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"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Archaeobotanical investigations at the site of Ona Adi in Tigrai were conducted during the 2013-2015 field seasons within the framework of the Eastern Tigrai Archaeological Project (ETAP). The site occupation spanned the Middle/Late Pre-Aksumite period (ca. 750/600 BCE) to the fall of the Aksumite Kingdom (ca. 700 CE), including the Pre-Aksumite to Aksumite transition (ca. 400 BCE-CE 1). The main objective of the study was to examine the agricultural economy in Eastern Tigrai during these periods and to evaluate the impact of social and cultural developments on the agricultural practices at Ona Adi. Recovered macrobotanical remains included wheat, barley, linseed, noog, lentil, and wild/weedy plants. In addition, evidence of finger millet was recovered along with tentative identifications of t'ef. The phytolith record shows evidence of grass processing, including morphotypes associated with Chloridoideae, Panicoideae, and Pooideae grasses. Results indicate that plants of both African and Southwest Asian origins were present in the region from the mid-eighth century BCE to the eighth century CE, but their relative importance varied throughout time in relation to socio-political changes at the regional level. Our data demonstrate a significant degree of continuity in the local agricultural economy, which remained largely unchanged even after the decline of Aksumite state.Les investigations archeobotaniques menees sur le site d'Ona Adi en Tigrai ont ete realisees au cours des 2013-15 dans le cadre du projet Eastern Tigrai Archaeological Project (ETAP). L'occupation du site s'etend de la periode pre-axoumite moyenne/tardive (env. 750/600 av. J.-C.) a la chute du royaume axoumite (env. 700 ap. J.-C.), incluant la transition de la periode pre-axoumite a axoumite (env. 400 av. J.-C.-1 ap. J.-C.). L'objectif principal de l'etude etait d'examiner l'economie agricole dans l'Est de Tigrai pendant ces periodes et d'evaluer l'impact des developpements sociaux et culturels sur les pratiques agricoles a Ona Adi. Les restes macrobotaniques recuperes comprenaient du ble, de l'orge, du lin, du noog, de la lentille et des plantes sauvages/indesirables. De plus, des preuves de millet a doigt ont ete retrouvees, ainsi que des identifications provisoires de t'ef. L'enregistrement des phytolithes montre des preuves de traitement des herbes, y compris des morphotypes associes aux herbes des sous-familles Chloridoideae, Panicoideae et Pooideae. Les resultats indiquent que des plantes d'origine africaine et d'Asie du Sud-Ouest etaient presentes dans la region du milieu du VIIIe siecle av. J.-C. au VIIIe siecle ap. J.-C., mais leur importance relative variait en fonction des changements socio-politiques au niveau regional. Nos donnees demontrent un degre significatif de continuite dans l'economie agricole locale, qui est restee largement inchangee meme apres le declin de l'etat axoumite.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In this article, a cone-shaped structured light measurement method based on the principle of laser triangulation is proposed for the 3-D measurement of inner walls. Compared with existing measurement methods, this method avoids the risk of collision during conventional penetration measurement and has the advantages of high-efficiency and high-precision measurement. The laser is installed on the same side of the camera, which is easier to integrate into the probe and easy to install with the displacement table or mechanical arm. However, the method of installation will also reduce the overall measurement accuracy of the system because the local effective baseline distance in the conical structured light system is too short. For this reason, this article is aimed at improving the accuracy of the denoising algorithm, structure optimization, and calibration. To address the problem of the poor signal-to-noise ratio caused by the method of installation, the optical path design and image processing are processed accordingly. The test results of different caliber ring gauges indicate that our method achieves better stability and accuracy than existing measurement methods.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Due to the frequent switch of the working condition, fault diagnosis model for rotating machinery established on the training set (the source domain) cannot be effectively applied to the test set (the target domain). Traditional domain adaptation methods address this issue by performing feature alignment between the source and target domain, which ignores the positive guidance provided by prior knowledge. In this paper, we propose a prior knowledge-driven domain adaptation (PKDA) method for varying working condition fault diagnosis of rotating machinery, where a self-supervised learning framework is designed to integrate expert prior knowledge and structural prior knowledge. First, an expert prior knowledge guidance module is designed to extract features with physical significance. Then we align the features between the source and target domain by the max mean discrepancy metric. Besides, a progressive Shannon entropy minimization strategy is proposed to realize the feature distribution structure of intra-class compression and inter-class separation, which can effectively integrate the structural prior knowledge. In this way, PKDA can effectively utilize the prior knowledge to achieve better performance in varying working condition fault diagnosis tasks. The effectiveness of the proposed method is illustrated by an open-source rolling bearing fault dataset from Case Western Reserve University and an open-source gearbox fault dataset from Southeast University.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Nonlinear space learning of fault samples is a category of common fault diagnosis methods, which usually use Euclidean distances to describe manifold structures among fault samples. However, in nonlinear space, Euclidean distances lead to a potential manifold loss problem. Aiming these issues, we propose a novel fault diagnosis method based on label-wise density-domain space learning. The label-wise density-domain space learns more intrinsic manifold structures from four density-constrained order graphs. Density-constrained order graphs constructed by our method integrate different discriminative relationships from original fault samples with the help of density-domain information, and the density-domain information can effectively capture potential density information and global structure between fault samples. By density Laplacian of the graphs, we further construct a label-wise density-domain manifold space learning model, and the analytical solutions of space projections can be obtained by solving the model. Fault features directly obtained by the space projections possess good class separability. Extensive experiments on the Case Western Reserve University fault dataset and a roll-bearing fault dataset from our roll-bearing test platform show the effectiveness and robustness of our method.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: An affordable optical project for students is explained in this work. The experiment only requires a handheld laser illuminating a structure with stationary vibrations induced, but the interpretation of this phenomenon demands a strong understanding of optical interference and modal behavior of a bar. The operating principle employs the speckle phenomenon, which is a type of interference between coherent light incident on a rough surface and its reflection. This interference occurs in a luminous plane outside of the vibrating object and shows a granular structure due to the brightness fluctuations. Speckle is static but if the surface illuminated oscillates, the plane of interference moves from one side to the other, causing a streak pattern. Mode shapes of the object under examination can be naked eye detected from streak patterns. What is more, this phenomenon can be photographed using a manual focus digital camera. Therefore all the components of the procedure can be available (or acquired) by almost any physics laboratory, at any level, which would be unthinkable for optical experiments just a few years ago.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: While cross-sectional research has consistently shown graduates are less Eurosceptic than non-graduates, little is known about the causal role of university study in determining these attitudes, as few longitudinal studies have explored this. This study does so, providing robust causal estimates of higher education's effect on Euroscepticism through applying individual- and sibling fixed-effect modelling techniques to British Household Panel and Understanding Society data from 1999-2022. Both specifications provide consistent results; suggesting university study does little to decrease Euroscepticism in the short-run but has substantial long-run effects. This alludes to an 'allocation' effect, whereby it is largely not the experience of obtaining a degree itself, but the opportunities afforded by virtue of doing so that shape attitudes towards Europe. Our novel findings not only demonstrate that within-sibling estimates of higher education's effect can be generalised to the wider British population but also advance our understanding of the mechanisms linking education with Euroscepticism.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: With its firm establishment as a neuropsychology subspecialty, forensic neuropsychological assessment is integral to many criminal and civil forensic evaluations. In addition to evaluating cognitive deficits, forensic neuropsychologists can provide reliable information regarding symptom magnification, malingering, and other neurocognitive and psychological issues that may impact the outcome of a particular legal case. This article is an overview and introduction to neuropsychological assessment in the forensic mental health context. Major issues impacting the current practice of forensic neuropsychology are summarized, and several examples from case law are highlighted.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Super-bit-resolution implies the survival of data that could have been lost beyond the digitizing bit resolution. This yet unexplored ability to beat the bit threshold of output readings has been achieved by making temporal ghost imaging (TGI) virtually noiseless. To this end, acquired immunity against self-inflicting noise was granted by implementing orthogonalized illumination in one-time readout TGI as a temporal analog of single pixel imaging. The results have greater impacts on metrology and signal processing, not limited to (T)GI.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Bones and teeth from archaeological records are direct evidence of past individuals and they represent valuable archives for palaeo-anthropological and palaeoenvironmental studies. However, pristine information may be obliterated by the diagenetic alteration of bone specimens. Thus, defining in detail their preservation state is fundamental to assess the potential of extracting information about the past life of the individual, as well as to investigate the palaeo-environment at the burial site. For this reason, we have selected a set of archaeological samples (petrous bones and tooth roots) of different origin and chronology that have experienced diverse environmental and burial conditions, from arid and semi-arid to temperate regions in a time span from prehistoric to fresh bones. Thus, the selected samples underwent a variety of diagenetic processes, resulting in different types and extent of alteration patterns. Here we have applied a minimally-invasive sampling strategy and an analytical protocol based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) in order to ensure the investigation of a statistically significant set of samples. We provide a method to describe and quantify the changes in the physico-chemical properties of both the organic and inorganic constituents of bones, by establishing a set of parameters calculated from the FTIR spectra and evaluating their sensitivity in describing the alteration types and extent in bone specimens. Through FTIR spectral analysis, we have defined the most suitable parameters to effectively describe the alteration degree of bone specimens. Notably, the results have shown that, despite the complexity of multifactorial diagenetic processes, their measurable effects on differently altered bones can be described by a common mechanism. This indicates a progressive loss of collagen which is paralleled to the recrystallization of bioapatite and the loss of structural carbonate, regardless of the origin and chronology of the specimens. Thus, here we propose an FTIR-based model for bone diagenesis of general validity, highlighting that distinct diagenetic processes affecting the archaeological bones have acted according to common alteration mechanisms.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This article investigated the multifaceted role of artists in educational programmes, focusing on the challenges they face while balancing their identity as artist-teacher, artist teacher, artist-educator, and artist educator. This research was conducted in two phases. Phase one interrogated the effectiveness of artists taking on dual roles as both artists and educators/teachers within international and New Zealand's educational programmes. This phase advocated for artists to embrace their original role as artists without the additional burdens of other roles. Moving to phase two, this research employed the method of document analysis to investigate the historical and current engagement of artists in students' museum education within the context of New Zealand. Historically, artists were considered as art technicians with no direct involvement in art teaching or creation. Although the current LEOTC and ELC programmes in New Zealand value artists' contributions to art education, they do not indicate artists' involvement in these two programmes. Drawing from the findings of phase one and two, the study proposed a novel model that emphasises the integration of three elements: learning environment (art museum), people (artists), and objects (artworks). This model suggested that the combined action of these three elements could lead to a transformation from teacher-led teaching to student-centred learning in art education. Such a transition held the potential to enrich students' educational experience through collaborative efforts between artists, museum educators, and schoolteachers, and also enhance students' interdisciplinary learning experiences.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Ninety-four percent of global maternal deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The UN has a goal of reducing maternal deaths to <70 per 100,000 live births by 2030, but progress is minimal. Maternal deaths in LMICs are associated with 3 delays in the care of women with obstetrical emergencies: 1) in the family of the woman realizing that her life is at risk, 2) in the transport of the woman to a hospital, and 3) in providing care after arrival at the hospital. These 3 delays function like links in a chain, and failure of any link leads to maternal death. LMICs have characteristics that make it likely that the chain will break. Women in LMICs frequently have low standing, and cultural beliefs often lead to delay in the recognition of obstetrical emergencies. LMICs are characterized by poor roads and long distances to hospitals leading to transport delays. Cultural and other factors also lead to treatment delays when a woman reaches a suitably-equipped and staffed hospital. Nepal has addressed these delays and reduced maternal mortality. Firstly, we have reported in the Journal the use of culturally acceptable approaches to improving the knowledge about antenatal care in remote villages. In the case of Nepal, singing songs related to maternal care proved to be a highly effective strategy. We now report that the government of Nepal has repurposed military helicopters to overcome the tyranny of poor roads to allow rapid transport of women with obstetrical emergencies to a small number of fully-equipped and staffed hospitals. As of June 2023, this service has successfully retrieved 625 women in four and half years. The Nepalese government has included questions on maternal mortality in the 2021 national census, followed by a verbal autopsy. These data indicate a fall in the maternal mortality ratio from 239 in 2016 to 151 in 2021. The efficiency of the triage service continues to improve, suggesting that maternal mortality will continue to fall. This may provide a model that can be implemented in other LMICs and highlights factors that may be responsible for recent increases in the US maternal mortality ratio.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In 2023, a major earthquake struck Turkey, leaving thousands dead and exposing the country's corruption problems. The current Turkish president Erdogan was sworn into power in 2003. Erdogan's government has completely transformed the country with construction projects that have provided a huge economic boost. However, successive amnesties and non-compliance with building regulations have uncovered cases of corruption. This paper analyses the evolution of corruption in Turkey during Erdogan's rule. Several indicators are considered, such as the Corruption Perception Index, the Index on Impartial Administration or the V-Dem Indicator on Political Corruption. The results indicate that two distinct stages can be distinguished during Erdogan's term in office. The first stage was marked by a reduction in the perception of corruption, and the second stage was marked by an increase in the number of tenders for public works and corruption. Finally, several policy recommendations are proposed to reduce corruption in Turkey.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In May 2020, the new 'opt-out' organ donation law was passed in England. This law is a crucial step to help battle the long waiting lists of patients awaiting a transplant. This article aims to explore some of the challenges that the transplant teams may face with the new law, as well as raising awareness among the junior doctors, especially with the new COVID-19 transplant guidelines. Successful transplantations require immense training of healthcare professionals, fast retrieval services, pre- and postoperative care of patients, intensive care management, life-long follow-up and management of patients. Organ transplant surgery is a life-changing moment for a patient. Ultimately, commissioning groups, clinicians and managers need to work together, evaluate the changes required and enact thorough business plans to ensure the NHS is not overwhelmed. Together with increasing the awareness of organ donation within the public, the government needs to support the NHS to fund, train and manage transplant centres to welcome this much-awaited 'opt-out' organ donation law in England successfully.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Research into war rape has shown that rape is not incidental to the general violence of war but is instead an integral part of war strategies. Such research makes it clear that in the context of war, rape serves to injure women on an individual level, but has the more strategic effect of fracturing communal bonds. Similarly, the growing body of research investigating the reasons for, and consequences of, the rape of lesbian women, indicates that these rapes have far-reaching consequences for lesbian communities and serves to reinforce patriarchal heteronormativity. While there is much research around both war and lesbo-phobic rape, the aim of this paper is to bring this research together in order examine lesbo-phobic rape through the lens of war rape theory. This paper aims to show how both forms of rape appear to hinge on the meanings assigned to women during peacetime and how both lead to the destruction of individual victims and their communities, while bolstering the subjectivities of the perpetrators and increasing the bonds of those complicit in such violence. The use of the theoretical understandings of war rape thus enriches the understandings of lesbo-phobic rape and shows that there are many continuities between the two.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This article explores Indigenous perspectives on archaeology in Canada and the United States and the role of archaeologists in engaging with Indigenous communities. As part of our study, we interviewed Indigenous community members about their experiences in archaeology and their thoughts on the discipline. We analyzed each interview thematically to identify patterns of meaning across the dataset and to develop common themes in the interview transcripts. Based on the results of our analysis, we identified six themes in the data: (1) Euro-colonialism damaged and interrupted Indigenous history, and archaeology offers Indigenous community members an opportunity to reconnect with their past; (2) archaeological practices restrict access of Indigenous community members to archaeological information and archaeological materials; (3) cultural resource management (CRM) is outpacing the capacity of Indigenous communities to engage meaningfully with archaeologists; (4) the codification of archaeology through standards, guidelines, and technical report writing limits the goals of the discipline; (5) archaeological methods are inconsistent and based on individual, or company-wide, funding and decision-making; and (6) archaeological software offers a new opportunity for Indigenous communities and archaeologists to collaborate on projects.Este articulo explora las perspectivas indigenas sobre la arqueologia en Canada y Estados Unidos, asi como el papel de los arqueologos en la interaccion con las comunidades indigenas. Como parte de nuestro estudio, realizamos entrevistas con miembros de comunidades indigenas acerca de sus experiencias y percepciones en relacion con la arqueologia. Mediante un analisis tematico, cada entrevista fue examinada para identificar patrones de significado en el conjunto de datos y desarrollar temas comunes en las transcripciones de las entrevistas. A partir de los resultados de nuestro analisis, identificamos seis temas principales en los datos: (1) El eurocolonialismo causo dano e interrupciones en la historia indigena, siendo la arqueologia una via para que los miembros de la comunidad indigena se reconecten con su pasado; (2) Las practicas arqueologicas limitan el acceso de los miembros de la comunidad indigena a informacion y materiales arqueologicos; (3) La Gestion de Recursos Culturales (CRM por sus siglas en ingles) supera la capacidad de las comunidades indigenas para interactuar significativamente con los arqueologos; (4) La codificacion de la arqueologia a traves de estandares, pautas y redaccion tecnica de informes impone limitaciones en los objetivos de la disciplina; (5) Los metodos arqueologicos son inconsistentes y a menudo influenciados por la financiacion y toma de decisiones a nivel individual o empresarial; y (6) los softwares arqueologicos presentan una oportunidad novedosa para la colaboracion entre comunidades indigenas y arqueologos en iniciativas de proyectos.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The U.S. Census Bureau faces a difficult trade-off between the accuracy of Census statistics and the protection of individual information. We conduct an independent evaluation of bias and noise induced by the Bureau's two main disclosure avoidance systems: the TopDown algorithm used for the 2020 Census and the swapping algorithm implemented for the three previous Censuses. Our evaluation leverages the Noisy Measurement File (NMF) as well as two independent runs of the TopDown algorithm applied to the 2010 decennial Census. We find that the NMF contains too much noise to be directly useful without measurement error modeling, especially for Hispanic and multiracial populations. TopDown's postprocessing reduces the NMF noise and produces data whose accuracy is similar to that of swapping. While the estimated errors for both TopDown and swapping algorithms are generally no greater than other sources of Census error, they can be relatively substantial for geographies with small total populations.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Biography is one of the most potent arts of democracy because it links the individual to the body politic and to history. It stands in parallel with independent long-form journalism. Whereas independent journalism is under threat, biography is currently one of the most popular and productive genres of publishing, breaking down the stratification of readership associated with almost every other category of writing. In the academy, the status of biography has transformed over the last few decades, with historians embracing the genre, literary studies scholars experimenting with form, and a wealth of new infrastructure embedding biographical inquiry in Australia. The biographical turn in Australia has brought the two disciplines of history and literary studies closer together and enriched their scholarship. David Marr's Patrick White, Fiona Capp's My Blood's Country, Mark McKenna's Return to Uluru and Alexis Wright's Tracker are just some examples of the field over the last 30 years. This article considers the principles underpinning contemporary biography and its practice. It reflects on the particular challenges of writing about living subjects, negotiating intimacy and privacy, and the uses of empathic listening in biographical interviews. It also explores the value of collective biography as a genre of current significance.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Traditional norms of human societies in rural China may have changed owing to population expansion, rapid development of the tourism economy and globalization since the 1990s; people from different ethnic groups might adopt cultural traits from outside their group or lose their own culture at different rates. Human behavioural ecology can help to explain adoption of outgroup cultural values. We compared the adoption of four cultural values, specifically speaking outgroup languages/mother tongue and wearing jeans, in two co-residing ethnic groups, the Mosuo and Han. Both groups are learning outgroup traits, including each other's languages through contact in economic activities, education and kin networks, but only the Mosuo are starting to lose their own language. Males are more likely to adopt outgroup values than females in both groups. Females of the two groups are no different in speaking Mandarin and wearing jeans, whereas males do differ, with Mosuo males being keener to adopt them than Han males. The reason might be that Mosuo men experience more reproductive competition over mates, as Mosuo men have larger reproductive skew than others. Moreover, Mosuo men but not others gain fitness benefits from the adoption of Mandarin (they start reproducing earlier than non-speakers).This article is part of the theme issue 'Social norm change: drivers and consequences'.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This special issue examines empirical and computational approaches to collective choice, the aggregation of individual preferences to form a public or social choice via some aggregation rule. Some of the aggregation rules considered herein include Borda rule, rank sum aggregation, and majority rule. Arrow (1951) demonstrated that axiomatic rationality at the individual level cannot assure freedom from aggregation paradoxes in collective choice, and this special issue considers several novel data sets and computational and experimental methods to assess the robustness of contemporary aggregation rules and settings. The collected papers provide much-needed evidence in a field that has traditionally presented empirical challenges.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This paper presents the results of the first large-scale study of children from early modern northern Estonia. A total of 191 non-adults (<17 years) from the 16th-18th century Tonismagi cemetery in the suburbs of Tallinn were analyzed to gain a better understanding of the health and living environment of these low-status children. This was achieved through growth analysis and palaeopathological investigation of metabolic and respiratory diseases such as scurvy, vitamin D deficiency, and tuberculosis. Growth disruption was shown to be the most severe among non-adults aged between 4 and 9 years and comparable to children living in post-medieval London. It is unlikely that the children from Tallinn would have experienced the same level of industrial hazards as those in London, but poor socioeconomic status, an impoverished diet, and unsanitary living conditions in the suburbs had a detrimental effect on the growth of these non-adults. This was supported by a statistically significant correlation between growth faltering and respiratory infections and evidence for scurvy in 40% of the infants (n = 30). The most likely cause was early weaning and a diet devoid of vitamin C, induced by poverty and cultural practices. The prevalence of rickets was much lower when compared with other post-medieval populations in Europe, at just 1.2%. This suggests that children living in Tallinn were not deprived of sunlight and may have had access to more green spaces.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Factor models are a parsimonious way to explain the dependence of variables using several latent variables. In Gaussian 1 -factor and structural factor models (such as bi -factor and oblique factor) and their factor copula counterparts, factor scores or proxies are defined as conditional expectations of latent variables given the observed variables. With mild assumptions, the proxies are consistent for corresponding latent variables as the sample size and the number of observed variables linked to each latent variable go to infinity. When the bivariate copulas linking observed variables to latent variables are not assumed in advance, sequential procedures are used for latent variables estimation, copula family selection and parameter estimation. The use of proxy variables for factor copulas means that approximate log-likelihoods can be used to estimate copula parameters with less computational effort for numerical integration.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Traveling wave rotary ultrasonic motors (TRUSMs) have been applied in optical systems, robotics, biomedical and other fields. However, the disadvantages such as short working life, driving performance degradation, and low energy utilization significantly limit the long-term and stable operation of TRUSMs in advanced fields like aerospace mechanisms. To address the above issues, a novel rotary ultrasonic motor based on multiple Langevin transducers is proposed in this paper. First, the structural design, driving principle and general design criteria are described in detail. Then, the structural parameters are optimized by finite element simulation analysis. Second, a prototype is assembled controllably. Subsequently, the impedance test and vibration measurement are carried out. The results show that the traveling wave is successfully generated on the tooth-ring, and all the Langevin transducers are excited to the first-order longitudinal vibration modes, which strongly verify the correctness of design principle. Finally, the driving performance experiment is carried out. The experimental results show that the no-load speed is 62 r min-1 under the pre-pressure of 10 N. The stalling torque is 0.94 N m at the driving voltage of 500 Vp-p. The response characteristics show that the start/stop time are 4.6/5.5 ms, and the angular displacement resolution of clockwise/counterclockwise driving are 6.7/10.2 mu rad. The motor proposed in this paper not only exhibits relatively high output performance with excellent vibration characteristics, but also maintains compactness of the structure. The sandwiched structure design effectively avoids the problem that the bonded-type piezoceramic rings in conventional TRUSMs are prone to damage or fall-off when vibrating for a long time. Furthermore, the general design criteria provide a new approach to develop high performance rotary ultrasonic motors. The proposed novel ultrasonic motor is expected to meet the demand for long-term and stable operation in aerospace mechanisms.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Background Understanding the predictors of functional status can be useful for improving modifiable predictors or identifying at-risk populations. Researchers have examined the predictors of functional status in older adults, but there has not been sufficient study in this field in older adults with multiple chronic conditions, especially in Iran. Consequently, the results of this body of research may not be generalizable to Iran. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine the predictors of functional status in Iranian older adults with multiple chronic conditions. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 118 Iranian older adults with multiple chronic conditions were recruited from December 2022 to September 2023. They were invited to respond to questionnaires inquiring about their demographic and health information, basic activities of daily living (BADL) and instrumental activities of daily living (IADL), depression and cognitive status. The predictors included age, gender, marital status, education, number of chronic conditions, and depression. Descriptive and analytical statistical tests (univariate and multiple regression analysis) were used to analyze the data. Results The majority of participants were married (63.9%) and women (59.3%). Based on the results of the multiple regression analysis, age (B=-0.04, P = 0.04), depression (B=-0.12, P = 0.04), and IADL (B = 0.46, P < 0.001) were significant predictors for functional status in terms of BADL. Also, marital status (B=-0.51, P = 0.05), numbers of chronic conditions (B=-0.61, P = 0.002), and BADL (B = 0.46, P < 0.001) were significant predictors for functional status in terms of IADL. Conclusion The findings support the predictive ability of age, marital status, number of chronic diseases, and depression for the functional status. Older adults with multiple chronic conditions who are older, single, depressed and with more chronic conditions number are more likely to have limitations in functional status. Therefore, nurses and other health care providers can benefit from the results of this study and identify and pay more attention to the high risk older adult population.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Hyperspectral imaging has recently consolidated as a useful technique for pigment mapping and iden-tification, although it is commonly supported by additional non-invasive analytical methods. Since it is relatively rare to find pure pigments in aged paintings, spectral unmixing can be helpful in facilitating pigment identification if suitable mixing models and endmember extraction procedures are chosen. In this study, a subtractive mixing model is assumed, and two approaches are compared for endmember extraction: one based on a linear mixture model, and the other, nonlinear and Deep-Learning based. Two spectral hyperspaces are used: the spectral reflectance (R hyperspace) and the-log(R) hyperspace, for which the subtractive model becomes additive. The performance of unmixing is evaluated by the similar-ity of the estimated reflectance to the measured data, and pigment identification accuracy. Two spectral ranges (400 to 10 0 0 nm and 900 to 1700 nm) and two objects (a laboratory sample and an aged painting, both on copper) are tested. The main conclusion is that unmixing in the -log(R) hyperspace with a linear mixing model is better than for the non-linear model in R hyperspace, and that pigment identification is generally better in R hyperspace, improving by merging the results in both spectral ranges.(c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The role of anharmonicity on superconductivity has often been disregarded in the past. Recently, it has been recognized that anharmonic decoherence could play a fundamental role in determining the superconducting properties (electron-phonon coupling, critical temperature, etc) of a large class of materials, including systems close to structural soft-mode instabilities, amorphous solids and metals under extreme high-pressure conditions. Here, we review recent theoretical progress on the role of anharmonic effects, and in particular certain universal properties of anharmonic damping, on superconductivity. Our focus regards the combination of microscopic-agnostic effective theories for bosonic mediators with the well-established BCS theory and Migdal-Eliashberg theory for superconductivity. We discuss in detail the theoretical frameworks, their possible implementation within first-principles methods, and the experimental probes for anharmonic decoherence. Finally, we present several concrete applications to emerging quantum materials, including hydrides, ferroelectrics and systems with charge density wave instabilities.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Tropical cyclones (TCs) lead to huge economic losses and casualties in coastal regions, but multi-decadal variation of TC remains poorly understood due to the limited length of observational records and low-resolution reconstructions. Porites corals provide continuous and monthly resolved records that allow for the determination of weather-timescale (weekly to monthly) extreme events, including TC, to overcome the above limitations. Here we synthesize five coral Delta delta 18O records from the South China Sea (SCS) and develop a coral TC frequency index, in good agreement with post-1980 instrumental records and sediment-based TC reconstructions over the past century. Our results indicate that TC frequency in the SCS exhibits pronounced decadal variations, with active TCs corresponding to the negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation. Our findings here provide novel evidence for past TC changes in the SCS and a constraint for predicting future TC changes.The impact of tropical cyclones (TCs) on coastal regions results in significant economic losses and casualties. Due to the relatively short observations or low-resolution records, assessing long-term changes of TCs has suffered from large uncertainties. Porites corals are sensitive to environmental changes and can provide century-long, monthly resolved records, which could serve as a potential archive for reconstructing past TCs. Here we present five coral Delta delta 18O records from the South China Sea (SCS) and develop two TC frequency indexes. Both the TCs generated in the SCS and those entering the SCS from the Western North Pacific are reflected in our coral-based TCs reconstruction. In addition, our reconstruction suggests that the TCs in the SCS were increased in 1878-1888, 1894-1904, 1934-1952, 1971-1978, and 1995-2004, which corresponded to the negative phase of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation over the past century. Our findings provide new evidence for historical changes in TCs in the SCS and a valuable constraint for predicting future TC variations.The low residual oxygen isotope values of coral strongly respond to tropical cyclones in the South China Sea Excluding temperature, we reconstruct tropical cyclone activities in the South China Sea over the past century using coral oxygen isotopes Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulates tropical cyclones in the South China Sea over the past century",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Coastal areas can contain a highly valuable archaeological record because of post-glacial drowning of previously inhabited land surfaces. Such records are increasingly under threat because of a range of economic activities. Archaeological Heritage Management (AHM) is hampered by a lack of detailed data on the buried landscapes. This makes it difficult to fully assess and deflect threats to this record. Here, we present a novel way of using under water magnetometer surveys to map and characterize buried Mesolithic/Neolithic landforms in high detail. Magnetometer maps from the IJsselmeer area (Netherlands) show patterns of paired linear anomalies that resemble banks or levees that straddle channel-like features. Sub-bottom profile transects and sediment core analyses confirm that the observed linear features are Mesolithic and Neolithic submerged buried channel and bank/levee systems that connect to known onshore buried channel systems from that age. Although the origin of the magnetic signal is still subject of study, the observed patterns clearly indicate areas or geomorphological phenomena of high archaeological potential, and make it possible to take measures for protection and research.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: CONTEXT: Loose tumor cells and tumor cell clusters can be recognized in the lumen of intratumoral pulmonary arteries of resected non-small cell lung cancer specimens. It is unclear whether these should be considered tumor-emboli, and as such could predict a worsened prognosis.OBJECTIVE: To investigate the nature and prognostic impact of pulmonary artery intraluminal tumor cells.DESIGN: This multicenter study involved an exploratory pilot study and a validation study from 3 institutions. For the exploratory pilot study, a retrospective pulmonary resection cohort of primary adenocarcinomas, diagnosed between November 2007 and November 2010, were scored for the presence of tumor cells, as well as potentially other cells in the intravascular spaces, using hematoxylin-eosin and cytokeratin 7 (CK7) stains. In the validation part, 2 retrospective cohorts of resected pulmonary adenocarcinomas, between January 2011 and December 2016, were included. Recurrence-free survival (RFS) and overall survival (OS) data were collected.RESULTS: In the pilot study, CK7+ intravascular cells, mainly tumor cells, were present in 23 of 33 patients (69.7%). The 5-year OS for patients with intravascular tumor cells was 61%, compared with 40% for patients without intravascular tumor cells (P = .19). In the validation study, CK7+ intravascular tumor cells were present in 41 of 70 patients (58.6%). The 5-year RFS for patients with intravascular tumor cells was 80.0%, compared with 80.6% in patients without intravascular tumor cells (P = .52). The 5-year OS rates were, respectively, 82.8% and 71.6% (P = .16).CONCLUSIONS: Loose tumor cells in pulmonary arterial lumina were found in most non-small cell lung cancer resection specimens and were not associated with a worse RFS or OS. Therefore, most probably they represent an artifact.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: What we eat and how we think about food and nutrition are undergoing a momentous change, driven by the rise of ultra-processed food. There is a growing body of evidence linking the consumption of ultra-processed food to poor health outcomes. However, the health depleting effects of ultra-processed food go beyond changes in discrete indicators of nutrition and health. Processes of depletion entail social, economic, and political relations. This paper aims to emphasise the importance of a social science research agenda on ultra-processed food by establishing the conceptual connections between ultra-processed food and depletion using a social reproduction approach. To do this, it draws on the notion of depletion through social reproduction elaborated by Shirin Rai, Catherine Hoskyns and Dania Thomas, which provided inspiration to unpack the totality of social reproduction and consider specific resources needed for social reproduction. Such an approach reveals that ultra-processed food is both an input for social reproduction, through consumption, and a form of social reproduction work, when food work and the associated (health) care work are considered. On this basis, the paper identifies four conceptual dimensions to explore whether and to what extent the expansion of ultra-processed food can cause depletion and the key methodological principles to use this conceptual approach in empirical research.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND AND STUDY AIMS: In Morocco the prevalence of Wilson disease (WD) and the spectrum of mutations are not known. The aim of the present study was to estimate the prevalence of WD in Morocco, to evaluate the phenotype among a large cohort of WD patients, and to characterize ATP7B variants in a subgroup of WD patients.PATIENTS AND METHODS: We collected data from 226 patients admitted to five university hospital centers in Morocco between 2008 and 2020. The diagnosis was based on clinical manifestations, function tests and biochemical parameters. The genotype was characterized in 18 families diagnosed at the University Hospital Center of Marrakesh, by next generation sequencing.RESULTS: The mean annual prevalence in Morocco was 3.88 per 100,000 and the allele frequency was 0.15 %. Among the 226 patients included (121 males and 105 females), 196 were referred for a hepatic or neurological involvement and 30 were asymptomatic. The mean age at diagnosis was 13 \u00b1 5.1 years (range: 5 - 42 years). Consanguinity was found in 63.3 % of patients. The mean duration of illness was 2.8 \u00b1 1.9 years. Kayser-Fleischer rings were found in 131 (67.9 %) of 193 patients. Among the 196 symptomatic patients, 141/159 (88.7 %) had low serum ceruloplasmin (<0.2 g/L) and a high 24-hours urinary copper (>100 mug/day) was found in 173/182 (95.1 %) patients. The initial treatment was D-penicillamine in 207 patients, zinc acetate in five, zinc sulfate in five, and nine patients were not treated; 60/207 (29 %) patients have stopped treatment. A total of 72 patients died; the mortality rate was 31.9 %. Eight different ATP7B variants were identified among the 18 patients studied, of which two were novel (p.Cys1104Arg and p.Gln1277Hisfs*52), and six previously published (p.Gln289Ter, p.Cys305Ter, p.Thr1232Pro, p.Lys1020Arg, p.Glu583ArgfsTer25 and c.51+4A>T). All informative patients were homozygous for the disease-causing mutation.CONCLUSION: In Morocco, a high prevalence due to consanguinity and a high mortality rate due to the difficulty of diagnosis and lack of treatment were observed in WD patients. NGS sequencing identified new ATP7B variants in WD patients from Morocco.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This article contributes to the scholarly discourse on the repercussions of trade liberalization in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that contributed to early globalization, offering a perspective that extends beyond the traditional focus on Atlantic economies. Our study centres on East and Southeast Asia, pivotal in Pacific and Indian Ocean trade. We overcome data scarcity by presenting a new, partner-disaggregated imports dataset spanning 10 ports across the region from 1795 to 1839. Employing a gravity model and incorporating interactions, we assess the degree of intra-Asian trade and its evolution following key events that liberalized East and Southeast Asian commerce in a period when measurable global integration started to become apparent. Supporting new Asian scholarship, our results highlight the remarkable intra-Asian trade before the high colonial era. We also show that, in general, colonial trade policies fostering inter-continental trade disproportionately augmented colonial imports in East and Southeast Asia, eclipsing gains in intra-Asian or Pacific trade, especially before 1830. We explore the impact of the influx of British textiles in the region as a mechanism to explain these trends. Our study illuminates complex trade dynamics in East and Southeast Asia during a transformative period of measurable global integration.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This article recovers Angela Davis's archived dissertation project, Towards a Kantian Theory of Force, from 1969, and places it in conversation with her mature work on prison abolition. It begins by documenting how, as a student of Frankfurt School Critical Theory, Davis honed an immanent critique of Kant's problem of freedom as a reflection of the historical contradiction that emerges between the moral claim to universal freedom and the socio-historical determinates that foreclose its material realization. It next reconstructs her dissertation project, showing how Davis teased this same problematic from Kant's little-explored political philosophy to argue persuasively that the liberal constitutional state's justified use of violence is a primary obstacle to the realization of moral freedom. By reading Davis's early critique in the context of contemporaneous Kant scholarship and in view of her subsequent abolitionist work, the article argues that Davis's early work can help to illuminate not just the central antagonism between freedom and state coercion that is the object of abolitionist critique, but the subjective-moral dimension inherent to its political practice.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Training competent behavior analysts is fundamentally crucial for the survival and prosperity of behavior analysis. The current article introduced the Comprehensive Application of Behavior Analysis to Schooling (CABAS) as a training model to train behavior analysts as strategic scientists. The CABAS training model is based on the philosophy of behavior selection and features a personalized system of instruction-based rank system. Each rank includes three areas of expertise: verbal behavior about science, contingency-shaped repertoire, and verbally mediated repertoire. The trainees work on these components with small-unit modules that shape and maintain their effective criterion-based performance. Advancement through these ranks demonstrates the trainees' increased proficiency and advanced expertise. We also discussed future research direction and the implications to graduate training programs in behavior analysis in general.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Core drilling has been used successfully in archaeology for a variety of applications, including mapping stratigraphy across large areas, estimating feature depth and content, understanding site formation processes, as well as complementing information obtained through surface collection and geophysical survey. In this paper, we provide an overview of the first core drilling campaign carried out in 2021 on the outer settlement of the Bronze Age tell from Toboliu in western Romania. The overall aim of this coring program was to gather information regarding the nature of various features within the settlement, with a focus on the anomalies visible in the geomagnetic site plan. Based on 165 drilled cores, a reconstruction of the site's stratigraphy is presented in this paper. This reconstruction was controlled and confirmed by excavations in one of the coring transects where the stratigraphic interpretation of the cores could be linked with the excavated stratigraphy. Additionally, samples for radiocarbon dating were collected from several cores. Based on this data, we discuss preliminary insights into possible house locations and preservation issues, as well as the chronological development and occupation sequence of this complex site.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Background The shortage and aging of surgeons in regional surgical care has been remarkable, and the importance of surgical education for young surgeons in the region is only increasing. However, there are very few reports about regional surgical education. This study aimed to clarify the current status and issues regarding surgical education in regional surgical care and to examine the ideal way to provide surgical education in the region. Methods Two questionnaire surveys were carried out. (1) Survey on the awareness regarding the education of young surgeons was conducted by mail in institutions where surgeons worked. (2) Survey on the current status of surgical education for young surgeons was conducted via the Internet with surgeons under 40 years old and mentors at the same facility. Results There were 175 respondents to survey (1), among whom 131 (75%) surgeons were interested in educating young surgeons, and 112 (64%) were actively participating in this educating. Regarding the best evaluation methods for mentors who are educating young surgeons, the most frequent answer was I don't know (51%). The number of respondents in survey (2) was 87, including 27 (31%) young surgeons and 60 (69%) mentors. Although there was no difference between young surgeons and mentors in the level of satisfaction with the current status of young surgeons, 37% of young surgeons in urban areas were dissatisfied with their current status, compared to 0% in the regional area (p < 0.05). Conclusions Although surgeons did not have confidence in their own education, the level of satisfaction among young surgeons was high even in those providing regional surgical care. Development of an evaluation system for surgical education is necessary for young surgeons to receive more effective surgical education in the region.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The success of screening programs depends to a large extent on the adherence of the target population, so it is therefore of fundamental importance to develop computer simulation models that make it possible to understand the factors that correlate with this adherence, as well as to identify population groups with low adherence to define public health strategies that promote behavioral change. Our aim is to demonstrate that it is possible to simulate screening adherence behavior using computer simulations. Three versions of an agent-based model are presented using different methods to determine the agent's individual decision to adhere to screening: (a) logistic regression; (b) fuzzy logic components and (c) a combination of the previous. All versions were based on real data from 271,867 calls for diabetic retinopathy screening. The results obtained are statistically very close to the real ones, which allows us to conclude that despite having a high degree of abstraction from the real data, the simulations are very valid and useful as a tool to support decisions in health planning, while evaluating multiple scenarios and accounting for emergent behavior.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The Women in Public Service in Pakistan (WPSP) oral history project records the professional life histories of women employed in public sector institutions. Our aim in this article is twofold. First, we discuss the nature of public sector employment (sarkari nokri) and review the data and literature on women's participation in public sector work in Pakistan. These sources reveal that the trajectory of women's employment in the public sector has been shaped by gender mainstreaming, which, in turn, is driven by global treaties and goals. Then, after describing the project design, we explore our narrators' assertions of status, ability, and achievements as they navigate patriarchy. We argue that women public sector employees have collectively forged a social identity and modified the terms of patriarchy as it applies to them. This article presents women's public sector employment as a coherent subject of study across a range of sectors of work from education to the civil service. This article also demonstrates that oral history methods enable a substantial intervention in the study of government employment in Pakistan. As such, this rich archive of women's experiences serves public, scholarly, and institutional interests; is comparable to oral history projects on government in other parts of the world; and intervenes in ongoing debates about digital oral history. At the same time, the WPSP oral history project is unique in its use of an oral history method to study government employment in Pakistan. Our methods, approaches, and conclusions are instructive both for scholars of near-contemporary history in Pakistan and for oral historians seeking to establish their own projects on women in public life.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This analysis investigates whether solidarity is an appropriate concept for thinking about justifications for a just distribution of bioethical goods in the international arena. This will be explored by looking at the national origins of the idea of justifying solidarity in the form of the health care that welfare states offer. Following that, 'life' and 'health' will be placed within a philosophical context by focusing on the main arguments of John Rawls and Amartya Sen and the role of solidarity in these two theories of justice will be analysed. It will be shown that these theories assume that solidarity is not a prerequisite for just international structures. Finally, the possibility will be discussed, that there is a degree of uncertainty surrounding justifications for fair distribution in the international context that can result when the concepts of solidarity and justice are handled imprecisely.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In English teaching, developing students' reading habits has been emphasized for its critical role in promoting overall core competencies. However, in practice, many teachers and parents are not informed of the effective approaches to developing good English reading habits, hindering the overall development of students' core competencies. In light of this, an empirical study was carried out to explore the developmental features of students' English reading habits and individual, family and school factors that affect its development. A questionnaire was adopted to collect quantitative data. A total of 2,130 primary and secondary school students from China participated in the study. The results indicated that their English reading habits varied with age and gender. In terms of age, secondary school students, especially middle school students, performed better than primary school students. In terms of gender, females performed better in reading frequency, reading time and ways of reading, while males had a larger reading volume. Reading habits were found to be impacted by individual, school and family factors. Among them, age had the strongest influence on the development of English reading habits. These findings shed light on effective ways to develop English reading habits, especially in foreign-language-learning contexts.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: During the sixteenth century, the medieval Palace of Westminster went from being the most-used royal palace, where the king lived and worked alongside his administration, to becoming solely the home of the law-courts, Parliament, and the offices of state. At the same time, the numbers of individuals who came to the palace seeking governance or to take part in the business of the law-courts increased over the course of the century. While Westminster had earlier been a public venue for governance and royal display, the increasing absence of the English monarch from the palace created alternative uses. Political culture came to focus on Westminster as entirely separate from the court. This article explores how these changing uses created new forms of political and administrative culture. It examines how the administrative offices, particularly the Exchequer, were remade to accommodate changing financial demands and the increasing contact between individuals and the Crown. It argues that the repurposing of the Palace of Westminster created a distinctly different set of relationships between the Crown and the public. This gave the institutions that called the palace home the space to develop as bodies that drew their legitimacy from their representation of the community of the realm as a whole.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: OBJECTIVES: Fungal infections (FI) pose a public health concern and significantly increase mortality rates, especially within Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU). Thus, this study aimed to investigate epidemiological indicators, risk factors, and lethality predictors associated with FI in a NICU.METHODS: This study included 1,510 neonates admitted to the NICU of a reference hospital in Brazil between 2015 and 2022. Demographic data, such as sex, birth weight, gestational age, and use of invasive devices were analyzed.RESULTS: Thirty neonates developed invasive FI, totaling 33 episodes and an incidence of 1.2 per 1,000 patient days. Candida albicans was the most frequent species (52.9 %), the bloodstream was the most affected site (78.9 %), and 72.7 % of infections occurred between 2015 and 2018. The lethality rate associated with FI was 33.3 %, and 90 % of deaths occurred within 30 days of diagnosis of infection. Weight < 750 g, prolonged hospital stay, use of parenteral nutrition, and broad-spectrum antimicrobials were independent risk factors for infection occurrence, especially glycopeptides and 4th generation cephalosporins, having a considerable role in the increase in fungal infections. Weight < 750 g was considered a significant predictor of lethality, and C. albicans had the highest lethality rate (40 %).CONCLUSION: These findings highlight the elevated lethality rate associated with these infections, reinforcing the importance of developing strategies to control FI within NICU.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Family physicians require leadership skills to strengthen team-based primary care services. Interviews with South African district managers confirmed the need to develop leadership skills in family physicians. The updated national programmatic learning outcomes for South African family physician training were published in 2021. They sparked the need for curriculum renewal at the University of Cape Town's Division of Family Medicine. A review of the leadership and governance module during registrar training showed that the sessions were perceived to be content heavy with insufficient opportunities for reflection. Following a series of stakeholder engagements, the module convenors co-designed a revised module that was blueprinted on the updated learning outcomes. The module incorporates a group coaching style, facilitating learning through reflection on one's experiences. The revised module was implemented in 2022. It aims to provide a transformative learning experience centred on students' perceptions of themselves as leaders, as well as professional identity formation and resilience building. This short report describes preliminary insights from the revised module's developmental phase and forms part of an ongoing iterative evaluation process.Contribution:Family physicians should lead across all their defined roles. Formal and informal learning opportunities are needed to facilitate their growth as leaders and help them to meet the health needs of communities served by an evolving health care system. This short report describes an example of a revised postgraduate module on leadership and governance, which may be of value to clinician educators and academic departments exploring innovative methods for the African region.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In the era of digital information, metadata, and ontology technology have increasingly promoted the information management and utilization of museum collections. As one of the most important collection categories in Chinese and even the world's historical museums, the information management of ancient Chinese ceramics has made some progress, but there are still some shortcomings as well. Based on the current need for the information management and utilization of ancient Chinese ceramics, the article used the ceramics in the Nankai University Museum as research samples, constructing the Metadata of Ancient Chinese Ceramics through the comprehensive analysis, integration, and improvement of existing metadata. Moreover, based on that, the study reused and expanded the CIDOC CRM to establish the Ontology of Ancient Chinese Ceramics through Protege, with 20 pieces of ceramics in the Nankai University Museum being added as instances. Last but not least, the study took the Kang Xi Polychrome Cup with Winter Jasmine as an instance and presented its knowledge map through visualization to demonstrate the structure of the Ontology of Ancient Chinese Ceramics more clearly. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In the era of artificial intelligence, image-based virtual restoration of cultural relics is one of the methods used in the restoration of cultural relics. As the most informative representative of cultural heritage in the study of historical materials, murals occupy a significant position in archaeology and ancient culture. Currently, most of the existing virtual restoration of murals is limited to the restoration of image information for local damage. The scenes of murals have large spatial scales and complex semantic contents. In order to enhance the semantic relevance of the virtual restoration of murals and the immersion of a visual perception, this paper proposes a kind of mural virtual-real fusion restoration display method based on visual attention mechanism. Based on the case study on the immersive fusion restoration of Dunhuang grotto murals, the feasibility of regional mural image restoration and real space scene fusion restoration is verified. A new paradigm of mural heritage protection in the context of virtual-real fusion is realized. (c) 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license ( )",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Given the background of ecological protection and high-quality development strategies in the Yellow River Basin (YRB), studying the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing mechanisms of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in the YRB is of great significance for objectively understanding the entire process of cultural occurrence, evolution, protection, and development in the YRB. Considering 787 counties in nine provincial areas of the YRB as the research area, this study adopted density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN), kernel density estimation (KDE), and GeoDetector, and explored the spatial distribution characteristics and influencing mechanisms of 892 national-level ICH items. The results showed that the entire ICH was spatially agglomerated in the YRB. Concurrently, regional differences were apparent, mainly concentrated in the middle-lower reaches and several cultural areas. Although all 10 ICH types showed spatial gathering characteristics, the degree of agglomeration of folk art and literature, traditional sports recreation, and acrobatics was relatively low. DBSCAN clustering showed that the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River were the core areas of ICH and various types of ICH clustering. The kernel density also showed an agglomeration distribution trend and formed a 3 + 4 + 5 kernel density hierarchy, exhibiting prominent center-periphery characteristics. Among the natural environmental, socioeconomic, and historical-cultural factors, the socioeconomic factors significantly affected ICH spatial distribution, whereas natural environmental factors were less influential. The gross domestic product (GDP), national historical and culturally famous towns and villages, populations, and museums strongly influenced ICH spatial distribution. The factor interaction explanatory force was greater than that of a single factor, indicating synergistic effects between the factors. The explanatory force of GDP, urbanization level, population, minority population, and traffic interaction with other factors on ICH spatial distribution significantly improved. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In this editorial the editor considers issues of historicity (understanding things in their historical context) in health professions education and the sciences thereof, and argues for more attention to historical and other contextual factors in creating and appraising the research literature.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This study presents results supporting the need to price climate risks in real estate investment trusts. We approach this objective by conducting some empirical analyses for global, regional, and [US] sectoral REITs for want of wider coverage while we also consider variants of climate risks involving physical and transition risks. We first establish that climate concerns amplify the volatility of REIT returns. While our results are split for sectoral REITs, we find that both physical and transition risks magnify the volatility in the regional and global REITs market. However, when we consider the US sectoral REITs, we find contrasting evidence between the two variants of climate risks. While the transition risks seem to raise the REITs market volatility, perhaps owing to improved trading in the market as signalled by some level commitments towards addressing climate change, the physical risks associated with damages due to climate change tend to lower the REITs market volatility due to lower trading. Consequently, we formulate a framework that enables a profit-maximizing investor to observe climate risks when making investment decisions in the REITs market, and we further show that doing so provides higher economic gains than ignoring it. This outcome has implications for investors looking for the best hedging strategy against climate-related risks, especially as the world intensifies efforts towards de-carbonization.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In the context of deepening globalization, accelerating the internationalization of higher education is the core development mission and important development mode of higher education today. This study investigates the impact of university presidents' international education experience on the associated Chinese institutions' internationalization. Based on imprinting theory, we argue that international education experiences received during sensitive periods leave an imprint on presidents concerning overseas countries, which may further impact their cognitive structures, enabling them to make strategic decisions conducive to international expansion. We manually collected multidimensional data from 868 Chinese general higher education institutions (HEIs) and 1,863 university presidents between 2001 and 2017. The results reveal that university presidents' international education experiences significantly enhance the level of internationalization in HEIs. Additionally, when the country where presidents obtained international experiences has a closer cultural distance to China or the government in the location where presidents serve shows greater attention to higher education, can strengthen the positive impact of presidents' international experiences on HEIs internationalization. This study makes important theoretical contributions to leadership literature, internationalization of higher education literature, and imprinting theory. It also has practical significance for the development and promotion of university presidents.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Inclusive Design has been widely promoted in the fields of product, engineering, and user experience design. Despite the educational efforts made by scientists, practitioners, and institutions to raise awareness about accessibility and inclusion, Inclusive Design has not been widely embraced in architectural design practice, where it is often associated with design for disability. This multidisciplinary study, spanning behavioural science, ergonomics, and the social sciences of architecture, explores the challenges architectural design practitioners face when designing inclusively, and identifies opportunities to promote the adoption of Inclusive Design. The results of a questionnaire completed by 114 architectural design practitioners underscore the lack of client awareness of the benefits of inclusive design, highlight the important role practitioners can play in advocating for Inclusive Design, and emphasize the need to develop practices and tools that enhance the design and post-design phases of buildings to ensure inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: A burgeoning body of research examines how women's inclusion influences civil war peace processes. While scholars note that women's inclusion can positively affect peace, the theoretical mechanisms remain underexamined. This article begins to address this lacuna by examining how female rebels affect the probability of peace talks. We propose that women's inclusion directly affects the likelihood a rebel group participates in negotiations with the state by increasing its propensity to cooperate and compromise. Our analysis of 112 African rebel groups fighting in civil wars between 1989 and 2014 finds that women's participation in rebel groups affects the likelihood of negotiation onset. We analyze the mechanism driving this relationship and find that rebel groups with women members are more likely to issue negotiation requests to the government. These findings offer nuance to the women-and-peace hypothesis and demonstrate that even women with higher propensities toward violence can be a force for peace.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This article addresses the representation and negotiation of gender norms in visual iconography in the Islamic Republic of Iran against the backdrop of the master narrative of the Iran-Iraq War (1980-88), which serves as a prefigurative image repertoire for propaganda and regime messaging in the post-war period. Drawing on images from the war itself and after, the article presents a historical perspective on the dynamics of representing prototypical gender roles, not only in relation to war but labour and industry as well. The article also highlights how gender roles were renegotiated in state propaganda during the COVID-19 pandemic, which includes the depiction of female martyrs defending the nation. However, despite the capability of state propaganda to renegotiate gender norms, this process remains circumscribed by the mechanisms of masculine myth-making and the male archetype of the martyr. In effect, such processes do not connote gender equality but rather unmask discourses on female martyrdom as double-edged: While agency in history is ascribed to women, the logic of the gender hierarchy is reified at the same time. Such observations regarding state-sponsored visual iconography in contemporary Iran contribute to the study of propaganda techniques used by authoritarian regimes.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Due to the shortage of fossil energy, environmental pollution, climate change and a series of problems, China is developing photovoltaic (PV) energy and other clean sources of energy. The flexible application of photovoltaic energy makes is an ideal choice. First, this paper clearly describes the significance of the economic value of a PV + model, analyzes its composition of, and then builds the PV + economic value evaluation model. Finally, a PV + model from the agriculture and aquaculture industry is taken as an example to evaluate its economic value. Through data calculations, the feasibility of the PV + economic value evaluation model proposed in this paper is verified. The results show that the model can not only promote the development of photovoltaic energy, but also bring a spillover value to the decentralized economy. The contributions of this paper are as follows: (1) The existence of the spillover value of a PV + model is proposed for the first time. (2) The value of the distributed PV + model is revealed from its essential attributes and characteristics, and a method for the quantitative calculation of the spillover value is proposed. (3) Three cases of the spillover value for the economic value of the PV + model are proposed, and the relationship between the spillover value and local adoption of PV + model to absorb distributed PV is discussed.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This article studies the development of antisemitism in Austria in the late nineteenth century through the example of Josef Deckert. The priest is depicted in historiography as one of the most prominent anti-Jewish agitators of that period, but his path to antisemitism has not been explored. This research indicates that Deckert's adoption of antisemitic ideology happened abruptly and was not guided by ecclesiastical or lay authorities. The article, therefore, invites us to look more at individual actors and local cultures and less on strategies from above when studying the spread of populist movements. At the same time, the analysis draws attention to two aspects that have been studied little in connection to the diffusion of antisemitism in the modern period, the cult of Saint Joseph and the remembrance of the Turkish siege of Vienna. Deckert was deeply devoted to Saint Joseph and invoked the patron saint of the Habsburg monarchy, not only as protector of Catholic Austria at the time of the Ottoman wars, but as patron of the workers and defender against the contemporary Austrian Jews.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Due to the severity of hip fracture complications in the geriatric population, including major morbidity and mortality, it is crucial to establish treatment goals and manage expectations as a patient-centered multidisciplinary team. Goals of care (GOC) are personalized treatment programs designed to align with the individual patient's values and preferences. There is a paucity of literature on the topic of GOC discussions, especially regarding orthopaedic injuries. Therefore, this narrative review aims to provide an account of GOC discussions related to geriatric hip fractures.METHODS: We reviewed articles published on GOC between 1978 and 2024. The articles were identified by searching PubMed and Google Scholar. We utilized the search terms GOC discussions and hip fracture, with additional descriptors including arthroplasty and geriatric.RESULTS: There were 11 articles that met the selection criteria and were published between 1978 and 2024. Five articles were published on GOC discussions in orthopaedic surgery, while the remaining 6 articles were published in non-orthopaedic fields. There was one systematic review, 2 narrative reviews, 6 observational studies, and 2 descriptive studies. Supplemental commentary from non-orthopaedic specialties and the fields of law and medical ethics was included to assist in highlighting barriers to GOC discussions and to explore potential strategies to enhance GOC discussions.CONCLUSIONS: Goals of care discussions provide a framework for treatment decisions based on an individual patient's values and cultural beliefs; however, these conversations may be limited by perceived time constraints, patient health care literacy, and physicians' misconceptions of what is most important to discuss. While no clear consensus was identified regarding strategies for improving GOC discussions in geriatric patients who have hip fractures, the authors recommend standardized training programs, expedited family meetings, multidisciplinary team involvement, assistive technology such as Outcome Prioritization Tool, and the incorporation of GOC discussions into institutional hip fracture pathways.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved impressive performance over various computer vision tasks. However, modeling global correlations with multi-head self-attention (MSA) layers leads to two widely recognized issues: the massive computational resource consumption and the lack of intrinsic inductive bias for modeling local visual patterns. To solve both issues, we devise a simple yet effective method named Single-Path Vision Transformer pruning (SPViT), to efficiently and automatically compress the pre-trained ViTs into compact models with proper locality added. Specifically, we first propose a novel weight-sharing scheme between MSA and convolutional operations, delivering a single-path space to encode all candidate operations. In this way, we cast the operation search problem as finding which subset of parameters to use in each MSA layer, which significantly reduces the computational cost and optimization difficulty, and the convolution kernels can be well initialized using pre-trained MSA parameters. Relying on the single-path space, we introduce learnable binary gates to encode the operation choices in MSA layers. Similarly, we further employ learnable gates to encode the fine-grained MLP expansion ratios of FFN layers. In this way, our SPViT optimizes the learnable gates to automatically explore from a vast and unified search space and flexibly adjust the MSA-FFN pruning proportions for each individual dense model. We conduct extensive experiments on two representative ViTs showing that our SPViT achieves a new SOTA for pruning on ImageNet-1 k. For example, our SPViT can trim 52.0% FLOPs for DeiT-B and get an impressive 0.6% top-1 accuracy gain simultaneously.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The aim of this study is to investigate factors with both beneficial and harmful qualities for Cultural World Heritage Sites. Particular but not exclusive attention is given to aspects relating to tourism and infrastructure. Data from the World Heritage List for North America and Europe, linked to the 2014 UNESCO Periodic Report II, are employed for the analysis. A simultaneous Bivariate Probit model estimation is carried out on the 30,954 observations and 402 Heritage Sites. World Heritage managers assess that certain factors are both beneficial and harmful for their sites. These contradictory perceptions appear most commonly in relation to tourism/visitors/recreation (28% of the sites), ground transport infrastructure (16%) and to the Society's valuing of heritage (12%). Besides this, ambivalent perceptions are also identified for housing, commercial development, land conversion, forestry/timber production and renewable energy facilities, although to a lesser extent. Estimation results reveal that the highest degree of ambivalence occurs in relation to tourism/visitors/recreation, interpretive and sightseeing facilities and ground transport infrastructure when location and specific site characteristics are controlled for. Thus, the results coincide only to some extent with the descriptive statistics. Compared to other groups of Cultural World Heritage Sites (cultural landscapes, religious sites and other sites) managers of cities have a significantly lower probability of perceiving the different factors as harmful. (c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( )",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In this paper we articulate a characterization of the concept of disease as a social problem. We argue that, from a social ontology point of view, diseases are problems that are identified and addressed within the framework of concrete social institutions and practices (those that shape medicine). This approach allows us to overcome the classical distinction between naturalist and normativist approaches in the philosophy of medicine, taking into account both the material and the symbolic factors that shape the categories and determine the practices of medicine.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Armed conflicts and resulting displacement disrupt people's sense of place, leading to an imbalance in the people-place relationship, exaggerated by rehabilitation efforts that overlook the sense of place among conflict- and displacement-impacted communities. A continuous landscape narrative that extends from pre- to post-conflict times contributes to recreating the essence of lost landscapes and therefore reconnecting their sense of place. Focusing on a Syrian city that hosted internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the aftermath of the Syrian conflict, this study aims to structure a virtual landscape and narrative depiction of conflict-impacted landscapes. This study proposes a storytelling approach for narrative construction and an AI-powered visualisation approach to revive the image of the elusive landscapes. This study utilised qualitative research methods through in-depth, semi-structured interviews for data collection and an online survey for exploring the perception of virtual landscape images generated with AI text-to-image models (DALL.E 2 and Bing Image Creator). This study indicates that narratives, supported by AI visualisation, are reliable for comprehending landscape transformation and changes in the sense of place. The two approaches can serve as rehabilitation initiatives in post-crisis settings to recall images of elusive landscapes to save them from being lost forever.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Increasing temperatures and more frequent heatwave events pose threats to population health, particularly in urban environments due to the urban heat island (UHI) effect. Greening, in particular planting trees, is widely discussed as a means of reducing heat exposure and associated mortality in cities. This study aims to use data from personal weather stations (PWS) across the Greater London Authority to understand how urban temperatures vary according to tree canopy coverage and estimate the heat-health impacts of London's urban trees. Data from Netatmo PWS from 2015-2022 were cleaned, combined with official Met Office temperatures, and spatially linked to tree canopy coverage and built environment data. A generalized additive model was used to predict daily average urban temperatures under different tree canopy coverage scenarios for historical and projected future summers, and subsequent health impacts estimated. Results show areas of London with higher canopy coverage have lower urban temperatures, with average maximum daytime temperatures 0.8 degrees C and minimum temperatures 2.0 degrees C lower in the top decile versus bottom decile canopy coverage during the 2022 heatwaves. We estimate that London's urban forest helped avoid 153 heat attributable deaths from 2015-2022 (including 16 excess deaths during the 2022 heatwaves), representing around 16% of UHI-related mortality. Increasing tree coverage 10% in-line with the London strategy would have reduced UHI-related mortality by a further 10%, while a maximal tree coverage would have reduced it 55%. By 2061-2080, under RCP8.5, we estimate that London's current tree planting strategy can help avoid an additional 23 heat-attributable deaths a year, with maximal coverage increasing this to 131. Substantial benefits would also be seen for carbon storage and sequestration. Results of this study support increasing urban tree coverage as part of a wider public health effort to mitigate high urban temperatures.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In the context of Ugandan higher education, this study investigates the revolutionary effects of technology developments in educational leadership on student experiences and outcomes. A purposive sampling strategy was used to select 161 participants from 12 universities in Uganda, focusing on those with significant influence and expertise in educational leadership. Email invitations were sent out explaining the goal and parameters of the research. Four major themes emerged from the qualitative interviews: digital learning environments, data-driven decision-making, remote and blended learning models, and collaboration and communication. The results indicate a paradigm shift toward digital platforms, more dynamic, and individualized learning experiences. Strategic use of data analytics by educational leaders informs decision-making processes, resulting in better academic outcomes and customized interventions. The adoption of flexible learning models, such as blended and remote learning, is a response to changing dynamics in education that is adaptive. A more integrated educational ecosystem is also supported by technology, which improves collaboration and communication. This study shed light on how technological innovations in educational leadership might have a revolutionary effect on students. It is clear that changes in learning environments, decision-making procedures, learning models, and communication techniques from leaders continuing to leverage technology's potential result in a more engaging, inclusive, and productive learning environment for students. In light of the study's findings, we recommend educational authorities keep embracing and advancing technology integration in higher education. To guarantee that educators can effectively use technology to benefit students, this entails providing them with continual professional development to improve their digital literacy.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: To effectively control and eradicate PPR, the comprehensive understanding of risk factors associated with PPR exposure is vital. Hence, this study investigated socioeconomic and other associated risk determinants for PPR exposure at flock level in sheep and goats in a non-vaccination programme implemented Madhya Pradesh state India. A total of 410 sheep and goat flocks, comprised mostly of goats but also some mixed flocks, were surveyed during 2016 using a multistage random sampling procedure. Further, 230 blood samples were also collected from the farmers-reported PPR affected flocks and sera were tested using c-ELISA to confirm PPR exposure. The primary data on socioeconomic factors, farm management factors, health status, vaccination details and other epidemiological risk factors were collected from flock owners and descriptive statistics, chi-square analysis and logistic regression models were fitted to identify the significant risk factors for PPR incidence. The farmer's education, flock size, rearing pattern, and awareness of PPR vaccination were found to be significant pre-disposing risk factors for PPR exposure in the flocks. Hence, the control and eradication strategy need to be designed comprehensively considering the key social factors like education and vaccination awareness along with other flock level risk factors to eradicate PPR by 2030 in consonance with the global plan.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Historical heritage is demanding robust pipelines for preserving, enhancing, and disseminating its prominent value. Semantic segmentation of 3D Point Clouds has gained increasing attention over the years, since it might assist in automati -cally recognizing historical architectural elements, thus facilitating large dataset management. Nonetheless, semantic segmentation is particularly challenging in Cultural Heritage (CH) domain, due to the shapes complexity and the limited repeatability of elements across different architectures, which strengthens the difficulty to define common patterns within the same class of elements. Besides, as Deep Neural Networks demand an appreciably amount of labelled data to be trained, the lack of available annotated heritage point clouds prevent the research in this direction. To tackle these issues, in this paper it is proposed a Deep Learning system able to recognize historical building elements by lever -aging synthetic point cloud. The generation of the 3D models, vaults, is based on a procedural modeling approach that follows the ideal shapes, according to the rules of descriptive geometry for the main types of vaults. The approach has been applied to a newly synthetic dataset which is publicly available. This dataset comprises 6 labelled points clouds, derived from a comprehensive on -tological taxonomy in order to describe an univocal and robust architectural hierarchy: barrel vaults, groined vaults, mirror vaults, barrel vaults with clois -ter heads and lunettes, barrel vaults with lunettes, sail vaults. The experiments yield high accuracy, demonstrating the effectiveness and suitability of the pro -posed approach.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Rabbits are becoming one of the most popular pets in western countries, including the Czech Republic. Until now, the welfare-husbandry conditions of rabbits in correlation with owner attachment to the rabbit has never been investigated. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the bond with a rabbit and selected factors, such as ownership of a dog and/or cat, the time spent with the rabbit, and the age of any children living in the household, have an impact on a pet rabbit's husbandry conditions. Data was gathered on the basis of a questionnaire survey conducted among pet rabbit owners in the Czech Republic. In total, 1651 completed questionnaires were collected through various channels, namely veterinary surgeries, pet shops, breeders, and social media. The questions covered demographics, living conditions, the presence of children and/or other pets, and the strength of the bond. We found that living with a child/children under 12 years of age, owning a dog and a cat, and spending less time with the rabbit were associated with a decreased bond between the owner and the rabbit. It was also found that decreased time spent with the rabbit is associated with decreased animal husbandry conditions. However, only a weak association was found between the bond of the owners to their rabbit and its welfare-husbandry conditions. Overall, the most alarming finding was that over 80% of companion rabbits in Czech Republic are kept in isolation. In conclusion, the amount of time owners spend with their rabbit appears to be a suitable parameter for determining the strength of the bond attachment and husbandry conditions of the rabbit. There were minimal differences between the strength of the bond and the breeding status of the rabbit if there was a child and/or other pets such as a dog and/or cat in the household. The role of rabbits has changed recently, and it is therefore necessary to conduct comprehensive research into rabbit welfare.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The expansion of Residential Real Estate Investment Trusts (R-REITs) represents an important frontier in the financialization of housing and cities. This paper advances the literature on institutional real estate investment and corporate landlordism by analyzing how and where the 15 largest, publicly-listed R-REITS and REIT-like funds in Germany and the US are growing today. First, we introduce the metaphor of the feeding machine to characterize how key actors like the state, private equity, and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) provide R-REITs with the properties, capital, and imperative to grow. Second, we find four geographical expansion strategies at work: (1) investment beyond mainstream asset classes: from multi-family apartments and single-family rentals to student flats, care homes, and mobile home and recreational vehicle sites, (2) the concentration and consolidation of ownership, through mergers and acquisitions and focused investment in select markets, (3) acquisition across national borders, and (4) institution-led new construction. Despite crucial nuances in individual R-REIT strategies and the housing systems of each country, our comparative analysis reveals shared trajectories and rationalities of expansion. We posit that ETFs and the indexes through which they allocate investment increasingly shape the restless urban landscape of R-REIT growth, pumping liquidity into spatially fixed assets.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This paper develops a problem for conciliationism that is structurally similar to the self-undermining problem but which is immune to most of the solutions offered against it. A popular objection to conciliationism is that it undermines itself. Given the current disagreement among philosophers about conciliationism, conciliationism seems to require rejecting conciliationism. Adam Elga (2010) has influentially argued that this shows that conciliationism is an incoherent method. By recommending its own rejection, conciliationism recommends multiple, incompatible responses to the same body of experience. Many have offered solutions to this problem, including Elga himself. However, there is another undermining problem. When a peer disagrees about their own peerhood, conciliationism can require the rejection of the peer's peerhood. The result is that conciliationism recommends two incompatible responses to the same body of experience in a way that parallels the original self-undermining problem. But since many, if not all, of the solutions to the original undermining problem depend on distinctive characteristics of conciliationism undermining itself, they cannot apply to a peer undermining themself. I illustrate this by dividing the solutions that have been offered against the self-undermining problem into two categories: self-exempting solutions and non-exempting solutions. I then show how solutions under each type do not extend to the peer-undermining problem. If that is right, then conciliationism is faced with a more difficult undermining problem than has been so far acknowledged.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This paper presents a periodized overview of informal urbanization in Vienna in the twentieth century. It offers a new perspective on the evolution of planning discourse and the phenomenon's handling by planning authorities. The variegated manifestations of 'Informal Vienna' triggered an ongoing dispute on how orderly city development could be re-established after 1945. Our approach combines quantitative and qualitative aspects and illuminates not only the shifting significance of informal urbanization over several decades - especially in their lengthy formalization process - but also highlights the co-evolution of formal planning and the Viennese informal 'grand project'.In a comparative historical analysis based on the evaluation of the balances of formal and informal production of space, previous narratives of Red Vienna's dominant role in answering the 'housing question' in the interwar period (and beyond) are challenged. The frictions it created with the instruments and categories of formal planning, we argue, are crucial to understanding the consequences of informal development in Vienna.Furthermore, we present a typological approach on the grades of informality which allows for a reconstruction of the formalization processes in time. This 'graduation of informality' contributes to the ongoing attempts to classify various manifestations of informal urban development in the global South and North.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Work safety is an important area of business activity, particularly in industries with the most dangerous risks, such as mining, construction and energy. The aim is to reduce the number of accidents and increase employee awareness of occupational hazards and the principles of safe working practices. One of the most important ways to increase employee awareness and consequently reduce accidents is through training. The effectiveness of training is contingent on proper planning, design and preparation. Design thinking directed towards the use of teaching methods and tools is crucial. Properly planned training is part of the sustainability of companies, which consequently results in higher work safety due to its high efficiency. This article reviews the most common training methods in the area of work safety and evaluates them qualitatively and quantitatively using SWOT and multi-criteria analyses. These analyses can provide important guidance in the selection of training methods, regardless of the business sector. Based on the results obtained, effective training methods included those involving students: active training methods with elements of discussion and gamification, augmented and virtual reality, demonstrations and simulations. However, the best training results can be achieved by combining a number of training methods, while maintaining the right balance to achieve the intended training objectives. This is particularly important in businesses with specific activities such as mining, construction or energy.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: What fixes the referents of episodic memories? While developed theories are lacking, it is generally assumed that the causal production of a memory, via memory traces, determines its referent. Recently, it has been pointed out that the promiscuity of memory traces poses a problem for this approach. Proposed solutions focus on finding some nonpromiscuous causal link. In this paper, I refine the problem posed by promiscuous memory traces and show that these solutions fail. By developing the question of mnemonic episodic reference within the framework of informational signs, I argue that no pure producer-side theory of reference will work. The only solution, I argue, is to abandon pure producer-side theories for theories which appeal to consumer-side factors, i.e., factors concerning how referring signs are used. Once it is admitted that mnemonic episodic reference depends on consumer-side factors, the natural question is whether producer-side factors (i.e., causal production) play any role at all in mnemonic episodic reference. I conclude by outlining two possible pure consumer-side theories for mnemonic episodic reference, one based on the work of Imogen Dickie and one based on the work of Ruth Millikan. Both theories explain how the referents of episodic memories are fixed without any appeal to a causal link, and, hence, are compatible with post-causal theories of memory, like simulationism.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The Equatoguinean dictatorship under Teodoro Obiang Nguema has spanned forty-four years, making him the longest-serving current head of state. Since his entry to power through a 1979 coup, Obiang has evolved in his style of governance. First ruling through a military junta, then a single-party regime, and finally competitive authoritarianism. Across these eras, he has relied on a cadre of supporting elites to occupy top spots in the state administration. Has his strategy of retaining and dismissing these top elites evolved with his broader style of governance? What features has he looked for over time to signal loyalty? We explore these questions using original individual-level data on all ruling elites in Equatorial Guinea from 1979 to 2023. Drawing on a suite of biographical variables, we find evidence that certain professional and personal traits have made elites less likely to be dismissed at different eras of Obiang's rule. However, co-regionality has been an enduring preference in his elite strategy, suggesting his preference for friends from back home. These findings demonstrate how elite strategies of dictators move beyond the ethnocentric and evolve alongside broader regime characteristics.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: We examine the welfare effects of the endogenous decision and release timing of weight placed on the rival's profits under relative performance evaluation with quantity competition and asymmetric marginal costs. We find that when the advantaged firm decides and releases the weight as the leader, it always chooses a negative weight on relative performance evaluation, whereas the disadvantaged firm may choose a positive or negative weight depending on the degree of product substitution. Furthermore, we demonstrate that while all firms prefer to release weights early, this situation does not improve social welfare in several economic environments.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In 1971 the Sri Lankan Prime Minister tabled the Indian Ocean as a Zone of Peace at the 26th United Nations General Assembly, marking the state's international debut at the global stage. This article analyses the trajectory of this highly significant initiative in the context of rapidly evolving political instabilities within Sri Lanka and across the Indian Ocean region. It argues that Sri Lanka's pursuit of peace during the 1970s and 1980s stemmed from multiple threats to its sovereignty combined with the state's desire to develop strategic allies and the material donations that flowed from those relations. The pursuit saw Sri Lanka align with India, the USA, the Soviet Union, and Britain at moments of political deterioration. These alignments enabled the Sri Lankan government to seek material supports to address breakdowns of political relations with the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna in the south and Tamils in the north and east. The article argues that the Sri Lankan pursuit of peace irrevocably transformed Indian Ocean internationalisms and shows how a small state aligned to suit its political needs. The pursuit also linked Sri Lanka's Indian Ocean peace efforts to a liberal order in problematic ways and strengthened international backing for violence against its citizens.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: PURPOSE: Breast cancer follow-up (surveillance and aftercare) varies from one-size-fits-all to more personalised approaches. A systematic review was performed to get insight in existing evidence on (cost-)effectiveness of personalised follow-up.METHODS: PubMed, Scopus and Cochrane were searched between 01-01-2010 and 10-10-2022 (review registered in PROSPERO:CRD42022375770). The inclusion population comprised nonmetastatic breast cancer patients\u226518years, after completing curative treatment. All intervention-control studies studying personalised surveillance and/or aftercare designed for use during the entire follow-up period were included. All review processes including risk of bias assessment were performed by two reviewers. Characteristics of included studies were described.RESULTS: Overall, 3708 publications were identified, 64 full-text publications were read and 16 were included for data extraction. One study evaluated personalised surveillance. Various personalised aftercare interventions and outcomes were studied. Most common elements included in personalised aftercare plans were treatment summaries (75%), follow-up guidelines (56%), lists of available supportive care resources (38%) and PROs (25%). Control conditions mostly comprised usual care. Four out of seven (57%) studies reported improvements in quality of life following personalisation. Six studies (38%) found no personalisation effect, for multiple outcomes assessed (e.g. distress, satisfaction). One (6.3%) study was judged as low, four(25%) as high risk of bias and 11 (68.8%) as with concerns.CONCLUSION: The included studies varied in interventions, measurement instruments and outcomes, making it impossible to draw conclusions on the effectiveness of personalised follow-up. There is a need for a definition of both personalised surveillance and aftercare, whereafter outcomes can be measured according to uniform standards.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The critical-state theory (CST) serves as the foundation of modern soil mechanics and has gained widespread acceptance for explaining the behavior of granular materials. The classical CST does not address the fabric anisotropy of granular materials, leading to questions about the uniqueness of the critical state when considering such anisotropy. Recently, the development of anisotropic critical-state theory (ACST) highlights that fabric anisotropy of granular materials should reach a unique normalized value at the critical state. However, ACST does not specify which fabric tensor is used to characterize the microstructure of soils. In this study, we present a comprehensive characterization of various soil fabrics, including contact-based fabric tensor, void-based fabric tensor, and particle-void fabric, respectively. We employ three-dimensional clumped particles to approximate different shapes of Toyoura sand particles, which makes the characterization of soil fabric more accurate. Discrete element method simulations of conventional triaxial compression tests under both drained and undrained conditions are conducted on soil samples with different initial confining pressures and void ratios. The evolution of various fabrics toward the critical state is compared and discussed. Moreover, we establish relationships among contact-based fabric, void-based fabric, particle-void fabric, mean effective stress, and void ratio at the critical state. The study provides new insights into understanding the relations between the critical state and the microstructure of granular soils.",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: Avoiding missed diagnosis and therapeutic delay for significant blunt bowel and mesenteric injuries (sBBMIs) after trauma is still challenging despite the widespread use of computed tomography (CT). Several scoring tools aiming at reducing this risk have been published. The purpose of the present work was to assess the incidence of delayed (>24 hours) diagnosis for sBBMI patients and to compare the predictive performance of three previously published scores using clinical, radiological, and laboratory findings: the Bowel Injury Prediction Score (BIPS) and the scores developed by Raharimanantsoa Score (RS) and by Faget Score (FS).METHODS: A population-based retrospective observational cohort study was conducted; it included adult trauma patients after road traffic crashes admitted to Lausanne University Hospital, Switzerland, between 2008 and 2019 (n = 1,258) with reliable information about sBBMI status (n = 1,164) and for whom all items for score calculation were available (n = 917). The three scores were retrospectively applied on all patients to assess their predictive performance.RESULTS: The incidence of sBBMI after road traffic crash was 3.3% (38 of 1,164), and in 18% (7 of 38), there was a diagnostic and treatment delay of more than 24 hours. The diagnostic performances of the FS, the RS, and the BIPS to predict sBBMI, expressed as the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve, were 95.3% (95% confidence interval [CI], 92.7-97.9%), 89.2% (95% CI, 83.2-95.3%), and 87.6% (95% CI, 81.8-93.3%) respectively.CONCLUSION: The present study confirms that diagnostic delays for sBBMI still occur despite the widespread use of abdominal CT. When CT findings during the initial assessment are negative or equivocal for sBBMI, using a score may be helpful to select patients for early diagnostic laparoscopy. The FS had the best individual diagnostic performance. However, the BIPS or the RS, relying on clinical and laboratory variables, may be helpful to select patients for early diagnostic laparoscopy when there are unspecific CT signs of bowel or mesenteric injury.LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Prognostic and Epidemiological; Level III.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The binary categories of harm and benefit have often shaped how historians frame discussions of insects. Scientists also leverage the binary framing of insects as tools and targets to carry out their work, especially in the development of biological technologies for pest control. This essay emphasizes how binaries function in scientific practice. Two case studies spanning from the twentieth century to the recent past illustrate the shift away from chemicals in pest management and, in doing so, show the instability of binary categories over the longue duree. Noticing ambivalent insects affords a way to widen narrative options and identify new opportunities for investigating insect histories.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Oil and gas installations, offshore windfarms and other artificial constructions may enhance marine ecosystems and have been proposed to help meet conservation targets. A study synthesizes existing literature to reveal global patterns in their ecological effectiveness.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: It is unknown whether D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision for gastric cancer improves survival compared with just D2 lymphadenectomy.METHODS: Between September 2014 and June 2018, patients with advanced gastric cancer were randomly assigned (1 : 1) to laparoscopic D2 lymphadenectomy or D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision gastrectomy. The modified intention-to-treat population was defined as patients who had pathologically confirmed gastric adenocarcinoma (pT1 N1-3 M0 and pT2-4 N0-3 M0). The primary endpoint was 3-year disease-free survival. Secondary endpoints were the recurrence pattern and overall survival.RESULTS: The median follow-up of patients in the D2 lymphadenectomy group (169 patients) and patients in the D2 lymphadenectomy +complete mesogastric excision group (169 patients) was 55 (interquartile range 37-60)\u2005months and 51 (interquartile range 40-60)\u2005months respectively. Recurrence occurred in 50 patients in the D2 lymphadenectomy group (29.6%) versus 33 patients in the D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision group (19.5%) (P = 0.032). The 3-year disease-free survival was 75.5% (95% c.i. 68.3% to 81.3%) in the D2 lymphadenectomy group versus 85.0% (95% c.i. 78.7% to 89.6%) in the D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision group (log rank P = 0.042). The HR for recurrence in the D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision group versus the D2 lymphadenectomy group was 0.64 (95% c.i. 0.41 to 0.99) by Cox regression (P = 0.045). The 3-year overall survival rate was 77.5% (95% c.i. 70.4% to 83.1%) in the D2 lymphadenectomy group versus 85.8% (95% c.i. 79.6% to 90.2%) in the D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision group (log rank P = 0.058). The HR for death in the D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision group versus the D2 lymphadenectomy group was 0.64 (95% c.i. 0.41 to 1.02) (P = 0.058).CONCLUSION: Compared with conventional D2 dissection, D2 lymphadenectomy + complete mesogastric excision is associated with better disease-free survival, but there is no statistically significant difference in overall survival.REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT01978444 (",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The quantitative determination of corrosion products is essential for evaluating the corrosion state of archeological iron artifacts. This study explored two semiquantitative approaches using Raman mapping technique combined with chemometrics to quantify a binary mixture of magnetite and goethite. The first approach involved establishing quantification models using Raman spectra treated with Principal Components Regression (PCR) and Partial Least Squares (PLS) algorithms. Both the PCR and PLS model showed good predictive ability as indicated by correlation coefficients and root mean square errors (PLS: R c 2 = 0.9979, R p 2 = 0.9970, RMSEC = 1.93, RMSEP = 2.68, RMSECV = 3.25). The second approach was based on spectral fitting using non-negative least squares (NNLS) algorithm. This method demonstrated a fair accuracy between the calculated and actual compositions. The absolute value of relative errors was 0.99% similar to 10.08% for Fe 3 O 4 and 0.81% similar to 9.71% for alpha-FeOOH respectively, for compositions greater than 20%. These methods were then applied to quantify the corrosion products on an iron bar excavated from the Nanhai (South China Sea) No. I shipwreck. Compared with XRD quantitative results, Raman results showed that the spectral fitting method was superior to the established PCA and PLS quantification models in both qualitative determination and quantitative accuracy. Compositional maps depicting the distribution of different phases were also generated using spectral fitting method. It was concluded that Raman mapping has significant potential as an accurate quantitative method for the detection of iron corrosion products, and that the spectral fitting method is more suitable for determining iron corrosion compared to the PCR and PLS quantification models in this study. (c) 2023 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Preservation of cultural heritage in the face of human and natural disasters, as well as improper maintenance practices, is a crucial endeavor that must be undertaken throughout the lifespan of heritage buildings. In order to maximize the value derived from these assets and strike a harmonious balance between accurate documentation and performance optimization, asset management strategies have been employed. In recent years, the advent of innovative methodologies such as Building Information Modeling (BIM) and laser scanning has opened new possibilities for their application in various contexts. However, successful implementation of these methodologies faces a range of challenges, including limited knowledge, inexperienced teams, and reluctance to embrace change on the part of administrators. To address these obstacles and enhance asset management practices, the integration of BIM, Chatbot, and Blockchain methodology has emerged as a viable solution. This methodology not only facilitates the improvement of data security and user data capture but also streamlines the process of updating BIM models. In this research, we propose a data-driven Chatbot framework based on Blockchain, specifically designed to manage maintenance activities through the utilization of BIM. The proposed framework serves as a valuable tool for government authorities and asset managers seeking to adopt BIM for the preservation of heritage buildings. Comprising three key components - the BIM model, the Blockchain model, and the Chatbot model - the framework offers com prehensive support. The BIM model encompasses all relevant information pertaining to the management of the heritage building, while the Chatbot model replicates human interaction through text-based communication. Users can access up-to-date BIM data by posing predefined questions to the Chatbot. On the other hand, the Blockchain model serves as a secure and immutable record-keeping system, validating and verifying user updates, thereby fostering trust among stakeholders. This proposed model empowers asset stakeholders to request and update asset information via a trusted and reliable channel. To showcase the capabilities of the framework, we present a real-world case study centered on the Omar Toson Palace in Cairo, Egypt. Through this case study, we demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of our proposed framework in meeting the challenges associated with heritage building preservation . (c) 2024 Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Background The variety of available flavors in e-cigarettes may be a driver for young people to start using these products. The objectives of our study were to examine the relationship between sensation-seeking behavior and e-cigarette use, and to identify the predictors of flavor use patterns among adolescents in Indonesia.Methods Students aged 15 to 24 years participated from randomly selected high schools and universities in Indonesia. Participants answered questions about their demographic data, e-cigarette use, conventional cigarette use, and sensation-seeking. Flavor preferences were identified from eight different flavor categories. Multivariate multinomial regression analysis was employed to predict conventional cigarette and e-cigarette use among students. A latent class analysis was conducted to determine the number of latent classes of flavor use.Results One thousand six hundred high school and university students, with a mean age of 18.2 years (SD 2.19), were recruited between March and August, 2023. Conventional cigarette use in the past 30 days was higher (16.3%) compared to e-cigarette use (13.3%, p = 0.017), with approximately 8.5% of students were being dual users. Higher levels of sensation-seeking significantly increased the odds of being a current e-cigarette user (OR = 2.54, 95%CI 1.99-3.25) and a current conventional cigarette smoker (OR = 2.38, 95%CI 1.85-3.07). Three groups of flavor classes were identified: 1) primarily menthol flavor users (14%), who had a strong association with current conventional cigarette use; 2) experimenters, who mostly preferred fruit-flavored e-cigarettes (76%); and 3) the multi-flavor user group (10%), who had a higher sensation-seeking tendency.Conclusions Flavors, especially menthol and fruit flavors, attract youth, broaden the e-cigarette audience and are particularly appealing to high sensation-seekers. Banning these flavors could significantly deter e-cigarette initiation among youth.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The annual SIM Peter Baehr lecture celebrates the founding of the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM) in 1981 and commemorates the late Peter Baehr, one of SIM's former directors and an eminent human rights scholar. The 2023 lecture was delivered at Utrecht University on 30 November by Hilary Charlesworth, judge at the International Court of Justice and renowned scholar of international law and human rights.",
"output": "Law",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Purpose. To investigate whether intensive follow-up (INT) after surgery for endometrial cancer impact health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and healthcare costs compared to minimalist follow-up (MIN), in the absence of evidence supporting any benefit on 5-year overall survival. Methods. In the TOTEM trial, HRQoL was assessed using the SF-12 and the Psychological General Well-Being (PGWB) questionnaires at baseline, after 6 and 12 months and then annually up to 5 years of follow-up. Costs were analyzed after 4 years of follow-up from a National Health Service perspective, stratified by risk level. The probability of missing data was analyzed for both endpoints. Results. 1847 patients were included in the analyses. The probability of missing data was not influenced by the study arms (MIN vs INT OR: 0.97 95%CI: 0.87-1.08). Longitudinal changes in HRQoL scores did not differ between the two follow-up regimens (MIN vs INT SF-12 PCS: -0.573, CI95%: -1.31; 0.16; SF-12 MCS: -0.243, CI95%: -1.08; 0.59; PGWB: -0.057, CI95%: -0,88; 0,77). The mean cost difference between the intensive and minimalist arm was euro531 for low-risk patients and euro683 for high-risk patients. Conclusion. In the follow-up of endometrial cancer after surgery, a minimalist treatment regimen did not affect quality of life and was cost-saving in both low-risk and high-risk recurrence patients. As previous results showed no survival benefit, a minimalist approach is justified. The relevant proportion of missing data on secondary outcomes of interest could be a critical point that deserves special attention. (c) 2024 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://",
"output": "Economics",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Atrial fibrillation (AF) often escapes detection, given its frequent paroxysmal and asymptomatic presentation. Deep learning of transthoracic echocardiograms (TTEs), which have structural information, could help identify occult AF. We created a two-stage deep learning algorithm using a video-based convolutional neural network model that (1) distinguished whether TTEs were in sinus rhythm or AF and then (2) predicted which of the TTEs in sinus rhythm were in patients who had experienced AF within 90 days. Our model, trained on 111,319 TTE videos, distinguished TTEs in AF from those in sinus rhythm with high accuracy in a held-out test cohort (AUC 0.96 (0.95-0.96), AUPRC 0.91 (0.90-0.92)). Among TTEs in sinus rhythm, the model predicted the presence of concurrent paroxysmal AF (AUC 0.74 (0.71-0.77), AUPRC 0.19 (0.16-0.23)). Model discrimination remained similar in an external cohort of 10,203 TTEs (AUC of 0.69 (0.67-0.70), AUPRC 0.34 (0.31-0.36)). Performance held across patients who were women (AUC 0.76 (0.72-0.81)), older than 65 years (0.73 (0.69-0.76)), or had a CHA2DS2VASc >= 2 (0.73 (0.79-0.77)). The model performed better than using clinical risk factors (AUC 0.64 (0.62-0.67)), TTE measurements (0.64 (0.62-0.67)), left atrial size (0.63 (0.62-0.64)), or CHA2DS2VASc (0.61 (0.60-0.62)). An ensemble model in a cohort subset combining the TTE model with an electrocardiogram (ECGs) deep learning model performed better than using the ECG model alone (AUC 0.81 vs. 0.79, p = 0.01). Deep learning using TTEs can predict patients with active or occult AF and could be used for opportunistic AF screening that could lead to earlier treatment.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: This paper proposes an archaeometric contribution to the study of the Inca pottery style from the southeastern frontier of Tawantinsuyu, also known as the Inca Empire, located in Central Western Argentina (CWA). In complementing previous research, a geochemical and mineralogical characterisation of ceramics from various Inca and local sites is carried out by combining X-ray fluorescence analysis (WD-XRF), powder X-ray diffraction analysis (PXRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM-EDX). The exhaustive statistical treatment and discussion of the chemical data, complemented by mineralogical and microstructural data gathered through PXRD and SEM-EDX techniques, provide significant insights into the provenance of raw materials, paste recipes, firing conditions, estimated firing temperature and post-depositional contaminations. A complex structure comprising six meaningful ceramic groups has been identified, with some of them attributed to hypothetical provenance areas defined by previous research. Additionally, many ceramics remained ungrouped. Despite the identified compositional variability, certain technological attributes exhibit a higher degree of homogeneity. The estimated firing temperature and microstructure of the pottery denote some control over firing conditions to produce vessels with high mechanical strength and toughness suitable for storage and short-distance distribution. The results of both compositional and technological analyses point to the existence of multiple production loci within a domestic or communitarian model of production sharing the same pottery tradition.",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The cultural heritage sector has increasingly explored the use of micro-CT (mu CT) across numerous projects seeking to better understand past cultures and the materials they have left behind. As such, the role of micro-CT (mu CT) is still being developed and projects continue to show novel ways that the technology can be adapted to. The Gjellestad ship, located in Halden (ostfold in Viken), Norway, is dated to the Viking Age and was found in a poor state of preservation. Both organic and metallic materials were deteriorated to the degree that standard excavation methods would have resulted in further damage to, or even the destruction of, these elements. A new approach was needed, and this presented an opportunity to explore the use for mu CT as a documentative tool for field archaeology and conservation. As the remaining rivets were too fragile to handle directly, they were removed together with the surrounding matrix as soil blocks. To retain important stratigraphic and position information, a georeferencing system was developed that would be visible to mu CT and included within each soil block. This enabled the spatial (re)positioning of the soil blocks by use of 3D GIS and in alongside with other spatial documentation gathered at the time of excavation. The quantity of soil blocks will give us a large dataset to work with and, although we continue to document the soil blocks with mu CT, we now can discuss our preliminary results pertaining to the positive impact that mu CT has for the documentation, conservation, and reconstruction of cultural heritage.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Masson SAS on behalf of Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR).",
"output": "Archaeology",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Design criticism plays a crucial role in fostering critical thinking and boosting creativity among design students, highlighting its significance in college design education. Engaging with design-related critical materials is a prevalent approach to strengthen design criticism. This study aims to investigate the eye movement strategies employed by both design and non-design students when reading critical materials, aiming to discern their impact on design criticism. A total of 26 product design students (male = 16, female = 10) and 26 non-design students (male = 11, female = 15) participated in the study. The participants wore eye trackers and read two design proposals with critical viewpoints, followed by a critical report for each proposal. Additionally, they completed the Design Criticism Scale. The study compared differences between design and non-design students, explored correlations among various factors, and conducted a lag sequential analysis of eye movement behaviors. Design students outperformed non-design students in personal insights and self-evaluation of design criticism. Compared to non-design students, design students exhibited a higher focus on the images during reading, as evidenced by more fixations shifting from other regions to the images. The degree of attention to images was positively correlated with personal insights. Design students' design criticism skills were positively correlated with the recall of perspectives, whereas non-design students' design criticism skills were positively associated with personal insights. The focus on images played a pivotal role in the formation of critical thinking. Additionally, the study offers recommendations for enhancing university design education.",
"output": "Education",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In image denoising, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) can obtain favorable performance on removing spatially invariant noise. However, many of these networks cannot perform well on removing the real noise (i.e. spatially variant noise) that is generated during image acquisition or transmission, which severely impedes their application in practical image denoising tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel Dual -branch Residual Attention Network (DRANet) for image denoising, which has both the merits of a wide model architecture and the attention -guided feature learning. The proposed DRANet includes two different parallel branches, which can capture complementary features to enhance the learning ability of the model. We designed a new residual attention block (RAB) and a novel hybrid dilated residual attention block (HDRAB) for the upper and lower branches, respectively. The RAB and HDRAB can capture rich local features through multiple skip connections between different convolutional layers, and the unimportant features can be dropped. Meanwhile, the long skip connections in each branch and the global feature fusion between the two parallel branches can effectively capture the global features as well. Extensive experiments demonstrate that compared with other state-of-theart denoising methods, our DRANet can produce competitive denoising performance both on the synthetic and real -world noise removal. The code for DRANet is accessible at",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Predicting weak and hidden faults in unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) is challenging due to their variable operation conditions and complex mechanisms. Conventional neural network models process the multisensory data in the form of Euclidean structure, the intrinsic connections among the individual data points are easy to be disregarded. Additionally, multisensory data are always directly fed into the model without adequately considering the importance or contribution of each sensor. Hence, an UAV fault prediction method is proposed by combining entropy weight fusion with a temporal graph convolutional network (GCN) to address the above problems. Firstly, the importance of multisensory data of UAVs are evaluated by each entropy value, and the multisensory data fusion is further realized by multiplying corresponding signal and entropy weight. Secondly, the multisensory data combined with fusion data are transferred together into graph-structure by adjacent matrix based on the node connection between different sensor data. Finally, the graph-structure data with non-Euclidian distance properties are input into temporal GCN to both capture the spatial and temporal relationship of the data, achieving better fault prediction results of UAVs. It is demonstrated that the proposed method is both applicable and superior in characterizing and predicting fault time series information of UAVs through parameter analysis and comparison studies with various existing algorithms.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Drug waste poses a real threat to human health and the environment. Therefore, recycling and sustainability scholars have recently sought practical solutions to the drug waste problem. Furthermore, several governments have made significant efforts to reduce the negative effects of waste, such as establishing programs to take back unwanted drugs (expired and unused) for recycling (i.e., drug reuse or drug redispersing). However, many of these programs have failed to achieve their goals. In this context, it is expected that creating green start-ups to collect unwanted drugs will contribute to solving this problem. Accordingly, this study aims to investigate the antecedents of intentions to create green start-ups for collecting unwanted drugs. To this end, the authors integrate start-up self-efficacy and drug waste collection-related knowledge constructs into the theory of planned behavior (TPB). Using a self-administered paper questionnaire and relying on a convenience sample, data were collected from 328 students in six Algerian universities. A hierarchical multiple regression was conducted to test the proposed study model. Theresults revealed that perceived behavioral control (PBC) (beta = 0.187, p < 0.001), attitudes (beta = 0.182, p = 0.002), start-up self-efficacy (beta = 0.169, p = 0.001), drug waste collection-related knowledge (beta = 0.161, p < 0.001), and subjective norms (beta = 0.088, p < 0.05) have a positive significant effect on the intention to create a start-up to collect unwanted drugs. In conclusion, this paper contributes to reducing drug waste by investigating the drivers of intention to create green start-ups for collecting unwanted drugs. Therefore, our study is expected to provide valuable insights for hospitals, pharmacies, pharmaceutical manufacturers, environmental protection associations, and stakeholders interested in reverse logistics.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: PURPOSE: Almost 200,000 tongue cancers were diagnosed worldwide in 2020. The aim of this study was to describe occupational risk variation in this malignancy.METHODS: The data are based on the Nordic Occupational Cancer (NOCCA) study containing 14.9million people from the Nordic countries with 9020 tongue cancers diagnosed during 1961-2005. The standardized incidence ratio (SIR) of tongue cancer in each occupational category was calculated using national incidence rates as the reference.RESULTS: Among men, the incidence was statistically significantly elevated in waiters (SIR 4.36, 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.13--5.92), beverage workers (SIR 3.42, 95% CI 2.02-5.40), cooks and stewards (SIR 2.55, 95% CI 1.82-3.48), seamen (SIR 1.66, 95% CI 1.36-2.00), journalists (SIR 1.85, 95% CI 1.18-2.75), artistic workers (SIR 2.05, 95% CI 1.54-2.66), hairdressers (SIR 2.17, 95% CI 1.39-3.22), and economically inactive persons (SIR 1.57, 95% CI 1.42-1.73). Among women, the SIR was statistically significantly elevated only in waitresses (SIR 1.39, 95% CI 1.05-1.81). Statistically significant SIRs\u22640.63 were observed in male farmers, gardeners, forestry workers and teachers, and in female launderers.CONCLUSIONS: These findings may be related to consumption of alcohol and tobacco, but the effect of carcinogenic exposure from work cannot be excluded.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: BACKGROUND: The Zambian government has implemented a public health response to control the HIV epidemic in the country. Zambia conducted a population-based HIV impact assessment (ZAMPHIA) survey in 2021 to assess the status of the HIV epidemic to guide its public health programs.METHODS: ZAMPHIA 2021 was a cross-sectional two-stage cluster sample household survey among persons aged \u226515\u200ayears conducted in Zambia across all 10 provinces. Consenting participants were administered a standardized questionnaire and whole blood was tested for HIV according to national guidelines. HIV-1 viral load (VL), recent HIV infection, and antiretroviral medications were tested for in HIV-seropositive samples. Viral load suppression (VLS) was defined as <1000\u200acopies/ml. ZAMPHIA 2021 results were compared to ZAMPHIA 2016 for persons aged 15-59\u200ayears (i.e., the overlapping age ranges). All estimates were weighted to account for nonresponse and survey design.RESULTS: During ZAMPHIA 2021, of 25 483 eligible persons aged \u226515\u200ayears, 18 804 (73.8%) were interviewed and tested for HIV. HIV prevalence was 11.0% and VLS prevalence was 86.2% overall, but was <80% among people living with HIV aged 15-24\u200ayears and in certain provinces. Among persons aged 15-59\u200ayears, from 2016 to 2021, HIV incidence declined from 0.6% to 0.3% ( P -value: 0.07) and VLS prevalence increased from 59.2% to 85.7% ( P -value: <0.01).DISCUSSION: Zambia has made substantial progress toward controlling the HIV epidemic from 2016 to 2021. Continued implementation of a test-and-treat strategy, with attention to groups with lower VLS in the ZAMPHIA 2021, could support reductions in HIV incidence and improve overall VLS in Zambia.",
"output": "Demography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: In Entities and Indices, M. J. Cresswell argued that a first-order modal language can reach the expressive power of natural-language modal discourse only if we give to the formal language a semantics with indices containing infinite possible worlds and we add to it an infinite collection of operators actually n \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${{\\varvec{actually}}}_n$$\\end{document} and R e f n \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$$ Ref _n$$\\end{document} which store and retrieve worlds. In the fourth chapter of the book, Cresswell gave a proof that the resulting intensional language, which he called L & lowast; \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}<^>*$$\\end{document} , is as expressive as an extensional variant of it, called L \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}$$\\end{document} , which has full quantification over worlds. In both linguistics and philosophy, Cresswell's book has been viewed as offering a compelling argument for preferring extensional systems in the study of natural language. In this paper, after providing a model-theoretic definition of the relation being as expressive as that can be applied to Cresswell's languages L \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}$$\\end{document} and L & lowast; \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}<^>*$$\\end{document} , we show that the intensional language L & lowast; \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}<^>*$$\\end{document} is not as expressive as the extensional language L \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}$$\\end{document} . This result, we claim, undermines Cresswell's argument to the effect that English modal discourse has the power of explicit quantification over worlds.Additionally, we show that L & lowast; \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}<^>*$$\\end{document} does become as expressive as L \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}$$\\end{document} when we add Cresswell's operator of universal modality square \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$$\\square $$\\end{document} to L & lowast; \\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} \\usepackage{wasysym} \\usepackage{amsfonts} \\usepackage{amssymb} \\usepackage{amsbsy} \\usepackage{mathrsfs} \\usepackage{upgreek} \\setlength{\\oddsidemargin}{-69pt} \\begin{document}$${\\mathscr {L}}<^>*$$\\end{document} , which provides an extra amount of expressive power. Recently, I. Yanovich has advocated a view that is similar to ours in important respects. At the end of the paper we offer a short discussion of his formalism.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: The urban planning evolution of Jaffa has been significantly shaped by political dynamics and conflict. Before 1948, Jaffa exhibited a diverse population and a distinctive urban layout reflective of its unique character. The British and Arab vision of the time aimed to expand and modernize Jaffa's urban fabric; however, the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 led to a reevaluation of urban plans to accommodate a growing Jewish population and their vision for a modern city. Focusing on specific neighbourhoods, this article delves into the intricate interplay of social, political, and economic forces that have shaped Jaffa's urban structure, planning strategies, and development outcomes. Through this examination, valuable insights emerge, shedding light on the role of planning in shaping the social fabric of cities navigating significant historical and geopolitical transitions. The article emphasizes the delicate balance between modernization imperatives and the preservation of cultural heritage, underscoring the significance of fostering social inclusion and pursuing equitable development.",
"output": "Art",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Purpose Surgery offers exciting opportunities but comes with demanding challenges that require attention from both surgical program administrators and aspiring surgeons. The hashtag #NoTrainingTodayNoSurgeonsTomorrow on X (previously Twitter) underscores the importance of ongoing training. Our scoping review identifies educational challenges and opportunities for the next generation of surgeons, analyzing existing studies and filling gaps in the literature.Methods Following the PRISMA guidelines, MEDLINE/PubMed was searched in February 2022, using the MeSH terms surgeons/education, for articles in English or German on general, abdominal, thoracic, vascular, and hand surgery and traumatology targeting medical students, surgical residents, future surgeons, and fellows.Results The initial search yielded 1448 results. After a step-by-step evaluation process, 32 publications remained for complete review. Three main topics emerged: surgical innovations and training (n = 7), surgical culture and environment (n = 19), and mentoring (n = 6). The articles focusing on surgical innovations and training mainly described the incorporation of structured surgical training methods and program initiatives. Articles on surgical culture examined residents' burnout, well-being, and gender issues. Challenges faced by women, including implicit bias and sexual harassment, were highlighted. Regarding mentoring, mentees' needs, training challenges, and the qualities expected of both mentors and mentees were addressed.Conclusion At a time of COVID-19-driven surgical innovations, the educational and working environment of the new generation of surgeons is changing. Robotic technology and other innovations require future surgeons to acquire additional technological and digital expertise. With regard to the cultural aspects of training, surgery needs to adapt curricula to meet the demands of the new generation of surgeons, but even more it has to transform its culture.",
"output": "Philosophy",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Representations of the slim body have traditionally been at the centre of scholarly interest in dieting culture, whereas food often remains a shadowy presence compared with more persistent themes of body discipline, slenderness and anti-fat messages. This article offers a different perspective on weight-loss dieting, placing food at the very centre of the analysis. By examining different diets in British and Scandinavian ladies' magazines from the 1890s to the 1920s, I argue that the gendering of different foods was central to the changes that weight-loss diets went through at the turn of the twentieth century, when the meat-heavy diets associated with male dieting were gradually transformed. That this process was initiated within the feminine beauty culture promoted by ladies' magazines is reinforced by the fact that weight-loss diets changed well before mainstream nutritional advice did. The empirical analysis shows that this process of feminisation tied weight-loss diets to existing, vegetarian beauty routines for a good complexion, suggesting that modern dieting culture is not only about slimming, but can be seen as a variation of a theme within beauty culture that centres around the imagined impact of different foods on the gendered body.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: River restoration in urbanising contexts faces multiple pressures and increased governance complexities. The aspiration for basin-scale policy integration has been widely promoted but is not well tested in urbanising rivers and implementation success remains disjointed across jurisdictions. We link the multi-level governance lens with the notion of place to facilitate a deeper examination of the unique assemblages of socio-material configurations that embed restoration practices across locations. Employing an embedded qualitative case study of the Citarum revitalisation in Indonesia, where a territorialised military operation co-existed with multi-level arrangements, we show that variability, rather than consistency, of governance approaches persisted across geographies. The variabilities were shaped by different place-based conditions - critical in influencing restoration practices and governance processes - such as place leadership, attachment to river, neighbourhood stewardships, issue-based networks and a sense of legitimacy. Thus, our study challenges the normative primacy of the basin-scale integration in existing water governance research and policy, while offering a more robust and critical approach towards gathering place-based insights and in situ evidence of governance complementarity and inconsistency.",
"output": "Geography",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Background Raspberry leaf use during pregnancy in Australia is widespread. There has been little research exploring the potential beneficial or harmful effects of raspberry leaf on pregnancy, labour, and birth. More research is needed to appropriately inform childbearing women and maternity healthcare professionals on the effects of raspberry leaf so that women can make informed choices.Methods This study aimed to determine associations between raspberry leaf use in pregnancy and augmentation of labour and other secondary outcomes. Data was derived from questionnaires which captured demographic information and herbal use in pregnancy. Clinical outcomes were accessed from the maternity services' clinical database. Data analysis was conducted in R via package 'brms' an implementation for Bayesian regression models.Results A total of 91 completed records were obtained, 44 exposed to raspberry leaf and 47, not exposed. A smaller proportion of women in the raspberry leaf cohort had augmentation of labour, epidural anaesthesia, instrumental births, caesarean section, and postpartum haemorrhage. A larger proportion had vaginal birth and length of all phases of labour were shorter. Under these conditions the use of raspberry leaf was strongly predictive of women not having their labours medically augmented.Conclusions While our study demonstrated that raspberry leaf was strongly predictive of women not having their labours medically augmented, the results cannot be relied on or generalised to the wider population of pregnant women. While there were no safety concerns observed in our study, this should not be taken as evidence that raspberry leaf is safe. A randomised controlled trial is urgently needed to provide women and healthcare providers with robust evidence on which to base practice.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Leonardo Bruni (1377-1444), chancellor of Florence, is today more famous as an initiator of civic humanism and a proponent of early modern republicanism than as a historian of medieval Florence. He owes this position most of all to Hans Baron, who argued that Florentine civic humanism-an exemplary mode of communal existence dedicated to the active life-as found particularly in Bruni's writings, stemmed from the resurgence of interest in antiquity, which pointed forward to a liberating, civilizing, and progressive modernity. Though James Hankins has recently argued that the dual theses of civic humanism and republicanism are mischaracterizations of the larger thrust of Italian Renaissance political thought, the scholarly literature overwhelmingly portrays Leonardo Bruni as incipiently modern and, by definition, un-medieval. But in emphasizing the role of antiquity in Bruni's modern thought, scholars have overlooked the importance of medieval history in the formulation and the content of Bruni's arguments. This article seeks to rectify this misappreciation by demonstrating how that quintessential medieval struggle, the conflict between popes and emperors, plays a central role in Bruni's political thought as it is found in the History of the Florentine People, written from 1415/16 to 1444.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Purpose To examine the correlation between body mass index (BMI) and mental well-being in Chinese nurses during the COVID-19 epidemic.Method This study was conducted in a tertiary hospital using a cross-sectional design. A total of 2,811 nurses were enlisted at Shengjing Hospital in China during the period from March to April, 2022. Information was gathered through a questionnaire that individuals completed themselves. The mental health of the participants was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Assessment-7. Binary logistic regression was used to calculate adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and their corresponding 95% confidence intervals.Results The prevalence of nurses experiencing depression and anxiety was 7.8% (219) and 6.7% (189), respectively. Regarding depression after adjustment, the odds ratios (ORs) for each quartile, compared to the lowest quartile, were as follows: 0.91 (95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.53, 1.56), 2.28 (95% CI: 0.98, 3.77), and 2.32 (95% CI: 1.41, 3.83). The p-value for trend was found to be 0.001. The odds ratios (ORs) for anxiety after adjustment were 2.39 (0.83, 4.36), 4.46 (0.51, 7.93), and 2.81 (1.56, 5.08) when comparing the highest quartiles to the lowest quartile. The p-value for trend was 0.009.Conclusion This study found a positive association between BMI and poor mental health among nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly in those who were overweight or obesity. The findings could assist in developing interventions and help policy-makers establish appropriate strategies to support the mental health of frontline nurses, especially those who are overweight or obesity.",
"output": "Communication",
"system": "",
"history": []
"instruction": "According to the text of the abstract of the paper in the field of humanities and social sciences given below, determine which discipline this text belongs to, and select a discipline from ['Archaeology', 'Economics', 'Communication', 'Demography', 'Education', 'Geography', 'Law', 'Art', 'History', 'Philosophy'] for output, only the name of the category needs to be output, don't output any other content. ",
"input": "Abstract: Mediaeval Arabic technical literature shows a keen interest in yellow dyes, paints, varnishes, inks, and even perfumes. Recipes reveal that yellow was viewed as just one step away from gold, with preparations for these two colours often sharing ingredients and techniques. In the unfolding of procedures and applications to different materials, from skin to textiles, Arabic sources also offer a glimpse into daily life and shared tastes, presenting luxury objects along with their imitations. This paper traces the role played by yellow and gold in inks, cosmetic dyes, and coloured, scented fabrics, exploring the textual dimension of these recipes, their technical features, and their social role between the court and the street. It also presents translations of several important recipes for yellow and gold dyes, which illustrate their diversity of applications, while also addressing such material problems as durability and substitution.",
"output": "History",
"system": "",
"history": []