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Battling to hold off Sanders, Democrat Clinton to assail Trump on foreign policy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton’s campaign on Wednesday signaled plans for a big assault on Republican Donald Trump, even as she battles to hold off rival Bernie Sanders in California. Clinton, a former secretary of state, is to deliver what her campaign described as a major speech on Thursday in San Diego to underscore what she feels would be the threat posed by Trump to U.S. national security if he is elected president on Nov. 8. Her language to describe Trump has grown more aggressive by the day. On Wednesday, she seized on testimony released in a lawsuit against Trump University, in which some former workers said they believed Trump’s for-profit school was fraudulent. “Trump and his employees took advantage of vulnerable Americans encouraging them to max out their credit cards, empty their retirement savings, destroy their financial futures, all while making promises they knew were false from the beginning,” Clinton told a campaign event in Newark, New Jersey. “This is just more evidence that Donald Trump himself is a fraud.” Lawyers for Trump have said most students were satisfied with Trump University, dismissing the former workers’ testimony as discredited. Trump, anticipating Clinton’s foreign policy attacks on him, tried to raise doubts about her leadership skills at a rally in Sacramento, Calif. “She is a person with absolutely no natural talent,” he said. “All you have to do is watch her speak.” Repeatedly referring to Clinton as “crooked Hillary,” Trump sharply criticized her handling of foreign policy, including the Sept. 11, 2012, attack by Islamic militants on a U.S. diplomatic facility in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador. “She went to sleep,” Trump added. Clinton’s effort to define Trump as unfit to be commander in chief comes as she faces fierce opposition from Sanders, a U.S. senator from Vermont who has insisted on staying in the fight for the Democratic presidential nomination despite Clinton’s nearly insurmountable lead. California’s primary next Tuesday is shaping up to be pivotal in the Democratic contest, with Clinton holding a 13-point advantage over Sanders, 51 percent to 38 percent, according to the Hoover Institution’s Golden State Poll in the state. An NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll gave Clinton a much narrower lead of 49 percent, to 47 percent for Sanders. Clinton, with 2,312 delegates, needs 71 more delegates to reach the required 2,383 for the Democratic nomination. Sanders has 1,545. At stake in the California primary are 548 delegates who are awarded proportional to the vote. Five other states also vote next Tuesday, including New Jersey, which could also turn the tide for Clinton. Despite Clinton’s perceived advantage, there are lingering concerns among some Democrats about possible weakness, given the protracted battle with Sanders, a democratic socialist whose calls for free college tuition have energized young voters. Doug Schoen, a Democratic pollster, wrote in the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday that California voters appeared to be leaning toward Sanders in recent days. Sanders has been holding events every day this week in the state. Clinton canceled a New Jersey event planned for Thursday to go to California a day earlier than anticipated and is to stay there until Monday. “The inevitability behind Mrs. Clinton’s nomination will be in large measure eviscerated if she loses the June 7 California primary to Bernie Sanders,” Schoen wrote. “That could well happen.” Other Democrats expressed confidence in Clinton’s position and her move to assail Trump on foreign policy. “I think she has to,” said Democratic strategist Jim Manley. “Leaving aside California, I think they can’t just ignore Donald Trump in that they should be spending a majority of time focusing on him instead of Sanders at this point, because based on the math Sanders can’t win.” Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee, has faced criticism for a variety of positions on foreign policy, such as his willingness to talk to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and his idea that Japan and South Korea might need to develop nuclear arsenals. On the other hand, past Republican presidents and current Democratic President Barack Obama have, like Trump, said NATO nations should pay more for their defense to ease the U.S. burden. Trump, however, has declared NATO obsolete and in need of reconfiguring. A Clinton aide said Clinton, the wife of former President Bill Clinton, would say Trump had not outlined a coherent foreign policy doctrine and had proven himself to be temperamentally unfit to serve as president.
Obama, Republican leaders seek elusive common ground in White House meeting
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama met with a frequent critic, House Speaker Paul Ryan, on Tuesday as the political leaders searched for areas where they may be able to overcome partisan divisions. The Oval Office discussion was the Democratic president’s first formal face-to-face meeting with Ryan since the Wisconsin congressman took over the top post in the Republican-dominated House of Representatives in October. Following the meeting, which was closed to the press, the two ate lunch together in the White House. The session marked a rare public detente between Obama and Ryan, who have repeatedly clashed over issues such as gun control and immigration reform. The get-together in the Obama’s office also included the Republican-controlled Senate’s majority leader, Mitch McConnell of Kentucky. While the leaders said they hoped to find common ground, there were already signs on Tuesday that compromise might be elusive. Sniping between the administration and the Republicans resumed just hours after the meeting, as White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough slammed Republicans’ latest attempt to overturn the Affordable Care Act. “Groundhog’s Day is great for a movie plot, not a legislative strategy,” McDonough said on Twitter in response to a post from Ryan’s account. “Groundhog Day” is a 1993 movie about a man who relives the same day over and over again. During the meeting Obama urged actions in areas where Republicans had signaled some support, including ratifying the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, providing tools to help address Puerto Rico’s fiscal crisis and advancing cancer treatment. McConnell told reporters after the meeting that he had “some problems” with the trade pact and said he thought it should not be pursued before the November U.S. presidential election. Ryan also raised concerns about the trade deal, his office said in a statement. White House spokesman Josh Earnest said after the meeting that the administration does not have a specific timeline for Congress to act on the trade agreement, but lawmakers should act “quickly” once the pact is ready for consideration. The leaders also discussed taking action to combat opioid addiction, criminal justice reform and the fight against the Zika virus. Obama was pleased to meet with the Republican leaders, Earnest told reporters. Despite the divisiveness seen on the campaign trail, “it actually is possible for leading Republicans to sit down in the same office with a leading Democrat and have a conversation about the priorities of the country,” he said.
Arizona GOP Passes Bill To Punish Cities With Budget Cuts If They Pass Paid Sick Leave Laws
If cities want to try and help their workers get paid sick leave, the Arizona state government will punish them with harmful budget cuts.Most sane people agree that it makes sense for workers to have paid sick leave. After all, who wants to eat food prepared by a worker who has the flu but came to work anyway because they can t afford to take an unpaid day off?The minimum wage in Arizona is $8.05 an hour, one of the lowest in the nation. And of course, Arizona is controlled by Republicans who couldn t give a flying f*ck if their citizens are so underpaid that they have to go to work sick or risk not being able to pay the rent that month.Cities once attempted to raise the minimum wage for workers, but Arizona Republicans shut them down with a law forbidding them to do so. But the people got pissed and overturned the law via referendum, which angered Republicans so much that they tried to pass another law limiting minimum wage. You know, because serfs shouldn t be able to rise up against feudal lords. But once again, the people of Arizona got the law struck down in court which has caused Republicans to hold a grudge against the peasants ever since.So when Tempe, Arizona made an effort to pass a mandatory paid sick leave law, Arizona Republicans in the state legislature reacted immediately to make sure big corporations don t have to pay a cent to help the workers who work so hard to make the company rich.Bloomberg reports:Arizona s House passed a bill on March 1 specifying that cities aren t allowed to require private employers to provide paid sick leave or vacation. The state Senate has passed companion legislation that would cut state funds, used to pay for services like police and firefighting, for cities that try to supersede state laws.Arizona Republicans are literally threatening cities across the state with critical budget cuts that fund critical services if they dare lift a finger to help workers. Governor Doug Ducey also supports the legislation so it could very well become law.And if you aren t quite pissed off enough yet, just wait till you read what Arizona GOP Senator Andy Biggs had to say about his party s effort to make workers feel like slaves.According to Biggs, cities think that they re an independent and sovereign entity from the state, which is not true they re a creature of the state. You can t put a municipality in jail, nor would we. What we re really seeking to do is provide a deterrent effect. Yeah, the kind of deterrent that says Republicans are flaming hypocrites when it comes to saying they support small government. Instead of cheering on local governments for making decisions themselves, Arizona Republicans have declared that the state is a mini-tyranny where only the state gets to make the rules and good luck getting any money for your city or town to protect yourself against bands of thieves, killers, and fires if you rebel against King John in an effort to help the working poor.Seriously, where s Robin Hood when you need him?Featured image via Wikimedia
Russia, Iran sanctions bill hits roadblock in U.S. House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Legislation to impose new sanctions on Russia and Iran that passed the U.S. Senate nearly unanimously last week has run into a procedural problem that could prevent a quick vote in the House of Representatives, lawmakers said on Tuesday. The Countering Iran’s Destabilizing Activities Act, which also includes new sanctions against Russia, passed the Senate 98-2 last week, an overwhelming vote that looked like it might complicate President Donald Trump’s desire for warmer relations with Moscow. But the measure must still pass the House before it can be sent to Trump to sign into law, or veto, and the House parliamentarian found that the legislation violated a constitutional requirement that any bill that raises revenue for the government must originate in the House, something known as a “blue slip” violation. “The final bill, and final language, violated the origination clause in the Constitution,” Representative Kevin Brady, the Republican chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee, told reporters. Democrats suggested that Republicans were stalling the bill out of loyalty to Trump, whose administration has criticized the sanctions package as potentially too restrictive. In the past, Democrats said, House leaders had overcome such objections without discussion by quickly voting on identical versions of Senate legislation. “This is nothing but a delay tactic and the public shouldn’t be fooled by complex-sounding parliamentary procedure,” said Representative Eliot Engel, ranking Democrat on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Republicans insisted it was a procedural, not a policy, matter, noting that the Russia amendment to the Iran bill was 100 pages long and passed in the Senate only last week. “I strongly support sanctions against Iran and Russia to hold them accountable,” Brady said. Brady said House leaders were working with the Senate and House Foreign Affairs Committee to determine how to proceed, but the Senate could address the issue by quickly updating the bill and sending it back to the House. Trump’s fellow Republicans hold a majority of 52 seats in the 100-member Senate, and a more commanding 238- to 193-seat margin in the House. Brady could not predict when the House might vote, including whether it would be before Congress’ summer recess starts at the end of July. Cory Fritz, a spokesman for Ed Royce, the Republican chairman of the House foreign affairs committee, said the committee is reviewing the bill.
New Exoplanet Discoveries Reveal Red-Dwarf Stars as Likely Hosts to Large Populations of Earth-Like Water Worlds
In August 2016, the announcement of the discovery of a terrestrial exoplanet orbiting in the habitable zone of Proxima Centauri (artists impression above) stimulated the imagination of experts and the general public. This star is the nearest star to our sun, though it is 10 times less massive and 500 times less luminous. This discovery, together with the discovery in May 2016 of a similar planet orbiting an even lower-mass star (Trappist-1), convinced astronomers that such red dwarfs (as these low-mass stars are called) might be hosts to a large population of Earth-like planets. Computer simulations of the formation of planets orbiting in the habitable zones of low mass stars such as Proxima Centauri by astrophysicists at the University of Bern show that these planets are most likely to be roughly the size of the Earth and to contain large amounts of water.What might these objects look like? What could they be made of? Yann Alibert and Willy Benz at the Swiss NCCR PlanetS and the Center of Space and Habitability (CSH) at the University of Bern carried out the first computer simulations of the formation of planets expected to orbit stars 10 times less massive than the sun. “Our models succeed in reproducing planets that are similar in terms of mass and period to the ones observed recently,” Alibert says regarding the results of the study, forthcoming as a letter in the journal Astronomy and Astrophysics. “Interestingly, we find that planets in close-in orbits around these type of stars are of small sizes. Typically, they range between 0.5 and 1.5 Earth radii with a peak at about 1.0 Earth radius. Future discoveries will tell if we are correct,” the researcher adds. In addition, the astrophysicists determined the water content of the planets orbiting their small host stars in the habitable zone. They found that around 90 percent of the planets harbour more than 10 percent water. For comparison, the Earth has a fraction of water of only about .02 percent. The situation could be even more extreme if the protoplanetary disks in which these planets form persist longer than assumed in the models. In any case, these planets would be covered by very deep oceans at the bottom of which, owing to enormous pressure, water would be in form of ice. Water is required for life as we know it. So could these planets be habitable? “While liquid water is generally thought to be an essential ingredient, too much of a good thing may be bad,” says Willy Benz. In previous studies, the scientists in Bern showed that too much water may prevent the regulation of the surface temperature and destabilize the climate. “But this is the case for the Earth; here, we deal with considerably more exotic planets that might be subjected to a much harsher radiation environment, and/or be synchronous,” he adds. To start their calculations, the scientists considered a series of a few hundreds to thousands of identical, low-mass stars, and around each of them, a protoplanetary disk of dust and gas. Planets are formed by accretion of this material. Alibert and Benz assumed that at the beginning, there were 10 planetary embryos in each disk with an initial mass equal to the mass of the moon. In a few day’s computer time for each system, the model calculated how these randomly located embryos grew and migrated. What kind of planets are formed depends on the structure and evolution of the protoplanetary disks. “Habitable or not, the study of planets orbiting very low-mass stars will likely bring exciting new results, improving our knowledge of planet formation, evolution, and potential habitability,” summarizes Benz. Because these stars are considerably less luminous than the sun, planets can be much closer to their stars before the surface temperature becomes too high for liquid water to exist. Considering that this type of star also represents the overwhelming majority of stars in the solar neighbourhood and that close-in planets are presently easier to detect and study, it is easy to understand why the existence of this population of Earth-like planets is of importance. The Daily Galaxy via University of Bern Source: Daily Galaxy
Jakarta governor sworn in amid calls from hardliners for 'Islamic lifestyle'
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo swore in a former education minister as Jakarta s governor on Monday, months after an election that opened up religious and ethnic divisions in the world s biggest Muslim-majority country. Anies Baswedan was inaugurated as Indonesia s reputation for religious tolerance comes under scrutiny due to the rising clout of Islamists in a nation with large Christian, Hindu and Buddhist minorities. Baswedan faced criticism after winning April s vote with the support of Islamist groups who had agitated for months against his opponent and former governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - an ethnic Chinese Christian - whom they accused of blasphemy against Islam. We will ensure that the governor of Jakarta will be the governor of us all, of those who voted for us and those who didn t, Baswedan told reporters, wearing a crisp white uniform after a ceremony in the Dutch colonial-style state palace. Groups like the hardline Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) hope that Baswedan will impose a more Islamic lifestyle in the city of more than 10 million people. Novel Bamukmin, head of FPI s Jakarta chapter, said the group would push Baswedan s administration to gradually close down bars and clubs in a city known for a freewheeling nightlife because it s immoral and...not Islamic culture . He told Reuters the group would begin by calling for the cancellation of the city s New Year s Eve celebration, which sees thousands of residents flock to street markets, concerts, and traditional theater performances funded by the city. A spokesman for Baswedan was not immediately available for comment. Sandiaga Uno, Baswedan s deputy, has previously said the administration would consider setting up sharia-inspired or sharia-compliant entertainment spots similar to those in Abu Dhabi or Dubai. Indonesia is officially secular and its constitution enshrines religious diversity, though the return to democracy two decades ago after the end of the autocratic rule of Suharto has allowed hardline groups to flourish. While religion was an important factor during the election, most Jakarta residents are also concerned with issues such as chronic traffic congestion and regular flooding. The hope is for Jakarta to move forward so it s cleaner and the poor receive help, said Wisnu, a 42-year-old courier. I don t feel Anies-Sandi need to pay back those (Islamist) groups in any way, he said, referring to the new governor and his deputy. The FPI led mass rallies in the run-up to the election to urge voters to pick a Muslim candidate over Purnama. After being put on trial and losing the election in the second round, Purnama was sentenced in May to two years in prison in a ruling that was internationally condemned as unjust. Baswedan made public appearances with the leaders of the rallies and FPI but denied pandering to Islamist groups to win support. Baswedan and Uno are backed by the main opposition party Gerindra, which has now wrenched control of the capital away from Widodo s ruling party. Jakarta serves as a national political barometer, said Gerindra official Arief Poyuono. Because of that it is important that Gerindra has taken over control of Jakarta...to be able to win in general and presidential elections in 2019. The battle for the Jakarta governorship was widely seen as a proxy for the 2019 presidential election. Baswedan s main backer is retired general and Gerindra chief Prabowo Subianto who is widely expected to run for president against Widodo in 2019.
House sets rules committee hearing for healthcare bill
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. House of Representatives Rules Committee announced on Monday that it will hold a hearing on the Republican healthcare bill on Wednesday at 10 a.m. EDT (1400 GMT). The fourth and final House hearing on the bill, known formally as the American Health Care Act, will take place a day before lawmakers are expected to vote on the legislation.
Trump Laughs After Philippine Leader Calls Journalists ‘Spies’ In Country Where Journalists Are Routinely Murdered
Donald Trump probably wishes the United States was more like the Philippines.Trump was downright chummy with mass murderer and human rights violator Rodrigo Duterte on Monday during the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Summit in Manila.Not only did Trump refuse to nail Duterte for violating human rights, he laughed when Duterte accused journalists of being spies when they peppered the dictatorial duo with questions about human rights. We would be talking on matters that are of interest of both the Philippines and With you around guys, you are the spies, Duterte said, drawing laughter from Trump.Bloomber reporter Jennifer Jacobs chronicled how Duterte and Trump treated journalists at the Summit.Duterte made a joke at end of Trump bilat.As press being shooed out, Duterte said: We will be talking on matters of interest to both the Philippines and Then he said: With you around, guys, you are the spies. Trump chuckled. pic.twitter.com/dQ2fx9Sj8T Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 13, 2017When reporters asked Pres Trump if he would bring up human rights with Duterte, Duterte shut it down saying this was not a news conference. Steve Holland (@steveholland1) November 13, 2017 I would like for the media to leave us alone. You may leave the room, Duterte says, just minutes into summit meeting.Press ushered out. pic.twitter.com/lhfFgp3xJU Jennifer Jacobs (@JenniferJJacobs) November 13, 2017Trump has been attacking the media since he announced his candidacy back in 2015. And he has relentlessly attacked the media since taking office, accusing journalists of writing or reporting fake news. Ever since he became the Philippine leader, Duterte has been responsible for the killing of 100,000 people, casualties of a war on drugs Duterte promised to wage during his campaign.President Obama was a sharp critic of Duterte, and Duterte retaliated by calling him the son of a whore and sought closer ties with China and Russia. Of course, Trump likes Duterte and has avoided calling him out for his abuse of power. Trump even invited Duterte to the White House.Trump s amusement at Duterte s remarks about journalists are particularly alarming since the Philippines is one of the most deadly places on Earth for journalists.Newsweek reports that 177 journalists have been killed there since 1986.And Trump added further insult to injury by not even discussing Duterte s terrible human rights record. Instead, he let Duterte do all the talking and merely nodded in agreement with him. Once again, Trump demonstrates that he is a coward who can be walked over by other world leaders. Conservatives bitched and moaned whenever President Obama bowed to greet some world leaders. But apparently they are okay with Trump just laying down.Featured Image: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
WATCH: Khizr Khan Pleas With Top GOP Officials To Abandon Trump
Khizr Khan, whose son died while serving as an American Army captain in Iraq, spoke at the Democratic National Convention where he called out Donald Trump for his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States. Khan said during his speech that Trump has sacrificed nothing and no one in his life. Trump fired back at the man and his family, creating a political firestorm.During an interview on MSNBC s The Last Word, Khan pleaded with GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan and GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to disavow Trump. During his plea, Khan alleges that the only reason the two have not dropped Trump is due to fear of the political consequences of the move. If your candidate wins and he governs the way he has campaigned, my country this country will have a Constitutional crisis like never before in the history of this country. And my conscience compels me under these really difficult circumstances. [I have] very raw emotions. I am a very composed person. I don t become that emotional but there is so much at stake and I appeal to both of these leaders. There comes a time in the history of a nation where a moral stand must be taken regardless of the political cost. The only reason they are not repudiating his behavior, his threat to our democracy, our decency, our foundation, is just because of political consequences. Both Ryan and McConnell have tacitly spoken out against the comments Trump made about the Khan family. Both Republicans are less than thrilled that Trump is the Republican Party s presidential candidate, though the two have said that they will support him over Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.If and how long Trump will continue to have their support is anyone s guess.You can watch the interview below, in full.Featured image via video screen capture
We Are Change In this video Luke Rudkowski covers the breaking news of the obviously likely indictment of Hillary Clinton and the Clinton foundation fot the pay to play scandels. With new information coming from wikileaks, Huma Abedin shared laptop and secret records this is sure making for an interesting election year. For more and to help step up our game to defeat the msm go to https://www.patreon.com/wearechange to invest in us. Sources https://i.sli.mg/IYLqtE.gif https://twitter.com/hashtag/HillaryIn… https://www.facebook.com/topic/Clinto… http://www.realclearpolitics.com/vide… https://twitter.com/ggreenwald/status… https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/… http://dailycaller.com/2016/11/03/sec… http://nypost.com/2016/11/03/feds-pro… http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/artic… http://www.cnn.com/videos/tv/2016/11/… https://twitter.com/dcexaminer/status… http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2… Support WeAreChange by Subscribing to our channel HERE http://www.youtube.com/subscription_c… Visit our main site for more breaking news http://wearechange.org/ Patreon https://www.patreon.com/WeAreChange?a… SnapChat: LukeWeAreChange Facebook: https://facebook.com/LukeWeAreChange Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lukewearechange Instagram: http://instagram.com/lukewearechange Rep WeAreChange Merch Proudly: http://wearechange.org/store OH YEAH since we are not corporate or government WHORES help us out http://wearechange.org/donate We take BITCOIN too 12HdLgeeuA87t2JU8m4tbRo247Yj5u2TVP The post HILLARY CLINTON WILL BE INDICTED BECAUSE OF THE FBI appeared first on We Are Change .
Spanish Red Cross physiotherapist killed in Afghanistan
MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan (Reuters) - A Spanish physiotherapist working for the Red Cross in the northern Afghan city of Mazar-i-Sharif was shot dead on Monday, apparently by a hospital patient, officials said. Police said two arrests had been made and an investigation was underway. The International Committee of the Red Cross said Lorena Enebral Perez, 38, was killed in its orthopedic rehabilitation center in Mazar-i-Sharif. Energetic and full of laughter, Lorena was the heart of our office in Mazar. Today, our hearts are broken, said the ICRC s head of delegation in Afghanistan, Monica Zanarelli. Perez s work in Afghanistan involved helped people, including children, who had lost legs or arms, mostly in the war, to learn to walk again or feed themselves. Sheer Jan Durani, a spokesman for the police chief in Balkh province, said two patients were admitted to hospital and one took out a pistol apparently concealed in a wheelchair and shot the woman. Both men were arrested, he said. Afghanistan is one of the most dangerous countries in the world for aid workers, with groups including the ICRC often facing attacks on their staff, both Afghan and foreign. Perez s death followed the killing in February of six ICRC staff in northern Afghanistan in an attack in which two other Afghan employees were abducted. The kidnapped Afghan staff were released six days ago, the ICRC statement said. The ICRC has seven rehabilitation centers in Afghanistan that manufacture more than 19,000 artificial limbs per year and treat hundreds of thousands of patients.
Trump wants to work with Schumer, Pelosi on tax reform: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump will host Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer and House of Representatives’ top Democrat Nancy Pelosi on Wednesday night to discuss tax reform and other items on the legislative agenda, the White House said. The president will meet the two top Democrats “for bipartisan discussions on the upcoming legislative agenda, with a focus on tax reform,” White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said.
You won t believe this judge and how he berates a family that was terrorized in a home invasion. Can a three-year old help how she feels after this traumatic event?The reason Judge Olu Stevens of Louisville, Kentucky berated a family that was terrorized by two black home invaders in court and on Facebook will knock your socks off. In all my years, I don t think I ve ever seen such an egregious example of race-card abuse.The judge was troubled and offended by the fact that a three year victim was so traumatized by a violent home invasion, she is now fearful of black males.Jordan and Tommy Gray s 3-year old daughter was watching SpongeBob when two black armed men broke into her home and robbed her family at gunpoint one of the perps pointing a gun in her father s face.Mom and dad honestly noted on the their victim impact statement that she is still afraid of black men 2 years later. Whenever we are running errands, if we come across a black male, she holds me tight and begs me to leave, the mother said. It has affected her friendships at school and our relationships with African-American friends. Tommy Gray also wrote that since the crime, his daughter had been terrified of black males and that probation was not sufficient punishment for Gregory Wallace, 27, who had pleaded guilty to robbery. If holding a little girl at gunpoint gets you probation, then our system is flawed, Gray said.But when Wallace was brought up for sentencing Feb. 4 in Jefferson Circuit Court, it was the parents, not Wallace, who suffered Judge Olu Stevens wrath. I am offended. I am deeply offended that they would be victimized by an individual and express some kind of fear of all black men, he said. This little girl certainly has been victimized, and she can t help the way she feels, he said. My exception is more with her parents and their accepting that kind of mentality and fostering those type of stereotypes. The Grays were not in court as Stevens denounced their statements and granted probation to Wallace, whom he said deserved the opportunity to redeem himself.But they did see when Stevens condemned their statements again, in a post on Facebook. Do three year olds form such generalized, stereotyped and racist opinions of others? he wrote. I think not. Perhaps the mother had attributed her own views to her child as a manner of sanitizing them. That a supposedly unbiased judge would ask such an ridiculously biased leading question does not speak well of him.It s obviously true that three year olds generally don t develop generalized, stereotyped and racist opinions (as if you could call her fears those things) on their own. This young tot had a little help She was traumatized when a couple of black home invaders terrorized her family. Is this judge stupid?The family is obviously unhappy that the ordeal has negatively impacted their daughter s view of blacks. How did he miss that? It s why they listed it it on the impact statement.Later Stevens said, I wasn t criticizing the victims, I was criticizing a statement that I thought was a generalization against an entire race of people. He was criticizing the feelings of a three year old victim of a crime. Shame on him. #SMDHMeanwhile Wallace and his accomplice, Marquis McAfee, both 27, were arrested about three weeks after the robbery. Both pleaded guilty and McAfee, who was on probation for a prior crime, was sentenced to 10 years in prison, which he is serving.Assistant Commonwealth s Attorney Richard Elder objected to probation for Wallace, who pleaded guilty to a 20-year sentence, saying he was guilty as hell and put a gun in that little girl s father s face. Via: nice deb
Sisi cautions Trump against 'complicating' matters in Middle East: Egyptian presidency
CAIRO (Reuters) - Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi told U.S. President Donald Trump on Tuesday there was no need to complicate matters in the Middle East after Trump phoned him to talk about his decision to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, a Cairo presidential statement said. It said Sisi cautioned Trump against taking measures that would undermine the chances of peace in the Middle East . The Egyptian president affirmed the Egyptian position on preserving the legal status of Jerusalem within the framework of international references and relevant U.N. resolutions, the statement said. U.S. endorsement of Israel s claim to all of Jerusalem as its capital would break with decades of U.S. policy that the city s status must be decided in negotiations with the Palestinians, who want East Jerusalem as the capital of their future state. The international community does not recognize Israeli sovereignty over the entire city.
Touring Warship, Trump Pushes Plan to Expand Military - The New York Times
NEWPORT NEWS, Va. — President Trump on Thursday used the country’s most advanced, aircraft carrier as the backdrop for his push to rebuild America’s armed forces with a $54 billion increase in military spending. Speaking in the hangar bay of the Gerald R. Ford, which this year will become the nation’s largest and most powerful warship, Mr. Trump said the Navy — and other military services — must grow and modernize. “We will make it easier for the Navy to plan for the future and thus to control costs and get the best deals for the taxpayer,” the president said. “The same boat for less money, the same ship for less money, the same airplanes for less money. ” Ever the showman, Mr. Trump arrived on the carrier in dramatic style, landing on the flight deck aboard his helicopter, Marine One. He emerged with a sharp salute and wearing his trademark red Make America Great Again baseball cap. One deck below, watching on large screens, hundreds of sailors and others let up a huge cheer for the commander in chief. After touring the ship, the president was lowered to the hangar bay on the massive elevator that carries fighter jets between the decks. To the sounds of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U. S. A. ,” Mr. Trump strode into the crowd — wearing a Gerald R. Ford baseball cap. Mr. Trump marveled at the ship’s size, calling it “4. 5 acres of combat power and sovereign U. S. territory, the likes of which there is nothing to compete. ” “It is a monument to American might that will provide the strength necessary to ensure peace,” he said. The Ford is the first of a new, more technologically advanced class of aircraft carrier, and cost about $13 billion to build after cost overruns and years of delay. But Mr. Trump did not mention those challenges, saying instead that he supports expanding to a Navy, from the current 10. He said ships like the Ford will allow him and future presidents to project American power in distant lands. “Hopefully it’s power we don’t have to use. But if we do, they are in big, big trouble,” he said to cheers from the sailors. Mr. Trump asserted, as he did during the presidential campaign, that the Navy is now the smallest it has been since World War I. The Navy swelled from 245 ships in 1916 to a peak of over 6, 000 during World War II, downsizing between conflicts and bulking up during the Korean and Vietnam Wars. From the 1970s, the Navy gradually began to shrink to a total battle force of 275 ships as of September 2016. But that fleet includes 10 aircraft carriers, 22 cruisers, 63 destroyers, 11 amphibious assault ships and 68 submarines, 14 of which are armed with nuclear warheads. These are far more powerful than the fleets of World War II. So comparing the navies of the past and today is “like comparing the telegraph to the smartphone they’re just not comparable,” Ray Mabus, the secretary of the Navy under President Barack Obama, said in 2012. Lawmakers in both parties have already expressed deep skepticism about Mr. Trump’s military spending proposal, in part because of its potential to increase the nation’s deficit and in part because of the administration’s assertion that it would deeply slash nonmilitary spending to compensate. But the president’s desire to expand the military was a core promise during his campaign for the White House. American politicians often seek to associate themselves with the country’s enormous, gleaming war machines. Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential candidate, announced his choice of Speaker Paul D. Ryan as his running mate on the retired battleship Wisconsin. But sometimes the moment goes awry. In 2003, President George W. Bush stood on the deck of the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln to declare that the military phase of the Iraq war was over. He spoke in front of a banner that proclaimed “Mission Accomplished. ” The war continued for years. Aides to Mr. Trump are hoping that the images of the president on the Ford are more positive.
32-Yr Old ILLEGAL ALIEN Repeatedly Raped and Impregnated 15-Yr Old Stepdaughter As Way To Stay In U.S.
We assume Donald Trump was talking about illegal aliens like Horacio Alvarado who repeatedly raped his 14-year-old step-daughter and eventually impregnated her in hopes that it would be his ticket to citizenship.Daily Mail -An illegal immigrant in Milwaukee is accused of fathering his teenage stepdaughter s child in a misguided attempt to remain in the US.Horacio Alvarado, 32, allegedly impregnated the girl when she was 15 and then sought a paternity test, believing it would keep him in the country. The girl gave birth to the child back in 2012 but police only uncovered a lengthy history of alleged assaults last month when they started investigating a new sexual assault claim made by the victim.The step-daughter, now aged 22, was being interviewed over the recent sex assault allegation when she told police Alvarado had repeatedly abused her as a teenager, according to a criminal complaint obtained by the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.She told authorities Alvarado raped her on average three times a week from when she was 14 until she was 18 years old. The alleged abuse continued even after she gave birth to his child.The woman told police that Alvarado allegedly assaulted her when her mother, Linda Alvarado, was at work or sleeping late at night.She claims her mother once walked into the bedroom while Alvarado was raping her, but she left the bedroom without trying to stop him.The woman told authorities she kept the identity of her baby s father a secret from everyone except her mother, who she told shortly after the child was born.The Milwaukee County Circuit Court established Alvarado as the child s legal father in 2015.The criminal complaint states that Alvarado believed a positive paternity test would grant him permission to remain in the country.The girl s mother, Linda Alvarado, has also been charged with misdemeanor child neglect. She was released on a $500 bond.
Merkel, party leaders meet to rev up German coalition talks: media
BERLIN (Reuters) - Key allies of Chancellor Angela Merkel on Sunday downplayed reports about a crisis among parties in a potential coalition government, saying it was important to work out differences and reach a sustainable agreement. Merkel was due to meet with leaders of the other parties on Sunday to smooth the waters after last week s exploratory talks ran into trouble over immigration and climate policy. The chancellor, whose conservative alliance came first but lost seats in the Sept. 24 national election, is trying to forge a three-way coalition with the pro-business Free Democrats (FDP) and environmental Greens that is untested at a national level. Bild am Sonntag newspaper said Merkel would try to rescue the talks by meeting with Horst Seehofer, who heads the conservative Bavarian CSU party, two officials from the Greens and FDP leader Christian Lindner at an undisclosed location. Volker Kauder, parliamentary leader of the conservatives, told broadcaster ZDF that such meetings were not unusual, even once a coalition had been formed. He said it was important to demonstrate that the mainstream parties could govern, a clear nod to the protest votes that propelled the far-right Alternative for Germany party into parliament for the first time. It s about more than the individual party positions, it s about building trust in the ability of the democratic parties to take action, Kauder said. Peter Altmaier, Merkel s chief of staff, told broadcaster ARD a coalition deal looked more promising now than weeks ago, but it could take time to work out solutions on climate and immigration that would stand the test of time. We need a result that is in the interest of the country and that will last for four years, he said. The exploratory talks are due to continue Monday after the three sides failed to reach agreement on immigration and climate issues during an 11-hour session on Thursday. The possible coalition partners remain at odds over how to meet carbon dioxide emission targets and capping migration. Many conservatives want to take a harder line on immigration, blaming their election setback on Merkel s decision to allow in more than a million migrants in 2015 and 2016. They want to limit refugee numbers, but the Greens reject such a cap. Other issues such as pensions and labor regulations - which could be on the agenda on Monday - appear less contentious. The three blocs are also nearing agreement on the issue of legalizing marijuana through pharmacies or other licensed distributors, the Stuttgarter Zeitung newspaper reported. Alexander Lambsdorff, deputy leader of the FDP parliamentary group, said the FDP and Greens had no choice but to talk to each other given the current political circumstances. The Social Democrats, junior partner to the conservatives over the last four years, have vowed to stay in opposition.
Secretary of state nominee says risk of climate change does exist
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The nominee to be U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, said on Wednesday the risk of climate change does exist, and the consequences could be serious enough that action should be taken. When asked during a Senate confirmation hearing to say whether he believed that human activity was contributing to climate change, Tillerson did not answer yes or no, but said: “The increase in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere are having an effect. Our abilities to predict that effect are very limited.” Tillerson is former chief executive of Exxon Mobil Corp. Trump said during the election campaign that he would seek to quit the 2015 Paris climate accord.
WOW! WHY TRUMP’S PICK FOR LABOR SECRETARY Withdrew Just Hours Before His Senate Hearing
President Donald Trump s pick for secretary of labor, Andrew Puzder, has withdrawn from the nomination just hours before his first scheduled appearance before the Senate HELP committee.Puzder s nomination was controversial from the start because of some of his own business practices that many felt were less than generous. He officially withdrew after an interview his ex-wife, Lisa Fierstein, did on The Oprah Winfrey Show came to light. She claimed that she had to flee from her, then husband, and that she had been abused by Puzder during their marriage.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cURHgCbSWOcFierstein has since admitted that her allegations were false and that she concocted them to get a better settlement in their divorce. She has also sent a letter to the Senate in an attempt to clear her ex-husband s name but it seems to be too little too late.Puzder released this statement concerning his withdrawal.I am withdrawing my nomination for Secretary of Labor. I'm honored to have been considered and am grateful to all who have supported me. Andy Puzder (@AndyPuzder) February 15, 2017(Source: Daily Mail)
Donald Trump’s Description of Black America Is Offending Those Living in It - The New York Times
ATLANTA — Demeitrus Williams has heard what Donald J. Trump has been saying recently about black people: That their neighborhoods were “war zones. ” That they struggle to get by on food stamps. That they see nothing but failure around them. Mr. Williams, 61, a retired postal employee who is acknowledged that Mr. Trump’s remarks described a reality for some black people. But it was not his reality, or that of people he knew. And the fact that those generalizations, in which all inhabit a hell of violence and dysfunction, came as part of an outreach effort on Mr. Trump’s part elicited from Mr. Williams an incredulous and slightly bitter cascade of chuckles. “Who’s he talking about?” Mr. Williams said Wednesday over lunch at Ponce City Market, an upscale development with a hip food court that draws an ethnically and racially mixed crowd. “I don’t know — most of the black people I know are educated and live in nice neighborhoods. Everybody in my family is required to have a degree. ” Dogged by suggestions that he has been running a racist campaign, Mr. Trump has been expressing concern for more in the past week than at any other point in his presidential run and making a direct appeal for their votes. “What do you have to lose?” he has asked. But the unrelievedly dire picture he has painted of black America has left many black voters angry, dumbfounded or both. Interviews with roughly a dozen blacks here turned up no one who found any appeal in Mr. Trump’s remarks. More common was the suggestion that Mr. Trump was trying to appeal to whites who might support him. “I hear him not talking to black people, but talking to white people about black people so they will think he cares about black people,” said Alexis Scott, a former publisher of The Atlanta Daily World, a newspaper. “The real thing that he’s trying to do is to try to protect some of the white vote by suggesting to them that he cares. ” Speaking invariably to almost audiences, Mr. Trump has portrayed blacks as living lives of utter desperation. “What do you have to lose by trying something new, like Trump?” he asked a crowd in Virginia on Saturday. “You’re living in your poverty, your schools are no good, you have no jobs, 58 percent of your youth is unemployed — what the hell do you have to lose?” Marc Morial, the president of the National Urban League, said that black Americans faced challenges, but that Mr. Trump’s depiction of a hopeless, violent black America did not match reality. “It’s an inaccurate portrayal of the community that seeks to define the community by only its biggest challenges,” Mr. Morial said. “Black America has deep problems — deep economic problems — but black America also has a large community of striving, successful, people: college educated, in the work force. ” Poverty is far more prevalent in black households than the general population, but the vast majority of do not live in poverty. According to census data released last year, 26 percent of blacks live in poverty, compared with 15 percent of the country as a whole. Only about one out of every four households receiving food stamps in 2014 was black, according to the United States Department of Agriculture. One area where blacks lag severely is homeownership. Rates of homeownership for blacks have dipped over the past four years to 41. 7 percent in the second quarter of this year, the lowest rate among any racial group, according to the Census Bureau. The unemployment rate for blacks is nearly double the national average. Mr. Trump’s tone and strategy in courting the black vote is distinctly different from that of previous Republican presidential nominees, whose more formal outreach efforts had limited success. In 2004, for instance, President George W. Bush addressed the National Urban League, and in 2012, Mitt Romney appeared before the N. A. A. C. P. “Someone like George W. Bush, to his credit, actually went to black audiences with people who had real connections to black communities,” said Matthew B. Platt, a political scientist at historically black Morehouse College. “He actually made those kinds of connections to then filter down to regular black people. Trump is not doing anything of that sort. ” But he noted that Mr. Trump’s basic presentation to black voters was perhaps not altogether different from the one he has made to white voters. “It seems to me that Trump’s argument is this: ‘Your life sucks. Try something new. I’m something new,’” he said. “That’s the argument he’s making to black voters and, more broadly, that’s the entire Trump campaign. ” Mr. Trump would seem to have nowhere to go but up among voters. A recent NBC Street Journal poll found Hillary Clinton with a 91 to 1 percent advantage over Mr. Trump among blacks. Many say Mr. Trump’s role in leading the birther movement that questioned President Obama’s birthplace doomed his chances with voters. “Social media and YouTube have a record of what he’s said in the last year, much less the last five or six years,” said Andra Gillespie, an Emory University political scientist, who is black. “You can’t just make one speech, have a good week and then all of a sudden think people are going to forget everything you’ve done. ” Some black conservatives, however, defended Mr. Trump. Wayne Dupree, a radio host, posted a live video to Periscope, an app that allows users to video, saying that Mrs. Clinton had been tricking black people for years. He urged blacks to look at the conditions they were living under. “Look to the left, look to the right and look in front of you and tell me if things haven’t changed,” he said. “Then why do you keep voting for the Democratic Party? Why do you keep voting for the same side?” He urged blacks to help get Mr. Trump “elected so that we can change America. ”’ “America needs to go a different route,” Mr. Dupree said. The Trump campaign rejected criticism with a statement from Lynne Patton, a black woman who is an assistant to the Trump family, accusing Democrats of treating black voters as a “monolith. ” In Atlanta on Wednesday, Nate Cohen, 35, a health care information technology worker, was among the unimpressed by Mr. Trump’s efforts. Mr. Cohen’s most generous interpretation was that perhaps Mr. Trump had not done his homework. Perhaps he needed to hit the streets and see the variety of the black experience. “I don’t recall ever seeing him going out into those hedges and highways,” he said. “You can’t just go on what you see on TV. ” Certainly, he said, some live in dire poverty. Mr. Cohen’s side job is as a motivational speaker, work that takes him to troubled neighborhoods. But he said blacks and Latinos were not the only people living in such conditions. He said he had tried to give Mr. Trump a fair hearing, but had been turned off to him long ago. Mr. Trump, he said, will say “warped” things — like proposing to bar Muslims from entering the country or deporting all illegal immigrants — and then say things to “patch it up. ” He wondered whether Mr. Trump was appealing to whites, reinforcing stereotypes about blacks. “You’ve got to be mindful of who you affect, and who you infect,” he said, adding that Mr. Trump might be “infecting” his white audience with racist ideas. Or as Ms. Scott put it: “He is giving voice to every stereotype he’s ever heard. I heard someone say, ‘It’s like he only watches “The Wire,” and that’s what he knows about black people. ’” At Six Feet Under, a seafood restaurant popular among blacks and whites, Anthony Simpson, 55, said he had heard Mr. Trump’s comments, but paid them little mind. He said he had long dismissed Mr. Trump as “a joke. ” Mr. Simpson, who owns a demolition business, said he was not surprised that Mr. Trump had offended many black people, after the things he had said about Muslims and Latinos. “He eventually was going to get around to it,” he said.
HILARIOUS TRUMP CHRISTMAS VIDEO: “It’s The Most Wonderful Time In 8 Years” [Video]
Earthquake of magnitude 6.1 strikes off southern Japan: USGS
SINGAPORE (Reuters) - An earthquake of magnitude 6.1 struck off southern Japan on Thursday, the United States Geological Survey said. The quake struck 682 km (424 miles) off Japan s island of Kyushu at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles), the agency said, but there were no immediate reports of damage or casualties.
CodeSOD: The Wisdom of the Ancients
As Halloween descends upon us, mysterious emails start reaching our inbox. These plaintive missives are but the screams of the damned, encoded and sent over SMTP. For example, someone known to us only as DBA Guy sent an email with this subject: “Silver bullet SQL scalar function built by the Ancient Ones”. These ancient ones obviously did not come from the Euclidian plane we know so well, but obviously from a twisted, higher dimensional space where there exist no right angles. The code itself, is simple: /* Name fnValueChanged Purpose: Returns a value based on the parameters passed in which will tell the user whether or not 2 values have changed Usage Select dbo.fnValueChanged(Parameter1,Parameter2,Parameter3,ParameterN...) Returns tinyint */ ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnValueHasChanged] ( @pOldValue varchar(255), @pNewValue varchar(255), @pItemType varchar(40) -- to be used if we need to do date comparisions etc. ) RETURNS int AS Begin Declare @vHasChanged tinyint set @vHasChanged = ( Case When IsNull(@pNewValue, '') <> IsNull(@pOldValue, '') and @pNewValue Is Not Null Then 1 Else 0 End ) RETURN ( @vHasChanged ) End Given an old value and a new value, determine if they’re different. It’s awkward and strange, with dead parameters coming to us from across the aeons, and an awkward Case statement when an If would probably be clearer and easier to understand. But how, praytell, is this code used ? CarPassword = ( Case When dbo.fnValueHasChanged(@LocPasswordOld, @LocPassword, NULL) = 1 then @LocPassword Else @LocPasswordOld End ) The code which calls the function must be the same as the code within the function. Thus, we have a case within a case, a mystery within a mystery, and a function which has ben handed down to us from the ancient ones. [Advertisement] Release! is a light card game about software and the people who make it. Play with 2-5 people, or up to 10 with two copies - only $9.95 shipped!
SHOUT POLL: Should Apple Give FBI Backdoor Access to iPhones?
21st Century Wire asks HAVE YOUR SHOUT: Apple CEO Tim Cook publicly rejected an unprecedented US Federal Court order that would force the company to decrypt an iPhone linked to one of the San Bernardino shooters a move that would have vast implications.Vote, comment and share below READ MORE ENCRYPTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Encryption Files
JUDGE JEANINE RIPS DEMOCRATS: What Have Democrats Done For Minorities? [VIDEO]
The truth is what you get with this judge! We love her! Judge Jeanine rips into the Democrats:
OMG! Video of Michelle Obama’s Angry Tirade Against Hillary Went VIRAL Overnight
OMG! Video of Michelle Obama’s Angry Tirade Against Hillary Went VIRAL Overnight Oct 28, 2016 Previous post HILLARY WANTS THIS DELETED FOREVER! Michelle Obama was praised by the mainstream media all day long yesterday after she attacked Trump as a sexist, cruel bigot. Well, a video just surfaced that will absolutely expose her as a lying hypocrite. It already has 19 Million views! You might remember the First Lady’s is known for her slogan, “When they go low, we go high…” Well she might need to change her slogan… In the video, Michelle Obama PERSONALLY FOR ENTIRE ARTICLE CLICK LINK
Charley Hoffman Grabs Four-Stroke First-Round Lead at Windy Augusta - The New York Times
AUGUSTA, Ga. — Fred Couples, playing in his 32nd Masters this year, said he had never seen wind so fierce at Augusta National Golf Club. “Brutal,” Couples said of the conditions during Thursday’s first round. “So difficult, so hard. ” Gusts up to 40 miles per hour blew waves of sand from the greenside bunkers, forming little twisters of grit that forced fans sitting nearby to protect their faces with scarves and jackets. Approach shots landed on greens only to be blown backward into ponds and creeks. Trees not normally in play became new hazards because wind bent branches just enough to put them in play and make them threats to shots. “A day to fight,” Phil Mickelson said. “Guessing what the wind would do to your ball was the game within the game all day. ” It was also a day that started with the world’s hottest golfer, Dustin Johnson, withdrawing from the tournament just minutes before he was to step onto the first tee because of a back injury sustained falling on a staircase Wednesday night. At roughly the same time that Johnson was exiting, Jordan Spieth, who blew his chance at winning last year’s Masters with a stunning 7 on the 12th hole, made an equally startling quadruple bogey on No. 15. It will probably not be remembered as vividly as the 2016 catastrophe, but it was just as spectacular — an unfathomable 9. The first round was, however, still a day of golf, which is to say it was mystifying and indecipherable. As most of the field stumbled around the grounds with faces and expressions of bewilderment, one player waltzed across the layout without distress or strain. Charley Hoffman shot a 65 to take the lead by four strokes. Given the conditions, it may have been one of the better opening rounds ever at the Masters. Hoffman had nine birdies — including 2s on the course’s four par 3s — and two bogeys. “On a day like today, like everyone else I was just trying to make par and not shoot myself out of the tournament,” Hoffman said. “But I started getting some shots close to the hole, and then I couldn’t remember missing a putt. ” Hoffman’s closest pursuer was William McGirt, who shot 69. Lee Westwood, a frequent Masters contender but never a major winner, was a stroke behind McGirt with a 70. A gaggle of golfers finished at one under par, including three major championship winners: Justin Rose, Jason Dufner and Mickelson. “It was a day when experience mattered,” Mickelson said. “The wind was going to magnify your misses, and the guys who miss in the wrong spots will make big numbers. “I love these conditions. Certainly challenging, but that’s O. K. ” Also at one under par was Sergio García, who has long been tormented at Augusta National, and the precocious Matthew Fitzpatrick, playing in just his third Masters. Hoffman, playing in his fourth Masters, did not have an auspicious start to his round: He needed three putts on the third and fifth holes. But, having played well here before, he remained patient. “I step on this property, and it just feels special,” Hoffman said. “Off the tee, it just suits my eye. And I’ve been working hard on my putting. I’ve learned here that you have to be aggressive on your putts. You can’t be afraid to run the ball 3 feet past. ” And Hoffman, a Texan, is used to playing in blustery conditions. At the 2015 Masters, he was in second place after the second round and finished tied for ninth as Spieth claimed the championship. Asked Thursday what lesson he took from contending two years ago, Hoffman said: “I learned that I hit it as good as Jordan. He just made more putts. So the lesson was to make more putts in the Masters. ” Hoffman was eight under par over his final 13 holes. That kind of performance mocked what was going on most of the day, as some of the best golfers in the world were humbled. The former British Open champion Louis Oosthuizen shot a 77, as did the 2007 Masters champion Zach Johnson and last year’s British Open winner, Henrik Stenson. Adam Scott, Webb Simpson and Bernhard Langer, each a major champion, joined Spieth at three over par. Spieth’s score was respectable given his trouble on the 15th, a debacle that included a pitch shot into the pond fronting the green, and three putts. Dustin Johnson, who had won his last three tournaments, warmed up for his afternoon tee time but ultimately decided he could not play because he could not follow through on his swings — even at 80 percent of normal effort. Johnson fell Wednesday while walking down a staircase at his rented home in the Augusta area. With the opening round completed, the Masters field seemed eager to flee the vicinity. As the sun set, sand was still being blown from the bunkers onto other parts of the property. And not a single golfer was hitting golf balls on the practice range. They had had enough. When McGirt’s round was complete — and his was a fruitful round — he was asked where on the golf course the gusts had been at their worst. He answered, “From holes 1 to 18. ”
Republican donor backs clean energy senators with digital campaign
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A Republican political donor said on Wednesday he would spend “seven figures” on a targeted digital campaign backing two senators who support clean energy policies, which could help tip the balance in their tight November re-election races. Jay Faison, a Charlotte, North Carolina-based executive of an audio-vision equipment company, said he would endorse Republican Senator Rob Portman of Ohio and Senator Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire for re-election. Portman is a co-sponsor of a bipartisan energy efficiency bill, while Ayotte is one of the only Republican supporters of President Barack Obama’s plan to cut carbon emissions. Both are running in swing states. Faison wants to defend conservatives who have led on clean energy issues. He will use what he calls a “digital first” approach focused on direct online marketing, social media and data mining to target swing voters who care about climate issues and tailor political messaging, methods he said Republicans have been slow to adopt. “For right or wrong, the Republican Party is branded as non-environmental, which we want to help fix,” Faison said in an interview. In February, Faison launched a Super PAC that will spend around $5 million to support congressional Republicans who support clean energy and environmental protection. Faison did not say who else he plans to back. The PAC (political action committee) complements the work of Faison’s foundation, ClearPath, which he launched last June with $165 million to shift Republicans’ skeptical view of climate change and clean energy. “In these races and a handful of other House and Senate races, we’re going to play offense around candidates that take a stand on these issues,” Faison said. Faison said support of clean energy could sway blocks of “persuadable” voters who are growing in influence - millennials and non-whites - in tight races. In a survey conducted by ClearPath of Republican voters, Faison said 73 percent said they want a candidate with a clean energy strategy. “These persuadable voters perceive candidates who check the box and take the party line every single time as someone not necessarily watching out for their best interests,” Faison said. The digital strategy ClearPath will use will benefit Republican party leaders who have been reluctant to make digital marketing the centerpiece of their campaign spending, Faison said. “We are going to test that theory. The Democrats are way ahead of us here,” he said.
BREAKING: Hillary’s State Department Spent $9.2 Million Hiring the Terrorists Who Attacked Americans in Benghazi
“What difference, at this point, does it make?” Remember those infamous and wretched words? Of course you do. We all do. Those were the words uttered by Hillary Clinton when she was desperately trying to spin her way through a committee hearing on Benghazi. And as anyone not named Hillary Clinton or anyone not on her corrupt payroll knows, it makes a lot of difference . This because Americans died. They died at the hands of terrorists on Hillary’s watch. New information is now out about some of the individuals who were paid to guard/protect state department employees at the special missions compound where the terrorist attack occurred and it’s not pretty. Turns out Hillary’s state department spent $9.2 million on a contract for guards, many of whom turned out to be the very terrorists who attacked the compound, killing our ambassador and other Americans in the process. Via Fox News . “Many of the local Libyans who attacked the consulate on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, were the actual guards that the State Department under Hillary Clinton hired to protect the Consulate in Benghazi,” Tiegen told Fox News. “The guards were unvetted and were locals with basically no background at all in providing security. Most of them never had held a job in security in the past. “Blue Mountain Libya, at the time of being awarded the contract by our State Department, had no employees so they quickly had to find people to work, regardless of their backgrounds,” he said. One former guard who witnessed the attack, Weeam Mohamed, confirmed in an email sent to the Citizens Commission on Benghazi and obtained by Fox News, that at least four of the guards hired by Blue Mountain took part in the attack after opening doors to allow their confederates in. “In the U.S. Mission, there were four people [who] belonged to the battalion February 17,” Mohamed wrote to the Commission, an independent body formed with Accuracy in Media to investigate the attack and the administration’s handling of it. Again, it makes a lot of difference.
Mother Of DACA Recipient Who Died Rescuing Flood Victims Refused Entry Into U.S. To Bury Her Son
Donald Trump is set to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA, an Obama-era policy. It s a real d*ck move that is so appalling even Republicans are calling him out on it. Approximately 800,000 young people will be subject to immediate deportation, and that would have included Alonso Guillen, a 31-year-old disc jockey from Lufkin, Texas who gave his life while trying to rescue others in the state in the wake of Hurricane Harvey.On Wednesday, Guillen disappeared along with two of his friends after their boat hit the bridge over the creek and capsized, the Houston Chronicle reports.One of his friends clung to a tree and was eventually rescued but days later, Guillen and Tomas Carreon Jr. were still missing. Carreon s body was found floating down the creek on Friday.On Sunday, Guillen s body was found as it floated past a sandy berm. A relative quickly dove in and pulled his body to the shoulder of the creek. Soon after, a boat took him to shore.The Houston Chronicle reports:Guillen s father, Jesus Guillen, said he d asked his son not to try and rescue people in the storm, but he insisted, saying he wanted to help people. He cried and prayed on Sunday afternoon as they pulled his son s body from the water. Thank you, God, he said, for the time I had with him. Trump would have had Mr. Guillen deported and now Border agents are refusing to let his mother into the U.S. in order to bury her son.Guillen was a recipient of the DACA program and his father is here legally but his mother, Rita Ruiz de Guillen, 62, is still in the application process for legal status.Mrs. Guillen said from her home in Rita Ruiz, Mexico, across the border from Eagle Pass, that she s asking God for strength. I ve lost a great son, you have no idea, she said while weeping softly on the other end of the phone. I m asking God to give me strength. She explained that she had hoped that U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials would take pity and grant her a humanitarian visa so that she could go to Houston and bury her son, but she was turned back at the border. When we are with God, there are no borders, she said. Man made borders on this earth. To a man like Donald Trump, Alonso Guillen is one bad hombre. To anyone with a heart, he died a hero.Featured image via Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Paris Generation Identitaire Leader: ’This is the Last Election We Have’ to Make Powerful Solutions for France’s Future
PARIS, France — Paris Génération Identitaire leader Pierre Larti gave a rare exclusive interview with Breitbart London saying harassment towards ethnic French by migrants is now commonplace in parts of Paris and the problem will only get worse if Macron wins. [In a small cafe in Paris’s 13th district, leader of the Paris branch of Génération Identitaire (GI) the French migration Identitarian youth movement founded in 2012 who protest and Islamisation, told Breitbart London his personal life has shaped his political leanings. He said he and his brother were constantly harassed by men of foreign backgrounds simply for being French. “Sometimes there was violence, I was beaten because I was the only French on public transport or on the streets,” explained Mr. Larti. Larti then described one incident in which he and his brother had a knife held to their throat by a man and robbed for no other reason than their ethnicity. According to the GI Paris chief, those types of experiences have become increasingly common for young people living in suburbs in the north of Paris. Women, in particular, he said, were targets for men. “The conditions for women in France are terrible now. If you are a blonde woman in the north of Paris I wouldn’t give you five minutes without being harassed. ” The worsening conditions for women, along with the Cologne sex attacks in 2015, have brought many women into the movement, Larti said. “You don’t feel [like you are] in your country anymore,” he said adding, “We have the right to live in our country with our values. ” “In some areas of France, you have no more French natives. It’s finished you know?” migration presidential candidate Marine Le Pen has advocated closing the borders and deporting known Islamic radicals, something that Larti supports, but believes does not go far enough to tackle the problems facing France. Larti said that he would like to see an eventual repatriation of those who refuse to accept French values which he claimed the government was working to systematically destroy. On the subject of the European Union, the GI leader said he was not against the EU as a concept, but was against the leadership of the political bloc. “In my point of view, the European countries are very united now. Not because of the EU, but because of mass immigration which is a threat to our life as a country, as a nation,” he said. Aside from large, often spectacular protests, the group also engages in charity work during the winter months, in what they call “Solidarity Generation” by helping homeless Europeans in France. Larti said many of the native French homeless are afraid of going to shelters full of migrants because they are often subjected to violence and so end up on the street with no one else to help them. Looking forward to Sunday’s election between Ms. Le Pen and her globalist rival Emmanuel Macron, Larti said he feared things will only get worse if Macron wins. “I still believe in political solutions, but for how long? I don’t know, to be honest. If Emmanuel Macron wins the election, I am not sure. This is my personal opinion — not of the organisation — [but] for me, this is maybe the last election that we have. ” He noted terrorist attacks have dramatically escalated since the election of François Hollande five years ago. “If Emmanuel Macron doesn’t take any, or maybe Marine Le Pen, any powerful solutions, I don’t believe that we can organise elections in the next five years,” he said. Larti’s view is similar to French Islamic scholar Gilles Kepel who has predicted that radical Islamists could lead Europe into a potential civil war. Follow Chris Tomlinson on Twitter at @TomlinsonCJ or email at ctomlinson@breitbart. com
U.S. Congress urged to require Chinese journalists to register as agents
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A report to the U.S. Congress released on Wednesday accused Chinese state media entities of involvement in spying and propaganda and said their staff in the United States should be required to register as foreign agents. The annual report of the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission said that while China had tightened restrictions on domestic and foreign media, Chinese state media had rapidly expanded overseas. The commission, created by Congress in 2000 to monitor national security implications of U.S.-China trade relations, said China’s state media expansion was part of a broader effort to exert greater control over how China is depicted globally, as well as to gather information. The report highlighted the rapid growth of the Xinhua news agency and noted that it had offices at the United Nations in New York, Washington, Chicago, Los Angeles, Houston and San Francisco. “Xinhua serves some of the functions of an intelligence agency by gathering information and producing classified reports for the Chinese leadership on both domestic and international events,” the report said. It quoted testimony to the commission by the U.S. Government-funded rights organization, Freedom House, as saying it was a “loophole” that individuals working for Xinhua and China’s People’s Daily newspaper were not covered by the Foreign Agents Registration Act. FARA, first passed in 1938 in the lead up to World War Two to combat German propaganda efforts, requires foreign governments, political parties and lobbyists they hire in the United States to register with the Department of Justice. The China Daily, an English-language newspaper owned by China’s government and ruling Communist Party, is already registered under FARA but only its top executives are required to individually disclose working for the publication. A bipartisan group of U.S. lawmakers is working to overhaul FARA after Paul Manafort, former campaign manager for President Donald Trump, and a business associate were indicted for failing to register under the law. The reform, backed by powerful Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Chuck Grassley, could provide an opportunity for Congress to act on the commission recommendations. On Monday, the Kremlin-backed television station RT America registered under FARA after U.S. intelligence agencies in a report in January called it a “state-run propaganda machine” that contributed to the Kremlin’s campaign to interfere with last year’s U.S. presidential election. Under the act, RT will be required to disclose financial information. Moscow has said it views the action against RT as an unfriendly act.
Riots in Portland on Third Night of Protests : Information
Riots in Portland on Third Night of Protests Trump returns to Twitter to complain about "unfair" protests "incited" by media. By Ed Krayewski " Reason " - There were more protests around the country against the election of Donald Trump last night, with police in Portland declaring the protest there a riot due to deteriorating conditions. Rioters there threw objects at cops, attacked newspaper stands, and smashed windows. Earlier, police said protesters were trying to stop "anarchist groups" from destroying property, and tweeted that it encouraged others to leave the area, before declaring the situation a riot and issuing orders to disperse the "unlawful assembly." Police say they made 26 arrests and dispersed the crowd using pepper spray, "rubber ball distraction devices" and rubber baton rounds. Trump returned to Twitter for the first time since being elected on Tuesday night after spending the day in Washington, tweeting that "professional protesters, incited by the media, are protesting," calling it "very unfair!" NBC News described the tweet as "putting an end to a brief stretch of conciliatory behavior since Tuesday," although one salty tweet in a 72 hour period doesn't seem like enough data to come to that conclusion. Trump had "returned to pre-election form," as NBC News put it, also pointing out Trump himself had tweeted in favor of a march on Washington after Mitt Romney's 2012 loss, and suggested if he lost riots could ensue. At least two other prominent Trump supporters, Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke and former Rep. Joe Walsh, had also tweeted supportively of protests and civil disobedience before the election but called for a tough response after. They did not expect Trump to win, so the calculus changed. Things are different now that he's president-elect—though not for Trump's tendency to make loose statements and the media's tendency to botch interpretations of those statements. Trump's tweet was characterized as "unpresidential." I'm not sure what was expected at this point, particularly since such protests have, until now, worked in Trump's favor. The Trump campaign cancelled a rally in Chicago after massive protests there. Trump said the protests would "energize" his voters—he clinched the nomination in May. By June, I noted how attacks on Trump supporters by anti-Trump protesters were an apparent effort to help get Trump elected. In late September, when protests and riots erupted in Charlotte after a fatal police shooting there, I suggested the city was working hard to get North Carolina in the Trump column. On Wednesday night, when there were protests and "vigils" around the country, I suggested this trend to could end up helping Trump by earning him political capital and helping drive never-Trump conservatives back into the fold. Protesters say they are demonstrating because Donald Trump has created a climate of fear for minorities. Riots also have that tendency. If the mostly white rioters in Portland last night provide police in the city to ramp up enforcement, that endangers marginalized people the most. Protests last month over a police contract the outgoing mayor pushed through before leaving office failed to stop the contract, and it's not unreasonable to fear tonight's riots will increase tensions in altogether different neighborhoods. And for all the talk pre-election of "voter intimidation," what else could violent protests over the result of an election be other than voter intimidation? Hillary Clinton won Portland overwhelmingly, but that still leaves a minority of Trump voters watching their fellow citizens destroy property over the way they voted. And it leaves a slew of residents who didn't vote, but will probably eventually be blamed for Trump's win as well. Blame anyone but Clinton and the Democratic Party. Some Anti-Trump protesters like to compare Trump to Hitler, yet it doesn't seem they understand their own comparison. Hitler used civil unrest—specifically the Reichstag fire—to greatly expand his powers after he had already been elected. At the Republican convention, Trump called America a "divided crime scene" and said "only" he could solve the country's problems. Anti-Trump protesters are setting the stage for him. It's hard to imagine what continued violent protests (the Portland group has organized as a Resistance) can accomplish other than creating a climate of fear Trump could exploit to make it easier to get what he wants, whatever that turns out to be. A write-up of a mostly white riot in Portland would perhaps be incomplete with a note about the occupation of a remote outpost in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in protest of federal prosecutors reneging on a plea deal with two ranchers who had set a fire on their property that spread onto federal land, appealing the sentences handed down in favor for longer ones. Those protesters were called "terrorists" by many left-wing commentators because they were armed. The hashtag #OregonUnderAttack went viral. No one has suggested Oregon, or Portland, have been under attack tonight, nor has anyone called the protesters or rioters terrorists. But as usual, one side has created a precedent when it was convenient rhetorically in the short term that can be used by the other side with as much, if not more, effect. If anti-Trump protesters are concerned about the powers Trump will inherit, President Obama and the Congress have two and a half months to try to get something accomplished in terms of limiting executive power. The prospect is unlikely already. Directionless protests make the prospect less likely, and also place efforts at reducing government power after Trump is in office at a disadvantage. Although protesters may be more interesting in expressing their feelings, including by rioting, than reducing government power and constraining the office of the president. Vandalized cars, smashed windows: Anti-Trump protest in Portland proclaimed ‘riot’ (PHOTOS, VIDEO): Some 4,000 people started their protest at Pioneer Courthouse Square and moved to northeast Portland, according to The Oregonian daily. Insanity: ‘About time for an assassination’: Trump death threats swamp Twitter ; Numerous disgruntled Americans have taken to Twitter to encourage the murder of Donald Trump, echoing the reaction to Barack Obama’s 2008 election victory, albeit from a different side of the political spectrum. Middle School students chant 'Build that wall' : "Tears were running down my face," said Josie, who is Mexican-American. "I was so upset. A friend went to the bathroom crying. Obama’s post-presidential $5.3 mn Washington mansion : Photos: Realtors estimated that the residence would cost about $22,000 a month. It’s not known if Obama, who has a net worth of up to $7 million, and is entitled to a presidential pension of $203,700 a year, is paying the going rate.
Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Donors And Bill’s “For-Profit” Activities
Leaked Memo Exposes Shady Dealings Between Clinton Foundation Donors And Bill’s “For-Profit” Activities Zero Hedge We have written frequently in recent weeks about a feud that erupted between Chelsea Clinton and Doug Band back in 2011 after Chelsea raised concerns about potential conflicts of interest between Band's firm, Teneo, the Clinton Foundation and the State Department (see here , here, here and here ). The feud ultimately resulted in Band being forced to draft a memo spelling out, in vivid detail, the many entangled relationships between himself, Teneo, the Clinton Foundation and the State Department. Fortunately, today's Wikileaks dump included that memo which reveals, for the first time, the precise financial flows between the Clinton Foundation, Band’s firm Teneo Consulting, and the Clinton family’s private business endeavors. The memo starts with a brief background on Teneo, which was created in June 2011, shortly after Declan Kelly resigned from his position as "United States Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland," a position to which he was appointed by Secretary Clinton. In June 2009, DK Consulting was founded by Declan Kelley. Mr. Kelly served as COO of FTI Consulting until June 2009, when he stepped down and established DK Consulting. At that time, he also became the United States Economic Envoy to Northern Ireland . Pursuant to the terms of his exit agreement with FTI and consistent with the ethics agreement of his uncompensated special government employee appointment at the State Department, Mr. Kelly retained and continued to provide services to three paying clients ( Coke, Dow, and UBS ) and one pro bono client (Allstate) . In late 2009, Declan retained me as a consultant to DK Consulting to help support the needs of these clients. In May 2011, Mr. Kelly resigned his Envoy position at the State Department. In June 2011, Mr. Kelly and I founded Teneo Strategies ; simultaneously, Mr. Kelly closed DK Consulting and shifted its clients to Teneo. Throughout the past almost 11 years since President Clinton left office, I have sought to leverage my activities, including my partner role at Teneo, to support and to raise funds for the Foundation . This memorandum strives to set forth how I have endeavored to support the Clinton Foundation and President Clinton personally. In a subsequent section of the memo entitled "Leveraging Teneo For The Foundation," Band spells all of the donations he solicited from Teneo "clients" for the Clinton Foundation. In all, there are roughly $14mm of donations listed with the largest contributors being Coca-Cola, Barclays, The Rockefeller Foundation and Laureate International Universities. The donations from Dow Chemical are particularly notable for several reasons. First, because of other emails revealed by WikiLeaks and other FOIA requests, we now know that Dow Chemical CEO, Andrew Liveris, was granted special access to then Secretary Clinton back in July 2009 at the same time he was embroiled in ongoing litigation with another Clinton Foundation donor, Kuwait, over a failed joint-venture that would have netted Dow $9BN in cash . As Band notes in his memo, 1 month after being granted special access to Secretary Clinton, Liveris invited President Clinton and Band out for a day of golf. Moreover, shortly after his meeting with Secretary Clinton and golf outing with President Clinton, Liveris decided to donate $500,000 to the Clinton Global Initiative ...very convenient timing for all involved. In August of 2009, Mr. Kelly invited Mr. Liveris to play golf with President Clinton and me. Mr. Kelly subsequently asked Dow to become a CGI sponsor at the $500,000 level, which they did , as well as making a $150,000 donation to the Foundation for President Clinton to attend a Dow dinner in Davos. The story gets even more bizarre when Band reveals in the following footnote that Liveris provided the Dow Chemical plane to fly President Clinton and his staff from New York to California and then California to North Korea for their golf outing . We would assume this is a simple typo by Band and/or he's just geographically challenged...if not, this certainly raises a whole other set of questions for Bill. Mr. Liveris provided the Dow plane to fly President Clinton and his staff to and from California for our trip to, and from, North Korea . As a private trip, the Foundation had to pay the costs of airfare; Mr. Liveris’ in kind contribution saved the Foundation in excess of $100,000 . According to the Dialy Caller , Dow Chemical paid Teneo $2.8 million in 2011 and $16 million in 2012 for a variety of "consultancy services". Of course, Bill Clinton was an honorary chairman of Teneo and, as such, was set to be paid $3.5 million for that position even though he ultimately only kept $100,000 because of the scandals that erupted around the firm, including their advisory relationship with MF Global. Finally, Band also offers the following commentary on the "$50 million in for-profit activity" he was able to secure for Bill Clinton (as of November 2011) as well as the "$66 million in future contracts, should he choose to continue with those engagements." Independent of our fundraising and decision-making activities on behalf of the Foundation, we have dedicated ourselves to helping the President secure and engage in for-profit activities – including speeches, books, and advisory service engagements . In that context, we have in effect served as agents, lawyers, managers and implementers to secure speaking, business and advisory service deals. In support of the President’s for-profit activity, we also have solicited and obtained, as appropriate, in-kind services for the President and his family – for personal travel, hospitality, vacation and the like. Neither Justin nor I are separately compensated for these activities (e.g., we do not receive a fee for, or percentage of, the more than $50 million in for-profit activity we have personally helped to secure for President Clinton to date or the $66 million in future contracts, should he choose to continue with those engagements). With respect to business deals for his advisory services, Justin and I found, developed and brought to President Clinton multiple arrangements for him to accept or reject. Of his current 4 arrangements, we secured all of them; and, we have helped manage and maintain all of his for-profit business relationships. Since 2001, President Clinton’s business arrangements have yielded more than $30 million for him personally, with $66 million to be paid out over the next nine years should he choose to continue with the current engagements. A big part of those "for-profit" activities was a $3.5mm annual payment from Laureate... ...and millions in speaking fees arranged by Band. Confused? Here is a simpler recap from the NYT's Nick Confessore: This Doug Band memo, in the latest Podesta dump, is the Rosetta stone of the Teneo-Clinton Foundation complex. https://t.co/a1g3nSoGPM — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 Band's argument: I am not get fully compensated for all of the stuff I do for Clintonworld, so you should let me do Teneo. Everyone wins. — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 Now, you could argue: So what? If Band gets his clients to pop over money to a charity, why is that bad? — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 But consider that Band was selling his clients on idea that giving to foundation was, in essence, a way to bolster their influence. — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 Clinton & Band built a platform for executives to bolster their companies' images, bathe in BC's praise, and do some good, while... — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 ...Teneo extracted earnings for Band and, depending on what you see in these e-mails, Clinton himself. Teneo paid Clinton until late '11. — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 I guess you can wave it all off as a nothingburger. But Chelsea Clinton and some of Clinton's other aides were clearly freaking out. — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 Generally, the emails show Clinton's *own closest aides* troubled or horrified by things that her surrogates have spent years waving off. — Nick Halloween (@nickconfessore) October 26, 2016 With that, we look forward to Donna Brazile's explanation of how this is all just an attempt to "criminalize behavior that is normal."
‘Lunch Shaming’: Schools Punish Poor Kids Who Can’t Pay For Lunch With Appalling Humiliation (VIDEO)
As we all know, there are many children in America who cannot afford school lunch. Some of these kids are lucky (and I use the term loosely) to qualify for free or reduced price school lunches. Others are not. To qualify for these government-sanctioned programs, the children have to be from a family whose income is no more than 30% above the poverty line. That means that a family of four can make no more than $32,000 a year to qualify. Any adult living in America today understands that this is a very difficult in fact, damn near impossible amount of money to live on. So, this leads to many children around the country going through the lunch line at school with the inability to pay. However, the tactics used to solve this issue are downright appalling, and they are being deployed all over the nation.A practice referred to as lunch shaming is being used to humiliate poor children around the nation for their inability to pay for their lunches. Some kids are stamped in the lunch line with stamps that say things like, I need lunch money. Others are forced to clean tables in the cafeteria in front of other students. Still others even have their hot lunches thrown out for their inability to pay.All this serves to do is humiliate already struggling children for things that are far beyond their control. Further, in the cases where the lunches are thrown out, the kids are forced to go hungry. Even worse, some of these kids only get fed at school, so that means that they are literally starving when their one source of food is denied to them.This kind of thing has lifelong effects. Luckily, New Mexico has become the first state to try to put a stop to the practice of lunch shaming. They have introduced legislation that would outlaw the practice, and would make it illegal to engage in any conversations regarding a student s ability to pay for lunch at school with anyone but the student s parents or guardians.The entire nation needs to follow in New Mexico s footsteps. The fact that this sort of thing is happening in the United States of America at all is disgraceful. We should all be ashamed.Watch the video report on this practice below, via AJ+ on Twitter:Children are being shamed for not having lunch money across the U.S. pic.twitter.com/4uSyIJYIGI AJ+ (@ajplus) April 17, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
Mosul will not be taken, ISIS will not be destroyed
Mosul will not be taken, ISIS will not be destroyed 27.10.2016 In June of 2014, the world was amazed to see the Iraq army - armed and trained by the Americans - losing ground to the Islamic State. Fallujah, Ramadi and Iraq's second largest city, Mosul , fell within a month. The operation to liberate Mosul was launched on October 16. Will the city be liberated from ISIS terrorists?In 2014, the whole world started talking about the emergence of new terrorists . The world could not destroy them as the Americans wanted to use the new terrorists to their advantage to struggle against geopolitical rivals - Iran and Russia. Now we can see the Americans trying to take Mosul. The Western press is full of rosy expectations about the imminent collapse of the Islamic State" (a terrorist organization banned in Russia). Fallujah and Ramadi have been liberated - one only has to take the two-million-strong Mosul, and the trick is done. Yet, the trick does not seem to be that simple. Firstly, Mosul is a city with a Sunni population in the Shiite-ruled country. This is the first resistance factor. Secondly, Mosul is the actual capital of the Islamic State - this is a city, the status of which determines the status of the Islamists. Therefore, there will be fierce battles, a humanitarian catastrophe and up to one million refugees. This is where Russia will be able to draw a parallel with Aleppo - something the Americans will not like. In pictures: The storm of Mosul, Iraq Nevertheless, if we do not see all that, and 9,000 ISIS fighters will leave Mosul, it will mean that they have been affiliated with Turkey and the United States. It is not hard to guess where the Turks and the Americans will send them to - to Syria: Deir ez-Zor, Palmyra, Damascus. Will there be US flag draped coffins coming from Iraq? The city is being stormed by motley and, one might even say, hostile forces . No one knows how they may fight for power during the operation. An Iraqi anonymous observer in Baghdad said that "the offensive on Mosul looks hopeless, but one pins all their hopes on the support from the US, The Independent wrote. At least 12 US generals and 5,000 American troops are in Iraq, and they will play a crucial role in the fight. Five thousand is a lot, but what if the Americans start suffering losses? "The Iraqis say that Mosul is their center. The Kurds say that the city is their center," Semyon Bagdasarov, an expert on Central Asia and the Middle East at the Center for Analytical Research told Pravda.Ru. Peshmerga (the Kurdish militia - ed.) is the core strength: five thousand Kurds are attacking Mosul, and what they will take will be their territory. The Kurdistan Workers' Party is also involved, and they are not going to share with anyone. All these are hostile parties, including the Turkish army and the Sunni militia. In general, it is total chaos." According to Colonel Tim Collins, a former officer in the British Army, who fought in Iraq in 2003, currently the chief of the security service at New Century, the conflict may exacerbate further against the background of the conflict between the Turks and the Kurds. The Iranians would like to see this problem by increasing their influence on Iraq. The Syrians want to punish the Sunnis, the Iraqi army wants to restore its reputation, the colonel said in an interview with CNN. General Qasem Soleimani of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards could be one of the winners, Collins believes. Whoever becomes the victor in Mosul, the Islamic State will not be defeated , even if ISIS loses Mosul. The organization will recover in Libya, Afghanistan, Indonesia, the Philippines and elsewhere - whenever Washington needs those terrorists. They will not stop recruiting new members across the globe, because the Americans continue spreading their ideology to the Islamic world. Will Europe rebel against Washington, or will it continue to suffer from refugees and Jihadists? Lyuba Lulko Read article on the Russian version of Pravda.Ru Russia to save Iraq from ISIS
HILLARY CLINTON’S BATTLE PLAN: Use Her Sex Offender Husband And Slimy Racist Barack Obama As Her Attack Dogs
Do you think it s a good idea for Hillary to bring in Bill and Barack to help with the campaign? This could backfire on her. You ve got Bill who s a serial sex offender and Barack who s the world president in American history. I just have a feeling the American people are 100% FED Up! with these politicians. Hillary Clinton has begun drawing up a battle plan for how to defeat Donald Trump in a general election, which will include unleashing her husband and President Barack Obama as attack dogs. As she seeks to become the first female US president Mrs Clinton will portray Mr Trump as a misogynist with a temper who ruthlessly preyed on the working class to make his billions.Mr Obama has made clear he is eager to attack Mr Trump as not up to the job of president. Mrs Clinton herself has already started using a rallying call to contrast with Mr Trump s slogan Make America Great Again . She has started telling audiences: Make America Whole Again. Television advertisements are planned showing Mr Trump exploiting employees, making derogatory statements about women, and having tantrums that would make voters question his suitability for possessing the nuclear codes. Investigators have been assigned to look through decades of Mr Trump s financial filings with the securities and exchange commission. Mr Trump has also started turning his fire on Mrs Clinton, calling for her to be criminally prosecuted over her use of a private email server when she was US secretary of state. In a general election he will remorselessly bring up her husband s sex scandal from the 1990s.Read more: Telegraph
New Information Shows Comey’s Campaign-Ending Clinton FBI Probe Was COMPLETELY Political (DETAILS)
We are stuck with Donald Trump as the most dangerous and incompetent president in history for either the next four years or until he is impeached. If he is impeached, we re stuck with a bona fide theocrat in Mike Pence. It didn t have to be this way, though, and we quite possibly have one man to thank for it: Federal Bureau of Investigation Director James Comey.By now, we are all aware that the insane probe into Hillary Clinton s private email server was closed in July. Despite much GOP hand-wringing, it was found that there was nothing to see there. However, despite his decision not to pursue criminal charges, Comey took an unprecedented step and held a press conference telling the American people that Hillary was reckless in her actions in a scathing rebuke that, of course, would turn voters who were on the fence against her. In addition to that, just eleven days out from Election Day, Comey sent a letter to Congress, which of course made it into the press, saying that he may be re-opening the probe due to some nonsense about Hillary s aide, Huma Abedin, and her husband Anthony Weiner s computer in a completely unrelated investigation. Of course, nothing was there, but the damage was already done. This could very well be what tipped the election in favor of Donald Trump in the minds of undecided voters. After all, plenty of people made up their minds at the last minute.One attorney is, quote, appalled at Comey s actions. After filing a Freedom of Information Act request to have the warrant for Hillary s emails released, Randy Schoenberg of Los Angeles, California, says of what the FBI Director did, via USA Today: I see nothing at all in the search warrant application that would give rise to probable cause, nothing that would make anyone suspect that there was anything on the laptop beyond what the FBI had already searched and determined not to be evidence of a crime, nothing to suggest that there would be anything other than routine correspondence between Clinton and Abedin, Schoenberg said in an email to USA TODAY. It remains unknown why they thought they might find evidence of a crime, why they felt it necessary to inform Congress, and why they even sought this search warrant, he said. I am appalled. The FBI s Manhattan office did not immediately return a call seeking comment.Brian Fallon, who of course was a Clinton campaign official, echoed these sentiments via Twitter, saying that unsealed filings regarding Huma s emails reveals Comey s intrusion on the election was as utterly unjustified as we suspected at time. So, in other words, it is very possible that Comey did this in an effort to tip the scales in Trump s favor. Then again, considering that there was an entire article written during the campaign saying that the FBI is Trumpland, this really should be no surprise whatsoever. If they wanted to tilt things to Trump, they had the perfect way to do it, especially considering all of the horrible news coming out about Trump.These revelations are especially damning, considering that it has now been revealed that the FBI withheld information regarding an investigation into Trump and his campaign s ties to Russia. To that end, Comey definitely messed with our democracy in what is beginning to look like a criminal act. They hated Hillary so much at the FBI that the director himself manipulated the electoral process to give us a Trump presidency.James Comey needs to be investigated himself, but of course that isn t going to happen under a GOP White House, Department of Justice, and Congress.Shame on you, Director Comey. Representative Maxine Waters was right you have no credibility, and should resign immediately.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
FLASHBACK: CNN HOST Concerned Working Americans “Are Going To Vote For Donald Trump Again” After Getting Bonuses and Pay Raises
CNN s Allyson Camerota expressed her concern about how the tax breaks for Americans will harm the Democrats chances of winning in the mid-term elections with Michigan s Democrat Congresswoman Debbie Dingell.Camerota appeared somewhat panicked, as she started out her segment whining to Dingell about bonuses and pay raises that Americans will receive as a result of Trump s GOP tax bill: Just, ever since the tax reform was announced, or the tax overhaul, or whatever you want to call it, there have been this whole slew of companies that have come forward and saying, Guess what? We re going to give out bonuses, now, to our employees. I mean, I have just a partial list in front of me, and there s nine companies on here from AT&T, to Boeing, to Comcast, Bank of America, Sinclair, Wells Fargo, PNC. There s all sorts of companies that say they re going to give something to a thousand dollars worth of bonuses to their hundreds of thousands of employees. Fifth Bank Corp is gonna boost the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Obviously, they could have done this before the tax overhaul was announced. They were sitting on profits. But they didn t, they did it when the tax overhaul was announced. And I m wondering if you, as a Democrat are you worried about the wind in their sails? People vote with their pocketbooks. I don t have to tell you this. So if you get a thousand dollar bonus, you re voting for Donald Trump again. Although Rep. Debbie Dingell (D-MI) voted against the tax cut bill, she smartly responded to Camerota s question by saying that she s never going to complain that any working man or woman will get an extra boost in their, uh, income. Dingell then told Camerota that at some point a lot of people are still going to see a tax increase at some point. Camerota interrupted her to say, Years from now Years from now! Well after the mid-terms. So couldn t this carry Republicans through the mid-terms? RT @RealSaavedra: CNN "journalist" Allisyn Camerota frets over how many businesses are giving back to their employees as a result of the tax cuts and worries it may help GOP. #TheFive #Tucker #SpecialReport pic.twitter.com/xUHXHHJ8wk Tosca Austen (@ToscaAusten) December 26, 2017Businesses and major corporations tweeted about bonuses and pay raises they would be giving their employees as a direct result of Trump s GOP tax reform bill that was passed without a single Democrat vote:Here is AT&T s full statement: Boening announced on Twitter that a $300M employee-related and charitable investment as a result of TaxReform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future:#Boeing announces $300M employee-related and charitable investment as a result of #TaxReform legislation to support our heroes, our homes and our future. pic.twitter.com/ZNawbAW7AY The Boeing Company (@Boeing) December 20, 2017
MOTHER OF THE YEAR Hires Stripper For 8 Year Old’s Birthday Party [VIDEO]
Is this not considered child abuse?As birthday entertainment, a black Florida mom hired a stripper to bump and grind her 8-year old son and his friends. I know someone who is getting one of those World s Best Mom coffee mugs this Mother s Day.According to the NY Daily News a Tampa Bay, FL mom is taking considerable flak for posting a video from her son s 8th birthday party. The March 24th video showing a stripper shaking her big ass in a little kid s face has since been deleted, but since the Internet is forever, several others have re-posted it.Via: DownTrend
Trump to spare U.S. 'dreamer' immigrants from crackdown
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump’s administration plans to consider almost all illegal immigrants subject to deportation, but will leave protections in place for immigrants known as “dreamers” who entered the United States illegally as children, according to official guidelines released on Tuesday. The Department of Homeland Security guidance to immigration agents is part of a broader border security and immigration enforcement plan in executive orders that Republican Trump signed on Jan. 25. Former President Barack Obama, a Democrat, issued an executive order in 2012 that protected 750,000 immigrants who had been brought into the United States illegally by their parents. Trump has said the issue is “very difficult” for him. Trump campaigned on a pledge to get tougher on the estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the United States, playing on fears of violent crime while promising to build a wall on the border with Mexico and to stop potential terrorists from entering the country. Trump’s planned measures against illegal immigrants have drawn protests, such as an event last week that activists called “A Day Without Immigrants” to highlight the importance of foreign-born people, who account for 13 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 40 million naturalized American citizens. A banner declaring “Refugees Welcome” was posted on the base of the Statue of Liberty, a symbol of American acceptance of immigrants, before park rangers removed it on Tuesday, WABC television reported. DHS officials, on a conference call with reporters, said that although any immigrant in the country illegally could be deported, the agency will prioritize those deemed a threat. These include recent entrants, those convicted of a crime and people charged but not convicted of a crime. Some details of the guidelines were detailed in a draft memo seen on Saturday. Many of the instructions will not be implemented immediately because they depend on Congress, a public comment period or negotiations with other nations, the officials said. Mexican immigration officials immediately objected to part of the new rules. The guidance also calls for the hiring of 10,000 more U.S. Immigration and Customs (ICE) agents and 5,000 more U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents. The DHS will need to publish a notice in the Federal Register subject to review in order to implement one part of the plan that calls on ICE agents to increase the number of immigrants who are not given a hearing before being deported. The new rules would subject immigrants who cannot show they have been in the country for more than two years to “expedited removal.” Currently, only migrants apprehended near a U.S. border who cannot show they have been in the country more than 14 days are subject to rapid removal. The memos also instruct ICE to detain migrants who are awaiting a court decision on whether they will be deported or granted relief, such as asylum. DHS officials said they are reviewing what jurisdictions may have laws in place that prevent the amount of time immigrants can be held. The agency also plans to send non-Mexican migrants crossing the southern U.S. border back into Mexico as they await a decision on their case. The DHS officials said this plan would be dependent on partnerships with the Mexican government and would not be implemented overnight. The guidelines were released a day before U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly were due in Mexico City for talks with President Enrique Pena Nieto and Mexican officials. An official from Mexico’s Foreign Ministry said the government would tell Kelly’s team to that it was “impossible” for Mexico to accept deportees or asylum applicants from foreign countries, and would ask them to explain their plan. The deportation of Mexicans would be one of the government’s major concerns at the meeting, said the official, who declined to be named. A spokeswoman from the Foreign Ministry did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Trump Tells China To Keep Our Navy Drone And Gets POUNDED For Being So Unstable
Donald Trump just proved once again that he is unfit to be president.Earlier this week, the Chinese Navy intercepted a United States oceanographic drone in the South China Sea.The federal government formally and politely requested that China give us our drone back.Trump, on the other hand, accused China of stealing the drone and demanded its return.China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters rips it out of water and takes it to China in unprecedented act. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 17, 2016For some reason, Donald Trump is trying to pick a fight with China, which would be disastrous for our economy and national security if he ever pissed China off enough to provoke them into retaliating.Anyway, China has announced that they are going to give our drone back to us, but that not good enough for Trump anymore.Whether drunk or sleep deprived, Trump posted another tweet telling China not to bother giving it back and told them they should just keep the drone, which contradicts the United States government request that China give it back.We should tell China that we don t want the drone they stole back.- let them keep it! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 18, 2016Seriously, Trump just doesn t know when to keep his mouth shut.But some Twitter users were quick to mock him for his idiocy..@realDonaldTrump A) complain ab the drone B) get drone back C) complain they gave it back D) complete tantrum with punctuation error Isaac Saul (@Ike_Saul) December 18, 2016He s a damn child. Christ. Annoying Cubs Fan (@TimBaffoe) December 18, 2016@realDonaldTrump Moron. Matty Granger (@reverendmatty) December 18, 2016How does that make sense, @realDonaldTrump? Maybe we should just stop trying to pick fights with foreign governments on Twitter instead? David G. McAfee (@DavidGMcAfee) December 18, 2016lolwut @realDonaldTrump https://t.co/iQxzWFFlFx Charles Johnson (@Green_Footballs) December 18, 2016@Green_Footballs @realDonaldTrump Another day, another unhinged meltdown by our President elect. pic.twitter.com/2WKKebpD0K This Is Not Normal (@NetworkJunkyz) December 18, 2016@realDonaldTrump Imagine a drunk driver with the entire world in the passenger seat. Peter Beinart (@PeterBeinart) December 18, 2016@advodude I would rather a drone have been elected. Davison (@DavisonVideo) December 18, 2016.@realDonaldTrump go to bed Donald. Tom Knight (@TJ_Knight) December 18, 2016@realDonaldTrump hello, China. Yes, we know this guy s our next president but can you please ignore him so the world doesn t blow up Peter Beinart (@PeterBeinart) December 18, 2016@realDonaldTrump Why did you act like a little bitch about it earlier about it being unpresidented ?Don t you have better things to do? ? ? (@VeeVee) December 18, 2016@realDonaldTrump Every time your baby hands get near your phone you put lives at risk. Delete your account. Andrew W Chamings (@AndrewChamings) December 18, 2016Donald Trump is too unstable to be president. Clearly, he is desperately trying to distract us from the fact that he is illegitimate because Russia helped him steal the election. Now he s trying to start a war with China, the most populous nation on Earth. Someone needs to take Trump s phone away before he starts a fight he can t finish.Featured Image: Steve Pope/Getty Images
Pentagon chief wants streamlined, more nimble U.S. military structure
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter on Tuesday called for changes in the U.S. military that would cut inefficiencies, streamline the acquisition process and improve the ability to respond quickly to threats such as Islamic State. The proposals by Carter, speaking to an audience at Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank in Washington, cut across all branches of the Defense Department because they affect its top leadership and service chiefs. He said some of the measures could be put in place “over the coming weeks” under existing authority while others will require legislative action. Some of the proposals aim to overcome organizational inefficiencies within the vast U.S. military that Carter believes do not allow it to best address transregional threats like the one from the Islamic State militant group, which stretches from Afghanistan to Africa. Carter’s proposals, which did not go into specifics, follow a review of the Goldwater-Nichols law of 1986, which made sweeping changes to the structure of the U.S. military and has been criticized for being outdated. Senator John McCain, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, looking at whether Goldwater-Nichols needed to be updated because of changing security threats including Islamic State and North Korea. Carter said the role of chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ought to be clarified to help move troops quickly across regional commands and provide military advice for current and future operations. He said the Pentagon would try to simplify some headquarters positions so that some jobs now filled by four-star generals could be done by lower-ranking officers in the future. Carter added that service chiefs would be involved more in making decisions on defense acquisitions. He said the Pentagon would seek to streamline the acquisitions process by reducing the amount of paperwork required. In order to make the acquisition process simpler, Carter said he would look at potentially reducing the number of members on the Defense Acquisition Board, which gives advice on acquisition programs. In recent congressional testimony, Michele Flournoy, a former top U.S. Department of Defense official, said the Goldwater-Nichols law was leading to a “tyranny of consensus” and “bloated headquarters.” Reaching a consensus had “become an end in itself in too many areas,” including strategy development and acquisition, she said in her written testimony.
Iraqi Forces Enter Falluja, Encountering Little Fight From ISIS - The New York Times
BAGHDAD — Iraqi forces quickly entered central areas of Falluja on Friday after weeks of battling the Islamic State, fighting that had forced thousands of civilians to flee and overwhelmed the ability of aid agencies to care for them. Reporting little resistance from Islamic State fighters, counterterrorism forces raised the Iraqi flag over the main government building in central Falluja, officers and state television reports said. They said that forces moved on to besiege the city’s main hospital, which was the first target of American forces when they invaded the city in 2004 and in recent months has served as a headquarters complex for the Islamic State. The rapid and unexpected gains suggested a shift in tactics by the Sunni extremists of the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, or perhaps a sign of their weakness, as they abandoned their positions and regrouped in western neighborhoods of Falluja. That allowed thousands of civilians, who aid groups had said were being held as human shields, to flee across two bridges over the Euphrates River beginning on Thursday. Though the battle appeared far from over, Iraqi commanders on the ground were optimistic that the advance, which had slowed in the face of Islamic State snipers, roadside bombs and tunnel networks that allowed fighters to move around undetected, would continue. “ISIS has lost its power to defend Falluja,” Col. Jamal Lateef, a police commander in Anbar Province, said in an interview. “Its defensive lines have collapsed, and the battle of Falluja will be over in no time. ” Lt. Gen. Adbulwahab a commander of Iraq’s counterterrorism forces who is in charge of the Falluja operation, said in a brief telephone interview that “ISIS has collapsed in Falluja very fast,” and that his forces were moving to northern and western neighborhoods. The United States, which has led a coalition targeting the Islamic State with airstrikes for almost two years in Iraq, has supported the battle for Falluja with air power, even as it has raised concerns about the role of Shiite militias backed by Iran in the fight. Washington has expressed fear that the participation of Shiite forces in assaulting a Sunni city like Falluja would heighten sectarian tensions. Col. Christopher C. Garver, an American military spokesman in Baghdad, said coalition airstrikes on Friday aided the taking of the government building in Falluja by knocking out two heavy machine guns nearby that were slowing the advance of Iraqi forces. “There will still be tough fighting ahead in the days coming,” Colonel Garver said. Referring to the Islamic State in Falluja, he said: “It’s certainly not one big amorphous mass. You have different fighters making different decisions for themselves. ” Prime Minister Haider was quick to declare victory, even as he acknowledged that there was still resistance in the city. In a speech Friday night, he said, “Falluja has come back to the country’s bosom,” and vowed to focus on the next Islamic State target, the city of Mosul. Falluja, a major population center just 40 miles west of Baghdad, has been in the hands of the Islamic State since the end of 2013, longer than any other settlement in its caliphate that straddles parts of Iraq and Syria. The city was a stronghold, and something of a birthplace, for Al Qaeda in Iraq, the precursor of the Islamic State that formed after the United States invasion in 2003. In Falluja, the Islamic State exploited the grievances of the Sunni population toward the sectarian policies of the former prime minister, Nuri Kamal and was able to rapidly take control of the city two and a half years ago after Iraqi security forces assaulted a protest camp in the city. Officials speculated that the change in the complexion of the battle might have been because local tribal fighters who had been loyal to the Islamic State’s leadership and its transnational ambitions had now distanced themselves from the group’s foreign fighters. Or at least, the officials surmised, the tribal fighters had come to believe that victory by the Iraqi government was inevitable and were trying to get their families to safety. Lise Grande, the United Nations’ humanitarian coordinator for Iraq, said she was receiving reports that perhaps 10, 000 families, or 60, 000 people, were on the move toward areas of western Anbar Province, where camps for the displaced are already overwhelmed and lack basic supplies, such as tents and clean drinking water. Karl Schembri, a spokesman for the Norwegian Refugee Council in Baghdad, said that, beginning on Thursday, Islamic State militants had been withdrawing from positions inside the city, allowing civilians to begin fleeing. Mr. Schembri said they had withdrawn from checkpoints at two bridges on the Euphrates, “and then people could just walk out. ” He expressed concern for the thousands of civilians stuck in the city, including those that are unable to walk out on their own — the elderly, disabled and pregnant. Referring to the militants, he said, “We don’t know where they have gone to or what their plan is. ” Tens of thousands of civilians have now fled Falluja since an offensive began late last month, and most have reached camps that are running low on supplies. There are also growing concerns of diseases because of a lack of clean drinking water. Civilians in Falluja had also lived for months under siege conditions, without enough food or medicine, and many children have not been vaccinated for conditions like measles. According to Mr. Schembri, who has spoken to doctors recently in the camps, the majority of displaced civilians arrive with ailments like diarrhea, the flu and skin rashes. The latest exodus of civilians has not only added to the grave humanitarian crisis that has been unfolding for weeks in Anbar Province, but it has also presented a serious security challenge to the Iraqi government’s ability to carry out security screenings of civilians so that Islamic State militants are not able to escape by blending in. It has been a longstanding, and controversial, practice of the Iraqi authorities to separate men and boys from women, children and the elderly, among those fleeing Islamic State areas. The boys and men are taken to detention centers where they are interrogated about any ties to the Islamic State. The process is seen as necessary for security reasons, but vulnerable to abuses, especially if the Shiite militias take part. There have already been some abuses: Sunni officials have said that many men have been tortured by the militias, and the governor of Anbar Province has said that 49 men have been executed. A spokesman for Prime Minister Abadi has said that some people suspected of abuse have been arrested as a result. But with so many people fleeing in recent days, the ability of the security forces to carry out adequate screening has been strained, raising concerns that militants are also escaping amid the flow of the civilian population. Sajad Jiyad, who runs an Iraqi research organization, the Center, and who sometimes advises the office of Mr. Abadi, wrote on Twitter on Friday, referring to the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State, “Daesh fighters escaping as civilians is a massive concern. ”
Hillary Clinton: My Young Supporters Are “F*cking Dumb”
0 comments Well, I would have to agree with the Clinton camp on this one, for what will probably be the first and last time ever. Her supporters are “f*cking dumb”… A new email released by Wikileaks as part of the Podesta dump reveals what the Clinton campaign really thinks of their millennial supporters. Marketing Executive Wendy Bronfein, who was introduced to Clinton campaign manager John Podesta in another email as someone who “could be immensely helpful in improving HRC’s connection to millennials,” advises on how to reach “f**king dumb” young people. According to infowars , Bronfein tells Podesta that Clinton “may not be the best face” to attract younger voters and that she needs to utilize “trending figures” as part of an “infusion to pull younger voters” because “that’s the crap that young people pay attention to.” She goes on to state, “It’s f**king dumb but being “cool” counts for more than it maybe should.” “I hate to generalize a generation but by social media nature, they “follow”. So if someone they identify as cool endorses – they will likely fall in line with that candidate,” writes Bronfein. Take a look… This is not the first time Clinton and her team have demeaned their own voter base. It was revealed in another email that Clinton ally Brent Budowsky accused Hillary operative David Brock of having a plan that relied upon black voters being “stupid.” And in an audio recording leaked earlier this month, Hillary Clinton was caught on tape saying that Bernie Sanders supporters are “living in their parents’ basement” and had bought into a “false promise.” In yet another email, Clinton operative Bill Ivey spoke of the need to maintain political power by producing “an unaware and compliant citizenry.” Indeed, WikiLeaks has been the gift that keeps on giving. SHARE this report to EXPOSE what Hillary Clinton REALLY thinks of the people voting for her!
Tillerson says State Department spending 'simply not sustainable'
TOKYO (Reuters) - U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson said on Thursday the State Department’s current spending was “not sustainable,” and he willingly accepted the “challenge” President Donald Trump had given in proposing to cut more than a quarter of his agency’s budget. Trump’s budget proposal for the fiscal year beginning on Oct. 1 would cut 28 percent of the budget for U.S. diplomacy and foreign aid, according to documents provided by the White House. The combined budget for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) would be $25.6 billion. Speaking in Tokyo at the start of a trip to Asia focused on the threat from North Korea, Tillerson defended the cuts as a necessary correction to a “historically high” budget that had grown to address conflicts abroad in which the United States was engaged, as well as disaster aid. “Clearly the level of spending that the State Department has been undertaking, particularly in this past year, is simply not sustainable,” he said. “As time goes by, there will be fewer military conflicts that the U.S. will be directly engaged in.” The United States will also reduce spending by attracting funds from other countries and “other sources” to contribute to development aid and disaster assistance, Tillerson said. Trump’s budget would preserve $3.1 billion in security aid to Israel but reduce funding for the United Nations, climate change and cultural exchange programs. For a graphic on winners and losers in Trump's budget, click here: here Congress, which rules on the government’s purse strings and is controlled by Trump’s fellow Republicans, may reject some or many of the cuts to the State and USAID budgets, which pay for everything from maintaining America’s diplomatic corps to fighting poverty, promoting human rights and improving health in foreign nations. More than 120 retired U.S. generals and admirals urged Congress in a letter last month to fully fund diplomacy and foreign aid, arguing the functions were “critical to keeping America safe.” Several Republicans in Congress have expressed opposition to Trump’s plans to slash funding for diplomacy and foreign aid. Senator Lindsey Graham, the Republican chairman of the Senate subcommittee responsible for those budgets, said last month the proposal would be “dead on arrival” in Congress. Tillerson said there would be a “comprehensive examination” of how the State Department’s programs are executed and how the department is structured. He said the situation was challenging, but that he took on the challenge that Trump had given him “willingly.” “I’m confident that with the input of the men and women of the State Department we are going to construct a way forward that allows us to be much more effective, much more efficient and be able to do a lot with fewer dollars,” he said.
Ukraine summons Polish envoy as diplomatic row between neighbours deepens
WARSAW (Reuters) - Ukraine has summoned the Polish ambassador in Kiev after Poland denied entry to a Ukrainian official in an escalation of a diplomatic spat over the two neighbours troubled past. Poland s decision to refused entry on Saturday to the head of Ukraine s commemoration commission, Svyatoslav Sheremet, was in response to a ban imposed earlier this year by Kiev on the exhumation of Poles killed in Ukraine during World War Two, Polish state news agency PAP reported. The Ukrainian side has complained that Mr Sheremet was not allowed into Poland, Poland s ambassador to Kiev Jan Pieklo told PAP after the meeting with Ukrainian authorities. I have been also informed that this is a problem that concerns the restarting of exhumations because Sheremet is the person responsible for this, Pieklo said, adding that both sides had agreed that the exhumations should be restarted. In an apparent effort to mend ties, representatives of the Polish and Ukrainian presidents said on Friday that they reconfirmed their commitment to strengthening the strategic partnership . The parties agreed that the ban on the search and exhumation works in Ukraine should be lifted, the statement published on Friday said. The denial of entry to Sheremet came after the Polish foreign minister said earlier in November that Poland would bar Ukrainians with anti-Polish views . [L8N1N84EF] Poland last year passed a resolution that declared the World War Two-era killing of about 100,000 Polish men, women and children by units in the Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) genocide . Ukraine rejects that label, saying the killings were a result of bilateral hostilities.
Trump’s Longtime Adviser Officially Banned From Appearing On CNN For Being Too Racist
CNN announced it would be indefinitely banning one of Trump s biggest cheerleaders from ever appearing on their network for being too racist, too sexist, too violent, and too vulgar. Hey, it s the company you keep, right Trump?As a longtime friend and adviser to Trump and his presidential campaign, Roger Stone was a frequent guest on cable news. Unfortunately, he was also one of the world s biggest assholes. Taking his cue from Trump himself, Stone would often go on unhinged racist and sexist rants targeting enemies of Trump he saw in the media. Recently, Stone withdrew from Trump s campaign, but managed to still book himself on CNN at least seven times in the last month to viciously attack Trump s opponents.It s hard to imagine a more repugnant person being allowed to spread his toxic waste on television every other day. He makes no secret of his vileness. On Twitter, he s prone to ugly, violent outbursts at the drop of a hat. Much of his rage is focused on CNN employees. He s called commentator Ana Navarro an Entitled Diva Bitch and has repeatedly called former CNN commentator Roland Martin a negro. @ForTrump2016 @ananavarro no , she's a MORON. Borderline retarded. Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) February 19, 2016Who is this stupid negro Roland Martin ? Buffoon or token Buffoon ? #CNN Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) November 15, 2012After being very publicly called out by both Gawker and Media Matters, CNN finally woke up to the fact that they were promoting the racist, sexist agenda of a man who actively hated many of the people who worked at CNN and it s fellow news networks. In a statement, they announced they would be banning Stone, saying He will no longer appear on CNN. Stone managed to miss the chance to reflect on his own ugly behavior entirely. He blamed CNN s ban on Hillary Clinton.Funny seems the Clintons have ordered CNN not to interview me in the future because I am not PC #censorship https://t.co/ppr7o2hfCp Roger Stone (@RogerJStoneJr) February 23, 2016Trump, of course, is doing little to hide his own racist, sexist sensibilities. Not quite as vulgar as his friend Stone, Trump has managed to attack and smear almost any minority group he thinks he can get away with. His rhetoric has consistently bordered on the violent. Sometimes it spilled over. At a recent campaign event, he told the enthusiastic crowd that he wished he could punch a protester in the face. They crowd went nuts. He also promised as president he would bring back torture and send a private army to round up undocumented families and forcefully deport them.Stone might be too dumb to censor his ugly beliefs, but he and Trump seem to be very much on the same page when it comes to policy.Featured image via Gawker
Qatar's emir says ready to talk to end Gulf crisis
BERLIN (Reuters) - Qatar is ready to sit at the negotiating table to try to end a dispute with its Gulf Arab neighbors, Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad al-Thani said on Friday in Berlin. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Egypt and Bahrain cut diplomatic and trade links with Qatar on June 5, accusing the world s biggest exporter of liquefied natural gas of financing terrorism and cozying up to their arch-rival Iran. Doha denies the charges. Saudi Arabia s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman spoke by phone with Sheikh Tamim a week ago in what looked like a breakthrough. But Riyadh promptly suspended any dialogue with Doha, accusing it of distorting facts in its news agency s report of the interaction. As you know we have had a siege of more than 100 days against Qatar, Sheikh Tamim told a joint news conference with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin. We spoke about Qatar s readiness to sit at the table to solve this issue. For her part, Merkel said she was concerned that there was still no solution to the crisis, adding she supported efforts by Kuwait and the United States to mediate an end to the dispute. Sheikh Tamim also said he retained confidence in German firms and will hold on to stakes in Deutsche Bank and Volkswagen. Separately, Qatar s foreign ministry warned its citizens against traveling to Egypt, because it said the authorities there had imposed security measures on Qataris entering the country. It did not provide details in a statement.
Trump loves 'the poorly educated' ... and social media clamors
(Reuters) - U.S. presidential candidate Donald Trump’s declaration of love for “the poorly educated” in his Nevada victory speech lit up social media on Wednesday, sparking a battle between those dumbfounded by the remark and those saying it had been taken out of context. After winning the vote of the state’s Republicans by a wide margin on Tuesday, the real estate billionaire rattled off a list of those groups who swept him to victory: “We won with young. We won with old. We won with highly educated. We won with poorly educated. I love the poorly educated.” By Wednesday morning, the phrase “I LOVE THE POORLY EDUCATED” was trending heavily. On Twitter, it was tweeted roughly 15 times a minute, according to social media analytics firm Zoomph. "I am, by modern standards, poorly educated, and I think that Donald Trump is a threat to America," tweeted Aaron Camp (@AaronApolloCamp). Another Twitter user, Kat (@VTweddingPhoto), wrote, “This is an embarrassment. For the GOP and for us as Americans. The world is once again laughing.” Others said Trump’s remark was being taken out of context, as he also touted having won the support of “the highly educated.” "To be fair with Trump, he said 'I love the highly educated and the poorly educated'. Don't take it out of context," tweeted Super Bowl Champs (@Josh_D_Manning). Dan Slott (@DanSlott) was not swayed. “We won the poorly educated vote. I love the poorly educated” - Trump Not a joke. Not parody. Not out of context. Trump ACTUALLY said this.” Trump has won three of the four state-by-state Republican nominating contests, including Nevada, in the run-up to the party nominating convention in July and the Nov. 8 general election to succeed President Barack Obama.
Trump won't trade U.S. jobs for China's help on North Korea: Ross
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump does not intend to trade away U.S. jobs for China’s help on North Korea, U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Monday, adding that there were “constructive” talks with Beijing underway on trade issues. In an interview with CNBC, Ross rowed back from Trump’s comments in a CBS interview on Saturday that China’s help on North Korea “trumps trade.” Asked if the need for China’s help to contain threats from North Korea had made it more difficult to be tough with Beijing on trade issues, Ross said he did not think so. “We’ve been having some very constructive discussions on trade with the Chinese in parallel” to discussions on North Korea, Ross told CNBC. “I think what the president was trying to say is that we’re trying to have an overall constructive relationship with China on a variety of topics, the most pressing of which, because it directly involves human lives, is the North Korea situation. I don’t think he meant to indicate at all that he intends to trade away American jobs just for help on North Korea,” Ross said. Ross also reaffirmed that the administration intended to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, not withdraw from it. He called NAFTA “an ancient treaty” that does nothing to address the digital economy, very little to address services, and has many “obsolete” provisions, such as those on rules of origin, allowing in too many components and products from outside the United States, Canada and Mexico. He said, however, Mexico’s July 2018 national elections could become an obstacle if negotiations were not completed well before then. “The closer we get to the election, the more difficult it will be to get anything through,” Ross said. Asked about White House National Trade Council Director Peter Navarro’s role in trade policy, Ross said he was “not a trade negotiator,” but was working with the U.S. Trade Representative, and the Commerce Department as “a kind of triumvirate” on trade. Ross added that Navarro was spending a lot of time on “Buy American, Hire American” initiatives as part of his focus on U.S. trade deficits. Trump created the role for Navarro after he served as the principal economic advisor to his 2016 election campaign.
Man Yells ‘CNN is Fake News!’ During Live NYC Broadcast
21st Century Wire says It s no wonder that when the CNN news crew ventures out from beyond their cozy, Orwellian studio construct these moments of public ridicule and disdain tend to happen.The media interloper in the video frame was attempting to disrupt CNN s live broadcast from the streets of Lower Manhattan, near the scene of Tuesday s deadly truck attack.The street panel included CNN host Anderson Cooper and guest Michael Weiss, one of the network s terrorism experts and global regime change mascots. He s also a recent nominee of the 2017 Horace Greeley Award for Best Fake News Journalist.CNN can t seem to get it together when they go on-location for these breaking news stories, and it usually ends up looking bad for them time and again.WATCH: READ MORE ABOUT CNN FAKE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire CNN FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
RAPPER KANYE WEST Reveals His Choice For President During Concert…Crowd Goes Nuts! [Video]
I would have voted for Trump. Kanye West pic.twitter.com/g9qxaT7aRc billy (@billycrossover) November 18, 2016DONALD TRUMP HAD THIS FUNNY BIT TO SAY ABOUT KANYE EARLIER IN THE 2016 CAMPAIGN:Kanye and Trump are my heroes. #MAGA pic.twitter.com/xhgzNPdnP7 CHAR (@TrueCharLen) November 18, 2016
Trump allies say Mueller unlawfully obtained thousands of emails
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - An organization established for U.S. President Donald Trump’s transition to the White House said on Saturday the special counsel investigating allegations of Russian meddling in the 2016 election had obtained tens of thousands of emails unlawfully. Kory Langhofer, counsel to the transition team known as Trump for America, Inc. (TFA), wrote a letter to congressional committees to say Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s team had improperly received the emails from the General Services Administration (GSA), a government agency. Career staff members at the agency “unlawfully produced TFA’s private materials, including privileged communications, to the Special Counsel’s Office,” according to the letter, a copy of which was seen by Reuters. It said the materials included “tens of thousands of emails.” Trump’s transition team used facilities of the GSA, which helps manage the U.S. government bureaucracy, in the period between the Republican’s November presidential election victory and his inauguration in January. The Trump team’s accusation adds to the growing friction between the president’s supporters and Mueller’s office as it investigates whether Russia interfered in the election and if Trump or anyone on his team colluded with Moscow. Asked for comment, White House spokeswoman Sarah Sanders said: “We continue to cooperate fully with the special counsel and expect this process to wrap up soon.” The special counsel’s office waved off the transition team’s complaint. “When we have obtained emails in the course of our ongoing criminal investigation, we have secured either the account owner’s consent or appropriate criminal process,” said Peter Carr, spokesman for the special counsel’s office. The GSA did not respond immediately to a request for comment. Democrats say there is a wide-ranging effort by the president’s allies on Capitol Hill and in some media outlets to discredit Mueller’s investigation. Trump himself has loudly declared Mueller’s effort a waste of time. “There is absolutely no collusion. That has been proven,” Trump told reporters on Friday. Russia denies interfering in the election. On Friday, Representative Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, said he fears the committee’s Republican majority intends to close its investigation of the topic prematurely. Some Republicans have argued that Mueller is biased against Trump and should be fired. Langhofer’s letter was sent to the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, and the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform. It asked for Congress to act immediately “to protect future presidential transitions from having their private records misappropriated by government agencies, particularly in the context of sensitive investigations intersecting with political motives.” The letter said Mueller’s office obtained the emails despite the fact that it was aware the GSA did not own or control the records. It said the special counsel’s office has “extensively used the materials in question, including portions that are susceptible to claims of privilege” without notifying the Trump for America team. On the transition team were a number of aides who were later caught up in Mueller’s investigation, such as former national security adviser Michael Flynn. Flynn pleaded guilty this month to lying to the FBI about his contacts with Russia. Langhofer, the Trump transition team lawyer, wrote in his letter that the GSA’s transfer of materials was discovered on Dec. 12 and 13. The FBI had requested the materials from GSA staff on Aug. 23, asking for copies of the emails, laptops, cell phones and other materials associated with nine members of the Trump transition team responsible for national security and policy matters, the letter said. The FBI requested the materials of four additional senior members of the Trump transition team on Aug. 30, it said. Langhofer argued that, while such transition teams are involved in executive functions, they are considered private, non-profit organizations whose records are private and not subject to presidential records laws.
Mike Pence: Trump Is Probably Going To Torture People (VIDEO)
On Face The Nation, Mike Pence showed exactly how low the Trump administration is when he refused (again) to commit to the most basic part of human decency: Not, you know, torturing people. When asked unequivocally if Trump will torture people, he said We re going to have a president again who will never say what he s never going to do. That s right. He won t say no to internment camps. He won t say no to a nuclear first strike. And he won t say no to torture.Ask yourself: Is this the country we want to be right now?Here s the clip: Will Trump allow waterboarding? We re going to have a president who will never say what we ll never do, says Gov. Mike Pence. pic.twitter.com/GuFaQPXM8q Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) November 20, 2016A return to Bush-era strategies will see a return to Bush-era results. Instead of drones, there will be invasions. You think Benghazi was bad? Try over a dozen embassy attacks and dozens killed, not to mention 9/11. Trump wants to stop radical Islamic terrorists? Well, guess what, smart guy? Torture CREATES radical Islamic terrorists. When President Obama first took office in 2008, one of the first steps he took was to inform the American public about the Republican torture program which had occurred under George Bush, and to put a stop to it:In one of his first acts as president, Obama signed an executive order that banned the use of torture by the CIA And three months later, his administration released Justice Department memos that revealed some of the arguments that Bush administration lawyers used to approve them. (MSNBC)And even he was less than perfect on that count. Generally, this subject is something everyone can agree on: Torture is bad. Torture is inhuman. Torture removes any possibility of moral superiority in conflict. Inflicting torture upon someone under your power and control makes you no better than the enemy. And, furthermore, it doesn t work unless you re looking for confirmation bias, or looking to feed the xenophobic rage of sadistic bigots here at home.Trump s administration is going to drag us back as a country on every single issue. There has never been a moment, during any of our lifetimes, as important as this one to remember one simple thing: Democracy does not stop at the ballot box. 1.5 million more (and counting) voted for Hillary Clinton. It is a mistake in the system and the result of Republican rigging after the last census that even gave this demagogue public office. And it is our responsibility, for the future of our country, our children, and the world, to stop as much of what he tries to accomplish as is possible.Featured image via video screencapture
Episode #162 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘The Revolution Will Not Be Televised’ with guest Vanessa Beeley
Episode #162 of SUNDAY WIRE SHOW resumes this November 28, 2016 as host Patrick Henningsen brings a 3 HOURS special broadcast of LIVE power-packed talk radio on ACR LISTEN LIVE ON THIS PAGE AT THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULED SHOW TIMES:SUNDAYS 5pm-8pm UK Time | 12pm-3pm ET (US) | 9am-12pm PT (US)This week s edition of THE SUNDAY WIRE is on the road broadcasting LIVE from the Valley of the Sun. This week host Patrick Henningsen covers this week s top stories in the US and internationally. In the first hour we ll cover the death of Cuban leader Fidel Castro, and also take on the mainstream establishment s engineered fake news faux crisis which is being used by corporate media outlets to attack and smear independent and alternative media orgs. Then we ll be joined by 21WIRE special contributor, Vanessa Beeley, to discuss what Syrians and Russians are really saying about President-Elect Donald Trump, and also her latest piece critiquing the deceptive Syria coverage run by foundation-funded Democracy Now! Later in the third hour, we ll talk more about the fake news, CIA infiltration of US media organizations, Operation Mockingbird, and in particular, the report produced by The Washington Post which 21WIRE exposed this week as a work of shoddy journalism and NeoMcCarthyist Russiaphobic fear mongering. SUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TVStrap yourselves in and lower the blast shield this is your brave new world *NOTE: THIS EPISODE MAY CONTAIN STRONG LANGUAGE AND MATURE THEMES*Listen to Sunday Wire EP #162 The Revolution Will Not Be Televised with guest Vanessa Beeley on Spreaker.Direct Download the Most Recent Episode// <![CDATA[ broadstreet.zone(46707); // ]]&gt;Sunday Wire Radio Show Archives
US Votes 'No' As UN Adopts Landmark Resolution Calling to Ban Nuclear Weapons
Co-sponsored by 57 nations, L41 calls for a 2017 conference ‘to negotiate a legally binding instrument to prohibit nuclear weapons, leading towards their total elimination’ The United Nations on Thursday adopted a landmark resolution calling for the ultimate elimination of nuclear weapons worldwide. Resolution L.41 (pdf) was accepted by a vote of 123-38, with 16 member nations abstaining. The vote was held during a meeting of the First Committee of the UN General Assembly, which deals with disarmament and international security matters. “For seven decades, the UN has warned of the dangers of nuclear weapons, and people globally have campaigned for their abolition. Today the majority of states finally resolved to outlaw these weapons,” said Beatrice Fihn, executive director of International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear weapons (ICAN). Setsuko Thurlow , a survivor of the Hiroshima and leading proponent of a ban, also celebrated Thursday’s vote. “This is a truly historic moment for the entire world,” Thurlow said. “For those of us who survived the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, it is a very joyous occasion. We have been waiting so long for this day to come.” As expected, nuclear powers including the United States, France, Canada, Israel, Russia, and the United Kingdom, as well as several of their European allies, were among the nations who voted against the ban. It was a long journey to get to this point, but totally worth it! #goodbyenukes #FirstCommittee pic.twitter.com/SM5mFzSXzf — Michael Hurley (@mdghurley) October 27, 2016
Sanders plans Tuesday meeting with Clinton to discuss agenda, calls VP slot ‘very unlikely’
Sen. Bernie Sanders said Sunday that he plans to meet Tuesday night with Hillary Clinton about her agenda as the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee and will make other decisions about the future of his campaign after that. “I simply want to get a sense of what kind of platform she will be supporting, whether she will be vigorous in standing up for working families and the middle class, moving aggressively in climate change, health care for all, making public colleges and universities tuition-free,” Sanders (I-Vt.) said during an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “And after we have that kind of discussion, and after we can determine whether or not we are going to have a strong and progressive platform, I will be able to make other decisions.” Sanders told host Chuck Todd that he will have more than 1,900 delegates at the convention and that he needs to determine “what kind of agenda there will be if Secretary Clinton gets elected, if she wins the election.” During a separate TV appearance Sunday, Sanders said he thinks it is “very unlikely” that Clinton would pick him as her running mate. Asked about the prospect of Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) filling that slot, Sanders said on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” that he is a “great admirer” of Warren. When asked whether Clinton is capable of leading a “political revolution” — a phrase that has motivated Sanders’s campaign — Sanders said she was not, but that she could implement some solid progressive policies. “Will she got as far as I would like her to go? No, she won’t,” Sanders said. “Meet the Press” and “This Week” were two of three morning talk shows on which Sanders appeared Sunday. He was also interviewed by CBS's "Face the Nation." [How Bernie Sanders’s day in Washington got eclipsed by Democratic unity] The interviews are Sanders’s first since he met with President Obama on Thursday, the same day that Obama, Vice President Biden and Warren endorsed Clinton. The senator from Vermont said Thursday that he plans to compete in the final Democratic primary of the year, Tuesday in the District, making good on his pledge to stay in the race until all voters have had a chance to weigh in on the nomination. Sanders previously vowed to stay in the race until the Democratic convention in Philadelphia next month, in a last-ditch attempt to win the nomination by flipping the allegiances of hundreds of superdelegates who’ve previously announced their support for Clinton, the party’s presumptive nominee. He made no mention of that strategy during his interviews on Sunday morning. Later Sunday, Sanders met at his home in Burlington, Vt., with a few dozen leading supporters. Speaking to the press, he did not say he was exiting the race, however. "Are we going to take our campaign for transforming Democratic Party into the convention? Absolutely," he told reporters. He also said he is "very good at arithmetic." As of Sunday, Clinton had accumulated 2,784 delegates, including superdelegates, exceeding the amount needed to clinch the nomination by more than 400, according to the latest Associated Press tally, which put Sanders’s total at 1,877. To have a shot at wresting the nomination from Clinton, Sanders would need to flip the allegiances at least 400 of the 581 superdelegates who have announced their support for Clinton — about 70 percent of them.
Aleppo’s agony is far from over as Syrian general seeks further battles
By Robert Fisk on November 2, 2016 Robert Fisk — The Independent Nov 1, 2016 They’re keeping open the eight passages to western Aleppo , just in case. There have been no more air strikes on the surrounded east of the city by either Syrian or Russian jets – despite the anti-government bombardment by Jabhat al-Nusra and its largely Islamist allies. The Syrian army has pushed its enemies nine miles further north of the city, in which more than 80 civilians have been killed over the past six days and the militia offensive has predictably failed. Not that the United Nations could be left out. “Shocked and appalled” it was, of course, and Staffan de Mistura, the UN envoy, has churned out the old “war crimes” threat, this time directed at the West’s friendly ‘moderates’ in eastern Aleppo – whom he was keen to talk to a couple of weeks ago – rather than the Bashar al-Assad regime. But the UN’s bleatings will make no difference. Nor will the John Kerry’s oddly Gaelic fears of Aleppo smashed to “smithereens” – originally an Irish word – have the slightest effect. Yet the Syrian government still hopes more civilians – militiamen, too – will leave the besieged east and allow it to reabsorb the enclave without another war. Everything depends right now on three people: the commander of the Syrian Aleppo garrison, the head of the Baath party in the city, and the boss – whoever he is – of the Jabhat al-Nusra militia and their Ahrar al-Sham allies and other outfits who are defending or imprisoning (delete as appropriate, as usual) the 200,000 to 300,000 civilians in eastern Aleppo. So we’ll start with the bespectacled general in charge of the evacuation whose office I found adorned with vast operational maps of Aleppo – in which the east of the city appears as a grey, bent sausage with a circle to the left (the ancient citadel, still held by Syrian troops) pierced by eight large red arrows. Whether the arrows represent planned attacks or the crossing points which the government opened on 20 October from 8am to 4pm each day – with only 48 takers so far – was unclear. But the four large banners hanging from flagstaffs behind the general’s desk told their own story: Hezbollah’s green and yellow, the red, white and blue of Russia, the black, white and red of Syria and the green white and red of Iran. A multicoloured coalition, then, with a lot of firepower – and an intriguing set of military video clips of the crossings as they opened on 20 October. Each shows a Syrian armoured vehicle with a loudspeaker calling on “the people of Aleppo” to “take out the wounded and civilians from the east of Aleppo along the routes that have been planned by the government”, adding revealingly that “the Syrian government, in cooperation with the Russian forces, will guarantee safety for you and your family”. Russian officers were indeed at the crossing points on the three first days. Two of them were wounded by snipers. One of the video clips shows a shell, apparently fired from eastern Aleppo, exploding in the background as two men run from the east to the Syrian army lines. The general thought there were only 75,000 civilians left in eastern Aleppo, an intriguing figure since the number of trapped families in the enclave have moved between 70,000 and 300,000 according to various “experts”. The UN believes the higher figure, a Syrian army officer on the front line suggested 200,000, another far more senior Syrian intelligence officer thought 250,000, the Ba’ath party guessed between 112,000 to 115,000. All of which proves that no one – neither the UN, the Syrians or journalists – has the slightest idea of just how many souls are waiting to be saved or to die. “We promised to take care of the injured,” the general announced. “We did. The people who came across were free to go and live with their relatives in the west of the city or to apartments which we had reserved for them. They chose their relatives.” Then he added, almost without hesitation: “Now the decision is that we must enter the battle and put an end to the Nusra and other terrorist groups to help the people themselves to get rid of them.” Did this mean that the halt in Russian and Syrian bombing of eastern Aleppo would resume? A telephone rang on the general’s desk and a flurry of staff officers ran into his office with aerial photographs – presumably the work of a drone – and his attention suddenly turned to more pressing matters. “There are armed men crossing from Turkey through the Bab al-Howa border point to the north of Lattakia” – which showed just how far the general’s remit ran in northern Syria – “and they are driving a lot of vehicles with explosives and ammunition. Look! We search for a political solution and they are ready to attack and fight.” But would the Syrians and Russians bomb east Aleppo again? “There are orders that the planes cannot bomb within 10km of eastern Aleppo,” the general replied. An interesting remark, since the general is the man who orders the air strikes – along with his Russian colleagues, of course – and he followed up with a slightly ambiguous remark when I asked for his feelings when he saw the wounded children of east Aleppo on television. “I see them as like my kids,” he replied. “I have a very high sense of humanity with civilians. But with terrorists, I have to do my national duty – to defend the civilians and protect them. The terrorists” – and the general thought there were 15 separate armed groups in eastern Aleppo – “are the same wherever they exist – in Syria, Iran, Britain, Russia, Lebanon…” Perhaps. But the general also made a remark about “medical facilities for terrorists” which suggested that hospitals who treated militiamen in east Aleppo were targets for the Syrian-Russian coalition, whomever else the hospitals treated. Which also tells its own grim tale. So now to the Baath headquarters in Aleppo, bathed in generator light and sudden power cuts, where the local party head, Ahmed Ibrahim Saleh, described how he talked to east Aleppo civilians by phone, claiming that – through these interlocutors – he has contact with 12,000 civilians in the enclave. And negotiations were continuing, he said. The Ahrar al-Sham group had indirectly received a message from the government via text and they replied by recorded phone calls: the government’s message was that they could send over a group of their men if they wanted to cross to the west of the city as a test – just two if they wanted – and these two could telephone when they arrived through the government lines and reached a safe place. “They said: ‘We trust you, but we don’t trust the [Syrian] government or the [state] security apparatus’. I said, ‘just find four or five armed men to cross’. They said they would discuss this. The problem is that the leaders of these armed groups, the foreigners, make them afraid and tell them that the security apparatus will execute them. But all the armed men who have come to this building have been well-treated.” This appears to be perfectly true. But the constant reference to the ‘security apparatus’ was telling; everyone in Syria fears the mukhabarat security police. When I asked Mr Saleh about hospitals in the east of the city, I heard a familiar story. “This is war. Maybe there are some mistakes. Maybe the plane cannot see women and children. One hospital shelled by a plane was a base for the leaders of the terrorists and was full of arms and weapons.” This was quite an admission. When Nato found soldiers hiding in a hospital during the 1999 war on Serbia, its bombs killed all the civilians in the building but none of the soldiers. No one spoke of war criminals. A different morality is in play in Syria, of course, where the bombing of hospitals is immediately – and legally correctly – referred to as a war crime. As for the conflict, “war ends when foreign support stops”, Mr Saleh said. “If America says ‘Stop the war’, the war will stop.” So now to a young Syrian army captain on the front line who guards one of the crossing points. During the truce, he received two armed men who had contacted him earlier to arrange the crossing. “They came right here to my office,” he said. “One of them was from Ahrar al-Sham, we let them come with their guns. We had vehicles ready for them with covered windows so that no one could shoot at them. I told them which road to use to come out. They were checked by our people in case they carried booby traps. We could see them but the two men could not see our soldiers. “They told me that their life stopped when the war began and did not advance any more in the following years. One of the men said his dream was ‘just one more night of sleep and one more day of life for me and my family’. The two men knew each other and they complained that the armed groups were uneducated and illiterate. Yes, when we shell east Aleppo, we are defending ourselves – just as they will defend their side of the city when we rocket them. How many people are there? I myself think the UN’s figures might be exaggerated. When the passages were opened, eight wounded men from Ahrar al-Sham came out and we offered them health care and they refused and said they wanted to join the other terrorists in Idlib province. Because they were wounded, they were friendly to the army. I met the eight of them. We allowed them freely to go to Idlib.” And this is also true. The armed men who surrendered in Homs were allowed to go to Idlib. So were the armed opposition in the Damascus suburbs, including those of Mouadamiya. Idlib seems to be the favourite dumping ground for all varieties of Islamist fighters. For the Syrian government, the armed men of Aleppo should either agree to go home or head for Idlib themselves, along with their families. But will they? The captain had heard of 40 executions by Ahrar al-Sham of armed men who wished to leave eastern Aleppo. Propaganda? Maybe. But the commanders of the Islamist groups there give no interviews to visiting western reporters – because western journalists have wisely decided not to turn up in east Aleppo and have their heads cut off. So was the recent offensive against western Aleppo the answer to the Syrians’ “passageways” to freedom, to the “corridors” of safety which were opened for the civilians? Perhaps. But given the amount of weaponry the militias deployed in recent days, they may have decided that they still have no need to negotiate another truce or take the bus to Idlib. Then we are left with the general’s remark about how “the decision is to enter the battle”. In other words, Aleppo’s agony is far from over.
Trump Just Asked The Most Unqualified Person Ever To Join His NAFTA Renegotiation Team
Trump, who keeps promising to either scrap our trade deals, or at least aggressively renegotiate them, is mulling over all the people he could add to his NAFTA renegotiating team. He s apparently not looking for anyone who has diplomatic negotiating experience though, since he thinks negotiating is negotiating. Noooo he actually wants Ron Burkle, co-owner of the Pittsburgh Penguins, on this team because he believes Burkle is great at negotiating.The Penguins were visiting the White House in the tradition of champion sports teams, where Trump praised Burkle s negotiating abilities and said: Ron, how about negotiating some of our horrible trade deals that they ve made? Here s what I want, I want to get him. Oh, I would love to have Ron Burkle. And it s great to have you Ron. But I really mean that, if you want to get involved in negotiating NAFTA, I like it. Because we re renegotiating NAFTA, Ron. The U.S. is entering its fourth round of NAFTA talks, with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau s visit to the U.S. tomorrow overlapping that. Trump hates NAFTA in part because he wants trade deals that are heavily even unfairly weighted in our direction. He has threatened to walk away from these talks because he s not getting what he wants.Worse, like the Paris Agreement and the Trans-Pacific Partnership, he thinks terminating our involvement in international agreements is the best way to get his idea of a good deal: I happen to think that Nafta will have to be terminated if we re going to make it good. Otherwise, I believe you can t negotiate a good deal. Said the desert to the grain of sand. This is a man who has bankrupted so many businesses and hurt so many people that way that it s astonishing anyone thinks he s a great businessman. But hey, he made out nicely, so who cares what happened to everyone else?This is how he sees our international agreements, including NAFTA. He doesn t understand international diplomacy at all and doesn t care to so honestly, is it any wonder he wants the co-owner of a hockey team to work on this? He s going to destroy our economy if he doesn t get other countries to destroy us with nukes first.Featured image via Win McNamee/Getty Images
French police find more explosives after raid near Paris
PARIS (Reuters) - French police unearthed a second stash of explosive materials near Paris on Thursday after a similar find in a nearby suburb on Wednesday, a justice official said as three suspects were questioned by anti-terrorism investigators. Thursday s swoop was carried out at a garage rented by one of the three detained in the wake of Wednesday s raid on an apartment in Villejuif, on the southern edge of the French capital, the source said. Materials used to produce TATP, an explosive often used by suicide bombers, were found at the flat after a plumber phoned police to report suspect activity there, Interior Minister Gerard Collomb said. Two people in their 30s and 40s were arrested in the immediate wake of Wednesday s raid, said Collomb, who added that the suspects were being questioned on suspicion of terrorist activity despite talking of a bank heist. A third man was arrested overnight, a source said. Those under investigation spoke of wanting to blow up a bank with the TATP but they way we see it is they have links with terrorism, and this is the channel of investigation, Collomb told public radio station franceinfo. That line of inquiry was prompted by information found in telephone communications after the raid, he added. The minister spoke before developments later in the day in which police found explosive materials at a garage in Thiais, southeast of Paris. More than 230 people have been killed by Islamist-inspired attackers in the past three years in France, which along with the United States and other countries are bombing Islamic State bases in Iraq and Syria. TATP, an unstable explosive, has been used by militants in several attacks in western Europe in recent years, including Manchester in May, Brussels in 2016 and Paris in 2015.
South Korea plans to buy 20 additional F-35 aircraft: report
SEOUL (Reuters) - South Korea plans to buy an additional 20 F-35A stealth fighter aircraft from the United States, a South Korean newspaper reported on Thursday, less than two months after U.S. President Donald Trump announced Seoul would be purchasing billions of dollars in new military equipment. South Korea s Defence Acquisition Program Administration has established a process for procuring the 20 additional aircraft, the Joongang Ilbo newspaper reported, citing multiple government sources. In 2014 South Korea formally announced a plan to buy 40 F-35As from American defense contractor Lockheed Martin.
Saudi Arabia hopes U.S. will not recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel
RIYADH (Reuters) - Saudi Arabia has expressed hope the United States would not recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and warned such a decision would have serious implications, state news agency SPA reported on Tuesday. The recognition will have very serious implications and will be provocative to all Muslims feelings, SPA said quoting an unnamed official source at the Saudi Foreign Ministry. The United States administration should take into account the negative implications of such a move and the Kingdom s hope not to take such a decision as this will affect the U.S. ability to continue its attempt of reaching a just solution for the Palestinian cause, the statement added. On Monday, Saudi Arabia s Ambassador in Washington Prince Khalid bin Salman said any U.S. announcement on the status of Jerusalem before a final settlement is reached in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict would hurt the peace process and heighten regional tensions. The kingdom s policy - has been - and remains in support of the Palestinian people, and this has been communicated to the U.S. administration, Prince Khalid said in a statement. U.S. President Donald Trump is weighing whether to recognize Jerusalem as Israel s capital but has not yet made a decision, his son-in-law and envoy for Middle East peace Jared Kushner said on Sunday. A senior administration official said last week Trump could make such an announcement on Wednesday. Israel considers all of Jerusalem to be its capital. Palestinians want the eastern portion of it to be the capital of a future state. U.S. policy for decades has been to reserve judgment on both claims until the parties agree Jerusalem s status in a settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Netanyahu, Trump align on Iran ahead of Israeli leader's visit
JERUSALEM/WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and new U.S. President Donald Trump, seizing on an Iranian missile test, are nearing common ground on a tougher U.S. policy towards Tehran ahead of their first face-to-face talks at the White House. But people familiar with the Trump administration’s thinking say that its evolving strategy is likely to be aimed not at dismantling Iran’s July 2015 nuclear deal with six world powers, as presidential candidate Trump sometimes advocated, but tightening its enforcement and pressuring the Islamic Republic into renegotiating key provisions. Options under consideration, they say, would include wider scrutiny of Iran’s compliance by the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, including access to Iranian military sites, and seeking to remove “sunset” terms that allow some curbs on Iranian nuclear activity to start expiring in 10 years and lift other limits after 15 years. In a shift of position for Netanyahu, all signs in Israel point to him being on board with the emerging U.S. plan, though it may prove impossible to get other world powers and Iran to consider revising the landmark nuclear deal. Two years ago, Netanyahu infuriated the Obama White House by addressing the U.S. Congress to rally hawkish opposition to a budding Iran pact he condemned as a “historic mistake” that should be torn up. As Trump and Netanyahu prepare for their Feb. 15 meeting, focus has shifted to Iran’s ballistic missile test last week. The White House said the missile launch was not a direct breach of the nuclear deal but “violates the spirit of that”. Trump responded by slapping fresh sanctions on individuals and entities, some of them linked to Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guards (IRGC). A U.N. Security Council resolution underpinning the nuclear pact urges Iran to refrain from testing missiles designed to be able to carry nuclear warheads, but imposes no obligation. However, Trump tweeted, “Iran is playing with fire” and “they don’t appreciate how ‘kind’ President Obama was to them. Not me!” Trump’s national security adviser, Michael Flynn, warned that Washington “would no longer tolerate Iran’s provocations.” Netanyahu “appreciated” the comments. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran’s supreme leader, on Tuesday dismissed the U.S. decision to put Iran “on notice” over its missile tests and called Trump the “real face” of American corruption. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif was quoted as saying Iran would not renegotiate the nuclear deal. Beyond the rhetoric, the missile test gave the new Republican president and the conservative Israeli leader - who had an often acrimonious relationship with Trump’s Democratic predecessor Barack Obama - an early chance to show they are on the same page in seeking to restrain Iranian military ambitions. Netanyahu wrote on Facebook last week: “At my upcoming meeting with President Trump in Washington, I intend to raise the renewal of sanctions against Iran in this context and in other contexts. Iranian aggression must not go unanswered.” In London for talks with British Prime Minister Theresa May on Monday, Netanyahu said “responsible” nations should follow Trump’s imposition of new sanctions as Iran remained a deadly menace to Israel and “threatens the world”. But he stopped short of any call to cancel the nuclear accord. Israeli officials privately acknowledged that he would not advocate ripping up a deal that has been emphatically reaffirmed by the other big power signatories - Britain, France, Germany, Russia and China - since Trump’s election victory. Russia said on Monday it disagreed with Trump’s assessment of Iran as “the number one terrorist state” and a Russian diplomat said any move to rework the nuclear pact would inflame Middle East tensions. “Don’t try to fix what is not broken,” Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said. Trump’s stance could weaken the hand of pragmatists in Tehran who have been willing to negotiate a detente with the West after decades of volatile confrontation, a former senior Iranian official said. Under the accord, Tehran received relief from global economic sanctions and in return committed to capping its uranium enrichment well below the level needed for bomb-grade material, cutting the number of its centrifuge enrichment machines by two-thirds, reducing its enriched uranium stockpile and submitting to a more intrusive IAEA inspections regime. Diplomats close to the IAEA consider the deal a success so far, voicing little concern with overall Iranian compliance - despite Netanyahu’s insistence that it will only pave the Islamic Republic’s path towards nuclear weapons once major restrictions expire 15 years after its signing. With German, French and British firms busy cultivating new business with Iran, Washington’s peers in the six-power group almost surely would rebuff any U.S. thrust to reopen the deal. Daniel Shapiro, who recently ended his tenure as U.S. ambassador to Israel under Obama, told Reuters he would be surprised if Trump and Netanyahu “determined so early in the time working together that they would rather scrap that agreement than try to enforce it in a tough manner and put other pressures unrelated to that deal on the Iranians”. Some foreign policy experts say U.S. efforts to tighten the screws on Iran could seek to goad it into ditching the nuclear accord in hopes that Tehran - and not Washington - would then have to shoulder international blame for its collapse. According to Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, an Israeli intelligence assessment recently presented to Netanyahu said revoking the pact would be an error, causing a chasm between Washington and other signatories like Russia and China. Amos Yadlin, former head of Israeli military intelligence, said there were many areas outside the deal where pressure could be applied on Iran to change what he called its negative behavior of “subversiveness, supporting terrorism”. But beyond new sanctions and sharpened rhetoric, analysts say, it is unclear how far Trump could go. Arguments for restraint would include the risk of military escalation in the Gulf, out of which 40 percent of the world’s seaborne crude oil is shipped, and strong European support for the nuclear deal. Though the new U.S. strategy is in the early stages of development, the Trump administration, the sources say, is considering a range of measures, including seeking “zero tolerance” for any Iranian violations. Trump’s aides accused the Obama administration of turning a blind eye to some alleged Iranian infractions to avoid anything that would undermine confidence in the integrity of the deal. Obama administration officials denied being “soft” on Iran. Other U.S. strategy options, the sources say, include sanctioning Iranian industries that aid missile development and designating as a terrorist group the Revolutionary Guards, accused by U.S. officials of fuelling Middle East proxy wars. That designation could also dissuade foreign investment in Iran because the Guards oversee a sprawling business empire there.
MYSTERY SURROUNDS Funding For Take Down Of Historic Confederate Monuments…New Orleans Mayor Refuses To Tell
The mayor of New Orleans is being evasive on who funded the removal of 4 statues in the heart of the city. He s also not responding to questions on when the remaining 3 statues will be taken down and what he plans on doing with them.Who is funding the removal? Shouldn t the citizens know? Do the citizens of New orleans not have a say in any of this?Here s the latest:NEW ORLEANS Just hours after crews working for the city of New Orleans removed the Liberty Place Monument, Mayor Mitch Landrieu was asked repeatedly where the money came from to pay for the removal and who s paying to take down the other three confederate-era monuments of Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis and General P.G.T. Beauregard.The mayor would only say, We have enough funding to take down all four monuments. City spokesman Tyronne Walker offered this clarification. Due to the widely-known intimidation, threats and reported violence to contractors and employees, safety concerns have been great and donors will remain anonymous. That is the safe and responsible thing to do. Some people want to know what s next for the city-owned monuments. Crews took the Liberty Place statue to a city warehouse, not far from the Superdome. Kurt Buchert from Save our Circle, a pro-monument group is asking for transparency from the mayor. The mayor is saying they should be in a museum one day, Buchert said. That s a very vague statement. They could go sit in a warehouse for 100 years and then be put in a museum when all of us are dead. Political Analyst Clancy DuBos says the mayor should reveal his plans for the statues. I think the burden is on the mayor to bring this to a close, DuBos said. He needs to come up with a plan and say he s what s going to happen with these statues. The council should have some input. The public should have some input. One of the other things the mayor isn t revealing at this time is when the rest of the monuments will be removed.He would only say they would be taken down in a similar manner to the Liberty Place statue, sooner rather than later. Mayor Mitch Landrieu in a statement Monday declared: The removal of these statues sends a clear and unequivocal message to the people of New Orleans and the nation: New Orleans celebrates our diversity, inclusion and tolerance. This is not about politics, blame or retaliation. This is not a na ve quest to solve all our problems at once. This is about showing the whole world that we as a city and as a people are able to acknowledge, understand, reconcile ..and most importantly choose a better future. Diversity, Inclusion and Tolerance?New Orleans is one of the unique cities in America. Because of its location, its culture and its commerce, it became one of the important players in the making of early America. The site of two great battles of American History. Had New Orleans not fallen in the Civil War, that conflict would have continued on for years. That IS a large part it s it s rich history
Intelligence Committee Warns Trump: Produce Wiretapping Evidence By Monday
Last Saturday, Donald Trump woke at the crack of dawn and went on an extraordinary Twitter tirade even for him. He accused his predecessor, President Barack Obama, of illegally wiretapping Trump Tower during the hotly contested 2016 election campaign. This is a most outrageous claim to make about a former president especially since a president cannot legally order such surveillance on any American citizen. So, if indeed Trump s claims were to turn out to be true (hint: they won t), it would have come first from a request by the FBI, and said request would have been reviewed and granted by a judge. In other words, if this did happen, it would mean that there was ample evidence that criminal activity was occurring in Trump Tower at that point in time.The worst part of this whole claim is that it was said via Twitter with absolutely no evidence whatsoever. If Trump did have evidence, surely he would have produced it by now. Well, he has also demanded that House and Senate Intelligence Committees find the evidence that he clearly does not have, and they re tired of his lies and shenanigans surrounding this issue. They are so sick of it, in fact, that they have demanded evidence of Trump s claims against President Obama be presented to them by Monday.This request comes courtesy of House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) and Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA). Schiff has called what Trump did via Twitter last Saturday outlandish and destructive. He s right. If any evidence were to exist (another hint: it doesn t) Trump or someone within the federal government would have made said evidence public by now just to kill the story.Trump has really stepped in it with this one. He flat-out lied about who is perhaps the most honorable man to ever occupy the White House. Then again lest we forget Trump started his political career by leading the racist birther crusade. So, we really shouldn t be surprised at his behavior here.Featured image via Aude Guerrucci-Pool/Getty Images
BREAKING : Clinton Refuses to Answer Questions Regarding the Reopening of her Email Investigation – TruthFeed
BREAKING : Clinton Refuses to Answer Questions Regarding the Reopening of her Email Investigation BREAKING : Clinton Refuses to Answer Questions Regarding the Reopening of her Email Investigation Videos By Amy Moreno October 28, 2016 The FBI has reopened Hillary’s email investigation after discovering “thousands of new emails” on Anthony Weiner’s phone. As the news broke, Hillary was touching down in IOWA for another small, lackluster rally. She was delayed getting off the plane. We’re told that her campaign was broadsided by the information. When Hillary finally emerged, she plastered that fake POLITICIAN SMILE on her plastic face and waved to the reporters, who shouted questions at her. Hillary did not respond to reporters. Shocker. Clinton stepping off her campaign plane in Iowa after huddling with advisers over FBI’s decision to reopen email investigation pic.twitter.com/DShiQAdIbJ — Simon Carswell (@SiCarswell) October 28, 2016 This is a movement – we are the political OUTSIDERS fighting against the FAILED GLOBAL ESTABLISHMENT! Join the resistance and help us fight to put America First! Amy Moreno is a Published Author , Pug Lover & Game of Thrones Nerd. You can follow her on Twitter here and Facebook here . Support the Trump Movement and help us fight Liberal Media Bias. Please LIKE and SHARE this story on Facebook or Twitter.
LT COL TONY SHAFFER: Muslim DNC IT Staffers Sent Sensitive Info to Muslim Brotherhood [VIDEO]
Lt. Col. Tony Shaffer opened a can of worms tonight when he said that the Awan brothers sent sensitive intel to the Muslim Brotherhood As if this case couldn t get more bizarre!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlqiLJVM-soOUR PREVIOUS UPDATE ON THIS BIZARRE CASE: Dem Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz Pakistani IT staffer Imran Awan was arrested at Dulles airport while trying to flee the United States. Get the back story from Maria Bartiromo: How is it possible that 3 brothers are hired, Muslim brothers just saying, to work in Congress and deal with our most intelligent and sensitive information, number one? They were all making $160,000! Why were they paid so much? 22 years old one of the guys, the other was 25. They re making $160,000, $161,000 and $165,000. And one of them has a criminal background! If you haven t been following this crazy series of events, we ve got a previous report below to fill you in. Basically, Imran Awan and three Muslim relatives were hired to handle IT for the DNC which gave them access to lots of sensitive information NOT GOOD! The Daily Caller just exclusively reported that Awan attempted to destroy hard drives then desperately tried to retrieve them when they were discovered.GETTING THOSE DESTROYED HARD RIVES BACK:Pakistani-born Imran Awan, long-time right-hand IT aide to the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) Chairwoman, has since desperately tried to get the hard drives back, the individual told The Daily Caller News Foundation s Investigative Group.A high-level congressional source, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the probe, confirmed that the FBI has joined what Politico previously described as a Capitol Police criminal probe into serious, potentially illegal, violations on the House IT network by Imran and three of his relatives, who had access to the emails and files of the more than two dozen House Democrats who employed them on a part-time basis.Capitol Police have also seized computer equipment tied to the Florida lawmaker.Awan s younger brothers, Abid and Jamal, his wife, Hina Alvi, and Rao Abbas, Imran s best friend, are also under investigation. There have been no arrests in the case.THIS CASE IS HUGE! MARIA BARTIROMO IS LIVID ABOUT IT:A Pakistani family under criminal investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police (see our previous report below) for abusing their access to the House of Representatives information technology (IT) system may have engaged in myriad other questionable schemes besides allegedly placing ghost employees on the congressional payroll.Imran Awan, his wife Hina, and brothers Abid and Jamal collectively netted more than $4 million in salary as IT administrators for House Democrats between 2009 and 2017. Yet the absence of signs of wealth displayed among them raise questions such as was the money sent overseas or did something other than paychecks motivate their actions?Capitol Police revoked the Awans access to the congressional IT system in February 2017 after a major data breach was detected. Their access had allowed them to read emails and files of dozens of members, including many serving on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs.OUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON THIS THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA IS IGNORING THE CRIMINALITY OF THESE BROTHERS:3 MUSLIM BROTHERS Working For Dems In Congress CAUGHT Accessing Unauthorized Top-Secret Government Intel One Has Criminal Background May Have Ties To Muslim Brotherhood [VIDEO]3 Congressional IT employees have been fired for accessing members computer networks without permission. Maria s on the show, knows more about this. Can you fill me in a bit.Here are their names Stuart. let me tell you what the 3 people that were fired on Thursday: Abid, Imran and Jamal Awan. They were barred from computer networks at the House of Representatives on Thursday because they accessed Congressmen and Congress people s computer networks unauthorized. At a minimum they were fired. At a minimum we know that they accessed computers unauthorized and they did so in foreign intelligence, foreign affairs and intelligence committees. Okay? So they were getting very important information, government information. They accessed these computers. That is the least of it. There s also some talk that people are looking into what ties they have into terrorism. Are they impacted by the Muslim Brotherhood? Are they a part of the Muslim Brotherhood? One of them has a criminal background!How is it possible that 3 brothers are hired, Muslim brothers just saying, to work in Congress and deal with our most intelligent and sensitive information, number one? They were all making $160,000! Why were they paid so much? 22 years old one of the guys, the other was 25. They re making $160,000, $161,000 and $165,000. And one of them has a criminal background! I hear what you re saying, I mean, these intelligence committees handle our terror strategies right? They got in on Benghazi by the way.Yes, and they also worked for many Democrats in the House. They are thinking that they may be also one of the reasons Debbie Wasserman Schultz got hacked. There s so much more to come on this Stuart, it s an incredible story. I think it s amazing!Chiefs of staff for dozens of Democratic lawmakers who employed the four were informed last week that a criminal probe was underway into their use of congressional information technology systems, including the existence of an external server to which House data was being funneled, and into the theft of and overbilling for computer equipment.Their salaries and time were shared among dozens of Democratic members, including former Democratic National Committee Chairman Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida.Chiefs of staff for dozens of Democratic lawmakers who employed the four were informed last week that a criminal probe was underway into their use of congressional information technology systems, including the existence of an external server to which House data was being funneled, and into the theft of and overbilling for computer equipment.Despite the generous salaries, the four were involved in multiple suspicious mortgage transfers and a debt-evading bankruptcy. Abid had more than $1 million in debts following a failed business called Cars International that he ran in Falls Church, Va., from November 2009 to September 2010. Business associates said in court documents that Abid had stolen money and vehicles from them.It s unclear how Abid found time to run an automotive business while working full-time for Congress. He had been on the congressional payroll since 2005. A congressional credit union repossessed two of his personal cars before the business folded.Abid filed for bankruptcy in 2012, but somehow managed to keep ownership of two houses while telling the bankruptcy court and creditors that he had no assets with which to pay them. He signed a sworn statement that he and his wife, Natalia Soba, were living apart and needed separate residences. My spouse and I are legally separated under applicable non-bankruptcy law or my spouse and I are living apart other than for the purpose of evading the requirements of 707(b)(2)(A) of the Bankruptcy Code, Abid claimed in bankruptcy documents. But both houses had been in the family for years.Abid s record includes numerous driving- and alcohol-related legal problems, including driving with a suspended or revoked license, court records show. He was found guilty of drunk driving a month before he started at the House, and was arrested for public intoxication a month after his first day.A spokesman for Rep. Joaquin Castro of Texas told TheDCNF Friday that Jamal s employment with our office has been terminated. Hilarie Chambers, a spokeswoman for Rep. Sandy Levin who employed Abid told TheDCNF that after being notified by the House Administration Committee, this individual was removed from our payroll. We are confident that everything in our office is secure. Not every Democrat is willing to terminate their connection with these four:Some Democrats have not terminated their connection with the four, including Wasserman Schultz, who employs Imran and who resigned from her DNC post last year after a computer hack revealed embarassing emails. Derrick Robinson, spokesman for California Rep. Karen Bass, refused to comment on Alvi s employment status.For entire story: Daily Caller
Who had to go :-)
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Death Spiral: Aetna Exits Obamacare Exchanges Citing $700 Million in Losses - Breitbart
Health insurance giant Aetna said it will exit all Obamacare exchanges in 2018, citing significant losses. [The health insurance company announced it will withdraw from its two remaining exchanges in Delaware and Nebraska next year. TJ Crawford, an Aetna spokesman, said, “Our individual commercial products lost nearly $700 million between 2014 and 2016, and are projected to lose more than $200 million in 2017 despite a significant reduction in membership. ” Crawford said that Obamacare’s structural issues “have led to failures and carrier exits, and subsequent deterioration. ” Aetna announced earlier that would it would pull out its Iowa and Virginia exchanges as well. Insurers, including Aetna, lost money on the Obamacare exchanges because not enough young people signed up for insurance on the public exchanges to offset the cost of older and sicker individuals. Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price said in a statement on Wednesday that Aetna’s move “adds to the mountain of evidence that Obamacare has failed the American people. Repealing and replacing it with solutions that stabilize the marketplace to bring down costs and increase choices is the only solution. ” The Obamacare exchanges are facing lower engagement. Humana announced it will be dropping out of the exchanges in 2018. Other major insurers such as Anthem and Cigna will soon decide their future participation in the Obamacare exchanges. Aetna chief executive Mark Bertolini said that Obamacare is on a “death spiral. ” Molina Healthcare suffered a significant loss on the federal exchanges and will be evaluating its future participation in the exchanges on a state by state basis for 2018. Aetna will exit the Obamacare exchanges amidst an uncertain future for health care. The House passed a revised version of the American Health Care Act (AHCA) and now the Senate will take up health care reform. House Freedom Caucus chair Mark Meadows, who successfully brokered a deal with moderate Republicans on the House bill, will now work with Senate colleagues on a “grand compromise” for health care. Republicans seek to use the news of Aetna’s withdrawal as a reason for repealing large sections of Obamacare, whereas Democrats argued that Republicans’ repeal efforts create uncertainty in the health insurance market, forcing insurers to exit the exchanges. President Donald Trump, citing Aetna’s withdrawal from the Virginia exchanges, also says that Obamacare is in a “death spiral. ” Death spiral! ’Aetna will exit Obamacare markets in VA in 2018, citing expected losses on INDV plans this year’https: . — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 4, 2017, Why is it that the Fake News rarely reports Ocare is on its last legs and that insurance companies are fleeing for their lives? It’s dead! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2017,
U.S. Commerce Secretary says market access, protectionism top China issues
HONG KONG (Reuters) - U.S. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said on Wednesday the U.S. relationship with China was too lopsided and listed market access, protectionism and intellectual property as the biggest problems amid trade tensions between the two countries. Ross said both sides were frank and open, and articulated good points of view during his trip to Beijing, which was a good sign, although neither made concessions. “The most important thing to push for with China is better market access for companies operating there physically and for companies exporting there,” Ross said. “Ranking equal with that would be less protectionist behavior.” The U.S. Commerce Department said in a statement on Tuesday that Ross had pressed China on the “need to rebalance bilateral trade and investment relations” and urged it to take “meaningful action” on trade issues. China’s relationship with the United States has been strained by the Trump administration’s criticism of China’s trade practices and by demands that Beijing do more to pressure North Korea to halt its nuclear weapons and missile programs. Ross, speaking to reporters in Hong Kong two days after his visit to Beijing, also said overcapacity was still a big issue in some sectors and highlighted new industries such as robotics as potential threats. “There apparently are something like 400 robotics companies in China right now and people in the industry tell me maybe 360 of those are in it to get the subsidies and tax breaks and are not really serious about the product,” he said. On Monday, Ross told Chinese Premier Li Keqiang that the United States hoped for “very good deliverables” when U.S. President Donald Trump visits China, likely in November. He did not specify what “deliverables” the United States was hoping for. Ross is due to lead a trade mission to China as part of President Trump’s visit there.
Top Austrian Social Democrat steps down over election smear campaign
VIENNA (Reuters) - The number 2 figure in Austria s ruling Social Democratic Party has said he is resigning over a smear campaign against the main conservative party s leader, adding to a sense of disarray on the centre-left of politics weeks before a parliamentary election. The Social Democrats had denied having any connection with two websites making unsubstantiated allegations against 31-year-old Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz, who took over the conservative People s Party (OVP) in May. Since Kurz took up his post, his party has topped the opinion polls. But Austrian newspaper Die Presse and weekly magazine Profil reported on Saturday that a former adviser to the Social Democrats who was dismissed this summer was originally behind the sites and that they had been kept in operation. At a hastily convened news conference on Saturday, Georg Niedermuehlbichler, the Social Democrats chairman and campaign manager, said that until recently he had been unaware of any connection with the websites. Although the party never paid for or commissioned the websites, he said, he had discovered that one member of his staff had been aware of work on them. It is my duty as election campaign manager to ensure that such things do not happen. They happened. I will therefore assume the consequences as campaign manager and as party chairman, he said. Niedermuehlbichler s resignation adds to the troubles of a party that is now competing with the far-right Freedom Party for second place in the polls, well behind Kurz s OVP, ahead of a parliamentary election on Oct. 15. The Social Democrats remain deeply divided over whether to consider forming coalitions with the Freedom Party, having recently lifted a self-imposed ban on working with them. The Social Democrats are also at loggerheads with the OVP, in a country where parties rarely have enough votes to govern alone. The Freedom Party said Niedermuehlbichler s resignation was not enough and that the party leader, Christian Kern, should also step down. Niedermuehlbichler appeared to blame Tal Silberstein, an Israeli political adviser who worked for the party until recently, for the websites. Profil and Die Presse also reported that he was originally behind them. The Social Democrats dismissed Silberstein in August after he was detained and questioned in Israel along with billionaire businessman Benny Steinmetz in a fraud investigation. The events after that showed that this decision was right in every aspect, if too late. Evidently there were then activities that I could not imagine happening to that extent, Niedermuehlbichler said. It was certainly a big mistake to hire Tal Silberstein, he added. Shortly before Niedermuehlbichler s announcement, tabloid daily Oesterreich published an interview with Silberstein in which it said he had declined to comment on the allegations about a smear campaign but said the party was right to sack him. On Saturday, Israel was observing Yom Kippur, when the country effectively shuts down for a day.
Well, that didn t take long. Look for the first beastiality marriage license request in 5 4 3 2 1 Nathan Collier said he was inspired by the recent Supreme Court decision that made marriage equal. He said he was particularly struck by the words of dissenting Chief Justice John Roberts who claimed giving gay couples the right to marry, might inspire polygamy.And so this week, Mr Collier and his two wives, Victoria and Christine, entered a courthouse in Billings, Montana, and sought an application to legalise the trio s polygamous union, Right now we re waiting for an answer, Mr Collier told The Independent. I have two wives because I love two women and I want my second wife to have the same legal rights and protection as my first. He added: Most people are not us. I am not trying to define what marriage means for anybody else I am trying to define what marriage means for us. The practice of bigamy holding multiple marriage licences is outlawed in all 50 of the US states, Montana among them. But Mr Collier said he planned to sue if his application was denied.Mr Collier said he was former Mormon who had been excommunicated for polygamy and now owned a refrigeration business in Billings.He married his first wife, Victoria, 40, in 2000. The 46-year-old, who appeared in the reality TV show Sister Wives, held a religious ceremony to marry second wife, Christine, in 2007 but did not sign a marriage license to avoid bigamy charges.His first wife, Victoria, said that she and her husband s second wife got along like sisters .Via: Independent UK
Iraqi PM Rebuffs U.S. Decree That ‘Foreign Shia Militias’ Should Leave Country
Ever since ISIS appeared in Iraq in 2014, both the policies and strategies coming out of Washington have ranged from confused to inept, as politicians and Pentagon officials spar over whether or not to cooperate with various Iranian-affiliated Shia militias and People s Mobilization Units (PMF), led by Hash d al-Shaabi and Badr Organisation.The driving factor behind Washington s stance is the Israeli Lobby and Gulf state led by Saudi Arabia who vocally oppose any US cooperation with Shia PMF s in Iraq. This lack of coherency has also helped alienate the Iraq government in Baghdad who appear to be less and less concerned with Washington s sectarian imposition and more concerned with closing-out the ISIS threat in Iraq.This dysfunctional US policy of exclusion in local operational partners on the ground may have helped to prolong the lifespan of ISIS in parts of Iraq. Washington s insistence on playing the sectarian card has led to its inability to openly cooperate with key players to benefit of ISIS.Notice how the AFP report below categorically refers to Shia militia in Iraq at Iranian militias another example of the western mainstream media intentionally skewing language in order to give a false impression that all Shia militias in Iraq are Iranian which is patently false.This week: US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson drew the short straw again, as Pentagon warhawks send him to Riyadh on another impossible mission AFP reports Iraq on Monday rebuffed a US demand that Iranian militias leave the country, insisting that the paramilitary forces which helped it defeat the Islamic State group consist solely of Iraqi nationals. Nobody has the right to interfere in Iraqi affairs, the Iraqi cabinet said in a statement, quoting a source close to Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi. The fighters of the Hashed (al-Shaabi paramilitary units) are Iraqis who are concerned for their country and have sacrificed for its defence and for its people, it said.On Sunday, US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson demanded that Iranian militias leave Iraq. Certainly Iranian militias that are in Iraq, now that the fighting against (IS) is coming to a close, those militias need to go home, Tillerson said. All foreign fighters need to go home, he said at a press conference in Riyadh.The 60,000-strong Hashed was formed in 2014 after IS seized swathes of northern Iraq, routing government forces.A coalition mostly made up of Iranian-backed militias, it has played a key role in Iraq s successful fightback against the jihadists over the past three years.It answers to Iraq s prime minister as commander-in-chief of the Iraqi armed forces, into which it has been integrated by a parliamentary vote.Tillerson s remarks were also aimed at Iran s elite Revolutionary Guards and their foreign operations wing, the Quds Force, according to a senior US official accompanying him. The position of the Iraqi government and the position of our government is that there should be a single Iraqi security force answerable to the Iraqi state, the official said on condition of anonymity.Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has also hit back at Tillerson s remarks, saying Iran played a crucial role in the fight against IS both in Iraq and Syria. If it wasn t for the sacrifices of the Islamic Republic of Iran Daesh (IS) would have installed its government in Damascus, Baghdad and (the Iraqi Kurdish regional capital) Arbil by now, he said.READ MORE IRAQ NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Iraq FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @ 21WIRE.TV
Election crisis engulfs Honduras with rivals neck-and-neck
TEGUCIGALPA (Reuters) - Honduras faced a growing election crisis on Wednesday, with its U.S.-friendly president edging ahead in troubled vote count that his centrist rival, a television game show host allied with leftists, has rejected, saying he is being robbed. Three days after polling stations closed in Honduras presidential election, there was growing international concern with no clear winner and both men claiming victory, despite nearly a fifth of ballots remaining uncounted. Stricken with poverty, drug gangs and one of the world s highest murder rates, Honduras is one of the United States closest military and ideological allies in Central America. On Wednesday, the U.S. State Department urged a quick conclusion to the vote count, which has been widely criticized. Resolution to the festering crisis had appeared possible on Wednesday when both candidates vowed to respect the final result once disputed votes had been scrutinized, issuing identical signed statements brokered by the Organization of American States (OAS). But the accord did not last long. Centrist opposition candidate Salvador Nasralla - who had watched with disbelief as his original 5-point lead evaporated, allowing center-right President Juan Orlando Hernandez to edge ahead by 3,000 votes - told reporters that he rejected the document he had signed just a few hours before. Nasralla cited an hours-long technical glitch at the election tribunal, and fears that Hernandez was planning to unilaterally declare himself victorious, as his reasons for dismissing the results of the electoral body. They take us for idiots and want to steal our victory, said Nasralla, who heads a coalition of leftist and centrist parties. The document I signed today with the OAS has no validity, he added, calling it a trap and pledging to take to the streets to defend his votes. The OAS said in a tweet that it regretted Nasralla had withdrawn from the pact, and that it would continue working for justice in the elections. Later on Wednesday, police fired tear gas to disperse Nasralla supporters gathered outside the election tribunal where the vote was being counted. The fumes entered the building, prompting its staff to be evacuated, television images showed. With around 82.89 percent of ballots counted, the center-right Hernandez had 42.2 percent of the vote, while Nasralla was on 42.1 percent, the tribunal said. Hernandez s National Party appears set to retain control of Congress. As he caught his rival, Hernandez s blue-clad supporters celebrated, chanting the president s name at a party base in capital Tegucigalpa, TV images showed, while thousands of Nasralla supporters took to the streets. I m here so that justice and the will of the people is carried out, because we elected Salvador Nasralla, and Juan Orlando Hernandez wants to steal his victory, said 22-year-old David Ramirez, a red political flag draped over his shoulder. The election body published more than half of the results of Sunday s election early on Monday, but faced international criticism for an ensuing 36-hour delay in releasing further data. The count halted again late on Wednesday afternoon. Tribunal chief David Matamoros apologized to the nation for a fresh computer glitch that derailed operations. We ve had a problem that we regret and that we didn t expect to have, and that we re resolving as quickly as possible, he said. Sometimes in an election, you can have a system failure, but never in a moment as critical as this. International observers said the delays were damaging the credibility of authorities and threatened to undermine the legitimacy of the next president. On Wednesday, U.S. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert urged Honduran authorities to review the election results without delay. We urge all candidates to respect the results, she said. Behind closed doors, the parties of Hernandez, the pre-vote favorite, and Nasralla were discussing immunity from prosecution for current officials and carving up positions in government, two diplomats told Reuters on Tuesday. With a booming voice and finely coiffed hair, Nasralla is one of Honduras best known faces, hosting a sports programme and a television game show that features scantily clad women. In one interview, he boasted of his penis size and his sexual performance. He is backed by leftist former President Manuel Zelaya, who was ousted in a coup in 2009 after he proposed a referendum on his re-election. The possible return of Zelaya risks fueling concern in Washington. Hernandez has won U.S. praise for helping tackle a flow of migrants to the north and extraditing drug cartel leaders to the United States. He was credited with lowering the murder rate and boosting the economy, but was also hurt by accusations of ties to illicit, drug-related financing that he denies.
Outside Money Favors Hillary Clinton at a 2-to-1 Rate Over Donald Trump - The New York Times
Six years after a Supreme Court decision opened vast new channels for money to flow into national elections, Democrats have built the largest and apparatus of outside groups operating in the 2016 presidential campaign, defying expectations that conservative and corporate wealth would dominate the race. A dozen different organizations raised over $200 million through the beginning of October and since May have spent more than $110 million on television, digital, and radio ads in support of Hillary Clinton, according to records filed with the Federal Election Commission through Thursday. The handful of organizations backing Donald J. Trump have raised less than half that amount, a steep dive from four years ago, when wealthy Republicans poured hundreds of millions of dollars into groups backing the Republican nominee Mitt Romney. The Democrats’ success this year reflects, in part, Mrs. Clinton’s close personal ties to her party’s elite donors and her allies’ willingness to exploit the 2010 ruling in the Citizens United case far more aggressively than President Obama did. But the Democrats are also deeply indebted to one man: Mr. Trump, whose provocations and tirades — along with a loud crusade against his own party’s donors — have virtually shut off what once promised to be a spigot of outside money. “Everyone thought that we would be outspent, that there would be significant operations built at the presidential level for the other candidate,” said Guy Cecil, a former Clinton aide who heads Priorities USA Action, the main hub of big Democratic giving. “That obviously hasn’t happened. ” The biggest groups set up or expanded by conservatives since Citizens United — including American Crossroads, founded by Karl Rove, and the network overseen by Charles G. and David H. Koch — are absent from the presidential campaign, focusing instead on protecting Republicans in Congress. “Unlike President Obama four years ago, Clinton embraced the outside money game and shrewdly empowered a single group to carry her message,” said Steven J. Law, the president of American Crossroads and its sister organizations, “in contrast to the boardwalk arcade of groups supporting Trump. ” Citizens United paved the way for independent groups that could raise unlimited amounts of money from unions, corporations, and wealthy individuals to spend on elections, as long as they did not coordinate with individual candidates or parties. Republican donors moved quickly to seize on the ruling, pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into the last three national elections, while Democrats struggled to persuade their donors to invest in “super PACs” at the same scale. Mr. Trump’s rivals for the Republican nomination were backed by an array of super PACs and outside groups set up by their allies and former aides, seeming to set the stage for even greater spending in 2016. But Mr. Trump unexpectedly triumphed, exploiting his knack for free publicity and relying on his own fortune and money from supporters. In part because of that success, Mr. Trump was slow to incorporate super PACs into his general election strategy. By contrast, Mrs. Clinton began personally courting donors for outside groups almost as soon as she entered the campaign in spring 2015. The Democrats’ tentpole is Priorities USA, a super PAC that has access to the party’s biggest donors and the implicit blessing of Mrs. Clinton, and is now on track to raise $173 million by Election Day. That is more than any equivalent Democratic effort in history, including the controversial groups set up by wealthy liberals a decade ago to unseat President George W. Bush. The PAC is closely coordinating with environmental and labor activists and other organizations set up to harness support from veterans, and Latinos. In meetings at a Democratic law firm in downtown Washington, officials at Priorities have convened representatives of a dozen super PACs and progressive organizations to carve out turf and share intelligence from organizers on the ground. Several have pooled money with Priorities USA to purchase television and digital advertising through the same media firms, allowing smaller groups to get better rates. (Other organizations, including labor unions and a super PAC founded by the billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer, have separately spent significant money on field organizing.) Priorities USA has shared the cost of some major campaigns with Emily’s List, the leading progressive group aimed at electing Democratic women. The super PAC has also given smaller groups access to its digital and video creative studio or shared its own television spots with other organizations to run under their own names. In early October, for example, a super PAC controlled by the Service Employees International Union began a $3 million campaign targeted at Latino voters in southern Florida and Nevada. The ads, which featured Hispanic families and accused Mr. Trump of bringing “hate, divisiveness and disrespect into our homes,” was originally produced by a team at Priorities USA. Democratic officials said the partnership had yielded better and more authentic advertising and outreach. A group called the Latino Victory Fund, which has run $400, 000 in advertising backed by Priorities, advised the group on how to vary accents depending on where the ad was running: Spanish for spots airing around Miami, accents and word usage for Nevada. “Sometimes we’ve come up with concepts for ads, both digital and television,” said the fund’s interim director, César J. Blanco. “In other instances, Priorities has developed a concept and shared it with us. They’ve shared with us data and polling. It’s been a really great partnership. ” Behind that partnership is an astonishing concentration of liberal wealth. More than of the total money that groups supporting Mrs. Clinton have raised — $133 million — comes from just 30 families. Donald Sussman, a hedge fund investor and longtime liberal donor, has donated $19 million to Priorities USA, among the largest amounts any donor has ever given to a single super PAC. Members of the billionaire Pritzker family, which founded the Hyatt hotel chain, have contributed $14 million to Priorities and other groups. The liberal billionaire philanthropist George Soros has given $13. 5 million, far more than he gave to support Mr. Obama four years ago. As most of the big Republican groups have stayed away from the presidential race, a small constellation of groups run by Trump allies has sprung up in their place, raising $46 million since the beginning of the cycle. The National Rifle Association, one of the few traditional conservative allies to get behind Mr. Trump’s campaign, has put $20 million into a super PAC supporting Mr. Trump and other Republicans. But many of the new Trump groups are getting into the game late, when advertising rates have skyrocketed, and they are competing against one another for donors and turf, sometimes even cannibalizing Mr. Trump’s own . Another group, Future45, has raised $13 million for ads criticizing Mrs. Clinton, and an affiliated nonprofit group that does not disclose its donors has drawn millions more. But their spending appears targeted at states with competitive Senate races, with the goal of protecting Republicans down the ballot from any damage Mr. Trump might do. Mr. Trump has attracted some generous individual supporters, according to disclosures filed with the Federal Election Commission through last week. The casino magnate Sheldon Adelson and his wife, Miriam, have donated $10 million to groups running advertising against Mrs. Clinton. Bernard Marcus, the of Home Depot, has provided $7 million to a pair of super PACs. A surprisingly small donor to Mr. Trump is Robert Mercer, a New York hedge fund executive. Mr. Mercer and his family have invested millions of dollars over the years in conservative advocacy groups and media outlets, some of which are now among Mr. Trump’s biggest supporters. But Mr. Mercer has been relatively parsimonious with the cash he has put into a super PAC supporting Mr. Trump, contributing just $2 million.
ESPN Just Fired Curt Schilling For This Despicable Facebook Post (IMAGE)
ESPN just made an amazing stand against bigotry on the airwaves, by firing one of it s top name hosts for being anti-transgender. Curt Schilling just got handed his pink slip.Schilling has worked for the network since 2010 and is one of baseball s best-known commentators and analysts. But recently, Schilling decided to share a Facebook post in support of an antitransgender bill passed in North Carolina.The post insisted of an image, featuring a man in a wig, his T-shirt cut to expose breasts, and a bizarre black outfit of women s clothing. The image was accompanied by text which read: LET HIM IN! to the restroom with your daughter or else you re a narrow-minded, judgmental, unloving racist bigot who needs to die. Former player Schilling then added: A man is a man no matter what they call themselves. I don t care what they are, who they sleep with, men s room was designed for the penis, women s not so much. Now you need laws telling us differently? Pathetic. ESPN later issued a statement claiming Schilling s unacceptable conduct violated their policy of inclusiveness: ESPN is an inclusive company. Curt Schilling has been advised that his conduct was unacceptable and his employment with ESPN has been terminated. Of course, for those in conservative circles, this was another attack of political correctness which prejudices conservatives from exercising their rights of free speech. According to David Hookstead at The Daily Caller, Schilling s firing was part of some exodus of conservative media pundits:The former Red Sox pitcher has been very open about his conservative views in the past. He was previously suspended by ESPN for comparing ISIS to the Nazis.ESPN might have no problem getting rid of conservative pundits, but the network has tolerated extreme liberal positions in the past without firing anybody. ESPN employee Tony Kornheiser compared the Tea Party to ISIS and insinuated the Tea Party was attempting to establish a caliphate. Kornheiser is still cashing pay checks from ESPN.What Hookstead leaves out is that the Tea Party is a billionaire-backed political movement with the express goal of creating a theocracy in the United States that is federal and state law based on biblical law. On top of this, the vast majority of domestic terrorism in the US comes from white supremacists and Christian zealots. These groups have murdered LGBT people for being gay who have lynched non-whites and non-Christians. It is entirely comparable.However, using a caricature of a cross-dresser to invoke fear about transgender people using the gender identity appropriate bathroom is plain bigotry. One could just as readily argue the opposite, as transmen did en masse with the hashtag Using the hashtag #WeJustNeedToPee. Bearded transmen posted pictures of themselves in the women s bathroom, next to women entering cubicles and doing their makeup.Michael Hughes, from Minnesota, posted the picture below, asking: Do I look like I belong in a women s bathroom?Under the North Carolina law, Michael would be legally-compelled to use the women s bathrooms despite the fact that he would clearly cause some degree of confusion and worry by doing so.Surely the long term answer is to remove the gender apartheid from toilets altogether? Plenty of countries around the world do just fine using mixed bathrooms. Why not us? Featured image via Twitter/Facebook
Trump Has Complete Meltdown And Attacks Chelsea Clinton In Defense Of His Nepotism At G-20
Donald Trump threw an early morning temper tantrum on Twitter again.Last week, Trump let his daughter Ivanka take over for him at the G-20, giving her his seat at the conference table.National outrage ensued because Ivanka is not an elected official, nor does she have any political or diplomatic experience. The incident also served as a reminder of the nepotism practiced in Trump s White House.On Monday morning, Trump lashed out and actually attacked Hillary Clinton s daughter Chelsea in defense of his irresponsible decision to let Ivanka take his place.When I left Conference Room for short meetings with Japan and other countries, I asked Ivanka to hold seat. Very standard. Angela M agrees! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017If Chelsea Clinton were asked to hold the seat for her mother,as her mother gave our country away, the Fake News would say CHELSEA FOR PRES! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 10, 2017Someone should ask German Chancellor Angela Merkel about this, because it s likely she ll contradict Trump s claim.Of course, Bill Clinton never let Chelsea take his seat at the G-20, and President Obama certainly never let his daughter Malia take his seat at the G-20 either.Both would have been criticized for it and Hillary would have been criticized for it as well, especially by conservatives, who would have thrown the mother of all hissy fits.In fact, I don t think a president has ever let their kids take over for them in such way, so despite what Trump claims, it is NOT very standard. Trump s effort to defend his bad decisions by bringing up what is very much now a hypothetical is pathetic. We ll never know if Hillary would have done such a thing because she isn t president. But Trump is, and that means his behavior is open for criticism.Besides, Chelsea Clinton herself responded to Trump and made it clear that her parents would never have considered doing what Trump did.Good morning Mr. President. It would never have occurred to my mother or my father to ask me. Were you giving our country away? Hoping not. https://t.co/4ODjWZUp0c Chelsea Clinton (@ChelseaClinton) July 10, 2017And Twitter users responded by blasting Trump to smithereens.HRC praised Trump s kids at a debate. Now Trump tries to use Chelsea as a political human shield. What a classless comment. Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 10, 2017Let s get real. If Chelsea sat in POTUS HRC s seat for five minutes everybody from Sean Hannity to Paul Ryan would be screaming impeachment. Adam Best (@adamcbest) July 10, 2017If Chelsea Clinton had been asked to hold the seat for her mother , Republicans would have been outraged Edward Hardy (@EdwardTHardy) July 10, 2017Nepotism and misogyny at the same time. Shameful. Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) July 10, 2017Is that what you were busy doing? Giving the country away? Jemaine Clement (@AJemaineClement) July 10, 2017No, your side would be calling for @HillaryClinton s impeachment. https://t.co/DT9Zns7iew Evan O Connell (@evanoconnell) July 10, 2017Chelsea also has a PhD in international relations. So .. she s sort of more qualified, yo Andrea Kuszewski (@AndreaKuszewski) July 10, 2017Featured Image: Alex Wong/Getty Images
MARK LEVIN Destroys Joe Scarborough…Defends Trump In Epic Rant [Video]
Conservative talk show host Mark Levin shredded Joe Scarborough and the media in defense of President Trump as he pointed out that respect is a two-way street.Levin, author of the book Rediscovering Americanism: And the Tyranny of Progressivism, said a man s man like Trump can only take so much before he s gonna stand up, as he spoke with Fox News Sean Hannity on the controversy over the president s tweets about MSNBC s Morning Joe and its co-host Mika Brzezinski You attack a man repeatedly who s a proud man, who s an accomplished man, who is a man s man. You attack him personally. You attack him for his looks. You attack him for his genitalia. And at some point, a man s gonna stand up, Levin said on Hannity Thursday. You want him to act presidential? Then you have respect for the office of the president, he added.While Levin understood the outrage, he admitted his only objection to the tweet was because it jacked up the ratings for MSNBC.Levin thinks the meltdown by the left reveals a deeper issue: You know, it s nice to know where the liberals finally draw the line on this tweet by this president, Levin told Hannity, pointing out that liberals were not bothered by former President Clinton, who was accused of rape and molesting and sexually attacking women in the Oval Office, nor were they bothered by Ted Kennedy. But Trump s tweet appears to be where the hypocritical left draws the line of acceptable behavior, Levin noted. So the bottom line is, MSNBC has a problem. From morning until night, it s the same damn show with different people, different dresses, different suits. It s the same thing. Levin then suggested that President Trump should keep tweeting Via: BPR
Clinton Campaign Circulated Paul Ryan Relative as Possible Supreme Court Pick
Clinton Campaign Circulated Paul Ryan Relative as Possible Supreme Court Pick Another reason as to why Ryan tried to sabotage Trump's campaign? Paul Joseph Watson - October 27, 2016 Comments Hillary Clinton’s campaign circulated the name of one of Paul Ryan’s relatives as a potential Supreme Court pick, suggesting a conflict of interest that could feed in to the Republican Speaker of the House’s dislike for Donald Trump. An email released in part 19 of the Wikileaks Podesta dump features an article sent by Hillary advisor Sara Solow to Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta and Hillary’s foreign policy advisor Jake Sullivan on February 29, 2016. The piece draws attention to Ketanji Brown Jackson, a judge on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. “She was confirmed by without any Republican opposition in the Senate not once, but *twice*. She was confirmed to her current position in 2013 by unanimous consent – that is, without any stated opposition. She was also previously confirmed unanimously to a seat on the U.S. Sentencing Commission (where she became vice chair),” reads the email. “Her family is impressive. She is married to a surgeon and has two young daughters. Her father is a retired lawyer and her mother a retired school principal. Her brother was a police officer (in the unit that was the basis for the television show *The Wire*) and is now a law student, and she is related by marriage to Congressman (and Speaker of the House) Paul Ryan.” Earlier this month, Ryan said that he would no longer defend or campaign for Donald Trump. A poll released this week found that nearly two thirds of Republicans trust Donald Trump more than Ryan to lead the GOP. Many Trump supporters speculated that Ryan was involved in the leaking of the infamous Billy Bush tape, in which Trump made lewd comments about women, as part of a plot to sabotage the Republican nominee’s campaign. Could the fact that one of his relatives is being touted as a likely Clinton Supreme Court pick be another reason as to why Ryan – who has been accused by many of being in bed with the Washington establishment – has abandoned his support for Donald Trump? SUBSCRIBE on YouTube:
Cancer, Cancer Everywhere … But Not In The Presidential Suite
By Janet Phelan A recent cancer symposium, with a surgical focus, met in Boston to discuss how surgical oncology is experiencing “an exciting evolution and...
Comment on Breaking: CDC Blocks Testimony of Their Senior Scientist Who Blew The Whistle on Severe Medical Malpractice by CDC Accused of Blocking Testimony from Senior Scientist — New York Malpractice & Injury Lawyer Blog
Have you heard of Dr. William Thompson? If you haven’t, you’re not alone. His story was completely ignored by mainstream media outlets, the same way that they recently ignored the fact that the Pentagon paid a PR firm half a billon dollars to make fake terrorist/news videos. Dr. William Thompson is a longtime senior CDC scientist. He has published some of the most commonly cited pro-vaccine studies — studies which purport to show absolutely no link between the MMR vaccine and autism, for example. Two studies he and his co-author published in 2004 and 2007 (CDC studies) were the most commonly cited studies used by the scientific community to debunk the controversy surrounding the MMR vaccine/autism link. ( Thompson, et al. 2007, Price, et al. 2010 , Destefano, et al. 2004 ) The study concluded that “the evidence is now convincing that the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine does not cause autism or any particular subtypes of autism spectrum disorder.” ( source ) A decade later, Dr. Thompson came out publicly admitting that that it was “the lowest point ” in his career when he “went along with that paper.” He went on to say that he and the other authors “didn’t report significant findings” and that he is “completely ashamed” of what he did, that he was “complicit and went along with this,” and regrets that he has “been a part of the problem.” ( source )( source )( source ) A study with revised information and no data omission was published by Dr. Brian Hooker (a contact of Dr. Thompson) in the peer reviewed journal Translational Neurodegeneration, and it found a 340% increased risk of autism in African American boys receiving the Measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine on time. The study has since been retracted during the same time of this controversy. You can read the full study HERE , although, unsurprisingly, it has since been retracted. Thompson’s attorneys, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Bryan Smith of Morgan & Morgan, also released a statement from Dr. Thompson, which mentioned Hooker: “ I have had many discussions with Dr. Brian Hooker over the last 10 months regarding studies the CDC has carried out regarding vaccines and neurodevelopmental outcomes including autism spectrum disorders. I share his belief that CDC decision-making and analyses should be transparent.” ( source ) Even pro-vaccine politicians were contacted, as these documents were sent to Congress. One of them reads as followed, as illustrated by congressman Bill Posey : “The [CDC] co-authors scheduled a meeting to destroy documents related to the [MMR vaccine] study. The remaining four co-authors all met and brought a big garbage can into the meeting room and reviewed and went through all the hard copy documents that we had thought we should discard and put them in a huge garbage can.” CDC Blocking Testimony Disconcertingly, Thomas Frieden (see picture above), the Director of the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), has blocked Dr. Thompson’s attempt to testify on scientific fraud and the destruction of evidence by senior CDC officials. Attorneys Smith and Kennedy have been seeking to have Thompson testify on medical malpractice, specifically with regard to fraud in a series of studies that found no link between vaccines and autism, which are cited earlier in the article. Mr. Kennedy writes that, according to Thompson, “for the past decade his superiors have pressured him and his fellow scientists to lie and manipulate data about the safety of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal to conceal its causative link to a suite of brain injuries, including autism.” Ecowatch , Dr. Frieden said that “Dr. William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHS [Health and Human Services].” Despite the fact that Thompson revealed a casual link between vaccines and autism, or autistic features, Frieden stated that “Dr William Thompson’s deposition testimony would not substantially promote the objectives of CDC or HHD.” The case seeking the testimony of Dr. Thompson is from the family of 16-year-old Yates Hazlehurst. A lawsuit is currently underway implying that Yates is autistic as a result of vaccine administration that occurred in 2001. Related CE Article With More Information The Top 6 Reasons Why More Parents Are Choosing To Not Vaccinate Their Children Some Quotes That Really Make You Think “The medical profession is being bought by the pharmaceutical industry, not only in terms of the practice of medicine, but also in terms of teaching and research. The academic institutions of this country are allowing themselves to be the paid agents of the pharmaceutical industry. I think it’s disgraceful.” – ( source )( source ) Arnold Seymour Relman (1923-2014), Harvard Professor of Medicine and Former Editor-in-Chief of the New England Medical Journal “It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgment of trusted physicians or authoritative medical guidelines. I take no pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the New England Journal of Medicine” Dr. Marcia Angell, a physician and longtime Editor in Chief of the New England Medical Journal ( source ) “The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue. Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.” Dr. Richard Horton, the current editor-in-chief of the Lancet ( source )
86 YR OLD BARBARA WALTERS Tells 40 Yr Old ‘American Sniper’ Star Bradley Cooper: “I find you very screwable.’
Real journalism ended a long time ago, but this is a new low even for leftist Barbara Walters. Just embarrassing He was named People s Sexiest Man Alive back in 2011. And Bradley Cooper proved just why he had that honour as women of all different ages desire him.The 40-year-old actor may have received a bit more attention than he was expecting from Barbara Walters recently during her 10 Most Fascinating People of 2015 special.Bradley seemed to be the apple of the 86-year-old journalist s eye, as according to People, she told him during the interview: I could just sit and stare at you but that would take too much time. But I, I find you very screwable. After making the surprising admission, the television host commented on his looks as she said: I think you re handsome, I think you re sexy. The Silver Linings Playbook star definitely seemed to be bashful as he was grateful for the compliments and says: I think that I ve grown to stop thinking about it. But sometimes I feel better than others. Yeah, I think it has a lot to do with feeling comfortable with yourself. Bradley definitely seems to be very comfortable in his own skin as he added: And I know that I m more comfortable with myself than I ve ever been in my life, so maybe that makes me more attractive. Via: UK Daily Mail
Gary Johnson Goes Zombie, Tries to Bite Reporters
Everybody always knew Gary Johnson is kind of crazy but what he just did to a Guardian reporter who interviewed him a few days ago, may cause you to pee yourself laughing! Well he didn’t really try to bite the reporter, the title its more of a joke to amplify what you are about to see next but be warned, first empty your bladder! If everyone voting for Gary Johnson saw this video, I promise you they would ALL change their mind. The man is a zombie, literally, watch his facial expressions. I have honestly NEVER seen someone flip out like this. The first 20 seconds Gary Johnson has his neck veins inflated and all angered up, screams like a zombie, then, he admits to the reporter that he’s an idiot: “Well I’m an idiot, you know?? Really! I’m the dumbest guy you ever met in your whole life!” Paul Lewis, the reporter looks stunned and for a while there, doesn’t know how to react to his open admission of being a dumb idiot, but finally the reporter snaps out of it and says “I’m trying to work out if that’s sarcasm.” Guess what Gary Johnson said… “It is… I hope it’s sarcasm”. So he’s not sure if he’s really a dumb idiot or he is just being sarcastic. He hopes… then he says “How do you respond when you’re being called a dummy? I’m not a dummy, I’m n t! And yeah I’m human!” Are you sure there Gary? Or you’re just hoping again? Well that’s it! That’s how you answer when someone calls you a dummy: “I’m not a dummy, I’m n t! And yeah I’m human!” Paul Lewis looks stunned as if he was expecting a more complex answer… Then for a few minutes or so Gary Johnson is cordial, even polite and even exposes Utah’s Evan McMullin as a Hillary Clinton shill, who has recently officially endorsed Hillary Clinton and admitted that he’s just a shill . Paul Lewis asked Gary why is he doing so poorly in the pools. Gary insisted that he’s doing fantastic and that he is at 24% in New Mexico. The reporter then asked Gary, “Then why is Evan McMullin currently tied with Clinton and Trump in Utah?” Gary Johnson responded: “Well he’s from Utah, he’s on the ballot in 11 states, so he can’t win the presidency, ummm he’s a Utahan. He’s ensuring that Hillary Clinton will win Utah and you know what? He is what he is, and you know I hold no grudge on anyone for entering the race… Look you ask me, I’m not labeling it spoiler, I’m just telling you what I think the reality is.” Then SUDDENLY out of NOWHERE, he flips and goes ABSOLUTELY BATS#IT CRAZY AGAIN when he’s asked about taxes. Watch MENTALLY ILL Gary Johnson EXPLODE! But don’t go, scroll down to laugh even harder! We’ve just discovered that taking screenshots of Gary Johnson while he’s in crazy mode and at the right moment is an art! Here’s a couple of perfectly timed screenshots for you:
5 Giant Footprints That You Won’t Believe Are Real
It’s easy to talk about how giants existed and how ancient mankind created myths around alleged beings of incredible proportions. But apparently, not everything is pure myth. In this article, we take a look at three fascinating MASSIVE footprints that according to many prove ancient Giants did exist. Interestingly, in nearly all ancient writings we find that in the distant past, giants walked among ordinary humans. If we look at ancient writings from South America, North America, Europe and Asia, we will find that ancient cultures mentioned giants in their ancient writings. However, some ancient texts not only mention giants but suggest they were real. Ok so, if giants did exist, then… show me the evidence! Well, the evidence may well be all around us. It doesn’t matter where we look, Asia, North America, Africa, we will see that there are ‘footprints’ embedded into a rock which are indicative of SUPERSIZED beings. We can find stories in many mythologies of the ancient world: Greek, Norse, Germanic, Indian, Indo-European, and also in the new world as in the traditions of the Mayans, Aztecs and Incas; but most importantly in almost all major sacred books of antiquity: the Lebhar Gabhale, the Hindu Ramayana and even in the Bible. However, in addition to the massive footprints found around the globe, there is written evidence which also suggests these beings were real. A 2,000-year-old book called ‘The Book of Giants’ is what many are referring to as the ultimate proof of the existence of giants. Over 50 years ago, scholars came across this fascinating book which details the Nephilim and how these beings were destroyed. Please note that the word ‘Nephilim’ is still not fully understood. Throughout the years, scholars have proposed some etymologies, among them: ‘The Fallen, ‘Apostates,’ and even ‘those that cause others to fall.’ But regardless of their name and the meaning, the enigmatic Nephilim have long been considered the giant beings that inhabited our planet in the distant past. The ‘Book of Giants’ was found nearly half a century ago in the Qumran Caves where experts recovered thousands of ancient scrolls that offer invaluable details of mankind’s past. But Giants are also mentioned in the Bible. “There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.” -Genesis 6:4 So in addition to ‘footprints,’ we have ancient texts that speak of Giants and how these beings existed on Earth. But not everyone is convinced that these ancient texts are proof of giants. As a matter of a fact, many believe that these are just myths created by our ancients. But if giants are just a myth… how come we have MASSIVE footprints in different parts of the world? Recently, photographers exploring an area near a Chinese village came across a sensational finding. They discovered (and photographed) a footprint left behind by a massive being. In the image –se below— you can clearly see the footprint embedded into rock. Compared to an ordinary foot of a human being, the footprint embedded into rock is at least twice as big. Furthermore, in South Africa near the Swaziland border in the Mpumalanga province, another massive footprint was found embedded into rock. There a massive 1.2-meter long footprint stands firmly embedded into granite. Locals call it Goliath’s Footprint or ‘The Footprint of God’. Its big. Really big. Locals consider the region where the footprint is located as a place of love, peace, and healing and that the Mpuluzi footprint is there to serve the power of good. How the gigantic footprint was imprinted into granite is another mystery, local shamans tell the story that this particular footprint was left by a being which was running across the ground covered with warm lava ash and that this is how the footprint came to be imprinted in granite. However, many remain skeptical. Dr. Jay Wile, a nuclear chemist, asserted that “it is almost certainly not a footprint.” However, as we can read on other websites , more controversial footprints have been found around the world. A news article published in the Strand Magazine, December of 1895, reprinted in “Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland” by W.G. Wood-Martin mentions this fossilized giant discovered during mining operations in County Antrim, Ireland: “Pre-eminent among the most extraordinary articles ever held by a railway company is the fossilized Irish giant, which is at this moment lying at the London and North-Western Railway Company’s Broad Street goods depot, and a photograph of which is reproduced here… This monstrous figure is reputed to have been dug up by a Mr. Dyer whilst prospecting for iron ore in County Antrim. The principal measurements are: entire length, 12ft. 2in.; girth of chest, 6ft. 6in.; and length of arms, 4ft. 6in. There are six toes on the right foot. The gross weight is 2 tons 15cwt.; so that it took half a dozen men and a powerful crane to place this article of lost property in position for the Strand, magazine artist. Dyer, after showing the giant in Dublin, came to England with his queer find and exhibited it in Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence, sixpence a head, attracting scientific men as well as gaping sightseers”. The idea that Giants walked on Earth —and that there is even possibly evidence to support claims of their existence— is something fascinating. So, while looking for more massive footprints, we’ve stumbled across the image posted below which seems to depict another GIANT footprint embedded into rock. While we have no information as to where the image was taken, we can provide the source where we found the image. Furthermore, another massive footprint embedded into solid rock can be found at Bheemana Hejje near Bangalore. It is referred to as the Giant Footprint of Bheema. Ancient-Code SOURCE
Cloud Computing Brings Sprawling Centers, but Few Jobs, to Small Towns - The New York Times
BOYDTON, Va. — A giant Microsoft facility just outside this very small town hides behind a berm and a guard house, across the highway from the rubble of a demolished prison. Behind the berm, six unmarked hangars each hold tens of thousands of computer servers. Microsoft has cleared enough scrub trees and vines for at least 15 of these buildings, and six more are already under construction. One thing there isn’t much of at this Microsoft complex, one single computer data center, is work. Microsoft says it might have “several dozen” employees in a place like this. They are mostly elite computer workers who tend not to come from Boydton, which lost a lot of good jobs when nearby factories closed and the prison shut down. So it is in a number of small towns across the country, as technology giants like Amazon, Google and Microsoft race to build networks of unprecedented size to provide services over the internet, a technology trend known as cloud computing. Local people, along with many economists and officials, often think these data centers are a key to an industrial revival. But the reality is less impressive. “I’ve worked on a lot of nuclear power plants, and these things are a lot bigger than that,” said E. W. Gregory, the head of the local electrical workers’ union. But “the first thing they put in was a guard shack and a fence. I’ve filled rooms with people looking for work. None of it lasts. ” The companies come to places like Boydton for basics like land, water and electricity. Even with low local wages, people are a item. As small as the staffs at these mammoth facilities are, companies say, perhaps a third of the company jobs will eventually be filled by robots. Google started building in eastern Oregon to be near cheap hydroelectric power on the Columbia River, and most recently it has focused on Iowa, Alabama and Tennessee. Microsoft has a center in Wyoming, and it bought a golf course as part of a complex near West Des Moines, Iowa. Amazon recently built similar giant facilities on the outer reaches of Columbus, Ohio, and Dulles, Va. “A lot of this stuff is put in rural parts of the country that used to be part of a manufacturing economy” that has gone overseas, said Bill Coughran, a partner at the venture investment firm Sequoia Capital who ran much of Google’s big engineering for eight years. “Textiles and furniture created a big power grid in the south. Then those jobs went away. ” That’s been the story for Boydton, population 430, in the middle of tobacco country a few miles from the North Carolina border. The prison across from the Microsoft center closed in 2012. A nearby Burlington Industries textile plant that employed more than 2, 000 shut in 2002. It was razed in 2012. In Clarksville, the next town over, a Russell Stover candy factory closed in 2001, taking 700 jobs. Now the building is a data center for the Department of Homeland Security, operated by a small crew from Hewlett Packard Enterprise. The South Virginia tobacco economy collapsed as Americans cut back on smoking. But in 1999, Virginia used some of the $4. 1 billion it received in a settlement with cigarette makers to build lines throughout the region. The broadband drew Microsoft, along with some financial perks. Mecklenburg County, which received $2. 1 million from the state for the project, has given Microsoft 350 acres and offset personal property taxes by 82. 5 percent, according to Wayne Carter, the county administrator. Initially, Apple, which is building a big cloud center for consumers’ photos and music, wanted the Boydton site, but it went across the border to North Carolina, which promised tax breaks on its data center equipment. Not to be outdone, Virginia passed laws in 2009 and 2010 that exempted sales taxes on things like data center computer servers, software, power generators and chillers to cool all that equipment. “We’ve had six years of construction work,” said Mr. Carter. That has helped the county, he said, because even temporary workers rent houses, stay in hotels and eat in local restaurants. Microsoft did not dispute reports that it would spend $1. 1 billion on the Boydton data center, and said that “on average, data centers employ tens to several dozen people,” in a mixture of corporate and contracted positions. It declined to let a reporter tour the site. “They talked about 100 jobs, but it’s a slow process,” said Thomas C. Coleman III, the mayor of Boydton. So far, he says, the biggest impact “has been a couple of lunch tables at the Triangle gas station. ” He understates matters, but not by much. Mr. Gregory, the electrician, said his union had hundreds of applicants for work digging ditches and laying pipe, starting at $10. 88 an hour. Wiring paid $28. 59. Both jobs tended to last about six months, he said, with lots of attrition for the hard outdoor labor. Working as a security guard or as someone testing the wires inside the data center offers better money, but there are not many positions. Microsoft prefers to fly in its own specialists for some work, and it doesn’t like hiring people who have worked in other big companies’ centers, Mr. Gregory said. (Microsoft said it did not exclude candidates based on previous experience.) “We can provide a place to live, but all those contractors will move on to the next town where they’re building,” Mr. Coleman said. “You don’t know what you can count on. ” The big cloud networks are immensely profitable for the few companies who can operate these global systems. The biggest three cloud companies estimate that the global market in business computing is worth $1 trillion or more, and they are rushing to expand globally. In interviews, all said they spend more than $2 billion annually on this. “It’s phenomenal how rapidly they are growing,” said Erik Brynjolfsson, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who has written extensively on the impact of new technologies. “It is the key enabler of all kinds of technology advances, starting with the things companies do now, but lots cheaper, including outsourcing tech jobs. ” In a recent article, Mr. Brynjolfsson noted a report by the United States Council of Economic Advisers that said more than 80 percent of jobs paying $20 an hour or less could be automated. The report urged sweeping policy changes, like ending some licensing regulations for careers like hairdressing, or wage subsidies for workers, to adapt to the new economic infrastructure. For towns like Boydton, he said, “people are going to have to move to new places. ” That is hard to imagine in places where local roots go so deep. Conversations here usually start with people explaining where they are from, and what their families did here for generations. “Boydton is the quintessential quaint courthouse town,” said Leigh Lambert, the town librarian. “People from here love it. It feels like it’s always with you. ” Ms. Lambert grew up nearby, tried New York, and returned to work next to the court, which is adorned with a statue of a Confederate soldier. Microsoft initially came to a couple of town meetings, and it seemed to offer a way Boydton could come back. “Now they’re off by themselves,” she said. “We hear they have a really nice Starbucks machine. ”
Hillary Clinton Is Setting A Masterful Trap For Trump To Self Destruct
While campaigning for Hillary Clinton in Florida, Alicia Machado described in detail the abuse inflicted on her by Donald Trump at the Miss Universe pageant. Clip: — CBS News (@CBSNews) November 1, 2016 Machado said, “I was scared of him. He made fun of me, and I didn’t know how to respond. He told me I was ugly. I was massive. He called me names. He called me Miss Piggy, Miss Housekeeping, Miss Eating Machine….For years, afterward, I was sick fighting back eating disorders.” Machado added, “It’s clear. It’s really clear that he does not respect women. He just judges us on our looks.” It is smart to take every opportunity to remind voters that as a human being, Donald Trump has consistently behaved in public like trash. He is a man who hates women and treats more than half of the population like objects. Having Machado introduce Clinton in Florida was also savvy politics. Trump has never demonstrated the personal restraint needed not to take the bait. Machado’s comments should cause Trump to blow up again, and throw his dire campaign even further off message. Hillary Clinton is setting Trump with a masterful trap. No one has been better at feeding negative Trump news cycles than the candidate himself. Trump can’t resist defending himself, and Hillary Clinton is setting the Republican nominee up to open his mouth and wallow in his own sexist mud.
Merkel, Hollande want to hold Assad responsible for 'criminal acts'
BERLIN (Reuters) - German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Francois Hollande spoke about the situation in Syria on Friday and want to continue efforts to hold Syrian President Bashar al-Assad to account for “criminal acts”, a statement from Berlin said. The United States early on Friday fired dozens of cruise missiles at a Syrian airbase from which it said a chemical weapons attack was launched this week. “President Assad alone is responsible for this development,” the German government said in a statement after the French and German leaders spoke by phone on Friday morning. It said Assad’s repeated use of chemical weapons and crimes against the Syrian people should result in sanctions. “Germany and France call on the international community.... to campaign together for a political transition in Syria,” Germany said in the statement.
Lightning Struck Trump Tower As Polls Closed On Super Tuesday (VIDEO)
As the polls closed for the Republican primary on Super Tuesday, Illinois experienced a phenomenon that could only have been captured by being in the right place at the right time: the moment lightning struck the Trump tower in downtown Chicago.Instagram user @mrmikeyv posted a video of this coincidental, once-in-a-lifetime event, captioning the clip perfectly by writing, Lightning storm ironically hitting the Trump building on #supertuesday. Polls were closing just as this force of nature occurred, revealing that the business mogul had taken Illinois as a win, as well as Florida and North Carolina. Clearly, mother nature wasn t happy about that.Lightning storm ironically hitting the Trump building on #supertuesday @mb2davis @thepassportreport @insta_chicagoA video posted by @mrmikeyv on Mar 15, 2016 at 9:29pm PDTThis ironically-timed, strange message from mother nature was a result of a major storm in northern Illinois, which resulted in approximately six tornadoes that damaged several houses and a church. The Super Tuesday polls revealed that Trump got 38.8 percent of the vote in Illinois, along with 49 delegates from the state.Despite running a campaign based on bigotry, violence and some of the most extreme rhetoric a presidential campaign has ever seen, Trump has been unstoppable even though he hasn t proposed one solid solution that will actually make America great again. Trump has risen above negative reports about lawsuits from his failed businesses, his awful misogynistic track record with women, support from white supremacists, and constant flip-flopping and lies. Still, he s continued on to defeat every single one of the GOP s incapable-yet-better-than-Trump candidates aside from Ted Cruz and John Kasich, although they probably don t stand a chance against the front runner. America is getting desperate for ways to end this Trump nightmare once and for all.Perhaps it was divine intervention that caused the sky to open up and rain down on Illinois as Trump won yet another state, striking one of the candidate s precious towers in disappointment. Unfortunately, the Trump Tower still stands and was barely phased by it. Trump is also still standing, running for the GOP nomination, and winning. Featured image via Instagram screenshot and Flickr
Le datsan d’Aguinskoïé : plongée au cœur du bouddhisme russe
Le datsan d'Aguinskoïé : plongée au cœur du bouddhisme russe Aguinskoïé est un petit village situé au sud du kraï de Transbaïkalie (près de 5 000 km à l'est de Moscou), bordé par le lac Baïkal à l'ouest et la Mongolie au sud. Quand on demande aux habitants s'ils considèrent que le village se trouve en Sibérie, ils répondent résolument : « Non, c'est le kraï de Transbaïkalie ». En Transbaïkalie, l'originalité régionale et la proximité de l'Orient transparaissent de toutes parts : dans le tintement délicat des clochettes qui enveloppe le datsan d'Aguinskoïé pour s'envoler vers les cimes des pins. Dans le vent poussiéreux qui se promène dans la steppe aux odeurs d'herbe séchée. Dans l'arôme des buuz frais (grands raviolis) de mouton, qui pénètre dans les rues du village à travers les portes des cafés. Pour la plupart des habitants de la Sibérie, Aguinskoïé est un point inconnu sur la carte. En revanche, pour les Bouriates, qui représentent la majorité de la population locale, ainsi que pour les bouddhistes de Transbaïkalie, mais aussi de Bouriatie, de la République de l'Altaï, de Mongolie et du Touva, Aguinskoïé est une maison où les anciens préservent les légendes et rites nationaux. Une maison où il est facile de prier et où l'on revient après de longs voyages. 1 Un endroit sous les pins « On nous laissera rentrer dans le datsan ? C'est tout de même un monastère, un lieu fermé. Les lamas voudront-ils nous rencontrer ? » , demandé-je à mon guide à l'entrée du datsan d'Aguinskoïé. « Certainement. Dans le bouddhisme, le lama est un enseignant, c'est le sens du mot en tibétain. On considère que le lama doit répondre aux questions et apporter conseil à tous ceux qui s'adressent à lui. Peu importe s'il s'agit d'un bouddhiste, d'un chrétien ou d'un représentant d'un autre culte » , répond mon compagnon Daba Dabaïev, lama, photographe et voyageur. Nous entrons dans le datsan d'Aguinskoïé, l'un des plus anciens de Sibérie : il a plus de 200 ans. Le père de Daba Dabaïev l'a amené au datsan d'Aguinskoïé dès qu'il a terminé le collège. Daba a d'abord étudié à l'Académie du datsan, à la faculté de philosophie bouddhiste, puis, en troisième année, il a opté pour la faculté de peinture avant de travailler ensuite comme photographe au datsan. Il a 30 ans. « Je suis arrivé ici à l'âge de 14 ans et je ne comprenais pas bien ce qu'était un datsan, ce qu'était le bouddhisme. La première année, je voulais fuir. J'avais beaucoup de cours, beaucoup de travail, il fallait obéir aux lamas plus âgés et exécuter leurs ordres, c'est la règle. Je rentrais à la maison pour les vacances, je ressentais une liberté que je n'oublierai sans doute jamais et pensais : « Je suis chez moi ! ». Deux ans plus tard, en arrivant en Khakassie, je me surprenais à penser : « Vivement que je rentre au datsan ». C'est ma maison » . Nous sommes installés dans le dougan (temple dans le bouddhisme tibétain, ndlr) le plus ancien et le plus beau du datsan d'Aguinskoïé, le dougan Devajine. Il est entouré de rangées de pins et de tambours sacrés qui contiennent entre cent et quatre cent mille prières. Les bouddhistes laïcs et les lamas du monastère tournent ces tambours dans le sens des aiguilles d'une montre, c'est l'une des formes de prière. À l'intérieur, le dougan est décoré de tableaux de Koless Sansara, de portraits de lamas respectés persécutés dans les années 1930 et d'une statue dorée de Bouddha. On ressent les traditions tibétaines, mais comme les premiers dougans furent bâtis par des maçons et charpentiers russes, des éléments de l'architecture russe sont également présents. Par exemple, les grandes fenêtres grillagées rappellent celles des terems (palais en bois, ndlr) des contes avec la lueur du jour tombant sur le plancher par taches de lumière chaude. Le musée régional d'Aguinskoïé porte le nom du chercheur orientaliste et voyageur Gombojab Tsybikov (1873 – 1930). Cet habitant d'un petit village bouriate aida en 1905 la revue National Geographic à se relever économiquement et à regagner sa notoriété mondiale. En 1899, Tsybikov part en mission de recherche pour la Société russe de géographie au Tibet central, dans sa capitale fermée Lhassa. À l'époque, aucun étranger à l'exception des citoyens chinois et mongols n'a le droit de se rendre au Tibet, ainsi Tsybikov voyage déguisé en pèlerin. La direction de la Société russe de géographie équipe le Bouriate d'une caméra portative Self-Worker, d'objectifs anastigmats Hertz et de plaques anglaises de la marque Empress. La photographie étant passible de la peine de mort dans la capitale tibétaine, Tsybikov utilise une ruse : il cache sa caméra dans le tambour portatif de prière qu'il garde tout le temps sur lui. En 1905, la revue National Geographic publie un reportage sur le Tibet. Gombojab Tsybikov et son collègue Ovche Norzounov, qui photographiait également Lhassa même en avoir averti Tsybikov, offrent les images à la revue. Au début du XXe siècle, parier sur la photographie assortie d'un petit texte est nouveau pour la revue. Cette décision s'avère payante : la revue peut ainsi survivre en temps de crise et trouve son style de présentation. Baigné par cette lumière, Daba est installé sur un banc et égrène le chapelet bouddhiste entre ses mains. Il porte une veste urbaine bordeaux dont la couleur rappelle en tout point la veste des lamas en peau de mouton. Daba voyage beaucoup à travers la Sibérie, mais reste toujours rattaché intérieurement, et même extérieurement, à sa maison, le datsan : en traversant les portes du temple pour sortir dans le grand monde, un lama reste toujours lama. 2 Coucher de soleil sur le bas-côté « Quitter Aguinskoïé ou partir en voyage ne veut pas dire qu'on rompt le lien avec nos racines , estime Daba. Le Dalaï Lama dit que pour atteindre la paix intérieure absolue et le bonheur, on doit se rendre dans un endroit qu'on ne connaît pas au moins une fois par an. Ainsi, le cerveau pourra évoluer ». Nous sommes installés avec Daba et son ami photographe et opérateur Boulat dans un café en bord de route et dégustons de délicieux buuz de beauf haché, plat national des Bouriates. Daba et Boulat parcourent depuis plusieurs années leur région natale et font des reportages et des films pour leur chaîne Travelman. Leur dernière réalisation est le court-métrage de fiction Nuusa ( « secret » en bouriate). « Les amis qui sont partis me demandent parfois : « Pourquoi restes-tu à Aguinskoïé ? Pars au plus vite, tant que tu n'es pas recouvert de racines » , raconte Boulat. Mais on ne peut pas fuir ses problèmes, tout est à l'intérieur de l'homme. Il faut voyager et regarder le monde alentour, mais il faut aussi savoir trouver l'inspiration pour travailler au datsan d'Aguinskoïé. Nous la trouvons ». Auteur : Anna Grouzdeva
#CrookedHillary Uses Twitter To Accuse Trump Of Being A “Racist”…Forgets To Mention $20K+ In Donations From KKK In 2016 [VIDEO]
Hillary Clinton is bending over backwards to convince American voters that Donald Trump is a racist because a White Supremacist and a KKK member said they plan to vote for him. ]who eulogized KKK leader, mentor and close friend, Robert C. Byrd, and about the $20,000 donation she accepted from the KKK just this year!? Here s a tweet from the woman who REFUSES to speak to reporters after being caught in yet ANOTHER SCANDAL. This time, its been revealed that Hillary and her grifter and serial rapist husband have been selling our nation for favors through their pay-to-play slush fund, the Clinton Foundation (Criminal Piggy Bank). Oh yeah about that tweet:It's not a coincidence that white supremacists proudly support Trump. pic.twitter.com/3OX4I1GSkr Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 25, 2016Hillary Clinton s presidential campaign has received more than $20,000 in donations contributed by members of the Ku Klux Klan, a prominent member of the hate group said Monday.Mr. Quigg, the leader of the Klan s California chapter, announced last month that he had abandoned supporting Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump in lieu of backing his likely Democratic opponent. The Klansman claims that members have raised more than $20,000 for Mrs. Clinton and have donated it anonymously to her campaign.Clinton campaign spokesman Josh Schwerin disputed the grand dragon s claim and said the former secretary of state has rejected the group s endorsement. Washington TimesWatch Hillary s praise for KKK leader, Senator Robert C. Byrd:
ILLEGAL ALIENS Jump Over Border Fence as MSNBC Reports On Border Wall Construction [Video]
Oh the irony! Left-leaning MSNBC aired a segment about President Trump s proposed border wall, which ultimately proved the U.S.-Mexico border needs a bigger wall.HOW HIGH SHOULD WE GO? The Trump administration has approved the construction of eight prototypes of the border wall. These prototypes are nearing completion as the administration s deadline approaches. The prototypes have several guidelines they must satisfy. For instance, concrete walls have to be 30 ft. tall while walls made from alternate materials have to be 18 to 30 ft. tall.JUMPING THE FENCE MSNBC reporter Jacob Soboroff went to preview the prototypes that are being built between two existing border fences along the U.S.-Mexico border. During the segment, Soboroff was interviewing border patrol agent Roy Villareal when several migrants were caught on camera jumping the existing fence into the United States.EVERYDAY BORDER ENFORCEMENT = OPEN BORDERS A small group of three people just jumped over in the middle of the day, Soboroff noted. So can you explain to me what s going on? This is the reality of everyday border enforcement. The United States is the draw for people with dire situations where they are at, Villareal said. We are going to continue to witness this. It plays out on a regular basis for us. Soboroff went to the Mexican side of the border and showed how easy it was to cross the border under current conditions.THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! Can you imagine how easy it s been for terrorists to cross?We just reported on a terrorist who made his way to Canada via Mexico and the U.S.: The Democrats are fighting against closing our border with Mexico at every step of the way. They want open borders It s that simple. If you vote for Democrats then you re voting for open borders. They have zero interest in stopping the flow of illegals to America. One of the key things to remember about open borders is it s not just the people from Mexico looking for a job or better life. The truth is that our open border has become a GLOBAL MAGNET for people from all over the world to come for many different reasons. One of the reasons is terrorism The case below highlights the desperate need for border control if we want to stop the flow of terrorists to America and Canada:The Somali terrorist who stabbed a Canadian police officer and ran over four pedestrians a few weeks ago entered the United States through the Mexican border and was released by Obama s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), allowing him to continue his journey north. The ISIS operative, Abdulahi Hasan Sharif, was ordered deported, an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) spokeswoman told various media outlets recently, but was released on an order of supervision and the feds never saw him again.Sharif entered the U.S. in 2011 through the San Ysidro port of entry in California without documentation and was briefly held at the Otay Mesa Detention Center in San Diego, a local newspaper reported. A year later he crossed the border into Canada and settled in Edmonton after being granted refugee status. On September 30 he slammed into an Edmonton police officer with his car then got out of the vehicle and repeatedly stabbed the cop with a knife. After fleeing the scene, Sharif stole a truck and deliberately mowed down four pedestrians. Canadian authorities found an ISIS flag in his car and have charged him with multiple counts of attempted murder, criminal flight causing bodily harm and possession of a weapon. Two years ago, Canadian authorities investigated the 30-year-old terrorist for espousing extremist views. It s disturbing that Sharif s northbound trek took him through the U.S.-Mexico border.As part of an ongoing investigation into cartels, corruption and terrorism, Judicial Watch has for years reported that Islamic extremists are entering the country through Mexico and that ISIS is operating in border towns just miles from American cities. Judicial Watch launched the project in 2014 by exposing a sophisticated narco-terror ring with strong ties to ISIS and connections running from El Paso to Chicago to New York City. Two of the FBI s most wanted were embroiled in the operation that also had deep ties to Mexico. Less than a year later, Judicial Watch reported that ISIS is operating in a Mexican border town just eight miles from El Paso, the result of Islamic terrorists joining forces with drug cartels and human smugglers knowns as coyotes. When Judicial Watch reported that Mexican cartels were smuggling foreigners from countries with terrorist links into a small Texas rural town, federal authorities publicly denied the story was true. Never the less, high-level sources on both sides of the border confirmed to Judicial Watch that foreigners, classified as Special Interest Aliens (SIA), were being transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs waited for pick-up in the area s sand hills just across Highway 20. At the time a Texas Department of Public Safety report leaked by the media had already confirmed that for years members of known Islamist terrorist organizations had been apprehended crossing the southern border.Last year a high-ranking DHS official told Judicial Watch that Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists stationed in Mexico cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks. Among the jihadists that travel back and forth through the porous southern border is a Kuwaiti named Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, an ISIS operative who lives in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso. Khabir trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen and has lived in Mexico for more than a year, according to information provided by Judicial Watch s government source. Now Khabir trains thousands of men mostly Syrians and Yemenis to fight in an ISIS base situated in the Mexico-U.S. border region near Ciudad Ju rez, the intelligence gathered by Judicial Watch s source reveals. Staking out U.S. targets is not difficult and Khabir actually bragged in an Italian newspaper article that the border region is so open that he could get in with a handful of men, and kill thousands of people in Texas or in Arizona in the space of a few hours. In the same article Mexico s top diplomat, Foreign Affairs Secretary Claudia Ruiz, said this new wave of fundamentalism could have nasty surprises in store for the United States. While much of the American mainstream media ignores that Sharif made it to Canada via the U.S.-Mexico border, it s hardly surprising considering Islamic extremists have been infiltrating the country through the famously unprotected region for years. Referring to the recent Canadian attack, a think-tank dedicated to investigating the operations, funding, activities and front groups of Islamic extremists worldwide writes: Fears about a terrorist using the U.S.-Mexican border as a gateway for an attack have been realized. Via: Judicial Watch
But How Do You Use Nonviolence Against a Nuke?
The "Baker" explosion, part of Operation Crossroads, a nuclear weapon test by the United States military at Bikini Atoll, Micronesia, on 25 July 1946. (US Department of Defense)
Son-in-law Kushner poised to wield clout in Trump presidency
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - After winning a primary election that effectively clinched the Republican presidential nomination, Donald Trump paused to laud a boyish-looking 35-year-old who ultimately proved to be an indispensable figure on the path to the White House. “Honestly, Jared is a very successful real estate person. But I actually think he likes politics more than he likes real estate,” Trump said of his son-in-law Jared Kushner, standing to his right during a victory speech after the Indiana party primary election in May. “But he’s very good at politics.” Kushner, the slender, clean-cut New Jersey real estate scion who married Trump’s daughter Ivanka in 2009, helped guide the Republican Trump to victory last week over Democrat Hillary Clinton and is poised to remain an influential adviser during his presidency. Kushner emerged as an important voice early in Trump’s campaign, launched in June 2015. He was involved in almost every aspect of Trump’s campaign, offering advice on key personnel decisions, strategy, speeches, fundraising and other areas. Late in the campaign, he began laying the groundwork for a possible Trump-run television network, in the event his father-in-law lost, according to a person familiar with the matter. Kushner spearheads his family’s real estate development company, Kushner Companies, and is the publisher of the New York Observer weekly newspaper, which he acquired at age 25. While a federal anti-nepotism law prohibits a president from hiring family members to serve in his administration, Kushner is set to remain a key insider and trusted confidant. Reince Priebus, appointed Trump’s White House chief of staff on Sunday, told NBC’s “Today” show on Monday that Kushner “obviously” will be very involved in decision-making. Kushner serves on Trump’s transition executive committee. Kushner is a Harvard graduate with a New York University law degree and a master’s in business administration. Like Trump, Kushner followed in the footsteps of a real estate powerhouse father. His father, Charles Kushner, is a real estate developer, philanthropist and major Democratic donor whose reputation was left in tatters after a lurid criminal case. He was sentenced to two years in prison after pleading guilty in 2004 to 18 counts of tax evasion, witness tampering and making unlawful campaign donations. During the case, he admitted to smearing his brother-in-law, who had cooperated with prosecutors, by hiring a prostitute to have sex with him in a motel room, then sending a secretly recorded video of the encounter to the man’s wife, Charles Kushner’s own sister. In an unusual twist, the man who prosecuted Charles Kushner was Chris Christie, now the governor of New Jersey, who also has served as an adviser to Trump. Kushner is an Orthodox Jew whose wife, Ivanka, converted to Judaism before they married. The family keeps kosher, observes the Sabbath and attends an upscale synagogue on New York’s Upper East Side. ANTI-SEMITISM CONTROVERSY Steve Bannon, former head of the right-wing Breitbart News website, took a leadership post in the campaign in August after it became clear that Trump, his children and Kushner trusted his advice and analysis, a source said at the time. Breitbart News is closely associated with the “alt-right” movement, a loose online group of white supremacists, anti-Semites and others opposed to multiculturalism. Trump, who takes office on Jan. 20, named Bannon as chief strategist and senior counselor on Sunday. Dana Schwartz, a Jewish reporter for Kushner’s newspaper, in July criticized Trump for his Twitter post accusing Clinton of corruption using a Star of David image and a background of $100 bills. Schwartz then wrote an open letter to Kushner after being deluged with anti-Semitic tweets. Schwartz asked Kushner, “how do you allow this? Because, Mr. Kushner, you are allowing this. ... When you stand silent and smiling in the background, his Jewish son-in-law, you’re giving his most hateful supporters tacit approval.” Kushner responded by writing in the Observer, “In my opinion, accusations like ‘racist’ and ‘anti-Semite’ are being thrown around with a carelessness that risks rendering these words meaningless.” He went on to write that his grandmother and grandfather survived the Nazi Holocaust while other relatives did not. “I know the difference between actual, dangerous intolerance versus these labels that get tossed around in an effort to score political points,” Kushner wrote. Kushner became a major player in real estate in his mid-20s, after his father’s conviction. At 26, he orchestrated what was the most-expensive single-building purchase in U.S. history in 2006 with the $1.8 billion acquisition of a 41-story skyscraper at 666 Fifth Avenue in Manhattan. Kushner told The Real Deal trade magazine afterward, “In New York, you have to act quickly, or else you get left in the dust.”
Keith Olbermann BURIES Trump For Whining About Recount Efforts
Donald Trump threw another Twitter tantrum, so Keith Olbermann gave him something to really cry about.Clearly, Donald Trump is scared that recounts in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan will overturn the initial results of the 2016 Election and make him a loser.That s why he threw another one of his infamous hissy fits on his favorite social media platform in opposition of the recount effort.Trump attacked Hillary Clinton, calling her a hypocrite for supporting the recount because he was asked repeatedly whether or not he would accept the results of the election. However, Trump only said he would support the results if he wins.It was a nine-tweet rant that once again proved how unfit Trump is to be president. And Olbermann absolutely smacked Trump down for it.What, @realDonaldTrump, was that bullshit from you this week about everybody uniting? #MinorityVotePresident #GoEffYourself #Resist pic.twitter.com/Jh0QemlKIJ Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 27, 2016Honest to God, @realDonaldTrump shut the fuck up. #Resign pic.twitter.com/mkQMPDIZTz Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 27, 2016One of your high level advisors, @realDonaldTrump like Fabio needs to remind you that you were never asked to abstain from a recount pic.twitter.com/0c3bgprzi4 Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 27, 2016And look in a mirror, @realDonaldTrump, and let your eight chins break it to you: you re blowing this. You ve erased your dignity #GetOutNow pic.twitter.com/drKUYxDtRE Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 27, 2016Olbermann even advised Trump to dump Kellyanne Conway, who whines and commits hypocrisy every time she appears on the air.Also, @realDonaldTrump, get rid of this Dolores Umbridge of DC, Conway. She s doing nearly as much damage to you as your own tweets are https://t.co/oIWZFr8OkD Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) November 27, 2016Hillary Clinton and the American people deserve a recount. And if that recount shows that Trump actually lost, he and his team should immediately step aside. And if it is discovered along the way that Trump s team was aided by hacks into our voting system, every last one of them should be prosecuted for election fraud and put behind bars where they belong.Clinton currently leads in the popular vote by over 2 million votes and her losses in the three states mentioned above were by narrow margins. Asking for recounts is perfectly legal, and in this case, very reasonable considering the fate of the free world and our democracy hang in the balance.Featured Image: Zach Gibson/Getty Images
John Hagee: Vote For Trump Or Face The Wrath Of God (VIDEO)
It s funny how extreme right-wing Christians always think they know what their God is thinking about politics, especially since most of the candidates who say that God told them to run for president never even get the nomination, much less become president. Well, another such right-wing Christian has added his voice to this narrative: Pastor John Hagee. On the Tuesday edition of his show Hagee Hotline, the fiery preacher issued a dire warning: Vote for Donald Trump in November, or God will come for you. Hagee warned that God will not hold us harmless, and that voting is an imperative duty. He continued to rant: I m going to vote for the candidate that s going to make the U.S. military great again. I m going to vote for the party that is going to solve the immigration problem, not the one that has created the immigration problem. I m going to support the party that brings jobs back from China I m not going to vote for the party that has betrayed Israel for the past seven years. If you can read a newspaper, you know who I m talking about. No candidate is perfect, but I want you to go vote and may God give us a leader who has the courage to put America first and stand up for we the people. Now, I don t know about you, but this sounds an awful lot like a preacher putting politics into religion to me. If Hagee s ministry is tax exempt, he needs to lose that status if he can t stop the politicking. Further, no higher power if one were to actually exist would want a dangerous, racist, sexist, xenophobic narcissist as the leader of the free world.This election cycle sure has brought out the nutjobs, all thanks to the likes of Donald Trump. If that man wins, we re ALL going to need some divine intervention for sure.Watch the video of Pastor Hagee s comments, via Right Wing Watch:Featured image via video screen capture
UK Diplomat Says He’s Met With DNC Leaker…They’re NOT Russian…They’re An Insider [VIDEO]
Wikileaks founder Julian Assange has clearly stated his leaks did not come from Russia. Watch:Former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, who is a close associate of Julian Assange, said he has met the DNC leaker and he s not Russian. h/t GPI have watched incredulous as the CIA s blatant lie has grown and grown as a media story blatant because the CIA has made no attempt whatsoever to substantiate it. There is no Russian involvement in the leaks of emails showing Clinton s corruption. Yes this rubbish has been the lead today in the Washington Post in the US and the Guardian here, and was the lead item on the BBC main news. I suspect it is leading the American broadcasts also.A little simple logic demolishes the CIA s claims. The CIA claim they know the individuals involved. Yet under Obama the USA has been absolutely ruthless in its persecution of whistleblowers, and its pursuit of foreign hackers through extradition. We are supposed to believe that in the most vital instance imaginable, an attempt by a foreign power to destabilize a US election, even though the CIA knows who the individuals are, nobody is going to be arrested or extradited, or (if in Russia) made subject to yet more banking and other restrictions against Russian individuals? Plainly it stinks. The anonymous source claims of We know who it was, it was the Russians are beneath contempt.As Julian Assange has made crystal clear, the leaks did not come from the Russians. As I have explained countless times, they are not hacks, they are insider leaks there is a major difference between the two. And it should be said again and again, that if Hillary Clinton had not connived with the DNC to fix the primary schedule to disadvantage Bernie, if she had not received advance notice of live debate questions to use against Bernie, if she had not accepted massive donations to the Clinton foundation and family members in return for foreign policy influence, if she had not failed to distance herself from some very weird and troubling people, then none of this would have happened.It is terrible that the prime conduit for this paranoid nonsense is a once great newspaper, the Washington Post, which far from investigating executive power, now is a sounding board for totally evidence free anonymous source briefing of utter bullshit from the executive.In the UK, one single article sums up the total abnegation of all journalistic standards. The truly execrable Jonathan Freedland of the Guardian writes Few credible sources doubt that Russia was behind the hacking of internal Democratic party emails, whose release by Julian Assange was timed to cause maximum pain to Hillary Clinton and pleasure for Trump. Does he produce any evidence at all for this assertion? No, none whatsoever. What does a journalist mean by a credible source ? Well, any journalist worth their salt in considering the credibility of a source will first consider access. Do they credibly have access to the information they claim to have?Now both Julian Assange and I have stated definitively the leak does not come from Russia. Do we credibly have access? Yes, very obviously. Very, very few people can be said to definitely have access to the source of the leak. The people saying it is not Russia are those who do have access. After access, you consider truthfulness. Do Julian Assange and I have a reputation for truthfulness? Well in 10 years not one of the tens of thousands of documents WikiLeaks has released has had its authenticity successfully challenged. As for me, I have a reputation for inconvenient truth telling.Contrast this to the credible sources Freedland relies on. What access do they have to the whistleblower? Zero. They have not the faintest idea who the whistleblower is. Otherwise they would have arrested them. What reputation do they have for truthfulness? It s the Clinton gang and the US government, for goodness sake.The worst thing about all this is that it is aimed at promoting further conflict with Russia. This puts everyone in danger for the sake of more profits for the arms and security industries including of course bigger budgets for the CIA. As thankfully the four year agony of Aleppo comes swiftly to a close today, the Saudi and US armed and trained ISIS forces counter by moving to retake Palmyra. This game kills people, on a massive scale, and goes on and on. For entire blog post, go to: Craig MurrayIt s worth mentioning, the murder case of Seth Rich, a 27 year old DNC operative has not yet been solved.Possible Whistle Blower on Democratic Party Voter #Fraud assassinated in Washington DC,not in MsM https://t.co/Cbem0AJvw5 #DNC Egypt Built (@HosamDakhakhni) July 12, 2016On August 9, 2016 Julian Assange offered a $20,000 reward for information that would lead to the conviction of the person or people who murdered Seth Rich. Why did Assange make that offer?ANNOUNCE: WikiLeaks has decided to issue a US$20k reward for information leading to conviction for the murder of DNC staffer Seth Rich. WikiLeaks (@wikileaks) August 9, 2016While Wilileaks Julian Assange was being interviewed by John Pilger, he brought up the death of Seth Rich:Watch Assange s reaction to Pilger s question during the same interview in slow motion here. What do you think? Is he nodding in agreement to his question about Seth Rich?THE RUSSIA HOAX: Julian Assange acknowledges murdered DNC staffer Seth Rich was Wikileaks' source. Why is MSM covering this up? #Trump pic.twitter.com/FS297JooQI ViveLaFrance (@vivelafra) December 11, 2016Here is part of the conversation:Julian Assange: Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As a 27 year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.Reporter: That was just a robbery, I believe. Wasn t it?Julian Assange: No. There s no finding. So I m suggesting that our sources take risks.Perhaps Obama should stop blaming the Russians and start asking the FBI and CIA to take a closer look at the unsolved murder of Seth Rich. But if the answer lies within the Democrat Party, that s probably not gonna happen. Obama and Hillary would rather start a war with Russia
Court in Egypt Overturns Mohamed Morsi’s Death Sentence - The New York Times
CAIRO — One of Egypt’s highest courts overturned a death sentence imposed on Mohamed Morsi, who was the country’s first democratically elected president and was ousted in 2013 by the military. Mr. Morsi, who is serving a life sentence in prison for offenses related to espionage and inciting violence, is likely to remain in prison indefinitely. The annulment of his death sentence — as well as the sentences against five other leaders of Mr. Morsi’s Muslim Brotherhood movement — suggests the government’s reluctance to execute leaders of the Brotherhood, which still maintains some public support after its role in the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak in 2011. The Brotherhood, which held power for just over a year, has been classified as a terrorist group by the government of Abdel Fattah the president and a former military leader, and thousands of the group’s leaders and members have been jailed or killed or have gone into exile. Even so, observers widely believe that executing top leaders like Mr. Morsi could lead to a new surge of violence. The Court of Cassation, an appellate panel that interprets and applies Egyptian law, ordered a retrial of a case in which Mr. Morsi was charged with orchestrating a prison break during the chaotic days of the 2011 uprising against Mr. Mubarak. The case must be heard again in the courts. Mr. Morsi may again be given the death sentence, said Khaled Nashar, the spokesman for the Ministry of Justice. “The Court of Cassation’s job is to make sure the courts followed the law,” Mr. Nashar said. “They have to redo the procedures now and then. They can issue whatever verdict they see fit. ” But even if Mr. Morsi is again sentenced to death, the penalty is unlikely to be carried out, “if only for the reaction it would provoke within Egypt,” said H. A. Hellyer, a scholar at the Atlantic Council, a think tank in Washington. If Mr. Morsi were executed, he said, it could undo the uneasy calm that has settled in Egypt since 2013, when Mr. Sisi, who was then commander of Egypt’s armed forces, deposed Mr. Morsi amid a popular wave of anger against the rule of the Muslim Brotherhood. Mr. Morsi had been democratically elected president the year before. Mr. Sisi led a crackdown against the group, including killing at least 800 people, and possibly as many as 1, 000, when security forces dispersed a in Cairo in August 2013. Executing Mr. Morsi would very likely make him a martyr to millions of Islamists and provide fuel for violence. It was that concern, rather than any desire for reconciliation with the Muslim Brotherhood, that would keep him alive, Mr. Hellyer said. “They are crazy, but they are not that crazy,” Mr. Hellyer said of the Egyptian authorities. “I don’t think they want to execute him, but it doesn’t mean he is getting out. ” Mr. Morsi has been sentenced several times to life in prison. One of those sentences, on charges arising from the killing of protesters outside the presidential palace in December 2012, does not permit parole. Last year, he was given lengthy prison terms on charges of spying for Qatar for Hamas, the Islamist group that controls Gaza and for Hezbollah, the Shiite Lebanese group. He also is facing trial for another case involving insulting the judiciary. The next hearing is set for December, said Nicholas Piachaud, a researcher on Egyptian affairs at the human rights group Amnesty International. The Court of Cassation rules only on matters of law, not matters of fact. one of Mr. Morsi’s lawyers, had argued that the death penalty should be overturned “because the initial trial was deeply flawed. ” Mr. added: “It’s not like he is going home today. He already has a final sentence of 20 years in prison. But at least today he gets to take off the red suit. ” Prisoners awaiting the death penalty in Egypt wear red jumpsuits other prisoners wear blue.
German citizen on trial in Turkey on political charges: media
FRANKFURT (Reuters) - A 49-year-old woman has become the first German citizen to stand trial in Turkey on allegations of supporting U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen, whom Turkish authorities blame for a failed military coup last year, German media reported. Broadcasters WDR and NDR and daily newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung said the trial began in the southern Turkish city of Karaman on Thursday and cited the indictment as saying the woman faced several years in prison. They said the woman, whom they did not name, was born in Turkey but had lived in southwest Germany for more than 20 years and had been a German citizen for 15. She had been arrested in Turkey in August 2016 and released in September after pressure from Germany s foreign ministry but was not allowed to leave the country, they said. Earlier on Thursday, the ministry confirmed that another German citizen detained in southern Turkey last week had been released but banned from travel. Turkey s Dogan news agency said the man and his German partner had been detained while on holiday in Antalya. The partner had already been freed after questioning. Dogan said the couple had also been held as part of investigations into Gulen and Kurdish militants in Syria. Gulen has denied any link to the failed coup. Thursday s release means 10 German citizens remain in Turkish detention on political charges. The arrests have raised tensions between Ankara and Berlin and led Chancellor Angela Merkel to call for a review of relations and of Turkey s EU accession talks. The detainees include dual German-Turkish citizen Deniz Yucel, who has been held for more than 200 days.
Mexican Governor Fighting U.S. Extradition for Cartel Case
The accused former governor of the Mexican border state of Tamaulipas claimed in Italian court that he does not want to be extradited to the U. S. for multiple drug trafficking and money laundering charges. The politician faces allegations of being a surrogate of Mexico’s Gulf, Los Zetas, and Beltran Leyva Cartels. [According to information provided Italian authorities, Yarrington made a court appearance on Wednesday to announce his wishes against extradition. He will remain in an Italian prison as a flight risk to the U. S. Department of Justice until the matter is settled. As Breitbart Texas reported, Yarrington was charged out of the U. S. Southern District of Texas on multiple drug trafficking and money laundering charges. The allegations in the indictment point to Yarrington having worked for various Mexican cartels while serving as governor of Tamaulipas. While U. S. agents tracked him down for years, Mexican authorities gave the politician official protection details. On Sunday, agents with Homeland Security Investigations and Italian police arrested Yarrington in at a restaurant. The arrest was based on the investigation done by U. S. authorities and the Italian government however, Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (PGR) issued a news release taking credit for the collar and claiming that Yarrington would be returned home. The claims by the PGR were proven to be lies by Breitbart Texas this week when it quoted diplomatic officials revealing that the arrest was solely a U. S. based operation. Soon after, the PGR tried to backtrack by stating they provided information beneficial in locating Yarrington. One day later, Breitbart Texas reported that Mexican officials told the DOJ that they would not oppose Yarrington’s extradition to the U. S. While the PGR tried to claim the story was not accurate, Reforma published documents proving that PGR had once again lied. The PGR again issued a series of news releases to “clarify” previous statements. One release by the PGR revealed that the agency requested Yarrington’s extradition two days after his arrest, while the U. S. acted much earlier. Breitbart Texas has since learned that the request filed by Mexico is only a temporary hold and is not considered a formal extradition document. In an apparent attempt to ease tensions between the two countries Wednesday, both the PGR and DOJ issued a joint news release claiming they “are working together on a legal strategy which will allow Tomas Yarrington to face justice in both countries. ” Ildefonso Ortiz is an award winning journalist with Breitbart Texas. He the Cartel Chronicles project with Brandon Darby and Stephen K. Bannon. You can follow him on Twitter and on Facebook. Brandon Darby is managing director and of Breitbart Texas. Follow him on Twitter and Facebook.