import torch.nn as nn |
import numpy as np |
import torch.nn.functional as F |
from models.networks.base_network import BaseNetwork |
from models.networks.normalization import get_norm_layer |
import util.util as util |
class MultiscaleDiscriminator(BaseNetwork): |
@staticmethod |
def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train): |
parser.add_argument('--netD_subarch', type=str, default='n_layer', |
help='architecture of each discriminator') |
parser.add_argument('--num_D', type=int, default=2, |
help='number of discriminators to be used in multiscale') |
opt, _ = parser.parse_known_args() |
subnetD = util.find_class_in_module(opt.netD_subarch + 'discriminator', |
'models.networks.discriminator') |
subnetD.modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train) |
return parser |
def __init__(self, opt): |
super().__init__() |
self.opt = opt |
for i in range(opt.num_D): |
subnetD = self.create_single_discriminator(opt) |
self.add_module('discriminator_%d' % i, subnetD) |
def create_single_discriminator(self, opt): |
subarch = opt.netD_subarch |
if subarch == 'n_layer': |
netD = NLayerDiscriminator(opt) |
else: |
raise ValueError('unrecognized discriminator subarchitecture %s' % subarch) |
return netD |
def downsample(self, input): |
return F.avg_pool2d(input, kernel_size=3, |
stride=2, padding=[1, 1], |
count_include_pad=False) |
def forward(self, input): |
result = [] |
get_intermediate_features = not self.opt.no_ganFeat_loss |
for name, D in self.named_children(): |
out = D(input) |
if not get_intermediate_features: |
out = [out] |
result.append(out) |
input = self.downsample(input) |
return result |
class NLayerDiscriminator(BaseNetwork): |
@staticmethod |
def modify_commandline_options(parser, is_train): |
parser.add_argument('--n_layers_D', type=int, default=4, |
help='# layers in each discriminator') |
return parser |
def __init__(self, opt): |
super().__init__() |
if opt.task != 'SIS': |
opt.n_layers_D = 3 |
self.opt = opt |
kw = 4 |
padw = int(np.ceil((kw - 1.0) / 2)) |
nf = opt.ndf |
input_nc = self.compute_D_input_nc(opt) |
norm_layer = get_norm_layer(opt, opt.norm_D) |
sequence = [[nn.Conv2d(input_nc, nf, kernel_size=kw, stride=2, padding=padw), |
nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, False)]] |
for n in range(1, opt.n_layers_D): |
nf_prev = nf |
nf = min(nf * 2, 512) |
stride = 1 if n == 3 else 2 |
sequence += [[norm_layer(nn.Conv2d(nf_prev, nf, kernel_size=kw, |
stride=stride, padding=padw)), |
nn.LeakyReLU(0.2, False) |
]] |
sequence += [[nn.Conv2d(nf, 1, kernel_size=kw, stride=1, padding=padw)]] |
for n in range(len(sequence)): |
self.add_module('model' + str(n), nn.Sequential(*sequence[n])) |
def compute_D_input_nc(self, opt): |
input_nc = opt.output_nc |
if opt.task == 'SIS': |
input_nc += opt.label_nc |
if opt.contain_dontcare_label: |
input_nc += 1 |
if not opt.no_instance: |
input_nc += 1 |
return input_nc |
def forward(self, input): |
results = [input] |
for submodel in self.children(): |
intermediate_output = submodel(results[-1]) |
results.append(intermediate_output) |
get_intermediate_features = not self.opt.no_ganFeat_loss |
if get_intermediate_features: |
return results[1:] |
else: |
return results[-1] |