import tensorflow as tf |
from tensorflow_probability import distributions as tfd |
from dreamerv2 import agent |
from dreamerv2 import common |
class Random(common.Module): |
def __init__(self, config, act_space, wm, tfstep, reward): |
self.config = config |
self.act_space = self.act_space |
def actor(self, feat): |
shape = feat.shape[:-1] + self.act_space.shape |
if self.config.actor.dist == 'onehot': |
return common.OneHotDist(tf.zeros(shape)) |
else: |
dist = tfd.Uniform(-tf.ones(shape), tf.ones(shape)) |
return tfd.Independent(dist, 1) |
def train(self, start, context, data): |
return None, {} |
class Plan2Explore(common.Module): |
def __init__(self, config, act_space, wm, tfstep, reward): |
self.config = config |
self.reward = reward |
self.wm = wm |
self.ac = agent.ActorCritic(config, act_space, tfstep) |
self.actor = self.ac.actor |
stoch_size = config.rssm.stoch |
if config.rssm.discrete: |
stoch_size *= config.rssm.discrete |
size = { |
'embed': 32 * config.encoder.cnn_depth, |
'stoch': stoch_size, |
'deter': config.rssm.deter, |
'feat': config.rssm.stoch + config.rssm.deter, |
}[self.config.disag_target] |
self._networks = [ |
common.MLP(size, **config.expl_head) |
for _ in range(config.disag_models)] |
self.opt = common.Optimizer('expl', **config.expl_opt) |
self.extr_rewnorm = common.StreamNorm(**self.config.expl_reward_norm) |
self.intr_rewnorm = common.StreamNorm(**self.config.expl_reward_norm) |
def train(self, start, context, data): |
metrics = {} |
stoch = start['stoch'] |
if self.config.rssm.discrete: |
stoch = tf.reshape( |
stoch, stoch.shape[:-2] + (stoch.shape[-2] * stoch.shape[-1])) |
target = { |
'embed': context['embed'], |
'stoch': stoch, |
'deter': start['deter'], |
'feat': context['feat'], |
}[self.config.disag_target] |
inputs = context['feat'] |
if self.config.disag_action_cond: |
action = tf.cast(data['action'], inputs.dtype) |
inputs = tf.concat([inputs, action], -1) |
metrics.update(self._train_ensemble(inputs, target)) |
metrics.update(self.ac.train( |
self.wm, start, data['is_terminal'], self._intr_reward)) |
return None, metrics |
def _intr_reward(self, seq): |
inputs = seq['feat'] |
if self.config.disag_action_cond: |
action = tf.cast(seq['action'], inputs.dtype) |
inputs = tf.concat([inputs, action], -1) |
preds = [head(inputs).mode() for head in self._networks] |
disag = tf.tensor(preds).std(0).mean(-1) |
if self.config.disag_log: |
disag = tf.math.log(disag) |
reward = self.config.expl_intr_scale * self.intr_rewnorm(disag)[0] |
if self.config.expl_extr_scale: |
reward += self.config.expl_extr_scale * self.extr_rewnorm( |
self.reward(seq))[0] |
return reward |
def _train_ensemble(self, inputs, targets): |
if self.config.disag_offset: |
targets = targets[:, self.config.disag_offset:] |
inputs = inputs[:, :-self.config.disag_offset] |
targets = tf.stop_gradient(targets) |
inputs = tf.stop_gradient(inputs) |
with tf.GradientTape() as tape: |
preds = [head(inputs) for head in self._networks] |
loss = -sum([pred.log_prob(targets).mean() for pred in preds]) |
metrics = self.opt(tape, loss, self._networks) |
return metrics |
class ModelLoss(common.Module): |
def __init__(self, config, act_space, wm, tfstep, reward): |
self.config = config |
self.reward = reward |
self.wm = wm |
self.ac = agent.ActorCritic(config, act_space, tfstep) |
self.actor = self.ac.actor |
self.head = common.MLP([], **self.config.expl_head) |
self.opt = common.Optimizer('expl', **self.config.expl_opt) |
def train(self, start, context, data): |
metrics = {} |
target = tf.cast(context[self.config.expl_model_loss], tf.float32) |
with tf.GradientTape() as tape: |
loss = -self.head(context['feat']).log_prob(target).mean() |
metrics.update(self.opt(tape, loss, self.head)) |
metrics.update(self.ac.train( |
self.wm, start, data['is_terminal'], self._intr_reward)) |
return None, metrics |
def _intr_reward(self, seq): |
reward = self.config.expl_intr_scale * self.head(seq['feat']).mode() |
if self.config.expl_extr_scale: |
reward += self.config.expl_extr_scale * self.reward(seq) |
return reward |