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Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Good theory. Except for that part. See if you can find a reason for your existence.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I can't decide which is riskier, taking crazy risks or taking advice on crazy risks from a crazed risk-taker.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Why can't he show it in a normal way? I'm so tired of the whole silence and the resentment. I don't know if I can go back there tonight. I need some time.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You were right about me being wrong. You're wrong about you being right. I need new ideas. Anybody.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Completely unfazed? You think I’m totally lacking in any fazing? The idea that I’m anything less than half-fazed, I actually find offensive. It greatly fazes me.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I can’t believe that that would shock you. It’s also not what I said. No, I hired you because you look good; it’s like having a nice piece of art in the lobby.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Sometimes I’m bored, sometimes I’m lonely, sometimes I wonder what it all means.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
What is the point in being able to control people if you won't actually do it? It's like training a dog and then letting him go on your rug.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Wait a second. You're in love with her. That explains why you're so eager to get her naked, then have a drink. Cause most guys like to go the other way around.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm not deflecting because I'm avoiding something deep. I'm deflecting because I'm avoiding something shallow. Seriously, I'm fine. I didn't even like the man.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Your version needed to be ended, 'cause it's crap. It's all sweetness and light and faith that I'm gonna choose the right path.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Leaving early today. Did you ever get that thing where you're sure you've forgotten something but you can't figure out what? Guess it can't be that important.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Noooo! This is no time for you to do your thing! We don't care about his state of mind, we don't care if he's happy. This factory of yours. What did you make?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
People get what they get. It has nothing to do with what they deserve.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
People are going to feel sorry for you; they'll tell you that you can't anticipate the unthinkable well the fact is you can. It's just not all that pleasant.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
He’s only keeping you on because you know the secret handshakes. He’s a quick study. Six months, he’ll have the moves down. Then he won’t need you any more.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
This is very bad news. I get that, and I sympathize. But we’ve gotta speed through the denial phase.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Rules are just helpful guidelines for stupid people who can't make up their own mind. You obviously don't fit into that category, so why put yourself there?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
No, you told me you were supposed to be busy 20 minutes ago. But you were obviously able to put them off then, there's no reason you can't put them off now.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Exactly! Why? Because love and happiness are nothing but distractions.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I have a new theory. Her bad ideas don't indicate a lack of intelligence, they indicate an open mind, the willingness not to be trapped by conventional thoughts.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
But you follow the ones you don't understand because the ones you do understand make sense, and you believe the guy who created them knows what he's doing.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
And it'd be interesting to know which of those interactions was causing the problem. Unfortunately, we don't have to. We just have to stop the interacting.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Not scared enough. Tell her the thing about emotional reactions is they're definitionally irrational. Or stupid. Might wanna phrase that in your own words.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Don't overdo it. Now I would love to keep all of you. But not enough to do anything about it. So according to my arbitrary schedule, one of you has to go.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
And no matter what the answer, it would've been interesting. No engagement. Commitment issues. His place, control issues. Not sure whose, but interesting.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
He's acting logically. He's got a crush on you, he's being aggressive about it. Not just regular aggressive. He's out of his mind on hormones aggressive.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Manipulated. My proof is that I can fool the test, I can fool you, which means I am high functioning. I am sane, rational, capable. I should not be here.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Did I break your concentration? Please continue. You were talking about personal privacy. What, you're finished? Well, allow me to retort.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
People like talking about people. Makes us feel superior. Makes us feel in control. And sometimes, for some people, knowing some things makes them care.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You're nuts. You're going to be miserable, at home, at work, somewhere. The goal in life is not to eliminate misery, it's to keep misery to the minimum.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Gifts allow us to demonstrate exactly how little we know about a person and nothing pisses off a person more than being shoved in the wrong pigeon hole.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, it's the classic "You dumped me, so I'm gonna get married a week later" ruse. 'Cause not only is she that stupid, but apparently I'm that stupid.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I realize that three failed marriages can leave a man twisted and bitter inside, but in a good relationship, people sometimes do things for each other.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Why don’t you stop pretending that you haven’t reached a conclusion? You don’t trust me. Actually, it’s more fundamental than that. You don’t like me.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That train left the station.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Figuring requires deductive reasoning.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Something doesn't make sense. What does that mean? It's not rhetorical. I need your input on everything I ask, no matter how obvious it might seem.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Confirmation is for wimps and altar boys.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Why not? You're obviously not here. I'm obviously not here, which means this is a creation of my mind, which means I'm really just asking my mind.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It’s good news for him. It’s good news for future generations. It’s crappy news for you.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
For the love of god, can't somebody shut him up?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah. He's also a human being. Which means you shouldn't be trusting him to begin with. Stop relying on his answers and find some on your own.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
No. You're not going to win me over that easily. You may have a wheel. That doesn't mean you get the grease. You gotta squeak.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I was right. And more satisfyingly, you were wrong.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
See, the irony here is you're kind of fascinating. So many questions. But if you could answer any of them, then you wouldn't be fascinating.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, if I say something inaccurate, assume it's for comic effect. Then laugh, because it's funny.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I hate when you do that. You respond to what you think I'm thinking, because you think that I think like you do. It's insulting and annoying.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Their lives are irrelevantly and annoyingly complicated, which makes them confused, which makes them make poor decisions.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
So, as long as we’re stuck with each other, we might as well ignore each other. That wasn’t nearly as dramatic as I was hoping.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You have no friends, no family. At some point, you made a mistake. You lost everything. And now I’m the closest thing you got to a friend.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I assume I don’t have to point out that now would be an extremely good time for one of you to distinguish yourself with a brilliant idea.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yes, but that doesn't make him a hero. It makes him an idiot. The only reason that headline doesn't say "moron crushed by train" is luck.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
People who kick when you're down are jerks, but they're generally not irrational jerks.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It's understandable. You're scared because you think I'm falling apart, and you're trying to convince yourself that you're overreacting.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You need to believe that I've got a problem so that your betrayal has the illusion of nobility.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It's rational. Emotionally mature people who work together should not date. Guaranteed breakup. Guaranteed ugliness.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I only get mad when you waste my time. Couldn't care less about yours.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It doesn't matter. She's being unreasonable, and I have to fix it. I need to know what's really important to her. I need something big.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
She could have pulled me aside, screamed at me privately. Her beef is simple and well-founded. She was out of control.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You're right. The more I talk to you, the more the pain floods back.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
God's mistakes are well-documented. If he'd done everything right the first time, there'd have been one plague and zero great floods.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Right. I’m being cynical. People can care because they care, not because they cheated. Theoretically true. But this theory fits better.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Great. I love euphemisms. By euphemism I mean when you say something and it means something else. Begin eliminating..
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm talking about our relationship. She needs support and comfort, both things that I famously suck at.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I haven't lied about anything. Except for the parts that I admitted I was lying about.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Hadn’t thought of that. To be on the safe side, I should probably do both, starting with the fun ones.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I did connect with one guy. But my propensity for screwing things up overtook me. Then my desire to have fun overcame my propensity.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Fine. Out of the goodness of my heart, which will make you happy, which will make you desire me more, which will turn into more sex.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Just admit that you like her. She's smart, funny, got a zesty bod. I think it's great you can look beyond the fact she's the devil.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
People act in their own self-interests. You're all here because you're happy to be here. Or at least because it's your best option.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
The fact that he stole your idea means that he cares enough to lie. That's all I needed to know.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, but it was dull, or foggy, or gray. I don't know. What I do know is that you were not seeing what everyone else was seeing.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Better question is why is she here?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Interesting. You defensively insist that you're not ashamed, which, of course, means you are ashamed. And yet, you're the victim.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I treat you like garbage, so I must really like you. Given your Freudian theory, what does it mean if I start being nice to you?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
She was being metaphorical. Trying to sound like me. I have no idea what you meant.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Things change. It doesn’t mean they get better. You gotta make things better, you can’t just keep talking and hope for the best.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You think that getting it off your chest will let you sleep better. It won't.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You weren't miserable. You gave something away to make a relationship work. You rationalize that you're getting something back.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I assumed you were lying, because it would have been idiotic of you to tell me truth. Yet another reason I have no use for you.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I don't know. I just know that I need to do something. I need her in my life. You know what it's like to actually need someone?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I was myself for the most part. I know you're still upset, so I'm gonna leave you to deal with it however you want.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Just trying to figure out what makes you tick. I am not warm and fuzzy and you are basically a stuffed animal made by grandma.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, that’s it. Don’t worry about what the question is, don’t worry that you’re starting to feel dizzy, just stay on message.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It's twisted and manipulative, I give you that. But it's also romantic.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
My god, not everything's about you, and your little job, and your little world. This is about restoring order in the universe.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You sure? I was just starting to feel a little heat between us. Thought we had kind of a “Bonnie and Clyde” thing going there.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
By this, you mean a sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach. Fine. I get it. It's your life. You go screw it up. I can wait.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That leaves us with two options.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Thanks. Got that multiple choice all worked out. The question is, how do we pick between A, B, C, D and “none of the above.”
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Your idea is implicitly not worth responding to.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
If we don’t talk to them they can’t lie to us, and we can’t lie to them. Humanity is overrated.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Bullies bully. They don't get a reaction, they lose interest. Now go do what I ask, before I stick your heads into toilets.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
That's the point.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Disappointment is anger for wimps. You don't have to be so gentle about everything. It's okay to get angry once in a while.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Welcome to the world. Everyone’s different, everyone gets treated different.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It's what people say. It's not true. Doing things changes things. Not doing things leaves things exactly as they were.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
If you ask me, keeping an open line of communication is the best way to resolve conflict.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You're not only idiots, you're frauds. Fraudulent idiots.