import requests |
import os |
import ast |
import argparse |
import sys |
import subprocess |
from importlib import import_module |
import platform |
from pathlib import Path |
import sys |
import stat |
import threading |
import signal |
from contextlib import suppress |
from queue import Queue, Empty |
from contextlib import contextmanager |
here = Path(__file__).parent |
executable = sys.executable |
mode = None |
if os.environ.get("COLAB_GPU"): |
mode = "colab" |
elif "python_embeded" in executable: |
mode = "embeded" |
elif ".venv" in executable: |
mode = "venv" |
if mode is None: |
mode = "unknown" |
repo_url = "https://github.com/melmass/comfy_mtb.git" |
repo_owner = "melmass" |
repo_name = "comfy_mtb" |
short_platform = { |
"windows": "win_amd64", |
"linux": "linux_x86_64", |
} |
current_platform = platform.system().lower() |
"reset": "\033[0m", |
"bold": "\033[1m", |
"dim": "\033[2m", |
"italic": "\033[3m", |
"underline": "\033[4m", |
"blink": "\033[5m", |
"reverse": "\033[7m", |
"strike": "\033[9m", |
} |
"black": "\033[30m", |
"red": "\033[31m", |
"green": "\033[32m", |
"yellow": "\033[33m", |
"blue": "\033[34m", |
"magenta": "\033[35m", |
"cyan": "\033[36m", |
"white": "\033[37m", |
"bright_black": "\033[30;1m", |
"bright_red": "\033[31;1m", |
"bright_green": "\033[32;1m", |
"bright_yellow": "\033[33;1m", |
"bright_blue": "\033[34;1m", |
"bright_magenta": "\033[35;1m", |
"bright_cyan": "\033[36;1m", |
"bright_white": "\033[37;1m", |
"bg_black": "\033[40m", |
"bg_red": "\033[41m", |
"bg_green": "\033[42m", |
"bg_yellow": "\033[43m", |
"bg_blue": "\033[44m", |
"bg_magenta": "\033[45m", |
"bg_cyan": "\033[46m", |
"bg_white": "\033[47m", |
"bg_bright_black": "\033[40;1m", |
"bg_bright_red": "\033[41;1m", |
"bg_bright_green": "\033[42;1m", |
"bg_bright_yellow": "\033[43;1m", |
"bg_bright_blue": "\033[44;1m", |
"bg_bright_magenta": "\033[45;1m", |
"bg_bright_cyan": "\033[46;1m", |
"bg_bright_white": "\033[47;1m", |
} |
def apply_format(text, *formats): |
"""Apply ANSI escape sequences for the specified formats to the given text.""" |
formatted_text = text |
for format in formats: |
formatted_text = f"{ANSI_FORMATS.get(format, '')}{formatted_text}{ANSI_FORMATS.get('reset', '')}" |
return formatted_text |
def apply_color(text, color=None, background=None): |
"""Apply ANSI escape sequences for the specified color and background to the given text.""" |
formatted_text = text |
if color: |
formatted_text = f"{ANSI_COLORS.get(color, '')}{formatted_text}{ANSI_FORMATS.get('reset', '')}" |
if background: |
formatted_text = f"{ANSI_COLORS.get(background, '')}{formatted_text}{ANSI_FORMATS.get('reset', '')}" |
return formatted_text |
def print_formatted(text, *formats, color=None, background=None, **kwargs): |
"""Print the given text with the specified formats, color, and background.""" |
formatted_text = apply_format(text, *formats) |
formatted_text = apply_color(formatted_text, color, background) |
file = kwargs.get("file", sys.stdout) |
header = "[mtb install] " |
encoded_header = header.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, errors="replace").decode( |
sys.stdout.encoding |
) |
encoded_text = formatted_text.encode(sys.stdout.encoding, errors="replace").decode( |
sys.stdout.encoding |
) |
print( |
" " * len(encoded_header) |
if kwargs.get("no_header") |
else apply_color(apply_format(encoded_header, "bold"), color="yellow"), |
encoded_text, |
file=file, |
) |
def enqueue_output(out, queue): |
for char in iter(lambda: out.read(1), b""): |
queue.put(char) |
out.close() |
def run_command(cmd, ignored_lines_start=None): |
if ignored_lines_start is None: |
ignored_lines_start = [] |
if isinstance(cmd, str): |
shell_cmd = cmd |
elif isinstance(cmd, list): |
shell_cmd = "" |
for arg in cmd: |
if isinstance(arg, Path): |
arg = arg.as_posix() |
shell_cmd += f"{arg} " |
else: |
raise ValueError( |
"Invalid 'cmd' argument. It must be a string or a list of arguments." |
) |
process = subprocess.Popen( |
shell_cmd, |
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, |
stderr=subprocess.PIPE, |
universal_newlines=True, |
shell=True, |
) |
stdout_queue = Queue() |
stderr_queue = Queue() |
stdout_thread = threading.Thread( |
target=enqueue_output, args=(process.stdout, stdout_queue) |
) |
stderr_thread = threading.Thread( |
target=enqueue_output, args=(process.stderr, stderr_queue) |
) |
stdout_thread.daemon = True |
stderr_thread.daemon = True |
stdout_thread.start() |
stderr_thread.start() |
interrupted = False |
def signal_handler(signum, frame): |
nonlocal interrupted |
interrupted = True |
print("Command execution interrupted.") |
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler) |
stdout_buffer = "" |
stderr_buffer = "" |
while not interrupted and ( |
process.poll() is None or not stdout_queue.empty() or not stderr_queue.empty() |
): |
with suppress(Empty): |
stdout_char = stdout_queue.get_nowait() |
stdout_buffer += stdout_char |
if stdout_char == "\n": |
if not any( |
stdout_buffer.startswith(ign) for ign in ignored_lines_start |
): |
print(stdout_buffer.strip()) |
stdout_buffer = "" |
with suppress(Empty): |
stderr_char = stderr_queue.get_nowait() |
stderr_buffer += stderr_char |
if stderr_char == "\n": |
print(stderr_buffer.strip()) |
stderr_buffer = "" |
if stdout_buffer and not any( |
stdout_buffer.startswith(ign) for ign in ignored_lines_start |
): |
print(stdout_buffer.strip()) |
if stderr_buffer: |
print(stderr_buffer.strip()) |
return_code = process.returncode |
if return_code == 0 and not interrupted: |
print("Command executed successfully!") |
else: |
if not interrupted: |
print(f"Command failed with return code: {return_code}") |
try: |
import requirements |
except ImportError: |
print_formatted("Installing requirements-parser...", "italic", color="yellow") |
run_command([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "requirements-parser"]) |
import requirements |
print_formatted("Done.", "italic", color="green") |
try: |
from tqdm import tqdm |
except ImportError: |
print_formatted("Installing tqdm...", "italic", color="yellow") |
run_command([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", "--upgrade", "tqdm"]) |
from tqdm import tqdm |
pip_map = { |
"onnxruntime-gpu": "onnxruntime", |
"opencv-contrib": "cv2", |
"tb-nightly": "tensorboard", |
"protobuf": "google.protobuf", |
} |
def is_pipe(): |
if not sys.stdin.isatty(): |
return False |
if sys.platform == "win32": |
try: |
import msvcrt |
return msvcrt.get_osfhandle(0) != -1 |
except ImportError: |
return False |
else: |
try: |
mode = os.fstat(0).st_mode |
return ( |
stat.S_ISFIFO(mode) |
or stat.S_ISREG(mode) |
or stat.S_ISBLK(mode) |
or stat.S_ISSOCK(mode) |
) |
except OSError: |
return False |
@contextmanager |
def suppress_std(): |
with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull: |
old_stdout = sys.stdout |
old_stderr = sys.stderr |
sys.stdout = devnull |
sys.stderr = devnull |
try: |
yield |
finally: |
sys.stdout = old_stdout |
sys.stderr = old_stderr |
def get_local_version(): |
init_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "__init__.py") |
if os.path.isfile(init_file): |
with open(init_file, "r") as f: |
tree = ast.parse(f.read()) |
for node in ast.walk(tree): |
if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): |
for target in node.targets: |
if ( |
isinstance(target, ast.Name) |
and target.id == "__version__" |
and isinstance(node.value, ast.Str) |
): |
return node.value.s |
return None |
def download_file(url, file_name): |
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as response: |
response.raise_for_status() |
total_size = int(response.headers.get("content-length", 0)) |
with open(file_name, "wb") as file, tqdm( |
desc=file_name.stem, |
total=total_size, |
unit="B", |
unit_scale=True, |
unit_divisor=1024, |
) as progress_bar: |
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192): |
file.write(chunk) |
progress_bar.update(len(chunk)) |
def get_requirements(path: Path): |
with open(path.resolve(), "r") as requirements_file: |
requirements_txt = requirements_file.read() |
try: |
parsed_requirements = requirements.parse(requirements_txt) |
except AttributeError: |
print_formatted( |
f"Failed to parse {path}. Please make sure the file is correctly formatted.", |
"bold", |
color="red", |
) |
return |
return parsed_requirements |
def try_import(requirement): |
dependency = requirement.name.strip() |
import_name = pip_map.get(dependency, dependency) |
installed = False |
pip_name = dependency |
pip_spec = "".join(specs[0]) if (specs := requirement.specs) else "" |
try: |
with suppress_std(): |
import_module(import_name) |
print_formatted( |
f"\t✅ Package {pip_name} already installed (import name: '{import_name}').", |
"bold", |
color="green", |
no_header=True, |
) |
installed = True |
except ImportError: |
print_formatted( |
f"\t⛔ Package {pip_name} is missing (import name: '{import_name}').", |
"bold", |
color="red", |
no_header=True, |
) |
return (installed, pip_name, pip_spec, import_name) |
def import_or_install(requirement, dry=False): |
installed, pip_name, pip_spec, import_name = try_import(requirement) |
pip_install_name = pip_name + pip_spec |
if not installed: |
print_formatted(f"Installing package {pip_name}...", "italic", color="yellow") |
if dry: |
print_formatted( |
f"Dry-run: Package {pip_install_name} would be installed (import name: '{import_name}').", |
color="yellow", |
) |
else: |
try: |
run_command([sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install", pip_install_name]) |
print_formatted( |
f"Package {pip_install_name} installed successfully using pip package name (import name: '{import_name}')", |
"bold", |
color="green", |
) |
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: |
print_formatted( |
f"Failed to install package {pip_install_name} using pip package name (import name: '{import_name}'). Error: {str(e)}", |
"bold", |
color="red", |
) |
def get_github_assets(tag=None): |
if tag: |
tag_url = ( |
f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/releases/tags/{tag}" |
) |
else: |
tag_url = ( |
f"https://api.github.com/repos/{repo_owner}/{repo_name}/releases/latest" |
) |
response = requests.get(tag_url) |
if response.status_code == 404: |
print_formatted("Error retrieving the release assets.", color="red") |
sys.exit() |
tag_data = response.json() |
tag_name = tag_data["name"] |
return tag_data, tag_name |
def install_dependencies(dry=False): |
parsed_requirements = get_requirements(here / "reqs.txt") |
if not parsed_requirements: |
return |
print_formatted( |
"Installing dependencies from reqs.txt...", "italic", color="yellow" |
) |
for requirement in parsed_requirements: |
import_or_install(requirement, dry=dry) |
if __name__ == "__main__": |
full = False |
if len(sys.argv) == 1: |
print_formatted( |
"No arguments provided, doing a full install/update...", |
"italic", |
color="yellow", |
) |
full = True |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Comfy_mtb install script") |
parser.add_argument( |
"--path", |
"-p", |
type=str, |
help="Path to clone the repository to (i.e the absolute path to ComfyUI/custom_nodes)", |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--wheels", "-w", action="store_true", help="Install wheel dependencies" |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--requirements", "-r", action="store_true", help="Install requirements.txt" |
) |
parser.add_argument( |
"--dry", |
action="store_true", |
help="Print what will happen without doing it (still making requests to the GH Api)", |
) |
print_formatted("mtb install", "bold", color="yellow") |
args = parser.parse_args() |
print_formatted(f"Detected environment: {apply_color(mode,'cyan')}") |
if args.path: |
clone_dir = Path(args.path) |
if not clone_dir.exists(): |
print_formatted( |
"The path provided does not exist on disk... It must be pointing to ComfyUI's custom_nodes directory" |
) |
sys.exit() |
else: |
repo_dir = clone_dir / repo_name |
if not repo_dir.exists(): |
print_formatted(f"Cloning to {repo_dir}...", "italic", color="yellow") |
run_command(["git", "clone", "--recursive", repo_url, repo_dir]) |
else: |
print_formatted( |
f"Directory {repo_dir} already exists, we will update it..." |
) |
run_command(["git", "pull", "-C", repo_dir]) |
here = clone_dir |
full = True |
print_formatted("Checking environment...", "italic", color="yellow") |
missing_deps = [] |
if parsed_requirements := get_requirements(here / "reqs.txt"): |
for requirement in parsed_requirements: |
installed, pip_name, pip_spec, import_name = try_import(requirement) |
if not installed: |
missing_deps.append(pip_name.split("-")[0]) |
if not missing_deps: |
print_formatted( |
"All requirements are already installed. Enjoy 🚀", |
"italic", |
color="green", |
) |
sys.exit() |
install_cmd = [sys.executable, "-m", "pip", "install"] |
if not args.dry: |
if platform.system() == "Windows": |
wheel_cmd = install_cmd + ["-r", (here / "reqs_windows.txt")] |
else: |
wheel_cmd = install_cmd + ["-r", (here / "reqs.txt")] |
run_command(wheel_cmd) |
print_formatted( |
"✅ Successfully installed all dependencies.", "italic", color="green" |
) |
else: |
print_formatted( |
f"Would have run the following command:\n\t{apply_color(' '.join(install_cmd),'cyan')}", |
"italic", |
color="yellow", |
) |