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Trump slams Sessions as not tough enough, assails intel leaks
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump criticized his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, as not being tough enough on Tuesday, adding to speculation his longtime supporter might be on the way out, and accused American intelligence agencies of high-level leaks. “I want the attorney general to be much tougher,” Trump said at a news conference. “I want the leaks from intelligence agencies, which are leaking like rarely have they ever leaked before, at a very important level. These are intelligence agencies we cannot have that happen.” Asked about Sessions’ future, Trump said: “Time will tell. Time will tell.”
Only Demented Imbeciles Want A Killary Reign Of Terror
in: Government Corruption , Special Interests , US News The cross section of Hillary Clinton voters is a mixture of walking dead zombies, power hungry influence peddlers, money cartel thieves and establishment diehards willing to start a global confrontation to postpone an inevitable economic collapse. As for the first category; welfare recipients, government bootlickers and mentally deranged utopians survive in a subsistence existence or in a fantasy illusion. The corruption purveyors simply want to maintain their elitist system of institutional inequality. As for the tribe of international finance, their objective always remains the same. Pick the next stooge who can be controlled. Finally, for globalist who are frantic to continue their New World Order of worldwide oppression, the elevation of Hillary Clinton to the position of the mad hatter to achieve the mutual assured destruction that these Illuminati’s masters of the universe require to purge the “Little People” from the planet. Any opposition to this band of desperate and deranged desperados is portrayed as racist, xenophobic and defiant of the “Politically Correct” secular humanism culture. Here is the fundamental point of the conflict. The abandonment of the cannons of natural and common law has produced a didactic ineptness that thrusts humanity into a technocratic prison of a meaningless existence. Dante’s Inferno of basic extinction is the ultimate society that a capitulation to the rigged electoral fraud seeks to achieve. The bloody record of Killary Clinton earns her an especially prominent place in hell. Take your choice. She may descend into Level 7 , for “The violent, the assasins, the tyrants, and the war-mongers lament their pitiless mischiefs in the river, while centaurs armed with bows and arrows shoot those who try to escape their punishment” or Level 8- the Malebolge where “The magicians, diviners, fortune tellers, and panderers are all here, as are the thieves”. Of course this allegory of punishment falls on deaf ears for the Clintonistas . For them this blameless role model for social justice warriors can do no wrong. All the evidence and proof in the world is ignored or dismissed when your patron saint of the occult wears pants suits. The reason HRC is better known as Killary has a lot to do with the body count that follows her around. THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT and the ‘CLINTON DEATH LIST’: 33 SPINE-TINGLING CASES lists several of her enemies that dared defy the queen of mean. Now are these suspicious circumstances of such deaths just another right-wing conspiracy to bring down the Arkancide crime syndicate? To an objective investigator, engaging into an in-depth probe might just get one added to this long list. But why would a Clinton supporter care, she is the epitome of the liberated woman and placing her on the throne of feminism is far overdue. Accepting, if not savoring a little reign of terror is a small price to pay as long as the body count does not include your own person. During the French Revolution the sanguinary women, known as Tricoteuse, who sat and knitted while attending public guillotine executions have more in common with Robespierre than Marie Antoinette. These devotee libbers identified with the symbol of equality, while their crowned head of elitism disdainfully admonish the peasants: “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”. Queen Marie Antoinette may not have really said, “Let them eat cake” but the regnant of the House of Clinton demonstrates throughout her entire life revealed her true sentiments; despise and contempt for the “Little People”. The knitting culture of the zombies cult of progressive authoritarianism is at the center of the public psychosis that follows the dictates of Hillary Clinton. Their identity is so caught up in the myth of collectivism that the very spirit of individual liberty is a necessary causality to join the Clinton demon worship. Look to the fictional character of Madame Defarge penned in A Tale of Two Cities for a synopsis of all that is wrong with Killary and her followers. Charles Dickens presents this viewpoint of the quintessential monster. “Her problem, it seems, is that Madame Defarge just doesn’t know where to draw the line. As far as she’s concerned, “justice” for the fate of her family isn’t just that the Marquis gets murdered. Justice should, she thinks, include the “extermination” of all of the Marquis’s family. Given her druthers, Charles, Lucie, and even little Lucie would fall under the sharp blade of La Guillotine. As Madame Defarge exclaims to her husband, “Tell the Wind and the Fire where to stop; not me!” (3.12.36). “It was nothing to her that an innocent man was to die for the sins of his forefathers; she saw, not him, but them. It was nothing to her that his wife was to be made a widow and his daughter an orphan; that was insufficient punishment, because they were her natural enemies and her prey, and as such had no right to live. To appeal to her, was made hopeless by her having no sense of pity, even for herself.” (3.14.33) So it comes as no surprise that when “The meeting between Lucie and Madame Defarge makes this absolutely clear: Lucie falls on her knees, begging for mercy on behalf of her child. Madame Defarge stares at her coldly. She doesn’t even stop knitting.” This example of the dark side of human nature is particularly relevant and applicable when analyzing the gender iniquity of the wicked witch. For femininity enablement to champion such abuse from a coldhearted degenerate is the biggest disappointment of this election cycle. Society should never condone or provide consent for anyone, male or female; who is such a habitual sociopath. The influence hucksters do not pretend to be altruistic . They would support Lucifer if they thought they would gain the riches of this world. As for the money changers, they are already archfiends in the Synagogue of Satan. Lastly, the globalist’s warmongers covet the mass eradication of billions to satisfy their lust for world transcendence. These three factions are the true irredeemables. The masses of the walking dead need to politically repent and seek civic redemption. This objective is not possible by voting for Hillary Clinton. If you do nothing else before the November 8, 2016 election watch the video, A Vote For Hillary is a Vote For World War 3 . No matter your ideological propensities, we all share a mutual objective. Prevent a nuclear war that will destroy all civilized life on the planet. After watching this presentation, every rational person must come to deal with the prospects of putting a psycho in command of the launch codes. Folks; Donald Trump is not the mad man. The schizoid is a systemic and immoral lunatic, who is ready to drop the beheading blade on all of America. Her similarity with Madame Defarge bleeds over to her decadent boosters, who are willing to sacrifice their family, friends and community for the joy of destroying our planet. For all the dissatisfied and frustrated citizens, who understand the colossal stakes of national survival intervene with any fellow acquaintance that has been indoctrinated to the propaganda of Hillaryland . Confront the zombies attitude and appeal to their individual self-interest. Put forth the prospect of not voting for Clinton, even if Trump would not be an option. Citizens will not be the only people voting. Non eligible people are being ushered into a ballot booth with predisposed programming to put Killary into the oval office. The establishment is revealing their real tyranny for any person, who is still alive and has the ability to assess the actual nature of this election. The power structure in ready to collapse and the global elites are prepared to start a world war to keep and protect their feudal system of coercion. Those who might survive will be the special and the anointed. The masses will be served up on the plate of expediency and necessity. Hillary Clinton has always been part of the gang of criminals, protected by the intelligence community, insider politicians and the legal system of corrupt lawyers and judges. Voting for her is a clear validation of pure mental illness. The fact that the discredited FBI is endeavoring to regain their credibility by reopening the criminal investigation into Killary Clinton’s attempt to hide her family’s pay to play scheme to sell out our country is dramatic. This development should provide ample reason to put any notion of voting for the diva of sleaze on hold. Thanks to the Wikileaks release of the illicit emails from the Clinton cabal, only a fool can vote for her. Come to grips with the prospects of knowingly elevating this lifelong criminal to become the commander-and-chief. Genuine national security cannot be scarified to allow a distrustful and compromised agent of foreign interests to become President. Killary is dead meat. She could never gain the confidence of the nation and her continued nihilistic conduct and her kleptocrat criminal violations cannot be tolerated or ignored any longer. If you really want to save the planet, you cannot cast your ballot for this known traitor.
Trump says he, Mexican leader discussed border wall but not who pays
MEXICO CITY (Reuters) - U.S. Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said on Wednesday he and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto discussed Trump’s proposal for a border wall between the countries but not the New York businessman’s demand that Mexico pay for it. Trump and Pena Nieto emerged from about an hour of talks at the presidential palace in Mexico City to deliver statements to the news media and take questions. “We did discuss the wall, we didn’t discuss payment of the wall, that will be at a later date, this was a very preliminary meeting, it was an excellent meeting,” Trump said. Pena Nieto, in his statement, said the border must be seen as an asset for the region. He said undocumented immigration from Mexico to the United States had dropped considerably since reaching a peak a decade ago.
WORLD’S MOST POPULAR Search Engine Places FICTIONAL Story At Top Of News Feed:”Melania Trump is Lonely, Racist and Obsessed With Michelle Obama”
Google is the search engine the majority of people in the world go if they need to look up something. In fact, it is estimated that over 30 BILLION searches are performed on Google every month. Google now has a special feature for mobile users. When you go to search for a topic on Google, a news feed appears under the search bar, with what users expect to be the most popular current stories. But are they the most popular stories, or are they simply Google s contribution to the leftist propaganda machine? With all of the news breaking about Hillary s Uranium One deal with Russia, surely readers wouldn t expect to find some fictional story about Melania being a racist , as the top story on Google s mobile newsfeed or would they? Here s the story that appeared at the top of Google s news feed today:Newsweek: Melania Trump is lonely and obsessed with Michelle Obama. At least in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie s version of events anyway.The Nigerian author has penned a short story for the The New York Times style magazine, T, which paints the first lady referred to throughout only as Mrs T as the reluctant wife of the president who displays an unease with her political fame. And she s a little bit racist, too.Adichie s micronovel, Janelle Asked to the Bedroom, envisions a conversation between a forlorn Trump and her pilates instructor Janelle. The story was published on the Times website and on the T magazine Instagram page.In the short story, Janelle is unusually called to join Mrs T in her bedroom, rather than her home gym, and is surprised to find the first lady looking disheveled, her manner distracted. Adichie s fictional account also portrays Trump as envious of her predecessor s natural ease in the role of first lady. Mrs T shows Janelle a video she s been watching on YouTube of Michelle Obama visiting a classroom. She also reveals a folder full of pictures of Obama on her laptop. Look at this. I always look at them for the inspiration, she says.In this fictional world, Mrs T s only source of joy comes from her 11-year-old son, Barron. The first lady perks up speaking to her son, who is described as sweetly shy and polite, dependent on his mother for his sense of self. But Adichie s imagined Trump also exhibits a casual racism that her husband, President Donald Trump, is often accused of sharing.Mrs T makes a prejudicial remark when Janelle informs her that her son has been accepted to Harvard University. He got scholarship to go? she asks. How automatic, this assumption of a scholarship, and Janelle knew she meant a scholarship not of smarts but of skin, writes Adichie.Janelle Asked to the Bedroom follows an earlier, pre-election short story by Adichie, The Arrangements, also written for the Times.In that story, published in June 2016, Trump quietly doubts her husband s chances of winning the presidency. It also depicts a strained relationship between her and Donald Trump s children from previous marriages, particularly Ivanka Trump, whose close relationship with her husband she envies.Why would Google choose to put that ridiculous story of pure fiction about Melania, that claims she s a racist at the top of their newsfeed? Who, at Google is in charge of deciding which news stories will appear at the top of the feed? Let s take a look at the next two stories, following the fictional Melania smear story:The next most popular story on Google s news feed was about Hillary. The story wasn t about what is likely the biggest political scandal in American history, as a massive coverup that involves former Sec of State Hillary Clinton, Rober Mueller, Jim Comey, Barack Obama, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe and Bill Clinton, it was instead, about how the spies that Hillary helped to send back to Russia after the FBI caught them, were coming ever closer to her, while they were here in the U.S. spying. The next most popular story on Google s newsfeed was about the media s obsession with Rex Tillerson abandoning his post as Trump s Sec of State. Even though Tillerson has denied those claims, Google s third story in their line up was about who Tillerson s replacement will be:So, where s a reader to go when they re just looking for a list of top stories without the propaganda?
VIDEO: Watch James O’Keefe Easily Obtain Eminem’s Election Ballot in Undercover Sting
21st Century Wire says Back in July, a federal appeals court intervened to block a North Carolina law that required voters to produce photo identification and other basic requirements on the grounds that it was disproportionately affecting minorities and making it harder for them to vote. Is this really a legitimate concern, or is there more to this issue?One has to ask: why is it that only Democratic Party activists and affiliated lawyers are so opposed to a basic polling station ID check seeing that practically every American already carries one form of ID or another? Is this really a rights issue, or a political status quo issue?In close districts and states, a few hundred votes are enough to swing a result results that could also swing a national election, as was the case in both 2000 and 2004 US Presidential Elections.In these two incredible video, investigative journalist James O Keefe shows how easy it is for anyone to commit voter fraud. Watch:Project VeritasIn this video, James O Keefe requests the ballot of famous rapper Eminem, otherwise known as Marshall Bruce Mathers III. Election officials tell O Keefe he doesn t need I.D. to vote. It seems that voting in Michigan is as simple as walking in and saying, Hi my name is James O Keefe Confronts Mayor of Detroit s Office Over Voter Fraud:In this video, James O Keefe confronts Melvin Butch Hollowell, the chief lawyer for the city of Detroit about the video O Keefe took which shows election officials offering undercover journalists the ballot of the Mayor of Detroit. Things get feisty READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files
Now or never: Trump's 'wall' talk sparks migrant rush on U.S.-Mexico border
CIUDAD JUAREZ/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Gang violence and poverty have for years pushed Mexicans and Central Americans north to the United States, but recently a new driver has emerged: the anti-immigrant tone of leading Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. From the slums of Central America to close-knit migrant communities in U.S. cities, Trump’s rise to the front of the Republican pack has not gone unnoticed and is partly behind a spike in the numbers of migrants trying to enter the country, including children traveling without guardians. Interviews with migrants, people smugglers and officials show many migrants are trying to cross now instead of facing tighter policing and new policies to halt illegal immigration if Trump or another Republican wins the Nov. 8 election. “If Trump wins, we’re all screwed and all Latinos are screwed,” Isaias Franco, a 46-year-old from El Salvador who was deported from the United States late last year and is now trying to get back, said at a migrant shelter in Ciudad Juarez, just across the border from El Paso, Texas. U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data shows 150,304 migrants were detained trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between October and February, up 24 percent from the same period last year. Similar data for “unaccompanied” child migrants - those traveling without a guardian - is not yet available, but between October and January, 20,455 kids were apprehended on the southwest border, up over 100 percent from a year ago. (For a graphic, click on tmsnrt.rs/1TM7iDF) The numbers of migrants typically rise as summer approaches. Like other migrants, Franco is aware of the U.S. presidential race and Trump’s vow, matched by fellow Republican candidate Ted Cruz, to deport all the illegal immigrants in the United States, estimated at more than 11 million. “You watch the news ... There’s a lot of fear among Latinos,” Franco said, adding that a Republican victory would spell the end for proposed reforms to give many immigrants greater legal security. Hope Hicks, a spokeswoman for Trump, said migrants understand his policies. “It seems they agree Mr. Trump will be tough, build the wall and stop illegal immigration.” Blanca Rivera, who manages the Ciudad Juarez migrant shelter, said she had noticed a recent surge in the numbers of migrants and also blamed the inflammatory rhetoric. “They think they need to take advantage while they can.” Trump has built a strong lead in the race for the Republican nomination in part by taking a tough stance on immigration. He says Mexico is “killing” the United States with cheap labor and has sent “criminals” and “rapists” across the border. He is also promising to build a huge border wall and proposed a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country. Although Trump has been the most outspoken candidate, his main rivals also say the government must stop the flow of illegal migrants into the country, mainly from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras. Trump, Cruz and Florida Senator Marco Rubio all say they would overturn President Barack Obama’s executive orders that shield some illegal immigrants from deportation. In 2014, tens of thousands of child migrants traveling without family members overwhelmed the southern U.S. border, sparking a political crisis. The flow then fell in most of 2015 but has surged again in recent months. Brenda Barrios, a 30-year-old Guatemalan based in Silver Spring, Maryland, crossed illegally into the United States in 2003 with her parents and two sisters. Her parents were later deported back to Guatemala, and they think it is too dangerous to return but Brenda is encouraging them to come before the end of the year in case Trump wins. “He’s one of the reasons why people are crossing the border. They think he looks like a dictator,” she said. “It’s very dangerous for them to cross. But it will be worse if Trump is president ... Life will be very difficult for us. He doesn’t want us here.” Still, Barrios and other migrants interviewed said the United States, even under an administration seeking to halt illegal immigration, would still be better than the poverty and violence of their home countries. Since 2014, the murder rate in El Salvador has risen dramatically amid an escalation of gang violence and a regional drought has forced thousands of people, particularly from Guatemala, to head north. But there are also signs that human smugglers, or “coyotes”, are taking advantage of the anti-immigrant rhetoric and peddling the idea that now is the time to go. Victoria Cordova and her 11-year-old daughter Genesis were deported back to Honduras in 2014, after hiking through Mexico and being detained trying to cross into Texas. She said coyotes in the Honduran capital Tegucigalpa - who charge about $7,000 per person - have been telling people now is the time to leave. “Lots of the women here were talking about it, and asked me if I was going to go,” she said. “People here were saying that in June of this year they were going to give new entry permits.” Ruben Garcia, the director of the Annunciation House migrant shelter in El Paso said the next U.S. president, whoever it is, will face the same challenge of migration flows. “Things in Central America are terrible,” he said. “People are going to continue to flee because it’s just really hard for people to survive right now.” (Additional reporting by Nelson Renteria in San Salvador and Anna Yukhananov in Mexico City; Editing by Kieran Murray) This article was funded in part by SAP. It was independently created by the Reuters editorial staff. SAP had no editorial involvement in its creation or production.
Hiring Hurdle: Finding Workers Who Can Pass a Drug Test - The New York Times
SAVANNAH, Ga. — A few years back, the manufacturer JCB held a job fair in the glass foyer of its sprawling headquarters near here, but when a throng of prospective employees learned the next step would be drug testing, an alarming thing happened: About half of them left. That story still circulates within the business community of this historic port city. But the problem has gotten worse. All over the country, employers say they see a disturbing downside of tighter labor markets as they try to rebuild from the worst recession since the Depression: They are struggling to find workers who can pass a drug test. That hurdle partly stems from the growing ubiquity of drug testing, at corporations with big human resources departments, in industries like trucking where testing is mandated by federal law for safety reasons, and increasingly at smaller companies. But data suggest employers’ difficulties also reflect an increase in the use of drugs, especially marijuana — employers’ main gripe — and also heroin and other opioid drugs much in the news. Ray Gaster, the owner of lumberyards on both sides of the Carolina border, recently joined friends at a retreat in Alabama to swap business talk. The big topic? Drug tests. “They were complaining about trying to find drivers, or finding people, who are and can do some of the jobs that they have,” Mr. Gaster said. He shared their concern. Drug use in the work force “is not a new problem. Back in the ’80s, it was pretty bad, and we brought it down,” said Calvina L. Fay, executive director of the Drug Free America Foundation. But, she added, “we’ve seen it edging back up some,” and increasingly, both employers and industry associations “have expressed exasperation. ” Data on the scope of the problem is sketchy because figures on job applicants who test positive for drugs miss the many people who simply skip tests they cannot pass. Nonetheless, in its most recent report, Quest Diagnostics, which has compiled data since 1988, documented an increase for a second consecutive year in the percentage of American workers who tested positive for illicit drugs — to 4. 7 percent in 2014 from 4. 3 percent in 2013. And 2013 was the first year in a decade to show an increase. John Sambdman, who employs about 100 people in Atlanta at Samson Trailways, which provides transportation for schools, events, tour groups and the military, must test job applicants and, randomly, employees. Many job seekers “just don’t bother to show up at the place,” he complained. Just on Thursday, Mr. Sambdman said, an applicant failed a drug test. In August, Gov. Nathan Deal of Georgia promised to develop a program to help because so many business owners tell him “the No. 1 reason they can’t hire enough workers is they can’t find enough people to pass a drug test. ” That program is still under discussion. When job seekers contact Georgia’s Department of Labor, which provides some recruitment services to employers, the state would like to begin testing them for drugs individuals who test positive could receive drug counseling and ultimately job placement assistance, Mark Butler, the state labor commissioner, said in an interview. “Obviously, it’s not an easy process, and it would be costly,” Mr. Butler said. “But you’ve got to think: What is the reverse of that?” People needed to fill jobs are turned away, and, he added, “it’s pretty much a national issue. ” In Indiana, Mark Dobson, president of the Economic Development Corporation of Elkhart County, said that when he went to national conferences, the topic was “such a common thread of conversation — whether it’s in an area like ours that’s really enjoying very low unemployment levels or even areas with more moderate employment bases. ” In Colorado, “to find a roofer or a painter that can pass a drug test is ” said Jesse Russow, owner of Avalanche Roofing Exteriors, in Colorado Springs. That was true even before Colorado, like a few other states, legalized recreational use of marijuana. In a sector where employers like himself tend to rely on Latino workers, Mr. Russow tried to diversify three years ago by recruiting white workers, vetting about 80 people. But, he said, “As soon as I say ‘criminal background check,’ ‘drug test,’ they’re out the door. ” While the employers’ predicament is worsened by a smaller hiring pool, the drug problem for those that require testing is not as bad as it once was. “If we go back to 1988, the combined U. S. work force positivity was 13. 6 percent when drug testing was new,” said Dr. Barry Sample, Quest’s director of science and technology. But two consecutive years of increases are worrisome, he said. A much broader data trove, the federal government’s annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health, reported in September that one in 10 Americans ages 12 and older reported in 2014 that they had used illicit drugs within the last month — the largest share since 2001. Taken together, Dr. Sample said, his data and the government’s indicate higher drug use among those who work for employers without a program than workers who are tested, though use by the latter increased as well in 2013 and 2014. Testing dates to the Reagan administration. The 1988 Workplace Act required most employers with federal contracts or grants to test workers. In 1991, Congress responded to a deadly 1987 train crash in which two operators tested positive for marijuana by requiring testing for all “safety sensitive” jobs regulated by the Transportation Department. Those laws became the model for other employers. Some states give businesses a break on workers’ compensation insurance if they are certified as . Here at the main yard of Gaster Lumber and Hardware, faded certificates and signs (“Drugs Don’t Work Here”) attest to its certification as a workplace since 1994. Mr. Gaster’s human resources director, Chuck Keller, said that status reduced workers’ compensation payments for its nearly 50 employees by 7. 5 percent in Georgia and 5 percent in South Carolina. The savings, about $4, 000 this year, offset costs of about $2, 500 for laboratory and testing and related requirements. “We’re always short of drivers,” Mr. Gaster said, “and drug testing is part of it. ” Terry Donaldson, 53, who was tested when he started 20 years ago, supports the policy: “If they want to have a good job, the drugs got to go. ” So it was for some of his new . Britt Sikes, 38 and a single father to three young girls, lost his teeth to methamphetamine and used marijuana since he was 8 — until three weeks before taking the test for his $ job as a Gaster door installer. “I’m a recovering drug addict myself, and to raise my girls, I had to learn to leave it alone,” Mr. Sikes said. Kevin Canty, 55, said that in his experience, “most people can’t pass the drug test because they don’t want to pass a drug test. ” “They want the job,” he added, but “they still want to be in that lifestyle. And they have to choose. ” One of the newest hires, Frederick Brown, 34, said, “I come from a society where drugs is common — marijuana, weed, it’s common,” and people who cannot pass a drug test seek work at McDonald’s. Most restaurants do not test. “I asked for this job,” Mr. Brown said, calling it a blessing. “I already knew what I had to do — you know what I’m saying?”
The economy of Wolfgang Schaeuble - at a glance
LONDON (Reuters) - Wolfgang Schaeuble, Germany s pro-austerity finance minister, is preparing to quit his job and become head of the lower house of parliament, the Bundestag, various sources said on Wednesday. As the following graphic shows, his time as finance chief starting in 2009 has been one of general improvement for Germany s economy, if not exactly smooth. After recovering from the 2007-2008 financial crisis, Germany has put in a series of solid growth years. Indeed, although the government s projection of 1.5 percent this year would be slower than 2016, it is widely expected to be upgraded soon. Germany s leading economic institutes are expecting 1.9 percent growth this year, the same as in 2016. With much of the focus of Schaeuble s term being on growth, inflation - very low but a German fixation nonetheless - and fiscal rectitude, one macro improvement has been fairly neglected. The unemployment rate since Schaeuble took office has plummeted. It was above 8 percent when he took the reins at the finance minister; the latest reading was 5.7 percent, by far the lowest since Germany s reunification and some time before that. GDP per capita is not such a bullish story. After taking off in the immediate post-crisis years, it has leveled off, suggesting Germans may be a bit worse off than they were.
Woman Who Defended GOP Against Sexism Charges For Years Just Quit Party With EPIC Twitter Storm
A longtime Republican activist in Wisconsin is so disgusted by Donald Trump s groping comment and GOP refusal to unendorse him that she just quit the party and ripped them a new one on Twitter.Marybeth Glenn has always defended Republicans against charges of sexism but Donald Trump s remarks about grabbing women by the p*ssy are so indefensible that she was disgusted that most Republicans still support him as the nominee.In fact, she is so disgusted that she fired off a series of posts on Twitter blasting the GOP for continuing to endorse this piece of human garbage. She then quit the party and said they deserve to be called sexists.Here s the full takedown via Twitter.So let me get this straight: I, a conservative female, have spent years defending the Republican Party against claims of sexism. 1/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016When I saw Republican men getting attacked I stood up for them. I came to their defense. I fought on their behalf. 2/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016I fought on behalf of a movement I believed in. I fought on behalf of my principles while other women told me I hated my own sex. 3/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Not only charges of sexism, but I defended @marcorubio during Go8, I fought in my state to stop the @ScottWalker recall, etc Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Now some Trojan horse nationalist sexual predator invades the @GOP, eating it alive, and you cowards sit this one out? 5/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016He treats women like dogs, and you go against everything I and other female conservatives said you were & back down like cowards. 6/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Get this straight: We don t need you to stand up for us, YOU needed to stand up for us for YOU. For YOUR dignity. For YOUR reputation. 7/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Jeff Sessions says that he wouldn t characterize Trump s unauthorized groping of women as assault. Are you kidding me?! 8/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Others try to rebuke his comments, yet STILL choose to vote for a sexual predator because let s be honest, that s what he is. 9/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016 What he said is wrong, and the way he treats women is wrong, but it s not wrong enough for me to not vote for him. Thanks, cowards. 10/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Various men in the movement are writing it off as normal, confirming every stereotype the left has thrown at them. So I m done. 11/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016I m sooo done. If you can t stand up for women & unendorse this piece of human garbage, you deserve every charge of sexism thrown at you. 12 Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016I m just one woman, you won t even notice my lack of presence at rallies, fair booths, etc., You won t really care that I m offended 13/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016by your silence, and your inability to take a stand. But one by one you ll watch more women like me go, & you ll watch men of 14/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016ACTUAL character follow us out the door. And what you ll be left with are the corrupt masses that foam at the mouth every time you step 15/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Outside the lines. Men who truly see women as lesser beings, & women without self-respect. & your guiding faith & principles will be 16/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Attached to them as well. And when it s all said and done, all you ll have left is the party The Left always accused you of being. Scum. 17/ Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016CC: @SpeakerRyan @tedcruz @marcorubio @SpeakerRyan @Reince And every other tool refusing to unendorse this monster. 17/X Marybeth (@MBGlenn) October 11, 2016Over 70 percent of women view Trump unfavorably, and it looks like that number is going to skyrocket only less than a month to go before Election Day. Furthermore, Republicans are in serious jeopardy of losing women voters by historic margins that may take many years to reverse. And they only have themselves to blame.Featured image via Facebook
Thank you DC Leaks! It s about time George Soros Open Society organization was hacked!DC leaks had this to say about Soros:George Soros is a Hungarian-American business magnate, investor, philanthropist, political activist and author who is of Hungarian-Jewish ancestry and holds dual citizenship.He drives more than 50 global and regional programs and foundations. Soros is named as the architect and sponsor of almost every revolution and coup around the world for the last 25 years. Thanks to him and his puppets USA is thought to be a vampire, not a lighthouse of freedom and democracy. His slaves spill blood of millions and millions people just to make him even more rich. Soros is an oligarch sponsoring Democratic party, Hillary Clinton, hundreds of politicians all over the world.This website is designed to let everyone take a look at restricted documents of George Soros Open Society Foundation and related organisations. It represents workplans, strategies, priorities and other activities of Soros. These documents shed light on one of the most influential network operating worldwide.Information is available online at DC LeaksThere are tons of files available to look over The Goals of Soros group are listed and target groups listed too:
Right lads, Wall around Britain
Topics: Donald Trump , Theresa May Friday, 11 November 2016 If nothing else, Donald Trump's election has at least proven a godsend for the bricks and mortar industry. Walls are in....so to say. In the wake of America's intention to erect a wall along its border to Mexico, Britain's Prime Minister, Theresa May, has declared she will do the same around the coast of Britain, and is hoping for a considerable discount from masonry moguls and brick-wall builders. "The Mexico-USA border is around 2,000 miles, and the coastline of Britain is also around 2,000 miles. We could go for a 2 for 1. I always do that at Sainsbury's, I'm sure those nice wall companies will oblige."Trump immediately voiced support for the idea. "A cute businesswoman that May...2 for 1 ... I like it. Maybe I'll appoint a Minister of State for Walls". Walls are becoming popular on the domestic front, too. Compounds and fencing are changing the face of British housing complexes."It's crazy." said an enclosure expert, "People are now building a home and then buidling a huge wall around it. Fencing is often not enough. Walls eliminate visibility. That's what people want. You can't look out and you can't look in. Can't see anything. People are simply yearning to be destitute of vision." But things can get out of hand. Matthew Clement was arrested in Chingford this week for building a wall around his mother-in.-law. "I just felt..we've got to protect ourselves," explained Clement, "I want my country back...er...I want my peace and quiet back...So a wall is...well...fair do...innit". A mortar dealer welcomed the development. "Solid walls are magnificent structures. You can't push them down and they hide the truth, which can be painful. And you can sit on them. You can't sit on a fence..unless you're in the Labour party of course..." Make T. Loaf's day - give this story five thumbs-up (there's no need to register , the thumbs are just down there!)
Comment on Shocking video shows Europe’s “refugee crisis” is a Muslim invasion by Refugees Invasion of Europe | Justice4Poland
| December 1, 2015 at 6:38 am | Reply This group of demented, destructive, abusive people is the world’s karma for kicking God out of their consciousness, being and world. If mankind maintained their love and reverence for their creator God, I believe this would not be happening and this people would already be contained and stopped. For America, Obama, Jarrett, Soros and their minions, who’re in agreement with this savage group, are the ones bringing America’s karma to her doorstep for kicking God out. The Godless liberals/communists are begging for these savages to destroy them by taking on the ways of evil, such as, abortion, perversions of sex and marriage, drugs, child abuse, etc. Do liberals really expect a positive outcome from having absolutely no morals and standards? They are probably quite a few of the same souls from the time of Pompeii, Soddom & Gomorrah, Roman and Greek Empires, Atlantis and Lemuria – review history and note where they and their country ended up. Atlantis & Lemuria crumbled and sank and now lies deep within the bottom of the ocean. We can still see the end result of Pompeii. What will it take to wake up these people from their hedonistic, anti-self thoughts and feelings??? How many lifetimes will they put themselves and the rest of society through this total destruction of their hearts, minds and souls? “You get what you give” and “whatever energy you put out into the universe returns to your doorstep” is truth. Hedonists are lost, lost, lost in their world of destructive unreality, and only God can pull them out of it. Pray for them and Earth to return to God reality.
UNHINGED LEFTIST Apologizes To “Refugees” Who Gang Raped Her
Why stop there? Using liberal logic, shouldn t the 3 year old girl who was raped at a refugee center apologize as well? What about the 10 year old boy who was repeatedly raped while cops in Sweden ran away? What about the 72 year old woman who was anally raped by a rapefugee in Germany? What about the mass number of women and young girls who were raped and sexually assaulted on New Years Eve in Germany? Are these rapists owed an apology from their victims as well? Progressives are showing their true colors and the world is getting a glimpse into the results of a religion that has been allowed to dictate laws and socially acceptable behavior for decades A 24-year-old spokeswoman for the Linksjugend Solid (Left-wing Youth Solid) was raped by three refugees on January 27, 2016.Here is the original report of the crime published by the police:In the evening of 27 January, a 24-year-old woman filed a complaint with the police. She said that on Tuesday night she was the victim of a sexual crime in a car park in the Oststadt district. The detailed circumstances of the crime require further investigation that will be carried out by the Mannheim Criminal Police Section of the Heidelberg Criminal Police Management.The rape victim recently posted this on her Facebook page:Dear male refugees, I am so sorry! Almost a year ago I saw the hell from which you have fled. I was not directly in the heart of it, but I visited the people in the refugee camp in southern Kurdistan. I saw old grandmothers who had to take care of too many children without parents. I saw the eyes of these children. Some had not lost their light. But I also saw children whose gaze was empty and traumatising. I showed Arabic characters to around 20 Yazidi children in their maths class and still remember how a small girl started crying only because a chair fell. I have had a taste of the hell from which you fled. I didn t see what happened there and didn t experience the challenging journey you had to make. I am glad and happy that you managed to get here. That you were able to leave IS and its war behind and did not drown in the Mediterranean. But I am afraid you are not safe here. Burning asylum homes, daily attacks on refugees and a brown [tn: used in German as a synonym for Nazi] mob running through the streets. I have always fought against the fact that that s how it is here. I wanted an open, friendly Europe. One in which I d be happy to live and where we would both be safe. Sorry. I am so unbelievably sorry for both of us. You, you are not safe, because we live in a racist society. I, I am not safe because we live in a sexist society. But what I am most sorry about is that the circumstances of the sexist and excessive actions that were done to me will only contribute to the increasing and ever more aggressive racism to which you are exposed. I promise you I will scream. I will not allow it to go on happening. I will not look on and do nothing and let it happen when racists and concerned citizens say you are the problem. You are not the problem. You are actually not any problem. You are mostly wonderful people, who have earned the right as much as anyone else to be safe and free. That you for being who you are and it s great that you are here.After a hostile reaction, the Facebook post was apparently deleted. A screenshot of the post however was captured, and can be seen below. Her name on the post appears as Selin G. which sounds non-German, so she is probably of Turkish (perhaps Kurdish origin).
Bin Laden’s Brother Lived In Trump Tower, Gave Millions To The Donald
Back in June, on Facebook, Donald Trump called on Hillary Clinton to return millions of dollars the Clinton Foundation received in donations from Saudi Arabia: Crooked Hillary says we must call on Saudi Arabia and other countries to stop funding hate. I am calling on her to immediately return the $25 million plus she got from them for the Clinton Foundation! For months now the right has used the Saudi donations as definitive proof that Clinton is beholden to oppressive regimes, and isn t serious about protecting women s rights and LGBT rights.But while the right is hailing their newfound champion of women s rights and gay rights, maybe they should take a look at how much money he s taken from the Saudi government personally and how he allowed Osama Bin Laden s brother to live in the famous Trump Tower.Had Hillary Clinton allowed a Bin Laden such private access, the right wing media would have a field day. But since it s Donald Trump, he gets a free pass.According to a new expos by The Daily News, Trump has received over $5.7 million dollars from the Saudi government after selling sold the 45th floor of Trump World Tower to the Kingdom. Since 2001, the government has had to pay the Trump Organization $85,585 for building amenities a year.Before the payoff of real estate, Trump also allowed Osama Bin Laden s half-brother, Shafiq Bin Laden, to live in the apartment for four months in 1986.Perhaps Trump can follow his own example and can go ahead and give the $5.7 million back to the Saudi government, and explain why he allowed the brother of the world s most dangerous and wanted terrorist to live at his crowning achievement.How is Trump going to hold the Saudi government accountable when they have direct ownership in his business? Trump has already hinted that he would not step down from the Trump organization, raising high levels of potential conflicts of interest for the United States government.But let s keep pretending Hillary Clinton hasn t done anything for women and LGBT people because Donald Trump has such a great track record when it comes to equality.Featured image via Joe Freso/Getty Images
the influencing machine and magnus olsens blood.
the influencing machine and magnus olsens blood. page: 1 First off i just heard of this about 2 months ago. His blood is clumping up and they found crystals that seem engineered in the blood using an electron microscope. then today i read this.. remote influencing.. As we all know all electronic circuits need power, in the case of Remote Influencing Psychotronic Generators provide this power. Tim Rifat has developed the Psychotronic Generator from simple Pavlita generators to the far future Bone Generators(TM) using your own skull and bones as Psychotronic Crystal Generators. These Bone Generators(TM) change the Quantum Wave Function of reality, Remote Influencing. The science of Remote Influencing is based on quantum mechanics only Tim Rifat has developed science to explain Remote Influencing. The process is to decohere the Quantum Wave Function, decollapse it and return it to it's quantum vacuum grand state, modify the Quantum Wave Function to the remote influenced event, collapse it using hyperinfinity so it manifests as your remote influenced event. (see www.supernaturalspirit.com Services for full explanation). In effect we zap the thing to be changed make it vanish and remanifest it as the event we went in laymans language; this takes energy supplied by Psychotronic Amplifiers in your Psychotronic Bone Generators(TM) as well as hyperinfinity the operator that holds the new event in being supplied by your Bone Generators(TM). Only one event can be carried out at a time (explained on www.psychicpowergambling.com) so Tim Rifat has arranged to quantum mechanically change your skeleton into Bone Psychotronic Generators(TM) for one specific event and give you the energy and Psychotronic Fuel with the hyperinfinity to manifest 12 of these singular events after which your Bone Generators which are acting as Psychotronic Batteries run out of energy. ive experienced temporal effects both physical and mental in being attacked by some kind of possibly similar technology. i have no dount im on a similar program as magnus. i get tortured bad. thats all ill say.
U.S. wants 'new era' in Zimbabwe: official
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is seeking a new era for Zimbabwe, the State Department s top official for Africa said on Thursday, implicitly calling on long-time President Robert Mugabe to step aside as a political crisis mounts. In an interview with Reuters, acting Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Donald Yamamoto appeared to dismiss the idea of Mugabe, who has ruled Zimbabwe for 37 years, remaining in a transitional or ceremonial role. It s a transition to a new era for Zimbabwe, that s really what we re hoping for, Yamamoto said. Zimbabwe s army seized power this week, in an apparent effort to prevent Mugabe, 93, from handing power to his wife. He has not resigned or been formally deposed, however, and he was pictured on Thursday shaking hands with the military chief, Constantino Chiwenga. Yamamoto, speaking on the sidelines of a meeting with African Union officials at the State Department in Washington, described the situation in Zimbabwe as very fluid. The United States would discuss lifting multiple U.S. sanctions on Zimbabwe if it began enacting political and economic reforms, he said. In a message for Zimbabwe s political leaders, he said: Our position has always been that if they engage in the constitutional reforms, economic and political reforms, and move forward to protecting political space and the human rights, then we can start the dialogue on lifting sanctions. The United States has not given aid to Zimbabwe s government for many years, but provides development aid to nongovernmental groups, particularly for healthcare. Now whether we give to the government, that depends on what happens in Zimbabwe, Yamamoto said. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is due to meet on Friday in Washington with 37 African foreign ministers.
White House names Hicks interim communications director
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Longtime Trump communications aide Hope Hicks has been named as interim communications director, the White House said on Wednesday, in the latest personnel move for President Donald Trump as he continues to seek someone for the job. The role of communications director had last been filled by Anthony Scaramucci, a New York financier who was ousted after just 10 days following an obscene tirade he made to a reporter for The New Yorker magazine. Scaramucci proved to be a divisive figure in the White House. Former press secretary Sean Spicer resigned over his arrival, and Chief of Staff John Kelly, once he took over, fired Scaramucci. Hicks, 28, worked in communications for Trump during his campaign following a tenure with his Trump Organization. She will work with White House press secretary Sarah Sanders, according to the White House. Scaramucci’s predecessor as communications director, Michael Dubke, resigned in May after about three months in the post. The search for permanent replacement comes as Trump has repeatedly railed against leaks within his administration. His attorney general has also warned of a possible crackdown on journalists and their sources who divulge classified information.
BUSTED: Trump’s Education Nominee Plagiarized, Which Students Are Taught Not To Do
How can we expect our kids to do their homework when the nominee for the top education post in the nation won t even bother doing her own homework?A Senate questionnaire is not exactly difficult to fill out. You provide your own answers to the questions asked and then your answers are evaluated by the committee tasked with considering your nomination.It s easy for anyone who is intelligent and hard-working.But rather than present her own work, Secretary of Education nominee Betsy DeVos chose to just copy and paste her answers verbatim from other sources without citations.According to the Washington Post,In answering a set of questions from Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) on how she would address bullying of LGBT students, DeVos wrote: Every child deserves to attend school in a safe, supportive environment where they can learn, thrive, and grow. That sentence is almost identical to language used by Vanita Gupta, head of the Justice Department s civil rights division under President Barack Obama, in a news release announcing the administration s controversial guidance to schools on how to accommodate transgender students. Every child deserves to attend school in a safe, supportive environment that allows them to thrive and grow, Gupta said in the May 2016 release.Oh, and that s not all. DeVos also copied directly from the the department she wants to destroy.In one response, to a question about whether she would continue the practice of publishing a list of schools under Title IX civil rights investigations, DeVos said, Opening a complaint for investigation in no way implies that the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) has made a determination about the merits of the complaint. That language mirrors an Education Department website: Opening a complaint for investigation in no way implies that OCR has made a determination with regard to the merits of the complaint. DeVos committed plagiarism throughout the 62-page questionnaire. Apparently, she was too lazy to make a real effort. It s either that or she s just not smart enough to answer easy questions. Either way, plagiarism is something students are taught not to do in school and when they get caught they get punished for it by getting a failing grade on the assignment or even expulsion.But DeVos is not a student in school. She s an adult who is up for the top education post in the country. And frankly, that makes her plagiarism much worse and more embarrassing.She should immediately withdraw her name from the nomination or the Senate should reject her. It would be entirely inappropriate for the Secretary of Education to be someone who refuses to do their own homework in their own words. Surely, we want our Secretary of Education to be someone with integrity and real intelligence. Betsy DeVos has neither.Featured image via Drew Angerer/Getty Images
WHAT? MATT LAUER ASKS OBAMA’S Former CIA Director If Trump’s Inner Circle Is Prepared To “Tackle” or “Lock Him In A Room” To Keep Trump From Using Nuclear Weapons [VIDEO]
NBC host Matt Lauer on Thursday asked former CIA Director John Brennan whether military officials surrounding President Donald Trump would tackle him before he engaged in a nuclear confrontation.Brennan replied that Trump has unilateral authority to authorize military action.Lauer asked Brennan hesitantly about reports surrounding America s procedure to deploy nuclear weapons under Trump, emphasizing the stories of key players around the president maybe locking Trump in a room or even tackling him to prevent the use of such weapons. I feel weird asking you this, but you ve read the same stories I ve read, Lauer said to Brennan. You know the key players around the president in [Jim] Mattis, [H.R.] McMaster, and John Kelly. Stories are going around out there that if the president inches closer to some kind of a nuclear confrontation with North Korea, that those guys are going to do something. They re going to lock him in a room. They re going to tackle him. Watch the incredible exchange here: You re smiling, Lauer added. But these are the stories that are out there. And they will prevent him from carrying out any action that would cause that. Is that all nonsense? No, I think the military leaders, current and former, Mattis, Kelly, also Joe Dunford, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, they know the risks of escalation, said Brennan, who served as CIA director during the Obama administration. They know just how dangerous the situation is. I think they are governors on the president s instincts to continue to try to intimidate and bully. You re technically not answering the question. Would they take some action to prevent the president from carrying out an order? Lauer asked. The president has unilateral authority to be able to authorize military action, Brennan said. That order goes through Secretary Mattis. Secretary Mattis can try to talk him out of it, disagree with it, carry it out, or not. After Brennan walked Lauer through the usual White House process of authorizing military actions, Lauer pushed his original question about tackling Trump, using a quote from Brennan. In July you said it is the obligation of some executive officials to refuse to carry out some of those orders that are inconsistent with what this country is all about, Lauer quoted Brennan.Brennan clarified that he made that comment in the context of the firing of former FBI Director Jim Comey and the efforts to delay and to put obstacles in some of the investigations that are underway. We are a country of laws, Brennan added. WFB
Trump Still Racist As Ever, Continues To Accuse Exonerated ‘Central Park Five’ Of Rape (TWEETS)
Republican nominee Donald Trump s outreach to win over minorities has been a disaster, and what he just said about a group of exonerated men is probably going to end whatever support he had.Trump had been big on accusing the Central Park Five the five teens wrongfully accused of raping a woman in Central Park ever since the case blew up in 1989. During that time, Trump had taken out a full-page ad in the New York Times blaming the teens, and using them as the reason why New York State should bring back the death penalty (ironic, because Trump himself has been accused of rape several times). The ad, which was signed by Trump himself, said: They should be forced to suffer and, when they kill, they should be executed for their crimes. Just to be clear, these were minority TEENAGERS one was Latino and four were black and Trump called for their death. Decades later, Trump continues to double down on those comments. According to a CNN report, Trump revealed that he still thinks these five men are guilty, despite the fact that they were exonerated and awarded $41 million for wrongful imprisonment in 2002. Trump said: They admitted they were guilty. The police doing the original investigation say they were guilty. The fact that that case was settled with so much evidence against them is outrageous. And the woman, so badly injured, will never be the same. Yes, Trump still believes these men are responsible for what happened to Trisha Meili, despite the fact that DNA evidence pointed to Matias Reyes, who confessed to the crime.Trump has questioned the release of the Central Park Five before. After the men were released and received their settlement in 2014, Trump said, Settling doesn t mean innocence. Fortunately, no one has forgotten Trump s racist past with the Central Park Five, and are spreading this information far and wide just weeks ahead of the election. This is certainly a bad time for Trump to be reminding everyone how racist he is:TwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterTwitterIt s mind-boggling that Trump still cannot accept their innocence, despite the evidence. But perhaps this explanation by Michael D Antonio, the author of The Truth About Trump, will shed some light onto it: He s not a person who takes in new information and then adjusts and accepts reality. The only reality that matters to him is his judgment, which was rendered many years prior. Featured image via Win McNamee / Getty Images
WATCH: Reince Priebus Gives The Stupidest Reason EVER For Why It’s Totally Fine For Trump To Lie
Reince Priebus, the soon-to-be ex-chairman of the RNC and Trump s new chief of staff, went on television to justify one of Trump s biggest lies since getting elected. Last week, Trump alleged that millions had voted illegally in the presidential election after he heard that Jill Stein was seeking recounts in three states. That s a serious claim to make and he made it without basis whatsoever. Priebus, though, apparently doesn t care that s a lie, and went on national television to hold it up as some kind of bizarre example.CBS Face the Nation host, John Dickerson, asked Priebus about that claim and even pointed out that there s no evidence that millions voted illegally. Priebus played all innocent in his support of Trump at first: Well I don t know if that s not true, John. I mean, there was an article in the Wall Street Journal the other day and it had a certain percentage of people voting that shouldn t be voting. There are estimates all over the map on that, and here s the problem no one really knows. But Dickerson wasn t done. He also asked this: When you re president, can you just offer a theory that has no evidence behind it, or does he have to tighten up his standards of proof? He should have to tighten up his standards of proof, but Priebus may well be afraid he ll lose his new job as one of Trump s lap dogs if he criticizes him at all. So here s Priebus vigorously defending Trump s lies: I think he s done a great job. I think the president-elect is someone who has pushed the envelope and caused people to think in this country. He s not taking conventional thought on every single issue and has caused people to look at things that maybe they have taken for granted. So basically, it s okay for Trump to lie or say things no president should say because it starts national conversations. It s okay for us to have a president who lies because it makes people think in ways they might not otherwise.Way to go, America. Watch Priebus full segment below:Featured image via screen capture from embedded video
Trump says he would bar top aides from accepting speaking fees
WEST BEND, Wis. (Reuters) - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump said if elected he would force top administration officials to sign a pledge not to accept speaking fees from corporations with registered lobbyists or foreign countries for five years after leaving office. The pledge - a rare policy pronouncement from the New York real estate mogul - was part of his criticism of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton who, along with her husband, former president Bill Clinton, have accepted millions of dollars in speaking fees since he left office.
TRUMP COMES OUT SWINGING: Watch Announcement On Taxes And Regulation…This Leader Means Business! [Video]
[VIDEO] FLASHBACK TO THE LIE ABOUT THE VIDEO ON THE OTHER 9-11: #NeverForget The 4 Brave Men Who Were Left To Die In #Benghazi
#NeverForget Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Chris Doherty and Ambassador Christopher Stevens:This disgusting excuse for a Commander in Chief and his serial criminal Sec. of State stood in front of grieving families, friends, military members and international TV cameras and LIED about reason our embassy was attacked in Benghazi in an attempt to cover for the deaths of 4 brave men:Watch Barack Hussein Obama lying stumbling through his answer to Fox News journalist, Ed Henry about Benghazi:https://youtu.be/VrngkuWKXE8Watch Judge Jeanine expose all of the lies of Benghazi and rip Obama and Hillary apart over their deceit and betrayal of these young men with promising futures:And finally, Sean Smith s mother has a Mother s Day message for Hillary:
BRUTAL Cartoon Shows EXACTLY What Trump is Up Against This November
Pinterest Seth Connell reports that a new video released from Project Veritas provides evidence that Hillary Clinton herself worked in the operation to rig the election to ensure a win. This video is the third installment from Project Veritas, which has released two previous undercover videos showing Democratic operatives discussing highly unethical and illegal campaigning activities. The videos revealed such damaging information that two top Democratic operatives were released from their position; when people from the Clinton camp step down, you know it’s bad . BREAKING: Rigging the Election – Video III: Creamer Confirms @HillaryClinton Involvement https://t.co/ozb1frZ7rR #Veritas @PVeritas_Action — James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) October 24, 2016 This third installment includes a shocking number of insights into how the Democratic Party has been running the Clinton campaign. Several of the most memorable quotes from the video include: “Nobody is really supposed to know about me.”-Aaron Black “So Brad, and Bob, and Lux, and myself are all part of the old school method where, it doesn’t matter what the freakin’ legal and ethics people say, we need to win this motherf**ker.” -Aaron Black (In regards to the “Donald Duck” characters showing up at Trump events): “Skalar [Clinton operative] had gone to some buddy of his who is one of her body people and she explained the idea to Hillary. And Hillary just loved it. Let me tell you something, I think she has the right instinct here. This thing is working, is resonating but that story is not exactly what you want to hear about how presidential decision-making happens.” -Robert Creamer The coordination between the Clinton Camp, the DNC, and Americans United for Change is a rather obvious violation of federal campaign finance laws regarding expenditures. DNC chair Donna Brazile was also involved in the coordination with the Clinton Camp as well. Additionally, Robert Creamer discussed why the Donald Duck idea had to be owned by AUFC and not by the DNC. “The duck has to be an Americans United For Change entity. This had to do only with some problem between Donna Brazile and ABC, which is owned by Disney, because they were worried about a trademark issue. That’s why. It’s really silly.” Later in the video Creamer revealed why that is the case: “Donna Barzile had a connection with them and she didn’t want to get sued.” And finally, an explicit admission about Hillary’s desires, straight from Creamer himself: “We originally launched this duck because Hillary Clinton wants the duck.” Watch the full video below: This certainly seems to be illegal campaigning, based on these videos. One of the interns even stated that there was a whole slew of reasons why responsibilities had to be divvied up, because the whole scheme was a mess. And why is that? Because they are violating campaign coordination law, so they have to. It’s truly unbelievable. A plethora of revelations now show us how corrupt Hillary Clinton and the DNC are, yet there are still millions of people that support them. If these revelations continue, and they still support her, what can you really say? When corruption penetrates this deeply, and when the citizens still wholeheartedly back those who are driving the corruption, the country is in serious danger. God help us.
WIKILEAKS BOMBSHELL RELEASE: #Unfit Hillary’s Advisors Contacted NFL Commissioner For Advice On “Cracked Head” [VIDEO]
Hillary Clinton adviser Philippe Reines at the State Department contacted the NFL Commissioner in 2012 to inquire about severe head injuries.Hillary Clinton thanked Reines and added, Having a cracked head is no fun at all. The email was sent on December 24, 2012. GPAfter being gone for a month due to illness, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton returned to work on January 7 to cheers and gifts.Clinton who first went on leave for a stomach virus, was delayed on her return when she fell resulting in a concussion, before being hospitalized for a blood clot according the Associated Press via The Christian Science Monitor.Watch the State Department cover for #Unfit Hillary here. It s all fun and games until a crooked candidate with poor health runs for the highest office in our nation.
MSNBC Reacts To Melissa Harris-Perry’s Letter, And Their Response Is Shameful
Just days after Melissa Harris-Perry wrote a scathing indictment of MSNBC s willful shift away from powerful and necessary opinions to that of just generic news, the network has responded.Perry wrote a letter that was released through one of her original producers of her show that explained what she was parting ways with the network. She wrote: Here is the reality: our show was taken without comment or discussion or notice in the midst of an election season. After four years of building an audience, developing a brand, and developing trust with our viewers, we were effectively and utterly silenced. Now, MSNBC would like me to appear for four inconsequential hours to read news that they deem relevant without returning to our team any of the editorial control and authority that makes MHP Show distinctive. She left the window open, however, to MSNBC if they wanted to pull their heads out of their asses, that she may return. She wrote at the end of her letter: While MSNBC may believe that I am worthless, I know better. I know who I am. I know why MHP Show is unique and valuable. I will not sell short myself or this show. I am not hungry for empty airtime. I care only about substantive, meaningful, and autonomous work. When we can do that, I will return not a moment earlier. I am deeply sorry for the ways that this decision makes life harder for all of you. You mean more to me than you can imagine. However, it looks as though MSNBC now wants absolutely nothing to do with her and has cut all ties because Harris-Perry had the audacity to do what she does best, voice her opinion. MSNBC executives have now said: She s a brilliant, intelligent but challenging and unpredictable personality There was no plan to cancel her. But adding: It s highly unlikely she will continue [because her email] is destructive to our relationship. According to WaPo: This executive disputed Harris-Perry s assertion that MSNBC executives had not communicated with her, although he said Harris-Perry has never met Andrew Lack, the NBC News chairman who was rehired by the network last year after the controversy over Williams. The decision to preempt Harris-Perry s program for election-news coverage over the past several months was made by MSNBC s president, Phil Griffin. All in all, MSNBC is blaming Harris-Perry for her own departure. She wasn t willing to bend over backwards to fulfill a narrative set by a company desperate for ratings, and because she had the courage to stand up against it, she s getting punished for having a voice of her own. It s sad, really. Melissa Harris-Perry was a necessary and powerful progressive voice that often brought up subjects all too many others are afraid to bring up. She will be missed.Featured image: YouTube
Comment on Why Do Progressives and Democrats Hate America? by mjazzguitar
Posted on March 22, 2014 by Mike | 45 Comments Why Do Progressives and Democrats Hate America? It’s a loaded question, I know. But please, bear with me for just a moment and put aside all the rhetoric you’ve heard about political correctness. I ask only that you approach the question from a position of pure logic. Progressives and Democrats want to change America. That’s no secret. They boast about it openly, and base their political campaigns entirely on the premise of change. I’m sure we agree so far. Now consider this: Why does anyone want to change anything unless they’re unhappy with it? If you’re happy with your job, would you change? If you loved your dog, would you trade him in for a new model? How about your spouse? Does anyone ever leave their spouse who isn’t tremendously unhappy and no longer in love? I’m sure we can also agree that change stems from disappointment and unhappiness. Now back to America. Your children won’t hear it from their teachers or read about it their school books, and you certainly won’t see it in your newspaper or anywhere on television, but the United States of America has done more good for more people than all the other countries of the world put together. America began as a haven for those seeking religious freedom and fought a war to preserve that freedom. America fought a war to end slavery and won. (Democrats supported slavery. Republicans opposed it. After the war, the defeated Democrats formed the Ku Klux Klan. Funny how white Americans today are still blamed for the slavery of a hundred and fifty years ago, yet never thanked for sacrificing their lives in order to end slavery.) America won two World Wars, and put an end to Hitler’s socialist Nazi party. America stemmed the tide of communism and provided safety for thousands of Vietnamese refugees who would have been murdered by the communists of North Vietnam. For centuries, America has given freedom and hope to the oppressed; hope and joy to the suffering; and liberty and opportunity to people of all races and nationalities. The proof of her greatness can be found every day in the millions of immigrants who flock to her shores seeking the freedom that America offers. Yet Progressives and Democrats want to change America. Doesn’t that make you just a slight bit suspicious? Indeed, Progressives and Democrats want not just to change America, but to fundamentally transform it. And they seek to do so under an ideology that has killed more people in the last one hundred years than have died in all the wars in the history of the world combined: Socialism. Socialism under Hitler murdered millions and set the entire world at war. Socialism under Stalin murdered upwards of forty million people. Socialism under Mao murdered over sixty million people. Socialism under Castro continues to murder people today. Everywhere socialism goes, it kills. Yet Socialism is what Progressives and Democrats want for America. Doesn’t THAT make you a tad bit suspicious? Just what could cause so many people to despise a country so great as America? Let’s examine the question a little more closely. Have you ever seen a man get rejected by a beautiful woman? At first, he criticizes her, looking for whatever flaws he can find, then he despises her, and eventually he hates her. Why? Because he can’t have her. His hatred is actually a form of self-hatred. He feels unworthy of the woman who rejected him and projects his hate onto her and others. His future attempts at seduction become a means of revenge, a perverted attempt to escape his own self-loathing. The same thing happens when a woman is rejected by a man. There’s a reason why William Congrave wrote the famous words “nor hell a fury like a woman scorned.” The scorned woman condemns and sets out to destroy the man she cannot have. Like the rejected man, she suffers from extreme self-hatred. It’s self-hatred that fuels feminism and its constant attacks on heterosexual men. If we can’t have them, we’ll destroy them. Progressives and Democrats are no different in their hatred of America. America was born a religious, God-loving country and it remains so today. Progressives and Democrats, on the other hand, have rejected God and embraced lives of sin. They support and encourage abortion, racism, intolerance, promiscuity, homosexuality, government theft, and a host of other ills, and then project the guilt and self-hatred they feel for embracing these sins onto a hatred of America and its religious heritage. Because Progressives and Democrats falsely believe that God has rejected them, they reject God. America has offered opportunity and economic freedom to anyone who is willing to risk and work hard. Progressives and Democrats have risked once or twice in their lives, failed, and are now terrified at the prospect of competing with other risk-takers. Their fear leads to a sense of entitlement that extends to food stamps, housing allowances, “free” health care, and personal and corporate welfare. The stronger their self-hatred, the stronger they feel they are above hard work. They hate America, because it reminds them of their own failures to provide for themselves and their families. America stands for strength, independence, honor, and compassion. Progressives and Democrats are so frightened by life and have developed such a dependence on government for survival, that they have lost all of these qualities. And they hate themselves for it. No self-respecting man can call himself a man if he’s beholden to government entitlements for his survival. Progressive and Democrat men know this and they hate themselves for it. No self-respecting woman can call herself a woman if she rejects the honor and compassion of motherhood by embracing abortion and feminism. Progressive and Democrat women know this and they hate themselves for it. Together, Progressive and Democrat men and women hate America, because it reminds them of all the positive qualities of strength, self-reliance, and kindness they lack the courage to develop in themselves. Like rebellious children who must depend on their parents for survival, but hate their parents because of it, Progressives and Democrats live in a state of suspended adolescence, forever running from the responsibility of motherhood, fatherhood, and limited government. They hate America, because they hate themselves. Which brings us to socialism. Progressives and Democrats embrace socialism, because it represents everything they long for: the complete eradication of the individual. With all of society reduced to lowly pawns, they no longer have to fear being reminded of their own inadequacies. Everyone can be as miserable as they are. Everyone can feel the self-hatred they feel. With no one to remind them of their sins, Progressives and Democrats believe their guilt and intense self-hatred will finally be removed. What they fail to realize is that the solution to all their ills lies within them. By embracing America, they can embrace God. And by embracing God, they can eliminate their guilt, their self-hatred, and all the factors that contribute to their misery. It’s a solution so simple and so easy that their own leaders are forced to spend billions of dollars, and destroy millions of lives in order to hide it from them. If you support Progressivism or the Democratic Party, then you also support socialism. And if you support socialism, then, by definition, you also support the socialism of Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Castro, and many others. Is that something you can live with? Are you ready and willing to forgive yourself and return to the One who calls you? He’s waiting. He’s been waiting. The first step is simply to say, “Please, God, forgive me…” Rate this:
Michigan Republicans Pass Bill That Would Put Gay AND Straight Couples In Prison
Conservative lawmakers are far too obsessed with how people have sex.In defiance of the Supreme Court, Michigan Republicans have passed a bill that makes oral and anal sex felonies punishable by up to 15 years in prison.State Senator Rick Jones, an old white right-wing guy who is apparently angry about all the sex he s not having, added the anti-sex language to SB 219, which is supposed to be an animal protection bill, included in a larger package of bills known as Logan s Law.Logan s Law is designed to block convicted animal abusers from owning any pets for five years, but Jones couldn t wait to use the bill to push his own belief that consenting adults who have oral and anal sex should be left to rot in a jail cell. He slipped in language revising the unconstitutional anti-sodomy law near the very end of the bill in a move that Jones probably hoped would go unnoticed.Here s a screenshot of Section 158 of Senate Bill 219.Despite calls for Jones to remove the section, he claims that to do so would hurt the animal protection bill as a whole. The minute I cross that line and I start talking about the other stuff, I won t even get another hearing. It ll be done, Jones said. Nobody wants to touch it. I would rather not even bring up the topic, because I know what would happen. You d get both sides screaming and you end up with a big fight that s not needed because it s unconstitutional. But Jones is the one who crossed the line in the first place by sneaking in his dream of outlawing oral and anal sex between humans into an animal protection bill. He s the one who willingly put the overall bill in jeopardy.Jones went on to claim that he believes the only way to repeal the sodomy ban is if the state passes a bill to do so, which he says he could probably vote for.The Supreme Court struck down anti-sodomy laws in 2003, but conservatives across the country have been fighting to keep the laws on the books ever since. That includes Ken Cuccinelli in Virginia who tried to outlaw carnal knowledge between married couples in 2013 as he failed to become the state s governor.And just like Cuccinelli, it appears Jones is trying to insert Christian fundamentalist law into the civil law, which would create a legal clusterf*ck in this country since it would destroy privacy. In order to enforce such a law, it would take millions upon millions of dollars, a spying program, and a cop in every household to make sure women and men are only doing it missionary style and that their reproductive organs are in the place where they believe God intended them to be.In short, whenever Republicans say they support smaller government, they are full of shit, and so is Rick Jones. But I bet Justice Scalia is totally behind him all the way. Featured image from Facebook
On Crime Bill and the Clintons, Young Blacks Clash With Parents - The New York Times
Rufus Farmer, 33, was tired of all the ways he saw black men being mistreated by the nation’s law enforcement system — from the police officer who once berated him for crossing the street to the mandatory prison sentences that sent so many of his peers away. So when former President Bill Clinton appeared on April 7 in Philadelphia at a rally for his wife, Hillary, Mr. Farmer protested, carrying a sign denouncing Mr. Clinton’s 1994 crime bill, which set lengthy prison sentences and flooded the streets with police officers. A fiery exchange broke out between the activists and the former president as Mr. Clinton forcefully defended the legislation. But it was not just Mr. Clinton who criticized the young protesters. Afterward, some older did, too. “I think it is crazy to protest the crime bill,” said Caryl Brock, 53, a social worker from the Bronx, who scolded the protesters on social media. “Should it be amended? Maybe. But a lot of people really wanted it. I really wanted it. ” Young and energized this election cycle are aggressively challenging longstanding ideas and policies, especially those carried out during the Clinton administration in areas like crime and welfare. But the activism is also laying bare a striking generation gap between younger and older whose experience, views of the former president and notions of how they should push for change diverge dramatically. The parents and grandparents of today’s young black protesters largely waged the battle for civil rights in courtrooms and churches. They carefully chose people who were viewed as upstanding citizens, like Rosa Parks, to be the face of their movement, and dressed in their Sunday best as they sought to gain broader acceptance. Mr. Clinton endeared himself to these generations by campaigning in black churches and appointing more blacks to the cabinet than any previous president had. But many of today’s activists — whose political consciousness has been shaped by the killings of black people by the police — do not believe that acting respectfully will protect them from being harassed or shot. They aspire not to become a part of the political system, but to upend it. “You do have older generations of church folk who believe that marching and singing is the best way to bring about change,” Mr. Farmer said. “We’ll march, too, but we’ll do what we need to do to communicate our message, if it happens to be yelling, or blocking an intersection. And we don’t care if people — particularly white people — believe it is respectable. ” The gulf between young black people and their elders surfaced repeatedly in more than two dozen interviews conducted in the days after Mr. Clinton’s clash with the protesters. To young activists like Mr. Farmer, Mr. Clinton’s legacy on crime is paternalistic and damaging. But many older black voters who raised families during the crack epidemic — an era many young people do not remember — remain steadfastly loyal to the Clintons. Ms. Brock said she had been a social worker in charge of the removal of children from dangerous homes in the South Bronx and Spanish Harlem in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when crack tore a path of destruction through those neighborhoods. “I saw it all,” Ms. Brock said. “Moms would give birth and leave the hospital to get a hit. My car got broken into every week. People were scared to walk down to the bodega, afraid they’d be followed and robbed. ” She said she was relieved when the crime bill passed. In addition to providing more money for prisons and the police, the law banned assault weapons and offered funding for drug courts and rehabilitation. “Because of the crime bill,” she said, “anybody that wanted rehabilitation, we could process them and get them a detox bed in a hospital. ” Ms. Brock’s comments underscore a sometimes overlooked reality in today’s of the crime bill: The legislation was broadly embraced by nonwhite voters, more enthusiastically even than by white voters. About 58 percent of nonwhites supported it in 1994, according to a Gallup poll, compared with 49 percent of white voters. Mr. Clinton has seemed rattled at times as he tries to defend the measure to younger in an era in which concerns about mistreatment by the police and mass incarceration have eclipsed the fear of crime in many black communities. And among these younger voters, the Clintons lack the deep admiration that they enjoy from previous generations of . In the Democratic primary contests so far, 92 percent of black voters 65 and older cast ballots for Mrs. Clinton, compared with 45 percent of black voters under age 25, according to exit polls conducted by Edison Research. Some and older found themselves siding with Mr. Clinton after his confrontation with the protesters in Philadelphia, which was widely broadcast on television and social media. During the exchange, Mr. Clinton said that the legislation targeted gang leaders “who got children hopped up on crack and sent them out the street to murder other children. ” He then lectured the activists, who support the Black Lives Matter movement: “You are defending the people who kill the lives you say matter. ” Roz Rodgers, 55, a community engagement worker from East St. Louis, Ill. said she understood what Mr. Clinton was trying to get across. “All black lives should always matter — that is what Bill Clinton was saying,” Ms. Rodgers said. “It bothered me, the reaction he got. ” About the activists, she said: “This younger generation is more vocal. They are not accepting the rules, regulations and expectations that exist. ” Today’s angry demonstrations over policies make it easy to forget how the former president was hailed two decades ago for taking a stand against gun violence in black communities. An emotional, unscripted speech Mr. Clinton gave in 1993 about the toll of violence on black youth has been called one the best of his presidency. He delivered it from the pulpit of the church in Memphis where the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. preached his last sermon. “The other day on the front page of The Washington Post was a story about an child planning her funeral,” Mr. Clinton told the congregation that day, 10 months before he signed the crime bill. “The freedom to die before you’re a teenager is not what Martin Luther King lived and died for. ” Black churchgoers gave him sustained applause and named him an honorary member of their congregation. A columnist in The Washington Post said the speech “embodied what has always been the promise of Clintonism. ” “Only Clinton could say it, and only now,” read a column in The St. Louis . Willie W. Herenton, the first mayor of Memphis, was in the church that day. “It’s easy for people to lose the connection of where we were in 1994 and where we are today,” Mr. Herenton said. The national murder rate hit a high in the early 1990s, disproportionately affecting neighborhoods in major cities. Today, violent crime is down and mistreatment by the police and excessive incarceration have taken center stage in the minds of many younger voters. In 2013, nearly of black men 18 to 34 reported being treated unfairly by the police in the previous 30 days, according to a Gallup survey. That has stirred anger among some young black people, which has crystallized in resentment of the Clintons in this election cycle. Charli Cleland, 24, a student at Brooklyn Law School, said he planned to vote for Senator Bernie Sanders, even though his family has always admired the Clintons. “Growing up, there was always this idea that Bill Clinton was a man for people of color,” he said. “Then this political year comes around, and there is so much being exposed as to what they have said in the past and what kind of bills they have approved in the past. I’m realizing that it’s actually against everything that I initially thought about the Clintons. ” When he watched the exchange in Philadelphia, Mr. Cleland said he viewed Mr. Clinton and his remarks as “paternalistic” and “implicitly racist. ” The interviews with the younger voters reveal a pattern: Not only are they distrustful of the Clintons, but they also appear disillusioned with politics and institutions in a way their parents are not. And they are less interested in gaining approval, especially from white people. “We do not believe that freedom for black Americans will come through politicians,” said Erica Mines, an activist in Philadelphia who demonstrated at Mr. Clinton’s speech alongside Mr. Farmer. “We can no longer rely on the ballot box for our freedom. ” Older generations fought for civil rights “to be accepted into mainstream society,” she said. “But younger folks are saying, ‘I’m not going to fit into that box anymore, or allow society to tell me what I need to be. ’” Mr. Farmer said his mother, who put her faith in the ballot box, the church pulpit and the Clintons, initially found it hard to understand his brand of activism. “She just thinks in a way that is popular of a generation. Go in peace. March. Sing a hymn or two. Don’t do any fighting. Don’t do too much yelling,” said Mr. Farmer, a former Marine. Mr. Farmer and Ms. Mines joined a group called the Philly Coalition for REAL Justice, which believes that only disruptive, direct action can bring about change. On Thursday, members of the group blocked an intersection to push for a $15 minimum wage and other measures. Both he and Ms. Mines were arrested. Mr. Farmer says his mother’s views are changing as she watches his experience. “I was locked up for about 27 hours,” he said. “She was at the precinct when I came out. She gave the police an earful. ” And, in perhaps a more surprising shift, after hearing what Mr. Clinton said in Philadelphia, his mother has decided not to vote for Mrs. Clinton for president, Mr. Farmer said. “She was a Clinton fan,” he said. “She would have voted Clinton automatically. ”
WATCH: Students WALK OUT During Mike Pence’s Commencement Speech
While vice-president Mike Pence gave a commencement speech Sunday at the University of Notre Dame in Indiana where he was the bigoted governor before joining team Trump, a large group of graduating students walked out. One of the students wore a rainbow cape, while some of the others who walked out in protest sported rainbow flags on their graduation caps. Congratulations to a generation of promise. We are proud of you all, Pence said, according to WNDU. For this son of Indiana, it is great to be back home again. Pence praised Donald Trump s executive order on religious freedom and targeted what he called political correctness on campus, saying it was wholly outside the American tradition. He criticized what he called college safe spaces. While this institution has maintained an atmosphere of civility and open debate, far too many campuses across America have become characterized by speech codes, safe spaces, tone policing, administration-sanctioned political correctness all of which amounts to the suppression of free speech, he said, according to The Huffington Post. These practices are destructive of learning and the pursuit of knowledge. We re glad that Pence believes in the First Amendment because his boss certainly doesn t. Valedictorian C.J. Pine gave an address prior to Pence s speech in which he called for equal rights and religious freedom for Muslims and people of all faiths. Our generation must stand against the scapegoating of Muslims, Pine said. If we are going to build walls between American students and international students, then I am skewered on the fence, Pine said.Father John Jenkins, Notre Dame s president, called for less division. Too often the love that fires our passion is twisted into a hatred in which we disagree, Jenkins said.Watch:A large group of students just walked out of Notre Dame's commencement during VP Mike Pence's address. #ND2017 pic.twitter.com/g3dCuqPbXg WNDU (@WNDU) May 21, 2017Last week, over 1,700 Notre Dame alumni signed a letter to express their disappointment over the school s decision to have Pence give the commencement address.While Trump was on the campaign trail he said to ask the gays about his actions to help LGBTQ groups compared to Hillary Clinton. However, Trump chose Mike Pence as his vice-president, a man who has been hostile to the gay community.Since Pence is an advocate of free speech and is supposedly against political correctness then he must have been really proud of the students who walked out during his speech.Image via screen capture.
In rare foreign trip, Assad flies to Moscow to meet with Putin
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad ventured outside his beleaguered nation for the first time in more than four years Wednesday to meet Russia’s Vladimir Putin in a surprise visit to Kremlin patrons now backing Syria’s government with military might. The landmark trip is a powerful signal of Russia’s growing support for the embattled Syrian government as it fights an armed rebellion that includes factions backed by the West and many Middle East partners. Russian warplanes have struck Syrian rebel targets across the country in recent weeks, allowing Assad’s forces to go on the offensive and giving the Damascus government a critical lifeline after near-constant battles since 2011. Russia insists it is battling the Islamic State, which controls parts of Syria, but anti-government rebels and activists say few of the Russian strikes have hit the jihadists. Assad has painted his government’s military crackdown as a fight against terrorism. But the Russian intervention has deepened tensions with Washington, which is leading separate airstrikes against the Islamic State and rejects a long-term role for Assad in Syria’s future. [Obama’s challenge in three words: “Assad must go”] The Pentagon and NATO allies have expressed worry over possible inadvertent encounters between Russian and U.S.-led coalition aircraft in the skies over Syria. Neighboring Turkey has accused Russia of twice violating its airspace and shot down a Russian-made drone last week. On Friday, Secretary of State John F. Kerry is expected to meet with his counterparts from Russia and two main Assad foes — Turkey and Saudi Arabia — to discuss Syria, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. Putin has made clear that Russia seeks to have a key role in any moves on Syria’s political future, apparently to ensure that Moscow does not lose its main foothold in the region. “We are ready to make our contribution not only in the course of military actions . . . but during the political process,” Putin said, according to a transcript released by the Kremlin. But few specific details emerged from the meetings with Assad. The extraordinary trip was announced after Assad had already returned to Damascus. Putin thanked Assad for visiting Moscow at Russia’s request, praised the Syrian people for fighting opponents for several years “practically on their own” and said that “serious results have been achieved in this battle,” according to the Kremlin transcript. “If it were not for your actions and decisions, the terrorism that is spreading through the region now would have made even greater gains, and spread to even wider territories,” Assad said to Putin, according to the transcript. Putin said that at least 4,000 Islamist militants from the former Soviet Union are now fighting in Syria, and he warned that they could not be allowed to foment instability in Russia. He also reiterated the eventual need for a political settlement to end the conflict. The West has demanded that Assad step down as part of any political transition, a condition Putin did not address in his remarks. In the meeting with Assad, Putin said his government believes that “positive results” in military operations will lay the foundation for long-term resolution to Syria’s conflict. “We would do this, of course, in close contact with the other global powers and with the countries in the region that want to see a peaceful settlement to this conflict,” he said. The Kremlin meetings unfolded a day after the Pentagon’s new chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff held talks in Iraq, seeking to bolster U.S. support for Iraqi forces battling the Islamic State. Marine Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr. said Iraqi leaders gave assurances that Baghdad has not reached out to Russia to possibly expand its airstrikes. But a group of Iraqi political leaders and influential Shiite militias have urged Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi to request Russian airstrikes on Islamic State militants, the Reuters news agency reported. [Did U.S. aid to Syrian rebels prompt Russian moves?] Photographs released by the Kremlin also showed Assad dining with Putin and other top Russian officials, including Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu. Russian warplanes have carried out dozens of strikes daily against targets in Syria since bombing began Sept. 30. Russia says it is focused on fighting the Islamic State in Syria, but many of the strikes have been directed against other Islamists and more moderate forces opposed to Assad. The West says that Russia’s main goal is to prop up Assad and allow his forces to go on the offensive, not fight the Islamic State. Russian and U.S. officials announced Tuesday that they had signed a “deconfliction” agreement to regulate aircraft and drone traffic over Syria. On Tuesday, the Russian Defense Ministry released video of a Russian jet tailing what appeared to be an American Reaper drone over Syria. The ministry said the only aircraft legally in Syrian airspace are Russian. Reuters on Tuesday said three Russians were killed in an artillery strike in Syria, citing an intelligence source. The Defense Ministry denied that any Russian service members have been killed in Syria. Critics have said that Russia may send unofficial forces, or “volunteers,” as it has done in the Ukrainian conflict. There was no immediate comment from Washington on Assad’s trip. But in NATO member Turkey, Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu said he hoped Assad would stay in Russia. “If only he could stay in Moscow longer, to give the people of Syria some relief,” Davutoglu told reporters in Ankara. Little common ground between Moscow and Washington Today's coverage from Post correspondents around the world
Exclusive: Japan considers buying more U.S. energy as Abe prepares to meet Trump
TOKYO (Reuters) - Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is considering increasing energy imports from the United States, two sources familiar with the plan told Reuters, as he prepares to meet President Donald Trump, who has complained about Japan’s trade surplus. Japan is putting together a package of plans for Japanese companies to invest in infrastructure and job-creation projects in the United States for Abe to take to the Feb. 10 meeting with Trump in Washington. Another idea is to offer to increase liquid natural gas (LNG) imports from the United States, a source in the ruling coalition told Reuters. Another option, if Abe determines that Trump is most concerned about the trade gap, is to increase imports of U.S. shale oil or gas on top of the investment package, according to a top executive at a major Japanese corporation who is close to Abe. Japanese officials have been scrambling to respond to Trump’s scattershot comments since he took office. He has threatened to impose a tax on car imports from Mexico, criticized Japan’s trade gap with the United States and most recently accused Japan, along with China and Germany, of devaluing their currencies to the detriment of U.S. companies. “(Abe) wants to know what’s the most important thing for Trump,” said the executive, who declined to be identified. “If it is the trade surplus that Trump cares the most about, for instance, then we could come up with a few possible solutions,” including importing more U.S. shale oil or gas. Abe’s approach toward Trump would be “not accommodating, not opposing”, he said. Utilities would be resistant to buying more U.S. shale gas because they have already committed to buying large amounts and Japan’s demand for energy is falling, an executive at a Japanese gas importer told Reuters on condition of anonymity. Prices for LNG in Asia LNG-AS have fallen by almost a fifth this year amid a supply glut. Japan is the world’s biggest buyer of the gas cooled to liquid form for transport on ships and takes in nearly a third of global shipments. Once seen as a panacea for Japan’s energy crisis after the Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011 led to the shutdown of most reactors in the country, U.S. shale gas is now just one of many options for Japan to meet its needs. Japan took in its first shipment of shale gas in liquid form this month and more shipments are likely to come as more export terminals start shipments this year and next. The Yomiuri newspaper said on Thursday Abe’s growth and jobs initiative would include a plan for Japan and the United States to jointly develop a $450 billion “infrastructure market”, into which the Japanese government and companies would invest $150 billion over 10 years.
JUST IN: WASHINGTON POST Gets DESTROYED When Reporter Admits Truth About How They Cover President Trump In New Undercover Videos
James O Keefe of Project Veritas has used his incredible talents to go undercover and expose crooked organizations like ACORN and Planned Parenthood. During the 2016 election, O Keefe was able to expose the corrupt underbelly of the Democrat Party who used paid plants to incite violence at Trump rallies. O Keefe was also able to tie Barack Obama directly to their chief organizer. Of course, every major #FakeNews outlet completely ignored these horrific coordinated acts of violence against innocent Americans.Over the past several months, O Keefe has been releasing undercover videos he s used to expose the bias and unprofessional tactics used by news publications like the New York Times and now, the Washington Post.Today, the Washington Post attempted to embarrass O Keefe for allegedly setting a trap for them with a woman posing as a Roy Moore sexual assault accuser.After seeing the woman entering Project Veritas, The Post made the unusual decision to report her previous off-the-record comments. https://t.co/W05qDKlhl8 pic.twitter.com/Q0uJ9iaBoo Washington Post (@washingtonpost) November 27, 2017Here s a video the Washington Post released on Twitter, of reporters from WaPo ambushing O Keefe at his Project Veritas office.The @washingtonpost attempts to ambush @Project_Veritas anticipating an imminent video release pic.twitter.com/6UV2tOeiAS James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 27, 2017Many Twitter users wondered if the Washington Post was trying to cover up a bombshell that O Keefe was about to drop on the publication owned by billionaire Amazon founder Jeff Bezos?O Keefe tweeted a response to the Washington Post s videotaped ambush, warning everyone to fasten their seatbelts. Hitting export on hidden camera footage into Washington Post shortly. Project Veritas vs Bezos 100mm monopoly. Fasten your seatbelts. Hitting export on hidden camera footage into Washington Post shortly. Project Veritas vs Bezos 100mm monopoly. Fasten your seatbelts. James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 27, 2017Josh Caplan suggests that WaPo reporters who hounded O Keefe were panicked. Was the ambush on O Keefe by WaPo reporters over his alleged use of a plant disguised as a Roy Moore accuser , simply a way to discredit O Keefe in advance of his expose on them?Panicked Reporters Stalk Project Veritas HQ As Rumors Swirl @JamesOKeefeIII Is Set To Expose Washington Posthttps://t.co/BV66enlqbq Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) November 27, 2017BREAKING: Undercover video inside @washingtonpost shows National Security Correspondent @danlamothe and Director of Product @josephjames discussing WaPo's hidden agenda #AmericanPravda #ProjectVeritas Full: https://t.co/2002erd3ub pic.twitter.com/o4qi8DQyAz James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 27, 2017This video allegedly shows Amazon founder Jeff Bezos direct influence in the Washington Post s newsroom:.@josephjames, who works closely with the Jeff Bezos at the Post, sheds light on Bezos's influence in the newsroom. pic.twitter.com/KJcUSCqO5F James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 28, 2017Washington Post s Dan LaMonthe calls out the New York Times and CNN for their bias in this video:Looks like @DanLamothe is a fan of our #AmericanPravda series. Here he is attacking #CNN and #NYT for their extreme bias against @realDonaldTrump. https://t.co/PHv7HPFhkQ @washingtonpost pic.twitter.com/p79fzIOc1T Project Veritas (@Project_Veritas) November 28, 2017Here s another Dan LaMonthe video where he explains how the Washington Post works together to take down Trump following his tweets:WATCH: @washingtonpost reporter: "I can't tell you how many times we get an email at work: 'Oh did you see what (Trump) just tweeted? What are we gonna do about it?" Full video: https://t.co/2002erd3ub pic.twitter.com/OOOjE3kOx5 James O'Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) November 28, 2017Finally, Grant J. Kidney claims that Project Veritas just vindicated President Trump and his attack on the Amazon Washington Post. Project Veritas just vindicated President Trump in his calling of the Washington Post, the Amazon Washington Post . pic.twitter.com/FNNhNFNaRg GRANT J. KIDNEY (@GrantJKidney) November 28, 2017
Trump poses daunting new challenge for Germany's Merkel
BERLIN (Reuters) - Donald Trump’s victory has been a shock for America’s major partners around the world. But perhaps nowhere has the blow been more painful than in Germany, a country that under Angela Merkel has come to see itself as a bastion of openness and tolerance. On virtually every issue of importance to the German chancellor, from confronting Russian aggression and promoting free trade, to combating climate change and tackling the tide of refugees fleeing Syria, Trump seems likely to turn Washington from an ally into an adversary. He invoked the German chancellor’s name to insult his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton during the U.S. campaign, calling her “America’s Merkel”. And he described her decision last year to open German borders to hundreds of thousands of migrants as “insane”. So although Trump’s election is being seen as a rejection of the political establishment and liberal democratic values in general, it represents a very personal blow to Merkel, Europe’s most powerful leader. It heaps more responsibility on her at a time when she is nearing an announcement on whether she will run for a record-tying fourth term as chancellor next autumn. Despite the toll that 11 years of non-stop crisis fighting has taken on her, Merkel’s aides say that Trump’s victory and Britain’s decision in June to leave the European Union have, if anything, reinforced her determination to continue. “Given the challenges we face, in Europe and beyond, she can’t simply walk off into the sunset. That would look very bad. She has a sense of responsibility,” said an adviser. Germans have been falling out of love with the United States since George W. Bush invaded Iraq more than a dozen years ago. But the election of Barack Obama in 2008 was seen here as proof of America’s capacity to correct its “mistakes”. Obama was hailed as the heir to John F. Kennedy, who came to a divided Berlin in 1963, two years after construction of the Berlin Wall began, and reassured Germans with the word “Ich bin ein Berliner”. Obama, who developed a close relationship with Merkel in his eight years in office, will make what promises to be a bittersweet farewell visit to Berlin this week. Trump’s win heralds a hard break in a relationship that grew extremely close during the Cold War, before wobbling when Germany refused to go along with Bush’s Iraq war and was derided by his Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld as “old Europe”. Last week, Germany’s Suddeutsche Zeitung published a cartoon of a beaming Trump opening his jacket to reveal the message “Ich bin kein Berliner” (I am not a Berliner) plastered across his chest. This won’t stop Merkel, a restrained politician who prefers small steps to giant leaps, from trying to work with the brash Trump, who rode to victory on the dreamy promise to “Make America Great Again”. She is a pragmatist who has maintained dialogue with strongmen like Vladimir Putin and Tayyip Erdogan through crises in Germany’s relationship with Russia and Turkey. But Merkel’s statement on Wednesday, in the aftermath of Trump’s election, was telling. In it, she set conditions for cooperation with Trump, a provocative message from a close ally to the democratically elected leader of the United States. “Germany and America are connected by values of democracy, freedom and respect for the law and the dignity of man, independent of origin, skin color, religion, gender, sexual orientation or political views,” she said. “I offer the next President of the United States close cooperation on the basis of these values.” Merkel’s cabinet colleagues have been far more outspoken. Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier has denounced Trump as a “preacher of hate”. Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel has called him the pioneer of an international “authoritarian and chauvinist” movement. The German press has not pulled punches either. The cover of Der Spiegel magazine this weekend showed the head of a grimacing Trump hurtling toward earth like a giant flaming asteroid, above the title “The End of the World (as we know it)”. One of Merkel’s biggest foreign policy successes as chancellor was rallying the European Union’s disparate 28 member states behind sanctions against Russia in response to its intervention in eastern Ukraine. If Trump follows through on his promise to forge a closer relationship with Putin, the transatlantic and European front against Russia would crumble, leaving her Putin policy in tatters. Merkel was also the driving force in Europe behind the ambitious trade deal between the EU and United States, known as TTIP (the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership). That agreement, still in the negotiation phase, seems sure to die under Trump, whose protectionist promises, should they become reality, would hit few countries harder than Germany, whose economic strength depends heavily on the openness of the global trading system. “Nowhere would a move toward renationalization be more dangerous,” former German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer wrote this week. Germany, he predicted, would pay “the highest economic and political price” if the wave of populism led to a further weakening, or even a collapse, of the EU. Trump’s presidency will challenge Germany on a number of other fronts, from climate and fiscal policy to defense spending and financial regulation. Trump has promised to do what Merkel and her veteran Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble have resisted for years: take advantage of an ultra-low interest rate environment to invest vast amounts of public money in modernizing infrastructure. It was ironic that in the same week Trump was elected, Germany was finalizing a 2017 budget that is a model of fiscal restraint. How long Schaeuble will be able to stick to his cherished “Schwarze Null”, or balanced budget, with Trump demanding that Europe shoulder more responsibility for its own defense, is unclear. But one thing does seem clear: in Trump, Germany faces its biggest test since the fall of the Berlin Wall. “To suggest that Germany has suddenly become the new leader of the western world is not only absurd but dangerous - because it raises expectations that simply can’t ever be met,” a senior German official said.
Serial Plagiarist Does Victory Dance Over White People Dying, Trump Can’t Save You!
White people the only lives that DON T matter. Imagine the outrage if he were taking a victory lap over a study showing Muslims dying in increasing numbers Citing a study that shows Middle American whites are dying in increasing numbers, like a twisted and bitter eugenicist, serial-plagiarist Fareed Zakaria doesn t even attempt to contain his glee. By painting those who are supposedly dying as useless, drug-addicted ragers, he paints a picture of a weak, angry, and ultimately stupid ethnic group getting what it deserves.If this were any other group, Zakaria would not be using the pages of the Washington Post for a victory dance. Instead, he would be launching an emotional blackmail campaign to cure this epidemic with hundreds of billions of federal dollars. Like most of the elite media, though, Zakaria despises Middle America, so he joyously assumes the study is accurate and bloodlessly screams Told You So! The headline says it all: America s Self-Destructive Whites, and naturally the opening paragraph contains the words Donald and Trump. Why is Middle America killing itself? The fact itself is probably the most important social science finding in years. It is already reshaping American politics. The Post s Jeff Guo notes that the people who make up this cohort are largely responsible for Donald Trump s lead in the race for the Republican nomination for president. What does this epidemic mean to Zakaria?That it s time for compassion?Time for government action?Time for understanding?No. It means more rage from creepy Middle America:The key question is why, and exploring it provides answers that suggest that the rage dominating U.S. politics will only get worse.Zakaria hints that the study s numbers are a tad shaky, but that doesn t stop him from doing a happy dance around the fact that Middle America s Got It Coming .The main causes of death are as striking as the fact itself: suicide, alcoholism, and overdoses of prescription and illegal drugs. People seem to be killing themselves, slowly or quickly, Deaton told me. These circumstances are usually caused by stress, depression and despair.Middle America s a Bunch of Wussies .A conventional explanation for this middle-class stress and anxiety is that globalization and technological change have placed increasing pressures on the average worker in industrialized nations. But the trend is absent in any other Western country it s an exclusively American phenomenon. And the United States is actually relatively insulated from the pressures of globalization, having a vast, self-contained internal market.Stupid Middle America Should Stop Voting Against the Welfare State Deaton speculated to me that perhaps Europe s more generous welfare state might ease some of the fears associated with the rapid change.Middle America s Spoiled By White Privilege [O]ther groups might not expect that their income, standard of living and social status are destined to steadily improve. They don t have the same confidence that if they work hard, they will surely get ahead. In fact, Rouse said that after hundreds of years of slavery, segregation and racism, blacks have developed ways to cope with disappointment and the unfairness of life[.]They do not assume that the system is set up for them. They try hard and hope to succeed, but they do not expect it as the norm.Donald Trump Can t Save You!Mwuh, huh, huh, huh Donald Trump has promised that he will change this and make them win again. But he can t. No one can. And deep down, they know it. Via: Breitbart News
Scientists Leak Evidence That Approve Elon Musk's Theory: The Universe Is A "Computer" Simulation
Share on Facebook Physicists say they may have evidence that the universe is a computer simulation. How? They made a computer simulation of the universe. And it looks sort of like us. A long-proposed thought experiment, put forward by both philosophers and popular culture, points out that any civilization of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible. A long-proposed thought experiment, put forward by both philosophers and popular culture, points out that any civilization of sufficient size and intelligence would eventually create a simulation universe if such a thing were possible. And since there would therefore be many more simulations (within simulations, within simulations) than real universes, it is therefore more likely than not that our world is artificial. Now a team of researchers at the University of Bonn in Germany led by Silas Beane say they have evidence this may be true. In a paper named ‘ Constraints on the Universe as a Numerical Simulation ’, they point out that current simulations of the universe – which do exist, but which are extremely weak and small – naturally put limits on physical laws. Technology Review explains that “the problem with all simulations is that the laws of physics, which appear continuous, have to be superimposed onto a discrete three dimensional lattice which advances in steps of time.” What that basically means is that by just being a simulation, the computer would put limits on, for instance, the energy that particles can have within the program. These limits would be experienced by those living within the sim – and as it turns out, something which looks just like these limits do in fact exist. For instance, something known as the Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin, or GZK cut off, is an apparent boundary of the energy that cosmic ray particles can have. This is caused by interaction with cosmic background radiation. But Beane and co’s paper argues that the pattern of this rule mirrors what you might expect from a computer simulation . Naturally, at this point the science becomes pretty tricky to wade through – and we would advise you read the paper itself to try and get the full detail of the idea. But the basic impression is an intriguing one. Like a prisoner in a pitch-black cell, we may never be able to see the ‘walls’ of our prison — but through physics we may be able to reach out and touch them. Watch What Elon Musk Says On This Subject: Related:
Trump hostility set to deepen Iran power struggles
ANKARA (Reuters) - Iranians quickly closed ranks against a hawkish new U.S. approach to Tehran, but Iran s powerful hardliners are set to exploit the latest dispute with Washington to weaken domestic rivals who are open to the West, analysts and insiders say. President Donald Trump s warning on Friday that he might ultimately terminate a landmark 2015 nuclear deal sets the stage for an eventual resurgence of political infighting within Iran s complex power structures, officials said. If the accord signed by Iran and six major powers does start to fall apart, anyone who strongly promoted it, such as pragmatist President Hassan Rouhani, could face a career-damaging backlash. That could leave Iran s security hardliners unchallenged at home, enabling greater Iranian assertiveness abroad that could worsen tensions in the Middle East, analysts say. For the moment, solidarity within the Islamic Republic s faction-ridden political elite is the priority. What matters now is unity against the foreign enemy, a senior official told Reuters on condition of anonymity, like other figures contacted within Iran because of the sensitivity of the matter. Our national interest is a priority for all Iranian officials. But Rouhani and pragmatists and reformist allies who promoted the deal, which lifted sanctions in return for Tehran rolling back technologies with nuclear bomb-making potential, may become increasingly politically vulnerable at home. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY FOR ROUHANI S CRITICS Trump on Friday defied both U.S. allies and adversaries by refusing to formally certify that Tehran is complying with the accord even though international inspectors say it is. The growing tension with America is a golden opportunity for hardliners to clip Rouhani s wings, said a Rouhani ally, who was involved in the 18-month nuclear talks. Iran s top authority, hardline Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, guardedly backed Rouhani when he opened the door to nuclear diplomacy with world powers, but has repeatedly expressed pessimism about Washington remaining committed to it. For Rouhani the stakes are high: His rapprochement with the world won him enhanced popularity at home and prestige abroad, dealing a setback to Khamenei s hardline allies, who oppose both detente with the West and domestic liberalization. Now the tables may be turning. Hardliners will use Trump s threat as a Sword of Damocles over Rouhani s head ... While enjoying the economic benefits of the deal, said Tehran-based political analyst Saeed Leylaz, referring to the lifting of tough oil and banking sanctions. Rouhani and his detente policy with the world will be weakened if the deal does not survive, another senior Iranian official said. And of course an aggressive regional policy is inevitable. Under Iran s unique dual system of clerical and republican rule, the elected president is subordinate to the unelected Khamenei, who has in the past reasserted control when infighting threatened the existence of the Islamic Republic. Trump s policy will play into the hands of hardliners eventually, said an ally of Khamenei. What matters is the Islamic Republic and its interests. TIT-FOR-TAT STEPS In reaction to Trump, Rouhani signaled Iran would withdraw from the agreement if it failed to preserve Tehran s interests. The survival of the deal now is up to the U.S. Congress, which might try to modify it or reimpose U.S. sanctions on Iran. But even if the Congress refuses to consider sanctions, the deal could still be in jeopardy if Washington and Tehran resort to tit-for-tat retaliatory steps. As long as both sides only exchange words, business will continue as usual, said Leylaz. Since the lifting of sanctions, Rouhani has started to repair an economy ravaged by a decade of restrictions on its vital oil industry and issued warm welcomes to global investors. But major European investors could think twice about involvement in Iran if tension mounts with the United States and uncertainty grows over survival of the accord. If European companies don t have the comfort of a political agreement endorsed by the Americans they will say stop, said a senior French diplomat. Among European firms that have announced big deals in Iran since the deal took effect are planemaker Airbus AIR.PA, French energy group Total TOTF.PA and Germany s Siemens SIEGn.DE. Trump enraged Tehran by saying that the Revolutionary Guards, which have fought Iran s regional proxy wars for decades, was Khamenei s corrupt personal terror force and militia . Rouhani said Iranians would always stand by the Guards. Several officials agreed that Trump s hostility would not change Iran s regional behavior, determined by Khamenei. But if Trump somehow made good on his threats, then Iran will adopt a harsher and aggressive regional policy, said one of the officials familiar with Iran s decision-making policy. Iran and its rival Saudi Arabia accuse each other of fuelling regional tensions. The Sunni Muslim kingdom is at odds with Tehran s revolutionary Shi ite leaders in struggles across the Arab world, including Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Bahrain and Lebanon. On social policy, Rouhani s scope to loosen restrictions on individual freedoms and rights would be crushed by hardliners if he loses political prestige. Hardliners control the judiciary, security forces and state media. Whenever pressured abroad, the regime increases pressure at home to silence any opposition, said a former moderate official.
Tupolev Tu-22M Bombers in Action over Syria
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Cover-Up Happening Now – Remember, Remember The 5th Of November – Warning!
Leave a reply Bill Still – Good morning, I’m still reporting on 4Chan. If TruePundit is right again, then there are movements of FBI agents tonight that suggest a massive raid happening tomorrow in the DC metro area that may involve arrests and seizure of evidence in the Clinton Foundation investigation. I think I can hear the sound of thousands of computers being scrubbed by BleachBit from Leesburg, Virginia to Bowie, Maryland when I walk outside. And if so, then tomorrow a mighty blow for freedom will be struck as the first step towards the restoration of the rule of law is taken. But first, this letter from Anonymous writing on 4Chan making some interesting predictions. First of all, what is 4Chan? See also SR 1318 – Huma Abedin FLIPPED in NYPD Slimy Sex Probe – Crooked Hillary May Be Involved It is a message board that is designed from the ground up to be totally anonymous. Users don’t even have to pick a username. Posts are time sensitive – less time for R-rated discussion threads – more time for G or PG rated ones. So, the reliability of the comments can only be judged by knowledge of the context surrounding the comments. I did a story on 4Chan on Aug. 3, 2016, Still Report #1091 . Since I thought it was true, I ran the story then. Now, it no longer seems a bit flaky, because much of it has panned out. The particular 4Chan thread that pertained to whether or not Hillary Clinton would not be recommended for indictment by FBI Director Jim Comey was announced by an anonymous FBI Analyst. Now management of the thread has apparently been taken over by Anonymous. The previous author may have met his fate at the hands of the conspirators attempting to steal the American election. What follows is the message, dated Nov. 3, 2016 @00:43:33: “Over the next few days many new documents will be released. The contents of these documents will contain evidence of perhaps the largest cover-up in American history. ”Before this happens we would like to explain ourselves and answer a few questions you may have.” ”Until this month, WikiLeaks and Anonymous have worked together building an efficient, detailed, comprehensive set of documents that would be responsible for the incarceration of Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and 21 individuals ranging from the DNC, FBI, CIA, and Clinton Foundation. ”These documents will show without a doubt, the evidence of treason, obstruction of justice, election fraud manipulation, and bribery. “This was intended to be the October surprise. But before the release of these documents, we were contacted by a member of the FBI, as well as another from the CIA, and a week later by the NYPD. All with information pertaining to something much darker than even we imagine. Due to the nature of these leaks, we all work together as efficiently as possible to ensure two objectives: 1. That all necessary information would be given to the public in an organized, searchable, manageable way. 2. Those who provided us with this information would be able to find safety before these releases were made (this concern wasn’t without warrant). The new leaks being released this week will provide documents in the form of emails pictures and videos. Within these will be evidence of Bill Clinton, as well as, at least, six other government officials, taking part in sexual acts with minors. As well as evidence of human trafficking that also included minors. We believe these pictures and videos were taken for the purpose of political manipulation in order to make sure all participants followed through on a previously agreed agenda. These documents were given to us by an American government official when he had come to learn that this crime had been covered up by Hillary and her staff through methods including bribery and blackmail. He also told us that due to the restricted access of these documents they would soon know he was the one who released them to us. We were trying to make arrangements for him to exit the country safely, but he was killed before those arrangements could be carried out. Remember, remember, the 5th of November. I’m still reporting from Washington. Good day. SF Source Bill Still Nov. 2016 Share this:
TRUMP TO END FUNDING For Taxpayer-Funded, Leftist Propaganda Public Broadcasting Corp.
Forcing taxpaying Americans to fund liberal propaganda television and radio shows is similar to union bosses forcing conservative union members to contribute their hard earned dues to help candidates like Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama win elections. No American should have to pay for government funded media outlets who pass off biased opinions by liberal hosts as news or television shows that work to indoctrinate our youth. The Trump administration will end federal involvement with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, according to Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney.Mike Gonzales, VP of Communications for the Heritage Foundation sums up the insanity of government funding for the CPB in this US News piece: There s a reason liberals have taken up Big Bird as the face of public broadcasting and not, say, Bill Moyers. Mr. Bird is feathery and cuddly, while Moyers likes to compare American flag lapel pins to Mao s Little Red Book. This is how the left undermines our institutions from within: make the effort appear homey and apple pie-ish. Show Big Bird, not Big Bill. Moyers is not alone. Many other journalists at PBS and NPR equally epitomize an aloof liberal elite that has squandered half the nation s trust in the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Over at NPR there is Nina Totenberg, who once wished AIDS on the grandchildren of Sen. Jesse Helms. No, Totenberg won t be the face of the pro-public broadcasting effort, either. Elmo is being pressed into service.I don t mean to pick on Moyers or Totenberg. They are no different from many of their brethren in other publications. For some reason probably because liberals want to change American society, which they see as inferior, and people who want to change society tend to go into journalism most people in the profession are liberal. In one important way, however, Moyers and Totenberg are different. Journalists at The New York Times and MSNBC must constantly strive to give their publics what they want. If they fall short, they ll get a quick reality check: Readers will buy a different paper or click somewhere else online. TV viewers will reach for their remotes.Only PBS and NPR journalists think they re entitled to a conservative taxpayer s dime. And this is the nub of the problem. How can an institution that represents the views of only the liberal half of the population, and only grudgingly acknowledges conservatives and their principles in passing, believe it has a claim on all taxpayers?Yes, the CPB says that it s impartial, that it s popular, and that taxpayer money covers a tiny percentage of their operating revenue. And that just makes my point. If they re willing to ignore widespread conservative complaints and refuse to institute changes, then they have a problem. And, yes, I agree, they can do fine without our money. Their membership strategy amounts to a fantastic business model. They will thrive on it. We can use the $444 million they get a year. We proposed ending funding, but technically what you ll see it s an elimination but you ll see an amount of money in the budget, and it is some amount of money that s necessary for us to unwind our involvement with CPB, Mulvaney said during the briefing on the administration s budget blueprint. So you won t see a zero next to it, but the policy is that we re ending federal involvement with the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Next year it might be zero, it may take a while to unwind that relationship, it s just the nature of contracts, he said.The Washington Free Beacon previously reported defunding NPR and public radio would likely take years because the Corporation for Public Broadcasting gets its funding two years in advance.The CPB receives roughly $450 million each year, with $99.1 million going to public radio.The Trump administration will release the full budget blueprint Thursday afternoon. The so-called skinny budget shows Congress the administration s spending priorities, and officials have characterized the suggested spending cuts as dramatic. WFB
Couple Seeking House Willing To Do Webcam Show For Landlords
0 Add Comment “YOU just have to show that you’re willing to go that extra mile,” said Keith Gernon, angling the webcam on his laptop to give a perfect shot of his bed, where his girlfriend Cathy Wilson is already waiting. “We haven’t left the house without a cash deposit with us for the past four months, just so we can grab any property that comes available to rent. But we’re always beaten to it… so we’ve decided to try something new”. Gernon and Wilson, both 27, are speaking exclusively to WWN about their difficulties in securing a one bedroom flat in Dublin city centre, and have decided to offer potential landlords a daily sex video broadcast live over a webcam in a bid to give them the ‘edge’ over other renters. “The minute a flat goes up on Daft, we mail the landlord and put on a bit of a show for them, letting them know there’s more where that came from,” said Wilson, undressing quickly in a bid to secure a bedsit above a butcher’s shop which just got listed at €1,800 a month. “If you think you’re going to just show up and get the place, forget it. It’s like trying to get bread in Russia in the 80s. We don’t even bother going to viewings now, we just send over a sexy clip and take it from there”. While landlords are open to webcam shows as part of their letting packages, people looking to buy a house rather than rent in Dublin must agree to sign up for a 24-hour Truman Show style existence with cameras in every room of the house.
Trump wants to help U.S. businesses by lifting slew of regulations: CNBC
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump outlined economic policy initiatives on Thursday that he would pursue if elected to the White House in November, including refinancing longer-term U.S. debt, lowering taxes and scrapping a slew of federal regulations. The Manhattan real estate mogul said his aim would be to clear the way for U.S. businesses to succeed. “We’re lowering taxes very substantially and we’re going to be getting rid of a tremendous amount of regulations,” Trump said in a wide-ranging interview with CNBC. “The business people they talk about regulation more than they talk about taxes,” he said. Trump’s path to the Republican nomination for the Nov. 8 election became clear after a decisive primary victory in Indiana on Tuesday forced his two remaining rivals, U.S. Senator Ted Cruz and Ohio Governor John Kasich, to drop out of the race. The candidate, who has never held elective office, has been pressed to provide more details on policy proposals. On Wednesday, he said he was “open to doing something” with the country’s minimum wage, but that any increase would have to be weighed against a potential loss of competitiveness. In the CNBC interview, the billionaire said he supported low interest rates for now and believed the United States should try to refinance some of its debt to help pay for infrastructure repairs. “I would refinance debt. I think we should refinance longer-term debt,” Trump said. Trump has experience in restructuring his business debt, including two of his Atlantic City casino companies, and said he has been successful on that front. Trump told CNBC he would not renegotiate U.S. bonds but would buy back at discounts, depending where interest rates are. “Part of the problem is when a lot of this debt comes due, what happens if the rates are high and we have no budget that can even conceivably take care of this,” Trump said. If interest rates go up just 1 percent, Trump said, it would be devastating for the economy. “I think there are times for us to refinance, refinance debt with longer term,” he said. “Because you know we owe so much money. Nobody talks about it - nobody talks about it until the bubble pops. And the bubble could pop, and it could pop and it could be ugly.” Trump also warned about the downside of a strong U.S. dollar. “I love the concept of a strong dollar, in many respects obviously I like a strong dollar. But when you look at the havoc that a strong dollar causes,” he said on CNBC. “While there are certain benefits, it sounds better to have a strong dollar than in actuality it is.”
Jamelle Bouie Says Science Proves Half Of GOP Are Deplorable (VIDEO)
The right-wing was quick to claim that Clinton had experienced her own 47% moment with her basket full of deplorables remark. But nothing could be further from the truth. Clinton s remark turns out to be fairly accurate.In fact, if anything Clinton actually undersold just how deplorable Trump s supporters actually are. During an appearance on CBS s Face the Nation on Sunday, Slate s chief political correspondent, Jamelle Bouie explained how the statement Clinton made is supported by scientific evidence.Bouie looked at polling data that showed that more than half of Republicans believe that President is a Muslim or was born in another country. So, I m inclined to see it as strategy and not so much as a gaffe because when I heard the remark, my first question was: Well, is this true? Right? Regardless of how it sounds, what it looks like, what is the case about Donald Trump supporters? Bouie asks. And if you break down the numbers and you look at the RealClearPolitics average, and it gives Trump, 43 percent of the registered voters, there re about 30, 31 million people. Compare that to polls show 65 to 70 percent of all Republicans who say that Barack Obama either wasn t born in the United States or is a Muslim. If one doesn t think that believe that birtherism is a bad enough belief to hold to earn the title of deplorable, then Bouie has the data to show that roughly have of Republicans are racist. You look at pilot data from the American National Election Study, and it shows upward of 40 percent of Republicans saying things like blacks are more violent, blacks are lazier, Muslims are more violent, Muslims are lazier, Bouie points out. Among Trump supporters in particular, 60, 50, 70 percent of them agree with statements that political scientists categorize as being explicitly racist, Bouie continues. So I m looking at Clinton s statement, and half, which is about 31 million people again, doesn t really seem that out of bounds. Forty to 50 percent of Republicans, I would say looking at the full spectrum of data, agree with beliefs that we would categorize as explicitly prejudiced. So regardless of whether or not Clinton needs to walk it back or not, I think she s being correct and accurate. Conservatives are angry at Clinton because they still cannot accept that pointing out bigotry and racism do not make the person bringing it up racist. Clinton may have half-heartedly backtracked on her statement; her sentiment was worded poorly even if it was accurate.As Bakari Sellers pointed out on Sunday While on CNN s State of the Union, it doesn t matter how many of Trump s supporters are bigoted racists or not because they are all supporting a candidate who is a bigot.There is no left-wing conspiracy out there to make Republicans and trump supporters like deplorable. As polling indicates, they self-identify as being racist bigots on their own.You can watch the clip below.Featured image from video screenshot
‘The Bodies Are Decomposing’ After Mudslide in Colombia - The New York Times
José Estrella pulled a handkerchief to cover his face as he began to speak. The air around the morgue in Mocoa was filled with the smell of the dead, he said, who included his sister and two nephews. “Now the bodies are decomposing because they are in open air,” said Mr. Estrella, his voice cracking as he spoke by telephone. He was unable to retrieve the bodies, he said the morgue, overloaded with the dead, was understaffed. The bodies were piling up on Monday morning in Mocoa, a Colombian city where mud and debris had made it impossible in places to see that anyone had ever lived there. Rescue workers continued to scour the rubble for the dead. And family members, like Mr. Estrella, pleaded for the bodies of loved ones so they could offer them a proper burial. The provincial capital in the southern mountains of the country was devastated by a flood of water and debris on Saturday that has so far claimed at least 262 lives. The heavy rains caused nearby rivers to rise, generating a torrent that leveled homes and neighborhoods. “The putrefaction is beginning,” said Nixon Piaguaje, a local radio journalist. Rescue teams, some covered in mud, waded through a landscape of stone and earth in what in many cases had become a search for bodies rather than survivors. Hundreds of relief workers arrived in the town to distribute supplies. President Juan Manuel Santos acknowledged “bottlenecks” in the relief process, but said more help would be arriving soon and promised a full reconstruction of the city. Edgar Ruiz, an indigenous leader, expressed frustration in a phone interview after trudging through the mud searching for lost members from his community, the Siona people. So far, he said, he had located six families alive from his group, but eight more were unaccounted for. “We went to the health centers and the morgue as well, but they were nowhere,” he said. Mr. Santos said that at least 43 of the dead were children. “We send our prayers to all of them,” he said. “To their families we send condolences and the sympathy of the entire country. ” Colombian television transmitted images of loved ones still searching for lost children in the rubble. “I did everything that was possible: I told my son don’t let go, and he said he wouldn’t,” Yuri Narváez told Colombian television station Caracol TV. “But the current came and we lost him. ” Mr. Piaguaje, the radio journalist, said there were so many bodies that there was no one to bury them all. “When someone finds a cadaver, they take them to the cemetery and just leave them there,” he said. He said scores of bodies were still lying in open air. On Monday afternoon, Mr. Estrella, the man who was unable to get the bodies of his relatives in the morgue, recalled rushing to the neighborhood of San Miguel after hearing the mudslide to see if his family members were still alive. Instead he looked on as rescue workers pulled out their bodies: First his sister, who lay near the ruins of her home, then her two daughters, one 8, the other just 5 months. He said he had since been haunted by the smell of the dead. “You smell it for hundreds of feet,” he said. “There are people who faint when they open the bags and the bodies are putrefied. ”
House Speaker Ryan: Call with Trump was good, productive
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday said he had a good conversation with presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, but he had no comment on his possible endorsement of the party’s likely nominee. “We had a very good and very productive phone call,” Ryan told reporters, referring to a telephone call the two men had Wednesday night. (This version of the story has been corrected to say presumptive nominee, not presumptive candidate, in first paragraph)
AS TRUMP’S POPULARITY SOARS ABROAD…Village In India Renames Itself “Trump” [VIDEO]
President Donald Trump welcomed India s Prime Minister Narendra Modi to the White House Monday for their first meeting, as the U.S. branded a top militant from neighboring Pakistan as a global terrorist. The leaders of the world s two largest democracies are looking to expand ties on defense and fighting terrorism, but strains are likely on trade. Their personal chemistry could prove as important as policy in setting the tone for relations.During brief Oval Office remarks, Trump heaped praise on Modi as a great prime minister who had brought economic growth to India. Modi recalled Trump s visits to India long before he was president and said he was looking forward to collaborating with him now that he is president. The relationship between the United States and India is very, very strong and very, very powerful, Trump said. We agree on most things. And I would say, by the end of the day we ll agree on everything. I have a feeling, he joked.Meanwhile back in India, a village is so enamored with President Trump that they ve renamed their village after him: #News: As @POTUS @realDonaldTrump's popularity soars abroad, a village in #India renames itself "Trump" to honour their American hero. pic.twitter.com/3ogNWWcwMA l g s (@Maximus_4EVR) June 27, 2017Hours before Modi s arrival, the State Department imposed sanctions on Syed Salahuddin, the Pakistan-based leader of Hizbul Mujahideen, the main rebel group that fights against Indian control in the divided Himalayan region of Kashmir. India s foreign ministry hailed the move.Trump s press conference with India s Prime Minister:Trump has so far focused on outreach to China, India s strategic rival, as he looks to Beijing to rein in nuclear-armed North Korea. But Washington and New Delhi share concerns about China s rise as a military power that has underpinned increasingly close relations in the past decade. PBS
Congressman Tells Cub Scouts He’ll Vote Trump ‘No Matter What Crazy Things He Says’ (VIDEO)
Congressman Tells Cub Scouts He’ll Vote Trump ‘No Matter What Crazy Things He Says’ (VIDEO) By Richard Marcil on October 27, 2016 New video from a Cub Scout meeting in Kansas shows Representative Kevin Yoder (R-Kan.) pledging to support his party’s presidential candidate, Donald Trump – no matter what. “I’m going to be supporting the Republican nominee, no matter what crazy things he says.” Yoder’s admission is shameful enough on its own. But the worst part is his audience – a group of Cub Scouts, aged 7-10. The video, taken October 11, was recorded shortly after the release of the now-infamous “ Pussy Tape ” in which Trump brags about sexually assaulting women. Yoder even made a joke about Trump’s scandalous comments: “A-ha! Which parent put him up to that? Is there a hot mic in here? Well, I’m a Republican, so I’m going to be supporting the Republican nominee, no matter what crazy things he says.” A Lesson On ‘Spin’– For the Kids! Yoder dishonestly suggested that the child was not curious enough to ask the question on his own. But in fact, kids are quite aware of the impending election. An informal survey of teachers found high levels of youth anxiety – especially among racial and ethnic minorities – due to Donald Trump’s inflammatory rhetoric. His reply also dishonestly implies that he’s somehow obligated to vote along party lines. But the many Republican defections from the Donald Trump camp prove that is untrue. Yoder could have used the opportunity to teach the Scouts that they should always do the right thing, even if it means refusing to do what is easy and expected of you. Instead, he towed the party line. Perhaps Yoder needs a reminder from the Cub Scouts about where his loyalty should lie. According to the Scout Oath , decent citizens should pledge: “On my honor I will do my best, to do my duty to God and my country…” Damage Control Yoder is running for a fourth term in a suburban Kansas City district. His team is already running damage control on the tape. Yoder spokesperson, C.J. Grover, played the remarks off as evidence of Yoder’s “quick wit.” “Anyone who knows Kevin knows that he utilizes his quick wit to connect with voters. All this video shows is Kevin continues to be out in the community taking all questions from anyone who wants to ask them, whereas his opponent has been hiding in his basement hoping his financial backers in D.C. can steal him a victory.” Featured image: screengrab via YouTube video . About Richard Marcil Richard Marcil is a freelance writer. Connect
Das State Department setzt den Widerstand gegen den Imperialismus dem Terrorismus gleich
Das State Department setzt den Widerstand gegen den Imperialismus dem Terrorismus gleich Voltaire Netzwerk | 26. Oktober 2016 français Español Türkçe عربي Das US-State Department hat angekündigt, es werde den Libanesen Haytham „Ali Tabataba’i“, alias „Abu ‚Ali Al-Tabataba’i“, auf die Liste der "globalen Terroristen" setzen. Diese Einschreibung ist besonders aufschlussreich: das Außenministerium wirft diesem leitenden Offizier der Hisbollah vor, die syrische arabische Republik, Mitglied der Vereinten Nationen, zu unterstützen. Um gute Figur zu machen berichtet die Notiz des State Department auch, dass er im Jemen gesehen wurde. Auf Grundlage dieser Informationen allein beschuldigt es ihn, an Seite der aus den Huthis und den Anhängern des ehemaligen Präsidenten Saleh bestehenden Koalition zu kämpfen, die den Großteil des Landes kontrolliert. Das State Department beschuldigt den Offizier jedoch keiner einzigen terroristischen Tat. Es setzt einfach den Widerstand gegen den US-Imperialismus dem Terrorismus gleich. Übersetzung Horst Frohlich
Gun Ownership in LGBT Community Continues Surge Under Trump
The surge in gun ownership among LGBT community members that began after the June 12, 2016, Orlando Pulse attack has continued and even grown during the first months of the presidency of Donald Trump. [Haaretz reports, “The latest wave, following the June 2016 mass shooting at a gay bar in Orlando, Florida, has brought a new kind of person to the gun culture — young and liberal gay people, many of them . They’re now standing side by side with straight white conservative men at shooting ranges. ” The Orlando Pulse nightclub was a zone and the attack on it was carried out by an Islamist with two guns a rifle and a handgun. He passed background checks for both guns and a waiting period for the handgun, proving once more that gun control is no hindrance to determined attackers. Many in the LGBT community came away from the attack awakened to this fact and to the reality that they were going to have to take into their own hands — literally. Enter the Pink Pistols. Prior to the Orlando Pulse attack “the Pink Pistols Facebook group numbered about 1, 500 people. ” But following the attack “sixteen Pink Pistols branches opened … and the Facebook group grew to 9, 000 members. ” Pink Pistols spokesperson Gwendolyn Patton said: We teach queers to shoot so they can be safer from those who would harm them for who and what they are. Then we tell the world we’ve done it, so those who think queer people are helpless targets who can’t fight back and are easy pickings for violence will know that it isn’t necessarily true … . We don’t want to have to shoot anyone. We’d much rather they decided it wasn’t worth the risk and went to play pool or something. On June 12, 2016, just hours after the Orlando Pulse occurred, Breitbart News quoted Patton saying, “Let us not reach for the fruit of blaming the killer’s guns. Let us stay focused on the fact that someone hated gay people so much they were ready to kill or injure so many. A human being did this. The human being’s tools are unimportant when compared to the bleakness of that person’s soul. ” Patton admitted that it is difficult to carry guns in the bars of some states because of prohibitions. But she suggested this can often be remedied by a selecting designated driver who agrees to forgo any alcohol for the night so that that he can carry a gun with which to protect his companions. Patton said, “It’s sad that we must consider such things, but when there are persons out there who mean us harm, we must find ways to protect ourselves within the law. ” Erin Palette is transgender who lives 60 miles from Orlando and has concealed carry permit. Palette recalled how the LGBT community’s view of owning guns for appeared to change overnight — following Orlando Pulse — and how gun ranges and firearms training facilities across the country were eager to help: I started seeing this wonderful outpouring of support from gun owners who were posting all across social media that if you were LGTBQ and wanted to learn how to defend yourself, these gun owners would teach you shooting for absolutely free. And the sentiment was: ‘I don’t care what your politics are, I don’t care what your sexuality is, I don’t care what you have between your legs — you are a human being, you have the inherent right to defend yourself, and if you don’t know how, I will be happy to teach you.’
Bono unveils album about being a woman
Bono unveils album about being a woman 03-11-16 BONO has released an album about his struggles as a woman. After receiving a Women of the Year award from Glamour magazine, the U2 singer feels he is the best person to explain the challenges of being a vagina owner. Bono said: “Being a woman gives me insights men don’t have, like how it’s more expensive to get your hair cut and the soreness caused by having a baby come out of your fanny. “The new album, simply titled Woman , is about things like me getting shouted at by horny builders and sitting down to do a wee only to find there is wee on the toilet seat, as related in the protest song (There Is Wee) On The Toilet Seat . “We’ve got some hard-hitting songs like The River Runs Red , about those terrible period pains that make you curl up on the sofa watching Hollyoaks while eating a whole Swiss roll. “To experience the full oppression of women I’ve been getting Edge and the boys to criticise my reverse parking, even through I am a genius at driving.” However Glamour magazine editor Nikki Hollis said: “This is all a big misunderstanding, there was a mistake at the trophy factory and some of ours got mixed up with the Bellend of the Century Awards.” Share:
Clinton leads 2016 poll in Iowa, but Rand Paul is close (+video)
Clinton leads 2016 poll: Hillary Clinton tops the latest poll of potential 2016 presidential candidates in Iowa. Clinton comes out ahead of Sen. Marco Rubio and Sen. Rand Paul. Former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton laughs at a speech during a February ceremony honoring her at the Pentagon in Washington. Clinton leads the latest poll in Iowa. Husband Bill says, "Relax." Let his wife enjoy a bit of a private life for the first time in two decades. But as far as the pollsters are concerned, the 2016 race is underway. And Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul is certainly acting like he's in the race. The latest poll out of Iowa has former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton beating Florida Sen. Marco Rubio handily (48 vs. 37 percent), but could face a tougher race against Senator Paul (46 vs. 42 percent), according to a new poll by Quinnipiac University . The poll says that Iowa voters would give the race to either Senator Rubio or Senator Paul, if the Democratic Party candidate was Vice President Joe Biden. "The major difference between former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Vice President Joseph Biden is that she runs much better among independent voters, although Sen. Rand Paul runs better among that key group than either Democrat," said Peter A. Brown, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "In general Sen. Paul appears to be the better GOP candidate at this point in Iowa. Part of the reason may be the publicity from his recent high-profile visit to the state, but more likely is that he begins with a solid base of support - the folks who voted for his father in the 2008 and 2012 caucuses." As The Christian Science Monitor reported , Rand Paul was in Iowa two weeks ago, and was popular among Republicans. In a recent survey of [only] the registered Republican voters in Iowa, Paul won 39 percent of the vote with Marco Rubio next in line at just 20 percent. (Among Democrats , Hillary Clinton won 43 percent with Vice President Joe Biden winning 27 percent.) Earlier this year, Paul won a straw poll vote at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) . At a Monitor-sponsored press gathering last month , Paul said he would not decide whether to run before 2014. Meanwhile, he’s just unique enough among the GOP field – and just different enough from his father – to keep drawing attention. On Monday night, Paul was in another key primary state. He addressed a sold-out New Hampshire Republican Party dinner of some 500 attendees. At that dinner speech, as he did in Iowa, he criticized Hillary Clinton's handling of the terrorist attack on the US consulate in Benghazi, Libya. "If I had been president, I would have relieved [Hillary Clinton] from office. Without question that is a dereliction of duty," said Paul in Concord, N.H., according to Realclearpolitics.com. Another Quinnipiac poll of voters in New Jersey , taken in March, also showed Clinton vanquishing three Republican contenders. Clinton beat New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (45 to 37 percent), in that poll. Voters surveyed also showed her beating Rubio and US Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin by even wider margins. The poll did not ask about Senator Paul. "Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would start a 2016 presidential campaign with enormous advantages," Mr. Brown of the Quinnipiac said in a statement after the New Jersey poll.  "She obviously is by far the best known and her more than 20 years in the public spotlight allows her to create a very favorable impression on the American people. But it is worth noting that she had very good poll numbers in 2006 looking toward the 2008 election, before she faced a relative unknown in Barack Obama." When asked about his wife's 2016 plans, earlier this month Bill Clinton said , "She’s taking a role in the [Clinton] foundation, she’s writing books, she’s having a little fun being a private citizen for the first time in 20 years.” And then what?
Iraq to resume payments of Gulf War reparations to Kuwait: U.N.
GENEVA (Reuters) - The United Nations said on Tuesday it had accepted a proposal from Iraq to pay 0.5 percent of its 2018 oil proceeds toward compensation for $4.6 billion owed to Kuwait for destruction of its oil facilities during the 1990-91 Gulf War occupation. Payments from the fund, which were suspended since October 2014 due to security and budgetary challenges faced by Iraq, will escalate annually until the end of 2021, the U.N. Compensation Commission (UNCC) said in a statement, adding that Kuwait had accepted the proposal. Based on oil price and export projections, this would result in payment in full of the outstanding claim award, it said, referring to the claim by the Kuwait Petroleum Corporation, the largest approved by the Geneva-based UNCC.
Trump aides attack agency that will analyze health bill's costs
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Aides to U.S. President Donald Trump on Sunday attacked the credibility of the nonpartisan agency that will analyze the costs of a replacement for Obamacare, as the White House sought to quell opposition from many conservative Republicans. The Congressional Budget Office, which provides official estimates of the budget impact of proposed legislation, is expected to issue a report as soon as Monday that will assess the healthcare legislation put forward by Republican House of Representatives leaders. The report could influence sentiment toward a bill already under fire from Democrats and some Republicans, especially if it suggests the legislation would reduce the number of Americans with health coverage or worsen U.S. budget deficits. Republicans have long opposed Obamacare, formally called the Affordable Care Act, on the grounds it was government overreach and led to higher insurance premiums. The 2010 law, Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature legislation, provided 20 million previously uninsured Americans with health coverage. Trump has called Obamacare a “disaster” and made its repeal and replacement a key campaign pledge. Several Republican lawmakers said on Sunday the replacement bill was unacceptable in its current form, including conservative Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas, who said the plan could not pass the Senate and could put the Republican House majority at risk in 2018 congressional elections. “I believe it would have adverse consequences for millions of Americans and it wouldn’t deliver on our promises to reduce the cost of health insurance for Americans,” Cotton said. In a series of television interviews, White House budget director Mick Mulvaney and top White House economic adviser Gary Cohn said the CBO was focusing on the wrong metrics with the estimates it will provide on the number of people who are insured. Cohn and Mulvaney said the CBO should instead should analyze whether patients can actually afford to go to a doctor. “I love the folks at the CBO, they work really hard, they do, but sometimes we ask them to do stuff they’re not capable of doing, and estimating the impact of a bill of this size probably isn’t the - isn’t the best use of their time,” Mulvaney told ABC’s “This Week” program. Speaking on Fox News, Gary Cohn, director of the White House National Economic Council, said: “We will see what the score is, in fact in the past, the CBO score has really been meaningless.” “They’ve said that many more people will be insured than are actually insured. But when we get the CBO score, we’ll deal with that,” Cohn said. The Trump administration’s criticisms of the CBO are unusual. Prior administrations, both Republican and Democratic, steered clear of attacking the credibility of the agency, which many lawmakers regard as a neutral arbiter. The CBO’s current director, Keith Hall, was appointed by Republicans in 2015. The credit rating agency Standard & Poor’s has estimated 6 million to 10 million people could lose health insurance coverage under the Republican plan. Senator Bernie Sanders, who ran for president in 2016 as a Democrat, said it was “cowardly” for Republicans to proceed with a healthcare bill without CBO estimates, telling CBS’ Face the Nation show: “This is a disgrace.” In recent weeks, Trump administration officials and Republican lawmakers have criticized what they said were overly optimistic estimates from the CBO of the number of Americans who would sign up for health insurance on government-run exchanges. The CBO estimated in 2013 that 22 million people would be purchasing insurance through the exchanges in 2016. Only 10.4 million were signed up for those plans by the middle of last year, according to Department of Health and Human Services data. The House Republican legislation would scrap tax penalties for Americans without health insurance, roll back an expansion of Medicaid insurance for the poor, and replace Obamacare’s income-based subsidies with a system of fixed tax credits to help people buy private insurance on the open market. Cohn also disputed the notion that millions of people on Medicaid would become uninsured as Obamacare’s expansion of the program is rolled back over a period of years. He said many of these people would be transitioned into new private and employer-sponsored plans that would become more affordable under the Republican plan. House Speaker Paul Ryan, the Republican plan’s top backer in Congress, said he was “certain” the CBO would show a reduction in the number of Americans with coverage. “You know why? Because this isn’t a government mandate,” Ryan told NBC’s Meet the Press. Conservative Republicans said, however, they could not support the plan without significant changes. Republican Representative Jim Jordan of Ohio, a founder of the conservative House Freedom Caucus, said it did not go far enough to meet Republicans’ promise to kill Obamacare. “We told them we were going to replace it with something that would bring down the cost of insurance. That’s what we told them,” Jordan told Fox News Sunday. “This legislation that the speaker’s brought forward doesn’t do that.”
Turkey's Erdogan says U.S. consulate hiding suspect
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey s President Tayyip Erdogan said on Thursday the United States was hiding a suspect in its Istanbul consulate who is linked to a U.S.-based cleric blamed by Ankara for last year s failed military coup. Erdogan also said Turkey stood by its decision to suspend issuing Turkish visas in the United States, in response to Washington s visa services suspension in Turkey.
BILL NYE THE SCIENCE GUY: Believe In Global Warming Or It’s Jail For You [Video]
This is where we re heading with the Obama administration and nut jobs like Bill Nye. Last month, DOJ s Loretta Lynch suggested that they had been looking into prosecuting skeptics of global warming (video below). I kid you not! LORETTA LYNCH DISCUSSES CIVIL ACTION FOR CLIMATE CHANGE DENIERS:
J.K. Rowling Slaps Down Racist Twitter Reply, Throws Shade Worthy Of A Standing Ovation
A lot of people have a lot to say about the role of Hermione Granger, of the famed Harry Potter series, now being played by black actress Noma Dumezweni in Harry Potter and the Cursed Child. However, none more than Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling herself who has slapped down all criticism calling critics idiots and a bunch of racists, because they are.In the latest bout of criticism being thrown at Rowling, one Potter fan decided they would tell her how to cast her own film. You know, because they know best. This person named Dan took to Twitter and said: It is not about racism. It is just about consistency of the movie. How come you cannot find even a good white actress @jk_rowling it is not about racism. It is just about consistency of the movie. How come you cannot find even a good white actress Dan (@Dan49905785) June 10, 2016First sign you re a Twitter troll? You can t even take the time to upload a selfie it would take three seconds to take and upload. However, Rowling wasn t going to let this clear racism slide, even though she was clearly being trolled.Not even giving a clear f*ck what this racist, not racist person has to say, Rowling threw the ultimate shade right back when she said: We found the best actress and she s black. Bye bye, now. We found the best actress and she's black. Bye bye, now. https://t.co/1fGmP5znHP J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) June 10, 2016Good for you, Rowling. That s the only response that is needed.Featured Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images
Rosie O’Donnell Thinks Martial Law is in Order to Prevent a Trump Presidency
21st Century Wire says Arguably irrelevant Hollywood personality, Rosie O Donnell has taken to social media to support the concept of the US Government imposing Martial Law on the nation to avoid a Trump presidency. The Hollywood personality, who by all accounts of her own should be in Canada by now, seems to have very little understanding of not only politics, but of the law as well. She, in caps-lock Tweet shouting, said that the inauguration should be delayed under martial law until Trump is cleared of all charges. Obviously she s referring to the dossier that was discredited as a fake within hours of its release by BuzzFeed and subsequent republication by many left leaning mainstream media outlets. Charges implies a legal case yet there was no legal case, no victim, no crime, nothing of substance at all because it was a fake document.Have a look at her whacky, ill fated attempts at affecting the political dialog on her social media output.I FULLY SUPPORT IMPOSING MARTIAL LAW DELAYING THE INAUGURATION UNTIL TRUMP IS "CLEARED" OF ALL CHARGES https://t.co/fUn8FZ8RTj ROSIE (@Rosie) January 12, 2017As though the high horsed Hollywood liberal echo chamber didn t get enough with the caps-locked illogical rant above, she followed with yet another cry to interrupt a legitimately elected US political official with a military take over and suspension of constitutional rights.delay the day do not swear him in until it is investigated for the love of god america we must stop the inaugruation @frankielucy ROSIE (@Rosie) January 12, 2017As the final days of the Obama administration tick away we continue to bear witness to many Hollywood celebs throwing tantrums and wearing their ignorance of political realities on their sleeves (and social media feeds.) Rosie is one of the ultimate examples of the hypocrisy that we ve been shown by others of her ilk such as Meryl Streep recently. These Hollywood celebs say they support equality, tolerance, and freedom out of one side of their mouth then push for totalitarian, military enforced, martial law and disruption of free elections when the elections don t go their way.Read More Election News at: 21st Century Wire Election CoverageSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER@ 21WIRE.TV
Photo of the Week: President Who Let Citigroup Staff His Cabinet Calls for Solidarity From Voters
$19 Photo of the Week: President Who Let Citigroup Staff His Cabinet Calls for Solidarity From Voters Posted on Oct 29, 2016 President Obama waves to supporters in Orlando, Fla., Friday. (Phelan M. Ebenhack / AP) Every week, Truthdig’s editors seek to present an image that singularly renders the world’s trouble, triumph or toil. “You have a chance to shape history,” President Obama told a crowd of 9,000 people at a campaign stop for Hillary Clinton in Orlando, Fla. on Friday. “Hillary needs your help. I need your help. America needs your help. Let’s get to work.” Two weeks earlier WikiLeaks revealed how the Clinton/Obama-led corporate wing of the Democratic Party works. An email sent in Oct. 2008 and hacked from the personal account of Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta showed Citigroup executive Michael Froman submitting names for dozens of positions in then-candidate Obama’s anticipated presidential cabinet. “The cabinet list ended up being almost entirely on the money,” wrote David Dayen of the leaked message. “It correctly identified Eric Holder for the Justice Department, Janet Napolitano for Homeland Security, Robert Gates for Defense, Rahm Emanuel for chief of staff, Peter Orszag for the Office of Management and Budget, Arne Duncan for Education, Eric Shinseki for Veterans Affairs, Kathleen Sebelius for Health and Human Services, Melody Barnes for the Domestic Policy Council, and more.” Advertisement Square, Site wide “For the Treasury, three possibilities were on the list: Robert Rubin, Larry Summers, and Timothy Geithner.” Geithner ended up as Obama’s Treasury Secretary, while Summers was a key author of the response to the 2008 recession as Director of Obama’s National Economic Council. And from these men, Froman’s Citigroup received the largest bailout the federal government gave during the financial crisis. “Many already suspected that Froman, a longtime Obama consigliere, did the key economic policy hiring while part of the transition team,” Dayen explained. “We didn’t know he had so much influence that he could lock in key staff that early, without fanfare, while everyone was busy trying to get Obama elected. The WikiLeaks emails show even earlier planning; by September the transition was getting pre-clearance to assist nominees with financial disclosure forms.” Dayen grants that Americans “want an incoming administration to be well-prepared and ready to go when power is transferred. For Obama, coming into office while the economy was melting down, this was particularly true. But the revelations also reinforce the need for critical scrutiny of Hillary Clinton [italics added], and for advocacy to ensure the next transition doesn’t go like the last, at least with respect to the same old Democrats scooping up all the positions of power well in advance.” Many pundits who support Hillary Clinton suggest that voters should focus exclusively on defeating Donald Trump. “[T]here is a logic to that idea,” Dayen wrote. “Trump would legitimately be a terrifying leader of the free world. But there are consequences to the kind of home-team political atmosphere that rejects any critical thought about your own side. If the 2008 Podesta emails are any indication, the next four years of public policy are being hashed out right now, behind closed doors. And if liberals want to have an impact on that process, waiting until after the election will be too late.” “Who gets these cabinet-level and West Wing advisory jobs matters as much as policy papers or legislative initiatives. It will inform executive branch priorities and responses to crises. It will dictate the level of enforcement of existing laws. It will establish the point of view of an administration and the advice Hillary Clinton will receive. Its importance cannot be stressed enough, and the process has already begun.” Citing former Obama budget director Peter Orszag’s suggestion this week that progressive Democrats, led by Elizabeth Warren, should be given the power to appoint their people to certain positions in exchange for certain concessions to the Wall Street-aligned wing, Dayen suggests that progressives have a greater chance to shape policy in 2016 than they did at the start of the Obama administration. And they should fight for it: “The demand to only hold one thing in your head at a time—that Trump must be stopped—would squander this opportunity.” To repeat what Obama told voters Friday: “You have a chance to shape history.” TAGS:
Reporter Reveals The Real Reason Trump Fired Bannon From WH Post And It’s Petty As Hell (VIDEO)
News that one of Trump s closest advisor, Steve Bannon, had been ousted from his position within the National Security Council, only further reinforced the disturbing amount of chaos happening within the White House. People are fired abruptly. People resign abruptly. And the reasons why are always obscured through a mountain of lies.In Bannon s case, the official White House line was that he had only been placed in his role to keep an eye on disgraced former national security advisor Michael Flynn.sr WH official tells me Bannon was only on NSC to keep an eye on Flynn & "de-operationalize NSC from Rice" & that he never went to a meeting Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) April 5, 2017Unfortunately for Trump, the cover story was so hamfisted that it began falling apart almost immediately. In their rush to spin the story, top placed anonymous sources all began using the oddly specific word de-operationalize to describe Bannon s role suggesting this was a talking point being crafted from the White House itself. The excuse that Bannon was there to watch Michael Flynn is even worse. Trump has repeatedly stood by Flynn, so claiming he wanted Bannon to watch him means he knew Flynn was a crook but put him in the job anyways. Not a good look.What s the real reason Bannon was slapped down? A source close to Trump told White House correspondent John Roberts that Trump had grown increasingly jealous of Bannon sharing his limelight. We are also told, though, that the president wasn t particularly happy with the way Bannon had been grabbing the limelight and that may have also played into all of this. The other, other shoe drops. @johnrobertsFox: The president wasn t particularly happy at the way Bannon had been grabbing the limelight pic.twitter.com/P3PIXNwL0n Tom Namako (@TomNamako) April 5, 2017Which is kind of like life imitating art because for months people have been noting that the best (and perhaps only) way to stop severely unqualified Bannon from having influence in the White House would be to appeal to Trump s massive ego.Memo to all magazine editors: Put Bannon on the cover with big headlines referring to him as "The Real President." https://t.co/tMHXB5ZpVN Jeet Heer (@HeerJeet) February 7, 2017And Politico reported in February that Trump was already furious that Bannon was getting some of the credit for his administration s actions. It s an issue that s been nagging at him for months.Hilariously, Saturday Night Live seized upon this unique opportunity to piss off Trump by referring to a grim reaper clothed Bannon as President Bannon, playing up the fact that Trump wasn t really in charge.Apparently, this childish play on Trump s narcissism actually worked. Trump would never go after Bannon because he s unqualified and overtly racist, or that he once described himself as Satan and Darth Vader. But Trump would certainly go after Bannon for getting too much attention. And he just did.Featured image via Mark Wilson/Getty Images
Lebanon's grand mufti calls for national unity
BEIRUT (Reuters) - Lebanon s grand mufti, the top cleric for Sunni Muslims, said Saad al-Hariri s resignation as Prime Minister came amid difficult circumstances, Lebanese Al-Jadeed TV reported on Friday. Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Latif Derian called for national unity and for waiting before taking any stance on the shock resignation, which Hariri announced in a broadcast from Saudi Arabia on Saturday. Derian described Lebanon s ties with Riyadh as brotherly, historical relations .
Iran says Guards attack Islamic State with drones in Eastern Syria
DUBAI (Reuters) - Iran s Revolutionary Guards on Sunday struck bases of the Islamic State in eastern Syria with drones, Iranian state television reported. It said vehicles, military equipment and ammunition were destroyed in the attack near the Syrian-Iraqi border. In June, Iran fired missiles into eastern Syria, targeting bases of Islamic State which had claimed responsibility for attacks in Tehran which killed 18 people. The Revolutionary Guards are fighting in Syria against militant groups which oppose President Bashar al-Assad.
‘Why Me?’ Echoed in Ralph Branca’s World, Even Before a Doomed Pitch - The New York Times
In 1902, a seamstress named Katherine Berger married a conductor named John Branca and spent half of the next 26 years pregnant, giving birth 17 times. One of her children, Ralph Theodore, grew taller than the others. And he was a teenager, the only Branca to reach 6 feet, when he began to wonder why he alone had been so physically blessed. “He used to say,” his brother John remembered, “‘Why did God give me this gift of being bigger and stronger?’ He used to say, ‘Why me?’ quite often. ” Branca had long since found his answer when, on Oct. 3, 1951, he looked to his catcher for the sign. Branca was now 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighed 220 pounds, a big able to throw a baseball over 90 miles an hour. And as he threw the fastball that was called for at 3:58 p. m. the Brooklyn Dodger had long since decided that he had been made big and strong so as to shoulder responsibility for his family. But then the New York Giants batter, Bobby Thomson, swung. And all at once, Branca, then 25, was left not only as baseball’s most famous loser but in want of another answer to that same desperate question: Why me? To hear Branca tell it, he did not let the unremitting aftershocks of the Thomson home run — the famed Shot Heard Round the World — unsettle him, not on the major league fields where he pitched five more years, nor off them, where he lived another 65 until dying on Wednesday at age 90. Rather, he said, it took him mere hours to find his footing. For after a cold and tearful shower, he had posed his question to a Jesuit priest in the parking lot at the Polo Grounds and received an answer that made sense to him. God had chosen him to endure what was already a blow of biblical proportion, the priest said, because his faith was strong enough to bear it. And it was strong enough. Branca had found faith as a boy in the Roman Catholic church in Mount Vernon, N. Y. where his mother, Kati, had sent her brood to pray. And in the days and months that followed the Thomson home run, Branca kept that faith as he endured public discourtesy. Branca would be O. K. He had God and baseball and, 17 days after the home run, a wife, a beauty in white satin named Ann Mulvey, who had already taken him for better and for worse. Yes, he had failed afield. But he was at peace. But then, three years later, in 1954, he wasn’t. For a pitcher named Ted Gray told Branca that the Giants had cheated, had bested him not only with a bat of ash but also with a telescope and buzzer. They had, Gray said, spied on the catcher’s signals and relayed them to the Giants batters — including Thomson. (Whether Thomson availed himself of that stolen sign on that famous pitch from Branca, only he knew.) And so, suddenly, Branca no longer saw himself as a man who had failed but as a man who had been wronged. He grew bitter. And even after he retired, pitching insurance instead of baseballs, his question — Why me? — rang in his ears. Branca tried to exonerate himself. In 1962, for example, when a reporter asked him to pose with Thomson at an old timers’ day event, he refused. “It’s taken years to live down that hurt,” Branca told Sports Illustrated. “If you want a picture, take one of the guy with the binoculars who was stealing our signs that day. ” He added, “I’m human. ” Few listened, however. And as the years passed, Branca began to appear beside Thomson nonetheless, the old pitcher heartened by religion, by St. Joseph, whom he selected as a boy to be his patron saint, and by St. Christopher, whose likeness he had been wearing around his neck when he gave up the home run. As for the home run, it continued to soar — written about by everyone from Steinbeck to Kerouac to DeLillo, christened by The Sporting News as baseball’s greatest moment, honored on a stamp. Branca thirsted for reassessment. And so, when in 2001, I laid bare in The Wall Street Journal the scheme the Giants employed straight through the home run that divided Branca’s life as surely as a line of chalk parts fair from foul on the diamond, Branca was thankful. “You loosened my lips,” he told me over and again. Those lips spoke increasingly of those achievements that the Shot Heard Round the World had drowned out, had taken from public memory. And there were many. It was Branca who willfully stood beside Jackie Robinson on opening day in 1947 as his teammate readied to break baseball’s color barrier. It was Branca who won 21 games that season, completing 15 of them. And it was Branca who, over the six decades that followed his career afield, was by most every measure off it a wonderful colleague and friend and son and brother and father and husband. Still, Branca continued to wonder of the why of it all. And he was 85 when he put forth another guess as to why he had grown tall and become a pitcher and given up baseball’s most famous home run and been cheated, too. I had just told Branca what I had learned of his mother — that she had been born Jewish, and so, according to Jewish law, that he was Jewish, too. And home in Westchester, the old pitcher allowed himself a moment to see the home run, the great hinge of his life, as not a blessing but something else. “Maybe that’s why God’s mad at me — that I didn’t practice my mother’s religion,” he said with a sad smile. “He made me throw that home run pitch. ”
Shadow Government in South Korea
Shadow Government in South Korea page: 1 archive.is... >being a ... >since 2~3 years ago there was Ancient Aliens tier rumor that president Park is indoctrinated and being controled by handful of secret society called "8선녀 (The 8 Goddess)", and they're ruling Korea from behind >everyone laughed at this crude joke rumor >suddenly a week ago whistleblower confirmed this # was real >the 8 powerful Korean billionaire women formed secret society and ruled Korea from behind the veil >whistleblower stole PC and tablets from them, opened to media, confirming they did it all >they made decisions, from Park's text of speeches, reforming taxes by their own, maintaining national treasury, deciding every diplomatic moves from toe toe, assigning secretaries and ministers by their own >only 1 members of The 8 Goddess identity confirmed, it's former psychic woman named 'Choi Sun-sil' >according to the leak she indoctrinated President Park since age of 23 >yes, a psychic woman who's member of secret society indoctrinated the president >I ain't joking >tfw everyone didn't believed this anime plot tier ba# insane absurd news >seriously who's gonna believe this >then suddenly president Park made news conference yesterday >SHE CONFIRMED THIS LEAK IS REAL AND ASKED FORGIVENESS >tfw a country's president confirming that she's indoctrinated by the secret society at the news conference >EVERYONE PANIC >people started to get #s together >gathering informations about them >after digging it's confirmed that # loads of men are in jail right now for leaking the truth about The 8 Goddess >politicians who's in jail right now mentioned Choi and 8 Goddess right before they went jail >people found photos that Choi escorting Park since her age of early 20's >diggings found US ambassador report documents >it saying "Choi Tae-Min (Choi Sun Sil's father) is fully control of Park's body and soul" >Choi Sun Sil's whereabouts is mystery, she's somewhere in Germany edit on 27-10-2016 by WindCharger because: (no reason given) edit on 27-10-2016 by WindCharger because: (no reason given)
Cuba boosts trade ties with Cold War ally Russia as U.S. disengages
HAVANA (Reuters) - Boxy Russian-built Lada automobiles still rattle around Cuba, growing more decrepit by the year, a reminder of vanished Soviet patronage for the Communist-led island. But next month, more than 300 shiny new Ladas are slated to roll onto Havana s potholed streets, the first in more than a decade. Their manufacturer Avtovaz, Russia s biggest carmaker, says it hopes to ramp up exports, thanks to financing from Russian government development bank VEB. Flush with state funding, Avtovaz and other Russian companies are once again increasing sales to the Caribbean isle. It is part of a broader move by Moscow to renew commercial, military and political ties just as the U.S. government is retreating from Cuba under Republican President Donald Trump. Russian exports to Cuba jumped 81 percent on the year to $225 million in the January-September period, official Russian data shows. That is just a quarter of the exports of Cuba s chief merchandise trading partner, China, but growing fast. Russian state oil major Rosneft in May resumed fuel shipments to Cuba for the first time this century. The company s head met with Cuban President Raul Castro in Havana on Saturday, the latest sign the two countries are readying a major energy agreement. The nations in the past have discussed increased deliveries of Russian oil to the island and development of Cuba s offshore oil fields. That would be a major assist for Cuba amid slumping shipments of cheap fuel from its troubled socialist ally Venezuela. Last month, private Russian company Sinara delivered the first of 75 locomotives worth $190 million ordered by Cuba in 2016. Russia s largest truck maker KAMAZ has also stepped up exports to Cuba. Negotiations for rail lines and other infrastructure are in the works. We can call this period a renaissance, Aleksandr Bogatyr, Russia s trade representative in Cuba, said in an interview. He forecast bilateral trade could grow to $350 million to $400 million this year, one of its highest levels in nearly two decades, up from $248 million in 2016. Russia s Cuba offensive comes as Trump has halted efforts by his Democratic predecessor Barack Obama to normalize U.S.-Cuba ties and ease the decades-old U.S. trade embargo. In June, Trump ordered tighter travel and commercial restrictions again, disappointing U.S. businesses that had hoped to capitalize on the detente. In September, his administration slashed U.S. embassy staffing in Cuba. Moscow is seizing on that rollback as a way to undermine U.S. influence in its own backyard, some foreign policy experts say. Russia sees it as a moment to further its own relationship with Cuba, said Jason Marczak, Director at the Adrienne Arsht Latin America Center. The more the Russian footprint increase in Cuba, the more that will reinforce hardened anti-U.S. attitudes and shut out U.S. businesses from eventually doing greater business in Cuba. Throughout the Cold War, Moscow propped up Fidel Castro s revolutionary government, providing it with billions of dollars worth of cheap grain, machinery and other goods. Those subsidies disappeared with the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union. Trade plunged. Under Russian President Vladimir Putin, who longs to return his nation to superpower status, Moscow over the past decade has sought to revive relations with Latin America, particularly with countries wary of U.S. influence. The turnaround with Cuba got a boost in 2014 when Russia forgave 90 percent of Cuba s $35 billion Soviet-era debt. It also started providing export financing to Russian companies looking to sell to the cash-strapped island. The help has been cheered in Cuba, where Raul Castro is due to step down next year, marking the departure of the generation that led the 1959 Cuban Revolution. Russia may lie half a world away from Cuba, but traces of its historic ties with the Caribbean s largest island are everywhere. Older generations learned Russian and studied in the Soviet Union. At a recent trade fair in the capital, Cubans spontaneously sung along to the folk music played at the opening of Russia s pavilion. Moskvich and Lada cars, Ural motor-bikes and Kamaz trucks chug along the streets. Most Cuban farm equipment is from the former Soviet Union. That legacy alone has sustained some Russian trade. We sell spare parts for ground transport, some planes, agriculture, construction, said Russian businessman Igor Leonov. He set up his import company, Ces Co. Ltd, in Cuba nearly thirty years ago and says there is plenty of demand. The decades-old U.S. trade embargo has also forced Cuba to remain loyal to some Russian manufacturers. The island upgraded its Soviet-era fleet in the 2000s with Russian-built Tupolev, Antonov and Ilyushin planes. Nadezhda Lesova, an executive at the Russian Export Center in Moscow, said her organization regarded Cuba as a strategic region. She said the center is providing support for exports to Cuba, including insurance, loans and subsidies, worth around 430 million euros ($508.60 million). Some major deals are under discussion. State-owned monopoly Russian Railways (RZD) is negotiating to upgrade more than 1000 km of Cuban railroads and install a high-speed link between Havana and the beach resort of Varadero, in what would be Cuba s biggest infrastructure project in decades. It is expected the deal will be worth 1.9 billion euros ($2.26 billion) and will be signed by the end of the year, Oleg Nikolaev, Deputy Chief Executive Officer at the RZD subsidiary RZD International, told Reuters. In October, oil firm Rosneft said it was looking at modernizing the island s Cienfuegos oil refinery. But the optimistic talk could be overblown. Venezuela and China have announced investments in Cuba that came to naught, largely due to the complications of doing business in Cuba. Some Russian companies are already smarting from Cuba s cash crunch. Ces Co. Ltd, the parts importer, said Cuba was behind on $9 million in payments. And it is unclear how long Russia will continue to finance exports, with its own economy struggling amid low oil prices and Western sanctions. Russia s economic constraints are one reason analysts are dubious that Moscow will make good on recent proposals to re-open a former base in Cuba. Shuttered in 2001, the so-called Lourdes base was used for electronic surveillance of the United States. Still, U.S. military experts are concerned that Russia could leverage increased economic influence in Cuba to step up its military and espionage activities on the island. Sixteen high-ranking military officers wrote an open letter to the Trump administration in April asking it to continue Obama s opening with Cuba for national security reasons. If Russia is willing to offset oil supplies from Venezuela and some other things, maybe Cuba doesn t have much of a choice but to let them re-establish political warfare operations there, retired U.S. Army Brig. Gen. David L. McGinnis, one of the signatories, said in an interview with Reuters. Paul Hare, a former British ambassador to Cuba, sees Russia s renewed interest in Cuba as geostrategic. It s hard to see a business interest, as Cuba can t pay, said Hare, who now lectures at Boston University s Pardee School of Global Studies. The Russians will do just as much as they want to prop up Cuba so as to be a nuisance to the United States.
T.J. Miller: Role of Comedy Changed with ’This Motherf***er in the White House’
Actor and comedian T. J. Miller believes that the roles of entertainers have changed drastically with the election of President Donald Trump. [In an interview with the Wrap this week, the Silicon Valley star — whose first HBO special, Meticulously Ridiculous, premiered Saturday — said his whole approach to his craft has changed now that Trump, whom he called “this mother***er in the White House,” was elected in November. “It used to be different — before it was, ‘What is absurdist?’ Then this mother***er in the White House totally changed everything for everyone,” the actor told the outlet. “Immediately after the election, Kumail Nanjiani was walking around the set of Silicon Valley saying, ‘Everything’s changed now — standup, everything.’ Now, I have a political obstacle to a social mission, and the f*ckery that must be dealt with,” he added. Miller has previously spoken out against the president during his hosting gig at the Critics’ Choice Awards in December, the actor joked that trolls did well in 2016, “not the movie, but the dudes on the Internet,” adding: “One of them got elected president. ” Miller also stood on an actual “soap box” for a segment about how celebrities should stick to doing their jobs instead of trying to opine on politics. “All I want to do is talk about what’s going on in the world, but the problem is, I hate when celebrities get on their soap box,” Miller said. “Just do your act. Don’t tell the rest of us how to think, O. K.?” A few days before the awards show, the Office Christmas Party actor was arrested after allegedly slapping an Uber driver during what was reported to be an argument between the two about Trump. While a large number of Hollywood stars have taken their political activism to new heights since Trump’s election, not every celebrity believes it is the obligation of entertainers to discuss political topics. A number of celebrities, including Mark Wahlberg, Billy Joel, and Kevin Hart have said explicitly in the past that they prefer to stay away from talking about their personal politics. Follow Daniel Nussbaum on Twitter: @dznussbaum
Goodbye John Kirby – we won’t miss you…
Japan's PM Abe meets Trump, says confident can build trust
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Japan’s Prime Minister Shinzo Abe described Donald Trump as a “trustworthy leader” after meeting the U.S. president-elect on Thursday to get clarity on statements Trump had made while campaigning that had caused concern about the alliance. Abe, speaking after the hastily arranged 90-minute meeting at Trump Tower in Manhattan, reporters: “The talks made me feel sure that we can build a relationship of trust.” But he would not disclose specifics because the conversation was unofficial. Trump, in a brief entry on his Facebook page accompanied by a photo of the two men, said: “It was a pleasure to have Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stop by my home and begin a great friendship.” Japan’s leadership has been nervous about the future of an alliance that is core to Tokyo’s diplomacy and security. Trump had fanned worries in Tokyo and beyond with comments on the possibility of Japan acquiring nuclear arms, demands that allies pay more for keeping U.S. forces on their soil or face their possible withdrawal, and his opposition to the U.S.-led 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) free trade pact. Abe had worked closely with President Barack Obama on the TPP trade pact, which was part of Obama’s push to counter the rising strength of China and a pillar of Abe’s economic reforms. “Alliances cannot function without trust. I am now confident that President-elect Trump is a trustworthy leader,” said Abe, describing the talks as “candid” and held in a “warm atmosphere”. Abe gave Trump a golf driver and received golf-wear in return, Japanese officials said. Photographs taken inside the ornate meeting room at Trump Tower showed Abe accompanied only by an interpreter and Trump by his daughter Ivanka, her husband and Trump adviser Jared Kushner, and Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn whom a senior Trump official said on Thursday had been offered the national security adviser position. Abe said he had agreed to meet again with Trump “at a convenient time to cover a wider area in greater depth.” It was unclear if that would happen before Trump’s inauguration on Jan. 20. Trump official Kellyanne Conway told CBS earlier on Thursday that “any deeper conversations about policy and the relationship between Japan and the United States will have to wait until after the inauguration.” Back in Tokyo, Finance Minister Taro Aso commented: “The meeting ran longer than planned, which means that they were on the same wavelength and it went well.” Some of Trump’s campaign rhetoric suggested an image of Japan forged in the 1980s, when Tokyo was seen by many in the United States as a threat to jobs and a free-rider on defense. A Trump adviser who spoke earlier in the week, however, stressed a more positive view and credited Abe with making changes. “Frankly, the prime minister has been more assertive and forthright in trying to make those changes to Japan’s global posture,” he said. Trump, a brash billionaire real estate magnate, and Abe, a political blue blood, share a stated desire to raise their countries’ global standing and both have support from right-wing constituencies. Abe has boosted Japan’s overall defense spending since taking office in 2012. He has also stretched the limits of its pacifist postwar constitution to allow the military to take a bigger global role. Japan’s defense spending, though, still stands at just over 1 percent of GDP compared with more than 3 percent in the United States. Abe was expected to see Obama at an Asia-Pacific summit in Peru on the weekend. Hours before Abe and Trump met, Obama’s secretary of state, John Kerry, and Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida met in Lima to discuss the Paris climate accord - a deal Trump has pledged to exit. Diplomats and analysts say that however good the atmospherics, it will be hard to assess Trump’s policies on security issues ranging from overseas deployments of U.S. troops, China’s maritime assertiveness and the North Korean nuclear threat until Trump makes key appointments.
Melania Trump: Reporter ‘Provoked’ Anti-Semitic Threats From My Fans
Donald Trump s wife Melania has made some shocking comments in regards to a barrage of anti-Semitic remarks that Trump supporters directed towards a reporter. After Julia Ioffe did a profile of Mrs. Trump for GQ magazine, her life was threatened and numerous hateful comments were sent her way on social media.Now in an interview, Ms. Trump alleges that Ioffe brought the hate barrage on herself. I don t control my fans, Melania said in an interview with DuJour. But I don t agree with what they re doing. I understand what you mean, but there are people out there who maybe went too far. She provoked them. Ioffe, who is Jewish, received calls from people playing Hitler speeches, told that she should be burned in an oven, be shot in the head, and was sent photoshopped images of her in a concentration camp uniform.The Trump campaign has received overt public support from anti-Semites and white power groups who believe that the candidate will further their goals of racial purity. One white nationalist paid for robocalls for Trump s campaign and was recently selected as a Trump delegate for the Republican Convention in Cleveland, only stepping down when national media began reporting the story.In the same interview, Melania Trump claims that Donald Trump is not Hitler, but he has pushed rhetoric about tracking and barring Muslims that come right out of the same playbook that Hitler utilized against Jewish people.Trump s rhetoric on Mexicans comes from the same place, calling them criminals and rapists, rhetoric which inspired supporters to beat up and urinate on a Latino man in Massachusetts. Those assailants are now headed to prison.Despite the hate from his campaign, Republicans are now stuck with Trump. He turns off many of the voters the party said it needed to be viable nationally, but did enough to blow out all the other nominees. Oh well.Featured image via Flickr
Judge rejects bid by 18 states to revive Obamacare subsidies
SAN FRANCISCO/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. judge on Wednesday refused to block President Donald Trump’s decision to end subsidy payments to health insurers under Obamacare, handing Trump a victory against Democratic attorneys general who have regularly challenged the president’s policies in court. U.S. District Judge Vince Chhabria in San Francisco said the federal government did not have to make the payments while litigation over the subsidies unfolds. Chhabria, appointed by former Democratic President Barack Obama, wrote that although the case appeared to be a close call, “it appears initially that the Trump administration has the stronger legal argument.” The Trump administration this month terminated the payments to the insurers, which help cover medical expenses for low-income Americans, as part of several moves to dismantle Obama’s signature healthcare law formally known as the Affordable Care Act. Democratic attorneys general have repeatedly opposed Trump in court this year over immigration, the environment and healthcare. After Trump’s decision to end the insurance subsidies, 18 states and the District of Columbia asked for an immediate order halting Trump’s move while the case is being litigated. They argued that terminating the payments harmed customers by raising insurance rates. In his ruling, Chhabria said the kind of emergency order requested by the states was not necessary. “The truth is that most state regulators have devised responses that give millions of lower-income people better health coverage options than they would otherwise have had,” Chhabria said. “This is true in almost all the states joining this lawsuit,” the judge added. U.S. Justice Department spokeswoman Lauren Ehrsam said the subsidy payments usurped Congress’ spending power and that the department was pleased with Chhabria’s ruling. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who is leading the lawsuit, said in a statement that Trump’s decision undermined payments that keep healthcare affordable. “Without an emergency order halting the Trump action, swift action in this litigation becomes even more compelling,” he said. U.S. Senator Patty Murray, a Washington state Democrat, said the ruling “only makes it more critical” that the Senate pass a bipartisan agreement she co-authored, which would authorize the subsidies. Earlier on Wednesday, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office found that the proposal would cut the U.S. deficit by $3.8 billion over the next decade. The subsidies were amounting to nearly $600 million a month. They were due to cost $7 billion this year and were estimated to grow to $10 billion for 2018, according to congressional analysts. With the beginning of enrollment for 2018 insurance policies on Obamacare exchanges set for Nov. 1, Chhabria suggested that the states focus on communicating the message that they have devised a response to the subsidy cuts that prevents harm to a large number of people. “If the states are so concerned that people will be scared away from the exchanges by the thought of higher premiums, perhaps they should stop yelling about higher premiums,” Chhabria wrote. Insurers say they do not profit from the subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, but pass them on directly to consumers to reduce deductibles, co-payments and other out-of-pocket medical expenses for low-income people. Premiums for Obamacare “silver” plans, generally the most popular type of health insurance plan on the individual health insurance market, rose 34 percent on average for 2018, according to an analysis published on Wednesday by Avalere Health, a research and consulting firm.
Senate Democrats vow to fight any Supreme Court pick not in the 'mainstream'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer said he told President Donald Trump in a White House meeting on Tuesday that Senate Democrats would fight any Supreme Court nominee “that was outside of the mainstream.” Trump said on Tuesday he would announce his Supreme Court pick next week. The lifetime appointment as a Supreme Court justice requires Senate confirmation. “As I’ve said many times, I believe the president should pick a mainstream nominee who could earn bipartisan support for the vacant Supreme Court seat,” Schumer said in a statement. “I reiterated that view in our meeting today, and told him that Senate Democrats would fight any nominee that was outside of the mainstream,” he said.
Once again, the gun grabbers are doing anything they can to restrict ammo and guns in the name of Common Sense reform . The thought process behind this is just not making any sense but what does with the gun grabbing Dems Democrats are pushing legislation which bans online ammunition sales that do not include a face-to-face exchange of IDs and which requires ammunition dealers to report any purchases of more than 1,000 rounds.The legislation titled the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015 is sponsored by Representative Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-NJ-12th Dist.) and co-sponsored by Representative Rep. Frank Pallone Jr (D-NJ-6th Dist.), according to The Hill.Pallone said:Far too many times, we have seen the shocking images of unspeakable gun violence that could have been prevented. Our bill to limit the online sale of ammunition is a long-overdue common sense reform that I am hopeful will spark Congress to put aside party difference and come together to help prevent such senseless tragedies.Pallone and Coleman are focusing on Aurora theater gunman James Holmes online ammo purchases as a selling point for their legislation. In so doing, they have overlooked the fact that Holmes passed background checks for the firearms he acquired and, therefore, would not have been prevented from ammunition purchases even if forced to show ID in a face-to-face manner.Via: Breitbart
FULL TEXT: MILO on why the Democrats Lost the White Working Class - Breitbart
Welcome to the Dangerous Faggot Tour! I’m Milo, the supervillain of the Internet. I’m happy to be with you here tonight for my second show in Colorado.[ I hear the protesters aren’t having too much fun out there in this weather. Shame. Poor lambs. My team and I actually found the public ANTIFA Facebook group behind the protest out there. In it, they discussed whether or not they should wear masks to hide their identities, using their Facebook names, for all to see. No I am not making this up my enemies are that fucking stupid. Here’s one of them, peacefully expressing his dislike for me. Where are you Gabe? I’d like you to try now please, if you’re hearing this! Come on. Fucking idiots. Anyway, moving on … The Democrats have absolutely no idea what happened to them this election. But to me, it is extremely obvious. The Democrats have gone from being the party of the common man, to the party of the cuckold. Once upon a time, this was the voter the Democrat party supported. This man worked hard in a dirty and dangerous environment, often shortening his life from disease and injury, for the American to give his family a better life. This type of man was and still is the backbone of this country, and he exists today in factories and yes even in coal mines. Coal mines the left will proudly tell you they want to put out of business. But this type of guy is no longer welcome by the progressives and the Democrats. They have a new favorite voter. Here he is! The current year Democrat. The social justice warrior. He doesn’t work, or if he does it is the service industry, because he is too busy complaining about things. He probably joined the Women’s March on Washington trying to hook up with some women after white knighting them. What this profound change represents is a massive shift completely into the extreme fringe of leftist politics, which we call Identity Politics. What matters is your minority group, and how aggrieved you are. The white working class is incompatible with those who have taken over the left. Nannying schoolmarms. Haughty college professors and worse yet, their brainwashed students shouting slogans. Race hustlers that define them as “part of the problem” just because they are white. I frankly don’t blame anyone for running away from the left, do you? Let’s be clear about what the left lost. The white working class turned against the Democrat party in a historic fashion during this election. The numbers are stunning, even to someone as stunning as me. I’m not a dataporn kind of faggot like those losers at the Guardian and the spectacularly dreadful FiveThirtyEight but I have to share a few of the key stats from Pew Research with you. whites voted for Donald Trump by a 4% margin. This is similar to how they voted for Mitt Romney. That is a bit embarrassing to be honest, but we have to admit that those goofy #NeverTrump people are all college eggheads. Proof that college can make you dumber. But the numbers for those that didn’t graduate college are amazing. A 39% margin for Trump! These are the deplorables, ladies and gentlemen, just as much as the hip millennials posting Pepe on Twitter. Let’s be clear about one thing. educated doesn’t mean stupid. It means you wisely chose not to pay $40, 000 a year to be lectured on microaggressions. Some of the smartest and most successful people in history have been either college dropouts, like me, or people who never attended at all, like a lot of my crew on this tour. They are smarter — and so am I — than 90 per cent of the people in this room. They’re already more successful and they already have more enjoyable jobs and have more political and cultural influence than most of the people in this room. No offense! But my point is that “ educated” isn’t a synonym for dumb redneck or idiot. A good 50 per cent of the most successful people I know didn’t get a university degree. The split among all voters is also amazing. All college graduates went to Hillary by a 9% margin, while all people without degrees went to Trump by 8%. We haven’t seen this kind of gap since 1980. So rather than smart versus dumb, try to think of this split in cultural terms. When we look at the way counties voted in battleground states, it is a similar story. Trump won Wisconsin by taking 10 counties that typically go Democrat. Kenosha County has been Democrat since 1972, but it went to Trump. Similar stories and countries exist in every state. The evidence very clearly shows the left lost the white working class. The working class has always been a Democrat stronghold, mostly due to the Democrat control of labor unions. A long time ago when labor unions had a real purpose, Democrats fought for things we value now, like a 40 hour workweek and ending child labor. As you might guess, I wouldn’t mind child labor coming back because I don’t like kids much, but even I know GENERALLY we are better off with kids going to school. Liberals have lots of theories for why working class whites abandoned them. The most obvious of which is their old standby, “they are racist”. That’s absurd … the same counties I just mentioned all voted for Obama, most of them twice. They will also argue that whites voted this way out of anger. They voted for the clown candidate out of spite, to hurt the world that hurt them. This is a plot from a poorly written novel, it’s probably in Harry Potter somewhere since that is the only book that millennial liberals can reference. Again, like their other theories, that is insane. American voters had multiple options to express their displeasure with the system. They might vote for third party candidates like Crazy Jill Stein and high as a kite Gary Johnson. Maybe even the heroic Jeb Bush. Or they could just stay home. And guess what, Democrats did all three to varying degrees in different states. The Democrat push to get Republicans to vote third party failed disastrously at the same time. That McMuffin guy wouldn’t even win his home state of Utah. This was Obama’s argument. He famously slapped the very people that elected him in Pennsylvania when he said: “They get bitter they cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them or sentiment or sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations. ” What an amazing statement. After he said it, a lot of people realized just how out of touch with Americans the President really was. But it turns out it wasn’t just Obama, it was the entire party. Just consider the values of the working class and you will see how incompatible the left has become. The white working class wants jobs. They don’t want to be stuck trying to make ends meet with work and government assistance. They want a good paying job that they can take pride in. The type of job that has fled America thanks to the left. The white working class wants safety. They want to work hard while not worrying that their family is in danger from terrorists or criminals. It’s a basic American value as captured by Norman Rockwell. The white working class wants freedom to do what they want. If they work a long shift, they don’t want scolding yuppies telling them they can’t drink a large soda. They don’t want to be lectured for enjoying a movie with some TA. They certainly don’t want to sit down to a video game only to be lectured about sex and violence. They want to watch a NASCAR race without being lectured about global warming by people who fly around in private planes. And finally, they want freedom of speech. They don’t want to be told what they can say and they don’t want to be called racist or be told they are bitterly clinging to God and guns for disagreeing with their elected politicians. You see actually it’s often the working classes who enjoy the most subversive art. Madonna, Marilyn Manson, Guns and Roses. These are mainstream artists but they are artists who appeal primarily to the working classes. What they all have in common is that they push or pushed the boundaries of decency and tried out new and dangerous ideas. Like your favourite faggot, Milo Yiannopoulos, they are generally scorned by the ruling elites while being phenomenally popular with ordinary people. Here’s a list of things the modern Democrats value. Globalization — Hillary wanted a borderless economic zone. Who do you think suffers the most under globalism? The working class of course, through wage depression, stagnant standards of living and unemployment. Social Justice — Identity politics is the heart of social justice, where victims are in a pyramid and the most privileged people on earth are white men. Social justice warriors especially on campus would have the audacity to go up to a coal miner and lecture them on their privilege. If you’re a straight white male, no matter how poor you are or how bad your life has been, forget ever getting any sympathy from the left. Islam — Liberals are in love with Islam, mainly because of identity politics. Even the women’s rights march was led by Muslim women with their heads covered! The white working class desires safety for their families, but Islam brings everything but safety. Look at Europe! Free Everything — free education, free birth control, free healthcare, free Obamaphones. All of these things are paid for by SOMEONE, and it isn’t usually the . It is the paycheck earners who watch their healthcare costs skyrocket. Control of Speech — The left wants to control speech and thought. To them, America should be one giant college campus! The working class hates being lectured by Harvard and yes, even by UC Colorado Springs. What the left doesn’t value, however, is the views and identities of the white voters across America. This past election cycle brought us the most vicious rhetoric we have seen in years. You’ve undoubtedly noticed feminists brandishing “I Bathe in White Male Tears” signs and such. You’ve likely witnessed the liberal news cycle call out straight white males day after day. The same obnoxious, patronizing tone. They talk to you like you’re a stupid dog who just pissed the rug for the fifth time this week. When that fails, they’ll blame slavery on you. I gotta say, I’m a gay Brit here as a warning from Europe but I watch how ordinary Americans are spoken about and it makes me mad. You could even say I’m offended. This is exactly the type of thing that put Trump into the White House. The more of this, the more voters see Lena Dunham talking about the extinction of the white race … . The longer the Republicans will be in power. For years, the left and its various degenerate platoons like Hollywood, New York media and the universities vilified and generalized about an entire race. All the while of course telling us that race was just a social construct. There are nearly 200 million white people in this country. Did you really think enough wouldn’t get tired of you harassing them, lying about them and insulting them and vote to save themselves from your odious bigotry? The left berated, assaulted, and socially ostracised a huge slice of the population based on skin color. If you’re listening to this, and you wrote or tweeted about “white men” being the problem, I want you to know that the next eight years are entirely your fault, so please soak it in. This is the best way to look at it: Take any male propaganda the left has created and replace the word “white” or “male” with another group. “I Bathe In Black Tears,” wouldn’t go over too well would it? In my case I bathe in another fluid from black people but out of propriety I try not to bring it up too often. The “die cis scum” social media activists of the world either can’t see this, or refuse to acknowledge it. Something similar happened with feminism, you will recall. So the question is, America: You now know why Trump is your president. You should understand what put him there. What will you do to fix it? Will you stop engaging in lopsided identity politics? Will you abandon them altogether? Or will you continue down the same path? That strange homeless guy, Shia LeBoeuf is completely right: “He will not divide us. ” But the liberal left will and if you look around, they already have, by dividing people into groups based on skin color, sexuality and gender. They have forgotten the lessons of Dr King, who would be horrified by identity politics and probably have voted Trump like Kim and Kanye. We fight outrage culture by being outrageous, and Trump and I are the answer to this need. Within hours of Trump’s presidency, he began working on the exact policies he promised throughout the election. Now the rollback begins, and we use it to our advantage, rebuilding culture brick by brick. I know some of you don’t believe me. Although I’m always proven right, there are still haters who won’t accept that the Democrat party has rejected the white working class so completely. So I am going to let the Democrats themselves tell you, in their own words. This is Sally Boynton Brown, who wants to be the chairman of the Democrat National Committee, on what she thinks the chair of the DNC should do: They all sound as crazy as her folks. She isn’t the Jill Stein of the DNC, she is a mainstream leftist. They sound exactly like European politicians now, but Europeans don’t blame whites for everything, they just blame the people of their own country, like Germans or Frenchmen. And the emphasis on Islam is the same as Europe too. The Executive director of the Council on Relations has announced that stopping the influx of Muslim refugees into this country is the moral equivalent of slavery. Their madness is deepening folks. It used to be all white people and only white people were racist, now any policy they don’t like is slavery. Good luck pushing that outside of Salon, Twitter, and college campuses. The left didn’t learn anything from the beatdown they suffered on election night. In fact they are on their identity politics. Conservatives aren’t just deplorables and racists, we’re white nationalist hatemongers. And white women and the working class who voted for Trump are too. They’ve ramped up their fake news activities to prove how wrong we all are, and their top weapon is fake hate crimes. America has a problem with fake hate crimes. The left is always searching for the next big outrage, and sometimes when the pressure gets too high, they just decide to make them up. That is basically how the UVA rape fantasy that ran in Rolling Stone came about by the way. This trend has just accelerated since the election, fake attacks on Muslim women seem to be in vogue right now. But it isn’t a new trend. I wrote an article in May 2016 that documented 100 fake hate crimes in the last decade. 100 of them! And surely there were more that just didn’t make it into the public eye. I bring this up because Colorado Springs is part of the list. In 2015, threats were left outside of a predominantly black church referencing the KKK and a second one says “Black men beware, you are the target”. There’s just one problem. This is the evil racist local police found behind the messages. Whoops, it’s a black guy! Sadly, this is part of an increasing trend in the US towards sensational but untrue stories. Fake hate crimes are the original fake news. I mentioned the UVA rape case, which was a complete fabrication happily carried by the leftist media. Of course everyone with a brain knows that rape culture on campus is a myth. 1 in 4 women on campus will not be raped, and American universities are not more dangerous than African nations, sorry about it. But there are rape cultures in this world, and most of them are because of Muslims. A few years ago Colorado Springs got a taste of that first hand, when a group of 5 Iraqi men gangraped a woman, leaving her severely injured with blood spattered all over the walls. Here’s one of the Iraqis involved, Jasim Mohammed Hassin Ramadon. Let’s all say a quick prayer of thanks to God that Donald Trump is already taking action to stop Islam’s rape culture from flooding America. Islam carries rape wherever it goes. Whether it is the refugee rape gangs in Germany, or the long term grooming gangs in Rotherham, this is an actual rape problem that America doesn’t need. Unfortunately the west didn’t get the message at the time of this attack in Colorado Springs, but we have it now! Identity politics never unifies the groups it pretends to care about, it just leads to intense jockeying for positions as America’s next biggest victim class. As the Democrats continue to descend into this madness, these groups will fight ever increasing battles for supremacy. Of course I called this.. I wrote a piece in 2015 called “Minority Wars” that chronicled the way different groups within the leftist movement will fight each other over the next decade. Some of them have already come true! One of the battles I foresaw was intersectional feminists versus white feminists. That has already started, with white women at the women’s march being told to shut up and learn their place. Sounds a little like that DNC chairman hopeful doesn’t it? There will be more fights. Trannies versus feminists is the one I’m looking forward to. Or there’s the one that hits closes to home, white gay men versus the entire rest of the LGBT spectrum, which gets three letters added to it every week. The biggest battles will be amongst identities that don’t even exist yet. Maybe people that identify as Lego figures versus people that identify as the USS Enterprise. That would be a fun one wouldn’t it? You should be seeing my point. Identity politics feeds on itself, and is tremendously destructive. The white working class, and America overall has rejected identity politics by electing Donald Trump, but the Democrats don’t care, and will have the political party they have chosen. What Democrat Leaders Aren’t in Line? I’ve said tonight that all the Democrats sound as crazy as that cat lady who wants to run the Democrat party. But some of them aren’t falling in line with the nuts. Have you figured out who I am talking about? It’s big labor. I am no fan of labor unions. I don’t think they serve the purpose they once did, which was getting the American worker a fair shake. I think in many cases they hurt competitiveness and have hurt the very workers they represent. But Labor leader are smart. They know it is very difficult to be the highly paid head of a union when there are no workers to represent. And that is the track America has been on. This week big labor met with Donald Trump, and they gushed about him. Can you imagine labor leaders speaking about a Republican positively? Hell, there are lots of of Republicans that don’t talk about Daddy this way. Here is a choice quote, about Trump’s decision to get rid of TPP: “With this decision, the president has taken the first step toward fixing 30 years of bad trade policies that have cost working Americans millions of jobs. ” The labor unions put their money behind Hillary Clinton, but they’ve swung around to Trump, because more jobs in America is good for everybody including big labor. I’m going to give you one of my extremely rare trigger warnings, because I’m going to show you a graph about economics. I know many of you think you have enough classes during the week, but this is the dirty little secret about American workers that the left doesn’t want you to know. The red line is growth in median household income. Hooray! Income has grown 43% since 2000! But not so fast. The blue line is growth adjusted for inflation. It is slightly negative since 2000, and at one point was almost down 10%. The left can claim the economy is recovering, but the American worker is making no more adjusted for inflation than they were in the year 2000. This is the biggest problem facing the American economy, but the left would rather lecture you about cultural appropriation and microaggressions. As a final aside on this graph, mainly so I can punish anyone not in STEM by keeping it up on the screen longer, who do you have confidence in helping American workers? The businessman who has made billions and created many thousands of jobs, or the politicians who have spent their life in the swamp? I’d like to end this speech with a quick note about the men and women I’ve been speaking about, the white working class of America. As a foreigner, I’ve had more exposure to the working class during this tour than I ever had before. They’ve been at my shows, spoken to me in public, and I’ve come to know them. Plenty of my military and veteran fans fall into this category too. Working class Americans are fundamentally decent people. They are work hard, play hard people. They are very different than me, and frankly very different from most of you. No matter what background you come from, you shouldn’t look down on the working class, because they are what America is really about. The difference between conservatives and the new breed of Democrats is that we don’t think the working class is evil, or that they need to be controlled and taught how to think. They care about the same things as we do. A strong America, a great economy, jobs for them AND you all when you graduate, and a safe place to live. The American dream is what fuels the working class. The dream to improve economically and give their children a better life than they had. At some point in the recent past, liberals decided that dreamers are illegal immigrants who should get cheap college tuition instead of hard working Americans who deserve more than shuttered factories. To those Americans, I say welcome to the party of Trump, it’s going to be a wild ride. Written from prepared remarks. MILO wears glasses by Givenchy, $350. Distressed blue jeans by True Religion, $329. Brown leather belt with gold buckle by Louis Vuitton, $450. Light pink dress shirt by Brooks Brothers, $92. Sparkly purple suit jacket by Angelino, $225. Burgundy crushed velvet slippers by Crockett Jones, $370. Socks by Ralph Lauren, 3 pairs for $21. 98. Jewellery and pearls, too much money to count.
World Bank's Kim says Trump likes lender's private capital plans
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - In an era of shrinking government contributions to development financing and “exploding” loan demand in poor countries, World Bank Group president Jim Yong Kim is looking to the private sector for help. And he said U.S. President Donald Trump likes the idea. Kim told Reuters in an interview on Thursday that he is looking to mobilize hundreds of billions of dollars now parked in low-yield government bonds for development finance, earning higher returns for investors. The World Bank would pave the way to reduce risk. “Speaking with President Trump directly, I told him about the need to make this shift, to work more effectively with the private sector. He was very enthusiastic about that,” Kim said. “I’d love to see President Trump champion this approach to development finance.” The potential new business model is part of Kim’s pitch to promote the multilateral lender’s role as a facilitator in developing new markets - and attract political support and new capital along the way. Trump’s initial budget plan in March floated a $650 million funding cut multilateral development banks over three years. However, it is Congress, not the White House, that ultimately decides spending levels. “What I’m trying to convince everyone of is, if we get this right, we can actually spur global growth, create markets for American products, create opportunities for American companies,” Kim said of his pitch to Congress, the White House and other stakeholders. The new business model would aim to use the World Bank Group’s technical expertise and guarantees to prepare and “de-risk” projects and markets to make them “bankable” for risk-averse investors such as pension funds and insurance companies, Kim said. Work by the lender’s International Finance Corp arm in Zambia last year to set up auctions for private firms to build solar generating plants provides a model for his proposed approach. The bank estimates that some two-thirds of current manual labor jobs in developing countries will be eliminated by automation in future years so Kim said massive investments are needed now to help develop new jobs. “Our job should be to use our money to prepare the country to bring in lots more money that’s ready to go but is not moving because of the perception of risk or because the projects are not,” Kim said. Kim said he is encouraged by his engagement so far with the Trump administration, including interest from Ivanka Trump in the bank’s work on women’s issues. “We’re interacting with them quite a lot and they’re asking us very specific questions about how we think about solving certain problems,” he said.
Donald Trump's Stunning Upset
Donald Trump had one more surprise up his sleeve. The Republican nominee was elected president Tuesday, winning a stunning upset that defied nearly every prediction. Trump broke through Hillary Clinton’s Democratic firewall and turned back her bid to become the first woman to serve as president, even as the candidates battled for the lead in the popular vote. Trump was carried to victory by a wave of right-wing populist nationalism, as working- and middle-class white Americans turned out in droves to vote for a candidate who had rejected Republican dogma during an erratic, peculiar campaign. Trump overperformed expectations in nearly every public poll, as well as the internal expectations of both parties. The result, paired with Republican victories in the House and Senate, promises to remake American policy and politics, and the global order as well. It represents a wholesale repudiation of the establishment, from Washington to Wall Street. Even before Trump had clinched the win Tuesday night, markets around the world cratered and trading in stock futures was halted. The result is a disaster for the Democratic Party, which had put its faith in a repeat candidate representing a fading dynasty, could not win the Senate, and has few obvious young standard bearers waiting in the wings; the traditional conservative wing of the Republican Party, which largely broke with Trump; the media, which plainly detested Trump but fueled his movement with incessant coverage; and the political consulting and polling industry, which saw its methods ridiculed. It is also a body blow to the legacy of President Barack Obama. The nation’s first African American president will be succeeded by a man who built his political career on questioning whether Obama was a legitimate citizen. Trump’s victory is an incredible finish to a campaign that often beggared belief. When Trump began his campaign in June 2015, proclaiming that Mexican immigrants were “bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists,” he was widely viewed as a curiosity, a garish entertainer whose repeatedly unfulfilled political flirtations were the butt of jokes. Despite billing himself as a businessman, he garnered little respect within the business community. But Trump demolished what was touted as the most talented class of GOP politicians in a lifetime, winning the primary over the objections of most elected Republicans. It is difficult to overstate the surprise of a Trump win, except perhaps with recourse to the infamous “Dewey Defeats Truman” headline of 1948. Polling averages never showed him leading, or only leading for a fleeting moment after the Republican National Convention. He centered his campaign around a promise to build a wall on the border with Mexico that practically no serious analyst believes is possible, and to force Mexico to pay for it, a remote possibility. He lost all three presidential debates. He rejected several key pillars of the Republican Party, including free trade, projecting American power abroad, and social conservatism. He broke longstanding tradition by refusing to release his tax returns, but bragged about having paid no income taxes for extended periods. During the campaign, The Washington Post published a video in which Trump boasted about sexually assaulting women, and about a dozen women came forward with allegations of sexual assault and harassment stretching across decades. He was a historically dishonest candidate, lying publicly on matters large and small, important and not, easily debunked and not. He would not commit to accepting the results of the election if he lost. Trump’s campaign borrowed its tactics from Europe’s right-wing populist parties, eagerly leveraging race for political gain. He blamed immigration, whether from Latin America or from the Middle East, for many of the country’s ills, openly demonizing Hispanics and Muslims and railing against “political correctness.” He drew support from a resurgent white supremacist movement, passing along messages from anti-Semites and those who argue that a “white genocide” is occurring. He was endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan and wavered before rejecting the support of former KKK Imperial Wizard David Duke. These choices, along with his comments about women, produced a lopsided demographic result, with African Americans, Hispanics, and women backing Clinton by wide margins and white voters carrying Trump to the win. Trump broke nearly every rule of political campaigning on the way to his win. He survived an unprecedented abandonment by members of his own party; even GOP officials who endorsed Trump often did so through gritted teeth. He lost the endorsements of even the most staunchly Republican newspapers. He barely engaged in fundraising for his race, beginning to ask for money only late in the game. Ultimately, Trump raised scarcely half of what Clinton did, and he hardly purchased ads to combat her onslaught of television spots, relying instead on social media and his own Twitter account. He eschewed traditional campaigning, from the construction of a field organization to the use of polling to the deployment of a carefully calibrated data analytics team, a tool that Obama’s two wins had established as a must. His unfavorable ratings lagged far behind even Clinton’s shoddy numbers, and national exit polls found a majority of Americans did not believe Trump was qualified to be president. He expressed a profound disgust for the First Amendment and a free press. Clinton, meanwhile, was revealed as a badly damaged and weak candidate. She was never able to articulate a clear, concise purpose for her campaign, positioning herself more than anything as the only person who could stop Trump. Her long resume—stretching from her time as first lady through stints in the Senate and as secretary of state—turned out to be a liability. So, crucially, did her use of a private email server while leading the State Department. Democrats were quick to point a finger at FBI Director James Comey, whose announcement of new emails pertinent to the investigation of that server shook the race, but whose statement eight days later that the emails did not change his conclusion may have come too late to save Clinton. But the signs of her weaknesses were apparent before then, when she struggled to dispatch a primary challenge from Senator Bernie Sanders. In the closing weeks of the campaign, Clinton—never a compelling orator—called on an all-star team of Democrats and others to buoy her, including Obama, Michelle Obama, Sanders, Vice President Biden, and a host of stars of sports, music, and movies. The Trump win in the face of his unified support from the elites in nearly every field underlines the vast split between them and Trump’s base. With both Clinton and Sanders near the ends of their career, it is unclear what the future Democratic Party will look like or who will lead it. The party will take cold comfort even if it does end up winning the popular vote in six of the last seven presidential elections. A Trump presidency will present the largest shift in U.S. foreign policy since the nation became a superpower. He has offered an isolationist vision of American foreign policy, arguing that the United States does not get out of international alliances like NATO what it puts in, suggesting he would recognize Russian annexation in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. (He was rewarded with the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin.) He has promised to renegotiate existing free-trade agreements and promised the return of tariffs. He has spoken disdainfully of climate-change agreements and has suggested nuclear proliferation could help create global peace. Domestically, Trump is expected to cut closer to standard Republican fare, though his plain lack of interest in policy details makes it more difficult to predict. He supports lower taxes and subscribes to supply-side economics, though he has also promised not to cut entitlements like Social Security and Medicare. With the likely outcome that the lame-duck Senate will continue to stonewall Obama nominee Merrick Garland, Trump will likely have the chance to nominate at least one and perhaps several more justices to the Supreme Court. He has promised to repeal the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare. Assuming he is able to mend fences with Republicans—not necessarily a sure bet—GOP majorities in both the House and Senate will give him broad maneuvering room to enact his policies. The Republican advantage in both the House and Senate decreased, but the party was able to hold both chambers, against expectations that a Clinton win would carry Democrats to a Senate edge. Democrats took over a seat in Illinois and held a seat in Nevada, they failed to pick up any of the other contested seats without Clinton’s coattails. From the top of the ballot to the bottom, the election shows how deeply divided the nation remains. While Trump performed better that Mitt Romney in urban areas, a stark split between cosmopolitan, liberal urban areas and more conservative, whiter rural ones is a defining feature of the United States, along with a large gap in income and inequality. In other races across the nation, Republicans made big gains in some state houses, while voters in several other states opted to legalize recreational marijuana. In Maricopa County, Arizona, longtime Sheriff Joe Arpaio, a noisy Trump backer and opponent of immigration, was turned out of office. These divisions will likely manifest in increasingly disparate blue and red Americas, often colliding violently. It will take days if not weeks for a full accounting of how polls failed to capture Trump’s surge so badly. He had promised that he would win with the help of the “silent majority,” a phrase he borrowed from Richard Nixon. That prediction was ridiculed by the smart money, along with suggestions that there might be large numbers of “shy” Trump voters unwilling to publicly declare their support. Trump’s win joins in a recent string of shocking upset victories for populist causes, from the rise of right-wing national parties in Europe to the Brexit vote to Colombia’s rejection of a peace referendum. In the home stretch of the campaign, Trump had taken to referring to himself as “Mr. Brexit,” a nod to the unexpected result in that referendum. But as some analysts pointed out, the late polls there indicated that Leave would win. Trump’s victory is something far more surprising. But just as the United Kingdom is trying to sort through what Brexit might mean, Trump and the nation will have to figure out what the United States looks like now.
Why Polls Showing Hillary in The Lead Are Useless And Misleading [CARTOON]
You are here: Home / political cartoon / Why Polls Showing Hillary in The Lead Are Useless And Misleading [CARTOON] Why Polls Showing Hillary in The Lead Are Useless And Misleading [CARTOON] October 29, 2016 Pinterest Robert Gehl reports that with less than ten days to go, Donald Trump appears to be surging with likely voters across the country. Despite an onslaught of negative coverage from all corners of the media, the Republican Presidential candidate has gained on Hillary Clinton in the latest poll from The Washington Post and ABC News. Hillary still holds a 48-44 percent edge over Trump, but that is up from 38 percent support for Trump in the last week alone, fueled by support is shoring up among political independents and hard-core Republicans. He has made up ground among white people – with a 30-point advantage among whites without a college degree, up from a 20 point advantage. Trump saw his biggest gains among political independents, favoring Trump by a 12-point margin in the latest tracking poll, 49 to 37 percent, after giving Clinton a narrow edge in late last week. Neither candidate has maintained a consistent lead among independent likely voters in Post-ABC polling this fall. Despite the surge in Trump’s popularity, still six in ten voters expect Hillary Clinton to win anyway. The same poll found that only 30 percent thought Donald Trump would prevail. This plays into the Trump narrative that the vote is somehow “rigged” in favor of Clinton and no matter how much support he has, Trump would never ascend to the presidency. Sizable minorities of likely voters express concerns about fraud and inaccuracy at the ballot box, though worries about both have declined in the past month. Fewer than four in 10 voters now say voter fraud occurs very or somewhat often (37 percent), down from 47 percent in early September. Studies of voter fraud have found that it is very rare. In a separate question, the share of voters saying they do not have confidence votes will be counted accurately dipped from 33 to 28 percent, while the percentage saying they are “very confident” rose from 31 to 43 percent. Seven in 10 Trump supporters say voter fraud occurs at least somewhat often, including 34 percent who think it happens “very often.” And Trump voters are split on whether votes will be counted accurately across the country, with 50 percent at least somewhat confident and 49 percent “not too” or “not at all” confident. While Trump voters’ concerns about fraud and vote counting have not changed significantly since last month, Clinton supporters expressed growing confidence in the election process. The share of Democrats who are “very confident” the vote will be accurately counted has grown from 45 percent last month to 70 percent in the new Post-ABC poll. And while more than 1 in 5 Democrats last month thought voter fraud occurs at least somewhat often, that has fallen to slightly more than 1 in 10 in this week’s poll. The poll was conducted with a sampling of 1,775 adults and has a margin of error of plus-or-minus 2.5 percentage points.
IS THIS WHY HILLARY Has Become “Unhinged”? Perjury Charge The Least Of Clinton’s Problems [Video]
Trump nominee for Israel ambassador heckled, questioned at Senate
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s nominee to be U.S. ambassador to Israel faced repeated heckling at a Senate confirmation hearing on Thursday before he apologized for his stinging criticism of liberal American Jews and promised to be less inflammatory in an official capacity. David Friedman, a bankruptcy lawyer Trump has called a longtime friend and trusted adviser, has supported Jewish settlement building and advocated the annexation of the West Bank, which Israel captured from Jordan in the 1967 war. His nomination has been fiercely opposed by some American Jewish groups. Friedman repeatedly expressed regret for likening liberal American Jews to Jewish prisoners who worked for the Nazis during the Holocaust, telling the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in his opening statement, “I regret the use of such language.” Trump is following through on a promised shift in U.S. policy toward Israel after years of friction between former President Barack Obama and Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu. Flanked by Netanyahu at a White House news conference, Trump on Wednesday dropped a U.S. commitment to a two-state solution, long a bedrock of its Middle East policy, even as he urged Netanyahu to curb settlement construction. The heated opposition to Friedman’s nomination erupted in the hearing room as Friedman began his opening statement, with several hecklers including a man who held up the Palestinian flag and shouted about Palestinian claims to the land of Israel. “My grandfather was exiled,” the man said before being escorted out of the room. “Palestinians will always be in Palestine!” Democratic senators pressed Friedman on incendiary comments he made including calling Obama an anti-Semite and Democratic Senate leader Chuck Schumer, who is Jewish, an appeaser. “Frankly the language you have regularly used against those who disagree with your views has me concerned about your preparedness to enter the world of diplomacy,” Ben Cardin, the senior Democrat on the committee, told the nominee. Friedman acknowledged using overheated rhetoric as part of his passionate support for the Jewish state, which has included financial support of Jewish settlements built on land claimed by Palestinians. He promised to avoid inflammatory comments as a U.S. diplomat. He told Cardin, “There is no excuse. If you want me to rationalize it or justify it, I cannot. These were hurtful words and I deeply regret them.” Cardin, citing Friedman’s criticism of Schumer as having done the “worst appeasement of terrorists since Munich,” retorted that those words were “beyond hurtful.” “We need a steady hand in the Middle East, not a bomb thrower,” admonished Tom Udall, another Democrat. Under questioning, Friedman tried to soften his positions on a number of hot-button regional issues. While expressing skepticism of a two-state solution calling for the creation of Palestinian state next to Israel, he acknowledged it was the best option for peace. He said he did not personally support Israeli annexation of the West Bank and agreed with Trump’s view that settlement activity “may not be helpful” to achieving peace. “You’re here today having to recant every single strongly held belief that you’ve expressed, almost,” the committee’s Republican chairman, Bob Corker, noted. Friedman is likely to be confirmed by the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham acknowledged that Friedman has said things he did not agree with but backed the nominee as qualified, experienced and passionate. “I believe he is the right guy at the right time. He’ll be Trump’s voice. Trump won the election,” Graham said. Five former U.S. ambassadors to Israel from both Republican and Democratic administrations urged the Senate in a letter to reject Friedman, saying that he holds “extreme, radical positions” on issues such as Jewish settlements and the two-state solution. “We believe him to be unqualified for the position,” wrote the former ambassadors including Thomas Pickering, Edward Walker, Daniel Kurtzer, James Cunningham and William Harrop. While campaigning for the presidency, Trump pledged to switch the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv, where it has been located for 68 years, to Jerusalem, all but enshrining the city as Israel’s capital regardless of international objections.
Hillary Clinton: It’s a “Great Idea” to Appoint Obama to the Supreme Court
0 comments Lest anyone get the impression that Hillary Clinton would not do too much damage should she be elected, let’s take a little stroll down memory lane, shall we? Earlier this year while on the campaign trail, Hillary was asked at a town hall meeting by one of her supporters, “The next president will probably appoint several members of the Supreme Court. Would you consider appointing Obama?” Clinton replied enthusiastically, “Wow! What a great idea! Nobody has ever suggested that to me! Wow! I love that! Wow! He may have a few other things to do, but I’ll tell ya, that’s a great idea!” God help us… This actually brings up a very important point, something many people have overlooked during this election cycle: If we do not elect Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton can stack the Supreme Court with liberal justices, and in doing so, irreversibly steer our country down the path of no return. The America our Founding Fathers envisioned and strived for will be nothing more than a distant memory. SHARE the report if you believe we CANNOT let that happen!
Vietnamese court upholds prominent blogger's 10-year jail term
HANOI (Reuters) - A Vietnamese court on Thursday upheld a 10-year jail sentence for a prominent blogger convicted of publishing propaganda against the state, her lawyer said, the latest move in a crackdown on critics of the one-party state. Despite sweeping economic reform and increasing openness towards social change, including gay, lesbian and transgender rights, Vietnam s ruling Communist Party retains tight media censorship and does not tolerate criticism. In recent months, it has targeted critics whose voices have been amplified by social media in a country that ranks among Facebook s top ten, in terms of users. Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, 37, known as Me Nam (Mother Mushroom), who gained prominence for blogging about environment issues and deaths in police custody, was found guilty in June for distributing what police called anti-state reports. A court in the central city of Nha Trang upheld Quynh s sentence, one of her lawyers said. This sentence is not objective and is unfair, the lawyer, Ha Huy Son, told Reuters by telephone. Quynh said she is innocent and she carried out her right as a citizen. Vietnam s state news agency confirmed the outcome of the appeal. The hearing was public and in accordance with Vietnamese law , foreign ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang added. Quynh s mother said she was among those outside the court protesting against the verdict when plainclothes policemen approached and beat them. The police beat me repeatedly, Nguyen Tuyet Lan, the mother, told Reuters, adding that police detained three activists. Reuters was not able to reach police for comment. In March 2009, Quynh spent nine days in police detention for receiving funds from Viet Tan, a California-based activist group which Vietnam calls a terrorist group, to print T-shirts with slogans against a major bauxite project, police said. She has also spoken out against a subsidiary of Taiwan s Formosa Plastics Corp that caused one of Vietnam s biggest environmental disasters in April. The European Union, whose representatives were denied access to the appeal hearing, urged that Quynh be immediately and unconditionally released , its Vietnam delegation said on Friday, ahead of an annual human rights session in Hanoi. A U.S. diplomat in Vietnam said she was deeply troubled that Quynh s conviction was upheld. The United States calls on Vietnam to release Ms Quynh and all prisoners of conscience immediately, and to allow all individuals in Vietnam to express their views freely and assemble peacefully, Caryn McClelland, the U.S. charg d affaires, said in a statement. New York-based Human Rights Watch called the hearing a farce. The proceedings were a farce, with the judge simply going through the motions before issuing the harsh verdict predetermined by the ruling communist party, upholding her long prison sentence, said Phil Robertson, the group s deputy director for Asia.
Success against ISIS requires a team of teams
A truck bomb detonates in a lively street, congested with pedestrians headed to markets and school kids making their way home. The blast is temporarily deafening and the shock knocks people to their knees. Those able to pull themselves up describe a disorienting moment of stillness—a ringing in their ears that drowns out the chaos, the shattered bones and the crumbling of nearby buildings into a dusty mess of rebar and brick. But the quiet, like a slow motion scene in a movie, quickly gives way to confusion and frenetic activity; the ringing gives way to a blurring amalgamation of screaming and sirens. This scene is too frequent, familiar as an al Qaeda (AQ) tactic, and again with its newest incarnation, ISIS. Headlines are dominated by ever-ruthless brutality, senseless violence, and unspeakable injustice, the audaciousness of which leaves us baffled. This isn’t really new.  Genghis Khan’s audacity and brutality unnerved his foes into submission. But part of it is very new. Although tiny compared to the Mongol hordes, operating with apparent orchestrated synergy, ISIS is seemingly everywhere.  Deft battlefield advances interwoven with terrorist strikes create a frightening kinetic reality that flies and multiplies across 21st century connectivity to assault our senses and undermine our confidence.  Like savvy investors, ISIS uses speed and digital leverage to geometrically increase their perceived power. And in war, perception is reality. In our fight against al Qaeda in Iraq in 2004, we found our elite team—with world-class technology, training, and intelligence—was losing to a comparatively ragtag group. We pulled all the traditional levers—more personnel, raids, and intelligence—to no avail. The ringing in our ears was too frequent, too disorienting. The solution, we discovered, was internal. Faced with a 21st century threat, we faced the hard realization that being a great team was not enough.  We learned through painful trial and error the necessity of transforming into a system that mirrored the speed and interconnectedness of the distributed networks we were facing. We—the U.S. government, international community, and forces on the ground—have all the tools and resources required to defeat ISIS and any of its future manifestations.  What we don’t have is an organized, unified approach and structure to harness our collective will, resources, personnel, equipment, intelligence, policy, and diplomatic efforts to defeat them. Success demands connecting an ever-dispersed and intricate organization into a Team of Teams. This will require a fundamental shift in the way we organize ourselves; the traditional command and control structures of large organizations like the government, military, or corporations were developed to provide order and efficiency at scale. But this comes at cost of speed and decentralized decision-making.  Even in a hierarchical command of teams, decisions tend to be made at higher levels. A Team of Teams approach to create networked structures spreads valuable contextual information and empowers individuals closest to the problem to react in real time. At its core, it makes us adaptable. In Iraq, we were driven to connect across boundaries in completely new ways, break silos to solve problems, and execute faster than we ever thought possible. This didn’t happen overnight; it took us the better part of five years to transform the way our organization operated. Defeating ISIS necessitates a new operating model, but also to recognize that ISIS isn’t a singular challenge, but rather the byproduct of a new order defined by complexity. It is essential to imbue our organizations with adaptability; the challenges will continue to mutate, and we need to adapt alongside. There can’t be a temporary taskforce or unit to defeat ISIS that is dismantled when the mission is complete. The new mission needs to foster a Team of Teams, otherwise we’ll find ourselves knocked to our knees time and again. Stanley McChrystal retired from the U.S. Army as a four-star general after more than thirty-four years of service. His last assignment was as the commander of all American and coalition forces in Afghanistan. His memoir, "My Share of the Task," was a New York Times bestseller. He is co-author of the new book "Team of Teams: New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World" (Portfolio/Penguin, May 12, 2015). He is a senior fellow at Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs and the cofounder of CrossLead, a leadership consulting firm.
After weeks of secrecy, Senate to unveil healthcare bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Republicans plan to unveil the text of their draft healthcare bill on Thursday as senators struggle over issues such as the future of the Medicaid program for the poor and bringing down insurance costs. Republicans in the chamber have been working for weeks behind closed doors on legislation aimed at repealing and replacing major portions of the Affordable Care Act, former Democratic President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, popularly known as Obamacare. The effort has been plagued from the start by tensions between moderates and conservatives, which surfaced again on Tuesday. Democrats have also criticized the behind-the-scenes meetings, staging a protest on the Senate floor on Monday. “Republicans are writing their healthcare bill under the cover of darkness because they are ashamed of it,” Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer charged. President Donald Trump campaigned on a promise to repeal Obamacare. The 2010 law extended insurance coverage to millions of Americans through both subsidized private insurance and an expansion of Medicaid. The Republican-controlled House of Representatives narrowly approved its version of repeal last month. Trump has urged the Republican-led Senate to pass a more “generous” bill than that approved by the House, whose version he privately called “mean,” according to congressional sources. An estimated 23 million people could lose their healthcare under the House plan, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday the Senate healthcare bill would be different from the House version, but he did not elaborate. In the Senate, moderates including Senator Shelley Moore Capito have argued for a long, seven-year phase-out to the Medicaid expansion that happened under Obamacare. But Senator John Thune, a member of the Republican leadership, said on Tuesday the phase-out in the bill might just be three years. Capito said on Tuesday she was also concerned the Senate healthcare plan might cap Medicaid spending and shift it to a lower growth rate in 2025. “That’s an issue,” she said. Senate conservatives also seemed wary of the emerging bill. Ted Cruz, a member of a core group of 13 Republicans who have been working on the legislation, told reporters the bill did not yet do enough to lower health insurance premiums. “If it is going to pass, the bill is going to have to make meaningful steps to reduce premiums,” he said. Given the opposition of all Senate Democrats to repealing Obamacare, Republican leaders will need the support of at least 50 of the chamber’s 52 Republicans to ensure passage. McConnell announced a discussion draft would be laid out on Thursday. The bill will be brought to the Senate floor once the CBO has assessed its cost and impact, “likely next week,” McConnell said. Thune said the bill was not yet finalized, saying: “We’re trying to get definitive determinations” on a range of issues. Vice President Mike Pence predicted that new healthcare legislation would be enacted this summer. “I want to assure you, before this summer is over ... President Donald Trump and this Congress will keep their promise to the American people, and we will repeal and replace Obamacare,” Pence told a meeting of the National Association of Manufacturers.
Will The Deep State Win The Election?
Written by Daniel McAdams Monday October 31, 2016 Most of the country is on the edge of its seat over next week's presidential election. Will it be Hillary? Trump? We don't know. One thing we do know is that the real winner will be a public/private hybrid known as the "deep state" that ensures Washington's policies do not significantly shift out of its favor. They will come out on top regardless of who wins next week. There are more "private" contractors with top secret clearances than government employees. A recently released FBI memo referenced the "7th Floor Group" or "Shadow Government" made up of very high-ranking State Department officials and perhaps others. This not conspiracy, it is conspiracy fact. What can be done about it? Plenty. We are joined by Rutherford Institute president John Whitehead to discuss in today's Liberty Report: Copyright © 2016 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
China lodges stern protest with South Korea over THAAD deployment
BEIJING (Reuters) - China said on Thursday it had lodged stern representations with South Korea for installing the four remaining launchers of the U.S. anti-missile Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system on a former golf course. Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang made the comment at a regular press briefing.
EU executive to raise pressure on Poland on Wednesday: sources
BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Commission will ask EU member states on Wednesday to take a stand on whether the Polish government is abusing democratic standards, three sources told Reuters, as the bloc steps up pressure on Warsaw. Poland has been in a deepening dispute with Brussels and other European Union states over upholding the rule of law since the nationalist-minded, eurosceptic Law and Justice (PiS) party won power in late 2015. PiS denies that it is undermining democratic standards in the largest ex-communist EU country but Brussels - along with many other member states, the Polish opposition and rights activists - has been sounding the alarm for months. After German Chancellor Angela Merkel offered rare public criticism of Warsaw last week, the bloc is seen more likely to head toward an unprecedented punishment of Warsaw. Three sources said the executive Commission will ask all EU states on Wednesday to discuss the situation in Poland again at a ministerial meeting in Brussels on Sept. 25. The meeting is not expected to trigger the so-called Article 7 punitive procedure yet but the discussion will measure the willingness of the other 27 EU countries to move ahead. At the heart of the dispute is a PiS reform of the judiciary in Poland which puts the courts and judges under tighter government control.
EU must be part of U.S. Middle East peace push, Ireland says
TALLINN (Reuters) - Israelis and Palestinians will face more unrest over the next year without a revival of a long-fractured Middle East peace process that the European Union must be part of, Ireland s foreign minister said on Friday. Simon Coveney, who met Israeli and Palestinian leaders less than a month after taking up his post in June, is leading the charge to involve the EU in a fresh attempt at peace talks and overcome divisions that have weakened the bloc s influence. Speaking to EU foreign ministers at a meeting on Middle East policy in Tallinn on Thursday, Coveney said the bloc had a duty to make its voice heard in any new U.S. initiative as the Palestinians biggest aid donor and Israel s top trade partner. My concern is that it will be a much more difficult political challenge in a year s time or in two years time, Coveney told Reuters. If you look at cycles of violence in Gaza, for example, without intervention and new initiatives in my view, we are heading there again, he said, describing the Israel-Palestinian situation as an open sore that could erupt at any time. Coveney said EU governments had to pull together and keep the focus on a two-state solution. Now is the time for the European Union ... to become more vocal, said Coveney, who met Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in July. Coveney has also met Jason Greenblatt, Trump s Middle East envoy, and said it was crucial that the EU sought to influence U.S. plans that are being drawn up by Greenblatt and Trump s son-in-law and senior adviser, Jared Kushner. Coveney said the European Union had a right to be heard because EU governments and the European Commission spend 600 million euros ($724 million) a year on aid to the Palestinians and on projects with Israel. We cannot simply wait for the U.S. to take an initiative on their own, we should be supportive of them and helping them to shape it and design it in a way that is likely to have international community support, he said, although he added he still did not know what the U.S. proposals would look like. In the absence of the U.S. being able to bring forward a new initiative, I think the EU will have to do that itself. Hurdles for the European Union include its range of positions, ranging from Germany s strong support for Israel to Sweden s 2014 decision to officially recognize the state of Palestine, something Ireland considered three years ago. Coveney said the European Union is also perceived by some in Israel as being too pro-Palestinian, partly because of the EU s long-held opposition to Israeli settlements. But Coveney said the European Union could build trust with Israel by deepening ties in trade, science, scholarships for students and to pursue what he called a positive agenda . The EU aims to hold a high-level meeting with Israel to broaden trade and other economic links later this year, although a date is still pending. It would be the first such meeting since 2012.
Factbox - Battle for Raqqa, Islamic State's Syrian HQ near end
BEIRUT (Reuters) - The battle for the city of Raqqa, which Islamic State had used as its headquarters in Syria, is drawing to an end. Islamic State militants have lost swathes of land to various offensives across Syria and Iraq, forced into a diminishing foothold along the Euphrates river valley. Their defeat in Raqqa would be a milestone in the fight to roll back the theocratic caliphate Islamic State declared in 2014 in both countries. Following are some facts about Raqqa: Raqqa sits on the Euphrates river around 90 km (56 miles) from the Turkish border in north central Syria. Hardline Sunni militant group Islamic State overran Raqqa in January 2014, seizing control from rebel factions opposed to the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. The United States has said Islamic State planned and sent teams from Raqqa to carry out attacks on cities including Paris, Brussels and Istanbul. THE ANTI-IS OFFENSIVE The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), an alliance of mostly Kurdish and Arab militias, began to advance towards Raqqa city in November 2016. After encircling the city, they launched the offensive to take it, facing tough resistance. The United States-led coalition supports the SDF with air strikes and special forces on the ground. The battle for Raqqa has taken a severe toll on civilians. The United Nations said in March the city contained around 200,000 people, just under its pre-war population. Since late last year, fighting around and in Raqqa has displaced tens of thousands of people. Many have fled the city to camps in surrounding territory now under the control of the SDF and its strongest component, the Kurdish YPG militia. Civilians trapped inside the Islamic State enclave in the city have endured miserable conditions for months, lacking water, power, food and healthcare. Parts of Raqqa that the SDF captured have mostly been cleared of residents. Air strikes, fighting and Islamic State snipers and mines have killed many hundreds of people. The coalition says it is careful to avoid civilian casualties in its bombing runs in Syria and Iraq. But the U.N. human rights office and rights group Amnesty International have raised concerns about reports of high civilian deaths. Islamic State has imposed its very strict interpretation of Islamic law on Raqqa s residents. The fighters have carried out public executions, lashings and violent punishments for infringements of their rule. The Raqqa campaign has stirred tension between the United States and NATO-ally Turkey. Potential Kurdish influence in the future of the mainly Arab city is sensitive both for some activists from Raqqa and for Turkey. The YPG has become the main U.S. partner in the fight against Islamic State in northern Syria. Ankara views it as a Syrian extension of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK), which has waged a three-decade insurgency within Turkey, and fears growing Kurdish power along its border. The SDF s political allies have set up a Raqqa Civil Council of people from the city, which the SDF says it will hand control to once its fighters have defeated Islamic State. This echoes the pattern in other towns and cities that the SDF captured. The U.S.-led coalition has helped train a new police force for the city. Islamic State has made enemies of all sides in the more than six-year Syrian conflict, with separate offensives now trying to clear it from its last foothold in the towns along the Euphrates river in eastern Syria near the Iraqi border. Besides the U.S.-backed SDF, the Syrian army, with Russian jets and Iran-backed militias, is also waging its own campaign against Islamic State in eastern Syria. A modern-day provincial transport hub and market town, Raqqa was built by the Abbasid Islamic Caliphate in the eighth century, serving as its capital at one point. It has been inhabited since antiquity and contains important archaeological and architectural sites. The United Nations has said they have been extensively looted during the war and religious buildings have been damaged. Islamic State militants released a video of them bombing a large part of the Uwais al-Qarani shrine complex in March 2014.
Swiss ready to mediate in North Korea crisis
BERNE (Reuters) - Neutral Switzerland is prepared to act as a mediator to help resolve the North Korea crisis, including by hosting ministerial talks, Swiss President Doris Leuthard said on Monday. Leuthard said Swiss troops were deployed on the demarcation zone between South Korea and North Korea and noted that her country - along with Sweden - had a long history of neutral and discreet diplomacy. This has included Switzerland representing U.S. interests in both Iran and Cuba. But China and the United States had to take their share of responsibility, she added, warning against over-reactions after the North s sixth and largest nuclear test. Sanctions did not change many things in terms of convincing Pyongyang to abandon its weapons programs, even though its population had suffered, Leuthard said. I think it really is time for dialogue, she told a news conference in Berne. We are ready to offer our role for good services as a mediator. I think in the upcoming weeks a lot will depend on how the U.S. and China can have an influence in this crisis. That s why I think Switzerland and Sweden can have a role behind the curtain. Part of the task would be to find a suitable location for officials perhaps the countries foreign ministers to meet, she said. I think that s our role, to look at what kind of possibilities we find. Because, well, Twitter won t be an adequate instrument... This must be very discreet. Noting that the Communist Party congress in North Korea s neighbor and ally China was due to take place in October, Leuthard said the time for such initiatives was not ideal, so perhaps this was also part of the plan of North Korea. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un spent part of his youth in Berne studying under an assumed name. A framework agreement between North Korea and the United States, under the Clinton administration, was clinched in 1994 in Geneva after long negotiations. The deal by which Pyongyang was to freeze construction of its nuclear reactors, suspected of being part of its covert weapons program, in exchange for two light water nuclear reactors, unraveled in 2003. North Korea is a worrying situation. We are a small country. Perhaps they could meet in Switzerland to find a political solution, not one with arms, Leuthard said.
Romania to hold same-sex marriage referendum this autumn: ruling party leader
BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania s ruling Social Democrats hope to organize this autumn a referendum to restrict the constitutional definition of family, which would effectively rule out the possibility of legalizing same-sex marriage, party leader Liviu Dragnea said on Saturday. The plan for a referendum came about after the Coalition for the Family, a civil society group, collected 3 million signatures last year in favor of changing the constitutional definition of marriage as a union strictly between a man and a woman from the existing spouses. Under Romanian law, the constitution can be changed after a proposal by the president, the government, a quarter of all lawmakers or at least 500,000 citizens. Parliament must approve any revision, which must then pass a nationwide referendum. It is known that we are committed ... in this direction, state news agency Agerpres quoted Dragnea as saying at a party meeting at a resort on the Black Sea. Our intention is to end up organizing the referendum to change the constitution on the family issue this autumn. Few politicians openly support same sex marriage or even civil partnerships in the socially conservative eastern European nation of 20 million, where the Orthodox Church yields significant influence. Notable exceptions include centrist President Klaus Iohannis, an ethnic German, who has said that as a member of an ethnic and religious minority, he supports tolerance and openness towards others who are different while rejecting religious fanaticism and ultimatums. The opposition Save Romania Union (USR) also held an internal vote on the issue and decided to oppose the referendum. In June, dozens of Romanian rights groups jointly asked parliament to reject the proposed constitutional change that they said would push the European Union state onto a populist, authoritarian track leading to an erosion of democratic rights and liberties. The Coalition for the Family also supports cancelling subsidies for contraception and elective abortion, forcing parents of minors to have counseling if they want to divorce, and lowering some taxes for married couples. Restricting the definition of family based on a marriage between man and woman also would hurt single parents, non-married couples and other non-traditional parenting units, rights groups have said.
FORMER FBI ASST DIRECTOR: “Jim Comey ‘Danced With The Devil’…I’m Glad He’s Gone” [VIDEO]
He threw the reputation of the FBI under the bus Former FBI agents don t seem as surprised as the rest of the world that James Comey was fired by President Trump today.In fact, some of them are quite satisfied.Fox News had several former FBI assistant directors on their broadcast Tuesday night to discuss former FBI Director James Comey s firing, and they all said his recent behavior made this move rather predictable.James Kallstrom, former FBI Assistant Director, said he is glad it happened. Daily CallerWatch here:FOX News Sean Hannity chimed in on the firing of FBI Director James Comey calling him a national embarrassment :
Wikileaks Founder Targets Clinton’s Saudi Connection In Scathing Interview
Videos Wikileaks Founder Targets Clinton’s Saudi Connection In Scathing Interview In an exclusive interview with John Pilger, Julian Assange of WikiLeaks argues that Hillary is the “central cog" of the establishment and is funded by the same countries backing the ISIS. | November 8, 2016 Be Sociable, Share! Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud Al-Faisal, right, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, center, and Kuwaiti Foreign Minister Sheikh Sabah Khaled al-Hamad Al-Sabah, left, stand together prior to a group photo before a US- Gulf Cooperation Council forum at the Gulf Cooperation Council Secretariat in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, Saturday, March 31, 2012. Last week, Julian Assange, Editor-In-Chief of WikiLeaks, sat down with John Pilger, Australian journalist and filmmaker, for what is arguably Assange’s most provocative interview ever . During the interview, Assange expounded on the thousands of Clinton emails WikiLeaks has released this past year, highlighting the findings that he personally found to be most significant. According to Assange, the most significant emails in the entire collection involve Clinton’s connections to Saudi Arabia and Qatar who she knew were funding the Islamic State and other radical jihadist groups in the Middle East. Despite this, Clinton accepted millions of dollars via the Clinton Foundation from these very same countries, often demanding payments of millions of dollars for access to her and her husband. Emails showed that a Qatari representative was given five minutes with Bill Clinton for a million dollars, while Hillary was paid twelve million dollars to attend a party hosted by the Moroccan government. Pilger remarked that the fact that “the notorious terrorist group called ISIL or ISIS is created largely with money from the very people who are giving money to the Clinton Foundation” was an “extraordinary” revelation. The interview was also full of other scathing remarks against Clinton and her past crimes. However, Assange said that he personally feels “quite sorry for Hillary Clinton as a person” because she seems to have been “eaten alive by [her] ambitions, tormented literally to the point where [she became] sick.” He went on to say that Clinton is a “central cog” of the establishment, surviving as a point of connection between the Intelligence community, Wall Street, the State Department, and wealthy foreign donors like Saudi Arabia. Assange then highlighted another significant revelation from the Podesta emails, which exposed that Obama’s 2008 cabinet had been hand-picked by Citibank, one of the world’s largest banks. Assange also responded to allegations that WikiLeaks is working on behalf of the Russians to support Clinton’s opponent Donald Trump. In response, he argued that Trump “would not be permitted to win” as the “establishment,” which includes the big banks, intelligence agencies, arms companies, foreign money, the media, and even journalists themselves, are “all united behind Hillary Clinton.” Assange then confirmed what many had already suspected, that Russia was not the source of the leaks and that Clinton’s accusations to the contrary were nothing more than “neo-McCarthy hysteria.” He reminded viewers that WikiLeaks has published 800,000 documents related to the Russian government, most of which are critical, proving that neither WikiLeaks nor Assange has any kind of relationship to the country. The latter part of the interview revolved almost exclusively around Assange’s asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London. Assange spoke out against the false charges against him, emphasizing the fact that he has never been charged with a crime and that the UN found that he was being “arbitrarily detained” due to US pressure to extradite him. Assange has long feared extradition to the US where he would likely face espionage charges and perhaps the death penalty. Indeed, Julian Assange is one of the most well-known casualties of the US’ horrendous and inexcusable war against whistleblowers. Though US politicians such as President Obama speak of the importance of “freedom of speech,” Assange’s situation, as well as that of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden , proves that freedom of speech in the US is only allowed as long as it doesn’t expose the many crimes of the US government. Watch the interview below: This work by True Activist is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 International License. Be Sociable, Share!
NEW YORK TIMES WEASEL Behind Alleged Comey Memo Admits To Lyin’ Brian Williams He Never Actually Saw Memo [VIDEO]
Got News- New York Times Mexican telecom mogul Carlos Slim s blogger Michael Schmidt told professional liar Brian Williams that he hadn t seen the memos that James Comey allegedly wrote. Someone that had seen them recounted details to me, Schmidt said in what is a breach of journalistic protocol.Schmidt has been called out for getting a story wildly wrong before thanks to his anonymous sources. Schmidt, citing his anonymous federal law enforcement sources, claimed that one of the San Bernardino terrorists had talked about jihad openly. She didn t.His boss even reprimanded him and called for systematic changes to the way Schmidt and Carlos Slim s blog use anonymous sources.We guess our anonymous sources are better than the Times.Schmidt s open admissions on MSNBC confirm GotNews reporting Wednesday that Schmidt hasn t in fact seen the relevant Comey documents.
AMERICAN OWNED DUNKIN’ DONUTS BANS Women Not Accompanied By A Man From Stores In Saudi Arabia
Dunkin Donuts is an American global donut company and coffeehouse chain based in Canton, Massachusetts, in Greater Boston. How many American companies out there who franchise their businesses are willing to say, no to countries who still uphold 7th century treatment of women? WOMEN in Saudi Arabia have been banned from the American chain Dunkin Donuts unless they are accompanied by a man.Signs have been daubed on doors to the shops in the capital Riyadh saying unescorted women are not allowed inside.Saudi Arabia has strict rules in place to separate men and women, many of whom wear full face veils.Western eateries McDonald s and Pizza Hut have separate entrances for men and women who are also seated apart once inside.Women who go into restaurants with their husbands and children are seated in family areas which are screened off from other diners allowing them to remove the veil covering their faces.Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world where women are banned from driving because of their gender.They are also unable to access education, medical treatment and go out for a meal unless a male chaperone usually a husband or father gives them permission or accompanies themProtesters have argued that western chains such as Dunkin Donuts, McDonald s and Pizza Hut are promoting sexism and the discrimination of women by separating the sexes in their stores.A Twitter campaign using the hashtag #StopEnslavingSaudiWomen is calling for women to be treated as equal to men and the right to drive and enjoy an education in addition to enjoying outings without a chaperone.Earlier this year Express.co.uk reported how Starbucks another American chain had also forbidden women from entering a shop in Riyadh urging them to send their driver in to collect their drink.Via: Express H/T Weasel Zippers
House Republicans shy of votes to pass healthcare reform: lawmaker
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The head of the U.S. House of Representatives Freedom Caucus said on Tuesday that Republicans still lack the votes to pass a reform bill to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system. Representative Mark Meadows of North Carolina, who heads the conservative caucus that helped block passage of the previous Republican healthcare bill, said Republicans were still “a handful of votes away” from being able to pass a reform bill. Top aides to President Donald Trump have predicted the House would move this week to overhaul the U.S. healthcare system.
US abstains from UN vote calling for end to Cuban embargo
US abstains from UN vote calling for end to Cuban embargo Published time: 26 Oct, 2016 21:10 Get short URL U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro gesture after a news conference as part of President Obama's three-day visit to Cuba, in Havana March 21, 2016. © Carlos Barria / Reuters The US government abstained from the UN vote on a resolution calling for an end to the US economic embargo against Cuba, for the first time in 24 years. The 193-member General Assembly adopted the resolution with 191 votes in favor on Wednesday. The only other abstention, besides the US, was Israel. The vote is non-binding but it can have political weight. U.S. decision to abstain in UN vote condemning Cuba embargo is small but meaningful. The cold war is over, Congress must lift embargo pic.twitter.com/lvjq8JlvNE — Charles Rangel (@cbrangel) October 26, 2016 Cuba's Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez described the abstention as a "positive step for the future of improving relations between the United States and Cuba," according to Reuters. In case you missed it: Full speech delivered by #Cuba FM at today's vote against #US blockade #YoVotoVsBloqueo https://t.co/EJnmmyvS8J — José Ramón Cabañas (@JoseRCabanas) October 26, 2016 Rodriguez said in September that the embargo cost Cuba $4.6 billion last year, and the full damage over the length of the 50-year embargo was estimated at $125.9 billion. When it was first announced that the US government would abstain from the vote, the entire General Assembly applauded. "Abstaining on this resolution does not mean that the United States agrees with all of the policies and practices of the Cuban government. We do not," Samantha Power the US Ambassador to the United Nations told the General Assembly on Tuesday. "We are profoundly concerned by the serious human rights violations that the Cuban government continues to commit with impunity against its own people," she said, according to AP. US abstains from UN vote to condemn Cuba embargo for the first time https://t.co/BMLy4VPAYm — The Guardian (@guardian) October 26, 2016 The Obama administration began normalizing relations with the Communist-run country in at the end of 2014, easing trade and travel restrictions. On July 20, 2015, diplomatic relations were restored, and embassies in the two countries were reopened. US approves airlines to fly to Cuba https://t.co/46qAzoxt6u pic.twitter.com/GN9lelYGcE — RT America (@RT_America) June 10, 2016 Lifting the full embargo will take the support of the Republican-run Congress, which remains critical of the administration’s efforts, arguing it offered too many concessions to Cuba and accepted little in return, especially on human rights and the restoration of expropriated property. ‘Making history’: First US cruise ship in nearly 40 years reaches Cuba (PHOTOS) https://t.co/xqu6jbAgBq pic.twitter.com/K9OE5OMaz4 — RT America (@RT_America) May 2, 2016 Obama made the first visit to Havana by a US president in 88 years in March.
Заметят ли в России отмену рыбного эмбарго?
Экономика Постановлением правительства России расширены исключения из списка санкционной продукции. В документе, опубликованным 25 октября на официальном интернет-портале правовой информации, в частности, говорится о том, что теперь в Россию разрешено ввозить мальков камбалы-тюрбо, лаврака обыкновенного и молоди белоногой креветки, а также мальков лосося атлантического, форели и молоди мидий. 0 комментариев 0 поделились Фото: AP Напомним, ограничения на импорт продовольствия из стран Евросоюза, США, Норвегии, Австралии и Канады вступило в силу в августе 2014 года. Запрет коснулся не только поставок говядины, мяса птицы, свинины, орехов, фруктов и овощей из этих стран, но и рыбы. Некоторые из опрошенных Pravda.ru рыботорговцев, впрочем, признавались, что запрещенная к ввозу деликатесная рыба все равно импортировалась в Россию из Чили, Уругвая, Китая. Прокомментировать решение кабинета министров Pravda.Ru попросила президента Всероссийской ассоциации рыбохозяйственных предприятий, предпринимателей и экспортеров (ВАРПЭ) Александра Фомина. - Как вы оцениваете постановление правительства, исключившего из списка эмбарго ряд наименований рыбы? И дело касается только мальков? - Как я понял, правительство сняло запрет на ввоз мальков по нескольким позициям. Как известно, своих посадочного материала, своих мальков у нас нет, и видимо кто-то, решив выращивать этих мальков, обратился в правительство. Соответственно, правительство приняло нужное решение и исключило эти позиции из санкционного списка. - Сейчас, кажется, только форель сами разводят в России? - Форель тоже разная. Есть форель как бы морская, которая в садках по норвежским технологиям выращивается, вот таких мальков у нас нет. Зато неплохо обстоят дела с разведением пресноводной форели , здесь своих мальков хватает. Ну и плюс там раки, какие-то креветки, этого тоже у нас просто нет. С мидиями проще: мальки мидий у нас есть, но видимо предприниматели хотят завозить какой-то особый вид моллюсков, там личинки. Среди посадочного материала устриц есть интересные экземпляры - двустворки, они интересны тем, что более продуктивны. Вот таких у нас устриц нет, наши все больше "дикие". - Почему же у нас нет своих мальков? - Откровенно говоря, у нас и хозяйств таких еще нет. Я предполагаю, что кто-то решил создать такие бизнес-проекты, связанные с разведением этих видов рыб. А раньше мы этим никогда и не занимались , поэтому нет и мальков. - Это хорошо, что сами будем разводить? - Конечно, разводить свою рыбу надо. Но быстрых результатов ждать не приходится: чтобы получить собственных мальков, нужно работать над этим 5-10 лет. Однако, если мы начнем покупать мальков, выращивать их до взрослой рыбы, тогда этот процесс пойдет быстрее. - Видимо, пока еще не стоит говорить о том, что цены на рыбу станут ниже? - Ну, это в общем очень маленькая ниша. Пока рыбу вырастят, пройдет 2-3 года. И все равно это продукция премиум-сегмента, которые обычные жители даже не заметят, не услышат об этом ничего. Это продукты для ресторанов. Камбала тюрбо, допустим, это очень дорогая рыба. Форель тоже малодоступная. Поэтому, основная масса населения этого даже не почувствует. - Получается, что-то решил производить именно элитные деликатесы? - Да, вероятно у кого-то возникла именно такая идея. Другой вопрос, что по более серьезным позициям запреты не снимают, а по несерьезным - буквально по щелчку пальцев вопрос решился, и это странно. Читайте последние новости Pravda. Ru на сегодня Аквакультура: карасекарп, бестер, криоген и народное хозяйство Поделиться:
Trump to star in ‘The President’ a new Reality TV show on Fox
Trump to star in ‘The President’ a new Reality TV show on Fox By Kilgoar , on November 17th, 2016 “Ye fyad” TRUMP TOWER — Donald Trump announced he has assembled a press pool, in a move that shocked reporters. Traditional print and television journalists will not be given any access to Trump. Rather, he’s assigned several teams of reality television filmmakers to document his presidency. Trump said, “I want to communicate with the American people. I want them to see the tough decisions I have to make and why I make them. That show will be The President on Fox, and it’ll start on the day I’m inaugurated. And on the very first day, you’re going to see. I’m going to be firing a lot of people . More than ever. It’ll be great tv and it’ll be a great America — just tune in and see it. I’m gonna Drain the Swamp.” Other filmmakers will document his personal and family life. “Melania’s talking to Food Network. She’s a great cook. Wonderful. Another show, First Family, will air on NBC, and you’ll see the other side of me. I am a warm and caring father, and Melania’s just perfect. We’re good people. You’ll forget about all the lies of crooked Hillary. You’ll see.” Share this article
Libyan forces attack Islamic State near former stronghold
BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - East Libyan forces said they had launched air strikes on Islamic State fighters after the militants made incursions south and east of their former coastal stronghold of Sirte. The jihadist group has grown bolder in recent weeks, setting up temporary checkpoints, attacking local forces, and taking over a village mosque to lead prayers during the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha, Libyan officials say. The increased activity has raised concern that Islamic State could regroup around Sirte, from where it was driven out in December by local forces and a U.S. air campaign. Most militants were killed in the nearly seven-month battle, but an unknown number fled into the desert to the south and west. Sirte lies at the center of Libya s Mediterranean coastline, on the dividing line between regions controlled by rival Libyan factions. Forces loyal to eastern-based commander Khalifa Haftar said they had carried out air strikes on Sunday against militants in the area of Ain Taqrift, between Sirte and the town of Zillah, 306 km (190 miles) to the south east. The area is close to oil fields previously damaged by Islamic State attacks. Both Haftar s Libyan National Army (LNA) and forces from the port city of Misrata, which led the campaign in Sirte last year, say they are mounting frequent patrols to monitor Islamic State movements in areas under their control. The LNA and Misratan brigades have been on opposite sides of a conflict that developed after the NATO-backed uprising that toppled Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi in 2011. Islamic State exploited the turmoil to establish a foothold in Libya, taking complete control of Sirte in 2015 and using it as a base for hundreds of foreign fighters. Both the main loose alliances in Libya have accused each other of allowing Islamic State space to operate in order to advance their own military ends. Misratan forces, which aligned themselves with the U.N.-backed government in Tripoli, have complained of receiving little support as they try to prevent the jihadists regrouping. Islamic State militants have stepped up their presence in several settlements east of Sirte, said Ibrahim Mlaitan, head of security for Sirte municipality. That included entering a local mosque to preach a sermon last Friday, he said. They set up checkpoints that last just for 10 minutes and then leave. They have been moving around freely in and out of these towns, and in the desert too, Mlaitan said. Eastern military officials denied reports that Islamic State had taken control of one of the villages, Um Qandeel, but a military source acknowledged that the militants had set up checkpoints there during fleeting night visits. The terrorist organization Daesh (Islamic State) from time to time tries to enter the coastal areas from the desert regions and they carry out kidnappings of civilians, and we are conducting surveillance on them, said LNA spokesman Ahmed al-Mismari.
Democrat Gillibrand opposes Trump's Supreme Court nominee
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Senator Kirsten Gillibrand said on Wednesday she opposed President Donald Trump’s nominee to fill a vacancy on the U.S. Supreme Court and called for Judge Neil Gorsuch’s confirmation to require a 60-vote threshold. Trump, a Republican, announced his nomination of U.S. Appeals Court Judge Gorsuch on Tuesday night to fill the seat left vacant by the death of Justice Antonin Scalia last year. “I plan to stand up for individuals over corporations and oppose his nomination, and I will insist that his nomination meet a traditional 60 vote threshold,” Gillibrand said in a statement.
WWN’s Horoscopes
aries 21 March – 20 April Look at that stupid baby, smiling. Yeah get a job and a mortgage and tell us how much you smile then, kid. taurus 21 April – 21 May You wait around after the credits of Schindler’s List, but there’s nothing. No gag, nothing setting up the next movie, nada. gemini May 21 – June 20 You put Humpty Dumpty back together again. it wasn’t such a big deal. You wonder what sort of morons the King’s men were. cancer Just like your iPhone charger, you work if held at just the right angle. leo July 23 – August 22 Leo, like Leo DiCaprio. Without the money, talent, fame, and beautiful girls. And indeed anything else, the similarities more or less end with Leo. virgo August 23 – September 22 You discover you are too big for your big coat. Wow, you really enjoyed this year, didn’t you? Fair play. libra September 23 – October 22 You shouldn’t have yelled so loud at that guard but it just felt s good. scorpio October 23 – November 21 You’ve a load of bangers left over from Halloween. Like what the fuck are you supposed to do with them now? sagittarius November 22 – December 21 You suffer a sick burn, but luckily you get rushed to the sick burns unit on time. capricorn 5 retweets, wow, we’ll book your place on The Ellen Show right now. aquarius January 20 – February 18 You agree to bake as many gay wedding cakes as people want. Shit, at 400 quid a pop, you’ll bake a Hitler cake. pisces February 19 – March 20