What British film director was a composer of Caged Heat and The Farewell
[ "John Cale" ]
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What British film director was employed by Royal National Theatre and employed by Prospect Theatre Company and Royal Shakespeare Company
[ "Derek Jacobi" ]
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What British film director was employed by Columbia Pictures and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and employed by Walt Disney Animation Studios
[ "David S. Hall" ]
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What British film director was influenced by Antonio Vivaldi
[ "John Cale" ]
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What British film director wrote and executive produced Cemetery Junction and Derek
[ "Ricky Gervais" ]
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What British film editor did Paulette Goddard and Lita Grey marry
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British film editor did The Great Dictator and Modern Times star
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British film editor edited , directed , and wrote Following
[ "Christopher Nolan" ]
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What British film editor founded Revolution Films
[ "Michael Winterbottom" ]
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What British film editor influenced LUMINA 's distributor 's founder
[ "Christopher Nolan" ]
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What British film editor married Paulette Goddard
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British film editor that Hitchcock: Shadow of a Genius starred married Alfred Hitchcock
[ "Alma Reville" ]
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What British film editor that was influenced by George Lucas was Following 's cinematographer and editor
[ "Christopher Nolan" ]
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What British film editor was a spouse of Paulette Goddard
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British film editor was employed by University of Wales, Newport
[ "Ken Russell" ]
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What British film producer employed by Secret Intelligence Service and employed by Eton College was influenced by Graham Greene
[ "John le Carré" ]
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What British film producer was Archer Maclean's Pool 's composer
[ "Michael Powell" ]
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What British film producer was a director and cinematographer of Love Live Long , Ten Minutes Older: The Cello , and Suspension of Disbelief
[ "Mike Figgis" ]
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What British film producer was employed by National Film Board of Canada and Pilkington and employed by Gaumont Film Company
[ "Eunice Macaulay" ]
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What British film producer wrote A Bit of Fry & Laurie
[ "Hugh Laurie" ]
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What British founder and employee of Fandom and Bomis did Friedrich Hayek influence
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British founder and employee of Bomis and Fandom was influenced by Friedrich Hayek
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British founder of Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science did Douglas Adams influence
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British founder of United Artists Corporation directed Modern Times , Recreation , and The Floorwalker
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British founder of Fish People influenced Sharon den Adel , London Grammar , and Ellie Goulding
[ "Kate Bush" ]
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What British founder of Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science was influenced by Niko Tinbergen and influenced by Douglas Adams , George C. Williams , and W. D. Hamilton
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British founder of The Digital Village was employed by BBC
[ "Douglas Adams" ]
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What British founder of Wikibooks founded Wikimedia Foundation and Wikipedia and was employed by Bomis
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British founder of Nupedia , Wiktionary , Wikiquote , Wikipedia , and Wikimedia Commons was a spouse of Kate Garvey
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British founder of a company was Break the Science Barrier 's star
[ "Douglas Adams" ]
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What British male cinematographer that Timecode was written by , edited by , and directed by was European Graduate School 's employee
[ "Mike Figgis" ]
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What British male film producer did Stella Arroyave marry
[ "Anthony Hopkins" ]
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What British male film producer was Proud Boys 's Canadian founder
[ "Gavin McInnes" ]
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What British male film producer whose child wrote Friendly Fire did Cynthia Lennon and Yoko Ono marry
[ "John Lennon" ]
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What British parent of Mary Catherine Bateson did Margaret Mead marry and influence
[ "Gregory Bateson" ]
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What British parent of Esme Wallace was Heedless Moths 's costume designer
[ "Lucy, Lady Duff-Gordon" ]
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What British person did The Game of Their Lives star
[ "Gerard Butler", "Gavin Rossdale", "Jay Rodan", "Patrick Stewart", "John Rhys-Davies" ]
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What British person did Plato influence
[ "Neel Burton", "C. S. Lewis" ]
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What British person did Roger Michael Needham marry
[ "Karen Spärck Jones" ]
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What British person did UNIVAC , Lockheed Corporation , Xerox , and Goddard Institute for Space Studies employ and Computer Sciences Corporation , Booz Allen Hamilton , and McAfee, LLC employ
[ "John McAfee" ]
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What British person did a founder and employee of Fandom and Bomis marry
[ "Kate Garvey" ]
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What British person directed The Great Dictator
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British person directed and wrote The Great Dictator and Modern Times
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British person edited The Floorwalker
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British person edited The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel 's sequel
[ "John Madden" ]
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What British person employed by University of Chicago and employed by University of Freiburg , University of Salzburg , London School of Economics and Political Science , and New York University married Helen Berta Maria von Fritsch
[ "Friedrich Hayek" ]
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What British person founded Arbitration Committee in English Wikipedia
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British person influenced Harold Lloyd , Marcel Marceau , and Benny Hill and married Lita Grey
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British person that Elizabeth West , Padma Lakshmi , and Marianne Wiggins married was influenced by Gabriel García Márquez
[ "Salman Rushdie" ]
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What British person that Marcel Marceau and Harold Lloyd were influenced by and Paulette Goddard and Oona O'Neill married influenced Michael Jackson
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British person that Vertigo was directed by and executive produced by did Rear Window star
[ "Alfred Hitchcock" ]
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What British person that founded F.P.S.H.O.T. and HandMade Films was influenced by Chuck Berry
[ "George Harrison" ]
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What British person that married Paulette Goddard was a composer of Modern Times
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British person was a Swedish star of The Salisbury Poisonings , The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1 , and Lesbian Vampire Killers
[ "MyAnna Buring" ]
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What British person was a parent of a editor and director of The Floorwalker
[ "Hannah Chaplin" ]
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What British person was employed by London School of Economics and Political Science , University of Bath , and University of Warwick
[ "Colin Crouch" ]
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What British person was influenced by Charles Darwin and influenced by The Digital Village 's founder and employee
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British person was influenced by John Maynard Smith and Bertrand Russell , influenced by Charles Darwin and Douglas Adams , and influenced by W. D. Hamilton
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British person was influenced by Plato
[ "Neel Burton", "C. S. Lewis" ]
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What British person whose spouse directed The Lodger: A Story of the London Fog was Number Seventeen 's writer and director
[ "Alfred Hitchcock" ]
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What British producer of Unstoppable and The East founded Scott Free Productions
[ "Ridley Scott" ]
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What British screenwriter did Vice star
[ "Charlotte Kirk" ]
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What British screenwriter directed Vantage Point
[ "Pete Travis" ]
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What British sibling of Shiva Naipaul was employed by Wesleyan University
[ "V. S. Naipaul" ]
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What British sibling of Monika Mann was a film producer 's spouse
[ "Erika Mann" ]
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What British sibling of Jonathan Nolan did a film producer influence
[ "Christopher Nolan" ]
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What British sibling of Hannah Ware was influenced by Kate Bush
[ "Jessie Ware" ]
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What British sibling of Hannah Ware did Kate Bush influence
[ "Jessie Ware" ]
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What British sibling of Ada Eliot was influenced by Charles Baudelaire , William Shakespeare , and Alfred Tennyson
[ "T. S. Eliot" ]
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What British sibling of D'You Know What I Mean? 's male composer married Patsy Kensit and Nicole Appleton
[ "Liam Gallagher" ]
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What British sibling of Margaret Booth (née Meinertzhagen) did Armorel Le Roy-Lewis , Theresa Clay , and Annie Meinertzhagen marry
[ "Richard Meinertzhagen" ]
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What British sibling of Joseph Fiennes executive produced Onegin
[ "Ralph Fiennes" ]
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What British sibling of a cinematographer founded Budget League
[ "Winston Churchill" ]
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What British spouse of Lalla Ward was influenced by Douglas Adams and influenced by Charles Darwin
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British spouse of Oona O'Neill directed Modern Times
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British spouse of Lita Grey influenced a film director that directed No label defined and influenced Federico Fellini and Michael Jackson
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British spouse of Valerie Eliot married Vivienne Haigh-Wood Eliot and was influenced by a spouse of Anne Hathaway
[ "T. S. Eliot" ]
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What British spouse of Lalla Ward was influenced by Douglas Adams , Ronald Fisher , and Niko Tinbergen
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British spouse of Birthe Lapenna did Ljuba Lapenna marry
[ "Ivo Lapenna" ]
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What British spouse of Alex Kingston was Coriolanus 's director
[ "Ralph Fiennes" ]
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What British spouse of Margit Dirac did University of Miami , Florida State University , University of Cambridge , and St John's College employ
[ "Paul Dirac" ]
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What British spouse of Sarah Brown was employed by United Nations and The Open University
[ "Gordon Brown" ]
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What British spouse of Helen Berta Maria von Fritsch was employed by New York University and University of Freiburg and employed by University of Salzburg , University of Chicago , and London School of Economics and Political Science
[ "Friedrich Hayek" ]
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What British spouse of Lalla Ward did Douglas Adams influence and Bertrand Russell influence
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British spouse of Sarah Brown was employed by United Nations
[ "Gordon Brown" ]
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What British spouse of Rodney G. Searight did Richard Meinertzhagen influence and marry
[ "Theresa Clay" ]
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What British spouse of Douglas Hickox edited Masters of the Universe
[ "Anne V. Coates" ]
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What British spouse of Natasha Parry directed , wrote , and edited Lord of the Flies
[ "Peter Brook" ]
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What British spouse of Ljuba Lapenna was a spouse of Birthe Lapenna
[ "Ivo Lapenna" ]
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What British spouse of Kate Garvey influenced Fincy Pierre and was influenced by Ayn Rand
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British spouse of a female person was Machines 's composer
[ "Brian May" ]
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What British spouse of a executive producer of Making the Cut was We Belong Together 's composer
[ "Seal" ]
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What British star and costume designer of White Diamond: A Personal Portrait of Kylie Minogue did Joshua Sasse marry
[ "Kylie Minogue" ]
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What British star and executive producer of The Good Doctor was employed by UNICEF
[ "Orlando Bloom" ]
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What British star of The Truth According to Wikipedia and Truth in Numbers? Everything, According to Wikipedia did Bomis employ
[ "Jimmy Wales" ]
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What British star of The Genius of Charles Darwin did Niko Tinbergen and Douglas Adams influence
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British star of The Genius of Charles Darwin was influenced by Douglas Adams and married Lalla Ward
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British star of Midnight's Children was influenced by Christopher Hitchens , Gabriel García Márquez , and Vladimir Nabokov and married Marianne Wiggins and Elizabeth West
[ "Salman Rushdie" ]
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What British star of The Game of Their Lives did Man of the People star and Star Trek: The Next Generation star
[ "Patrick Stewart" ]
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What British star of Saajan edited 8969
[ "Salman Khan" ]
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