{"eng": "Even as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind, who concerning the faith are rejected.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ chaꞌxjeⁿ naⁿcaluaꞌ Janes ñequio Jambres jlaꞌwendyena nacjooꞌ Moisés, mati naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ cwilawendyena nacjooꞌ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ, laꞌxmaⁿna nnꞌaⁿ na ntjeiⁿ nqueⁿ, ndoꞌ joona cantyja na matseiyuꞌya tsꞌom tsꞌaⁿ ñꞌeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom, macwjiꞌndyo̱naꞌ joona."} |
{"eng": "But they will proceed no further. For their folly will be evident to all men, as theirs also came to be.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ na nmeiiⁿꞌ cwinquioꞌnnꞌaⁿ xocwiyo na luaaꞌ cwilꞌana ee chaꞌxjeⁿ jlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ na joo we naⁿꞌñeeⁿ na tyolaꞌwendyena nacjooꞌ Moisés tyomꞌaⁿna na ntjeiⁿ nqueⁿna, mati chaꞌtso nnꞌaⁿ nncꞌooliu na majoꞌti laxmaⁿ naⁿmꞌaⁿꞌ."} |
{"eng": "For some of these are people who creep into houses and take captive gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts,", "amu": "Naⁿꞌñeeⁿ laxmaⁿna nnꞌaⁿ na cwiquie lꞌaa nnꞌaⁿ, ndoꞌ cwinquiooꞌnnꞌaⁿna yolcu na jeeⁿ cwilaꞌtjo̱o̱ndye, na joona mꞌaⁿna xjeⁿ ꞌnaaⁿꞌ na queeⁿ nꞌomna,"} |
{"eng": "always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.", "amu": "ñeꞌquiiꞌcheⁿ ñeꞌcandye yolcuꞌñeeⁿ meiⁿnquia ñꞌoom na cwitꞌmo̱o̱ⁿ nnꞌaⁿ sa̱a̱ tileicalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌna cwaaⁿ ñꞌoom na mayuuꞌ."} |
{"eng": "May the Lord grant mercy to the house of Onesiphorus, for he often refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chain,", "amu": "Cꞌoom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nawiꞌ tsꞌoom nnꞌaaⁿꞌ Onesíforo ee jndye ndiiꞌ teijneiⁿ ja ndoꞌ meiⁿ tîcꞌoom na jnaaⁿꞌaⁿ na mꞌaaⁿya pra̱so."} |
{"eng": "but when he was in Rome, he sought me diligently and found me", "amu": "Ee quia na tyjeeⁿꞌeⁿ ñjaaⁿ Roma tyoqueⁿñê na tyolꞌueeⁿ ja hasta xjeⁿ na nljeiiⁿcheⁿ ja."} |
{"eng": "(the Lord grant to him to find the Lord’s mercy in that day); and in how many things he served at Ephesus, you know very well.", "amu": "Xuee quia na nncuꞌxeⁿ Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom nnꞌaⁿ quiaaⁿ na nncꞌoom na wiꞌ tsꞌoom juu. ꞌU ntyjiꞌ na jeeⁿ tꞌmaⁿ teijneiⁿ jâ tsjoom Éfeso."} |
{"eng": "All my affairs will be made known to you by Tychicus, the beloved brother, faithful servant, and fellow bondservant in the Lord.", "amu": "Nquii tiꞌnnꞌaaⁿya Tíquico na jeeⁿ wiꞌ tsꞌo̱o̱ⁿya, nntseicañeeⁿ ꞌo cantyja ꞌnaⁿya. Jeeⁿ xcweeꞌ tsꞌoom na mateijneiⁿ ja na mandiꞌntjoom nnom Ta Jesús."} |
{"eng": "I am sending him to you for this very purpose, that he may know your circumstances and comfort your hearts,", "amu": "Macweꞌ joꞌ majño̱o̱ⁿya jom na mꞌaⁿꞌyoꞌ na nntsoom nda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ chiuu waa na jo̱mꞌaaⁿya ndoꞌ na nñequiaaⁿ na jnda̱ꞌyoꞌ naquiiꞌ na cwilayuꞌyoꞌ."} |
{"eng": "Now Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon. They came with one accord to him and, having made Blastus, the king’s personal aide, their friend, they asked for peace, because their country depended on the king’s country for food.", "amu": "Herodes jeeⁿ lioomꞌm nnꞌaⁿ tsjoom Tiro ñequio tsjoom Sidón. Joꞌ chii joona jlajndaaꞌndyena na nncꞌoona na mꞌaaⁿ. Sa̱a̱ tyꞌecalꞌueendye jndyeena ñꞌoom nnom Blasto tsꞌaⁿ na wjaañoomꞌñe nacañomꞌm. Tyolꞌana tyꞌoo nnom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ na cateijneiⁿ joona na cantycwii tiaꞌñeeⁿ na liooꞌ Herodes ñꞌeⁿndyena ee nantquie na macaⁿnaꞌ joona cwinaⁿnaꞌ yuu na matsa̱ꞌntjom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} |
{"eng": "On an appointed day, Herod dressed himself in royal clothing, sat on the throne, and gave a speech to them.", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tqueⁿ Herodes cwii xuee ndoꞌ quia na tueꞌntyjo̱ xueeꞌñeeⁿ tcweeⁿ liaa na ya cantyja na matsa̱ꞌntjoom ndoꞌ tjawacatyeeⁿ sula̱ yuu na maxjeⁿ mawacatyeeⁿ quia na matseijndaaꞌñê ñꞌoom. Jnda̱ joꞌ tyoñequiaaⁿ ñꞌoom nda̱a̱ nnꞌaⁿ."} |
{"eng": "and that he may send Christ Jesus, who was ordained for you before,", "amu": "Ndoꞌ na ljoꞌ njñomnnaaⁿꞌaⁿ Jesucristo, tsaⁿ na nncwjiꞌnꞌmaaⁿñe ꞌo, ee teiyo seijndaaꞌñê na luaaꞌ nntsꞌaaⁿ."} |
{"eng": "whom heaven must receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God spoke long ago by the mouth of his holy prophets.", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ macaⁿnaꞌ na caljooꞌñe Jesucristo cañoomꞌluee hasta quia na jnda̱ seicanda̱a̱ꞌñenaꞌ chaꞌtso ñꞌoom na seineiiⁿ ñequio ndyuee profetas na tyoñequia ñꞌoomꞌm tandyo xuee."} |
{"eng": "When he had said these things, as they were looking, he was taken up, and a cloud received him out of their sight.", "amu": "Jnda̱ na tsoom na luaaꞌ jndooꞌcheⁿna tjawaaⁿ. Ndoꞌ jndyo cwii nchquiu, mana seicuꞌnaꞌ na cwintyꞌiaana jom."} |
{"eng": "While they were looking steadfastly into the sky as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white clothing,", "amu": "Nquiee cwintyꞌiaana jo nandye tsjo̱ꞌluee xjeⁿ na mawjaaⁿ, ndoꞌ matsꞌiaa joꞌ teitquiooꞌndye we yonom nacañoomna na jeeⁿ canchiiꞌ liaa cweeꞌ."} |
{"eng": "Therefore when the Lord knew that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was making and baptizing more disciples than John", "amu": "Nnꞌaⁿ na cwiluiindye tmaaⁿꞌ nnꞌaⁿ fariseos tyondyena na majndyendyeti nnꞌaⁿ teitsꞌoomndye cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Jesús, nchiiti cantyja ꞌnaaⁿꞌ Juan."} |
{"eng": "(although Jesus himself didn’t baptize, but his disciples),", "amu": "Sa̱a̱ na mayuuꞌcheⁿ nquii Jesús tîcatseitsꞌoomñê nnꞌaⁿ. Macanda̱ jâ nnꞌaⁿ na tꞌmaaⁿ na calaꞌjomndyô̱ ñꞌeⁿñê, jâ lꞌaayâ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌñeeⁿ."} |
{"eng": "he left Judea and departed into Galilee.", "amu": "Joꞌ chii quia na jñeeⁿ na luaaꞌ cwilue fariseosꞌñeeⁿ, jlueeⁿꞌeⁿ tsꞌo̱ndaa Judea ñꞌeⁿndyô̱ na nntsaayâ Galilea."} |
{"eng": "Mary arose in those days and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Judah,", "amu": "Jnda̱ joꞌ seijndaaꞌñe María, seityuaaⁿꞌaⁿ tjaaⁿ. Tjaaⁿ cwii tsjoom naquiiꞌ ntsjo̱ tsꞌo̱ndaa Judá."} |
{"eng": "and entered into the house of Zacharias and greeted Elizabeth.", "amu": "Tueⁿꞌeⁿ waaꞌ Zacarías. Tjaqueⁿꞌeⁿ ndoꞌ tquiaaⁿ na xmaⁿñe Elisabet."} |
{"eng": "If your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off. It is better for you to enter into life lame, rather than having your two feet to be cast into Gehenna, into the fire that will never be quenched—", "amu": "Ndoꞌ xeⁿ wjaañꞌoomnaꞌ ꞌu na matseiꞌtjo̱o̱ndyuꞌ nnom Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom jnaaⁿꞌ cwii xꞌeꞌ, catsaꞌ xjeⁿ chaꞌcwijom na catyjeeꞌ juunaꞌ cha tintseiꞌtjo̱o̱ndyuꞌtiꞌ. Ee yati nntseixmaⁿꞌ na ticantycwii na nncwandoꞌ meiiⁿ chaꞌcwijom ticanda̱a̱ꞌ we ncꞌeꞌ nchiiti na canda̱a̱ꞌndyuꞌ ndoꞌ nncjuꞌnaꞌ ꞌu quiiꞌ bꞌio yuu na tijoom canduuꞌ chom."} |
{"eng": "‘where their worm doesn’t die, and the fire is not quenched.’", "amu": "Ndoꞌ tijoom cwje canti meiⁿ na nnduuꞌ chom."} |
{"eng": "He took a little child and set him in the middle of them. Taking him in his arms, he said to them,", "amu": "Quia joꞌ tꞌueeⁿ cwii tyochjoo, tcoomꞌm juu xcwe quiiꞌntaaⁿna. Jnda̱ chii tyꞌoom juu ndoꞌ tsoom nda̱a̱na:"} |
{"eng": "“Whoever receives one such little child in my name receives me; and whoever receives me, doesn’t receive me, but him who sent me.”", "amu": "—Meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na macoꞌñom cwii yucachjoo ñequio xueya chaꞌna yucachjoomꞌaaⁿ, ja macoꞌñom tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ. Ndoꞌ tsꞌaⁿ na macoꞌñom ja, nchii macanda̱ ñennco̱ macoꞌñom. Mati macoꞌñom nqueⁿ na jñoom ja."} |
{"eng": "Having eyes, don’t you see? Having ears, don’t you hear? Don’t you remember?", "amu": "ꞌO na niom nꞌomnda̱a̱ꞌyoꞌ, ¿aa maxjeⁿ ticajndoꞌyoꞌ? Ndoꞌ ꞌo na niom lueꞌ nꞌom luaꞌquiꞌyoꞌ, ¿aa maxjeⁿ ticandyeꞌyoꞌ? ¿Aa tacjaanjoomꞌ nꞌomꞌyoꞌ ljoꞌ sꞌaaya quia na seitjo̱o̱naꞌ na nlcwaꞌ nnꞌaⁿ?"} |
{"eng": "When I broke the five loaves among the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They told him, “Twelve.”", "amu": "Quia na tyja̱ya ꞌom taⁿꞌ tyooꞌ na tcwaꞌ ꞌom meiⁿ nnꞌaⁿ, ¿cwanti lquiee na ñjom tyooꞌ ꞌndiinaꞌ na jlaꞌweꞌyoꞌ? Tꞌo̱o̱na, jluena nnoom: —Canchooꞌwe lquiee ꞌndiinaꞌ."} |
{"eng": "He said to them, “Take heed what you hear. With whatever measure you measure, it will be measured to you; and more will be given to you who hear.", "amu": "Ndoꞌ mati tsoom nda̱a̱na: —Queⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta cantyja ꞌnaaⁿ ñꞌoommeiⁿꞌ na cwindyeꞌyoꞌ. Ee chaꞌxjeⁿ na cwiqueⁿndyoꞌ na cwindyeꞌyoꞌ, malaaꞌtiꞌ nñequiaa Tyꞌo̱o̱tsꞌom na nlaꞌno̱ⁿꞌyoꞌ. Ndoꞌ nntsꞌaaⁿ na nntsaalaꞌno̱ⁿꞌtiꞌyoꞌ ncꞌe na cwiqueⁿꞌyoꞌ cwenta."} |
{"eng": "For whoever has, to him more will be given; and he who doesn’t have, even that which he has will be taken away from him.”", "amu": "Ee meiⁿcwiꞌñeeⁿcheⁿ tsꞌaⁿ na mayuuꞌ matseiljo ñꞌoomya naquiiꞌ tsꞌom, mꞌmo̱o̱ⁿtya̱ya nnom. Sa̱a̱ tsꞌaⁿ na ticatseiljo ñꞌoomya naquiiꞌ tsꞌom, tsaⁿꞌñeeⁿ machꞌeenaꞌ cweꞌ tsꞌiaaⁿꞌndyo cantyjati chjoowiꞌ ñꞌoom na mantyjiityeeⁿ."} |