{ "section_name": [ "Talking it Out", "Identifying the Problem", "Working Through Behavior" ], "document": [ "The most important thing to do to change someone’s behavior is to talk about it. Make plans to talk to your friend, and make sure the setting is private and quiet. Your friend may be upset with you when you say how you feel, so a public place may not be the best idea. Ensure that you have enough time for an in-depth conversation where you can get all of your thoughts out. An hour-long block should be enough. Choose a private place, such as a quiet park or one of your homes. Avoid restaurants, shops or bars. It may be hard to talk about personal issues with so many people around. Also, a poor reaction from your friend may create an embarrassing situation. Stay respectful and positive, and let your friend know that your relationship is alright but needs some work. You'll want to be direct and explain the issues as clearly as possible. Don't use negative language like \"I'm sick of your selfishness,\" or \"I hate how many favors you ask of me.\" For a friend who asks too many favors, say: “It really bothers me that you expect so much of me, but you don’t give much in return. ” If they talk about themselves too much, try: \"You spend a lot of time talking about your feelings, but you never have much time to listen to me talk.\" If they always ask for help dealing with drama, say: \"I know you've had some drama lately, but it's difficult for me to keep helping you. You're a great friend, but I feel like I'm doing too much work.\" Selfish people spend most of their time thinking about themselves, and hardly the feelings of others. If you speak directly about how their selfishness makes you feel, it will be a chance to get through to them about their negative behavior. If they often ask for money, talk about how this makes you feel. For example, it might make you feel as if they only want you for your money, not your friendship. For a friend that constantly complains but has no time for your problems, talk about how you feel less important in the relationship. Some friends may spend time at your house and make messes. Explain to them how frustrated you feel when they don't pitch in. Keep in mind, however, that this may be simply due to growing up in a home where not cleaning up is acceptable. If you are respectful and kind while talking, most likely your friend will offer an apology or give some reasons about why she has been selfish. Make sure to listen closely to the reasons that your friend gives, and try to understand how he or she is feeling. If your friend says that they never realized how bad their behavior was and wants to fix it, you're on the right track. You may be able to work out a plan. It's not a good sign if they seem uninterested and don't see a need to change. You may need to end this type of friendship. Be understanding if they give excuses, especially if it deals with a big problem, like a death in the family. Wait until they're in a better frame of mind. If your friend values your role in her life, she should agree to start making some changes. Make sure that you are specific about the types of behavior that you would like your friend to work on. For example, if you're tired of them talking all of the time and not listening to you, you could say: \"I'd really appreciate it if you could listen more to what I have to say.\"", "Although someone who behaves in selfish ways may be frustrating to be around, it is possible that selfish behavior may indicate that the person is dealing with deeper issues, such as depression or narcissistic personality disorder. Try to avoid judging or labeling your friend as selfish and self-centered. Instead, try to find out what is going on in your friend’s life that may be causing him or her to behave in selfish ways. For example, you might say, “You seem wrapped up in the negative things that have been happening in your life. What's going on?” Encourage your friend to seek help if they're depressed or dealing with other serious issues. Advise your friend to talk to a school counselor or a therapist. What does your friend do that irritates you? Does she say negative things to you, constantly demand your attention, or talk only about herself without stopping? Get a good handle on exactly what it is that bothers you about your friend. Some friends ask for help but never give anything in return. In this case, they're taking more from the relationship than they're giving, leaving it one-sided. Others talk themselves all the time but never ask how you are. If you do talk, they seem uninterested. This is another example of a one-sided relationship. Another type of selfishness is attention seeking. They may constantly call you and try to get you to hang out. They don't respect your need for alone-time. The underlying problems of selfishness may give you a little something to go on when talking to the person. You may also be able to develop a little more empathy for your friend if you consider why he or she may be acting in selfish ways. Selfish or self-centered people may be insecure or have a negative self image. As such, they look for attention or try to get others to think about them. Consider their childhood. Maybe they expect attention because that's what they're used to. Maybe they're desperate for attention because they never got any growing up. Selfishness is a normal human behavior and we are all guilty of it sometimes. Think about times that you’ve been selfish to get some perspective. You may have been selfish unintentionally and hurt others' feelings. For example: Have you ever interrupted someone during a conversation? Have you ever gotten bored when someone else was talking and started thinking about a problem of your own? Did you ever insist someone to spend time with you, even though you knew that they weren't feeling well?", "If your friend starts falling back into their old behavior, say something about it. Do this each time it happens. Let them know how the behavior makes you feel, and remind them that they agreed not to work on it. Let your friend know when they act selfish, such as constantly seeking attention by spamming you with text messages. If your friend made a promise to fix their behavior, then remind them of that promise. It's possible they forgot, and just need a gentle reminder. Many people behave in selfish ways because other people let it happen. If a person asks for excessive favors or talks about herself without stopping, stop the behavior right away. Don’t allow the person to walk all over you. For example, if they always talk about themselves whenever you hang out, you could decline the invitation. You could also accept it, but steer the conversation your way. For example, if your friend is always looking for sympathy, stop giving it to them. Instead, offer solutions or help them see the positive side of the situation. If a selfish person treats you poorly, it’s not because you’re not worth being treated well. Selfish people ignore their friends or neglect their obligations because they only think of themselves, and this has nothing to do you or your value as a person. Don’t let your friend’s behavior get to you or make you feel bad about yourself. Spend some time thinking about whether the person has been truly committed to changing. Often, you will see immediate changes because the person is embarrassed and had never realized that she was selfish. Other times, changes will be slower, but you’ll see your friend taking small steps to change. Try to stay patient. Talk to your friend every few days. See if they're doing better in their personal lives, or whether they're holding up their promise to be less selfish. Hanging out with your friend is a great way to tell if their behavior is changing. Spend time together as you normally would, and see if your friendship feels different or improved. Talk to mutual friends to see if their promise has bled over into their other relationships. Other mutual friends may see an improvement in their behavior, or they may see the same old selfish actions. If the person’s behavior is truly intolerable, take a break from being around them. Selfish behavior is draining to those on the receiving end, and you deserve better. Whether it’s just one day alone or a whole week without seeing them, spend some time to yourself. If they're the type who usually ignores you when you need help, this may help them understand how you feel, and encourage them to change. If you’ve been patient and tried to help the person as much as possible without seeing any results, it might be time to end your friendship. Politely tell your friend that you can no longer see each other, and hold to your promise. While it’s hard to do, toxic and negative people deserve no part in your life." ], "summary": [ "Make a time to talk. Tell your friend exactly what is bothering you. Focus on your feelings. Listen to what your friend has to say. Get your friend to agree to work on her behavior.", "Keep in mind that selfishness can indicate other problems. Think about what’s bothering you. Consider underlying problems. Think about times you’ve been selfish.", "Remind your friend if she starts falling back on old behavior. Stop being a doormat. Stay positive. Check progress often. Take a break. Know when it’s time to end the relationship." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using the Envelopes System", "Getting the Basics Down" ], "document": [ "Take note of how you spend your money. Keep a list of every outlay. When you stay accountable this way, you'll tend to be a little more careful. Allocate an amount each payday for food, utilities, entertainment, and whatever other necessities you're committed to. This completely depends on the size of your paycheck and how much you tend to spend on groceries, clothing and the like. Sometimes you'll have to cut down on some things to make it work and to make sure you aren't stretching yourself too tightly. Create an envelope for each of the above categories. Once you've budgeted your paycheck, you'll fill those envelopes with the amount of cash allotted to each category. For example, if you've allotted $100 for food, you'll put $100 in your food envelope. This means that once you've spent the money in an envelope, that's all you can spend in that category until the next paycheck. So if you blow all your fun money at once, don't take a trip to the ATM to replenish. Take your envelopes seriously. Don't be stupid. If you're low on groceries, and you've run through all your food money, you might have to borrow from another envelope. Pay it back the next payday. You may need to adjust your budget if you keep running short. You aren't going to get the system 100% right the first time. That's okay. It'll take a few months to get accustomed to budgeting and to figure out how much you need for essentials like food and electricity before you can spend more on clothes and fun things. There will be times when you're going to need to use a debit or credit card. Using plastic, however, is so easy that you may not even feel like you're spending money. That's not good if you're trying to be disciplined with your finances.", "Create a file folder or a cabinet or box with sections for all your expenses, insurance, assets, income and liabilities. You could label the folders this way: House/apartment Income Insurance Medical Vehicle Utilities Taxes For example, under \"house/apartment\" you would keep mortgage or lease/rent documents. Under \"utilities\" you'd file gas/electricity, water, sewage, tv/internet, and phone bills. Note everything you spend on entertainment, groceries, and gas. Some expenses are unavoidable, such as mortgage/rent and utilities. However, you could reduce your monthly expenses in other categories by first determining how much you spend there and how much is absolutely necessary. Do this for at least three months to determine a pattern. By doing this you get an idea of how often you eat out and how much you spend on movies or other entertainment. You'll begin to see where you might be able to reduce costs. Write down everything you want to accomplish. Include estimates of how much your goals will cost and how long before you achieve them. For example: \"Buy a house: $200,000 with a 5% down payment. Save $10,000 by June 2020.\" This will give you an idea of how much you need to save to reach your goals. Let’s say you want to buy a $30,000 car. You can take out a loan for $30,000 that you will need to pay back in three years. You will have monthly costs (not taking interest into account) of approximately $833. This will reduce the amount of the loan and the interest you'll pay on it. Be realistic in setting money aside, because you'll have to continue meeting your living expenses. By paying yourself first in this way, you can save money for retirement without even seeing it (and being tempted to spend it). Spend only a part of what's left in each paycheck. Try to save as much of what remains as you can. You may find it hard to maximize your savings, but as you near retirement, you will be very glad you did. Try to maintain an emergency fund consisting of roughly six months' worth of normal expenses. This will help cover costs should you lose your job or become temporarily incapacitated. Using a budget will help. Here are some examples: Watch matinee movies instead of higher-priced evening showings. Eat out once or twice a month rather than once or twice a week. Make your own coffee and take it to work or school rather than stopping by a coffee stand on your way. Leave your credit cards home when going shopping. If you're determined to use a card, pick one with a generous rewards program. Don’t go grocery shopping when you're hungry. You may buy more than you need at such times." ], "summary": [ "Budget each paycheck. Label some envelopes. Don't resupply the envelopes until the next paycheck. Allow time to get it right. Try to avoid using plastic.", "Organize all your financial documents. In each folder put everything associated with the category. Determine how much you spend in each category. Create a balance sheet with all your income in one column and all your expenses in another. Set goals. Once you've identified your goals, determine which are short-range goals (within five years), and determine how much you will need to put aside every month to reach them. Save as much as possible for a down payment. Ask your payroll department to deposit a certain amount from your paychecks into whatever retirement account your employer offers. Deposit some money into a savings account for emergency purposes. Find ways to reduce costs." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Face", "Eyes", "Lips", "Optional For Eyes:" ], "document": [ "Also, if there is any dry skin on the area you will apply on, moisturize it with a thin non-oil based moisturizer. Makeup looks unpolished on top of flakes. If you choose to use foundation, use a light and thin one. Before you start this, you should also have no makeup on as well. This includes face makeup and mascara, before you start the makeup fun! Not very much, you only want just a bit of color. Sixties makeup is all about the eyes, so use face makeup sparingly. Be sure to pick the right shade. Smile as you apply this. Start out by dabbing, and once you apply the desired amount while smiling, smear in with the clean brush or your fingers/hand. Make sure both the cheeks have an even amount.", " Use a small and stiff brush to trace, an eyeliner brush will do. This will define your eyes more. Blend it well with a small fluffier brush, but keep it dark. If you're going for a more theatrical Twiggy-like look, don't blend at all! Use a black gel liner, or liquid, trace your crease shape, let it set, and that's it. You can go back and refine the crease a bit, but keep it very sharp and neat looking. This is also known as 'feathering'. Make it look neat. (Before the next step, if you want, you may apply false lashes) This makes your lashes look thicker and longer. Do not try to put on too many layers of mascara as this may make your eyelashes clump together and look \"spidery\". If you are planning on drawing on your bottom eyelashes like Twiggy's, don't put on much mascara on your bottom lashes. But generally, you should use eyelashes that are long and thick but still look somewhat natural. Use the appropriate eyelash glue. Some pairs of false eyelashes come with pre-packed glue but it is better if you buy a separate eyelash glue tube - the applicator is often 10 times more precise. This can be very tricky unless you have experience. If possible, try having someone with a steady hand apply the lashes for you.", "Nude colored lipstick is great too, especially if you've done the eyes dramatically. If you're going for dramatic then you can perhaps put on a bit of gloss. Lipstick was quite bright or nude at the time, so red might be a bit too 1950s. If you don't like nude or light lipsticks, just wear a toned down lipstick close to your natural lip color.", "Use short strokes. They should be spaced apart, shaped like upside down triangles, and they should be straight, not leaning in any particular direction. The last eyelash or two on your outer corner can go in that natural direction, though. " ], "summary": [ "Make sure your face is clean first. Dust on just a bit of a pink blusher on the apples of your cheeks.", "Lightly dust your eyelids with face powder. Use a light, neutral colored eyeshadow, and sweep this across your eyelid. Trace your natural crease shape with a darker matte brown color. With eyeliner, (liquid or gel if you have a steady hand, pencil if you haven't) slowly, with small movements, brush along your lash line. As you go outwards, steadily make the line much thicker, and create a sharp wing. Apply a black colored mascara.If you want, you can use an eyelash curler(preferably one that has been designed to give volume and lengthen lashes). Move the mascara wand in a zigzag pattern through your lashes from the base to the tip and wait at least 10 seconds between applying coats. Check the overall effect in the mirror, and redo the eyeliner if you think it's necessary, but it shouldn't, if you do the eyeliner after the eyeshadow. You can also use false eyelashes, depending on whose look you're emulating. Follow the package instructions on applying the lashes.", "Apply a matte light pink or coral lipstick.", "With a steady hand, using a black (or grey, a subtler look) liquid or gel eyeliner, you can draw on your bottom eyelashes. For a less dramatic alternative, you can draw on smaller, closer together eyelashes that all go in the direction of your outer eye corner." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Preview on Mac", "Using Paint in Windows", "Using Adobe Photoshop" ], "document": [ "Do so by double-clicking on the blue Preview icon that looks like overlapping snapshots, then clicking on File in the menu bar and Open... in the drop-down menu. Select a file in the dialog box and click on Open. Preview is Apple's native image viewer app that's automatically included with most versions of Mac OS. It's in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Select new dimensions or \"Custom\" from the \"Fit into:\" menu. If you select \"Custom,\" enter the dimensions in the \"Width:\" and \"Height:\" fields, and/or the number of pixels per inch/cm in the \"Resolution:\" field. The image will be saved with the dimensions you specified.", "It's in the pop-up menu. Paint automatically ships with most versions of Windows. It's a tab near the top of the window. This will open the \"Resize and Skew\" dialog box. To do so: Click on Percentage to enter a percentage in either the \"Vertical\" or \"Horizontal\" field and reduce the image size by a certain proportion. Click on Pixels to enter specific dimensions in the \"Vertical\" or \"Horizontal\" field. \" field. The image will be saved with the dimensions you specified.", "To do so, double-click on the blue app icon that contains the letters \"Ps,\" then click on File in the menu bar and Open... in the drop-down menu. Select a file in the dialog box and click on Open. This will open a dialog box. Type them in either set of \"Width:\" and \"Height:\" fields (the other set will adjust automatically). You can also adjust the number of pixels per inch/cm in the \"Resolution:\" field in the \"Document Size:\" section. If you don't want to keep the same aspect ratio for the image, uncheck \"Constrain Proportions\" at the bottom of the dialog box. \" field. The default format is Photoshop. The image will be saved with the dimensions you specified." ], "summary": [ "Open a photo in the Preview app. Click on Tools. Click on Adjust Size…. Set a new size for the image. Click on OK. Click on File in the menu bar, then click on Save.", "Right-click on an image and click on Open with…. Click on Paint. Click on Home. Click on Resize. Check Maintain aspect ratio. Set a new size for the image. Click on OK. Click on File in the menu bar, then click on Save as…. Type a name for the image in the \"File name: Click on Save.", "Open a Photoshop file. Click on Image in the menu bar at the top of the screen. Click on Image Size…. Click on Bicubic Sharper (best for reduction) in the drop-down menu at the bottom of the dialog box. Enter the new dimensions. Click on OK. Click on File in the menu bar, then click on Save as…. Type a name for the image in the \"Save As: Select an image format in the \"Format:\" drop-down menu. Click on Save." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Doing the Rest of Your Makeup", "Creating a Simple Smokey Eye" ], "document": [ "While you typically don’t want to go too bold with the rest of your makeup, it’s important to add some color to your face with a smokey eye. That’s because the dark eyeshadows can make you look pale and almost sickly. Apply a rosy or peachy blush to the apples of your cheeks and blend it back toward your hairline to liven up your skin. If you’re not a fan of blush, swap it for your favorite bronzer. Dust it over the tops of your cheekbones to add warmth and color to your skin.", "To create a smokey eye, you will need to work with a dark palette. A traditional smokey eye uses blacks and grays, but you can use dark hues of almost any color. Browns, golds, purples, greens, and navy blues all also work well for smokey eyes. You will need a dark eyeliner, a medium-dark eyeshadow, and highlight shadow in the same color group to make your smokey eye. Look for colors and shades that match your skin tone. If you have very fair skin, a mid-tone shadow may be dark enough for a smokey eye with your complexion. If you have ebony skin, you’ll need to use a very deep shade to create a smokey eye. Think about how you want to wear your smokey eye. A lighter, more subtle look could be dressed up or down during the daytime, while a very dark, dramatic smokey eye can be a bold statement when you plan to go out for the night. A basic smokey eye usually starts with eyeliner. Use a creamy pencil liner, and run it along your upper and lower lash lines. You should keep the liner thinner on the lower lash line, but you can go a little thicker across the upper lash line. Next, smudge the liner with a small brush, your finger, or a cotton bud to soften it. Using your finger to smudge the liner will give your smokey eye a messier, grungier look if you prefer that type of makeup." ], "summary": [ "Add color to your cheeks.", "Choose a dark color palette. Smudge eyeliner along your lash lines." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Freezing Your Milk", "Serving Frozen Milk", "Thawing Your Milk" ], "document": [ "When milk freezes, it takes up a little more space that when it's liquid. If your milk's container is filled to the brim, this can cause it to burst in the freezer, making a huge frozen mess (this is especially true for hard glass jugs). Luckily, this is easy to prevent — just pour off about a cup of milk so that you have a few inches of room at the top of the container. Doing this gives the milk plenty of room to expand. On the other hand, if you've already drunk more than a cup or two of your milk, you can usually skip this step. Once you freeze your milk, the expiration date on the jug becomes basically meaningless unless you thaw it again right away. For this reason, it's a wise idea to label your container with both today's date and the number of days remaining before it expires. You can write this directly on the container with a marker, or, if you prefer not to mark your container, you can use a piece of masking tape as a label. For example, if it's August 24th and the milk expires on August 29th, we might label the container with the text \"Frozen: Aug. 24 — five days to expire\" so that we'll know how long we have to drink the milk when we thaw it in a month or two. You're all ready to freeze your milk — simply set your labeled container in a freezer with a temperature below 0o F/C. If you can't fit the entire container in the freezer, consider dividing the milk into several smaller containers. Within about a day, the milk should be frozen solid. When the milk is frozen, you may be able to see the separation of the milk and the fat. Don't worry — this is a normal part of the freezing process and is perfectly safe. Most sources recommend leaving your milk in the freezer for a maximum of either two or three months. Some sources even recommend freezing milk for up to six months. The general consensus seems to be that milk can last a very long time in the freezer but that it will gradually absorb the flavors and odors of other items in the freezer over time, becoming less appealing to drink. Note that richer dairy products, like eggnog, buttermilk, and cream generally have similar shelf lives to ordinary milk (or slightly shorter) when frozen — usually on the order of one to two months or so. As an alternative to freezing your milk in its container, you may want to consider pouring a portion into ice cube trays. This is an especially good choice for people looking to use their frozen milk in baking projects, as it allows you to quickly add semi-standard portions of milk to your recipe rather than having to chip away at a single solid block of milk or wait for it to thaw. Frozen milk cubes are also good for adding to glasses of fresh milk — they keep it cold, but won't dilute it when they melt like ordinary ice cubes.", "Assuming your milk was fresh when you froze it, its \"freshness\" should be almost the same after thawing it. Thus, most thawed milk is good for drinking and using in cooking projects for about a week after thawing. Though its appearance and consistency may be slightly different, it should still be safe to consume. Note that if your milk wasn't fresh when you froze it, it won't be fresh thawed, either. In other words, thawed milk that was only a day or two from spoiling when you froze it will be in roughly the same state when it's thawed. It's worth noting that you don't have to shake the milk by hand to redistribute the fat. Using a mechanical solution like a blender or food processor, for instance, allows you to quickly and easily agitate the milk for a smoother, more even texture. This can also help you break up any ice chunks remaining in your milk, which can be a surprise if they aren't discovered before you start drinking. Thawed milk can sometimes have a different \"feel\" than ordinary milk — it's sometimes described as being slightly chunky and watery by comparison. Though thawed milk is perfectly safe to drink, these qualities can make it difficult for some to drink. On the other hand, thawed milk is usually an excellent substitute for fresh milk in cooking and baking projects where its altered texture is difficult or impossible to detect.", "The trick to thawing frozen milk is to use a slow, gradual process, never a quick one. For this reason, the easiest way to thaw your milk is usually simply to transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator. The slightly warmer temperatures of the refrigerator will allow the milk to thaw to a liquid state little by little. This can take some time — depending on the volume of your frozen milk, it's not uncommon for it to take up to three days to thaw completely in the refrigerator. If you're in a hurry to thaw your milk, try filling your sink with cold water (not hot water) and submerging your frozen milk container in it. Use a heavy object like a cast iron pot to hold the milk underwater as it thaws. This process will be quicker than thawing the milk in the refrigerator but will still usually take several hours, so be patient. The reason that water thaws milk more quickly than the refrigerator has to do with the way that energy is transferred between the milk and its surroundings at a molecular level. Liquids transfer heat energy into ice much more effectively than air, making them a much quicker method of thawing. Never try to thaw your frozen milk quickly with heat. This is a sure-fire method for ruining your milk and undoing your hard work. Heating the milk can cause it to thaw unevenly or even burn, leaving you with a very unappealing finished product. Listed below are just a few tips for avoiding this situation: Don't leave your frozen milk out at room temperature. Don't thaw your milk in the microwave. Don't thaw your milk in hot water. Don't thaw your milk in a pot or pan on the stove. Don't thaw your milk in the sun." ], "summary": [ "Leave room for your milk to expand. Date your container. Put the milk container in the freezer. Store for up to 2-3 months. Consider freezing in ice cube trays.", "Serve within 5-7 days of thawing. Alternatively, use a blender. Don't be put off by a slightly different texture.", "Thaw your milk in the fridge. For quicker thawing, soak in cold water. Don't use heat to thaw the milk." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Taking a Good Photo", "Angling Your Face", "Wearing an Attractive Facial Expression", "Posing Your Body", "Taking Creative Selfies" ], "document": [ "Good selfies set up the photo in an aesthetically pleasing way. Framing your face in the middle isn’t usually the best composition. Instead, consider placing yourself in the top right or top left corner. Try to position your eyes about one-third of the way down from the top of the photo. They should also be to the side, not in the middle. When taking a good picture of yourself, lighting plays a crucial role. Fluorescent lights are generally not the most flattering, while soft and golden light gives you a much better selfie. Posing outside, or near a window, can provide great lighting for selfies. When taking a photo in direct sunlight, try blocking the sun with your head. That way, you won't squint, and the sun will light your hair up like a halo. Photographers call the time around sunrise and sunset the \"golden hour,\" when the light is warm and soft. Strong candle-light can also be attractive, but be careful when lighting your face from below. Tilt your chin down so the light can catch your cheekbones. Nice restaurants, cafés, galleries, and changing rooms in high-end stores often have flattering lighting. To get the color balance right, hold a white object within your selfie frame. This will help your camera find the right balance of cool and warm tones. Hold a napkin, a piece of paper, or some other white object just within the frame of your selfie. Crop it out when you've taken the shot. If you're wearing a white shirt, hat, or sunglasses, you don't need to worry about this. A selfie stick will let you get more of your figure and the background into a shot. They tend to take slimming photos since they can be held very high. Hold the selfie stick up and tilt your face towards the camera.", "Straight on photos are generally not as flattering as a photo where your face is angled. Look into your camera, or use a mirror, and examine your face from various angles. Most people prefer one side of their face to the other, so tilt that side toward your camera to take a good selfie. Swivel each of your shoulders away from the camera one at a time to help figure out your best angle. Pictures shot from above are more flattering than those shot from below. Raise your arms slightly to take the photo from an elevated position. Hold the camera just slightly above face level. Don't hold the camera so high that you look shrunken. Gently angle your chin downwards, towards the floor. Holding your chin slightly down and the camera slightly up shows the harmonious flow of the cheekbones toward the lips. This angle may work best if your forehead is on the shorter side. Holding your head the right way can help you avoid any double chin or awkward faces. When posing, extend your neck so that your face is closer to the camera. It may feel weird, but it will help you look better in a selfie. This angle helps define your jawline.", ". To get a smile that looks real, don't force a grin. If you're feeling happy, just think of how happy you are and smile. If you aren't really there but you want a smiley selfie, relax and let a good feeling come to you. Take a deep breath and let it out. Think of someone who makes you happy, and imagine smiling at them. Let your eyes crinkle up slightly when you smile, but don't force it by squinting. The eyes are the star of the selfie. Look directly at the camera lens when you pose so that it looks like you're looking at the viewer. Smiling and making eye contact will help you look friendly and inviting. For a coy look, try casting your eyes downward and to the side. Widen your eyes and raise your eyebrows slightly to look alert, innocent, or surprised. . Pouting deepens the lines of your cheekbones and makes your lips look fuller. Try whispering the word \"prune\" for a perfect pout. If you exaggerate your pout, you may get a \"duck face\" expression, which many consider silly. Smiling is only one way to interest people in your selfie. Try frowning, winking, sticking out your tongue, opening your mouth as if surprised, or biting your lip. For a cute puppy look, try sticking out your lower lip while tilting your chin down and looking right into the camera. Relaxing your face so that your expression is blank can be flattering, but your photo won't be as interesting.", "To slim your waist and show off your shoulders and hips, turn your body slightly when you take your photo. If you're standing, shift your weight onto one foot to give your torso a more angular posture. Use the arm that isn't taking the shot to frame your figure. Try putting a hand high on your waist to frame your torso, or crook your elbow and put a hand behind your head to show off your upper arm. Bend your knee or cross your legs for a more dynamic position. When taking a lying-down selfie, don't let your face get swallowed up by gravity. Use a pillow, or put a hand behind your head. Take the photo from slightly above your eye level, just as if you were standing. It can be tricky to fit a lot of your body into the frame without distorting your proportions. A mirror lets you take a picture without worrying about that. If you have two mirrors facing one another, you can even take a picture of your back and front at once. Mirror shots look best if the light is next to the mirror, rather than behind you. Try putting a lamp next to your mirror, or keep a mirror by your window. Try shooting from right next to your face or closer to your chest. If you don't want the camera to show, hold it just past the mirror frame.", "When you take a two-handed selfie, you can hold the phone with more stability and click the picture button without dropping the phone. The two-handed selfie lets your arms frame the picture, almost as if you were hugging the viewer. Hold the camera away from your body with both hands. Use one hand to keep the phone or camera secure while the other hand hits the button. Just be careful not to cover up the lens. If you're taking a selfie on Snapchat, WeChat, or a similar app, you can embellish your pictures with filters and frames. Take a selfie wearing a virtual flower crown, draw a funny mustache on yourself, or write a message across your face. Selfies are a great opportunity to show everyone what you are doing. Take your selfie while doing something interesting. This may be posing in front of a tourist attraction or monument, sitting on a horse, or eating something colorful and delicious." ], "summary": [ "Place your face in the corner of the shot. Find the best light. Hold something white in the frame. Use a selfie stick.", "Figure out your best side. Take the photo from slightly above. Tilt your chin down. Extend your neck slightly forward.", " Smile sincerely Pose your eyes. Pout a little Try different dynamic facial expressions.", "Swivel a bit to the side. Bend your arms and legs. Prop your head up if you're lying down. Pose in the mirror.", "Use your arms as a frame. Use a filter or a frame. Do something in the selfie." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Getting a Telescope", "Scanning the Sky", "Understanding Your Telescope" ], "document": [ "Different telescopes are better for different types of viewing. There are really on three basic telescope types: refractor, reflector and catadioptric. Which one you choose will be based on what you want to observe, where you are, and so on. The refractor basically has a long thin tube with an objective lens at the front that collects and focuses the light. This one is better for viewing the Moon and planets, usually giving a nice, crisp image. It travels well and doesn't need much maintenance. Unfortunately, it is very hard to see faint objects like galaxies and nebulae. The reflector employs a large concave mirror rather than a lens for the purposes of accumulating and focusing light. This is one of the better beginner telescopes and it usually has pretty good visibility, although water has a tendency to condense on the optics of the telescope which can be irritating. Also, you can't view terrestrial objects with this telescope. The catadioptric is a compound telescope, combining both lenses and mirrors. They are good photographic telescopes and they are a lot easier to carry than the reflector. This one tends to be more versatile, but they do tend to be more expensive than the other types. You'll need different power levels considering where you are. If you have an area where the light pollution is better or worse. If you are in an area where it rains more, etc. If you want to bird watch (for example) with your telescope, you'll be better off not choosing the reflector telescope because it won't show you terrestrial objects. If you're in a place where it dews frequently and you're planning on using your telescope at night, you'll need to consider whether choosing a refractor or catadioptric telescope might be your best option. Objects like the planets, the Moon, and closer stars need a high power, good contrast and sharp resolution in a telescope. So if this is what you want to look at, your best bet is to go with a refractor or a reflector. If you're looking at faint objects such as galaxies and nebulae, you'll need a bigger aperture and choose a big reflector telescope. People generally have the mistaken impression that more power automatically means higher resolution and better viewing, but this is not actually true. High power simply dilutes the brightness of the image and amplifies any blurriness. For any telescope the maximum amount of magnification equals 50-power per inch of aperture. So say you have a 6-inch reflector. 300-power is as high as you should go (for a 3-inch reflector it would be about 150-power). Even if you're using a Barlow lens, magnifying it too far will only result in a blurred image. The telescope's image can only be blown up to a certain point.", "Before you start tromping around in the dark with your expensive telescope, you'll need to figure out what you're looking for. Maybe you want to have a gander at the moon, or want to check out the planets. Maybe you're interested in a meteor shower. You'll need to find out timing, place, weather, etc. If you're trying to observe the stars, for instance, going out on a moon-lit night won't get you very far. Look at books on stars and constellations. These will tell you when the best viewing times are and when the planets are easiest to be seen. Examine sky charts so that when you are out in the dark you know where to point your telescope. Train your eye. To do so, make sketches of the moon and the planets. You don't have to be a great artist to capture them as accurately as possible. This will help you to look more closely at the sky and observe details. You'll need to choose your spot carefully, once you've decided what you're looking for and where it will be. It will need to be accessible at night and have a place with solid level ground for your telescope's tripod. You'll need to consider light pollution. For instance, if you're in a big city, going up on a high roof (As long as it is safe) can get you away from the worst of the light pollution and allow you to see more clearly. Try to avoid decks and blacktop driveways and concrete. Footsteps on a deck can cause vibrations in the image. Blacktops driveways and concrete can create thermal issues for your telescope. You'll need to practice setting up your telescope and pointing to the correct part of the sky before you start fiddling around at night. Otherwise it is very easy to lose bits of your telescope and forget how to do something. For practice set up your telescope and, using the lowest power eyepiece, point the main scope at something about 100 feet (30.5 m) away like a tree (not the sun!). Center the object in your crosshairs and make sure it's clear. Switch to a higher powered eyepiece and try again. Make sure that when you're having your big night out with the stars that you have dressed appropriately. If it is going to be cold, make sure you have the right clothes on and bring along a canister of something warm.", "This is typically attached the side of the telescope. It displays more of the sky than the scope itself. For instance, a 50 power telescope covers an area about as small as the fingernail on your little finger, whereas an 8x finderscope covers an area about the size of a golf ball. Telescopes typically come in two types: equatorial or altazimuth. You'll need to know which kind of telescope you have so you can learn how to operate your telescope. Altazimuth mount operates my going up and down and side to side, making it easier for beginners to operate. It is more simple than the equatorial telescope. Equatorial mount swings across the celestial North to South and East to West. The polar axis (which is the rotating part closer to the telescope's base) needs to be aligned to Polaris, the North Star. It will then follow the motion of the sky around this point, moving from east to the west (as the stars move). It takes more time to get accustomed to the equatorial mount each time you want to look at a different star or planet you have to unlock the axis and take aim at the heavenly body using the finderscope and lock it once you have the general location. From there you'll use the slow motion cable controls or panhandle controls to make the smaller movements. The equatorial mount is generally considered to be more helpful. You'll need to make sure that the three legs of your telescope are properly balanced otherwise the telescope can fall over and become damaged. When you're scouting out locations, always look for areas that have a flat, level area for your telescope." ], "summary": [ "Consider the type of telescope. Consider where you live. Consider what you want to look at. Consider the power capabilities of your telescope.", "Learn the sky. Choose your spot. Practice. Be comfortable.", "Learn the finderscope. Learn the mount. Learn the tripod." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Serving the Champagne", "Selecting the Champagne", "Storing the Champagne" ], "document": [ "The traditional champagne flute – a tall, narrow glass – will preserve carbonation best. A wine glass with a slight belly-bulge at the bottom will allow more of the nose of the wine to accumulate without providing too much loss of carbonation. A champagne coupe is a wide mouth glass seen most often in the champagne glass pyramids at weddings. These are not ideal for the dry champagnes that are popular today, as they give up lots of the carbonation and do not maintain the vapors as well for the pungent aroma part of the experience. For an extra special presentation, create a champagne pyramid using champagne coupe glasses. It's best to opt for a less expensive type of champagne for this type of presentation. To pop the cork of a champagne bottle quietly and safely, first you need to loosen the muselet (the wire cage that fits over the outside of the cork), but don't remove it completely. Then hold the champagne bottle at a 45̊ angle and begin rotating the base of the champagne bottle. Keep doing this until the cork loosens and pops off. If you are serving champagne in a restaurant setting, it is common practice to present the bottle to the host of the party you are serving with the label facing them so they can read inspect and read the bottle. You may also serve a small sample to the host for their approval before dispensing the champagne to the other guests. Serve your customers in a clockwise fashion. The pouring aspect is very important because if the champagne is poured incorrectly, it can lose its distinctive bubbly taste. To correctly pour champagne, you should hold the bottle with one hand firmly at the base with your thumb in the punt (the depression) and spread your fingers out along the body of the bottle. Pour the champagne against the side of the glass rather than directly into the bottom. This will help the champagne maintain more of its bubbles. Additionally, remember that many bottles of champagne are stored in dank cellars that are less than spotless as far as clean storage conditions go. For this reason, you should never let the bottle touch the glass in any way as you pour. In general, you'll find that champagne varieties pair well with cheeses, shellfish, lobster, shrimp, crab (in light sauces), oysters, sashimi, salmon roe, fish cakes, tempura, poultry, Asian foods, dishes containing basil and coriander, soy, wasabi, and desserts, including, of course, wedding cake. Dry champagne styles can be used as a palate cleansing aperitif, such as after eating salty snacks or sushi. Or, finish a meal with champagne to cleanse the palate, rather than having dessert. Champagne and sparkling wines are a good combination with rich and creamy food because of the strong acidity of the wine, especially dry champagne styles. Mid-sweet and very sweet sparkling wine styles (carbonated pop wines and very sweet spumantes) are best for drinking for fun, adding to punch, and enjoying with sweet desserts like ice cream or gelato. They also pair well with spicy foods as the can help balance out the dish. Rosé styles contain tannin and are good for matching with rich fish dishes, such as ocean trout or salmon. Serious red champagne styles (bottle-fermented, not the carbonated pop wine style) are great matched with red meat, game, and turkey dishes. Champagne can also be made into champagne cocktails, paired with a range of liqueurs and spirits that result in a mixed drink or even used in cooking or baking. It's just another twist on a way to serve your champagne, although it's probably best to reserve this serving use for less esteemed champagnes! For example, to make a very simple champagne cocktail, place 1 sugar cube in a champagne glass, add 5 drops of Angostura bitters, then fill the glass two thirds full with chilled champagne. Garnish with a slice of orange or a strawberry half. If you use slightly less than two-thirds a glass of champagne, then you should get approximately 5 cocktails from 1 standard champagne bottle. Make champagne sorbet for dessert. And if you have flat champagne, don't let it go to waste! Try making champagne cake, a brilliant solution to using leftover champagne in a tasty way.", "For a long time, all sparkling wine was referred to as \"champagne\" until many countries chose to apply the \"rules of appellation.\" This restored the technical designation of champagne so that it referred only to those sparkling wines grown and made in the Champagne region of northeastern France. Champagne from the Champagne region continues to be the \"gold standard\" of sparkling wine because the climate is cool and combines with the chalky soil to produce very acidic grapes, ideal for making sparkling wine. Moreover, champagne from this region tends to be aged for years rather than the months of aging allowed for most other varieties. In other regions where sparkling wine is produced, it tends to be referred to as: Cava in Spain; Sekt in Germany; Spumante or Prosecco in Italy; and sparkling wine in Australia, the US, New Zealand, and South Africa. Bottle-fermented champagne and sparkling wine have a more labor-intensive production and the price should reflect this, while carbonated styles should be a lot cheaper. Mostly you get what you pay for with champagne and sparkling wine – so the more you pay, the better the experience. Different methods can be used to create champagne, including the method champenoise, charmat, or cube close, which require varied lengths of time of fermentation in the bottle. A less time- and labor-intensive process is that of carbonating a still wine (known in some places as \"carbonated pop wines\"), which can still produce a pleasant sparkling wine. Most, but not all, sparkling wine is white and dry (brut) following the French Champagne style, while others are sweet in the Italian Asti Spumante style. You can also try prosecco, which is sparkling wine made in the Veneto region of Italy. If you fancy a little color for your dinner party, there are also some rosé sparkling wines (pinkish to red shades), as well as some red sparkling wines from such places as Australia and Argentina. While there is a wide variety available to choose from, some good choices include: Champagne: Dom Pérignon, Taittinger Comtes de Champagne, and Krug Grande Cuvée. Spumante: Asti, Franciacorta, and Trento. Prosecco: Nino Franco, Luna d'Or NV, La Marca, and Zonin. Sparkling wine: Schramsberg, Roederer Estate, Domaine Carneros, Tasmanian sparkling wines, and Marlborough region sparkling wines.", "Before you're ready to serve it, keep your champagne (and all wine) in cool-but-not-cold conditions with little direct light and very little variation in temperature. Basements that stay between 40ºF and 60ºF (4ºC-15ºC) are perfect. Horizontal storage helps prevent the wine from spoiling and allows the cork to remain moist, which will help keep the air out and keep the gas in. This is an important factor in maintaining the flavor and bubbles in your champagne. Colder champagne tastes better, but it is also less likely to bubble over when you open it. The ideal drinking temperature is between 45ºF and 48ºF (7ºC-9ºC). If you've got the time, 4 hours or more in a refrigerator will be enough to put your champagne into the proper range. The classic way to chill champagne is in an ice bucket. Champagne buckets are frequently larger than other wine chilling buckets to allow for more water and ice. You should fill the bucket with half water and half ice and let it chill for 15-20 minutes before serving." ], "summary": [ "Decide what you will serve the champagne in. Pop the cork. Present the champagne. Know how to pour champagne. Pair the champagne successfully. Serve champagne as a part of another drink or food.", "Choose between champagne and sparkling wine. Use price as a guide for your selection. Select the kind of champagne you want based on production. Choose based on taste.", "Store the champagne in a cool place. Store the champagne horizontally. Chill the champagne before serving." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Distancing Yourself", "Telling Them the Friendship is Over", "Feeling Better after the Breakup" ], "document": [ "Your bestie might not understand or accept what’s happening, so it’s possible that they will start calling, texting, and messaging you more when you stop communicating with them. If this happens, don’t pick up the phone and don’t respond to texts or social media messages right away. Wait a few days to get back to them, and then keep your responses brief. If they ask a question that can be answered with a yes or a no, respond this way and don’t offer any other information. If they ask you something requiring a longer response, keep it as brief and impersonal as possible. Your best friend might try to make plans with you when you start distancing yourself from them. If this happens, make an excuse for why you can’t. Say you already have plans, you don’t feel well, you have homework, or anything else you can think of to get out of it. Don’t offer an alternative time either, just make the excuse and leave it at that. For example, if they ask what you’re doing over the weekend, try saying something like, “I’m busy this weekend. I have plans with my family.” If they try to get you to suggest a time to hang out, try saying something like, “I’ve got a lot going on right now, so I can’t really make any plans.” Your best friend might be used to you doing whatever they want. If this is the case and you can’t get out of seeing them for some reason, then flip the script on them and become very unaccommodating. This may cause them to dislike spending time with you and decrease their interest in doing it again. For example, if you usually meet them at their house, say that they need to meet you at your house instead. Bumping into people can be opportunities for connection and intimacy, so it’s important to maintain your distance if you encounter your best friend unexpectedly. Stick to neutral topics and keep information about yourself to a minimum. For example, if they ask what’s new with you, try saying something like, “Not much.” If you don’t want to talk with your ex-bestie at all, you can always just keep walking. A polite smile and wave is fine, too, if you want to be friendly. If you have resolved to break up with a friend, you will need to stop contacting them altogether at some point. After you have distanced yourself from them for a few weeks, stop contacting them. Don’t call them, text them, or message them on social media. If you often bump into them on your way to work or school, take a different route. If you attend the same school or work together, ask to sit somewhere away from them.", "Avoid meeting up at their home or yours to talk, but you may also want to avoid meeting in a crowded public place, such as the school cafeteria. Instead, pick a place that is neutral, such as a café or park. This will help to ensure that neither of you has an advantage. You will also both be able to go your separate ways after the conversation, rather than one of you having to leave the other person’s space. Telling them face-to-face is preferable, but you can text them if you’re worried about their reaction, such as if they have a bad temper and you’re afraid they might lash out at you. Reflect on your reasons for wanting to end the friendship. Then, tell the person why you don’t want to remain friend based on these reasons. Avoid starting sentences with “you” when you do this as this may cause them to become more defensive. For example, you might say something like, “I don’t think we should be friends any more. I feel hurt when you never ask me about what’s happening in my life.” Or, you might say, “I think we should take a break. I feel sad when you criticize my looks and pressure me to change things about myself.” “I” statements are less likely to cause your bestie to feel defensive, so it’s important to craft what you want to tell your best friend in this format. to their response, but remain firm in your decision. After you have said how you feel, they might want to respond. Be willing to listen to them, but stick with your decision. Don’t allow them to sway you if you’ve made up your mind about breaking up with your best friend. Make eye contact with them, nod your head to show you’re paying attention, and put away anything that might distract you, such as your phone. Try to keep your body language open while you listen to them, too, such as by facing them, keeping your arms at your sides, and leaning in towards them. It is possible that your best friend will want to hash out the details of why you are breaking up with them, but this is unlikely to resolve anything. If they start to drag out past arguments or a list of their perceived wrongs, stop them and excuse yourself. For example, you could say, “I don’t want to get into this because I don’t think it will solve anything.” Try saying something to indicate that you mean the person no ill will, even though you don’t want to remain friends. You can say something to indicate that you’ll cherish your memories together or that you will still be polite and friendly when you encounter them. Try saying something like, “I’ll always remember the good times we had together,” or “I wish you the very best!”", "Ask another friend or a supportive family member to meet up with you to talk or call them up. Tell them what happened and how you’re feeling. If the person is friends with your ex-bestie, make sure that they feel comfortable talking with you about the breakup first. After breaking up with your best friend, you might need to talk things over with someone you trust. To protect yourself from seeing your friend’s images and posts, unfriend them or at least unfollow or mute them on social media. They will likely do the same with you, so don’t feel bad about it. You might even consider taking a break from social media for a few weeks or longer. This will eliminate the chance that you’ll stumble on a post they’re tagged in or a post that reminds you of them. Seeing your ex-best friend’s pictures and posts every day will make getting over the breakup even harder on you. Make plans with other friends and family members to occupy your newfound free time. Plan fun activities that you will be excited about doing. For example, you could arrange for a group of friends to go bowling or mini-golfing with you over the weekend, ask your family to accompany you on a hike, or join a local club or special interest group to make some new friends. Having things to look forward to will help you to feel better and keep you busy. Your other friends might be curious about why you and your best friend broke up, but there’s no need to get into it. This could lead to awkwardness and make your other friends feel like you expect them to pick sides. Instead, come up with a simple way to explain what happened if people ask. Try saying something like, “We just don’t spend that much time together anymore.” Try setting a personal, professional, academic, or fitness goal for yourself and identify ways that you can work towards it. For example, if your goal is to finish writing a book that you started, commit to writing every day for 30 minutes. If you want to get a promotion at work, take on extra tasks and volunteer for special projects to set yourself apart from your coworkers. Having a goal can be a good way to focus your attention and avoid dwelling on what happened between you and your best friend. Reflect on the friendship and what killed it to identify things you might do differently in the future. For example, if you broke up with your friend because they were really negative and it rubbed off on you, you might gravitate towards more positive people in the future. Or, if you broke up with your friend because they were really clingy and you needed space, then you might seek out friends who are more independent. Breaking up with your best friend is a difficult process, but you can learn and grow from it like any other experience." ], "summary": [ "Take a few days to get back to them if they contact you. Make excuses for why you can’t hang out. Be less accommodating towards them if you can’t avoid hanging out. Stick to neutral, impersonal topics when you can’t avoid conversation. Stop contacting them via phone, text, and social media.", "Choose a neutral place to meet up for the conversation. Use “I” statements to tell them you don’t want to be friends any more. Listen Avoid getting into a back-and-forth about who did what. End the conversation on a positive note.", "Talk with a trusted friend or family member about what happened. Eliminate them from your social media feeds. Make plans with other people to keep yourself busy. Avoid gossiping about your ex best friend. Set a goal that you can work towards to occupy free time. Look for any lessons you can learn from the experience." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Closing a Business Account", "Closing a Personal Account" ], "document": [ "You can relinquish control of your Yelp business account, but you cannot remove your business listing from Yelp. The only way that Yelp business owners have gotten listings removed is through lawsuits against Yelp. Go to http://www.yelp.com/support/contact/business_unclaim/ in your web browser. This is the only way that you can delete your business' moderator account. Type your business' name into the \"Business Name\" text field, then type the business' city into the \"Near\" text field. Click Search to the right of the business information fields, then scroll through the results until you find your business' page. It's a red button to the right of your business. Enter any information you want Yelp to have into the \"Additional information\" text box, then type your business account's email address into the \"Your Email Address\" text field. Make sure that you use the email address that you used to sign up for Yelp. This box is near the bottom of the page. You may be prompted to play a minigame to prove that you aren't a robot before proceeding. It's a red button at the bottom of the page. This will send your form to Yelp. Yelp will send a confirmation email to you before removing your access to the business account. This is to prevent someone from removing your access without your permission. Open the email from Yelp when you receive it, then click the link in the email and follow any additional prompts to delete your account. Remember, you cannot remove your business listing from Yelp.", "If you aren't logged into your Yelp account, go to https://www.yelp.com/ in your computer's web browser, and click Log In, then enter your email address and password or select your preferred method of logging in (e.g., Facebook). When you close your Yelp account, Yelp will eventually remove your content, but this could take a while. If there are reviews or images you want removed immediately, delete them yourself before closing your account. To delete reviews: Click your profile icon, click About Me in the drop-down menu, click the Reviews tab, and click Remove next to a review. To delete photos: Go to the business page for which you posted the photo, select the photo in question, click Edit caption, and click Remove. Go to https://www.yelp.com/support/contact/account_closure/ in your web browser. This will open an online form. Type a message (or even just one letter) into the text box below the \"Closing your user account\" heading. It's a red button below the text box. Doing so will send your reason to Yelp; Yelp will then send a confirmation email to your email address. This is the email address that you used to sign up for Yelp. If you signed up for Yelp through Facebook or Google, it's the email address that you use to log into Facebook or Google, respectively. Go to the inbox of the email address which you used to sign up for Yelp. You should have an email from Yelp here. If you use Gmail, the Yelp email will appear in the Social tab. The email may take a few minutes to arrive, but you should also check your Spam or Junk folder if you can't find the email. Click the \"Yelp Account Closure Confirmation Request\" email from Yelp to do so. It's the link near the bottom of the email, just above the \"Thank you\" signature. Doing so takes you to the confirmation page. This red button is at the top of the page. Clicking it officially closes your Yelp account. Once you confirm that you want to close your account, your data will begin to be deleted. This process does not happen all at once, but over the next week or so all of your photos and reviews will be deleted from Yelp." ], "summary": [ "Understand the limitations. Visit the business account closure page. Enter your business' details. Find your business. Click Select this business. Fill out the unclaiming request form. Check the \"I'm not a robot\" box. Click Send. Wait to be contacted. Confirm that you want to remove your account access.", "Log into Yelp. Delete any reviews or images you want removed immediately. Open the Yelp Account Closure page. Enter a reason for deleting your account. Click Send. Open your Yelp email account. Open the email from Yelp. Click the confirmation link. Click Close Account. Wait for your content to be deleted." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Logging Out of Netflix", "Logging Out of Windows Live", "Logging Out of Pinterest", "Logging Out of Amazon", "Logging Out of Twitter", "Logging Out of MediaWiki Wikis", "Logging Out of Facebook", "Logging Out of Yahoo Mail", "Logging Out of Skype", "Logging Out of iCloud", "Logging Out of Gmail", "Logging Out of eBay", "Logging Out of LinkedIn" ], "document": [ " ” You will now be logged out of your Netflix account.", " ” You will now be logged out of Windows Live.", " ” You will now be signed out of your Pinterest account.", " ” You will now be logged out of your Amazon account.", " ” You will now be logged out of your Twitter account.", "You should then be logged out of that wiki, and any wikis connected to your account via CentralAuth.", " ” You will now be signed out of your Facebook account.", " You will now be logged out of your Yahoo Mail account.", " ” You will now be signed out of Skype.", " ” You will now be logged out of iCloud.", " ” You will now be logged out of your Gmail account. If you're accessing Gmail from Google Chrome, you can also sign out of Google Chrome completely.", " You will now be logged out of your eBay account.", " ” You will now be logged out of your LinkedIn account." ], "summary": [ "Click on your Netflix username located at the top right corner of your Netflix session. Click on “Sign out of Netflix.", "Click on your name located at the top right corner of your Windows Live session. Click on “Sign out from Windows Live Mail.", "Click on your name located at the top of your Pinterest session. Click on the gear icon located to the right of your name. Click on “Log out.", "Point to “Your Account” located at the top right corner of your Amazon session. Click on “Sign Out.", "Click on your Twitter avatar displayed at the top right corner of your Twitter session. Click on “Sign out.", "Click on \"Log out\".", "Click on the downward-pointing arrow at the top right corner of your Facebook session. Click on “Log Out.", "Go to your Yahoo Mail inbox. Click on “Sign out” located at the top right corner of the Web page.", "Click on “Skype” at the top left corner of your Skype session. Click on “Sign Out.", "Click on your Apple ID or username located at the top right corner of your iCloud session. Click on “Sign out.", "Click on your email address located at the top right corner of your Gmail session. Click on “Sign out.", "Locate your eBay username located at the top left corner of your eBay session. Click on “Sign out” to the right of your name.", "Point to your profile photo located at the top right corner of your LinkedIn session. Click on “Sign Out." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Keeping Cast Iron in Top Shape", "Cleaning Cast Iron", "Seasoning Cast Iron" ], "document": [ "Iron is highly susceptible to rust, which can be caused when the metal is exposed to air and water. Seasoning your cast iron pan regularly will help prevent it from rusting. It’s important to remove rust spots immediately if they do begin to form, otherwise they will quickly spread. Wet a mildly abrasive sponge or scrub pad with soapy water and scrub the rusted spots on the pan. To remove tough rust spots, try a bit of vinegar on the sponge. Rinse the pan under hot water. Re-season the pan by coating it in vegetable shortening and baking it in the oven for an hour. There are a few things you can do to a cast iron pan that will virtually guarantee rust. To prevent rust from forming, avoid exposing the metal to moisture as much as possible: Never immerse cast iron directly in water. Clean the pan by running water over, rather than submerging it in a full sink. Always dry cast iron cookware fully after using and washing. Store the pans in cupboards or from hooks with the lids off. Lids can trap air and moisture against the surface of the pan, and this will cause the metal to rust. The seasoning layer will protect your cast iron from small amounts of acid, so it’s ok to cook mildly acidic foods in your pan for short periods of time. But acidic foods that require long simmering times, such as tomato sauce, should be cooked in other cookware. With a long-simmering acidic food, the acid can find weak spots in the seasoning layer, and this can eat away at the seasoning and start to corrode the metal. Be sure to remove acidic foods from your cast iron as soon as they're cooked, and wash the pan immediately. Always wash your cast iron by hand, and never put it in the dishwasher. The dishwasher will expose the pan to too much moisture, and this can lead to rust. You should also avoid metal scouring pads on the cast iron, as these can damage the seasoning layer. Harsh soaps and detergents can also remove the seasoning, so avoid them unless you plan to re-season the pan right away. Never pour cold water into a hot cast iron pan, as this can lead to cracking and warping. If your pan is still hot from cooking, only use hot water to clean it.", "Clean your pan as soon as possible after cooking with it. The longer food cools in the pan, the harder it will be to clean. After cooking with your cast iron pan, hold it under hot running water. While the water is running, wipe the pan out with a clean cloth to remove food particles. For mildly soiled and well-seasoned pans, this may be all you need to clean your cast iron. If you're worried about bacteria because you aren't using soap, just make sure to preheat your cast iron before adding food. Cast iron heats up very quickly, and even over medium heat the pan will quickly reach temperatures high enough to kill any bacteria. For food that’s still stuck on your pan or baked-on leftovers, sprinkle the inside of a warm pan with a generous layer of coarse salt. Scrub the surface of the pan with a damp dish cloth to remove the stuck-on food. When the food has been removed, discard the salt and scraps and rinse the pan out with hot water. Remove excess water from the pan by drying it with a towel immediately after cleaning it. Return the pan to the stove and warm it over low heat until all the water has evaporated, about two minutes. Never let cast iron cookware air dry, as this will cause the iron to rust. With the pan still on low heat, coat it with an additional layer of vegetable shortening, using a cloth or paper towel to spread the shortening evenly over the pan. Leave the pan on the heat for another 10 minutes. After 10 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and set it aside to cool. Before putting it away, wipe out any excess shortening with a cloth or paper towel. Fully seasoning a pan is a process that happens over time. As you add more oil to the pan and cook fatty foods in the cast iron, the surface will become more protected and more non-stick.", "Set your oven to 325°F (163°C) and let it heat up. The process of seasoning cast iron involves coating it with a layer of oil and baking it. Seasoning, or curing, the pan will cover it with a non-stick surface, make the pan easier to clean, and protect it from rust. Most new cast iron pans come pre-seasoned, but you'll have to season any that haven't been cured by the manufacturer. You can still season a new pan if it comes pre-seasoned, and you should definitely season an old or second-hand cast iron pan before using it. Fill a sink with a small amount of hot, soapy water. Immerse a clean sponge in the soapy water, then wash the cast iron pan. Rinse the pan under hot water and dry it completely with a clean towel. You can also use a dish brush with stiff bristles to clean the pan. Most people recommend not washing cast iron with soap once it has been seasoned, because the soap can slowly remove the seasoning. However, because you're about to season the pan, use soap now to make sure the pan is clean. Dip a clean cloth or paper towel into some vegetable shortening. Rub the shortening over the inside and outside of the skillet to coat the pan with a thin and even layer. It’s best to use a small amount of solid shortening for seasoning, because too much shortening or using liquid oil can leave a sticky residue on the pan. Place a cookie sheet or piece of foil on the bottom rack of the oven. Then place the skillet upside down on the middle rack. Bake the empty skillet for an hour. The baking sheet is important because it will catch any shortening that melts and drips off the pan. After an hour, turn off the oven. Leave the skillet in the oven as it cools, about one to two hours. Remove the pan from the oven once it’s cool. Buff the pan by rubbing it with a paper towel or clean cloth to remove excess shortening. When you're finished, the pan should be a smooth and shiny black. Over time, this non-stick layer may wear away, especially if you use the pan to cook non-fatty foods. Repeat the seasoning process every few months, or when: The pan loses its luster and becomes dull The color changes from black to dark gray Food starts sticking to the pan" ], "summary": [ "Remove rust. Prevent rust from forming. Avoid long-simmering acidic foods. Avoid cleaning methods that can cause damage. Use hot water to clean hot pans.", "Rinse the pan with hot water. Scour with salt if necessary. Dry the pan immediately. Oil the pan.", "Preheat your oven. Wash and dry the skillet. Coat the skillet with shortening. Bake the skillet. Cool and clean the skillet. Repeat as necessary." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Heartfelt Apology", "Earning Her Forgiveness", "Understanding Her Point of View" ], "document": [ "Start out with a heartfelt apology. A simple, “I am really sorry for what I did. I was wrong,” is a perfectly acceptable way to start out. You cannot get an angry girl to forgive if you don’t apologize, so start off on the right foot by saying sorry first. Don’t use a snarky or sarcastic tone. You don’t have to apologize if you think you were wronged, but don’t expect her to forgive you anytime soon. If your goal is to get her to forgive you, you’ll need to apologize even if you think you didn’t do anything wrong. “I’m really sorry,” and “I’m so sorry” sound better than, “Sorry,” which can come off as curt and dismissive. You aren’t going to be able to move forward until you accept that you were wrong, so don’t bother trying to bring up anything that she did. If you’re uncomfortable apologizing or owning up to your mistake, take a breath and keep your apology simple. Say, “I should have told you about the job before I told my friends. I screwed up,” or, “I know that it was wrong to not call you when I came home and I’m sorry.” She is more likely to move past your mistake if she knows that you feel bad about what you did. Feeling guilty is a sign that you know you did something wrong, and telling her that you understand why she’s upset will make it easier for her to try and let it go. Say something like, “I shouldn't have blown you off the other night. I feel terrible.” Even if the two of you aren’t romantically involved, explain why your mistake was so bad and acknowledge your relationship. Say, “You’re my best friend, I don’t know why I would ignore your calls like that,” or “You’re my sister and I’d never be dishonest on purpose.” Start to wrap up your apology by vowing to never repeat the action that upset her again. Explain that you simply made a mistake and that you’ll never do it again. Use the word “mistake” to talk about what you did. This makes it seem like you weren’t actively trying to hurt her. Don’t say “I’ll try to not do it again,” but, “I won’t do it again.” If you frame it like it’s outside of your control you’ll seem like you’re leaving the possibility open that you’ll do it again in the future. If you’re going to explain your mistake, say something like, “I won’t say something like that ever again. I thought I was telling a joke, but I see that it was dumb.” If you try to justify it you may only make things worse.", "The best way to figure out if she needs space or not is to simply ask her. Frame your question in a way that makes it seem like it’s okay if she needs some space by saying that you understand why she would want to be away from you. There’s nothing wrong with offering to give her some space, and she’ll decline your offer if she authentically wants to move on. Say, “Do you need a couple of days away from me? If you do, it’s perfectly alright. We can revisit this topic when you’re feeling a little better.” A lot of people just need some time to cool down and relax. It doesn’t mean that she doesn’t want to be your friend or girlfriend anymore. If you upset her in the middle of an important conversation or intimate date, ask her if the two of you can try it again. This will show her that you’re making an honest attempt to repair the rift between the two of you while demonstrating that you’re willing to change. Say something like, “So I know I kind of screwed it up last time, but I’m ready to give it another shot if you are. Can we try that dinner date again?” or, “I don’t know why I got so jealous the first time, but I do want to hear about your vacation. I promise to not act like a fool this time.” Chocolates, flowers, and other small gifts can be an excellent way of showing her that you're ready to put in the effort to make it up to her. If you’re older or dating, a nice meal at her favorite restaurant can be a great way to sit down and work through any grievances in a positive setting. If you don’t have any money, a handmade gift can be an excellent way to show her that you care about her. Present the gift as a sort of additional apology. Say, “I got you this. I felt really bad about what I did and when I saw this I thought of you.” If you spent a few days apart from one another, there may be some awkward vibes between the two of you—even if you got her a gift or apologized. Be straightforward and ask her how she’s feeling to see if she has any residual or negative feelings. Ask if she forgives you, and if she says she doesn’t, ask her what you can do to fix it. Start with something like, “How are you feeling? I understand if you’re still upset.” If she says she’s fine, ask “Do you forgive me?” If she says that she doesn’t forgive you, say, “How can I make it up to you? What do I need to do to show you that I’m sorry?”", "Don’t get defensive and start fighting with every little point that she makes. Instead, sit quietly and calmly listen to her point of view. She may point out something that you did without realizing it, or tell you exactly how to fix the problem. Even if she doesn’t tell you something you didn’t already know, giving your friend or partner the space to speak is essential to a healthy relationship. If she gets really upset and starts to tear into you, give her a little time to work through some anger or sadness. It won’t do anyone any good if she just keeps it bottled up, and it will make her feel better. If she is in the middle of a long rant, just sit quietly and let her work through it. She may say some hurtful things while she’s venting. It’s okay to say, “I was hurt by what you said,” but under no condition should you interrupt her. Listen carefully when she speaks and try to consider things from her perspective. If you just take a second to listen to why she’s angry, you'll be able to better understand how to earn her forgiveness. It’s easy to get upset and thrown completely into a funk the moment that she says she’s upset. Try to fight this feeling. You’ll end up focusing on the wrong thing from the start. If she gets mad over a comment or joke, you may initially feel she is being irrational. If she said or did something that made you act out in the first place, you may think that she has no right be mad. Don’t follow the impulse to fight back or criticize her. There will be a time and place to discuss both perspectives, but in the heat of the moment, getting angry is just going to make her upset." ], "summary": [ "Say sorry and be as genuine as possible. Own your mistake and admit what you did wrong. Express remorse to show her that you feel bad. Promise to never repeat the mistake again.", "Ask her if she wants some space and respect her answer. Offer to try again by repeating your date or conversation. Get her a simple gift to show her that you care about her feelings. Ask for forgiveness and find out how you can make it up to her.", "Hear her out and listen to her side of the story. Let her vent if she gets a little frustrated and don’t interrupt her. Understand where she’s coming from by listening actively. Don’t try to level the playing field by pointing out what she did wrong." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Using Vim", "Creating a Quick Text File", "Opening Terminal", "Using Emacs" ], "document": [ "The \"vi\" part of this command selects the Vim text editor as the program to use. You'll replace \"filename\" with the name you wish to assign to your new file. For a file named \"tamins\", for example, you'd type vi tamins.txt. If your current directory has a file by the same name, this command will instead open that file. This will create your new file and open it in the Vim editor. You should see a blank Terminal window with a tilde (~) on each line, as well as your text file's name at the bottom of the window. Doing so will place your document in \"Insert\" mode, wherein you can enter text as needed. You should see -- INSERT -- pop up at the bottom of the window when you press the I key. It's typically in the upper-left corner of your computer's keyboard. This key will stop the insert mode. This key will place Vim in \"Command\" mode. You should see a cursor appear at the bottom of the window. This command will save your document as it currently is. Doing so will quit out of Vim and return you to Terminal's main interface. Your text file is now in your specified directory. You can check for the text file by typing ls into Terminal and pressing ↵ Enter and then looking for the file's name. You can also type :wq to save and quit in one command. Just as you did to create the file, you'll type vi filename.txt to open the file. This time when you open the file, you should see any saved changes that you made.", "You'll replace \"filename\" with your preferred text file name (e.g., \"sample\"). For example: when creating a file named \"kitty\", you'd type cat > kitty.txt. Doing so will create a new text file with the specified name in your current directory. Your cursor will appear on a blank line in Terminal. You can simply type as you typically would for any other text document. To save the current line of text and jump to the next line, you'll press ↵ Enter. If you have the text file's directory open, you can also simply double-click the text file when it appears to perform this step. This key command will save your work and return you to the Terminal command line, allowing you to continue entering commands. You'll replace \"filename\" with the text file's name. This command will locate your file, thus ensuring that it was safely created in your directory. For example: to open a file named \"textfile\", you would type ls -l textfile.txt. The letters in this code are lowercase \"L\", not uppercase \"i\". Doing so should display the time, date, and name of your file on the following line, thus indicating that it was created and saved in your selected directory.", "To do so, click Menu, then find the Terminal app--which resembles a black box with a white \">_\" in it--and click on it. You'll typically find Terminal in a bar on the left side of the Menu window. You can also click the search bar at the top of the Menu window and then type in terminal to search for it. Most Linux Distros open the Terminal as well, when pressing Ctrl+Alt+T. Terminal opens to your home directory, but the ls command displays every folder in your current directory. To create a text file in one of these directories, you'll need to change the current directory. Any directory name listed beneath the ls command (e.g., \"Desktop\") is a place to which you can navigate. You CAN create and edit files outside of this directory, but be aware that this may cause fatal problems. If you're sure about doing so, use the command ls / to see and navigate through the root directory, and prefix your commands with sudo when opening the text editor. More on that later. You'll replace \"directory\" with your preferred directory's name. This command changes Terminal's focus from the current directory to the one you name. For example, you would type cd Desktop to shift Terminal's command location to the Desktop directory. If you want to create a text file in a specific folder within your selected directory, you'll place a \"/\" after the directory and then type in the folder's name. For example: for a folder named \"Misc\" in the Documents directory, you'd type cd Documents/Misc. Doing so will run your command, thereby shifting Terminal's target directory from your home directory to the one you specified. You can create a simple text file quickly, or you can use either Vim or Emacs to create and edit an advanced file. Now that you're in the directory in which you wish to place your text file, it's time to proceed with actually creating it.", "You'll replace \"filename\" with your preferred name for the text file. As long as your text file's name isn't a duplicate of an existing text file in your current directory, this command will open a new text file in the Emacs editor. For example: a file named \"newfile\" would require you to type emacs newfile.txt. If you entered an existing text file name, this command will instead open the file in question. Emacs comes complete with tons of powerful commands that let you navigate around a document, look up related or help information, manipulate text, and understand your code. These commands fall into two types: Control commands and Meta commands. Control commands are written like this: C-<letter>. To execute a Control command, you'll hold down the Ctrl key and press the specified letter key at the same time (e.g., Ctrl and A). Meta (or Escape) commands are written like so: M-<letter> or ESC <letter>. The \"M\" refers to a computer's Alt key or Esc key, since not all computers have the Alt key. A command written like C-a b (or M-a b) will require you to hold Ctrl (or Alt or Esc) while pressing the first key (e.g., a, then release both keys and immediately press the second key (e.g., b). You can simply type as you typically would for any other text document. To save the current line of text and jump to the next line, you'll press ↵ Enter. Doing so will save your file. This will exit the Emacs text editor and return you to your directory in Terminal. Your text file should now be saved under your selected name in this directory. To do so, simply type emacs filename.txt into Terminal. As long as you're in the same directory as is the file, doing this will open your text file in Emacs, at which point you may resume editing it if you please." ], "summary": [ "Type vi filename.txt into Terminal. Press ↵ Enter. Press your computer's i key. Press the Esc key. Press the : (colon) key. Type :w into Terminal and press ↵ Enter. Type :q into Terminal and press ↵ Enter. Reopen the file from the Terminal window.", "Type cat > filename.txt into Terminal. Press ↵ Enter. Enter your document's text. Press Ctrl+Z. Type ls -l filename.txt into Terminal. Press ↵ Enter.", "Open Terminal. Type ls into Terminal, then press ↵ Enter. Find a directory in which you wish to create a text file. Type cd directory. Press ↵ Enter. Decide on a text editing program.", "Type emacs filename.txt into Terminal. Press ↵ Enter. Get to know Emacs commands. Enter your document's text. Press Ctrl+X, then press S. Press Ctrl+X, then press Ctrl+C. Re-open your text file." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Avoiding Loneliness When You're Gone", "Giving the Conure Toys", "Playing with Your Conure" ], "document": [ "Some background noise can help make your bird feel more comfortable while they are alone. You can leave on a nature documentary, classical music, or a talk radio show. Position their cage near an open window where they can look outside. Make sure to keep the blinds or curtains open. The conure may enjoy watching other birds or people wander by the window. Monitor the amount of heat and sunlight that the cage gets when near a window to prevent your conure from overheating while you are gone. Conures are generally social birds. They may enjoy hanging out around other conures and occasionally even other types of parrots. The birds can keep each other company while you are gone. Make sure to choose a bird that has a compatible personality with your conure.", "Good chew toys will keep your conure busy while sparing your furniture from their chewing. A conure should always have a few items to chew in their cage. Good chew toys include: Wood blocks made out of balsa wood or pine Leather strips and ropes Vine balls Grass mats Wicker baskets Old books and newspapers Fruit and veggies (like carrots, celery, lettuce, and apples) Conures love playing with their feet. Try giving them a few toys that they can grip, turn, and kick. Wiffle balls, rattles, blocks with holes, and small wooden dumbbells are all great choices. Conures enjoy making noise. Try putting a bell inside of their cage that they can ring and shake. Rattling balls or key rings with jangling metal toys can also provide endless fun. Conures like foraging for food. Even if they’re happily fed, they will spend a long time hunting for hidden treats in their cage. Put sticks and branches with leaves in their enclosure and hide toys and treats among them to provide your bird with a natural environment to forage among. To keep them occupied, you can also hide treats and toys inside of: Cereal boxes Rolled-up newspapers A drilled piece of wood Egg cartons Wreaths of grapevine or willow branches Finch nests Condiment cups filled with bird seed If your conure stops playing with their toys, it may be time to introduce new toys. Don’t throw out the old ones yet. Remove them from the cage until the conure grows tired of the new toys. You can then rotate in older toys. Your conure will play with the old toys as if they were new. If your conure is not playing with a new toy after a day or two, take it out and try again another day. If the toy is dirty or sticky from use, it may be helpful to clean and freshen it up to make it attractive again to your conure.", "Conures will enjoy a chance to spread their wings and explore your home. They may even come hang out with you for a while. Give the conure at least an hour outside of their cage every day. Always supervise your conure when they are out of their cage so they don’t get into trouble! Make sure to bird-proof your home before letting them roam. Close all windows, and turn off any fans. There should be no electrical wires or scented candles out in the open. Always supervise your conure around other pets and children. If your other pets are aggressive toward small animals, put them in a separate room. Conures love a good bath every couple of days. Fill a tub with water, and place the bird in it. Once in the water, the conure will bathe themselves. If they don’t, splash the water to encourage them. When they are done, wrap them in a towel, and pat them dry gently. You can use Tupperware containers or dog dishes to bathe your conure. The dish should be big enough that they can walk around comfortably in it. If they don't want to bathe, take them out and try again another day. Going outside can be fun for your bird. To prevent them from flying off, however, they must be restrained. Place the conure in a harness, and let them ride on your shoulder while you hold onto their leash. You can also carry them in a bird carrier. If this is their first time outdoors, they may be nervous. Keep the first visit short. Even if their wings are clipped, a conure may still be able to escape outside. Always use a harness and leash or a bird carrier while outside. Spend time on a screened porch, if possible. This can help your conure get used to being outdoors and also provide them with fresh air without risking losing your bird. Just like children, conures love peekaboo. Hide your face behind a corner or an object. Let your conure come and find you. Pop out and say, “peekaboo!” Soon, your bird may be the one trying to hide. If your bird likes to toss items, catch can be a great game to play. Roll a plastic ball towards your bird. They may pick it up and toss it. Retrieve the ball, and roll it back to them. Keep playing until your bird gets bored. Depending on your bird’s size, balls you can use include ping pong balls, small caged pet toy balls, golf-ball-sized rope balls, and bird-sized Jolly Balls." ], "summary": [ "Leave the TV or radio on. Place the cage near a window. Get them another bird as a companion.", "Give them something to chew. Stick in some foot toys. Provide toys that make noise. Hide treats that they can find. Rotate new and old toys.", "Let them roam around your home. Bathe your conure. Walk them outside while restrained. Play peekaboo with them. Catch a ball with them." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Paying for Your Call", "Finding Area Codes and Phone Numbers", "Dialing the Number" ], "document": [ "There are companies that provide transparent policies, inexpensive rates, and easy to use services that allow you to call Mexico from your cell phone or landline. Simply do an online search using terms like “buy credit to call Mexico”. Click on the option that makes the most sense for your needs. Once you do, sign up, download an app on your computer or smartphone, and buy credit for as little as $5. These services often have much more transparent policies and fees and cost less than calling cards. The majority of calling cards have unclear terms and fees. It is more affordable to use web-based calling like Google Voice or to buy phone credit through an online company, because the services are less costly and more transparent. If you do have to use calling cards, use cards with lower cost per minute rates and an inexpensive connection fee unless you are going to be using all of your minutes in one phone call. Find cards that advertise specifically for Mexico. These cards can be less expensive than buying international calling cards. Buy your cards from stores that let you look at the card before you buy it. Check to see what the rates are and whether there are service fees. Compare cards and find the best deal for your needs. You can either call landlines or cell phones directly from Skype or Google Voice, or you can make calls while both of you are online. Go to Skype or Gmail and open up an account and download their app on your computer or your phone. Have the person you need to talk to do the same if you want to call for free. Google Voice advertises rates of 5 cents per minute to Mexico. You can pay as you go from Skype for 1 cent a minute to landline phones and for 3.5 cents a minute to cell phones. You can buy an unlimited calling pack from Viber on Viber Out's website and call landlines and mobiles for only $0.99/month. You can send text messages to phones through Skype for 31.2 cents a text.", "Area codes in Mexico are 2-3 digits. If your area code is not on this list, check here for a complete list of area codes: http://apacheco.itch.edu.mx/docs/lada.txt Acapulco 744 Aguascalientes 449 Cabo San Lucas 624 Campeche 981 Cancun 998 Celaya 461 Cd. Juarez 656 Cd. Lazaro. Cardenas 753 Cd. Oregon 644 Cd. Sahagun 791 Cd. Valles 481 Cd. Victoria 834 Coatzacoalcos 921 Colima 312 Cuernavaca 777 Culiacan 667 Chetumal 983 Chihuahua 614 Chilpancingo 747 Durango 618 Fresnillo 493 Guadalajara 33 Guadalupe Victoria 676 Guamuchil 673 Guanajuato 473 Guasave 687 Guaymas 622 Hermosillo 662 Huatabampo 647 Iguala 733 Isla Mujeres 998 Ixtapan de la Sal 721 Jalapa 228 La Paz 612 Leon 477 Manzanillo 314 Maravatio 447 Matamoros 868 Mazatlan 669 Merida 999 Mexicali 686 Mexico City 55 Minatitlan 922 Monclova 866 Monterrey 81 Morelia 443 Nuevo Laredo 867 Oaxaca 951 Orizaba 272 Pachuca 771 Patzcuaro 434 Poza Rica 782 Puebla 222 Puerto Vallarta 322 Queretaro 442 Saltillo 844 San Felipe 686 San Luis Potosi 444 Tampico 833 Tapachula 962 Taxco 762 Tehuacan 238 Tepic 311 Tequisquiapan 414 Texcoco 595 Teziutlan 231 Tlaxcala 246 Toluca 722 Torreon 871 Tulancingo 775 Tuxpan 783 Tuxtla Gutierrez 961 Valle de Bravo 726 Veracruz City 229 Villahermosa 993 Zacatecas 492 Using the yellow pages, you can look up commercial and professional information about businesses, including hotels, restaurants, hospitals and schools. You can find the yellow pages for Mexico online here: https://www.seccionamarilla.com.mx/. Type in what you are looking for and where in the search box at the top of the page. Below is a list of some of the important phone numbers you can use to contact officials in Mexico. Use this information to get in touch with the American Society of Mexico or the United States Embassy, for example. American Society of Mexico: 011-52 (55) 5277-5875 Association of Mexican Banks: 011-52 (55) 5722-4300 Mexican Automotive Industry Association: 011-52 (55) 5272-1144 Canacintra: 011-52 (55) 5482-3000 United States Embassy: 011-52-(55)-5080-2000 FONATUR: 011-52 (55) 5090-4200 Mexican Association of Realtors - AMPI: 011-52 (55) 5566-4260 Mexican Franchise Association: 011-52 (55) 5661-2040 Missing Persons Hotline in Mexico (Províctima): 011-52 (55) 1000-2000 National Museum of Anthropology: 011-52 (55) 4040-5300 PROFECO (Consumer Protection): 011-52 (55) 5568-8722 PROMEXICO: 011-52 (55) 5447 7070 SEMARNAT: 011-52 (55) 5490-0900 Secretary of the Environment & Natural Resources. World Trade Center of Mexico City: 011-52 (55) 9000-6000", "011 is the exit code for the United States and Canada. You will be able to dial any foreign number after you dial 011, including Mexico. If you have an internet connection phone, it is possible that you do not have to dial 011 to call out. If you have an international calling option turned on, you can leave off the 011. After dialing the exit code, dial 52 to call Mexico. You can call any landline or cell phone in Mexico with this code. For example, 55 is the area code for Mexico City. Use the area code index in the last method to find an area code. If you see the prefix 01, 044, or 045 in front of the area code of the number you want to call, leave it off. These prefixes were only to be used when calling within Mexico, and have been dropped altogether as of August 3rd, 2019. Altogether, the number you dial should have a format similar to this number: 011 52 55 XXXX XXXX. Some phone carriers give the option to block international calls, so if your call does not go through, make sure you are capable of making international calls from your phone." ], "summary": [ "Buy credit online to call Mexico. Avoid using calling cards. Use Skype, Viber, or Google Voice to call or text phones in Mexico.", "Find the area code for the city, town, or region you are calling. Use the Yellow Pages online to search for business phone numbers. Call Mexican and American government offices, agencies, and national associations in Mexico.", "Dial the exit code, 011. Dial Mexico's country code, 52. Dial the 2 to 3-digit area code. Dial the 7 to 8-digit phone number." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Reading and Recording Your First Impressions", "Recognizing the Basic Elements of the Story", "Analyzing the Story" ], "document": [ "If this is your first time trying to critically analyze a text you should choose a book that isn’t too far outside of your comfort zone. It is easier for you to think deeply about a book that you are not struggling to read. Pick a book from a genre you already like or one written in a time and a place with which you are familiar. If you can, choose a book by an author you already know and like. Consult an expert. There are professionals and amateurs alike who would love to match you with a work of great literature. These include: Librarians: high school, university, or your local public library Literary teachers: your high school English teacher Literary enthusiasts: your school might have a book club Book sellers: Amazon.com can offer recommendations, but also your local independent book store. The media: The New York Times Bestseller's List, NPR, Oprah's Book Club List Before you begin reading, it often helps to have some idea of what you will encounter within the book’s pages. Learn some background on the author of the book. Find out what other works they wrote and how their writing fits into conversation with the other literature of the era. You can also find useful context and helpful guidance in book reviews online. This step can help you formulate questions that you’d like to answer as you read the book. Before you read, jot down a series of basic questions and keep track of your answers. You can keep a separate notebook for your answers or you can mark your book copy in the margins with a pencil. Consider the following questions: Who is the book about? What happens to the main characters in the story? Where and when does the book take place? How does the author tell this story? Is it written from one perspective, or several? Is it told by an omniscient (or all-knowing) narrator? Or is it told by the characters themselves? You may encounter difficulty with your work, and you do not necessarily have to go it alone. There are many guides available that can offer summaries, character profiles, commentary, and more. Resources include: https://www.sparknotes.com/ https://www.cliffsnotes.com/", "The protagonists are the heroes of the book, and the antagonists are their rivals. A famous example is Sherlock Holmes, the protagonist and his antagonist, Professor Moriarty. These may be the most important characters, but even minor supporting characters can help reveal important details about the actions of the main character. Watson, for example, is a key side character who helps the author convey important information about Sherlock’s character traits, personality, strengths, and weaknesses. Learn the relationships between characters as well as the character names, since names are occasionally symbolic. Note if and how the characters change over the course of the book. Point of view is about answering the question, “Whose voice tells this story?” It is important because you will only be able to read what the narrator of the story knows and tells you. It could be that of a third-person narrator who is outside of the story or it could be the first-person voice of the main character. If the perspective is third person, determine if it is omniscient (all-knowing) or limited (there are things the narrator does not seem to know). Identifying the perspective can also serve as a springboard for studying the narrator. For example, does the narrator seem trustworthy or unreliable? Is there anything the narrator doesn’t seem to know? Answering these questions for yourself can help you to delve deeper into the text. Second-person voice is rare in fictional literature. It uses the pronoun “you.” On example is the 2017 book Montpelier Parade by Karl Geary in which the adult writer speaks to a youthful self. There are five parts to a plot, or storyline, including: exposition (beginning), rising action (things start to happen), climax (the crisis comes to a head), falling action (the consequences of the climax) and resolution (ending). For example, in Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games (2008), the plot follows 16-year old Katniss, who lives in a dystopian future land that used to be America, through her selection and preparation for the games. The crisis occurs when Katniss decides that she and her friend, Peeta, will not turn against one another, thus undermining the rules of the games and challenging the social and political order. The aftermath shows us how the repercussions play out, and the resolution is left open-ended, as Collins wrote the book as the first in a series. To focus your attention on the plot, ask yourself “what happens in this story?” The setting of a story includes both the place and time in which it takes place. Pay attention to the author’s descriptions of sights, sounds, smells, colors, etc. These rich descriptions are key. Often the setting itself can end up acting almost like a character, impacting the plot and shaping the main character’s struggles. One classic example of this is Mark Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885). The Mississippi River is a key component to Huck’s adventures and the story could not take place without it. Reflect on when and where the book was written. Think about who the author was and what position they held in society at the time. What voice and perspective did the author bring to their work? What is the significance of these details for the characters and the plot in the book? When Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852), she was commenting on the crisis of slavery in the U.S. from an abolitionist perspective at the time. Thinking about the context in which the book was imagined and written can help you understand why the author might have made certain choices in their work.", "Literary critics argue that there are a limited number of plot archetypes, or forms, that you can use to describe most plots. Even if you think your book does not conform to one of these, you can draw upon these descriptions to think about how the storyline develops. They include: A rags to riches plot is one in which the protagonist’s fortune improves steadily, ending on a high note. A riches to rags storyline is one in which the main character’s fortune changes from good to bad. An Icarus storyline is characterized by a rise in the protagonist’s fortune, followed by a fall. In an Oedipus plot, the main character experiences a fall, a rise, and then a second fall. In a Cinderella plot, the protagonist goes through a rise, followed by a fall, and then rises again in the end. The man in a hole storyline follows the main character as they experience a fall first, and then a rise. Tone is the mood or attitude that the author conveys through their writing. The tone may be solemn, suspenseful, humorous, or sarcastic, among others. J.D. Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye (1951) takes a sarcastic tone in this coming-of-age story. Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird (1960) conveys a solemn tone as it deals with troubling social issues. Certain tones tend to go with certain genres of writing. Thrillers, for example, cultivate a tone of suspense and fear as a matter of course. How the author describes scenes in the story are important for conveying the tone, mood, and other underlying messages. These details are the author’s way of putting the reader in the character’s shoes, but they can also carry deeper meanings. For example, in describing Harry's bedroom under the stairs, J. K. Rowling tells her readers in book 1 of the Harry Potter series that spiders were Harry’s constant companions. This description not only gives the reader a window into what Harry’s life has been like, it also foreshadows his encounters with spiders later on, in book two. Watch for small details, images, or phrases that continually come up over the course of the book. This type of repetition is also known as a motif, and it can give you clues about the tone and theme of the text. For example, Kurt Vonnegut’s Slaughterhouse Five includes repetition of the phrase “so it goes.” Look for metaphors, like “time is an arrow,” or similes “my dream has dried up like a raisin in the sun.” Allegory is a form of storytelling in which the entire story is a metaphor for something else entirely. L. Frank Baum’s The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1990), for example, is often read as a political allegory in about 19th century farmers in the American west who had been hurt by the decision to tie U.S. currency to the gold standard, rather than silver. Clues to this reading are buried in the novel’s language, as the Dorothy wears silver shoes (the ruby slippers were an addition in the film version) and “Oz” is the abbreviation for ounce, oz., the unit of measurement for gold and silver. Authors often use words in ways that have more than one meaning, look for hints by circling recurring words, names, phrases, metaphors an similes to see if a larger pattern emerges. A symbol is any story element that stands for an abstract idea. Such an element can be an object, a place, a character, or any other concrete or tangible expression. Seasons, for example, are common symbols used to represent the passing of one's life, with spring indicating childhood and coming of age, summer representing the prime of one's life, autumn indicating maturity and growing old, and winter representing the process of dying. Look for recurring mentions of something throughout the book to help you identify symbols. Pay attention to elaborate descriptions, these may flag that the author is using a symbol. Reflect on what these symbols, together, might mean in the context of the book’s larger purpose. A theme is a fundamental idea addressed in a work of literature. This is the deepest layer of the work and its meaning. Themes are usually topics explored and fleshed out throughout multiple works of literature written by multiple writers, giving the theme universal appeal. The idea that humans are either essentially good or essentially evil, for example, is a theme explored by many authors at different places and times. William Golding’s 1954 novel, The Lord of the Flies conveys the idea that, if left to its own devices, humanity would devolve into violence and chaos. By identifying the theme of the book, you can arrive at the fundamental point the author set out to make in writing the story. Reflect on whether you agree with the author’s take on the theme or not. After all, you can appreciate good literature without agreeing with it!" ], "summary": [ "Choose your book. Do some simple background research online. Take notes. Find your guides.", "Study the characters. Determine the point of view. Identify the plot. Understand the setting. Put the book in context.", "Dissect the plot. Identify the tone. Pay attention to imagery. Look for patterns and repetition. Examine figurative language. Explore symbolism. Identify themes." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Assuming the Correct Position", "Intensifying the Exercise", "Performing the Movement" ], "document": [ "Start the exercise by lying down, extending your legs, and pointing your toes upward to form a straight line with your body. Relax your shoulders and neck and find a comfortable position. Use a yoga mat, a towel, or work on a carpeted or padded floor to make the exercise more comfortable. Interlace or stack your fingers and place them behind your neck to help support your head during the exercise. Your hands should rest comfortably behind your neck and shouldn’t pull on your head. Don’t round your neck and spine. If you have shoulder flexibility or mobility issues, you can place your fingertips on the sides of your head. Keep your legs together and extend them so they’re straight. You can bend your knees slightly if your flexibility doesn’t allow you to keep them straight, but work to straighten your legs out over time. Try doing yoga to stretch your hamstrings to improve the flexibility of your legs. You can cross your ankles if it makes it more comfortable for you. Once you’re in a good position with your legs elevated, take a breath and brace your core for the movement by contracting and keeping it tight. Keep your back fully connected to the ground. There should not be any space between your lower back and the ground.", "To really challenge yourself with a difficult routine, do 3 sets of 15 vertical leg crunches, with a brief pause in between sets to keep your muscles working. The shorter the rest period in between sets, the more difficult of a challenge the workout is for your core. Add other abdominal exercises to this routine to make the workout even more intense. Use good technique throughout the whole workout; don’t let your form break down as you get tired. Take a rest if you need to, then return to the movement using good technique. Instead of supporting your head with your hands, extend your arms and reach toward your toes when you perform the crunch. Reach as far as you can and hold at the top of the movement for 2 seconds before you slowly lower back down to the ground. Reach as far as you can without rounding your shoulders and upper back. To really ramp up the difficulty of the vertical leg crunch, hold a rounded weight plate against your chest or behind your head when you perform the movement. Use good form and hold at the top of the movement for 2 seconds before you lower back down with control.", "Engage your abdominal muscles to raise your upper body off of the ground, stretching toward your feet. Imagine lifting your chest to the sky so you don’t round your shoulders and spine. Exhale as you contract your abdominal muscles and raise your shoulders. Stop moving upwards when you feel your shoulders start to hunch forward, and hold the crunch for 2 seconds to fully engage your core. Keep your elevated and be careful not to pull on your neck or extend your chin to avoid straining your neck. Keep your legs straight and pointed upward and keep them from moving while you hold the crunch. After 2 seconds, slowly return back down to the starting position with control, keeping your abdominal muscles contracted. Imagine lowering back down one vertebra at a time in a smooth and fluid motion. Try to keep your legs from moving or swaying while you lower your shoulders back to the ground. Do not slam on the ground or fall backward or you could injure yourself. Keep your legs elevated in the starting position after you’ve lowered back down to the grown. To get a good abdominal workout using vertical leg crunches, you need to do at least 12 reps. Remember to exhale as you crunch and take a breath when you return to the starting position. It’s okay to take a break and lower your legs before finishing up your reps." ], "summary": [ "Lie flat on your back on the ground. Fold your hands and place them behind your neck. Raise both of your legs so they’re perpendicular to the ground. Contract your core to prepare for the movement.", "Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions. Extend your arms to increase the difficulty. Hold a weight on your chest or behind your head.", "Curl your upper body to lift your shoulders off of the ground. Hold the position for 2 seconds. Lower your upper body slowly. Repeat the movement for 12 to 16 repetitions." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Consider Your Interests and Knowledge", "Consider Your Audience", "Consider Your Objectives" ], "document": [ "If you pick something that you're passionate about, then your audience will be able to see and feel your passion. This will also make you much more excited to generate ideas for the speech and to deliver the speech. If you only have a limited amount of options and can't pick anything you're truly passionate about, you should at least pick something that you like or are interested in to make it easier and more enjoyable for you to write and deliver the speech. If you're giving a speech at a professional conference, then it's logical that you would pick a topic that you're an expert on so you can give credibility to your speech. But even if you're not delivering a speech in a professional setting or on a particularly complicated topic, you should still pick something you know a lot about, whether it's baseball or your neighborhood. You can even start by making a list of the things you're knowledgeable about, whether it's your family, career, politics, gardening, pets, or travel. You don't have to know every single thing about a topic to deliver a great speech. You can pick something that you're knowledgeable about, and can supplement that job with some careful research. If you're picking a subject you're knowledgeable about but know you'll need to research further, make sure the topic is easy to research. If you pick something fairly obscure, then it may be difficult to find more information about it. It could have to do with literature, movies, sports, foreign languages, or even gender relations. Whatever it is, you may even be able to find a theme that carries through a variety of categories, such as \"loss of innocence.\" Make a list of all of your hobbies and interests and see what would make for an engaging speech topic. You may find a large overlap between the things you're interested in and the things you know. If there has been a topic that has been in the news again and again, you can use it as an occasion for a speech. It may be something controversial like gay marriage or gun control, but if the occasion is appropriate, you can give a speech about this current event, offering a nuanced perspective of the situation. Read through popular national and local papers, listen to the radio, and watch the news to see what people are talking about and how the public is reacting to these events. You can also pick something that is particularly timely for your community. If there has been controversy over a new policy regarding public schools in your neighborhood, you could use it as an occasion for a speech. You can pick something that is timely for your audience. If you're addressing high school seniors, you can talk about the next stage of life after graduation, and can bring in any relevant current information from the news. If the occasion calls for it, you can give a speech about something personal in your life. It could relate to your experiences with your parents, siblings, or friends, to a personal struggle, or a formative episode in your life. Just make sure the information isn't so personal that it makes the audience uncomfortable, or that the subject is so close to you that you can't talk about it without getting emotional. Remember that you can add personal information to a topic that doesn't feel so personal; you can discuss an aspect of your career, for example, while throwing in a personal anecdote. You should be able to deliver a speech about the topic with clarity and conviction. This means that you should feel strongly enough about the topic to inform, persuade, or entertain your audience. It also means that your audience should trust you as an authority on the subject; if you're an only child, you should avoid giving a speech on the importance of having a sibling; if you haven't entered college yet, it may be difficult for you to give a speech on the importance of choosing a major. Whatever the topic, you should be able to connect with your audience through the speech. At the end or even during the speech, a little light bulb should go off in your audience's heads, and they should reach a new understanding of your topic. If you don't have the ability to truly connect with your audience about this topic, then pick another one.", "If you want to connect to your audience, then you should consider its knowledge before you select a topic. If you're giving a speech to a group of aspiring writers, then you can comfortably reference other writers and literary terms; if you're speaking to a group that knows very little about writing, be careful when you make more obscure literary references. If you're speaking to a group that is knowledgeable about a topic, then you don't have to waste their time by discussing the most basic aspects of that topic. If you're speaking at a conference for young professionals, you can use more complicated terms and elaborate phrases, but if you're delivering a speech to middle school students, you'll have to change your terms and phrasing to connect to your audience. You don't want to lose your audience by speaking about something that is completely over their heads, or by delivering content in such a basic way that it sounds condescending. What would your audience need to know, and what would interest your audience? Put yourself in your audience's shoes and make a list of all of the things the audience would care about; an audience of teenagers would care about very different things from an audience of middle-aged adults. Imagine yourself as one of the audience members. If they're teenagers, pretend you're a teenager. Try seeing your topic choice from their perspective. If it bores or overwhelms you, then it won't be the right choice. Knowing the age, gender, and race of the members in your audience can help influence your topic. If most of your audience is over the age of 65, then you probably wouldn't talk about current fashion trends on the runway; if most of your audience is under the age of 20, then you wouldn't talk about saving for retirement. If there are many more males than females in your audience, for example, then it may be best to pick a gender neutral or male-geared topic. Knowing the race of your audience can help pick a topic. If you have a diverse audience, then something about race relations or diversity can interest your audience, but if you're talking about diversity, interracial marriage, or discrimination against one specific race of people that is not in the audience to an audience that is predominantly of one race, then your discussion may fall flat. You should also consider where your audience is from. A certain topic may be more interesting to a person from California than a person from Idaho and vice versa. If you're giving a speech to friends or family, then you can be more personal than you would if you were giving a speech to an audience of strangers. If you're giving a speech to your employees, your tone would be different than it would be if you were giving a speech to your superiors. Adjust the tone and content of your speech accordingly.", "The occasion for the speech can go a long way in helping you determine the topic. Your speech topic will vary depending on whether the occasion is celebratory, just plain fun, solemn, or professional. Here are a few ways that the occasion can help influence your speech topic: If the occasion is solemn, such as a funeral or memorial service, then your topic should be serious and relevant to the occasion. If the occasion is fun, such as a toast at a bachelor party, then it's time to bring out the fun anecdotes and stories and to make people laugh -- not to share your passion for coin collecting. If the occasion is celebratory, like a wedding, then you need to provide some light-hearted humor as well as some serious and sentimental points. If the occasion is professional, then you need to stick to a professional topic, such as website design, and not focus on your personal experiences. Your purpose is related to the occasion and is the goal you want to achieve through your speech. Your purpose can be to inform, persuade, or just to entertain your audience. A speech can have a variety of purposes, but it's important to be acquainted with the most common purposes: To inform. To inform your audience, you'll need to provide relevant facts and details about a subject that reveals information that allows your audience to see an ordinary subject in a more complicated light, or to learn about a completely foreign subject. To persuade. To persuade your audience, you'll need to use rhetorical techniques, metaphors, and convincing evidence from experts to show them that they should do something, whether it's to elect you for office, recycle more, or take the time to volunteer in their communities. To entertain. To entertain your audience, you'll need to draw on personal or anecdotal examples, tell funny stories, show off your wit, and make your audience crack up, even if you're communicating an underlying serious message. To celebrate. If you're celebrating a specific person or event, you'll need to show your audience what makes that person or thing so special, and to garner enthusiasm for your subject. If you want to select a topic that suits your purpose and is relevant to the occasion, then you should eliminate a variety of topics before you even start brainstorming ideas. This will make it easier for you not to offend or just bore your audience as you move forward with your ideas. Here are a few things to consider as you cross those potential topics off your list: Don't pick anything so complicated that it would be impossible to inform your audience. If you pick something so complex that it can't be explained in a short amount of time or without pages of charts or diagrams, then you will lose your audience. Don't pick something that's so simple that your audience could understand it in just a minute or two. If your topic is so basic that you'll only be repeating yourself after you've said just a few sentences, then you'll lose your audience's interests as well. You want to keep your audience members on their toes, not knowing what to expect next. Don't pick anything that's too controversial. Unless you're at a convention for controversial speeches, it's best to avoid topics that are too controversial, like abortion or gun control. Of course, if your goal is to persuade your audience to agree with one side of these issues, then you should go ahead with your speech, but know that you may lose many people before you begin. Don't pick anything that doesn't fit the mood of the audience. If it's a celebratory occasion, don't give a dry speech about irrigation; if it's a professional occasion, don't give an emotional speech about how much you love your mother." ], "summary": [ "Pick a topic that you're passionate about. Pick a topic that you're knowledgeable about. Pick something that relates to your interests. Choose something timely. Choose something that relates to your personal experience. Pick a topic that you have the ability to speak about.", "Consider the knowledge of your audience. Consider the level of education of your audience. Consider the needs and interests of your audience. Consider the demographics of your audience. Consider the audience's relationship to you.", "Consider the occasion. Consider your purpose. Know which topics to avoid." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Applying Katy Makeup", "Achieving Katy's Hair", "Finding Your Own Katy Style Clothes" ], "document": [ "Katy recently came out with her InstaGlam Makeup Collection by Covergirl. With several shades of foundation, concealer, lip color, and nail polish, there is bound to be something that suits your skin. Especially when choosing a foundation, pick a shade that makes your skin light and young, just like Katy’s makeup. Katy’s famous eyebrows are strong and full. Whether or not that look is for you, your brows still need to be on point. Using tweezers, gently remove any stray hairs. When you’re content with the shape, use an eyebrow pencil (for beginners) to gently stroke outwards into the shape of your brows. Use short strokes to keep a natural look. This will keep them looking full and soft yet defined. If you are a novice or expert, try using an angled brush with a powder instead of an eyebrow pencil. This gives you more control and allows you to better shape your brows. If you’re having trouble seeing your brow shape, try gently brushing your eyebrows directly upwards. This will help bring out their natural shape and allow you to fill them in easier. It’s no secret that Katy has thick and wild eyelashes. To help define your lashes, apply your mascara in small back-and-forth motions across the eye, while spinning the brush up and out. This helps coat your eyelashes evenly. Continue this all the way to the tips of your lashes for added length. If your lashes are particularly thin, angle the mascara brush upwards and apply your mascara. This helps apply a larger coat of mascara while keeping your lashes from clumping. Still not enough? Dust baby powder with a brush onto your lashes and then apply mascara. The microscopic flakes of powder will add dimension and thickness to your natural lashes. Katy often wears toned down eye makeup and big eyelashes finished with a bold lip. Experiment with greens, blues, reds, purples, and yellows. If you feel unsure about such bold colors, initially try a soft pink or coral lip. Remember, there are no rules to lip color. Another option is to try a colored gloss or stain instead of a lip stick. Gloss will often be less bold while a stain is great for lasting throughout the entire day. To maximize lip color, blend concealer onto your lips before applying lipstick. This gives your lipstick boldness and prevents it from bleeding off of your lips. Another option for staying-power and boldness is dust a layer of translucent powder atop your lips in between application. This keeps the lipstick from sliding around and retains the color.", "Katy is notorious for changing her hair color and style but eventually, she always returns to her comfort colour, black. If black is too dark for your skin tone, try a dark or medium brown. Keep highlights to a minimum and use gloss to maintain shine. If you feel comfortable, try cutting some bangs into your hair. Katy often has straight-across bangs. If this feels too bold for you, try side swept bangs instead, which can be easily blended into the rest of your hair. Since Katy is always changing her hair color, you may want to experiment too. However, constantly bleaching and coloring your hair is expensive and may cause some major damage. Pull a “Katy” and wear a wig instead. A wig can be a fun way to have colored hair for a day or even a week, without damaging your natural hair. Know what your wig is made of. You cannot use heat styling tools on a synthetic wig without damaging it. You may also not be able to use hair products on synthetic hair making it difficult to manipulate or blend to your natural hair. While Katy sometimes uses a single color, she often adds length, colored stripes or other textures to her hair. Again, constant coloring and bleaching can really damage your natural hair. Purchase some inexpensive clip-in extensions for a fast way to change your look. Be creative and experiment with bold colors, feathers, or lengthening extensions.", "Katy is always pairing different textures and fabrics together. Emulate her style by incorporating sparkly leggings and a leather dress with patent shoes. The varied textures allows your outfit to become multi-dimensional. Add texture by wearing nylons with your shorts or skirt instead of leggings. Nylons are an inexpensive way to add variety to your outfits. If you’re a heel person, stick to platforms. Katy loves platform shoes and they not only make a bold statement but are often more comfortable than regular footwear.. If you feel heels are too old for you or just aren’t your style, watch for flats in bright colors or wacky accents such as pictures or feathers. Don’t limit yourself to ballet flats. Watch for sandals, slip ons, or slippers. Katy Perry is often seen in a pin-up, retro style. Visit your local second hand stores and look for lace, A-line waists and puffy skirts. If it looks glam or over the top, it works. Are you less girly? Don’t worry. Retro doesn’t have to mean lace and fluff. Think about high waisted pants or jeans if you’re style favors low maintenance. Another option is khaki green, military-style pants paired with a bold lip. Katy is often seen in either retro or geeky frames. Depending on your daily outfit, try adding some glasses to finish off your look. If you’re going retro, look for white or bold colored glasses in a cat eye shape. When wearing a nerdy look, pick some square and plastic frames in a black or brown color." ], "summary": [ "Explore Katy’s makeup line. Strengthen your brows. Plump up your lashes. Add a pop of color to the lips.", "Use a dark base color. Pick out some wigs. Try hair extensions.", "Keep yourself open to new textures. Wear wild shoes. Think retro. Add some glasses." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Training Yourself to Stop Swearing", "Changing Your Speech Patterns", "Changing Your Attitude" ], "document": [ "Sharing a difficult experience or task with a friend or partner will make the whole experience more tolerable, even enjoyable. Enlisting a friend to help you in your endeavor to stop swearing can work in one of two ways: You can either rope in a friend who also has a swearing problem and work towards cutting out the bad language together, or you can ask a clean-mouthed comrade to monitor your language and give you a gentle reminder whenever you slip up. Either way, having someone to hold you accountable for your swearing slip-ups will force you to stick to your guns and kick this bad habit once and for all. Everyone has their own individual triggers which set them off, leading to the intense desire to swear. For some people it's traffic, for others it's the queue at the grocery store and for others still, it's when yet another character dies on \"Game of Thrones\". If you can pinpoint what your exact triggers are, you may be able to avoid them - by leaving work 30 minutes later to avoid rush hour, by shopping online, or by watching reruns of \"Friends\" instead. Remove yourself from any situations which cause negative emotions to rise and you'll be better able to control what comes out of your mouth. The swear jar is a tried-and-tested method which has helped many people to kick their swearing habit. It usually involves taking a large jar or money box (something you can't easily break into) to which you will add a dollar (or some other arbitrary amount of money) every time you utter a swear word. You can view the swear jar in two ways, as a punishment or as a delayed reward: It's a punishment because you have to say goodbye to a dollar every time you slip up. But it's also a reward, because once the jar is full (or you've successfully stopped swearing - whichever comes first) you get to spend the money on whatever you like - whether you want to buy yourself some new threads, or donate the money to charity. Keeping the swear jar in your office is a good idea if you have roped several people into giving up swearing. Everyone will hold each other accountable and make sure that nobody tries to sneakily avoid sacrificing their dollar. Once the jar is full, you can celebrate by buying a new coffee machine for your entire floor. This method is the human equivalent of putting an electric shock collar on a dog to eliminate bad behaviors - unsavory but effective. Basically, all you need to do is wear a rubber band or a hair tie around your wrist and give it a firm snap every time you catch yourself swearing. The thinking behind this is that your brain will come to associate swearing with pain and, over time, will cause you to mentally shy away from using bad words. If you're really serious about this method, you could give permission to a friend (preferably one prone to a little schadenfreude) to snap the band for you. Just try to remember that you agreed to it. Another way to train yourself to bite your tongue whenever you feel a swear word coming on is to imagine that someone is listening. All the time. It could be your grandmother, your boss or your innocent little son or daughter, just as long as it's someone you'd be ashamed to swear in front of. Whenever you swear, visualize them standing beside you with a shocked or horrified expression on their face. That should help deter you. Many people's swearing habits, especially those of teenagers, are influenced by the explicit content of much of their favorite music, movies or T.V. shows. If you feel like this is the case, and you're swearing to sound like your favorite rapper, you may need a reality check to remind yourself that this is not how people speak in the real world. Try switching your radio station to squeaky-clean pop music, or at least download the clean versions of your favorite songs instead.", "An isolated swear word here and there can be forgiven - but if you find yourself swearing constantly, unable to go more than a sentence or two without throwing in an expletive, that's when you know you have a problem. The first step in training yourself to stop swearing is to become aware of when you do it. Do you only curse around certain people or in specific situations? Is there a particular swear word that you use all the time? Try to identify why you curse and the role that swear words play in your speech patterns. Once you begin paying attention to your swearing habits, you may be shocked by how much you rely on swearing to express yourself. Don't be too dismayed by it though, recognizing how often you curse is the first step towards fixing the problem. Once you start paying attention to your own cursing habits, you will start to pick up on other people's, without even realizing it. This is also a good thing, as you will realize how unpleasant swearing sounds and what a negative impression it gives off. Once you have identified your major swearing habits, you can set about eliminating swear words from your casual speech. This is when you curse for no real reason - you're not angry, it didn't just slip out - you are just using the curse word as a figure of speech. You can correct this problem by replacing the curse word with a harmless substitute, perhaps something beginning with the same letter or with a similar sound, which doesn't cause offense. For example, try replacing \"sh**\" with \"sugar\", \"turd\", \"shoot\" or \"sheep\" or \"f***\" with \"duck\", or \"fudge\". You'll feel silly saying these words at first, but you'll get used to it after a while. Using such meaningless words may even eliminate your need to express yourself negatively at all. Even if you slip up and say the forbidden curse word, follow it immediately with your chosen alternative. Over time, your brain will come to associate the two and you will be able to actively choose one over the other. . Swear words are often used \"for want of a better word.\" The problem with this excuse is that there are plenty of better words out there, any of which will allow you to express yourself much more eloquently and succinctly than a curse word ever will. By expanding your vocabulary and replacing your most commonly used swear words with an array of alternative options, you will come across as being more intelligent, pleasant and laid-back than ever before. Make a list of your favorite swear words, then use a dictionary or thesaurus to come up with a range of alternative options. For example, instead of using the word \"B.S.\" morning, noon and night, try replacing it with infinitely more descriptive and humorous words such as balderdash, hogwash, drivel and baloney. You can also expand your vocabulary by reading more books and newspapers. Jot down any descriptive words that tickle your fancy and make an effort to use them in a sentence. Also make an effort to really listen to other people and make a mental note of the words and phrases that they use to express themselves, rather than resorting to swearing.", "Swearing is used in a lot of different contexts - you might swear when you are angry or frustrated, when you are trying to emphasize a point or when you are trying to be funny. Swearing is an unpleasant habit for a variety of reasons. It gives the impression of stupidity or a lack of education, even if this is not the case. It can be intimidating or viewed as a form of bullying if directed at another person. It can also be extremely offensive or off-putting to listeners, thus limiting your job prospects or ruining your potential for romantic engagements. Your swearing habit may have developed as a child, if you were exposed to bad language in your family home. Or it might have started as a teenager, when you used curse words to look cool in front of your friends. Whatever the reason, there's no point in looking back and blaming people. The most important thing is that you recognize that you have a problem and commit to working through it. . Positive thinking is essential to giving up swearing. This is because people are generally much more inclined to swear when they are complaining about something, in a bad mood or just being negative in general. By thinking positively, you are removing the need to swear altogether. Admittedly, learning how to think positively can be difficult. If you find yourself leaning towards negative thoughts or emotions; just stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself \"does it really matter?\" For example, ask yourself \"does it really matter if I'm a few minutes late for my meeting?\" or \"does it really matter if I can't find the remote control and have to switch the channels on the television set instead?\" Putting a situation into the right perspective can help you to calm down and overcome negative emotions. In addition, you will need to think positively about your ability to stop swearing. If you have a negative outlook and have doubts about your ability to succeed, you are setting yourself up for failure from the get-go. Remind yourself that if people can give up smoking or lose hundreds of pounds of weight through dieting, you will definitely be able to give up swearing! Swearing is habit that you've probably picked up over a number of years and which you've come to rely on as part of your daily speech. Like any ingrained habit, it will be impossible to stop doing it overnight. Training yourself to stop swearing is a process, you'll have good days and bad days, but it's important to keep at it. Remind yourself why you're doing it and visualize how good you'll feel when you've finally kicked the habit. Really think about why you want to stop swearing. Maybe you're afraid of giving off the wrong impression at a new job or you don't want to set a bad example for your kids. Use this as motivation to keep trying. Whatever you do, don't give up. Exercise your self-control and remind yourself that you can do anything you set your mind to!" ], "summary": [ "Enlist the help of a friend. Identify your triggers and learn to avoid them. Use a swear jar. Ping your wrist with a rubber band. Pretend your grandmother is always within earshot. Avoid explicit music and other swear-happy media.", "Pay attention to your swearing habits. Replace swear words with harmless substitutes. Expand your vocabulary", "Convince yourself that swearing is a negative thing. Practice positive thinking Be patient with yourself." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Gaining Confidence in Yourself", "Becoming Emotionally Independent", "Taking Charge of Your Finances" ], "document": [ "A key component in being an independent woman is being confident with who you are. Part of that entails being true to yourself. Don't try to be a mirror image of other women. Figure out your own strengths and interests and focus on those. Don't fall victim to bad fashion trends. Looking your best will help you feel your best. Dress in a style that is flattering and makes you feel comfortable and confident. Avoid the pressure to conform to your gender. Many women feel certain pressures to look and act in certain ways simply because they are female, but you don't have to if you don't do or be anything considered \"feminine\" if you don't wan to. You do not have to wear make-up or dress a certain way. Likewise, you do not have to like stereotypical female activities such as shopping or romantic movies. Maybe there is a specific fear that keeps you from being independent. Perhaps you are nervous about living alone or have general anxiety issues. You are not alone, and there are steps you can take to overcome your fears. Try exposure therapy. Exposing yourself to your fears in small doses has proven very effective. For example, if you suffer anxiety when meeting new people, ask a friend to go with you to a new social event. Gradually work up the nerve to attend by yourself. Seek professional help. If your anxieties are keeping you from becoming independent or achieving another goal, try seeing a mental health professional. Counseling can help reduce anxiety. Being independent means being in control of your choices, but it doesn't mean you can't rely on others. Women form strong bonds with friends and family members. Don't be afraid to ask for and accept help when you need it. Be specific when asking for help. Be honest about what you need, and allow someone give you assistance. A positive attitude will help you come across to others as a confident woman. It will also help you feel good about yourself, and give you the strength you need to be independent. Avoid negative thoughts. Instead, take time to compliment yourself each day. You are the only one who can truly change your life. Acknowledge that you are responsible for your own choices. Once you realize that you are in control, you will feel more confident. This will lead to increased independence.", "Being independent means being in charge of your own life and making your own decisions. In order to do that successfully, you need to understand who you really are. Knowing and loving yourself is the first step towards being capable of independence. Pay attention to your moods. Your emotions are important factors in how you make decisions, so monitor them. Be aware of what makes you happy and what is unsatisfying. Know how your environment affects you. Notice how you react in different settings or situations. Making important decisions on your own is a key component of being an independent woman. In order to feel confident doing this, use careful consideration when making big choices. Remember, the best way to make a big decision is to balance what your heart wants with what your mind thinks is best. Make a list of the risks and rewards involved. When examining the list of all potential rewards against the risks, decide if the odds are in your favor or against you. Don't be afraid to ask for advice. You're still the one making the decision, even if you listen to input from someone you trust. Consider how you would feel if your decision were broadcast on the nightly news. Is this a decision you would be proud of? Does the decision compromise your values, character, or integrity? You may have to make an unpopular decision, but do what you feel is right an in line with these things. Being an independent woman means being able to care for yourself emotionally. Learn to acknowledge your emotions. Be kind to yourself during times of stress or unhappiness. You deserve your own patience. This will be different for everyone, so find something small that you can do to calm yourself if you need to. If you're at work, try stepping back and taking a minute for yourself. Go to the restroom and splash some cool water on your face. Or log out of your e-mail for a minute and text a friend. Pets are great for helping you soothe yourself. If you have a cat, pet him. This will help you deal with your stress. Learning to enjoy your own company is a big part of being independent. You don't always have to depend on others in order to enjoy an activity. To get used to your own company, practice spending time by yourself – on purpose. Go to a movie by yourself. You won't have to worry about anyone talking during the previews or hogging the popcorn. Dine alone. Going to a restaurant by yourself can be intimidating. But you might find that it is very enjoyable. You get to choose the time and place, without having to worry about another person's appetite. If you fear you might be bored, take a book or magazine with you. Being in a codependent relationship can greatly detract from your ability to be independent. Evaluate all of your relationships (personal, romantic, professional) and make sure that there is a give and take in each relationship. Make sure your needs are being met in each of your relationships. Try being more assertive in your relationships. Speak up if you feel that you are not being valued. Try to make more time for yourself and do some of the things you love, even when your partner has no interest in those things. This will allow you to balance being independent in your relationship with the time spent together.", ". Financial independence is an important part of being an independent woman. The first step to successfully manage your money is to figure out how much you are spending each month. Keep track of your spending for at least two months to get a clear idea of your output. Keep track of minor expenses as well as major ones. Chart how much you spend on rent, credit card payments, food, and transportation. You'll also want to note how much you spend on entertainment and socializing. Try using an app or an online banking system to make tracking your finances easy and accurate. Figure out why it is so important to you to become independent. Do you want to own your own home? Be secure as you head into retirement? Write down whatever your financial priorities are. Visualizing your motivation will help you find the enthusiasm to start a steady financial regimen. Allocate yourself a certain amount of money to spend in each area of your life. For example, factor it in if you know you like to see a movie once a week. Figure out a comfortable amount of money to both spend and save each week or month. Build some flexibility into your budget. This way you won't find yourself completely derailed if gas prices go up or your cat needs to make a trip to the vet. In order to be truly financially independent, you need to do some research and planning. Learn about investment and savings opportunities. If you feel it would help, seek the help of a professional financial planner or advisor. Women typically make less money than men for doing the same job. Evaluate your professional value and determine whether it is an appropriate time to ask for a raise. There is a good chance you deserve one. Make a plan. Schedule a meeting with your boss to discuss your career goals and compensation. Be very clear about what you are asking for. Be open to negotiations. Remain calm and confident during the meeting." ], "summary": [ "Be yourself. Face your fears. Accept help. Think positively. Take responsibility for yourself.", "Get to know yourself. Make your own choices. Learn to self-soothe. Be comfortable by yourself. Create positive relationships.", "Track your spending Find motivation. Make a budget. Learn about investing. Increase your income." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Setting Up the Tank", "Introducing Your Betta", "Choosing a Tank and Accessories" ], "document": [ "Choose a spot that is near a window, but not exposed to direct sunlight. Be sure to set the tank on a very sturdy surface so that it isn't likely to topple. Finally, if you have other pets, you may want to consider placing the betta in a room they don't have access to. You may want to get an aquarium stand designed to hold the weight of the tank you have chosen. Allow five inches between the aquarium and the wall to accommodate the filter and heater. Different types of filters require different installation methods. Check the manufacturer's instructions for the filter you purchased and make sure it is installed properly. If you have an external power filter, set it up on the back of the tank. Your tank lid may have come with a cut-out to make installation easier. Wait until the tank is filled with water before turning it on. If you have an undergravel filter, put the filter plate in first and make sure the tubes are correctly fitted. Don't turn it on until the tank has been filled with water. Rinse it thoroughly under cool running water (no soap!) to remove all traces of dust, which can clog the filter and cause the water to be cloudy. Pile one to three inches of substrate into the tank. Slope it gently toward the back of the tank. Place a clean plate on top of the gravel and begin pouring water on top of the plate to fill the tank. The plate will prevent you from displacing the substrate as you pour the water. Continue until the tank is one-third full. As you add water, check the tank for leaks. If you see a leak, it's important to repair it before you finish filling and stocking the tank. Remove the plate when you're finished adding water. For live plants, make sure the roots are properly buried beneath the surface of the substrate. Arrange the plants so that the taller plants are in the back of the tank and the shorter plants are near the front. This will give you a better view of your betta. Make sure all decorations are properly anchored in the gravel, so they won't come loose. After you finish filling your tank, it's best not to put your hands in the water again, so make sure you like the positioning of your plants and decorations. Fill the tank within an inch of the top with water, then plug in the filter and turn it on to make sure it works properly. Check to make sure the water is circulating, gently, smoothly and quietly. Adjust the settings if it seems to be moving too powerfully. Most heaters attach to the inside of the tank with suction cups. Position the heater near the mouth of the filter, to ensure that the water gets evenly heated. Plug in the heater and install the thermometer so you can begin monitoring the temperature. Adjust the heater so that the temperature rises to between 78 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. If you have a tank light, turn it on to see whether it affects the temperature of the tank. If the light seems to drastically affect the temperature, you'll need to get a better light before you introduce fish to the tank. Dechlorinator is essential, because it removes chlorine/chloramines and heavy metals from the water. It's necessary to add this if you filled your tank with tap water that contains chlorine. Add the amount of dechlorinator instructed for the amount of water in your tank. If you used bottled spring water, which does not contain chlorine, you may skip this step. You may also want to add a dose of SafeStart, which is a bacterial catalyst that will help promote a healthy environment in the tank. Doing a fishless cycle gives the tank time to build up a beneficial bacteria population for the aquarium nitrogen cycle. If you don't do a fishless cycle, your fish can be killed by high toxin levels in the water, so don't skip this step. See How to Do a Fishless Cyle to learn exactly how to cycle your tank to meet your betta's needs. You will need to use a water testing kit to monitor the water pH, ammonia and nitrate to make sure the levels are safe for your fish. The ideal pH is 7. Ammonia and nitrites should be at 0 and nitrates should be less than 20 ppm before you add fish. You may need to add ammonia remover to bring down the ammonia level.", "It's best not to actually bring a fish home until your tank is set up, cycled and ready to go. That way you'll be able to help the betta make the transition to its new home as soon as possible. Go to the pet store and choose a new betta to bring home. Remember, every betta needs its own tank; even females. Look for an active, healthy betta with a brightly-colored body and undamaged fins. If a betta seems to be floating aimlessly, it may be sick. Choose a one that swims strongly. Float the bag or cup in the tank for twenty minutes to an hour. Keep the bag closed and set the bagged betta into the tank so that the water inside the bag comes to the same temperature as the tank water. This will prevent the betta from getting a temperature shock when it enters the tank. After about one hour, it's time to release the fish. Open the bag and let the fish swim freely into the tank. From now on, care for the betta as follows: Feed the betta once or twice a day. Provide a varied diet of high-quality betta pellets, frozen & live foods. Freeze-dried foods are more likely to cause boating and it has little to no nutritional value, it should be used as an occasional bi-weekly treat or rightfully avoided. Do not overfeed, or your betta will become very bloated. If you have a tank that is 5 to 10 gallons (18.9 to 37.9 L), you will need to change out 25% percent of the water every week to maintain a healthy tank. To change the water, Use a gravel vacuum/siphon to suck debris up into a bucket until you have removed the correct amount of water. You do not need to remove your fish from the tank as you clean it. Dump the water out into the sink, bathtub, or shower and fill it up with clean water. Remember to condition it! Pour in the fresh water. Reintroduce your betta to the tank after the water has heated to the correct temperature. Your cleaning method will depend on the type and size of your chosen tank. Scrub the sides of the tank and any decorations that have collected waste and debris with an unused toothbrush. Use common sense to determine whether a thorough tank cleaning is needed; if the tank looks filthy, it's time to clean, no matter when you did it last. Monitor the pH, ammonia and nitrate levels as well, and perform partial water changes to lower the levels when necessary.", "You may see betta fish housed in tiny plastic bowls in stores, but bettas actually need more space to thrive. For a happy, healthy, and stress free betta, choose a glass or clear acrylic tank that holds at least 2.5 gallons of water, but 5 gallons or larger is highly recommended. Bettas can jump, so make sure the tank has a lid. A tank this size will give the betta plenty of room to swim, the water won't become contaminated as quickly as it would in a smaller tank, it can be heated safely, and the aquarium nitrogen cycle can be established. Any tank smaller than 2.5 gallons (9.5 L) is not suitable, even if it is only ½ gallon less. Bettas cannot live with other bettas. The idea of a female betta \"sorority\" has appeared on social media, but it is considered unethical and unnatural for your fish. Though it has been done, \"sororities\" should only be attempted by experienced owners. Your best bet is to house each betta separately, so you'll need a tank for each betta you want to own. This will provide your pet with a stress-free life. Bettas naturally live in large bodies of water with a gentle current. Their long, flowing fins make it difficult for them to fight stronger currents, so it's important to choose a filter that is labeled \"gentle\" or comes with adjustable settings. Choose a filter that is designed to fit with the tank size and type of you have chosen. If you have a stronger filter, it is possible to create current buffers using plants or a cut water bottle. A filter is necessary for bettas (and all aquarium fish) because they are essential for the nitrogen cycle to keep toxins from building up in the water. Bettas are a tropical species of fish, and they do best in water that stays between 78 and 82 degrees Fahrenheit. To be safe, get a thermometer to make sure the water is the correct temperature. If you have chosen to use a tank smaller than five gallons, it can be risky to use a water heater, as the tank can overheat. This is another good reason to get a sizable tank for your betta fish. It is an important part of the tank environment. Along with housing some beneficial bacteria, it creates a more naturalistic environment for your fish and is pleasing to your eyes. Choose fine gravel or sand rather than gravel made with larger pieces of rock. Food and waste can get caught among the larger rocks and create more ammonia. If you are using live plants in your tank, you will need two inches of substrate so the plants can root. If you are using fake plants (silk plants are often recommended over plastic, due to their softer edges) , one inch is sufficient. Choose substrate in natural colors like white, black, and brown to line your tank. Bright neon substrate like pink and orange will make the environment feel less natural your betta. Live plants help provide oxygen, remove nitrates, and provide a natural environment for your betta. Decorations are essential because they provide enrichment and hiding spots for your fish. If you want to include live plants, choose plants that grow well in the conditions of the tank, taking the light strength, temperature and substrate type into account. Remember that the gravel should be at least two inches deep to support live plants. Using real plants creates a more natural micro-ecosystem in the tank, with the plants filtering out waste for fertilizer and adding oxygen to the water as they \"breathe\". Anubias nana, java fern, and marimo balls are good beginner plants because they do not require fertilizer or carbon dioxide and do not need very much light. If you want to use fake plants, most people will recommend that they're silk and do not have sharp edges. Bettas' long, fragile fins can be injured when they swim near the plants. Choose other decorations to keep your betta happy. Structures that allow them to hide, such as caves or tunnels, are excellent choices for ensuring that your fish feels safe and secure in its home. Be sure that the decorations you choose do not have ANY sharp edges or rough surfaces that could snag your betta's fins. Use fine grit sandpaper or an emery board to smooth down troublesome spots." ], "summary": [ "Place the betta tank in a secure part of your home. Install the filter. Add substrate. Set up your plants and decorations. Finish filling the tank and start the filter. Install the heater on the inside of the tank. Add dechlorinator to the water. Cycle the tank without fish.", "Purchase a betta fish. Introduce the fish to the tank. Change the tank water when necessary. Clean the tank regularly.", "Pick a sizable tank for your betta. Provide a gentle filter. Get a water heater to regulate the tank temperature. Purchase substrate to line the bottom. Get plants and other decorations." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding the Pitfalls of Obsession", "Overcoming Obsession" ], "document": [ "Obsession also prevents your personal growth and individuation. It isn't possible to get all that you need in life from another human being and trying to do so will smother the other person and will leave you feeling dependent and helpless. These are all negative outcomes for both you and the person you're in the relationship with. You love a person because of who you are, not because of who they are. This person cannot fulfill the things that lack within you; only you can do that. Being in love is a choice, not something that is visited upon you as some sort of salvation. Love isn't an excuse or a distraction from the challenges you're facing in life. Love isn't a way to hide from the hard task of growing up, maturing and finding your own pathway in life. While you are obsessing over one person, it is possible that you are failing to see the limitations of the relationship and its use-by date. Meanwhile, the person who would actually be more compatible with you might walk right on by while you're enslaved to an obsessive, one-sided relationship. By not obsessing over any person in your life, you free yourself to know that the relationships you are in are right for you, and if not, to start extricating yourself and looking for healthier connections. The person you're with may have priorities in his or her life that you just don't understand. Becoming obsessed and hoping like crazy that your mere existence will be enough to change these priorities reveals a lack of understanding and suggests that you're in need of a reality check. People who change plans because of someone pushing them tend to end up really resenting that person. It may not show now but it will surface eventually, and it often happens when you're so deeply embedded that losing this person is like losing a part of yourself. It is better to be wise to the possibilities from the start rather than to fantasize, cajole and pressure this person into loving you. If you think this is the right person for you, remind yourself that they may not be in the same stage of the relationship as you are. Relax and be yourself instead of trying to make things happen faster. Adjust your pace. Not everyone falls in love at the same rate and if you turn the heat down a little, you will feel better and they just may miss you enough to make a deeper commitment.", "That way, you can give yourself some space so you can work through it. Until you admit you have a problem, you will have a hard time overcoming it. first and foremost. Do not mistake self-love for self-absorption; they are not related. Self-love is about respecting your own dignity and supporting it, recognizing and nourishing your own talents and caring for your own needs and wants. Having a sense of purpose that matches who you are is handy too, although it may take some people longer than others to truly work out who they are. In contrast, self-absorption is about placing your own needs and desires before anyone else's. Self-absorbed people may be desperate for others' approval and not have a great opinion about themselves. The more confused about who you are, the more you owe it to other people to not obsess over them and to draw clear lines in any relationship about how you are still \"finding yourself\". This isn't the same as not wanting to commit; that too is a form of hiding from reality. This is about telling the other person that you're still finding your way in life, that you sometimes feel confused and to let you know if you ever start trying to blur the boundaries by over-relying on the support, love and attention from this person instead of standing on your own two feet. Honesty will help both of you steer through the challenges ahead with open eyes. One of the signs of an obsessed partner is that he or she drops everything and only does what the partner does, only loves what the partner loves and only focuses on what the partner focuses on. A little of this is to be expected when first falling in love but not to such an extent that you replace your interests with those of your partner's. Find a good balance between taking part in your partner's interests out of curiosity, love or simply being affable, while still maintaining the things you love to do in life. Keep your usual hobbies and sports going. Ask your partner along sometime to see what you do but don't expect a \"forever commitment\" to your interests by your partner either. Start new interests as you continue to grow. Do not stifle your maturation because you fear that your partner won't like you changing or learning new things. A partner who feels this way is unhealthy to be around; all human beings grow and change over time, this is to be expected. Stay active with your passions. Your relationship is but one passion, not a complete replacement for the range of joys in life. Avoid making the excuse that your partner is everything to you and that you must always be with him or her at the expense of everyone else in your life. While the first few giddy months of a new relationship often contain an element of complete immersion in one another, it isn't good for this to continue for a long time. Make a dedicated effort to get back in touch with friends and family you've lost touch with, and get back into doing your community-spirited activities too. Even better, don't lose touch with anyone even at the beginning stages of the relationship; a good partner will see your commitment to others as part and parcel of who you are and respect it. If you have a partner who demands that you don't see others and that you do nothing else but spend time together, be very wary. This is a sign of a controlling person who may well be manipulating you into obsessing about him or her and not letting anybody else into your lives. You may even end up convincing yourself that you made this choice, when you were actually manipulated into it. Obsession squeezes the fun out of a relationship and turns everything into hard work, causing you to worry about every word and action, to feel jealous about anything and anyone that removes your partner from you. This person may, or may not be, your one true love. Realize that a \"one true love\" is an ideal and it sets you up for obsession through wanting it to be so. If you both work out, it'll be because you've enjoyed one another's company, found it really easy to spend time together and have not fallen apart when apart. If it doesn't work out, then no amount of obsessing would ever have glued back together an incompatible pairing. Avoid hogging their time, wall or scrolling feed. In particular, do not leave snarky or snivelling remarks about their whereabouts, about people they're engaging with online or about your hurt feelings. Everything you type in and save is there for good and the more you obsess in the online environment, the faster it becomes clear to more than just your partner that you have a boundary problem that just isn't healthy. Instead, give each other space online, keep the messages simple and sweet and leave the deep talk for face-to-face time. Quit the Facebook/Twitter stalking. Do you really need to know what your partner is up to all the time? Avoid spending too much time on social media. Find distractions, such as reading a good book and walking in nature. Consider your feelings when this person doesn't call, text or email you. If you're usually so crazy, angry or sad that you put off doing other things to wait and then end up making all sorts of excuses to explain this silence, it's probable that you're obsessed and that you're failing to get on with your life. Don't ever think the other person is sitting around thinking about you. The reality is that, even if you are an incredible person, your partner is probably wrapped up in getting on with their own life. If they feel interested in you, they will take the initiative to contact you. Since they are not doing that, it means they are busy or think you've already connected enough lately or have other things to be doing that don't need your hand-holding. None of these reasons are about you or about leaving you out––they're each about getting on with everyday life in a normal human way. Even if your partner fails to contact you because he or she doesn't much care or is doing suspicious things such as being unfaithful, this is not a reason to obsess. This is a reason to find a new partner! If you lack confidence, have low self-esteem, fear the future or are still dealing with the emotional outfall of a dysfunctional upbringing, seek appropriate help. If you don't seek healthy outlets and find ways of coping with the things that aren't sorted in your own head, there is a risk that you'll try to use your partner as a proxy for feeling better about yourself. Develop your self-esteem, deal with your feelings of loneliness, and learn to connect with other people outside of a romantic relationship. In this way, you are putting effort into building your sense of self worth rather than hoping to \"catch it\" from another person (it sure doesn't work like that!). If you feel you \"need\" a partner, use that a warning bell to take a good look at yourself. Nobody \"needs\" a partner; we all need healthy social relationships, supportive people and love but a partner is only one source of that. It is certainly something many people would like in their lives but neediness shouldn't be the motivation to become involved with someone. Love is a choice remember, not an imperative. Pick wisely. Realize that the irony is that the more you care about yourself and others, the more likely you are to attract someone who will love you deeply. Focusing on being the best person you can be and caring broadly for all people are attractive traits in any person. You cannot obsess another person into loving you more. The cliché \"if you love someone, let them go; if they love you, they will come back\" is never more relevant than when you feel a relationship is wavering. Make it clear that you love this person but that you are not going to put up with second-rate love, shenanigans, unkindness or any other negative behavior and actions. Tell your partner to get their act sorted without expecting your tolerance for misbehavior. If you're obsessive because of bad behavior--trying to \"love someone\" into loving you--it can be really hard to give such an ultimatum and to let go, which can lead you to cling to something that is plain unhealthy for you. You don't deserve incomplete love or a shadow of love; you deserve the entire commitment. So let go and see what happens. If complete love is not forthcoming, you too are free." ], "summary": [ "Be aware of the dangers of obsessing over another person. Search for authentic love. Be aware that obsession can close your opportunities. Remember that timing is important and everyone is different. Relax more.", "Admit to yourself that you have an obsession. Love yourself Warn people you care about if you're still working yourself out. Dedicate yourself to activities, pursuits and goals that match who you are. Keep seeing your friends, family and community. Enjoy your relationship more. Make your social media exchanges pleasant and brief. Avoid sitting around waiting for your partner to make your date happen. Improve what is missing inside. Move on if you're not feeling the love." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Helping Them Sober Up", "Making Sure They Sleep It off Safely", "Checking That They’re Safe" ], "document": [ "If they’re already really drunk, consuming additional alcohol puts them in danger of alcohol poisoning. Continuing to drink will also further impair their judgment and could cause them to injure themselves or others. Try to be direct and refuse to give them any more alcohol. Tell them something like, “Listen, I think you’ve had too much, and I’m a little worried. I can’t give you any more.” To avoid conflict with a belligerent drunk person, try distracting them with a non-alcoholic drink or by putting on a song or movie that they like. If you can’t get the person to listen to you, try to have someone close to them talk them out of drinking any more alcohol. If you’re unable to get them to listen to you, and you’re worried they may become violent or could injure themselves or others, call the police. Water will help dilute the concentration of alcohol in their bloodstream and help them sober up quicker. Alcohol also dehydrates the body, so giving them water will help them feel better the next day as well. Have them drink a full glass of water before they lie down. Give them sports beverages like Gatorade to replace the sodium and electrolytes that their body may have depleted while drinking. Fatty foods like cheeseburgers and pizza can help dull the effects of alcohol and slow down the absorption from the stomach into the bloodstream. Eating does not reduce the amount of alcohol in their bloodstream, but it can help make them feel better and reduce further absorption. Be sure not to give them so much food that they overeat and vomit. A cheeseburger and some fries are fine but don’t let them wolf down a whole pizza and 3 burgers or they’re much more likely to vomit. If they don’t have a huge appetite, try salty snacks like peanuts or pretzels. It’s often been said that drinking a cup of coffee will help sober somebody up. However, while a cup of joe will make them more awake, it doesn’t lower the amount of alcohol in their bloodstream. Additionally, the caffeine in the coffee can dehydrate them, which can slow down their body’s ability to process the alcohol and increase the negative effects of a hangover. Black coffee can irritate their stomachs and cause them to vomit if they’re not used to drinking it. Forced vomiting won’t reduce the alcohol that is in their bloodstream, so all it will do is lower their fluid levels and cause them to be further dehydrated. If they’re dehydrated, it will take longer for their body to process and filter the alcohol out of their system. If they feel the need to vomit, then stay with them so they don’t fall and hurt themselves. Vomiting is a natural way for their body to try to expel any alcohol that could still be in their stomach. Once alcohol is in the bloodstream, the only way to get it out is to give their body the time it needs to process it and filter it out. It takes about 1 hour for the body to process 1 drink. There are a variety of factors that determine how long someone needs for their body to fully process the alcohol out of their bloodstream, but it’s the only way to fully remove the effects of alcohol. Even a full night’s rest can sometimes not be enough to fully process the alcohol they consumed. They should not be allowed to operate a vehicle if they still feel the effects.", "Their body will continue to absorb alcohol even after they’re asleep or passed out, which can lead to alcohol poisoning. They could also choke to death on their own vomit if they fall asleep in the wrong position. Don’t assume that a drunk person will be fine once they fall asleep. If the person doesn’t appear to be at risk of alcohol poisoning, sleeping it off can give their body the time it needs to process the alcohol and remove it from their bloodstream. However, they could be at risk of vomiting while they sleep and choking on it. Always make sure they sleep on their side with a pillow behind them to keep them from rolling onto their back. They should be sleeping in a position where vomit would fall out of their mouth if they vomited in their sleep. The fetal position is a safe position for a drunk person to sleep in. Place a pillow in front of them to keep them from rolling onto their stomach where they could struggle to breathe as well. Even when they stop drinking alcohol, their body will continue to process the alcohol that they’ve already consumed. That means that their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) could increase while they sleep. For the first hour that they fall asleep, wake them every 5-10 minutes and check for signs of alcohol poisoning. After the first hour, if they seem to be doing well, you can check on them once every hour or so. If the person is extremely drunk, they should be monitored continuously to make sure they aren’t at risk of alcohol poisoning or choking on their own vomit. Someone should be with them overnight to check their breathing. If you don’t know them, ask if you can call someone to come get them. Never let a drunk person watch another drunk person. If you’ve been drinking, have someone sober help you monitor them. If you’re at a restaurant or bar and you don’t know the drunk person, alert the staff that they have a drunk person on the premises who may need assistance. Don’t leave the person until you’re confident that someone will take care of them.", "Knowing what they had to drink and how much of it can help you decide what the best course of action is. How much they drank, how fast they drank it, how big they are, their tolerance, and whether or not they ate before they drank can all influence how drunk they are. It’s possible they may just need to sleep it off, but you can’t know that unless you know how much alcohol they consumed. Try asking something like, “How are you feeling? Do you know how much you drank? Did you have anything to eat today?” That can give you an idea of how much they consumed. If they’ve had more than 5 drinks on an empty stomach, they could be dangerously drunk and may require medical assistance. If they’re incoherent and unable to understand you, it could be a sign of alcohol poisoning. Get them to a hospital as soon as you can. If you’ve been drinking, do not drive. Call an ambulance or have a trustworthy sober person drive you and the drunk person to a hospital. Depending on how drunk the person is, they may be confused and disoriented and not fully understand what you’re trying to do. They may also not be thinking rationally, and if you try to force them to do something, it could cause them to be combative and possibly harm themselves or others. Always announce your intentions. If they’re hugging the toilet and appear to be having trouble, say something like, “Hey, I’m right here if you need anything. Let me help you keep your hair out of the way.” Don’t touch or move someone without asking them if it’s okay for you to do so. If they are passed out, try to wake them by calling out to them to make sure they’re conscious. You could shout something like, “Hey! Are you okay?” If they don’t respond to any of your statements and appear to be unconscious, call for medical assistance immediately. Alcohol poisoning can be fatal if it isn’t treated quickly and correctly. If they have pale skin, their skin feels cold and clammy to the touch, or they have slow or irregular breathing patterns, call an ambulance or take them to a hospital immediately. Additional signs of alcohol poisoning include vomiting, a general state of confusion, and loss of consciousness. If they have a seizure, their life could be in serious jeopardy. Don’t waste any time: call an ambulance or get them to a hospital as soon as possible. If you know the person, try to get them home so they can sober up and aren’t going to hurt anybody. If you don’t know the person and you’re out in public, try to find someone who knows them to help keep them safe. If they’re too drunk to take care of themselves, they need to be brought to a safe place. Do not drive if you’ve been drinking and never let a drunk person drive a vehicle. Have a designated driver or use a ride-sharing app like Uber or Lyft to get home safely. Go to a place at which the person will feel comfortable and safe like your home, theirs, or a trusted friend’s home." ], "summary": [ "Stop them from drinking any more alcohol. Give them a glass of water. Get some food for them to eat. Avoid giving them coffee unless it’s necessary. Don’t try to get them to throw up. Allow enough time to pass for them to sober up.", "Never allow a drunk person to fall asleep unattended. Make sure they sleep on their side with a pillow behind them. Wake them up every 5-10 minutes for the first hour. Make sure someone stays with them through the night.", "Ask them how much they’ve had to drink. Explain what you intend to do before you touch or approach a drunk person. Check for signs of alcohol poisoning. Get them to a safe place so they don’t injure themselves or others." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Cold Sores", "Treating a Cold Sore", "Recognizing the Development of Cold Sores" ], "document": [ "Cold sores are very contagious and can be spread even in the early stages of an outbreak, before a blister develops. The virus can spread from person to person through shared utensils, razors, and towels or through kissing. Oral sex can also spread herpes. HSV-1 can spread to the genital area, and HSV-2 can spread to the lips. The herpes virus uses the amino acid arginine to grow and replicate. When you take in a lot of arginine through your food, your body is more vulnerable to attacks from the virus. As a result, you will have more frequent cold sore outbreaks. Avoid the following arginine-rich foods: Chocolate Nuts Peanuts Seeds Cereal grains Even when you're not having an outbreak, it's a good idea to take a daily lysine supplement to prevent future outbreaks. 1 – 3 grams of lysine supplement may reduce the number and severity of herpes outbreaks. You can also make a point to work foods that naturally contain large amounts of lysine into your regular diet: Fish Chicken Beef Lamb Milk Cheese Beans. Though the virus works differently from person to person, there are common triggers known to cause herpes outbreaks. By reducing these triggers (if you can), you may experience fewer outbreaks: Viral fever Hormonal changes, such as menstrual periods or pregnancy Changes in your immune system, like severe burns, chemotherapy, or anti-rejection drugs after organ transplants Stress Fatigue Exposure to sun and wind The healthier your body is as a whole, the better it will be able to suppress the virus, thus reducing the frequency of outbreaks. Eat a healthy diet with foods rich in lysine. Reduce your intake of arginine-rich foods. Sleep at least 8 hours each night. Exercise each day to help reduce stress levels. Take vitamin supplements to reduce your risk of developing a viral fever. Wear protection on your lips when you're out in the sun.", "Without exception, the virus remains permanently in the body once it's been introduced. The virus can stay dormant, without activity, for years — in fact, most people who have herpes don't even know they have it. Regardless, the virus continues to live inside the body and will reappear when conditions are right. If your infection causes you to break out with cold sores, you will continue to get cold sores for the rest of your life. Don’t panic, though! Cold sores are a manageable symptom that don’t have to interfere with your life. There are several things you can do to get rid of a cold sore when one develops. Docosanol (also known as Abreva) is an FDA approved medication for the treatment of cold sores. Its active ingredients are benzyl alcohol and light mineral oil, and it can reduce the duration of the outbreak to just a couple days. For the best results, begin use as soon as you notice the tingling and itching that suggests an oncoming outbreak. However, you can still begin use after the blister has already appeared. Some people may only get cold sores sporadically throughout their lifetime, while others may be plagued by frequent outbreaks. If frequent outbreaks are becoming a hassle for you, you may benefit from antiviral medication to prevent them. Talk to your doctor about the possibility of getting a prescription for acyclovir (Zovirax), valacyclovir, famciclovir, or Denavir. There may not be a cure, but there are many treatments that will reduce the pain from the blisters. FDA-approved pain relievers for external use include benzyl alcohol, dibucaine, dyclonine, juniper tar, lidocaine, menthol, phenol, tetracaine and benzocaine. You can also apply an ice pack to the cold sore to ease pain and discomfort. Be sure to protect the skin from direct contact with ice by using a washcloth or rag as a barrier. Coconut oil has potent antiviral properties. One of its key components is lauric acid, which contains a molecule called \"monocaprin.\" In laboratory testing with monocaprin, researchers found it highly effective against HSV-1. Begin using the coconut oil as soon as you notice the cold sore developing. Apply it with a Q-tip instead of your finger, as you don't want to touch a cold sore and spread the infection around. Herpes simplex viruses need an amino acid called \"arginine\" to multiply or grow. \"Lysine\" is an amino acid that counteracts the reproductive effects of arginine. Lysine is available both as a topical product (ointments) and as an oral supplement (pills). Use these products daily while you have an outbreak. You can also make your own topical lysine application at home. Crush a lysine pill and mix it with a small amount of coconut oil. Apply the paste directly to the blister. This way you can attack the cold sore both with a pill and with an external treatment.", "Up to 60% of Americans have HSV-1 by adolescence; 85% by the time they reached their 60s. In Britain, about seven in ten people have it, but only one in five are aware of it. This is because some people carry the infection, but don’t have any symptoms. The symptoms of a cold sore are consistent, but the first outbreak is different. At that time, you'll see symptoms that you won't experience again during later outbreaks. These one-time symptoms include: Fever Painful or eroded gums if the cold sore is in the mouth Sore throat Headache Swollen lymph glands Muscle aches After your first outbreak has passed, you'll be able to predict when cold sores are going to appear by looking for early indicators. The area where the sore will appear will suddenly feel tingly and itchy. You may also experience some numbness in the area. This stage, also called the prodromal stage, is experienced by 46% to 60% of people who have cold sores. Other early symptoms include inflammation, redness, hypersensitivity or soreness in the exact area the blisters will appear. When a cold sore is first appearing, it can look like the start of a pimple. It will be sore — possibly painful. This area will be red and raised; the skin surrounding the raised area will also be red. You may also notice several small blisters that develop together, then merge as other blisters fill in the area between them. Cold sores can vary in size, ranging from 2 – 3 mm to 7 mm. The raised areas take on the appearance of a blister. As the body fights the HSV-1 virus, white blood cells rush to the area and the blister fills with clear fluid containing the virus. Because cold sores are filled with infectious fluid, you should never pick at them. If you get the virus on your hands, you can spread it around to other people or get it in your eyes, or spread it to your genitals. This is the third and most painful stage in the development of a cold sore. The area will be moist, with a red area around the open sore. This period, when the blister leaks fluid, is the most contagious. Make sure to wash your hands regularly if you touch your face to prevent spreading the infection. It will take up to three days for the cold sore to move to its next stage. After the blister has burst, a crust will form over the top of the blister, followed by a protective scab. As the sore heals, the scab may crack open and bleed. You may also experience itching and pain during this stage. Avoid touching the sore, as you can slow down the healing process by reopening the wound. You remain contagious until the scab falls off naturally to reveal intact, healthy skin. In this final healing stage when the scab falls off, the skin beneath it will be dry and a little flaky. The area may also be a little swollen and red. From the start of tingling and itching until the scab comes off can take between 8 and 12 days. Be careful not to share glasses or utensils with anybody until the cold sore has healed completely. Do not kiss anyone or place your cold sores into contact with others in any way. Keep your hands off your face as best you can, as infectious fluid can be transferred to you skin. This, in turn, can spread infection to others, or spread it to other parts of your own body. Canker sores and mucositis can be mistaken for cold sores, but aren't caused by the herpes virus. Canker sores appear inside the mouth, often near where the cheeks/lips meet the gums. People who wear braces can get them where the braces rub against the cheeks. Doctors believe they can have many causes: injury, certain toothpastes, food sensitivities, stress, allergies, and inflammatory or immune disorders. Mucositis is the term used to describe the sores that appear in the mouth and esophagus during chemotherapy. Chemotherapy kills rapidly dividing cancer cells. But it can't distinguish cancer from the cells in the mouth, which also divide rapidly. The resulting open sores are extremely painful." ], "summary": [ "Learn how the virus spreads to prevent an HSV-1 infection. Avoid foods rich in arginine. Take in a lot of lysine. Reduce your exposure to cold sore triggers. Improve your overall health.", "Be aware that there is no cure for a herpes simplex virus infection. Use over-the-counter (OTC) medications. Discuss prescription medication with your doctor. Reduce the pain from a cold sore. Use coconut oil to speed up the healing process. Apply lysine to shorten the outbreak.", "Understand that HSV-1 infections are common. Recognize the symptoms of the first outbreak. Look for the predictive signs of subsequent outbreaks. Watch for the first redness and swelling. Be aware that the blister is filled with virus particles. Wait for the blister to break. Do not pick at the scab when the blister dries. Avoid spreading the infection while the cold sore heals. Distinguish a cold sore from similar blemishes." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Sharing in Intimate Settings", "Conversing in Social Situations", "Building Confidence" ], "document": [ "Having low self-esteem and many worries about how others view you might make sharing parts of yourself seem unthinkable. Remind yourself that even if you are preoccupied with yourself, maybe even sick of thinking about yourself, people in your life experience the opposite. As a shy person, people you care about may be wishing that they know or understand you better. By making attempts to let some of this inner-world out, you are also opening yourself up to other perspectives. If your self-image is quite negative, chances are good that opening up to those you trust will only help you see great parts of you that you fail to consider. When you want to open up to friends, family, or a romantic partner, don't be afraid to be frank about where you're coming from. By letting your guard down and talking about how you presently feel, others will feel instantly connected to a deeper part of you. Most importantly, the other person will not recoil in doubt or fear that something wrong with him makes it difficult for you to open up. Try starting with something like \"I want you to know that I'm a little shy talking about this, so please bear with me.\" This statement enlists support rather than making an excuse. Remember that you do not need to apologize for your level of progress in opening up. Apologizing will set off doubt and passivity. Make sure that you are not owning your shyness to signal that you need sympathy or babying. The purpose is to give insight into why you might seem nervous or aloof. Having patience and support from others should ultimately help you take risks and display effort as you learn how to be more comfortable opening up. Turn your focus outward and let the other person motivate your desire to open up. Watch facial expressions and listen for raises in tone that cue you in to what the person is getting excited about. Excitement is contagious, and with deep engagement it'll be hard not to return it. Deep attention to the cues of others does not mean that you should take a subordinate position in conversation. For instance, if your brother is detailing a problem that he's having at work, you could respond either by asking for more information, giving comforting advice and input, or sharing a similar experience. Shyness is, in part, an excessive self-focus, which makes it difficult to respond appropriately to others. Focusing on others more generally is an exercise that will lift you further and further out of extreme shyness. Begin to trust in the fact that having someone's attention in an intimate setting is happening in the first place because they already hope to hear more from you. Ease into openness by reminding yourself that there is no right and wrong to your feelings. If you feel judged or fear judgment, ask yourself \"who is judging me here?\" Opening up to others can be how you get away from your harshest critic--yourself. There is always something to share from the heart. Do you feel blank, empty, or at a loss? Those are some pretty intimate things to let someone know. You may even unleash a whole stream of feelings and memories surrounding that very fact. You might begin by saying \"You know, it's funny, whenever I go to talk about myself, I come up with a big blank space. Sometimes I wonder what it is that won't quite come out...\"", "Don't stress yourself out by arriving anywhere without a handful of small-talk ideas.Stay up to date with current events, the latest club or restaurant openings in your area, or anything else that might spice things up. Having at least five or six things to hit on will allow you the flexibility to bring up something that fits with the moment you're in. In addition to general talking points, come in with a sense of what this group of people find relevant. If you're going to a party where a jazz band is playing, brush up on music-related topics. Don't force yourself to go to any events or gatherings that seem especially intimidating. You can also try setting flexible time limits for yourself. Even if you want to stay longer, know that you have an agreement with yourself to stay a minimum of, say, two hours. Arriving places early can help you feel more secure, as you will have time to adjust to the atmosphere. Sometimes the panic caused by arriving to a full venue or house can be enough to plunge back into old habits of self-doubt. Use your demeanor to show that you actually want to be approached. If your hands are in your purse or busy texting, others might sense that you are occupied or blatantly uninterested in engaging. Try to envision how you carry yourself when you're around someone you trust. Perhaps your eyes are present and not focused on your feet. Your arms are probably uncrossed, and you're not hiding under layers of sweaters and coats. Review some of your recent experiences, and trust that once you begin talking, you have a heftier conversation piece. Maybe you recently watched a police chase or went on a chat-worthy vacation. Start off with a simple comment about something anyone might be able to respond to--\"How's that beer treating you?\" or \"I know I've heard this song before, but I can't place it!\" It's always a safe bet is to comment on your immediate environment. When you share your observations about the neighborhood you're in, the group you're with, or the food being served, you are inviting the person to become a meta-commentator with you. This sets the two of you on a shared mission of finding and sharing oddities and interest in your surroundings. Throw in as many extra tidbits and details as you can. This will help keep the conversation from flat-lining. If someone asks you how you're doing, avoid simply saying \"good.\" Try something like \"good, especially considering the day I had yesterday, oh man!\" When sharing observations, related experiences, and insights, try to avoid excusing and apologizing for yourself. Lead-ins like \"maybe it's just me...\" and \"sorry, but I have to say...\" come off as scared and lacking confidence. .There are certain physical actions that will indicate you are engaged in your conversations with others. Eye contact, hand gestures and nodding all let your listeners know that you care and want to keep on going. When talking is the main challenge, it’s easy to forget that half of opening up is truly listening. When you’re very focused on what’s being said, producing a response comes more naturally—you won’t be caught off guard. Chances are your shyness will prohibit you from talking as much as others, so make up for it in close listening. Open questions are questions that ask for a response that goes beyond just a \"yes\" or a \"no\". By asking these questions once you get the gist of a conversation, you will show others that you are taking a real interest in what’s going on. For example, if someone is recounting getting stuck in a traffic jam, don't ask how long it took to get home. Instead, try asking \"How do you deal with boredom on long trips?\" or \"What part of coming home makes you the happiest to be there?\" Instead of a curt answer like \"usually a full hour\", you'll get an answer that will smoothly branch out to other topics. What’s more, throwing an open question out means that more talkative people will take the lead. Then, you'll have the bold speakers directing themselves toward you, the interested party. Think of yourself as a casual journalist, eager to learn about others and unashamed to probe them to talk about themselves. Not only are you not invading their privacy, but you're letting other attendees talk about the topic in which they have the most fluidity and expertise. The best way to do this is by making an empathetic, person-to-person connection by smiling. When you smile and make eye contact, you are signaling that you're friendly, open to conversation, and are someone who wants to engage. This works equally well with friends and strangers--we're hard-wired to enjoy mutual smiling. It's like giving a long-distance pat on the back! Keep in mind that everyone is present because they want to interact. If you feel as if you're being too forward or imposing on the person, remember that in all likelihood they are relieved and excited to have caught someone's attention. When you send these warm, kind signals out, conversation may be quite different. Instead of introducing yourself formally, you might just hop right in with \"This is becoming quite a night, isn't it?\" or \"Hey there, I can't help but gravitate toward the cheery ones here...\" Turn the fearful situation into a place of introspection and personal growth. Become the observer and dig into yourself, answer the questions: why do I feel this way? What caused me to feel this way? Can there be an alternative explanation to what is happening?” Say you're only 30 minutes into a party and you're starting to get anxious. Don't be afraid to use the bathroom or another private space you can find to check in with yourself and use some quick methods to calm down. Don't give up in uncomfortable situations. Allow yourself to become desensitized to moments that you would typically run from. You might find that a little bit of awkwardness or silence can be comical and is not the disaster that you envision it being.", "Look deep inside and journal about the things that you cherish most about yourself. Maybe you are very nurturing, understanding, or compassionate. Consider what a shame it would be if the rest of the world never got to share in these gifts. Look at what you're good at doing. Identifying your strengths will help boost your self esteem. So, if you're caught in a moment of self-doubt or shame you'll always have a strength come quickly to mind. Focus on how your habits work to your advantage. For instance, you might be someone who prefers one-on-one conversations and time spent in nature. All this intimate time with yourself and another might be making you a better listener and more aware of your feelings. These are strengths that are difficult to cultivate as a big voice in a large social group. Accept yourself as someone who has lots to offer, even though being the life of the party isn't your thing. Doing this will give you more realistic expectations for what will happen when you open up. You may find, for example, that when you open up you create deep connections with select people rather than filling up your phone contacts with half-remembered faces. One cautionary note about labeling yourself: Be sure that you don't box yourself in. Many people call themselves shy as an excuse to keep from facing the difficulties of opening up. Consider shyness as a different style of relating that presents some hardships to overcome rather than a blunt fact about your limitations. The thing to realize is that many of the things that make you label yourself as shy (i.e. enjoying time alone, getting exhausted by banal party conversations, not always having something to say) are experiences that most people have, shy or not. Avoid spending time analyzing situations that felt awkward or uncomfortable and beating yourself up for having been a part of the cause. Recognize that the world is not looking at you. Besides, most people are too busy looking at themselves. Instead of watching yourself as if you are other people, bring your awareness inwards. Armed with your understanding of what makes you shy, seek within yourself and become the observing presence of your thoughts. Self-pity will only direct your energy to beating yourself up rather than do anything with what happened. Take solace in the fact that hardly anyone noticed that you fumbled through that last comment. Since you are the one taking notice, treat yourself how you would another well-meaning shy person. Chuckle lovingly at yourself for having tried so hard, move on, and try again. Remember that rejection is part of life, and how we learn to understand the difference between ourselves and others. Say you are at a gathering and someone who you are talking to edges away, leaving you by yourself. Instead of blaming yourself, try to recognize that the scenario was not the best fit for both parties. Switch your attention to finding a lesson in what happened. Perhaps the person who went to talk to someone else was having a hard day and saw a close friend walk through the door. From this, you can take the lesson that meeting one's own needs for solidarity can (and sometimes should) override social graces. There are no wholly negative experiences if you can find something to learn from and carry forward. Make sure to reward your efforts even if the situation didn't have the outcome that you expected. Look honestly at what you did to make conversation and listen well. Take your progress into account--maybe you couldn't have mustered up the confidence to do this a month ago--and be proud! After all, we can only change ourselves and our attitudes. Outcomes always rest on the innumerable parts of life that are beyond our control. Often times, having unrealistic expectations crushes the ability to notice the good things that we take part in. Ask yourself, \"do I believe deep down that I should be able to talk to and like everyone?\" It is simply a fact of life that we will not be motivated to open up to everyone.Make sure your mission to open up to others isn't an attempt to triumph over your natural sense of who you can and cannot trust. Perfectionism can also surface when we are trying to make others see us in a certain way. Take the pressure off yourself and realize that you do not have to (and cannot) control how others see you. This means that in social situations your job is to observe others and enter in when you can contribute positively--a much easier job than monitoring everything you do and obsess over how you're being received. Words have an amazing power to stick in our minds. Try replacing negative self-judgments and criticism with encouragement. When something like \"I'm too shy to talk to anyone\" pops into your head, remind yourself that you are capable of interacting with others and have the confidence to be uniquely you. Re-training your mind to bring up affirmation rather than doubt will also allow you to be more aware of your successes, as you increasingly spot evidence of your abilities and contributions. Opening up is instantly easier if you can find something to say, and writing is a great way to find your voice. Whether you are writing about things that happen to you or what you read on the news, you will become more comfortable constructing opinions and forming responses to your surroundings. In this way, you are exercising the wordy part of your mind that can have a thought about nearly anything. And if you find yourself wanting to bring up a new topic, you can relay things you've written about (presumably something), telling people \"the other day I was thinking about ___\"" ], "summary": [ "Give yourself permission to share. Own up to shyness. Focus on the other person. Share from the heart.", "Be prepared. Start out small. Look approachable. Start up conversations. Use confident body language Ask open questions. Make others feel comfortable. Stick it out.", "Discover your value. Embrace your shyness. Move on from mistakes. Put rejection in perspective. Let go of perfectionism. Use positive self-talk. Start a journal." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Doing Your Hair and Makeup", "Choosing a Cute Outfit", "Perfecting Your Cute Personality" ], "document": [ "for a put-together look. Braiding your hair will not only look cute, but it’s also a great way to keep your hair out of your face. There are many different options, from a waterfall braid to a French braid, or even the traditional braid. Choose a style that works with your hair type and length. for a soft, girly look. Curls are always cute, as they give your face a softened look. There are several ways you can curl your hair. By using things such as a curling iron, flat iron, or hair rollers, you’ll have curly hair in no time. Some methods of curling your hair, such as using hair rollers or braids, should be started the night before. Plan ahead and make sure you have enough time to properly style your hair. For days when you want a quick hair fix that’s also stylish and cute, pull your hair into a ponytail. This could be a side ponytail, pigtails, a high ponytail — whichever style you think looks the cutest. Add an accessory such as a colorful scrunchie or headband to your ponytail if you want. If you happen to be one of those girls who rolls out of bed with naturally beautiful hair, then you’re ready to go! Either give it a quick brush or use a styling product to bring out volume and tame unruly hairs. Wearing your hair naturally gives you a soft, gorgeous look. If your hair is on the shorter side or you don’t have a lot of time in the mornings, opt for a hair accessory. Headbands, scrunchies, clips, and so many other hair accessories are available in a variety of colors, patterns, and fabrics. Visit an accessory store, drug store, or big-box store near you to pick out a new hair accessory. Most hair accessories cost less than $10, and they can be found online as well. Wearing makeup can be a great way to boost your self-confidence and cover up any imperfections you don’t want seen, but don’t overdo it. When it comes to looking cute while wearing makeup, less is more. Highlight your face using a blush, and pick out a natural or light shade of lip gloss. Swipe on a little bit of mascara if you have light eyelashes, but keep any eyeliner very minimal. If you feel like you don’t need makeup, awesome! Only apply it if you want to. Putting a thin line of eyeliner on each of your top eyelids will make your eyes stand out more, but avoid putting much, if any, on the bottom lid.", "Cute clothing tends to be associated with soft colors, not dark ones. Choose clothes with colorful or pastel tones, and stay away from dark colors such as black, gray, and brown. Pastel blues, purples, and pinks are good options for cute colors. Spend some time looking on Pinterest or fashion blogs for inspiration on how to create cute outfits. Not only are these tops super comfortable, but they give off a very cute and laid-back vibe. Look for loose tops that have lace, ribbons, bows, or any other decorative add-on. Patterned or printed shirts are always a great option, just make sure the colors stay light! Skirts are a great clothing option for looking cute. Choose skirts that are flowy and made of a comfortable fabric. Picking shorts that have flowers, stripes, or another pattern on them will show off your sense of style. Stick to colorful or pastel colors, and make sure your skirts and shorts are school-appropriate. Be careful not to choose shorts or skirts that are too short, and stick to your school's dress code. If you're not a fan of skirts, no problem! Look for pants that have patterns on them or are made of a unique fabric or color that you like. Embellished jeans are always a cute option, too. The right dress will do wonders for making your outfit look cute. Choose a dress style that’s appropriate for school — short- or long-sleeved dresses are best, but if you’re allowed to wear spaghetti strap dresses, go for it! Pick out dresses in light colors, and look for special additions such as lace or pleats. Some school dress codes will allow you to wear a spaghetti strap dress if you wear a sweater over your shoulders, so see if this is an option for you. To take your outerwear to the next level of cute, find jackets that have their own style. Look for large buttons on jackets, outerwear made of a unique material, or coats that have floral or animal prints. When it comes to shoes, look for pretty colors, fabrics, and unique patterns as well. Options for cute shoes include ballet flats, colorful or patterned sneakers, and stylish boots. When the weather gets cooler, your skirts and dresses aren’t going to keep you warm. Leggings these days come in tons of different colors, patterns, and styles. Choose leggings that are light in color, or even opt for tights that have a feminine touch. To make your outfit even better, add some jewelry or a hair accessory. Find some statement pieces that you love, such as a pair of silver heart earrings or a patterned headband. You don’t need to go crazy with the accessorizing, but adding one or two pieces can greatly improve your outfit. If you wear glasses, find a pair that comes in a pretty color or unique design. You can do the same for sunglasses, too.", ". Being cute isn’t just about your appearance, it’s about having self-confidence and feeling good in your own skin. Embrace all aspects of yourself and don’t spend time worrying about insecurities. If you think confident thoughts on the inside, that confidence will show through on the outside. Doing things such as taking care of your personal hygiene, having great posture, and making eye contact with people when you talk to them will help bring out your confidence. Think about activities you're good at or talents you might have. If these are things you love doing, take more time to pursue them — this will help increase your confidence as well. People don’t tend to associate “cute” with a loud, abrasive voice. You don’t need to whisper, but talk softly. Use tones that are warm and bubbly, without speaking too loudly. The happier and more positive that you are around others, the more they’re going to want to hang out with you. Spread your positive outlook to others by saying positive things and cheering people up when they’re feeling down. A cute girl is cute because her attitude radiates bubbliness, kindness, and acceptance of herself and others. One of the best ways to radiate positive vibes is to show how happy you are with a smile. If people see you smiling, they’ll be much more likely to want to interact with you. Give a smile to people you pass in the halls, the peers that sit next to you in class, and to your teachers. A little happiness goes a long way. . If you’re spending all of your time trying to be something that you’re not, you aren’t going to be happy. Relax and just be yourself — don’t stress about your appearance or what people think of you. By being your own cute, authentic self, everyone around you will think you're cute as well. Cute girls tend to observe more and talk less, so if you’re not super outspoken, that’s OK! Embrace your shyness and use it to your advantage — oftentimes, shy people are seen as coy or flirtatious, which can be very cute. If you are outspoken, don’t feel like you need to suddenly convert to being shy. Keep being your outgoing self, but just try to listen to others as much as you talk. Don’t let being cute become your entire focus. A cute girl is intelligent and interested in learning more about the world, so don’t forget to focus on your schoolwork as well. Doing your homework and studying hard will make you a cute girl who is knowledgeable and mature. Don’t pretend to be dumb or clueless because you think it’s cute. You should be able to show off how cute you are while also being yourself. Cute girls are nice to everyone that they talk to and are able to make others feel comfortable when they’re around. To do this, try to be friendly towards all of your classmates. Compliment someone on their shirt, say hello in the halls, or help out a classmate with their schoolwork. By being nice to everyone, your peers will see you as a cute, friendly person. . This one is simple — the more polite and well-mannered you are, the cuter. Everyone likes someone who is polite and kind to them, so try to be friendly and courteous whenever you interact with someone, whether it’s a peer or a teacher." ], "summary": [ "Braid your hair Curl your hair Pull your hair into a ponytail for a quick style. Wear your hair naturally if it doesn't need styling. Use a hair accessory if you have short hair. Apply your makeup minimally for a natural look.", "Choose bright or pastel colors to wear. Pick out tops that are flowy or loose. Wear skirts and shorts that are pastel-colored or patterned. Throw on a dress for the ultimate cute option. Opt for outerwear and shoes that have flair. Add leggings to your outfit for added warmth. Accessorize your outfit to add personality.", "Be confident Talk using feminine tones. Keep a positive outlook. Smile as often as possible. Be yourself Stick to your studies. Be a friend to everyone. Be polite" ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Subtracting Fractions With Common Denominators", "Finding a Common Denominator", "Adding Fractions With Common Denominators" ], "document": [ "For instance, look at the equation 12/26 – 4/26 – 1/26. In this example: The numerators are 12, 4, and 1 The common denominator is 26 Like with addition, you don’t have to worry about doing anything to the denominator, so just find the difference between the numerators: 12 – 4 – 1 = 7 Rewrite the fraction with the new numerator. 12/26 – 4/26 – 1/26 = 7/26. Similar to adding fractions, when you subtract fractions you can still end up with: An improper fraction that can be converted to a mixed number A fraction that can be solved through division A fraction that can be put into a simpler form by finding a common denominator", "Fractions don’t always have the same denominators, and in order to add or subtract those fractions, you must first find a common denominator. To start, locate the denominators in the fractions you’re dealing with. For instance, in the equation 5/8 + 6/9, the denominators are 8 and 9. To find a common denominator, you need to find the least common multiple of the two numbers, which is the smallest positive number that’s a multiple of both original numbers. To find the least common multiple of 8 and 9, you must first go through the multiples of each number: The multiples of 8 are: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, etc. The multiples of 9 are: 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99, 108, etc. The least common multiple of 8 and 9 is 72. Multiply each denominator by the correct number to achieve the common denominator. Remember that whatever you do to each denominator, you must also do to its numerator. For the fraction 5/8: to achieve the common denominator of 72, you multiply 8 x 9. Therefore, you must also multiply the numerator by 9, giving you 5 x 9 = 45 For the fraction 6/9: to achieve the common denominator of 72, you multiply 9 x 8. Therefore, you must also multiply the numerator by 8, giving you 6 x 8 = 48 The new fraction will have the common denominator and the product of the numerators multiplied by the same values: The fraction 5/8 becomes 45/72, and the fraction 6/9 becomes 48/72. Since they now have a common denominator, you can add the fractions 45/72 + 48/72 = 93/72. Don’t forget to reduce, solve, or convert improper fractions to mixed numbers when applicable and necessary.", "There are two parts to all fractions: the numerator, which is the number above the line, and the denominator, which is the number below the line. While the denominator tells you how many parts a whole has been broken into, the numerator tells you how many pieces of that whole there are. In the fraction ½, for instance, the numerator = 1 and the denominator = 2, and the fraction is one-half. When two or more fractions have a common denominator, it means they all have the same number as a denominator, or that they all represent wholes that have been broken into the same number of pieces. Fractions with a common denominator can be added together very easily, and the resulting fraction will have the same denominator as the original fractions. For instance: The fractions 3/5 and 2/5 have a common denominator of 5. The fractions 3/8, 5/8, and 17/8 have a common denominator of 8. To add fractions together when they have a common denominator, you simply add all the numerators together and rewrite the sum over the original denominator. In the fractions 3/5 and 2/5, the numerators are 3 and 2. In the fractions 3/8, 5/8, and 17/8, the numerators are 3, 5, and 17. In the example of 3/5 + 2/5, add the numerators 3 + 2 = 5. In the example 3/8 + 5/8 + 17/8, add the numerators 3 + 5 + 17 = 25 Remember to use the same common denominator, since the number of parts that the whole is divided into remains the same, and you are just adding the number of individual pieces. The fractions 3/5 + 2/5 = 5/5 The fractions 3/8 + 5/8 + 17/8 = 25/8 Sometimes a fraction can be put into simpler terms, and this includes dividing it to get a number that’s not a fraction or decimal. In the example 5/5, this fraction can be solved easily because any fraction where the numerator and denominator are the same will equal 1. Think about it like a pie that’s been cut into three pieces. If you eat all three pieces of the pie, then you’ve eaten one whole pie. Any fraction can be converted from a fraction by dividing the numerator by the denominator, and you’ll often end up with a decimal number. For instance, 5/8 can also be written as 5 ÷ 8, which equals 0.625. A fraction is said to be in its simplest form when both the numerator and the denominator don’t have any common factors they can be divided by. For instance, in the fraction 3/6, both the numerator and denominator have a common factor of 3, meaning they can both be divided by 3 to produce a whole number. Therefore, the fraction 3/6 can be thought of as 3 ÷ 3 / 6 ÷ 3 = ½. When a fraction has a numerator that’s bigger than the denominator, such as 25/8, this is said to be an improper fraction (the reverse, when the numerator is smaller than the denominator, is a proper fraction). These can be converted into a mixed number, which is a number that has a whole number plus a proper fraction. To convert an improper fraction like 25/8 to a mixed number, you: Divide the improper fraction’s numerator by its denominator to determine how many whole times 8 goes into 25, where the answer is 25 ÷ 8 = 3(.125) Determine what’s left over. If 8 x 3 = 24, subtract that from the original numerator: 25 – 24 = 1, where the difference is the new numerator. Rewrite the mixed number. The denominator will be the same from your original improper fraction, meaning 25/8 can be rewritten as 3 1/8." ], "summary": [ "Locate the numerators and denominators. Subtract the numerators. Reduce or solve the fraction if necessary.", "Locate the denominators. Determine the least common multiple. Multiply the fractions to achieve the least common multiple. Rewrite the fractions.", "Recognize the numerator and denominator. Determine the denominator. Locate the numerators. Add the numerators. Rewrite the fraction with the new numerator. Solve the fraction if necessary. Reduce the fraction if you can. Convert improper fractions to mixed numbers if necessary." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Seeking Support", "Disconnecting", "Caring for Yourself" ], "document": [ "As stated, the attachment you feel to an ex is what makes breakups so difficult. You end up feeling lonely and isolated when this person is suddenly out of your life. Work on forming closer relationships with friends and family members to fill in the gap your ex left. Relying on people can actual require some training on your part. You might have to force yourself to call your mom or your best friend after a bad day instead of your ex. However, once you learn to rely on these people over your ex he'll be easier to forget. Remind yourself your ex is not the only person in your life who loves you and who you feel close to. Being single does not have to mean being alone. Having this realization can help you heal and move forward with your life. Do not jump into a new relationship after a bad breakup. This can make you want your ex more. However, casual dating in the wake of a bad breakup can actually help you move forward. It reminds you that you are attractive, desirable, and will find someone again. Go on casual, fun dates. Have a friend set you up. Attend a singles mixer. Try creating on online dating profile. Remind yourself you're not necessarily seeking out the love of your life, but rather trying to have fun and date around while you're single. This can help you shift romantic focus away from your ex and out into the world of potential matches. If you have preexisting issues with depression and anxiety, you may need the assistance of a therapist to get over your ex. You can ask for a referral for a therapist from your primary doctor. You can also get a list of therapists from your insurance providers. If you're a student, you may be entitled to free counseling from your college or university.", "Oftentimes, people hang on to their exes past what is healthy. If someone is absent from your life, it's best to work on letting go of the relationship. The first step is tapering off contact. People develop strong emotional attachments in love. They tend to see their romantic partner as the first person in their life they contact when they need emotional support. When a relationship ends, it can be hard to move away from your ex as you go-to for support. In order to get over the relationship you need to make an effort to do so. Do not call, text, or e-mail your ex. If necessary, temporarily block him on social media to avoid the temptation to contact him through something like Facebook or Twitter. Minimize the amount of time you spend with your ex and do not engage in activities together that increase feelings of attachment. If watching movies together was a romantic activity for you, for example, do not watch a movie with your ex. Get rid of any mementos you associate with your ex. This can help remove the temptation to call and talk to him when you're stressed or upset. Consider why you're trying to forget this person. Was the relationship not working? Was the person not nice to you? There are many reasons why a relationship might end and being aware of why yours did not work out can aid in the healing process. Spend time thinking about why things ended and assuring yourself the break up was for the best. Research shows that it's not actually a bad thing to think about a relationship while trying to get over it as long as you think in abstract terms. Remember the emotions you felt during the relationship rather than the physical presence of your ex. Focus on what you enjoyed about being with this person on an emotional level and how lucky you were to experience feelings of love and attachment. Remember the relationship as an abstract concept rather than a physical experience. Contrary to what you may read in women's magazines, there is no magic formula that can tell you when you can expect to get over an ex. A variety of factors impact how long it will take you to get over a relationship. As you attempt to get over a relationship, be patient and accept it will take time. The duration and intensity of the relationship are two of the biggest factors in determining how long it will take you to heal. Longterm relationships of high intensity can take as long as year to get over. However, shorter relationships that were very intense can also be difficult to forget. You might end up seeing the boy at school, work, or around town. It can be hard to forget someone when you're occasionally forced to interact. Try to limit interactions unless absolutely necessary. Be courteous when you see your ex and if you need to work with him on projects, be respectful but stay professional. You will likely experience some feelings of sadness the first few times you have to interact with your ex after the relationship ended. Accept these are normal and will pass with time.", "While it's important to acknowledge and experience sadness in the wake of a break up, dwelling on negative thoughts too long eventually becomes counterproductive. Try to stay busy with a variety of hobbies and activities to stop yourself from lingering in sadness. Find something you enjoy. You can go to a museum, see a movie, do a puzzle, play a video game. Anything that keeps your mind focused on the present moment can help you avoid thinking about your ex. Create time and space for your hobbies. While it seems strange to stick to a schedule for leisure activity, sometimes this is the only way to get yourself out of the house after a breakup. Promise yourself you'll spend at least 3 nights a week going out or swear you'll only spend one weekend night in alone. Spend more time with a friend, siblings, classmates, and other people you're close to. Being alone can lead you to ruminate on negative thoughts so heavy socialization is vital when it comes to moving forward. Make plans with people you know and make efforts to get to know new people. Attend a club or meeting. Go to a bar alone and talk to a stranger. Attend poetry readings or art shows and see if you meet anyone. Many people fall into the trap of not caring for themselves in the wake of a breakup. As hard as it might be, continue to practice self care even when you're feeling down. Keep up with eating and sleeping right. Go the gym if you work out regularly. Try not to let day-to-day activities that help you feel your best fall to the wayside. Push yourself. Doing basic day-to-day tasks might take extra effort during a breakup but poor eating, hygiene, and fitness habits will only exasperate a bad mood. While it's important to keep up with self care, cut yourself some slack in regards to work. Some people feel throwing themselves into work is a great distraction, but this can create a negative pattern. It can be hard to go back to a normal work load once you're feeling better. Try to put in less effort than normal at work and, if possible, take a mental health day to spend time taking care of yourself." ], "summary": [ "Connect with friends and family members. Date casually. See a therapist, if necessary.", "Taper off contact. Remind yourself why things ended. View the breakup as a learning experience. Be aware it takes time. Deal with seeing your ex on occasion.", "Get busy. Socialize. Strive to stick with daily self care routines. Cut back on work." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Staying Busy During the Workday", "Staying Mentally and Physically Active", "Exploring Alternative Solutions" ], "document": [ "If you are feeling unchallenged in certain areas in which you excel, taking on new responsibilities is a great way to shake up your monotonous routine. Consult with your boss about taking on more work in areas in which you already do well, or about a plan to shift your focus to a new project. This will also suggest to your boss that you’re taking pride in the work you're putting out, which can lead to more responsibility and a more fulfilling workday. Ask for the opportunity to do work outside of your normal expertise, in order to master new skills in the future. Talk with your boss about altering your job description to include new tasks that you find interesting and that are beneficial to the business. Without skirting any of your workplace policies, talk with your coworkers about swapping a few tasks to encourage versatility within the workforce. Learning new skills can help you view your boring job in a whole new way. If you are stuck in a job with little to no room for learning new skills in the field, try listening to educational podcasts. Keeping your brain active is a surefire way to kick the boredom. Try talking to people in other departments about what they do and what their jobs entail. Maybe you’re working in sales but you’re more interested in working in marketing; socialize with people in other departments to get an idea of what other jobs are available that might appeal to you. Resist the temptation to spend lots of time checking emails and social media while you’re working. Although it is healthy to allow your brain to rest and relax throughout the day, schedule yourself specific time to respond to emails and check your social media accounts. Limit the amount of time that you spend doing this. Even though your job may be boring, spending loads of time distracting yourself from your tasks can make the day feel longer and your workload more daunting as the day comes to an end. Pick specific times to check your email and social media accounts, such as once at 11:00am and once at 4:00pm. Spend up to 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the afternoon doing this, but when the 30 minutes is up, dive right back into to working. Offer your help when your coworkers are involved in new or difficult projects. Take the initiative to start on new projects. Involving new people or experiences in your workday can cut down on the monotony of your daily task list. Your colleagues are also a great resource to tap when you've come to a roadblock on a new project, or are trying to master a new skill. Don't hesitate to ask your coworkers for the same hand that you would be happy to lend. When offering help in the workplace, make sure to use statements that are positive, not condescending. If you know your colleagues have started a new project, or have hit a roadblock in a current one, let them know you’re available to help out by saying, “I’m available if you are interested in brainstorming about this project,” or by saying, “I have some ideas that I think could benefit your project.” Instead of spending time daydreaming or nodding off in your meetings, make a strong effort to actively listen and put forth new ideas. Find ways to participate in your meetings. If you are frustrated by meetings and the way they are run in your workplace, consult with your boss about changing their structure. Offer constructive solutions to making meetings more efficient and focused. If you are unable to actively participate in most meetings in your workplace, take notes or write down questions to discuss with your colleagues after the meeting. If you feel that inefficient meetings are hindering your productivity, consult with your boss on the necessity of your attendance at these meetings. Avoid coming off as angry or aggressive, but suggest that you feel your time could be used more effectively elsewhere. Use your coworkers as sounding boards for new ideas. Ask them how they feel about their jobs, and what they do to combat office boredom. No one understands your office better than your coworkers, so use their knowledge as a resource for things you can do to improve your situation. Together, you may be able to brainstorm ideas for making your meetings more efficient, making your workday more productive, and overall improving the quality of your office’s productivity.", "Sometimes, exhaustion can be confused with boredom in the workplace. Often times, exhaustion is the result of poor diet or inconsistent sleeping habits. If you are struggling to stay awake at your desk, taking better care of yourself outside of the office may be the solution. Getting a decent night’s rest and eating properly are pivotal aspects of a more positive disposition. If waking up for your day is a struggle, make an effort to go to bed an hour earlier. If you find yourself eating a lot of fast food, work on developing a meal plan and doing meal prep on Sunday nights. Replace your fast food meals with fast healthy meals. When you feel your energy level decreasing, a small stretch can breathe new life into your day. If you're finding that your boredom is also causing you to lose energy throughout the day, spend some time stretching to reinvigorate your senses. Incorporating these exercises into your day can reduce stress and keep your mind focused. Research some basic yoga positions that you can do at your desk, such as the high altar pose or ankle to knee positions. If you are able, leave the office for your lunch hour. Take advantage of this time by spending time away from your desk and the office. You may discover that there is a great clothing boutique, delicious restaurant, or beautiful garden close to your office. If you’ve come to work without a prepared lunch, try ordering a new cuisine that you haven't tried before. If the weather is nice, go for a short walk to get your body moving and your blood flowing. Bring a novel to read. Make you lunch hour beneficial to you by relaxing and preparing yourself to refocus on the day at hand.", "Consider whether you are bored with your work, or if your boredom is originating elsewhere. Maybe you're feeling bored at work because you're actually bored with your daily routine. Your commute, your lunch, and your day to day tasks all have to capacity to bore or stimulate your senses. Start combating workplace boredom by changing something about your usual routine each day, so that you can combat the feeling of monotony in the office. Try a new coffee spot close to your office before work, instead of drinking the regular office coffee. Try mixing up your commute by riding your bicycle or taking the train to work. If your day is filled with the same people, same morning beverages, or the same music, try to incorporate new things. Mix up the day by bringing in something that you can share with your coworkers. If the office always has the same music playing and you are able to change it, put on something upbeat and fun. These small changes can also help to break up the monotonous nature of the workday. Make small changes for yourself, such as starting your day with a unique beverage each morning. Have cider, green tea, or hot chocolate in the morning, instead of or in addition to your usual coffee. If your office is especially boring in the mornings before everyone has had a chance to settle in, bring in a box of pastries or bagels to share. This will put everyone in a better mood and help you all make it through the day. If you always spend your breaks on social media, make an effort to do something different during your breaks. Maybe this means doing jumping jacks or planning a weekend getaway. Perhaps try picking up a craft or a hobby that you can do in your free work time. Incorporate anything that brightens your mood into your break time, so you have something to look forward to during your boring workday. Knitting or crochet is a great way to keep your mind busy during your breaks. Try doing crossword puzzles on your breaks. Not only will they keep your mind active, but you’ll have something to ponder while you’re completing your boring work tasks. Plan vacation or getaways to places you've never been during your breaks. These can be real plans, or imaginary plans that you use to motivate yourself! Add personal touches to your work environment. Without violating any specific guidelines set forth by your office, hang a piece of artwork that inspires you. Even if your job is boring, you workspace doesn't have to be. Bring in photos of loved ones, or those you respect or admire. Anything that reminds you of why you are motivated to do well in your current position is a great thing to have at your desk. Create a specific work playlist of music that is both relaxing and stimulating. For some, listening to music through headphones is a great way to drown out distractions. If repetition is a big part of your job, studies have even shown that including music into your routine can increase productivity. Choose music that is inspiring and will brighten your mood. Research the company you are working for. Learn more about the company, what they do, and why the are successful. Ask yourself if you are inspired by their mission statement, or if there is another area within the company or business that you are working for that seems more interesting to you. There may be jobs within the company that actively engage in work you find interesting, even if your current position does not. Look into the possibility of changing roles or departments within your company, so that you have a wider variety of skill sets that benefit your position within the business. Perhaps you feel stuck in a job that required little experience when you were hired, but have become bored with the lack of challenges in your day to day routine. Whether you already have a degree or would like to study a subject that is completely new, seeking higher education can help you start a new career path. Consider heading back to school to complete a degree that mirrors your passions. Research scholarships and grants that could help you fund this education. If your situation is such that you can’t leave your boring job to go back to school, many universities and colleges offer online classes or classes that can be completed at night or during the weekends. Trade schools are also a great way to learn a skill. Perhaps you have had an interest in becoming a hair stylist, mechanic, or carpenter. Trade schools offer the opportunity to turn your passions into your employment. Typically, trade schools are less expensive and offer flexible programs that take less time to complete than obtaining a degree from a university. Many trade schools also offer flexible programs that can be completed while working a full time job, such as night or weekend classes. If you taken every step to combat workplace boredom and are still feeling lackluster about your current employment situation, it may be time to consider a complete career change. If this isn’t your first boring day to day job, consider the types of jobs you applying for. Perhaps you would prefer working outside, working with people, working from home, making music, etc. Think about the possibility of taking a job in a field that is completely new to you. Sometimes this can involve seeking out higher education, but some forms of employment benefit more from a strong work ethic. Research new employment possibilities and seek out companies that do work which inspires you. Consider exactly what you’re looking for in a fulfilling job and seek out positions that satisfy your requirements. The food and beverage industry promotes fast paced work and tons of social interaction. Although working in the food and beverage industry isn’t for everyone, restaurant work is a highly respectable profession, that can result in some very lucrative benefits. Jobs that involve physical labor offer many added health benefits to those in these positions. Working outside means access to fresh air and natural sunlight, and putting in physical labor keeps your body active. If you love the great outdoors, consider the possibility of finding work on a farm, in construction, or as a professional landscaper." ], "summary": [ "Take on more responsibility. Spend time learning new skills that directly relate to your job or field. Minimize distraction time. Lend a hand. Make your work meetings worthwhile. Brainstorm with your colleagues.", "Know the difference between boredom and exhaustion. Take small breaks to stretch. Go outside during lunch.", "Identify what is most boring about your work days. Make simple changes to your day to day work schedule. Keep your breaks interesting. Make your work space comfortable. Listen to music that motivates you. Explore the possibilities of switching departments. Seek out higher education. Research trades that interest you. Make a career change." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Following Up", "Contacting Your Lender", "Deciding to Close a Credit Card" ], "document": [ "This is as much for your own records as it is for making sure the account is closed. Sending a letter will finalize the closure of your account and give you a legal written and dated record of your action should anything go wrong with the closure of your account. If you really want to guarantee full legality, send the letter by certified mail and hold on to the receipt you will receive upon paying the certified postage. In your letter, request written confirmation that the account is closed. Make sure to also include your information, like your name, phone number, and address. You may also want to include proof of payment from when you paid off your remaining account balance. Do so by including a cancelled copy of the check. You can also request that your credit report say that your card was closed \"at the consumer's request.\" This will make the situation clear to future lenders. Make a copy of the letter and keep it in a safe place. By doing so you will have complete and reasonable proof that you closed your credit card account. Also be sure to hold onto the certified mail receipt. This will help prove that the credit card company received your letter. Follow up a few weeks later to make sure that your account is indeed closed. Companies may occasionally make mistakes and fail to close your account. The closing process can take up to a month, so don't worry if it isn't closed after a few weeks. If your account has not been closed after a month, though, it's time to take action. Once closure is confirmed, cut up your credit card to finalize the closure. You can check whether or not an account has been closed by obtaining a copy of your credit report. Check your credit report a month after you first called to have your card closed. If the card is still active, it is is time to take further action. First, try calling your credit card company again and writing another letter. Wait for a response. If this fails, you can file a dispute through a credit reporting agency (either Experian, TransUnion, or Equifax). Each agency's website has clear instructions on how to do so. If your account is still open after this, you can file a complaint with the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at http://www.consumerfinance.gov/Complaint/.", "Never try to close a credit card if you still owe money on it. If you want to get rid of a card, stop using it and pay it off before you close the account. You can do this the same way you usually pay your credit card bill. This can be online or by writing a check for the amount owed and mailing it with a copy of your bill to your credit card company. Before closing your card, check online or call in to your lender to check if you have any outstanding rewards balances on your card. You don't want to forgo any potential cash or travel rewards. In some cases, however, this may be unavoidable as rewards may be limited to a certain time of year or value threshold that you haven't yet reached. Take advantage of these rewards if possible, then move on to the next step. You may have to wait on hold for a bit, but this is by far the best way to confirm with a person that your credit card is indeed closed. Tell the company customer service representative that you need to close your card, and be prepared for his attempt to stall you and try to convince you to keep your card. Hold fast, though, and stick to your original intention. The customer service number for your lender is also available on your bill and online. Record your contact with the credit card company. Most companies will give you a service or call number. Write this in addition to the time and date that you spoke to the customer service representative. For extra insurance, record the representative's name and employee number (this is also fairly standard). Your credit card company may try to provide you with an offer to get you to stay. Remember, if an offer sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Stick to your guns about closing your account, if that's what you want to do. Alternately, you can try bargaining with your provider for lower interest rates and fees. In some cases they may agree to these terms to keep you as a customer.", "Think about why you are considering closing the credit card. It may have higher fees than other cards, be specific to a store you don't shop at any more, or may be simply go unused. Whatever the reason, make sure that you want to close this card. Closing a credit card account can be a somewhat trying process and can have a temporary, negative effect on your credit score, so don't take these decisions lightly. Also be sure not to close all of your credit cards. In theory, this would limit your ability to go into debt, but certain situations call for immediately available credit. You will want to have a sound financial plan, and a large emergency fund in place to avoid debt and high-interest loans. You don't want to have to take out a high-interest loan when you could have used your card. If you are looking to narrow down your credit card collection, close those cards with higher interest rates first. It makes sense to keep those cards with good benefits, but paying exorbitant interest rates when you have the choice not to is a bad idea. The same is true of credit cards with high fees. Identify these cards and cut them out first. Even when a credit card has been closed, the account information will remain on your credit report for quite some time after. Due to specific credit reporting laws, a credit card account in good standing (paid at least minimum amount, no missed payments, etc.) will stay on your report for ten years, while a negative report will stay for seven years. Closing a credit card account can affect your credit score in a number of ways. The effects of doing so are generally not seriously harmful to a person's credit; however, they can cause a brief decrease in your credit score in some cases. Keep in mind that closing a card will never improve your score. Closing a card can affect your score in the following ways: Reducing your account variation. Credit agencies use a metric that measures how many credit sources you have and their variety (mortgage, car loan, credit card, etc.). Closing a credit card has the potential to decrease this measurement. Reducing the average account age. Another measurement used by credit agencies measures how long you have held certain accounts. If you choose to close an older credit card, the average age of your accounts may decrease, causing a dip in your credit score. Reducing your credit utilization rate. Finally, reporting agencies use a metric called \"credit utilization rate\" that measures how much credit you have vs. how much you use. A lower rate is favorable, but closing a card may significantly increase it. This is a very important factor in determining your credit score, so think about the effect this might have. As previously mentioned, closing a credit card can lead to temporary dip in your credit score. If you planning to make a large purchase, like a car or house, in the near term, think about waiting to close your credit card after you make that purchase. Your temporarily-lower credit score could make your large purchase even more expensive by securing you a higher interest rate on the loan." ], "summary": [ "Write a letter to the credit card company reiterating your intention to close the account. File the letter in your records. Wait a few weeks and then contact your lender to confirm. File a complaint, if necessary.", "Make sure you've paid off any remaining balance. Redeem rewards before closing your card. Call the 1-800 number on the back of your card to contact the customer service department. Write down any information given to you when you speak with the customer service representative. Hold your ground.", "Determine which card to close. Make sure to close the cards with higher interest rates. Find out how long the account information from this card will be on your credit report. Figure out what closing this card will do to your credit score. Think about your timing." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Having Fun Together", "Loving Him", "Being More Intimate" ], "document": [ "The best way to show your boyfriend that you love him? Go out together and have a good time as often as you can. It's important to keep a relationship fun and fresh, so make it a priority to date, no matter how long you've been together. Explore new restaurants, bars, and dance places together. Find out what kinds of things he likes to do and do them with him. Go camping, go hiking, or check out new movies. Head to the comic book shop together. Have mutual interests and explore them together. Find a sport you both enjoy and pick it up together. Go play tennis against each other, then cool down with some milkshakes afterward. That's a fun, sporty date. On a budget? Make sandwiches and watch a game together, or watch his favorite action movie and spend the night in. Most guys will be huge fans of this kind of date. Let him pick sometimes, as well. It may sound great for you to go to a fancy restaurant and see a ballet, but he might be more into checking out a concert and grabbing some burgers. Do both things, but try to divide them up as much as possible. Your guy will have a close relationship with his guy friends and will show a side of himself that you're not as familiar with. It's possible that he'll act more natural around his male friends, while he'll go into \"boyfriend mode\" when he's with you. If you want to get to know and love the real him, get to know his buddies. Invite them over for a meal, or to have some beers at your place if you want to entertain. Or come along with him on one of his handouts, if you're invited, and hang out with the guys. If you don't like his friends, that's fine, but try to keep it to yourself as much as possible. Let him hang out with them when he wants, and keep your date time separate. If your guy comes over and you've baked him an apple pie and gotten the UFC pay-per-view? You'll be pretty much the best partner ever. Find out what kinds of things your guy really likes and do them just because, whenever you can. Bring him lunch at work, or sneak into the shower with him in the morning before he leaves. Let yourself be five minutes late. Surprises for birthdays and other holidays are nice, but they're not really surprises. To really show your guy some love, do it on a typical Wednesday. Surprises will all depend on the guy. Some guys would love it if you just showed up at his place with a pizza, while others might be mortified. Use your own judgment and make sure you know your guy. While it's important to spend lots of time with someone you love, it's also important to spend enough time apart. If you love your boyfriend, let him hang out with his friends and do things alone. Respect his privacy when it comes to alone time. Some guys will want to hang out every day, while others may require a lot of down time, or time alone. That doesn't mean he loves you less, or that something's wrong. It might just mean that he needs some time alone. If you don't like being alone, then schedule lots of time with your own friends when your guy wants to hang out separately. Hang out with the girls, or see your family for a while. Part of love is trusting your guy enough to tell you the truth. If he hasn't given you any reason to break that trust, you don't need to text him fifty times to keep tabs on him when he's out having fun with his friends. Loving someone means that you get to know them on an emotional level that's deep, maybe deeper than you've ever known someone before. If you want to learn to love your boyfriend, it's important to spend lots of time talking. Ask him open-ended questions to get him talking and listen. See what he has to say. See what he's like. Get to know him. While guys have a reputation for being silent, most guys will open up when you get them in private and talk about the right things. Talking about his hopes and dreams and emotions? Not so much. Talking about subjects he's passionate about? Now you're talking. If this is your first relationship, spend lots of time talking to your boyfriend and getting to know him before you do anything you won't be able to take back. Don't have sex or send inappropriate pictures to anyone you don't really know, just because your'e \"going out.\"", "Your relationship should be a source of joy and love, not a wrestling match between two angry scorpions who are trapped together. If you want to cultivate a loving and close relationship with your boyfriend, it's important to try to keep things as positive and loving as possible at all times. Tell him regularly what you like about him. Write down a list of the things that you love about your boyfriend and that you're attracted to. This helps you to remind yourself as well, if you've forgotten. When bad things happen, as they will, try to handle them like an adult. If you have an argument, try not to scream and yell, but calm down and take a break if necessary. Talk about things when you're in a calm mood. If you want to love your guy, then be in his corner. If he's having a rough time at school or work, encourage him to do his best. If he's successful, compliment him and remind him that he's doing a good job. Be a positive presence in his life. Sometimes, encouragement should be hard. If your guy's been doing nothing but slugging brews and playing Xbox lately, then maybe he needs to be encouraged to spend his time a little more wisely. Talk with him about what he wants to do and encourage him in his interests, so he'll be more fulfilled. Try to avoid nagging or criticizing your guy, especially if he's having a rough time. Most guys will respond better to positive encouragement than to negatives. If your guy is doing something you don't like, give him the hint by suggesting different ways of doing things, instead of rubbing his face in his failures. Guys appreciate it when you cut to the chase and speak your mind. If you have an opinion about something, share it. If you're angry, say so. If something turns you on, tell him what it is so he'll do it again. Don't try to be subtle with a guy, just come right out and say it. Learn to recognize his personal signals. Some guys will close down and stop talking if they're upset. That doesn't mean you need to ask \"What's the matter?\" fifty times an hour. Some guys will open up if you give them some space. Don't expect him to read your mind. If you're feeling hurt by something he said, don't just give him the silent treatment and expect him to figure it out. Be clear and be open. Be honest with him. That's a lot better than sneaking around and trying to drop hints. One thing that helps a guy feel valuable and loved is to feel useful. Asking him to help you with things you don't need help with might just come off as annoying. It's a lot easier to love someone if you're seeing him at his best. If you know you're going to hate going to the football game with him and watching him scream and yell while you're bored, don't tag along just to be together. Spend your time doing something else instead and be together when you've got your own date time. Don't force him to do things he doesn't want to do. If he's going to gripe and complain to come along to an office party with you, don't drag him along. You'll have more fun alone.", "It's important to open yourself up to love and affection. Try to let go of anxiety and love yourself as you love your boyfriend. If you have issues with anxiety and self-esteem, it's important to work on those issues separately from your relationship with your boyfriend. If you struggle with anxiety issues, or struggle in other ways, talk to someone about it. Seek out a doctor, or a close friend to talk about your anxiety. You can be open and honest with your boyfriend, but don't burden him with your issues if it hurts your relationship. Look your best so you feel confident and loving with your boyfriend. You don't have to look any particular way to love your boyfriend, but if it would make you feel more confident and loving with your boyfriend, make some little changes. Get in shape or dress up if it will help. Before you're physically intimate with your boyfriend, make sure that you want to and that you're old enough and responsible enough to show your love physically. Always practice safe sex and communicate with your boyfriend before you do. If your boyfriend will only be with you if you have sex before you're ready, or send him pictures on your phone that you don't want to send, break up with him. He's manipulating you and is being unfair. Love yourself enough to stand up for yourself and move at your own speed. Lots of people think that the guy will always initiate the kissing and the physical love part of a relationship. This doesn't have to be the case. If you want to show your boyfriend that you love him, don't wait around for him to make a move. If you're feeling love, make a move yourself every now and then. This will help him to feel loved, and will help you to feel closer to him. Even if you've been together a while, try to remember what it was like when you first got together and rekindle some of that attitude when you're together. Tell him that he turns you on. Tell him what you want to do together. Leave him little notes throughout the day if you want to turn your boyfriend on. Delay the gratification, so you'll keep the sexual tension up all day until you get back to your place. Tease him physically as well. Give him a little kiss on the side of the neck when you're out in public together and whisper in his ear. Drive him wild. Your love life can get stale pretty quickly if you don't put some work into it. If you want to love your boyfriend, find little ways to keep your life in and out of the bedroom fresh and exciting for you. Try having sex at different times and in different places than normal. If you want to do it, don't always do it in the same place. Try out new moves. Experiment with some kink. Dress up and role-play. Talk about what you like, and find out what he likes. All guys are different. It's always better to find out from your boyfriend what feels good and what turns him on, instead of reading some list on the Internet or from a magazine." ], "summary": [ "Plan fun dates. Get to know his friends. Surprise him. Spend time apart, as well. Talk.", "Be positive. Encourage him. Don't criticize. Communicate with him. Be clear and make things simple. Ask him to help you with something that he's good at. Be around him when he's at his best.", "Love yourself. Move at your own pace. Initiate sometimes. Flirt and tease your boyfriend. Spice it up." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Inserting Vaginal Cream", "Using Vaginal Creams Effectively" ], "document": [ "Choose a mild soap and gently wash your vaginal area. Make sure your hands are washed in the process. Rinse the soap off completely. Pat your the skin of your hands and vagina dry using a clean cotton cloth. Always use sanitary tools and wash your hands before applying the cream. This can prevent bacteria from spreading into your vagina. The tube of cream should come with an applicator that you can screw it onto. Gently squeeze the tube from the bottom so that the applicator is filled with the correct dosage. Look for a fill mark on the applicator or fill the applicator completely, if instructed. Don't overfill the applicator since you'll need to unscrew the applicator from the tube. Hold the applicator upright so that none of the cream leaks out. Avoid screwing the applicator and the tube too tight. You'll need to be able to get the tube of cream out of the applicator for future use. Stand with your legs and knees apart. Place one foot up on a stool, the edge of the toilet, the bathtub or a chair. Or, you could lay on your back with your knees bent and your feet about shoulder width apart. You should be somewhat comfortable and have easy access to your vaginal opening. Take your non-dominant hand and separate the lips of your vulva (the labia) so that your vagina is exposed. Your dominant hand should be holding the applicator filled with cream. Relax and place the applicator into your vaginal opening. Insert it in your vagina and depress the plunger of the applicator using your index finger. Depress the plunger completely so that it stops moving and all the cream is inserted. It may help to point the applicator towards the small of your back when you place it into your vaginal opening. Remove the applicator and dispose of it if you won't need it again. If you used a reusable applicator, wash it with warm soapy water. Rinse it well and let it air dry completely. Remember to wash and dry your hands. Since some of the cream may leak out, you might want to wear a sanitary pad (not a tampon) to collect any discharge.", "You should use the vaginal cream for the full number of days prescribed at the correct dose. Don't stop using the vaginal cream if you start menstruating. The vaginal cream will still be effective; it just may be a little messier to insert. Just make sure to use sanitary pads since tampons could absorb the cream. If you miss a dose or run out of the vaginal cream before your treatment is complete, call the doctor or pharmacist for a refill. Most vaginal creams are designed to be stored at room temperature. Check the information on the box or ask your pharmacist to be sure. Storing the cream at a temperature that's too hot or cold could damage it. It's best to store most medications in a cool, dry place. Avoid storing medication in a medicine cabinet since heat and moisture from the bathroom could cause it to be less effective or expire early. The heat of your body will cause most creams to leak out a little after you apply them to your vagina. If you can, try to use the vaginal cream at night. Laying down after you apply the cream can also keep it in your vagina longer and reduce the amount that leaks out. If you need to use vaginal creams during the day, wear a sanitary pad to avoid staining your underwear and lay down for a few minutes immediately after you apply the cream, if you can. The side effects will vary depending on what medication is in the vaginal cream. In general, side effects may include vaginal discomfort, vaginal dryness, burning or itching and potentially messy discharge from the vagina. Be sure to read the information that came with the vaginal cream. This will give you more detailed information about the specific side effects you can expect. If any side effects are causing you discomfort or you feel pain, contact your doctor. If you experience swelling of the vagina and vulva area, itching, hives, or tightness of the chest, you may be having an allergic reaction so it's important to get medication attention. Always ask your doctor if you have any questions about using the vaginal cream. You should also talk with your doctor about whether or not you need to refrain from sexual intercourse while you use the vaginal cream." ], "summary": [ "Cleanse your vagina. Prepare the cream. Position your body. Insert the applicator. Dispose of the applicator.", "Use the cream even if you start menstruating. Store the vaginal cream correctly. Apply the cream at night. Watch for side effects. Get medical attention if you feel discomfort." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Selecting the Classic Side-Part", "Crafting a Peaked Short Cut", "Picking the Right Product", "Rocking a Vintage Pompadour", "Styling a Crew Cut" ], "document": [ "You need to get your hair wet before styling it. Either take a shower and pat your hair partially dry, or scoop some water up in your hand and run it through your hair. Squeeze a quarter-sized dollop of product into your hand and rub the cream or mousse throughout your hair. Make sure to rub the sides and back of your head as well. This is a simple, classy look that will work for job interviews and nights out on the town alike. It works with almost any head shape, and can be easily adjusted to be more or less formal. You can part your hair either on the left or right side of your head. Some people have a natural part, where their hair tends to naturally lean one direction or another. If you have a natural part, use it to make parting your hair easier. If you don’t, pick whichever side you think will look better based on the shape of your head. The part belongs at the upper-right or upper-left as the side of your hair transitions into the top of the head where the hair gets thicker. With the product still wet, take your comb and start at the point in your head where you want to put your part. Put the comb’s teeth right on to the line where you’re adding the part and comb the top over the center of your head. Comb your hair to the side, running the comb in the same direction away from the part. The part line should look like a single, continuous line on the top of your head. Your sides won’t require as much combing as your top, but they do need to be combed flat. Use the same comb to smooth the hair on the sides of your head straight down. Be careful on the side that you already parted so that you don’t brush any of the hairs from the top. Don’t use a dryer on the side-part. It’ll just lift individual hairs up from the area where you parted your hair and you’ll look messy.", "Run your hands under a stream of water and then run your fingers through your hair to get it wet. You can also choose to take a shower and blot your hair mostly dry with a towel. Scoop up a quarter-sized amount of product in your hand and work it into your hair by running your hands through the top of your head. Start with the roots of your hair and run your hands backwards to spread the product out. This cut is a great look for men with shorter hair on the side who want a defined, simple look that will look natural and curated at the same time. You don’t need much product to shape your hair. If you use more than a small dollop, you may end up with chunks of product stuck in your hair. Plug a dryer in and turn it on low. Spread your fingers out and brush your hair back over and over. At the same time, dry your hair from the left of the right side of your head. The direction that you’re drying from will determine what side of your hair moves up towards the peak in the front. If you have longer hair on the side, comb it or pat it down so that it isn’t sticking out at the side. Starting at the edge of the crown, direct the hair in the front half of your head straight up and toward the center of your skull. The hair at the top front should meet in a point aligned to the middle of the crown. Plug a flat iron in and set it to low heat if there are adjustable settings. Clamp the iron over the peaks where the 2 sides of your hair meet at the top for 1-2 seconds. This will heat the edges and merge them together so that your peak stays in place for the day. This step is optional, you can always choose to leave it as it is. The peak is more likely to hold in place if you iron the tips though. Scoop up a small amount of styling product in your hand. Rub your hands together to spread the product through your fingers. Pat the sides of your crown and the tips of your hair where the 2 sides meet to set the hair in place.", "Hair gel is the most common hair product for a reason—it tends to be the strongest. If you have very specific styles in mind and plan on spending a lot of time outdoors or running around, get a gel to shape your hair. Most gels tend to leave a shiny texture behind. This can make your hair look a little damp if you use too much of it. Hair wax and mud are thicker than gel, and tend to provide a solid amount of holding power. The major difference is that hair wax or mud doesn’t leave a ton of shine behind. This is the best choice if you aren’t actually trying to look like you spent a lot of time on your hair, since it will be kind of hard to tell that you actually used anything in it. These products are sometimes called hair clay as well. Wax, unlike gel or pomade, can be adjusted after it’s been dried and your hair will still hold. Pomade has become one of the most beloved hair products for men over the course of the past few years. It’s popular because it provides some light holding power without leaving a ton of evidence that you’ve put product in your hair. It won’t hold your hair firmly in place, but it will help keep a general shape once it’s in your hair. Pomade is thicker than wax, but doesn’t hold as hard. This makes it a great option for people with thicker hair that doesn’t need as much help holding a shape. While not as popular for men, volumizing mousse will make your hair pop out and stand up. This is a great choice for people with thinner hair that tends to fall down after it’s been styled with thicker products.", "You need to get your hair wet before you can style a pompadour. Take a shower and blot your hair with a towel to get rid of the excess water. You can also choose to run your hands under some water and run your fingers through your hair. Squeeze a quarter-sized dollop of product into your palm. Then, gently rub the product over your hands and spread it evenly through your hair from root to end. This is kind of an old-school look that has become quite popular over the past 5-10 years. It’s a great way to make short hair look bigger than it actually is, although it will be hard to pull off if the front of your hair is tapered to be shorter than the top of your head. Plug a hair dryer in and set it to low heat. Run your fingers through your hair and push the front of your hair upwards then back while drying it from the front. Focus on giving the hair height during this step. Once the roots of your locks dry vertically, you can ease the ends of the hair toward the back of your head. Once you’ve got the top of your hair lifted and pulled to the back, grab a comb or stiff brush. Use the comb or brush to comb your sides backwards. While you’re combing, dry your sides with the hair dryer set on low heat. Once your hair dries, scoop up a small amount of styling product in your hand. Rub your hands together to spread it out and then run your fingers lightly through the top of your hair. Adjust the shape of the top of your pompadour to modify your look and set your hair in place. Don’t change the overall direction of your hair after you’ve dried it. You won’t be able to add parts or set sections to the side after the hair has dried. Add details or change small elements with a comb if you’d like.", "Either take a shower and pat your hair mostly dry, or scoop some water up and run it through your hair. Pat your hair down with a damp towel to remove most of the water. Take some sculpting wax, gel, mud, or pomade and run it through your hair. Make sure that you rub the sides and the back to get product into every part of your hair. The crew cut is an extremely common haircut where the sides are cut extremely short and there’s a little more hair left on top. Since you can’t do much with the sides, styling a crew cut comes down to adjusting the hair on top. For a trendier look, take a fine-tooth comb and place the teeth directly underneath your hairline in front. Comb your hair directly to the back on top. Comb the top section of your head straight back and comb the sides down for a vintage undercut style. To give your crew cut a little attitude, scoop a quarter-sized drop of product into your hands. Put both hands on top of your head inside the part. Use your fingers to rub your hair on both sides up and towards the center. Squeeze the crown of your hair together to set it in place. If you want to add a little volume without making too much of a statement, take a comb or brush and style the top of your head forward. With the top of your head brushed or combed forward, take your hand and run it up through the top of your head in the front. Pull the hair near your hairline up with your fingers and make minor adjustments by hand to give your hair some shape. This will give your hair a little volume without making it look overly-styled. For a laid-back bed head look, simply use your hands to rub the top of your head and mess your hair up. Then, once your hair is all over the place, make minor adjustments by hand or with a soft-bristled brush to adjust the hair as you please. If you want to set your messy look in place, use a sculpting spray to set it in place." ], "summary": [ "Get some water in your hair and pat it dry. Scoop some product up and run it through your hair. Choose a side of your head to part your hair near the top. Part your hair with a comb by running the top to the side. Comb your sides straight down and let it air dry.", "Get your hair wet and pat it partially dry. Run some product through your hair after dampening it. Pull your hair back by running your hands through your head while drying it. Pull your hair up to a point in the front of your head. Use a flat iron on the peak at the top to hold it in place. Secure the vertical elements of your hair with product.", "Get a gel for a firm hold that leaves a little shine. Choose a wax or mud for a moderately-firm hold with less shine. Select pomade for a light hold that will still provide some shape. Get a volumizing mousse if you have thinner hair.", "Get your hair partially wet. Apply product to your hair after dampening it. Guide your hair backwards to the crown while drying it on low heat. Comb your sides backwards while drying them. Run product through the top of your hair to set it in place.", "Make your hair wet and dry it a little. Run some product through your hair. Comb your hair back on top for an undercut-look. Run your hair to the center for a pseudo-mohawk. Rub your hair upwards in the front for more volume. Go for a messy bed head look by rubbing your hair randomly." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Starting Your Day Right", "Combating the Signs of Sleepiness", "Getting a Good Night’s Sleep" ], "document": [ "Whether you hit the snooze button constantly in the morning, or even only delaying getting up by five minutes, using the snooze button at all will make you feel more tired. Sleep experts say that hitting the snooze button disrupts the inertia of your sleep, which in turn will make you feel (and look!) more tired throughout the morning. When you first wake up in the morning and feel like you want to go back to sleep, that is normal sleep inertia; however, allowing your body to go back to sleep and having to repeat the process again a few minutes later will cause your brain to feel this pronounced grogginess longer after you do finally get up. If you want to feel and look more awake right away, avoid post-snooze sleep and the snooze button! Your body’s internal clock is extremely sensitive to light and darkness, so try to avoid confusing it by telling it to be awake when you’re still in the dark. A hefty dose of sunshine when you first wake up in the morning is one of the best ways to trick your body into waking up. And if you feel like you’re awake, you will look like you’re awake. If you open the curtains to overcast skies or you wake up before dawn, turn on a very strong light in every room you get ready in. For best results, try using the type of lightbulb used to treat the seasonal affective disorder. If you have the willpower to wake up and do your full workout, that’s great! For many people though, just getting up in the morning is hard enough. Even if you feel extremely tired in the morning, another great way to perk up your appearance is to get the blood moving by taking a brisk walk around your room, doing a couple of jumping jacks, or stretching for about 5 minutes. This light exercise and stretching will help wake up your mind and body, and it will give you an alert look and a rosy, healthy glow. When you wake up feeling tired it can be tempting to skip the shower altogether for a few extra minutes of sleep; however, taking a shower is a great way to wake up in the morning. Adjust the water temperature to be as cool as you can handle it, and use an exfoliating scrub on your face and body. Exfoliating will scrub off the grime and bacteria from the previous day and brighten the skin, which will help you look more awake. Coldwater also causes the blood vessels to constrict, which reduces redness and swelling, so your face will look more rested. Be sure to put moisturizer on afterward since dehydrated skin will look unhealthy and make you look tired. Sleep experts say that waking up and immediately reaching for your coffee is one of the worst ways to wake up. It gets your body in the habit of needing caffeine and makes your body think that it can’t possibly wake up without it when in fact it can. This means that on days when you don’t have enough coffee or any coffee at all, you will look way more tired than you really are because you’ve tricked yourself into thinking you’re sleepy. Instead, reach for a large glass of cold water and drink it briskly. This will wake you up and hydrate your skin, helping you look awake. Also don’t forget to eat breakfast rich in fiber and protein, which will set you up for a day of productivity.", "It may seem strange, but one of the most tried and true remedies to look awake and refreshed in the morning is to use cold spoons to de-puff your eyes. Place two spoons in your freezer while you get ready in the morning. Once they have cooled, gently press the spoons (the curved side in) to your eye sockets. The combination of the cold and the pressure will make under-eye bags disappear, which will make you look wide awake and well-rested. Keep the spoons on your eyes until they are no longer cold, about 5 minutes. Red eyes are a sure sign that you are fatigued, so taking measures to make your eyes look white will immediately make you look less tired. There are several ways to do this depending on how much extra time you have in the morning: Use over-the-counter eye drops to clear up bloodshot eyes. Apply a cold compress to your eyes for 10 - 15 minutes in the morning to help shrink the blood vessels around your eyes. If you wear makeup, apply eyeliner that matches your skin tone to the inner lash line, called the waterline, of your lower eyelid. This will make the veins in your eyes less noticeable and the whites of your eyes will look brighter. Many people suffer from dark under-eye circles even when they are well-rested, but still, these circles are associated with fatigue. In fact, dark under-eye circles are not caused by a lack of sleep, these shadows are just more apparent when you’re tired because a lack of sleep makes you paler and more hollow-eyed. Whether the circles are chronic or because you pulled an all-nighter, there are ways to reduce their appearance and help you look less tired: Applying cold compresses (especially cold spoons!) will help get rid of dark circles as well as puffy eyes. Try using saline washes or sprays to rinse away any nasal congestion, which can affect your blood pressure and pool blood in the veins and capillaries under your eyes. Take a moment and gently massage your under-eye area with a cool wet washcloth or a frozen cotton swab for about 5 - 10 minutes. This will help disperse any blood pooled in the veins and capillaries under your eyes. If you wear makeup, use a thick concealer with a yellow undertone to hide dark under-eye circles. On days where you need a little more help to look less tired in the morning, reach for a moisturizing product designed to perk up your skin. Look for products that contain refreshing ingredients like caffeine or green tea, which will help awaken your skin up from the inside out. To enhance the effectiveness of these products further, try keeping them in the refrigerator to that they are extra cool and refresh when applied to the skin.", "Staying hydrated throughout the day will help you look better and feel better. Going to bed even mildly dehydrated will not only disturb your sleep cycle, but it will also cause you to look more tired in the morning. Staying hydrated will help your skin achieve an even tone and can help you avoid dark under-eye circles, which will make you look tired even if you had a full night of deep sleep. If drinking more water throughout the day makes you get up to use the restroom at night, drink earlier in the day and stop drinking water two hours before bedtime. Both caffeine and alcohol are extremely dehydrating, so drinking too much of either throughout the day can counteract all the water you drink to stay hydrated. Alcohol also causes the blood vessels in your body and face to dilate, which can lead to flushed, puffy skin when you wake up in the morning. Drinking either of these before bed will make you look even more tired in the morning, so definitely avoid these the night before any important day. Feeling and looking tired in the morning can be caused by a number of factors, but one of the most common factors is poor sleep hygiene. Sleeping well is not just about how long you sleep, it is also about how well you sleep. Many people just jump into bed and shut the light off, but this is not the proper way to wind down after a long day. Before settling in for the night, try to take the time to clear your mind of any stressors. Be sure to turn off the TV and any bright lights as well. Maximize the benefits of sleep by helping your brain get to the ultra-relaxing deep sleep stage by starting your night off with a relaxed mind. Most sleep experts agree that the average adult should get 7 - 9 hours of sleep each night. For many, this number may seem like a lot, but that’s because hardly any adults get that much sleep. In fact, about 40% of adults get less than 7 hours of sleep each night. Sleep experts say this means that almost half of adults are starving for sleep, so it’s no wonder so many of us feel and look tired in the morning. To help you look less tired in the morning, be less tired in the morning by getting enough sleep the night before. Stick to a consistent bedtime to help set your body’s internal clock, and you’ll be on your way to a fresh face in the morning in no time. Stop using electronic screens about an hour before going to sleep. Screens interrupt the cues that tell your body that it's time to get some shut-eye, and tapering off on their use before going to sleep will make it easier to get a good night's rest. To help you look your best in the morning, experts also recommend sleeping on your back to reduce sleep lines upon awakening. Sleeping on your back can also help to reduce face puffiness and the formation of early-onset wrinkles. You can also try sleeping with more pillows under your head, propping up your body at a 25-30 degree angle, which some research finds reduces dark circles formation by eliminating blood pooling in the tiny vessels of the face during sleep." ], "summary": [ "Avoid hitting the snooze button. Don’t get ready in the dark. Stretch and lightly exercise every morning. Take a cold shower. Eat breakfast and drink a large glass of cold water.", "Get rid of under-eye bags. Make your eyes look white and bright. Get rid of dark circles. Apply a refreshing moisturizer to your skin.", "Drink plenty of water. Limit caffeine and alcohol before bedtime. Wind down before bed the night before. Get enough sleep. Sleep on your back." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Paying Your Bills When You're Short on Cash", "\nBudgeting to Pay Your Bills", "Keeping Track of Your Bills" ], "document": [ "It sounds easier said than done, but the way to start is by separating your bills into three categories: necessities, secured debts, and unsecured debts. Necessities are the types of bills you need to pay in order to survive. Thing like mortgage or rent, your utility bills, your grocery bills, and any bills that allow you to work, such as child care or car payments. A secured debt is a debt that is secured by some type of collateral. That means that if the debt goes unpaid, then the creditor can repossess whatever you have as collateral without first taking you to court. This includes mortgage and car payments (which are also necessities), as well as child support (which uses your wages as collateral) and back taxes. After you've paid off your necessities, pay these. Lastly, pay your unsecured debts. In order for a creditor to seize your property in order to satisfy an unsecured debt, they first have to take you to court. Since it takes a long time for a court case to come to bar, even if you get behind on these debts, you will have more time make things right with your creditors than you do with secured debts and necessities. Try to pay big, irregular bills over several monthly if you can't pay all at once. You may be able to negotiate with your creditor to space out your payments. Either way, it's better to pay what you can rather than nothing at all. Of course, this is the last thing you want to do. But if you are coming up short every month, you may need to make some cuts in recurring expenses. You may have to cut off your cable or smartphone (get a flip-phone instead), or liquidate assets until you get back on your feet. Many lenders or utility companies, for instance, will work with you to negotiate lower bill payments if you're in a bind. For example you can opt for a higher deductible on your auto insurance or shop around for cheaper insurance that fits into your budget. Contact a nonprofit credit counseling or financial planning organization. Counselors can help you set up a budget and can negotiate with creditors on your behalf. The Justice Department keeps a list of approved credit counseling agencies here: http://www.justice.gov/ust/list-credit-counseling-agencies-approved-pursuant-11-usc-111, but others are available. There are a fair amount of charlatans hawking credit counseling advice, so be cautious when choosing one. Make sure they are non-profit, ask about the qualifications of their counselors, fees, contract terms, and how their counselors get paid.", "This is one of the easiest ways to make a budget that you stick to. Simply compute how much you pay each month for your regular bills. Divide that amount by the number of times you get paid each month to determine how much you should deposit in your bill-paying account from each paycheck. After each pay period, make sure to make the deposits in the proper accounts. Certain items, like car registration, taxes, and insurance payments are often billed once or twice a year, instead of being billed each month. Budget for these too. Simply write down the total of your non-regular bills and divide that number by 12 to determine how much to set aside each month. So that you won't be tempted to skimp on irregular expenses, it's best to put this money in the same account as you use for your regular bills. That way, the money is there when you need it. Budget for items that you may not buy monthly, such as clothing, so that you always have some money tucked away when you need new items. This is very important, and most financial experts strongly recommend building emergency savings equal to three to six months of take-home income. As soon as you are caught up on bills, this should be your first savings goal. The amount you need to put in will depend on your needs. For example, if your car insurance policy has a $1,000 deductible, then always keep at least $1,000 in your emergency account just in case you have a car accident.", "If you get paper copies of your bills in the mail, open them immediately. When you're behind on bills, it can be tempting not to open them. Resist the urge. There is nothing to be gained by keeping yourself in the dark. Even people who have paperless billing set up will put off opening bills. For a lot of people, it can be easier to postpone looking at their bills if they can't see them hanging around the house. If this sounds like you, switch from paperless billing to conventional billing. This might seem like a no-brainer, but that doesn't mean that everyone does it. Even people who know they should do this sometimes don't. Make a commitment to keep all of your bills in the same place, so that you go straight there from the mailbox. Try a home office, the refrigerator door, or a coffee table — just make sure that it's a place where you see them often enough that you don't forget. The easiest way to keep track of bills is to pay them as they arrive. That way, you never need to worry about paying bills late, and you never have to worry about overspending on non-essentials. The money you can't afford to spend is already spent where it is most necessary. Even if you pay each bill as it comes, every now and then, there will be a bill you can't afford to pay right away. When this happens, put the bill in one of two categories: bills that are due at the beginning of the month, and bills that are due mid-month. Pay the bills that are due at the beginning of the month first, and pay the mid-month bills second. Your goal is to owe roughly the same amount at the beginning of the month and in the middle of the month. Almost all companies will negotiate a more convenient due date if you ask. So if one segment of your bills is much larger than the other, call customer service for the respective companies and ask them to change your billing date. For the technologically averse, mark two dates on your calendar for bill payment. Each bill payment date should come a little bit before the bills are actually due. For example, on the 1st and 15th of each month, set aside an hour or so to both review and settle your bills. Make sure to keep this appointment with yourself. If you find yourself needing a more noticeable reminder than a calendar, try a bill payment app or website. Some common features include automatically linking to debit and credit cards, reminders when a bill is about to be late, and alerts when your bank account gets low. There are a lot of great apps and sites out there, but check out Mint Bills, Prism Bills and Money, and Evolve Money for a start. Online bill pay will automatically draft your bill payments from your checking account. You won't have to worry about keeping your bills organized or remembering to write and mail a check. You can set up an online bill pay through one of the secondary sites or apps available online, or you can set it up automatically with the companies who are billing you." ], "summary": [ "Start by paying your most important bills. Cut the non-essentials. Talk to your creditors early. Find ways to lower your rates. Get financial counseling.", "Create separate accounts for bills and for discretionary funds. Budget for bills that you don't regularly pay. Keep an emergency savings account in case of disaster.", "Open your bills immediately. Put your bills in the same place. Pay bills as you go. Divide your bills into two categories. Negotiate more convenient due dates. Mark your calendar. Check out reminder apps or sites. Sign up for online bill pay." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Find People on Twitter", "Make Closer Twitter Connections" ], "document": [ "Make sure you add a picture of your face and a brief biography that explains what you like and what you do. Include your website and your city location. Many people do not follow Twitter users who don't use a photo of themselves as their picture. This is because Twitter-based spammers often use other images, rather than personal photos. This is the bar at the top of your profile with a small magnifying glass in it. Search for friends, family and famous people you may want to follow. Send them a message by including \"@\" in front of their username to introduce yourself and encourage them to follow you. Add them to lists, if you want to make your followers more manageable. Do your research on each user before following them. Click on the profile and read their tweets. Send them a message if you know them already to encourage them to follow you back. Many people receive updates when new people follow them on Twitter. This is a notifications setting in your personal profile. In some cases, if you start following someone, they will start following you, and you can begin talking with them regularly on Twitter. It will list people your friends follow or people with similar interests. Click on their name to go to their Twitter profile, and follow them if you read their tweets and like what you see. This trend started in 2009, and it encourages people to recommend their favorite Twitter users by putting @username and \"#followfriday\" or \"#ff\" at the end. You can click on the hashtag to see all the people who are recommended in the Twitter feed on Friday. Also pay attention to other peoples' lists that recommend people. They might be named \"Tweeps I suggest,\" or something similar. This is another great way to look for good people to follow and connect with. Search for users with a tag of your choice, such as \"books,\" \"San Francisco\" or \"marketing.\" When you follow them, reply to their tweets or retweet them to begin the connection. Decide what kind of connections you want to make on Twitter. You may want to develop professional, community, business or personal contacts. The type of user you want to meet will define how professional or personal your communication should be. Directories are great places to find the most influential Twitter users so that you can stay on top of trends and news. You may not make close connections with people who have thousands or millions of followers.", "As well as retweeting a message, choose to include a reply \"@theirusername\" and say \"thanks, I loved this\" or a similar comment. This is a great way to achieve a more personal connection and get the person to follow you, if they don't do so already. Everyone loves knowing that their tweets are reaching their followers and being appreciated. Just like regular friends, Twitter friendships and connections get stronger the more consistently you interact. Become part of conversations with people you follow, and you will begin to connect. Direct messages are private messages between two users, invisible to the public. Use this to communicate with close friends, family colleagues and people you have developed close connections with. Direct messages that are sent to people you don't know very well may go unanswered. However, if you are trying to arrange a business meeting or ask for advice, it may be a way to get to know someone better. Never ask for personal information, or you may be reported as a Twitter spammer. You can only send direct messages to users who are following you. TweetDeck is a popular Internet, iPad and phone application because it displays the homepage, replies and direct messages in a user-friendly way." ], "summary": [ "Complete your profile before attempting to connect. Use the Twitter dedicated search function to find people. Click the \"Follow\" button when you find someone you want to follow. Click on the \"Similar to You\" or the \"Who to Follow\" box when they appear on your home page. Pay close attention to tweets on Follow Friday. Use the directory at WeFollow or Twellow to find people with similar interests.", "Engage with someone if you liked their tweet or have a reaction to their thoughts. Get to know people on Twitter. Direct message users who you have come to know well. Connect your Twitter account to your smart phone and/or use a Twitter browser." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Changing News Feed Preferences", "Hiding News Feed Items", "Customizing Shortcuts" ], "document": [ "Either tap the Facebook app (mobile) or go to https://www.facebook.com/ in your preferred browser (desktop). If you aren't logged in, enter your email address (or phone number) and password before continuing. Depending on your platform, this process will vary: iPhone - Tap ☰, scroll down and tap Settings, and tap News Feed Preferences. Android - Tap ☰, scroll down, and tap News Feed Preferences. Desktop - Click {\"smallUrl\":\"https:\\/\\/www.wikihow.com\\/images\\/8\\/82\\/Android7dropdown.png\",\"bigUrl\":\"\\/images\\/thumb\\/8\\/82\\/Android7dropdown.png\\/30px-Android7dropdown.png\",\"smallWidth\":460,\"smallHeight\":460,\"bigWidth\":\"30\",\"bigHeight\":\"30\",\"licensing\":\"<div class=\\\"mw-parser-output\\\"><p>I edited this screenshot of an Android icon.\\n<\\/p><p>License: <a rel=\\\"nofollow\\\" class=\\\"external text\\\" href=\\\"http:\\/\\/en.wikipedia.org\\/wiki\\/Fair_use\\\">Fair Use<\\/a><br>\\n<\\/p><\\/div>\"}, then click News Feed Preferences. It's the top option on the Preferences page. Tap or click the name of each person you want to prioritize in your News Feed. This will return you to the previous menu. It's the second option on this page. Unfollowing people will remove their posts from your News Feed. Tap or click the name of each person whose posts you want to prevent from appearing in your News Feed. This will save your changes and return you to the Preferences page. If you want to re-add some of the people you just unfollowed, you can tap Reconnect with people you unfollowed and then tap each name you wish to re-follow. This is the last option on the Preferences page. Doing so opens a list of pages you may want to follow. Select Like or tap on each suggested page you want to add. This will place these pages in your \"Liked Pages\" list. This will return you to the main Settings menu.", "Scroll down through your News Feed until you find the post or ad you want to hide from your News Feed. Hiding a post is different than reporting a post. This icon is in the top-right corner of the post. Tap or click it to prompt a drop-down menu. It's near the top of the drop-down menu. Tapping or clicking this will immediately hide the post from your News Feed. If you're trying to hide an ad or suggested post, select Hide Ad instead. Depending on the type of post you hid, your follow-up options will vary, but will often include the following: See Less from [Name] - Facebook will lower the user's posts in your News Feed priority. Hide All from [Name] - Block all updates from this person, page, or ad source.", "If you left the News Feed page, return to it by tapping Home in the bottom-left corner of the screen (mobile) or by clicking the f icon in the upper-left side of the Facebook page (desktop). You can only customize your shortcuts on desktop. This section is near the top of the column of options that's on the left side of the News Feed. Your currently available shortcuts will appear in this window. Click the box to the right of a shortcut to view its sorting options: Sorted Automatically - The default option. Pinned to Top - Places the shortcut at or near the top of the shortcuts menu. Hidden from Shortcuts - Removes the item from the shortcuts menu. Click one of the sorting options to apply it to the selected shortcut. The shortcut will adjust its position in the News Feed sidebar. Repeat this process for all shortcuts you want to change. It's in the bottom-right corner of the window. This will save your changes." ], "summary": [ "Open Facebook. Open the News Feed Preferences menu. Select Prioritize who to see first. Select people whose posts you want to see first. Select Done or . Select Unfollow people to hide their posts. Select people to unfollow. Select Done or . Select Discover Pages that match your interests. Select pages to follow. Select Done or twice.", "Go the item you want to hide. Select . Select Hide Post. Select a follow-up action.", "Return to your News Feed page. Select the \"SHORTCUTS\" heading and click Edit. Click the drop-down box next to a shortcut. Select a sort option. Click Save." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Turning on iCloud Photo Sharing", "Creating Shared Photo Albums" ], "document": [ "This is the app with the grey gears icon, usually found on your Home Screen. You can find this at the top of the fifth set of menu options. This will allow you to view the iCloud storage options for the photos on your device. It will turn green when it is enabled. You will now be able to share and receive photo albums with any of your contacts.", "This is the app showing a colorful flower icon. You can usually find it next to your \"Camera\" app. You can find this tab in the grey bar at the bottom of your screen. If this is your first time sharing an album, select \"Get Started\" in the center of your screen. If you have previously used iCloud Photo Sharing, select “Sharing” in the top left corner of the screen to get to the main menu. This will be the blue button in the top left corner of your screen. If you do not see this button, tap \"Back\" to return to the iCloud Photo Sharing screen. This name will be visible to anyone you share the album with. You can now select the contacts you want to share your photo album with. Type the name or phone number of a contact with an Apple device. Your shared album will now be available for photo sharing. You can find this under the \"Shared\" tab. The title of the album will be under the gallery's icon. You will now be able to add photos to your shared album. By tapping a photo, you can share any of the pictures stored on your device. A blue checkmark will appear on the selected photos. The selected photos will be uploaded to the shared album. Once it’s done uploading it’ll notify you and ask the sender “Do you wanna share this with the recipient? Yes or no.” The photos added to the album will be available to the contacts who have access to the shared gallery." ], "summary": [ "Open your iPhone’s Settings. Tap iCloud. Tap Photos. Slide the button next to iCloud Photo Sharing to the On position.", "Open Photos. Tap Shared. Tap +. Enter the name of your Photo Album. Tap Next. Enter the contact names you want to share album with. Tap Create. Tap on your new album. Tap +. Select the photos you want to share. Tap Done. Tap Post." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making Basic Hair Gel", "Making a Gel for Shine" ], "document": [ "While you can always use store-bought aloe vera, using an actual aloe vera leaf is so much better for your hair because it is all-natural and does not contain any extra ingredients. Try to get a large leaf, if you can; a small one won't give you much gel. If you plan on making the homemade gel often, it is more economical to buy an aloe vera plant rather than just a leaf. Your local garden store can help you select one.", "Fill a saucepan with water, then add ¼ cup (42 grams) of flax seeds. Allow the flax seeds to sit in the water for at least 6 to 8 hours; overnight would be better. If you are in a hurry, you can skip this step. Soaking the seeds will simply give you more gel. Discard any excess water after the soaking process." ], "summary": [ "Get an aloe vera leaf.", "Soak the flax seeds overnight." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Harvesting Mustard Greens", "Planting Mustard Greens", "Caring for Your Mustard Greens" ], "document": [ "Mustard greens should be harvested when the leaves are still young and tender; older leaves will have a bitterer flavor. You can start to pick the leaves after 4 weeks, when they should be about 3 to 6 inches long (7.6-15.2cm). You can harvest greens by snipping off outer leaves from the plant, and then leaving it to continue growing. Alternatively, you can unearth the entire plant and harvest all of the leaves at once. Discard any yellow leaves that you find on the plant. Pick all your mustard greens and refrigerate them. Leaves can be kept in the crisper drawer for up to a week. Beyond that, you can freeze the greens to be used for cooking later on. When the environment gets too hot, the plants will begin to seed and grow a flower stalk, signaling that no new leaves will grow. At this point you can either dig up the plants, or leave them there to seed. Once the seed pod developing on the plant has dried, you can collect the seeds. Be sure to collect them before the seed pod splits open; seeds that spill onto the soil will likely be dispersed and grow into new plants later on.", "Mustard greens come in different varieties ranging in color, texture, and shape of leaves. These varying types of mustard greens come from different regions of the world, including Asia, Africa, and the Southeastern US. To create an interesting mix, plant two or more of these varieties: Ruby Streaks Red Giant Scarlet frills Southern Giant Curled Golden Frills Amara Red Giant Garnet Giant Red Splendor Suehlihung No. 2 Purchase seeds for growing mustard greens from a local gardening center, online, at hardware stores, or at department stores. Given the quick growth cycle of mustard greens, you can replant them every two or three weeks to keep up production. If you intend to do so, purchase more accordingly. Mustard greens grow best in moist, rich soil. To prepare the soil for planting, spread compost over the planting area, about 3 to 6 inches thick. Carefully turn the compost into the ground with a digging fork, loosening the soil. Mustard greens thrive in cooler temperatures but do not grow well in summer. Aim to start seeds about four weeks before the last frost. The plants can tolerate frost, which actually contributes to a sweeter flavor to the greens. Plant seeds just under the soil, about a half an inch apart. Once the seedlings sprout and grow their first leaves, gently unearth them and pull them apart into clumps. Replant the seedlings approximately 12 inches apart. While this replanting of the seedlings is not necessary, doing so will allow greens to grow faster and yield more.", "Mustard greens require 2 inches of water per week to thrive. Factoring in rainfall, make sure that they receive adequate hydration. Be sure to keep the soil evenly and consistently watered. Carefully remove any weeds you see growing around your plants. While mustard greens do not require a lot of room to grow, the influx of weeds can cause unnecessary disturbance, particularly to fragile seedlings. To remove weeds, softly dig them out with your hands, ensuring that the roots are removed as well. To ensure the successful growth of your mustard greens, protect them from bugs that might feed on them (e.g. cabbage worms, cabbage loopers, and flea beetles). Cover plants with row cover fabric, available for purchase at most gardening centers. Since the insects can't reach the plant under the fabric, they can't feed on it, or lay eggs to reproduce. Make sure that you keep track of the temperature and moisture levels in your covered rows. Enclosed growing areas can get too hot for greens, so it is important to monitor the plants closely. Avoid getting the leaves wet every time you water your mustard greens. This will help to reduce the risk of your mustard greens getting downy mildew." ], "summary": [ "Collect your greens. Store your greens. Harvest mustard seeds.", "Choose from a variety of mustard greens. Purchase your seeds. Prepare the soil. Time your planting. Plant the seeds.", "Water the greens. Remove weeds. Protect from insects and disease." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preventing Skunks from Denning", "Using Repellents", "Removing Food Sources" ], "document": [ "Skunks like to hole up under decks, sheds, porches, and crawl spaces. To prevent this from happening, seal off any open areas with chicken wire fencing. To keep skunks from digging or squeezing under, you’ll need to make sure the chicken wire extends at least 1 foot (30 cm) under the ground. If there’s already a skunk living under your deck or another structure on your property, you will need to scare it out before sealing the area off. Try encouraging the skunk to leave by setting up a bright light or an ultrasonic deterrent to frighten it away. Before setting up any deterrents, wait until you’re pretty sure the skunk is away from its den. If you have a backyard shed, garage, or other outbuilding that a skunk can easily wander into, close it up and secure any possible entrances. Otherwise, skunks may come in to seek shelter or look for food. Check for holes or gaps that a skunk could get into and seal them off with wire mesh or another suitable material, such as cement or plaster. Piles of debris make tempting shelters for skunks. If you suspect you have a skunk in your yard, clear away any large piles of rocks, sticks, wood, junk, or lawn waste that it could be hiding under. If you keep a firewood pile in your yard and are concerned about skunks denning under it, try putting a fence around it or spraying the area with a skunk deterrent, such as a castor oil spray or a commercial skunk repellent. You can also store cut lumber or firewood in a closed shed or other outbuilding, if you have one. If you find a suspected skunk den, loosely fill the hole with a light material, such as dead leaves, straw, crumpled paper, or dirt. If the den is occupied, the skunk will be able to push its way out. If the material remains undisturbed for 2-3 days, you can assume the den is unoccupied and seal it off more permanently, e.g., by blocking it off with wire. If the den is still occupied, one option is to install a 1-way door at the entrance to the den. This device will allow skunks to leave the den, but they will not be able to go back inside once they’ve left. You can buy 1-way animal doors online or from many home or garden supply stores. You can also try scaring any current occupants out of the den with a natural repellent or a sound or light deterrent. Skunks are a major barnyard pest due to their tendency to raid chicken coops and eat the eggs. If you keep chickens or other livestock that skunks might be interested in, secure the area by putting wire fencing around the coop. Make sure the wire extends at least 8 inches (20 cm) under the ground around the coop. Ideally, it should also extend horizontally away from the enclosure another 8 inches (20 cm), so that it forms an L shape. Skunks also like to eat bees and their larvae. If you keep bees, keep the hives elevated so that skunks can’t easily reach them. Skunks like to den under bushes and shrubs. If you have any plants in your yard with low-hanging branches, prune them back so they don’t offer as much shelter. If you have any fallen trees or branches in your yard, remove those promptly so that they don’t provide easy shelter for skunks.", "Skunks dislike the smell of castor oil. You can easily make a safe and natural skunk deterrent by mixing 8 fluid ounces (240 mL) of castor oil, 8 fluid ounces (240 mL) of liquid dish detergent, and 1 gallon (3.8 L) of water and putting the mixture in a spray bottle or canister. Spray the mixture around a suspected skunk den or any areas where you think skunks are messing around on your property. You can also use capsaicin oil, or hot pepper spray, to deter skunks. However, these sprays can be very irritating to both humans and animals, so take care when using them. Bright, flashing lights are alarming to skunks, and can be an effective deterrent in dens and garden areas and around animal enclosures or trash cans. Look for a light-based animal deterrent and set it up in an area where skunks are active. You can also use repellents that emit loud or high-pitched noises, or even use something like a portable radio to play noise that skunks will find unpleasant. You can buy light and sound-based outdoor animal deterrents online or at most home or garden supply stores. Sprinklers can startle skunks and scare them away. Place a motion-activated sprinkler in an area where skunks are likely to cause trouble, such as next to your vegetable garden. If you happen to catch a skunk in action, you can also try blasting it with a garden hose from a safe distance. Urine-based repellents, usually made with the urine of dogs or coyotes, can also be effective at scaring away skunks. You can buy these repellents online or at a home or garden supply store or sporting goods store. Spray them around suspected dens or in other areas where you want to keep skunks away. If you choose to use a urine-based repellent, research the company that produces it to make sure they use humane practices when collecting the urine. You may also be able to scare skunks away by sprinkling a little used kitty litter in problem areas, such as around the entrances to dens. Many smells that are designed to appeal to humans are unpleasant to skunks. One simple and gentle method for deterring skunks is to place strongly scented household products in areas where they like to forage. Try putting some perfumed bars of soap or room deodorizers around the area. You can also try placing orange peels or rags soaked with ammonia in the area.", "Like many wild animals, skunks will happily scavenge human food garbage if you leave it where they can get at it. If you put your garbage outside, choose sturdy containers with lids that close securely, so that skunks and other nighttime visitors can’t knock them over or climb inside for a snack. Don’t leave any exposed food garbage outdoors. For example, if you have a backyard barbeque or picnic, throw away any trash and scraps when you’re done. If you have dogs, cats, or other pets that go outside, feed them indoors as much as possible. Otherwise, skunks may be attracted by uneaten food in their dishes. If you feed your pets outdoors, bring the food dishes in at night or as soon as your pet is finished eating. If you have bird feeders in your yard or garden, skunks may be attracted to seed that the birds spill on the ground. One way to minimize the amount of seed that falls is to attach a tray or tub to the bottom of the bird feeder to catch any seed that falls out. Just make sure to empty the tray frequently so it doesn’t overflow. If possible, choose a tray with a mesh bottom so that it will catch falling seeds but not become waterlogged if it rains. You can also minimize spillage by filling each feeder with a single type of seed. That way, birds won’t make a mess by picking out and discarding the seeds they don’t like. Skunks love to eat grubs, so managing a grub problem is a good way to make your yard or garden less attractive to them. You can try treating your lawn with milky spore powder, a natural pesticide available in most home or garden supply stores, in the late summer or early autumn. Another option is to mix up a solution of 1 part children’s shampoo to 1 part household ammonia and spray it on your lawn. In addition to killing the grubs, this solution can also help fertilize your lawn. The odor of the ammonia may also discourage skunks! Skunks are omnivores, meaning they will eat fruit and nuts as well as insects and other small animals. If you have any trees in your yard that produce fruit, berries, or nuts, pick up anything that falls out of the tree promptly. You might find it helpful to rake your yard to more easily remove any edible debris. Try to pick ripe fruit or nuts from trees promptly before they fall on their own. If you have a garden, harvest any fruits and vegetables as they become ripe. Most skunks aren’t good climbers, so they’re unlikely to be able to get at fruit that’s still in the tree." ], "summary": [ "Seal off spaces under decks. Close any sheds or other outbuildings. Remove rock or wood piles from your yard. Block off any unoccupied skunk dens. Use fencing around chicken coops or other animal enclosures. Trim back bushes so they don’t provide cover.", "Spray castor oil and dish soap in areas where skunks den or forage. Scare skunks away with lights or noisemakers. Try a motion-activated sprinkler to discourage skunks. Use predator urine repellents in areas where skunks live or gather. Place scented soaps or deodorizers around your garden.", "Keep your garbage well contained. Feed your pets indoors. Put trays under bird feeders to catch fallen seed. Use natural pesticides to control grubs on your lawn. Pick up fallen fruit or nuts from your lawn." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Picking Useful Decor", "Designing Niche Lighting", "Beautifying Your Niche" ], "document": [ "Often, the best way to use a niche is by turning it into an additional storage area, especially in small houses that don't have a lot of extra space. Though not always practical for small wall compartments, large niches provide ample room for a variety of objects. Try: Attaching hooks to the wall, creating a spot for keys, coats, and other items. Installing shelves in your niche, turning it into a bookshelf or something similar. Placing lightweight drawers in the niche, converting it into a supply area. To some people, niches feel incredibly cramped and flat even when there's something inside. Thankfully, a simple mirror can usually fix the problem, creating the illusion of space and depth. Mirrors go particularly well with bathroom and bedroom niches, often serving as makeup or wardrobe aids. Bathroom niches, especially those placed inside a shower, are not well suited for displaying art. However, they often make for perfect supply stations. Because they're typically made with tile, these wall compartments work well with soap, hand sanitizer, lotion, and similar messy substances. Some other design ideas include: Turning the niche into a towel holder. Using the wall compartment as a medicine container. Giving guests a spot to place their rings. In some houses, you may find a wall niche located next to the fireplace or in a nearby area. If you build fires often, the easiest way to decorate this wall compartment may be by simply filling it with lumber you intend to burn. Not only is this decor incredibly functional, but it will create a warm, natural aesthetic perfect for the winter. To avoid damaging the niche, place a sheet of cloth underneath the firewood.", "Depending on your niche's location, it may not have access to ample lighting, meaning the objects inside will be difficult to see. If this is the case, try adding accent lights to your wall compartment. Most people install small, low-watt spotlights inside their niche's ceiling, similar to a museum display. However, you can also install accent lights by: Gluing a LED strip along the edges of the niche. Placing a tap light inside the niche. Pointing external spotlights at the niche. Unlike accent lights, which just add luminance, pendant lamps serve as both a lighting fixture and an artistic statement. Wired via a hole in the niche's ceiling, these lamps hang down and take up a large amount of space, pulling people's eyes to the area. Depending on your desired aesthetic, try going with a sleek, modern lamp or a more elegant fixture reminiscent of a chandelier. If your wall compartment has enough light already, try adding candles for purely aesthetic reasons. Large, tall candles will create an elegant look reminiscent of religious services and holidays. Small tea lights will create a more romantic display, bathing the area in warm light.", "Your niche can serve as a second frame for memorable or important pictures. Depending on the size of the photos, try hanging 1 large picture on the wall or multiple small pictures arranged in a column or similar pattern. If you can't alter the wall, place framed photos on the base of the niche instead. Niches are a great way to memorialize a beloved friend or family member. Plants, flowers, and other forms of foliage can add life to your niche, making it feel less like an artificial compartment and more like a piece of nature. Generic potted plants and flowers with muted colors, like lily whites and carnations, go well with most walls. For a more striking niche display, try flowers like roses, camellias, and dahlias. Often, the easiest way to decorate a wall compartment is with works of art. For small niches, try showing off busts, action figures, collectibles, signed objects, and other items that are either visually striking or personally meaningful. For large niches, go with paintings, posters, statues, 3D art, and similarly stunning, grandiose objects. Wall letters are a perfect solution for those who don't want to use generic objects or who have an oddly-shaped niche. Since wall letters are customizable, you can decorate them however you wish and arrange them in any order. Some simple design ideas include: The names of your friends and family members. Your family motto. An inspirational quote." ], "summary": [ "Turn your niche into a storage area. Install a mirror in your niche. Turn bathroom niches into supply stations. Store lumber in your niche if it's near a fireplace.", "Install accent lights to show off the objects inside your niche. Put in a pendant lamp for a more elegant look. Set candles in your niche to create more natural lighting.", "Add family photos to your niche for a personal touch. Set foliage on your niche for a more natural aesthetic. Express your own style by putting artwork inside the niche. Personalize your niche with wall letters." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Saving Yourself From Yourself", "Saving Yourself From a Bad Situation", "Saving Your Soul" ], "document": [ "If you're your own worst enemy, it's time to start getting real. How do you manage to keep getting in your own way? Before you start coming up with a plan to save yourself, it's important to get a real sense of what it is that needs to change. Do you struggle with apathy? Does a Saturday afternoon full of promise turn into a YouTube spiral, an Xbox session, and a nap? Maybe you need to get motivated. Do you struggle with addiction? If a substance or activity has a grip on your life, you don't have to live with it or face it alone. Start dealing with your addiction and take control of your own life. Do you struggle with low self-esteem? You should be able to rely on yourself, not have to fear your self, critique yourself, and drag yourself down. If you have trouble being positive, your self-esteem might need to be addressed. Do you take too many risks that don't pan out? If you're a gambler, someone who gets a thrill from the possibility of danger, of consequence, or of failure, it's likely you'll come up short more often than not. While there's nothing wrong with a little thrill in your life, if you're taking dangerous risks that are affecting your safety, you might need to take steps to save yourself from it. What sets you off down a self-destructive path? Whether it be a person, a circumstance, or an idea, it's important to learn to recognize the things that trigger your self-destructive or spiraling behavior so you can start to cut it off before it takes hold. Pay attention to when you feel sudden urges and interrogate yourself at those moments. Write it down if necessary. When you've identified the things in your life that trigger negative emotional responses, replace them with positive behaviors. try to reprogram your mental pathways toward positivity and grace, as opposed to self-destruction and depression. It's easier than you think. If dwelling on your relationship with your emotionally-abusive father makes you want to take a drink, learn to beat yourself to the punch. When you start focusing on thoughts of your father, head the gym. Hit the heavy bag for a couple hours. Blow off some steam. If you struggle with apathy and self-esteem issues, start celebrating each little achievement and taking steps to develop your self-respect. Start exercising and taking more risks. Treat yourself as you want to be treated. Take responsibility for yourself and start taking care of yourself. It's ok to rely on others for help every now and then, but there's also a time for pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. Start helping yourself. If you're living at home above the age that it's appropriate to live at home, it might be time to move out. While that can be a great way of saving money after college, it can't be an excuse for not working. Take a step and grow up. Don't ask for help with things that you can do yourself. If your computer is acting up, you could call your friend in tears and fall apart, or you could try to figure it out on your own. Respect yourself enough to figure it out. The cool police, the criticism cops, the guilty conscience. Whatever you want to call it, you've got to learn to control the little voice inside you that needles you with negativity. A conscience is an essential part of being a moral person, but it can also drive you into the ground with feelings of guilt, of remorse, and of self-loathing. It might be unwise to ignore your conscience altogether, but learn to control it. Learn to use it when it's necessary and when to let it fade into the background. Start anticipating what will make you feel guilty later. You won't need to worry about a guilty conscience after the fact if you listen to it before the fact. If it will make you feel guilty later to send that text, or to take that drug, don't do it. You can't and shouldn't have to do everything alone. Learn to surround yourself with people who'll hold you up, who'll support you, who'll reinforce the good parts of you and make the bad parts seem distant. Avoid toxic relationships and enablers. People who reinforce the parts of you that need worked on might need to be cut from your life. While it might be difficult, cultivating healthier relationships can help to keep you safe from temptation.", "A bad situation can be hard to stomach, even if you're not quite sure what's wrong. If something just doesn't feel right, start interrogating yourself and getting specific about your condition and your circumstances. What's \"off\" about your life? What needs to be changed? Ask yourself the following questions to try to start narrowing down signs that you might be in a bad situation you need to be saved from. Are you worried about your safety? Are you consistently stressed out about basic concerns, like where your next meal will be coming from, whether or not you'll make it through the day? If you're in a violent or dangerous situation, you might need to take drastic steps to change your life. Are you in a fulfilling relationship? Are you with someone that supports you and makes you feel good about yourself? try to figure out if your romantic life might be the cause of your problems. There's better out there. Are you happy at your job? Do you like your boss and coworkers? Do you spend more time having fun, or stressing about work? try to figure out if your job might be the problem in your life. Surrounding yourself with negative, violent, or self-destructive people is a fast-track to a difficult situation. While it can be hard to make a break from friends and loved ones who can't take care of themselves, if it's affecting you to the point of crisis, you've got to learn when it's time to cut your losses. Identify toxic or enabling relationships and end them. Save yourself from bad influences. try to focus not on ending bad relationships but on starting new ones. Spend time with people you enjoy, people who will support your and lift you up. People who spend their time doing constructive and positive things. If you've taken big steps to cut addictive behaviors or substances from your life, but have lots of friends who haven't, it can be hard to maintain those relationships. Focus on finding new friends who do more uplifting and positive things with their time. In some cases, it might not be possible to save yourself from where you're living. Whether it be a town that doesn't offer the career options you want, a violent neighborhood that keeps you in fear, or a bad domestic life that you need to escape from, make a leap of faith and move. Move out. Go somewhere you know people who'll be able to help you make the transition. Look up distant relatives or old friends from school who might be able to put you up for a couple days while you look for new work and find a place of your own. Start saving now to start putting your plan into effect. If you can't afford to move right now, you can still start helping yourself. Even just the act of saving up and doing the research of finding that next step can help to alleviate the negativity of being stuck where you are. Every teenager who ever lived, Paris and Pittsburgh, has wanted nothing more than to escape to the glitter and the glamour that exists somewhere else. Everyone who works a job, great or dead-end, has an afternoon that never ends, a week from hell, an epic chewing-out from the boss. Learning to differentiate between a circumstance that needs to change and a need for a change in attitude is a big step in growing as a person, becoming more mature, and learning to save yourself. Imagine the source of your problems is gone from your life forever. How would your life be different? Would it? If so, make the change. If not, fix yourself. If you've got the moving itch, make sure place is really the source of your problems. Is your town really as bad as you make it out? Would everything really be fixed if you moved to wherever? Or is the problem actually elsewhere? Don't outrun your problems, lest they pack their own bags to meet you there. No one should have to pull themselves out of a tough situation alone. Whether something as dire as getting out of a toxic relationship or as complicated as applying to graduate schools, learning to transcend your current condition and move to a better place requires the aid of others. Surround yourself with positive people and ask for their assistance when you need it. If you're living in a violent situation, get help immediately. Visit a domestic violence center in your area or call 1-800-799-SAFE to get help. You don't deserve to live in fear. Talk to family, friends, teachers, and people you respect and tell them you need help in changing your condition. Get advice. Sometimes it can be hard to identify the sources of your problems when you're so close to them. Listen, without being defensive, and trust in the wisdom of others.", "If you suspect you might have a desire for knowledge and for satisfaction that can't be easily answered, you might need to turn to deeper questions to find solace. Whether you consider yourself a spiritual person or not, considering the big questions can lead many people to a new sense of purpose and fulfillment, helping to realign priorities and perspectives. Why are we here? What does it mean to lead a good life? Embrace the difficulty and the mystery of these questions. Whether you want to call it \"god\" or not, learning to give up some of your ego and embrace the idea of a higher power can be a powerful experience for a lot of people. It can be enough to save yourself. If you're not interested in religion, that doesn't mean you can't find a way to live faithfully and with a deep sense of purpose. Physicists, artists, and people in lots of different fields are serious to the point of deep spirituality regarding knowledge. Throw yourself into something entirely and find redemption in work. An essential part of any religious practice is worshipping with like-minded believers. To learn more about whatever purpose, practice, or religion you're thinking of adopting, the best way to learn isn't from a book or from a video, but from real interactions with other believers. try to practice as they practice and bring your questions and concerns to the table. Deepen your questions into beliefs and a daily practice that you can comfort yourself with. Spiritual practice should be a daily activity. Even if you only go to church once a week, or if you choose not to go to church at all, try to build some kind of daily devotion into your life. Meditating for a few minutes every day can help you keep you tied back into those deep questions you're interested in. If you want to grow in your renewed sense of purpose and your interest in the divine, it may be appropriate to devote yourself to an organized religion. Start by learning as much as you can about different modes of worship and experimenting with different theologies and schools of thought to find one that fits you and your beliefs. Take the next step. Learn more about joining different religions here: Become a Buddhist Be a Christian Be Jewish Be a Muslim Be a Quaker" ], "summary": [ "Identify your self-destructive tendencies. Identify your emotional triggers. Remove and replace the destructive stimuli. Learn self reliance. Control the inner critic. Surround yourself with supportive people.", "Identify the circumstances that need to change. Eliminate negative people from your life. Consider a change of scenery. Consider a change of attitude. Get help.", "Embrace the big questions. Place your faith in the power of some guiding hand. Talk to and learn from other believers. Consider embracing a formal religion." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Knowing the Factors That Put You at Risk", "Looking for Early Symptoms", "Looking for Late Symptoms" ], "document": [ "The main cause of cirrhosis is long-term alcoholism. Men and women react differently to alcohol as tolerance varies from one person to another. Most men can take two to five bottles of beer a day while one or two bottles can damage a woman’s liver. People who consume a lot of alcohol and drink often have a higher possibility of developing cirrhosis, however, it really comes down to the individual. In some cases, one drink can damage a person’s liver. These infections include Hepatitis B and C, both of which can damage the liver. These conditions are caused by viruses, though they can also be transmitted via bodily fluids. The people who are at a greater risk of contracting the disease are health care workers. This is a condition caused by accumulation of fat in the liver. This condition usually occurs in people who are diabetic, obese and have high blood pressure. The fat causes tenderness and scarring to the liver and over a period, this leads to cirrhosis. Therefore, the people who suffer from these conditions are at a higher risk of getting cirrhosis. The bile ducts help to transport the bile formed by the liver to the intestines. The bile is used in the digestion of fats and can accumulate, thus scarring the liver. In adults, the bile ducts can become blocked or scarred if the person experiences a serious infection somewhere in the body. In children, blockage of the bile duct can be caused by biliary atresia, which is when the bile ducts are damaged or they are absent. This causes the bile to accumulate in the liver, causing the liver to stop functioning properly.", "Feeling tired can be caused by increased fluid volume in the body. This causes the different body systems to be overworked. You may also start feeling very weak, which can be perceived as being fatigued. The feeling of being excessively itchy is caused by the accumulation of the waste products in the blood stream, as the diseased liver is not able to perform its function of removing waste products. When the liver becomes damaged, it has a harder time producing blood clotting factors. This problem can lead to red palms, as well as nose bleeds. You may also notice that you begin to pass black tarry stools. Damage to the liver means that it is unable to accumulate glycogen, a carbohydrate that provides the body with temporary energy. When the liver is damaged, it forces the body to use its muscle tissue to supply energy in between meals and this causes weakness and muscle wasting, which in turn causes weight loss. When the liver stops functioning properly, it is unable to perform its tasks that it normally does effortlessly. Toxins will begin to accumulate in your blood which can cause a loss of appetite or a feeling of nausea.", "In the advanced phase of the disease, the liver is unable to filter the harmful substances from the blood. This will cause an accumulation of poisonous substances in the brain therefore altering the brain function. You may begin to suffer from fainting episodes, sleepiness, and confusion. In turn, these symptoms can lead to a coma in severe cases. See a doctor right away if you suddenly feel very confused or begin to have fainting spells. This same issue can also cause personality changes that include behavioral change and memory problems. In particular, examine your eyes, skin and tongue. When these parts of your body turn yellow, it is a sign that you have jaundice. Jaundice is caused by cirrhosis; your liver is not functioning properly, thus there an increased amount of bilirubin in your blood. Swelling of the feet, legs and ankles occurs because the liver is not able to remove waste products to include the excess water from the body. This causes water and salt to accumulate in the body. This will also cause the abdomen to become distended as water accumulates. Men will often experience the swelling of their breast, shrinking of testicles and, in worst cases, impotence. Increased heartbeat occurs because of the increased volume of fluids in the bloodstream. This happens because the diseased liver is not able to remove excess water from the body. This overworks the heart because it is already pumping all of your blood throughout your body. In turn, your heart rate will increase. Damage to the liver means that it is unable to accumulate glycogen, a carbohydrate that provides the body with temporary energy. When the liver is damaged, it forces the body to use its muscle tissue to supply energy in between meals and this causes weakness and muscle wasting. One of the side effects of late stage cirrhosis is the inability to stop a cut from bleeding. When the liver becomes damaged, it has a difficult time creating the blood clotting factors needed to stop blood from leaking out of a cut. You should also take note if your gums seem to bleed more often than normal, even if you brush them very gently." ], "summary": [ "Know that alcoholism can cause cirrhosis. Monitor chronic liver infections. Know that steatohepatitis can cause cirrhosis. Note that bile duct blockage can cause cirrhosis.", "Pay attention if you suddenly feel tired often. Take note if you feel overly itchy. Notice whether or not your palms are redder than normal. Keep track of any fast weight loss that you experience. Take note if you suddenly have a lack of appetite or feel nauseous.", "Keep track of any feelings of confusion that may develop. Call a doctor if you notice that your skin has turned yellow. Take note if any parts of your body begin to swell. See a doctor if you notice that your heartbeat has increased. Pay attention to any gradual weight loss that occurs. Note if cuts won’t seem to stop bleeding." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Preparing the Metal Surface", "Painting the Metal", "Priming the Metal" ], "document": [ "Remove dust or other particles with a moist rag. Clean the surface with mineral spirits and a rag to remove dirt and other grime. Make sure to go over the entire surface of the metal. Then, you can allow the metal to air dry or quickly go over it with a cloth. The rust removal process may have removed the loose paint, but if not, you can use a putty knife, scraper, or wire brush to remove it. Simply scrape the paint until it comes completely off. Be sure to wear gloves, goggles, and a face mask as you do this. It's especially important to wear protection if you're dealing with old paint that contains lead, as this can be dangerous to inhale.", "Getting too close to the surface can cause drips and runs. Painting too far from your surface causes uneven spraying. Holding the can 10 to 12 inches (25.4 to 30.5 cm) will help the paint job be as even and smooth as possible. Waiting at least an hour will ensure the paint is dry before you apply another coat. You can wait a slightly shorter or longer amount of time if you think the paint takes less or more than an hour to dry. Avoid touching the paint to see if it is dry.", "Select an area that is well-ventilated. Make sure the area isn't close to a car or anything that could get spray paint on it. An ideal location to spray paint is a place that is outdoors and protected from the wind. Avoid humid conditions. Humidity can affect how your paint dries and adheres. Choose locations and times of day that are less humid. Make sure to protect surface that you wouldn't want the spray paint to get on. Position a drop cloth, cardboard, wood pieces or garbage bag to catch any loose particles that fly off while you paint. Furniture or other items that are several feet (or meters) away should be fine. You can go ahead and grab your personal safety gear (goggles, mask, etc.) at this point. Inhaling fumes from the paint can be dangerous, so make sure to wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth as you paint. You will also need to protect your eyes with goggles. Along with goggles and a mask, wear gloves to protect your hands from excess paint and an apron to protect your clothes." ], "summary": [ "Clean the surface of the metal object you want to paint. Take off any loose paint.", "Hold the can approximately 10 to 12 inches away from the metal surface. Allow your painted surface to dry for at least an hour.", "Select a location. Protect surfaces with drop cloths and garbage bags. Wear protective gear while you paint." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Purchasing Your Jewelry", "Maintaining Gold Jewelry", "Researching Gold Jewelry" ], "document": [ "The large national outlets like Nordstroms, Zales, Jared’s, and Sarraf are the most trustworthy in terms of quality but often include significant markups and similar pieces can be found for less at independent dealers. If you do look for an independent dealer, make sure to do your research and make sure they are reputable. Don’t be afraid to ask a potential jeweler for their credentials and proof of certification. Pick a jeweler that offers a variety of services such as resizing and custom design. If it’s a significant purchase, don’t buy at the first store you visit. Look for similar pieces at other stores so you have a price comparison. Reputable jewelers typically offer warranties and some kind of return policy. Warranties will add to the cost but may be a good idea for an expensive piece or one that is made of highly pure gold, because of the risk of damage. Make sure to ask about this before your purchase. Gold jewelry will have a hallmark signifying that it is real gold and other aspects of the quality. The marking is usually in an inconspicuous place like the inside of a ring or on the ear-facing side of an earring. Ask your jeweler where the hallmarks are if you’re having trouble finding them. The markings will demonstrate purity in one of two ways. Some will show the number of karats with the letter ‘K’ after it. For example, ‘24K’ means 24 karat pure gold. Some gold pieces will instead have a three digit number that expresses the percentage of purity to the tenth decimal point. For example, 14 karat gold might say ‘585,’ which means that it’s 58.5 percent pure and 8 karat gold might say ‘333,’ which means it’s one-third pure. Beyond the purity, there should also be a marking to indicate the additive metal for impure alloyed gold. ‘GF’ means gold filled, ‘GP’ means gold plated. To express the base metal, ‘Pd’ means Palladium, ‘PT’ or ‘PLAT’ means platinum and ‘SS’ or ‘STEEL’ means stainless steel. There may also be a single or double-digit marking for the ring size if it’s a ring. If it’s an exceptionally expensive purchase or if you have any doubts about the quality, you may want to have the jewelry independently verified. Take the jewelry to a different store and pay a certified jeweler to examine and appraise the piece. US laws requires the karat value trademarks which should help you avoid scams. If you are purchasing gold jewelry online, make sure that at least one of the pictures displays the trademarks and ask for one from the seller if they do not. Research the typical price of your gold piece accounting for the purity. Watch out for gold that is extremely cheap as it may be counterfeit or have false markings.", "Gold jewelry wears and collect dirt easily so it should be cleaned regularly. If you wear the jewelry every day, clean it at least once every other month. You’ll need two bowls of warm water, dishwashing soap, a lint-free cloth, and a toothbrush. Add a few drops of dishwashing soap to a large bowl filled with warm water. Gently place the jewelry in the water and let it soak for about 15 minutes. Pick up the jewelry and scrub it with the toothbrush. Pay special attention to the crevices where dirt can collect. Rinse the jewelry in the water bowl without the soap. Make sure you remove all soap residue. Gently blot the jewelry dry with a soft, lint-free cloth. Place the jewelry on the cloth and let it air dry for about 20 minutes. Gold jewelry easily collects dust, especially pieces with a lot of crevices. If you aren’t wearing the jewelry on a daily basis, keep it in a small jewelry box. Try to keep it separate from other jewelry pieces that might cause scratching on contact. Gold jewelry will collect soap residue and potentially wear from hot water in a shower so make sure to take it off before bathing. Place is in a soft cloth where it won’t be damaged.", "The value of gold is determined by its purity, also known as ‘fineness.' This is measured in karats. The karat measurement divides purity into 24ths. For example, 24 karat gold is 100 percent pure and 12 karat gold is 50 percent pure. While gold is generally more valuable at higher levels of purity, you or the person you are purchasing the jewelry for may prefer less pure gold for practical reasons. 24 karat gold is very soft and highly prone to scratching and damage. Of course, pure gold is also vastly more expensive than alloyed gold. If you plan on wearing the jewelry on a daily basis, you will probably want it to be no more than 18 karats, i.e. 75 percent pure, to avoid damage. You should also consider how often your jewelry will come into contact with hard surfaces on a regular basis. For example, highly pure gold rings and bracelets are likely to experience damage if worn daily. Plated and vermeil describe methods of dipping other metals into molten gold to create a coating. This jewelry will be cheaper than the purer varieties but also more prone to cracking and wear. Plating involves dipping a base metal like steel or brass into an electroplating solution with a lump of pure gold. An electric current is applied and the gold will attach itself in a thin layer around the metal. The plating is usually very thin and prone to wear. Vermeil involves the same plating process but specifically refers to jewelry that has a base material of sterling silver. Sterling silvery is often preferred by people that have allergies to precious medals. The plating is usually very thin and prone to wear. Gold typically comes in yellow, pink, and white. There is also a rarer green variety. The pink, white, and green varieties are created by mixing gold with other metals. The non-yellow varieties are usually no more than 18 karats. Yellow gold represents the color of the natural color of the mineral but that doesn’t mean that all yellow gold jewelry is pure. Don’t assume that yellow gold is pure and always check the markings. White gold is created by mixing in palladium or nickel. It resembles silver but has a slightly brighter hue. Pink or rose gold is created by mixing in copper. Green gold is created by mixing in silver. Because of the value of both silver and gold, green gold is usually more expensive than other varieties." ], "summary": [ "Find a reputable dealer. Ask about a warranty. Check the markings. Have it independently inspected. Beware of scams.", "Clean it periodically. Store it properly. Take it off when bathing.", "Familiarize yourself with purity standards. Determine the right purity for you. Consider plated or vermeil gold. Pick your color." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Working Outside", "Finding Odd Jobs", "Selling Things", "Babysitting" ], "document": [ "Push mowers are safe for 12 year olds whereas riding mowers should only be used by teens who are at least 16 years old. Before you start mowing, ask your neighbor what height they’d like the grass, what parts of the yard you should cut, and if they have any special instructions (like not to mow too close to the flowerbed). Charge anywhere from $30 to $50 based on the size of the yard. Find out what others are charging in your area. Only mow during sunlight hours and good weather when the conditions are safest. Always wear closed-toe shoes and safety glasses to protect your eyes from flying bits of grass or debris. If your neighbor has pets or small children, ask that they be kept inside while you mow for safety reasons. Grab a rake and a few large trash bags and go from house to house offering your services. Ask your neighbors what areas of their lawn they want raked and where you should put the leaves, like on the curb for collection or dumped in a wooded area behind their house. Rake leaves into a large pile, then stuff them into a trash bag and tie it closed. Avoid raking leaves immediately after it rains. Wet leaves are much heavier and difficult to rake up. Wait for the yard to dry out before raking it. If you’re dumping the leaves instead of bagging them, use a large rubber trash can with wheels instead of a trash bag. It’s easy to fill and roll to wherever you’re putting the leaves. Pick a shovel that’s lightweight yet sturdy and has a non-stick blade. Come up with a shoveling strategy, whether it’s working from the top of the driveway to the bottom or going in diagonal lines across the driveway. Push the snow from side to side and only pick it up when you need to avoid wearing yourself out fast. Charge a flat rate of $10 to $20 depending on the size of the driveway and whether your neighbors want you to shovel their sidewalks or front porch. When you’re shoveling snow, always bend at your knees, not at your waist, to protect your back. Dress appropriately for the cold weather since you’ll be outside for hours. Wear a heavy coat, waterproof gloves, a hat or earmuffs, and snow boots with a good tread so you don’t slip on ice. Volunteer to weed the garden, plant flowers, water the plants, or mulch the garden. People begin tending to their gardens as early as March so start advertising your services at the end of February or the beginning of March. It’s a great way to get outside and learn how to garden. For weeding, planting, or mulching, charge by the hour. For example, if your rate is $5 an hour and you spend 3 hours on Sunday morning mulching the garden, you’ll get $15. Since watering plants isn’t an hourly job, charge a flat rate based on how many plants there are and how often you’ll be required to water them. Gather some sponges or old rags, towels, car washing liquid, a big bucket, and a hose and set up a washing station in your driveway for a few hours on the weekend. Scrub each vehicle, focusing on any dirty spots, rinse it thoroughly, and buff it dry with a microfiber towel. Charge $10 to $20 per vehicle. Advertise your services the week before so your neighbors know you’re open for business. Make a little extra money by offering to clean the inside of the car, too, which is known as detailing. Vacuum the floor mats, wipe down the dashboard, and clean out the cupholders. If you get really busy, “hire” some friends to help out. Just remember that means you’ll have to split the money, too.", "If your parents already pay you an allowance, find out if you can make a little extra money by going above and beyond. Offer to do the laundry, clean the bathrooms, or vacuum all the rugs in the house. Let your neighbors know that you’re available for hire, too. Elderly neighbors in particular who have difficulty doing things around the house will appreciate your services. Don’t expect to get paid for doing the tasks you’re already expected to do like keeping your own room tidy or cleaning up after yourself in the kitchen. Water their plants, take out the trash, check the mail, and keep an eye on things. They may ask you to visit 1 to 2 times a day or even spend the night at their house so it doesn’t look empty and prevents burglary. Follow all of your neighbor’s rules and instructions and always lock up the house when you leave to keep it safe. If you have to stay the night, ask an older sibling or parent to stay with you. Ask your neighbor to write down all of the important instructions in case you forget, along with their contact information so you can reach them if there’s an emergency or if you have a question. Be respectful of your neighbor’s home. They’re trusting you with a huge responsibility so don’t break that trust by inviting friends over, eating their food, or using their things, unless they tell you it’s okay to do so. Ask your neighbors with dogs if they need a walker. Show up on time each day and bring an extra leash, water bottle, dog bowl, and poop bags just in case. Walk the dog for the amount of time your neighbor specifies and charge a rate based on the length of the walk and how much experience you have. Write down your schedule on your phone or in a planner to keep track of which dogs you’re walking on which days. Spending time with the dog before your first walk will help both you and the dog get to know each other. Ask your neighbor if you can play with them in the backyard for an hour or so before your first day. Know your limits. You might not be comfortable with dogs who are overly aggressive. Say no to opportunities if you feel unsure of yourself, even if it’s good pay. Pet sitting is just like babysitting but for animals. If you’re comfortable with animals, let your neighbors know that you’re available to watch their pets when they go away. Always respect their rules and ask ahead of time if you have any questions about the care instructions. Meet with your neighbor before they leave to go over exactly what you need to do as well as determine how much they’re going to pay you. How much you charge will depend on the length of your pet sitting, how many animals you’re watching, and how much responsibility you have. For example, if you’re just feeding their fish once a day, you’ll charge less than if you’re walking their dog 2 times a day and giving him insulin shots. Write down all of the necessary contact information in case of an emergency, like your neighbors' cell phone numbers, the vet’s name and phone number, etc. Think about the classes you do best in at school or the topics you know a lot about. Help out your peers or teach younger kids who want to get a head start before the next school year. Put up fliers around your neighborhood or school with the topics you’re tutoring, the cost, and what services you offer. Charge either an hourly rate or a flat rate per session. Make sure your price is fair for how much help you’re offering. For example, if you’re just helping someone study their algebra flashcards, you’d charge less than if you’re coaching someone through an English paper. Prepare for a tutoring session by reviewing the material, purchasing textbooks or practice books, and asking your student what sorts of things they’re learning in class or what they’re having trouble with. All you need are a few pretty polishes and a little creativity to start your own pop-up nail studio. Charge extra for fancy designs, glitter, or stick-on jewels. Offer a discount if they get a manicure and a pedicure. For example, if a manicure is $5 and a pedicure is $6, make a mani-pedi $10 for a $1 savings to encourage people to spend more. Watch video tutorials online to learn how to draw designs like flowers, swirls, or stars. Trim nails, give hand massages with cuticle cream, or remove old polish for an additional cost. Find out if there are routes available in your area by contacting your local newspaper. Collect your bag of papers each morning and ride your bike from house to house to hand them out or have your parents drive you around. Most newspapers have to be delivered very early around 5 a.m. so be prepared to wake up at the crack of dawn. The average wage for delivering newspapers is $11.48, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you don’t want to work every single day, share your route with 2 to 3 friends or family members and switch off days. Some of the world’s most successful men, like Walt Disney, Warren Buffett, and Tom Cruise, started out delivering newspapers. Many recycling sites will pay a small fee per pound of recyclable items. Go around your neighborhood collecting things like glass bottles, soda cans, newspapers, cereal boxes, and milk jugs. Have your parents drive you to the nearest recycling center and turn in your haul in exchange for money. Some recycling centers require you to prepare items before you recycle them like rinsing cans or taking caps off bottles. Call your collection site to find out what their regulations are. To know if a piece of plastic can be recycled, look for the recycling symbol (a triangle made of 3 arrows) on the bottom or back of the container. If the number inside the triangle is 1 or 2, it can be recycled. If the number is 3, 6, or 7, it cannot be recycled. And if the number is 4 or 5, check with your recycling center.", "Clean out your room and gather up all of the toys, decor, and clothes that you no longer use or want. Display your items on a folding table in your yard or driveway with your parents' permission. Put prices on each piece with a sticker label based on what you think it’s worth and the original price of the item. The best time to throw a yard sale is on the weekends in the morning. That’s when most people who shop yard sales are out and about. Ask your parents and siblings if they have anything they want to get rid of, too. If you have more variety of items at your sale, you’ll attract people of all ages. Be willing to negotiate prices. Know ahead of time what the lowest price you’ll accept for different items is and stick to it when bargaining with customers. Who doesn’t love an afternoon pick-me-up in the form of a chocolate bar? Buy candy in bulk at a warehouse store like Sam’s Club or Costco where it’s much cheaper. Then, resell the individual candy bars or packs for a profit by doubling the price. For example, if you bought 12 candy bars for $12, you paid $1 per bar. Sell them at a price of $2 and you’ll pocket $12 after deducting the original cost. If you’re planning to sell the candy at school or on the bus, check your school rules to make sure that’s allowed. Bring a parent with you if you decide to go door-to-door to stay safe. You’ll need a folding table, a sign that says “Lemonade For Sale!”, plastic cups, straws, a large pitcher, ice, and, of course, lemonade. If you’re setting up your stand in the front yard, make your lemonade in the kitchen and keep it refrigerated so it stays cool. Sell the lemonade per cup. If your stand is farther from your house, make the lemonade ahead of time and store it in a cooler underneath your table. Charge extra for ice and a straw (using more materials means a higher cost!). While you can use bottled lemonade, you won’t be able to charge as much as if you make your own. People will pay more for hand-squeezed lemonade that they can’t buy themselves at the store. Selling snacks like pretzels or cookies along with the lemonade is a good way to make some extra money. Choose classic recipes that are easy to make in big batches like chewy chocolate chip cookies, fudgy brownies, or vanilla cupcakes. Once you bake everything, separate your goodies into individual servings and place them in pretty packages like treat bags tied with ribbons. Set up a stand in your front yard or out on the street corner to get more traffic. Food safety and cleanliness is very important when you’re selling homemade food. Always wash your hands with soap and water before you bake or handle food and make sure you’re using the freshest ingredients. Contact your public health department or local government to find out if you need any special permits to sell your baked goods. Use boxed mixes or make your recipes from scratch. Another option is to specialize in a certain type of food, like gluten-free or vegan baked goods, to make your bake sale unique. If your parents let you plant your own garden in the backyard, opt for easy-to-grow vegetables like lettuce, tomatoes, or cucumbers. If you will be growing your plants inside in pots, choose ones that don’t require a lot of sunlight or space. Pick your vegetables when they’re ripe and sell them in bags or plastic containers. If you’re growing flowers or herbs, consider selling the entire potted plant so the buyer can continue to enjoy it for years to come. Herbs like basil, oregano, and chives grow well indoors. Other good houseplants include succulents, ferns, and spider plants. Most vegetables should be planted in March or April to be ready to harvest in the summer. Google your specific plant or ask the local nursery if you aren’t sure. Turn your hobby into a side business. Whether it’s homemade candles, friendship bracelets, or pretty cards, sell your crafts at a local craft fair, farmer’s market, or online on Etsy. Price your goods by considering how much you spent on materials and how long it took you to make each product. The more hours you spend on a piece and the more expensive the materials, the higher the price should be. You have to be at least 13 years old to start an Etsy shop and if you’re under 18, you need a parent’s permission. If you’re under 13, ask your parents to set up the shop in their name. Some boutiques and mom-and-pop stores sell local crafts. Find out if there are any in your area that will take your amazing creations.", "Fill it with everything you might need, like a first-aid kit, snacks, and a back-up phone charger. Include things for the kids, too, like coloring books, glitter glue, toys, and puzzles. Choose items based on the ages of the kids. For example, if you're watching an infant, you'll want stuffed animals instead of toys with tiny parts that they could choke on. A basic first-aid kit should include adhesive bandages, hand sanitizer, medical tape, wet wipes, and gloves. The average rate for babysitting is $14 an hour. Base your own rate on your experience and the number of kids you’ll be watching. Make sure you and the parents decide on a rate before they leave you with the kids. There are babysitting apps that let parents pay you via their phone so you don't have to carry a wad of cash home. Talking about money can be awkward but don't be nervous to ask for a reasonable amount. You deserve it! 15 minutes is enough time to review all of the house rules, expectations, and contact information before the parents leave. Ask about bedtimes, allergies, and how they discipline their kids, too. Write it down in a notebook so you don't forget. This is a good time to discuss your payment if you haven't already. Let them know your rate now even though they'll likely pay you when they get home. Don't be late! Showing up even 1 minute late makes you look irresponsible and untrustworthy. Be firm with the kids. If they try to tell you that their parents let them do something that the parents specifically said not to do (like stay up past their bedtime), err on the side of caution and obey the parents’ rules. The parents will be impressed by your maturity and responsibility and hopefully invite you back! When in doubt, ask. Never hesitate to call the parents if you aren’t sure of something or if the kids are acting up. It’s better to be safe than sorry. Never hit or yell harshly at a child. Use an authoritative voice to remind them of the rules and the consequences if they continue to misbehave. Find one at your local community center or online on the American Red Cross’ website. Get certified in first aid and CPR, too. Not only will you learn a lot of helpful information, being certified will help you book babysitting jobs because parents will trust you more. Online courses cost $35 whereas in-person classes cost up to $89. If you’re younger than 11 or not comfortable being on your own with other kids yet, start out by being a mother’s helper. You’ll take care of the children or play with them while their mom or dad are still home." ], "summary": [ "Mow lawns in the summer if you can safely operate a lawn mower. Rake yards in autumn if you live where leaves fall. Shovel driveways and sidewalks in the winter if it snows in your area. Take care of your neighbors’ gardens in the spring if they have them. Wash cars or bikes if you have a big enough driveway.", "Do household chores if you like cleaning. House sit if you have neighbors who go on vacation. Walk dogs if you’re comfortable with animals. Feed and take care of your neighbors’ pets while they’re out of town. Tutor kids in a subject that you’re an expert at if you like teaching. Paint friends’ nails for a small fee if you have a steady hand. Deliver newspapers every morning if there's a route in your community. Recycle items at the local recycling center if they accept collections.", "Host a yard sale to get rid of things you don’t want anymore. Sell candy if you have a lot of friends. Run a lemonade stand when it’s hot outside. Throw a bake sale if you like to cook. Grow plants, herbs, or vegetables to sell if you have a green thumb. Make money selling handmade crafts if you love being creative.", "Make a babysitter’s box or bag before your first gig. Figure out how much you're going to charge. Show up 15 minutes early to go over the rules with the parents. Stand your ground if the kids misbehave. Take a training or certification course if you are at least 11 years old." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Stock Dividends", "Cash Dividends" ], "document": [ "A stock dividend is another type of dividend that doesn't involve the distribution of any cash to shareholders. Rather, a stock dividend distributes additional shares of the company to shareholders, perhaps at a percentage rate to shares that they already hold. Though this will increase the total number of shares outstanding, it does not transfer more money to shareholders or away from the company. Instead, it simply dilutes the value of shares and transfers money between retained earnings and shareholder equity. Just like a cash dividend, a stock dividend will be declared on a specific date and will offer a specific number of shares to be distributed. Generally, a stock dividend will be made for an increase of no more than 20-25% of current total shares outstanding. This is because anything more would be categorized differently, as a a stock split (a dilution of shares to manipulate market price). For example, your company may declare on February 1 to issue a 20% stock dividend on your 10,000 outstanding shares on March 1, the date of payment. February 1 would mark the first recording of this transaction. Multiply the number of shares to be distributed by the market value of each share. This amount is one of the values that you will record in the following steps and represents the total book value of the stock dividend distribution. The number of shares distributed will simply be the chosen percentage stock dividend (20% in our example) multiplied by the number of shares outstanding. In the example, this would be 10,000 x 20%, or 2,000 shares. The market value of each share used should be the value that a share of the company trades for on the declaration date. The retained earnings account should be debited (decreased) by the amount found in the last step (the market value of shares x the number of new shares). This entry should be posted on the declaration day. To continue our example, imagine that the market value of a share of your company is trading for $50 on the declaration date. Then, the amount debited from retained earnings would be $50 x 2,000, or $100,000. This account will be credited by an amount defined by the number of shares distributed times the par value of the stock. The par value here is the book value of the stock and should already be recorded in any company's books. This entry should be posted on the declaration day. Imagine that for our example the par value is $1 per share. Thus, the amount credit to the common stock dividend distributable account would be $1 x 2,000 shares, or $2,000. This account will be credited by an amount defined by the difference between the amount debited from retained earnings and the amount credited to common stock dividends distributable. This account represent the amount of money distributed above and beyond the par value of the stock. This entry should be posted on the declaration day. In our example, this amount would be $100,000 (the amount debited to retained earnings) minus $2,000 (the amount credited to common stock dividends distributable), or $98,000. On the date of payment (when the shares are distributed to shareholders), another accounting entry must be made. This is done by debiting the common stock dividends distributable account and crediting the common stock account by the same amount. This amount will be the amount previously credited to the common stock dividends distributable account. In the example, your debit and the credit amounts for this entry would be $2,000.", "This occurs on the \"date of declaration,\" when the board of directors formally authorizes payment of dividends. Under standard accounting procedures, expenses are recorded when they are incurred. In this case, dividend expenses are recorded because by declaring them the company is held liable to make good on the declaration and deliver the dividend. A declaration specifies when the declaration is made, when the date of record is, and when the dividend will be paid. The date of record specifies the date by which a shareholder must own stock in order to qualify for the dividend. For example, imagine your company declares a cash dividend on February 1 that will be paid to shareholders on March 1 and that the date of record is set at February 15. The liability would be recorded on February 1. Debit the retained earnings account for the total amount of the dividends that will be paid out. This will function as a decrease in this account because money that could have been retained is being paid out instead. This entry is made on the date of declaration. Continuing the previous example, imagine you company has 10,000 shares outstanding (total shares) and decides to issue a dividend of $0.50 per share. Your total debit from retained earning would be the same as the total value of the dividend payout, or $5,000 ($0.50 x $10,000). The dividends payable account recorded how much the company owes to shareholders between declaring a dividend and actually paying it. This account will be credited (increased) on the date of declaration. Like the debit to retained earnings, the amount credited will be the total value of the dividends declared. In our example, your company would credit dividends payable for $5,000 (the same amount as was debited from retained earnings). The only other entry needed when issuing a cash dividend is the entry on the date on which the company actually pays the cash dividend. Because this is a cash payment, you would credit the cash account (decreasing it) and debit the dividends payable account (decreasing it). This is because both transactions represent money leaving the company. Again, the value recorded will be the total value of the dividends paid. So, in our example, you would credit cash for $5,000 and also debit dividends payable for $5,000 on the date of payment, March 1. When you declare and pay a dividend, the transaction will affect your company's balance sheet. At the end of the account period, you'll be left with a cash account and retained earnings account that are lowered by the amount of the dividend that you paid out." ], "summary": [ "Understand stock dividends. Know when to recognize a stock dividend. Find the value of the dividend distribution. Debit the retained earnings account. Credit the common stock dividend distributable account. Credit the paid-in capital in excess of par account. Record the payment of the stock dividends.", "Recognize when to record the liability of the company to pay the cash dividends. Debit the retained earnings account. Credit the dividends payable account. Record the transaction on the date of payment. See the big picture." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Making a Stretchy Bracelet", "Getting Started", "Making a Multi-Strand Bracelet", "Making a Clasped Bracelet" ], "document": [ "Stretchy bracelets are the easiest to make, and require the fewest tools. You can make a simple, child-friendly one using elastic cord and plastic pony beads. You can also make a dainty one using clear elastic and glass beads. Here is a list of what you will need: Beading elastic or cord. Beads Scissors Tape or binder clip Super glue Take the beading elastic and wrap it one and a half times around your wrist. Cut it with a pair of sharp scissors. You are making it slightly larger so that you can knot it later. Hold the elastic between your fingers and stretch it gently. This will prevent the elastic from stretching out later on and creating gaps. This will prevent the beads from sliding off while you work. If you do not have any tape, or if the tape won't stick, use a binder clip instead. You do not need a needle for this; most elastic is stiff enough that you can put the bead directly onto the string. Hold the elastic close to the end, and slip the beads on. Try to put the bead with the largest hole on first. Once you finish the bracelet, you can hide the knot by sliding it under that bead. Be sure to wrap the bracelet round your wrist from time to time. The first and last bead should be touching, and the bracelet should be somewhat loose. You do not want it to stretch around your wrist. If you see any gaps or cord, you will need more beads. Start by folding the two ends of the elastic over and under each other, like tying a pair of shoes. Tie another knot like it but don't tighten it yet; you will have something that looks like a ring. Wrap one of the tail ends around one side of the circle. Do the same thing for the other side. Now you can tighten the knot. This will determine how you finish off the bracelet. Be sure to have a bottle of super glue ready. If you can slide the knot under one of the beads, trim off the extra string and put a drop of glue over the knot. Slide the knot under the bead. If you can't fit the knot under one of the beads, tuck the tail ends inside the beads instead. Put a drop of glue on top of the knot to seal it. If you try to put the bracelet on too soon, the knot may loosen and the glue may crack. Most glues will dry in about 15 minutes, and cure after 24 hours; refer to the label for more exact drying times.", "These sorts of bracelets are fun, and easy to make. You simply put the beads onto the cord and knot it. You do not need a clasp. To learn how to make a stretchy beaded bracelet, click here. You can buy beading elastic in a bead shop, or in the beading section of an arts and crafts store. Clear elastic thread comes in many different thicknesses. Thicker elastic is sturdy, which makes it suitable for large beads. Thinner elastic is more delicate, and looks best paired with smaller beads. Elastic cords have a thread or fabric covering. They are thick by beading standards, and usually come in black and white. Beading wire cannot be tied like elastic, and must be used with crimps and clasps. The crimps help hold the bracelet together. Be sure to use beading wire, which is flexible. Wire used for wire wrapping is too stiff and thick; it is not suitable for beading. To learn how to make a beaded bracelet with a clasp, click here. Consider using memory wire for a fun, spiral bracelet. Smaller beads will work well on thin, delicate elastic. Large beads, however, will need something heavier, such as a thicker elastic or wire. You will also need to add extra length to your bracelet if you are using bulky beads. These beads fill up the space between the bracelet and your wrist, making the bracelet fit tighter. There are many different types of beads. Each material has a specific look, and some types of beads are more suitable to certain projects than others. Here are the most common beads you will find in bead shop or an arts and crafts store: Plastic beads are the least expensive and come in many different shapes and colors. They are ideal for kids' arts and crafts. For a fun, kid-friendly bracelet, try using elastic cord in a bright color, and using plastic pony beads. You can also use alphabet beads so the kids can spell their names on the bracelet. Glass beads are beautiful, and come in many different colors. They capture the light well and had a mid-price range. Most glass beads will be translucent, and some will have designs. Semi-precious stones tend to be more expensive than glass beads. They also tend to be heavier. Because they are made from natural materials, no two beads are alike. You can also find beads made from natural material, such as shell, wood, ivory, and coral. These tend to be expensive and unique; no two beads are the same. When buying beads, you may find that the beads are already strung for you. This is simply another way of packaging them, and is not suggestive of a final design. Simply snip the beads off their string and arrange them in a new pattern on your desk or bead tray. Here are some ideas for a design: Put the largest beads towards the center, and the smallest beads towards the clasps. Alternate large beads with smaller/spacer beads. Use a warm (red, orange, yellow) or a cool (green, blue, and purple) color scheme. Choose a bunch of beads that are all the same color, but in different sizes and shades. For example, you could use light blue, medium blue, and dark blue beads. You can find them in bead shops or in the beading section of an arts and crafts store. They usually come in gray, and have a velvety texture. They have necklace-shaped groves with measurements. This allows beaders to lay out their pattern and see what their necklace or bracelet may look like before they put the beads on the string.", "Multi-strand bracelets are fun to make. You make all strands using the same type of bead, but in different colors. You can also make each strand using a different type of bead. Seed beads are great for this type of bracelet. Here is a list of what you will need: Beading thread Beading needle Beads Bead tips (also called bead clamps, clam shells, bead ends, or string tips) 2 jump rings Clasp and hook Needle nose pliers Scissors Super glue This will allow the bracelet to hang loosely around your wrist. This will give you the length of your finished bead strands. You will be folding them in half in a later step. This will make one beaded strand. You will want about two to four knots. Don't worry if they look messy; you will be hiding them. You should end up with a large knot and four strands of thread coming out of it. This will make the bracelet more durable. You can use your fingertips or a pair of needle nose pliers to close the bead tip. The loop on the bead tip should be on the same side as the short, extra ends of your thread. You will trim them off later. Keep stringing until the bracelet is a little bit shorter than you want it to be. Don't tie the knot too close, however, or you will put too much pressure on the thread. Try to leave a small gap between the knot and bead. You can use your fingertips or a pair of needle nose pliers to close the bead tip. The loop of the bead tip should be facing away from the beads. When you finish all of your strands, lay them out side by side in an order that you find visually pleasing. If you'd prefer a \"tangled\" look to your finished bracelet, interweave your strands rather than keeping them separate. Hold a jump ring with your fingers and a pair of needle nose pliers. The cut part of the jump ring should be between your fingers and the pliers. Hold the ring tightly with the pliers, then move your fingers away from you. The jump ring will twist open. Repeat this step for the other jump ring. Hold the jump ring with the needle nose pliers, and slip the clasp and beaded strands onto the ring. Only one end of the beaded strands should be on the jump ring. The other ends of the strands should be hanging freely. Still holding the jump ring with the pliers, take hold of the ring with your fingers. Move your hand towards you, twisting the ring close. Slip the clasp onto the other jump ring, along with the strands. Close the jump ring.", "Clasped bracelets are more advanced than stretchy bracelets. You will need additional tools and supplies in order to finish one. Here is a list of what you will need: Beading wire Clasp and hook 2 crimp beads 2 seed beads Beads Wire cutters Needle nose pliers Tape or binder clip You are making the bracelet longer so that you can finish it. You also want the bracelet to be somewhat loose, or it won't be very comfortable. Lastly, you are adding extra length because some beads add more bulk than others. You want to use a soft, flexible wire. Do not the stiff kind meant for wire wrapping. You can find beading wire in a bead shop or in the beading section of an arts and crafts store. It usually comes on a flat, disk-shaped spool. You are doing this so that you can string the beads on without losing any. If you don't have any tape, you can use a binder clip instead. If you do not have a beading tray, lay your pattern down on a table, right next to the measuring tape. This will allow you to determine how many beads you will need for your design. If you are doing a simple design (such as two altering colors) or a random design, you do not need to do this. Once you have decided on your pattern, start putting the beads onto the wire. You do not need a needle for this. Simply hold the wire close to the end, and start popping the beads on. Be sure to measure against your wrist from time to time; large beads will add bulk, so you may need to make the bracelet longer to make it fit. Once you have all of the beads on the wire, put on a crimp bead, then a seed bead, and finally a clasp. It does not matter which part of the clasp you put on first. You can use any type of clasp. A spring or lobster-claw clasp is the most traditional, but a magnetic one may make the bracelet easier to take on and off. The clasp should be hanging off of the top of the loop. You want them to be snug, but still loose enough so that the clasp can still wiggle. Leave about an inch (2.54 centimeters) long tail on the wire. Be sure to pinch the bead tightly. The crimp is your \"knot,\" so it needs to be secure. Gently tug on the wire. If it moves, pinch the crimp bead tighter. Do not trim the tail off. The beads will slide down towards the crimp and clasp. Tuck the tail into those first few beads, hiding it. Take off the tape or binder clip from before. Put on a crimp bead, a seed bead, and the other part of the clasp. Thread the wire back through the seed bead and crimp. Gently tug on the tail until the beads are flush with the clasp. If the bracelet is too big, you will need to take off a few beads. If the bracelet is too small, you will need to add some more beads. To do this, simply pull the clasp, seed bead, and crimp off, and then make the adjustments. Be sure to replace the crimp, seed bead, and clasp once everything fits. If you see things shifting a little, simply pinch the crimp harder. Press the flat side of the wire cutters against the bead and carefully snip off the read of the tail." ], "summary": [ "Gather your supplies. Measure your wrist and cut the elastic a little bit longer. Stretch the elastic. Fold some tape over one of the ends of the elastic. Put the beads onto the elastic. Keep adding beads until you have the length you want. Take the tape or clip off, and tie a square/surgeon knot. Try to slide the knot under one of the adjacent beads. Wait for the glue to dry before wearing your bracelet.", "Consider using elastic if you are a beginner. Try using wire if you are more advanced. Know that some beads work better with certain types of string. Choose your beads. Decide on a design before putting the beads on the elastic or wire. Consider getting a bead tray.", "Gather your supplies. Measure your wrist and add ¼ to 1 inch (0.64 to 2.54 centimeters). Cut two pieces of thread that are twice the length of your measurement. Hold the two threads together, fold them in half, and tie a large knot near the top of the loop. Place a drop of super glue onto the knot and fold a bead tip over it. Put all four strands of the thread through a beading needle and start stringing your beads. Take the needle off the thread and tie a few knots close to the last bead. Place a drop of glue onto the knots and fold a bead tip over them. Repeat this process to create as many strands as you want. Open two jump rings using a pair of needle nose pliers. Put one part of the clasp and the beaded strands onto one jump ring. Close the jump ring. Repeat the process for the other clasp and the other end of the beaded strands.", "Gather your supplies. Measure your wrist with a measuring tape and add 5 to 6 inches (12.7 to 15.24 centimeters). Use wire cutters and cut some beading wire according to that length. Wrap some tape around one of the ends of the wire. Consider laying out your design on a beading tray. Put the beads onto the wire. Finish off by putting on a crimp bead, a lard seed bead, and one part of the clasp. Thread wire back through seed bead and crimp, making a loop. Gently slide the crimp and seed bead towards the clasp. Use a pair of needle nose pliers to pinch the crimp bead. Turn the bracelet upside down and tuck the tail into the beads. Repeat the process for the other end of the wire, but don't pinch the crimp yet. Try the bracelet on and make any adjustments, if necessary. Pinch the crimp bead with a pair of needle nose pliers and tug gently to test the tension. Thread the tail through two to three beads and snip off any excess wire." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Mastering the Basics", "Trying Failsafe Print Mixes" ], "document": [ "The most essential thing to remember when you're mixing prints is that the prints should have at least one color in common. Repeating colors is the way to help prints complement each other instead of clashing. Colors can pull two completely different prints together and make them look like they were made for each other! One way to repeat print colors is to choose two prints with the same dominant color. For example, you might have a lime green-striped skirt and a paisley with a lime-green background. For a slightly bolder look, choose a less dominant color from one print and match that color with your second print. For example, if you have an ikat print with a touch of rose, pair it with a rose-colored plaid. The colors don't have to match exactly, but they should be close enough that it's clear they are meant to go together. If you have too many prints in the same size, your outfit or home décor could end up looking busy. Think of prints in terms of their size, and choose a big size and a smaller size to go together. Having prints in a range of sizes creates visual harmony instead of headaches. For example, if you have a skirt with a large floral pattern, try pairing it with a thin-striped top. If your couch has a big plaid pattern, use throw pillows with a smaller print. If you're mixing three different prints, aim to have the largest print take up 60 percent of the look, choose a medium print to comprise 30 percent of the look, and have the smallest print make up the last 10 percent as an accent. This balances the overall appearance of the prints and keeps them from being too overwhelming. For example, you might wear a maxi skirt with a large floral pattern, a mid-top with a medium stripe print, and statement necklace with a small colorful print. In your home, try pairing wallpaper with a big, bold print with a chair or sofa with medium print and accent pillows or lamp shades with the smallest print. Sometimes two prints that would otherwise clash need something solid to break them up. Choose a solid color that matches both prints and feature it prominently in between the prints, rather than having the prints layered on top of one another. This gives the eye a chance to rest instead of jumping back and forth between busy prints. Prints that are similar in scale but come in slightly different colors can layer beautifully. This is a great way to mix prints if you're after a more conservative, monochrome look that works as well in the office as it does on a weekend. For example, if you have a peach and white polka dotted top, trying pairing it with a black and white polka dotted skirt. At home, try working with 2 - 3 different plaid prints in one room. Another great way to incorporate a variety of prints is to choose one that's bold and another that's low-contrast, such as a neutral-toned ikat print. This allows you to create an interesting, finished look without too many overwhelming colors or prints.", "Stripes are so easy to mix with other prints that they may as well be considered a neutral, like denim or black. When you're at a loss as to how to mix a complicated print with another one, just pick your favorite color from the print and find a striped version of that color to add as a second layer. Believe it or not, stripes match everything from paisley to ikat to polka dots, so when in doubt, let them be your fallback. Round polka dots offset the straight lines in plaids and stripes, adding interest to any outfit or room. Choose large dots and small lines or large lines and small dots, but remember not to mix two prints of similar scale. Style experts often say that \"animal on animal\" is the way to go when mixing prints. The organic patterns in animal prints like leopard and tiger stripes naturally look great together. Don't be afraid to use contrasting colors when you're mixing similar animal prints! You can't go wrong when you mix two different black and white prints, so this is a great option for beginner print mixers. Black and white polka dots look brilliant with black and white stripes or gingham. You can go bold with your print choices if your color scheme is black and white. If you're just not sure if those floral pants are going to look right with your paisley top, try experimenting with print mixing using accessories at first. For example, introduce a bold new print to your wardrobe in the form of a scarf or belt instead of a blouse. Wear a pair of patterned earrings instead of buying a funky-printed vest to see how it feels to mix prints. At home, go crazy with throw pillows, framed pictures and throws before you splurge on new wallpaper or reupholster your sofa. Once you get used to mixing and matching prints, you'll start sensing what works and what clashes." ], "summary": [ "Repeat colors. Pick a big print and a small print. Follow the 60-30-10 rule. Use a solid to break up prints. Mix two similar prints. Mix bold patterns with low-contrast patterns.", "Consider stripes a neutral. Mix polka dots with plaid or stripes. Mix two kinds of animal prints. Mix black and white prints. Use accessories to ease into print mixing." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Involving Students in the Process", "Deciding on the Standards", "Enforcing Your Rules" ], "document": [ "While you may want to allow your students to contribute to the classroom rules, it's important to provide the framework for their ideas. Start by telling your students about the goals you have for them or your vision for the classroom. Then ask them to contribute by suggesting specific behaviors that can help support these goals. Providing this framework will help ensure that your students do not come up with rules that you do not agree with or that are not conducive to a positive learning environment. For example, if your goal is that everyone will be respected, your students may suggest that everyone wait their turn to speak or that everyone consider other people's feelings before saying something. Remind students to focus on positive rules, rather than negative rules. In addition to encouraging students to brainstorm ideas for meeting the classroom goals, you can also ask them to share some of the challenges they face in school. They may identify problems, such as bullying or distractions in the classroom, which are interfering with their ability to learn. Once they identify problems, try having students brainstorm potential solutions to those problems. If you have students do this, be sure to show them that you value their input by incorporating at least some of the ideas they came up with into the classroom contract. You may want to consider having students vote on the rules that everyone comes up with an/or giving everyone the opportunity to suggest that a rule be eliminated. Help your students take ownership of the rules that they create by having them use first person pronouns. This will make it more clear to them that they are each individually responsible for upholding the rules. For example, instruct them to write \"I will consider other people's feelings\" instead of just \"consider other people's feelings\" or \"everyone should consider each other's feelings.\" You can also have them make a list of their rights. This may include things like \"I have the right to express my opinion\" or \"I have the right to feel safe at school.\" This can help them identify problems that need solutions. Once you have finished your discussion and put your contract in writing, have each student sign it. This will symbolize that each student is agreeing to abide by the rules. You may want to give each student a separate copy or have everyone sign the classroom copy. You may also wish to send a copy of the classroom contract home with each student to be signed by a parent or guardian. This will help promote parental involvement in your classroom. Make a poster or write the classroom rules on the board. No matter how you choose to display them, make sure they are always visible to students. If you are having problems with behavior in your classroom, you can try asking the students to re-read the classroom contract. Having it displayed prominently will make this much easier. Your classroom rules and expectations should never be set in stone. You may find that the rules need to be adjusted as the year progresses, so always be willing to make necessary changes. Discuss any changes you make with your students so that they understand what the changes are and why they were made. Listen to your students' feedback on the rules. They may recognize before you do that a rule needs to be reworked because it isn't supporting the classroom goals.", "If you're not sure where to start with your classroom rules, you can begin by simply writing down all of the specific behaviors that you want to discourage your students from engaging in. Then use this list to craft your rules. Use the specific actions you came up with to develop more general rules. For example, if you don't want your students to talk out of turn or use cellphones during class, your rule could be \"be respectful of the teacher.\" Instead of centering your classroom contract around rules, which typically state actions that are prohibited, give your students something to work towards by establishing goals. The goals can be broad statements such as \"treat everyone with respect.\" This goal inherently prohibits behavior like hitting and name calling without having to spell out each undesired behavior. If you do need to establish specific rules beyond your broader goals, try to use positive language. This will help motivate students to meet the expectations, rather than bombarding them with prohibited activities. For example, \"Keep your work stations neat\" is a better rule than \"Don't make a mess.\" It's extremely important that your students understand what is expected of them, or else they will never be able to follow the rules. When crafting your rules, do your best to make them clear and concise, while leaving no room for misinterpretation. Avoid using confusing words that your students may not know. If your rule seems vague, be sure to give examples so your students understand what it means. Talk to them about what works best in their classroom, as well as what hasn't worked. Not only will this give you ideas about what to include in your classroom contract, it can also prevent discrepancies between classrooms that could create conflict, as students will favor a more permissive teacher. It's better for both students and teachers if there are uniform expectations across classrooms. This will provide the students with a stable, clearly structured learning environment.", "Some schools have very structured policies regarding the consequences that a student should face for breaking the rules. Others have general guidelines, but give teachers more freedom to decide on the appropriate consequences. As you are establishing your classroom rules or contract, be sure to consider the policies that are already in place at your school, and make sure your classroom rules complement them. Do not make exceptions to school-wide policies. For example, if your school prohibits all cell phone use, do not state in your contract that cell phone are allowed at certain times. In addition to outlining the expectations you have of your students, it is important to let them know what the consequences will be if they do not meet those expectations. There should never be any surprises when it comes to punishment. Make it clear if there will be a warning for the first offence. Keep in mind that this may be appropriate for some behaviors (like talking out of turn), but not for others (like hitting another student). Remind them that they signed the contract. Then have them identify which rule they broke. Ask them to articulate why this rule is important. Finally, have them identify what the consequence for breaking the rule is. When establishing rules and consequences in your classroom, it's important to be mindful about implementing them consistently. All undesirable behavior should be dealt with in the same way, whether it comes from the worst student in class or the best. Singling out \"bad kids\" will only make their behavior worse, so try to make them feel like they are the same as every other student in the class. Try not to focus so much on punishing students for bad behavior that you forget to reward them for meeting your expectations. Be sure to praise students for good behavior as well. Don't rely too heavily on external rewards, like stickers or pizza parties, as the students' interest in these rewards will eventually fade. The most motivating incentive for students to follow the classroom rules is the opportunity to be a part of a great classroom community." ], "summary": [ "Establish the basic vision. Consider asking for feedback on problems. Encourage the use of \"I\" statements. Have students sign the rules or contract. Display the rules prominently. Be open to change.", "Start by making a list of unacceptable behaviors. Focus on goals. Keep it positive. Make the expectations simple. Ask other teachers if you can look over their classroom contracts.", "Consider the school's policies. Clearly outline the consequences. Refer students who break the rules back to their contract. Treat all students equally. Reward students for making good choices." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Planting Dill Seeds", "Maintaining the Growing Dill", "Harvesting Dill" ], "document": [ "Dill thrives in nutrient-rich soil that drains well and will not form puddles. Select a pot or planter with holes in the bottom (so the soil can drain well), and fill it at least ¾ full with soil. The pot or planter should be deep, at least 10 inches (25 cm), to give the dill’s deep roots enough room to expand. You can purchase planting soil at a local plant nursery or hardware store. When grown in the outdoors, dill can stand fairly poor soil. Compost will give the sprouting dill seeds much-needed nutrition, and help them grow well and produce plenty of leaves. Use a trowel or your hands to mix the compost and soil together in the pot or planter before adding the seeds. You can purchase potting compost at a local plant nursery. Dill seeds should not be planted deeply. Use your finger to press each individual dill seed into the soil in your pot. Then run your fingers or a small hand-held rake through the soil, so that the dill seeds are lightly covered with soil. If you’re planning to plant multiple dill seeds, give each one plenty of space so that the stalks and branches of the full-grown plants don’t become entangled. Due to this large distance, you’ll need a large planter if you’d like to grow several dill plants. Dill should sprout in 10-14 days. Once the seeds have started to sprout, do not replant the dill plants.", "When grown indoors, dill plants prefer temperatures on the cool side. So, adjust your indoor thermostat so that the temperatures hover around the low 70s. Dill plants may wilt and die if left in high temperatures for too long. Dill thrives in full sunlight. Place the plant in a south-facing window, or on a porch or patio that receives full sun for several hours a day. If left for weeks without enough sunlight, the dill will wither. As the dill grows, its stalk may not be strong enough to support the plants own weight. Help the plant by placing a stake in the soil near its base once the plant is about 1 foot (0.30 m) tall. Over time, the dill will grow around the stake. Purchase a stake at a local hardware store or plant nursery. The stake doesn’t have to be made from any special material. A dowel would suffice, as would any firm piece of wood at least 2 feet (0.61 m) tall. If the soil feels dry, water the plant until water runs into the dish beneath the pot or planter. Water by pouring the water directly onto the soil from a height of 2–3 inches (5.1–7.6 cm). This becomes important once the dill stalk reaches 2 feet (0.61 m), because the leaves could mildew if watered from overhead. To see if the dill needs watering, press your finger into the soil: it should be damp, but not muddy or soaking wet.", "Once the dill plants are mature, you can harvest the herb at any time. Or, check the calendar (assuming that you marked down when you planted the seeds). Dill will be mature about 8 weeks after the seeds were planted. Use a pair of sharp household scissors to cut the leafy, edible part off of the stem. The edible part of the dill plant is the feathery, light leaves. You can harvest as much of the dill at once as you like, since taking a large harvest won’t damage the plant. Once the leaves are harvested, use the scissors to cut the dill leaves up as finely as you like. If you don’t have sharp scissors, you can use your thumb and index finger to pinch the leafy parts of the dill off of the stems. While dill seeds are edible, they’re used for different culinary purposes than the leaves. Unlike many other herbs, fresh dill and dried dill have markedly different tastes. If you prefer the taste of fresh dill, only harvest as much as you’ll eat over the span of a few days. If you plan to store some dill, keep it in an airtight container like a plastic bag. This will maintain the herb’s fresh flavor. Fresh dill will keep for a period of 2 weeks. Dried dill is also commonly stored in a small glass jar and kept in the household spice drawer or spice rack." ], "summary": [ "Fill a pot or planter with well-draining soil. Mix a multi-purpose potting compost into the soil. Plant dill seeds from 3⁄4–1 in (1.9–2.5 cm) deep. Plant multiple seeds 12–15 inches (30–38 cm) from one another.", "Keep the dill plants around 70 °F (21 °C). Locate the pot so the dill receives 5-6 hours of direct sun each day. Insert a wooden stake near the base of the dill plant. Water the dill plants at the soil level twice per week.", "Harvest the dill when a plant has 4 or 5 leaves. Snip the dill weed leaves off of the plant. Eat the dill or store it in an airtight container." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Enhancing Physical Well-Being", "Nurturing Mental Well-Being", "Cultivating Emotional Well-Being" ], "document": [ ". Nobody feels happy when they’re sick! Even doing something as simple as taking a multivitamin with vitamins C, E, and A, selenium, and beta-carotene might help to boost your immunity. Having a strong immune system allows you to respond better to stress or physical illness. Other strategies such as regular exercise, getting adequate rest, and maintaining a healthy diet are also important for boosting immunity. . Exercising affects the release of endorphins, which transmit messages to the brain, translating into positive feelings. Regular exercise not only combats depression, anxiety, and feelings of loneliness, but also strengthens your immune system. Even walking for exercise can increase your antibody and T-killer cell response. . Sleep is strongly linked to a person’s health, stress levels, weight and quality of life. Moreover, while you sleep, your body produces cells that fight infection, inflammation, and stress, which means that getting too little sleep makes you more prone to getting sick and increases the time you need to recover from illness. Exercising is one of the absolute best ways to sleep better at night. Scientists are finding that friendly bacteria in the soil actually trigger the brain to produce serotonin (much like how antidepressants work). If you have a garden, get out there and dig. If you don’t, consider starting one – if not for flowers, for vegetables and herbs that you can use in making healthy recipes. Even designing a container garden can create a spot of sunshine in your life. Obviously, not-so-friendly bacteria are also in your garden. Wear gloves to protect your hands, especially if you have cats or if neighboring cats use your garden as a toilet. And wash your hands well after playing in dirt! . It’s a no-brainer that eating well (fresh, unprocessed, real foods) has a huge variety of health benefits. In addition, taking the time to cook fresh foods for yourself gives you an emotional boost: it smells good, it looks good, it tastes good, and, when you become proficient at cooking, it can even provide a fun, creative break from your routine. In addition to being a form of self-pampering, cooking is also good for your wallet. If you’re new to it, start with a few fast, foolproof recipes that won’t turn you off cooking forever. The less processed foods in your diet, the healthier you'll be, which in turn will ensure a good deal more happiness for you.", "You don’t need a clinician to tell you that stress is no fun, but did you know that even a mild stress-induced mood disorder like sub-clinical depression can wreak havoc on your immune system? In fact, the duration of a stressful period has more effect on immunity than its severity.To fight stress, first recognize it and stop trying to battle it alone. Find ways to ground yourself and to let off steam constructively. Sports, exercise, a hobby and spending time with friends are all good ways to counteract stress. You might like to try guided imagery, yoga, or tai-chi; if you have a severe mood disorder, seek counseling and/or medication. Can you change the cause of the stress? Then, do so. In many cases though, stress links back to your job, money, or family. In uncertain times, changing jobs can be difficult, in which case, you must find ways to manage it better. Managing stress that comes from work or family can be done by being more assertive about your needs and setting boundaries. Assertion and boundary-setting include learning to say \"no\" to tasks that overload your schedule, getting regular \"me\" time, and avoiding taking work calls when you are relaxing at home with family or friends, or vice versa. Other ways to manage work-related stress consist of working smarter not harder, which means breaking down larger tasks into smaller increments and delegating tasks to others, if necessary. Also, make sure to use workplace resources like trainings and professional development events to counteract detrimental practices that may impact your health and well-being. Getting a higher education can bolster your self-esteem and interest in the world. But it's not for everyone and it's not the only solution. Reading, traveling, taking fun classes, attending guest lectures, and meeting people from other cultures will do the same thing. Or try MOOCs––massive online open courses––these courses offer very stimulating ways of stretching your knowledge and abilities, in your own time. Ultimately, instead of running from new experiences, engage in them, and seek more whenever you can. After all, you only live once. . Whether you choose stamp collecting or kickboxing, hobbies and extracurricular activities are necessary for the pursuit to enjoy life. Hard routines are counterproductive to spontaneity and surprise––leave a little flexibility in your schedule so that it doesn't become routine and humdrum. Do your hobby or activity because you love it, and because it gets you \"into the flow\", and not for reasons such as keeping up with other people or conforming to unrealistic social standards. Research demonstrates that participating in leisure activities can have a positive impact on your physical and mental health and wellness. Benefits of hobbies include lower blood pressure, less cortisol, lower body mass index and greater perception of physical abilities. Putting your feet up and watching your favorite show at the end of the day is definitely a treat, but since passively watching a story doesn’t do much to stimulate your imagination, it can also leave you feeling restless and 'zombified'. For a change of pace, find a book that you can lose yourself in for a while. If you don’t consider yourself much of a reader, think outside the box and find something that relates to your hobbies: if you’re a baseball fan, pick up Bill Veeck’s autobiography; if you’re a biker, try Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. Keep notes of passages or ideas that really resonate with you. If you keep a notebook in your usual reading spot, ready to jot down such inspirations, you'll soon amass an inspirational collection of ideas that matter to you and may help direct your sense of purpose for years to come. Meditation reduces stress and promotes a calm feeling. Participating in a few minutes of meditation daily can promote a positive outlook and keep you feeling balanced and relaxed. It is important to maintain a good body posture and perform meditation in a distraction-free zone.", "Owning a pet provides love, companionship, and hours of entertainment. Pet ownership has health benefits, too, such as reducing your blood pressure and the risk of heart disease, increasing your feelings of well-being and connectedness, and teaching you lessons in empathy and nurturing. For extra warm and fuzzy feelings, consider rescuing a pet from your local shelter. However, only get a pet if you know you can take care of it knowledgeably. Don't just keep an animal for your own benefit. Listening to music taps into your brain’s imagination and sense of self-identity, boosts your self-esteem, and lessens feelings of isolation. Listening to music feels empowering. Put on your favorite album – or that one you keep meaning to dive into, turn up the volume, and cut out all other distractions so that you can really experience the wonders of the music. In some cases, music has been shown to help people coping with dementia, giving them a greater sense of empowerment. Music therapy is also useful in people suffering from anxiety and depression. Your facial expression is traditionally thought of as a window into how you feel, but it's also thought that your facial expression can influence your mood. Therefore, be sure to smile freely, to ensure that your mood is upbeat. You might even want to greet yourself in the mirror with a smile first thing in the morning––that happy face may be just enough to keep that mood flowing all day long. A decent break doesn’t mean zoning out to the TV or going down the internet rabbit hole. It means setting some time aside and making it special. As a thank-you to yourself, give yourself a vacation or “staycation”, a change of scenery – even if it just means having a picnic in your backyard or building a fort with your kids in the living room. Taking a break that is different from the ordinary and lets you \"hang loose\" can do wonders for your sense of fun, escape, and fulfillment. It is well known that people with a wide circle of friends tend to live longer.Of course, birds of a feather flock together, and it’s also been shown that your friends’ behavior can actually have a big impact on yours. Make sure you hang around with positive, interesting people to inspire yourself to live a richer life. Are you putting off getting in touch with an old friend? Make that call today! If you can’t reach the person by phone, set some time aside to write a long email, or go old-school and pen a letter. Do you feel like you are being dragged down by an unhealthy friendship? Enabling your friend’s bad behavior doesn’t do either of you any good. Do some soul-searching and decide whether to resolve things with a heart-to-heart or to simply end the relationship. Are you having trouble meeting new people? Get outside your comfort zone by going to new places, striking up conversations with strangers, taking on a new hobby, or even joining a social activity group on something like Meetup.com." ], "summary": [ "Strengthen your immune system Exercise Sleep well Play in the dirt. Eat healthy", "Reduce stress. Improve your stress management, if you cannot remove the stress. Learn new things. Find a hobby Read a good book. Practice meditation.", "Get a pet (optional). Develop an interest in music. Start the day with a smile. Take a break. Spend time with interesting people." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Caring for Yourself", "Improving Your Confidence", "Showing Inner Beauty" ], "document": [ "Being well-rested can drastically improve your appearance. Most adults need about eight hours of sleep, but teenagers can require up to ten. Staying fully hydrated will make you look better by clearing up your skin, improving the health of your hair and nails, and keeping your body healthy. If you mostly drink soda, coffee, or juice, try replacing some of them with water until you are drinking at least 8 cups (1,900 ml) daily. Alcohol, caffeine, cigarettes, and drugs are especially bad for your appearance and health. Be sure you shower every day and clean yourself thoroughly with soap and water. How often you wash your hair will depend on your hair type, but you should at least clean your body daily. You should use a moisturizer on your face and body every day, even if you have oily skin--moisturizer will stop your skin from producing its own oils. You can use any kind, but check the label first to see if it’s the best kind for your skin type. You don’t have to put on a new shade of nail polish every day, but your nails should be clean and manicured all the time. Clip and file your nails so they are even and clean under them daily. If you wear polish, check for chips every day and fix them if you have polish on hand. Biting your nails is the best way to break them and make them weaker. Refrain for biting them at all costs. Dip your hands in lemon or rub lemon on your nails and fingertips so if you feel the urge to bite them you will taste lemons. Keep your hair brushed and styled every single day. Make sure your hair doesn't have any knots or tangles, and that it is neat and clean. If your hair gets flat and oily by the end of the day, try to wash it every day; otherwise, every other day is fine. Smelling nice is an essential part of being pretty! Be sure you use deodorant every single day. You can also wear perfume--many people have a signature scent they wear every day. If you don’t wear much perfume, try a light floral or fruit scent first. But always be careful to not wear too much. Don’t use deodorant or perfume as a substitute for bathing. People can tell. Use as little perfume as possible, and only use it on pulse points like your wrists and neck. Your perfume should be a subtle fragrance that people only notice when they’re next to you, not a strong smell that hangs in the air around you. Pretty people keep their teeth as clean as possible. Brush and floss at least twice a day, and be sure to use mouthwash or mints to keep your breath smelling fresh. Carry floss with you, and use it after every meal or snack. It’s okay if your teeth are crooked or if you wear braces. Just make sure they’re clean and white. It’s hard to imagine a pretty person slouching! Practice sitting with your back straight against a chair and walking with your chin parallel to the ground. It will make you look more confident and attractive! If you aren’t happy with your looks, try wearing a little bit of makeup. Light makeup will help you accentuate your best features, and it’s much easier to learn to apply than a full face of makeup. Keep practicing until your makeup looks natural and is easy for you to apply. Wearing clothes that are wrinkled or stained can make you look messy, unattractive, or even dirty. Iron your clothes before wearing them and be sure they’re clean when you put them on. Read the instructions on your clothing labels. Some clothes can’t be ironed or can only be ironed on a low setting. If you don’t want to iron, try hanging clothes up immediately after you dry them, or letting them run in a dryer on the permanent press cycle. You don’t have to wear the latest trends to be pretty. A great shortcut is to make sure all your clothes fit you properly. Don’t wear clothes that are too tight or too baggy. None of your clothes should be so tight that they pinch you, show your underwear, or are hard to put on and take off. They also shouldn't hang loosely off your shoulders or hips, or need to be adjusted as you go about your day. If you still feel hopeless about your looks, you might just need a little outside perspective. Call your local makeup store, hair salon, or beauty counter and schedule a makeover. They’ll be able to teach you tricks and techniques you hadn’t considered before, and you’ll go home looking great! If you can’t afford a professional makeover, ask a friend or relative who’s into makeup and beauty to help you. Don’t feel intimidated about going into a makeup shop or hair salon. They've seen everything and they’re here to help you.", "A great way to improve your confidence and begin to feel pretty is to take a little bit of time every day to say something positive about yourself. You can set an alarm for the same time to remind you, or even just practice saying something positive every time you think something negative about yourself. Try saying something like “My eye color is beautiful” or “I did a great job putting together this outfit today” or “I did great on that algebra test.” If you ignore or shut down other people’s compliments, they’ll think you don’t want to hear anything good about yourself. When somebody says something good about you, resist the urge to say something like “No, you’re wrong.” Instead, say “Thank you! That really means a lot to me.” You are a unique individual, and nobody has the same life and the same circumstances as you. Don’t worry too much about what other people are doing or what they have that you don’t. If you start to compare yourself to others, tell yourself that you’re a different person and you have your own set of positive qualities. A great way to build confidence is to branch out and try new things every chance you get. It doesn’t have to be anything huge--it can be as easy as wearing a new hat or taking a different route to school. Make a goal to try something new every single day. If you usually wear dark or neutral-colored clothes, try wearing a bright blue top one day. Join a new club at school. Order something different at your favorite restaurant. Selfies are a great way to boost your confidence. Spend some time snapping a few dozen photos of yourself. Look through them and pick out the one you like the best. You don’t have to post it, but you can still decorate it with a filter or sticker. It’s totally normal to hate some of your selfies! Even supermodels have outtakes they don’t want anyone to see. It’s normal for it to take awhile to start feeling confident. If you’re trying to improve your confidence but aren't feeling it yet, try faking confidence! It sounds silly, but if you act confident all the time, you’ll soon find that you really are confident.", "Lots of people who aren't necessarily great-looking have an inner beauty that radiates and attracts others. Practice your inner beauty by smiling and making eye contact with the people you encounter every day. It doesn't matter if you know them or not--everyone likes a smile! Many people interpret smiling and making eye contact as an invitation to chat. If you’re in a hurry or don’t want to talk, be sure to make the eye contact last for only a second. Be nice to everyone you meet. Introduce yourself if you don’t know them, and address them by name. Ask how they’re doing and take an active interest in their lives. This doesn’t mean that you should let people treat you badly--if you have to tell someone to stop or to leave you alone, do so clearly and firmly. If you care about someone, let them know how you feel. You can simply say “I care about you” or “I love you”, but it doesn't have to be direct. You can also show them how you feel by paying attention to them, listening to any problems they have, and making time for them. Tell your parents that you appreciate all they do for you. Text your best friend a note saying she's awesome and the best friend ever. People are more likely to find a helpful person attractive and enjoyable to be around. If you are in a situation where you can help someone, do it! Offer to open doors, carry boxes, or help someone with their homework. Don’t go overboard. You shouldn't offer to help do something if you aren't fully up to the job.. Offering to help too often can lead to burnout and being taken advantage of. Pretty people don’t just sit back and reflect on how pretty they are. They look for beauty in other people too! Look at the people you care about and the people you interact with, and find something nice to say about everyone’s appearance. Once you get into the habit of looking for beauty in others, you’ll be able to see it in yourself too. You don’t have to walk up to people and announce “You’re pretty.” Try saying something like “I like your haircut” or “You look nice today.”" ], "summary": [ "Get plenty of sleep. Drink at least 8 cups (1,900 ml) of water a day. Bathe every day. Use moisturizer on your skin. Keep your nails clean and trimmed. Make sure your hair is clean and styled every day. Wear deodorant or perfume. Brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Improve your posture. Wear light makeup. Keep your clothes clean and pressed. Wear clothes that fit properly. Consider getting a makeover.", "Say something positive about yourself every day. Learn to accept compliments. Avoid comparing yourself to others. Try something new every day. Take more selfies. Act confident even if you don’t feel it.", "Smile and make eye contact throughout your day. Be friendly and polite towards everyone. Show your loved ones how you feel about them. Offer to help others as often as you can. Tell other people they’re pretty." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Knowing Who’s At Risk", "Taking Actions", "Considering Your Life with Others", "Identifying Characteristic Symptoms", "Thinking About Other Possibilities" ], "document": [ "While researchers have identified some correlations between certain factors and the development or triggering of schizophrenia, the exact cause of schizophrenia is still unknown. Discuss your family history and medical background with your doctor or mental health provider. Schizophrenia is at least partially genetic. Your risk for developing schizophrenia is about 10% higher if you have at least one “first-degree” family member (e.g., parent, sibling) with the disorder. If you have an identical twin with schizophrenia, or if both of your parents have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, your risk of developing it yourself is more like 40-65%. However, about 60% of people who are diagnosed with schizophrenia do not have close relatives who have schizophrenia. If another family member -- or you -- has another disorder similar to schizophrenia, such as a delusional disorder, you may be at higher risk for developing schizophrenia. Infants who are exposed to viruses, toxins, or malnutrition while in the womb may be more likely to develop schizophrenia. This is especially true if the exposure happened in the first and second trimesters. Infants who experience a lack of oxygen during birth may also be more likely to develop schizophrenia. Infants who are born during a time of famine are more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia. This may be because malnourished mothers cannot get enough nutrients during their pregnancy. Some studies have shown a correlation between the age of the father and the risk for developing schizophrenia. One study showed that children whose fathers who were 50 years old or older when they were born were 3 times as likely to develop schizophrenia as those whose fathers were 25 years old or younger. It is thought that this may be because the older the father is, the more likely his sperm is to develop genetic mutations.", "It can be hard to identify some things, such as delusions, in yourself. Ask your family and friends to help you figure out whether you are displaying these symptoms. Write down when you think you may be having hallucinations or other symptoms. Keep track of what happened just before or during these episodes. This will help you figure out how commonly these things occur. It will also help when you consult a professional for diagnosis. Schizophrenia, especially in teenagers, can creep up slowly over a period of 6-9 months. If you notice that you're behaving differently and don't know why, talk with a mental health professional. Don’t just “write off” different behaviors as nothing, especially if they are very unusual for you or they’re causing you distress or dysfunction. These changes are signs that something is wrong. That something may not be schizophrenia, but it's important to consider. An online test can't tell you if you have schizophrenia. Only a trained clinician can make an accurate diagnosis after tests, examinations, and interviews with you. However, a trustworthy screening quiz can help you figure out what symptoms you may have and whether they are likely to suggest schizophrenia. The Counselling Resource Mental Health Library has a free version of the STEPI (Schizophrenia Test and Early Psychosis Indicator) on their website. Psych Central has an online screening test as well. If you're worried that you might have schizophrenia, talk with your physician or therapist. While they do not usually have the resources to diagnose schizophrenia, a general practitioner or therapist can help you understand more about what schizophrenia is and whether you should see a psychiatrist. Your physician can also help you rule out other causes of symptoms, such as injury or illness.", "The second criterion for a schizophrenia diagnosis is “social/occupational dysfunction.” This dysfunction must be present for a significant portion of the time since you began displaying symptoms. Many conditions can cause dysfunction in your work and social life, so even if you’re experiencing trouble in one or more of these areas, it doesn’t necessarily mean you have schizophrenia. One or more areas of “major” functioning must be impaired: Work/Academics Interpersonal relations Self-care One of the criteria for “dysfunction” is whether you are able to fulfill the requirements of your job. If you’re a full-time student, your ability to perform in school could be considered. Consider the following: Do you feel psychologically able to leave the house to go to work or school? Have you had a hard time coming in on time or showing up regularly? Are there parts of your work that you now feel afraid to do? If you are a student, is your academic performance suffering? This should be considered in light of what is normal for you. If you’ve always been a reserved person, not wanting to socialize isn’t necessarily a sign of dysfunction. However, if you’ve noticed your behaviors and motivations change to things that aren’t “normal” for you, this could be something to speak with a mental health professional about. Do you enjoy the same relationships you used to? Do you enjoy socializing in the way you used to? Do you feel like talking with others significantly less than you used to? Do you feel afraid or intensely worried about interacting with others? Do you feel like you're being persecuted by others, or that others have ulterior motives toward you? “Self-care” refers to your ability to take care of yourself and remain healthy and functional. This should also be judged within the realm of “normal for you.” So, for example, if you usually work out 2-3 times per week but haven’t felt like going in 3 months, this could be a sign of disturbance. The following behaviors are also signs of lapsed self-care: You have started or increased abusing substances such as alcohol or drugs You don’t sleep well, or your sleep cycle varies widely (e.g., 2 hours one night, 14 hours the next, etc.) You don’t “feel” as much, or you feel “flat” Your hygiene has gotten worse You don’t take care of your living space", "In order to diagnose schizophrenia, a mental health clinician will first look for symptoms in five “domains”: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech and thinking, grossly disorganized or abnormal motor behavior (including catatonia), and negative symptoms (symptoms that reflect a reduction in behavior). You must have at least 2 (or more) of these symptoms. Each must be present for a significant portion of time during a 1-month period (less if the symptoms have been treated). At least 1 of the minimum 2 symptoms must be delusions, hallucinations, or disorganized speech. Delusions are irrational beliefs that often emerge as a response to a perceived threat that is largely or entirely unconfirmed by other people. Delusions are maintained despite evidence that they are not true. There’s a difference between delusions and suspicions. Many people will occasionally have irrational suspicions, such as believing a co-worker is “out to get them” or that they’re having an “unlucky streak.” The difference is whether these beliefs cause you distress or make it hard to function. For example, if you are so convinced that the government is spying on you that you refuse to leave your house to go to work or school, that is a sign that your belief is causing dysfunction in your life. Delusions may sometimes be bizarre, such as believing you’re an animal or a supernatural being. If you find yourself convinced of something beyond the usual realms of possibility, this could be a sign of delusions (but is certainly not the only possibility). Hallucinations are sensory experiences that seem real, but are created in your mind. Common hallucinations may be auditory (things you hear), visual (things you see), olfactory (things you smell), or tactile (things you feel, such as the creepy-crawlies on your skin). Hallucinations may affect any of your senses. For example, consider whether you frequently experience the sensation of things crawling over your body. Do you hear voices when no one is around? Do you see things that “shouldn’t” be there, or that no one else sees? Having a belief that others may see as “strange” does not mean you’re having delusions. Similarly, seeing things that others may not is not always a dangerous hallucination. Beliefs can only be judged as “delusional” or dangerous in accordance with local cultural and religious norms. Beliefs and visions are usually only considered signs of psychosis or schizophrenia if they create unwanted or dysfunctional obstacles in your daily life. For example, a belief that wicked actions will be punished by “fate” or “karma” might seem delusional to some cultures but not to others. What count as hallucinations are also related to cultural norms. For example, children in many cultures can experience auditory or visual hallucinations -- such as hearing the voice of a deceased relative -- without being considered psychotic, and without developing psychosis later in life. Highly religious people may be more likely to see or hear some things, such as hearing the voice of their deity or seeing an angel. Many belief systems accept these experiences as genuine and productive, even something to be sought after. Unless the experience distresses or endangers the person or others, these visions are not generally a cause for concern. Disorganized speech and thinking are basically what they sound like. It may be difficult for you to answer questions effectively or fully. Answers may be tangential, fragmented, or incomplete. In many cases, disorganized speech is accompanied by the inability or unwillingness to sustain eye contact or use non-verbal communication, such as gestures or other body language. You may need the help of others to know whether this is happening. In the most severe cases, speech may be “word salad,” strings of words or ideas that are not related and do not make sense to listeners. As with other symptoms in this section, you must consider “disorganized” speech and thinking must be considered within your own social and cultural context. For example, some religious beliefs hold that individuals will speak in strange or unintelligible language when in contact with a religious figure. Furthermore, narratives are structured very differently across cultures, so stories told by people in one culture may appear “weird” or “disorganized” to an outsider who is unfamiliar with those cultural norms and traditions. Your language is likely to be “disorganized” only if others who are familiar with your religious and cultural norms cannot understand or interpret it (or it occurs in situations in which your language “should” be understandable). Grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior can manifest in a number of ways. You may feel unfocused, which makes it hard to perform even simple tasks such as washing your hands. You may feel agitated, silly, or excited in unpredictable ways. “Abnormal” motor behavior may be inappropriate, unfocused, excessive, or purposeless. For example, you might frantically wave your hands around or adopt a strange posture. Catatonia is another sign of abnormal motor behavior. In severe cases of schizophrenia, you may remain still and silent for days on end. Catatonic individuals will not respond to external stimuli, such as conversation or even physical prompting, such as touching or poking. Negative symptoms are symptoms that show a “decrease” or reduction in “normal” behaviors. For example, a decrease in emotional range or expression would be a “negative symptom.” So would a loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, or a lack of motivation to do things. Negative symptoms may also be cognitive, such as difficulty concentrating. These cognitive symptoms are usually more self-destructive and more obvious to others than the inattentiveness or concentration trouble typically seen in people diagnosed with ADHD. Unlike ADD or ADHD, these cognitive difficulties will occur across most types of situations that you encounter, and they cause significant problems for you in many areas of your life.", "To diagnose schizophrenia, a mental health professional will ask you how long the disturbances and symptoms have been going on. To qualify for a diagnosis of schizophrenia, the disturbance must have been in effect for at least 6 months. This period must include at least 1 month of “active-phase” symptoms from Part 1 (Criterion A), although the 1-month requirement may be less if symptoms have been treated. This 6-month period may also include periods of “prodromal” or residual symptoms. During these periods, the symptoms may be less extreme (i.e., “attenuated”) or you may experience only “negative symptoms” such as feeling less emotion or not wanting to do anything. Schizoaffective disorder and depressive or bipolar disorder with psychotic features can cause symptoms very similar to some of those in schizophrenia. Other illnesses or physical traumas, such as strokes and tumors, can cause psychotic symptoms. This is why it is crucial to seek help from a trained mental health clinician. You cannot make these distinctions on your own. Your clinician will ask if you have had major depressive or manic episodes at the same time as your “active-phase” symptoms. A major depressive episode involves at least one of the following for a period of at least 2 weeks: depressed mood or loss of interest or pleasure in things you used to enjoy. It will also include other regular or near-constant symptoms in that time frame, such as significant weight changes, disruption in sleeping patterns, fatigue, agitation or slowing down, feelings of guilt or worthlessness, trouble concentrating and thinking, or recurrent thoughts about death. A trained mental health professional will help you determine whether you have experienced a major depressive episode. A manic episode is a distinct period of time (usually at least 1 week) when you experience an abnormally elevated, irritated, or expansive mood. You will also display at least three other symptoms, such as decreased need for sleep, inflated ideas of yourself, flighty or scattered thoughts, distractibility, increased involvement in goal-directed activities, or an excessive involvement in pleasurable activities, especially those with a high risk or potential for negative consequences. A trained mental health professional will help you determine whether you have experienced a manic episode. You will also be asked how long these mood episodes lasted during your “active-phase” symptoms. If your mood episodes were brief in comparison to how long the active and residual periods lasted, this may be a sign of schizophrenia. Substance use, such as drugs or alcohol, can cause symptoms similar to those in schizophrenia. When diagnosing you, your clinician will make sure that the disturbances and symptoms you’re experiencing are not because of the “direct physiological effects” of a substance, such as an illegal drug or medication. Even legal, prescribed medications can cause side effects such as hallucinations. It’s important for a trained clinician to diagnose you so that s/he can distinguish between side effects from a substance and symptoms of an illness. Substance use disorders (commonly known as “substance abuse”) commonly co-occur with schizophrenia. Many people suffering from schizophrenia may attempt to “self-medicate” their symptoms with medication, alcohol, and drugs. Your mental health professional will help you determine if you have a substance use disorder. This is another element that must be handled by a trained clinician. Global Developmental Delay or Autism Spectrum Disorder may cause some symptoms that are similar to those in schizophrenia. If there is a history of autism spectrum disorder or other communication disorders that begin in childhood, a diagnosis of schizophrenia will only be made if there are prominent delusions or hallucinations present. The criteria for schizophrenia and many other psychiatric diagnoses are what as known as polythetic. This means that there are many ways of interpreting the symptoms, and different ways the symptoms may combine and appear to others. Diagnosing schizophrenia can be difficult even for trained professionals. It is also possible, as mentioned before, that your symptoms could be the result of another trauma, illness, or disorder. You must seek professional medical and mental health help to properly diagnose any disorder or disease. Cultural norms and local and personal idiosyncrasies in thought and speech can affect whether your behavior appears “normal” to others." ], "summary": [ "Understand that the causes of schizophrenia are still being investigated. Consider whether you have relatives with schizophrenia or similar disorders. Determine if you were exposed to certain things while in the womb. Think about your father’s age.", "Ask your friends and family for help. Keep a journal. Take notice of unusual behaviors. Take a screening test. Talk with a professional.", "Consider whether your occupation or social life is functioning (Criterion B). Think about how you handle your job. Reflect on your relationships with other people. Think about your self-care behaviors.", "Recognize characteristic symptoms (Criterion A). Consider whether you could be having delusions. Think about whether you’re experiencing hallucinations. Think about your religious beliefs and cultural norms. Consider whether your speech and thinking are disorganized. Identify grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior. Think about whether you have experienced a loss of function.", "Consider for how long symptoms have been appearing (Criterion C). Rule out other possible culprit illnesses (Criterion D). Rule out substance use (Criterion E). Consider the relationship to Global Developmental Delay or Autism Spectrum Disorder. Understand that these criteria do not “guarantee” that you have schizophrenia." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Enjoying Your Solitude", "Getting Social Again", "Comforting Yourself", "Understanding Your Feelings of Loneliness" ], "document": [ "Loneliness is when you are unhappy to be alone. Solitude is when you are happy to be alone. There is nothing wrong with solitude, wanting to, or enjoying being alone. Alone time can be useful and enjoyable. Usually, when we're devoting most of our time to other people, we tend to neglect ourselves. If you're going through a period of loneliness, take advantage of it by doing the things that you want to do for yourself. This is a wonderful opportunity and you deserve to be happy! Working out and taking care of our bodies is usually the first thing that gets tossed aside when we get busy. If you're spending less time with other people than normal, try using that time to exercise. If you exercise at a gym, you might even meet some new friends or a new special someone! Taking time to indulge in a new hobby can help you to overcome feelings of loneliness, even if you are doing the hobby by yourself. You could learn to play an instrument, learn to draw, or learn to dance. Going and learning these subjects with others may help you meet new people but it will also give you a creative outlet for your feelings. Turn your loneliness into something beautiful! Cook yourself a nice meal or make baked goods for friends or neighbors. Cooking up a meal is rewarding, you can channel your focus into something nourishing. Consider joining a club to meet other people who enjoy this hobby as well. People oftentimes have something really big that they want to do and a thousand excuses not to do it. Have you ever wanted to write a book? Make a movie? Use your loneliness as an excuse to do something great. Who knows, maybe it will turn into something that helps others deal with their loneliness...", "To make new friends, you will have to get out and get involved in things. Consider joining a sports league, taking a class, or volunteering within your community. If you are very shy, find a group for social anxiety, even if it has to be online. Look on places like Craigslist, Meetup, or local news websites for activities in your area. Don't attend functions with the sole idea of making friends or meeting people. Try to go with no expectations whatsoever and to enjoy yourself regardless of what happens. Look for activities that interest you and that also involve groups of people like book clubs, church groups, political campaigns, concerts and art exhibitions Making new friends often requires you to take the first step and invite others out to do things. Don't wait for people to approach you: you should approach them. Ask the person if they want to chat or get a coffee. You must always show interest in other people before they will show interest in you. Be yourself as you try to make new friends. Don’t try to impress a new person by misrepresenting yourself. That may lead to the end of the new friendship before it even gets started. Be a good listener. Pay close attention when people are talking. It is important to be able to respond to what the person has just said to demonstrate that you were listening or they may feel like you do not care. Working to deepen the relationships with your family may also help you to stop feeling so lonely. Even if you don't have a great history with a family member, you can still try to repair relationships by starting with an invitation. For example, you could ask a family member that you haven’t seen in a while to go out to lunch or meet you for coffee. When trying to rebuild or deepen your relationships with family members, you can use some of the same strategies you would use to gain new friends. Take the initiative to ask the person out, be yourself, and be a good listener. Draw people toward yourself by providing enjoyable company. Be complimentary rather than critical. For a casual comment, don't nitpick other people's clothes, habits or hair. They don't need to be reminded they have a small stain on their shirt when they can't do anything about it. They do need to hear that you think their sweater is cool or you like their personality. Don't make a big deal of it, but just casually mention it when you like something. This is one of the best ice-breakers around and it builds trust steadily over time as people come to understand that you won't criticize them. Sometimes connecting with people online can be easier than connecting with them in person, but keep in mind that online interaction is not an equal substitution for face-to-face connections. However, sometime online communities can be valuable ways for you to share your thoughts and experiences, or ask questions to those who are going through similar situations. Online forums often allow you to help others while being helped yourself. Remember to be safe when online. Not everyone is who they say they are and predators feed off loneliness.", "Loneliness is a normal part of being human, but it can make you feel like you are abnormal. Reach out to a friend or family member and talk with that person about how you are feeling. As you tell someone about your feelings, you can also ask if they have had these feelings too. This process of reaching out and sharing with someone will help you to see that you are not alone. Try saying something like, “Lately I have been feeling lonely and I wondered if you have ever felt this way.” If you do not have a friend or family member to talk to, reach out to a teacher, counselor, or pastor. Instead of persistently dwelling on how alone you feel, do things to get your mind off of your loneliness. Take a walk, ride your bike or read a book. Explore activities and hobbies, and don't be afraid to try new things. Having experience gives you a basis upon which you can comment in more social situations (thus talk to more people) and strike up conversations that will interest other people. Keep yourself busy. Having down time is what causes feelings of loneliness to creep in. Throw yourself into work or extracurricular activities. If you don’t have someone to go out with all of the time, don’t let that stop you from getting out and enjoying yourself. For example, if you want to go out to dinner or to a movie on a date, then take yourself out to a movie or to a nice restaurant. Although, at first, it may seem awkward to be doing things by yourself that you might normally do with someone else, don't hold yourself back. It is not strange to be by yourself and out doing things! Once you remember why you did these things before, you can enjoy the activity for itself again. Take a book, magazine, or journal with you if you go out to eat or have coffee on your own, so you'll be occupied when you would usually be conversing. Bear in mind that people do go out on their own on purpose just to have \"me\" time by themselves; it is not as if people will look at you sitting alone and assume you have no friends. It may take some time to get used to the feeling of being out by yourself. Don’t give up if your first few attempts are a little awkward. If you're truly struggling without companionship, consider adopting a dog or cat from your local animal shelter. Pets have been domestic companions for centuries for a reason, and winning the trust and affection of an animal can be a deeply rewarding experience. Be a responsible pet owner. Make sure your pet is spayed or neutered, and only commit to bringing a pet into your life if you're prepared to handle the daily tasks of caring for it.", "In order to make changes that will truly help you, you will need to take some time to figure out why you are feeling lonely. For example, say you assume that you are lonely because you don’t have enough friends and you go out and make more friends. You may still feel lonely after making new friends if your loneliness is the result of having too many friends and a lack of meaningful connections. Consider some of the following questions to help you determine why you are feeling lonely: When do you feel the most lonely? Do certain people make you feel more lonely when you are around them? How long have you been feeling this way? What does feeling lonely make you want to do? Journaling can help you to understand your feelings of loneliness better and it is also a great way to relieve stress. To get started with journaling, choose a comfortable place and plan to devote about 20 minutes per day to writing. You can start by writing about how you are feeling or what you are thinking, or you can use a prompt. Some prompts you might use include: “I feel lonely when…” “I feel lonely because…” When did you first start feeling lonely? How long have you felt this way? Some research has suggested that meditation may ease feelings associated with loneliness and depression. Meditation is also a great way to get more in touch with your feelings of loneliness and start to understand where they come from. Learning to meditate takes time, practice, and guidance, so your best bet is to find a meditation class in your area. If no classes are available in your area, you can also buy CDs that will help you learn how to meditate. To get started with meditation, find a quiet spot and get comfortable. You can either sit in a chair or on a cushion on the floor with your legs crossed. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. As you focus on your breathing, try not to get distracted by your thoughts. Just let them happen and pass by. Without opening your eyes, observe the world around you. Pay attention to how you feel as well. What do you hear? What do you smell? How do you feel? Physically? Emotionally? It may be hard to figure out why you feel lonely and how to move past those feelings. A licensed mental health professional can help you to understand and work through your loneliness. Feeling lonely may indicate that you are depressed or that you have another underlying mental health condition. Talking to a therapist can help you understand what is going on and decide on the best course of action." ], "summary": [ "Differentiate between loneliness and solitude. Work on improving yourself and making yourself happy. Consider joining a gym. Learn a new skill. Do something big.", "Get involved in activities. Challenge yourself to take the initiative in social relationships. Spend time with your family. Be a pleasant presence. Join an online community.", "Realize that you aren't alone. Move forward. Do social activities by yourself. Consider getting a pet.", "Identify the reasons why you feel lonely. Start a journal to track your thoughts and feelings. Practice meditation. Consider talking to a therapist about how you have been feeling." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "On Windows", "On Mac" ], "document": [ "Do so by clicking the Windows logo in the bottom-left corner of the screen, or by pressing ⊞ Win. This will search your computer for the Command Prompt app. It should be the first icon at the top of the Start window. Doing so opens the Command Prompt app. Doing so will immediately clear your PC's DNS cache. You should now be able to connect to any DNS error-locked pages.", "It's in the top-right corner of the screen. You can also press ⌘ Command+Space to open Spotlight. Doing so will search your Mac for the Terminal application. It should be the first option at the top of the Spotlight results. sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder;say DNS cache has been flushed Then press ⏎ Return. This will run the DNS flush command. It's the password you enter when logging into your Mac. Doing so will complete the DNS flush process. Terminal won't show your keystrokes as you type, but it will record them. You should now be able to connect to any DNS error-locked pages." ], "summary": [ "Open Start . Type command prompt into Start. Click Command Prompt. Type in ipconfig /flushdns then press ↵ Enter. Restart your web browser.", "Open Spotlight . Type terminal into Spotlight. Click Terminal . Type the following code into Terminal: Enter your Mac's password if prompted. Restart your web browser." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Planning a Tesla Coil", "Making a Tesla Coil" ], "document": [ "You can build as large a Tesla coil as your budget allows; however, the lightning-bolt-like sparks Tesla coils generate heat and expand the air around them (in essence, creating thunder). Their electric fields can also play havoc with electronic devices, so you'll probably want to build and run your Tesla coil in an out-of-the-way place, such as a garage or other workshop. You will also want to consider whether it makes more sense to build a Tesla coil from a kit, or gather materials from scratch. Both have advantages and disadvantages in the areas of cost, building time, resources for help, and reliability. To figure how large a spark gap you can accommodate, or how much power you need to make it work, divide the length of the spark gap in inches by 1.7 and square it to determine the input power in watts. (Conversely, to find the spark gap length, multiply the square root of the power in watts by 1.7.) A Tesla coil that creates a spark gap of 60 inches (150 cm) (1.5 meters) would require 1,246 watts. (A Tesla coil using a 1-kilowatt power source would generate a spark gap of almost 54 inches, or 1.37 meters.) Designing and building a Tesla coil requires understanding certain scientific terms and units of measure. You’ll need to understand their purpose and function to properly make a Tesla coil. Here are some of the terms you'll need to know: Capacitance is the ability to hold an electric charge or the amount of electric charge stored for a given voltage. (A device designed to hold an electric charge is called a capacitor.) The unit of measure for capacitance is the farad (abbreviated \"F\"). A farad is defined as 1 ampere-second (or coulomb) per volt. Commonly, capacitance is measured in smaller units, such as the microfarad (abbreviated \"uF\"), a millionth of a farad, or the picofarad (abbreviated pF and sometimes read as \"puff\"), a trillionth of a farad. Inductance, or self-inductance, is how much voltage an electric circuit carries per the amount of current in the circuit. (High-tension power lines, which carry a high voltage but a low current, have high inductance.) The unit of measure for inductance is the henry (abbreviated \"H\"). A henry is defined as 1 volt-second per ampere of current. Commonly, inductance is measured in smaller units, such as the millihenry (abbreviated \"mH\"), a thousandth of a henry, or the microhenry (abbreviated \"uH\"), a millionth of a henry. Resonant frequency, or resonance frequency, is the frequency at which the resistance to transfer of energy is at a minimum. (For a Tesla coil, this is optimum operating point for transferring electrical energy between the primary and secondary coils.) The unit of measure for the resonant frequency is the hertz (abbreviated \"Hz\"), defined as 1 cycle per second. More commonly, the resonant frequency is measured in kilohertz (abbreviated \"kHz\"), with a kilohertz being equal to 1000 hertz. You'll need a power supply transformer, a high-capacitance primary capacitor, a spark gap assembly, a low-inductance primary inductor coil, a high-inductance secondary inductor coil, a low-capacitance secondary capacitor and something to suppress, or choke, the high-frequency noise pulses created when the Tesla coil operates. For more information on the parts, see the next section, \"Making a Tesla Coil.\" Your power source/transformer feeds power through the chokes to the primary, or tank circuit, which connects the primary capacitor, primary inductor coil and spark gap assembly. The primary inductor coil is placed adjacent to, but not wired to, the inductor coil of the secondary circuit, which is connected to the secondary capacitor. Once the secondary capacitor has built up sufficient electric charge, streamers of electricity (lightning bolts) discharge from it.", "Your power supply transformer determines how large you can make your Tesla coil. Most Tesla coils operate with a transformer that puts out a voltage between 5,000 to 15,000 volts at a current between 30 and 100 milliamperes. You can obtain a transformer from a college surplus store or from the Internet, or cannibalize the transformer from a neon sign. The best way to create this capacitor is to wire a number of small capacitors in series so that each capacitor handles an equal share of the total voltage of the primary circuit. (This requires that each individual capacitor have the same capacitance as the other capacitors in the series.) This kind of capacitor is called a multi-mini-capacitor or MMC. Small capacitors, and their associated bleed resistors, can be obtained from electronics supply stores, or you can scrounge for ceramic capacitors from old television sets. You can also make the capacitors out of sheets of polyethylene and aluminum foil. To maximize the power output, the primary capacitor should be able to reach its full capacitance each half-cycle of the frequency of the power being supplied to it. (For a 60 Hz power supply, this means 120 times each second.) If you're planning on a single spark gap, you'll need metal bolts at least a quarter-inch (6 millimeters) thick to serve as the spark gap to withstand the heat generated by the discharge of electricity between the sparks. You can also wire multiple spark gaps in series, use a rotary spark gap or blow compressed air between the sparks to moderate the temperature. (An old vacuum cleaner can be used to blow the air.) The coil itself will be made of wire, but you'll need something to wrap the wire around in a spiral shape. The wire should be enameled copper wire, which you can obtain from an electrical supply store or by cannibalizing the outlet cord from a discarded appliance. The object you wrap the wire around can be either cylindrical, such as a cardboard or plastic tube, or conical, such as an old lampshade. The length of the cord determines the inductance of the primary coil. The primary coil should have a low inductance, so you'll use comparatively few turns in making it. You can use non-continuous sections of wire for the primary coil, so that you can hook sections together as necessary to adjust the inductance on the fly. This completes the primary circuit. As with the primary coil, you're wrapping wire around a cylindrical shape. The secondary coil must have the same resonant frequency as the primary coil for the Tesla coil to operate efficiently. However, the secondary coil must be taller/longer than the primary coil because it has to have a larger inductance than the primary coil, and also to prevent any electrical discharge from the secondary circuit to strike and fry the primary circuit. If you lack the materials to make the secondary coil tall enough, you can compensate by building a strike rail (essentially a lightning rod) to protect the primary circuit, but this will mean that most of the Tesla coil's discharges will hit the strike rail and not dance in the air. The secondary capacitor, or discharge terminal, can be any round shape, with the 2 most popular being the torus (ring or donut shape) and the sphere. This completes the secondary circuit. Your secondary circuit should be grounded separately from the grounding for your household circuits supplying power to the transformer to prevent a stream of electric current from traveling from the Tesla coil to the ground for your household circuits and possibly frying anything plugged into those outlets. Driving a metal spike into the ground is a good way to do this. Chokes are simple, small inductors that keep the pulses created by the spark gap assembly from wrecking the power supply transformer. You can make one by winding thin copper wire around a narrow tube, such as a disposable ball point pen. Place the primary and secondary circuits next to each other, and connect the power supply transformer to the primary circuit through the chokes. Once you plug the transformer in, your Tesla coil is ready to run. If the primary coil is of sufficiently large diameter, the secondary coil can be set inside it." ], "summary": [ "Consider the size, placement, and power requirements of the Tesla coil before you build it. Learn the terminology. Gather the parts you'll need.", "Choose your power supply transformer. Make the primary capacitor. Design the spark gap assembly. Build the primary inductor coil. Connect the primary capacitor, spark gap assembly and primary inductor coil together. Build the secondary inductor coil. Make the secondary capacitor. Attach the secondary capacitor to the secondary inductor coil. Build the pulse chokes. Assemble the components." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Choosing a Lender", "Preparing for Your Mortgage Search", "Finding Lenders and Getting Quotes" ], "document": [ "Access the National Mortgage Licensing System & Registry (NMLS) to determine whether or not each of your mortgage lenders are licensed in your state. Immediately eliminate from the list those lenders that do not show up on this website. The NMLS can be accessed at http://www.nmlsconsumeraccess.org. How a lender acted when you met with them can say a lot about how doing business with them will be later. Look for lenders who were helpful, professional, and willing to answer any questions you had. Did the lender stick to the interest rate they quoted over the phone or online? Do they set forth a timeline for progressing with your loan application (when to lock in rates, etc.)? Eliminate any lenders that seemed shady in any way. Also, pass on the mortgage lenders that did not provide clear written information. Search for each lender online to locate reviews of that lender. There should be sources like Zillow.com and Google local reviews that show up when you search for the lender. Look for higher scores and watch out for any problems other borrowers have run into with that lender. Lenders may be able to waive or lower some of the fees, even those that they originally try to argue are \"necessary.\" For example, you should try to negotiate down the application fee to free or near free, if possible. Additionally, the appraisal fee is a necessary fee, but only if it is within reasonable bounds; you should negotiate down an appraisal fee that is over $500. If you are using a broker to get your loan, you may also be able to negotiate down origination fees and underwriting fees. Some fees are always non-negotiable. These include recording fees, title insurance, tax-related fees, document stamp fees, and title fees. Your lender may allow you to pay \"points\" in order to get a lower interest rate. This can lower your house payment, so it may save you money if you're planning to be in your home for a long time. However, it might not be worth it to pay points if you're planning to be in your home for a shorter length of time. For example, you might be able to pay $2,000 to reduce your interest rate by 0.25 percent. This would save you money by reducing your monthly payment by a small amount each month, and would add up over the life of your loan. The lowest rate is not necessarily the best option if there are thousands of dollars more in fees and expenses than a slightly higher interest rate loan. For example, you will be charged an origination fee on your loan. This is a percentage of the total value of the loan and is usually around one percent. If you were offered two loans with the same interest rate of 4.5 percent, but the first charges a 1.5 percent origination fee compared to the second's one percent origination fee, you would be better off choosing the second loan. Compare your lenders' offered interest rates and fees structures for the type of loan you are seeking. Obviously, you should go with the reputable lender that offers you the cheapest combination of interest rates and fees. Understand each loan type the mortgage lender is offering. There's a great deal of difference in a 30-year fixed-rate and a 30-year adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM), mainly that the interest rate in the ARM stands to change unexpectedly. Know the difference and feel confident in the explanation provided by the mortgage lender. Ask them to lock in the interest rate and fees you've negotiated and draw up a contract. Make sure to ask if your good faith estimate rates and fee structure still stand. Make sure you look at the fine print to ensure that you are getting the loan terms and fees that you have negotiated. Pay special attention to what happens if the loan doesn't go through. It is a serious red flag if the \"good faith\" or \"earnest money\" deposit you give the lender in advance is kept by the lender in the event that the loan doesn't go through. Again, ask for an explanation if there are any unexpected fees or confusingly worded statements in the contract.", "The more information you are able to provide about your financial status, the easier it will be to maneuver through the mortgage application process. Collect a list of information about your debts and assets and print out a summary that you can show to lenders. Get an updated credit report. Take care of details that are not correct and pay outstanding debts as much as you can. This will increase your credit score and allow you to get better interest rates. Make a list of your debts. Include balances owed and account numbers. You'll need this information when you fill out a loan application. Put together a list of all your assets. This should include both checking and savings accounts, investment accounts, retirement accounts and any personal property you own (like cars or boats). There are some basic loan terms that are simple to understand but may be confusing at first to borrowers who are unfamiliar with them. Learn a few of the basic terms so that you understand what your lender is talking about and know what to look for. Your lender should also be able to explain these terms and any other, more complex terms that may show up. For now, start with the following terms: Annual percentage rate (APR). This is the annual interest rate charged on the loan. Lender fees. These are additional fees (on top of interest) that are paid to the lender at closing. Loan program. This is the general type of mortgage that describes the interest rates and length of the loan's life. Some common loan programs include 15-year fixed mortgage rate or 30-year adjustment rate mortgage (ARM). \"Good Faith\" estimate. This is the initial, pre-approval set of loan terms given to you by a lender. It includes the interest rate and any additional fees that will be charged. It will be difficult to find the right lender if you don't know what kind of mortgage you are looking for. For example, think about how quickly you want to pay off your mortgage. The lives of these loans can vary widely in length, so make sure you know what your plan is. Just make sure to consider that paying off the loan in a shorter time will result in higher monthly payments (but less overall interest paid). Think about specifically what you want to know when applying for a mortgage loan. For example, consider asking what monthly payments would be under a variety of different loan terms. Or, you could ask why certain fees are charged. You can ask any number of things of your lender without even applying for loan, so ask as many questions as you need to. If your lender doesn't take the time to respond to them or is difficult to reach, you may want to seek other lenders. Keep the questions consistent between lenders so you have a standard of comparison. Ask about special mortgage loans if you think you qualify for them. Special loan programs include VA loans (for veterans of the armed forces), USDA loans (for rural areas), and programs offered by state or local governments. These programs may offer borrowers lower rate or better repayment terms.", "Mortgage brokers can give you more options because they're independent from lenders and banks. They'll help you find the lender that has the best loan package. Talk to people you know, your realtor, and your current bank to ask for a recommendation. Find out how the mortgage broker will be paid before you agree to work with them. You don't want to end up paying unexpected fees. Call your current mortgage lender or bank, if you've had a good experience with them in the past. Being a return customer may give you some leverage with negotiations. Search the Internet financial sections for mortgage interest rates. Talk to friends for recommendations. Take recommendations from real estate professionals for mortgage lenders they've had a good working relationship with. Make sure you get the rates for the type of loan you want. Don't be afraid to ask questions if you don't understand the type of loans they're proposing. For example, you should always ask for the specific interest rate charged on each loan duration. This is also known as the annual percentage rate (APR). Additionally, you should ask whether the stated interest rate on each loan is fixed (non-changing) or adjustable (changing). Get interest rates for various different types of loans and loan durations from each lender so that you can compare these different loan types between them. This also will be helpful if you change your mind about the loan duration you want. For example, imagine you are considering either a 15 year or a 30 year loan. You ask for rate estimates from two lenders. The first offers you a 15 year loan at 3.1 percent and a 30 year estimate of 3.8 percent. The second offers rates of 3.2 and 3.7 percent, respectively. You would then see that the first lender offered a better rate for the 15 year loan but was not as good of a choice for the 30 year loan. These will include any charges, costs, and/or fees that the lender requires. This statement is a \"Good Faith Estimate.\" Mortgage lenders are required by law to provide you a \"Good Faith Estimate\" within 3 days of you submitting your application. Make sure the Good Faith Estimate includes costs for all points, processing, legal fees, filing and closing fees. You can also have the lender email or fax this estimate to you as a backup." ], "summary": [ "Confirm that the lenders in question are licensed. Think about how helpful each lender seemed. Look for lender reviews. Try negotiating the fees on the Good Faith Estimate. Compare all written documentation from each mortgage lender. Narrow your possible choices of mortgage lenders. Contact the mortgage lender you've selected. Read the fine print of the mortgage contract before signing.", "Put together your financial portfolio. Refresh your memory of loan terminology. Decide what you're looking for in a mortgage. Make a list of questions to ask.", "Ask for recommendations for reputable mortgage brokers. Request interest rates from each prospective mortgage lender. Gather interest rates for different loan terms at each mortgage lender. Request a written explanation of the estimated closing costs." ] }
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{ "section_name": [ "Pairing the Jambox to the Mac", "Turning On Bluetooth on your Mac", "Putting the Jambox on Pairing Mode" ], "document": [ "It will appear in the \"Devices\" window on the right side as \"JAMBOX by Jawbone.\" The Jambox will announce that it is paired with your Mac. ", "It's located at the top-left corner of your screen, and it looks like an apple. Your Mac will search for Bluetooth devices. Do not close the Bluetooth window.", "The power button is the circular button on the far left. The \"Pairing\" button is the minus sign in the middle of the Jambox. An LED light will flash red and white. The Jambox will announce that it is in pairing mode." ], "summary": [ "Click on the Jambox in the Bluetooth window. Click Pair. Start streaming audio!", "Click the \"Apple\" menu. Click System Preferences. Click the \"Bluetooth\" icon. Click Turn Bluetooth On.", "Power on the Jambox. Press and hold the \"Pairing\" button." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Adding a Little Romance (Optional)", "Getting to Know the Girl Better", "Having the Right Attitude" ], "document": [ "Realize that at your age, friendship is more realistic and that if you are romantic together, it most likely won't last and you might lose her friendship for good if that happens. You guys have only known each other this way for less than a year. Give yourselves some time before you kiss, if at all. This part really isn't necessary and you might prefer just being good, solid friends.", "It is almost impossible to get a girl to like you when you're not in her homeroom. Try someone who is in your homeroom, to make things easier. It's always best to be friends first, and after you take it slow, then you can tell her you like her, or ask her out if both of you are allowed to date or not. Ask her where she lives and walk home with her. She will like the company. She will probably appreciate the fact that you would like to know her better. If her friends have a negative opinion of you, she might think it's true. It's best to get to know her friends as well. If she does not have friends, be her friend. She will grow to consider you a safe person to be around and will want to be friends with you.", "Girls don't like guys who spend all their time on getting a girl, they might suspect a \"player\" rather than good friendship material. Also, don't be whiny or a crybaby because girls don't want to be friends with people who just sit around and whine. Humor is an attractive trait for any person and it helps ease tension and awkwardness. It can also reassure a girl that you're not being overly confident and self-inflated. Don't try to be sporty, geeky, hipster, etc. if you're not. On the other hand, be as much of the person you really are so that she accepts you as yourself. Always be polite though––just because you like gross humor or practical jokes doesn't mean she deserves to be on the receiving end of those. Use your common sense––making friends requires holding back on being silly, rude or just plain dumb. She is no different from you in worrying about being rejected, ignored or made fun of. Reassure her that you don't intend to do any of that to her and she'll be glad to spend time with you." ], "summary": [ "Make sure she's the right one before deciding to become romantic with her. Don't jump into kissing.", "Choose a girl who knows you just a little already. Ask to hang out with her at recess, or sit with her at lunch and bring up a conversation. Walk home with her. Try emailing her or giving her a phone call. Try to get her friends to like you too. Let her feel comfortable around you.", "Be friendship-minded and easy-paced. Be funny. Be yourself. Respect the worries and concerns the girl likely has." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Creating the Right Environment", "Setting up the Enclosure", "Including the Right Accessories" ], "document": [ "Snakes require outside sources of heat because they are cold-blooded, meaning they can’t generate their own heat. An under tank heater that spans 1/3 of the tank’s floor is ideal. Ceramic heat emitters are good for extra heat. The warm side temperature should be about 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Corn snakes should have a warm side and a cool side to their tanks so they can move around to warm up or cool down depending on their needs. The warm side is the one with the heat lamp or heater. The warm side should be around 80–85 °F (27–29 °C), and the cool side should be about 75–80 °F (24–27 °C). Place the under-the-tank heater on the side of the tank that will be the warm side. Make sure it doesn’t take up more than half the enclosure. Use a thermostat to regulate the temperatures on each side. Check each side with a digital thermometer each day by placing the thermometer into the substrate. For your corn snake to be at their optimal health, they should have daily light and darkness. Indirect light from a window is sufficient. If this is unavailable LED or UVB (beneficial but not completely necessary) will suffice. Place the light on the warm side of the vivarium, making sure the cool side has less light, providing a “shaded” area away from the “sunny” area. The snake should have 10 to 12 hours of light each day. Vivariums should be placed in an area or room that is basically temperature controlled. They should not be near drafts or vents that can blow air on them, and they should not be near heaters. You should also not place the vivarium near any windows or in areas that get direct sunlight. This can also affect the temperature inside the vivarium. The vivarium should have some form of ventilation but keep in mind that too much air flow can change the temperature of the vivarium.", "Plastic cages are sturdier and last longer than glass cages. They have grates on each side for airflow, and they can be heated from below using heating pads. Alternatively, you can buy specially made glass reptile enclosures, or use a 75 gallons (280 L) aquarium. The tank must be at least as long as the snake. This species gets 3-5 feet and is very active. Make sure that you choose one made for snakes so your corn snake doesn't escape. Prevent the snake from escaping with heavy objects on the lid of clamps. Exo Terras, which open from the front, are expensive brand new but great for taming. They are very secure and come with locks. A wooden tank is also an option. Plastic vivariums are lighter and can be moved more easily. They are also easier to clean. Glass enclosures let you see the snake easily, but they let more heat out. They also are more fragile. If the vivarium isn’t big enough, it can stress your snake out to the point of illness. The width and height of the vivarium can be a third of their length. An adult snake of 60 inches (152 cm) needs a vivarium that is 60 inches (152 cm) long, 20 inches (50 cm) tall, and 20 inches (50 cm) wide. You can also use a 40 gallon (151.4 L) tank. Just make sure it is long enough for the snake. For baby snakes, you should buy a smaller vivariums because they can get upset in a larger tank. You can try a 10 gallon (37.9 L) or 20 gallon (75.7 L) vivarium. Upgrade to an adult-sized vivarium as your snake grows. Substrate is what you use at the bottom of the enclosure. It should be thick enough that your snake can bury itself in it and hide. There are many different materials you could use for the substrate. Use aspen shavings as these snakes love to burrow. Line the bottom of the enclosure with two to three inches of the substrate. You should avoid using cedar shavings, pine shavings, or aquarium gravel. Cedar and pine shavings have oils in them that can be toxic to your snake. Avoid using corn cob bedding because it can cause excessive drying to the snake’s skin and also poses a serious choking hazard if swallowed. Corn snakes have a habit of getting out of habitats that are not secure. They are very strong and can push through the top of cages that are not securely sealed. They are also excellent at squeezing through holes that aren’t completely plugged. Make sure that the enclosure is closed tightly and has some kind of locking or clamping mechanism.", "Corn snakes spend a lot of time hiding in the wild, so your corn snake will need places to hide to make them feel safe. You can turn anything into a hiding spot as long as your corn snake can hide completely so it’s not seen. It should be large enough for your snake to get inside and move around, but snug so the snake can touch the sides and feel secure. Hiding spots are essential to your snake’s health. Make sure the material the hide is made out of is easily cleaned and replaced. For example, you can make hides out of drip trays, litter boxes, or plastic tubs. Place one hide on the warm side and another on the cool side. You can even place a hide in the middle. This allows them to be secure on either side. Corn snakes are partially arboreal snakes, which means they spend time in trees and like to climb. You can provide artificial plants and climbing branches in the vivarium. This will provide stimulation, comfort, and more hiding places. This is great for enrichment. Artificial plants, leafed vines, and other artificial foliage can be placed anywhere throughout the vivarium. Try to provide more than one plant. This will give your snake a range of spots to climb and relax. Make a climbing branch or buy one from your local pet store. They can be placed wherever you like but make sure the snake can climb on it, it can handle the snake’s weight, and it’s small enough for the snake to curl around. You should always provide your pet snake with a water bowl filled with fresh, bottled water. They should be able to drink whenever they want. You can buy any type of water bowl as long as it will fit in the cage. The snake should be able to get their entire body inside the bowl to soak. Do not use tap water as it contains chlorine and fluoride which are toxic to your snake. Water softeners add too much sodium to the water, and distilled water removes nutrients your snake needs, so give your snake spring water. However, tap water can be used if left out for 24 hours. Countries such as the United Kingdom and Germany do not have chlorine in their tap water so tap water from these places is safe. Reptisafe is a great way to surest water. It’s cheap, convenient, and adds beneficial things to the water. Clean the bowl once each week, and clean and disinfect it immediately if the snake messes in it." ], "summary": [ "Provide a heat source. Keep the temperature regulated. Provide a daily cycle of light and dark. Place the vivarium away from anything that will affect the temperature.", "Choose either a glass or plastic vivarium. Buy a vivarium that is the proper size. Place substrate in the bottom of the cage. Ensure that the vivarium is secure.", "Provide places for your snake to hide. Add climbing branches and plants. Place a water bowl with fresh water." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Having Fun with Your One to Two Year Old", "Having Fun with Your Two to Three Year Old", "Making the Most of Playtime and Keeping Your Child Safe" ], "document": [ "At this stage, you need to first provide a safe play environment for exploration. Incorporate activities that give your child the opportunity to choose between things. You should also try to incorporate physical activities such as throwing and catching a ball, chasing after bubbles, skipping and hopping while singing to her favorite song. One creative thing you can do is give your child an empty box. The box should be small enough that she can push it around the house easily. She can pretend that the box is a grocery cart or a car that needs to carry stuff around. Chances are, you'll find her inside the box too. Because toddlers lose interest in things quickly, if she doesn't want to play with her “cart” anymore, turn it into a basketball game where she can throw and shoot her balls inside the box. Incorporate play that will let your child practice their language skills, such as playing with sock puppets, or pretend playing that she's the “mommy” and you are the “baby”. Of course, at this time, your child is still learning how to talk so if she makes a mistake, avoid openly correcting her; instead, just reply with the correct grammar or usage of the word. Always speak slowly and clearly when talking to her. Other ideas include: Playing that she's a doctor and you are the sick patient. Let her try to introduce herself through her puppet or through her role as a doctor. Let her sing songs on her own and pretend that you are the baby asking her “mommy” to sing or tell her a story. If you have a puppet of your own, encourage her to speak to your puppet; this will practice her language skills instead of just parroting everyone around the house. You can also engage in activities that involve cause and effect; for example, if you stack the blocks too high, it will topple over or if you throw everything out of the house, there won't be toys left inside anymore. Cause and effect teaches your toddler how to make choices. It will make her choose the best course of action based on what she wants at that time. Instead of telling her not to stack the blocks too high, let her experience what will happen if she does. Of course, don't let her experience what will happen if she climbs the stairs on her own; teaching cause and effect should not jeopardize your child's safety. While playing and teaching your child at the same time is very important, it is also fun to just be silly with your child and let her imagination run wild. Other fun things to do with your toddler include: Playing with drums or other musical toys like a toy guitar. Pretend play with dolls or stuffed animals. Ball throwing or other easy 'sports'. Singing and dancing. Block or ring stacking. At this stage, your toddler will begin stacking, banging, and placing objects inside anything that it can fit into (including their mouths, noses and ears, so be watchful!). Your toddler's pincer grip (holding objects with the forefinger and thumb) will become more developed. She will pretend play more often by playing and talking to her stuffed animals and she will be walking and running in a more coordinated fashion. Social interaction starts at this stage and continues as she grows and matures. Functional and representational play such as pretending that a shoe is a phone to call daddy at work, helps your child to develop her imagination skills. Expect children at this age to be more energetic, self-interested and full of activity. Your toddler will begin to emulate sounds and actions of others (which is called parroting), become more clingy and sensitive. Your child may also have a relatively short attention span. Expect that your child will have more words in their vocabulary and will start to understand what people tell them.", "When your toddler reaches the ages of two and three, she will most likely begin to start role playing. She may be a princess one day, a pirate the next, and an astronaut or ballerina the following day. Encourage her to act out these roles by engaging in her role playing. For example, if she is a ballerina one day, create a simple 'stage' for her to perform her dances on. Put on music and pretend you are the audience. You could even set up her toys so that they are also 'watching' her performance. To develop your toddler's listening skills and creativity, continue singing songs, reading rhymes and making up funny names for every member of the family. These activities foster creativity. Action games can also be a fun pastime; re-telling or re-enacting a story by pretending that she is the hero or heroine can be a great way to have fun with your toddler.. Since your toddler most likely tags along with you almost everywhere, make shopping time fun by asking for your child's opinion on what to buy; when she chooses something, ask her why she chose that object. You can also make the supermarket into a fortress where you have to collect items on a list to win a prize, like a healthy snack. Make it a habit to spend quiet time reading books with your toddler. Books with interesting pictures or pop up art can be a fun way to engage your child while you read. Reading also helps to develop your child's cognitive and language skills. Because your child's hands are more dexterous now, start playing with clay, drawing on canvas or paper, or drawing on the sidewalk with colored chalk. Making projects together can be fun and can also stimulate your child's creativity. You can also consider doing finger painting or doing face painting. Taking your kid out for an outdoor adventure can improve her awareness of her surroundings. Here are some activities that you can try: Stroll around the park and play at the local playground. Go on a hike (but be sure to bring a backpack carrier you can put her in if she gets tired). Going to a petting zoo or fair. On top of teaching your child through fun activities, there are also games you can play that are just pure fun. Some activities might need more than two participants, so get siblings or other children involved. Fun games include: Following the leader, tag, hide and seek, jumping, hopping, skipping, hula-hoop, and dancing. Crafting, drawing and puzzles. Charades or miming. Ball games, blowing bubbles, swimming and horseback riding, walking in the park and playing with other kids. At this stage, your toddler's language is continually developing so she will begin interacting with other children. She will be more interested in exploration as she grows. Her body will become stronger and sturdier so she will be more likely to climb and participate in other physical activities. Your toddler may begin to engage in symbolic play, which is similar to pretend play but more descriptive and intricate.", "There are a myriad of activities and games that you can engage your toddler in. Make these games count and be sure that these activities are fun for her. Equally important is that you have fun too. Despite the fact that you have a lot going on, make sure that you are genuine when playing with your child; if you are bored, you child will be able to sense it. Remember that you are the ultimate playmate; your child will find any activity more fun and enjoyable when you are playing with her. While playing, talk to your child about what she likes, her interests, and what she finds fun. Until your child is old enough to understand that toys are not for eating, make sure to buy toys that are larger than her mouth to prevent her from choking. Don't pick toys with cords or strings that are longer than 12 inches (30.5 cm). These strings or cords could strangle your toddler. Always supervise your child when she is playing with a new toy for the first time. You may not even realize that something, like a paintbrush, could pose a hazard. If that paint brush had come into contact with lead paint however, it could be a health threat. Read labels on toys and keep safety in mind when letting your child roam around you house and pick things up. Generally steer clear of items with lead, mercury, arsenic and other chemicals. As a parent, you should try to be realistic about your child's age and maturity; follow the “recommended age” sign written on the toy's box. Toys with little parts cannot be given to children less than 8 or 10 years old because they might put these parts in their mouth, nose or ears.. Toddlers 19 to 24 months of age will show a bit more independence in their actions. Toys for your toddler at this time are basically still the same as when she was 18 months old, but can be bigger; this includes bigger blocks and bricks, or bigger balls alongside the smaller ones. These larger toys provide the opportunity to develop her perception skills. Other toys for this age group include: Toy instruments. Puzzles. Art supplies. Toys like train sets that can be linked together." ], "summary": [ "Have fun with your child by playing active games. Play with your child to help her learn new language skills. Teach your child cause and effect while having fun. Try some other fun games during playtime. Understand what is going on with your child at this stage in her life. Expect your child to start developing new qualities.", "Role play with your child. Foster your child's creativity through fun. Read books to your toddler. Have fun with your child by doing art projects. Take your child out into the great outdoors. Try out other fun games. Be prepared for you child to be interested in exploration.", "Try to have fun while playing. Exert caution when playing with toys. Avoid giving your child toxic things to play with. Pick age-appropriate toys. Pick out larger toys as your child grows." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Eating for a Quiet Stomach", "Avoiding Disruptive Foods", "Building Habits for a Quieter Stomach" ], "document": [ "If there's a particular time of day or a stretch of time where you know you'd like to avoid any and all awkward stomach noises, be sure to eat a filling meal roughly an hour before. The most common cause of stomach grumbles will be your stomach attempting to clear itself when already empty. Making sure it's not empty when it counts is the simplest step to stopping pesky stomach noise. Be sure not to make your satisfying meal too satisfying--avoid over-eating. An overly full stomach will take to grumbling as it struggles to digest; keep the portion size comfortable to prevent causing the problem you hoped to avoid. Be sure to make this satisfying meal one that is thoroughly stomach-friendly, or else you may not be preventing anything. Beyond simply making sure you've had enough to eat, stopping disruptive stomach noises will be a matter of ensuring that your digestion is working as well as possible. Staying hydrated is critical to healthy, efficient digestion. One of the many things water does for your body is ease the work of digestion. Water won't be a substitute for food, however. Don't fill up on water to try and satiate an empty stomach. A belly full of only water is likely to grumble even more. If possible, drink bottled water when looking to avoid stomach grumbles. Tap water sometimes includes some fluoride or chlorine which, while harmless, may upset your stomach just enough to cause some rumbling. Be sure to stay hydrated regularly. It won't do to drink a bunch of water right beforehand; you'll need to keep hydrated so that your digestion can always work as well as it should. In addition to staying hydrated, you'll want to be sure to choose foods that will ease digestion as well. Eating the wrong foods to keep hunger at bay won't help if what you've eaten only upsets your stomach. Being sure to eat right will leave you with a stomach both satisfied and silent. Try plain rice. Use basmati rice or wild rice, which contain less fiber than other varieties; too much fiber may make the digestion too quick and disruptive, which you'll want to avoid. Use mint. If you're someone who drinks smoothies or tea, consider throwing a few mint leaves in your next cup or mix. Mint calms the muscles of the digestive tract, making those grumbles much less likely. Include potatoes in your diet. Specifically sweet or white potatoes, these contain filling starch which helps to settle the stomach. Be sure not to include too much spice or butter to keep from upsetting the stomach. Eat non-dairy yogurt. Most commonly bought as Greek yogurt, yogurts made with soy or almond milk without sweeteners are excellent digestive aids. The bacteria which comprise yogurt have a calming effect on the stomach. Even with the best of preparation and planning, hunger may still sneak up on you when you least expect it. Make sure this hunger doesn't turn into stomach grumbles by keeping some stomach-friendly snacks with you throughout the day. Even if it's just something small before that next class or meeting, the right snack will be enough to ensure those belly grumbles will be put to rest. Pre-packaged nuts are a healthy and calorie-rich way to fill a rumbling stomach. Be sure to keep nuts that aren't salted, as they may upset your stomach more than raw or plain roasted nuts would. Fruits and vegetables that package well like bell peppers, apples and carrots make great snacks. Healthy and refreshing, fruits and vegetables also contain plenty of the vitamins which aid digestion. For a mix of both of the above, look out for fruit and nut bars which have become popular in recent years. Be sure to finds ones low in fat and sugar, without too many additions (like chocolate) to the fruit and nuts.", "Unfortunately for those relying on coffee for an early morning jolt, many things about the caffeinated beverage spell dread for the digestive system. The most relevant here is the increase in acidity it promotes in your stomach; all the extra acid causes gas which will only add to the embarrassment of stomach grumbles. A slight laxative effect also disrupts digestion and makes stomach noise more likely. If you've got the taste for it, certain teas can make great alternatives to coffee. You can even keep the caffeinated kind on account of many of the other metabolic benefits tea provides. At the very least you can cut down on your intake. If you're a heavy coffee drinker, try to bring it down a couple of cups a day and see if it helps. While it's important to keep hunger at bay, taking in the wrong foods may end up causing the problem you were hoping to avoid. You're probably already well aware of food that makes your stomach upset. It's important to limit these foods to those moments where stomach noises aren't a concern. Foods which lead to flatulence like beans, broccoli, and asparagus (among others) will upset the stomach when you're trying to calm it. Hopefully you'll have a good understanding of what foods affect you in order to stay away. Don't chow down on anything too greasy or fatty. While not themselves a guarantor of stomach grumbles, they tax the process of digestion which might worsen other factors at work. Keep the hamburgers for those moments when you can afford the noise. Two common sugars, fructose and sorbitol, can contribute to stomach distress. In order to cover all of your culinary bases, you'll want to look out for certain foods which contain either. Beyond only fructose and sorbitol, cutting down on sugary foods period is a step in a healthy direction, which can only help to cut down on stomach noise. Fructose is usually used as a sweetener in soda and fruit drinks. It occurs naturally, however, in foods such as onions, pears, and wheat. Sorbitol is included as artificial sweetener in many diet foods and snacks labelled “sugar-free.” Like fructose, it does exist naturally in foods such as apples, peaches, and many other fruits. Anyone and everyone can (and almost certainly will) suffer from some stomach grumbles in their life. Unfortunately for some, many medical conditions may exacerbate the problem. Consider consulting with a physician if you think your stomach noises may be the fault of something medical. Certain food intolerances, especially lactose intolerance, may be to blame for stomach troubles. Be extra diligent for foods your stomach can't handle when eating for a quiet belly. Any conditions affecting digestion, from irritable bowel syndrome to celiac disease or Crohn's, will have an affect on when and why your stomach growls. Try to bring up stomach grumbles at your next doctor's visit.", "The best thing you can do if you'd like to stop worrying about stomach grumbles is to eat so that you avoid hunger as best as possible. Whether it's three sizable meals a day or six small ones, eating regularly makes sure your stomach is never so empty that it makes noise. Regular meals unfortunately aren't a catch-all prevention, you'll still need to watch what you eat and keep snacks around just in case. Regular here means regular not just in terms of time, but portions as well. Don't have a nibble for breakfast with a large lunch planned and expect to be grumble-free in the AM. One thing you can try when stomach noise comes on despite all your prevention is to push on your stomach. Providing the stomach less space to move and contract will mean less room to do the things which make for stomach grumbles. Using a pencil (eraser-end first) or pen, press into your stomach with some force (don't hurt yourself) when you feel your stomach begin to churn. Be sure to target your stomach (near your navel, but not on it) and not higher up for best results. Filling your lungs with air will require some room in your torso, and in growing your lungs push down on your stomach, giving it less room for grumbles (as with the previous step). When you feel your stomach become upset and about to make noise, take a deep breath and hold it until the sensation passes." ], "summary": [ "Eat a satisfying meal beforehand. Drink plenty of water. Eat digestive-friendly foods. Keep snacks on hand.", "Avoid coffee. Stay away from gassy foods. Avoid certain sugars. Know how existing conditions affect your stomach.", "Eat regularly. Press on your stomach. Take a deep breath." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "The Hibiscus Icon" ], "document": [ "The tip (or point) should be pointing towards the top right. 3, 2, 2. See the picture for more help. Some can be more pointed than others. Do this for all three colors. This motifs are usually in the shape color. A good color scheme would be a white flower on a blue or red background." ], "summary": [ "Draw an elongated teardrop shape at an angle. Draw an \"n\" shape around it, then an M shape, then seven more \"spikes\" or \"hills\" but grouped like so: Start at one of the colored points (on the picture) draw out from the line, then curve, and finish up at the corresponding colored point. Draw five circles at the point of the first shape you drew. Color it in." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Understanding Your Audience", "Having Good Body Language", "Improving Your Conversation Skills", "Dressing Appropriately" ], "document": [ "An “audience” doesn’t necessarily mean a group of people watching you perform (literally), but in many ways, our social interactions are a type of performance. You may find that you act differently around close family members or friends than you do around people you don’t know very well. You may act differently around co-workers alone than when your boss is around. Or, you may act differently around kids than around elderly people. Consider the reasons for this. Be sensitive toward those around you. Take into consideration who you’re talking to before you say something. Watch for vague statements that could be taken the wrong way by certain people. This is especially helpful in new environments, like a new job or a new social circle. By hanging back and observing for a bit, you can get an idea of appropriate ways people interact in different types of situations. This may be especially helpful if you are young or if you have not been around many differences in your lifetime yet. Be accepting of unfamiliar cultures and of differing levels of abilities. Be friendly and respectful toward all people, regardless of how they are different from you. If they seem uncomfortable at first, it may be because you are just as different to them as they are to you. Take the first step and be polite. You may end up learning much about the many differences in the world. In the words of Dale Carnegie (author of How to Win Friends and Influence People) try to, “Focus outward, not inward.” For instance, statements that generalize all women or men, all people of various races or sexual orientations, or all people of an age group. Stereotyping, or making racist or sexist comments, can be quite offensive, even if you’re talking to a group that doesn’t include the people you’re commenting on. Social cues are things we pick up on from others that they haven’t directly told us. Example: You are busily working on a project and someone approaches you to talk. You quickly acknowledge them but then continue working. If they continue trying to have a conversation with you, they have not read your social cue, which is that you are too busy right now to talk. Another example: You’re at a party, or a bar. A person you don’t know approaches you and starts flirting. You turn away and continue talking to your friends. The person who approached doesn’t leave, and instead repeatedly tries to get your attention. This person has not read your social cue, which is that you’re not interested. The importance of reading social cues is that it can be frustrating for the person who has given the cue if it is not interpreted. Reading social cues is often something that we learn as children. Cultural differences can sometimes interfere with the reading of social cues, as can certain disabilities such as autism, ADHD, and depression. Regardless of who you’re around, saying basic words like “please,” “thank you,” and “excuse me,” shows the respect that everyone deserves when you are talking to them. If you’re not sure what to say in a certain situation, saying as little as possible in a polite manner is best. Making small talk is fine, especially with people you don’t know very well.", "Lean in slightly toward the person you are talking with. Slouching back and/or crossing your arms sends out a signal that you are bored or perhaps upset by a conversation. When you’re talking to someone, or they are talking to you, looking in their eyes shows confidence and that you are fully engaged in talking with them. If someone isn’t making eye contact with you, don’t jump to conclusions. Cultural differences sometimes deem eye contact inappropriate, or it could be a sign that someone is intimidated by you. Give it time and see if you can figure out the cause. There is a difference between making eye contact and staring at someone. You definitely don’t want to watch what someone else is doing if you are not directly having a conversation with that person at that time. It may be intimidating to that person, and is considered rude and sometimes creepy by most people. People feel much more at ease around someone who smiles. We don’t mean plaster a fake smile on your face at all times, but during a conversation, it helps to smile occasionally – especially if someone said something interesting or funny.", "This is also covered in the first section, but it’s always good to think about what you’re going to say before you say it. Avoid statements that are heavy with value-judgments. For example, instead of saying, “The mayor sure is a moron, huh?” say, “What do you think of the mayor’s rebuilding proposals (or whatever the topic is)?” Getting too loud or high in pitch can be startling to others, or they can easily misread your emotions. Listen and don’t interrupt others. This can be difficult if you suddenly get really excited to say something, or if there is one person in a group dominating a whole conversation, but try to resist the urge to cut someone off mid-sentence. Everyone gets angry sometimes, and if you’re angry with someone the best way to handle it is to calmly explain to them why you are angry, or to walk away from the situation and discuss it when you are less angry. No one, neither close friends and relatives nor casual acquaintances, responds well to being yelled at. It is frightening and most likely will only make the conflict worse. If someone tells you something, ask them more about it. For instance, your friend says he was out of town last week. Ask where he went and if he had fun. Questions also go really well together with compliments. If you compliment someone, follow it with a question. Examples: Those are cool shoes! Are they new? Or, Where did you get them? He’s such a cute dog! What’s his name? What kind of dog is he? It’s easier to keep conversation rolling with someone if you contribute, ask questions, are interested in the answers, and then add more it. Sometimes people who are naturally funny or good at many things are tempted to dominate conversations with jokes or stories of their own achievements. Don’t be that person! Many people may be turned off by it. Again, the more interested you act in the other person, the more likely that person is to want to have more conversations with you. Even if you don’t care about having more conversations with that person, you probably want to avoid making them think you are self-centered and vain. Some types of humor or jokes are not appropriate for most situations. Making others feel bad, or jokes at the expense of others, will most likely make others uncomfortable, especially if you don’t know them very well. People naturally gravitate toward those with a positive outlook and upbeat personality. Instead of always just complaining or criticizing, think of the positive things about a situation or about constructive ways to help solve a problem. Look at that glass as half full!", "Are you going to a nice restaurant? To a ball game or a picnic? To a wedding or holiday party? The type of clothes you wear to a certain event tells others that you care about your appearance and will help you feel more confident. If you’re going to a restaurant, try looking it up online to see if you can tell how fancy it is. For casual places, and for picnics or ball games, jeans and t-shirts or business casual clothes are just fine. For fancier restaurants, weddings, or holiday parties, you’ll want to dress up a bit more (a nice dress or skirt and blouse for women; a suit or dress shirt and dress pants for men) keeping in mind the exact location of the event to determine how “dressy” to be. Wear clothes that are clean and ironed, regardless of where you’re going. Shower each day, wash your hair, brush your teeth, and wear deodorant. Keeping up with hygiene may sound obvious, but letting it slack can be pretty detrimental to your social interactions, as well as put you at higher risk for getting sick. If you’re unsure, it never hurts to ask a trusted friend or relative what they think regarding an outfit you’re deciding on. You can get some helpful advice, especially if you’re going to a new place and your friend has been somewhere like it before. Or, if you’re just unsure how formal a certain occasion is (ex. weddings can be either extremely formal or quite informal) it’s a good idea to ask someone." ], "summary": [ "Think about who you’re around. Notice how others interact. Be open to new and different people and experiences. Avoid statements that generalize certain groups of people. Read social cues. Use everyday manner words. Play it safe and be polite.", "Sit and stand up straight. Make eye contact. Avoid staring. Smile.", "Think before you speak. Control your pitch while speaking. Take your turn. Avoid yelling and swearing if you’re angry. Ask questions and show interest. Don’t show off. Be positive.", "Think about where you are going. Always have good hygiene. Ask someone else’s opinion." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Reposting with Comments and Likes", "Sharing Something with Your Friends" ], "document": [ "If you want to maintain a post or picture's Likes and comments when you repost it, you'll need to comment on it. You can comment on someone's post or picture. You can also use this method to repost an old post made by you or a friend. Find the original post (you may have to go back through their Timeline) and then read on. This isn't exactly \"reposting\", but it is the only way to bump a post to the top of people's feeds without losing the Likes and comments. If you use the \"Share\" feature on a post, it will make a new post and remove the likes and comments. This will send it to the top of your feed, which will show up on your friends' feeds. You can do this for old posts that you want to bring back to the top, or with posts that your friends might not normally see. You can also Like the old post, but this is less likely to send it back to the top. This will make a new post with the same content on your own feed. It won't keep the original comments and Likes, but you will control the post.", "You can repost virtually anything that is posted by someone else. Scroll through your feed to find the status, picture, link, or any other post that you want to share with others. The only posts you cannot repost are those from secret groups. This will not preserve the original post's Likes and comments. If you want to repost something that someone else posted and keep all of the Likes and comments, you'll need to reply to the original post with a new comment. This is located underneath the post but above the Likes and comments. When you click the Share link a new window will appear. Use the drop-down menu at the top of the new window to choose where you want to repost the item. You can choose to share to your own timeline, a friend's timeline, in one of your groups, or in a private message. If you select to share on a friend's timeline, you will be asked to enter in the name of the friend. If you select to share with a group, you will be asked to enter the group's name. If you select to share through a private message, you will be asked to enter recipients. When you repost something, you are given the opportunity to add a new message to the item. This message will appear on the top of the reposted item, with any original message appearing below. You can tag people in the message by typing \"@\" followed by the person's name. By default, when a post is shared it will display who originally posted it. You can choose to remove this message by clicking the Remove link next to the original poster's name. You can use the drop-down menu at the bottom of the window to choose which of your friends can see your repost. You can choose it to be Public, visible to only your friends, visible only to you, or you can choose from your lists. Once you're happy with your sharing options, you can repost the post by clicking the Share button. The post will appear in the timeline or message that you designated. Depending on the privacy settings of the original post, you may not be able to share it with everyone." ], "summary": [ "Find the content that you want to repost to your feed. Make a comment on the post or picture you want to \"repost\". Avoid the Share button if you want to keep comments and Likes.", "Find what you want to repost. Click the Share link. Choose where you want to repost the item. Add a new message. Choose to attribute the original poster. Choose your privacy options. Share the post." ] }
{ "section_name": [ "Safari (Mobile)", "Microsoft Edge", "Chrome (Windows 10 Home Edition)", "Chrome (Windows)", "Firefox (Desktop)" ], "document": [ "It's a grey app with gears that you'll likely find on the Home Screen. This option has a picture of a gear to its left. If Restrictions are already enabled on your iPhone or iPad, you'll be prompted to enter a passcode. If you haven't enabled Restrictions, tap Enable Restrictions and create a passcode, then skip the next step. This passcode may be different than the passcode with which you lock your iPhone or iPad. It's in the \"ALLOWED CONTENT\" group of options just below the groups of switches on this page. This option is near the top of the page. When you tap it, you should see a blue checkmark appear to the right of it. It's in the top-left corner of the screen. Doing so will save your changes; private browsing will no longer be an option in Safari. If you're trying to limit another user's access to incognito mode, consider also sliding the Installing Apps switch left to the \"Off\" position. This option, which is in the second group of switches on the \"Restrictions\" page, will prevent other users from downloading different browsers (as well as any other apps).", "Doing so will open the Run utility, from which you can run the program that allows you to disable Microsoft Edge's InPrivate Browsing. You will not be able to disable InPrivate Browsing on Windows 10 Home edition. You can also right-click the Start icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen and then select Run from the ensuing pop-up menu. Make sure you spell it correctly and don't add any spaces. Doing so will open the Local Group Policy Editor. If you aren't on an Administrator account, you may not have this option. This folder is in the left-hand pane of the Local Group Policy Editor window. You may first have to scroll down to find it. You may need to scroll down before doing so. Doing this will display the folder's contents in the pane on the right-hand side of the window. This will open the folder. It's near the top of the folder's contents. This enables the \"Turn off InPrivate browsing\" setting, which--counterintuitively, perhaps--disables InPrivate Browsing. Doing so will save your changes. Now anyone using Microsoft Edge on this computer or any networked computers won't be able to activate InPrivate Browsing.", "This method edits the Registry and provides a solution on many Windows versions, but won’t initially work on Windows 10 Home Edition. However, if you run Chrome Canary, it will pick up the Registry change and make it work in Chrome as well. You then have the choice to either keep both Chrome and Chrome Canary, or to uninstall one of them. Since this method involves editing sensitive components of your computer's operating system, backing up your information before continuing will prevent you from losing your data if your computer crashes. Note: You will possibly have to create the “Google” and “Chrome” folders manually. To do this... Right click on Policies, then click on New and Key. Name this new Key Google. Now right click on Google and create a new Key and name it Chrome. Check that the new Keys appear in the folder list under Policies. If you click on Chrome the following file path will appear in the address bar: Computer\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Policies\\Google\\Chrome You can copy and paste this text to make sure there are no errors. Hit ↵ Enter. A box will appear where you can set the value data to 1. Leave the Base set to Hexadecimal. Hit ↵ Enter or click OK. Click on the three dots (top right corner). If Incognito Mode is still functioning it will appear with New Tab and New Window. If Incognito Mode does not appear, you can stop here. Otherwise, you need to continue. Make sure you note where the file is saved (probably in Downloads). Locate the file ChromeSetup.exe and double-click it, then follow any other instructions that pop up. This does not replace your existing Chrome, and the two can be opened side by side. Restart your computer. This is an orange coloured icon similar to Chrome. Make sure it does not include the Incognito option. Make sure it no longer includes the Incognito option. If this method has worked, you can now choose to keep Chrome Canary alongside Chrome, or uninstall one of them. Once you have uninstalled Chrome Canary, your original Chrome should still recognise the Registry change and you will still have Incognito disabled. If you choose to uninstall one you will probably have to open Task Manager and stop all Chrome and Chrome Canary processes, otherwise Windows will keep prompting you to \"shut down Chrome\" and not allow the uninstall. To do this, hold down Ctrl+Alt+Del (all three keys at once) and then select Task Manager Under the Processes tab click on Google Chrome. Click on End Task (bottom right corner). Proceed with uninstalling Chrome Canary. Press ⊞ Win and type Programs. Click on Add and Remove Programs. Find and click on Google Chrome or Canary and click on Uninstall.", "Since this method involves editing sensitive components of your computer's operating system, backing up your information before continuing will prevent you from losing your data if your computer crashes. It's located at https://support.google.com/chrome/a/answer/187202?hl=en. From here, you can download files that allow you to tweak the Group Policy Editor settings. If your computer is running Windows Home edition, you will not be able to use this method since the Home edition does not support the Group Policy Editor. You'll see this option near the top of the page. This link's full text says \"Zip file of Google Chrome templates and documentation\"--you'll find it below the chunk of text at the top of the \"Windows and Linux\" window. Clicking this link prompts the corresponding file to download to your computer. You may first need to select a save location (e.g., your desktop) and then click OK to begin downloading. It will be in your browser's default save location (or the location to which you saved it). It's inside of the policy folder you just opened, below the Common folder. This folder is near the top of the window. It's at the bottom of the window. Right-clicking it will prompt a pop-up menu to appear. This will copy your file; you'll now need to paste it into the proper directory. You can do so by typing \"This PC\" into the Start menu's search bar, or you can double-click the \"This PC\" icon on the desktop if you have it. On some computers, \"This PC\" is called \"My Computer\". It's in the bottom-half of the \"This PC\" window; typically, the hard drive's designation is \"C:\" (e.g., \"OS (C:)\"). This folder is near the middle of the window. The folders in this section are alphabetically organized, so just scroll to the \"P\" section to find this folder. Doing so will paste the \"chrome.admx\" file into the PolicyDefinitions folder. There is one other file you'll need to copy and paste into a This PC directory. It's toward the top of the page. This file is at the top of the page. It should still be open to the PolicyDefinitions folder to which you copied the \"chrome.admx\" file. This folder is at the top of the page. You're now ready to disable incognito mode in Google Chrome. This will open the Run program. You can also right-click the Start icon in the bottom-left corner of the screen and then click Run to do this. This command opens the Group Policy Editor program. As long as your computer has the Group Policy Editor program installed, doing so will open the program. This option is on the left side of the page. It's on the left side of the page, below Computer Configuration. It's below the Administrative Templates folder on the left side of the page. Doing so will display the Google Chrome values in the window on the right side of the page. This is an option near the middle of the page. Doing so will invoke a new window with various options. Be sure to click the radio button next to \"Enabled\" above the \"Options\" section if it isn't already selected. At long last, incognito mode should now be disabled on your computer's version of Chrome. You may have to restart Chrome for these changes to take place. If that doesn't work, try restarting your computer and then re-opening Chrome.", "Firefox is a blue app with an orange fox encircling it. You can find it at https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/disable-private-browsing-pl/. Doing so will prompt a pop-up menu in the top-left corner of the page. It's in the pop-up menu. Firefox will install the plugin, close, and then restart; once this process is complete, you will no longer be able to access private browsing. You will first need to click Start in Safe Mode if prompted to do so. This plugin disables history deleting. You also won't be able to delete bookmarks with this plugin active." ], "summary": [ "Open your iPhone's/iPad's Settings. Scroll down and tap General. Scroll down and tap Restrictions. Enter your Restrictions passcode. Scroll down and tap Websites. Tap Limit Adult Content. Tap the \"Back\" button.", "Press ⊞ Win+R. Type gpedit.msc into the search bar. Click OK. Click the arrow left of the Computer Configuration folder. Click the arrow left of the Administrative Templates folder. Click the arrow left of the Windows Components folder. Click the Microsoft Edge folder. Double-click the Microsoft Edge folder on the right. Click Turn off InPrivate browsing. Click the radio button next to \"Enabled\". Click OK.", "Use this method if you’re running Windows 10 Home Edition. Consider backing up your PC. Hold down the ⊞ Win+R to bring up the Run box. Type regedit, then press ↵ Enter. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > Policies > Google > Chrome. Right-click Chrome and select New > DWORD 32-bit value. Give the value a name of IncognitoModeAvailability. Double-click on the name IncognitoModeAvailability. Restart your computer to activate the Registry change. Check to see if Incognito Mode is still available in Chrome. Download Chrome Canary (which is a Chrome developer / test version of Chrome) from Google’s download page. Install Chrome Canary. Open Chrome Canary from your desktop. Check that Chrome Canary has recognised the Registry change. Open your original copy of Chrome and check that it too has recognised the Registry change. Uninstall Chrome Canary if desired.", "Consider backing up your PC. Go to Google's Chrome policies page. Click the Windows and Linux tab. Click the \"Zip file\" link. Double-click the policy_templates folder. Double-click the Windows folder. Double-click admx. Scroll down and right-click the \"chrome.admx\" file. Click Copy. Open This PC. Double-click your hard drive's icon. Double-click Windows. Scroll down and double-click PolicyDefinitions. Right-click an empty space in this folder, then click Paste. Switch back to the policy_templates folder. Scroll up and double-click en-US. Copy the \"chrome.adml\" file. Switch back to This PC. Double-click en-US. Paste the \"chrome.adml\" file into en-US. Press ⊞ Win+R. Type gpedit.msc into Run. Press ↵ Enter or click OK. Click the arrow left of Computer Configuration. Click the arrow left of Administrative Templates. Click Google Chrome. Double-click Incognito mode availability. Click the drop-down menu under \"Options\" and select Incognito mode disabled. Click OK.", "Open the Firefox browser. Go to the \"Disable Private Browsing Plus\" plugin page. Click Add to Firefox. Click Install. Click Restart Now." ] }
{ "section_name": [], "document": [], "summary": [] }
{ "section_name": [ "Part 2: Fertilizing and Repotting Your Plant", "Part 1: Helping Your Plant Grow" ], "document": [ "As the plant will be actively growing and blooming during these seasons, you want to add fertilizer to encourage the plant’s growth and development. You can use water-soluble fertilizer with a ratio of 3-1-2 or 19-6-12 that contains micronutrients. Dilute the fertilizer at one-fourth the dilution rate recommended by the manufacturer. A common recommended dilution rate is about 1 teaspoon per gallon of water but, for lipstick plants, it should be about ¼ teaspoon per gallon of water. Mix the water-soluble fertilizer in with the water instead of putting the fertilizer directly on the soil. You can also use slow-release houseplant fertilizer. Apply it according to the manufacturer’s instructions, usually 1 to 2 tablespoons (14.8 to 29.6 ml) per plant, and sprinkle it evenly over the potting mix. A plant becomes pot-bound when the plant’s container is full of roots. The roots may also begin to grow out of the drain hole on the bottom of the pot or the plant may appear too large for its container. Select a container that is only 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) larger than the old container and make sure it has drain holes on the bottom. Pour 1 inch of African violet potting mix into the new container. Gently grasp the lipstick plant’s stems with your fingers at the soil line, tilt the container sideways, and pull the plant out of the old container. Use sharp scissors to snip off any excess roots growing out from the main root mass. Set the lipstick plant in the new container and finish filling it with African violet potting mix. Water it generously with aged water until the water drains from the bottom of the container.", "Lipstick plants originally grow in damp forest soil, so the best potting soil for them is one mixed with sphagnum that is kept moist, but not soggy. African violet potting mix combined with crushed charcoal is a good, commercially available mix for lipstick plants. Choose a spot next to a south or west facing window to hang the plant, and place a sheer curtain between the plant and the window. As well, maintain a room humidity of between 25 and 49 percent. In the winter, keep the room temperature closer to 65 °F (18 °C) to encourage the plant to produce new flower buds. Do not hang the plant near a heating or air conditioning vent or near a doorway where it will be exposed to cold drafts in the winter. Aged water is tap water that has been left sitting in an open container for at least 24 hours. Letting it sit allows the chlorine to dissipate. Water the plant with aged water when the top of the potting mix begins to dry. Pour the water evenly over the soil until it begins to drain from the bottom of the container. To make aged water, simply fill an empty milk jug or watering can a few days before the lipstick plant needs to be watered. Then fill the container again right away after watering the plant. This way, you will always have aged water ready for the plant. Allow the top 1 to 2 inches (2.5 to 5.1 cm) of potting mix to dry before watering in the winter. Keeping the lipstick plant a little dryer during the winter will result in more profuse blooming in the spring and summer. Water should never be left in the saucer as it could soak back up into the potting mix and make the roots too wet. Pruning encourages new, healthy stems and leaves. Each stem should be trimmed back to a length of about 6 inches (15 cm). Use sharp scissors or hand pruners and make a cut right above a leaf. If the lipstick plant becomes straggly looking, which could be due to over- or under-watering or exposure to drafts, trim the longest vines back to as short as 2 inches." ], "summary": [ "Give your plant fertilizer every two weeks during the spring, summer, and fall. Add the fertilizer solution to the plant by mixing it with lukewarm water at 1/4th the amount recommended on the package, unless you are using African violet fertilizer. Repot the lipstick plant when it becomes pot-bound to encourage better growth.", "Use African violet potting mix combined with crushed charcoal. Place the plant in a very bright area, but not in direct sunlight. Keep the room temperature between 65 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the spring, summer, and fall. Water the plant with “aged” room-temperature water during the spring, summer, and fall. Empty the catch saucer beneath the container every time you water the plant. Prune the lipstick plant back right after it finishes blooming." ] }