What British writer and editor of City Lights , The Kid , and The Rounders influenced Irwin Corey and Marcel Marceau
[ "Charlie Chaplin" ]
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What British writer of Inception and The Prestige was Following 's cinematographer and writer
[ "Christopher Nolan" ]
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What British writer of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey was employed by The Oxford English Dictionary and University of Oxford and was employed by University of Leeds
[ "J. R. R. Tolkien" ]
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What British writer of Magical Mystery Tour married a film 's director
[ "John Lennon" ]
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What British writer of Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life was influenced by Charles Darwin and was influenced by Douglas Adams
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What British writer of Sex, Death and the Meaning of Life was influenced by W. D. Hamilton and Charles Darwin , married Lalla Ward , and was influenced by Douglas Adams
[ "Richard Dawkins" ]
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What Canadian American composer was a spouse of Souleye
[ "Alanis Morissette" ]
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What Canadian American film editor was Robert D. Webb 's spouse
[ "Barbara McLean" ]
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What Canadian American film producer that Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls was written by and Sonic the Hedgehog starred executive produced I'm Dying Up Here
[ "Jim Carrey" ]
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What Canadian American film producer wrote Final Stab
[ "David DeCoteau" ]
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What Canadian French person did Deryck Whibley and Chad Kroeger marry
[ "Avril Lavigne" ]
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What Canadian actor did National Film Board of Canada employ
[ "Charles Binamé", "Denys Arcand", "Alanis Obomsawin", "Christopher Hinton", "Bernard Gosselin", "Claude Jutra", "Don Owen", "Donald Brittain", "Guy L. Coté", "Jacques Leduc", "Jean Pierre Lefebvre", "Monique Simard", "Pierre Hébert", "Robin Spry", "Roger Blais", "Stanley Jackson" ]
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What Canadian actor did Douglas Fairbanks , Owen Moore , and Charles Rogers marry
[ "Mary Pickford" ]
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What Canadian actor did Daryl Hannah marry
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian actor did Kate Bush influence
[ "Sarah Slean" ]
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What Canadian actor did Shaw Brothers Studio , Asia Television , and TVB employ
[ "Lydia Shum" ]
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What Canadian actor did Inglourious Basterds star
[ "Mike Myers" ]
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What Canadian actor did Irving Thalberg and Martin Arrougé marry
[ "Norma Shearer" ]
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What Canadian actor edited True Lies
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian actor edited , directed , and wrote From the Drain
[ "David Cronenberg" ]
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What Canadian actor executive produced Point Break , Sanctum , and Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian actor founded Vapor Records
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian actor influenced Pearl Jam
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian actor influenced by Howie Mandel was influenced by Steve Martin
[ "Matthew Welch" ]
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What Canadian actor married Daryl Hannah
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian actor produced Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques and Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques
[ "Émile Proulx-Cloutier" ]
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What Canadian actor produced Pôle Sud : documentaires scéniques
[ "Émile Proulx-Cloutier" ]
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What Canadian actor that Calendar was written by and was edited by was employed by University of Toronto
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian actor that Ghostbusters was executive produced by influenced Matthew Welch , married Donna Dixon , and influenced Robert Capron
[ "Dan Aykroyd" ]
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What Canadian actor that a film editor influenced did Zack and Miri Make a Porno , Take This Waltz , and Donnie Darko star
[ "Seth Rogen" ]
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What Canadian actor that influenced Kylian'n was influenced by a person and influenced by Sinéad O'Connor
[ "Alanis Morissette" ]
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What Canadian actor was a composer of Cinnamon Girl
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian actor was employed by University of Windsor
[ "Jan Rubeš", "Liza Balkan" ]
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What Canadian actor was employed by Shaw Brothers Studio , TVB , and Asia Television
[ "Lydia Shum" ]
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What Canadian actor was influenced by Steve Martin and was influenced by Louis C.K.
[ "Luke Welch" ]
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What Canadian composer did Remember the Titans star
[ "Ryan Gosling" ]
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What Canadian composer did Deryck Whibley and Chad Kroeger marry
[ "Avril Lavigne" ]
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What Canadian composer did The New Gidget and Not Quite Human star
[ "Lili Haydn" ]
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What Canadian composer did Deryck Whibley marry
[ "Avril Lavigne" ]
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What Canadian composer directed Lost River
[ "Ryan Gosling" ]
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What Canadian composer edited The Hungover Games
[ "Byron Wong" ]
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What Canadian composer executive produced Only God Forgives
[ "Ryan Gosling" ]
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What Canadian composer married Deryck Whibley
[ "Avril Lavigne" ]
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What Canadian composer married Charlie's Angels 's executive producer and married Drew Barrymore
[ "Tom Green" ]
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What Canadian composer of The Quiet Assassin was a cinematographer of Collateral
[ "Paul Cameron" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer did Arsinée Khanjian marry
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer did University of Toronto employ
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer edited and directed No label defined , No label defined , and No label defined
[ "Johanne Fournier" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer founded IMAX Corporation
[ "Graeme Ferguson" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer of Xenogenesis edited Avatar , Titanic , and True Lies
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer of Xenogenesis did Titanic star
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer of Me Bob Robert , The Great Resistance , My Eye for a Camera , Being Human , and Boris Lehman, filmmaker was The Zone 's editor
[ "Denys Desjardins" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer of There's Always Vanilla , Season of the Witch , and Night of the Living Dead edited and directed Dawn of the Dead and The Crazies
[ "George A. Romero" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer of Crimes of the Future and Stereo edited From the Drain and Transfer
[ "David Cronenberg" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer of Collateral was The Quiet Assassin 's composer
[ "Paul Cameron" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer was Atom Egoyan 's spouse 's spouse
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer was Night of the Living Dead 's star , director , and cinematographer
[ "George A. Romero" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer was a male director of Where the Truth Lies and The Sweet Hereafter
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer was a editor and director of Calendar
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer was employed by University of Toronto and European Graduate School
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer was employed by University of Toronto
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian cinematographer wrote Final Stab
[ "David DeCoteau" ]
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What Canadian costume designer did Jessica Drake marry
[ "Brad Armstrong" ]
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What Canadian costume designer did Maurice Richard star
[ "Julie Le Breton" ]
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What Canadian costume designer did Cadavres and Starbuck star and Maurice Richard star
[ "Julie Le Breton" ]
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What Canadian costume designer did Marie Tudor and Maman Last Call star
[ "Julie Le Breton" ]
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What Canadian costume designer executive produced Laurence Anyways
[ "Xavier Dolan" ]
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What Canadian costume designer that Flashpoint starred was a male spouse of Jessica Drake
[ "Brad Armstrong" ]
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What Canadian costume designer was Veronique Cloutier 's sibling
[ "Stéphanie Cloutier" ]
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What Canadian costume designer wrote Eternity
[ "Brad Armstrong" ]
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What Canadian costume designer wrote , edited , and directed Heartbeats
[ "Xavier Dolan" ]
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What Canadian director and editor of Avatar was Xenogenesis 's cinematographer
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian director of The Amusement Park and Monkey Shines did Dawn of the Dead , Day of the Dead , and Night of the Living Dead star
[ "George A. Romero" ]
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What Canadian director of A Dangerous Adventure executive produced Hollywood Canteen
[ "Jack Warner" ]
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What Canadian director of Exit Wounds 's prequel did National Film Board of Canada employ
[ "Charles Binamé" ]
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What Canadian director of Goddess of Fireflies was Papa 's editor 's spouse
[ "Anaïs Barbeau-Lavalette" ]
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What Canadian director of Human Highway and Rust Never Sleeps did Year of the Horse and CSNY/Déjà Vu star
[ "Neil Young" ]
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What Canadian director of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier married Elizabeth Martin
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian director of Star Trek V: The Final Frontier did Star Trek: The Original Series star
[ "William Shatner" ]
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What Canadian editor of Martin , Season of the Witch , and Dawn of the Dead directed The Crazies and Bruiser
[ "George A. Romero" ]
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What Canadian editor of Lady in White was employed by University of Toronto
[ "Steve Mann" ]
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What Canadian editor of Heartbeats was Laurence Anyways 's writer , editor , and executive producer
[ "Xavier Dolan" ]
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What Canadian editor of Avatar and Titanic was John David Cameron 's sibling
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian editor of Strange Days and Avatar wrote True Lies and Avatar 3 and directed Titanic and Expedition: Bismarck
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian employee and founder of Cité Libre did Margaret Trudeau marry
[ "Pierre Trudeau" ]
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What Canadian employee of University of Alberta , University of British Columbia , and Concordia University influenced Kazuo Ishiguro , influenced Naomi Alderman , and was influenced by William Shakespeare
[ "Margaret Atwood" ]
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What Canadian employee of Pierre Trudeau 's employer did 24 heures ou plus star
[ "Pierre Trudeau" ]
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What Canadian employee of Rutgers University was a film director 's parent
[ "Ardele Lister" ]
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What Canadian employee of Office of Strategic Services was Saturday Night and Sunday Morning 's executive producer
[ "Harry Saltzman" ]
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What Canadian employee of A Kiss on the Nose 's distributor did Isaac Asimov influence
[ "Cory Doctorow" ]
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What Canadian employee of ASTROLab , Université du Québec à Chicoutimi , and Collège Lionel-Groulx did Magnus Manske , Carl Sagan , and Raymond Kurzweil influence
[ "Simon Villeneuve" ]
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What Canadian employee of University of Toronto wrote and edited Calendar
[ "Atom Egoyan" ]
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What Canadian executive producer of Preacher and Pineapple Express was influenced by Kevin Smith and married Lauren Miller
[ "Seth Rogen" ]
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What Canadian executive producer of I'm Dying Up Here influenced Matthew Welch
[ "Jim Carrey" ]
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What Canadian executive producer of Cirque du Soleil: Worlds Away married Suzy Amis Cameron
[ "James Cameron" ]
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What Canadian executive producer of a film did Office of Strategic Services employ
[ "Harry Saltzman" ]
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What Canadian female film director did Ian Gomez marry
[ "Nia Vardalos" ]
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What Canadian female film editor directed Molly: An American Girl on the Home Front 's sequel
[ "Patricia Rozema" ]
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What Canadian female film producer edited Les Dernières Fiançailles and Il ne faut pas mourir pour ça
[ "Marguerite Duparc" ]
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What Canadian film director did Grey's Anatomy and Larry Crowne star
[ "Nia Vardalos" ]
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