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Italian Court Convicts Jihadists Plotting Rome Attack
MILAN (AP) — An Italian court has convicted a man and his wife on charges of international terrorism in connection with an Islamic State plot to carry out attacks in Rome during the Holy Year in 2016. [advertisement
Senate's Schumer urges stabilizing health insurance market
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer on Monday said he had written to Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell urging bipartisan effort to stabilize the U.S. health insurance market. Schumer noted that McConnell had been quoted recently as saying Congress will need to shore up that market if lawmakers fail to repeal Obamacare.
Syracuse Lists Pink Signs Aimed at Women as Example of ’Abhorrent’ Bias Incidents - Breitbart
A new policy at Syracuse University includes in its long list of examples of “bias incidents” signs for male and female students. [The new policy, which is called “STOP Bias,” encourages students to report instances of discrimination. As an example of a gender bias incident, students are encouraged to file a report if a campus sign is “ pink for girls and blue for boys. ” We believe that every student should be given a college experience that is free of crime, discrimination, sexual harassment, and any other violation. We strive to foster learning and growth in an environment that is safe and secure, and we lead the way with STOP Bias at Syracuse. Other possible offenses include “using the phrase, ‘no homo,’” “telling jokes based on a stereotype,” and “making a joke about someone being deaf or hard of hearing, or blind, etc. ” incidents, while abhorrent and intolerable, do not meet the necessary elements required to prove a crime. However, incidents do require the active participation of a community committed to fundamental human dignity and equality to successfully address them. Please report incidents to ””>recent study from Stanford University concluded that Americans are now more like to discriminate on the basis of political party affiliation than they are on the basis of race, gender, or sexuality. Americans now discriminate more on the basis of party than on race, gender or any of the other divides we typically think of — and that discrimination extends beyond politics into personal relationships and behaviors. Americans increasingly live in neighborhoods with partisans, marry fellow partisans and disapprove of their children marrying mates from the other party, and they are more likely to choose partners based on partisanship than physical or personality attributes. Tom Ciccotta is a libertarian who writes about social justice and libertarian issues for Breitbart News. You can follow him on Twitter @tciccotta or email him at tciccotta@breitbart. com
Sarah Palin’s Latest Anti-Obama Tweet Just Got Her Smacked HARD By Twitter (TWEETS)
Sarah Palin is stupid. Really stupid. Imagine generations upon generations of inbreeding among heavy meth users and she s basically the embodiment of that. So unsurprisingly, when she tweeted out what seems to be a mandatory daily nonsensical attack on the President, the Internet was there to do what it does best and kick her teeth in metaphorically, of course. Merry Christ er scratch that, she tweeted, linking to an article on Young Conservatives We Are the Obamas and It s Some Random Holiday! "Merry Christ er scratch that. "We Are the Obamas and It's Some Random Holiday!" https://t.co/lyXGK4woql Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) December 11, 2016The article references the Obama family s latest Christmas card, which features a photo of the family smiling with a happy holidays expression of gratefulness for the friends we ve made, the joy we ve shared, and the gifts of kindness we ve received. It s exactly the kind of family Christmas (it s one of the aforementioned holidays, idiots) card that brings a smile to someone s face unless you re a member of the Stupid Part of America. The picture features the immediate family of four Barack, Michelle, Malia, and Sasha but makes no mention of Christmas , John S. Roberts writes in his nonsensical screed against the idea that there are more than one religious holidays that fall in the month of December. It s basically a Holiday card, because writing the word Christmas would hurt too many feelings. Is it January 20th yet? he writes, adding that it is right around the corner. Naturally, the denizens of Twitter did not take kindly to Palin s usual war on Christmas rhetoric.@SarahPalinUSA Isn't there a job you should be not doing somewhere? Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA Video of Obamas saying Merry Xmas over and over. https://t.co/rI6R1v5fmI Nell Scovell (@NellSco) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA Still struggling for relevance, eh? Go back to Alaska. Maria Langer ? (@mlanger) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA Christmas was a pagan holiday. Jesus has nothing to do with Dec 25. Christmas tree, yule log, wreath, all pagan symbols. ibrahim sapien (@IbrahimSapien__) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA So if you want America to go back to its Christian fundamentalist purity, ban Christmas! ibrahim sapien (@IbrahimSapien__) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA We've been cyber invaded by Russia and you're still stuck in the war on Christmas? Our concerns are way beyond that. DudeDiligence (@DudeDiligence) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA I was thinking the Obamas were wishing everyone an enjoyable holiday season? Holidays are only for Christians? Gus Studer (@Gus_Studer) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA Nobody cares if you say Merry Christmas for Happy F**king Holidays. Get over it already. Ocular Nervosa (@ocularnervosa) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA oh Honey, you're jealous cause the #ObamaLegacy won't have a single drunken brawl or knock up kid. Plus they can read. Entropygrl (@Entropygrl) December 11, 2016@SarahPalinUSA If I were you, I'd shy away from criticizing other families. Especially ones with class. Cathy (@covcat) December 11, 2016If there s one thing we can count on Sarah Palin for it s a virtually assured laugh every year as she pivots from hating on Muslims to whining that other holidays besides Christmas exist. At least she s fun to mock.Featured image via screengrab
Chart Of The Day: Flows To Passive Funds Booby-Trapping Stock and Bond Markets
Chart Of The Day: Flows To Passive Funds Booby-Trapping Stock and Bond Markets By David Stockman. Posted On Sunday, October 30th, 2016 David Stockman's Contra Corner is the only place where mainstream delusions and cant about the Warfare State, the Bailout State, Bubble Finance and Beltway Banditry are ripped, refuted and rebuked. Subscribe now to receive David Stockman’s latest posts by email each day as well as his model portfolio, Lee Adler’s Daily Data Dive and David’s personally curated insights and analysis from leading contrarian thinkers.
It Continues: ‘Experts’ Claim Hillary Was Robbed By Hackers: “Voting Anomalies In Michigan, Wisconsin And New York”
It appears that threatening Republican Electoral College electors with death and violence if they don’t flip their votes to Hillary isn’t the only strategy being implemented by the Democrats and Clinton campaign. According to computer security experts, the election was rigged in favor of Donald Trump in the key states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Florida, and they are urging Clinton to demand a recount: Hillary Clinton could have been robbed of the presidency by hackers, a group of experts claims – and now they’re calling for her to demand a recount. The team, which includes voting rights experts and computer security buffs, says it has compelling evidence that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania could have been hacked to artificially lower turnout . They’re now pressuring the Clinton group to call for an independent recount that could swing the needle of the election in the Democrats’ favor, New York magazine reported. … According to their calculations, such a hack could have cost Clinton 30,000 votes in Wisconsin. She lost that state – and its ten Electoral College votes – by 27,000. Michigan was too close to call with a gap of 11,000, denying Clinton its 16 Electoral College votes, and she lost Pennsylvania’s 20 Electoral College votes by 68,236. Though there’s been no suggestion of possible culprits in the potential hacking, the DNC blamed Russia for mid-election-season hacks of Democrat email accounts. If an independent investigation could prove hacking – and a recount granted Clinton those three states – then she would be made President after all. Full Report: The Daily Mail Ahead of the election unnamed sources in the U.S. intelligence and law enforcement communities spoke to the mainstream media and warned that, while the electronic voting machines used to register a candidate were completely safe, Russia could try to undermine U.S. elections by releasing fraudulent documentation showing that the election was hacked. As we reported at the time : According to Reuters, U.S. voting authorities are now warning that while the Russians may not actually hack the Presidential election, they may fake hacking the Presidential election . What they’re saying without actually saying it is that if Hillary Clinton wins the election and Trump supporters show proof of any fraudulent activity, the “proof” will have been fabricated It sounds almost too crazy to believe, but this is now being disseminated to the public via mainstream pipelines: …. U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials are warning that hackers with ties to Russia’s intelligence services could try to undermine the credibility of the presidential election by posting documents online purporting to show evidence of voter fraud. The officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said however, that the U.S. election system is so large, diffuse and antiquated that hackers would not be able to change the outcome of the Nov. 8 election. But hackers could post documents, some of which might be falsified, that are designed to create public perceptions of widespread voter fraud, the officials said. ( Reuters ) Full report: It’s A Setup: U.S. Officials Warn That Russians Will Undermine Elections With Fake Documents Showing Voter Fraud In short, when the media expected a Hillary Clinton landslide the public was told that any “evidence” of wrong-doing was completely false, as hacking the U.S. election system was impossible. Following Trump’s win, this has apparently changed. The “experts” say our voting systems were, in fact, compromised by hackers and they were able to change the outcome of the election in favor of Donald Trump. So who do we believe? The experts, who claim they have evidence of voter fraud? Or the Obama administration’s intelligence apparatus, which claimed that any such post-election hacking evidence would be a fraudulent attempt to undermine voter confidence?
Highlights: British PM May's main comments on Brexit
FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - British Prime Minister Theresa May is setting out her plan for future ties with the European Union in a speech which she hopes will help spur negotiations over the country s divorce from the bloc. Below are the highlights from her speech and a follow-up question-and-answer session with reporters: During the implementation period, people will continue to be able to come and live and work in the UK but there will be a registration system, an essential preparation for the new regime. As of today, these considerations point to an implementation period of around two years. Clearly people, businesses and public services should only have to plan for one set of changes in the relationship between the UK and the EU. So during the implementation period, access to one another s markets should continue on current terms and Britain also should continue to take part in existing security measures. And I know businesses, in particular, would welcome the certainty this would provide. MAY, ASKED WHETHER SHE STILL THINKS NO DEAL ON BREXIT WOULD BE BETTER THAN A BAD DEAL: We continue to think that. Of course we will leave at the end of March 2019 and negotiations will be continuing potentially up quite close to that time. I do not want our partners to fear that they will need to pay more or receive less over the remainder of the current budget plan as a result of our decision to leave. The UK will honour commitments we have made during the period of our membership. And, as we move forwards, we will also want to continue working together in ways that promote the long-term economic development of our continent. This includes continuing to take part in those specific policies and programmes which are greatly to the UK and the EU s joint advantage, such as those that promote science, education and culture - and those that promote our mutual security. Over time ... the rights of EU citizens in the UK, and UK citizens overseas will diverge. And I want to incorporate our agreement fully into UK law, and make sure the UK courts can refer directly to it. And when there is uncertainty around underlying EU law, I want the UK courts to be able to take into account the judgements of the European Court of Justice with a view to ensuring consistent interpretation. And on this basis I hope our teams can reach firm agreement quickly. Throughout its membership, the United Kingdom has never totally felt at home being in the European Union. The profound pooling of sovereignty that is a crucial feature of the European Union permits unprecedentedly deep cooperation which brings benefits but it also means that when countries are in the minority they must sometimes accept decisions they do not want, even affecting domestic matters with no market implications beyond their borders. The British people have decided to leave the EU and be a global free-trading nation able to chart our own way in the world. For many, this is an exciting time full of promise. For others it is a worrying one. I look ahead with optimism. Our commitment to the defence and indeed the advance of our shared values is undimmed. Our determination to defend the stability, security and prosperity of our European neighbours and friends remains steadfast.
California, Drenched by Winter Rain, Is Told ‘Drought’s Over’ - The New York Times
After six years of a prolonged drought in California, it is all but over. On Friday, Gov. Jerry Brown ended the drought emergency for the vast majority of the state. The drought had reduced Folsom Lake, a major reservoir in Northern California, to less than a third of its capacity in 2015, and all but wiped out the Sierra Nevada snowpack. Friday’s announcement, though, was about as symbolic as it was pragmatic. It marked the formal end to a water shortage that had already been erased by a winter of plentiful rain and snow. Many of the state’s most stringent drought rules were eased months ago. Mr. Brown declared a drought state of emergency in January 2014 as the state suffered through one of the driest years in its history. Then, in April 2015, he took to a barren field that typically would have been covered with snow to order a 25 percent reduction in urban water use. As the drought dragged on, state officials worked to craft and then enforce rules aimed at restricting how much water Californians could use — and what they could use it for. To help urban dwellers cut their water consumption, many California water suppliers set up rebate programs to get residents to rip out their thirsty lawns and to replace them with foliage and ground cover using alternate materials, like gravel. But the state’s hydrologic picture brightened significantly beginning in October 2016, when a series of massive storms drenched Northern California. The rain and snow continued through the winter, swelling major reservoirs to the point that officials were forced to make releases. Meanwhile, the state’s snowpack made an impressive recovery. As of Friday, the water content in the state’s snowpack was about 160 percent of what is considered normal for this time of year. By comparison, the snowpack was reported as about 5 percent of average the day Mr. Brown stood on the barren field and ordered mandatory water conservation. Consequently, Mr. Brown lifted the drought emergency on Friday for all but four Central California counties — Fresno, Kings, Tulare and Tuolumne — which were among the hardest hit. According to the order, Californians managed to slash their water use by more than 22 percent between June 2015 and January 2017. And even as state officials unveiled a plan to continue water conservation in the years ahead, some prohibitions against wasteful water practices — like hosing off a sidewalk — will remain. “This drought emergency is over, but the next drought could be around the corner,” Mr. Brown said in a statement. “Conservation must remain a way of life. ”
Jimmy Carter’s Library Just Threw MAJOR Shade At Trump Over His First 100 Days
As Trump s first 100 days in office come to a close, the administration is desperate to put together a list of accomplishments that looks like a showcase of Trump s sheer leadership prowess. This desperation comes because Trump has accomplished pretty much nothing at all. Most of those so-called accomplishments are executive orders that do squat, he hasn t managed to get any legislation through Congress at all, and his approval rating is at a record-low 41 percent.Other presidents fared much better during their first 100 days, and some people, like Jimmy Carter s presidential library, won t hesitate to needle Trump with their own statistics. Observe:Jimmy Carter s first 100 days..Laws passed: 22 Executive orders: 16 Approval rating: 63 percent Jimmy Carter Library (@CarterLibrary) April 24, 2017By contrast, Trump has signed 23 executive orders that he s claiming are accomplishments, such as a federal hiring freeze. Wow. Putting a halt to hiring federal workers is so difficult, is it not?He s also trumpeting his job creation successes, which include greenlighting both the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines, and his buy American, hire American initiative. Neither of these orders is really going to accomplish anything. Nor will his buy American steel initiative considering that the pipelines have long since purchased their steel, and most of it isn t American.He s touting the wall as an accomplishment too, even though Congress isn t likely to fund it, and he s listing his Muslim ban, which has been halted in federal court and has likewise done nothing.Indeed, all he can really claim as an accomplishment at all is getting Neil Gorsuch confirmed to the Supreme Court. Carter had a tumultuous first 100 days, too, but at least he managed to get an economic stimulus package through Congress. Trump hasn t gotten any major legislation through at all.Featured image by Molly Riley-Pool via Getty Images
Report: Facebook’s Zuckerberg Gave FBI’s Mueller Info for Russia Investigation
The information below is almost like a satire piece from The Onion. It s so funny that anyone could claim that ads are believed to have swayed the election.How about the fact that Clinton was a horrible candidate? How about the fact that the American people are 100% FED Up! with phony career politicians. The report from Facebook was turned over to special counsel Robert Mueller. What a joke! THIS PROVES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!A WHOPPING $100,000 ON ADS:Facebook has turned over all information about ads likely purchased by Russian operatives to special counsel Robert Mueller, according to a report.A source familiar with the matter told Reuters on Wednesday that the social media giant had sent the former FBI director data including copies of the ads and the identity of the buyers. That report followed news that an internal Facebook investigation found it is agents of the Kremlin may have spent $100,000 on ads with divisive messages between June 2015 and May 2017.A Facebook blog post published on Wednesday said the operation involved 3,000 separate ads over a two-year period and was likely to have been run out of Russia. In addition, Facebook found 470 affiliated fake accounts and pages.PRESIDENT TRUMP IS CORRECT IT S A WITCH HUNT :Mueller is investigating Russian efforts to influence the 2016 election and whether the Trump campaign colluded with the Kremlin. The investigation has dogged and frustrated President Donald Trump, who has called it a witch hunt and a hoax. According to Facebook, about $50,000 of the funds about 2,200 ads were potentially related to affecting U.S. politics. The majority of the ads did not reference the presidential election, voting or a specific candidate. However, the ads focused on divisive social and political messages about hot-button topics including LGBT rights, race, immigration and gun rights. Facebook has shared its findings with U.S. authorities.WHAAAAT? EVIDENCE OF WHAT EXACTLY?Facebook said in April that it found evidence some groups used its platform to sway the outcome of the election.It did not specify targets or who was behind the attack, but said its own findings did not contradict a U.S. Director of National Intelligence report in January about Russian efforts to influence the election.Via: CNBC
Ex-Red Sox pitcher mulls run against Senator Warren in Massachusetts
BOSTON (Reuters) - Former Boston Red Sox pitcher, failed video game entrepreneur and conservative political commentator Curt Schilling said on Tuesday he is considering running against Democratic U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts in 2018. “I’ve made my decision. I’m going to run,” Schilling said during an interview on WPRO-AM radio in Providence, Rhode Island, about 40 miles from Boston. He added that the decision would be contingent on his wife’s approval. “Ultimately it’s going to come down to how her and I feel this would affect our marriage and our kids.” Schilling also fielded phone calls from listeners about a $75 million loan the state of Rhode Island made in 2010 to his video game company, 38 Studios, which went bankrupt in 2012. “I’m sorry it ended the way it did,” Schilling said, adding that if he had been governor of Rhode Island he would not have offered financing to that company. Schilling is still warmly remembered by Red Sox fans for undergoing a medical procedure that allowed him to pitch with an injured ankle and blood-stained sock during the American League Championship Series and World Series in 2004, helping the team win its first world series championship since 1918. Despite being associated with a team from a politically liberal state, Schilling has long backed conservative politicians, most recently Republican presidential contender Donald Trump.
Colorado Voters on the Verge of Keeping Slavery Exception in State Constitution - The New York Times
Surely, even in these fractured times, just about everyone could agree on an antislavery measure. Right? Lawmakers in Colorado unanimously agreed to put a question onto the Nov. 8 ballot, asking if voters would like to remove an archaic reference to slavery in the state’s Constitution that allows it as a punishment for crime. There was virtually no public opposition or campaign against the amendment, which was supported by Republicans and Democrats. Newspapers editorialized in favor, and activists considered it a slam dunk. What could go wrong? As it turns out, plenty. As of Thursday afternoon, votes were still being counted — but the effort looked as if it was doomed to defeat, with the “no” votes leading the “yes” votes by more than 35, 000 with almost 2. 4 million votes cast. A recount is possible. Was it a hidden racist vote? Could more than a million people in Colorado really be in favor of keeping a slavery loophole? Activists and lawmakers bewildered by the defeat say the answer may be much more simple: Voters say they were disoriented by a mouthful of a ballot question, leaving them unsure what “yes” and “no” actually meant. The question read: “Shall there be an amendment to the Colorado Constitution concerning the removal of the exception to the prohibition of slavery and involuntary servitude when used as a punishment for persons duly convicted of a crime?” “I think people were confused by the language,” said Representative Joe Salazar, a Democrat who sponsored the bipartisan legislation to put the question on the ballot. “I don’t think this was a pushback at all by individuals saying they wanted slavery in the Constitution. I just think the language was too confusing. ” The punishment exception was referring to prison labor when it was written in 1876, but constitutional law experts say it is now unnecessary because of current labor practices. “Many people thought, ‘If I vote yes, I’m voting to put this language in the Constitution,’ because it seemed inconceivable that it was already there,” said Melissa Hart, a professor at the University of Colorado Law School. Even lawyers Ms. Hart spoke with were surprised to learn that not only was the language in the state’s Constitution, but it also remains in the 13th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which abolished slavery when it was ratified in 1865. It states: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. ” The language goes back even further — to when the United States territory was expanding. Both the Northwest Ordinance in 1787 and the Missouri Compromise in 1820 prohibited slavery but carved out the same exception for criminal punishment. At the time, labor camps in prisons were common as a way to rehabilitate criminals, Professor Hart said. Since the prisoners were working without payment, it was considered a form of indentured servitude. But in the current day, the idea that there could be any situations in which slavery would be allowed did not sit well with activists. “It just shouldn’t be a Colorado value,” said William Dickerson, a community activist with Together Colorado, a organization that led the campaign to remove the language. “It shouldn’t be in the bedrock of our founding document, both on the state level and on the national level. ” Activists said the effort might also have been hurt by a state voter guide that was mailed to every registered voter, which was required to list arguments for and against the amendment. It said the change could “result in legal uncertainty around current offender work practices in the state. ” That was a “ argument” that was concocted to meet the legal standard for having an argument against it, but few people were genuinely concerned, Mr. Salazar said. Nonetheless, some voters could have been persuaded by it, he said. The voter guide also said that 25 states did not have language related to slavery in their constitutions, and that those states had had no issues with their prison work and community service programs. “Removing the language reflects fundamental values of freedom and equality, and makes an important symbolic statement,” it said. Though stunned by the apparent defeat, those supporting the change are vowing to get the question on a ballot again — next time, with simpler language. “We’re going to do it again,” Mr. Salazar said. “We’re going to make sure we finally rid the Constitution of that language. ”
Obama starts interviewing candidates for Supreme Court vacancy: NPR
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has started to interview candidates for the U.S. Supreme Court to replace Justice Antonin Scalia, who died last month, National Public Radio reported on Tuesday, citing sources close to the process. Among the interviewees are Chief Judge Merrick Garland of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia; Judge Sri Srinivasan of the same court; Judge Paul Watford of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals based in San Francisco; Judge Jane Kelly of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals based in St. Louis; and U.S. District Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, who serves in Washington, D.C., NPR reported. The first three of these individuals are considered the leading contenders, NPR said. U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch earlier on Tuesday asked not to be considered as a nominee, the Justice Department said in a statement. Lynch had been rumored to be under consideration. The process of filling the spot that was held by Scalia, one of the court’s most conservative justices, has ignited a partisan battle in Washington. Republicans who control the U.S. Senate do not want to see the court shift ideologically to the left and have said they will not hold a vote on Obama’s nominee. All appointees by the president to the Supreme Court are subject to approval by the Senate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has said the next Supreme Court justice should be chosen by the winner of the Nov. 8 presidential election.
Single Mother Seeks to Give Daughter the Peace That Eluded Her - The New York Times
Above the simple gray churches along a dimly lit section of Detroit, the brooding eyes of Lil Wayne, who was covered in chains and holding a bottle of Hennessy, peered from a billboard in the rough neighborhood where India Wayman grew up. Her childhood had been fraught with traumatic experiences. Her father was violent and inconsistent, Ms. Wayman said, and she was bullied at school. A social worker visited her home when she was 12. “Take her, we don’t need her here anymore,” Ms. Wayman, now 34, recalled her father as saying when he discovered that she had made a child abuse report. As she considered her options that day, her brother wandered into the room. She could not leave him. And so, the physical and emotional abuse continued at home and at school. Skipping classes to avoid bullies, she passed time at the library, the Detroit Institute of Arts and Wayne State University, where she sat in on college classes until she was kicked off the campus and told to return when she was 18. She loved to read. Her 10th grade English teacher introduced her to the poetry of Bob Kaufman. She desperately wanted to become the “jazz type chick” of his stanzas. Sitting on the bed, With a jazz type chick Round about Midnight She developed an interest in African history. She started several activist groups. She dropped out of high school in the 11th grade. Under Lil Wayne’s watchful gaze, Ms. Wayman recently recalled, she concluded that as a black woman in Detroit, she had three options to get out of the city. “I could become a rapper, a basketball player or go into the military,” she said. So after earning her high school equivalency degree and taking some college courses, she joined the Navy in May 2004. But she failed an early drug test, after testing positive for marijuana use, and was discharged several months later, military records show. She then worked a string of jobs in community service, and her ticket out of Detroit actually came from one of her interests from her teenage years: activism. In 2008, she was hired as a community organizer in Binghamton, N. Y. Ms. Wayman found fulfillment at work, but her unhealthy relationships led to stints in shelters throughout New York. “When you don’t have a proper relationship with your father, you start to look for it in other people,” she said. “I didn’t know how to love myself. ” Ms. Wayman fell into a series of abusive relationships, she said. She would leave, he would apologize, they would make up and she would return. She once walked all night to another town to get away from a boyfriend, before trekking back to work on foot, only to reunite with him. Ms. Wayman, then 28 and desperate to escape the cycle of abuse, said she took a knife to her wrists to end her life, the second attempt in 10 years. But the knife was too blunt, and the next morning she was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. She has since learned she has an anxiety disorder, depression and complex stress disorder, brought on by her childhood experiences, she said. Soon after her hospitalization, Ms. Wayman found out she was pregnant. She considered abortion, but was not sure what to do until she felt a fluttering in her stomach. Then, five and a half months pregnant on Mother’s Day, she left her boyfriend for good. Sitting in a library at a computer, she sobbed as she composed an email to say goodbye to him. A woman next to her asked what was wrong. “He doesn’t love me,” Ms. Wayman said. The stranger gave her the name of a shelter in Syracuse. She left her boyfriend’s house with a bag of clothes and never returned. A few months later, she gave birth to her daughter, Naimah Ife. But the disruptive life at the shelter, Ms. Wayman said, was no way to raise a child. “There were so many sleepless nights,” she said. “The mental frustrations and the thoughts of: ‘How am I going to get out of here? What am I going to do? ’” During her time in shelters she worked at a call center. She said she hoped to use her experience to start a support group for other single mothers, as well as for mothers with children. Her daughter received a diagnosis of severe hyperactivity disorder and severe dyspraxia, a neurological disorder associated with A. D. H. D. Now snug in her Brooklyn apartment, which is partly subsidized by the supportive housing program Help USA, Ms. Wayman is discovering possibilities beyond the ones she imagined for herself in Detroit. Though she was laid off as a temporary data entry clerk in October, she is beginning a culinary arts program this week. To help cover expenses, she receives unemployment, Supplemental Security Income payments for her daughter and food stamps. On a brisk September day, Naimah, now 5, came flying into the living room. Twirling in a black coat with a tuft of fur around the collar — part of a winter wardrobe provided by a $136. 95 stipend from Catholic Charities Brooklyn and Queens, one of the eight organizations supported by The New York Times Neediest Cases Fund — she ran to her mother, her arms outstretched. Tall, sprightly and home from day care, she wanted to dance and talk and hold hands and draw a portrait of her mother all at once. Her mother placed much significance on her name: Naimah means “peaceful” in Arabic, and Ife is “love” in Swahili. “There’s power in a name,” Ms. Wayman said, holding her daughter close. “When you name children, you set a path for them. I want people to give her that. Now, for the rest of her life, she will have love and peace, even when I’m not there. ”
In a corner of a French field, memories of U.S. segregation
ARDEUIL ET MONTFAUXELLES, France (Reuters) - In a half-forgotten field in France stands a worn monument to a regiment of U.S. soldiers who faced down racism at home and in their ranks to become World War One s most decorated unit of African American soldiers. In the run up to Veterans Day on Nov. 11, campaigners say the record of the 371st infantry regiment needs to be fully recognized. One man is trying to have one of the unit s soldiers finally decorated with the Medal of Honor the U.S. military s highest award a century after his death. The 371st was largely made up of poor black laborers from segregated South Carolina. They were drafted into the army by a military machine keen to keep them away from potential frontline glory by putting them in support roles. But they soon found themselves in the heat of battle under the command of the French army, which was desperate for manpower in the dying days of the war. You had these African Americans in the early 1900s who were subject to Jim Crow, racism was rampant, the military was segregated, said Gerald Torrence of the American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC), a government agency that serves as guardian of U.S. military memorials and cemeteries overseas. These men were victimized in their daily life in the United States, yet they were not victims in their minds, said Torrence, who is co-author of Willing Patriots: Men of Color in the First World War . Until 2015, when President Barack Obama posthumously decorated a soldier from another regiment, the 371st contained the war s only African American winner of the Medal of Honor. But now Jeff Gusky, a campaigner, explorer and photographer, has dug through the records and believes it deserves another. Private Burton Holmes was in his early twenties on Sept. 28, 1918 when he was badly injured during an assault on a ridge in Champagne, eastern France. In the face of heavy machinegun fire, he returned to headquarters to re-arm and fought on, rallying the troops before being killed. He was recommended for the Medal of Honor but it was downgraded to a lesser award, a decision Gusky believes was down to institutional racism. An African American comrade of Holmes, Freddie Stowers, was also recommended for the Medal of Honor during the war but his paperwork was misplaced for decades and he was only recognized in 1991, 73 years after his death. Now veterans organizations say the case of Holmes needs to be reviewed too. I think the burden is on the present day U.S. army to tell us why he wouldn t deserve the Medal of Honor, Gusky said. In the tiny village of Ardeuil et Montfauxelles in eastern France (population 86), the residents have not forgotten the sacrifice of the soldiers. Local man Frank Lesjean treks through a field after work to tend to their memorial, accessible only by a muddy track. He touches up the names of those who died with red paint and looks after the roses around the chipped granite. Restoring this monument helps their memory to endure, he told Reuters. Without it, they d be even more forgotten.
State Department says FBI has not approached it in renewed email probe
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. State Department spokesman said on Monday that to his knowledge the FBI had not asked the department for anything in connection with its renewed scrutiny of emails linked to a private server used by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. State Department spokesman John Kirby said as far as he knew, the FBI had not approached the State Department for anything related to its decision to look at additional emails connected to the server used by Clinton, now the Democratic presidential nominee.
China says it wants smooth military ties with Trump
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Wednesday it wanted to develop smooth military-to-military ties with the new U.S. administration of Donald Trump. While the world’s two largest economies are frequently at odds over issues like the disputed South China Sea, both have been trying to improve trust between their armed forces to reduce the risk of misunderstanding in any encounters. This month, China and the United States staged a three-day humanitarian relief military drill as part of that trust-building exercise. New concern looms with Trump’s election as U.S. president. He lambasted China on the campaign trail and has suggested Japan and South Korea be allowed to develop nuclear weapons. Asked about Trump’s election, Chinese Defence Ministry spokesman Yang Yujun said it went without saying there were tensions in the military relationship and China hoped the United States would respect its core interests and concerns. “China is willing to work hard together with the defense department of the next U.S. government to promote the healthy and stable development of military-to-military relations,” Yang told a monthly news briefing. Trump will take over as president in January.
Trump trade strategy starts with quitting Asia pact: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The new U.S. administration of President Donald Trump said on Friday its trade strategy to protect American jobs would start with withdrawal from the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact. A White House statement issued soon after Trump’s inauguration said the United States would also “crack down on those nations that violate trade agreements and harm American workers in the process.” The statement said Trump was committed to renegotiating another trade deal, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which was signed in 1994 by the United States, Canada and Mexico. “For too long, Americans have been forced to accept trade deals that put the interests of insiders and the Washington elite over the hard-working men and women of this country,” it said. “As a result, blue-collar towns and cities have watched their factories close and good-paying jobs move overseas, while Americans face a mounting trade deficit and a devastated manufacturing base.” The statement said “tough and fair agreements” on trade could be used to grow the U.S. economy and return millions of jobs to America. “This strategy starts by withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and making certain that any new trade deals are in the interests of American workers.” If NAFTA partners refused to give American workers a fair deal in a renegotiated agreement, “the President will give notice of the United States’ intent to withdraw from NAFTA,” the statement added. The TPP, which the United States signed but has not ratified, had been the main economic pillar of the Obama administration’s “pivot” to the Asia-Pacific region in the face of a fast-rising China. Proponents of the pact have expressed concerns that abandoning the project, which took years to negotiate, could further strengthen China’s economic hand in the region at the expense of the United States. Australia’s position that a change of heart remains possible in the U.S. and that the trade deal can proceed, is unchanged despite the White House statement, Damon Hunt spokesman for the Australian prime minister, told Reuters on Saturday. Trump has criticized China’s trade practices and threatened to impose punitive tariffs on Chinese imports. The Chinese government said on Thursday that China and the United States could resolve any trade disputes through talks, while a Chinese newspaper warned that U.S. business could be targets for retaliation in any trade war ushered in by Trump. Trump has sparked worries in Japan and the rest of the Asia-Pacific with his opposition to the TPP and his campaign demands for allies to pay more for their security. (This version of the story was refiled to correct day of China government comment in 13th paragraph)
Vietnam calls for Southeast Asian unity amid South China Sea tension
HANOI (Reuters) - Vietnam s most powerful leader has called for greater unity among Southeast Asian states at a time the country has appeared increasingly isolated in challenging China s territorial claims in the South China Sea. Making the first visit by a Vietnamese communist party chief to Indonesia, Nguyen Phu Trong said in a speech televised at home on Wednesday that the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) needed to be unified in resolving territorial disputes. Do not let ASEAN become a playing card for the competition among major countries, Trong said, without identifying which he meant. Vietnam has emerged as the most vocal opponent of China s claims in the South China Sea, where more than $3 trillion in cargo pass every year. To China s annoyance, Vietnam held out an ASEAN meeting this month for language in a communique that noted concern about island-building and criticized militarization in the South China Sea. Chinese pressure forced Vietnam to stop drilling for oil last month in a Vietnamese oil block that China claims. Beijing has also been angered by Vietnam s growing defense links to the United States, Japan and India. Some Southeast Asian countries are wary about the possible repercussions of defying Beijing by taking a stronger stand on the South China Sea. China claims most of the South China Sea, while Taiwan, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippines and Brunei claim parts of the sea, which commands strategic sealanes and has rich fishing grounds along with oil and gas deposits. After Indonesia, Trong is due to visit Myanmar.
Weed legalised in America because they f**king need it
Weed legalised in America because they f**king need it 10-11-16 MARIJUANA is now legal in 28 states of the US to help them through every difficult day of the next four years. The powerful drug, which helps users blot out reality and create imaginary utopian worlds, will be prescribed to Americans who voted for Hillary Clinton to help with their crushing despair. 82-year-old Eleanor Shaw, who had hoped to see a woman president in her lifetime, said: “I am hitting the blunt tonight. Is that how you say it? “They say that you’re lost in a fog of confusion, have no idea what’s going on and eventually find it difficult to return to reality. Hell yeah. After yesterday, reality can get fucked.” Dr Tom Booker of Illinois said: “The potential side effects of prolonged marijuana use include delusions that the planet is run by the Illuminati working in collusion with large-eyed grey aliens with no genitals. “Under current circumstances, that would be most reassuring.” Share:
Snowden’s former employer hires ex-FBI director to review security after 2nd data breach
Snowden’s former employer hires ex-FBI director to review security after 2nd data... Snowden’s former employer hires ex-FBI director to review security after 2nd data breach By 0 144 Booz Allen Hamilton has hired an ex-FBI director to launch an external review of security and staffing procedures after an employee stole up to 500 million pages of data, marking the second NSA breach in just three years since the Snowden case. Craig Veith, Booz Allen vice president for external relations, said on Thursday that Robert Mueller, who became director of the FBI one week before the 9/11 attacks and led the agency for 12 years, will conduct “a fair, objective and thorough review,” according to the Wall Street Journal. Read more The announcement came after Harold Martin III, a former Booz Allen employee and US Navy veteran, was charged in what is believed to be one of the largest classified data breaches in US history. Edward Snowden’s case is likely to pale in comparison to that of Martin’s when it comes to the number of documents stolen. Prosecutors said that Martin had taken as many as 500 million pages of top secret information, which equals 50 terabytes of data, along with six more boxes of files, many of which were reportedly left open in his house or car. The man, already dubbed ‘the second Snowden’, had nothing to do with blowing the whistle on NSA surveillance activities, his lawyers argued. Instead, they described Martin as a “voracious reader committed to being excellent at his work,” according to the Washington Post. Martin’s attorney, James Wyda, told a US magistrate judge last week that gathering terabytes of classified information “began as an effort to be better at his job,” adding that he is “a compulsive hoarder” rather than a “traitor.” Prosecutors insisted, however, that Martin remain in custody, alleging they found the names of US intelligence operatives in the files stolen by the former Booz Allen employee, citing a particular threat to the safety of officers working undercover abroad. Commenting on Mueller’s appointment, Booz Allen vice president Veith said that “we are an organization that prides itself on constant learning. If there are areas where Booz Allen can improve, we will address them.” After leaving the FBI in 2013, Mueller became a visiting professor at Stanford University where he focused on cyber-security issues. Questions, however, still remain about how these breaches could happen twice in just three years despite the company’s assurances of learning lessons and improving internal control after Snowden’s revelations that shed light on NSA wiretapping activities in the US and other countries. Coleen Rowley, a former FBI agent, told RT earlier in October that the number of US citizens having top secret clearances or access to classified information “has soared” through the years. “The last I heard it is something like five million Americans have been cleared for classified information. So, any time you get that large of a number, you are going to have all kinds of potential. And it doesn’t matter contractors or government, both of them,” she said. Via RT . This piece was reprinted by RINF Alternative News with permission or license.
WATCH: Kellyanne Conway Gets OWNED By NBC Host For Whining About How Media Covers Trump
It s so much fun watching Kellyanne Conway get humiliated on live television.On Monday morning, the wicked witch of the White House appeared on the Today Show to whine about how the media covers Donald Trump.Specifically, she bitched about the media covering what Trump says on Twitter. This obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter and very little what he does as president, Conway started before NBC host Craig Melvin pointed out that Twitter is Trump s preferred method of communication with the American people. Conway replied by accusing Melvin of lying. Melvin fired back and instantly owned Conway with a simple fact. Well, he hasn t given an interview in three weeks. So lately it has been his preferred method. Here s the video via Twitter.WATCH: This obsession with covering everything he says on Twitter and very little what he does as president @KellyannePolls pic.twitter.com/iyS3WnHoxh TODAY (@TODAYshow) June 5, 2017Indeed, Trump has especially used Twitter heavily ever since the London terrorist attack on Saturday.He attacked London s mayor and tried to use the tragedy to scare people into supporting his Muslim ban.Trump even threw a temper tantrum on Monday morning because the courts have blocked his unconstitutional ban.But Trump has used Twitter repeatedly like a drunken sailor since taking office and everything he says should be covered and scrutinized by the media. If Kellyanne Conway thinks the media shouldn t cover Trump s tweets she should take his phone away from him and make him quit social media entirely.Until then, Trump s Twitter feed is fair game.Also, why are networks still letting Conway spew her bullshit on the air?For quite some time, she had been kept off the air because of the amount of lying she does every time she makes an appearance. Now she is all of sudden back on television. If the media should be criticized for anything, it s the way they keep giving Trump s minions a platform to lie to the American people.But at least Craig Melvin called Conway out.Featured image via screenshot
THOUSANDS Of Containers ROTTING At San Juan Port After STRIKING Union Drivers Allegedly REFUSE To Deliver Goods…LIBERAL Mayor Has Some Explaining To Do
San Juan s mayor railed against President Trump s acting DHS Secretary for expressing optimism about the progress the US has made in their relief efforts for residents of Puerto Rico. San Juan s mayor, Carmin Yulin Cruz, used CNN as a vehicle to criticize the efforts of the US in getting much-needed supplies to the residents of San Juan. Only hours after the mayor of San Juan criticized the efforts of the Trump administration, tweets from the Mayor of San Juan, (that were sent out before Hurricane Maria) surfaced on Twitter responding to Hillary s tweet, as she trashed President Trump, saying he doesn t deserve to be President. .@realDonaldTrump hater, the Mayor of San Juan is the perfect example of an opportunistic politician. Go ask PR Gov about responsiveness. pic.twitter.com/us3p78P9zK Dan Scavino Jr. (@DanScavino) September 30, 2017Now, the truth about why those thousands of containers filled with supplies are allegedly not getting to the citizens is revealed, and the truth is, it has nothing to do with President Trump or our DHS Conservative Treehouse Puerto Rican born and raised, Colonel Michael A. Valle ( Torch ), Commander, 101st Air and Space Operations Group, and Director of the Joint Air Component Coordination Element, 1st Air Force, responsible for Hurricane Maria relief efforts, has the following comment: They have the generators, water, food, medicine, and fuel on the ground, yet the supplies are not moving across the island as quickly as they re needed.Col. Valle is a firsthand witness of the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) response supporting FEMA in Puerto Rico, and as a Puerto Rican himself with family members living in the devastation, his passion for the people is second to none. It s just not true, Col. Valle says of the major disconnect today between the perception of a lack of response from Washington verses what is really going on on the ground. I have family here. My parents home is here. My uncles, aunts, cousins, are all here. As a Puerto Rican, I can tell you that the problem has nothing to do with the U.S. military, FEMA, or the DoD. It s a lack of drivers for the transport trucks, the 18 wheelers. Supplies we have. Trucks we have. There are ships full of supplies, backed up in the ports, waiting to have a vehicle to unload into. However, only 20% of the truck drivers show up to work. These are private citizens in Puerto Rico, paid by companies that are contracted by the government .. (link)Colonel Valle blames the conditions of the roads for the lack of truck drivers to move supplies around Puerto Rico, but the video below tells another story.The ports are so full of relief supplies they can t fit any more in the available space. CNBC ground report confirms Colonel Valle s ground report. WATCH:The reason for truck drivers not showing up? The Puerto Rican Teamsters Union, Frente Amplio, is refusing to move the product.Thomas Wictor shared a video of an interview between a man (he calls the toothless guy ) and a reporter. Wictor translates their conversation in several tweets that are found below the video: (1) Well, I didn't think it was true, but it is: Puerto Rican truck drivers are refusing to work.https://t.co/obMCPH2NtA Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(13) I didn't think it would be possible for a union to go on strike during a national emergency, but it happened.Stunning, really. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(12) There you have it.As I said before: This is ALL THE FAULT OF PUERTO RICO. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(11) Since the country doesn't care about truckers, the truckers won't help. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(10) The governor didn't understand the suffering of the working man, so now the truckers will show the country what suffering is. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(9) This is all the governor's fault, the toothless guy says. He passed a law, and now he has to live with it. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(8) Three weeks earlier, nobody cared about the plight of the truckers, so now the truckers don't care about the country. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(7) The toothless guy says the truckers are not responsible for helping the country. That's the governor's job. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(5) The reporters says, "But all this stuff is in the past. In the present, it's an emergency." Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(4) The toothless guy says that the governor's policies have impacted truckers, so now truckers will show the country THEIR OWN suffering. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(3) The reporter CONFIRMS that the truck drivers are refusing to work in order to get revenge on the governor. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017(2) The toothless guy is complaining about a law that the governor passed three weeks ago. Thomas Wictor (@ThomasWictor) October 1, 2017
Trump Accidentally Makes Democrats Look Great During Angry Tirade About His Failed Healthcare Bill
Less than 24 hours after Trump claimed he would be exclusively blaming Democrats for not endorsing his bill to uninsure 24 million people, he was lashing out at Republicans instead. He just couldn t help himself.The meltdown began last night as Trump used his Twitter account to promote Fox News Jeanine Pirro s Saturday night show. When people tuned in, they saw Pirro go on a vicious assault against Paul Ryan, demanding he step down as Speaker of the House. Trump, apparently too much of a coward to say it himself, wants you to know how much he hates Paul Ryan.The next morning, his temper had only gotten worse. Not leaving it to Paul Ryan, Trump lashed out at conservative Republicans for not properly supporting the bill.Democrats are smiling in D.C. that the Freedom Caucus, with the help of Club For Growth and Heritage, have saved Planned Parenthood & Ocare! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 26, 2017The tweet was particularly awkward because it was disturbingly true Yes, Democrats are smiling following the disastrous Trumpcare misfire. Things like Planned Parenthood and Obamacare provide life-saving resources to tens of millions of people. Preserving those things is something worth smiling about. The fact that Trump and Paul Ryan humiliated themselves in the process only makes those smiles a little broader.MSNBC s Lawrence O Donnell observed:I'm smiling at you attacking the people you need on your next vote. Please keep doing this. Please! https://t.co/5deg1puxyU Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence) March 26, 2017Trump s latest meltdown directed exclusively at Republicans signals the sheer chaos that s rippling through the GOP following their healthcare fail. The implosion was so spectacular that nobody seems to be able to agree on a coherent message. Trump, for his part, has oscillated between I m not mad! and spittle-laden fury. He may have even found a scapegoat Reince Priebus.Source close to @POTUS says he's being advised to replace @Reince45 & is open to possibility healthcare was last straw Tara Palmeri (@tarapalmeri) March 25, 2017But if anyone is squarely to blame for the GOP s failure to repeal and replace Obamacare it s Trump himself, who spent a truly embarrassing lack of time on trying to accomplish it. Here s a typical write-up of Trump s involvement in the legislative process:Despite the proclamations of Paul Ryan, Sean Spicer, and others to spin Trump s participation in the AHCA push as some impressive feat of presidential prowess, several reports indicate that Trump was mostly disengaged from the process, divided over its merits, and only involved himself at the last minute, largely out of ego.The perception among lawmakers and White House insiders was that Trump was never personally invested in the bill, repeatedly asking aides if they thought it was good or not, typically prompted by the consistently negative media coverage of the bill that Trump was watching, according to the Washington Post.Many people, some even close to the president, admitted that they didn t believe Trump actually knew what was in the bill.The fact that he s now using his own shoddy leadership as a pretext to go to war with his own political party is music to any liberal s ears. This is a man whose ego is so large that he would rather burn every bridge he has than accept the fact that he botched the rollout of a complicated bill through incompetence and indifference. Instead he s incoherently lashing out at anyone he can think of: Democrats, Paul Ryan, Reince Priebus, the entire Republican Party.What a piece of work.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Bully Backs Blowhard for President: Now Christie Likes Trump
In a surprising move after Marco Rubio had a strong debate performance, Donald Trump unveiled the endorsement of Chris Christie. Donald Trump is a burning inferno that thrives by sucking the oxygen out of the room. On Friday, he did it again by announcing the endorsement of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, temporarily stepping on Rubio’s Terminator-like savagery of Trump in Thursday’s debate. Nothing should shock in a presidential race that has been defined by its surprises, but the image of the bruising governor proudly standing behind the carrot-faced mogul at a press conference in Texas was jarring nonetheless. “Generally speaking, I’m not big on endorsements,” Trump started, casually dismissive of the kind of establishment support his main competitor Rubio has received. “I could have had quite a few good ones. This was an endorsement that really meant a lot. Chris is an outstanding man with an outstanding family.” Christie is also a man who has been blamed for allowing Atlantic City’s crime rate to skyrocket as his plan to turn around the casino city tanked. Trump also failed in Atlantic City with his Taj Mahal casino, which filed for bankruptcy in 2014. According to Christie, the two came to a final decision about the endorsement and its rollout in a meeting Thursday but he had contemplated further involvement in the race when he returned home to New Jersey after a poor showing in the New Hampshire primary. “I concluded along with Mary Pat and the children [to support] the person we thought to provide the best leadership for America and the person who could best make sure that Hillary Clinton never gets within 10 miles of the White House,” Christie said, trading the podium back and forth with Trump like tag-team WWE wrestlers. “Once we made that decision, it was clear the only choice was Donald Trump. The best choice was Donald Trump. And last thing is our family is one that prides loyalty and the fact is that we have been good friends with Donald and his family for many years.” Yet Christie sold off his list of donor emails and supporters to Rubio this morning, which was just two weeks after he kneecapped Rubio as a “robot” in the debate before the New Hampshire primary. Even when a Christie confidant was asked recently if a Trump endorsement was in the works, he demurred and said, “You never know.” “You’re telling me it wasn’t this weird when Herman Cain was winning nationally four years ago or Michele Bachman was winning nationally? I mean, this happens,” Christie said at the time. That same month, Christie said in an interview with Greta Van Susteren that Trump doesn’t have what it takes to be president. “I don’t think his temperament is suited for that and I don’t think his experience is,” he said. Similarly Trump didn’t used to have nice things to say about the governor. During a visit to New Hampshire in December, Trump ribbed Christie for his Bridgegate scandal, telling a crowd that “the people of New Jersey want to throw him out of office.” Yet today, the two were thick as thieves, perhaps motivated by the joint hate they share for Rubio, who grasped the media limelight for only a brief moment in the sun after last night’s debate.
20 Before and After Photos That Reveal The Effects Of Giving Up Alcohol
By Amanda Froelich These ‘before and after’ photos are proof that giving up alcohol can dramatically affect one’s health and appearance. Drinking alcohol might seem like the normal or ‘hip’ thing to...
Pollsters who predicted Trump win benefit from industry's miss
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A handful of small public opinion polling companies that bucked consensus and accurately called the U.S. presidential election for Republican Donald Trump are reporting being flooded with calls from investors and clients seeking their services. Most pollsters wrongly forecast Democrat Hillary Clinton as leading Trump ahead of Tuesday’s election in the latest fiasco to hit the $20 billion public opinion research industry, only months after it failed to predict the British vote to leave the European Union in a June referendum. Among the few that got it right was a new industry player using a different method, South African firm Brandseye, which analyzes social media posts. With offices in Capetown and Johannesburg, Brandseye took an entirely different approach from traditional polling. The data-miner pays people around the world to sift through social media for relevant posts, a process known as crowd-sourcing, and then uses a computer algorithm to rate consumer sentiment about products or politicians. Its method pointed to a Trump victory. It also correctly called Britain’s Brexit vote. “My phone has not stopped,” CEO and part owner JP Kloppers said in a telephone interview on Thursday. Kloppers said venture capitalists have been calling about investing in the firm, and polling companies have inquired about its methods. Kloppers said the company was open to licensing its technology. Existing clients include ride-sharing firm Uber, banks, telecommunications firms and some government agencies, he said. He declined to identify the governments. “Elections come every couple of years, but there are companies and governments that need to understand every day and every week what’s driving customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction,” Kloppers said. New methods, if successful, are of high interest to polling companies that are having difficulty reaching cellphone users or survey-weary Americans. “The answer is ongoing research,” said Krista Jenkins, director of the PublicMind survey research center at Fairleigh Dickinson University in New Jersey. “It’s basically digging in as an industry and comparing the findings from your traditional telephone polls to data that is collected online.” Traditional pollsters base their results on questions posed to randomly selected people, often in interviews conducted live over the telephone. Among other errors that pollsters made ahead of the U.S election, they almost universally miscalculated how turnout would be distributed among demographic groups. High-profile London-based polling agency YouGov PLC’s stock dropped 4 percent on Wednesday after its new method of surveying people online failed to accurately predict the U.S. presidential election’s outcome. Analysts were split on the reason behind the drop, and YouGov stock partly recovered on Thursday, closing up 2 percent in London trading. No one from YouGov, which primarily does research for corporations, was immediately available to comment on the business implications of the polling miss, a spokesman said. The Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation project gave Clinton a 90 percent probability of winning the 270 electoral votes needed to secure the election. On its website, one of the possible scenarios was how Trump could win the election by adjusting turnout levels. Ipsos SA will assess what it got wrong, said Clifford Young, president of the French research company’s U.S. public affairs unit. Election polling is generally not a big money-maker. Many polls are done by universities or the media, while private research companies use it to market themselves to corporate clients that provide more profitable work. Pioneering U.S. pollster Gallup last year abandoned head-to-head polls for the presidential race, saying it wanted to focus its resources on polls about issues. The outfits that wrongly foresaw a Clinton victory will suffer damage to their reputation, said Alex DeGroote, a London-based analyst at Peel Hunt LLP who follows the industry. “They attach their brand to these polls. If these polls continue to flop, it’s not going to help their brand credibility,” DeGroote said. Among this year’s winners may be Remington Research Group. The Kansas City, Missouri-based pollster correctly predicted that Trump would win the election battleground states of Florida, North Carolina and Ohio, although it missed Trump’s surprising Wisconsin victory. The company, which frequently works with Republican politicians, conducts a mix of automated phone interviews and live phone interviews. It may have done relatively well because other firms were afraid of standing out from the crowd, said Titus Bond, the group’s director. “A lot of pollsters, they want to be at the same number as everyone else,” Bond said. Bond said he received three calls on the morning after the election from corporate clients in the pharmaceutical and fertilizer industries and three others from advocacy groups, all seeking to do business.
Comment on 184 U.S. generals and admirals endorse Trump for Commander-In-Chief by Tonya Parnell
Have you seen that pro-Hillary TV ad of disgraced Gen. John Allen? Nauseating. You should know that in 2011, Allen, then a 4-star general in the U.S. Marine Corps, was nominated to be NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, Europe, pending confirmation by the Senate. On November 13, 2012, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta suspended Allen’s confirmation hearing, pending investigations into the general’s “inappropriate communication” with a woman named Jill Kelley. Gen. John Allen (l); Jill Kelley (r) As part of the fallout of the Gen. David Petraeus -Paula Broadwell affair, the FBI uncovered 20,000 to 30,000 pages of correspondence — mostly email — between Allen and Kelley from 2010 to 2012. Reportedly, their correspondence was “flirtatious” and “inappropriate” as Allen and Kelley were both married at the time, but not to each other. Seriously, how can a 4-star general even have so much free time as to write 20,000 to 30,000 emails in the space of two years to ANYONE? 20,000 emails mean an average of 28 emails a day exchanged between Allen and Kelley; 30,000 emails mean an average of 42 emails a day. There is no one with whom I’ve exchanged 28 emails a day, even less 42 emails. The upshot: Not only did John Allen lose his confirmation as NATO’s Supreme Allied Commander, he also lost his job as Commander of U.S. forces in Afghanistan — a post to which he was promoted to replace the disgraced Gen. Petraeus. (See “ Obama purges U.S. military command (Part 1) ”) Allen retired from the military in February 2013, but was appointed Special Presidential Envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL (or ISIS) — a post and title created for Allen by Obama, which Allen held for about a year from September 2014 until October 23, 2015. Allen was a featured speaker at the 2016 Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. He criticized Donald Trump and endorsed Hillary Clinton — who abandoned four Americans to die in Benghazi — for President. Like the New Yorker that he is, Trump fired back, calling Allen “a failed general.” Trump does have the endorsement of 184 non-failed and non-disgraced U.S. generals and admirals, including at least four 4-star and fourteen 3-star flag officers, as well as the endorsement of 14 Medal of Honor recipients. The endorsements began with an open letter on Sept. 6, 2016, from 88 retired U.S. general and admirals : “The 2016 election affords the American people an urgently needed opportunity to make a long-overdue course correction in our national security posture and policy. As retired senior leaders of America’s military, we believe that such a change can only be made by someone who has not been deeply involved with, and substantially responsible for, the hollowing out of our military and the burgeoning threats facing our country around the world. For this reason, we support Donald Trump’s candidacy to be our next Commander-in-Chief. For the past eight years, America’s armed forces have been subjected to a series of ill-considered and debilitating budget cuts, policy choices and combat operations that have left the superb men and women in uniform less capable of performing their vital missions in the future than we require them to be. Simultaneously, enemies of this country have been emboldened, sensing weakness and irresolution in Washington and opportunities for aggression at our expense and that of other freedom-loving nations. In our professional judgment, the combined effect is potentially extremely perilous. That is especially the case if our government persists in the practices that have brought us to this present pass. For this reason, we support Donald Trump and his commitment to rebuild our military, to secure our borders, to defeat our Islamic supremacist adversaries and restore law and order domestically. We urge our fellow Americans to do the same.” Two days later on Sept. 8, another 21 retired U.S. generals and admirals joined the list, followed by 31 more the next day, on Sept. 9, and another 44 on Sept. 16, bringing the total number of flag officers who have endorsed Trump to 184. Below is the list, as of Sept. 16, 2016, of the retired U.S. generals and admirals, who are endorsing Trump for President and Commander-In-Chief: General Burwell B. Bell III, US Army, Retired General Alfred G. Hansen, US Air Force, Retired Admiral Jerry Johnson, US Navy, Retired Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Marvin Covault, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Brett Dula, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Dan Duren, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Harold T. Fields, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Bruce L. Fister, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Gordon E, Fornell, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant Jay Garner, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Ron Hite, US Army, Retired Lieutenant Generals John I. Hudson, USMC, Retired Lieutenant General Harley Hughes, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Keith Kellogg, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Timothy A. Kinnan, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Joe Kinzer, US Army, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Bennett L. Lewis, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Frederick McCorkle, US MC, Retired Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Clifford H. Rees, Jr. US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant James C. Riley, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General Hugh G. Smith, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General John B. Sylvester, US Army, Retired Lieutenant General David J. Teal, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General William E. Thurman, US Air Force, Retired Lieutenant General Jack Woodward, US Air Force, Retired Vice Admiral Mike Bucchi, US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral Edward Clexton, Jr. US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral Bernard M. Kauderer, US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral J. Theodore Parker, US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral R.F.Schoultz, US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral Robert Spane, US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral Donald Thompson, US Coast Guard, Retired Vice Admiral Howard B. Thorsen, US Coast Guard, Retired Vice Admiral John Totushek, US Navy, Retired Vice Admiral Jerry Unruh, US Navy, Retired Major General Joe Arbuckle, US Army, Retired Major General John Bianchi, CSMR, Retired Major General Pat Brady, US Army, Retired Major General Bobby G. Butcher, US Marine Corps, Retired, Major General Henry D. Canterbury, US Air Force, Retired Major General Carroll D. Childers, US Army, Retired Major General Jeffrey Cliver, US Air Force, Retired Major General Tommy F. Crawford, US Air Force, Retired Major General Harley Davis, US Army, Retired Major General Felix Dupre, US Air Force, Retired Major General Neil Eddins, US Air Force, Retired Major General David W. Eidsaune, US Air Force, Retired Major General John R. Farrington, US Air Force, Retired Major General Dave Garza, US Marine Corps, Retired Major General William A. Gorton, US Air Force, Retired Major General Kenneth Hagemann, US Air Force, Retired Major General Gary L. Harrell, US Army, Retired Major General Geoffrey Higginbothan, US Marine Corps, Retired Major General Kent Hillhouse,US Army, Retired Major General Jerry D. Holmes, US Air Force, Retired Major General John A. Leide, US Army, Retired Major General James E. Livingston, USMC, Retired Major General John D. Logeman, Jr., US Air Force, Retired Major General Homer S. Long, US Army, Retired Major General Billy McCoy, US Air Force, Retired Major General Robert Messerli, US Air Force, Retired Major General John Miller, US Air Force, Retired Major General Ray O’Mara, US Air Force, Retired Major General George W.“Nordie” Norwood, US Air Force, Retired Major General Robert W. Paret, US Air Force MC, Retired Major General James W. Parker, US Army, Retired Major General Richard Perraut, US Air Force, Retired Major General R.V. Secord, US Air Force, Retired Major General Sidney Shachnow, US Army, Retired Major General Edison E. Scholes, US Army (Retired) Major General Richard A. Scholtes,US Army, Retired Major General Mark Solo, US Air Force, Retired Major General James N. Stewart, US Air Force, Retired Major General Michael Sullivan, US MC, Retired Major General Thomas R. Tempel, US Army, Retired Major General Richard L. Testa, US Air Force, Retired Major General Paul E. Vallely, US Army, Retired Major General John Welde, US Air Force, Retired Major General Kenneth W. Weir, US Marine Corps, Retired Major General Michael Wiedemer, US Air Force, Retired Rear Admiral Phillip Anselmo, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Peter Booth, US Navy,Retired Rear Admiral Thomas F. Brown III, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral James J. Carey,US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral, Larry Chambers, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Robert C. Crates, SC, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Mimi Drew, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Ernest Elliot, SC, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral James H. Flatley III, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Vance H. Fry, SC, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Byron Fuller, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral George M. Furlong, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Albert Gallotta, Jr. US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Michael R. Groothousen US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral William A. Guereck, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Dale Hagen, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral John G. Hekman, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Charles F. Horne III US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral William P Houley, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Grady L. Jackson, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral J. Adrian Jackson, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Frederick C. Johnson, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Pierce J. Johnson, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Jack Kavanaugh, SC, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Charles R.Kubic, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Rich Landolt, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Don Loren, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral William J. McDaniel, MD, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral E.S. McGinley II, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Fred Metz, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Douglas M. Moore Jr. SC US Navy. Retired Rear Admiral John A. Moriarty, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral David R. Morris, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral James A. Mozart, SC US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Ed Nelson, US Coast Guard, Retired Rear Admiral Philip R. Olsen, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Robert S. Owens, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Robert Passmore,US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral W.W. Pickavance, Jr., US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Leonard F. Picotte, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Brian C. Prindle, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Mike Roesner, SC USN, Retired Rear Admiral William J. Ryan, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral William L. Schachte, Jr., US Navy JAGC, Retired Rear Admiral William R. Schmidt, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral William H. Shawcross, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Hugh P. Scott, US Navy, MC, Retired Rear Admiral Gregory Slavonic, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Paul Sutherland, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Charles Williams, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral H. Denny Wisely, US Navy, Retired Rear Admiral Theodore J. Wojnar, US Coast Guard, Retired Brigadier General Charles L. Bishop, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Remo Butler, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Jimmy L. Cash, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General George P. Cole, Jr. US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Philip M. Drew, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Jerome V. Foust, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Norman Ham, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Thomas W. Honeywill, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Charles Jones, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Gary M. Jones, US Army, Retired Brigadier General James M. Johnston III, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Thomas J. Lennon, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Bruce Miketinac, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Bert Mizusawa, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Harold C. Morgan, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Stephen Mundt, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Mike Neil, US Marines Corps, Retired Brigadier general Robert V. Paschon, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Mark D. Scraba, US Army, Retired Brigadier General George L. Schulstad, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Richard M. Tabor, US Army, retired Brigadier General Hugh B. Tant III, US Army, Retired Brigadier General Troy Tolbert, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Robert F. Titus, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General William O. Walsh, US Air Force, Retired Brigadier General Robert V. Woods, US Air Force Retired Admiral James “Ace” Lyons, Retired
Georg Soros the good oil . http://mailstar.net/soros.html Sometimes for truth you have to sacrifice something in order to show non bias , it certainly puts the wind up the mad left raddicals paid by Soros . So the democrats dont think voting is rigged eh???? How do they explain this then ?? Clinton Eugene “Clint” Curtis is an American attorney, computer programmer and ex-employee of NASA and ExxonMobil, who also exposed election hacking. He is notable chiefly for making a series of whistleblower allegations about his former employer and about Republican Congressman Tom Feeney, including an allegation that in 2000, Feeney and Yang Enterprises requested Curtis’s assistance in a scheme to steal votes by inserting fraudulent code into touch screen voting systems. Remember this is the Democrats at the hearing . He tells the members how he was hired by Congressman Tom Feeney in 2000 to build a prototype software package that would secretly rig an election to sway the result 51/49 to a specified side. Now this shows Donald Trump is not only not bias but just wants an honest election and no vote rigging http://www.activistpost.com/2016/03/watch-computer-programmer-testifies-under-oath-he-coded-computers-to-rig-elections.html One might ask who are Yang enterprises ??? Field will like this . There was a reason they did not want to know who they were . http://www.yangenterprises.com/ YEI is a GSA Advantage member, offering Information Technology solutions (GS-35F-0896N), Professional Engineering Services (GS-10F-0107Y), Logistics Worldwide (GS-10F-0135Y), and Facilities Maintenance and Management Services (GS-21F-090AA).YEI receives the Marshall Space Flight Center Small Business Subcontractor Excellence Award.YEI awarded State of Florida IT Consulting Services contract.http://www.dms.myflorida.com/business_operations/state_purchasing/vendor_information/state_contracts_and_agreements/state_term_contracts/information_technology_it_consulting_services/contractors/t_z/contractors_yang_enterprises_inc Name: Li-Woan (Lee) Yang Title: President/CEO Looks like they are all in on it , no wonder its always 50/50 no matter how many people in every western country which is impossible given the differnt cultures . The video is the ultimate smoking gun against the liars who know full well its all rigged . And for the Democrats to be claiming its nottrue is an outrageous lie , they had the inquiry .
Trump Just Had A Massive MELTDOWN Over Sally Yates, And Everyone Is Laughing At Him (TWEETS)
After former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates bravely stood up to intimidation attempts from President* Trump and testified that The Donald s administration is shady as f*ck, Donald Trump put his Twitter thumbs to work attempting to distract from his collusion from Russia with a mix of lies, untruths, and fabrications.Trump claimed that James Clapper confirmed that there is no evidence of collusion with Russia (he didn t), that Sally Yates provided nothing of value (she did), that the Trump-Russia story is a hoax (it isn t), and that the biggest story is his ridiculous claim that Obama tapped his microwave or something (it isn t).Director Clapper reiterated what everybody, including the fake media already knows- there is "no evidence" of collusion w/ Russia and Trump. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 8, 2017Sally Yates made the fake media extremely unhappy today she said nothing but old news! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 8, 2017The Russia-Trump collusion story is a total hoax, when will this taxpayer funded charade end? Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 8, 2017Biggest story today between Clapper & Yates is on surveillance. Why doesn't the media report on this? #FakeNews! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 8, 2017In reality, Yates confirmed under oath that she warned the white House that Flynn was compromised and that Trump s former national security advisor was not fired until 18 days later despite the known national security risk. That s pretty huge, as Trump will learn in his eventual impeachment hearings.Trump is correct that surveillance is a big story in that it s interesting that pretty much every single Republican seemed more concerned with unmasking than the Trump administration s misdeeds. The FAKE NEWS will almost assuredly be reporting on that in the coming days.To be clear, Clapper did not say there was zero evidence of collusion, and this taxpayer funded charade will end when the truth comes out.Trump may be strutting and ruffling his feathers, but Americans aren t buying it:@realDonaldTrump And Sally Yates reiterated what we already knew: You've been covering for Flynn and ignoring repeated warnings. jordan ? (@JordanUhl) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Nope, not what he said. He said he wasn't even made aware of the investigation. So of course he wouldn't be made aware of the evidence. Caroline O. (@RVAwonk) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Wrong! He said he wasn't made aware of the investigation, so didn't know the evidence. Today was a disaster for you. Dave Hogg ? (@Stareagle) May 8, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Yea, that s not what he said. You sure like to misquote people. Fortunately, there s a thing called video. Al x Young (@AlexYoung) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump She swore under oath that you ignored repeated warnings about Flynn. jordan ? (@JordanUhl) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump We must have been watching two different hearings.#SallyYates whooped your ass.#TrumpRussia#MarchForTruth pic.twitter.com/tgTlcISfvS Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Clearly your evening dump is taking longer than anticipated, so thank you for this. Remember to wipe gently, haemorrhoids can sting. Mike P Williams (@Mike_P_Williams) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump She said you didn't vet your Nat'l Sec Advisor. That's bad! When you were told he was a spy, you protected him. That's worse! #SallyYates Heather Whaley (@HeatherWhaley) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Ha! The fact that you hired a compromised Russian spook as your National Security Advisor is now "old news." Noted. Good work Donny. John Kinnear (@askdadblog) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump This is the best you can do in response to Sally Yates testimony? It wasn t exciting enough for the media?Weak, Donald. So damn weak. MatthewDicks (@MatthewDicks) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump "When will this taxpayer funded charade end?" Donald Trump, seemingly un-ironically.#TheResistance pic.twitter.com/SwazfjuefG Holly O'Reilly (@AynRandPaulRyan) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump With your resignation, hopefully Edward DeRuiter (@edwardderuiter) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump It seems that as a result of today's Senate hearings, Vegas has the odds for impeachment. ? This news may have you shitting your pants. pic.twitter.com/LAf1NCKs9l Gropey Trumpkin (@boogeywithstu40) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump Funny, a "taxpayer funded charade" is what we call Trump's Presidency. Nick Jack Pappas (@Pappiness) May 8, 2017@realDonaldTrump You seem triggered, Don. Gabe Ort z (@TUSK81) May 8, 2017.@realDonaldTrump Better question: When will the taxpayer funded charade that is your presidency end? Al x Young (@AlexYoung) May 8, 2017Trump is done. He knows he s done. It s all a matter of time now.Featured image via screengrab
TERROR FEARS Keeping Tourists Away From OPEN BORDERS Paris…Costs Economy €1.3 Billion [SHOCKING VIDEOS]
Borderless travel through Europe is dying, a political victim of mass-murder in Paris. That is the conclusion of many sensible people, including Alex Carlile, the former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation. Lord Carlile, incidentally, is a Liberal Democrat. Seeing the flaws in the Schengen rules, which allow free movement across much of the European Union, is no longer confined to the political Right.That conclusion is based on reports that at least one of the Paris killers arrived in Greece and claimed to be a refugee from Syria, then travelled on from Greece across the EU unchecked before reaching France.Even before Paris, Schengen was crumbling under the pressure of what some have called the great migration from the Middle East and Africa into the EU. Borderless travel meant a lopsided distribution of new arrivals, often unwanted. The fences that went up over the summer will now become higher and more numerous, as many will no doubt conclude that not only do the foreigners arriving on this continent threaten their culture and livelihood, some of them pose a physical threat too. Telegraph UKBUT IS IT TOO LATE FOR THE CITY OF ROMANCE? Paris and the surrounding region lost 1.5 million tourists on 2016 as visitors, especially from the Far East, stay away due to ongoing terror fears.According to the Comit Regional du Tourisme, the Paris Ile-de-France region also lost 1.3 billion euros in tourist income, while the number of nights spent by foreign visitors in the region s hotels also fell by 10.8 per cent.Tourists are probably not too excited about visiting Paris after shocking videos have been circulating that capture the filth and trash left behind by migrants that have overwhelmed the once thriving tourist spot.This is definitely not the Paris you dreamed about: Some sights in particular have suffered deeply from the lack of tourists and cancellations by school groups , the committee says, including the Arc de triomphe which saw a 24 per cent drop in visitors.The Louvre museum, which earlier this month was subject to an attack from a machete wielding man shouting Allahu Akbar , also saw a 13.3 per cent drop last year.The fears have even hit Disneyland Paris, which saw a 9.5 per cent drop in foreign visitors.This month has seen a series of disturbances in Paris s suburbs, with one coachload of Korean tourists robbed when men climbed aboard their coach, shouting threats.One witness described the incident as ten minutes of horror , revealing that one of the men threatened the tourists with an object resembling a glass bottle .Watch shocking video showing migrants attacking police officers and rioting in Paris. Listen to chants of Allahu Akbar! as they attack police officers:The disturbances began after a black youth was allegedly raped with a police truncheon while being arrested. Evenings of rioting spread through the suburbs, with cars torched, windows smashed and shops looted. At times, police appeared to have completely lost control of the situation.The South Korean government has now warned nationals from visiting Paris as tourists, in a move which will cause further damage to France s ailing tourism industry.The city also announced this month it was building an eight-foot tall bullet-proof glass wall around the Eiffel Tower, with visitors forced to enter through new security check points. Breitbart News
UNBELIEVABLE! Students Succeed In Removing US Border Patrol Agents From Career Fair: Concerned They Won’t Make Illegal Students Feel Welcome
This is not some small obscure community college. Disallowing our law enforcement to attend a school sponsored event in favor of protecting lawbreakers is a BIG deal! This school with over 30,000 students has managed to marginalize these brave men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect and defend our borders!U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) has reversed its decision to participate in a career fair at the University of California-Irvine in response to a petition signed by hundreds of students.According to the New University student newspaper, CBP s withdrawal represents an unexpected victory for student activists, whose claims that the Border Patrol s involvement in the Fall Career Fair this Thursday would be insensitive to undocumented students had previously failed to convince the university to rescind the agency s invitation. Organizations like the US Customs and Border Patrol are the organizations that are tasked with various roles including targeting Undocumented Communities, which is against the nature of our campus s values for welcoming communities regarding their background, Associated Students of UC Irvine (ASUCI) President Parshan Khosravi wrote in an email to the Career Center Sunday night. This message right now is saying that undocumented students are not welcome, he asserted, adding, That s the type of message that I do not want to see as someone who is a student on this campus, as someone who is a student leader on this campus, and [as] someone who believes in [sic] the values of our campus are inclusivity and a safe space. The next day, Monday morning, student Amy Yu and another individual visited the Career Center in person to voice their concerns directly to administrators. Despite their warnings that undocumented students might experience trauma and discomfort from such close proximity to law enforcement, though, the Center refused to disinvite CBP, explaining that the purpose of the fair is to provide job opportunities for all students. We care about and value all students. We have a diverse student body made up of individuals with many wonderful talents and personal values, Career Center Director Suzanne Helbig told New University. To serve all students, we bring employers to campus and let students use their own judgement to decide which ones fit their skills, interests, and values. Undeterred by the Career Center s response, Yu proceeded to create a Change.org petition in the hope of effecting CBP s removal by appealing to a higher authority. We, as students from UC Irvine, are demanding that the CBP be removed as participants [sic] for the upcoming Fall Career Fair, the petition states. The undocumented community is directly affected by deportation and detention policies that are carried out by Border Patrol, and having Border Patrol agents on campus is a blatant disregard to undocumented students safety and well-being. Prior to being closed amidst declarations of victory Wednesday, the petition had garnered 659 signatures in roughly two days, which was apparently enough for CBP to decide that participating in the jobs fair was not worth enduring a potentially hostile reception from UC-Irvine students. As of this morning, U.S. Customs & Border Patrol has decided not to attend the campus Career Fair on Thursday, Oct. 22, UC-Irvine senior director of communications Cathy Lawhon told The College Fix Wednesday. However, the agency will continue to utilize UCI s Career Center on-line job postings system to list available positions for those students interested in working with CBP. While undocumented students may rejoice, though, others are less thrilled about losing the chance to engage with the largest law enforcement agency in the world. I feel that these efforts are an attempt to politicize a jobs fair that is supposed to help college students find much needed work once they graduate, UC Irvine s College Republicans President Rob Petrosyan told The College Fix. If you don t approve of U.S. Customs, don t apply to work for them, it s that simple. Via: Campus Reform
FBI Wiretapped Corruption Suspect Discussing Clinton Deals
FBI Wiretapped Corruption Suspect Discussing Clinton Deals November 3, 2016 Daniel Greenfield If you're wondering why Team Hillary panicked and unleashed hell on the FBI, this may be another ingredient in the stew. The Wall Street Journal article is clearly trying to spin things to the left and damage the credibility of the FBI, but it's an interesting data point . The FBI had secretly recorded conversations of a suspect in a public-corruption case talking about alleged deals the Clintons made, these people said. The agents listening to the recordings couldn’t tell from the conversations if what the suspect was describing was accurate, but it was, they thought, worth checking out. Prosecutors thought the talk was hearsay and a weak basis to warrant aggressive tactics, like presenting evidence to a grand jury, because the person who was secretly recorded wasn’t inside the Clinton Foundation. FBI investigators grew increasingly frustrated with resistance from the corruption prosecutors, and some executives at the bureau itself, to keep pursuing the case. As prosecutors rebuffed their requests to proceed more overtly, those Justice Department officials became more annoyed that the investigators didn’t seem to understand or care about the instructions issued by their own bosses and prosecutors to act discreetly. In short, FBI people had material for a case that the government didn't want brought because Team Obama were Hillary backers and the senior leadership in the DOJ saw their careers linked to the rise of Hillary. And so a stand down order was handed down. Following the February meeting, officials at Justice Department headquarters sent a message to all the offices involved to “stand down,’’ a person familiar with the matter said. This is what happens when the DOJ has been so thoroughly corrupted from the top down. Meanwhile there's little doubt, considering what we already know, that the DOJ people had been updating Hillary's people on the FBI investigation. Should those emails come out, they will be some of the most damning of all. And so Hillary's people panicked and decided to pull the trigger.
D.N.C. Says Russian Hackers Penetrated Its Files, Including Dossier on Donald Trump - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — Two groups of Russian hackers, working for competing government intelligence agencies, penetrated computer systems of the Democratic National Committee and gained access to emails, chats and a trove of opposition research against Donald J. Trump, according to the party and a cybersecurity firm. One group placed espionage software on the committee’s computer servers last summer, giving it unimpeded access to communications for about a year. The committee called in CrowdStrike, a cybersecurity firm, early last month after the Democratic Party began to suspect an intrusion. A senior government official said Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, based in Brooklyn, also appeared to have been targeted, but it was not clear whether it lost any data. The breach at the Democratic committee was first reported on Tuesday by The Washington Post. The committee’s systems appeared to have had standard cyberprotections, which are no challenge for determined hacking groups. The attackers were expelled last weekend with CrowdStrike’s help, the committee said. It did not provide a detailed account of what had been copied from the systems, and it may never know. The connection to Russia may be explained simply by the global fascination with the presidential campaign and the mystery surrounding Mr. Trump, who has not been a major subject of foreign intelligence collection. But it also recalls a subplot to the race: Paul Manafort, Mr. Trump’s campaign chairman, previously advised politicians in Ukraine and other parts of Eastern Europe, including former President Viktor F. Yanukovych of Ukraine. Opposition research itself is not all that valuable to a foreign government, but it can point to a candidate’s vulnerabilities. To a foreign government fascinated by an American election, any intelligence a campaign develops on an opponent could be exploited. Dmitri Alperovitch, a of CrowdStrike, said he believed that the group that first hacked the committee’s servers — a group his firm had named Cozy Bear long before the breach — appeared to be the same that downloaded communications in recent years from unclassified email systems used by the State Department and the White House. In 2014 and 2015, the effort to clean the State Department systems after those intrusions resulted in several shutdowns, some in the midst of delicate negotiations with Iran. The administration has never confirmed that the Russian government was behind those intrusions, but it has briefed officials on the details in classified sessions. “These are incredibly sophisticated groups,” Mr. Alperovitch said. “They covered their tracks well. It wasn’t until the second group came in,” stealing the opposition research on Mr. Trump, “that their presence was detected. ” The second group, named Fancy Bear, which appeared to have attacked in April, is believed to be operated by the G. R. U. the military intelligence service. Its past targets have included military and aerospace organizations from the United States, Europe, Canada, Japan and South Korea. CrowdStrike concluded that neither Russian group knew the other was attacking the same organization. “One would steal a password, and the next day the other group would steal the same password,” Mr. Alperovitch said. Mrs. Clinton said on Telemundo that she had learned of the breach only after news outlets reported it. She called it “troubling,” but said she was unsure about the hackers’ goals. “Now, why?” she asked. “We don’t know yet. So far as we know, my campaign has not been hacked into, and we’re obviously looking hard at that. But cybersecurity will be an issue that I will be absolutely focused on as president. Because whether it’s Russia, or China, Iran or North Korea, more and more countries are using hacking to steal our information, to use it to their advantage, and we can’t let that go on. ” The Office of Personnel Management, whose files on about 22 million Americans with security clearances or applications for them were breached by Chinese hackers, is still trying to assess the damage first detected last year. The Democratic committee avoided any discussion of its vulnerabilities. “The security of our system is critical to our operation and to the confidence of the campaigns and state parties we work with,” said Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, the Democratic national chairwoman. “When we discovered the intrusion, we treated this like the serious incident it is and reached out to CrowdStrike immediately. Our team moved as quickly as possible to kick out the intruders and secure our network. ” The party did not say how it came to suspect the intrusion. Cyberattacks by foreign governments are a constant threat to political campaigns. Because campaign operations are temporary, they often do not invest heavily in the kind of security that financial institutions, large companies and government agencies spend millions or billions of dollars on each year. And because campaigns are so with volunteers connecting through laptops and cellphones, they are particularly vulnerable. In 2008, hackers traced to the Chinese government infiltrated the campaigns of both Barack Obama and John McCain. “It should come as no surprise to anyone that political parties are targets for foreign intelligence gathering,” Representative Jim Langevin, a Rhode Island Democrat who has been deeply involved in cyberissues, said in a statement. “Nonetheless, it is disconcerting that two independent operations were able to penetrate the D. N. C. one of which was able to stay embedded for nearly a year. ”
OCTOBER 1st Could Mark End Of Free Speech On The Internet: How Obama Regime May Be Turning Control Of Internet Over To U.N.
Anyone who s paying attention to the stunning final acts by this President should not be shocked by this potential threat to the world s freedom of speech. He is anything but a lame duck The United States could give control of one of the internet s underlying systems to the United Nations after pledging not to, it has been claimed.The government has announced plans to relinquish control of the online addressing and numbering system, turning it over to a private international organization.For years, the US Department Of Commerce has been responsible for managing URLs and ensuring they lead to the proper web pages.It has subcontracted the task to a private nonprofit, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann).But the US government, which funded much of the internet s early development, has so far retained veto power.Although the US role has been minimal over the years, many foreign governments have complained that the internet can never be truly international if the US retains veto power.They have sought instead to shift responsibility to an inter-governmental body such as the UN International Telecommunication Union.But business, academic and civil-society leaders balked, worried that UN involvement would threaten the openness that has allowed the internet to flourish.Concerns were also raised that UN control would give authoritarian states like China and Iran equal votes among other countries in influencing policies that affect free speech.Lawrence E. Strickling, assistant secretary for communications and information at the Commerce Department, said the endorsed plan won t replace Commerce s role with a government-led or inter-governmental solution.But the UN could end up managing the addressing system after all, according to Wall Street Journal columnist L Gordon Crovitz. He based his theory on an inquiry by Americans For Limited Government, an advocacy group that sent a Freedom Of Information Act request related to Icann s future.Icann had asked for all records relating to legal and policy analysis concerning antitrust issues for Icann, Crovitz reported. Icann currently benefits from an antitrust exemption because it operates under government control, he said.The contract between Icann and the US government is expected to expire on September 30. Via: Daily Mail
Interviews for new FBI director to start as early as Friday: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Department of Justice has begun searching for a new leader to replace fired FBI Director James Comey and will start interviewing people on Friday or sometime during the weekend, the White House said. White House spokesman Sean Spicer told a briefing President Donald Trump would fill the job “as soon as he finds a candidate that fits the qualities that he feels are necessary to lead the FBI.” Spicer said the Justice Department had begun creating a list of potential candidates and was “going to be starting the process of interviewing people either today or through the weekend.”
Did Someone Say ‘Tax Code Rewrite’? Lobbyists Scramble - The New York Times
WASHINGTON — The homebuilders lobby fears that an ambitious rewrite of the entire tax code will stifle the housing market. Retailers fret that it will make the cost of their imports soar. For charities and their representatives, the worry is that donations will be stunted, plaguing nonprofit groups that serve the neediest Americans. President Trump’s new Treasury secretary, Steven T. Mnuchin, casually predicted this week that the first true overhaul of the federal tax code in three decades would happen before lawmakers head home for their August recess. But there’s a bit of a problem: That “swamp” Mr. Trump liked to talk about on the campaign trail? It’s still undrained. And now the dwellers of that swamp are mobilizing to protect their patch of the bog, with armies of corporate lobbyists scrambling to protect their favorite provisions, exceptions and deductions before it is too late. To those who are in the trenches, talk of enacting sweeping tax legislation in the span of a few months sounds like a mix of bravado, naïveté and delusion. By definition, tax overhaul creates winners and losers on tax day, and with billions of dollars at stake, the prospect of revamping the system has already created fierce infighting among Republicans and a massing of lobbyist forces underwritten by a divided but business community. “Tax reform is a series of battles,” said Sage Eastman, who worked in vain on tax overhaul plans as a longtime senior aide on the House Ways and Means Committee and who now lobbies for Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen Thomas in Washington. “This is just the tip of the iceberg. ” The most vocal battle thus far is over the “border adjustment tax” that is the linchpin of the House Republican tax plan drafted by Speaker Paul D. Ryan and Representative Kevin Brady of Texas, the Ways and Means chairman. They have proposed a 20 percent import tax along with the elimination of taxes on exports so that, in theory, corporate tax rates could be slashed without ballooning the deficit. The plan has divided industries that have for years called for changes to the tax system, pitting retail and energy giants — which rely heavily on imports — against America’s biggest manufacturers, which hope the proposal will make their exports cheaper around the world. But the border adjustment tax is only the first fight. Tax experts are expecting a slog that could drag well into 2018 and even cast a cloud over the midterm elections. Many aspects of the House tax blueprint, the most specific plan floating around the capital, are already creating consternation across a swath of sectors that have learned over the years how to make do with the status quo, however cumbersome. With lawmakers working to put more concrete plans together quickly, these groups are pushing back before it is too late. Within the real estate industry, for instance, the concern is that a proposal to nearly double the standard deduction would reduce the tax benefits of homeownership people enjoy when they itemize their returns and deduct mortgage interest from their incomes. Reducing the appeal of this benefit, the argument goes, could weaken the housing market. “The current plan, by raising standard deduction so high, dilutes the importance of the mortgage interest deduction,” said Gerald Howard, chief executive of the National Association of Home Builders. “It really neuters it, so we’re going to try to fix that. ” Charities face a similar threat. Tax rules encouraging charitable giving have been around for ages, and they allow people to lower their tax bills and do good deeds at the same time. But, as with housing, changes to the standard deduction proposed by Republicans could erase those incentives. Last week, Michael Kenyon, chief executive of the National Association of Charitable Gift Planners, was part of a delegation of charities that came from around the country to Washington to alert members of Congress to their concerns. They held more than a hundred meetings in the capital, where they pressed for a solution that would preserve their special status. “There is real urgency about this,” Mr. Kenyon said. Anxiety is also high in corners of the moneyed financial world that have benefited mightily from the current system. Private equity has for years guarded the special treatment of “carried interest,” a loophole that lets billionaire fund managers pay low capital gains tax rates instead of higher income tax rates on the fees they charge clients. Mr. Trump, taking up a call from his predecessor, Barack Obama, campaigned to end the loophole, and because Mr. Ryan’s plan is silent on the matter, it could be in jeopardy. Another fear is the impact of a move away from the tax deduction for interest on corporate debt in favor of the immediate deductibility of business expenses. For private equity firms that rely heavily on borrowing to make deals, the shift could significantly alter the economics of many transactions by raising the cost of capital. “We are working to educate as many lawmakers as we can,” said James Maloney, vice president for public affairs at the American Investment Council, which represents the private equity industry. Both the Trump administration and Republicans in Congress have said they will need to address the repeal of the Affordable Care Act before diving into tax legislation. Separating the two, however, is not so simple. One Republican plan that has already stirred controversy would cap the amount of employee health insurance costs that employers can deduct from their corporate taxes. Republicans say the exclusion, one of the largest tax breaks in the code, limits consumer choice and ties workers too tightly to their companies, even though it is economically no different from the “Cadillac tax” on expensive health plans in the health law. groups swiftly moved to shoot down the limit on health care deductibility when it came up this month. In a letter to Gary Cohn, director of the president’s National Economic Council, lobbyists including the American Benefits Council, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce and the American Staffing Association argued that the exclusion would represent a new tax on the middle class. And they reminded Mr. Cohn of the president’s promises to protect working class voters. “American voters want lower cost and high quality health care,” they wrote. “They do not want more taxes. ” Mr. Trump’s address to Congress on Tuesday is expected shed new light on his thinking about a comprehensive tax plan, but thus far the signals from his administration remain unclear. This week, for example, Mr. Mnuchin offered a tepid response when asked on CNBC about the border adjustment tax, offering only that “there’s some interesting aspects of it” and that it remained an option for consideration. For his part, Mr. Trump, who previously described the concept as overly complex, seemed to express more openness to it in an interview with Reuters on Thursday. “It could lead to a lot more jobs in the United States,” Mr. Trump said. “I certainly support a form of tax on the border,” he said. Regardless of Mr. Trump’s eventual position, Senate Republicans have been increasingly pessimistic about the border tax. Senator Lindsey Graham, Republican of South Carolina, said the proposal would not win the support of 10 Republican senators, essentially declaring it dead on arrival. Even if that is overstated, Republicans will struggle to lure a sufficient number of Democrats to sign on to a tax bill. It would be a struggle just assembling the simple majority needed to make changes to the tax code through a parliamentary gambit in the budget process that would shield a tax bill from a filibuster. The forces of outside resistance, meanwhile, show no sign of letting up. The conservative advocacy and political action committee Club for Growth this week unveiled a television commercial in South Dakota to pressure Representative Kristi Noem, a Republican from that state who sits on the Ways and Means Committee, to oppose the border adjustment tax. The ad claimed that the tax would cause the prices of clothes, food and gasoline to spike. David McIntosh, the group’s president, said that he thought the fixation on an import tax was going to scuttle the chance for a big tax overhaul and that Republicans were cornering themselves by essentially advocating a tax increase. More advertisements are scheduled to be released in other Republican districts to make this case. “We’re prepared to keep going,” he said, “even if it gets to the millions. ”
Weather improves but clock ticks for Argentine submarine search
MAR DEL PLATA, Argentina (Reuters) - The search for a missing Argentine submarine and its 44-member crew was helped by calmer seas on Tuesday, but there were no new clues about its location and worries multiplied because the vessel may be running low on oxygen, a navy spokesman said. The ARA San Juan was en route from Ushuaia, the world s southernmost city, to its base in Mar del Plata and was about 300 miles (480 km) off the coast when it gave its last location on Wednesday, soon after reporting an electrical malfunction. If the German-built submarine had sunk or was otherwise unable to rise to the surface since it sent its last signal, it would be winding down its seven-day oxygen supply. Oxygen is a permanent worry. Every day that passes is more critical, naval commander Gabriel Galeazzi said at an evening news conference in Mar del Plata. More than a dozen boats and planes from Argentina, the United States, Britain, Chile and Brazil have joined the search. Authorities had been mainly scanning from the sky as storms halted the maritime hunt last weekend. The weather improved on Tuesday, helping search efforts by sea. Wind speed slowed and waves that rose as high as 8 meters (26 feet) at the weekend diminished. The search by patrol ships has become more effective thanks more than anything to less pounding by the waves, which have fallen to three or four meters, navy spokesman Enrique Balbi told reporters in Buenos Aires. We have to make the most of today and tomorrow because on Thursday the weather is expected to get more complicated, he said. Also on Tuesday, authorities investigated white flares spotted in the South Atlantic overnight. Searchers found an empty floating raft, and noticed the flares from a distance. But the raft s brand suggested it did not belong to the ARA San Juan, which was equipped with only red flares for emergencies and green flares for other situations, the navy said. Searchers have suffered other disappointments. Analysis of satellite signals and sounds detected by underwater probes, initially thought to be messages from the crew, has found they did not come from the vessel. The sounds could be biological. We have discarded the possibility that it was a clanging of morse code against the hull of the submarine, Balbi said. Relatives of crew members have been gathered at a naval base in Mar del Plata, where the search is being coordinated. The ARA San Juan was launched in 1983, the newest of three submarines in the navy s fleet, and underwent maintenance in 2008 in Argentina. Its four diesel engines and its electric propeller engines were replaced, according to specialist publication Jane s Sentinel.
Hammond says UK 'very close' to deal on EU citizens' rights
BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Britain is very close to reaching an agreement with the European Union on how to protect the rights of citizens after it leaves the bloc, British Finance Minister Philip Hammond said on Thursday. The rights of EU citizens in Britain is one of three issues the bloc wants to settle before it begins discussing the future relationship between Britain and the EU. We have made very good progress. We have a very high degree of alignment. Not yet completely concluded, but we are very close to having agreement on how we are going to protect each other s citizens who are in our countries, Hammond told a news conference in Budapest after meeting ministers of the Visegrad Group of eastern states. Our desire and intention is that people who have come to the UK to work and make their lives in the UK should be able to continue to live there, carry on their lives exactly as before. That is our clear and stated intention, he said. Hammond added however that British nationals who have moved to EU countries should be allowed to do the same. From a reciprocal basis the objective is to make everything look exactly as it did the day before we left the EU, he said. Hammond also said talks about Britain s departure from the EU should result in an exit roadmap. We want to give businesses on both sides of English Channel and both sides of the Irish border the confidence that they will not face a cliff edge when we leave the EU, he said. That is why we are proposing a time-limited transition period so that we can provide that certainty that our borders will continue to operate smoothly and that our businesses can continue to supply their customers and our citizens carry on with their day to day lives across continental Europe.
Kellyanne Conway Just Humiliated Herself On National TV, Displays STUNNING Incompetence (VIDEO)
Donald Trump sure hasn t done himself any favors by appointing equally incompetent staffers and advisors to head up his administration. Kellyanne Conway has definitely made a name for herself amongst these moronic characters, as she has become one of the least liked people on Trump s team due to her alternative facts, refusal to answer questions, and being disturbingly misinformed about how the government works.This was shown perfectly on Friday when Kellyanne Conway went on Fox News and tried to defend Trump from the grand jury that will be examining Trump s Russia scandal. Instead of making a sound argument for Trump, she humiliated herself on national television by not knowing that grand juries are public information. You can watch this moment below, where Conway said: You know, the grand jury investigations are meant to remain secret, so someone leaked it. It could be anybody that s in the grand jury. It could be one of the lawyers. It could be anyone, I suppose. Leaking the phone calls between our president and other heads of state is nothing short of a national disgrace. @KellyannePolls pic.twitter.com/AbiHaRpIVJ FOX & friends (@foxandfriends) August 4, 2017Once again, the incompetence of Trump s team is astounding. Law and justice reporter Brad Heath was quick to point out how wrong Conway was:Conway had tried to attack the grand jury investigating Trump, and pretty much fell flat on her face. Unfortunately, while the fact that she s this moronic is somewhat comical, the Trump voters watching this won t know any better and will end up believing her.After Conway s flub, Fox News did its best to redirect the conversation back to something that would keep viewers from noticing so everyone started freaking out about the leaks coming from the White House. It is absolutely pathetic that at a time when the president is under investigation for financial crimes and collusion with Russia, as well as obstruction of justice, Conway and Fox News are whining about leaks and grand juries. Then again, you can t expect much from people who are THIS stupid.Featured image via screenshot
Trump Supreme Court nominee Gorsuch seen in the mold of Scalia
Federal appeals court judge Neil Gorsuch, the U.S. Supreme Court pick of President Donald Trump, is a conservative intellectual known for backing religious rights and seen as very much in the mold of Antonin Scalia, the justice he was chosen to replace. Gorsuch, who has not shied away from needling liberals on occasion, is 49 and could influence the high court for decades to come in the lifetime post, if confirmed by the Republican-led Senate. He is the youngest Supreme Court nominee since Republican President George H.W. Bush in 1991 picked Clarence Thomas, who was 43 at the time. DON’T MISS For hardline West Bank settlers, Jared Kushner's their man He currently serves as a judge on the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Denver, the city where he was born. He was appointed to that post in 2006 by Republican President George W. Bush. Gorsuch, who is white, adds little diversity to the court compared with the justices appointed by Democratic President Barack Obama, both of whom were women, one becoming the first Latina justice. But he offers geographical diversity to a court dominated by justices from the east and west coasts. As an Episcopalian, he would be the only Protestant on the court, which has three Jewish justices and five Catholics. EXCLUSIVE Poll: A third of Americans think travel ban will make them safer Gorsuch is seen by analysts as a jurist similar to Scalia, who died on Feb. 13, 2016. Scalia, praised by Gorsuch as “a lion of the law,” was known not only for his hard-line conservatism but for interpreting the U.S. Constitution based on what he considered its original meaning, and laws as written by legislators. Like Scalia, Gorsuch is known for sharp writing skills. “It is the role of judges to apply, not alter, the work of the people’s representatives,” Gorsuch said on Tuesday at the White House event announcing the nomination in remarks that echoed Scalia’s views. Trump, a Republican, had the chance to nominate Gorsuch because the Republican-led U.S. Senate last year refused to consider Obama’s nominee, appeals court judge Merrick Garland. Democrats, angered by the treatment of Garland, and opposing Gorsuch’s conservative views, may seek to block his nomination. Trump may have favored Gorsuch for the job in hopes of a smoother confirmation process than for other potential candidates such as appeals court judge William Pryor, who has called the 1973 Supreme Court ruling legalizing abortion “the worst abomination of constitutional law in our history.” The federal government is familiar territory for Gorsuch, who is the son of Anne Burford, the first woman to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. She served as Republican President Ronald Reagan’s top environmental official but resigned in 1983, just 22 months into the job, amid a fight with Congress over documents on the EPA’s use of a fund created to clean up toxic waste dumps nationwide. She was criticized by environmentalists for cutting the agency’s enforcement efforts against polluters and slowing payments for cleaning up toxic waste. The high court is also familiar ground for Gorsuch, who served as a clerk for two justices including a current member of the court, Anthony Kennedy, a conservative who often casts a deciding vote in close decisions. If confirmed, he would become the first clerk to join a former boss on the Supreme Court. Gorsuch also served as a clerk for Justice Byron White, a John F. Kennedy appointee, who retired from the court in 1993. Gorsuch has strong, Ivy League academic qualifications: attending Columbia University and, like several of the other justices on the court, Harvard Law School, graduating the same year as Obama. He completed a doctorate in legal philosophy at Oxford University, spent several years in private practice and worked in George W. Bush’s Justice Department. In a 2005 article in the conservative National Review magazine, Gorsuch criticized American liberals’ “overweening addiction to the courtroom” to implement a social agenda “on everything from gay marriage to assisted suicide.” In his Senate confirmation hearing for his appellate court judgeship, he said the point of the article could be applied to groups across the political spectrum. In 2013, Gorsuch played a role in a high-profile ruling involving arts-and-crafts retailer Hobby Lobby, allowing owners of private companies to object on religious grounds to an Obamacare provision requiring employers to provide health insurance covering birth control for women. The decision, later upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, said the provision violated a federal law called the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. In a concurrence, Gorsuch expressed sympathy for the choice faced by the evangelical Christian owners of the company “between exercising their faith or saving their business.” Gorsuch also criticized an important legal doctrine that directs courts to defer to federal agencies’ interpretation of statutes. Last August, in a case over immigration rules, Gorsuch called the doctrine the “elephant in the room” that concentrates federal power “in a way that seems more than a little difficult to square with the Constitution.” He has written extensively on the topic of assisted suicide and euthanasia, arguing against legalization. In written questions related to his Senate confirmation hearings, he was asked whether his writings would make him biased in any case on the matter before him. He said his personal views would play no role in his decisions as a judge. Gorsuch is married with two teenage daughters, and lives outside of Boulder, Colorado. Friends and former clerks said he was a lover of the outdoors, describing him as an excellent skier, a fly fisherman and a runner. “We used to joke that he should be the face of Colorado tourism,” former Gorsuch clerk Jane Nitze said.
Two more women accuse Senate candidate Moore of sexual misconduct
(Reuters) - Two more women came forward on Wednesday with allegations of sexual misconduct against Republican U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, one accusing him of groping her and the other of forcing a kiss on her when he was 30 and she was about 18. They are the sixth and seventh women to accuse Moore of sexual improprieties since his race for the Alabama Senate seat began. Most were teenagers at the time. Moore, 70, has denied the accusations and said he is the victim of a witch hunt. Gena Richardson told the Washington Post that Moore, then a 30-year-old attorney, had repeatedly asked her for a date in 1977 just before or after she turned 18. Richardson said she finally agreed and went to a movie with Moore, the Post said. In a dark parking lot at a mall in Gadsden, Alabama, Richardson said Moore gave her an unwanted, “forceful” kiss that scared her, the Post reported. Another woman, Tina Johnson, told AL.com, an Alabama news site, that Moore groped her while she was in his Alabama law office on legal business in 1991. Johnson, who was 28 at the time, said she visited Moore’s office with her mother, who had hired Moore in a custody case involving Johnson’s 12-year-old son. Johnson said Moore grabbed her buttocks as she left. “He didn’t pinch it, he grabbed it,” Johnson told AL.com. Reuters was unable to independently verify the allegations from either woman, and Moore’s campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Five other women have accused Moore of sexual misconduct or of dating them when he was in his 30s and they were teenagers. National Republican Party leaders have responded with demands that he drop out of the Senate race. The Dec. 12 special election will fill the seat vacated by Jeff Sessions when he was named U.S. attorney general last spring. Moore on Wednesday denied the allegations of the first five women to step forward. “We are in the process of investigating these false allegations to determine their origin and motivation,” he said in a statement. Moore also said he believed a message that one of the accusers, Beverly Young Nelson, said he had written in her high school yearbook had been tampered with. Nelson accused Moore of sexually assaulting her when she was 16 and he was in his 30s. Nelson displayed the yearbook message at a news conference in New York, where she made the allegations on Monday. Moore’s campaign on Wednesday demanded that Nelson turn over the yearbook to a neutral custodian so a handwriting expert could examine it. The Alabama state party’s leadership met on Wednesday night to discuss their stance and took no action, news media reported. Republican leaders in Washington have asked Moore to withdraw from the race and said they are exploring write-in options for the election. U.S. Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell has spoken to President Donald Trump and others about the situation. Trump appeared at the White House on Wednesday but did not mention Moore. Under state law, Moore cannot be removed from the ballot. If, however, the state party tells election officials that it wants to withdraw its nominee, or if Moore himself decided to do so, election officials would not certify any votes cast for Moore. Before the allegations surfaced, Moore, a Christian conservative and former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice, had been heavily favored to defeat Democrat Doug Jones, a former U.S. attorney. But a new poll on Wednesday, released by the Senate Republicans’ campaign arm, had Jones surging to a 12-point lead since the allegations surfaced. A Democratic win in Alabama would be a blow to Trump’s agenda and shift the political outlook for next year’s congressional elections, giving Democrats a stronger shot at wiping out the Republicans’ 52-48 Senate majority. Moore has suggested that McConnell and other establishment Republicans are working with news media to discredit him. The Washington Post first disclosed allegations by four women about their relationships with Moore when they were teenagers, ranging in age from 14 to 18. One of the women said he initiated sexual contact with her when she was 14 and Moore was in his 30s.
Naked People Slaughter a Sheep at Auschwitz Death Camp
Warsaw (AFP) — Fourteen men and women in their twenties on Friday slaughtered a sheep and took their clothes off at the former Nazi German death camp according to the museum at the site in southern Poland. #Auschwitz shuts down after nude protesters slaughter sheep, chain selves to ’Arbeit Macht Frei’ gatehttps: . — Jack Mendel (@Mendelpol) March 24, 2017,
Turkey's Atlasglobal says flights out of Copenhagen back to normal: statement
ISTANBUL (Reuters) - Turkish airline Atlasglobal on Monday said flights out of Copenhagen had resumed as normal, after security checks found nothing negative following a threat to its planes. After receiving notice concerning the Atlasglobal flights in Copenhagen Airport, security units were contacted, Atlasglobal said in a statement. Necessary security measures were taken, and security units conducted necessary inspections. Nothing negative was encountered. We would like to inform the public that our flight operations in Copenhagen are back to their routine course, it said. (This version of the story was refiled to fix typo in paragraph three)
Romney says he will not consider running for White House
(Reuters) - Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee who has led a movement to derail Donald Trump’s nomination, said on Friday he would not consider running for the White House. In an interview with CNN, Romney said he will not vote for either Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, or Democrat Hillary Clinton in the Nov. 8 election.
Ultimate White Knight Destroys Trump’s Walk of Fame Star to Help Lying Slut Hoaxers
Deadline : Donald Trump’s star on the iconic Hollywood Walk of Fame was destroyed early Wednesday morning by a man dressed as a city construction worker wielding a sledgehammer and pickax. The man, who told Deadline his name was Jamie Otis, said he was trying to extract the star to auction it off and raise funds for the women who have come forward to accuse Trump of sexually assaulting them over the decades. The embedded terrazzo and brass star, dedicated in 2007 in recognition of the now-GOP presidential candidate’s days as host of NBC’s The Apprentice, was smashed to bits, with shrapnel flying everywhere in the early-morning hours at the star’s sidewalk home at 6801 Hollywood Blvd. near the Dolby Theatre. Check out Deadline’s exclusive video above. The incident occurred around 5:45 AM with a few bystanders stopping to watch. An LAPD police cruiser showed up around 6:15, but Otis already had left the scene. He wanted to give money to lying sluts. smdh. None of these stupid bitches have any evidence for their retarded claims. And they must have been put up to this by someone agreeing to pay their legal fees, because they’re all going to get sued, whether Trump wins or loses. And this man wants to give them free money. Just because. My princesses. The Evolutionary Roots of White-Knighting White-knighting has a biological explanation. Women have far more reproductive value than men do. And they are productive for a much shorter period of time. So a young fertile woman is of extreme value to the tribe, the nation, the race. This is why we all have these super-strong instincts to protect women. Technically, a society where the overwhelming majority of men had been killed, but the women were still alive, could recuperate. It takes a man five minutes to produce a child, while it takes a woman about three years (from conception to the point where it could exist without its mother). So, in a naturally functioning society, the white knight instinct is a good thing. However, we don’t live in naturally functioning society. We live in a totally jewed-out nightmare dystopia where nature itself has been turned on its head and women have been given authority to rule over men. We have also been systematically brainwashed to believe that women are the same as men, and thus possess a similar morality to men – for example, we are taught that women don’t lie constantly as a matter of course (they do), we are taught that they have the capacity to feel guilt (they don’t, they only feel shame) and we are taught that they can use logic to evaluate situations (they can’t). Basically, women do not have the physical strength to acquire necessary physical resources, so they have to use other methods to get what they need. Historically, though there was always a strong desire to protect women, women were not considered an authority on reality and there was an understanding that the basic biological nature of women is to survive on lies, manipulation and various schemes. So, while we would certainly hang a rapist if we found a rapist to have violently raped a woman, we didn’t take women at their word whenever they said anything. We also didn’t have these new forms of rape, such as “date rape.” If a woman went to the cops and said “I was in this man’s bedroom and he raped me,” the cops would say “well what were you doing in his room? Did he kidnap you?” We also would have been extremely skeptical of women accusing a rich man of sexual impropriety, as it is clear she has a whole lot to gain from doing so. So, even while the natural instinct is to come rushing in like a valiant knight whenever a woman cries that a man has disrespected her honor, this instinct was tempered by a logical understanding of the natural behavior of women. Another interesting element here worth noting is that while alpha males are much less prone to take the histrionics of women seriously, it is not because alpha males have less of a drive to protect women. It is because alpha males generally have more experience with women, and are thus much more likely to be aware of their tricks. Beta males also have the (presumably subconscious) belief that white-knighting will get them laid (protip: it does not), but this is also mainly due to a lack of understanding of female behavior due to a lack of exposure. There is also the fact that beta males have less testosterone, generally, and so are more likely to associate with females. You will notice that men who have “female friends” that they are not having sex with or trying to have sex with tend to be non-masculine. You also find this among men who will spend too much time with their girlfriends. Men who take the opinions of women seriously on any level whatsoever tend to exhibit signs of femininity. For masculine men, a woman expressing her opinion on anything is either cute or repulsive. Maximizing Male Exploitation Women instinctively understand this current backward situation, and are using it to maximum effect. Historically, women would have been ashamed to do what they are doing now. But because they know they can get away with it – and they know society won’t shame them – they are pushing it as far as they possibly can. And that is what we see with the Clinton campaign’s use of these “woman abuser” allegations against Trump. They are attacking both the male white-knight instinct, as we see this poor dumb bastard who smashed the star responding to, and they are attacking the instinct of women to unify as a collective group against men for their own protection (which is a separate phenomenon which I will go into another time – basically, women had to get along with each other in nature to raise each other’s kids, and they often used this unity amongst themselves as a lobbying bloc against the men of their tribe/clan/village). The psychological elements of this election are absolutely fascinating. But most people don’t understand psychology. If everyone understood psychology, then in some way, psychology itself would cease to exist, as we would all be perfectly rational robot-like beings.
Liberal, conservative lawmakers offer opposing U.S. healthcare ideas
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. senators unveiled two opposing visions of a healthcare system in the United States on Wednesday - leading liberals advocating government insurance for all and several Republicans proposing an eleventh-hour repeal of Obamacare to replace it with programs run by the states. Neither plan was thought likely to succeed in a Congress exhausted with fighting over the issue, raising questions over whether lawmakers would instead prop up the health benefits offered under former President Barack Obama’s healthcare law. Independent Senator Bernie Sanders, a 2016 Democratic Party presidential candidate, held a campaign-style gathering at which enthusiasts applauded as he proposed extending the federal Medicare health insurance program for seniors to include everyone. “The American people want to know what we are going to do to fix a dysfunctional healthcare system which costs us twice as much per person as any other country and yet leaves 28 million people uninsured, and even more underinsured,” Sanders declared. Senator Elizabeth Warren, one of 16 Democratic co-sponsors for Sanders’ proposal, told the gathering it was time to go a step beyond Obamacare, the 2010 law officially called the Affordable Care Act that expanded health coverage to 20 million Americans. “We will say that in this country everyone gets a basic right to healthcare,” Warren said. But in an office building nearby, Republican senators announced they were offering a “last chance” to repeal Obamacare, before a parliamentary procedure allowing them to pass it with a simple majority, instead of a three-fifths majority like most Senate legislation, expires at the end of September. They proposed replacing the law with a program that would give states money in the form of block grants to run their own healthcare programs. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, one of the plan’s authors, said he was not ready to give up the long-held Republican goal of repealing Obamacare despite a stunning failure to muster enough votes within the party this summer to kill the law. “The idea that the Republican party has done its best to repeal and replace Obamacare is a joke,” said Graham, who was joined by fellow Republican Bill Cassidy in the effort. A system of U.S. government-run healthcare for all is anathema to many Republicans, who think the hybrid Obamacare system in which government subsidizes private health insurance already was a step too far. Republicans’ last attempt in July to overturn Obamacare fell one vote short in the Senate in a humiliating defeat for President Donald Trump and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell. In addition to the Sanders and Graham-Cassidy proposals, a bipartisan effort is under way in the Senate health committee to repair Obamacare without repealing it, by protecting subsidies that are paid to insurance companies to help offset discounts under the program. McConnell this week declined to comment on either the Cassidy-Graham bill or the bipartisan health committee effort, saying the way forward was not clear. The Republican leader is not expected to bring Sanders’ proposal to the Senate floor for a vote. Trump applauded Graham and Cassidy, saying he hoped the senators “have found a way to address the Obamacare crisis.” Trump has frequently complained that Obamacare is in crisis. Democrats dispute this but many admit there is room for improvement. A greater than expected mixture of sick and healthy customers hampered Obamacare from the start, leading to large premium increases and many counties have just one insurer.
BREAKING: ANGRY BLACK LIVES MATTER Activist ADMITS To Starting MASSIVE LA Apartment Complex Fire As Pay Back For Death Of THUG Michael Brown
Obama inspired hate...The Latest on a man charged with setting a massive fire that destroyed an unfinished Los Angeles apartment complex (all times local):3:10 p.m.A man has been ordered to stand trial for arson over a fire that incinerated a Los Angeles apartment building and caused $100 million in damage.Fifty-seven-year-old Dawud Abdulwali appeared in court Wednesday. He earlier pleaded not guilty.Prosecutors say Abdulwali set fire to the unfinished De Vinci complex downtown in December 2014. The seven-story complex was completely destroyed and the heat blew out windows at nearby office towers.At Wednesday s hearing, a witness testified that Abdulwali bragged at a party about burning the building and said he did it because he was angry about the police killing of an unarmed black man in Missouri.Via: Houston ChronicleThe witness, Popaul Tshimanga, said he and Abdulwali attended a party a week later. Tshimanga said Abdulwali ranted about the August 2014 killing of Michael Brown, an unarmed black man, by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri. He was mad, Tshimanga said, adding that the defendant said he burned the building near a freeway and didn t like the way the cops were killing black people. Abdulwali s former roommate, Edwyn Gomez, has told investigators that Abdulwali spoke passionately about the protests in Ferguson after Brown s shooting and about wanting vengeance. Cops kill my people, Gomez recalled Abdulwali saying. We should go do this, we should go burn some (expletive) down. We should go break some windows. Houston ChronicleWatch incredible footage of firefighters risking their lives to put out this massive arson fire:
REPORT: Trump Tried To Pull His Own Saturday Night Massacre, WH Aides Said Hell No
Donald Trump has to be the most corrupt president America has ever seen. After his infamous firing of FBI Director James Comey over the investigation into his campaign s ties to Russia, Trump was reportedly infuriated that his racist elf of an Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, recused himself from all things related to Russia. Then, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein saw fit to appoint former FBI Director Robert Mueller as a Special Counsel to get to the bottom of the Russia matter. Now, it seems that Mueller, who enjoys broad bipartisan support and has an impeccable reputation in Washington, is now in Trump s crosshairs. In fact, it is now being reported that Trump wanted to fire Mueller, and was only stopped by his own White House staff, because any thinking person knows that this would be a political and potentially legal- disaster.The rumors of Trump s intention to fire Mueller were first fueled by an interview that Newsmax CEO and close Trump confidante Christopher Ruddy gave to PBS Newshour. In that interview, Ruddy said of what he knew of Trump s paranoid thinking on the matter: I think he s considering perhaps terminating the special counsel. I think he s weighing that option. Well, Trump had better get that option out of his head; after all, even the GOP sycophants in Congress are saying that this is a bridge too far, and that Trump needs to leave Special Counsel Mueller alone and let him do his investigation. Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA), who is the Ranking Member on the House Intelligence Committee has already told Trump that going after Mueller would be a waste of time, because Congress would intervene.If President fired Bob Mueller, Congress would immediately re-establish independent counsel and appoint Bob Mueller. Don't waste our time. Adam Schiff (@RepAdamSchiff) June 12, 2017Trump is acting like Richard Nixon did toward the end of Watergate. If he starts trying to treat Robert Mueller like Richard Nixon treated Archibald Cox, it will not end well for him.Let s see you fire Robert Mueller, you orange buffoon. You ll die in jail if the people who actually care about this nation have anything to say about it.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
HOW HILLARY DESTROYED This Man’s Life To Hide Her Incompetence In #Benghazi
Does anyone even care that this American man was picked out of thin air to be used as a scape goat to cover for Hillary s incompetence? One day he s an innocent man making third rate videos and posting them on Youtube, and the next day, he s being hauled off to jail for a video he produced that Hillary and her lying staff claimed inspired a terror attack in Benghazi! This could have been any American. Of all the evil things Hillary has done, this has to rank at the top, just below the four dead Americans who she left unprotected to die in Benghazi. Yet, the Benghazi Butcher rolls on without missing a beat, as the mainstream media cheers her on like she s the horse they re betting on at the Kentucky Derby In September 2012 Hillary blamed an awful internet video for the deaths of four American heroes in Benghazi.Hillary Clinton made the statements as the bodies of the four dead Americans were brought back to US soil.She made the public comments just three days after the assault on the compound that killed Ambassador Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty.But thanks to leaked Wikileaks emails we now know that Hillary Clinton wrote Chelsea during the Benghazi attacks telling her Americans were killed by an al-Qaeda like group.Hillary later lied and blamed the attack on a YouTube video. And the director of the YouTube video was later arrested.Nakoula Basseley Nakoula (C) is escorted out of his home by Los Angeles County Sheriff s officers in Cerritos, California September 15, 2012 (Reuters / Bret Hartman)Four years after the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack Hillary Clinton is running for president and Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is broke, destitute and living in a homeless shelter.And ISIS is in control of much of Libya.FOX News reported:Four Americans died in the 2012 terror attack in Benghazi, and those who survived saw their stories of heroism told in a Hollywood movie, but the filmmaker whose work was wrongly blamed for touching off the event lives in obscurity, poverty and fear, FoxNews.com has learned.Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, the Coptic Christian whose short video The Innocence of Muslims was initially faulted for sparking the Sept. 11, 2012 terror attack at U.S. diplomatic compounds in Libya, is now living in a homeless shelter run by First Southern Baptist Church in Buena Park, Calif. He has served time in prison, been shamed publicly by the White House and threatened with death. Hmmm I wonder if Hillary is willing to cough up (pun intended) a few of her secret service agents to help protect the life of this innocent man, who will forever live in the fear of being killed by Muslim extremists.
Iraqis Who Flee Fighting in Falluja Find Hardship and Hunger - The New York Times
AMIRIYAT FALLUJA, Iraq — One of the Iraqi civilians who risked an escape from the sprawling battle for Falluja made it as far as the Euphrates River. He was there for all to see on Sunday morning: His body, tied to the side of a boat, bobbed in the muddy waters next to a rickety bridge that separates Baghdad from the violence of Anbar Province. “Sheikh, sheikh, see this man! He drowned,” said a young boy, pointing, as he approached the window of a truck that was slowly crossing the bridge, carrying medicine. “See, see his body. ” The thousands of civilians who managed to flee Falluja and its outskirts and make it to areas in recent days faced harrowing journeys, often at night and under fire from Islamic State militants who had been trying to use them as human shields. Many crossed the wide Euphrates in makeshift boats, and local officials said more than a dozen drowned in the last few days, dying in their own country in the same way that thousands of Syrians and Iraqis have died on the seas trying to reach Europe. The survivors arrive at aid camps tired, hungry, thirsty and scared — and their ordeals are far from over. They are now in the arms of a government without the resources to care for them. “I risked my life because I was very concerned for my children and there was almost nothing inside Falluja — no food, no electricity, no fuel, nothing,” said a woman who arrived recently at a camp in Amiriyat Falluja, a city south of Falluja, and gave her name as Umm Bariq. But in the camp, she said, there are shortages of food, medicine and clean water. “So we are suffering here under difficult conditions,” the woman said. “We need help here. ” As bad as conditions are for civilians caught up in the battle, they are likely to get much worse. At least 50, 000 civilians are still trapped inside Falluja under Islamic State rule — perhaps 20, 000 of them children, according to the United Nations. Last week, the worry was that they would be killed in the crossfire as Iraqi forces and their Shiite militia allies stormed the city. Now, as the fighting has stalled on the outskirts in the face of fierce resistance by the Islamic State, a siege lasting weeks or months, in the heat of summer, could lead to mass starvation. There have been frantic negotiations, through intermediaries, between international aid agencies and Islamic State officials inside Falluja, seeking to open up corridors to deliver food and medicine. The problem is made worse, some aid workers say, by the Iraqi government’s tight control of traffic between Baghdad and Anbar Province, which has delayed the delivery of humanitarian supplies to the camps and the Falluja area. Out of security concerns, the Baghdad government, which is has long restricted the movement of people between the capital and Anbar, almost as if the two areas were separate countries. For some agencies, it can be difficult and to receive permission from the Iraqi government to travel across the bridge and deliver aid. In some instances, aid agencies have turned to a powerful Shiite militia, Kataib Hezbollah, which is controlled by Iran and in charge of an important checkpoint in Anbar, to get aid to the displaced. Also, as the offensive for Falluja unfolded, the Iraqi authorities were eager to facilitate access for journalists to the front lines, but have not allowed them to travel to areas to see displaced civilians. It was only because of an invitation to join a local aid agency’s convoy on Sunday that a reporting team from The New York Times was able to visit the camps for civilians fleeing the violence around Falluja. The areas of western Anbar Province, a region that has been a heartland for the Islamic State, have become vast wastelands of human suffering. tent cities are sprouting up all over, providing little more than basic shelter and some, but not nearly enough, food, water and medicine. The heat is terrible, always well above 100 Fahrenheit during the day, and most tents do not have fans or the electricity to run them. When Iraqi forces reached his town of Saqlawiya, north of Falluja, last week, Hatem Shukur waved a white flag to catch their attention. In an interview, he said he and his family had been given cold water, watermelon, apples and bananas — delights after months of being under siege. “But now we are facing another problem,” Mr. Shukur, 58, said. “Can you imagine your family living here in this heat?” He waved his arm around the space where he and his family live, a small square of concrete floor, a metal frame and plastic sheeting for walls. On the floor, lying on a blanket, was his granddaughter, Rawan, flies buzzing around her as she slept. Aid workers expressed frustration at their inability to meet the basic needs of civilians caught up in the war — there is not even enough fresh drinking water in the camps, officials said. There is always this question: Why is there always so much more money for military operations than for water and food for the civilians uprooted by them? “It just doesn’t make any sense to have invested so much in a military campaign to defeat Daesh and not provide lifesaving support to Iraqis in their hours of greatest need,” said Lise Grande, the United Nations’ top humanitarian official in Iraq, using an Arabic acronym for the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL. Ms. Grande, who emphasized that the United Nations has not had difficulty with the Iraqi government in arranging deliveries of aid to Anbar, said the effort still faced a steep shortfall in funding from international donors. At the beginning of this year, the United Nations said it needed at least $860 million for pay for urgent humanitarian programs in Iraq. But so far the agency has raised just 30 percent of that sum, roughly $260 million, and is preparing to close down some vital programs this summer. Shiite militias have played a prominent role in the offensive to retake Falluja after nearly three years of Islamic State rule. But because of that, the battle is playing out amid persistent worries that the campaign could intensify the sectarian tensions that are tearing the country apart. The Sunni extremist fighters for the Islamic State have warned civilians that the Shiite militias would slaughter them in revenge attacks whenever possible. The news media in Saudi Arabia and other Persian Gulf countries have framed the battle in crass sectarian terms, warning that Iran’s militias were intent on killing Sunnis. But for the most part, civilians who have fled the areas around Falluja have said they had tired of the grim life under the Islamic State and had been treated well by the militias and Iraqi soldiers. “We were surprised that they treated us so well,” said a man at a camp who was in his 50s and gave his name as Abu Muhammad, standing on Sunday outside his tent. “Daesh had told us the Shiites wanted revenge and would kill us. ” Instead, he said, he was given cookies and orange juice. Many civilians have lost their lives trying to escape, either shot by the Islamic State, drowned in the river or felled by thirst and hunger during the hazardous hike to safety. Dr. Hassan Abdulfatah, the director of the Amiriyat Falluja hospital, said he had received 13 bodies of drowning victims over the weekend, including children, and of four others who he said had died of starvation or other ailments trying to reach safety. In every tent scattered across the many camps in Anbar is a sad story, but some are truly wrenching. In one there was a group of grieving women whose children had drowned the night before. One said she had lost three children: Suad, Suzan and Yacoob. Another woman said she had managed to make the river crossing, only to see her daughter and drown as they tried. “I was watching them,” she said. “I was yelling. ”
Light Pillars, a Million-Mirror Optical Illusion on Winter Nights - The New York Times
Don’t worry. It’s totally natural. There’s no mother ship hovering above the earth, waiting to carry you away, and no demon shooting light from beneath, signaling to pull you below. It’s a light pillar — or a few of them — a colorful column of sparkling light that appears to beam up toward the sky. It’s all just an icy illusion. And now, during winter, when nights are long and cold, you have a good chance to spot one as long as conditions are right. If you’re lucky enough to spot a light pillar, what you’re seeing is actually artificial light from a ground source reflecting off millions of floating ice crystals. “It’s not an upward beam of light,” said Les Cowley, a physicist who runs a website on atmospheric optics, or the way light travels through the atmosphere. “Although they look pretty, they’re also a sign that someone, somewhere could do better with their lighting. You might call them light pollution pillars if you wanted to be environmental about it. ” Light pillars occur when clouds — normally miles high in the atmosphere — cling closer to the Earth’s surface, just a hundred or a few thousand feet above it. These thin clouds contain millions of flat, hexagonal crystals of ice that float horizontally in the air Each ice crystal acts like a mirror pointed downward, reflecting the artificial light back to your eyes — as long as the cloud is about halfway between you and the light source. Together, the crystals form a cluster of mirrors floating at different heights, which allows you to see the light as a column if they all were at the same level, you’d see only a spot of light. The pillars can be quite colorful at times because each reflected beam is the same color as its source. To find a good source — one bright, close to the ground, and just far enough away — your best bet is to travel a few miles outside your city or town on a dark night. The weather doesn’t have to be frigid, but it helps. Light pillars are frequently spotted in Scandinavia, upstate New York, Canada and other cold spots in the winter. But Dr. Cowley said that this week he received a photo of light pillars from about 30 miles outside of a town in Iran — perhaps because the desert can get cold at night. If leaving the city is not an option, look up at streetlights on a freezing cold night. You may spot the sparkly, ghostly blur of diamond dust. This illusion is created by the same flat ice crystals that produce light pillars, but this time, they’re so low to the ground you can feel them prickling your skin. “When that happens, you see other nearby halos, and it’s quite a spectacular sight,” Dr. Cowley said.
House Financial Services chairman sees Dodd-Frank reform this year
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Reform of Wall Street rules and consumer protects imposed after the 2008 financial crisis is likely this year, and much of the law could be undone through a number of ways, the Republican chairman of a key House of Representatives committee said. “Dealing with Dodd Frank is a this-year priority. Clearly it comes behind Obamacare, clearly it comes behind tax reform,” House Financial Services Committee Chairman Jeb Hensarling said in a CNBC interview on Tuesday.
Children’s Home Rejects Atheist’s Cash Donation Because He’s Not A Christian
A children s home in Oklahoma literally refused to take a donation from a man because he isn t a Christian.The Murrow Indian Children s Home claims to care about helping orphaned children but when Matt Wilbourn tried to make a $100 donation on behalf of the Muskogee Atheist Community an employee called him and rejected his donation. I filed out the paperwork and I put my wife and I s name on the paperwork, Wilbourn recounted. At the bottom, it asks if there is any person or organization you want to put it in memory of and I put the Muskogee Atheist Community. She called my desk phone at work and told me that they would not be accepting our donation because it would go against everything they believe in, he continued.Founded in 1865 by Reverend J.S. Murrow to take in and care for orphaned Native American children, the home was taken over by the American Baptist Mission Home Societies and moved to Bacone College in Muskogee, where it houses dozens of children in need of a home.In 2014, it was reported that the Murrow Children s Home was in desperate need of supplies including laundry detergent, 13-gallon garbage bags, sandwich bags, one-gallon and quart freezer bags, serving tongs, snacks, toothpaste, band aides, dishwashing soap, napkins, Comet cleaner, Pine Sol, Lysol, bleach, furniture polish and storage bags. So if any organization needs donations, it s the Murrow Children s Home. And that s what makes their rejection of Wilbourn s donation so outrageous.He donated $100, which would go a long way toward purchasing many of the items on that list.But his donation was rejected simply because he isn t a Christian, which makes one wonder just exactly what the Murrow Children s Home employees are teaching the kids in their care.Undeterred, Wilbourn came up with an idea. In fact, it s a fantastic idea.He decided to start a GoFundMe with the support of the Muskogee Atheist Community to raise more money for the Children s Home to see exactly how much money it will take for them to ignore his non-belief and accept the donation.But it appears the Murrow Home cares more about religion than they do about making sure the children have everything they need. I emailed the director of the Murrow Home and told her that I m raising the amount to $250, Wilbourn said. No reply from her. So far, the GoFundMe has raised a whopping $5,612 and the Murrow Home still won t accept because Wilbourn and his group are atheists. It s taken food off their plate, clothes off their back and shelter over their heads, Wilbourn said.It s truly sad that an organization would reject perfectly good donations just because the person doing the giving is not a Christian. That amounts to stealing from children. The Murrow Home is a non-profit so clearly they are only able to care for children solely out of the kindness of people who open their wallets and donate money. The Bible says judge not lest ye be judged and there s this part called the Golden Rule that commands us to treat people the way we want to be treated. Thus far, the Christians at the Murrow Home have failed to adhere to both. They judged Wilbourn to be a bad person because he s an atheist and even when he treated them with kindness and generosity the Murrow Home continued to do the opposite to him.Frankly, it sounds like these kids need new caretakers because the Murrow Home is clearly failing them and their best interests.To contact the Murrow Home, visit their Facebook page.To contribute to the GoFundMe, click here. Because even if the Murrow Home rejects the amount raised, it will still go toward a great cause called Camp Quest, which is a non-religious summer camp for kids.Murrow Home ought to be ashamed of themselves for choosing bigotry and hate over the well-being of the kids they claim to care about.Featured Image: Facebook
Boiler Room EP #117 – Straight Outta Tavistock & The Woke AF Zombie Apocalypse
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room tonight 6:00 PM PST | 8:00 PM CST | 9:00 PM EST for this special broadcast. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for bar fly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher and Spore along side Jay Dyer & Jamie Hanshaw of Jay s Analysis and FunkSoul & Randy J (21WIRE & ACR contributors), for the hundred and seventeenth episode of BOILER ROOM. Turn it up, tune in and hang with the ACR Brain-Trust for this weeks boil downs and analysis and the usual gnashing of the teeth of the political animals in the social reject club.This week on the show we re focused on the Tavistock style social engineering tactics that have been imposed upon western society, their origins, their modern manifestations and their effects on different generations over time that have been exposed to them. Join us for some laughs, some face-palm moments, some enlightening context to where we find ourselves in this place in time and history. The gang lays out the pitfalls of blue-pill, normie life, some James Bond trivia, Hollywood analysis and an ice breaker likely to make you cringe.Direct Download Episode #117Please like and share the program and visit our donate page to get involved! Reference Links, for your consideration and research:
Thus the big win for Donald Trump in blue state of Michigan Michigan has one of the largest Muslim populations of any state, yet 6 out of 10 Republicans in the state favored a temporary ban on Muslim visitors to the United States, according to early exit poll results from CNN.The proposal championed by Republican frontrunner Donald J. Trump was even more popular in Mississippi, where 7 out of 10 Republicans favored a ban on Muslim travel. Those proportions match the range of responses among the states that voted a week ago on Tuesday, ranging from 64% (Virginia) to Alabama (78%).The exit polls confirm recent public polling results, such as a WXYZ / Free Press poll that showed 61% support in Michigan for a ban on Muslims. Local Muslims in Michigan reacted with concern at the poll results. Via: Breitbart News
HOLY BETRAYAL OF AMERICA’S NATIONAL SECURITY: New Evidence Shows Hillary Emailed “Most Secretive” Classified Material On Private Unsecured Server
She s the most dangerous, self-centered woman in America Hillary for Prison 2016. Hillary Clinton s emails on her unsecured, homebrew server contained intelligence from the U.S. government s most secretive and highly classified programs, according to an unclassified letter from a top inspector general to senior lawmakers.Fox News exclusively obtained the unclassified letter, sent Jan. 14 from Intelligence Community Inspector General I. Charles McCullough III. It laid out the findings of a recent comprehensive review by intelligence agencies that identified several dozen additional classified emails including specific intelligence known as special access programs (SAP).That indicates a level of classification beyond even top secret, the label previously given to two emails found on her server, and brings even more scrutiny to the presidential candidate s handling of the government s closely held secrets. To date, I have received two sworn declarations from one [intelligence community] element. These declarations cover several dozen emails containing classified information determined by the IC element to be at the confidential, secret, and top secret/sap levels, said the IG letter to lawmakers with oversight of the intelligence community and State Department. According to the declarant, these documents contain information derived from classified IC element sources. Intelligence from a special access program, or SAP, is even more sensitive than that designated as top secret as were two emails identified last summer in a random sample pulled from Clinton s private server she used as secretary of state. Access to a SAP is restricted to those with a need-to-know because exposure of the intelligence would likely reveal the source, putting a method of intelligence collection or a human asset at risk. Currently, some 1,340 emails designated classified have been found on Clinton s server, though the Democratic presidential candidate insists the information was not classified at the time. There is absolutely no way that one could not recognize SAP material, a former senior law enforcement with decades of experience investigating violations of SAP procedures told Fox News. It is the most sensitive of the sensitive. Executive Order 13526 called Classified National Security Information and signed Dec. 29, 2009 sets out the legal framework for establishing special access programs. The order says the programs can only be authorized by the president, the Secretaries of State, Defense, Energy, and Homeland Security, the Attorney General, and the Director of National Intelligence, or the principal deputy of each. The programs are created when the vulnerability of, or threat to, specific information is exceptional, and the number of persons who ordinarily will have access will be reasonably small and commensurate with the objective of providing enhanced protection for the information involved, it states.According to court documents, former CIA Director David Petraeus was prosecuted for sharing intelligence from special access programs with his biographer and mistress Paula Broadwell. At the heart of his prosecution was a non-disclosure agreement where Petraeus agreed to protect these closely held government programs, with the understanding unauthorized disclosure, unauthorized retention or negligent handling could cause irreparable injury to the United States or be used to advantage by a foreign nation. Clinton signed an identical non-disclosure agreement Jan. 22, 2009.While the State Department and Clinton campaign have said the emails in questions were retroactively classified or upgraded to justify the more than 1,300 classified emails on her server those terms are meaningless under federal law.The former federal law enforcement official said the finding in the January IG letter represents a potential violation of USC 18 Section 793, gross negligence in the handling of secure information under the Espionage Act. Via: FOX News
Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Presidential Election? — Paul Craig Roberts
Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Presidential Election? Paul Craig Roberts The election was set up to be stolen from Trump. That was the purpose of the polls rigged by overweighting Hillary supporters in the samples. After weeks of hearing poll results that Hillary was in the lead, the public would discount a theft claim. Electronic voting makes elections easy to steal, and I have posted explanations by election fraud experts of how it is done. Clearly the Oligarchy does not want Donald Trump in the White House as they are unsure that they could control him, and Hillary is their agent. With the reopening of the FBI investigation of Hillary and related scandals exploding all around her, election theft is not only more risky but also less likely to serve the Oligarchy’s own interests. Image as well as money is part of Oligarchic power. The image of America takes a big hit if the American people elect a president who is currently under felony investigation. Moreover, a President Hillary would be under investigation for years. With so much spotlight on her, she would not be able to serve the Oligarchy’s interests. She would be worthless to them, and, indeed, investigations that unearthed various connections between Hillary and oligarchs could damage the oligarchs. In other words, for the Oligarchy Hillary has moved from an asset to a liability. A Hillary presidency could put our country into chaos. I doubt the oligarchs are sufficiently stupid to think that once she is sworn in, Hillary can fire FBI Director Comey and shut down the investigation. The last president that tried that was Richard Nixon, and look where that got him. Moreover, the Republicans in the House and Senate would not stand for it. House Committee on oversight and Government Reform chairman Jason Chaffetz has already declared Hillary to be “a target-rich environment. Even before we get to day one, we’ve got two years worth of material already lined up.” House Speaker Paul Ryan said investigation will follow the evidence. If you were an oligarch, would you want your agent under this kind of scrutiny? If you were Hillary, would you want to be under this kind of pressure? What happens if the FBI recommends the indictment of the president? Even insouciant Americans would see the cover-up if the attorney general refused to prosecute the case. Americans would lose all confidence in the government. Chaos would rule. Chaos can be revolutionary, and that is not good for oligarchs. Moreover, if reports can be believed, salacious scandals appear to be waiting their time on stage. For example, last May Fox News reported: “Former President Bill Clinton was a much more frequent flyer on a registered sex offender’s infamous jet than previously reported, with flight logs showing the former president taking at least 26 trips aboard the “Lolita Express” — even apparently ditching his Secret Service detail for at least five of the flights, according to records obtained by FoxNews.com. “Clinton’s presence aboard Jeffrey Epstein’s Boeing 727 on 11 occasions has been reported, but flight logs show the number is more than double that, and trips between 2001 and 2003 included extended junkets around the world with Epstein and fellow passengers identified on manifests by their initials or first names, including “Tatiana.” The tricked-out jet earned its Nabakov-inspired nickname because it was reportedly outfitted with a bed where passengers had group sex with young girls.” Fox News reports that Epstein served time in prison for “solicitation and procurement of minors for prostitution. He allegedly had a team of traffickers who procured girls as young as 12 to service his friends on ‘Orgy Island,’ an estate on Epstein’s 72-acre island, called Little St. James, in the U.S. Virgin Islands.” http://www.foxnews.com/us/2016/05/13/flight-logs-show-bill-clinton-flew-on-sex-offenders-jet-much-more-than-previously-known.html Some Internet sites, the credibility of which is unknown to me, have linked Hillary to these flights. http://truepundit.com/breaking-bombshell-nypd-blows-whistle-on-new-hillary-emails-money-laundering-sex-crimes-with-children-child-exploitation-pay-to-play-perjury/ This kind of behavior seems reckless even for Bill and Hillary, who are accustomed to getting away with everything. Nevertheless, if you are an oligarch already worried about the reopened Hillary email case and additional FBI investigations, such as the one into the Clinton Foundation, and concerned about what else might emerge from the 650,000 emails on former US Rep. Weiner’s computer and the NYPD pedophile investigation, putting Hillary in the Oval Office doesn’t look like a good decision. At this point, I would think that the Oligarchy would prefer to steal the election for Trump, instead of from him, rather than allow insouciant Americans to destroy America’s reputation by choosing a person under felony investigations for president of the United States. Being the “exceptional nation” takes on new meaning when there is a criminal at the helm. The post Can The Oligarchy Still Steal The Presidential Election? — Paul Craig Roberts appeared first on PaulCraigRoberts.org .
U.S. Senate liberals propose new steps for Puerto Rico recovery
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Puerto Rico would get substantial debt relief and other new aid to help it recover from destruction inflicted by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September, under legislation unveiled on Tuesday by leading liberals in the U.S. Senate. Senator Bernie Sanders, an independent, and Senator Elizabeth Warren, a Democrat, called for a new “emergency credit facility” of up to $57.2 billion for Puerto Rico and $5 billion for the Virgin Islands, according to a summary of the bill. The bill would also extend the deadline for individuals to apply for assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The legislation cannot advance without the support of Republicans, who hold a slim majority in the Senate. Congressional Republicans and the Trump administration have approved some $51 billion in aid to the U.S. territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and U.S. states hit by hurricanes and wildfires, with a new round expected to be approved in December. The effort has been criticized as lackluster by many Democrats in Congress, with large swaths of Puerto Rico still without power and clean water. Puerto Rican Governor Ricardo Rossello is seeking more than $94 billion in disaster recovery aid, including $31.1 billion for housing and $17.8 billion to rebuild and bolster the power grid. The legislation would put Congress on record in support of relieving Puerto Rico’s $72 billion debt. The island has a further $50 billion in unfunded pension liabilities. Kenneth Mapp, governor of the U.S. Virgin Islands, said the island had requested $7.5 billion to cover uninsured hurricane-related damages to the public sector. The hurricanes devastated the island’s healthcare sector, destroying two already struggling hospitals. Mapp also asked for a waiver to use $226 million in unspent Medicaid funding provided under Obamacare. The island was unable to spend the money because the local government could not provide its share of matching funds. The Sanders-Warren plan would also restore the U.S. minimum wage for certain young workers in Puerto Rico, open some federal food and nutrition programs to the two territories and improve benefits under the Medicare and Medicaid health programs. The legislation as well would provide more federal aid for rebuilding Puerto Rico’s electric grid, with an emphasis on beefing up solar, wind and other “clean” energy capabilities.
(Video) Clinton Supporters REALLY Like The Trump Tax Plan
Donald Trump recently came out with his proposal for a new tax plan. Every politician comes out with his own plans and proposals, but Jimmy wondered if voters pay any attention to the specifics. So we went out on the street and found people who claimed to support Hillary Clinton and asked those people about her tax plan. What they didn t know is that the tax plan we presented them with was not Hillary Clinton s. It was Donald Trump s.
Trump says trade gap will make China meeting 'a very difficult one'
WASHINGTON/BEIJING (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump set the tone for a tense first meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping next week by tweeting on Thursday that the United States could no longer tolerate massive trade deficits and job losses. The White House said Trump would host Xi next Thursday and Friday at his Mar-a-Lago retreat in Florida. It said Trump and his wife, Melania, would host Xi and his wife, Peng Liyuan, at a dinner next Thursday. In a tweet on Thursday evening, Trump said the highly anticipated meeting between the leaders of the world’s two largest economies, which is also expected to cover differences over North Korea and China’s strategic ambitions in the South China Sea, “will be a very difficult one.” “We can no longer have massive trade deficits and job losses,” he wrote, adding in apparent reference to U.S. firms manufacturing in China: “American companies must be prepared to look at other alternatives.” Despite a string of U.S.-China meetings and conversations that have appeared aimed at mending ties after strong criticism of China by Trump during his election campaign, U.S. officials have said the Republican president will not pull his punches in the meeting. General Electric Co Chief Executive Officer Jeff Immelt urged Trump on Thursday to maintain the country’s economic relationship with China, saying the United States had much to gain from globalization. “The country loses if we don’t trade. The relationship with China is key,” Immelt told an aviation panel hosted by industry group the Wings Club. “If you give up on trade, you give up on the best lever that the president of the United States has in negotiating around the world. I just think that President Trump is too smart to give up on that.” The U.S. Commerce Department said earlier that Beijing must change its trade practices and the way its state enterprises operate. “China and others need to realize the games are over – continuing their unfair trade practices and operation as a non-market economy will have serious consequences,” it said. The department said it was launching a new review of China’s status as a non-market economy, which allows the United States to maintain high anti-dumping duties on cheap Chinese imports, but the designation is widely expected to remain in place. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Lu Kang stressed the need to see the big picture while fostering mutual trade interests. “The market dictates that interests between our two countries are structured so that you will always have me and I will always have you,” he told a regular briefing. “Both sides should work together to make the cake of mutual interest bigger and not simply seek fairer distribution.” Trump administration officials say the need for China to do more to rein in the nuclear and missile programs of its neighbor and ally North Korea will top the agenda, along with trade. The U.S. side is also expected to criticize Beijing for its pursuit of expansive claims in the South China Sea. White House spokesman Sean Spicer told a news briefing the meeting would be an opportunity for Trump “to develop a relationship in person with President Xi.” “He’s spoken to him on the phone a few times, but we have big problems ... everything from the South China Sea, to trade, to North Korea. There are big issues of national and economic security that need to get addressed.” Asked if the administration had a vision, or a description for its China policy like the “pivot” or “rebalance” to Asia touted by former President Barack Obama, Spicer said: “Right now we’re not worried so much about slogans as much as progress. “There’s a lot of big things that we need to accomplish with China, and I think that we will - we will work on them.” U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson agreed in Beijing this month to work with China on North Korea and stressed Trump’s desire to enhance understanding. China has been irritated at being told repeatedly by Washington to rein in North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs, or face U.S. sanctions on Chinese businesses trading with North Korea, and by the U.S. decision to base an advanced missile defense system in South Korea. Beijing is also deeply suspicious of U.S. intentions toward self-ruled Taiwan, which China claims as its own, after Trump, as president-elect, broke with decades of U.S. policy by taking a phone call from Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen and saying Washington did not have to stick to a “one China” policy. Trump later agreed in a phone call with Xi to honor the long-standing policy and has also written to him since seeking “constructive ties.”
Trump, ex-Vice President Gore meet to talk climate policy
NEW YORK/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore, a leading voice in the fight against climate change, and Donald Trump, who at one point called it a hoax, met on Monday in what Gore called a “productive” session. Gore, a Democrat, spent about 90 minutes in meetings at the Republican president-elect’s Trump Tower apartment and office building in Manhattan. He also met briefly with Trump’s daughter Ivanka, who has attended a series of high-level meetings since her father won the Nov. 8 election. Gore, who lost the 2000 presidential election to Republican George W. Bush, has been devoted for years to lowering carbon emissions blamed for climate change. As he campaigned for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton earlier this year, Gore, who was vice president under Clinton’s husband, former President Bill Clinton, warned that Trump would steer the world toward “climate catastrophe” if elected. That warning came as Trump gave speeches calling on the United States to drop out of last year’s global climate accord, signed in Paris to lower carbon emissions blamed for a warming planet. Trump also referred to human-induced climate change as a hoax and had tweeted that “the concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.” Since then, however, in an interview with the New York Times, Trump has indicated he might have an open mind to joining the effort to battle climate change. Gore had a more upbeat take on Trump after huddling with the wealthy New York real estate developer. “It was a sincere search for areas of common ground,” Gore said. “I found it an extremely interesting conversation and, to be continued.” Gore said on MSNBC later on Monday that Ivanka Trump was “very committed to having a climate policy that makes sense.” He said he would not disclose details out of respect for the privacy of the conversations and out of hopes to keep discussing the issue with the president-elect. Aides to Trump gave no further insight into Monday’s meeting. Vice President-elect Mike Pence, asked about the meeting as he left Trump Tower, declined to comment. He said Monday was “another productive day on the transition.” After a day of meetings, Trump left his home on Monday evening to have dinner with his family at 21 Club, a New York restaurant. Gore, who shared the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007 for his work urging action against the risks of global warming, was kicking off on Monday a 24-hour talk-a-thon to urge action in the battle against climate change, which threatens to raise sea levels, spread diseases and increase droughts in more regions around the world. Trump was scheduled to meet on Tuesday with Rex Tillerson, the chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp, who is being considered for the job of secretary of state. Trump takes office on Jan. 20. Exxon Mobil has embraced the 2015 Paris Agreement that would lower global greenhouse gas emissions by between 26 percent and 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025. An aide to Gore said Trump’s team reached out to him after the former vice president said he intended to do everything he could to work with the president-elect to ensure the United States remained a leader in the effort to address climate change.
This Powerful Campaign Ad Announces A Serious Challenge To Paul Ryan’s House Seat (VIDEO)
Most people think of House Speaker Paul Ryan as completely safe in his seat. After all, he is seen as the GOP s Golden Boy (though those of us with our eyes open see him as a sociopath in a suit). Well, it seems that Ryan might not be so safe after all. Democrats have made large inroads into deep red districts in the recent special elections. We may not have won outright, but we really didn t expect to. But we made huge gains, slashing wins in districts carried by 20+ points by Republicans down to single digits. This is why it is so encouraging that Randy Bryce, a veteran and iron worker in Paul Ryan s Wisconsin district is running to take the Speaker s seat.Bryce released a powerful campaign ad that shows him to be a working class citizen who is connected to his community. Also featured in the ad is Bryce s mother, who has multiple sclerosis. She talks about all the drugs she is on, and how she doesn t know what will happen if she cannot take her medication. This woman is representative of so many sick people around the nation, and it is sure to resonate with many people. It also features a clip of Paul Ryan s infamous, Everybody doesn t get what they want, line when he was talking about repealing the Affordable Care Act.Paul Ryan is a callous, heartless bastard, and Randy Bryce may very well be able to expose that fact. Hopefully, Bryce s powerful message will force Paul Ryan into early retirement.Watch this amazing ad below:Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
Trump administration goes on attack against leakers, journalists
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions, taking up an issue that has infuriated Republican President Donald Trump, went on the attack against leaks on Friday, warning of a possible crackdown both on reporters and their sources inside the federal government. In a move derided by critics as an attack on the free press, Sessions said the administration was reviewing policies on forcing journalists to reveal their sources. It is, however, difficult to prosecute members of the news media in the United States for publishing leaked information. Sessions also told the employees of government agencies to stop leaking and called the issue a matter of national security. Trump has repeatedly voiced anger over a steady stream of leaks to the media about him and his administration since he took office in January. Some have been related to probes into Russian meddling in the 2016 U.S. presidential election; others have concerned infighting in the White House. “One of the things we are doing is reviewing policies affecting media subpoenas,” Sessions told reporters as he announced administration efforts to battle what he called a “staggering number of leaks undermining the ability of our government to protect this country.” “We respect the important role that the press plays and will give them respect, but it is not unlimited,” the nation’s top law official said. His boss, Trump, has repeatedly criticized news outlets and their work as “fake news,” and administration officials have criticized the use of anonymous sources, a standard journalistic practice. A media subpoena is a writ compelling a journalist to testify or produce evidence, with a penalty for failure to do so. The fact that the administration is reviewing its policy leaves open the possibility of sentencing journalists for not disclosing their sources. “Every American should be concerned about the Trump administration’s threat to step up its efforts against whistleblowers and journalists,” said Ben Wizner of the American Civil Liberties Union. “A crackdown on leaks is a crackdown on the free press and on democracy as a whole.” Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein told reporters the department was just starting to review the policy on media subpoenas and could not say yet how it might be changed. But he did not rule out the possibility of threatening journalists with jail time. Historically, government employees or contractors who give sensitive information to the media are much more likely to be prosecuted than the reporters who receive it. U.S. regulations give journalists special protections, barring them from law enforcement that might “reasonably impair newsgathering activities.” Federal prosecutors must get special permission from the U.S. attorney general before issuing a subpoena to try to force a member of the news media to divulge information to authorities. New York Times reporter Judith Miller was jailed in 2005 for refusing to reveal a source about stories on Iraq, but she cut a deal with prosecutors before she was formally charged. In addressing the wider issue of leaks, Sessions said the Justice Department has tripled the number of investigations into unauthorized leaks of classified information and that four people have already been charged. “We are taking a stand,” said Sessions, who in recent weeks has been publicly criticized by Trump for his performance in the job, including for what Trump called his weakness on the issue of going after leakers. “This culture of leaking must stop,” Sessions said. It is not illegal to leak information, as such, but divulging classified information is against the law. Some of the more high-profile leaks in the Trump administration have revealed White House infighting in articles that would appear not to involve divulging classified information. Sessions did not immediately give the identities of the four people charged, but said they had been accused of unlawfully disclosing classified information or concealing contacts with foreign intelligence officers. Rosenstein did not give the exact number of leak investigations the Justice Department is currently handling, only that this number has tripled under the Trump administration. In the latest major leak to the media, the Washington Post published transcripts on Thursday of contentious phone calls that Trump had in the early days of his administration with Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto and Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull. “No government can be effective when its leaders cannot discuss sensitive matters in confidence or to talk freely in confidence with foreign leaders,” Sessions said of that case. One tool Sessions has for prosecuting leakers is the Espionage Act, a World War One-era law that was designed to stop leaks to America’s enemies. Federal prosecutors have used it 12 times to charge individuals for disclosing information to the media, eight of them under Democratic former President Barack Obama. The most recent case, and the first under Trump, was the Justice Department’s indictment in June of Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a U.S. intelligence contractor accused of leaking a classified National Security Agency report about Russia’s alleged interference in the 2016 election.
UNHINGED TEXAS WOMAN DRIVING Pickup Truck With Vile Anti-Trump Message Gets Arrested For Unrelated Offense
Just another case of Love Trumps Hate LOL! The more hate these unhinged liberals spew, the more Independent voters will be inspired to go to the polls and vote for Trump in 2020.The owner of a pickup truck that drew attention this week because of a profane anti-Trump sticker was arrested in Houston on Thursday on an outstanding warrant.Karen Fonseca was arrested about 2 p.m. on an outstanding fraud warrant issued in August by the Rosenberg, Texas, Police Department, Fort Bend County Sheriff s Office records show.Mike Fonseca, her husband, posted her $1,500 bond Thursday night and she was released an hour later, Houston s KHOU-TV reported.A sheriff s spokesman didn t respond to a message seeking details about the warrant.Previously, Fort Bend County Sheriff Troy Nehls threatened Fonseca with a disorderly conduct charge over the decal. However, District Attorney John Healey said he didn t think the case would have stood up in court because of First Amendment protections on free speech.Fonseca defended her right to keep the sticker on the vehicle. It s not to cause hate or animosity, Fonseca, 46, told the Houston Chronicle. It s just our freedom of speech and we re exercising it. Fonseca said the message has been on the rear window of the pickup for nearly a year and it ll stay there for the time being. There s no law against freedom of speech, nothing in the law book here in Texas, she told KHOU-TV. I ve been stopped numerous times, but they can t write me a ticket. Nehls on Wednesday posted a photo of the profane sticker on his Facebook page, threatening the then-unidentified Fonseca with a misdemeanor charge of disorderly conduct.A spokeswoman for the sheriff s office said Thursday that Nehls removed the post after Fonseca was identified. Due to the hate messages he has been receiving toward his wife and children, the sheriff will not be commenting on the matter further, the spokeswoman said in an email. Fox News
Kremlin says S-400 missile talks with Saudi Arabia on track
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Monday that talks with Saudi Arabia over Moscow supplying Riyadh with advanced S-400 air defense missile systems had gone well so far despite talk of a possible U.S.-Saudi arms deal. Russian President Vladimir Putin hosted Saudi Arabia s King Salman for talks at the Kremlin last week during which Saudi Arabia said it had signed a memorandum of understanding on the purchase of the S-400s. A day later, the Pentagon said the U.S. State Department had approved the possible sale of a THAAD anti-missile defense system to Saudi Arabia at an estimated cost of $15 billion. When asked whether a possible U.S. deal with Riyadh might affect the Russian arrangement, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, on a conference call with reporters, said talks had been progressing well. We can speak only for ourselves, said Peskov. (But)contacts to implement this contract have been very positive and have had very good preliminary results. Maria Vorobyova, an official at a Russian government agency dealing with military and technical cooperation, was cited earlier on Monday as saying that a firm agreement had been reached with Saudi Arabia on the S-400s. An agreement has been reached with the kingdom of Saudi Arabia to deliver the S-400 air defense system, anti-tank Kornet-EM rocket systems, TOS-1A (multiple rocket launcher) systems, AGS-30 automated grenade launchers, and Kalashnikov AK-103 assault rifles, the RIA news agency cited her as saying. Russia also signed a contract last week for Saudi to produce the AK-103 rifles under license along with ammunition. Saudi Arabia is a longstanding U.S. ally in the Middle East and its arms deals with Moscow have caused disquiet in Washington. When asked about fears that Saudi Arabia could use the S-400 system against Iran, a Russian ally, Peskov said Moscow s decision to offer the missiles to Riyadh was not aimed at any third party. Military technical cooperation between Moscow and Riyadh is absolutely self-contained and does not target third countries in this region or other regions of the world, said Peskov. Therefore we are confident that this cooperation should not be a worry for anyone.
MUELLER’S FBI RAID Of Paul Manafort and Wife Proves Special Council’s Agents Playing Too Rough
The intimidation tactics of Mueller s FBI are way off base according to reports that claim Mrs. Manafort was manhandled :Just how rough special counsel Robert Mueller is playing with Paul Manafort goes back before this week s indictment to the FBI s no-knock raid in July.It has been reported that the agents checked Mr. Manafort and wife Kathleen for guns as they broke into the Alexandria condo pre-dawn by picking the lock.A source familiar with the case told The Washington Times the search was even more intrusive: An agent patted down Mrs. Manafort before she was allowed to get out of bed. Agents felt up Mrs. Manafort lying in bed to see if she had guns, the source said of the intimidation.In all, 12 FBI agents entered the home, guns drawn, and stayed for hours.The aggressive search of a prone sleepy woman is, the source said, a hallmark of Mr. Mueller s top prosecutor, Andrew Weissmann. A former mob prosecutor in New York, he specializes in turning witnesses against bigger prey and is not afraid to make things rough for spouses, too. Weissmann will want to maximize the trauma to his family, said Sidney Powell, a Dallas appeals attorney critical of his tactics.A spokesman for the special counsel s office declined to comment.Via: WT
HELPING HILLARY: What The Virginia Governor Just Did Will Help 200,000 More People Vote For Hillary
Felons get to vote all of a sudden in Virginia because the governor is a buddy of the Clinton s .dirty politics seems to follow the Clintons. There s a long history of corruption between McAuliffe and Bill Clinton. Once again, they re just helping each other out On Friday Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D-VA) gave 200,000 felons the right to vote. The list includes rapists and murderers. But, it s OK. It will help Hillary Clinton in the fall. The Washington Post reported:Gov. Terry McAuliffe (D) will make all ex-felons in Virginia eligible to vote in the upcoming presidential election, part of a years-long effort to restore full voting rights to former convicts.McAuliffe s announcement in Richmond on Friday will allow an estimated 180,000 to 210,000 former felons who are not in prison or on probation or parole to register to vote this year in Virginia, a battleground state, according to a coalition of civil rights groups that had pushed for the restoration of voting rights.Advocates said McAuliffe s move was the biggest-ever single action taken to restore voting rights in this country. It is a historic day for democracy in Virginia and across our nation, said Tram Nguyen, co-executive director of the New Virginia Majority, a progressive activist group. The disenfranchisement of people who have served their sentences was an outdated, discriminatory vestige of our nation s Jim Crow past. Many Republicans viewed McAuliffe s action as a blatant favor to his longtime friend Hillary Clinton, for whom he and his wife recently raised $2 million at their McLean home. It is hard to describe how transparent the Governor s motives are, House Speaker William J. Howell (R-Stafford) said in a statement. The singular purpose of Terry McAuliffe s governorship is to elect Hillary Clinton President of the United States. This office has always been a stepping stone to a job in Hillary Clinton s cabinet.Republicans were particularly outraged that the policy doesn t take into account the violence of the crime, whether the person committed serial crimes, whether they ve committed crimes since completing their sentence or whether they ve paid their victims back for medical bills.Via: WaPo
FS1’s Cowherd: Tebow ’Doesn’t Deserve to Play Major League Baseball’ - Breitbart
”I’m rooting against Tim Tebow to walk into baseball and flourish.” — @ColinCowherd pic. twitter. During his Friday Fox Sports Radio show “The Herd,” Colin Cowherd ripped Tim Tebow’s decision to play baseball after 10 years of focusing on football in college and the NFL. Cowherd said he’s rooting against Tebow to make a major league roster because he does not want to see someone make it without putting in the work. “Why would we root for Tebow to be able to just step into baseball, which he didn’t play for 10 years, and excel?” Cowherd asked. “He’s a crappy player, and that’s great because what it shows you, Michael Jordan was a crappy player, is you can’t just mail it in. ” He went on to note how people in other professions put in the time and effort to become good at their jobs. “I’m rooting against Tim Tebow to walk into baseball and flourish, and I rooted against Michael Jordan to walk into baseball and flourish. They’ve both been exposed as dreamers and lousy once they got out of their lane,” Cowherd continued. Cowherd then accused Tebow of not working hard enough and being “not willing to take the steps to be great” because he refused to play in the Canadian Football League and took contracts with the New York Jets and New England Patriots over the Jacksonville Jaguars. He concluded, “[Tebow] doesn’t deserve to play Major League Baseball or be a franchise quarterback. ” Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent
México, ante la CIDH (otra vez)
México, ante la CIDH (otra vez) El Estado mexicano hoy está de nueva cuenta en el banquillo ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos (CIDH). Ahora, por la tortura y masacre de 10 indígenas na’saavi y un estudiante universitario en una paupérrima localidad de la Costa Chica de Guerrero. A pesar de las evidencias que claramente pesan sobre el Ejército Mexicano, el gobierno ha solicitado al organismo internacional que declare “inadmisible” el caso y lo archive. Socios | 7 de noviembre de 2016 Zósimo Camacho @zosimo_contra Esta “respuesta” del Estado mexicano a la CIDH ocurrió la semana pasada, 13 meses después de que venciera el plazo fijado para pronunciarse al respecto. La mera demora refleja el menosprecio que al gobierno mexicano le merecen las acusaciones ante la comunidad internacional. La madrugada del domingo 7 de junio de 1998, unos 300 efectivos del Ejército Mexicano rodearon una humilde escuela en la comunidad na’saavi de El Charco, municipio de Ayutla. Al frente del operativo iba nada menos que el general Juan Manuel Oropeza Guernica, entonces comandante de la 27 Zona Militar. Sabían los militares que en dos aulas de la escuela Caritino Maldonado Pérez pernoctaban representantes comunitarios de la región y algunos integrantes de la guerrilla guerrerense. Los primeros habían asistido a una asamblea para organizarse en torno a la demanda de apoyos para el campo. Los segundos habían acudido a solicitar que fueran escuchados para exponer ante los campesinos sus motivos de lucha. Como puede suponerse, una delación tuvo que haber ocurrido para que se movilizara tal cantidad de tropa del Ejército Mexicano y llegara al lugar de la reunión. “El error de los compañeros fue que pernoctaran en ese lugar”, me comentaron varios años después algunos integrantes y exintegrantes del Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo Insurgente (ERPI) con los que Contralínea ha sostenido entrevistas periodísticas. Y pues las armas nacionales se vistieron de gloria: actuaron como sabemos que lo han hecho en 1962 (con Rubén Jaramillo y familia); en 1968 y 1971 (incluso a plena luz del día y en la Ciudad de México); en 1972 en la sierra de Guerrero… y para no enlistar todos los casos (conocidos), llegamos a Tlatlaya (¿e Iguala?) en 2014. Los cientos de efectivos del Ejército Mexicano dispararon a mansalva contra un puñado de indígenas indefensos y cuatro guerrilleros. De estos últimos, dos cayeron en combate y dos más, que se habían rendido para no exponer a la población, fueron vejados y ejecutados extrajudicialmente por los soldados en la misma escuela. En el lugar torturaron y ejecutaron fríamente tanto a los integrantes de la guerrilla como a pobladores que no tenían relación alguna con el movimiento armado. Los militares quisieron sembrar el terror para contrarrestar el entonces impresionante crecimiento del ERPI por todo Guerrero. Los indígenas asesinados aquella madrugada fueron Honorio García Lorenzo y Mauro González Castro, de la comunidad Ahuacachahue; Fidencio Morales Castro y Daniel Crisóforo Jiménez, de Coyul; Fernando Félix Guadalupe, de Ocote Amarillo; Apolonio Jiménez García, de Potrero; Manuel Francisco Prisciliano, de Mesón Zapote; Ceferino Damián Marco, de Coxcatlán, quién fue confundido con Juan García de los Santos; José Rivera Morales, de La Palma; Mario Chávez García, de El Charco, y el estudiante de la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Ricardo Zavala Tapia. El reporte militar señaló al estudiante como el comandante Daniel del ERPI. Otros siete indígenas sufrieron torturas y heridas por parte de los militares. Además, a los detenidos aquella madrugada se les trasladó a un cuartel militar, donde bajo tortura fueron obligados a declarar ante autoridades castrenses. Entre los detenidos iban cuatro menores de edad: Bernabé García de Jesús y Melitón Castro Morales, quienes contaban con 14 y 15 años de edad, respectivamente, no hablaban español y no sabían leer ni escribir; Pedro Esteban Ávila y Adrián Patriarca Agustina, entonces de 17 y 16 años de edad, respectivamente; estaban aprendiendo a escribir, leer y hablar español. Los testimonios de los mayores de edad trasladados a las instalaciones militares dan cuenta de los métodos inhumanos (¿debemos decir “de investigación”?) de los militares. Érika Zamora Pardo declaró que le esposaron las manos, le amarraron un cable y la tiraron con agua en el piso. Sintió entonces descargas eléctricas. Los soldados le decían que tenía que decir lo que ellos querían, porque si no lo hacía la matarían y agredirían a su familia. Le hicieron firmar unos documentos que ellos habían escrito y que nunca le permitieron leer. Efrén Cortés Chávez declaró que le decían que aceptara todo lo que ellos estaban escribiendo, porque, como quiera, de ahí no iba a salir. Le vendaron los ojos y los trasladaron a un lugar donde, con un aparato que le colocaron en la garganta, le oprimieron el cuello hasta casi estrangularlo. Lo desnudaron y le ataron manos y pies a una plancha; con una esponja le mojaron el cuerpo y le aplicaron descargas eléctricas en las tibias de los pies, genitales y en la cabeza. Mientras, en la comunidad de El Charco, los soldados entraron a las casas a robar enseres domésticos y alimentos. Las chozas fueron allanadas y saqueadas. Lavaron, pintaron y resanaron la escuela, para eliminar la sangre salpicada en las paredes, pisos y patio, y para disimular los impactos de bala. He tenido la oportunidad de visitar en varias ocasiones la comunidad de El Charco: su tierra colorada, casi roja; sus milpas húmedas y generosas, donde el maíz, la calabaza y el frijol crecen junto con los niños descalzos; sus sembradíos de flor de jamaica, que pintan de guinda laderas enteras; sus cañas de azúcar cultivadas junto a los arroyos; sus trapiches en los solares de las casas. Y su escuela Caritino Maldonado: conservada como un sencillo memorial de las víctimas. Hoy el Estado Mexicano pide a la CIDH archivar este caso y declararlo inadmisible… Lo que es inadmisible es que no haya la menor intención de reconocer el hecho y, por lo tanto, se garantice que situaciones como ésta se sigan ocurriendo. Los cobardes asesinatos contra personas indefensas –hayan o no cometido delitos– tienen que ser castigados. Campañas publicitarias que se pagan con dinero público buscan instalar en la población la idea de que las Fuerzas Armadas respetan los derechos humanos. Si fuera verdad; si el Ejército ha incorporado en sus protocolos de actuación el respeto a la vida y dignidad humanas, ¿por qué no permitir que se sepa la verdad de un pasado que ha quedado atrás? Hasta la fecha (y ahí están los reportes de la Comisión Nacional de los Derechos Humanos) es común que quienes son detenidos por efectivos militares sean trasladados a instalaciones castrenses y no sean entregados a autoridades civiles sino hasta que son torturados. Muchos han muerto en el tormento. ¿Cuándo se va a acabar con esta práctica? Fragmentos El promotor de la Coordinadora Regional de Autoridades Comunitarias-Policía Comunitaria (CRAC-PC) en Tixtla, Guerrero, Gonzalo Molina González, se encuentra preso en el Centro Regional de Readaptación Social de Chilpancingo, Guerrero. Padece enfermedades que requieren atención quirúrgica: litiasis renal y ureteral obstructiva que está afectando al riñón y uréter derechos; litiasis ureteral izquierda, y hernia inguinal derecha. El Colectivo contra la Tortura y la Impunidad demanda atención médica inmediata para Molina González, toda vez que los daños a su salud pueden ser irreversibles en un corto plazo. Zósimo Camacho [BLOQUE: OPINIÓN][SECCIÓN: ZONA CERO] Contralínea 513 /del 07 al 12 de Noviembre 2016
Betsy Devos Just Put A For-Profit Credit Card Exec In Charge Of Federal Student Aid Program
On Tuesday, Education Secretary Betsy Devos announced that she will appoint A. Wayne Johnson as the as Chief Operating Officer of Federal Student Aid on Thursday. In the press release put out by the Education Department, Devos cited Johnson s academic and professional achievements as Johnson s skills he is bringing to the department.<FSA currently serves 42 million student loan borrowing clients and administers more than $1.4 trillion in current outstanding Federal Student Loan balances.Reuters reports on the story saying: In last year s election, Donald Trump and other Republicans campaigned on getting government out of the business of student loans. Democrats want to stay on the path forged by former President Barack Obama, who moved student lending from the banks to the federal government.DeVos has taken on higher-education finances since being confirmed in February. She recently began rewriting rules on for-profit college debt and decided to put one company in charge of servicing loans. Wayne is the right person to modernize FSA for the 21st Century, said Secretary DeVos in a press release. He actually wrote the book on student loan debt and will bring a unique combination of CEO-level operating skills and an in-depth understanding of the needs and issues associated with student loan borrowers and their families. Wayne has worked previously in executive positions at TSYS, First Data, and VISA. He is also the founder and former CEO of First Performance Corporation. Wayne s corporate background has attracted the ire of financial sector watch groups. Allied Progress, a left-leaning anti-Wall St watch group says that Wayne will implement policies that increase the odds students will default on their loans. This announcement comes just one month after Obama-appointed FSA CEO, James Runcie, resigned from his position as Education Secretary. When he resigned Runcie cited he could not take the risk of working in a department ran by Devos. Runcie also claimed that he could not accept Devos policies that were redirecting critical funds within the department. I cannot in good conscience continue to be accountable as Chief Operating Officer given the risk associated with the current environment at the [Education] Department, reads the resignation memo Runcie put out in May.This move is a continuation of the corporatization of the federal government that has been seen under the Trump administration. Devos herself has no actual background in education. Yet, she is Education Secretary because she allowed Trump to use her family s arena multiple times, for free, during both his primary and presidential election. The Devos family is also deeply embedded in conservative politics, usually of the Christian fascist variety. They are major donors to the GOP s war chest as well, having given up to a commonly cited total of $200 million dollars to the Republican Party.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
BRAVO! CONSERVATIVE ACTOR TOM SELLECK Sets Flag Burner Straight In This Powerful Video
Conservative Republican actor and outspoken NRA member, Tom Selleck uses his role on Blue Bloods, a CBS hit TV show to show the world what patriotism looks like.The episode is titled Flags of Our Fathers, and in it Selleck s conservative character Frank Reagan comes in contact with a crazed liberal named Gore, who organizes a protest to burn the American flag at a veteran s memorial.According to Conservative Tribune, Reagan tried to talk Gore out of burning the American flag, telling him that he will lose any sympathy for his message by burning the flag. The liberal, however, won t hear any of it and moves forward with burning the flag. Before he leaves, Reagan tells Gore that only a fool seeks peace by inciting violence.Just as Reagan predicted, the riot incites violence and Gore tries to blame the police for not protecting him. Reagan shot him down fast, telling him that the cops did their jobs. When the liberal announces plans to do another similar protest, Reagan then gives him a firm dose of reality. That flag, that you consider a prop and a stunt, has draped the coffins of Americans who died to give you the right to ignore that sacrifice, Selleck s character said. You re spitting on their graves. This scene rings especially true today, when Obama s race-baiters are constantly burning the American flag. We applaud Selleck for courageously telling this story despite the threat of liberal backlash!Via: Mr. Conservative
Lebanese president hopes Hariri visit to France will end crisis
BEIRUT/PARIS (Reuters) - Lebanon s president said on Thursday he hoped the crisis over Saad al-Hariri s resignation as prime minister would end soon, with Hariri due to leave Saudi Arabia for France this weekend. Hariri quit in a broadcast from Saudi Arabia on Nov. 4, railing against Riyadh s bitter foe Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah. The shock resignation thrust Lebanon into both a domestic political crisis and the Middle East s overarching rivalry that pits Saudi Arabia and its allies against a bloc led by Iran. A Elysee Palace source said Hariri would fly to Paris on Saturday and meet President Emmanuel Macron the same day. French officials said they did not know how long Hariri would stay before returning to Beirut but hoped his trip would help soothe the crisis by demonstrating he was not being held in Saudi Arabia, as Lebanon s President Michel Aoun has said. His arrival will ease tensions by showing he s free to move around, said a French diplomatic source. There would be consultations before he returns to Beirut to build international support for him to negotiate a new political deal in Lebanon, French officials said. We re not trying to find a compromise or open dialogue between sides, but trying to create the conditions for a de-escalation in the region. We want to avoid a proliferation of crises that could get out of control. Hariri accepted an invitation to France on Thursday after meeting French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, who was visiting Saudi Arabia. Aoun, who has refused to accept Hariri s resignation unless he returns to Lebanon, has accused Riyadh of holding Hariri hostage. He said on Thursday on Twitter he hoped the crisis is over and the France visit would open the door to a solution. Lebanon maintains a delicate sectarian balance, after Sunnis, Shi ites, Christians and Druze fought a 1975-1990 civil war, with factions often backed by regional rivals. Hariri, a Sunni Muslim, is a long-term ally of Saudi Arabia. Aoun, a Christian, is a political ally of Hezbollah, the heavily armed Shi ite Muslim movement that is backed by Iran. Hariri s government, a power-sharing coalition formed last year, includes Hezbollah. Since Hariri announced his resignation, Saudi Arabia has accused Lebanon of declaring war on it, citing Hezbollah s role fighting in other Arab countries. On Thursday, Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir said Saudi Arabia was consulting with its allies about what leverage to use against Hezbollah. We will make the decision when the time comes, he told Reuters in an interview. Top Lebanese officials and senior politicians close to Hariri say he was forced to quit and was being held by the Saudis. Politicians from all sides in Lebanon have called for his return to Beirut. Saudi Arabia has denied forcing Hariri to resign or detaining him. In an interview on Sunday, his first public comments since resigning, Hariri said he is free to leave and would return home soon to formally submit his resignation. He also warned of possible Saudi action against Lebanon, including sanctions and threats to the livelihood of Lebanese workers in the Gulf, unless Hezbollah is reined in. Aoun said in a statement that once Hariri returned to Lebanon he would have to stay until a new government was formed. Lebanese Foreign Minister Gebran Bassil has toured European capitals seeking diplomatic help to end the crisis. On Friday he is to go to Russia, after visiting Germany and Turkey on Thursday. The issue is one of freedom ... of international conventions related to immunity, Bassil said in Ankara after meeting with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan. France s foreign minister, Le Drian, said Paris was working to normalize the situation in Lebanon. After meeting Le Drian, Jubeir described Hezbollah as an arm of Iran s Revolutionary Guards and said it must disarm for Lebanon to be stable. Whenever we see a problem, we see Hezbollah act as an arm or agent of Iran and this has to come to an end, he said.
NEWT GINGRICH Punches Back At Democrats With Mega Doses Of TRUTH On The BOGUS Russia Scandal: “This is a cultural civil war” [Video]
PROOF Republicans Claiming Obama Shouldn’t Pick Supreme Court Justice Are Hypocrites (QUOTES)
It really seems as if Republicans don t think the things they say and do are recorded. It s as though they only live in the moment and history ceases to exist. Because if they realize the things they say and do are recorded they would know that we could throw what they ve said and done back in their faces, like with what is about to happen.You see, Republicans are hellbent in making sure President Obama doesn t nominate anyone to become the next Supreme Court Justice of the United States after the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell even went so far as to say, The American people should have a voice in the selection of their next Supreme Court Justice. Therefore, this vacancy should not be filled until we have a new president. And don t forget Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley insisting we wait until next year to fill the vacant seat. He said: The fact of the matter is that it s been standard practice over the last nearly 80 years that Supreme Court nominees are not nominated and confirmed during a presidential election year. Given the huge divide in the country, and the fact that this president, above all others, has made no bones about his goal to use the courts to circumvent Congress and push through his own agenda, it only makes sense that we defer to the American people who will elect a new president to select the next Supreme Court justice. However, what both these Republicans fail to realize, alongside all the other conservatives and conservative pundits who share this opinion, is that it is the president s constitutional duty to nominate a new Justice so that order and balance is held within all three branches of government. It is also not their place to say that he can t. Truth is, they don t want him to, because they re terrified of who he might pick to replace the ultra-conservative Scalia.Here s the thing about history, though it will come back to bite you when you least expect it, and prove that you may, in fact, be a huge hypocrite. Here are some quotes from back when former President George W. Bush was trying to get a vote on his nominees. And you may recognize a couple of the names: Because of the unprecedented obstruction of our Democratic colleagues, the Republican conference intends to restore the principle that, regardless of party, any President s judicial nominees, after full debate, deserve a simple up -or -down vote. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) (5/19/05) I hope that by the end of this session of Congress, my colleagues will give the President s qualified nominees what they, and all current and future nominees deserve: the opportunity to have a fair up-or-down vote on the floor of the Senate on their nomination. For the sake of the Senate, the nation, and our independent judiciary, I hope that these partisans will not launch more filibusters, but from what I ve heard today, I won t hold my breath. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) (3/26/04) The bottom line has to be that the president has the right to get a vote, an up-or-down vote, on his nominees. Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX) (11/10/04) Let s debate the nominees and give our advice and consent. It is a simple yea or nay, when called to the altar to vote. Filibustering a nominee into oblivion is misguided warfare and the wrong way for a minority party to leverage influence in the Senate. Threatening to grind legislative activity to a standstill if they do not get their way is like being a bully on the school yard playground. Let s do our jobs. Nothing is nuclear about asking the full Senate to take an up-or-down vote on judicial nominees. It is the way the Senate has operated for 214 years. Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) (5/23/05) But denying these patriotic Americans, of both parties, who seek to serve this country an up-or-down vote is simply not fair, and it certainly was not the intention of our Founding Fathers when they designed and created this very institution. Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) (4/20/05) Every nominee deserves a prompt up-or-down vote on the Senate floor. Dick Cheney (5/10/04)And if this truly how all these men felt at the moment, then they should still feel that way now. They should abide by the constitution, allowing President Obama to make his picks, as well as give him an up-or-down vote on who he decides would be the best fit. Only reasonable, right? You know, since it s their idea.Featured image: Flickr
OOPS! #DEPLORABLE HILLARY JUST GOT BUSTED Offending Half Of Her Base: Called Bernie Sanders Supporters Basement Dwellers [VIDEO]
First, Hillary offended half of America when she called them a basket full of deplorables :Hello #BasementDwellers, you aren't the only ones Hillary has categorized and demonized. #BasketOfDeplorables pic.twitter.com/EOIhfmyWXt Asa J (@asamjulian) October 1, 2016Now she s offended half of the Democrat base with this latest video that has been uncovered.An audio recording has surfaced, revealing Hillary Clinton speaking critically about young voters supporting Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), saying they ve bought into a false promise. It s a false promise, Clinton says in the recording, referencing Sanders political revolution. But I don t think you tell idealistic people particularly young people that they ve bought into a false promise. The audio, which was released by the Washington Free Beacon, comes just three weeks after Clinton faced backlash for calling millions of Americans supporting Donald Trump deplorables. The recording, which is from a fundraising event in February, catches the Democratic nominee calling Sanders supporters children of the Great Recession that are living in their parents basement. There is a strain of, on the one hand, the kind of populist, nationalist, xenophobic, discriminatory kind of approach that we hear too much of from the Republican candidates, Clinton states.Watch:Via: Breitbart News
UN Failed to Carry Adequate Medical Evacuations in Aleppo - Churkin
Get short URL 0 29 0 0 The United Nations did not adequately execute evacuations of ill and injured people from Syria’s eastern Aleppo during the humanitarian pause there, Russian Envoy to UN Vitaly Churkin said during the UN Security Council meeting on Wednesday. UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) — Moreover, Churkin said the UN staff "didn’t exercise the necessary pressure over the sponsors of illegal military groups in order to make possible cooperation between the armed groups and humanitarian workers." "The United Nations didn’t work through properly the operation of medical evacuations of the sick and wounded," Churkin stated. "The work with opposition groups present in city and the local council was left to its own." ...
Monetary Policy at the Time of Elections
by Yves Smith By Silvia Merler, an Affiliate Fellow at Bruegel who formerly worked as Economic Analyst in DG Economic and Financial Affairs of the European Commission. Originally published at Bruegel Tim Duy ’s Fed Watch says that, as expected, the Federal Reserve left policy unchanged this month and the statement itself was largely unchanged as well. The near term inflation outlook improved from September to November, and with the year-over-year impacts of oil prices falling out of the data, headline inflation will track back upwards, which is not a big surprise. With regards to the timing of the next move, Duy argues that the language suggests conditions are moving in the right direction, but the Fed is still waiting for some “further” evidence. A continuation of recent trends will likely be sufficient as the “further” evidence needed to justify a rate hike in December. Would a Trump victory derail a hike in December? Duy does not think this is likely at this juncture, and we should rather be focusing on the labour market. A slowdown in hiring to something closer to 100k a month would probably end the downward pressure on the unemployment rate and raise questions about the Fed’s basic forecast that the unemployment rate will continue to decline in the absence of additional rate hikes. We get two employment reports before the December meeting. For the Fed to stay on the sidelines yet again, we probably need to see both reports come in weak. The bottom line is that the Fed is looking past the election to the December meeting for its second move in this rate hike cycle and probably it would take some unlikely softer numbers to hold them back again. Greg Ip , on the other hand, writes in The Wall Street Journal that Tuesday’s election matters. Typically, the Fed is guided by the economic data and elections are just transitory nuisances with little significance for the outlook. But this is no typical election, as one of the candidates represents a dramatic break with economic orthodoxy – with promises of protectionism and tax cuts but few details. Trump’s election would dramatically raise uncertainty, which is the reason why the stock market has tended to go down when his odds of winning go up. For the Fed, lower stock prices translate into less wealth, which is negative for the outlook in its own right. Additionally, the Fed will assume that uncertainty in the rest of the economy will mirror what happens in the markets. All of this reduces the odds it would actually raise interest rates in December. Ip argues that the Fed can take politics into consideration without being motivated by politics: when political decisions can potentially change the course of the economy, the Fed has to incorporate that into its decisions. Thus, a Trump victory would probably cast enough of a pall over the outlook to give the Fed reason to delay its next rate increase into next year. Ironically, Mr Trump may discover that he, not Mr Obama, is the reason the Fed hasn’t tightened. Richard Clarida , commenting the FOMC statement over at PIMCO’s blog, says that there was little expectation that the Fed would announce a hike in November. The committee members said nothing in their public remarks since the September meeting to suggest that a rate hike was under serious consideration this week. Indeed, the odds of a November hike as priced by the fed funds futures market were only 16%, and for at least the past 20 years the Fed has never moved when the market has priced less than a 50% chance of a move. As for the balance of risks, the language remained in the statement after making its first appearance this year in the September Fed statement. This is relevant because it would be difficult for the Fed to justify a hike if it believed that risks were tilted to the downside, or if the outlook were so uncertain it could not even characterise the risks. Clarida does not think that the Fed is trying to signal that the odds for a December hike have diminished. A year ago, the Fed wanted to boost market odds of a hike when it thought those odds were too low. Going into today – with those odds at 70% – the Fed appeared to be content to make minimal changes to the statement only six days before the US election. Whereas in September 2016 three FOMC members dissented, at this month’s meeting dissenters were only two. So this Fed statement seems aimed at making as few waves as possible: it is a placeholder until the Fed next meets and a rate hike in December continues to be likely, if not a done deal. Natixis’ Philippe Waechter argues that the Fed is ready for December, under the assumption that Clinton wins the election. He argues that the language on inflation is the only noticeable change in the language of this statement as compared to the previous one – together with the remarks on consumption that appears less strong than in September. The Fed wants to recover room for manoeuver in its monetary policy and this is the reason why it is by now ready to accept an increase in the rates. Nevertheless, it is also acting in a context where it needs to signal that it remains vigilant. In an asymmetric approach to monetary policy, the Fed prefers to act too late (at the risk of inflation) than too early (at the risk of a slowdown in economic activity). Tiffany Wilding , again on PIMCO’s blog, looks at one indicator on which Fed’s officials have recently trained a lens: the labour force participation rate. The participation rate has risen 0.5 percentage point over the past year, and the rise has occurred despite demographic and other secular trends implying that it should have declined about 0.3 ppt. During the news conference following the Federal Reserve’s September meeting, chair Yellen highlighted this development as a reason to believe there is more slack in the labour market than previously thought. Wilding argues that the rise is not primarily the result of previously discouraged workers reentering the labour force, but stems largely from a decline in the number of long-term unemployed individuals (25 to 54-year-olds) dropping out. Notably, the decline comes on the heels of a very elevated pace of dropouts in 2014 and 2015, suggesting only limited scope for additional improvement. On the surface, it’s a good sign that people are now looking for a job longer. However, the CPS data suggest the number of marginally attached and underemployed individuals as a percentage of the working-age population hasn’t declined significantly since the participation rate started to increase last year. Taken together, these developments could indicate declining and more limited labor market slack. With respect to the participation rate, Wilding believes that the demographic and other secular forces which have driven trend declines in the participation rate will likely take over again. She views participation rate trends as a downside risk to the case for two to three hikes in the federal funds rate by the end of 2017. Meanwhile, Kenneth Rogoff says markets nowadays are fixated on how high the Federal Reserve will raise interest rates in the next 12 months. This is dangerously shortsighted: the real concern ought to be how far it could cut rates in the next deep recession. Given that the Fed may struggle just to get its base interest rate up to 2% over the coming year, there will be very little room to cut if a recession hits. The two best ideas for dealing with the zero bound (negative rates and higher inflation target) are off-limits for the moment. Of course, there is always fiscal policy to provide economic stimulus. But it is extremely undesirable for government spending to have to be as volatile as it would be if it had to cover for the ineffectiveness of monetary policy. There may not be enough time before the next deep recession to lay the groundwork for effective negative-interest-rate policy or to phase in a higher inflation target. But that is no excuse for not starting to look hard at these options, especially if the alternatives are likely to be far more problematic. The Economist’s Free Exchange argues that not every argument for keeping interest rates low is a good one. Central bankers may be too keen to spot inflation in the data, but if monetary policy operates with a lag, it makes sense to raise rates before you hit the target, to prevent overshoot. When doves reject this logic, they are implicitly criticising the Fed’s 2% inflation target, not its strategy for achieving its goal. Inflation targets do not call for making up for past mistakes, and central banks should try to do what they say they are trying to do. This also means that in an equal and opposite situation where the Fed must bring inflation down after an upward shock, it should loosen policy while inflation still exceeds 2%. It is easy to dismiss these points as academic, given that inflation has been below target for too long. At present, the biggest threat to central bank credibility is clearly on the downside. But when doves deny the logic of changing policy in advance of achieving the inflation target, they overreach. The data show plenty to be dovish about: doves should simply point that out and, if they want a price level target, say as much. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Veterans Group Blasts ’Selfish’ Elizabeth Warren for Putting Illegal Aliens First - Breitbart
Last week, members of the group Veterans Assisting Veterans (VAV) penned an open letter to “all Americans” criticizing Sen. Elizabeth Warren ( ) and many of her fellow Democrats for their support of illegal immigrants and calling for these politicians to put United States veterans first. [“Senator Warren and others like her should know the difference between legal and illegal activity and chose instead to act out negatively in selfish political theater,” the letter reads. It asks, “Where’s your rally for US Veterans, Senator Warren?” The group wrote they are “deeply troubled by the continued lack of prioritization by some prominent elected members of our government. ” John MacDonald, a board member and VAV spokesman, signed the letter. He and fellow VAV member Dennis Moschella appeared on “Fox Friends Weekend” Sunday and were invited back on again Monday morning. During Sunday’s interview, MacDonald reminded Warren, “Illegal immigrants didn’t vote for her. ” According to the Boston Herald, the group has funded the purchase of wheelchairs for local veterans and horse therapy at Ironstone Farm in Andover, Massachusetts. “A message we have for every politician in this country: There are between 15 and 20 million veterans,” MacDonald said in Monday’s interview. “If we get all our veterans together, people that are serving currently in the armed forces, and call our representatives, we have an unbelievable voting bloc. ” The letter also criticizes Sen. Ed Markey ( ) Reps. Michael Capuano ( ) and Seth Moulton ( ) and Boston’s Democrat Mayor Martin Walsh for not doing enough for veterans issues. Moulton served in the Iraq War. The sole Republican mentioned in the letter is Sen. John McCain ( ). “Even Republican Senator and US Veteran John McCain has seemed to forget about his fellow veterans and the deep troubles at the VA … and its extremely sad,” the letter notes. Last December, Breitbart News reported that some employees at the hospice unit of the Veterans Affairs medical center (VAMC) in Bay Pines, Florida, left the body of a deceased veteran in a shower room for over nine hours. In 2015, a damning report published by the Inspector General for Veterans Affairs revealed that a number of former combatants’ documents at the Los Angeles VA Regional Office (VARO) were placed in employee shred boxes without being processed. All but one of the documents labeled for shredding had the potential to affect veterans’ benefits. According to the Boston Herald, Warren spokeswoman Lacey Rose said the of veterans is of “utmost importance” to the senator. “She also knows that standing up for our veterans and rejecting President Trump’s unlawful, immoral, and irresponsible attacks on immigrants are not mutually exclusive issues. ” Follow Adelle Nazarian on Twitter and Periscope @AdelleNaz
Parisian Women Face Constant Harassment By Migrants
Women in the east Paris district of are claiming that they cannot leave their homes without being subjected to verbal abuse from migrants in the area. [Over the past year or so the district has become a area for women as migrants and drug dealers have flooded the area. Dozens of these groups of young men crowd the streets, harassing women who walk by wearing what they consider to be immodest clothing Le Parisien reports. The situation for women has gotten so bad in the area that many women are effectively banned from cafes and bars. Natalie, who has been a resident of the area for 30 years said, “these are insults, incessant reflections. The atmosphere is agonising, to the point of having to modify our itinerary, our clothes. Some even gave up going out. ” An female resident is said to have totally stopped leaving her apartment after being sexually assaulted as she was returning home one day. Aurélie, 38, who has lived in the area for 15 years said that the cafe below her apartment has turned into an exclusively male establishment. “I have to listen to a lot of remarks when I pass in front, especially since they drink a lot,” she said. “A few days ago, the simply standing by my window triggered a flood of insults and I had to lock myself in my apartment. I used to walk down the Boulevard de la Chapelle from Stalingrad [metro station] even late at night … It’s unthinkable today,” she added. The Stalingrad metro was the former location of a large makeshift migrant camp in Paris which was cleared and relocated to Porte de la Chapelle. Earlier this month Breitbart London visited the camp and talked to the migrants there. All blamed Europe for their situation and demanded handouts from the French government. Another woman said she would not allow her daughter to walk the streets of the area alone anymore. She said that after getting off at the Chapelle metro station she ended up in the middle of a brawl of migrants who pulled knives out and threatened her with them. “I thought my last hour had arrived,” she said. Due to mass migration, the situation in various parts of Paris has rapidly deteriorated over the last few years. Various suburbs of Paris, such as have become breeding grounds for radical Islam according to France’s top expert on the subject, Gilles Kepel. The women of have said they will organise a walk around the area with female city officials in order to bring attention to the problem and perhaps find a solution. So far newly elected French president Emmanuel Macron has not addressed the issue of safety in the French capital, using his first weeks as president to court the approval of German Chancellor Angela Merkel instead.
LISTEN TO THIS WOMEN SPEAK OF VOTING RIGHTS LIKE IT S 1960. WE DO NOT HAVE A VOTING RIGHTS PROBLEM. LYNCH THEN SPEAKS ABOUT GOING INTO THE SCHOOLS AND CHANGING THE DISCIPLINE FOR MINORITIES VS WHITES SHE S THE ONE WHO DECIDED THE MINORITIES NEEDED TO HAVE LESS PUNISHMENT SIMPLY BECAUSE THE COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. UNREAL! A Republican-controlled U.S. Senate voted to confirm an attorney general today who says that illegal aliens have a right to work in the United States but that partially born babies do not have a right to life.The Senate took two votes on the nomination of Loretta Lynch: first, a cloture vote to end debate and allow a final vote on confirmation, and, then, the final vote itself.Neither of these votes would have taken place had not Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell not brought her nomination to the floor for consideration. Thanks to a change in the interpretation of Senate Rule XXII that he Democratic leadership pushed through in 2013, only 50 votes (as opposed the historical 60) was needed to invoke cloture and end debate on the nomination. In fact, 66 senators voted for cloture including 20 Republicans.Lynch, who has been serving as U.S. attorney in the Eastern District of New York, then won confirmation as attorney general of the United States by a vote of 56 to 43. Nine Senate Republicans voted to confirm her.At a confirmation hearing in January, Sen. Jeff Sessions (R.-Ala.) asked Lynch: Who has more right to a job in this country? A lawful immigrant who s here, a green-card holder, or a citizen, or a person who entered this country unlawfully? Well, Senator, said Lynch, I believe that the right and the obligation to work is one that s shared by everyone in this country regardless of how they came here. And certainly, if someone s here, regardless of status, I would prefer that they be participating in the workplace than not participating in the workplace. Under the laws of the United States, which as attorney general Lynch will be responsible for enforcing, foreign nationals illegally present in the United States are not permitted to work here.In 2006, Lynch joined with a group of fellow former U.S. attorneys in signing an amicus brief submitted to the Supreme Court in the case of Gonzales v. Carhart, which sought to overturn the law that Congress enacted in 2003 that bans partial-birth abortion in the United States. Arguing that the ban should be overturned and partial-birth abortions permitted Lynch and her fellow former U.S. attorneys said that the language of the law, including the term living fetus, was too vague to be properly understood by those responsible for obeying it and enforcing it. Furthermore, said the brief Lynch signed, the ban s specific provisions, such as the phrase living fetus, are hopelessly vague as a legal proscription. It is unclear, she and the others said, whether a living fetus must be intact. A physician or prosecutor could not possibly know whether a given overt act kill -ed the fetus under the ban without having a clear definition of living,' wrote Lynch and her fellow defenders of legalized partial-birth abortion.In a 5-4 decision written by Justice Anthony Kennedy, the court rejected the argument that Lynch had made. The act is not vague, said the court.In its opinion, the court quoted the description of a partial-birth abortion given by a nurse who assisted in one.The doctor, said this nurse (according to the U.S. Supreme Court), went in with forceps and grabbed the baby s legs and pulled them down into the birth canal. Then he delivered the baby s body and the arms everything but the head. The doctor kept the head inside the uterus. The baby s little fingers were clasping and unclasping, and his little feet were kicking, said the nurse. Then the doctor stuck the scissors in the back of his head, and the baby s arms jerked out, like a startle reaction, like a flinch, like a baby does when he thinks he is going to fall. The doctor opened up the scissors, stuck a high-powered suction tube into the opening, and sucked the baby s brains out, said the nurse. Not the baby went completely limp. He cut the umbilical cord, the nurse said of the doctor who had just sucked out the baby s brains. He threw the baby in a pan, along with the placenta and the instruments he had just used. At her confirmation hearing, Lynch affirmed that she had signed on to the amicus brief opposing the ban on partial-birth abortion, and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R.-S.C.) told her that that did not disqualify her from serving as attorney general. In 2006, you signed an amicus brief supporting Planned Parenthood s opposition to [the] partial-birth abortion ban. Is that correct? asked Graham. Yes, said Lynch. I was one of a number of former Justice Department officials [who signed it]. Although, the amicus brief that we signed was focused on the issue of the facial issues of the law, and how it might impact the perception of law enforcement s discretion and independence, she said. The only reason I mentioned that, said Graham, is that if there s a Republican president in the future, an attorney general nominee takes an opposite view on an issue like abortion, I hope our friends on the other side will acknowledge it s OK to be an advocate for a cause, as their lawyer. That doesn t disqualify you from serving. The 20 Republicans who voted to move forward on a vote with Lynch s nomination by voting for cloture included: Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Richard Burr of North Carolina, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Susan Collins of Maine, Bob Corker of Tennessee, John Cornyn of Texas, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Cory Gardner of Colorado, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, Rob Portman of Ohio, Pat Roberts of Kansas, Rounds of Kansas, John Thune of South Dakota, and Thom Tillis of North Carolina.In the 56 to 43 confirmation vote, 10 Republicans voted for Lynch. They included: Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, Thad Cochran of Mississippi, Susan Collins of Maine, Jeff Flake of Arizona, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Orrin Hatch of Utah, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Mark Kirk of Illinois, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, and Rob Portman of Ohio.Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas opposed the confirmation of Lynch, spoke against her confirmation on the Senate floor, and voted against cloture. But then he did not cast a vote on her final confirmation. His office did not immediately respond to inquiries about why he did not vote.Via: CNS
The Las Vegas Mass Shooting – More to the Story Than We’ve Been Told
Shawn Helton 21st Century WireAlthough many are still stunned in the aftermath of the Route 91 Festival tragedy a series of unanswered questions persist following what has been described by media as the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history. The motive for the Las Vegas mass shooting crime still remains unclear. MANDALAY MAYHEM There s been a host of unexplained anomalies in the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino shooting massacre. (Photo illustration 21WIRE s Shawn Helton)The Imprint of Mass TragedyThe recent mass shooting involving the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, marks the return of heavily politicized mass shootings in America. Although America has seen a host of smaller, less sensationalized mass shootings throughout the course of 2017, including the bizarre Fort Lauderdale Airport Shooting, this latest high-profile calamity has resuscitated the trauma inducing imagery so prevalent in the post-9/11 War On Terror era. Likewise, because its unlikely aspects, combined with the sheer spectacle of the drama one might surmise that this Las Vegas event is akin to something like the 9/11 of Mass Shootings. Over the past several years, 21WIRE has chronicled many bizarre shootings and mass casualty incidents that have rippled across America and Europe. These events have become a new kind of ritualized crimescape that has injected the masses with a host of socio-political concerns over race, religion, gun reform and security, while obscuring and obfuscating the forensic reality of the crimes themselves.As we ve stated before, all too often there s a heavy emphasis on the theatrical stage-like persona of any alleged attacker or killer being touted as hard evidence. This aspect of the narrative also clouds the alleged modis operandi and can later be presented in sensationalized media as circumstantial evidence of an apparent crime, despite the fact any so-called evidence would likely result in many hours of analysis and debate, potentially without an ultimate conclusion, even if the evidence eventually reached a court room setting.The Las Vegas mass shooting story appears to be no exception .It s been over a week after one America s largest mass shootings, and we have yet to see any CCTV footage of the alleged killer s sniper s nest or his whereabouts leading up to the tragedy, as he moved in and around Las Vegas. We re told the alleged shooter outfitted cameras around his hotel room and door, a room supposedly filled to the brim with a military arsenal. As the investigation continues to simmer, confusion over major parts of the official story, has led to powder keg of pressure that has resulted in heavy criticism from members of the public and new independent media alike.QUESTION: Why would hotel staff not be alerted to the mounting of cameras and the massive amount of gear being brought to the room prior to the shooting massacre and why is there no footage of the apparent shooter using the freight elevator as is now claimed?UPDATE: Another Revision in Las Vegas Mass Shooting Amid Mandalay Bay Security Guard s Media SilenceIn this report we will attempt to address some of the main questions and unlikely coincidences surrounding the Las Vegas shooting. We re told that this tragic shooting attack was carried out by one individual without a criminal past but is there more to the story? ROOM WITH A VIEW Mystery shrouds the Las Vegas shooting why is there no eye-witness testimony from guests on the 32nd floor? (Image Source: twitter)Shooting Timeline RevisedFollowing a brand new press conference this week, Las Vegas sheriff Joseph Lombardo revealed a complete change in the official timeline of the October 1st Las Vegas mass shooting.The LA Times explains the major chasm in the official narrative: In a timeline released last week, investigators said Paddock had stopped firing at the concert across the street at 10:15 p.m., and the first police officers arrived on the floor at 10:17 p.m. and encountered the wounded Campos at 10:18 p.m., who directed the officers to Paddock s suite.Police were not in a hurry to enter Paddock s suite because the security guard s arrival had halted the shooting, police implied in previously describing the timeline. Paddock had killed himself by the time officers entered the room, they said.In a news conference Wednesday, Lombardo said it was his assumption that Paddock stopped his shooting spree because the gunman, using his spy cameras, observed the security guard, and he was in fear that he was about to be breached, so he was doing everything possible to figure out how to escape at that point. All of this has transpired as media reports now state that Stephen Paddock first checked into the Mandalay Bay hotel room 135 on September 25th, not the 28th as previously reported by the police and FBI. You have to wonder what happened over those 72 hours leading up to one of America s deadliest mass shootings, as well as question the shift in details concerning the hotel check-in date.QUESTION: Why have authorities misled the public about the Las Vegas shooting timeline and why did it take a so long to breach the hotel suite after police knew much earlier that a shooting had taken place inside the hotel?The updated timeline is a major shift in the official story, as it raises questions about why law enforcement took so long to respond to the shooter s hotel room. Furthermore, it exposes the Mandalay Bay security guard s heroic back story which suggested he stopped the shooter from continuing his shooting massacre. In the early days of this investigation this part of the story was gleefully parroted by mainstream media.According to authorities, the Mandalay Bay hotel security guard Jesus Campos was alone and unarmed when he discovered the purported shooter, facing some 200 rounds in the process, somehow surviving the massive gunfire with a minor leg injury. Based on the amount reported gunfire, the public would have likely seen heavy damage inside the hotel hallway and outside the suite in at least several areas of the 32nd floor, not to mention there would also be additional witnesses within earshot of the shooting. This is something that would have resulted in multiple 911 calls to police.The new report concerning Campos and the shooting timeline, now puts Las Vegas officials in the hot seat, as they now have no known reason why the alleged shooter would have stopped his rampage.Not only do these new details challenge police response time but the very nature of how the shooting started, a stark contrast to police and FBI press conference details from the beginning of this investigation. Another major aspect is the 6 minute time frame Mandalay Bay recognized a shooting occurring inside their hotel prior to the concert mass shooting. Speculation and confusion has enveloped the Campos story, as mainstream reports now state there s an armed private security guard outside of the Mandalay Bay security guard s home following the Las Vegas shooting.Interestingly, the Mandalay Bay security guard who was previously hailed as a hero, remains completely absent from any TV interviews.*Update* New reports state that Campos, who was scheduled for at least five TV interviews, abruptly disappeared prior to those appearances. One such interview included a FOX News interview with Sean Hannity. This new twist in the Las Vegas shooting adds another bizarre aspect to an already strange case. Here s FOX News below: The Mandalay Bay security guard shot by Stephen Paddock in the moments leading up to the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history was set to break his silence Thursday night with five television interviews, including one on Fox News, Campos union president said.Except when the cameras were about to roll, and media gathered in the building to talk to him, Campos reportedly bolted, and, as of early Friday morning, it wasn t immediately clear where he was. We were in a room and we came out and he was gone, Campos union president told reporters, according to ABC News Stephanie Wash. QUESTION: What s the real story behind the main eye-witness in this case?*Update* Independent reportage by former Project Veritas operative Laura Loomer, suggests that the Campos family may have had a gag order placed on them concerning details related to the Las Vegas shooting case. However, official confirmation of this aspect of the case is still pending.This follows yet another major shift in the Las Vegas shooting timeline.Amazingly, police have once again revised timeline details associated with Mandalay Bay security guard Jesus Campos and the alleged shooter now stating that the guard s encounter with the suspected gunman started near the same time as the concert mass shooting. A noticeably agitated Las Vegas sheriff Joseph Lombardo, now claims that the 9:59 time frame is when Campos supposedly investigated a nearby door alarm on the 32nd floor as previously reported.Interestingly, according to a published article at the LA Times this week, a Mandalay Bay spokeswoman appeared to challenge elements of this latest Las Vegas shooting timeline but did not elaborate: A spokeswoman for the company that owns Mandalay Bay seemed to dispute the police timeline given to The Times on Tuesday but did not explain why.This remains an ongoing investigation with a lot of moving parts. As evidenced by law enforcement briefings over the past week, many facts are still unverified and continue to change as events are under review, MGM Resorts International spokeswoman Debra DeShong said in a statement. We cannot be certain about the most recent timeline that has been communicated publicly, and we believe what is currently being expressed may not be accurate.DeShong added, It is not appropriate for us to comment further at this time on what remains an open matter for law enforcement. Here s a look at Las Vegas sheriff Joseph Lombardo giving an emotive and evasive press conference on October 9th as FBI agent Aaron Rouse looms in the background Days ago, after several online theories emerged suggesting the possibility that multiple shooters were involved in the Las Vegas shooting, Lombardo entertained the idea that Paddock may not have been alone in the hotel suite. Since then he s updated this theory after the October 9th press conference stating that there was no second shooter. This follows a week of shifting narratives, red herrings and misinformation, as its now stated police do not believe anyone else entered Paddock s hotel suite.In spite of the new change to the timeline, Clark County Assistant Sheriff Tom Roberts maintains that the hotel dispatched its own armed security team to the 32nd floor, which arrived right around the same time as Las Vegas police, who officials have said arrived on the floor at 10:17 p.m. But the gunman had already fired his final shots out his hotel window at 10:15 p.m. It s important to note, at 10:12pm or 10:13 pm, an officer on the 31st floor reported hearing fully automatic gunfire one floor above him.By 10:24 pm authorities located Paddock s hotel suite with SWAT and remained outside the suspected gunman s room. Interestingly, at 10:28 pm reports state there may have been a second gunman on the 29th floor but this was later believed to be an erroneous account according law enforcement.At 11:20 pm, police explode the suspected gunman s door, locating a body on the floor supposedly dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.Based on Roberts claim above, there would have been a full 56 minutes before the hotel suite breach was said to taken place.QUESTION: Will there be additional revisions in the official timeline to come as this story continues to go sideways?Here s a screen shot of the first official timeline of the shooting in the first 24-48 hours after the incident. You have to wonder why the story has been altered so dramatically since then Today reported the following updated information concerning the Las Vegas shooting. Watch as Today interviews a second eye-witness in the case: Stephen Schuck was one of the first people to encounter Paddock when he went to check out a faulty fire exit door on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay and Casino on Oct. 1, according to a new timeline of events. I was about a third of the way down the hallway and I started to hear shots go off, he told TODAY in an exclusive interview Wednesday.Schuck then saw hotel security guard, Jesus Campos, stick out his head from a doorway.He yelled at me to take cover, and as soon as I started to go to a door to my left, the rounds started coming down the hallway, Shuck said. I could feel them pass right behind my head. Something hit me in the back and I took cover. I tried to think, how I could get to Jesus because I could that see he was shot in the leg, and I just told myself, wait for him, he s going to have to stop shooting some time. It was kind of relentless. According to reports, Schuck calmly called police over his radio following the apparent start of the mass shooting.Here s Today s Matt Lauer interviewing the second hotel eye-witness, Mandalay Bay hotel maintenance man Stephen Schuck As a barrage of media speculation continues in any high-profile case, a series of formulaic polarizing political points become an echo chamber in its tragic aftermath. This is something that rapidly descends into wild speculation which only serves to magnify any emotionally driven aspect that might later be presented as a definitive motive to carry out a crime. Very often, we ve seen the discovery of a seemingly ready-made manifesto, laundry list of hateful rhetoric or collected material from an alleged killer retained as ironclad proof of a crime. However, current analysis of the alleged Mandalay Bay shooter has failed to yield any such results, in spite of a chorus of overzealous and misinformed reportage from both mainstream media and alternative media there has not been any concrete material linked to Paddock thus far.It should be mentioned that there have been a bevy of accusations suggesting various political and terror affiliations from certain alternative media circles, as mainstream media continues to float the idea that Paddock may have been radicalized, due to evidence revealing a series of cruises taken to the Middle East in recent years by the alleged Las Vegas shooter. But so far these claims remain unconfirmed by authorities.Time will tell if this line of conjecture is perhaps a red-herring meant to corral and ensnare the public by way of an overtly politicized emotional appeal.In cases such as the Las Vegas shooting, one should be careful to not jump to any conclusions, as we ve reached the slow drip phase by which information is being conveyed by authorities and media. While law enforcement looks to tie up loose ends and shore up any early holes or bizarre theories, its possible that a more thorough analysis of all the forensic data in the case will be pushed into the background, as new information may be introduced to steer critics of the official story.It is ironic that the investigation into the Las Vegas shooting, one of the largest mass shootings in the history of America, has been an eerie absence of conclusive evidence concerning a number of details.Below is an inside look at the reported hotel suite that appears oddly intact considering the massive amount of gunfire said to have taken place inside on the 32nd floor area Adding to that, there was a delayed release concerning a mysterious document left on a table near the alleged killer s body that contained only numbers and no letters this was something that introduced a cryptic backdrop into the compelling crime scene. The suspicious nature of the document then became a psychic driver to increase speculation while introducing another unexplained element from the crime scene.The whole circumstance took on a theatricality that could push the viewer out of a critical investigative mode and into a partially synthetic frame of thinking regarding the murky contents of the alleged communiqu .Over this past week, reports suggested that the document at the scene may have contained calculations used by the shooter for maximum firearm accuracy. On the surface, this would appear to lend itself to the official story but in reality all it does is lead to more questions, as contradictory claims over exactly how the dramatic shooting occurred would also seem to contradict analysis of ballistics, as the amount of victims wounded or killed would most likely have been far more significant if the shooting was based on sniper-like calculations that may have made use of hundreds to thousands of either .223 or 308 caliber rounds not to mention the possibility of a belt-fed machine gun scenario using other caliber rounds.In recent years, 21WIRE has documented that frequently there is much more involved behind-the-scenes when it comes to high-profile attacks in America, particularly of those said to be lone wolf variety. The incidents themselves are quickly taken out of the forensic realm despite early police reportage, eye-witness testimony or statistic improbability. In this way, the narrative gives way to a hyper-realized account that defies logic and reason.Other recent reports reveal that the well-known casino mogul Steve Wynn, self serving or not, has shed light on the particular protocol carried out by casino employees. Below is a passage from the NY Post on this aspect of the story: Las Vegas casino mogul Steve Wynn suggested Sunday that Stephen Paddock would have set off alarm bells at his properties had he tried launching his mass murder from one of them.Wynn, after whom the glitzy Wynn Las Vegas on the Strip is named, said his housekeeping staff is trained to do a visual inspection any time they enter a room, adding that a Do Not Disturb sign on a door for longer than 12 hours is investigated. The scenario that we re aware of would have indicated that [Paddock] didn t let anyone in the room for two or three days, Wynn told Fox News Sunday. That would have triggered a whole bunch of alarms here. Below is the scanner audio shortly after the crime was reported to police Moreover, many conspiratorial claims that have yet to still be fully explained or even be appropriately addressed by authorities have exploded on the internet. This has led to a growing speculation that has only deepened the mystery behind this America s latest mass tragedy. As authorities have yet to uncover a clear motive for the crime, police scanner audio, along with eye-witness testimony, has suggested that multiple shooters may have been at the scene.The amount of independent examination regarding this case thus far is fairly staggering and in the wake of any multilayered event, one must proceed with caution when reviewing the available evidence, as the doorway for a trial by media frenzy in both mainstream media and alternative media could be used to derail sincere analysis.Although the scanner audio is chaotic, the police dispatch communication appears to reveal some startling information contradicting the official story surrounding the Las Vegas mass shooting. While any event contains its share of confusion, the specific acknowledgement of an apparent active shooter or shooters within the fairgrounds of the concert venue, point to a deeper more complex methodology used to carry out the attack. Rather intriguingly, the scandal plagued NY Times published sections of these scanner recordings for public inspection, which could be an attempt by mainstream media to diminish or control any information regarding potential multiple shooters.In spite of ongoing media meddling, there s been some compelling accounts suggesting that there may have been gunfire from multiple locations by law enforcement and citizens alike. While the authenticity of these claims could be a matter of debate, these unexplained accounts have been larger ignored by mainstream media.*WARNING* Graphic content in the video below.Here s a forensic analysis from YouTube user Genesis CNC investigating the auditory anomalies at the Las Vegas shooting Below is episode #205 of the Sunday Wire, listen as ACR s Hesher, Jay Dyer of Jay s Analysis and myself, discuss larger historical themes concerning the Las Vegas mass shooting, while taking a look at the available ballistic evidence, as well as exploring the possibility of multiple shooters and other strange anomalies surrounding the case Listen to Episode #205 SUNDAY WIRE: Dirty Vegas with Jay Dyer, Hesher & Shawn Helton on Spreaker.Other questions have emerged regarding the absence of witness accounts from anyone who stayed on the 32nd floor, although there s been some testimony from other floors of the hotel, the citizen analysis below raises a few interesting points Let s look even further into one of America s deadliest mass shootings DEAD MAN S HAND The purported Mandalay Bay Shooter 64 year-old Stephen Paddock. Reports have made a vague mention of prescription medication look for this to be a focal point when this story is revisited by mainstream media. (Image Source: kbc.co.ke)The Las Vegas Shooter?On October 1st, authorities revealed that 64 year-old Stephen Paddock was the suspected gunman in the Las Vegas mass shooting that claimed the lives of at least 58 people and injured as many as 527 (later downgraded to 489) at an outside concert venue on the strip. The alleged lone wolf assailant apparently fired down from the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay hotel at concert goers nearly 400 yards away at the Route 91 Harvest country music festival while Jason Aldean performed his headlining set on the final night of the event. Additional media coverage has suggested that the number of those said to be initially injured had decreased by at least twenty victims due to double counting at nearby local hospitals by October 3rd.We ve been told the apparently well-to-do Paddock, a well-known high stakes gambler among Las Vegas casinos, had been an accountant who was a hunting enthusiast and a licensed pilot who had at least two planes and a boat, in a life filled with luxury cruise vacations. ABOVE VIEW This image displays the distance of the entire crime scene. Reports have also revealed that at the hotel crime scene, Paddock was supposedly equipped with at least 23 weapons, including two tripods used to shoot out of two different windows from inside his two-room hotel suite. In addition, the LVMPD suggests Paddock loaded in excess of 10 suitcases up to his room in the days leading up to the Route 91 concert. A raid on Paddock s properties put the overall firearm total at 47 guns, as law enforcement also recovered a large amount of explosive material from inside his vehicle at the resort hotel. Incidentally, its worth mentioning in a week where FBI combed through one of Paddock s properties in Reno, there was a reported break-in.NOTE Reports of Paddock scouting other locations prior to the apparent shooting, takes public attention away from the lack of CCTV footage, the shaky timeline details and the lack of motive in the Las Vegas mass shooting crime Rather intriguingly, Paddock is stated to have previously been an internal auditor for the predecessor company of Lockheed Martin during the mid 1980 s. Lockheed Martin is of course among the world s largest defense contracting companies and has been tied to other high-profile American mysteries such as the JonBen t Ramsey case. The defense contracting and intel linked giant has not disclosed exactly which predecessor employed Paddock but the Maryland-based defense contractor was formed during the merger of Lockheed Corporation and Martin Marietta in 1995.The discovery of Paddock s employment history and his personal wealth has added confusion to the high stakes shock and awe shooting event that took place in Las Vegas this week.Official reports also state that Paddock was the owner of a residence some 80 miles outside of Las Vegas in Mesquite, Nevada. In addition to that, according to public records, he appeared live at an apartment complex he owned in Mesquite, Texas, while residing at a retirement community in Reno with his girlfriend 62 year-old Marilou Danley. All in all, according media, the apparent multimillionaire Paddock, lived a transitory life, supposedly having some 27 different residences throughout the US.According to additional media reports, The 64-year-old s friends and family said they never suspected Paddock of planning a shooting, and Las Vegas police said he was not on their radar prior to him committing the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history. Continuing, reports also state that He [Paddock] also worked as a letter carrier for the US Postal Service in the 70s, as an IRS agent from 1978 to 1984, adding to the obtuse profile of the suspected lone gunman.On a strange note, the Las Vegas shooting story seemed to echo elements of a shooting that took place at a hotel and casino in the Philippine capital, Manila in June of 2017. What are the chances of this very odd coincidence? WORLD TRAVELER -Paddock on an overseas trip believed to be the Philippines in April of 2013. (Image Source: ghananews)As the media stylized profile of Paddock and those around him has grown, the FBI, police and media diverted the public s attention to Danley, Paddock s girlfriend, a former casino hostess who was supposedly out of the country in the Philippines at the time of the Mandalay Bay shooting. Danley s trip was paid for by Paddock, who is stated to have also wired $127,000 to her family reportedly to buy a home.Adding to the concern of wired funds, intense scrutiny surrounded a suspicious claim that a mysterious woman allegedly gave a dire warning to concert goers some 45 minutes before the last night of the Route 91 Festival. The overlapping narratives were said not to be related according to police, nevertheless the two different aspects were conflated, prompting Danley to be named a person of interest who was then flown back to the US for additional FBI questioning. Interestingly, some critics have questioned the validity of the warning prior to the concert due to the nature of the televised interview.The search for Danley s whereabouts prior to the Las Vegas shooting spanned some seven countries dating back to mid September and according to neighbors, she hadn t been seen since August.Here s a passage from CNN that revealed the following details: Danley, 62, who travels on an Australian passport, arrived in the Philippines from Tokyo on September 15, then left for Hong Kong on September 22 and flew back to the Philippines on September 25, said Maria Antoinette Mangrobang, a spokeswoman for the Philippine Bureau of Immigration. The confusing dynamic prompted Danley and her attorneys to later issue a statement claiming she had no prior knowledge of the mass shooting.On October 10th, CBS news reported the following: CBS News senior investigative producer Pat Milton reports authorities were continuing to comb through Paddock s electronic devices including a laptop and cellphone at the FBI crime lab in Quantico, Virginia. So far, none of the devices point to a motive for the shooting rampage. This added to new details suggesting Paddock s vague use of a freight elevator, something according top casino owner Steve Wynn, wouldn t have happened at his property.Here s a second interview with Eric Paddock, the alleged shooter s brother, who creates his own theory as to how Paddock may have gotten weapons up to the Mandalay Bay suite. Watch and listen to his baffling interview with media Other background information revealed that Patrick Benjamin Paddock (left photo), Paddock s father, was apparently arrested in 1961 for robbing a Valley National Bank in Phoenix in 1960 something which later landed the elder Paddock on the FBI s most wanted list after escaping a 20-year prison term at Federal Correctional Institution at La Tuna, Texas. In 1978, Patrick Paddock was arrested in Oregon where he was running a bingo parlor under assumed identity Bruce Werner Ericksen.The crystallization of Paddock s surreal and hard to believe ancestral lineage creates a criminal hall of mirrors all the way from the mind bending counter-culture of the 1960 s to today s Las Vegas mass shooting.Very often with hyper-real crimes, there s a stark portrait that emerges regarding any suspected killer and in the case of Paddock this was no exception. The man named as the Mandalay Bay shooter had no previous criminal record and was described as a quiet, generous man by family members and one alleged neighbor, as other media reports painted the apparent killer as someone who may have had trouble controlling his behavior, even suggesting he may have had an abusive personality in the past.However, what seems to be missing in most of these cases, is a more balanced psychological profile of these solo actors, as there is usually an incomplete picture that makes little to no sense at all after only a handful of people who knew the purported murderer speak with media. Furthermore, you have to wonder why years of business associates and more acquaintances and friends have not come forward with any additional information.Additionally, there have other suspicious sidebars concerning the Las Vegas shooting. One such story was posted on the message board and popular hacker hangout site, 4chan. The story in question was also discussed on Reddit, and was a near carbon copy of the story that transpired prior to the Oregon shooting at UCC.Here s a passage from a 21WIRE report regarding the October 1st, 2015 UCC shooting which was exactly two years to the day of the Las Vegas mass shooting:As evidence of advanced knowledge of the Oregon shooting event surfaced on 4chan, many have become concerned and even suspicious of the claims. The following is passage is from Salon.com that discusses the suspicious alert prior to the UCC campus shooting: Federal officials announced they were investigating a recent 4chan exchange that appeared to predict the rampage. In a cryptic post on the /r9k board on Wednesday, an anonymous poster with an image of Pepe the Frog holding a gun reportedly posted, Some of you guys are alright. Don t go to school tomorrow if you are in the northwest. happening thread will be posted tomorrow morning. so long space robots. 4chan has been rife with controversy since its inception, as some critics think it may indeed be a limited hangout for the intelligence community. And due to the suspect nature of the website, a bevy of internet researchers have questioned the highly orchestrated law enforcement response in the aftermath of the UCC shooting via the apparent 4chan warning.A more recent 4chan post seemed to propel additional misinformation regarding nature of the shooting.During this same time, SITE Intelligence injected an ISIS meme into this event without revealing any solid evidence. This then prompted an apparent official statement that echoed those dubious claims from ISIS. So far, these claims linger though they ve failed to produce any connection to ISIS.As we ve noted numerous times here at 21WIRE, the intelligence monitoring group called SITE, has ties to both the CIA and Israeli intelligence. The group has also had ethical concerns raised over the nature of their intel gathering in the last decade and according to the group s founder, Rita Katz they ve managed to release terror related material linked to ISIS prior to the group itself.Kip Herriage a former financial advisor and venture capitalist from Wall Street published a report examining suspicious trading involving MGM on a sister site linked to his website Virtual Research Advisory. The startling passage below suggests that there was an excessive amount of shares sold off by MGM CEO/Chairman in the weeks leading up to the Las Vegas shooting.We at 21WIRE cannot verify all of Herriage s claims but given his background and pedigree, this post should be reviewed for further consideration, as it appears to be another strange element revealed in the aftermath of the Las Vegas massacre: We will examine the share price movements of two gun manufacturers (American Outdoor Brands and Sturm Ruger) and the share price movement of MGM (which owns Mandalay Bay). We will also examine additional financial events surrounding MGM, including what can only be referred to as massive levels of insider selling in the shares of MGM, by the CEO/Chairman and MGM officers/directors. As you ll see, more than $200 million in MGM shares were sold in the weeks leading up to the attack. On October 2nd, there were reports that shares for Las Vegas casinos took a significant fall after the October 1st shooting.CNBC disclosed those details: MGM Resorts International, which owns the Mandalay Bay hotel near where the shooting occurred, fell 5.6 percent Monday. Wynn Resortsslipped 1.2 percent. Las Vegas Sands fell as much as 2.1 percent before closing higher. LIVE DRILL Las Vegas has been at the forefront of active shooter training. ( Image Source: sinclairstoryline)Las Vegas Active Shooter Drills Back in 2014, during another high-profile Las Vegas shooting, 21WIRE revealed that Nevada officials sought to increase their budget to thwart potential terror related activity, according to KoloTV in Las Vegas: Nevada s Homeland Security Commission on Thursday approved a grant allocation plan that will increase funding for the region s fusion center to nearly $1.1 million, up from $750,000 this year.The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports Las Vegas was ranked too low on a threat assessment list to receive federal funding in the current federal budget, a move that brought swift criticism from Nevada officials.For the coming fiscal year that begins Oct. 1, Las Vegas will receive $950,000 in the special funding. That s on top of statewide counter terrorism funding totaling $3.5 million. Later it was learned that funds were said to have been allocated for 20 additional ongoing programs throughout the state.The Las Vegas Review-Journal revealed the city s longtime practice of active shooter scenarios started in 2009 in the wake of a series suspicious intelligence linked attacks in Mumbai, India. Emergency responders in Las Vegas have spent years training to respond to a mass casualty event such as Sunday night s massacre, officials said Thursday.We knew what to do, Clark County Fire Department Chief Greg Cassell told reporters. It was much grander than we ever envisioned. However, we were able to handle it because of our people, our training, our professionalism and our equipment and our relationships. The report continued, with a focus on specific locations for shooter drills: Our job is to work with all first responding agencies and coordinate a response, Clarkson said.After the plan was developed, emergency responders ran drills at hospitals, hotels, schools and malls. Because that s where historically these things are taking place, Cassell said. Here s footage of a Las Vegas Active shooter drill taking place at City Hall in August of 2016 Interestingly, the night of the Las Vegas shooting there have been other claims surrounding additional information concerning active shooter related activity, which could support other theories and suspicious activity said to have taken place the same night as the tragic events unfolded at the Route 91 Festival.COINTELPRO, Gangs and Counter-gangs Some questions have emerged from the ether of the internet concerning the FBI and the Las Vegas shooting.Over the past several years, the FBI has been routinely caught foiling their very own terror plots. QUESTION: Is it possible the FBI or any or intelligence agency played some part in the Las Vegas massacre whether inadvertently or otherwise?In the search for answers regarding the investigative tactics of various intelligence agencies that have come into question, there s none perhaps more dubious than the Newburgh FBI sting that resulted in the entrapment four men who participated in a fabricated event created by the bureau.Here s a 2011 passage from The Guardian describing how a FBI informant named Shahed Hussain coerced four others into a fake terror plot: The Newburgh Four now languish in jail. Hussain does not. For Hussain was a fake. In fact, Hussain worked for the FBI as an informant trawling mosques in hope of picking up radicals.Yet far from being active militants, the four men he attracted were impoverished individuals struggling with Newburgh s grim epidemic of crack, drug crime and poverty. One had mental issues so severe his apartment contained bottles of his own urine. He also believed Florida was a foreign country.Hussain offered the men huge financial inducements to carry out the plot including $250,000 to one man and free holidays and expensive cars.As defence lawyers poured through the evidence, the Newburgh Four came to represent the most extreme form of a controversial FBI policy to use invented terrorist plots to lure targets. There has been no case as egregious as this. It is unique in the incentive the government provided. A quarter million dollars? said Professor Karen Greenberg, a terrorism expert at Fordham University. The reputation of the FBI has suffered greatly in the recent past as well as over the past couple of decades. Following the 1993 WTC bombing, the FBI was revealed to have been handling Emad A. Salem, a former Egyptian army officer who was a prized undercover operative thrust into confidential informant status and person who played a key role in the bomb plot.Domestically in America, it has been well documented that the FBI created a counter-intelligence program known as COINTELPRO, not only as a way to influence, but also a way to disrupt and coerce political factions from the inside out. The FBI program infiltrated countless groups and movements across the political spectrum.According to reports these groups included but were not limited to the following, The Black Panther Party, The Communist Party of America, the Ku Klux Klan, the Socialist Workers Party, the New Left, the Students for a Democratic Society, the American Indian Movement, the Chicano Movement, the Puerto Rican Liberation Movement, Communist groups, anti-war organizations, Hollywood stars sympathetic to these groups, and civil rights leaders. On March 8th 1971, secret files from the FBI office in Media, Pennsylvania, were allegedly stolen and subsequently released to media organizations, revealing for the first time the scope of the FBI s domestic spying and infiltration on political and protest groups in America. After two months of planning, a group calling themselves The Citizens Commission to Investigate the FBI, decided to break-in to a small town FBI office the same night as the first historic bout between heavyweight boxers Joe Frazier and Muhammad Ali at Madison Square Garden.Some of the Citizens Commission members involved in the Media office burglary were never revealed and rather strangely, the case was never solved even though 200 FBI agents had worked the case. In fact, there were no alarms, surveillance cameras, or locks on most of the filing cabinets, at the FBI office in Media.The courts later ordered the FBI to reveal part of their counterintelligence program, disclosing six operations run by FBI field offices throughout the country. The documents also revealed a specific emphasis to funnel covert aid to White Hate Groups, from 1964-71, that largely diverted those funds to the KKK, as long as they choose COINTEL PRO targets. Similarly, FBI efforts to infiltrate New Left groups and the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) fixating on ant-war, student and feminist causes.Between 1956 and 1971 the FBI s controversial program influenced and radicalized hundreds of left-wing and right-wing groups to control and neutralize political dissidents across America.Also throughout the 1960 s and the 1970 s the CIA s Operation CHAOS collected substantial amounts of information on domestic dissidents from 1967 to 1973, as admitted by the CIA. The secretive intelligence operation was also related to the overseas Phoenix Program (Operation Phoenix) which was used in Vietnam to tear apart the political infrastructure through the use of informants, agent provocateurs, and targeted assassinations.Interestingly though, the prototype for modern deep state intelligence programs goes back to the formation of the Office of the Coordinator of Information (COI) an intelligence propaganda agency in 1941 that was succeeded by Office of Strategic Services (OSS) a wartime intelligence apparatus created in 1942 that focused on psychological warfare. OSS agents also worked closely with British Security Coordination (BSC).Similarly, on a global scale, NATO s paramilitary-style stay-behind-armies were said to have comprised Operation GLADIO. The origins of GLADIO have been well documented and the secretive counterintelligence operation has been linked to a wave of right-wing false flag terror attacks across Europe throughout the 1950 s into the 1980 s. The anti-communist organizational designs were directly connected to that of the CIA and MI6 in particular, with the US and British special forces reportedly facilitating the training.From this, we can view global operations like GLADIO in addition to the post-9/11 War On Terror security surge as a form of power politics used to aggressively influence the foreign policy of other nations through the use of covert militarization.Below Dr. Daniele Ganser discusses his seminal 2005 book (above left photo), NATO s Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in Western Europe. Ganser asserts that covert armies were used to subvert the political interests of various nations through the implementation of a Cold-War era strategy of tension Here at 21WIRE, we ve kept a running report on known wolf actors involved in many attacks on Western soil, here s another look at other suspicious intelligence informant and terror cases that have held that distinction over the years:Tamerlan Tsarnaev (see his story here) Buford Rogers (see his story here) Jerad Miller (see his story here) Naji Mansour (see his story here) Quazi Mohammad Nafis (see his story here) Mohamed Osman Mohamud (see his story here) Timothy McVeigh (see his story here) Salim Benghalem (see his story here) Michael Adebolajo (see his story here) Daba Deng (see his story here) Elton Simpson (see his story here) Man Haron Monis (see his story here) Abu Hamza (see his story here) Haroon Rashid Aswat (see his story here) Mark Vicars (see his story here) Glen Rodgers (see his story here) Omar Mateen (see his story here) Tashfeen Malik (see her story here) Djamel Beghal (see his story here) Anjem Choudary (see his story here) Cherif Kouachi (see his story here) Said Kouachi (see his story here) Amedy Coulibaly (see his story here) Hayat Boumeddiene (see her story here) Salah Abdeslam (see his story here) Michael Zehaf-Bibeau (see his story here) Nidal Malik Hassan (see his story here) Abdelhakim Dekhar (see his story here) Abdelhamid Abaaoud (see his story here) Samy Amimour (see his story here) Isma l Omar Mostefa (see his story here) Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel (see his story here) Anis Amri (see his story here) Esteban Santiago-Ruiz (see his story here) Abdulkadir Masharipov (see his story here) Khalid Masood (see his story here) Khuram Butt (see his story here) Youssef Zaghba (see his story here)Following America s previous most deadly mass shooting in Orlando were reports revealing that the FBI had a close relationship with the suspected attacker through the use of a well-known confidential informant. Similarly, recent reports state that FBI, court filings have revealed how the agency allowed an alleged home grown ISIS attack to take place in Garland, Texas. 21WIRE previously uncovered suspicious elements in the cartoon event in Garland back when it happened.QUESTION: Could this have been this case in the Las Vegas shooting, or was something else at play?Shortly after the Pulse nightclub shooting attack in Orlando, it was revealed that the suspected gunman Omar Mateen had been attending services at a Mosque, meeting with a known FBI informant named Marcus Dwayne Robertson (see left also played role in 1993 WTC bombing). Robertson was a former US Marine turned bank robber turned radical imam. Here s this passage from Fox News describing Robertson s role in backdrop of the Orlando shooting saga: It is no coincidence that this happened in Orlando, said a law enforcement source familiar with Robertson s history of recruiting terrorists and inciting violence. Mateen was enrolled in [Robertson s online] Fundamental Islamic Knowledge Seminary.Robertson and several associates were rounded up for questioning early Sunday, according to law enforcement sources, a development his attorney refused to confirm or deny. Back in June of 2016, here at 21WIRE, we discussed how the most important aspect of the FBI supplied 911 transcript had gone virtually unnoticed as there was nothing in the contents of the transcript that discussed an actual shooting occurring inside of the Pulse nightclub.While the report was a basic outline America s largest mass shooting at the time, it failed to account for any of the shootings said to have occurred within the interior of Pulse. There was no mention of bar patrons being shot or reportedly shot at in the FBI s official narrative. It s as if the mainstream media and authorities left out the biggest piece of the investigation, as the implications of who shot who and when are extremely significant forensically speaking.Even though the circumstances are different in Las Vegas and in the case of Orlando, in both events, law enforcement struggled to piece together a timeline, quickly followed by a series of revisions in the official story.Strange Profile, Strange Coincidence?As mainstream media and police dance around certain details that may or may not be associated with the man said to be responsible for the Las Vegas mass shooting, a mixture of raw public analysis, military expertise and online investigative work has shed light on a compelling case that could be discussed for sometime.Here s an interesting section from an article about two Twin Cities professors that are studying the psychological patterns of mass shootings. Here s a passage from a recent MPR news report that suggests that Paddock s killer profile is very unusual when compared with more than hundred case entries: Jillian Peterson, a Hamline University assistant professor of criminology and criminal justice, and James Densley, an associate professor of criminal justice at Metropolitan State University, hope to better understand why mass shootings happen and identify ways to prevent them.This shooter is a little different, compared to the data we have, said Peterson, a forensic psychologist. He s significantly older than average, the average age is mid-30s. Social media presence is also something we usually see, some sort of radicalization on social media or wanting to go viral on social media. In this case the shooter was not active on social media, didn t seem to have any social media accounts. While some have attempted to make sense of the Las Vegas shooting tragedy, there are reports of a heavy revamp of security in the hospitality industry through the use of gunfire detection systems, X-ray, body scanners and facial recognition in the wake of this confusing, if not partly manufactured event.The concept of a lone wolf killer in today s world has reprogrammed the public mind just as the serial killer phenomenon did decades ago. This new fear-based saga has ushered in improbable Hollywood-style scenarios, inducing a frozen apathy across the masses rather than looking deeply at crime scene forensics or pour over piles of collected data, these Daily Shooter crimes hold the public psyche hostage until the next unexplained mass tragedy.Undoubtedly, modern America s most deadliest mass shooting has left a number of questions in its wake.*** 21WIRE associate editor Shawn Helton is a researcher and writer, specializing in forensic analysis of high-profile crime scene and counter terrorism investigations, and the deconstruction and analysis of the mass-media coverage surrounding those cases. He has compiled an extensive body of work covering a number of high-profile events since 2012.SEE ALSO: Another Revision in Las Vegas Mass Shooting Amid Mandalay Bay Security Guard s Media SilenceREAD MORE DAILY SHOOTER NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Daily Shooter FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
Lessons from Obama's deal with Iran
In April, President Obama announced the framework of a deal that he said would prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. “We only have three options for addressing Iran’s nuclear program” -- cutting a deal with Iran, “starting another war in the Middle East” or “hope for the best.” In deploying his favorite rhetorical device, the president reaffirmed to the world he only really saw one option: cutting a deal with Iran no matter the cost. If after witnessing six years of President Obama’s weak and feckless foreign policy wasn’t enough to embolden the regime in Tehran, President Obama’s comments in April must have convinced the mullahs they had the American president right where they wanted him. The price for President Obama’s penchant for negotiating from weakness is now clear. The deal announced with much fanfare by the White House two weeks ago comes nowhere close to the deal President Obama promised the American people he’d get. Far from the promise of preventing “Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” the deal brokered by President Obama and Secretaries of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry guarantees that the world’s foremost state sponsor of terror will be a nuclear threshold state in the next 15 years, but probably much sooner. The details of the breadth and scope of President Obama’s capitulations to Tehran are startling, even by his standards. But most alarming of all is the realization that President Obama decided to elevate an evil and illegitimate third-rate autocracy. In order to ensure that the damage done by President Obama can be repaired, we need to learn the lessons of his failures. They began long before he reached the White House, when during his campaign for the presidency he announced his willingness to meet, without preconditions, with the leaders of Iran, Syria, Venezuela, Cuba and North Korea. When American presidents speak, leaders around the world, both friends and foes, listen. And the listening begins long before the president is sworn into office. In addition, how candidates aspiring for the presidency now talk about Iran will send a clear signal to the world about their foreign policy vision. Our allies and adversaries alike want to know whether America will continue the retreat from the world begun by President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, or will America return to its indispensable leadership role in the world? Making that case begins now, by making it clear to the American people and the world that this is President Obama’s deal with Iran, not America’s deal with Iran. The next President must campaign for the office on the principle that has long guided American foreign policy toward Iran – that the regime cannot have mastery of dangerous nuclear technologies. Period. The next president must re-impose the sanctions waived by President Obama and work with Congress to impose new crushing sanctions on Iran’s leaders for their ongoing support for terrorism and brutal human rights abuses. This will require engagement with our European allies to lead them toward a different approach to Iran than the Obama-Clinton approach. Part of this reengagement must make it clear that European security does not benefit by empowering Iran’s terrorist proxies and missiles that can hit Europe’s cities. But the rest of the world also needs to realize that if Europe intends to pursue a strategy that empowers an unreformed Iran, America will put our security interests first. The next president must give Iran a choice: change your behavior, or face the collapse of your economy due to U.S. pressure.  Despite its inflammatory rhetoric, Iran’s clerical dictatorship has immense vulnerabilities. Iran’s economy continues to suffer from inflation and unemployment while rampant corruption plagues the state at all levels. A strategy of pressure will not just focus on Iran’s economy, but also its regional position. For Iran’s leaders to make painful concessions they have avoided thus far, they need to understand that there are consequences for their actions. The U.S. should undertake a systematic effort to isolate Iran in the Middle East. The Islamic Republic, its clients and proxies, should find no sanctuary in the region. The U.S. must do all it can to counter Iran’s nefarious plots in places like Iraq, Lebanon, Gaza, Syria or Yemen. This will be advanced by shoring up our alliance with Israel. The first step will be an end to the threatening rhetoric from senior U.S. officials warning of Israeli isolation and dismissing Israeli government leaders “who know what they’re talking about.” President Obama’s capitulation has made it more difficult, but not impossible, to prevent a nuclear Iran.  He has failed with Iran because he has failed as president.  This may be the best deal that a weak president can achieve, but a strong, trusted and respected America can do much better. Those who aspire to lead the greatest nation on Earth cannot wait until 2017 to begin making the case for a new approach toward this critical issue to the American people, and the world. Republican Marco Rubio represents Florida in the U.S. Senate. He is a member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation and was a candidate for the Republican nomination for president in 2016.
BRAVO! GAY LEGAL IMMIGRANT Designer Made PRO-TRUMP Dress Worn By BLACK Grammy Attendee Joy Villa…Says He’s “Example Of American Dream”…Standing Up For Constitution [VIDEO]
It s more so about love, he said of the red, white and blue gown. We all live on this planet. I ve never been in the political area. However, it s just so crazy that people are getting beat up because they voted for Trump, or this and that, someone wants to bomb the White House .I am an American, I moved here from the Philippines and I highly believed in the trueness of what this country can bring. It s about bringing people together, that s the message. Soriano skirted questions regarding the meat of his political beliefs, but said he is proud American and believes that he is an example of the American Dream. He was first discovered on Rihanna s Bravo reality show, Styled to Rock, and launched his label in San Diego in 2013, selling ready-to-wear and red carpet looks online only. He is a naturalized citizen. There are a lot of people that are in power that really misconstrued what this country stands for, he said. I love this country. I m from the Philippine islands, I am a proud American. I really love this country. I am a minority, Joy is black. America is about immigrants. BillboardFox and Friends interviewed gay, immigrant designer Andre Soriano this morning. Watch:Here is one of singer Joy Villa s statements on Twitter about her dress:Go big, or go home. You can either stand for what you believe or fall for what you don't. https://t.co/PYArl1BnI6 pic.twitter.com/msBfZnCPYV Joy Villa (@Joy_Villa) February 13, 2017#JoyVilla demonstrates how to trigger a liberal in less than five seconds. https://t.co/hmFIphW0WH Not Elizabeth (@NotElizabeth88) February 13, 2017Although the Left pretty much went off the deep-end after Villa blind-sided them with her pro-Trump dress debut (including making death-threats against her), there were more people on Twitter who approved of Villa s dress with the pro-Trump, pro-American unity message. Blacks, Latinas, women and men all came out in support of her.Watch this tearful, heartfelt message from an American Latina woman:Message for my sister @Joy_Villa Thank you for your courage and your message of love and unity! So needed! @AwakenOne16 @brunelldonald pic.twitter.com/qHs2IJGiqH Ex-Dem Latina (@terrymendozer) February 13, 2017And Liz4Real, a beautiful black conservative woman tells Villa, I am your sister and fellow American. I stand with you as you STOOD UP for all of us tonight. DOT: @Joy_Villa I am your sister and fellow American. I stand with you as you STOOD UP for all of us tonight @terrymendozer @brunelldonald https://t.co/SsZS2ZlFK5 Liz 4Real (@AwakenOne16) February 13, 2017Gay Republican group Log Cabin Republicans were quick to show their support for Trump dress designer Andre Soriano:Gay designer @andresoriano created tonight's showstopping #MakeAmericaGreatAgain dress for @Joy_Villa at tonight's #GRAMMYs #MAGA pic.twitter.com/s1u1yDab9X LogCabinRepublicans (@LogCabinGOP) February 13, 2017don't forget to give love to the designer behind it all. trump advocate and flamboyant immigrant designer @andresoriano Clint Gorou (@_habibilicious_) February 13, 2017As usual, Trump supporters are putting their money where their mouths are. As soon as Americans found out who Villa was, they went to iTunes and began purchasing her music as a way to show their support for her:so many are buying it that iTunes is bogged down! We've got your back! susieyarb (@susieyarb) February 13, 2017Villa s music on iTunes quickly shot to #1:https://twitter.com/TEN_GOP/status/831171636216860675Best Dress Award goes to @Joy_Villa #GRAMMYs #JoyVilla #MAGA pic.twitter.com/N8yL0giDkv Deplorable Melissa (@sweetatertot2) February 13, 2017
CLAREMONT COLLEGES “Students Of Color” REFUSE To Live With Whites: “I don’t want to live with any white folks”…”Don’t see how this is racist at all”
Are these students bullies? Are they racists? Perhaps they re both. Who in the world would want to hire these openly racist students when they graduate? When did it become okay for Hispanics and Blacks to openly discriminate against people who don t have the same skin color? A group of students at the Claremont Colleges in search of a roommate insist that the roommate not be white.Student Kar Ure a (PZ 18) posted on Facebook that non-white students in need of housing arrangements should reach out to either her or two other students with whom she plans to live in an off-campus house. The post states that POC [people of color] only will be considered for this living opportunity. I don t want to live with any white folks, Ure a added.Dalia Zada (PZ 18) expressed concerns to the anti-white discrimination. POC only? Maybe I m missing something or misunderstanding your post, but how is that not a racist thing to say? This is directed to protect POC, not white people. Don t see how this is racist at all responded AJ Le n (PZ 18), a member of the Pitzer Latino Student Union. People of color are allowed to create safe POC only spaces. It is not reverse racism or discriminatory, it is self preservation [sic], Sara Roschdi (PZ 17), another Pitzer Latino Student Union member, stated. Reverse racism isn t a thing. We don t want to have to tiptoe around fragile white feelings in a space where we just want to relax and be comfortable, commented Nina Lee, a Women s Studies major. I could live with white people, but I would be far more comfortable living with other poc. It is not clear whether or not this refusal of dialogue represents the approaches to conversation on racism with fellow students encouraged by professors of Africana Studies or the Residence Life staff at Pitzer College.Another RA and Black Student Union member, Jessica Saint-Fleur (PZ 18) added to the thread of comments, White people have cause [sic] so much mf [sic] trauma on these campuses why in the world would I want to live with that? Bring that into my home? A place that is supposed to be safe for me? The Mission and Values section of Pitzer College s website states, Intercultural Understanding enables Pitzer students to comprehend issues and events from cultural lenses beyond their own. It also adds that [Pitzer College] supports the thoughtful exchange of ideas to increase understanding and awareness, and to work across difference without intimidation. We have the right to be heard and the responsibility to listen. Communication, even at its most vigorous, should be respectful and without intent to harm. Campus ReformVia: Claremont Independent
U.S., Germany eye ways to deepen cyber collaboration
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Senior U.S. and German officials agreed this week to deepen their collaboration on a range of cyber issues, including working to promote norms for responsible state behavior in cyberspace and expanding training in developing countries. The two governments underscored their shared strategic goals in a joint statement issued Thursday after a two-day annual bilateral meeting on cyber issues. Christopher Painter, cyber coordinator for the U.S. State Department, said the two countries already worked together closely in many areas, including law enforcement, human rights and other areas, but the fourth annual talks were focused on a broader, “whole-of-government” approach. “Having this annual discussion ... brings all the agencies together and it’s a good way to take stock and make sure we’re going in the right direction and thinking about how we can collaborate even further,” he told Reuters in an interview. Ties between Germany and the United States remain strong despite tensions that flared after documents released by whistleblower Edward Snowden in 2013, which showed the National Security Agency had spied on German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Painter said he had spoken in Germany many times since that incident and Washington had not shied away from engaging Germany on the issue of surveillance and privacy. But he said it was not hampering cooperation and collaboration in other cyber areas. “This is something that we continue to address and we take seriously,” he said. “At the same time ... we can’t let that discussion, as important as it is, divide us and detract us from talking about all the other issues we have in common and the long-term goals we have.” Painter said the two sides welcomed a consensus 2015 UN Group of Governmental Experts report which affirmed that international law applied in cyberspace, and adoption of additional confidence-building measures. Germany planned to continue working for wider adoption of cyber norms in its role as the new chairman of the 57-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation (OSCE), he said. Given limited personnel and resources, the two countries also planned to share information on their training work in Africa, Latin America and other parts of the developing world. “We all have limited resources, so it’s very helpful for us to share what we’re doing so we’re not all training the same three guys in a country.” The next bilateral cyber dialogue will occur in Berlin in 2017.
STAND UP AND CHEER! UKIP Party Leader SLAMS Germany, France And EU Invasion Of Phony Refugees [VIDEO]
He s been Europe s version of the outspoken Ted Cruz for some time now. Nigel Farage, leader of the UK Independence Party may be the most disliked member of the European Parliment. But he plows ahead, ignorning the open sneers and insults by his fellow members of the EU Parliment. In what must count as perhaps the worst piece of public policy seen in modern Europe for half a century. When you compound it with an already failing and flawed EU common asylum policy, by saying to the whole world, Please come to Europe. and we saw frankly, virtually a stampede, and we learned that 80% of those that are coming are not Syrian refugees. In fact, what you ve done is opened the door to young, male, economic migrants, many of whom I have to say behave quite in a rather an aggressive manner, quite the opposite of what you would expect to see of any refugee. And yet when that failure is met by objections from countries like Hungary, their opinions are crushed. This isn t a Europe of peace, it s a Europe of division, it s a Europe of disharmony, it s a Europe that s a recipe for resentment. And yet, faced with all this failure, both of you said the same thing today. You said, Europe isn t working so let s have some more Europe, more of the same failing. Well there is I think, a bright star on the horizon. It s called the British referendum. And given that none of you want to concede Britain the ability to take back control of her own borders, a Brexit now, looks more likely than at any other time. We could use about 100 Nigel Farage s in our U.S. Congress .https://youtu.be/GbJp8zxduWk
Some Republican pundits, politicians remain defiantly #NeverTrump
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Several Republicans took to social media Wednesday to declare they will never back Donald Trump for U.S. president even after Ted Cruz, the billionaire businessman’s closest rival, dropped out of the race for the party nomination. The anti-Trump declarations came from a range of quarters, including at least one Republican U.S. senator and a number of political commentators who have been leading voices of the #NeverTrump movement that has resisted his candidacy. Trump’s victory in the Indiana primary on Tuesday prompted Cruz’s surprise decision to suspend his campaign and left Trump a largely uncontested path to securing the roughly 200 delegates he still needs to lock down the Republican presidential nomination for the Nov. 8 election. “Reporters keep asking if Indiana changes anything for me. The answer is simple: No,” U.S. Senator Ben Sasse of Nebraska said on Twitter. Sasse included a link to a February Facebook post in which he appealed to Trump backers to drop their support. Mark Salter, a former speech writer for Senator John McCain, said he would support former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the leading candidate for the Democratic nomination, over Trump. “The GOP is going to nominate for President a guy who reads the National Enquirer and thinks it’s on the level. I’m with her,” Salter (@MarkSalter55) tweeted, referring to a common rallying cry among Clinton supporters. But the high-profile “Stop Trump” or “Never Trump” effort launched by conservative Republicans failed to significantly slow Trump’s momentum and appeared not to have achieved its mission as the date nears for the Republicans’ convention in July. After Trump’s Indiana victory on Tuesday night, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called for the party to back Trump. “@realDonaldTrump will be presumptive @GOP nominee, we all need to unite and focus on defeating @HillaryClinton #NeverClinton,” Priebus (@Reince) tweeted. Still, it was clear that Trump faces some difficulty bringing all Republicans on board. Bill Kristol, a neoconservative and editor of the Weekly Standard, offered a scathing retort to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s call to back Trump. “If you’re for Trump you functionally are for a man unfit to be president, & for the degradation of [American] conservatism,” tweeted Kristol (@BillKristol) early Wednesday. “Never ever ever Trump. Simple as that,” tweeted Tim Miller (@Timodc), former campaign communications director for Jeb Bush, who dropped out of the White House race earlier this year. Several Republican voters said on Twitter that they were changing their party affiliation, while some posted photos of their voter registration cards lit ablaze.
Sometimes the road to diet change can be fun
Sometimes the road to diet change can be fun Ad 728×90 – HBS Account – 2149237058061490 http://blogs.naturalnews.com/sometimes-road-diet-change-can-fun/ By Hesh Goldstein Posted Friday, October 28, 2016 at 07:36am EDT When I was a kid, if I were told that I’d be writing a book about diet and nutrition when I was older, I would’ve thought that whoever told me that was out of their mind. Living in Newark, New Jersey, my parents and I consumed anything and everything that had a face or a mother except for dead, rotting, pig bodies, although we did eat bacon (as if all the other decomposing flesh bodies were somehow miraculously clean). Going through high school and college it was no different. In fact, my dietary change did not come until I was in my 30’s. Just to put things in perspective, after I graduated from Weequahic High School and before going to Seton Hall University, I had a part-time job working for a butcher. I was the delivery guy and occasionally had to go to the slaughterhouse to pick up products for the store. Needless to say, I had no consciousness nor awareness, as change never came then, despite the horrors I witnessed on an almost daily basis. After graduating with a degree in accounting from Seton Hall, I eventually got married and moved to a town called Livingston. Livingston was basically a yuppie community where everyone was judged by the neighborhood they lived in and their income. To say it was a “plastic” community would be an understatement. Livingston and the shallowness finally got to me. I told my wife I was fed up and wanted to move. She made it clear she had to be near her friends and New York City. I finally got my act together and split for Colorado. I was living with a lady in Aspen at the end of 1974, when one day she said, ” let’s become vegetarians”. I have no idea what possessed me to say it, but I said, “okay”! At that point I went to the freezer and took out about $100 worth of frozen, dead body parts and gave them to a welfare mother who lived behind us. Well, everything was great for about a week or so, and then the chick split with another guy. So here I was, a vegetarian for a couple weeks, not really knowing what to do, how to cook, or basically how to prepare anything. For about a month, I was getting by on carrot sticks, celery sticks, and yogurt. Fortunately, when I went vegan in 1990, it was a simple and natural progression. Anyway, as I walked around Aspen town, I noticed a little vegetarian restaurant called, “The Little Kitchen”. Let me back up just a little bit. It was April of 1975, the snow was melting and the runoff of Ajax Mountain filled the streets full of knee-deep mud. Now, Aspen was great to ski in, but was a bummer to walk in when the snow was melting. I was ready to call it quits and I needed a warmer place. I’ll elaborate on that in a minute. But right now, back to “The Little Kitchen”. Knowing that I was going to leave Aspen and basically a new vegetarian, I needed help. So, I cruised into the restaurant and told them my plight and asked them if they would teach me how to cook. I told them in return I would wash dishes and empty their trash. They then asked me what I did for a living and I told them I was an accountant. The owner said to me, “Let’s make a deal. You do our tax return and we’ll feed you as well”. So for the next couple of weeks I was doing their tax return, washing their dishes, emptying the trash, eating three squares a day and learning as much as I could. But, like I said, the mud was getting to me. So I picked up a travel book written by a guy named Foder. The name of the book was, “Hawaii”. Looking through the book I noticed that in Lahaina, on Maui, there was a little vegetarian restaurant called,” Mr. Natural’s”. I decided right then and there that I would go to Lahaina and work at “Mr. Natural’s.” To make a long story short, that’s exactly what happened. So, I’m working at “Mr. Natural’s” and learning everything I can about my new dietary lifestyle – it was great. Every afternoon we would close for lunch at about 1 PM and go to the Sheraton Hotel in Ka’anapali and play volleyball, while somebody stayed behind to prepare dinner. Since I was the new guy, and didn’t really know how to cook, I never thought that I would be asked to stay behind to cook dinner. Well, one afternoon, that’s exactly what happened; it was my turn. That posed a problem for me because I was at the point where I finally knew how to boil water. I was desperate, clueless and basically up the creek without a paddle. Fortunately, there was a friend of mine sitting in the gazebo at the restaurant and I asked him if he knew how to cook. He said the only thing he knew how to cook was enchiladas. He said that his enchiladas were bean-less and dairy-less. I told him that I had no idea what an enchilada was or what he was talking about, but I needed him to show me because it was my turn to do the evening meal. Well, the guys came back from playing volleyball and I’m asked what was for dinner. I told them enchiladas; the owner wasn’t thrilled. I told him that mine were bean-less and dairy-less. When he tried the enchilada he said it was incredible. Being the humble guy that I was, I smiled and said, “You expected anything less”? It apparently was so good that it was the only item on the menu that we served twice a week. In fact, after about a week, we were selling five dozen every night we had them on the menu and people would walk around Lahaina broadcasting, ‘enchilada’s at “Natural’s” tonight’. I never had to cook anything else. A year later the restaurant closed, and somehow I gravitated to a little health food store in Wailuku. I never told anyone I was an accountant and basically relegated myself to being the truck driver. The guys who were running the health food store had friends in similar businesses and farms on many of the islands. I told them that if they could organize and form one company they could probably lock in the State. That’s when they found out I was an accountant and “Down to Earth” was born. “Down to Earth” became the largest natural food store chain in the islands, and I was their Chief Financial Officer and co-manager of their biggest store for 13 years. In 1981, I started to do a weekly radio show to try and expose people to a vegetarian diet and get them away from killing innocent creatures. I still do that show today. I pay for my own airtime and have no sponsors to not compromise my honesty. One bit of a hassle was the fact that I was forced to get a Masters Degree in Nutrition to shut up all the MD’s that would call in asking for my credentials. My doing this radio show enabled me, through endless research, to see the corruption that existed within the big food industries, the big pharmaceutical companies, the biotech industries and the government agencies. This information, unconscionable as it is, enabled me to realize how broken our health system is. I left Down to Earth in 1989, got nationally certified as a sports injury massage therapist and started traveling the world with a bunch of guys that were making a martial arts movie. After doing that for about four years I finally made it back to Honolulu and got a job as a massage therapist at the Honolulu Club, one of Hawaii’s premier fitness clubs. It was there I met the love of my life who I have been with since 1998. She made me an offer I couldn’t refuse. She said,” If you want to be with me you’ve got to stop working on naked women”. So, I went back into accounting and was the Chief Financial Officer of a large construction company for many years. Going back to my Newark days when I was an infant, I had no idea what a “chicken” or “egg” or “fish” or “pig” or “cow” was. My dietary blueprint was thrust upon me by my parents as theirs was thrust upon them by their parents. It was by the grace of God that I was able to put things in their proper perspective and improve my health and elevate my consciousness. The road that I started walking down in 1975 has finally led me to the point of writing my book, A Sane Diet For An Insane World. Hopefully, the information contained therein will be enlightening, motivating, and inspiring to encourage you to make different choices. Doing what we do out of conditioning is not always the best course to follow. I am hoping that by the grace of the many friends and personalities I have encountered along my path, you will have a better perspective of what road is the best road for you to travel on, not only for your health but your consciousness as well. Aloha! To learn more about Hesh, listen to and read hundreds of health related radio shows and articles, and learn about how to stay healthy and reverse degenerative diseases through the use of organic sulfur crystals and the most incredible bee pollen ever, please visit www.healthtalkhawaii.com, or email me at heshgoldstein@gmail.com or call me at (808) 258-1177. Since going on the radio in 1981 these are the only products I began to sell because they work. Oh yeah, going to www.asanediet.com will allow you to read various parts of my book – “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”, containing a wonderful comment by Mike Adams. In Hawaii, the TV stations interview local authors about the books they write and the newspapers all do book reviews. Not one would touch “A Sane Diet For An Insane World”. Why? Because it goes against their advertising dollars. You might also like…
IN YOUR FACE! Following Obama’s Gun Control Rally, Ted Cruz Announces Engraved Shotgun Giveaway…One Lucky American Will Win
We don t need to tell you that Ted Cruz is no fan of Obama or of his insatiable desire to strip Americans of their Second Amendment right. On the heels of Obama s gun grabber rally, Ted Cruz is announcing a FREE engraved shotgun to the lucky winner of his raffle.Presidential hopeful and gun lobby favorite Ted Cruz is raffling off a shotgun engraved with his official campaign logo.To win the prize, a 12-gauge Remington 11-87 with an engraving on the stock, contestants have to submit their name, email, zip code and phone number, according to contest.When contestants enter to win, they re asked to contribute but contributions are not necessary. Per the fine print, contributing does not improve the chances of winning. Via: Guns.comThe promotion is subject to rules of eligibility. Entries must be received before midnight on Jan. 30, 2016.
Highlights: The Trump presidency on April 13 at 9:30 P.M. EDT/0130 GMT on Friday
(Reuters) - Highlights for U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration on Thursday: The United States drops a massive GBU-43 bomb, the largest non-nuclear bomb it has ever used in combat, in Afghanistan against a series of caves used by Islamic State militants, the Pentagon says. Trump says Pyongyang is a problem that “will be taken care of” amid speculation that North Korea is on the verge of a sixth nuclear test. Military force cannot resolve tension over North Korea, China warns, while an influential Chinese newspaper urges Pyongyang to halt its nuclear program in exchange for Beijing’s protection. The Trump administration is focusing its North Korea strategy on tougher economic sanctions, possibly including intercepting cargo ships and punishing Chinese banks doing business with Pyongyang, U.S. officials say. Trump says “things will work out fine” between the United States and Russia, a day after declaring U.S.-Russian relations may be at an all-time low. Trump signals he could be moving closer to the mainstream on monetary policy, saying he has not ruled out reappointment of Janet Yellen as Federal Reserve chair as he considers his choices for the U.S. central bank. [nL1N1HL14B] Trump signs a resolution that will allow U.S. states to restrict how federal funds for contraception and reproductive health are spent, a move cheered by anti-abortion campaigners. Democratic Senator Chris Van Hollen presses Deutsche Bank to release information about issues including Trump’s debt and any bank meetings with Trump administration officials, saying he has “great concern” about possible conflicts of interest. EXPORT-IMPORT BANK Trump’s office says he plans to revive the hobbled Export-Import Bank of the United States, a victory for American manufacturers such as Boeing Co and General Electric Co that have overseas customers that use the agency’s government-backed loans to purchase their products. Top Wall Street bankers say they are having positive discussions about financial regulation in Washington, and downplay the idea U.S. policymakers may force their institutions to split up. The United States is pushing for trade to be a key issue in top-level economic talks with Japan, a source says, an unwelcome development for Tokyo, which is seeking to fend off U.S. pressure to reduce the bilateral trade imbalance. Trump’s administration has focused on one group of illegal immigrants more than others: women with children, according to eight Department of Homeland Security officials interviewed by Reuters about agency planning.
BBC’s Children Show ‘Just a Girl’ is About a Transgender Child Taking Hormone Blocking Drugs
By Vigilant Citizen on November 2, 2016 By VC — Vigilant Citizen Nov 1, 2016 The BBC series aimed at children as young a six describe how Ben became Amy by taking hormones to halt puberty. It is yet another example of the agenda promoting the blurring of the genders. And they are now aiming children. Last year, I published an article entitled The Agenda Behind Bruce Jenner’s Transformation where I explained how Jenner’s sex change was intentionally publicized and celebrated because it was part of a larger agenda promoting the blurring of the genders. This agenda is even more obvious and insidious this year because there’s a conscious effort to reach children. A child with the word ‘Transgender’ stamped across the screen. This sums up what mass media has been about these past years. Click to enlarge Although ‘Amy’ is played by an actress, the story claims that she used to be boy named Ben. Click to enlarge CBBC’s series Just a Girl is the latest baffling attempt at normalizing, trivializing and even celebrating the completely unnecessary process that is childhood sex change. Freely available online on CBBC’s website, the series even teaches children about taking hormones and puberty-halting drugs. Do we truly know the effects of such drugs on one’s developing body and brain chemistry. Of course not. Why is this radical and aberrant process promoted to children? Do children need to know about hormone blockers? AND WHERE ARE THE PARENTS?! Click to enlarge In my humble opinion, parents who subject their children to radical treatments such as hormone blockers and sex change surgery should be trialed for child abuse. Instead, these things are actually encouraged in shows aimed at children and society is following suit. Some NHS clinics (such as the Tavistock Centre in North London) have been prescribing hypothalamic blockers to children as young as nine. In another case, such as a seven-year-old boy was ordered to be removed from his mother’s care as ‘she was raising him as female’. This is what the elite wants to see: Confused children wondering if they should change sex. HOW ABOUT YOU GO OUTSIDE AND RIDE A BIKE OR SOMETHING? Here are quotes taken from Just a Girl . In Just A Girl, Amy says: ‘When I was born, Mum said Dad was so pleased that he had a boy to take to the football. But Mum knew I was different. She realised early on that I was born in the wrong body.’ She adds: ‘My Mum supported me when I did a PowerPoint presentation to my class about transitioning and that I wasn’t going to come to school in boys’ clothes any more, but girls’ clothes. I wasn’t Ben, I was Amy.’ Later Amy is shown telling a friend, Josh – a boy who wants to be recognised as a girl – that she is on hormone blockers, saying it took ‘ages’ to get them after ‘loads of tests and talks at the clinic’. ‘Once they realised I was trans for real, [I] got them,’ she says. In another entry, Amy tells viewers she has developed a crush on a boy called Liam, but confides: ‘Liam thinks I’m just a girl, but I’m not. I’m trans. And what’s he going to say if he finds out? Stop being my friend? Why? I’m still me, aren’t I?’ This last bit appears to be taken straight from a neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) handbook. The goal: To confuse young minds about sex and gender. Backlash
MUSLIM PREACHER CHARGED AFTER RANTING, SPITTING “Alluha Akbar” In Police Officers Face…Screamed At Woman On Streets For Wearing “Tight Jeans”…Muslim Bystanders Cheer Him On [VIDEO]
The best part of the whole video is when this pompous Muslim street preacher tells the police officer that the woman in the tight jeans confronted him. He goes on to say, if the cop doesn t believe him, to ask any of the Muslims who are surrounding and encouraging him to berate the police officer. Things are about to get very ugly in these areas around London where Muslims have formed very strong enclaves of citizens and refugees who have no intention of assimilating with British citizens An Islamic street preacher has been arrested and charged after allegedly screaming abuse at a woman for wearing tight jeans and shouting Allah Akbar in a police officer s face.Krissoni Henderson appeared to be caught on camera angrily confronting the officer who was investigating a complaint made against the 31-year-old.The unnamed policeman was called to New Street in Birmingham city centre at around 5.30pm on July 4 following a 999 call from a 38-year-old woman who said she feared for her safety after a verbal confrontation. She alleged she had been shouted and sworn at.In the footage below, a man alleged to be Henderson is wearing traditional Islamic dress and standing with another man and a woman. Here is my witness, he appears to yell, gesturing to the woman, if you want to arrest me arrest me. He vehemently explains that the woman who complained had walked up to him rather than the other way round, making him the innocent party. Do you think I m scared? he says skeptically to the officer who is trying to reason with them.He then begins to shout with increasing force over the policeman: Freedom of speech, we are not going to take your racism anymore. We re not terrorists and we are not suicide bombers, throw your television in the dustbin. This is a free country and we can speak freely in public! He goes on to claim that the woman who complained had threatened him when she approached him. But when the officer asks if he can give him the common decency of not shouting over him the preacher continues to bellow his reasoning.And as the policeman walks away slightly to attempt to defuse the situation he yells after him, Go, go find some rapists! Again the officer asks for the common courtesy of being listened to but the preacher repeats his argument of having a witness.He apparently works himself as he confronts the fluorescent jacketed man, screaming that he is scared of no one but Allah and spitting Allah Akbar in the officer s face.Eventually the policeman turns to the crowd which has amassed and explains: This young man has the right to assembly. He can stand here and shout and alarm. He can shock and offend If he commits a public order offense then he will be arrested. However it is clear the crowd is very much on the preacher s side and as the officer walks away they begin to gather in around the man, jeering and heckling the retreating policeman. Via: Daily Mail
McConnell: Trump’s State Dept Budget Cuts ’Probably’ Can’t Pass Senate - Breitbart
Tuesday on Capitol Hill, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell ( ) said President Donald Trump’s proposed budget cuts to State Department funding would “probably not” pass in the Senate. When asked if the Senate could approve the budget that slashes state park funding, McConnell said, “Probably not. When we get to funding, the government obviously will be done on a bipartisan basis. It could be an opportunity for our Democratic friends to participate. They have chosen to not so far. And I for one, just speaking for myself, I think the diplomatic portion of the federal budget is very important. And you get results a lot cheaper frequently than you do on the defense side. So speaking for myself, I’m not in favor of reducing what we call the 150 account to that extent. But we will sort all that out in the course of deciding how much were going to spend and how we’re going to spend it. ” ( The Hill) Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN
[World socialist flag by Frankoko.] Andre Vltchek – from Moscow Itinerant Philosopher and Journalist Editor's Note Andre Vltchek’s analysis here points out important erosions of left activism, and left activists bear partial responsibility for the tumble into chaos. Hit critiques takes on extra bite in the context of the rise of racism and xenophobia, misogyny, and the crassest brutality, in the United States. It would do everyone well to wake up and carefully look at what is happening to the left. P eople all over the world are fed up with capitalism. They don’t always know how to formulate their aversions anymore (the result of a confusing ‘education’ and disinformation campaign pouring out of the West), but intuitively they are increasingly longing for socialism or even Communism; definitely for some humane, compassionate system based on social justice, kindness and anti-imperialist principles. Such sentiments are everywhere, in countries as diverse as the Philippines and Bolivia, South Africa and Kirgizstan. The rulers and propagandists in the West are well aware of this ‘dangerous trend’, and they are trying to reverse it with increasing determination – even with brutal force. In the past, they used to simply try to fully ideologically discredit all socialist and Communist thoughts. Billions of dollars were spent on propaganda and disinformation, on ‘re-education’ of the masses in all corners of the globe, on targeted scholarships and tactics aimed at dividing the Left. This approach was successful, but only to a certain degree. All over the world, the leftist revolutionary ideas would lose some ground for a while, but then they would re-emerge again, often under some new labels and banners. Lately, the Empire has begun changing its strategy. Instead of trying to contain its main adversaries, it has decided to exterminate them ‘intellectually’ once and for all. And how better to do it than by what it always does the best – by spreading confusion, nihilism and chaos! * Instead of attacking socialism and Communism directly, the Empire has begun its massive campaign to discredit most of the countries that are being governed by left-wing governments and movements. This is of course by itself nothing new. What is ‘innovative’ is that this time Western propaganda has actually began arguing that the anti-imperialist countries are essentially not left wing at all, that they are more capitalist than the West itself, that they are ‘anti-people’, and sometimes even fascist. New derogatory and thoroughly grotesque terms like ‘state capitalism’ have been invented and put to destructive work. These terms have then been repeated so often that they have become normalized, and eventually been adopted by the Western ‘soft left’, the liberal media and academia, as well as by the countless ‘progressive’ but anti-Communist movements – including anarchists. While I was told by some of the greatest revolutionary figures like Eduardo Galeano and Pramoedya Ananta Toer, that it is time for ‘un-dusting the old flags and symbols’ (and they were clearly talking about the socialist and Communist ones), the Western official propaganda and much of the Western ‘left’ were busy spreading their vitriolic but contagious doctrines that ‘the labels’ should be once and for all declared obsolete. “I don’t want to be part of any political party or any movement”, one hears increasingly from millions of couch and cafe revolutionaries in cities like London or Paris. “I don’t like to be labeled”. Or typically so in those places: “I have my own mind”. Except where there are no structures, no strong organization, no labels or flags, there can be no true victory. But who cares about victory? Soon it became clear that the ‘progressive’ Western ‘opposition’ was not truly seeking to take power or to implement real revolutionary changes. It wanted to ‘improve things at home’, instead of abolishing the entire monstrous world order. It felt cozy and comfortable being a toothless discussion club, hating everything that was truly fighting, risking life while trying to stop imperialism and the Empire from devouring the Planet. Thus was born the grand quiet alliance of the Western establishment (the Empire), the liberals and of those undefined (or of loosely defined) movements like the anarchists. It was directly antagonistic to almost all the countries where the Left was by now holding power. It ‘distrusted’ leading revolutionary figures. Needless to say – the criticism of the world revolutions has been based strictly on Western liberal values and doctrines. Those countries that decided to face the Western Empire were generally labeled as un-democratic, as being arch violators of human rights. Socialist nations became the main target of the propaganda. Their every move has been scrutinized, each error blown out of proportion. Grotesquely, the West was, as mentioned above, now criticizing them for ‘not being socialist enough, or socialist at all’. It is because the demagogues in London, New York and Paris knew perfectly well that socialism, even Communism, is once again, for many people all over the world a great asset, not liability. In the meantime, millions of ‘purists’ from the pseudo-Left in the West got engaged in endless and pointless theoretical debates about what was or not true socialism and Communism. “Is socialism, the Chinese way, truly socialism?” they are repeating, like parrots, all over Europe and North America. “Is Russia socialist at all, or is it governed by a strongman and by a bunch of selfish oligarchs?” And of course: “How socialist are countries like Iran or South Africa?” The verdict of the purists is always extremely stern. Almost nobody manages to survive the scrutiny! The purists in the West don’t hold power, and it is apparent that they don’t really want to. They bark. They philosophize. They throw sticks into the wheels of those who are truly and determinedly fighting for a better world. They ridicule the revolutions and any powerful left-leaning state. Victorious and actively militant anti-imperialist governments and nations make them feel irrelevant, obsolete, embarrassing. And the Empire knows it. It understands. It uses the soft Western left against the arch socialist and Communist enemies. It is using soft left effectively because it is selfish, cowardly and it lacks discipline. But above all, because it is self enamored. * And so, in great unison with the Western Empire’s palace propagandists, the soft Western anti-Communist ‘left’ is arguing that the governing Left all over the world is not really true left, that the countries that call themselves socialist are in fact more capitalist than the West, and the world can only be saved by some extremely vaguely defined and abstract system of collective production means (unrealistic and utopian, as nowhere except in the West and in a handful of countries inhabited by European descendants, like Argentina, would such concepts be supported by the masses). The new alliance is against China, Russia, South Africa, North Korea, Venezuela, Cuba, Syria, Iran, Eritrea; it is basically against all countries that are still opting for an independent, anti-imperialist course. All these countries are ‘wrong’. All of them are brutally ‘oppressing their people’ and in almost all of them the local ‘oligarchs are more brutal than in the West’. You look closer, and it’s all manipulation and lies, or at best half-truths. However, ‘falsehoods repeated a thousand times have a tendency of becoming the truth’, as an ‘icon’ of German Nazism explained many decades ago. And so it goes… Fabrications are sinking deeper and deeper into the sub-conscience of the people, in the West but also in countries that are being targeted. Nobody dares to protest, to scream loudly: “Nonsense! These countries are actually socialist!” What eyes are seeing and what the brains are conditioned to ‘conclude’ are suddenly two thoroughly different things. The strategy of the Western Empire is clear: it makes things thoroughly confused, too complex to understand, lacking in transparency. “Capitalist China, right-wing Russia, anti-black South Africa, state-capitalist Venezuela, monolithic and Fascist DPRK. Who would want to follow their examples? Better to accept the familiar Western fundamentalist capitalism and imperialism”. That’s what the world is being maneuvered into thinking. Brilliant indoctrination strategy! Except… Red flags, fresh from being washed, are proudly waving all over the world, once again. In China and Russia, in South Africa and in so many other places, people are proudly returning to the old labels. Not everyone can understand, anymore, but many are still able too feel, instinctively, and as a result of these basic human impulses, a violent clash between depressing deceit and simple human desires and dreams will soon become imminent. Originally published by NEO . Andre Vltchek Philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist, Andre Vltchek has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Three of his latest books are revolutionary novel “Aurora” and two bestselling works of political non-fiction: “ Exposing Lies Of The Empire ” and “ Fighting Against Western Imperialism ” . View his other books here . Andre is making films for teleSUR and Al-Mayadeen. After having lived in Latin America, Africa and Oceania, Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter . PLEASE COMMENT AND DEBATE DIRECTLY ON OUR FACEBOOK GROUP INSTALLATION Note to Commenters Due to severe hacking attacks in the recent past that brought our site down for up to 11 days with considerable loss of circulation, we exercise extreme caution in the comments we publish, as the comment box has been one of the main arteries to inject malicious code. Because of that comments may not appear immediately, but rest assured that if you are a legitimate commenter your opinion will be published within 24 hours. If your comment fails to appear, and you wish to reach us directly, send us a mail at: editor@greanvillepost.com We apologize for this inconvenience. =SUBSCRIBE TODAY! NOTHING TO LOSE, EVERYTHING TO GAIN.= free • safe • invaluable If you appreciate our articles, do the right thing and let us know by subscribing. It’s free and it implies no obligation to you— ever. We just want to have a way to reach our most loyal readers on important occasions when their input is necessary. In return you get our email newsletter compiling the best of The Greanville Post several times a week. [email-subscribers namefield=”YES” desc=”” group=”Public”] Nauseated by the Had enough of their lies, escapism, omissions and relentless manipulation?
Trump: ‘The Hour of Justice for the American Worker Has Arrived’
President Donald Trump detailed his America First agenda to Republican congressional leaders attending the annual Republican congressional retreat in Philadelphia. He promised to create millions of jobs for the American worker and reasserted his commitment to build a wall and crack down on immigration and sanctuary cities. [“It’s time to restore the civil rights of Americans to protect their jobs, their hopes, and their dreams for a much better future,” he said, vowing to enforce existing laws on immigration. “The hour of justice for the American worker has arrived. ” Trump specifically referred to Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto’s decision to cancel a meeting with him, and vowed that if they failed to respect the United States, he would “have to go another way” in their relationship. He also vowed to renegotiate multilateral trade deals, such as NAFTA and other deals that would favor American workers. “We’re going to pursue new trade deals that create higher wages and more opportunities for American workers, bringing back those magnificent words ‘Made in the USA. ’” President Trump repeatedly returned to the idea of free and fair trade and restoring America’s economic prowess. “Republicans have always been the party of American industry and the American worker,” Trump said. “We must embrace that heritage, rebuilding this country with American goods and American labor. ” Trump also reasserted his promise to repeal and replace Obamacare, implement tax reform, cut regulations, rebuild the military, and take care of America’s veterans. Republicans cheered and applauded throughout his speech as he detailed his agenda. “I am privileged to stand with you, shoulder to shoulder, as we work every single day to make America great again,” he said. “Thank you. God bless you, and God bless America. ”
Glitzy parties, bowling: Scenes from the other Republican convention
CLEVELAND (Reuters) - Bourbon flowed, a jazz band played, and pink and violet lights bathed the vaulted stone ceilings at a party thrown by a liquor producers’ lobby group on Monday for attendees of the Republican National Convention. Seven blocks away in Cleveland, in the arena where Donald Trump was to officially accept his party’s nod for the White House, a fight boiled over between Trump supporters and foes about the rules concerning his nomination. Delegates shouted at each other. The chairman tasked with keeping order briefly abandoned the podium. Microphones went dead. Typically, the Republican convention that takes place every four years is a tale of two conventions. At the official one, activists from all 50 states come to hear testimonials about their party’s presidential nominee and watch the candidate’s official coronation. At the other, Republicans in the professional class - strategists, lobbyists, pollsters, lawmakers - rub elbows at cocktail hours and concerts, woo donors at power breakfasts and toss back booze at night, all the while conducting informal business, swapping pledges of support and plans for the future. This year, the disconnect between the two conventions seemed more pronounced, several lobbyists and activists said, and some parties were more subdued. The Distilled Spirits Council’s soiree, normally a jam-packed affair, drew a more modest crowd this year, according to some Republicans who have attended it at past conventions. The council’s senior vice president, Frank Coleman, pooh-poohed the idea that attendance was down. “It was a very large venue,” he said, saying that the party still attracted about 700 people over the course of the evening. Republican strategist Ron Bonjean said there was a muted tone at some Cleveland gatherings, which he attributed to the unique relationship between Trump and his party’s establishment. Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate and a former Massachusetts governor, and Senator John McCain, the party’s 2008 nominee, hailed from the establishment and had extensive ties with businesspeople and strategists who are convention regulars. By contrast, Trump, a real estate developer and former reality TV star who has never held elective office, clinched the Republican nomination by touting his outsider status.  “You have a non-politician, a Hollywood entertainer trying to show Americans he’s fit for office, and you have Republicans who are used to coming to these things for years,” Bonjean said. The two groups, he said, weren’t mixing so smoothly. Inside the convention arena on Thursday evening, Trump fans cheered, danced to a band and roared support for a succession of speakers as they awaited the event’s finale - Trump’s speech formally accepting the nomination. But in bars and parties nearby, there was hardly any clapping and cheering as those same scenes flashed across televisions. Some Republicans flew in to Cleveland for only for a day or two, to host events for lawmakers and clients, then left before Trump’s Thursday night speech. One lobbyist for a large industrial conglomerate, who spoke on condition of anonymity, had a mission in Cleveland that had little to do with Trump: mingling with congressional Republicans and showing support for their re-election efforts. The informal convention did still take place, although more subdued. One strategist skipped a night of speeches and pageantry to gamble at a nearby casino. He won $8,000. A group of three made quick glances at a TV screen as Trump’s wife, Melania, spoke on Monday night, checking on her progress between turns at a bar with bowling lanes that had been converted to a private lounge. But there were constant reminders that Cleveland was different. As an outsider, Trump lacks the kind of donor network that is typical of major party candidates and only recently has begun to ramp up his fundraising. Before the convention started, companies that habitually donate to the RNC withheld pledges or withdrew them, leading organizers to ask casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, a generous party benefactor, for an urgent donation. A strategist who asked for help to raise a last-minute $15,000 to sponsor food and drinks at a country music concert for delegates could not find any corporate donors willing to pony up. Eight of the 12 people he contacted said they were skipping the convention entirely. On Tuesday, Trump passed up a chance to forge closer ties with more big donors when he failed to appear at a breakfast held on the field of the new football stadium in town, according to a report in Time magazine. Later that day, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie met with donors to brief them on plans for a team that would ease Trump into office if he wins the Nov. 8 election against Democrat Hillary Clinton. Such gatherings often attract billionaires and other moneyed luminaries. A man in charge of fundraising surveyed attendees in the modestly sized conference room and declared, “I think I see about $600,000 in here.”
TRUMP GIVES BRUTAL WARNING To Lawless Sanctuary Cities…There’s A New Sheriff In Town [Video]
.@KrisKobach1787: Trump has made clear that sanctuary cities could lose federal grants if the mayors continue to defy federal law pic.twitter.com/mGrYjDCdFi FOX & Friends (@foxandfriends) November 15, 2016
CLINTON PAL AND FORMER GOVERNOR: Ugly Women Won’t Vote For Trump…“There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women”
The Democrat s war on mostly ugly women Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell believes that Donald Trump will ultimately lose the support of women because of his past comments, arguing that there are more ugly women in the United States than attractive women.Rendell, a former two-term governor in the Keystone State, made the remarks to the Washington Post in a piece on Trump s attempt to make inroads with suburban voters, particularly in the Philadelphia suburbs. He told the Post s Dave Weigel that for every woman he wins, he ll lose 1 1/2 or two GOP women voters. Will he have some appeal to working-class Dems in Levittown or Bristol? Sure, Rendell told the Post. For every one he ll lose 1 1/2 , two Republican women. Trump s comments like You can t be a 10 if you re flat-chested, that ll come back to haunt him. There are probably more ugly women in America than attractive women, Rendell added. People take that stuff personally. Wendell, also a former Democratic National Committee chairman, has long been a top surrogate for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, having supported her in her 2008 bid for the White House. Via: Washington Examiner
This is just stunning! Free speech in our nations capitol under Obamas reign is now determined by your political bent Live video archived at Periscope shows U.S. Park Police officers detaining and searching a peaceful anti-Hillary Clinton demonstrator in the area of the opening ceremony for the National Museum of African-American History on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. Saturday afternoon.Here is the video the protester is referring to with his sign, where Hillary refers to young black men as super predators and suggests we need to bring them to heel. Trump supporter Jack Posobiec went to the Mall dressed in an orange prison outfit wearing a blond wig and Hillary Clinton mask while holding a sign that read Blacks are super predators H The sign referenced a controversial remark Clinton made while First Lady in the 1990s. Clinton was not at the museum opening that was attended by President Barack Obama and former President George W. Bush.DC Police Detained and Frisked me for Anti-Hillary Demonstration pic.twitter.com/CwDE6Ao9N4 Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 24, 2016After walking around on the sidewalk and closed street on the Mall near the new museum, Posobiec is surrounded by uniformed Park Police officers led by a Black officer who proceeds to interrogate Posobiec and demand his ID. The reasons for detaining and searching Posobiec ranged from holding a sign , a bogus claim of threatening the president by just being there, holding a can of Monster and an implied statement that he was annoying Black people with his demonstration.Here is a video of Jack protesting. It appears the only people offended by his protest are Obama s US Park Police. You can see the initial encounter with the US Park police at the 10:28 mark:LIVE on #Periscope: Hillary Calls Blacks Superpredators At National African American Museum https://t.co/HGIS8zrcXV Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) September 24, 2016The audio is difficult to hear at times, but the Black officer demands to know why Posobiec is protesting. He answers he is not protesting but is (garbled.)The Black officer says, You can do that anywhere. You can do that on You Tube. You can do that on Twitter. Why are you here? Posobiec s response is garbled.The Black officer then demands, Do you have any weapons on you? More back and forth and then the Black officer takes the Hillary sign from Polosiec and puts it on the ground and then orders his hands raised and put on his head and then to turn around.As the Black officer starts to search Polosiec he focuses on the photographer filming and orders his officers to search the photographer saying, You okay? You wanna check him out too cuz he s like doing all the filming. Let s make sure he doesn t have anything on him. The Black officer orders the camera being taken out of the photographer s hands so he can be properly searched.The camera continues filming at ground level while police search and interrogate the photographer who after a while appears to sit down. Prosobiec can be seen a few feet away sitting down on the sidewalk being detained by officers.After eight minutes of being detained the Black officer says to Polosiec, You are perfectly within your rights but I d advise you to (garbled) but if you come back (garbled,) The lecture is hard to hear, but the Black officer claims he doesn t care about Polosiec s politics and warns him that someone might (attack) him over the sign and the that he wouldn t come back to save you. You re free to go. The Black officer then walks over to the photographer to repeat the lecture, saying It is not a wise move to do it here, but you can do it here. (Garbled) coming back possibly to save you. Alright? You want to go the White House or Lafayette Park if you re under 25 people that s not a problem you can still make the same statement people feel comfortable This particular venue is not a wise place. But you can do, alright you re free to go, alright? Posobiec then starts speaking to the camera that there were numerous Black Lives Matter protesters around who were not being detained by police.Posobiec vows to continue his protest at the location.This writer was a prolific conservative activist with the Washington, D.C.chapter of FreeRepublic.com during the Clinton and Bush years and never witnessed or experienced any officer with federal or D.C. police agencies ask for ID or search a peaceful protester acting and dressed similarly to Prosobiec. The late FReeper Doctor Raoul Deming would wear masks and costumes to protest Bill and Hillary Clinton and was never searched or had ID demanded in D.C. over the course of hundreds of protests.In fact D.C. has some of the most lenient laws for protesters that allow spontaneous street demonstrations that block traffic where arrests can be made only after three prolonged warnings.Prosobiec was in a public place, not blocking traffic, and was not acting belligerent or threatening. He was exercising his First Amendment rights but as the officer implied because his audience was Black people, he should take his protest elsewhere like the White House of Lafayette Park (same thing, really, as a protest locale.)via: Gateway Pundit