What Canadian film director did Crazy on the Outside 's producer influence
[ "Matthew Welch" ]
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What Canadian film director did University of Windsor employ
[ "Jan Rubeš" ]
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What Canadian film director did George Michael influence and a film director influence
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian film director did U2 influence
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian film director did Socrates , Aristotle , and Harry Browne influence
[ "Stefan Molyneux" ]
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What Canadian film director did Star Trek: The Motion Picture star
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian film director directed Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge
[ "David DeCoteau" ]
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What Canadian film director executive produced The Captains and wrote TekWar , Groom Lake , and Star Trek V: The Final Frontier
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian film director founded Vapor Records
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian film director founded Pinnacle Entertainment and Music Publishers Holding Company and founded Warner Bros.
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian film director influenced Pearl Jam
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian film director married Daryl Hannah
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian film director produced Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques and Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques
[ "Émile Proulx-Cloutier", "Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette" ]
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What Canadian film director produced Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques
[ "Émile Proulx-Cloutier", "Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette" ]
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What Canadian film director that Nappily Ever After and The Invisible Circus were written by and Definitely, Maybe and Almost You were directed by did Columbia University employ
[ "Adam Brooks" ]
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What Canadian film director that Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques was produced by was a producer of Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques
[ "Émile Proulx-Cloutier", "Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette" ]
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What Canadian film director was a male executive producer of Old Acquaintance and Hollywood Canteen
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian film director was employed by European Graduate School and was employed by University of Toronto
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian film director was employed by University of Windsor
[ "Jan Rubeš" ]
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What Canadian film director was influenced by U2
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian film director wrote , directed , and edited a film that Paramount Pictures and British Film Institute produced
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor did The Muse star
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor did SG̲aawaay Ḵʹuuna / Edge of the Knife 's distributor employ
[ "Zacharias Kunuk" ]
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What Canadian film editor did Suzy Amis Cameron marry
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor did Titanic star and Mission Blue star
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor directed Daddy's Gone A-Hunting , The Bridges at Toko-Ri , and The Seventh Victim and directed Earthquake , Champion , Valley of the Dolls , and The Prize
[ "Mark Robson" ]
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What Canadian film editor directed The Seventh Victim , The Little Hut , Champion , The Bridges at Toko-Ri , and A Prize of Gold
[ "Mark Robson" ]
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What Canadian film editor directed Aliens
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor edited True Lies
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor executive produced Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor founded True Lies 's producer
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor founded Isuma
[ "Zacharias Kunuk", "Norman Cohn" ]
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What Canadian film editor married Suzy Amis Cameron
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian film editor produced Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques
[ "Émile Proulx-Cloutier" ]
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What Canadian film editor was a cinematographer of From the Drain
[ "David Cronenberg" ]
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What Canadian film editor was employed by 20th Century Studios
[ "Barbara McLean" ]
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What Canadian film editor wrote 48 Hrs. 's sequel
[ "Roger Spottiswoode" ]
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What Canadian film editor wrote Mouthpiece and wrote Into the Forest , Mansfield Park , and I've Heard the Mermaids Singing
[ "Patricia Rozema" ]
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What Canadian film editor wrote Mansfield Park , wrote I've Heard the Mermaids Singing , and wrote When Night Is Falling
[ "Patricia Rozema" ]
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What Canadian film editor wrote and edited From the Drain and Stereo
[ "David Cronenberg" ]
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What Canadian film producer did Elizabeth Martin marry
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian film producer did BBC employ
[ "Sydney Newman", "Raymond Thompson" ]
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What Canadian film producer did Lauren Holly and Melissa Womer marry
[ "Jim Carrey" ]
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What Canadian film producer did Ashwin Sood marry and Shadows and Light 's editor influence
[ "Sarah McLachlan" ]
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What Canadian film producer did U2 influence
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian film producer did Alias star
[ "David Cronenberg" ]
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What Canadian film producer directed Monkey Shines
[ "George A. Romero" ]
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What Canadian film producer edited I Walked with a Zombie , The Leopard Man , and Cat People
[ "Mark Robson" ]
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What Canadian film producer edited The Weight of Chains 3 's prequel
[ "Boris Malagurski" ]
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What Canadian film producer founded Romero-Grunwald Productions
[ "George A. Romero" ]
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What Canadian film producer married Elizabeth Martin
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian film producer that was employed by Keystone Studios was Anna Christie 's star
[ "Marie Dressler" ]
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What Canadian film producer was Angus Sutherland 's British sibling
[ "Kiefer Sutherland" ]
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What Canadian film producer was a founder of The Maltese Falcon 's producer
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian film producer was a person that Alias starred
[ "David Cronenberg" ]
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What Canadian film producer was a executive producer of Life with Father , San Antonio , Night and Day , and Silver River
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian film producer was employed by BBC
[ "Raymond Thompson", "Sydney Newman" ]
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What Canadian film producer was employed by Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and employed by National Film Board of Canada and Université du Québec à Montréal
[ "André Belleau" ]
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What Canadian film producer was employed by Henry V 's producer
[ "Sydney Newman", "Raymond Thompson" ]
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What Canadian film producer was influenced by U2 , Steve McQueen , and George Michael
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian film producer was influenced by Rebbie Jackson 's sibling and influenced by Christopher Nolan
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian film producer was influenced by U2
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian founder and employee of The Boring Company was employed by PayPal , OpenAI , and SpaceX and employed by Neuralink
[ "Elon Musk" ]
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What Canadian founder of Warner Bros. was a film director 's sibling
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian founder of Mary Pickford Film Corporation did Charles Rogers , Douglas Fairbanks , and Owen Moore marry
[ "Mary Pickford" ]
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What Canadian founder of Digital Domain was a editor of a film
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian male costume designer did The Fall of Sparta star
[ "Jean-Marc Généreux" ]
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What Canadian male costume designer that Lost Illusions and Matthias & Maxime starred edited Heartbeats
[ "Xavier Dolan" ]
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What Canadian male costume designer wrote and directed Men in Black: A Hardcore Parody , A Love Story , and Underworld
[ "Brad Armstrong" ]
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What Canadian male film director was influenced by U2 and Michael Jackson
[ "Gino Justin Hudson McKoy" ]
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What Canadian person did Justin Bieber 's spouse marry and Stevie Wonder and Usher influence
[ "Justin Bieber" ]
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What Canadian person founded Vapor Records
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian person founded a company that produced The Wild
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian person founded and was employed by Before Tomorrow 's producer
[ "Zacharias Kunuk" ]
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What Canadian person influenced Pearl Jam
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian person married Lexa Doig
[ "Michael Shanks" ]
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What Canadian person that Prince was influenced by edited Shadows and Light
[ "Joni Mitchell" ]
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What Canadian person was Laurence Anyways 's star , editor , executive producer , and director
[ "Xavier Dolan" ]
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What Canadian person was Annoying Orange 's distributor 's British employee
[ "Geoffrey Hinton" ]
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What Canadian person was employed by University of Amsterdam and was employed by University of Toronto and University of East Anglia
[ "Harold Scott MacDonald Coxeter" ]
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What Canadian person was influenced by The Beatles and Stevie Wonder and married Hailey Baldwin
[ "Justin Bieber" ]
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What Canadian person was influenced by Usher and Stevie Wonder , was influenced by The Beatles , and married Hailey Baldwin
[ "Justin Bieber" ]
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What Canadian person was influenced by Tupac Shakur , Stevie Wonder , and The Beatles
[ "Justin Bieber" ]
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What Canadian person wrote and edited True Lies
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian producer of a film executive produced 30 Rock
[ "Lorne Michaels" ]
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What Canadian screenwriter wrote No Ordinary Man
[ "Aisling Chin-Yee" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Michelle Lavigne was Deryck Whibley 's spouse
[ "Avril Lavigne" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Astrid Young directed Muddy Track , CSNY/Déjà Vu , and Human Highway
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian sibling of John David Cameron executive produced Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Michelle Lavigne married Deryck Whibley and Chad Kroeger
[ "Avril Lavigne" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Astrid Young was Vapor Records 's founder
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Jazmyn Bieber was influenced by Usher and influenced by Stevie Wonder and The Beatles
[ "Justin Bieber" ]
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What Canadian sibling of John David Cameron edited Titanic and edited Avatar
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Jazmyn Bieber was influenced by Mariah Carey and Michael Jackson and was influenced by Stevie Wonder and The Beatles
[ "Justin Bieber" ]
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What Canadian sibling of Harry Warner executive produced Hollywood Canteen and executive produced Mildred Pierce
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian sibling of a director of Through the Back Door directed a film and executive produced Secrets and The Hoodlum
[ "Mary Pickford" ]
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What Canadian sibling of a film producer did National Film Board of Canada employ
[ "Claude Fournier" ]
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What Canadian sibling of a person executive produced The Oklahoma Kid and directed A Dangerous Adventure
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian spouse of Elizabeth Martin was a founder of Tru Confessions 's distributor
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian spouse of Neil Young 's spouse directed CSNY/Déjà Vu and Rust Never Sleeps
[ "Neil Young" ]
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