[ "Person A: May I help you , Miss ?", "Person B: Yes , I'm excited to hear about your new product .", "Person A: OK . I'm sure you will love what this new automatic answering system can do for your business .", "Person B: Yes . I've heard a lot about it .", "Person A: Watch our computer demonstration , please . You'll be convinced that our product is superior . ( After the demonstration )", "Person B: Yes , I would have to agree with you . It seems to offer more options than the others . But new product sometimes has a few troubles . How about yours ?", "Person A: Our systems are 100 % trouble-free .", "Person B: How do you ensure quality ?", "Person A: Any of our new products shall go through a 1-3 month testing period .", "Person B: Are your prices negotiable ?", "Person A: Yes , our prices are negotiable , but our quality is not .", "Person B: What happens if I am not satisfied with my purchases ?", "Person A: Your satisfaction is guaranteed , or we refund your money .", "Person B: I see . But I have to discuss it over with my boss before I make a decision .", "Person A: OK . I hope you will be in touch with me shortly ." ]
[ "Person A: We are willing to participate in the bid which you advertised in China Daily . Would you please tell me the detail of the tender conditions ?", "Person B: You will receive the tender notice next month and you'll find the information .", "Person A: OK ! Our company is very interested in the tender . I am sure that we will do our best to win the bidding in building the factory .", "Person B: I believe your corporation will try your best and I understand fully your feeling , if your tender conditions proved be suitable for our general conditions of tender , we will accept your submission of tender .", "Person A: Maybe I have asking too many questions today .", "Person B: That's all right . You can contact me later if you have other questions after you read the tender notice .", "Person A: Fine , thanks a lot . Bye !", "Person B: Bye !" ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , sir . What can I do for you ?", "Person B: Good morning . I want to deposit a sum of money into my account .", "Person A: OK ! How much do you want to deposit ?", "Person B: Well , I want to deposit 2,000 yuan into my account .", "Person A: Would you please fill in a deposit form first ? Please write down your name , your account number and the amount you want to put in .", "Person B: OK . I wonder about the rate of interest of the account .", "Person A: Interest is paid at the rate of 1 % per annum at present . And it is added to your account every year .", "Person B: Thank you very much .", "Person A: My pleasure ." ]
[ "Person A: Good afternoon , what can I do for you ?", "Person B: I want to draw some money from my current account .", "Person A: How much do you want to draw ?", "Person B: Well , I want to draw out 4,000 yuan .", "Person A: OK ! Do you take your bank card or bankbook with you ?", "Person B: Yes ! Here is my bankbook .", "Person A: OK . Please fill out this form first .", "Person B: Yes . Do I need to sign my name here ?", "Person A: Sure . How do you want it ?", "Person B: Well , I want 1,000 yuan in traveler's checks and the rest in cash .", "Person A: All right . Here are the traveler's checks and money .", "Person B: Thanks a lot .", "Person A: Not at all ." ]
[ "Person A: Excuse me . Something is wrong with my bank card . Can you help me ?", "Person B: Yes . What's the problem ?", "Person A: Just a mistake with my name . It should be issued as Steven , but the card is under the name ' Steven ' .", "Person B: Oh , I am very sorry about that . It's our fault . I will arrange someone to correct it immediately .", "Person A: OK , no problem . To err is human .", "Person B: Anyway , we apologize for the inconvenience we have brought you . Please just wait for a moment , and it will be fixed .", "Person A: Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I do for you , sir ?", "Person B: Hmm , I want to change my traveler's cheque . Here is a traveler's cheque of 3,000 dollars . I would like to cash this cheque , please .", "Person A: No problem . May I see your identification ?", "Person B: Sure . How about my passport ?", "Person A: That's fine ! How would you like this cash back ?", "Person B: I want 20 hundred bills and the rest in fifties , please .", "Person A: Three thousand . Please check it , sir . Thank you and have a good day .", "Person B: Thank you and bye-bye !" ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , may I help you ?", "Person B: Good morning . I want to remit 1,000 yuan to my sister in Shanghai .", "Person A: Please fill out this form .", "Person B: OK ... Do I need to put on my sister's name for the receiver ?", "Person A: Yes . You must put on her name and address .", "Person B: OK , I see . Here you are . Is that OK now ?", "Person A: Let me check . Yes . Your 1,000 remittance , please .", "Person B: Here you are . What is the rate ?", "Person A: This rate is one percent . That will be 10 yuan .", "Person B: OK . When will this remittance arrive ?", "Person A: Generally it will arrive within three days .", "Person B: That's good ." ]
[ "Person A: How much can I change 100 dollars for ?", "Person B: What kind of currency do you want ?", "Person A: How much will it be in Chinese currency ?", "Person B: That's 680 Yuan ." ]
[ "Person A: What kind of account do you prefer ? Checking account or savings account ?", "Person B: I would like to open a checking account .", "Person A: Ok , please just fill out this form and show us your ID card .", "Person B: Here you are ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , what can I do for you ?", "Person B: Hello . I'm sorry to tell you that I've lost my credit card this morning . I want to report the loss and replace a card .", "Person A: Don't worry . I will help you soon . Please fill in this form first . And write down your name , your account number and the amount in your card please .", "Person B: Done !", "Person A: OK . May I see your ID card ? ( B passed his ID card . ) Please wait for a moment . Let me go and check the account . ( A few minutes later . ) We have locked your card . You can come here to renew the account and get a new card a week later . Your money will not be lost .", "Person B: Thank goodness .", "Person A: Please pay 10 yuan , the handling charge .", "Person B: OK ! Thank you very much . See you a week later .", "Person A: See you !" ]
[ "Person A: Hello , how can I help you today ?", "Person B: I would like to open a Current Account , please .", "Person A: OK , please fill in a Deposit Slip . All you need to do is to write the amount here and your name over here , on this line . I'll take care of the rest . First , could I see some ID ?", "Person B: That's great , here you are . This is my passport ." ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to remit 5000 dollars to my friend .", "Person B: Please show me your ID card and tell me the receiver's address .", "Person A: Room 20 , Suzie Building , Beijing Road , Shenzhen , China .", "Person B: Ok , that's all ." ]
[ "Person A: I'm here to open a Current Account with your bank .", "Person B: That's no problem at all , but could you fill in this and I'll need to see some ID .", "Person A: Here you go . Is there a minimum amount I need to pay in ?", "Person B: Yes , there needs to be at least 1 RIB paid in to open a new account . Also , you will need to choose a secret identity code to ensure no one else can enter your account .", "Person A: OK , how long does it need to be ? I'm not very good with remembering long numbers .", "Person B: Just 6 digits ." ]
[ "Person A: I like to open up a savings account please .", "Person B: O . K . We offer a few different kinds .", "Person A: I want the one with the highest interest rate .", "Person B: That would be our Saver's Plus account .", "Person A: 4.5 % , that's good . How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate ?", "Person B: You have to maintain a balance of $ 10,000 in the account or the rate drops to 3 % .", "Person A: All right . I ' ll open one of those .", "Person B: Just fill out these forms , and I ' ll be with you in one second .", "Person A: Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: I like to open up a savings account please .", "Person B: O . K . We offer a few different kinds .", "Person A: I want the one with the highest interest rate .", "Person B: That would be our Saver's Plus account .", "Person A: 4.5 % , that's good . How much money do I have to keep in it to get that rate ?", "Person B: You have to maintain a balance of $ 10,000 in the account or the rate drops to 3 % .", "Person A: All right . I ' ll open one of those .", "Person B: Just fill out these forms , and I ' ll be with you in one second .", "Person A: Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: How are your stocks doing , Jim ?", "Person B: Oh , all right . I lost a bunch of money in the last two years , but this year has been pretty good .", "Person A: Yeah . I lost money investing in the Internet , too .", "Person B: Just goes to show that you should buy companies , not ideas .", "Person A: I changed my strategy around too . I invest in good companies now .", "Person B: Yeah , me too . Did you hear about Frank ?", "Person A: No , what happened ?", "Person B: He lost his kids ' college money day trading .", "Person A: Oh , boy . His wife can ' t be happy about that ." ]
[ "Person A: Hey , daughter , let me ask you something .", "Person B: Yes , dad ?", "Person A: Do you have life insurance ?", "Person B: Well , no . It just seemed like another bill we ' d have to pay .", "Person A: You have children now . What if something , God forbid , happens to you ?", "Person B: That ' s true . Well , how much do you think I should get ?", "Person A: A $ 100,000 policy shouldn ' t be too expensive . Here , call my agent . He ' ll give you a good deal ." ]
[ "Person A: I've something very unpleasant to talk with you . Upon the arrival of the first consignment , it was found that about 50 % of the sixty cases of pineapples were leaking .", "Person B: It's rather an unusual case . Have you found the cause of leaking ?", "Person A: It ' s simply because the tins were damaged .", "Person B: It appears to be the only case to us , that the goods have been damaged on the way .", "Person A: I am sorry to say it's not on the way , but during loading . The tins inside the cases were broken evidently through rough handling .", "Person B: Could you offer us a certificate issued by your Health Department ?", "Person A: Certainly . Here you are . Our health authorities said they were no longer suitable for human consumption . I have to remind you that our terms are CIF Hamburg . I hope you would indemnify us for the loss , so it wouldn't be so heavy on us .", "Person B: Now we are prepared to settle the issue with you amicably ." ]
[ "Person A: Man , they take a lot of our paycheck .", "Person B: Yeah , the government really takes a bite , doesn ' t it ?", "Person A: Seriously . The only tax I don ' t mind them taking is social security . It ' s only a few dollars every paycheck .", "Person B: Yeah , I don ' t mind it either . We ' ll both end up rich slobs and not need it , but what if we do , you know ?", "Person A: Yeah . It won ' t be much , but at least we ' ll have a monthly check when we get old .", "Person B: Yeah . My grandmother gets by on social security and the money my grandfather invested when he was alive .", "Person A: Let ' s just hope the politicians don ' t figure out a way to spend it .", "Person B: Really ? No , they couldn ' t . None of them would have jobs if they did ." ]
[ "Person A: I've got some great news for you !", "Person B: did you get the position you wanted ?", "Person A: yes , I'll be promoted to department manager .", "Person B: I'm glad to hear that . Congratulations !", "Person A: thank you . Actually , I could not believe it at first . You know , there're so many outstanding people in our company . Many of them are qualified to fill that position .", "Person B: sure , but you really did great and outperformed the others . You deserved it !", "Person A: thank you very much .", "Person B: you always have unique ideas and you're such a team leader .", "Person A: I appreciate it very much . You've been doing great . I expect to see you be promoted pretty soon .", "Person B: that's very nice of you to say so . I'll try my best . When will you start at the new position ?", "Person A: next week .", "Person B: so by then , you'll be in charge of the whole department .", "Person A: absolutely ." ]
[ "Person A: Next , please . May I help you , sir ?", "Person B: Hello , yes , I ' d like to open a bank account .", "Person A: Certainly , I can can help you with that . What type of account would you like to open ? A chequing or a savings account ?", "Person B: What What features do they offer ?", "Person A: Well , if you just take a look here , see , with our chequing account , you can have unlimited daily transactions for a small monthly fee , and our savings account has a higher interest rate , but you must carry a minimum balance of $ 10,000 dollars .", "Person B: I see , well , I think I ' m more interested in a chequing account . I like to have easy access to my money .", "Person A: Alright , then , with this chequing account you ' ll be issued a debit card and a cheque book . Will you require overdraft protection ? There is an extra fee for that .", "Person B: No , that won ' t be necessary .", "Person A: In that case , I ' ll get you to fill out this paperwork . I ' ll need your social insurance number , and two pieces of government ID . If you could just sign here , and here , and here . we ' ll be all set . Would you like to make a deposit today ?", "Person B: Yes , I ' d like to deposit one billion dollars ." ]
[ "Person A: During the last two years , there has been a great increase in goods stolen abroad .", "Person B: If they steal the entire package , that would be theft . So they don't do that . Generally , thieves open the case and take part of the contents out . Then fill the case so that the gross weight will be the same .", "Person A: If the goods are received in apparent good order and condition , the steamship company doesn ' t have liability for pilferage . How do we protect ourselves ?", "Person B: The insurance policy protects us .", "Person A: Is it true that products of high value such as watches , jewels and luxury clothing items are often subject to pilferage ?", "Person B: It's absolutely true in the United States that losses from pilferage have been limited to high valued goods . We must study more about packing ." ]
[ "Person A: I'm calling today about a bill that I never received .", "Person B: Can you tell me which credit card it was for ?", "Person A: It was for my Master Card .", "Person B: You should've gotten that bill two weeks ago .", "Person A: I haven't got it in the mail yet .", "Person B: The computer is showing that all bills have been mailed .", "Person A: What am I supposed to do about my bill then ?", "Person B: Maybe you should call your post office .", "Person A: But if it's their mistake , can I get an extension on my bill payment ?", "Person B: Yes , but you will need to send us proof of their mistake .", "Person A: Okay , thank you very much for your help .", "Person B: Not a problem . Enjoy the rest of your day ." ]
[ "Person A: What are your terms of sale ?", "Person B: The price quoted is for CIF .", "Person A: My understanding is that CIF means the seller is responsible for prepaying shipping costs and arranging for the insurance policy .", "Person B: Yes , that is correct . We will arrange for the shipping costs and insurance policy .", "Person A: Is it possible to consider FOB ? That way , we will handle the insurance through our broker .", "Person B: Yes , we could also make this arrangement , , if you prefer ." ]
[ "Person A: I haven't received my credit card bill yet .", "Person B: Which credit card are you speaking of ?", "Person A: My Master Card .", "Person B: We sent that bill out a couple of weeks ago .", "Person A: I never got it .", "Person B: Your bill was mailed already .", "Person A: What am I going to do since I haven't received the bill ?", "Person B: If you haven't gotten it yet , then you should probably take that up with your post office .", "Person A: Can I get an extension on my bill if it does happen to be the post office's fault ?", "Person B: If that's the case , you will need to provide proof of their mistake .", "Person A: Thanks for everything .", "Person B: Don't mention it . Call back if you have any more questions ." ]
[ "Person A: How do you use an ATM card , Billy ?", "Person B: It ' s easy , grandpa . Insert you card into the machine here . Then wait a moment . OK . Now you enter your PIN . It should have four numbers .", "Person A: Oh yes . I ' Ve got it written down here . Just a minute .", "Person B: You really shouldn ' t write it down . You should memorise it . You can change it to a more convenient number if you like .", "Person A: OK , I ' Ve entered my PIN . There are several options on the screen . I guess I just choose which service I want , don't I ?", "Person B: Yes . Choose the service you need to use . If you choose to withdraw money , the machine will ask you how much you want .", "Person A: I can just enter the amount using the key , right ?", "Person B: That ' s right . Give the machine a moment to process you request . Then take your money .", "Person A: These machines aren ' t very difficult to use . In fact , I quite like them . They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk ." ]
[ "Person A: How may I help you today ?", "Person B: I need to open a second account .", "Person A: What kind of account would you like to open ?", "Person B: I need another savings account .", "Person A: Do you have another account with us ?", "Person B: I sure do .", "Person A: Would you like to transfer money from that account into your new one ?", "Person B: That ' s fine .", "Person A: How much would you like to transfer ?", "Person B: Transfer $ 100 .", "Person A: Give me a moment while I complete your transaction .", "Person B: That ' s fine . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: I was inquiring about a bill that I never got .", "Person B: Which credit card was the bill for ?", "Person A: The bill was for my Master Card .", "Person B: That bill should have been mailed about two weeks ago .", "Person A: It never came in the mail .", "Person B: My computer shows that it has already been mailed .", "Person A: I have not gotten my bill , so what should I do about that ?", "Person B: You should try contacting your post office .", "Person A: If it is the post office's fault , may I have an extension on my bill ?", "Person B: You'll have to prove it was their error ; then you can get an extension .", "Person A: Thank you for all your help .", "Person B: You are very welcome . Have a good day ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you today ?", "Person B: Very well .", "Person A: Do you need help with something ?", "Person B: I need to make a transfer .", "Person A: What account would you like to transfer the money from ?", "Person B: I want to transfer money from my savings account .", "Person A: Where do you want the money to go to ?", "Person B: I want the money to be transferred into my checking account .", "Person A: How much money are you going to transfer today ?", "Person B: $ 200 will be fine .", "Person A: Is that all I can do for you today ?", "Person B: I won ' t be needing anything else ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I do for you today ?", "Person B: I have an issue .", "Person A: What is your problem ?", "Person B: There were charges on my debit card that I never made .", "Person A: Do you have a statement for your debit card ?", "Person B: I do .", "Person A: Which charges are you talking about ?", "Person B: It ' s the last four charges .", "Person A: We ' re going to have to do an investigation .", "Person B: Is that going to take long ?", "Person A: I ' m not sure , but in the meantime we will freeze these charges .", "Person B: That ' s wonderful . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I would like to open another account .", "Person A: What kind do you want to open ?", "Person B: I want to open a savings account .", "Person A: Do you have an account opened with this bank already ?", "Person B: Yes , I do .", "Person A: You can always transfer money from that account into your new one .", "Person B: That would be great .", "Person A: How much money do you want to transfer ?", "Person B: I want to transfer $ 100 .", "Person A: I ' ll do that right now .", "Person B: All right . Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: Did you need help with something ?", "Person B: I need to cancel an account .", "Person A: Do you have a problem with your account ?", "Person B: I don ' t need two different accounts anymore .", "Person A: What are you going to do about the money in your account ?", "Person B: Can I transfer it to my remaining account ?", "Person A: I ' ll do that for you .", "Person B: That ' s lovely .", "Person A: Would you like to withdraw any money ?", "Person B: No . That ' s fine .", "Person A: It ' ll just take me a moment to cancel your account .", "Person B: Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: How may I help you ?", "Person B: I ' m having a problem .", "Person A: What problem are you having ?", "Person B: There have been charges made on my debit card that I didn ' t make .", "Person A: Do you have the statement for your card ?", "Person B: Here it is .", "Person A: What are the charges you ' re referring to ?", "Person B: The last four charges on the page .", "Person A: I ' m afraid we ' re going to have to investigate these charges .", "Person B: How long will an investigation take ?", "Person A: I honestly don ' t know , but we will freeze payment on these charges .", "Person B: That sounds absolutely fantastic ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I help you with today ?", "Person B: I would like to make a deposit .", "Person A: Will that be cash or check ?", "Person B: I ' m depositing a check .", "Person A: Could you sign the back of the check , please ?", "Person B: All right . Here you go .", "Person A: Would you like any cash back ?", "Person B: That would be great .", "Person A: How much would you like ?", "Person B: I would like $ 150 .", "Person A: Here is your $ 150 .", "Person B: Thanks for everything ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I need to make a deposit .", "Person A: Are you depositing cash or a check ?", "Person B: I ' m depositing a check .", "Person A: Please sign the back of the check .", "Person B: There you go .", "Person A: Do you want cash back ?", "Person B: Yes , please .", "Person A: How much cash would you like ?", "Person B: I want $ 150 .", "Person A: Here ' s your $ 150 .", "Person B: Thank you , and have a nice day ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you doing ?", "Person B: Great . Thanks for asking .", "Person A: What can I do for you today ?", "Person B: I would like to deposit some money .", "Person A: Are you depositing cash or a check ?", "Person B: I want to deposit cash .", "Person A: How much are you depositing ?", "Person B: I would like to deposit $ 300 .", "Person A: What account do you want your money in ?", "Person B: I want to deposit it into my checking account .", "Person A: Do you need anything else ?", "Person B: No . That ' s all . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: How may I help you ?", "Person B: I ' m making a deposit today .", "Person A: Cash or check ?", "Person B: I would like to deposit a check .", "Person A: You need to sign the back .", "Person B: Okay . Here you go .", "Person A: Would you like cash back ?", "Person B: Yes , I would .", "Person A: How much ?", "Person B: Let me get $ 150 back .", "Person A: Here you go .", "Person B: Thank you . Have a good one ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you doing today ?", "Person B: Great . Thank you .", "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I need to withdraw some money .", "Person A: How much would you like to take out ?", "Person B: I need to withdraw $ 300 .", "Person A: Which account would you like to take the money from ?", "Person B: I want to take it from my checking account .", "Person A: Okay , here you go .", "Person B: Thank you very much .", "Person A: Can I do anything else for you ?", "Person B: No . That ' ll be all ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you ?", "Person B: I ' m fantastic !", "Person A: What can I help you with ?", "Person B: I want to make a deposit today .", "Person A: Cash or check ?", "Person B: It will be cash today .", "Person A: How much do you want to deposit ?", "Person B: I need to deposit $ 300 .", "Person A: What account will you be depositing this money into ?", "Person B: Deposit it into my checking account .", "Person A: What else can I do for you today ?", "Person B: That ' s all I need today . Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you ?", "Person B: I ' m fabulous .", "Person A: What can I help you with ?", "Person B: I need to make a withdrawal .", "Person A: How much are you withdrawing today ?", "Person B: I need $ 300 .", "Person A: What account would you like to take this money from ?", "Person B: Take it from my checking account .", "Person A: Here ' s your $ 300 .", "Person B: Thank you so much .", "Person A: Will you be needing anything else ?", "Person B: That ' s it for today ." ]
[ "Person A: How ' s it going ?", "Person B: I ' m fine . Thanks for asking .", "Person A: What did you need ?", "Person B: I would like to make a withdrawal .", "Person A: How much money would you like to withdraw ?", "Person B: I want to take out $ 300 .", "Person A: Which account are you making this withdrawal from ?", "Person B: I want it taken from my checking account .", "Person A: All right , here is your $ 300 .", "Person B: Thanks a lot .", "Person A: Is there anything else that I can do for you today ?", "Person B: No . That ' s everything . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you doing ?", "Person B: Great . Thanks .", "Person A: May I help you with something ?", "Person B: I would like to transfer some money .", "Person A: Where would you like to transfer money from ?", "Person B: Take it from my savings account .", "Person A: Where would you like the money transferred ?", "Person B: I want it transferred into my checking account .", "Person A: How much would you like to transfer ?", "Person B: I would like to transfer $ 200 .", "Person A: Will that be all today ?", "Person B: That ' s it for today . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: How ' s everything with you today ?", "Person B: I ' m fine . Thank you .", "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I need to transfer money .", "Person A: Do you know which account you want to take the money from ?", "Person B: From my savings account .", "Person A: Where are you transferring the money to ?", "Person B: I would like it transferred to my checking account .", "Person A: How much ?", "Person B: I want to transfer $ 200 .", "Person A: Will that be all ?", "Person B: Yes . That will be all ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you doing today ?", "Person B: I ' m fine .", "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I would like to cancel a check .", "Person A: Is there a problem ?", "Person B: I wrote the check out for too much .", "Person A: How much did you write it out for ?", "Person B: I wrote it out for $ 150 .", "Person A: How much was it supposed to be ?", "Person B: It was supposed to be for $ 100 .", "Person A: I ' ll cancel that check for you .", "Person B: I really appreciate your help ." ]
[ "Person A: How ' s it going ?", "Person B: Great . Thank you .", "Person A: What can I help you with ?", "Person B: I need to cancel a check .", "Person A: What ' s wrong with the check ?", "Person B: I accidentally wrote the check for too much .", "Person A: How much did you write the check for ?", "Person B: The check was written for $ 150 .", "Person A: How much were you supposed to write it for ?", "Person B: I needed to write it for $ 100 .", "Person A: I can cancel it for you right now .", "Person B: Thank you so much ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I have a problem with this check .", "Person A: What ' s wrong ?", "Person B: I wrote out a check for $ 100 and it bounced .", "Person A: Do you have enough money in your checking account ?", "Person B: I believe so .", "Person A: Give me a moment , and I ' ll check .", "Person B: All right . Thanks .", "Person A: You only have $ 57 left in your checking account .", "Person B: That ' s impossible .", "Person A: I ' m sorry , but that ' s what our records show .", "Person B: Okay . Thanks . Have a nice day ." ]
[ "Person A: How may I help you ?", "Person B: There ' s a problem with my check .", "Person A: What problem ?", "Person B: My check for $ 100 bounced .", "Person A: Are you sure you have $ 100 in your checking account ?", "Person B: I thought I did .", "Person A: I ' ll check for you .", "Person B: Thank you very much .", "Person A: It looks like you only have $ 57 left in your account .", "Person B: That can ' t be right !", "Person A: That ' s what my computer is showing .", "Person B: All right . Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you ?", "Person B: I ' m doing well .", "Person A: How may I help you ?", "Person B: Could you cancel a check for me ?", "Person A: What ' s the problem ?", "Person B: I wrote the check out for way too much .", "Person A: How much ?", "Person B: I wrote the check out for $ 150 .", "Person A: What were you supposed to write it out for ?", "Person B: I was supposed to write the check out for $ 100 .", "Person A: I ' ll just cancel it for you right now .", "Person B: That ' s great . You ' re a lifesaver ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I help you with today ?", "Person B: I have a problem .", "Person A: What is the problem ?", "Person B: I wrote a check for $ 100 and it bounced .", "Person A: Do you have enough money in your account ?", "Person B: I think so .", "Person A: Let me check that for you right now .", "Person B: Okay . Thank you .", "Person A: Apparently there is only $ 57 left in your account .", "Person B: You can ' t be serious !", "Person A: That ' s what my records show .", "Person B: I see . Thanks for your help ." ]
[ "Person A: There's a problem with my credit card .", "Person B: Tell me what the problem is .", "Person A: A charge came up on my bill that I didn't make .", "Person B: What was the charge for ?", "Person A: The charge was for a $ 350 purse , but I did not buy it .", "Person B: Are you sure that you didn't make that purchase ?", "Person A: I would know if I bought something that expensive .", "Person B: I apologize . What day was this purchase made ?", "Person A: It was bought on November 12th at 3", "Person B: All right , we'll do an investigation .", "Person A: Until this investigation is finished , will I have to pay for the charge ?", "Person B: No , you don't . We'll take care of it ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: I have a problem .", "Person A: What ' s the problem ?", "Person B: Someone else is making charges on my debit card .", "Person A: I need to see a statement for your debit card .", "Person B: I have it right here .", "Person A: Can you show me which charges you ' re referring to ?", "Person B: The last four charges .", "Person A: We will need to do an investigation on this .", "Person B: How long will that take ?", "Person A: We ' ll have to freeze payment on those charges until the investigation is finished .", "Person B: I really appreciate your help ." ]
[ "Person A: I have a problem with my credit card .", "Person B: What's wrong with it ?", "Person A: There is a charge on my card that I didn't make .", "Person B: Can you tell me what the charge was ?", "Person A: It's for a purse that cost $ 350 .", "Person B: Are you positive that you didn't buy the purse ?", "Person A: I can't even afford a purse that expensive .", "Person B: I'm very sorry . When was this purchase made ?", "Person A: I was at work , but the purchase was made at 3", "Person B: We're going to investigate this claim .", "Person A: OK.Do I have to pay for this charge ?", "Person B: You won't have to pay for anything ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: I have a problem .", "Person A: What ' s your problem ?", "Person B: I owe fees , but a bank statement never came in the mail about it .", "Person A: I apologize for the inconvenience .", "Person B: I have no idea about the fee , so my fees went up .", "Person A: I understand your problem .", "Person B: Will you be able to solve my problem ?", "Person A: I ' m going to cancel the fees you owe .", "Person B: So , I don ' t have to pay any of it ?", "Person A: The initial fee still must be paid .", "Person B: That ' s fabulous . Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: How may I help you ?", "Person B: I ' m having a problem .", "Person A: What is it ?", "Person B: I apparently owe some fees , but I never got the bank statement .", "Person A: I do apologize for that .", "Person B: My fees went up , but I didn ' t even know I had fees to pay .", "Person A: I see your problem .", "Person B: What are you going to do about it ?", "Person A: I will cancel the fees you owe .", "Person B: I don ' t have to pay any fees ?", "Person A: You ' ll only have to pay the initial fee .", "Person B: That ' s fine . I appreciate your help ." ]
[ "Person A: There is something wrong with my credit card .", "Person B: What's the problem ?", "Person A: There is a charge on here that I never made .", "Person B: What charge was made ?", "Person A: It was a charge for a $ 350 purse that I never bought .", "Person B: You didn't make this purchase ?", "Person A: I think I would remember if I made a purchase that large .", "Person B: Sorry . When was this purse purchased ?", "Person A: It was purchased on the 12th of November at 3", "Person B: We'll do an investigation and get to the bottom of this .", "Person A: In the meantime , do I have to pay for this charge ?", "Person B: No . We'll take care of everything ." ]
[ "Person A: Do you have any other questions ?", "Person B: I want to know about fees .", "Person A: Which fees ?", "Person B: Overdraft fees .", "Person A: You will be required to pay a small fee for every time you overdraft .", "Person B: How much is the fee ?", "Person A: You'll have to pay $ 25 every time you overdraft .", "Person B: That ' s a small fee ?", "Person A: It should stop you from overdrafting .", "Person B: You would think it would , but it most likely won ' t .", "Person A: Can I help you with anything else ?", "Person B: That ' s it for today . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: How ' s it going ?", "Person B: I ' m great . Thanks .", "Person A: What do you need ?", "Person B: I need to know if I have any fees to pay .", "Person A: Actually , you do owe some fees .", "Person B: How much do I owe ?", "Person A: Your fees total $ 235.13 .", "Person B: That ' s crazy !", "Person A: You need to pay these fees soon .", "Person B: Can I do that right now ?", "Person A: Will you be paying with cash or check ?", "Person B: I think I ' ll be paying with cash ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you ?", "Person B: I ' m great . Thank you for asking .", "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: Do I owe any fees ?", "Person A: You sure do .", "Person B: Could you tell me how much I owe ?", "Person A: You owe $ 235.13 in fees .", "Person B: I can ' t believe that .", "Person A: When will you be paying these fees off ?", "Person B: I ' ll pay them off right now .", "Person A: Cash or check ?", "Person B: I will pay with cash ." ]
[ "Person A: How are you doing today ?", "Person B: Very well . Thank you .", "Person A: What can I help you with ?", "Person B: Do I have any fees to pay ?", "Person A: As a matter of fact , you do .", "Person B: How much ?", "Person A: You owe $ 235.13 .", "Person B: That ' s unbelievable .", "Person A: Will you be paying some of that off today ?", "Person B: I want to pay all of it off today .", "Person A: How will you be paying ?", "Person B: I ' ll be paying with cash ." ]
[ "Person A: I need to open an account .", "Person B: Do you know what kind you want to open ?", "Person A: I want a checking account .", "Person B: Do you know what the minimum balance is ?", "Person A: What is that ?", "Person B: You need to keep it at $ 100 .", "Person A: That ' s it ?", "Person B: That ' s the least amount you can have .", "Person A: What ' ll happen if I don ' t maintain that ?", "Person B: We will fine you .", "Person A: How much will I be fined ?", "Person B: You will be fined $ 25 ." ]
[ "Person A: I would like to open an account today .", "Person B: What kind ?", "Person A: I want to open a checking account .", "Person B: You need to keep a minimum balance .", "Person A: How much is it ?", "Person B: You need at least $ 100 in your account .", "Person A: Is that all ?", "Person B: Yes . That ' s the minimum .", "Person A: What happens if I don ' t meet that requirement ?", "Person B: You will get a fine .", "Person A: How much ?", "Person B: It ' s going to be $ 25 ." ]
[ "Person A: How can I help you ?", "Person B: I want to open another account .", "Person A: What kind would you like to open ?", "Person B: I would like to open a savings account .", "Person A: Do you already have an account with us ?", "Person B: I have another savings account open already .", "Person A: Do you want to transfer money from that account ?", "Person B: I would like to do that .", "Person A: How much ?", "Person B: I only want to transfer $ 100 .", "Person A: It ' ll only take me a minute to complete your transaction .", "Person B: Great . Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: How are things with you ?", "Person B: I ' m fine . Thank you .", "Person A: How may I help you ?", "Person B: I need to make a deposit .", "Person A: Will you be depositing cash or a check ?", "Person B: I will be depositing cash .", "Person A: How much would you like to deposit ?", "Person B: It ' s going to be $ 300 .", "Person A: What account would you like to deposit that into ?", "Person B: Could you deposit that into my checking account , please ?", "Person A: Can I do anything else for you today ?", "Person B: That ' ll be all . Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: I want to open an account .", "Person B: What kind of account do you want to open ?", "Person A: I want to open a checking account .", "Person B: Do you know the minimum balance you ' re required to keep ?", "Person A: How much is that ?", "Person B: You have to maintain a minimum balance of $ 100 .", "Person A: Really ?", "Person B: Yes , really .", "Person A: What if I can ' t meet that requirement ?", "Person B: You will be fined .", "Person A: How much is the fine ?", "Person B: It ' s going to cost you $ 25 ." ]
[ "Person A: Would you like to ask any questions ?", "Person B: I need to know about the fees .", "Person A: What kind of fees ?", "Person B: I ' m asking about overdraft fees .", "Person A: You have to pay a small fee every time you overdraft .", "Person B: What ' s the fee ?", "Person A: The fee is $ 25 every time you overdraft .", "Person B: How is that a small fee ?", "Person A: That fee should keep you from overdrafting .", "Person B: I ' ll say .", "Person A: Do you have any more questions ?", "Person B: I don ' t need to know anything else . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: Do you have any questions ?", "Person B: Tell me about fees .", "Person A: What fees are you referring to ?", "Person B: I want to know about overdraft fees .", "Person A: We charge a small fee every time you overdraft .", "Person B: How much ?", "Person A: For each time you overdraft , you have to pay $ 25 .", "Person B: That ' s not a small fee .", "Person A: You shouldn ' t overdraft .", "Person B: That ' s for sure .", "Person A: Do you need help with anything else ?", "Person B: That ' s all I needed to know . Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: You owe $ 36.78 .", "Person B: Here ' s my VISA card .", "Person A: I ' m sorry , but your card isn ' t working .", "Person B: What ' s the problem ?", "Person A: The machine says your card was declined .", "Person B: It was ?", "Person A: Do you have another card ?", "Person B: That ' s my only one .", "Person A: Maybe you can just pay in cash ?", "Person B: No cash today .", "Person A: I guess you won ' t be able to purchase these items today .", "Person B: I ' ll come tomorrow with cash ." ]
[ "Person A: I have to use the ATM .", "Person B: Is there a problem ?", "Person A: I don ' t know how to use it .", "Person B: What are you talking about ?", "Person A: I have never used an ATM before .", "Person B: I can show you how to use it .", "Person A: How do I use it ?", "Person B: You need to push your card into the machine .", "Person A: What ' s next ?", "Person B: Enter your PIN .", "Person A: What else do I have to do ?", "Person B: Every option you can choose will appear on the screen . That ' s about it ." ]
[ "Person A: The total for all these items comes to $ 36.78 .", "Person B: Take my VISA .", "Person A: There is something wrong with your card .", "Person B: What ' s going on ?", "Person A: Your card was declined .", "Person B: That can ' t be right !", "Person A: Would you like me to try another card ?", "Person B: I don ' t have another one .", "Person A: What about cash ?", "Person B: I didn ' t bring cash with me today .", "Person A: I ' m sorry , but you can ' t take the items until you can buy them .", "Person B: I ' ll come back for them tomorrow ." ]
[ "Person A: Your total comes to $ 36.78 .", "Person B: Put it on my VISA .", "Person A: There ' s a problem with your card .", "Person B: What ' s wrong with it ?", "Person A: I believe it was declined .", "Person B: You ' re kidding me !", "Person A: Do you have another card I could try ?", "Person B: I only have one card .", "Person A: Do you have cash , perhaps ?", "Person B: I don ' t have any cash on me .", "Person A: You ' re not going to be able to take these items today .", "Person B: I ' ll be back tomorrow ." ]
[ "Person A: I need to go to the ATM .", "Person B: So , why don ' t you ?", "Person A: I have no idea how to use the ATM .", "Person B: What do you mean ?", "Person A: This will be my first time using an ATM .", "Person B: I can help you with that .", "Person A: Explain to me how to use it .", "Person B: Just put your card into the machine .", "Person A: Now what do I do ?", "Person B: Then you need to type in your PIN .", "Person A: Now what ?", "Person B: Just click on one of the choices they give you , and that ' s it ." ]
[ "Person A: I need to use the ATM .", "Person B: What ' s stopping you ?", "Person A: I ' m not sure how .", "Person B: I don ' t understand .", "Person A: I ' Ve never used one before .", "Person B: I can help you figure it out .", "Person A: What do I have to do ?", "Person B: Slide your card into the machine .", "Person A: Then what ?", "Person B: You need to type your PIN in .", "Person A: What do I have to do next ?", "Person B: Click on whichever option you want , and you ' re done ." ]
[ "Person A: Can I help you with something ?", "Person B: I need to cancel one of my accounts .", "Person A: Is there a problem with it ?", "Person B: I don ' t need it anymore .", "Person A: What would you like to do with all the money in this account ?", "Person B: Just transfer it over to my remaining account .", "Person A: I can do that .", "Person B: That would be great .", "Person A: Do you want to take any money out ?", "Person B: Not today .", "Person A: It ' s going to take a moment for me to cancel your account .", "Person B: That ' s fine . Take your time ." ]
[ "Person A: What can I do for you ?", "Person B: I would like to cancel one of my accounts .", "Person A: Is there a problem with your account ?", "Person B: I only need one .", "Person A: What about all your money in that account ?", "Person B: Could you please transfer that money to my remaining account ?", "Person A: That ' s fine .", "Person B: I appreciate it .", "Person A: Would you like to make a withdrawal ?", "Person B: That ' s all for today .", "Person A: I ' ll just cancel your account right now .", "Person B: I greatly appreciate your help ." ]
[ "Person A: I would like to open an account please .", "Person B: Do you have any form of ID ?", "Person A: I have my Tennis Club card . Is that good enough ?", "Person B: I ' m afraid not . It has to be a passport or a valid driver ' s license .", "Person A: Oh ... wait a minute ... here ' s my driver ' s license .", "Person B: OK , just fill in this application . You can sit over there . This brochure explains our services . We have free checking , and you will be given a debit card and on ATM card . There is no service", "Person A: OK , I ' ll fill out the form and come right back ." ]
[ "Person A: Which services offered by your band do you use most ?", "Person B: I use several services . Of course , I deposit and withdraw money quite often . I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account . I use my bank to exchange money form once currency t", "Person A: Do you ever ask you bank for traveller's cheques ? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around .", "Person B: I sometimes use traveller's cheques , but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash .", "Person A: Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills ? I use direct debit .", "Person B: Yes , I do . It saves me a lot of time . I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines .", "Person A: That ' s good idea . You don ' t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that . I suppose you have a mortgage too .", "Person B: Yes . My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgage . There ' s a lot of competition between banks nowadays . Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others .", "Person A: I have a deposit account with my bank . There are some restrictions on withdrawing money , but the interest rate is much higher .", "Person B: I don ' t have one . I prefer to buy shares . My bank also provides a share trading service . It ' s cheap and easy to use .", "Person A: That ' s great . But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain ." ]
[ "Person A: I ' Ve just taken out an insurance policy . Are you insured ?", "Person B: Yes , I am . I have life insurance and my home and its contents are also insured .", "Person A: I took out a life insurance policy and made my wife the beneficiary .", "Person B: That ' a good idea . You are a fireman and it can be dangerous job .", "Person A: I need to make sure that my wife will be financially secure if I die .", "Person B: I can terminate my life insurance policy when I retire and use the money as a pension .", "Person A: That ' s one of the conditions of my police too . It covers you if you die before you retire and when you retire .", "Person B: Did you have to take a medical before you could take out the police ?", "Person A: Yes , I did . It was one of the conditions of the insurance police . The insurance companies need to assess the risk" ]
[ "Person A: So , Jimmy , how does it feel to have your own money ?", "Person B: It ' s great , dad . I don ' t mind delivering papers , but the real fun is collecting the money .", "Person A: Even though you are only twelve , it ' s not too early to start saving a little money .", "Person B: I ' Ve never had a bank account before . Why don ' t I just keep my money under the matters like grandpa does ?", "Person A: You know you would spend it . And also , money in the bank earns interest .", "Person B: But what if I need my money suddenly ?", "Person A: The bank will give you a PIN , and you can withdraw money from any ATM .", "Person B: Great ! So it ' s almost the same as keeping it under the matters !", "Person A: Not quite . You have to maintain a minimum balance of twenty dollars . And sometimes the bank has service charges . But you don ' t have to worry about that yet . Let ' s go make your first depot", "Person B: OK . Guess I have to do that before . I can make money my first withdrawal ." ]
[ "Person A: I would like to exchange Chinese money into German currency please .", "Person B: Certainly . How much will you be exchanging today ?", "Person A: How about 50,000 RIB . Would that be a problem ?", "Person B: That ' s a hefty amount . But that should have no problem at all . You should be aware that there is a ten-percent service charge , though .", "Person A: Ten percent ! Now that ' s hefty !", "Person B: Wait a minute ... do you have an account with us ?", "Person A: Yes I do; here is my account number .", "Person B: For members , there is a small transaction charge , but it ' s only 5 dollars per transaction . Any particular denomination ?", "Person A: 3,000 marks in hundreds and the rest in tens and twenty ' s , please .", "Person B: Here you are Mr . Lee . Will there be anything else ?" ]
[ "Person A: I would like to withdraw my money and close my account please .", "Person B: May I see your passbook .", "Person A: Here you are .", "Person B: This is a sizable sum . Is there any reason you are closing your account with us Mr . Lee ?", "Person A: I will be leaving the city soon so I have no need for this account .", "Person B: I see . Well for this amount I will have to get my manager ' s approval .", "Person A: No problem . I ' ll wait over there .", "Person B: Thank you . This should only be a few minutes . If you would like , there is coffee by those sofas over there .", "Person A: No , thanks . Coffee makes me wired and I will be nervous enough carrying all that cash ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , miss .", "Person B: Good morning , sir .", "Person A: Could you tell me please where can I find a currents exchange ?", "Person B: Right here , how can i help you today , sir ?", "Person A: I'd like to exchange 5000 Singapore dollars into the US dollars please .", "Person B: Do you have an account this bank , sir ?", "Person A: Yes , here is my account number .", "Person B: May i please see ID ?", "Person A: Sure , here is my passport , by the way what is the rate today ?", "Person B: Today's rate is 2.57 Singapore dollars for 1 US dollar , here is your money , sir.Please count it and sign your name here .", "Person A: Yes , it is the credit demand.Where can I cash travellers ' cheques ?", "Person B: You can cash them here , how much do you want to cash ?", "Person A: 900 dollars .", "Person B: How would you like it ?", "Person A: I need 8 hundreds and the rest in 10s please ?", "Person B: Ok , here you are .", "Person A: Thank you , have a nice day .", "Person B: Thank you , have a good day ." ]
[ "Person A: Hey honey , how was your day ?", "Person B: It was alright . I ran into Bill and we got to talking for a while.He ' s in a bit of a jam .", "Person A: Why ? What happened ?", "Person B: Well , his son had an accident and Bill doesn ' t have health insurance . This really got me thinking , and I wondered if we shouldn ' t look into a couple of different HMO ' s .", "Person A: Yeah , you ' re right . We aren ' t getting any younger and our kids are getting older .", "Person B: Exactly ! I searched on the web and found a couple of HMO ' s with low co-pays and good coverage . The deductibles are low , too .", "Person A: Sounds good , although , do you think we can qualify for insurance ? Those insurance companies are real pirates when it comes to money .", "Person B: Well , we don ' t have any pre-existing illnesses or conditions , so we should be fine .", "Person A: I wish our company or country provided us with healthcare .", "Person B: Not in a million years !" ]
[ "Person A: Hey , John ! I haven ' t seen you in ages ! What ' s new ? What have you been up to ?", "Person B: Pete ! Nice to see you Well , on top the norm , you know , wife and kids and work , I ' Ve actually gotten into doing some trading .", "Person A: Trading ? You , big guy ? What are you trading ?", "Person B: Currencies .", "Person A: Currencies ? As in Euros , Dollars , Pounds and Rupees ?", "Person B: It ' s called Forex . Foreign Exchange . The great thing about it is that I don ' t have to invest a huge amount . I put in a margin deposit and then I can buy and sell up to 100 times that much !", "Person A: I don ' t understand . You ' re buying and selling money ?", "Person B: You got it ! Just last night I made USD 150 !", "Person A: Last night ?", "Person B: Yeah ! It ' s a 24 hour market ! I had bought some RIB earlier at a low asking price but last night it appreciated drastically so I made a split second decision and sold all my RIB at an amazing bid ! I '", "Person A: You ' re kidding ! I ' m on ! Where do I sign up ?" ]
[ "Person A: Sorry to bother you sir , but I have some bad news .", "Person B: What is it ?", "Person A: Well , the stock market just took a huge plunge and we ' Ve lost a lot of money !", "Person B: What do you mean ? What happened ?", "Person A: There are many factors that weigh in , but NASDAQ is down 200 points , the DOW JONES indicator also suffered ! Our portfolio is worth half of what it was worth points week ago .", "Person B: How is this possible ? You are supposed to be talking to our stockbrokers and making sure that our securities and investments are safe and making a profitable return !", "Person A: I know sir ! We didn ' t expect a bull market to become a bear market all of a sudden . On the other hand , you still have some high yield trash bonds and government bonds that will give us enough liquidity to cut our loses and reinvest in emerging markets . We could potentially make this tragedy work for us and make us think outside the box .", "Person B: Do what you have to do ! One other thing , don ' t tell the rest of the stockholders about this . If they find out , it ' s the end of this company !" ]
[ "Person A: are you ready to go to the bank ?", "Person B: sure , what do you need to do there ?", "Person A: there ' s problem with my bank statement . There ' s a mistake on it . I also need to withdraw some money form the ATM .", "Person B: I have to exchange some money .", "Person A: that ' s right . You ' re going away next week .", "Person B: I also want to see if my salary has been paid into my bank account . There was a problem last week .", "Person A: I have to pay my credit bill too . If I don ' t pay it soon , the credit card company will charge me interest .", "Person B: their interest rates are usually quite high . It ' s a good idea to pay off your credit card debts before they attract interest ." ]
[ "Person A: Well , that was an interesting documentary !", "Person B: For sure ! I didn ' t really understand some of the technical jargon they used in the film when they talked about social security in the US .", "Person A: Like what ?", "Person B: Well , they mentioned how people put away money in something called a 401K ?", "Person A: Yeah , I know it sounds weird , but a 401k is a type of retirement plan that allows employees to save and invest for their own retirement . Through a you can authorize your employer to deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck and invest it in the plan . Everyone tries to contribute as much as possible so that when you retire , you can rest peacefully on your nest egg .", "Person B: That ' s interesting and logical I guess . In my country , we also have to contribute to a government-run retirement fund , but most people don ' t really trust it so they just invest in properties or things like that .", "Person A: That seems a bit unstable don ' t you think ?", "Person B: Yeah , but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust among banks and financial institutions , so now people prefer to have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank .", "Person A: I ' Ve been thinking of doing that lately ! I don ' t want some banker to run off with my money !" ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , welcome to Bank of the USA . How may I help you today ?", "Person B: Hi , I need to transfer some money to another account . It ' s urgent .", "Person A: Okay , have you made a wire transfer at our bank before ?", "Person B: No . I ' Ve never made a transfer before .", "Person A: It ' s alright , I will take you through the procedure . Are you transferring funds to a company or an individual account ?", "Person B: A company account . I need to pay a bill .", "Person A: Okay , I ' ll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank ' s address and phone number .", "Person B: I have all the information in this folder .", "Person A: Well . You ' Ve come prepared.You have all the necessary materials so we can go ahead and make the transfer right now . It ' s a simple transaction , and we can process it today .", "Person B: Oh , that ' s such a relief . I didn ' t want the payment to be overdue . Thank you so much .", "Person A: It ' s my pleasure ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , Sir , may I help you ?", "Person B: Yes . I would like some information for requesting a loan .", "Person A: Very well , here are the general terms of our loan policies . We pride ourselves in having the lowest interest rate in the country for personal loans .", "Person B: I see . So let me get this straight . If I borrow let ' s say , ten thousand dollars , how much will I have to pay each month ?", "Person A: It depends on how long you take to pay it back . If we lend you ten thousand dollars at an annual interest rate of ten percent for forty eight months , you would have to pay each month a portion of the loan which is called the principal and another small portion of the annual interest rate . This of course is considering that you don ' t default on a payment !", "Person B: It sounds good but , there is just one problem . I have a terrible credit score .", "Person A: That is a very serious problem you see , the bank must assess your personal information , past loans , assets and any other relevant information such as your credit score in order to approve your loan .", "Person B: You know what ? I don ' t really need the money . Thanks anyways !" ]
[ "Person A: Stupid girl , making me spend so much money , now I have to get it from the ATM ...", "Person B: Hello , welcome to Universal Bank . Please insert your card into the slot .", "Person A: I know where to put my card ! Stupid machine , talking to me like I ' m an idiot ...", "Person B: Please input your 6 digit PIN code followed by the pound key . Thank you . Please select an option.Thank you . You have selected withdrawal .", "Person A: Yeah , yeah , I know what I selected . Just give me my money !", "Person B: Please type the amount you would like to withdraw.Thank you , you want to transfer 10000 USD to the World Wildlife Foundation . If this is correct please press 1 .", "Person A: No , no ! Stupid machine , what are you doing ! No !", "Person B: Confirmed . Thank you for using our bank ! Please remove your card from the slot . Goodbye !" ]
[ "Person A: I love your little Lulu dolls.How much for a batch of 6,000 ?", "Person B: For a batch of 6,000 we would charge two dollars a doll . your total cost would be $ 12,000 .", "Person A: That ' s a little steep for our company.Do you offer any discounts ?", "Person B: Well , we ' d like to work with you . If you ordered a larger quantity we could drop the price a little . Can you increase your order to 15,000 ?", "Person A: Hmmm.It wouldn ' t be easy , but if the discount makes it worthwhile , we can consider it.How much of a discount would that give us ?", "Person B: For order of 12,000 or more we charge only $ 1.5 a doll . your total cost would be $ 18,000 .", "Person A: So , for an additional 6,000 dollars , we get twice as many dolls ? That still might be a little hard.Couldn ' t you discount it further ? We ' Ve been pricing other suppliers , and this discount might", "Person B: We do value your business . I think I can offer a further discount – say 5 % ?", "Person A: I think we can handle that . Let me confirm with my boss and touch base with you again tomorrow ." ]
[ "Person A: What separates your product from the competition ?", "Person B: Our product features inventory tracking software , which continuously updates and tracks your inventory on a real-time basis .", "Person A: Is the software user-friendly ?", "Person B: Yes it is very easy to use and each system installation comes with a 3 - day employee training seminar .", "Person A: Is this training part of the package or will it cost extra ?", "Person B: Our quoted price includes the software system , installation , 3 day training seminar and ongoing troubleshooting.There are no hidden costs ." ]
[ "Person A: What are your terms of payment ?", "Person B: Our terms are net 30 .", "Person A: What if we purchase an increased quantity ? Can you give us better terms ?", "Person B: You would have to order in excess of 10,000 units to be eligible .", "Person A: We do not have the space in our warehouse to store over 5,000 units .", "Person B: An option we can offer is two separate shipments.We will house the inventory until you are ready for us to ship it to you ." ]
[ "Person A: Is this the Law Firm of A & B ?", "Person B: Yes , can I help you ?", "Person A: I need to speak to an attorney regarding filing corporate govemance .", "Person B: You would need to speak to Ms.Stevens .", "Person A: Is she available ?", "Person B: One moment , please , and I will connect your call ." ]
[ "Person A: I ' m so frustrated !", "Person B: what ' s wrong , Jim ?", "Person A: I called the electronics shop to find out what time they close , and it took me twenty minutes to get what I wanted !", "Person B: Twenty minutes just to find out what their business hours are ?", "Person A: yes.They have some sort of digital receptionist.So when I called in , a machine told me to push a button for the department I wanted to be transferred to .", "Person B: Oh , I hate getting voicemail instead of a person.What did you do ?", "Person A: I just kept pushing buttons . I was transferred to customer service , but there a machine told me to choose between technical help , warranty information , or price information .", "Person B: Couldn ' d you choose to be transferred to a real person ?", "Person A: Eventually I did get to a real person . I found out the closing time , but by then the store had already closed !" ]
[ "Person A: Lately I've felt that company morale is at an all-time low what can your firm do to help get my business back on track ?", "Person B: You definitely made the right move by calling . Our primary business is creating , conducting and customizing fully interactive human resources workshops for companies just like yours .", "Person A: It seems that my employees are having trouble working as a team . Not to mention serious lapses in service , sales and leadership skills .", "Person B: Well as we know nothing comes out of a can . We have years of experience tailoring workshops to the specific needs of your company . We can hone in on your problem areas and have your employe", "Person A: What a relief ! I was beginning to think it was no way to get my business rolling again .", "Person B: That's what we're here for , the human resources help you need , when and how you need it ." ]
[ "Person A: I understand we will need seven air conditioning units on the two floors.That ' s what you think , yes ?", "Person B: Yes . You could use five or six units.But five or six wouldn't be very efficient . I recommend seven .", "Person A: And if we take the Decker units you suggested , what would the price be ?", "Person B: Let me calculate the price for you . I can give you a 15 % discount if you buy the seven units.Let ' s see here . Your total would be 5929 dollars .", "Person A: Isn't there any way we can get central air conditioning in this building ?", "Person B: As I said , it is possible , but it would be much more expensive . I think it would be at least 12000 dollars to do a complete system .", "Person A: That's too much . We need to use the separate units , I guess .", "Person B: It's more practical , and the new units really are very quiet.Your customers won't even notice them .", "Person A: So you say we can do it for 6000 dollars .", "Person B: Yes , that's for the units.Installation would probably be another 700 to 1000 dollars.But it depends on the time spent , of course .", "Person A: You mean installation isn't included ? I'm very surprised .", "Person B: No , Ma'am . Installation isn't included.The price I quoted was just for the units .", "Person A: In Taipei , you know , the company usually installs the things they sell.They don't charge extra .", "Person B: I know that , Ma'am . But they would just raise the price of the units to cover their costs.Here in L . A . , installation is charged separately .", "Person A: Yes , I suppose I should get used to it.But I'm not really willing to spend more than 6000 dollars for this.We haven't even opened yet .", "Person B: I understand , Ma'am .", "Person A: And the other company that gave me a quote on this said they could do it for 4000 dollars .", "Person B: It's a question of quality , Ma'am . At that price , you would not get good equipment . I've been in this business for almost twenty years . I know what happens.If you don't get quality air conditioning now , you will just have to replace the system after two years .", "Person A: I will tell you what I can agree to.If you can quote me a price of 6000 dollars , installation included , I can accept .", "Person B: Well .", "Person A: You do seem like a better company than the other one.So I am willing to pay more than 4000 for you . But I won't pay more than 6000 .", "Person B: Well , we don't usually do it , but ... I believe we can accommodate you on this.We will do the installation for free . Because we appreciate your business .", "Person A: Good . I hope we can arrange the contract as soon as possible ." ]
[ "Person A: I ' d like to open a savings account . Can you tell me how to do it ?", "Person B: Ok , you have to fill out the form . And I let me see three identification cards or documents .", "Person A: I have the driver ' s license , a membership card and my passport . Would we do ?", "Person B: Let me see them . Yes . There ' re ok .", "Person A: What ‘ s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account ?", "Person B: You can deposit and ensure amount of ten dollars .", "Person A: Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: You won't believe what just happened .", "Person B: What ?", "Person A: I went down to change some money , right ?", "Person B: Yes . We need some . How much did you change ?", "Person A: I wanted to change around 5000 dollars . And you know the exchange rate .", "Person B: Yes , it's about 35 pesos for every Taiwan dollar , right ?", "Person A: Not today .", "Person B: What do you mean ?", "Person A: I went into the bank with my money , and I looked at the exchange board.At first I couldn't believe it . I thought I was reading the board wrong or something .", "Person B: Why ?", "Person A: Because the board said 60 pesos for every Taiwan dollar .", "Person B: Sixty ? That's too much . How can that be ?", "Person A: I thought it was wrong too . It didn't make sense .", "Person B: Just two days ago it was 35 . How can it be 60 ?", "Person A: So , I went up to the teller and started to exchange the money . And it's true.They really gave me sixty pesos for the dollar .", "Person B: That's amazing ! Really ? How could it change so much in two days ?" ]
[ "Person A: I ' d like to withdraw some money from my account .", "Person B: Can I see your passbook and with your draft please ?", "Person A: Sure ?", "Person B: Let me just make sure . You want to withdraw one thousand dollars .", "Person A: That ' s right ." ]
[ "Person A: Welcome to the company . We are conducting a survey of new employees to find out what influenced them to choose our company .", "Person B: That's easy . It was your office ergonomics that decided me .", "Person A: You're kidding ! Something as simple as that ?", "Person B: Yes . It is very important to me . My mother worked in offices for twenty years , and she finally had carpal tunnel syndrome . I have been reading about repetitive stress injuries , and I know that t", "Person A: Yes , there has been a lot of research into RSI's . Something so simple as proper chair height can prevent injuries . Tell me , did anything else influence your decision ?", "Person B: Yes , I noticed that you have professional training and team-building days . I like the idea of working for a company that invests in its staff .", "Person A: Well , welcome to the team ." ]