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Thomas Frank Explores Whether Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party Will Address Inequality
Body-Slamming Republican Thought He Was Too Important To Be Booked, Printed, Judge Says No Way
You may remember Greg Gianforte, the Republican who won Montana s only Congressional seat in May even after assaulting reporter Ben Jacobs of the Guardian. He disputed the charge at first, then audio came out that clearly depicted him body-slamming the journalist after Jacobs asked a series of uncomfortable questions.Gianforte pled guilty to the charge back in June, although it had no bearing on the outcome of his post-assault election. Presumably, the voters of Montana thought Jacobs had it coming, or perhaps they re so committed to their political party that even an assault charge won t deter them from voting for a GOP candidate.At the time, the Tea Party lawmaker protested the judge s order that he be booked and fingerprinted, as well as have his photo taken for a mug shot. His lawyers argued that the judge didn t have the authority to order the proceedings since he was never actually handcuffed and arrested formally a feat he pulled off by coincidentally being the candidate the local Sheriff had made political donations to during his campaign.Now, despite his legal team s argument that he was exempt because he was only charged with a misdemeanor, a judge has ordered that Gianforte turn himself in by September 15th for booking on the charge. If the congressman doesn t comply, the judge said, he will be held in contempt of court.Although Gianforte has paid his fines, apologized to Jacobs, and donated $50,000 to the Committee to Protect Journalists, he has yet to complete his community service. There is no word whether he has followed through on the anger management classes he was ordered to attend.Practically speaking, a mugshot should worry the congressman when it comes time for reelection. Campaign ads could use it freely, as they are public record. But the question remains whether Gianforte, who raised nearly $120,000 in donations after admitting to the assault, has anything to worry about at all with the voters of Montana.Featured image via Justin Sullivan/Getty Images
Democrats urge EPA not to reopen vehicle fuel efficiency rules
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer and 11 other Democrats said on Tuesday it was “critical” that the Trump administration leave in place new vehicle fuel efficiency rules, saying the higher standards were achievable. Scott Pruitt, the head of the Environmental Protection Agency, is expected to announce as early as this week the reopening of a review of the rules that were set by the Obama administration for the 2022-2025 period. Automakers say the changes, which would raise the fleet average fuel efficiency to more than 50 miles per gallon by 2025 from 27.5 mpg in 2010, will impose significant costs and are out of step with consumer preferences. They argue they need more flexibility to meet the rules amid low gas prices. Environmentalists, who favor the new standards, say they would reduce fuel costs and greenhouse gases and have vowed to sue if the Trump administration weakens them. “These automobile emissions standards are economically feasible and technologically achievable for the auto industry,” the Democratic senators, including Edward Markey of Massachusetts and former presidential candidate Bernard Sanders of Vermont, wrote in a letter to Pruitt. “It is critical that they remain in place.” EPA spokeswoman Cathy Milbourn declined to comment on the letter “since the agency has not announced how it will proceed on the vehicle emission standards.” The White House also declined to comment. Trade groups representing automakers, including General Motors Co (GM.N), Ford Motor Co (F.N) and Toyota Motor Corp (7203.T), have asked the EPA to withdraw the rules, which stem from a 2011 deal the industry reached with the U.S. government. The chief executives of GM, Ford, and Fiat Chrysler Automobiles NV (FCHA.MI), along with the top North American executives at Toyota, Volkswagen, Honda, Hyundai Motor Co (005380.KS) and others separately have urged President Donald Trump to revisit the decision. The Obama administration in 2011 said the changes would save motorists $1.7 trillion in fuel costs over the life of the vehicles and cost the auto industry about $200 billion over 13 years. In July, the EPA estimated the fleet would average 50.8-52.6 mpg in 2025 because Americans were buying more SUVs and trucks. It had until April 2018 to decide whether the standards were feasible under a “midterm review,” but moved up its decision to a week before President Barack Obama left office. The EPA is also considering taking steps to reverse California’s waiver under the Clean Air Act that allows it to set its own vehicle greenhouse gas emissions standards. California has repeatedly vowed to vigorously contest any efforts to withdraw its authority, and in January the state hired former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to represent it. At the Geneva auto show, Fiat Chrysler Chief Executive Sergio Marchionne told reporters he opposed the Obama administration’s decision to finalize the rules. “We have simply asked that the case be reopened to understand what the consequences would be of the norms introduced five years ago,” Marchionne said, adding that he expects to “see a positive reply in the coming days” from the Trump administration.
U.S. Senate panel postpones hearing for Labor nominee Puzder yet again
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate panel tasked with vetting Andrew Puzder to head the Labor Department has postponed its tentative plans to hold his confirmation hearing yet again, a move that some political strategists say could signal trouble for the fast-food executive. An aide for the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions said on Tuesday that the panel will not “officially” schedule a hearing “until the committee has received his paperwork from the Office of Government Ethics.” The committee had planned to hold Puzder’s hearing on Feb. 7. Prior to that, the committee eyed three other possible hearing dates. Puzder, who is the CEO of CKE Restaurants, is one of several of President Donald Trump’s nominees who has faced particularly strong opposition from Senate Democrats and progressive groups. His nomination sparked protests by some CKE fast-food workers and the union-backed “Fight for $15” movement to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. George Thompson, a spokesman for Puzder, said Democrats and special interest groups were “obstructing President Trump’s nominees” and that Puzder is “a proven job creator.” Puzder has criticized an overtime rule championed by the Obama administration and opposes raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Last week, workers at franchised locations of Carl’s Jr. and Hardee’s, which are part of CKE’s restaurant portfolio, filed a range of complaints, alleging wage theft and harassment, among other things. Additionally, some of CKE’s racy advertisements featuring women in bikinis have caused Democrats to ask questions about how Puzder will address sexual harassment in the workplace. “I like our ads. I like beautiful women eating burgers in bikinis,” he was quoted as saying in a 2015 article in Entrepreneur magazine. He added that those ads “did take on my personality.” Experts say the repeated postponement of Puzder’s hearing and the delays over his ethics paperwork since he was first nominated on Dec. 8 are unusual and could be a sign of problems. “It is a likely sign that the vetting is turning up problems and they are trying to figure out how to deal with them,” said Matthew Miller, a partner at the crisis management firm Vianovo. The new delays come on the same day that the same committee voted along party lines to advance Betsy DeVos’ nomination as education secretary to the full Senate floor. On another Senate panel, meanwhile, Democrats boycotted confirmation votes for Treasury Secretary-nominee Steve Mnuchin and Health and Human Services Secretary-nominee Tom Price.
Delingpole: Dilbert Disses Global Warming Liberal Heads Explode
Scott Adams has gone climate denialist in his latest Dilbert strip, causing liberal heads to explode.[ Some of his old fans just aren’t happy at this betrayal of The Cause: it’s a shame to see this as I used to think he was very funny. The Way of the Weasel was an awesome book. it could be dementia — that is a thing that happens to people On Scott Adams, his comic strip and thought processes have pretty clearly jumped the shark, No doubt it is an accident of the pen. But the “climate scientist” in the cartoon bears more than a passing resemblance to Michael Mann, globally renowned inventor of the “Hockey Stick” and winner — or so he used to claim till he got rumbled — of the Nobel Prize. As Homer would say, this cartoon is funny because it’s true. In fact it sums up pretty much everything the layman needs to know about the state of climate “science” and how it abuses the public trust. So, it starts with truths which are widely accepted — “the basic science of physics and chemistry”. Then — like a street magician or a confidence trickster — it slips quickly from the realm of evident truth into a world of illusion: “We put that data into dozens of different climate models and ignore the ones that look wrong to us. ” Anyone who questions this groupthink is labelled a “science denier. ” But as Adams has grasped it has nothing to do with science. Rather it’s about the politically driven misapplication of models which have no basis. This cartoon is by no means Adams’s first brush with WrongThink. In September last year, he caused more liberal heads to explode by publicly switching his allegiance from Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump. One of his cannier insights was that Trump’s bluster is actually a sign of emotional intelligence and skills rather than a sign — as the progressives continue to believe — that he is a dangerous lunatic. Trump “paces” the public — meaning he matches them in their emotional state, and then some. He does that with his extreme responses on immigration, fighting ISIS, etc. Once Trump has established himself as the biggest on the topic, he is free to “lead,” which we see him do by softening his deportation stand, limiting his comment to Chicago, reversing his first answer on penalties for abortion, and so on. If you are not trained in persuasion, Trump look scary. If you understand pacing and leading, you might see him as the safest candidate who has ever gotten this close to the presidency. That’s how I see him. “Dilbert has gone fascist“ Salon’s Amanda Marcotte responded, with typical verve, wit and lightness of touch. Then in March this year, the blackshirted cartoonist caused further outrage by composing one of the best essays ever written as to why the claims of climate alarmists should be taken with a huge pinch of salt. It was titled How To Convince Skeptics That Climate Change Is A Problem. Here are two of my favorite entries: Don’t tell me how well your models predict the past. Tell me how many climate models have ever been created, since we started doing this sort of thing, and tell me how many have now been discarded because they didn’t predict correctly. If the answer is “All of the old ones failed and we were totally surprised because they were good at hindcasting,” then why would I trust the new ones? and, If skeptics make you retreat to Pascal’s Wager as your main argument for aggressively responding the climate change, please understand that you lost the debate. The world is full of risks that might happen. We don’t treat all of them as real. And we can’t rank any of these risks to know how to allocate our capital to the best path. Should we put a trillion dollars into climate remediation or use that money for a missile defense system to better protect us from North Korea? Needless to say, this also caused liberal heads to explode. Here’s a sample from one particularly virulent climate activist. None of Adams’ concepts are supported in any manner. He produces no research tied to it. There is no rigorous method applied to rationalize it. It’s little more than cultish ramblings validated by a small loyal following acquired through his previous success as a cartoonist. As Adams must be painfully aware by now, when you’re taking flak it means you’re over the target. Carry on Scott!
TRUMP BRINGS LOVE FOR AMERICA BACK TO DC! President-Elect Trump Wows Crowd With Awesome Speech At Union Station [VIDEO]
Democratic debate: Is Clinton or Sanders the real New Yorker? (+video)
Tonight's televised event offers the Democratic hopefuls their last shared stage to define themselves and each other. Three topics are sure to crop up: experience, Wall Street ties, and New York-ness. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton enters the stage after a break in a March 9 debate with her rival, Sen. Bernie Sanders, in Miami. Their final debate April 14 is likely to be their most definitive. There’s a Democratic debate tonight in New York and it promises to be perhaps the definitive clash between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders of the entire 2016 campaign. Why is that? Because the stakes are high: former Secretary of State Clinton continues to lead the race, but can’t shake the dogged Senator Sanders. And this is the last scheduled face-to-face meeting between the pair. It’s likely they’ll air all their differences over the course of two hours, beginning at 9 p.m. E.D.T. on CNN. Time for the obligatory Odd Number List of Things to Watch For! We’ve scratched out three that are almost certain to come up; beyond that, predictions get chancy. Who's the real New Yorker? Given that the New York primary is Tuesday, and the debate is in New York, and Sanders was born and raised in New York and Clinton was a New York Senator, we’re pretty sure there’s going to be a struggle over who’s the true New Yorker. Edge: Sanders. He’s got more New York years, he’s got a New York accent, and he’s never professed fanship for the Chicago Cubs, as has Illinois native Clinton. Clinton’s best play might be to present herself as a New Yorker in the statewide sense – after all, she represented the state, not the city, in the Senate and spent lots of time in upstate towns. Who's the most qualified to be president? Last week Sanders said Clinton was not “qualified” to sit in the Oval Office because her associated super PAC takes corporate contributions, she voted for the war in Iraq, and she supports free-trade agreements. He’s since walked that back. He says it’s really her judgment that is at issue with these positions. Edge: Clinton. Yes, really. It’s “qualified” that’s the problem for Sanders. He disagrees vehemently on some policy issues with Clinton, but in terms of variety of presidential-prep job experience, the former congressional Watergate panel staffer, first lady, and national legislator has got more lines on her résumé than he does. She’ll likely bring up this jibe as a means to remind voters of all the jobs she’s had. The $225,000 Verizon speech. Sanders hasn’t made an issue of Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail server while secretary of State. But he has attacked her over her personal ties to Wall Street, including her acceptance of big fees for speaking at bank and corporate events. So expect him to bring up the $225,000 honorarium Clinton received in May 2013 for speaking at a Verizon event. (It was a big applause line at Sanders’s Wednesday night rally in Washington Square Park.) Unionized Verizon workers are on strike in New York, and both candidates have visited them in an attempt to show solidarity. Sanders will use the speech money to try and call into question the sincerity of Clinton’s appearance. Edge: Sanders. She’s been asked about them for over a year, but Clinton still does not have a great answer as to why she raked in such big speech bucks, what she said to earn them, and whether they constitute a conflict of interest. OK, enough with the politics-as-sports aspect of the program. Beyond that there is one large underlying factor to keep in mind while watching tonight’s debate. Sanders needs the dynamic of the race to change, or he will lose. Clinton is happy with the status quo. As we’ve written before, that’s because Bernie needs blowout wins to have any hope of catching Hillary. He’s still hundreds of delegates behind, and Democrats award delegates proportionately, so he needs to sweep big states. And fast. Otherwise he’s got no hope of making up his delegate deficit.
Why Comey Reopened the Hillary Investigation
By Joachim Hagopian October 31, 2016 This last Friday it became public record that FBI Director James Comey reopened the Hillary Clinton email server investigation after repeatedly testifying before Congress and the world up to last July that he’d closed the case , after in his words not finding sufficient evidence of “any criminal wrongdoing ” to indict her in spite of her four years as Secretary of State egregiously breaching our national security , committing obstruction of justice and willful tampering with evidence, deleting 30,000 emails after receiving a court subpoena constituting destruction of evidence, not to mention repeatedly engaging in perjury before Congress and the FBI. But obviously, a federal investigation still in process in late June never stopped serial rapist-crime boss Bill Clinton’s illegal ambush at the Phoenix airport of Comey’s boss US Attorney General Loretta Lynch “clearing” the way for Hillary to proceed without consequence to be anointed as the next US figurehead puppet president by the ruling elite. Because it’s so blatantly obvious to the entire world that Hillary is guilty as sin, Comey’s whitewash didn’t go over well with either Americans or longtime FBI agents who reacted angrily to Comey’s over-the-top corruption. Subsequently, in recent months Comey has had a virtual mutiny on his hands as in the FBI boss has lost all credibility, respect, and moral authority. A former federal attorney for the District of Columbia Joe diGenova spelled it all out in a WMAL radio interview last Friday just hours after the news was released that Comey had sent a letter informing Congress that the case is being reopened. DiGenova said that with an open revolt brewing inside the FBI, Comey was forced to go public on Friday with reopening the investigation. The former DC attorney added that the FBI investigators discovered more emails on a phone confiscated from the former New York Congressman and separated husband Anthony Weiner that also included his wife and longtime Hillary’s right-hand woman Huma Abedin’s communications that allegedly bear pertinent relevance to the Hillary case. Funny how things have a karmic way of coming full circle – the Clintons first introduced Weiner and Abedin 15 years ago and they married a half dozen years ago. In a separate FBI investigation involving Weiner’s alleged sexting messages with a 15-year old minor , the phone in question was handed over to the FBI. The investigating teams of both the Weiner and Hillary cases compared notes and apparently additional emails not already issued by WikiLeaks or already in FBI possession recently came to light on Weiner’s phone . The legions of rank and file FBI agents were already fuming over Comey’s complete ethical and legal lapses in his choice not to indict Hillary. Joe diGenova believes that FBI personnel forced Comey’s hand to reopen the investigation after giving him the ultimatum that if he failed to do so, the FBI defiantly would. According to diGenova, this latest plot twist only proves that: The original investigation was not thorough, and that it was an incompetent investigation. Otherwise, had a real investigation been conducted, that Weiner phone used by both Anthony and Huma would have been picked up by the FBI and its contents thoroughly scrutinized long before now. In addition to stating the obvious, that the higher-up feds had already made the decision to not consequence Hillary for her crimes, speculating on why that phone was not already submitted to the FBI as evidence, the former DC attorney concluded: There could be one explanation: Huma Abedin may have denied that any other phone existed, and if she did, she committed a felony. She lied to the FBI just like General Cartwright , and if she did, she’s dead meat, and Comey knows it, and there’s nothing he can do about it. Finally, diGenova dropped one more bombshell in Friday’s interview. An inside source has revealed to him that the laptops belonging to key Clinton aides Cheryl Mills and Heather Samuelson, both wrongly granted immunity , were not destroyed after all as previously reported, but have been secretly kept intact by investigating FBI agents refusing to destroy incriminating evidence as part of the in-house whitewash. Additionally like their boss, Hillary’s aides also sent classified material using private servers. On top of that, longtime aide Cheryl Mills on multiple occasions has perjured herself lying under oath for the Clinton crime family, tasked with “cleaning up” (aka covering up) their countless scandals over the past several decades. Indeed the whole Clinton entourage not already “mysteriously” winding up in the growing Clinton dead pool are all unindicted criminals protected by the corrosively corrupt DC cronyism where backroom deals (a la Bill’s airport ambush) are brokered based on whatever dirt’s been gathered and used as bargaining blackmail chips against all parties involved. That’s how the Washington crowd stays immune from any and all accountability as well as stays alive. Violate that crime syndicate code of conduct and you lose your life as more recent victims earlier this year have. In a “leaked” memo to his FBI that surfaced on Fox Friday night, Comey outlined his reasons for reopening the case in light of the new information the director believes would have ultimately been leaked to Congress and the public anyway. So in full damage control/CYA mode, the beleaguered director now going public really had no choice in the matter. His underlings were chomping at the bit to both out and oust him. In an obvious attempt to weakly claim some moral high ground, Comey wrote in his memo: I also think it would be misleading to the American people were we not to supplement the record. Though his leadership and character are perceived by the vast majority of both FBI personnel as well as American citizens to presently lay in ruin as a pathetically shameful stain and humiliating joke on both the FBI organization and Washington in general, James Comey appears to be feebly attempting to save his own career and reputation for appearing now to “come clean.” But make no mistake, his moral turpitude displayed throughout this Hillary debacle from early 2015 to now has over-exposed him as a total lackey and fraud, so at this late stage of the game, redemption is not even an option. But the criminal misconduct, rampant corruption and diabolical evil committed by those at the highest puppet levels of federal power, and especially the elite puppet masters controlling them, their sins produce far more devastating consequences than this morally lacking man in the middle of this latest controversy. Because there is no way that the FBI will properly conclude this part 2 of the Hillary investigation saga before the November 8 th election, Hillary, and her Democrats are predictably crying foul , demanding that the FBI immediately disclose what it has, which of course is a moot point that won’t happen. It seems highly unlikely that the email texts from Abedin and Weiner found on his phone would not contain clear criminal evidence that implicates Hillary. Since Hillary was the globalist choice after Obama was selected in 2008, it seems unlikely that the puppet masters would not permit this latest development to even occur. But then perhaps the ruling elite is pulling the plug on Hillary, concluding that she simply carries too much liability baggage with her deteriorating health condition and never-ending scandals, maybe the globalists are rethinking an alternative replacement like her obnoxiously aggressive VP candidate, the Jesuit-trained and educated Tim Kaine. That said, there are some cynics who believe that this recent odd turn is the last ditch desperado attempt being staged to overturn Trump winning by a landslide. This conjectured scenario goes something like this: a few days prior to the election the FBI will once again “clear” Hillary of all charges. This, in turn, would offer her the last minute much needed boost being able to cash in on her worn out persecution complex , plagued forever by her “right wing conspiracy” theory against the “much maligned” woman of destiny. In response to all her scandals, Hillary’s M.O. has always been to falsely blame some villainous sinister force. This year it’s been Putin hacking into her emails, and Trump, Putin, and Assange colluding and plotting behind her back. She’s always been as paranoid as Richard Nixon , attempting to deflect the heat she draws from her own skullduggery lies by constantly pointing fingers to externalize blame onto others. It’s a deeply rooted pathological complex that certain tightly screwed sociopaths possess. This latest sudden turn of events obviously has James Comey incurring the wrath of Hillary Democrats as well as the Justice Department. By disclosing the reopened investigation so close to the election date that undoubtedly casts some influence on the potential outcome, Comey is defying his AG boss while clearly violating DOJ written policy . Lynch herself even tried to quash Comey’s letter to Congress. But as diGenova alluded, by Comey’s own past misdeeds (and those of his boss and Obama as well), the FBI director placed himself between this rock and a hard place by his own slipshod, half-ass probe failing to acquire Weiner’s phone the first time around. The entire sordid affair of this year’s totally rigged political election – pre-fixed in Hillary’s favor – blatantly reveals to America the gross misnomer of the US “justice” system being two-tiered, one for elitist crime cabal bosses like Hillary and the other for the rest of us 99% no longer protected in a totalitarian police state by our once rule of law the US Constitution. Regardless of what happens in the future, the truth genie’s already been let out of the bag, and for eyes open enough to see, it’s floating in the Washington cesspool of filth, debauchery and deception regularly perpetrated by our “entrusted perps” we have as our so called leaders. Moreover, this year’s unending batches of Wiki-leaked DNC/Hillary emails and Project Veritas undercover campaign videos confirm that the entire US political, as well as economic system, is morally and financially bankrupt, irreparably broken and in need of complete overhaul. Voter fraud and election fraud are rampant. Soros funded electronic voting machines that are preprogrammed to vote for Hillary are operating in 16 key battleground states. America’s internal house now is in total disarray, badly in need of a deep cleaning purge like never before. Mainstream media is strongly biased against Trump in its blind support for Hillary . As Secretary of State she treasonously sold out our nation, placing us all at high security risk and under foreign interest control at the hands of high rolling bidders so she and her fat cats can get richer as fellow partners-in-crime from places like Saudi Arabia and Israel, destroying our once sovereign country while aiding, abetting, financing and supporting our enemies the global terrorists around the world. She helped create ISIS and plans world war against Russia, China and Iran. The traitors in our government and their globalist puppet masters – the Rothschilds, Rockefellers , the Bushes and Clintons all need to be rounded up, imprisoned and tried at The Hague for both treason and their endless crimes against humanity. The Best of Joachim Hagopian Tags: Joachim Hagopian [ ] is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. In recent years he has focused on his writing, becoming an alternative media journalist. His blog site is at http://empireexposed.blogspot.com .
U.S. Congressman asks DoD to investigate TransDigm's practices
(Reuters) - U.S. Congressman Ro Khanna asked the Department of Defense for an investigation into the business practices of aircraft components supplier TransDigm Group Inc, sending the company’s shares down as much as 9.7 percent on Tuesday. In a letter dated March 20 to Glenn Fine, the acting inspector general of the U.S. DoD, Khanna requested for a probe into the company “for potential waste, fraud and abuse in the defense industrial base”. Khanna, who is a member of the House Armed Services Committee, wrote that recent reports indicate TransDigm may be operating as a "hidden monopolist" and more information must be made available to the public on the company's business practices. (bit.ly/2njH3vI) Short-seller Citron Research had issued a critical report on TransDigm in January. Shares of the company which has fallen nearly 4.4 percent since the beginning of the year, touched a one-month low of $214.99 on Tuesday. TransDigm did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
Former Trump Exec Drops Bombshell About Why He Should Never Be President (VIDEO)
As droves of women come forward to tell of the horrifying sexual, predatory attacks they ve endured at the hands of Republican nominee Donald Trump, another testimony is making headlines and it comes from a longtime Trump Organization executive.Barbara Res worked for Trump for 18 years as an executive vice president and senior vice president, and became well-known because Trump would often mention her whenever he was accused of being a misogynist. As expected, her recollection of Trump says otherwise.In an interview on CNN, Res told Alisyn Camerota that she was not only supporting Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, but gave Americans a brutal lesson about why supreme sexist Trump should not be allowed anywhere near the White House. Res was brutal in her criticism, and every word she spoke was true. She held nothing back as she trashed her former boss: First of all, everyone knows he has no experience. I mean, the idea that he would be president is just ridiculous. I have other developers I worked for who were just as smart or smarter than he was, and I wouldn t vote for them for president, either. Res argued that all presidential candidates before Trump have at least some grasp of how government and the world works, as well as some experience under their belt. Res says this is the exact opposite of what has happened with Trump: The way he shows himself, he doesn t seem to know basic civics. Then, she drops a major truth bomb on voters, telling them the terrifying things she s learned about Trump while working for him. She said: The worst thing about Trump, and the reason not to vote for him for president, is his temperament. He flies off the handle, he attacks viciously it s like shooting someone and having a nuclear bomb come back at you. He s vindictive, and he s dishonest.He always was dishonest, all the time I worked with him. We never knew when he was telling the truth or when he wasn t and I don t think that that s what we need in a president. You can listen to Res warn America about Trump below:Former Trump executive: The worst thing about Trump, and the reason not to vote for him, is his temperament. https://t.co/kCwtELmC3c New Day (@NewDay) October 13, 2016In another interview, Res has tackled the recent evidence that Trump is a misogynist. Res addressed the leaked audio tape where Trump made lewd comments about sexually assaulting women and told Olivia Nuzzi of The Daily Beast: I had never heard him say p*ssy before. I heard him say f*ck a million times. The way he said it I just grab it I was shocked at that, and then you know, when I took the time to put it into context, I said, yeah, that s right. He s terribly sexist. He s a womanizer for sure. He hired me for a specific reason: Because I was really good. And he told me, and he believed this, that women had to work harder and be smarter and were willing to work harder than men, and that s what he wanted, and he had a couple of women working for him Men are better than women, he said, but a good woman is better than 10 men. I think he thought I would take it as a compliment, and I think it was intended as a compliment. Res words couldn t have come at a better time. The truth about Trump is starting to become louder, and we hope America is listening.Featured image is a screenshot
VALERIE JARRETT CLAIMS OBAMA’S Presidency Was “Scandal-Free”…Here’s A LIST Of Obama’s Top Scandals That Prove She’s Lying [VIDEO]
The president prides himself on the fact that his administration hasn t had a scandal and he hasn t done something to embarrass himself, Jarrett said in an interview broadcast on CNN Sunday.The aide, also a close friend of Obama and his wife, Michelle, credited the first couple with being good people and getting good results. That s because that s who he is that s who they are and I think that s what really resonates with the American people, Jarrett said.Critics of the Obama administration said Jarrett was trying to rewrite history. NYPThe great stimulus heist: Obama seems to think nobody will remember he grabbed almost a trillion dollars for stimulus spending, created virtually zero private-sector jobs with it, allowed a great deal of the money to vanish into thin air, and spent the rest of his presidency complaining that he needed hundreds of billions more to repair roads and bridges.Vast sums of taxpayer money were wasted on foolish projects that came close to the Keynesian economic satire of hiring some people to dig holes, and others to fill them in. Obama added insult to injury by appointing Vice President Joe Biden as the sheriff who would supposedly find all that missing stimulus loot.Operation Fast and Furious: Obama partisans seem to think any given example of abuse or ineptitude by their man stopped being a scandal the moment it seemed clear he wouldn t be impeached over it. Operation Fast and Furious, the Obama administration s insane program to use American gun dealers and straw purchasers to arm Mexican drug lords, is a scandal with a huge body count, prominently including Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agent Jamie Zapata, plus hundreds of Mexican citizens. Agent Terry s family certainly thinks it qualifies as a scandal.Sheriff Paul Babeu implicates Eric Holder and the Obama Justice Department as accomplices in the crimes involving weapons used in the Fast and Furious scandal:It is difficult to imagine any Republican administration surviving anything remotely close to Fast and Furious. The media would have dogged a Republican president without respite, especially when it became clear his Attorney General was putting political spin ahead of accountability and the safety of the American people.Remember, AG Eric Holder escaped perjury charges by claiming he didn t know what his own subordinates were doing a pioneering, but sadly not unique, example of an Obama official using his or her incompetence as a defense.Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress: This was a result of Operation Fast and Furious, but it merits distinction as a separate scandal in its own right. Holder was the first sitting member of a president s cabinet in the history of the United States to be held in contempt of Congress.ObamaCare: Everything about ObamaCare is a scandal, from the President s incessant lies about keeping your old plan if you liked it, to Rep. Nancy Pelosi s we need to pass it to find out what s in it dereliction of Congressional duty.ObamaCare is a scam, pure and simple sold on false pretenses by people who knew it wasn t going to work the way they promised. It doesn t feel right to dismiss it as a failed scheme when so much of the failure was intentional. The bill was so sloppily crafted that Democrats were basically signing blank sheets of paper when they rushed it through Congress in a foul-smelling cloud of back-room deals. ObamaCare s designers precipitated a constitutional crisis by forgetting they left in a provision to cut subsidies for states that didn t set up health-care exchanges a provision that would have killed the entire program stone-dead two years ago, if it had been enforced as written.The Supreme Court rewrote ObamaCare on the fly twice to keep it alive, which is a scandal in and of itself. President Obama delayed and rewrote the law so often it was impossible to keep track of the changes, cutting Congress out of the loop completely. (Actually, someone did keep careful track of them, and the tally was up to 70 distinct changes by January 2016.)That made some of Obama s rewritten mandates and deadlines blatantly illegal but then, the Affordable Care Act isn t really a law in the sense American government understood the term. In practice it became something entirely new, an enabling act that gave the executive unlimited power to do whatever it thought necessary to keep the system running. If subverting the American system of government isn t a scandal, what is?Spying on journalists: Establishment media came about as close to falling out of love with Barack Obama as ever when his administration was caught spying on journalists.The IRS scandal: The selective targeting of conservative groups by a politicized Internal Revenue Service was a scandal grenade Democrats and their media pals somehow managed to smother, even though the story began with the IRS admitting wrongdoing.Founder of non-partisan True The Vote group Catherine Engelbrecht gives gut-wrenching testimony to Congress about being being preyed upon by the IRS and other government agencies.https://youtu.be/db21AQu30XwDemocrats suffocated the scandal by acting like circus clowns during congressional hearings, but at no point were the actual facts of the case truly obscured: yes, pro-life and Tea Party groups were deliberately targeted for extra scrutiny, their tax exemption applications outrageously delayed until after the 2012 election without actually being refused. If anything remotely comparable had been done to, say, environmentalist and minority activist groups by the IRS under a Republican administration, the results would have been apocalyptic.The House voted to hold former IRS official Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress and to instruct the Justice Department to probe her for criminal charges.Benghazi: This is the clearest example of Obama and his supporters thinking all of his pre-2012 scandals ceased to exist the moment he won re-election. Benghazi has been investigated extensively, and argued about passionately, since the night of September 11, 2012. Nothing can change the absolute fact that the Obama administration s story for the first few weeks after the attack was false, and they knew it was false. They spun a phony story to buy themselves a little time during a presidential election campaign, and it worked.Watch Hillary lie and blame the cause of the Benghazi attack on our US Consulate on an awful youtube video : Iran nuclear deal and ransom payment: Everything about Obama s dealings with Iran has been scandalous, beginning with his silence while the Green Revolution was brutally put down by the mullahs in 2009. The Iran nuclear deal was pushed with lies and media manipulation. The infamous pallet of cash that wasn t a ransom has become symbolic of Obama s mendacity and penchant for breaking the rules, when he thinks following them is too much trouble.Watch Obama try to explain his way out of makingBowe Bergdahl: Bergdahl s ultimate fate rests in the hands of a military court (unless Obama pardons him) but no verdict can erase the scandalous way this administration conducted the prisoner swap that freed him from the Taliban and its allies. Many lies were told, the law was flouted, a deal of questionable wisdom was struck with his captors, and outraged Americans demanded recognition for the soldiers who died searching for Bergdahl after he abandoned his post.Polluting the Colorado river: The Environmental Protection Agency managed to turn the Colorado River orange under this greenest of green Presidents. Of course there was a cover-up. Would you expect anything less from this transparent administration?
US pullout from Yemen eases pressure on Al Qaeda, lawmakers warn
The evacuation of American diplomats, soldiers and even CIA operatives from Yemen is stirring deep concerns that the U.S. is losing a vital foothold in territory that the most notorious Al Qaeda affiliate calls home. The White House says Defense Department officials remain on the ground and are coordinating with Yemeni counterparts, but the retreat of most U.S. personnel is seen as a significant setback for what had been a cornerstone of American counterterrorism operations. "Bottom line is increased danger to the United States homeland," House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mac Thornberry, R-Texas, told Fox News. President Obama last fall, in announcing military action against the Islamic State, cited counterterrorism efforts in Yemen as a model and a success story. But Thornberry said there is now "less pressure" on America's chief enemy in that region, Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which he described as a "serious" threat. "That makes it easier for them to plot and plan against us," he said. The State Department confirmed earlier this week it had closed the U.S. Embassy in Yemen and evacuated its staff because of the political crisis and security concerns following the takeover of much of the country by Iran-linked Shiite Houthi rebels. But The Washington Post reported that the embassy closure also has forced the CIA to withdraw personnel. Officials told the Post the CIA has pulled "dozens" of operatives and other staffers from the country, including senior officials who were working with Yemen's government against Al Qaeda operatives. One former U.S. official called the development "extremely damaging" to the CIA mission there. Some CIA personnel reportedly remain in Yemen as the agency tries to maintain its intelligence network. But coordination with Yemeni agents undoubtedly becomes more difficult. House intelligence committee Chairman Devin Nunes, R-Calif., predicted the pull-out would "hinder the United States' campaign against al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula," the group which claimed responsibility for the recent Paris terror attack -- and which has attempted attacks inside the U.S. over the past several years. Nunes also said the chaos in Yemen should fuel concerns about Iran -- with whom the U.S. and other countries are negotiating regarding its nuclear program -- since the Yemen rebels are Iran-backed. Yemen has been in crisis for months, with Houthi rebels besieging the capital and then taking control. The Houthis last week dissolved parliament and formally took over after months of clashes. They then placed President Hadi and his Cabinet ministers under house arrest. Hadi and the ministers later resigned in protest. On Tuesday, U.S. officials said the embassy closure would not affect counterterrorism operations against Al Qaeda's Yemen branch. "The United States remains firmly committed to supporting all Yemenis who continue to work toward a peaceful, prosperous and unified Yemen," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "We will explore options for a return to Sanaa when the situation on the ground improves." Both the CIA and the military's Joint Special Operations Command run separate drone killing programs in Yemen, though the CIA has conducted the majority of the strikes, U.S. officials have said. On Wednesday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest also said counterterrorism operations are still ongoing. "There continue to be Department of Defense personnel ... on the ground in Yemen that are coordinating with their counterparts in Yemen ... and continuing to carry out the kinds of actions, the counterterrorism actions that are necessary to protect the American people and our interests," he said. Earnest stressed that Yemen has long had a weak central government and faced challenges, but the U.S. nevertheless has "succeeded in applying significant pressure to the AQAP leadership that's operating in Yemen." The Associated Press contributed to this report.
Sarah Palin Just Tried (And Failed) To Attack Obama And Got Ripped Apart By The Internet (SCREENSHOTS)
When will Sarah Palin learn that the best response when someone says something not-so-nice about her is to shut up?Recently, President Obama pointed out that he sees a straight line between the disaster that was the vice presidential nomination of the half-wit, half-term former Governor of Alaska as being the incredibly stupid straw that broke the very unfortunate camel s back when it comes to right-wing politics, the figure who helped give power to the Tea Party, the Freedom Caucus, and other far-right groups whose members very likely know how to put out a meth lab explosion and still make the baby s room look OK by the next day all without getting soot on their robes and hoods, no less! I see a straight line from the announcement of Sarah Palin as the vice-presidential nominee to what we see today in Donald Trump, the emergence of the Freedom Caucus, the tea party, and the shift in the center of gravity for the Republican Party, the president told New York Magazine. Whether that changes, I think, will depend in part on the outcome of this election, but it s also going to depend on the degree of self-reflection inside the Republican Party. There have been at least a couple of other times that I ve said confidently that the fever is going to have to break, but it just seems to get worse. Sarah Palin may not be smart but even she can see an insult from her back porch. And, of course, Mama Grizzly wasn t about to take that lying down. On Monday, she posted a scathing reply to Obama one that surely burned his black soul (that s black as in the color, not black in the way she would point it out) to its very core. There s a reason pro-American activists have been living rent free in President Obama s head these past eight years, Palin wrote, adding the usual rhetoric about the national debt, destroying our children s future, etc. THAT S what should occupy the President s headspace, not some hockey mom from Alaska. She linked to a fluff piece from Independent Journal Review, where the truth goes to die, titled Obama Mentioned Sarah Palin Twice In 2 Weeks. She Has An Idea On What He Should Focus On Instead. Someone should compare that to how many times she has mentioned Obama in two weeks of her mad, delusional, drunken ravings. Palin, whose son recently had to deal with a little teeny incident in which he hit his girlfriend and made threats with a gun and the undisputed champion of the Great Birthday Party Drunken Brawl of 2014, learned very quickly (oh, let s face it she probably learned nothing) what happens when you say stupid things about the President on the internet.There's a reason pro-American activists have been living rent free in President Obama's head these past eight https://t.co/We0lNb2Lqh Sarah Palin (@SarahPalinUSA) October 3, 2016Twitter responded with an epic barrage of truth and mockery, most centered on her strong and unwavering support for one of the few people in history who actually may be worse than Hitler. @SarahPalinUSA like Trump has been living tax-free for the last twenty years? jacqui rodham (@heyjdey) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA @INJO you should thank Obama for mentioning you. you're sinking, thankfully, into obscurity Clodagh Smith (@Clodagh831) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA Unfunded liabilities? Like all the wars Chimpy McFlightsuit got us in? taMMay! (@thefiveohtwo) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA pro-American activists? You hate any American that doesn't believe what you do. Michael Hendricks (@mikeekimcurtis) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA @INJO Shut up and go back to huntin wolves from a helicopter dum dum. Matt Houser (@realmattyvegas) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA you're a joke. Delete your account Pastor Bukake (@RevJizzMop) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA @INJO as opposed to your head which is a vacant lot with the occasional tumbleweed passing through Burly Aces (@burlyaces) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA @INJO Still dumber than a bag of hair M (@markl5228) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA Does your shitty son charge rent when he beats women? (((Om Ingram))) (@OmIngram) October 3, 2016@SarahPalinUSA You were relevant for one month, eight years ago. Chicago Man (@Iwanski) October 3, 2016One thing is for certain: it s hilarious that Obama has stayed largely silent over the years, weathering insult after insult from Palin and the rest of the Stupid Part of America, and when the President finally delivered a well-deserved traditional classy insult buried in an honest statement, she can t handle it at all. Just goes to show what thin-skinned bullies Palin, Trump, and their ilk really are.Featured image via Getty Images(Kris Connor)/screengrab
EMBARRASSING: Obama Spends Final Hours With Troops Defending His Failure As Commander In Chief…Bashing Trump [VIDEO]
President Barack Obama claimed the United States is breaking the back of ISIS in his final national security speech before leaving office and told armed service members the country is depending on them to carry forward what is best in us. Obama directed the bulk of his counter-terror speech to criticisms of his policies leveled by President-elect Donald Trump during his successful campaign but did not mention his successor by name. We are a nation that our best has been defined by hope and not fear, Obama told them in his Tuesday address.The nation s commander in chief recounted the United States defining moments in the Civil War, WWII, when American soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy and climbed the hills of Iwo Jima, and the civil rights era. That s who we are. That is what makes us stronger than any act of terror, he told troops stationed at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa. Remember that history. Remember what that flag stands for. DMFunny, Barack Obama couldn t find it in his heart to speak out against those who openly disrespect our flag like Black Lives Matter acitivists or 49er s Quarterback Colin Kaepernick, or others who disrespect or burn our flag in the name of oppression and hate.
Andrzejewski: Can Sanctuary Cities Violate Federal Law with No Consequences?
Adam Andrzejewski, the founder and CEO of OpenTheBooks. com, joined Breitbart News Daily SiriusXM host Alex Marlow on Tuesday to discuss his recent Forbes article, “Mapping $27 Billion in Federal Funding of America’s Sanctuary Cities. ”[In Forbes, Andrzejewski writes, “The threat of losing nearly $27 billion in federal funding seems to be having an effect on some cities. In fact, Miami already reversed their sanctuary city policy. ” But Andrzejewski admits the legality of sanctuary cities is an open question the courts will likely settle. “The sanctuary city experiment,” he said, “is the supreme test of the rule of law. ” Andrzejewski asked, “Can public figures, can public governments, violate federal law with no consequences and no penalties?” His organization’s research breaks the spending down to a granular level and allows anyone to see the real and potential economic implications of sanctuary cities on a basis. Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. Eastern.
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Email If you can’t get enough enamel pins, then it’s time to start freaking out, because this Etsy shop is all about them. With hundreds of unique designs for you to mix and match, it’s easy to get lost in this enamel fan’s wonderland. Check it out: Or maybe enamel isn’t for you. Not a problem. Forget about the pins, in that case, and get ready to explode the moment you see this little guy: A ! He’s a bulldog puppy, he’s 2 months old—oh, and did we mention he has the most adorable face anyone has ever seen? Bulldog isn’t doing the trick? Hey, that’s totally okay! Let’s move on. Here’s an incredible pizza. And here’s a grilled cheese you need in your belly ASAP. We have collected it for you. It is here to annihilate your mind. How’s that? Are you now slobbering uncontrollably from the food? Has the food melted you to a quivering puddle of yes? If not, keep scrolling, because we’re just getting started. We will find just the thing. What about this diabolical optical illusion that is going to destroy your mind. Total brain collapse in three…two…one… Did that work? Surely you have lost it and you can’t even handle it and you love it so much it is so you. No? Fine…What else…Perhaps this is the thing that will wreck you at last: a badass vintage car. Go ahead and flip out: Still nothing? You are not yet blowing up with joy? Okay. Don’t worry. The GIF of the dog who is trapped in the toilet will now transform your body into rubble: Jesus. Let’s go back to the enamel store for a sec, maybe we scooted off it too quickly. It really is a great store. Hard enamel. Soft enamel. Lapel pins. Regular old pin-pins. If you like enamel AT ALL then it should only take one look at this set of OMG-worthy pins and you’ll be out of control with joy: What?? What do you want from us? What do you need? We will collect it here. You crave Bill Murray in public? Here is Bill Murray in public: Beautiful pic of biggest waterfall? There. It is done. Look. Look at these things. There must be
U.S. senator was told of link between Iran sanctions, prisoners
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - When implementation of the Iran nuclear pact was looming and a secret prisoner swap deal in the works, Obama administration officials called the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee in early January to ask him to put a hold on calls for sanctions over Tehran’s missile test, the senator told Reuters. Senator Bob Corker is the first U.S. senator to confirm reports by Reuters that there was a link between the Obama administration’s delaying sanctions over Iran’s ballistic missile program and efforts to free Americans held prisoner there. He had hoped that the ballistic sanctions would be imposed before the nuclear sanctions were lifted. “I just thought that that was a better place for us to be, that we were going to be firm in implementing the deal,” he told Reuters at the U.S. Senate late on Tuesday. However, he added, “Once I knew that the hostages were wrapped in all of that, I realized it may be difficult for that to occur.” Sources described to Reuters before the prisoner deal was announced how Secretary of State John Kerry and other officials scrambled to ensure that the possibility of new sanctions over Iran’s ballistic missile program did not derail the effort. Corker had been pushing hard for the administration to impose new sanctions since Tehran’s ballistic missile tests last year. After the sanctions were almost announced and then delayed on Dec. 30, he issued a strong statement on Jan. 1 calling for action. Corker was then contacted by President Barack Obama’s administration about the link to American prisoners and decided to hold off on more calls for sanctions, for a time. “I didn’t know who we were swapping for, but I knew that the ballistic missile sanctions were being held until such a time that we could work something out on the hostages,” Corker said. “Once you know that we’ve got an opportunity to get four Americans out, obviously we turn the volume off,” he added, A Swiss plane left Iran on Sunday with Jason Rezaian, the Washington Post’s Tehran bureau chief; Saeed Abedini, a pastor from Idaho; and Amir Hekmati, a former U.S. Marine from Michigan, as well as some family members. Another released Iranian-American, Nosratollah Khosravi-Roodsari, stayed behind. A fifth prisoner, American student Matthew Trevithick, was released separately on Saturday. The U.S. Treasury Department said on Sunday after the release that it had imposed the sanctions on 11 companies and individuals for supplying Iran’s ballistic missile program.
Why Hillary Clinton is Responsible for US Failures in Libya and Syria
Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Wire Hillary Clinton is the architect of US foreign policy failures in Libya and Syria. We ve heard that statement many times over the course of this US election cycle, but exactly how much truth is there to it? After researching this issue, one quickly learns that it s not only true, it s an understatement. She wasn t just an architect, she was a chief instigator. Clinton s main source of resume credibility is her tenure as US Secretary of State from January 21, 2009 to February 1, 2013. During that time, Clinton resided over the planning and conception of two devastating conflicts, Libya and Syria. These two disasters will ultimately define both the Obama and Clinton legacies, and not for the reasons one might think. I would like to stress that the case being made here is not a political one, it is a moral and ethical inquiry into the actions and conduct of a public official.Before we get into Libya, which itself is a detailed and grave tale of nation building gone wrong, let s look closely at Syria a conflict (not a Civil War) which has been dominating the international conversation for the last 4 years, but even more intensely in the last 18 months. Thus far, the results of US policy are abominable.What ownership does Clinton have over today s Syria? Today, the conflict is still being fuelled by tens of thousands of US and Gulf-backed militants, mostly of foreign origin, who comprise multiple Takfiri terrorist groups which the US insist calling rebels. This conclave includes the Islamic State (ISIS/Daesh), Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria), Arar al Sham, Nour al-din al-Zenki, Jaish al-Fatah (The Army of Conquest), along with many others. These armed groups are occupying strategic civilian areas throughout Syria, and it is a statement of fact that these terrorists are using civilian populations as human shields.A US-led Coalition is currently flying over Syria and Iraq, supposedly fighting ISIS, but is also coming dangerously close to conflict with both the Syrian and Russian militaries.Although this situation is now way beyond the pale, there was a time back in 2012 when a genuine diplomatic intervention could have helped to alter a fatal course of events.Hillary Clinton played a crucial role in initiating the current disaster.During a presidential primary debate in Milwaukee in February 2016, Clinton was quick to boast about her many achievements as Secretary of State, especially in Syria: You know, the Security Council finally got around to adopting a resolution. At the core of that resolution is an agreement I negotiated in June of 2012 in Geneva, which set forth a cease-fire and moving toward a political resolution, trying to bring the parties at stake in Syria together. It s a nice statement, but like so many of Clinton s policy eulogies, it has no basis in reality.Jeffrey Sachs, director of the Center for Sustainable Development Solutions, sets Clinton straight explaining, In 2012, Clinton was the obstacle, not the solution, to a ceasefire being negotiated by UN Special Envoy Kofi Annan. It was US intransigence Clinton s intransigence that led to the failure of Annan s peace efforts in the spring of 2012, a point well-known among diplomats. Despite Clinton s insinuation in the Milwaukee debate, there was (of course) no 2012 ceasefire, only escalating carnage. Clinton bears heavy responsibility for that carnage, which has by now displaced more than 10 million Syrians and left more than 250,000 dead. Clinton s job, like most US diplomats, was to uphold the public facade that Washington is engaging in its usual list of honorable pursuits like cease fires, peace plans and protecting human rights while simultaneously helping to advance a covert agenda that achieves the exact opposite: destabilization, escalation of violence, flooding the region with weapons, and of course, working to overthrow the government of Syria. We want to pay special attention to the weapons trafficking part. Clinton was pivotal not only in coordinating with the Gulf states, but also giving political legitimacy to arming the moderate rebels (now commonly recognized as terrorists).Although the initial effort to fuel the armed insurgency in Syria was organized through Libya under the office of Secretary Clinton (which we ll demonstrate below), later efforts were formalized through a series of large weapons shipments out of NATO countries like Croatia, and then through other US-sanctioned covert smuggling projects like Operation Timber Sycamore, where the CIA, with the approval of President Obama, organized weapons shipments into Syria via Turkey and Jordan, but with Saudi Arabia footing the bill for that clandestine operation. The New York Times confirmed certain details of this in January 2016: American officials have not disclosed the amount of the Saudi contribution, which is by far the largest from another nation to the program to arm the rebels against President Bashar al-Assad s military. But estimates have put the total cost of the arming and training effort at several billion dollars. Perhaps the most important aspect of this story is this: it is absolutely illegal under International Law for foreign nations to conspire and trafficking arms into a country with the intent to overthrow the government of a nation-state.Now that might be a cause for concern for those wanting to recognize the international rule of law, but the United States, the Obama and Clinton regime has done this without any compunction at all. History shows however, that such overt flouting of international law places the entire basis of the Geneva Conventions and the United Nations at risk. Beyond this, it is also a running violation of US law in terms of providing material support (weapons, cash, supplies, intelligence and logistical support, and even political backing) to internationally recognized terrorist organizations. On those two points alone, Hillary Clinton should be not only disqualified for public office in the US, but should also face another criminal indictment for her role, along with every other US public official involved in sanctioning these operations, including Barack Obama, Senator John McCain, and a number of other US officials like Mike Rogers, former Republican Congressman from Michigan and chairman of the House Intelligence Committee when Timber Sycamore began. FRIENDS OF SYRIA : Secretary Clinton with Saudi and Qatari government officials in 2012, conspiring to destroy Syria.From 2011, Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton was effectively the public-facing CEO of the cynically titled, Friends of Syria. This was essentially a lobbying tour, bringing together NATO members, the Arab League and the Syrian Opposition all together to promote a policy of regime change for Syria. In reality, it was really a vehicle for raising money and planning for war. Here Clinton was flanked by her Saudi Arabian and Qatari donors to the Clinton Foundation, along with then UK Foreign Secretary William Hague, Turkey s prime minister, Recep Tayip Erdogan, a hand-picked puppet government-in-exile called the Syrian National Council, and other stakeholders all vying for a piece of Syria.Behind the pomp and circumstance, however, all parties were openly conspiring to arm militants for the purpose of upending the government in Damascus. Clinton effectively steered this process throughout her time in the cabinet a destructive process which has led to the bloodbath we see today. To any rational observer, the whole enterprise would be viewed as a failure; in terms of human loss, the refugee crisis, sectarian violence, and breeding terrorism for the next 30 or 40 years and yet, somehow Hillary Clinton is counting this as one of her achievements. Here, Sachs offers an accurate take on Clinton s abysmal legacy in Syria: .. she joined Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and right-wing Israelis to try to isolate, even defeat, Iran. In 2010, she supported secret negotiations between Israel and Syria to attempt to wrest Syria from Iran s influence. Those talks failed. Then the CIA and Clinton pressed successfully for Plan B: to overthrow Assad.When the unrest of the Arab Spring broke out in early 2011, the CIA and the anti-Iran front of Israel, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey saw an opportunity to topple Assad quickly and thereby to gain a geopolitical victory. Clinton became the leading proponent of the CIA-led effort at Syrian regime change.In early 2011, Turkey and Saudi Arabia leveraged local protests against Assad to try to foment conditions for his ouster. By the spring of 2011, the CIA and the US allies were organizing an armed insurrection against the regime. On August 18, 2011, the US Government made public its position: Assad must go. Since then and until the recent fragile UN Security Council accord, the US has refused to agree to any ceasefire unless Assad is first deposed. The US policy under Clinton and until recently has been: regime change first, ceasefire after. After all, it s only Syrians who are dying. Annan s peace efforts were sunk by the United States unbending insistence that U.S.-led regime change must precede or at least accompany a ceasefire. As the Nation editors put it in August 2012:The US demand that Assad be removed and sanctions be imposed before negotiations could seriously begin, along with the refusal to include Iran in the process, doomed [Annan s] mission.Despite the billions spent on arming and training rebels , the millions of refugees and the hundreds of thousands dead Assad did not go as per the grand plan.Things continue to go septic. A recently released WikiLeaks email from a 2014 exchange between Clinton campaign chair, then White House advisor to President Obama, John Podesta, where the pair openly discuss common knowledge that the governments of Saudi Arabia and Qatar are funding ISIS terrorists. While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region, Clinton wrote. This effort will be enhanced by the stepped up commitment in the [Kurdish Regional Government]. The Qataris and Saudis will be put in a position of balancing policy between their ongoing competition to dominate the Sunni world and the consequences of serious U.S. pressure. In his recent interview with Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and filmmaker John Pilger, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange explains an unsettling criminal connection between Clinton and her family foundation: All serious analysts know, and even the US government has agreed, that some Saudi figures have been supporting ISIS and funding ISIS, but the dodge has always been that it is some rogue princes using their oil money to do whatever they like, but actually the government disapproves. But that email says that it is the government of Saudi Arabia, and the government of Qatar that have been funding ISIS. Aside from verifying what many already suspected, this proves that the Clinton Foundation knowingly accepted millions of dollars in charitable donations from the same Gulf states which both Secretary Clinton and President Obama knew were funding ISIS, Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria), and the rest.Taken as a whole, this represents a level of corruption that would preclude anyone from running for office, let alone the US Presidency and yet, this issue receives very little airtime in the US. The reason for this is simple: both Democrats and Republicans are up to their neck in Washington s Dirty War on Syria. Illegal Gun-running Out of Benghazi, LibyaWhen the initial Benghazi story broke in the US, the media and the Republican politicians focused almost exclusively on the US casualties during militant raids on a CIA annex and makeshift US embassy in Benghazi. Four men died on September 11th and 12th, 2012 U.S. Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens, U.S. Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith, and CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty. Ten others were wounded in the fighting.During the aftermath, US media and GOP opposition made the story all about Hillary Clinton and the White House s failure to send reinforcements which they argue could have saved American lives. While this may have been true, it ignores the real story. This diversion was done in order to steer the narrative away from the bipartisan effort to traffic massive amounts of illegal weapons from Libya, and into the hands of US-NATO and Gulf-backed rebels in Syria.We now know that Clinton s diplomat Christopher Stevens was providing diplomatic cover for a CIA operation to transfer ex-Libyan military weapons stocks over to Syria. Many islamist fighters who fought with NATO to bring down Gaddafi in 2011 were later transferred from Libya to Syria to fight against the Syrian government.Still, despite all of this the collapse of Washington s puppet government the National Transitional Council (NTC), and Libya rapidly descending into a failed state, and the emergence of a new ISIS beach head there Clinton s inner circle remained clueless and only seem to be concerned with promoting HRC credentials in advance of her presidential run. Gateway Pundit adds: Hillary s team provides Clinton credit for her many actions that led to Qadhafi s toppling in Libya including, but not limited to: suspending the operations of the Libyan embassy in Washington; evacuating US embassy personnel in Tripoli and closing the embassy there; obtaining sanctions against Qadhafi and his family; working to suspend Libya from the Human Rights Council; appointing Special Envoy Chris Stevens to be the U.S. representative to Benghazi; engaging with UAE, Qatar, and Jordan to seek their participation in coalition operations; holding meetings with House Democrats and Senate Republicans to persuade them not to de-fund the Libya operation; and lastly, it was noted that Hillary worked to construct a $1.5 billion assets package to the National Transitional Council or NTC. Hillary saw this email sent to her from Cheryl Mills because as noted at WikiLeaks she asked for it to be printed in a subsequent email to a colleague. This email proves that Clinton s team created a list to show her responsibility for being the architect behind the overthrow of Qadhafi in Libya and the subsequent horror as a result. It is now known that the NTC in Libya is no longer in charge but it is unknown what happened to the $1.5 billion Hillary pushed to prop up this group. Here is the email via Scribd:NeoCon BedfellowsWith all the hysterical rhetoric by Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party this year about Russia Hacking the US Elections, it should be pointed out that Clinton s State Department engineered a complete overthrow of a foreign government in Ukraine.There is also the case of the foul-mouthed Victoria Nuland (photo, left), Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs appointed by Clinton and charged with organizing Washington s 2014 coup d etat in Kiev.Clinton s appointee Nuland absolutely key in destabilizing the Ukraine, a move which effectively ruined US-Russian relations, leading us right up to the present geopolitical confrontation over Syria.During the m l e Nuland was also caught on tape with US Ambassador Geoffrey Pyatt, discussing which hand-pick Washington-approved people would be filling which positions in their new unelected junta government, including the office of Prime Minister. Listen to this stunning call: Award-winning journalist Robert Parry adds, The fact is that Clinton has generally marched in lock step with the neocons as they have implemented an aggressive regime change strategy against governments and political movements that don t toe Washington s line or that deviate from Israel s goals in the Middle East. So she has backed coups, such as in Honduras (2009) and Ukraine (2014); invasions, such as Iraq (2003) and Libya (2011); and subversions such as Syria (from 2011 to the present) all with various degrees of disastrous results. The No Fly Zone FantasyAnother big problem is that Clinton sees her path to war in Syria through a No Fly Zone, to Save the poor children of Aleppo. Although it sounds good during a TV debate, it is very unrealistic in practical terms, and if implemented, it would place the US squarely at war with both Russia and Syria, and possible Iran by extension. Is that the best Clinton has to offer? Prof Michel Chossudovsky explains the fundamental flaw in Clinton s proclamation:At the third presidential debate, Hillary Clinton reasserted her commitment that if elected president, she would implement a no-fly-zone, intimating that the objective was to save lives : I think a no-fly zone could save lives and could hasten the end of the conflict. I am well aware of the really legitimate concerns you have expressed from both the president and the general, Clinton said in response to a question from Fox News debate moderator Chris Wallace. This would not be done just on the first day. This would take a lot of negotiation and would also take making it clear to the Russians and Syrians that our purpose here was to provide safe zones on the ground I think we could strike a deal and make it clear to the Russians and the Syrians that this was something that we believe was in the best interest of the people on the ground in Syria. (Fox News, emphasis added)At present, under the Obama administration, the joint chiefs of staff are opposed to the No Fly zone .The Joint Chiefs of Staff are appointed by the Secretary of Defense.Under a Clinton presidency, a new Secretary of Defense as well as a new Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, firmly committed to A No fly Zone over Syria would be appointed.Mich le Angelique Flournoy, a former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy is Hillary s choice for the position of Secretary of Defense, who favors the No Fly Zone option. Most considerate and informed commentators now accept that a No Fly Zone is an act of war. Clinton of all people should know this after Libya.Loosening Legal Requirements for WarLast week, vice presidential running mate, Tim Kaine, said that if elected, Hillary Clinton would press lawmakers to rewrite the Sept. 14, 2001, Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) making it even easier to go to war without having the actually declare war with a Congressional vote. This bill has been a favorite of Obama who has used it as an open-ended executive path to multiple undeclared wars of aggression, and to make his war on ISIS appear legal, for now anyway.According to Kaine, Clinton believes that, it s time for us to take that now-outdated authorization, and really think about what we are confronting, and work together to reach some legislative-executive accord about what it is we re doing. Kaine told Axelrod. It s time for Congress to get back in the game and refine and revise that authorization. This is nothing more than another Washington lawyer s parlor trick to pass another AUMF bill to cover the old one. The script just keeps getting revised.This was reiterated by Clinton campaign spokesman Jesse Lehrich in July when he told Yahoo News that Clinton agrees with Senator Kaine that if we are serious about confronting ISIS, Congress ought to express its resolve to stand behind our military and win this fight by passing a new AUMF. The legislation reflected his national security aides desire that it not tie his hands. The document authorized airstrikes in Iraq and Syria in the following three years. It forbade the use of American ground troops in enduring offensive ground combat operations a term the White House described as deliberately vague. It also allowed strikes against individuals and organizations fighting for, on behalf of, or alongside ISIL anywhere in the world.Democrats have balked at supporting such a sweeping measure. Republicans have pointed to the three-year limit and the ground-combat language to argue that the AUMF improperly binds the hands of Obama s successor.The truth of the matter is that both sides see political peril in the president s proposal. Democrats recall how voting in favor of the Iraq War helped to doom Clinton s 2008 presidential ambitions. And Republicans, who could vote to remove the language they describe as objectionable, prefer to criticize Obama s handling of the conflict without taking any steps that might make them co-owners of the strategy. A lawyer s blueprint for a continuation of Washington s status quo: unconstitutional open-ended, undeclared wars of aggression, anywhere, any time.A Threat to World PeaceLike Obama, and Bush before him, and Bill Clinton before them, as president Hillary Clinton will be expected to expedite an establishment agenda written by transnational corporations and other nebulous international crime syndicates. The financial engine for this is the banking houses of Wall Street and the City of London. A basic review of the Clinton s intimate relationship with Goldman Sachs investment house should provide amble proof of Bill and Hillary s ties to that circle. This shows how, throughout their career, the Clintons have been owned and operated by these banking houses.SEE ALSO: PARTNERS IN CRIME: Goldman Sachs, The Clintons & Wall StreetSuffice to say, based on this and many other exhibits which we have left out here, Hillary Clinton is a clear and present threat to world peace.This is not to say the Donald Trump presidency will be a halcyon affair either, but we don t know that yet. This is another problem with this heavily politicized topic in the US. In order to derail any critique of Clinton s chequered past, many Clinton supporters and die-hard liberal Democrats will try to equate to words of private citizen Donald Trump with the actions of public official Hillary Clinton. If we are having a rational argument then that would simply be a false comparison.If Donald Trump were to assume the office of Presidency, then I would not hesitate to apply as harsh an analysis to his actions and policies.In terms of foreign policy and government corruption Trump is an unknown quantity, while Hillary Clinton is very well-known one, as we have demonstrated. We have already seen her handy work in both Libya and Syria. Likewise, we have seen the fruits of Bill Clinton s misadventures in Bosnia, Serbia and Kosovo, not to mention his menacing economic sanctions in Iraq which killed upwards of 1 million Iraqi civilians over a ten-year period, and sowed the seeds for future wars.It should also be noted that Senator Hillary Clinton voted for the Iraq War in 2003 a war waged on a false pretense, although she now claims the war was a mistake. After a joint US-Terrorist operation that ended in the assassination and street lynching of Libya leader Mumaur Gaddafi near the town of Sirte in October 2011, during a CBS interview, a gloating Hillary Clinton made one of the most callous and disturbing remarks ever from a high-ranking diplomat when she said: We came, we saw, he died! and proceeded to laugh on camera.This clip really sums up the attitude and moral vacuum we might experience with a Clinton White House:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dmp3Jndj_o . The evidence really speaks for itself. SEE ALSO: Hillary s Russian Hack Hoax: The Biggest Lie of this Election SeasonREAD MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Republicans worry Trump scandals may doom legislative agenda
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Scandals enveloping U.S. President Donald Trump have left Republican lawmakers and lobbyists increasingly gloomy about the prospects for passing sweeping tax cuts, a rollback of Obamacare and an ambitious infrastructure program. With the White House and both chambers of the U.S. Congress under Republican control, party leaders and their allies in the business community had expected to get quick traction on their plans, with corporate tax cuts among the top priorities. But four months into Trump’s tenure, only limited progress has been made. The House of Representatives passed a measure to rewrite Obamacare, but the Senate is only in the very early stages of considering the issue. Lawmakers are just beginning their push on tax reform. In addition to congressional probes that are taking place into possible collusion between Trump’s 2016 campaign team and Russia, the U.S. Justice Department on Wednesday named former FBI Director Robert Mueller to investigate the matter. “It’s the elephant in the room right now,” said Republican Representative Pat Tiberi. “The smartest minds in the White House know that, whether it’s tax reform or anything else on the public policy front. It’s hard enough to get things done in the U.S. Capitol under the best of circumstances.” The House Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on tax reform on Thursday. Key administration and congressional leaders met Wednesday afternoon to discuss a path forward. But they remain a long way from signing a bill into law. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said on Tuesday that “less drama from the White House” was needed to advance legislative priorities. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham told reporters on Wednesday that the legislative process had “pretty much ground to a halt” amid the tumult in Washington. Republican Representative Steve Womack said it was important for committees investigating the Russia matter to move forward expeditiously to both ensure that the public gets answers and to clear the way for Congress to move on to other issues. “Any time we get bogged down on these kinds of issues unrelated to the governing agenda, it serves to delay and to sometimes complicate the real job that we have to do for the American people,” Womack said. At a news conference on Wednesday, House Speaker Paul Ryan urged his colleagues to “seize this moment” to pass tax reform. But instead of discussing tax rates and structures, Ryan was faced with a series of questions about James Comey, who Trump fired as director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation last week, and the Russia investigation. Several lobbyists said that in the past week their corporate clients have grown more cautious on the prospects for tax reform but still hope that at least a small package can be approved. “My worry level has grown considerably,” one lobbyist said. Some lobbyists suggested that Congress could consider focusing on tax breaks and perhaps leave aside the comprehensive overhaul of the tax code that they had originally hoped for. “When this all started, the thing we heard from the Hill was ‘transformative tax reform,’” said a strategist who consults with major companies focused on tax reform. “I think as time passes, tax reform is going to look much different, that it may be begin to look more like tax cuts than tax reform.”
WATCH: Fox News Gets OWNED By Police Chief For Demonizing Immigrants In Minnesota
The hosts of Fox & Friends were hoping a Minnesota police chief would vilify the Somali immigrants in his community and they promptly got their asses handed to them.On Saturday, 22-year-old Dahir A. Adan went on a stabbing spree inside a Minnesota mall. The Somali community in St. Cloud has roundly condemned the act of terrorism, but Republican nominee Donald Trump spewed fear and hate in response during a phone call with Fox and called the immigrants a Trojan horse and a cancer from within that benefits ISIS.Fox host Steve Doocy, who was named in Gretchen Carlson s sexual harassment lawsuit against the conservative network, asked St. Cloud Police Chief William Blair Anderson if he agrees with Trump s assessment of immigrants, clearly hoping that Anderson would join in demonizing them.Instead, Anderson swatted Doocy down like the pest he is and made it clear that there are bad apples in every group and that we should unite rather than divide and hate. My job is public safety. It s not in immigration policy. I can tell you that the vast majority of all of our citizens, no matter their ethnicity, are fine, hard-working people, and now is not the time for us to be divisive. We already have a very cohesive community, and I expect that this will draw us even closer together. But at the end of the day, our job is public safety, period. Anderson then explained that law enforcement works well with all members of the community to protect the public the best they can. We actually work very well not just with our East African community, but all of our community. We meet regularly with any number of people, whether they are advocates for a specific ethnicity or different cause. It s one of things that makes St. Cloud a wonderful place to live, and I know that might sound corny, but it s the truth. We have established and maintained a very good rapport with our East African community and our community at large. Doocy then tucked his tail between his legs and ended the interview because he didn t get the response he wanted.Here s the video via Media Matters:Demonizing an entire community simply because of the actions of a few only ostracizes them and could cause more to radicalize. That s why we should reach out to these immigrants instead of hating them.Fox News is irresponsibly pushing an us versus them mentality that only creates a never-ending circle of hate and mistrust that hurts our country in the long-term. But let s also remember that ISIS would not exist to recruit people in America in the first place had Republicans not pursued an unnecessary war in Iraq that created the power vacuum that allowed ISIS to rise. Furthermore, despite their concerns and their whining, Republicans still refuse to declare war on ISIS to give President Obama the full resources of the United States to fight the terrorist organization.Regardless, any group will have bad apples, even the white Christians Fox News caters to. Let s not forget that Timothy McVeigh committed the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 that killed 168 people while Dylan Roof gunned down nine black people inside a church in 2015. Both acts of domestic terrorism were committed by white males who were born here in the United States. But Fox News would rather freak out about a Somali immigrant who used a knife in an attack in which no one was killed. If Adan were white, not only would this not be referred to as an act of terror, it would have been a mere footnote in the news.Featured Image: Screenshot
WATCH: Nine Injured as Erdogan Guards, Kurdish and Armenian Protesters Clash in DC - Breitbart
Guards accompanying Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan violently attacked protesters in Washington, D. C. Tuesday who had congregated outside the Turkish ambassador to America’s residence, most Armenians and Kurds protesting Turkey’s increasingly authoritarian bent under Erdogan. [CNN cites D. C. officials as stating that nine individuals, most protesters, were injured in the brawl. An estimated two dozen protesters congregated in front of Turkish ambassador Serdar Kılıç’s residence, some waving a flag associated with the Syrian Kurdish People’s Democratic Union (PYD) which Erdogan’s government perceives as a direct threat to the integrity of Turkey. Two were arrested, one charged with assaulting a police officer it is unclear whether those arrested were protesters or members of Erdogan’s security detail. Videos circulating on social media appear to show Erdogan’s guards among the most violent aggressors. A video published by Voice of America appears to show men in black suits carrying Turkish flags — believed to be Erdogan’s security detail — attacking individuals holding megaphones and protest signs. The guards surround a man who had been kicked to the ground and continuously kick him in the face. Men who appear to be wearing D. C. police uniforms then attempt to surround and capture the men in black suits. The Kurdish outlet Rudaw published an exclusive video showing the injuries of some of the protesters involved. One man, walking away from the incident with a bloodied face, tells the camera, “the Turks attacked me. ” Speaking to CNN, a protester identified as Flint Arthur said that his group had congregated to protest Erdogan’s presence in Washington and his “policies in Turkey, in Syria and Iraq. ” “They think they can engage in the same sort of suppression of protest and free speech that they engage in in Turkey,” he argued. A similar incident occurred during Erdogan’s visit to Washington last year, in which Erdogan guards beat Turkish journalists protesting for their rights. Erdogan’s government has engaged in a prolonged military operation against the nation’s Kurdish minority in the southeast of the country, arguing that the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) a U. S. Marxist terrorist group, is a threat to Turkish security. Ankara does not distinguish between the PKK and the PYD and its militia, the People’s Protection Units (YPG) who are strong U. S. allies and considered the most effective force against the Islamic State in Syria. Erdogan came to Washington in part to demand that President Donald Trump rescind his approval of a program to arm the YPG in anticipation of an operation to liberate Raqqa, the Islamic State “capital” and its final stronghold in Syria. A week before arriving in America, Erdogan announced his “patience has ended” with the United States and its alliance with the YPG. Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım reiterated that resolve hours before Erdogan met with Trump, telling reporters that Turkey was open to doing “what is necessary” to keep the YPG from participating in the fight against the Islamic State, implying military action. Shortly after the Pentagon’s announcement that Washington would provide the Syrian Kurds with heavy weapons, the Turkish military executed airstrikes against YPG positions in Syria. While Trump confirmed in a joint statement following their meeting Tuesday that he opposed the PKK, he did not walk back his administration’s support for the YPG. Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.
Here’s The Clever Reason Behind Thousands Of Facebook Users Falsely Checking In At Standing Rock
Thousands of people are joining protestors at Standing Rock today… Or so it seems. Though not appearing physically, thousands of supporters are checking in at the Indian reservation on...
Leave It To Ellen DeGeneres To PERFECTLY Mock Trump And His ‘Hand’ Size (VIDEO)
When thinking about who you d likely want as the next President of the United States, one would probably think of someone who is well-versed in policy and leadership. Someone with a proven record of legislative success. Someone who you wouldn t be embarrassed of representing you and your interests around the globe. Unfortunately, when watching the GOP debates, you re not going to find any of those qualities, at least amongst the front-runners.At the most recent debate, the subject of hand size was literally brought up, and of course, hand size is actually the size of their dicks, because of course that s what these guys would be talking about. Noticing how utterly ridiculous not only bringing this subject up is, but also finding it humorous that Donald Trump in particular took such offense in what appears to be major overcompensation, Ellen DeGeneres of The Ellen Show showed us a better interpretation of what his hand size actually may be.In a modified clip of the most recent debate, Ellen had Trump s hands photoshopped into tiny little baby hands. He still waved them around like he has something to prove, but this time, it was seemingly far more accurate.Truth be told, we don t need a person obsessed with proving how large or great they personally are. We don t need someone who uses I, me, or my every other sentence. Running for president is running to serve the citizens of the United States, not yourself. It s not about being the best, it s about making sure the nation works well for all.We need someone who can lead the nation. Donald Trump is not that person.Watch the hilarity from The Ellen Show here:Featured image via image screen capture
Puerto Rico votes in favor of U.S. statehood amid low turnout
SAN JUAN (Reuters) - The economically struggling U.S. island territory of Puerto Rico voted overwhelmingly on Sunday in favor of becoming the 51st state, although turnout was low and adding another star to the U.S. flag likely faces an uphill battle in Congress. A government website for the non-binding referendum, Puerto Rico’s fifth such plebiscite since 1967, showed 97 percent supported statehood. Only 23 percent of the 2.2 million eligible voters participated in the vote. Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rossello campaigned for statehood as the best avenue to boost future growth for the island, which has $70 billion in debt, a 45 percent poverty rate, woefully underperforming schools and near-insolvent pension and health systems. “From today going forward, the Federal government will no longer be able to ignore the voice of the majority of the American citizens in Puerto Rico,” Rossello said in a statement. “It would be highly contradictory for Washington to demand democracy in other parts of the world, and NOT respond to the legitimate right to self-determination that was exercised today in the American territory of Puerto Rico,” he added. Puerto Rico’s hazy political status, dating back to its 1898 acquisition by the United States from Spain, has contributed to the economic crisis that pushed it last month into the biggest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. “I voted for statehood,” Armando Abreu, a 74-year-old retiree, said after voting. “Even if it’s still a long way off in the distance, it’s our only hope.” Those in favor of statehood for the mainly Spanish-speaking Caribbean island hope the new status would put the territory on equal standing with the 50 U.S. states, giving them more access to federal funds and the right to vote for U.S. president. Under the current system, Puerto Rico’s 3.5 million American citizens do not pay federal taxes, vote in presidential elections or receive proportionate federal funding on programs like the Medicaid health insurance system for the poor. The U.S. government oversees policy and financial areas such as infrastructure, defense and trade. Rossello will ask Congress to respect the result, but Puerto Rico is seen as a low priority in Washington. The island’s two main opposition parties boycotted the vote, which gave Puerto Ricans three options: becoming a U.S. state; remaining a territory; or becoming an independent nation, with or without some continuing political association with the United States. Puerto Rico’s former governor, Rafael Hernandez Colon, said in a statement: “A contrived plebiscite fabricated an artificial majority for statehood by disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Commonwealth supporters.” Rather than heading to the polls, some 500 Puerto Ricans marched on the streets of San Juan, waving Puerto Rico’s flag and burning the American flag while chanting in support of independence. “This is a bogus plebiscite. Our future is independence. We need to be able to decide our own fate,” said Liliana Laboy, one of the organizers of the protest. Boycotters were also angry about the costly referendum at a time when over 400 schools have closed and many Puerto Ricans are struggling to make ends meet. Schools where voting took place were in poor condition, with cracked paint and bare-bones playgrounds. Puerto Rico spent an estimated $8 million on the campaign and election process, according to a government spokesman.
EXTORTION? HOW IRAN Used Nuke Deal To Force Obama To Retreat From Embarrassing “Red Line” Threat To Syria
If I were a European and was forced to deal with the massive influx of Muslim refugees from Syria, I d be pointing the finger at President Obama, who clearly can t himself when it comes to caving to Iran.Foreign Affairs journalist for the Wall Street journal, Jay Solomon told MSNBC s Andrea Mitchell that Iran actually threatened to end nuke talks if Obama enforced his red line threat with Iran:.@WSJSolomon: Iran threatened to end nuclear talks if @POTUS enforced red line against Assad after chemical attack: pic.twitter.com/czFeFA2K10 Kenan Rahmani (@KenanRahmani) August 22, 2016
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Bibi's victory is Kerry's defeat
The election in 232 photos, 43 numbers and 131 quotes, from the two candidates at the center of it all.
EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Bernie Delegate Reveals Why He Fled Democratic Party for the Greens
Roving political analyst Stuart J Hooper drops in the see what was happening as Bernie Sanders hit the western college campuses on to campaign for Hillary Clinton.The following is an interview with an ex-Bernie delegate who, following the DNC collusion with the Clinton camp to kill the Sanders campaign, has since left the Democratic Party to support Dr Jill Stein and the Green Party. He explains how Sanders was coerced into backing the corrupt Clinton campaign.Listen to his emotional statement here: SUPPORT OUR WORK SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Target Becomes America’s First Retailer To Allow Transgender People To Use The Bathroom Of Their Choice
Screw Walmart (which is America s largest gun retailer), Target is busting down social barriers and spreading tolerance and acceptance nationwide!Target Corp. is now America s first retailer to allow transgender people to use the bathroom of their choice, a stark rebuttal of the discriminatory and hateful laws that were pushed in North Carolina and Mississippi. Not only will the choice apply to their customers, but to employees as well.On their website, the retailer posted a statement titled Continuing to Stand for Inclusivity, and stood firm with the LGBT community, writing:Inclusivity is a core belief at Target. It s something we celebrate. We stand for equality and equity, and strive to make our guests and team members feel accepted, respected and welcomed in our stores and workplaces every day.We believe that everyone every team member, every guest, and every community deserves to be protected from discrimination, and treated equally. Consistent with this belief, Target supports the federal Equality Act, which provides protections to LGBT individuals, and opposes action that enables discrimination.More specifically, Target states that it will welcome transgender team members and guests to use the restroom or fitting room facility that corresponds with their gender identity, and will not cow tow to the impact to our business, thus putting people over profit.Look at that, a corporation that actually respects the dignities of every customer and every employee. While Republicans continue to be beholden to corporate entities, maybe they could learn a thing or two about what s good for business and discrimination is never good for business.Target s statement closes with a final reassurance for all those who shop or seek employment:Everyone deserves to feel like they belong. And you ll always be accepted, respected and welcomed at Target.While the comment section of the post received mostly negative backlash from people vowing to never shop there again, Target has not wavered in their support for LGBT rights. Again, Republicans could learn something, but chances are they will continue to put profit over people, or their own necks before doing what s right.So until then, let s continue to shop at Target and show our support! Featured image via Target website
COLLEGE STUDENTS Who Wanted You To Pay For Their Education Make STUNNING Admissions About How They Spend Student Loan Money
When you consider the stunning ways students are wasting their student loan money that SHOULD be going towards their education, it s pretty clear why Bernie Sanders was so wildly popular with college kids. Sadly, there are a large number of students who have bought into the whole Peter Pan and the I m never growing up thing Remember these clowns who wore signs around their necks bemoaning the amount of money they WILLINGLY borrowed to pay for their education as a reason Americans should vote for Bernie? Per a survey of 500 college co-eds, LendEDU found that 31% of students, or roughly 2.4 million kids, admitted to using student loan money to fund their binge drinking trips to Cancun and Daytona Beach for spring break.According to the LendEDU poll, 30.60% of college students with student debt claim that they are using money they received from student loans to help pay for their spring break trip this year. For reference, you can use student loan funding for living expenses.The National Center for Education Statistics calculated that 20.5 million students will be attending college this year in the United States. Orbitz reported that 55% of students will be going on spring break. Using this data, we can roughly calculate that 11,275,000 students will be going on spring break this year.Factoring in our data, and assuming the claims made in our survey are accurate, this means that 2.38 million students are using money received from student loans to pay for their spring break excursion this year.Adding insult to injury, 24% of students admitted to using their student loan money for alcohol and 7% use those federally-subsidized checks for drugs.Nearly a quarter (23.80%) of respondents stated that they have used money received from student loans to pay for drinking some type of alcohol. This answer also included spending money at bars.A third (33.40%) of students answered that they have used money received from student loans to pay for clothing and other accessories.Similarly, the same amount (33.40%) of students said that they have used money received from student loans to pay for restaurants and take-out.6.60% of respondents responded saying that they have used money received from student loans to pay for drugs.Finally, 5.60% of students that participated in our survey stated that they used money received from student loans on gambling or sports betting. For entire story: Zero Hedge
BOILER ROOM – Examination, Exclamation, Excitation, Expatriation – EP #42
Tune in to the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR) for another LIVE broadcast of The Boiler Room starting at 6 PM PST | 9 PM EST every Wednesday. Join us for uncensored, uninterruptible talk radio, custom-made for barfly philosophers, misguided moralists, masochists, street corner evangelists, media-maniacs, savants, political animals and otherwise lovable rascals.Join ACR hosts Hesher, & Spore along with Andy Nowicki from Alt Right Blogspot, 21Wire contributor Randy J and Stewart Howe. In this broadcast we re going big time with an extra long overdrive episode, listeners will be hearing us go around the BOILER ROOM on a plethora of topics tonight. If you want to participate, bring something interesting to throw into the boiler Join us in the ALTERNATE CURRENT RADIO chat room.BOILER ROOM IS NOT A POLICTALLY CORRECT ZONE! Live ACR player below Show goes live at 6 PM PST Reference Links:
New Solar Panels Pull Drinking Water From The Air Because Clean Water Is A Human Right
Email In an exciting new development, a startup company called Zero Mass Water has created solar panels that passively and efficiently pull water from the sky, purify it, and transport it to the tap for drinking and cooking purposes. These solar panels are seriously changing the game for both tap water and clean energy. Via TrueActivist SPONSORED LINKS Though the primary motivation for creating these panels was to help people living without access to clean drinking water, it can also help a variety of people from all walks of life while conserving traditional energy that is bad for the environment . Scroll Down For Video Below The founder and CEO of the startup, Cody Friesen, said he was inspired when he was setting up another one of his technologies in Indonesia and thought about the abundance of rain, but lack of clean water in the region. He decided to focus his efforts on improving the global water supply. Friesen told Fastco Exist: “Everybody’s heard about the latest nanofilter this…or whatever the latest pump technology is. None of those end up being sort of the leapfrog technology that addresses the fact that drinking water is a fundamental human right, and yet we have one person dying every 10 seconds from waterborne illness on the planet.” Though these are the first solar panels of their kind, the idea and technology behind the water conversion and supply is simple. Zero Mass Water created a material that absorbs water from the air at an extremely accelerated rate, then it draws the water back out to evaporate it and draw out pollutants. After this purification process, the distilled water is run through a mineral block to add calcium and magnesium and to improve the taste. Since waterborne illnesses are so prevalent, this water can save millions of lives and slowly eliminate diseases, as it becomes more widely-used by countries suffering the most as a result of contaminated drinking water . Having an in-home water supply would also save girls and women worldwide approximately 200 million hours annually , as that’s how much time they spend retrieving water. They could use this time to go to school, perform more tasks around the house, or work. The solar panels are currently being tested in Ecuador, Jordan, and Mexico to test their viability and effectiveness. Though they’re starting out in areas rampant with poverty , the panels can also make a difference in the lives of the citizens whose water supplies are tainted with lead. There are roughly 5,300 such water systems, and this could be a safe alternative to drinking that lethal tap water and buying bottled water. A single panel can provide enough clean drinking and cooking water for a family of 4, and additional panels can be used on larger buildings, such as hospitals. Zero Mass Water hopes that this concept won’t remain novel for too long; despite the success they’re likely to have for being the only sellers of this panel, their goal is to make the technology common throughout all solar panels installed in people’s homes. “When you think about solar today, what do you think about? Electricity,” Friesen said. “Everybody thinks that way. I think that in a few years when people think about solar, they’ll also think about water abundance.”
Takata Settles Airbag Suit, Averting Testimony by Its Chief - The New York Times
The airbag maker Takata on Friday settled a closely watched lawsuit involving the injury and eventual death of a woman whose car crashed in 2014. The settlement was announced moments before a critical hearing in which a judge in Jacksonville, Fla. could have ordered the company’s chief executive, Shigehisa Takada, to testify in the case. Even the lawyer representing the family of the victim, Patricia Mincey, said the sudden turn of events was unexpected. “I had no expectations at all” of a settlement, said the lawyer, Theodore J. Leopold, of the plaintiffs’ law firm Cohen Milstein in Washington. “We were preparing to go to trial. ” But Takata, whose airbags have been linked to at least 14 other deaths and more than 100 injuries, has been keen to keep Mr. Takada, a grandson of the company’s founder, out of the spotlight and away from depositions. Takata’s airbags can rupture when they deploy in a crash, shooting metal fragments toward the driver or passengers. The defect has prompted 14 automakers to recall more than 60 million vehicles in the United States and millions more overseas. Ms. Mincey was paralyzed from the neck down after the Takata airbag in her 2001 Honda Civic forcefully inflated after a collision on June 15, 2014. The airbag was among those recalled by Honda less than a week later. Ms. Mincey alleged in her lawsuit, filed the following year, that Takata had knowingly designed and manufactured airbags that were defective and dangerous. She died in April at the age of 77 from complications from her quadriplegia. “The matter has been resolved to the satisfaction of all parties,” Robert Rendine, a Takata spokesman, said on Friday. Neither side would disclose a settlement sum. Takata has generally been quick to settle other cases in which its airbags were blamed for deaths and injuries. But the company had resisted settling Ms. Mincey’s case, because her airbag did not rupture. Instead, it deployed forcefully, crushing her spine, her complaint alleged. In the course of months of pretrial hearings, Takata was forced to hand over thousands of pages of internal documents that pointed to the faking of test results by its engineers, calculations of potential recall costs and an early understanding of potential safety risks. About a dozen Takata officials were deposed. In a series of congressional hearings on the issue, Takata has been represented by Hiroshi Shimizu, its top product safety official, and Kevin Kennedy, its executive vice president in North America. But the company has continued to shield Mr. Takada, whom company documents have shown was aware years ago of a possible widespread defect in Takata airbags. Mr. Takada said last month that he would step down, but the timing of his departure, and who will succeed him, remains unclear. The airbag defect involves propellants, or explosives, that help inflate airbags in microseconds. Takata’s propellant degrades over time when it is exposed to moisture and temperature fluctuations, which can cause its metal casing to overpressurize and rupture. According to minutes of a meeting at Honda’s American headquarters in Torrance, Calif. unsealed as part of Ms. Mincey’s case, a Honda official pressed Mr. Takada on the extent of the defect in . “I am constantly worrying how far it spreads out,” Hidenobu Iwata, the Honda official, told Mr. Takada and other Takata executives at the meeting, according to the minutes. “I want you to study the reason quickly. ” An engineer identified only as Otaka pressed Takata on the reasons for the defect. “Why does the propellant deteriorate with age? Why does it explode? I want to know the truth. ” Ms. Mincey had also sued Honda initially, but reached a separate settlement with the automaker.. The mass recalls of Takata airbags gained new urgency last month, when federal safety regulators warned that airbags in more than 300, 000 older Honda and Acura vehicles were at an unacceptably high risk of exploding and needed to be replaced immediately. Takata also faces a lawsuit brought by owners of affected cars and is the subject of a criminal investigation by the Justice Department.
Pentagon's Mattis again seeks to reassure U.S. allies
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Defense Secretary Jim Mattis travels to the Middle East and eastern Europe next week to play the increasingly familiar role of reassuring allies that the United States is committed to them despite mixed messages from President Donald Trump. Mattis will visit Jordan, Turkey, and Ukraine to address concerns about the fight against Islamic State and give a message that Washington will not tolerate Russia’s annexation of eastern Ukraine. The informal portfolio of soothing traditional U.S. friends upset by Trump’s often sharp comments and tweets on foreign policy is one that the retired Marine general is becoming used to. “There is no-one in the administration, maybe with the exception of Vice President Mike Pence, that has to shoulder the responsibility of Trump’s rhetoric more than Mattis,” said Joshua Walker, a former U.S. diplomat and current fellow at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, a think tank. Earlier this month, Trump said that a U.S. military option was being considered for Venezuela as the country is torn by political and economic upheaval. Within a few hours, the Pentagon publicly announced that it had not received any orders on Venezuela, lowering the temperature slightly. Mattis, along with Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, sent a conciliatory message to North Korea last weekend in an op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal after Trump had threatened “fire and fury” if Pyongyang tried to attack the United States. The two officials wrote that the United States “has no interest in regime change or accelerated reunification of Korea,” addressing some of North Korea’s fears that Washington ultimately intends to replace its leadership. “It is certainly true that to some extent if you look at both Mattis and Tillerson, who travel a lot, they are both explainers and people who both manage to moderate and reassure,” said Anthony Cordesman at the Center for Strategic and International Studies think tank. Mattis served as the head of U.S. military’s Central Command from 2010 to 2013, and foreign leaders, especially in the Middle East, trust him, said Cordesman. On a trip to Iraq earlier this year, Mattis grabbed headlines when he said the U.S. military was not there to “seize anybody’s oil.” That was an attempt to calm Iraqi worries after Trump had told CIA staff in January, when referring to the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003: “We should have kept the oil. But okay. Maybe you’ll have another chance.” Trump has also upset NATO allies by demanding they increase their defense spending and by seeking better relations with Russia. “I do think that Secretary Mattis finds himself spending time, putting President Trump’s statements into a broader context... in some cases that does mean defining them more narrowly, or more precisely as to what they mean,” Christine Wormuth, a former number three at the Pentagon, said. On the trip that starts this weekend, Mattis will make the first visit to Ukraine by a U.S. secretary of defense since 2007. He will try to reassure Kiev that the United States remains committed to restoring Ukraine’s sovereignty after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014. Questions were raised when Tillerson said in June that the Trump administration did not wish to be “handcuffed” by the 2015 Minsk accord to end fighting in Ukraine. That agreement, signed by Russia and Ukraine, calls for a ceasefire, the withdrawal of heavy weapons from the front line and constitutional reform to give eastern Ukraine more autonomy. While it is not a close U.S. ally, Ukraine has counted on American support against Russia since a pro-Western government took power following street protests in 2014 that ousted a Kremlin-backed president. Trump’s comments during the election campaign last year, from praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin to appearing to recognize Crimea as part of Russia and contemplating an end to U.S. sanctions on Moscow, stoked fears in Kiev that Trump would mend ties with Russia at Ukraine’s expense. The Pentagon is awaiting White House approval for a proposal to send “defensive” weapons to Ukraine, including anti-tank missiles, a U.S. official said. Michael Carpenter, a former deputy assistant secretary of defense for the region, said the trip would be important because it would send a signal to Kiev that the United States remained committed and the approval of the lethal weapons would be a tangible sign of that. “Mattis believes that this is a security issue that goes beyond Europe, that this is about international norms, sovereignty and territorial integrity,” Carpenter said. The Pentagon says Mattis will also emphasize the commitment of the United States to Turkey and help Ankara “address its legitimate security concerns- including the fight against the (Kurdistan Workers Party).” However, Mattis will have to address a number of differences, including the Pentagon’s decision to arm Kurdish YPG fighters to support an operation to retake the Syrian city of Raqqa from Islamic State. Ankara views the YPG, fighting within a larger U.S.-backed coalition, as the Syrian extension of the Kurdish PKK militant group, which it is fighting in southeastern Turkey.
Italy, Already Rattled, Is Struck by Another Powerful Quake - The New York Times
ROME — An earthquake, believed to be the strongest to hit Italy since 1980, struck the center of the country on Sunday, four days after two quakes severely damaged buildings and left thousands homeless in the area. The temblor on Sunday also caused fresh damage to the towns destroyed by a quake that killed nearly 300 people in August. The quake, which had a magnitude of 6. 5, according to Italy’s national geophysical and volcanology institute, struck at 7:41 a. m. with its epicenter near Norcia. It was felt as far away as Bolzano in northern Italy and Puglia in the south, according to Italian news reports. Most of the towns in the area had already been evacuated after the recent seismic activity, so there were no immediate reports of deaths. About 20 people were injured but none killed, said Fabrizio Curcio, the head of Italy’s civil protection department. “It was an important earthquake,” he said. Helicopters were taking people to hospitals because some roads had been closed off, Mr. Curcio said. teams were converging on the area, he added, and mayors were verifying the conditions of residents in smaller hamlets. As night fell, emergency teams worked to transfer residents of the stricken areas to temporary dormitories and hotels in outlying areas, overcoming the resistance of those who preferred to remain near their homes, Mr. Curcio said. “This was a 6. 5 — we haven’t had an earthquake of this magnitude since 1980 — so there are a series of controls we have to carry out,” he said, adding that people would be assisted better outside the earthquake areas. Electrical power was out for many thousands of residences, many roads were blocked by debris or cracks, and several sections of the Via Salaria, the most important highway in the area, were not accessible, Mr. Curcio said. Emergency workers were preparing to work through the night to clear roads of debris. “It will be a difficult night,” Mr. Curcio said after meeting with the mayor of Norcia, Nicola Alemanno, and Vasco Errani, the government’s point man for the earthquake reconstruction program in Norcia. Mr. Curcio said he hoped people would not spend the night in their cars or in makeshift camps and would opt for more stable accommodations. “There is no reason to suffer,” he said. Mr. Alemanno estimated that at least 3, 000 residents of the town had been left homeless. Other mayors were still tallying numbers of those left homeless in their own towns. Mr. Errani, who was appointed after the August quake, said Sunday’s earthquake had “changed the scenario, and even more the spirit and the soul of people,” he said. “We must remain calm to face the situation,” he added. Aftershocks continued throughout the day, and the geological institute registered about 200 in the first 10 hours after the morning 6. 5 quake, at least 15 of them with a magnitude measuring over 4. The mayor of Rome, Virginia Raggi, ordered schools to remain closed Monday to allow for checks on their stability. At a news conference, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi vowed to rebuild damaged areas. “We will rebuild everything — homes, churches, businesses,” he said. Italy has been urging the European Commission to give it more leeway in meeting targets for its budget deficit, citing greater costs incurred by its response to the migrant crisis and to the fallout of the earthquakes. The Italian government allocated 40 million euros, about $44 million, to the stricken zones after Wednesday’s quakes, and on Sunday Mr. Renzi said more would be set aside to deal with the fresh damage. “We will broaden the crater zone so no town must fear it might be left out,” he said. “We can’t give back a smile to those who in this moment think they have lost everything,” said Mr. Renzi, who noted that the earthquake had been felt by many Italians. He called on citizens to be strong and show solidarity. “Italy has its limitations and defects, but in these circumstances it gives the best of itself,” he said. Italian news media showed images of the cathedral and basilica of St. Benedict in Norcia, where damage to the historic center was extensive. “Right now, the most important thing is to assist people,” Mr. Curcio said. Television crews for the Italian state network RAI and Sky News had remained in the area after Wednesday’s tremors, and provided live images with billows of dust from crumbled buildings in the background. The few residents of Norcia who had remained in town because their houses had withstood the previous quakes wandered the streets, startled and frightened. One television broadcast showed a group of nuns running into the main square where they later led prayers, with residents kneeling around them, in front of a statue of St. Benedict. The earth continued to tremble in the first minutes after the quake as reports of damage in various towns began to be tallied. In Ussita, a town near the epicenter of Wednesday’s quake, “90 percent of the houses have crumbled,” Mayor Marco Rinaldi told Italian television. In Amatrice, the town hardest hit in the August earthquake, the facade of the church of Sant’Agostino collapsed. “Everything has been destroyed. The towns no longer exist,” said Aleandro Petrucci, the mayor of Arquata del Tronto, another ghost town since the August quake. In Rome, both of the main subway lines were temporarily closed to check for damage, Italian news outlets reported. Paolo Messina, the director of the Institute of Environmental Geology and Geoengineering at Italy’s National Research Council, said Sunday’s earthquake was linked to the quakes in August. “It’s a complex situation, where a fault is breaking in sections,” he said. On one hand, the repeated quakes were positive, “because if it occurred all at once the magnitude would be much higher,” he said in a telephone interview. “At the same time, it is causing terrible damage. ” It was impossible to determine the course of the seismic activity, he added. “We don’t know how much energy has accumulated in this fault over the centuries, so we don’t know how much needs to be discharged,” he said. One shaken resident of Ussita, who had already lost her home, told the Italian news media: “We don’t know what to do anymore. ” The earthquake wants to kill us. ”
World War 3?
Trump EXPLODES In Twitter Tantrum That Proves He’s Mentally Unfit To Be President
Donald Trump threw a massive hissy fit over just about everything on Tuesday morning.Some things just do not need to be commented on by the president, but for some reason, Trump thinks he needs to comment on everything.In a series of whining tweets, Trump took petty shots at Democrats, ESPN, Jemele Hill, the NFL, and Senator Bob Corker that perfectly demonstrate how thin-skinned and how pathetically unfit he is to be president.He began by threatening the NFL for not punishing players who exercise their right to free speech.Why is the NFL getting massive tax breaks while at the same time disrespecting our Anthem, Flag and Country? Change tax law! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017Then he bitched about Democrats for not supporting his useless and expensive border wall.The problem with agreeing to a policy on immigration is that the Democrats don t want secure borders,they don t care about safety for U.S.A. Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017Trump then declared that he would destroy healthcare by executive order.Since Congress can t get its act together on HealthCare, I will be using the power of the pen to give great HealthCare to many people FAST Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017Trump also attacked Jemele Hill for rightfully calling for a boycott of the Dallas Cowboys.With Jemele Hill at the mike, it is no wonder ESPN ratings have tanked, in fact, tanked so badly it is the talk of the industry! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017Hill posted her tweets in response to Cowboys owner Jerry Jones threatening to punish any player who kneels during the national anthem. By issuing such a threat, America s team clearly does not support America s Constitution.To cap it all off, Trump attacked the New York Times and insulted Senator Bob Corker.The Failing @nytimes set Liddle Bob Corker up by recording his conversation. Was made to sound a fool, and that s what I am dealing with! Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 10, 2017Seriously, does Trump have nothing better to do? You know, like actually doing his job?Featured Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images
Report: Russia Probe Gets EVEN HOTTER As Investigators Go After Trump’s Own Attorney
Michael Cohen is a man who knows Donald Trump well. He has been Trump s personal lawyer for many years, and he spent the better part of two years during the 2016 presidential campaign lying for Trump on television like all of other surrogates for the orange man. Now, however, Cohen may come to regret this allegiance, as it seems that the Russia probe is now closing in around the loyal lawyer.The Intelligence Committees in the House of Representatives and the Senate recently asked Cohen if he would provide information and testimony regarding his links and dealings with Russia. Cohen, like everyone else in Trump s orbit, decided to refuse to cooperate fully with the investigation, insisting that there s nothing to see there, and that the people investigating them are reaching too far into things.But, he forgets that these committees have subpoena power, and the Senate Intelligence Committee voted on whether or not to give Chairman Richard Burr (R-NC) and Ranking Member Mark Warner (D-VA) the ability to subpoena the things they want from Cohen. The result was unanimous, and since Cohen will not give the Congress what they want, Senators Burr and Warner will simply subpoena the information. Further, it is being reported that the House Intelligence Committee wasted no time, and they have already sent out a subpoena to Cohen. If Cohen goes the Michael Flynn route and ignores the subpoenas, he can be held in contempt of Congress.It seems that everyone around Trump has had some kind of seemingly shady and/or inappropriate dealings with Russia. Couple that with the fact that Trump himself is praising and cozying up to Vladimir Putin and other brutal dictators around the world, all while slamming our allies at the NATO and G7 Summits, and all of this is very dangerous indeed.Hopefully, Congress, the FBI, and whomever else is involved in investigating this corrupt administration of incompetent authoritarians and Russian stooges gets to the bottom of all of this soon, so that we can apologize to our allies and go back to being a sane nation after all of these people are removed from office and thrown in jail.Featured image via Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images.
Exclusive: Don't 'leap to conclusions' that Trump to drop 'one China' policy - McCain
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Senator John McCain said on Monday that he personally backs Washington’s decades-old “one China” policy and that no one should “leap to conclusions” that President-elect Donald Trump would abandon it. “I do not respond to every comment by the president-elect because it may be reversed the next day,” McCain told Reuters when asked about Trump’s statement over the weekend that the United States did not necessarily have to stick to its position that Taiwan is part of “one China.” But McCain said that “somebody should hold China responsible” for its behavior with regard to Taiwan, Hong Kong, island building in the South China Sea and “propping up” North Korea. Trump has drawn an angry response from Beijing for his comments as well as his recent telephone call with the president of Taiwan.
Connecticut's governor says no return to pre-recession prosperity
NEW YORK (Reuters) - Connecticut Governor Dannel Malloy delivered a downbeat address on Wednesday, outlining plans to slash government spending and admitting to “a visceral feeling” that there was no going back to the prosperity of pre-recession years. The short and somber address came on the heels of a presentation by Malloy’s top budget official, who called for $570 million of reductions next year on top of millions in cuts and tax hikes in previous years. “Our national economy, while making progress from the Great Recession, was fundamentally changed,” Malloy, a Democrat, said at his annual state of the state address. “A shifting workforce, the rapid rise of technology, and stagnant wage growth have made this recovery tougher for everyone, everywhere.” Connecticut has consistently lagged the national economic recovery and has been hit by job losses in its key financial and high-tech manufacturing industries. The state has one of the worst funded pension systems in the nation. With required payments set to balloon to $6 billion by 2032, the system presents a significant risk to the budget. “Connecticut is not going back to that pre-recession reality,” Malloy told the Democrat-dominated legislature. “It just doesn’t exist anymore.” Connecticut’s woes show how U.S. states have shared unevenly in the recovery since the financial crisis of 2007-2009. Andrew Cuomo, governor of neighboring New York, felt confident enough to tout a $100 billion infrastructure plan in January. “It’s been a really hard recovery,” said Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch Ratings. “The old paradigm that you would exceed your past peak in every expansion doesn’t appear to be holding right now.” Ben Barnes, Malloy’s top budget official, said the replacement of higher-paying jobs with lower- and middle-wage positions had been a “major story” in Connecticut’s budget ills. Barnes proposed cuts of 5.75 percent to the budgets of state agencies, which could mean the elimination of several thousand jobs. He said cuts to discretionary spending would amount to 15 percent over two years. At the start of the legislative session, Malloy urged lawmakers to pass an early budget and not wait until the last day of the fiscal year on June 30. But he said he would not circumvent the process. The governor proposed overhauling the way the state runs its budget to bring the process more in line with revenue projections, shifting away from a “current services” model. He also said lawmakers should implement a spending cap.
Megyn Kelly Soon To Be Out-Judge Jeanine Is In At Fox News
Although, as of this printing, nothing is official, but numerous rumors are swirling on New York City talk radio circles that F ox News is planning to replace Megyn Kelly with Justice Jeanine Pirro due to plummeting ratings and a total loss of credibility with Fox viewers. Kelly’s most recent fall from grace came when Newt Gingrich eviscerated her on her own show over her biased coverage of Donald Trump’s alleged issues, while almost totally ignoring Hillary Clinton’s sociopathic and criminal behaviors. This past Tuesday night on Fox News, host Megyn Kelly provoked Donald Trump supporter Newt Gingrich into a rage by insisting that Trump’s alleged history of sexual predation is a story worth covering. Gingrich, told Megyn Kelly that “ You are fascinated by sex and you don’t care about public policy. ” He followed up that outburst by demanding that Kelly repeat his words about Bill Clinton: “I want to hear you use the words, ‘ Bill Clinton, sexual predator .’ Say, ‘Bill Clinton, sexual predator. ’ ” Being that it was her show and she control the microphone, Kelly ended the interview ended with Kelly telling Gingrich, “ You can take your anger issues and spend some time working on them .” Fireworks on FAUX NEWS! Further, this shift accentuates the fact that Trump is leading Clinton by an overwhelming majority and Kelly has aligned with the losing side and it is going to cost her the coveted career that she has worked all of her life to obtain. Since the Gingrich interview, Kelly’s already declining ratings, the result of her incessant Trump bashing, took a nose dive into the toilet and emptied out into the local sewer. Megyn Kelly is not likely to recover from the fact that she has been exposed as a Clinton supporter and denier of her crimes. Look for Judge Jeanine Pirro to take her place in the 9-10 PM Eastern time slot. Meanwhile, Sean Hannity’s ratings continue to climb for all the obvious reasons. The Trump crowd has spoken, Megyn Kelly is on the wrong side of history. P lease Donate to The Common Sense Show PLEASE SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL AND DON’T FORGET TO “LIKE” US This is the absolute best in food storage. Dave Hodges is a satisfied customer. Don’t wait until it is too late. Click Here for more information.
No Class Michelle Obama Takes Several Swipes At Trump During Tech Speech And Veiled Swipe At Clintons: ‘People that won’t go away’ [Video]
No class and no decorum! The always bitter Michelle Obama told a Salt Lake City audience today that we are looking at two different administrations. THIS IS LAUGHABLE:One, she said, was built on hope. The other is being led with fear.WE RE IN THIS MESS BECAUSE OBAMA DIDN T PUT AMERICA FIRST BUT MICHELLE SAYS: It isn t just us first, she said, a reference to Trump s America First agenda. We live in a big country and a big world. You can t just want to help someone in a hurricane and not make sure they can go to the doctor when they re sick. HUH?Her remarks, part of an hourlong moderated conversation, came on the last of a three-day tech conference hosted by Pluralsight, a Utah-based company.She claimed things are tough right now and suggested we re being tested, Obama professed that she continues to be hopeful that the political climate will improve. A BUNCH OF WHITE GUYS . WOMEN AND PEOPLE OF COLOR Obama urged computing companies to invest in and hire more women and people of color Changing that composition, Obama said, will take encouraging girls at a young age to study science and math. It will mean bridging the technology gap that persists in low-income districts. It requires revisions to the public-school system. And it warrants forming hiring committees with more women and people of color. You can t just say you want to fix the problems, you have to mean it, Obama said. If a bunch of white guys are sitting around the table trying to get more women involved, they re not going to come up with the answer. For Utah s Silicon Slopes and elsewhere, she added, a behavioral change in the office environment at IT corporations will need to accompany that shift. You can t hire women and then they come in and they re working for chimps. No offense you guys aren t all chimps, Obama said to laughs from the crowd. I call my husband a chimp sometimes, especially when he s watching the Sports Center. I m like Come on. Look at you. You re an animal. CLINTON JAB? What Barack and I don t want to be is the people that won t go away, she said, finishing the event with a standing ovation. We want to help the next generation come up and take our seats. Read more: sltrb
Oathkeeper Chapter 8
Home » Headlines » World News » Oathkeeper Chapter 8 A peaceful valley in the mountains of Colorado becomes a battleground pitting the federal government against a rural sheriff’s department. Sheriff Bear Ellison finds himself increasingly isolated as he is forced to decide between risking his life protecting a local hero, or reneging on his oath and handing him over to federal prosecutors… Chapter 8 Cold winds poured down off the mountains and swirled in the valley, heralding the end of Indian summer. Billowing cumulonimbus clouds boiled upwards into the stratosphere, dwarfing the fourteen-thousand-foot peaks to the west. The aspen on the northern slopes had lost the last of their leaves and the cottonwoods and willows that clustered in the arroyos and flood plains had turned yellow. The elk had made their way down off the high meadows, and the mule deer were more common, grazing along the shoulders of the highway, sizing up their prospects of safe crossing. Sheriff Ellison drove his patrols with a heavy heart. Nguyet had made her decision. She was leaving for Atlanta, and he would soon be alone. He wished his term was over so that he could jettison his responsibilities and join her and his new granddaughter. The visit with Acevedo had cured him of any lingering political aspirations. Despite the DEA’s wishes, he never did give a press conference on the accidental shooting. What would be the point? he thought. Acevedo was right in one sense. The sheriff would have been held responsible for the shooting, regardless of how he framed it for the public. Ellison conceded that he would not be able to reign in the feds. He knew that the populace had most likely also realized this by now, and this painted him in a pastel hue of weakness. He noticed that people in general had become less social and cordial towards him since the botched raid. “Good morning, Sheriff. How are things?” was replaced with a cursory “Howdy” or a perfunctory nod, followed by averted eyes. This, along with his wife’s looming departure, filled him with a feeling of isolation. The DEA raids would continue, despite his protest. Nguyet had begged him to resign, but he just couldn’t. Not at such a chaotic time in his career. Ellison’s hope was that the county might turn against the DEA occupation. Monte Turcot was a hero, after all, and the shooting of him and his wife was a lightning rod. He hoped that the citizens were beginning to question the value of the DEA’s mission, but without effective leadership and organization, they would be helpless to foment any real resistance. Ellison knew Acevedo was disappointed that he did not do the requested damage control on the DEA’s behalf. He learned of this through a phone call with the governor’s office, whom the DEA had contacted to voice their displeasure. They had called him demanding an explanation. “There’s nothing for my department to communicate,” Ellison had explained over the phone. “We were not involved in that operation… We have asked DA Chalmers to launch a grand jury investigation… We expect their decision any day… I’ve ordered Special Agent Acevedo to suspend operations… No, he has not complied… I respectfully disagree with your assessment… I will take the governor’s position under advisement…” The DEA continued according to their plan. It didn’t matter to them what the sheriff or a constituency of “rancheros and hippy flameouts” thought of their operation. Their mission was ordained by the president. Provincial resistance was futile. Those who stood athwart them would be ignored or swept aside. Acevedo and his agents conducted three more raids after the Turcot shooting, adding to their tally of minor victories in the War on Drugs at a taxpayer cost of over $100,000 per arrest. Thankfully, no one else was shot. One afternoon, while on patrol, Ellison received a text on his cell phone. He glanced at it quickly, then turned off the road to change direction. An email from DA Chalmers came moments later. “Re: Turcot Shooting,” it read. “GJ has decided not to pursue.” Ellison stepped on the gas. He turned west onto County Road 306 and north just after the golf course, taking Gun Club Road for two miles and over Michigan Ditch where it ended at the intersection of a dirt road running east and west. Ellison turned west, his cruiser’s tires throwing up rocks and a plume of dust as he accelerated up the road that led into the hills and evergreen forest. Ten minutes from when he had received the email, he was pulling into Monte Turcot’s driveway. He shut off his cruiser, looked at his watch, took a deep breath, then got out and walked up to the door. As he raised his hand to knock, the recognizable pop of gunfire echoed through the trees. Instinctively, Ellison reached down towards his holster. Another shot rang out, then another, and another, in deliberate succession. The sounds were coming from behind Turcot’s trailer, where it abutted the woods. Cautiously, the sheriff made his way around the trailer, ready to draw if necessary. As he stepped out from behind it, the source of the shooting finally came into view. It was Monte Turcot himself, now bearded and thin, firing rounds into a tree trunk with a small pistol. His back was turned to the sheriff, and a half empty bottle of Jim Beam sat clasped in his other hand. “Don’t shoot me, Monte. I’m right behind you,” Ellison called. Monte staggered a few steps back and lowered his gun. “Listen, I came out here to talk to you.” Without even acknowledging the sheriff’s presence, Monte took a swig from the bottle, his pistol now dangling in his hand like a toy gun at his side. Ellison kept his hand close to his holster and made a quick glance about, looking for cover in the event that Monte had in fact lost his marbles and was mulling over the idea of suicide by cop. “Can we talk?” asked Ellison. Monte stared into the woods, wobbling, his back still turned to the sheriff. After another swig, he lowered his bottle, holding it so loosely that Ellison wondered if it might slip out and crash on the rocks at his feet. “Monte?” Monte didn’t move. “Okay, Monte,” Ellison explained slowly. “I’m going to go back to my car and check my messages and call in. That’ll take me about five minutes or so. Then I’ll be on my way. If you want, you can come over and talk. Or call me later. Does that sound okay with you?” Monte didn’t respond, swaying in the autumn air. A gust of wind blew pine cones off the trees, which landed with a thunk on his trailer’s metal roof. Ellison backed away behind the trailer and walked back to his cruiser. Inside, he radioed a quick status report to dispatch and then checked his messages. Nguyet was wondering when he would be home for dinner. His son had emailed pictures of his granddaughter. A reporter from the Gazette wanted to talk about his reelection campaign. Someone had sent a note about a roadkill carcass on the highway north of town. Something moved in the corner of his eye. Ellison glanced up and was startled to find the ragged Monte Turcot framed in his windshield. He looked pale, his hair was matted, and his filthy sweatshirt was stained with blood. Ellison looked at his hands. Monte was no longer wielding the pistol, but he still clung to the bottle. From the looks of it, he’d had a few more drinks since the sheriff had arrived. Relieved but still cautious, Ellison rolled down the passenger window. “Get in, Monte.” Monte stared back, his blank expression evoking that of a zombie’s. Ellison clipped his cell phone into its mount on the dash, then reached over and opened the passenger door. Monte slowly shuffled towards it and got in. “How are you holding up, Monte?” Ellison asked. “Still here,” he answered in a raspy tone. “This is a terrible thing you’re going through. I wish there was something I could do to help.” “Thanks,” murmured Monte. “What’s that blood from, on your shirt there?” “Tore my hands up chopping wood.” “Did you cut yourself?” “No.” Monte set his bottle down on the floorboard and presented the palms of his hands to the sheriff. They were covered in blisters, some of which had burst. The tender layer of skin beneath had torn open. “You should take care of that,” Ellison warned him. “It could get infected.” “Yeah…you’re probably right.” “Looks like you did a lot of chopping.” “Four cords,” Monte stated quietly. “How long did that take you?” “I split it all yesterday.” “That ought to be plenty to get you through winter in that trailer of yours.” Monte stared out the passenger window. The mountains appeared through a break in the ponderosa that lined his drive, their peaks sheathed in the purest of white. “It certainly is beautiful out here this time of year,” the sheriff observed. “I think I might just walk myself up into those mountains and never come back down,” Monte answered in a quiet, resigned sigh. “You ever think about doing something like that, Sheriff?” “I think about that a lot, Monte. Maybe not exactly like you describe it, but there are a lot of days – too many days – when I think about dropping everything and going away, going away for a while.” “I ain’t talking about for a while . I’m talking about for good.” “You wouldn’t be planning on bringing that gun along with you, would you?” asked Ellison. “You know, I don’t really plan anything, anymore.” Monte looked down at his ravaged hands. “The future changes day by day. Sometimes I think about going back to active duty again, volunteering for all the action. I thought for sure that was going to be my future yesterday. But then today, I don’t think that’s such a good idea. Today, I think I’ve seen enough killing for one lifetime. I don’t want any part of that no more. Right now, I wish I’d never joined in the first place.” He shrugged. “But then again, who knows? Tomorrow, I’ll probably wish I never came home.” “It’s got to be tough, dealing with everything you’ve been through,” Ellison answered. “It’s too much for one man.” “Yeah.” Monte nodded slowly. “I’m ashamed of the things that I thought about doing yesterday.” “What sort of things?” “I’m worried about you, Monte.” “What do you know about anything, Sheriff?” “You’re right. I don’t know much about what you’re going through. I just worry.” “Don’t.” “Monte,” Ellison said, wary of the direction he was about to take the conversation, “I came out here to check up on you. It doesn’t look like you’re doing well. I don’t think you’re out of line or anything, all things considered. I just think you’re out here all alone, and that it’s not good for you. Is there any way I could talk you into staying with some family for a while? You’ve got a sister, don’t you? Maybe she could come out and stay with you, or you could go visit her.” “She lives in Connecticut. She’s got four kids.” “What about your parents?” “They’re old, worn down, worn out. I’d be a burden on them. I don’t want to deal with them right now, anyway.” “Monte…I wouldn’t feel right about just leaving you out here without knowing you’re going to get some help. Everyone needs help, sometimes. There isn’t any shame in that.” Monte turned from the window and looked at Ellison. “So what happened with the grand jury? That’s really why you came out here, isn’t it? To tell me about that?” Ellison felt relieved that Monte had broached the subject first. He hadn’t been able to figure out a way to get there gracefully by himself. “They concluded that, under applicable law, no criminal charges will be filed against the DEA agent that shot you and your wife. I’m sorry.” He watched as Monte’s eyes dimmed in helpless frustration. “For the record, that’s the DA’s language, not mine. I think it’s wrong.” “I can’t say that I’m surprised,” Monte replied. He picked his bottle off the floorboards and opened the door. “I think I’m going to go back inside and lay down for a while.” “Okay, Monte. I’ll stay out here for a few minutes, if you don’t mind.” “Don’t worry, Sheriff. I’ll be all right,” answered Monte. “I just need to get some rest. These hands are hurting real bad, and I’m pretty drunk.” He stumbled out of the cruiser and staggered slowly back into his trailer, letting the door slam shut behind him. Sheriff Ellison waited outside with his window down, listening for a gunshot for over an hour.
Joe Walsh: Americans Are Too Dumb To Understand Obama, So They’re Killing Cops (VIDEO)
Former Republican Congressman Joe Walsh appeared on CNN this week where he defended a tweet that he posted threatening President Obama and the Black Lives Matter Movement. This is now war. Watch out Obama. Watch out black lives matter punks. Real America is coming after you, Walsh tweeted after the shooting in Dallas that resulted in the deaths of five police officers on Thursday.During the appearance, Walsh insisted that he was not trying to incite violence towards President Obama. Yeah. Oh, absolutely, because I stand by what I meant, Don, Walsh said. I didn t intend to say everybody go threaten Barack Obama or incite violence against Barack Obama. I don t know of a sane person that would do that. That s not what I meant, Don. Walsh then went on to blame Obama for the deaths of the officers killed in Dallas. Because I m pissed off, a lot of Americans are pissed off, and a lot of police officers around the country are upset because there really is a war on our cops and a lot of police officers believe that it started with Barack Obama, Walsh explained. The last couple of years, Barack Obama has done nothing but hate on cops. Accusing cops of being bad and racist. But that s not accusing cops of being racist, Lemon replied. He s actually pointing out a fact there is systemic racism in this country and there are police departments that need to be reformed. Walsh then went on to say that most Americans himself excluded of course are just simply too dumb to understand what President Obama has said regarding his public statements on systemic racism in the criminal justice system. When he said there s systemic racism in the police department after the Minneapolis shooting, he s telling people on the streets that police officers are racist. Now, maybe you and I can make that distinction, but when people on the street hear the President of the United States time after time say that there is racism in police departments all over the country, man, that kind of hating leads to what you got in Dallas. Yeah, because This is now war, Real America is coming after you, is such a loving statement to make. Maybe if has-been Tea Party politicians such as Walsh didn t say things like Obama has done nothing but hate on cops repeatedly on social media and on television, then those average people might not be so quick to jump to the conclusion that President Obama hates police officers. You would think that a self-identifying above average person like Walsh would understand that.You can watch the segment below.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmENSX7lQigFeatured image from video screenshot
WikiLeaks Revelations Leave The Federal Emperor Wearing No Clothes
By Shane Trejo This brave new world we are living in is getting very wild and crazy during this election season. Although the Tenth Amendment...
Trump transition clears first paperwork hurdle: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The White House said it received a signed memorandum of understanding from Vice President-elect Mike Pence on Tuesday evening, an initial step in being able to provide more detailed briefing materials to the incoming administration. “The next step is for the President-elect’s transition team to provide us with the names of the individuals they have authorized to represent their transition effort across the government,” said Brandi Hoffine a White House spokeswoman.
Strong defense relationship with Britain to continue: Pentagon spokesman
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon is confident that defense ties with Britain will continue and U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter spoke with his counterpart by phone after Britain voted to leave the European Union, a Pentagon spokesman said on Friday. Speaking with reporters, Peter Cook said the United States was confident that Britain would remain a strong ally in NATO, which “will continue to perform its very important function.”
Trump touts 'great' day in D.C. meeting with Republicans: Twitter
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump said on Thursday he had a “great day” in Washington meeting with Republican leaders, including U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan. “Great day in D.C. with (Ryan) and Republican leadership. Things working out really well!” he wrote in a Twitter post. The meetings marked an effort within the Republican Party to unify following a contentious primary battle for the Republican presidential nomination.
President Obama Reveals What Clinton’s Private Email Server Did To National Security (VIDEO)
Hate to disappoint the naysayers of Hillary Clinton who would love for her to be tossed out of the presidential election, but the short answer for what her private server did to the nation is nothing. Scandalous, right?While appearing on Fox News Sunday ,President Obama told Chris Wallace that while not a good idea, when it comes down to if national security was ever at risk in regards to then Secretary of State Clinton s private email server, there was never any risk.He also stated: I also think it is important to keep this in perspective. This is somebody who has served her country for four years as Secretary of State, and did an outstanding job. He also said: There s carelessness in terms of managing emails, that she has owned, and she recognizes. Clinton certainly has owned up to the carelessness of her private server on several occasions between countless interviews and debates, and insists that she will be cleared of any and all alleged wrongdoing.Obama also made a special point of saying, I guarantee that there is no political influence in any investigation conducted by the Justice Department, or the FBI, not just in this case, but in any case, because many on the right have already been implying that Clinton is somehow receiving special treatment, which is simply just not the case. The president said: Nobody is above the law. How many times do I have to say it? Republicans and those opposing Hillary are holding tight to the verrrrrry slim possibility that she will somehow be indicted for having a private server and emails that changed classification status after the fact.According to HuffPo: The State Department said this month it has suspended plans for an internal review of whether classified information was properly handled in Clinton s emails at the request of the FBI. The department, complying with a judge s order, has released more than 52,000 emails from Clinton s private server. Clinton, quite literally, is complying with everything that is being asked of her, and she alongside the president seem pretty damn confident that she will be vindicated. Which will likely be exactly what happens. Featured image via video screen capture
WATCH: Fox Host Unexpectedly Declares Support Of Assault Weapon Ban On The Air
When even Fox News begins to call for gun control, it s a clear sign that Republicans and the NRA better start compromising.Gretchen Carlson has been one of the most vocal hosts on the conservative network for years, and she has consistently toed the Republican Party line throughout her years as co-host of Fox & Friends and now throughout her tenure hosting her own solo program.But in the wake of a domestic terrorist attack that killed 50 people in an Orlando night club this past weekend, Carlson could no longer sit back and be a puppet for the gun nuts, which is why she went totally off script during her show and declared her support for banning assault weapons such as the AR-15 used in the massacre. There s no doubt Omar Mateen was able to kill so many people because he was firing an AR-15, Carlson said. A military-style assault weapon, a weapon easier to buy in the state of Florida than buying a handgun. Florida sets a three day waiting period for purchasing handguns, but the state mandates no waiting period for any gun that requires two hands to hold. Carlson s remarks on Florida gun laws appear to be a rebuke of Florida Governor Rick Scott, who not only just offered thoughts and prayers instead of acting to prevent future mass shootings in response to Orlando, he s the one who weakened Florida s gun laws over the last five years.Carlson further justified her stance by pointing out that 58 percent of Americans support a ban on assault weapons. Do we need AR-15s to hunt and kill deer? Do we need them to protect our families? she continued. I m in favor of people being able to carry. I think some of these mass shootings would have been less deadly if that were the case. But despite her support of Second Amendment rights, Carlson said banning assault weapons is just common sense and stated that it is time for Americans to take a stand in order to prevent mass shootings in the future. But I m also with the majority today, taking a stand. Can t we hold true the sanctity of the Second Amendment while still having common sense? 89 percent of Fox viewers, however, refused to shake off the brainwashing the NRA has drilled into them over the years by overwhelmingly rejecting passage of a new assault weapons ban.Here s the video via YouTube.America once did have a ban on assault weapons in place, but Republicans let it expire and refused to renew it. And mass shootings have increased ever since.According to the New Century Foundation in 2012,In the eight years since the Assault Weapons Ban has expired, there have been 28 mass shooting events. That equals an average of 3.5 a year an increase of over 200 percent. That is a startling jump, by any measure.During the ten year duration of the ban between 1994 and 2004, there were 15 mass shootings. In 2015 alone there were at least six major mass shootings that occurred, more depending on what statistics and definition you use. So this is a continuing problem that isn t going away by praying. It s going to take action such as the action taken by Australia in 1996. After five mass shootings between 1987 and 1996, the country finally had enough of the carnage and banned assault weapons. There hasn t been a mass shooting ever since.But it s different in the United States. We have a Second Amendment, therefore it is harder to ban guns entirely. However, banning assault weapons isn t the only change we could demand. We also need better background checks and we need law enforcement to have the ability to ban people from having guns if they are on the terrorist watch list. Had Republicans not refused to do that latter action, perhaps those 50 people would be alive today because Mateen, who was an ISIS sympathizer, would not have been able to legally buy the AR-15 he used to slaughter them.Gretchen Carlson deserves props for supporting a ban on assault weapons, even though she definitely risks being fired for doing so.Featured Image: Screenshot
Super Tuesday showdown: How the South won the spotlight
ATLANTA (Reuters) - Things were not looking too good a year ago for Georgia’s top elections officer as he tried to stitch together a mega-presidential primary in the U.S. South. Efforts to bring Alabama and Arkansas online had stalled. Tennessee was threatening to defect. But Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp kept working the phones, arguing that a bloc of Southern states all voting on March 1 was the only way to make U.S. presidential candidates pay attention to the region. Eventually key state leaders came around and their effort seems to have paid off. Candidates have campaigned more in the South this election year in an effort to woo a group of states voting early on so-called Super Tuesday than Kemp can recall seeing in any contemporary primary. And the seven states holding contests in the region appear poised to play a pivotal role in selecting the Republican and Democratic nominees for the Nov. 8 race. “In years past, we’ve been an afterthought,” Kemp said at the Georgia State Capitol in Atlanta last week. “That’s certainly not the case this year.” Elections officials nationally are watching how the concurrent races in the South play out on Tuesday, and are talking about possibly replicating the strategy in other parts of the country to win a greater say in the primaries. Kemp has dubbed the coordinated Southern races that he’s orchestrated the “SEC primary” - or Southeastern Conference primary - after a regional college athletic conference. “This represents an attempt to introduce primary reform,” said Kay Stimson, spokeswoman for the National Association of Secretaries of State, which for years has urged holding regional primaries that would rotate around the nation. “Brian Kemp took the ball and ran with it,” she added. It was not easy. A year ago, Kemp stood in his statehouse office fretting that bills to set the primary date in Alabama and Arkansas were not going to pass. An Alabama state party chair was worried her state would get lost in a big group, he said, but Kemp argued that Alabama would still be better off by voting when it was early enough to matter. In Arkansas, the bill to change the primary date did not pass until it was included in a special legislative session. Kemp even feared trouble in Tennessee after his counterpart there said there was a rumor circulating that the “SEC Primary” states were thinking about moving back by a week. “No,” Kemp replied. “Our coalition is holding together.” “WAFFLE HOUSE” v. “SEC” PRIMARY Kemp, 52, a boots-wearing small business owner who drives a Chevrolet Suburban with more than 430,000 miles on it, jokes he could have dubbed his effort the “Waffle House primary,” for a restaurant chain prevalent in the region. But athletics jumped out as a common passion for the Southern states he helped to bring together: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. Four other states, from Alaska to Vermont, also hold contests to award delegates on Super Tuesday. Kemp’s plan to concentrate attention on the South did not initially excite Alabama’s John Merrill, who had other priorities as that state’s newly elected elections chief. But after hearing the then secretary of state from Iowa - which holds the country’s first nominating contest - talk about how voters there would never back a candidate they had not met eight times, he rallied bipartisan support. “Do you know just how few times anybody in Alabama has ever had the privilege to interact with a presidential candidate on a personal basis, let alone do it more than once?” Merrill said. Candidates began showing up once the regional primary was in place. A rally for Republican billionaire businessman Donald Trump drew as many as 30,000 people to a football stadium in Mobile, Alabama in August, for example. The primaries in the politically conservative South got a boost in significance this year from the size and unpredictability of the Republican presidential field. On the Democratic side, the region’s large concentrations of African-American voters are seen as a test of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s and U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders’ appeal with a key Democratic voting bloc. While the South has not seen such a coordinated effort in decades, it is not the first time the states have tried to gang up. Yet in 1988, when the region almost entirely held primaries on March 8, votes were split among Democratic candidates and the contest left the South to be settled elsewhere. A number of states eventually walked away from the plan. “The experience in 1988 was not one that the powers-that-be at the time really wanted,” said Josh Putnam, a lecturer in political science at the University of Georgia. Nonetheless, other regions are eyeing the Southern model. Washington state Secretary of State Kim Wyman failed last year to persuade several neighboring states to coordinate their primaries but plans another push in the next cycle. “We could have a Pac-12,” she joked, referring to a Pacific Coast-oriented college athletic conference. “Or at least get some of the Western states to go on the same day, so candidates might actually come and visit us and campaign.”
Leftists Attack Melania Trump’s Invocation of ’The Lord’s Prayer’ - Breitbart
After First Lady Melania Trump opened President Donald Trump’s campaign rally Saturday in Florida with “The Lord’s Prayer,” she was savagely attacked by leftists on social media, disparaging her for her religious faith, her accent, and other things. [From Fox News: Leftists on social media tore into First Lady Melania Trump, mocking her accent and religion and branding her everything from a hostage to a whore — all for the secular offense of reciting “The Lord’s Prayer. ” Melania Trump began President Trump’s rally Saturday in Florida by delivering the prayer, which Christians — many of whom recite the prayer in church each week — believe was first said by Jesus Christ. The crowd at Airport received the prayer enthusiastically. social media users were a different story, however. Read the entire article here.
Clinton secures Mark Cuban's endorsement in Pittsburgh
PITTSBURGH, Pa. - Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton toured the U.S. Rust Belt on Saturday, promising to reject bad international trade deals during a factory visit and securing the endorsement of investor Mark Cuban at a Pittsburgh rally. The Dallas Mavericks owner, who said as recently as last month that there was a “good chance” he would vote for Donald Trump, instead criticized the Republican nominee’s leadership in front of an energetic crowd. “Leadership is not yelling and screaming and intimidating,” Cuban said. “You know what we call a person like that in Pittsburgh? A jagoff!” Cuban added, using disparaging Pittsburgh slang. Cuban had spoken with Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta several times in recent weeks and called him on Thursday to say he was ready to endorse Clinton, a campaign aide said. Clinton, along with her running-mate Tim Kaine, a U.S. senator from Virginia, is on a three-day tour of Pennsylvania and Ohio after becoming the first woman to accept a major U.S. party’s presidential nomination at the Democratic convention in Philadelphia on Thursday. Pennsylvania and Ohio are two states in the U.S. Rust Belt that are dealing with job losses caused by the decline in U.S. manufacturing. Neither leans heavily in favor of either political party but both voted for Obama in 2008 and 2012. Trump has zeroed in on white, working-class voters in the region as critical to his campaign and plans to visit both states early next week. In a visit earlier on Saturday to Johnstown Wire Technologies in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Clinton told the largely union crowd there that she would create good-paying jobs by investing in infrastructure and reject a pending Asia trade deal that has become a flashpoint in the U.S. presidential campaign. “We are going to say ‘no’ to unfair trade deals, we’re going to stand up to China,” Clinton said. “I feel strongly about this and I need your help,” she added. The pending Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) negotiated by President Barack Obama has drawn criticism from both Clinton and Trump. Clinton says it does not do enough to protect U.S. workers. Trump has said he would rip it up and questioned whether Clinton would keep her stance if she wins the Nov. 8 presidential election. Leo Gerard, the president of the United Steelworkers, which represents roughly 200 of the 260 workers employed by Johnstown Wire Technologies, assured the crowd in his introduction of Clinton that Republicans have been “telling lies” about Clinton’s stance on the deal. Cambria County, where Johnstown Wire Technologies is based, is 94-percent white and has a median household income of $42,000. Clinton and Kaine will continue their jobs-focused tour that began in Philadelphia, continuing on to Youngstown and Columbus. They are trying to contrast their plan to use infrastructure investments to create jobs with that of Trump, whom Clinton said Friday has a “downbeat vision of America.” “We are visiting places that prove what Americans can do,” Clinton said in Johnstown. “This country and our people have what it takes to get ahead and stay ahead if they have the leadership that gives us that chance.”
Exclusive: Trump spurns Taiwan president's suggestion of another phone call
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday spurned the Taiwanese president’s suggestion that the two leaders hold another phone call, saying he did not want to create problems for Chinese President Xi Jinping when Beijing appears to be helping efforts to rein in North Korea. In a White House interview, Trump brushed aside the idea after Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen told Reuters on Thursday she would not rule out talking directly again to the U.S. president, an act certain to incense China. The status of self-ruled Taiwan is possibly the most sensitive issue between Washington and Beijing. “Look, my problem is I have established a very good personal relationship with President Xi. I really feel that he is doing everything in his power to help us with a big situation,” Trump told Reuters, referring to signs that China may be working to head off any new missile or nuclear test by Pyongyang, Beijing’s neighbor and ally. “So I wouldn’t want to be causing difficulty right now for him,” Trump added. “I think he’s doing an amazing job as a leader and I wouldn’t want to do anything that comes in the way of that. So I would certainly want to speak to him first.” REUTERS RECOMMENDS Racism on the rise: Reuters poll How North Korea gets its oil from China As president-elect in early December, Trump took a congratulatory phone call from Tsai. It was the first contact between a leader of Taiwan and an incumbent or incoming U.S. president in nearly four decades, and Trump cast doubt on Washington’s longstanding policy of acknowledging Beijing’s “one China” policy, which asserts that Taiwan is a part of China. The call angered Beijing because it fears contacts between Taiwan and leaders of other countries would confer sovereignty on the island. Democratic Taiwan, self-ruled since 1949, has no interest in being ruled by autocratic China. Trump agreed to honor the “one China” policy in February and then hosted Xi at his Florida resort earlier this month. Trump’s dismissal of Tsai’s suggestion underscored the importance he is placing on enlisting China’s help in defusing tension with North Korea, which has become his biggest national security challenge since taking office in January, 100 days ago come Saturday. On Friday, in response to Trump’s remarks, Taiwan’s presidential office said it had no plans “at this stage” to hold a call, and that it understood the United States had priorities in handling regional affairs. In a statement, Tsai’s spokesman, Alex Huang, said the government would not “overly limit” itself, but would pursue the island’s best interest. In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Geng Shuang urged Taiwan to pay attention to the United States’ reaction. “We consistently oppose countries which have diplomatic relations with China having any form of official exchanges with Taiwan,” Geng told a daily news briefing on Friday. “This position is very clear and very firm.” F-35 REQUEST Tsai told Reuters on Thursday Taiwan’s ties with the United States have been improving. She said Taiwan may need to buy from its sole arms supplier the F-35 fighter jet, the most advanced stealth warplane in the U.S. arsenal. “We have the opportunity to communicate more directly with the U.S. government,” Tsai said. “We don’t exclude the opportunity to call President Trump himself, but it depends on the needs of the situation and the U.S. government’s consideration of regional affairs.” Tsai said, “We don’t rule out any items that would be meaningful to our defense and our defense strategy and the F-35 is one such item.” But when told Taiwan’s president had said the island might want to buy F-35 aircraft, Trump said: “Oh, I haven’t been informed. I’d have to think about that. I’d have to speak to my people about that. They (the Taiwanese government) do buy a lot of equipment from us.” China’s Defence Ministry said on Thursday it was resolutely opposed to any country selling arms to Taiwan. U.S. officials told Reuters last month that the Trump administration was crafting a big arms package for Taiwan that could include advanced rocket systems and anti-ship missiles to defend against China, a deal sure to anger Beijing. But one of the officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said at the time the administration was not considering selling the F-35 to Taiwan. The package is expected to be significantly larger than one that was shelved at the end of the Obama administration – valued at around $1 billion – but completion of a new deal could take months and possibly into next year, the official said. The Global Times, an influential Chinese Communist Party-backed tabloid, called Tsai’s government “a naughty child” in an editorial on Friday and said it would “strongly counter” any move to sell Taiwan advanced fighter jets. “Each time the Tsai Ing-wen authorities step out of line they will pay the price, like a naughty child in class getting a stern reprimand for shouting out or smashing the glass at school,” it said.
Mylan's EpiPen discounts are 'insufficient': Clinton spokesman
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Mylan NV’s move on Thursday to expand discount programs for its EpiPen allergy treatment was welcome but not sufficient, a spokesman for U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said in a statement. “Discounts for selected customers without lowering the overall price of EpiPens are insufficient, because the excessive price will likely be passed on through higher insurance premiums,” Clinton campaign spokesman Tyrone Gayle said. “Since there is no apparent justification for the price increase, Mylan should immediately lower the overall price of EpiPens.”
How to Have a TRUE Democracy (VIDEO)
in: Conspiracy Corner , Government , Government Corruption , Multimedia , Sleuth Journal , Society , Special Interests I n ancient Greece, the proclaimed origin of “Democracy”, they had an incredible way of selecting public officials to serve in the government, and it was not by popular election. As admitted recently in a “tell-all” book written by a United States congressman, the vast majority of his time, an estimated 75% or more , is spent on raising money and votes for re -election. Subsequently, this only leaves a few scraps of time leftover for actually doing the job he was hired to do . Additionally, and even more importantly than wasting precious limited work time, in the process of campaigning and fundraising for his prized position, political favors and promises are made which compromise the integrity of his pledge to represent the “people”, rather than the rich and highly influential corporations, the latter of whom are the only ones with enough wealth capable of helping a congressman, senator, or president, get elected in the first place, and to whom they are now indebted to favor above the people when it comes to “ serving ” them, through enacting laws which end up favoring the rich few , rather than the meager majority , thusly turning this alleged “democracy” into an undeniable “oligarchy”, the exact opposite thereof. How did our “Democracy” get turned Upside-down? The wise old Greeks had a very simple solution to make sure that “public officials” had no political favors to return for getting into their prized positions. Can you guess what it was . . . ? There were no elections ! You might ask then, how were their representatives chosen ? By Lottery. The same way a jury is still selected to this very day. Surely, if it is fair for twelve citizens, chosen at random , to have power of life or death over a fellow countryman, and this is the very same methodology which the founders of “Democracy” used in selecting their “representatives” to best assure that there was no corruption , then this exact same technique can be used Today to assure that the governmental system is clean and free of “favor-returning” for attaining these highly coveted government positions. A few simple rules could be set in place for eligibility for the lottery, such as an age minimum of twenty-five years, the necessity of being born in the territory of the United States, and no felony convictions in the last seven years. All citizens who meet these modest requirements would be automatically put into the lottery for congress, and if they are chosen, have the right to decline. From among the group of four hundred thirty-five representatives chosen at random, just as a jury is today, to represent the citizens of our nation, these lottery selectees would then nominate from among themselves, by popular vote within this group, three persons for the office of President. Once these three candidates were chosen, and after a public debate process, there would be a national general election by the citizens of America, choosing the President from among these three candidates by the majority of popular national vote, with the Vice Presidency going to the second place winner. Each candidate would be given equal funds from the public treasury with which to campaign, such as fifty million dollars, and television stations, plus newspapers, would be required to freely give each candidate equal time and space in the election process with which to express their positions. A federal law could then be enacted to require that all positions of government, federal, state, county, and city, mayoral and governorship, be required to select themselves, by this same tried and true, and very fair method, of lottery . There could plainly be no purer or simpler way to assure that the “people” were actually being represented by the people than to choose such persons by lottery from among the People . There could also be a federal law enacted to set a term limit of ONE (five year) TERM , for any and all public offices. Thusly, a person could be sheriff once, major once, president once, with no need to repay favors for their election or re-election, as they were chosen at random, just like a jury, and would now be free to follow their conscious , rather than reimbursing favors to the influential rich minority who got them elected, in a system that is supposed to represent the common majority instead. Voila! Problem solved. I will discuss all this, and much more, in this week’s episode of Conspiracy Corner News . 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Kim Jong-nam, Donald Tsang, Mexico: Your Morning Briefing - The New York Times
Good morning. Here’s what you need to know: • The focus is on Mexico as the ramifications of President Trump’s new immigration orders begin to play out on border security and trade. Some of the most significant new elements are protections for children and far more extensive deportations of adults. Today’s episode of The Daily podcast looks at what we know and don’t know about the new orders. Listen from a computer, an iOS device or an Android device. Protests, boycotts and public anger in Mexico are complicating a visit from the U. S. secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, and the secretary of homeland security, John F. Kelly. _____ • There are more signs of turbulence inside the Trump administration. The education secretary, Betsy DeVos, resisted signing an order to rescind protections for transgender students, but Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Mr. Trump insisted, Republican insiders said. And thousands of pages of newly released emails show that Mr. Trump’s top environmental official, Scott Pruitt, above, worked closely with major oil and gas companies and political groups to roll back environmental regulations when he was Oklahoma attorney general. In the department: News coverage of Mr. Trump has probably eclipsed that of any other single human being. _____ • The U. S. commander for the Middle East said more American troops would speed the campaign against the Islamic State in Syria. In recent weeks, the Iraqi government recaptured the eastern part of Mosul, a major victory against the Islamic State in Iraq. A New York Times reporter describes a city torn in half in the video above. Military figures carry a great deal of weight in the Trump administration, with senior veterans in the top three security jobs all from a generation of leaders from the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. _____ • The public killing of Kim the estranged elder brother of North Korea’s leader, is evolving into an geopolitical whodunit. The Malaysian police named a senior North Korean diplomat as wanted for questioning, pointing to possible government involvement in his death. The police also said the women suspected of being the assassins — one from Vietnam, the other from Indonesia — had been trained to wipe toxins on the victim’s face and then wash their hands. _____ • “It’s been a long time coming. ” That was Benjamin Netanyahu as he became the first Israeli prime minister to make an official visit to Australia. He was welcomed by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, but there was pushback over Israeli settlement building. The third issue of our Australia newsletter looks at what Americans get wrong about the country. _____ • And scientists announced a remarkable discovery: a dwarf star that has not one but seven planets that could potentially harbor life. “I think that we have made a crucial step toward finding if there is life out there,” an astronomer said. • profits for Qantas fell 7. 5 percent to $656 million, driven down by “challenging” international conditions. • Even as President Trump espoused in his presidential campaign, his businesses filed dozens of new trademarks in China, Mexico, India, Indonesia and other countries. • Dispensing Brexit advice is a booming industry. Advisers from both the Leave and Remain camps can command high fees for guiding business and the British government. • U. S. markets were mixed. Here’s a snapshot of global markets. • More than 33, 000 current and former Hong Kong police officers rallied in support of seven colleagues who were jailed for assaulting an activist during the city’s 2014 Occupy protests. [South China Morning Post] • Donald Tsang, a former Hong Kong chief executive, will appeal a sentence for misconduct. [The New York Times] • U. S. agents fighting cigarette smuggling made their own web of shadowy cigarette sales to finance undercover investigations and to pay informants, according to court records and people close to the operation. [The New York Times] • A small band of activists protesting the Dakota Access oil pipeline remained camped along the banks of the Missouri River and seemed likely to be arrested after a deadline for them to leave had passed. [The New York Times] • Uzbekistan released a journalist it had imprisoned for 18 years. He and a colleague, who remains in prison, are thought to have been held longer than any other journalists in the world. [BBC] • A women’s group in China, Feminist Voices, was banned from its Weibo social media platform for 30 days after it posted an article about a women’s strike planned in the U. S. [The New York Times] • How China’s government really works: We interview Sebastian Heilmann, the author of a newly updated guide to how ministries and officials guide the economy, provide services and formulate new policies. [The New York Times] • Taika Waititi, the director of “Hunt for the Wilderpeople,” was named New Zealander of the Year. [New Zealand Herald] • New research shows that language lessons actually start in the womb. • Recipe of the day: A classic baked, cheesy pasta can be improved by broccoli, a little spice — and a sheet pan. • In a momentous N. B. A. the Los Angeles Lakers put Magic Johnson in charge of the team’s front office. A M. V. P. during his Hall of Fame career with the Lakers, Mr. Johnson called his new position a “dream come true. ” • Seijun Suzuki, a Japanese filmmaker whose surreal visuals and bold action sequences influenced directors like Quentin Tarantino and Jim Jarmusch, died at 93. • The precious cargo of a Arab trading ship that sank while sailing from China will go on display in the U. S. for the first time. Six years ago, a planned U. S. exhibit was canceled amid ethical concerns over how the wreckage was salvaged. Down in New Orleans, the annual party leading up to Mardi Gras will be in full swing over the coming days, culminating next week on Fat Tuesday. One of the highlights is the parades by social clubs known as krewes. Riding on lavishly decorated floats, krewe members toss beads, plastic cups, coins and other “throws” to revelers lining a route that usually runs for several miles. Tonight’s parades include the Krewe of Muses, an organization named after the goddesses of arts and sciences in Greek mythology. (Nine of New Orleans’s streets — including Calliope, Melpomene and Terpsichore — were also inspired by the daughters of Zeus.) Muses is one of the city’s newer krewes, parading for the first time in 2001. (Rex, one of the oldest, was founded in 1872.) Like many krewes, Muses is involved in charitable efforts in the community, but it is particularly known for the ornate shoes it throws — or gently hands — to the crowds. Its floats, including one resembling a giant shoe, often have a satirical theme, and unlike other krewes, it does not have a king or queen. Instead, the group has an Honorary Muse. This year, it’s the journalist Tamron Hall. Chris Stanford contributed reporting. _____ Your Morning Briefing is published weekday mornings and updated online. What would you like to see here? Contact us at asiabriefing@nytimes. com.
Indonesia holds cabinet meeting in Bali as volcano threatens tourism
JAKARTA (Reuters) - Indonesian President Joko Widodo will on Friday hold his cabinet meeting on the holiday island of Bali in a bid to reassure visitors that there is nothing to worry about from the rumbling Mount Agung volcano. Authorities last month raised the alert status of Mount Agung in northeastern Bali to the highest level, imposing an exclusion zone of up to 10 km (6 miles) around its crater as it spewed clouds of ash, steam, and other volcanic material. Widodo will take the unusual step of gathering his cabinet in Bali as part of government efforts to assure visitors that the island is safe to come to and to stave off a major drop off in visitor numbers during the upcoming holiday season. For those who have plans to vacation in Bali, there s no need to doubt or be worried about the status of Mount Agung, Bali is very safe to visit, Energy Minister Ignasius Jonan said in a Twitter message after visiting an observatory overlooking the volcano, before the cabinet meeting. President Widodo is expected to make a statement after the cabinet meeting. The cabinet usually meets at the state palace in the capital Jakarta or on its outskirts in Bogor. The relatively small island of Bali, famous for its beaches and temples, has an outsized importance for Indonesian tourism. In January-September, Bali received 4.5 million foreign tourist arrivals, nearly half of the 10.5 million arrivals in Indonesia. Tourism Minister Arief Yahya said this week that Indonesia was expecting an estimated 15 trillion rupiah ($1.11 billion) in lost income and around 1 million fewer tourists because of the volcano, according to daily newspaper Kompas. Many business operators and hotels have seen cancellations since authorities first raised the alert in September, and most expect the holiday season to be slower than in previous years. Thousands of tourists were left stranded late last month when a volcanic ash cloud forced the closure of Bali s airport for several days. Countries like Australia and Singapore have advised their citizens to be cautious when traveling to Bali.
Erdogan, May say international community should be active in solving Jerusalem issue - Turkish sources
ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan and British Prime Minister Theresa May agreed in a phone call on Monday that the international community should make intense efforts to solve the issue in Jerusalem, sources in Erdogan s office said. The two leaders, who discussed the blocking of a U.N. Security Council resolution calling for the U.S. declaration of Jerusalem as Israel s capital to be withdrawn, also agreed that any new tensions that could endanger the peace process in the region should be avoided, the sources said.
The Elites’ Union must Die | Katehon think tank. Geopolitics & Tradition
Eliseo Bertolasi The European Union which exists now is not a union of nations, but is a union of the elites, and banks, which work only for the economy. It is not a Europe of nations, of course. Indeed, there are some movements in Europe that understood this situation, and they have reacted. We can see what happened in Great Britain with Brexit. We know that Europe, even Italy and France, have such parties and movements which are radically against the European Union. I’m certain that if Europe will arrange a referendum on staying or leaving the EU, the result would be “leaving.” It would be the decision of European nations. That’s why I believe that even thoughts on such a referendum (“for” or “against” the EU) are actually forbidden, as they know of our decision, our movement. Of course, it is possible to destroy the EU. This would be possible even within the European Union. This must be done not by other countries, but must be our own decision as nations are supported by those movements whose members are called Eurosceptics. People would choose another direction. I’m certain that such movements are likely to continue to exist, and I believe that they will be only stronger in the next year, as European nations have realized our destiny and our future. Thus, the elites are actively against this process. I believe and I’m certain that we should build relations with Russia. Russia is a country that is situated on the same continent as us. We are all Eurasia. In my opinion, this will be part of such a question. Related links
After Devouring League, Warriors Remain Hungry - The New York Times
The Golden State Warriors have been defined by artistic ball movement and underrated defense. But at their core, they may be powered by something more abstract: an ability to motivate themselves just when they are being doubted. With the playoffs set to begin on Saturday and the Warriors coming in as heavy favorites after winning a record 73 games, the question is whether a tightly knit group of players that has come to dominate basketball the last two years can keep that edge through the next two months. In all likelihood, they can. Just consider how the regular season concluded: After a shocking home loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves on April 5 left the Warriors with a record, Golden State needed to win its last four games to break the mark established by the Michael Chicago Bulls in the season. Because two of those last four games would come against a very tough Spurs team, including one in San Antonio, where Golden State had not won since 1997, the consensus seemed to be that the Warriors would fall short — especially with Warriors Coach Steve Kerr talking about the importance of resting key players before the playoffs. But Draymond Green, Golden State’s forward and emotional leader, had other ideas. He became intensely vocal about his desire to get the wins record, and pressure from him and Stephen Curry seemed to get to Kerr, who allowed his starters to keep playing as long as the Warriors kept winning. And they did, including a difficult victory in San Antonio that broke the Spurs’ seasonlong home winning streak. The rest was history, as the Warriors snatched the wins record and Curry almost assuredly locked up his second consecutive Most Valuable Player Award. Now comes the postseason. Can anyone really challenge this Warriors team and somehow rattle it? The Cleveland Cavaliers, despite the murmurs of internal strife, can never be discounted as long as LeBron James is around. The Spurs had one of the best teams in N. B. A. history, even if it went somewhat unnoticed. Still, if the Warriors, a team perfectly constructed to succeed in this era, play to their potential, it is hard to see any team keeping up with them. Jalen Rose, a N. B. A. veteran who will be providing playoff analysis for ESPN, said one of the biggest reasons for that is Curry’s killer instinct. Rose called Curry a “ assassin” and said Curry is set apart by his ability to maintain an edge as a defending champion and defending M. V. P. “He is not playing around,” Rose said. If Curry is looking for slights to motivate him, he may find one if he is not the first N. B. A. player unanimously named M. V. P. (Shaquille O’Neal and James have come the closest, each falling one vote short.) Chris Webber, a who will be part of TNT’s broadcast team, said a few M. V. P. voters may choose someone other than Curry simply to be contrarian. “I don’t see how a true, humble basketball fan can vote against Steph,” Webber said. Curry is likely to be the dominant story line of the playoffs after leading the N. B. A. in scoring average along with total field goals, and steals despite playing in the fourth quarter in just 60 of his 79 games. The Warriors complement him with incredible depth in Green, Klay Thompson and Andre Iguodala on a roster that is largely unchanged from last season. Asked to imagine a team that could compete with the Warriors, Rose said that the Spurs are contenders but that people should also consider the star power and depth of the Oklahoma City Thunder. Beyond Kevin Durant and Russell Westbrook, the Thunder also have a defensive ace in Serge Ibaka and an rotation at center in Steven Adams and Enes Kanter that can be remarkably effective. “If they’re clicking on all cylinders, I give them a punter’s chance obviously to put the kind of firepower out on the floor to go head to head with the Warriors four quarters,” Rose said, while acknowledging that Oklahoma City struggled in the fourth quarter this season. The quality of Oklahoma City’s front line could be a pivotal issue if it should face Golden State. Rose cited points in the paint as the Warriors’ biggest weakness and said teams would be wise to attack them inside. “While they defend really well, one of the best in the league, they’re short,” Rose said of Golden State’s Death Lineup in which Green plays center. “Draymond Green, when they have that lineup out there, he’s Harrison Barnes is or so you have to take advantage of that, try to get to the line, get them in foul trouble. ” For now, the Warriors will focus on the Houston Rockets, whom they beat in five games in last season’s Western Conference finals. It is a matchup that may not extend any longer this time around. But if an uninspiring matchup was not providing the team with the proper motivation, Jordan may have inadvertently put the chip right back on Golden State’s shoulder. When the Warriors broke the Bulls’ record earlier this week, Jordan issued a statement of congratulations. But he also included a line that seemed to be part jab and part reminder that their legacy is not yet secure. “I look forward to seeing what they do in the playoffs,” he said. For Curry and Green, that may be enough of a challenge to carry them all the way.
Police State Elections, 2016
By Kurt Nimmo According to NYPD Deputy Commissioner of Intelligence and Counterterrorism John Miller, the threat of terrorism is a constant. Following yet another empty...
Barnier says only off-the-peg deals open to Britain post-Brexit
BERLIN (Reuters) - Britain must choose from a range of existing off-the-peg models for its relationship to the European Union when it leaves the bloc, Brussels chief negotiator Michel Barnier has told a group of newspapers. Barnier, who is leading the EU s negotiations with Britain after last year s Brexit vote, told Handelsblatt that while it was in both sides interest to maintain a close relationship, the range of possible relationships was limited. The only way to do it without difficulties is by staying within the internal market. That would be the Norway model, but the British government rejects it, he said. Another option would be a free trade agreement like the CETA-deal with Canada. Even a Canada-style deal would take several years to negotiate. Asked if there would be a specific British model after the country left on March 30, 2019, Barnier said: No. European leaders decided this weekend that Britain had not made enough progress on exit negotiations to begin work on devising a future relationship, leading to concern in Europe and the world that Britain could crash out of the bloc in disorderly fashion, with serious economic and political consequences. A disorderly exit would bring enormous problems - mainly for Britain, but also for us, he said in the interview with Handelsblatt and four further European newspapers. That would affect everything from food supply to healthcare. He added: Britain would leave the single air traffic space, losing take-off and landing rights. It would no longer be a member of the Euratom treaty and could no longer import nuclear material from the EU for hospitals and power stations. The process of designing a longer-term relationship with the EU was also fraught with difficulties, he added, warning that the EU would need to find ways to head off any British attempts to undercut European environmental or welfare standards. We will have to arrange future co-operation on defense and security policy in a separate treaty, he said. We will have to ward off British attempts to influence our decision-making processes in this area. (Corrects to remove statement that a bespoke deal could be available after Brexit)
OBAMA TELLS TROOPS To Rise Up Against Trump…Protest His Authority…Feel Free To Criticize Him [VIDEO]
43 days and counting Characterizing the military s mission as a fight against violent extremism, Obama insisted that soldiers need to rise up against Trump if they feel he is pushing policies that are ill considered.Obama told the troops, each of us has the universal right to speak your minds and to protest against authority; to live in a society that s open and free; that can criticize our president without retribution. Obama went on to insist that a proper U.S. policy against violent extremism is a long term policy. So rather than offer false promises that we can eliminate terrorism by dropping more bombs or deploying more and more troops or fencing ourselves off from the rest of the world, Obama said, we have to take a long view of the terrorist threat. And we have to pursue a smart strategy that can be sustained. In the time remaining, let me just suggest what I think should guide this approach. In addressing the war-torn Middle East, Obama insisted that global warming forms a large part of that conflict. A changing climate is increasing competition for food and water, which, he claimed, drives the conflict in Syria and other nearby nations.Obama also blamed the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution for violent extremism in the United States. Somebody who is trying to kill and willing to be killed is dangerous, particularly when we live in a country where it s very easy for that person to buy a very powerful weapon, Obama insisted. The president also defended Islam against the charge of extremism:We are fighting terrorists who claim to fight on behalf of Islam. But they do not speak for over a billion Muslims around the world, and they do not speak for American Muslims including many who wear the uniform of the United States of America s military. If we stigmatize good patriotic Muslims, that just feeds the terrorists narrative. It fuels the same false grievances they they use to motivate people to kill. If we act like this is a war between the United States and Islam, we re not gonna lose more Americans to terrorist attacks, but we ll also lose the sight of the very principles we claim to defend.As to the rise of ISIS, Obama insisted it was not given aide by his actions of pulling out of Iraq in 2011 but was instead given succor by the policies of George W. Bush. By 2011, Iraqis wanted our military presence to end, and they were unwilling to sign a new status of forces agreement to protect our troops from prosecution if they were trying to defend themselves in Iraq, Obama proclaimed. In addition, maintaining American troops in Iraq at the time could not have reversed the forces that contributed to ISIL s rise. Breitbart
Trump’s Divisive And Negative Inaugural Address Was Full Of Lies And Most Americans TRASHED It
Donald Trump delivered his inaugural address on Friday, and it was predictably divisive and negative.Trump portrayed America as a weak, crime-ridden wasteland where everyone lives in poverty. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now. He also attacked President Obama by proclaiming that January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again, called our military depleted, and railed against America s crumbling infrastructure.Of course, Trump left out the fact that Republicans blocked infrastructure spending for eight years. He also failed to point out that Republicans have been attacking education for years.Also, our military is the most funded military in the world, so claiming that it is depleted is a lie and an insult to our troops.It should be pointed out that Trump contributed to the shuttering of factories in this country by buying raw materials, like metals, from China to build his hotels with instead of buying it from American companies.Crime is also down, and millions of Americans were lifted from poverty over the last eight years because of programs like the Affordable Care Act and minimum wage hikes, both of which Trump opposes. We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow. Trump failed to mention that he wants to cut NASA s budget too, supports the anti-vaccination movement, intends to double down on coal and oil to the detriment of clean energy, and is eliminating a government agency dedicated to researching and developing new technologies to reduce carbon dioxide in our atmosphere.Seriously, Trump s speech was totally contradictory to what his administration actually plans to do.The inaugural address was a shit show and Americans confirmed it on Twitter.That was like a bad liberal parody of a Republican president s inaugural address. Jon Favreau (@jonfavs) January 20, 2017Interesting that @realDonaldTrump is making what sounds like a campaign speech rather than an Inaugural Address Gavin Esler (@gavinesler) January 20, 2017this is the most xenophobic inaugural address in US history Edward Luce (@EdwardGLuce) January 20, 2017Trump must have mixed up his speech texts. He s giving a bitter, negative campaign stump speech, not a uniting, soaring inaugural address. Nicholas Kristof (@NickKristof) January 20, 2017Our live analysis of Donald Trump s inaugural address https://t.co/pQC5zJLbHh pic.twitter.com/ZunVJle9tB The New York Times (@nytimes) January 20, 2017Don t know what I expected, but that may be the least presidential inaugural address on record. #Inauguration Misty Murphy (@mothernerd) January 20, 2017.@chucktodd: It was surprisingly divisive for an inaugural address That wasn t the kind of address intended to bring us all together Mark Murray (@mmurraypolitics) January 20, 2017I have read every Inaugural Address. That was the worst. Philip Collins (@PCollinsTimes) January 20, 2017Very little grace, very protectionist in every sense, very ominous in short, very Trumpian. God help us all https://t.co/LzuRm9ghle DemfromTX (@DemfromTX) January 20, 2017#inauguraladdress: forgettable, in every way, except for the pit in the stomach. Daryl Sneath (@D_Sneath) January 20, 2017President Trump makes his intentions very clear with his Inaugural address. It s simply screw you, rest of the world! #TrumpInauguration Bhargob Kakoty (@Bhargob) January 20, 2017Probably the shittest inaugural address in a long time Mitchell McCombe (@mitchellmc97) January 20, 2017Trump s Inaugural Address: A Disgraceful Deception https://t.co/r1sMeqjWjo Kip Spelling (@kip_spelling) January 20, 2017Yes, during the inaugural address it started to rain bc like the majority of us God is also crying Zoe (@notlowzo) January 20, 2017Donald Trump s speech was full of lies and promises that he won t keep. He is already attacking education by putting a person who wants to destroy it in charge of the Education Department, and he is slashing the Transportation Department s budget. Trump is also poised to strip healthcare from millions of Americans, which will make them poorer and more vulnerable. Furthermore, Trump is cutting funds from the Justice Department s Civil Rights division, which will hurt people of color across the country.Donald Trump doesn t care about America. He only cares about himself and what his gullible supporters think of him.Featured image by Win McNamee via Getty Images
Italy's Berlusconi probed over deadly 1993 mafia bombings: source
FLORENCE, Italy (Reuters) - Former Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi is under investigation as part of an investigation into mafia bombings in 1993, a judicial source said on Tuesday, confirming newspaper reports. A mob boss jailed for the deadly attacks in Rome, Milan and Florence was recorded talking to his cellmate about the four-times premier, prompting a judge in Florence to reopen a shelved probe into Berlusconi s alleged involvement, the Italian newspapers Corriere della Sera and La Repubblica reported. Berlusconi s lawyer Nicolo Ghedini said a previous investigation had shown his client was not involved in the bombings, which killed 10 people. Ghedini said the case had re-emerged for political reasons ahead of an important regional ballot in Sicily on Sunday and a national election due by next May. Even speculating that (Berlusconi) could have been in any way involved in the events in question is so absurd as to make any comment unnecessary, Ghedini said in a statement. (It is) obvious that the umpteenth investigation can only end in a swift dismissal, as happened in the past. A previous probe into the 81-year-old media mogul s alleged involvement in the case was shelved in 2011. Berlusconi was due to visit Sicily later on Tuesday to campaign for his Forza Italia (Go Italy!) party ahead of Sunday s regional election. Judges investigating the mafia case, which is raking over arguably the murkiest years in modern Italian history, heard fragmented recordings of conversations mob leader Giuseppe Graviano had last April in jail, the newspapers reported. 1992 he already wanted to get involved (in politics) ... and he wanted everything, Graviano was reportedly recorded saying, referring to Berlusca - a common nickname for Berlusconi. Berlusca ... asked me this favor ... I was convinced Berlusconi would win the election ... in Sicily ... he wanted to get involved ... but at that time the old guys were around ... he told me we needed a really good thing. The mafia bombing campaign on mainland Italy stunned the country and helped lead to the collapse of the old political parties, which were riddled with corruption. Berlusconi entered politics in early 1994 and immediately won a national election. Forza Italia said in a statement that 1,296 mafiosi had been arrested during Berlusconi s years in office between 2001-05 and 2008-2011, including 32 of Italy s most wanted mobsters. It said Berlusconi s administration had toughened prison conditions for mobsters and had seized 25 billion euros ($29.09 billion) of mafia property in its last three years in office. ($1 = 0.8595 euros)
FBI, IRS Raid Texas Democrat State Senator’s Law Office
Agents with the FBI and the IRS raided the private law practice of Texas State Senator Carlos Uresti ( Antonio) on Thursday morning. [The raid comes as part of an ongoing investigation into the senator’s practice by the FBI and the Criminal Investigation Division of the Internal Revenue Service. The two agencies would only confirm they were “lawfully conducting law enforcement activity at the office,” KSAT ABC12 reported. The Democrat state senator represents Senate District 19 that covers part of San Antonio. Sen. Uresti responded to media inquiries with the following statement: Today, FBI agents are in my office, reviewing our documents as part of their broad investigation of the Four Winds matter. I have instructed my staff to fully cooperate with the federal investigators. I will help them in whatever way I can. I am now at the Capitol conducting the people’s business, working hard to achieve a good budget for the people of Texas through my continued service on the Senate Finance Committee, and to find solutions for the foster children of Texas, as the of the Health and Human Services Committee. Likewise, I continue to work diligently to solve problems on the Veterans Affairs and Border Security Committees. As always, I remain committed to serve my constituents. The Four Winds matter referred to by the senators is an ongoing investigation into FourWinds Logistics, a frac sand trading company, the San Antonio reported. The company filed bankruptcy in 2015 and investigators have alleged they were defrauded. According to a previous report by the San Antonio paper, investors claimed their money was wasted by the CEO on personal expenses, expensive gifts, exotic car rentals, and a “wild lifestyle. ” Three of the company’s officials have been charged in the fraud scheme and pleaded guilty. They are currently awaiting sentencing. Senator Uresti was allegedly involved in recruiting investors into the company. Uresti allegedly received a $27, 000 commission for a $900, 000 investment he helped bring to FourWinds. The investor, Denise Cantu of Harlingen, Texas, was one of the senator’s legal clients. He reportedly helped the woman win a lawsuit cased involving the death of two of her children. She is reported to have lost most of her money in the investment. FBI spokesperson Michelle Lee told the San Antonio newspaper they had not made any additional arrests in connection with today’s investigative activity. Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior political news contributor for Breitbart Texas. He is a founding member of the Breitbart Texas team. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX.
U.S. Senate intelligence panel wants to speak to Donald Trump Jr. - NBC
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee wants to speak with Donald Trump Jr., President Donald Trump’s eldest son, about a meeting he held with a Russian lawyer during his father’s campaign, NBC News reported on Monday, citing a committee source. Donald Trump Jr. tweeted earlier on Monday that he would be “Happy to work with the committee to pass on what I know.” Trump Jr. has said he agreed to meet the lawyer, whom the New York Times described as having links to the Kremlin, after being promised damaging information about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
What Travelers Should Know About New Restrictions on Devices - The New York Times
SAN FRANCISCO — The United States Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday enacted a new flight restriction. Under the rule, passengers traveling on foreign airlines from eight countries to the United States are barred from bringing devices larger than cellphones onto the plane. Instead, they have to stow devices like computers and tablets in checked luggage. Who is affected, why are larger devices banned, and what should you do? Here is what we know so far. The new policy affects people flying to the United States from airports in Amman, Jordan Cairo Istanbul Jidda and Riyadh in Saudi Arabia Kuwait City Casablanca, Morocco Doha, Qatar and Dubai and Abu Dhabi in the United Arab Emirates. The United Kingdom also announced a similar ban on devices larger than smartphones on certain airlines. The policy applies to flights coming into the U. K. from Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Tunisia, Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan. For business travelers on those airlines, the ban may disrupt productivity. “This is going to hurt all the serious businesspeople and academics,” said Osama Sharshar, an Egyptian lawmaker and journalist who frequently travels to the United States. “They are not going there to play and don’t have time to waste. ” Only physically, not technologically. A computer or a tablet is larger than a smartphone, which would theoretically provide more room for terrorists to cram in components like bomb parts or weapons, said Bill Marczak, a senior fellow at the Citizen Lab, a research group that follows technology and policy. Multiple terrorists could then each take a computer on a plane containing an explosive component and, hypothetically, put it together in the cabin, he said. Yet a smartphone may also pose threats. As Samsung demonstrated last year with its Galaxy Note 7, smartphones — and anything with a battery — are capable of exploding and causing safety hazards. Technologically, a smartphone is a miniature computer that is just as powerful as a laptop. There is also a risk that a terrorist could use a smartphone to remotely detonate a bomb that is hidden inside a computer checked in as cargo, said Nick Feamster, a computer science professor at Princeton University. Other than preventing terrorists from smuggling components onto planes, the device ban may create additional surveillance opportunities. It is common for airport security officials to search checked luggage. In theory, if a computer is checked, airport officials can do more thorough searches, including a data frisk. “Who, if anyone, takes control of your device while it’s not in your sight or possession?” Professor Feamster said. “A search of your device is not outside the realm of possibility. ” If you are flying on an affected airline and concerned about your privacy, consider the recommendations outlined in our guide to protecting your data while crossing the border. For one, you could encrypt your files with an app like BitLocker or FileVault. That way, if someone did try to gain access to your data, a passphrase would be needed to decrypt the files, Mr. Marczak of the Citizen Lab said. In addition, travelers could seal laptops in a bag, Mr. Marczak said. Once you reach your destination, you can see if anyone tampered with the laptop by inserting a physical surveillance device into it, for example. You could also consider traveling with an inexpensive computer that lacks any of your sensitive data, Professor Feamster added. And you could back up your data to the cloud and purge it from the inexpensive computer before checking it in with your luggage. If he were traveling to those countries now, Mr. Feamster said, “I wouldn’t even bother taking my main laptop. I’d take my clean laptop that doesn’t have any data on it. ”
Donald Trump heads for Scotland to reopen a golf resort
GLASGOW, Scotland (Reuters) - Most U.S. presidential candidates go abroad to sharpen their foreign policy credentials. Donald Trump arrives in Scotland on Friday to reopen a golf resort. The presumptive Republican nominee, 70, visits his family’s ancestral homeland to showcase his far-flung business empire. His mother was born on Scotland’s Isle of Lewis. With a throng of reporters watching, he will make a dramatic arrival by helicopter at his seaside Trump Turnberry resort. He has scheduled a news conference on the 9th hole at noon (7 a.m. ET/1100 GMT). His visit to Turnberry, to be followed by a stop at his resort in Aberdeen on Saturday, will allow him to comment on the outcome of Britain’s vote on Thursday on whether to remain in the European Union. “I don’t think opening a golf resort gets you many foreign policy chops,” said Saul Anuzis, former chairman of the Michigan Republican Party. “But since he’s there right in the middle of the EU vote, it may end up being a PR bonanza for him.” The risk is that the real-estate tycoon, who has yet to hold public office and rates unfavorably with 70 percent of Americans in an opinion poll, will make a foreign policy misstep at a time when Republican leaders are urging a more serious demeanor. Trump has said he would be inclined to leave the EU. He has exchanged insults with British Prime Minister David Cameron, who has called the New Yorker’s anti-immigrant policy ideas divisive and wrong. There are no plans for the two to meet. His trip has baffled Republican officials who say he should concentrate on strengthening his campaign and taking the fight to the presumptive Democratic nominee, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who is 68. Trump defeated a crowded field of opponents for the Republican nomination but has faced one controversy after another, the latest over his firing of his campaign manager this week, a month before the party convention. “His campaign has got all kinds of growing pains and it doesn’t make sense that he would spend any kind of time going out of the country,” said David Yepsen, director of the Paul Simon Public Policy Institute at Southern Illinois University. Turnberry is a storied course where the Open Championship has been staged four times. Trump invested $290 million in renovating the resort and golf course on Scotland’s West Coast 85 km (53 miles) southwest of Glasgow. He has portrayed his determination to build up courses in Turnberry and Aberdeen and overcome local opposition as an example of the type of leadership skills that Americans would get if he wins the White House on Nov. 8. “Well, Scotland has already been won – and so will the United States,” Trump wrote in a column for The Press and Journal newspaper in Aberdeen. An Aberdeen family opposed to his development there has threatened to raise a Mexican flag as a reminder of his proposal to build a wall along the U.S. southern border to keep out immigrants who enter illegally. The last Republican presidential nominee, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, in 2012 made a gaffe-filled campaign trip to London, Jerusalem and Poland.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio traveled to Milwaukee to attend a fundraiser where he delivered a blistering speech attacking Scott Walker and the wealthy. Governor Walker is part of a dangerous breed of Republicans, a group actively working to dismantle the foundation for middle-class life. Now listen, he told attendees, according to the transcript, I m not saying Scott Walker set out to destroy Wisconsin s middle class. But if that were his mission, I can t think of a (darn) thing he d had done differently! It s no wonder why the latest polls show Governor Walker s approval sinking to new lows. The people of Wisconsin can see beyond his pleasant smile and reassuring words. He tries to play the everyman then he stabs the everyman in the back. Mayor de Blasio s event was held at the exclusive and private Milwaukee Athletic Club (pictured above). According to Orbitz:The Milwaukee Athletic Club is a private city club located in the heart of downtown Milwaukee .Built in 1917, the historic club sits on the corner of Broadway and Mason streets. The 12 floors house 17 meeting rooms including the stunning Grand Ballroom, restaurants, bars, 60 hotel rooms, separate athletic facilities for men and women, co-ed fitness studio, pilates studio, yoga studio and babysitting room Swanky!Read more: GATEWAY PUNDIT
Alabama Supreme Court SHOCKS Conservatives With This Latest Ruling
Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore is so pissed right now.Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court legalized same-sex marriage in their Obergefell v. Hodges ruling last summer, Alabama has resisted following it.Almost immediately, Moore ordered county clerks and judges to refuse to help same-sex couples get married, claiming that the nation s high court has no power to overturn a state ban on same-sex marriage.Despite Moore s efforts to keep defying the Supreme Court, his colleagues on the state bench made the opposite decision on Friday.In a single sentence, the Alabama Supreme Court chose to not defy the high court by rejecting an anti-same-sex marriage case brought by the Alabama Citizens Action Program and the Alabama Policy Institute. It is ordered that all pending motions and petitions are dismissed, the majority of the court ruled, thus ending the fight against federal authorities that Moore wanted so badly.According to the Associated Press,In one of several written opinions accompanying the order, Justice Greg Shaw called the decision a clear refusal to ignore the Supreme Court ruling last June.Several other state justices railed against the high court s ruling while noting they can t overturn it.Chief Justice Roy Moore wrote that previous state orders barring gay marriage in Alabama remain. Most probate judges already are ignoring that directive, however, and hundreds of same-sex couples already have wed in Alabama.NBC News had more about what Moore wrote in his dissenting opinion.Quoting everything from past court rulings to the Bible and the 1974 song Feelings, the chief justice called the court s ruling immoral, unconstitutional and tyrannical. He referred to homosexuality as a disgrace to human nature which can t be compared to opposite-sex intimacy. Sodomy has never been and never will be an act by which a marriage can be consummated, Moore wrote.This is a victory for the LGBT community and a victory for sanity in general. Even Moore s fellow judges acknowledged that the U.S. Supreme Court has the final say and federal law trumps state law no matter how they may feel about same-sex marriage personally.It s definitely a significant setback for conservative Christians in the state who were hoping to keep bigotry, hate, and their ability to discriminate at will enshrined under state law.Featured image via Flickr
Moby Just Destroyed Trump In A Passionate Defense Of Hillary
Comments Famous techno musician Moby tore into Republican nominee Donald Trump today in an op-ed published in RollingStone magazine, tearing into the racist rabble-rouser with unrepentant fury. “I’m tired of being a mealy-mouthed, NPR-listening lefty who has to respect other people’s opinions” writes Moby. “Trump is an actual sociopath.” Distraught at the unrelenting vitriol being hurled at Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, Moby disparages the naivete with which he feels many voters are approaching the election. If you have a 25-year-old who’s a Jill Stein supporter but they were nine when Ralph Nader handed the presidency to George W. Bush, they don’t know better. There are a lot of people who have lived in a relatively benign bubble, like young women who just assume that Roe v. Wade will always be the law of the land. I think that there’s an innocence that is informing a lot of people’s desire not to vote, or to vote for Jill Stein, but it’s because they’ve had eight years of Obama. And I think that that innocence is making some of them naive and delusional. He then goes on to detail just why a Donald Trump presidency is enough of a threat for him to be so undiplomatic in his approach. I think there is something seriously broken inside him where he’s an actual sociopath and on the spectrum pretty close to being a psychopath. He’s done nothing to indicate that he’s even capable of feeling empathy [for anyone] except for himself. [A Trump presidency would be] death by 1,000 Republican cuts. It basically gives the NRA the ability to write gun policy. It gives the coal industry and the oil industry the ability to write energy policy. It’s handing the keys to people who want to advance policy measures that are just — again, I try and be diplomatic, but they’re trying to advance policy measures to protect their corporate interests or protect their personal interests but to the egregious detriment of our country. With Trump, you get a belligerent racist who’s most likely a sociopath [and] definitely a racist and misogynist with no governing experience. And with Hillary, you get an incredibly bright, progressive, strong, experienced legislator. There’s no choice unless you’re ignorant, delusional or racist. He’s absolutely right on that point. While the “death by 1,000 Republican cuts” is the threat posed by any Republican candidate for the Presidency, the figure of Donald Trump is a threat to our Republic as we know it, and there can be only one choice. I’ve given more money to Democrats this cycle than I’ve ever given in an election season. I’ve done phone-banking, tweeted, Facebooked and Instagrammed, probably to my own personal detriment — the detriment of my friendships [and] certainly the detriment of my professional life – but honestly, the results of this election are more important than most. I’d rather lose fans and have a hand in trying to keep Donald Trump out of the White House than trying to protect a career. A career pales in comparison to the health and wellbeing of our country and our planet. What I learned a long time ago is if you’re a public figure and you’re opinionated and outspoken, people will hate you for it — even if they agree with what you’re saying. But it’s really nice: I’ve been doing this for a long time and at this point I just don’t care. What’s someone gonna do — not buy my records? It’s 2016, no one buys records anyway.
Trump to deliver remarks on decision on Jerusalem embassy: White House
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Wednesday will deliver remarks about his decision on whether to move the U.S. embassy in Israel to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, White House Press Secretary Sarah Saders said on Tuesday, adding that Trump is pretty solid in his thinking on the issue. Trump notified Arab leaders on Tuesday that he intends to make the major change in calls to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Jordan s King Abdullah, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Saudi Arabia s King Salman. Many of the leaders warned that unilateral U.S. steps on Jerusalem would derail a fledgling U.S.-led peace effort and unleash turmoil in the region. (This story corrects spelling of press secretary s surname to Sanders instead of Saunders in first paragraph)
Russia's Lavrov and Tillerson talk Syria after bombing allegations
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia s Foreign Ministry said on Sunday that U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had phoned Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on Saturday to discuss the Syria situation and how the anti-terrorism battle on the ground was playing out. The call occurred after U.S.-backed militias in Syria said they had come under attack on Saturday from Russian jets and Syrian government forces in Deir al-Zor province, a flashpoint in an increasingly complex battlefield. The Russian Foreign Ministry did not say in its statement about the Lavrov-Tillerson call if the two men had discussed that allegation and how Moscow had responded if they had.
FBI to give media some Clinton notes over email use: CNN
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The FBI plans to hand over some of its notes from its interview with U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton regarding her use of private email while secretary of state to news outlets that requested them, CNN reported on Tuesday. However, the Federal Bureau of Investigation will not yet release other notes from the law enforcement agency’s interviews with Clinton aides or turn over other investigative material, CNN said, citing unnamed sources. The materials could be released as soon as Wednesday to media companies that formally sought them under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), according to CNN. FBI representatives declined to confirm the report to Reuters. In addition to the notes, CNN said the FBI will give the news outlets the roughly 30-page report it sent to the U.S. Department of Justice last month when it recommended against pursuing criminal charges against Clinton, who is vying for the White House in the Nov. 8 U.S. election. The Clinton campaign, which had expressed concern about selective leaks from the notes, welcomed the release. “This is something that we wanted to have happen,” campaign spokeswoman Kristina Schake told CNN in an interview. Several media outlets, including Reuters, have made FOIA requests for a summary of the interview. Such requests are often returned with sensitive information redacted. FBI Director James Comey told Congress that the interview was not recorded, so the agency would only be able to provide a summary.
‘The Only Way We Can Fight Back Is to Excel’ - The New York Times
When Indira Islas was in third grade at Centennial Arts Academy, a public elementary school in Gainesville, Ga. she decided it was time to get serious. It was 2006, and she was in the lowest reading group in her class. She had been in that group since arriving two years earlier, speaking no English, in Gainesville, a city of 38, 000 just northeast of Atlanta’s booming outer suburbs. But being at the bottom went against everything she believed about herself. “I wanted to be with the smart kids,” she recalls. Starting the year before, in second grade, she read every volume of the “Magic Tree House” books in her library, a series about two ordinary siblings who climb into their backyard treehouse and to Pompeii, the Wild West, the ice age, feudal Japan and beyond. “I absolutely loved them,” she says. “It was like going on adventures all over the world. ” It was also the opposite of her own life. Indira left Mexico for the United States at age 6 with her parents and two younger sisters. Her mother cleaned houses when she wasn’t caring for the children — there would eventually be seven of them — and her father worked in construction, and there was no money for lessons or soccer clubs, let alone traveling. “I’d hear about trips and experiences of my white friends, and I remember thinking: I’ll never go to the beach or Disney World for spring break,” Indira says. Her parents told her that education was all that mattered, and she had to spend all her free time inside, reading and writing. “I tell my children this country is a blessing to all the people living here,” her mother told me. “If you have the opportunity to be good, it’s very important to take it. ” Indira took this advice to heart. By the time she was in fifth grade, her reading skills had improved so much that she tested into the top reading group. By middle school, she consistently got A’s, which qualified her for a celebratory school trip every time report cards came out. “They rewarded us by taking us skating or bowling,” she says. “I felt like I was so smart, just getting the chance to go out for the whole school day with friends. That’s when I said: ‘I can make it. ’’u2009” Indira began to throw herself into everything. At recess, she played soccer and basketball, competing so fiercely that everyone took notice. Boys usually picked other boys for their teams, and white kids tended to favor other white kids. But everyone started picking Indira. In middle school, she was on the track team, running races. Her coach was stunned by her determination. In meets, even when she won her event, she scolded herself unless she broke her previous record. After practices ended, she would keep running. “I wanted to think,” she says. “I’d stay after practice and run and run and run. ” Indira remembers understanding vaguely that it wasn’t just poverty that set her and her family apart. Her parents had been doctors in Mexico. She admired pictures in their dresser drawer of the two of them in their 20s standing together, tall and proud in their white coats — before they all fled the violence of drug gangs who were then taking over their home state, Guerrero. When she asked her parents why they were no longer doctors, they explained it was because they were not American citizens. It didn’t make sense to Indira. Why would her father have shed that beautiful crisp white coat for the fraying pants and shirts he now wore? Soon after Indira turned 13, in 2011, she was riding home from track practice with her mother when another car sideswiped the family’s Ford Expedition. The other driver, who was at fault, insisted on calling the police, according to Indira and a lawyer who assisted the family. Indira pleaded not to involve the police, explaining that her mother did not have a driver’s license because she was not an American citizen. (In Georgia and most other states, undocumented immigrants cannot obtain driver’s licenses.) But the driver said she needed a police report to get insurance to cover the damage to her car. A police officer arrived and asked for Indira’s mother’s license. When she said she did not have one — a state crime — she was told to get out of the car. Indira got out, too. She remembers two of her younger siblings sleeping in the back, one in a booster seat, one in a car seat. Two elders from the church they attended arrived to ask for mercy. She has seven children, they told the officer. He responded that he was simply enforcing the law. Indira’s mother turned to her and began to cry. “Indira, I don’t know what is going to happen,” she said. “They’re going to take me. ” Indira remembers remaining strangely calm. “When she was being handcuffed, I said: ‘Mom, everything is going to be O. K.’’u2009” Indira’s mother was held in Gainesville’s Hall County jail for three days, but that wasn’t the most frightening part for the family. Hall is one of four counties in Georgia that have a formal agreement to report arrests of undocumented immigrants to the Department of Homeland Security, which means that infractions as minor as a bulb above a license plate can spiral into deportation proceedings. Indira’s mother says that her charge of driving without a license ultimately led to a referral to immigration court and a deportation order instructing her to leave the country within 30 days. She stayed, slipping into the shadows. Every day since, Indira says, she and her siblings have feared that their mother would be deported. It would take only one more traffic stop. “That woke me up,” Indira says. “Until then, I thought the world was happy. ” In fact, she now realized, it was only American citizens who seemed truly happy. “It must feel pretty good, I guess, to not have to worry about whether your family could be taken away any day. ” Indira has wanted to be a doctor for almost as long as she can remember. When she was 10, her family was shopping for groceries at Sam’s Club, and she spotted a large book about human anatomy. She became so excited about it that her parents bought it for her birthday, even though it was well above her reading level — and their price range. She began working her way through it, mesmerized, and when she got stuck, her mother would explain whatever had stumped her. She was determined to go to college and medical school and fulfill her parents’ interrupted dream. In her junior year, Indira began researching college options. She would be a strong applicant. She was consistently at or near the top of her class she was on the track and soccer teams she volunteered over 1, 000 hours a year at the local hospital, a record in the history of the program and she led her school’s chapter of the Hispanic Organization Promoting Education (HOPE) which encouraged Latino students — who made up just over half the district’s population — to stay in school and graduate. She was distressed to discover that Georgia barred undocumented immigrants from attending its top public universities and charged them tuition at all others — triple the rate for citizen residents. She then turned to researching financial aid and learned that Congress barred her from accessing federal Pell grants, loans, scholarships and jobs — the most common forms of assistance for students. At first, she greeted this as just another set of obstacles to surmount, but as time went on, she began to despair. She would retreat to the classroom of her science teacher, Teresa Leach, who had become her mentor, in need of encouragement. “There were a couple of times when I just cried to her because I was tired,” she said. “I questioned myself if it was all worth the effort. ” All the while, Indira told me, she held onto her religious conviction that God had a plan, and that she must respect it. At a college fair attended by representatives of numerous Georgia colleges, she asked admissions officers what kind of help was available for undocumented students. No one had any to offer her. She switched her focus to private colleges and was admitted to Atlanta’s Agnes Scott, which she says awarded her $20, 000 annually in financial aid, less than half of what she needed. She researched private scholarships and found two for undocumented students, but she was selected for neither. She was awarded seven small scholarships, which totaled $10, 000, enough to go to a nearby public commuter college for only one semester at the tuition rate. Last May, Indira attended her graduation ceremony at Gainesville High School, but she had nowhere to go next. In every picture from that day, she wears a wide smile, but she was in pain inside, particularly when she caught a glimpse of her mother in the crowd, looking distraught. Unable to bring herself to celebrate with friends, she went home to be with her family. Days later, a friend told her about a philanthropic organization called TheDream. US, which was offering undocumented students full scholarships to Delaware State University or Eastern Connecticut State University. The application was demanding, and only 76 students would be chosen. She poured herself into the essays, spending hours composing them alongside an English teacher, Cindy Lloyd. She applied to Delaware State, a historically black college in Dover, five hours closer to home than Eastern Connecticut. In late June, she received an email from TheDream. US. “I saw ‘Congratulations,’’u2009” she remembers, “and I read no more. ” In late August, Indira made the drive with her parents from Gainesville to Delaware State in unusual silence. She was thinking hard about each of her six younger siblings, wondering how they would fare without her. Over breakfast at a Cracker Barrel in South Carolina, when her mother pressed her about how she was feeling, she talked only of her concerns about not being at home to help everyone. When she arrived on campus — a flat expanse of grassy courtyards and buildings amid strip malls, auto dealers and chain restaurants just beyond Dover’s historic capital area — she found 33 other “opportunity scholars,” just as worried and hopeful as she was. All of them were assigned to a dorm about a quarter of a mile from the D. S. U. campus, a former Sheraton hotel acquired a few years earlier by the university as part of an expansion. They bonded instantly, traveling as a posse from classes to the library to the cafeteria, often ending up together late at night in the dorm lobby or in a lounge that had been a large hotel suite on the second floor. In their first month on campus, the opportunity scholars were invited to a welcoming ceremony in the school’s Martin Luther King Jr. Student Center with Gov. Jack Markell the Democratic senator Tom Carper Donald Graham, a founder of TheDream. US and D. S. U. ’s president, Harry Williams. “This is not just an opportunity for you it is an opportunity for the state of Delaware,” Markell told them. “It is sad to see your own home state reject such talent and potential. ” He pronounced himself “thrilled that you’re here. ” It was the first time many of the students could recall being welcomed anywhere. “We felt rejection our whole lives from our own states,” Indira said. “We were here only three weeks, and we already met the governor and the senator. It felt like saying ‘Haha!’ to Georgia. ” Of the 34 opportunity scholars enrolled at D. S. U. 28 are from Mexico and one each is from Ecuador, El Salvador, Peru, Gabon, Gambia and Trinidad and Tobago. Their families are a composite portrait of the economic forces that have drawn undocumented immigrants to the nation’s small towns and metropolitan heartland. Their parents work in poultry plants, on factory lines, in warehouses, on construction sites, in restaurants they clean and paint houses and schools, tend gardens. “They make everything look perfect for the tourists,” Yulma Lopez, who left Mexico at age 3, said of her parents’ work for a landscaping company in Charleston, S. C. Almost all their parents work illegally, but many pay income taxes, having obtained federal numbers. And some, including Indira’s father, have secured temporary federal permission to work and drive lawfully. While most of the students are 18 or 19, typical for college freshmen, some have worked for years in hopes of one day saving enough for college. Olivia Bekale, who is 27 and grew up in Baton Rouge, arrived in Louisiana from Gabon as a child. She graduated from high school in 2008 with a 3. 9 G. P. A. from the Louisiana School for Math, Science and the Arts, a prestigious boarding school for top achievers. Unable to afford college, she cycled from one position to the next — server at the Melting Pot, a fondue restaurant retail sales consultant for Sprint agent for Marriott pharmacy tech for Walgreens. Olivia, who had wanted to be a doctor since an aunt died of AIDS when she was 5, had been out of high school for eight years when she learned of the opportunity scholarship she applied immediately. All but one of the students were enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, also known as DACA. Created in 2012 by an executive action, DACA allowed teenagers and young adults who came to the United States illegally as children with their parents to register with the government and in turn receive a renewable protection against deportation, along with work permits and Social Security numbers. Most of the students, like Indira, signed up at age 15, as soon as they were eligible. With DACA, Indira, who is now 18, was able to get a driver’s license and a job at a Publix supermarket when she was in high school, working 20 hours a week as a cashier and bagger. Being able to work and drive legally, free of the fears her mother faced, and fitting in with her classmates, Indira says, was “living the American dream. ” With her income from Publix, she even was able to get braces for her teeth. The starting point for all of their dreams was education, and the quest for it has been central to the experience of undocumented young people since long before Indira and her classmates were born. In the late 1970s, when undocumented immigrants had yet to move in large numbers beyond border states, Texas passed a law authorizing local school districts to ban them from public schools or charge them tuition. In a landmark decision in Plyler v. Doe in 1982, a narrowly divided Supreme Court struck down the law, finding that undocumented children had a constitutional right to free public education. The opinion blamed a dysfunctional immigration system for creating the crisis by failing to keep out undocumented immigrants or provide them a path to citizenship. “Already disadvantaged as a result of poverty, lack of ability and undeniable racial prejudices, these children, without an education, will become permanently locked into the lowest socioeconomic class,” Justice William Brennan wrote for the majority, quoting the opinion. The case also introduced the argument that undocumented children were legally blameless, unlike their parents: “The classification at issue deprives a group of children of the opportunity for education afforded all other children simply because they have been assigned a legal status due to a violation of law by their parents,” Justice Lewis Powell wrote in a concurring opinion. Undocumented children poured into the nation’s schools over the next generation, and as they reached college age, they coalesced into a movement, advocating access to higher education as well as full citizenship. In 2001, they began calling themselves Dreamers, now an estimated 2. 1 million young immigrants who have grown up as Americans in almost every way except for their passports. The name came from the Dream Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) introduced in Congress in 2001 by Senator Richard Durbin, a Democrat from Illinois, and Senator Orrin Hatch, a Republican from Utah, and for which activists fought for over a decade. The measure, which would have put undocumented children on a path to citizenship, never passed, but the vast network of Dreamers became a compelling political force. In 2001, hundreds of them turned out to testify in Texas in favor of legislation to allow undocumented residents to pay college tuition if they graduated from Texas high schools and lived in the state for three years. “Something magical happened when those kids told their stories,” says the former Texas state representative Rick Noriega, a Democrat who sponsored the bill. “It was a humanizing of a very real issue dealing with children’s dreams and hopes. Every heart on that committee was touched, Republicans and Democrats. ” The legislation passed both houses almost unanimously and was signed by Rick Perry, then governor of Texas and now President Donald Trump’s pick for energy secretary. Texas became the first state, followed quickly by California, to allow Dreamers to pay tuition. Today, 21 states charge Dreamers the same tuition as legal residents, including six carried by Trump — Florida, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah and Texas. In many of those states, however, the issue has turned politically treacherous. In Texas, efforts to repeal the tuition law come closer to passing every year, and Noriega says there is no chance the original measure would pass today. The leading national opponents of tuition for Dreamers include the Republican senator Jeff Sessions, Trump’s choice for attorney general, and the secretary of state of Kansas, Kris Kobach, a Republican who was a leader of Trump’s transition team on immigration. Each argues that students who are in the United States illegally should not get a public benefit in any state that is denied to a citizen from another state. In other words, if Dreamers pay tuition in Texas, citizen students next door in Arkansas and Oklahoma — or Massachusetts, for that matter — should have the same right. “How much sense does that make, to have people here illegally, and they have more benefits than those who are here legally?” Sessions asked in a Senate floor statement. Kobach used the same argument to bring lawsuits against tuition for Dreamers in Kansas and California. Judges found no legal basis for the claims and dismissed the cases. The larger debate over how to treat an estimated 11 million immigrants who came here illegally has been at a stalemate for decades, with advocates seeking a “path to citizenship” for families who have been in the country for years and opponents denouncing “amnesty” for people who broke the law to enter the country. Amid hardening resistance in Congress to immigration reform, Dreamers brought pressure on Obama — including and hunger strikes at his 2012 campaign offices — to use his executive power to create DACA. The program, announced on June 15, 2012, the 30th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Plyler decision, proved transformative for Dreamers. They have entered college, taken jobs, received driver’s licenses, bought cars. They now fly on planes, passing effortlessly through airport security. They still lack legal immigration status, but no longer are they exactly undocumented. “DACAmented,” many have called themselves. Even in states where they pay tuition, Dreamers still struggle to afford college because they are disproportionately and have no access to federal financial aid. Fewer than 10 percent of Dreamers who graduate from high school enroll in college. At a time when college graduates earn 70 percent more than those without degrees, these numbers conjure the 1982 warning by the Supreme Court that undocumented children could become a permanent underclass. In response, a handful of philanthropies have adopted the cause of sending students with DACA status to college. The biggest of these, TheDream. US, has raised $90 million to eventually finance 4, 000 students at public colleges, with significant contributions from Donald Graham, former publisher and chief executive of The Washington Post, and his family Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan Bill and Melinda Gates the executive William Ackman and Michael Bloomberg, among others. (I was a reporter at The Washington Post from 1980 to 2008.) In 2014, TheDream. US began offering Dreamers full scholarships in states that charge them tuition. Last year, in partnership with Delaware and Connecticut, the organization created the program for students from the other 29 states, financed by $41 million in philanthropy from Graham and his family and two anonymous donors. The governors of Delaware and Connecticut agreed to charge roughly tuition rates for the 34 scholars at Delaware State and the 42 at Eastern Connecticut State — a total of $80, 000 per student for tuition, room and board for four years. In an effort to political opposition, Graham says, the philanthropy works only with schools, like Delaware State and Eastern Connecticut State, that have excess capacity, so that undocumented students are not displacing citizens. And private donors pay all expenses, so that no state dollars are spent. Still, when The Delaware State News ran an article in September about the D. S. U. opportunity scholars, the online comments complained that undocumented immigrants, not citizens, were benefiting. “Trump isn’t perfect, but I will vote for him because he puts Americans FIRST,” wrote a reader named John Huff of Magnolia, Del. “There are plenty of kids who are citizens who have the same dream and should come first. ” And as news of the scholarship spread on the Delaware campus this fall, a number of students told Dreamers that they resented that their own families had to go into debt for a portion of their education costs while the DACA students got full scholarships. By then, Trump had mobilized anger in large swaths of the country, having kicked off his campaign criticizing Mexican immigrants — “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists” — and vowing to build a wall on the border to keep them out. In stump speeches, he promised to deport all 11 million undocumented immigrants and, in his first 100 days in office, to terminate DACA, labeling it “illegal amnesty. ” Both vows became instant applause lines. Indira declared her major in biological sciences at the beginning of the semester and started a demanding curriculum with six classes, including biology and chemistry, both requiring labs. Her parents had insisted she not take a job, in order to devote herself to education, freeing up four hours a night that she had spent working in high school. With that extra time, she found the academic challenges manageable. Much harder was living apart from her family for the first time in her life. Her mother texted her daily. “Good morning, hija,” she wrote one recent morning, using the Spanish word for daughter. “May God bless you today in school. Please be kind to everyone. ” That night, over FaceTime, Indira talked with two of her younger sisters, who like her were born in Mexico and are undocumented. One, a junior in high school, is already on a quest for college scholarships. She and Indira came up with potential essay ideas and discussed her résumé. Then Indira helped the other, a freshman who is the smartest of all the family’s children, Indira says, with physics homework. On weekends, she FaceTimes with her four youngest siblings — a sixth grader, a fourth grader, a third grader and a first grader — all of whom were born in Georgia and are citizens. Separation from family, from home, even from Mexican food made most of the opportunity scholars profoundly lonely. Estephany Martinez, a petite major with long black hair, couldn’t stop thinking about her sisters in the first weeks. “Whenever we came home from school, all four sisters would sit in the living room and do our homework and talk and watch TV,” she recalled wistfully of her life in Winder, Ga. In Delaware, “I didn’t have anybody that cared for me. I didn’t have anyone to come home to. ” In early September, she summoned all the scholars to a gathering in the dorm’s lounge. “All right, you guys, we’re going to be here for each other,” she said. “That part of our lives — being undocumented — is critical to who we are. We have to share our stories. ” Everyone crowded in, sitting on the sofa, spilling onto the floor, sitting shoulder to shoulder on counters that once were part of a kitchenette, sprawling into one another’s space. Carlos Gonzales of Manteo, N. C. a lanky and cheerful marketing major whose mother is a restaurant cook, broke down crying when he recalled the violence that drove his family from Mexico City. He, his mother and his younger sister moved to North Carolina when he was 7. It was his mother who encouraged him, beginning in elementary school, to reach for college. “I don’t want you to live the life we’re living now,” she told him. In high school, he was an honor student and varsity wrestler and runner, working nights and weekends at McDonald’s in his Outer Banks town. When he received the email telling him he was an opportunity scholar, he said: “I hugged my mom and cried for two hours. The only reason I stopped was I had to go to work. ” Indira told the harrowing story that led to her own family’s departure from Mexico. In 2004, when she was 6, three masked gunmen broke into their home, which housed her parents’ clinic, and robbed them of everything — money, jewelry, a new computer, a television, cameras and medications. They filed a report with the police, they said, who didn’t investigate, in deference to cartels then taking over Guerrero, now the most violent state in Mexico. An uncle of her father’s already had been killed. In subsequent years, a cousin of her mother’s, a veterinarian, was kidnapped and never found. Two nephews disappeared. Her mother’s sister has been kidnapped twice — most recently this past November — and returned only after her family paid steep ransoms. Weeks after the robbery, Indira’s family of five arrived in the United States on a tourist visa that her father procured a month earlier in hopes of taking everyone to Disney World. Instead, they went to Gainesville, where her father’s brother worked in construction — one of thousands of Mexican workers who flocked to the north Georgia community in the last 25 years, swelling the Hispanic population to more than 40 percent in 2013 from 8 percent in 1990. Indira said her parents are certain they would have been killed had they stayed. They decided to forfeit their careers for their family’s safety. “I no longer saw my future, but I saw my children’s future,” her father said to me. Antonio Patino, a major who is a lifeguard and plays bass and guitar in his spare time, told the group about riding with his family in their car in 2015 in Lawrenceville, Ga. when a police officer pulled them over, though none of them understood why. His father, who is undocumented and processes returns for a local manufacturer, was driving but did not have a license. Antonio and his mother, younger sister and brother all watched in terror as his father was handcuffed, placed in a police cruiser and driven off to jail. As it turned out, he was released the next day after paying a fine of more than $800 and was not referred to immigration court for further proceedings, but the incident shook Antonio’s sense of belonging in America. “I felt like I got slapped in the face just for living, trying to be a normal person in this beautiful country,” he said. “It feels like a hole inside me. ” He said he now found himself gripped with fears for his parents’ safety at random moments during his days at D. S. U. It is as if he has swapped roles with his mother and father. “Like I’m now the parent and they’re the child, and I’m worried for them,” he told me. “Not being there, all these swarm into my mind. What if out of nowhere they get pulled over again?” Calling them and hearing their voices usually comforts him. But after one such call, he said: “I went outside, and I had to cry a little. I was feeling like I couldn’t help them. ” A number of students shared the enormous sacrifices they had seen their parents make for them. Juan Chavez, 23, who grew up in Plymouth, Ind. and worked for five years after high school, told of his mother suffering a breakdown after her divorce from his father. He saw it as a response to the crushing instability of their lives, moving from one home to another in search of shelter. “She’s the strongest person I’ll ever know,” he said. “She’s my role model. My father figure as well as my mother. ” He continued: “I felt so helpless to make things better. I decided almost right then I’ll go to college and medical school if it takes me the rest of my life. ” He is now a psychology and major, intending to become a psychiatrist. On and on the students went until almost 3 a. m. the common threads in their stories drawing them closer. It was the first time most of them had talked openly about being undocumented, but instead of feeling exposed, they felt safer. Until then, Antonio had gone out of his way to avoid conversations with at D. S. U. about his scholarship, not wanting to have to explain that he got it because he was undocumented. The next day, though, he fell into conversation with a student who asked him how he happened to come all the way from Georgia to D. S. U. and he said without hesitation: “I got a scholarship. ” “What for?” “I’m undocumented,” Antonio said, surprised at how comfortable this felt. “O. K. man, that’s cool,” the student said. After their long night talking, the scholars also better understood what had propelled them all for as long as they could remember. Throughout high school, the opportunity scholars watched undocumented friends and siblings give up and drop out, shamed and beaten down by public scorn over illegal immigration and the options awaiting even those who excelled in high school. But they kept on striving, steeled to the insults, positioning themselves for a breakthrough they couldn’t yet see. Now this all made sense. “This pain — it pushes us,” Estephany said. “It’s motivation. It has made me who I am. It makes me go through every day. ” “Now we know what drives us,” Indira said. One morning in at 9:50 a. m. 10 minutes before Indira’s class was scheduled to start, she and two other opportunity scholars were already ensconced in the three center seats, notebooks, pens and textbooks at the ready. Indira was wearing a Harvard sweatshirt that a classmate bought for her when their A. P. class visited Boston. (Indira couldn’t afford to go.) “I’m going to get there one day,” she said with a confident smile. Most of the other students didn’t arrive until class was about to begin — or later — and there was little competition for the front rows. A similar scene unfolded that morning in the ultramodern science center, in class, where Antonio and Jose Reyes Rios, another major, sat front and center with an classmate named Hanqaamo Lintisio, who is from Maryland and has a track scholarship. The three had formed a study group and tutored one another so effectively that they all scored above 100 on the midterm. (They nailed the bonus question.) Theirs were the only A’s in the class. The Dreamers gather daily at a long Formica table in a D. S. U. cafeteria for food and conversation. At lunch, Carla Moreno propped her English composition textbook, “Patterns for College Writing,” against a napkin holder, securing it with an apple. She paged through a chapter while eating her salad and chili dog. “It’s just a quiz,” she said, “but I want to keep my A. ” “I deal with a lot of students, and I feel like the Dreamers are at a different level,” says Kevin Noriega, the adviser for their scholarships. “They’re saying, ‘I’ve got to make this happen because it’s my only option. ’’u2009” Of the 488 scholars funded by TheDream. US who began college in 2014, 94 percent remain enrolled after their sophomore year research shows that only 66 percent of college students nationally return after one year. “This is a population with retention rates like Harvard’s,” Donald Graham says. Because beneficiaries of TheDream. US have full rides, they avoid a common problem faced by other disadvantaged students: running short of money for costs not covered by Pell grants or other forms of aid. One night in October before a biology exam, Indira went to the D. S. U. athletic center for a workout to relieve stress. She was armed with a stack of homemade flash cards and her iPhone, on which she had downloaded discussions of test topics from various websites. While pounding out three miles on the treadmill, she flipped through her study cards, then plugged in her earbuds for a YouTube lecture on glycolysis. Returning to her dorm, she sat down at her desk for a final review. Hanging on the wall in front of her was a collage of family photographs. One showed the whole family of nine around their dinner table. “When I’m struggling, I look at a picture of my mom or dad, and I say, ‘I’m working for that person,’’u2009” she said. That night, her studying complete, she took a last look at her parents’ picture and fell asleep listening to recordings of her biology professor’s lectures. She got an A on the exam. Indira’s determination to become a doctor requires more than a little imagination, because under current law in Georgia and many other states, licenses to practice medicine are reserved for citizens and legal residents. “I’m not planning my life based on the way things are today,” she said. “I’m thinking of the future. ” In her eyes, America is a land of opportunity. Over Columbus Day weekend, she visited Washington for the first time with her roommate, Karen Baltazar, who is from Lawrenceville, Ga. and also wants to be a doctor. At the Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial, Indira stood underneath Roosevelt’s Four Freedoms — freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from want, freedom from fear — her arms raised high above her head, as if exulting in the message. Her smile was radiant. Karen snapped a picture, and Indira posted it on her Facebook page along with the caption, “I have never forgotten the reasons my parents brought me to this great country. ” Such unsinkable optimism, which I heard from many D. S. U. Dreamers in the early fall, is hard to maintain, and many of the estimated 65, 000 undocumented immigrants who graduate from high school every year — and thousands who drop out — simply can’t muster it. In a recent book, “Lives in Limbo,” Roberto G. Gonzales, an assistant professor at Harvard’s graduate school of education, writes that academically successful Dreamers are far outnumbered by those who become casualties of “the deeper and more consequences of being undocumented: living in poverty, having parents and family members who also bear the burdens of being undocumented, watching friends moving forward but being unable to join them, watching opportunities pass you by, navigating a world of exclusions while constantly looking over your shoulder. ” At least some of the opportunity scholars’ optimism last fall came from their assumption, based on reported polls, that Hillary Clinton would be the next president. They were heartened by her speeches about keeping families together and pursuing comprehensive immigration reform. At the very least, they were confident that DACA would remain in effect under her leadership. Though they didn’t believe Trump could win, he unnerved them with his speeches branding Mexicans criminals who stole Americans’ jobs and lived off their tax dollars. They took this rhetoric as a personal affront and were horrified by the hatred they saw on the faces of those who cheered his words. “The only thing that depresses me is so many people support him,” Jose Reyes Rios, the major, who aspires to work at Google one day, said in late September. On election night, a group of Dreamers gathered around the TV in the dorm lobby, many of them studying as they watched returns. Indira had exams the next day in math and biology and arrived equipped with her flash cards. The mood turned dark after Trump won Florida. Everyone’s mind flooded with his vows that they had discounted until now — to revoke DACA, to deputize local police departments to enforce federal immigration laws. “We will issue detainers for all illegal immigrants who are arrested for any crime whatsoever, and they will be placed into immediate removal proceedings,” Trump said last summer in Arizona. As all of them knew well, these crimes included one of their parents’ daily activities — driving without a license. If DACA disappeared, and with it their Social Security numbers, their own driver’s licenses would be worthless. So would their federal work authorization, meaning most would lose the jobs that paid for their books, phones, clothes, travel home and anything else they needed. By 1 a. m. Indira became too distressed to concentrate. Olivia Bekale was one of four opportunity scholars who watched until Trump was declared the . “We were just looking at each other and crying,” she says. “We hugged each other and went to our rooms. ” On the Sunday after the election, when they gathered in the dorm lobby, the opportunity scholars were struggling with something unfamiliar: despair. They had registered for DACA with the Department of Homeland Security, which now knew exactly where they were. “Life is going to be like it is for our parents,” said Victor Hernandez of Coats, N. C. stunned and shaking his head. “They could come pick us up and take us away any time. ” Social media brought aftershocks for all of them as they discovered that many of their best friends voted for Trump. Almost all of Antonio’s swim teammates in Lawrenceville had Trump filters on their Facebook and Snapchat profile pictures. “All I could think was: You voted against me,” he said. “What did I do to you?” The day after the election, Indira couldn’t bear to call her mother until the afternoon. Instead, she confided her fears in text messages to her former science teacher, Teresa Leach. “I’ve never been so disappointed in this country,” she wrote. “I’ve never felt so powerless. . .. I’m scared about my family, my mom. . .. Not sure if I’ll even get my degree, much less go to medical school here. ” When Indira finally did call home, her mother insisted she was not afraid and told Indira that education was now even more important. Several of Indira’s friends back home told her they doubted Trump would follow through on all his campaign promises, and in any case, they couldn’t imagine he would target her. “These are people who helped me get to where I am, who remind me they love me, and I love them,” she said. “But they’ll never understand what we feel. They say, ‘He won’t do that.’ Do they think he’s going to send back all the immigrants except Indira?” A lifeline of sorts arrived the week after the election, when the students received letters from TheDream. US, Governor Markell and the president of D. S. U. pledging to stand behind their scholarships no matter what became of DACA. Donald Graham lined up attorneys to represent them if anyone challenged their right to be in school. But their bigger fears were for their parents. Antonio and Indira went home for Christmas to find their families filled with trepidation. “We’re trying to be invisible, trying to stay hidden,” Antonio’s father said, “do only the things we have to do to live, like go to work, go buy groceries. ” During the 2015 holiday season, they took a driving tour of the Christmas lights and celebrated New Year’s Eve in downtown Lawrenceville. “Now we can’t go to any festivities because for us it’s very dangerous,” his mother told me in their apartment in a complex in Buford, Ga. “There are a lot of police there. ” Antonio’s father said he worries about driving his daughter, Litzy, 15, home from her practice at rush hour, when the police presence increases. Litzy was born in Georgia, and he thought of asking her to leave the team until she is old enough to drive because, as a citizen, she will be able to get a driver’s license. “But then I said to myself: ‘No! That’s crazy. That’s why we’re here — for our kids. So they can take advantage of every opportunity. ’’u2009” He continues to ferry her — carefully — during rush hour. Indira found her mother more frightened than at any time since receiving her deportation order. Her mother says she has no choice but to drive when someone at her church asks for help, when her children call for rides home and when she is needed at a charity medical clinic where she volunteers as a doctor’s assistant and translator. “Life changed after the election,” she told me in December, in her living room decorated with framed academic awards for each child. She was surrounded by her kids, who listened carefully. “The children know I don’t have a driver’s license. They know at any time maybe the police will take me again. ‘If I can’t come back,’ I tell them, ‘you have to go to school every day. You have to study hard — even harder. ’’u2009” By the time Indira and the other opportunity scholars returned to campus in January, all of them had come to the same conclusion: There was now only one thing they could control — their education. “The only way we can fight back is to excel in school,” Indira wrote to me in a text message. She felt weary in the aftermath of the election, but when she had this epiphany, she said: “I wasn’t tired anymore. I had that drive, that hunger to just come out on top. I was angry. I was staying at the library longer, going to the gym a lot more. ” Estephany Martinez focused on her life’s mission. “My goal is being a police chief — something that makes my voice louder,” said the major. “I have to educate myself to get there. I want to show people who don’t believe in us: ‘I got all the way here. I’m starting from the bottom with education, and I’m going to get there. ’’u2009” As they settled into the semester, they monitored everything Trump and his close allies were saying about immigration, their moods shifting with each utterance. Back in December, they felt hopeful when Trump, in his interview as Time Magazine’s Person of the Year, said approving things about Dreamers and indicated that he would deport serious criminals before other undocumented immigrants. They were discouraged in January when Jeff Sessions, in his confirmation hearing to become attorney general, appeared unconcerned about the consequences of revoking DACA. They took heart two days later when Paul Ryan, the speaker of the House, said in a CNN meeting that he wanted Congress to pass legislation making Dreamers “right with the law. ” Indira and other Georgia scholars were exhilarated in early January when a state court ordered the Board of Regents to allow DACA holders to pay tuition. But their hopes collapsed when a state appeals court stayed the decision Trump appeared likely to revoke DACA before Georgia Dreamers could reap the benefits. “I said: ‘I don’t know what’ll happen next, but we’re here in this place, and the only way we can win is to succeed in our education,’’u2009” Indira told me. Soon after classes started, the opportunity scholars learned that their collective grade point average for the first semester was a 3. 76. Six of the 34 students had achieved a perfect 4. 0. Indira was one of them. “Succeeding for me is how I can get my revenge,” she told me over the phone, interrupting her biology homework for a few minutes. “I want to break the stereotype of us being here taking jobs away and not helping the economy. I want Trump to see we’re the total opposite of what he thinks. ”
Trump blasts PGA Tour for plan to move golf tournament to Mexico
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, a golf resort developer who has railed against Mexico in the 2016 campaign, lost an important golf tournament to that country on Wednesday when the PGA Tour said it would leave his Trump Doral course in Miami. Although the PGA Tour said it was not a political decision, Trump said in a statement the move was akin to decisions by some U.S. companies to move jobs to Mexico, which has been a refrain of his presidential campaign. “The PGA Tour has put profit ahead of thousands of American jobs, millions of dollars in revenue for local communities and charities and the enjoyment of hundreds of thousands of fans who make the tournament an annual tradition,” he said. “This decision only further embodies the very reason I am running for president of the United States.” The PGA said the World Golf Championship event would move from Trump National Doral to a site in Mexico City and be sponsored by the Grupo Salinas conglomerate. PGA Tour Commissioner Tim Finchem said the move was necessary “once it became apparent that we would not be able to secure sponsorship at levels that would sustain the event and help it grow at Trump National Doral.” “From a golf standpoint, we have no issues with Donald Trump. From a political standpoint, we are neutral. The PGA Tour has never been involved or cares to be involved in presidential politics,” Finchem told a news conference in Dublin, Ohio. Cadillac has been the title sponsor for the event in recent years including this year’s tournament in March. Cadillac representatives did not respond to a request for comment. Trump’s son Eric Trump said Cadillac had been willing to continue. “Cadillac is ready, willing and able to continue as title sponsor for the tournament,” he told Reuters. “And I also can say that Cadillac is an amazing company and a longtime partner to the Trump Organization and we have an impeccable relationship.” The Doral tournament is one of the biggest pro golf events of the year, drawing top golfers from around the world competing for a $6 million purse. The Doral course has hosted a PGA tournament since 1962. Trump, whose golf empire includes 18 courses, purchased the golf resort in 2012 and led a $250 million renovation of its Blue Monster course where the PGA tournament has been played. The news about Doral surfaced on the same day that Trump announced he would step away from the campaign trail later this month to travel to Scotland for the reopening of the Turnberry golf resort, which he bought in 2014.
Trump warns 'emboldened' Iran to comply with nuclear deal
YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump issued a veiled threat against Iran on Tuesday, warning Tehran to adhere to the terms of a nuclear deal with world powers or else face “big, big problems.” A week after certifying Iran as complying with the 2015 agreement negotiated by Democratic President Barack Obama, Trump made clear to thousands of raucous supporters that he remains extremely wary of Tehran. Trump administration officials, briefing reporters last week, said new economic sanctions against Iran were being prepared over its ballistic missile program and for contributing to regional tensions. Trump devoted part of his speech in Youngstown, Ohio, to Iran. “If that deal doesn’t conform to what it’s supposed to conform to, it’s going to be big, big problems for them. That I can tell you. Believe me,” Trump said. “You would have thought they would have said ‘thank you United States. We really love you very much.’ Instead, they’ve become emboldened. That won’t take place much longer,” he said. Trump told the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday he would be surprised if Iran is in compliance with the nuclear deal when recertification comes up again in three months. “We’ll talk about the subject in 90 days but I would be surprised if they were in compliance,” he told the Journal in an interview. Fresh from a rare legislative victory in Washington when the Senate voted to start a debate on repealing Obamacare, Trump called on Democrats to end their opposition to his efforts but doubted they would. “It’s time for Democrats to stop resisting. That’s their term, resist, resist. They have to do finally what’s right for the American people, but probably we’ll do it ourselves,” he said. Trump used his speech to revisit some of the themes that helped him to his improbable victory in the presidential election in November. He railed against “radical Islamic terrorists” and vowed he wanted to keep them from entering the United States after the “total devastation” he said they had caused in Europe. “We only want to admit those into our country who share our values,” Trump said. Trump came to Ohio amid a simmering feud with his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, and facing a prolonged investigation into Russian meddling in the presidential election. He cast himself as an anti-establishment figure fighting entrenched special interests in Washington, a point that his wife, Melania Trump, stressed when she introduced him on stage. “Washington has fought him every step of the way, but I know my husband and he will never give up,” she said. Throughout the crowd were reminders of the campaign from chants of “drain the swamp” to “CNN sucks.” Several protesters were ejected, including a youth waving a Soviet-style flag. “Boy, he’s a young one,” Trump said. “He’s going back home to mommy. And I bet mommy voted for us.” Trump rejected criticism that he has a style as president that is not politically correct. He routinely draws criticism for his tweets. “I’d say with the exception of the late great Abraham Lincoln, I can be more presidential than any president that’s held this office,” he said. “But we have to move a little faster than that. We will never be beholden to the lobbyists or the special interests.”
Beard or no beard I can spot them a mile away. And other senses used.
DISABLED VET WITH CANE FORCED TO WALK To Trump Rally…Pictures Of Supporters Walking 3 Miles After Protesters Shut Down Roads
It s absolutely heartbreaking that a disabled veteran walking with a cane, after being shot serving our country is FORCED to walk to an event to hear a presidential candidate speak in America. He fought for our nation, and this is the respect he gets from these thugs? Shutting down free speech in America is NOT okay. In a normal world, our president would be holding a press conference to tell people they will be held accountable for their actions. Unfortunately, many Americans believe it is more likely our President is helping to organize these events behind the scenes with the major players in this threatening movement like George Soros and Black Lives Matter terrorists.Army vet who has a cane bc of nerve damage from when he was shot while serving walking to Trump rally. pic.twitter.com/aRk2eJFCRj Seema Mehta (@LATSeema) March 19, 2016Trump supporters are now abandoning cars and walking three miles to rally. pic.twitter.com/Jb0UPKVm1R Seema Mehta (@LATSeema) March 19, 2016Sheriff Joe's folks are on the scene. pic.twitter.com/oFgE3ASrNq Seema Mehta (@LATSeema) March 19, 2016And now the fallout from radical anti-Trump protesters can be seen with voters like these (below) all over America. As a side note, my parents were Rubio and Cruz supporters until the night the paid Soros protesters tried to shut down his rally in Chicago. The next day they went to the polls and BOTH voted for Trump. This movement will backfire. Trump will likely win in a landslide thanks in part to these throw back anarchists from the Occupy movement, Black Lives Matter terrorists, Pro-Palestinians (Jew haters), radical Muslim groups like CAIR, Soros paid protesters and misguided kids looking for something meaningful to do with their spare time:Scott & Rie Caswell drove 4 hrs to see Trump, can't get into rally, say undecided before but now voting for him pic.twitter.com/rxaJZO7XS2 Seema Mehta (@LATSeema) March 19, 2016
Assad aide says Syria will fight any force, including U.S.-backed militias
BEIRUT (Reuters) - A top aide to President Bashar al-Assad said on Friday the Syrian government would fight any force, including U.S.-backed forces also battling Islamic State militants, in its drive to recapture the whole of the country. Assad has previously vowed to recapture the whole of Syria. The government controls the main urban centres in the west of the country and has taken back much of the eastern desert from Islamic State in recent months. Whether it s the Syrian Democratic Forces, or Daesh (Islamic State) or any illegitimate foreign force in the country ... we will fight and work against them so our land is freed completely from any aggressor, Bouthaina Shaaban said in an interview with Hezbollah s Al Manar TV. Shaaban said the U.S.-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) had captured areas from Islamic State without any fighting , apparently accusing them of collusion with the jihadists. The SDF are trying to get areas (where there is) oil ... but they will not get what they want, she said. Shaaban also said plans to divide Syria had failed, without elaborating. The Kurdish YPG militia, which dominates the SDF, has for years controlled large parts of northeastern Syria. Advances against Islamic State in its Raqqa stronghold and a new offensive in Deir al-Zor are bringing more territory under the control of the SDF.
Guatemala political crisis may affect growth: central bank
GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - Guatemalan economic growth may slow if a political crisis sparked by a dispute between President Jimmy Morales and the head of a U.N. anti-corruption body persists, the head of the central bank said on Thursday. The Central American nation has been rattled by uncertainty since Morales on Sunday tried to eject Ivan Velasquez, head of Guatemala s International Commission against Impunity (CICIG), in the face of resistance from Western powers. The Friday before, Velasquez and the attorney general s office requested Morales be stripped of presidential immunity so he could be investigated for suspected campaign finance irregularities during his successful 2015 tilt at the top job. The country s top court later blocked Morales from expelling Velasquez, a decision the president accepted. Nevertheless, the dispute continues to simmer, and street protests have been staged in support of both Morales and Velasquez. The row has not had a negative effect on the economy so far, said Sergio Recinos, head of the central bank. But if it carries on for a long time, well, it s going to have an impact, he told Reuters in an interview. Morales, a former comedian, was elected on the back of popular discontent with his predecessor Otto Perez, who was toppled in 2015 over a multi-million dollar graft scandal uncovered by the CICIG and attorney general Thelma Aldana. Perez is now in prison standing trial. Recinos said he had received phone calls this week from credit rating agencies and international investors mindful of what had happened in 2015 so they could question him on the crisis. Saying the economy grew 4.1 percent in 2015, Recinos added that the Perez scandal did not immediately hit the economy. But in 2016 there was a slowdown (to 3.1 percent) and the (Perez) crisis must have had an effect, he added. The central bank now expects the Guatemalan economy to grow by between 3.0 and 3.4 percent this year. The CICIG, which is already investigating a brother and son of Morales on suspicion of fraud, has been strongly backed by the United Nations, the European Union and the United States.
FINALLY RELEASED! Email from Huma Abedin Includes Classified Documents [Video]
Thanks to the persistence of Judicial Watch, the emails from Huma Abedin were finally released today. Within those emails are classified documents that are heavily redacted . Chris Farrell just commented on the documents: A national security crime that Mr. Comey thinks is no big deal .@JudicialWatch Director of Investigations Chris Farrell on release of Huma Abedin emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop: "Yet another really grave national security crime that Mr. Comey apparently thinks is no big deal." https://t.co/xAzOlbGImt pic.twitter.com/YwvR2CIL3E FOX Business (@FoxBusiness) December 29, 2017Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch:Thanks to @JudicialWatch, we know classified info from Hillary Clinton s email server was on Anthony Weiner's laptop. There is an urgent need for a criminal investigation by the @RealDonaldTrump Justice Department. pic.twitter.com/rTCS8zD206 Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 29, 2017New York Post Reports:The State Department Friday released a trove of emails from Huma Abedin that the feds discovered on her husband Anthony Weiner s laptop including at least five that were marked as classified. Most of the emails were heavily redacted because they contained classified material but one that was sent on Nov. 25 2010 was addressed to Anthony Campaign, an apparent address belonging to Weiner.The message contained a list of talking points for then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, who was prepping to make a call to Prince Saud of Saudi Arabia to warn him about sensitive documents that had been given to WikiLeaks by then-Army intelligence officer Bradley Manning. I deeply regret the likely upcoming WikiLeaks disclosure, read one of the talking points. This appears to be the result of an illegal act in which a fully cleared intelligence officer stole information and gave it to a website. The person responsible will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law the message continued. This is the kind of information we fear may be released: details of private conversations with your government on Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. State was expected to dump roughly 2,800 emails as a result of a court case won by the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch.Thanks to @JudicialWatch, State Department now posting government docs from Clinton/Abedin found on Anthony Weiner laptop. Weiner campaign received classified info through Abedin/Clinton emails. Docs being posted here: https://t.co/dHCRPEk3gn Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) December 29, 2017This is a major victory, Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton, said in a statement. After years of hard work in federal court, Judicial Watch has forced the State Department to finally allow Americans to see these public documents.
LOL! Clinton News Network (CNN) SHUT DOWN At Trump Rally By Pro-Trump Deplorables [VIDEO]
A group of deplorables who are clearly sick and tired of the propaganda being passed off as truth by the Clinton News Network (CNN) managed to effectively shut down their pre-coverage of the Virginia Beach Trump rally. You gotta love the big guy wearing the Infowars Bill Clinton Rape t-shirt. You can hear the Trumpers yelling, CNN sucks and no integrity. Liberal media has no idea the genie that Trump let out of the bottle. Watch:
Trump wants to make sure U.S. nuclear arsenal at 'top of the pack'
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump said on Thursday he wants to ensure the U.S. nuclear arsenal is at the “top of the pack,” saying the United States has fallen behind in its weapons capacity. In a Reuters interview, Trump also said China could solve the national security challenge posed by North Korea “very easily if they want to,” ratcheting up pressure on Beijing to exert more influence to rein in Pyongyang’s increasingly bellicose actions. Trump also expressed support for the European Union as a governing body, saying “I’m totally in favor of it,” and for the first time as president expressed a preference for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but said he would be satisfied with whatever makes the two sides happy. Trump also predicted his efforts to pressure NATO allies to pay more for their own defense and ease the burden on the U.S. budget would reap dividends. “They owe a lot of money,” he said. In his first comments about the U.S. nuclear arsenal since taking office on Jan. 20, Trump was asked about a December tweet in which he said the United States must greatly strengthen and expand its nuclear capacity “until such time as the world comes to its senses regarding nukes.” Trump said in the interview he would like to see a world with no nuclear weapons but expressed concern that the United States has “fallen behind on nuclear weapon capacity.” “I am the first one that would like to see ... nobody have nukes, but we’re never going to fall behind any country even if it’s a friendly country, we’re never going to fall behind on nuclear power. “It would be wonderful, a dream would be that no country would have nukes, but if countries are going to have nukes, we’re going to be at the top of the pack,” Trump said. Russia has 7,000 warheads and the United States, 6,800, according to the Ploughshares Fund, an anti-nuclear group. “Russia and the United States have far more weapons than is necessary to deter nuclear attack by the other or by another nuclear-armed country,” said Daryl Kimball, executive director of the independent Arms Control Association non-profit group. The new strategic arms limitation treaty, known as New START, between the United States and Russia requires that by February 5, 2018, both countries must limit their arsenals of strategic nuclear weapons to equal levels for 10 years. The treaty permits both countries to have no more than 800 deployed and non-deployed land-based intercontinental and submarine-launched ballistic missile launchers and heavy bombers equipped to carry nuclear weapons, and contains equal limits on other nuclear weapons. Analysts have questioned whether Trump wants to abrogate New START or would begin deploying other warheads. In the interview, Trump called New START “a one-sided deal.” “Just another bad deal that the country made, whether it’s START, whether it’s the Iran deal ... We’re going to start making good deals,” he said. The United States is in the midst of a $1 trillion, 30-year modernization of its aging ballistic missile submarines, bombers and land-based missiles. Trump also complained that the Russian deployment of a ground-based cruise missile is in violation of a 1987 treaty that bans land-based American and Russian intermediate-range missiles. “To me it’s a big deal,” said Trump, who has held out the possibility of warmer U.S. relations with Russia. Asked if he would raise the issue with Putin, Trump said he would do so “if and when we meet.” He said he had no meetings scheduled as of yet with Putin. Speaking from behind his desk in the Oval Office, Trump expressed concern about North Korea’s ballistic missile tests and said accelerating a missile defense system for U.S. allies Japan and South Korea was among many options available. “There’s talks of a lot more than that,” Trump said, when asked about the missile defense system. “We’ll see what happens. But it’s a very dangerous situation, and China can end it very quickly in my opinion.” China has made clear that it opposes North Korea’s nuclear and missile programs and has repeatedly called for denuclearization of the Korean peninsula and a return to negotiations between Pyongyang and world powers. But efforts to change Pyongyang’s behavior through sanctions have historically failed, largely because of China’s fear that severe measures could trigger a collapse of the North Korean state and send refugees streaming across their border. Trump’s meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe earlier this month in Florida was interrupted by a ballistic missile launch by North Korea. Trump did not completely rule out possibly meeting North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at some point in the future under certain circumstances but suggested it might be too late. “It’s very late. We’re very angry at what he’s done, and frankly this should have been taken care of during the Obama administration,” he said. According to Japanese news reports, the Japanese government plans to start debate over the deployment of a U.S. missile defense system known as the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense, or THAAD, and the land-based Aegis Ashore missile defense system to improve its capability to counter North Korean ballistic missiles. The strength of Trump’s remarks in favor of the EU took some Brussels officials by surprise after his support for Britain’s vote last summer to exit from the EU. “I’m totally in favor of it,” Trump said of the EU. “I think it’s wonderful. If they’re happy, I’m in favor of it.” Statements by him and others in his administration have suggested to Europeans that he sees little value in the Union as such, which Trump last month called a “vehicle for Germany.”
‘Terrifying’: AT&T spying on Americans for profit, new documents reveal
‘Terrifying’: AT&T spying on Americans for profit, new documents reveal 'If companies are allowed to operate in this manner without repercussions, our democracy has no future' By Nadia Prupis Posted on October 28, 2016 by Nadia Prupis Telecommunications giant AT&T is spying on Americans for profit and helped law enforcement agencies investigate everything from the so-called war on drugs to Medicaid fraud—all at taxpayers’ expense, according to new reporting by The Daily Beast . The program, known as Project Hemisphere, allowed state and local agencies to conduct warrantless searches of trillions of call records and other cellular data—such as “where a target is located, with whom he speaks, and potentially why”—for a massive range of investigations, the Beast ‘s Kenneth Lipp reports. In one case examined by the news outlet, a sheriff’s office in Victorville, California, used Hemisphere to track down a homicide suspect. Hemisphere was first revealed by the New York Times in 2013, but was described at the time as a “partnership” between AT&T and drug enforcement agencies used in counter-narcotics operations. Neither, it turns out, is entirely true. Lipp writes: AT&T’s own documentation—reported here by The Daily Beast for the first time—shows Hemisphere was used far beyond the war on drugs to include everything from investigations of homicide to Medicaid fraud. “partnership” but rather a product AT&T developed, marketed, and sold at a cost of millions of dollars per year to taxpayers. No warrant is required to make use of the company’s massive trove of data, according to AT&T documents, only a promise from law enforcement to not disclose Hemisphere if an investigation using it becomes public. &T seeks to buy out Time Warner in a mega-merger that media watchdogs are warning would create “dangerous concentrations of political and economic power.” said Tuesday , “The for-profit spying program that these documents detail is more terrifying than the illegal [National Security Agency] surveillance programs that Edward Snowden exposed. Far beyond the NSA and FBI, these tools are accessible to a wide range of law enforcement officers including local police, without a warrant, as long as they pay up.” It makes me sick to my stomach thinking about it,” Greer said. &T went above and beyond to make the operation profitable, Lipp writes. ACLU technology policy analyst Christopher Soghoian told the Beast , Companies have to give this data to law enforcement upon request, if they have it. AT&T doesn’t have to data-mine its database to help police come up with new numbers to investigate.” This document here is striking,” Schwartz told Beast . I’ve seen documents produced by the government regarding Hemisphere, but this is the first time I’ve seen an AT&T document which requires parallel construction in a service to government. It’s very troubling and not the way law enforcement should work in this country.” At a minimum there is a very serious question whether they should be doing it without a warrant. A benefit to the parallel construction is they never have to face that crucible. Then the judge, the defendant, the general public, the media, and elected officials never know that AT&T and police across America funded by the White House are using the world’s largest metadata database to surveil people,” he said. “Customers trusted AT&T with some of their most private information, and the company turned around and literally built a product to sell that information to as many government agencies and police departments as they could. Not only did they fail to have any safeguards to prevent unauthorized use of the data, they actually required law enforcement to keep the program secret and dig up or fabricate other evidence, to hide the fact that they’d received information from AT&T.” &T to shut down the program and on the U.S. Department of Justice to investigate Hemisphere and reveal all the cases in which it was used. If companies are allowed to operate in this manner without repercussions, our democracy has no future,” Greer said. Common Dreams staff writer. Special Reports .
Attorney Makes No Bones About Popeyes Chicken Lawsuit Gulfport, MS
Friday, 4 November 2016 There Are Bones Beneath That Meat A Gulfport Mississippi attorney who said he choked on the bones in Popeyes' fried chicken last year believes a warning label placed on the bones beneath the meat could have prevented all his anxiety, pain and suffering. Now he's suing to get warning labels affixed to all Popeye's chicken bones and monetary compensation for himself. Attorney Pawl Newton, said he got the idea for the lawsuit when he drove through the drive-thru in Gulfport in November 2015. According to the lawsuit filed this week, Newton bought one chicken breast. He was given salt and pepper. Newton then drove to his nearby lair and started eating. "Because Newton's order did not include warning labels on the bones beneath the layers of meat, plaintiff Newton held a chicken breast in his hands and tore off pieces of meat thereof with his canines, eating them until reaching the bones which he then also ate since there were no labels on the bones warning him not to eat them as well," the lawsuit states. That's when Newton then started to choke on a piece of the chicken bone. The lawsuit said he had to undergo emergency surgery at Memorial Hospital to remove it and some gall from his throat. Newton is suing Popeyes and the parking lot paving company which facilitated his vehicle entry to the drive-through to pay for all his medical expenses, compensate him for his pain and suffering, and award punitive damages. He also wants all future Popeyes' chicken bones to be labeled 'Not For Human Consumption' so customers will be able to safely eat their chicken again." "If you choke on your chicken and you have to get the chicken removed from your throat, it's not because Popeyes didn't apply a warning label to the bones," former employee Cory Tokes said. "Maybe you should have sense enough to stop eating when you get to the bones. Nobody eats chicken bones. What a dumbshyster." Jacque Tokes is equally perplexed about the suit. "Commonsense tells us about how much to bite and not to put bones in our mouths to keep us from choking on our chicken or we would all be dead already," added Stokes. A Popeye's press release says that its legal team has initiated legal actions against the Missippi Bar Association for giving Newton a law/liquor license and against Newton's mother's birth control provider. Make Winston Smith's
49ers Defy Trump, Kneel During Anthem In Solidarity With Colin Kaepernick (VIDEO)
Former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick has been essentially blacklisted in the NFL for daring to kneel during the national anthem in order to protest police brutality against people of color. He was the original player to #takeaknee, and has paid dearly for it. However, since Donald Trump has seen fit to attack anyone daring to protest in this way, the tide on the anthem protests has taken on new life. After Trump s original attacks, players throughout the league were taking knees last Sunday. The attacks continued from Trump this week, and players continued to defy Trump. Perhaps most notably, those on Kaepernick s old team.The 49ers had an entire row of players kneeling during the anthem, right in front of those who chose to stand. However, despite choosing to stand, those players had their hands on the shoulders of those kneeling in solidarity. Trump might continue to petulantly tweet at these people who are using their public platform to shine a light on the very serious and deadly issue of police brutality, but clearly things are not going in the way he had hoped.Then again, Trump seems to think that everyone is as tone deaf and racist as he and his mouthbreathing, flag-soaked base are. That is clearly not the case, though. Newsflash, you orange fascist the world is much less tolerant of bigotry than you might like to think. People are sick and tired of your screaming racism through your bullhorn and using the bully pulpit of the White House to attack anyone who would dare to do the right thing here.Good on these brave players. They ll surely be attacked for what they are doing once again, from Donald Trump s overly active Twitter account. But, at the end of the day, they are the ones who are on the right side of history.Watch the video below, courtesy of the 49ers official Twitter:Together pic.twitter.com/PwKDagudCq San Francisco 49ers (@49ers) October 1, 2017Featured image via video screen capture
Watch: Adam ’Pacman’ Jones Kicks Reporter Asking About His Arrest Out of Interview - Breitbart
Cincinnati Bengals cornerback Adam “Pacman” Jones ripped a reporter Monday after a voluntary offseason workout. Jones was speaking to media for the first time since being his offseason arrest where he was caught on video wishing death on a cop when a reporter asked if he had anything to prove to the fans following his January assault, despite telling reporters he did not want to talk about his arrest. “Didn’t I just tell you don’t ask me that?” Jones replied. “You out … Turn around. Go back, go back that way. Bye. See you. Next question. ” “That’s his last interview of the year,” he said as he walked off. “Don’t come over here no more for the rest of the year. ” Per Fox 19, Jones continued to “lash out” at their reporter when cameras were off. He reportedly raised his voice and cursed at him. Teammates and head coach Marvin Lewis reportedly had to speak with Jones at his locker to calm him down. “Pacman,” who has a lengthy history of arrests, entered an treatment program and anger management following his arrest on charges of harassment with a bodily substance, assault, obstructing official business and disorderly conduct for fighting with a security guard, and later spitting on a jail nurse. Follow Trent Baker on Twitter @MagnifiTrent
DEMOCRAT LAWMAKER Puts Forth Bill Requiring Wife’s Permission For Men To Obtain Viagra Prescription
Leave it to a Democrat to waste everyone s time and money by putting forth legislation she knows has no chance of passing, as a means to convince legislators they need to make it easier to kill an unborn child. A Kentucky lawmaker has put forward a bill that would require men to visit a doctor at least twice and obtain a signed permission slip from their wives before they could obtain a prescription for the erectile dysfunction drug Viagra.State Rep. Mary Lou Marzian, a Democrat, acknowledged to the Louisville Courier-Journal that the bill has no chance of passing. However, she said the bill was a response to several anti-abortion measures, including a recently ratified law that requires a woman seeking an abortion to get counseling at least 24 hours in advance from a health professional.In an opinion piece, Marzian said her bill is meant to illustrate the absurdity of government encroachment into women s personal and medical decisions currently running amok in the Kentucky General Assembly and [Gov. Matt] Bevin administration. Marzian s bill specifies that only married men can obtain Viagra and a prospective patient must make a sworn statement with his hand on a Bible that he will only use a prescription for a drug for erectile dysfunction when having sexual relations with his current spouse. Other state lawmakers have filed similar bills to make political points. In 2012, a bill from an Ohio state senator required men to get a psychological evaluation before getting a Viagra prescription and last year a South Carolina state representative filed a bill that would require men to wait 24 hours before getting a prescription.Marzian has also said she would file a bill requiring potential gun buyers to undergo counseling from victims of gun violence 24 hours in advance of the purchase. Via: FOX News
ATF Permanently Relocating More Agents to Violence-Plagued Chicago - Breitbart
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) is permanently relocating more agents to Chicago in the wake of the city’s nearly 800 homicides in 2016 and the upward trend in violence during January 2017. [The new agents will be part of the “Chicago Crime Guns Strike Force. ” According to CNN, “ATF headquarters in Washington sent out a bulletin to field offices around the country Wednesday looking for agents to volunteer for permanent transfer to the Chicago area. ” An unidentified official said “it’s unusual to ask for permanent relocation in reaction to a specific problem. ” Normal practice is for the agency to request a surge of agents “for 30 to 60 days. ” January 2017 saw a surge in shootings and violence that easily surpassed the violence witnessed in January 2016. According to the Chicago Tribune, “At least 228 people were shot in Chicago [January 1 through January 22, 2017]. ” That was an increase of 16 victims above the number shot during the same period in 2016. And there were “at least 42 homicides,” marking a “23. 5 percent … [increase from] the 34 homicides from the same period in 2016. ” President Trump reacted to this surge in violence by tweeting: If Chicago doesn’t fix the horrible ”carnage” going on, 228 shootings in 2017 with 42 killings (up 24% from 2016) I will send in the Feds! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 25, 2017, CNN spoke to two ATF officials about the additional federal agents heading to Chicago. One said the new surge “is not in response” to Trump’s tweet and the second official “could not say for sure that Trump’s comment had nothing to do with decision. ” AWR Hawkins is the Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and host of Bullets with AWR Hawkins, a Breitbart News podcast. He is also the political analyst for Armed American Radio. Follow him on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at awrhawkins@breitbart. com.
Republicans Want To Tax Democratic States More To Pay For Tax Cuts For The Rich
When Republicans talk about cutting taxes, they generally talk about cutting the taxes of the wealthy and the major corporations under the absolute lie that those tax cuts will lead to prosperity for everyone else. But that s not working, and they know it. They just can t admit it. To make up for the shortfalls caused by these tax cuts, they now want to effectively raise taxes on certain other people: Their opponents, the Democrats.Their current tax reform plan calls for eliminating the federal deduction for state and local taxes. But wait, you might ask, how is that only raising taxes on Democrats? Doesn t that raise taxes on everyone? Well, yes, but this would disproportionately affect blue states specifically, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and California.These are the states where taxpayers get the biggest deductions. Therefore, these people would see their taxes go up considerably more than people living in red states. These four states have high taxes, but they also have high property values and high cost of living. No red state ranks in the top 10 for this particular deduction. One might say that the low taxes in red states are better anyway, but then why is it that blue states tend to be more wealthy and prosperous?It s a well-known fact that blue states generally subsidize red states at the federal level. They send more dollars to the federal government than they receive. Red states, on the other hand, take in a lot more and pay a lot less to the federal government. Essentially, red states live off the backs of blue states while whining up one side and down the other about socialism and having to pay to subsidize other people.The national average for this particular deduction is just over $11,000, but the four states listed above all deduct more than $17,000. What better way to ensure that the residents of these states pay even more for the poverty in red states than to eliminate thousands of dollars of deductions?Republican lawmakers from these blue states are pushing back very hard on this, because it is, in effect, selective tax increase on people who actually do need to see their taxes cut. However, other Republicans are claiming that eliminating this deduction will actually allow Congress to lower other taxes.Oh, please. It won t work that way, not because it can t (this would raise enough money to pay for lower income taxes, if done right), but because Republicans are incapable of coming up with a plan that s actually beneficial to low- and middle-income Americans.Here s a novel idea: Why don t they eliminate certain tax breaks and loopholes that only apply to the top 1 percent, instead of one that the shrinking middle class benefits from too? Oh wait, they can t do that. They ll lose their rich backers if they do.Featured image via Alex Wong/Getty Images
Polling safeguards stepped up after Trump's 'rigged election' claim
(Reuters) - Authorities in Philadelphia will station prosecutors throughout the city on election day to respond to any reports of voter intimidation or other illegal activity after Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump claimed that polling might be “rigged” in this mostly minority city. Philadelphia is one of many U.S. municipalities wrestling with how to respond to Trump’s call for supporters to “watch” polling places, and corresponding promises from civil rights groups that they will send their own backers to the polls. “All of our election judges will be provided with cell phones that have direct access to the district attorney’s office of Philadelphia,” said Tim Dowling, chief deputy to City Commissioner Lisa Deeley. “As soon as you cross the line, you’re going to be dealing with law enforcement.” The Nov. 8 presidential election has been among the most contentious in the nation’s history. Trump, whose campaign has been shaken by allegations that he groped numerous women after a video surfaced in which he made lewd comments about groping women, has refused to promise that he will accept the results of the election if he loses to Democrat Hillary Clinton. This week, Trump told supporters to “watch” polling places in such cities as Philadelphia, St. Louis and Chicago - all with large minority populations. As Trump has slipped in the polls, he has repeatedly said the election is “rigged” against him. Fearing that to be true, voters in Denver have been calling officials seeking reassurance, said Amber McReynolds, the city’s director of elections. “Voters will call in and say, ‘Is the election rigged?’ McReynolds said. “We try to explain how the process works. ... Rigging an election is pretty much impossible.” Various election experts, including Republicans, have said that it is virtually impossible to rig a presidential election, and numerous studies have shown that voter fraud in U.S. elections is very rare. In Arizona, a traditionally Republican state where polls have recently begun to show an increase in support for Clinton, poll workers are being trained to deal with an expected onslaught of observers, said Elizabeth Bartholomew, spokeswoman for elections officials in Maricopa County, where Phoenix is located. In North Carolina, where a local Republican party headquarters was badly damaged on Sunday in an unsolved arson attack, state elections officials are taking extra steps to address poll security. On Wednesday, the state elections board’s executive director, Kim Strach, sent county elections officials a memo outlining examples of prohibited behavior at polling places and emphasizing that state and federals laws bar intimidation and coercion at the polls. In Philadelphia, teams from the district attorney’s office will be stationed throughout the city, ready to respond at a moment’s notice, Dowling said. The city is also increasing security at polling places, demanding for the first time identification even from credentialed poll-watchers sent by political parties. The city has activated such teams in previous elections, but this year there are more, and they will be set up at police stations. “Because of all the rhetoric, we’re erring on the side of caution,” Dowling said. Despite the high-profile nature of the claims, fears about intimidation at polling places may be overblown. Some of Trump’s supporters have distanced themselves from his remarks about watching the polls. Many jurisdictions allow poll watchers, but they generally have to be credentialed and their numbers are limited. Several elections officials said they had so far not received an unusually high number of requests for poll-watcher credentials. In Leon County, Florida, for example, where the state capital of Tallahassee is located, 55 people affiliated with the Democratic Party had registered as poll watchers to observe early voting, which begins Monday. Two had signed up on behalf of Trump, and none for the Republican Party, Ion Sancho, supervisor of elections for the county. “We don’t believe there will be any problems at the polls,” he said. Florida civil rights activist Becca Guerra said she is not worried about voter intimidation inside polling places because of rules on electioneering and on poll watchers, but voters may have trouble outside in the parking lot. “We are training our folks to be the eyes and ears,” she said.
Trump advisers to meet Tuesday to discuss Paris climate agreement
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Advisers to President Donald Trump will meet on Tuesday to discuss whether to recommend that he withdraw the United States from the Paris climate accord, a White House official said on Monday. The accord, agreed on by nearly 200 countries in Paris in 2015, aims to limit planetary warming in part by slashing carbon dioxide and other emissions from the burning of fossil fuels. Under the pact, the United States committed to reducing its emissions by 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025. Trump has said the United States should “cancel” the deal, but he has been mostly quiet on the issue since he was elected last November. Environmental groups want Washington to remain in the Paris agreement, even if the new administration weakens U.S. pledges. A White House official said Trump’s aides would “discuss the options, with the goal of providing a recommendation to the president about the path forward.” The meeting comes before a summit of the Group of Seven wealthy nations in late May, the deadline for the White House to take a position. White House officials, led by the National Economic Council, have recently been asking publicly traded energy companies for advice on whether to stay in the agreement. Peabody Energy has consulted with White House officials, and Cloud Peak Energy Inc confirmed to Reuters it had told White House advisers it was in its interests for the United States to remain in the agreement to ensure there was a global role for high-efficiency coal plants. On Monday, liquified natural gas exporter Cheniere Energy sent a letter to George David Banks, who handles international energy issues at the NEC, to recommend remaining in the Paris agreement so “the United States can leverage competitive advantages in natural gas and energy technology.” The advisers expected to attend Tuesday’s meeting include Energy Secretary Rick Perry and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt. Perry, a former Texas governor, at his confirmation hearings in January softened a previous position that the science behind climate change was “phony.” Last week, Pruitt, a former Oklahoma attorney general, said the United States should exit the agreement because it was a “bad deal” for the country. Justin Guay, climate program officer for the Packard Foundation, said countries like China and India would continue to shift toward clean energy even if the United States retreated, adding: “It is most important that the U.S. stays at the table.”
Kremlin wants opposition's call for election boycott investigated
MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin said on Tuesday a call by opposition leader Alexei Navalny to boycott next year s presidential election must be checked to see if it complies with the law, paving the way for possible police action against him and his supporters. Navalny called on Monday for a boycott of the March 18 election after Russia s central election commission ruled he was not eligible to run for president due to a suspended prison sentence hanging over him. The calls for a boycott will require scrupulous study, to see whether or not they comply with the law, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters on a conference call. Declining to comment on the election commission s decision, Peskov shrugged off allegations that the presidential poll would be a farce without Navalny. The fact that one of the would-be candidates is not taking part has no bearing on the election s legitimacy, said Peskov. Navalny, a 41-year-old lawyer, has repeatedly said the suspended sentence handed to him in an embezzlement case was politically motivated. On Monday Navalny said millions of voters would be disenfranchised without his participation in the election, which opinion polls show incumbent Vladimir Putin winning comfortably. The European Union also questioned the Russian election commission s decision to bar Navalny. (It) casts a serious doubt on political pluralism in Russia and the prospect of democratic elections next year, the EU s External Action Service said in a statement on Tuesday. Politically motivated charges should not be used against political participation, it said, urging Moscow to ensure a level playing field for all Russian elections. Putin, 65, has dominated Russia s political landscape for the last 17 years and if, as expected, he wins next year s election would be eligible to serve another six years until 2024, when he turns 72. Allies laud Putin as a father-of-the-nation figure who has restored national pride and expanded Moscow s global clout with interventions in Syria and Ukraine. Navalny says Putin s support is exaggerated and artificially maintained by a biased state media and an unfair system which excludes genuine opponents. He says he could defeat him in a fair election, an assertion Putin s supporters have laughed off. Navalny has been jailed three times this year and charged with breaking the law for organizing public meetings and rallies designed to bolster his presidential campaign.
Дай миллион! Я телевизор посмотрел…
Дай миллион! Я телевизор посмотрел… 18 ноября 2016 Общество Американская традиция подавать иски на миллион против крупных корпораций и СМИ, похоже, становится частью российской действительности. Об этом свидетельствует иск москвича Р.Масленникова, который подал в суд не на какое-нибудь бистро или районную многотиражку, а на телецентр “Останкино”, и требует, как водится, миллион (правда, в рублях). Именно в такую сумму Масленников оценивает невыносимые терзания, которые он испытывает перед телеэкраном. Началась жуткая история, достойная самого Стивена Кинга, несколько лет назад, когда Масленников забыл или не смог посмотреть телевизор. В тот же день у него резко ухудшились аппетит и настроение. Ладно бы что-нибудь одно, а так и бутерброд не полез в рот, и небо перестало сверкать алмазами. Встревоженный телезритель начал наблюдения за собственным организмом и обнаружил, что опасные симптомы, свидетельствующие, по его мнению, о нарушении обмена веществ, появляются только в те дни, когда он не посмотрит телевизор хотя бы полчаса. Пришлось, спасая организм и обмен веществ, ежедневно по два часа проводить перед экраном, созерцая все подряд — сериалы, ток-шоу, новости, рекламные ролики и прочую телепродукцию. Не хотел, терзался — а смотрел, ибо чего для здоровья не сделаешь! Но чем дольше Масленников предавался просмотру, тем хуже ему становилось. Аппетит вроде восстановился, но начались провалы в памяти. Дошло до того, что истец не мог вспомнить на следующий день ни содержание просмотренных телепередач, ни свои действия. Происходящее с ним (а заодно, надобно полагать, с миллионами телезрителей) истец охарактеризовал как «отупление населения» и потребовал от «Останкино» расплаты. От иска Масленникова осталось бы впечатление обычного курьеза или, самое большее, неумелой попытки самопиара, Увы, на телевидении преобладает развлекательная продукция, рассчитанная на самые невзыскательные вкусы. Не сеет оно “доброе, разумное, вечное”, зато для любителей скандальных шоу, при виде которых вспоминается пьеса Горького “На дне”, раздолье. Так что чем бы ни был вызван “крик души” москвича, он – пусть и в трагикомической форме – затрагивает достаточно серьезную социальную проблему. Вот только как ее решать? Если превратить все телеканалы в клоны “Культуры”, то будет не один иск, а тысячи. Суды завалят исками поклонники “Пусть говорят” и “Дома-2” с жалобами, что их насильно “окультурили” и они не смогут ни есть, ни радоваться жизни, пока им не выплатят миллион. Каждому. В качестве моральной компенсации за навязанную духовность.
Palestinian Protesters Attack US Embassy in Lebanon
The US Embassy in Lebanon went on lock-down today after demonstrators gathered outside on Sunday morning, as Pro-Palestinian protesters showed their outrage over U.S. President Donald Trump s provocative decision to recognize illegally occupied Jerusalem as the Zionist entity s capital city. Evetns turned violent after protesters hurled projectiles at police, and also set fires to makeshift barricades erected on the street in front of the US Embassy secure compound, located north of Beirut, Lebanon.Protesters also reportedly burned US, Israeli flags and an effigy of US President Donald Trump.Later, angry protestors manged to pull down a portion of the front metal gates to the US Embassy.Lebanese security forces deployed tear gas and water cannons to try and repel angry mobs.Reuters reports: Late on Saturday Arab foreign ministers meeting in Cairo urged the United States to abandon its decision and said the move would spur violence throughout the region.Israel says that all of Jerusalem is its capital. Palestinians want East Jerusalem as the capital of a future independent state.Most countries consider East Jerusalem, which Israel annexed after capturing it in a 1967 war, to be occupied territory and say the status of the city should be left to be decided at future Israeli-Palestinian talks.The government of Lebanon, which hosts about 450,000 Palestinian refugees, has condemned Trump s decision. Lebanese President Michel Aoun last week called the move a threat to regional stability.The powerful Iran-backed Lebanese Shi ite group Hezbollah on Thursday said it backed calls for a new Palestinian uprising against Israel in response to the U.S. decision.Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah also called for a protest against the decision in the Hezbollah-controlled southern suburbs of Beirut on Monday. STAY TUNED FOR UPDATESREAD MORE PALESTINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Palestine FilesSUPPORT 21WIRE SUBSCRIBE & BECOME A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV
Anthem to pare back Obamacare offerings in Nevada and Georgia
(Reuters) - U.S. health insurer Anthem Inc (ANTM.N) said on Monday it will no longer offer Obamacare plans in Nevada’s state exchange and will stop offering the plans in nearly half of Georgia’s counties next year. The moves come after Republican senators last month failed to repeal and replace Obamacare, former President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare reform law, creating uncertainty over how the program providing health benefits to 20 million Americans will be funded and managed in 2018. Hundreds of U.S. counties are at risk of losing access to private health coverage in 2018 as insurers consider pulling out of those markets in the coming months. Nevada had said in June that residents in 14 counties out of 17 in the state would not have access to qualified health plans on the state exchanges. Anthem’s decision to leave the state entirely does not increase the number of “bare counties” in the state, Nevada Insurance Commissioner Barbara Richardson said in a statement. The insurer will still offer “catastrophic plans,” which can be purchased outside the state’s exchange and are only available to consumers under 30 years old or with a low income. Anthem also said it will only offer Obamacare plans in 85 of Georgia’s 159 counties. It said the counties it will continue to offer the plans in are mostly rural counties that would otherwise not have health insurance coverage for their residents. It said these changes do not impact Anthem’s Medicare Advantage, Medicaid or employer-based plans in either state. The company said last week that it will pull out of 16 of 19 pricing regions in California in 2018 where it offered Obamacare options this year. Anthem blamed the moves in part on uncertainty over whether the Trump administration would maintain subsidies that keep costs down. U.S. President Donald Trump last week threatened to cut off subsidy payments that make the plans affordable for lower-income Americans and help insurers to keep premiums down, after efforts to repeal the law signed by his predecessor, President Barack Obama, failed in Congress. Trump has repeatedly urged Republican lawmakers to keep working to undo Obama’s Affordable Care Act.
Audio: Inside the Room With President-Elect Donald Trump - The New York Times
The interview with Donald J. Trump is on. Then, abruptly, it’s off. What’s that? Oh, it’s back on again. So here we are, in a boardroom at The New York Times, over a lunch of salmon and steak, sitting around a giant wooden table with the president elect, posing questions to a man who has mocked, maligned and threatened us for the past two years. What actually happened in that room, when Mr. Trump sat down with the editors, reporters and columnists for The Times on Tuesday? How did it feel? What did we learn about him? And why, after all the taunts and outbursts, was Mr. Trump so civil toward us — nice, even? In the latest episode of The I reconstruct this extraordinary hourlong session with the by using exclusive audio clips from the encounter. And I speak to two of my colleagues who, like me, participated in the interview: Maggie Haberman, a politics reporter, and Ross Douthat, a Times columnist. From a desktop or laptop, you can listen by pressing play on the button above. Or if you’re on a mobile device, the instructions below will help you find and subscribe to the series. On your iPhone or iPad: 1. Open your podcast app. It’s a app called “Podcasts” with a purple icon. (This link may help.) 2. Search for the series. Tap on the “search” magnifying glass icon at the bottom of the screen, type in “The ” and select it from the list of results. 3. Subscribe. Once on the series page, tap on the “subscribe” button to have new episodes sent to your phone free. You may want to adjust your notifications to be alerted when a new episode arrives. 4. Or just sample. If you would rather listen to an episode or two before deciding to subscribe, tap on the episode title from the list on the series page. If you have an internet connection, you’ll be able to stream the episode. On your Android phone or tablet: 1. Open your podcast app. It’s a app called “Play Music” with an icon. (This link may help.) 2. Search for the series. Click on the magnifying glass icon at the top of the screen, search for the name of the series and select it from the list of results. You may have to scroll down to find the “Podcasts” search results. 3. Subscribe. Once on the series page, click on the word “subscribe” to have new episodes sent to your phone free. 4. Or just sample. If you would rather listen to an episode or two before deciding to subscribe, click on the episode title from the list on the series page. If you have an internet connection, you’ll be able to stream the episode.