[ "Person A: Put on the helmet , please .", "Person B: Do we need to put on the jackets too ?", "Person A: You ' d better , to protect your clothes . Now please watch your step .", "Person B: Thank you . Is the production line fully automated ?", "Person A: Well , not fully automated .", "Person B: I see . How do you control the quality ?", "Person A: All products have to go through five checks in the whole manufacturing process .", "Person B: What ' s the monthly output ?", "Person A: One thousand units per month now . But we ' ll be making 1,200 units beginning with October .", "Person B: What ' s your usual percentage of rejects ?", "Person A: About 2 % in normal operations .", "Person B: That ' s wonderful . Is that where the finished products come off ?", "Person A: Yes . Shall we take a break now ?" ]
[ "Person A: How large is the plant ?", "Person B: It covers an area of 75,000 square meters .", "Person A: It ' s much larger than I expected . When was the plant set up ?", "Person B: In the early 70s . We ' ll soon be celebrating the 30th anniversary .", "Person A: Congratulations !", "Person B: Thank you .", "Person A: How many employees do you have in this plant ?", "Person B: 500 . We ' re running on three shifts .", "Person A: Does the plant work with everything from the raw material to the finished product ?", "Person B: Our associates specializing in these fields make some access - ries . Well , here we ' re at the production shop . Shall we start with the assembly line ?", "Person A: That ' s fine ." ]
[ "Person A: It was very kind of you to give me a tour of the place . It gave me a good idea of your product range .", "Person B: It ' s a pleasure to show our factory to our customers . What ' s your general impression , may I ask ?", "Person A: Very impressive , indeed , especially the speed of your NW Model .", "Person B: That ' s our latest development . A product with high performance . We put it on the market just two months ago .", "Person A: The machine gives you an edge over your competitors , I guess .", "Person B: Certainly . No one can match us as far as speed is concerned .", "Person A: Could you give me some brochures for that machine ? And the price if possible .", "Person B: Right . Here is our sales catalog and literature .", "Person A: Thank you . I think we may be able to work together in the future ." ]
[ "Person A: I'm pleased to meet you again , Mrs . King .", "Person B: Pleased to see you , too , Mr . Brown .", "Person A: You've had a good trip , I hope .", "Person B: Yes , a very pleasant journey , thank you .", "Person A: It's been a full two years since we last saw each other .", "Person B: So it is , I've come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another 2 years .", "Person A: We shall be pleased to talk the matter over with you . You've done very well in fulfilling the agreement .", "Person B: I'm glad you're satisfied with our work . I can assure you we've spared no effort and spent quite a sum of money in pushing the sales of your products .", "Person A: Yes , we appreciate your efforts in pushing the sales of our pianos . We can see you are experienced in this particular line .", "Person B: Thank you .", "Person A: But I think the annual sale of 300 pianos for a sole distributorship in Canada is rather conservative . After all , you sold around 400 pieces there last year . You can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end .", "Person B: That is the result of our hard work . Well , what annual quantity would you suggest for the new agreement then ?", "Person A: 500 pieces .", "Person B: No , no . That's too big a number to be acceptable . Let's put it at 450 pieces . And we'll strive to sell more , of course . We wish to add another clause . For every 50 pieces sold in excess of the quota , we'll get 1 % more in commission for our efforts .", "Person A: All right , let's fix it at 450 pieces then . And for every additional 50 pianos sold , we'll give you 1 % higher commission .", "Person B: I suppose all the other terms remain unchanged .", "Person A: We would like to make a specific mention of one more point . As our sole distributor , you will neither handle the same or similar products of other origins nor re-export our goods to any other area outside your own .", "Person B: No , certainly not . That's a reasonable restriction .", "Person A: Another thing is that every six months we would like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and the users comments on our products .", "Person B: Yes , we've already prepared one . I've brought it with me . I'll put it forward when we talk with the manufacturers tomorrow .", "Person A: Good , that's all then .", "Person B: Good ." ]
[ "Person A: I think you know already that I want to discuss the represent - ton for your alarm clocks .", "Person B: Yes , Mr . Bergeron . You mentioned that in your letter . To tell you the truth , your proposal surprised us .", "Person A: Is that so ? Anyhow I want to go over the details with you in person , so you can give my suggestion thorough consideration . Our firm specializes in this line of business . We have six sales representatives , who are on the road all the time , covering the whole of the European market .", "Person B: Do you sell direct to shops ?", "Person A: Yes , we specialize in handling clocks and watches of all sorts . We have well established channels of distribution and we canvass the retailers direct , without any middlemen .", "Person B: Do you keep a stock of these things ?", "Person A: In some cases , such as the wristwatches , which always have a steady market , we keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents . Generally , however , we pass on the orders of our clients to the manufacturers for supply . We are paid for our service , of course .", "Person B: That is , your commission .", "Person A: Yes , our commission is very reasonable . We usually get a 10 % commission of the amount on every deal .", "Person B: Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5 % commission .", "Person A: The European market is not familiar with your products . You have competitors from Japan and other continental countries . At the beginning of our campaign , there is sales resistance to overcome , we must send out salesmen to do a lot of traveling and spend a considerable amount of money on advertising in news - papers and TV programs . A 10 % commission will not leave us much .", "Person B: According to your estimate , what is the maximum annual turn - over you can fulfill , in round figures , of course ?", "Person A: We will always do our utmost to enlarge the business , as our remuneration increases with the turnover , but we will not guar - ante anything , at least not to begin with .", "Person B: We appreciate very much your intention to push the sale of our products . But our suggestion to you , Mr . Bergeron , as a preliminary step , is to do a little research into the market ...", "Person A: Do you mean to say you refuse us the agency ?", "Person B: Mr . Bergeron , you leave us no alternative . We can not give you an exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover . Besides our price is worked out according to the costing . A 10 % commission means an increase in our price . We must have the reaction of the buyers in this respect .", "Person A: Oh , that's just too bad . I intended to make great efforts in selling your products .", "Person B: Well , we can still carry on our business relationship without the agreement . To start the ball rolling , we will provide you with price lists , catalogues and some samples . Only when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products , can we then discuss further details .", "Person A: Ah , Mrs . Miller , but in this case am I covered ?", "Person B: Oh , yes . We will give you a 5 % commission on every transaction .", "Person A: All right , but I'll be back again for the Autumn Fair . And then I hope we can see eye to eye about our commission and the terms of the agency .", "Person B: Very good . We will discuss the matter again at the next Fair ." ]
[ "Person A: This is our rock - bottom price , Mr . Li . We can't make any further concessions .", "Person B: If that's the case , there's not much point in further discussion . We might as well call the whole deal off .", "Person A: What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price . The gap is too great .", "Person B: I think it unwise for either of us to insist on his own price . How about meeting each other half way so that business can be concluded ?", "Person A: What is your proposal ?", "Person B: Your unit price is 100 dollars higher than we can accept . When I suggested we meet each other half way , I meant it literally .", "Person A: Do you mean to suggest that we have to make a further reduction of 50 dollars in our price ? That's impossible .", "Person B: What would you suggest ?", "Person A: The best we can do will be a reduction of another 30 dollars . That'll definitely be rock bottom .", "Person B: That still leaves a gap of 20 dollars to be covered . Let's meet each other half way once more , then the gap will be closed and our business completed .", "Person A: You certainly have a way of talking me into it . All right , let's meet half way again .", "Person B: I'm glad we've come to an agreement on price . We'll go on to the other terms and conditions at our next meeting .", "Person A: Yes , there's one other point I wish to clear up .", "Person B: What is it ?", "Person A: My friends in business circles all seem to be of the opinion that the U . S . import and export corporations have become more flexible in doing business recently .", "Person B: Yes , they're right . In fact , we have either restored or adopted international practices in our foreign trade .", "Person A: I'm glad to hear that . With a view to expanding and further enhancing the bilateral relations between our two parties , and in particular , exchanging timely views on specific problems in the execution and enforcement of contracts , is it possible for us to have a representative that could stay permanently in Washing - ton D . C . ?", "Person B: Basically speaking , yes , we welcome the establishment of repry - tentative offices by foreign companies in Washington D . C . Of course , there are more details to be attended to . We cannot settle it in a few words .", "Person A: Yes , of course . I'll call my home office tonight and let them know about it . When do we meet again ?", "Person B: How about tomorrow morning at 9 ?", "Person A: Good . I'll come back tomorrow , and we can then discuss it more specifically ." ]
[ "Person A: First of all , I would like to thank you for your kind invitation to visit your beautiful country . I hope my visit will help to promote a friendly relationship between us .", "Person B: We've been looking forward to your visit . It is a great pleasure for us to have you as our guest . It is always more convenient to discuss things face to face .", "Person A: I would like to tell you that my clients are very satisfied with the last delivery of your slippers . The styles and colors are very much to the taste of our market .", "Person B: We've received some similar comments from other Australian firms too .", "Person A: I understand you are selling the same products to some other Australian importers . This tends to complicate my business . As you know , I am experienced in the business of slippers and enjoy a good business relationship with all the leading whole - sabers and retailers in that line . I have a mind to expand this business in the years to come . One of the reasons of my visit here is to sign a sole agency agreement with you on these items for a period of 3 years . As it is to our mutual interests and profit , I am sure you'll have no objection to it .", "Person B: We appreciate your good intention and your effort in pushing the sale of our slippers . As you know , the demand for this item in your market is quite substantial . However , according to our records , the total amount of your order last year was moderate , which does not warrant an agency appointment . Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly appoint you our sole agent .", "Person A: I'll come to that . My proposal is", "Person B: As far as I remember , we sold about 40,000 pairs last year to you alone . Don't you think this annual turnover is rather conserve - time for a sole agent ?", "Person A: Well , I admit I always do business on the safe side . Could you let me have your proposal then ?", "Person B: Let's put it this way . I propose a sole agency agreement for Ladies and gents plastic slippers ( excluding children's ) for a duration of 3 years ; 60,000 pairs to be sold in the first year , 70,000 pairs in the second year , and 80,000 pairs in the third year , the area is to be within the continent of Australia ( excluding any neighboring island ) , commission 5 % .", "Person A: You certainly drive a hard bargain , Mrs . Brown .", "Person B: On the contrary , Mr . London , we value your friendship more than anything else . We both understand our slippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and compete - time price . And with the sole agency in your hand , there will be no competition and you can easily control the market , which would naturally result in bigger sales . I'm sure you can fulfill the agreement without much difficulty .", "Person A: Well , if you put it this way , I'll have to comply . When shall we sign the contract , Mrs . Brown ?", "Person B: Tomorrow afternoon .", "Person A: Tomorrow afternoon will be fine ." ]
[ "Person A: How much do you pay wholesale for your products ?", "Person B: We have a few different wholesale vendors , so our cost varies a bit over the fiscal year . But the difference is miniscule , a fluctuation of about 0.2 % .", "Person A: That must impact your bottom line at least a little bit , doesn't it ? After all , your sticker price is pretty much set in stone . How much do they go for retail ?", "Person B: Retail price is 29.95 per unit . We take into consideration changes in supply cost when figuring this price .", "Person A: Is that including tax ?", "Person B: No , that's the price before tax . The tax rate is varies from different marketing areas , so it is difficult for us to figure in .", "Person A: How much is your profit margin then ?", "Person B: Our profit margin is in the neighborhood of 20 % ." ]
[ "Person A: I have here our price sheet on a F . O . B . basis . The prices are given without engagement .", "Person B: Good , if you ' ll excuse me , I ' ll go over the sheet right now .", "Person A: Take your time .", "Person B: I can tell you at a glance that your prices are much too high .", "Person A: I ' m surprised to hear you say so . You know that the cost of pro - duction has been skyrocketing in recent years .", "Person B: We only ask that your prices be comparable to others . That ' s reasonable , isn ' t it ?", "Person A: Well , to get the business done , we can consider making some concessions in our price . But first , you ' ll have to give me an idea of the quantity you wish to order from us , so that we may adjust our prices accordingly .", "Person B: The size of our order depends greatly on the prices . Let ' s settle that matter first .", "Person A: Well , as I ' Ve said , if your order is large enough , we ' re ready to reduce our prices by 2 percent .", "Person B: When I say your prices are much too high , I don ' t mean they are higher merely by 2 or 3 percent .", "Person A: How much do you mean then ? Can you give me a rough idea ?", "Person B: To have this business concluded , I should say a reduction of least 10 percent would help .", "Person A: Impossible . How can you expect us to make a reduction to that extent ?", "Person B: I think you are as well - informed as I am about the market for chemical fertilizers . It ' s unnecessary for me to point out that sup - ply exceeds demand at present and that this situation is apt to continue for a long time yet . May I suggest that you call your home office and see what they have to say ?", "Person A: Very well , I will ." ]
[ "Person A: Mrs . Wang , would you give us an idea of the price you regard as workable ?", "Person B: As I said before , your price is so high that we find it difficult to make a bid . We hope you will take the initiative and bridge the gap .", "Person A: Just to comply , we're ready to reduce the price by 5 percent . I hope this concession of ours will get the ball rolling .", "Person B: So do we . Certainly it's a step forward on your side . But the gap is still too wide .", "Person A: The ball is in your court , Mrs.Wang . What price would you suggest ?", "Person B: To make your offer workable , I think you should take another step down as big as the one you've just taken .", "Person A: That won't do . You see , our profit margin is very narrow . It simply can't stand such a big cut .", "Person B: I hate to disappoint you , Mr . Brown , but if that's the case , we have no alternative but to cover our requirements elsewhere . Do think it over , please . We sincerely hope our discussion will come to a successful conclusion .", "Person A: Well , I'm not authorized to agree to such a big reduction . Would you mind waiting a day or two , until I get a reply from the home office ?", "Person B: Not at all . Shall we meet again , say , on Friday morning ?", "Person A: Good . Friday morning at 9 ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , I would like to exchange some money .", "Person A: what currency would you like to trade in ?", "Person B: I would like to exchange Chinese RIB for American dollars . Do you accept $ 100 bills ?", "Person A: No problem , we can accept any denomination . How much would you like to exchange today ?", "Person B: Well , that depends on the rate . How much is the RIB trading at today ?", "Person A: It's a shame you didn't come a little earlier , the exchange rate was reset yesterday afternoon . The American dollar is now worth 7.45RMB.If you would like to sell RIB , we can give you a rate of 7.35.Will that be all right ?", "Person B: I guess , here , give me 5,000 RIB worth . I might as well exchange a little extra . Who knows what the exchange rate will be tomorrow !" ]
[ "Person A: So how did I do ?", "Person B: Not too good , I'm sorry .", "Person A: I lost ?", "Person B: It was close.To be honest , you had the lowest price by three cents per hint , but they didn't like your delivery date.Acme promised them almost a full month sooner .", "Person A: So the price was good ?", "Person B: Yes , they loved the price , the delivery date was the problem . They just didn't want to cut the delivery date that close.If something went wrong and you didn't deliver , we might not be able to get stock in time for Christmas.If you could have been two or three weeks faster on delivery , they might have gone with you .", "Person A: So I didn't miss by much then .", "Person B: No.It was very close and they argued over the bid for a long time . Better luck next time .", "Person A: I knew the delivery was slow but I figured the price would win it for me .", "Person B: That's possible , Bill.But the price would have to have been a lot lower , like around fifty cents per unit ." ]
[ "Person A: How much will our order from your factory be ?", "Person B: I'll be happy to get back to you with an estimate in the next few days .", "Person A: I'm afraid I can't wait that long . Can your office at least provide me with a ballpark figure ?", "Person B: Well , I would need an idea of how large your order would be . About how many units would you need ?", "Person A: Just give me an estimated figure for an order of 100 units .", "Person B: Please give me a few minute to calculate ... Our asking price should be about $ 100 per unit with an order of 100 . Is that price acceptable to you ?", "Person A: Your estimated is seems a little high to me , we're willing to pay $ 80 per unit .", "Person B: Would an order of only 100 units , it'll be difficult to work within that kind of budget . Maybe if you were ordering 500 units or more units , we might be able to work something out ." ]
[ "Person A: Is there any way you can cut us a better deal on your wholesale price for this order ?", "Person B: We did the best that we could to give you a low price . Did you get our recent estimate ?", "Person A: Based on the estimate you gave us , by the time we figure in transportation and other expenses , our profit is short.With the offer you've given me , we're making next to nothing.Can ' t you do any better ?", "Person B: I've already given you a discount of 20 % off of our normally charge . If I go any lower , we'll have loss on this project . I really want to work with you on this . But we've already gone as low as we can go .", "Person A: I'll be honest with you , our budgeted cost can't exceed more than $ 150 per unit.That is our bottom line . If you can meet that price , you've got the deal.Otherwise ...", "Person B: I'll tell you what , I'll go over the number again with our financial team and see what I can do . I can't give you any guarantees . But we can try ." ]
[ "Person A: You got our email with all the specifications for the project . We'll be accepting bids untill noon on Tuesday . If you have any questions between now and then , please let me know .", "Person B: Actually , I did have a question . We'd like to know what you had in mind for the budget on this project . We are hoping to put together a really competitive bid . But at the same time , we'd like to hit your target price , too .", "Person A: I understand . But unfortunately , it is our policy not to disclose our bottom line . You can be assured that price is a weighty consideration when we review the proposals . We also consider other elements , including design and practicality . We also give weight to the reputation of the submitting company .", "Person B: Do you have any price range ? Is there any way you can give me any idea of what direction to go or how high is too high ?", "Person A: We're just looking for a reasonable price according to the specifications in our project blueprint . That's all I can say ." ]
[ "Person A: Donna ! How are you ? It's good to hear your voice .", "Person B: Thank you . Jack , it's always a pleasure doing business with you .", "Person A: So how are things in the land of the free and the home of brave ?", "Person B: Great ! And , how are things in your neck of the woods ?", "Person A: Things are so great here . I almost smiled myself to death last week . One of my coworkers had to give me CPR .", "Person B: Oh.Jack , I have missed your sense of humor.Ha ha ha ! Nobody else sees things quite like you do.It ' s your gift .", "Person A: Or a curse .", "Person B: Nope , it's a gift.Anyway , we need some more of those mid-range speakers you tricked me into buying last time .", "Person A: That , my dear , was classic sales technique delivered by a professional .", "Person B: Are you still gouging your customers the same price per unit ?", "Person A: Heck no , we doubled the price , but because it's you , I'll let you have'em at 50 off .", "Person B: You silver-tongued devil . Can't you ever just answer a question with a simple yes or no ?", "Person A: I could , but where's the fun in that ?" ]
[ "Person A: Hello , come in , I've been waiting for you .", "Person B: Than you , I'm not late , am I ?", "Person A: No , no , no , not at all.It ' s just that I've been looking forward to meeting you .", "Person B: Well , thank you , but it's not all that hard to do , you know . I've been calling your office and sending you proposals for about two years now , and you've never responded before .", "Person A: Ha , ha , ha ! Yes , I guess I deserved that . Let me explain , okay ?", "Person B: Please , I wish you would .", "Person A: Well , as you probably know I buy from a selected group of suppliers and don't , as a rule , deal with new people .", "Person B: Yes , I know that . It's why Ive been trying to become one of those suppliers . I hear you're a good man to do business with .", "Person A: I'm very old-fashioned . I believe in loyalty.Once I start a sales relationship with someone , I stay with him or her , and we so most of our business on the phone . I expect their absolute best price possible and don't haggle.But if I find out they screwed me over , then I find another supplier .", "Person B: That's pretty much what I heard .", "Person A: Well , those are my terms . As long as you honor them , we do business.If you break faith and try to take advantage , I'll find someone else to work with . Can you live with that ?", "Person B: No problem at all , Mike . Just give me the chance ." ]
[ "Person A: Sandrawu Chunk International .", "Person B: Hello , Miss Wu , This is Dan Robson calling from OTC limited . I'd like to check my last order . When exactly was it sent out ?", "Person A: I can check that for you right now . Would you mind holding ?", "Person B: Sure . No problem .", "Person A: Mr . Robson , I'm sorry . Our computer system is down . Could I call you back later ?", "Person B: Sure . Do you have my number ?", "Person A: Yes , I have it right here . I'm so sorry about this .", "Person B: No problem . I'll wait for your call ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , welcome to Bank of the USA . How may I help you today ?", "Person B: Hi , I need to transfer some money to another account . It ' s urgent .", "Person A: Okay , have you made a wire transfer at our bank before ?", "Person B: No . I ' Ve never made a transfer before .", "Person A: It ' s alright , I will take you through the procedure . Are you transferring funds to a company or an individual account ?", "Person B: A company account . I need to pay a bill .", "Person A: Okay , I ' ll need the name of the company and their bank routing number as well as their bank ' s address and phone number .", "Person B: I have all the information in this folder .", "Person A: Well . You ' Ve come prepared . I have all the necessary materials so we can go ahead and make the transfer right now . It ' s a simple transaction , and we can process it today .", "Person B: Oh , that ' s such a relief . I didn ' t want the payment to be overdue . Thank you so much .", "Person A: It ' s my pleasure ." ]
[ "Person A: I ' m glad you could find time to meet with me , Mr . Johnson . I can ' t think of a nicer environment for our meeting today , the ambiance here is lovely !", "Person B: No problem , if possible I always combine business with pleasure . Now , let ' s hear more about these chocolates you ' re offering .", "Person A: Well , as you know , I have recently become the sole distributor for Grangers Gourmet Bon-bons here in the United States . They ' re a new manufacturer and are looking to break into the luxury market . Naturally , your restaurant sprang into my mind immediately . I think your brand exemplifies many of the same traits as Grangers and serving these chocolates would really add to your reputation for providing elegant , luxurious , first class dining .", "Person B: Mmmm , sounds interesting ... gourmet chocolates , where are they produced ? Belgium ?", "Person A: Actually , the factory is located in Scotland .", "Person B: Really ? I didn ' t think they were known for their luxury chocolate production", "Person A: That ' s what makes this such a fantastic opportunity ! The government is one hundred percent supportive of creating new export markets and has guaranteed a low tariff for all wholesale orders of over one thousand units . They ' Ve also reduced the red tape involved at customs as well . Here , I brought these especially for you , try one !", "Person B: Oh , thanks . Mmm , hmm , creamy texture , very smooth ...", "Person A: Unique , aren ' t they ? I bet you ' Ve never tasted anything like it ! Quality is assured as I personally visit the factory to make sure no one ' s cutting corners with the ingredients . Only the creme make it through inspection .", "Person B: Yes , very interesting flavors ... Slightly spicy , very unique , that ' s for sure . Exactly what ARE the ingredients ?", "Person A: I have it on highest authority that this traditional secret recipe has been handed down in the Granger family for generations . I ' m sure you can keep a secret . Buttermilk , cacao beans , sugar and Haggis .", "Person B: Haggis ? What ' s Haggis ?", "Person A: It ' s a traditional Scottish delicacy , you take sheep ' s liver , heart and lung and stuff it inside of the sheep ' s stomach .", "Person B: Ah , get back to you .", "Person A: Mr . Johnson ? Mr . Johnson ?" ]
[ "Person A: We've got a problem ... it looks like we'll need more spotlights on the exhibition booth . The client thinks it's too dark , and they want to add halogen lighting . We've already got 3 sets of track lighting from you guys , do you think you could help us out and throw in some halogens ?", "Person B: Oh ... Um ... I don't think so . you know the halogen lighting is much more expensive than your track lighting system . Plus I'm going to have to call in some guys to install it for you . That's not going to come cheap .", "Person A: But it would only be adding to the existing structure . We're not talking about anything new here ...", "Person B: It doesn't matter because we will still have to call the electrician out , and they are union labor . It'll cost you a pretty penny ...", "Person A: How much do you think it would cost ?", "Person B: Mumm , I estimate it'll run in the neighborhood of ... $ 500 per light .", "Person A: $ 500per light ? ! That's ridiculous ! It can't possibly be that expansive !", "Person B: It is , I'll tell you why . We'll have to call in the electrician , he's going to charge overtime now because it's already 5PM , and it will probably take him an hour a light . Plus , the halogen lights take more electricity , so your electrical cost is going to be higher as well .", "Person A: Can't you give me a break on this ? We've already spent so much money on lighting , I hate to have to blow so much more on halogens .", "Person B: No , that's the cost , and that's what it's going to cost us . We can't go in the hole with this . I am giving you my best price , so take it , or leave it ." ]
[ "Person A: We agree to give you a break on the price , all together a discount of 6 % . Good news is , I talked to my boss , he confirmed that if you take care of the shipping costs , we'll throw in insurance .", "Person B: Great ! I'd love to get a little better discount than 6 % , but if your company provides the insurance , that will save us a few bucks ...", "Person A: Now , all this is available to you , as far as you make payment within a 30 day grace period . That shouldn't be a problem , right ?", "Person B: No ... We shouldn't have any problem with that . I know we talked about a possibility for 90 days , but we won't be needing that after your discounted price .", "Person A: So , if all this is agreeable to you , I'll put it all down on paper and fax a contract to you this afternoon . If you can get a signed version of the contract we've agreed upon back to me by tomorrow morning , we can go ahead and make arrangements to ship the product on Tuesday .", "Person B: Great !" ]
[ "Person A: I really hope to reach an agreement with you today that is suitable and beneficial for us both . I've thought through a lot of these details , and I hope we can have a chance to discuss them and resolve any differences this afternoon .", "Person B: Let's get start . What kinds of things do you have in mind ? If you let us know the requirements you have from the very beginning , we can work through each one until we can come to an agreement .", "Person A: Firstly , we'd like to discuss a discounted price . If you can give us a discount of 7 % on the high volumes orders , we can pay in 60 days .", "Person B: Huh ... I think 7 % is little high that might be hard to do . How about this ? We'll give you a discount of 4 % , but you can have 90 days credits .", "Person A: Well , that might be acceptable , if you handle the insurance fees .", "Person B: No , you have to take care of the insurance . But we are willing to pay the half transport . Can you accept that ?", "Person A: We cover the insurance and half the transport fee , and only have a discount of 4 % .", "Person B: But you'll have 90 days to pay your bill and I'll tell you what ... I'll also throw in the discount of 10 % on your up front deposit .", "Person A: Done ..." ]
[ "Person A: Good afternoon Miss , would you be interested in buying more life insurance ? You know , you can never get enough .", "Person B: I think my husband has some .", "Person A: Are you sure he ' s purchased enough insurance for both of you ? If something terrible happened with your husband , and he doesn ' t have sufficient insurance , my company does have a policy that could cover you and your husband if something happened to either of you .", "Person B: That ' s true . If something happened to my husband , I might lose everything . Both of us have to work to keep our home , car , and our children ' s education . I can ' t afford that by myself .", "Person A: Could we sit and look at the policy I mentioned and see if that ' s something suitable for you and your husband ?", "Person B: Certainly ." ]
[ "Person A: That was a beautiful car . It ' s a new car , but it ' s totaled .", "Person B: Well , your insurance covers sufficient money to replace it . So you don ' t need to worry .", "Person A: I don ' t think I could afford that kind of car again . I think I ' ll have to choose something that is not as hard to replace .", "Person B: Since you are not the one who caused the accident , your insurance cost should be the same .", "Person A: What will happen if I chose a smaller car ? Would the payments be the same ?", "Person B: If you got a smaller car , the cost should be a little less depending on the model , age , and size . Would you still want full coverage ?", "Person A: Yes ." ]
[ "Person A: Excuse me may I know the name of your corporation ?", "Person B: China National Textiles Import and Export Corporation", "Person A: We found your samples very attractive.We ' re interested in buying your garments if your prices are reasonable", "Person B: Our products are of good quality.Since the prices of textiles have gone up in the world market we've had to increase them on some items by about ten percent.If you place a large order it is possible for us to cut down the prices by five percent", "Person A: Can I have a reduction of seven percent ?", "Person B: It depends on how much you order", "Person A: Can I use the FAS terms ?", "Person B: I'd rather use the CIF terms.You ' re welcome to come to talk about it in detail with your general manager and sign a contract ." ]
[ "Person A: Do you think I should turn down his offer ?", "Person B: Yes , it's the correct thing to do .", "Person A: But we may not get another partner .", "Person B: Even so , we can't do business with him.he ' s not reliable ." ]
[ "Person A: What happens if we make a deal and thirty to sixty days after delivery the price goes down and you didn't get the best possible price ? How do I handle that ?", "Person B: Well , these things happens , I know that . You just have to stay straight with me .", "Person A: Right ! So how do I do that ? What will make you happy ?", "Person B: Well , I suggest you just keep me posted.That should do it.That way the burden is on me to decide when to buy , not you .", "Person A: Excuse me ?", "Person B: Yeah , it really is that simple.Every time there's a change in the items we do business on , you let me know . That's all you need to do .", "Person A: What kind of change , just in prices ?", "Person B: No , any change . I want you to keep me as informed as you are . I need to know as much as you do . If you hear about something that might happen , then tell me about it.Tell me it's rumor , what it's based on and your opinion on how likely it is .", "Person A: You mean on product availability , reliability and price ?", "Person B: No , everthing.Those things for sure , but also labor problems , raw materials , new subcontractors , mergers , in short , anything and everything.So I can make a fully informed decision .", "Person A: So it's like you want me to be your eyes and ears into the industry . I can do that , provided the company I'm working for isn't hurt .", "Person B: I think we'll get along fine ." ]
[ "Person A: Well , we've settled the question of price , quality and quantity . Now what about the terms of payment ?", "Person B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents .", "Person A: I see . Could you make an exception and accept D / A or D / P ?", "Person B: I'm afraid not . We insist on a letter of credit .", "Person A: To tell you the truth , a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import . When I open a letter of credit with a bank , I have to pay a deposit . That'll tie up my money and increase my cost .", "Person B: Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum .", "Person A: Still , there will be bank charges in connection with the credit . It would help me greatly if you would accept D / A or D / P . You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit . It makes no great difference to you , but it does to me .", "Person B: Well , Mrs . Wang , you must be aware that an irrevocable letter of cred it gives the exporter the additional protection of the bank er's guarantee . We always require L / C for our exports . And the other way round , we pay by L / C for our imports .", "Person A: To meet you half way , what do you say if 50 % by L / C and the balance by D / P ?", "Person B: I'm very sorry , Mrs . Wang . But I'm afraid I can't promise you even that . As I've said , we require payment by L / C ." ]
[ "Person A: Hi , Bill . It's Marsha Black at MPPD Ltd . How are you ?", "Person B: Hello , Marsha , I haven't heard from you in a long time . I'm great , and you ?", "Person A: Not too bad at all . Do you have a minute ?", "Person B: Sure , what can I do for you ?", "Person A: We're getting ready to place our Christmas orders and we need to know about how much it's going to run this year.You know , so we can have the funds put aside .", "Person B: I'm really busy right now . I got a lot on my plate.So this isn't an actual bid you want but just a ballpark figure ?", "Person A: Right , a ballpark figure is fine , and slant it a little high if you have to .", "Person B: Well , I can give you those figures now over the phone , is that okay ? Or do you need them in writing ?", "Person A: It's going to be shown to the Board so I need it in writing.Make all the prices subject to confirmation so you can't be held to them . How soon can I have it ?", "Person B: Is this another rush , dear ? Did you forget and wait until the last minute again ?", "Person A: Yeah , I'm afraid so . I really need your help here .", "Person B: Well , just because it's you . Tomorrow , say around noon ." ]
[ "Person A: Mrs . Miller , you are an old friend of ours . In order to encourage future business and as a gesture of friendship , we are prepared to cut our price by 5 % . Will that satisfy you ?", "Person B: That's great . Thank you for making this concession . I accept .", "Person A: Now I repeat , 5,000 transistor sets , specifications as shown in our catalogue at $ 20 each C . I . F . Los Angeles .", "Person B: Good . Now that the price is decided on , we can discuss the packaging .", "Person A: As to packaging , we'll pack them two dozens to one carton , gross weight about 25 kilos a carton .", "Person B: Carton ?", "Person A: Yes , corrugated cardboard boxes .", "Person B: Could you use wooden cases instead ?", "Person A: Why use wooden cases ?", "Person B: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for ocean transportation .", "Person A: Cartons are comparatively light , and there fore easy to handle . They'll not be stowed away with the heavy cargo . Besides , we'll reinforce the cartons with metal straps .", "Person B: All right . Carton or no carton , the packaging must be waterproof as well as strong enough to stand shock and rough handling .", "Person A: You needn't worry about that . Cartons are extensively used in our shipments to foreign countries and there have never been complaints from our clients . Now , as regards payment , we have agreed to use dollars , am I right ?", "Person B: That's right . As soon as I get home , I'll see about the opening of the letter of credit .", "Person A: Please open the letter of credit 15 to 30 days before the date of delivery so that we'll have enough time to make all the necessary arrangements . Another thing , the L / C should be valid until the 15th day after shipment .", "Person B: No problem . That can be done . I understand you'll ship the goods before the end of May ?", "Person A: Right . We'll ship the goods according to the agreed time schedule . Last , but not least , the inspection is to be carried out by Houston Commodities Inspection Bureau , which is final and binding on both parties .", "Person B: Yes , we agreed to that . We have great confidence in your inspection institution . Through years of dealing with you , we've convinced of your commercial integrity .", "Person A: Thank you . You can rest assured that we'll do everything possible to prevent de festive commodities from going abroad . However , if there should be any disputes , we wish to have them settled through friendly discussions .", "Person B: Exactly . That's what we have done in the past .", "Person A: Well , it seems we have covered everything . We'll have the contract ready in a couple of days .", "Person B: Can you speed it up and let me have it today ? I'm leaving tomorrow . I've been here for almost a month now , you see . My corporation is urging me to return . I've booked the ticket for tomorrow afternoon's flight at 3 .", "Person A: Let me see . If we can't get the contract ready by then , we'll send it to you by airmail for your signature .", "Person B: That's fine too ." ]
[ "Person A: Well , Mr . Brown , we've settled everything in connection with this transaction except the question of payment in yen . Now can you explain to me how to make payment in yen ?", "Person B: Many of our business friends in England , France , Switzerland , Italy and Germany are paying for our exports in Japan currency . It is quite easy to do so .", "Person A: I know some of them are doing that . But this is new to me . I've never made payment in yen before . It is convenient to make payment in pound sterling , but I may have some difficulty in making payment in yen .", "Person B: Many banks in Europe now carry accounts in yen . They are in a position to open letters of credit and effect payment in yen . Consult your banks and you'll see that they are ready to offer you this service .", "Person A: Do you mean to say that I can open a letter of credit in yen with a bank in London or Bonn ?", "Person B: Sure you can . Several of the banks in London , such as the National Westminster Bank and Barclays Bank are in a position to open letters of credit in yen . They'll do so against our sales confirmation or contract .", "Person A: I see ." ]
[ "Person A: To get around your difficulty , Mr . Brown , I'd suggest that you reduce your order by half . You can send in an Addi trional order later .", "Person B: Well , I'll consider the possibility . By the way , when do I open the L / C if I want the goods to be delivered in June ?", "Person A: A month before the time you want the goods to be delivered .", "Person B: Could you possibly effect shipment more promptly ?", "Person A: Getting the goods ready , making out the documents and booking the shipping space - - all this takes time , you know . You cannot expect us to make delivery in less than a month .", "Person B: Very well , Mrs.Wang . I'll not reduce my order . I'll take the full quantity you offer . And I'll arrange for the Letter of Credit to be opened in your favor as soon as I get home .", "Person A: When will that be ?", "Person B: Early next week . In the meantime , I should be very pleased if you would get everything ready . I hope that the goods can dispatched promptly after you get my Letter of Credit .", "Person A: You can rest assured of that . We'll book you order and inquire for the shipping space now , so that shipment can be effected within two or three weeks of receipt of your L / C .", "Person B: That'll be fine . I appreciate your cooperation .", "Person A: Very good . Well , thanks to your cooperation , our discussion has been very pleasant and fruitful . I sincerely hope that the volume of trade between us will be even greater in the future .", "Person B: By the way , Mrs . Wang , we have a mind to do joint participation with you on Japanese arts and crafts in our market . Would you entertain this proposal ?", "Person A: Well , this is something new . A few of our friends from Europe have also suggested that we participate in joint enterprise with them dealing in some of our goods . We think there are a lot of details to go into .", "Person B: If you feel our proposal is attractive , it is estimated that business to the extent of over twenty million marks can be done in this manner .", "Person A: Naturally , I appreciate your efforts in pushing the sale of Japanese arts and crafts . But I'm not in a position to discuss your proposal today . I must first talk to our director , and discuss it with you some other time .", "Person B: All right . Anyway , I'll be staying here for another two weeks . But I'm looking forward to having something done in this respect .", "Person A: We'll talk about it next time . Now that everything is settled , let's have a cup of tea , and take our minds off business for a change ." ]
[ "Person A: Hi , Mr . Brown , we have visited the factories and I'm very satisfied with your factories production conditions .", "Person B: Yes , they are our main export bases of tools with the advantage of having good production experience and long historical record . All their products enjoy high prestige in the world market .", "Person A: That's very good . But I have little knowledge about the packing of your pliers . I just want to know the details about that .", "Person B: Ok , I'll show you how the packing is like . We have a showroom on the ground floor . Let's go downstairs and have a look .", "Person A: Sure .", "Person B: These are the various kinds of packing for pliers . Normally , we have three types of packing", "Person A: Oh , the packing looks very nice .", "Person B: The skin packing is the most advanced packing for this product in the world market . It catches the eyes and can help push sales .", "Person A: Good , what about the export packing ?", "Person B: Well , they are packed in boxes of two dozens each , 100 boxes to a wooden case .", "Person A: Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation ? You see , 100 boxes of pliers are very heavy . It's about 2,400 kilograms .", "Person B: You can rest assured of that . So far , no customers have complained about our outer packing .", "Person A: I'm glad to hear that . By the way , do you accept neutral packing ?", "Person B: Yes , we can pack the goods according to your instructions .", "Person A: Very good . Ok , Mr . Brown , I'm now totally satisfied with your packing . You can execute our first order now , and I will open the L / C immediately after I return to Taipei .", "Person B: All right . We'll make the shipment as soon as your L / C is on hand ." ]
[ "Person A: That price of ours , by the way , is for a minimum quantity of 1,000 saddles .", "Person B: Yes , I noticed that . To what extent would local assembly help sales , did you say ?", "Person A: 20-30 % . But we proposed the plan from the storage and delivery viewpoint . That is to say , less warehouse space and prompt delivery .", "Person B: Yes , of course . Assembly would be quite a simple matter . Cycle dealers could put them together in a very short time .", "Person A: Sales have been exceptionally good during the past twelve months .", "Person B: Yes , I've noticed that . Where have you been placing them ?", "Person A: All in the local market . One or two suggestions that came in from the distribution might interest you .", "Person B: Yes . What were they ? Anything that will help sales ?", "Person A: Perhaps . General opinion is that the rear carrier should be offered as an extra .", "Person B: That's to keep the price down , I suppose . I'll take it up with our overseas department and listen to what they've got to say about this .", "Person A: Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: I wish to make it clear at the outset that this matter of labels is entirely our problem .", "Person B: I should say it is something we have never come across before .", "Person A: The Federal Food and Drug Administration , or the FDA as we call it for short , imposes a whole set of regulations on the import of food products to the United States . Over the years , they have become so rigid and complicated that they are now quite a head - ache for us importers .", "Person B: In my opinion , overly strict regulations are just another way of restricting imports .", "Person A: Ah , there's something in what you're saying . According to the present FDA regulations , the Ma Ling Labels then cannot be used if the lichee is to be offered for import into the United States .", "Person B: Why not ? Our cannedlichee and canned provisions have already been widely sold in various markets abroad , and the Ma Ling Label has now been accepted by most of overseas customers and importers . Is it quite impossible for you to use the Ma Ling labels as they are ?", "Person A: I'd be quite willing to if I could , but we must comply with the label requirements according to our law , or we can't clear the consignment of lichee through the Customs .", "Person B: In that case , what can we do to help you ? Have you any suggestions ?", "Person A: Would you consider quoting us for the order with neutral cans on a C . I . F . basis for delivery in Hong Kong ? Our associated company there will have the labels printed to comply with the FDA regulations .", "Person B: Do you think that's the only way out ? You know we usually do the labeling , as we are responsible for the brand labels of our products ." ]
[ "Person A: Mr . Jones , shall we now discuss the packaging ?", "Person B: Very well . You know , we have definite ways of packaging garments . As to blouses , we use a polythene wrapper for each article , all ready for window display .", "Person A: Good . A wrapping that catches the eye will certainly help push the sales . With competition from similar garments producers , the merchandise must not only be good value but also look attractive .", "Person B: Right you are . We'll see to it that the blouses appeal to the eye as well as to the purse .", "Person A: What about the outer packing ?", "Person B: We'll pack them 10 dozens to one carton , gross weight around 25 kilos a carton .", "Person A: Cartons ?", "Person B: Yes , corrugated cardboard boxes .", "Person A: Could you use wooden cases instead ?", "Person B: Why use wooden cases ?", "Person A: I'm afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a heavy load .", "Person B: The cartons are comparatively light , and therefore easy to handle . They won't be stowed away with the heavy cargo . The stevedores will see to that . Besides , we'll reinforce the cartons with straps . Silk blouses are not fragile goods . They can stand a lot of jolting .", "Person A: Maybe you are right , but the goods are to be transhipped at Hamburg or London . If the boxes are moved about on an open wharf , the dampness or rain may get into them . This would make the blouses spotted or ruined .", "Person B: No need to worry about that . The cartons lined with plastic sheets are waterproof , and as the boxes are made of cardboard , they will be handled with care .", "Person A: Well , I don't want to take any chances . Besides , cartons are easy to cut open , and this increases the risk of pilferage .", "Person B: Tampering with cartons is easily detected . I should say that this rather discourages pilferage .", "Person A: Maybe so , but I'm afraid that in case of damage or pilferage , the insurance company will refuse compensation on the ground of improper packing , or packing unsuitable for sea voyage .", "Person B: But cartons are quite seaworthy . They are extensively used in our shipments to continental ports . There are never any complaints from our clients , and our insurance company has also approved such packing for W . P . A . and T . P . N . D .", "Person A: If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance com - any refuses to honor a claim for faulty packing , we would be quite willing to accept cartons .", "Person B: I'm sorry , but we can't take on any responsibility that is beyond our functions and powers . We'll make sure that the packing is seaworthy , but we can't commit ourselves to being responsible for every kind of mishap .", "Person A: I can understand your position . Perhaps I'm asking too much .", "Person B: We'll use wooden cases if you insist , but the charge for packing will be considerably higher , and it also slows delivery .", "Person A: Well , I'll call you immediately for instructions on the matter .", "Person B: Please do . I'll be waiting for your reply ." ]
[ "Person A: Now we have settled the terms of payment . Is it possible to effect shipment during September ?", "Person B: I don't think we can .", "Person A: Then when is the earliest we can expect shipment ?", "Person B: By the middle of October , I think .", "Person A: That's too late . You see , November is the season for this commodity in our market , and our Customs formalities are rather complicated .", "Person B: I understand .", "Person A: Besides , the flow through the marketing channels and the red tape involved take at least a couple of weeks . Thus , after shipment it will be four to five weeks altogether before the goods can reach our retailers . The goods must therefore be shipped before October ; otherwise we won't be in time for the selling season .", "Person B: But our factories are fully committed for the third quarter . In fact , many of our clients are placing orders for delivery in the fourth quarter .", "Person A: Mr . Brown , you certainly realize that the time of delivery is a matter of great importance to us . If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold their goods at profitable prices , we shall lose out .", "Person B: I see your point . However , we have done more business this year than any of the previous years . I am very sorry to say that we cannot advance the time of delivery .", "Person A: That's too bad , but I sincerely hope you will give our request your special consideration .", "Person B: You may take it from me that the last thing we want to do is to disappoint an old customer like you . But the fact remains that our manufacturers have a heavy backlog on their hands .", "Person A: But can't you find some way to get round your producers for an earlier delivery ? Make a special effort , please . A timely delivery means a lot to us .", "Person B: All right . We'll get in touch with our producers and see what they have to say ." ]
[ "Person A: Well , that was an interesting documentary !", "Person B: For sure ! I didn ' t really understand some of the technical jargon they used in the film when they talked about social security in the US .", "Person A: Like what ?", "Person B: Well , they mentioned how people put away money in something called a 401K ?", "Person A: Yeah , I know it sounds weird , but a 401k is a type of retirement plan that allows employees to save and invest for their own retirement . Through a 401K , you can authorize your employer to deduct a certain amount of money from your paycheck and invest it in the plan . Everyone tries to contribute as much as possible so that when you retire , you can rest peacefully on your nest egg .", "Person B: That ' s interesting and logical I guess . In my country , we also have to contribute to a government-run retirement fund , but most people don ' t really trust it so they just invest in properties or things like that .", "Person A: That seems a bit unstable don ' t you think ?", "Person B: Yeah , but corrupt governments in the past have created distrust among banks and financial institutions , so now people prefer to have money hidden in a jar or a piggy bank .", "Person A: I ' Ve been thinking of doing that lately ! I don ' t want some banker to run off with my money !" ]
[ "Person A: It has just occurred to me that there is still another possibility to ensure a prompt delivery of the goods .", "Person B: And that is ?", "Person A: How about making Hong Kong the port of shipment instead of New York ?", "Person B: I'm afraid we can't agree to that . We concluded the business with you here in Houston , and the goods you ordered are manufactured in New York . We wish to point out that all orders accepted by us are shipped from New York or Seattle . Hong Kong is out of the question .", "Person A: It's like this . There are only one or two ships sailing a month from New York to Osaka , while sailings from Hong Kong are quite frequent . If shipment were effected from Hong Kong , we could receive the goods much earlier .", "Person B: I see . You want to have your goods shipped from New York to Osaka via Hong Kong , where they can be transshipped . Is that the idea ?", "Person A: Yes , exactly , because I want these goods on our market at the earliest possible date .", "Person B: Your idea may be a good one , but the trouble is that there are risks of pilferage or damage to the goods during transshipment at Hong Kong . How about shipping them from Seattle instead of network ? You may choose either one as port of shipment . It makes no difference to us . There are more sailings from Seattle than from New York .", "Person A: It sounds all right to me , but I will have to think about it . I'll give you a definite answer tomorrow . If I choose Seattle , will it be possible for you to ship the goods by the end of March ?", "Person B: We'll try our best . Anyway , we assure you that shipment will be made not later than the first half of April ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , Sir , may I help you ?", "Person B: Yes . I would like some information for requesting a loan .", "Person A: Very well , here are the general terms of our loan policies . We pride ourselves in having the lowest interest rate in the country for personal loans .", "Person B: I see . So let me get this straight . If I borrow let ' s say , ten thousand dollars , how much will I have to pay each month ?", "Person A: It depends on how long you take to pay it back . If we lend you ten thousand dollars at an annual interest rate of ten percent for forty eight months , you would have to pay each month a portion of the loan which is called the principal and another small portion of the annual interest rate . This of course is considering that you don ' t default on a payment !", "Person B: It sounds good but , there is just one problem . I have a terrible credit score .", "Person A: That is a very serious problem you see , the bank must assess your personal information , past loans , assets and any other relevant information such as your credit score in order to approve your loan .", "Person B: You know what ? I don ' t really need the money . Thanks anyways !" ]
[ "Person A: Good morning . I ' d like to ask some questions about your insurance policies .", "Person B: Of course . Please sit down . How can I help you ?", "Person A: I bought a house recently and would like to insure it and its content .", "Person B: I see . Here ' s a pamphlet about our home insurance policy . We ' Ve named our policy ” umbrella ” . May I ask how much you paid for your home and where you live ? These are the two main thing that decide how much your premiums are .", "Person A: I understand . I live in the Oakfield area and paid $ 100,000 for my home .", "Person B: Let me just check that on my computer . Oakfield is a low risk area , so your premiums will probably be around $ 100 a month . The other thing to take into account is deductibles .", "Person A: In this pamphlet it says that the minimum amount for deductibles is $ 2000 . what does that mean exactly ?", "Person B: It means That the first $ 2000 of any claim you make must be paid by you . The insurance policy covers any amount above that , up to the agreed limit .", "Person A: Oh , I see . That ' s fine . What is the advantage of having higher deductibles ?", "Person B: If you have higher deductibles , your premium are lower , because you will pay more of the claim and we will pay less .", "Person A: It seems that I should do some calculations before deciding . I presume that the insurance period can be for as long as we agree .", "Person B: We initially sign one-year policies with our policyholders . These are renewable after the first year .", "Person A: If I have a claim , how long does it take to make a settlement ? I ' Ve heard that with some insurance companies , it can take months .", "Person B: That is of great concern to out clients . We aim to satisfy all claims within a month , but we can ' t guarantee that" ]
[ "Person A: I want to open a saving account , sir . What's the proper procedure ?", "Person B: First , you fill out the application form and then we'll issue you a passbook .", "Person A: Is there any minimum for the first deposit ?", "Person B: No , Even a dollar is all right . Here's your passbook , sir , just sign your name on it .", "Person A: What is the annual interest rate ?", "Person B: It varies from time to time . At present it is 6 % .", "Person A: By the way , can I open a checking account too ?", "Person B: By all means . But you have to deposit enough money before you can write out your checks ." ]
[ "Person A: Next , please . May I help you , sir ?", "Person B: Hello , yes , I ' d like to open a bank account .", "Person A: Certainly , I can can help you with that . What type of account would you like to open ? A chequing or a savings account ?", "Person B: What features do they offer ?", "Person A: Well , if you just take a look here , see , with our chequing account , you can have unlimited daily transactions for a small monthly fee , and our savings account has a higher interest rate , but you must carry a minimum balance of $ 10,000 dollars .", "Person B: I see , well , I think I ' m more interested in a chequing account . I like to have easy access to my money .", "Person A: Alright , then , with this chequing account you ' ll be issued a debit card and a cheque book . Will you require overdraft protection ? There is an extra fee for that .", "Person B: No , that won ' t be necessary .", "Person A: In that case , I ' ll get you to fill out this paperwork . I ' ll need your social insurance number , and two pieces of government ID . If you could just sign here , and here , and here we ' ll be all set . Would you like to make a deposit today ?", "Person B: Yes , I ' d like to deposit one billion dollars ." ]
[ "Person A: Morning . May I help you ?", "Person B: Yes . I'd like to open an account that enables me to draw money easily .", "Person A: Well , in that case , I think a checking account may be more convenient for you . However , there's a service charge .", "Person B: How much is the service charge ?", "Person A: One percent .", "Person B: Sounds reasonable . Will 300 dollars be enough for a minimal deposit ?", "Person A: More than enough . Please fill in this form .", "Person B: Anything else ?", "Person A: Your passport , please ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: I'd like to withdraw some money .", "Person A: Please fill in the slip , stating the exact amount you wish to withdraw .", "Person B: All right . And here's my bankbook . Is that all ?", "Person A: Your ID card , please .", "Person B: Oh , yes . Here it is .", "Person A: Do you want large ones or small ones ?", "Person B: Four in hundred , one in ten , please .", "Person A: Wait a minute , please ... Here's the cash .", "Person B: By the way , I'd like to change some U . S . dollars to pounds and I want to know today's exchange rate .", "Person A: Well , sir . According to today's exchange rate , every pound in cash is equivalent to 1.89 U . S . dollars . How much would you like to change ?", "Person B: I want 100 pounds . And here are 189 U . S . dollars .", "Person A: ... OK . And here's your money .", "Person B: Thank you . And goodbye .", "Person A: Goodbye ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , I'd like to open an account .", "Person B: Which account would you like to open ?", "Person A: I'd like to open a savings account . What's the interest rate now ?", "Person B: It is 3.2 % . You may earn a little interest on money .", "Person A: Is there any minimum deposit for the first time ?", "Person B: Yes , the opening minimum deposit is 1,000 Yuan .", "Person A: What about the later deposits ?", "Person B: For the later deposits , you can deposit any you want . Even one Yuan is OK .", "Person A: OK , that's good .", "Person B: Your ID , please .", "Person A: Here you are , a thousand Yuan and my ID .", "Person B: Wait a moment , please ... Here is your bankbook . Keep it well please .", "Person A: Thanks . I will ." ]
[ "Person A: Good coming , sir . What can I do for you ?", "Person B: Good coming . I would like to open a new account . I want to deposit 500 dollars .", "Person A: Very good , sir . What kind would you like ?", "Person B: Could you tell me how many kinds there are in your bank ?", "Person A: Besides the checking account , there's a monthly savings account and a daily interest account .", "Person B: Oh , I think I'd like to take the monthly savings account then .", "Person A: Would you fill out this form ?", "Person B: OK . Here you are .", "Person A: All right . And here's your deposit book .", "Person B: Thank you . Goodbye .", "Person A: Goodbye ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: I'd like to cash this check , please .", "Person A: Do you have an account with us ?", "Person B: Yeah . Here's my identification card .", "Person A: Do you want large or small bills ?", "Person B: Actually , I want to buy some traveler's checks .", "Person A: What denomination ?", "Person B: Twenties would be fine .", "Person A: Do you want the whole amount in traveler's check ?", "Person B: Yes , please ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , can I cash my traveler's check here ?", "Person A: Of course , we'd be happy to cash it for you .", "Person B: What's the cashing rate ?", "Person A: Well , it's listed on the electronic board on the left . We cash it at present traveler's check buying rate .", "Person B: Oh , I see . How much it the service charge ?", "Person A: The service charge is 1 % of the total amount of the check .", "Person B: Well , I'd like to cash these four checks for $ 100 each .", "Person A: Would you please countersign them here ?", "Person B: OK , there you are .", "Person A: And your passport please .", "Person B: Oh , I forgot to bring it . It is in my hotel room .", "Person A: Sorry , sir . We can't cash the checks for you without your passport .", "Person B: Well , thanks . I will come again this afternoon , then ." ]
[ "Person A: Can I help you , sir ?", "Person B: Uh , yes . I'm going to the States and I need some traveler's checks .", "Person A: All right . How much do you need ?", "Person B: One thousand U . S . dollars .", "Person A: One thousand U . S . Mm hmm . And are you going to pay cash ?", "Person B: Oh , no . I want to withdraw from my U . S . dollars savings account .", "Person A: All right . Now can I have your passbook ?", "Person B: Right . Here it is .", "Person A: Thank you . And what amounts do you want the checks in ?", "Person B: Mm . In hundreds , please ." ]
[ "Person A: I want to open a saving account , sir.What ' s the proper procedure ?", "Person B: First , you fill out the application form and then we'll issue you a passbook .", "Person A: Is there any minimum for the first deposit ?", "Person B: No , Even a dollar is all right.Here ' s your passbook , sir ; just sign your name on it .", "Person A: What is the annual interest rate ?", "Person B: It varies from time to time.At present it is 6 % .", "Person A: By the way , can I open a checking account too ?", "Person B: By all means.But you have to deposit enough money before you can write out your checks ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , sir . How may I help you ?", "Person B: I'd like to open an account .", "Person A: Certainly , sir . Would you like to open a time deposit savings account or a checking account ?", "Person B: Actually , I'd like to open one of each , if that's possible .", "Person A: No problem , sir . What sort of time deposit account would you like to open ?", "Person B: What are my choices ?", "Person A: The minimum time period is three months . The longer the period , the higher the interest rate . If you withdraw your money before time is up , there are penalties ." ]
[ "Person A: Can I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , I'd like to change some money to cover my expenses here . What's today's rate of US dollar against the RIB yuan ?", "Person A: Let me see , the buying rate is RIB 808 per $ 100 . How much would you like to change ?", "Person B: $ 200 altogether .", "Person A: Would you mind showing me your passport ?", "Person B: Here it is . And how much RIB shall I get ?", "Person A: Let me see . $ 200 makes RIB 1,616 . Here is the cash and exchange memo . Please check it .", "Person B: That's correct . Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: Okay , I want to change 22,000 .", "Person B: Could you please fill out this form ?", "Person A: Okay , here you are . ( She hands the completed form and the money to the clerk . )", "Person B: Here's your $ 200 .", "Person A: Thank you very much .", "Person B: Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: Is this the foreign exchange department ?", "Person B: Yes , can I help you ?", "Person A: I need some US Dollars .", "Person B: What kind of currency have you got ?", "Person A: RIB . By the way , what is the exchange rate today ?", "Person B: One US Dollars in cash is equivalent t0 7.9 Yuan .", "Person A: And I want to change 4000 Yuan .", "Person B: Minus the fee . Here are your dollars . Please sign here .", "Person A: OK , thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: Good afternoon , Mr.Chen . How are you ?", "Person B: Fine , thanks . I will go to Mainland China for a business trip tomorrow , and I want to change some Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi .", "Person A: How much do you want , Mr.Chen ?", "Person B: One thousand yuan , please . By the way , what is today's exchange quotation ?", "Person A: The rate is still high for other foreign currencies . The exchange rate for Hong Kong dollars into Renminbi is 1.053 Renminbi yuan to one dollar .", "Person B: Oh , I see . Could you please split the one thousand Renminbi into hundreds and tens ?", "Person A: Certainly , sir . How do you want it ?", "Person B: Five hundred in hundred RIB notes and the others in ten RIB notes , please .", "Person A: Yes , Mr.Chen . Here you are .", "Person B: Thank you very much ." ]
[ "Person A: Excuse me . I'd like to cash the traveler's check .", "Person B: No problem . How would like your money ?", "Person A: In tens and fifties , please .", "Person B: Here you are . Please sign your name here .", "Person A: OK , thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , madam . Would you like to take a look at our products ? They are high-tech items .", "Person B: Hmm , they look interesting . Can I have a copy of your brochure ?", "Person A: Sure . Do you have a minute ? Why don't you have a seat and let me show you how to operate this item ?", "Person B: OK . Go ahead .", "Person A: You see , if you press this red button , the helmet becomes an umbrella .", "Person B: How amazing ! I have never seen it before . Is it expensive ?", "Person A: It only costs you 20 dollars for one .", "Person B: OK , I will take one ." ]
[ "Person A: We're going to discuss how to market CB series soon . Does your project go well ?", "Person B: Absolutely . I've sorted out all the materials we need and sifted three great ways of marketing .", "Person A: Oh , that's good .", "Person B: We can discuss them detailedly over the meeting and choose the best way to promote our key products .", "Person A: It seems you've got everything done . Now I can finally stop worrying about it and get back to work ." ]
[ "Person A: Which service offered by your bank do you use most ?", "Person B: I use several services . Of course , I deposit and withdraw money quite often . I often use my ATM card to take money out of my current account . I use my bank to exchange money from one currency to another . I often travel abroad , you see .", "Person A: Do you ever ask you bank for traveller ' s cheques ? They are much safer than carrying lots of cash around .", "Person B: I sometimes use traveller ' s cheques , but sometimes I travel to countries where they are hard to exchange for cash .", "Person A: Do you use your bank to pay your utility bills ? I use direct debit .", "Person B: Yes , I do . It save me a lot of time . I also have standing orders for my subscriptions to magazines .", "Person A: That ' s good idea . You don ' t need to worry about missing an issue of a magazine if you do that . I suppose you have a mortgage too .", "Person B: Yes . My bank offers very good terms and conditions on mortgage . There ' s a lot of competition between banks nowadays . Each one is trying to offer better conditions and services than the others .", "Person A: I have a deposit account with my bank . There are some restrictions on withdrawing money , but the interest rate is much higher .", "Person B: I don ' t have one . I prefer to buy shares . My bank also provides a share trading service . It ' s cheap and easy to use .", "Person A: That ' s great . But I prefer to put my money somewhere where the returns are more certain ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello . Can I help you , ma'am ?", "Person B: Yes . Could you tell me how to send some money to someone with an account with a bank in Germany ?", "Person A: Well , you can pay by mail , telegraphic or SWIFT transfer . Or you can have a banker's draft and mail it yourself to the beneficiary .", "Person B: Which is the best way ?", "Person A: It depends on the amount and how fast you want that person to receive the money . A SWIFT transfer is the fastest method but a banker's draft is usually the cheapest . How much do you wanna send ?", "Person B: $ 800 .", "Person A: Why don't you send it by mail payment order ?", "Person B: How long does it take ?", "Person A: About a week .", "Person B: I don't know . Can I send it more quickly ?", "Person A: Sure . You can have a Telegraphic or a SWIFT transfer .", "Person B: And how long do those take ?", "Person A: Both a Telegraphic Transfer and a SWIFT transfer will normally be credited to the payee's account within three or four working days , depending on whether the beneficiary's bank is among our correspondent banks or we have to route the transfer through a third bank .", "Person B: I see . How can I pay by Telegraphic Transfer ?", "Person A: You have to fill out this form , ma'am ." ]
[ "Person A: How do you use an ATM card , billy ?", "Person B: It's easy grandpa . Insert you card into the machine here . Then wait a moment . Ok . Now you enter your PIN . It should have four numbers .", "Person A: Oh yes . I've got it written down here . Just a minute .", "Person B: You really shouldn ' t write it down . You should memorize it . You can change it to a more convenient number if you like .", "Person A: Ok , I've entered my PIN . There are several options on the screen . I guess I just choose which service I want , don't I ?", "Person B: Yes . Choose the service you need to use . If you choose to withdraw money , the machine will ask you how much you want .", "Person A: I can just enter the amount using the keys , right ?", "Person B: That's right . Give the machine a moment to process you request . Then take your money .", "Person A: These machines aren't very difficult to use . In fact , I quite like them . They are much faster than dealing with a band clerk ." ]
[ "Person A: Hi . May I help you ?", "Person B: Yes . What's the buying rate for euro ?", "Person A: 1.15 U . S . dollars to the euro .", "Person B: Okay . I'd like to change some euro into US dollars , please .", "Person A: Sure . How much would you like to change ?", "Person B: Six hundred euro .", "Person A: Very good . May I see your passport ?", "Person B: Here you are .", "Person A: How would you like your bills ?", "Person B: In fifties please ." ]
[ "Person A: Hey , son , are you insured ?", "Person B: Not yet , but I'm thinking of it . Have you bought one , Dad ?", "Person A: I took out a life insurance policy and made your mother the beneficiary .", "Person B: Can you tell me why you want to buy it ?", "Person A: I am a fireman and it is a dangerous job . I have to consider your mother's life .", "Person B: Oh , I see . Do you advise me to buy one ?", "Person A: You have children now . What if something , God forbid , happens to you ?", "Person B: That's true . Well , how much do you think I should get ?", "Person A: A $ 100 000 policy shouldn't be too expensive . Here , call my agent . He'll give you a good deal ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning . How can I help you ?", "Person B: I'd like to open a new account .", "Person A: Have you filled out an application form ?", "Person B: Yes . And I've brought some documents along with me , too . Do you need to see my passport ?", "Person A: Yes . I'll just have my assistant look over these quickly and then we'll move on to the next step . Did you want to open up a checking account and a savings account ?", "Person B: Yes . Does the checking account come with a debit card ?", "Person A: Yes . Actually , both accounts come with cards that you can use in ATM machines , so that you won't have to come in to the bank to make a transaction .", "Person B: That's very convenient .", "Person A: It is . Our customers really like it . Do you have any other questions about your new accounts ?", "Person B: Yes . What's the maximum amount that you are allowed to have in an overdraft ?", "Person A: The maximum is $ 1000 .", "Person B: Is there a penalty for having an overdraft ?", "Person A: Yes , but it's not much . You just have to pay 1 % interest on the account . It's much lower rate than any of our loans and it's much better than owing money to most credit cards .", "Person B: That's true . Is everything alright with my documents ?", "Person A: They're all in order . If you just sign your name here , you'll receive your cards and pin numbers in the mail in about three weeks .", "Person B: Thank you very much .", "Person A: You're welcome ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , can I speak to Mr.Green ?", "Person B: Yes , speaking .", "Person A: This is Steven speaking . I'd like to buy a stock .", "Person B: What stock do you want to buy and how many ?", "Person A: I'd like to buy 1 000 shares of Duson .", "Person B: Let me get the asking price of the stock . Just a moment . Oh , now the asking price is $ 90 each share . By the way , what is the offering price ?", "Person A: Let me see . The offering price is near or at $ 88 .", "Person B: Then the difference between the asking price and the offering price is $ 2 . It's hard to take place today .", "Person A: Do you mean that I have to buy it at current price ?", "Person B: You can decide by yourself .", "Person A: I heard that this stock would go up . Hum , I will take it at current price .", "Person B: So , now I will buy you . Are you sure ?", "Person A: Yes , please ." ]
[ "Person A: Good afternoon , madam . Can I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , I'd like to change these dollars , please ?", "Person A: OK . How do you like your money , madam ?", "Person B: In fifty yuan bills , please ?", "Person A: Just a moment , please . I'll check for you ." ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to open an account please .", "Person B: Would you like a savings or a chequing account ?", "Person A: Savings , please .", "Person B: Right.Could you fill out this form please ?" ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to change some US dollars into euros and I'd like to know today's exchange rate .", "Person B: According to today's exchange rate , every US dollar in cash is equivalent to 0.75 euros .", "Person A: Is there any service charge ?", "Person B: We charge a 1 euro commission on each deal . How much would you like to change ?", "Person A: 400 US dollars . Here it is . Would you please give me small bills ?", "Person B: No problem ." ]
[ "Person A: Miss Green , do you have life insurance right now ?", "Person B: No , I don't . I don't have a family , so I don't think I need it .", "Person A: This year our company is offering a new plan especially for single people like you . I think you might be interested .", "Person B: Thank you , but I've never thought about it before .", "Person A: It's OK . I'll leave the pamphlet here . If you need more information , you can call me any time ." ]
[ "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , could you cash these travaler's check for me , please ?", "Person A: Sure.Please sign your name here ... and here .", "Person B: Ok , here you are .", "Person A: Thanks.How would you like them ?", "Person B: It doesn't matter ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , madam .", "Person B: Good morning .", "Person A: May I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , I want to change some money .", "Person A: This way , please .", "Person B: Thank you .", "Person A: You're welcome ." ]
[ "Person A: The NASDAQ gained a few points today .", "Person B: Does it mean anything ?", "Person A: It's hard to say . The stock market is weird . You never know what will happen tomorrow .", "Person B: Why do you buy stocks , then ?", "Person A: It's a kind of investment . If I choose a good stock and hold it long enough , I can get good returns ." ]
[ "Person A: Good afternoon , Mr . Anderson .", "Person B: Good afternoon , Miss Li .", "Person A: How nice to see you again !", "Person B: Nice to see you , too .", "Person A: It's been a long time , hasn't it ? How are you ?", "Person B: Fine , thank you . And you ?", "Person A: Very well too , is there anything I can do for you ?", "Person B: Yes . Could you guide me to where I can change money ?", "Person A: Sure , Mr . Anderson , please come along with me .", "Person B: Thank you .", "Person A: My pleasure ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , Mr . Jones .", "Person B: Hello , Miss Wu .", "Person A: Long time no see . How is everything at home ?", "Person B: Pretty good , thank you . And you ?", "Person A: OK , thanks . Anything I can do for you ?", "Person B: I need to remit £ 500 to London .", "Person A: Yes , sir . Would you like to remit it by M / T or by T / T ?", "Person B: T / T , please .", "Person A: Very well , Mr . Jones ." ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to withdraw some money from my account .", "Person B: Can I see your passbook and the withdrawal slip , please ?", "Person A: Sure .", "Person B: Let me just make sure . You want to withdraw one thousand dollars ?", "Person A: That's right ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , I'd like to open a savings account . Can you tell me on how to go about it ?", "Person B: OK . You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents .", "Person A: I have my passport with me , a driver ' s license and a membership card . Will they do ?", "Person B: Let me see them . Yes , they ' re OK .", "Person A: What ' s the minimum amount I can deposit in an account ?", "Person B: You can deposit an initial amount of five dollars .", "Person A: Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to have this cashed , please .", "Person B: Please put you name and address here . May I see your passport ?", "Person A: Yes .", "Person B: How would you like it ?", "Person A: Ten hundreds and ten twenties , and the rest in small change , please .", "Person B: OK . Here you are ." ]
[ "Person A: Excuse me , sir . Is there anything I can do for you ?", "Person B: Yes . I'd like to change some money , please .", "Person A: All right . How much would you like to change ?", "Person B: Let me see . I think maybe 600 USD at least .", "Person A: Pardon ?", "Person B: Six hundred US dollars .", "Person A: I'm sorry , sir , after 7", "Person B: But I am badly in need of the amount . Might I ask you to make an exception for me ?", "Person A: I'm afraid we cannot help you , sir , because that would be violating the regulations . I owe an apology for doing nothing about it .", "Person B: It's just too bad . I have to leave it as it is , and thank you just the same ." ]
[ "Person A: Can you exchange this for US dollars , please ?", "Person B: Just fill out this form , will you ?", "Person A: OK . Here .", "Person B: How would you like it ?", "Person A: Five tens , five fives and the rest in ones , please .", "Person B: Here you are . Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to open a savings account . Can you tell me how to do it ?", "Person B: OK . You have to fill out this form and let me see three identification cards or documents .", "Person A: I have a driver's licence , a membership card and my passport . Will they do ?", "Person B: Let me see them . Yes , they're OK .", "Person A: What's the minimum amount I can deposit in an account ?", "Person B: You can deposit an initial amount of ten dollars .", "Person A: Thank you ." ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to apply for a personal loan .", "Person B: How much would you like to borrow ?", "Person A: A thousand dollars .", "Person B: Let me check with our credit manager . ( later ) Our record shows that your credit rating is quite high . I don't think you'll have any problems .", "Person A: What's the current interest rate ?", "Person B: Our monthly interest is 1.5 % of the outstanding balance . Would you please fill out this application form ?" ]
[ "Person A: I'd like to open a current account .", "Person B: Certainly . May I see your social security and your ID , please .", "Person A: Here you are . I wonder how much interest can I earn from a current account .", "Person B: Oh , current accounts don't pay out interest .", "Person A: Why is that ?", "Person B: It's primarily designed for business transactions . That is , writing checks to pay for bills , buying things and sending money . We won't expect a large amount of deposit in a current account .", "Person A: I see . How do I draw money for my own use then ?" ]
[ "Person A: Can you change American dollars into French francs ?", "Person B: Yes . How much do you want ?", "Person A: Fifty dollars . What is the exchange rate today ?", "Person B: One dollar to five francs . Is that all right ?", "Person A: Yes , please . And you can cash my traveler's check , can't you ?", "Person B: Of course , we can .", "Person A: I want to be here tomorrow . What are your business hours ?", "Person B: 10 o'clock in the morning to 2 o'clock in the afternoon .", "Person A: Thank you .", "Person B: Not at all ." ]
[ "Person A: Excuse me , but can I draw on my account for payment of things I buy in China ?", "Person B: Certainly , sir . How much do you draw ?", "Person A: RIB 8,000 , please . Would you please tell me my balance ?", "Person B: Yes , sir . Your balance is RIB 34,000 ." ]
[ "Person A: Can I help you , Sir ?", "Person B: Yes , I'd like to withdraw some money .", "Person A: Fill in the slip , stating the exact amount you wish to withdraw , please .", "Person B: OK . Here's my bank book , is that all right ?", "Person A: OK , do you want large notes or small ones ?", "Person B: In 50 Yuan or 100 Yuan would be fine .", "Person A: Here's the cash for you .", "Person B: Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: Can I help you ?", "Person B: Yes , I need some traveler's checks .", "Person A: How much do you need ?", "Person B: Three thousand US dollars .", "Person A: All right , can I have your passbook ?", "Person B: Yes , here you go .", "Person A: What amounts do you want the checks in ?", "Person B: It's all the same to me .", "Person A: Here you are .", "Person B: Thanks ." ]
[ "Person A: Would you cash these travelers ' checks , please ?", "Person B: How would you like them ?", "Person A: In ten dollar bill , please .", "Person B: Is there anything else ?", "Person A: Yes , I'd like to know how to send money to France ." ]
[ "Person A: Mister , I have an account now .", "Person B: Now , how would you like this check cashed , madam ?", "Person A: Six tens will be fine .", "Person B: Here you are .", "Person A: Thanks . Er , mister , if I want to deposit checks next time . what should I do ?", "Person B: Just make out a deposit slip and come here during bank hours . That's from 9 a . m . to 3 p . m ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , sir . Can I help you ?", "Person B: Good morning . I'd like to cash this check .", "Person A: Yes , sir . Can you show you identity ?", "Person B: What about the driving license ?", "Person A: Don't you have any other identification ?", "Person B: I am sorry . I only have my driving license with me .", "Person A: Ok . Would you please sign your name on the back of the check ?", "Person B: Thank you . Here you are .", "Person A: How do you want your money ?", "Person B: Would you give me some in twenties and tens ?", "Person A: All right . Please wait for a moment ." ]
[ "Person A: Bill , I'm expecting a big increase in turnover with the coming of the Mid-Autumn Festival . But wholesales are unwilling to supply my orders unless I pay them an advance of 50 % of the full price , for my business is fairly new . I hope that you can make me an advance on loan .", "Person B: Do you have stocks or a title deed of a house to pledge as security ?", "Person A: No . I should be grateful if you could see your way to make an advance against my personal reputation . You may inspect my accounts . From my accounts you can see that I've promptly met all my obligations .", "Person B: We do not allow any request for a loan against personal security . This is a common regulation . But we may consider it if you can provide a reliable guarantor .", "Person A: Yes , I can . You know Mr . Macready , the famous car dealer here in New York . He agreed to act as my guarantor of a loan in the sum of US $ l0 , 000 until the end of this year .", "Person B: Good . He is a man of high standing . I think we can grant the loan you need after some further discussion . But I suggest you borrow on overdraft instead of on loan ." ]
[ "Person A: Could I change these pounds for dollars , please ?", "Person B: Do you want small bills or large ?", "Person A: It doesn't matter .", "Person B: Do you want anything else ?", "Person A: Yes , I'd like to know the exchange rate for yen ." ]
[ "Person A: Excuse me , is this the Auto Consumer Loan Center ?", "Person B: Yes . Is there anything I can do for you ?", "Person A: Could you tell me something about the terms and interest rates for personal automobile consumer loan ?", "Person B: The deadline is normally no more than 5 years with the interest adopted according to the corresponding lending rates announced by the PBC .", "Person A: I plan to take the loan for 3 years .", "Person B: Well , the yearly interest rate is 5.49 % for 3 years . I'm sure you are qualified to apply for this loan .", "Person A: What about the loan repayment ?", "Person B: You may choose a repayment pattern by consulting with our bank , for example , payment of equal amount of principal or of principal and interest on monthly installments .", "Person A: Does that mean I should deposit sufficient money to my account prior to the monthly payment date so that you can directly deduct the repayment of the principal and interest ?", "Person B: Exactly . You are permitted to effect and early payment in part or in full with the consent of our bank .", "Person A: That's very thoughtful of you . Thank you so much .", "Person B: You're welcome ." ]
[ "Person A: Could you change these for me , please ?", "Person B: What would you like ?", "Person A: Twenties and some smaller bills , please .", "Person B: Anything else ?", "Person A: Yes . Could you tell many balance ? Here's account number ." ]
[ "Person A: Can I help you , Madam ?", "Person B: Yes , I'd like to exchange some US dollars into RIB .", "Person A: How much would you like to exchange ?", "Person B: What's the exchange rate for RIB ?", "Person A: It's US 100 for RIB 802 today .", "Person B: I'd like to exchange 3,000 .", "Person A: Fill out this exchange memo , please .", "Person B: Yes . Here you are .", "Person A: Wait a second , please ... These are 24,060 RIB and the receipt , please check them .", "Person B: All right , thank you so much , good-bye .", "Person A: Good-bye ." ]
[ "Person A: I've got a telegraphic order . Will you cash it ?", "Person B: Have you got any identification ( ID ) with you ?", "Person A: Yes . Here is my passport .", "Person B: What currency will you have ?", "Person A: US dollars , please .", "Person B: All right , and how will you have it ?", "Person A: 500 in twenty dollar bills and the rest in a dollar bills .", "Person B: Here you are .", "Person A: Please count ." ]
[ "Person A: Hello , what can I do for you ?", "Person B: Um ... Hello , I would like to open an account .", "Person A: OK ! What kind of account do you want to open ?", "Person B: I want to open a current account .", "Person A: I will open it for you right now .", "Person B: What's the minimum deposit for opening a current account ?", "Person A: It's 10 yuan . How much money do you want to deposit ?", "Person B: Well , here's 3,000 yuan .", "Person A: Please write down your name , address and the amount of your deposit here . And please choose a passcode of six numbers and confirm it .", "Person B: OK , here you are .", "Person A: Thank you . Please confirm your information and sign your name in the blank .", "Person B: Done ! What else should I do ?", "Person A: That's all . Here's your bank card , and here's the certificate of deposit . Bring your bank card with you every time you come to deposit or withdraw money .", "Person B: OK . Thanks . Goodbye !", "Person A: Bye !" ]
[ "Person A: Good morning , what can I do for you ?", "Person B: I want to buy a car to facilitate my life . But I don't have enough money . Could you supply a loan to me ?", "Person A: Oh , I see . Would you mind telling me your monthly salary ?", "Person B: Sure . 7,000 yuan per month .", "Person A: OK . We can supply you a loan . How much do you want to loan ?", "Person B: 200,000 yuan . By the way , what about the interest rate ?", "Person A: It's only 4.5 % for one-year loan . Do you want to apply now ?", "Person B: Yes , I think so .", "Person A: OK . Please fill out this loan application .", "Person B: All right . Thank you .", "Person A: My pleasure ." ]
[ "Person A: Good morning ! Welcome to our bank ! How may I help you ?", "Person B: Good morning ! I'm Steven Smith . I want to open an account here .", "Person A: OK ! Come this way please . You should fill a form here first . Here you are .", "Person B: Thank you very much ! And then what ?", "Person A: If you don't mind , Mr . Smith , please go to counter number six to queue up and wait for the service .", "Person B: OK ! Thank you .", "Person A: My pleasure ." ]