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- zodiac,area,text
- aries,daily,"You should feel grounded and connected with the world around you, dear Aries, as the moon continues its journey through earthy Taurus. Consider what can be added to your plate when Luna and Jupiter unite this afternoon, especially when it comes to money-making ideas. This cosmic climate brings luck to your finances, though you may find yourself in a generous mood as well. You'll crave the finer things in life later today when the moon and Uranus unite, and you shouldn't feel guilty about treating yourself to a small indulgence or two as a reward for all your hard work."
- aries,love,"As the heavens turn, we watch their captivating beauty, Aries. Right now, our Great Benefic, Jupiter, is orbiting in the earthy sign of Taurus. This transit continues until the end of May 2024. Jupiter expands everything he touches exponentially, so with him in the fields of the bull, all of the traits and things that Taurus rules will also see a great expansion. Couples can see a greater opportunity to build their nest eggs and amplify their wealth. This could have positive long-term benefits if you seize the day now! Go for it! You've got this!"
- aries,work,"Redirect your energy, Aries. You may feel initially angry and resentful when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. These feelings may arise if you are not happy with your career path. Instead of letting yourself stew in negativity, you can use this cosmic energy to transform your outlook. Your frustration could be used as fuel to transform your career path. Do not be afraid to go after something you want instead of waiting for it to come. Use your power to create the career path that you deserve to have!"
- aries,dating,"It's okay to have a minor outburst every now and again. Your family loves you and they completely understand. You've needed an excuse to vent for a while, so let loose. You'll feel so much better."
- taurus,daily,"The moon continues its journey through your sign, sweet Bull, helping you establish a strengthened sense of identity and public presence. Use this energy to put your best face forward, and don't be afraid to take up space if it can get you ahead. Luck is on your side when Luna and Jupiter unite this afternoon, expanding your reach and ability to manifest personal goals. Strokes of genius could lead to important breakthroughs later today when the moon and Uranus join forces, encouraging you to think outside the box and unapologetically invest in your most authentic self."
- taurus,love,"A miraculous, gorgeous cosmic alignment has been blessing you for nearly a year, Taurus. Our Great Benefic is channeling all of the great energies of your zodiac sign. You are ruled by Venus, so all Venusian qualities will be amplified within the cosmos. You are an earth sign, too, so these qualities will also become more apparent on a global scale. In all life and relationships, people will hunger for greater intimacy and sensuality. We may also become more indulgent and hedonistic during this time, as we like to slow down to stop and smell the flowers more. Embrace this cosmic glow-up!"
- taurus,work,"Comparison is the thief of joy, Taurus. This old saying may ring true when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces today. As the cosmic energy unfolds, you may feel increasingly frustrated when you compare yourself to your colleagues. Maybe a colleague has gone on to accomplish something big. Instead of letting your resentment build, you could use this cosmic energy to turn everything around. Who says you cannot go out there and accomplish your dreams, too? Take it upon yourself to create opportunities to advance in your career path."
- taurus,dating,"If you're single right now, what are you waiting for? Today is your lucky day, romance-wise. Make a move on that person you've been staring at for weeks. What do you have to lose?"
- gemini,daily,"Take note of any interesting dreams early this morning, dearest Gemini, as the Taurus moon aligns with Mars and Saturn. This energy could reveal information that may bring you closer to success or help you cultivate healthier boundaries. Spend some time in deep thought this afternoon when Jupiter stirs, nudging you to expand the mind while delving into the subconscious. Meditative or spiritual practices pair well with this cosmic climate, elevating your intuition and ability to see from higher perspectives. Pay special attention to your thoughts later today when Luna and Uranus unite to unleash the genius within."
- gemini,love,"We are firmly planted within earthy cosmic vibes, Gemini. This is because mighty Jupiter, our Great Benefic, is deep in the gardens of Taurus until the end of May 2024. Because of this, he is amplifying a hedonistic, luxurious vibe for the cosmos. This means that sensuality will increase in life and in our relationships. In fact, you may desire greater intimacy in your dating life or marriage. Since Taurus is ruled by Venus, all Venusian qualities are also put into focus. A great desire for beauty will also take place for you and all others now, too. Harness these golden vibes!"
- gemini,work,"How do you feel about your career path, Gemini? You might be initially frustrated with your professional progress when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. The hard-hitting conjunction may put a damper on your day. However, you might be focused on the wrong things. Do not focus on your pitfalls and failures. Shift your outlook to focus on your successes and accomplishments. By focusing on the positives, this might give you the boost of encouragement you need to keep moving forward. You have what it takes to be incredibly successful!"
- gemini,dating,It's okay to be cheap today. You have your mind on some big goals and to achieve them you're going to need some cash in the future. Don't spend a ton on first dates. You'll be glad you didn't.
- cancer,daily,"You'll feel emotionally connected to your community, dear Cancer, as the moon continues its journey through Taurus. Use this energy to invest in new friendships, taking a relaxed approach toward rubbing elbows. This energy also elevates your influence, while charitable contributions will help you feel productive and in control. An expansive energy emerges this afternoon when Jupiter stirs, amplifying your popularity and marking the ideal time to broaden your horizons both locally and through social media. Consider trying a new restaurant or checking out locally owned shops later today when Luna and Uranus unite, nudging you to seek fresh experiences."
- cancer,love,"As a flowy, emotional water sign, you like to dig deep into your intuition and feelings, Cancer. In fact, because you are ruled by the moon, you also have a highly developed imagination and like to live with your head in the clouds! Yet, as our Great Benefic, Jupiter, dances through the flower fields of Taurus from now until the end of May 2024, you could find that you're drawn to be more practical, grounded, and realistic in the creation of your life and relationships. This is a great time to focus on the long-term and build a path toward a life that feels both opulent and affordable."
- cancer,work,"You can go the distance, Cancer. It might be initially challenging to feel positive about your professional journey when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. You may have limited opportunities to travel, relocate, or try new things. However, do not let this get you down. You are incredibly intuitive, which can help you become more resourceful. Use the cosmic energy to transform your outlook on your professional journey. When you adjust your attitude and outlook, you might find that there is a world of possibilities waiting for you in your career path."
- cancer,dating,"Are you feeling conflicted? Relax and your intuition will guide you even if decisions seem impossible. You could go either way on most everything today, so be open to all opportunities."
- leo,daily,"Build steadily toward long-term goals as the moon continues its journey through Taurus, dearest Leo, helping you establish roots on the path toward success. You'll benefit from an expansive and lucky energy as afternoon sets in and Jupiter activates, prompting you to push beyond any restraints or obstacles that have held you back. You may also be asked to take on more responsibilities or projects, giving you an opportunity to make a mark and impress influential colleagues. Opportunities to break through barriers continue when Luna and Uranus unite, though you may need to think outside of the box."
- leo,love,"You’re a lusty, hedonistic fire sign, Leo. However, whenever Jupiter, our Great Benefic, dances through an earth sign, you do find yourself acting more practically and realistically. Presently, Jupiter is dancing through the flower fields of Taurus and bringing a greater collective focus to pleasure and our senses. We will hunger more specifically for beauty, indulgence, and gratification above all else. Even though you tend to be feisty and dive headfirst into passion, easily down for a quick fling or intoxicating moment, from now until the end of May 2024, you may be more likely to slowly experience each moment rather than rushing."
- leo,work,"Do not limit yourself, Leo. Financial fears and insecurities may kick in when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. The conjunction may initially spark some hard feelings about your finances. You could easily get down on yourself when you think about your lack of opportunities, debt, credit score, and more. But you do not have to stay in this state of mind. You can use this cosmic energy to turn everything around. Maybe this will serve as a much-needed reality check that can help fuel your desire to improve your financial standing and security."
- leo,dating,"This is one of those days when you should store up your energy and daydream about the future. You're not going to do a whole lot today, and it's going to feel great."
- virgo,daily,"Lean closely into your spirituality, dear Virgo, as the moon continues its journey through Taurus and the sector of your chart that governs personal philosophies. Now is the time to reflect thoughtfully on your situation, relationships, and personal goals, seeking answers from the stars and within. Don't be afraid to act boldly when Jupiter stirs this afternoon, bringing some extra luck your way. Now is also a good time to score good karma points, trusting that what you put out into the universe will be returned. Watch for unexpected blessings while looking for opportunities to expand the mind when Luna and Uranus unite."
- virgo,love,"Of all the zodiac signs, you are one of the most sensual and affectionate, Virgo. Excitingly, this energy will be amplified on a cosmic scale even more now! This is because our Great Benefic, Jupiter, is spinning within the flower fields of Taurus from now until the end of May 2024. You and the bull get along swimmingly because you both share many common characteristics. This is a fabulous period to pursue sensuality and intimacy at all times. If single, be sure to look for someone who is grounded, practical, and looking to build for the long haul!"
- virgo,work,"You can do whatever you like, Virgo. There are times when you may feel limited by your commitments, which may occur today when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. You could be annoyed with your contracts, responsibilities, and partnerships. Although this could be frustrating, do not let yourself be overcome with anger. Instead of letting these feelings continue, you could use this cosmic energy as fuel to turn things around. It might begin with having better professional boundaries to avoid feeling taken advantage of by your agreements and working relationships."
- virgo,dating,"It's time to spend some time with the family. Sure, families can be kind of a hassle, but it's been a while and they'll be so happy to see you. And chances are you'll have fun."
- libra,daily,"The energy slows down a bit as the moon continues its journey through Taurus, dear Libra, though you'll feel acutely aware of how possible change is. Use this luminary placement as an opportunity to invest further in your own evolution, allowing yourself to take the scenic route toward transformation. Luck is on your side when Jupiter activates this afternoon, especially when it comes to romantic or professional commitments. Breakthroughs could emerge in unexpected ways when Luna and Uranus unite later today, pushing you further toward a brighter future, especially when you lean into the unknown and go with the flow."
- libra,love,"When it comes to a zodiac sign that loves its luxurious possessions and pretty things, that's you, Libra. You’re never afraid to splurge a little—or a lot! As our Great Benefic, Jupiter, orbits in the zodiac sign of Taurus, there will be opportunities to treat yourself to a whole host of sensual delights! Be sure to be on the lookout for gorgeous, elegant possessions. You may want them for yourself, a lover, or your long-term partner. You could also be attracting more gifts out of nowhere from now until the end of May 2024."
- libra,work,"Work may not be going as you might have hoped, Libra. You could be feeling let down when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. Maybe a work venture did not pan out. You could also simply be frustrated with your current professional position. It might be worthwhile to explore your feelings instead of ignoring them. Taking the time to understand why you are frustrated could give you food for thought about what you could do differently. It could be time to change your schedule, routine, or even your job. The choice will be yours to make!"
- libra,dating,"Instead of focusing on the bigger picture, pay attention to nature today, including the sky, the clouds, and the foliage around you. It's corny, but your goodwill toward the world is meaningful."
- scorpio,daily,"The Taurus moon connects with Mars and Saturn early this morning, dear Scorpio, adding a little extra pep in your step. Ride these elevated vibes as you continue through the day, inviting in all things exciting and sweet. An expansive energy offers blessings within matters of the heart when Jupiter stirs this afternoon, especially when you take a harmonious approach toward seeking or maintaining love. These vibes also pair well with personal pampering, nudging you toward a bit of self-care. A playful buzz lingers in the air later today when Luna and Uranus unite, helping you embrace unconventional dynamics."
- scorpio,love,"As a fixed sign, you can be rather rigid in your particular lifestyle and perspective on life, Scorpio. Right now, our Great Benefic, Jupiter, is also orbiting within a fellow fixed sign—Taurus. This will encourage you to be more grounded, practical, and realistic in everything that you build—particularly in regard to your personal life, domestic life, and relationships. Luckily, with Jupiter in the zodiac sign of the bull, you may even have more opportunities to manifest abundance and prosperity in your life and bank accounts. Talk with your sweetheart about how you can build your wealth!"
- scorpio,work,"Do you feel creatively stifled, Scorpio? Making something legendary is challenging, especially with the pressure of Mars in Pisces forming a conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. You could feel unsure of yourself, your ideas, and your talent. Since this could be challenging to work through, you may need to take a step back from your passion projects. You may feel disappointed after temporarily walking away. But taking a step back could help you clear your mind. You might find inspiration and confidence in your projects when you stop putting yourself under so much pressure."
- scorpio,dating,Suddenly everything you wanted has started coming your way. Part of that is luck. But the other part is your skill and persistence. You've done a great job making sure all your dreams come true!
- sagittarius,daily,"Invest in your future by working hard toward goals both long-term and immediate, dear Archer, as the moon continues its journey through Taurus. Use this energy to establish better habits that promote wellness and productive workflows, focusing on smart routines and better time management. Teamwork could get you further when Jupiter stirs this afternoon, bringing an optimistic energy to the table that's ideal for seeking growth alongside your peers. Consider breaking free from your typical patterns when Luna and Uranus unite later today, nudging you to try something new if it's rooted in healthy living."
- sagittarius,love,"As our Great Benefic, Jupiter, dances in a zodiac sign ruled by Venus, you’ll be loving the vibe, Sagittarius. This is because there will be more Venusian energy radiating through the cosmos! As Jupiter expands everything that he touches, he will empower everyone with a greater desire for beauty, harmony, and luxury. These traits entice you deeply, so you can find that you're attracting more abundance everywhere that you go. Harness this glow and embrace your authenticity. You're ready for glorious, good vibes at every turn!"
- sagittarius,work,"Feelings of guilt and anger may find you today, Sagittarius. You may be extra hard on yourself for sacrificing personal time for your career path when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. It could be challenging to overcome these feelings since you might be upset with yourself for missing out on life. Instead of wallowing, you could use this cosmic energy to turn your work-life balance around. You could request a different schedule, take more time off, and establish strong boundaries to enjoy your life outside your career path."
- sagittarius,dating,"Follow your mood today. If you're not feeling up to your dinner plans, cancel them. You want to be your best. It's okay to stay home and recharge every now and then."
- capricorn,daily,"Follow your passions as the moon continues its journey through Taurus, dear Sea-goat, nudging you to live life authentically. Now is the time to nurture the qualities that make you stand out, allowing yourself to be seen when Jupiter stirs this afternoon. These vibes will help you gain positive attention, so be sure to embrace the spotlight. This cosmic climate also brings a whisper of luck to the air, giving you a chance to further personal goals as your star rises. Break free from your comfort zone later today when Luna and Uranus unite, bringing along your closest friends for the adventure."
- capricorn,love,"With our Great Benefic, glorious Jupiter, in a fellow earth sign, you’re feeling aligned with the entire universe, Capricorn. This is because all of Taurus' earthy energies are now radiating exponentially through the cosmos. You tend to be grounded, practical, and realistic about life, and you'll find that these energies are even further amplified not only within you but all others at this time. From now until the end of May 2024, you can find that people are acting with greater integrity and graciousness and may even be of a more giving nature. Gratitude will get you far now!"
- capricorn,work,"Do not let anyone get you down, Capricorn. You may have a conversation that leaves you feeling lackluster when Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces. A coworker or friend may say something that makes you feel disappointed about work matters. You could even hit a dead end if you are trying to plan something. It might be initially frustrating to move past. However, you could always try to find the silver lining by redirecting your focus to other working relationships, topics of interest, and ideas. Find something positive to focus on."
- capricorn,dating,"A couple things are on the table for your consideration. Instead of trying to put off dealing with them, you should just get them over with now. At least you'll feel a sense of accomplishment."
- aquarius,daily,"Go slow while listening to your heart and mind, dear Aquarius, as the Taurus moon heightens emotions. Your physical self will respond more immediately to the people and situations you encounter, putting you in a compassionate yet sensitive headspace. Don't be afraid to love freely when Jupiter stirs this afternoon, investing fully into those who fill your cup with as much enthusiasm as you do theirs. Plan on doing something exciting from the comfort of home later today when Luna and Mars unite, marking the perfect excuse to redecorate, host a game night, or try a new recipe."
- aquarius,love,"With our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, spinning like honeybees through the flower fields of Taurus, you’re feeling blessed and supported by the entire universe, Aquarius. Whenever a major planet or celestial object dances through an earth sign, you begin to sing a whole new tune. The best part about Jupiter is that he always expands that which each zodiac sign he moves through embodies. For instance, since Taurus has a great tie to self-esteem, self-worth, and how we express our authentic self-image, you will find a greater focus on these themes now until the end of May 2024. Luckily, you could feel more confident, grounded, and grateful for who you are!"
- aquarius,work,"Financial frustrations may pop up today, Aquarius. As Mars in Pisces conjuncts Saturn in Pisces, you may feel increasingly frustrated with your finances. It could feel impossible to be financially stable or secure at times. Since this could be an initially frustrating transit, you should embrace your annoyances. The first step to making a difference is accepting and working through how you feel. Once you do so, you could turn your anger into motivation. You have what it takes to go after new financial avenues, stick to a budget, and reach your goals."
- aquarius,dating,"You've had fun, but the chores have piled up, so get cracking! The only way to move on is to focus on the things you've been ignoring for the past few days. It'll be a relief once it's all done."
- pisces,daily,"Take in your surroundings with a sense of curiosity, dear Pisces, as the moon continues its journey through grounded Taurus. Practicing gratitude can lead to unexpected blessings when Jupiter stirs this afternoon, so be sure to keep a positive attitude. This cosmic climate also lends aid to your manifestation skills when you use your voice and establish stable foundations. Exciting information could change your perspective later today when Luna and Uranus unite, so be sure to stay socially available. This energy is also ideal for changing up your conversations and opening the door toward enlightenment and new friendships."
- pisces,love,"Whenever our Great Benefic, mighty Jupiter, dances through an earth sign, you love the vibes, Pisces. This is because Jupiter expands everything that he touches, and the earth element nourishes, supports, and invigorates you. In fact, you feel more grounded and supported by the universe on every single level. During Jupiter’s flight through Taurus—which echoes until the end of May 2024—you’ll be ready to build your entire life and your relationships like a garden. Before you know it, you could feel like your entire reality is blooming! Call in the abundance! Manifest it!"
- pisces,work,"Are you your own worst enemy, Pisces? It might feel like that when Mars in your sign conjuncts Saturn in your sign. You may have to confront your own limitations and self-sabotaging behaviors that could hinder your professional progress. As you explore these notions, try to do so with self-love and self-compassion. Beating yourself up may not get you very far. So, being kind to yourself during this process will make it easier for you to be self-accountable and self-aware. By doing so, you can help improve your ability to take control of your career path!"
- pisces,dating,"Creativity figures strongly in your day, so do music and the performing arts. Find some way to incorporate romance in all this. Maybe a date to the opera? Things will turn out smashingly."
- aries,daily,"The moon enters Gemini to bring forth your inquisitive side, dearest Ram, supporting your intellect and conversational skills. Share ideas on a larger scale when Luna blows a kiss to Pluto, connecting with your community far and wide. Acquaintances could evolve into friendships under this cosmic climate, making it a good time to socialize. Try not to be discouraged if the past makes a resurgence later today when Mars forms an unbalanced connection to the South Node, considering how you can grow beyond history. You'll command adoration with ease when you speak up this evening and Luna aspects Venus."
- aries,love,"Today is bringing rather splendid cosmic energy for you, Aries. Despite the tumultuous energy of Mercury retrograde, today actually promises clearer skies. Of all the zodiac signs, you will be granted the greatest luck, too! Mental Mercury is dancing like flower petals on a spring breeze through your zodiac sign and is drawing closer to the mighty sun—also transiting your solar first house of identity. This ensures that you will have great mental breakthroughs and a very active day ahead! Listen to your intuition and deeply contemplate where you stand in your romantic life. You will be given an opportunity to speak up for what matters most to you."
- aries,work,"A breakthrough may occur today, Aries. Since April 1, Mercury retrograde has caused you to be more conscientious of your professionalism, identity, and appearance. You might have struggled with insecurity during this time. Luckily, you might have an idea of what you can do to build your confidence back up when Mercury retrograde in your sign conjuncts the sun in your sign. You may realize what you need to change to feel good about yourself as a hardworking professional. Build yourself up during this cosmic energy to feel more self-assured in your work life."
- aries,dating,You and you-know-who have been flirting for a while now. The big question is will it ever turn into something more? Make your move today. Invite them to do something with you in the near future.
- taurus,daily,"The moon takes its final steps through your sign, dearest Taurus, migrating into chatty Gemini and your solar second house early this morning. You should feel more alert and connected with the present, using this luminary placement as an opportunity to ground and focus on manifestation. Step into more authoritative roles when it comes to pursuing success when Pluto stirs, offering empowerment when you dare to push the envelope. Watch out for distraction when Mars and the South Node form an unbalanced connection, threatening to put you behind at work. Do something luxurious to calm the mind when Luna aspects Venus later tonight."
- taurus,love,"Profound and powerful revelations could be coming to you today, Taurus. This is because mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet, is dancing into a conjunction with the mighty sun. Both of them will be meeting in your solar twelfth house of the unconscious, meaning your dreams could be revealing deeply important wisdom and insight in regards to where you currently stand in your romantic life. Listen to what the universe is telling you, as your intuition will be right on the nose. If you sense something is great, you’re right. If you sense something is wrong, you’re also right."
- taurus,work,"What do you need to work on, Taurus? Your mental health may be more strained ever since Mercury stationed retrograde on April 1. Work stressors, financial strains, and coworkers may weigh more heavily on you. Since it could be more challenging to maneuver, you may need to change how you cope. Luckily, you may have a breakthrough in what you can work on when Mercury retrogrades in Aries and conjuncts the sun in Aries. Maybe you need a mental health day to regroup, or it could be time to change your habits to alleviate your mental load at work."
- taurus,dating,"Certain flirtatious individuals might not know how to take eye contact to the next level. Coyness is adorable, isn't it? It's on your shoulders to strike up a conversation."
- gemini,daily,"Words of wisdom could find you through the dream realms, dear Gemini, as the Taurus moon connects with Neptune before drifting into your sign. Your intuition continues to grow when Luna blows a kiss to Pluto, helping you better understand the quiet mysteries of our universe, especially when you tap into your spirituality. This energy also creates movement on your path toward self-improvement, nudging you to lean into transformation. Be mindful of any self-restricting patterns you've been repeating when Mars and the South Node form an unbalanced connection, taking care to break these cycles. Your social sphere benefits from a cosmic uplifting when Venus stirs later tonight."
- gemini,love,"Prepare for an exhilarating day, Gemini. Despite navigating the topsy-turvy energy of Mercury retrograde, today is going to be much more fluid with clearer energy for you to face. Mental Mercury, the planet of logic and communication and your planetary ruler, will dance into the heart of the mighty sun. This is known as a conjunction. This will give you excellent clarity, insight, and wisdom. Listen to what your intuitive and emotional messages are telling you, and find a way to articulate that to those that you care about. When it comes to your romantic life, this may be a great day to discuss your long-term goals and aspirations with your sweetheart."
- gemini,work,"Who can you trust in your work life, Gemini? You might have been unsure about a few connections in your greater professional community since Mercury stationed retrograde on April 1. Someone might be acting strangely these past few weeks. Since your suspicions are up, you may have some sort of breakthrough when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries today. The connection could do or say something that confirms what you were picking up on. Better yet, they could also do something that puts your worries or suspicions to rest."
- gemini,dating,"Save yourself the energy and try not to get involved. Some of your friends might be squabbling, but it's nothing that won't go away in a day or two. Stay neutral and bygones will be bygones soon."
- cancer,daily,"Spiritual visitations could find you in the dream realms, dear Cancer, thanks to a sweet connection between the Taurus moon and Neptune early this morning. Ground in your subconscious once Luna migrates into Gemini, pushing you to seek new personal truths. You'll have a chance to go deep with someone important when Luna and Pluto align, giving you a chance to transform the way you see one another. New commitments could also be on the horizon, though you should avoid showing all your cards at once. Practice self-care while meditating on your long-term goals when Venus stirs later tonight."
- cancer,love,"Despite the ongoing energy of Mercury retrograde, today is bringing a calm in the earthquake, Cancer. In fact, you will likely enjoy today quite a bit as mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, slow dances up into the heart of the mighty sun. While this technically could bring a lot of your attention to your public standing, long-term goals, and ambitions, this would be a good time to assess how you can make love a part of your legacy. Talk with your partner about how you can both work as a team to build the empire you’ve always wanted."
- cancer,work,"What do you want to do with your career path, Cancer? You might have been in a tailspin these last few weeks thanks to Mercury retrograde. Since April 1, you might have felt unsure about your career path, success, and reputation. Thankfully, you have a chance to lay some worries to rest when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries. The conjunction may provide you with much-needed clarity. You may feel like you know what to do with your career path, and could feel better about how you are known in your industry."
- cancer,dating,"For a while there you were working your magic from behind the scenes, but all of a sudden the spotlight is on you. Just keep doing what you've always done. And don't forget to smile!"
- leo,daily,"Your social antenna goes up as the moon enters chatty Gemini, sweet Lion, putting you in a friendly and outgoing mood. Use this energy to forge new alliances while continuing to invest in relationships you hope to strengthen. Matters of the heart also benefit from a cosmic boost when Luna blows a kiss to Pluto, and technology can help bring you closer to your latest crush. If you're already coupled up, consider using this energy to merge friend groups or share connections. Look for camaraderie with your spiritual or philosophical community later tonight when Venus activates to promote soul bonds."
- leo,love,"Dance through the heavenly fields before your feet today, Leo. Today should bring a much more pleasant vibe despite the continued gale of Mercury’s retrograde phase. Mental Mercury, our comic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is rolling backward to meet the mighty sun in your solar ninth house of expansion. This would be a magnificent day to plan long-distance travel with your sweetheart or even set off on a trip. With these two powerhouses united, you’re ensured to see all of the details and have an exhilarating time!"
- leo,work,"Moving forward is not easy, Leo. Since April 1, you may have felt unsure about your professional journey thanks to Mercury retrograde. This retrograde could have caused you to feel unsure about your next steps. You may have experienced more troubles with traveling, relocating, or taking on new experiences for your line of work. Luckily, you may have a breakthrough today when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries. You may have some sort of idea of what you want to do next during this transit. It could point you in the right direction with your professional journey."
- leo,dating,"You're feeling great, and your thoughts are clearer today than they have been in a long time. Plus, you've been honing your aim. Now you just have to figure out who to go after."
- virgo,daily,"A harmonious and spiritually charged energy washes over you in the very early hours, dear Virgo, as the Taurus moon and Neptune align. Allow your optimism to grow by acknowledging pleasant dreams or taking a few moments in quiet contemplation before starting the day. As Luna begins her journey through curious Gemini, you'll be looking for ways to further educate yourself in professional matters. Invest in your mind by cultivating new skills when Pluto stirs, gaining more experience as you climb to great heights. Reflect on what you hope to manifest as Venus activates tonight, implementing new structures to help you reach long-term aspirations."
- virgo,love,"Get ready for gorgeous revelations today, Virgo. In fact, you are likely to see major mental breakthroughs or discussions around intimacy, sexuality, or even shared assets. Working as a team with your significant other will be of paramount concern. The best part of this is that you could truly make sure that you're growing and prospering together—as well as seeing eye to eye. If, for some reason, you've been going through a separation from a partner, you may finally reach a settlement and agree to terms today. Finally, you can both proceed to the next level as you leave the pain behind."
- virgo,work,"What can you do differently, Virgo? You may have felt like you are in a financial tailspin these last few weeks. Ever since Mercury stationed retrograde on April 1, you may have struggled to feel empowered and in control of your money. Luckily, you could break free from this when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries. The conjunction might help you figure out what you can do to change your financial course of action. You may realize that you have to course-correct your habits or financial patents to create more abundance in your life."
- virgo,dating,"It's okay to rely on your friends for support when you're out on a limb, but flirting with you-know-who isn't a bad move either. Be casual about it and they won't even pick up on what's happening."
- libra,daily,"As the moon drifts into Gemini and the sector of your chart that governs higher thinking, you'll notice your perspective shift as wisdom blossoms. Use this energy to look beyond yourself and your current situation, sweet Libra, peering beyond the veil to receive guidance and blessings from the divine. The desire to reinvent yourself and grow as a creative will be pronounced when Luna blows a kiss to Pluto, encouraging you to evolve into something bigger. You'll have a chance to merge spirituality with romance or self-care later tonight when Venus activates to promote harmony and soul fulfillment."
- libra,love,"One of the most important periods of the year for partnership has arrived, Libra. Mental Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, will slowly take the hand of the sun and join in a sweet embrace. This will take place directly across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnerships. This means that if you'd like to have a heart-to-heart, make a promise, finalize an agreement, or truly see eye to eye, the two of you could forge a pact that lasts forever. If single, use this energy to set up dates with suitors who possess long-term potential and are also looking for the one."""
- libra,love,"One of the most important periods of the year for partnership has arrived, Libra. Mental Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, will slowly take the hand of the sun and join in a sweet embrace. This will take place directly across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of partnerships. This means that if you'd like to have a heart-to-heart, make a promise, finalize an agreement, or truly see eye to eye, the two of you could forge a pact that lasts forever. If single, use this energy to set up dates with suitors who possess long-term potential and are also looking for the one."""""
- libra,work,"What do you want to do with your commitments, Libra? Ever since Mercury stationed retrograde on April 1, you may have had second thoughts about your arrangements. You could have felt unsure about your partnerships, contracts, responsibilities, and more these last few weeks. Thankfully, you may have some sort of breakthrough about what you want to do when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries today. The conjunction could give you food for thought about how you want to handle your commitments and working relationships from here on out."
- libra,dating,"You can't run a marathon every day. Some days you have to settle for a walk around the block. And besides, the walk around the block can be really beautiful. Ease up a bit."
- scorpio,daily,"Your wits sharpen as the moon migrates into Gemini, dear Scorpio, helping you gain awareness of your current situation and what must change. Consider how destruction can act as a form of nurturing and self-preservation when Pluto activates, finding the strength to let go of that or who is no longer serving your highest good. Try not to revert to any habits or thought processes that have led to self-doubt in the past as Mars and the South Node form an unbalanced connection. Luckily, you'll feel inspired to step into more elevated behaviors and routines when Venus stirs later tonight."
- scorpio,love,"Don’t worry about Mercury retrograde drama today, Scorpio. In fact, good news lies ahead! Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, is going to cozy up with the mighty sun today. This ensures that you’ll have clear communication with everyone at this time—and could even have a profound heart-to-heart with your one and only. In fact, discussing your work-life balance with your partner and how you can make more time for romance and fun may be an excellent use of this energy. Remember that pleasure isn't a reward. It should always be present in our lives."
- scorpio,work,"It might be time to change something in your work life, Scorpio. You may have felt like something has to give since Mercury retrograde began on April 1. Maybe the stressors at work are showing you that you need to change your habits, routine, or even your job. But you may not know where to start or what to do. Luckily, you could have a breakthrough in your work life when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries today. The cosmic energy may help you figure out what you need to change to be successful."
- scorpio,dating,"The world is vast and beautiful. Let yourself get lost in a daydream about an exotic expedition, maybe across a couple of continents, to a land where you don't speak the language."
- sagittarius,daily,"Look toward the lighter side of life as the moon enters Gemini, dear Archer, opening pathways toward harmony and connection while activating the sector of your chart that governs love. Don't be afraid to reveal personal truths in order to establish mutual trust with someone special when Pluto stirs, encouraging you to hold profound conversations. You'll also have a chance to evolve your most important relationships through open and honest communication. Good vibes flow freely later this evening when Luna blows a kiss to Venus, providing an opportunity to have fun while receiving adoration as you embrace your most authentic and outgoing self."
- sagittarius,love,"Prepare for an absolutely gorgeous period today, Sagittarius. In fact, you'll be experiencing a glorious moment for true love, romance, and fertility! Mental Mercury, our cosmic messenger planet of the mind and communication, will caress the mighty sun and make love in your solar fifth house. This guarantees a significant breakthrough around matters of the heart for you, filling you with euphoria and sweetness. If single, do not waste this energy: set up a memorable date with a sweetheart, preferably close to water or dining out beneath the stars. You could soon realize you've found the one."
- sagittarius,work,"What can you do with your passion, Sagittarius? Figuring out your next steps has not been easy with Mercury retrograde going on the last few weeks. You may have experienced a creative blockage or felt unsure about pursuing an exciting opportunity in your work life. Thankfully, you may know what to do next after Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries today. The cosmic energy may encourage you to think about your professional passions and creative ventures in a new light. By the end of today, your creativity may resume with full force!"
- sagittarius,dating,"Everyone has different ideas about how things should go, especially you. And it's enough to drive a person crazy. For the sake of your relationships with everyone involved, be as flexible as possible."
- capricorn,daily,"Your eye for detail sharpens as the moon enters Gemini, dear Capricorn, giving you an edge when it comes to correcting errors, completing tasks, and turning in exceptional work. This luminary placement also promotes teamwork, nudging you to lean into stable partnerships around the office and share duties to get ahead as a unit. Your financial situation could also evolve under this cosmic climate as Pluto stirs, helping you find empowerment by asking for what you're worth. Carve out some time for healthy activities later tonight when Luna blows a kiss to Venus, pushing you to nurture and love yourself fully."
- capricorn,love,"Despite the ongoing storm of Mercury retrograde, you’re stepping toward clearer skies, Capricorn. As the clouds part, our cosmic messenger, Mercury, will slowly inch toward a conjunction with the mighty sun. As they grow closer, you’ll begin to feel clear-headed and gain flashes of insight and inspiration. This energy will gain momentum now. As Mercury stands in the heart of the sun, speak from the heart—especially around emotional matters—as the one who you wish to connect with will truly understand and hear you. The messages you say now hold great impact, so use this time wisely."
- capricorn,work,"Is it time to let go, Capricorn? You might have been more ruminative since Mercury stationed retrograde on April 1. These last few weeks might have been tough. You may have struggled with letting go of issues in your work life and moving forward. Luckily, you may catch a break when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries today. The conjunction could provide some much-needed relief. You may feel more light-hearted and less concerned with past professional ventures. Do not be afraid to move forward to achieve greater levels of success."
- capricorn,dating,"When you're trying to romance someone, you have to give them your undivided attention. Instead of trying to entertain the whole room, narrow your focus and concentrate on you-know-who."
- aquarius,daily,"Your sparkle returns as the moon enters Gemini, darling Water-bearer, putting you in a position to dazzle friends, colleagues, and love interests. Use this energy to take up space, seeking attention where you desire it most. Just be mindful to cultivate an air of mystery as you charge toward the limelight when Pluto stirs, helping you find empowerment through secrecy. Avoid spending impulsively when Mars and the South Node form an unbalanced connection, or you may miscalculate your budget. Allow your creative visions to flow into the material realms when Venus activates later tonight, prompting you to embrace artistic outlets."
- aquarius,love,"Take a deep breath today, Aquarius. Despite the mighty windstorms of Mercury retrograde, things are looking much clearer today. Even if you feel confused and uncertain, mental Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, will start to grow very close to the sun at this time. This will bring you the opportunity to have incredible mental breakthroughs and conversations about topics that are important to you and your sweetheart. If single, use this energy to send an engaging and sweet message to someone that you have your eyes on. They may begin a conversation with you that never ends."
- aquarius,work,"Talking is hard, Aquarius. These past few weeks might have been extremely frustrating due to Mercury retrograde. You may have struggled to follow along in your work discussions. Relaying information, being heard, and understanding what is going on might feel nearly impossible at times. Thankfully, you may have a breakthrough today when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries. The cosmic energy could help you figure out a way to alleviate some of the miscommunication to get through the remainder of the retrograde. Have faith that everything will work out!"
- aquarius,dating,"Your mind is telling you one thing, but your heart is telling you another. The one thing you've learned is don't pay attention to what your mind tells you. It will ruin things every time."
- pisces,daily,"Get in touch with your emotions as the moon migrates into Gemini, dear Pisces, bringing a thoughtful yet moody energy your way. Take a logical approach toward understanding yourself and your situation, considering where you need to focus more attention or grace. Time spent alone will benefit you greatly when Pluto activates, plunging you further into the depths of your mind, body, and spirit. Lean into the power of positive thinking and reciting mantras, changing yourself and your surroundings by nurturing ideas and calling in healing. Ignite your senses with luxury and self-care when Luna and Venus connect tonight."
- pisces,love,"Today is promising bright energy for you even though you’re in the midst of Mercury retrograde, Pisces. This is because our cosmic messenger, mental Mercury, will be uniting in a conjunction with the mighty sun. They will be joining forces in an area of your chart—your solar second house—that rules your morals and values and could allow you to do some deep soul-searching on these issues, especially regarding your personal and romantic life. Listen to your intuition and have a memorable heart-to-heart. Whoever you wish to connect with will very likely hear you on a whole new wavelength."
- pisces,work,"Money might be difficult right now, Pisces. You may have experienced more financial strain since Mercury stationed retrograde back on April 1. The last few weeks might have led to more financial insecurities and unexpected stressors. So, it might give you food for thought when Mercury retrograde in Aries conjuncts the sun in Aries today. You may realize that something has to change if you want to feel comfortable and secure. Think about what you can do within your means to create more financial stability in your life throughout the remainder of the retrograde."
- pisces,dating,All you want to do today is dream about you-know-who. You can't help it. You get mushy inside just thinking about your possible future together. Go ahead and indulge.
- aries,daily,"Your Sunday may not start as harmoniously as you'd hoped, darling Ram, as the Cancer moon and Venus square off to bring an emotional energy to the table. Setting boundaries will be important when navigating these vibes, especially when Luna connects with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate later today, which could intensify frustrations if conflict isn't skirted. Luckily, the energy elevates tonight when Mars stirs in your solar twelfth house, though it may be necessary to embrace solitude while reconnecting with personal passions. Nurture yourself by heading to bed at an early hour before the moon and Chiron square off."
- aries,love,"The moon will shiver and sing within the night sky, Aries. Our blessed Luna will swim through the tide pools of Cancer—her favorite place. With this falling in your solar fourth house, it is a magnificent time to snuggle up and spend some time at home. If single, perhaps have a mini get-together with some friends or invite a love interest over for some champagne and strawberries. For committed or married couples living with their partner, schedule a sweet date night with just you two."
- aries,work,"Do not make an emotionally charged decision if you can help it, Aries. You might be unsure about where to go with your professional commitments when the moon in Cancer squares the North Node in your sign and the South Node in Libra. The fateful squares might cause you to feel more frustrated and unsure of yourself. You could be up in the air about maintaining or letting go of a professional arrangement. Since your emotions will run high, you could feel spurred to act. Instead of impulsively deciding, take your time to consider what you could do."
- aries,dating,"This could be the best day you've had in a while. You feel fantastic and completely energized. You're in the mood for adventure. And an adventure is coming, so be ready for anything."
- taurus,daily,"Remember that words can hurt as the Cancer moon squares off with Venus, dear Bull, taking care to be gentle with yourself and others. You may struggle to feel seen when Luna squares off with the Nodes of Fate, though a helping hand from Saturn can provide a sense of community when you flow alongside family or friends. Social media feeds can also come in handy for fighting isolation, so don't hesitate to reach out to your online companions. Consider hitting the town to cap off the weekend when Mars activates this evening, being mindful to head home before your bedtime rolls in."
- taurus,love,"Look up into the great abyss of the divine today, Taurus. Our sweet moon will put you in your emotions and help you assess where your heart is. Whenever the moon is in Cancer, it is a wonderful moment to find peace and quiet. Plan a calm night in with your beloved, perhaps by the fireplace or cuddled up on the couch. You will have a deep need for security, to belong to someone who you love, and a desire to nurture those who you care for. Don't miss this lyrical moment to give and receive affection."
- taurus,work,"What will come up in conversation, Taurus? Read between the lines when the moon in Cancer squares the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. The cosmic energy will encourage you to pay attention to your context clues in your workplace discussions and exchanges. You may notice something that speaks to how your coworkers treat you and each other. An intuitive pull might also come up that could preface something to come into your work life. But the trick will be paying attention to what is happening instead of being in the middle of the action."
- taurus,dating,"A power struggle with a difficult person might ruffle your feathers. Take the high road and you'll be much happier when you think back on the event an hour or even a year later."
- gemini,daily,"You may feel disenchanted by society and your social media feeds as the Cancer moon and Venus square off, dear Gemini, which could cause you to disconnect. A stabilizing yet challenging energy takes hold later in the afternoon when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate, making it important that you prioritize acting responsibly. It might be necessary to take an authoritative approach toward setting boundaries or handling business, but try not to damage important connections. You'll feel inspired to chase new aspirations when Mars stirs tonight, though it'll be necessary to plant seeds and establish stable foundations."
- gemini,love,"Kiss the sky and whisper prayers to the moon today, Gemini. She will resonate throughout the cosmos and reach you to the core of your soul. As she swims upon the shallow beaches of Cancer, you will feel the instinctive need for peace and quiet. While you often like to race actively about, now may be a better time for healing or a family get-together. Your feelings will likely run deep at this time, so it could be a wonderful moment for you to cuddle up under some summer lights with your beloved. Embrace the moment and find the magic there."
- gemini,work,"What do you value, Gemini? As the moon in Cancer trines Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces, you might feel more reflective of your career path. Work opportunities for advancement and financial stability might come to mind today. You might be more attuned to what you truly need to feel secure, safe, and stable. It might be time to prioritize work opportunities that will pay for your skills and find financial opportunities that could help you meet your goals. Using your value system could help you improve your means of security!"
- gemini,dating,"Today can be a fantastic day, one of those days that reminds you how great your friends are and how fun it is to be surrounded by like-minded people. You haven't felt this good in a while, so embrace it!"
- cancer,daily,"The moon continues its journey through your sign today, dear Cancer, forming a hash square with Venus that could lead to ruffled feathers and increased pressure. Consider how setting restrictions or boundaries can help you expand when Saturn stirs later today, nudging you to cultivate healthy structures so you can focus on long-term aspirations. Just remember that progress takes time when the Nodes of Fate stir, even if you can't quite see the road ahead. A spark ignites within when Mars activates later tonight, helping you feel more motivated than ever to boldly chase your dreams."
- cancer,love,"You’ll be feeling deeply centered and at one with yourself today, Cancer. Your ruling luminary, the moon, will swim through your soul. Relationships often come to the forefront of your consciousness when she flutters her tail and moves through your solar first house—your zodiac sign—so this is a good moment to focus on where you personally stand within them. Dig deep into the truth that is whispering from within you. You may decide it's time to talk about your feelings or else make plans with someone new. Take the lead. You have the court now."
- cancer,work,"How do you feel about your work-life balance, Cancer? Work through your complicated emotions about your schedule when the moon in your sign squares the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. The fateful squares may make you feel like you cannot win. It could be challenging to make changes to pursue personal goals or professional ambitions. Since you might be tempted to make a change today, you may want to think about what you need to feel emotionally stable as you handle your work life and personal matters."
- cancer,dating,"It's not the best time to think about reaching for more. Focus on what you have and take care of the little problems that are dancing around you. Soon you can move on."
- leo,daily,"You'll revel in soft moments of peace and quiet as the Cancer moon aligns with Venus, dear Leo, unleashing your elusive and spiritual side. Use this energy to acknowledge where you're at energetically, taking steps to balance the mind, body, and soul. Uplifting yet intense vibes flow later today when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate, pushing you to set long-term goals around personal transformation. The more you invest in elevating yourself, the better off you'll be down the line. Passions flow when Mars stirs later tonight, bringing you closer to that special someone."
- leo,love,"A sweet and shimmering moon is spinning through the sky today, Leo. She will visit the zodiac sign of Cancer and blow bubbles from up above. Any transit of Cancer often brings out our nurturing and sensual side, so embrace this vibration if you catch its drift. Also, as this moment falls within your solar twelfth house, you could be highly reflective or even nostalgic. Contemplate how romance has played into your life throughout the previous month and where you’d like it to grow in the weeks ahead. Release your fears and enjoy some domestic magic."
- leo,work,"How can you handle your financial limitations, Leo? You may have to work through your subconscious outlook on your money matters when the moon in Cancer trines Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces. The watery energy might be more emotional, so you may feel strongly about your financial capabilities. You might be unhappy with your current state. Maybe you are upset with your debt-to-income ratio, credit score, or lack of financial resources. Instead of giving up, the watery trines could help you take action to feel emotionally secure with your financial matters."
- leo,dating,"Suddenly everyone is paying you compliments. You knew you were doing good things, but it feels great to be validated by other people, especially by other interesting single people."
- virgo,daily,"Be wary of anyone who attempts to get too close too fast, dear Virgo, as the Cancer moon squares off with Venus. You won't be in the mood for overly dramatic displays of affection, preferring a slower approach toward intimacy. Prioritize your own sense of balance by socializing with those who lift you up later today when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate. If you're burnt out on communing with others, use this energy to cleanse the aura with a bit of self-care. Matters of the heart will be easier to navigate later tonight when Mars ignites passion."
- virgo,love,"A whistling moon will flutter her fins like a stingray within the sky today, Virgo. She will visit the zodiac sign of Cancer—lighting up the night from within your solar eleventh house. Because of this and how it blends so well with your element, you'll likely hear from many friends. This could be a magnificent time to attend an event in person or over Zoom. Gather some pals and reminisce on the good times you've had. Have your partner tag along to join in the festive mood. However, this same moon phase could help singles find someone who tickles their fancy if they are open to searching online, joining a dating website, or even checking out an app."
- virgo,work,"Who could you connect with, Virgo? There might be a chance to reach out to an older, established colleague when the moon in Cancer trines Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces. If you have been waiting to reconnect, then now is the time to do it! You could use this cosmic energy as a boost of confidence to reach out. Then again, the colleague could make an effort to contact you first. Once the conversation gets rolling, it may feel like no time has passed since you guys last connected."
- virgo,dating,"A lot is happening today, and trying to get everything done in the order you want is going to drive you nuts. Go with the flow and the day will speed by. It's all about giving up control."
- libra,daily,"The Cancer moon squares off with Venus, your planetary ruler, creating a tense environment that could dramatically impact your romantic sphere or professional allies. If the vibe heats up, look for opportunities to pull away. Focusing on your to-do lists and personal errands can provide a reprieve from uncomfortable dynamics when Saturn stirs later today, assisting in your quest to set boundaries and recalibrate. However, you'll want to avoid a stoic approach toward asking for space when the Nodes of Fate stir, or you could encounter pushback. The energy elevates tonight when Mars activates, helping you close out the weekend with wellness practices."
- libra,love,"As the moon spins between scattered clouds, she will peer down at you today, Libra. As she visits Cancer, also known as your solar tenth house of professional achievement, you’ll likely find yourself fixating on work. However, whenever she visits this water sign, Luna also encourages us to embrace a lovely domestic vibration. Pop open some champagne, whip up a delicious meal, and dance with your dearest. What a magical way to grow closer with your sweetheart! You often know exactly how to find the perfect work-life balance, so use your famous grace right now."
- libra,work,"Do you want to shift gears in your work life, Libra? You may not like who or what you are associated with when the moon in Cancer squares the North Node in Aries and the South Node in your sign. The lunar squares could indicate that a fated change needs to take place. You may have to adjust who you work with and what you are responsible for if you want to change your professional legacy. After all, your commitments will play a huge role in your reputation and accomplishments. So, focus on the ones that matter the most!"
- libra,dating,"It turns out that everyone looks up to you today. People you didn't think knew you existed could suddenly come out of the woodwork with kind words. Isn't it flattering to be so well regarded?"
- scorpio,daily,"Remember to take care of yourself by seeking spiritual fulfillment and making time for self-care, dear Scorpio, as the Cancer moon squares off with Venus. You'll feel tempted to run in many directions at once when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate later this afternoon, though overfilling your to-do lists could cause you to miss important steps or trigger disorganization. You'll perk up with a newfound sense of passion when Mars activates later tonight, nudging you to unleash creative potential in fresh and interesting ways. This energy also lends aid to your romantic affairs, heating up your connections."
- scorpio,love,"As the moon swims into the shallows of a fellow water sign, she will find glittering shells with your heart emblazoned on them, Scorpio. Whenever the moon transits Cancer, she so sweetly encourages you to open your spirit and pursue intellectual adventure with your dearest. Plan a simple and sweet date night with your partner where you enjoy each other’s hearts and bodies as the moonbeams rain down from heaven above. These are the moments that make life worth living and so often become the jewels we keep in a locket."
- scorpio,work,"How far can you go, Scorpio? It might be time to pursue a passion project when the moon in Cancer trines Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces. The watery energy will compliment your artistry and visionary process. You may feel more attuned to your passion projects, talents, and ideas now more than ever. Since your creativity will be heightened, it could be time to take your talents seriously. Your skills could pave the way in your professional journey if you have faith in them. Take action and see where a creative endeavor may lead."
- scorpio,dating,"Someone could be difficult today. You'll do just fine, but one thing is for certain: this is not the day to get into a long discussion with anyone. Play it cool. You'll be glad you did."
- sagittarius,daily,"Watch out for power struggles and ego bruises this morning, dear Sagittarius, as the temperamental Cancer moon squares off with Venus. Put disharmony in check later today when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate, nurturing yourself and supportive dynamics while moving away from tension. This energy also marks the perfect time to bring order to your home, though you may be required to forgo fun while getting back on track domestically. Embrace movement as a way to shake off stress or stagnant energy later this evening when the moon blows a kiss to passionate Mars."
- sagittarius,love,"The dazzling moon will offer wisdom tonight as she visits your solar eighth house of intimacy and trust, Sagittarius. She will ignite your urge to merge. While you will certainly be deep in your feelings, you could face the realization of whether or not you are getting the support you need in your relationship. Assess the give and take between you now. For those who are committed, if you are not having your needs met, you may decide to talk about it. Know that leading with sensitivity and grace will get you quite far in matters of love now. Sharing is an art form."
- sagittarius,work,"A lifestyle change might be in order, Sagittarius. Financial improvement is possible when the moon in Cancer trines Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces. However, it might only be possible if you change things in your personal life. You may have to curtail some of your spending and stick to a budget to see a difference in your finances. By doing so, you may notice that it is much easier to save money and even pay off some of your debt. As a result, you may notice a substantial improvement in your finances and lifestyle over time."
- sagittarius,dating,"Good fortune is smiling down on you. Even if you bought the cheapest tickets you could find, you might be randomly bumped up to first class. It's just one of those insanely special days."
- capricorn,daily,"Your feelings could get rocky when it comes to matters of the heart, dearest Sea-goat, when the watery Cancer moon squares off with Venus. This energy also threatens to trigger tension within familiar or domestic affairs, and it may be difficult to maintain compassion. Take a logical approach toward conflict resolution when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate later this afternoon, doing your best to understand others while demonstrating emotional intelligence. The ambiance elevates this evening when Mars activates, helping you initiate stimulating conversations that are sure to bring you and your loved ones closer together."
- capricorn,love,"As the moon spins like a mermaid across the sky from you today, she will whisper softly from your solar seventh house of partnerships, Capricorn. This may encourage you to take a deep, emotional look at where you stand with your sweetie. The sweet vibes could feel like spiritual magic enticing you to cuddle up, laugh, or share at this point. If single, you'll be feeling the urge to find your special person, so set up a date with someone who intrigues your heart. Listen to it. Take your time in love. Remember: there is no hurry."
- capricorn,work,"Follow your gut feelings, Capricorn. Pay attention to how you feel about the commitments you have at work and home when the moon in Cancer squares the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. You might feel unsure about what to prioritize. There could be professional opportunities that you want to pursue and personal goals that you feel strongly about. But this could be challenging since you might feel guilty if you pursue one thing over another. Work through how you feel to figure out what you want to prioritize."
- capricorn,dating,"The way to get through your day and maintain a modicum of sanity is to keep to yourself and hold your tongue. It's maddening, but it's true. You can tell a close friend how you really feel later."
- aquarius,daily,"Your mind could misfire if your wellness routines have fallen to the wayside, dear Aquarius, as the Cancer moon and Venus remind you of the importance of self-care. The cosmos stir later this afternoon when Luna aligns with Saturn and the Nodes of Fate, and issues could arise if you dish out unsolicited advice, which could cause others to feel criticized. Focus on teamwork rather than individual responsibilities to avoid tension. Lay the groundwork for your next bold move this evening when the moon blows a kiss to Mars, igniting your passions and an unrelenting work ethic."
- aquarius,love,"The whispering moon has thrown on her favorite dress and is spinning within the night, Aquarius. She will transit Cancer, the zodiac sign that she rules. You will have a sudden urge for peace, calm, and quiet. Embrace it, and you will be so glad that you did. This particular influence will urge you to spend time with someone who makes you feel safe and like you belong. Your feelings will run as deep as the ocean now, so don't run from what they're telling you. A sweet heart-to-heart could be exactly what the two of you are looking for."
- aquarius,work,"It might be time to give yourself more, Aquarius. You may feel strongly about making a change at work to improve your finances when the moon in Cancer trines Mars in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces. The watery trine will encourage you to reflect on what you want to achieve. Your main priority could be long-term financial security and stability. If this is the case, then it might be time to make a change in your work life. Maybe you should look into a side hustle that will bring in extra cash or a better-paying professional position."
- aquarius,dating,"You find out that your big idea is good to go, and you feel a surge of energy that might help you figure out what you want to do next. It could lead to a big change of plans for you."
- pisces,daily,"Avoid overspending on ego-related items as the Cancer moon squares off with Venus, dear Pisces, accentuating your desire to be fashionable and on-trend. You'll find more satisfaction in refining your image through creative pursuits when Saturn stirs later today, encouraging you to view passion projects with a newfound sense of responsibility. Unfortunately, a harsh t-square with the Nodes of Fate could inspire unwise investments, and it'll be important to remember that the tools do not make the artist. Use what you have available instead of shopping for more. Your tenacious spirit shines through this evening when Mars activates."
- pisces,love,"As the moon scuttles across the sky, you'll be feeling giddy for love, Pisces. Whenever the moon visits Cancer, not only does she radiate from the depths of a fellow water sign, but she energizes your solar fifth house of romance and passion. This may bring happy blessings your way! Get in touch with your greatest sensitivity and consider doing something dazzlingly romantic. If single, you could set up a date with someone charming or cross paths with someone just your type. Those in committed relationships may feel the urge to have a bit of fun and bring the spark back into their rapport or work on conceiving a child. Open your heart now so you can hear it sing."
- pisces,work,"What could you create, Pisces? Untap your creativity when the moon in Cancer trines Mars in your sign and Saturn in your sign. The watery energy will encourage you to unleash your imagination. If you have been visualizing a creative venture or idea for a while, then it might be time to flesh it out. Do not restrict yourself because you are unsure if it will become a successful passion project. Just let your creativity flow to see where it goes. You might surprise yourself with what you have come up with by the end of today!"
- pisces,dating,"You have a right to your opinions, but not everyone wants to hear it. Stick to your own game plan and let others tend to theirs. The less you get involved, the better it'll be for everyone."
- aries,daily,"Creative whimsy fills the day, sweet Ram, as the warming Leo moon encourages you to be outgoing, artistic, and authentically free. The temptation to forgo responsibilities in order to have fun will be pronounced, though you should be mindful of what you need to both stay on track and feel elevated. Find joy as each hour passes, lightening the mood whenever serious situations or important tasks pop up. Connecting with friends will also comfort your mind, body, and spirit, energizing you with each positive interaction. Invest in passion projects before heading to bed, allowing your heart to sing."
- aries,love,"You’ll enjoy a super dose of sexual attractiveness now in the many days ahead, Aries. As your planetary ruler, Mars, the red planet of sex, desire, and lust, continues to shake it up in the sky, you'll feel exuberant and ready to put yourself out there. Your magnetism and light will radiate a thousandfold as he links to glorious Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion, and magnificence. Use this energy to take the lead in your personal, romantic, and sex life. You'll be glad that you did because people could soon be on their knees begging for a chance to love you."
- aries,work,"What do you feel strongly about, Aries? Reflect on what you feel drawn to pursuing when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. The intense opposition will encourage you to reflect on using your creativity, self-expression, and aspirations in your career path. There might be something that you cannot wait to do any longer. You should begin a new passion project during this incredible cosmic energy since you have the endurance and desire to do so. Do not deny yourself the creative freedom and fulfillment that will come from pursuing a dream."
- aries,dating,"A friend or maybe an ex needs something from you that you should totally give up if you can. You might resent it a little, but in the end you'll be glad you did. There's big karma in it for you."
- taurus,daily,"The Leo moon illuminates the sector of your chart that governs private life, dear Taurus, asking you to focus on the health of your home and familiar bonds. Use this energy to bring brightness wherever you go, looking for opportunities to raise the vibration. Buried feelings could also come to the forefront of your mind as the stars nudge you to nurture the emotional body. Embrace the people, foods, and activities that offer the most comfort, and consider reconnecting with your inner child. Sweet nostalgia carries you into the evening, helping you soothe old wounds while supporting your current self."
- taurus,love,"Ignite like a wildfire, Taurus. The entire cosmos is favoring you and your passions now. You will have the courage and dynamic energy to conquer like the royalty that you are. As mighty Mars, the planet of sex, courage, and passion, links in a sextile to the Great Benefic, Jupiter, now spinning like a god in your solar first house of identity—your zodiac sign—you will feel competitive to build your love life like you deserve the greatest romance the world has ever seen. Use your words in the many days ahead and command like they are a magic spell, and watch as everyone bows at your knees."
- taurus,work,"There is a lot of pressure on you, Taurus. You may feel like the weight of the world rests on your shoulders when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. Since this opposition is intense, you may feel like you cannot handle things in your career path or at home. It could be challenging to maneuver since you have a lot on your plate—not to mention that there are high expectations of you in your career path. Since this could be a lot, you may need to find some sort of outlet to help you decompress."
- taurus,dating,"You're in the mood to get closer to someone. It doesn't have to be romantic, but it will be great for both of you if it is. Make sure you two are on the same wavelength before you move in."
- gemini,daily,"Your chipper, chatty self shines through today, dearest Gemini, as the Leo moon puts you in a communicative and open headspace. Use this energy to invest further in dynamics that bring out the best in you, understanding how important your attention truly is. Your words carry more weight than usual under this luminary placement, and you'll want to keep a kind disposition. Avoid gossip or downplaying your own worth, staying positive to avoid drama. The Leo energy at play could lead to inflated egos, so be sure to tread carefully when it comes to temperamental, overly serious, or sensitive peers."
- gemini,love,"Prepare to feel your internal passions ignite now and in the many days ahead, Gemini. Mighty Mars, the planet of sex and drive, will dance in the center of a fire tornado with the Great Benefic, Jupiter, sending you glorious blessings from beyond the veil. Now is the perfect time to brainstorm how you can build the most fabulous and ferocious love story you've ever imagined. Don't be limited by your past or what other people think you should have—go forth. Speak your wishes into existence."
- gemini,work,"How do you move forward, Gemini? It could be challenging to know when to move on. But there might be undeniable signs to make a move in your professional journey when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. You may feel like you have outgrown your current position in your career path. Maybe it is the job itself or the place. Regardless of what it might be, you could use this cosmic energy as a push to go in a new direction. It might be scary, but ultimately, it is very fulfilling to try something new!"
- gemini,dating,"You need to get things started, but you don't have to worry about finishing them. There are plenty of people who will pick up your slack if you decide to leave early or start other new things."
- cancer,daily,"Greet the day by finding your gratitude, dear Cancer, as the Leo moon connects you deeply with your surroundings. This energy is perfect for establishing a sense of security within, elevating your heart while keeping you centered in the present. Money matters could also come into focus, and you'll find that it's easier to visualize the path toward manifestation. Sow seeds to grow a greater future, allowing yourself to take pride in these goals. These vibes also grant permission to indulge, giving you celestial permission to pull the trigger on any personal purchases you've been on the fence about."
- cancer,love,"You’ll be feeling fierce and fired up now and in the many days ahead, Cancer. As mighty Mars, the red planet of lust, desire, and sex, shoots a spicy glance over to glorious Jupiter, our planet of miracles and luck, you could find that opportunities for romance are around every corner! However, don't just bat your eyes at them; be sure to show the world that you're available and hungry for some loving! Flash your pearly whites and take the lead as you introduce yourself. Humor, charisma, and sexual magnetism will ooze from your body and soul."
- cancer,work,"Financial strains might feel like they are larger than life, Cancer. It might be tough to handle money matters with some emotional balance since the moon in Leo will oppose Pluto in Aquarius. The opposition will be incredibly intense and even extreme. So, it might bring up some tough feelings about your debts, assets, and other burdens. You might even have to work through some financial wounds and triggers if you feel out of control. Although this could be a lot to handle, it might encourage you to reflect on what you need to change to feel secure."
- cancer,dating,"Bad behavior is at an all-time high, but don't get parental on anyone just yet. Your people are acting like kids, and not in a fun or playful way. The weirdness should pass soon."
- leo,daily,"A light shines behind your eyes as the moon continues its journey through your sign, sweet Leo, helping you feel more at home within yourself and the universe. Use this energy to prioritize your personal goals, taking a break from catering to family and friends so you can focus on self-fulfilling prophecies. Your popularity rises under these cosmic conditions, helping you attract a higher caliber of friendships, romantic interests, or professional intrigue. Step into the limelight where you crave it most, easily gaining recognition to cultivate traction for the path that lies ahead. Just remember that you don't have to climb each mountain alone, seeking aid if needed."
- leo,love,"The cosmos is spinning in a scintillating and sizzling way now and in the many days ahead, Leo. Mighty Mars, the planet of sex, drive, and passion, will continue to explore the skies like a sojourner, and as he races along, he'll link in a glorious sextile to Jupiter, our Great Benefic and the planet of optimism and growth now dancing exuberantly in the heavens. A vibrant adventure may present itself before your feet. Your confidence will skyrocket, unleashing the fiery beast within! Let your libido run wild! You—and everyone else—will be ready for some pleasing!"
- leo,work,"How do you feel about your commitments, Leo? You may have to work through your feelings as the moon in your sign opposes Pluto in Aquarius. There might be a lot of pressure from your arrangements and partnerships. You could feel like this is challenging to maneuver since you are usually hardworking, dedicated, and loyal. But if something or someone feels like it is too much, then you may need to adjust. Do not be afraid to set boundaries with your coworkers or clients if you need to take some of the pressure off you."
- leo,dating,"You're all about the cuties right now, even if you're deep into something good with someone else. Try not to make anyone jealous on purpose, though a little bit of it might spice things up."
- virgo,daily,"The moon glides freely through warming Leo, putting you in an introspective yet optimistic headspace. Use this energy to connect with your deepest self, dear Virgo, finding the strength to face any dark corners of the mind you've been avoiding. Do your best to avoid others, making space for introspection to harness the healing energy at play. Maintain a positive internal dialogue, actively boosting your confidence through mantras, meditation, and healing practices. The more you go within, the more clear your circumstances will become. While heightened intuition could lead to epiphanies that guide your next bold move."
- virgo,love,"Euphoria will drip down upon you like you are a honeybee who has finally found the nectar of the gods, Virgo. As mighty Mars, the planet of sex, drive, and passion, continues to sizzle across the sky from you in your solar seventh house of relationships, you’ll watch like a bystander as he links eyes with glorious Jupiter, our Great Benefic, now spinning like a brilliant star in a fellow earth sign. This may propel you to date someone outside of your normal type, background, or culture. If you can take a fabulous trip with your sweetheart, go for it!"
- virgo,work,"Do not let your work take over, Virgo. As the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius, this might serve as your reminder that there is more to life than just work. You might have to make a subconscious adjustment to how you handle work. Usually, you are the type of professional who will get through anything, thanks to your strong work ethic. However, you may need to take a step back because work could be getting in the way of enjoying your hobbies, downtime, and non-professional connections. Adjust so that you have a better work-life balance."
- virgo,dating,"Even the simplest date might make you feel as if you're running a marathon. But if you last through it, you'll find a second wind just as things get more interesting. See? It was all worth it!"
- libra,daily,"Open yourself to new connections as the moon continues its journey through Leo, dear Libra, putting you in the mood to expand socially. You'll feel more in tune with those you encounter, making it easier to bond over similar interests or philosophies. Much comfort can be found when aligning with those who hold similar views, especially when there are opportunities to volunteer or make a difference. You'll also have a chance to stand out amongst the crowds, as the stars help you establish a strong sense of self within the community, so don't be afraid to shine!"
- libra,love,"Prepare to feel exhilarated and ferocious, Libra. The stars are singing like a billion cherubs. As mighty Mars, the planet of sex, drive, and passion, sizzles the heavens, he will cast spells upon magnificent Jupiter, our Great Benefic, soaring through the sky like a phoenix. You will have a sudden hunch or intuition about how you should take the lead in your personal life. Follow the spirit that sings to your soul and embrace it like you are crafting your greatest legacy."
- libra,work,"How strongly do you feel about an idea, Libra? Usually, you are the type of professional who will deliberate on a potential venture before deciding what to do. But you may feel really good about a new creative venture when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. The cosmic energy could be intense, but it might be the push that you need to make a change. Do not be afraid to start something new if you feel strongly about pursuing an idea or passion project. Give it your best shot!"
- libra,dating,"You're feeling closer than ever to your good friends, and you should make sure you all get to spend time together soon. Your easy social energy keeps everyone buzzing and happy."
- scorpio,daily,"The Leo moon makes a solitary journey through your solar tenth house, dear Scorpio, asking you to appreciate the many accomplishments you've reached on your own. Use this energy to find pride in what you've built, taking a careful look at the path ahead. If it's been a while since you've outlined long-term goals by breaking them into bite-sized milestones, use this cosmic climate to do so. You'll also become more aware of who is and is not a friend within your industry, helping you make clearer decisions around who you collaborate with and invest your time in."
- scorpio,love,"Prepare to show the world just how regal and fiery you are, Scorpio. As mighty Mars, the planet of sex, drive, and passion and your planetary co-ruler, continues to sizzle through your solar fifth house of true love, he’ll link in a happy mood to glorious Jupiter, our Great Benefic planet of miracles and expansion, standing across the sky from you in your solar seventh house. This ensures that you’ll be eager and competitive to pursue your heart’s desires and greatest hopes and dreams. Use your courage and strength to impress new suitors or chase your lover in a fun little game of cat-and-mouse."
- scorpio,work,"It might be time to shift gears with your priorities and schedule, Scorpio. Your work-life balance will be your core focus today when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. On one hand, you might be rocking it in your career path. But on the other hand, you might need to focus more on your home life, loved ones, and personal goals. Since your career path is going relatively well, it would be more than okay to focus on personal matters. Do not be afraid to shift gears with your priorities."
- scorpio,dating,"You can pull things off that others can only dream of, and right now you need to believe that you can do the impossible. Chat up that cute someone, sneak out early, or whatever you need to do."
- sagittarius,daily,"Take into account the wondrous beauty of our world, dear Sagittarius, as the Leo moon continues to move through your solar ninth house. These cosmic tides will take you on a mystical journey if you make space to explore the unknown and embrace enlightenment. Release pre-conceived notions of what you think you know, finding expansion as you play with new ideas or explore new topics. Putting yourself out there can also lead to new rewards, especially when it comes to visions you've been hoping to manifest. Now is also a good time to score karma points by demonstrating generosity and compassion."
- sagittarius,love,"As the stars dance in a cosmic foreplay now, you’ll be eager to put passion and pleasure on your menu, Sagittarius. Mighty Mars, the red planet of sex, desire, and lust, is packing the heat in the distant skies above. He will fist bump glorious Jupiter, our Great Benefic and the planet of miracles and luck now and in the many days ahead. Passion and love could erupt like fireworks if you soar out of town with your sweetheart. If single, try visiting a nearby destination to find out what kinds of nightlife there is, and you could bump into someone spicy! Step out of your comfort zone and shake it up!"
- sagittarius,work,"Work conversations might be more intense than usual today, Sagittarius. It might be challenging to keep a light-hearted tone with your coworkers or clients when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. The cosmic energy may turn every interaction into something more. Since this can be a lot to handle, you should think about what you can manage. It is more than fine to step out of any work discussion that is too much to digest. You already have your own mental load. There is no need to add more to it."
- sagittarius,dating,"You have a lot of thinking to do and plenty of space to do it in. Let your buddies go and do their own thing for a while. Rejoin them only when you're good and ready to participate 100 percent."
- capricorn,daily,"Allow your ego to guide you as the moon moves through proud Leo, dear Capricorn, directing focus toward your personal path toward evolution. This energy is ideal for visualizing your most accomplished, collected, and successful self, considering any obstacles you currently face either externally or self imposed. You'll find empowerment as you remove these roadblocks, so don't be afraid to sever ties, address serious issues, and step into new ways of being. Just be mindful that you cannot force others to grow alongside you, and that the only destiny you are truly responsible for is your own."
- capricorn,love,"An exhilarating period for passion and play is upon you now and in the many days ahead, Capricorn. As mighty Mars, the red planet of sex, drive, and energy, continues blazing a trail through the heavens, you’ll feel exuberant and ready for new horizons. As he continues his trek through the sky, he will link in a fabulous sextile to glorious Jupiter, our Great Benefic and planet of miracles, expansion, and luck now in your solar fifth house of romance, passion, and true love. This ensures that if you plan for the long-term, especially around travel, with your sweetheart, you could have a vibrant adventure ahead of you."
- capricorn,work,"Try not to do something crazy with your money today, Capricorn. Usually, you are very responsible with your budget and financial goals. However, this might be challenged when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. The cosmic energy could put some pressure on you to spend money that you should not be spending. You might see something that you feel like you have or try to have despite not budgeting for it. Since this could be tumultuous, try to find the common ground to spend some money on something you enjoy without going overboard."
- capricorn,dating,"Work or school needs more of your energy than you want to give. But if you spend your time at it now, you won't have to deal with it later when you really want to have fun."
- aquarius,daily,"The Leo moon clears new pathways within matters of the heart, sweet Aquarius, traveling through the sector of your chart that governs love without interference from surrounding celestial bodies. Don't be afraid to get a little bold when pursuing a mate. However, still be mindful of social norms and respect boundaries. Now is the time to focus on cultivating healthy relationships that allow you and your counterparts to thrive and feel supported, so be sure to dish out plenty of compliments to your nearest and dearest. The more love you share, the more you will feel it from deep within."
- aquarius,love,"Shout to the heavens now because passion and pleasure are on the menu, Aquarius. With your mighty Mars, the planet of passion and energy, sizzling through the heavens, he'll line dance beside glorious Jupiter, our planet of miracles and expansion. This ensures that if you take the lead around growing more closely together with your sweetheart, you'll see great progress. Set aside time to discuss long-term plans and know you could have the gusto to make them happen as a team."
- aquarius,work,"Do you want to make a change, Aquarius? A radical urge to be free may arise when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in your sign. Typically, you are a steadfast and loyal coworker, especially if you are committed to fulfilling something. However, you might be ready to ditch everything you have committed to in your work life thanks to this cosmic energy. But before you do something you may regret, think about what kind of consequences may come from leaving your job high and dry. Do not let go of your commitments on a whim."
- aquarius,dating,"Experiment with new ways of connecting. You have good ideas, but sometimes it seems like you'd rather stick with what you know. For now, consider all date situations to be social experiments."
- pisces,daily,"A warming energy motivates you to live well, dearest Pisces, as the Leo moon journeys through your house of health and wellness. Now is the time to consider what you truly want and how you can better support yourself physically, emotionally, and mentally. Consider how implementing new habits might elevate your daily life, especially if your schedule has felt chaotic recently. You'll also find that others are eager to collaborate, helping you establish a comfortable role when working on a team. Get to bed at a reasonable hour, finding complete restoration before another day greets us all."
- pisces,love,"Prepare for a whirlwind of romance and sexual magnetism now and in the days ahead, Pisces. As mighty Mars, the red planet of passion, sex, and desire, spins within your solar first house of identity—your zodiac sign—he will link arms with glorious Jupiter, our planet of miracles, fortune, and luck, now spinning in your third house of travel and communication. This ensures that you could meet someone with long-term potential who lights a fire within you if you are single, so don't hide away and stay home. Put yourself out there and see what the cosmos are cooking!"
- pisces,work,"What can you do to take some pressure off you, Pisces? You might be under a lot of stress at work. So, something may need to change when the moon in Leo opposes Pluto in Aquarius. The first thing that could change is how you appraise your stress. You may need to find better outlets and coping mechanisms to decompress from everything at work. Another thing to consider would be to take some things off your plate at work. Do not overload yourself if you know it is too much to handle. Go at your own pace."
- pisces,dating,"Have you been hiding out for a while? Maybe there was a bad breakup or some other emotional pitfall recently, but now is the time to rejoin society and reintroduce yourself to the world."