriptors; we’ll explain these later. An unbound method is a special case of an attribute descriptor. Because a meta-object is also a regular object, the items in a meta-object’s __dict__ correspond to attributes of the meta-object; however, some transformation may be applied, and bases (see below) may define additional dynamic attributes. In other words, mobj.spam is not always mobj.__dict__['spam']. (This rule contains a loophole because for classes, if C.__dict__['spam'] is a function, C.spam is an unbound method object.) The __bases__ attribute on meta-objectsA meta-object may have a __bases__ attribute. If it does, this should be a sequence (not necessarily a tuple) of other meta-objects, the bases. An absent __bases__ is equivalent to an empty sequence of bases. There must never be a cycle in the relationship between meta-objects defined by __bases__ attributes; in other words, the __bases__ attributes define a directed acyclic graph, with arcs pointing from derived meta-objects to their base meta-objects. (It is not necessarily a tree, since multiple classes can have the same base class.) The __dict__ attributes of a meta-object in the inheritance graph supply attribute descriptors for the regular object whose __class__ attribute points to the root of the inheritance tree (which is not the same as the root of the inheritance hierarchy – rather more the opposite, at the bottom given how inheritance trees are typically drawn). Descriptors are first searched in the dictionary of the root meta-object, then in its bases, according to a precedence rule (see the next paragraph). Precedence rulesWhen two meta-objects in the inheritance graph for a given regular object both define an attribute descriptor with the same name, the search order is up to the meta-object. This allows different meta-objects to define different search orders. In particular, classic classes use the old left-to-right depth-first rule, while new-style classes use a more advanced rule (see the section on method resolution order in PEP 253). When a dynamic attribute (one defined in a regular object’s __dict__) has the same name as a static attribute (one defined by a meta-object in the inheritance graph rooted at the regular object’s __class__), the static attribute has precedence if it is a descriptor that defines a __set__ method (see below); otherwise (if there is no __set__ method) the dynamic attribute has precedence. In other words, for data attributes (those with a __set__ method), the static definition overrides the dynamic definition, but for other attributes, dynamic overrides static. Rationale: we can’t have a simple rule like “static overrides dynamic” or “dynamic overrides static”, because some static attributes indeed override dynamic attributes; for example, a key ‘__class__’ in an instance’s __dict__ is ignored in favor of the statically defined __class__ pointer, but on the other hand most keys in inst.__dict__ override attributes defined in inst.__class__. Presence of a __set__ method on a descriptor indicates that this is a data descriptor. (Even read-only data descriptors have a __set__ method: it always raises an exception.) Absence of a __set__ method on a descriptor indicates that the descriptor isn’t interested in intercepting assignment, and then the classic rule applies: an instance variable with the same name as a method hides the method until it is deleted. Attribute descriptorsThis is where it gets interesting – and messy. Attribute descriptors (descriptors for short) are stored in the meta-object’s __dict__ (or in the __dict__ of one of its ancestors), and have two uses: a descriptor can be used to get or set the corresponding attribute value on the (regular, non-meta) object, and it has an additional interface that describes the attribute for documentation and introspection purposes. There is little prior art in Python for designing the descriptor’s interface, neither for getting/setting the value nor for describing the attribute otherwise, except some trivial properties (it’s reasonable to assume that __name__ and __doc__ should be the attribute’s name and docstring). I will propose such an API below. If an object found in the meta-object’s __dict__ is not an attribute descriptor, backward compatibility dictates certain minimal semantics. This basically means that if it is a Python function or an unbound method, the attribute is a method; otherwise, it is the default value for a dynamic data attribute. Backwards compatibility also dictates that (in the absence of a __setattr__ method) it is legal to assign to an attribute corresponding to a method, and that this creates a data attribute shadowing the method for this particular instance. However, these semantics are only required for backwards compatibility with regular classes. The introspection API is a read-only API. We don’t define the effect of assignment to any of the special attributes (__dict__, __class__ and __bases__), nor the effect of assignment to the items of a __dict__. Generally, such assignments should be considered off-limits. A future PEP may define some semantics for some such assignments. (Especially because currently instances support assignment to __class__ and __dict__, and classes support assignment to __bases__ and __dict__.) Specification of the attribute descriptor API Attribute descriptors may have the following attributes. In the examples, x is an object, C is x.__class__, x.meth() is a method, and x.ivar is a data attribute or instance variable. All attributes are optional – a specific attribute may or may not be present on a given descriptor. An absent attribute means that the corresponding information is not available or the corresponding functionality is not implemented. __name__: the attribute name. Because of aliasing and renaming, the attribute may (additionally or exclusively) be known under a different name, but this is the name under which it was born. Example: C.meth.__name__ == 'meth'. __doc__: the attribute’s documentation string. This may be None. __objclass__: the class that declared this attribute. The descriptor only applies to objects that are instances of this class (this includes instances of its subclasses). Example: C.meth.__objclass__ is C. __get__(): a function callable with one or two arguments that retrieves the attribute value from an object. This is also referred to as a “binding” operation, because it may return a “bound method” object in the case of method descriptors. The first argument, X, is the object from which the attribute must be retrieved or to which it must be bound. When X is None, the optional second argument, T, should be meta-object and the binding operation may return an unbound method restricted to instances of T. When both X and T are specified, X should be an instance of T. Exactly what is returned by the binding operation depends on the semantics of the descriptor; for example, static methods and class methods (see below) ignore the instance and bind to the type instead. __set__(): a function of two arguments that sets the attribute value on the object. If the attribute is read-only, this method may raise a TypeError or AttributeError exception (both are allowed, because both are historically found for undefined or unsettable attributes). Example: C.ivar.set(x, y) ~~ x.ivar = y. Static methods and class methods The descriptor API makes it possible to add static methods and class methods. Static methods are easy to describe: they behave pretty much like static methods in C++ or Java. Here’s an example: class C: def foo(x, y): print "staticmethod", x, y foo = staticmethod(foo) C.foo(1, 2) c = C() c.foo(1, 2) Both the call C.foo(1, 2) and the call c.foo(1, 2) call foo() with two arguments, and print “staticmethod 1 2”. No “self” is declared in the definition of foo(), and no instance is required in the call. The line “foo = staticmethod(foo)” in the class statement is the crucial element: this makes foo() a static method. The built-in staticmethod() wraps its function argument in a special kind of descriptor whose __get__() method returns the original function unchanged. Without this, the __get__() method of standard function objects would have created a bound method object for ‘c.foo’ and an unbound method object for ‘C.foo’. (XXX Barry suggests to use “sharedmethod” instead of “staticmethod”, because the word static is being overloaded in so many ways already. But I’m not sure if shared conveys the right meaning.) Class methods use a similar pattern to declare methods that receive an implicit first argument that is the class for which they are invoked. This has no C++ or Java equivalent, and is not quite the same as what class methods are in Smalltalk, but may serve a similar purpose. According to Armin Rigo, they are similar to “virtual class methods” in Borland Pascal dialect Delphi. (Python also has real metaclasses, and perhaps methods defined in a metaclass have more right to the name “class method”; but I expect that most programmers won’t be using metaclasses.) Here’s an example: class C: def foo(cls, y): print "classmethod", cls, y foo = classmethod(foo) C.foo(1) c = C() c.foo(1) Both the call C.foo(1) and the call c.foo(1) end up calling foo() with two arguments, and print “classmethod __main__.C 1”. The first argument of foo() is implied, and it is the class, even if the method was invoked via an instance. Now let’s continue the example: class D(C): pass D.foo(1) d = D() d.foo(1) This prints “classmethod __main__.D 1” both times; in other words, the class passed as the first argument of foo() is the class involved in the call, not the class involved in the definition of foo(). But notice this: class E(C): def foo(cls, y): # override C.foo print "E.foo() called" C.foo(y) foo = classmethod(foo) E.foo(1) e = E() e.foo(1) In this example, the call to C.foo() from E.foo() will see class C as its first argument, not class E. This is to be expected, since the call specifies the class C. But it stresses the difference between these class methods and methods defined in metaclasses, where an upcall to a metamethod would pass the target class as an explicit first argument. (If you don’t understand this, don’t worry, you’re not alone.) Note that calling cls.foo(y) would be a mistake – it would cause infinite recursion. Also note that you can’t specify an explicit ‘cls’ argument to a class method. If you want this (e.g. the __new__ method in PEP 253 requires this), use a static method with a class as its explicit first argument instead. C API XXX The following is VERY rough text that I wrote with a different audience in mind; I’ll have to go through this to edit it more. XXX It also doesn’t go into enough detail for the C API. A built-in type can declare special data attributes in two ways: using a struct memberlist (defined in structmember.h) or a struct getsetlist (defined in descrobject.h). The struct memberlist is an old mechanism put to new use: each attribute has a descriptor record including its name, an enum giving its type (various C types are supported as well as PyObject *), an offset from the start of the instance, and a read-only flag. The struct getsetlist mechanism is new, and intended for cases that don’t fit in that mold, because they either require additional checking, or are plain calculated attributes. Each attribute here has a name, a getter C function pointer, a setter C function pointer, and a context pointer. The function pointers are optional, so that for example setting the setter function pointer to NULL makes a read-only attribute. The context pointer is intended to pass auxiliary information to generic getter/setter functions, but I haven’t found a need for this yet. Note that there is also a similar mechanism to declare built-in methods: these are PyMethodDef structures, which contain a name and a C function pointer (and some flags for the calling convention). Traditionally, built-in types have had to define their own tp_getattro and tp_setattro slot functions to make these attribute definitions work (PyMethodDef and struct memberlist are quite old). There are convenience functions that take an array of PyMethodDef or memberlist structures, an object, and an attribute name, and return or set the attribute if found in the list, or raise an exception if not found. But these convenience functions had to be explicitly called by the tp_getattro or tp_setattro method of the specific type, and they did a linear search of the array using strcmp() to find the array element describing the requested attribute. I now have a brand spanking new generic mechanism that improves this situation substantially. Pointers to arrays of PyMethodDef, memberlist, getsetlist structures are part of the new type object (tp_methods, tp_members, tp_getset). At type initialization time (in PyType_InitDict()), for each entry in those three arrays, a descriptor object is created and placed in a dictionary that belongs to the type (tp_dict). Descriptors are very lean objects that mostly point to the corresponding structure. An implementation detail is that all descriptors share the same object type, and a discriminator field tells what kind of descriptor it is (method, member, or getset). As explained in PEP 252, descriptors have a get() method that takes an object argument and returns that object’s attribute; descriptors for writable attributes also have a set() method that takes an object and a value and set that object’s attribute. Note that the get() object also serves as a bind() operation for methods, binding the unbound method implementation to the object. Instead of providing their own tp_getattro and tp_setattro implementation, almost all built-in objects now place PyObject_GenericGetAttr and (if they have any writable attributes) PyObject_GenericSetAttr in their tp_getattro and tp_setattro slots. (Or, they can leave these NULL, and inherit them from the default base object, if they arrange for an explicit call to PyType_InitDict() for the type before the first instance is created.) In the simplest case, PyObject_GenericGetAttr() does exactly one dictionary lookup: it looks up the attribute name in the type’s dictionary (obj->ob_type->tp_dict). Upon success, there are two possibilities: the descriptor has a get method, or it doesn’t. For speed, the get and set methods are type slots: tp_descr_get and tp_descr_set. If the tp_descr_get slot is non-NULL, it is called, passing the object as its only argument, and the return value from this call is the result of the getattr operation. If the tp_descr_get slot is NULL, as a fallback the descriptor itself is returned (compare class attributes that are not methods but simple values). PyObject_GenericSetAttr() works very similar but uses the tp_descr_set slot and calls it with the object and the new attribute value; if the tp_descr_set slot is NULL, an AttributeError is raised. But now for a more complicated case. The approach described above is suitable for most built-in objects such as lists, strings, numbers. However, some object types have a dictionary in each instance that can store arbitrary attributes. In fact, when you use a class statement to subtype an existing built-in type, you automatically get such a dictionary (unless you explicitly turn it off, using another advanced feature, __slots__). Let’s call this the instance dict, to distinguish it from the type dict. In the more complicated case, there’s a conflict between names stored in the instance dict and names stored in the type dict. If both dicts have an entry with the same key, which one should we return? Looking at classic Python for guidance, I find conflicting rules: for class instances, the instance dict overrides the class dict, except for the special attributes (like __dict__ and __class__), which have priority over the instance dict. I resolved this with the following set of rules, implemented in PyObject_GenericGetAttr(): Look in the type dict. If you find a data descriptor, use its get() method to produce the result. This takes care of special attributes like __dict__ and __class__. Look in the instance dict. If you find anything, that’s it. (This takes care of the requirement that normally the instance dict overrides the class dict.) Look in the type dict again (in reality this uses the saved result from step 1, of course). If you find a descriptor, use its get() method; if you find something else, that’s it; if it’s not there, raise AttributeError. This requires a classification of descriptors as data and nondata descriptors. The current implementation quite sensibly classifies member and getset descriptors as data (even if they are read-only!) and method descriptors as nondata. Non-descriptors (like function pointers or plain values) are also classified as non-data (!). This scheme has one drawback: in what I assume to be the most common case, referencing an instance variable stored in the instance dict, it does two dictionary lookups, whereas the classic scheme did a quick test for attributes starting with two underscores plus a single dictionary lookup. (Although the implementation is sadly structured as instance_getattr() calling instance_getattr1() calling instance_getattr2() which finally calls PyDict_GetItem(), and the underscore test calls PyString_AsString() rather than inlining this. I wonder if optimizing the snot out of this might not be a good idea to speed up Python 2.2, if we weren’t going to rip it all out. :-) A benchmark verifies that in fact this is as fast as classic instance variable lookup, so I’m no longer worried. Modification for dynamic types: step 1 and 3 look in the dictionary of the type and all its base classes (in MRO sequence, or course). Discussion XXX Examples Let’s look at lists. In classic Python, the method names of lists were available as the __methods__ attribute of list objects: >>> [].__methods__ ['append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] >>> Under the new proposal, the __methods__ attribute no longer exists: >>> [].__methods__ Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute '__methods__' >>> Instead, you can get the same information from the list type: >>> T = [].__class__ >>> T <type 'list'> >>> dir(T) # like T.__dict__.keys(), but sorted ['__add__', '__class__', '__contains__', '__eq__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getitem__', '__getslice__', '__gt__', '__iadd__', '__imul__', '__init__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__mul__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__radd__', '__repr__', '__rmul__', '__setitem__', '__setslice__', 'append', 'count', 'extend', 'index', 'insert', 'pop', 'remove', 'reverse', 'sort'] >>> The new introspection API gives more information than the old one: in addition to the regular methods, it also shows the methods that are normally invoked through special notations, e.g. __iadd__ (+=), __len__ (len), __ne__ (!=). You can invoke any method from this list directly: >>> a = ['tic', 'tac'] >>> T.__len__(a) # same as len(a) 2 >>> T.append(a, 'toe') # same as a.append('toe') >>> a ['tic', 'tac', 'toe'] >>> This is just like it is for user-defined classes. Notice a familiar yet surprising name in the list: __init__. This is the domain of PEP 253. Backwards compatibility XXX Warnings and Errors XXX Implementation A partial implementation of this PEP is available from CVS as a branch named “descr-branch”. To experiment with this implementation, proceed to check out Python from CVS according to the instructions at http://sourceforge.net/cvs/?group_id=5470 but add the arguments “-r descr-branch” to the cvs checkout command. (You can also start with an existing checkout and do “cvs update -r descr-branch”.) For some examples of the features described here, see the file Lib/test/test_descr.py. Note: the code in this branch goes way beyond this PEP; it is also the experimentation area for PEP 253 (Subtyping Built-in Types). References XXX Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 252 – Making Types Look More Like Classes
Standards Track
This PEP proposes changes to the introspection API for types that makes them look more like classes, and their instances more like class instances. For example, type(x) will be equivalent to x.__class__ for most built-in types. When C is x.__class__, x.meth(a) will generally be equivalent to C.meth(x, a), and C.__dict__ contains x’s methods and other attributes.
PEP 253 – Subtyping Built-in Types Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 14-May-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Introduction About metatypes Making a type a factory for its instances Preparing a type for subtyping Creating a subtype of a built-in type in C Subtyping in Python Multiple inheritance MRO: Method resolution order (the lookup rule) XXX To be done open issues Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes additions to the type object API that will allow the creation of subtypes of built-in types, in C and in Python. [Editor’s note: the ideas described in this PEP have been incorporated into Python. The PEP no longer accurately describes the implementation.] Introduction Traditionally, types in Python have been created statically, by declaring a global variable of type PyTypeObject and initializing it with a static initializer. The slots in the type object describe all aspects of a Python type that are relevant to the Python interpreter. A few slots contain dimensional information (like the basic allocation size of instances), others contain various flags, but most slots are pointers to functions to implement various kinds of behaviors. A NULL pointer means that the type does not implement the specific behavior; in that case the system may provide a default behavior or raise an exception when the behavior is invoked for an instance of the type. Some collections of function pointers that are usually defined together are obtained indirectly via a pointer to an additional structure containing more function pointers. While the details of initializing a PyTypeObject structure haven’t been documented as such, they are easily gleaned from the examples in the source code, and I am assuming that the reader is sufficiently familiar with the traditional way of creating new Python types in C. This PEP will introduce the following features: a type can be a factory function for its instances types can be subtyped in C types can be subtyped in Python with the class statement multiple inheritance from types is supported (insofar as practical – you still can’t multiply inherit from list and dictionary) the standard coercion functions (int, tuple, str etc.) will be redefined to be the corresponding type objects, which serve as their own factory functions a class statement can contain a __metaclass__ declaration, specifying the metaclass to be used to create the new class a class statement can contain a __slots__ declaration, specifying the specific names of the instance variables supported This PEP builds on PEP 252, which adds standard introspection to types; for example, when a particular type object initializes the tp_hash slot, that type object has a __hash__ method when introspected. PEP 252 also adds a dictionary to type objects which contains all methods. At the Python level, this dictionary is read-only for built-in types; at the C level, it is accessible directly (but it should not be modified except as part of initialization). For binary compatibility, a flag bit in the tp_flags slot indicates the existence of the various new slots in the type object introduced below. Types that don’t have the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_CLASS bit set in their tp_flags slot are assumed to have NULL values for all the subtyping slots. (Warning: the current implementation prototype is not yet consistent in its checking of this flag bit. This should be fixed before the final release.) In current Python, a distinction is made between types and classes. This PEP together with PEP 254 will remove that distinction. However, for backwards compatibility the distinction will probably remain for years to come, and without PEP 254, the distinction is still large: types ultimately have a built-in type as a base class, while classes ultimately derive from a user-defined class. Therefore, in the rest of this PEP, I will use the word type whenever I can – including base type or supertype, derived type or subtype, and metatype. However, sometimes the terminology necessarily blends, for example an object’s type is given by its __class__ attribute, and subtyping in Python is spelled with a class statement. If further distinction is necessary, user-defined classes can be referred to as “classic” classes. About metatypes Inevitably the discussion comes to metatypes (or metaclasses). Metatypes are nothing new in Python: Python has always been able to talk about the type of a type: >>> a = 0 >>> type(a) <type 'int'> >>> type(type(a)) <type 'type'> >>> type(type(type(a))) <type 'type'> >>> In this example, type(a) is a “regular” type, and type(type(a)) is a metatype. While as distributed all types have the same metatype (PyType_Type, which is also its own metatype), this is not a requirement, and in fact a useful and relevant 3rd party extension (ExtensionClasses by Jim Fulton) creates an additional metatype. The type of classic classes, known as types.ClassType, can also be considered a distinct metatype. A feature closely connected to metatypes is the “Don Beaudry hook”, which says that if a metatype is callable, its instances (which are regular types) can be subclassed (really subtyped) using a Python class statement. I will use this rule to support subtyping of built-in types, and in fact it greatly simplifies the logic of class creation to always simply call the metatype. When no base class is specified, a default metatype is called – the default metatype is the “ClassType” object, so the class statement will behave as before in the normal case. (This default can be changed per module by setting the global variable __metaclass__.) Python uses the concept of metatypes or metaclasses in a different way than Smalltalk. In Smalltalk-80, there is a hierarchy of metaclasses that mirrors the hierarchy of regular classes, metaclasses map 1-1 to classes (except for some funny business at the root of the hierarchy), and each class statement creates both a regular class and its metaclass, putting class methods in the metaclass and instance methods in the regular class. Nice though this may be in the context of Smalltalk, it’s not compatible with the traditional use of metatypes in Python, and I prefer to continue in the Python way. This means that Python metatypes are typically written in C, and may be shared between many regular types. (It will be possible to subtype metatypes in Python, so it won’t be absolutely necessary to write C to use metatypes; but the power of Python metatypes will be limited. For example, Python code will never be allowed to allocate raw memory and initialize it at will.) Metatypes determine various policies for types, such as what happens when a type is called, how dynamic types are (whether a type’s __dict__ can be modified after it is created), what the method resolution order is, how instance attributes are looked up, and so on. I’ll argue that left-to-right depth-first is not the best solution when you want to get the most use from multiple inheritance. I’ll argue that with multiple inheritance, the metatype of the subtype must be a descendant of the metatypes of all base types. I’ll come back to metatypes later. Making a type a factory for its instances Traditionally, for each type there is at least one C factory function that creates instances of the type (PyTuple_New(), PyInt_FromLong() and so on). These factory functions take care of both allocating memory for the object and initializing that memory. As of Python 2.0, they also have to interface with the garbage collection subsystem, if the type chooses to participate in garbage collection (which is optional, but strongly recommended for so-called “container” types: types that may contain references to other objects, and hence may participate in reference cycles). In this proposal, type objects can be factory functions for their instances, making the types directly callable from Python. This mimics the way classes are instantiated. The C APIs for creating instances of various built-in types will remain valid and in some cases more efficient. Not all types will become their own factory functions. The type object has a new slot, tp_new, which can act as a factory for instances of the type. Types are now callable, because the tp_call slot is set in PyType_Type (the metatype); the function looks for the tp_new slot of the type that is being called. Explanation: the tp_call slot of a regular type object (such as PyInt_Type or PyList_Type) defines what happens when instances of that type are called; in particular, the tp_call slot in the function type, PyFunction_Type, is the key to making functions callable. As another example, PyInt_Type.tp_call is NULL, because integers are not callable. The new paradigm makes type objects callable. Since type objects are instances of their metatype (PyType_Type), the metatype’s tp_call slot (PyType_Type.tp_call) points to a function that is invoked when any type object is called. Now, since each type has to do something different to create an instance of itself, PyType_Type.tp_call immediately defers to the tp_new slot of the type that is being called. PyType_Type itself is also callable: its tp_new slot creates a new type. This is used by the class statement (formalizing the Don Beaudry hook, see above). And what makes PyType_Type callable? The tp_call slot of its metatype – but since it is its own metatype, that is its own tp_call slot! If the type’s tp_new slot is NULL, an exception is raised. Otherwise, the tp_new slot is called. The signature for the tp_new slot is PyObject *tp_new(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) where ‘type’ is the type whose tp_new slot is called, and ‘args’ and ‘kwds’ are the sequential and keyword arguments to the call, passed unchanged from tp_call. (The ‘type’ argument is used in combination with inheritance, see below.) There are no constraints on the object type that is returned, although by convention it should be an instance of the given type. It is not necessary that a new object is returned; a reference to an existing object is fine too. The return value should always be a new reference, owned by the caller. Once the tp_new slot has returned an object, further initialization is attempted by calling the tp_init() slot of the resulting object’s type, if not NULL. This has the following signature: int tp_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds) It corresponds more closely to the __init__() method of classic classes, and in fact is mapped to that by the slot/special-method correspondence rules. The difference in responsibilities between the tp_new() slot and the tp_init() slot lies in the invariants they ensure. The tp_new() slot should ensure only the most essential invariants, without which the C code that implements the objects would break. The tp_init() slot should be used for overridable user-specific initializations. Take for example the dictionary type. The implementation has an internal pointer to a hash table which should never be NULL. This invariant is taken care of by the tp_new() slot for dictionaries. The dictionary tp_init() slot, on the other hand, could be used to give the dictionary an initial set of keys and values based on the arguments passed in. Note that for immutable object types, the initialization cannot be done by the tp_init() slot: this would provide the Python user with a way to change the initialization. Therefore, immutable objects typically have an empty tp_init() implementation and do all their initialization in their tp_new() slot. You may wonder why the tp_new() slot shouldn’t call the tp_init() slot itself. The reason is that in certain circumstances (like support for persistent objects), it is important to be able to create an object of a particular type without initializing it any further than necessary. This may conveniently be done by calling the tp_new() slot without calling tp_init(). It is also possible that tp_init() is not called, or called more than once – its operation should be robust even in these anomalous cases. For some objects, tp_new() may return an existing object. For example, the factory function for integers caches the integers -1 through 99. This is permissible only when the type argument to tp_new() is the type that defined the tp_new() function (in the example, if type == &PyInt_Type), and when the tp_init() slot for this type does nothing. If the type argument differs, the tp_new() call is initiated by a derived type’s tp_new() to create the object and initialize the base type portion of the object; in this case tp_new() should always return a new object (or raise an exception). Both tp_new() and tp_init() should receive exactly the same ‘args’ and ‘kwds’ arguments, and both should check that the arguments are acceptable, because they may be called independently. There’s a third slot related to object creation: tp_alloc(). Its responsibility is to allocate the memory for the object, initialize the reference count (ob_refcnt) and the type pointer (ob_type), and initialize the rest of the object to all zeros. It should also register the object with the garbage collection subsystem if the type supports garbage collection. This slot exists so that derived types can override the memory allocation policy (like which heap is being used) separately from the initialization code. The signature is: PyObject *tp_alloc(PyTypeObject *type, int nitems) The type argument is the type of the new object. The nitems argument is normally zero, except for objects with a variable allocation size (basically strings, tuples, and longs). The allocation size is given by the following expression: type->tp_basicsize + nitems * type->tp_itemsize The tp_alloc slot is only used for subclassable types. The tp_new() function of the base class must call the tp_alloc() slot of the type passed in as its first argument. It is the tp_new() function’s responsibility to calculate the number of items. The tp_alloc() slot will set the ob_size member of the new object if the type->tp_itemsize member is nonzero. (Note: in certain debugging compilation modes, the type structure used to have members named tp_alloc and a tp_free slot already, counters for the number of allocations and deallocations. These are renamed to tp_allocs and tp_deallocs.) Standard implementations for tp_alloc() and tp_new() are available. PyType_GenericAlloc() allocates an object from the standard heap and initializes it properly. It uses the above formula to determine the amount of memory to allocate, and takes care of GC registration. The only reason not to use this implementation would be to allocate objects from a different heap (as is done by some very small frequently used objects like ints and tuples). PyType_GenericNew() adds very little: it just calls the type’s tp_alloc() slot with zero for nitems. But for mutable types that do all their initialization in their tp_init() slot, this may be just the ticket. Preparing a type for subtyping The idea behind subtyping is very similar to that of single inheritance in C++. A base type is described by a structure declaration (similar to the C++ class declaration) plus a type object (similar to the C++ vtable). A derived type can extend the structure (but must leave the names, order and type of the members of the base structure unchanged) and can override certain slots in the type object, leaving others the same. (Unlike C++ vtables, all Python type objects have the same memory layout.) The base type must do the following: Add the flag value Py_TPFLAGS_BASETYPE to tp_flags. Declare and use tp_new(), tp_alloc() and optional tp_init() slots. Declare and use tp_dealloc() and tp_free(). Export its object structure declaration. Export a subtyping-aware type-checking macro. The requirements and signatures for tp_new(), tp_alloc() and tp_init() have already been discussed above: tp_alloc() should allocate the memory and initialize it to mostly zeros; tp_new() should call the tp_alloc() slot and then proceed to do the minimally required initialization; tp_init() should be used for more extensive initialization of mutable objects. It should come as no surprise that there are similar conventions at the end of an object’s lifetime. The slots involved are tp_dealloc() (familiar to all who have ever implemented a Python extension type) and tp_free(), the new kid on the block. (The names aren’t quite symmetric; tp_free() corresponds to tp_alloc(), which is fine, but tp_dealloc() corresponds to tp_new(). Maybe the tp_dealloc slot should be renamed?) The tp_free() slot should be used to free the memory and unregister the object with the garbage collection subsystem, and can be overridden by a derived class; tp_dealloc() should deinitialize the object (usually by calling Py_XDECREF() for various sub-objects) and then call tp_free() to deallocate the memory. The signature for tp_dealloc() is the same as it always was: void tp_dealloc(PyObject *object) The signature for tp_free() is the same: void tp_free(PyObject *object) (In a previous version of this PEP, there was also a role reserved for the tp_clear() slot. This turned out to be a bad idea.) To be usefully subtyped in C, a type must export the structure declaration for its instances through a header file, as it is needed to derive a subtype. The type object for the base type must also be exported. If the base type has a type-checking macro (like PyDict_Check()), this macro should be made to recognize subtypes. This can be done by using the new PyObject_TypeCheck(object, type) macro, which calls a function that follows the base class links. The PyObject_TypeCheck() macro contains a slight optimization: it first compares object->ob_type directly to the type argument, and if this is a match, bypasses the function call. This should make it fast enough for most situations. Note that this change in the type-checking macro means that C functions that require an instance of the base type may be invoked with instances of the derived type. Before enabling subtyping of a particular type, its code should be checked to make sure that this won’t break anything. It has proved useful in the prototype to add another type-checking macro for the built-in Python object types, to check for exact type match too (for example, PyDict_Check(x) is true if x is an instance of dictionary or of a dictionary subclass, while PyDict_CheckExact(x) is true only if x is a dictionary). Creating a subtype of a built-in type in C The simplest form of subtyping is subtyping in C. It is the simplest form because we can require the C code to be aware of some of the problems, and it’s acceptable for C code that doesn’t follow the rules to dump core. For added simplicity, it is limited to single inheritance. Let’s assume we’re deriving from a mutable base type whose tp_itemsize is zero. The subtype code is not GC-aware, although it may inherit GC-awareness from the base type (this is automatic). The base type’s allocation uses the standard heap. The derived type begins by declaring a type structure which contains the base type’s structure. For example, here’s the type structure for a subtype of the built-in list type: typedef struct { PyListObject list; int state; } spamlistobject; Note that the base type structure member (here PyListObject) must be the first member of the structure; any following members are additions. Also note that the base type is not referenced via a pointer; the actual contents of its structure must be included! (The goal is for the memory layout of the beginning of the subtype instance to be the same as that of the base type instance.) Next, the derived type must declare a type object and initialize it. Most of the slots in the type object may be initialized to zero, which is a signal that the base type slot must be copied into it. Some slots that must be initialized properly: The object header must be filled in as usual; the type should be &PyType_Type. The tp_basicsize slot must be set to the size of the subtype instance struct (in the above example: sizeof(spamlistobject)). The tp_base slot must be set to the address of the base type’s type object. If the derived slot defines any pointer members, the tp_dealloc slot function requires special attention, see below; otherwise, it can be set to zero, to inherit the base type’s deallocation function. The tp_flags slot must be set to the usual Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT value. The tp_name slot must be set; it is recommended to set tp_doc as well (these are not inherited). If the subtype defines no additional structure members (it only defines new behavior, no new data), the tp_basicsize and the tp_dealloc slots may be left set to zero. The subtype’s tp_dealloc slot deserves special attention. If the derived type defines no additional pointer members that need to be DECREF’ed or freed when the object is deallocated, it can be set to zero. Otherwise, the subtype’s tp_dealloc() function must call Py_XDECREF() for any PyObject * members and the correct memory freeing function for any other pointers it owns, and then call the base class’s tp_dealloc() slot. This call has to be made via the base type’s type structure, for example, when deriving from the standard list type: PyList_Type.tp_dealloc(self); If the subtype wants to use a different allocation heap than the base type, the subtype must override both the tp_alloc() and the tp_free() slots. These will be called by the base class’s tp_new() and tp_dealloc() slots, respectively. To complete the initialization of the type, PyType_InitDict() must be called. This replaces slots initialized to zero in the subtype with the value of the corresponding base type slots. (It also fills in tp_dict, the type’s dictionary, and does various other initializations necessary for type objects.) A subtype is not usable until PyType_InitDict() is called for it; this is best done during module initialization, assuming the subtype belongs to a module. An alternative for subtypes added to the Python core (which don’t live in a particular module) would be to initialize the subtype in their constructor function. It is allowed to call PyType_InitDict() more than once; the second and further calls have no effect. To avoid unnecessary calls, a test for tp_dict==NULL can be made. (During initialization of the Python interpreter, some types are actually used before they are initialized. As long as the slots that are actually needed are initialized, especially tp_dealloc, this works, but it is fragile and not recommended as a general practice.) To create a subtype instance, the subtype’s tp_new() slot is called. This should first call the base type’s tp_new() slot and then initialize the subtype’s additional data members. To further initialize the instance, the tp_init() slot is typically called. Note that the tp_new() slot should not call the tp_init() slot; this is up to tp_new()’s caller (typically a factory function). There are circumstances where it is appropriate not to call tp_init(). If a subtype defines a tp_init() slot, the tp_init() slot should normally first call the base type’s tp_init() slot. (XXX There should be a paragraph or two about argument passing here.) Subtyping in Python The next step is to allow subtyping of selected built-in types through a class statement in Python. Limiting ourselves to single inheritance for now, here is what happens for a simple class statement: class C(B): var1 = 1 def method1(self): pass # etc. The body of the class statement is executed in a fresh environment (basically, a new dictionary used as local namespace), and then C is created. The following explains how C is created. Assume B is a type object. Since type objects are objects, and every object has a type, B has a type. Since B is itself a type, we also call its type its metatype. B’s metatype is accessible via type(B) or B.__class__ (the latter notation is new for types; it is introduced in PEP 252). Let’s say this metatype is M (for Metatype). The class statement will create a new type, C. Since C will be a type object just like B, we view the creation of C as an instantiation of the metatype, M. The information that needs to be provided for the creation of a subclass is: its name (in this example the string “C”); its bases (a singleton tuple containing B); the results of executing the class body, in the form of a dictionary (for example {"var1": 1, "method1": <functionmethod1 at ...>, ...}). The class statement will result in the following call: C = M("C", (B,), dict) where dict is the dictionary resulting from execution of the class body. In other words, the metatype (M) is called. Note that even though the example has only one base, we still pass in a (singleton) sequence of bases; this makes the interface uniform with the multiple-inheritance case. In current Python, this is called the “Don Beaudry hook” after its inventor; it is an exceptional case that is only invoked when a base class is not a regular class. For a regular base class (or when no base class is specified), current Python calls PyClass_New(), the C level factory function for classes, directly. Under the new system this is changed so that Python always determines a metatype and calls it as given above. When one or more bases are given, the type of the first base is used as the metatype; when no base is given, a default metatype is chosen. By setting the default metatype to PyClass_Type, the metatype of “classic” classes, the classic behavior of the class statement is retained. This default can be changed per module by setting the global variable __metaclass__. There are two further refinements here. First, a useful feature is to be able to specify a metatype directly. If the class suite defines a variable __metaclass__, that is the metatype to call. (Note that setting __metaclass__ at the module level only affects class statements without a base class and without an explicit __metaclass__ declaration; but setting __metaclass__ in a class suite overrides the default metatype unconditionally.) Second, with multiple bases, not all bases need to have the same metatype. This is called a metaclass conflict [1]. Some metaclass conflicts can be resolved by searching through the set of bases for a metatype that derives from all other given metatypes. If such a metatype cannot be found, an exception is raised and the class statement fails. This conflict resolution can be implemented by the metatype constructors: the class statement just calls the metatype of the first base (or that specified by the __metaclass__ variable), and this metatype’s constructor looks for the most derived metatype. If that is itself, it proceeds; otherwise, it calls that metatype’s constructor. (Ultimate flexibility: another metatype might choose to require that all bases have the same metatype, or that there’s only one base class, or whatever.) (In [1], a new metaclass is automatically derived that is a subclass of all given metaclasses. But since it is questionable in Python how conflicting method definitions of the various metaclasses should be merged, I don’t think this is feasible. Should the need arise, the user can derive such a metaclass manually and specify it using the __metaclass__ variable. It is also possible to have a new metaclass that does this.) Note that calling M requires that M itself has a type: the meta-metatype. And the meta-metatype has a type, the meta-meta-metatype. And so on. This is normally cut short at some level by making a metatype be its own metatype. This is indeed what happens in Python: the ob_type reference in PyType_Type is set to &PyType_Type. In the absence of third party metatypes, PyType_Type is the only metatype in the Python interpreter. (In a previous version of this PEP, there was one additional meta-level, and there was a meta-metatype called “turtle”. This turned out to be unnecessary.) In any case, the work for creating C is done by M’s tp_new() slot. It allocates space for an “extended” type structure, containing: the type object; the auxiliary structures (as_sequence etc.); the string object containing the type name (to ensure that this object isn’t deallocated while the type object is still referencing it); and some auxiliary storage (to be described later). It initializes this storage to zeros except for a few crucial slots (for example, tp_name is set to point to the type name) and then sets the tp_base slot to point to B. Then PyType_InitDict() is called to inherit B’s slots. Finally, C’s tp_dict slot is updated with the contents of the namespace dictionary (the third argument to the call to M). Multiple inheritance The Python class statement supports multiple inheritance, and we will also support multiple inheritance involving built-in types. However, there are some restrictions. The C runtime architecture doesn’t make it feasible to have a meaningful subtype of two different built-in types except in a few degenerate cases. Changing the C runtime to support fully general multiple inheritance would be too much of an upheaval of the code base. The main problem with multiple inheritance from different built-in types stems from the fact that the C implementation of built-in types accesses structure members directly; the C compiler generates an offset relative to the object pointer and that’s that. For example, the list and dictionary type structures each declare a number of different but overlapping structure members. A C function accessing an object expecting a list won’t work when passed a dictionary, and vice versa, and there’s not much we could do about this without rewriting all code that accesses lists and dictionaries. This would be too much work, so we won’t do this. The problem with multiple inheritance is caused by conflicting structure member allocations. Classes defined in Python normally don’t store their instance variables in structure members: they are stored in an instance dictionary. This is the key to a partial solution. Suppose we have the following two classes: class A(dictionary): def foo(self): pass class B(dictionary): def bar(self): pass class C(A, B): pass (Here, ‘dictionary’ is the type of built-in dictionary objects, a.k.a. type({}) or {}.__class__ or types.DictType.) If we look at the structure layout, we find that an A instance has the layout of a dictionary followed by the __dict__ pointer, and a B instance has the same layout; since there are no structure member layout conflicts, this is okay. Here’s another example: class X(object): def foo(self): pass class Y(dictionary): def bar(self): pass class Z(X, Y): pass (Here, ‘object’ is the base for all built-in types; its structure layout only contains the ob_refcnt and ob_type members.) This example is more complicated, because the __dict__ pointer for X instances has a different offset than that for Y instances. Where is the __dict__ pointer for Z instances? The answer is that the offset for the __dict__ pointer is not hardcoded, it is stored in the type object. Suppose on a particular machine an ‘object’ structure is 8 bytes long, and a ‘dictionary’ struct is 60 bytes, and an object pointer is 4 bytes. Then an X structure is 12 bytes (an object structure followed by a __dict__ pointer), and a Y structure is 64 bytes (a dictionary structure followed by a __dict__ pointer). The Z structure has the same layout as the Y structure in this example. Each type object (X, Y and Z) has a “__dict__ offset” which is used to find the __dict__ pointer. Thus, the recipe for looking up an instance variable is: get the type of the instance get the __dict__ offset from the type object add the __dict__ offset to the instance pointer look in the resulting address to find a dictionary reference look up the instance variable name in that dictionary Of course, this recipe can only be implemented in C, and I have left out some details. But this allows us to use multiple inheritance patterns similar to the ones we can use with classic classes. XXX I should write up the complete algorithm here to determine base class compatibility, but I can’t be bothered right now. Look at best_base() in typeobject.c in the implementation mentioned below. MRO: Method resolution order (the lookup rule) With multiple inheritance comes the question of method resolution order: the order in which a class or type and its bases are searched looking for a method of a given name. In classic Python, the rule is given by the following recursive function, also known as the left-to-right depth-first rule: def classic_lookup(cls, name): if cls.__dict__.has_key(name): return cls.__dict__[name] for base in cls.__bases__: try: return classic_lookup(base, name) except AttributeError: pass raise AttributeError, name The problem with this becomes apparent when we consider a “diamond diagram”: class A: ^ ^ def save(self): ... / \ / \ / \ / \ class B class C: ^ ^ def save(self): ... \ / \ / \ / \ / class D Arrows point from a subtype to its base type(s). This particular diagram means B and C derive from A, and D derives from B and C (and hence also, indirectly, from A). Assume that C overrides the method save(), which is defined in the base A. (C.save() probably calls A.save() and then saves some of its own state.) B and D don’t override save(). When we invoke save() on a D instance, which method is called? According to the classic lookup rule, A.save() is called, ignoring C.save()! This is not good. It probably breaks C (its state doesn’t get saved), defeating the whole purpose of inheriting from C in the first place. Why was this not a problem in classic Python? Diamond diagrams are rarely found in classic Python class hierarchies. Most class hierarchies use single inheritance, and multiple inheritance is usually confined to mix-in classes. In fact, the problem shown here is probably the reason why multiple inheritance is unpopular in classic Python. Why will this be a problem in the new system? The ‘object’ type at the top of the type hierarchy defines a number of methods that can usefully be extended by subtypes, for example __getattr__(). (Aside: in classic Python, the __getattr__() method is not really the implementation for the get-attribute operation; it is a hook that only gets invoked when an attribute cannot be found by normal means. This has often been cited as a shortcoming – some class designs have a legitimate need for a __getattr__() method that gets called for all attribute references. But then of course this method has to be able to invoke the default implementation directly. The most natural way is to make the default implementation available as object.__getattr__(self, name).) Thus, a classic class hierarchy like this: class B class C: ^ ^ def __getattr__(self, name): ... \ / \ / \ / \ / class D will change into a diamond diagram under the new system: object: ^ ^ __getattr__() / \ / \ / \ / \ class B class C: ^ ^ def __getattr__(self, name): ... \ / \ / \ / \ / class D and while in the original diagram C.__getattr__() is invoked, under the new system with the classic lookup rule, object.__getattr__() would be invoked! Fortunately, there’s a lookup rule that’s better. It’s a bit difficult to explain, but it does the right thing in the diamond diagram, and it is the same as the classic lookup rule when there are no diamonds in the inheritance graph (when it is a tree). The new lookup rule constructs a list of all classes in the inheritance diagram in the order in which they will be searched. This construction is done at class definition time to save time. To explain the new lookup rule, let’s first consider what such a list would look like for the classic lookup rule. Note that in the presence of diamonds the classic lookup visits some classes multiple times. For example, in the ABCD diamond diagram above, the classic lookup rule visits the classes in this order: D, B, A, C, A Note how A occurs twice in the list. The second occurrence is redundant, since anything that could be found there would already have been found when searching the first occurrence. We use this observation to explain our new lookup rule. Using the classic lookup rule, construct the list of classes that would be searched, including duplicates. Now for each class that occurs in the list multiple times, remove all occurrences except for the last. The resulting list contains each ancestor class exactly once (including the most derived class, D in the example). Searching for methods in this order will do the right thing for the diamond diagram. Because of the way the list is constructed, it does not change the search order in situations where no diamond is involved. Isn’t this backwards incompatible? Won’t it break existing code? It would, if we changed the method resolution order for all classes. However, in Python 2.2, the new lookup rule will only be applied to types derived from built-in types, which is a new feature. Class statements without a base class create “classic classes”, and so do class statements whose base classes are themselves classic classes. For classic classes the classic lookup rule will be used. (To experiment with the new lookup rule for classic classes, you will be able to specify a different metaclass explicitly.) We’ll also provide a tool that analyzes a class hierarchy looking for methods that would be affected by a change in method resolution order. XXX Another way to explain the motivation for the new MRO, due to Damian Conway: you never use the method defined in a base class if it is defined in a derived class that you haven’t explored yet (using the old search order). XXX To be done Additional topics to be discussed in this PEP: backwards compatibility issues!!! class methods and static methods cooperative methods and super() mapping between type object slots (tp_foo) and special methods (__foo__) (actually, this may belong in PEP 252) built-in names for built-in types (object, int, str, list etc.) __dict__ and __dictoffset__ __slots__ the HEAPTYPE flag bit GC support API docs for all the new functions how to use __new__ writing metaclasses (using mro() etc.) high level user overview open issues do we need __del__? assignment to __dict__, __bases__ inconsistent naming (e.g. tp_dealloc/tp_new/tp_init/tp_alloc/tp_free) add builtin alias ‘dict’ for ‘dictionary’? when subclasses of dict/list etc. are passed to system functions, the __getitem__ overrides (etc.) aren’t always used Implementation A prototype implementation of this PEP (and for PEP 252) is available from CVS, and in the series of Python 2.2 alpha and beta releases. For some examples of the features described here, see the file Lib/test/test_descr.py and the extension module Modules/xxsubtype.c. References [1] (1, 2) “Putting Metaclasses to Work”, by Ira R. Forman and Scott H. Danforth, Addison-Wesley 1999. (http://www.aw.com/product/0,2627,0201433052,00.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 253 – Subtyping Built-in Types
Standards Track
This PEP proposes additions to the type object API that will allow the creation of subtypes of built-in types, in C and in Python.
PEP 254 – Making Classes Look More Like Types Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Jun-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Status Copyright Abstract This PEP has not been written yet. Watch this space! Status This PEP was a stub entry and eventually abandoned without having been filled-out. Substantially most of the intended functionality was implemented in Py2.2 with new-style types and classes. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 254 – Making Classes Look More Like Types
Standards Track
This PEP has not been written yet. Watch this space!
PEP 255 – Simple Generators Author: Neil Schemenauer <nas at arctrix.com>, Tim Peters <tim.peters at gmail.com>, Magnus Lie Hetland <magnus at hetland.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Requires: 234 Created: 18-May-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 14-Jun-2001, 23-Jun-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Specification: Yield Specification: Return Specification: Generators and Exception Propagation Specification: Try/Except/Finally Example Q & A Why not a new keyword instead of reusing def? Why a new keyword for yield? Why not a builtin function instead? Then why not some other special syntax without a new keyword? Why allow return at all? Why not force termination to be spelled raise StopIteration? Then why not allow an expression on return too? BDFL Pronouncements Issue Con Pro BDFL Reference Implementation Footnotes and References Copyright Abstract This PEP introduces the concept of generators to Python, as well as a new statement used in conjunction with them, the yield statement. Motivation When a producer function has a hard enough job that it requires maintaining state between values produced, most programming languages offer no pleasant and efficient solution beyond adding a callback function to the producer’s argument list, to be called with each value produced. For example, tokenize.py in the standard library takes this approach: the caller must pass a tokeneater function to tokenize(), called whenever tokenize() finds the next token. This allows tokenize to be coded in a natural way, but programs calling tokenize are typically convoluted by the need to remember between callbacks which token(s) were seen last. The tokeneater function in tabnanny.py is a good example of that, maintaining a state machine in global variables, to remember across callbacks what it has already seen and what it hopes to see next. This was difficult to get working correctly, and is still difficult for people to understand. Unfortunately, that’s typical of this approach. An alternative would have been for tokenize to produce an entire parse of the Python program at once, in a large list. Then tokenize clients could be written in a natural way, using local variables and local control flow (such as loops and nested if statements) to keep track of their state. But this isn’t practical: programs can be very large, so no a priori bound can be placed on the memory needed to materialize the whole parse; and some tokenize clients only want to see whether something specific appears early in the program (e.g., a future statement, or, as is done in IDLE, just the first indented statement), and then parsing the whole program first is a severe waste of time. Another alternative would be to make tokenize an iterator, delivering the next token whenever its .next() method is invoked. This is pleasant for the caller in the same way a large list of results would be, but without the memory and “what if I want to get out early?” drawbacks. However, this shifts the burden on tokenize to remember its state between .next() invocations, and the reader need only glance at tokenize.tokenize_loop() to realize what a horrid chore that would be. Or picture a recursive algorithm for producing the nodes of a general tree structure: to cast that into an iterator framework requires removing the recursion manually and maintaining the state of the traversal by hand. A fourth option is to run the producer and consumer in separate threads. This allows both to maintain their states in natural ways, and so is pleasant for both. Indeed, Demo/threads/Generator.py in the Python source distribution provides a usable synchronized-communication class for doing that in a general way. This doesn’t work on platforms without threads, though, and is very slow on platforms that do (compared to what is achievable without threads). A final option is to use the Stackless [1] (PEP 219) variant implementation of Python instead, which supports lightweight coroutines. This has much the same programmatic benefits as the thread option, but is much more efficient. However, Stackless is a controversial rethinking of the Python core, and it may not be possible for Jython to implement the same semantics. This PEP isn’t the place to debate that, so suffice it to say here that generators provide a useful subset of Stackless functionality in a way that fits easily into the current CPython implementation, and is believed to be relatively straightforward for other Python implementations. That exhausts the current alternatives. Some other high-level languages provide pleasant solutions, notably iterators in Sather [2], which were inspired by iterators in CLU; and generators in Icon [3], a novel language where every expression is a generator. There are differences among these, but the basic idea is the same: provide a kind of function that can return an intermediate result (“the next value”) to its caller, but maintaining the function’s local state so that the function can be resumed again right where it left off. A very simple example: def fib(): a, b = 0, 1 while 1: yield b a, b = b, a+b When fib() is first invoked, it sets a to 0 and b to 1, then yields b back to its caller. The caller sees 1. When fib is resumed, from its point of view the yield statement is really the same as, say, a print statement: fib continues after the yield with all local state intact. a and b then become 1 and 1, and fib loops back to the yield, yielding 1 to its invoker. And so on. From fib’s point of view it’s just delivering a sequence of results, as if via callback. But from its caller’s point of view, the fib invocation is an iterable object that can be resumed at will. As in the thread approach, this allows both sides to be coded in the most natural ways; but unlike the thread approach, this can be done efficiently and on all platforms. Indeed, resuming a generator should be no more expensive than a function call. The same kind of approach applies to many producer/consumer functions. For example, tokenize.py could yield the next token instead of invoking a callback function with it as argument, and tokenize clients could iterate over the tokens in a natural way: a Python generator is a kind of Python iterator, but of an especially powerful kind. Specification: Yield A new statement is introduced: yield_stmt: "yield" expression_list yield is a new keyword, so a future statement (PEP 236) is needed to phase this in: in the initial release, a module desiring to use generators must include the line: from __future__ import generators near the top (see PEP 236) for details). Modules using the identifier yield without a future statement will trigger warnings. In the following release, yield will be a language keyword and the future statement will no longer be needed. The yield statement may only be used inside functions. A function that contains a yield statement is called a generator function. A generator function is an ordinary function object in all respects, but has the new CO_GENERATOR flag set in the code object’s co_flags member. When a generator function is called, the actual arguments are bound to function-local formal argument names in the usual way, but no code in the body of the function is executed. Instead a generator-iterator object is returned; this conforms to the iterator protocol, so in particular can be used in for-loops in a natural way. Note that when the intent is clear from context, the unqualified name “generator” may be used to refer either to a generator-function or a generator-iterator. Each time the .next() method of a generator-iterator is invoked, the code in the body of the generator-function is executed until a yield or return statement (see below) is encountered, or until the end of the body is reached. If a yield statement is encountered, the state of the function is frozen, and the value of expression_list is returned to .next()’s caller. By “frozen” we mean that all local state is retained, including the current bindings of local variables, the instruction pointer, and the internal evaluation stack: enough information is saved so that the next time .next() is invoked, the function can proceed exactly as if the yield statement were just another external call. Restriction: A yield statement is not allowed in the try clause of a try/finally construct. The difficulty is that there’s no guarantee the generator will ever be resumed, hence no guarantee that the finally block will ever get executed; that’s too much a violation of finally’s purpose to bear. Restriction: A generator cannot be resumed while it is actively running: >>> def g(): ... i = me.next() ... yield i >>> me = g() >>> me.next() Traceback (most recent call last): ... File "<string>", line 2, in g ValueError: generator already executing Specification: Return A generator function can also contain return statements of the form: return Note that an expression_list is not allowed on return statements in the body of a generator (although, of course, they may appear in the bodies of non-generator functions nested within the generator). When a return statement is encountered, control proceeds as in any function return, executing the appropriate finally clauses (if any exist). Then a StopIteration exception is raised, signalling that the iterator is exhausted. A StopIteration exception is also raised if control flows off the end of the generator without an explicit return. Note that return means “I’m done, and have nothing interesting to return”, for both generator functions and non-generator functions. Note that return isn’t always equivalent to raising StopIteration: the difference lies in how enclosing try/except constructs are treated. For example,: >>> def f1(): ... try: ... return ... except: ... yield 1 >>> print list(f1()) [] because, as in any function, return simply exits, but: >>> def f2(): ... try: ... raise StopIteration ... except: ... yield 42 >>> print list(f2()) [42] because StopIteration is captured by a bare except, as is any exception. Specification: Generators and Exception Propagation If an unhandled exception– including, but not limited to, StopIteration –is raised by, or passes through, a generator function, then the exception is passed on to the caller in the usual way, and subsequent attempts to resume the generator function raise StopIteration. In other words, an unhandled exception terminates a generator’s useful life. Example (not idiomatic but to illustrate the point): >>> def f(): ... return 1/0 >>> def g(): ... yield f() # the zero division exception propagates ... yield 42 # and we'll never get here >>> k = g() >>> k.next() Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? File "<stdin>", line 2, in g File "<stdin>", line 2, in f ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero >>> k.next() # and the generator cannot be resumed Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? StopIteration >>> Specification: Try/Except/Finally As noted earlier, yield is not allowed in the try clause of a try/finally construct. A consequence is that generators should allocate critical resources with great care. There is no restriction on yield otherwise appearing in finally clauses, except clauses, or in the try clause of a try/except construct: >>> def f(): ... try: ... yield 1 ... try: ... yield 2 ... 1/0 ... yield 3 # never get here ... except ZeroDivisionError: ... yield 4 ... yield 5 ... raise ... except: ... yield 6 ... yield 7 # the "raise" above stops this ... except: ... yield 8 ... yield 9 ... try: ... x = 12 ... finally: ... yield 10 ... yield 11 >>> print list(f()) [1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11] >>> Example # A binary tree class. class Tree: def __init__(self, label, left=None, right=None): self.label = label self.left = left self.right = right def __repr__(self, level=0, indent=" "): s = level*indent + `self.label` if self.left: s = s + "\n" + self.left.__repr__(level+1, indent) if self.right: s = s + "\n" + self.right.__repr__(level+1, indent) return s def __iter__(self): return inorder(self) # Create a Tree from a list. def tree(list): n = len(list) if n == 0: return [] i = n / 2 return Tree(list[i], tree(list[:i]), tree(list[i+1:])) # A recursive generator that generates Tree labels in in-order. def inorder(t): if t: for x in inorder(t.left): yield x yield t.label for x in inorder(t.right): yield x # Show it off: create a tree. t = tree("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ") # Print the nodes of the tree in in-order. for x in t: print x, print # A non-recursive generator. def inorder(node): stack = [] while node: while node.left: stack.append(node) node = node.left yield node.label while not node.right: try: node = stack.pop() except IndexError: return yield node.label node = node.right # Exercise the non-recursive generator. for x in t: print x, print Both output blocks display: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Q & A Why not a new keyword instead of reusing def? See BDFL Pronouncements section below. Why a new keyword for yield? Why not a builtin function instead? Control flow is much better expressed via keyword in Python, and yield is a control construct. It’s also believed that efficient implementation in Jython requires that the compiler be able to determine potential suspension points at compile-time, and a new keyword makes that easy. The CPython reference implementation also exploits it heavily, to detect which functions are generator-functions (although a new keyword in place of def would solve that for CPython – but people asking the “why a new keyword?” question don’t want any new keyword). Then why not some other special syntax without a new keyword? For example, one of these instead of yield 3: return 3 and continue return and continue 3 return generating 3 continue return 3 return >> , 3 from generator return 3 return >> 3 return << 3 >> 3 << 3 * 3 Did I miss one <wink>? Out of hundreds of messages, I counted three suggesting such an alternative, and extracted the above from them. It would be nice not to need a new keyword, but nicer to make yield very clear – I don’t want to have to deduce that a yield is occurring from making sense of a previously senseless sequence of keywords or operators. Still, if this attracts enough interest, proponents should settle on a single consensus suggestion, and Guido will Pronounce on it. Why allow return at all? Why not force termination to be spelled raise StopIteration? The mechanics of StopIteration are low-level details, much like the mechanics of IndexError in Python 2.1: the implementation needs to do something well-defined under the covers, and Python exposes these mechanisms for advanced users. That’s not an argument for forcing everyone to work at that level, though. return means “I’m done” in any kind of function, and that’s easy to explain and to use. Note that return isn’t always equivalent to raise StopIteration in try/except construct, either (see the “Specification: Return” section). Then why not allow an expression on return too? Perhaps we will someday. In Icon, return expr means both “I’m done”, and “but I have one final useful value to return too, and this is it”. At the start, and in the absence of compelling uses for return expr, it’s simply cleaner to use yield exclusively for delivering values. BDFL Pronouncements Issue Introduce another new keyword (say, gen or generator) in place of def, or otherwise alter the syntax, to distinguish generator-functions from non-generator functions. Con In practice (how you think about them), generators are functions, but with the twist that they’re resumable. The mechanics of how they’re set up is a comparatively minor technical issue, and introducing a new keyword would unhelpfully overemphasize the mechanics of how generators get started (a vital but tiny part of a generator’s life). Pro In reality (how you think about them), generator-functions are actually factory functions that produce generator-iterators as if by magic. In this respect they’re radically different from non-generator functions, acting more like a constructor than a function, so reusing def is at best confusing. A yield statement buried in the body is not enough warning that the semantics are so different. BDFL def it stays. No argument on either side is totally convincing, so I have consulted my language designer’s intuition. It tells me that the syntax proposed in the PEP is exactly right - not too hot, not too cold. But, like the Oracle at Delphi in Greek mythology, it doesn’t tell me why, so I don’t have a rebuttal for the arguments against the PEP syntax. The best I can come up with (apart from agreeing with the rebuttals … already made) is “FUD”. If this had been part of the language from day one, I very much doubt it would have made Andrew Kuchling’s “Python Warts” page. Reference Implementation The current implementation, in a preliminary state (no docs, but well tested and solid), is part of Python’s CVS development tree [5]. Using this requires that you build Python from source. This was derived from an earlier patch by Neil Schemenauer [4]. Footnotes and References [1] http://www.stackless.com/ [2] “Iteration Abstraction in Sather” Murer, Omohundro, Stoutamire and Szyperski http://www.icsi.berkeley.edu/~sather/Publications/toplas.html [3] http://www.cs.arizona.edu/icon/ [4] http://python.ca/nas/python/generator.diff [5] To experiment with this implementation, check out Python from CVS according to the instructions at http://sf.net/cvs/?group_id=5470 Note that the std test Lib/test/test_generators.py contains many examples, including all those in this PEP. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 255 – Simple Generators
Standards Track
This PEP introduces the concept of generators to Python, as well as a new statement used in conjunction with them, the yield statement.
PEP 259 – Omit printing newline after newline Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Jun-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 11-Jun-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Problem Proposed Solution Scope Risks Implementation Rejected Copyright Abstract Currently, the print statement always appends a newline, unless a trailing comma is used. This means that if we want to print data that already ends in a newline, we get two newlines, unless special precautions are taken. I propose to skip printing the newline when it follows a newline that came from data. In order to avoid having to add yet another magic variable to file objects, I propose to give the existing ‘softspace’ variable an extra meaning: a negative value will mean “the last data written ended in a newline so no space or newline is required.” Problem When printing data that resembles the lines read from a file using a simple loop, double-spacing occurs unless special care is taken: >>> for line in open("/etc/passwd").readlines(): ... print line ... root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash bin:x:1:1:bin:/bin: daemon:x:2:2:daemon:/sbin: (etc.) >>> While there are easy work-arounds, this is often noticed only during testing and requires an extra edit-test roundtrip; the fixed code is uglier and harder to maintain. Proposed Solution In the PRINT_ITEM opcode in ceval.c, when a string object is printed, a check is already made that looks at the last character of that string. Currently, if that last character is a whitespace character other than space, the softspace flag is reset to zero; this suppresses the space between two items if the first item is a string ending in newline, tab, etc. (but not when it ends in a space). Otherwise the softspace flag is set to one. The proposal changes this test slightly so that softspace is set to: -1 – if the last object written is a string ending in a newline 0 – if the last object written is a string ending in a whitespace character that’s neither space nor newline 1 – in all other cases (including the case when the last object written is an empty string or not a string) Then, the PRINT_NEWLINE opcode, printing of the newline is suppressed if the value of softspace is negative; in any case the softspace flag is reset to zero. Scope This only affects printing of 8-bit strings. It doesn’t affect Unicode, although that could be considered a bug in the Unicode implementation. It doesn’t affect other objects whose string representation happens to end in a newline character. Risks This change breaks some existing code. For example: print "Subject: PEP 259\n" print message_body In current Python, this produces a blank line separating the subject from the message body; with the proposed change, the body begins immediately below the subject. This is not very robust code anyway; it is better written as: print "Subject: PEP 259" print print message_body In the test suite, only test_StringIO (which explicitly tests for this feature) breaks. Implementation A patch relative to current CVS is here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=432183&group_id=5470&atid=305470 Rejected The user community unanimously rejected this, so I won’t pursue this idea any further. Frequently heard arguments against included: It is likely to break thousands of CGI scripts. Enough magic already (also: no more tinkering with ‘print’ please). Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 259 – Omit printing newline after newline
Standards Track
Currently, the print statement always appends a newline, unless a trailing comma is used. This means that if we want to print data that already ends in a newline, we get two newlines, unless special precautions are taken.
PEP 260 – Simplify xrange() Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 26-Jun-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 26-Jun-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Problem Proposed Solution Scope Risks Transition Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to strip the xrange() object from some rarely used behavior like x[i:j] and x*n. Problem The xrange() function has one idiomatic use: for i in xrange(...): ... However, the xrange() object has a bunch of rarely used behaviors that attempt to make it more sequence-like. These are so rarely used that historically they have has serious bugs (e.g. off-by-one errors) that went undetected for several releases. I claim that it’s better to drop these unused features. This will simplify the implementation, testing, and documentation, and reduce maintenance and code size. Proposed Solution I propose to strip the xrange() object to the bare minimum. The only retained sequence behaviors are x[i], len(x), and repr(x). In particular, these behaviors will be dropped: x[i:j] (slicing) x*n, n*x (sequence-repeat) cmp(x1, x2) (comparisons) i in x (containment test) x.tolist() method x.start, x.stop, x.step attributes I also propose to change the signature of the PyRange_New() C API to remove the 4th argument (the repetition count). By implementing a custom iterator type, we could speed up the common use, but this is optional (the default sequence iterator does just fine). Scope This PEP affects the xrange() built-in function and the PyRange_New() C API. Risks Somebody’s code could be relying on the extended code, and this code would break. However, given that historically bugs in the extended code have gone undetected for so long, it’s unlikely that much code is affected. Transition For backwards compatibility, the existing functionality will still be present in Python 2.2, but will trigger a warning. A year after Python 2.2 final is released (probably in 2.4) the functionality will be ripped out. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 260 – Simplify xrange()
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to strip the xrange() object from some rarely used behavior like x[i:j] and x*n.
PEP 261 – Support for “wide” Unicode characters Author: Paul Prescod <paul at prescod.net> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 27-Jun-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 27-Jun-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Glossary Proposed Solution Implementation Notes Rejected Suggestions References Copyright Abstract Python 2.1 unicode characters can have ordinals only up to 2**16 - 1. This range corresponds to a range in Unicode known as the Basic Multilingual Plane. There are now characters in Unicode that live on other “planes”. The largest addressable character in Unicode has the ordinal 17 * 2**16 - 1 (0x10ffff). For readability, we will call this TOPCHAR and call characters in this range “wide characters”. Glossary CharacterUsed by itself, means the addressable units of a Python Unicode string. Code pointA code point is an integer between 0 and TOPCHAR. If you imagine Unicode as a mapping from integers to characters, each integer is a code point. But the integers between 0 and TOPCHAR that do not map to characters are also code points. Some will someday be used for characters. Some are guaranteed never to be used for characters. CodecA set of functions for translating between physical encodings (e.g. on disk or coming in from a network) into logical Python objects. EncodingMechanism for representing abstract characters in terms of physical bits and bytes. Encodings allow us to store Unicode characters on disk and transmit them over networks in a manner that is compatible with other Unicode software. Surrogate pairTwo physical characters that represent a single logical character. Part of a convention for representing 32-bit code points in terms of two 16-bit code points. Unicode stringA Python type representing a sequence of code points with “string semantics” (e.g. case conversions, regular expression compatibility, etc.) Constructed with the unicode() function. Proposed Solution One solution would be to merely increase the maximum ordinal to a larger value. Unfortunately the only straightforward implementation of this idea is to use 4 bytes per character. This has the effect of doubling the size of most Unicode strings. In order to avoid imposing this cost on every user, Python 2.2 will allow the 4-byte implementation as a build-time option. Users can choose whether they care about wide characters or prefer to preserve memory. The 4-byte option is called “wide Py_UNICODE”. The 2-byte option is called “narrow Py_UNICODE”. Most things will behave identically in the wide and narrow worlds. unichr(i) for 0 <= i < 2**16 (0x10000) always returns a length-one string. unichr(i) for 2**16 <= i <= TOPCHAR will return a length-one string on wide Python builds. On narrow builds it will raise ValueError.ISSUE Python currently allows \U literals that cannot be represented as a single Python character. It generates two Python characters known as a “surrogate pair”. Should this be disallowed on future narrow Python builds? Pro: Python already the construction of a surrogate pair for a large unicode literal character escape sequence. This is basically designed as a simple way to construct “wide characters” even in a narrow Python build. It is also somewhat logical considering that the Unicode-literal syntax is basically a short-form way of invoking the unicode-escape codec. Con: Surrogates could be easily created this way but the user still needs to be careful about slicing, indexing, printing etc. Therefore, some have suggested that Unicode literals should not support surrogates. ISSUE Should Python allow the construction of characters that do not correspond to Unicode code points? Unassigned Unicode code points should obviously be legal (because they could be assigned at any time). But code points above TOPCHAR are guaranteed never to be used by Unicode. Should we allow access to them anyhow? Pro: If a Python user thinks they know what they’re doing why should we try to prevent them from violating the Unicode spec? After all, we don’t stop 8-bit strings from containing non-ASCII characters. Con: Codecs and other Unicode-consuming code will have to be careful of these characters which are disallowed by the Unicode specification. ord() is always the inverse of unichr() There is an integer value in the sys module that describes the largest ordinal for a character in a Unicode string on the current interpreter. sys.maxunicode is 2**16-1 (0xffff) on narrow builds of Python and TOPCHAR on wide builds.ISSUE: Should there be distinct constants for accessing TOPCHAR and the real upper bound for the domain of unichr (if they differ)? There has also been a suggestion of sys.unicodewidth which can take the values 'wide' and 'narrow'. every Python Unicode character represents exactly one Unicode code point (i.e. Python Unicode Character = Abstract Unicode character). codecs will be upgraded to support “wide characters” (represented directly in UCS-4, and as variable-length sequences in UTF-8 and UTF-16). This is the main part of the implementation left to be done. There is a convention in the Unicode world for encoding a 32-bit code point in terms of two 16-bit code points. These are known as “surrogate pairs”. Python’s codecs will adopt this convention and encode 32-bit code points as surrogate pairs on narrow Python builds.ISSUE Should there be a way to tell codecs not to generate surrogates and instead treat wide characters as errors? Pro: I might want to write code that works only with fixed-width characters and does not have to worry about surrogates. Con: No clear proposal of how to communicate this to codecs. there are no restrictions on constructing strings that use code points “reserved for surrogates” improperly. These are called “isolated surrogates”. The codecs should disallow reading these from files, but you could construct them using string literals or unichr(). Implementation There is a new define: #define Py_UNICODE_SIZE 2 To test whether UCS2 or UCS4 is in use, the derived macro Py_UNICODE_WIDE should be used, which is defined when UCS-4 is in use. There is a new configure option: –enable-unicode=ucs2 configures a narrow Py_UNICODE, and uses wchar_t if it fits –enable-unicode=ucs4 configures a wide Py_UNICODE, and uses wchar_t if it fits –enable-unicode same as “=ucs2” –disable-unicode entirely remove the Unicode functionality. It is also proposed that one day --enable-unicode will just default to the width of your platforms wchar_t. Windows builds will be narrow for a while based on the fact that there have been few requests for wide characters, those requests are mostly from hard-core programmers with the ability to buy their own Python and Windows itself is strongly biased towards 16-bit characters. Notes This PEP does NOT imply that people using Unicode need to use a 4-byte encoding for their files on disk or sent over the network. It only allows them to do so. For example, ASCII is still a legitimate (7-bit) Unicode-encoding. It has been proposed that there should be a module that handles surrogates in narrow Python builds for programmers. If someone wants to implement that, it will be another PEP. It might also be combined with features that allow other kinds of character-, word- and line- based indexing. Rejected Suggestions More or less the status-quo We could officially say that Python characters are 16-bit and require programmers to implement wide characters in their application logic by combining surrogate pairs. This is a heavy burden because emulating 32-bit characters is likely to be very inefficient if it is coded entirely in Python. Plus these abstracted pseudo-strings would not be legal as input to the regular expression engine. “Space-efficient Unicode” type Another class of solution is to use some efficient storage internally but present an abstraction of wide characters to the programmer. Any of these would require a much more complex implementation than the accepted solution. For instance consider the impact on the regular expression engine. In theory, we could move to this implementation in the future without breaking Python code. A future Python could “emulate” wide Python semantics on narrow Python. Guido is not willing to undertake the implementation right now. Two types We could introduce a 32-bit Unicode type alongside the 16-bit type. There is a lot of code that expects there to be only a single Unicode type. This PEP represents the least-effort solution. Over the next several years, 32-bit Unicode characters will become more common and that may either convince us that we need a more sophisticated solution or (on the other hand) convince us that simply mandating wide Unicode characters is an appropriate solution. Right now the two options on the table are do nothing or do this. References Unicode Glossary: http://www.unicode.org/glossary/ Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 261 – Support for “wide” Unicode characters
Standards Track
Python 2.1 unicode characters can have ordinals only up to 2**16 - 1. This range corresponds to a range in Unicode known as the Basic Multilingual Plane. There are now characters in Unicode that live on other “planes”. The largest addressable character in Unicode has the ordinal 17 * 2**16 - 1 (0x10ffff). For readability, we will call this TOPCHAR and call characters in this range “wide characters”.
PEP 263 – Defining Python Source Code Encodings Author: Marc-André Lemburg <mal at lemburg.com>, Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 06-Jun-2001 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Problem Proposed Solution Defining the Encoding Examples Concepts Implementation Phases Scope References History Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to introduce a syntax to declare the encoding of a Python source file. The encoding information is then used by the Python parser to interpret the file using the given encoding. Most notably this enhances the interpretation of Unicode literals in the source code and makes it possible to write Unicode literals using e.g. UTF-8 directly in an Unicode aware editor. Problem In Python 2.1, Unicode literals can only be written using the Latin-1 based encoding “unicode-escape”. This makes the programming environment rather unfriendly to Python users who live and work in non-Latin-1 locales such as many of the Asian countries. Programmers can write their 8-bit strings using the favorite encoding, but are bound to the “unicode-escape” encoding for Unicode literals. Proposed Solution I propose to make the Python source code encoding both visible and changeable on a per-source file basis by using a special comment at the top of the file to declare the encoding. To make Python aware of this encoding declaration a number of concept changes are necessary with respect to the handling of Python source code data. Defining the Encoding Python will default to ASCII as standard encoding if no other encoding hints are given. To define a source code encoding, a magic comment must be placed into the source files either as first or second line in the file, such as: # coding=<encoding name> or (using formats recognized by popular editors): #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: <encoding name> -*- or: #!/usr/bin/python # vim: set fileencoding=<encoding name> : More precisely, the first or second line must match the following regular expression: ^[ \t\f]*#.*?coding[:=][ \t]*([-_.a-zA-Z0-9]+) The first group of this expression is then interpreted as encoding name. If the encoding is unknown to Python, an error is raised during compilation. There must not be any Python statement on the line that contains the encoding declaration. If the first line matches the second line is ignored. To aid with platforms such as Windows, which add Unicode BOM marks to the beginning of Unicode files, the UTF-8 signature \xef\xbb\xbf will be interpreted as ‘utf-8’ encoding as well (even if no magic encoding comment is given). If a source file uses both the UTF-8 BOM mark signature and a magic encoding comment, the only allowed encoding for the comment is ‘utf-8’. Any other encoding will cause an error. Examples These are some examples to clarify the different styles for defining the source code encoding at the top of a Python source file: With interpreter binary and using Emacs style file encoding comment:#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- import os, sys ... #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*- import os, sys ... #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: ascii -*- import os, sys ... Without interpreter line, using plain text:# This Python file uses the following encoding: utf-8 import os, sys ... Text editors might have different ways of defining the file’s encoding, e.g.:#!/usr/local/bin/python # coding: latin-1 import os, sys ... Without encoding comment, Python’s parser will assume ASCII text:#!/usr/local/bin/python import os, sys ... Encoding comments which don’t work: Missing “coding:” prefix:#!/usr/local/bin/python # latin-1 import os, sys ... Encoding comment not on line 1 or 2:#!/usr/local/bin/python # # -*- coding: latin-1 -*- import os, sys ... Unsupported encoding:#!/usr/local/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-42 -*- import os, sys ... Concepts The PEP is based on the following concepts which would have to be implemented to enable usage of such a magic comment: The complete Python source file should use a single encoding. Embedding of differently encoded data is not allowed and will result in a decoding error during compilation of the Python source code.Any encoding which allows processing the first two lines in the way indicated above is allowed as source code encoding, this includes ASCII compatible encodings as well as certain multi-byte encodings such as Shift_JIS. It does not include encodings which use two or more bytes for all characters like e.g. UTF-16. The reason for this is to keep the encoding detection algorithm in the tokenizer simple. Handling of escape sequences should continue to work as it does now, but with all possible source code encodings, that is standard string literals (both 8-bit and Unicode) are subject to escape sequence expansion while raw string literals only expand a very small subset of escape sequences. Python’s tokenizer/compiler combo will need to be updated to work as follows: read the file decode it into Unicode assuming a fixed per-file encoding convert it into a UTF-8 byte string tokenize the UTF-8 content compile it, creating Unicode objects from the given Unicode data and creating string objects from the Unicode literal data by first reencoding the UTF-8 data into 8-bit string data using the given file encoding Note that Python identifiers are restricted to the ASCII subset of the encoding, and thus need no further conversion after step 4. Implementation For backwards-compatibility with existing code which currently uses non-ASCII in string literals without declaring an encoding, the implementation will be introduced in two phases: Allow non-ASCII in string literals and comments, by internally treating a missing encoding declaration as a declaration of “iso-8859-1”. This will cause arbitrary byte strings to correctly round-trip between step 2 and step 5 of the processing, and provide compatibility with Python 2.2 for Unicode literals that contain non-ASCII bytes.A warning will be issued if non-ASCII bytes are found in the input, once per improperly encoded input file. Remove the warning, and change the default encoding to “ascii”. The builtin compile() API will be enhanced to accept Unicode as input. 8-bit string input is subject to the standard procedure for encoding detection as described above. If a Unicode string with a coding declaration is passed to compile(), a SyntaxError will be raised. SUZUKI Hisao is working on a patch; see [2] for details. A patch implementing only phase 1 is available at [1]. Phases Implementation of steps 1 and 2 above were completed in 2.3, except for changing the default encoding to “ascii”. The default encoding was set to “ascii” in version 2.5. Scope This PEP intends to provide an upgrade path from the current (more-or-less) undefined source code encoding situation to a more robust and portable definition. References [1] Phase 1 implementation: https://bugs.python.org/issue526840 [2] Phase 2 implementation: https://bugs.python.org/issue534304 History 1.10 and above: see CVS history 1.8: Added ‘.’ to the coding RE. 1.7: Added warnings to phase 1 implementation. Replaced the Latin-1 default encoding with the interpreter’s default encoding. Added tweaks to compile(). 1.4 - 1.6: Minor tweaks 1.3: Worked in comments by Martin v. Loewis: UTF-8 BOM mark detection, Emacs style magic comment, two phase approach to the implementation Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 263 – Defining Python Source Code Encodings
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to introduce a syntax to declare the encoding of a Python source file. The encoding information is then used by the Python parser to interpret the file using the given encoding. Most notably this enhances the interpretation of Unicode literals in the source code and makes it possible to write Unicode literals using e.g. UTF-8 directly in an Unicode aware editor.
PEP 264 – Future statements in simulated shells Author: Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Requires: 236 Created: 30-Jul-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: 30-Jul-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Specification Backward Compatibility Forward Compatibility Issues Implementation References Copyright Abstract As noted in PEP 236, there is no clear way for “simulated interactive shells” to simulate the behaviour of __future__ statements in “real” interactive shells, i.e. have __future__ statements’ effects last the life of the shell. The PEP also takes the opportunity to clean up the other unresolved issue mentioned in PEP 236, the inability to stop compile() inheriting the effect of future statements affecting the code calling compile(). This PEP proposes to address the first problem by adding an optional fourth argument to the builtin function “compile”, adding information to the _Feature instances defined in __future__.py and adding machinery to the standard library modules “codeop” and “code” to make the construction of such shells easy. The second problem is dealt with by simply adding another optional argument to compile(), which if non-zero suppresses the inheriting of future statements’ effects. Specification I propose adding a fourth, optional, “flags” argument to the builtin “compile” function. If this argument is omitted, there will be no change in behaviour from that of Python 2.1. If it is present it is expected to be an integer, representing various possible compile time options as a bitfield. The bitfields will have the same values as the CO_* flags already used by the C part of Python interpreter to refer to future statements. compile() shall raise a ValueError exception if it does not recognize any of the bits set in the supplied flags. The flags supplied will be bitwise-“or”ed with the flags that would be set anyway, unless the new fifth optional argument is a non-zero integer, in which case the flags supplied will be exactly the set used. The above-mentioned flags are not currently exposed to Python. I propose adding .compiler_flag attributes to the _Feature objects in __future__.py that contain the necessary bits, so one might write code such as: import __future__ def compile_generator(func_def): return compile(func_def, "<input>", "suite", __future__.generators.compiler_flag) A recent change means that these same bits can be used to tell if a code object was compiled with a given feature; for instance codeob.co_flags & __future__.generators.compiler_flag`` will be non-zero if and only if the code object “codeob” was compiled in an environment where generators were allowed. I will also add a .all_feature_flags attribute to the __future__ module, giving a low-effort way of enumerating all the __future__ options supported by the running interpreter. I also propose adding a pair of classes to the standard library module codeop. One - Compile - will sport a __call__ method which will act much like the builtin “compile” of 2.1 with the difference that after it has compiled a __future__ statement, it “remembers” it and compiles all subsequent code with the __future__ option in effect. It will do this by using the new features of the __future__ module mentioned above. Objects of the other class added to codeop - CommandCompiler - will do the job of the existing codeop.compile_command function, but in a __future__-aware way. Finally, I propose to modify the class InteractiveInterpreter in the standard library module code to use a CommandCompiler to emulate still more closely the behaviour of the default Python shell. Backward Compatibility Should be very few or none; the changes to compile will make no difference to existing code, nor will adding new functions or classes to codeop. Existing code using code.InteractiveInterpreter may change in behaviour, but only for the better in that the “real” Python shell will be being better impersonated. Forward Compatibility The fiddling that needs to be done to Lib/__future__.py when adding a __future__ feature will be a touch more complicated. Everything else should just work. Issues I hope the above interface is not too disruptive to implement for Jython. Implementation A series of preliminary implementations are at [1]. After light massaging by Tim Peters, they have now been checked in. References [1] http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=449043&group_id=5470 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 264 – Future statements in simulated shells
Standards Track
As noted in PEP 236, there is no clear way for “simulated interactive shells” to simulate the behaviour of __future__ statements in “real” interactive shells, i.e. have __future__ statements’ effects last the life of the shell.
PEP 265 – Sorting Dictionaries by Value Author: Grant Griffin <g2 at iowegian.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 08-Aug-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Motivation Rationale Implementation Concerns References Copyright Abstract This PEP suggests a “sort by value” operation for dictionaries. The primary benefit would be in terms of “batteries included” support for a common Python idiom which, in its current form, is both difficult for beginners to understand and cumbersome for all to implement. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP is rejected because the need for it has been largely fulfilled by Py2.4’s sorted() builtin function: >>> sorted(d.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True) [('b', 23), ('d', 17), ('c', 5), ('a', 2), ('e', 1)] or for just the keys: sorted(d, key=d.__getitem__, reverse=True) ['b', 'd', 'c', 'a', 'e'] Also, Python 2.5’s heapq.nlargest() function addresses the common use case of finding only a few of the highest valued items: >>> nlargest(2, d.iteritems(), itemgetter(1)) [('b', 23), ('d', 17)] Motivation A common use of dictionaries is to count occurrences by setting the value of d[key] to 1 on its first occurrence, then increment the value on each subsequent occurrence. This can be done several different ways, but the get() method is the most succinct: d[key] = d.get(key, 0) + 1 Once all occurrences have been counted, a common use of the resulting dictionary is to print the occurrences in occurrence-sorted order, often with the largest value first. This leads to a need to sort a dictionary’s items by value. The canonical method of doing so in Python is to first use d.items() to get a list of the dictionary’s items, then invert the ordering of each item’s tuple from (key, value) into (value, key), then sort the list; since Python sorts the list based on the first item of the tuple, the list of (inverted) items is therefore sorted by value. If desired, the list can then be reversed, and the tuples can be re-inverted back to (key, value). (However, in my experience, the inverted tuple ordering is fine for most purposes, e.g. printing out the list.) For example, given an occurrence count of: >>> d = {'a':2, 'b':23, 'c':5, 'd':17, 'e':1} we might do: >>> items = [(v, k) for k, v in d.items()] >>> items.sort() >>> items.reverse() # so largest is first >>> items = [(k, v) for v, k in items] resulting in: >>> items [('b', 23), ('d', 17), ('c', 5), ('a', 2), ('e', 1)] which shows the list in by-value order, largest first. (In this case, 'b' was found to have the most occurrences.) This works fine, but is “hard to use” in two aspects. First, although this idiom is known to veteran Pythoneers, it is not at all obvious to newbies – either in terms of its algorithm (inverting the ordering of item tuples) or its implementation (using list comprehensions – which are an advanced Python feature.) Second, it requires having to repeatedly type a lot of “grunge”, resulting in both tedium and mistakes. We therefore would rather Python provide a method of sorting dictionaries by value which would be both easy for newbies to understand (or, better yet, not to have to understand) and easier for all to use. Rationale As Tim Peters has pointed out, this sort of thing brings on the problem of trying to be all things to all people. Therefore, we will limit its scope to try to hit “the sweet spot”. Unusual cases (e.g. sorting via a custom comparison function) can, of course, be handled “manually” using present methods. Here are some simple possibilities: The items() method of dictionaries can be augmented with new parameters having default values that provide for full backwards-compatibility: (1) items(sort_by_values=0, reversed=0) or maybe just: (2) items(sort_by_values=0) since reversing a list is easy enough. Alternatively, items() could simply let us control the (key, value) order: (3) items(values_first=0) Again, this is fully backwards-compatible. It does less work than the others, but it at least eases the most complicated/tricky part of the sort-by-value problem: inverting the order of item tuples. Using this is very simple: items = d.items(1) items.sort() items.reverse() # (if desired) The primary drawback of the preceding three approaches is the additional overhead for the parameter-less items() case, due to having to process default parameters. (However, if one assumes that items() gets used primarily for creating sort-by-value lists, this is not really a drawback in practice.) Alternatively, we might add a new dictionary method which somehow embodies “sorting”. This approach offers two advantages. First, it avoids adding overhead to the items() method. Second, it is perhaps more accessible to newbies: when they go looking for a method for sorting dictionaries, they hopefully run into this one, and they will not have to understand the finer points of tuple inversion and list sorting to achieve sort-by-value. To allow the four basic possibilities of sorting by key/value and in forward/reverse order, we could add this method: (4) sorted_items(by_value=0, reversed=0) I believe the most common case would actually be by_value=1, reversed=1, but the defaults values given here might lead to fewer surprises by users: sorted_items() would be the same as items() followed by sort(). Finally (as a last resort), we could use: (5) items_sorted_by_value(reversed=0) Implementation The proposed dictionary methods would necessarily be implemented in C. Presumably, the implementation would be fairly simple since it involves just adding a few calls to Python’s existing machinery. Concerns Aside from the run-time overhead already addressed in possibilities 1 through 3, concerns with this proposal probably will fall into the categories of “feature bloat” and/or “code bloat”. However, I believe that several of the suggestions made here will result in quite minimal bloat, resulting in a good tradeoff between bloat and “value added”. Tim Peters has noted that implementing this in C might not be significantly faster than implementing it in Python today. However, the major benefits intended here are “accessibility” and “ease of use”, not “speed”. Therefore, as long as it is not noticeably slower (in the case of plain items(), speed need not be a consideration. References A related thread called “counting occurrences” appeared on comp.lang.python in August, 2001. This included examples of approaches to systematizing the sort-by-value problem by implementing it as reusable Python functions and classes. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 265 – Sorting Dictionaries by Value
Standards Track
This PEP suggests a “sort by value” operation for dictionaries. The primary benefit would be in terms of “batteries included” support for a common Python idiom which, in its current form, is both difficult for beginners to understand and cumbersome for all to implement.
PEP 266 – Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access Author: Skip Montanaro <skip at pobox.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 13-Aug-2001 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Proposed Change Threads Rationale Questions What about threads? What if math.sin changes while in cache? Unresolved Issues Threading Nested Scopes Missing Attributes Who does the dirty work? Discussion Backwards Compatibility Implementation Performance References Copyright Abstract The bindings for most global variables and attributes of other modules typically never change during the execution of a Python program, but because of Python’s dynamic nature, code which accesses such global objects must run through a full lookup each time the object is needed. This PEP proposes a mechanism that allows code that accesses most global objects to treat them as local objects and places the burden of updating references on the code that changes the name bindings of such objects. Introduction Consider the workhorse function sre_compile._compile. It is the internal compilation function for the sre module. It consists almost entirely of a loop over the elements of the pattern being compiled, comparing opcodes with known constant values and appending tokens to an output list. Most of the comparisons are with constants imported from the sre_constants module. This means there are lots of LOAD_GLOBAL bytecodes in the compiled output of this module. Just by reading the code it’s apparent that the author intended LITERAL, NOT_LITERAL, OPCODES and many other symbols to be constants. Still, each time they are involved in an expression, they must be looked up anew. Most global accesses are actually to objects that are “almost constants”. This includes global variables in the current module as well as the attributes of other imported modules. Since they rarely change, it seems reasonable to place the burden of updating references to such objects on the code that changes the name bindings. If sre_constants.LITERAL is changed to refer to another object, perhaps it would be worthwhile for the code that modifies the sre_constants module dict to correct any active references to that object. By doing so, in many cases global variables and the attributes of many objects could be cached as local variables. If the bindings between the names given to the objects and the objects themselves changes rarely, the cost of keeping track of such objects should be low and the potential payoff fairly large. In an attempt to gauge the effect of this proposal, I modified the Pystone benchmark program included in the Python distribution to cache global functions. Its main function, Proc0, makes calls to ten different functions inside its for loop. In addition, Func2 calls Func1 repeatedly inside a loop. If local copies of these 11 global identifiers are made before the functions’ loops are entered, performance on this particular benchmark improves by about two percent (from 5561 pystones to 5685 on my laptop). It gives some indication that performance would be improved by caching most global variable access. Note also that the pystone benchmark makes essentially no accesses of global module attributes, an anticipated area of improvement for this PEP. Proposed Change I propose that the Python virtual machine be modified to include TRACK_OBJECT and UNTRACK_OBJECT opcodes. TRACK_OBJECT would associate a global name or attribute of a global name with a slot in the local variable array and perform an initial lookup of the associated object to fill in the slot with a valid value. The association it creates would be noted by the code responsible for changing the name-to-object binding to cause the associated local variable to be updated. The UNTRACK_OBJECT opcode would delete any association between the name and the local variable slot. Threads Operation of this code in threaded programs will be no different than in unthreaded programs. If you need to lock an object to access it, you would have had to do that before TRACK_OBJECT would have been executed and retain that lock until after you stop using it. FIXME: I suspect I need more here. Rationale Global variables and attributes rarely change. For example, once a function imports the math module, the binding between the name math and the module it refers to aren’t likely to change. Similarly, if the function that uses the math module refers to its sin attribute, it’s unlikely to change. Still, every time the module wants to call the math.sin function, it must first execute a pair of instructions: LOAD_GLOBAL math LOAD_ATTR sin If the client module always assumed that math.sin was a local constant and it was the responsibility of “external forces” outside the function to keep the reference correct, we might have code like this: TRACK_OBJECT math.sin ... LOAD_FAST math.sin ... UNTRACK_OBJECT math.sin If the LOAD_FAST was in a loop the payoff in reduced global loads and attribute lookups could be significant. This technique could, in theory, be applied to any global variable access or attribute lookup. Consider this code: l = [] for i in range(10): l.append(math.sin(i)) return l Even though l is a local variable, you still pay the cost of loading l.append ten times in the loop. The compiler (or an optimizer) could recognize that both math.sin and l.append are being called in the loop and decide to generate the tracked local code, avoiding it for the builtin range() function because it’s only called once during loop setup. Performance issues related to accessing local variables make tracking l.append less attractive than tracking globals such as math.sin. According to a post to python-dev by Marc-Andre Lemburg [1], LOAD_GLOBAL opcodes account for over 7% of all instructions executed by the Python virtual machine. This can be a very expensive instruction, at least relative to a LOAD_FAST instruction, which is a simple array index and requires no extra function calls by the virtual machine. I believe many LOAD_GLOBAL instructions and LOAD_GLOBAL/LOAD_ATTR pairs could be converted to LOAD_FAST instructions. Code that uses global variables heavily often resorts to various tricks to avoid global variable and attribute lookup. The aforementioned sre_compile._compile function caches the append method of the growing output list. Many people commonly abuse functions’ default argument feature to cache global variable lookups. Both of these schemes are hackish and rarely address all the available opportunities for optimization. (For example, sre_compile._compile does not cache the two globals that it uses most frequently: the builtin len function and the global OPCODES array that it imports from sre_constants.py. Questions What about threads? What if math.sin changes while in cache? I believe the global interpreter lock will protect values from being corrupted. In any case, the situation would be no worse than it is today. If one thread modified math.sin after another thread had already executed LOAD_GLOBAL math, but before it executed LOAD_ATTR sin, the client thread would see the old value of math.sin. The idea is this. I use a multi-attribute load below as an example, not because it would happen very often, but because by demonstrating the recursive nature with an extra call hopefully it will become clearer what I have in mind. Suppose a function defined in module foo wants to access spam.eggs.ham and that spam is a module imported at the module level in foo: import spam ... def somefunc(): ... x = spam.eggs.ham Upon entry to somefunc, a TRACK_GLOBAL instruction will be executed: TRACK_GLOBAL spam.eggs.ham n spam.eggs.ham is a string literal stored in the function’s constants array. n is a fastlocals index. &fastlocals[n] is a reference to slot n in the executing frame’s fastlocals array, the location in which the spam.eggs.ham reference will be stored. Here’s what I envision happening: The TRACK_GLOBAL instruction locates the object referred to by the name spam and finds it in its module scope. It then executes a C function like:_PyObject_TrackName(m, "spam.eggs.ham", &fastlocals[n]) where m is the module object with an attribute spam. The module object strips the leading spam. and stores the necessary information (eggs.ham and &fastlocals[n]) in case its binding for the name eggs changes. It then locates the object referred to by the key eggs in its dict and recursively calls:_PyObject_TrackName(eggs, "eggs.ham", &fastlocals[n]) The eggs object strips the leading eggs., stores the (ham, &fastlocals[n]) info, locates the object in its namespace called ham and calls _PyObject_TrackName once again:_PyObject_TrackName(ham, "ham", &fastlocals[n]) The ham object strips the leading string (no “.” this time, but that’s a minor point), sees that the result is empty, then uses its own value (self, probably) to update the location it was handed:Py_XDECREF(&fastlocals[n]); &fastlocals[n] = self; Py_INCREF(&fastlocals[n]); At this point, each object involved in resolving spam.eggs.ham knows which entry in its namespace needs to be tracked and what location to update if that name changes. Furthermore, if the one name it is tracking in its local storage changes, it can call _PyObject_TrackName using the new object once the change has been made. At the bottom end of the food chain, the last object will always strip a name, see the empty string and know that its value should be stuffed into the location it’s been passed. When the object referred to by the dotted expression spam.eggs.ham is going to go out of scope, an UNTRACK_GLOBAL spam.eggs.ham n instruction is executed. It has the effect of deleting all the tracking information that TRACK_GLOBAL established. The tracking operation may seem expensive, but recall that the objects being tracked are assumed to be “almost constant”, so the setup cost will be traded off against hopefully multiple local instead of global loads. For globals with attributes the tracking setup cost grows but is offset by avoiding the extra LOAD_ATTR cost. The TRACK_GLOBAL instruction needs to perform a PyDict_GetItemString for the first name in the chain to determine where the top-level object resides. Each object in the chain has to store a string and an address somewhere, probably in a dict that uses storage locations as keys (e.g. the &fastlocals[n]) and strings as values. (This dict could possibly be a central dict of dicts whose keys are object addresses instead of a per-object dict.) It shouldn’t be the other way around because multiple active frames may want to track spam.eggs.ham, but only one frame will want to associate that name with one of its fast locals slots. Unresolved Issues Threading What about this (dumb) code?: l = [] lock = threading.Lock() ... def fill_l():: for i in range(1000):: lock.acquire() l.append(math.sin(i)) lock.release() ... def consume_l():: while 1:: lock.acquire() if l:: elt = l.pop() lock.release() fiddle(elt) It’s not clear from a static analysis of the code what the lock is protecting. (You can’t tell at compile-time that threads are even involved can you?) Would or should it affect attempts to track l.append or math.sin in the fill_l function? If we annotate the code with mythical track_object and untrack_object builtins (I’m not proposing this, just illustrating where stuff would go!), we get: l = [] lock = threading.Lock() ... def fill_l():: track_object("l.append", append) track_object("math.sin", sin) for i in range(1000):: lock.acquire() append(sin(i)) lock.release() untrack_object("math.sin", sin) untrack_object("l.append", append) ... def consume_l():: while 1:: lock.acquire() if l:: elt = l.pop() lock.release() fiddle(elt) Is that correct both with and without threads (or at least equally incorrect with and without threads)? Nested Scopes The presence of nested scopes will affect where TRACK_GLOBAL finds a global variable, but shouldn’t affect anything after that. (I think.) Missing Attributes Suppose I am tracking the object referred to by spam.eggs.ham and spam.eggs is rebound to an object that does not have a ham attribute. It’s clear this will be an AttributeError if the programmer attempts to resolve spam.eggs.ham in the current Python virtual machine, but suppose the programmer has anticipated this case: if hasattr(spam.eggs, "ham"): print spam.eggs.ham elif hasattr(spam.eggs, "bacon"): print spam.eggs.bacon else: print "what? no meat?" You can’t raise an AttributeError when the tracking information is recalculated. If it does not raise AttributeError and instead lets the tracking stand, it may be setting the programmer up for a very subtle error. One solution to this problem would be to track the shortest possible root of each dotted expression the function refers to directly. In the above example, spam.eggs would be tracked, but spam.eggs.ham and spam.eggs.bacon would not. Who does the dirty work? In the Questions section I postulated the existence of a _PyObject_TrackName function. While the API is fairly easy to specify, the implementation behind-the-scenes is not so obvious. A central dictionary could be used to track the name/location mappings, but it appears that all setattr functions might need to be modified to accommodate this new functionality. If all types used the PyObject_GenericSetAttr function to set attributes that would localize the update code somewhat. They don’t however (which is not too surprising), so it seems that all getattrfunc and getattrofunc functions will have to be updated. In addition, this would place an absolute requirement on C extension module authors to call some function when an attribute changes value (PyObject_TrackUpdate?). Finally, it’s quite possible that some attributes will be set by side effect and not by any direct call to a setattr method of some sort. Consider a device interface module that has an interrupt routine that copies the contents of a device register into a slot in the object’s struct whenever it changes. In these situations, more extensive modifications would have to be made by the module author. To identify such situations at compile time would be impossible. I think an extra slot could be added to PyTypeObjects to indicate if an object’s code is safe for global tracking. It would have a default value of 0 (Py_TRACKING_NOT_SAFE). If an extension module author has implemented the necessary tracking support, that field could be initialized to 1 (Py_TRACKING_SAFE). _PyObject_TrackName could check that field and issue a warning if it is asked to track an object that the author has not explicitly said was safe for tracking. Discussion Jeremy Hylton has an alternate proposal on the table [2]. His proposal seeks to create a hybrid dictionary/list object for use in global name lookups that would make global variable access look more like local variable access. While there is no C code available to examine, the Python implementation given in his proposal still appears to require dictionary key lookup. It doesn’t appear that his proposal could speed local variable attribute lookup, which might be worthwhile in some situations if potential performance burdens could be addressed. Backwards Compatibility I don’t believe there will be any serious issues of backward compatibility. Obviously, Python bytecode that contains TRACK_OBJECT opcodes could not be executed by earlier versions of the interpreter, but breakage at the bytecode level is often assumed between versions. Implementation TBD. This is where I need help. I believe there should be either a central name/location registry or the code that modifies object attributes should be modified, but I’m not sure the best way to go about this. If you look at the code that implements the STORE_GLOBAL and STORE_ATTR opcodes, it seems likely that some changes will be required to PyDict_SetItem and PyObject_SetAttr or their String variants. Ideally, there’d be a fairly central place to localize these changes. If you begin considering tracking attributes of local variables you get into issues of modifying STORE_FAST as well, which could be a problem, since the name bindings for local variables are changed much more frequently. (I think an optimizer could avoid inserting the tracking code for the attributes for any local variables where the variable’s name binding changes.) Performance I believe (though I have no code to prove it at this point), that implementing TRACK_OBJECT will generally not be much more expensive than a single LOAD_GLOBAL instruction or a LOAD_GLOBAL/LOAD_ATTR pair. An optimizer should be able to avoid converting LOAD_GLOBAL and LOAD_GLOBAL/LOAD_ATTR to the new scheme unless the object access occurred within a loop. Further down the line, a register-oriented replacement for the current Python virtual machine [3] could conceivably eliminate most of the LOAD_FAST instructions as well. The number of tracked objects should be relatively small. All active frames of all active threads could conceivably be tracking objects, but this seems small compared to the number of functions defined in a given application. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-July/007609.html [2] http://www.zope.org/Members/jeremy/CurrentAndFutureProjects/FastGlobalsPEP [3] http://www.musi-cal.com/~skip/python/rattlesnake20010813.tar.gz Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 266 – Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access
Standards Track
The bindings for most global variables and attributes of other modules typically never change during the execution of a Python program, but because of Python’s dynamic nature, code which accesses such global objects must run through a full lookup each time the object is needed. This PEP proposes a mechanism that allows code that accesses most global objects to treat them as local objects and places the burden of updating references on the code that changes the name bindings of such objects.
PEP 267 – Optimized Access to Module Namespaces Author: Jeremy Hylton <jeremy at alum.mit.edu> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 23-May-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Deferral Abstract Introduction DLict design Compiler issues Runtime model Backwards compatibility Related PEPs Copyright Deferral While this PEP is a nice idea, no-one has yet emerged to do the work of hashing out the differences between this PEP, PEP 266 and PEP 280. Hence, it is being deferred. Abstract This PEP proposes a new implementation of global module namespaces and the builtin namespace that speeds name resolution. The implementation would use an array of object pointers for most operations in these namespaces. The compiler would assign indices for global variables and module attributes at compile time. The current implementation represents these namespaces as dictionaries. A global name incurs a dictionary lookup each time it is used; a builtin name incurs two dictionary lookups, a failed lookup in the global namespace and a second lookup in the builtin namespace. This implementation should speed Python code that uses module-level functions and variables. It should also eliminate awkward coding styles that have evolved to speed access to these names. The implementation is complicated because the global and builtin namespaces can be modified dynamically in ways that are impossible for the compiler to detect. (Example: A module’s namespace is modified by a script after the module is imported.) As a result, the implementation must maintain several auxiliary data structures to preserve these dynamic features. Introduction This PEP proposes a new implementation of attribute access for module objects that optimizes access to module variables known at compile time. The module will store these variables in an array and provide an interface to lookup attributes using array offsets. For globals, builtins, and attributes of imported modules, the compiler will generate code that uses the array offsets for fast access. [describe the key parts of the design: dlict, compiler support, stupid name trick workarounds, optimization of other module’s globals] The implementation will preserve existing semantics for module namespaces, including the ability to modify module namespaces at runtime in ways that affect the visibility of builtin names. DLict design The namespaces are implemented using a data structure that has sometimes gone under the name dlict. It is a dictionary that has numbered slots for some dictionary entries. The type must be implemented in C to achieve acceptable performance. The new type-class unification work should make this fairly easy. The DLict will presumably be a subclass of dictionary with an alternate storage module for some keys. A Python implementation is included here to illustrate the basic design: """A dictionary-list hybrid""" import types class DLict: def __init__(self, names): assert isinstance(names, types.DictType) self.names = {} self.list = [None] * size self.empty = [1] * size self.dict = {} self.size = 0 def __getitem__(self, name): i = self.names.get(name) if i is None: return self.dict[name] if self.empty[i] is not None: raise KeyError, name return self.list[i] def __setitem__(self, name, val): i = self.names.get(name) if i is None: self.dict[name] = val else: self.empty[i] = None self.list[i] = val self.size += 1 def __delitem__(self, name): i = self.names.get(name) if i is None: del self.dict[name] else: if self.empty[i] is not None: raise KeyError, name self.empty[i] = 1 self.list[i] = None self.size -= 1 def keys(self): if self.dict: return self.names.keys() + self.dict.keys() else: return self.names.keys() def values(self): if self.dict: return self.names.values() + self.dict.values() else: return self.names.values() def items(self): if self.dict: return self.names.items() else: return self.names.items() + self.dict.items() def __len__(self): return self.size + len(self.dict) def __cmp__(self, dlict): c = cmp(self.names, dlict.names) if c != 0: return c c = cmp(self.size, dlict.size) if c != 0: return c for i in range(len(self.names)): c = cmp(self.empty[i], dlict.empty[i]) if c != 0: return c if self.empty[i] is None: c = cmp(self.list[i], dlict.empty[i]) if c != 0: return c return cmp(self.dict, dlict.dict) def clear(self): self.dict.clear() for i in range(len(self.names)): if self.empty[i] is None: self.empty[i] = 1 self.list[i] = None def update(self): pass def load(self, index): """dlict-special method to support indexed access""" if self.empty[index] is None: return self.list[index] else: raise KeyError, index # XXX might want reverse mapping def store(self, index, val): """dlict-special method to support indexed access""" self.empty[index] = None self.list[index] = val def delete(self, index): """dlict-special method to support indexed access""" self.empty[index] = 1 self.list[index] = None Compiler issues The compiler currently collects the names of all global variables in a module. These are names bound at the module level or bound in a class or function body that declares them to be global. The compiler would assign indices for each global name and add the names and indices of the globals to the module’s code object. Each code object would then be bound irrevocably to the module it was defined in. (Not sure if there are some subtle problems with this.) For attributes of imported modules, the module will store an indirection record. Internally, the module will store a pointer to the defining module and the offset of the attribute in the defining module’s global variable array. The offset would be initialized the first time the name is looked up. Runtime model The PythonVM will be extended with new opcodes to access globals and module attributes via a module-level array. A function object would need to point to the module that defined it in order to provide access to the module-level global array. For module attributes stored in the dlict (call them static attributes), the get/delattr implementation would need to track access to these attributes using the old by-name interface. If a static attribute is updated dynamically, e.g.: mod.__dict__["foo"] = 2 The implementation would need to update the array slot instead of the backup dict. Backwards compatibility The dlict will need to maintain meta-information about whether a slot is currently used or not. It will also need to maintain a pointer to the builtin namespace. When a name is not currently used in the global namespace, the lookup will have to fail over to the builtin namespace. In the reverse case, each module may need a special accessor function for the builtin namespace that checks to see if a global shadowing the builtin has been added dynamically. This check would only occur if there was a dynamic change to the module’s dlict, i.e. when a name is bound that wasn’t discovered at compile-time. These mechanisms would have little if any cost for the common case whether a module’s global namespace is not modified in strange ways at runtime. They would add overhead for modules that did unusual things with global names, but this is an uncommon practice and probably one worth discouraging. It may be desirable to disable dynamic additions to the global namespace in some future version of Python. If so, the new implementation could provide warnings. Related PEPs PEP 266, Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access, proposes a different mechanism for optimizing access to global variables as well as attributes of objects. The mechanism uses two new opcodes TRACK_OBJECT and UNTRACK_OBJECT to create a slot in the local variables array that aliases the global or object attribute. If the object being aliases is rebound, the rebind operation is responsible for updating the aliases. The objecting tracking approach applies to a wider range of objects than just module. It may also have a higher runtime cost, because each function that uses a global or object attribute must execute extra opcodes to register its interest in an object and unregister on exit; the cost of registration is unclear, but presumably involves a dynamically resizable data structure to hold a list of callbacks. The implementation proposed here avoids the need for registration, because it does not create aliases. Instead it allows functions that reference a global variable or module attribute to retain a pointer to the location where the original binding is stored. A second advantage is that the initial lookup is performed once per module rather than once per function call. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 267 – Optimized Access to Module Namespaces
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a new implementation of global module namespaces and the builtin namespace that speeds name resolution. The implementation would use an array of object pointers for most operations in these namespaces. The compiler would assign indices for global variables and module attributes at compile time.
PEP 268 – Extended HTTP functionality and WebDAV Author: Greg Stein <gstein at lyra.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 20-Aug-2001 Python-Version: 2.x Post-History: 21-Aug-2001 Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Rationale Specification HTTP Authentication Proxy Handling WebDAV Features Reference Implementation Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP has been rejected. It has failed to generate sufficient community support in the six years since its proposal. Abstract This PEP discusses new modules and extended functionality for Python’s HTTP support. Notably, the addition of authenticated requests, proxy support, authenticated proxy usage, and WebDAV capabilities. Rationale Python has been quite popular as a result of its “batteries included” positioning. One of the most heavily used protocols, HTTP (see RFC 2616), has been included with Python for years (httplib). However, this support has not kept up with the full needs and requirements of many HTTP-based applications and systems. In addition, new protocols based on HTTP, such as WebDAV and XML-RPC, are becoming useful and are seeing increasing usage. Supplying this functionality meets Python’s “batteries included” role and also keeps Python at the leading edge of new technologies. While authentication and proxy support are two very notable features missing from Python’s core HTTP processing, they are minimally handled as part of Python’s URL handling (urllib and urllib2). However, applications that need fine-grained or sophisticated HTTP handling cannot make use of the features while they reside in urllib. Refactoring these features into a location where they can be directly associated with an HTTP connection will improve their utility for both urllib and for sophisticated applications. The motivation for this PEP was from several people requesting these features directly, and from a number of feature requests on SourceForge. Since the exact form of the modules to be provided and the classes/architecture used could be subject to debate, this PEP was created to provide a focal point for those discussions. Specification Two modules will be added to the standard library: httpx (HTTP extended functionality), and davlib (WebDAV library). [ suggestions for module names are welcome; davlib has some precedence, but something like webdav might be desirable ] HTTP Authentication The httpx module will provide a mixin for performing HTTP authentication (for both proxy and origin server authentication). This mixin (httpx.HandleAuthentication) can be combined with the HTTPConnection and the HTTPSConnection classes (the mixin may possibly work with the HTTP and HTTPS compatibility classes, but that is not a requirement). The mixin will delegate the authentication process to one or more “authenticator” objects, allowing multiple connections to share authenticators. The use of a separate object allows for a long term connection to an authentication system (e.g. LDAP). An authenticator for the Basic and Digest mechanisms (see RFC 2617) will be provided. User-supplied authenticator subclasses can be registered and used by the connections. A “credentials” object (httpx.Credentials) is also associated with the mixin, and stores the credentials (e.g. username and password) needed by the authenticators. Subclasses of Credentials can be created to hold additional information (e.g. NT domain). The mixin overrides the getresponse() method to detect 401 (Unauthorized) and 407 (Proxy Authentication Required) responses. When this is found, the response object, the connection, and the credentials are passed to the authenticator corresponding with the authentication scheme specified in the response (multiple authenticators are tried in decreasing order of security if multiple schemes are in the response). Each authenticator can examine the response headers and decide whether and how to resend the request with the correct authentication headers. If no authenticator can successfully handle the authentication, then an exception is raised. Resending a request, with the appropriate credentials, is one of the more difficult portions of the authentication system. The difficulty arises in recording what was sent originally: the request line, the headers, and the body. By overriding putrequest, putheader, and endheaders, we can capture all but the body. Once the endheaders method is called, then we capture all calls to send() (until the next putrequest method call) to hold the body content. The mixin will have a configurable limit for the amount of data to hold in this fashion (e.g. only hold up to 100k of body content). Assuming that the entire body has been stored, then we can resend the request with the appropriate authentication information. If the body is too large to be stored, then the getresponse() simply returns the response object, indicating the 401 or 407 error. Since the authentication information has been computed and cached (into the Credentials object; see below), the caller can simply regenerate the request. The mixin will attach the appropriate credentials. A “protection space” (see RFC 2617, section 1.2) is defined as a tuple of the host, port, and authentication realm. When a request is initially sent to an HTTP server, we do not know the authentication realm (the realm is only returned when authentication fails). However, we do have the path from the URL, and that can be useful in determining the credentials to send to the server. The Basic authentication scheme is typically set up hierarchically: the credentials for /path can be tried for /path/subpath. The Digest authentication scheme has explicit support for the hierarchical setup. The httpx.Credentials object will store credentials for multiple protection spaces, and can be looked up in two different ways: looked up using (host, port, path) – this lookup scheme is used when generating a request for a path where we don’t know the authentication realm. looked up using (host, port, realm) – this mechanism is used during the authentication process when the server has specified that the Request-URI resides within a specific realm. The HandleAuthentication mixin will override putrequest() to automatically insert credentials, if available. The URL from the putrequest is used to determine the appropriate authentication information to use. It is also important to note that two sets of credentials are used, and stored by the mixin. One set for any proxy that may be used, and one used for the target origin server. Since proxies do not have paths, the protection spaces in the proxy credentials will always use “/” for storing and looking up via a path. Proxy Handling The httpx module will provide a mixin for using a proxy to perform HTTP(S) operations. This mixin (httpx.UseProxy) can be combined with the HTTPConnection and the HTTPSConnection classes (the mixin may possibly work with the HTTP and HTTPS compatibility classes, but that is not a requirement). The mixin will record the (host, port) of the proxy to use. XXX will be overridden to use this host/port combination for connections and to rewrite request URLs into the absoluteURIs referring to the origin server (these URIs are passed to the proxy server). Proxy authentication is handled by the httpx.HandleAuthentication class since a user may directly use HTTP(S)Connection to speak with proxies. WebDAV Features The davlib module will provide a mixin for sending WebDAV requests to a WebDAV-enabled server. This mixin (davlib.DAVClient) can be combined with the HTTPConnection and the HTTPSConnection classes (the mixin may possibly work with the HTTP and HTTPS compatibility classes, but that is not a requirement). The mixin provides methods to perform the various HTTP methods defined by HTTP in RFC 2616, and by WebDAV in RFC 2518. A custom response object is used to decode 207 (Multi-Status) responses. The response object will use the standard library’s xml package to parse the multistatus XML information, producing a simple structure of objects to hold the multistatus data. Multiple parsing schemes will be tried/used, in order of decreasing speed. Reference Implementation The actual (future/final) implementation is being developed in the /nondist/sandbox/Lib directory, until it is accepted and moved into the main Lib directory. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 268 – Extended HTTP functionality and WebDAV
Standards Track
This PEP discusses new modules and extended functionality for Python’s HTTP support. Notably, the addition of authenticated requests, proxy support, authenticated proxy usage, and WebDAV capabilities.
PEP 269 – Pgen Module for Python Author: Jonathan Riehl <jriehl at spaceship.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 24-Aug-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification parseGrammarFile (fileName) -> AST parseGrammarString (text) -> AST buildParser (grammarAst) -> DFA parseFile (fileName, dfa, start) -> AST parseString (text, dfa, start) -> AST symbolToStringMap (dfa) -> dict stringToSymbolMap (dfa) -> dict Implementation Plan Limitations Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract Much like the parser module exposes the Python parser, this PEP proposes that the parser generator used to create the Python parser, pgen, be exposed as a module in Python. Rationale Through the course of Pythonic history, there have been numerous discussions about the creation of a Python compiler [1]. These have resulted in several implementations of Python parsers, most notably the parser module currently provided in the Python standard library [2] and Jeremy Hylton’s compiler module [3]. However, while multiple language changes have been proposed [4] [5], experimentation with the Python syntax has lacked the benefit of a Python binding to the actual parser generator used to build Python. By providing a Python wrapper analogous to Fred Drake Jr.’s parser wrapper, but targeted at the pgen library, the following assertions are made: Reference implementations of syntax changes will be easier to develop. Currently, a reference implementation of a syntax change would require the developer to use the pgen tool from the command line. The resulting parser data structure would then either have to be reworked to interface with a custom CPython implementation, or wrapped as a C extension module. Reference implementations of syntax changes will be easier to distribute. Since the parser generator will be available in Python, it should follow that the resulting parser will accessible from Python. Therefore, reference implementations should be available as pure Python code, versus using custom versions of the existing CPython distribution, or as compilable extension modules. Reference implementations of syntax changes will be easier to discuss with a larger audience. This somewhat falls out of the second assertion, since the community of Python users is most likely larger than the community of CPython developers. Development of small languages in Python will be further enhanced, since the additional module will be a fully functional LL(1) parser generator. Specification The proposed module will be called pgen. The pgen module will contain the following functions: parseGrammarFile (fileName) -> AST The parseGrammarFile() function will read the file pointed to by fileName and create an AST object. The AST nodes will contain the nonterminal, numeric values of the parser generator meta-grammar. The output AST will be an instance of the AST extension class as provided by the parser module. Syntax errors in the input file will cause the SyntaxError exception to be raised. parseGrammarString (text) -> AST The parseGrammarString() function will follow the semantics of the parseGrammarFile(), but accept the grammar text as a string for input, as opposed to the file name. buildParser (grammarAst) -> DFA The buildParser() function will accept an AST object for input and return a DFA (deterministic finite automaton) data structure. The DFA data structure will be a C extension class, much like the AST structure is provided in the parser module. If the input AST does not conform to the nonterminal codes defined for the pgen meta-grammar, buildParser() will throw a ValueError exception. parseFile (fileName, dfa, start) -> AST The parseFile() function will essentially be a wrapper for the PyParser_ParseFile() C API function. The wrapper code will accept the DFA C extension class, and the file name. An AST instance that conforms to the lexical values in the token module and the nonterminal values contained in the DFA will be output. parseString (text, dfa, start) -> AST The parseString() function will operate in a similar fashion to the parseFile() function, but accept the parse text as an argument. Much like parseFile() will wrap the PyParser_ParseFile() C API function, parseString() will wrap the PyParser_ParseString() function. symbolToStringMap (dfa) -> dict The symbolToStringMap() function will accept a DFA instance and return a dictionary object that maps from the DFA’s numeric values for its nonterminals to the string names of the nonterminals as found in the original grammar specification for the DFA. stringToSymbolMap (dfa) -> dict The stringToSymbolMap() function output a dictionary mapping the nonterminal names of the input DFA to their corresponding numeric values. Extra credit will be awarded if the map generation functions and parsing functions are also methods of the DFA extension class. Implementation Plan A cunning plan has been devised to accomplish this enhancement: Rename the pgen functions to conform to the CPython naming standards. This action may involve adding some header files to the Include subdirectory. Move the pgen C modules in the Makefile.pre.in from unique pgen elements to the Python C library. Make any needed changes to the parser module so the AST extension class understands that there are AST types it may not understand. Cursory examination of the AST extension class shows that it keeps track of whether the tree is a suite or an expression. Code an additional C module in the Modules directory. The C extension module will implement the DFA extension class and the functions outlined in the previous section. Add the new module to the build process. Black magic, indeed. Limitations Under this proposal, would be designers of Python 3000 will still be constrained to Python’s lexical conventions. The addition, subtraction or modification of the Python lexer is outside the scope of this PEP. Reference Implementation No reference implementation is currently provided. A patch was provided at some point in http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=599331&group_id=5470&atid=305470 but that patch is no longer maintained. References [1] The (defunct) Python Compiler-SIG http://www.python.org/sigs/compiler-sig/ [2] Parser Module Documentation http://docs.python.org/library/parser.html [3] Hylton, Jeremy. http://docs.python.org/library/compiler.html [4] Pelletier, Michel. “Python Interface Syntax”, PEP 245 [5] The Python Types-SIG http://www.python.org/sigs/types-sig/ Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 269 – Pgen Module for Python
Standards Track
Much like the parser module exposes the Python parser, this PEP proposes that the parser generator used to create the Python parser, pgen, be exposed as a module in Python.
PEP 270 – uniq method for list objects Author: Jason Petrone <jp at demonseed.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 21-Aug-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Notice Abstract Rationale Considerations Reference Implementation References Copyright Notice This PEP is withdrawn by the author. He writes: Removing duplicate elements from a list is a common task, but there are only two reasons I can see for making it a built-in. The first is if it could be done much faster, which isn’t the case. The second is if it makes it significantly easier to write code. The introduction of sets.py eliminates this situation since creating a sequence without duplicates is just a matter of choosing a different data structure: a set instead of a list. As described in PEP 218, sets are being added to the standard library for Python 2.3. Abstract This PEP proposes adding a method for removing duplicate elements to the list object. Rationale Removing duplicates from a list is a common task. I think it is useful and general enough to belong as a method in list objects. It also has potential for faster execution when implemented in C, especially if optimization using hashing or sorted cannot be used. On comp.lang.python there are many, many, posts [1] asking about the best way to do this task. It’s a little tricky to implement optimally and it would be nice to save people the trouble of figuring it out themselves. Considerations Tim Peters suggests trying to use a hash table, then trying to sort, and finally falling back on brute force [2]. Should uniq maintain list order at the expense of speed? Is it spelled ‘uniq’ or ‘unique’? Reference Implementation I’ve written the brute force version. It’s about 20 lines of code in listobject.c. Adding support for hash table and sorted duplicate removal would only take another hour or so. References [1] https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/comp.lang.python/duplicates [2] Tim Peters unique() entry in the Python cookbook: http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52560/index_txt Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 270 – uniq method for list objects
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding a method for removing duplicate elements to the list object.
PEP 271 – Prefixing sys.path by command line option Author: Frédéric B. Giacometti <fred at arakne.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 15-Aug-2001 Python-Version: 2.2 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Other Information When to use this option Reference Implementation Copyright Abstract At present, setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable is the only method for defining additional Python module search directories. This PEP introduces the ‘-P’ valued option to the python command as an alternative to PYTHONPATH. Rationale On Unix: python -P $SOMEVALUE will be equivalent to: env PYTHONPATH=$SOMEVALUE python On Windows 2K: python -P %SOMEVALUE% will (almost) be equivalent to: set __PYTHONPATH=%PYTHONPATH% && set PYTHONPATH=%SOMEVALUE%\ && python && set PYTHONPATH=%__PYTHONPATH% Other Information This option is equivalent to the ‘java -classpath’ option. When to use this option This option is intended to ease and make more robust the use of Python in test or build scripts, for instance. Reference Implementation A patch implementing this is available from SourceForge: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/download.php?group_id=5470&atid=305470&file_id=6916&aid=429614 with the patch discussion at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=305470&aid=429614&group_id=5470 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 271 – Prefixing sys.path by command line option
Standards Track
At present, setting the PYTHONPATH environment variable is the only method for defining additional Python module search directories.
PEP 272 – API for Block Encryption Algorithms v1.0 Author: A.M. Kuchling <amk at amk.ca> Status: Final Type: Informational Created: 18-Sep-2001 Post-History: 17-Apr-2002, 29-May-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Introduction Specification References Changes Acknowledgements Copyright Abstract This document specifies a standard API for secret-key block encryption algorithms such as DES or Rijndael, making it easier to switch between different algorithms and implementations. Introduction Encryption algorithms transform their input data (called plaintext) in some way that is dependent on a variable key, producing ciphertext. The transformation can easily be reversed if and only if one knows the key. The key is a sequence of bits chosen from some very large space of possible keys. There are two classes of encryption algorithms: block ciphers and stream ciphers. Block ciphers encrypt multibyte inputs of a fixed size (frequently 8 or 16 bytes long), and can be operated in various feedback modes. The feedback modes supported in this specification are: Number Constant Description 1 MODE_ECB Electronic Code Book 2 MODE_CBC Cipher Block Chaining 3 MODE_CFB Cipher Feedback 5 MODE_OFB Output Feedback 6 MODE_CTR Counter These modes are to be implemented as described in NIST publication SP 800-38A [1]. Descriptions of the first three feedback modes can also be found in Bruce Schneier’s book Applied Cryptography [2]. (The numeric value 4 is reserved for MODE_PGP, a variant of CFB described in RFC 2440: “OpenPGP Message Format”. This mode isn’t considered important enough to make it worth requiring it for all block encryption ciphers, though supporting it is a nice extra feature.) In a strict formal sense, stream ciphers encrypt data bit-by-bit; practically, stream ciphers work on a character-by-character basis. This PEP only aims at specifying an interface for block ciphers, though stream ciphers can support the interface described here by fixing ‘block_size’ to 1. Feedback modes also don’t make sense for stream ciphers, so the only reasonable feedback mode would be ECB mode. Specification Encryption modules can add additional functions, methods, and attributes beyond those described in this PEP, but all of the features described in this PEP must be present for a module to claim compliance with it. Secret-key encryption modules should define one function: new(key, mode, [IV], **kwargs) Returns a ciphering object, using the secret key contained in the string ‘key’, and using the feedback mode ‘mode’, which must be one of the constants from the table above. If ‘mode’ is MODE_CBC or MODE_CFB, ‘IV’ must be provided and must be a string of the same length as the block size. Not providing a value of ‘IV’ will result in a ValueError exception being raised. Depending on the algorithm, a module may support additional keyword arguments to this function. Some keyword arguments are specified by this PEP, and modules are free to add additional keyword arguments. If a value isn’t provided for a given keyword, a secure default value should be used. For example, if an algorithm has a selectable number of rounds between 1 and 16, and 1-round encryption is insecure and 8-round encryption is believed secure, the default value for ‘rounds’ should be 8 or more. (Module implementors can choose a very slow but secure value, too, such as 16 in this example. This decision is left up to the implementor.) The following table lists keyword arguments defined by this PEP: Keyword Meaning counter Callable object that returns counter blocks (see below; CTR mode only) rounds Number of rounds of encryption to use segment_size Size of data and ciphertext segments, measured in bits (see below; CFB mode only) The Counter feedback mode requires a sequence of input blocks, called counters, that are used to produce the output. When ‘mode’ is MODE_CTR, the ‘counter’ keyword argument must be provided, and its value must be a callable object, such as a function or method. Successive calls to this callable object must return a sequence of strings that are of the length ‘block_size’ and that never repeats. (Appendix B of the NIST publication gives a way to generate such a sequence, but that’s beyond the scope of this PEP.) The CFB mode operates on segments of the plaintext and ciphertext that are ‘segment_size’ bits long. Therefore, when using this mode, the input and output strings must be a multiple of ‘segment_size’ bits in length. ‘segment_size’ must be an integer between 1 and block_size*8, inclusive. (The factor of 8 comes from ‘block_size’ being measured in bytes and not in bits). The default value for this parameter should be block_size*8. Implementors are allowed to constrain ‘segment_size’ to be a multiple of 8 for simplicity, but they’re encouraged to support arbitrary values for generality. Secret-key encryption modules should define two variables: block_sizeAn integer value; the size of the blocks encrypted by this module, measured in bytes. For all feedback modes, the length of strings passed to the encrypt() and decrypt() must be a multiple of the block size. key_sizeAn integer value; the size of the keys required by this module, measured in bytes. If key_size is None, then the algorithm accepts variable-length keys. This may mean the module accepts keys of any random length, or that there are a few different possible lengths, e.g. 16, 24, or 32 bytes. You cannot pass a key of length 0 (that is, the null string ‘’) as a variable-length key. Cipher objects should have two attributes: block_sizeAn integer value equal to the size of the blocks encrypted by this object. For algorithms with a variable block size, this value is equal to the block size selected for this object. IVContains the initial value which will be used to start a cipher feedback mode; it will always be a string exactly one block in length. After encrypting or decrypting a string, this value is updated to reflect the modified feedback text. It is read-only, and cannot be assigned a new value. Cipher objects require the following methods: decrypt(string)Decrypts ‘string’, using the key-dependent data in the object and with the appropriate feedback mode. The string’s length must be an exact multiple of the algorithm’s block size or, in CFB mode, of the segment size. Returns a string containing the plaintext. encrypt(string)Encrypts a non-empty string, using the key-dependent data in the object, and with the appropriate feedback mode. The string’s length must be an exact multiple of the algorithm’s block size or, in CFB mode, of the segment size. Returns a string containing the ciphertext. Here’s an example, using a module named ‘DES’: >>> import DES >>> obj = DES.new('abcdefgh', DES.MODE_ECB) >>> plaintext = "Guido van Rossum is a space alien." >>> len(plaintext) 34 >>> obj.encrypt(plaintext) Traceback (innermost last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? ValueError: Strings for DES must be a multiple of 8 in length >>> ciphertext = obj.encrypt(plain+'XXXXXX') # Add padding >>> ciphertext '\021,\343Nq\214DY\337T\342pA\372\255\311s\210\363,\300j\330\250\312\347\342I\3215w\03561\303dgb/\006' >>> obj.decrypt(ciphertext) 'Guido van Rossum is a space alien.XXXXXX' References [1] NIST publication SP 800-38A, “Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation” (http://csrc.nist.gov/encryption/modes/) [2] Applied Cryptography Changes 2002-04: Removed references to stream ciphers; retitled PEP; prefixed feedback mode constants with MODE_; removed PGP feedback mode; added CTR and OFB feedback modes; clarified where numbers are measured in bytes and where in bits. 2002-09: Clarified the discussion of key length by using “variable-length keys” instead of “arbitrary-length”. Acknowledgements Thanks to the readers of the python-crypto list for their comments on this PEP. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 272 – API for Block Encryption Algorithms v1.0
This document specifies a standard API for secret-key block encryption algorithms such as DES or Rijndael, making it easier to switch between different algorithms and implementations.
PEP 273 – Import Modules from Zip Archives Author: James C. Ahlstrom <jim at interet.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Oct-2001 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 26-Oct-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Note Specification Subdirectory Equivalence Efficiency zlib Booting Directory Imports Benchmarks Custom Imports Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP adds the ability to import Python modules *.py, *.py[co] and packages from zip archives. The same code is used to speed up normal directory imports provided os.listdir is available. Note Zip imports were added to Python 2.3, but the final implementation uses an approach different from the one described in this PEP. The 2.3 implementation is SourceForge patch #652586 [1], which adds new import hooks described in PEP 302. The rest of this PEP is therefore only of historical interest. Specification Currently, sys.path is a list of directory names as strings. If this PEP is implemented, an item of sys.path can be a string naming a zip file archive. The zip archive can contain a subdirectory structure to support package imports. The zip archive satisfies imports exactly as a subdirectory would. The implementation is in C code in the Python core and works on all supported Python platforms. Any files may be present in the zip archive, but only files *.py and *.py[co] are available for import. Zip import of dynamic modules (*.pyd, *.so) is disallowed. Just as sys.path currently has default directory names, a default zip archive name is added too. Otherwise there is no way to import all Python library files from an archive. Subdirectory Equivalence The zip archive must be treated exactly as a subdirectory tree so we can support package imports based on current and future rules. All zip data is taken from the Central Directory, the data must be correct, and brain dead zip files are not accommodated. Suppose sys.path contains “/A/B/SubDir” and “/C/D/E/Archive.zip”, and we are trying to import modfoo from the Q package. Then import.c will generate a list of paths and extensions and will look for the file. The list of generated paths does not change for zip imports. Suppose import.c generates the path “/A/B/SubDir/Q/R/modfoo.pyc”. Then it will also generate the path “/C/D/E/Archive.zip/Q/R/modfoo.pyc”. Finding the SubDir path is exactly equivalent to finding “Q/R/modfoo.pyc” in the archive. Suppose you zip up /A/B/SubDir/* and all its subdirectories. Then your zip file will satisfy imports just as your subdirectory did. Well, not quite. You can’t satisfy dynamic modules from a zip file. Dynamic modules have extensions like .dll, .pyd, and .so. They are operating system dependent, and probably can’t be loaded except from a file. It might be possible to extract the dynamic module from the zip file, write it to a plain file and load it. But that would mean creating temporary files, and dealing with all the dynload_*.c, and that’s probably not a good idea. When trying to import *.pyc, if it is not available then *.pyo will be used instead. And vice versa when looking for *.pyo. If neither *.pyc nor *.pyo is available, or if the magic numbers are invalid, then *.py will be compiled and used to satisfy the import, but the compiled file will not be saved. Python would normally write it to the same directory as *.py, but surely we don’t want to write to the zip file. We could write to the directory of the zip archive, but that would clutter it up, not good if it is /usr/bin for example. Failing to write the compiled files will make zip imports very slow, and the user will probably not figure out what is wrong. So it is best to put *.pyc and *.pyo in the archive with the *.py. Efficiency The only way to find files in a zip archive is linear search. So for each zip file in sys.path, we search for its names once, and put the names plus other relevant data into a static Python dictionary. The key is the archive name from sys.path joined with the file name (including any subdirectories) within the archive. This is exactly the name generated by import.c, and makes lookup easy. This same mechanism is used to speed up directory (non-zip) imports. See below. zlib Compressed zip archives require zlib for decompression. Prior to any other imports, we attempt an import of zlib. Import of compressed files will fail with a message “missing zlib” unless zlib is available. Booting Python imports site.py itself, and this imports os, nt, ntpath, stat, and UserDict. It also imports sitecustomize.py which may import more modules. Zip imports must be available before site.py is imported. Just as there are default directories in sys.path, there must be one or more default zip archives too. The problem is what the name should be. The name should be linked with the Python version, so the Python executable can correctly find its corresponding libraries even when there are multiple Python versions on the same machine. We add one name to sys.path. On Unix, the directory is sys.prefix + "/lib", and the file name is "python%s%s.zip" % (sys.version[0], sys.version[2]). So for Python 2.2 and prefix /usr/local, the path /usr/local/lib/python2.2/ is already on sys.path, and /usr/local/lib/python22.zip would be added. On Windows, the file is the full path to python22.dll, with “dll” replaced by “zip”. The zip archive name is always inserted as the second item in sys.path. The first is the directory of the main.py (thanks Tim). Directory Imports The static Python dictionary used to speed up zip imports can be used to speed up normal directory imports too. For each item in sys.path that is not a zip archive, we call os.listdir, and add the directory contents to the dictionary. Then instead of calling fopen() in a double loop, we just check the dictionary. This greatly speeds up imports. If os.listdir doesn’t exist, the dictionary is not used. Benchmarks Case Original 2.2a3 Using os.listdir Zip Uncomp Zip Compr 1 3.2 2.5 3.2->1.02 2.3 2.5 2.3->0.87 1.66->0.93 1.5->1.07 2 2.8 3.9 3.0->1.32 Same as Case 1. 3 5.7 5.7 5.7->5.7 2.1 2.1 2.1->1.8 1.25->0.99 1.19->1.13 4 9.4 9.4 9.3->9.35 Same as Case 3. Case 1: Local drive C:, sys.path has its default value. Case 2: Local drive C:, directory with files is at the end of sys.path. Case 3: Network drive, sys.path has its default value. Case 4: Network drive, directory with files is at the end of sys.path. Benchmarks were performed on a Pentium 4 clone, 1.4 GHz, 256 Meg. The machine was running Windows 2000 with a Linux/Samba network server. Times are in seconds, and are the time to import about 100 Lib modules. Case 2 and 4 have the “correct” directory moved to the end of sys.path. “Uncomp” means uncompressed zip archive, “Compr” means compressed. Initial times are after a re-boot of the system; the time after “->” is the time after repeated runs. Times to import from C: after a re-boot are rather highly variable for the “Original” case, but are more realistic. Custom Imports The logic demonstrates the ability to import using default searching until a needed Python module (in this case, os) becomes available. This can be used to bootstrap custom importers. For example, if “importer()” in __init__.py exists, then it could be used for imports. The “importer()” can freely import os and other modules, and these will be satisfied from the default mechanism. This PEP does not define any custom importers, and this note is for information only. Implementation A C implementation is available as SourceForge patch 492105. Superseded by patch 652586 and current CVS. [2] A newer version (updated for recent CVS by Paul Moore) is 645650. Superseded by patch 652586 and current CVS. [3] A competing implementation by Just van Rossum is 652586, which is the basis for the final implementation of PEP 302. PEP 273 has been implemented using PEP 302’s import hooks. [1] References [1] (1, 2) Just van Rossum, New import hooks + Import from Zip files https://bugs.python.org/issue652586 [2] Import from Zip archive, James C. Ahlstrom https://bugs.python.org/issue492105 [3] Import from Zip Archive, Paul Moore https://bugs.python.org/issue645650 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 273 – Import Modules from Zip Archives
Standards Track
This PEP adds the ability to import Python modules *.py, *.py[co] and packages from zip archives. The same code is used to speed up normal directory imports provided os.listdir is available.
PEP 274 – Dict Comprehensions Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 25-Oct-2001 Python-Version: 2.7, 3.0 Post-History: 29-Oct-2001 Table of Contents Abstract Resolution Proposed Solution Rationale Semantics Examples Implementation Copyright Abstract PEP 202 introduces a syntactical extension to Python called the “list comprehension”. This PEP proposes a similar syntactical extension called the “dictionary comprehension” or “dict comprehension” for short. You can use dict comprehensions in ways very similar to list comprehensions, except that they produce Python dictionary objects instead of list objects. Resolution This PEP was originally written for inclusion in Python 2.3. It was withdrawn after observation that substantially all of its benefits were subsumed by generator expressions coupled with the dict() constructor. However, Python 2.7 and 3.0 introduces this exact feature, as well as the closely related set comprehensions. On 2012-04-09, the PEP was changed to reflect this reality by updating its Status to Accepted, and updating the Python-Version field. The Open Questions section was also removed since these have been long resolved by the current implementation. Proposed Solution Dict comprehensions are just like list comprehensions, except that you group the expression using curly braces instead of square braces. Also, the left part before the for keyword expresses both a key and a value, separated by a colon. The notation is specifically designed to remind you of list comprehensions as applied to dictionaries. Rationale There are times when you have some data arranged as a sequences of length-2 sequences, and you want to turn that into a dictionary. In Python 2.2, the dict() constructor accepts an argument that is a sequence of length-2 sequences, used as (key, value) pairs to initialize a new dictionary object. However, the act of turning some data into a sequence of length-2 sequences can be inconvenient or inefficient from a memory or performance standpoint. Also, for some common operations, such as turning a list of things into a set of things for quick duplicate removal or set inclusion tests, a better syntax can help code clarity. As with list comprehensions, an explicit for loop can always be used (and in fact was the only way to do it in earlier versions of Python). But as with list comprehensions, dict comprehensions can provide a more syntactically succinct idiom that the traditional for loop. Semantics The semantics of dict comprehensions can actually be demonstrated in stock Python 2.2, by passing a list comprehension to the built-in dictionary constructor: >>> dict([(i, chr(65+i)) for i in range(4)]) is semantically equivalent to: >>> {i : chr(65+i) for i in range(4)} The dictionary constructor approach has two distinct disadvantages from the proposed syntax though. First, it isn’t as legible as a dict comprehension. Second, it forces the programmer to create an in-core list object first, which could be expensive. Examples >>> print {i : chr(65+i) for i in range(4)} {0 : 'A', 1 : 'B', 2 : 'C', 3 : 'D'} >>> print {k : v for k, v in someDict.iteritems()} == someDict.copy() 1 >>> print {x.lower() : 1 for x in list_of_email_addrs} {'barry@zope.com' : 1, 'barry@python.org' : 1, 'guido@python.org' : 1} >>> def invert(d): ... return {v : k for k, v in d.iteritems()} ... >>> d = {0 : 'A', 1 : 'B', 2 : 'C', 3 : 'D'} >>> print invert(d) {'A' : 0, 'B' : 1, 'C' : 2, 'D' : 3} >>> {(k, v): k+v for k in range(4) for v in range(4)} ... {(3, 3): 6, (3, 2): 5, (3, 1): 4, (0, 1): 1, (2, 1): 3, (0, 2): 2, (3, 0): 3, (0, 3): 3, (1, 1): 2, (1, 0): 1, (0, 0): 0, (1, 2): 3, (2, 0): 2, (1, 3): 4, (2, 2): 4, ( 2, 3): 5} Implementation All implementation details were resolved in the Python 2.7 and 3.0 time-frame. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 274 – Dict Comprehensions
Standards Track
PEP 202 introduces a syntactical extension to Python called the “list comprehension”. This PEP proposes a similar syntactical extension called the “dictionary comprehension” or “dict comprehension” for short. You can use dict comprehensions in ways very similar to list comprehensions, except that they produce Python dictionary objects instead of list objects.
PEP 275 – Switching on Multiple Values Author: Marc-André Lemburg <mal at lemburg.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 10-Nov-2001 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Problem Proposed Solutions Solution 1: Optimizing if-elif-else Solution 2: Adding a switch statement to Python New Syntax Implementation Issues Examples Scope Credits References Copyright Rejection Notice A similar PEP for Python 3000, PEP 3103, was already rejected, so this proposal has no chance of being accepted either. Abstract This PEP proposes strategies to enhance Python’s performance with respect to handling switching on a single variable having one of multiple possible values. Problem Up to Python 2.5, the typical way of writing multi-value switches has been to use long switch constructs of the following type: if x == 'first state': ... elif x == 'second state': ... elif x == 'third state': ... elif x == 'fourth state': ... else: # default handling ... This works fine for short switch constructs, since the overhead of repeated loading of a local (the variable x in this case) and comparing it to some constant is low (it has a complexity of O(n) on average). However, when using such a construct to write a state machine such as is needed for writing parsers the number of possible states can easily reach 10 or more cases. The current solution to this problem lies in using a dispatch table to find the case implementing method to execute depending on the value of the switch variable (this can be tuned to have a complexity of O(1) on average, e.g. by using perfect hash tables). This works well for state machines which require complex and lengthy processing in the different case methods. It does not perform well for ones which only process one or two instructions per case, e.g. def handle_data(self, data): self.stack.append(data) A nice example of this is the state machine implemented in pickle.py which is used to serialize Python objects. Other prominent cases include XML SAX parsers and Internet protocol handlers. Proposed Solutions This PEP proposes two different but not necessarily conflicting solutions: Adding an optimization to the Python compiler and VM which detects the above if-elif-else construct and generates special opcodes for it which use a read-only dictionary for storing jump offsets. Adding new syntax to Python which mimics the C style switch statement. The first solution has the benefit of not relying on adding new keywords to the language, while the second looks cleaner. Both involve some run-time overhead to assure that the switching variable is immutable and hashable. Both solutions use a dictionary lookup to find the right jump location, so they both share the same problem space in terms of requiring that both the switch variable and the constants need to be compatible to the dictionary implementation (hashable, comparable, a==b => hash(a)==hash(b)). Solution 1: Optimizing if-elif-else Implementation: It should be possible for the compiler to detect an if-elif-else construct which has the following signature: if x == 'first':... elif x == 'second':... else:... i.e. the left hand side always references the same variable, the right hand side a hashable immutable builtin type. The right hand sides need not be all of the same type, but they should be comparable to the type of the left hand switch variable. The compiler could then setup a read-only (perfect) hash table, store it in the constants and add an opcode SWITCH in front of the standard if-elif-else byte code stream which triggers the following run-time behaviour: At runtime, SWITCH would check x for being one of the well-known immutable types (strings, unicode, numbers) and use the hash table for finding the right opcode snippet. If this condition is not met, the interpreter should revert to the standard if-elif-else processing by simply skipping the SWITCH opcode and proceeding with the usual if-elif-else byte code stream. Issues: The new optimization should not change the current Python semantics (by reducing the number of __cmp__ calls and adding __hash__ calls in if-elif-else constructs which are affected by the optimization). To assure this, switching can only safely be implemented either if a “from __future__” style flag is used, or the switching variable is one of the builtin immutable types: int, float, string, unicode, etc. (not subtypes, since it’s not clear whether these are still immutable or not) To prevent post-modifications of the jump-table dictionary (which could be used to reach protected code), the jump-table will have to be a read-only type (e.g. a read-only dictionary). The optimization should only be used for if-elif-else constructs which have a minimum number of n cases (where n is a number which has yet to be defined depending on performance tests). Solution 2: Adding a switch statement to Python New Syntax switch EXPR: case CONSTANT: SUITE case CONSTANT: SUITE ... else: SUITE (modulo indentation variations) The “else” part is optional. If no else part is given and none of the defined cases matches, no action is taken and the switch statement is ignored. This is in line with the current if-behaviour. A user who wants to signal this situation using an exception can define an else-branch which then implements the intended action. Note that the constants need not be all of the same type, but they should be comparable to the type of the switch variable. Implementation The compiler would have to compile this into byte code similar to this: def whatis(x): switch(x): case 'one': print '1' case 'two': print '2' case 'three': print '3' else: print "D'oh!" into (omitting POP_TOP’s and SET_LINENO’s): 6 LOAD_FAST 0 (x) 9 LOAD_CONST 1 (switch-table-1) 12 SWITCH 26 (to 38) 14 LOAD_CONST 2 ('1') 17 PRINT_ITEM 18 PRINT_NEWLINE 19 JUMP 43 22 LOAD_CONST 3 ('2') 25 PRINT_ITEM 26 PRINT_NEWLINE 27 JUMP 43 30 LOAD_CONST 4 ('3') 33 PRINT_ITEM 34 PRINT_NEWLINE 35 JUMP 43 38 LOAD_CONST 5 ("D'oh!") 41 PRINT_ITEM 42 PRINT_NEWLINE >>43 LOAD_CONST 0 (None) 46 RETURN_VALUE Where the ‘SWITCH’ opcode would jump to 14, 22, 30 or 38 depending on ‘x’. Thomas Wouters has written a patch which demonstrates the above. You can download it from [1]. Issues The switch statement should not implement fall-through behaviour (as does the switch statement in C). Each case defines a complete and independent suite; much like in an if-elif-else statement. This also enables using break in switch statements inside loops. If the interpreter finds that the switch variable x is not hashable, it should raise a TypeError at run-time pointing out the problem. There have been other proposals for the syntax which reuse existing keywords and avoid adding two new ones (“switch” and “case”). Others have argued that the keywords should use new terms to avoid confusion with the C keywords of the same name but slightly different semantics (e.g. fall-through without break). Some of the proposed variants: case EXPR: of CONSTANT: SUITE of CONSTANT: SUITE else: SUITE case EXPR: if CONSTANT: SUITE if CONSTANT: SUITE else: SUITE when EXPR: in CONSTANT_TUPLE: SUITE in CONSTANT_TUPLE: SUITE ... else: SUITE The switch statement could be extended to allow multiple values for one section (e.g. case ‘a’, ‘b’, ‘c’: …). Another proposed extension would allow ranges of values (e.g. case 10..14: …). These should probably be post-poned, but already kept in mind when designing and implementing a first version. Examples The following examples all use a new syntax as proposed by solution 2. However, all of these examples would work with solution 1 as well. switch EXPR: switch x: case CONSTANT: case "first": SUITE print x case CONSTANT: case "second": SUITE x = x**2 ... print x else: else: SUITE print "whoops!" case EXPR: case x: of CONSTANT: of "first": SUITE print x of CONSTANT: of "second": SUITE print x**2 else: else: SUITE print "whoops!" case EXPR: case state: if CONSTANT: if "first": SUITE state = "second" if CONSTANT: if "second": SUITE state = "third" else: else: SUITE state = "first" when EXPR: when state: in CONSTANT_TUPLE: in ("first", "second"): SUITE print state in CONSTANT_TUPLE: state = next_state(state) SUITE in ("seventh",): ... print "done" else: break # out of loop! SUITE else: print "middle state" state = next_state(state) Here’s another nice application found by Jack Jansen (switching on argument types): switch type(x).__name__: case 'int': SUITE case 'string': SUITE Scope XXX Explain “from __future__ import switch” Credits Martin von Löwis (issues with the optimization idea) Thomas Wouters (switch statement + byte code compiler example) Skip Montanaro (dispatching ideas, examples) Donald Beaudry (switch syntax) Greg Ewing (switch syntax) Jack Jansen (type switching examples) References [1] https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=481118&group_id=5470&atid=305470 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 275 – Switching on Multiple Values
Standards Track
This PEP proposes strategies to enhance Python’s performance with respect to handling switching on a single variable having one of multiple possible values.
PEP 276 – Simple Iterator for ints Author: Jim Althoff <james_althoff at i2.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Nov-2001 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Specification Rationale Backwards Compatibility Issues Implementation Copyright Abstract Python 2.1 added new functionality to support iterators (PEP 234). Iterators have proven to be useful and convenient in many coding situations. It is noted that the implementation of Python’s for-loop control structure uses the iterator protocol as of release 2.1. It is also noted that Python provides iterators for the following builtin types: lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings, and files. This PEP proposes the addition of an iterator for the builtin type int (types.IntType). Such an iterator would simplify the coding of certain for-loops in Python. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP was rejected on 17 June 2005 with a note to python-dev. Much of the original need was met by the enumerate() function which was accepted for Python 2.3. Also, the proposal both allowed and encouraged misuses such as: >>> for i in 3: print i 0 1 2 Likewise, it was not helpful that the proposal would disable the syntax error in statements like: x, = 1 Specification Define an iterator for types.intType (i.e., the builtin type “int”) that is returned from the builtin function “iter” when called with an instance of types.intType as the argument. The returned iterator has the following behavior: Assume that object i is an instance of types.intType (the builtin type int) and that i > 0 iter(i) returns an iterator object said iterator object iterates through the sequence of ints 0,1,2,…,i-1Example: iter(5) returns an iterator object that iterates through the sequence of ints 0,1,2,3,4 if i <= 0, iter(i) returns an “empty” iterator, i.e., one that throws StopIteration upon the first call of its “next” method In other words, the conditions and semantics of said iterator is consistent with the conditions and semantics of the range() and xrange() functions. Note that the sequence 0,1,2,…,i-1 associated with the int i is considered “natural” in the context of Python programming because it is consistent with the builtin indexing protocol of sequences in Python. Python lists and tuples, for example, are indexed starting at 0 and ending at len(object)-1 (when using positive indices). In other words, such objects are indexed with the sequence 0,1,2,…,len(object)-1 Rationale A common programming idiom is to take a collection of objects and apply some operation to each item in the collection in some established sequential order. Python provides the “for in” looping control structure for handling this common idiom. Cases arise, however, where it is necessary (or more convenient) to access each item in an “indexed” collection by iterating through each index and accessing each item in the collection using the corresponding index. For example, one might have a two-dimensional “table” object where one requires the application of some operation to the first column of each row in the table. Depending on the implementation of the table it might not be possible to access first each row and then each column as individual objects. It might, rather, be possible to access a cell in the table using a row index and a column index. In such a case it is necessary to use an idiom where one iterates through a sequence of indices (indexes) in order to access the desired items in the table. (Note that the commonly used DefaultTableModel class in Java-Swing-Jython has this very protocol). Another common example is where one needs to process two or more collections in parallel. Another example is where one needs to access, say, every second item in a collection. There are many other examples where access to items in a collection is facilitated by a computation on an index thus necessitating access to the indices rather than direct access to the items themselves. Let’s call this idiom the “indexed for-loop” idiom. Some programming languages provide builtin syntax for handling this idiom. In Python the common convention for implementing the indexed for-loop idiom is to use the builtin range() or xrange() function to generate a sequence of indices as in, for example: for rowcount in range(table.getRowCount()): print table.getValueAt(rowcount, 0) or for rowcount in xrange(table.getRowCount()): print table.getValueAt(rowcount, 0) From time to time there are discussions in the Python community about the indexed for-loop idiom. It is sometimes argued that the need for using the range() or xrange() function for this design idiom is: Not obvious (to new-to-Python programmers), Error prone (easy to forget, even for experienced Python programmers) Confusing and distracting for those who feel compelled to understand the differences and recommended usage of xrange() vis-a-vis range() Unwieldy, especially when combined with the len() function, i.e., xrange(len(sequence)) Not as convenient as equivalent mechanisms in other languages, Annoying, a “wart”, etc. And from time to time proposals are put forth for ways in which Python could provide a better mechanism for this idiom. Recent examples include PEP 204, “Range Literals”, and PEP 212, “Loop Counter Iteration”. Most often, such proposal include changes to Python’s syntax and other “heavyweight” changes. Part of the difficulty here is that advocating new syntax implies a comprehensive solution for “general indexing” that has to include aspects like: starting index value ending index value step value open intervals versus closed intervals versus half opened intervals Finding a new syntax that is comprehensive, simple, general, Pythonic, appealing to many, easy to implement, not in conflict with existing structures, not excessively overloading of existing structures, etc. has proven to be more difficult than one might anticipate. The proposal outlined in this PEP tries to address the problem by suggesting a simple “lightweight” solution that helps the most common case by using a proven mechanism that is already available (as of Python 2.1): namely, iterators. Because for-loops already use “iterator” protocol as of Python 2.1, adding an iterator for types.IntType as proposed in this PEP would enable by default the following shortcut for the indexed for-loop idiom: for rowcount in table.getRowCount(): print table.getValueAt(rowcount, 0) The following benefits for this approach vis-a-vis the current mechanism of using the range() or xrange() functions are claimed to be: Simpler, Less cluttered, Focuses on the problem at hand without the need to resort to secondary implementation-oriented functions (range() and xrange()) And compared to other proposals for change: Requires no new syntax Requires no new keywords Takes advantage of the new and well-established iterator mechanism And generally: Is consistent with iterator-based “convenience” changes already included (as of Python 2.1) for other builtin types such as: lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings, and files. Backwards Compatibility The proposed mechanism is generally backwards compatible as it calls for neither new syntax nor new keywords. All existing, valid Python programs should continue to work unmodified. However, this proposal is not perfectly backwards compatible in the sense that certain statements that are currently invalid would, under the current proposal, become valid. Tim Peters has pointed out two such examples: The common case where one forgets to include range() or xrange(), for example:for rowcount in table.getRowCount(): print table.getValueAt(rowcount, 0) in Python 2.2 raises a TypeError exception. Under the current proposal, the above statement would be valid and would work as (presumably) intended. Presumably, this is a good thing. As noted by Tim, this is the common case of the “forgotten range” mistake (which one currently corrects by adding a call to range() or xrange()). The (hopefully) very uncommon case where one makes a typing mistake when using tuple unpacking. For example:x, = 1 in Python 2.2 raises a TypeError exception. Under the current proposal, the above statement would be valid and would set x to 0. The PEP author has no data as to how common this typing error is nor how difficult it would be to catch such an error under the current proposal. He imagines that it does not occur frequently and that it would be relatively easy to correct should it happen. Issues Extensive discussions concerning PEP 276 on the Python interest mailing list suggests a range of opinions: some in favor, some neutral, some against. Those in favor tend to agree with the claims above of the usefulness, convenience, ease of learning, and simplicity of a simple iterator for integers. Issues with PEP 276 include: Using range/xrange is fine as is.Response: Some posters feel this way. Other disagree. Some feel that iterating over the sequence “0, 1, 2, …, n-1” for an integer n is not intuitive. “for i in 5:” is considered (by some) to be “non-obvious”, for example. Some dislike this usage because it doesn’t have “the right feel”. Some dislike it because they believe that this type of usage forces one to view integers as a sequences and this seems wrong to them. Some dislike it because they prefer to view for-loops as dealing with explicit sequences rather than with arbitrary iterators.Response: Some like the proposed idiom and see it as simple, elegant, easy to learn, and easy to use. Some are neutral on this issue. Others, as noted, dislike it. Is it obvious that iter(5) maps to the sequence 0,1,2,3,4?Response: Given, as noted above, that Python has a strong convention for indexing sequences starting at 0 and stopping at (inclusively) the index whose value is one less than the length of the sequence, it is argued that the proposed sequence is reasonably intuitive to the Python programmer while being useful and practical. More importantly, it is argued that once learned this convention is very easy to remember. Note that the doc string for the range function makes a reference to the natural and useful association between range(n) and the indices for a list whose length is n. Possible ambiguityfor i in 10: print i might be mistaken for for i in (10,): print i Response: This is exactly the same situation with strings in current Python (replace 10 with ‘spam’ in the above, for example). Too general: in the newest releases of Python there are contexts – as with for-loops – where iterators are called implicitly. Some fear that having an iterator invoked for an integer in one of the context (excluding for-loops) might lead to unexpected behavior and bugs. The “x, = 1” example noted above is an a case in point.Response: From the author’s perspective the examples of the above that were identified in the PEP 276 discussions did not appear to be ones that would be accidentally misused in ways that would lead to subtle and hard-to-detect errors. In addition, it seems that there is a way to deal with this issue by using a variation of what is outlined in the specification section of this proposal. Instead of adding an __iter__ method to class int, change the for-loop handling code to convert (in essence) from for i in n: # when isinstance(n,int) is 1 to for i in xrange(n): This approach gives the same results in a for-loop as an __iter__ method would but would prevent iteration on integer values in any other context. Lists and tuples, for example, don’t have __iter__ and are handled with special code. Integer values would be one more special case. “i in n” seems very unnatural.Response: Some feel that “i in len(mylist)” would be easily understandable and useful. Some don’t like it, particularly when a literal is used as in “i in 5”. If the variant mentioned in the response to the previous issue is implemented, this issue is moot. If not, then one could also address this issue by defining a __contains__ method in class int that would always raise a TypeError. This would then make the behavior of “i in n” identical to that of current Python. Might dissuade newbies from using the indexed for-loop idiom when the standard “for item in collection:” idiom is clearly better.Response: The standard idiom is so nice when it fits that it needs neither extra “carrot” nor “stick”. On the other hand, one does notice cases of overuse/misuse of the standard idiom (due, most likely, to the awkwardness of the indexed for-loop idiom), as in: for item in sequence: print sequence.index(item) Why not propose even bigger changes? The majority of disagreement with PEP 276 came from those who favor much larger changes to Python to address the more general problem of specifying a sequence of integers where such a specification is general enough to handle the starting value, ending value, and stepping value of the sequence and also addresses variations of open, closed, and half-open (half-closed) integer intervals. Many suggestions of such were discussed. These include: adding Haskell-like notation for specifying a sequence of integers in a literal list, various uses of slicing notation to specify sequences, changes to the syntax of for-in loops to allow the use of relational operators in the loop header, creation of an integer-interval class along with methods that overload relational operators or division operators to provide “slicing” on integer-interval objects, and more. It should be noted that there was much debate but not an overwhelming consensus for any of these larger-scale suggestions. Clearly, PEP 276 does not propose such a large-scale change and instead focuses on a specific problem area. Towards the end of the discussion period, several posters expressed favor for the narrow focus and simplicity of PEP 276 vis-a-vis the more ambitious suggestions that were advanced. There did appear to be consensus for the need for a PEP for any such larger-scale, alternative suggestion. In light of this recognition, details of the various alternative suggestions are not discussed here further. Implementation An implementation is not available at this time but is expected to be straightforward. The author has implemented a subclass of int with an __iter__ method (written in Python) as a means to test out the ideas in this proposal, however. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 276 – Simple Iterator for ints
Standards Track
Python 2.1 added new functionality to support iterators (PEP 234). Iterators have proven to be useful and convenient in many coding situations. It is noted that the implementation of Python’s for-loop control structure uses the iterator protocol as of release 2.1. It is also noted that Python provides iterators for the following builtin types: lists, tuples, dictionaries, strings, and files. This PEP proposes the addition of an iterator for the builtin type int (types.IntType). Such an iterator would simplify the coding of certain for-loops in Python.
PEP 277 – Unicode file name support for Windows NT Author: Neil Hodgson <neilh at scintilla.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Jan-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Restrictions Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP discusses supporting access to all files possible on Windows NT by passing Unicode file names directly to the system’s wide-character functions. Rationale Python 2.2 on Win32 platforms converts Unicode file names passed to open and to functions in the os module into the ‘mbcs’ encoding before passing the result to the operating system. This is often successful in the common case where the script is operating with the locale set to the same value as when the file was created. Most machines are set up as one locale and rarely if ever changed from this locale. For some users, locale is changed more often and on servers there are often files saved by users using different locales. On Windows NT and descendent operating systems, including Windows 2000 and Windows XP, wide-character APIs are available that provide direct access to all file names, including those that are not representable using the current locale. The purpose of this proposal is to provide access to these wide-character APIs through the standard Python file object and posix module and so provide access to all files on Windows NT. Specification On Windows platforms which provide wide-character file APIs, when Unicode arguments are provided to file APIs, wide-character calls are made instead of the standard C library and posix calls. The Python file object is extended to use a Unicode file name argument directly rather than converting it. This affects the file object constructor file(filename[, mode[, bufsize]]) and also the open function which is an alias of this constructor. When a Unicode filename argument is used here then the name attribute of the file object will be Unicode. The representation of a file object, repr(f) will display Unicode file names as an escaped string in a similar manner to the representation of Unicode strings. The posix module contains functions that take file or directory names: chdir, listdir, mkdir, open, remove, rename, rmdir, stat, and _getfullpathname. These will use Unicode arguments directly rather than converting them. For the rename function, this behaviour is triggered when either of the arguments is Unicode and the other argument converted to Unicode using the default encoding. The listdir function currently returns a list of strings. Under this proposal, it will return a list of Unicode strings when its path argument is Unicode. Restrictions On the consumer Windows operating systems, Windows 95, Windows 98, and Windows ME, there are no wide-character file APIs so behaviour is unchanged under this proposal. It may be possible in the future to extend this proposal to cover these operating systems as the VFAT-32 file system used by them does support Unicode file names but access is difficult and so implementing this would require much work. The “Microsoft Layer for Unicode” could be a starting point for implementing this. Python can be compiled with the size of Unicode characters set to 4 bytes rather than 2 by defining PY_UNICODE_TYPE to be a 4 byte type and Py_UNICODE_SIZE to be 4. As the Windows API does not accept 4 byte characters, the features described in this proposal will not work in this mode so the implementation falls back to the current ‘mbcs’ encoding technique. This restriction could be lifted in the future by performing extra conversions using PyUnicode_AsWideChar but for now that would add too much complexity for a very rarely used feature. Reference Implementation The implementation is available at [2]. References [1] Microsoft Windows APIs https://msdn.microsoft.com/ [2] https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/37017 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 277 – Unicode file name support for Windows NT
Standards Track
This PEP discusses supporting access to all files possible on Windows NT by passing Unicode file names directly to the system’s wide-character functions.
PEP 278 – Universal Newline Support Author: Jack Jansen <jack at cwi.nl> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 14-Jan-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Specification Rationale Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP discusses a way in which Python can support I/O on files which have a newline format that is not the native format on the platform, so that Python on each platform can read and import files with CR (Macintosh), LF (Unix) or CR LF (Windows) line endings. It is more and more common to come across files that have an end of line that does not match the standard on the current platform: files downloaded over the net, remotely mounted filesystems on a different platform, Mac OS X with its double standard of Mac and Unix line endings, etc. Many tools such as editors and compilers already handle this gracefully, it would be good if Python did so too. Specification Universal newline support is enabled by default, but can be disabled during the configure of Python. In a Python with universal newline support the feature is automatically enabled for all import statements and execfile() calls. There is no special support for eval() or exec. In a Python with universal newline support open() the mode parameter can also be “U”, meaning “open for input as a text file with universal newline interpretation”. Mode “rU” is also allowed, for symmetry with “rb”. Mode “U” cannot be combined with other mode flags such as “+”. Any line ending in the input file will be seen as a '\n' in Python, so little other code has to change to handle universal newlines. Conversion of newlines happens in all calls that read data: read(), readline(), readlines(), etc. There is no special support for output to file with a different newline convention, and so mode “wU” is also illegal. A file object that has been opened in universal newline mode gets a new attribute “newlines” which reflects the newline convention used in the file. The value for this attribute is one of None (no newline read yet), "\r", "\n", "\r\n" or a tuple containing all the newline types seen. Rationale Universal newline support is implemented in C, not in Python. This is done because we want files with a foreign newline convention to be import-able, so a Python Lib directory can be shared over a remote file system connection, or between MacPython and Unix-Python on Mac OS X. For this to be feasible the universal newline convention needs to have a reasonably small impact on performance, which means a Python implementation is not an option as it would bog down all imports. And because of files with multiple newline conventions, which Visual C++ and other Windows tools will happily produce, doing a quick check for the newlines used in a file (handing off the import to C code if a platform-local newline is seen) will not work. Finally, a C implementation also allows tracebacks and such (which open the Python source module) to be handled easily. There is no output implementation of universal newlines, Python programs are expected to handle this by themselves or write files with platform-local convention otherwise. The reason for this is that input is the difficult case, outputting different newlines to a file is already easy enough in Python. Also, an output implementation would be much more difficult than an input implementation, surprisingly: a lot of output is done through PyXXX_Print() methods, and at this point the file object is not available anymore, only a FILE *. So, an output implementation would need to somehow go from the FILE* to the file object, because that is where the current newline delimiter is stored. The input implementation has no such problem: there are no cases in the Python source tree where files are partially read from C, partially from Python, and such cases are expected to be rare in extension modules. If such cases exist the only problem is that the newlines attribute of the file object is not updated during the fread() or fgets() calls that are done direct from C. A partial output implementation, where strings passed to fp.write() would be converted to use fp.newlines as their line terminator but all other output would not is far too surprising, in my view. Because there is no output support for universal newlines there is also no support for a mode “rU+”: the surprise factor of the previous paragraph would hold to an even stronger degree. There is no support for universal newlines in strings passed to eval() or exec. It is envisioned that such strings always have the standard \n line feed, if the strings come from a file that file can be read with universal newlines. I think there are no special issues with unicode. utf-16 shouldn’t pose any new problems, as such files need to be opened in binary mode anyway. Interaction with utf-8 is fine too: values 0x0a and 0x0d cannot occur as part of a multibyte sequence. Universal newline files should work fine with iterators and xreadlines() as these eventually call the normal file readline/readlines methods. While universal newlines are automatically enabled for import they are not for opening, where you have to specifically say open(..., "U"). This is open to debate, but here are a few reasons for this design: Compatibility. Programs which already do their own interpretation of \r\n in text files would break. Examples of such programs would be editors which warn you when you open a file with a different newline convention. If universal newlines was made the default such an editor would silently convert your line endings to the local convention on save. Programs which open binary files as text files on Unix would also break (but it could be argued they deserve it :-). Interface clarity. Universal newlines are only supported for input files, not for input/output files, as the semantics would become muddy. Would you write Mac newlines if all reads so far had encountered Mac newlines? But what if you then later read a Unix newline? The newlines attribute is included so that programs that really care about the newline convention, such as text editors, can examine what was in a file. They can then save (a copy of) the file with the same newline convention (or, in case of a file with mixed newlines, ask the user what to do, or output in platform convention). Feedback is explicitly solicited on one item in the reference implementation: whether or not the universal newlines routines should grab the global interpreter lock. Currently they do not, but this could be considered living dangerously, as they may modify fields in a FileObject. But as these routines are replacements for fgets() and fread() as well it may be difficult to decide whether or not the lock is held when the routine is called. Moreover, the only danger is that if two threads read the same FileObject at the same time an extraneous newline may be seen or the newlines attribute may inadvertently be set to mixed. I would argue that if you read the same FileObject in two threads simultaneously you are asking for trouble anyway. Note that no globally accessible pointers are manipulated in the fgets() or fread() replacement routines, just some integer-valued flags, so the chances of core dumps are zero (he said:-). Universal newline support can be disabled during configure because it does have a small performance penalty, and moreover the implementation has not been tested on all conceivable platforms yet. It might also be silly on some platforms (WinCE or Palm devices, for instance). If universal newline support is not enabled then file objects do not have the newlines attribute, so testing whether the current Python has it can be done with a simple: if hasattr(open, 'newlines'): print 'We have universal newline support' Note that this test uses the open() function rather than the file type so that it won’t fail for versions of Python where the file type was not available (the file type was added to the built-in namespace in the same release as the universal newline feature was added). Additionally, note that this test fails again on Python versions >= 2.5, when open() was made a function again and is not synonymous with the file type anymore. Reference Implementation A reference implementation is available in SourceForge patch #476814: https://bugs.python.org/issue476814 References None. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 278 – Universal Newline Support
Standards Track
This PEP discusses a way in which Python can support I/O on files which have a newline format that is not the native format on the platform, so that Python on each platform can read and import files with CR (Macintosh), LF (Unix) or CR LF (Windows) line endings.
PEP 279 – The enumerate() built-in function Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Jan-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale BDFL Pronouncements Specification for a new built-in Copyright Abstract This PEP introduces a new built-in function, enumerate() to simplify a commonly used looping idiom. It provides all iterable collections with the same advantage that iteritems() affords to dictionaries – a compact, readable, reliable index notation. Rationale Python 2.2 introduced the concept of an iterable interface as proposed in PEP 234. The iter() factory function was provided as common calling convention and deep changes were made to use iterators as a unifying theme throughout Python. The unification came in the form of establishing a common iterable interface for mappings, sequences, and file objects. Generators, as proposed in PEP 255, were introduced as a means for making it easier to create iterators, especially ones with complex internal execution or variable states. The availability of generators makes it possible to improve on the loop counter ideas in PEP 212. Those ideas provided a clean syntax for iteration with indices and values, but did not apply to all iterable objects. Also, that approach did not have the memory friendly benefit provided by generators which do not evaluate the entire sequence all at once. The new proposal is to add a built-in function, enumerate() which was made possible once iterators and generators became available. It provides all iterables with the same advantage that iteritems() affords to dictionaries – a compact, readable, reliable index notation. Like zip(), it is expected to become a commonly used looping idiom. This suggestion is designed to take advantage of the existing implementation and require little additional effort to incorporate. It is backwards compatible and requires no new keywords. The proposal will go into Python 2.3 when generators become final and are not imported from __future__. BDFL Pronouncements The new built-in function is ACCEPTED. Specification for a new built-in def enumerate(collection): 'Generates an indexed series: (0,coll[0]), (1,coll[1]) ...' i = 0 it = iter(collection) while 1: yield (i, it.next()) i += 1 Note A: PEP 212 Loop Counter Iteration discussed several proposals for achieving indexing. Some of the proposals only work for lists unlike the above function which works for any generator, xrange, sequence, or iterable object. Also, those proposals were presented and evaluated in the world prior to Python 2.2 which did not include generators. As a result, the non-generator version in PEP 212 had the disadvantage of consuming memory with a giant list of tuples. The generator version presented here is fast and light, works with all iterables, and allows users to abandon the sequence in mid-stream with no loss of computation effort. There are other PEPs which touch on related issues: integer iterators, integer for-loops, and one for modifying the arguments to range and xrange. The enumerate() proposal does not preclude the other proposals and it still meets an important need even if those are adopted – the need to count items in any iterable. The other proposals give a means of producing an index but not the corresponding value. This is especially problematic if a sequence is given which doesn’t support random access such as a file object, generator, or sequence defined with __getitem__. Note B: Almost all of the PEP reviewers welcomed the function but were divided as to whether there should be any built-ins. The main argument for a separate module was to slow the rate of language inflation. The main argument for a built-in was that the function is destined to be part of a core programming style, applicable to any object with an iterable interface. Just as zip() solves the problem of looping over multiple sequences, the enumerate() function solves the loop counter problem. If only one built-in is allowed, then enumerate() is the most important general purpose tool, solving the broadest class of problems while improving program brevity, clarity and reliability. Note C: Various alternative names were discussed: iterindexed() five syllables is a mouthful index() nice verb but could be confused the .index() method indexed() widely liked however adjectives should be avoided indexer() noun did not read well in a for-loop count() direct and explicit but often used in other contexts itercount() direct, explicit and hated by more than one person iteritems() conflicts with key:value concept for dictionaries itemize() confusing because amap.items() != list(itemize(amap)) enum() pithy; less clear than enumerate; too similar to enum in other languages where it has a different meaning All of the names involving ‘count’ had the further disadvantage of implying that the count would begin from one instead of zero. All of the names involving ‘index’ clashed with usage in database languages where indexing implies a sorting operation rather than linear sequencing. Note D: This function was originally proposed with optional start and stop arguments. GvR pointed out that the function call enumerate(seqn,4,6) had an alternate, plausible interpretation as a slice that would return the fourth and fifth elements of the sequence. To avoid the ambiguity, the optional arguments were dropped even though it meant losing flexibility as a loop counter. That flexibility was most important for the common case of counting from one, as in: for linenum, line in enumerate(source,1): print linenum, line Comments from GvR:filter and map should die and be subsumed into list comprehensions, not grow more variants. I’d rather introduce built-ins that do iterator algebra (e.g. the iterzip that I’ve often used as an example).I like the idea of having some way to iterate over a sequence and its index set in parallel. It’s fine for this to be a built-in. I don’t like the name “indexed”; adjectives do not make good function names. Maybe iterindexed()? Comments from Ka-Ping Yee:I’m also quite happy with everything you proposed … and the extra built-ins (really ‘indexed’ in particular) are things I have wanted for a long time. Comments from Neil Schemenauer:The new built-ins sound okay. Guido may be concerned with increasing the number of built-ins too much. You might be better off selling them as part of a module. If you use a module then you can add lots of useful functions (Haskell has lots of them that we could steal). Comments for Magnus Lie Hetland:I think indexed would be a useful and natural built-in function. I would certainly use it a lot. I like indexed() a lot; +1. I’m quite happy to have it make PEP 281 obsolete. Adding a separate module for iterator utilities seems like a good idea. Comments from the Community:The response to the enumerate() proposal has been close to 100% favorable. Almost everyone loves the idea. Author response:Prior to these comments, four built-ins were proposed. After the comments, xmap, xfilter and xzip were withdrawn. The one that remains is vital for the language and is proposed by itself. Indexed() is trivially easy to implement and can be documented in minutes. More importantly, it is useful in everyday programming which does not otherwise involve explicit use of generators.This proposal originally included another function iterzip(). That was subsequently implemented as the izip() function in the itertools module. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 279 – The enumerate() built-in function
Standards Track
This PEP introduces a new built-in function, enumerate() to simplify a commonly used looping idiom. It provides all iterable collections with the same advantage that iteritems() affords to dictionaries – a compact, readable, reliable index notation.
PEP 280 – Optimizing access to globals Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 10-Feb-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Deferral Abstract Description Additional Ideas FAQs Graphics Comparison Copyright Deferral While this PEP is a nice idea, no-one has yet emerged to do the work of hashing out the differences between this PEP, PEP 266 and PEP 267. Hence, it is being deferred. Abstract This PEP describes yet another approach to optimizing access to module globals, providing an alternative to PEP 266 (Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access by Skip Montanaro) and PEP 267 (Optimized Access to Module Namespaces by Jeremy Hylton). The expectation is that eventually one approach will be picked and implemented; possibly multiple approaches will be prototyped first. Description (Note: Jason Orendorff writes: “””I implemented this once, long ago, for Python 1.5-ish, I believe. I got it to the point where it was only 15% slower than ordinary Python, then abandoned it. ;) In my implementation, “cells” were real first-class objects, and “celldict” was a copy-and-hack version of dictionary. I forget how the rest worked.””” Reference: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-February/019876.html) Let a cell be a really simple Python object, containing a pointer to a Python object and a pointer to a cell. Both pointers may be NULL. A Python implementation could be: class cell(object): def __init__(self): self.objptr = NULL self.cellptr = NULL The cellptr attribute is used for chaining cells together for searching built-ins; this will be explained later. Let a celldict be a mapping from strings (the names of a module’s globals) to objects (the values of those globals), implemented using a dict of cells. A Python implementation could be: class celldict(object): def __init__(self): self.__dict = {} # dict of cells def getcell(self, key): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None: c = cell() self.__dict[key] = c return c def cellkeys(self): return self.__dict.keys() def __getitem__(self, key): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None: raise KeyError, key value = c.objptr if value is NULL: raise KeyError, key else: return value def __setitem__(self, key, value): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None: c = cell() self.__dict[key] = c c.objptr = value def __delitem__(self, key): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None or c.objptr is NULL: raise KeyError, key c.objptr = NULL def keys(self): return [k for k, c in self.__dict.iteritems() if c.objptr is not NULL] def items(self): return [k, c.objptr for k, c in self.__dict.iteritems() if c.objptr is not NULL] def values(self): preturn [c.objptr for c in self.__dict.itervalues() if c.objptr is not NULL] def clear(self): for c in self.__dict.values(): c.objptr = NULL # Etc. It is possible that a cell exists corresponding to a given key, but the cell’s objptr is NULL; let’s call such a cell empty. When the celldict is used as a mapping, it is as if empty cells don’t exist. However, once added, a cell is never deleted from a celldict, and it is possible to get at empty cells using the getcell() method. The celldict implementation never uses the cellptr attribute of cells. We change the module implementation to use a celldict for its __dict__. The module’s getattr, setattr and delattr operations now map to getitem, setitem and delitem on the celldict. The type of <module>.__dict__ and globals() is probably the only backwards incompatibility. When a module is initialized, its __builtins__ is initialized from the __builtin__ module’s __dict__, which is itself a celldict. For each cell in __builtins__, the new module’s __dict__ adds a cell with a NULL objptr, whose cellptr points to the corresponding cell of __builtins__. Python pseudo-code (ignoring rexec): import __builtin__ class module(object): def __init__(self): self.__dict__ = d = celldict() d['__builtins__'] = bd = __builtin__.__dict__ for k in bd.cellkeys(): c = self.__dict__.getcell(k) c.cellptr = bd.getcell(k) def __getattr__(self, k): try: return self.__dict__[k] except KeyError: raise IndexError, k def __setattr__(self, k, v): self.__dict__[k] = v def __delattr__(self, k): del self.__dict__[k] The compiler generates LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL <i> (and STORE_GLOBAL_CELL <i> etc.) opcodes for references to globals, where <i> is a small index with meaning only within one code object like the const index in LOAD_CONST. The code object has a new tuple, co_globals, giving the names of the globals referenced by the code indexed by <i>. No new analysis is required to be able to do this. When a function object is created from a code object and a celldict, the function object creates an array of cell pointers by asking the celldict for cells corresponding to the names in the code object’s co_globals. If the celldict doesn’t already have a cell for a particular name, it creates and an empty one. This array of cell pointers is stored on the function object as func_cells. When a function object is created from a regular dict instead of a celldict, func_cells is a NULL pointer. When the VM executes a LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL <i> instruction, it gets cell number <i> from func_cells. It then looks in the cell’s PyObject pointer, and if not NULL, that’s the global value. If it is NULL, it follows the cell’s cell pointer to the next cell, if it is not NULL, and looks in the PyObject pointer in that cell. If that’s also NULL, or if there is no second cell, NameError is raised. (It could follow the chain of cell pointers until a NULL cell pointer is found; but I have no use for this.) Similar for STORE_GLOBAL_CELL <i>, except it doesn’t follow the cell pointer chain – it always stores in the first cell. There are fallbacks in the VM for the case where the function’s globals aren’t a celldict, and hence func_cells is NULL. In that case, the code object’s co_globals is indexed with <i> to find the name of the corresponding global and this name is used to index the function’s globals dict. Additional Ideas Never make func_cell a NULL pointer; instead, make up an array of empty cells, so that LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL can index func_cells without a NULL check. Make c.cellptr equal to c when a cell is created, so that LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL can always dereference c.cellptr without a NULL check.With these two additional ideas added, here’s Python pseudo-code for LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL: def LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL(self, i): # self is the frame c = self.func_cells[i] obj = c.objptr if obj is not NULL: return obj # Existing global return c.cellptr.objptr # Built-in or NULL Be more aggressive: put the actual values of builtins into module dicts, not just pointers to cells containing the actual values.There are two points to this: (1) Simplify and speed access, which is the most common operation. (2) Support faithful emulation of extreme existing corner cases. WRT #2, the set of builtins in the scheme above is captured at the time a module dict is first created. Mutations to the set of builtin names following that don’t get reflected in the module dicts. Example: consider files main.py and cheater.py: [main.py] import cheater def f(): cheater.cheat() return pachinko() print f() [cheater.py] def cheat(): import __builtin__ __builtin__.pachinko = lambda: 666 If main.py is run under Python 2.2 (or before), 666 is printed. But under the proposal, __builtin__.pachinko doesn’t exist at the time main’s __dict__ is initialized. When the function object for f is created, main.__dict__ grows a pachinko cell mapping to two NULLs. When cheat() is called, __builtin__.__dict__ grows a pachinko cell too, but main.__dict__ doesn’t know– and will never know –about that. When f’s return stmt references pachinko, in will still find the double-NULLs in main.__dict__’s pachinko cell, and so raise NameError. A similar (in cause) break in compatibility can occur if a module global foo is del’ed, but a builtin foo was created prior to that but after the module dict was first created. Then the builtin foo becomes visible in the module under 2.2 and before, but remains invisible under the proposal. Mutating builtins is extremely rare (most programs never mutate the builtins, and it’s hard to imagine a plausible use for frequent mutation of the builtins – I’ve never seen or heard of one), so it doesn’t matter how expensive mutating the builtins becomes. OTOH, referencing globals and builtins is very common. Combining those observations suggests a more aggressive caching of builtins in module globals, speeding access at the expense of making mutations of the builtins (potentially much) more expensive to keep the caches in synch. Much of the scheme above remains the same, and most of the rest is just a little different. A cell changes to: class cell(object): def __init__(self, obj=NULL, builtin=0): self.objptr = obj self.builtinflag = builtin and a celldict maps strings to this version of cells. builtinflag is true when and only when objptr contains a value obtained from the builtins; in other words, it’s true when and only when a cell is acting as a cached value. When builtinflag is false, objptr is the value of a module global (possibly NULL). celldict changes to: class celldict(object): def __init__(self, builtindict=()): self.basedict = builtindict self.__dict = d = {} for k, v in builtindict.items(): d[k] = cell(v, 1) def __getitem__(self, key): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None or c.objptr is NULL or c.builtinflag: raise KeyError, key return c.objptr def __setitem__(self, key, value): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None: c = cell() self.__dict[key] = c c.objptr = value c.builtinflag = 0 def __delitem__(self, key): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None or c.objptr is NULL or c.builtinflag: raise KeyError, key c.objptr = NULL # We may have unmasked a builtin. Note that because # we're checking the builtin dict for that *now*, this # still works if the builtin first came into existence # after we were constructed. Note too that del on # namespace dicts is rare, so the expense of this check # shouldn't matter. if key in self.basedict: c.objptr = self.basedict[key] assert c.objptr is not NULL # else "in" lied c.builtinflag = 1 else: # There is no builtin with the same name. assert not c.builtinflag def keys(self): return [k for k, c in self.__dict.iteritems() if c.objptr is not NULL and not c.builtinflag] def items(self): return [k, c.objptr for k, c in self.__dict.iteritems() if c.objptr is not NULL and not c.builtinflag] def values(self): preturn [c.objptr for c in self.__dict.itervalues() if c.objptr is not NULL and not c.builtinflag] def clear(self): for c in self.__dict.values(): if not c.builtinflag: c.objptr = NULL # Etc. The speed benefit comes from simplifying LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL, which I expect is executed more frequently than all other namespace operations combined: def LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL(self, i): # self is the frame c = self.func_cells[i] return c.objptr # may be NULL (also true before) That is, accessing builtins and accessing module globals are equally fast. For module globals, a NULL-pointer test+branch is saved. For builtins, an additional pointer chase is also saved. The other part needed to make this fly is expensive, propagating mutations of builtins into the module dicts that were initialized from the builtins. This is much like, in 2.2, propagating changes in new-style base classes to their descendants: the builtins need to maintain a list of weakrefs to the modules (or module dicts) initialized from the builtin’s dict. Given a mutation to the builtin dict (adding a new key, changing the value associated with an existing key, or deleting a key), traverse the list of module dicts and make corresponding mutations to them. This is straightforward; for example, if a key is deleted from builtins, execute reflect_bltin_del in each module: def reflect_bltin_del(self, key): c = self.__dict.get(key) assert c is not None # else we were already out of synch if c.builtinflag: # Put us back in synch. c.objptr = NULL c.builtinflag = 0 # Else we're shadowing the builtin, so don't care that # the builtin went away. Note that c.builtinflag protects from us erroneously deleting a module global of the same name. Adding a new (key, value) builtin pair is similar: def reflect_bltin_new(self, key, value): c = self.__dict.get(key) if c is None: # Never heard of it before: cache the builtin value. self.__dict[key] = cell(value, 1) elif c.objptr is NULL: # This used to exist in the module or the builtins, # but doesn't anymore; rehabilitate it. assert not c.builtinflag c.objptr = value c.builtinflag = 1 else: # We're shadowing it already. assert not c.builtinflag Changing the value of an existing builtin: def reflect_bltin_change(self, key, newvalue): c = self.__dict.get(key) assert c is not None # else we were already out of synch if c.builtinflag: # Put us back in synch. c.objptr = newvalue # Else we're shadowing the builtin, so don't care that # the builtin changed. FAQs Q: Will it still be possible to:a) install new builtins in the __builtin__ namespace and have them available in all already loaded modules right away ? b) override builtins (e.g. open()) with my own copies (e.g. to increase security) in a way that makes these new copies override the previous ones in all modules ? A: Yes, this is the whole point of this design. In the original approach, when LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL finds a NULL in the second cell, it should go back to see if the __builtins__ dict has been modified (the pseudo code doesn’t have this yet). Tim’s “more aggressive” alternative also takes care of this. Q: How does the new scheme get along with the restricted execution model?A: It is intended to support that fully. Q: What happens when a global is deleted?A: The module’s celldict would have a cell with a NULL objptr for that key. This is true in both variations, but the “aggressive” variation goes on to see whether this unmasks a builtin of the same name, and if so copies its value (just a pointer-copy of the ultimate PyObject*) into the cell’s objptr and sets the cell’s builtinflag to true. Q: What would the C code for LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL look like?A: The first version, with the first two bullets under “Additional ideas” incorporated, could look like this: case LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL: cell = func_cells[oparg]; x = cell->objptr; if (x == NULL) { x = cell->cellptr->objptr; if (x == NULL) { ... error recovery ... break; } } Py_INCREF(x); PUSH(x); continue; We could even write it like this (idea courtesy of Ka-Ping Yee): case LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL: cell = func_cells[oparg]; x = cell->cellptr->objptr; if (x != NULL) { Py_INCREF(x); PUSH(x); continue; } ... error recovery ... break; In modern CPU architectures, this reduces the number of branches taken for built-ins, which might be a really good thing, while any decent memory cache should realize that cell->cellptr is the same as cell for regular globals and hence this should be very fast in that case too. For the aggressive variant: case LOAD_GLOBAL_CELL: cell = func_cells[oparg]; x = cell->objptr; if (x != NULL) { Py_INCREF(x); PUSH(x); continue; } ... error recovery ... break; Q: What happens in the module’s top-level code where there is presumably no func_cells array?A: We could do some code analysis and create a func_cells array, or we could use LOAD_NAME which should use PyMapping_GetItem on the globals dict. Graphics Ka-Ping Yee supplied a drawing of the state of things after “import spam”, where spam.py contains: import eggs i = -2 max = 3 def foo(n): y = abs(i) + max return eggs.ham(y + n) The drawing is at http://web.lfw.org/repo/cells.gif; a larger version is at http://lfw.org/repo/cells-big.gif; the source is at http://lfw.org/repo/cells.ai. Comparison XXX Here, a comparison of the three approaches could be added. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 280 – Optimizing access to globals
Standards Track
This PEP describes yet another approach to optimizing access to module globals, providing an alternative to PEP 266 (Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access by Skip Montanaro) and PEP 267 (Optimized Access to Module Namespaces by Jeremy Hylton).
PEP 281 – Loop Counter Iteration with range and xrange Author: Magnus Lie Hetland <magnus at hetland.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Feb-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Motivation Specification Alternatives Backwards Compatibility Copyright Abstract This PEP describes yet another way of exposing the loop counter in for-loops. It basically proposes that the functionality of the function indices() from PEP 212 be included in the existing functions range() and xrange(). Pronouncement In commenting on PEP 279’s enumerate() function, this PEP’s author offered, “I’m quite happy to have it make PEP 281 obsolete.” Subsequently, PEP 279 was accepted into Python 2.3. On 17 June 2005, the BDFL concurred with it being obsolete and hereby rejected the PEP. For the record, he found some of the examples to somewhat jarring in appearance: >>> range(range(5), range(10), range(2)) [5, 7, 9] Motivation It is often desirable to loop over the indices of a sequence. PEP 212 describes several ways of doing this, including adding a built-in function called indices, conceptually defined as: def indices(sequence): return range(len(sequence)) On the assumption that adding functionality to an existing built-in function may be less intrusive than adding a new built-in function, this PEP proposes adding this functionality to the existing functions range() and xrange(). Specification It is proposed that all three arguments to the built-in functions range() and xrange() are allowed to be objects with a length (i.e. objects implementing the __len__ method). If an argument cannot be interpreted as an integer (i.e. it has no __int__ method), its length will be used instead. Examples: >>> range(range(10)) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range(range(5), range(10)) [5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> range(range(5), range(10), range(2)) [5, 7, 9] >>> list(xrange(range(10))) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] >>> list(xrange(xrange(10))) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] # Number the lines of a file: lines = file.readlines() for num in range(lines): print num, lines[num] Alternatives A natural alternative to the above specification is allowing xrange() to access its arguments in a lazy manner. Thus, instead of using their length explicitly, xrange can return one index for each element of the stop argument until the end is reached. A similar lazy treatment makes little sense for the start and step arguments since their length must be calculated before iteration can begin. (Actually, the length of the step argument isn’t needed until the second element is returned.) A pseudo-implementation (using only the stop argument, and assuming that it is iterable) is: def xrange(stop): i = 0 for x in stop: yield i i += 1 Testing whether to use int() or lazy iteration could be done by checking for an __iter__ attribute. (This example assumes the presence of generators, but could easily have been implemented as a plain iterator object.) It may be questionable whether this feature is truly useful, since one would not be able to access the elements of the iterable object inside the for loop through indexing. Example: # Printing the numbers of the lines of a file: for num in range(file): print num # The line itself is not accessible A more controversial alternative (to deal with this) would be to let range() behave like the function irange() of PEP 212 when supplied with a sequence. Example: >>> range(5) [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] >>> range('abcde') [(0, 'a'), (1, 'b'), (2, 'c'), (3, 'd'), (4, 'e')] Backwards Compatibility The proposal could cause backwards incompatibilities if arguments are used which implement both __int__ and __len__ (or __iter__ in the case of lazy iteration with xrange). The author does not believe that this is a significant problem. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 281 – Loop Counter Iteration with range and xrange
Standards Track
This PEP describes yet another way of exposing the loop counter in for-loops. It basically proposes that the functionality of the function indices() from PEP 212 be included in the existing functions range() and xrange().
PEP 282 – A Logging System Author: Vinay Sajip <vinay_sajip at red-dove.com>, Trent Mick <trentm at activestate.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 04-Feb-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Influences Simple Example Control Flow Levels Loggers Handlers LogRecords Formatters Filters Configuration Thread Safety Module-Level Functions Implementation Packaging References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a proposed logging package for Python’s standard library. Basically the system involves the user creating one or more logger objects on which methods are called to log debugging notes, general information, warnings, errors etc. Different logging ‘levels’ can be used to distinguish important messages from less important ones. A registry of named singleton logger objects is maintained so that different logical logging streams (or ‘channels’) exist (say, one for ‘zope.zodb’ stuff and another for ‘mywebsite’-specific stuff) one does not have to pass logger object references around. The system is configurable at runtime. This configuration mechanism allows one to tune the level and type of logging done while not touching the application itself. Motivation If a single logging mechanism is enshrined in the standard library, 1) logging is more likely to be done ‘well’, and 2) multiple libraries will be able to be integrated into larger applications which can be logged reasonably coherently. Influences This proposal was put together after having studied the following logging packages: java.util.logging in JDK 1.4 (a.k.a. JSR047) [1] log4j [2] the Syslog package from the Protomatter project [3] MAL’s mx.Log package [4] Simple Example This shows a very simple example of how the logging package can be used to generate simple logging output on stderr. --------- mymodule.py ------------------------------- import logging log = logging.getLogger("MyModule") def doIt(): log.debug("Doin' stuff...") #do stuff... raise TypeError, "Bogus type error for testing" ----------------------------------------------------- --------- myapp.py ---------------------------------- import mymodule, logging logging.basicConfig() log = logging.getLogger("MyApp") log.info("Starting my app") try: mymodule.doIt() except Exception, e: log.exception("There was a problem.") log.info("Ending my app") ----------------------------------------------------- $ python myapp.py INFO:MyApp: Starting my app DEBUG:MyModule: Doin' stuff... ERROR:MyApp: There was a problem. Traceback (most recent call last): File "myapp.py", line 9, in ? mymodule.doIt() File "mymodule.py", line 7, in doIt raise TypeError, "Bogus type error for testing" TypeError: Bogus type error for testing INFO:MyApp: Ending my app The above example shows the default output format. All aspects of the output format should be configurable, so that you could have output formatted like this: 2002-04-19 07:56:58,174 MyModule DEBUG - Doin' stuff... or just Doin' stuff... Control Flow Applications make logging calls on Logger objects. Loggers are organized in a hierarchical namespace and child Loggers inherit some logging properties from their parents in the namespace. Logger names fit into a “dotted name” namespace, with dots (periods) indicating sub-namespaces. The namespace of logger objects therefore corresponds to a single tree data structure. "" is the root of the namespace "Zope" would be a child node of the root "Zope.ZODB" would be a child node of "Zope" These Logger objects create LogRecord objects which are passed to Handler objects for output. Both Loggers and Handlers may use logging levels and (optionally) Filters to decide if they are interested in a particular LogRecord. When it is necessary to output a LogRecord externally, a Handler can (optionally) use a Formatter to localize and format the message before sending it to an I/O stream. Each Logger keeps track of a set of output Handlers. By default all Loggers also send their output to all Handlers of their ancestor Loggers. Loggers may, however, also be configured to ignore Handlers higher up the tree. The APIs are structured so that calls on the Logger APIs can be cheap when logging is disabled. If logging is disabled for a given log level, then the Logger can make a cheap comparison test and return. If logging is enabled for a given log level, the Logger is still careful to minimize costs before passing the LogRecord into the Handlers. In particular, localization and formatting (which are relatively expensive) are deferred until the Handler requests them. The overall Logger hierarchy can also have a level associated with it, which takes precedence over the levels of individual Loggers. This is done through a module-level function: def disable(lvl): """ Do not generate any LogRecords for requests with a severity less than 'lvl'. """ ... Levels The logging levels, in increasing order of importance, are: DEBUG INFO WARN ERROR CRITICAL The term CRITICAL is used in preference to FATAL, which is used by log4j. The levels are conceptually the same - that of a serious, or very serious, error. However, FATAL implies death, which in Python implies a raised and uncaught exception, traceback, and exit. Since the logging module does not enforce such an outcome from a FATAL-level log entry, it makes sense to use CRITICAL in preference to FATAL. These are just integer constants, to allow simple comparison of importance. Experience has shown that too many levels can be confusing, as they lead to subjective interpretation of which level should be applied to any particular log request. Although the above levels are strongly recommended, the logging system should not be prescriptive. Users may define their own levels, as well as the textual representation of any levels. User defined levels must, however, obey the constraints that they are all positive integers and that they increase in order of increasing severity. User-defined logging levels are supported through two module-level functions: def getLevelName(lvl): """Return the text for level 'lvl'.""" ... def addLevelName(lvl, lvlName): """ Add the level 'lvl' with associated text 'levelName', or set the textual representation of existing level 'lvl' to be 'lvlName'.""" ... Loggers Each Logger object keeps track of a log level (or threshold) that it is interested in, and discards log requests below that level. A Manager class instance maintains the hierarchical namespace of named Logger objects. Generations are denoted with dot-separated names: Logger “foo” is the parent of Loggers “foo.bar” and “foo.baz”. The Manager class instance is a singleton and is not directly exposed to users, who interact with it using various module-level functions. The general logging method is: class Logger: def log(self, lvl, msg, *args, **kwargs): """Log 'str(msg) % args' at logging level 'lvl'.""" ... However, convenience functions are defined for each logging level: class Logger: def debug(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): ... def info(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): ... def warn(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): ... def error(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): ... def critical(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): ... Only one keyword argument is recognized at present - “exc_info”. If true, the caller wants exception information to be provided in the logging output. This mechanism is only needed if exception information needs to be provided at any logging level. In the more common case, where exception information needs to be added to the log only when errors occur, i.e. at the ERROR level, then another convenience method is provided: class Logger: def exception(self, msg, *args): ... This should only be called in the context of an exception handler, and is the preferred way of indicating a desire for exception information in the log. The other convenience methods are intended to be called with exc_info only in the unusual situation where you might want to provide exception information in the context of an INFO message, for example. The “msg” argument shown above will normally be a format string; however, it can be any object x for which str(x) returns the format string. This facilitates, for example, the use of an object which fetches a locale- specific message for an internationalized/localized application, perhaps using the standard gettext module. An outline example: class Message: """Represents a message""" def __init__(self, id): """Initialize with the message ID""" def __str__(self): """Return an appropriate localized message text""" ... logger.info(Message("abc"), ...) Gathering and formatting data for a log message may be expensive, and a waste if the logger was going to discard the message anyway. To see if a request will be honoured by the logger, the isEnabledFor() method can be used: class Logger: def isEnabledFor(self, lvl): """ Return true if requests at level 'lvl' will NOT be discarded. """ ... so instead of this expensive and possibly wasteful DOM to XML conversion: ... hamletStr = hamletDom.toxml() log.info(hamletStr) ... one can do this: if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO): hamletStr = hamletDom.toxml() log.info(hamletStr) When new loggers are created, they are initialized with a level which signifies “no level”. A level can be set explicitly using the setLevel() method: class Logger: def setLevel(self, lvl): ... If a logger’s level is not set, the system consults all its ancestors, walking up the hierarchy until an explicitly set level is found. That is regarded as the “effective level” of the logger, and can be queried via the getEffectiveLevel() method: def getEffectiveLevel(self): ... Loggers are never instantiated directly. Instead, a module-level function is used: def getLogger(name=None): ... If no name is specified, the root logger is returned. Otherwise, if a logger with that name exists, it is returned. If not, a new logger is initialized and returned. Here, “name” is synonymous with “channel name”. Users can specify a custom subclass of Logger to be used by the system when instantiating new loggers: def setLoggerClass(klass): ... The passed class should be a subclass of Logger, and its __init__ method should call Logger.__init__. Handlers Handlers are responsible for doing something useful with a given LogRecord. The following core Handlers will be implemented: StreamHandler: A handler for writing to a file-like object. FileHandler: A handler for writing to a single file or set of rotating files. SocketHandler: A handler for writing to remote TCP ports. DatagramHandler: A handler for writing to UDP sockets, for low-cost logging. Jeff Bauer already had such a system [5]. MemoryHandler: A handler that buffers log records in memory until the buffer is full or a particular condition occurs [1]. SMTPHandler: A handler for sending to email addresses via SMTP. SysLogHandler: A handler for writing to Unix syslog via UDP. NTEventLogHandler: A handler for writing to event logs on Windows NT, 2000 and XP. HTTPHandler: A handler for writing to a Web server with either GET or POST semantics. Handlers can also have levels set for them using the setLevel() method: def setLevel(self, lvl): ... The FileHandler can be set up to create a rotating set of log files. In this case, the file name passed to the constructor is taken as a “base” file name. Additional file names for the rotation are created by appending .1, .2, etc. to the base file name, up to a maximum as specified when rollover is requested. The setRollover method is used to specify a maximum size for a log file and a maximum number of backup files in the rotation. def setRollover(maxBytes, backupCount): ... If maxBytes is specified as zero, no rollover ever occurs and the log file grows indefinitely. If a non-zero size is specified, when that size is about to be exceeded, rollover occurs. The rollover method ensures that the base file name is always the most recent, .1 is the next most recent, .2 the next most recent after that, and so on. There are many additional handlers implemented in the test/example scripts provided with [6] - for example, XMLHandler and SOAPHandler. LogRecords A LogRecord acts as a receptacle for information about a logging event. It is little more than a dictionary, though it does define a getMessage method which merges a message with optional runarguments. Formatters A Formatter is responsible for converting a LogRecord to a string representation. A Handler may call its Formatter before writing a record. The following core Formatters will be implemented: Formatter: Provide printf-like formatting, using the % operator. BufferingFormatter: Provide formatting for multiple messages, with header and trailer formatting support. Formatters are associated with Handlers by calling setFormatter() on a handler: def setFormatter(self, form): ... Formatters use the % operator to format the logging message. The format string should contain %(name)x and the attribute dictionary of the LogRecord is used to obtain message-specific data. The following attributes are provided: %(name)s Name of the logger (logging channel) %(levelno)s Numeric logging level for the message (DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL) %(levelname)s Text logging level for the message (“DEBUG”, “INFO”, “WARN”, “ERROR”, “CRITICAL”) %(pathname)s Full pathname of the source file where the logging call was issued (if available) %(filename)s Filename portion of pathname %(module)s Module from which logging call was made %(lineno)d Source line number where the logging call was issued (if available) %(created)f Time when the LogRecord was created (time.time() return value) %(asctime)s Textual time when the LogRecord was created %(msecs)d Millisecond portion of the creation time %(relativeCreated)d Time in milliseconds when the LogRecord was created, relative to the time the logging module was loaded (typically at application startup time) %(thread)d Thread ID (if available) %(message)s The result of record.getMessage(), computed just as the record is emitted If a formatter sees that the format string includes “(asctime)s”, the creation time is formatted into the LogRecord’s asctime attribute. To allow flexibility in formatting dates, Formatters are initialized with a format string for the message as a whole, and a separate format string for date/time. The date/time format string should be in time.strftime format. The default value for the message format is “%(message)s”. The default date/time format is ISO8601. The formatter uses a class attribute, “converter”, to indicate how to convert a time from seconds to a tuple. By default, the value of “converter” is “time.localtime”. If needed, a different converter (e.g. “time.gmtime”) can be set on an individual formatter instance, or the class attribute changed to affect all formatter instances. Filters When level-based filtering is insufficient, a Filter can be called by a Logger or Handler to decide if a LogRecord should be output. Loggers and Handlers can have multiple filters installed, and any one of them can veto a LogRecord being output. class Filter: def filter(self, record): """ Return a value indicating true if the record is to be processed. Possibly modify the record, if deemed appropriate by the filter. """ The default behaviour allows a Filter to be initialized with a Logger name. This will only allow through events which are generated using the named logger or any of its children. For example, a filter initialized with “A.B” will allow events logged by loggers “A.B”, “A.B.C”, “A.B.C.D”, “A.B.D” etc. but not “A.BB”, “B.A.B” etc. If initialized with the empty string, all events are passed by the Filter. This filter behaviour is useful when it is desired to focus attention on one particular area of an application; the focus can be changed simply by changing a filter attached to the root logger. There are many examples of Filters provided in [6]. Configuration The main benefit of a logging system like this is that one can control how much and what logging output one gets from an application without changing that application’s source code. Therefore, although configuration can be performed through the logging API, it must also be possible to change the logging configuration without changing an application at all. For long-running programs like Zope, it should be possible to change the logging configuration while the program is running. Configuration includes the following: What logging level a logger or handler should be interested in. What handlers should be attached to which loggers. What filters should be attached to which handlers and loggers. Specifying attributes specific to certain handlers and filters. In general each application will have its own requirements for how a user may configure logging output. However, each application will specify the required configuration to the logging system through a standard mechanism. The most simple configuration is that of a single handler, writing to stderr, attached to the root logger. This configuration is set up by calling the basicConfig() function once the logging module has been imported. def basicConfig(): ... For more sophisticated configurations, this PEP makes no specific proposals, for the following reasons: A specific proposal may be seen as prescriptive. Without the benefit of wide practical experience in the Python community, there is no way to know whether any given configuration approach is a good one. That practice can’t really come until the logging module is used, and that means until after Python 2.3 has shipped. There is a likelihood that different types of applications may require different configuration approaches, so that no “one size fits all”. The reference implementation [6] has a working configuration file format, implemented for the purpose of proving the concept and suggesting one possible alternative. It may be that separate extension modules, not part of the core Python distribution, are created for logging configuration and log viewing, supplemental handlers and other features which are not of interest to the bulk of the community. Thread Safety The logging system should support thread-safe operation without any special action needing to be taken by its users. Module-Level Functions To support use of the logging mechanism in short scripts and small applications, module-level functions debug(), info(), warn(), error(), critical() and exception() are provided. These work in the same way as the correspondingly named methods of Logger - in fact they delegate to the corresponding methods on the root logger. A further convenience provided by these functions is that if no configuration has been done, basicConfig() is automatically called. At application exit, all handlers can be flushed by calling the function: def shutdown(): ... This will flush and close all handlers. Implementation The reference implementation is Vinay Sajip’s logging module [6]. Packaging The reference implementation is implemented as a single module. This offers the simplest interface - all users have to do is “import logging” and they are in a position to use all the functionality available. References [1] (1, 2) java.util.logging http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/guide/util/logging/ [2] log4j: a Java logging package https://logging.apache.org/log4j/ [3] Protomatter’s Syslog http://protomatter.sourceforge.net/1.1.6/index.html http://protomatter.sourceforge.net/1.1.6/javadoc/com/protomatter/syslog/syslog-whitepaper.html [4] MAL mentions his mx.Log logging module: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-February/019767.html [5] Jeff Bauer’s Mr. Creosote http://starship.python.net/crew/jbauer/creosote/ [6] (1, 2, 3, 4) Vinay Sajip’s logging module. https://old.red-dove.com/python_logging.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 282 – A Logging System
Standards Track
This PEP describes a proposed logging package for Python’s standard library.
PEP 283 – Python 2.3 Release Schedule Author: Guido van Rossum Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 27-Feb-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 27-Feb-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager Completed features for 2.3 Planned features for 2.3 Ongoing tasks Open issues Features that did not make it into Python 2.3 Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.3. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release. There will be at least two alpha releases, two beta releases, and one release candidate. Alpha and beta releases will be spaced at least 4 weeks apart (except if an emergency release must be made to correct a blunder in the previous release; then the blunder release does not count). Release candidates will be spaced at least one week apart (excepting again blunder corrections). alpha 1 31 Dec 2002 alpha 2 19 Feb 2003 beta 1 25 Apr 2003 beta 2 29 Jun 2003 candidate 1 18 Jul 2003 candidate 2 24 Jul 2003 final 29 Jul 2003 Release Manager Barry Warsaw, Jeremy Hylton, Tim Peters Completed features for 2.3 This list is not complete. See Doc/whatsnew/whatsnew23.tex in CVS for more, and of course Misc/NEWS for the full list. Tk 8.4 update. The bool type and its constants, True and False (PEP 285). PyMalloc was greatly enhanced and is enabled by default. Universal newline support (PEP 278). PEP 263 Defining Python Source Code Encodings, LemburgImplemented (at least phase 1, which is all that’s planned for 2.3). Extended slice notation for all built-in sequences. The patch by Michael Hudson is now all checked in. Speed up list iterations by filling tp_iter and other tweaks. See https://bugs.python.org/issue560736; also done for xrange and tuples. Timeout sockets. https://bugs.python.org/issue555085 Stage B0 of the int/long integration (PEP 237). This means issuing a FutureWarning about situations where hex or oct conversions or left shifts returns a different value for an int than for a long with the same value. The semantics do not change in Python 2.3; that will happen in Python 2.4. Nuke SET_LINENO from all code objects (providing a different way to set debugger breakpoints). This can boost pystone by >5%. https://bugs.python.org/issue587993, now checked in. (Unfortunately the pystone boost didn’t happen. What happened?) Write a pymemcompat.h that people can bundle with their extensions and then use the 2.3 memory interface with all Pythons in the range 1.5.2 to 2.3. (Michael Hudson checked in Misc/pymemcompat.h.) Add a new concept, “pending deprecation”, with associated warning PendingDeprecationWarning. This warning is normally suppressed, but can be enabled by a suitable -W option. Only a few things use this at this time. Warn when an extension type’s tp_compare returns anything except -1, 0 or 1. https://bugs.python.org/issue472523 Warn for assignment to None (in various forms). PEP 218 Adding a Built-In Set Object Type, WilsonAlex Martelli contributed a new version of Greg Wilson’s prototype, and I’ve reworked that quite a bit. It’s in the standard library now as the module sets, although some details may still change until the first beta release. (There are no plans to make this a built-in type, for now.) PEP 293 Codec error handling callbacks, DörwaldFully implemented. Error handling in unicode.encode or str.decode can now be customized. PEP 282 A Logging System, MickVinay Sajip’s implementation has been packagized and imported. (Documentation and unit tests still pending.) https://bugs.python.org/issue578494 A modified MRO (Method Resolution Order) algorithm. Consensus is that we should adopt C3. Samuele Pedroni has contributed a draft implementation in C, see https://bugs.python.org/issue619475 This has now been checked in. A new command line option parser. Greg Ward’s Optik package (http://optik.sf.net) has been adopted, converted to a single module named optparse. See also http://www.python.org/sigs/getopt-sig/ A standard datetime type. This started as a wiki: http://www.zope.org/Members/fdrake/DateTimeWiki/FrontPage. A prototype was coded in nondist/sandbox/datetime/. Tim Peters has finished the C implementation and checked it in. PEP 273 Import Modules from Zip Archives, AhlstromImplemented as a part of the PEP 302 implementation work. PEP 302 New Import Hooks, JvRImplemented (though the 2.3a1 release contained some bugs that have been fixed post-release). A new pickling protocol. See PEP 307. PEP 305 (CSV File API, by Skip Montanaro et al.) is in; this is the csv module. Raymond Hettinger’s itertools module is in. PEP 311 (Simplified GIL Acquisition for Extensions, by Mark Hammond) has been included in beta 1. Two new PyArg_Parse*() format codes, ‘k’ returns an unsigned C long int that receives the lower LONG_BIT bits of the Python argument, truncating without range checking. ‘K’ returns an unsigned C long long int that receives the lower LONG_LONG_BIT bits, truncating without range checking. (SF 595026; Thomas Heller did this work.) A new version of IDLE was imported from the IDLEfork project (http://idlefork.sf.net). The code now lives in the idlelib package in the standard library and the idle script is installed by setup.py. Planned features for 2.3 Too late for anything more to get done here. Ongoing tasks The following are ongoing TO-DO items which we should attempt to work on without hoping for completion by any particular date. Documentation: complete the distribution and installation manuals. Documentation: complete the documentation for new-style classes. Look over the Demos/ directory and update where required (Andrew Kuchling has done a lot of this) New tests. Fix doc bugs on SF. Remove use of deprecated features in the core. Document deprecated features appropriately. Mark deprecated C APIs with Py_DEPRECATED. Deprecate modules which are unmaintained, or perhaps make a new category for modules ‘Unmaintained’ In general, lots of cleanup so it is easier to move forward. Open issues There are some issues that may need more work and/or thought before the final release (and preferably before the first beta release): No issues remaining. Features that did not make it into Python 2.3 The import lock could use some redesign. (SF 683658.) Set API issues; is the sets module perfect?I expect it’s good enough to stop polishing it until we’ve had more widespread user experience. A nicer API to open text files, replacing the ugly (in some people’s eyes) “U” mode flag. There’s a proposal out there to have a new built-in type textfile(filename, mode, encoding). (Shouldn’t it have a bufsize argument too?)Ditto. New widgets for Tkinter???Has anyone gotten the time for this? Are there any new widgets in Tk 8.4? Note that we’ve got better Tix support already (though not on Windows yet). Fredrik Lundh’s basetime proposal:http://effbot.org/ideas/time-type.htm I believe this is dead now. PEP 304 (Controlling Generation of Bytecode Files by Montanaro) seems to have lost steam. For a class defined inside another class, the __name__ should be "outer.inner", and pickling should work. (SF 633930. I’m no longer certain this is easy or even right.) reST is going to be used a lot in Zope3. Maybe it could become a standard library module? (Since reST’s author thinks it’s too unstable, I’m inclined not to do this.) Decide on a clearer deprecation policy (especially for modules) and act on it. For a start, see this message from Neal Norwitz: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-April/023165.html There seems insufficient interest in moving this further in an organized fashion, and it’s not particularly important. Provide alternatives for common uses of the types module;Skip Montanaro has posted a proto-PEP for this idea: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-May/024346.html There hasn’t been any progress on this, AFAICT. Use pending deprecation for the types and string modules. This requires providing alternatives for the parts that aren’t covered yet (e.g. string.whitespace and types.TracebackType). It seems we can’t get consensus on this. Deprecate the buffer object. https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-July/026388.html https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-July/026408.html It seems that this is never going to be resolved. PEP 269 Pgen Module for Python, Riehl(Some necessary changes are in; the pgen module itself needs to mature more.) Add support for the long-awaited Python catalog. Kapil Thangavelu has a Zope-based implementation that he demoed at OSCON 2002. Now all we need is a place to host it and a person to champion it. (Some changes to distutils to support this are in, at least.) PEP 266 Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access, MontanaroPEP 267 Optimized Access to Module Namespaces, Hylton PEP 280 Optimizing access to globals, van Rossum These are basically three friendly competing proposals. Jeremy has made a little progress with a new compiler, but it’s going slow and the compiler is only the first step. Maybe we’ll be able to refactor the compiler in this release. I’m tempted to say we won’t hold our breath. In the meantime, Oren Tirosh has a much simpler idea that may give a serious boost to the performance of accessing globals and built-ins, by optimizing and inlining the dict access: http://tothink.com/python/fastnames/ Lazily tracking tuples? https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-May/023926.html https://bugs.python.org/issue558745 Not much enthusiasm I believe. PEP 286 Enhanced Argument Tuples, von LoewisI haven’t had the time to review this thoroughly. It seems a deep optimization hack (also makes better correctness guarantees though). Make ‘as’ a keyword. It has been a pseudo-keyword long enough. Too much effort to bother. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 283 – Python 2.3 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.3. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release.
PEP 284 – Integer for-loops Author: David Eppstein <eppstein at ics.uci.edu>, Gregory Ewing <greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Mar-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Rationale Specification Issues Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to simplify iteration over intervals of integers, by extending the range of expressions allowed after a “for” keyword to allow three-way comparisons such as for lower <= var < upper: in place of the current for item in list: syntax. The resulting loop or list iteration will loop over all values of var that make the comparison true, starting from the left endpoint of the given interval. Pronouncement This PEP is rejected. There were a number of fixable issues with the proposal (see the fixups listed in Raymond Hettinger’s python-dev post on 18 June 2005 [1]). However, even with the fixups the proposal did not garner support. Specifically, Guido did not buy the premise that the range() format needed fixing, “The whole point (15 years ago) of range() was to avoid needing syntax to specify a loop over numbers. I think it’s worked out well and there’s nothing that needs to be fixed (except range() needs to become an iterator, which it will in Python 3.0).” Rationale One of the most common uses of for-loops in Python is to iterate over an interval of integers. Python provides functions range() and xrange() to generate lists and iterators for such intervals, which work best for the most frequent case: half-open intervals increasing from zero. However, the range() syntax is more awkward for open or closed intervals, and lacks symmetry when reversing the order of iteration. In addition, the call to an unfamiliar function makes it difficult for newcomers to Python to understand code that uses range() or xrange(). The perceived lack of a natural, intuitive integer iteration syntax has led to heated debate on python-list, and spawned at least four PEPs before this one. PEP 204 (rejected) proposed to re-use Python’s slice syntax for integer ranges, leading to a terser syntax but not solving the readability problem of multi-argument range(). PEP 212 (deferred) proposed several syntaxes for directly converting a list to a sequence of integer indices, in place of the current idiom range(len(list)) for such conversion, and PEP 281 proposes to simplify the same idiom by allowing it to be written as range(list). PEP 276 proposes to allow automatic conversion of integers to iterators, simplifying the most common half-open case but not addressing the complexities of other types of interval. Additional alternatives have been discussed on python-list. The solution described here is to allow a three-way comparison after a “for” keyword, both in the context of a for-loop and of a list comprehension: for lower <= var < upper: This would cause iteration over an interval of consecutive integers, beginning at the left bound in the comparison and ending at the right bound. The exact comparison operations used would determine whether the interval is open or closed at either end and whether the integers are considered in ascending or descending order. This syntax closely matches standard mathematical notation, so is likely to be more familiar to Python novices than the current range() syntax. Open and closed interval endpoints are equally easy to express, and the reversal of an integer interval can be formed simply by swapping the two endpoints and reversing the comparisons. In addition, the semantics of such a loop would closely resemble one way of interpreting the existing Python for-loops: for item in list iterates over exactly those values of item that cause the expression item in list to be true. Similarly, the new format for lower <= var < upper: would iterate over exactly those integer values of var that cause the expression lower <= var < upper to be true. Specification We propose to extend the syntax of a for statement, currently for_stmt: "for" target_list "in" expression_list ":" suite ["else" ":" suite] as described below: for_stmt: "for" for_test ":" suite ["else" ":" suite] for_test: target_list "in" expression_list | or_expr less_comp or_expr less_comp or_expr | or_expr greater_comp or_expr greater_comp or_expr less_comp: "<" | "<=" greater_comp: ">" | ">=" Similarly, we propose to extend the syntax of list comprehensions, currently list_for: "for" expression_list "in" testlist [list_iter] by replacing it with: list_for: "for" for_test [list_iter] In all cases the expression formed by for_test would be subject to the same precedence rules as comparisons in expressions. The two comp_operators in a for_test must be required to be both of similar types, unlike chained comparisons in expressions which do not have such a restriction. We refer to the two or_expr’s occurring on the left and right sides of the for-loop syntax as the bounds of the loop, and the middle or_expr as the variable of the loop. When a for-loop using the new syntax is executed, the expressions for both bounds will be evaluated, and an iterator object created that iterates through all integers between the two bounds according to the comparison operations used. The iterator will begin with an integer equal or near to the left bound, and then step through the remaining integers with a step size of +1 or -1 if the comparison operation is in the set described by less_comp or greater_comp respectively. The execution will then proceed as if the expression had been for variable in iterator where “variable” refers to the variable of the loop and “iterator” refers to the iterator created for the given integer interval. The values taken by the loop variable in an integer for-loop may be either plain integers or long integers, according to the magnitude of the bounds. Both bounds of an integer for-loop must evaluate to a real numeric type (integer, long, or float). Any other value will cause the for-loop statement to raise a TypeError exception. Issues The following issues were raised in discussion of this and related proposals on the Python list. Should the right bound be evaluated once, or every time through the loop? Clearly, it only makes sense to evaluate the left bound once. For reasons of consistency and efficiency, we have chosen the same convention for the right bound. Although the new syntax considerably simplifies integer for-loops, list comprehensions using the new syntax are not as simple. We feel that this is appropriate since for-loops are more frequent than comprehensions. The proposal does not allow access to integer iterator objects such as would be created by xrange. True, but we see this as a shortcoming in the general list-comprehension syntax, beyond the scope of this proposal. In addition, xrange() will still be available. The proposal does not allow increments other than 1 and -1. More general arithmetic progressions would need to be created by range() or xrange(), or by a list comprehension syntax such as[2*x for 0 <= x <= 100] The position of the loop variable in the middle of a three-way comparison is not as apparent as the variable in the presentfor item in list syntax, leading to a possible loss of readability. We feel that this loss is outweighed by the increase in readability from a natural integer iteration syntax. To some extent, this PEP addresses the same issues as PEP 276. We feel that the two PEPs are not in conflict since PEP 276 is primarily concerned with half-open ranges starting in 0 (the easy case of range()) while this PEP is primarily concerned with simplifying all other cases. However, if this PEP is approved, its new simpler syntax for integer loops could to some extent reduce the motivation for PEP 276. It is not clear whether it makes sense to allow floating point bounds for an integer loop: if a float represents an inexact value, how can it be used to determine an exact sequence of integers? On the other hand, disallowing float bounds would make it difficult to use floor() and ceiling() in integer for-loops, as it is difficult to use them now with range(). We have erred on the side of flexibility, but this may lead to some implementation difficulties in determining the smallest and largest integer values that would cause a given comparison to be true. Should types other than int, long, and float be allowed as bounds? Another choice would be to convert all bounds to integers by int(), and allow as bounds anything that can be so converted instead of just floats. However, this would change the semantics: 0.3 <= x is not the same as int(0.3) <= x, and it would be confusing for a loop with 0.3 as lower bound to start at zero. Also, in general int(f) can be very far from f. Implementation An implementation is not available at this time. Implementation is not expected to pose any great difficulties: the new syntax could, if necessary, be recognized by parsing a general expression after each “for” keyword and testing whether the top level operation of the expression is “in” or a three-way comparison. The Python compiler would convert any instance of the new syntax into a loop over the items in a special iterator object. References [1] Raymond Hettinger, Propose updating PEP 284 – Integer for-loops https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054316.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 284 – Integer for-loops
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to simplify iteration over intervals of integers, by extending the range of expressions allowed after a “for” keyword to allow three-way comparisons such as
PEP 285 – Adding a bool type Author: Guido van Rossum <guido at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 08-Mar-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 08-Mar-2002, 30-Mar-2002, 03-Apr-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Review Rationale Specification C API Clarification Compatibility Resolved Issues Implementation Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes the introduction of a new built-in type, bool, with two constants, False and True. The bool type would be a straightforward subtype (in C) of the int type, and the values False and True would behave like 0 and 1 in most respects (for example, False==0 and True==1 would be true) except repr() and str(). All built-in operations that conceptually return a Boolean result will be changed to return False or True instead of 0 or 1; for example, comparisons, the “not” operator, and predicates like isinstance(). Review I’ve collected enough feedback to last me a lifetime, so I declare the review period officially OVER. I had Chinese food today; my fortune cookie said “Strong and bitter words indicate a weak cause.” It reminded me of some of the posts against this PEP… :-) Anyway, here are my BDFL pronouncements. (Executive summary: I’m not changing a thing; all variants are rejected.) Should this PEP be accepted?=> Yes. There have been many arguments against the PEP. Many of them were based on misunderstandings. I’ve tried to clarify some of the most common misunderstandings below in the main text of the PEP. The only issue that weighs at all for me is the tendency of newbies to write “if x == True” where “if x” would suffice. More about that below too. I think this is not a sufficient reason to reject the PEP. Should str(True) return “True” or “1”? “1” might reduce backwards compatibility problems, but looks strange. (repr(True) would always return “True”.)=> “True”. Almost all reviewers agree with this. Should the constants be called ‘True’ and ‘False’ (similar to None) or ‘true’ and ‘false’ (as in C++, Java and C99)?=> True and False. Most reviewers agree that consistency within Python is more important than consistency with other languages. Should we strive to eliminate non-Boolean operations on bools in the future, through suitable warnings, so that for example True+1 would eventually (in Python 3000) be illegal?=> No. There’s a small but vocal minority that would prefer to see “textbook” bools that don’t support arithmetic operations at all, but most reviewers agree with me that bools should always allow arithmetic operations. Should operator.truth(x) return an int or a bool?=> bool. Tim Peters believes it should return an int, but almost all other reviewers agree that it should return a bool. My rationale: operator.truth() exists to force a Boolean context on its argument (it calls the C API PyObject_IsTrue()). Whether the outcome is reported as int or bool is secondary; if bool exists there’s no reason not to use it. (Under the PEP, operator.truth() now becomes an alias for bool(); that’s fine.) Should bool inherit from int?=> Yes. In an ideal world, bool might be better implemented as a separate integer type that knows how to perform mixed-mode arithmetic. However, inheriting bool from int eases the implementation enormously (in part since all C code that calls PyInt_Check() will continue to work – this returns true for subclasses of int). Also, I believe this is right in terms of substitutability: code that requires an int can be fed a bool and it will behave the same as 0 or 1. Code that requires a bool may not work when it is given an int; for example, 3 & 4 is 0, but both 3 and 4 are true when considered as truth values. Should the name ‘bool’ be changed?=> No. Some reviewers have argued for boolean instead of bool, because this would be easier to understand (novices may have heard of Boolean algebra but may not make the connection with bool) or because they hate abbreviations. My take: Python uses abbreviations judiciously (like ‘def’, ‘int’, ‘dict’) and I don’t think these are a burden to understanding. To a newbie, it doesn’t matter whether it’s called a waffle or a bool; it’s a new word, and they learn quickly what it means. One reviewer has argued to make the name ‘truth’. I find this an unattractive name, and would actually prefer to reserve this term (in documentation) for the more abstract concept of truth values that already exists in Python. For example: “when a container is interpreted as a truth value, an empty container is considered false and a non-empty one is considered true.” Should we strive to require that Boolean operations (like “if”, “and”, “not”) have a bool as an argument in the future, so that for example “if []:” would become illegal and would have to be written as “if bool([]):” ???=> No!!! Some people believe that this is how a language with a textbook Boolean type should behave. Because it was brought up, others have worried that I might agree with this position. Let me make my position on this quite clear. This is not part of the PEP’s motivation and I don’t intend to make this change. (See also the section “Clarification” below.) Rationale Most languages eventually grow a Boolean type; even C99 (the new and improved C standard, not yet widely adopted) has one. Many programmers apparently feel the need for a Boolean type; most Python documentation contains a bit of an apology for the absence of a Boolean type. I’ve seen lots of modules that defined constants “False=0” and “True=1” (or similar) at the top and used those. The problem with this is that everybody does it differently. For example, should you use “FALSE”, “false”, “False”, “F” or even “f”? And should false be the value zero or None, or perhaps a truth value of a different type that will print as “true” or “false”? Adding a standard bool type to the language resolves those issues. Some external libraries (like databases and RPC packages) need to be able to distinguish between Boolean and integral values, and while it’s usually possible to craft a solution, it would be easier if the language offered a standard Boolean type. This also applies to Jython: some Java classes have separately overloaded methods or constructors for int and boolean arguments. The bool type can be used to select the boolean variant. (The same is apparently the case for some COM interfaces.) The standard bool type can also serve as a way to force a value to be interpreted as a Boolean, which can be used to normalize Boolean values. When a Boolean value needs to be normalized to one of two values, bool(x) is much clearer than “not not x” and much more concise than if x: return 1 else: return 0 Here are some arguments derived from teaching Python. When showing people comparison operators etc. in the interactive shell, I think this is a bit ugly: >>> a = 13 >>> b = 12 >>> a > b 1 >>> If this was: >>> a > b True >>> it would require a millisecond less thinking each time a 0 or 1 was printed. There’s also the issue (which I’ve seen baffling even experienced Pythonistas who had been away from the language for a while) that if you see: >>> cmp(a, b) 1 >>> cmp(a, a) 0 >>> you might be tempted to believe that cmp() also returned a truth value, whereas in reality it can return three different values (-1, 0, 1). If ints were not (normally) used to represent Booleans results, this would stand out much more clearly as something completely different. Specification The following Python code specifies most of the properties of the new type: class bool(int): def __new__(cls, val=0): # This constructor always returns an existing instance if val: return True else: return False def __repr__(self): if self: return "True" else: return "False" __str__ = __repr__ def __and__(self, other): if isinstance(other, bool): return bool(int(self) & int(other)) else: return int.__and__(self, other) __rand__ = __and__ def __or__(self, other): if isinstance(other, bool): return bool(int(self) | int(other)) else: return int.__or__(self, other) __ror__ = __or__ def __xor__(self, other): if isinstance(other, bool): return bool(int(self) ^ int(other)) else: return int.__xor__(self, other) __rxor__ = __xor__ # Bootstrap truth values through sheer willpower False = int.__new__(bool, 0) True = int.__new__(bool, 1) The values False and True will be singletons, like None. Because the type has two values, perhaps these should be called “doubletons”? The real implementation will not allow other instances of bool to be created. True and False will properly round-trip through pickling and marshalling; for example pickle.loads(pickle.dumps(True)) will return True, and so will marshal.loads(marshal.dumps(True)). All built-in operations that are defined to return a Boolean result will be changed to return False or True instead of 0 or 1. In particular, this affects comparisons (<, <=, ==, !=, >, >=, is, is not, in, not in), the unary operator ‘not’, the built-in functions callable(), hasattr(), isinstance() and issubclass(), the dict method has_key(), the string and unicode methods endswith(), isalnum(), isalpha(), isdigit(), islower(), isspace(), istitle(), isupper(), and startswith(), the unicode methods isdecimal() and isnumeric(), and the ‘closed’ attribute of file objects. The predicates in the operator module are also changed to return a bool, including operator.truth(). Because bool inherits from int, True+1 is valid and equals 2, and so on. This is important for backwards compatibility: because comparisons and so on currently return integer values, there’s no way of telling what uses existing applications make of these values. It is expected that over time, the standard library will be updated to use False and True when appropriate (but not to require a bool argument type where previous an int was allowed). This change should not pose additional problems and is not specified in detail by this PEP. C API The header file “boolobject.h” defines the C API for the bool type. It is included by “Python.h” so there is no need to include it directly. The existing names Py_False and Py_True reference the unique bool objects False and True (previously these referenced static int objects with values 0 and 1, which were not unique amongst int values). A new API, PyObject *PyBool_FromLong(long), takes a C long int argument and returns a new reference to either Py_False (when the argument is zero) or Py_True (when it is nonzero). To check whether an object is a bool, the macro PyBool_Check() can be used. The type of bool instances is PyBoolObject *. The bool type object is available as PyBool_Type. Clarification This PEP does not change the fact that almost all object types can be used as truth values. For example, when used in an if statement, an empty list is false and a non-empty one is true; this does not change and there is no plan to ever change this. The only thing that changes is the preferred values to represent truth values when returned or assigned explicitly. Previously, these preferred truth values were 0 and 1; the PEP changes the preferred values to False and True, and changes built-in operations to return these preferred values. Compatibility Because of backwards compatibility, the bool type lacks many properties that some would like to see. For example, arithmetic operations with one or two bool arguments is allowed, treating False as 0 and True as 1. Also, a bool may be used as a sequence index. I don’t see this as a problem, and I don’t want evolve the language in this direction either. I don’t believe that a stricter interpretation of “Booleanness” makes the language any clearer. Another consequence of the compatibility requirement is that the expression “True and 6” has the value 6, and similarly the expression “False or None” has the value None. The “and” and “or” operators are usefully defined to return the first argument that determines the outcome, and this won’t change; in particular, they don’t force the outcome to be a bool. Of course, if both arguments are bools, the outcome is always a bool. It can also easily be coerced into being a bool by writing for example “bool(x and y)”. Resolved Issues (See also the Review section above.) Because the repr() or str() of a bool value is different from an int value, some code (for example doctest-based unit tests, and possibly database code that relies on things like “%s” % truth) may fail. It is easy to work around this (without explicitly referencing the bool type), and it is expected that this only affects a very small amount of code that can easily be fixed. Other languages (C99, C++, Java) name the constants “false” and “true”, in all lowercase. For Python, I prefer to stick with the example set by the existing built-in constants, which all use CapitalizedWords: None, Ellipsis, NotImplemented (as well as all built-in exceptions). Python’s built-in namespace uses all lowercase for functions and types only. It has been suggested that, in order to satisfy user expectations, for every x that is considered true in a Boolean context, the expression x == True should be true, and likewise if x is considered false, x == False should be true. In particular newbies who have only just learned about Boolean variables are likely to writeif x == True: ... instead of the correct form, if x: ... There seem to be strong psychological and linguistic reasons why many people are at first uncomfortable with the latter form, but I believe that the solution should be in education rather than in crippling the language. After all, == is general seen as a transitive operator, meaning that from a==b and b==c we can deduce a==c. But if any comparison to True were to report equality when the other operand was a true value of any type, atrocities like 6==True==7 would hold true, from which one could infer the falsehood 6==7. That’s unacceptable. (In addition, it would break backwards compatibility. But even if it didn’t, I’d still be against this, for the stated reasons.) Newbies should also be reminded that there’s never a reason to write if bool(x): ... since the bool is implicit in the “if”. Explicit is not better than implicit here, since the added verbiage impairs readability and there’s no other interpretation possible. There is, however, sometimes a reason to write b = bool(x) This is useful when it is unattractive to keep a reference to an arbitrary object x, or when normalization is required for some other reason. It is also sometimes appropriate to write i = int(bool(x)) which converts the bool to an int with the value 0 or 1. This conveys the intention to henceforth use the value as an int. Implementation A complete implementation in C has been uploaded to the SourceForge patch manager: https://bugs.python.org/issue528022 This will soon be checked into CVS for python 2.3a0. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 285 – Adding a bool type
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the introduction of a new built-in type, bool, with two constants, False and True. The bool type would be a straightforward subtype (in C) of the int type, and the values False and True would behave like 0 and 1 in most respects (for example, False==0 and True==1 would be true) except repr() and str(). All built-in operations that conceptually return a Boolean result will be changed to return False or True instead of 0 or 1; for example, comparisons, the “not” operator, and predicates like isinstance().
PEP 286 – Enhanced Argument Tuples Author: Martin von Löwis <martin at v.loewis.de> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 03-Mar-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract PEP Deferral Problem description Proposed solution Affected converters New converters References Copyright Abstract PyArg_ParseTuple is confronted with difficult memory management if an argument converter creates new memory. To deal with these cases, a specialized argument type is proposed. PEP Deferral Further exploration of the concepts covered in this PEP has been deferred for lack of a current champion interested in promoting the goals of the PEP and collecting and incorporating feedback, and with sufficient available time to do so effectively. The resolution of this PEP may also be affected by the resolution of PEP 426, which proposes the use of a preprocessing step to generate some aspects of C API interface code. Problem description Today, argument tuples keep references to the function arguments, which are guaranteed to live as long as the argument tuple exists which is at least as long as the function call is being executed. In some cases, parsing an argument will allocate new memory, which is then to be released by the caller. This has two problems: In case of failure, the application cannot know what memory to release; most callers don’t even know that they have the responsibility to release that memory. Example for this are the N converter (bug #416288 [1]) and the es# converter (bug #501716 [2]). Even for successful argument parsing, it is still inconvenient for the caller to be responsible for releasing the memory. In some cases, this is unnecessarily inefficient. For example, the es converter copies the conversion result into memory, even though there already is a string object that has the right contents. Proposed solution A new type ‘argument tuple’ is introduced. This type derives from tuple, adding an __dict__ member (at tp_dictoffset -4). Instances of this type might get the following attributes: ‘failobjects’, a list of objects which need to be deallocated in case of success ‘okobjects’, a list of object which will be released when the argument tuple is released To manage this type, the following functions will be added, and used appropriately in ceval.c and getargs.c: PyArgTuple_New(int); PyArgTuple_AddFailObject(PyObject*, PyObject*); PyArgTuple_AddFailMemory(PyObject*, void*); PyArgTuple_AddOkObject(PyObject*, PyObject*); PyArgTuple_AddOkMemory(PyObject*, void*); PyArgTuple_ClearFailed(PyObject*); When argument parsing fails, all fail objects will be released through Py_DECREF, and all fail memory will be released through PyMem_Free. If parsing succeeds, the references to the fail objects and fail memory are dropped, without releasing anything. When the argument tuple is released, all ok objects and memory will be released. If those functions are called with an object of a different type, a warning is issued and no further action is taken; usage of the affected converters without using argument tuples is deprecated. Affected converters The following converters will add fail memory and fail objects: N, es, et, es#, et# (unless memory is passed into the converter) New converters To simplify Unicode conversion, the e* converters are duplicated as E* converters (Es, Et, Es#, Et#). The usage of the E* converters is identical to that of the e* converters, except that the application will not need to manage the resulting memory. This will be implemented through registration of Ok objects with the argument tuple. The e* converters are deprecated. References [1] infrequent memory leak in pyexpat (http://bugs.python.org/issue416288) [2] “es#” parser marker leaks memory (http://bugs.python.org/issue501716) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 286 – Enhanced Argument Tuples
Standards Track
PyArg_ParseTuple is confronted with difficult memory management if an argument converter creates new memory. To deal with these cases, a specialized argument type is proposed.
PEP 288 – Generators Attributes and Exceptions Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 21-Mar-2002 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Status Rationale Specification for Generator Attributes Specification for Generator Exception Passing References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to enhance generators by providing mechanisms for raising exceptions and sharing data with running generators. Status This PEP is withdrawn. The exception raising mechanism was extended and subsumed into PEP 343. The attribute passing capability never built a following, did not have a clear implementation, and did not have a clean way for the running generator to access its own namespace. Rationale Currently, only class based iterators can provide attributes and exception handling. However, class based iterators are harder to write, less compact, less readable, and slower. A better solution is to enable these capabilities for generators. Enabling attribute assignments allows data to be passed to and from running generators. The approach of sharing data using attributes pervades Python. Other approaches exist but are somewhat hackish in comparison. Another evolutionary step is to add a generator method to allow exceptions to be passed to a generator. Currently, there is no clean method for triggering exceptions from outside the generator. Also, generator exception passing helps mitigate the try/finally prohibition for generators. The need is especially acute for generators needing to flush buffers or close resources upon termination. The two proposals are backwards compatible and require no new keywords. They are being recommended for Python version 2.5. Specification for Generator Attributes Essentially, the proposal is to emulate attribute writing for classes. The only wrinkle is that generators lack a way to refer to instances of themselves. So, the proposal is to provide a function for discovering the reference. For example: def mygen(filename): self = sys.get_generator() myfile = open(filename) for line in myfile: if len(line) < 10: continue self.pos = myfile.tell() yield line.upper() g = mygen('sample.txt') line1 = g.next() print 'Position', g.pos Uses for generator attributes include: Providing generator clients with extra information (as shown above). Externally setting control flags governing generator operation (possibly telling a generator when to step in or step over data groups). Writing lazy consumers with complex execution states (an arithmetic encoder output stream for example). Writing co-routines (as demonstrated in Dr. Mertz’s articles [1]). The control flow of ‘yield’ and ‘next’ is unchanged by this proposal. The only change is that data can passed to and from the generator. Most of the underlying machinery is already in place, only the access function needs to be added. Specification for Generator Exception Passing Add a .throw(exception) method to the generator interface: def logger(): start = time.time() log = [] try: while True: log.append(time.time() - start) yield log[-1] except WriteLog: writelog(log) g = logger() for i in [10,20,40,80,160]: testsuite(i) g.next() g.throw(WriteLog) There is no existing work-around for triggering an exception inside a generator. It is the only case in Python where active code cannot be excepted to or through. Generator exception passing also helps address an intrinsic limitation on generators, the prohibition against their using try/finally to trigger clean-up code (PEP 255). Note A: The name of the throw method was selected for several reasons. Raise is a keyword and so cannot be used as a method name. Unlike raise which immediately raises an exception from the current execution point, throw will first return to the generator and then raise the exception. The word throw is suggestive of putting the exception in another location. The word throw is already associated with exceptions in other languages. Alternative method names were considered: resolve(), signal(), genraise(), raiseinto(), and flush(). None of these fit as well as throw(). Note B: To keep the throw() syntax simple only the instance version of the raise syntax would be supported (no variants for “raise string” or “raise class, instance”). Calling g.throw(instance) would correspond to writing raise instance immediately after the most recent yield. References [1] Dr. David Mertz’s draft columns for Charming Python http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_b5.txt http://gnosis.cx/publish/programming/charming_python_b7.txt Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 288 – Generators Attributes and Exceptions
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to enhance generators by providing mechanisms for raising exceptions and sharing data with running generators.
PEP 289 – Generator Expressions Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 30-Jan-2002 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 22-Oct-2003 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale BDFL Pronouncements The Details Early Binding versus Late Binding Reduction Functions Acknowledgements References Copyright Abstract This PEP introduces generator expressions as a high performance, memory efficient generalization of list comprehensions PEP 202 and generators PEP 255. Rationale Experience with list comprehensions has shown their widespread utility throughout Python. However, many of the use cases do not need to have a full list created in memory. Instead, they only need to iterate over the elements one at a time. For instance, the following summation code will build a full list of squares in memory, iterate over those values, and, when the reference is no longer needed, delete the list: sum([x*x for x in range(10)]) Memory is conserved by using a generator expression instead: sum(x*x for x in range(10)) Similar benefits are conferred on constructors for container objects: s = set(word for line in page for word in line.split()) d = dict( (k, func(k)) for k in keylist) Generator expressions are especially useful with functions like sum(), min(), and max() that reduce an iterable input to a single value: max(len(line) for line in file if line.strip()) Generator expressions also address some examples of functionals coded with lambda: reduce(lambda s, a: s + a.myattr, data, 0) reduce(lambda s, a: s + a[3], data, 0) These simplify to: sum(a.myattr for a in data) sum(a[3] for a in data) List comprehensions greatly reduced the need for filter() and map(). Likewise, generator expressions are expected to minimize the need for itertools.ifilter() and itertools.imap(). In contrast, the utility of other itertools will be enhanced by generator expressions: dotproduct = sum(x*y for x,y in itertools.izip(x_vector, y_vector)) Having a syntax similar to list comprehensions also makes it easy to convert existing code into a generator expression when scaling up application. Early timings showed that generators had a significant performance advantage over list comprehensions. However, the latter were highly optimized for Py2.4 and now the performance is roughly comparable for small to mid-sized data sets. As the data volumes grow larger, generator expressions tend to perform better because they do not exhaust cache memory and they allow Python to re-use objects between iterations. BDFL Pronouncements This PEP is ACCEPTED for Py2.4. The Details (None of this is exact enough in the eye of a reader from Mars, but I hope the examples convey the intention well enough for a discussion in c.l.py. The Python Reference Manual should contain a 100% exact semantic and syntactic specification.) The semantics of a generator expression are equivalent to creating an anonymous generator function and calling it. For example:g = (x**2 for x in range(10)) print g.next() is equivalent to: def __gen(exp): for x in exp: yield x**2 g = __gen(iter(range(10))) print g.next() Only the outermost for-expression is evaluated immediately, the other expressions are deferred until the generator is run: g = (tgtexp for var1 in exp1 if exp2 for var2 in exp3 if exp4) is equivalent to: def __gen(bound_exp): for var1 in bound_exp: if exp2: for var2 in exp3: if exp4: yield tgtexp g = __gen(iter(exp1)) del __gen The syntax requires that a generator expression always needs to be directly inside a set of parentheses and cannot have a comma on either side. With reference to the file Grammar/Grammar in CVS, two rules change: The rule:atom: '(' [testlist] ')' changes to: atom: '(' [testlist_gexp] ')' where testlist_gexp is almost the same as listmaker, but only allows a single test after ‘for’ … ‘in’: testlist_gexp: test ( gen_for | (',' test)* [','] ) The rule for arglist needs similar changes. This means that you can write: sum(x**2 for x in range(10)) but you would have to write: reduce(operator.add, (x**2 for x in range(10))) and also: g = (x**2 for x in range(10)) i.e. if a function call has a single positional argument, it can be a generator expression without extra parentheses, but in all other cases you have to parenthesize it. The exact details were checked in to Grammar/Grammar version 1.49. The loop variable (if it is a simple variable or a tuple of simple variables) is not exposed to the surrounding function. This facilitates the implementation and makes typical use cases more reliable. In some future version of Python, list comprehensions will also hide the induction variable from the surrounding code (and, in Py2.4, warnings will be issued for code accessing the induction variable).For example: x = "hello" y = list(x for x in "abc") print x # prints "hello", not "c" List comprehensions will remain unchanged. For example:[x for x in S] # This is a list comprehension. [(x for x in S)] # This is a list containing one generator # expression. Unfortunately, there is currently a slight syntactic difference. The expression: [x for x in 1, 2, 3] is legal, meaning: [x for x in (1, 2, 3)] But generator expressions will not allow the former version: (x for x in 1, 2, 3) is illegal. The former list comprehension syntax will become illegal in Python 3.0, and should be deprecated in Python 2.4 and beyond. List comprehensions also “leak” their loop variable into the surrounding scope. This will also change in Python 3.0, so that the semantic definition of a list comprehension in Python 3.0 will be equivalent to list(<generator expression>). Python 2.4 and beyond should issue a deprecation warning if a list comprehension’s loop variable has the same name as a variable used in the immediately surrounding scope. Early Binding versus Late Binding After much discussion, it was decided that the first (outermost) for-expression should be evaluated immediately and that the remaining expressions be evaluated when the generator is executed. Asked to summarize the reasoning for binding the first expression, Guido offered [1]: Consider sum(x for x in foo()). Now suppose there's a bug in foo() that raises an exception, and a bug in sum() that raises an exception before it starts iterating over its argument. Which exception would you expect to see? I'd be surprised if the one in sum() was raised rather the one in foo(), since the call to foo() is part of the argument to sum(), and I expect arguments to be processed before the function is called. OTOH, in sum(bar(x) for x in foo()), where sum() and foo() are bugfree, but bar() raises an exception, we have no choice but to delay the call to bar() until sum() starts iterating -- that's part of the contract of generators. (They do nothing until their next() method is first called.) Various use cases were proposed for binding all free variables when the generator is defined. And some proponents felt that the resulting expressions would be easier to understand and debug if bound immediately. However, Python takes a late binding approach to lambda expressions and has no precedent for automatic, early binding. It was felt that introducing a new paradigm would unnecessarily introduce complexity. After exploring many possibilities, a consensus emerged that binding issues were hard to understand and that users should be strongly encouraged to use generator expressions inside functions that consume their arguments immediately. For more complex applications, full generator definitions are always superior in terms of being obvious about scope, lifetime, and binding [2]. Reduction Functions The utility of generator expressions is greatly enhanced when combined with reduction functions like sum(), min(), and max(). The heapq module in Python 2.4 includes two new reduction functions: nlargest() and nsmallest(). Both work well with generator expressions and keep no more than n items in memory at one time. Acknowledgements Raymond Hettinger first proposed the idea of “generator comprehensions” in January 2002. Peter Norvig resurrected the discussion in his proposal for Accumulation Displays. Alex Martelli provided critical measurements that proved the performance benefits of generator expressions. He also provided strong arguments that they were a desirable thing to have. Phillip Eby suggested “iterator expressions” as the name. Subsequently, Tim Peters suggested the name “generator expressions”. Armin Rigo, Tim Peters, Guido van Rossum, Samuele Pedroni, Hye-Shik Chang and Raymond Hettinger teased out the issues surrounding early versus late binding [1]. Jiwon Seo single-handedly implemented various versions of the proposal including the final version loaded into CVS. Along the way, there were periodic code reviews by Hye-Shik Chang and Raymond Hettinger. Guido van Rossum made the key design decisions after comments from Armin Rigo and newsgroup discussions. Raymond Hettinger provided the test suite, documentation, tutorial, and examples [2]. References [1] (1, 2) Discussion over the relative merits of early versus late binding https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-April/044555.html [2] (1, 2) Patch discussion and alternative patches on Source Forge https://bugs.python.org/issue872326 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 289 – Generator Expressions
Standards Track
This PEP introduces generator expressions as a high performance, memory efficient generalization of list comprehensions PEP 202 and generators PEP 255.
PEP 290 – Code Migration and Modernization Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Active Type: Informational Created: 06-Jun-2002 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Guidelines for New Entries Migration Issues Comparison Operators Not a Shortcut for Producing 0 or 1 Modernization Procedures Python 2.4 or Later Inserting and Popping at the Beginning of Lists Simplifying Custom Sorts Replacing Common Uses of Lambda Simplified Reverse Iteration Python 2.3 or Later Testing String Membership Replace apply() with a Direct Function Call Python 2.2 or Later Testing Dictionary Membership Looping Over Dictionaries stat Methods Reduce Dependency on types Module Avoid Variable Names that Clash with the __builtins__ Module Python 2.1 or Later whrandom Module Deprecated Python 2.0 or Later String Methods startswith and endswith String Methods The atexit Module Python 1.5 or Later Class-Based Exceptions All Python Versions Testing for None Copyright Abstract This PEP is a collection of procedures and ideas for updating Python applications when newer versions of Python are installed. The migration tips highlight possible areas of incompatibility and make suggestions on how to find and resolve those differences. The modernization procedures show how older code can be updated to take advantage of new language features. Rationale This repository of procedures serves as a catalog or checklist of known migration issues and procedures for addressing those issues. Migration issues can arise for several reasons. Some obsolete features are slowly deprecated according to the guidelines in PEP 4. Also, some code relies on undocumented behaviors which are subject to change between versions. Some code may rely on behavior which was subsequently shown to be a bug and that behavior changes when the bug is fixed. Modernization options arise when new versions of Python add features that allow improved clarity or higher performance than previously available. Guidelines for New Entries Developers with commit access may update this PEP directly. Others can send their ideas to a developer for possible inclusion. While a consistent format makes the repository easier to use, feel free to add or subtract sections to improve clarity. Grep patterns may be supplied as tool to help maintainers locate code for possible updates. However, fully automated search/replace style regular expressions are not recommended. Instead, each code fragment should be evaluated individually. The contra-indications section is the most important part of a new entry. It lists known situations where the update SHOULD NOT be applied. Migration Issues Comparison Operators Not a Shortcut for Producing 0 or 1 Prior to Python 2.3, comparison operations returned 0 or 1 rather than True or False. Some code may have used this as a shortcut for producing zero or one in places where their boolean counterparts are not appropriate. For example: def identity(m=1): """Create and m-by-m identity matrix""" return [[i==j for i in range(m)] for j in range(m)] In Python 2.2, a call to identity(2) would produce: [[1, 0], [0, 1]] In Python 2.3, the same call would produce: [[True, False], [False, True]] Since booleans are a subclass of integers, the matrix would continue to calculate normally, but it will not print as expected. The list comprehension should be changed to read: return [[int(i==j) for i in range(m)] for j in range(m)] There are similar concerns when storing data to be used by other applications which may expect a number instead of True or False. Modernization Procedures Procedures are grouped by the Python version required to be able to take advantage of the modernization. Python 2.4 or Later Inserting and Popping at the Beginning of Lists Python’s lists are implemented to perform best with appends and pops on the right. Use of pop(0) or insert(0, x) triggers O(n) data movement for the entire list. To help address this need, Python 2.4 introduces a new container, collections.deque() which has efficient append and pop operations on the both the left and right (the trade-off is much slower getitem/setitem access). The new container is especially helpful for implementing data queues: Pattern: c = list(data) --> c = collections.deque(data) c.pop(0) --> c.popleft() c.insert(0, x) --> c.appendleft() Locating: grep pop(0 or grep insert(0 Simplifying Custom Sorts In Python 2.4, the sort method for lists and the new sorted built-in function both accept a key function for computing sort keys. Unlike the cmp function which gets applied to every comparison, the key function gets applied only once to each record. It is much faster than cmp and typically more readable while using less code. The key function also maintains the stability of the sort (records with the same key are left in their original order. Original code using a comparison function: names.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(x.lower(), y.lower())) Alternative original code with explicit decoration: tempnames = [(n.lower(), n) for n in names] tempnames.sort() names = [original for decorated, original in tempnames] Revised code using a key function: names.sort(key=str.lower) # case-insensitive sort Locating: grep sort *.py Replacing Common Uses of Lambda In Python 2.4, the operator module gained two new functions, itemgetter() and attrgetter() that can replace common uses of the lambda keyword. The new functions run faster and are considered by some to improve readability. Pattern: lambda r: r[2] --> itemgetter(2) lambda r: r.myattr --> attrgetter('myattr') Typical contexts: sort(studentrecords, key=attrgetter('gpa')) # set a sort field map(attrgetter('lastname'), studentrecords) # extract a field Locating: grep lambda *.py Simplified Reverse Iteration Python 2.4 introduced the reversed builtin function for reverse iteration. The existing approaches to reverse iteration suffered from wordiness, performance issues (speed and memory consumption), and/or lack of clarity. A preferred style is to express the sequence in a forwards direction, apply reversed to the result, and then loop over the resulting fast, memory friendly iterator. Original code expressed with half-open intervals: for i in range(n-1, -1, -1): print seqn[i] Alternative original code reversed in multiple steps: rseqn = list(seqn) rseqn.reverse() for value in rseqn: print value Alternative original code expressed with extending slicing: for value in seqn[::-1]: print value Revised code using the reversed function: for value in reversed(seqn): print value Python 2.3 or Later Testing String Membership In Python 2.3, for string2 in string1, the length restriction on string2 is lifted; it can now be a string of any length. When searching for a substring, where you don’t care about the position of the substring in the original string, using the in operator makes the meaning clear. Pattern: string1.find(string2) >= 0 --> string2 in string1 string1.find(string2) != -1 --> string2 in string1 Replace apply() with a Direct Function Call In Python 2.3, apply() was marked for Pending Deprecation because it was made obsolete by Python 1.6’s introduction of * and ** in function calls. Using a direct function call was always a little faster than apply() because it saved the lookup for the builtin. Now, apply() is even slower due to its use of the warnings module. Pattern: apply(f, args, kwds) --> f(*args, **kwds) Note: The Pending Deprecation was removed from apply() in Python 2.3.3 since it creates pain for people who need to maintain code that works with Python versions as far back as 1.5.2, where there was no alternative to apply(). The function remains deprecated, however. Python 2.2 or Later Testing Dictionary Membership For testing dictionary membership, use the ‘in’ keyword instead of the ‘has_key()’ method. The result is shorter and more readable. The style becomes consistent with tests for membership in lists. The result is slightly faster because has_key requires an attribute search and uses a relatively expensive function call. Pattern: if d.has_key(k): --> if k in d: Contra-indications: Some dictionary-like objects may not define a __contains__() method:if dictlike.has_key(k) Locating: grep has_key Looping Over Dictionaries Use the new iter methods for looping over dictionaries. The iter methods are faster because they do not have to create a new list object with a complete copy of all of the keys, values, or items. Selecting only keys, values, or items (key/value pairs) as needed saves the time for creating throwaway object references and, in the case of items, saves a second hash look-up of the key. Pattern: for key in d.keys(): --> for key in d: for value in d.values(): --> for value in d.itervalues(): for key, value in d.items(): --> for key, value in d.iteritems(): Contra-indications: If you need a list, do not change the return type:def getids(): return d.keys() Some dictionary-like objects may not define iter methods:for k in dictlike.keys(): Iterators do not support slicing, sorting or other operations:k = d.keys(); j = k[:] Dictionary iterators prohibit modifying the dictionary:for k in d.keys(): del[k] stat Methods Replace stat constants or indices with new os.stat attributes and methods. The os.stat attributes and methods are not order-dependent and do not require an import of the stat module. Pattern: os.stat("foo")[stat.ST_MTIME] --> os.stat("foo").st_mtime os.stat("foo")[stat.ST_MTIME] --> os.path.getmtime("foo") Locating: grep os.stat or grep stat.S Reduce Dependency on types Module The types module is likely to be deprecated in the future. Use built-in constructor functions instead. They may be slightly faster. Pattern: isinstance(v, types.IntType) --> isinstance(v, int) isinstance(s, types.StringTypes) --> isinstance(s, basestring) Full use of this technique requires Python 2.3 or later (basestring was introduced in Python 2.3), but Python 2.2 is sufficient for most uses. Locating: grep types *.py | grep import Avoid Variable Names that Clash with the __builtins__ Module In Python 2.2, new built-in types were added for dict and file. Scripts should avoid assigning variable names that mask those types. The same advice also applies to existing builtins like list. Pattern: file = open('myfile.txt') --> f = open('myfile.txt') dict = obj.__dict__ --> d = obj.__dict__ Locating: grep 'file ' *.py Python 2.1 or Later whrandom Module Deprecated All random-related methods have been collected in one place, the random module. Pattern: import whrandom --> import random Locating: grep whrandom Python 2.0 or Later String Methods The string module is likely to be deprecated in the future. Use string methods instead. They’re faster too. Pattern: import string ; string.method(s, ...) --> s.method(...) c in string.whitespace --> c.isspace() Locating: grep string *.py | grep import startswith and endswith String Methods Use these string methods instead of slicing. No slice has to be created and there’s no risk of miscounting. Pattern: "foobar"[:3] == "foo" --> "foobar".startswith("foo") "foobar"[-3:] == "bar" --> "foobar".endswith("bar") The atexit Module The atexit module supports multiple functions to be executed upon program termination. Also, it supports parameterized functions. Unfortunately, its implementation conflicts with the sys.exitfunc attribute which only supports a single exit function. Code relying on sys.exitfunc may interfere with other modules (including library modules) that elect to use the newer and more versatile atexit module. Pattern: sys.exitfunc = myfunc --> atexit.register(myfunc) Python 1.5 or Later Class-Based Exceptions String exceptions are deprecated, so derive from the Exception base class. Unlike the obsolete string exceptions, class exceptions all derive from another exception or the Exception base class. This allows meaningful groupings of exceptions. It also allows an “except Exception” clause to catch all exceptions. Pattern: NewError = 'NewError' --> class NewError(Exception): pass Locating: Use PyChecker. All Python Versions Testing for None Since there is only one None object, equality can be tested with identity. Identity tests are slightly faster than equality tests. Also, some object types may overload comparison, so equality testing may be much slower. Pattern: if v == None --> if v is None: if v != None --> if v is not None: Locating: grep '== None' or grep '!= None' Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 290 – Code Migration and Modernization
This PEP is a collection of procedures and ideas for updating Python applications when newer versions of Python are installed.
PEP 291 – Backward Compatibility for the Python 2 Standard Library Author: Neal Norwitz <nnorwitz at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Informational Created: 06-Jun-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Features to Avoid Backward Compatible Packages, Modules, and Tools Notes Copyright Abstract This PEP describes the packages and modules in the Python 2 standard library which should remain backward compatible with previous versions of Python. If a package is not listed here, then it need only remain compatible with the version of Python it is distributed with. This PEP has no bearing on the Python 3 standard library. Rationale Authors have various reasons why packages and modules should continue to work with previous versions of Python. In order to maintain backward compatibility for these modules while moving the rest of the standard library forward, it is necessary to know which modules can be modified and which should use old and possibly deprecated features. Generally, authors should attempt to keep changes backward compatible with the previous released version of Python in order to make bug fixes easier to backport. In addition to a package or module being listed in this PEP, authors must add a comment at the top of each file documenting the compatibility requirement. When a major version of Python is released, a Subversion branch is created for continued maintenance and bug fix releases. A package version on a branch may have a different compatibility requirement than the same package on the trunk (i.e. current bleeding-edge development). Where appropriate, these branch compatibilities are listed below. Features to Avoid The following list contains common features to avoid in order to maintain backward compatibility with each version of Python. This list is not complete! It is only meant as a general guide. Note that the features below were implemented in the version following the one listed. For example, features listed next to 1.5.2 were implemented in 2.0. Version Features to Avoid 1.5.2 string methods, Unicode, list comprehensions, augmented assignment (eg, +=), zip(), import x as y, dict.setdefault(), print >> f, calling f(*args, **kw), plus all features below 2.0 nested scopes, rich comparisons, function attributes, plus all features below 2.1 use of object or new-style classes, iterators, using generators, nested scopes, or // without from __future__ import … statement, isinstance(X, TYP) where TYP is a tuple of types, plus all features below 2.2 bool, True, False, basestring, enumerate(), {}.pop(), PendingDeprecationWarning, Universal Newlines, plus all features below plus all features below 2.3 generator expressions, multi-line imports, decorators, int/long unification, set/frozenset, reversed(), sorted(), “”.rsplit(), plus all features below 2.4 with statement, conditional expressions, combined try/except/finally, relative imports, yield expressions or generator.throw/send/close(), plus all features below 2.5 with statement without from __future__ import, io module, str.format(), except as, bytes, b’’ literals, property.setter/deleter Backward Compatible Packages, Modules, and Tools Package/Module Maintainer(s) Python Version Notes 2to3 Benjamin Peterson 2.5 bsddb Greg Smith Barry Warsaw 2.1 compiler Jeremy Hylton 2.1 decimal Raymond Hettinger 2.3 [2] distutils Tarek Ziade 2.3 email Barry Warsaw 2.1 / 2.3 [1] pkgutil Phillip Eby 2.3 platform Marc-Andre Lemburg 1.5.2 pybench Marc-Andre Lemburg 1.5.2 [3] sre Fredrik Lundh 2.1 subprocess Peter Astrand 2.2 wsgiref Phillip J. Eby 2.1 xml (PyXML) Martin v. Loewis 2.0 xmlrpclib Fredrik Lundh 2.1 Tool Maintainer(s) Python Version None Notes The email package version 2 was distributed with Python up to Python 2.3, and this must remain Python 2.1 compatible. email package version 3 will be distributed with Python 2.4 and will need to remain compatible only with Python 2.3. Specification updates will be treated as bugfixes and backported. Python 2.3 compatibility will be kept for at least Python 2.4. The decision will be revisited for Python 2.5 and not changed unless compelling advantages arise. pybench lives under the Tools/ directory. Compatibility with older Python versions is needed in order to be able to compare performance between Python versions. New features may still be used in new tests, which may then be configured to fail gracefully on import by the tool in older Python versions. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 291 – Backward Compatibility for the Python 2 Standard Library
This PEP describes the packages and modules in the Python 2 standard library which should remain backward compatible with previous versions of Python. If a package is not listed here, then it need only remain compatible with the version of Python it is distributed with.
PEP 292 – Simpler String Substitutions Author: Barry Warsaw <barry at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Jun-2002 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 18-Jun-2002, 23-Mar-2004, 22-Aug-2004 Replaces: 215 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale A Simpler Proposal Why $ and Braces? Comparison to PEP 215 Internationalization Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a simpler string substitution feature, also known as string interpolation. This PEP is “simpler” in two respects: Python’s current string substitution feature (i.e. %-substitution) is complicated and error prone. This PEP is simpler at the cost of some expressiveness. PEP 215 proposed an alternative string interpolation feature, introducing a new $ string prefix. PEP 292 is simpler than this because it involves no syntax changes and has much simpler rules for what substitutions can occur in the string. Rationale Python currently supports a string substitution syntax based on C’s printf() ‘%’ formatting character [1]. While quite rich, %-formatting codes are also error prone, even for experienced Python programmers. A common mistake is to leave off the trailing format character, e.g. the ‘s’ in "%(name)s". In addition, the rules for what can follow a % sign are fairly complex, while the usual application rarely needs such complexity. Most scripts need to do some string interpolation, but most of those use simple ‘stringification’ formats, i.e. %s or %(name)s This form should be made simpler and less error prone. A Simpler Proposal We propose the addition of a new class, called Template, which will live in the string module. The Template class supports new rules for string substitution; its value contains placeholders, introduced with the $ character. The following rules for $-placeholders apply: $$ is an escape; it is replaced with a single $ $identifier names a substitution placeholder matching a mapping key of “identifier”. By default, “identifier” must spell a Python identifier as defined in [2]. The first non-identifier character after the $ character terminates this placeholder specification. ${identifier} is equivalent to $identifier. It is required when valid identifier characters follow the placeholder but are not part of the placeholder, e.g. "${noun}ification". If the $ character appears at the end of the line, or is followed by any other character than those described above, a ValueError will be raised at interpolation time. Values in mapping are converted automatically to strings. No other characters have special meaning, however it is possible to derive from the Template class to define different substitution rules. For example, a derived class could allow for periods in the placeholder (e.g. to support a kind of dynamic namespace and attribute path lookup), or could define a delimiter character other than $. Once the Template has been created, substitutions can be performed by calling one of two methods: substitute(). This method returns a new string which results when the values of a mapping are substituted for the placeholders in the Template. If there are placeholders which are not present in the mapping, a KeyError will be raised. safe_substitute(). This is similar to the substitute() method, except that KeyErrors are never raised (due to placeholders missing from the mapping). When a placeholder is missing, the original placeholder will appear in the resulting string.Here are some examples: >>> from string import Template >>> s = Template('${name} was born in ${country}') >>> print s.substitute(name='Guido', country='the Netherlands') Guido was born in the Netherlands >>> print s.substitute(name='Guido') Traceback (most recent call last): [...] KeyError: 'country' >>> print s.safe_substitute(name='Guido') Guido was born in ${country} The signature of substitute() and safe_substitute() allows for passing the mapping of placeholders to values, either as a single dictionary-like object in the first positional argument, or as keyword arguments as shown above. The exact details and signatures of these two methods is reserved for the standard library documentation. Why $ and Braces? The BDFL said it best [3]: “The $ means “substitution” in so many languages besides Perl that I wonder where you’ve been. […] We’re copying this from the shell.” Thus the substitution rules are chosen because of the similarity with so many other languages. This makes the substitution rules easier to teach, learn, and remember. Comparison to PEP 215 PEP 215 describes an alternate proposal for string interpolation. Unlike that PEP, this one does not propose any new syntax for Python. All the proposed new features are embodied in a new library module. PEP 215 proposes a new string prefix representation such as $"" which signal to Python that a new type of string is present. $-strings would have to interact with the existing r-prefixes and u-prefixes, essentially doubling the number of string prefix combinations. PEP 215 also allows for arbitrary Python expressions inside the $-strings, so that you could do things like: import sys print $"sys = $sys, sys = $sys.modules['sys']" which would return: sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)>, sys = <module 'sys' (built-in)> It’s generally accepted that the rules in PEP 215 are safe in the sense that they introduce no new security issues (see PEP 215, “Security Issues” for details). However, the rules are still quite complex, and make it more difficult to see the substitution placeholder in the original $-string. The interesting thing is that the Template class defined in this PEP is designed for inheritance and, with a little extra work, it’s possible to support PEP 215’s functionality using existing Python syntax. For example, one could define subclasses of Template and dict that allowed for a more complex placeholder syntax and a mapping that evaluated those placeholders. Internationalization The implementation supports internationalization by recording the original template string in the Template instance’s template attribute. This attribute would serve as the lookup key in an gettext-based catalog. It is up to the application to turn the resulting string back into a Template for substitution. However, the Template class was designed to work more intuitively in an internationalized application, by supporting the mixing-in of Template and unicode subclasses. Thus an internationalized application could create an application-specific subclass, multiply inheriting from Template and unicode, and using instances of that subclass as the gettext catalog key. Further, the subclass could alias the special __mod__() method to either .substitute() or .safe_substitute() to provide a more traditional string/unicode like %-operator substitution syntax. Reference Implementation The implementation [4] has been committed to the Python 2.4 source tree. References [1] String Formatting Operations https://docs.python.org/release/2.6/library/stdtypes.html#string-formatting-operations [2] Identifiers and Keywords https://docs.python.org/release/2.6/reference/lexical_analysis.html#identifiers-and-keywords [3] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-June/025652.html [4] Reference Implementation http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=1014055&group_id=5470&atid=305470 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 292 – Simpler String Substitutions
Standards Track
This PEP describes a simpler string substitution feature, also known as string interpolation. This PEP is “simpler” in two respects:
PEP 293 – Codec Error Handling Callbacks Author: Walter Dörwald <walter at livinglogic.de> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Jun-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 19-Jun-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Specification Rationale Implementation Notes Backwards Compatibility References Copyright Abstract This PEP aims at extending Python’s fixed codec error handling schemes with a more flexible callback based approach. Python currently uses a fixed error handling for codec error handlers. This PEP describes a mechanism which allows Python to use function callbacks as error handlers. With these more flexible error handlers it is possible to add new functionality to existing codecs by e.g. providing fallback solutions or different encodings for cases where the standard codec mapping does not apply. Specification Currently the set of codec error handling algorithms is fixed to either “strict”, “replace” or “ignore” and the semantics of these algorithms is implemented separately for each codec. The proposed patch will make the set of error handling algorithms extensible through a codec error handler registry which maps handler names to handler functions. This registry consists of the following two C functions: int PyCodec_RegisterError(const char *name, PyObject *error) PyObject *PyCodec_LookupError(const char *name) and their Python counterparts: codecs.register_error(name, error) codecs.lookup_error(name) PyCodec_LookupError raises a LookupError if no callback function has been registered under this name. Similar to the encoding name registry there is no way of unregistering callback functions or iterating through the available functions. The callback functions will be used in the following way by the codecs: when the codec encounters an encoding/decoding error, the callback function is looked up by name, the information about the error is stored in an exception object and the callback is called with this object. The callback returns information about how to proceed (or raises an exception). For encoding, the exception object will look like this: class UnicodeEncodeError(UnicodeError): def __init__(self, encoding, object, start, end, reason): UnicodeError.__init__(self, "encoding '%s' can't encode characters " + "in positions %d-%d: %s" % (encoding, start, end-1, reason)) self.encoding = encoding self.object = object self.start = start self.end = end self.reason = reason This type will be implemented in C with the appropriate setter and getter methods for the attributes, which have the following meaning: encoding: The name of the encoding; object: The original unicode object for which encode() has been called; start: The position of the first unencodable character; end: (The position of the last unencodable character)+1 (or the length of object, if all characters from start to the end of object are unencodable); reason: The reason why object[start:end] couldn’t be encoded. If object has consecutive unencodable characters, the encoder should collect those characters for one call to the callback if those characters can’t be encoded for the same reason. The encoder is not required to implement this behaviour but may call the callback for every single character, but it is strongly suggested that the collecting method is implemented. The callback must not modify the exception object. If the callback does not raise an exception (either the one passed in, or a different one), it must return a tuple: (replacement, newpos) replacement is a unicode object that the encoder will encode and emit instead of the unencodable object[start:end] part, newpos specifies a new position within object, where (after encoding the replacement) the encoder will continue encoding. Negative values for newpos are treated as being relative to end of object. If newpos is out of bounds the encoder will raise an IndexError. If the replacement string itself contains an unencodable character the encoder raises the exception object (but may set a different reason string before raising). Should further encoding errors occur, the encoder is allowed to reuse the exception object for the next call to the callback. Furthermore, the encoder is allowed to cache the result of codecs.lookup_error. If the callback does not know how to handle the exception, it must raise a TypeError. Decoding works similar to encoding with the following differences: The exception class is named UnicodeDecodeError and the attribute object is the original 8bit string that the decoder is currently decoding. The decoder will call the callback with those bytes that constitute one undecodable sequence, even if there is more than one undecodable sequence that is undecodable for the same reason directly after the first one. E.g. for the “unicode-escape” encoding, when decoding the illegal string \\u00\\u01x, the callback will be called twice (once for \\u00 and once for \\u01). This is done to be able to generate the correct number of replacement characters. The replacement returned from the callback is a unicode object that will be emitted by the decoder as-is without further processing instead of the undecodable object[start:end] part. There is a third API that uses the old strict/ignore/replace error handling scheme: PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap/unicode.translate The proposed patch will enhance PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap, so that it also supports the callback registry. This has the additional side effect that PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap will support multi-character replacement strings (see SF feature request #403100 [1]). For PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap the exception class will be named UnicodeTranslateError. PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap will collect all consecutive untranslatable characters (i.e. those that map to None) and call the callback with them. The replacement returned from the callback is a unicode object that will be put in the translated result as-is, without further processing. All encoders and decoders are allowed to implement the callback functionality themselves, if they recognize the callback name (i.e. if it is a system callback like “strict”, “replace” and “ignore”). The proposed patch will add two additional system callback names: “backslashreplace” and “xmlcharrefreplace”, which can be used for encoding and translating and which will also be implemented in-place for all encoders and PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap. The Python equivalent of these five callbacks will look like this: def strict(exc): raise exc def ignore(exc): if isinstance(exc, UnicodeError): return (u"", exc.end) else: raise TypeError("can't handle %s" % exc.__name__) def replace(exc): if isinstance(exc, UnicodeEncodeError): return ((exc.end-exc.start)*u"?", exc.end) elif isinstance(exc, UnicodeDecodeError): return (u"\\ufffd", exc.end) elif isinstance(exc, UnicodeTranslateError): return ((exc.end-exc.start)*u"\\ufffd", exc.end) else: raise TypeError("can't handle %s" % exc.__name__) def backslashreplace(exc): if isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)): s = u"" for c in exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]: if ord(c)<=0xff: s += u"\\x%02x" % ord(c) elif ord(c)<=0xffff: s += u"\\u%04x" % ord(c) else: s += u"\\U%08x" % ord(c) return (s, exc.end) else: raise TypeError("can't handle %s" % exc.__name__) def xmlcharrefreplace(exc): if isinstance(exc, (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeTranslateError)): s = u"" for c in exc.object[exc.start:exc.end]: s += u"&#%d;" % ord(c) return (s, exc.end) else: raise TypeError("can't handle %s" % exc.__name__) These five callback handlers will also be accessible to Python as codecs.strict_error, codecs.ignore_error, codecs.replace_error, codecs.backslashreplace_error and codecs.xmlcharrefreplace_error. Rationale Most legacy encoding do not support the full range of Unicode characters. For these cases many high level protocols support a way of escaping a Unicode character (e.g. Python itself supports the \x, \u and \U convention, XML supports character references via &#xxx; etc.). When implementing such an encoding algorithm, a problem with the current implementation of the encode method of Unicode objects becomes apparent: For determining which characters are unencodable by a certain encoding, every single character has to be tried, because encode does not provide any information about the location of the error(s), so # (1) us = u"xxx" s = us.encode(encoding) has to be replaced by # (2) us = u"xxx" v = [] for c in us: try: v.append(c.encode(encoding)) except UnicodeError: v.append("&#%d;" % ord(c)) s = "".join(v) This slows down encoding dramatically as now the loop through the string is done in Python code and no longer in C code. Furthermore, this solution poses problems with stateful encodings. For example, UTF-16 uses a Byte Order Mark at the start of the encoded byte string to specify the byte order. Using (2) with UTF-16, results in an 8 bit string with a BOM between every character. To work around this problem, a stream writer - which keeps state between calls to the encoding function - has to be used: # (3) us = u"xxx" import codecs, cStringIO as StringIO writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding) v = StringIO.StringIO() uv = writer(v) for c in us: try: uv.write(c) except UnicodeError: uv.write(u"&#%d;" % ord(c)) s = v.getvalue() To compare the speed of (1) and (3) the following test script has been used: # (4) import time us = u"äa"*1000000 encoding = "ascii" import codecs, cStringIO as StringIO t1 = time.time() s1 = us.encode(encoding, "replace") t2 = time.time() writer = codecs.getwriter(encoding) v = StringIO.StringIO() uv = writer(v) for c in us: try: uv.write(c) except UnicodeError: uv.write(u"?") s2 = v.getvalue() t3 = time.time() assert(s1==s2) print "1:", t2-t1 print "2:", t3-t2 print "factor:", (t3-t2)/(t2-t1) On Linux this gives the following output (with Python 2.3a0): 1: 0.274321913719 2: 51.1284689903 factor: 186.381278466 i.e. (3) is 180 times slower than (1). Callbacks must be stateless, because as soon as a callback is registered it is available globally and can be called by multiple encode() calls. To be able to use stateful callbacks, the errors parameter for encode/decode/translate would have to be changed from char * to PyObject *, so that the callback could be used directly, without the need to register the callback globally. As this requires changes to lots of C prototypes, this approach was rejected. Currently all encoding/decoding functions have arguments const Py_UNICODE *p, int size or const char *p, int size to specify the unicode characters/8bit characters to be encoded/decoded. So in case of an error the codec has to create a new unicode or str object from these parameters and store it in the exception object. The callers of these encoding/decoding functions extract these parameters from str/unicode objects themselves most of the time, so it could speed up error handling if these object were passed directly. As this again requires changes to many C functions, this approach has been rejected. For stream readers/writers the errors attribute must be changeable to be able to switch between different error handling methods during the lifetime of the stream reader/writer. This is currently the case for codecs.StreamReader and codecs.StreamWriter and all their subclasses. All core codecs and probably most of the third party codecs (e.g. JapaneseCodecs) derive their stream readers/writers from these classes so this already works, but the attribute errors should be documented as a requirement. Implementation Notes A sample implementation is available as SourceForge patch #432401 [2] including a script for testing the speed of various string/encoding/error combinations and a test script. Currently the new exception classes are old style Python classes. This means that accessing attributes results in a dict lookup. The C API is implemented in a way that makes it possible to switch to new style classes behind the scene, if Exception (and UnicodeError) will be changed to new style classes implemented in C for improved performance. The class codecs.StreamReaderWriter uses the errors parameter for both reading and writing. To be more flexible this should probably be changed to two separate parameters for reading and writing. The errors parameter of PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap is not availably to Python, which makes testing of the new functionality of PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap impossible with Python scripts. The patch should add an optional argument errors to unicode.translate to expose the functionality and make testing possible. Codecs that do something different than encoding/decoding from/to unicode and want to use the new machinery can define their own exception classes and the strict handlers will automatically work with it. The other predefined error handlers are unicode specific and expect to get a Unicode(Encode|Decode|Translate)Error exception object so they won’t work. Backwards Compatibility The semantics of unicode.encode with errors=”replace” has changed: The old version always stored a ? character in the output string even if no character was mapped to ? in the mapping. With the proposed patch, the replacement string from the callback will again be looked up in the mapping dictionary. But as all supported encodings are ASCII based, and thus map ? to ?, this should not be a problem in practice. Illegal values for the errors argument raised ValueError before, now they will raise LookupError. References [1] SF feature request #403100 “Multicharacter replacements in PyUnicode_TranslateCharmap” https://bugs.python.org/issue403100 [2] SF patch #432401 “unicode encoding error callbacks” https://bugs.python.org/issue432401 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 293 – Codec Error Handling Callbacks
Standards Track
This PEP aims at extending Python’s fixed codec error handling schemes with a more flexible callback based approach.
PEP 294 – Type Names in the types Module Author: Oren Tirosh <oren at hishome.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Jun-2002 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Rationale Specification Backward compatibility Reference Implementation Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes that symbols matching the type name should be added to the types module for all basic Python types in the types module: types.IntegerType -> types.int types.FunctionType -> types.function types.TracebackType -> types.traceback ... The long capitalized names currently in the types module will be deprecated. With this change the types module can serve as a replacement for the new module. The new module shall be deprecated and listed in PEP 4. Pronouncement A centralized repository of type names was a mistake. Neither the “types” nor “new” modules should be carried forward to Python 3.0. In the meantime, it does not make sense to make the proposed updates to the modules. This would cause disruption without any compensating benefit. Instead, the problem that some internal types (frames, functions, etc.) don’t live anywhere outside those modules may be addressed by either adding them to __builtin__ or sys. This will provide a smoother transition to Python 3.0. Rationale Using two sets of names for the same objects is redundant and confusing. In Python versions prior to 2.2 the symbols matching many type names were taken by the factory functions for those types. Now all basic types have been unified with their factory functions and therefore the type names are available to be consistently used to refer to the type object. Most types are accessible as either builtins or in the new module but some types such as traceback and generator are only accessible through the types module under names which do not match the type name. This PEP provides a uniform way to access all basic types under a single set of names. Specification The types module shall pass the following test: import types for t in vars(types).values(): if type(t) is type: assert getattr(types, t.__name__) is t The types ‘class’, ‘instance method’ and ‘dict-proxy’ have already been renamed to the valid Python identifiers ‘classobj’, ‘instancemethod’ and ‘dictproxy’, making this possible. Backward compatibility Because of their widespread use it is not planned to actually remove the long names from the types module in some future version. However, the long names should be changed in documentation and library sources to discourage their use in new code. Reference Implementation A reference implementation is available in issue #569328. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 294 – Type Names in the types Module
Standards Track
This PEP proposes that symbols matching the type name should be added to the types module for all basic Python types in the types module:
PEP 295 – Interpretation of multiline string constants Author: Stepan Koltsov <yozh at mx1.ru> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 22-Jul-2002 Python-Version: 3.0 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Implementation Alternatives Copyright Abstract This PEP describes an interpretation of multiline string constants for Python. It suggests stripping spaces after newlines and stripping a newline if it is first character after an opening quotation. Rationale This PEP proposes an interpretation of multiline string constants in Python. Currently, the value of string constant is all the text between quotations, maybe with escape sequences substituted, e.g.: def f(): """ la-la-la limona, banana """ def g(): return "This is \ string" print repr(f.__doc__) print repr(g()) prints: '\n\tla-la-la\n\tlimona, banana\n\t' 'This is \tstring' This PEP suggest two things: ignore the first character after opening quotation, if it is newline ignore in string constants all spaces and tabs up to first non-whitespace character, but no more than current indentation. After applying this, previous program will print: 'la-la-la\nlimona, banana\n' 'This is string' To get this result, previous programs could be rewritten for current Python as (note, this gives the same result with new strings meaning): def f(): """\ la-la-la limona, banana """ def g(): "This is \ string" Or stripping can be done with library routines at runtime (as pydoc does), but this decreases program readability. Implementation I’ll say nothing about CPython, Jython or Python.NET. In original Python, there is no info about the current indentation (in spaces) at compile time, so space and tab stripping should be done at parse time. Currently no flags can be passed to the parser in program text (like from __future__ import xxx). I suggest enabling or disabling of this feature at Python compile time depending of CPP flag Py_PARSE_MULTILINE_STRINGS. Alternatives New interpretation of string constants can be implemented with flags ‘i’ and ‘o’ to string constants, like: i""" SELECT * FROM car WHERE model = 'i525' """ is in new style, o"""SELECT * FROM employee WHERE birth < 1982 """ is in old style, and """ SELECT employee.name, car.name, car.price FROM employee, car WHERE employee.salary * 36 > car.price """ is in new style after Python-x.y.z and in old style otherwise. Also this feature can be disabled if string is raw, i.e. if flag ‘r’ specified. Copyright This document has been placed in the Public Domain.
PEP 295 – Interpretation of multiline string constants
Standards Track
This PEP describes an interpretation of multiline string constants for Python. It suggests stripping spaces after newlines and stripping a newline if it is first character after an opening quotation.
PEP 296 – Adding a bytes Object Type Author: Scott Gilbert <xscottg at yahoo.com> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Jul-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Notice Abstract Rationale Specification Contrast to existing types Backward Compatibility Reference Implementation Additional Notes/Comments References Copyright Notice This PEP is withdrawn by the author (in favor of PEP 358). Abstract This PEP proposes the creation of a new standard type and builtin constructor called ‘bytes’. The bytes object is an efficiently stored array of bytes with some additional characteristics that set it apart from several implementations that are similar. Rationale Python currently has many objects that implement something akin to the bytes object of this proposal. For instance the standard string, buffer, array, and mmap objects are all very similar in some regards to the bytes object. Additionally, several significant third party extensions have created similar objects to try and fill similar needs. Frustratingly, each of these objects is too narrow in scope and is missing critical features to make it applicable to a wider category of problems. Specification The bytes object has the following important characteristics: Efficient underlying array storage via the standard C type “unsigned char”. This allows fine grain control over how much memory is allocated. With the alignment restrictions designated in the next item, it is trivial for low level extensions to cast the pointer to a different type as needed.Also, since the object is implemented as an array of bytes, it is possible to pass the bytes object to the extensive library of routines already in the standard library that presently work with strings. For instance, the bytes object in conjunction with the struct module could be used to provide a complete replacement for the array module using only Python script. If an unusual platform comes to light, one where there isn’t a native unsigned 8 bit type, the object will do its best to represent itself at the Python script level as though it were an array of 8 bit unsigned values. It is doubtful whether many extensions would handle this correctly, but Python script could be portable in these cases. Alignment of the allocated byte array is whatever is promised by the platform implementation of malloc. A bytes object created from an extension can be supplied that provides any arbitrary alignment as the extension author sees fit.This alignment restriction should allow the bytes object to be used as storage for all standard C types - including PyComplex objects or other structs of standard C type types. Further alignment restrictions can be provided by extensions as necessary. The bytes object implements a subset of the sequence operations provided by string/array objects, but with slightly different semantics in some cases. In particular, a slice always returns a new bytes object, but the underlying memory is shared between the two objects. This type of slice behavior has been called creating a “view”. Additionally, repetition and concatenation are undefined for bytes objects and will raise an exception.As these objects are likely to find use in high performance applications, one motivation for the decision to use view slicing is that copying between bytes objects should be very efficient and not require the creation of temporary objects. The following code illustrates this: # create two 10 Meg bytes objects b1 = bytes(10000000) b2 = bytes(10000000) # copy from part of one to another with out creating a 1 Meg temporary b1[2000000:3000000] = b2[4000000:5000000] Slice assignment where the rvalue is not the same length as the lvalue will raise an exception. However, slice assignment will work correctly with overlapping slices (typically implemented with memmove). The bytes object will be recognized as a native type by the pickle and cPickle modules for efficient serialization. (In truth, this is the only requirement that can’t be implemented via a third party extension.)Partial solutions to address the need to serialize the data stored in a bytes-like object without creating a temporary copy of the data into a string have been implemented in the past. The tofile and fromfile methods of the array object are good examples of this. The bytes object will support these methods too. However, pickling is useful in other situations - such as in the shelve module, or implementing RPC of Python objects, and requiring the end user to use two different serialization mechanisms to get an efficient transfer of data is undesirable. XXX: Will try to implement pickling of the new bytes object in such a way that previous versions of Python will unpickle it as a string object. When unpickling, the bytes object will be created from memory allocated from Python (via malloc). As such, it will lose any additional properties that an extension supplied pointer might have provided (special alignment, or special types of memory). XXX: Will try to make it so that C subclasses of bytes type can supply the memory that will be unpickled into. For instance, a derived class called PageAlignedBytes would unpickle to memory that is also page aligned. On any platform where an int is 32 bits (most of them), it is currently impossible to create a string with a length larger than can be represented in 31 bits. As such, pickling to a string will raise an exception when the operation is not possible. At least on platforms supporting large files (many of them), pickling large bytes objects to files should be possible via repeated calls to the file.write() method. The bytes type supports the PyBufferProcs interface, but a bytes object provides the additional guarantee that the pointer will not be deallocated or reallocated as long as a reference to the bytes object is held. This implies that a bytes object is not resizable once it is created, but allows the global interpreter lock (GIL) to be released while a separate thread manipulates the memory pointed to if the PyBytes_Check(...) test passes.This characteristic of the bytes object allows it to be used in situations such as asynchronous file I/O or on multiprocessor machines where the pointer obtained by PyBufferProcs will be used independently of the global interpreter lock. Knowing that the pointer can not be reallocated or freed after the GIL is released gives extension authors the capability to get true concurrency and make use of additional processors for long running computations on the pointer. In C/C++ extensions, the bytes object can be created from a supplied pointer and destructor function to free the memory when the reference count goes to zero.The special implementation of slicing for the bytes object allows multiple bytes objects to refer to the same pointer/destructor. As such, a refcount will be kept on the actual pointer/destructor. This refcount is separate from the refcount typically associated with Python objects. XXX: It may be desirable to expose the inner refcounted object as an actual Python object. If a good use case arises, it should be possible for this to be implemented later with no loss to backwards compatibility. It is also possible to signify the bytes object as readonly, in this case it isn’t actually mutable, but does provide the other features of a bytes object. The bytes object keeps track of the length of its data with a Python LONG_LONG type. Even though the current definition for PyBufferProcs restricts the length to be the size of an int, this PEP does not propose to make any changes there. Instead, extensions can work around this limit by making an explicit PyBytes_Check(...) call, and if that succeeds they can make a PyBytes_GetReadBuffer(...) or PyBytes_GetWriteBuffer call to get the pointer and full length of the object as a LONG_LONG.The bytes object will raise an exception if the standard PyBufferProcs mechanism is used and the size of the bytes object is greater than can be represented by an integer. From Python scripting, the bytes object will be subscriptable with longs so the 32 bit int limit can be avoided. There is still a problem with the len() function as it is PyObject_Size() and this returns an int as well. As a workaround, the bytes object will provide a .length() method that will return a long. The bytes object can be constructed at the Python scripting level by passing an int/long to the bytes constructor with the number of bytes to allocate. For example:b = bytes(100000) # alloc 100K bytes The constructor can also take another bytes object. This will be useful for the implementation of unpickling, and in converting a read-write bytes object into a read-only one. An optional second argument will be used to designate creation of a readonly bytes object. From the C API, the bytes object can be allocated using any of the following signatures:PyObject* PyBytes_FromLength(LONG_LONG len, int readonly); PyObject* PyBytes_FromPointer(void* ptr, LONG_LONG len, int readonly void (*dest)(void *ptr, void *user), void* user); In the PyBytes_FromPointer(...) function, if the dest function pointer is passed in as NULL, it will not be called. This should only be used for creating bytes objects from statically allocated space. The user pointer has been called a closure in other places. It is a pointer that the user can use for whatever purposes. It will be passed to the destructor function on cleanup and can be useful for a number of things. If the user pointer is not needed, NULL should be passed instead. The bytes type will be a new style class as that seems to be where all standard Python types are headed. Contrast to existing types The most common way to work around the lack of a bytes object has been to simply use a string object in its place. Binary files, the struct/array modules, and several other examples exist of this. Putting aside the style issue that these uses typically have nothing to do with text strings, there is the real problem that strings are not mutable, so direct manipulation of the data returned in these cases is not possible. Also, numerous optimizations in the string module (such as caching the hash value or interning the pointers) mean that extension authors are on very thin ice if they try to break the rules with the string object. The buffer object seems like it was intended to address the purpose that the bytes object is trying fulfill, but several shortcomings in its implementation [1] have made it less useful in many common cases. The buffer object made a different choice for its slicing behavior (it returns new strings instead of buffers for slicing and other operations), and it doesn’t make many of the promises on alignment or being able to release the GIL that the bytes object does. Also in regards to the buffer object, it is not possible to simply replace the buffer object with the bytes object and maintain backwards compatibility. The buffer object provides a mechanism to take the PyBufferProcs supplied pointer of another object and present it as its own. Since the behavior of the other object can not be guaranteed to follow the same set of strict rules that a bytes object does, it can’t be used in places that a bytes object could. The array module supports the creation of an array of bytes, but it does not provide a C API for supplying pointers and destructors to extension supplied memory. This makes it unusable for constructing objects out of shared memory, or memory that has special alignment or locking for things like DMA transfers. Also, the array object does not currently pickle. Finally since the array object allows its contents to grow, via the extend method, the pointer can be changed if the GIL is not held while using it. Creating a buffer object from an array object has the same problem of leaving an invalid pointer when the array object is resized. The mmap object caters to its particular niche, but does not attempt to solve a wider class of problems. Finally, any third party extension can not implement pickling without creating a temporary object of a standard Python type. For example, in the Numeric community, it is unpleasant that a large array can’t pickle without creating a large binary string to duplicate the array data. Backward Compatibility The only possibility for backwards compatibility problems that the author is aware of are in previous versions of Python that try to unpickle data containing the new bytes type. Reference Implementation XXX: Actual implementation is in progress, but changes are still possible as this PEP gets further review. The following new files will be added to the Python baseline: Include/bytesobject.h # C interface Objects/bytesobject.c # C implementation Lib/test/test_bytes.py # unit testing Doc/lib/libbytes.tex # documentation The following files will also be modified: Include/Python.h # adding bytesmodule.h include file Python/bltinmodule.c # adding the bytes type object Modules/cPickle.c # adding bytes to the standard types Lib/pickle.py # adding bytes to the standard types It is possible that several other modules could be cleaned up and implemented in terms of the bytes object. The mmap module comes to mind first, but as noted above it would be possible to reimplement the array module as a pure Python module. While it is attractive that this PEP could actually reduce the amount of source code by some amount, the author feels that this could cause unnecessary risk for breaking existing applications and should be avoided at this time. Additional Notes/Comments Guido van Rossum wondered whether it would make sense to be able to create a bytes object from a mmap object. The mmap object appears to support the requirements necessary to provide memory for a bytes object. (It doesn’t resize, and the pointer is valid for the lifetime of the object.) As such, a method could be added to the mmap module such that a bytes object could be created directly from a mmap object. An initial stab at how this would be implemented would be to use the PyBytes_FromPointer() function described above and pass the mmap_object as the user pointer. The destructor function would decref the mmap_object for cleanup. Todd Miller notes that it may be useful to have two new functions: PyObject_AsLargeReadBuffer() and PyObject_AsLargeWriteBuffer that are similar to PyObject_AsReadBuffer() and PyObject_AsWriteBuffer(), but support getting a LONG_LONG length in addition to the void* pointer. These functions would allow extension authors to work transparently with bytes object (that support LONG_LONG lengths) and most other buffer like objects (which only support int lengths). These functions could be in lieu of, or in addition to, creating a specific PyByte_GetReadBuffer() and PyBytes_GetWriteBuffer() functions.XXX: The author thinks this is very a good idea as it paves the way for other objects to eventually support large (64 bit) pointers, and it should only affect abstract.c and abstract.h. Should this be added above? It was generally agreed that abusing the segment count of the PyBufferProcs interface is not a good hack to work around the 31 bit limitation of the length. If you don’t know what this means, then you’re in good company. Most code in the Python baseline, and presumably in many third party extensions, punt when the segment count is not 1. References [1] The buffer interface https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-October/009974.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 296 – Adding a bytes Object Type
Standards Track
This PEP proposes the creation of a new standard type and builtin constructor called ‘bytes’. The bytes object is an efficiently stored array of bytes with some additional characteristics that set it apart from several implementations that are similar.
PEP 297 – Support for System Upgrades Author: Marc-André Lemburg <mal at lemburg.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Jul-2001 Python-Version: 2.6 Post-History: Table of Contents Rejection Notice Abstract Problem Proposed Solutions Scope Credits References Copyright Rejection Notice This PEP is rejected for failure to generate significant interest. Abstract This PEP proposes strategies to allow the Python standard library to be upgraded in parts without having to reinstall the complete distribution or having to wait for a new patch level release. Problem Python currently does not allow overriding modules or packages in the standard library per default. Even though this is possible by defining a PYTHONPATH environment variable (the paths defined in this variable are prepended to the Python standard library path), there is no standard way of achieving this without changing the configuration. Since Python’s standard library is starting to host packages which are also available separately, e.g. the distutils, email and PyXML packages, which can also be installed independently of the Python distribution, it is desirable to have an option to upgrade these packages without having to wait for a new patch level release of the Python interpreter to bring along the changes. On some occasions, it may also be desirable to update modules of the standard library without going through the whole Python release cycle, e.g. in order to provide hot-fixes for security problems. Proposed Solutions This PEP proposes two different but not necessarily conflicting solutions: Adding a new standard search path to sys.path: $stdlibpath/system-packages just before the $stdlibpath entry. This complements the already existing entry for site add-ons $stdlibpath/site-packages which is appended to the sys.path at interpreter startup time.To make use of this new standard location, distutils will need to grow support for installing certain packages in $stdlibpath/system-packages rather than the standard location for third-party packages $stdlibpath/site-packages. Tweaking distutils to install directly into $stdlibpath for the system upgrades rather than into $stdlibpath/site-packages. The first solution has a few advantages over the second: upgrades can be easily identified (just look in $stdlibpath/system-packages) upgrades can be de-installed without affecting the rest of the interpreter installation modules can be virtually removed from packages; this is due to the way Python imports packages: once it finds the top-level package directory it stay in this directory for all subsequent package submodule imports the approach has an overall much cleaner design than the hackish install on top of an existing installation approach The only advantages of the second approach are that the Python interpreter does not have to changed and that it works with older Python versions. Both solutions require changes to distutils. These changes can also be implemented by package authors, but it would be better to define a standard way of switching on the proposed behaviour. Scope Solution 1: Python 2.6 and up Solution 2: all Python versions supported by distutils Credits None References None Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 297 – Support for System Upgrades
Standards Track
This PEP proposes strategies to allow the Python standard library to be upgraded in parts without having to reinstall the complete distribution or having to wait for a new patch level release.
PEP 298 – The Locked Buffer Interface Author: Thomas Heller <theller at python.net> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 26-Jul-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 30-Jul-2002, 01-Aug-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Specification Implementation Backward Compatibility Reference Implementation Additional Notes/Comments Community Feedback References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes an extension to the buffer interface called the ‘locked buffer interface’. The locked buffer interface avoids the flaws of the ‘old’ buffer interface [1] as defined in Python versions up to and including 2.2, and has the following semantics: The lifetime of the retrieved pointer is clearly defined and controlled by the client. The buffer size is returned as a ‘size_t’ data type, which allows access to large buffers on platforms where sizeof(int) != sizeof(void *). (Guido comments: This second sounds like a change we could also make to the “old” buffer interface, if we introduce another flag bit that’s not part of the default flags.) Specification The locked buffer interface exposes new functions which return the size and the pointer to the internal memory block of any python object which chooses to implement this interface. Retrieving a buffer from an object puts this object in a locked state during which the buffer may not be freed, resized, or reallocated. The object must be unlocked again by releasing the buffer if it’s no longer used by calling another function in the locked buffer interface. If the object never resizes or reallocates the buffer during its lifetime, this function may be NULL. Failure to call this function (if it is != NULL) is a programming error and may have unexpected results. The locked buffer interface omits the memory segment model which is present in the old buffer interface - only a single memory block can be exposed. The memory blocks can be accessed without holding the global interpreter lock. Implementation Define a new flag in Include/object.h: /* PyBufferProcs contains bf_acquirelockedreadbuffer, bf_acquirelockedwritebuffer, and bf_releaselockedbuffer */ #define Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_LOCKEDBUFFER (1L<<15) This flag would be included in Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT: #define Py_TPFLAGS_DEFAULT ( \ .... Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_LOCKEDBUFFER | \ .... 0) Extend the PyBufferProcs structure by new fields in Include/object.h: typedef size_t (*acquirelockedreadbufferproc)(PyObject *, const void **); typedef size_t (*acquirelockedwritebufferproc)(PyObject *, void **); typedef void (*releaselockedbufferproc)(PyObject *); typedef struct { getreadbufferproc bf_getreadbuffer; getwritebufferproc bf_getwritebuffer; getsegcountproc bf_getsegcount; getcharbufferproc bf_getcharbuffer; /* locked buffer interface functions */ acquirelockedreadbufferproc bf_acquirelockedreadbuffer; acquirelockedwritebufferproc bf_acquirelockedwritebuffer; releaselockedbufferproc bf_releaselockedbuffer; } PyBufferProcs; The new fields are present if the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_LOCKEDBUFFER flag is set in the object’s type. The Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_LOCKEDBUFFER flag implies the Py_TPFLAGS_HAVE_GETCHARBUFFER flag. The acquirelockedreadbufferproc and acquirelockedwritebufferproc functions return the size in bytes of the memory block on success, and fill in the passed void * pointer on success. If these functions fail - either because an error occurs or no memory block is exposed - they must set the void * pointer to NULL and raise an exception. The return value is undefined in these cases and should not be used. If calls to these functions succeed, eventually the buffer must be released by a call to the releaselockedbufferproc, supplying the original object as argument. The releaselockedbufferproc cannot fail. For objects that actually maintain an internal lock count it would be a fatal error if the releaselockedbufferproc function would be called too often, leading to a negative lock count. Similar to the ‘old’ buffer interface, any of these functions may be set to NULL, but it is strongly recommended to implement the releaselockedbufferproc function (even if it does nothing) if any of the acquireread/writelockedbufferproc functions are implemented, to discourage extension writers from checking for a NULL value and not calling it. These functions aren’t supposed to be called directly, they are called through convenience functions declared in Include/abstract.h: int PyObject_AcquireLockedReadBuffer(PyObject *obj, const void **buffer, size_t *buffer_len); int PyObject_AcquireLockedWriteBuffer(PyObject *obj, void **buffer, size_t *buffer_len); void PyObject_ReleaseLockedBuffer(PyObject *obj); The former two functions return 0 on success, set buffer to the memory location and buffer_len to the length of the memory block in bytes. On failure, or if the locked buffer interface is not implemented by obj, they return -1 and set an exception. The latter function doesn’t return anything, and cannot fail. Backward Compatibility The size of the PyBufferProcs structure changes if this proposal is implemented, but the type’s tp_flags slot can be used to determine if the additional fields are present. Reference Implementation An implementation has been uploaded to the SourceForge patch manager as https://bugs.python.org/issue652857. Additional Notes/Comments Python strings, unicode strings, mmap objects, and array objects would expose the locked buffer interface. mmap and array objects would actually enter a locked state while the buffer is active, this is not needed for strings and unicode objects. Resizing locked array objects is not allowed and will raise an exception. Whether closing a locked mmap object is an error or will only be deferred until the lock count reaches zero is an implementation detail. Guido recommends But I’m still very concerned that if most built-in types (e.g. strings, bytes) don’t implement the release functionality, it’s too easy for an extension to seem to work while forgetting to release the buffer.I recommend that at least some built-in types implement the acquire/release functionality with a counter, and assert that the counter is zero when the object is deleted – if the assert fails, someone DECREF’ed their reference to the object without releasing it. (The rule should be that you must own a reference to the object while you’ve acquired the object.) For strings that might be impractical because the string object would have to grow 4 bytes to hold the counter; but the new bytes object (PEP 296) could easily implement the counter, and the array object too – that way there will be plenty of opportunity to test proper use of the protocol. Community Feedback Greg Ewing doubts the locked buffer interface is needed at all, he thinks the normal buffer interface could be used if the pointer is (re)fetched each time it’s used. This seems to be dangerous, because even innocent looking calls to the Python API like Py_DECREF() may trigger execution of arbitrary Python code. The first version of this proposal didn’t have the release function, but it turned out that this would have been too restrictive: mmap and array objects wouldn’t have been able to implement it, because mmap objects can be closed anytime if not locked, and array objects could resize or reallocate the buffer. This PEP will probably be rejected because nobody except the author needs it. References [1] The buffer interface https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2000-October/009974.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 298 – The Locked Buffer Interface
Standards Track
This PEP proposes an extension to the buffer interface called the ‘locked buffer interface’.
PEP 299 – Special __main__() function in modules Author: Jeff Epler <jepler at unpythonic.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 12-Aug-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 29-Mar-2006 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Proposal Implementation Open Issues Rejection References Copyright Abstract Many Python modules are also intended to be callable as standalone scripts. This PEP proposes that a special function called __main__() should serve this purpose. Motivation There should be one simple and universal idiom for invoking a module as a standalone script. The semi-standard idiom: if __name__ == '__main__': perform "standalone" functionality is unclear to programmers of languages like C and C++. It also does not permit invocation of the standalone function when the module is imported. The variant: if __name__ == '__main__': main_function() is sometimes seen, but there exists no standard name for the function, and because arguments are taken from sys.argv it is not possible to pass specific arguments without changing the argument list seen by all other modules. (Imagine a threaded Python program, with two threads wishing to invoke the standalone functionality of different modules with different argument lists) Proposal The standard name of the ‘main function’ should be __main__. When a module is invoked on the command line, such as: python mymodule.py then the module behaves as though the following lines existed at the end of the module (except that the attribute __sys may not be used or assumed to exist elsewhere in the script): if globals().has_key("__main__"): import sys as __sys __sys.exit(__main__(__sys.argv)) Other modules may execute: import mymodule mymodule.__main__(['mymodule', ...]) It is up to mymodule to document thread-safety issues or other issues which might restrict use of __main__. (Other issues might include use of mutually exclusive GUI modules, non-sharable resources like hardware devices, reassignment of sys.stdin/stdout, etc) Implementation In modules/main.c, the block near line 385 (after the PyRun_AnyFileExFlags call) will be changed so that the above code (or its C equivalent) is executed. Open Issues Should the return value from __main__ be treated as the exit value?Yes. Many __main__ will naturally return None, which sys.exit translates into a “success” return code. In those that return a numeric result, it behaves just like the argument to sys.exit() or the return value from C’s main(). Should the argument list to __main__ include argv[0], or just the “real” arguments argv[1:]?argv[0] is included for symmetry with sys.argv and easy transition to the new standard idiom. Rejection In a short discussion on python-dev [1], two major backwards compatibility problems were brought up and Guido pronounced that he doesn’t like the idea anyway as it’s “not worth the change (in docs, user habits, etc.) and there’s nothing particularly broken.” References [1] Georg Brandl, “What about PEP 299”, https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-March/062951.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 299 – Special __main__() function in modules
Standards Track
Many Python modules are also intended to be callable as standalone scripts. This PEP proposes that a special function called __main__() should serve this purpose.
PEP 301 – Package Index and Metadata for Distutils Author: Richard Jones <richard at python.org> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Topic: Packaging Created: 24-Oct-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 08-Nov-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Specification Web Interface User Roles Index Storage (Schema) Distutils register Command Distutils Trove Classification Implementation Rejected Proposals References Copyright Acknowledgements Abstract This PEP proposes several extensions to the Distutils packaging system [1]. These enhancements include a central package index server, tools for submitting package information to the index and extensions to the package metadata to include Trove [2] information. This PEP does not address issues of package dependency. It also does not address storage and download of packages as described in PEP 243. Nor is it proposing a local database of packages as described in PEP 262. Existing package repositories such as the Vaults of Parnassus [3], CPAN [4] and PAUSE [5] will be investigated as prior art in this field. Rationale Python programmers have long needed a simple method of discovering existing modules and systems available for their use. It is arguable that the existence of these systems for other languages have been a significant contribution to their popularity. The existence of the Catalog-SIG, and the many discussions there indicate that there is a large population of users who recognise this need. The introduction of the Distutils packaging system to Python simplified the process of distributing shareable code, and included mechanisms for the capture of package metadata, but did little with the metadata save ship it with the package. An interface to the index should be hosted in the python.org domain, giving it an air of legitimacy that existing catalog efforts do not have. The interface for submitting information to the catalog should be as simple as possible - hopefully just a one-line command for most users. Issues of package dependency are not addressed due to the complexity of such a system. PEP 262 proposes such a system, but as of this writing the PEP is still unfinished. Issues of package dissemination (storage on a central server) are not addressed because they require assumptions about availability of storage and bandwidth that I am not in a position to make. PEP 243, which is still being developed, is tackling these issues and many more. This proposal is considered compatible with, and adjunct to the proposal in PEP 243. Specification The specification takes three parts, the web interface, the Distutils register command and the Distutils Trove classification. Web Interface A web interface is implemented over a simple store. The interface is available through the python.org domain, either directly or as packages.python.org. The store has columns for all metadata fields. The (name, version) double is used as a uniqueness key. Additional submissions for an existing (name, version) will result in an update operation. The web interface implements the following commands/interfaces: indexLists known packages, optionally filtered. An additional HTML page, search, presents a form to the user which is used to customise the index view. The index will include a browsing interface like that presented in the Trove interface design section 4.3. The results will be paginated, sorted alphabetically and only showing the most recent version. The most recent version information will be determined using the Distutils LooseVersion class. displayDisplays information about the package. All fields are displayed as plain text. The “url” (or “home_page”) field is hyperlinked. submitAccepts a POST submission of metadata about a package. The “name” and “version” fields are mandatory, as they uniquely identify an entry in the index. Submit will automatically determine whether to create a new entry or update an existing entry. The metadata is checked for correctness where appropriate - specifically the Trove discriminators are compared with the allowed set. An update will update all information about the package based on the new submitted information.There will also be a submit/edit form that will allow manual submission and updating for those who do not use Distutils. submit_pkg_infoAccepts a POST submission of a PKG-INFO file and performs the same function as the submit interface. userRegisters a new user with the index. Requires username, password and email address. Passwords will be stored in the index database as SHA hashes. If the username already exists in the database: If valid HTTP Basic authentication is provided, the password and email address are updated with the submission information, or If no valid authentication is provided, the user is informed that the login is already taken. Registration will be a three-step process, involving: User submission of details via the Distutils register command or through the web, Index server sending email to the user’s email address with a URL to visit to confirm registration with a random one-time key, and User visits URL with the key and confirms registration. rolesAn interface for changing user Role assignments. password_resetUsing a supplied email address as the key, this resets a user’s password and sends an email with the new password to the user. The submit command will require HTTP Basic authentication, preferably over an HTTPS connection. The server interface will indicate success or failure of the commands through a subset of the standard HTTP response codes: Code Meaning Register command implications 200 OK Everything worked just fine 400 Bad request Data provided for submission was malformed 401 Unauthorised The username or password supplied were incorrect 403 Forbidden User does not have permission to update the package information (not Owner or Maintainer) User Roles Three user Roles will be assignable to users: OwnerOwns a package name, may assign Maintainer Role for that name. The first user to register information about a package is deemed Owner of the package name. The Admin user may change this if necessary. May submit updates for the package name. MaintainerCan submit and update info for a particular package name. AdminCan assign Owner Role and edit user details. Not specific to a package name. Index Storage (Schema) The index is stored in a set of relational database tables: packagesLists package names and holds package-level metadata (currently just the stable release version) releasesEach package has an entry in releases for each version of the package that is released. A row holds the bulk of the information given in the package’s PKG-INFO file. There is one row for each package (name, version). trove_discriminatorsLists the Trove discriminator text and assigns each one a unique ID. release_discriminatorsEach entry maps a package (name, version) to a discriminator_id. We map to releases instead of packages because the set of discriminators may change between releases. journalsHolds information about changes to package information in the index. Changes to the packages, releases, roles, and release_discriminators tables are listed here by package name and version if the change is release-specific. usersHolds our user database - user name, email address and password. rolesMaps user_name and role_name to a package_name. An additional table, rego_otk holds the One Time Keys generated during registration and is not interesting in the scope of the index itself. Distutils register Command An additional Distutils command, register, is implemented which posts the package metadata to the central index. The register command automatically handles user registration; the user is presented with three options: login and submit package information register as a new packager send password reminder email On systems where the $HOME environment variable is set, the user will be prompted at exit to save their username/password to a file in their $HOME directory in the file .pypirc. Notification of changes to a package entry will be sent to all users who have submitted information about the package. That is, the original submitter and any subsequent updaters. The register command will include a --verify option which performs a test submission to the index without actually committing the data. The index will perform its submission verification checks as usual and report any errors it would have reported during a normal submission. This is useful for verifying correctness of Trove discriminators. Distutils Trove Classification The Trove concept of discrimination will be added to the metadata set available to package authors through the new attribute “classifiers”. The list of classifiers will be available through the web, and added to the package like so: setup( name = "roundup", version = __version__, classifiers = [ 'Development Status :: 4 - Beta', 'Environment :: Console', 'Environment :: Web Environment', 'Intended Audience :: End Users/Desktop', 'Intended Audience :: Developers', 'Intended Audience :: System Administrators', 'License :: OSI Approved :: Python Software Foundation License', 'Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X', 'Operating System :: Microsoft :: Windows', 'Operating System :: POSIX', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Communications :: Email', 'Topic :: Office/Business', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking', ], url = 'http://sourceforge.net/projects/roundup/', ... ) It was decided that strings would be used for the classification entries due to the deep nesting that would be involved in a more formal Python structure. The original Trove specification that classification namespaces be separated by slashes (“/”) unfortunately collides with many of the names having slashes in them (e.g. “OS/2”). The double-colon solution (” :: “) implemented by SourceForge and FreshMeat gets around this limitation. The list of classification values on the module index has been merged from FreshMeat and SourceForge (with their permission). This list will be made available both through the web interface and through the register command’s --list-classifiers option as a text list which may then be copied to the setup.py file. The register command’s --verify option will check classifiers values against the server’s list. Unfortunately, the addition of the “classifiers” property is not backwards-compatible. A setup.py file using it will not work under Python 2.1.3. It is hoped that a bug-fix release of Python 2.2 (most likely 2.2.3) will relax the argument checking of the setup() command to allow new keywords, even if they’re not actually used. It is preferable that a warning be produced, rather than a show-stopping error. The use of the new keyword should be discouraged in situations where the package is advertised as being compatible with python versions earlier than 2.2.3 or 2.3. In the PKG-INFO, the classifiers list items will appear as individual Classifier: entries: Name: roundup Version: 0.5.2 Classifier: Development Status :: 4 - Beta Classifier: Environment :: Console (Text Based) . . Classifier: Topic :: Software Development :: Bug Tracking Url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/roundup/ Implementation The server is available at: http://www.python.org/pypi The code is available from the SourceForge project: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pypi/ The register command has been integrated into Python 2.3. Rejected Proposals Originally, the index server was to return custom headers (inspired by PEP 243): X-Pypi-StatusEither “success” or “fail”. X-Pypi-ReasonA description of the reason for failure, or additional information in the case of a success. However, it has been pointed out [6] that this is a bad scheme to use. References [1] Distutils packaging system (http://docs.python.org/library/distutils.html) [2] Trove (http://www.catb.org/~esr/trove/) [3] Vaults of Parnassus (http://www.vex.net/parnassus/) [4] CPAN (http://www.cpan.org/) [5] PAUSE (http://pause.cpan.org/) [6] [PEP243] upload status is bogus (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/distutils-sig/2001-March/002262.html) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain. Acknowledgements Anthony Baxter, Martin v. Loewis and David Goodger for encouragement and feedback during initial drafting. A.M. Kuchling for support including hosting the second prototype. Greg Stein for recommending that the register command interpret the HTTP response codes rather than custom X-PyPI-* headers. The many participants of the Distutils and Catalog SIGs for their ideas over the years.
PEP 301 – Package Index and Metadata for Distutils
Standards Track
This PEP proposes several extensions to the Distutils packaging system [1]. These enhancements include a central package index server, tools for submitting package information to the index and extensions to the package metadata to include Trove [2] information.
PEP 302 – New Import Hooks Author: Just van Rossum <just at letterror.com>, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Dec-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 19-Dec-2002 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Use cases Rationale Specification part 1: The Importer Protocol Specification part 2: Registering Hooks Packages and the role of __path__ Optional Extensions to the Importer Protocol Integration with the ‘imp’ module Forward Compatibility Open Issues Implementation References and Footnotes Copyright Warning The language reference for import [10] and importlib documentation [11] now supersede this PEP. This document is no longer updated and provided for historical purposes only. Abstract This PEP proposes to add a new set of import hooks that offer better customization of the Python import mechanism. Contrary to the current __import__ hook, a new-style hook can be injected into the existing scheme, allowing for a finer grained control of how modules are found and how they are loaded. Motivation The only way to customize the import mechanism is currently to override the built-in __import__ function. However, overriding __import__ has many problems. To begin with: An __import__ replacement needs to fully reimplement the entire import mechanism, or call the original __import__ before or after the custom code. It has very complex semantics and responsibilities. __import__ gets called even for modules that are already in sys.modules, which is almost never what you want, unless you’re writing some sort of monitoring tool. The situation gets worse when you need to extend the import mechanism from C: it’s currently impossible, apart from hacking Python’s import.c or reimplementing much of import.c from scratch. There is a fairly long history of tools written in Python that allow extending the import mechanism in various way, based on the __import__ hook. The Standard Library includes two such tools: ihooks.py (by GvR) and imputil.py [1] (Greg Stein), but perhaps the most famous is iu.py by Gordon McMillan, available as part of his Installer package. Their usefulness is somewhat limited because they are written in Python; bootstrapping issues need to worked around as you can’t load the module containing the hook with the hook itself. So if you want the entire Standard Library to be loadable from an import hook, the hook must be written in C. Use cases This section lists several existing applications that depend on import hooks. Among these, a lot of duplicate work was done that could have been saved if there had been a more flexible import hook at the time. This PEP should make life a lot easier for similar projects in the future. Extending the import mechanism is needed when you want to load modules that are stored in a non-standard way. Examples include modules that are bundled together in an archive; byte code that is not stored in a pyc formatted file; modules that are loaded from a database over a network. The work on this PEP was partly triggered by the implementation of PEP 273, which adds imports from Zip archives as a built-in feature to Python. While the PEP itself was widely accepted as a must-have feature, the implementation left a few things to desire. For one thing it went through great lengths to integrate itself with import.c, adding lots of code that was either specific for Zip file imports or not specific to Zip imports, yet was not generally useful (or even desirable) either. Yet the PEP 273 implementation can hardly be blamed for this: it is simply extremely hard to do, given the current state of import.c. Packaging applications for end users is a typical use case for import hooks, if not the typical use case. Distributing lots of source or pyc files around is not always appropriate (let alone a separate Python installation), so there is a frequent desire to package all needed modules in a single file. So frequent in fact that multiple solutions have been implemented over the years. The oldest one is included with the Python source code: Freeze [2]. It puts marshalled byte code into static objects in C source code. Freeze’s “import hook” is hard wired into import.c, and has a couple of issues. Later solutions include Fredrik Lundh’s Squeeze, Gordon McMillan’s Installer, and Thomas Heller’s py2exe [3]. MacPython ships with a tool called BuildApplication. Squeeze, Installer and py2exe use an __import__ based scheme (py2exe currently uses Installer’s iu.py, Squeeze used ihooks.py), MacPython has two Mac-specific import hooks hard wired into import.c, that are similar to the Freeze hook. The hooks proposed in this PEP enables us (at least in theory; it’s not a short-term goal) to get rid of the hard coded hooks in import.c, and would allow the __import__-based tools to get rid of most of their import.c emulation code. Before work on the design and implementation of this PEP was started, a new BuildApplication-like tool for Mac OS X prompted one of the authors of this PEP (JvR) to expose the table of frozen modules to Python, in the imp module. The main reason was to be able to use the freeze import hook (avoiding fancy __import__ support), yet to also be able to supply a set of modules at runtime. This resulted in issue #642578 [4], which was mysteriously accepted (mostly because nobody seemed to care either way ;-). Yet it is completely superfluous when this PEP gets accepted, as it offers a much nicer and general way to do the same thing. Rationale While experimenting with alternative implementation ideas to get built-in Zip import, it was discovered that achieving this is possible with only a fairly small amount of changes to import.c. This allowed to factor out the Zip-specific stuff into a new source file, while at the same time creating a general new import hook scheme: the one you’re reading about now. An earlier design allowed non-string objects on sys.path. Such an object would have the necessary methods to handle an import. This has two disadvantages: 1) it breaks code that assumes all items on sys.path are strings; 2) it is not compatible with the PYTHONPATH environment variable. The latter is directly needed for Zip imports. A compromise came from Jython: allow string subclasses on sys.path, which would then act as importer objects. This avoids some breakage, and seems to work well for Jython (where it is used to load modules from .jar files), but it was perceived as an “ugly hack”. This led to a more elaborate scheme, (mostly copied from McMillan’s iu.py) in which each in a list of candidates is asked whether it can handle the sys.path item, until one is found that can. This list of candidates is a new object in the sys module: sys.path_hooks. Traversing sys.path_hooks for each path item for each new import can be expensive, so the results are cached in another new object in the sys module: sys.path_importer_cache. It maps sys.path entries to importer objects. To minimize the impact on import.c as well as to avoid adding extra overhead, it was chosen to not add an explicit hook and importer object for the existing file system import logic (as iu.py has), but to simply fall back to the built-in logic if no hook on sys.path_hooks could handle the path item. If this is the case, a None value is stored in sys.path_importer_cache, again to avoid repeated lookups. (Later we can go further and add a real importer object for the built-in mechanism, for now, the None fallback scheme should suffice.) A question was raised: what about importers that don’t need any entry on sys.path? (Built-in and frozen modules fall into that category.) Again, Gordon McMillan to the rescue: iu.py contains a thing he calls the metapath. In this PEP’s implementation, it’s a list of importer objects that is traversed before sys.path. This list is yet another new object in the sys module: sys.meta_path. Currently, this list is empty by default, and frozen and built-in module imports are done after traversing sys.meta_path, but still before sys.path. Specification part 1: The Importer Protocol This PEP introduces a new protocol: the “Importer Protocol”. It is important to understand the context in which the protocol operates, so here is a brief overview of the outer shells of the import mechanism. When an import statement is encountered, the interpreter looks up the __import__ function in the built-in name space. __import__ is then called with four arguments, amongst which are the name of the module being imported (may be a dotted name) and a reference to the current global namespace. The built-in __import__ function (known as PyImport_ImportModuleEx() in import.c) will then check to see whether the module doing the import is a package or a submodule of a package. If it is indeed a (submodule of a) package, it first tries to do the import relative to the package (the parent package for a submodule). For example, if a package named “spam” does “import eggs”, it will first look for a module named “spam.eggs”. If that fails, the import continues as an absolute import: it will look for a module named “eggs”. Dotted name imports work pretty much the same: if package “spam” does “import eggs.bacon” (and “spam.eggs” exists and is itself a package), “spam.eggs.bacon” is tried. If that fails “eggs.bacon” is tried. (There are more subtleties that are not described here, but these are not relevant for implementers of the Importer Protocol.) Deeper down in the mechanism, a dotted name import is split up by its components. For “import spam.ham”, first an “import spam” is done, and only when that succeeds is “ham” imported as a submodule of “spam”. The Importer Protocol operates at this level of individual imports. By the time an importer gets a request for “spam.ham”, module “spam” has already been imported. The protocol involves two objects: a finder and a loader. A finder object has a single method: finder.find_module(fullname, path=None) This method will be called with the fully qualified name of the module. If the finder is installed on sys.meta_path, it will receive a second argument, which is None for a top-level module, or package.__path__ for submodules or subpackages [5]. It should return a loader object if the module was found, or None if it wasn’t. If find_module() raises an exception, it will be propagated to the caller, aborting the import. A loader object also has one method: loader.load_module(fullname) This method returns the loaded module or raises an exception, preferably ImportError if an existing exception is not being propagated. If load_module() is asked to load a module that it cannot, ImportError is to be raised. In many cases the finder and loader can be one and the same object: finder.find_module() would just return self. The fullname argument of both methods is the fully qualified module name, for example “spam.eggs.ham”. As explained above, when finder.find_module("spam.eggs.ham") is called, “spam.eggs” has already been imported and added to sys.modules. However, the find_module() method isn’t necessarily always called during an actual import: meta tools that analyze import dependencies (such as freeze, Installer or py2exe) don’t actually load modules, so a finder shouldn’t depend on the parent package being available in sys.modules. The load_module() method has a few responsibilities that it must fulfill before it runs any code: If there is an existing module object named ‘fullname’ in sys.modules, the loader must use that existing module. (Otherwise, the reload() builtin will not work correctly.) If a module named ‘fullname’ does not exist in sys.modules, the loader must create a new module object and add it to sys.modules.Note that the module object must be in sys.modules before the loader executes the module code. This is crucial because the module code may (directly or indirectly) import itself; adding it to sys.modules beforehand prevents unbounded recursion in the worst case and multiple loading in the best. If the load fails, the loader needs to remove any module it may have inserted into sys.modules. If the module was already in sys.modules then the loader should leave it alone. The __file__ attribute must be set. This must be a string, but it may be a dummy value, for example “<frozen>”. The privilege of not having a __file__ attribute at all is reserved for built-in modules. The __name__ attribute must be set. If one uses imp.new_module() then the attribute is set automatically. If it’s a package, the __path__ variable must be set. This must be a list, but may be empty if __path__ has no further significance to the importer (more on this later). The __loader__ attribute must be set to the loader object. This is mostly for introspection and reloading, but can be used for importer-specific extras, for example getting data associated with an importer. The __package__ attribute must be set (PEP 366).If the module is a Python module (as opposed to a built-in module or a dynamically loaded extension), it should execute the module’s code in the module’s global name space (module.__dict__). Here is a minimal pattern for a load_module() method: # Consider using importlib.util.module_for_loader() to handle # most of these details for you. def load_module(self, fullname): code = self.get_code(fullname) ispkg = self.is_package(fullname) mod = sys.modules.setdefault(fullname, imp.new_module(fullname)) mod.__file__ = "<%s>" % self.__class__.__name__ mod.__loader__ = self if ispkg: mod.__path__ = [] mod.__package__ = fullname else: mod.__package__ = fullname.rpartition('.')[0] exec(code, mod.__dict__) return mod Specification part 2: Registering Hooks There are two types of import hooks: Meta hooks and Path hooks. Meta hooks are called at the start of import processing, before any other import processing (so that meta hooks can override sys.path processing, frozen modules, or even built-in modules). To register a meta hook, simply add the finder object to sys.meta_path (the list of registered meta hooks). Path hooks are called as part of sys.path (or package.__path__) processing, at the point where their associated path item is encountered. A path hook is registered by adding an importer factory to sys.path_hooks. sys.path_hooks is a list of callables, which will be checked in sequence to determine if they can handle a given path item. The callable is called with one argument, the path item. The callable must raise ImportError if it is unable to handle the path item, and return an importer object if it can handle the path item. Note that if the callable returns an importer object for a specific sys.path entry, the builtin import machinery will not be invoked to handle that entry any longer, even if the importer object later fails to find a specific module. The callable is typically the class of the import hook, and hence the class __init__() method is called. (This is also the reason why it should raise ImportError: an __init__() method can’t return anything. This would be possible with a __new__() method in a new style class, but we don’t want to require anything about how a hook is implemented.) The results of path hook checks are cached in sys.path_importer_cache, which is a dictionary mapping path entries to importer objects. The cache is checked before sys.path_hooks is scanned. If it is necessary to force a rescan of sys.path_hooks, it is possible to manually clear all or part of sys.path_importer_cache. Just like sys.path itself, the new sys variables must have specific types: sys.meta_path and sys.path_hooks must be Python lists. sys.path_importer_cache must be a Python dict. Modifying these variables in place is allowed, as is replacing them with new objects. Packages and the role of __path__ If a module has a __path__ attribute, the import mechanism will treat it as a package. The __path__ variable is used instead of sys.path when importing submodules of the package. The rules for sys.path therefore also apply to pkg.__path__. So sys.path_hooks is also consulted when pkg.__path__ is traversed. Meta importers don’t necessarily use sys.path at all to do their work and may therefore ignore the value of pkg.__path__. In this case it is still advised to set it to list, which can be empty. Optional Extensions to the Importer Protocol The Importer Protocol defines three optional extensions. One is to retrieve data files, the second is to support module packaging tools and/or tools that analyze module dependencies (for example Freeze), while the last is to support execution of modules as scripts. The latter two categories of tools usually don’t actually load modules, they only need to know if and where they are available. All three extensions are highly recommended for general purpose importers, but may safely be left out if those features aren’t needed. To retrieve the data for arbitrary “files” from the underlying storage backend, loader objects may supply a method named get_data(): loader.get_data(path) This method returns the data as a string, or raise IOError if the “file” wasn’t found. The data is always returned as if “binary” mode was used - there is no CRLF translation of text files, for example. It is meant for importers that have some file-system-like properties. The ‘path’ argument is a path that can be constructed by munging module.__file__ (or pkg.__path__ items) with the os.path.* functions, for example: d = os.path.dirname(__file__) data = __loader__.get_data(os.path.join(d, "logo.gif")) The following set of methods may be implemented if support for (for example) Freeze-like tools is desirable. It consists of three additional methods which, to make it easier for the caller, each of which should be implemented, or none at all: loader.is_package(fullname) loader.get_code(fullname) loader.get_source(fullname) All three methods should raise ImportError if the module wasn’t found. The loader.is_package(fullname) method should return True if the module specified by ‘fullname’ is a package and False if it isn’t. The loader.get_code(fullname) method should return the code object associated with the module, or None if it’s a built-in or extension module. If the loader doesn’t have the code object but it does have the source code, it should return the compiled source code. (This is so that our caller doesn’t also need to check get_source() if all it needs is the code object.) The loader.get_source(fullname) method should return the source code for the module as a string (using newline characters for line endings) or None if the source is not available (yet it should still raise ImportError if the module can’t be found by the importer at all). To support execution of modules as scripts (PEP 338), the above three methods for finding the code associated with a module must be implemented. In addition to those methods, the following method may be provided in order to allow the runpy module to correctly set the __file__ attribute: loader.get_filename(fullname) This method should return the value that __file__ would be set to if the named module was loaded. If the module is not found, then ImportError should be raised. Integration with the ‘imp’ module The new import hooks are not easily integrated in the existing imp.find_module() and imp.load_module() calls. It’s questionable whether it’s possible at all without breaking code; it is better to simply add a new function to the imp module. The meaning of the existing imp.find_module() and imp.load_module() calls changes from: “they expose the built-in import mechanism” to “they expose the basic unhooked built-in import mechanism”. They simply won’t invoke any import hooks. A new imp module function is proposed (but not yet implemented) under the name get_loader(), which is used as in the following pattern: loader = imp.get_loader(fullname, path) if loader is not None: loader.load_module(fullname) In the case of a “basic” import, one the imp.find_module() function would handle, the loader object would be a wrapper for the current output of imp.find_module(), and loader.load_module() would call imp.load_module() with that output. Note that this wrapper is currently not yet implemented, although a Python prototype exists in the test_importhooks.py script (the ImpWrapper class) included with the patch. Forward Compatibility Existing __import__ hooks will not invoke new-style hooks by magic, unless they call the original __import__ function as a fallback. For example, ihooks.py, iu.py and imputil.py are in this sense not forward compatible with this PEP. Open Issues Modules often need supporting data files to do their job, particularly in the case of complex packages or full applications. Current practice is generally to locate such files via sys.path (or a package.__path__ attribute). This approach will not work, in general, for modules loaded via an import hook. There are a number of possible ways to address this problem: “Don’t do that”. If a package needs to locate data files via its __path__, it is not suitable for loading via an import hook. The package can still be located on a directory in sys.path, as at present, so this should not be seen as a major issue. Locate data files from a standard location, rather than relative to the module file. A relatively simple approach (which is supported by distutils) would be to locate data files based on sys.prefix (or sys.exec_prefix). For example, looking in os.path.join(sys.prefix, "data", package_name). Import hooks could offer a standard way of getting at data files relative to the module file. The standard zipimport object provides a method get_data(name) which returns the content of the “file” called name, as a string. To allow modules to get at the importer object, zipimport also adds an attribute __loader__ to the module, containing the zipimport object used to load the module. If such an approach is used, it is important that client code takes care not to break if the get_data() method is not available, so it is not clear that this approach offers a general answer to the problem. It was suggested on python-dev that it would be useful to be able to receive a list of available modules from an importer and/or a list of available data files for use with the get_data() method. The protocol could grow two additional extensions, say list_modules() and list_files(). The latter makes sense on loader objects with a get_data() method. However, it’s a bit unclear which object should implement list_modules(): the importer or the loader or both? This PEP is biased towards loading modules from alternative places: it currently doesn’t offer dedicated solutions for loading modules from alternative file formats or with alternative compilers. In contrast, the ihooks module from the standard library does have a fairly straightforward way to do this. The Quixote project [7] uses this technique to import PTL files as if they are ordinary Python modules. To do the same with the new hooks would either mean to add a new module implementing a subset of ihooks as a new-style importer, or add a hookable built-in path importer object. There is no specific support within this PEP for “stacking” hooks. For example, it is not obvious how to write a hook to load modules from tar.gz files by combining separate hooks to load modules from .tar and .gz files. However, there is no support for such stacking in the existing hook mechanisms (either the basic “replace __import__” method, or any of the existing import hook modules) and so this functionality is not an obvious requirement of the new mechanism. It may be worth considering as a future enhancement, however. It is possible (via sys.meta_path) to add hooks which run before sys.path is processed. However, there is no equivalent way of adding hooks to run after sys.path is processed. For now, if a hook is required after sys.path has been processed, it can be simulated by adding an arbitrary “cookie” string at the end of sys.path, and having the required hook associated with this cookie, via the normal sys.path_hooks processing. In the longer term, the path handling code will become a “real” hook on sys.meta_path, and at that stage it will be possible to insert user-defined hooks either before or after it. Implementation The PEP 302 implementation has been integrated with Python as of 2.3a1. An earlier version is available as patch #652586 [9], but more interestingly, the issue contains a fairly detailed history of the development and design. PEP 273 has been implemented using PEP 302’s import hooks. References and Footnotes [1] imputil module http://docs.python.org/library/imputil.html [2] The Freeze tool. See also the Tools/freeze/ directory in a Python source distribution [3] py2exe by Thomas Heller http://www.py2exe.org/ [4] imp.set_frozenmodules() patch http://bugs.python.org/issue642578 [5] The path argument to finder.find_module() is there because the pkg.__path__ variable may be needed at this point. It may either come from the actual parent module or be supplied by imp.find_module() or the proposed imp.get_loader() function. [7] Quixote, a framework for developing Web applications http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/quixote/ [9] New import hooks + Import from Zip files http://bugs.python.org/issue652586 [10] Language reference for imports http://docs.python.org/3/reference/import.html [11] importlib documentation http://docs.python.org/3/library/importlib.html#module-importlib Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 302 – New Import Hooks
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to add a new set of import hooks that offer better customization of the Python import mechanism. Contrary to the current __import__ hook, a new-style hook can be injected into the existing scheme, allowing for a finer grained control of how modules are found and how they are loaded.
PEP 303 – Extend divmod() for Multiple Divisors Author: Thomas Bellman <bellman+pep-divmod at lysator.liu.se> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 31-Dec-2002 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Specification Motivation Rationale Backwards Compatibility Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes an extension to the built-in divmod() function, allowing it to take multiple divisors, chaining several calls to divmod() into one. Pronouncement This PEP is rejected. Most uses for chained divmod() involve a constant modulus (in radix conversions for example) and are more properly coded as a loop. The example of splitting seconds into days/hours/minutes/seconds does not generalize to months and years; rather, the whole use case is handled more flexibly and robustly by date and time modules. The other use cases mentioned in the PEP are somewhat rare in real code. The proposal is also problematic in terms of clarity and obviousness. In the examples, it is not immediately clear that the argument order is correct or that the target tuple is of the right length. Users from other languages are more likely to understand the standard two argument form without having to re-read the documentation. See python-dev discussion on 17 June 2005 [1]. Specification The built-in divmod() function would be changed to accept multiple divisors, changing its signature from divmod(dividend, divisor) to divmod(dividend, *divisors). The dividend is divided by the last divisor, giving a quotient and a remainder. The quotient is then divided by the second to last divisor, giving a new quotient and remainder. This is repeated until all divisors have been used, and divmod() then returns a tuple consisting of the quotient from the last step, and the remainders from all the steps. A Python implementation of the new divmod() behaviour could look like: def divmod(dividend, *divisors): modulos = () q = dividend while divisors: q, r = q.__divmod__(divisors[-1]) modulos = (r,) + modulos divisors = divisors[:-1] return (q,) + modulos Motivation Occasionally one wants to perform a chain of divmod() operations, calling divmod() on the quotient from the previous step, with varying divisors. The most common case is probably converting a number of seconds into weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds. This would today be written as: def secs_to_wdhms(seconds): m, s = divmod(seconds, 60) h, m = divmod(m, 60) d, h = divmod(h, 24) w, d = divmod(d, 7) return (w, d, h, m, s) This is tedious and easy to get wrong each time you need it. If instead the divmod() built-in is changed according the proposal, the code for converting seconds to weeks, days, hours, minutes and seconds then become def secs_to_wdhms(seconds): w, d, h, m, s = divmod(seconds, 7, 24, 60, 60) return (w, d, h, m, s) which is easier to type, easier to type correctly, and easier to read. Other applications are: Astronomical angles (declination is measured in degrees, minutes and seconds, right ascension is measured in hours, minutes and seconds). Old British currency (1 pound = 20 shilling, 1 shilling = 12 pence). Anglo-Saxon length units: 1 mile = 1760 yards, 1 yard = 3 feet, 1 foot = 12 inches. Anglo-Saxon weight units: 1 long ton = 160 stone, 1 stone = 14 pounds, 1 pound = 16 ounce, 1 ounce = 16 dram. British volumes: 1 gallon = 4 quart, 1 quart = 2 pint, 1 pint = 20 fluid ounces. Rationale The idea comes from APL, which has an operator that does this. (I don’t remember what the operator looks like, and it would probably be impossible to render in ASCII anyway.) The APL operator takes a list as its second operand, while this PEP proposes that each divisor should be a separate argument to the divmod() function. This is mainly because it is expected that the most common uses will have the divisors as constants right in the call (as the 7, 24, 60, 60 above), and adding a set of parentheses or brackets would just clutter the call. Requiring an explicit sequence as the second argument to divmod() would seriously break backwards compatibility. Making divmod() check its second argument for being a sequence is deemed to be too ugly to contemplate. And in the case where one does have a sequence that is computed other-where, it is easy enough to write divmod(x, *divs) instead. Requiring at least one divisor, i.e rejecting divmod(x), has been considered, but no good reason to do so has come to mind, and is thus allowed in the name of generality. Calling divmod() with no divisors should still return a tuple (of one element). Code that calls divmod() with a varying number of divisors, and thus gets a return value with an “unknown” number of elements, would otherwise have to special case that case. Code that knows it is calling divmod() with no divisors is considered to be too silly to warrant a special case. Processing the divisors in the other direction, i.e dividing with the first divisor first, instead of dividing with the last divisor first, has been considered. However, the result comes with the most significant part first and the least significant part last (think of the chained divmod as a way of splitting a number into “digits”, with varying weights), and it is reasonable to specify the divisors (weights) in the same order as the result. The inverse operation: def inverse_divmod(seq, *factors): product = seq[0] for x, y in zip(factors, seq[1:]): product = product * x + y return product could also be useful. However, writing seconds = (((((w * 7) + d) * 24 + h) * 60 + m) * 60 + s) is less cumbersome both to write and to read than the chained divmods. It is therefore deemed to be less important, and its introduction can be deferred to its own PEP. Also, such a function needs a good name, and the PEP author has not managed to come up with one yet. Calling divmod("spam") does not raise an error, despite strings supporting neither division nor modulo. However, unless we know the other object too, we can’t determine whether divmod() would work or not, and thus it seems silly to forbid it. Backwards Compatibility Any module that replaces the divmod() function in the __builtin__ module, may cause other modules using the new syntax to break. It is expected that this is very uncommon. Code that expects a TypeError exception when calling divmod() with anything but two arguments will break. This is also expected to be very uncommon. No other issues regarding backwards compatibility are known. Reference Implementation Not finished yet, but it seems a rather straightforward new implementation of the function builtin_divmod() in Python/bltinmodule.c. References [1] Raymond Hettinger, “Propose rejection of PEP 303 – Extend divmod() for Multiple Divisors” https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054283.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 303 – Extend divmod() for Multiple Divisors
Standards Track
This PEP describes an extension to the built-in divmod() function, allowing it to take multiple divisors, chaining several calls to divmod() into one.
PEP 304 – Controlling Generation of Bytecode Files Author: Skip Montanaro Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 22-Jan-2003 Post-History: 27-Jan-2003, 31-Jan-2003, 17-Jun-2005 Table of Contents Historical Note Abstract Proposal Glossary Locating bytecode files Writing bytecode files Defining augmented directories Fixing the location of the bytecode base Rationale Alternatives Issues Examples Implementation References Copyright Historical Note While this original PEP was withdrawn, a variant of this feature was eventually implemented for Python 3.8 in https://bugs.python.org/issue33499 Several of the issues and concerns originally raised in this PEP were resolved by other changes in the intervening years: the introduction of isolated mode to handle potential security concerns the switch to importlib, a fully import-hook based import system implementation PEP 3147’s change in the bytecode cache layout to use __pycache__ subdirectories, including the source_to_cache(path) and cache_to_source(path) APIs that allow the interpreter to automatically handle the redirection to a separate cache directory Abstract This PEP outlines a mechanism for controlling the generation and location of compiled Python bytecode files. This idea originally arose as a patch request [1] and evolved into a discussion thread on the python-dev mailing list [2]. The introduction of an environment variable will allow people installing Python or Python-based third-party packages to control whether or not bytecode files should be generated at installation time, and if so, where they should be written. It will also allow users to control whether or not bytecode files should be generated at application run-time, and if so, where they should be written. Proposal Add a new environment variable, PYTHONBYTECODEBASE, to the mix of environment variables which Python understands. PYTHONBYTECODEBASE is interpreted as follows: If not defined, Python bytecode is generated in exactly the same way as is currently done. sys.bytecodebase is set to the root directory (either / on Unix and Mac OSX or the root directory of the startup (installation???) drive – typically C:\ – on Windows). If defined and it refers to an existing directory to which the user has write permission, sys.bytecodebase is set to that directory and bytecode files are written into a directory structure rooted at that location. If defined but empty, sys.bytecodebase is set to None and generation of bytecode files is suppressed altogether. If defined and one of the following is true: it does not refer to a directory, it refers to a directory, but not one for which the user has write permission a warning is displayed, sys.bytecodebase is set to None and generation of bytecode files is suppressed altogether. After startup initialization, all runtime references are to sys.bytecodebase, not the PYTHONBYTECODEBASE environment variable. sys.path is not modified. From the above, we see sys.bytecodebase can only take on two valid types of values: None or a string referring to a valid directory on the system. During import, this extension works as follows: The normal search for a module is conducted. The search order is roughly: dynamically loaded extension module, Python source file, Python bytecode file. The only time this mechanism comes into play is if a Python source file is found. Once we’ve found a source module, an attempt to read a byte-compiled file in the same directory is made. (This is the same as before.) If no byte-compiled file is found, an attempt to read a byte-compiled file from the augmented directory is made. If bytecode generation is required, the generated bytecode is written to the augmented directory if possible. Note that this PEP is explicitly not about providing module-by-module or directory-by-directory control over the disposition of bytecode files. Glossary “bytecode base” refers to the current setting of sys.bytecodebase. “augmented directory” refers to the directory formed from the bytecode base and the directory name of the source file. PYTHONBYTECODEBASE refers to the environment variable when necessary to distinguish it from “bytecode base”. Locating bytecode files When the interpreter is searching for a module, it will use sys.path as usual. However, when a possible bytecode file is considered, an extra probe for a bytecode file may be made. First, a check is made for the bytecode file using the directory in sys.path which holds the source file (the current behavior). If a valid bytecode file is not found there (either one does not exist or exists but is out-of-date) and the bytecode base is not None, a second probe is made using the directory in sys.path prefixed appropriately by the bytecode base. Writing bytecode files When the bytecode base is not None, a new bytecode file is written to the appropriate augmented directory, never directly to a directory in sys.path. Defining augmented directories Conceptually, the augmented directory for a bytecode file is the directory in which the source file exists prefixed by the bytecode base. In a Unix environment this would be: pcb = os.path.abspath(sys.bytecodebase) if sourcefile[0] == os.sep: sourcefile = sourcefile[1:] augdir = os.path.join(pcb, os.path.dirname(sourcefile)) On Windows, which does not have a single-rooted directory tree, the drive letter of the directory containing the source file is treated as a directory component after removing the trailing colon. The augmented directory is thus derived as pcb = os.path.abspath(sys.bytecodebase) drive, base = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.dirname(sourcefile)) drive = drive[:-1] if base[0] == "\\": base = base[1:] augdir = os.path.join(pcb, drive, base) Fixing the location of the bytecode base During program startup, the value of the PYTHONBYTECODEBASE environment variable is made absolute, checked for validity and added to the sys module, effectively: pcb = os.path.abspath(os.environ["PYTHONBYTECODEBASE"]) probe = os.path.join(pcb, "foo") try: open(probe, "w") except IOError: sys.bytecodebase = None else: os.unlink(probe) sys.bytecodebase = pcb This allows the user to specify the bytecode base as a relative path, but not have it subject to changes to the current working directory during program execution. (I can’t imagine you’d want it to move around during program execution.) There is nothing special about sys.bytecodebase. The user may change it at runtime if desired, but normally it will not be modified. Rationale In many environments it is not possible for non-root users to write into directories containing Python source files. Most of the time, this is not a problem as Python source is generally byte compiled during installation. However, there are situations where bytecode files are either missing or need to be updated. If the directory containing the source file is not writable by the current user a performance penalty is incurred each time a program importing the module is run. [3] Warning messages may also be generated in certain circumstances. If the directory is writable, nearly simultaneous attempts to write the bytecode file by two separate processes may occur, resulting in file corruption. [4] In environments with RAM disks available, it may be desirable for performance reasons to write bytecode files to a directory on such a disk. Similarly, in environments where Python source code resides on network file systems, it may be desirable to cache bytecode files on local disks. Alternatives The only other alternative proposed so far [1] seems to be to add a -R flag to the interpreter to disable writing bytecode files altogether. This proposal subsumes that. Adding a command-line option is certainly possible, but is probably not sufficient, as the interpreter’s command line is not readily available during installation (early during program startup???). Issues Interpretation of a module’s __file__ attribute. I believe the __file__ attribute of a module should reflect the true location of the bytecode file. If people want to locate a module’s source code, they should use imp.find_module(module). Security - What if root has PYTHONBYTECODEBASE set? Yes, this can present a security risk, but so can many other things the root user does. The root user should probably not set PYTHONBYTECODEBASE except possibly during installation. Still, perhaps this problem can be minimized. When running as root the interpreter should check to see if PYTHONBYTECODEBASE refers to a directory which is writable by anyone other than root. If so, it could raise an exception or warning and set sys.bytecodebase to None. Or, see the next item. More security - What if PYTHONBYTECODEBASE refers to a general directory (say, /tmp)? In this case, perhaps loading of a preexisting bytecode file should occur only if the file is owned by the current user or root. (Does this matter on Windows?) The interaction of this PEP with import hooks has not been considered yet. In fact, the best way to implement this idea might be as an import hook. See PEP 302. In the current (pre-PEP 304) environment, it is safe to delete a source file after the corresponding bytecode file has been created, since they reside in the same directory. With PEP 304 as currently defined, this is not the case. A bytecode file in the augmented directory is only considered when the source file is present and it thus never considered when looking for module files ending in “.pyc”. I think this behavior may have to change. Examples In the examples which follow, the urllib source code resides in /usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.py and /usr/lib/python2.3 is in sys.path but is not writable by the current user. The bytecode base is /tmp. /usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.pyc exists and is valid. When urllib is imported, the contents of /usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.pyc are used. The augmented directory is not consulted. No other bytecode file is generated. The bytecode base is /tmp. /usr/lib/python2.3/urllib.pyc exists, but is out-of-date. When urllib is imported, the generated bytecode file is written to urllib.pyc in the augmented directory which has the value /tmp/usr/lib/python2.3. Intermediate directories will be created as needed. The bytecode base is None. No urllib.pyc file is found. When urllib is imported, no bytecode file is written. The bytecode base is /tmp. No urllib.pyc file is found. When urllib is imported, the generated bytecode file is written to the augmented directory which has the value /tmp/usr/lib/python2.3. Intermediate directories will be created as needed. At startup, PYTHONBYTECODEBASE is /tmp/foobar, which does not exist. A warning is emitted, sys.bytecodebase is set to None and no bytecode files are written during program execution unless sys.bytecodebase is later changed to refer to a valid, writable directory. At startup, PYTHONBYTECODEBASE is set to /, which exists, but is not writable by the current user. A warning is emitted, sys.bytecodebase is set to None and no bytecode files are written during program execution unless sys.bytecodebase is later changed to refer to a valid, writable directory. Note that even though the augmented directory constructed for a particular bytecode file may be writable by the current user, what counts is that the bytecode base directory itself is writable. At startup PYTHONBYTECODEBASE is set to the empty string. sys.bytecodebase is set to None. No warning is generated, however. If no urllib.pyc file is found when urllib is imported, no bytecode file is written. In the Windows examples which follow, the urllib source code resides in C:\PYTHON22\urllib.py. C:\PYTHON22 is in sys.path but is not writable by the current user. The bytecode base is set to C:\TEMP. C:\PYTHON22\urllib.pyc exists and is valid. When urllib is imported, the contents of C:\PYTHON22\urllib.pyc are used. The augmented directory is not consulted. The bytecode base is set to C:\TEMP. C:\PYTHON22\urllib.pyc exists, but is out-of-date. When urllib is imported, a new bytecode file is written to the augmented directory which has the value C:\TEMP\C\PYTHON22. Intermediate directories will be created as needed. At startup PYTHONBYTECODEBASE is set to TEMP and the current working directory at application startup is H:\NET. The potential bytecode base is thus H:\NET\TEMP. If this directory exists and is writable by the current user, sys.bytecodebase will be set to that value. If not, a warning will be emitted and sys.bytecodebase will be set to None. The bytecode base is C:\TEMP. No urllib.pyc file is found. When urllib is imported, the generated bytecode file is written to the augmented directory which has the value C:\TEMP\C\PYTHON22. Intermediate directories will be created as needed. Implementation See the patch on Sourceforge. [6] References [1] (1, 2) patch 602345, Option for not writing py.[co] files, Klose (https://bugs.python.org/issue602345) [2] python-dev thread, Disable writing .py[co], Norwitz (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-January/032270.html) [3] Debian bug report, Mailman is writing to /usr in cron, Wegner (http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=96111) [4] python-dev thread, Parallel pyc construction, Dubois (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-January/032060.html) [6] patch 677103, PYTHONBYTECODEBASE patch (PEP 304), Montanaro (https://bugs.python.org/issue677103) Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 304 – Controlling Generation of Bytecode Files
Standards Track
This PEP outlines a mechanism for controlling the generation and location of compiled Python bytecode files. This idea originally arose as a patch request [1] and evolved into a discussion thread on the python-dev mailing list [2]. The introduction of an environment variable will allow people installing Python or Python-based third-party packages to control whether or not bytecode files should be generated at installation time, and if so, where they should be written. It will also allow users to control whether or not bytecode files should be generated at application run-time, and if so, where they should be written.
PEP 306 – How to Change Python’s Grammar Author: Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net>, Jack Diederich <jackdied at gmail.com>, Alyssa Coghlan <ncoghlan at gmail.com>, Benjamin Peterson <benjamin at python.org> Status: Withdrawn Type: Informational Created: 29-Jan-2003 Post-History: 30-Jan-2003 Table of Contents Note Abstract Rationale Checklist References Copyright Note This PEP has been moved to the Python dev guide [1]. Abstract There’s more to changing Python’s grammar than editing Grammar/Grammar and Python/compile.c. This PEP aims to be a checklist of places that must also be fixed. It is probably incomplete. If you see omissions, just add them if you can – you are not going to offend the author’s sense of ownership. Otherwise submit a bug or patch and assign it to mwh. This PEP is not intended to be an instruction manual on Python grammar hacking, for several reasons. Rationale People are getting this wrong all the time; it took well over a year before someone noticed [2] that adding the floor division operator (//) broke the parser module. Checklist Grammar/Grammar: OK, you’d probably worked this one out :) Parser/Python.asdl may need changes to match the Grammar. Run make to regenerate Include/Python-ast.h and Python/Python-ast.c. Python/ast.c will need changes to create the AST objects involved with the Grammar change. Lib/compiler/ast.py will need matching changes to the pure-python AST objects. Parser/pgen needs to be rerun to regenerate Include/graminit.h and Python/graminit.c. (make should handle this for you.) Python/symbtable.c: This handles the symbol collection pass that happens immediately before the compilation pass. Python/compile.c: You will need to create or modify the compiler_* functions to generate opcodes for your productions. You may need to regenerate Lib/symbol.py and/or Lib/token.py and/or Lib/keyword.py. The parser module. Add some of your new syntax to test_parser, bang on Modules/parsermodule.c until it passes. Add some usage of your new syntax to test_grammar.py. The compiler package. A good test is to compile the standard library and test suite with the compiler package and then check it runs. Note that this only needs to be done in Python 2.x. If you’ve gone so far as to change the token structure of Python, then the Lib/tokenizer.py library module will need to be changed. Certain changes may require tweaks to the library module pyclbr. Documentation must be written! After everything’s been checked in, you’re likely to see a new change to Python/Python-ast.c. This is because this (generated) file contains the SVN version of the source from which it was generated. There’s no way to avoid this; you just have to submit this file separately. References [1] CPython Developer’s Guide: Changing CPython’s Grammar https://devguide.python.org/grammar/ [2] SF Bug #676521, parser module validation failure https://bugs.python.org/issue676521 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 306 – How to Change Python’s Grammar
There’s more to changing Python’s grammar than editing Grammar/Grammar and Python/compile.c. This PEP aims to be a checklist of places that must also be fixed.
PEP 309 – Partial Function Application Author: Peter Harris <scav at blueyonder.co.uk> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 08-Feb-2003 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 10-Feb-2003, 27-Feb-2003, 22-Feb-2004, 28-Apr-2006 Table of Contents Note Abstract Acceptance Motivation Example Implementation Examples of Use Abandoned Syntax Proposal Feedback from comp.lang.python and python-dev Summary References Copyright Note Following the acceptance of this PEP, further discussion on python-dev and comp.lang.python revealed a desire for several tools that operated on function objects, but were not related to functional programming. Rather than create a new module for these tools, it was agreed [1] that the “functional” module be renamed to “functools” to reflect its newly-widened focus. References in this PEP to a “functional” module have been left in for historical reasons. Abstract This proposal is for a function or callable class that allows a new callable to be constructed from a callable and a partial argument list (including positional and keyword arguments). I propose a standard library module called “functional”, to hold useful higher-order functions, including the implementation of partial(). An implementation has been submitted to SourceForge [2]. Acceptance Patch #941881 was accepted and applied in 2005 for Py2.5. It is essentially as outlined here, a partial() type constructor binding leftmost positional arguments and any keywords. The partial object has three read-only attributes func, args, and keywords. Calls to the partial object can specify keywords that override those in the object itself. There is a separate and continuing discussion of whether to modify the partial implementation with a __get__ method to more closely emulate the behavior of an equivalent function. Motivation In functional programming, function currying is a way of implementing multi-argument functions in terms of single-argument functions. A function with N arguments is really a function with 1 argument that returns another function taking (N-1) arguments. Function application in languages like Haskell and ML works such that a function call: f x y z actually means: (((f x) y) z) This would be only an obscure theoretical issue except that in actual programming it turns out to be very useful. Expressing a function in terms of partial application of arguments to another function can be both elegant and powerful, and in functional languages it is heavily used. In some functional languages, (e.g. Miranda) you can use an expression such as (+1) to mean the equivalent of Python’s (lambda x: x + 1). In general, languages like that are strongly typed, so the compiler always knows the number of arguments expected and can do the right thing when presented with a functor and less arguments than expected. Python does not implement multi-argument functions by currying, so if you want a function with partially-applied arguments you would probably use a lambda as above, or define a named function for each instance. However, lambda syntax is not to everyone’s taste, so say the least. Furthermore, Python’s flexible parameter passing using both positional and keyword presents an opportunity to generalise the idea of partial application and do things that lambda cannot. Example Implementation Here is one way to do a create a callable with partially-applied arguments in Python. The implementation below is based on improvements provided by Scott David Daniels: class partial(object): def __init__(*args, **kw): self = args[0] self.fn, self.args, self.kw = (args[1], args[2:], kw) def __call__(self, *args, **kw): if kw and self.kw: d = self.kw.copy() d.update(kw) else: d = kw or self.kw return self.fn(*(self.args + args), **d) (A recipe similar to this has been in the Python Cookbook for some time [3].) Note that when the object is called as though it were a function, positional arguments are appended to those provided to the constructor, and keyword arguments override and augment those provided to the constructor. Positional arguments, keyword arguments or both can be supplied at when creating the object and when calling it. Examples of Use So partial(operator.add, 1) is a bit like (lambda x: 1 + x). Not an example where you see the benefits, of course. Note too, that you could wrap a class in the same way, since classes themselves are callable factories for objects. So in some cases, rather than defining a subclass, you can specialise classes by partial application of the arguments to the constructor. For example, partial(Tkinter.Label, fg='blue') makes Tkinter Labels that have a blue foreground by default. Here’s a simple example that uses partial application to construct callbacks for Tkinter widgets on the fly: from Tkinter import Tk, Canvas, Button import sys from functional import partial win = Tk() c = Canvas(win,width=200,height=50) c.pack() for colour in sys.argv[1:]: b = Button(win, text=colour, command=partial(c.config, bg=colour)) b.pack(side='left') win.mainloop() Abandoned Syntax Proposal I originally suggested the syntax fn@(*args, **kw), meaning the same as partial(fn, *args, **kw). The @ sign is used in some assembly languages to imply register indirection, and the use here is also a kind of indirection. f@(x) is not f(x), but a thing that becomes f(x) when you call it. It was not well-received, so I have withdrawn this part of the proposal. In any case, @ has been taken for the new decorator syntax. Feedback from comp.lang.python and python-dev Among the opinions voiced were the following (which I summarise): Lambda is good enough. The @ syntax is ugly (unanimous). It’s really a curry rather than a closure. There is an almost identical implementation of a curry class on ActiveState’s Python Cookbook. A curry class would indeed be a useful addition to the standard library. It isn’t function currying, but partial application. Hence the name is now proposed to be partial(). It maybe isn’t useful enough to be in the built-ins. The idea of a module called functional was well received, and there are other things that belong there (for example function composition). For completeness, another object that appends partial arguments after those supplied in the function call (maybe called rightcurry) has been suggested. I agree that lambda is usually good enough, just not always. And I want the possibility of useful introspection and subclassing. I disagree that @ is particularly ugly, but it may be that I’m just weird. We have dictionary, list and tuple literals neatly differentiated by special punctuation – a way of directly expressing partially-applied function literals is not such a stretch. However, not one single person has said they like it, so as far as I’m concerned it’s a dead parrot. I concur with calling the class partial rather than curry or closure, so I have amended the proposal in this PEP accordingly. But not throughout: some incorrect references to ‘curry’ have been left in since that’s where the discussion was at the time. Partially applying arguments from the right, or inserting arguments at arbitrary positions creates its own problems, but pending discovery of a good implementation and non-confusing semantics, I don’t think it should be ruled out. Carl Banks posted an implementation as a real functional closure: def curry(fn, *cargs, **ckwargs): def call_fn(*fargs, **fkwargs): d = ckwargs.copy() d.update(fkwargs) return fn(*(cargs + fargs), **d) return call_fn which he assures me is more efficient. I also coded the class in Pyrex, to estimate how the performance might be improved by coding it in C: cdef class curry: cdef object fn, args, kw def __init__(self, fn, *args, **kw): self.fn=fn self.args=args self.kw = kw def __call__(self, *args, **kw): if self.kw: # from Python Cookbook version d = self.kw.copy() d.update(kw) else: d=kw return self.fn(*(self.args + args), **d) The performance gain in Pyrex is less than 100% over the nested function implementation, since to be fully general it has to operate by Python API calls. For the same reason, a C implementation will be unlikely to be much faster, so the case for a built-in coded in C is not very strong. Summary I prefer that some means to partially-apply functions and other callables should be present in the standard library. A standard library module functional should contain an implementation of partial, and any other higher-order functions the community want. Other functions that might belong there fall outside the scope of this PEP though. Patches for the implementation, documentation and unit tests (SF patches 931005, 931007, and 931010 respectively) have been submitted but not yet checked in. A C implementation by Hye-Shik Chang has also been submitted, although it is not expected to be included until after the Python implementation has proven itself useful enough to be worth optimising. References [1] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-March/062290.html [2] Patches 931005, 931007, and 931010. [3] http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/52549 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 309 – Partial Function Application
Standards Track
This proposal is for a function or callable class that allows a new callable to be constructed from a callable and a partial argument list (including positional and keyword arguments).
PEP 310 – Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs Author: Michael Hudson <mwh at python.net>, Paul Moore <p.f.moore at gmail.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 18-Dec-2002 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Rationale Basic Syntax and Semantics Possible Extensions Multiple expressions Exception handling Implementation Notes Open Issues Alternative Ideas Backwards Compatibility Cost of Adoption Cost of Non-Adoption References Copyright Abstract It would be nice to have a less typing-intense way of writing: the_lock.acquire() try: .... finally: the_lock.release() This PEP proposes a piece of syntax (a ‘with’ block) and a “small-i” interface that generalizes the above. Pronouncement This PEP is rejected in favor of PEP 343. Rationale One of the advantages of Python’s exception handling philosophy is that it makes it harder to do the “wrong” thing (e.g. failing to check the return value of some system call). Currently, this does not apply to resource cleanup. The current syntax for acquisition and release of a resource (for example, a lock) is: the_lock.acquire() try: .... finally: the_lock.release() This syntax separates the acquisition and release by a (possibly large) block of code, which makes it difficult to confirm “at a glance” that the code manages the resource correctly. Another common error is to code the “acquire” call within the try block, which incorrectly releases the lock if the acquire fails. Basic Syntax and Semantics The syntax of a ‘with’ statement is as follows: 'with' [ var '=' ] expr ':' suite This statement is defined as being equivalent to the following sequence of statements: var = expr if hasattr(var, "__enter__"): var.__enter__() try: suite finally: var.__exit__() (The presence of an __exit__ method is not checked like that of __enter__ to ensure that using inappropriate objects in with: statements gives an error). If the variable is omitted, an unnamed object is allocated on the stack. In that case, the suite has no access to the unnamed object. Possible Extensions A number of potential extensions to the basic syntax have been discussed on the Python Developers list. None of these extensions are included in the solution proposed by this PEP. In many cases, the arguments are nearly equally strong in both directions. In such cases, the PEP has always chosen simplicity, simply because where extra power is needed, the existing try block is available. Multiple expressions One proposal was for allowing multiple expressions within one ‘with’ statement. The __enter__ methods would be called left to right, and the __exit__ methods right to left. The advantage of doing so is that where more than one resource is being managed, nested ‘with’ statements will result in code drifting towards the right margin. The solution to this problem is the same as for any other deep nesting - factor out some of the code into a separate function. Furthermore, the question of what happens if one of the __exit__ methods raises an exception (should the other __exit__ methods be called?) needs to be addressed. Exception handling An extension to the protocol to include an optional __except__ handler, which is called when an exception is raised, and which can handle or re-raise the exception, has been suggested. It is not at all clear that the semantics of this extension can be made precise and understandable. For example, should the equivalent code be try ... except ... else if an exception handler is defined, and try ... finally if not? How can this be determined at compile time, in general? The alternative is to define the code as expanding to a try ... except inside a try ... finally. But this may not do the right thing in real life. The only use case identified for exception handling is with transactional processing (commit on a clean finish, and rollback on an exception). This is probably just as easy to handle with a conventional try ... except ... else block, and so the PEP does not include any support for exception handlers. Implementation Notes There is a potential race condition in the code specified as equivalent to the with statement. For example, if a KeyboardInterrupt exception is raised between the completion of the __enter__ method call and the start of the try block, the __exit__ method will not be called. This can lead to resource leaks, or to deadlocks. [XXX Guido has stated that he cares about this sort of race condition, and intends to write some C magic to handle them. The implementation of the ‘with’ statement should copy this.] Open Issues Should existing classes (for example, file-like objects and locks) gain appropriate __enter__ and __exit__ methods? The obvious reason in favour is convenience (no adapter needed). The argument against is that if built-in files have this but (say) StringIO does not, then code that uses “with” on a file object can’t be reused with a StringIO object. So __exit__ = close becomes a part of the “file-like object” protocol, which user-defined classes may need to support. The __enter__ hook may be unnecessary - for many use cases, an adapter class is needed and in that case, the work done by the __enter__ hook can just as easily be done in the __init__ hook. If a way of controlling object lifetimes explicitly was available, the function of the __exit__ hook could be taken over by the existing __del__ hook. An email exchange [1] with a proponent of this approach left one of the authors even more convinced that it isn’t the right idea… It has been suggested [2] that the “__exit__” method be called “close”, or that a “close” method should be considered if no __exit__ method is found, to increase the “out-of-the-box utility” of the “with …” construct. There are some similarities in concept between ‘with …’ blocks and generators, which have led to proposals that for loops could implement the with block functionality [3]. While neat on some levels, we think that for loops should stick to being loops. Alternative Ideas IEXEC: Holger Krekel – generalised approach with XML-like syntax (no URL found…). Holger has much more far-reaching ideas about “execution monitors” that are informed about details of control flow in the monitored block. While interesting, these ideas could change the language in deep and subtle ways and as such belong to a different PEP. Any Smalltalk/Ruby anonymous block style extension obviously subsumes this one. PEP 319 is in the same area, but did not win support when aired on python-dev. Backwards Compatibility This PEP proposes a new keyword, so the __future__ game will need to be played. Cost of Adoption Those who claim the language is getting larger and more complicated have something else to complain about. It’s something else to teach. For the proposal to be useful, many file-like and lock-like classes in the standard library and other code will have to have __exit__ = close or similar added. Cost of Non-Adoption Writing correct code continues to be more effort than writing incorrect code. References There are various python-list and python-dev discussions that could be mentioned here. [1] Off-list conversation between Michael Hudson and Bill Soudan (made public with permission) http://starship.python.net/crew/mwh/pep310/ [2] Samuele Pedroni on python-dev https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-August/037795.html [3] Thread on python-dev with subject [Python-Dev] pre-PEP: Resource-Release Support for Generators starting at https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-August/037803.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 310 – Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs
Standards Track
It would be nice to have a less typing-intense way of writing:
PEP 311 – Simplified Global Interpreter Lock Acquisition for Extensions Author: Mark Hammond <mhammond at skippinet.com.au> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 05-Feb-2003 Python-Version: 2.3 Post-History: 05-Feb-2003, 14-Feb-2003, 19-Apr-2003 Table of Contents Abstract Rationale Limitations and Exclusions Proposal Design and Implementation Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes a simplified API for access to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) for Python extension modules. Specifically, it provides a solution for authors of complex multi-threaded extensions, where the current state of Python (i.e., the state of the GIL is unknown. This PEP proposes a new API, for platforms built with threading support, to manage the Python thread state. An implementation strategy is proposed, along with an initial, platform independent implementation. Rationale The current Python interpreter state API is suitable for simple, single-threaded extensions, but quickly becomes incredibly complex for non-trivial, multi-threaded extensions. Currently Python provides two mechanisms for dealing with the GIL: Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS macros. These macros are provided primarily to allow a simple Python extension that already owns the GIL to temporarily release it while making an “external” (ie, non-Python), generally expensive, call. Any existing Python threads that are blocked waiting for the GIL are then free to run. While this is fine for extensions making calls from Python into the outside world, it is no help for extensions that need to make calls into Python when the thread state is unknown. PyThreadState and PyInterpreterState APIs. These API functions allow an extension/embedded application to acquire the GIL, but suffer from a serious boot-strapping problem - they require you to know the state of the Python interpreter and of the GIL before they can be used. One particular problem is for extension authors that need to deal with threads never before seen by Python, but need to call Python from this thread. It is very difficult, delicate and error prone to author an extension where these “new” threads always know the exact state of the GIL, and therefore can reliably interact with this API. For these reasons, the question of how such extensions should interact with Python is quickly becoming a FAQ. The main impetus for this PEP, a thread on python-dev [1], immediately identified the following projects with this exact issue: The win32all extensions Boost ctypes Python-GTK bindings Uno PyObjC Mac toolbox PyXPCOM Currently, there is no reasonable, portable solution to this problem, forcing each extension author to implement their own hand-rolled version. Further, the problem is complex, meaning many implementations are likely to be incorrect, leading to a variety of problems that will often manifest simply as “Python has hung”. While the biggest problem in the existing thread-state API is the lack of the ability to query the current state of the lock, it is felt that a more complete, simplified solution should be offered to extension authors. Such a solution should encourage authors to provide error-free, complex extension modules that take full advantage of Python’s threading mechanisms. Limitations and Exclusions This proposal identifies a solution for extension authors with complex multi-threaded requirements, but that only require a single “PyInterpreterState”. There is no attempt to cater for extensions that require multiple interpreter states. At the time of writing, no extension has been identified that requires multiple PyInterpreterStates, and indeed it is not clear if that facility works correctly in Python itself. This API will not perform automatic initialization of Python, or initialize Python for multi-threaded operation. Extension authors must continue to call Py_Initialize(), and for multi-threaded applications, PyEval_InitThreads(). The reason for this is that the first thread to call PyEval_InitThreads() is nominated as the “main thread” by Python, and so forcing the extension author to specify the main thread (by requiring them to make this first call) removes ambiguity. As Py_Initialize() must be called before PyEval_InitThreads(), and as both of these functions currently support being called multiple times, the burden this places on extension authors is considered reasonable. It is intended that this API be all that is necessary to acquire the Python GIL. Apart from the existing, standard Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS and Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS macros, it is assumed that no additional thread state API functions will be used by the extension. Extensions with such complicated requirements are free to continue to use the existing thread state API. Proposal This proposal recommends a new API be added to Python to simplify the management of the GIL. This API will be available on all platforms built with WITH_THREAD defined. The intent is that assuming Python has correctly been initialized, an extension author be able to use a small, well-defined “prologue dance”, at any time and on any thread, which will ensure Python is ready to be used on that thread. After the extension has finished with Python, it must also perform an “epilogue dance” to release any resources previously acquired. Ideally, these dances can be expressed in a single line. Specifically, the following new APIs are proposed: /* Ensure that the current thread is ready to call the Python C API, regardless of the current state of Python, or of its thread lock. This may be called as many times as desired by a thread so long as each call is matched with a call to PyGILState_Release(). In general, other thread-state APIs may be used between _Ensure() and _Release() calls, so long as the thread-state is restored to its previous state before the Release(). For example, normal use of the Py_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS/ Py_END_ALLOW_THREADS macros are acceptable. The return value is an opaque "handle" to the thread state when PyGILState_Acquire() was called, and must be passed to PyGILState_Release() to ensure Python is left in the same state. Even though recursive calls are allowed, these handles can *not* be shared - each unique call to PyGILState_Ensure must save the handle for its call to PyGILState_Release. When the function returns, the current thread will hold the GIL. Failure is a fatal error. */ PyAPI_FUNC(PyGILState_STATE) PyGILState_Ensure(void); /* Release any resources previously acquired. After this call, Python's state will be the same as it was prior to the corresponding PyGILState_Acquire call (but generally this state will be unknown to the caller, hence the use of the GILState API.) Every call to PyGILState_Ensure must be matched by a call to PyGILState_Release on the same thread. */ PyAPI_FUNC(void) PyGILState_Release(PyGILState_STATE); Common usage will be: void SomeCFunction(void) { /* ensure we hold the lock */ PyGILState_STATE state = PyGILState_Ensure(); /* Use the Python API */ ... /* Restore the state of Python */ PyGILState_Release(state); } Design and Implementation The general operation of PyGILState_Ensure() will be: assert Python is initialized. Get a PyThreadState for the current thread, creating and saving if necessary. remember the current state of the lock (owned/not owned) If the current state does not own the GIL, acquire it. Increment a counter for how many calls to PyGILState_Ensure have been made on the current thread. return The general operation of PyGILState_Release() will be: assert our thread currently holds the lock. If old state indicates lock was previously unlocked, release GIL. Decrement the PyGILState_Ensure counter for the thread. If counter == 0: release and delete the PyThreadState. forget the ThreadState as being owned by the thread. return It is assumed that it is an error if two discrete PyThreadStates are used for a single thread. Comments in pystate.h (“State unique per thread”) support this view, although it is never directly stated. Thus, this will require some implementation of Thread Local Storage. Fortunately, a platform independent implementation of Thread Local Storage already exists in the Python source tree, in the SGI threading port. This code will be integrated into the platform independent Python core, but in such a way that platforms can provide a more optimal implementation if desired. Implementation An implementation of this proposal can be found at https://bugs.python.org/issue684256 References [1] David Abrahams, Extension modules, Threading, and the GIL https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/031424.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 311 – Simplified Global Interpreter Lock Acquisition for Extensions
Standards Track
This PEP proposes a simplified API for access to the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) for Python extension modules. Specifically, it provides a solution for authors of complex multi-threaded extensions, where the current state of Python (i.e., the state of the GIL is unknown.
PEP 312 – Simple Implicit Lambda Author: Roman Suzi <rnd at onego.ru>, Alex Martelli <aleaxit at gmail.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 11-Feb-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Deferral Motivation Rationale Syntax Examples of Use Implementation Discussion Credits References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes to make argumentless lambda keyword optional in some cases where it is not grammatically ambiguous. Deferral The BDFL hates the unary colon syntax. This PEP needs to go back to the drawing board and find a more Pythonic syntax (perhaps an alternative unary operator). See python-dev discussion on 17 June 2005 [1]. Also, it is probably a good idea to eliminate the alternative propositions which have no chance at all. The examples section is good and highlights the readability improvements. It would carry more weight with additional examples and with real-world referents (instead of the abstracted dummy calls to :A and :B). Motivation Lambdas are useful for defining anonymous functions, e.g. for use as callbacks or (pseudo)-lazy evaluation schemes. Often, lambdas are not used when they would be appropriate, just because the keyword “lambda” makes code look complex. Omitting lambda in some special cases is possible, with small and backwards compatible changes to the grammar, and provides a cheap cure against such “lambdaphobia”. Rationale Sometimes people do not use lambdas because they fear to introduce a term with a theory behind it. This proposal makes introducing argumentless lambdas easier, by omitting the “lambda” keyword. itself. Implementation can be done simply changing grammar so it lets the “lambda” keyword be implied in a few well-known cases. In particular, adding surrounding brackets lets you specify nullary lambda anywhere. Syntax An argumentless “lambda” keyword can be omitted in the following cases: immediately after “=” in named parameter assignment or default value assignment; immediately after “(” in any expression; immediately after a “,” in a function argument list; immediately after a “:” in a dictionary literal; (not implemented) in an assignment statement; (not implemented) Examples of Use Inline if:def ifelse(cond, true_part, false_part): if cond: return true_part() else: return false_part() # old syntax: print ifelse(a < b, lambda:A, lambda:B) # new syntax: print ifelse(a < b, :A, :B) # parts A and B may require extensive processing, as in: print ifelse(a < b, :ext_proc1(A), :ext_proc2(B)) Locking:def with(alock, acallable): alock.acquire() try: acallable() finally: alock.release() with(mylock, :x(y(), 23, z(), 'foo')) Implementation Implementation requires some tweaking of the Grammar/Grammar file in the Python sources, and some adjustment of Modules/parsermodule.c to make syntactic and pragmatic changes. (Some grammar/parser guru is needed to make a full implementation.) Here are the changes needed to Grammar to allow implicit lambda: varargslist: (fpdef ['=' imptest] ',')* ('*' NAME [',' '**' NAME] | '**' NAME) | fpdef ['=' imptest] (',' fpdef ['=' imptest])* [','] imptest: test | implambdef atom: '(' [imptestlist] ')' | '[' [listmaker] ']' | '{' [dictmaker] '}' | '`' testlist1 '`' | NAME | NUMBER | STRING+ implambdef: ':' test imptestlist: imptest (',' imptest)* [','] argument: [test '='] imptest Three new non-terminals are needed: imptest for the place where implicit lambda may occur, implambdef for the implicit lambda definition itself, imptestlist for a place where imptest’s may occur. This implementation is not complete. First, because some files in Parser module need to be updated. Second, some additional places aren’t implemented, see Syntax section above. Discussion This feature is not a high-visibility one (the only novel part is the absence of lambda). The feature is intended to make null-ary lambdas more appealing syntactically, to provide lazy evaluation of expressions in some simple cases. This proposal is not targeted at more advanced cases (demanding arguments for the lambda). There is an alternative proposition for implicit lambda: implicit lambda with unused arguments. In this case the function defined by such lambda can accept any parameters, i.e. be equivalent to: lambda *args: expr. This form would be more powerful. Grep in the standard library revealed that such lambdas are indeed in use. One more extension can provide a way to have a list of parameters passed to a function defined by implicit lambda. However, such parameters need some special name to be accessed and are unlikely to be included in the language. Possible local names for such parameters are: _, __args__, __. For example: reduce(:_[0] + _[1], [1,2,3], 0) reduce(:__[0] + __[1], [1,2,3], 0) reduce(:__args__[0] + __args__[1], [1,2,3], 0) These forms do not look very nice, and in the PEP author’s opinion do not justify the removal of the lambda keyword in such cases. Credits The idea of dropping lambda was first coined by Paul Rubin at 08 Feb 2003 16:39:30 -0800 in comp.lang.python while discussing the thread “For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression” [2]. References [1] Guido van Rossum, Recommend accepting PEP 312 – Simple Implicit Lambda https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2005-June/054304.html [2] Guido van Rossum, For review: PEP 308 - If-then-else expression https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-February/033178.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 312 – Simple Implicit Lambda
Standards Track
This PEP proposes to make argumentless lambda keyword optional in some cases where it is not grammatically ambiguous.
PEP 313 – Adding Roman Numeral Literals to Python Author: Mike Meyer <mwm at mired.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 01-Apr-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract BDFL Pronouncement Rationale Syntax for Roman literals Built-In “roman” Function Compatibility Issues Copyright Abstract This PEP (also known as PEP CCCXIII) proposes adding Roman numerals as a literal type. It also proposes the new built-in function “roman”, which converts an object to an integer, then converts the integer to a string that is the Roman numeral literal equivalent to the integer. BDFL Pronouncement This PEP is rejected. While the majority of Python users deemed this to be a nice-to-have feature, the community was unable to reach a consensus on whether nine should be represented as IX, the modern form, or VIIII, the classic form. Likewise, no agreement was reached on whether MXM or MCMXC would be considered a well-formed representation of 1990. A vocal minority of users has also requested support for lower-cased numerals for use in (i) powerpoint slides, (ii) academic work, and (iii) Perl documentation. Rationale Roman numerals are used in a number of areas, and adding them to Python as literals would make computations in those areas easier. For instance, Super Bowls are counted with Roman numerals, and many older movies have copyright dates in Roman numerals. Further, LISP provides a Roman numerals literal package, so adding Roman numerals to Python will help ease the LISP-envy sometimes seen in comp.lang.python. Besides, the author thinks this is the easiest way to get his name on a PEP. Syntax for Roman literals Roman numeral literals will consist of the characters M, D, C, L, X, V and I, and only those characters. They must be in upper case, and represent an integer with the following rules: Except as noted below, they must appear in the order M, D, C, L, X, V then I. Each occurrence of each character adds 1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5 and 1 to the value of the literal, respectively. Only one D, V or L may appear in any given literal. At most three each of Is, Xs and Cs may appear consecutively in any given literal. A single I may appear immediately to the left of the single V, followed by no Is, and adds 4 to the value of the literal. A single I may likewise appear before the last X, followed by no Is or Vs, and adds 9 to the value. X is to L and C as I is to V and X, except the values are 40 and 90, respectively. C is to D and M as I is to V and X, except the values are 400 and 900, respectively. Any literal composed entirely of M, D, C, L, X, V and I characters that does not follow this format will raise a syntax error, because explicit is better than implicit. Built-In “roman” Function The new built-in function “roman” will aide the translation from integers to Roman numeral literals. It will accept a single object as an argument, and return a string containing the literal of the same value. If the argument is not an integer or a rational (see PEP 239) it will passed through the existing built-in “int” to obtain the value. This may cause a loss of information if the object was a float. If the object is a rational, then the result will be formatted as a rational literal (see PEP 240) with the integers in the string being Roman numeral literals. Compatibility Issues No new keywords are introduced by this proposal. Programs that use variable names that are all upper case and contain only the characters M, D, C, L, X, V and I will be affected by the new literals. These programs will now have syntax errors when those variables are assigned, and either syntax errors or subtle bugs when those variables are referenced in expressions. Since such variable names violate PEP 8, the code is already broken, it just wasn’t generating exceptions. This proposal corrects that oversight in the language. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 313 – Adding Roman Numeral Literals to Python
Standards Track
This PEP (also known as PEP CCCXIII) proposes adding Roman numerals as a literal type. It also proposes the new built-in function “roman”, which converts an object to an integer, then converts the integer to a string that is the Roman numeral literal equivalent to the integer.
PEP 315 – Enhanced While Loop Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com>, W Isaac Carroll <icarroll at pobox.com> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 25-Apr-2003 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Notice Motivation Syntax Semantics of break and continue Future Statement Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding an optional “do” clause to the beginning of the while loop to make loop code clearer and reduce errors caused by code duplication. Notice Rejected; see [1]. This PEP has been deferred since 2006; see [2]. Subsequent efforts to revive the PEP in April 2009 did not meet with success because no syntax emerged that could compete with the following form: while True: <setup code> if not <condition>: break <loop body> A syntax alternative to the one proposed in the PEP was found for a basic do-while loop but it gained little support because the condition was at the top: do ... while <cond>: <loop body> Users of the language are advised to use the while-True form with an inner if-break when a do-while loop would have been appropriate. Motivation It is often necessary for some code to be executed before each evaluation of the while loop condition. This code is often duplicated outside the loop, as setup code that executes once before entering the loop: <setup code> while <condition>: <loop body> <setup code> The problem is that duplicated code can be a source of errors if one instance is changed but the other is not. Also, the purpose of the second instance of the setup code is not clear because it comes at the end of the loop. It is possible to prevent code duplication by moving the loop condition into a helper function, or an if statement in the loop body. However, separating the loop condition from the while keyword makes the behavior of the loop less clear: def helper(args): <setup code> return <condition> while helper(args): <loop body> This last form has the additional drawback of requiring the loop’s else clause to be added to the body of the if statement, further obscuring the loop’s behavior: while True: <setup code> if not <condition>: break <loop body> This PEP proposes to solve these problems by adding an optional clause to the while loop, which allows the setup code to be expressed in a natural way: do: <setup code> while <condition>: <loop body> This keeps the loop condition with the while keyword where it belongs, and does not require code to be duplicated. Syntax The syntax of the while statement while_stmt : "while" expression ":" suite ["else" ":" suite] is extended as follows: while_stmt : ["do" ":" suite] "while" expression ":" suite ["else" ":" suite] Semantics of break and continue In the do-while loop the break statement will behave the same as in the standard while loop: It will immediately terminate the loop without evaluating the loop condition or executing the else clause. A continue statement in the do-while loop jumps to the while condition check. In general, when the while suite is empty (a pass statement), the do-while loop and break and continue statements should match the semantics of do-while in other languages. Likewise, when the do suite is empty, the do-while loop and break and continue statements should match behavior found in regular while loops. Future Statement Because of the new keyword “do”, the statement from __future__ import do_while will initially be required to use the do-while form. Implementation The first implementation of this PEP can compile the do-while loop as an infinite loop with a test that exits the loop. References [1] Guido van Rossum, PEP 315: do-while https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-ideas/2013-June/021610.html [2] Raymond Hettinger, release plan for 2.5 ? https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2006-February/060718.html Copyright This document is placed in the public domain.
PEP 315 – Enhanced While Loop
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding an optional “do” clause to the beginning of the while loop to make loop code clearer and reduce errors caused by code duplication.
PEP 316 – Programming by Contract for Python Author: Terence Way <terry at wayforward.net> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 02-May-2003 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Specification Exceptions Inheritance Rationale Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This submission describes programming by contract for Python. Eiffel’s Design By Contract(tm) is perhaps the most popular use of programming contracts [2]. Programming contracts extends the language to include invariant expressions for classes and modules, and pre- and post-condition expressions for functions and methods. These expressions (contracts) are similar to assertions: they must be true or the program is stopped, and run-time checking of the contracts is typically only enabled while debugging. Contracts are higher-level than straight assertions and are typically included in documentation. Motivation Python already has assertions, why add extra stuff to the language to support something like contracts? The two best reasons are 1) better, more accurate documentation, and 2) easier testing. Complex modules and classes never seem to be documented quite right. The documentation provided may be enough to convince a programmer to use a particular module or class over another, but the programmer almost always has to read the source code when the real debugging starts. Contracts extend the excellent example provided by the doctest module [4]. Documentation is readable by programmers, yet has executable tests embedded in it. Testing code with contracts is easier too. Comprehensive contracts are equivalent to unit tests [8]. Tests exercise the full range of pre-conditions, and fail if the post-conditions are triggered. Theoretically, a correctly specified function can be tested completely randomly. So why add this to the language? Why not have several different implementations, or let programmers implement their own assertions? The answer is the behavior of contracts under inheritance. Suppose Alice and Bob use different assertions packages. If Alice produces a class library protected by assertions, Bob cannot derive classes from Alice’s library and expect proper checking of post-conditions and invariants. If they both use the same assertions package, then Bob can override Alice’s methods yet still test against Alice’s contract assertions. The natural place to find this assertions system is in the language’s run-time library. Specification The docstring of any module or class can include invariant contracts marked off with a line that starts with the keyword inv followed by a colon (:). Whitespace at the start of the line and around the colon is ignored. The colon is either immediately followed by a single expression on the same line, or by a series of expressions on following lines indented past the inv keyword. The normal Python rules about implicit and explicit line continuations are followed here. Any number of invariant contracts can be in a docstring. Some examples: # state enumeration START, CONNECTING, CONNECTED, CLOSING, CLOSED = range(5) class conn: """A network connection inv: self.state in [START, CLOSED, # closed states CONNECTING, CLOSING, # transition states CONNECTED] inv: 0 <= self.seqno < 256 """ class circbuf: """A circular buffer. inv: # there can be from 0 to max items on the buffer 0 <= self.len <= len(self.buf) # g is a valid index into buf 0 <= self.g < len(self.buf) # p is also a valid index into buf 0 <= self.p < len(self.buf) # there are len items between get and put (self.p - self.g) % len(self.buf) == \ self.len % len(self.buf) """ Module invariants must be true after the module is loaded, and at the entry and exit of every public function within the module. Class invariants must be true after the __init__ function returns, at the entry of the __del__ function, and at the entry and exit of every other public method of the class. Class invariants must use the self variable to access instance variables. A method or function is public if its name doesn’t start with an underscore (_), unless it starts and ends with ‘__’ (two underscores). The docstring of any function or method can have pre-conditions documented with the keyword pre following the same rules above. Post-conditions are documented with the keyword post optionally followed by a list of variables. The variables are in the same scope as the body of the function or method. This list declares the variables that the function/method is allowed to modify. An example: class circbuf: def __init__(self, leng): """Construct an empty circular buffer. pre: leng > 0 post[self]: self.is_empty() len(self.buf) == leng """ A double-colon (::) can be used instead of a single colon (:) to support docstrings written using reStructuredText [7]. For example, the following two docstrings describe the same contract: """pre: leng > 0""" """pre:: leng > 0""" Expressions in pre- and post-conditions are defined in the module namespace – they have access to nearly all the variables that the function can access, except closure variables. The contract expressions in post-conditions have access to two additional variables: __old__ which is filled with shallow copies of values declared in the variable list immediately following the post keyword, and __return__ which is bound to the return value of the function or method. An example: class circbuf: def get(self): """Pull an entry from a non-empty circular buffer. pre: not self.is_empty() post[self.g, self.len]: __return__ == self.buf[__old__.self.g] self.len == __old__.self.len - 1 """ All contract expressions have access to some additional convenience functions. To make evaluating the truth of sequences easier, two functions forall and exists are defined as: def forall(a, fn = bool): """Return True only if all elements in a are true. >>> forall([]) 1 >>> even = lambda x: x % 2 == 0 >>> forall([2, 4, 6, 8], even) 1 >>> forall('this is a test'.split(), lambda x: len(x) == 4) 0 """ def exists(a, fn = bool): """Returns True if there is at least one true value in a. >>> exists([]) 0 >>> exists('this is a test'.split(), lambda x: len(x) == 4) 1 """ An example: def sort(a): """Sort a list. pre: isinstance(a, type(list)) post[a]: # array size is unchanged len(a) == len(__old__.a) # array is ordered forall([a[i] >= a[i-1] for i in range(1, len(a))]) # all the old elements are still in the array forall(__old__.a, lambda e: __old__.a.count(e) == a.count(e)) """ To make evaluating conditions easier, the function implies is defined. With two arguments, this is similar to the logical implies (=>) operator. With three arguments, this is similar to C’s conditional expression (x?a:b). This is defined as: implies(False, a) => True implies(True, a) => a implies(False, a, b) => b implies(True, a, b) => a On entry to a function, the function’s pre-conditions are checked. An assertion error is raised if any pre-condition is false. If the function is public, then the class or module’s invariants are also checked. Copies of variables declared in the post are saved, the function is called, and if the function exits without raising an exception, the post-conditions are checked. Exceptions Class/module invariants are checked even if a function or method exits by signalling an exception (post-conditions are not). All failed contracts raise exceptions which are subclasses of the ContractViolationError exception, which is in turn a subclass of the AssertionError exception. Failed pre-conditions raise a PreconditionViolationError exception. Failed post-conditions raise a PostconditionViolationError exception, and failed invariants raise a InvariantViolationError exception. The class hierarchy: AssertionError ContractViolationError PreconditionViolationError PostconditionViolationError InvariantViolationError InvalidPreconditionError The InvalidPreconditionError is raised when pre-conditions are illegally strengthened, see the next section on Inheritance. Example: try: some_func() except contract.PreconditionViolationError: # failed pre-condition, ok pass Inheritance A class’s invariants include all the invariants for all super-classes (class invariants are ANDed with super-class invariants). These invariants are checked in method-resolution order. A method’s post-conditions also include all overridden post-conditions (method post-conditions are ANDed with all overridden method post-conditions). An overridden method’s pre-conditions can be ignored if the overriding method’s pre-conditions are met. However, if the overriding method’s pre-conditions fail, all of the overridden method’s pre-conditions must also fail. If not, a separate exception is raised, the InvalidPreconditionError. This supports weakening pre-conditions. A somewhat contrived example: class SimpleMailClient: def send(self, msg, dest): """Sends a message to a destination: pre: self.is_open() # we must have an open connection """ def recv(self): """Gets the next unread mail message. Returns None if no message is available. pre: self.is_open() # we must have an open connection post: __return__ is None or isinstance(__return__, Message) """ class ComplexMailClient(SimpleMailClient): def send(self, msg, dest): """Sends a message to a destination. The message is sent immediately if currently connected. Otherwise, the message is queued locally until a connection is made. pre: True # weakens the pre-condition from SimpleMailClient """ def recv(self): """Gets the next unread mail message. Waits until a message is available. pre: True # can always be called post: isinstance(__return__, Message) """ Because pre-conditions can only be weakened, a ComplexMailClient can replace a SimpleMailClient with no fear of breaking existing code. Rationale Except for the following differences, programming-by-contract for Python mirrors the Eiffel DBC specification [3]. Embedding contracts in docstrings is patterned after the doctest module. It removes the need for extra syntax, ensures that programs with contracts are backwards-compatible, and no further work is necessary to have the contracts included in the docs. The keywords pre, post, and inv were chosen instead of the Eiffel-style REQUIRE, ENSURE, and INVARIANT because they’re shorter, more in line with mathematical notation, and for a more subtle reason: the word ‘require’ implies caller responsibilities, while ‘ensure’ implies provider guarantees. Yet pre-conditions can fail through no fault of the caller when using multiple inheritance, and post-conditions can fail through no fault of the function when using multiple threads. Loop invariants as used in Eiffel are unsupported. They’re a pain to implement, and not part of the documentation anyway. The variable names __old__ and __return__ were picked to avoid conflicts with the return keyword and to stay consistent with Python naming conventions: they’re public and provided by the Python implementation. Having variable declarations after a post keyword describes exactly what the function or method is allowed to modify. This removes the need for the NoChange syntax in Eiffel, and makes the implementation of __old__ much easier. It also is more in line with Z schemas [9], which are divided into two parts: declaring what changes followed by limiting the changes. Shallow copies of variables for the __old__ value prevent an implementation of contract programming from slowing down a system too much. If a function changes values that wouldn’t be caught by a shallow copy, it can declare the changes like so: post[self, self.obj, self.obj.p] The forall, exists, and implies functions were added after spending some time documenting existing functions with contracts. These capture a majority of common specification idioms. It might seem that defining implies as a function might not work (the arguments are evaluated whether needed or not, in contrast with other boolean operators), but it works for contracts since there should be no side-effects for any expression in a contract. Reference Implementation A reference implementation is available [1]. It replaces existing functions with new functions that do contract checking, by directly changing the class’ or module’s namespace. Other implementations exist that either hack __getattr__ [5] or use __metaclass__ [6]. References [1] Implementation described in this document. (http://www.wayforward.net/pycontract/) [2] Design By Contract is a registered trademark of Eiffel Software Inc. (http://archive.eiffel.com/doc/manuals/technology/contract/) [3] Object-oriented Software Construction, Bertrand Meyer, ISBN 0-13-629031-0 [4] http://docs.python.org/library/doctest.html doctest – Test docstrings represent reality [5] Design by Contract for Python, R. Plosch IEEE Proceedings of the Joint Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC97/ICSC97), Hong Kong, December 2-5, 1997 (http://www.swe.uni-linz.ac.at/publications/abstract/TR-SE-97.24.html) [6] PyDBC – Design by Contract for Python 2.2+, Daniel Arbuckle (http://www.nongnu.org/pydbc/) [7] ReStructuredText (http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html) [8] Extreme Programming Explained, Kent Beck, ISBN 0-201-61641-6 [9] The Z Notation, Second Edition, J.M. Spivey ISBN 0-13-978529-9 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 316 – Programming by Contract for Python
Standards Track
This submission describes programming by contract for Python. Eiffel’s Design By Contract(tm) is perhaps the most popular use of programming contracts [2].
PEP 317 – Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation Author: Steven Taschuk <staschuk at telusplanet.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 06-May-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 09-Jun-2003 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation String Exceptions Implicit Instantiation Specification Backwards Compatibility Migration Plan Future Statement Warnings Examples Code Using Implicit Instantiation Code Using String Exceptions Code Supplying a Traceback Object A Failure of the Plan Rejection Summary of Discussion New-Style Exceptions Ugliness of Explicit Instantiation Performance Penalty of Warnings Traceback Argument References Copyright Abstract “For clarity in new code, the form raise class(argument, ...) is recommended (i.e. make an explicit call to the constructor).”—Guido van Rossum, in 1997 [1] This PEP proposes the formal deprecation and eventual elimination of forms of the raise statement which implicitly instantiate an exception. For example, statements such as raise HullBreachError raise KitchenError, 'all out of baked beans' must under this proposal be replaced with their synonyms raise HullBreachError() raise KitchenError('all out of baked beans') Note that these latter statements are already legal, and that this PEP does not change their meaning. Eliminating these forms of raise makes it impossible to use string exceptions; accordingly, this PEP also proposes the formal deprecation and eventual elimination of string exceptions. Adoption of this proposal breaks backwards compatibility. Under the proposed implementation schedule, Python 2.4 will introduce warnings about uses of raise which will eventually become incorrect, and Python 3.0 will eliminate them entirely. (It is assumed that this transition period – 2.4 to 3.0 – will be at least one year long, to comply with the guidelines of PEP 5.) Motivation String Exceptions It is assumed that removing string exceptions will be uncontroversial, since it has been intended since at least Python 1.5, when the standard exception types were changed to classes [1]. For the record: string exceptions should be removed because the presence of two kinds of exception complicates the language without any compensation. Instance exceptions are superior because, for example, the class-instance relationship more naturally expresses the relationship between the exception type and value, they can be organized naturally using superclass-subclass relationships, and they can encapsulate error-reporting behaviour (for example). Implicit Instantiation Guido’s 1997 essay [1] on changing the standard exceptions into classes makes clear why raise can instantiate implicitly: “The raise statement has been extended to allow raising a class exception without explicit instantiation. The following forms, called the “compatibility forms” of the raise statement […] The motivation for introducing the compatibility forms was to allow backward compatibility with old code that raised a standard exception.” For example, it was desired that pre-1.5 code which used string exception syntax such as raise TypeError, 'not an int' would work both on versions of Python in which TypeError was a string, and on versions in which it was a class. When no such consideration obtains – that is, when the desired exception type is not a string in any version of the software which the code must support – there is no good reason to instantiate implicitly, and it is clearer not to. For example: In the codetry: raise MyError, raised except MyError, caught: pass the syntactic parallel between the raise and except statements strongly suggests that raised and caught refer to the same object. For string exceptions this actually is the case, but for instance exceptions it is not. When instantiation is implicit, it is not obvious when it occurs, for example, whether it occurs when the exception is raised or when it is caught. Since it actually happens at the raise, the code should say so.(Note that at the level of the C API, an exception can be “raised” and “caught” without being instantiated; this is used as an optimization by, for example, PyIter_Next. But in Python, no such optimization is or should be available.) An implicitly instantiating raise statement with no arguments, such asraise MyError simply does not do what it says: it does not raise the named object. The equivalence ofraise MyError raise MyError() conflates classes and instances, creating a possible source of confusion for beginners. (Moreover, it is not clear that the interpreter could distinguish between a new-style class and an instance of such a class, so implicit instantiation may be an obstacle to any future plan to let exceptions be new-style objects.) In short, implicit instantiation has no advantages other than backwards compatibility, and so should be phased out along with what it exists to ensure compatibility with, namely, string exceptions. Specification The syntax of raise_stmt [3] is to be changed from raise_stmt ::= "raise" [expression ["," expression ["," expression]]] to raise_stmt ::= "raise" [expression ["," expression]] If no expressions are present, the raise statement behaves as it does presently: it re-raises the last exception that was active in the current scope, and if no exception has been active in the current scope, a TypeError is raised indicating that this is the problem. Otherwise, the first expression is evaluated, producing the raised object. Then the second expression is evaluated, if present, producing the substituted traceback. If no second expression is present, the substituted traceback is None. The raised object must be an instance. The class of the instance is the exception type, and the instance itself is the exception value. If the raised object is not an instance – for example, if it is a class or string – a TypeError is raised. If the substituted traceback is not None, it must be a traceback object, and it is substituted instead of the current location as the place where the exception occurred. If it is neither a traceback object nor None, a TypeError is raised. Backwards Compatibility Migration Plan Future Statement Under the PEP 236 future statement: from __future__ import raise_with_two_args the syntax and semantics of the raise statement will be as described above. This future feature is to appear in Python 2.4; its effect is to become standard in Python 3.0. As the examples below illustrate, this future statement is only needed for code which uses the substituted traceback argument to raise; simple exception raising does not require it. Warnings Three new warnings, all of category DeprecationWarning, are to be issued to point out uses of raise which will become incorrect under the proposed changes. The first warning is issued when a raise statement is executed in which the first expression evaluates to a string. The message for this warning is: raising strings will be impossible in the future The second warning is issued when a raise statement is executed in which the first expression evaluates to a class. The message for this warning is: raising classes will be impossible in the future The third warning is issued when a raise statement with three expressions is compiled. (Not, note, when it is executed; this is important because the SyntaxError which this warning presages will occur at compile-time.) The message for this warning is: raising with three arguments will be impossible in the future These warnings are to appear in Python 2.4, and disappear in Python 3.0, when the conditions which cause them are simply errors. Examples Code Using Implicit Instantiation Code such as class MyError(Exception): pass raise MyError, 'spam' will issue a warning when the raise statement is executed. The raise statement should be changed to instantiate explicitly: raise MyError('spam') Code Using String Exceptions Code such as MyError = 'spam' raise MyError, 'eggs' will issue a warning when the raise statement is executed. The exception type should be changed to a class: class MyError(Exception): pass and, as in the previous example, the raise statement should be changed to instantiate explicitly raise MyError('eggs') Code Supplying a Traceback Object Code such as raise MyError, 'spam', mytraceback will issue a warning when compiled. The statement should be changed to raise MyError('spam'), mytraceback and the future statement from __future__ import raise_with_two_args should be added at the top of the module. Note that adding this future statement also turns the other two warnings into errors, so the changes described in the previous examples must also be applied. The special case raise sys.exc_type, sys.exc_info, sys.exc_traceback (which is intended to re-raise a previous exception) should be changed simply to raise A Failure of the Plan It may occur that a raise statement which raises a string or implicitly instantiates is not executed in production or testing during the phase-in period for this PEP. In that case, it will not issue any warnings, but will instead suddenly fail one day in Python 3.0 or a subsequent version. (The failure is that the wrong exception gets raised, namely a TypeError complaining about the arguments to raise, instead of the exception intended.) Such cases can be made rarer by prolonging the phase-in period; they cannot be made impossible short of issuing at compile-time a warning for every raise statement. Rejection If this PEP were accepted, nearly all existing Python code would need to be reviewed and probably revised; even if all the above arguments in favour of explicit instantiation are accepted, the improvement in clarity is too minor to justify the cost of doing the revision and the risk of new bugs introduced thereby. This proposal has therefore been rejected [6]. Note that string exceptions are slated for removal independently of this proposal; what is rejected is the removal of implicit exception instantiation. Summary of Discussion A small minority of respondents were in favour of the proposal, but the dominant response was that any such migration would be costly out of proportion to the putative benefit. As noted above, this point is sufficient in itself to reject the PEP. New-Style Exceptions Implicit instantiation might conflict with future plans to allow instances of new-style classes to be used as exceptions. In order to decide whether to instantiate implicitly, the raise machinery must determine whether the first argument is a class or an instance – but with new-style classes there is no clear and strong distinction. Under this proposal, the problem would be avoided because the exception would already have been instantiated. However, there are two plausible alternative solutions: Require exception types to be subclasses of Exception, and instantiate implicitly if and only ifissubclass(firstarg, Exception) Instantiate implicitly if and only ifisinstance(firstarg, type) Thus eliminating implicit instantiation entirely is not necessary to solve this problem. Ugliness of Explicit Instantiation Some respondents felt that the explicitly instantiating syntax is uglier, especially in cases when no arguments are supplied to the exception constructor: raise TypeError() The problem is particularly acute when the exception instance itself is not of interest, that is, when the only relevant point is the exception type: try: # ... deeply nested search loop ... raise Found except Found: # ... In such cases the symmetry between raise and except can be more expressive of the intent of the code. Guido opined that the implicitly instantiating syntax is “a tad prettier” even for cases with a single argument, since it has less punctuation. Performance Penalty of Warnings Experience with deprecating apply() shows that use of the warning framework can incur a significant performance penalty. Code which instantiates explicitly would not be affected, since the run-time checks necessary to determine whether to issue a warning are exactly those which are needed to determine whether to instantiate implicitly in the first place. That is, such statements are already incurring the cost of these checks. Code which instantiates implicitly would incur a large cost: timing trials indicate that issuing a warning (whether it is suppressed or not) takes about five times more time than simply instantiating, raising, and catching an exception. This penalty is mitigated by the fact that raise statements are rarely on performance-critical execution paths. Traceback Argument As the proposal stands, it would be impossible to use the traceback argument to raise conveniently with all 2.x versions of Python. For compatibility with versions < 2.4, the three-argument form must be used; but this form would produce warnings with versions >= 2.4. Those warnings could be suppressed, but doing so is awkward because the relevant type of warning is issued at compile-time. If this PEP were still under consideration, this objection would be met by extending the phase-in period. For example, warnings could first be issued in 3.0, and become errors in some later release. References [1] (1, 2, 3) “Standard Exception Classes in Python 1.5”, Guido van Rossum. http://www.python.org/doc/essays/stdexceptions.html [3] “Python Language Reference”, Guido van Rossum. http://docs.python.org/reference/simple_stmts.html#raise [6] Guido van Rossum, 11 June 2003 post to python-dev. https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-June/036176.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 317 – Eliminate Implicit Exception Instantiation
Standards Track
—Guido van Rossum, in 1997 [1]
PEP 318 – Decorators for Functions and Methods Author: Kevin D. Smith <Kevin.Smith at theMorgue.org>, Jim J. Jewett, Skip Montanaro, Anthony Baxter Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 05-Jun-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 09-Jun-2003, 10-Jun-2003, 27-Feb-2004, 23-Mar-2004, 30-Aug-2004, 02-Sep-2004 Table of Contents WarningWarningWarning Abstract Motivation Why Is This So Hard? Background On the name ‘Decorator’ Design Goals Current Syntax Syntax Alternatives Decorator Location Syntax forms Why @? Current Implementation, History Community Consensus Examples (No longer) Open Issues Copyright WarningWarningWarning This document is meant to describe the decorator syntax and the process that resulted in the decisions that were made. It does not attempt to cover the huge number of potential alternative syntaxes, nor is it an attempt to exhaustively list all the positives and negatives of each form. Abstract The current method for transforming functions and methods (for instance, declaring them as a class or static method) is awkward and can lead to code that is difficult to understand. Ideally, these transformations should be made at the same point in the code where the declaration itself is made. This PEP introduces new syntax for transformations of a function or method declaration. Motivation The current method of applying a transformation to a function or method places the actual transformation after the function body. For large functions this separates a key component of the function’s behavior from the definition of the rest of the function’s external interface. For example: def foo(self): perform method operation foo = classmethod(foo) This becomes less readable with longer methods. It also seems less than pythonic to name the function three times for what is conceptually a single declaration. A solution to this problem is to move the transformation of the method closer to the method’s own declaration. The intent of the new syntax is to replace def foo(cls): pass foo = synchronized(lock)(foo) foo = classmethod(foo) with an alternative that places the decoration in the function’s declaration: @classmethod @synchronized(lock) def foo(cls): pass Modifying classes in this fashion is also possible, though the benefits are not as immediately apparent. Almost certainly, anything which could be done with class decorators could be done using metaclasses, but using metaclasses is sufficiently obscure that there is some attraction to having an easier way to make simple modifications to classes. For Python 2.4, only function/method decorators are being added. PEP 3129 proposes to add class decorators as of Python 2.6. Why Is This So Hard? Two decorators (classmethod() and staticmethod()) have been available in Python since version 2.2. It’s been assumed since approximately that time that some syntactic support for them would eventually be added to the language. Given this assumption, one might wonder why it’s been so difficult to arrive at a consensus. Discussions have raged off-and-on at times in both comp.lang.python and the python-dev mailing list about how best to implement function decorators. There is no one clear reason why this should be so, but a few problems seem to be most divisive. Disagreement about where the “declaration of intent” belongs. Almost everyone agrees that decorating/transforming a function at the end of its definition is suboptimal. Beyond that there seems to be no clear consensus where to place this information. Syntactic constraints. Python is a syntactically simple language with fairly strong constraints on what can and can’t be done without “messing things up” (both visually and with regards to the language parser). There’s no obvious way to structure this information so that people new to the concept will think, “Oh yeah, I know what you’re doing.” The best that seems possible is to keep new users from creating a wildly incorrect mental model of what the syntax means. Overall unfamiliarity with the concept. For people who have a passing acquaintance with algebra (or even basic arithmetic) or have used at least one other programming language, much of Python is intuitive. Very few people will have had any experience with the decorator concept before encountering it in Python. There’s just no strong preexisting meme that captures the concept. Syntax discussions in general appear to cause more contention than almost anything else. Readers are pointed to the ternary operator discussions that were associated with PEP 308 for another example of this. Background There is general agreement that syntactic support is desirable to the current state of affairs. Guido mentioned syntactic support for decorators in his DevDay keynote presentation at the 10th Python Conference, though he later said it was only one of several extensions he proposed there “semi-jokingly”. Michael Hudson raised the topic on python-dev shortly after the conference, attributing the initial bracketed syntax to an earlier proposal on comp.lang.python by Gareth McCaughan. Class decorations seem like an obvious next step because class definition and function definition are syntactically similar, however Guido remains unconvinced, and class decorators will almost certainly not be in Python 2.4. The discussion continued on and off on python-dev from February 2002 through July 2004. Hundreds and hundreds of posts were made, with people proposing many possible syntax variations. Guido took a list of proposals to EuroPython 2004, where a discussion took place. Subsequent to this, he decided that we’d have the Java-style @decorator syntax, and this appeared for the first time in 2.4a2. Barry Warsaw named this the ‘pie-decorator’ syntax, in honor of the Pie-thon Parrot shootout which occurred around the same time as the decorator syntax, and because the @ looks a little like a pie. Guido outlined his case on Python-dev, including this piece on some of the (many) rejected forms. On the name ‘Decorator’ There’s been a number of complaints about the choice of the name ‘decorator’ for this feature. The major one is that the name is not consistent with its use in the GoF book. The name ‘decorator’ probably owes more to its use in the compiler area – a syntax tree is walked and annotated. It’s quite possible that a better name may turn up. Design Goals The new syntax should work for arbitrary wrappers, including user-defined callables and the existing builtins classmethod() and staticmethod(). This requirement also means that a decorator syntax must support passing arguments to the wrapper constructor work with multiple wrappers per definition make it obvious what is happening; at the very least it should be obvious that new users can safely ignore it when writing their own code be a syntax “that … [is] easy to remember once explained” not make future extensions more difficult be easy to type; programs that use it are expected to use it very frequently not make it more difficult to scan through code quickly. It should still be easy to search for all definitions, a particular definition, or the arguments that a function accepts not needlessly complicate secondary support tools such as language-sensitive editors and other “toy parser tools out there” allow future compilers to optimize for decorators. With the hope of a JIT compiler for Python coming into existence at some point this tends to require the syntax for decorators to come before the function definition move from the end of the function, where it’s currently hidden, to the front where it is more in your face Andrew Kuchling has links to a bunch of the discussions about motivations and use cases in his blog. Particularly notable is Jim Huginin’s list of use cases. Current Syntax The current syntax for function decorators as implemented in Python 2.4a2 is: @dec2 @dec1 def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass This is equivalent to: def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass func = dec2(dec1(func)) without the intermediate assignment to the variable func. The decorators are near the function declaration. The @ sign makes it clear that something new is going on here. The rationale for the order of application (bottom to top) is that it matches the usual order for function-application. In mathematics, composition of functions (g o f)(x) translates to g(f(x)). In Python, @g @f def foo() translates to foo=g(f(foo). The decorator statement is limited in what it can accept – arbitrary expressions will not work. Guido preferred this because of a gut feeling. The current syntax also allows decorator declarations to call a function that returns a decorator: @decomaker(argA, argB, ...) def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass This is equivalent to: func = decomaker(argA, argB, ...)(func) The rationale for having a function that returns a decorator is that the part after the @ sign can be considered to be an expression (though syntactically restricted to just a function), and whatever that expression returns is called. See declaration arguments. Syntax Alternatives There have been a large number of different syntaxes proposed – rather than attempting to work through these individual syntaxes, it’s worthwhile to break the syntax discussion down into a number of areas. Attempting to discuss each possible syntax individually would be an act of madness, and produce a completely unwieldy PEP. Decorator Location The first syntax point is the location of the decorators. For the following examples, we use the @syntax used in 2.4a2. Decorators before the def statement are the first alternative, and the syntax used in 2.4a2: @classmethod def foo(arg1,arg2): pass @accepts(int,int) @returns(float) def bar(low,high): pass There have been a number of objections raised to this location – the primary one is that it’s the first real Python case where a line of code has an effect on a following line. The syntax available in 2.4a3 requires one decorator per line (in a2, multiple decorators could be specified on the same line), and the final decision for 2.4 final stayed one decorator per line. People also complained that the syntax quickly got unwieldy when multiple decorators were used. The point was made, though, that the chances of a large number of decorators being used on a single function were small and thus this was not a large worry. Some of the advantages of this form are that the decorators live outside the method body – they are obviously executed at the time the function is defined. Another advantage is that a prefix to the function definition fits the idea of knowing about a change to the semantics of the code before the code itself, thus you know how to interpret the code’s semantics properly without having to go back and change your initial perceptions if the syntax did not come before the function definition. Guido decided he preferred having the decorators on the line before the ‘def’, because it was felt that a long argument list would mean that the decorators would be ‘hidden’ The second form is the decorators between the def and the function name, or the function name and the argument list: def @classmethod foo(arg1,arg2): pass def @accepts(int,int),@returns(float) bar(low,high): pass def foo @classmethod (arg1,arg2): pass def bar @accepts(int,int),@returns(float) (low,high): pass There are a couple of objections to this form. The first is that it breaks easily ‘greppability’ of the source – you can no longer search for ‘def foo(’ and find the definition of the function. The second, more serious, objection is that in the case of multiple decorators, the syntax would be extremely unwieldy. The next form, which has had a number of strong proponents, is to have the decorators between the argument list and the trailing : in the ‘def’ line: def foo(arg1,arg2) @classmethod: pass def bar(low,high) @accepts(int,int),@returns(float): pass Guido summarized the arguments against this form (many of which also apply to the previous form) as: it hides crucial information (e.g. that it is a static method) after the signature, where it is easily missed it’s easy to miss the transition between a long argument list and a long decorator list it’s cumbersome to cut and paste a decorator list for reuse, because it starts and ends in the middle of a line The next form is that the decorator syntax goes inside the method body at the start, in the same place that docstrings currently live: def foo(arg1,arg2): @classmethod pass def bar(low,high): @accepts(int,int) @returns(float) pass The primary objection to this form is that it requires “peeking inside” the method body to determine the decorators. In addition, even though the code is inside the method body, it is not executed when the method is run. Guido felt that docstrings were not a good counter-example, and that it was quite possible that a ‘docstring’ decorator could help move the docstring to outside the function body. The final form is a new block that encloses the method’s code. For this example, we’ll use a ‘decorate’ keyword, as it makes no sense with the @syntax. decorate: classmethod def foo(arg1,arg2): pass decorate: accepts(int,int) returns(float) def bar(low,high): pass This form would result in inconsistent indentation for decorated and undecorated methods. In addition, a decorated method’s body would start three indent levels in. Syntax forms @decorator:@classmethod def foo(arg1,arg2): pass @accepts(int,int) @returns(float) def bar(low,high): pass The major objections against this syntax are that the @ symbol is not currently used in Python (and is used in both IPython and Leo), and that the @ symbol is not meaningful. Another objection is that this “wastes” a currently unused character (from a limited set) on something that is not perceived as a major use. |decorator:|classmethod def foo(arg1,arg2): pass |accepts(int,int) |returns(float) def bar(low,high): pass This is a variant on the @decorator syntax – it has the advantage that it does not break IPython and Leo. Its major disadvantage compared to the @syntax is that the | symbol looks like both a capital I and a lowercase l. list syntax:[classmethod] def foo(arg1,arg2): pass [accepts(int,int), returns(float)] def bar(low,high): pass The major objection to the list syntax is that it’s currently meaningful (when used in the form before the method). It’s also lacking any indication that the expression is a decorator. list syntax using other brackets (<...>, [[...]], …):<classmethod> def foo(arg1,arg2): pass <accepts(int,int), returns(float)> def bar(low,high): pass None of these alternatives gained much traction. The alternatives which involve square brackets only serve to make it obvious that the decorator construct is not a list. They do nothing to make parsing any easier. The ‘<…>’ alternative presents parsing problems because ‘<’ and ‘>’ already parse as un-paired. They present a further parsing ambiguity because a right angle bracket might be a greater than symbol instead of a closer for the decorators. decorate()The decorate() proposal was that no new syntax be implemented – instead a magic function that used introspection to manipulate the following function. Both Jp Calderone and Philip Eby produced implementations of functions that did this. Guido was pretty firmly against this – with no new syntax, the magicness of a function like this is extremely high: Using functions with “action-at-a-distance” through sys.settraceback may be okay for an obscure feature that can’t be had any other way yet doesn’t merit changes to the language, but that’s not the situation for decorators. The widely held view here is that decorators need to be added as a syntactic feature to avoid the problems with the postfix notation used in 2.2 and 2.3. Decorators are slated to be an important new language feature and their design needs to be forward-looking, not constrained by what can be implemented in 2.3. new keyword (and block)This idea was the consensus alternate from comp.lang.python (more on this in Community Consensus below.) Robert Brewer wrote up a detailed J2 proposal document outlining the arguments in favor of this form. The initial issues with this form are: It requires a new keyword, and therefore a from __future__ import decorators statement. The choice of keyword is contentious. However using emerged as the consensus choice, and is used in the proposal and implementation. The keyword/block form produces something that looks like a normal code block, but isn’t. Attempts to use statements in this block will cause a syntax error, which may confuse users. A few days later, Guido rejected the proposal on two main grounds, firstly: … the syntactic form of an indented block strongly suggests that its contents should be a sequence of statements, but in fact it is not – only expressions are allowed, and there is an implicit “collecting” of these expressions going on until they can be applied to the subsequent function definition. … and secondly: … the keyword starting the line that heads a block draws a lot of attention to it. This is true for “if”, “while”, “for”, “try”, “def” and “class”. But the “using” keyword (or any other keyword in its place) doesn’t deserve that attention; the emphasis should be on the decorator or decorators inside the suite, since those are the important modifiers to the function definition that follows. … Readers are invited to read the full response. Other formsThere are plenty of other variants and proposals on the wiki page. Why @? There is some history in Java using @ initially as a marker in Javadoc comments and later in Java 1.5 for annotations, which are similar to Python decorators. The fact that @ was previously unused as a token in Python also means it’s clear there is no possibility of such code being parsed by an earlier version of Python, leading to possibly subtle semantic bugs. It also means that ambiguity of what is a decorator and what isn’t is removed. That said, @ is still a fairly arbitrary choice. Some have suggested using | instead. For syntax options which use a list-like syntax (no matter where it appears) to specify the decorators a few alternatives were proposed: [|...|], *[...]*, and <...>. Current Implementation, History Guido asked for a volunteer to implement his preferred syntax, and Mark Russell stepped up and posted a patch to SF. This new syntax was available in 2.4a2. @dec2 @dec1 def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass This is equivalent to: def func(arg1, arg2, ...): pass func = dec2(dec1(func)) though without the intermediate creation of a variable named func. The version implemented in 2.4a2 allowed multiple @decorator clauses on a single line. In 2.4a3, this was tightened up to only allowing one decorator per line. A previous patch from Michael Hudson which implements the list-after-def syntax is also still kicking around. After 2.4a2 was released, in response to community reaction, Guido stated that he’d re-examine a community proposal, if the community could come up with a community consensus, a decent proposal, and an implementation. After an amazing number of posts, collecting a vast number of alternatives in the Python wiki, a community consensus emerged (below). Guido subsequently rejected this alternate form, but added: In Python 2.4a3 (to be released this Thursday), everything remains as currently in CVS. For 2.4b1, I will consider a change of @ to some other single character, even though I think that @ has the advantage of being the same character used by a similar feature in Java. It’s been argued that it’s not quite the same, since @ in Java is used for attributes that don’t change semantics. But Python’s dynamic nature makes that its syntactic elements never mean quite the same thing as similar constructs in other languages, and there is definitely significant overlap. Regarding the impact on 3rd party tools: IPython’s author doesn’t think there’s going to be much impact; Leo’s author has said that Leo will survive (although it will cause him and his users some transitional pain). I actually expect that picking a character that’s already used elsewhere in Python’s syntax might be harder for external tools to adapt to, since parsing will have to be more subtle in that case. But I’m frankly undecided, so there’s some wiggle room here. I don’t want to consider further syntactic alternatives at this point: the buck has to stop at some point, everyone has had their say, and the show must go on. Community Consensus This section documents the rejected J2 syntax, and is included for historical completeness. The consensus that emerged on comp.lang.python was the proposed J2 syntax (the “J2” was how it was referenced on the PythonDecorators wiki page): the new keyword using prefixing a block of decorators before the def statement. For example: using: classmethod synchronized(lock) def func(cls): pass The main arguments for this syntax fall under the “readability counts” doctrine. In brief, they are: A suite is better than multiple @lines. The using keyword and block transforms the single-block def statement into a multiple-block compound construct, akin to try/finally and others. A keyword is better than punctuation for a new token. A keyword matches the existing use of tokens. No new token category is necessary. A keyword distinguishes Python decorators from Java annotations and .Net attributes, which are significantly different beasts. Robert Brewer wrote a detailed proposal for this form, and Michael Sparks produced a patch. As noted previously, Guido rejected this form, outlining his problems with it in a message to python-dev and comp.lang.python. Examples Much of the discussion on comp.lang.python and the python-dev mailing list focuses on the use of decorators as a cleaner way to use the staticmethod() and classmethod() builtins. This capability is much more powerful than that. This section presents some examples of use. Define a function to be executed at exit. Note that the function isn’t actually “wrapped” in the usual sense.def onexit(f): import atexit atexit.register(f) return f @onexit def func(): ... Note that this example is probably not suitable for real usage, but is for example purposes only. Define a class with a singleton instance. Note that once the class disappears enterprising programmers would have to be more creative to create more instances. (From Shane Hathaway on python-dev.)def singleton(cls): instances = {} def getinstance(): if cls not in instances: instances[cls] = cls() return instances[cls] return getinstance @singleton class MyClass: ... Add attributes to a function. (Based on an example posted by Anders Munch on python-dev.)def attrs(**kwds): def decorate(f): for k in kwds: setattr(f, k, kwds[k]) return f return decorate @attrs(versionadded="2.2", author="Guido van Rossum") def mymethod(f): ... Enforce function argument and return types. Note that this copies the func_name attribute from the old to the new function. func_name was made writable in Python 2.4a3:def accepts(*types): def check_accepts(f): assert len(types) == f.func_code.co_argcount def new_f(*args, **kwds): for (a, t) in zip(args, types): assert isinstance(a, t), \ "arg %r does not match %s" % (a,t) return f(*args, **kwds) new_f.func_name = f.func_name return new_f return check_accepts def returns(rtype): def check_returns(f): def new_f(*args, **kwds): result = f(*args, **kwds) assert isinstance(result, rtype), \ "return value %r does not match %s" % (result,rtype) return result new_f.func_name = f.func_name return new_f return check_returns @accepts(int, (int,float)) @returns((int,float)) def func(arg1, arg2): return arg1 * arg2 Declare that a class implements a particular (set of) interface(s). This is from a posting by Bob Ippolito on python-dev based on experience with PyProtocols.def provides(*interfaces): """ An actual, working, implementation of provides for the current implementation of PyProtocols. Not particularly important for the PEP text. """ def provides(typ): declareImplementation(typ, instancesProvide=interfaces) return typ return provides class IBar(Interface): """Declare something about IBar here""" @provides(IBar) class Foo(object): """Implement something here...""" Of course, all these examples are possible today, though without syntactic support. (No longer) Open Issues It’s not yet certain that class decorators will be incorporated into the language at a future point. Guido expressed skepticism about the concept, but various people have made some strong arguments (search for PEP 318 -- posting draft) on their behalf in python-dev. It’s exceedingly unlikely that class decorators will be in Python 2.4.PEP 3129 proposes to add class decorators as of Python 2.6. The choice of the @ character will be re-examined before Python 2.4b1.In the end, the @ character was kept. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 318 – Decorators for Functions and Methods
Standards Track
The current method for transforming functions and methods (for instance, declaring them as a class or static method) is awkward and can lead to code that is difficult to understand. Ideally, these transformations should be made at the same point in the code where the declaration itself is made. This PEP introduces new syntax for transformations of a function or method declaration.
PEP 319 – Python Synchronize/Asynchronize Block Author: Michel Pelletier <michel at users.sourceforge.net> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 24-Feb-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Synchronization Targets Other Patterns that Synchronize Formal Syntax Proposed Implementation Backward Compatibility PEP 310 Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs How Java Does It How Jython Does It Summary of Proposed Changes to Python Risks Dissenting Opinion References Copyright Abstract This PEP proposes adding two new keywords to Python, ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’. Pronouncement This PEP is rejected in favor of PEP 343. The ‘synchronize’ KeywordThe concept of code synchronization in Python is too low-level. To synchronize code a programmer must be aware of the details of the following pseudo-code pattern:initialize_lock() ... acquire_lock() try: change_shared_data() finally: release_lock() This synchronized block pattern is not the only pattern (more discussed below) but it is very common. This PEP proposes replacing the above code with the following equivalent: synchronize: change_shared_data() The advantages of this scheme are simpler syntax and less room for user error. Currently users are required to write code about acquiring and releasing thread locks in ‘try/finally’ blocks; errors in this code can cause notoriously difficult concurrent thread locking issues. The ‘asynchronize’ KeywordWhile executing a ‘synchronize’ block of code a programmer may want to “drop back” to running asynchronously momentarily to run blocking input/output routines or something else that might take an indeterminate amount of time and does not require synchronization. This code usually follows the pattern:initialize_lock() ... acquire_lock() try: change_shared_data() release_lock() # become async do_blocking_io() acquire_lock() # sync again change_shared_data2() finally: release_lock() The asynchronous section of the code is not very obvious visually, so it is marked up with comments. Using the proposed ‘asynchronize’ keyword this code becomes much cleaner, easier to understand, and less prone to error: synchronize: change_shared_data() asynchronize: do_blocking_io() change_shared_data2() Encountering an ‘asynchronize’ keyword inside a non-synchronized block can raise either an error or issue a warning (as all code blocks are implicitly asynchronous anyway). It is important to note that the above example is not the same as: synchronize: change_shared_data() do_blocking_io() synchronize: change_shared_data2() Because both synchronized blocks of code may be running inside the same iteration of a loop, Consider: while in_main_loop(): synchronize: change_shared_data() asynchronize: do_blocking_io() change_shared_data2() Many threads may be looping through this code. Without the ‘asynchronize’ keyword one thread cannot stay in the loop and release the lock at the same time while blocking IO is going on. This pattern of releasing locks inside a main loop to do blocking IO is used extensively inside the CPython interpreter itself. Synchronization Targets As proposed the ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’ keywords synchronize a block of code. However programmers may want to specify a target object that threads synchronize on. Any object can be a synchronization target. Consider a two-way queue object: two different objects are used by the same ‘synchronize’ code block to synchronize both queues separately in the ‘get’ method: class TwoWayQueue: def __init__(self): self.front = [] self.rear = [] def putFront(self, item): self.put(item, self.front) def getFront(self): item = self.get(self.front) return item def putRear(self, item): self.put(item, self.rear) def getRear(self): item = self.get(self.rear) return item def put(self, item, queue): synchronize queue: queue.append(item) def get(self, queue): synchronize queue: item = queue[0] del queue[0] return item Here is the equivalent code in Python as it is now without a ‘synchronize’ keyword: import thread class LockableQueue: def __init__(self): self.queue = [] self.lock = thread.allocate_lock() class TwoWayQueue: def __init__(self): self.front = LockableQueue() self.rear = LockableQueue() def putFront(self, item): self.put(item, self.front) def getFront(self): item = self.get(self.front) return item def putRear(self, item): self.put(item, self.rear) def getRear(self): item = self.get(self.rear) return item def put(self, item, queue): queue.lock.acquire() try: queue.append(item) finally: queue.lock.release() def get(self, queue): queue.lock.acquire() try: item = queue[0] del queue[0] return item finally: queue.lock.release() The last example had to define an extra class to associate a lock with the queue where the first example the ‘synchronize’ keyword does this association internally and transparently. Other Patterns that Synchronize There are some situations where the ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’ keywords cannot entirely replace the use of lock methods like acquire and release. Some examples are if the programmer wants to provide arguments for acquire or if a lock is acquired in one code block but released in another, as shown below. Here is a class from Zope modified to use both the ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’ keywords and also uses a pool of explicit locks that are acquired and released in different code blocks and thus don’t use ‘synchronize’: import thread from ZServerPublisher import ZServerPublisher class ZRendevous: def __init__(self, n=1): pool=[] self._lists=pool, [], [] synchronize: while n > 0: l=thread.allocate_lock() l.acquire() pool.append(l) thread.start_new_thread(ZServerPublisher, (self.accept,)) n=n-1 def accept(self): synchronize: pool, requests, ready = self._lists while not requests: l=pool[-1] del pool[-1] ready.append(l) asynchronize: l.acquire() pool.append(l) r=requests[0] del requests[0] return r def handle(self, name, request, response): synchronize: pool, requests, ready = self._lists requests.append((name, request, response)) if ready: l=ready[-1] del ready[-1] l.release() Here is the original class as found in the ‘Zope/ZServer/PubCore/ZRendevous.py’ module. The “convenience” of the ‘_a’ and ‘_r’ shortcut names obscure the code: import thread from ZServerPublisher import ZServerPublisher class ZRendevous: def __init__(self, n=1): sync=thread.allocate_lock() self._a=sync.acquire self._r=sync.release pool=[] self._lists=pool, [], [] self._a() try: while n > 0: l=thread.allocate_lock() l.acquire() pool.append(l) thread.start_new_thread(ZServerPublisher, (self.accept,)) n=n-1 finally: self._r() def accept(self): self._a() try: pool, requests, ready = self._lists while not requests: l=pool[-1] del pool[-1] ready.append(l) self._r() l.acquire() self._a() pool.append(l) r=requests[0] del requests[0] return r finally: self._r() def handle(self, name, request, response): self._a() try: pool, requests, ready = self._lists requests.append((name, request, response)) if ready: l=ready[-1] del ready[-1] l.release() finally: self._r() In particular the asynchronize section of the accept method is not very obvious. To beginner programmers, ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’ remove many of the problems encountered when juggling multiple acquire and release methods on different locks in different try/finally blocks. Formal Syntax Python syntax is defined in a modified BNF grammar notation described in the Python Language Reference [1]. This section describes the proposed synchronization syntax using this grammar: synchronize_stmt: 'synchronize' [test] ':' suite asynchronize_stmt: 'asynchronize' [test] ':' suite compound_stmt: ... | synchronized_stmt | asynchronize_stmt (The ‘…’ indicates other compound statements elided). Proposed Implementation The author of this PEP has not explored an implementation yet. There are several implementation issues that must be resolved. The main implementation issue is what exactly gets locked and unlocked during a synchronized block. During an unqualified synchronized block (the use of the ‘synchronize’ keyword without a target argument) a lock could be created and associated with the synchronized code block object. Any threads that are to execute the block must first acquire the code block lock. When an ‘asynchronize’ keyword is encountered in a ‘synchronize’ block the code block lock is unlocked before the inner block is executed and re-locked when the inner block terminates. When a synchronized block target is specified the object is associated with a lock. How this is implemented cleanly is probably the highest risk of this proposal. Java Virtual Machines typically associate a special hidden lock object with target object and use it to synchronized the block around the target only. Backward Compatibility Backward compatibility is solved with the new from __future__ Python syntax (PEP 236), and the new warning framework (PEP 230) to evolve the Python language into phasing out any conflicting names that use the new keywords ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’. To use the syntax now, a developer could use the statement: from __future__ import threadsync # or whatever In addition, any code that uses the keyword ‘synchronize’ or ‘asynchronize’ as an identifier will be issued a warning from Python. After the appropriate period of time, the syntax would become standard, the above import statement would do nothing, and any identifiers named ‘synchronize’ or ‘asynchronize’ would raise an exception. PEP 310 Reliable Acquisition/Release Pairs PEP 310 proposes the ‘with’ keyword that can serve the same function as ‘synchronize’ (but no facility for ‘asynchronize’). The pattern: initialize_lock() with the_lock: change_shared_data() is equivalent to the proposed: synchronize the_lock: change_shared_data() PEP 310 must synchronize on an existing lock, while this PEP proposes that unqualified ‘synchronize’ statements synchronize on a global, internal, transparent lock in addition to qualified ‘synchronize’ statements. The ‘with’ statement also requires lock initialization, while the ‘synchronize’ statement can synchronize on any target object including locks. While limited in this fashion, the ‘with’ statement is more abstract and serves more purposes than synchronization. For example, transactions could be used with the ‘with’ keyword: initialize_transaction() with my_transaction: do_in_transaction() # when the block terminates, the transaction is committed. The ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’ keywords cannot serve this or any other general acquire/release pattern other than thread synchronization. How Java Does It Java defines a ‘synchronized’ keyword (note the grammatical tense different between the Java keyword and this PEP’s ‘synchronize’) which must be qualified on any object. The syntax is: synchronized (Expression) Block Expression must yield a valid object (null raises an error and exceptions during ‘Expression’ terminate the ‘synchronized’ block for the same reason) upon which ‘Block’ is synchronized. How Jython Does It Jython uses a ‘synchronize’ class with the static method ‘make_synchronized’ that accepts one callable argument and returns a newly created, synchronized, callable “wrapper” around the argument. Summary of Proposed Changes to Python Adding new ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’ keywords to the language. Risks This PEP proposes adding two keywords to the Python language. This may break code. There is no implementation to test. It’s not the most important problem facing Python programmers today (although it is a fairly notorious one). The equivalent Java keyword is the past participle ‘synchronized’. This PEP proposes the present tense, ‘synchronize’ as being more in spirit with Python (there being less distinction between compile-time and run-time in Python than Java). Dissenting Opinion This PEP has not been discussed on python-dev. References [1] The Python Language Reference http://docs.python.org/reference/ Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 319 – Python Synchronize/Asynchronize Block
Standards Track
This PEP proposes adding two new keywords to Python, ‘synchronize’ and ‘asynchronize’.
PEP 320 – Python 2.4 Release Schedule Author: Barry Warsaw, Raymond Hettinger, Anthony Baxter Status: Final Type: Informational Topic: Release Created: 29-Jul-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 01-Dec-2004 Table of Contents Abstract Release Manager Release Schedule Completed features for 2.4 Deferred until 2.5 Ongoing tasks Open issues Carryover features from Python 2.3 References Copyright Abstract This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.4. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release. There will be at least two alpha releases, two beta releases, and one release candidate. The release date was 30th November, 2004. Release Manager Anthony Baxter Martin von Lowis is building the Windows installers, Fred the doc packages, Sean the RPMs. Release Schedule July 9: alpha 1 [completed] August 5/6: alpha 2 [completed] Sept 3: alpha 3 [completed] October 15: beta 1 [completed] November 3: beta 2 [completed] November 18: release candidate 1 [completed] November 30: final [completed] Completed features for 2.4 PEP 218 Builtin Set Objects. PEP 289 Generator expressions. PEP 292 Simpler String Substitutions to be implemented as a module. PEP 318: Function/method decorator syntax, using @syntax PEP 322 Reverse Iteration. PEP 327: A Decimal package for fixed precision arithmetic. PEP 328: Multi-line Imports Encapsulate the decorate-sort-undecorate pattern in a keyword for list.sort(). Added a builtin called sorted() which may be used in expressions. The itertools module has two new functions, tee() and groupby(). Add a collections module with a deque() object. Add two statistical/reduction functions, nlargest() and nsmallest() to the heapq module. Python’s windows installer now uses MSI Deferred until 2.5 Deprecate and/or remove the modules listed in PEP 4 (posixfile, gopherlib, pre, others) Remove support for platforms as described in PEP 11. Finish implementing the Distutils bdist_dpkg command. (AMK) Add support for reading shadow passwords [1] It would be nice if the built-in SSL socket type could be used for non-blocking SSL I/O. Currently packages such as Twisted which implement async servers using SSL have to require third-party packages such as pyopenssl. AST-based compiler: this branch was not completed in time for 2.4, but will land on the trunk some time after 2.4 final is out, for inclusion in 2.5. reST is going to be used a lot in Zope3. Maybe it could become a standard library module? (Since reST’s author thinks it’s too instable, I’m inclined not to do this.) Ongoing tasks The following are ongoing TO-DO items which we should attempt to work on without hoping for completion by any particular date. Documentation: complete the distribution and installation manuals. Documentation: complete the documentation for new-style classes. Look over the Demos/ directory and update where required (Andrew Kuchling has done a lot of this) New tests. Fix doc bugs on SF. Remove use of deprecated features in the core. Document deprecated features appropriately. Mark deprecated C APIs with Py_DEPRECATED. Deprecate modules which are unmaintained, or perhaps make a new category for modules ‘Unmaintained’ In general, lots of cleanup so it is easier to move forward. Open issues None at this time. Carryover features from Python 2.3 The import lock could use some redesign. [2] A nicer API to open text files, replacing the ugly (in some people’s eyes) “U” mode flag. There’s a proposal out there to have a new built-in type textfile(filename, mode, encoding). (Shouldn’t it have a bufsize argument too?) New widgets for Tkinter???Has anyone gotten the time for this? Are there any new widgets in Tk 8.4? Note that we’ve got better Tix support already (though not on Windows yet). PEP 304 (Controlling Generation of Bytecode Files by Montanaro) seems to have lost steam. For a class defined inside another class, the __name__ should be “outer.inner”, and pickling should work. ([3]. I’m no longer certain this is easy or even right.) Decide on a clearer deprecation policy (especially for modules) and act on it. For a start, see this message from Neal Norwitz [4]. There seems insufficient interest in moving this further in an organized fashion, and it’s not particularly important. Provide alternatives for common uses of the types module; Skip Montanaro has posted a proto-PEP for this idea [5]. There hasn’t been any progress on this, AFAICT. Use pending deprecation for the types and string modules. This requires providing alternatives for the parts that aren’t covered yet (e.g. string.whitespace and types.TracebackType). It seems we can’t get consensus on this. PEP 262 Database of Installed Python Packages (Kuchling)This turns out to be useful for Jack Jansen’s Python installer, so the database is worth implementing. Code will go in sandbox/pep262. PEP 269 Pgen Module for Python (Riehl)(Some necessary changes are in; the pgen module itself needs to mature more.) PEP 266 Optimizing Global Variable/Attribute Access (Montanaro)PEP 267 Optimized Access to Module Namespaces (Hylton) PEP 280 Optimizing access to globals (van Rossum) These are basically three friendly competing proposals. Jeremy has made a little progress with a new compiler, but it’s going slowly and the compiler is only the first step. Maybe we’ll be able to refactor the compiler in this release. I’m tempted to say we won’t hold our breath. Lazily tracking tuples? [6] [7] Not much enthusiasm I believe. PEP 286 Enhanced Argument Tuples (von Loewis)I haven’t had the time to review this thoroughly. It seems a deep optimization hack (also makes better correctness guarantees though). Make ‘as’ a keyword. It has been a pseudo-keyword long enough. Too much effort to bother. References [1] Shadow Password Support Module https://bugs.python.org/issue579435 [2] PyErr_Warn may cause import deadlock https://bugs.python.org/issue683658 [3] Nested class __name__ https://bugs.python.org/issue633930 [4] Neal Norwitz, random vs whrandom https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-April/023165.html [5] Skip Montanaro, python/dist/src/Lib types.py,1.26,1.27 https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-May/024346.html [6] Daniel Dunbar, Lazily GC tracking tuples https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-May/023926.html [7] GC: untrack simple objects https://bugs.python.org/issue558745 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 320 – Python 2.4 Release Schedule
This document describes the development and release schedule for Python 2.4. The schedule primarily concerns itself with PEP-sized items. Small features may be added up to and including the first beta release. Bugs may be fixed until the final release.
PEP 321 – Date/Time Parsing and Formatting Author: A.M. Kuchling <amk at amk.ca> Status: Withdrawn Type: Standards Track Created: 16-Sep-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Input Formats Generic Input Parsing Output Formats References Copyright Abstract Python 2.3 added a number of simple date and time types in the datetime module. There’s no support for parsing strings in various formats and returning a corresponding instance of one of the types. This PEP proposes adding a family of predefined parsing function for several commonly used date and time formats, and a facility for generic parsing. The types provided by the datetime module all have .isoformat() and .ctime() methods that return string representations of a time, and the .strftime() method can be used to construct new formats. There are a number of additional commonly-used formats that would be useful to have as part of the standard library; this PEP also suggests how to add them. Input Formats Useful formats to support include: ISO8601 ARPA/RFC 2822 ctime Formats commonly written by humans such as the American “MM/DD/YYYY”, the European “YYYY/MM/DD”, and variants such as “DD-Month-YYYY”. CVS-style or tar-style dates (“tomorrow”, “12 hours ago”, etc.) XXX The Perl ParseDate.pm module supports many different input formats, both absolute and relative. Should we try to support them all? Options: Add functions to the datetime module:import datetime d = datetime.parse_iso8601("2003-09-15T10:34:54") Add class methods to the various types. There are already various class methods such as .now(), so this would be pretty natural.:import datetime d = datetime.date.parse_iso8601("2003-09-15T10:34:54") Add a separate module (possible names: date, date_parse, parse_date) or subpackage (possible names: datetime.parser) containing parsing functions:import datetime d = datetime.parser.parse_iso8601("2003-09-15T10:34:54") Unresolved questions: Naming convention to use. What exception to raise on errors? ValueError, or a specialized exception? Should you know what type you’re expecting, or should the parsing figure it out? (e.g. parse_iso8601("yyyy-mm-dd") returns a date instance, but parsing “yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss” returns a datetime.) Should there be an option to signal an error if a time is provided where none is expected, or if no time is provided? Anything special required for I18N? For time zones? Generic Input Parsing Is a strptime() implementation that returns datetime types sufficient? XXX if yes, describe strptime here. Can the existing pure-Python implementation be easily retargeted? Output Formats Not all input formats need to be supported as output formats, because it’s pretty trivial to get the strftime() argument right for simple things such as YYYY/MM/DD. Only complicated formats need to be supported; RFC 2822 is currently the only one I can think of. Options: Provide predefined format strings, so you could write this:import datetime d = datetime.datetime(...) print d.strftime(d.RFC2822_FORMAT) # or datetime.RFC2822_FORMAT? Provide new methods on all the objects:d = datetime.datetime(...) print d.rfc822_time() Relevant functionality in other languages includes the PHP date function (Python implementation by Simon Willison at http://simon.incutio.com/archive/2003/10/07/dateInPython) References Other useful links: http://www.egenix.com/files/python/mxDateTime.html http://ringmaster.arc.nasa.gov/tools/time_formats.html http://www.thinkage.ca/english/gcos/expl/b/lib/0tosec.html https://moin.conectiva.com.br/DateUtil Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 321 – Date/Time Parsing and Formatting
Standards Track
Python 2.3 added a number of simple date and time types in the datetime module. There’s no support for parsing strings in various formats and returning a corresponding instance of one of the types. This PEP proposes adding a family of predefined parsing function for several commonly used date and time formats, and a facility for generic parsing.
PEP 322 – Reverse Iteration Author: Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 24-Sep-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 24-Sep-2003 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Proposal BDFL Pronouncement Alternative Method Names Discussion Real World Use Cases Rejected Alternatives Copyright Abstract This proposal is to add a builtin function to support reverse iteration over sequences. Motivation For indexable objects, current approaches for reverse iteration are error prone, unnatural, and not especially readable: for i in xrange(n-1, -1, -1): print seqn[i] One other current approach involves reversing a list before iterating over it. That technique wastes computer cycles, memory, and lines of code: rseqn = list(seqn) rseqn.reverse() for value in rseqn: print value Extended slicing is a third approach that minimizes the code overhead but does nothing for memory efficiency, beauty, or clarity. Reverse iteration is much less common than forward iteration, but it does arise regularly in practice. See Real World Use Cases below. Proposal Add a builtin function called reversed() that makes a reverse iterator over sequence objects that support __getitem__() and __len__(). The above examples then simplify to: for i in reversed(xrange(n)): print seqn[i] for elem in reversed(seqn): print elem The core idea is that the clearest, least error-prone way of specifying reverse iteration is to specify it in a forward direction and then say reversed. The implementation could be as simple as: def reversed(x): if hasattr(x, 'keys'): raise ValueError("mappings do not support reverse iteration") i = len(x) while i > 0: i -= 1 yield x[i] No language syntax changes are needed. The proposal is fully backwards compatible. A C implementation and unit tests are at: https://bugs.python.org/issue834422 BDFL Pronouncement This PEP has been conditionally accepted for Py2.4. The condition means that if the function is found to be useless, it can be removed before Py2.4b1. Alternative Method Names reviter – Jeremy Fincher’s suggestion matches use of iter() ireverse – uses the itertools naming convention inreverse – no one seems to like this one except me The name reverse is not a candidate because it duplicates the name of the list.reverse() which mutates the underlying list. Discussion The case against adoption of the PEP is a desire to keep the number of builtin functions small. This needs to weighed against the simplicity and convenience of having it as builtin instead of being tucked away in some other namespace. Real World Use Cases Here are some instances of reverse iteration taken from the standard library and comments on why reverse iteration was necessary: atexit.exit_handlers() uses:while _exithandlers: func, targs, kargs = _exithandlers.pop() . . . In this application popping is required, so the new function would not help. heapq.heapify() uses for i in xrange(n//2 - 1, -1, -1) because higher-level orderings are more easily formed from pairs of lower-level orderings. A forward version of this algorithm is possible; however, that would complicate the rest of the heap code which iterates over the underlying list in the opposite direction. The replacement code for i in reversed(xrange(n//2)) makes clear the range covered and how many iterations it takes. mhlib.test() uses:testfolders.reverse(); for t in testfolders: do('mh.deletefolder(%s)' % `t`) The need for reverse iteration arises because the tail of the underlying list is altered during iteration. platform._dist_try_harder() uses for n in range(len(verfiles)-1,-1,-1) because the loop deletes selected elements from verfiles but needs to leave the rest of the list intact for further iteration. random.shuffle() uses for i in xrange(len(x)-1, 0, -1) because the algorithm is most easily understood as randomly selecting elements from an ever diminishing pool. In fact, the algorithm can be run in a forward direction but is less intuitive and rarely presented that way in literature. The replacement code for i in reversed(xrange(1, len(x))) is much easier to verify visually. rfc822.Message.__delitem__() uses:list.reverse() for i in list: del self.headers[i] The need for reverse iteration arises because the tail of the underlying list is altered during iteration. Rejected Alternatives Several variants were submitted that attempted to apply reversed() to all iterables by running the iterable to completion, saving the results, and then returning a reverse iterator over the results. While satisfying some notions of full generality, running the input to the end is contrary to the purpose of using iterators in the first place. Also, a small disaster ensues if the underlying iterator is infinite. Putting the function in another module or attaching it to a type object is not being considered. Like its cousins, zip() and enumerate(), the function needs to be directly accessible in daily programming. Each solves a basic looping problem: lock-step iteration, loop counting, and reverse iteration. Requiring some form of dotted access would interfere with their simplicity, daily utility, and accessibility. They are core looping constructs, independent of any one application domain. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 322 – Reverse Iteration
Standards Track
This proposal is to add a builtin function to support reverse iteration over sequences.
PEP 323 – Copyable Iterators Author: Alex Martelli <aleaxit at gmail.com> Status: Deferred Type: Standards Track Created: 25-Oct-2003 Python-Version: 2.5 Post-History: 29-Oct-2003 Table of Contents Deferral Abstract Update and Comments Motivation Specification Details Rationale References Copyright Deferral This PEP has been deferred. Copyable iterators are a nice idea, but after four years, no implementation or widespread interest has emerged. Abstract This PEP suggests that some iterator types should support shallow copies of their instances by exposing a __copy__ method which meets some specific requirements, and indicates how code using an iterator might exploit such a __copy__ method when present. Update and Comments Support for __copy__ was included in Py2.4’s itertools.tee(). Adding __copy__ methods to existing iterators will change the behavior under tee(). Currently, the copied iterators remain tied to the original iterator. If the original advances, then so do all of the copies. Good practice is to overwrite the original so that anomalies don’t result: a,b=tee(a). Code that doesn’t follow that practice may observe a semantic change if a __copy__ method is added to an iterator. Motivation In Python up to 2.3, most built-in iterator types don’t let the user copy their instances. User-coded iterators that do let their clients call copy.copy on their instances may, or may not, happen to return, as a result of the copy, a separate iterator object that may be iterated upon independently from the original. Currently, “support” for copy.copy in a user-coded iterator type is almost invariably “accidental” – i.e., the standard machinery of the copy method in Python’s standard library’s copy module does build and return a copy. However, the copy will be independently iterable with respect to the original only if calling .next() on an instance of that class happens to change instance state solely by rebinding some attributes to new values, and not by mutating some attributes’ existing values. For example, an iterator whose “index” state is held as an integer attribute will probably give usable copies, since (integers being immutable) .next() presumably just rebinds that attribute. On the other hand, another iterator whose “index” state is held as a list attribute will probably mutate the same list object when .next() executes, and therefore copies of such an iterator will not be iterable separately and independently from the original. Given this existing situation, copy.copy(it) on some iterator object isn’t very useful, nor, therefore, is it at all widely used. However, there are many cases in which being able to get a “snapshot” of an iterator, as a “bookmark”, so as to be able to keep iterating along the sequence but later iterate again on the same sequence from the bookmark onwards, is useful. To support such “bookmarking”, module itertools, in 2.4, has grown a ‘tee’ function, to be used as: it, bookmark = itertools.tee(it) The previous value of ‘it’ must not be used again, which is why this typical usage idiom rebinds the name. After this call, ‘it’ and ‘bookmark’ are independently-iterable iterators on the same underlying sequence as the original value of ‘it’: this satisfies application needs for “iterator copying”. However, when itertools.tee can make no hypotheses about the nature of the iterator it is passed as an argument, it must save in memory all items through which one of the two ‘teed’ iterators, but not yet both, have stepped. This can be quite costly in terms of memory, if the two iterators get very far from each other in their stepping; indeed, in some cases it may be preferable to make a list from the iterator so as to be able to step repeatedly through the subsequence, or, if that is too costy in terms of memory, save items to disk, again in order to be able to iterate through them repeatedly. This PEP proposes another idea that will, in some important cases, allow itertools.tee to do its job with minimal cost in terms of memory; user code may also occasionally be able to exploit the idea in order to decide whether to copy an iterator, make a list from it, or use an auxiliary disk file. The key consideration is that some important iterators, such as those which built-in function iter builds over sequences, would be intrinsically easy to copy: just get another reference to the same sequence, and a copy of the integer index. However, in Python 2.3, those iterators don’t expose the state, and don’t support copy.copy. The purpose of this PEP, therefore, is to have those iterator types expose a suitable __copy__ method. Similarly, user-coded iterator types that can provide copies of their instances, suitable for separate and independent iteration, with limited costs in time and space, should also expose a suitable __copy__ method. While copy.copy also supports other ways to let a type control the way its instances are copied, it is suggested, for simplicity, that iterator types that support copying always do so by exposing a __copy__ method, and not in the other ways copy.copy supports. Having iterators expose a suitable __copy__ when feasible will afford easy optimization of itertools.tee and similar user code, as in: def tee(it): it = iter(it) try: copier = it.__copy__ except AttributeError: # non-copyable iterator, do all the needed hard work # [snipped!] else: return it, copier() Note that this function does NOT call “copy.copy(it)”, which (even after this PEP is implemented) might well still “just happen to succeed”. for some iterator type that is implemented as a user-coded class. without really supplying an adequate “independently iterable” copy object as its result. Specification Any iterator type X may expose a method __copy__ that is callable without arguments on any instance x of X. The method should be exposed if and only if the iterator type can provide copyability with reasonably little computational and memory effort. Furthermore, the new object y returned by method __copy__ should be a new instance of X that is iterable independently and separately from x, stepping along the same “underlying sequence” of items. For example, suppose a class Iter essentially duplicated the functionality of the iter builtin for iterating on a sequence: class Iter(object): def __init__(self, sequence): self.sequence = sequence self.index = 0 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): try: result = self.sequence[self.index] except IndexError: raise StopIteration self.index += 1 return result To make this Iter class compliant with this PEP, the following addition to the body of class Iter would suffice: def __copy__(self): result = self.__class__(self.sequence) result.index = self.index return result Note that __copy__, in this case, does not even try to copy the sequence; if the sequence is altered while either or both of the original and copied iterators are still stepping on it, the iteration behavior is quite likely to go awry anyway – it is not __copy__’s responsibility to change this normal Python behavior for iterators which iterate on mutable sequences (that might, perhaps, be the specification for a __deepcopy__ method of iterators, which, however, this PEP does not deal with). Consider also a “random iterator”, which provides a nonterminating sequence of results from some method of a random instance, called with given arguments: class RandomIterator(object): def __init__(self, bound_method, *args): self.call = bound_method self.args = args def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): return self.call(*self.args) def __copy__(self): import copy, new im_self = copy.copy(self.call.im_self) method = new.instancemethod(self.call.im_func, im_self) return self.__class__(method, *self.args) This iterator type is slightly more general than its name implies, as it supports calls to any bound method (or other callable, but if the callable is not a bound method, then method __copy__ will fail). But the use case is for the purpose of generating random streams, as in: import random def show5(it): for i, result in enumerate(it): print '%6.3f'%result, if i==4: break print normit = RandomIterator(random.Random().gauss, 0, 1) show5(normit) copit = normit.__copy__() show5(normit) show5(copit) which will display some output such as: -0.536 1.936 -1.182 -1.690 -1.184 0.666 -0.701 1.214 0.348 1.373 0.666 -0.701 1.214 0.348 1.373 the key point being that the second and third lines are equal, because the normit and copit iterators will step along the same “underlying sequence”. (As an aside, note that to get a copy of self.call.im_self we must use copy.copy, NOT try getting at a __copy__ method directly, because for example instances of random.Random support copying via __getstate__ and __setstate__, NOT via __copy__; indeed, using copy.copy is the normal way to get a shallow copy of any object – copyable iterators are different because of the already-mentioned uncertainty about the result of copy.copy supporting these “copyable iterator” specs). Details Besides adding to the Python docs a recommendation that user-coded iterator types support a __copy__ method (if and only if it can be implemented with small costs in memory and runtime, and produce an independently-iterable copy of an iterator object), this PEP’s implementation will specifically include the addition of copyability to the iterators over sequences that built-in iter returns, and also to the iterators over a dictionary returned by the methods __iter__, iterkeys, itervalues, and iteritems of built-in type dict. Iterators produced by generator functions will not be copyable. However, iterators produced by the new “generator expressions” of Python 2.4 (PEP 289) should be copyable if their underlying iterator[s] are; the strict limitations on what is possible in a generator expression, compared to the much vaster generality of a generator, should make that feasible. Similarly, the iterators produced by the built-in function enumerate, and certain functions suppiled by module itertools, should be copyable if the underlying iterators are. The implementation of this PEP will also include the optimization of the new itertools.tee function mentioned in the Motivation section. Rationale The main use case for (shallow) copying of an iterator is the same as for the function itertools.tee (new in 2.4). User code will not directly attempt to copy an iterator, because it would have to deal separately with uncopyable cases; calling itertools.tee will internally perform the copy when appropriate, and implicitly fallback to a maximally efficient non-copying strategy for iterators that are not copyable. (Occasionally, user code may want more direct control, specifically in order to deal with non-copyable iterators by other strategies, such as making a list or saving the sequence to disk). A tee’d iterator may serve as a “reference point”, allowing processing of a sequence to continue or resume from a known point, while the other independent iterator can be freely advanced to “explore” a further part of the sequence as needed. A simple example: a generator function which, given an iterator of numbers (assumed to be positive), returns a corresponding iterator, each of whose items is the fraction of the total corresponding to each corresponding item of the input iterator. The caller may pass the total as a value, if known in advance; otherwise, the iterator returned by calling this generator function will first compute the total. def fractions(numbers, total=None): if total is None: numbers, aux = itertools.tee(numbers) total = sum(aux) total = float(total) for item in numbers: yield item / total The ability to tee the numbers iterator allows this generator to precompute the total, if needed, without necessarily requiring O(N) auxiliary memory if the numbers iterator is copyable. As another example of “iterator bookmarking”, consider a stream of numbers with an occasional string as a “postfix operator” now and then. By far most frequent such operator is a ‘+’, whereupon we must sum all previous numbers (since the last previous operator if any, or else since the start) and yield the result. Sometimes we find a ‘*’ instead, which is the same except that the previous numbers must instead be multiplied, not summed. def filter_weird_stream(stream): it = iter(stream) while True: it, bookmark = itertools.tee(it) total = 0 for item in it: if item=='+': yield total break elif item=='*': product = 1 for item in bookmark: if item=='*': yield product break else: product *= item else: total += item Similar use cases of itertools.tee can support such tasks as “undo” on a stream of commands represented by an iterator, “backtracking” on the parse of a stream of tokens, and so on. (Of course, in each case, one should also consider simpler possibilities such as saving relevant portions of the sequence into lists while stepping on the sequence with just one iterator, depending on the details of one’s task). Here is an example, in pure Python, of how the ‘enumerate’ built-in could be extended to support __copy__ if its underlying iterator also supported __copy__: class enumerate(object): def __init__(self, it): self.it = iter(it) self.i = -1 def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): self.i += 1 return self.i, self.it.next() def __copy__(self): result = self.__class__.__new__() result.it = self.it.__copy__() result.i = self.i return result Here is an example of the kind of “fragility” produced by “accidental copyability” of an iterator – the reason why one must NOT use copy.copy expecting, if it succeeds, to receive as a result an iterator which is iterable-on independently from the original. Here is an iterator class that iterates (in preorder) on “trees” which, for simplicity, are just nested lists – any item that’s a list is treated as a subtree, any other item as a leaf. class ListreeIter(object): def __init__(self, tree): self.tree = [tree] self.indx = [-1] def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): if not self.indx: raise StopIteration self.indx[-1] += 1 try: result = self.tree[-1][self.indx[-1]] except IndexError: self.tree.pop() self.indx.pop() return self.next() if type(result) is not list: return result self.tree.append(result) self.indx.append(-1) return self.next() Now, for example, the following code: import copy x = [ [1,2,3], [4, 5, [6, 7, 8], 9], 10, 11, [12] ] print 'showing all items:', it = ListreeIter(x) for i in it: print i, if i==6: cop = copy.copy(it) print print 'showing items >6 again:' for i in cop: print i, print does NOT work as intended – the “cop” iterator gets consumed, and exhausted, step by step as the original “it” iterator is, because the accidental (rather than deliberate) copying performed by copy.copy shares, rather than duplicating the “index” list, which is the mutable attribute it.indx (a list of numerical indices). Thus, this “client code” of the iterator, which attempts to iterate twice over a portion of the sequence via a copy.copy on the iterator, is NOT correct. Some correct solutions include using itertools.tee, i.e., changing the first for loop into: for i in it: print i, if i==6: it, cop = itertools.tee(it) break for i in it: print i, (note that we MUST break the loop in two, otherwise we’d still be looping on the ORIGINAL value of it, which must NOT be used further after the call to tee!!!); or making a list, i.e. for i in it: print i, if i==6: cop = lit = list(it) break for i in lit: print i, (again, the loop must be broken in two, since iterator ‘it’ gets exhausted by the call list(it)). Finally, all of these solutions would work if Listiter supplied a suitable __copy__ method, as this PEP recommends: def __copy__(self): result = self.__class__.new() result.tree = copy.copy(self.tree) result.indx = copy.copy(self.indx) return result There is no need to get any “deeper” in the copy, but the two mutable “index state” attributes must indeed be copied in order to achieve a “proper” (independently iterable) iterator-copy. The recommended solution is to have class Listiter supply this __copy__ method AND have client code use itertools.tee (with the split-in-two-parts loop as shown above). This will make client code maximally tolerant of different iterator types it might be using AND achieve good performance for tee’ing of this specific iterator type at the same time. References [1] Discussion on python-dev starting at post: https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-October/038969.html [2] Online documentation for the copy module of the standard library: https://docs.python.org/release/2.6/library/copy.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 323 – Copyable Iterators
Standards Track
This PEP suggests that some iterator types should support shallow copies of their instances by exposing a __copy__ method which meets some specific requirements, and indicates how code using an iterator might exploit such a __copy__ method when present.
PEP 324 – subprocess - New process module Author: Peter Astrand <astrand at lysator.liu.se> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 19-Nov-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Motivation Rationale Specification Exceptions Security Popen objects Replacing older functions with the subprocess module Replacing /bin/sh shell backquote Replacing shell pipe line Replacing os.system() Replacing os.spawn* Replacing os.popen* Replacing popen2.* Open Issues Backwards Compatibility Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract This PEP describes a new module for starting and communicating with processes. Motivation Starting new processes is a common task in any programming language, and very common in a high-level language like Python. Good support for this task is needed, because: Inappropriate functions for starting processes could mean a security risk: If the program is started through the shell, and the arguments contain shell meta characters, the result can be disastrous. [1] It makes Python an even better replacement language for over-complicated shell scripts. Currently, Python has a large number of different functions for process creation. This makes it hard for developers to choose. The subprocess module provides the following enhancements over previous functions: One “unified” module provides all functionality from previous functions. Cross-process exceptions: Exceptions happening in the child before the new process has started to execute are re-raised in the parent. This means that it’s easy to handle exec() failures, for example. With popen2, for example, it’s impossible to detect if the execution failed. A hook for executing custom code between fork and exec. This can be used for, for example, changing uid. No implicit call of /bin/sh. This means that there is no need for escaping dangerous shell meta characters. All combinations of file descriptor redirection is possible. For example, the “python-dialog” [2] needs to spawn a process and redirect stderr, but not stdout. This is not possible with current functions, without using temporary files. With the subprocess module, it’s possible to control if all open file descriptors should be closed before the new program is executed. Support for connecting several subprocesses (shell “pipe”). Universal newline support. A communicate() method, which makes it easy to send stdin data and read stdout and stderr data, without risking deadlocks. Most people are aware of the flow control issues involved with child process communication, but not all have the patience or skills to write a fully correct and deadlock-free select loop. This means that many Python applications contain race conditions. A communicate() method in the standard library solves this problem. Rationale The following points summarizes the design: subprocess was based on popen2, which is tried-and-tested. The factory functions in popen2 have been removed, because I consider the class constructor equally easy to work with. popen2 contains several factory functions and classes for different combinations of redirection. subprocess, however, contains one single class. Since the subprocess module supports 12 different combinations of redirection, providing a class or function for each of them would be cumbersome and not very intuitive. Even with popen2, this is a readability problem. For example, many people cannot tell the difference between popen2.popen2 and popen2.popen4 without using the documentation. One small utility function is provided: subprocess.call(). It aims to be an enhancement over os.system(), while still very easy to use: It does not use the Standard C function system(), which has limitations. It does not call the shell implicitly. No need for quoting; using an argument list. The return value is easier to work with. The call() utility function accepts an ‘args’ argument, just like the Popen class constructor. It waits for the command to complete, then returns the returncode attribute. The implementation is very simple: def call(*args, **kwargs): return Popen(*args, **kwargs).wait() The motivation behind the call() function is simple: Starting a process and wait for it to finish is a common task. While Popen supports a wide range of options, many users have simple needs. Many people are using os.system() today, mainly because it provides a simple interface. Consider this example: os.system("stty sane -F " + device) With subprocess.call(), this would look like: subprocess.call(["stty", "sane", "-F", device]) or, if executing through the shell: subprocess.call("stty sane -F " + device, shell=True) The “preexec” functionality makes it possible to run arbitrary code between fork and exec. One might ask why there are special arguments for setting the environment and current directory, but not for, for example, setting the uid. The answer is: Changing environment and working directory is considered fairly common. Old functions like spawn() has support for an “env”-argument. env and cwd are considered quite cross-platform: They make sense even on Windows. On POSIX platforms, no extension module is required: the module uses os.fork(), os.execvp() etc. On Windows platforms, the module requires either Mark Hammond’s Windows extensions [5], or a small extension module called _subprocess. Specification This module defines one class called Popen: class Popen(args, bufsize=0, executable=None, stdin=None, stdout=None, stderr=None, preexec_fn=None, close_fds=False, shell=False, cwd=None, env=None, universal_newlines=False, startupinfo=None, creationflags=0): Arguments are: args should be a string, or a sequence of program arguments. The program to execute is normally the first item in the args sequence or string, but can be explicitly set by using the executable argument.On UNIX, with shell=False (default): In this case, the Popen class uses os.execvp() to execute the child program. args should normally be a sequence. A string will be treated as a sequence with the string as the only item (the program to execute). On UNIX, with shell=True: If args is a string, it specifies the command string to execute through the shell. If args is a sequence, the first item specifies the command string, and any additional items will be treated as additional shell arguments. On Windows: the Popen class uses CreateProcess() to execute the child program, which operates on strings. If args is a sequence, it will be converted to a string using the list2cmdline method. Please note that not all MS Windows applications interpret the command line the same way: The list2cmdline is designed for applications using the same rules as the MS C runtime. bufsize, if given, has the same meaning as the corresponding argument to the built-in open() function: 0 means unbuffered, 1 means line buffered, any other positive value means use a buffer of (approximately) that size. A negative bufsize means to use the system default, which usually means fully buffered. The default value for bufsize is 0 (unbuffered). stdin, stdout and stderr specify the executed programs’ standard input, standard output and standard error file handles, respectively. Valid values are PIPE, an existing file descriptor (a positive integer), an existing file object, and None. PIPE indicates that a new pipe to the child should be created. With None, no redirection will occur; the child’s file handles will be inherited from the parent. Additionally, stderr can be STDOUT, which indicates that the stderr data from the applications should be captured into the same file handle as for stdout. If preexec_fn is set to a callable object, this object will be called in the child process just before the child is executed. If close_fds is true, all file descriptors except 0, 1 and 2 will be closed before the child process is executed. If shell is true, the specified command will be executed through the shell. If cwd is not None, the current directory will be changed to cwd before the child is executed. If env is not None, it defines the environment variables for the new process. If universal_newlines is true, the file objects stdout and stderr are opened as a text file, but lines may be terminated by any of \n, the Unix end-of-line convention, \r, the Macintosh convention or \r\n, the Windows convention. All of these external representations are seen as \n by the Python program. Note: This feature is only available if Python is built with universal newline support (the default). Also, the newlines attribute of the file objects stdout, stdin and stderr are not updated by the communicate() method. The startupinfo and creationflags, if given, will be passed to the underlying CreateProcess() function. They can specify things such as appearance of the main window and priority for the new process. (Windows only) This module also defines two shortcut functions: call(*args, **kwargs):Run command with arguments. Wait for command to complete, then return the returncode attribute.The arguments are the same as for the Popen constructor. Example: retcode = call(["ls", "-l"]) Exceptions Exceptions raised in the child process, before the new program has started to execute, will be re-raised in the parent. Additionally, the exception object will have one extra attribute called ‘child_traceback’, which is a string containing traceback information from the child’s point of view. The most common exception raised is OSError. This occurs, for example, when trying to execute a non-existent file. Applications should prepare for OSErrors. A ValueError will be raised if Popen is called with invalid arguments. Security Unlike some other popen functions, this implementation will never call /bin/sh implicitly. This means that all characters, including shell meta-characters, can safely be passed to child processes. Popen objects Instances of the Popen class have the following methods: poll()Check if child process has terminated. Returns returncode attribute. wait()Wait for child process to terminate. Returns returncode attribute. communicate(input=None)Interact with process: Send data to stdin. Read data from stdout and stderr, until end-of-file is reached. Wait for process to terminate. The optional stdin argument should be a string to be sent to the child process, or None, if no data should be sent to the child.communicate() returns a tuple (stdout, stderr). Note: The data read is buffered in memory, so do not use this method if the data size is large or unlimited. The following attributes are also available: stdinIf the stdin argument is PIPE, this attribute is a file object that provides input to the child process. Otherwise, it is None. stdoutIf the stdout argument is PIPE, this attribute is a file object that provides output from the child process. Otherwise, it is None. stderrIf the stderr argument is PIPE, this attribute is file object that provides error output from the child process. Otherwise, it is None. pidThe process ID of the child process. returncodeThe child return code. A None value indicates that the process hasn’t terminated yet. A negative value -N indicates that the child was terminated by signal N (UNIX only). Replacing older functions with the subprocess module In this section, “a ==> b” means that b can be used as a replacement for a. Note: All functions in this section fail (more or less) silently if the executed program cannot be found; this module raises an OSError exception. In the following examples, we assume that the subprocess module is imported with from subprocess import *. Replacing /bin/sh shell backquote output=`mycmd myarg` ==> output = Popen(["mycmd", "myarg"], stdout=PIPE).communicate()[0] Replacing shell pipe line output=`dmesg | grep hda` ==> p1 = Popen(["dmesg"], stdout=PIPE) p2 = Popen(["grep", "hda"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=PIPE) output = p2.communicate()[0] Replacing os.system() sts = os.system("mycmd" + " myarg") ==> p = Popen("mycmd" + " myarg", shell=True) sts = os.waitpid(p.pid, 0) Note: Calling the program through the shell is usually not required. It’s easier to look at the returncode attribute than the exit status. A more real-world example would look like this: try: retcode = call("mycmd" + " myarg", shell=True) if retcode < 0: print >>sys.stderr, "Child was terminated by signal", -retcode else: print >>sys.stderr, "Child returned", retcode except OSError, e: print >>sys.stderr, "Execution failed:", e Replacing os.spawn* P_NOWAIT example: pid = os.spawnlp(os.P_NOWAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg") ==> pid = Popen(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"]).pid P_WAIT example: retcode = os.spawnlp(os.P_WAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg") ==> retcode = call(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"]) Vector example: os.spawnvp(os.P_NOWAIT, path, args) ==> Popen([path] + args[1:]) Environment example: os.spawnlpe(os.P_NOWAIT, "/bin/mycmd", "mycmd", "myarg", env) ==> Popen(["/bin/mycmd", "myarg"], env={"PATH": "/usr/bin"}) Replacing os.popen* pipe = os.popen(cmd, mode='r', bufsize) ==> pipe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdout=PIPE).stdout pipe = os.popen(cmd, mode='w', bufsize) ==> pipe = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE).stdin (child_stdin, child_stdout) = os.popen2(cmd, mode, bufsize) ==> p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) (child_stdin, child_stdout) = (p.stdin, p.stdout) (child_stdin, child_stdout, child_stderr) = os.popen3(cmd, mode, bufsize) ==> p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, close_fds=True) (child_stdin, child_stdout, child_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout, p.stderr) (child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr) = os.popen4(cmd, mode, bufsize) ==> p = Popen(cmd, shell=True, bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, close_fds=True) (child_stdin, child_stdout_and_stderr) = (p.stdin, p.stdout) Replacing popen2.* Note: If the cmd argument to popen2 functions is a string, the command is executed through /bin/sh. If it is a list, the command is directly executed. (child_stdout, child_stdin) = popen2.popen2("somestring", bufsize, mode) ==> p = Popen(["somestring"], shell=True, bufsize=bufsize stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) (child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin) (child_stdout, child_stdin) = popen2.popen2(["mycmd", "myarg"], bufsize, mode) ==> p = Popen(["mycmd", "myarg"], bufsize=bufsize, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) (child_stdout, child_stdin) = (p.stdout, p.stdin) The popen2.Popen3 and popen3.Popen4 basically works as subprocess.Popen, except that: subprocess.Popen raises an exception if the execution fails the capturestderr argument is replaced with the stderr argument. stdin=PIPE and stdout=PIPE must be specified. popen2 closes all file descriptors by default, but you have to specify close_fds=True with subprocess.Popen. Open Issues Some features have been requested but is not yet implemented. This includes: Support for managing a whole flock of subprocesses Support for managing “daemon” processes Built-in method for killing subprocesses While these are useful features, it’s expected that these can be added later without problems. expect-like functionality, including pty support. pty support is highly platform-dependent, which is a problem. Also, there are already other modules that provide this kind of functionality [6]. Backwards Compatibility Since this is a new module, no major backward compatible issues are expected. The module name “subprocess” might collide with other, previous modules [3] with the same name, but the name “subprocess” seems to be the best suggested name so far. The first name of this module was “popen5”, but this name was considered too unintuitive. For a while, the module was called “process”, but this name is already used by Trent Mick’s module [4]. The functions and modules that this new module is trying to replace (os.system, os.spawn*, os.popen*, popen2.*, commands.*) are expected to be available in future Python versions for a long time, to preserve backwards compatibility. Reference Implementation A reference implementation is available from http://www.lysator.liu.se/~astrand/popen5/. References [1] Secure Programming for Linux and Unix HOWTO, section 8.3. http://www.dwheeler.com/secure-programs/ [2] Python Dialog http://pythondialog.sourceforge.net/ [3] http://www.iol.ie/~padraiga/libs/subProcess.py [4] http://starship.python.net/crew/tmick/ [5] http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/win32/ [6] http://www.lysator.liu.se/~ceder/pcl-expect/ Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 324 – subprocess - New process module
Standards Track
This PEP describes a new module for starting and communicating with processes.
PEP 325 – Resource-Release Support for Generators Author: Samuele Pedroni <pedronis at python.org> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 25-Aug-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: Table of Contents Abstract Pronouncement Rationale Possible Semantics Remarks Open Issues Alternative Ideas Copyright Abstract Generators allow for natural coding and abstraction of traversal over data. Currently if external resources needing proper timely release are involved, generators are unfortunately not adequate. The typical idiom for timely release is not supported, a yield statement is not allowed in the try clause of a try-finally statement inside a generator. The finally clause execution can be neither guaranteed nor enforced. This PEP proposes that the built-in generator type implement a close method and destruction semantics, such that the restriction on yield placement can be lifted, expanding the applicability of generators. Pronouncement Rejected in favor of PEP 342 which includes substantially all of the requested behavior in a more refined form. Rationale Python generators allow for natural coding of many data traversal scenarios. Their instantiation produces iterators, i.e. first-class objects abstracting traversal (with all the advantages of first- classness). In this respect they match in power and offer some advantages over the approach using iterator methods taking a (smalltalkish) block. On the other hand, given current limitations (no yield allowed in a try clause of a try-finally inside a generator) the latter approach seems better suited to encapsulating not only traversal but also exception handling and proper resource acquisition and release. Let’s consider an example (for simplicity, files in read-mode are used): def all_lines(index_path): for path in file(index_path, "r"): for line in file(path.strip(), "r"): yield line this is short and to the point, but the try-finally for timely closing of the files cannot be added. (While instead of a path, a file, whose closing then would be responsibility of the caller, could be passed in as argument, the same is not applicable for the files opened depending on the contents of the index). If we want timely release, we have to sacrifice the simplicity and directness of the generator-only approach: (e.g.) class AllLines: def __init__(self, index_path): self.index_path = index_path self.index = None self.document = None def __iter__(self): self.index = file(self.index_path, "r") for path in self.index: self.document = file(path.strip(), "r") for line in self.document: yield line self.document.close() self.document = None def close(self): if self.index: self.index.close() if self.document: self.document.close() to be used as: all_lines = AllLines("index.txt") try: for line in all_lines: ... finally: all_lines.close() The more convoluted solution implementing timely release, seems to offer a precious hint. What we have done is encapsulate our traversal in an object (iterator) with a close method. This PEP proposes that generators should grow such a close method with such semantics that the example could be rewritten as: # Today this is not valid Python: yield is not allowed between # try and finally, and generator type instances support no # close method. def all_lines(index_path): index = file(index_path, "r") try: for path in index: document = file(path.strip(), "r") try: for line in document: yield line finally: document.close() finally: index.close() all = all_lines("index.txt") try: for line in all: ... finally: all.close() # close on generator Currently PEP 255 disallows yield inside a try clause of a try-finally statement, because the execution of the finally clause cannot be guaranteed as required by try-finally semantics. The semantics of the proposed close method should be such that while the finally clause execution still cannot be guaranteed, it can be enforced when required. Specifically, the close method behavior should trigger the execution of the finally clauses inside the generator, either by forcing a return in the generator frame or by throwing an exception in it. In situations requiring timely resource release, close could then be explicitly invoked. The semantics of generator destruction on the other hand should be extended in order to implement a best-effort policy for the general case. Specifically, destruction should invoke close(). The best-effort limitation comes from the fact that the destructor’s execution is not guaranteed in the first place. This seems to be a reasonable compromise, the resulting global behavior being similar to that of files and closing. Possible Semantics The built-in generator type should have a close method implemented, which can then be invoked as: gen.close() where gen is an instance of the built-in generator type. Generator destruction should also invoke close method behavior. If a generator is already terminated, close should be a no-op. Otherwise, there are two alternative solutions, Return or Exception Semantics: A - Return Semantics: The generator should be resumed, generator execution should continue as if the instruction at the re-entry point is a return. Consequently, finally clauses surrounding the re-entry point would be executed, in the case of a then allowed try-yield-finally pattern. Issues: is it important to be able to distinguish forced termination by close, normal termination, exception propagation from generator or generator-called code? In the normal case it seems not, finally clauses should be there to work the same in all these cases, still this semantics could make such a distinction hard. Except-clauses, like by a normal return, are not executed, such clauses in legacy generators expect to be executed for exceptions raised by the generator or by code called from it. Not executing them in the close case seems correct. B - Exception Semantics: The generator should be resumed and execution should continue as if a special-purpose exception (e.g. CloseGenerator) has been raised at re-entry point. Close implementation should consume and not propagate further this exception. Issues: should StopIteration be reused for this purpose? Probably not. We would like close to be a harmless operation for legacy generators, which could contain code catching StopIteration to deal with other generators/iterators. In general, with exception semantics, it is unclear what to do if the generator does not terminate or we do not receive the special exception propagated back. Other different exceptions should probably be propagated, but consider this possible legacy generator code: try: ... yield ... ... except: # or except Exception:, etc raise Exception("boom") If close is invoked with the generator suspended after the yield, the except clause would catch our special purpose exception, so we would get a different exception propagated back, which in this case ought to be reasonably consumed and ignored but in general should be propagated, but separating these scenarios seems hard. The exception approach has the advantage to let the generator distinguish between termination cases and have more control. On the other hand, clear-cut semantics seem harder to define. Remarks If this proposal is accepted, it should become common practice to document whether a generator acquires resources, so that its close method ought to be called. If a generator is no longer used, calling close should be harmless. On the other hand, in the typical scenario the code that instantiated the generator should call close if required by it. Generic code dealing with iterators/generators instantiated elsewhere should typically not be littered with close calls. The rare case of code that has acquired ownership of and need to properly deal with all of iterators, generators and generators acquiring resources that need timely release, is easily solved: if hasattr(iterator, 'close'): iterator.close() Open Issues Definitive semantics ought to be chosen. Currently Guido favors Exception Semantics. If the generator yields a value instead of terminating, or propagating back the special exception, a special exception should be raised again on the generator side. It is still unclear whether spuriously converted special exceptions (as discussed in Possible Semantics) are a problem and what to do about them. Implementation issues should be explored. Alternative Ideas The idea that the yield placement limitation should be removed and that generator destruction should trigger execution of finally clauses has been proposed more than once. Alone it cannot guarantee that timely release of resources acquired by a generator can be enforced. PEP 288 proposes a more general solution, allowing custom exception passing to generators. The proposal in this PEP addresses more directly the problem of resource release. Were PEP 288 implemented, Exceptions Semantics for close could be layered on top of it, on the other hand PEP 288 should make a separate case for the more general functionality. Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 325 – Resource-Release Support for Generators
Standards Track
Generators allow for natural coding and abstraction of traversal over data. Currently if external resources needing proper timely release are involved, generators are unfortunately not adequate. The typical idiom for timely release is not supported, a yield statement is not allowed in the try clause of a try-finally statement inside a generator. The finally clause execution can be neither guaranteed nor enforced.
PEP 326 – A Case for Top and Bottom Values Author: Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu>, Terry Reedy <tjreedy at udel.edu> Status: Rejected Type: Standards Track Created: 20-Dec-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 20-Dec-2003, 03-Jan-2004, 05-Jan-2004, 07-Jan-2004, 21-Feb-2004 Table of Contents Results Abstract Rationale Motivation Max Examples A Min Example Other Examples Independent Implementations? Reference Implementation Open Issues References Changes Copyright Results This PEP has been rejected by the BDFL [8]. As per the pseudo-sunset clause [9], PEP 326 is being updated one last time with the latest suggestions, code modifications, etc., and includes a link to a module [10] that implements the behavior described in the PEP. Users who desire the behavior listed in this PEP are encouraged to use the module for the reasons listed in Independent Implementations?. Abstract This PEP proposes two singleton constants that represent a top and bottom [3] value: Max and Min (or two similarly suggestive names [4]; see Open Issues). As suggested by their names, Max and Min would compare higher or lower than any other object (respectively). Such behavior results in easier to understand code and fewer special cases in which a temporary minimum or maximum value is required, and an actual minimum or maximum numeric value is not limited. Rationale While None can be used as an absolute minimum that any value can attain [1], this may be deprecated [4] in Python 3.0 and shouldn’t be relied upon. As a replacement for None being used as an absolute minimum, as well as the introduction of an absolute maximum, the introduction of two singleton constants Max and Min address concerns for the constants to be self-documenting. What is commonly done to deal with absolute minimum or maximum values, is to set a value that is larger than the script author ever expects the input to reach, and hope that it isn’t reached. Guido has brought up [2] the fact that there exists two constants that can be used in the interim for maximum values: sys.maxint and floating point positive infinity (1e309 will evaluate to positive infinity). However, each has their drawbacks. On most architectures sys.maxint is arbitrarily small (2**31-1 or 2**63-1) and can be easily eclipsed by large ‘long’ integers or floating point numbers. Comparing long integers larger than the largest floating point number representable against any float will result in an exception being raised:>>> cmp(1.0, 10**309) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float Even when large integers are compared against positive infinity: >>> cmp(1e309, 10**309) Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in ? OverflowError: long int too large to convert to float These same drawbacks exist when numbers are negative. Introducing Max and Min that work as described above does not take much effort. A sample Python reference implementation of both is included. Motivation There are hundreds of algorithms that begin by initializing some set of values to a logical (or numeric) infinity or negative infinity. Python lacks either infinity that works consistently or really is the most extreme value that can be attained. By adding Max and Min, Python would have a real maximum and minimum value, and such algorithms can become clearer due to the reduction of special cases. Max Examples When testing various kinds of servers, it is sometimes necessary to only serve a certain number of clients before exiting, which results in code like the following: count = 5 def counts(stop): i = 0 while i < stop: yield i i += 1 for client_number in counts(count): handle_one_client() When using Max as the value assigned to count, our testing server becomes a production server with minimal effort. As another example, in Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on a graph with weighted edges (all positive). Set distances to every node in the graph to infinity. Set the distance to the start node to zero. Set visited to be an empty mapping. While shortest distance of a node that has not been visited is less than infinity and the destination has not been visited. Get the node with the shortest distance. Visit the node. Update neighbor distances and parent pointers if necessary for neighbors that have not been visited. If the destination has been visited, step back through parent pointers to find the reverse of the path to be taken. Below is an example of Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm on a graph with weighted edges using a table (a faster version that uses a heap is available, but this version is offered due to its similarity to the description above, the heap version is available via older versions of this document). def DijkstraSP_table(graph, S, T): table = {} #3 for node in graph.iterkeys(): #(visited, distance, node, parent) table[node] = (0, Max, node, None) #1 table[S] = (0, 0, S, None) #2 cur = min(table.values()) #4a while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] < Max: #4 (visited, distance, node, parent) = cur table[node] = (1, distance, node, parent) #4b for cdist, child in graph[node]: #4c ndist = distance+cdist #| if not table[child][0] and ndist < table[child][1]:#| table[child] = (0, ndist, child, node) #|_ cur = min(table.values()) #4a if not table[T][0]: return None cur = T #5 path = [T] #| while table[cur][3] is not None: #| path.append(table[cur][3]) #| cur = path[-1] #| path.reverse() #| return path #|_ Readers should note that replacing Max in the above code with an arbitrarily large number does not guarantee that the shortest path distance to a node will never exceed that number. Well, with one caveat: one could certainly sum up the weights of every edge in the graph, and set the ‘arbitrarily large number’ to that total. However, doing so does not make the algorithm any easier to understand and has potential problems with numeric overflows. Gustavo Niemeyer [7] points out that using a more Pythonic data structure than tuples, to store information about node distances, increases readability. Two equivalent node structures (one using None, the other using Max) and their use in a suitably modified Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm is given below. class SuperNode: def __init__(self, node, parent, distance, visited): self.node = node self.parent = parent self.distance = distance self.visited = visited class MaxNode(SuperNode): def __init__(self, node, parent=None, distance=Max, visited=False): SuperNode.__init__(self, node, parent, distance, visited) def __cmp__(self, other): return cmp((self.visited, self.distance), (other.visited, other.distance)) class NoneNode(SuperNode): def __init__(self, node, parent=None, distance=None, visited=False): SuperNode.__init__(self, node, parent, distance, visited) def __cmp__(self, other): pair = ((self.visited, self.distance), (other.visited, other.distance)) if None in (self.distance, other.distance): return -cmp(*pair) return cmp(*pair) def DijkstraSP_table_node(graph, S, T, Node): table = {} #3 for node in graph.iterkeys(): table[node] = Node(node) #1 table[S] = Node(S, distance=0) #2 cur = min(table.values()) #4a sentinel = Node(None).distance while not cur.visited and cur.distance != sentinel: #4 cur.visited = True #4b for cdist, child in graph[node]: #4c ndist = distance+cdist #| if not table[child].visited and\ #| ndist < table[child].distance: #| table[child].distance = ndist #|_ cur = min(table.values()) #4a if not table[T].visited: return None cur = T #5 path = [T] #| while table[cur].parent is not None: #| path.append(table[cur].parent) #| cur = path[-1] #| path.reverse() #| return path #|_ In the above, passing in either NoneNode or MaxNode would be sufficient to use either None or Max for the node distance ‘infinity’. Note the additional special case required for None being used as a sentinel in NoneNode in the __cmp__ method. This example highlights the special case handling where None is used as a sentinel value for maximum values “in the wild”, even though None itself compares smaller than any other object in the standard distribution. As an aside, it is not clear to the author that using Nodes as a replacement for tuples has increased readability significantly, if at all. A Min Example An example of usage for Min is an algorithm that solves the following problem [5]: Suppose you are given a directed graph, representing a communication network. The vertices are the nodes in the network, and each edge is a communication channel. Each edge (u, v) has an associated value r(u, v), with 0 <= r(u, v) <= 1, which represents the reliability of the channel from u to v (i.e., the probability that the channel from u to v will not fail). Assume that the reliability probabilities of the channels are independent. (This implies that the reliability of any path is the product of the reliability of the edges along the path.) Now suppose you are given two nodes in the graph, A and B. Such an algorithm is a 7 line modification to the DijkstraSP_table algorithm given above (modified lines prefixed with *): def DijkstraSP_table(graph, S, T): table = {} #3 for node in graph.iterkeys(): #(visited, distance, node, parent) * table[node] = (0, Min, node, None) #1 * table[S] = (0, 1, S, None) #2 * cur = max(table.values()) #4a * while (not cur[0]) and cur[1] > Min: #4 (visited, distance, node, parent) = cur table[node] = (1, distance, node, parent) #4b for cdist, child in graph[node]: #4c * ndist = distance*cdist #| * if not table[child][0] and ndist > table[child][1]:#| table[child] = (0, ndist, child, node) #|_ * cur = max(table.values()) #4a if not table[T][0]: return None cur = T #5 path = [T] #| while table[cur][3] is not None: #| path.append(table[cur][3]) #| cur = path[-1] #| path.reverse() #| return path #|_ Note that there is a way of translating the graph to so that it can be passed unchanged into the original DijkstraSP_table algorithm. There also exists a handful of easy methods for constructing Node objects that would work with DijkstraSP_table_node. Such translations are left as an exercise to the reader. Other Examples Andrew P. Lentvorski, Jr. [6] has pointed out that various data structures involving range searching have immediate use for Max and Min values. More specifically; Segment trees, Range trees, k-d trees and database keys: …The issue is that a range can be open on one side and does not always have an initialized case.The solutions I have seen are to either overload None as the extremum or use an arbitrary large magnitude number. Overloading None means that the built-ins can’t really be used without special case checks to work around the undefined (or “wrongly defined”) ordering of None. These checks tend to swamp the nice performance of built-ins like max() and min(). Choosing a large magnitude number throws away the ability of Python to cope with arbitrarily large integers and introduces a potential source of overrun/underrun bugs. Further use examples of both Max and Min are available in the realm of graph algorithms, range searching algorithms, computational geometry algorithms, and others. Independent Implementations? Independent implementations of the Min/Max concept by users desiring such functionality are not likely to be compatible, and certainly will produce inconsistent orderings. The following examples seek to show how inconsistent they can be. Let us pretend we have created proper separate implementations of MyMax, MyMin, YourMax and YourMin with the same code as given in the sample implementation (with some minor renaming):>>> lst = [YourMin, MyMin, MyMin, YourMin, MyMax, YourMin, MyMax, YourMax, MyMax] >>> lst.sort() >>> lst [YourMin, YourMin, MyMin, MyMin, YourMin, MyMax, MyMax, YourMax, MyMax] Notice that while all the “Min”s are before the “Max”s, there is no guarantee that all instances of YourMin will come before MyMin, the reverse, or the equivalent MyMax and YourMax. The problem is also evident when using the heapq module:>>> lst = [YourMin, MyMin, MyMin, YourMin, MyMax, YourMin, MyMax, YourMax, MyMax] >>> heapq.heapify(lst) #not needed, but it can't hurt >>> while lst: print heapq.heappop(lst), ... YourMin MyMin YourMin YourMin MyMin MyMax MyMax YourMax MyMax Furthermore, the findmin_Max code and both versions of Dijkstra could result in incorrect output by passing in secondary versions of Max. It has been pointed out [7] that the reference implementation given below would be incompatible with independent implementations of Max/Min. The point of this PEP is for the introduction of “The One True Implementation” of “The One True Maximum” and “The One True Minimum”. User-based implementations of Max and Min objects would thusly be discouraged, and use of “The One True Implementation” would obviously be encouraged. Ambiguous behavior resulting from mixing users’ implementations of Max and Min with “The One True Implementation” should be easy to discover through variable and/or source code introspection. Reference Implementation class _ExtremeType(object): def __init__(self, cmpr, rep): object.__init__(self) self._cmpr = cmpr self._rep = rep def __cmp__(self, other): if isinstance(other, self.__class__) and\ other._cmpr == self._cmpr: return 0 return self._cmpr def __repr__(self): return self._rep Max = _ExtremeType(1, "Max") Min = _ExtremeType(-1, "Min") Results of Test Run: >>> max(Max, 2**65536) Max >>> min(Max, 2**65536) 20035299304068464649790... (lines removed for brevity) ...72339445587895905719156736L >>> min(Min, -2**65536) Min >>> max(Min, -2**65536) -2003529930406846464979... (lines removed for brevity) ...072339445587895905719156736L Open Issues As the PEP was rejected, all open issues are now closed and inconsequential. The module will use the names UniversalMaximum and UniversalMinimum due to the fact that it would be very difficult to mistake what each does. For those who require a shorter name, renaming the singletons during import is suggested: from extremes import UniversalMaximum as uMax, UniversalMinimum as uMin References [1] RE: [Python-Dev] Re: Got None. Maybe Some?, Peters, Tim (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-December/041374.html) [2] Re: [Python-Dev] Got None. Maybe Some?, van Rossum, Guido (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-December/041352.html) [3] RE: [Python-Dev] Got None. Maybe Some?, Peters, Tim (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2003-December/041332.html) [4] (1, 2) [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326 now online, Reedy, Terry (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/041685.html) [5] Homework 6, Problem 7, Dillencourt, Michael (link may not be valid in the future) (http://www.ics.uci.edu/~dillenco/ics161/hw/hw6.pdf) [6] RE: [Python-Dev] PEP 326 now online, Lentvorski, Andrew P., Jr. (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/041727.html) [7] (1, 2) [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326 now online, Niemeyer, Gustavo (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042261.html); [Python-Dev] Re: PEP 326 now online, Carlson, Josiah (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042272.html) [8] (1, 2) [Python-Dev] PEP 326 (quick location possibility), van Rossum, Guido (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042306.html) [9] [Python-Dev] PEP 326 (quick location possibility), Carlson, Josiah (https://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-January/042300.html) [10] Recommended standard implementation of PEP 326, extremes.py, Carlson, Josiah (https://web.archive.org/web/20040410135029/http://www.ics.uci.edu:80/~jcarlson/pep326/extremes.py) Changes Added this section. Added Motivation section. Changed markup to reStructuredText. Clarified Abstract, Motivation, Reference Implementation and Open Issues based on the simultaneous concepts of Max and Min. Added two implementations of Dijkstra’s Shortest Path algorithm that show where Max can be used to remove special cases. Added an example of use for Min to Motivation. Added an example and Other Examples subheading. Modified Reference Implementation to instantiate both items from a single class/type. Removed a large number of open issues that are not within the scope of this PEP. Replaced an example from Max Examples, changed an example in A Min Example. Added some References. BDFL rejects [8] PEP 326 Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 326 – A Case for Top and Bottom Values
Standards Track
This PEP proposes two singleton constants that represent a top and bottom [3] value: Max and Min (or two similarly suggestive names [4]; see Open Issues).
PEP 327 – Decimal Data Type Author: Facundo Batista <facundo at taniquetil.com.ar> Status: Final Type: Standards Track Created: 17-Oct-2003 Python-Version: 2.4 Post-History: 30-Nov-2003, 02-Jan-2004, 29-Jan-2004 Table of Contents Abstract Motivation The problem with binary float Why floating point? Why not rational? So, what do we have? General Decimal Arithmetic Specification The Arithmetic Model Numbers Context Default Contexts Exceptional Conditions Rounding Algorithms Rationale Explicit construction From int or long From string From float From tuples From Decimal Syntax for All Cases Creating from Context Implicit construction From int or long From string From float From Decimal Use of Context Python Usability Documentation Decimal Attributes Decimal Methods Context Attributes Context Methods Reference Implementation References Copyright Abstract The idea is to have a Decimal data type, for every use where decimals are needed but binary floating point is too inexact. The Decimal data type will support the Python standard functions and operations, and must comply with the decimal arithmetic ANSI standard X3.274-1996 [1]. Decimal will be floating point (as opposed to fixed point) and will have bounded precision (the precision is the upper limit on the number of significant digits in a result). However, precision is user-settable, and a notion of significant trailing zeroes is supported so that fixed-point usage is also possible. This work is based on code and test functions written by Eric Price, Aahz and Tim Peters. Just before Python 2.4a1, the decimal.py reference implementation was moved into the standard library; along with the documentation and the test suite, this was the work of Raymond Hettinger. Much of the explanation in this PEP is taken from Cowlishaw’s work [2], comp.lang.python and python-dev. Motivation Here I’ll expose the reasons of why I think a Decimal data type is needed and why other numeric data types are not enough. I wanted a Money data type, and after proposing a pre-PEP in comp.lang.python, the community agreed to have a numeric data type with the needed arithmetic behaviour, and then build Money over it: all the considerations about quantity of digits after the decimal point, rounding, etc., will be handled through Money. It is not the purpose of this PEP to have a data type that can be used as Money without further effort. One of the biggest advantages of implementing a standard is that someone already thought out all the creepy cases for you. And to a standard GvR redirected me: Mike Cowlishaw’s General Decimal Arithmetic specification [2]. This document defines a general purpose decimal arithmetic. A correct implementation of this specification will conform to the decimal arithmetic defined in ANSI/IEEE standard 854-1987, except for some minor restrictions, and will also provide unrounded decimal arithmetic and integer arithmetic as proper subsets. The problem with binary float In decimal math, there are many numbers that can’t be represented with a fixed number of decimal digits, e.g. 1/3 = 0.3333333333……. In base 2 (the way that standard floating point is calculated), 1/2 = 0.1, 1/4 = 0.01, 1/8 = 0.001, etc. Decimal 0.2 equals 2/10 equals 1/5, resulting in the binary fractional number 0.001100110011001… As you can see, the problem is that some decimal numbers can’t be represented exactly in binary, resulting in small roundoff errors. So we need a decimal data type that represents exactly decimal numbers. Instead of a binary data type, we need a decimal one. Why floating point? So we go to decimal, but why floating point? Floating point numbers use a fixed quantity of digits (precision) to represent a number, working with an exponent when the number gets too big or too small. For example, with a precision of 5: 1234 ==> 1234e0 12345 ==> 12345e0 123456 ==> 12346e1 (note that in the last line the number got rounded to fit in five digits). In contrast, we have the example of a long integer with infinite precision, meaning that you can have the number as big as you want, and you’ll never lose any information. In a fixed point number, the position of the decimal point is fixed. For a fixed point data type, check Tim Peter’s FixedPoint at SourceForge [4]. I’ll go for floating point because it’s easier to implement the arithmetic behaviour of the standard, and then you can implement a fixed point data type over Decimal. But why can’t we have a floating point number with infinite precision? It’s not so easy, because of inexact divisions. E.g.: 1/3 = 0.3333333333333… ad infinitum. In this case you should store an infinite amount of 3s, which takes too much memory, ;). John Roth proposed to eliminate the division operator and force the user to use an explicit method, just to avoid this kind of trouble. This generated adverse reactions in comp.lang.python, as everybody wants to have support for the / operator in a numeric data type. With this exposed maybe you’re thinking “Hey! Can we just store the 1 and the 3 as numerator and denominator?”, which takes us to the next point. Why not rational? Rational numbers are stored using two integer numbers, the numerator and the denominator. This implies that the arithmetic operations can’t be executed directly (e.g. to add two rational numbers you first need to calculate the common denominator). Quoting Alex Martelli: The performance implications of the fact that summing two rationals (which take O(M) and O(N) space respectively) gives a rational which takes O(M+N) memory space is just too troublesome. There are excellent Rational implementations in both pure Python and as extensions (e.g., gmpy), but they’ll always be a “niche market” IMHO. Probably worth PEPping, not worth doing without Decimal – which is the right way to represent sums of money, a truly major use case in the real world. Anyway, if you’re interested in this data type, you maybe will want to take a look at PEP 239: Adding a Rational Type to Python. So, what do we have? The result is a Decimal data type, with bounded precision and floating point. Will it be useful? I can’t say it better than Alex Martelli: Python (out of the box) doesn’t let you have binary floating point numbers with whatever precision you specify: you’re limited to what your hardware supplies. Decimal, be it used as a fixed or floating point number, should suffer from no such limitation: whatever bounded precision you may specify on number creation (your memory permitting) should work just as well. Most of the expense of programming simplicity can be hidden from application programs and placed in a suitable decimal arithmetic type. As per http://speleotrove.com/decimal/, a single data type can be used for integer, fixed-point, and floating-point decimal arithmetic – and for money arithmetic which doesn’t drive the application programmer crazy. There are several uses for such a data type. As I said before, I will use it as base for Money. In this case the bounded precision is not an issue; quoting Tim Peters: A precision of 20 would be way more than enough to account for total world economic output, down to the penny, since the beginning of time. General Decimal Arithmetic Specification Here I’ll include information and descriptions that are part of the specification [2] (the structure of the number, the context, etc.). All the requirements included in this section are not for discussion (barring typos or other mistakes), as they are in the standard, and the PEP is just for implementing the standard. Because of copyright restrictions, I can not copy here explanations taken from the specification, so I’ll try to explain it in my own words. I firmly encourage you to read the original specification document [2] for details or if you have any doubt. The Arithmetic Model The specification is based on a decimal arithmetic model, as defined by the relevant standards: IEEE 854 [3], ANSI X3-274 [1], and the proposed revision [5] of IEEE 754 [6]. The model has three components: Numbers: just the values that the operation uses as input or output. Operations: addition, multiplication, etc. Context: a set of parameters and rules that the user can select and which govern the results of operations (for example, the precision to be used). Numbers Numbers may be finite or special values. The former can be represented exactly. The latter are infinites and undefined (such as 0/0). Finite numbers are defined by three parameters: Sign: 0 (positive) or 1 (negative). Coefficient: a non-negative integer. Exponent: a signed integer, the power of ten of the coefficient multiplier. The numerical value of a finite number is given by: (-1)**sign * coefficient * 10**exponent Special values are named as following: Infinity: a value which is infinitely large. Could be positive or negative. Quiet NaN (“qNaN”): represent undefined results (Not a Number). Does not cause an Invalid operation condition. The sign in a NaN has no meaning. Signaling NaN (“sNaN”): also Not a Number, but will cause an Invalid operation condition if used in any operation. Context The context is a set of parameters and rules that the user can select and which govern the results of operations (for example, the precision to be used). The context gets that name because it surrounds the Decimal numbers, with parts of context acting as input to, and output of, operations. It’s up to the application to work with one or several contexts, but definitely the idea is not to get a context per Decimal number. For example, a typical use would be to set the context’s precision to 20 digits at the start of a program, and never explicitly use context again. These definitions don’t affect the internal storage of the Decimal numbers, just the way that the arithmetic operations are performed. The context is mainly defined by the following parameters (see Context Attributes for all context attributes): Precision: The maximum number of significant digits that can result from an arithmetic operation (integer > 0). There is no maximum for this value. Rounding: The name of the algorithm to be used when rounding is necessary, one of “round-down”, “round-half-up”, “round-half-even”, “round-ceiling”, “round-floor”, “round-half-down”, and “round-up”. See Rounding Algorithms below. Flags and trap-enablers: Exceptional conditions are grouped into signals, controllable individually, each consisting of a flag (boolean, set when the signal occurs) and a trap-enabler (a boolean that controls behavior). The signals are: “clamped”, “division-by-zero”, “inexact”, “invalid-operation”, “overflow”, “rounded”, “subnormal” and “underflow”. Default Contexts The specification defines two default contexts, which should be easily selectable by the user. Basic Default Context: flags: all set to 0 trap-enablers: inexact, rounded, and subnormal are set to 0; all others are set to 1 precision: is set to 9 rounding: is set to round-half-up Extended Default Context: flags: all set to 0 trap-enablers: all set to 0 precision: is set to 9 rounding: is set to round-half-even Exceptional Conditions The table below lists the exceptional conditions that may arise during the arithmetic operations, the corresponding signal, and the defined result. For details, see the specification [2]. Condition Signal Result Clamped clamped see spec [2] Division by zero division-by-zero [sign,inf] Inexact inexact unchanged Invalid operation invalid-operation [0,qNaN] (or [s,qNaN] or [s,qNaN,d] when the cause is a signaling NaN) Overflow overflow depends on the rounding mode Rounded rounded unchanged Subnormal subnormal unchanged Underflow underflow see spec [2] Note: when the standard talks about “Insufficient storage”, as long as this is implementation-specific behaviour about not having enough storage to keep the internals of the number, this implementation will raise MemoryError. Regarding Overflow and Underflow, there’s been a long discussion in python-dev about artificial limits. The general consensus is to keep the artificial limits only if there are important reasons to do that. Tim Peters gives us three: …eliminating bounds on exponents effectively means overflow (and underflow) can never happen. But overflow is a valuable safety net in real life fp use, like a canary in a coal mine, giving danger signs early when a program goes insane.Virtually all implementations of 854 use (and as IBM’s standard even suggests) “forbidden” exponent values to encode non-finite numbers (infinities and NaNs). A bounded exponent can do this at virtually no extra storage cost. If the exponent is unbounded, then additional bits have to be used instead. This cost remains hidden until more time- and space- efficient implementations are attempted. Big as it is, the IBM standard is a tiny start at supplying a complete numeric facility. Having no bound on exponent size will enormously complicate the implementations of, e.g., decimal sin() and cos() (there’s then no a priori limit on how many digits of pi effectively need to be known in order to perform argument reduction). Edward Loper give us an example of when the limits are to be crossed: probabilities. That said, Robert Brewer and Andrew Lentvorski want the limits to be easily modifiable by the users. Actually, this is quite possible: >>> d1 = Decimal("1e999999999") # at the exponent limit >>> d1 Decimal("1E+999999999") >>> d1 * 10 # exceed the limit, got infinity Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ? d1 * 10 ... ... Overflow: above Emax >>> getcontext().Emax = 1000000000 # increase the limit >>> d1 * 10 # does not exceed any more Decimal("1.0E+1000000000") >>> d1 * 100 # exceed again Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#3>", line 1, in ? d1 * 100 ... ... Overflow: above Emax Rounding Algorithms round-down: The discarded digits are ignored; the result is unchanged (round toward 0, truncate): 1.123 --> 1.12 1.128 --> 1.12 1.125 --> 1.12 1.135 --> 1.13 round-half-up: If the discarded digits represent greater than or equal to half (0.5) then the result should be incremented by 1; otherwise the discarded digits are ignored: 1.123 --> 1.12 1.128 --> 1.13 1.125 --> 1.13 1.135 --> 1.14 round-half-even: If the discarded digits represent greater than half (0.5) then the result coefficient is incremented by 1; if they represent less than half, then the result is not adjusted; otherwise the result is unaltered if its rightmost digit is even, or incremented by 1 if its rightmost digit is odd (to make an even digit): 1.123 --> 1.12 1.128 --> 1.13 1.125 --> 1.12 1.135 --> 1.14 round-ceiling: If all of the discarded digits are zero or if the sign is negative the result is unchanged; otherwise, the result is incremented by 1 (round toward positive infinity): 1.123 --> 1.13 1.128 --> 1.13 -1.123 --> -1.12 -1.128 --> -1.12 round-floor: If all of the discarded digits are zero or if the sign is positive the result is unchanged; otherwise, the absolute value of the result is incremented by 1 (round toward negative infinity): 1.123 --> 1.12 1.128 --> 1.12 -1.123 --> -1.13 -1.128 --> -1.13 round-half-down: If the discarded digits represent greater than half (0.5) then the result is incremented by 1; otherwise the discarded digits are ignored: 1.123 --> 1.12 1.128 --> 1.13 1.125 --> 1.12 1.135 --> 1.13 round-up: If all of the discarded digits are zero the result is unchanged, otherwise the result is incremented by 1 (round away from 0): 1.123 --> 1.13 1.128 --> 1.13 1.125 --> 1.13 1.135 --> 1.14 Rationale I must separate the requirements in two sections. The first is to comply with the ANSI standard. All the requirements for this are specified in the Mike Cowlishaw’s work [2]. He also provided a very large suite of test cases. The second section of requirements (standard Python functions support, usability, etc.) is detailed from here, where I’ll include all the decisions made and why, and all the subjects still being discussed. Explicit construction The explicit construction does not get affected by the context (there is no rounding, no limits by the precision, etc.), because the context affects just operations’ results. The only exception to this is when you’re Creating from Context. From int or long There’s no loss and no need to specify any other information: Decimal(35) Decimal(-124) From string Strings containing Python decimal integer literals and Python float literals will be supported. In this transformation there is no loss of information, as the string is directly converted to Decimal (there is not an intermediate conversion through float): Decimal("-12") Decimal("23.2e-7") Also, you can construct in this way all special values (Infinity and Not a Number): Decimal("Inf") Decimal("NaN") From float The initial discussion on this item was what should happen when passing floating point to the constructor: Decimal(1.1) == Decimal('1.1') Decimal(1.1) == Decimal('110000000000000008881784197001252...e-51') an exception is raised Several people alleged that (1) is the better option here, because it’s what you expect when writing Decimal(1.1). And quoting John Roth, it’s easy to implement: It’s not at all difficult to find where the actual number ends and where the fuzz begins. You can do it visually, and the algorithms to do it are quite well known. But If I really want my number to be Decimal('110000000000000008881784197001252...e-51'), why can’t I write Decimal(1.1)? Why should I expect Decimal to be “rounding” it? Remember that 1.1 is binary floating point, so I can predict the result. It’s not intuitive to a beginner, but that’s the way it is. Anyway, Paul Moore showed that (1) can’t work, because: (1) says D(1.1) == D('1.1') but 1.1 == 1.1000000000000001 so D(1.1) == D(1.1000000000000001) together: D(1.1000000000000001) == D('1.1') which is wrong, because if I write Decimal('1.1') it is exact, not D(1.1000000000000001). He also proposed to have an explicit conversion to float. bokr says you need to put the precision in the constructor and mwilson agreed: d = Decimal (1.1, 1) # take float value to 1 decimal place d = Decimal (1.1) # gets `places` from pre-set context But Alex Martelli says that: Constructing with some specified precision would be fine. Thus, I think “construction from float with some default precision” runs a substantial risk of tricking naive users. So, the accepted solution through c.l.p is that you can not call Decimal with a float. Instead you must use a method: Decimal.from_float(). The syntax: Decimal.from_float(floatNumber, [decimal_places]) where floatNumber is the float number origin of the construction and decimal_places are the number of digits after the decimal point where you apply a round-half-up rounding, if any. In this way you can do, for example: Decimal.from_float(1.1, 2): The same as doing Decimal('1.1'). Decimal.from_float(1.1, 16): The same as doing Decimal('1.1000000000000001'). Decimal.from_float(1.1): The same as doing Decimal('1100000000000000088817841970012523233890533447265625e-51'). Based on later discussions, it was decided to omit from_float() from the API for Py2.4. Several ideas contributed to the thought process: Interactions between decimal and binary floating point force the user to deal with tricky issues of representation and round-off. Avoidance of those issues is a primary reason for having the module in the first place. The first release of the module should focus on that which is safe, minimal, and essential. While theoretically nice, real world use cases for interactions between floats and decimals are lacking. Java included float/decimal conversions to handle an obscure case where calculations are best performed in decimal even though a legacy data structure requires the inputs and outputs to be stored in binary floating point. If the need arises, users can use string representations as an intermediate type. The advantage of this approach is that it makes explicit the assumptions about precision and representation (no wondering what is going on under the hood). The Java docs for BigDecimal(double val) reflected their experiences with the constructor:The results of this constructor can be somewhat unpredictable and its use is generally not recommended. From tuples Aahz suggested to construct from tuples: it’s easier to implement eval()’s round trip and “someone who has numeric values representing a Decimal does not need to convert them to a string.” The structure will be a tuple of three elements: sign, number and exponent. The sign is 1 or 0, the number is a tuple of decimal digits and the exponent is a signed int or long: Decimal((1, (3, 2, 2, 5), -2)) # for -32.25 Of course, you can construct in this way all special values: Decimal( (0, (0,), 'F') ) # for Infinity Decimal( (0, (0,), 'n') ) # for Not a Number From Decimal No mystery here, just a copy. Syntax for All Cases Decimal(value1) Decimal.from_float(value2, [decimal_places]) where value1 can be int, long, string, 3-tuple or Decimal, value2 can only be float, and decimal_places is an optional non negative int. Creating from Context This item arose in python-dev from two sources in parallel. Ka-Ping Yee proposes to pass the context as an argument at instance creation (he wants the context he passes to be used only in creation time: “It would not be persistent”). Tony Meyer asks from_string to honor the context if it receives a parameter “honour_context” with a True value. (I don’t like it, because the doc specifies that the context be honored and I don’t want the method to comply with the specification regarding the value of an argument.) Tim Peters gives us a reason to have a creation that uses context: In general number-crunching, literals may be given to high precision, but that precision isn’t free and usually isn’t needed Casey Duncan wants to use another method, not a bool arg: I find boolean arguments a general anti-pattern, especially given we have class methods. Why not use an alternate constructor like Decimal.rounded_to_context(“3.14159265”). In the process of deciding the syntax of that, Tim came up with a better idea: he proposes not to have a method in Decimal to create with a different context, but having instead a method in Context to create a Decimal instance. Basically, instead of: D.using_context(number, context) it will be: context.create_decimal(number) From Tim: While all operations in the spec except for the two to-string operations use context, no operations in the spec support an optional local context. That the Decimal() constructor ignores context by default is an extension to the spec. We must supply a context-honoring from-string operation to meet the spec. I recommend against any concept of “local context” in any operation – it complicates the model and isn’t necessary. So, we decided to use a context method to create a Decimal that will use (only to be created) that context in particular (for further operations it will use the context of the thread). But, a method with what name? Tim Peters proposes three methods to create from diverse sources (from_string, from_int, from_float). I proposed to use one method, create_decimal(), without caring about the data type. Michael Chermside: “The name just fits my brain. The fact that it uses the context is obvious from the fact that it’s Context method”. The community agreed with that. I think that it’s OK because a newbie will not be using the creation method from Context (the separate method in Decimal to construct from float is just to prevent newbies from encountering binary floating point issues). So, in short, if you want to create a Decimal instance using a particular context (that will be used just at creation time and not any further), you’ll have to use a method of that context: # n is any datatype accepted in Decimal(n) plus float mycontext.create_decimal(n) Example: >>> # create a standard decimal instance >>> Decimal("11.2233445566778899") Decimal("11.2233445566778899") >>> >>> # create a decimal instance using the thread context >>> thread_context = getcontext() >>> thread_context.prec 28 >>> thread_context.create_decimal("11.2233445566778899") Decimal("11.2233445566778899") >>> >>> # create a decimal instance using other context >>> other_context = thread_context.copy() >>> other_context.prec = 4 >>> other_context.create_decimal("11.2233445566778899") Decimal("11.22") Implicit construction As the implicit construction is the consequence of an operation, it will be affected by the context as is detailed in each point. John Roth suggested that “The other type should be handled in the same way the decimal() constructor would handle it”. But Alex Martelli thinks that this total breach with Python tradition would be a terrible mistake. 23+”43” is NOT handled in the same way as 23+int(“45”), and a VERY good thing that is too. It’s a completely different thing for a user to EXPLICITLY indicate they want construction (conversion) and to just happen to sum two objects one of which by mistake could be a string. So, here I define the behaviour again for each data type. From int or long An int or long is a treated like a Decimal explicitly constructed from Decimal(str(x)) in the current context (meaning that the to-string rules for rounding are applied and the appropriate flags are set). This guarantees that expressions like Decimal('1234567') + 13579 match the mental model of Decimal('1234567') + Decimal('13579'). That model works because all integers are representable as strings without representation error. From string Everybody agrees to raise an exception here. From float Aahz is strongly opposed to interact with float, suggesting an explicit conversion: The problem is that Decimal is capable of greater precision, accuracy, and range than float. The example of the valid python expression, 35 + 1.1, seems to suggest that Decimal(35) + 1.1 should also be valid. However, a closer look shows that it only demonstrates the feasibility of integer to floating point conversions. Hence, the correct analog for decimal floating point is 35 + Decimal(1.1). Both coercions, int-to-float and int-to-Decimal, can be done without incurring representation error. The question of how to coerce between binary and decimal floating point is more complex. I proposed allowing the interaction with float, making an exact conversion and raising ValueError if exceeds the precision in the current context (this is maybe too tricky, because for example with a precision of 9, Decimal(35) + 1.2 is OK but Decimal(35) + 1.1 raises an error). This resulted to be too tricky. So tricky, that c.l.p agreed to raise TypeError in this case: you could not mix Decimal and float. From Decimal There isn’t any issue here. Use of Context In the last pre-PEP I said that “The Context must be omnipresent, meaning that changes to it affects all the current and future Decimal instances”. I was wrong. In response, John Roth said: The context should be selectable for the particular usage. That is, it should be possible to have several different contexts in play at one time in an application. In comp.lang.python, Aahz explained that the idea is to have a “context per thread”. So, all the instances of a thread belongs to a context, and you can change a context in thread A (and the behaviour of the instances of that thread) without changing nothing in thread B. Also, and again correcting me, he said: (the) Context applies only to operations, not to Decimal instances; changing the Context does not affect existing instances if there are no operations on them. Arguing about special cases when there’s need to perform operations with other rules that those of the current context, Tim Peters said that the context will have the operations as methods. This way, the user “can create whatever private context object(s) it needs, and spell arithmetic as explicit method calls on its private context object(s), so that the default thread context object is neither consulted nor modified”. Python Usability Decimal should support the basic arithmetic (+, -, *, /, //, **, %, divmod) and comparison (==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, cmp) operators in the following cases (check Implicit Construction to see what types could OtherType be, and what happens in each case): Decimal op Decimal Decimal op otherType otherType op Decimal Decimal op= Decimal Decimal op= otherType Decimal should support unary operators (-, +, abs). repr() should round trip, meaning that:m = Decimal(...) m == eval(repr(m)) Decimal should be immutable. Decimal should support the built-in methods: min, max float, int, long str, repr hash bool (0 is false, otherwise true) There’s been some discussion in python-dev about the behaviour of hash(). The community agrees that if the values are the same, the hashes of those values should also be the same. So, while Decimal(25) == 25 is True, hash(Decimal(25)) should be equal to hash(25). The detail is that you can NOT compare Decimal to floats or strings, so we should not worry about them giving the same hashes. In short: hash(n) == hash(Decimal(n)) # Only if n is int, long, or Decimal Regarding str() and repr() behaviour, Ka-Ping Yee proposes that repr() have the same behaviour as str() and Tim Peters proposes that str() behave like the to-scientific-string operation from the Spec. This is possible, because (from Aahz): “The string form already contains all the necessary information to reconstruct a Decimal object”. And it also complies with the Spec; Tim Peters: There’s no requirement to have a method named “to_sci_string”, the only requirement is that some way to spell to-sci-string’s functionality be supplied. The meaning of to-sci-string is precisely specified by the standard, and is a good choice for both str(Decimal) and repr(Decimal). Documentation This section explains all the public methods and attributes of Decimal and Context. Decimal Attributes Decimal has no public attributes. The internal information is stored in slots and should not be accessed by end users. Decimal Methods Following are the conversion and arithmetic operations defined in the Spec, and how that functionality can be achieved with the actual implementation. to-scientific-string: Use builtin function str():>>> d = Decimal('123456789012.345') >>> str(d) '1.23456789E+11' to-engineering-string: Use method to_eng_string():>>> d = Decimal('123456789012.345') >>> d.to_eng_string() '123.456789E+9' to-number: Use Context method create_decimal(). The standard constructor or from_float() constructor cannot be used because these do not use the context (as is specified in the Spec for this conversion). abs: Use builtin function abs():>>> d = Decimal('-15.67') >>> abs(d) Decimal('15.67') add: Use operator +:>>> d = Decimal('15.6') >>> d + 8 Decimal('23.6') subtract: Use operator -:>>> d = Decimal('15.6') >>> d - 8 Decimal('7.6') compare: Use method compare(). This method (and not the built-in function cmp()) should only be used when dealing with special values:>>> d = Decimal('-15.67') >>> nan = Decimal('NaN') >>> d.compare(23) '-1' >>> d.compare(nan) 'NaN' >>> cmp(d, 23) -1 >>> cmp(d, nan) 1 divide: Use operator /:>>> d = Decimal('-15.67') >>> d / 2 Decimal('-7.835') divide-integer: Use operator //:>>> d = Decimal('-15.67') >>> d // 2 Decimal('-7') max: Use method max(). Only use this method (and not the built-in function max()) when dealing with special values:>>> d = Decimal('15') >>> nan = Decimal('NaN') >>> d.max(8) Decimal('15') >>> d.max(nan) Decimal('NaN') min: Use method min(). Only use this method (and not the built-in function min()) when dealing with special values:>>> d = Decimal('15') >>> nan = Decimal('NaN') >>> d.min(8) Decimal('8') >>> d.min(nan) Decimal('NaN') minus: Use unary operator -:>>> d = Decimal('-15.67') >>> -d Decimal('15.67') plus: Use unary operator +:>>> d = Decimal('-15.67') >>> +d Decimal('-15.67') multiply: Use operator *:>>> d = Decimal('5.7') >>> d * 3 Decimal('17.1') normalize: Use method normalize():>>> d = Decimal('123.45000') >>> d.normalize() Decimal('123.45') >>> d = Decimal('120.00') >>> d.normalize() Decimal('1.2E+2') quantize: Use method quantize():>>> d = Decimal('2.17') >>> d.quantize(Decimal('0.001')) Decimal('2.170') >>> d.quantize(Decimal('0.1')) Decimal('2.2') remainder: Use operator %:>>> d = Decimal('10') >>> d % 3 Decimal('1') >>> d % 6 Decimal('4') remainder-near: Use method remainder_near():>>> d = Decimal('10') >>> d.remainder_near(3) Decimal('1') >>> d.remainder_near(6) Decimal('-2') round-to-integral-value: Use method to_integral():>>> d = Decimal('-123.456') >>> d.to_integral() Decimal('-123') same-quantum: Use method same_quantum():>>> d = Decimal('123.456') >>> d.same_quantum(Decimal('0.001')) True >>> d.same_quantum(Decimal('0.01')) False square-root: Use method sqrt():>>> d = Decimal('123.456') >>> d.sqrt() Decimal('11.1110756') power: User operator **:>>> d = Decimal('12.56') >>> d ** 2 Decimal('157.7536') Following are other methods and why they exist: adjusted(): Returns the adjusted exponent. This concept is defined in the Spec: the adjusted exponent is the value of the exponent of a number when that number is expressed as though in scientific notation with one digit before any decimal point:>>> d = Decimal('12.56') >>> d.adjusted() 1 from_float(): Class method to create instances from float data types:>>> d = Decimal.from_float(12.35) >>> d Decimal('12.3500000') as_tuple(): Show the internal structure of the Decimal, the triple tuple. This method is not required by the Spec, but Tim Peters proposed it and the community agreed to have it (it’s useful for developing and debugging):>>> d = Decimal('123.4') >>> d.as_tuple() (0, (1, 2, 3, 4), -1) >>> d = Decimal('-2.34e5') >>> d.as_tuple() (1, (2, 3, 4), 3) Context Attributes These are the attributes that can be changed to modify the context. prec (int): the precision:>>> c.prec 9 rounding (str): rounding type (how to round):>>> c.rounding 'half_even' trap_enablers (dict): if trap_enablers[exception] = 1, then an exception is raised when it is caused:>>> c.trap_enablers[Underflow] 0 >>> c.trap_enablers[Clamped] 0 flags (dict): when an exception is caused, flags[exception] is incremented (whether or not the trap_enabler is set). Should be reset by the user of Decimal instance:>>> c.flags[Underflow] 0 >>> c.flags[Clamped] 0 Emin (int): minimum exponent:>>> c.Emin -999999999 Emax (int): maximum exponent:>>> c.Emax 999999999 capitals (int): boolean flag to use ‘E’ (True/1) or ‘e’ (False/0) in the string (for example, ‘1.32e+2’ or ‘1.32E+2’):>>> c.capitals 1 Context Methods The following methods comply with Decimal functionality from the Spec. Be aware that the operations that are called through a specific context use that context and not the thread context. To use these methods, take note that the syntax changes when the operator is binary or unary, for example: >>> mycontext.abs(Decimal('-2')) '2' >>> mycontext.multiply(Decimal('2.3'), 5) '11.5' So, the following are the Spec operations and conversions and how to achieve them through a context (where d is a Decimal instance and n a number that can be used in an Implicit construction): to-scientific-string: to_sci_string(d) to-engineering-string: to_eng_string(d) to-number: create_decimal(number), see Explicit construction for number. abs: abs(d) add: add(d, n) subtract: subtract(d, n) compare: compare(d, n) divide: divide(d, n) divide-integer: divide_int(d, n) max: max(d, n) min: min(d, n) minus: minus(d) plus: plus(d) multiply: multiply(d, n) normalize: normalize(d) quantize: quantize(d, d) remainder: remainder(d) remainder-near: remainder_near(d) round-to-integral-value: to_integral(d) same-quantum: same_quantum(d, d) square-root: sqrt(d) power: power(d, n) The divmod(d, n) method supports decimal functionality through Context. These are methods that return useful information from the Context: Etiny(): Minimum exponent considering precision.>>> c.Emin -999999999 >>> c.Etiny() -1000000007 Etop(): Maximum exponent considering precision.>>> c.Emax 999999999 >>> c.Etop() 999999991 copy(): Returns a copy of the context. Reference Implementation As of Python 2.4-alpha, the code has been checked into the standard library. The latest version is available from: http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Lib/decimal.py The test cases are here: http://svn.python.org/view/python/trunk/Lib/test/test_decimal.py References [1] (1, 2) ANSI standard X3.274-1996 (Programming Language REXX): http://www.rexxla.org/Standards/ansi.html [2] (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) General Decimal Arithmetic specification (Cowlishaw): http://speleotrove.com/decimal/decarith.html (related documents and links at http://speleotrove.com/decimal/) [3] ANSI/IEEE standard 854-1987 (Radix-Independent Floating-Point Arithmetic): http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~ejr/projects/754/private/drafts/854-1987/dir.html (unofficial text; official copies can be ordered from http://standards.ieee.org/catalog/ordering.html) [4] Tim Peter’s FixedPoint at SourceForge: http://fixedpoint.sourceforge.net/ [5] IEEE 754 revision: http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/754/revision.html [6] IEEE 754 references: http://babbage.cs.qc.edu/courses/cs341/IEEE-754references.html Copyright This document has been placed in the public domain.
PEP 327 – Decimal Data Type
Standards Track
The idea is to have a Decimal data type, for every use where decimals are needed but binary floating point is too inexact.