1 value
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Darn it. I knew I should have stayed outside. Fantasy's always much better than the reality.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
As you celebrate their humanity, I'd rather solve those little puzzles and save their lives.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Your mouth says no, but your pathetic attempt at a deflection has guilt written all over it.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Either you're crazy or you're atoning for something naughty, and you're crazy.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Of course, no harm, no foul. It’s just taking a few bucks from superstitious idiots, right?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Only reason to give multiple reasons is you’re searching for what the person wants to hear.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It was brought to my attention that on occasion, I am not respectful of hierarchy.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
And can you find out where that voice keeps coming from? And tell it to get out of my head.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
For the record, that doesn't count as your inspired idea. It's sort of where I was heading.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Like I always say, there’s no “I” in “team”. There is a “me”, though, if you jumble it up.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Got it. You’re grateful. Apparently you seem to think it’ll mean a lot to me to know that.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You know, we should do things together. Maybe throw a ball around or something. Guy stuff.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Idolizing is pathological with you people. You see things to admire where there's nothing.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It’s certainly one possibility.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Yeah, I was never that great a math, but next to nothing is higher than nothing, right?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'm trying to teach you that everyone is out for theirs. You might as well keep yours.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Familiar with the concept of sarcasm. Don't sweat it, it's new.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
By all means, let's discuss the failed attempts to contact me, not the reason behind them.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You know, it's amazing the way people cling on to insults. Or what they think are insults.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
The world changes when you're on the inside. You just gotta roll with it once you get out.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
It turns out your best judgment is not good enough. Here’s an idea: next time, use mine.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Don't worry, it's not insulting. At least, not to you. You're satisfied with that answer?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You understand that different implies difference. She's tossed me a million times before.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
There's another explanation. Since you don't have one, I’m gonna keep looking for you.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I don’t believe I can fix everything. I don’t lie awake at night tormented by that fact.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Oh, I can never grow bored of ignoring you.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Normally, I'd be fascinated. Today, don't care. Get over whatever it is.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
I'd love to hear more of your theory, but I don't give a crap.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
You don’t seem to annoy me as usual. I’m not sure that’s a deficit. And, I’m all better.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
If you go silent for over a decade, you don't just get to slide right back into society.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
My memory's not what it used to be, but didn't we just rule that out eight seconds ago?
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
The fact that you won't answer my questions tells me more about you than answers could.
Write text to appeal to the personalities of the people in cluster 560 in the style of character dialogue
Keep making decisions like that. It really bolsters the illusion that you’re in charge.