Well, you're going to have to practice, but you're getting the hang of it. Soon we're going to have to give you a new nickname. Try these on for size: Tammy "Lucky Seven" Healy Tammy "Pass the falafel" Healy Tammy "R Us" Healy Tammy "Learning by Doing" Healy Maddi "Never a Useful Post" Hausmann -- Maddi Hausmann Centigram Communications Corp San Jose California 408/428-3553
BULLSHIT. How many lakes have ceased to be able to support life from purely natural pollution? Man has already done this to scores of lakes. Also, much of the "degredation" you cite was done by cows and pigs. And why do think there are so many cows around? Could it be.......cause people raise them?
You have one. Minimize the print manager and drag a file to it and it will print it. You need to associate file extensions with such things as the notepad for it to do this though.
Okay. I have my copies of all relevant gun-control bills. I'm mad as hell. I want to get involved. I want to join the battle to protect our Second Amendment Rights. Who do I write? Who should I concentrate on writing my comments to? The actual author of the bill? The supporters of the bill? My Congressman? My Senator? Newspapers? Magazines? All of the above? I don't believe that I will change the world, but at least I am going to throw a few punches. Can any of you offer any advice or suggestions to me as I now begin to get involved here? Thanks for replying directly to me via e-mail.
The VL-IDE Adapter can be much faster then the normal IDE, it depends on the drive you use and the board you use. I am using a NoName VL-IDE I/O Contr. it is tested under coretest with 2.000 kb/s using a cheap Seagate 3196 and nearly 4000 kb/s using a WD-Caviar 2340, you have figure out the jumper setting on the controller to get reliable diskaccess, fastest setting gets 4600 kb/s under Coretest but does not work reliable. You have to shadow the adapter BIOS to get the fast speed. I haven´t used a VL-IDE-Cache controller yet, but it might speed up twice. dieter
ok. so what's an "exhaust bra"? i'm guessing it's not a fabric thing that straps to the pipes... does it go over the chin fairing/lowers in some way? i usually don't ride with the lower plastic...
I recently took apart my color Sony TV to clean the volume pushbuttons and when I put the beast back together, the flyback whine got much louder. Is this easy to fix? Which part is resonating? I have heard rumors of a spray that will fix the noise. Is this a simple thing for a TV repairman to fix? Thanks,
A friend of mine uses Windows 3.1 to do most of her work. Unfortunately, she has very bad eyesight, and we haven't been able to figure out how to change the default font used by the system and application menus, or the font used by the Help program (what use is hypertext if you can't read it?) to make it legible to her. If anyone knows how to increase the size of these fonts, of any software package that makes Windows more accessible to visually handicapped people, please let me know.
Organization: Compact Solutions, Canberra ACT Australia I have a floppy drive which has developed "General failure" errors. (It's a Teac 1.44Mb 3.5" drive). I took it out of the machine and noticed it was very dusty. I used a high powered air can to blow all this dust out and it's quite clean now. However, it didn't help the problem. I've also identified that when the machine boots (and the drive seeks for a boot disk), the head movement during this process is now approximately half the length of the original time. What I mean is the period when the drive light comes on and the heads move from their retracted position out to the track containing the boot sector. Is there anything more I can do to try and save this drive? I'd prefer not to shell out $100 for a new one if I can help it. Thanks! Cheers, Ben ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ben J. Elliston Bachelor of Engineering (Computer Engineering) \\\// University of Canberra (@ @) ___ooO_( )_Ooo__ Email: V Also: UUCP: ..!uunet!munnari!!compsol!root FidoNet: 3:620/262 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
It is ironic that in any post that criticizes langauge ability, the critic invariably makes a mistake himself ("english" is generally written "English".) Oddly, I do not see that I have contested any of that. Perhaps you, with assuredly greater "english" ability can explain, in tiny words that I might grasp their meaning, precisely WHERE I infer that you have said any of those things? No Mr Fisher, you should place the burden of proof on the one who makes the allegation in the first place. You do not. Perhaps you might explain why that is? As for the email route, Mr Fisher, you might have tried that yourself.
Has anyone used DCE threads with an X Client? Is it possible to have one thread listening for incoming RPCs while another processes X Events? How do you set something like this up? _ Atul (
To anyone with experience about Honda Civic (EX or DX) or Saturn SL1: I would be interested in knowing how reliable these cars are, how expensive they are to own and operate (parts, maintenance, gas, insurance), if the dealers are good, and if they actually live up to their economy image. Another question: what would I expect to pay for a Civic EX coupe with automatic, air, and an AM/FM radio? Mail to the address below or post to this group. Thanks, Rob
It sure did! I have; and all the above teach me that accurately perceiving reality is a tricky business -- _not_ that there's no reality. -- Mark Pundurs
First off, use some decent terms if ya don't mind. This is, not Secondly, how absolutely bogus to assume that "American's are just too hung up on the penis....blah,blah". I think most American's don't care about anything so comlicated as that. They just think it "looks nicer". Ask a few of them and see what response you get. Others still opt for circumcision due to religious traditions and beliefs. Some think it is easier to clean. Still others do it because "Daddy was". Dont' be so naive as to think American's are afraid of sexuality.
I don't know much about Hydrophones, so I'm looking for any information that will help avoid problems I haven't thought of! I would like an inexpensive hydrophone and amplifier with tape (line level) outputs... something like Edmund sells for $250. They also sell just the microphone (hydrophone) head for $24, but how does one construct the enclosure? Any information would be greatly appreciated, Thanks!
I presume you are just going to use IDEA for the session encryption and transmit the session key with RSA? David R. Conrad "No his mind is not for rent/To any god or government"
I have been studying the Bible now for about a year. I love it, but I am not very familiar with the different denominations, or traditions, or common beliefs of various christian groups. I have heard various people (outside this news group) describe *idols* such as power, money, material possessions etc. These things are worshiped in some sense I suppose, but I never really gave idols much thought. Until now... I have been reading the postings in this news group (which I just found a few days ago), and I have a question... First, I'm not trying to question anyone's belief or try to push my views on anyone else (I haven't been at this long enough to have any views other than I cannot get to heaven by being good, I must understand that Christ bore my sins on the cross so that I could be saved and I need to repent, i.e. realize that every time I sin, I might as well stick a sharp stick in Christ's side because He took the punishment for my sins, when He died on the cross). In my studies, Mary never really comes up. I know who she is, but that's about it. It seems to me that a statue of Mary could be considered an idol? Do people pray to statues of Mary? It sounds like educated christians (more educated than myself I'm sure) believe Mary was sinless? Wow... I hoped to spend the summer convincing myself (one way or the other) about Tongues (I'm reading "Charismatic Chaos"). I guess I'll study Tongues in parallel with reading this news group. Any help you can give me will be appreciated. ------------------------------------------- [I don't think the issue is so much that people are more educated than you (though it may well be that they are), as that they come from a different tradition than yours. This is a discussion between Catholics and Protestants. Catholics generally believe that Mary was sinless. Protestants do not. The issue comes down to different sources of authority. Protestants generally limit themselves to the Bible as a source of doctrine. Since this isn't in the Bible (except in passages that no one would understand in this way if they didn't already believe it), Protestants don't accept it. Catholics see continuing revelation through the Church, though they believe the results are consistent with the Bible. I interpret your posting, not as a call for yet another argument about whether the Catholic Marian devotions are idolatry (an argument I am not prepared to see newed here), but as a sign of being interested in learning about traditions other than your own. Catholics are of course a major one, but by no means the only one. I generally consider the major traditions to be Catholic, Orthodox, and various subsets of Protestantism. Within Protestantism, it's a matter of how finely you want to cut things. These days I think the major division is between those who accept Biblical inerrancy and those who don't. There are also a number of major historical traditions, but in recent decades distinctions are tending to blur. I'd identify the major Protestant traditions as: Lutheran, Reformed, Anglican (they're sort of halfway between Catholic and Protestant), Wesleyan, Baptist, Holiness, Pentecostal, Church of Christ But there are a number of others. Historical distinctions tend not to be so important among the liberal churches anymore, and I think current trends in society and the Church are also tending to make conservatives seen themselves as allies from a general "evangelical" perspective. But differences among these various traditions are still quite marked. I think the best introduction to these issues is to read a good book on church history. Anyone who wants to understand the church really needs to understand how we got where we are now. A church history will normally show you where each of these traditions came from, and give a feeling for their nature. Unfortunately I'm away from my library at the moment, so I don't have anything specific to recommend.
Home speakers: o NHT (Now Hear This Inc.) Model II floor tower speaker system. The Model II is a pair of 3 way design with a 3/4" tweeter, 6.5" mid-range, and two 6.5" woofer for low bass. Impedance is 8 ohms (minimum 4 ohms), the cross-over points are 100Hz and 3.2 KHz. Frequency response is rated at 40Hz to 22KHz +/- 3db. Rated efficiency is 87db. Power rating is between 35 to 200 watts per channel. Black finish. Magnetic shielded perfect for surround sound front speakers or HiFi audio speakers. retail $850.00 at Macys, asking $500 obo, a year old, rarely used, excellent just like new condition. o Bose 301 book shelf speakers, black, perfect condition, like new, Paid $350.00, asking $220.00 firm o B&O (Bang & Olufsen) Beovox CX100 Satellite speakers, white. Brand new in box, paid $450.00. $350.00 obo o Yamaha center center paid $125, asking $80.00 firm, just like new o Yamaha rear channel speakers for Doby Surround Sound paid $150, asking $99.00, just like new Car speakers: o Boston Acoustic 861 seperates (car audio speakers), 6" woofers with seperate tweeters and crossovers. Brand new in box, never been installed, $259.00 at Good Guys Asking $199.00 firm
ESPN must have some very poor marketing people. They are only concerned with featuring players (i.e. Mario) than featuring good competitive hockey. I've heard that this is because most of their market is East Coast and hence would prefer the Wales stuff. Also, don't expect Canadian teams on ESPN.
Nonsense! I wasn't asked if Larry O'Brien should trust Nixon with his keys, but whether I would. David
just a point, i suppose, if open mind means believing anything can be true or we can't for sure know what is definitely true, i'm happy to not be open minded. if, however, open mindedness means being respectful and tolerant towards other beliefs, respecting the rights and intelligence and wisdom of people of other beliefs and giving equal time to alternative ideas, i try my very best to be open minded. just a thot in passing.... :) not being married, i cannot say too much to you, but from my perspective having mutually exclusive faiths would be a big enough roadblock for me in considering marrying someone. making it much bigger than it is? i suppose that depends on how serious each of you is in your beliefs. lukewarm atheists and christians for whom religion is of nominal importance probly would feel the issue isn't very big. i suppose the more important your beliefs are to each of you, the more important the issue is.
Some comments deleted for bandwidth (God knows, we need it... :)) Ok, Roger, here's a question for you. Say you are running an expansion team. You don't HAVE a team at the moment, but the draft is coming up. Who are you going to pick, guys who have won the most WS rings, or guys who COULD contribute the most to your team. Say the Reds were dumb enough to not protect Larkin, and the Jays didn't protect Alfredo. Who would you pick? (I can't believe I'm getting involved in this... :) John
Article #61214 (61317 is last): From: (Matthew Richard Arnold) Subject: DX50 vs DX266 Date: Wed Apr 21 19:55:12 1993 Would someone be willing to explain to me the 486DX 50MHz is not more popular than it is? I would think it would be just as fast, if not faster than the 486DX 66MHz for certian applications. Plus, a 50MHz motherboard would seem better if you had any plans on upgrading the chip in the future. I must be missing something, since everyone is buying the DX2 66... Many adds don't even mention the DX 50. Thanks a lot, -Matt End of File, Press RETURN to quit Yes its realy simple, no one makes a mother board that runs the bus at more than 33MHZ....Sam
: I cant get through to the author of rtrace. His site is inaccessible : can he upload the new version somewhere else please?
What is the copyright status of this data? Are there restrictions regarding the uses they can be put to? Kaveh
Gee, since you ignored the entire substance of my substantial post, you got a lot of nerve claiming that I don't understand what's being talked about. Respond to the previous post or shut the fuck up. You're really annoying. -- Maddi Hausmann Centigram Communications Corp San Jose California 408/428-3553
<Due it seems to Sun's crapulous organisation of the X libraries and includes, <most standard (GNU and other) software won't compile out of the box (well, tar <file). < <Right now I'm trying to make ghostview. It complains it can't find X11/XaW/... <so I just linked (ln -s) the files from /usr/openwin/share/include/X11 and <now the ghoddam thing _still_ complains it can't find them. < <I still haven't been able to compile xdvi, not no way. < <Has anyone _ever_ managed to get _anything_ normal to compile on a Sun <(SunOS 4.1.3 and OpenWindows 3)? What's the trick I'm missing? I've even <tried hard copying all the relevant files into the "right" places and <every time, there's some bit missing or it refuses to find it. Sounds like you didn't load the support for those libraries when OW3.0 was loaded. The Xaw support was missing from OW2.0 but added in 3.0.
I writing a program that uses the parallel port. My problem is that I need to generate an interrupt when the ack line is pulsed. I can get this to occur once, but am unable to generate succesive interrupts. Can someone suggest how I may resolve this problem.
I have a 1974 Honda CB360T which for most of my purposes runs well. However I expereince a severe power drop at cruising speeds under load. That is, on a mild upgrade @ 50 mph in 4th or 5th I'm lucky if I can hold speed. If I try to add throttle much past 5000 rpm, power drops drastically. Put simply, under load, the engine won't rev past 5000 rpm. The top third/half of the throttle range is dead. Standing still the engine runs fine up to red line (9-10K). Other phenomenology: at about the point that power loss kicks in, the engine becomes a little wavery. That is, at a steady throttle the engine speed goes up and down slightly. The bike has about 13000 miles on it and is in good tune, at least until it starts to balk. I would appreciate any suggestions as to what's ailing the poor beast. My thoughts run toward clogged jets and/or improper spark advance. I'm hoping it's not something more drastic since the bike's not really worth the hassle of any major engine work. Thanks,
The Stacy Koon-Lawrence Powell defense! The decisions of Janet Reno and Bill Clinton in this affair are essentially the moral equivalents of Stacy Koon's. Reno and Clinton have the advantage in that they investigate themselves.
I recently set Windows 3.1 up on my 486DX-33 VLB system, and I didn't notice until last night that I don't have the 386 icon in my control panel. I don't remember Windows setup asking me about 386 enhanced mode (whether I wanted it or not). Now I've got a program that I just bought (Aldus Freehand 3.1) that is telling me that I should be running Windows in enhanced mode (looks like I'm running in standard mode). How can switch to enhanced mode without the little icon thingie? Are there some issues involved with VESA LB systems which cause Windows to not want to give you enhanced mode? Thanks for any help!!
Sigh. That's music to my ears, after all the complaining Lois did about the seat on my BMW... I've found that the phrase "sack of potatoes" works pretty well in describing to a passenger how s/he should act. On a long ride with my ex-girlfriend Nancy, I would notice her drifting off every so often (we were droning down highway 101 to LA). I probably wouldn't have been aware of this if she hadn't been in the habit of squeezing my butt with her knees to hold on. Good advice. _MelloN_
:Chronic persistent hepatitis is usually diagnosed when someone does a liver :biopsy on a patient that has persistently elevated serum transaminases months :after a bout of acute viral hepatitis, or when someone is found to have :persistently elevated transaminases on routine screening tests. The degree of :elevation (in the serum transaminases) can be trivial, or as much as ten times :normal. Other blood chemistries are usually normal. :As a rule, patients with CPH have no clinical signs of liver disease. :Chronic active hepatitis can also be asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic, at :least initially, and that's why it's important to tell them apart by means of :a biopsy. The patient with CPH only needs to be reassured. The patient with :CAH needs to be treated. I just went back to the chapter in Cecil on chronic hepatitis. It seems that indeed most cases of CPH are persistant viral hepatitis, whereas there are a multitude of potential and probable causes for CAH (viral, drugs, alcohol, autoimmune, etc.). Physicians seem to have a variety of "thresholds" for electing to biopsy someone's liver. Personally, I think that if the patient is asymptomatic, with only slight transaminitis and normal albumin and PT, one can simply follow them closely and not add the potential risks of a biopsy. Others may well biopsy such a patient, thus providing these samples for study. It would be interesting to see if anyone's done any decision analysis on this.
And maybe they do. But without somebody to set the time that doesn't do them any good. Humph. Deleted there was my list of non-religious reasons one might want a moment of silence for a dead classmate. Maybe everyone doesn't want to be silent for teachers to give their pompous non-religious speeches in assembly. I know I didn't. So? Please provide documentation that opposing only things that are actively religious (e.g. actual prayer, "Amen" after a moment of silence, mandatory classes in religion) and not things that have possible but uncertain religious implications (e.g. moments of silence, having the Bible on the shelves during reading period) is not a way to prevent a state religion.
The Quantum BBS number is 408-894-3214. Good luck. Les
Excerpts from 15-May-93 Re: COLORS and X windows (A.. John Cwikla@morrison.wri (4620) What I'd like to see is this scenario: Each widget, view, whatever, describes it's colors via a palette. Palettes can be shared and they only contain descriptive information. They are not directly tied to the object that uses them. Palettes are held in the server. A palette can accomadate, up to, the number of hardware color cells of color descriptors. When the input focus is in a particular widget, that widget has access to all of the colors that are described in its associated palette. ALL OTHER WIDGETS, TRANSIENTLY, GET THE CLOSEST APPROXIMATION THAT CAN BE GENERATED BY A UNION OF THE COLORS FROM THE CURRENT PALETTE AND ANY FREE COLORS THAT ARE LEFT OVER. A widget specifies a color for imaging by providing an index (pixel) into its associated palette.
I must say that I have been a customer of Midwest Micro for over 4 years now, and have been well taken care of on each purchase. I have had many friends that have bought that same modem and (THEY) do have some experience with setting up modems, so there have been no problems in 6 of them that I know of. The fact that your time to valuable for you to spend on the modem is where you went wrong. WHY you say because I must tell you of the 12 yes I say 12 PPI modems that I have had in the past that I was trying to use on my bbs. They all were junk and were replace 3 times each, to ther point that I just said forget it and I wanted my money back. PPI's teck even said that they didn't even repair them. That they just strip the parts that are good and junk thr rest of the modem. I think it was more your fault than Midwest Mirco's faulkt...Sam
Could someone please help me. I am trying to find the address to the TDRS receiving station at White Sands Missile Range. I am interested in possible employment and would like to write for information.
The honest answer to your question about Arabs who were expelled from Jaffa, and/or who fled Jaffa, or anywhere else in Israel, having the right to return is: Yes, unfortunately, they have the right to return. They may apply for citizenship like any other non-Israeli and then go to >Jaffa and try to buy their house back from the Jews who now own it. And now a question and answer for you: Can the Jews who were born and raised in Hebron, or their descendants go back to THEIR homes in Hebron? The answer is: absolutely NOT, because they were almost all murdered by their Arab neighbors - the "palestinians". Now, do I think the Arabs should be allowed to even visit "their" homes in Jaffa? Hell, no. Bring back the Jews of Hebron, Petah Tikva, Jerusalem, Safed, etc. Then, perhaps I would be in favor of Arabs returning to their Jaffa homes. However, seeing as no Arab has yet been able to bring people back from the dead, I'd say that's out. With all the hope in the world, Nissan Ratzlav-Katz
I forgot to mention that the stats are for games through 4/20.
Often times (most recently on this list in the last few days) I've heard the passage from revelation: "...whoever adds to the sacred words of this book...whoever removes words from this book..." used as an arguement against the deutercanonical books. I feel this is ridiculous for two reasons: 1. They weren't added later by the Catholic Church; they were *always* part of what was considered inspired scripture. (This has been dealt with in previous reason to repeat the info.) 2. It is more likely than not that when St. John (or whomever) wrote the book of Revelation WHAT WAS THEN CONSIDERED SCRIPTURE was ** NOT ** the same thing you and I are holding in our hands! If one takes the translation of "this book" in REV 18:22 (or somewhere around there) to mean "all of scripture", then all of us are likely holding something that is in violation of this command. It is impossible to exactly date the scriptures, even the N.T. ones (they didn't like to date their letters, I guess). I really wish I had my bible with me right now to get the facts straight, but I believe that several of the N.T. letters, chief among them 2 Peter, have their most likely date of composition in the early second century A.D. Revelation was almost certainly written durin the reign of Domition (sp?), A.D. 80-96. Thus it could be argues that we are all in sin if we accept 2 Peter as scripture, since it was "added" to the book after the composition of Revelation, when we are told to add nothing more.
Hey, Clayton, it's me again! I just love your arguments. They completely clinch each and _every_ one of your points! But then again, that, I suppose, says a lot about how screwed up your are. Hehe. I haven't had so much fun since I started blasting christians in alt.atheism!
I wholeheartedly endorse it. I have no problem with the Haven't been to many A's games, have you? Seriously, I don't mind a baseball game that lasts a long time if it lasts a long time because there is good baseball being played. However, I don't like 3-2 games that take 3+ hours, because there's a lot of dead time going on in that game. I don't find anything exciting about watching batter or pitcher wander around between pitches, or watching the catcher make a slow walk to the mound, or watching lots of pitcher changes for no good reason (Whitey Herzog used to be the master of this; the game could be way out of reach, and he'd still be making switches for platoon advantage). I want to see the game, not people standing around. I don't really enjoy watching NFL football games in person, for example, because there's so much dead time (you don't really notice how much dead time there is if you watch it on television, because they're busy showing you replays). I don't like that college basketball games have so many time outs at the end of the game (the NCAA has made some moves to try to alleviate this problem for next year: they're going to stop the clock after made baskets late in games next year, and they're going to a 35 second clock). There's also a difference in how tolerant I am of long games if I'm watching them on the tube, and if I'm going there in person. For me, going to an A's game has become a major commitment of time, one that I'm not willing to make that often: the length of their games is costing the A's revenue from me.
Falcon Microsystems of Landover MD, the sole Apple-authorized reseller to the federal government, has similar "open market" prices. The upgrade is too new to be on General Services Adminsitration schedule yet. Joe Gurman
Someone asked me if I there existed an init that removes the dialog "you're gonna disconnect all apletalk users " or something like that, when the powerbook falls asleep. He said he was sure that such a thing existed, and he thought it was freeware. Can anyone help me out with this ?
I guess it's kind of an aesthetics argument. I can see the solar arrays being expensive, and there could be contingencies where you would be throwing away brand new solar cells, but it seems so cheap compared toa shuttle mission, i wouldn't think they would bother.
I posted that document (forgot part 1/6 etc) but it was more than a summary, it was a complete technical description of the protocol. It can be ftped from simtel or from in mirrors/msdos/naplps Why not write a NAPLPS decoder for your choice of platform and release the code to the net? Then other willing souls can help port it to other platforms. NAPLPS was designed for this type of online interactive graphics much the same as X, but while X is intended for high-bandwidth network connections, NAPLPS was optimized for low bandwidth modem connections. I'm sure you will receive other suggestions but look at it this way. If you wanted to provide a full network connection to Linux over a modem would you use SLIP/PPP or would you invent some new way? Most people would say that SLIP/PPP exist and are reasonably well designed protocols, so lets just implement them. I see it the same way with NAPLPS. It is an existing, well thought out, extensible protocol for online graphics, so why not implement it. If you need any advice on implementation, just e-mail me. I am currently getting a beta version of my CorelDraw to NAPLPS converter working well enough to release it by May 15. If you or someone else does not get going on a freely available NAPLPS decoder, then I intend to do it after I get a my conversion program out of beta, and get a couple of other things done.
But you stated that this study was presented in a very accurate and dependable way. This is confusing to the issue. And if you read this title it implies that; gay sex (homosexual sex) activities are low compared to the general population that they surveyed. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Well let us quibble- look at the above statement that you posted, I have marked it with '^^^^^^', IT STATES THAT 1% ARE EXCLUSIVELY HOMOSEXUAL- IT STATES 2% ARE OR HAVE ENGAGED IN HOMOSEXUAL SEX. And please not the use of adjective here "HOMOSEXUAL SEX". Now I stated that if we take 1% as homosexal this is a valid viewpoint.
I never advocated "hiding in the sand." I'm advocating a peaceful solution while a peaceful solution is possible. Unless you want blood on your hands. Read the above. I type corrected. (:-) English revolution-> what revolution? They never had one. India-> If they could get around their religion restrictions Mexico-> Point Taken, I forgot about this one. France-> Napoleon Bonepart would have something to say about this. Holland-> I didn't know they had one, won't comment because I don't know enough. Actually, I consider the issue on topic. When you start gambling with fire crackers, sooner or later, somebody is going to lose a hand. Fine. Exercise the right to free speech. That's great! But don't resort to armed violence until there's no other possibility. No. I believe there are bad cops, and good cops. There are bad people, and good people. (And all that grey inbetween.) I have had the pleasure of knowing a police officer who did his best to uphold the laws he swore to defend. I have also seen what happens when police power is abused. Don't generalize in either direction. It just causes problems. Me either. Nice can of worms, ain't it?
Having driven both, and having owned an SC300 for 14 months now, all I can say is "it depends". They're both great cars. In fact, my wife and I are saving our pennies so we can get her the 300ZX convertible in a year. The 300ZX handles like a dream, while the SC300 rides like a dream. Fit and finish on both are excellent, but the Lexus gets the nod in customer satisfaction. They're both very attractive, and hideously expensive. The resale value of the SC is better than the ZX. The 300ZX isn't available with traction control, which makes it a handful on slippery surfaces.
If you want to try a non-toxic solvent, there's one made of citrus that works very well and doesn't take your skin off in the process. One brand name I've used is Citra-Solve, but there are others too.
That's right. Everyone. Even infants who cannot speak as yet. Even a little child will rebelliously stick his finger in a light socket. Even a little child will not want his diaper changed. Even a little child will fight nap-time. So far as Jesus saying "everyone": A certain ruler asked Jesus, "Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good-- except God alone." Ken, the book of Romans states that we are born sinners. We do not grow into being a sinner. We sin because we are sinners. The common mistake, even in Christian circles, is to think the reverse true. So for as surely as you grew to look like you parents, you not only inherited their appearance, but also their sin nature. It goes with being human.
I have a question about the autocheck-boxes in Windows. Is it a possibility to let the boxes have several different colors at the same time? Frode Kvam :-) -- _______________________________________________________________________________ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ (C) _______________________________________________________________________________ Name: Frode Kvam Univ: University of Trondheim, dept of informatics E-mail: Snail-mail: Lademoens Kirkealle 8 7042 TRONDHEIM Voice: + 47 7 50 45 06 _______________________________________________________________________________
I've been away for a couple of weeks and have become out of touch with the latest information on the Diamond Viper Card. Does anyone know if Diamond has come out with any Vesa Driver updates lately? Also, I was wondering what the latest Windows Driver version is up to now. Thanks in advance, Dan
How is that possible? He was on the Albuquerque Leftturns last year. How could you possibly know what team he would be on if Manny Lee was on his team last year. After all, Manny Lee wasn't on his team last year, so it's complete, unfounded speculation to state that if he was on the same team as Manny Lee last year, it would have been the team of the Toronto Blue Jays. Since he and Lee weren't on the same team, you cannot possibly objectively state what team they would have been on if they had both been on the same team.
I quote from the journal, "30 Days In the Church and In the World," 1992, No. 8/9, p. 29. Regarding the new draft of the Universal Catechism: In procuring the common good of society the need could arise that the aggressor be placed in the position where he cannot cause harm. By virtue of this, the right and obligation of public authorities to punish with proportionate penalties, including the death penalty, is acknowledged. For similar reasons, legimate authorities have the right to impede aggressors in society with the use of arms. The Church's traditional teaching has always been expressed and will continue to be expressed in the consideration of the real conditions of common good and the effective means for preserving public order and personal safety. To the degree that means other than the death penalty and military operations are sufficient to keep the peace, then these non-violent provisions are to be preferred because they are more in proportion and in keeping with the final goal of protection of peace and human dignity. As is clearly shown by this excerpt, the Church's teaching on capital punishment remains today as it has always been in the past - in total accord with my sentiment that I do not disagree with the use of deadly force in those cases for which this option is justifiable. I seek to conform my will to the will of God as expounded by His instrument of the visible Church here on earth whenever the question of faith or morals arises.
My disk that had my joystick code that some of you were kind enough to mail me puked....specifically, I am looking for C code to read the position of joystick WITHOUT using int15h, i.e. accessing port 0x200/0x201 directly. I need it in C becaues of memory model considerations. I only need to be able to read the X and Y position also.
Wow, look at alllthe pretty puddles!!!! Jimmy crack koan, and I don't care, Jimmy crack koan and i don't care, Jimmy crack Koan and i don't care, Zen Master's gone away.....
Are you in contact with her, is that what she said, or what you THINK her reason is? Also, could it be possible that she is not replying because she has no reply that wouldn't confirm the worst suspicions? If the suspicions are way out of pocket, one would think the person would be in there saying so, and indicating WHY they are out of pocket. Hiding behind a veil of secrecy is not reassuring.
^^^^^^^ So how does Aerostitch hold up with this procedure? I'm ordering mine Monday, May 3. And I'm happy about it, too. :-) :-) -Mike
I don't think the issue of whether infants have faith is relevant or not. Certainly they *can*, as the example of John in utero proves. I find the translation of Col 2 above odd in terms of the circumcision of christ, which the KJV and RSV put in terms of Christ's cricumcision which we, in union with him *participate* in putting off the body of sins of the flesh. Also, perhaps cor 2:12 is dividing the act of burial with him in baptism, which can be independant of faith, from the experience of rising with Christ by faith. Who says both are by faith? This interpretation has the advantage of explaining those who are faithlessly baptized, for whom their baptisim is not benefit, but serves to put them into the kingdom nonetheless. Like the israelites (all of them, children included) who were baptized in the cloud and in the sea, it was of no advantage because they did not add to their baptism faith and obedience. Baptism does not impart faith, nor is it done strictly speaking on the basis of the faith of the parent, but because of the covcenant promise of God. It imparts grace, the grace of the kingdom, which can be a punishement in disguise if there is later apostacy. Do you teach a child to pray the Lord's prayer? Do you expect them to not steal? They *can* have faith appropriate to their condition. And in the new covenant, we shall no longer say: know the lord, for they shall all know him from the least unto the greatest Heb 8:11. But also according to Ezekiel 18, God will not hold innocent anyone on the basis of anyone elses innocense. Thus Jesus could not be our federal head any more than adam, *IF* that's what ezekiel is talking about. Shall you make ezekiel 18 contradict the second commandemnt as well? > Ezekiel 36:25-26 indicates that this new heart will be given by God, in the context of the sprinkling of water in baptism. It is the action of God puting them into his new order, and not a question of"personal" faith as such. But the death that came to all because of sin is not just their personal death, but the dead state (originbal sin). We are in a covenant of death, because adam, our federal head gave over his dominion to the devil and death. While this psalm is figurative in it's language, it is not hyperbolic, and the one does not necessarily imply the other. There is not other hyperbolic language in this psalm. What v 5 is likely refering to is what is symbolized by the OT cleanliness laws (which make intercourse and childbrith both acts which caus uncleannes and seperation from God). The whole psalm is in the language of OT ritual (hyssop, cleansing, burnt offering, etc) David's sin with bathsheba included this element, as he did not ritually cleanse himself when he should have. But what was symbolized by the OT ritual was the truth that sin was passed generationally. That's why the organ of generation had to be cut. That's why brith was unclean. Uncleanness was death, and all babies were born dead, and needed to be washed to newness of life, which we have in baptism today.
=Having read in the past about the fail-safe mechanisms on spacecraft, I had =assumed that the Command Loss Timer had that sort of function. However I =always find disturbing the oxymoron of a "NO-OP" command that does something. =If the command changes the behavior or status of the spacecraft it is not =a "NO-OP" command. Using your argument, the NOOP operation in a computer isn't a NOOP, since it causes the PC to be incremented. =Of course this terminology comes from a Jet Propulsion Laboratory which has =nothing to do with jet propulsion. Of course, the complaint comes from someone who hasn't a clue as to what he's talking about. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL
This is stupid. Won't it cost more to those companies hoping to serve the gov't and private markets if they DON'T use the same technology?
In <> I already responded to this on one dimension, but afterthoughts cause me to make another, independent reply. The problem with a "moment of silence" is that it is NOT an even-handed way of "allowing" for religion amongst students in the public schools. As I noted before, Muslims need more than a moment of silence in order to perform the prayers they are required by Muhammad to do. And (at least Orthodox) Jewish prayer also has requirements that are not addressed by this. There is, in fact, a highly selective BIAS towards Christian prayer in this "moment of silence" shit. And that is especially bizarre in that Christian prayer DOESN'T NEED this stuff -- a Christain may pray totally incognito AT ANY TIME (to some extent, this is true of Muslims and Jews as well -- what I intend in my first paragraph is that there *are* some characteristic forms of prayer in *these* religions which DO need special times and/or behavior, which cannot be undertaken without an observer being able taking note of it.) A Christian may pray, at ANY time -- silently and without any trace of his activity being evident to others. That may or may not be true of the other religious traditions amongst us: certainly, these tend to have SOME forms of prayer that WOULD evidence differences from American/Protestant "mainstream" religion. All that a "moment of silence" does is to allow THAT ONE tradition which doesn't NEED it, to have a "special" place set aside in the public schools. There is NOTHING in Christian prayer that requires public forms, or rugs, or phylacteries, or anything else at all visible to the outside world. A Christian student MAY (and probably does) pray at innumerable times during the day, without anyone else knowing it. [That may also be true of non- Christians -- I am not claimng otherwise]. In the "moment of silence" it would STILL be difficult for the Jews to gather and daven, for the Muslims to do their ablutions and find qiblah to Mecca and engage in the prescribed forms. But *of course* Christians can do *their* thing -- and therefore, the provision is nothing but a disguised attempt to encourage just that. Luckily, there *is* a strong Jewish presence in this country (and I, as a Christian, revere some of the Jewish teachers I had in public schools), and a growing Muslim presence as well. I can only hope that the political forces consequent on this will PREVENT the imposition of Christian forms on non-Christians. As far as I can see (as a Christian) there is NOTHING in this "moment of silence" campaign but an attempt to use PUBLIC social pressure to FORCE children to adhere to a pattern that is biased towards Christianity. And as a Christian, I *must* protest such coercion. For what it's worth, I suspect that the coercion is not really targeted at the non-Christians -- it is yet another case of FAILURE amongst Christian parents in "making" their children prayerful, so that they want the public schools to teach what THEY cannot manage to teach, despite having all the opportunity in the world to do so. If you have taught your children to pray, they do NOT need a moment of silence in school. If you have NOT managed to teach them, the moment will only embarrass you. Give it up.
Yes, the local sheriff stated that anytime he wanted to talk to Koresh, all he had to do was call him and Koresh would come down. Full agree with you here. I think its ridiculous that he did not even talk to Janet Reno until sometime Tuesday, however, he did talk with Wendell Hubbel(?). So who really is the Attorney General???? Hopefully the investigation will answer some of these bizarre questions.
The "R Us" is not trademarked, but the "Backwards R Us" is, I believe. --- Speaking of proofs of God, the funniest one I have ever seen was in a term paper handed in by a freshman. She wrote, "God must exist, because he wouldn't be so mean as to make me believe he exists if he really doesn't!" Is this argument really so much worse than the ontological proofs of the existence of God provided by Anselm and Descartes, among others?
To encourage the great tradition of Red Sox negativism, I am having a contest to predict the magnitude of the Sox' fall from their current heights. You must decide first, whether the Sox will be at .500 again at any time during this year. Then you must predict either: (1) Their record the first time they're at .500, if they are, or (2) Their final record, if they stay above .500 the rest of the year. So Valentine's earlier prediction would go as "13-13" (resend it if you were serious, Val!). ESPN pointed out last night that the last Sox start better than this was in 1952, when they finished 76-78, in sixth place. So email me your guess, either at "" or directly replying to this post. Entries close 5 pm PDT on Wed 28 Apr 1993.
That's fine idea, but it only works if the lighting/power company even bothers to supply good light fixtures. For instance, a power company in Virginia recently asked a state commission for permission to sell more lights of various type. Yet, all of the different fixture that they sold and wanted to sell were bad designs - one that wasted the light. Thus, you couldn't even buy a good light from them. In most places, to get a good light, you have to either order it special at high cost or call a store in Arizona. At some point, society starts to make rules. Cars have to pass safety tests. Companies have to meet pollution standards, etc.. There are two ways to achieve this: educate the public so that they demand good lighting or force code down the lighting companies backs. History seems to suggest that the latter is more likely to work. Agreed, so I won't respond again. It's important for all you spacers out there to realize that some people will object to various wild ideas that have been presented. Just like Congress, it would be best to consult the astronomers/lovers of the night sky before you try some PR stunt to boost public knowledge about space.
What is so honorable about placing bombs in passenger airliners, promising to execute Rushdie, killing 1-2 million people in the Iran/Iraq war, murdering tourists and persecuting ethinc Christians in Egypt, massacring Christians in Sudan, harassing Christians in and barring Jews from Saudi Arabia? How are paranoid Muslims "righteous in defending themsselves" in these situations? Who are they even afraid of? Considering that you seem to be posting from central New Jersey, this is an odd comment coming from you. I dare you to speak your mind in the Middle East in any country besides Israel.
Right. The Branch Dividians were. They believed and trusted so much that it became impossible to turn back to reality. What you are advocating is total irreversible brainwashing.
Utopia is a myth (although we can do a lot better than what we have today). But I think that you must pitch Libertarianism as a progressive agenda (ie You can do better under our style of system). I'm flattered by your invitation, but I'm afraid you have the wrong person. Although I completely agree with your civil liberties agenda, I'm not in support of your economic agenda. What I DO like about the Libertarian party is that you guys are so good at shaking up the tired ideas of the past. I encourage you guys to continue your crusade, but I'm afraid I can't ride along. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "Nothing is as inevitable as a mistake whose time has Garrett Johnson come." --Tussman "The probability of someone watching you is proportional to the stupidity of your action." - Unknown
[...] [...] [...] "Hey, what the hell do you mean by that? You suck. I have a god-given right to express opinions, carry a gun and to not wear a helmet, goddamn it. Everything you stand for is STUPID." You know, Alan, I really like this one. ----- Tommy McGuire
I am posting this for a friend. PLEASE DO NOT RESPOND TO THIS ACCOUNT!!! If you are interested in any of the following, ask for Rob at (510) 521-3147. Laptop PC: $1200 - 386SX 20MHz CPU - 4 MB RAM - 120 MB Hard Drive - VGA Graphics (32 Greyscale) LCD - External VGA Port - 3.5" High Density Floppy Drive - Removable 101-key keyboard - External keyboard port - 2 Serial, 1 Parallel and 1 Expansion ports - Expansion unit available, which has 2 full-size card slots Bernoulli Drive: $400 - Dual 20 MB Disk Drives - 20 MB cartridges (comes with 4 disks) - External unit Scanner: $50 - Logitech Scanman
474 (Jay Windley) writes... [...] This is curious. I read in _EH_... "The Lord imparted the gift of knowledge to James the Just, to John and Peter after his resurrection, these delivered it to the rest of the apostles, and they to the seventy, of whom Barnabas was one." --- Eusebius, _Ecclesiastical History_ It seems that the Lord imparted the gift of knowledge, not that the Lord imparted secret information. [...] I'm afraid that I cannot find this portrayal in _EH_. I don't see anywhere in 3:32:7-8 where Eusebius mentions that certain gnostics had the wrong gnosis. The closest is when Eusebius summarizes Hegesippus' statements, "...whilst if there were any at all, that attempted to pervert the sound doctrine of the saving gospel, they were yet skulking in dark retreats..." "Favorably interpreted?" Just in looking at two of the four references that you gave (I have the _EH_ handy, Irenaeus and the _Clemetine Recognitions_ I will have to look for) I see no room for such 'interpretations.' And any such 'interpretation' still falls short of an equivalence to the Temple Ceremonies. The links for Jay's using _EH_ for support are: "imparting the gift of knowledge" = "imparted secret information" = "being given secret signs and tokens to gain entrance to heaven." But there is not enough equivalence between the the ideas for us to be able to call this "favorable interpretation." It appears to be closer to "fabrication."
Your hearing curve sounds a lot like mine (thanks, Uncle Sam!). I've been wearing Miracle Ear canal aids for about 5 months now and I find them to be acceptable. They are molded to the shape of your ear canal, and tuned to your hearing curve. They are comfortable to wear and almost invisible, if you're worried about that (although if you're currently wearing behind the ear models, that's not an issue). The cost: I paid $1200 each for mine, through the Miracle Ear counter at Sears. I've heard that there is a substantial discount for senior citizens, but I haven't researched that, because I'm not a senior citizen, yet! Give them a try; you might be pleasantly surprised!
(Martin Vuille) writes... PCMCIA 1030G East Duane St Sunnyvale, CA 94086 USA 408-720-0107 See also: alt.periphs.pcmcia
Any rocky mountain spotted fever experts out there ? The doctor thinks a friend might have this. The question is, doesn't the tick have to bite you ? You frequently find a tick crawling on you after a walk in the woods around here, but you tend to notice it before it bites you; pulling one out of your skin is something you're not likely to forget. Can you get the fever without it biting you ? Do they sometimes bite you and then let go so you don't realize you were bitten ? I know they will let go once they've had their fill, but you certainly would notice this (arggh). So how do you get the fever if you never pulled a tick off yourself (as opposed to finding one merely crawling on you) ?
My ex-husband & I used to own Borgwards. Haven't seen any for a long time. They were really good cars. Does ayone out there know anything about them now? I heard they were being made in Mexico, but of course they wouldn't be the original German - if that's even true. When I've been in Mexico I haven't seen any. We loved ours, even tho' they were ugly - they had names - one was Humphrey Borgward.
Stole 300 bases. (Ok, he's still light-hitting, but baseball managers don't think so, they think he, like Omar Moreno before him, is a perfect leadoff man. Awesome defense.) He's still around because of his 1986, when he hit 20 HR. Hasn't played 10+ years in the bigs. Wasn't a full-time major-leaguer until 1988. Consistent .300 hitter. We'll see if he's still around in 1994 for his tenth year. Same goes for Herm. Doesn't count then. Redus is hardly light-hitting, plus he stole 300 bases. Close to 800 OPS career against LHP. We'll see if he's still around in 1995 to qualify. Slugged .416 to .440 for three straight years in one of the worst hitters' parks in the NL. He's going to be one of Colorado's better players this year. Plus, to make ten you have to count all the time he spent in Denver and Buffalo and Hawaii while with the White Sox. Coleman, assuming he makes it to 1994, was never perceived as being weak offensively, though of course he was. Led NL in SB his first six years in the majors. We'll see if he's still around in 1997. Wilson has always been overrated, but hit .300 five times in a six-year stretch and led the league in triples five times. But we can count him if he's still playing in 1994, though it'll be because he's Otis Nixon deluxe with slightly worse defense. Okay, if he's in the league this year, he can count, though he's also in the majors because of Otis Nixon syndrome. He's not spectacular, but he's neither light-hitting nor a ten-year man. Halfway there, and unlikely to make it 3/4 of the way there. Brock suffered from Otis Nixon disease, but he wasn't perceived as light-hitting. Neither was Curt Flood. Cesar Cedeno was *not* light- hitting. He'll have to steal a lot more bases.
Could someone explain where these names come from? I'm sure there's a perfectly good reason to name a planetoid "Smiley," but I'm equally sure that I don't know what that reason is.
Microsoft is the largest software company on the planet, yet I cannot think of even *ONE* computing concept that they innovated and brought to market before anyone else. Xerox-PARC/Apple, Osborne, NeXT, GNU and others have been pioneers and led the way to the future of computing. What has microsoft done to be a technological leader? I posted this question before, but I got nary a reply. I make the challenge now to anyone who can come up with something-especially Microsoft employees. I get no response this time, I guess it pretty much assures me that there is none--which is what I suspect anyway.
At Algor's insistance, the shaped charge will automatically detonate after thirty years, a la "Logan's Run," in order to maintain population control.
I am upgrading my hard drive so I am selling this 40 M drive, it run great, without any problem, for $90 and share the shipping.
molecules has evolved from an esoteric academic subject into a international industry. Computer graphics has played a decisive role in this transformation by allowing chemists to build, visualize and interact with complex geometrical objects. While computer scientists are conversant in the language of their own discipline, they are often unfamiliar with the terminology, simulation techniques and practical needs of research chemists. Similarly, chemists are often unfamiliar with the latest paradigms and technological advances in graphical computing. This interdisciplinary course is intended to bridge the gap between computer science and chemistry and to equip chemistry researchers who wish to be more than just casual users of prepackaged graphics software. Although this is not intended to be a course in computational chemistry or drug design, data sets from chemical research problems will be used in lab and students will be encouraged to bring data sets of their own. Lab exercises and projects will be carried out using data-flow programming (IBM Visualization Data Explorer software) and students will have access to Cornell Theory Center computing resources, including video recording equipment. Audience: researchers and students in the chemical and biological sciences interested in integrating state-of-the-art computer graphics into their research; computer scientists wishing to gain familiarity with a major application of scientific visualization. The class size will be limited to 25 participants on a first-come first-served basis. Level: Graduate/advanced undergraduate, 1 or 2 Credits. May be taken without credit as a workshop. Calculus, linear algebra and introductory chemistry required. Familiarity with Unix, X-windows and C is useful but not required. Date: June 14-25, 1993 (2 Credits) June 14-18, 1993 (1 or 0 credits) Time: Mon-Fri 9:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm Cost: 0 or 1 credit $410 2 credits $820 Format The course will be held in the Theory Center training facility where computer workstations will be available. Daily lectures will be interspersed with laboratory exercises and ample time will be provided for project enablement and familiarization with the new computing environment. Students enrolled for one credit will be graded on the basis of their laboratory exercises and short final project. Those enrolled for a second credit will receive more advanced lectures, be given more time for project development and meet daily to share experience and discuss problems encountered. Content (may vary) Elements of computer graphics polygonal rendering, lighting models, ray tracing, volumetric rendering, stereo graphics, animation, introduction to data-flow programming (DX), interactivity. Representing the atom size, time and energy scales basic classical and quantum mechanics Important categories of molecules small molecules, biopolymers, surfaces and catalysts, miscellaneous current applications Data formats and conversions Advanced molecular graphics techniques Types of simulation and experiment electronic structure, molecular dynamics/mechanics electrostatics, X-ray crystallography, NMR, quantum dynamics and spectroscopy. Instructors The course will be taught by two instructors. Topics related to computer graphics will be handled by Dr. Bruce Land, Project Leader of Visualization, Cornell National Supercomputing Facility. Chemistry-specific aspects of the course will be handled by Dr. Richard E. Gillilan, Visualization Specialist and Research Scientist, Cornell National Supercomputing Facility TO REGISTER: mail completed form to Cornell University School of Continuing Education and Summer Sessions B20 Day Hall Ithaca, NY 14853-2801 Questions: Richard Gillilan (607) 254-8757 IMPORTANT: Acceptance will be first-come, first-served and based on a target class size of 15 full-credit and 10 single or non-credit participants. DEADLINE: May 20, 1993 ----------------------- Application Form ---------------------- Scientific Visualization of Chemical Systems Chemistry 782 Computer Science 718 U.S. Social Security number (if available) _____ - ___ - _______ Cornell ID number (if available) ________________ Name: _______________________________________________________________ Last First Middle Suffix (Jr, etc) Address: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Home Address (where grades will be mailed): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________ Local Phone ________________ Home Phone _______________ Academic Discipline _____________________________ Course number (check one): __ Chemistry __ Computer Science Credits: __.__ Status: __ Undergraduate Student __ Smart Node Consultant __ Graduate Student __ Smart Node Advisor __ Post-Doctoral __ Faculty __ Other (explain) _______________ Corporate Commercial __ Research Staff __ Other (explain) ______________ Name of Firm ___________________________________________________________ Indicate which of the following best describes you (optional): __ African American __ Alaskan Native __ Asian American __ Caucasian __ Hispanic American __ Native American List special needs (e.g. mobility impaired): ____________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accommodations: Blocks of rooms are available at the Sheraton. Reservations must be made no later than May 17. Be sure to tell them you are here for the "Cornell Theory Center Visualization Workshop". Sheraton Inn One Sheraton Drive, Ithaca (607) 257-2000 FAX: 607-257-398 Rates starting at $64.00 Other local motels (Make your reservation early! Our workshop coincides with other Cornell events) Econo Lodge Cayuga Mall 2303 N. Triphammer Rd. Ithaca (607) 257-1400 (800) 466-6900 FAX: (607) 257-6359 Rates from $35.10 (ask for the Cornell Rate) Dorm rooms have also been reserved participants (both credit and non-credit). Participants who are interested in dorm rooms should call (below) for registration information:
Hi people!: I'm looking for X Servers for DOS or Windows. I've already seen Desqview/X and XVision but I'd like to be aware of other choices. Is there anything on the public domain or shareware ? And in the commercial area is there anything with aggressive pricing ? What about incompatibilities ? Window managers ? Any info is welcome. Thanx in advance. C U! By(e)
Actually, you might be surprised to find that not everyone who develops mainstream DOS and Windows apps develops them under DOS or Windows. PC Week recently printed a rumor that Microsoft's Excel development group does its development under OS/2. Another trade rag did an article recently about a group doing Windows development on Sun SPARCstations with SoftPC to test out their work. SCO Unix is and has been a reasonably popular development platform for DOS, Windows, and even OS/2 apps. DOS and Windows are simply not robust or stable enough for development work, IMHO, and apparently others agree.
Hi there, Does anyone know whether the PUFF RF design package is available via ftp from any site? As I understand it, it is in the public domain - please correct me if I'm wrong on this one. Any other PD RF design tools out there that can be recommended? Especially microstrip filter tools... 73's Lehane
Yep. And the Ks don't have to denote a slow game, either. Last night, Sid Fernandez was mowing the Giants hitters down (14 Ks in 8 innings), yet the first 7 1/2 innings of the game were quite brisk. He also threw 119 pitches, leading me to believe it isn't just the number of pitches that determines the length of a game, but the behavior *between* pitches.
I've done some ASIC and digital design, but not any CPU design. It would seem to me that on a 486, the FPU is not being used, most of the cache is not being accessed, the off chip buffers/drivers are idle, the multiplier isn't multiplying, the barrel shifters aren't shifting, microcode isn't microcoding, etc. This means transistors aren't switching which means less power dissipated (in CMOS), which means less heat.\ From what I understand, the Pentium shuts down those sections of the CPU which aren't being used in order to cut down on heat/power.
I think the subject title says it all. Anybody that relies on a SCSI dick for stoarage is a pain in the ass!!
o Denon DCR 5490 (high power pull out cassette deck with CD changer control) Features: - 18 W X 4 - Theft Prevention Chassis (pull out) - 24 station-presets (18 FM, 6 AM) - Denon Optimum Reception System IV (FM circuitry-Auto high blend and FM pulse noise cancellor) - Dolby B NR - Key off head release - Flexible fader-internal front amp to rear amp and/or internal front amp to internal rear amp - Auto reverse cassette mechanism - Up/down manual & seek tuning - Music sensor - Stereo/Mono (FM), local switches - Metal tape switch - DIN "E" with easy installation lock-in sleeve - Night illumination with dash light dimmer lead - Preset scan - CD changer control Random play: all of tracks on a disc Automatic/Manual search Excellent condition with Manual. Asking $220.00 + shipping o Yamaha YPA-300 power amplifier (car audio) Features: - SELECTABLE 2-MODE POWER OUTPUT: 40W x 2-ch or 90W x 1-ch - all w/ extremely low distortion (0.1% THD) - LOW RFI CIRCUIT effectively eliminates radio frequency interference which might arise from DC-DC conversion - FULL PROTECTION CIRCUITRY protects amplifier from potential damaged caused by overload, short circuiting, DC leakage, excessive heat or mis-wiring. - INPUT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT allows you to complement your system with any audio component - GOLD-PLATED RCA JACK ensures a durable, optimum contact, even under rugged road conditions. - REMOTE POWER links the entire system's ON/OFF with the cassette receiver's ot tuner's power switch. - SCREW TERMINALS allow simple wiring connections - POWER FUSE REPLACEMENT is a simple, one-step operation. - ALTERNATER NOISE REDUCTION CIRCUITRY is effectively suppressed during driving. Specifications: Continuous Power Output (per channel, 4 ohms, 2 channels driven.) with 0.1 % THD, 20 Hz ~ 20kHz .................35W/35W with 0.1 % THD, 1 kHz .........................40W/40W (per channel, 4 ohms, 1 channels driven.) with 0.1 % THD, 20 Hz ~ 20kHz ................80W(BTL) with 0.1 % THD, 1 kHz ........................90W(BTL) Speaker Impedance................................4 to 8 ohms Frequency Response (at 1W, 4 ohms)......10 Hz to 100 kHz (+0, -1.5dB) Signals-to-Noise Ratio ...............................105 dB Total Harmonic Distortion - (at 20W + 20W, 1 kHz, 4 ohms, 24 kHz, LPF)......0.005% Dimensions (W x H x D).....................200 x 50 x 156 mm Weight..........................................5 lbs. 15 oz List price: $250.00 This is one of the nicest/cleanest amp that I have even owned. I am using two of these in my car, this is just an extra one that I don't really need. If you are in the bay area, and like to listen to it first, let me know. Asking $150.00 firm + shipping (brand new in box, never been installed) o Boston Acoustic 861 seperates (car audio speakers), 6" woofers with seperate tweeters and crossovers. Brand new in box, never been installed, $259.00 at Good Guys Asking $199.00 firm o 2 8" MTX free air woofers, new in box, never been installed. Paid $49.00 each at Good Guys Asking $70.00 firm
Hi, I've got an older 386/25 motherboard (old as in, uses a 1988 keyboard controller, and uses memory interleaving rather than caching). It has developed a problem where trying to copy files from floppy cause the machine to lock up (reset button required), but only when in 386 enhanced mode. This occurs in Norton Desktop, File Manager, and when trying to install software. Running Win 3.1 in standard mode works fine. Has anyone run into this? Any ideas? Much thanks appreciated.
Okay, here's what to do. Get a drill and a sanding disk. Use, say a 100 disk and go at it at a very low rpm. If you don't have a drill, try coarse steel wool and brake fluid. Dot 4 has an uncanny knack for removing _any_ paint imperfections. Oh, I'm not responsible for misuse or miapplication of either of these techniques.
Greg, No flame intended, but I think you just missed one of the rare attempts of humor in sci.skeptic. "Krillean" against "Kirilian". Get it? ;-) BTW, I think you're a bit of base yourself, since, to my knowledge, the electromagnetic field around a stone is rather abscent. But still, a stone has a nice "aura" on the Kirilian photographs. Don't remember excactly, but "corona discharge" I think is a more fitting expression than aura. Think you'll find something on this in the skeptic-faq.
To those who own CMS's Trakkers...please email me with your thoughts on your machine...and specifics such as avg. file access..etc
=>Greg:Flame definitely intended here. Bill was making fun of the misspelling. =>Go look up the word "krill." Also, the correct spelling is Kirlian. It =>involves taking photographs of corona discharges created by attaching the =>subject to a high-voltage source, not of some "aura." It works equally well =>with inanimate objects. = =True.. but what about showing the missing part of a leaf? Is this ="corona discharge"? Yup. The demonstration to which you refer consists of placing a leaf between the plates, and taking a Kirlian photograph of it. You then cut off part of the leaf, put the top plate back on, and take another Kirlian photograph. You see pretty much the same image in both cases. Turns out the effect isn't nearly so striking if you take the trouble to clean the plates between photographs. Seems that the moisture from the leaf that you left on the place conducts electricity. Surprise, surprise! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Carl J Lydick | INTERnet: CARL@SOL1.GPS.CALTECH.EDU | NSI/HEPnet: SOL1::CARL
[stuff about Mithras deleted]
Gerry Palo wrote that there is nothing in Christianity that excludes the theory of a succession of lives. I wrote that the Apostle Paul, in Romans 9, speaks of God as choosing Jacob over Esau, and adds that this is not as a result of anything that either child had done, since they had not been born yet. Clearly, Paul does not believe that they had had previous lives, nor does he suppose that his readers will believe it. For if they had had previous lives, it would not make sense to say, "Neither of them has done anything good or bad as yet, since they are not yet born." Daniel Cossack writes to ask whether it is fair for God to hate Easau when Esau has done nothing bad? I reply that in Hebrew it is standard usage to speak of hating when what is meant is simply putting in second place. As an example, consider the saying in Matthew 6:24 + No man can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one + and love the other, or.... Now, it is obviously false that a man with two masters must hate one of them. But it is obviously true that he must put one of them in second place. A dog that always comes when either Billy or Bobby calls will have a problem if they stand in different places and call simultaneously. It cannot give first priority to both. One must take second place. In our original example, second place means that Jacob, not Esau, is chosen to bear the covenant blessing and obligation, and to be the ancestor of Christ. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Eugene Bigelow mentions Matthew 11:14 which says of John the Baptist: + And if ye will receive it, this is ELijah, who was to come. I take this to mean that John was an Elijah-like figure, dressing and living like Elijah, preaching like Elijah, and fulfilling the prediction that Elijah would prepare the way for the Messiah. I do not think that he was Elijah in a literal sense, and, appareently, neither did he (John 1:21).
& & If this is the same as adjusting the shims between cam and valve, I have & the same question. Do you buy a FULL set of shims before starting the & adjustment process, or do you calculate the shims you need and then run & off to the dealer in the cage to see if the right shims are in stock? & Obviously the latter would be cheaper (what do shims cost?), but are & measurements of the shim need reliable enough to buy only the indicated shims? Only buy what you need. It would cost a lot to buy a full set, and you won't ever use most of them. I have had good luck with the calculation method. I have never had to change more than one size increment at a time (I never needed a change larger than the next size up/down, usually down). They cost a few $ each for a Yamaha.