Tables of Lexicon-Grammar version 3.4 - 2011/10/05 |
http://infolingu.univ-mlv.fr/ |
License: LGPL-LR |
Tables of the French Lexicon-Grammar constitute a large lexical, syntactic |
and semantic database for verbs (Gross, 1975; Borillo, 1971; Boons et al., |
1976a, 1976b; Leclère, 1990; Guillet et Leclère, 1992), nouns playing the |
predicative role ("verbal nouns") (Labelle, 1974; Giry-Schneider, 1978; de |
Négroni-Peyre, 1978; Meunier, 1981; Vivès, 1983; Giry-Schneider, 1987; |
Gross, 1989; Giry-Schneider & Balibar-Mrabti, 1993; Giry-Schneider, 2005), |
frozen expressions (Danlos, 1980; Gross, 1982, 1988, 1996) and adverbs |
(Gross, 1986; Molinier & Levrier, 2000). |
For more details about the modifications of tables, see (Tolone, 2011, |
2009, 2010; Tolone et al. 2010). |
Contents: |
- the number of entries and the reference of each table |
- one directory per category, containing tables of this category |
- one directory per category, containing the table of classes of this |
category, and moreover for verbs: |
- an index of all entries with their class identifier and several examples |
- documentation of features |
- defining formulas of each table |
- classification tree and its reading conventions |
You can contribute to the Lexicon-Grammar (new classes, new lexical items, |
new features, etc.) and send the data you have built to Takuya Nakamura |
(LIGM) : takuya.nakamura@univ-mlv.fr |
____________ |
File format: |
The tables are in the CSV format (see |
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values). This format enable to |
represent tables independently of the software used (Microsoft Excel, |
LibreOffice Calc, OpenOffice.org Calc, Gnumeric, etc.). However, the software |
must handle Unicode, otherwise bad caracteres we will appear. |
Files are in UTF-8. Each line is a row of the table, and cells of a same row |
are separated by semicolons. Text fields of cells are delimited by double quote |
characters. Inside of a text field, double quote characters are escaped by |
being doubled. |
When opening tables in the CSV format in a spreadsheet software, the |
parameters are: |
- The separator is ; (Semicolon) |
- The text separator is " (Double quote) |
For a better readability of the tables: |
- To select the first line click on the 1 of the left column: |
Format > Cells > Degrees : 90 > OK |
- To select all the cells click on the top left corner (Ctrl+A): |
Column > Optimal width > Add : 0,2cm > OK |
If the file is open with a plain text editor, separator consistency must be |
respected. |
Tables in the CSV format are generated from working files in XLS |
format with the program xls2csv, provided in the software suite catdoc, |
with the following bash command: |
for i in *.xls;do xls2csv -c ";" "$i" > "${i%%.xls}".csv;done |
____________ |
File coding: |
A table is a matrix: |
- rows represent lexical entries of the corresponding class |
- columns represent syntactico-semantic features, which may not obligatorily |
be respected by all elements of the class |
- cells contain codes to represent whether the lexical entry of the row accepts |
the feature described by the column: |
+ = acceptance |
- = refusal |
~ ou ? = not yet encoded |
A table of classes is a matrix: |
- rows represent the set of all syntactico-semantic features of the category |
- columns represent the set of classes defined for the category |
- cells contain codes to represent whether all elements of the class accept |
the corresponding feature: |
++ = acceptance (base construction or structure) |
+ = acceptance |
?+ = acceptance (not sure) |
- ou / = refusal |
?- = refusal (not sure) |
o = encoded in the corresponding table |
O = not yet encoded (in the corresponding table) |
? = not yet encoded (in the table of classes) |
- the first column of the table of classes, entitled "LGLex", indicates |
whether the feature is integrated in the LGLex lexicon (x or ? indicate |
it is not) |
____________ |
References: |
- verbs: |
Classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,18: |
Gross, Maurice (1975). Méthodes en syntaxe. |
<http://books.google.fr/books?id=bUBcAAAAMAAJ>. Paris: Hermann. |
Class 36S: |
Borillo, Andrée (1971). Remarques sur les verbes symétriques français. |
<http://www.persee.fr/articleAsPDF/lfr_0023-8368_1971_num_11_1_5544/article_lfr_0023-8368_1971_num_11_1_5544.pdf?mode=light>. |
Langue Française 11, pp. 17-31, Paris: Larousse. |
Classes 32A,32C,32CL,32CV,32H,32NM,32PL,32R1,32R2,32R3,32RA,36R,38PL,38R,39: |
Boons, Jean-Paul; Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1976a). La structure |
des phrases simples en français: constructions intransitives. |
<http://books.google.fr/books?id=BlnZtt2H6QoC>/. Genève: Droz, 378 p. |
Classes 31H,31R,33,34L0,35L,35S,35ST,35R: |
Boons, Jean-Paul; Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1976b). La structure |
des phrases simples en français: classes de constructions transitives. |
Rapport de Recherches du LADL 6, Paris: Université Paris 7. |
Classes 35RR,36S,38RR: |
Leclere, Christian (1990). Organisation du Lexique-Grammaire des verbes |
français. Langue française 87(1), pp. 112--122. |
Classes 36DT,36SL,37E,37M1,37M2,37M3,37M4,37M5,37M6,38L,38L0,38L1,38LD,38LH,38LR,38LS: |
Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1992). La structure des phrases |
simples en français : Les constructions transitives locatives. |
<http://books.google.fr/books?id=S-b5hGhMs4gC>/. Genève, Droz, 446 p. |
- nouns playing the predicative role: |
Classes ana,anm,anml,anmr,anp,anpr,ans,ansu: |
Labelle, Jacques (1974). Etude de constructions avec opérateur avoir |
(nominalisations et extensions). Thèse de troisième cycle, Laboratoire |
d'Automatique Documentaire et Linguistique, Paris: Université Paris 7. |
Classes f1a,f1b,f1c,f1d,f1r,f21,f2a,f2b,f2c,f2r,f3,f4,f41,f5,f6,f7,f8,f9,f91: |
Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline (1978). Les nominalisations en français. |
L'opérateur faire dans le lexique. |
<http://books.google.fr/books?id=FYnhAAAAMAAJ>/. Genève: Droz. |
Classes an01,an02,an03,an04,an05,an06,ansy: |
Meunier, Annie (1981). Nominalisations d'adjectifs par verbes supports. |
Thèse de troisième cycle, LADL, Université Paris 7. |
Classes ape1,ape11,ape2,ape21,ape22,ape3,app1,app2,app3: |
Vivès, Robert (1983). Avoir, prendre, perdre: constructions à verbe support |
et extensions aspectuelles. Thèse de troisième cycle, LADL, Université Paris 7. |
Classes fn,fna,fnan,fnana,fnann,fndn,fnn,fnpn,fnpna,fnpnn: |
Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline (1987). Les prédicats nominaux en français. Les |
phrases simples à verbe support. |
<http://books.google.fr/books?id=Z6cxYAH9__oC>/. Genève: Droz. |
Classes aa,ad,dr1,dr2,dr3,drc,es,fr1,fr2,fr3,fs1,fs2,fs3,is1,is2: |
Gross, Gaston (1989). Les constructions converses du français. |
<http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=11886646>. Droz: Genève. |
Classes an07,an08,an09,an10: |
Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline & Balibar-Mrati, Antoinette (1993). Classes de |
noms construits avec avoir, Rapport technique 42, LADL, Université Paris 7. |
Classes andn,ansn: |
Giry-Schneider, Jacqueline (2005). Les noms épistémiques et leurs verbes |
supports. Lingvisticae Investigationes 27 (2). pp. 219--238. |
Classes psy,sym: |
de Negroni-Peyre, Dominique (1978). Nominalisations par être en et |
réflexivation (admiration, opposition, révolte et rage). Lingvisticae |
Investigationes 2(1), pp. 127--164. |
Classes fd1,fd2,fd3a,fd3b,fd4: |
Pivaut, Laurent (1989). Verbes supports et vocabulaire technique : sport, |
musique et activités intelectuelles. Thèse de doctorat, LADL, Université Paris 7. |
- verbal and adjectival frozen expressions: |
Classe 31I: |
Boons, Jean-Paul; Guillet, Alain & Leclère, Christian (1976b). La structure |
des phrases simples en français: classes de constructions transitives. |
Rapport de Recherches du LADL 6, Paris: Université Paris 7. |
Classes z1,z5d,z5p,zp,zs: |
Danlos, Laurence (1980). Représentation d'informations linguistiques : |
les constructions N être Prép X. Thèse de troisième cycle, Paris: Université |
Paris 7. |
Classes a1,a12,a1p2,a1pn,anp2,c0,c0e,c0q,c1d,c1dpn,c1g,c1gpn,c1i,c1ipn,c1p2, |
c1r,c1rpn,c5,c5c1,c6,c7,c8,cadv,can,cdn,cff,cnp2,cp1,cpn,cpp,cppn,cppq,cpq, |
cv,e01,e0p1,ec0,ya: |
Gross, Maurice (1982). Une classification des phrases «figées» du français. |
Revue Québécoise de Linguistique 11.2, pp. 151-185, Montréal: UQAM. |
Classes eapc,epa,enpc: |
Gross, Maurice (1988). Adjectifs composés. |
<http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=11849258>. |
In Grammaire et histoire de la grammaire. Hommage à la mémoire de J. Stéfanini, |
pp. 211-233, Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l'Université de Provence. |
Classes epac,epc,epca,epcdc,epcdn,epcpc,epcpn,epcpq,epdetc: |
Gross, Maurice (1996). Les formes être Prép X du français. |
<http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=2458298>. Lingvisticae |
Investigationes XX:2, pp. 217-270, Amsterdam-Philadelphie, John Benjamins. |
- adverbs: |
Classes advmf,advmp,advmqc,advmqe,advmqi,advms,advmtd,advmf,advmtq,advmv, |
advpae,advpah,advpam,advpas,advpc,advps: |
Gross, Maurice (1986). Grammaire transformationelle du français. Vol. 3, |
Syntaxe de l'adverbe. Paris: CERIL, Université Paris 7. |
Classes pac,padv,pc,pca,pcdc,pcdn,pconj,pcpc,pcpn,pdetc,peco,pf,pjc,ppco,pv,pvco: |
Molinier, Christian & Levrier, Françoise (2000). Grammaire des adverbes : |
description des formes en -ment. Droz, Genève, Suisse. |
- recent modifications: |
New entries (adverbs): |
Tolone, Elsa & Voyatzi, Stavroula (2011). Extending the adverbial coverage of |
a NLP oriented resource for French. Proceedings of the 5th International Joint |
Conference on Natural Language Processing. 9 pp. Chiang Mai, Thaïlande. |
Classes fd1,fd2,fd3a,fd3b,fd4 (nouns playing the predicative role): |
Tolone, Elsa (2011). Conversión de las tablas del Léxico-Gramática del francés |
en el léxico LGLex. 2nd Argentinian Workshop on Natural Language Processing, |
10 pp. Córdoba, Argentine. |
New classes 2T,32D,35LD,35LR,35LS,38LHD,38LHR,38LHS (verbs): |
Tolone, Elsa (2011). Analyse syntaxique à l'aide des tables du Lexique-Grammaire |
du français. Thèse de doctorat, LIGM, Université Paris-Est. 340 pp. |
Tolone, Elsa (2009). Les tables du Lexique-Grammaire au format TAL. Actes de |
la conférence MajecSTIC 2009, 8 pp. Avignon, France. |
Tolone, Elsa (2010). Constructions définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire : |
Le cas des complétives et des infinitives. Actes de la session poster de |
MajecSTIC 2010, 4 pp. Bordeaux, France. |
Tolone, Elsa; Voyatzi, Stavroula & Leclère, Christian (2010). Constructions |
définitoires des tables du Lexique-Grammaire. Actes du 29ème Colloque |
international sur le Lexique et la Grammaire, pp. 321-331, Belgrade, Serbie. |