2 classes
Why Is My Classifier Discriminatory?
Recent attempts to achieve fairness in predictive models focus on the balance between fairness and accuracy. In sensitive applications such as healthcare or criminal justice, this trade-off is often undesirable as any increase in prediction error could have devastating consequences. In this work, we argue that the fairness of predictions should be evaluated in context of the data, and that unfairness induced by inadequate samples sizes or unmeasured predictive variables should be addressed through data collection, rather than by constraining the model. We decompose cost-based metrics of discrimination into bias, variance, and noise, and propose actions aimed at estimating and reducing each term. Finally, we perform case-studies on prediction of income, mortality, and review ratings, confirming the value of this analysis. We find that data collection is often a means to reduce discrimination without sacrificing accuracy.
On Context-Dependent Clustering of Bandits
We investigate two context-dependent clustering techniques for content recommendation based on exploration-exploitation strategies in contextual multi-armed bandit settings. Our algorithms dynamically group users based on the items under consideration and, possibly, group items based on the similarity of the clusterings induced over the users. The resulting algorithm thus takes advantage of preference patterns in the data in a way akin to collaborative filtering methods. We provide an empirical analysis on extensive real-world datasets, showing scalability and increased prediction performance over state-of-the-art methods for clustering bandits. For one of the two algorithms we also give a regret analysis within a standard linear stochastic noise setting.
Robust Matrix Regression
Modern technologies are producing datasets with complex intrinsic structures, and they can be naturally represented as matrices instead of vectors. To preserve the latent data structures during processing, modern regression approaches incorporate the low-rank property to the model and achieve satisfactory performance for certain applications. These approaches all assume that both predictors and labels for each pair of data within the training set are accurate. However, in real-world applications, it is common to see the training data contaminated by noises, which can affect the robustness of these matrix regression methods. In this paper, we address this issue by introducing a novel robust matrix regression method. We also derive efficient proximal algorithms for model training. To evaluate the performance of our methods, we apply it to real world applications with comparative studies. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance, which shows the effectiveness and the practical value of our method.
Quadratic Optimization with Orthogonality Constraints: Explicit Lojasiewicz Exponent and Linear Convergence of Line-Search Methods
A fundamental class of matrix optimization problems that arise in many areas of science and engineering is that of quadratic optimization with orthogonality constraints. Such problems can be solved using line-search methods on the Stiefel manifold, which are known to converge globally under mild conditions. To determine the convergence rate of these methods, we give an explicit estimate of the exponent in a Lojasiewicz inequality for the (non-convex) set of critical points of the aforementioned class of problems. By combining such an estimate with known arguments, we are able to establish the linear convergence of a large class of line-search methods. A key step in our proof is to establish a local error bound for the set of critical points, which may be of independent interest.
Differential Privacy and Machine Learning: a Survey and Review
The objective of machine learning is to extract useful information from data, while privacy is preserved by concealing information. Thus it seems hard to reconcile these competing interests. However, they frequently must be balanced when mining sensitive data. For example, medical research represents an important application where it is necessary both to extract useful information and protect patient privacy. One way to resolve the conflict is to extract general characteristics of whole populations without disclosing the private information of individuals.
Possibilistic logic bases and possibilistic graphs
Possibilistic logic bases and possibilistic graphs are two different frameworks of interest for representing knowledge. The former stratifies the pieces of knowledge (expressed by logical formulas) according to their level of certainty, while the latter exhibits relationships between variables. The two types of representations are semantically equivalent when they lead to the same possibility distribution (which rank-orders the possible interpretations). A possibility distribution can be decomposed using a chain rule which may be based on two different kinds of conditioning which exist in possibility theory (one based on product in a numerical setting, one based on minimum operation in a qualitative setting). These two types of conditioning induce two kinds of possibilistic graphs. In both cases, a translation of these graphs into possibilistic bases is provided. The converse translation from a possibilistic knowledge base into a min-based graph is also described.
Being Negative but Constructively: Lessons Learnt from Creating Better Visual Question Answering Datasets
Visual question answering (QA) has attracted a lot of attention lately, seen essentially as a form of (visual) Turing test that artificial intelligence should strive to achieve. In this paper, we study a crucial component of this task: how can we design good datasets for the task? We focus on the design of multiple-choice based datasets where the learner has to select the right answer from a set of candidate ones including the target (i.e. the correct one) and the decoys (i.e. the incorrect ones). Through careful analysis of the results attained by state-of-the-art learning models and human annotators on existing datasets, we show the design of the decoy answers has a significant impact on how and what the learning models learn from the datasets. In particular, the resulting learner can ignore the visual information, the question, or the both while still doing well on the task. Inspired by this, we propose automatic procedures to remedy such design deficiencies. We apply the procedures to re-construct decoy answers for two popular visual QA datasets as well as to create a new visual QA dataset from the Visual Genome project, resulting in the largest dataset for this task. Extensive empirical studies show that the design deficiencies have been alleviated in the remedied datasets and the performance on them is likely a more faithful indicator of the difference among learning models. The datasets are released and publicly available via
Derivative Delay Embedding: Online Modeling of Streaming Time Series
The staggering amount of streaming time series coming from the real world calls for more efficient and effective online modeling solution. For time series modeling, most existing works make some unrealistic assumptions such as the input data is of fixed length or well aligned, which requires extra effort on segmentation or normalization of the raw streaming data. Although some literature claim their approaches to be invariant to data length and misalignment, they are too time-consuming to model a streaming time series in an online manner. We propose a novel and more practical online modeling and classification scheme, DDE-MGM, which does not make any assumptions on the time series while maintaining high efficiency and state-of-the-art performance. The derivative delay embedding (DDE) is developed to incrementally transform time series to the embedding space, where the intrinsic characteristics of data is preserved as recursive patterns regardless of the stream length and misalignment. Then, a non-parametric Markov geographic model (MGM) is proposed to both model and classify the pattern in an online manner. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and superior classification accuracy of the proposed DDE-MGM in an online setting as compared to the state-of-the-art.
Fast amortized inference of neural activity from calcium imaging data with variational autoencoders
Calcium imaging permits optical measurement of neural activity. Since intracellular calcium concentration is an indirect measurement of neural activity, computational tools are necessary to infer the true underlying spiking activity from fluorescence measurements. Bayesian model inversion can be used to solve this problem, but typically requires either computationally expensive MCMC sampling, or faster but approximate maximum-a-posteriori optimization. Here, we introduce a flexible algorithmic framework for fast, efficient and accurate extraction of neural spikes from imaging data. Using the framework of variational autoencoders, we propose to amortize inference by training a deep neural network to perform model inversion efficiently. The recognition network is trained to produce samples from the posterior distribution over spike trains. Once trained, performing inference amounts to a fast single forward pass through the network, without the need for iterative optimization or sampling. We show that amortization can be applied flexibly to a wide range of nonlinear generative models and significantly improves upon the state of the art in computation time, while achieving competitive accuracy. Our framework is also able to represent posterior distributions over spike-trains. We demonstrate the generality of our method by proposing the first probabilistic approach for separating backpropagating action potentials from putative synaptic inputs in calcium imaging of dendritic spines.
Multi-layered graph-based multi-document summarization model
Multi-document summarization is a process of automatic generation of a compressed version of the given collection of documents. Recently, the graph-based models and ranking algorithms have been actively investigated by the extractive document summarization community. While most work to date focuses on homogeneous connecteness of sentences and heterogeneous connecteness of documents and sentences (e.g. sentence similarity weighted by document importance), in this paper we present a novel 3-layered graph model that emphasizes not only sentence and document level relations but also the influence of under sentence level relations (e.g. a part of sentence similarity).
Mind the duality gap: safer rules for the Lasso
Screening rules allow to early discard irrelevant variables from the optimization in Lasso problems, or its derivatives, making solvers faster. In this paper, we propose new versions of the so-called $\textit{safe rules}$ for the Lasso. Based on duality gap considerations, our new rules create safe test regions whose diameters converge to zero, provided that one relies on a converging solver. This property helps screening out more variables, for a wider range of regularization parameter values. In addition to faster convergence, we prove that we correctly identify the active sets (supports) of the solutions in finite time. While our proposed strategy can cope with any solver, its performance is demonstrated using a coordinate descent algorithm particularly adapted to machine learning use cases. Significant computing time reductions are obtained with respect to previous safe rules.
Fast Distributed k-Center Clustering with Outliers on Massive Data
Clustering large data is a fundamental problem with a vast number of applications. Due to the increasing size of data, practitioners interested in clustering have turned to distributed computation methods. In this work, we consider the widely used k-center clustering problem and its variant used to handle noisy data, k-center with outliers. In the noise-free setting we demonstrate how a previously-proposed distributed method is actually an O(1)-approximation algorithm, which accurately explains its strong empirical performance. Additionally, in the noisy setting, we develop a novel distributed algorithm that is also an O(1)-approximation. These algorithms are highly parallel and lend themselves to virtually any distributed computing framework. We compare both empirically against the best known noisy sequential clustering methods and show that both distributed algorithms are consistently close to their sequential versions. The algorithms are all one can hope for in distributed settings: they are fast, memory efficient and they match their sequential counterparts.
Learnable Visual Markers
We propose a new approach to designing visual markers (analogous to QR-codes, markers for augmented reality, and robotic fiducial tags) based on the advances in deep generative networks. In our approach, the markers are obtained as color images synthesized by a deep network from input bit strings, whereas another deep network is trained to recover the bit strings back from the photos of these markers. The two networks are trained simultaneously in a joint backpropagation process that takes characteristic photometric and geometric distortions associated with marker fabrication and capture into account. Additionally, a stylization loss based on statistics of activations in a pretrained classification network can be inserted into the learning in order to shift the marker appearance towards some texture prototype. In the experiments, we demonstrate that the markers obtained using our approach are capable of retaining bit strings that are long enough to be practical. The ability to automatically adapt markers according to the usage scenario and the desired capacity as well as the ability to combine information encoding with artistic stylization are the unique properties of our approach. As a byproduct, our approach provides an insight on the structure of patterns that are most suitable for recognition by ConvNets and on their ability to distinguish composite patterns.
On Separability of Loss Functions, and Revisiting Discriminative Vs Generative Models
We revisit the classical analysis of generative vs discriminative models for general exponential families, and high-dimensional settings. Towards this, we develop novel technical machinery, including a notion of separability of general loss functions, which allow us to provide a general framework to obtain l∞ convergence rates for general M-estimators. We use this machinery to analyze l∞ and l2 convergence rates of generative and discriminative models, and provide insights into their nuanced behaviors in high-dimensions. Our results are also applicable to differential parameter estimation, where the quantity of interest is the difference between generative model parameters.
Future Word Contexts in Neural Network Language Models
Recently, bidirectional recurrent network language models (bi-RNNLMs) have been shown to outperform standard, unidirectional, recurrent neural network language models (uni-RNNLMs) on a range of speech recognition tasks. This indicates that future word context information beyond the word history can be useful. However, bi-RNNLMs pose a number of challenges as they make use of the complete previous and future word context information. This impacts both training efficiency and their use within a lattice rescoring framework. In this paper these issues are addressed by proposing a novel neural network structure, succeeding word RNNLMs (su-RNNLMs). Instead of using a recurrent unit to capture the complete future word contexts, a feedforward unit is used to model a finite number of succeeding, future, words. This model can be trained much more efficiently than bi-RNNLMs and can also be used for lattice rescoring. Experimental results on a meeting transcription task (AMI) show the proposed model consistently outperformed uni-RNNLMs and yield only a slight degradation compared to bi-RNNLMs in N-best rescoring. Additionally, performance improvements can be obtained using lattice rescoring and subsequent confusion network decoding.
Deep Reinforcement Learning with a Combinatorial Action Space for Predicting Popular Reddit Threads
We introduce an online popularity prediction and tracking task as a benchmark task for reinforcement learning with a combinatorial, natural language action space. A specified number of discussion threads predicted to be popular are recommended, chosen from a fixed window of recent comments to track. Novel deep reinforcement learning architectures are studied for effective modeling of the value function associated with actions comprised of interdependent sub-actions. The proposed model, which represents dependence between sub-actions through a bi-directional LSTM, gives the best performance across different experimental configurations and domains, and it also generalizes well with varying numbers of recommendation requests.
Representation of linguistic form and function in recurrent neural networks
We present novel methods for analysing the activation patterns of RNNs and identifying the types of linguistic structure they learn. As a case study, we use a multi-task gated recurrent network model consisting of two parallel pathways with shared word embeddings trained on predicting the representations of the visual scene corresponding to an input sentence, and predicting the next word in the same sentence. We show that the image prediction pathway is sensitive to the information structure of the sentence, and pays selective attention to lexical categories and grammatical functions that carry semantic information. It also learns to treat the same input token differently depending on its grammatical functions in the sentence. The language model is comparatively more sensitive to words with a syntactic function. Our analysis of the function of individual hidden units shows that each pathway contains specialized units tuned to patterns informative for the task, some of which can carry activations to later time steps to encode long-term dependencies.
Multiattribute Auctions Based on Generalized Additive Independence
We develop multiattribute auctions that accommodate generalized additive independent (GAI) preferences. We propose an iterative auction mechanism that maintains prices on potentially overlapping GAI clusters of attributes, thus decreases elicitation and computational burden, and creates an open competition among suppliers over a multidimensional domain. Most significantly, the auction is guaranteed to achieve surplus which approximates optimal welfare up to a small additive factor, under reasonable equilibrium strategies of traders. The main departure of GAI auctions from previous literature is to accommodate non-additive trader preferences, hence allowing traders to condition their evaluation of specific attributes on the value of other attributes. At the same time, the GAI structure supports a compact representation of prices, enabling a tractable auction process. We perform a simulation study, demonstrating and quantifying the significant efficiency advantage of more expressive preference modeling. We draw random GAI-structured utility functions with various internal structures, generate additive functions that approximate the GAI utility, and compare the performance of the auctions using the two representations. We find that allowing traders to express existing dependencies among attributes improves the economic efficiency of multiattribute auctions.
Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo Methods with Recursive Variance Reduction
Stochastic Gradient Hamiltonian Monte Carlo (SGHMC) algorithms have received increasing attention in both theory and practice. In this paper, we propose a Stochastic Recursive Variance-Reduced gradient HMC (SRVR-HMC) algorithm. It makes use of a semi-stochastic gradient estimator that recursively accumulates the gradient information to reduce the variance of the stochastic gradient. We provide a convergence analysis of SRVR-HMC for sampling from a class of non-log-concave distributions and show that SRVR-HMC converges faster than all existing HMC-type algorithms based on underdamped Langevin dynamics. Thorough experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets validate our theory and demonstrate the superiority of SRVR-HMC.
Manyopt: An Extensible Tool for Mixed, Non-Linear Optimization Through SMT Solving
Optimization of Mixed-Integer Non-Linear Programming (MINLP) supports important decisions in applications such as Chemical Process Engineering. But current solvers have limited ability for deductive reasoning or the use of domain-specific theories, and the management of integrality constraints does not yet exploit automated reasoning tools such as SMT solvers. This seems to limit both scalability and reach of such tools in practice. We therefore present a tool, ManyOpt, for MINLP optimization that enables experimentation with reduction techniques which transform a MINLP problem to feasibility checking realized by an SMT solver. ManyOpt is similar to the SAT solver ManySAT in that it runs a specified number of such reduction techniques in parallel to get the strongest result on a given MINLP problem. The tool is implemented in layers, which we may see as features and where reduction techniques are feature vectors. Some of these features are inspired by known MINLP techniques whereas others are novel and specific to SMT. Our experimental results on standard benchmarks demonstrate the benefits of this approach. The tool supports a variety of SMT solvers and is easily extensible with new features, courtesy of its layered structure. For example, logical formulas for deductive reasoning are easily added to constrain further the optimization of a MINLP problem of interest.
Extracting Keyword for Disambiguating Name Based on the Overlap Principle
Name disambiguation has become one of the main themes in the Semantic Web agenda. The semantic web is an extension of the current Web in which information is not only given well-defined meaning, but also has many purposes that contain the ambiguous naturally or a lot of thing came with the overlap, mainly deals with the persons name. Therefore, we develop an approach to extract keywords from web snippet with utilizing the overlap principle, a concept to understand things with ambiguous, whereby features of person are generated for dealing with the variety of web, the web is steadily gaining ground in the semantic research.
SlangSD: Building and Using a Sentiment Dictionary of Slang Words for Short-Text Sentiment Classification
Sentiment in social media is increasingly considered as an important resource for customer segmentation, market understanding, and tackling other socio-economic issues. However, sentiment in social media is difficult to measure since user-generated content is usually short and informal. Although many traditional sentiment analysis methods have been proposed, identifying slang sentiment words remains untackled. One of the reasons is that slang sentiment words are not available in existing dictionaries or sentiment lexicons. To this end, we propose to build the first sentiment dictionary of slang words to aid sentiment analysis of social media content. It is laborious and time-consuming to collect and label the sentiment polarity of a comprehensive list of slang words. We present an approach to leverage web resources to construct an extensive Slang Sentiment word Dictionary (SlangSD) that is easy to maintain and extend. SlangSD is publicly available for research purposes. We empirically show the advantages of using SlangSD, the newly-built slang sentiment word dictionary for sentiment classification, and provide examples demonstrating its ease of use with an existing sentiment system.
Modular Networks: Learning to Decompose Neural Computation
Scaling model capacity has been vital in the success of deep learning. For a typical network, necessary compute resources and training time grow dramatically with model size. Conditional computation is a promising way to increase the number of parameters with a relatively small increase in resources. We propose a training algorithm that flexibly chooses neural modules based on the data to be processed. Both the decomposition and modules are learned end-to-end. In contrast to existing approaches, training does not rely on regularization to enforce diversity in module use. We apply modular networks both to image recognition and language modeling tasks, where we achieve superior performance compared to several baselines. Introspection reveals that modules specialize in interpretable contexts.
Algorithms and Complexity Results for Persuasive Argumentation
The study of arguments as abstract entities and their interaction as introduced by Dung (Artificial Intelligence 177, 1995) has become one of the most active research branches within Artificial Intelligence and Reasoning. A main issue for abstract argumentation systems is the selection of acceptable sets of arguments. Value-based argumentation, as introduced by Bench-Capon (J. Logic Comput. 13, 2003), extends Dung's framework. It takes into account the relative strength of arguments with respect to some ranking representing an audience: an argument is subjectively accepted if it is accepted with respect to some audience, it is objectively accepted if it is accepted with respect to all audiences. Deciding whether an argument is subjectively or objectively accepted, respectively, are computationally intractable problems. In fact, the problems remain intractable under structural restrictions that render the main computational problems for non-value-based argumentation systems tractable. In this paper we identify nontrivial classes of value-based argumentation systems for which the acceptance problems are polynomial-time tractable. The classes are defined by means of structural restrictions in terms of the underlying graphical structure of the value-based system. Furthermore we show that the acceptance problems are intractable for two classes of value-based systems that where conjectured to be tractable by Dunne (Artificial Intelligence 171, 2007).
Net-Trim: Convex Pruning of Deep Neural Networks with Performance Guarantee
We introduce and analyze a new technique for model reduction for deep neural networks. While large networks are theoretically capable of learning arbitrarily complex models, overfitting and model redundancy negatively affects the prediction accuracy and model variance. Our Net-Trim algorithm prunes (sparsifies) a trained network layer-wise, removing connections at each layer by solving a convex optimization program. This program seeks a sparse set of weights at each layer that keeps the layer inputs and outputs consistent with the originally trained model. The algorithms and associated analysis are applicable to neural networks operating with the rectified linear unit (ReLU) as the nonlinear activation. We present both parallel and cascade versions of the algorithm. While the latter can achieve slightly simpler models with the same generalization performance, the former can be computed in a distributed manner. In both cases, Net-Trim significantly reduces the number of connections in the network, while also providing enough regularization to slightly reduce the generalization error. We also provide a mathematical analysis of the consistency between the initial network and the retrained model. To analyze the model sample complexity, we derive the general sufficient conditions for the recovery of a sparse transform matrix. For a single layer taking independent Gaussian random vectors of length $N$ as inputs, we show that if the network response can be described using a maximum number of $s$ non-zero weights per node, these weights can be learned from $\mathcal{O}(s\log N)$ samples.
Learning bilingual word embeddings with (almost) no bilingual data
Most methods to learn bilingual word embeddings rely on large parallel corpora, which is difficult to obtain for most language pairs. This has motivated an active research line to relax this requirement, with methods that use document-aligned corpora or bilingual dictionaries of a few thousand words instead. In this work, we further reduce the need of bilingual resources using a very simple self-learning approach that can be combined with any dictionary-based mapping technique. Our method exploits the structural similarity of embedding spaces, and works with as little bilingual evidence as a 25 word dictionary or even an automatically generated list of numerals, obtaining results comparable to those of systems that use richer resources.
Cross-Device Tracking: Matching Devices and Cookies
The number of computers, tablets and smartphones is increasing rapidly, which entails the ownership and use of multiple devices to perform online tasks. As people move across devices to complete these tasks, their identities becomes fragmented. Understanding the usage and transition between those devices is essential to develop efficient applications in a multi-device world. In this paper we present a solution to deal with the cross-device identification of users based on semi-supervised machine learning methods to identify which cookies belong to an individual using a device. The method proposed in this paper scored third in the ICDM 2015 Drawbridge Cross-Device Connections challenge proving its good performance.
Learning Global Features for Coreference Resolution
There is compelling evidence that coreference prediction would benefit from modeling global information about entity-clusters. Yet, state-of-the-art performance can be achieved with systems treating each mention prediction independently, which we attribute to the inherent difficulty of crafting informative cluster-level features. We instead propose to use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to learn latent, global representations of entity clusters directly from their mentions. We show that such representations are especially useful for the prediction of pronominal mentions, and can be incorporated into an end-to-end coreference system that outperforms the state of the art without requiring any additional search.
Finding significant combinations of features in the presence of categorical covariates
In high-dimensional settings, where the number of features p is typically much larger than the number of samples n, methods which can systematically examine arbitrary combinations of features, a huge 2^p-dimensional space, have recently begun to be explored. However, none of the current methods is able to assess the association between feature combinations and a target variable while conditioning on a categorical covariate, in order to correct for potential confounding effects. We propose the Fast Automatic Conditional Search (FACS) algorithm, a significant discriminative itemset mining method which conditions on categorical covariates and only scales as O(k log k), where k is the number of states of the categorical covariate. Based on the Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel Test, FACS demonstrates superior speed and statistical power on simulated and real-world datasets compared to the state of the art, opening the door to numerous applications in biomedicine.
Compositional Semantic Parsing on Semi-Structured Tables
Two important aspects of semantic parsing for question answering are the breadth of the knowledge source and the depth of logical compositionality. While existing work trades off one aspect for another, this paper simultaneously makes progress on both fronts through a new task: answering complex questions on semi-structured tables using question-answer pairs as supervision. The central challenge arises from two compounding factors: the broader domain results in an open-ended set of relations, and the deeper compositionality results in a combinatorial explosion in the space of logical forms. We propose a logical-form driven parsing algorithm guided by strong typing constraints and show that it obtains significant improvements over natural baselines. For evaluation, we created a new dataset of 22,033 complex questions on Wikipedia tables, which is made publicly available.
Character-based Joint Segmentation and POS Tagging for Chinese using Bidirectional RNN-CRF
We present a character-based model for joint segmentation and POS tagging for Chinese. The bidirectional RNN-CRF architecture for general sequence tagging is adapted and applied with novel vector representations of Chinese characters that capture rich contextual information and lower-than-character level features. The proposed model is extensively evaluated and compared with a state-of-the-art tagger respectively on CTB5, CTB9 and UD Chinese. The experimental results indicate that our model is accurate and robust across datasets in different sizes, genres and annotation schemes. We obtain state- of-the-art performance on CTB5, achieving 94.38 F1-score for joint segmentation and POS tagging.
Cross-lingual Language Model Pretraining
Recent studies have demonstrated the efficiency of generative pretraining for English natural language understanding. In this work, we extend this approach to multiple languages and show the effectiveness of cross-lingual pretraining. We propose two methods to learn cross-lingual language models (XLMs): one unsupervised that only relies on monolingual data, and one supervised that leverages parallel data with a new cross-lingual language model objective. We obtain state-of-the-art results on cross-lingual classification, unsupervised and supervised machine translation. On XNLI, our approach pushes the state of the art by an absolute gain of 4.9% accuracy. On unsupervised machine translation, we obtain 34.3 BLEU on WMT'16 German-English, improving the previous state of the art by more than 9 BLEU. On supervised machine translation, we obtain a new state of the art of 38.5 BLEU on WMT'16 Romanian-English, outperforming the previous best approach by more than 4 BLEU. Our code and pretrained models will be made publicly available.
Sample Complexity of Multi-Item Profit Maximization
We study the design of pricing mechanisms and auctions when the mechanism designer does not know the distribution of buyers' values. Instead the mechanism designer receives a set of samples from this distribution and his goal is to use the sample to design a pricing mechanism or auction with high expected profit. We provide generalization guarantees which bound the difference between average profit on the sample and expected profit over the distribution. These bounds are directly proportional to the intrinsic complexity of the mechanism class the designer is optimizing over. We present a single, overarching theorem that uses empirical Rademacher complexity to measure the intrinsic complexity of a variety of widely-studied single- and multi-item auction classes, including affine maximizer auctions, mixed-bundling auctions, and second-price item auctions. Despite the extensive applicability of our main theorem, we match and improve over the best-known generalization guarantees for many auction classes. This all-encompassing theorem also applies to multi- and single-item pricing mechanisms in both multi- and single-unit settings, such as linear and non-linear pricing mechanisms. Finally, our central theorem allows us to easily derive generalization guarantees for every class in several finely grained hierarchies of auction and pricing mechanism classes. We demonstrate how to determine the precise level in a hierarchy with the optimal tradeoff between profit and generalization using structural profit maximization. The mechanism classes we study are significantly different from well-understood function classes typically found in machine learning, so bounding their complexity requires a sharp understanding of the interplay between mechanism parameters and buyer valuations.
One-Class Classification: Taxonomy of Study and Review of Techniques
One-class classification (OCC) algorithms aim to build classification models when the negative class is either absent, poorly sampled or not well defined. This unique situation constrains the learning of efficient classifiers by defining class boundary just with the knowledge of positive class. The OCC problem has been considered and applied under many research themes, such as outlier/novelty detection and concept learning. In this paper we present a unified view of the general problem of OCC by presenting a taxonomy of study for OCC problems, which is based on the availability of training data, algorithms used and the application domains applied. We further delve into each of the categories of the proposed taxonomy and present a comprehensive literature review of the OCC algorithms, techniques and methodologies with a focus on their significance, limitations and applications. We conclude our paper by discussing some open research problems in the field of OCC and present our vision for future research.
Abstractive Text Summarization Using Sequence-to-Sequence RNNs and Beyond
In this work, we cast text summarization as a sequence-to-sequence problem and apply the attentional encoder-decoder RNN that has been shown to be successful for Machine Translation (Bahdanau et al. (2014)). Our experiments show that the proposed architecture significantly outperforms the state-of-the art model of Rush et al. (2015) on the Gigaword dataset without any additional tuning. We also propose additional extensions to the standard architecture, which we show contribute to further improvement in performance.
Synthesizing the preferred inputs for neurons in neural networks via deep generator networks
Deep neural networks (DNNs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art results on many pattern recognition tasks, especially vision classification problems. Understanding the inner workings of such computational brains is both fascinating basic science that is interesting in its own right---similar to why we study the human brain---and will enable researchers to further improve DNNs. One path to understanding how a neural network functions internally is to study what each of its neurons has learned to detect. One such method is called activation maximization, which synthesizes an input (e.g. an image) that highly activates a neuron. Here we dramatically improve the qualitative state of the art of activation maximization by harnessing a powerful, learned prior: a deep generator network. The algorithm (1) generates qualitatively state-of-the-art synthetic images that look almost real, (2) reveals the features learned by each neuron in an interpretable way, (3) generalizes well to new datasets and somewhat well to different network architectures without requiring the prior to be relearned, and (4) can be considered as a high-quality generative method (in this case, by generating novel, creative, interesting, recognizable images).
PredRNN: Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Learning using Spatiotemporal LSTMs
The predictive learning of spatiotemporal sequences aims to generate future images by learning from the historical frames, where spatial appearances and temporal variations are two crucial structures. This paper models these structures by presenting a predictive recurrent neural network (PredRNN). This architecture is enlightened by the idea that spatiotemporal predictive learning should memorize both spatial appearances and temporal variations in a unified memory pool. Concretely, memory states are no longer constrained inside each LSTM unit. Instead, they are allowed to zigzag in two directions: across stacked RNN layers vertically and through all RNN states horizontally. The core of this network is a new Spatiotemporal LSTM (ST-LSTM) unit that extracts and memorizes spatial and temporal representations simultaneously. PredRNN achieves the state-of-the-art prediction performance on three video prediction datasets and is a more general framework, that can be easily extended to other predictive learning tasks by integrating with other architectures.
Friend Inspector: A Serious Game to Enhance Privacy Awareness in Social Networks
Currently, many users of Social Network Sites are insufficiently aware of who can see their shared personal items. Nonetheless, most approaches focus on enhancing privacy in Social Networks through improved privacy settings, neglecting the fact that privacy awareness is a prerequisite for privacy control. Social Network users first need to know about privacy issues before being able to make adjustments. In this paper, we introduce Friend Inspector, a serious game that allows its users to playfully increase their privacy awareness on Facebook. Since its launch, Friend Inspector has attracted a significant number of visitors, emphasising the need for better tools to understand privacy settings on Social Networks.
LF-Net: Learning Local Features from Images
We present a novel deep architecture and a training strategy to learn a local feature pipeline from scratch, using collections of images without the need for human supervision. To do so we exploit depth and relative camera pose cues to create a virtual target that the network should achieve on one image, provided the outputs of the network for the other image. While this process is inherently non-differentiable, we show that we can optimize the network in a two-branch setup by confining it to one branch, while preserving differentiability in the other. We train our method on both indoor and outdoor datasets, with depth data from 3D sensors for the former, and depth estimates from an off-the-shelf Structure-from-Motion solution for the latter. Our models outperform the state of the art on sparse feature matching on both datasets, while running at 60+ fps for QVGA images.
Robust Hypothesis Test for Nonlinear Effect with Gaussian Processes
This work constructs a hypothesis test for detecting whether an data-generating function $h: \real^p \rightarrow \real$ belongs to a specific reproducing kernel Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}_0$, where the structure of $\mathcal{H}_0$ is only partially known. Utilizing the theory of reproducing kernels, we reduce this hypothesis to a simple one-sided score test for a scalar parameter, develop a testing procedure that is robust against the mis-specification of kernel functions, and also propose an ensemble-based estimator for the null model to guarantee test performance in small samples. To demonstrate the utility of the proposed method, we apply our test to the problem of detecting nonlinear interaction between groups of continuous features. We evaluate the finite-sample performance of our test under different data-generating functions and estimation strategies for the null model. Our results revealed interesting connection between notions in machine learning (model underfit/overfit) and those in statistical inference (i.e. Type I error/power of hypothesis test), and also highlighted unexpected consequences of common model estimating strategies (e.g. estimating kernel hyperparameters using maximum likelihood estimation) on model inference.
Biclustering Readings and Manuscripts via Non-negative Matrix Factorization, with Application to the Text of Jude
The text-critical practice of grouping witnesses into families or texttypes often faces two obstacles: Contamination in the manuscript tradition, and co-dependence in identifying characteristic readings and manuscripts. We introduce non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) as a simple, unsupervised, and efficient way to cluster large numbers of manuscripts and readings simultaneously while summarizing contamination using an easy-to-interpret mixture model. We apply this method to an extensive collation of the New Testament epistle of Jude and show that the resulting clusters correspond to human-identified textual families from existing research.
Local Similarity-Aware Deep Feature Embedding
Existing deep embedding methods in vision tasks are capable of learning a compact Euclidean space from images, where Euclidean distances correspond to a similarity metric. To make learning more effective and efficient, hard sample mining is usually employed, with samples identified through computing the Euclidean feature distance. However, the global Euclidean distance cannot faithfully characterize the true feature similarity in a complex visual feature space, where the intraclass distance in a high-density region may be larger than the interclass distance in low-density regions. In this paper, we introduce a Position-Dependent Deep Metric (PDDM) unit, which is capable of learning a similarity metric adaptive to local feature structure. The metric can be used to select genuinely hard samples in a local neighborhood to guide the deep embedding learning in an online and robust manner. The new layer is appealing in that it is pluggable to any convolutional networks and is trained end-to-end. Our local similarity-aware feature embedding not only demonstrates faster convergence and boosted performance on two complex image retrieval datasets, its large margin nature also leads to superior generalization results under the large and open set scenarios of transfer learning and zero-shot learning on ImageNet 2010 and ImageNet-10K datasets.
A Semiparametric Model for Bayesian Reader Identification
We study the problem of identifying individuals based on their characteristic gaze patterns during reading of arbitrary text. The motivation for this problem is an unobtrusive biometric setting in which a user is observed during access to a document, but no specific challenge protocol requiring the user's time and attention is carried out. Existing models of individual differences in gaze control during reading are either based on simple aggregate features of eye movements, or rely on parametric density models to describe, for instance, saccade amplitudes or word fixation durations. We develop flexible semiparametric models of eye movements during reading in which densities are inferred under a Gaussian process prior centered at a parametric distribution family that is expected to approximate the true distribution well. An empirical study on reading data from 251 individuals shows significant improvements over the state of the art.
Statistical Parsing by Machine Learning from a Classical Arabic Treebank
Research into statistical parsing for English has enjoyed over a decade of successful results. However, adapting these models to other languages has met with difficulties. Previous comparative work has shown that Modern Arabic is one of the most difficult languages to parse due to rich morphology and free word order. Classical Arabic is the ancient form of Arabic, and is understudied in computational linguistics, relative to its worldwide reach as the language of the Quran. The thesis is based on seven publications that make significant contributions to knowledge relating to annotating and parsing Classical Arabic.
Telling cause from effect in deterministic linear dynamical systems
Inferring a cause from its effect using observed time series data is a major challenge in natural and social sciences. Assuming the effect is generated by the cause trough a linear system, we propose a new approach based on the hypothesis that nature chooses the "cause" and the "mechanism that generates the effect from the cause" independent of each other. We therefore postulate that the power spectrum of the time series being the cause is uncorrelated with the square of the transfer function of the linear filter generating the effect. While most causal discovery methods for time series mainly rely on the noise, our method relies on asymmetries of the power spectral density properties that can be exploited even in the context of deterministic systems. We describe mathematical assumptions in a deterministic model under which the causal direction is identifiable with this approach. We also discuss the method's performance under the additive noise model and its relationship to Granger causality. Experiments show encouraging results on synthetic as well as real-world data. Overall, this suggests that the postulate of Independence of Cause and Mechanism is a promising principle for causal inference on empirical time series.
Diffeomorphic Temporal Alignment Nets
Time-series analysis is confounded by nonlinear time warping of the data. Traditional methods for joint alignment do not generalize: after aligning a given signal ensemble, they lack a mechanism, that does not require solving a new optimization problem, to align previously-unseen signals. In the multi-class case, they must also first classify the test data before aligning it. Here we propose the Diffeomorphic Temporal alignment Net (DTAN), a learning-based method for time-series joint alignment. Via flexible temporal transformer layers, DTAN learns and applies an input-dependent nonlinear time warping to its input signal. Once learned, DTAN easily aligns previously-unseen signals by its inexpensive forward pass. In a single-class case, the method is unsupervised: the ground-truth alignments are unknown. In the multi-class case, it is semi-supervised in the sense that class labels (but not the ground-truth alignments) are used during learning; in test time, however, the class labels are unknown. As we show, DTAN not only outperforms existing joint-alignment methods in aligning training data but also generalizes well to test data. Our code is available at https://github.com/BGU-CS-VIL/dtan.
Natasha: Faster Non-Convex Stochastic Optimization via Strongly Non-Convex Parameter
Given a non-convex function $f(x)$ that is an average of $n$ smooth functions, we design stochastic first-order methods to find its approximate stationary points. The performance of our new methods depend on the smallest (negative) eigenvalue $-\sigma$ of the Hessian. This parameter $\sigma$ captures how strongly non-convex $f(x)$ is, and is analogous to the strong convexity parameter for convex optimization.
Feedback Detection for Live Predictors
A statistical predictor that is deployed in a live production system may perturb the features it uses to make predictions. Such a feedback loop can occur, for example, when a model that predicts a certain type of behavior ends up causing the behavior it predicts, thus creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. This paper analyzes statistical feedback detection as a causal inference problem, and proposes a local randomization scheme that can be used to detect feedback in real-world problems. We apply our method to a predictive model currently in use at an internet company.
On the Transfer of Inductive Bias from Simulation to the Real World: a New Disentanglement Dataset
Learning meaningful and compact representations with disentangled semantic aspects is considered to be of key importance in representation learning. Since real-world data is notoriously costly to collect, many recent state-of-the-art disentanglement models have heavily relied on synthetic toy data-sets. In this paper, we propose a novel data-set which consists of over 1 million images of physical 3D objects with seven factors of variation, such as object color, shape, size and position. In order to be able to control all the factors of variation precisely, we built an experimental platform where the objects are being moved by a robotic arm. In addition, we provide two more datasets which consist of simulations of the experimental setup. These datasets provide for the first time the possibility to systematically investigate how well different disentanglement methods perform on real data in comparison to simulation, and how simulated data can be leveraged to build better representations of the real world. We provide a first experimental study of these questions and our results indicate that learned models transfer poorly, but that model and hyperparameter selection is an effective means of transferring information to the real world.
Simple and Accurate Dependency Parsing Using Bidirectional LSTM Feature Representations
We present a simple and effective scheme for dependency parsing which is based on bidirectional-LSTMs (BiLSTMs). Each sentence token is associated with a BiLSTM vector representing the token in its sentential context, and feature vectors are constructed by concatenating a few BiLSTM vectors. The BiLSTM is trained jointly with the parser objective, resulting in very effective feature extractors for parsing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach by applying it to a greedy transition based parser as well as to a globally optimized graph-based parser. The resulting parsers have very simple architectures, and match or surpass the state-of-the-art accuracies on English and Chinese.
Are ResNets Provably Better than Linear Predictors?
A residual network (or ResNet) is a standard deep neural net architecture, with state-of-the-art performance across numerous applications. The main premise of ResNets is that they allow the training of each layer to focus on fitting just the residual of the previous layer's output and the target output. Thus, we should expect that the trained network is no worse than what we can obtain if we remove the residual layers and train a shallower network instead. However, due to the non-convexity of the optimization problem, it is not at all clear that ResNets indeed achieve this behavior, rather than getting stuck at some arbitrarily poor local minimum. In this paper, we rigorously prove that arbitrarily deep, nonlinear residual units indeed exhibit this behavior, in the sense that the optimization landscape contains no local minima with value above what can be obtained with a linear predictor (namely a 1-layer network). Notably, we show this under minimal or no assumptions on the precise network architecture, data distribution, or loss function used. We also provide a quantitative analysis of approximate stationary points for this problem. Finally, we show that with a certain tweak to the architecture, training the network with standard stochastic gradient descent achieves an objective value close or better than any linear predictor.
Answering Conjunctive Queries over $\mathcal{EL}$ Knowledge Bases with Transitive and Reflexive Roles
Answering conjunctive queries (CQs) over $\mathcal{EL}$ knowledge bases (KBs) with complex role inclusions is PSPACE-hard and in PSPACE in certain cases; however, if complex role inclusions are restricted to role transitivity, the upper complexity bound has so far been unknown. Furthermore, the existing algorithms cannot handle reflexive roles, and they are not practicable. Finally, the problem is tractable for acyclic CQs and $\mathcal{ELH}$, and NP-complete for unrestricted CQs and $\mathcal{ELHO}$ KBs. In this paper we complete the complexity landscape of CQ answering for several important cases. In particular, we present a practicable NP algorithm for answering CQs over $\mathcal{ELHO}^s$ KBs---a logic containing all of OWL 2 EL, but with complex role inclusions restricted to role transitivity. Our preliminary evaluation suggests that the algorithm can be suitable for practical use. Moreover, we show that, even for a restricted class of so-called arborescent acyclic queries, CQ answering over $\mathcal{EL}$ KBs becomes NP-hard in the presence of either transitive or reflexive roles. Finally, we show that answering arborescent CQs over $\mathcal{ELHO}$ KBs is tractable, whereas answering acyclic CQs is NP-hard.
Fast and Accurate Inference of Plackett–Luce Models
We show that the maximum-likelihood (ML) estimate of models derived from Luce's choice axiom (e.g., the Plackett-Luce model) can be expressed as the stationary distribution of a Markov chain. This conveys insight into several recently proposed spectral inference algorithms. We take advantage of this perspective and formulate a new spectral algorithm that is significantly more accurate than previous ones for the Plackett--Luce model. With a simple adaptation, this algorithm can be used iteratively, producing a sequence of estimates that converges to the ML estimate. The ML version runs faster than competing approaches on a benchmark of five datasets. Our algorithms are easy to implement, making them relevant for practitioners at large.
Convex Deep Learning via Normalized Kernels
Deep learning has been a long standing pursuit in machine learning, which until recently was hampered by unreliable training methods before the discovery of improved heuristics for embedded layer training. A complementary research strategy is to develop alternative modeling architectures that admit efficient training methods while expanding the range of representable structures toward deep models. In this paper, we develop a new architecture for nested nonlinearities that allows arbitrarily deep compositions to be trained to global optimality. The approach admits both parametric and nonparametric forms through the use of normalized kernels to represent each latent layer. The outcome is a fully convex formulation that is able to capture compositions of trainable nonlinear layers to arbitrary depth.
Demonstrating the Feasibility of Automatic Game Balancing
Game balancing is an important part of the (computer) game design process, in which designers adapt a game prototype so that the resulting gameplay is as entertaining as possible. In industry, the evaluation of a game is often based on costly playtests with human players. It suggests itself to automate this process using surrogate models for the prediction of gameplay and outcome. In this paper, the feasibility of automatic balancing using simulation- and deck-based objectives is investigated for the card game top trumps. Additionally, the necessity of a multi-objective approach is asserted by a comparison with the only known (single-objective) method. We apply a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm to obtain decks that optimise objectives, e.g. win rate and average number of tricks, developed to express the fairness and the excitement of a game of top trumps. The results are compared with decks from published top trumps decks using simulation-based objectives. The possibility to generate decks better or at least as good as decks from published top trumps decks in terms of these objectives is demonstrated. Our results indicate that automatic balancing with the presented approach is feasible even for more complex games such as real-time strategy games.
Neural Machine Translation with Word Predictions
In the encoder-decoder architecture for neural machine translation (NMT), the hidden states of the recurrent structures in the encoder and decoder carry the crucial information about the sentence.These vectors are generated by parameters which are updated by back-propagation of translation errors through time. We argue that propagating errors through the end-to-end recurrent structures are not a direct way of control the hidden vectors. In this paper, we propose to use word predictions as a mechanism for direct supervision. More specifically, we require these vectors to be able to predict the vocabulary in target sentence. Our simple mechanism ensures better representations in the encoder and decoder without using any extra data or annotation. It is also helpful in reducing the target side vocabulary and improving the decoding efficiency. Experiments on Chinese-English and German-English machine translation tasks show BLEU improvements by 4.53 and 1.3, respectively
Ultimate tensorization: compressing convolutional and FC layers alike
Convolutional neural networks excel in image recognition tasks, but this comes at the cost of high computational and memory complexity. To tackle this problem, [1] developed a tensor factorization framework to compress fully-connected layers. In this paper, we focus on compressing convolutional layers. We show that while the direct application of the tensor framework [1] to the 4-dimensional kernel of convolution does compress the layer, we can do better. We reshape the convolutional kernel into a tensor of higher order and factorize it. We combine the proposed approach with the previous work to compress both convolutional and fully-connected layers of a network and achieve 80x network compression rate with 1.1% accuracy drop on the CIFAR-10 dataset.
Randomized Prediction Games for Adversarial Machine Learning
In spam and malware detection, attackers exploit randomization to obfuscate malicious data and increase their chances of evading detection at test time; e.g., malware code is typically obfuscated using random strings or byte sequences to hide known exploits. Interestingly, randomization has also been proposed to improve security of learning algorithms against evasion attacks, as it results in hiding information about the classifier to the attacker. Recent work has proposed game-theoretical formulations to learn secure classifiers, by simulating different evasion attacks and modifying the classification function accordingly. However, both the classification function and the simulated data manipulations have been modeled in a deterministic manner, without accounting for any form of randomization. In this work, we overcome this limitation by proposing a randomized prediction game, namely, a non-cooperative game-theoretic formulation in which the classifier and the attacker make randomized strategy selections according to some probability distribution defined over the respective strategy set. We show that our approach allows one to improve the trade-off between attack detection and false alarms with respect to state-of-the-art secure classifiers, even against attacks that are different from those hypothesized during design, on application examples including handwritten digit recognition, spam and malware detection.
Uncertainty-based Continual Learning with Adaptive Regularization
We introduce a new neural network-based continual learning algorithm, dubbed as Uncertainty-regularized Continual Learning (UCL), which builds on traditional Bayesian online learning framework with variational inference. We focus on two significant drawbacks of the recently proposed regularization-based methods: a) considerable additional memory cost for determining the per-weight regularization strengths and b) the absence of gracefully forgetting scheme, which can prevent performance degradation in learning new tasks. In this paper, we show UCL can solve these two problems by introducing a fresh interpretation on the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence term of the variational lower bound for Gaussian mean-field approximation. Based on the interpretation, we propose the notion of node-wise uncertainty, which drastically reduces the number of additional parameters for implementing per-weight regularization. Moreover, we devise two additional regularization terms that enforce \emph{stability} by freezing important parameters for past tasks and allow \emph{plasticity} by controlling the actively learning parameters for a new task. Through extensive experiments, we show UCL convincingly outperforms most of recent state-of-the-art baselines not only on popular supervised learning benchmarks, but also on challenging lifelong reinforcement learning tasks. The source code of our algorithm is available at https://github.com/csm9493/UCL.
On-the-Fly Learning in a Perpetual Learning Machine
Despite the promise of brain-inspired machine learning, deep neural networks (DNN) have frustratingly failed to bridge the deceptively large gap between learning and memory. Here, we introduce a Perpetual Learning Machine; a new type of DNN that is capable of brain-like dynamic 'on the fly' learning because it exists in a self-supervised state of Perpetual Stochastic Gradient Descent. Thus, we provide the means to unify learning and memory within a machine learning framework.
Plan-based Policies for Efficient Multiple Battery Load Management
Efficient use of multiple batteries is a practical problem with wide and growing application. The problem can be cast as a planning problem under uncertainty. We describe the approach we have adopted to modelling and solving this problem, seen as a Markov Decision Problem, building effective policies for battery switching in the face of stochastic load profiles.
Capacity and Trainability in Recurrent Neural Networks
Two potential bottlenecks on the expressiveness of recurrent neural networks (RNNs) are their ability to store information about the task in their parameters, and to store information about the input history in their units. We show experimentally that all common RNN architectures achieve nearly the same per-task and per-unit capacity bounds with careful training, for a variety of tasks and stacking depths. They can store an amount of task information which is linear in the number of parameters, and is approximately 5 bits per parameter. They can additionally store approximately one real number from their input history per hidden unit. We further find that for several tasks it is the per-task parameter capacity bound that determines performance. These results suggest that many previous results comparing RNN architectures are driven primarily by differences in training effectiveness, rather than differences in capacity. Supporting this observation, we compare training difficulty for several architectures, and show that vanilla RNNs are far more difficult to train, yet have slightly higher capacity. Finally, we propose two novel RNN architectures, one of which is easier to train than the LSTM or GRU for deeply stacked architectures.
Estimation with Norm Regularization
Analysis of non-asymptotic estimation error and structured statistical recovery based on norm regularized regression, such as Lasso, needs to consider four aspects: the norm, the loss function, the design matrix, and the noise model. This paper presents generalizations of such estimation error analysis on all four aspects compared to the existing literature. We characterize the restricted error set where the estimation error vector lies, establish relations between error sets for the constrained and regularized problems, and present an estimation error bound applicable to any norm. Precise characterizations of the bound is presented for a variety of design matrices, including sub-Gaussian, anisotropic, and correlated designs, noise models, including both Gaussian and sub-Gaussian noise, and loss functions, including least squares and generalized linear models. A key result from the analysis is that the sample complexity of all such estimators depends on the Gaussian width of the spherical cap corresponding to the restricted error set. Further, once the number of samples $n$ crosses the required sample complexity, the estimation error decreases as $\frac{c}{\sqrt{n}}$, where $c$ depends on the Gaussian width of the unit dual norm ball.
Verb Physics: Relative Physical Knowledge of Actions and Objects
Learning commonsense knowledge from natural language text is nontrivial due to reporting bias: people rarely state the obvious, e.g., "My house is bigger than me." However, while rarely stated explicitly, this trivial everyday knowledge does influence the way people talk about the world, which provides indirect clues to reason about the world. For example, a statement like, "Tyler entered his house" implies that his house is bigger than Tyler.
Learning Invariant Feature Spaces to Transfer Skills with Reinforcement Learning
People can learn a wide range of tasks from their own experience, but can also learn from observing other creatures. This can accelerate acquisition of new skills even when the observed agent differs substantially from the learning agent in terms of morphology. In this paper, we examine how reinforcement learning algorithms can transfer knowledge between morphologically different agents (e.g., different robots). We introduce a problem formulation where two agents are tasked with learning multiple skills by sharing information. Our method uses the skills that were learned by both agents to train invariant feature spaces that can then be used to transfer other skills from one agent to another. The process of learning these invariant feature spaces can be viewed as a kind of "analogy making", or implicit learning of partial correspondences between two distinct domains. We evaluate our transfer learning algorithm in two simulated robotic manipulation skills, and illustrate that we can transfer knowledge between simulated robotic arms with different numbers of links, as well as simulated arms with different actuation mechanisms, where one robot is torque-driven while the other is tendon-driven.
Black-Box Data-efficient Policy Search for Robotics
The most data-efficient algorithms for reinforcement learning (RL) in robotics are based on uncertain dynamical models: after each episode, they first learn a dynamical model of the robot, then they use an optimization algorithm to find a policy that maximizes the expected return given the model and its uncertainties. It is often believed that this optimization can be tractable only if analytical, gradient-based algorithms are used; however, these algorithms require using specific families of reward functions and policies, which greatly limits the flexibility of the overall approach. In this paper, we introduce a novel model-based RL algorithm, called Black-DROPS (Black-box Data-efficient RObot Policy Search) that: (1) does not impose any constraint on the reward function or the policy (they are treated as black-boxes), (2) is as data-efficient as the state-of-the-art algorithm for data-efficient RL in robotics, and (3) is as fast (or faster) than analytical approaches when several cores are available. The key idea is to replace the gradient-based optimization algorithm with a parallel, black-box algorithm that takes into account the model uncertainties. We demonstrate the performance of our new algorithm on two standard control benchmark problems (in simulation) and a low-cost robotic manipulator (with a real robot).
Emerging Dimension Weights in a Conceptual Spaces Model of Concept Combination
We investigate the generation of new concepts from combinations of properties as an artificial language develops. To do so, we have developed a new framework for conjunctive concept combination. This framework gives a semantic grounding to the weighted sum approach to concept combination seen in the literature. We implement the framework in a multi-agent simulation of language evolution and show that shared combination weights emerge. The expected value and the variance of these weights across agents may be predicted from the distribution of elements in the conceptual space, as determined by the underlying environment, together with the rate at which agents adopt others' concepts. When this rate is smaller, the agents are able to converge to weights with lower variance. However, the time taken to converge to a steady state distribution of weights is longer.
Deep Neural Nets with Interpolating Function as Output Activation
We replace the output layer of deep neural nets, typically the softmax function, by a novel interpolating function. And we propose end-to-end training and testing algorithms for this new architecture. Compared to classical neural nets with softmax function as output activation, the surrogate with interpolating function as output activation combines advantages of both deep and manifold learning. The new framework demonstrates the following major advantages: First, it is better applicable to the case with insufficient training data. Second, it significantly improves the generalization accuracy on a wide variety of networks. The algorithm is implemented in PyTorch, and the code is available at https://github.com/ BaoWangMath/DNN-DataDependentActivation.
Proactive Message Passing on Memory Factor Networks
We introduce a new type of graphical model that we call a "memory factor network" (MFN). We show how to use MFNs to model the structure inherent in many types of data sets. We also introduce an associated message-passing style algorithm called "proactive message passing"' (PMP) that performs inference on MFNs. PMP comes with convergence guarantees and is efficient in comparison to competing algorithms such as variants of belief propagation. We specialize MFNs and PMP to a number of distinct types of data (discrete, continuous, labelled) and inference problems (interpolation, hypothesis testing), provide examples, and discuss approaches for efficient implementation.
Group Additive Structure Identification for Kernel Nonparametric Regression
The additive model is one of the most popularly used models for high dimensional nonparametric regression analysis. However, its main drawback is that it neglects possible interactions between predictor variables. In this paper, we reexamine the group additive model proposed in the literature, and rigorously define the intrinsic group additive structure for the relationship between the response variable $Y$ and the predictor vector $\vect{X}$, and further develop an effective structure-penalized kernel method for simultaneous identification of the intrinsic group additive structure and nonparametric function estimation. The method utilizes a novel complexity measure we derive for group additive structures. We show that the proposed method is consistent in identifying the intrinsic group additive structure. Simulation study and real data applications demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method as a general tool for high dimensional nonparametric regression.
Rehabilitation of Count-based Models for Word Vector Representations
Recent works on word representations mostly rely on predictive models. Distributed word representations (aka word embeddings) are trained to optimally predict the contexts in which the corresponding words tend to appear. Such models have succeeded in capturing word similarties as well as semantic and syntactic regularities. Instead, we aim at reviving interest in a model based on counts. We present a systematic study of the use of the Hellinger distance to extract semantic representations from the word co-occurence statistics of large text corpora. We show that this distance gives good performance on word similarity and analogy tasks, with a proper type and size of context, and a dimensionality reduction based on a stochastic low-rank approximation. Besides being both simple and intuitive, this method also provides an encoding function which can be used to infer unseen words or phrases. This becomes a clear advantage compared to predictive models which must train these new words.
Learning to Confuse: Generating Training Time Adversarial Data with Auto-Encoder
In this work, we consider one challenging training time attack by modifying training data with bounded perturbation, hoping to manipulate the behavior (both targeted or non-targeted) of any corresponding trained classifier during test time when facing clean samples. To achieve this, we proposed to use an auto-encoder-like network to generate such adversarial perturbations on the training data together with one imaginary victim differentiable classifier. The perturbation generator will learn to update its weights so as to produce the most harmful noise, aiming to cause the lowest performance for the victim classifier during test time. This can be formulated into a non-linear equality constrained optimization problem. Unlike GANs, solving such problem is computationally challenging, we then proposed a simple yet effective procedure to decouple the alternating updates for the two networks for stability. By teaching the perturbation generator to hijacking the training trajectory of the victim classifier, the generator can thus learn to move against the victim classifier step by step. The method proposed in this paper can be easily extended to the label specific setting where the attacker can manipulate the predictions of the victim classifier according to some predefined rules rather than only making wrong predictions. Experiments on various datasets including CIFAR-10 and a reduced version of ImageNet confirmed the effectiveness of the proposed method and empirical results showed that, such bounded perturbations have good transferability across different types of victim classifiers.
Coordinate Descent with Bandit Sampling
Coordinate descent methods minimize a cost function by updating a single decision variable (corresponding to one coordinate) at a time. Ideally, we would update the decision variable that yields the largest marginal decrease in the cost function. However, finding this coordinate would require checking all of them, which is not computationally practical. Therefore, we propose a new adaptive method for coordinate descent. First, we define a lower bound on the decrease of the cost function when a coordinate is updated and, instead of calculating this lower bound for all coordinates, we use a multi-armed bandit algorithm to learn which coordinates result in the largest marginal decrease and simultaneously perform coordinate descent. We show that our approach improves the convergence of the coordinate methods both theoretically and experimentally.
Explaining Violation Traces with Finite State Natural Language Generation Models
An essential element of any verification technique is that of identifying and communicating to the user, system behaviour which leads to a deviation from the expected behaviour. Such behaviours are typically made available as long traces of system actions which would benefit from a natural language explanation of the trace and especially in the context of business logic level specifications. In this paper we present a natural language generation model which can be used to explain such traces. A key idea is that the explanation language is a CNL that is, formally speaking, regular language susceptible transformations that can be expressed with finite state machinery. At the same time it admits various forms of abstraction and simplification which contribute to the naturalness of explanations that are communicated to the user.
Narrative Planning: Balancing Plot and Character
Narrative, and in particular storytelling, is an important part of the human experience. Consequently, computational systems that can reason about narrative can be more effective communicators, entertainers, educators, and trainers. One of the central challenges in computational narrative reasoning is narrative generation, the automated creation of meaningful event sequences. There are many factors -- logical and aesthetic -- that contribute to the success of a narrative artifact. Central to this success is its understandability. We argue that the following two attributes of narratives are universal: (a) the logical causal progression of plot, and (b) character believability. Character believability is the perception by the audience that the actions performed by characters do not negatively impact the audiences suspension of disbelief. Specifically, characters must be perceived by the audience to be intentional agents. In this article, we explore the use of refinement search as a technique for solving the narrative generation problem -- to find a sound and believable sequence of character actions that transforms an initial world state into a world state in which goal propositions hold. We describe a novel refinement search planning algorithm -- the Intent-based Partial Order Causal Link (IPOCL) planner -- that, in addition to creating causally sound plot progression, reasons about character intentionality by identifying possible character goals that explain their actions and creating plan structures that explain why those characters commit to their goals. We present the results of an empirical evaluation that demonstrates that narrative plans generated by the IPOCL algorithm support audience comprehension of character intentions better than plans generated by conventional partial-order planners.
A new axiomatization for likelihood gambles
This paper studies a new and more general axiomatization than one presented previously for preference on likelihood gambles. Likelihood gambles describe actions in a situation where a decision maker knows multiple probabilistic models and a random sample generated from one of those models but does not know prior probability of models. This new axiom system is inspired by Jensen's axiomatization of probabilistic gambles. Our approach provides a new perspective to the role of data in decision making under ambiguity. It avoids one of the most controversial issue of Bayesian methodology namely the assumption of prior probability.
A Multi-World Approach to Question Answering about Real-World Scenes based on Uncertain Input
We propose a method for automatically answering questions about images by bringing together recent advances from natural language processing and computer vision. We combine discrete reasoning with uncertain predictions by a multi-world approach that represents uncertainty about the perceived world in a bayesian framework. Our approach can handle human questions of high complexity about realistic scenes and replies with range of answer like counts, object classes, instances and lists of them. The system is directly trained from question-answer pairs. We establish a first benchmark for this task that can be seen as a modern attempt at a visual turing test.
Deliberation Networks: Sequence Generation Beyond One-Pass Decoding
The encoder-decoder framework has achieved promising progress for many sequence generation tasks, including machine translation, text summarization, dialog system, image captioning, etc. Such a framework adopts an one-pass forward process while decoding and generating a sequence, but lacks the deliberation process: A generated sequence is directly used as final output without further polishing. However, deliberation is a common behavior in human's daily life like reading news and writing papers/articles/books. In this work, we introduce the deliberation process into the encoder-decoder framework and propose deliberation networks for sequence generation. A deliberation network has two levels of decoders, where the first-pass decoder generates a raw sequence and the second-pass decoder polishes and refines the raw sentence with deliberation. Since the second-pass deliberation decoder has global information about what the sequence to be generated might be, it has the potential to generate a better sequence by looking into future words in the raw sentence. Experiments on neural machine translation and text summarization demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed deliberation networks. On the WMT 2014 English-to-French translation task, our model establishes a new state-of-the-art BLEU score of 41.5.
Evaluating Las Vegas Algorithms - Pitfalls and Remedies
Stochastic search algorithms are among the most sucessful approaches for solving hard combinatorial problems. A large class of stochastic search approaches can be cast into the framework of Las Vegas Algorithms (LVAs). As the run-time behavior of LVAs is characterized by random variables, the detailed knowledge of run-time distributions provides important information for the analysis of these algorithms. In this paper we propose a novel methodology for evaluating the performance of LVAs, based on the identification of empirical run-time distributions. We exemplify our approach by applying it to Stochastic Local Search (SLS) algorithms for the satisfiability problem (SAT) in propositional logic. We point out pitfalls arising from the use of improper empirical methods and discuss the benefits of the proposed methodology for evaluating and comparing LVAs.
A Method for Speeding Up Value Iteration in Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes
We present a technique for speeding up the convergence of value iteration for partially observable Markov decisions processes (POMDPs). The underlying idea is similar to that behind modified policy iteration for fully observable Markov decision processes (MDPs). The technique can be easily incorporated into any existing POMDP value iteration algorithms. Experiments have been conducted on several test problems with one POMDP value iteration algorithm called incremental pruning. We find that the technique can make incremental pruning run several orders of magnitude faster.
Distant IE by Bootstrapping Using Lists and Document Structure
Distant labeling for information extraction (IE) suffers from noisy training data. We describe a way of reducing the noise associated with distant IE by identifying coupling constraints between potential instance labels. As one example of coupling, items in a list are likely to have the same label. A second example of coupling comes from analysis of document structure: in some corpora, sections can be identified such that items in the same section are likely to have the same label. Such sections do not exist in all corpora, but we show that augmenting a large corpus with coupling constraints from even a small, well-structured corpus can improve performance substantially, doubling F1 on one task.
MintNet: Building Invertible Neural Networks with Masked Convolutions
We propose a new way of constructing invertible neural networks by combining simple building blocks with a novel set of composition rules. This leads to a rich set of invertible architectures, including those similar to ResNets. Inversion is achieved with a locally convergent iterative procedure that is parallelizable and very fast in practice. Additionally, the determinant of the Jacobian can be computed analytically and efficiently, enabling their generative use as flow models. To demonstrate their flexibility, we show that our invertible neural networks are competitive with ResNets on MNIST and CIFAR-10 classification. When trained as generative models, our invertible networks achieve competitive likelihoods on MNIST, CIFAR-10 and ImageNet 32x32, with bits per dimension of 0.98, 3.32 and 4.06 respectively.
Hybrid Collaborative Filtering with Autoencoders
Collaborative Filtering aims at exploiting the feedback of users to provide personalised recommendations. Such algorithms look for latent variables in a large sparse matrix of ratings. They can be enhanced by adding side information to tackle the well-known cold start problem. While Neu-ral Networks have tremendous success in image and speech recognition, they have received less attention in Collaborative Filtering. This is all the more surprising that Neural Networks are able to discover latent variables in large and heterogeneous datasets. In this paper, we introduce a Collaborative Filtering Neural network architecture aka CFN which computes a non-linear Matrix Factorization from sparse rating inputs and side information. We show experimentally on the MovieLens and Douban dataset that CFN outper-forms the state of the art and benefits from side information. We provide an implementation of the algorithm as a reusable plugin for Torch, a popular Neural Network framework.
Minimum Weight Perfect Matching via Blossom Belief Propagation
Max-product Belief Propagation (BP) is a popular message-passing algorithm for computing a Maximum-A-Posteriori (MAP) assignment over a distribution represented by a Graphical Model (GM). It has been shown that BP can solve a number of combinatorial optimization problems including minimum weight matching, shortest path, network flow and vertex cover under the following common assumption: the respective Linear Programming (LP) relaxation is tight, i.e., no integrality gap is present. However, when LP shows an integrality gap, no model has been known which can be solved systematically via sequential applications of BP. In this paper, we develop the first such algorithm, coined Blossom-BP, for solving the minimum weight matching problem over arbitrary graphs. Each step of the sequential algorithm requires applying BP over a modified graph constructed by contractions and expansions of blossoms, i.e., odd sets of vertices. Our scheme guarantees termination in O(n^2) of BP runs, where n is the number of vertices in the original graph. In essence, the Blossom-BP offers a distributed version of the celebrated Edmonds' Blossom algorithm by jumping at once over many sub-steps with a single BP. Moreover, our result provides an interpretation of the Edmonds' algorithm as a sequence of LPs.
Modular Universal Reparameterization: Deep Multi-task Learning Across Diverse Domains
As deep learning applications continue to become more diverse, an interesting question arises: Can general problem solving arise from jointly learning several such diverse tasks? To approach this question, deep multi-task learning is extended in this paper to the setting where there is no obvious overlap between task architectures. The idea is that any set of (architecture,task) pairs can be decomposed into a set of potentially related subproblems, whose sharing is optimized by an efficient stochastic algorithm. The approach is first validated in a classic synthetic multi-task learning benchmark, and then applied to sharing across disparate architectures for vision, NLP, and genomics tasks. It discovers regularities across these domains, encodes them into sharable modules, and combines these modules systematically to improve performance in the individual tasks. The results confirm that sharing learned functionality across diverse domains and architectures is indeed beneficial, thus establishing a key ingredient for general problem solving in the future.
Quantitative parametrization of texts written by Ivan Franko: An attempt of the project
In the article, the project of quantitative parametrization of all texts by Ivan Franko is manifested. It can be made only by using modern computer techniques after the frequency dictionaries for all Franko's works are compiled. The paper describes the application spheres, methodology, stages, principles and peculiarities in the compilation of the frequency dictionary of the second half of the 19th century - the beginning of the 20th century. The relation between the Ivan Franko frequency dictionary, explanatory dictionary of writer's language and text corpus is discussed.
Generating Natural Questions About an Image
There has been an explosion of work in the vision & language community during the past few years from image captioning to video transcription, and answering questions about images. These tasks focus on literal descriptions of the image. To move beyond the literal, we choose to explore how questions about an image often address abstract events that the objects evoke. In this paper, we introduce the novel task of 'Visual Question Generation (VQG)', where the system is tasked with asking a natural and engaging question when shown an image. We provide three datasets which cover a variety of images from object-centric to event-centric, providing different and more abstract training data than the state-of-the-art captioning systems have used thus far. We train and test several generative and retrieval models to tackle the task of VQG. Evaluation results show that while such models ask reasonable questions given various images, there is still a wide gap with human performance. Our proposed task offers a new challenge to the community which we hope can spur further interest in exploring deeper connections between vision & language.
From MAP to Marginals: Variational Inference in Bayesian Submodular Models
Submodular optimization has found many applications in machine learning and beyond. We carry out the first systematic investigation of inference in probabilistic models defined through submodular functions, generalizing regular pairwise MRFs and Determinantal Point Processes. In particular, we present L-Field, a variational approach to general log-submodular and log-supermodular distributions based on sub- and supergradients. We obtain both lower and upper bounds on the log-partition function, which enables us to compute probability intervals for marginals, conditionals and marginal likelihoods. We also obtain fully factorized approximate posteriors, at the same computational cost as ordinary submodular optimization. Our framework results in convex problems for optimizing over differentials of submodular functions, which we show how to optimally solve. We provide theoretical guarantees of the approximation quality with respect to the curvature of the function. We further establish natural relations between our variational approach and the classical mean-field method. Lastly, we empirically demonstrate the accuracy of our inference scheme on several submodular models.
Optimizing Non-decomposable Performance Measures: A Tale of Two Classes
Modern classification problems frequently present mild to severe label imbalance as well as specific requirements on classification characteristics, and require optimizing performance measures that are non-decomposable over the dataset, such as F-measure. Such measures have spurred much interest and pose specific challenges to learning algorithms since their non-additive nature precludes a direct application of well-studied large scale optimization methods such as stochastic gradient descent.
Fast Online Clustering with Randomized Skeleton Sets
We present a new fast online clustering algorithm that reliably recovers arbitrary-shaped data clusters in high throughout data streams. Unlike the existing state-of-the-art online clustering methods based on k-means or k-medoid, it does not make any restrictive generative assumptions. In addition, in contrast to existing nonparametric clustering techniques such as DBScan or DenStream, it gives provable theoretical guarantees. To achieve fast clustering, we propose to represent each cluster by a skeleton set which is updated continuously as new data is seen. A skeleton set consists of weighted samples from the data where weights encode local densities. The size of each skeleton set is adapted according to the cluster geometry. The proposed technique automatically detects the number of clusters and is robust to outliers. The algorithm works for the infinite data stream where more than one pass over the data is not feasible. We provide theoretical guarantees on the quality of the clustering and also demonstrate its advantage over the existing state-of-the-art on several datasets.
Efficient Induction of Finite State Automata
This paper introduces a new algorithm for the induction if complex finite state automata from samples of behavior. The algorithm is based on information theoretic principles. The algorithm reduces the search space by many orders of magnitude over what was previously thought possible. We compare the algorithm with some existing induction techniques for finite state automata and show that the algorithm is much superior in both run time and quality of inductions.
Neural Random-Access Machines
In this paper, we propose and investigate a new neural network architecture called Neural Random Access Machine. It can manipulate and dereference pointers to an external variable-size random-access memory. The model is trained from pure input-output examples using backpropagation.
Recurrent Inference Machines for Solving Inverse Problems
Inverse problems are typically solved by first defining a model and then choosing an inference procedure. With this separation of modeling from inference, inverse problems can be framed in a modular way. For example, variational inference can be applied to a broad class of models. The modularity, however, typically goes away after model parameters have been trained under a chosen inference procedure. During training, model and inference often interact in a way that the model parameters will ultimately be adapted to the chosen inference procedure, posing the two components inseparable after training. But if model and inference become inseperable after training, why separate them in the first place? We propose a novel learning framework which abandons the dichotomy between model and inference. Instead, we introduce Recurrent Inference Machines (RIM), a class of recurrent neural networks (RNN) that directly learn to solve inverse problems. We demonstrate the effectiveness of RIMs in experiments on various image reconstruction tasks. We show empirically that RIMs exhibit the desirable convergence behavior of classical inference procedures, and that they can outperform state-of- the-art methods when trained on specialized inference tasks. Our approach bridges the gap between inverse problems and deep learning, providing a framework for fast progression in the field of inverse problems.
Learning to Generate Images with Perceptual Similarity Metrics
Deep networks are increasingly being applied to problems involving image synthesis, e.g., generating images from textual descriptions, or generating reconstructions of an input image in an autoencoder architecture. Supervised training of image-synthesis networks typically uses a pixel-wise squared error (SE) loss to indicate the mismatch between a generated image and its corresponding target image. We propose to instead use a loss function that is better calibrated to human perceptual judgments of image quality: the structural-similarity (SSIM) score of Wang, Bovik, Sheikh, and Simoncelli (2004). Because the SSIM score is differentiable, it is easily incorporated into gradient-descent learning. We compare the consequences of using SSIM versus SE loss on representations formed in deep autoencoder and recurrent neural network architectures. SSIM-optimized representations yield a superior basis for image classification compared to SE-optimized representations. Further, human observers prefer images generated by the SSIM-optimized networks by nearly a 7:1 ratio. Just as computer vision has advanced through the use of convolutional architectures that mimic the structure of the mammalian visual system, we argue that significant additional advances can be made in modeling images through the use of training objectives that are well aligned to characteristics of human perception.
Distributed Vector Representation Of Shopping Items, The Customer And Shopping Cart To Build A Three Fold Recommendation System
The main idea of this paper is to represent shopping items through vectors because these vectors act as the base for building em- beddings for customers and shopping carts. Also, these vectors are input to the mathematical models that act as either a recommendation engine or help in targeting potential customers. We have used exponential family embeddings as the tool to construct two basic vectors - product embeddings and context vectors. Using the basic vectors, we build combined embeddings, trip embeddings and customer embeddings. Combined embeddings mix linguistic properties of product names with their shopping patterns. The customer embeddings establish an understand- ing of the buying pattern of customers in a group and help in building customer profile. For example a customer profile can represent customers frequently buying pet-food. Identifying such profiles can help us bring out offers and discounts. Similarly, trip embeddings are used to build trip profiles. People happen to buy similar set of products in a trip and hence their trip embeddings can be used to predict the next product they would like to buy. This is a novel technique and the first of its kind to make recommendation using product, trip and customer embeddings.
Deep Voice 2: Multi-Speaker Neural Text-to-Speech
We introduce a technique for augmenting neural text-to-speech (TTS) with low-dimensional trainable speaker embeddings to generate different voices from a single model. As a starting point, we show improvements over the two state-of-the-art approaches for single-speaker neural TTS: Deep Voice 1 and Tacotron. We introduce Deep Voice 2, which is based on a similar pipeline with Deep Voice 1, but constructed with higher performance building blocks and demonstrates a significant audio quality improvement over Deep Voice 1. We improve Tacotron by introducing a post-processing neural vocoder, and demonstrate a significant audio quality improvement. We then demonstrate our technique for multi-speaker speech synthesis for both Deep Voice 2 and Tacotron on two multi-speaker TTS datasets. We show that a single neural TTS system can learn hundreds of unique voices from less than half an hour of data per speaker, while achieving high audio quality synthesis and preserving the speaker identities almost perfectly.
Cluster coloring of the Self-Organizing Map: An information visualization perspective
This paper takes an information visualization perspective to visual representations in the general SOM paradigm. This involves viewing SOM-based visualizations through the eyes of Bertin's and Tufte's theories on data graphics. The regular grid shape of the Self-Organizing Map (SOM), while being a virtue for linking visualizations to it, restricts representation of cluster structures. From the viewpoint of information visualization, this paper provides a general, yet simple, solution to projection-based coloring of the SOM that reveals structures. First, the proposed color space is easy to construct and customize to the purpose of use, while aiming at being perceptually correct and informative through two separable dimensions. Second, the coloring method is not dependent on any specific method of projection, but is rather modular to fit any objective function suitable for the task at hand. The cluster coloring is illustrated on two datasets: the iris data, and welfare and poverty indicators.
Accelerated Stochastic Matrix Inversion: General Theory and Speeding up BFGS Rules for Faster Second-Order Optimization
We present the first accelerated randomized algorithm for solving linear systems in Euclidean spaces. One essential problem of this type is the matrix inversion problem. In particular, our algorithm can be specialized to invert positive definite matrices in such a way that all iterates (approximate solutions) generated by the algorithm are positive definite matrices themselves. This opens the way for many applications in the field of optimization and machine learning. As an application of our general theory, we develop the first accelerated (deterministic and stochastic) quasi-Newton updates. Our updates lead to provably more aggressive approximations of the inverse Hessian, and lead to speed-ups over classical non-accelerated rules in numerical experiments. Experiments with empirical risk minimization show that our rules can accelerate training of machine learning models.
Stochastic Expectation Propagation
Expectation propagation (EP) is a deterministic approximation algorithm that is often used to perform approximate Bayesian parameter learning. EP approximates the full intractable posterior distribution through a set of local-approximations that are iteratively refned for each datapoint. EP can offer analytic and computational advantages over other approximations, such as Variational Inference (VI), and is the method of choice for a number of models. The local nature of EP appears to make it an ideal candidate for performing Bayesian learning on large-scale datasets. However, EP has a crucial limitation in this context: the number approximating factors need to increase with the number of data-points, N, which entails a large computational burden. This paper presents an extension to EP, called stochastic expectation propagation (SEP), that maintains a global posterior approximation (like VI) but updates it in a local way (like EP). Experiments on a number of synthetic and real-world data indicate that SEP performs almost as well as full EP, but reduces the memory consumption by a factor of N.
Contextualizing Citations for Scientific Summarization using Word Embeddings and Domain Knowledge
Citation texts are sometimes not very informative or in some cases inaccurate by themselves; they need the appropriate context from the referenced paper to reflect its exact contributions. To address this problem, we propose an unsupervised model that uses distributed representation of words as well as domain knowledge to extract the appropriate context from the reference paper. Evaluation results show the effectiveness of our model by significantly outperforming the state-of-the-art. We furthermore demonstrate how an effective contextualization method results in improving citation-based summarization of the scientific articles.