2 classes
Spectral Methods meet EM: A Provably Optimal Algorithm for Crowdsourcing
The Dawid-Skene estimator has been widely used for inferring the true labels from the noisy labels provided by non-expert crowdsourcing workers. However, since the estimator maximizes a non-convex log-likelihood function, it is hard to theoretically justify its performance. In this paper, we propose a two-stage efficient algorithm for multi-class crowd labeling problems. The first stage uses the spectral method to obtain an initial estimate of parameters. Then the second stage refines the estimation by optimizing the objective function of the Dawid-Skene estimator via the EM algorithm. We show that our algorithm achieves the optimal convergence rate up to a logarithmic factor. We conduct extensive experiments on synthetic and real datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is comparable to the most accurate empirical approach, while outperforming several other recently proposed methods.
Learning to Compose Domain-Specific Transformations for Data Augmentation
Data augmentation is a ubiquitous technique for increasing the size of labeled training sets by leveraging task-specific data transformations that preserve class labels. While it is often easy for domain experts to specify individual transformations, constructing and tuning the more sophisticated compositions typically needed to achieve state-of-the-art results is a time-consuming manual task in practice. We propose a method for automating this process by learning a generative sequence model over user-specified transformation functions using a generative adversarial approach. Our method can make use of arbitrary, non-deterministic transformation functions, is robust to misspecified user input, and is trained on unlabeled data. The learned transformation model can then be used to perform data augmentation for any end discriminative model. In our experiments, we show the efficacy of our approach on both image and text datasets, achieving improvements of 4.0 accuracy points on CIFAR-10, 1.4 F1 points on the ACE relation extraction task, and 3.4 accuracy points when using domain-specific transformation operations on a medical imaging dataset as compared to standard heuristic augmentation approaches.
Learning from uncertain curves: The 2-Wasserstein metric for Gaussian processes
We introduce a novel framework for statistical analysis of populations of non-degenerate Gaussian processes (GPs), which are natural representations of uncertain curves. This allows inherent variation or uncertainty in function-valued data to be properly incorporated in the population analysis. Using the 2-Wasserstein metric we geometrize the space of GPs with L2 mean and covariance functions over compact index spaces. We prove uniqueness of the barycenter of a population of GPs, as well as convergence of the metric and the barycenter of their finite-dimensional counterparts. This justifies practical computations. Finally, we demonstrate our framework through experimental validation on GP datasets representing brain connectivity and climate development. A Matlab library for relevant computations will be published at https://sites.google.com/view/antonmallasto/software.
Be Precise or Fuzzy: Learning the Meaning of Cardinals and Quantifiers from Vision
People can refer to quantities in a visual scene by using either exact cardinals (e.g. one, two, three) or natural language quantifiers (e.g. few, most, all). In humans, these two processes underlie fairly different cognitive and neural mechanisms. Inspired by this evidence, the present study proposes two models for learning the objective meaning of cardinals and quantifiers from visual scenes containing multiple objects. We show that a model capitalizing on a 'fuzzy' measure of similarity is effective for learning quantifiers, whereas the learning of exact cardinals is better accomplished when information about number is provided.
On the Fairness of Disentangled Representations
Recently there has been a significant interest in learning disentangled representations, as they promise increased interpretability, generalization to unseen scenarios and faster learning on downstream tasks. In this paper, we investigate the usefulness of different notions of disentanglement for improving the fairness of downstream prediction tasks based on representations. We consider the setting where the goal is to predict a target variable based on the learned representation of high-dimensional observations (such as images) that depend on both the target variable and an unobserved sensitive variable. We show that in this setting both the optimal and empirical predictions can be unfair, even if the target variable and the sensitive variable are independent. Analyzing the representations of more than 12600 trained state-of-the-art disentangled models, we observe that several disentanglement scores are consistently correlated with increased fairness, suggesting that disentanglement may be a useful property to encourage fairness when sensitive variables are not observed.
No-Regret Learning in Bayesian Games
Recent price-of-anarchy analyses of games of complete information suggest that coarse correlated equilibria, which characterize outcomes resulting from no-regret learning dynamics, have near-optimal welfare. This work provides two main technical results that lift this conclusion to games of incomplete information, a.k.a., Bayesian games. First, near-optimal welfare in Bayesian games follows directly from the smoothness-based proof of near-optimal welfare in the same game when the private information is public. Second, no-regret learning dynamics converge to Bayesian coarse correlated equilibrium in these incomplete information games. These results are enabled by interpretation of a Bayesian game as a stochastic game of complete information.
Return of Frustratingly Easy Domain Adaptation
Unlike human learning, machine learning often fails to handle changes between training (source) and test (target) input distributions. Such domain shifts, common in practical scenarios, severely damage the performance of conventional machine learning methods. Supervised domain adaptation methods have been proposed for the case when the target data have labels, including some that perform very well despite being ``frustratingly easy'' to implement. However, in practice, the target domain is often unlabeled, requiring unsupervised adaptation. We propose a simple, effective, and efficient method for unsupervised domain adaptation called CORrelation ALignment (CORAL). CORAL minimizes domain shift by aligning the second-order statistics of source and target distributions, without requiring any target labels. Even though it is extraordinarily simple--it can be implemented in four lines of Matlab code--CORAL performs remarkably well in extensive evaluations on standard benchmark datasets.
"Liar, Liar Pants on Fire": A New Benchmark Dataset for Fake News Detection
Automatic fake news detection is a challenging problem in deception detection, and it has tremendous real-world political and social impacts. However, statistical approaches to combating fake news has been dramatically limited by the lack of labeled benchmark datasets. In this paper, we present liar: a new, publicly available dataset for fake news detection. We collected a decade-long, 12.8K manually labeled short statements in various contexts from PolitiFact.com, which provides detailed analysis report and links to source documents for each case. This dataset can be used for fact-checking research as well. Notably, this new dataset is an order of magnitude larger than previously largest public fake news datasets of similar type. Empirically, we investigate automatic fake news detection based on surface-level linguistic patterns. We have designed a novel, hybrid convolutional neural network to integrate meta-data with text. We show that this hybrid approach can improve a text-only deep learning model.
Learning to Generate with Memory
Memory units have been widely used to enrich the capabilities of deep networks on capturing long-term dependencies in reasoning and prediction tasks, but little investigation exists on deep generative models (DGMs) which are good at inferring high-level invariant representations from unlabeled data. This paper presents a deep generative model with a possibly large external memory and an attention mechanism to capture the local detail information that is often lost in the bottom-up abstraction process in representation learning. By adopting a smooth attention model, the whole network is trained end-to-end by optimizing a variational bound of data likelihood via auto-encoding variational Bayesian methods, where an asymmetric recognition network is learnt jointly to infer high-level invariant representations. The asymmetric architecture can reduce the competition between bottom-up invariant feature extraction and top-down generation of instance details. Our experiments on several datasets demonstrate that memory can significantly boost the performance of DGMs and even achieve state-of-the-art results on various tasks, including density estimation, image generation, and missing value imputation.
Multibiometrics Belief Fusion
This paper proposes a multimodal biometric system through Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) for face and ear biometrics with belief fusion of the estimated scores characterized by Gabor responses and the proposed fusion is accomplished by Dempster-Shafer (DS) decision theory. Face and ear images are convolved with Gabor wavelet filters to extracts spatially enhanced Gabor facial features and Gabor ear features. Further, GMM is applied to the high-dimensional Gabor face and Gabor ear responses separately for quantitive measurements. Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm is used to estimate density parameters in GMM. This produces two sets of feature vectors which are then fused using Dempster-Shafer theory. Experiments are conducted on multimodal database containing face and ear images of 400 individuals. It is found that use of Gabor wavelet filters along with GMM and DS theory can provide robust and efficient multimodal fusion strategy.
An optimization algorithm inspired by the States of Matter that improves the balance between exploration and exploitation
The ability of an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) to find a global optimal solution depends on its capacity to find a good rate between exploitation of found so far elements and exploration of the search space. Inspired by natural phenomena, researchers have developed many successful evolutionary algorithms which, at original versions, define operators that mimic the way nature solves complex problems, with no actual consideration of the exploration/exploitation balance. In this paper, a novel nature-inspired algorithm called the States of Matter Search (SMS) is introduced. The SMS algorithm is based on the simulation of the states of matter phenomenon. In SMS, individuals emulate molecules which interact to each other by using evolutionary operations which are based on the physical principles of the thermal-energy motion mechanism. The algorithm is devised by considering each state of matter at one different exploration/exploitation ratio. The evolutionary process is divided into three phases which emulate the three states of matter: gas, liquid and solid. In each state, molecules (individuals) exhibit different movement capacities. Beginning from the gas state (pure exploration), the algorithm modifies the intensities of exploration and exploitation until the solid state (pure exploitation) is reached. As a result, the approach can substantially improve the balance between exploration/exploitation, yet preserving the good search capabilities of an evolutionary approach.
The State of the Art: Ontology Web-Based Languages: XML Based
Many formal languages have been proposed to express or represent Ontologies, including RDF, RDFS, DAML+OIL and OWL. Most of these languages are based on XML syntax, but with various terminologies and expressiveness. Therefore, choosing a language for building an Ontology is the main step. The main point of choosing language to represent Ontology is based mainly on what the Ontology will represent or be used for. That language should have a range of quality support features such as ease of use, expressive power, compatibility, sharing and versioning, internationalisation. This is because different kinds of knowledge-based applications need different language features. The main objective of these languages is to add semantics to the existing information on the web. The aims of this paper is to provide a good knowledge of existing language and understanding of these languages and how could be used.
The Self-Normalized Estimator for Counterfactual Learning
This paper identifies a severe problem of the counterfactual risk estimator typically used in batch learning from logged bandit feedback (BLBF), and proposes the use of an alternative estimator that avoids this problem.In the BLBF setting, the learner does not receive full-information feedback like in supervised learning, but observes feedback only for the actions taken by a historical policy.This makes BLBF algorithms particularly attractive for training online systems (e.g., ad placement, web search, recommendation) using their historical logs.The Counterfactual Risk Minimization (CRM) principle offers a general recipe for designing BLBF algorithms. It requires a counterfactual risk estimator, and virtually all existing works on BLBF have focused on a particular unbiased estimator.We show that this conventional estimator suffers from apropensity overfitting problem when used for learning over complex hypothesis spaces.We propose to replace the risk estimator with a self-normalized estimator, showing that it neatly avoids this problem.This naturally gives rise to a new learning algorithm -- Normalized Policy Optimizer for Exponential Models (Norm-POEM) --for structured output prediction using linear rules.We evaluate the empirical effectiveness of Norm-POEM on severalmulti-label classification problems, finding that it consistently outperforms the conventional estimator.
Quantum Mechanical Approach to Modelling Reliability of Sensor Reports
Dempster-Shafer evidence theory is wildly applied in multi-sensor data fusion. However, lots of uncertainty and interference exist in practical situation, especially in the battle field. It is still an open issue to model the reliability of sensor reports. Many methods are proposed based on the relationship among collected data. In this letter, we proposed a quantum mechanical approach to evaluate the reliability of sensor reports, which is based on the properties of a sensor itself. The proposed method is used to modify the combining of evidences.
A practical approach to dialogue response generation in closed domains
We describe a prototype dialogue response generation model for the customer service domain at Amazon. The model, which is trained in a weakly supervised fashion, measures the similarity between customer questions and agent answers using a dual encoder network, a Siamese-like neural network architecture. Answer templates are extracted from embeddings derived from past agent answers, without turn-by-turn annotations. Responses to customer inquiries are generated by selecting the best template from the final set of templates. We show that, in a closed domain like customer service, the selected templates cover $>$70\% of past customer inquiries. Furthermore, the relevance of the model-selected templates is significantly higher than templates selected by a standard tf-idf baseline.
Decision-making Under Ordinal Preferences and Comparative Uncertainty
This paper investigates the problem of finding a preference relation on a set of acts from the knowledge of an ordering on events (subsets of states of the world) describing the decision-maker (DM)s uncertainty and an ordering of consequences of acts, describing the DMs preferences. However, contrary to classical approaches to decision theory, we try to do it without resorting to any numerical representation of utility nor uncertainty, and without even using any qualitative scale on which both uncertainty and preference could be mapped. It is shown that although many axioms of Savage theory can be preserved and despite the intuitive appeal of the method for constructing a preference over acts, the approach is inconsistent with a probabilistic representation of uncertainty, but leads to the kind of uncertainty theory encountered in non-monotonic reasoning (especially preferential and rational inference), closely related to possibility theory. Moreover the method turns out to be either very little decisive or to lead to very risky decisions, although its basic principles look sound. This paper raises the question of the very possibility of purely symbolic approaches to Savage-like decision-making under uncertainty and obtains preliminary negative results.
Learning Robust Visual-Semantic Embeddings
Many of the existing methods for learning joint embedding of images and text use only supervised information from paired images and its textual attributes. Taking advantage of the recent success of unsupervised learning in deep neural networks, we propose an end-to-end learning framework that is able to extract more robust multi-modal representations across domains. The proposed method combines representation learning models (i.e., auto-encoders) together with cross-domain learning criteria (i.e., Maximum Mean Discrepancy loss) to learn joint embeddings for semantic and visual features. A novel technique of unsupervised-data adaptation inference is introduced to construct more comprehensive embeddings for both labeled and unlabeled data. We evaluate our method on Animals with Attributes and Caltech-UCSD Birds 200-2011 dataset with a wide range of applications, including zero and few-shot image recognition and retrieval, from inductive to transductive settings. Empirically, we show that our framework improves over the current state of the art on many of the considered tasks.
An Online Sequence-to-Sequence Model Using Partial Conditioning
Sequence-to-sequence models have achieved impressive results on various tasks. However, they are unsuitable for tasks that require incremental predictions to be made as more data arrives or tasks that have long input sequences and output sequences. This is because they generate an output sequence conditioned on an entire input sequence. In this paper, we present a Neural Transducer that can make incremental predictions as more input arrives, without redoing the entire computation. Unlike sequence-to-sequence models, the Neural Transducer computes the next-step distribution conditioned on the partially observed input sequence and the partially generated sequence. At each time step, the transducer can decide to emit zero to many output symbols. The data can be processed using an encoder and presented as input to the transducer. The discrete decision to emit a symbol at every time step makes it difficult to learn with conventional backpropagation. It is however possible to train the transducer by using a dynamic programming algorithm to generate target discrete decisions. Our experiments show that the Neural Transducer works well in settings where it is required to produce output predictions as data come in. We also find that the Neural Transducer performs well for long sequences even when attention mechanisms are not used.
Graph-based Predictable Feature Analysis
We propose a new method for the unsupervised extraction of predictable features from high-dimensional time-series, where high predictability is understood very generically as low variance in the distribution of the next data point given the current one. We show how this objective can be understood in terms of graph embedding as well as how it corresponds to the information-theoretic measure of excess entropy in special cases. Experimentally, we compare the approach to two other algorithms for the extraction of predictable features, namely ForeCA and PFA, and show how it is able to outperform them in certain settings.
A Decision Theoretic Approach to Targeted Advertising
A simple advertising strategy that can be used to help increase sales of a product is to mail out special offers to selected potential customers. Because there is a cost associated with sending each offer, the optimal mailing strategy depends on both the benefit obtained from a purchase and how the offer affects the buying behavior of the customers. In this paper, we describe two methods for partitioning the potential customers into groups, and show how to perform a simple cost-benefit analysis to decide which, if any, of the groups should be targeted. In particular, we consider two decision-tree learning algorithms. The first is an "off the shelf" algorithm used to model the probability that groups of customers will buy the product. The second is a new algorithm that is similar to the first, except that for each group, it explicitly models the probability of purchase under the two mailing scenarios: (1) the mail is sent to members of that group and (2) the mail is not sent to members of that group. Using data from a real-world advertising experiment, we compare the algorithms to each other and to a naive mail-to-all strategy.
Theano-based Large-Scale Visual Recognition with Multiple GPUs
In this report, we describe a Theano-based AlexNet (Krizhevsky et al., 2012) implementation and its naive data parallelism on multiple GPUs. Our performance on 2 GPUs is comparable with the state-of-art Caffe library (Jia et al., 2014) run on 1 GPU. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first open-source Python-based AlexNet implementation to-date.
On the Linear Algebraic Structure of Distributed Word Representations
In this work, we leverage the linear algebraic structure of distributed word representations to automatically extend knowledge bases and allow a machine to learn new facts about the world. Our goal is to extract structured facts from corpora in a simpler manner, without applying classifiers or patterns, and using only the co-occurrence statistics of words. We demonstrate that the linear algebraic structure of word embeddings can be used to reduce data requirements for methods of learning facts. In particular, we demonstrate that words belonging to a common category, or pairs of words satisfying a certain relation, form a low-rank subspace in the projected space. We compute a basis for this low-rank subspace using singular value decomposition (SVD), then use this basis to discover new facts and to fit vectors for less frequent words which we do not yet have vectors for.
Multi-View Perceptron: a Deep Model for Learning Face Identity and View Representations
Various factors, such as identities, views (poses), and illuminations, are coupled in face images. Disentangling the identity and view representations is a major challenge in face recognition. Existing face recognition systems either use handcrafted features or learn features discriminatively to improve recognition accuracy. This is different from the behavior of human brain. Intriguingly, even without accessing 3D data, human not only can recognize face identity, but can also imagine face images of a person under different viewpoints given a single 2D image, making face perception in the brain robust to view changes. In this sense, human brain has learned and encoded 3D face models from 2D images. To take into account this instinct, this paper proposes a novel deep neural net, named multi-view perceptron (MVP), which can untangle the identity and view features, and infer a full spectrum of multi-view images in the meanwhile, given a single 2D face image. The identity features of MVP achieve superior performance on the MultiPIE dataset. MVP is also capable to interpolate and predict images under viewpoints that are unobserved in the training data.
Correlated random features for fast semi-supervised learning
This paper presents Correlated Nystrom Views (XNV), a fast semi-supervised algorithm for regression and classification. The algorithm draws on two main ideas. First, it generates two views consisting of computationally inexpensive random features. Second, XNV applies multiview regression using Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) on unlabeled data to bias the regression towards useful features. It has been shown that, if the views contains accurate estimators, CCA regression can substantially reduce variance with a minimal increase in bias. Random views are justified by recent theoretical and empirical work showing that regression with random features closely approximates kernel regression, implying that random views can be expected to contain accurate estimators. We show that XNV consistently outperforms a state-of-the-art algorithm for semi-supervised learning: substantially improving predictive performance and reducing the variability of performance on a wide variety of real-world datasets, whilst also reducing runtime by orders of magnitude.
Approximating Sparse PCA from Incomplete Data
We study how well one can recover sparse principal componentsof a data matrix using a sketch formed from a few of its elements. We show that for a wide class of optimization problems,if the sketch is close (in the spectral norm) to the original datamatrix, then one can recover a near optimal solution to the optimizationproblem by using the sketch. In particular, we use this approach toobtain sparse principal components and show that for \math{m} data pointsin \math{n} dimensions,\math{O(\epsilon^{-2}\tilde k\max{m,n})} elements gives an\math{\epsilon}-additive approximation to the sparse PCA problem(\math{\tilde k} is the stable rank of the data matrix).We demonstrate our algorithms extensivelyon image, text, biological and financial data.The results show that not only are we able to recover the sparse PCAs from the incomplete data, but by using our sparse sketch, the running timedrops by a factor of five or more.
The new hybrid COAW method for solving multi-objective problems
In this article using Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm and simple additive weighting method the hybrid COAW algorithm is presented to solve multi-objective problems. Cuckoo algorithm is an efficient and structured method for solving nonlinear continuous problems. The created Pareto frontiers of the COAW proposed algorithm are exact and have good dispersion. This method has a high speed in finding the Pareto frontiers and identifies the beginning and end points of Pareto frontiers properly. In order to validation the proposed algorithm, several experimental problems were analyzed. The results of which indicate the proper effectiveness of COAW algorithm for solving multi-objective problems.
NESTT: A Nonconvex Primal-Dual Splitting Method for Distributed and Stochastic Optimization
We study a stochastic and distributed algorithm for nonconvex problems whose objective consists of a sum of $N$ nonconvex $L_i/N$-smooth functions, plus a nonsmooth regularizer. The proposed NonconvEx primal-dual SpliTTing (NESTT) algorithm splits the problem into $N$ subproblems, and utilizes an augmented Lagrangian based primal-dual scheme to solve it in a distributed and stochastic manner. With a special non-uniform sampling, a version of NESTT achieves $\epsilon$-stationary solution using $\mathcal{O}((\sum_{i=1}^N\sqrt{L_i/N})^2/\epsilon)$ gradient evaluations, which can be up to $\mathcal{O}(N)$ times better than the (proximal) gradient descent methods. It also achieves Q-linear convergence rate for nonconvex $\ell_1$ penalized quadratic problems with polyhedral constraints. Further, we reveal a fundamental connection between {\it primal-dual} based methods and a few {\it primal only} methods such as IAG/SAG/SAGA.
A Self-Supervised Terrain Roughness Estimator for Off-Road Autonomous Driving
We present a machine learning approach for estimating the second derivative of a drivable surface, its roughness. Robot perception generally focuses on the first derivative, obstacle detection. However, the second derivative is also important due to its direct relation (with speed) to the shock the vehicle experiences. Knowing the second derivative allows a vehicle to slow down in advance of rough terrain. Estimating the second derivative is challenging due to uncertainty. For example, at range, laser readings may be so sparse that significant information about the surface is missing. Also, a high degree of precision is required in projecting laser readings. This precision may be unavailable due to latency or error in the pose estimation. We model these sources of error as a multivariate polynomial. Its coefficients are learned using the shock data as ground truth -- the accelerometers are used to train the lasers. The resulting classifier operates on individual laser readings from a road surface described by a 3D point cloud. The classifier identifies sections of road where the second derivative is likely to be large. Thus, the vehicle can slow down in advance, reducing the shock it experiences. The algorithm is an evolution of one we used in the 2005 DARPA Grand Challenge. We analyze it using data from that route.
Sparse Coding of Neural Word Embeddings for Multilingual Sequence Labeling
In this paper we propose and carefully evaluate a sequence labeling framework which solely utilizes sparse indicator features derived from dense distributed word representations. The proposed model obtains (near) state-of-the art performance for both part-of-speech tagging and named entity recognition for a variety of languages. Our model relies only on a few thousand sparse coding-derived features, without applying any modification of the word representations employed for the different tasks. The proposed model has favorable generalization properties as it retains over 89.8% of its average POS tagging accuracy when trained at 1.2% of the total available training data, i.e.~150 sentences per language.
Fast and Accurate Deep Network Learning by Exponential Linear Units (ELUs)
We introduce the "exponential linear unit" (ELU) which speeds up learning in deep neural networks and leads to higher classification accuracies. Like rectified linear units (ReLUs), leaky ReLUs (LReLUs) and parameterized ReLUs (PReLUs), ELUs also avoid a vanishing gradient via the identity for positive values. However, ELUs have improved learning characteristics compared to the units with other activation functions. In contrast to ReLUs, ELUs have negative values which allows them to push mean unit activations closer to zero. Zero means speed up learning because they bring the gradient closer to the unit natural gradient. We show that the unit natural gradient differs from the normal gradient by a bias shift term, which is proportional to the mean activation of incoming units. Like batch normalization, ELUs push the mean towards zero, but with a significantly smaller computational footprint. While other activation functions like LReLUs and PReLUs also have negative values, they do not ensure a noise-robust deactivation state. ELUs saturate to a negative value with smaller inputs and thereby decrease the propagated variation and information. Therefore, ELUs code the degree of presence of particular phenomena in the input, while they do not quantitatively model the degree of their absence. Consequently, dependencies between ELUs are much easier to model and distinct concepts are less likely to interfere. We found that ELUs lead not only to faster learning, but also to better generalization performance once networks have many layers (>= 5). Using ELUs, we obtained the best published single-crop result on CIFAR-100 and CIFAR-10. On ImageNet, ELU networks considerably speed up learning compared to a ReLU network with similar classification performance, obtaining less than 10% classification error for a single crop, single model network.
The empirical Christoffel function in Statistics and Machine Learning
We illustrate the potential in statistics and machine learning of the Christoffel function, or more precisely, its empirical counterpart associated with a counting measure uniformly supported on a finite set of points. Firstly, we provide a thresholding scheme which allows to approximate the support of a measure from a finite subset of its moments with strong asymptotic guaranties. Secondly, we provide a consistency result which relates the empirical Christoffel function and its population counterpart in the limit of large samples. Finally, we illustrate the relevance of our results on simulated and real world datasets for several applications in statistics and machine learning: (a) density and support estimation from finite samples, (b) outlier and novelty detection and (c) affine matching.
SAD-GAN: Synthetic Autonomous Driving using Generative Adversarial Networks
Autonomous driving is one of the most recent topics of interest which is aimed at replicating human driving behavior keeping in mind the safety issues. We approach the problem of learning synthetic driving using generative neural networks. The main idea is to make a controller trainer network using images plus key press data to mimic human learning. We used the architecture of a stable GAN to make predictions between driving scenes using key presses. We train our model on one video game (Road Rash) and tested the accuracy and compared it by running the model on other maps in Road Rash to determine the extent of learning.
Probabilistic Movement Primitives
Movement Primitives (MP) are a well-established approach for representing modular and re-usable robot movement generators. Many state-of-the-art robot learning successes are based MPs, due to their compact representation of the inherently continuous and high dimensional robot movements. A major goal in robot learning is to combine multiple MPs as building blocks in a modular control architecture to solve complex tasks. To this effect, a MP representation has to allow for blending between motions, adapting to altered task variables, and co-activating multiple MPs in parallel. We present a probabilistic formulation of the MP concept that maintains a distribution over trajectories. Our probabilistic approach allows for the derivation of new operations which are essential for implementing all aforementioned properties in one framework. In order to use such a trajectory distribution for robot movement control, we analytically derive a stochastic feedback controller which reproduces the given trajectory distribution. We evaluate and compare our approach to existing methods on several simulated as well as real robot scenarios.
Abstract Syntax Networks for Code Generation and Semantic Parsing
Tasks like code generation and semantic parsing require mapping unstructured (or partially structured) inputs to well-formed, executable outputs. We introduce abstract syntax networks, a modeling framework for these problems. The outputs are represented as abstract syntax trees (ASTs) and constructed by a decoder with a dynamically-determined modular structure paralleling the structure of the output tree. On the benchmark Hearthstone dataset for code generation, our model obtains 79.2 BLEU and 22.7% exact match accuracy, compared to previous state-of-the-art values of 67.1 and 6.1%. Furthermore, we perform competitively on the Atis, Jobs, and Geo semantic parsing datasets with no task-specific engineering.
k-Sparse Autoencoders
Recently, it has been observed that when representations are learnt in a way that encourages sparsity, improved performance is obtained on classification tasks. These methods involve combinations of activation functions, sampling steps and different kinds of penalties. To investigate the effectiveness of sparsity by itself, we propose the k-sparse autoencoder, which is a linear model, but where in hidden layers only the k highest activities are kept. When applied to the MNIST and NORB datasets, we find that this method achieves better classification results than denoising autoencoders, networks trained with dropout, and restricted Boltzmann machines. k-sparse autoencoders are simple to train and the encoding stage is very fast, making them well-suited to large problem sizes, where conventional sparse coding algorithms cannot be applied.
Towards Bidirectional Hierarchical Representations for Attention-based Neural Machine Translation
This paper proposes a hierarchical attentional neural translation model which focuses on enhancing source-side hierarchical representations by covering both local and global semantic information using a bidirectional tree-based encoder. To maximize the predictive likelihood of target words, a weighted variant of an attention mechanism is used to balance the attentive information between lexical and phrase vectors. Using a tree-based rare word encoding, the proposed model is extended to sub-word level to alleviate the out-of-vocabulary (OOV) problem. Empirical results reveal that the proposed model significantly outperforms sequence-to-sequence attention-based and tree-based neural translation models in English-Chinese translation tasks.
Auto Spell Suggestion for High Quality Speech Synthesis in Hindi
The goal of Text-to-Speech (TTS) synthesis in a particular language is to convert arbitrary input text to intelligible and natural sounding speech. However, for a particular language like Hindi, which is a highly confusing language (due to very close spellings), it is not an easy task to identify errors/mistakes in input text and an incorrect text degrade the quality of output speech hence this paper is a contribution to the development of high quality speech synthesis with the involvement of Spellchecker which generates spell suggestions for misspelled words automatically. Involvement of spellchecker would increase the efficiency of speech synthesis by providing spell suggestions for incorrect input text. Furthermore, we have provided the comparative study for evaluating the resultant effect on to phonetic text by adding spellchecker on to input text.
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation with Residual Transfer Networks
The recent success of deep neural networks relies on massive amounts of labeled data. For a target task where labeled data is unavailable, domain adaptation can transfer a learner from a different source domain. In this paper, we propose a new approach to domain adaptation in deep networks that can simultaneously learn adaptive classifiers and transferable features from labeled data in the source domain and unlabeled data in the target domain. We relax a shared-classifier assumption made by previous methods and assume that the source classifier and target classifier differ by a residual function. We enable classifier adaptation by plugging several layers into the deep network to explicitly learn the residual function with reference to the target classifier. We embed features of multiple layers into reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) and match feature distributions for feature adaptation. The adaptation behaviors can be achieved in most feed-forward models by extending them with new residual layers and loss functions, which can be trained efficiently using standard back-propagation. Empirical evidence exhibits that the approach outperforms state of art methods on standard domain adaptation datasets.
Sum-of-Squares Lower Bounds for Sparse PCA
This paper establishes a statistical versus computational trade-off for solving a basic high-dimensional machine learning problem via a basic convex relaxation method. Specifically, we consider the {\em Sparse Principal Component Analysis} (Sparse PCA) problem, and the family of {\em Sum-of-Squares} (SoS, aka Lasserre/Parillo) convex relaxations. It was well known that in large dimension $p$, a planted $k$-sparse unit vector can be {\em in principle} detected using only $n \approx k\log p$ (Gaussian or Bernoulli) samples, but all {\em efficient} (polynomial time) algorithms known require $n \approx k^2 \log p$ samples. It was also known that this quadratic gap cannot be improved by the the most basic {\em semi-definite} (SDP, aka spectral) relaxation, equivalent to a degree-2 SoS algorithms. Here we prove that also degree-4 SoS algorithms cannot improve this quadratic gap. This average-case lower bound adds to the small collection of hardness results in machine learning for this powerful family of convex relaxation algorithms. Moreover, our design of moments (or "pseudo-expectations") for this lower bound is quite different than previous lower bounds. Establishing lower bounds for higher degree SoS algorithms for remains a challenging problem.
Multimodal Semantic Simulations of Linguistically Underspecified Motion Events
In this paper, we describe a system for generating three-dimensional visual simulations of natural language motion expressions. We use a rich formal model of events and their participants to generate simulations that satisfy the minimal constraints entailed by the associated utterance, relying on semantic knowledge of physical objects and motion events. This paper outlines technical considerations and discusses implementing the aforementioned semantic models into such a system.
Efficient Geometric-based Computation of the String Subsequence Kernel
Kernel methods are powerful tools in machine learning. They have to be computationally efficient. In this paper, we present a novel Geometric-based approach to compute efficiently the string subsequence kernel (SSK). Our main idea is that the SSK computation reduces to range query problem. We started by the construction of a match list $L(s,t)=\{(i,j):s_{i}=t_{j}\}$ where $s$ and $t$ are the strings to be compared; such match list contains only the required data that contribute to the result. To compute efficiently the SSK, we extended the layered range tree data structure to a layered range sum tree, a range-aggregation data structure. The whole process takes $ O(p|L|\log|L|)$ time and $O(|L|\log|L|)$ space, where $|L|$ is the size of the match list and $p$ is the length of the SSK. We present empiric evaluations of our approach against the dynamic and the sparse programming approaches both on synthetically generated data and on newswire article data. Such experiments show the efficiency of our approach for large alphabet size except for very short strings. Moreover, compared to the sparse dynamic approach, the proposed approach outperforms absolutely for long strings.
Analysis of Computational Science Papers from ICCS 2001-2016 using Topic Modeling and Graph Theory
This paper presents results of topic modeling and network models of topics using the International Conference on Computational Science corpus, which contains domain-specific (computational science) papers over sixteen years (a total of 5695 papers). We discuss topical structures of International Conference on Computational Science, how these topics evolve over time in response to the topicality of various problems, technologies and methods, and how all these topics relate to one another. This analysis illustrates multidisciplinary research and collaborations among scientific communities, by constructing static and dynamic networks from the topic modeling results and the keywords of authors. The results of this study give insights about the past and future trends of core discussion topics in computational science. We used the Non-negative Matrix Factorization topic modeling algorithm to discover topics and labeled and grouped results hierarchically.
Stochastic Dual Coordinate Ascent with Adaptive Probabilities
This paper introduces AdaSDCA: an adaptive variant of stochastic dual coordinate ascent (SDCA) for solving the regularized empirical risk minimization problems. Our modification consists in allowing the method adaptively change the probability distribution over the dual variables throughout the iterative process. AdaSDCA achieves provably better complexity bound than SDCA with the best fixed probability distribution, known as importance sampling. However, it is of a theoretical character as it is expensive to implement. We also propose AdaSDCA+: a practical variant which in our experiments outperforms existing non-adaptive methods.
Parameterized Complexity Results for a Model of Theory of Mind Based on Dynamic Epistemic Logic
In this paper we introduce a computational-level model of theory of mind (ToM) based on dynamic epistemic logic (DEL), and we analyze its computational complexity. The model is a special case of DEL model checking. We provide a parameterized complexity analysis, considering several aspects of DEL (e.g., number of agents, size of preconditions, etc.) as parameters. We show that model checking for DEL is PSPACE-hard, also when restricted to single-pointed models and S5 relations, thereby solving an open problem in the literature. Our approach is aimed at formalizing current intractability claims in the cognitive science literature regarding computational models of ToM.
TAB-VCR: Tags and Attributes based VCR Baselines
Reasoning is an important ability that we learn from a very early age. Yet, reasoning is extremely hard for algorithms. Despite impressive recent progress that has been reported on tasks that necessitate reasoning, such as visual question answering and visual dialog, models often exploit biases in datasets. To develop models with better reasoning abilities, recently, the new visual commonsense reasoning(VCR) task has been introduced. Not only do models have to answer questions, but also do they have to provide a reason for the given answer. The proposed baseline achieved compelling results, leveraging a meticulously designed model composed of LSTM modules and attention nets. Here we show that a much simpler model obtained by ablating and pruning the existing intricate baseline can perform better with half the number of trainable parameters. By associating visual features with attribute information and better text to image grounding, we obtain further improvements for our simpler & effective baseline, TAB-VCR. We show that this approach results in a 5.3%, 4.4% and 6.5% absolute improvement over the previous state-of-the-art on question answering, answer justification and holistic VCR. Webpage: https://deanplayerljx.github.io/tabvcr
Fast Template Evaluation with Vector Quantization
Applying linear templates is an integral part of many object detection systems and accounts for a significant portion of computation time. We describe a method that achieves a substantial end-to-end speedup over the best current methods, without loss of accuracy. Our method is a combination of approximating scores by vector quantizing feature windows and a number of speedup techniques including cascade. Our procedure allows speed and accuracy to be traded off in two ways: by choosing the number of Vector Quantization levels, and by choosing to rescore windows or not. Our method can be directly plugged into any recognition system that relies on linear templates. We demonstrate our method to speed up the original Exemplar SVM detector [1] by an order of magnitude and Deformable Part models [2] by two orders of magnitude with no loss of accuracy.
Filtrated Spectral Algebraic Subspace Clustering
Algebraic Subspace Clustering (ASC) is a simple and elegant method based on polynomial fitting and differentiation for clustering noiseless data drawn from an arbitrary union of subspaces. In practice, however, ASC is limited to equi-dimensional subspaces because the estimation of the subspace dimension via algebraic methods is sensitive to noise. This paper proposes a new ASC algorithm that can handle noisy data drawn from subspaces of arbitrary dimensions. The key ideas are (1) to construct, at each point, a decreasing sequence of subspaces containing the subspace passing through that point; (2) to use the distances from any other point to each subspace in the sequence to construct a subspace clustering affinity, which is superior to alternative affinities both in theory and in practice. Experiments on the Hopkins 155 dataset demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method with respect to sparse and low rank subspace clustering methods.
Neural Arithmetic Logic Units
Neural networks can learn to represent and manipulate numerical information, but they seldom generalize well outside of the range of numerical values encountered during training. To encourage more systematic numerical extrapolation, we propose an architecture that represents numerical quantities as linear activations which are manipulated using primitive arithmetic operators, controlled by learned gates. We call this module a neural arithmetic logic unit (NALU), by analogy to the arithmetic logic unit in traditional processors. Experiments show that NALU-enhanced neural networks can learn to track time, perform arithmetic over images of numbers, translate numerical language into real-valued scalars, execute computer code, and count objects in images. In contrast to conventional architectures, we obtain substantially better generalization both inside and outside of the range of numerical values encountered during training, often extrapolating orders of magnitude beyond trained numerical ranges.
Strategic Dialogue Management via Deep Reinforcement Learning
Artificially intelligent agents equipped with strategic skills that can negotiate during their interactions with other natural or artificial agents are still underdeveloped. This paper describes a successful application of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for training intelligent agents with strategic conversational skills, in a situated dialogue setting. Previous studies have modelled the behaviour of strategic agents using supervised learning and traditional reinforcement learning techniques, the latter using tabular representations or learning with linear function approximation. In this study, we apply DRL with a high-dimensional state space to the strategic board game of Settlers of Catan---where players can offer resources in exchange for others and they can also reply to offers made by other players. Our experimental results report that the DRL-based learnt policies significantly outperformed several baselines including random, rule-based, and supervised-based behaviours. The DRL-based policy has a 53% win rate versus 3 automated players (`bots'), whereas a supervised player trained on a dialogue corpus in this setting achieved only 27%, versus the same 3 bots. This result supports the claim that DRL is a promising framework for training dialogue systems, and strategic agents with negotiation abilities.
Generalisation of structural knowledge in the hippocampal-entorhinal system
A central problem to understanding intelligence is the concept of generalisation. This allows previously learnt structure to be exploited to solve tasks in novel situations differing in their particularities. We take inspiration from neuroscience, specifically the hippocampal-entorhinal system known to be important for generalisation. We propose that to generalise structural knowledge, the representations of the structure of the world, i.e. how entities in the world relate to each other, need to be separated from representations of the entities themselves. We show, under these principles, artificial neural networks embedded with hierarchy and fast Hebbian memory, can learn the statistics of memories and generalise structural knowledge. Spatial neuronal representations mirroring those found in the brain emerge, suggesting spatial cognition is an instance of more general organising principles. We further unify many entorhinal cell types as basis functions for constructing transition graphs, and show these representations effectively utilise memories. We experimentally support model assumptions, showing a preserved relationship between entorhinal grid and hippocampal place cells across environments.
The Expressive Power of Neural Networks: A View from the Width
The expressive power of neural networks is important for understanding deep learning. Most existing works consider this problem from the view of the depth of a network. In this paper, we study how width affects the expressiveness of neural networks. Classical results state that depth-bounded (e.g. depth-2) networks with suitable activation functions are universal approximators. We show a universal approximation theorem for width-bounded ReLU networks: width-(n + 4) ReLU networks, where n is the input dimension, are universal approximators. Moreover, except for a measure zero set, all functions cannot be approximated by width-n ReLU networks, which exhibits a phase transition. Several recent works demonstrate the benefits of depth by proving the depth-efficiency of neural networks. That is, there are classes of deep networks which cannot be realized by any shallow network whose size is no more than an exponential bound. Here we pose the dual question on the width-efficiency of ReLU networks: Are there wide networks that cannot be realized by narrow networks whose size is not substantially larger? We show that there exist classes of wide networks which cannot be realized by any narrow network whose depth is no more than a polynomial bound. On the other hand, we demonstrate by extensive experiments that narrow networks whose size exceed the polynomial bound by a constant factor can approximate wide and shallow network with high accuracy. Our results provide more comprehensive evidence that depth may be more effective than width for the expressiveness of ReLU networks.
Mapping Images to Scene Graphs with Permutation-Invariant Structured Prediction
Machine understanding of complex images is a key goal of artificial intelligence. One challenge underlying this task is that visual scenes contain multiple inter-related objects, and that global context plays an important role in interpreting the scene. A natural modeling framework for capturing such effects is structured prediction, which optimizes over complex labels, while modeling within-label interactions. However, it is unclear what principles should guide the design of a structured prediction model that utilizes the power of deep learning components. Here we propose a design principle for such architectures that follows from a natural requirement of permutation invariance. We prove a necessary and sufficient characterization for architectures that follow this invariance, and discuss its implication on model design. Finally, we show that the resulting model achieves new state of the art results on the Visual Genome scene graph labeling benchmark, outperforming all recent approaches.
Towards modular and programmable architecture search
Neural architecture search methods are able to find high performance deep learning architectures with minimal effort from an expert. However, current systems focus on specific use-cases (e.g. convolutional image classifiers and recurrent language models), making them unsuitable for general use-cases that an expert might wish to write. Hyperparameter optimization systems are general-purpose but lack the constructs needed for easy application to architecture search. In this work, we propose a formal language for encoding search spaces over general computational graphs. The language constructs allow us to write modular, composable, and reusable search space encodings and to reason about search space design. We use our language to encode search spaces from the architecture search literature. The language allows us to decouple the implementations of the search space and the search algorithm, allowing us to expose search spaces to search algorithms through a consistent interface. Our experiments show the ease with which we can experiment with different combinations of search spaces and search algorithms without having to implement each combination from scratch. We release an implementation of our language with this paper.
Learning from Synthetic Data Using a Stacked Multichannel Autoencoder
Learning from synthetic data has many important and practical applications. An example of application is photo-sketch recognition. Using synthetic data is challenging due to the differences in feature distributions between synthetic and real data, a phenomenon we term synthetic gap. In this paper, we investigate and formalize a general framework-Stacked Multichannel Autoencoder (SMCAE) that enables bridging the synthetic gap and learning from synthetic data more efficiently. In particular, we show that our SMCAE can not only transform and use synthetic data on the challenging face-sketch recognition task, but that it can also help simulate real images, which can be used for training classifiers for recognition. Preliminary experiments validate the effectiveness of the framework.
A Practical Guide to Randomized Matrix Computations with MATLAB Implementations
Matrix operations such as matrix inversion, eigenvalue decomposition, singular value decomposition are ubiquitous in real-world applications. Unfortunately, many of these matrix operations so time and memory expensive that they are prohibitive when the scale of data is large. In real-world applications, since the data themselves are noisy, machine-precision matrix operations are not necessary at all, and one can sacrifice a reasonable amount of accuracy for computational efficiency.
On Learning to Think: Algorithmic Information Theory for Novel Combinations of Reinforcement Learning Controllers and Recurrent Neural World Models
This paper addresses the general problem of reinforcement learning (RL) in partially observable environments. In 2013, our large RL recurrent neural networks (RNNs) learned from scratch to drive simulated cars from high-dimensional video input. However, real brains are more powerful in many ways. In particular, they learn a predictive model of their initially unknown environment, and somehow use it for abstract (e.g., hierarchical) planning and reasoning. Guided by algorithmic information theory, we describe RNN-based AIs (RNNAIs) designed to do the same. Such an RNNAI can be trained on never-ending sequences of tasks, some of them provided by the user, others invented by the RNNAI itself in a curious, playful fashion, to improve its RNN-based world model. Unlike our previous model-building RNN-based RL machines dating back to 1990, the RNNAI learns to actively query its model for abstract reasoning and planning and decision making, essentially "learning to think." The basic ideas of this report can be applied to many other cases where one RNN-like system exploits the algorithmic information content of another. They are taken from a grant proposal submitted in Fall 2014, and also explain concepts such as "mirror neurons." Experimental results will be described in separate papers.
HOGWILD!-Gibbs can be PanAccurate
Asynchronous Gibbs sampling has been recently shown to be fast-mixing and an accurate method for estimating probabilities of events on a small number of variables of a graphical model satisfying Dobrushin's condition~\cite{DeSaOR16}. We investigate whether it can be used to accurately estimate expectations of functions of {\em all the variables} of the model. Under the same condition, we show that the synchronous (sequential) and asynchronous Gibbs samplers can be coupled so that the expected Hamming distance between their (multivariate) samples remains bounded by $O(\tau \log n),$ where $n$ is the number of variables in the graphical model, and $\tau$ is a measure of the asynchronicity. A similar bound holds for any constant power of the Hamming distance. Hence, the expectation of any function that is Lipschitz with respect to a power of the Hamming distance, can be estimated with a bias that grows logarithmically in $n$. Going beyond Lipschitz functions, we consider the bias arising from asynchronicity in estimating the expectation of polynomial functions of all variables in the model. Using recent concentration of measure results~\cite{DaskalakisDK17,GheissariLP17,GotzeSS18}, we show that the bias introduced by the asynchronicity is of smaller order than the standard deviation of the function value already present in the true model. We perform experiments on a multi-processor machine to empirically illustrate our theoretical findings.
Learning Mixtures of Submodular Functions for Image Collection Summarization
We address the problem of image collection summarization by learning mixtures of submodular functions. We argue that submodularity is very natural to this problem, and we show that a number of previously used scoring functions are submodular — a property not explicitly mentioned in these publications. We provide classes of submodular functions capturing the necessary properties of summaries, namely coverage, likelihood, and diversity. To learn mixtures of these submodular functions as scoring functions, we formulate summarization as a supervised learning problem using large-margin structured prediction. Furthermore, we introduce a novel evaluation metric, which we call V-ROUGE, for automatic summary scoring. While a similar metric called ROUGE has been successfully applied to document summarization [14], no such metric was known for quantifying the quality of image collection summaries. We provide a new dataset consisting of 14 real-world image collections along with many human-generated ground truth summaries collected using mechanical turk. We also extensively compare our method with previously explored methods for this problem and show that our learning approach outperforms all competitors on this new dataset. This paper provides, to our knowledge, the first systematic approach for quantifying the problem of image collection summarization, along with a new dataset of image collections and human summaries.
Revising Incompletely Specified Convex Probabilistic Belief Bases
We propose a method for an agent to revise its incomplete probabilistic beliefs when a new piece of propositional information is observed. In this work, an agent's beliefs are represented by a set of probabilistic formulae -- a belief base. The method involves determining a representative set of 'boundary' probability distributions consistent with the current belief base, revising each of these probability distributions and then translating the revised information into a new belief base. We use a version of Lewis Imaging as the revision operation. The correctness of the approach is proved. The expressivity of the belief bases under consideration are rather restricted, but has some applications. We also discuss methods of belief base revision employing the notion of optimum entropy, and point out some of the benefits and difficulties in those methods. Both the boundary distribution method and the optimum entropy method are reasonable, yet yield different results.
Clustering over Multi-Objective Samples: The one2all Sample
Clustering is a fundamental technique in data analysis. Consider data points $X$ that lie in a (relaxed) metric space (where the triangle inequality can be relaxed by a constant factor). Each set of points $Q$ ({\em centers}) defines a clustering of $X$ according to the closest center with {\em cost} $V(Q)=\sum_{x\in X} d_{xQ}$. This formulation generalizes classic $k$-means clustering, which uses squared distances. Two basic tasks, parametrized by $k \geq 1$, are {\em cost estimation}, which returns (approximate) $V(Q)$ for queries $Q$ such that $|Q|=k$ and {\em clustering}, which returns an (approximate) minimizer of $V(Q)$ of size $|Q|=k$. With very large data sets $X$, we seek efficient constructions of small summaries that allow us to efficiently approximate clustering costs over the full data.
Learning shape correspondence with anisotropic convolutional neural networks
Convolutional neural networks have achieved extraordinary results in many computer vision and pattern recognition applications; however, their adoption in the computer graphics and geometry processing communities is limited due to the non-Euclidean structure of their data. In this paper, we propose Anisotropic Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN), a generalization of classical CNNs to non-Euclidean domains, where classical convolutions are replaced by projections over a set of oriented anisotropic diffusion kernels. We use ACNNs to effectively learn intrinsic dense correspondences between deformable shapes, a fundamental problem in geometry processing, arising in a wide variety of applications. We tested ACNNs performance in very challenging settings, achieving state-of-the-art results on some of the most difficult recent correspondence benchmarks.
Differentially Private Anonymized Histograms
For a dataset of label-count pairs, an anonymized histogram is the multiset of counts. Anonymized histograms appear in various potentially sensitive contexts such as password-frequency lists, degree distribution in social networks, and estimation of symmetric properties of discrete distributions. Motivated by these applications, we propose the first differentially private mechanism to release anonymized histograms that achieves near-optimal privacy utility trade-off both in terms of number of items and the privacy parameter. Further, if the underlying histogram is given in a compact format, the proposed algorithm runs in time sub-linear in the number of items. For anonymized histograms generated from unknown discrete distributions, we show that the released histogram can be directly used for estimating symmetric properties of the underlying distribution.
RetiNet: Automatic AMD identification in OCT volumetric data
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) provides a unique ability to image the eye retina in 3D at micrometer resolution and gives ophthalmologist the ability to visualize retinal diseases such as Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD). While visual inspection of OCT volumes remains the main method for AMD identification, doing so is time consuming as each cross-section within the volume must be inspected individually by the clinician. In much the same way, acquiring ground truth information for each cross-section is expensive and time consuming. This fact heavily limits the ability to acquire large amounts of ground truth, which subsequently impacts the performance of learning-based methods geared at automatic pathology identification. To avoid this burden, we propose a novel strategy for automatic analysis of OCT volumes where only volume labels are needed. That is, we train a classifier in a semi-supervised manner to conduct this task. Our approach uses a novel Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture, that only needs volume-level labels to be trained to automatically asses whether an OCT volume is healthy or contains AMD. Our architecture involves first learning a cross-section pathology classifier using pseudo-labels that could be corrupted and then leverage these towards a more accurate volume-level classification. We then show that our approach provides excellent performances on a publicly available dataset and outperforms a number of existing automatic techniques.
On the Information Theoretic Limits of Learning Ising Models
We provide a general framework for computing lower-bounds on the sample complexity of recovering the underlying graphs of Ising models, given i.i.d. samples. While there have been recent results for specific graph classes, these involve fairly extensive technical arguments that are specialized to each specific graph class. In contrast, we isolate two key graph-structural ingredients that can then be used to specify sample complexity lower-bounds. Presence of these structural properties makes the graph class hard to learn. We derive corollaries of our main result that not only recover existing recent results, but also provide lower bounds for novel graph classes not considered previously. We also extend our framework to the random graph setting and derive corollaries for Erdos-Renyi graphs in a certain dense setting.
Visually grounded learning of keyword prediction from untranscribed speech
During language acquisition, infants have the benefit of visual cues to ground spoken language. Robots similarly have access to audio and visual sensors. Recent work has shown that images and spoken captions can be mapped into a meaningful common space, allowing images to be retrieved using speech and vice versa. In this setting of images paired with untranscribed spoken captions, we consider whether computer vision systems can be used to obtain textual labels for the speech. Concretely, we use an image-to-words multi-label visual classifier to tag images with soft textual labels, and then train a neural network to map from the speech to these soft targets. We show that the resulting speech system is able to predict which words occur in an utterance---acting as a spoken bag-of-words classifier---without seeing any parallel speech and text. We find that the model often confuses semantically related words, e.g. "man" and "person", making it even more effective as a semantic keyword spotter.
Learning Multiple Tasks with Deep Relationship Networks
Deep neural networks trained on large-scale dataset can learn transferable features that promote learning multiple tasks for inductive transfer and labeling mitigation. As deep features eventually transition from general to specific along the network, a fundamental problem is how to exploit the relationship structure across different tasks while accounting for the feature transferability in the task-specific layers. In this work, we propose a novel Deep Relationship Network (DRN) architecture for multi-task learning by discovering correlated tasks based on multiple task-specific layers of a deep convolutional neural network. DRN models the task relationship by imposing matrix normal priors over the network parameters of all task-specific layers, including higher feature layers and classifier layer that are not transferable safely. By jointly learning the transferable features and task relationships, DRN is able to alleviate the dilemma of negative-transfer in the feature layers and under-transfer in the classifier layer. Empirical evidence shows that DRN yields state-of-the-art classification results on standard multi-domain object recognition datasets.
Are Word Embedding-based Features Useful for Sarcasm Detection?
This paper makes a simple increment to state-of-the-art in sarcasm detection research. Existing approaches are unable to capture subtle forms of context incongruity which lies at the heart of sarcasm. We explore if prior work can be enhanced using semantic similarity/discordance between word embeddings. We augment word embedding-based features to four feature sets reported in the past. We also experiment with four types of word embeddings. We observe an improvement in sarcasm detection, irrespective of the word embedding used or the original feature set to which our features are augmented. For example, this augmentation results in an improvement in F-score of around 4\% for three out of these four feature sets, and a minor degradation in case of the fourth, when Word2Vec embeddings are used. Finally, a comparison of the four embeddings shows that Word2Vec and dependency weight-based features outperform LSA and GloVe, in terms of their benefit to sarcasm detection.
Generating Text with Deep Reinforcement Learning
We introduce a novel schema for sequence to sequence learning with a Deep Q-Network (DQN), which decodes the output sequence iteratively. The aim here is to enable the decoder to first tackle easier portions of the sequences, and then turn to cope with difficult parts. Specifically, in each iteration, an encoder-decoder Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network is employed to, from the input sequence, automatically create features to represent the internal states of and formulate a list of potential actions for the DQN. Take rephrasing a natural sentence as an example. This list can contain ranked potential words. Next, the DQN learns to make decision on which action (e.g., word) will be selected from the list to modify the current decoded sequence. The newly modified output sequence is subsequently used as the input to the DQN for the next decoding iteration. In each iteration, we also bias the reinforcement learning's attention to explore sequence portions which are previously difficult to be decoded. For evaluation, the proposed strategy was trained to decode ten thousands natural sentences. Our experiments indicate that, when compared to a left-to-right greedy beam search LSTM decoder, the proposed method performed competitively well when decoding sentences from the training set, but significantly outperformed the baseline when decoding unseen sentences, in terms of BLEU score obtained.
Optimum Reject Options for Prototype-based Classification
We analyse optimum reject strategies for prototype-based classifiers and real-valued rejection measures, using the distance of a data point to the closest prototype or probabilistic counterparts. We compare reject schemes with global thresholds, and local thresholds for the Voronoi cells of the classifier. For the latter, we develop a polynomial-time algorithm to compute optimum thresholds based on a dynamic programming scheme, and we propose an intuitive linear time, memory efficient approximation thereof with competitive accuracy. Evaluating the performance in various benchmarks, we conclude that local reject options are beneficial in particular for simple prototype-based classifiers, while the improvement is less pronounced for advanced models. For the latter, an accuracy-reject curve which is comparable to support vector machine classifiers with state of the art reject options can be reached.
Metric Learning for Temporal Sequence Alignment
In this paper, we propose to learn a Mahalanobis distance to perform alignment of multivariate time series. The learning examples for this task are time series for which the true alignment is known. We cast the alignment problem as a structured prediction task, and propose realistic losses between alignments for which the optimization is tractable. We provide experiments on real data in the audio-to-audio context, where we show that the learning of a similarity measure leads to improvements in the performance of the alignment task. We also propose to use this metric learning framework to perform feature selection and, from basic audio features, build a combination of these with better alignment performance.
Convex Total Least Squares
We study the total least squares (TLS) problem that generalizes least squares regression by allowing measurement errors in both dependent and independent variables. TLS is widely used in applied fields including computer vision, system identification and econometrics. The special case when all dependent and independent variables have the same level of uncorrelated Gaussian noise, known as ordinary TLS, can be solved by singular value decomposition (SVD). However, SVD cannot solve many important practical TLS problems with realistic noise structure, such as having varying measurement noise, known structure on the errors, or large outliers requiring robust error-norms. To solve such problems, we develop convex relaxation approaches for a general class of structured TLS (STLS). We show both theoretically and experimentally, that while the plain nuclear norm relaxation incurs large approximation errors for STLS, the re-weighted nuclear norm approach is very effective, and achieves better accuracy on challenging STLS problems than popular non-convex solvers. We describe a fast solution based on augmented Lagrangian formulation, and apply our approach to an important class of biological problems that use population average measurements to infer cell-type and physiological-state specific expression levels that are very hard to measure directly.
When to Reset Your Keys: Optimal Timing of Security Updates via Learning
Cybersecurity is increasingly threatened by advanced and persistent attacks. As these attacks are often designed to disable a system (or a critical resource, e.g., a user account) repeatedly, it is crucial for the defender to keep updating its security measures to strike a balance between the risk of being compromised and the cost of security updates. Moreover, these decisions often need to be made with limited and delayed feedback due to the stealthy nature of advanced attacks. In addition to targeted attacks, such an optimal timing policy under incomplete information has broad applications in cybersecurity. Examples include key rotation, password change, application of patches, and virtual machine refreshing. However, rigorous studies of optimal timing are rare. Further, existing solutions typically rely on a pre-defined attack model that is known to the defender, which is often not the case in practice. In this work, we make an initial effort towards achieving optimal timing of security updates in the face of unknown stealthy attacks. We consider a variant of the influential FlipIt game model with asymmetric feedback and unknown attack time distribution, which provides a general model to consecutive security updates. The defender's problem is then modeled as a time associative bandit problem with dependent arms. We derive upper confidence bound based learning policies that achieve low regret compared with optimal periodic defense strategies that can only be derived when attack time distributions are known.
Active Learning and Best-Response Dynamics
We consider a setting in which low-power distributed sensors are each making highly noisy measurements of some unknown target function. A center wants to accurately learn this function by querying a small number of sensors, which ordinarily would be impossible due to the high noise rate. The question we address is whether local communication among sensors, together with natural best-response dynamics in an appropriately-defined game, can denoise the system without destroying the true signal and allow the center to succeed from only a small number of active queries. We prove positive (and negative) results on the denoising power of several natural dynamics, and also show experimentally that when combined with recent agnostic active learning algorithms, this process can achieve low error from very few queries, performing substantially better than active or passive learning without these denoising dynamics as well as passive learning with denoising.
Reasoning With Conditional Ceteris Paribus Preference Statem
In many domains it is desirable to assess the preferences of users in a qualitative rather than quantitative way. Such representations of qualitative preference orderings form an importnat component of automated decision tools. We propose a graphical representation of preferences that reflects conditional dependence and independence of preference statements under a ceteris paribus (all else being equal) interpretation. Such a representation is ofetn compact and arguably natural. We describe several search algorithms for dominance testing based on this representation; these algorithms are quite effective, especially in specific network topologies, such as chain-and tree- structured networks, as well as polytrees.
Acyclicity Notions for Existential Rules and Their Application to Query Answering in Ontologies
Answering conjunctive queries (CQs) over a set of facts extended with existential rules is a prominent problem in knowledge representation and databases. This problem can be solved using the chase algorithm, which extends the given set of facts with fresh facts in order to satisfy the rules. If the chase terminates, then CQs can be evaluated directly in the resulting set of facts. The chase, however, does not terminate necessarily, and checking whether the chase terminates on a given set of rules and facts is undecidable. Numerous acyclicity notions were proposed as sufficient conditions for chase termination. In this paper, we present two new acyclicity notions called model-faithful acyclicity (MFA) and model-summarising acyclicity (MSA). Furthermore, we investigate the landscape of the known acyclicity notions and establish a complete taxonomy of all notions known to us. Finally, we show that MFA and MSA generalise most of these notions.
Sparse Overlapping Sets Lasso for Multitask Learning and its Application to fMRI Analysis
Multitask learning can be effective when features useful in one task are also useful for other tasks, and the group lasso is a standard method for selecting a common subset of features. In this paper, we are interested in a less restrictive form of multitask learning, wherein (1) the available features can be organized into subsets according to a notion of similarity and (2) features useful in one task are similar, but not necessarily identical, to the features best suited for other tasks. The main contribution of this paper is a new procedure called Sparse Overlapping Sets (SOS) lasso, a convex optimization that automatically selects similar features for related learning tasks. Error bounds are derived for SOSlasso and its consistency is established for squared error loss. In particular, SOSlasso is motivated by multi- subject fMRI studies in which functional activity is classified using brain voxels as features. Experiments with real and synthetic data demonstrate the advantages of SOSlasso compared to the lasso and group lasso.
Lock-Free Parallel Perceptron for Graph-based Dependency Parsing
Dependency parsing is an important NLP task. A popular approach for dependency parsing is structured perceptron. Still, graph-based dependency parsing has the time complexity of $O(n^3)$, and it suffers from slow training. To deal with this problem, we propose a parallel algorithm called parallel perceptron. The parallel algorithm can make full use of a multi-core computer which saves a lot of training time. Based on experiments we observe that dependency parsing with parallel perceptron can achieve 8-fold faster training speed than traditional structured perceptron methods when using 10 threads, and with no loss at all in accuracy.
Large Margin Deep Networks for Classification
We present a formulation of deep learning that aims at producing a large margin classifier. The notion of \emc{margin}, minimum distance to a decision boundary, has served as the foundation of several theoretically profound and empirically successful results for both classification and regression tasks. However, most large margin algorithms are applicable only to shallow models with a preset feature representation; and conventional margin methods for neural networks only enforce margin at the output layer. Such methods are therefore not well suited for deep networks. In this work, we propose a novel loss function to impose a margin on any chosen set of layers of a deep network (including input and hidden layers). Our formulation allows choosing any $l_p$ norm ($p \geq 1$) on the metric measuring the margin. We demonstrate that the decision boundary obtained by our loss has nice properties compared to standard classification loss functions. Specifically, we show improved empirical results on the MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets on multiple tasks: generalization from small training sets, corrupted labels, and robustness against adversarial perturbations. The resulting loss is general and complementary to existing data augmentation (such as random/adversarial input transform) and regularization techniques such as weight decay, dropout, and batch norm. \footnote{Code for the large margin loss function is released at \url{https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/large_margin}}
Parametric Prediction from Parametric Agents
We consider a problem of prediction based on opinions elicited from heterogeneous rational agents with private information. Making an accurate prediction with a minimal cost requires a joint design of the incentive mechanism and the prediction algorithm. Such a problem lies at the nexus of statistical learning theory and game theory, and arises in many domains such as consumer surveys and mobile crowdsourcing. In order to elicit heterogeneous agents' private information and incentivize agents with different capabilities to act in the principal's best interest, we design an optimal joint incentive mechanism and prediction algorithm called COPE (COst and Prediction Elicitation), the analysis of which offers several valuable engineering insights. First, when the costs incurred by the agents are linear in the exerted effort, COPE corresponds to a "crowd contending" mechanism, where the principal only employs the agent with the highest capability. Second, when the costs are quadratic, COPE corresponds to a "crowd-sourcing" mechanism that employs multiple agents with different capabilities at the same time. Numerical simulations show that COPE improves the principal's profit and the network profit significantly (larger than 30% in our simulations), comparing to those mechanisms that assume all agents have equal capabilities.
Schema Networks: Zero-shot Transfer with a Generative Causal Model of Intuitive Physics
The recent adaptation of deep neural network-based methods to reinforcement learning and planning domains has yielded remarkable progress on individual tasks. Nonetheless, progress on task-to-task transfer remains limited. In pursuit of efficient and robust generalization, we introduce the Schema Network, an object-oriented generative physics simulator capable of disentangling multiple causes of events and reasoning backward through causes to achieve goals. The richly structured architecture of the Schema Network can learn the dynamics of an environment directly from data. We compare Schema Networks with Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic and Progressive Networks on a suite of Breakout variations, reporting results on training efficiency and zero-shot generalization, consistently demonstrating faster, more robust learning and better transfer. We argue that generalizing from limited data and learning causal relationships are essential abilities on the path toward generally intelligent systems.
Skip Connections Eliminate Singularities
Skip connections made the training of very deep neural networks possible and have become an indispendable component in a variety of neural architectures. A satisfactory explanation for their success remains elusive. Here, we present an explanation for the benefits of skip connections in training very deep neural networks. We argue that skip connections help break symmetries inherent in the loss landscapes of deep networks, leading to drastically simplified landscapes. In particular, skip connections between adjacent layers in a multilayer network break the permutation symmetry of nodes in a given layer, and the recently proposed DenseNet architecture, where each layer projects skip connections to every layer above it, also breaks the rescaling symmetry of connectivity matrices between different layers. This hypothesis is supported by evidence from a toy model with binary weights and from experiments with fully-connected networks suggesting (i) that skip connections do not necessarily improve training unless they help break symmetries and (ii) that alternative ways of breaking the symmetries also lead to significant performance improvements in training deep networks, hence there is nothing special about skip connections in this respect. We find, however, that skip connections confer additional benefits over and above symmetry-breaking, such as the ability to deal effectively with the vanishing gradients problem.
Transfer Learning Using Logistic Regression in Credit Scoring
The credit scoring risk management is a fast growing field due to consumer's credit requests. Credit requests, of new and existing customers, are often evaluated by classical discrimination rules based on customers information. However, these kinds of strategies have serious limits and don't take into account the characteristics difference between current customers and the future ones. The aim of this paper is to measure credit worthiness for non customers borrowers and to model potential risk given a heterogeneous population formed by borrowers customers of the bank and others who are not. We hold on previous works done in generalized gaussian discrimination and transpose them into the logistic model to bring out efficient discrimination rules for non customers' subpopulation.
A Unifying Framework for Spectrum-Preserving Graph Sparsification and Coarsening
How might one ``reduce'' a graph? That is, generate a smaller graph that preserves the global structure at the expense of discarding local details? There has been extensive work on both graph sparsification (removing edges) and graph coarsening (merging nodes, often by edge contraction); however, these operations are currently treated separately. Interestingly, for a planar graph, edge deletion corresponds to edge contraction in its planar dual (and more generally, for a graphical matroid and its dual). Moreover, with respect to the dynamics induced by the graph Laplacian (e.g., diffusion), deletion and contraction are physical manifestations of two reciprocal limits: edge weights of $0$ and $\infty$, respectively. In this work, we provide a unifying framework that captures both of these operations, allowing one to simultaneously sparsify and coarsen a graph while preserving its large-scale structure. The limit of infinite edge weight is rarely considered, as many classical notions of graph similarity diverge. However, its algebraic, geometric, and physical interpretations are reflected in the Laplacian pseudoinverse $\mat{L}^\dagger$, which remains finite in this limit. Motivated by this insight, we provide a probabilistic algorithm that reduces graphs while preserving $\mat{L}^\dagger$, using an unbiased procedure that minimizes its variance. We compare our algorithm with several existing sparsification and coarsening algorithms using real-world datasets, and demonstrate that it more accurately preserves the large-scale structure.
Nonzero-sum Adversarial Hypothesis Testing Games
We study nonzero-sum hypothesis testing games that arise in the context of adversarial classification, in both the Bayesian as well as the Neyman-Pearson frameworks. We first show that these games admit mixed strategy Nash equilibria, and then we examine some interesting concentration phenomena of these equilibria. Our main results are on the exponential rates of convergence of classification errors at equilibrium, which are analogous to the well-known Chernoff-Stein lemma and Chernoff information that describe the error exponents in the classical binary hypothesis testing problem, but with parameters derived from the adversarial model. The results are validated through numerical experiments.
A Personalized System for Conversational Recommendations
Searching for and making decisions about information is becoming increasingly difficult as the amount of information and number of choices increases. Recommendation systems help users find items of interest of a particular type, such as movies or restaurants, but are still somewhat awkward to use. Our solution is to take advantage of the complementary strengths of personalized recommendation systems and dialogue systems, creating personalized aides. We present a system -- the Adaptive Place Advisor -- that treats item selection as an interactive, conversational process, with the program inquiring about item attributes and the user responding. Individual, long-term user preferences are unobtrusively obtained in the course of normal recommendation dialogues and used to direct future conversations with the same user. We present a novel user model that influences both item search and the questions asked during a conversation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system in significantly reducing the time and number of interactions required to find a satisfactory item, as compared to a control group of users interacting with a non-adaptive version of the system.
Trust Region-Guided Proximal Policy Optimization
Proximal policy optimization (PPO) is one of the most popular deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods, achieving state-of-the-art performance across a wide range of challenging tasks. However, as a model-free RL method, the success of PPO relies heavily on the effectiveness of its exploratory policy search. In this paper, we give an in-depth analysis on the exploration behavior of PPO, and show that PPO is prone to suffer from the risk of lack of exploration especially under the case of bad initialization, which may lead to the failure of training or being trapped in bad local optima. To address these issues, we proposed a novel policy optimization method, named Trust Region-Guided PPO (TRGPPO), which adaptively adjusts the clipping range within the trust region. We formally show that this method not only improves the exploration ability within the trust region but enjoys a better performance bound compared to the original PPO as well. Extensive experiments verify the advantage of the proposed method.
Intrinsic normalization and extrinsic denormalization of formant data of vowels
Using a known speaker-intrinsic normalization procedure, formant data are scaled by the reciprocal of the geometric mean of the first three formant frequencies. This reduces the influence of the talker but results in a distorted vowel space. The proposed speaker-extrinsic procedure re-scales the normalized values by the mean formant values of vowels. When tested on the formant data of vowels published by Peterson and Barney, the combined approach leads to well separated clusters by reducing the spread due to talkers. The proposed procedure performs better than two top-ranked normalization procedures based on the accuracy of vowel classification as the objective measure.
Neural Models for Sequence Chunking
Many natural language understanding (NLU) tasks, such as shallow parsing (i.e., text chunking) and semantic slot filling, require the assignment of representative labels to the meaningful chunks in a sentence. Most of the current deep neural network (DNN) based methods consider these tasks as a sequence labeling problem, in which a word, rather than a chunk, is treated as the basic unit for labeling. These chunks are then inferred by the standard IOB (Inside-Outside-Beginning) labels. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach by investigating the use of DNN for sequence chunking, and propose three neural models so that each chunk can be treated as a complete unit for labeling. Experimental results show that the proposed neural sequence chunking models can achieve start-of-the-art performance on both the text chunking and slot filling tasks.
A temporally abstracted Viterbi algorithm
Hierarchical problem abstraction, when applicable, may offer exponential reductions in computational complexity. Previous work on coarse-to-fine dynamic programming (CFDP) has demonstrated this possibility using state abstraction to speed up the Viterbi algorithm. In this paper, we show how to apply temporal abstraction to the Viterbi problem. Our algorithm uses bounds derived from analysis of coarse timescales to prune large parts of the state trellis at finer timescales. We demonstrate improvements of several orders of magnitude over the standard Viterbi algorithm, as well as significant speedups over CFDP, for problems whose state variables evolve at widely differing rates.
A two-step learning approach for solving full and almost full cold start problems in dyadic prediction
Dyadic prediction methods operate on pairs of objects (dyads), aiming to infer labels for out-of-sample dyads. We consider the full and almost full cold start problem in dyadic prediction, a setting that occurs when both objects in an out-of-sample dyad have not been observed during training, or if one of them has been observed, but very few times. A popular approach for addressing this problem is to train a model that makes predictions based on a pairwise feature representation of the dyads, or, in case of kernel methods, based on a tensor product pairwise kernel. As an alternative to such a kernel approach, we introduce a novel two-step learning algorithm that borrows ideas from the fields of pairwise learning and spectral filtering. We show theoretically that the two-step method is very closely related to the tensor product kernel approach, and experimentally that it yields a slightly better predictive performance. Moreover, unlike existing tensor product kernel methods, the two-step method allows closed-form solutions for training and parameter selection via cross-validation estimates both in the full and almost full cold start settings, making the approach much more efficient and straightforward to implement.
Efficient Second Order Online Learning by Sketching
We propose Sketched Online Newton (SON), an online second order learning algorithm that enjoys substantially improved regret guarantees for ill-conditioned data. SON is an enhanced version of the Online Newton Step, which, via sketching techniques enjoys a linear running time. We further improve the computational complexity to linear in the number of nonzero entries by creating sparse forms of the sketching methods (such as Oja's rule) for top eigenvector extraction. Together, these algorithms eliminate all computational obstacles in previous second order online learning approaches.
Deriving Compact Laws Based on Algebraic Formulation of a Data Set
In various subjects, there exist compact and consistent relationships between input and output parameters. Discovering the relationships, or namely compact laws, in a data set is of great interest in many fields, such as physics, chemistry, and finance. While data discovery has made great progress in practice thanks to the success of machine learning in recent years, the development of analytical approaches in finding the theory behind the data is relatively slow. In this paper, we develop an innovative approach in discovering compact laws from a data set. By proposing a novel algebraic equation formulation, we convert the problem of deriving meaning from data into formulating a linear algebra model and searching for relationships that fit the data. Rigorous proof is presented in validating the approach. The algebraic formulation allows the search of equation candidates in an explicit mathematical manner. Searching algorithms are also proposed for finding the governing equations with improved efficiency. For a certain type of compact theory, our approach assures convergence and the discovery is computationally efficient and mathematically precise.
Perceptron Mistake Bounds
We present a brief survey of existing mistake bounds and introduce novel bounds for the Perceptron or the kernel Perceptron algorithm. Our novel bounds generalize beyond standard margin-loss type bounds, allow for any convex and Lipschitz loss function, and admit a very simple proof.
Refined Lower Bounds for Adversarial Bandits
We provide new lower bounds on the regret that must be suffered by adversarial bandit algorithms. The new results show that recent upper bounds that either (a) hold with high-probability or (b) depend on the total loss of the best arm or (c) depend on the quadratic variation of the losses, are close to tight. Besides this we prove two impossibility results. First, the existence of a single arm that is optimal in every round cannot improve the regret in the worst case. Second, the regret cannot scale with the effective range of the losses. In contrast, both results are possible in the full-information setting.
Addressing Sample Complexity in Visual Tasks Using HER and Hallucinatory GANs
Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms typically require millions of environment interactions to learn successful policies in sparse reward settings. Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) was introduced as a technique to increase sample efficiency by reimagining unsuccessful trajectories as successful ones by altering the originally intended goals. However, it cannot be directly applied to visual environments where goal states are often characterized by the presence of distinct visual features. In this work, we show how visual trajectories can be hallucinated to appear successful by altering agent observations using a generative model trained on relatively few snapshots of the goal. We then use this model in combination with HER to train RL agents in visual settings. We validate our approach on 3D navigation tasks and a simulated robotics application and show marked improvement over baselines derived from previous work.
Dynamic Memory Networks for Visual and Textual Question Answering
Neural network architectures with memory and attention mechanisms exhibit certain reasoning capabilities required for question answering. One such architecture, the dynamic memory network (DMN), obtained high accuracy on a variety of language tasks. However, it was not shown whether the architecture achieves strong results for question answering when supporting facts are not marked during training or whether it could be applied to other modalities such as images. Based on an analysis of the DMN, we propose several improvements to its memory and input modules. Together with these changes we introduce a novel input module for images in order to be able to answer visual questions. Our new DMN+ model improves the state of the art on both the Visual Question Answering dataset and the \babi-10k text question-answering dataset without supporting fact supervision.
Global Neural CCG Parsing with Optimality Guarantees
We introduce the first global recursive neural parsing model with optimality guarantees during decoding. To support global features, we give up dynamic programs and instead search directly in the space of all possible subtrees. Although this space is exponentially large in the sentence length, we show it is possible to learn an efficient A* parser. We augment existing parsing models, which have informative bounds on the outside score, with a global model that has loose bounds but only needs to model non-local phenomena. The global model is trained with a new objective that encourages the parser to explore a tiny fraction of the search space. The approach is applied to CCG parsing, improving state-of-the-art accuracy by 0.4 F1. The parser finds the optimal parse for 99.9% of held-out sentences, exploring on average only 190 subtrees.
Learning to Play Guess Who? and Inventing a Grounded Language as a Consequence
Learning your first language is an incredible feat and not easily duplicated. Doing this using nothing but a few pictureless books, a corpus, would likely be impossible even for humans. As an alternative we propose to use situated interactions between agents as a driving force for communication, and the framework of Deep Recurrent Q-Networks (DRQN) for learning a common language grounded in the provided environment. We task the agents with interactive image search in the form of the game Guess Who?. The images from the game provide a non trivial environment for the agents to discuss and a natural grounding for the concepts they decide to encode in their communication. Our experiments show that it is possible to learn this task using DRQN and even more importantly that the words the agents use correspond to physical attributes present in the images that make up the agents environment.
Learning Frames from Text with an Unsupervised Latent Variable Model
We develop a probabilistic latent-variable model to discover semantic frames---types of events and their participants---from corpora. We present a Dirichlet-multinomial model in which frames are latent categories that explain the linking of verb-subject-object triples, given document-level sparsity. We analyze what the model learns, and compare it to FrameNet, noting it learns some novel and interesting frames. This document also contains a discussion of inference issues, including concentration parameter learning; and a small-scale error analysis of syntactic parsing accuracy.
Traditional Reinforcement Learning (RL) has focused on problems involving many states and few actions, such as simple grid worlds. Most real world problems, however, are of the opposite type, Involving Few relevant states and many actions. For example, to return home from a conference, humans identify only few subgoal states such as lobby, taxi, airport etc. Each valid behavior connecting two such states can be viewed as an action, and there are trillions of them. Assuming the subgoal identification problem is already solved, the quality of any RL method---in real-world settings---depends less on how well it scales with the number of states than on how well it scales with the number of actions. This is where our new method T-Learning excels, by evaluating the relatively few possible transits from one state to another in a policy-independent way, rather than a huge number of state-action pairs, or states in traditional policy-dependent ways. Illustrative experiments demonstrate that performance improvements of T-Learning over Q-learning can be arbitrarily large.