Intent Script |
Call the function retrlines with arguments 'RETR ' concatenated to page and the method write of f ftp.retrlines('RETR ' + page, f.write) |
Call the method start with no arguments on t t.start() |
Define the function connect with arguments user, host and password def connect(user, host, password): |
Create the scoket with parameters AF_INET and SOCK_STREAM connSkt = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM) |
For each tgtPort in tgtPorts for tgtPort in tgtPorts: |
Call the method sendline with argument 'yes' of child child.sendline('yes') |
Import the library for for file transfer protol connections import ftplib |
Call the function google with argoment 'Boondock Saint' google('Boondock Saint') |
Call the function quote_plus of urllib with argument search_term and assign it to search_terms search_term = urllib.quote_plus(search_term) |
Call the function listDir with argument recycleDir concatenated to sid of os and assign it to files files = os.listdir(recycleDir + sid) |
Call the method login on s with arguments self.host, self.user, self.password s.login(self.host, self.user, self.password) |
If the function has_key with argument 'href' of link returns True if link.has_key('href'): |
Define the function printLinks with argument url def printLinks(url): |
Send the packet ackPkt send(ackPkt) |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, ICMP type 8 and id equals to 456 pkt = IP(src=src,dst=dst)/ICMP(type=0,id=456) |
Define the function printMeta with argument fileName def printMeta(fileName): |
Call the function urlopen with argument url of urllib2 and call the method read with no arguments and assign it to urlContent urlContent = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() |
Assign to text the variable row at position 2 text = row[2] |
If state is equal to 'open' if state == 'open': |
Call the function viewPage with argument 'http://www.syngress.com/' viewPage('http://www.syngress.com/') |
For x from 1 to 5 for x in range(1, 5): |
"Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 635 and the load equals to ""^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F""" "pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=635) /Raw(load=""^\xB0\x02\x89\x06\xFE\xC8\x89F\x04\xB0\x06\x89F"")" |
Assign to stream the concatenation of src, ':' and dst stream = src + ':' + dst |
Define the function findHivemind with argument pcap def findHivemind(pcap): |
Open the file pcapFile and assign it to f f = open(pcapFile) |
Assign to pktsSent the value of pktCount with key stream pktsSent = pktCount[stream] |
If pcapFile of options is equal to None if options.pcapFile == None: |
Assign to longitude the field 'longitude' of rec longitude = rec['longitude'] |
Read the html code of page and assign it to source_code source_code = page.read() |
Define the function calTSN with argument tgt def calTSN(tgt): |
Define the function printCallLog with argument skypeDB def printCallLog(skypeDB): |
Call the method strip with argument '\n' of password then call the method strip with argument '\r' and assign the result to password password = password.strip('\\n').strip('\r') |
Call the method quit with no argument of ftp ftp.quit() |
If dport is equal to 6667 if dport == 6667: |
Import the library to parse the url import urlparse |
Assign to links the result of the function findall with argument html of link_finder links = link_finder.findall(html) |
"and ""\xfa\x86\x0b\x78\xfa\x82\xfb\x19\x69\x49\xfb\x54\x92\xc6""" """\xfa\x86\x0b\x78\xfa\x82\xfb\x19\x69\x49\xfb\x54\x92\xc6""" |
Call the function EnumKey with arguments key and i and assign it to guid guid = EnumKey(key, i) |
Assign to pktCount at key stream the value 1 pktCount[stream] = 1 |
Import the library for TCP/IP protocols import dpkt |
Call the function send_command with arguments child and 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root' send_command(child, 'cat /etc/shadow | grep root') |
Call the method findAll with argument 'img' of soup and assign it to image_tags image_tags = soup.findAll('img') |
Define the function returnDefault with argument ftp def returnDefault(ftp): |
Increment the variable Fails by 1 Fails += 1 |
Define the function send_command with arguments child and cmd def send_command(child, cmd): |
"and ""\x48\x2d\x76\xe3\xb5\x64\xf3\xd0\x4e\x77\xd5\x28\xae\x49""" """\x48\x2d\x76\xe3\xb5\x64\xf3\xd0\x4e\x77\xd5\x28\xae\x49""" |
Assign to ttl the ttl of pkt casted to str ttl = str(pkt.ttl) |
Else else: |
Call the class BeautifulSoup with argument html and assign it to soup soup = BeautifulSoup(html) |
If the substring 'synchronize with original prompt' is found in the result of the function str with argument e elif 'synchronize with original prompt' in str(e): |
Call the method connect with a tuple made of target and 21 of s s.connect((target,21)) |
Assign to seqNum the result of the function calTSN with argument tgt plus one seqNum = calTSN(tgt) + 1 |
Call the method join with arguments passDir and filename of os.path and assign it to fullpath fullpath = os.path.join(passDir, filename) |
Connect to tgtHost on tgtPort connSkt.connect((tgtHost, tgtPort)) |
For each tgtHost in tgt tgtHosts for tgtHost in tgtHosts: |
Try try: |
Assign to src the ip sorgent of ip.src src = socket.inet_ntoa(ip.src) |
Call the function findall with arguments r'maplat=.*\&' and resp from re and assign it to rLat rLat = re.findall(r'maplat=.*\&', resp) |
If the variable tgtHost of options is equal to None or lhost of options is equal to None if (options.tgtHost == None) | (options.lhost == None): |
Create an empty dictionary and assign it to pktCount pktCount = {} |
Assign to links the result of the function findAll with argument name equals to 'a' of soup links = soup.findAll(name='a') |
Call the function printMessage with argument iphoneDB printMessage(iphoneDB) |
Continue the argument and the tuple with password and True password, True)) |
For each ts and buf in pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap: |
Assign the response of the method open with argument 'http://kittenwar.com' of ab response = ab.open('http://kittenwar.com') |
Call the function str with value options.tgtPort then call the function split with argument ',' and assign the result totgtPorts tgtPorts = str(options.tgtPort).split(',') |
Call method sendline with argument 'yes' of child child.sendline('yes') |
If the functions len with argument argv of sys returns a value less than 2 if len(sys.argv) < 2: |
If cookiesDB is a file if os.path.isfile(cookiesDB): |
Create the constant THRESH with value 1000 THRESH = 1000 |
For each cookie in the cookie_jar for cookie in cookie_jar: |
If release is equal to True then call the method release with no arguments of connection_lock if release: connection_lock.release() |
Start try block try: |
If the method isdir with argument recycleDir of path of os returns True if os.path.isdir(recycleDir): |
Call the function retKML with argument src and assign it to srcKML srcKML = retKML(src) |
Call the method anonumize with no argument of ab ab.anonymize() |
For each argument in the tuple ts and buf in pcap for (ts, buf) in pcap: |
Assign to dir the variable dir of options dir = options.dir |
Call the method recv with argument 1024 of s s.recv(1024) |
Create a packet pkt with source src, destination dst, UDP with destination port equals to 7 and the load equals to 'cybercop' pkt = IP(src=src, dst=dst) / UDP(dport=7) /Raw(load='cybercop') |
Call the method login with arguments userName and passWord of ftp ftp.login(userName, passWord) |
Call the function urlencode with argument a dictionary with key 'credential_0' and value username and assign it reqData reqData = urllib.urlencode({'credential_0': username, |
Call the method append with argument fileName of retList retList.append(fileName) |
Assign to pkt the value of the the function IP with dst equals to tgt divided by the function TCP with no arguments pkt = IP(dst=tgt) / TCP() |
Define the function findAttack with argument pcap def findAttack(pcap): |
Open the file 'geotest.pcap' and assign it to f f = open('geotest.pcap') |
Call the function parse_args with no arguments and return the result to the tuple composed of options and args (options, args) = parser.parse_args() |
If iface of options is equal to None if options.iface == None: |
Assign to lat the field 'latitude' of rec lat = rec['latitude'] |
Call the method open with argument 'http://wigle.net' of browser browser.open('http://wigle.net') |
Assign to url the result with key 'url' url = result['url'] |
Assign to exifData sliced at decoded the value value exifData[decoded] = value |
Assign to rdata the value rdata of the method getlayer with argument DNSRR of pkt rdata = pkt.getlayer(DNSRR).rdata |
"Assign to parser the OptionParser with argument the concatenation of""usage %prog "" and ""-p <skype profile path> """ "parser = optparse.OptionParser(""usage %prog ""+ ""-p <skype profile path> "")" |
Get the list of the folders in pathName and assign it to dirList dirList = os.listdir(pathName) |
Call the function exit with argument 0 of sys sys.exit(0) |
From the library to manages thread import everything from threading import * |
Assign to uri the uri of http in lower case uri = http.uri.lower() |
"and ""\xdb\x70\xe2\x64\x1f\x12\x9e\x76\x73\xf4\x9f\xb8\x86\xf5""" """\xdb\x70\xe2\x64\x1f\x12\x9e\x76\x73\xf4\x9f\xb8\x86\xf5""" |
Import the library to navigate web through web forms import mechanize |
Concatenate the string '\\' and concatenate the string sid, close the arguments + '\\' + sid) |
Continue the arguments with help='specify wigle password' help='specify wigle password') |
Assign to date the result of function str with argument row at position 1 date = str(row[1]) |
Assign to dport the dport of tcp dport = tcp.dport |
Import everything from the library used for thread from threading import * |
Assign to pcapFile the pcapFile of options pcapFile = options.pcapFile |
For each image in image_tags for image in image_tags: |
Parse the usage prod pd target host and the target port parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage %prog -H <target host> -p <target port>') |
Define the function dnsQRTest with argument pkt def dnsQRTest(pkt): |
Import the library to estabilish a SSH connection import pxssh |
Call the method write of configFile with argument 'set payload ' and continue to the next line configFile.write('set payload '+\ |
Call the method strip with argument '\n' on the method strip with argument '\r' of line and assign the result to password password = line.strip('\r').strip('\\n') |
Define the function printMessages with argument skypeDB def printMessages(skypeDB): |