ctheodoris commited on
1 Parent(s): eab40d3

Add information about example input files for fine-tuning

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  1. example_input_files/README.md +3 -0
example_input_files/README.md ADDED
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ This directory contains example input files for fine-tuning [examples](https://huggingface.co/ctheodoris/Geneformer/tree/main/examples) in the Geneformer model repository. Please note that the fine-tuning examples are meant to be generally applicable and the input datasets and labels will vary dependent on the downstream task. Example input files for a few of the downstream tasks demonstrated in the manuscript are located in this directory, but these only represent a few example fine-tuning applications.
+ Please note that GPU resources are required for efficient usage of Geneformer. Additionally, we strongly recommend tuning hyperparameters for each downstream fine-tuning application as this can significantly boost predictive potential in the downstream task (e.g. max learning rate, learning schedule, number of layers to freeze, etc.).