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Learning Influence Functions from Incomplete Observations
We study the problem of learning influence functions under incomplete observations of node activations. Incomplete observations are a major concern as most (online and real-world) social networks are not fully observable. We establish both proper and improper PAC learnability of influence functions under randomly missing observations. Proper PAC learnability under the Discrete-Time Linear Threshold (DLT) and Discrete-Time Independent Cascade (DIC) models is established by reducing incomplete observations to complete observations in a modified graph. Our improper PAC learnability result applies for the DLT and DIC models as well as the Continuous-Time Independent Cascade (CIC) model. It is based on a parametrization in terms of reachability features, and also gives rise to an efficient and practical heuristic. Experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the ability of our method to compensate even for a fairly large fraction of missing observations.
An Algorithm for Online K-Means Clustering
This paper shows that one can be competitive with with the k-means objective while operating online. In this model, the algorithm receives vectors v1,...,vn one by one in arbitrary order. For each vector vi the algorithm outputs a cluster identifier before receiving vi+1. Our online algorithm generates ~O(k) clusters whose k-means cost is ~O(W*) where W* is the optimal k-means cost using k clusters and ~O suppresses poly logarithmic factors. We also show that, experimentally, it is not much worse than k-means++ while operating in a strictly more constrained computational model.
Path-SGD: Path-Normalized Optimization in Deep Neural Networks
We revisit the choice of SGD for training deep neural networks by reconsidering the appropriate geometry in which to optimize the weights. We argue for a geometry invariant to rescaling of weights that does not affect the output of the network, and suggest Path-SGD, which is an approximate steepest descent method with respect to a path-wise regularizer related to max-norm regularization. Path-SGD is easy and efficient to implement and leads to empirical gains over SGD and AdaGrad.
Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data: A Survey of Techniques
With the advancement of web technology and its growth, there is a huge volume of data present in the web for internet users and a lot of data is generated too. Internet has become a platform for online learning, exchanging ideas and sharing opinions. Social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook, Google+ are rapidly gaining popularity as they allow people to share and express their views about topics,have discussion with different communities, or post messages across the world. There has been lot of work in the field of sentiment analysis of twitter data. This survey focuses mainly on sentiment analysis of twitter data which is helpful to analyze the information in the tweets where opinions are highly unstructured, heterogeneous and are either positive or negative, or neutral in some cases. In this paper, we provide a survey and a comparative analyses of existing techniques for opinion mining like machine learning and lexicon-based approaches, together with evaluation metrics. Using various machine learning algorithms like Naive Bayes, Max Entropy, and Support Vector Machine, we provide a research on twitter data streams. We have also discussed general challenges and applications of Sentiment Analysis on Twitter
Toward Multimodal Image-to-Image Translation
Many image-to-image translation problems are ambiguous, as a single input image may correspond to multiple possible outputs. In this work, we aim to model a distribution of possible outputs in a conditional generative modeling setting. The ambiguity of the mapping is distilled in a low-dimensional latent vector, which can be randomly sampled at test time. A generator learns to map the given input, combined with this latent code, to the output. We explicitly encourage the connection between output and the latent code to be invertible. This helps prevent a many-to-one mapping from the latent code to the output during training, also known as the problem of mode collapse, and produces more diverse results. We explore several variants of this approach by employing different training objectives, network architectures, and methods of injecting the latent code. Our proposed method encourages bijective consistency between the latent encoding and output modes. We present a systematic comparison of our method and other variants on both perceptual realism and diversity.
Approximate Inference Turns Deep Networks into Gaussian Processes
Deep neural networks (DNN) and Gaussian processes (GP) are two powerful models with several theoretical connections relating them, but the relationship between their training methods is not well understood. In this paper, we show that certain Gaussian posterior approximations for Bayesian DNNs are equivalent to GP posteriors. This enables us to relate solutions and iterations of a deep-learning algorithm to GP inference. As a result, we can obtain a GP kernel and a nonlinear feature map while training a DNN. Surprisingly, the resulting kernel is the neural tangent kernel. We show kernels obtained on real datasets and demonstrate the use of the GP marginal likelihood to tune hyperparameters of DNNs. Our work aims to facilitate further research on combining DNNs and GPs in practical settings.
Structured Learning Modulo Theories
Modelling problems containing a mixture of Boolean and numerical variables is a long-standing interest of Artificial Intelligence. However, performing inference and learning in hybrid domains is a particularly daunting task. The ability to model this kind of domains is crucial in "learning to design" tasks, that is, learning applications where the goal is to learn from examples how to perform automatic de novo design of novel objects. In this paper we present Structured Learning Modulo Theories, a max-margin approach for learning in hybrid domains based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories, which allows to combine Boolean reasoning and optimization over continuous linear arithmetical constraints. We validate our method on artificial and real world scenarios.
Discriminative models for multi-instance problems with tree-structure
Modeling network traffic is gaining importance in order to counter modern threats of ever increasing sophistication. It is though surprisingly difficult and costly to construct reliable classifiers on top of telemetry data due to the variety and complexity of signals that no human can manage to interpret in full. Obtaining training data with sufficiently large and variable body of labels can thus be seen as prohibitive problem. The goal of this work is to detect infected computers by observing their HTTP(S) traffic collected from network sensors, which are typically proxy servers or network firewalls, while relying on only minimal human input in model training phase. We propose a discriminative model that makes decisions based on all computer's traffic observed during predefined time window (5 minutes in our case). The model is trained on collected traffic samples over equally sized time window per large number of computers, where the only labels needed are human verdicts about the computer as a whole (presumed infected vs. presumed clean). As part of training the model itself recognizes discriminative patterns in traffic targeted to individual servers and constructs the final high-level classifier on top of them. We show the classifier to perform with very high precision, while the learned traffic patterns can be interpreted as Indicators of Compromise. In the following we implement the discriminative model as a neural network with special structure reflecting two stacked multi-instance problems. The main advantages of the proposed configuration include not only improved accuracy and ability to learn from gross labels, but also automatic learning of server types (together with their detectors) which are typically visited by infected computers.
Dynamic Consistency of Conditional Simple Temporal Networks via Mean Payoff Games: a Singly-Exponential Time DC-Checking
Conditional Simple Temporal Network (CSTN) is a constraint-based graph-formalism for conditional temporal planning. It offers a more flexible formalism than the equivalent CSTP model of Tsamardinos, Vidal and Pollack, from which it was derived mainly as a sound formalization. Three notions of consistency arise for CSTNs and CSTPs: weak, strong, and dynamic. Dynamic consistency is the most interesting notion, but it is also the most challenging and it was conjectured to be hard to assess. Tsamardinos, Vidal and Pollack gave a doubly-exponential time algorithm for deciding whether a CSTN is dynamically-consistent and to produce, in the positive case, a dynamic execution strategy of exponential size. In the present work we offer a proof that deciding whether a CSTN is dynamically-consistent is coNP-hard and provide the first singly-exponential time algorithm for this problem, also producing a dynamic execution strategy whenever the input CSTN is dynamically-consistent. The algorithm is based on a novel connection with Mean Payoff Games, a family of two-player combinatorial games on graphs well known for having applications in model-checking and formal verification. The presentation of such connection is mediated by the Hyper Temporal Network model, a tractable generalization of Simple Temporal Networks whose consistency checking is equivalent to determining Mean Payoff Games. In order to analyze the algorithm we introduce a refined notion of dynamic-consistency, named \epsilon-dynamic-consistency, and present a sharp lower bounding analysis on the critical value of the reaction time \hat{\varepsilon} where the CSTN transits from being, to not being, dynamically-consistent. The proof technique introduced in this analysis of \hat{\varepsilon} is applicable more in general when dealing with linear difference constraints which include strict inequalities.
Parsing as Reduction
We reduce phrase-representation parsing to dependency parsing. Our reduction is grounded on a new intermediate representation, "head-ordered dependency trees", shown to be isomorphic to constituent trees. By encoding order information in the dependency labels, we show that any off-the-shelf, trainable dependency parser can be used to produce constituents. When this parser is non-projective, we can perform discontinuous parsing in a very natural manner. Despite the simplicity of our approach, experiments show that the resulting parsers are on par with strong baselines, such as the Berkeley parser for English and the best single system in the SPMRL-2014 shared task. Results are particularly striking for discontinuous parsing of German, where we surpass the current state of the art by a wide margin.
Parallelizing Exploration-Exploitation Tradeoffs with Gaussian Process Bandit Optimization
Can one parallelize complex exploration exploitation tradeoffs? As an example, consider the problem of optimal high-throughput experimental design, where we wish to sequentially design batches of experiments in order to simultaneously learn a surrogate function mapping stimulus to response and identify the maximum of the function. We formalize the task as a multi-armed bandit problem, where the unknown payoff function is sampled from a Gaussian process (GP), and instead of a single arm, in each round we pull a batch of several arms in parallel. We develop GP-BUCB, a principled algorithm for choosing batches, based on the GP-UCB algorithm for sequential GP optimization. We prove a surprising result; as compared to the sequential approach, the cumulative regret of the parallel algorithm only increases by a constant factor independent of the batch size B. Our results provide rigorous theoretical support for exploiting parallelism in Bayesian global optimization. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on two real-world applications.
The Machine Learning Algorithm as Creative Musical Tool
Machine learning is the capacity of a computational system to learn structures from datasets in order to make predictions on newly seen data. Such an approach offers a significant advantage in music scenarios in which musicians can teach the system to learn an idiosyncratic style, or can break the rules to explore the system's capacity in unexpected ways. In this chapter we draw on music, machine learning, and human-computer interaction to elucidate an understanding of machine learning algorithms as creative tools for music and the sonic arts. We motivate a new understanding of learning algorithms as human-computer interfaces. We show that, like other interfaces, learning algorithms can be characterised by the ways their affordances intersect with goals of human users. We also argue that the nature of interaction between users and algorithms impacts the usability and usefulness of those algorithms in profound ways. This human-centred view of machine learning motivates our concluding discussion of what it means to employ machine learning as a creative tool.
3D Pathfinding and Collision Avoidance Using Uneven Search-space Quantization and Visual Cone Search
Pathfinding is a very popular area in computer game development. While two-dimensional (2D) pathfinding is widely applied in most of the popular game engines, little implementation of real three-dimensional (3D) pathfinding can be found. This research presents a dynamic search space optimization algorithm which can be applied to tessellate 3D search space unevenly, significantly reducing the total number of resulting nodes. The algorithm can be used with popular pathfinding algorithms in 3D game engines. Furthermore, a simplified standalone 3D pathfinding algorithm is proposed in this paper. The proposed algorithm relies on ray-casting or line vision to generate a feasible path during runtime without requiring division of the search space into a 3D grid. Both of the proposed algorithms are simulated on Unreal Engine to show innerworkings and resultant path comparison with A*. The advantages and shortcomings of the proposed algorithms are also discussed along with future directions.
SpeedMachines: Anytime Structured Prediction
Structured prediction plays a central role in machine learning applications from computational biology to computer vision. These models require significantly more computation than unstructured models, and, in many applications, algorithms may need to make predictions within a computational budget or in an anytime fashion. In this work we propose an anytime technique for learning structured prediction that, at training time, incorporates both structural elements and feature computation trade-offs that affect test-time inference. We apply our technique to the challenging problem of scene understanding in computer vision and demonstrate efficient and anytime predictions that gradually improve towards state-of-the-art classification performance as the allotted time increases.
Compressing Word Embeddings
Recent methods for learning vector space representations of words have succeeded in capturing fine-grained semantic and syntactic regularities using vector arithmetic. However, these vector space representations (created through large-scale text analysis) are typically stored verbatim, since their internal structure is opaque. Using word-analogy tests to monitor the level of detail stored in compressed re-representations of the same vector space, the trade-offs between the reduction in memory usage and expressiveness are investigated. A simple scheme is outlined that can reduce the memory footprint of a state-of-the-art embedding by a factor of 10, with only minimal impact on performance. Then, using the same 'bit budget', a binary (approximate) factorisation of the same space is also explored, with the aim of creating an equivalent representation with better interpretability.
CRDT: Correlation Ratio Based Decision Tree Model for Healthcare Data Mining
The phenomenal growth in the healthcare data has inspired us in investigating robust and scalable models for data mining. For classification problems Information Gain(IG) based Decision Tree is one of the popular choices. However, depending upon the nature of the dataset, IG based Decision Tree may not always perform well as it prefers the attribute with more number of distinct values as the splitting attribute. Healthcare datasets generally have many attributes and each attribute generally has many distinct values. In this paper, we have tried to focus on this characteristics of the datasets while analysing the performance of our proposed approach which is a variant of Decision Tree model and uses the concept of Correlation Ratio(CR). Unlike IG based approach, this CR based approach has no biasness towards the attribute with more number of distinct values. We have applied our model on some benchmark healthcare datasets to show the effectiveness of the proposed technique.
Predicting Organic Reaction Outcomes with Weisfeiler-Lehman Network
The prediction of organic reaction outcomes is a fundamental problem in computational chemistry. Since a reaction may involve hundreds of atoms, fully exploring the space of possible transformations is intractable. The current solution utilizes reaction templates to limit the space, but it suffers from coverage and efficiency issues. In this paper, we propose a template-free approach to efficiently explore the space of product molecules by first pinpointing the reaction center -- the set of nodes and edges where graph edits occur. Since only a small number of atoms contribute to reaction center, we can directly enumerate candidate products. The generated candidates are scored by a Weisfeiler-Lehman Difference Network that models high-order interactions between changes occurring at nodes across the molecule. Our framework outperforms the top-performing template-based approach with a 10% margin, while running orders of magnitude faster. Finally, we demonstrate that the model accuracy rivals the performance of domain experts.
Entity Linking for Queries by Searching Wikipedia Sentences
We present a simple yet effective approach for linking entities in queries. The key idea is to search sentences similar to a query from Wikipedia articles and directly use the human-annotated entities in the similar sentences as candidate entities for the query. Then, we employ a rich set of features, such as link-probability, context-matching, word embeddings, and relatedness among candidate entities as well as their related entities, to rank the candidates under a regression based framework. The advantages of our approach lie in two aspects, which contribute to the ranking process and final linking result. First, it can greatly reduce the number of candidate entities by filtering out irrelevant entities with the words in the query. Second, we can obtain the query sensitive prior probability in addition to the static link-probability derived from all Wikipedia articles. We conduct experiments on two benchmark datasets on entity linking for queries, namely the ERD14 dataset and the GERDAQ dataset. Experimental results show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art systems and yields 75.0% in F1 on the ERD14 dataset and 56.9% on the GERDAQ dataset.
Transformation of basic probability assignments to probabilities based on a new entropy measure
Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is an efficient mathematical tool to deal with uncertain information. In that theory, basic probability assignment (BPA) is the basic element for the expression and inference of uncertainty. Decision-making based on BPA is still an open issue in Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. In this paper, a novel approach of transforming basic probability assignments to probabilities is proposed based on Deng entropy which is a new measure for the uncertainty of BPA. The principle of the proposed method is to minimize the difference of uncertainties involving in the given BPA and obtained probability distribution. Numerical examples are given to show the proposed approach.
False arrhythmia alarm reduction in the intensive care unit
Research has shown that false alarms constitute more than 80% of the alarms triggered in the intensive care unit (ICU). The high false arrhythmia alarm rate has severe implications such as disruption of patient care, caregiver alarm fatigue, and desensitization from clinical staff to real life-threatening alarms. A method to reduce the false alarm rate would therefore greatly benefit patients as well as nurses in their ability to provide care. We here develop and describe a robust false arrhythmia alarm reduction system for use in the ICU. Building off of work previously described in the literature, we make use of signal processing and machine learning techniques to identify true and false alarms for five arrhythmia types. This baseline algorithm alone is able to perform remarkably well, with a sensitivity of 0.908, a specificity of 0.838, and a PhysioNet/CinC challenge score of 0.756. We additionally explore dynamic time warping techniques on both the entire alarm signal as well as on a beat-by-beat basis in an effort to improve performance of ventricular tachycardia, which has in the literature been one of the hardest arrhythmias to classify. Such an algorithm with strong performance and efficiency could potentially be translated for use in the ICU to promote overall patient care and recovery.
Hybrid GPS-GSM Localization of Automobile Tracking System
An integrated GPS-GSM system is proposed to track vehicles using Google Earth application. The remote module has a GPS mounted on the moving vehicle to identify its current position, and to be transferred by GSM with other parameters acquired by the automobile's data port as an SMS to a recipient station. The received GPS coordinates are filtered using a Kalman filter to enhance the accuracy of measured position. After data processing, Google Earth application is used to view the current location and status of each vehicle. This goal of this system is to manage fleet, police automobiles distribution and car theft cautions.
On Decomposing the Proximal Map
The proximal map is the key step in gradient-type algorithms, which have become prevalent in large-scale high-dimensional problems. For simple functions this proximal map is available in closed-form while for more complicated functions it can become highly nontrivial. Motivated by the need of combining regularizers to simultaneously induce different types of structures, this paper initiates a systematic investigation of when the proximal map of a sum of functions decomposes into the composition of the proximal maps of the individual summands. We not only unify a few known results scattered in the literature but also discover several new decompositions obtained almost effortlessly from our theory.
Certainty Equivalence is Efficient for Linear Quadratic Control
We study the performance of the certainty equivalent controller on Linear Quadratic (LQ) control problems with unknown transition dynamics. We show that for both the fully and partially observed settings, the sub-optimality gap between the cost incurred by playing the certainty equivalent controller on the true system and the cost incurred by using the optimal LQ controller enjoys a fast statistical rate, scaling as the square of the parameter error. To the best of our knowledge, our result is the first sub-optimality guarantee in the partially observed Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) setting. Furthermore, in the fully observed Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR), our result improves upon recent work by Dean et al., who present an algorithm achieving a sub-optimality gap linear in the parameter error. A key part of our analysis relies on perturbation bounds for discrete Riccati equations. We provide two new perturbation bounds, one that expands on an existing result from Konstantinov, and another based on a new elementary proof strategy.
Sigsoftmax: Reanalysis of the Softmax Bottleneck
Softmax is an output activation function for modeling categorical probability distributions in many applications of deep learning. However, a recent study revealed that softmax can be a bottleneck of representational capacity of neural networks in language modeling (the softmax bottleneck). In this paper, we propose an output activation function for breaking the softmax bottleneck without additional parameters. We re-analyze the softmax bottleneck from the perspective of the output set of log-softmax and identify the cause of the softmax bottleneck. On the basis of this analysis, we propose sigsoftmax, which is composed of a multiplication of an exponential function and sigmoid function. Sigsoftmax can break the softmax bottleneck. The experiments on language modeling demonstrate that sigsoftmax and mixture of sigsoftmax outperform softmax and mixture of softmax, respectively.
ObjectNet: A large-scale bias-controlled dataset for pushing the limits of object recognition models
We collect a large real-world test set, ObjectNet, for object recognition with controls where object backgrounds, rotations, and imaging viewpoints are random. Most scientific experiments have controls, confounds which are removed from the data, to ensure that subjects cannot perform a task by exploiting trivial correlations in the data. Historically, large machine learning and computer vision datasets have lacked such controls. This has resulted in models that must be fine-tuned for new datasets and perform better on datasets than in real-world applications. When tested on ObjectNet, object detectors show a 40-45% drop in performance, with respect to their performance on other benchmarks, due to the controls for biases. Controls make ObjectNet robust to fine-tuning showing only small performance increases. We develop a highly automated platform that enables gathering datasets with controls by crowdsourcing image capturing and annotation. ObjectNet is the same size as the ImageNet test set (50,000 images), and by design does not come paired with a training set in order to encourage generalization. The dataset is both easier than ImageNet (objects are largely centered and unoccluded) and harder (due to the controls). Although we focus on object recognition here, data with controls can be gathered at scale using automated tools throughout machine learning to generate datasets that exercise models in new ways thus providing valuable feedback to researchers. This work opens up new avenues for research in generalizable, robust, and more human-like computer vision and in creating datasets where results are predictive of real-world performance.
Trivializations for Gradient-Based Optimization on Manifolds
We introduce a framework to study the transformation of problems with manifold constraints into unconstrained problems through parametrizations in terms of a Euclidean space. We call these parametrizations trivializations. We prove conditions under which a trivialization is sound in the context of gradient-based optimization and we show how two large families of trivializations have overall favorable properties, but also suffer from a performance issue. We then introduce dynamic trivializations, which solve this problem, and we show how these form a family of optimization methods that lie between trivializations and Riemannian gradient descent, and combine the benefits of both of them. We then show how to implement these two families of trivializations in practice for different matrix manifolds. To this end, we prove a formula for the gradient of the exponential of matrices, which can be of practical interest on its own. Finally, we show how dynamic trivializations improve the performance of existing methods on standard tasks designed to test long-term memory within neural networks.
A Deep Learning Approach for Blind Drift Calibration of Sensor Networks
Temporal drift of sensory data is a severe problem impacting the data quality of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). With the proliferation of large-scale and long-term WSNs, it is becoming more important to calibrate sensors when the ground truth is unavailable. This problem is called "blind calibration". In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning method named projection-recovery network (PRNet) to blindly calibrate sensor measurements online. The PRNet first projects the drifted data to a feature space, and uses a powerful deep convolutional neural network to recover the estimated drift-free measurements. We deploy a 24-sensor testbed and provide comprehensive empirical evidence showing that the proposed method significantly improves the sensing accuracy and drifted sensor detection. Compared with previous methods, PRNet can calibrate 2x of drifted sensors at the recovery rate of 80% under the same level of accuracy requirement. We also provide helpful insights for designing deep neural networks for sensor calibration. We hope our proposed simple and effective approach will serve as a solid baseline in blind drift calibration of sensor networks.
Learning Typographic Style
Typography is a ubiquitous art form that affects our understanding, perception, and trust in what we read. Thousands of different font-faces have been created with enormous variations in the characters. In this paper, we learn the style of a font by analyzing a small subset of only four letters. From these four letters, we learn two tasks. The first is a discrimination task: given the four letters and a new candidate letter, does the new letter belong to the same font? Second, given the four basis letters, can we generate all of the other letters with the same characteristics as those in the basis set? We use deep neural networks to address both tasks, quantitatively and qualitatively measure the results in a variety of novel manners, and present a thorough investigation of the weaknesses and strengths of the approach.
From Bayesian Sparsity to Gated Recurrent Nets
The iterations of many first-order algorithms, when applied to minimizing common regularized regression functions, often resemble neural network layers with pre-specified weights. This observation has prompted the development of learning-based approaches that purport to replace these iterations with enhanced surrogates forged as DNN models from available training data. For example, important NP-hard sparse estimation problems have recently benefitted from this genre of upgrade, with simple feedforward or recurrent networks ousting proximal gradient-based iterations. Analogously, this paper demonstrates that more powerful Bayesian algorithms for promoting sparsity, which rely on complex multi-loop majorization-minimization techniques, mirror the structure of more sophisticated long short-term memory (LSTM) networks, or alternative gated feedback networks previously designed for sequence prediction. As part of this development, we examine the parallels between latent variable trajectories operating across multiple time-scales during optimization, and the activations within deep network structures designed to adaptively model such characteristic sequences. The resulting insights lead to a novel sparse estimation system that, when granted training data, can estimate optimal solutions efficiently in regimes where other algorithms fail, including practical direction-of-arrival (DOA) and 3D geometry recovery problems. The underlying principles we expose are also suggestive of a learning process for a richer class of multi-loop algorithms in other domains.
Improving MUC extraction thanks to local search
ExtractingMUCs(MinimalUnsatisfiableCores)fromanunsatisfiable constraint network is a useful process when causes of unsatisfiability must be understood so that the network can be re-engineered and relaxed to become sat- isfiable. Despite bad worst-case computational complexity results, various MUC- finding approaches that appear tractable for many real-life instances have been proposed. Many of them are based on the successive identification of so-called transition constraints. In this respect, we show how local search can be used to possibly extract additional transition constraints at each main iteration step. The approach is shown to outperform a technique based on a form of model rotation imported from the SAT-related technology and that also exhibits additional transi- tion constraints. Our extensive computational experimentations show that this en- hancement also boosts the performance of state-of-the-art DC(WCORE)-like MUC extractors.
Gated Self-Matching Networks for Reading Comprehension and Question Answering
In this paper, we present the gated self-matching networks for reading comprehension style question answering, which aims to answer questions from a given passage. We first match the question and passage with gated attention-based recurrent networks to obtain the question-aware passage representation. Then we propose a self-matching attention mechanism to refine the representation by matching the passage against itself, which effectively encodes information from the whole passage. We finally employ the pointer networks to locate the positions of answers from the passages. We conduct extensive experiments on the SQuAD dataset. The single model achieves 71.3% on the evaluation metrics of exact match on the hidden test set, while the ensemble model further boosts the results to 75.9%. At the time of submission of the paper, our model holds the first place on the SQuAD leaderboard for both single and ensemble model.
Beyond the Birkhoff Polytope: Convex Relaxations for Vector Permutation Problems
The Birkhoff polytope (the convex hull of the set of permutation matrices), which is represented using $\Theta(n^2)$ variables and constraints, is frequently invoked in formulating relaxations of optimization problems over permutations. Using a recent construction of Goemans (2010), we show that when optimizing over the convex hull of the permutation vectors (the permutahedron), we can reduce the number of variables and constraints to $\Theta(n \log n)$ in theory and $\Theta(n \log^2 n)$ in practice. We modify the recent convex formulation of the 2-SUM problem introduced by Fogel et al. (2013) to use this polytope, and demonstrate how we can attain results of similar quality in significantly less computational time for large $n$. To our knowledge, this is the first usage of Goemans' compact formulation of the permutahedron in a convex optimization problem. We also introduce a simpler regularization scheme for this convex formulation of the 2-SUM problem that yields good empirical results.
Multiagent Evaluation under Incomplete Information
This paper investigates the evaluation of learned multiagent strategies in the incomplete information setting, which plays a critical role in ranking and training of agents. Traditionally, researchers have relied on Elo ratings for this purpose, with recent works also using methods based on Nash equilibria. Unfortunately, Elo is unable to handle intransitive agent interactions, and other techniques are restricted to zero-sum, two-player settings or are limited by the fact that the Nash equilibrium is intractable to compute. Recently, a ranking method called $\alpha$-Rank, relying on a new graph-based game-theoretic solution concept, was shown to tractably apply to general games. However, evaluations based on Elo or $\alpha$-Rank typically assume noise-free game outcomes, despite the data often being collected from noisy simulations, making this assumption unrealistic in practice. This paper investigates multiagent evaluation in the incomplete information regime, involving general-sum many-player games with noisy outcomes. We derive sample complexity guarantees required to confidently rank agents in this setting. We propose adaptive algorithms for accurate ranking, provide correctness and sample complexity guarantees, then introduce a means of connecting uncertainties in noisy match outcomes to uncertainties in rankings. We evaluate the performance of these approaches in several domains, including Bernoulli games, a soccer meta-game, and Kuhn poker.
Enhancing Automatically Discovered Multi-level Acoustic Patterns Considering Context Consistency With Applications in Spoken Term Detection
This paper presents a novel approach for enhancing the multiple sets of acoustic patterns automatically discovered from a given corpus. In a previous work it was proposed that different HMM configurations (number of states per model, number of distinct models) for the acoustic patterns form a two-dimensional space. Multiple sets of acoustic patterns automatically discovered with the HMM configurations properly located on different points over this two-dimensional space were shown to be complementary to one another, jointly capturing the characteristics of the given corpus. By representing the given corpus as sequences of acoustic patterns on different HMM sets, the pattern indices in these sequences can be relabeled considering the context consistency across the different sequences. Good improvements were observed in preliminary experiments of pattern spoken term detection (STD) performed on both TIMIT and Mandarin Broadcast News with such enhanced patterns.
Asynchronous Parallel Stochastic Gradient for Nonconvex Optimization
The asynchronous parallel implementations of stochastic gradient (SG) have been broadly used in solving deep neural network and received many successes in practice recently. However, existing theories cannot explain their convergence and speedup properties, mainly due to the nonconvexity of most deep learning formulations and the asynchronous parallel mechanism. To fill the gaps in theory and provide theoretical supports, this paper studies two asynchronous parallel implementations of SG: one is on the computer network and the other is on the shared memory system. We establish an ergodic convergence rate $O(1/\sqrt{K})$ for both algorithms and prove that the linear speedup is achievable if the number of workers is bounded by $\sqrt{K}$ ($K$ is the total number of iterations). Our results generalize and improve existing analysis for convex minimization.
Stochastic Optimization for Large-scale Optimal Transport
Optimal transport (OT) defines a powerful framework to compare probability distributions in a geometrically faithful way. However, the practical impact of OT is still limited because of its computational burden. We propose a new class of stochastic optimization algorithms to cope with large-scale problems routinely encountered in machine learning applications. These methods are able to manipulate arbitrary distributions (either discrete or continuous) by simply requiring to be able to draw samples from them, which is the typical setup in high-dimensional learning problems. This alleviates the need to discretize these densities, while giving access to provably convergent methods that output the correct distance without discretization error. These algorithms rely on two main ideas: (a) the dual OT problem can be re-cast as the maximization of an expectation ; (b) entropic regularization of the primal OT problem results in a smooth dual optimization optimization which can be addressed with algorithms that have a provably faster convergence. We instantiate these ideas in three different setups: (i) when comparing a discrete distribution to another, we show that incremental stochastic optimization schemes can beat Sinkhorn's algorithm, the current state-of-the-art finite dimensional OT solver; (ii) when comparing a discrete distribution to a continuous density, a semi-discrete reformulation of the dual program is amenable to averaged stochastic gradient descent, leading to better performance than approximately solving the problem by discretization ; (iii) when dealing with two continuous densities, we propose a stochastic gradient descent over a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). This is currently the only known method to solve this problem, apart from computing OT on finite samples. We backup these claims on a set of discrete, semi-discrete and continuous benchmark problems.
Efficient Divide-And-Conquer Classification Based on Feature-Space Decomposition
This study presents a divide-and-conquer (DC) approach based on feature space decomposition for classification. When large-scale datasets are present, typical approaches usually employed truncated kernel methods on the feature space or DC approaches on the sample space. However, this did not guarantee separability between classes, owing to overfitting. To overcome such problems, this work proposes a novel DC approach on feature spaces consisting of three steps. Firstly, we divide the feature space into several subspaces using the decomposition method proposed in this paper. Subsequently, these feature subspaces are sent into individual local classifiers for training. Finally, the outcomes of local classifiers are fused together to generate the final classification results. Experiments on large-scale datasets are carried out for performance evaluation. The results show that the error rates of the proposed DC method decreased comparing with the state-of-the-art fast SVM solvers, e.g., reducing error rates by 10.53% and 7.53% on RCV1 and covtype datasets respectively.
Learning in Riemannian Orbifolds
Learning in Riemannian orbifolds is motivated by existing machine learning algorithms that directly operate on finite combinatorial structures such as point patterns, trees, and graphs. These methods, however, lack statistical justification. This contribution derives consistency results for learning problems in structured domains and thereby generalizes learning in vector spaces and manifolds.
Fixed-Length Poisson MRF: Adding Dependencies to the Multinomial
We propose a novel distribution that generalizes the Multinomial distribution to enable dependencies between dimensions. Our novel distribution is based on the parametric form of the Poisson MRF model [Yang et al., 2012] but is fundamentally different because of the domain restriction to a fixed-length vector like in a Multinomial where the number of trials is fixed or known. Thus, we propose the Fixed-Length Poisson MRF (LPMRF) distribution. We develop methods to estimate the likelihood and log partition function (i.e. the log normalizing constant), which was not developed for the Poisson MRF model. In addition, we propose novel mixture and topic models that use LPMRF as a base distribution and discuss the similarities and differences with previous topic models such as the recently proposed Admixture of Poisson MRFs [Inouye et al., 2014]. We show the effectiveness of our LPMRF distribution over Multinomial models by evaluating the test set perplexity on a dataset of abstracts and Wikipedia. Qualitatively, we show that the positive dependencies discovered by LPMRF are interesting and intuitive. Finally, we show that our algorithms are fast and have good scaling (code available online).
Arabic Text Categorization Algorithm using Vector Evaluation Method
Text categorization is the process of grouping documents into categories based on their contents. This process is important to make information retrieval easier, and it became more important due to the huge textual information available online. The main problem in text categorization is how to improve the classification accuracy. Although Arabic text categorization is a new promising field, there are a few researches in this field. This paper proposes a new method for Arabic text categorization using vector evaluation. The proposed method uses a categorized Arabic documents corpus, and then the weights of the tested document's words are calculated to determine the document keywords which will be compared with the keywords of the corpus categorizes to determine the tested document's best category.
On the Complexity and Approximation of Binary Evidence in Lifted Inference
Lifted inference algorithms exploit symmetries in probabilistic models to speed up inference. They show impressive performance when calculating unconditional probabilities in relational models, but often resort to non-lifted inference when computing conditional probabilities. The reason is that conditioning on evidence breaks many of the model's symmetries, which can preempt standard lifting techniques. Recent theoretical results show, for example, that conditioning on evidence which corresponds to binary relations is #P-hard, suggesting that no lifting is to be expected in the worst case. In this paper, we balance this negative result by identifying the Boolean rank of the evidence as a key parameter for characterizing the complexity of conditioning in lifted inference. In particular, we show that conditioning on binary evidence with bounded Boolean rank is efficient. This opens up the possibility of approximating evidence by a low-rank Boolean matrix factorization, which we investigate both theoretically and empirically.
Classifying Relations by Ranking with Convolutional Neural Networks
Relation classification is an important semantic processing task whose state-of-the-art systems still rely on the use of costly handcrafted features. In this work we tackle the relation classification task using a convolutional neural network that performs classification by ranking (CR-CNN). We propose a new pairwise ranking loss function that makes it easy to reduce the impact of artificial classes. We perform experiments using the the SemEval-2010 Task 8 dataset, which encodes the task of classifying the relationship between two nominals marked in a sentence. Using CR-CNN, we outperform the state-of-the-art for this dataset and achieve a F1 of 84.1 without using any costly handcrafted features. Additionally, our experimental results also evidence that: (1) our approach is more effective than CNN followed by a softmax classifier; (2) omitting the representation of the artificial class Other improves both precision and recall; and (3) using only word embeddings as input features is enough to achieve state-of-the-art results if we consider only the text between the two target nominals.
Deep Broad Learning - Big Models for Big Data
Deep learning has demonstrated the power of detailed modeling of complex high-order (multivariate) interactions in data. For some learning tasks there is power in learning models that are not only Deep but also Broad. By Broad, we mean models that incorporate evidence from large numbers of features. This is of especial value in applications where many different features and combinations of features all carry small amounts of information about the class. The most accurate models will integrate all that information. In this paper, we propose an algorithm for Deep Broad Learning called DBL. The proposed algorithm has a tunable parameter $n$, that specifies the depth of the model. It provides straightforward paths towards out-of-core learning for large data. We demonstrate that DBL learns models from large quantities of data with accuracy that is highly competitive with the state-of-the-art.
Thresholding based Efficient Outlier Robust PCA
We consider the problem of outlier robust PCA (OR-PCA) where the goal is to recover principal directions despite the presence of outlier data points. That is, given a data matrix $M^*$, where $(1-\alpha)$ fraction of the points are noisy samples from a low-dimensional subspace while $\alpha$ fraction of the points can be arbitrary outliers, the goal is to recover the subspace accurately. Existing results for \OR-PCA have serious drawbacks: while some results are quite weak in the presence of noise, other results have runtime quadratic in dimension, rendering them impractical for large scale applications.
Generating Explanations for Biomedical Queries
We introduce novel mathematical models and algorithms to generate (shortest or k different) explanations for biomedical queries, using answer set programming. We implement these algorithms and integrate them in BIOQUERY-ASP. We illustrate the usefulness of these methods with some complex biomedical queries related to drug discovery, over the biomedical knowledge resources PHARMGKB, DRUGBANK, BIOGRID, CTD, SIDER, DISEASE ONTOLOGY and ORPHADATA. To appear in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).
Computational Investigation of Low-Discrepancy Sequences in Simulation Algorithms for Bayesian Networks
Monte Carlo sampling has become a major vehicle for approximate inference in Bayesian networks. In this paper, we investigate a family of related simulation approaches, known collectively as quasi-Monte Carlo methods based on deterministic low-discrepancy sequences. We first outline several theoretical aspects of deterministic low-discrepancy sequences, show three examples of such sequences, and then discuss practical issues related to applying them to belief updating in Bayesian networks. We propose an algorithm for selecting direction numbers for Sobol sequence. Our experimental results show that low-discrepancy sequences (especially Sobol sequence) significantly improve the performance of simulation algorithms in Bayesian networks compared to Monte Carlo sampling.
Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing
There is growing interest in representing image data and feature descriptors using compact binary codes for fast near neighbor search. Although binary codes are motivated by their use as direct indices (addresses) into a hash table, codes longer than 32 bits are not being used as such, as it was thought to be ineffective. We introduce a rigorous way to build multiple hash tables on binary code substrings that enables exact k-nearest neighbor search in Hamming space. The approach is straightforward to implement and storage efficient. Theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm exhibits sub-linear run-time behavior for uniformly distributed codes. Empirical results show dramatic speed-ups over a linear scan baseline for datasets of up to one billion codes of 64, 128, or 256 bits.
Multiple-Instance Learning: Radon-Nikodym Approach to Distribution Regression Problem
For distribution regression problem, where a bag of $x$--observations is mapped to a single $y$ value, a one--step solution is proposed. The problem of random distribution to random value is transformed to random vector to random value by taking distribution moments of $x$ observations in a bag as random vector. Then Radon--Nikodym or least squares theory can be applied, what give $y(x)$ estimator. The probability distribution of $y$ is also obtained, what requires solving generalized eigenvalues problem, matrix spectrum (not depending on $x$) give possible $y$ outcomes and depending on $x$ probabilities of outcomes can be obtained by projecting the distribution with fixed $x$ value (delta--function) to corresponding eigenvector. A library providing numerically stable polynomial basis for these calculations is available, what make the proposed approach practical.
Learning Mean-Field Games
This paper presents a general mean-field game (GMFG) framework for simultaneous learning and decision-making in stochastic games with a large population. It first establishes the existence of a unique Nash Equilibrium to this GMFG, and explains that naively combining Q-learning with the fixed-point approach in classical MFGs yields unstable algorithms. It then proposes a Q-learning algorithm with Boltzmann policy (GMF-Q), with analysis of convergence property and computational complexity. The experiments on repeated Ad auction problems demonstrate that this GMF-Q algorithm is efficient and robust in terms of convergence and learning accuracy. Moreover, its performance is superior in convergence, stability, and learning ability, when compared with existing algorithms for multi-agent reinforcement learning.
Stochastic Gradient Geodesic MCMC Methods
We propose two stochastic gradient MCMC methods for sampling from Bayesian posterior distributions defined on Riemann manifolds with a known geodesic flow, e.g. hyperspheres. Our methods are the first scalable sampling methods on these manifolds, with the aid of stochastic gradients. Novel dynamics are conceived and 2nd-order integrators are developed. By adopting embedding techniques and the geodesic integrator, the methods do not require a global coordinate system of the manifold and do not involve inner iterations. Synthetic experiments show the validity of the method, and its application to the challenging inference for spherical topic models indicate practical usability and efficiency.
A Statistical Decision-Theoretic Framework for Social Choice
In this paper, we take a statistical decision-theoretic viewpoint on social choice, putting a focus on the decision to be made on behalf of a system of agents. In our framework, we are given a statistical ranking model, a decision space, and a loss function defined on (parameter, decision) pairs, and formulate social choice mechanisms as decision rules that minimize expected loss. This suggests a general framework for the design and analysis of new social choice mechanisms. We compare Bayesian estimators, which minimize Bayesian expected loss, for the Mallows model and the Condorcet model respectively, and the Kemeny rule. We consider various normative properties, in addition to computational complexity and asymptotic behavior. In particular, we show that the Bayesian estimator for the Condorcet model satisfies some desired properties such as anonymity, neutrality, and monotonicity, can be computed in polynomial time, and is asymptotically different from the other two rules when the data are generated from the Condorcet model for some ground truth parameter.
Clustering Partially Observed Graphs via Convex Optimization
This paper considers the problem of clustering a partially observed unweighted graph -- i.e. one where for some node pairs we know there is an edge between them, for some others we know there is no edge, and for the remaining we do not know whether or not there is an edge. We want to organize the nodes into disjoint clusters so that there is relatively dense (observed) connectivity within clusters, and sparse across clusters.
Unsupervised Learning of Spoken Language with Visual Context
Humans learn to speak before they can read or write, so why can’t computers do the same? In this paper, we present a deep neural network model capable of rudimentary spoken language acquisition using untranscribed audio training data, whose only supervision comes in the form of contextually relevant visual images. We describe the collection of our data comprised of over 120,000 spoken audio captions for the Places image dataset and evaluate our model on an image search and annotation task. We also provide some visualizations which suggest that our model is learning to recognize meaningful words within the caption spectrograms.
Outlier absorbing based on a Bayesian approach
The presence of outliers is prevalent in machine learning applications and may produce misleading results. In this paper a new method for dealing with outliers and anomal samples is proposed. To overcome the outlier issue, the proposed method combines the global and local views of the samples. By combination of these views, our algorithm performs in a robust manner. The experimental results show the capabilities of the proposed method.
Positive Curvature and Hamiltonian Monte Carlo
The Jacobi metric introduced in mathematical physics can be used to analyze Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (HMC). In a geometrical setting, each step of HMC corresponds to a geodesic on a Riemannian manifold with a Jacobi metric. Our calculation of the sectional curvature of this HMC manifold allows us to see that it is positive in cases such as sampling from a high dimensional multivariate Gaussian. We show that positive curvature can be used to prove theoretical concentration results for HMC Markov chains.
Principled Hybrids of Generative and Discriminative Domain Adaptation
We propose a probabilistic framework for domain adaptation that blends both generative and discriminative modeling in a principled way. By maximizing both the marginal and the conditional log-likelihoods, models derived from this framework can use both labeled instances from the source domain as well as unlabeled instances from both source and target domains. Under this framework, we show that the popular reconstruction loss of autoencoder corresponds to an upper bound of the negative marginal log-likelihoods of unlabeled instances, where marginal distributions are given by proper kernel density estimations. This provides a way to interpret the empirical success of autoencoders in domain adaptation and semi-supervised learning. We instantiate our framework using neural networks, and build a concrete model, DAuto. Empirically, we demonstrate the effectiveness of DAuto on text, image and speech datasets, showing that it outperforms related competitors when domain adaptation is possible.
Learning the Curriculum with Bayesian Optimization for Task-Specific Word Representation Learning
We use Bayesian optimization to learn curricula for word representation learning, optimizing performance on downstream tasks that depend on the learned representations as features. The curricula are modeled by a linear ranking function which is the scalar product of a learned weight vector and an engineered feature vector that characterizes the different aspects of the complexity of each instance in the training corpus. We show that learning the curriculum improves performance on a variety of downstream tasks over random orders and in comparison to the natural corpus order.
Automation of Android Applications Testing Using Machine Learning Activities Classification
Mobile applications are being used every day by more than half of the world's population to perform a great variety of tasks. With the increasingly widespread usage of these applications, the need arises for efficient techniques to test them. Many frameworks allow automating the process of application testing, however existing frameworks mainly rely on the application developer for providing testing scripts for each developed application, thus preventing reuse of these tests for similar applications. In this paper, we present a novel approach for the automation of testing Android applications by leveraging machine learning techniques and reusing popular test scenarios. We discuss and demonstrate the potential benefits of our approach in an empirical study where we show that our developed testing tool, based on the proposed approach, outperforms standard methods in realistic settings.
Adaptive Low-Complexity Sequential Inference for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models
We develop a sequential low-complexity inference procedure for the Infinite Gaussian Mixture Model (IGMM) for the general case of an unknown mean and covariance. The observations are sequentially allocated to classes based on a sequential maximum a-posterior (MAP) criterion. We present an easily computed, closed form for the conditional likelihood, in which the parameters can be recursively updated as a function of the streaming data. We propose a novel adaptive design for the Dirichlet process concentration parameter at each iteration, and prove, under a simplified model, that the sequence of concentration parameters is asymptotically well-behaved. We sketch an equivalence between the steady-state performance of the algorithm and Gaussian classification. The methodology is applied to the problem of adaptive modulation recognition and obviates the need for storing a large modulation library required for traditional modulation recognition. We also numerically evaluate the bit error rate performance (BER) of the DPMM-trained classifier when used as a demodulator and show that there is critical signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that characterizes whether successful decoding is possible.
Local System Voting Feature for Machine Translation System Combination
In this paper, we enhance the traditional confusion network system combination approach with an additional model trained by a neural network. This work is motivated by the fact that the commonly used binary system voting models only assign each input system a global weight which is responsible for the global impact of each input system on all translations. This prevents individual systems with low system weights from having influence on the system combination output, although in some situations this could be helpful. Further, words which have only been seen by one or few systems rarely have a chance of being present in the combined output. We train a local system voting model by a neural network which is based on the words themselves and the combinatorial occurrences of the different system outputs. This gives system combination the option to prefer other systems at different word positions even for the same sentence.
Altitude Training: Strong Bounds for Single-Layer Dropout
Dropout training, originally designed for deep neural networks, has been successful on high-dimensional single-layer natural language tasks. This paper proposes a theoretical explanation for this phenomenon: we show that, under a generative Poisson topic model with long documents, dropout training improves the exponent in the generalization bound for empirical risk minimization. Dropout achieves this gain much like a marathon runner who practices at altitude: once a classifier learns to perform reasonably well on training examples that have been artificially corrupted by dropout, it will do very well on the uncorrupted test set. We also show that, under similar conditions, dropout preserves the Bayes decision boundary and should therefore induce minimal bias in high dimensions.
Large-Scale Strategic Games and Adversarial Machine Learning
Decision making in modern large-scale and complex systems such as communication networks, smart electricity grids, and cyber-physical systems motivate novel game-theoretic approaches. This paper investigates big strategic (non-cooperative) games where a finite number of individual players each have a large number of continuous decision variables and input data points. Such high-dimensional decision spaces and big data sets lead to computational challenges, relating to efforts in non-linear optimization scaling up to large systems of variables. In addition to these computational challenges, real-world players often have limited information about their preference parameters due to the prohibitive cost of identifying them or due to operating in dynamic online settings. The challenge of limited information is exacerbated in high dimensions and big data sets. Motivated by both computational and information limitations that constrain the direct solution of big strategic games, our investigation centers around reductions using linear transformations such as random projection methods and their effect on Nash equilibrium solutions. Specific analytical results are presented for quadratic games and approximations. In addition, an adversarial learning game is presented where random projection and sampling schemes are investigated.
Scalable Adaptation of State Complexity for Nonparametric Hidden Markov Models
Bayesian nonparametric hidden Markov models are typically learned via fixed truncations of the infinite state space or local Monte Carlo proposals that make small changes to the state space. We develop an inference algorithm for the sticky hierarchical Dirichlet process hidden Markov model that scales to big datasets by processing a few sequences at a time yet allows rapid adaptation of the state space cardinality. Unlike previous point-estimate methods, our novel variational bound penalizes redundant or irrelevant states and thus enables optimization of the state space. Our birth proposals use observed data statistics to create useful new states that escape local optima. Merge and delete proposals remove ineffective states to yield simpler models with more affordable future computations. Experiments on speaker diarization, motion capture, and epigenetic chromatin datasets discover models that are more compact, more interpretable, and better aligned to ground truth segmentations than competitors. We have released an open-source Python implementation which can parallelize local inference steps across sequences.
Image Captioning: Transforming Objects into Words
Image captioning models typically follow an encoder-decoder architecture which uses abstract image feature vectors as input to the encoder. One of the most successful algorithms uses feature vectors extracted from the region proposals obtained from an object detector. In this work we introduce the Object Relation Transformer, that builds upon this approach by explicitly incorporating information about the spatial relationship between input detected objects through geometric attention. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate the importance of such geometric attention for image captioning, leading to improvements on all common captioning metrics on the MS-COCO dataset. Code is available at https://github.com/yahoo/object<em>relation</em>transformer .
On Training Bi-directional Neural Network Language Model with Noise Contrastive Estimation
We propose to train bi-directional neural network language model(NNLM) with noise contrastive estimation(NCE). Experiments are conducted on a rescore task on the PTB data set. It is shown that NCE-trained bi-directional NNLM outperformed the one trained by conventional maximum likelihood training. But still(regretfully), it did not out-perform the baseline uni-directional NNLM.
Cooperative Automated Worm Response and Detection Immune Algorithm
The role of T-cells within the immune system is to confirm and assess anomalous situations and then either respond to or tolerate the source of the effect. To illustrate how these mechanisms can be harnessed to solve real-world problems, we present the blueprint of a T-cell inspired algorithm for computer security worm detection. We show how the three central T-cell processes, namely T-cell maturation, differentiation and proliferation, naturally map into this domain and further illustrate how such an algorithm fits into a complete immune inspired computer security system and framework.
Learning Data Manipulation for Augmentation and Weighting
Manipulating data, such as weighting data examples or augmenting with new instances, has been increasingly used to improve model training. Previous work has studied various rule- or learning-based approaches designed for specific types of data manipulation. In this work, we propose a new method that supports learning different manipulation schemes with the same gradient-based algorithm. Our approach builds upon a recent connection of supervised learning and reinforcement learning (RL), and adapts an off-the-shelf reward learning algorithm from RL for joint data manipulation learning and model training. Different parameterization of the ``data reward'' function instantiates different manipulation schemes. We showcase data augmentation that learns a text transformation network, and data weighting that dynamically adapts the data sample importance. Experiments show the resulting algorithms significantly improve the image and text classification performance in low data regime and class-imbalance problems.
Adversarial Ranking for Language Generation
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have great successes on synthesizing data. However, the existing GANs restrict the discriminator to be a binary classifier, and thus limit their learning capacity for tasks that need to synthesize output with rich structures such as natural language descriptions. In this paper, we propose a novel generative adversarial network, RankGAN, for generating high-quality language descriptions. Rather than training the discriminator to learn and assign absolute binary predicate for individual data sample, the proposed RankGAN is able to analyze and rank a collection of human-written and machine-written sentences by giving a reference group. By viewing a set of data samples collectively and evaluating their quality through relative ranking scores, the discriminator is able to make better assessment which in turn helps to learn a better generator. The proposed RankGAN is optimized through the policy gradient technique. Experimental results on multiple public datasets clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
On learning k-parities with and without noise
We first consider the problem of learning $k$-parities in the on-line mistake-bound model: given a hidden vector $x \in \{0,1\}^n$ with $|x|=k$ and a sequence of "questions" $a_1, a_2, ...\in \{0,1\}^n$, where the algorithm must reply to each question with $&lt; a_i, x&gt; \pmod 2$, what is the best tradeoff between the number of mistakes made by the algorithm and its time complexity? We improve the previous best result of Buhrman et al. by an $\exp(k)$ factor in the time complexity.
Privacy-Friendly Mobility Analytics using Aggregate Location Data
Location data can be extremely useful to study commuting patterns and disruptions, as well as to predict real-time traffic volumes. At the same time, however, the fine-grained collection of user locations raises serious privacy concerns, as this can reveal sensitive information about the users, such as, life style, political and religious inclinations, or even identities. In this paper, we study the feasibility of crowd-sourced mobility analytics over aggregate location information: users periodically report their location, through using a privacy-preserving aggregation protocol, so that the server can only recover aggregates -- i.e., how many, but not which, users are in a region at a given time. We experiment with real-world mobility datasets obtained from the Transport For London authority and the San Francisco Cabs network, and present a novel methodology based on time series modeling that is geared to forecast traffic volumes in regions of interest and to detect mobility anomalies in them. In the presence of anomalies, we also make enhanced traffic volume predictions by feeding our model with additional information from correlated regions. Finally, we present and evaluate a mobile app prototype, called Mobility Data Donors (MDD), in terms of computation, communication, and energy overhead, demonstrating the real-world deployability of our techniques.
Boosting Question Answering by Deep Entity Recognition
In this paper an open-domain factoid question answering system for Polish, RAFAEL, is presented. The system goes beyond finding an answering sentence; it also extracts a single string, corresponding to the required entity. Herein the focus is placed on different approaches to entity recognition, essential for retrieving information matching question constraints. Apart from traditional approach, including named entity recognition (NER) solutions, a novel technique, called Deep Entity Recognition (DeepER), is introduced and implemented. It allows a comprehensive search of all forms of entity references matching a given WordNet synset (e.g. an impressionist), based on a previously assembled entity library. It has been created by analysing the first sentences of encyclopaedia entries and disambiguation and redirect pages. DeepER also provides automatic evaluation, which makes possible numerous experiments, including over a thousand questions from a quiz TV show answered on the grounds of Polish Wikipedia. The final results of a manual evaluation on a separate question set show that the strength of DeepER approach lies in its ability to answer questions that demand answers beyond the traditional categories of named entities.
Pareto Multi-Task Learning
Multi-task learning is a powerful method for solving multiple correlated tasks simultaneously. However, it is often impossible to find one single solution to optimize all the tasks, since different tasks might conflict with each other. Recently, a novel method is proposed to find one single Pareto optimal solution with good trade-off among different tasks by casting multi-task learning as multiobjective optimization. In this paper, we generalize this idea and propose a novel Pareto multi-task learning algorithm (Pareto MTL) to find a set of well-distributed Pareto solutions which can represent different trade-offs among different tasks. The proposed algorithm first formulates a multi-task learning problem as a multiobjective optimization problem, and then decomposes the multiobjective optimization problem into a set of constrained subproblems with different trade-off preferences. By solving these subproblems in parallel, Pareto MTL can find a set of well-representative Pareto optimal solutions with different trade-off among all tasks. Practitioners can easily select their preferred solution from these Pareto solutions, or use different trade-off solutions for different situations. Experimental results confirm that the proposed algorithm can generate well-representative solutions and outperform some state-of-the-art algorithms on many multi-task learning applications.
Linguistically Regularized LSTM for Sentiment Classification
This paper deals with sentence-level sentiment classification. Though a variety of neural network models have been proposed recently, however, previous models either depend on expensive phrase-level annotation, most of which has remarkably degraded performance when trained with only sentence-level annotation; or do not fully employ linguistic resources (e.g., sentiment lexicons, negation words, intensity words). In this paper, we propose simple models trained with sentence-level annotation, but also attempt to model the linguistic role of sentiment lexicons, negation words, and intensity words. Results show that our models are able to capture the linguistic role of sentiment words, negation words, and intensity words in sentiment expression.
Human Trajectory Prediction using Spatially aware Deep Attention Models
Trajectory Prediction of dynamic objects is a widely studied topic in the field of artificial intelligence. Thanks to a large number of applications like predicting abnormal events, navigation system for the blind, etc. there have been many approaches to attempt learning patterns of motion directly from data using a wide variety of techniques ranging from hand-crafted features to sophisticated deep learning models for unsupervised feature learning. All these approaches have been limited by problems like inefficient features in the case of hand crafted features, large error propagation across the predicted trajectory and no information of static artefacts around the dynamic moving objects. We propose an end to end deep learning model to learn the motion patterns of humans using different navigational modes directly from data using the much popular sequence to sequence model coupled with a soft attention mechanism. We also propose a novel approach to model the static artefacts in a scene and using these to predict the dynamic trajectories. The proposed method, tested on trajectories of pedestrians, consistently outperforms previously proposed state of the art approaches on a variety of large scale data sets. We also show how our architecture can be naturally extended to handle multiple modes of movement (say pedestrians, skaters, bikers and buses) simultaneously.
Generalized Linear Model Regression under Distance-to-set Penalties
Estimation in generalized linear models (GLM) is complicated by the presence of constraints. One can handle constraints by maximizing a penalized log-likelihood. Penalties such as the lasso are effective in high dimensions but often lead to severe shrinkage. This paper explores instead penalizing the squared distance to constraint sets. Distance penalties are more flexible than algebraic and regularization penalties, and avoid the drawback of shrinkage. To optimize distance penalized objectives, we make use of the majorization-minimization principle. Resulting algorithms constructed within this framework are amenable to acceleration and come with global convergence guarantees. Applications to shape constraints, sparse regression, and rank-restricted matrix regression on synthetic and real data showcase the strong empirical performance of distance penalization, even under non-convex constraints.
Artificial Intelligence and Asymmetric Information Theory
When human agents come together to make decisions it is often the case that one human agent has more information than the other and this phenomenon is called information asymmetry and this distorts the market. Often if one human agent intends to manipulate a decision in its favor the human agent can signal wrong or right information. Alternatively, one human agent can screen for information to reduce the impact of asymmetric information on decisions. With the advent of artificial intelligence, signaling and screening have been made easier. This chapter studies the impact of artificial intelligence on the theory of asymmetric information. It is surmised that artificial intelligent agents reduce the degree of information asymmetry and thus the market where these agents are deployed become more efficient. It is also postulated that the more artificial intelligent agents there are deployed in the market the less is the volume of trades in the market. This is because for trade to happen the asymmetry of information on goods and services to be traded should exist.
Dynamic Edge-Conditioned Filters in Convolutional Neural Networks on Graphs
A number of problems can be formulated as prediction on graph-structured data. In this work, we generalize the convolution operator from regular grids to arbitrary graphs while avoiding the spectral domain, which allows us to handle graphs of varying size and connectivity. To move beyond a simple diffusion, filter weights are conditioned on the specific edge labels in the neighborhood of a vertex. Together with the proper choice of graph coarsening, we explore constructing deep neural networks for graph classification. In particular, we demonstrate the generality of our formulation in point cloud classification, where we set the new state of the art, and on a graph classification dataset, where we outperform other deep learning approaches.
Predicting Counterfactuals from Large Historical Data and Small Randomized Trials
When a new treatment is considered for use, whether a pharmaceutical drug or a search engine ranking algorithm, a typical question that arises is, will its performance exceed that of the current treatment? The conventional way to answer this counterfactual question is to estimate the effect of the new treatment in comparison to that of the conventional treatment by running a controlled, randomized experiment. While this approach theoretically ensures an unbiased estimator, it suffers from several drawbacks, including the difficulty in finding representative experimental populations as well as the cost of running such trials. Moreover, such trials neglect the huge quantities of available control-condition data which are often completely ignored.
On Nicod's Condition, Rules of Induction and the Raven Paradox
Philosophers writing about the ravens paradox often note that Nicod's Condition (NC) holds given some set of background information, and fails to hold against others, but rarely go any further. That is, it is usually not explored which background information makes NC true or false. The present paper aims to fill this gap. For us, "(objective) background knowledge" is restricted to information that can be expressed as probability events. Any other configuration is regarded as being subjective and a property of the a priori probability distribution. We study NC in two specific settings. In the first case, a complete description of some individuals is known, e.g. one knows of each of a group of individuals whether they are black and whether they are ravens. In the second case, the number of individuals having a particular property is given, e.g. one knows how many ravens or how many black things there are (in the relevant population). While some of the most famous answers to the paradox are measure-dependent, our discussion is not restricted to any particular probability measure. Our most interesting result is that in the second setting, NC violates a simple kind of inductive inference (namely projectability). Since relative to NC, this latter rule is more closely related to, and more directly justified by our intuitive notion of inductive reasoning, this tension makes a case against the plausibility of NC. In the end, we suggest that the informal representation of NC may seem to be intuitively plausible because it can easily be mistaken for reasoning by analogy.
Constant Time EXPected Similarity Estimation using Stochastic Optimization
A new algorithm named EXPected Similarity Estimation (EXPoSE) was recently proposed to solve the problem of large-scale anomaly detection. It is a non-parametric and distribution free kernel method based on the Hilbert space embedding of probability measures. Given a dataset of $n$ samples, EXPoSE needs only $\mathcal{O}(n)$ (linear time) to build a model and $\mathcal{O}(1)$ (constant time) to make a prediction. In this work we improve the linear computational complexity and show that an $\epsilon$-accurate model can be estimated in constant time, which has significant implications for large-scale learning problems. To achieve this goal, we cast the original EXPoSE formulation into a stochastic optimization problem. It is crucial that this approach allows us to determine the number of iteration based on a desired accuracy $\epsilon$, independent of the dataset size $n$. We will show that the proposed stochastic gradient descent algorithm works in general (possible infinite-dimensional) Hilbert spaces, is easy to implement and requires no additional step-size parameters.
Unsupervised Classification Using Immune Algorithm
Unsupervised classification algorithm based on clonal selection principle named Unsupervised Clonal Selection Classification (UCSC) is proposed in this paper. The new proposed algorithm is data driven and self-adaptive, it adjusts its parameters to the data to make the classification operation as fast as possible. The performance of UCSC is evaluated by comparing it with the well known K-means algorithm using several artificial and real-life data sets. The experiments show that the proposed UCSC algorithm is more reliable and has high classification precision comparing to traditional classification methods such as K-means.
Unsupervised Co-Learning on $G$-Manifolds Across Irreducible Representations
We introduce a novel co-learning paradigm for manifolds naturally admitting an action of a transformation group $\mathcal{G}$, motivated by recent developments on learning a manifold from attached fibre bundle structures. We utilize a representation theoretic mechanism that canonically associates multiple independent vector bundles over a common base manifold, which provides multiple views for the geometry of the underlying manifold. The consistency across these fibre bundles provide a common base for performing unsupervised manifold co-learning through the redundancy created artificially across irreducible representations of the transformation group. We demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed algorithmic paradigm through drastically improved robust nearest neighbor identification in cryo-electron microscopy image analysis and the clustering accuracy in community detection.
Visalogy: Answering Visual Analogy Questions
In this paper, we study the problem of answering visual analogy questions. These questions take the form of image A is to image B as image C is to what. Answering these questions entails discovering the mapping from image A to image B and then extending the mapping to image C and searching for the image D such that the relation from A to B holds for C to D. We pose this problem as learning an embedding that encourages pairs of analogous images with similar transformations to be close together using convolutional neural networks with a quadruple Siamese architecture. We introduce a dataset of visual analogy questions in natural images, and show first results of its kind on solving analogy questions on natural images.
Data structuring for the ontological modelling of wind energy systems
Small wind projects encounter difficulties to be efficiently deployed, partly because wrong way data and information are managed. Ontologies can overcome the drawbacks of partially available, noisy, inconsistent, and heterogeneous data sources, by providing a semantic middleware between low level data and more general knowledge. In this paper, we engineer an ontology for the wind energy domain using description logic as technical instrumentation. We aim to integrate corpus of heterogeneous knowledge, both digital and human, in order to help the interested user to speed-up the initialization of a small-scale wind project. We exemplify one use case scenario of our ontology, that consists of automatically checking whether a planned wind project is compliant or not with the active regulations.
Solving POMDPs by Searching the Space of Finite Policies
Solving partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) is highly intractable in general, at least in part because the optimal policy may be infinitely large. In this paper, we explore the problem of finding the optimal policy from a restricted set of policies, represented as finite state automata of a given size. This problem is also intractable, but we show that the complexity can be greatly reduced when the POMDP and/or policy are further constrained. We demonstrate good empirical results with a branch-and-bound method for finding globally optimal deterministic policies, and a gradient-ascent method for finding locally optimal stochastic policies.
A Surrogate-based Generic Classifier for Chinese TV Series Reviews
With the emerging of various online video platforms like Youtube, Youku and LeTV, online movie reviews become more and more important both for movie viewers and producers. As a result, automatically classifying reviews according to different requirements evolves as a popular research topic and is very essential in our daily life. In this paper, we focused on reviews of hot TV series in China and successfully trained generic classifiers based on 8 predefined categories. The experimental results showed promising performance and effectiveness of its generalization to different TV series.
Learning from Bad Data via Generation
Bad training data would challenge the learning model from understanding the underlying data-generating scheme, which then increases the difficulty in achieving satisfactory performance on unseen test data. We suppose the real data distribution lies in a distribution set supported by the empirical distribution of bad data. A worst-case formulation can be developed over this distribution set, and then be interpreted as a generation task in an adversarial manner. The connections and differences between GANs and our framework have been thoroughly discussed. We further theoretically show the influence of this generation task on learning from bad data and reveal its connection with a data-dependent regularization. Given different distance measures (\eg, Wasserstein distance or JS divergence) of distributions, we can derive different objective functions for the problem. Experimental results on different kinds of bad training data demonstrate the necessity and effectiveness of the proposed method.
Reverse KL-Divergence Training of Prior Networks: Improved Uncertainty and Adversarial Robustness
Ensemble approaches for uncertainty estimation have recently been applied to the tasks of misclassification detection, out-of-distribution input detection and adversarial attack detection. Prior Networks have been proposed as an approach to efficiently emulate an ensemble of models for classification by parameterising a Dirichlet prior distribution over output distributions. These models have been shown to outperform alternative ensemble approaches, such as Monte-Carlo Dropout, on the task of out-of-distribution input detection. However, scaling Prior Networks to complex datasets with many classes is difficult using the training criteria originally proposed. This paper makes two contributions. First, we show that the appropriate training criterion for Prior Networks is the reverse KL-divergence between Dirichlet distributions. This addresses issues in the nature of the training data target distributions, enabling prior networks to be successfully trained on classification tasks with arbitrarily many classes, as well as improving out-of-distribution detection performance. Second, taking advantage of this new training criterion, this paper investigates using Prior Networks to detect adversarial attacks and proposes a generalized form of adversarial training. It is shown that the construction of successful adaptive whitebox attacks, which affect the prediction and evade detection, against Prior Networks trained on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 using the proposed approach requires a greater amount of computational effort than against networks defended using standard adversarial training or MC-dropout.
An Efficient Triplet-based Algorithm for Evidential Reasoning
Linear-time computational techniques have been developed for combining evidence which is available on a number of contending hypotheses. They offer a means of making the computation-intensive calculations involved more efficient in certain circumstances. Unfortunately, they restrict the orthogonal sum of evidential functions to the dichotomous structure applies only to elements and their complements. In this paper, we present a novel evidence structure in terms of a triplet and a set of algorithms for evidential reasoning. The merit of this structure is that it divides a set of evidence into three subsets, distinguishing trivial evidential elements from important ones focusing some particular elements. It avoids the deficits of the dichotomous structure in representing the preference of evidence and estimating the basic probability assignment of evidence. We have established a formalism for this structure and the general formulae for combining pieces of evidence in the form of the triplet, which have been theoretically justified.
Semi-Supervised Collective Classification via Hybrid Label Regularization
Many classification problems involve data instances that are interlinked with each other, such as webpages connected by hyperlinks. Techniques for "collective classification" (CC) often increase accuracy for such data graphs, but usually require a fully-labeled training graph. In contrast, we examine how to improve the semi-supervised learning of CC models when given only a sparsely-labeled graph, a common situation. We first describe how to use novel combinations of classifiers to exploit the different characteristics of the relational features vs. the non-relational features. We also extend the ideas of "label regularization" to such hybrid classifiers, enabling them to leverage the unlabeled data to bias the learning process. We find that these techniques, which are efficient and easy to implement, significantly increase accuracy on three real datasets. In addition, our results explain conflicting findings from prior related studies.
Multi-task GLOH feature selection for human age estimation
In this paper, we propose a novel age estimation method based on GLOH feature descriptor and multi-task learning (MTL). The GLOH feature descriptor, one of the state-of-the-art feature descriptor, is used to capture the age-related local and spatial information of face image. As the exacted GLOH features are often redundant, MTL is designed to select the most informative feature bins for age estimation problem, while the corresponding weights are determined by ridge regression. This approach largely reduces the dimensions of feature, which can not only improve performance but also decrease the computational burden. Experiments on the public available FG-NET database show that the proposed method can achieve comparable performance over previous approaches while using much fewer features.
Tackling Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows by means of Ant Colony System
The Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (DVRPTW) is an extension of the well-known Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), which takes into account the dynamic nature of the problem. This aspect requires the vehicle routes to be updated in an ongoing manner as new customer requests arrive in the system and must be incorporated into an evolving schedule during the working day. Besides the vehicle capacity constraint involved in the classical VRP, DVRPTW considers in addition time windows, which are able to better capture real-world situations. Despite this, so far, few studies have focused on tackling this problem of greater practical importance. To this end, this study devises for the resolution of DVRPTW, an ant colony optimization based algorithm, which resorts to a joint solution construction mechanism, able to construct in parallel the vehicle routes. This method is coupled with a local search procedure, aimed to further improve the solutions built by ants, and with an insertion heuristics, which tries to reduce the number of vehicles used to service the available customers. The experiments indicate that the proposed algorithm is competitive and effective, and on DVRPTW instances with a higher dynamicity level, it is able to yield better results compared to existing ant-based approaches.
Anytime Planning for Decentralized POMDPs using Expectation Maximization
Decentralized POMDPs provide an expressive framework for multi-agent sequential decision making. While fnite-horizon DECPOMDPs have enjoyed signifcant success, progress remains slow for the infnite-horizon case mainly due to the inherent complexity of optimizing stochastic controllers representing agent policies. We present a promising new class of algorithms for the infnite-horizon case, which recasts the optimization problem as inference in a mixture of DBNs. An attractive feature of this approach is the straightforward adoption of existing inference techniques in DBNs for solving DEC-POMDPs and supporting richer representations such as factored or continuous states and actions. We also derive the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm to optimize the joint policy represented as DBNs. Experiments on benchmark domains show that EM compares favorably against the state-of-the-art solvers.
Learning from Clinical Judgments: Semi-Markov-Modulated Marked Hawkes Processes for Risk Prognosis
Critically ill patients in regular wards are vulnerable to unanticipated adverse events which require prompt transfer to the intensive care unit (ICU). To allow for accurate prognosis of deteriorating patients, we develop a novel continuous-time probabilistic model for a monitored patient's temporal sequence of physiological data. Our model captures "informatively sampled" patient episodes: the clinicians' decisions on when to observe a hospitalized patient's vital signs and lab tests over time are represented by a marked Hawkes process, with intensity parameters that are modulated by the patient's latent clinical states, and with observable physiological data (mark process) modeled as a switching multi-task Gaussian process. In addition, our model captures "informatively censored" patient episodes by representing the patient's latent clinical states as an absorbing semi-Markov jump process. The model parameters are learned from offline patient episodes in the electronic health records via an EM-based algorithm. Experiments conducted on a cohort of patients admitted to a major medical center over a 3-year period show that risk prognosis based on our model significantly outperforms the currently deployed medical risk scores and other baseline machine learning algorithms.
Near-optimal sample compression for nearest neighbors
We present the first sample compression algorithm for nearest neighbors with non-trivial performance guarantees. We complement these guarantees by demonstrating almost matching hardness lower bounds, which show that our bound is nearly optimal. Our result yields new insight into margin-based nearest neighbor classification in metric spaces and allows us to significantly sharpen and simplify existing bounds. Some encouraging empirical results are also presented.
Lifted Region-Based Belief Propagation
Due to the intractable nature of exact lifted inference, research has recently focused on the discovery of accurate and efficient approximate inference algorithms in Statistical Relational Models (SRMs), such as Lifted First-Order Belief Propagation. FOBP simulates propositional factor graph belief propagation without constructing the ground factor graph by identifying and lifting over redundant message computations. In this work, we propose a generalization of FOBP called Lifted Generalized Belief Propagation, in which both the region structure and the message structure can be lifted. This approach allows more of the inference to be performed intra-region (in the exact inference step of BP), thereby allowing simulation of propagation on a graph structure with larger region scopes and fewer edges, while still maintaining tractability. We demonstrate that the resulting algorithm converges in fewer iterations to more accurate results on a variety of SRMs.
Data-dependent Initializations of Convolutional Neural Networks
Convolutional Neural Networks spread through computer vision like a wildfire, impacting almost all visual tasks imaginable. Despite this, few researchers dare to train their models from scratch. Most work builds on one of a handful of ImageNet pre-trained models, and fine-tunes or adapts these for specific tasks. This is in large part due to the difficulty of properly initializing these networks from scratch. A small miscalibration of the initial weights leads to vanishing or exploding gradients, as well as poor convergence properties. In this work we present a fast and simple data-dependent initialization procedure, that sets the weights of a network such that all units in the network train at roughly the same rate, avoiding vanishing or exploding gradients. Our initialization matches the current state-of-the-art unsupervised or self-supervised pre-training methods on standard computer vision tasks, such as image classification and object detection, while being roughly three orders of magnitude faster. When combined with pre-training methods, our initialization significantly outperforms prior work, narrowing the gap between supervised and unsupervised pre-training.
Deceiving Google's Perspective API Built for Detecting Toxic Comments
Social media platforms provide an environment where people can freely engage in discussions. Unfortunately, they also enable several problems, such as online harassment. Recently, Google and Jigsaw started a project called Perspective, which uses machine learning to automatically detect toxic language. A demonstration website has been also launched, which allows anyone to type a phrase in the interface and instantaneously see the toxicity score [1]. In this paper, we propose an attack on the Perspective toxic detection system based on the adversarial examples. We show that an adversary can subtly modify a highly toxic phrase in a way that the system assigns significantly lower toxicity score to it. We apply the attack on the sample phrases provided in the Perspective website and show that we can consistently reduce the toxicity scores to the level of the non-toxic phrases. The existence of such adversarial examples is very harmful for toxic detection systems and seriously undermines their usability.
Evaluation Metrics for Machine Reading Comprehension: Prerequisite Skills and Readability
Knowing the quality of reading comprehension (RC) datasets is important for the development of natural-language understanding systems. In this study, two classes of metrics were adopted for evaluating RC datasets: prerequisite skills and readability. We applied these classes to six existing datasets, including MCTest and SQuAD, and highlighted the characteristics of the datasets according to each metric and the correlation between the two classes. Our dataset analysis suggests that the readability of RC datasets does not directly affect the question difficulty and that it is possible to create an RC dataset that is easy to read but difficult to answer.
Loop Formulas for Description Logic Programs
Description Logic Programs (dl-programs) proposed by Eiter et al. constitute an elegant yet powerful formalism for the integration of answer set programming with description logics, for the Semantic Web. In this paper, we generalize the notions of completion and loop formulas of logic programs to description logic programs and show that the answer sets of a dl-program can be precisely captured by the models of its completion and loop formulas. Furthermore, we propose a new, alternative semantics for dl-programs, called the {\em canonical answer set semantics}, which is defined by the models of completion that satisfy what are called canonical loop formulas. A desirable property of canonical answer sets is that they are free of circular justifications. Some properties of canonical answer sets are also explored.